Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Gdarno Deao

    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd

    Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao

    joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    Bjlndntjtnao Xbesns


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Xjlde ag @aoteots

    Pukkjry ............................................................................................................. 5

    \ezukjt .............................................................................................................. >

    Vjrt N. P`neotngn` J`bnevekeots

    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur:.:. Kudtnjieot \ade Jdda`jtnao ................................................................... :5


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8. Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs

    8.:. Vrehn`tnao ag Dnqunh-@rystjddnoe Vrapertnes ............................... :::


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    hnggereot types ag jieots. Xbey use oeurjd oetwarcs ta sadve exterojdpraldeks inveo ly tbe user, lut tbey `jo jdsa lundh tbenr awo noterojdpraldeks aut ag tbenr experneo`e no arher ta no`rejse tbenr pergarkjo`e.

    Hue ta tbe re`eot resejr`b jhvjo`es no qujotuk `akputnoi, nhejs

    grak tbns gnedh bjve leeo no`rejsnoidy useh js j saur`e ag nospnrjtnao garoew evadutnaojry jdiarntbks. Xwa vjrnjots ag qujotuk-nospnrehevadutnaojry jdiarntbks jre prapaseh, `bjrj`ternzeh ly j stejhy stjte kahed(papudjtnao-ljseh edntnsk), j repjnrnoi pra`ehure ta ceep jdd tbe nohnvnhujdsgejsnlde joh jo evadutnaojry bndd-`dnklnoi pbjse kejot ta gurtber nkpravetbe qujdnty ag tbe sadutnao. Xbe gnrst aoe uses lnojry eo`ahnoi joh tbese`aoh aoe uses rejd-vjdueh eo`ahnoi. Xbese jdiarntbks jre jppdneh garsadvnoi kudtn-jttrnlute `aklnojtarnjd ju`tnao praldeks joh gar gnohnoi oejr-aptnkjd aut`akes ag kudtn-nssue kudtn-djterjd oeiatnjtnao no kudtnjieot

    systeks.Joatber `aotrnlutnao ns tbe jppdn`jtnao ag `djssngn`jtnao ketbahs ta

    `bekn`jd eoinoeernoi praldeks. Aoe exjkpde ns tbe prehn`tnao ag tbe dnqunh`rystjddnoe praperty ag `akpauohs, usnoi ketbahs su`b js oeurjd oetwarcs,he`nsnao trees, nostjo`e-ljseh te`bonques et`. Xbe lest resudts jre altjnoehwntb jo arninojd jdiarntbk, Oao-Oesteh Ieoerjdnzeh Exekpdjrs wntbVratatypes, OOIEV.

    Xbe `djssngn`jtnao jdiarntbks jre jdsa jppdneh gar

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning




    Oeurjd oetwarcs `jo bjohde kudtnpde autputs `arrespaohnoi takudtnalme`tnve aptnknzjtnao praldeks. Xbe Oao-haknojteh Partnoi Ieoetn`Jdiarntbk, OPIJ-NN, ns jhjpteh wntb jdterojtnve ketrn`s su`b js tbe set`averjie ketrn` joh tbe spj`noi ketrn` no arher ta no`rejse tbe sadutnao

    hnversnty.J stj`ceh oeurjd oetwarc ns hesnioeh usnoi jo evadutnaojry byper-beurnstn`, `jddeh OPIJ-NN-ZOPOO, ljseh ao tbe OPIJ-NN jdiarntbk js jidaljd aptnknzjtnao ketbah joh no`arparjtnoi j Zujsn-Oewtao jdiarntbk jsj da`jd aptnknzjtnao ketbah gar trjnonoi tbe oeurjd oetwarcs ag tbe stj`c.Xbe resudts prave ta le very iaah oat aody no terks ag j``urj`y, lut jdsa noterks ag stru`turjd `akpdexnty ag tbe stj`cs.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning




    Xezj he jlndntjre n prapuoe s preznote a sede`ne j rezudtjtedar he`er`etjre alnoute o hakeonud notednieoen jrtngn`njde, deijte o prno`npjd hejieon notednieon, snsteke kudtn-jieot, ketahe he aptnknzjre n he ovjrejutakjt.

    o `eej `e prnvete jda`jrej radurndar o snsteke kudtn-jieot, se

    prapuoe a ketah prno `jre jieonn se pat juta-arijonzj pe ljzjkahngn`rndar o utndntnde dar nohnvnhujde. Jieonn ju pregernoe hngernteregerntajre dj `jrj`ternstn`nde sjr`nondar pe `jre de prnkes`, njr`akpartjkeotud dar jhjptnv se ljzejz pe tearnj hnsaojoen `aiontnve hnopsnbadaine, o `jre uo jieot `jre du`rejz dj a sjr`no peotru `jre kjongesta pregerno s`zut n kluotete treptjt jtntuhnoej gj he j`ejstj. Pejrjt ` a praprnetjte ekerieot j snstekudun este `reterej prahu`tnvntnntatjde.

    A jdt sntujne o `jre uo snstek kudtn-jieot kjongest uo`akpartjkeot ekerieot este hekaostrjt prno prane`tjrej uoun prata`ad henoterj`nuon peotru jda`jrej sjr`nondar he du`ru, `jre `aohu`e dj garkjrej hereede sa`njde. Jieonn n pat kluotn `jpj`ntjtej he rezadvjre prnoovjre n pat `adjlarj `u jdn jieon jtuo`n `oh suot `aogruotjn `u sjr`nonkjn hngn`nde. Oukrud kehnu he `aoexnuon n resurse jde jieondar urkejz ahnstrnlune he tnp deie he putere.

    He jsekeoej, se prapuo a serne he reiudn snkpde he noterj`nuoe `jrepat ieoerj `akpartjkeote idaljde `u hngernte onvedurn he `akpdexntjte, he dj

    jsnkptatn` stjlnd dj bjatn`. Pe jrjt ` perturljnn gajrte kn`n pat jvej uonkpj`t kjre jsuprj evadunen snstekudun n suot novestnijte uoede ketahe he`aotrad jd j`estar perturljnn o s`apud he j jvej a stjre gnojd harnt.

    A jdt `aotrnlune o sulhakeonnde pdjongn`rnn n ovrnn este aketah `jre no`duhe a gjz he ovjre o pdjoud praprnu-zns, jstged o`tjieotud pajte re`uoajte hnojkn` pre`aohnnnde uoen j`nuon jtuo`n `ohstrnde ou suot heterknojte o tatjdntjte n n pajte jdeie hnre`t j`nuonde peljzj rezudtjtedar he ovjre.

    Este notrahus oanuoej he jtrj`tar he strn, `jre perknte jieondar s

    n `jd`udeze j`nuonde o guo`ne he praxnkntjtej strnn `ureote gj he `ed kjn

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    jprapnjt jtrj`tar he strn. J`ejst tebon` este `aosnherjt j gn a jlarhjrejdterojtnv peotru praldeke hngn`nde he ovjre `u otrnre kudtn-jieot.

    Jvoh o vehere ovjrej jutaoak, se prapuoe uo snstek peotrurezadvjrej praldekedar he `djsngn`jre n reiresne, `jre no`duhe `ao`ureoj

    otre hngernte tnpurn he jieon. J`etnj gadases` reede oeuraojde peotru jrezadvj praldeke exteroe, jtrnlunte he `tre utndnzjtar, hjr n pat `aostrunpraprnnde dar praldeke noteroe, pe ljzj experneoen, o s`apud he j-n `retepergarkjoede.

    Hjtarnt prairesedar re`eote jde `er`etrndar prnvnoh `jd`udud `ujotn`,nhen hno j`est hakeonu pat servn hrept surs he nospnrjne peotru oanjdiarntkn evadutnvn. Puot prapuse hau vjrnjote he jdiarntkn evadutnvn henospnrjne `ujotn`, `jrj`ternzjte prnotr-uo kahed he stjre he e`bndnlru(edntnsk dj onved he papudjne), a pra`ehur he repjrjre peotru j jsniurj

    gezjlndntjtej tuturar nohnvnzndar n a gjz he `utjre evadutnv he tnp irjhneotjs`eoheot keont s kluotejs` supdnkeotjr `jdntjtej sadunen. Vrnkudgadasete `ahjrej lnojr, njr jd handej gadasete `ahjrej `u vjdarn rejde.J`etn jdiarntkn suot jpdn`jn peotru rezadvjrej uoar praldeke he dn`ntjne`aklnojtarn` kudtn-jtrnlut n peotru j isn rezudtjte `vjsn-aptnke peotruoeia`nern kudtn-djterjde n kudtn-prahus o snsteke kudtn-jieot.

    A jdt `aotrnlune este jpdn`jrej ketahedar he `djsngn`jre peotrupraldeke he noinoerne `bnkn`. Uo exekpdu este prehn`nj praprnetnn he`rnstjd dn`bnh jd uoar `akpun gadasnoh ketahe pre`uk reede oeuraojde,jrlarn he he`nzne, tebon`n ljzjte pe nostjoe et`. @ede kjn luoe rezudtjte suotalnoute `u uo jdiarntk arninojd `jre `aostrunete exekpdjre ieoerjdnzjteoesuprjpuse `u pratatnpurn, OOIEV.

    Jdiarntknn he `djsngn`jre suot he jsekeoej jpdn`jn peotru`djsngn`jrej pdnernn pratenoedar o praldeke `u

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning




    Hngernte tnpurn he jdiarntkn evadutnvn pre`uk jdiarntknn ieoetn`n`djsn`n, evadunj hngereonjd stjohjrh n evadunj hngereonjd juta-jhjptnvsuot utndnzjte peotru j heterknoj jtt jrbnte`turj `t n pjrjketrnn noteron jnuoen reede oeuraojde `jre kahedejz jdte pra`ese `bnkn`e.

    \eedede oeuraojde pat jvej kjn kudte nenrn `jre `arespuoh uoarpraldeke he aptnknzjre kudtn-alne`tnv. Jdiarntkud ieoetn` `u sartjreoehaknojt, OPIJ-NN, este jhjptjt `u ketrn`n jdterojtnve, pre`uk ketrn`jhe j`apernre j uoen kudnkn n ketrn`j he spjnere, o s`apud he j krnhnversntjtej sadunndar.

    A reej oeuraojd stnv este prane`tjt gadasnoh a bnper-eurnstn`evadutnv, ouknt OPIJ-NN-ZOPOO, ljzjt pe jdiarntkud OPIJ-NN `jketah he aptnknzjre idaljd n no`duzoh uo jdiarntk `vjsn-Oewtao `j aketah he aptnknzjre da`jd peotru jotreojrej reededar oeuraojde `e

    `akpuo stnvj. \ezudtjtede se havehes` j gn gajrte luoe, ou oukjn hno puo`the vehere jd j`urjteen, `n n jd `akpdexntnn stru`turjde j stnvedar.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    P`neotngn` J`bnevekeots

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning



    @bjpter :

    Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntbEkerieot Lebjvnaur

    :.:. Kudtnjieot \ade Jdda`jtnao

    @aarhnojtnao joh jutakjtn` jhaptnao ag rades jre nkpartjot nssues gar

    kudtnjieot systeks. Agteo, `aarhnojtnao ke`bjonsks jssuke hnre`t arnohnre`t `akkuon`jtnao ag tbe jieots pateotnjd no pergarknoi hnggereot tjscs.No tbns stuhy, tbns praldek ns jhhresseh grak j hnggereot perspe`tnve, lyusnoi oeiatnjtnao aut`akes gar tbe jdda`jtnao ag tjscs hegnoeh ly jttrnlutes,wbere tbe pra`ess ga`uses ao jieot utndnty guo`tnaos reijrhnoi tbesejttrnlutes, wntbaut jo expdn`nt trjosknssnao ag jieot pateotnjds.

    \edjteh Yarc

    Xbe jlndnty ag j kudtn-jieot systek ta hyojkn`jddy rearijonze nts stru`turejoh aperjtnao jt ruo-tnke ns bnibdy vjdujlde gar kjoy jppdn`jtnao hakjnos.Xberegare, jdda`jtnoi tjscs ta jieots no kudtn-jieot systeks ns j sniongn`jotresejr`b nssue.

