ODG Fall 2011



Old Dominion Gardener, official publication of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs

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GardenerFALL 2011 | www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Old Dominion


Spring – February 1Summer – May 1Fall – August 1

Winter – November 1

Send articles, events and photos for publication to: Gayle Class, Copy Editor gardengirl619@gmail.com

Send Name/Address Changes to: Barbara Ohmsen basohmsen@cox.net

VFGC MISSION STATEMENTVirginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.,

provides youth and adult education resources and opportunities for its mem-bers to promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic and environmental



Blue Ridge Frankie Puckett flpdare2@gmail.com

Piedmont Kay Gray 804-320-1279

Shenandoah Lois Northam northaml@aol.com

South Central Valerie Virkler vvirkler@vbengines.com

Southwest Anne Newton Dumper freestone-farm@smyth.net

Tidewater Joan Wedgewood flyinwedge@aol.com

Layout Editor Judy B. Binns judybinns@me.com

Fall 2011 Volume 42, No. 3

CONTENTS FEATURES Blue Gloves for Blue Stars 4 Youth Grants Awarded 5 6VFGC Convention Credentials THE PRESIDENT’S PAGE 3

VFGC NEWS a Penny Pines 4 Poster Chairman Honored 5 College Scholarships 6 LDCC Grants 18 Life Members/Book of Honor 27 Yearbook Corrections 28 EDUCATION Edible Gardening 10 Design Program 12 Flower Show School 14 Landscape Design School 16 Book Revient Sales 30DISTRICT AND CLUB NEWS District Presidents 7-9 Club & District News 22 Club Anniversaries 25 In Memoriam 26

NGC AND SAR NEWS NGC President’s Project 19 SAR Convention 20 Virginia on Flickr 26 Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems 29


GardenerVFGC, INC

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden1800 Lakeside Ave

Richmond, VA 23228-4700804-553-0445


VFGC PRESIDENTJudy B. Binns“Grow Now

Planting Seeds for Tomorrow”judybinns@me.com


St. Louis, MO 62110-3492Member Services 800-550-6007headquarters@gardenclub.org


NGC PRESIDENTShirley Nicolai

“NGC: Proudly Serving Our Members and Communities”



“Members are the Link to the Future”mdixon2643@aol.com

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Members - Included in Dues Non-Members $3.50Published quarterly Spring, Summer, Fall, WinterNon-Profit Organization postage paid at Richmond, VA USPS 407-420

Old Dominion

Quarterly Publication of Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Inc

2 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


Virginia Federation of Garden Club


PresidentJudy B. Binns


1st Vice PresidentLiaison to Club Presidents

Marilyn J. Masonmarilynmason@comcast.net

2nd Vice PresidentFinance Chairman

501(c)(3) Group ExemptionJanice M. Clem


3rd Vice PresidentMembership Chairman

Mary E. Owenrxowen@aol.com

Recording SecretaryMary Sue Floyd


TreasurerClaudia H. Cosby

501(c)(3) Group Exemptionchcosby@verizon.net

Your support is a beautiful thing!Bloomin’ Bucks makes it that way! Here’s how . . .

For generations, the bulbs from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs have been of the highest quality and have been add-ing color to landscapes all over the country. Adding colorful blooms from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs to your land-scape helps us!

How does beautifying your home help VFGC?

Just go to www.bloominbucks.com and choose to support our organiza-tion, the Virginia Federation of Gar-den Clubs. You will then be taken to the website of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs where you can select from their selection of bulbs, plants, perennials, supplements, books, tools, home ac-cessories . . . anything you want or need. And 25% of your sale comes back to support VFGC!

It’s simple:• Go to www.bloominbucks.com• Select Virginia Federation of

Garden Clubs from the organi-zation drop down list

• Purchase any item on their web-site

• Brent and Becky’s Bulbs will send a percentage of your sale to VFGC.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 3

President’s PAGE

How can we best work together to make our organization grow? What can VFGC do to support the work of garden clubs across the state?

These questions are ones that I think about as I travel across the state visiting garden club members at district meetings, club activities and VFGC sponsored schools. The accomplishments of our clubs and members are evident wherever I go. As most of the work of VFGC is accomplished through the garden clubs carrying out projects all over the state of Virginia, VFGC needs to look at the best way to support the work of these garden clubs across the state.

The “Keys to the Future” grants for youth-centered gardening programs are one way that VFGC is “giving back” to its member clubs. Since its inception in 2007, 38 grants have been awarded for a total of $33,828 reaching over 10,000 youth in Virginia.

VFGC reaches out to support students in Virginia through college scholarships. Thanks to VFGC club members giving to the VFGC Life Memberships/Book of Honor program, VFGC has been able to supplement interest income from scholarship accounts and award five $2000 scholarships, for a total of $10,000, each year.

VFGC offers clubs the benefit of participating in the IRS 501(c)(3) Group Exemp-tion at no cost to your club. This designation allows individuals and corporations to support club projects with tax-deductible donations.

