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名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/



爱情篇 Love ······································3

成功篇 Success ···································6

处世篇 Social living ·····························8

奋斗篇 Struggle ·································10

健康篇 Health ···································13

金钱篇 Money ····································14

科技篇 Technology ·······························15

理想篇 Ideal ····································17

逆境篇 Adversity ································19

品德篇 Character ································20

青春篇 Youth ····································22

人才篇 Talent ···································23

人生篇 Life ·····································24

社会篇 Society ··································26

生活篇 Living ···································27

时间篇 Time ·····································28

事业篇 Career ···································29

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


书籍篇 Books ····································30

思想篇 Thoughts ·································31

文艺篇 Arts ·····································32

幸福篇 Happiness ································33

言行篇 Words & action ···························34

友情篇 Friendship ·······························35

真理篇 Truth ····································36

知识篇 Knowledge ································37

智愚篇 Wisdom & Foolishness ·····················39

自由篇 Freedom ··································40

祖国篇 Motherland ·······························41

其他篇 Others ···································42

参考文献 References ····························43

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


爱情篇爱情篇爱情篇爱情篇 Love

� Absence to love is what wind to fire it

distinguishes the small; it inflames the

great.---Roger de Bussy-abutin

� Love makes cowards become brave and the brave

become cowards.---Shakespeare 莎士比亚

� The course of true love never did run smoothly.


� As to love, we may say, the purer, the more


� At the touch of love, everyone becomes a

poet.---Plato 柏拉图

� Gravitation is not responsible for people falling

in love.---Einstein 爱因斯坦

� I have sought love, first, because it brings

ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have

sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours

of this joy.---Russell 罗素

� Love can not be sold, and money will certainly kill

love.---Rousseau 卢梭

� I know the disposition of women: when you will,

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they won’t; when you won’t, they set their hearts

upon you of their own inclination.---Terence 泰


� Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the

living the immortality of love.---Tagore 泰戈尔

� Beautiful appearance is certainly one fator of love,

but only beautiful mind and ideas are the firm

foundation of lofty love.---Chekhov 契 ke夫

� If life is the flower, then love is the

honey.---Hugo 雨果

� Friendship is love without wings.---Byron 拜伦

� Life is valuable certainly, but love values more.

Because of freedom, we can give up both.---Petefi


� Love is the weakest among all human

motions.---Bacon 培根

� No great man goes mad for love, because great cause

restriction this kind of weak feeling.---Bacon

� The loftier is one’s ambition in the mind, the

richer, subtler and gentler is one’s love to one’s

beloved.---Cyxominhcknn 苏霍姆林斯基

� True love always keeps one upward.---Dumas Jr. 小

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� The endurance, force and beauty of love is

inseparable with personal moral standards.---Deng

Yingchao 邓颖超

� Sincere and lasting love is not love of first

sight.---Deng Yingchao

� Sincere and pure love must mix respect to the labor

and career of the beloved.---Deng Yingchao

� It is love that makes the world go round.

� True love is giving, not taking.

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成功篇成功篇成功篇成功篇 Success

� Perpetual devotion to what man calls his business

is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of

many other things.---Robert Stevenson 史蒂文森

� The career opens to talents.---Napoleon 拿破仑

� A great secrete of success is to go through life

as a man who never gets used up.---Albert


� A strong passion for any project will ensure

success, for the desire of the end will point out

the means.---William Hazlitt

� If A equals success, then the formula is A equals

X plus Y plus Z, with X being work, Y play, and

Z keeping your mouth shut.---Einstein 爱因斯坦

� Achievement provides the only real pleasure in

life.---Edison 爱迪生

� If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence

as your good friends, experience as your reference,

prudence as your brother, and hope as your


� Just thinking of things as winning is a terrible

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approach. Success comes from focusing on what

