All you need to know about structural glazing


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All You Need to

Know About



If you want to have an “all glass” style facade, then you need to use structural

glazing as this means that the structure is hidden behind various glass pieces. The

glazing is when the silicone seal transfers the stress of the building and resists the

glass to the UV radiation since there aren’t any rebates applied to the edges. This

technique can be used with just single panes, non-coated, coated double-glazing or

enamelled glass and more.


There are plenty of advantages that you get with structural glazing, especially

from bespoke glazing London. First off, it has a high standard when it comes to

waterproofing as well as having excellent levels of sound insulation. Also, the

surface is simple to clean, and it gives protection to the structure that is bearing the

weight. All of these, are things that you should look into when you are thinking a

building’s architecture, durability and usability.

Using it on Office Buildings

Bespoke glazing solutions can be applied to all types of buildings. However, it is

more commonly found in office buildings as it will help to bring in natural

sunlight, keep the structure warm, as well as being sound proof. Make sure that the

glass that you are getting is energy efficient to ensure that you aren’t paying too

much for the warming or cooling.

Unless you know what you are doing, you should leave the technical

specifications of bespoke glazing to the experts, as there are many intricacies

involved. With custom specifications, you can enjoy a variety of different options

for your structure, including waterproofing, sound insulation, privacy glass and

much more.

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