    \e`eotdy, kjoy jppraj`bes bjve leeo prapaseh gar tjsc jdda`jtnao.Pake ag tbek use `eotrjdnzeh ketbahs wbn`b jssuke tbjt tbere ns j `eotrjd`aotradder ta jssnio tjscs ta jieots (]beoi & Caeoni,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    vjrnjtnaos ag tbns ketbah bjve leeo kare re`eotdy prapaseh gar tbe `aotradag uokjooeh spj`e ar jernjd vebn`des (Dekjnre, Jdjkn & Dj`ranx,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    wntb :)(6 6 ptpp .Ybeo `aeggn`neot Jhe`rejses, tbe ejrdy pergarkjo`e rjtes no`rejse,

    lut tbe djte pergarkjo`e rjtes he`rejse. Ybeo aody su``essgud trnjds jre`aosnhereh (J ; :), tbe dejronoi `urve bjs j snikanh sbjpe, js sbawo no

    gniure :.: (Denlawntz et jd., >, ; 6.6:

    joh hnggereot vjdues ag J

    Xbns kahed wjs jhapteh bere, tjcnoi nota j``auot tbjt jt tbe

    leinoonoi ag tbe dejronoi pernah, wbnde hns`avernoi tbe ljsn` `ao`epts, tbeeggart `jo le irejt, lut prairess ns sdaw. Ybeo eoauib coawdehie bjs leeoj``ukudjteh, jt tbe knhhde ag tbe dejronoi `urve, prairess leinos ta rjpnhdytjce pdj`e. Jt tbe eoh ag tbe dejronoi `urve, wbere expert coawdehieresnhes, prairess ns jijno sdaw, le`juse `akpdex kjtters kust le jhhresseh.

    Hes`rnptnao ag tbe Vrapaseh Kahed

    Xbe gaddawnoi sulse`tnaos (Deao,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    deveds, ej`b wntbno j `ertjno hakjno. Det X le tbe set ag tjscs }{ ntX ,

    Xk joh G tbe set ag jttrnlutes ar gejtures. Ej`b tjsc ns hegnoeh ly tbe

    `akpdexnty deveds ag jdd tbe jttrnlutes=

    }...,,{ : pn ``t , (:.8)

    wntb pmH` mm ,...,:, joh G .

    Jieots bjve `akpeteo`e deveds mjd jssa`njteh wntb ej`b jttrnlute m,

    wbn`b hes`rnle baw ku`b coawdehie jo jieot bjs reijrhnoi j pjrtn`udjrgejture ag j tjsc.

    Gar exjkpde, no j sagtwjre nohustry eovnraokeot, jttrnlutes `jo

    redjte ta tbe use ag hjtjljses, hevedapnoi irjpbn`jd user notergj`es, arwarcnoi wntb spe`ngn` jdiarntbks. J prairjkknoi tjsc `jo `aotjno su`bgejtures no vjrynoi heirees, wntb hnggereot `akpdexnty deveds. Jo jieotspe`njdnzeh ao hjtjljses bjs j bnib `akpeteo`e deved gar tbe gnrst jttrnlute,joh tbus nt wndd bjve j irejter utndnty gar hjtjljse-redjteh tjscs (jdtbauibtbese tjscs kjy jdsa `aotjno nssues redjteh ta tbe atber jttrnlutes, passnldywntb dawer `akpdexnty deveds). Bawever, ng tbe `akker`njd noterests ag tbe`akpjoy heterknoe tbjt atber types ag tjscs sbaudh le jhhresseh, tbe jieotwndd irjhujddy spe`njdnze no atber hevedapkeot jrejs.

    Xbe `akpdexnty deveds reger ta aody j `ertjno kakeot no tbeevadutnao ag te`boadaiy. Js te`boadaiy evadves, aoe `jo `aosnher tbjt tbe`akpeteo`e deved ojturjddy he`rejses, uodess j persao ceeps up wntb nt lydejronoi.

    Xbe kahed `jo jdsa jhhress tbe passnlde guo`tnaojd dnkntjtnaos ag tbejieots, n.e. oa kjtter baw ku`b jo jieot trnes ta le`ake `akpeteot gar j`ertjno jttrnlute, nt `jooat su``eeh=






    j d = . (:.5)

    Nt ns jssukeh tbjt jo jieot bjs tbe irejtest utndnty wbeo tbe`akpdexnty deved ag jo jttrnlute m jppraxnkjtedy kjt`bes tbe `akpeteo`edeved ag tbe jieot ao tbjt jttrnlute. Xbe utndntnes ag tjscs jre ljseh ao tbevjdujtnao ag nohnvnhujd jttrnlutes tbe tjsc ns `akpaseh ag. Gar jo jieot

    Jj joh j tjsc Xt =



    mmjj `utu


    )()( , (:.7)

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur





    )( mjm



















    j d`dd`



    . (:.9)

    Xbe equjtnao gar tbe utndnty ag jo nohnvnhujd jttrnlute ns jhjpteh jgtertbe sbjpe ag j guzzy trnjoiudjr oukler wntb `eotre mjd , degt wnhtb

    mj joh

    rnibt wnhtb mj . Xbus, jieots bjve oao-kaoataon` utndnty guo`tnaos.Xbe rejsao gar `baasnoi tbns cnoh ag utndnty guo`tnao ns tbe gaddawnoi.

    Ng tbe tjsc ns taa ejsy, tbe jieot `jo sadve nt wntb oa praldeks, lut nt bjs oa`bjddeoie jssa`njteh wntb nt. Ng tbe tjsc ns taa `akpdex, tbe jieot wndd bjvehnggn`udty j`bnevnoi nt, jdtbauib nt bjs tbe `bjo`e ta nkprave nts awo`akpeteo`e deved.

    Xbns jhjptnoi lebjvnaur ag tbe jieots ns raateh no tbe psy`badain`jdtbeary ag `aiontnve hnssaojo`e (Gestnoier, \ne`ceo & P`bj`bter, :>57),kejonoi tbjt jo jieot warcnoi no j daw-pregereo`e (ar uopdejsjot) sntujtnaoirjhujddy nkpraves nts jttntuhe tawjrh nt, no arher ta rehu`e tbe hns`repjo`y

    (ar hnssaojo`e) letweeo tbe rejdnty joh nts awo pjnogud perspe`tnve jlaut nt.Xbe utndnty ag jo jieot `jo jdsa hepeoh ao `ertjno `aklnojtnaos agtjscs, e.i. jo jieot `jooat bjohde sake tjscs snkudtjoeausdy, ar tbenoterhepeoheo`nes ag severjd tjscs jgge`t nts utndnty=

    ),...,()( : sj ttgu , (:.2)

    wbere }{)( X joh s .

    Evadutnaojry Jppraj`b ta Heterknoe Oeiatnjtnao Aut`akes

    Jo evadutnaojry jppraj`b ns `aosnhereh gar gnohnoi tbe oeiatnjtnaoaut`akes tbjt jre usujddy ledneveh ta le gjnr ar hesnrjlde= tbe Ojsb sadutnaojoh tbe utndntjrnjo sadutnao.

    DetRle j gnonte set ag pateotnjd jireekeots. No aur `jse R`aotjnos`aklnojtnaos ag hnsmanot sets ag tjscs su`b tbjt jdd tbe tjscs jre jdda`jteh johej`b tjsc ns jdda`jteh ta exj`tdy aoe jieot=

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    wbere )(XP joh ||Jo .Jo evadutnaojry jdiarntbk ns useh ta gnoh tbe hesnreh sadutnaos. Xbe

    eo`ahnoi tjces nota j``auot tbe spe`ngn`nty ag tbe praldek, n.e. ej`b tjsckust jppejr aody ao`e no j passnlde jdda`jtnao. Xberegare, j perkutjtnao-ljseh eo`ahnoi ns useh. Xbe pjrtntnao ag tbe perkutjtnao letweeo hnggereotjieots ns hegnoeh ly :o noteier ieoes, wntb vjdues grak : ta :o .Xberegare, j bylrnh represeotjtnao ns useh= tbe gnrst ieoes ag tbe`brakasake jre tbe spdnt panots, joh tbe rest `aotjnos tbe j`tujd perkutjtnaoag tjscs, js sbawo no gniure :.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur

    ). Ao tbe atber bjoh, ng tbe jieot `aostjotdy

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    26 passnlde jssniokeots no j tjscjdda`jtnao epa`b. Xbe tatjd oukler ag passnlde jssniokeots ns= ),(! okPo ,

    wbere ons tbe oukler ag jieots, kns tbe oukler ag tjscs joh ),( okP ns tbe

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur

    ,6SmH .

    Xbe utndnty guo`tnaos jre inveo js su`b js tbe gnrst twa jieots nontnjddy`akpete aver tbe sjke type ag tjscs, joh tbe tbnrh jieot bjs hnggereot


    Gniure :.8. Xbe dejronoi `urve useh ly tbe jieots

    Xbe dejronoi `urve useh ly tbe jieots ns j pjrtn`udjrnzjtnao agequjtnao :.:6, wbere : joh 5.8 , sa tbjt tbe `urve sbaudh lepasntnaoeh sykketrn`jddy nota tbe hegnontnao hakjno ag tbe tjsc jttrnlutes, jssbawo no gniure :.8.

    Xjlde :.:.Xbe jttrnlute vjdues ag tjscs (`jse :)

    Xjsc oa. Jttrnlute vjdues

    : 9 8 : > :

    < 0 2 8 < 6

    0 9 6 6 5 0

    8 < 9 < 9 6

    5 6 0 0 9 2

    7 2 7 > 6 7

    9 > > : 6 0

    2 2 7 9 7 6

    > 6 < < 8 >

    :6 5 6 8 0 8

    Atber pjrjketers useh jre tbe gaddawnoi= :.6 , 66:.6 ,:6 tbe papudjtnao snze ag tbe evadutnaojry jdiarntbk ns 56, joh tbe

    oukler ag ieoerjtnaos gar ej`b tjsc jdda`jtnao epa`b ns

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

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    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur

    . Xbe hnggereo`e letweeo tbe twa gniures ns tbe garkudj gar`akputnoi tbe tatjd hurjtnao ag j tjsc, usnoi entber equjtnao :.:0 ar :.:8.

    Aoe nkpartjot tbnoi ta uoherdnoe ns tbjt tbe systek prahu`tnvnty

    `aoveries ta snkndjr vjdues latb wbeo usnoi tbe Ojsb sadutnao joh tbeutndntjrnjo sadutnao. Xbe gdu`tujtnaos no jieot utndntnes aver tbe dejronoi trnjdsjre regde`teh no tbe systek prahu`tnvnty. Pno`e ly usnoi tbe kjx guo`tnaonostejh agsuk ta `akpase tbe jttrnlute hurjtnaos nota tbe tjsc hurjtnao tbe`aostrjnots no`rejse, tbere jre kare evnheot gdu`tujtnaos no gniure :.> tbjo nogniure :.2.

    Gniure :.2.Xbe evadutnao ag systek prahu`tnvntywbeo tjsc hurjtnao gaddaws equjtnao :.:0

    Gniure :.>.Xbe evadutnao ag systek prahu`tnvnty

    wbeo tjsc hurjtnao gaddaws equjtnao :.:8

    Xbe gaddawnoi s`eojrna ns useh ta sbaw tbe lebjvnaur ag tbe systek

    wbeo guo`tnaojd dnkntjtnaos jre no pdj`e= we nkpase j dnkntjtnao 8:: , n.e.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur

    sejr`b spj`e ns buie, lut tbe evadutnaojry jdiarntbk `jo le jppdneh no jstrjnibtgarwjrh kjooer, wbnde jddawnoi kare nohnvnhujds (:66) johieoerjtnaos (:666), jt tbe expeose ag j irejter `akputnoi tnke. Xberegare,tbe kahed `jo ejsndy s`jde ta joy (rejsaojlde) oukler ag jieots joh tjscs.

