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The twitter deck no one saw

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The Twitter deck no one saw­because it might have been too much information to share

Strategy ­ Be sure to measure KPI’s

It would be easy to measure the possible ROI outcomes and say that perhaps Twitter was not worth it, but if you were able to measure the number of leads, calls, mentions etc…then it would be worth it.


What to measure?

1. Post count – the number of times you’ve tweeted in a given time frame 2. Replies – the number of times another person’s tweet has started with @username

in a given time frame 3. Retweets – The number of times you’re tweets have been “retweeted” in a given

time frame 4. Mentions – the number of times your username was included in a tweet (but

wasn’t considered a reply) 5. Friends & followers

You should look beyond these general KPIs and also look for the following:

1. What tweets received the most attention? What can you learn from those tweets? Were they related to a contest or a particular subject? You can use a service like TweetEffect to determine which tweets cause you to gain or lose followers.

2. Are Twitter users mentioning your business name without using your Twitter account? Are they aware that you even exist on Twitter?

3. Use a service like Trendistic to look for trends of product names and keywords 4. Overall sentiment in replies to your Twitter account 5. What day and time of day were your tweets most effective (with regards to

replies, retweets and URL clicks)?

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A list of Twitter 22 tracking tools

Twitter Tool Service

Influence rs

Popularit y

Sentime nt

Mention s

Locatio n

Trend Analysi


Time Sensitiv



Shows what people are twittering about in major cities

x x x


Provides analytic reports and indexing features to allow users to track what’s happening now

x x


Tracks the impact of opinions, links and recommendatio ns across your social graph

x x

Retweetist Tracks what is being retweeted x


Offers sentiment analysis, based onconversations on Twitter

x x

ThunderNimb le

Monitors and manages x x x

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mentions of your products, services, brands in social media


Keeps track of conversations that mention you, your products or company, etc with hourly updates; tracks who’s tweeting your website or blog

x x

Tweetburner Tracks links shared on Twitter

x x


Aggregates links on Twitter to determine most popular links; Analyses links that people have tweeted, organising and categorising them – delivering streams of the most popular

x x


Allows you to set up an alert to be emailed every time there are tweets matching your keywords

x x

TweetGrid Allows you to search for different topics,

x x x

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events, converstations, hashtags, phrases, people, groups, etc in real­time; Automatically updates the grid


Evaluates Twitter user activity; reports on relative influence, signal­to­noise ratio, generosity, velocity, clout, etc



Shows you aggregated data about what people are saying in Twitter

x x


Crawls hundreds of tweets every minute and extracts the words which are mentioned more often than usual

x x x


Distinguishes negative from positive tweets surrounding a brand, product, person or topic


Twitstat Shows most popular words of the last 500

x x

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tweets; Gives automatic hourly updates of the Top 10

TwitterFriend s

Helps users find meaningful connections; shows a tag cloud of meaningful contacts

x x x


Ranks top Twitter influencers overall and by location

x x

Twitterholic Tracks which Twit has the most followers


TwitterLocal Filters Tweets by location x


Attempts to quantify a Twitter user by analyzing their incoming @replies



Provides a quick, real­time view of what people are talking about on Twitter. Tracks and ranks what URLs people are talking about on Twitter

x x

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Strategy­ Keep it simple. One hour a day. Remember that though Twitter is all about “real time” data, that doesn’t mean that you have to be “on it” all the time. You could tweet 3­5 times a day and manage it the first thing in the morning, mid­day, and before you leave for the evening.

Some last minute tools and tactics

Tactic #11 Be sure to set up Google alerts for tracking purposes

Tool #10 GeoFollow – Large location based Twitter Directory, find and follow by city, state, zip or tags.

Tool #11 Trendsmap – Real­time mapping of Twitter trends across the world.

Tool #12 LocaFollow – Search by location & follow (allows bulk follow) LocaFollowis powered by Google so results are shown in the same order that Google shows it. Those Twitter pages that are better SEO optimized will appear on the top.

Tool #13 TPS – the Tweet Positioning System, is a geo­location filter for conversations and mentions on Twitter.

Tool #14 GeoTwitTrends – Shows real­time trending topics happening in specific places.

Tool #15 GeoChirp ­ Set the location and then search for tweets based on keywords. All results from that location would be displayed.

Tool #16 Twittori – Allows you to follow places in a similar way than you are used to following users on Twitter as well as attach your tweets to a specific location.

Tool #17 TweetMondo ­ Shows Twitter users that have either registered in Tweetmondo.com or were crawled by their crawler and filtered by location.

Tactic #12 Follow the right people. Do celebrities bring value to you and your business?

Tactic #13 You don’t have to follow everyone and …*Don’t be miffed if they don’t follow you back

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Rules of the road

1. Don’t pimp too much

Pardon the vernacular, but subtlety give Twitter users your features and benefits. Let them know about special deals. A good rule of thumb to determine whether a tweet is user­friendly or brand vanity is to ask yourself, “If I didn’t work here, would I care about this

2. dont Use Por Gramar or Speling

Write words out in their entirety, don’t use confusing abbreviations or too many of them, make sure punctuation is clean and try to keep “lol’s and emoticons to a minimum.

3. TMI is just that­too much information

Keep your conversations warm but professional; it’s what users expect from a brand ambassador, and anything else comes off as creepy.

4. Auto­Tweet­I hate it and so should you.

It’s OK to set up tweets to roll out while you’re away from your desk, but think long and hard before you automate an entire feed to stream into your Twitter account. Users can smell a bot from miles away, and the point of Twitter is to be personally engaging more

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than blatantly promotional. Also, this might go without saying for the tech­savvy marketers among us, but don’t automatically DM new followers; it’s seen as spam. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine.

5. Finish the Conversation if there is one­What are you waiting for?

If you’re carrying on a series of @replies, don’t wait a day or two between messages. Users will want a reply within a few hours. If you wait longer, they may have already forgotten what you were talking about.

6. There is no success in excess

If you’re using Twitter as a 24/7, one­way broadcast system, you’re not having a conversation — you might be just “shouting” at your followers. Whichever method you choose, make sure you’re not tweeting too often and flooding your followers’ timelines.

7. Do Shout Outs to Users Who Mention You

Especially if that mention is favorable, don’t be shy about tweeting thanks, tips or promotions to someone who’s shown your brand some Twitter love. Pay it forward, it works!

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8. Fish where the Fish Are­Don’t fish where the fishermen are…

Let’s be honest: Not every brand needs to be on Twitter. Every brand should be monitoring Twitter but not every company’s customers are going to be on this site or be open to being contacted this way. If your brand has an older demographic, or if your product is of a more sensitive nature, you might want to be a silent observer of this ecosystem rather than an active participant.