LPPC Bulletin 22 Nov 09



LPPC Bulletin 22 Nov 09

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Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church MICA (P) 033/10/2008

Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever – and leading others to do the same.Our Vision is to be a caring, worshipping and growing community.

Order of Service

Address: 8A Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579794 Tel: 6259-1943 Fax: 6259-4279 admin@livingpraise.org.sg www.livingpraise.org.sg

Living Praise Presbyterian ChurchTheme:Walking in the Word, Persisting in Prayer


Opening Prayer Roy Chang

Psalms, Hymns & Songs of Praise & Thanksgiving

Psalm 47 We Are His People You Are My All In All Psalm 99 Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus Consider Christ


Welcome & Announcements Elder David Lim

Congregational Prayer

Offertory Jesus Paid It All Doxology (Owens)


Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5: 21-6:9 Priscilla Lam

Sermon: ‘New Relationships’ Pastor Stanley Soh

THE SENDING Closing Hymn O Church Arise

Benediction Three Fold Amen



Ann Tan Kwee Noi Welcome and Hospitality Ministry 9753-8706 ann_tankn@hotmail.com

Jessie Wong Sow Har Sunday School Ministry 9651-1442 jessie@livingpraise.org.sg

Koh Yee Tiong! CBSI/Home Cell Groups 9625-9361 ytkoh@caeasia.com.sg

Seck Wai Cheong Treasurer 9232-0283 seckwc@singnet.com.sg

Wilson Ong House Management - wilsonong@livingpraise.org.sg


David Lim Missions Ministry 9620-2953 dtclim@singnet.com.sg

Jimmy Tan Session Clerk 9626-6068 jtah@pacific.net.sg

Richard Ong Worship Ministry 9297-9680 kahkiat@livingpraise.org.sg

Wang Kim Meng Youth Ministry 9630-3096 kimmeng@livingpraise.org.sg



Preacher Lai Sze Khiong Youth Pastor 9653-9879 108 laisk@livingpraise.org.sg

Preacher Stanley Soh Chaplain, Young Adult Ministry 9695-9286 104 stan@livingpraise.org.sg

Carol Ng Assistant Chaplain 9698-6051 102 carolng@livingpraise.org.sg

Roy Chang Church/School Support, Music Ministry 9686-4622 103 roy@livingpraise.org.sg

Tan Lip Teng Church Manager 9622-4659 101 tlteng@livingpraise.org.sg

INTERIM MODERATOR CONTACTReverend Christopher Chia Senior Pastor 6466-0119

Adam Road Presbyterian Centre (ARPC’s Office Number)

22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)22th November 2009 RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)

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Welcome to LPPC!Warmest Greetings! May each of you find great joy and spiritual nourishment as we worship together. We welcome Lon Shan, Soon Way, Soon Git and Alvin Laiman who joined us last Sunday.

If you are a new comer kindly fill in the response slip below and return it to the ushers so that we can keep in touch with you. Please contact us and let us know how we can help you in your walk with God. To call the church office, please dial 6259-1943.



• • •

I. Husbands & Wives

- Wives – “I Will Follow Him and him” (Ephesians 5:22-24)

- Husbands – “Loving You is the Right thing to Do!” (Ephesians 5:25-33)

II. Children – “DOoo the Right Thing!” (Ephesians 6:1-4)

III. Who’s the Boss? - “Help! I need somebody!” (Ephesians 6:5-9)

IV. Conclusion - New Life leads to New Relationships!

Scripture Text: Ephesians 5:21-6:9Title: New RelationshipsSpeaker: Pastor Stanley Soh


The number one tool in parenting is PRAYER!

Prayer reminds us that God is in control and helps put our parental role in the proper perspective. When we pray that our will be aligned with His, He can work in our hearts to give us a clearer understanding of what His will is.

Pause for a moment and ask – what is our biggest parenting fear? Academic failure? Social rejection? Drug abuse? Sexual impurity?

Fear is a powerful motivator, and if we are not careful, we may find ourselves making parenting decisions that are driven by our own fears. Rather than addressing our kid’s issues with empathy, consequences, and faith in God, we may try to control and even micromanage their lives. While this may temporarily lower our anxiety, it can result in kids who are dependent or rebellious.