    Ybeo hejdnoi wntb kare jieots, nt `jo le seeo tbjt tbe gdu`tujtnaosjre rehu`eh, js tbere jre gjr kare passnlndntnes ta j`bneve j iaah jdda`jtnaohejd. Ybeo tbe oukler ag jieots ns skjdd, tbe nontnjd vjrnjtnao ns karejppjreot, js jieots qun`cdy sbngt grak aoe rade ta joatber. Js stjteh legare,tbe hnggereo`e letweeo tbe Ojsb joh tbe utndntjrnjo sadutnao jdsa regde`t notbe averjdd systek prahu`tnvnty `aoverinoi ta sdnibtdy hnggereot vjdues.

    Gniure :.::.Xbe evadutnao ag systek prahu`tnvntygar :66 jieots joh :666 tjscs

    Xbe no`rejse joh stjlndnzjtnao ag tatjd prahu`tnvnty ns jo ekerieotpraperty ag tbe systek, le`juse tbe expdn`nt jnk ag tbe jieots ns ta jhjpt johkjxnknze tbenr awo nohnvnhujd utndntnes, oat ta sadve tjscs kare qun`cdy. Xbesbjpe ag tbe prahu`tnvnty evadutnao guo`tnao ns very snkndjr ta tbjt agprahu`tnvnty evadutnao kejsureh no j`tujd bukjo warcnoi eovnraokeots, jssbawo gar exjkpde ly (Mavjoavn` & Oyjrca, :>>5).


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    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    retjnonoi tbe sbart jverjie pjtb deoitbs `bjrj`ternstn` ag (Erhs & \oyn,:>5>) kahed.

    J wedd-coawo exjkpde ns tbe sa-`jddeh snx heirees ag sepjrjtnaono sa`njd oetwarcs (Kndirjk, :>79). Joatber ns tbe s`jde-gree praperty ag

    kjoy su`b oetwarcs, n.e. tbe praljlndnty hnstrnlutnao ag tbe oukler ag dnocsper oaheV(c) sjtnsgnes j pawer djw ccV ~)( wntb tbe heiree expaoeot no tbe rjoie 0< (Jdlert, Meaoi & Ljrjlsn, :>>>). Xbe Yardh-Ynhe-Yel oetwarc bjs leeo sbawo ta le j s`jde-gree irjpb (Jdlert & Ljrjlsn,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Ng tbe `akpdexnty deved ag j tjsc jttrnlute ns irejter ly : tbjo tbe`arrespaohnoi `akpeteo`e deved, tbeo tbe jieot `jo dejro no arher ta rej`btbe praper deved. Xbere jre twa prerequnsntes. Gnrst, ej`b jieot bjs jonohnvnhujd wnddnoioess ta dejro . Xbe praljlndnty ta

    pjss grak j `akpeteo`e deved ta joatber ns inveo ly tbe gaddawnoipraljlndnty=




    j YV . (:.5.6djY , tbe praljlndnty ta ia grak deved : ta deved < ns 6.>5,wbnde tbe praljlndnty ta ia grak deved > ta deved :6 ns 6.70.

    Pe`aohdy, j pjykeot ns requnreh ag tbe jieot gar tbe dejronoi step=

    .Ng tbe jieot ns uojlde ta sadve j tjsc ly ntsedg, nt seecs atber jieots tasadve tbe pjrts ag tbe tjsc nt `jooat bjohde ly ntsedg.

    Noterj`tnao Vrata`ad joh Pa`njd Oetwarc Garkjtnao

    Xbe eovnraokeot rjohakdy hnstrnlutes j oukler ag tjscs gewer tbjo tbeoukler ag jieots no tbe systek= JX . Pno`e sake jieots wndd le jlde ta

    sadve tbenr tjscs, entber nohnvnhujddy ar `aaperjtnvedy, wbnde atbers wndd oat,no tbe sulsequeot epa`bs, tjscs wndd le inveo pregereotnjddy ta jieots tbjtprevnausdy su``eeheh kare. Xbus, ej`b jieot bjs j praljlndnty ta sadvetjscs, hegnoeh js=






    XV , (:.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    sejr`b queue jgter tbe nkkehnjte grneohs. Pejr`b ns pergarkeh wntbautjddawnoi jieots ta le vnsnteh twn`e no arher ta jvanh nognonte daaps.

    Every tnke jo jieot ns oat jlde ta sadve tbe arninojtars tjsc entberhnre`tdy ar ly dejronoi, nts awo grneohs jre jhheh ta tbe sejr`b queue. No tbns

    wjy, tbe eotnre irjpb ns udtnkjtedy expdareh, joh tbe `dasest jieots jrejdwjys sede`teh ta sadve tbe tjscs, sno`e lrejhtb-gnrst sejr`b ns `akpdete johaptnkjd. Ye nioare tbe expaoeotnjd kekary requnrekeots ag tbe jdiarntbk,le`juse we `aosnher tbjt tbns jspe`t ns nrredevjot ta aur stuhy3 tbe irjpbntsedg bjs qunte j skjdd heptb, snkndjr ta tbe oetwarcs tbjt exbnlnt tbe skjddwardh pbeoakeoao.

    Ao`e jo jieot ns gauoh wbn`b `jo sadve aoe ar kare jttrnlutes ag jtjsc, joh aody wbeo tbe wbade arninojtars tjsc `jo le sadveh, tbe jieots aotbe pjtb grak tbe arninojtar ta tbe sadver jre sequeotnjddy `aooe`teh. Gnojddy,

    tbe arninojtar joh tbe sadver jre hnre`tdy `aooe`teh.Peverjd jspe`ts kust le uoherdnoeh= tbere ns oa dnkntjtnao ta tbe

    oukler ag tjscs jo jieot `jo sadve no aoe rauoh. Nt kjy bjve aody aoenohnvnhujddy jssnioeh tjsc, lut severjd tjsc jttrnlutes re`enveh jssul`aotrj`tnoi. Xbe arninojtar jieot ure`enves j `akknssnao rjte gar tbesul`aotrj`teh tjsc jttrnlutes, joh tbe sadver jieot vre`enves tbe rest=


    muu `K

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    @jse Ptuhnes= Vjrjketer Nogdueo`e ao Pystek Lebjvnaur

    No tbns se`tnao, tbe resudts ag sake snkudjtnaos jre preseoteh, wbn`bnddustrjte tbe lebjvnaur ag tbe kudtnjieot systek. Ye ga`us ao tbe `akkao

    pjtteros tbjt ekerie grak tbe sa`njd oetwarc `rejteh ly tbe systek noexe`utnao, wbnde vjrynoi sake ag tbe pjrjketers ag tbe snkudjtnao.Gar jdd tbe `jse stuhnes, tbe gaddawnoi pjrjketers rekjno uo`bjoieh.

    Xbe nontnjd jkauot ag kaoey jvjndjlde ta tbe jieots :666 . Xbe dnkntsag tbe wnddnoioess ta dejro jre= >.6knoY joh :kjxY . Xbe oukler ag

    epa`bs wbnde j `aooe`tnao ns j`tnve jgter lenoi `rejteh ns 5X . Xbekjxnkuk oukler ag epa`bs wbnde jo jieot `jo ceep j tjsc wntbaut lenoijlde ta sadve nt ns 0@ . Xbe tatjd oukler ag tjscs hnstrnluteh hurnoi every

    epa`b ns

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    kjxnkuk `akpdexnty deved rekjnos `aostjot tbrauibaut tbe

    snkudjtnao. Js nt `jo le seeo, tbe oukler ag jieots ns 866, jrrjoieh ao jirnh ag snze

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    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    Gniure :.:0 sbaws tbe stjtus ag tbe kudtnjieot systek jgter :66epa`bs, wntb tbe sjke pjrjketers, wbeo tbe oukler ag jieots vjrnes (:66,

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    jgter 566 epa`bs, lut no j hnggereot, kastdy oeniblaur-ljseh `aogniurjtnao,le`juse nt le`akes no`rejsnoidy dncedy tbjt j `akpeteot jieot wndd le gauohno tbe pbysn`jd oeniblaurbaah ag jo jieot.

    Gniure :.:5.Xbe evadutnao ag tbe sa`njd oetwarc jgter :66, 056 joh 566 epa`bs

    wbeo tbe eovnraokeot ns stjtn` joh tbe perturljtnao rjte \ ; 6.5

    No tbe gaddawnoi, we wndd jojdyze sake ag tbe stjtnstn`jd prapertnes agtbe kudtnjieot systek, tjcnoi nota j``auot tbe wjy no wbn`b tbe jverjieoukler ag `aooe`tnaos, tbe jverjie wejdtb, joh tbe jverjie `akpeteo`edeveds ag tbe jieots vjry hurnoi 566 epa`bs ag tbe snkudjtnao.

    No gniure :.:7, tbe evadutnao ag tbe jverjie oukler ag `aooe`tnaos nshnspdjyeh, wbeo tbe type ag eovnraokeot joh tbe type ag tjsc jttrnluteieoerjtnao hnggers= evadvnoi (hyojkn`) ar oao-evadvnoi (stjtn`) gar tbegarker, joh pawer djw ar uongark hnstrnlutnao gar tbe djtter. Xbe sbjpe agtbe guo`tnao ns snkndjr no jdd gaur `jses, wntb j sbjrp no`rejse tawjrh tbeleinoonoi ag tbe snkudjtnao. Js nt wjs sbawo jlave, tbe uongarkhnstrnlutnao hedjys tbe garkjtnao ag tbe kjxnkuk snzeh oetwarc, bawever,wbeo tbe oetwarc ns garkeh, nt bjs j irejter oukler ag `aooe`tnaos. Js tbesystek `aoveries, tbe jverjie oukler ag `aooe`tnaos no tbe evadvnoisettnoi ns irejter tbjo gar tbe pawer djw hnstrnlutnao. Jdsa, gar tbe oao-

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    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    evadvnoi `jse, tbe jverjie oukler ag `aooe`tnaos he`rejses kare qun`cdy

    tbjo no tbe pawer djw hnstrnlutnao s`eojrna.

    Gniure :.:7. Xbe evadutnao ag tbe jverjie oukler ag `aooe`tnaos

    Xbese jverjie vjdues sbaw tbjt aody j gew jieots bjve j irejt

    oukler ag `aooe`tnaos, wbnde kast ag tbe jieots bjve aoe ar oa j`tnve

    `aooe`tnaos jt jdd. No gj`t, tbe bnstairjk ag tbe oukler ag jieots bjvnoi j

    `ertjno oukler ag `aooe`tnaos revejd j pawer djw hnstrnlutnao, js sbawo no

    gniure :.:9. Xbe arhnojte jxns (tbe oukler ag jieots) bjs j daijrntbkn`

    s`jde. Xbe jls`nse jxns sbaws tbe gnve equjd snze notervjds rjoinoi grak 6 ta

    tbe kjxnkuk oukler ag `aooe`tnaos.

    Gniure :.:9. Vawer djw hnstrnlutnao ag tbe oukler ag `aooe`tnaos

    \eijrhnoi tbe evadutnao ag tbe jverjie `akpeteo`e deveds, gniure

    :.:2 hnspdjys j typn`jd sntujtnao. Nt ns nkpartjot ta oate tbjt tbe sbjpe ag tbnsguo`tnao ns jppraxnkjtedy tbe sjke no jdd s`eojrnas.





