

CHARISMA. Charisma. Beauty Luck Self-confidence S ocial position. Being Charismatic Means :. Being Confident. Confident people – appear confident Easily communicate in a variety of situations Help others feel confidence Not boastful or egotistical. Showing Optimism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BeautyLuckSelf-confidenceSocial position


Being Charismatic Means:

Confident people – appear confident Easily communicate in a variety of situations

Help others feel confidence Not boastful or egotistical

Being Confident

See the best in other people Enthuse others to feel more optimistic

Them positive thinking is problem-solving

Showing Optimism

Showing their true emotions Masking or acting in a way that makes others believe what they see  

Calm and serene on the surface

Being an Emotional Player

Good storytellers  Language clearly and concisely Being serious and injecting humour to keep audience focused

Use body language Eye contact Ask open questions Remembering details

Being Interesting and Interested

Initiating conversations Have expert knowledge Explain complex topics   Inspires the confidence and belief of others

Demonstrating Intelligence

Control people Motivate people  They are confidence trickster

*confident in achieving their goals, or self-confident (užsispyręs)

Being Assertive*

Some charismatic people examples:



Adolf Hitler

Steps to be charismatic:

Be positive Speak with confidence Having a confident voice, clothes, and body language

Exude confidence

Stands tall and walks with steady Stand or sit up straight Look people in the eye when you're talking to them

Practice in a mirror Think about your own gestures

Show charisma through your body language

Be anyone's equal Show an interest in people's lives Listen actively when others speak Remember people's names Compliment people freely

Make people feel special

Learn to laugh at yourself Learn to joke around with a variety of people

Don't try too hard to be funny Learn to tease people

Be witty

Be versatile* Think before you speak Get in touch with your emotions

*having or capable of many uses (universalus)

Be engaging

Charisma is the result of excellent communication and interpersonal skills

Charisma can open many doors in life

Don't try to fake charisma – learn it





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Ema StonkutėIVKbns3-01