VFGC is also doing projects to be more visible in communities. The “Blue Gloves for Blue Stars” program was initiated to raise funds to refurbish the oldest Blue Star Memorial Markers as well as any others in need of repair. Thanks to VFGC members, over $2600 was donated at Fall District meetings to make the “Blue Stars” in Virginia shine brightly again. At a cost of $750 per marker, three markers have already been sent for refurbishing, and we hope to refurbish at least 3 more markers by the spring of 2012. If you did not have a chance to support this project yet, you will have one more opportunity at the Spring District meeting.

VFGC plans to establish a “Branching Out” grant program for club community beautification projects to support the work that our clubs do across the state. NGC grant programs such as PETALS are no longer funded by NGC—these grants helped clubs with civic projects in their communities, and VFGC needs to look at ways to fill this need for financial support of projects. Your support of the “Bloomin’ Bucks with Brent and Becky’s Bulbs” will help to fund these grants.

Remember, VFGC is your club’s resource. Please let me know how VFGC can best help your club be an active and growing part of our organization.

My best wishes to each of you, Judy

4 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


PENNY PINES Submitted by Audrey Kelly, VFGC Penny Pines ChairmanYour garden club can participate in a meaningful and practial conservation project

by contributing $68.00 to a Penny Pine plantation as part of the costs of replanting replacement and/or trees indigenous to a particular damaged area, whether by fire or by other natural catastrophe (not just pine trees). You may designate a specific state you wish to have benefit from this contrubution.

For each $68.00 contribution, you will receive a Penny Pines Certificate from National Garden Clubs, Inc. made “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” a special someone who has made a difference in the world, just by being in it. Certificates will be issued according to information listed on the form that can be found on the NGC Website: www.gardenclub.org.

Contributions may be made from year to year under the original agreement, but must be minimum of $68.00 (or multiples of) made payable to “NCG-Penny Pines” and mailed to: National Garden Clubs, Inc, 4401 Magnolia Ave, St Louis, MO 63110-3492.

NGC will present an award at the NGC Convention each year to the States which have donated the greatest number of Plantations and whose clubs demonstrated the most ingenutiy in promoting education in conservation by creating public awareness of the need to protect and manage our National Forest resources. Let’s all publicize our objectives and establish even more Penny Pines Plantations for the reforestation of our National Forest!

When you send in your donation for the Penny Pines Project, please contact this chairman: Audrey Kelly, 757-486-1733, email wmyluv@verizon.net. I would like to keep track of what Districts/Clubs do on this project.


Submitted by Gloria Crump, VFGC Blue Star Memorial ChairmanThe Virginia Department of Transportation

has been working with VFGC and will remove three of the Blue Star Memorial Markers from their posts so that they can be packaged and sent to Sewah for refurbishing. Our plans are to send three markers now for refurbishing and when they are returned, to have three more ready for Sewah to take back with them. If all goes as planned, this project will be complete by spring.

Thank you to our members who helped to make this possible by donating $10.00 and receiving a pair of blue gloves to help refurbish the Blue Star markers. VFGC sin-cerely appreciates the help of our members as well as VDOT’s dedication to this project.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 5



Submitted by Phyllis Steele, VFGC Youth Project Grants Chairman

The following clubs were awarded VFGC Youth Project Grants:

Blue Ridge Garden Club $700Cedar Run Garden Club $850Crestwood Farms Garden Club $800May Farm Garden Club of Kingston $500Moneta Garden Club $810Round Hill Garden Club $800Salisbury Garden Club $790Sugar Loaf Garden Club $750

“Keys to the Future” Youth Project Grants are awarded annually to VFGC clubs for new or existing youth-centered programs. All VFGC clubs are encouraged to apply for a one-year grant up to $1000 for the purpose of helping youth realize the rewards and life lessons from gardens and habitats for becoming good stewards of the earth. Plan now for youth projects--grant applications are due each year by September 15.


The National Garden Clubs celebrated 50 years of the Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Contest at the NGC Convention held in Washington DC in May, 2011.

As part of this celebration, Barbara Ohmsen, the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Chairman, was honored for encouraging the six district chairmen to support this contest. As a result of her efforts and those of the district chairmen, Virginia had the largest number of poster entries reported for 2011. She received a plaque for the Virginia efforts.

6 www.virginiagardenclubs.org



Submitted by Lisa Robinson, VFGC Scholarship Chairman

• President’s Horticulture Scholarship - $2,000 - Jacob Shreckhise, junior at Virginia Tech

• Peg Grinus Landscape Design Scholarship - $2,000 - Chelsea Gusler, sopho-more at Virginia Tech

• Minna D. Adams Conservation Scholarship - $2,000 - John Zachary Pittinger, senior at Virginia Tech

Currently, VFGC offers 5 scholarships annually to students majoring in horticulture related fields including botany, forestry, agriculture, landscape design, conservation and environmental science. Most of our applications come from Virginia Tech, with undeniably, the largest curriculum offerings and number of students in these fields of study. However, other colleges and Universities in Virginia do offer majors in Forestry, Biology, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science.