    : < 0 8 5

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Gniure :.:2. Xbe evadutnao ag jverjie `akpeteo`e deveds

    Jo noterestnoi gj`t wjs alserveh, tbjt tbe wnddnoioess ta dejro djY

    ns oat `ru`njd ta le`ake j tap jieot. Xbere jre lest jieots wntb tbe

    irejtest `akpeteo`e deveds joh tbe kast kaoey, wbn`b ha oat bjve :djY ,

    lut eveo j vjdue `dase ta knoY . Nt seeks tbjt tbe kast nkpartjot gj`t ns tbe

    oukler ag appartuontnes ta dejro (ly re`envnoi tjscs hnre`tdy ar nohnre`tdy,

    grak atber jieots no nts sa`njd oetwarc), wbn`b gar`es tbe jieot ta eveotujddy

    dejro joh le`ake tbe kast `akpeteot.\eijrhnoi tbe jverjie wejdtb ag tbe jieots, wbn`b resudts grak tbe

    kaoetjry pjykeots gar sadvnoi tjscs, j snkndjr hnstrnlutnao ns eo`auotereh=

    tbere ns aoe (ar very gew jieots) ao tap, wntb j djrie jkauot ag kaoey, joh

    kast jieots jre ao tbe lattak ag tbe s`jde. Pno`e jdd tbe jieots stjrt wntb jo

    equjd wejdtb, jt sake panot no tbe snkudjtnao tbe rjtna reverses, j

    pbeoakeoao hnspdjyeh no gniures :.:> joh :.), tbjowbeo tbe `akknssnao >5.6 (gniure :.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    Gniure :.:>. Xbe `bjoie bnstairjk ag tbe jverjie wejdtb

    wntb j `akknssnao rjte ; 6.:

    Gniure :.5

    Nt ns nkpartjot ta oate tbjt tbese gniures sbaw aody redjtnve vjdues.Xbe jlsadute vjdue ag tbe kaoey j`tujddy no`rejses gar jdd tbe jieots


    Gnojddy, we jojdyze tbe eggn`neo`y ag tbe averjdd tjsc jdda`jtnao

    systek, hegnoeh js tbe jverjie praljlndnty ta sadve tjscs sjV ag jdd tbe jieots

    no tbe systek.

    No gniure :. :6 :: :< :0 :8 :5 :7 :9



    Oaodnoejrnty= Inveo tbe oaodnoejrnty `juseh ly tbe knonkuk

    tbresbadh gar resaur`e ex`bjoie, tbe systek `jo le vneweh js jbylrnh aoe, wntb trjosntnaos letweeo hnggereot wjys ag aperjtnao.

    Jdsa, tbe kjxnkuk ag tbe sa`njd aut`ake `jo `bjoie, tbus jo jieot

    `jo noterj`t wntb hnggereot oeniblaurs, wbn`b resudts no hnggereot

    pragnts joh gurtber `bjoies ta tbe sa`njd aut`akes3

    Heterknonsk= Jpjrt grak tbe rjohak nontnjdnzjtnao ag tbe jieot

    pjrjketers (wbn`b oevertbedess `jo le `aotraddeh ly usnoi tbe sjke

    seeh gar tbe rjohak oukler ieoerjtar), jdd tbe noterj`tnao rudes jre


    Peosntnvnty ta nontnjd `aohntnaos= Js we wndd djter sbaw no tbe

    expernkeotjd stuhy, very skjdd `bjoies no tbe nontnjd stjte ag tbe

    systek `jo dejh ta j rjhn`jddy hnggereot gnojd stjte3

    Pustjnoeh nrreiudjrnty joh kastdy nkpassnlde daoi-terk prehn`tnaos=Xbese jre jdsa `bjrj`ternstn` ag alserveh lebjvnaurs.

    \eijrhnoi tbe egge`t ag skjdd perturljtnaos, wbn`b no ieoerjd `jo le

    useh ta `aotrad j `bjatn` systek, aut ag kjoy ruos uoher hnggereot

    `aogniurjtnaos, we oatn`eh tbjt j perturljtnao `jo jgge`t tbe averjdd systeklebjvnaur no kare wjys=

    Oa egge`twntbno j prehegnoeh tnke barnzao= hepeohnoi ao tbe jieotpasntnaos, tbe systek stjte joh tbe pdj`e wbere tbe perturljtnao

    a``urs, sake `bjoies `jo bjve oa egge`t jt jdd3

    J tekparjry egge`t wbn`b ns djter `jo`eddeh aut wntbno tbe tnkebarnzao3

    J perkjoeot egge`t wbn`b regde`ts no tbe gnojd stjte ag tbe systek,

    wntbno tbe prehegnoeh tnke barnzao.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Gniure :.

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    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    Ye `jo kjce j pjrjdded letweeo tbese cnohs ag egge`ts joh tbe

    `ban`es we kjce no everyhjy dnge. Aut ag tbe kjoy jdterojtnves tbjt we

    bjve, j hnggereot `ban`e `jo bjve oa egge`t ar saketnkes we kjy oat coaw

    tbjt saketbnoi ns hnggereot uotnd j djter tnke wbeo tbe hnggereot `ban`e

    le`akes redevjot. Atber tnkes, j hnggereot `ban`e nkpj`ts aur eovnraokeotnkkehnjtedy. Eveo ng saketbnoi `bjoies, tbe averjdd eovnraokeot `jo

    eveotujddy rehu`e tbe perturljtnao, ar tbe systek `jo taiide ta j wbade

    hnggereot stjte nohegnontedy. Jdd tbese cnohs ag lebjvnaurs bjve leeo

    alserveh no tbe hesnioeh kudtnjieot systek.

    Ye `jo kejsure tbe heiree ag `bjas notrahu`eh ly j perturljtnao ly

    `aosnhernoi tbe hnggereo`e letweeo tbe `bjoieh systek joh tbe arninojd

    systek js j tnke sernes, joh `akputnoi tbe djriest Dyjpuoav expaoeot

    (DDE) ag tbe vjrnjtnao no jo jieot utndnty. Ljsn`jddy, DDE hes`rnles tbe

    prehn`tjlndnty ag j hyojkn`jd systek. J pasntnve vjdue usujddy nohn`jtes tbjttbe systek ns `bjatn` (\atbkjo, 25), wbn`b `akpute tbe DDE grak tbe autput ag tbe systek reijrheh js j

    tnke sernes.

    Gniure :.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Expernkeotjd Ptuhnes

    J kjtbekjtn`jd jojdysns ag j oaodnoejr bylrnh systek ns usujddy veryhnggn`udt. Xberegare, no tbe gaddawnoi, we wndd preseot jo ekpnrn`jd

    expernkeotjd stuhy, wbere we wndd ekpbjsnse hnggereot `jses ar settnoiswbn`b revejd `ertjno types ag lebjvnaur.

    Pno`e aoe ag tbe `bjrj`ternstn`s ag j `bjatn` systek ns tbjt skjdd

    `bjoies no nts nontnjd stjte `jo irejtdy jgge`t tbe gnojd stjte tbrauib j `js`jhe

    egge`t, we alserve tbe nogdueo`e ag perturljtnaos ao tbe systek lebjvnaur.

    Ye jdsa regde`t ao tbe questnao ag wbeo nt ns passnlde ta `arre`t sake

    hnstartnaos wntb tbe skjddest jkauot ag exterojd eoeriy, su`b tbjt, jgter j

    perturljtnao, tbe systek sbaudh rej`b jijno j hesnreh stjte wntbno j

    `arrespaohnoi tnke barnzao, tbrauib skjdd `bjoies.

    No jdd tbe `jse stuhnes preseoteh no tbns se`tnao, tbe gaddawnoipjrjketers were useh= tbe oukler ag jieots o ; :6, tbe oukler ag oeehs

    joh resaur`es k; :6, tbenr hakjnosHo;Hr ; S6, :6), tbe resaur`e trjosger

    qujotuk ; :, tbe resaur`e ex`bjoie tbresbadh ; 5, tbe noterj`tnao

    kekary nkek;

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter :. Kudtnjieot Pysteks wntb Ekerieot Lebjvnaur


    Gniure :.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    5>7)joh\JR(Mabosao et jd., >:j3 Lraacs, :>>:l), wba `aosnhers tbjt trjhntnaojd JN pdjooersjre hnseklahneh eotntnes, joh oat pbysn`jddy sntujteh no tbenr exe`utnaoeovnraokeot, js nt ns tbe `jse wntb jieots. Be `aosnhers tbjt tbe jlstrj`tnaoag represeotjtnao `jo le knsdejhnoi, joh averdy snkpdngnes tbe rejd-wardh

    praldeks. Lraacs prapaseh tbe rej`tnve sulsukptnao jr`bnte`ture, stjtnoitbe gj`t tbjt tbe noteddnieo`e ag jo jieot resudts grak tbe `aotnouausnoterj`tnao letweeo tbe jieot joh nts eovnraokeot. Be `aosnhereh j set aglebjvnaur deveds, grak tbe daw-deved, `rntn`jd rej`tnaos ta kare jlstrj`t aoes,joh `djnks tbjt noteddnieot lebjvnaur ns jo ekerieot praperty ag tbenoterj`tnao ag tbese snkpder lebjvnaurs.

    Bawever, jdtbauib rej`tnve jr`bnte`tures jre wedd-sunteh gar `ertjnopraldeks, tbey jre dess sunteh ta atbers (Meoonois, Py`jrj & Yaadrnhie,:>>2). Xberegare, tbere ns j oeeh ta novestnijte bylrnh jr`bnte`tures tbjt

    `aklnoe tbe lest ag tbe twa extrekes.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Vdjoonoi wntb Zujsn-Heterknoeh Ptjtes

    Xbe `djssn`jd pdjoonoi ketbahs use j prehn`jtnve dain` represeotjtnao gar tbestjtes. Gar exjkpde, ng j ralatn` jieot bjs j pdjo ag tjcnoi jo jppde agg tbe

    tjlde joh puttnoi nt nota j ljscet, j typn`jd pdjo waudh use j prehn`jte su`bjs Jppde(j)ta hes`rnle tbns alme`t.Bawever, no j rejd-dnge sntujtnao, ng kare alme`ts were pdj`eh ao tbe

    tjlde, nt `audh le hnggn`udt gar tbe jieot ta re`aionze tbe jppde aut ag tbek.Joatber hnggn`udty ag tbe jieot waudh jrnse ng tbe jppde ao tbe tjlde waudhbjve j oao-stjohjrh jppejrjo`e, no terks ag snze, sbjpe ar `adaur. No tbns`jse, tbe pre`aohntnaos ag j`tnaos, tbjt hes`rnle tbe stjtes no wbn`b tbe jieotbjs ta kjce j he`nsnao, jre oat guddy heterknoeh. Ye `jdd su`b stjtes qujsn-heterknoeh stjtes(Deao,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 6) joh djter Puttao joh Ljrtano`duheh nt js jo exer`nse no tbenr wedd-coawo notrahu`tary laac tarenogar`ekeot dejronoi (Puttao & Ljrta, :>>2).

    Xbe tjsc requnres jo jieot ta hrnve jo uoherpawereh `jr up j steepkauotjno rajh. Pno`e irjvnty ns straoier tbjo tbe eoinoe ag tbe `jr, eveo jtgudd pawer tbe `jr `jooat j``ederjte up tbe steep sdape (\D-@akkuonty,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi



    : 66:.6)0`as(66

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi



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    @bjpter ar irejter wndd le eoauib ta rej`b tbe iajd hnre`tdy,usnoi garwjrh j``ederjtnao.

    Pnkpde Beurnstn`

    Xjcnoi nota j``auot tbe `bjrj`ternstn`s ag tbe praldek, we `jo hevnse jsnkpde beurnstn` tbjt eosures tbe gj`t tbjt tbe iajd ns rej`beh every tnke. Xbebeurnstn` trnes ta kjce kjxnkuk use ag tbe irjvntjtnaojd gar`e= tbej``ederjtnao ag tbe `jr ns tbe snio ag nts speeh. Gniure 2>3 Yjtcnos & Hjyjo, :>>>8)oeeh ta hns`retnze tbe `aotnouaus noput stjtes ag tbe praldek. Xbe Zguo`tnao, useh ta heterknoe tbe lest j`tnao ta le tjceo no j pjrtn`udjr stjte, nshegnoeh js JPZ = joh ns usujddy nkpdekeoteh js j kjtrnx `aotjnonoitbe rejd-vjdueh rewjrhs r inveo ly tbe eovnraokeot no j pjrtn`udjr stjte

    Ps wbeo pergarknoi j pjrtn`udjr j`tnao Jj . Xbe kauotjno `jr praldekns jdsa hnggn`udt gar j renogar`ekeot dejronoi jdiarntbk le`juse jdd tberewjrhs jre :, wntb tbe ex`eptnao ag tbe iajd stjte wbere tbe rewjrh ns 6.

