& the Holy Week

Lent & holy week - Presented by Anne Liew -2014

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& the Holy Week

Easter Lent



Holy Week

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

The Liturgical Year

LENT+ Prayer (God)+ Fasting (Self)+ Almsgiving(Neighbour)

Chrism Mass

Mass of theLord’s Supper


Veneration of the Cross




Passion Sun (Palm Sunday) Holy



Holy week

1. LENT is a 40 day period before EASTER

2. LENT begins on ASH WEDNESDAY, 5 March 2014

3. HOLY WEEK starts on Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday), i.e. 13 April 2014, the week before Easter Sunday

4. Lent ends at the beginning of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday (17 April 2014) (General Norms 28) and then enters into the Easter Triduum

5. Triduum (3 Days)

Lent & Holy Week


• The Significance of Lent & Holy Week.

• How the Church celebrates...

• How we can participate and prepare ourself…

Prayer (God)

• By making the special effort involved in family prayers, taking part in the Mass, a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, a more attentive reading of the Bible or praying the Stations of the Cross;

Penance (Self)

• By abstaining from meat

• By fasting

• By self-imposed penance

We do the above to identify ourselves with the sufferings of Christ and as a sign of our repentance and a commitment to a renewed life

• The Church requires fasting and abstinence as signs of repentance.

• Repentance means to turn away from sin and turn back to God.

• FASTING – one full meal and two half meals.

• 1) Ash Wednesday (5 March 2014) • 2) Good Friday (18 April 2014)• All Catholics age 18 to 59, except those who

have a legitimate need to eat a normal meal, e.g.- the sick or infirm- pregnant or nursing women- some manual labourers.

• ABSTINENCE - not eating meat.

Ash Wednesday and Good FridayALL Fridays of the year

» - From 12 midnight to the following 12

midnight.» - All Catholics 14 years

and older.

• Penance is a form of Repentance, which means to turn away from sin and to turn back to God.

• Penance means some practice that lets us express sorrow for our sins and helps repair the damage that sin has caused.

• By making a special effort to spend time with or help someone who is poor, sick or lonely.

• Almsgiving

Acts of Charity (Neighbour)

On Ash Wednesday• Fast and abstain from meat;

• Mass - signed with ashes on the forehead - “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel” or “Remember you are dust and to dust you will return”.

• Begins a period of prayer, penance, charity towards neighbours.

Stations of the CrossStations of the Cross

• We trace the final journey of Jesus before His death.

• Conducted every Friday, commencing on the Friday after Ash Wednesday and ending on Good Friday.

The First StationJesus is condemned to death

Obedience to the Father’s Will cost Our Lord His life.

He died a shameful death of the Cross.

How willing am I to “die to myself” for the sake of God’s Will?

Do I love myself more than God?

Lord, help me to be more open to Your Will.

Give me the strength to obeyYou without counting the cost.

The Second StationJesus takes up His Cross

Our Lord had to carry His Crosseven though He was innocent.

Some of my crosses too are not caused by me.

Persevere… Our Lord will never give me a cross that will crush me.

Lord, You bore Your Cross so courageously and so faithfully.

Help me to bear minein the same spirit.

Lord, give me the graces to accept the truth that I am

weak and sinful.Help me to realise how dependent I am on you.

The Third StationJesus falls the first time

Our Lord, fully divine and fully human felt the full weight of the Cross;

He collapsed under is weight.

Do I recognise and accept my human frailty?

The Fourth StationJesus meets His mother

When Our Lord met His Mother at Calvary, both their

hearts must have bledfor they loved each other

so deeply.

Do I love Our Lord as deeply?

Lord, to watch our loved onessuffer is harder to bear

than my own pain. Help me to believe that You

are always there for me.

The Fifth Station Simon helps Jesus to carry the Cross

Simon of Cyrene relieved the burden of the Cross of Our Lord.

This was a welcome relief.

Like Simon, do I want to relieve the burdens of others through

my care and concern for them?

Lord, help me to be more willing and eager to help anyone who is in need.

Help me to have thecourage to serve even though others

may laugh or think I am weird.

Lord, help me to see how You too suffer in those who suffer.

Through my deeds, may I be Your compassion for them.

The Sixth StationVeronica wipes the face of Jesus

Where ever there are tears of painand blood from victims of

unjust suffering in slums, jails, homes,etc. Jesus’ blood-stained face

is there staring at us.

When I see people suffer, do Ihave compassion for them?

The Seventh StationJesus falls a second time

Our Lord truly tried so hard to complete the torture

of Calvary, yet the pain overpowered His efforts.

How often have I triedto do God’s Will and failed?

Lord, help me not to be discouraged by my failures.

Give me strength to persevere,for I know that not to try

harder is the worst “failure.”

Lord, it is very difficult to understandthe needs of others

when I myself am hurting. Help me to be more like You

in my compassion.

The Eighth StationJesus consoles the women of Jerusalem

In spite of His sufferings Our Lord never lost His Compassion for others.

How often have I reachedout to others?

Is my attention only focusedOn my own needs?

The Ninth StationJesus falls the third time

Our Lord drained ofstrength, crashed to the ground,lays there motionless as though

He has died.But, He struggled on

to complete His Mission.

Do I give up so easily as soonas the going gets tough or

do I fight on?

Lord, may Your strengthsustain me and keep me going

especially when I am down and depressed.

The Tenth StationJesus is stripped of His garments

Our Lord was strippedof all that He possessed

in this world.His only consolation was

His Father’s Love.

Am I attached to anything that is keeping me from loving

God more?

Lord, root out all traces of envy and pride in me.

May I remain poor in spiritso that I be rich in You.

