Salud20euskadi 9y10julio2012



A presentation at the Salud2.0euskadi conference in Bilbao, Spain 9 y 10 Julio 2012 by Margaret Hansen EdD, MSN, CNL, RN, Associate Professor

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  • 1. Social Mediain HealthcareProfessionalEducation:Get Curious,Have Passion,Role-modelExemplaryPractice09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 1

2. Social Media in Healthcare Professional Education: Creative and CollaborativeLearning Opportunities Margaret HansenAssociate Professor School of Nursing and Health ProfessionsUniversity of San Francisco09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 2 3. Presentation Outcomes Following this presentation the participant will be able to define social media and related terminologies in healthcareprofessional education explain to another individual the attributes of the Generation Clearner and list educational methods discuss trends of social media and integration for collaborativehealthcare professionals education and research describe benefits, risks and barriers associated with the use ofsocial media tools in healthcare education. brainstorm ideas about how you may confidently apply onesocial media tool in healthcare or education.09. Julio 2012HansenM Salud20euskadi3 4. Who are todays learners?09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi4 5. Millennials Who? Individuals who turned age 18 in 2000 Deep understanding and appreciation of technology and being socially connected Do you want to maximize your skills as an educator for these students? University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 20125Hansen, MM 6. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 6 7. First of all get curious about yourselfas an educator in 2012 Educate yourself about generational differences Become aware of your own generational type andhow it impacts your teaching style Recognize the environmental and cultural forcesthat affect the Millennial learner Understand how intergenerational tension mayimpact learning University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 20127Hansen, MM 8. Millennials Millennials want and need guidance andfocus in their learning Identify your teaching and life philosophy Learn how to utilize eLearning techniques Recognize the millennial expects aestheticallypleasing educational presentations University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 20128Hansen, MM 9. This is what the learners want Emphasize opportunities for additional help andsupport Encourage modern forms of curiosity andexploration Recognize the importance of team dynamics andencourage collaboration Be fair and straightforward University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 20129Hansen, MM 10. Edutainment Yes, millennials view more academic content on theInternet compared with any other media source Videos, such as YouTube, capture attention, holdinterest and increase academic content Steffes & Duverger (2012) found humorous videosaligned with the subject matter being learnedsignificantly increased retention in both short- andlong-term memory Educators are in a unique position to offer videos inand outside the classroom for reflection, discussionand life-long learningUniversity of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 2012 10 Hansen, MM 11. Theoretical Frameworks Rich Mayer (2001) has completed significant studiesunderlying the value of multimedia learning Multimedia = auditory/verbal and visual/pictorial The significant research on the brain gives us thebacking to why social media, such as YouTube, maybe implemented in classroom learning Gardner (2005) tells us humans possess differentintelligences Verbal/linguistic Visual/spatial Musical/rhythmic University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 201211Hansen, MM 12. Howard GardnerMultiple Ways of LearningHow might you use Gardners theory whiletapping into Social Media sources?University of Akureyri 12:10-12:55March 29, 2012 12 Hansen, MM 13. What is Social Media Engaging with Internet-based and mobiletechnologies to turn communication andcollaboration into an interactive dialogue andconnection Humans are social beings and we want toconnect and learn from one another Does the use of social media assist withhealthcare professional education?09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi13 14. Blog An intuitive website where an author maywrite information and include digital media insequential order Web-log = blog Clinical blogs Creative writing Writing/publishing Fireicemaggie.wordpress.com09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi14 15. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 15 16. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 16 17. Microblogs A popular broadcast platform in the form of blogging Allows users to exchange small elements of content, network in a social manner and provide an opportunity for real time communication Twitter allows users to share current information in 140 characters or less Hash tags: #mei2012school09. Julio 2012HansenM Salud20euskadi 17 18. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 18 19. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 19 20. Wikis According to Ward, a wiki is The simplest online database that could possibly work. A website (opened or closed) that allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself May be supplemented with other rich media Videos, photos, images09. Julio 2012HansenM Salud20euskadi20 21. Wikieducator09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 21 22. Games and Virtual Worlds09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 22 23. YouTube The largest user-driven video contentprovider in the world A major platform for disseminatingmultimedia information The user-to-user experiencedifferentiates it from traditionalcontent09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 23 24. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 24 25. Scribd. An online service that allows you tostore and archive documents that youwant to share with others Publications, class notes, lectures, etc.09. Julio 2012HansenM Salud20euskadi25 26. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 26 27. Google Play09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 27 28. Social NetworkingYet another online platform that hones in on socialrelations in order to share interests and activitiesGreat potential for e-learning in healthcareThere is a representation of each user via a profile09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi28 29. Contact Information Slide references upon request m2hansen (skype) m2hansen (twitter) 415-378-7577 (cell) (website with onlinegames and tutorials for nursing students) List of publications upon request09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 29 30. 09. Julio 2012 HansenM Salud20euskadi 30