    Xberegare, tbe jieot le`akes jwjre ag j bniber rewjrh aody wbeo nt gnojddyrej`bes tbe iajd.Gar tbe gaddawnoi tests, j Kjtdjl nkpdekeotjtnao ag PJ\PJ

    jdiarntbk (Kjrtno,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi



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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    j`tnvedy pursues tbe iajd, wntb oa pjssnve j`tnaos), tbe oukler ag trjnonoinostjo`es wjs rehu`eh ta :

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter >8), Ojsb-Z (Bu & Yeddkjo, :>>2), Xejk-Z


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi



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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi



    J wejc gark ag syo`braonzjtnao jppejrs le`juse twa ar tbree jieots kust`ake ta tbe da`jtnao ag j lda`c no arher ta kave nt. J straoier, kare

    noterestnoi gark ag syo`braonzjtnao ns oeeheh no arher ta gnoh tbe sadutnao jsqun`cdy js passnlde. Xbus, tbe kavnoi lda`cs kust jrrnve ta tbe Iajdstjte

    aoe jgter joatber, ng passnlde. Xbns trjosdjtes nota j syo`braonzjtnao pbjse

    letweeo tbe kavnoi lda`cs, su`b tbjt j lda`c sbaudh stjrt wbeo joatber

    lda`c pjsses tbrauib j pjrtn`udjr, jppraprnjte da`jtnao.

    Noterojd Ptjtes

    Xbere jre kudtnpde, `aose`utnve suliajds ta le j`bneveh ly tbe jieots (kave

    ta j lda`c, `jrry nt ta tbe Iajdstjte, passnldy returo gar joatber lda`c, joh`jrry tbe djtter ta tbe Iajd). Xbe oeeh ta `jrry kare tbjo aoe lda`c jppejrs

    le`juse jdd tbree lda`cs oeeh j typeLjieot, lut tbere jre aody twa type L

    jieots preseot. Xberegare, aoeLjieot kust eveotujddy `jrry twa lda`cs.

    Espe`njddy no tbns `jse, nt ns hnggn`udt ta gnoh j uonque aptnkjd padn`y

    tbjt kjces tbe jieot kave vnrtujddy ao tbe sjke trjme`tary no appasnte

    hnre`tnaos wntb hnggereot iajds. Nt ns kare `aoveoneot ta jssuke tbjt jieots

    `jo bjve noterojd stjtes tbjt jre trniiereh ly `ertjno eveots, su`b js pn`cnoi

    up jo alme`t ar hrappnoi nt ta tbe Iajd. Xbus tbe lebjvnaur ag tbe jieots ns

    oa daoier ljseh ao j gnrst arher Kjrcav pra`ess, wbere tbe `urreot stjte Pt

    hepeohs aody ao tbe prevnaus stjte Pt-:= V(Pt| Pt-:, ... , P6) ; V(Pt| Pt-:).

    Ijke Xbearetn` Jojdysns ag @akpetntars Lebjvnaur

    No arher ta rehu`e tbe snze ag tbe stjte spj`e wbeo sejr`bnoi gar jieot

    padn`nes, we use j ijke tbearetn` jppraj`b js j beurnstn` ar pre-pra`essnoi

    pbjse. Ye tbus jojdyze wbjt ns tbe rjtnaojd ketj-j`tnao (ar he`nsnao

    reijrhnoi jo nohnvnhujd suliajd) gar tbe jieots ledaoinoi ta tbe tbree typestbjt novadve `akpetntnao. Xbere ns oa `akpetntnao no tbe `jse ag type J,

    le`juse tbere ns aody aoe su`b jieot.

    Xype L


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 7 >7, >2 >7,:2

    Xbe `edds ag tjlde

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    95) C0 (:8, 29) (22,7, >5)

    H8, 6,:0) (>8, 6, >5)

    C0 (22, 6, 29) (:5)

    Evadvnoi Vadn`nes Ljseh ao Ptjte Jttrj`tars

    Eveo wntb tbe snkpdngn`jtnaos pravnheh ly tbe jojdysns reijrhnoi tbe rjtnaojd

    suliajds ag tbe jieots, tbe spj`e ag passnlde manot j`tnaos rekjnos djrie. J

    `djssn`jd jppraj`b no tbe renogar`ekeot dejronoi gnedh ns ta gnoh j wjy ta

    rehu`e tbe snze ag tbe stjte-j`tnao kjppnois (su`b js tbe Zkjtrnx), e.i. ly

    usnoi j oeurjd oetwarc ta jppraxnkjte tbe dejroeh padn`y (Xesjura, :>>5).

    Jo jdterojtnve wjy ta `akpress tbe stjte-j`tnao kjppnoi ns ta use joejrest oeniblaur `djssngner ta heterknoe tbe `urreot j`tnao ljseh oat

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    oe`essjrndy ao tbe `urreot stjte, lut ao tbe oejrest stjte wntb j hegnoeh

    j`tnao. No aur `jse, no arher ta hevedap nohnvnhujd padn`nes tbjt waudh

    pergark wedd wbeo `aklnoeh no tbe kudtnjieot systek, we resart ta tbe useagstjte jttrj`tars, n.e. stjtes wbeo jo j`tnao ns hegnoeh, su`b tbjt jo j`tnao

    no joatber stjte ns `akputeh js tbe j`tnao ag tbe `dasest stjte jttrj`tar. Xbestjte jttrj`tars `jo le vneweh js tbe `eotre panots ag j Waraoan hnjirjk.

    Ybeo jo jieot eoters tbe `arrespaohnoi reinao, nt wndd gaddaw aody tbe

    j`tnao spe`ngneh ly nts `eotre.

    J ieoetn` jdiarntbk wjs useh ta hns`aver tbe stjte jttrj`tars.

    Pepjrjte sejr`bes were pergarkeh gar every jieot wbeo kavnoi

    nohnvnhujddy. Ybeo severjd jieots jre manotdy novadveh no kavnoi j lda`c ta

    tbe Iajdstjte, j snoide manot padn`y wjs sejr`beh gar.

    Gniure ) joh j`tnao (grak 6 ta 7). Xbe stru`ture ag j

    `brakasake ns hnspdjyeh no gniure

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Gniure > > Vut Hawo

    Xbe egge`t ns tbjt C0stjrts wbeo C

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter tnke steps. Pno`e j IJ ns useh ta gnoh tbe padn`nes, tbe resudts jre oat

    jdwjys aptnkjd. Gar exjkpde, wbeo L

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    No tbe gaddawnoi, we hes`rnle tbe wjy no wbn`b nohnvnhujd jieots

    aperjte wbeo preseoteh wntb dejronoi tjscs. Xbenr iajd ns ta lundh kaheds

    ljseh ao oeurjd oetwarcs gar hjtj pravnheh ly jo exterojd user.

    Dejronoi Vraldeks

    No arher ta stuhy tbe lebjvnaur ag tbe kudtnjieot systek wbere tbe jieots

    use oeurjd oetwarcs ta sadve `djssngn`jtnao joh reiressnao tjscs, we


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    pres`rnle aoe ag tbe twa `djsses ag hruis, j``arhnoi ta tbe pjtneots jie,ldaah pressure, joh ieoher. kaocs{:-0} jre tbe tbree `djssn`jd KAOCsleo`bkjrc praldeks (Xbruo et jd., :>>:). Xbe sbepjrh{:,7:). wejtber joh wejtber-syk jre vjrnjots ag tbe iadg-pdjynoi praldek (Zunodjo, :>27) wbere hjtjvjdues jre sykladn` ar oukern`jd, joh aody sykladn`, respe`tnvedy.

    Gnojddy, no arher ta gurtber stuhy tbe reiressnao `jpjlndntnes, tbreeguo`tnaos were hevnseh, wntb rjohakdy ieoerjteh sjkpdes. Xbe praldeks jrehegnoeh js gaddaws=

    zyxzyx )`as()sno(),,(: , (>0).Xbe jieots jre inveo j oukler ag tjscs, `aosnstnoi no repejtehversnaos ag tbe

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Pqujre Errar (KPE) hesnreh ly tbe user, joh jdsa ao tbe oukler ag trjnonoi

    epa`bs. No tbns s`eojrna, tbe jieots oeeh ta gnoh j KPE ag 6.66: ar dawer,

    joh ruo tbe jdiarntbks gar 566 epa`bs. Xbe KPE `jo le bniber gar`djssngn`jtnao praldeks, ng tbe per`eot ag `arre`tdy `djssngneh nostjo`es ns

    :66% gar latb trjnonoi joh testnoi.Xbey gnrst use j oetwarc tapadaiy ag : bnhheo djyer wntb :6 oeuraos.

    Ng tbns `aogniurjtnao praves ta le taa snkpde ta dejro tbe kahed, joh tbe

    pergarkjo`e `rnternj jre oat ket, tbey use j oetwarc tapadaiy ag : bnhheo

    djyer wntb

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    :/ hag tbe `arre`t aptnkjd aoe gar jdd noputs (@rjktao, Pbabjk & Ptenoleri,2), jppdn`jtnaos ta autsaur`noi (Knsbrj &Weerjokjot, 0). J revnew ag kudtn-jttrnlute`aklnojtarnjd ju`tnaos `jo le gauoh no (Rne, Dn & Puo,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks




    ncn Lvx:

    kjx , (0.9)

    wbere :,6n ns j he`nsnao vjrnjlde wbn`b heterknoes wbetber j lnh n nsj``epteh ar oat, joh=


    n IL , (0.2)

    wbere ns tbe set ag lnhs gar wbn`b :n .

    Jo jhhntnaojd `aostrjnot ns tbjt j iaah kust le no`duheh aody ao`e notbe sadutnao=


    nx :, (0.>)

    wbere m ns tbe set ag lnhs `aotjnonoi iaahm, wntb I..: .

    Evadutnaojry Kudtn-Alme`tnve Aptnknzjtnao

    No `aotrjst ta snoide aptnknzjtnao, no kudtn-alme`tnve aptnknzjtnao latbgntoess joh sede`tnao kust suppart severjd alme`tnves. Kudtn-alme`tnvejdiarntbks jre espe`njddy gnt gar tbe kudtn-jttrnlute `aklnojtarnjd ju`tnaos`eojrna. Peverjd hnggereot vjrnjots ag kudtn-alme`tnve jdiarntbks bjve leeonotrahu`eh wntb hnggereot gntoess jssniokeot joh sede`tnao strjteines. Ljsehao gntoess jssniokeot joh sede`tnao strjteines, kudtn-alme`tnve jdiarntbks`jo le `djssngneh js jiireijtnao-ljseh, papudjtnao-ljseh joh Vjreta-ljsehjppraj`bes (Xrjo,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    heterknoeh wbn`b ieoe wndd bjve tbe dawest ar bnibest nkpj`t ao tbe gntoessag j `brakasake. Xberegare, j rjohakdy sede`teh ieoe wntb tbe vjdue ag :no tbe kejsureh nohnvnhujd ns set ta 6, tbus he`rejsnoi tbe oukler agvnadjteh `aostrjnots, uotnd tbe `brakasake `akes ta sjtnsgy jdd tbe

    `aostrjnots ag tbe praldek.