The Eleventh StationJesus is nailed to the Cross

Our Lord worked miracles,walked miles, preached endlessly

about His Father’s Will.And the crowd crucified Him.

Should I expect and demandresults and reward for the

good that I do?

Lord, as You are nailed so cruelly on the Cross and found Yourself so helpless,

give me the wisdom tosee how doing Your

Father’s Will is never easy.

The Twelve StationJesus dies on the Cross

Before Jesus died He said,“Father, forgive them for they

do not know what they are doing.”

How often have I sortrevenge for those who have wronged me? Should I not

learn to forgive like Our Lord?

Lord, help me to see how forgiveness is a virtue thatbrings healing and unity.

Help me to be humble so that I can more willingly forgive.

The Thirteenth Station Jesus is taken down from the Cross

The cold and limp body of Jesusis placed on the lap of

His Mother who weeps silently in her heart.

How selfless am I inserving God’s people?

Lord, You have given fullywithout counting the cost.

May I too have a heartthat is like Yours.

The Fourteenth StationJesus is laid in the tomb

The Saviour of the worldwho was born without an inn

now dies without a tomb of His own.

Does this total detachment of Jesus

help me to live my faithmore purely for Him?

Lord, may Your Father’s Will always take first place in

everything that I do.

Holy WeekHoly Week

† Week which precedes the great festival of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday

† Commemorate the Passion of Christ

Liturgical FeaturesLiturgical Features

† Palm Sunday

† Holy Thursday

† Good Friday

† Holy Saturday

† Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday

† Blessing and procession of palms

† Commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem

† Also called Passion Sunday – narrative of Jesus’ capture, sufferings and death

Stay With Me

Holy Thursday

† Maundy Thursday

† Commemorate the Last Supper

† Celebration of the institution of both the Eucharist and Priesthood

Holy ThursdayDistinctive events:

† Washing of feet

† Last supper

† After celebration – sanctuary is stripped of all images

† Procession of Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose (Adoration)

† Church visitation

† Day of fasting

† Station of the Cross

† Prostrate

† Uncover the Cross

† Veneration of the Cross

† 3pm – Hour of Christ’s death

† No mass

† Tenebrae (Darkness) – Jesus’ last 7 words

Good Friday

† Day of fasting

† Station of the Cross

† Prostrate

† Uncover the Cross

† Veneration of the Cross

† 3pm – Hour of Christ’s death

† No mass

† Tenebrae (Darkness) – Jesus’ last 7 words

Good Friday


They nailed Jesus on a cross at Golgotha Jesus said,

"Forgive them, Father! They do not know

what they are doing."

The 1st word Luke 23:33-34

One of the criminals said to Jesus, "Remember me, Jesus, when you come as

King!“Jesus said to him,

"I tell you this: Today you will be in Paradise with me."

The 2nd word Luke 23:39-43

Jesus said to his mother,"Woman, here is your son."

Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother."

And from that time the disciple took her to live in his home.

The 3rd word John 19:25-27

At the ninth hour, Jesus called out, "Elo-i, elo-i,

lama sabach-thani?" which means,

"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

The 4th word Mark 15:33-34

After this Jesus, knowing that all was now finished,

said (to fulfil the scripture), "I thirst".

The 5th word John 19:28

A sponge soaked in cheap wine mixed with vinegar was lifted up to Jesus’ lips. When

Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished"!

The 6th word John 19:29-30

Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said,

"Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!"

And having said this he breathed his last.

The 7th word Luke 23:46

Scripture ReadingsScripture Readings

Holy Saturday

Service of the Word

• On Saturday morning, a very brief, quiet service of the Word of God is conducted

• This is the Divine Office Morning Prayer

• This liturgy begins with the bidding to “kneel in silent prayer”

Easter VIGILEaster VIGIL† Feast of the Resurrection

† Night vigil on Saturday begins in complete darkness

† Blessing of fire

† Blessing of water – Holy baptismal water

† Lighted candle spreads from one person to another

† Singing of the Exsultet

† Baptism

Liturgical EventsLiturgical Events

• 1) The Great Vigil on Saturday evening marks the climax of Lent - the end of the struggle between light and darkness that has been played out since Ash Wednesday.

• 2) The Service of Light - the liturgy begins in complete darkness, so that we might better anticipate the proclamation of light

• 3) The Easter (Paschal) Candle is lit from the fire and pass to the Congregation

• 4) Raising the Easter Candle - a symbol of the people raised up in resurrection, a church created anew.

• “CHRIST THE LIGHT!” (Lumen Christi)

“THANKS BE TO GOD !” (Deo Gratias)

• 5) Easter Candle reaches the Sanctuary, the Exsultet is sung - an ancient, haunting and beautiful prayer of thanksgiving for the newly welcomed light

• 6) The Liturgy of the Word - 7 or 4 readings from the Old Testament and 1

reading from the New Testament

7) The Scripture readings tell the storiesof our faith, describing the ways God has been at work among us since the dawn of creation

8) The stories begin in a subdued vein and build gradually to the proclamation of the Easter Gospel , and the rebirth of

the “ALLELUIA !”

9) Ringing of Bells

10) “The fasting has ended and the feasting has begun !”

Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist

1) After the Homily and the Litany of the Saints, the water of Baptism is blessed

2) All present renew “Baptismal Promises”


Easter!Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!

Easter Sunday MassCelebrating – Resurrection- New Life!

Class continues..



Lenten Prayer

• “Lord Jesus, You offer us the fullness of life. Have compassion on my fears, challenges and my complacency this Lent, so that your Cross may become a tree of life that brings wholeness and healing to our divided and suffering world”