really like and are good at---not at challenging

every random thing.---Bill Gates 比尔盖茨

� Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstone

for success.---Louis Pasteur 巴斯德

� One may go wrong in many different ways, but right

only in one, which is why it is easy to fail and

difficult to succeed---easy to miss the target and

difficult to hit it.---Aristotle 亚里士多德

� Success is how high you bounce when you hit

bottom.---George Patton 佩顿

� Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it

will satisfy your hunger; but it won’t taste

good.---Joe Paterno 佩特诺

� Success often depends on knowing how long it will

take to succeed.---Montesquieu 孟德斯鸠

� Always bear in mind that your own resolution to

succeed is more important than other things.-

---Lincoln 林肯

� There is only one success---to be able to spend

your life in your own way.---Christopher Morley


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处世篇处世篇处世篇处世篇 Social living

� Man barricades against himself.---Tagore

� When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part

with our fruits with joy.---Tagore

� You can fool all the people some of the time, and

some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool

all the people all the time.---Lincoln

� You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow

by evading it today.---Lincoln

� You can’t please everyone.---Aesop 伊索

� Be modest, gentle, patient and tolerant with

love.---The Bible 圣经

� Given everyone the respect he deserves but never

worship anybody as an idol.---Einstein

� One benefits a lot by associating with people who

have the same interests.---Tagore

� One kind of praise is helpful and it is the

so-called “encouraging”.---Bacon

� The base of association is not nature, that is to

say, not for the sake of association, but for of

loneliness.---Schopenhauer 叔本华

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� Try your best to estrange those who despises your

ambitions. It is a villain’s trick to frustrate

other’s inspirations. On the contrary, real great

people will make you feel you are

outstanding.---Mark Twain 马克·吐温

� You will tolerate all if you understand

all.---Romain Rolland 罗曼·罗兰

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奋斗篇奋斗篇奋斗篇奋斗篇 Struggle

� A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure

until he begins to blame some body else.---J.


� All that you do, do with your might; things done

by halves are never done right.---R.H. Stoddard

� A loser is a man who has an abundance of

opportunities to learn, who has successful role

models everywhere, but who chooses not to

try.---Whitley 惠特利

� A strong man will struggle with the stones of


� A wise man will make more opportunities than he

find.---Francis Bacon

� Courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability

to overcome or disregard fear.---Joanny Bailey 贝

� Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that

you resolved to.---Shakespeare

� Do not waste life in doubts and fears.---Emerson

� Faith is the bird that feels the light when the

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dawn is still dark.---Tagore

� Genius is nothing but labor and


� Genius is none percent inspiration, and ninety nine

percent perspiration.---Edison

� Genius only means hard-working all one’s

life.---Mendeleyev 门捷列夫

� I am a slow walker, but I never walk


� I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, fears and

sweat.---Churchill 丘吉尔

� If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little

above it. Every arrow that flies feels the

attraction of the earth.---Longfellow

� It is no use doing what you like; you have to got

to like what you do.---Churchill

� No rock is so hard but a little wave may beat

admission in a thousand years.---Tennyson

� Success in any scientific career requires an

unusual equipment of capacity, industry, and

energy.---T.H. Huxley 赫胥黎

� The scientist must not be a spider or an aunt, but

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a bee.---Francis Bacon

� There are two roads that lead to an important goal

and to the doing of great things: strength and

preseverance. ---Goethe 歌德

� Try not to become a man of success but rather try

to be come a man of value. ---Einstein

� You have to believe in yourself. That is the secret

of success. ---Chaplin 卓别林

� I am not disappointed, because every time I leave

the vain attempt behind me, I make a step


� One should constantly strive to become stronger

even if he has reached the peak.---Russell

� The most promising successor is not the talented,

but those who are good at seizing every opportunity

to explore.---Socrates 苏格拉底

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健康篇健康篇健康篇健康篇 Health

� A healthy beggar is happier than a sick

king.---Schopenhauer 叔本华

� A light heart lives long.---Shakespeare

� A pessimistic person is alive yet dead already,

while an optimistic person can keep young all his

life.---Byron 拜伦

� Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise.---Franklin 富兰克林

� How good life is! Physical exercise brings infinite

enjoyment too.---Pushkin 普希金

� Life lies in sport.---Voltaire 伏尔泰

� Nine tenths of our happiness is built on the basis

of health. Health is all.---Schopenhauer

� The most serious threat to people is using the car

instead of walking, but not traffic

accident.---White 怀特

� The secret of keep fit is a proper control of food,

beverage, sleep and love.---Hugo 雨果

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金钱篇金钱篇金钱篇金钱篇 Money

� Everything in the world can be endured except

continued prosperity.