Per recent VFGC Board vote, the deadline for all VFGC Scholarship applications is February 1, 2012 which follows the SAR and NGC timelines and will offer an op-portunity for the SAR and NGC Scholarships to more Virginia students. In the current economy, more students than ever depend on Scholarships to continue their educa-tion and realize their future career plans. Since today’s college students are the future leaders of the VFGC mission and ideals and the stewards of the future Environmental Health and Aesthetic beauty in Virginia, we need to encourage them as best we can.

The goal of this committee for the term 2011-2013, is to reach out and motivate students across the state to apply for our scholarships and increase the number of scholarships offered. Please help us by encouraging students considering these fields of study to apply. Also, seriously consider creating a Scholarship, either as a one-time offering or as a multi-year endowment. What a wonderful way to honor a longtime member or memorialize that very special person. Anyone can create a scholarship, a single person or a group of people, such as your Garden Club or District. A donation, in any amount, can be made to our VFGC Scholarship account.

Check the VFGC website for the latest updates and information on the VFGC Scholarship Program under the YOUTH link or you may contact the VFGC Scholarship Chairman, Lisa Robinson (gardenlisa@r22sml.com) for more information.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 7


Blue Ridge District - Marty Bowers Marty joined the Moneta GC in 1996, after retiring

and moving to Smith Mountain Lake. She has served as Treasurer, Second Vice President, published the Yearbook since 1997 and has edited the newsletter for the past five years. She has served Blue Ridge District as Book Review Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer before being elected as President. Marty worked with Nancy Har-groves and Judy Binns on the 501(c) (3) group exemption and has served on the VFGC Finance Committee.

Marty’s background and education is in accounting, which has enabled her to help out volunteer organizations when asked. She is currently treasurer of the Smith Mountain Arts Council, Friends of the Library and her church. Marty was also chairman of the Smith Mountain Charity Home Tour for many years raising funds for charity organizations.

Marty was born in Illinois, lived in Georgia, but has spent the majority of her life in Virginia. She has worked in the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon, General Services Administration, and The Mitre Corporation. Marty has also served as Church Organist and Music Director at a northern Virginia Church and organist for a funeral home.

Marty and her husband, Bert, have two sons. She has finally found time in her busy schedule to start taking the Landscape Design courses.

Piedmont District - Linda SimonLinda took the Hanover Master Gardener class in 2001

and sat next to Judy Durant. Judy invited her to visit her garden club in Mechanicsville. After joining Hanover Towne GC, Linda took on many jobs including Program Chair and President from 2004-2006. During her presidency, the club created a historic garden with plant species from before 1825 at Scotchtown, the residence of Patrick Henry from 1771-1778. Linda is a Landscape Design Consultant and NGC Accredited Flower Show Judge. As a member of the Richmond Horticulture Association, she has volunteered for ten years for the RHA fund raiser plant sale to sup-port the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond. Linda served as President of Richmond Council of Garden Clubs from 2008-2010. She is also active in the Virginia Daffodil Society.

Prior to relocating to Ashland in November 2000, Linda had lived in an 1880’s Vic-torian house with 1/3 acre in Newton, Massachusetts. They selected their new house because it was on three acres, had lots of trees and a field in full sun.

Linda and Rick have been happily married for 25 years. She has one daughter, and a stepson and stepdaughter. In her spare time Linda enjoys tending to her perennial gardens and growing annuals to be used in flower design.

Linda Simon passed away on November 30, 2011--she will be missed.

8 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


Shenandoah District - Mary K. Burke

A proud member of the Valley GC in Front Royal since 1982, Mary has served as President, Treasurer and headed most commitees through the years. A member of Shenandoah District Board for the past fifteen years has been both an exciting and rewarding experience for her. She has also found that serving as Treasurer and Chaplain and chairing several committees was chal-lenging and satisfying. Mary says that “Garden club is a wonderful way of life, and I have made so many cherished friends.”

A resident of Front Royal for fifty-seven years, Mary is a member of the Front Royal United Methodist Church where she sang in the Sanctuary Choir for fifty-nine years. She is also on the Board of Trustees and is active in the United Methodist Women.

Mary’s them for the next two years is “Plant & Bloom . . . with an Emphasis on Perenial Gardening.”

South Central District - Valerie A. Virkler

Val has been involved in garden club activities since 2009 when she was invited to join Chatham’s Friends and Flowers Garden Club. She is currently serving as Vice-President of Friends and Flowers.