We do not have to live in fear of what each new phase of development our child(ren) may bring, what dangers might be lurking behind every corner. Nor do we have to be perfect parents. We can start right now – this very minute, in fact – making a positive difference in our child(ren)’s future. At every stage of their lives our child(ren) need and will greatly benefit from our prayers. The key is not trying to do it all by ourselves all at once, but rather turning to the expert parent of all time – our Father God – for help. Then, taking one step at a time, we must cover every detail of our child(ren)’s life(ves) in prayer every day.

Remember, God wants us to continue giving our child(ren) to Him on a daily basis even as we go about doing our job to discipline, teach, nurture, and ‘train up a child in the way he should go’ knowing that ‘when he is old, he will not depart from it’ (Prov 22:6), we are to depend on God to enable us to raise our child(ren) properly, and He would see to it that our child(ren)’s life(ves) was/were blessed.

Fear of the Lord starts by acknowledging God as Creator and people as His creation. This is fundamental because until we recognize the limits of our wisdom, we tend to depend on ourselves instead of God. When we acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness, we accept the limits of our control and we can trust Him even in the midst of painful or frightening parenting challenges. We can have faith that He sees the eternal purpose when we cannot.

Our parenting decisions will be wiser when we have an accurate view of God’s character and our position.

Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into our lives and circumstances. It is seeking the presence of God and releasing the power of God which gives us the means to overcome any problem.

The Bible says, ‘Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven’ (Matt 18:18). God gives us authority on earth. When we take our authority, God releases power to us from heaven. Because it’s God’s power and not ours, we become the vessel through which His power flows. When we pray, we bring that power to bear upon everything we are praying about, and we allow the power of God to work through our powerlessness.

When we pray, we are humbling ourselves before God and saying, ‘I need Your presence and Your power, Lord. I cannot do this without You. Conversely, when we do not pray, it is like saying we have no need of anything outside of ourselves.

Praying not only affects us, it also reaches out and touches those for whom we pray. When we pray for our child(ren), we are asking God to make His presence as part of their lives and work powerfully on their behalf. All that needs to happen in our lives and the lives of our child(ren) cannot happen without the presence and power of God – and that Prayer invites and ignites both.

Lamentations 2:19 is a guiding verse that we should ‘Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children’. How much clearer can it be that we are to pray with fervency and passion for our young ones, and look forward to those prayers being answered?

PRAISELINESSharings from the Pastoral & Leadership Team


Becoming A Praying Parentby Elder John Seah

Let us take heart not to blame ourselves when things go wrong in our child(ren)’s lives, for not being perfect parents. None of us are perfect, so how can we be perfect parents – it’s being a praying parent that makes all the difference in our child(ren)’s life(ves); and that’s something we all can be.

I then should no longer need to struggle in (my) parenting but rather wrestle in prayer in fulfilling my role as a parent; and I know for sure that I am not called to be and can never be a Perfect Parent but at least I can be a Praying Parent.

The richest legacy a parent can leave to a child is a godly example and the best way is through PRAYER – drawing spiritual strength and help from God daily in living out our lives! (Phil 4:13)

Note: *Becoming (is a life-long process) – calling us to a journey of Walking in God’s Word and Persisting in our Prayers.

May this be our prayer as we commit to becoming and being a Praying Parent:

LORD, I submit myself to You. I realize that parenting my child(ren) in the way You would have me to is beyond my human abilities. I know I need You to help me. I want to partner with You and partake of Your gifts of wisdom, discernment, revelation, and guidance. I also need Your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of Your love flowing through me. Teach me how to love the way You love. Where I need to be healed, delivered, changed, matured, or made whole, I invite You to do that in me. Help me to walk in righteousness and integrity before You. Teach me Your ways, enable me to obey Your commandments and do only what is pleasing in Your sight. May the beauty of Your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be a godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching and nurturing skills that I must have. Make me the parent You want me to be and teach me how to pray and truly intercede for the life(ves) of my child(ren). LORD, You said in Your word, “Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matt 21:22). In Jesus’ name I ask that You will increase my faith to believe for all the things You’ve put on my heart to pray for concerning my child(ren). Amen.Question to consider: Do you have a plan for raising your child(ren), a plan that is based on God’s Word and Prayer?