� Liberality is not giving much, but giving


� Money can cure hunger. It cannot cure unhappiness.

Food can satisfy the appetite, but not

soal.---Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳

� Money is a good servant but a bad master.---Bacon


� Money may be the mask of many things, but not the

kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite;

medicine, but no health; acquaintance, but not

friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy,

but not peace of mind.---Ibsen 易卜生

� Poverty is no shame, but being ashamed of it


� Set the bird’s wings with gold it will never again

soar in the sky.---Tagore

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科技篇科技篇科技篇科技篇 Technology

� A soul without imagination is like an observatory

without the telescope.---Einstein

� Developing the ability of thinking and judging

independently instead of obtaining professional

knowledge should be put in the first


� Even for the most successful scientist, in his

every ten hopes and preliminary conclusions, there

is no more than one which can be realized.---Farady


� I seem to have been only a boy playing on the

seashore. I have amused myself now and then finding

a smooth pebble or a pretty shell, but the great

ocean of truth still lies before me, unknown and

unexpected.---Newton 牛顿

� No bold conjectures, no great things.---Newton

� Only the diligent and modest young generation can

own the future of science.---Pavlov 巴甫洛夫

� Science is the best way for people to make their

spirit more courageous.---Bruno 布鲁诺

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� Studying knowledge needs thinking again and again,

which is a learning method helping me become a


� True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be


� There is no royal road to science, and only those

who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep

paths have a chance of reaching its luminous

peak.---Marx 马克思

� The scientist only succeeds after thousands of


� The thought is the power.---Hugo 雨果

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理想篇理想篇理想篇理想篇 Ideal

� An ideal is a kind of a power. ---Romane Rolland

� Goals determine what you are going to be.---Julius

Erving 欧文

� Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no

secure direction; without direction, there is no

life.---Lev Tolstory 列夫·托尔斯泰

� The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong

faith.---Romane Rolland

� The higher is the goal a person pursues, the quicker

his ability develops, and the more beneficial he

will become to the society. I believe for sure that

this is also a truth.---Gorky 高尔基

� The human soul needs ideals more than it needs

materials.---Victor Hugo

� The life of a person who has an ideal is always

hot.---Sterlin 斯大林

� Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks

regions hitherto unexplored.---Lincoln

� With materials, people can live; with ideas, life

can be called life.---Hugo

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� Without ideas, there will be no good wishes or

glorious reality.---Dostoyevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基

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逆境篇逆境篇逆境篇逆境篇 Adversity

� In this world, there is always danger for those

who are afraid of it.---Bernard Shaw

� No one can degrade us except ourselves; that it

we are worthy, no influence can defeat


� No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall,

no glory; no cross, no crown.---Penn

� Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity

doth discover virtue.—Bacon

� Rejoicing in hope, patient in


� The very rememberance of my former misfortune

proves a new to me.---Cervantes 塞万提斯

� There is no doubt that people will die; but the

importance of death can either be heavier than

Mount Tai or lighter than of feather.---司马迁

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品德篇品德篇品德篇品德篇 Character

� A life spent in making mistakes is not only more

honorable but more useful than a life in doing

nothing.---Bernard Shaw

� A modest man frequently ponders his mistakes; a

conceited man only gossips about other’s

errors.---Becker 贝克

� Anybody can become angry---that is easy; but to

be angry with the right person, and to be the right

degree, and at the right time, and for the right

purpose, and in the right way---that is not within

everybody’s power, and is not easy.---Aristotle

� Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks

when they live. The gaudy butterfly is sure that

the flowers owe thanks to him.---Tagore

� Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop

him up.---J. Ruskin

� Confessing a fault makes half amends for


� If there was nothing wrong in the world, there

wouldn’t be anything for us to do.---Bernard Shaw

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� Make yourself be necessary to someone.---Emerson