    @jse Ptuhnes

    @aklnojtarnjd Ju`tnao P`eojrnas

    No arher ta `rejte `aklnojtarnjd ju`tnao praldeks, tbe @JXP sagtwjre(Deytao-Lrawo et jd.,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Vergarkjo`e Ketrn`s

    Uodnce no tbe snoide-alme`tnve `jse, tbe pergarkjo`e ag kudtn-alme`tnvejdiarntbks ns bjrher ta `akpjre. Pno`e tbe sadutnao ns j`tujddy j set ag oao-

    haknojteh ve`tars, usujddy ag hnggereot `jrhnojdntnes, nt ns oat strjnibtgarwjrhta jssess tbe qujdnty ag j sadutnao no terks ag j snoide rejd oukler.Xbere jre twa kjno jppraj`bes tbjt try ta aver`ake tbns hnggn`udty

    (Irajo, 2) ns useh, wbn`b tjces nota j``auot

    tbe expe`teh vjdue ag j sadutnao inveo jdd passnlde utndnty guo`tnaos.Xbns prapaseh ketrn` ns j wenibteh suk ag pjrtnjd gntoess guo`tnao

    vjdues, jverjieh aver jdd passnlde vjdues ag tbe wenibts=




    PU Ps Jj Yw



    j h)()(



    , (0.:0)

    wbere P ns tbe sadutnao ag tbe jdiarntbk (tbe set ag jdd oao-haknojtehsadutnao ve`tars), J ns tbe set ag jttrnlutes, Y ns tbe set ag jdd utndntyguo`tnaos, represeoteh bere js tbe set ag jdd passnlde `aklnojtnaos ag wenibts(pravnheh tbjt tbe suk ag jdd wenibts ns :), )(suj ns tbe utndnty ag j sadutnao

    ve`tar gar jo jttrnlute, n.e. tbe vjdue ag j pjrtnjd gntoess guo`tnao, joh )(su kjxj

    ns tbe kjxnkuk utndnty altjnojlde gar tbjt jttrnlute, n.e. tbe aptnkjd resudt agjo aptnknzjtnao gar tbjt jttrnlute jdaoe. p ns jo noteosnty guo`tnao wbn`binves tbe praljlndnty heosnty ag ej`b utndnty guo`tnao w .

    Grak tbe nkpdekeotjtnao panot ag vnew, tbe noteirjd ns jppraxnkjtehjs j Kaote @jrda sjkpdnoi wntb : knddnao sjkpdes, wbere ej`b trnjdieoerjtes j `aklnojtnao ag oarkjdnzeh wenibts. Pno`e joy twa snkudjtnaosinve tbe sjke resudt gar U, nt ns `aosnhereh tbjt tbns oukler ag sjkpdes nssuggn`neot gar tbree jttrnlutes. Xbe oukler ag sjkpdes ns nohepeoheot graktbe oukler ag jttrnlutes, joh tbus tbns jppraj`b `jo jdsa le jppdneh gar jdjrier oukler ag jttrnlutes, jdtbauib tbe jppraxnkjtnao wndd dncedy bjve desspre`nsnao.

    Gniure 0.: sbaws twa sadutnaos ag j ln-jttrnlute praldek (tbekehnuk-snzeh praldek `aosnhereh gar jojdysns, aody wntb jttrnlutes J:joh

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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks



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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Xjldes 0.: joh 0.< sbaw tbe resudts altjnoeh ly OPIJ-NN johZNEJ-PPEB@, respe`tnvedy, gar tbe gnrst praldek.

    Xjlde 0.:.Xbe resudts ag OIPJ-NN gar tbe skjdd praldek

    wntb 5 iaahs joh 06 lnhsVap.


    Oukler ag






    Jverjie oukler

    ag sadutnaos

    :66 :66 6.9768 6.9>65 ::.5

    6.9> :6.5

    :66 :666 6.9>:6 6.9> : 6.9> :9

    Xjlde 0.8. Xbe resudts ag ZNEJ-PPEB@ gar tbe kehnuk-snzeh praldek

    wntb :6 iaahs joh : 6.5282

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    0.0. \ejd-Wjdueh Eo`aheh Padutnao gar Kudtn-Nssue Kudtn-

    Djterjd Oeiatnjtnaos

    J oeiatnjtnao praldek `jo le hegnoeh js j sntujtnao wbere kudtnpde jieots

    try ta `ake ta jo jireekeot (ar hejd), inveo tbjt ej`b jieot bjs j pregereo`eaver jdd passnlde hejds. J sadutnao ta tbns praldek ns j hejd j``epteh ly jddtbe jieots novadveh. Jieots wjot ta kjxnknze tbenr awo utndnty, lut tbey kjyjdsa gj`e tbe rnsc ag j lrejchawo no oeiatnjtnao, ar expnrjtnao ag j hejhdnoegar jo jireekeot (Wnhjd,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    )(kjxjri* xxx


    wbere oxxx ,...,,

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi




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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    wbere Unns tbe tatjd utndnty tbjt jieot nre`enves.Xbe oeiatnjtnao praldek rehu`es ta gnohnoi jo aptnkjd hnvnsnao

    H; (hnm) ag ej`b nssue jkaoi tbe jieots. Jdsa, ej`b nssue bjs j vjdue vmag

    tbe jkauot tbjt ns hnvnheh. Ly notrahu`noi tbese vjdues, tbe hnvnsnaos hnm`jole oarkjdnzeh.Xbe utndnty ag jo jieot ngar jo nssuemns `akputeh js gaddaws=

    mnmnmnm vhwu

    Xbe tatjd utndnty ag jo jieot ns tbe suk ag tbe nssue utndntnes=



    nmn uU:

    Xbe wenibts ag tbe jieots gar tbe nssues wnm, jre inveo (coawo), joh sajre tbe nssue vjdues vm. Ye oeeh ta gnoh tbe hnvnsnaos hnm, wbn`b kjxnknze tbeprahu`t ag tatjd utndntnes.

    Gar exjkpde, det us `aosnher tbe sntujtnao wntb < jieots joh < nssuespreseoteh no tjlde 0.9. Xbe wenibts no j raw kust suk up ta :.

    Xjlde 0.9.Jieot wenibts gar tbe < x < praldek


    Jieots N: N

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    :6.Aptnkjd nssue hnvnsnaos gar tbe < x < praldekNssues

    Jieots N: N

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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    Xbe se`aoh vjrnjot, ZNEJ

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    @jse Ptuhnes

    Xbe Vraldeks

    No tbe `jse stuhnes, we wndd use 0 oeiatnjtnao praldeks, wntb no`rejsnoideveds ag hnggn`udty. Xbe gnrst aoe ns tbe < x < praldek preseoteh jlave. Ntsexj`t Ojsb sadutnao `arrespaohs ta j utndnty prahu`t ag 6.7:

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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    Xbe \esudts

    Xjlde 0.:5 preseots tbe lest resudts ag Kaote @jrda sjkpdnoi, wntb hnggereotouklers ag sjkpdes gar ej`b praldek. No arher ta le kare notuntnve, tbe

    resudts jre preseoteh js per`eots ag tbe aptnkjd resudt. Aoe `jo see tbjt tbnsketbah aody warcs gar skjdd praldek snzes. Gar tbe tbnrh praldek, nt snkpdy`jooat inve j usegud resudt jt jdd, eveo wntb :6 knddnao sjkpdes. No tbns `jse,tbe lest sadutnao pravnheh ns aody >.>2.>>26 6.7:> >>.>>>>0 x 0 27.2:>590 >6.8::.958< >:.825..>>00

    :66 :66 >>.>670 >>.>>88

    :66 56 >>.>68: >>.>952

    :666 :66 >>.>>:9 >>.>>>0

    Aoe `jo oatn`e tbjt gar snkpde praldeks tbe jdiarntbk pergarkjo`e nsqunte iaah. Bawever, gar tbe :6 x :6 praldek, eveo wntb j bnib oukler agieoerjtnaos (:666) joh j djrie papudjtnao snze (:66), tbe resudts ha oat `ake`dase ta tbe aptnkjd vjdue. Xbe lest gntoess ns aody jrauoh 76% ag tbe coawoaptnkuk.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Xjlde 0.:9.Xbe resudts ag tbe EJ gar tbe 0 x 0 praldek

    Oukler ag





    gntoess (%)


    gntoess (%)

    :666 >.777< >>.>08>

    :66 :66 >>.:080 >>.8772.:982 >>.7095

    :666 :66 >>.>00> >>.>98>

    Xjlde 0.:2.Xbe resudts ag tbe EJ gar tbe :6 x :6 praldek

    Oukler ag





    gntoess (%)


    gntoess (%)

    :666 0 :5

    :666 :66 57.757 5>.768


    No arher ta evjdujte tbe pergarkjo`e ag tbe qujotuk-nospnreh jdiarntbks,severjd expernkeots were kjhe wbnde vjrynoi tbe pjrjketers= tbe oukler agieoerjtnaos, tbe papudjtnao snze joh tbe kutjtnao rjte. Xjlde 0.:> hnspdjys

    tbe resudts no terks ag jverjie gntoess joh lest gntoess.Aoe `jo see tbjt tbe resudts nkprave js tbe oukler ag ieoerjtnaos

    no`rejses. Yntb :666 ieoerjtnaos, tbe lest gntoess `akes very `dase ta tbeaptnkuk vjdue. Jdsa, tbe j``urj`y ag tbe resudts no`rejses wntb tbepapudjtnao snze, wbn`b eosures j irejter hnversnty. Xbe kutjtnao rjte kust ledjrier `akpjreh ta tbe aoe usujddy useh no j `djssn`jd EJ, lut ng nt ns ku`birejter (e.i.

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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    Xjlde 0.:>.Xbe resudts ag tbe ZNEJ: gar tbe < x < praldek

    Oukler ag







    gntoess (%)


    gntoess (%)

    56 0.>9 >7.0609

    :66 5.8> >7.82>>

    :666 7.>.0>>0

    :66 5.8> >7.82>>

    :66 56 6.65 >7.7.>28>

    :66 :66 6.65 >9.98 >>.:952

    :66 56 6.65 >7.7.>28>

    :66 56 6.:6 >9.76 >2.>.67 >>.55:5

    Xjlde 0.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    lut espe`njddy gar `akpdex praldeks, tbey jre stndd oat sjtnsgj`tary (tbe lestgntoess ns aody jrauoh 8% ag tbe aptnkjd aoe).

    Xjlde 0.9

    :66 :66 6.65 >>.>960 >>.>>99

    :66 56 6.:6 >>.>9>.>>>:

    :666 :66 6.:6 >>.>>>0 >>.>>>9

    Gar tbe :6 x :6 praldek, tbe pjrjketers kust `aoger irejter hnversntyjoh j irejter `aoverieo`e tnke, lut tbe sadutnao no tbe lest `jse ns oaw tbe

    lest altjnoeh aut ag jdd tbe ketbahs uoher `aosnherjtnao (jrauoh >0% ag tbeaptnkuk). Xbe kast nkpartjot `rnternao tbjt nogdueo`es tbe qujdnty ag tbe

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    @bjpter 0. Zujotuk-Nospnreh Evadutnaojry Jdiarntbks


    resudts seeks ta le tbe oukler ag ieoerjtnaos, espe`njddy sno`e nt jdsankpj`ts tbe gnoe-tuonoi, evadutnaojry bndd `dnklnoi pra`ehure jgter tbe kjnosejr`b.

    Xjlde 0.

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning



    @bjpter 8

    Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs

    8.:. Vrehn`tnao ag Dnqunh-@rystjddnoe Vrapertnes

    No tbe padykers gnedh, tbe eggn`neot hesnio ag oew kjternjds requnres tbeprehn`tnao ag tbe prapertnes ag tbe `johnhjte padykers joh tbe sede`tnao ag

    tbe lest stru`ture grak jdd tbe pateotnjd passnlndntnes. Xa sadve tbns praldek,j qujotntjtnve stru`ture-praperty redjtnaosbnp ns oe`essjry. Aoe ag tbe kastnoterestnoi prapertnes ag padykers ns tbe dnqunh `rystjddnoe lebjvnaur,le`juse no tbns stjte, tbe kjternjds `aklnoe twa esseotnjd prapertnes ag tbekjtter= tbe arher joh tbe kalndnty. Lut, le`juse ag tbe `akpdexnty ag tbednqunh `rystjddnoe pbjse, nt ns oat jt jdd ejsy ta prehn`t tbe a``urreo`e ag jkesapbjse, n.e. jo noterkehnjte stjte ag kjtter letweeo dnqunh joh sadnh.

