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Romulus And Remus

Romulus and Remus were twins and there uncle wanted to kill them.

There uncle ordered them to put Romulus and Remus in river Tiber

A wolf saw the at the rivers bank and the wolf took them back to her cave.

The next day a shepred saw them running about then the shepred took them to his home to look after them

The fought over who owned the city and Romulus won.

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Roman Empire

The Romans took over lots of different countries.

The only country that they didn’t go any further in was the United Kingdom because they were scared of the Barbarians.

The Romans were really good at taking over countries and fighting

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Julius Ceasar

Julius Caesar was the first man to invade Britani

He brought eighty ships to invade Britani

Julius Ceasar was a very cruel man

Julius Ceasar was a very wicked man.

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Roman Baths

The Romans went to the baths for a chat.

The Romans loved to go to the baths to relax.

The Romans thought that if you had a bug that would cure them.

The baths are now a tourist attraction now.

There was a cold bath and a really hot bath

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The Coliseum is still standing right now.

There is 32 trap doors on the coliseum floor.

The Romans had to fight Lions, Tigers,Wolves,Elephants and bears.

Only men could fight in the coliseum.

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Roman Soldier

The Romans were very strong because of their armor.

The Romans had a shield a spear and very protected armor.

There were two tipes of solders one was called a leginory and one was called a auxiliaries.

Roman solders were very protected by their armor.

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Tortoise Formation

The Tortoise Formation was very useful for invading castles because if an arrow came down it would bounce of it

The person who made the tortoise formation must be very smart.

Their feet and head wern’t procted because the needed to protect their organs.

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Roman Gladiator

Roman Gladiators were slaves and they had to fight in the coliseum

They weren’t very protected by there armor

They had little circle shields a iron sords.

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Roman Banquet

When they were fool they went to Vomitarium to make their selfs sick(yuck).

A banquet had lots of food for the Romans to stuff their face with.

There was lots and lots of yummy food at a banquet.

Only the rich Romans had banquets.

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Roman Army They marched every

day for miles and miles.

There were lots of solders in a Roman army.

They were very powerful

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Antoine Wall The Antoine wall is

really long. The Roman that built

the Antoine wall was called Antonius.

There was fences behind the Antoine wall to protect it.

The Antoine wall was very important to the Romans

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Hadrians Wall The Roman that

ordered the Romans to build the wall was called hadrian.

It took ages to build Hadrians wall.

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Boudicca Boudicca wanted

revenge on the Romans for killing her husband

She failed to attack the Romans

She said I would drink poison so I wouldn’t get tortured

Boudicca had beautiful curly ginger hair and weird face paint on her face.

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Vesuvius The Vesuvius erupted and

that's why lots of people died in 79AD.

They thought the Vesuvius was a hill so they farmed sheep on the grass.

The Vesuvius was right beside Pompeii.

They just stood and watched because the have never seen it before.

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The End