October - December 2009 Teaching Schedule October - December 2009 Teaching Schedule October - December 2009 Teaching Schedule October - December 2009 Teaching ScheduleDATE SERMON TOPIC SCRIPTURE TEXT SPEAKER

E P H E S I A N S : W H A T O N E A R T H I S G O D D O I N G I N H E A V E N ?E P H E S I A N S : W H A T O N E A R T H I S G O D D O I N G I N H E A V E N ?E P H E S I A N S : W H A T O N E A R T H I S G O D D O I N G I N H E A V E N ?E P H E S I A N S : W H A T O N E A R T H I S G O D D O I N G I N H E A V E N ?

4 Oct Heaven & Earth Ephesians 1:1-23 Pastor Adrin Munoz

11 Oct Extreme Makeover Ephesians 2:1-22 Pastor Adrin Munoz

18 Oct Heavenly Plan and Prayers Ephesians 3 Pastor Chris Chia

25 Oct The Wise Watch & Walk Daniel 12 Rev Dr Gordon Wong

1 Nov Unity & Diversity Ephesians 4:1-16 Pastor Edmund Fong

8 Nov A New Walk 1 Ephesians 4:17-32 Pastor Edmund Fong

15 Nov A New Walk 2 Ephesians 5:1-20 Pastor Chris Chia

22 Nov New Relationships Ephesians 5:21-6:9 Pastor Stanley Soh

29 Nov Old War Ephesians 6:10-20 Pastor Lai Sze Khiong


6 Dec An Unthinkable Salvation Matthew 1:1-17 Pastor John Ting

13 Dec An Unthinkable People Matthew 1:18-25 Pastor Sim Boon Yong

20 Dec An Unthinkable Response Matthew 2:1-12 Pastor Chris Chia

25 Dec Christmas Friendship Service Pastor Adrin Munoz

31 Dec New Year’s Eve Service Pastor Edmund Fong



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“I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him”

Ephesians 1:16-17

Christmas Friendship Service 25 December 2009

Let us uphold this Christmas Service in prayer.

Pray that we will have opportunities to invite our family and friends to this service.

Pray that we will use this Christmas season to share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Please pick up the “Share the Good news of Christmas” goodie bag invites after the service! There are still goodie bags available, please pick them up from the ushers & invite more friends!

CHRISTMAS FRIENDSHIP SERVICELiving Praise Presbyterian Church25th Dec 2009,10 amWith special guest singer Geo Woo

We @ LPPC warmly invite you to our very special Christmas Friendship Service. You can

look forward to listening and singing along to your favourite Christmas carols! We are also

very privileged to have singer/songwriter Geo Woo who will be performing his songs . Along

with other special items by your friends from LPPC, our hope is to share the joy and most

importantly the Good News of Christmas. We look forward to meeting you this Christmas

and enjoying a Christmas lunch together after the service.

Living Praise Presbyterian Church 8A Bishan Street 13 S(579794) Tel: 6259 1943

You’re Invited!

Programs are not for program's sake but for people. So let us keep in prayer these programs, that God will be pleased to use them in a way that people's lives will grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! If you like to share an item of prayer and/or thanksgiving for the church to pray together with you, please send an email to roy@livingpraise.org.sg . Let's persist in our praying!

Blessings DaySunday 29 NovemberBring a dish to celebrate with members of LPPC! Contact Sally Yam @ 9730-5345. Organized by Ladies Prayer Fellowship.

LPYM Youth Camp 2009Date: 10-13 December 2009Location: KCPSSCost: $40Speaker: Pastor Adrin MunozLearn from the ‘Wisdom of Solomon’ and how the young thrive, not just survive in today’s LOST world. For more details, or to register, please approach Joshua Lee, Ian Lim, Josiah Leow, Shermaine Sue, Yong Cai or Ruth.


Congratulations!Our warmest congratulations to

Kelvin and Delphine Liew (son and daughter in law of

Philip and Pauline Liew) who were married on 11 November 2009. May the Lord's blessings of love, joy and peace be with

them in their life journey ahead.

31 Dec 2009Thanksgiving Dinner

& Count down Service


Membership by Baptism,

Confirmation or Transfer

An important expression about belonging to Christ is to belong to His church. It is among his

people that we love, pray, serve and grow. So we encourage you to consider belonging to LPPC as we proclaim Christ and grow

together. Come and join our vibrant God-centred and

Christ-centred congregation!Our next baptism, confirmation

and transfer service has been rescheduled to February 2010.