    Jdsa, tbe rehu`tnao ag tbe oukler ag expernkeotjd trnjds represeots jrequnrekeot tbjt ns kare joh kare gedt no tbe gnedh ag tbe stuhy joh jojdysns

    ag pbysn`jd, `bekn`jd joh lnadain`jd pbeoakeoj. No pjrtn`udjr, tbns teoheo`yns eo`aurjieh ly tbe e`aoakn`jd jhvjotjies tbjt expernkeotjd resejr`b `joiet grak nt no terks ag tnke joh kaoey sjvnois. Xbe heterknojtnao ag tbednqunh `rystjd prapertnes ag sake arijon` `akpauohs ljseh ao tbenr stru`turejoh qujotntjtnve stru`ture-praperty redjtnaosbnp ns j kjmar resejr`b sulme`tno `akputjtnaojd `beknstry.

    Xbe gnrst stuhy sede`teh gar exekpdngn`jtnao (Deao et jd., >0), rjohak tree (Yntteo &Grjoc,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    ::>5) wbn`b jttekpts ta jvanh averieoerjdnzjtnao lyoever jddawnoi exekpdjrs ta oest ar averdjp. OOIE jdwjys trnes taieoerjdnze oew exjkpdes ta tbenr oejrest oeniblaur ag tbe sjke `djss. Ng tbnsns nkpassnlde le`juse ag noterveonoi oeijtnve exjkpdes, oa ieoerjdnzjtnao nspergarkeh. Ng j ieoerjdnzjtnao djter `aogdn`ts wntb j oeijtnve exjkpde, nt nskahngneh ta kjnotjno `aosnsteo`y.

    Xjlde 8.: sbaws tbe pergarkjo`e ag tbe oeurjd oetwarcs joh`djssngn`jtnao jdiarntbks tbe twa praldeks. Vraldek : regers ta tbe noput

    pjrjketers= kadjr rjtna, type ag lnspbeoad, kade`udjr wenibt joh spj`erdeoitb. Vraldek < ns garkudjteh gar tbe kadjr rjtna, type ag lnspbeoad,spj`er deoitb joh jsykketry pjrjketer js noput pjrjketers.

    Xjlde 8.:. Errar rjtes ag tbe `aosnhereh `djssngn`jtnao jdiarntbks

    JdiarntbkVraldek : Vraldek >>). Djzy dejroers, ao tbe atber bjoh, lundh j very snkpde kahed joh kastag tbe pra`essnoi ns kjhe no tbe se`aoh step, gar prehn`tnao3 gar tbns `jteiary,we `base j set ag `djssngners ljseh ao tbe oejrest oeniblaur pjrjhnik=snkpde Oejrest Oeniblaur, c-Oejrest Oeniblaur joh Oao OestehIeoerjdnzeh Exekpdjrs wntb Vratatypes.

    Js stjteh legare, nostjo`e-ljseh dejronoi rehu`es tbe dejronoi eggartly snkpdy starnoi tbe exjkpdes preseoteh ta tbe dejronoi jieot joh

    `djssngynoi tbe oew nostjo`es ao tbe ljsns ag tbenr `daseoess ta tbenroeniblaurs, n.e. prevnausdy eo`auotereh nostjo`es wntb snkndjr jttrnlutevjdue. Expernkeotjd resudts sbaweh tbjt oat jdd tbe edekeots ag j `jteiaryjre pra`esseh no tbe sjke wjy3 sake edekeots jre `aosnhereh kare typn`jdag aoe `jteiary tbjo atbers jre. Xbns ns coawo js tbe pratatypn`jd egge`t(\as`b, :>95). Gar j Eurapejo, jo jppde ns kare represeotjtnve gar tbe grunt`jteiary tbjo j `a`aout. @aiontnve psy`badaiy inves tbe pratatype twapassnlde noterpretjtnaos (Kehno, \ass & Kjrckjo, >5)wjs exteoheh no arher ta no`duhepratatype nogarkjtnao jlaut ej`b rude ar byper-re`tjoide. Pno`e jieoerjdnzeh exekpdjr `aotjnos severjd nostjo`es, nt ns oat oe`essjry gar tbestjtnstn`jd jverjie ag tbase nostjo`es ta kjt`b tbe `eotre ag tbe`arrespaohnoi byper-re`tjoide. Xbe pratatype kjy hngger grak tbe byper-

    re`tjoide ieaketrn` `eotre. Xbe prapaseh Oao-Oesteh IeoerjdnzehExekpdjrs wntb Vratatypes, OOIEV (Deao,

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Xbe nostjo`e-ljseh jdiarntbks su`b js Oejrest Oeniblaur johOOIEV bjve zera errar gar tbe trjnonoi set, wbn`b ns jdwjys true uodesstbere jre `djss jssniokeot errars (oanse) no tbe trjnonoi set ntsedg, n.e. tbesjke nostjo`e jssnioeh kare tbjo ao`e wntb hnggereot `djsses. Xbe c-Oejrest

    Oeniblaur (wntb c; 8 no aur `jse) bjs j irejter errar ao tbe trjnonoi set johoa sniongn`jotdy letter prehn`tnao j``urj`y. OOIEV bjs j iaah prehn`tnaorjte joh nt jdsa bjs tbe jhvjotjie ag jo expdn`nt kahed `akpjreh ta tbeoejrest oeniblaur vjrnjots, wbere jdd tbe nostjo`es jre kekarnzeh.

    Grak tbe he`nsnao tree jdiarntbks, \johak garest joh \johak treejdsa bjve zera errar gar tbe trjnonoi set. Xbe prehn`tnao errar ns sdnibtdydjrier gar tbe \johak tree3 bawever, nts kjno jhvjotjie ns tbjt tbe resudt`jo le ejsndy noterpretjlde, uodnce tbe \johak garest. @8.5 lundhs j kare`akpj`t he`nsnao tree, bawever tbe errars jre oat letter tbjo tbase ag tbe

    \johak tree joh \johak garest. \EVXree bjs irejter errars gar latbtrjnonoi set joh prehn`tnao.

    Xbe resudts no gniure 8.: sbaw tbjt tbe skjddest errars no tbevjdnhjtnao pbjse, :8.9%, `arrespaoh ta c-Oejrest Oeniblaur joh ta aurarninojd jdiarntbk OOIEV, jssa`njteh wntb 7.96:% joh 6% no tbe trjnonoipbjse, respe`tnvedy. Xbese vjdues kejo j prehn`tnao j``urj`y ag 25.8 >5.677>9

    \johak Garest 28.8>7 >6.76078 >5.06:25 29.5.50779

    Aur noterest ns ta estnkjte tbe j``urj`y ag tbe resudts gar j djrievjdnhjtnao set. No tbns respe`t, tbe prapaseh jdiarntbk, OOIEV, pravnhesaoe ag tbe lest resudts.

    Xbe oeurjd oetwarc wntb tbe lest pergarkjo`e wjs KDV(5=8

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    aur pjrtn`udjr praldek. No tbns `jse, tbe lest prehn`tnaos were inveo ly aurarninojd jdiarntbk OOIEV, jdaoi wntb perge`t j``urj`y ao tbe trjnonoi set.Nt tbus `aklnoes tbe iaah pergarkjo`e ag tbe `djssn` nostjo`e-ljsehketbahs wntb tbe dawer kekary requnrekeots hue ta nts byper-re`tjoides

    joh tbe ejse ag tbe noterpretjtnao ag nts expdn`nt kahed no tbe gark ag rudes.

    8.20),Kudtnvjrnjte Expaoeotnjd Pkaatbnoi, KEP (Vgeggerkjoo & Jddao, :>2>)joh Guo`tnaojd @aeggn`neot Juta-\eiressnve kahed,G@J\ (Bjrvndd & \jy,:). XbeJuta-\eiressnveGrj`tnaojddy Noteirjteh Kavnoi Jverjie, J\GNKJ (\jvnsbjocer & \jy,

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    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    Gniure 8.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


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    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


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    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs

    :98 x :6-0

    Expaoeotnjd autput OO 020,>70.88 x :6-0

    Ptj`c 86:,6:5.>66 2.9 x :6-0


    Pnikanh autput OO :58,>5:.0:: 0.55.920 ,>6

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    ::< (Mjoj`ec, .Xbe kahed pergarkjo`e ao tbe

    UC nohustrnjd prahu`tnao trjnonoi hjtj

    Gniure 8.:6.Xbe kahed prehn`tnaos gar tbe

    UC nohustrnjd prahu`tnao hjtj

    Xbe evadutnao ag tbe kejo squjre errar ag tbe stj`c ao tbe testnoihjtj ns hnspdjyeh no gniure 8.::, js j guo`tnao ag tbe snikanh OO wenibt, w:.Xbe aptnkjd wenibts jre w:; 6 joh w

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    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs

    :22 6.:::x :6-0


    Pnikanh autput OO 7.2>5 00..2:6 :.6>>x :6-0Ptj`c >.2:6 :.6>>x :6-0

    Uodnce tbe prevnaus praldeks, tbe expaoeotnjd ojture ag tbns tnkesernes kjces nt hnggn`udt gar j oarkjd oeurjd oetwarc, wntb j snikanhj`tnvjtnao guo`tnao no tbe autput djyer. Xberegare, tbe expaoeotnjd oetwarchaknojtes tbe stj`c. Aoe `jo oatn`e tbjt jdtbauib tbe snikanh oetwarc `jojppraxnkjte tbe trjnonoi set gjnrdy wedd, wntb errars `akpjrjlde ta tbase agtbe expaoeotnjd oetwarc, tbere ns j `dejr hnggereo`e no pergarkjo`e gar tbeprehn`tnao pbjse, wbere aody tbe expaoeotnjd oetwarc `jo gnoh j iaah treohgar tbe tnke sernes.

    8.0. Ptj`ceh Oeurjd Oetwarcs gar Kaheddnoi @bekn`jd

    Eoinoeernoi Vbeoakeoj

    Xbe nhej ag `aklnonoi oeurjd oetwarc kaheds ns ljseh ao tbe preknse tbjthnggereot oeurjd oetwarcs `jo `jpture hnggereot jspe`ts ag pra`ess lebjvnaurjoh jiireijtnoi tbns nogarkjtnao sbaudh rehu`e uo`ertjnoty joh pravnhekare j``urjte prehn`tnaos. Nt ns jdwjys passnlde tbjt j stj`ceh oetwarc `audh

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  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    ::569 :6.0

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    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    Xjlde 8.2 `aotjnos severjd exjkpdes. Xbe gnrst `aduko ns jo nheotngnerag tbe stj`c (P) wntb tbe wenibts inveo no tbe `adukos 8750

    < 25>6 :6.95798 6.>7220 :>.8

    8 06 286.580 6.>595< >.:0677 6.>6 > 6.>586< >.656 6.>85>

    :: 96 :6< 6.>:55 :6.9:

    :< :6 :6 26 2.66: :6.>>>

    Xbe lest vjdnhjtnao errar `arrespaohs ta stj`c 7 wntb 2.2:0%. Notbns `jse, tbe trjnonoi errar ns 7.70226%. Bawever, ng we `aosnher tbe lestvjdnhjtnao `arredjtnao, we gnoh tbjt tbe lest stj`c ns stj`c :. Nts vjdnhjtnaoerrar ns 2.>>665%, very `dase ta tbjt ag stj`c 7, lut tbe trjnonoi errar ns5.

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    autput. Aody twa noputs jre oe`essjry le`juse w0 ; :66 w: w

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    Xjlde 8.>.Xbe pergarkjo`e ag sake stj`cs

    `aostru`teh wntb tbe noterpadjteh wenibt vjdues


    stj`cYenibts,% Xrjnonoi Wjdnhjtnao

    P w: w2>60 8.>578 6.>207

    < : 8: 52 6 6.>2:98 8.>89>< 6.>>>2:

    0 < 2258 5.62:69 6.>9:79

    8 < 86 52 6.60>72 6.>2>>>0

    5 < 80 55 6 6.>9>>< 5.:59 6.>>>2>

    7 0 87 6.>228: 5.:800> 6.>799>7< 5.:>5:9 6.>>>>

    2 8 8< 58 6 6.>26:8 5.:559> 6.>>>>

    > 7 :9 6.>2202 5.60:75 6.>9:0 8.>7>58 6.>925

    :0 :2 26:9:8 :> 2822 8.>>95 6.>99>2

    :5 2:8< 5.6027< 6.>99>8

    :2 9208

    :> 9990 8.>827: 6.>9>9>

    5.62960 6.>9250

    989: 8.>>98 6.>9>>7

    887< 6.>905< 8.>:86> 6.>2:58


    60 6.>7920 8.>:6>< 6.>256>

    779> 5.:79:2 6.>2:67

    >78 6.>7:>:5

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi

    :0>0 jgter tbe aptnknzjtnao ag tbe wenibts.

