Transition From Corporate Job to Startup - Stretch Goals Podcast #003


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Corporate to StartupEpisode 3

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Challenge yourself to create ambitious goals as you start and grow your business.

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

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Robert Dickerson

Robert is the Founder and CEO of Mapout a mobile learning platform that uses video courses to educate customers and train employees. He helps companies develop and launch


Scott Davis

Scott Davis is the Founder and CEO of MobX, a mobile development software agency. He has 20 years of experience developing software for Government, Finance, Sports and the

Telecommunications industry.

@RobDickersonJr @The_Scott_Davis

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

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Phase 1

Nights & weekends

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

Making the transition can be really difficult.

Phase 2


Phase 3


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“If you have that rope, the lifesaver . . . from a full time job, sometimes that can hinder your

ability to jump full time into your startup.”

- Robert Dickerson

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Scott’s Startup Transition: Phase One● Built product in spare time● Launched● Gained traction● Dedicated more time to increasing customer base

“Your eyes are on that long-term goal of getting out of the nine to five.”

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Nights & Weekends

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

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Phase One: Nights & Weekends● Build your product● Validate your idea● Act on your passion● Network and grow your customer base● Invest nearly all capital back into the business

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“One thing that really helps when you’re in the corporate world and you’re trying to transition

over, is that you have this income already established.”

- Scott Davis

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It’s a completely different mentality.

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

“That security blanket either hinders a lot of people . . . or we use it as an asset.”

- Scott Davis

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How do you transition?

“I’m not advocating stopping working at your full time job, but if you’re not contributing to your fullest extent . . . you have to weigh those tradeoffs.”

- Robert Dickerson

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Part-time work or consulting

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

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Robert’s Startup Transition: Phase Two● Took every Friday off● Devoted more time to the business● Mapped out plan each day● Switched to 30 hours per week● Gradually transitioned while maintaining income

“You’ll sit down, you’ll have so much work . . . that can be paralyzing because you don’t know exactly where to start.”

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How did you negotiate that discussion?

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“You need to figure out what value you bring to the company.”

- Robert Dickerson

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“It was an awkward conversation, but it was a conversation I needed to have for my own


- Scott Davis

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Keys to an effective discussion

● Be open● Share your intentions and goals● Let them know you are still engaged● Communicate how your new knowledge adds value● Demonstrate synergy

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“They knew I was developing a skillset I could bring back to the company. I ended up

developing seven apps for them. I brought the skillset and the knowledge back into the

company. It became an asset to them as well as myself.”

- Scott Davis

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Make the most of your job.

Don’t wait for someone else to tell you what to do.

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“When you start generating revenue, your value goes up tremendously. You’re not just a cog in the machine, you’re innovating, you’re

moving the company forward - that gets you noticed.”

- Robert Dickerson

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Why don’t we try it like this?

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“Find leaders that are innovative, who are already pushing the company along. Go work

under them.”

- Robert Dickerson

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The full-time leap

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Before you make the full-time leap● Validate that your product solves a pain for customers● Ensure a path forward● Forecast revenue and think about your personal salary● Consider the revenue that is cycled back into the business● Make sure you are saving money

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What if you leap without a safety net?

You have to decide that for yourself.

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“Your life stage puts you in these buckets of how conservative you are with your money, or how much risk you want to take. . . . People

are taking these risks and dropping everything; the concepts still apply. You got to

have a stable product.”

- Scott Davis

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If you take the leap and you try it out, and you’re not successful, you can go find a job.

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“It really is personal as to what your risk tolerance is, your situation in life, the type of business you’re trying to grow. A lot of this

you have to think about for yourself. What makes sense?”

- Robert Dickerson

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A Gradual Transition

“You can see the difference in their happiness level.”

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Finding success● Carve out time● Resign from side projects● Increase your flexibility● Make the mental jump● Think forward

“How am I going to build this business?”

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“It was one of the best things I did because I hired people with great skillsets.”

- Scott Davis

Episode 3 - Corporate to Startup

“Save yourself some time, take a little stress off, focus on the vision of the company, and keep


- Robert Dickerson

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Think about the stages you’re in, your risk tolerance,

and the type of business you’re going into.

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