No Creed but Christ: Christ is Central in our Church 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

Christ is Central in Our Church 16MAR2014

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Good New Community Fellowship's Sunday Sermon last March 16, 2014

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No Creed but Christ:

“Christ is Central in our Church” 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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The central message of the Church must be Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Who he is? And what He did?

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Down through the ages many churches have used creeds - short documents describing their group’s beliefs. Confessions – longer descriptions of their beliefs, usually in book form. Catechisms – series of questions designed to teach new members their beliefs.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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For example: Nicene Creed Apostles Creed, Augsburg Confessions, Belgic Confessions, Westminster Confessions of Faith, Heidelberg Catechism, Short and Larger Catechisms, The Canons of Dort, The 39 Articles of Faith, and so on.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Accordingly, these documents provide two things:

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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a. Creeds protect the church against heresy.

The reasoning is: If we all know what we believe, we will know false teachings when we see it. In fact, creeds came into being: to combat the heresies the church faced over the ages.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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b. Creeds helped define what their church, sect, or denomination believed.

Creed comes from the Latin word “credo” which means “I believe”. Thus “Statements of Faith” could be reasonably called creed.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Facts with Creed:

a. Creeds are declarations of what you must believe before you belong to a particular church. And they are often given power and authority by those groups that are equal to Scripture in the minds of their followers. In effect, creedal statements are the authority.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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b. Creeds are not Scripture – they may be doctrinally sound, Biblically based but a creed is not God’s Word. Creeds are merely commentaries on God’s Word.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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c. Creeds give us the false impression that they can protect us against heresy. There is no guarantee that merely having written standard will preserve us from theological error. Creeds are not inspired.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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d. Creeds are changeable. The problem with the creeds created by men is that they are malleable. Men can alter them at will. They can even vote on them.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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e. Creeds are inherently divisive. Every Church, Sect, Denomination has their own creed, and their creedal statements serve to distinguish that group and their doctrines from all other denominations and groups.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Problems with Creed:

a. They are often given authority equal with God’s Word but they are not God’s Word. They are merely commentaries composed by men.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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b. They don’t have the power to protect us from heresy, only Scripture can do that. Scripture is sufficient to protect us from false doctrines. It is inspired and not the creed.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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c. Creeds are not absolute. They are created by men and they can be changed by men.

d. If we truly rely upon creeds, they only serve to divide Christ’s Church.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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And so we say, No creed but Christ, No book but the Bible. But what does it mean? It means that – in order to belong to Christ’s Church or to this church – you don’t need to go through a long list of questions to determine your doctrinal purity.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Our only creed is Christ. The only thing you need to know is Jesus to start out.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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1 Corinthians 2:1-5

1. The Manner: “I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom”, “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling”

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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2. The Message: “I proclaimed to you the testimony about God”; “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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3. The Means: “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines

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Our job is to teach people to know Christ and our only source of the information to that should be the Bible. And everything we will do is to point people to Jesus Christ. Thus our creed is Christ – He is all you need to know to belong to His Church and to belong here. And without Christ – no creed has any value.

©Good News Community Fellowship; Marikina City, Philippines