Anyone interested to be baptized, confirmed or

transferred, please register your names on page 2. Registration

has been extended to 29 November 2009.

Ladies Prayer Fellowship

is organizing a half-day retreat on Friday, 27 Nov 09, 9.00am to 2.00pm. Participants will get to

spend a time of silence and contemplation in the tranquil and

beautiful environment at the Botanic Gardens. It will be a

guided retreat.If you are interested to participate

or would like to know more, please speak to Sue Kim Lee

(Hp: 96955395).

Living Praise Got TalentCalling all talented people and people with hidden talents in LPPC!Showcase your talent in thanksgiving to God-- here's the opportunity come true! At our 31 December 2009 Thanksgiving Dinner, you can:* Perform a skit* Do a simple magic show* Present song (2 groups have taken this up)* Dance item* Balloon tricks (Item taken up)* Performing songs using certain musical instruments

Of course, you don't have to be a real pro -- just do so with a heart of thanksgiving! Do approach, Ann Tan, Pr Stanley & Yee Tiong today or any time before 6th Dec 2009. Give of your best to the Lord!

Dinner Sign Up As we usher into Y2010, we encourage all LPPC worshippers to come together in celebration of God's goodness. The evening will kick-off with a sumptuous 8-course dinner(come and see the menu for that day at the registration table today!), interspersed with items of thanksgiving by our very own LPPC in-house talents and various fun games.Time         # 7.30pm to 10.30 pm (Dinner)    ! ! 11 pm to 12 MN (Watchnight Service)Venue ! KCPS ConcourseCost  ! S$ 20.00 per pax with goodie bag Payment By 6 Dec 09Sign Up  ! At our Registration Table continues from 22 Nov ! ! ! 2009 till 6th Dec 2009. 2 ways to sign up:a) Individually / Individual family unitsb) Group (Home Cell/CBSI/Others)Update: So far 2 tables + 2 seats have been taken up as of 15th November 09. We have only a maximum of 30+ tables we can cater to!

Book Display From Shalom Christian today-One Sunday Only!

This is a good opportunity to purchase good Christian books at great prices. Come visit the book display after next Sunday's service @ the




WORSHIP SERVICEThird Sundays of the Month, Family Communion Service 9:30a.m to 11a.m (Fellowship lunch thereafter)Other Sundays9:30a.m to 11a.mSUNDAY SCHOOL9:30a.m to 11a.mSUNDAY YOUTH SERVICE9:30a.m to 12:30p.m


Thursday, 7.30p.m, Serangoon North Roy Chang 9686-4622

Friday, 8p.m, Toa Payoh Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068

Friday, 8p.m, Sin Ming Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754

Friday, 8p.m, Bishan Ng Kay Beng 6397-2132

Friday, 8p.m, Bishan Chan Foo Wah 9388 1677

Sunday, 11:15a.m, KCPSS Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480

Sunday, 3p.m, Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105Ang Mo Kio/Bishan/Toa Payoh Eddy Ho 9711-4572

OUR FAITHFULNESS15 November 2009

Attendance @ Service 250

Sunday School Combined with Main Service

Youth ServiceCombined with Main Service

Tithes & Offerings $13,962.95

If you would like to contribute flowers, please fill in your names on the Flower Contributors list

found on the notice board.

Roster 22 November 29 November

Duty Pastor/ Elder Elder David Lim Elder Wang Kim Meng

Service Leader Roy Chang Isaac Tan

Musicians & Singers Music Team Music Team

Scripture Reader Priscilla Lam Aileen Tan

Visual Team Sandra Lee Youth

Audio TeamPhillip Hoh &

Eddy Ho

Youth &

See Yoong Hwee

Welcome TeamDeacon Koh Yee Tiong Elder Richard Ong


Soh Ai Bee, Tan Pih Yann, Aileen Tan &Ng Kay Beng


Flower ContributionsTan Yeong Nam & Tan Pih Yann

Tan Yok Song &


Floral Arrangement Susan Chong Jessie Tan

If you would like to join a Home Cell Group, please contact any of the