Val graduated from Rutgers College where she re-ceived a BA degree with a major in mathematics educa-tion. After teaching for a short time, she was a systems analyst with Automatic Data Processing and Acxiom. In 1997, she and her husband, Bob, founded a motorsports engineering business. Val handles the financial aspects of the motorsports business, and does financial analysis

for other companies on a consulting basis. Since moving from New Jersey in 2007, Val has delighted in learning about the

flowers, trees and wildlife that thrive in Southside Virginia. She also enjoys cook-ing, reading, genealogy projects, travel and hiking wherever the path may lead. The theme for her administration is Growing Together, and she looks forward to working and growing with the members of the South Central District garden clubs.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 9


Southwest District - Patricia SmithPat is a charter member of the Four Seasons GC,

and has served as President for four terms. She is a NGC Accredited Master Landscape Design Consultant, NGC Ac-credited Master Flower Show Judge and Master Gardener.

A graduate of Mary Frye Business School in Abing-don, she considers herself first and foremost a mother, grandmother and homemaker. She was an integral part of many family businesses including gas and oil, car wash, real estate and many years at the Salina Motel and Res-taurant, catering private parties, wedding receptions and anniversaries.

Born in Elkhorn, West Virginia she grew up in Chilhowie, Virginia. In 1960 she married Clarence “Con” Smith and moved across the mountain to become a “Saltvil-lian”. Pat has played piano for the Saltville Baptist Church and loves singing with the community choir for Christmas and Easter cantatas. She enjoys judging flower shows, doing lovely arrangements for church and tooling about in her own flower garden.

Pat has two daughters, two sons, (one deceased in 1986) and four grandchildren. She also takes great pleasure in cooking, trying new recipes, and browsing in antique shops.

Tidewater District - Patsy CameronSince 1976 Patsy has held numerous offices including

President of May Farm GC of Kingston for four two-year terms. She has sponsored junior garden clubs in both elementary and middle schools.

A graduate of East Carolina College in Mathematics and French, Patsy arrived in Virginia Beach in 1962. After several years teaching high school math, she married a naval aviator and subsequently taught in Orange Park, FL before moving to Monterey/Carmel, CA. There, a life-long love of art blossomed as well as first attempts at flower arranging with yellow roses from her yard. Following the tragic death of her husband, she returned to the classroom in Virginia Beach. Patsy earned a Masters Degree in Guidance & Counseling from Old Dominion University, became a school guidance counselor and remarried. After 37 plus years of a career in education, she retired in 2003. Active in Tidewater District before retirement, she was a committee chairman, and more recently, she served as an elected officer, Director of Programs. Patsy was born and raised near Hertford, NC and has two children and five lively grandchildren. She enjoys tennis and bridge as often as possible.

10 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

FRESH SALAD FROM THE COLD FRAMESubmitted by Barbara Smith, VFGC Edible Gardening Chairman

The snow is falling and the taste of fresh vegetables are becoming a distant memory. Does this mean several more months of bagged salads? No! You can soon enjoy fresh salads by growing great-tasting spinach, radishes, green onions, lettuce, and other vegetables in a cold frame. A cold frame works as a miniature greenhouse and with little care it can add a month to the front end of salad season.

Building a cold frame - A cold frame is easy to con-struct and you probably have most or all the materials on hand. It can be as simple as placing a discarded window sash or shower door over a group of straw bales arranged to form a rectangular base. More typically, the cold frame is a floorless box constructed from sturdy 2’ by 8’s or 2’ by 10’s and sized to fit under glass or similar transparent materials. Don‘t despair if you do not have the materi-als or lack basic carpenter skills because seed catalogues and gardening magazines sell a variety of cold frames (ranging from inexpensive to high tech). You will need to be sensitive to the size and weight of your cold frame if you plan to move it around.

Placing the cold frame - Ideally, cold frames should butt up against a building for protection against the elements, slant toward the south for the maximum sunlight exposure, and be on a slight forward facing slope. Make the most of your existing conditions. Try a western exposure if a southward one is not available, put up hay bales on one end for wind blocks, etc. The cold frame should be partially buried in the ground for insulation and sloped downward for drainage and sun exposure with the hinges for the transparent cover (such as the window sash) on the highest end.

Soil Preparation - The cold frame should be placed on soil that has been worked to a depth of 12 inches and enriched with some form of organic humus. This task (and a weed-free environment) may be easily accomplished by using bags of premixed commercial planting soil.

Planting the plants - In late winter, you can direct seed the following cool season plants: arugula, beets, broccoli, cabbage, chard, Chinese cabbage, green onion, kale, lettuce, mustard, radish, and spinach. The soil inside a frame will warm up much faster than open ground and a three-day spell of mild weather is often all that is needed for germination. Add water as needed to keep the soil from drying out and frequently vent the cold frame to keep the growing plants from damping off. Plants are very toler-ant of cold weather once they start to grow, however, they may benefit from a being covered by an old blanket in the evening if the weather becomes exceptionally cold.