� The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of

life are like the little birds that sing to us all

winter long, and make the season of ice and snow

more endurable.---Tagore

� To really understand a man we must judge him in


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青春篇青春篇青春篇青春篇 Youth

� I hope you young generation, like the candle that

sends out every light and heat to others, devote

all you have to the great cause of human beings

honestly and loyally.---Farady

� There is a limit to one’s youth, but no limit to

his wisdom. Draw on the limitless wisdom during

the short span of youth.---Gorky

� What you seed when young is what you get when


� Young is the period to study wisdom and put it inot

practice.---Rousseau 卢梭

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人才人才人才人才篇篇篇篇 Talent

� A genius develops from love to his work.---Gorky

� Genius is one percent of inspiration plus

ninety-nine percent of hard work.---Einstein

� Some people are able to surplus others by far; the

main reason is not genius but undivided attention

and their unwavering will to reach their

aims.---Dolton 道尔顿

� Strive all your life, and you will become a

genius.---Mendeleyev 门捷列夫

� The time produces a president.---Lincoln

� When a genius is alive, people can not estimate

how great he is. After one century, society will

acknowledge his greatness and long for his coming

back.---Schopenhauer 叔本华

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人生篇人生篇人生篇人生篇 Life

� A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is

necessary for every man at all times. A ship without

ballast is unstable and will not go


� All things in life are obtained at the cost of agony.

In nature, any happiness is built on ruins. At last,

it all returns to ruins. I wish you can build


� A misty morning may have a fine day.---Kelly 凯

� Being indecisive in making great decision and

having insufficient rushing strength are two major

causes which make us frustrated and


� I count him braver who overcomes his desires than

him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest

victory is the victory over self.---Aristotle

� If winter comes, can spring be far

behind?---Shelley 雪莱

� Let life beautiful like summer flowers and death

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like autumn leaves.---Tagore

� Life can only be understood backwards, but it must

be lived forward.

� Life is not a short candle but a torch which are

holding. We must make it burn brightly and then

give it to the next generation.---Bernard Shaw

� Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us

may write his word or tow.---Lowell 洛威尔

� Other man live to eat, while I eat to


� That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is


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社会篇社会篇社会篇社会篇 Society

� I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend

to death your right to say it.---Voltaire

� In all that the people can individually do well

for themselves, the government ought not to


� I only regret that I have but one life to lose for

my country.---Nathan Hale

� Laws are cobwebs, which catches small flies, but

let wasps and hornets break through.---Swift

� Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may

be the victims of it and not because they shrink

from committing it.---Plato

� They are ill discoverers that think there is no

land, when they see nothing but sea.---Bacon

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生活篇生活篇生活篇生活篇 Living

� Although the world is full of suffering, it is full

also of overcoming of it.---Helen Keller

� If the purpose and content of people’s lives are

different individually, such difference will be

sure to reflect on appearances, to that their

appearance will be different too.---Lev Tolstoy

� Joys and worries accompany life. We should be

joyful for the whole world’s joys and worried about

the whole world’s worries. Then our joys would be

noble and our worries profound.---Rolland

� Life looks likes the ocean, and only the

strong-willed person could reach the other


� Love your present life. Even in a poor family, you

may also have some happy, exciting and brilliant

moments. The setting sun which shines upon poor

people’s courtyard window is as brilliant as that

shrines on rich people’s edifice.---Thoreau 梭罗

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时间篇时间篇时间篇时间篇 Time

� At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty,

the wit; and at forty, the judgment. ---Franklin

� On the big clock of time, there is only one word:

present. ---Shakespeare

� Ordinary people merely think how they will spend

their time; a man of talent tries to use


� Those who are good at using time can always find

enough time.---Goethe

� Write it on your heart that every day is the best

day of the year.---Emerson

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事业篇事业篇事业篇事业篇 Career

� Career is the most precious, while reputation is

the most useless.---Goethe

� Great cause comes from persistent work, facing

difficulties with your heart and soul.---Russell

� Millions of people fail in doing things completely.

