Brochure about the Civil War



Brochure about the Civil War

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The Civil War proved to be a stepping stone to racial equality in America. The soldiers in the colored regiments earned the respect of all those they fought with and served. African American soldiers proved to be just as able bodied, mentally prepared, and patriotic as any other soldier or citizen of the United States.

Many African American soldiers were former slaves or had jobs that involved physical labor. This made them just as physically capable as any other soldier. Although black units were not used in battles as much as they could have been (because of the prejudice against them) African Americans proved to be an invaluable asset to the North. Despite the fact that they were given “inferior weapons and materials, inadequate

medical care, and, if they were captured they would be killed,” (The Fight for Equal Rights) they still fought very effectively. “Black infantry men fought gallantly at, Milliken’s Bend, LA; Port Hudson, LA; Petersburg, VA; and Nashville TN.” (The Fight for Equal Rights) The outcomes of these battles were largely in association to


physical ability of the Colored Regiments.

Blacks proved to be exceptionally courageous and brave soldiers. Many times, such as the assault on Fort Wagner, the assault was deemed impossible. But colored regiments attacked, and seemed to do the impossible by giving the upper hand to the north. The assault on Fort Wagner by the 54th colored regiment is

probably the most well known attack by a colored regiment. The 54th lost “two thirds of their officers and half of their troops.” (The Fight for Equal Rights) 1st Kansas was another colored regiment. General Blunt wrote after one of their battles, "I never saw such fighting as was done by the Negro regiment.” (History of Colored Troops)

Colored regiments proved to be some of the most recognized and well known of all Civil War regiments, because of their valor and audacity.

Patriotism is a trait that all African Americans had who fought in the Civil War had. Colored Regiments were comprised of not only free northern blacks but also escaped slaves

(Katcher 158).Although African Americans were discriminated against even in the military, many received numerous recognitions and awards, including 16 medals of Honor, (Black Soldiers in the Civil War) as they took their country’s well being to heart.

Through this war African Americans proved that they are just as able bodied, courageous, and patriotic as whites. As Abraham Lincoln once put it; "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” (President Abraham Lincoln) Putting African Americans in the military was a step towards racial equality, but there was still a long way to go. It is only now when we contemplate an African American as our president/commander and chief that the long road towards racial equality I finally ending.


"Blacks in the Civil War." Colorado College | Home. 15 Dec. 2008 <>.

Dolan, Edward . The American Civil War. Brookfield, Connecticut: The Millbrook Press Inc., 1997.

Guelzo, Allen. "American Civil War." World Book. 2008 ed. 2008.

"History of Colored Troops in the American Civil War." American Civil War History Timelines Battle Map Pictures. 9 Jan. 2009 <>.

Katcher, Philip R. N.. The Civil War Source Book (Source Book Series). New York: Facts on File, 1992.

"The American Civil War: Quotes - President Abraham Lincoln." The Battle of Gettysburg & The American Civil War. 9 Jan. 2009 <>.

The Civil War-a stepping stone to racial


Grey Weissend9/15/08

Pd 7488 words