If seeds are started indoors, cool season plants can be transplanted into a cold frame six weeks earlier than into an open garden. Track the extended weather forecast and select a transplanting time when the lows are above 35 degrees for several days. The seedlings should be well-rooted and have multiple sets of true leaves before being moved. Peat pots can be planted directly in the cold frame. Flats of seedlings are placed in the cold frame without transplanting because they need to be gradually acclimated


Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 11


to the changes in the environment before they can be replanted. You “harden off” the seedlings by opening the top of the cold frame for a while during the warmest part of the day, gradually increasing the opening gap and the length of exposure over a 5 to 7 day period. You may need several different size props for this process.

General Care - The soil in the cold frame needs to kept moist and the venting needs to increase as the weather warms. More cold frame plants die because of exces-sive heat and drought than from cold conditions. A weekend away in early spring or a several days of forgetting to water can end your wonderful salad greens. Because of this, some gardeners replace the cold frame cover in spring with one of the new agri-cultural fabrics such as Reemay which affords some frost protection, lets in water and light, and are so lightweight that most plants can grow to their full height under them.

References 1. Hume, Ed. “Growing Vegetables in a Cold Frame or Hot Bed.” (http://www.humeseeds.com/cldfrm.htm) 2. Pleasant, Barbara. “Use Cold Frames to Grow More Food.” Mother Earth News Dec. 2007-Jan. 2008.3. Vargo, Adrianno. “4 Ways to Use a Cold Frame.” Fine Gardening, 100. p 55-59

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“ . . . the best program our club has ever had.”

12 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Virginia Flower Show Judges COUNCIL


Submitted by Gloria Crump, President, VA Flower Show Judges Council

At our VFSJC Meeting held in September 2011, our members voted to invite multi-talented Tony Todesco of Boston, Massachusetts to do a design program at our meeting scheduled for February 2012. Since that time our First VP and Program Chairman, Frances Thrash, has been busy finalizing arrangements for his visit.

Tony Todesco will present to Virginia the newest design that he introduced to the NGC Board in October - the “Armature.” We will be one of the first to actually watch him do this new design. Exciting! As a bonus, you may be lucky enough to take home one of Tony’s fantastic designs. And, there will be other “shopping” opportunities as well.

The meeting will be February 28, 2012 in Richmond. The Virginia Flower Show Judges Council will be the sponsoring organization, and ALL garden club members and guests are invited to attend. We will meet in conjunction with the VFGC Board meeting and since some of you may be traveling with VFGC Board members, who may not be judges, please invite your friends to join us for the luncheon and program.

Holiday Inn - Koger Conference Center, 1021 Koger Center Blvd, Richmond VAPhone: 804-379-3800 800-397-1034Lodging: $92.00 Please mention Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Inc. for this special rate

February 28, 20129:30 - 10 am VFSJC Executive Board Meeting10:15 - 10:45 am VFSJC Board of Directors Meeting11 am - 12 noon VFSJC General Meeting12:15 pm Luncheon and Program

We hope you will invite friends or anyone who may be interested in this fantastic program and lunch to join us as we have the capacity to seat over 300 for the program.

For more details on the program as well as registration forms and cost, check the VFGC website:


Tony Todesco with his design interpreting America’s Firsts at WAFA World Flower Show 2011.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 13



Today, more than ever, property value is as much about your landscape as it is your home. The trees and shrubs that grow along with you and your family are valuable assets that deserve care and protection. For over 100

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For the life of your trees .



14 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Flower Show SCHOOL

FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL COURSE IIISubmitted by Cindy Rustin, VFGC Flower Show School Chairman

Date: March 20-23, 2012Location: Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center 24 S. Market Street, Staunton, VA 24401 540-885-4848

Flower Show Procedure and Horticulture: Darlene Newell is an Accredited Master Flower Show Judge, NGC Horticulture & Flower Show Procedure Instructor, and Symposium Instructor. A member of the Orchid, Daffodil and Chrysanthemum Societies, she also serves as Society Liaison chairman on the NGC Horticulture Com-mittee. Darlene is also a Master Gardener and a Landscape Design Consultant.

Design: Frances Thrash is an Accredited Master Flower Show Judge and a NGC Design Instructor. Frances is a life member of the American Iris Society, The Tide-water/Hampton Roads Iris Society, and a member of the Virginia Camellia Society. Frances was invited to enter the WAFA (World Association of Flower Arrangers) Competition in Washington, D. C. in October 2009, “Excursion Americus”. She won a gold award (first place) in the class titled “Niagara Falls.”

SCHEDULETuesday, March 20 5 - 7 pm Flower Show ProcedureWednesday, March 21 9 am - 3:30 pm Horticulture 4 - 6 pm Point Scoring TestThursday, March 22 9 am - 3:30 pm American Creative Design 4 - 6 pm Point Scoring TextFriday, March 23 9 am - 12 noon Written ExamRegistration opens 30 minutes before each session

HOTEL INFORMATION: Room rates guaranteed through Feb 29, 2012 at $99/night single or double occu-pancy plus applicable taxes. Specify Queen or Queen/Queen. Ask for the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs block. Garage parking is available at $4 per day. Please stay at THIS hotel. We will be charged for the meeting rooms if we do not meet the minimum nights usage.

