Color Symbolism & Psychology



Color Symbolism & Psychology. People’s feelings towards colors. Symbolism. Colors often symbolize certain things to cultures. Red, White & Blue? Red & Green? Orange & Black? Red? White? Black?. Use of Color in Interior Decorating. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Color Symbolism & Psychology

People’s feelings towards colors


Colors often symbolize certain things to cultures.Red, White & Blue?Red & Green?Orange & Black?Red?White? Black?

Use of Color in Interior Decorating

If you had a large room you wanted to make cozy, what room would you paint it?

If you had a small room that seemed dark, what color would you paint it?

We need to consider this when making arrangements.

Colors Evoke Feelings

YellowHappy, cheerful, bright, symbol of friendship,


Stimulating, exciting, warm, joyful, expresses love

BlueQuiet, cool, retiring, dignity, dormality

Colors Evoke Feelings

OrangeWarmth, Autumn, Pumpkins, Halloween

GreenRestful, symbol for living things, St. Pat’s Day

VioletRestful, royalty, Elegance

BlackSomberness, death, Halloween, Dramatic effect

WhitePurity, Innocence, weddings, winter, sterility