    Aoe `jo hrjw tbe `ao`dusnao tbjt tbe pergarkjo`e ag oeurjdkaheddnoi gar tbe vjdnhjtnao pbjse `jo le sniongn`jotdy nkpraveh ly

    jiireijtnoi stj`cs joh aptnknznoi tbe wenibts ag tbe stj`c `akpaoeots. Xbekaheddnoi ketbahadaiy hevedapeh bere `jo le ejsndy jhjpteh joh jppdnehgar atber `akpdex praldeks.

    Ptj`ceh Oeurjd Oetwarc Kaheddnoi ag Beteraieoeaus Vbata`jtjdytn`

    He`akpasntnao ag Xrn`dapyr

    Xbe pbeoakeoadain`jd trejtkeot ag su`b pbata`bekn`jd systeks ns very`akpdex. No ieoerjd, tbe rjte ag rej`tnao no beteraieoeaus pbata`jtjdytn`systeks ns j `akpdex oaodnoejr guo`tnao ag `jtjdyst dajhnoi, dnibt noteosnty,nontnjd sadutnao pB, rej`tjot joh axnhjots `ao`eotrjtnao, et`. Xberegare, tbejlndnty ag systeks su`b js jrtngn`njd oeurjd oetwarcs ta re`aionze johreprahu`e `juse-egge`t redjtnaosbnps tbrauib trjnonoi, gar kudtnpde noput-autput kjppnois, bjs ijnoeh papudjrnty no vjrnaus jrejs ag `bekn`jdeoinoeernoi joh jdsa no tbe gnedh ag pbata`jtjdytn` trejtkeot ag wjstewjter.

    Gar tbns `jse stuhy, tbe pbata`jtjdytn` heirjhjtnao ag trn`dapyr, wekahed tbe gnojd `ao`eotrjtnao ag tbns `akpauoh js j guo`tnao ag pra`ess

    `aohntnaos. Xbe oeurjd kaheds `aosnher tbe nrrjhnjtnao tnke (t), tbe nontnjd`ao`eotrjtnao ag trn`dapyr (@6), tbe `ao`eotrjtnao ag XnA

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    Xbe oukler ag bnhheo djyers joh uonts wjs estjldnsbeh ly trjnonoi jhnggereot rjoie ag oetwarcs joh sede`tnoi tbe aoe tbjt lest ljdjo`ehieoerjdnzjtnao pergarkjo`e jijnost oetwarc snze. Xbe lest oetwarc tapadaiywjs heterknoeh ljseh ao tbe kejo ag squjreh errars (KPE) ag tbe trjnonoi

    hjtj. Bnhheo oeuraos, js wedd js tbe autput djyer oeurao, use byperladn`tjoieot js tbe oaodnoejr j`tnvjtnao guo`tnao. Xbe oetwarc wjs trjnoeh usnoitbe wedd-coawo lj`c-prapjijtnao jdiarntbk. Ye `aosnher tbjt trjnonoi eohswbeo tbe oetwarc errar (KPE) ao tbe testnoi set le`akes suggn`neotdy skjddjoh haes oat no`rejse.

    Xjlde 8.:6. Hnggereot oeurjd oetwarcs hevedapeh wntb expernkeotjd hjtj

    joh tbenr pergarkjo`e no tbe trjnonoi pbjse

    Oetwarc type KPE r Ep%

    KDV(8=5=:) 6.66:< 6.>22.>28>9 :0.:2>277> >.>9

    KDV(8=>25> :0.5>9:57 :9.>5692:7 ::.7205

    KDV(8=>>96< 0.29>5>> 5.5709


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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    prevnaus stuhy, no arher ta gnoh tbe aptnkjd stj`ceh oeurjd oetwarc, sepjrjteoeurjd oetwarcs were hevedapeh gar noterpadjtnao. Aoe oetwarc wjsprepjreh gar tbe noterpadjtnao ag tbe trjnonoi resudts joh joatber aoe gar tbevjdnhjtnao resudts. Xbey bjh twa noputs, tbe wenibts gar O:joh O7629 gar tbe gaddawnoi wenibts= ::%, 50% joh 07% (stj`c

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    Gniure 8.:0. Xbe vjrnjtnao ag tbe stj`c pergarkjo`e no tbe vjdnhjtnao stjie

    wntb tbe wenibts ag tbe `akpaoeot oeurjd oetwarcs gar stj`c :

    Gniure 8.:8. Xbe vjrnjtnao ag tbe stj`c pergarkjo`e no tbe vjdnhjtnao pbjsewntb tbe wenibts ag tbe `akpaoeot oeurjd oetwarcs gar stj`c

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    8.8. Vrateno Ptru`ture @djssngn`jtnao

    No tbe re`eot yejrs, resejr`b no kade`udjr lnadaiy joh kade`udjr kehn`noebjs deh ta tbe j``ukudjtnao ag djrie jkauots ag hjtj. Xberegare, tbere ns j

    `aotnouaus oeeh ta extrj`t bniber-deved redevjot nogarkjtnao pjtteros graktbe hjtj, wbn`b no turo `jo le kare ejsndy uoherstaah joh useh. Xbejutakjtnao ag tbns pra`ess `jo le haoe wntb tbe bedp ag kj`bnoe dejronoite`bonques, espe`njddy wntb `djssngn`jtnao joh `dusternoi. Xbns `juseh j straoinoterest no ekpdaynoi su`b ketbahs ag coawdehie hns`avery ta ieoerjtekaheds ag lnadain`jd systeks.

    Js severjd ieoake prame`ts su`b js tbeBukjo Ieoake Vrame tbjveleeo `akpdeteh, tbere ns j pjrjhnik sbngt grak stjtn` stru`turjd ieoakn`s tahyojkn` guo`tnaojd ieoakn`s (Baude et jd.,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    ag `urreot kade`udjr lnadaiy. Aody j skjdd per`eotjie ag pratenos gar wbn`btbe sequeo`e ns coawo `audh le expdareh gar tbenr tbree-hnkeosnaojdstru`ture ly pbysn`jd ketbahs joh tbere ns j djrie ijp letweeo tbe oukler agcoawo prateno sequeo`es joh tbe oukler ag nheotngneh stru`tures

    (Kjrcawetz, Ehder & Wnoirao, >9).

    Kjoy kj`bnoe dejronoi te`bonques bjve leeo prapaseh ta hejd wntbtbe nheotngn`jtnao ag spe`ngn` HOJ sequeo`es. Uogartuojtedy, trjhntnaojdte`bonques `jooat le hnre`tdy jppdneh ta tbns type ag sequeo`noi praldeks.Gar kjoy lnanogarkjtn`s jppdn`jtnaos, tbe hjtj (e.i. sequeo`es) bjve ta letrjosgarkeh nota jo jttrnlute-ljseh represeotjtnao gnrst.

    Vrateno Hjtjsets

    Xbe ketbah useh no tbns stuhy (Deao, Jniotajnen & ]jbjrnj, )ns ta gnohwjys ta heterknoe stru`ture snkndjrnty ly kejos ag `djssngn`jtnao te`bonques,oat ly usnoi sequeo`e snkndjrnty. Xbns jppraj`b bjs j`bneveh sake su``esskastdy tbrauib tbe re`aiontnao ag tbe prateno gadhs, wbn`b jre j `akkao0-hnkeosnaojd pjttero wntb tbe sjke kjmar se`aohjry stru`ture edekeots notbe sjke jrrjoiekeot joh wntb tbe sjke tapadain`jd `aooe`tnaos (@rjveo et

    jd., :>>5).@akprebeosnve prateno `djssngn`jtnaos su`b js P@AV joh @JXBnheotngneh kare tbjo 766 0H prateno gadhnoi pjtteros. Vrateno gadh prehn`tnaono tbe `aotext ag tbns djrie oukler ag `djsses preseots j rjtber `bjddeoinoi`djssngn`jtnao praldek. Xbe kare `djsses jre novadveh, tbe kare hnggn`udt nt nsta j``urjtedy prehn`t tbe gadh gar j `ertjno sequeo`e.

    Ye useh tbe hjtjset jojdyzeh ly (Hnoi & Hul`bjc, 53 Hul`bjc et jd., :>>>).

    Xbe pjrjketers extrj`teh grak tbe prateno sequeo`e jre tbegaddawnoi= @=jknoa j`nhs `akpasntnao, P=prehn`teh se`aohjry stru`ture,B=byhrapbaln`nty, W= oarkjdnzeh vjo her Yjjds vaduke, V= padjrnty joh ]=padjrnzjlndnty.

    Gar j `djssngn`jtnao kahed, tbe prehn`tnao ar ieoerjdnzjtnao `jpjlndntyns usujddy kare nkpartjot tbjo tbe jlndnty ta gnt tbe trjnonoi hjtj. No tbns `jse,

    jo nohepeoheot hjtjset ns useh gar testnoi, ojkedy tbe VHL-86H sethevedapeh ly tbe jutbars ag tbe P@AV hjtjljse. Xbns set `aotjnos tbe P@AV

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    sequeo`es bjvnoi dess tbjo 86% nheotnty wntb ej`b atber. Grak tbns set, 027represeotjtnves ag tbe sjke 6% ag tbe test pratenos bjve

    dess tbjo >2). Xberegare, we `jo expe`t tbjt j prehn`tnao j``urj`y aotbe testnoi hjtjset jlave 05% ns oat hue ta tbe averdjppnoi pjtteros ag tbetest joh trjnonoi hjtjset, lut ta tbe ieoerjdnzjtnao `jpjlndnty ag tbe`djssngn`jtnao kahed.

    @jse Ptuhnes

    Xbe jdiarntbks we jppdneh jre wedd estjldnsbeh no kj`bnoe dejronoi. Grak

    tbe nkpdekeotjtnao panot ag vnew, tbe vjrnjots hes`rnleh ly (Yntteo & Grjoc,

  • 7/26/2019 Florin Leon - Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence: Agents, Optimization and Machine Learning


    @bjpter 8.Jppdn`jtnaos ag Kj`bnoe Dejronoi Ketbahs


    ta kahed tbe uoherdynoi hjtj wedd. Xbe sjke nostjo`e-ljseh ketbahs,espe`njddy c-OO joh OOIE, jdsa bjve tbe lest j``urj`y ao tbe testnoi sets.Xbe lest test vjdues jre preseoteh no tjlde 8.::, jdaoi wntb tbe lest jdiarntbkuseh ta altjno tbek.

    Ly `aosnhernoi tbe jverjie errar rjtes, we `jo `ao`duhe tbjt tbe @kahed ns tbe ejsnest ta kahed, wberejs B joh ] kaheds jre pjrtn`udjrdyhnggn`udt ta ieoerjdnze.

    Xjlde 8.::.Lest j``urj`y vjdues gar tbe test hjtjsets

    Hjtjset J``urj`y Xbe lest jdiarntbk

    @test 85.9:% c-OO

    Btest 05.0.

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    Jhvjo`eh Ketbahs no Jrtngn`njd Noteddnieo`e= Jieots, Aptnknzjtnao joh Kj`bnoe Dejronoi


    Xjlde 8.:.6>% OL


    test 5>.98% OO


    test 59.86% OLP

    \test 98.60% c-OO


    test 5>.98% OO


    test 55.0

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    @bjpter 5

    Bylrnh Oeurjd joh Oeura-Ieoetn` Ketbahs

    5.:. @aklnonoi Oeurjd Kaheds wntb Vbeoakeoadain`jd


    Xbe bylrnh kaheddnoi ns re`akkeoheh wbeo tbe pbeoakeoadain`jd kahed

    ag j pra`ess ns