Questions--contact Cindy Rustin (cbrustin@verizon.net or 804-276-9220)

Flower Show School is open to all members--you may attend a single day or the entire course.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 15

Flower Show SCHOOL





Zip____________________ Telephone______________________________


Club_______________________________ District______________________

___________ Credit ____________ Non- Credit ___________ Refresher

Full Course with/without Exam $120 ______

Includes tuition fee ($80), emailed manual,

two lunches and reserved seating on front rows)

Flower Show Procedure (Tues) $020 ______

Horticulture & Lunch (Wed) $060 ______

Design & Lunch (Thurs) $060 ______

Printed Manual available at Registration $005 ______

TOTAL ** ______

** No refunds AFTER March 7, 2012 Make check payable to Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc with Flower Show Schools in the memo line and mail to: Jane Denton, Registrar VFGC Flower Show School 79 Redwood Lane Weems, VA 23576-2018 denton@va.metrocast.net

16 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


Submitted by Bill Smoot, Landscape Design School Chairman

All interested gardeners are invited to attend landscape design school whose purpose is to develop an appreciation of the environment, both natural and built. The curriculum, in a series of four courses, covers a wide range of subjects: from landscape design history to landscape architecture in the year 2000 and beyond.

CHAPTERS COVERED IN COURSE III:6 Color in the Landscape 12 Landscape Design Accessories 15 Landscape Design for Maintenance 18 Parks, Playgrounds, Conservation Areas24 Design on the Land - Regional Expression25 Development of Landscape Architecture from 1840-194029 Graphics Interpretation30 Guidelines for Evaluating Landscape Design

Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:15 - 8:45 am Registration 8:45 - 9 am Welcome/Announcements 9 am - 12:30 pm Morning Classes 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lunch 1:30 – 3:30 pm Afternoon Classes 4:15 pm Daily TestFriday, March 30, 2012 8:30 - 9 am Registration 9 am - 12:30 pm Morning Classes 12:30 - 1:30 pm Lunch 1:30 – 3:30 pm Afternoon Classes 4:15 pm Daily Test

Stewards of the Land: A Survey of Landscape Architecture and Design in America, published by NCG, Inc. is the text for the entire series of Courses I-IV. Order from NGC, Inc., 800-550-6007 or 314-776-7574. The cost is $40.00 plus ship-ping & handling.

All classes will be held at the Hampton Inn - Gloucester, 6638 Forest Hill Av-enue, Gloucester, VA 23061, 804-693-9393. Make your reservations before FEB 28, 2012 and mention “Landscape Design School” to get the $77 per night rate which includes breakfast. BOOK EARLY--this is the week of the Daffodil Festival and rooms will fill up fast! Come a day early (Wednesday) and visit the Daffodil Show and Brent & Becky’s Bulbs.

Landscape Design SCHOOL

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 17


Registration Deadline: March 26, 2012

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

City/State:__________________________________________ Zip ____________

Telephone: ________________________ E-mail ______________________

Club: _________________________________ District: _____________________

Check if Refreshing _________

Is your garden club a member of VFGC? _______ Yes _______ No Exam Student $ 80.00 _____________

Non-Exam Student $ 80.00 _____________

Single Day Student $ 40.00 _____________ Thursday Friday (circle one)

TOTAL ENCLOSED $_____________

The cost of your meals is not included in the registration fee. Please attach your mailing label from The National Gardener to this form.

Make check payable: LANDSCAPE DESIGN SCHOOL, VFGC and mail to: Gay Carpenter, Registrar 540-721-6038 234 Waterwood Drive Moneta VA 24121-5228 jgcarpen@centurylink.net School Chairman: Bill Smoot 757-393-4617 213 Derby Road Portsmouth VA 23702 billsmoot@cox.net

Landscape Design SCHOOL

18 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


VFGC Landscape Design Consultants Council is again offering grants for VFGC member garden club sponsored projects. These are worth applying for! Please pass on this information. Grants of $150.00 each will be given to the 3 best entries.

Rules for Applying

• The project does not have to be finished, but should be in progress• Prepare a book of evidence in a 9 x 12 folder• Include a Title Page (download title page from VFGC website--must include

Project Name; Garden Club; District; City/County; Club President Name, Address and E-mail; Project Chairman Name, Address and E-mail)

• Application must be submitted by April 16, 2012 • Winners will be announced at the 2012 VFGC Member Meeting

Judging Criteria

IMPORTANCE OF PROJECT 20% In terms of need and total impact or benefit to the community START OF AND ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION 10% ORGANIZATION OF THEME BINDER 20% Contents should tell a story of the current year’s program. If available, include before and after photos, drawings, any newspaper clippings, letters and other relevant information LIST COST OF PLANT MATERIAL USED 20% EXTENT OF PARTICIPATION 10% Involvement of clubs/club members through work, gifts, etc. DEGREE OF PERMANENCE 20% Lasting effects of project on the community, provisions for maintenanceSuggestions for possible projects

1. Public or Semi Public Buildings: Construction or improvement to grounds or gardens at hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, schools, churches, libraries, etc.