They stop where there is only one step to


� One will be a master only after he focuses on a

certain cause with all his/her heart and


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书籍篇书籍篇书籍篇书籍篇 Books

� Reading a book is like opening a window to


� Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed,

and some few to be chewed and digested.---Bacon

� There are two motives for reading a book. One, that

you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about


� Time gives us experience, and reading gives us

knowledge.---Ostrovsky 奥斯特洛夫斯基

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思想篇思想篇思想篇思想篇 Thoughts

� The best thinking has been done in


� Thought is the seed of action.---Emerson

� While we converse with what is above us, we do not

grow old, but grow young.---Emerson

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文艺篇文艺篇文艺篇文艺篇 Arts

� Musical training is a more potential instrument

than any other, because rhythm and harmony find

their way into inward places of the soul.---Plato

� That is the best part of beauty, which is a picture

can not express.---Bacon

� The landscape belongs to the man who looks at


� The pen is the tongue of the mind.---Cervantes


� The poet ranks far below the painter in the

representation of visible things; and far below

the musician in that of invisible things.---Da

Vinci 达芬奇

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幸福篇幸福篇幸福篇幸福篇 Happiness

� Happy is the man who is living by his

hobby.---Bernard Shaw

� Most folks are about as happy as they make up their

minds to be.---Lincoln

� The supreme happiness of life is the convection

that we are loved.---Hugo

� There is this difference between happiness and

wisdom: he who thinks himself the happiest really

is so; but he who thinks himself the wisest is

generally the great fool.

� You never know where happiness will turn up.

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言行篇言行篇言行篇言行篇 Words & action

� Character is what you are in dark.---Moody

� Follow your own course, and let people

talk.---Dante 但丁

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


友情篇友情篇友情篇友情篇 Friendship

� Absence sharpens love, presence strengths


� A hedge between keeps friendship green.---Charles

� Common ideas and feelings produce

friendship.---Democritus 德谟克里特

� He who is the most slow in making a promise is the

most faithful in the performance of it.---Rousseau


� Old wood is best to burn. Old win to drink. Old

friends to trust, and old authors to read.---Bacon

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


真理篇真理篇真理篇真理篇 Truth

� If you shut your door to all errors, truth will

be shut out.---Tagore

� Respecting people should not be more than

respecting truth.---Plato

� To fear mistakes is to fear truth.---Hegel 黑格

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


知识篇知识篇知识篇知识篇 Knowledge

� A good part of my information I have was acquired

by looking up something and find something else

on the way.---Franklin

� A wise man never loses anything if he has

himself.---Nietzsche 尼采

� Every man is a fool sometimes, but none at all


� Histories make men wise; poems witty; the

mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep;

moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to


� If I have looked further than other man, it is

because I have stood on the shoulders of


� Ignorance is degrading only when found in company

with riches.---Schopenhauer

� Live to learn, not learn to live.---Bacon

� One can not think if he is lack of knowledge, and

one can not have knowledge without


名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


� Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man

and writing an exact man.---Bacon

� Reading much, but not too many books.---Franklin

� Spiritual drawbacks can be improved by knowledge,

as physical drawbacks by exercise.---Bacon

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


智愚篇智愚篇智愚篇智愚篇 Wisdom & Foolishness

� He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step

in the direction of wisdom.---Hernic

� Too much cleverness is folly.---Solon

名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


自由篇自由篇自由篇自由篇 Freedom

� No one can be perfectly free till all are free;

no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral;

no one can be perfectly happy till all are


� The sun of behavior is to retain a man’s own dignity,

without intruding upon the liberty of


名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


祖国篇祖国篇祖国篇祖国篇 Motherland

� People not only are born for themselves but also

live for their nation.---Plato

� Ask not what your country will do for you---ask

what you can do for your country.---Kennedy

� What is the mankind’s highest moral? That is


名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


其他篇其他篇其他篇其他篇 Others

� First impressions are most lasting.---Dickens

� Give me where to stand, and I will move the


名人名言 张祖锦摘抄 http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/zjzhang/


参考文献参考文献参考文献参考文献 References


