10 Internet of Things Highlights

The Biggest Internet of Things Milestones

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10 Internet of Things Highlights

1999Kevin Ashton, cofounder of Auto-ID Center at MIT, first coined the phrase “Internet of Things” in his presentation about Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) at PG&E

1932Jay B. Nash describes how our lives will be when interconnectivity of devices takes center stage in an eloquent quote in Spectatoritis

“They start our car; run our motors; shine our shoes, and cult our hair. They practically eliminate time & space by their very fleetness.”

1952The first ever barcode reader was built in a New York apartment by Norman Joseph Woodland & Bernard Silver

1969On October 29, the first electronic exchange occurred between two computers over ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet

1981 Steve Mann creates the first wearable computer in a backpack that was wired up to a camera

1982 A modified Coke machine at CMU becomes the first internet connected appliance capable of reporting its inventory

1990 The Olivetti Active Badge System is invented to track a person’s location

A toaster was connected to the Internet for the very first time over the TCP/IP network

1994A context-sensitive memory aid named “Forget Me Not” is invented to help with everyday memory problems

2000LG releases the world’s first connected refrigerator that tracks its contents and alerts when they need to be replenished

2010 Google's self driving cars

hit the road in live tests

2013 Neura launches its beta app.

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