2. Recreation: Outdoor classrooms, play areas, mini-parks, picnic area, gardens, vacant lot, location used by teachers for instruction or other public areas seen used by public but not necessarily attached to a specific building or road.

3. Highways and Median Strips: Entrance to city, neighborhoods, boulevards, drainage ditches, curbs and gutters, beautification, tree planting, safe walk-ways, etc.

Deadline: April 16, 2012

Submit Book of Evidence to: Lu Cavallaro, 6513 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA 23226-3118804-228-7797, 804-928-1016 (Cell), lucavallar@aol.com

Landscape Design Consultants COUNCIL

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 19

NGC President’s PROJECT


Submitted by Betsy Steele, NGC Coordinator, Plantings for Public and Special PlacesPlantings for Public and Special Places is a 2011-2013 NGC President’s Project.

Representing three areas of interest; Gardens with Edibles, Container Gardens, Trees and Shrubs, this project recognizes ALL garden club service to communities when members provide Plantings for Public and Special Places. These plantings can beautify, have environmental value or provide sustenance. Possibilities exist for ev-ery garden club, regardless of its size, resources, and energy levels. Clubs, districts and regions will be awarded Certificates of Appreciation and Participation by the NGC President. Details regarding categories and monetary awards will be printed on the NGC website. To receive this recognition, participants are asked to submit an online form, available on the NGC website, along with a before and after digital photo. Check the NGC website under the Special Projects section to review updates and TIPS that will inform and stimulate your creative gardening minds!

Garden clubs may submit online forms for any or all of the three (3) areas of interest listed below. Application forms are sent to directly to the NGC Chairman listed below. Submission deadlines are April 1, 2012 and April 1, 2013. Plantings for Public and Special Places aligns extremely well with other areas of interests of our garden club outreach: Blue Star Memorial Markers, Habitat for Humanity Gardens, Penny Pines, Plant It Pink, Sage and Roses, and Arbor Day ceremonies, to name a few. Imagine the possibilities!

Gardens with Edibles - NGC Chairman: Patricia Rupiper, arupiper@bright.netHave you heard about Truck Farming? This interesting concept haslegs (wheels) that offer a mobile teaching tool, right on the spot! Check the NGCwebsite for more information.

Container Gardens - NGC Chairman: Susan Robinson, rerob@mac.comThink outside of the box! Endless opportunities for teaching children to grow their own greens, right in a pot! Condo dwellers design unique containers and install a unique drip watering system. Much, much more to think about!

Trees and Shrubs - NGC Chairman: Lissa Williamson, erw510@aol.comEncourage plantings of shrubs to accent your Blue Star Markers. Researchyour state tree and promote plantings in your community and schoolyardgardens. Consider plantings for erosion prevention. Endless ideas!

Visit the NGC website www.gardenclub.org to review tips and details regarding Plantings for Public and Special Places. If you have questions, contact your individual State President or anyone listed in this article for more details. Your State could be recognized for outstanding participation. It all starts with you and your garden club!

20 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

South Atlantic Region CONVENTION

SOUTH ATLANTIC REGION ANNUAL CONVENTIONMarch 25-27, 2012 The Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, WV“Timeless Traditions, Unforgettable Experiences”

Sunday, March 25, 2012 Members Are The Link to The Future11:45 am Former Regional Directors Lunch Drapers Cafe12 noon Finance Committee Meeting Hayes Room1:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting Hayes Room2 - 6 pm Registration Eisenhower Foyer6 pm Banquet Honoring SAR Life Members Chesapeake Room Speaker: NGC President Shirley Nicolai 8 pm Reception Honoring Shirley Nicolai and Mary Dixon

Monday, March 26, 2012 Timeless Traditions9 am Official Opening of Convention Theater12:30 pm Lunch with Pearl Buck Chesapeake Room2 - 4 pm Workshop Eisenhower6 pm Awards Banquet Chesapeake Room Awards Presentation - Sarah Ann Parler Speaker: Darlene Newell, The Gifts of Spring

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Unforgettable Experiences8 am Design Breakfast Eisenhower AB Designs for the Greenbrier, John Gillespie

Hotel Reservations Reservation Deadline: February 24, 2012Make reservations directly with The Greenbreir Hotel. Call the hotel directly at 1-304-536-1110 or 1-800 624-6070 and ask for the South Atlantic Region Garden Clubs room block to receive the established group rate. You must identify yourself as a member of SAR initially when making the reservation.www.greenbrier.com Directions: Take I-64 to White Sulphur Springs, WV exitRoom Rates: Resort fee of $20 per room, per day added on to rates listed.

Standard/Intermediate Guest Rooms $159/night per bedroomSuperior Guest Rooms $199/night per bedroomJunior Suites $259/night per bedroomSpring Row, Paradise Guesthouses $299/night per bedroomThere is a $50 per person, per day charge for third and fourth persons added to above rates if staying in the same room.

Tours to be arranged with Concierge:Bunker tour at 9:30 am, 11:30 am and 1:30 pm Cost $30/personKitchen tour or tour of grounds Cost $14/personFree gourmet cooking demonstration at 11 am and 2 pm at kitchen storeHistorical tour of building at 10:30 am No costFree movie in theater at 9 pm

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 21

South Atlantic Region CONVENTION

REGISTRATION FORMPlease complete form, make checks payable to “NGC-SAR 2012 Convention” and mail both to: Barbara Anderson, 6723 Dupont Road, Washington, WV 26181email: jaanderson98@yahoo.com, phone: 304-863-8269

Postmark by February 18, 2012 for ON TIME Registration

Last Name _______________________ First_______________ Middle Initial _____

Address ____________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________State_______Zip _____________

Phone ______________________Email address ____________________________

What is your favorite spring flower? ______________________________________

Please check ____ if we may email your acknowledgement to the address above

Check ALL that apply:( ) NGC Officer ( ) SAR Director ( ) SAR Officer( ) NGC Chairman ( ) Former SAR Director ( ) SAR Chairman( ) NGC Life Member ( ) SAR Life Member ( ) State President( ) Club President ( ) Club Member ( ) Elected Delegate( ) Guest ( ) Spouse

Please mark the plan you want to attend. Registration fee and meals included.Full Convention beginning Sunday afternoon $250 ____________WVGCI Member-Full Convention beginning Sunday $240 ____________Convention beginning Monday lunch $175 ____________Tuesday Design breakfast and program only $ 55 ____________Additional Late Registration Fee if space available $ 10 ____________

Please indicate special diet restrictions __________________________________(these may be for medical reasons only)

Staying at The Greenbrier? ______ Roomate (s) ________________________

MEALS: Full Convention includes 2 banquets, 1 lunch, 1 breakfast and receptionComplimentary breakfast coffee and tea are available in lobbyConvention beginning Monday omits Sunday banquet and receptionAfternoon tea begins daily at 4:15 pm. Greenbrier Hour in Casino 5-6 pm.No requests for substitutions will be accommodated at the time of meal service. We will make every effort to accommodate your medical allergies but will not be able to accommodate individual dislikes. Thank you for your cooperation.

22 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Dig & Dream GC of Bassett celebrated its 60th Anniversary in April, 2011. Pictured left to right, Joy Carter, Alice Field, charter member Edna Turner, Margaret Chaney, Barbara Tatum, Juanita Hale and Becky Camden.

Rappahannock Garden ClubSubmitted by Judy RipleyThe Rappahannock Garden Club has

had a phenomenal two years. Since the reign of President Sandra Harris began, all kinds of wonders have happened.

Sandra’s theme “A Building Year” has caught on beautifully. With two successful fund raisers for tickets for theatre and per-formances of Tina Turner and their latest “Wicked” they have been able to support their community efforts. This helped fund Nature Camp scholarships, the gardens at the Free Health Clinic, “Flower Power” where they assemble and deliver flowers to patients at Rappahannock General Hos-pital, and the Blue Star Memorial.

A recent field trip to Chesapeake Flower Warehouse and notable speakers and designers they have increased the



public interest in their club. Their mem-bership has increased by seven in 2011.

This year they installed and dedicated a Blue Star Memorial in a moving cer-emony with over one hundred attendees.

On November 10, Linda McConahey, a Master Gardener for 10 years, spoke on I-SEA, the Shoreline Assessment Program. Integrated Shoreline Evalua-tion and Assessment is a program that has been developed for two years by the Northern Neck Master Gardeners. This program uses research-based shoreline assessments and the results of a site visit and soil samples to determine the optimal solution for erosion problems along tidal shorelines.

This garden club is truly moving and shaking in the Northern Neck!

Club and District NEWS

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 23

Club and District NEWS

Keysville GC 50th AnniversarySubmitted by Velda Agee, President

The Keysville GC celebrated its 50th Anniversary on June 26, 2011 with a luncheon at Roxabel in Charlotte Court House. Those joining the members for the celebration were former members; VFGC President, Judy Binns; South Central District President, Valerie Vick-ler; and two former District Presidents, Myrna Clark and Bunny Eanes. Fifty years of memories and accomplish-ments were highlighted in a powerpoint presentation. The celebration appro-priately ended with a birthday cake and homemade ice cream.

South Central District President, Valerie Virkler, presents 50th anniversary gift to Velda Agee, Keysville GC President.



Marty Bowers, Blue Ridge District President, Betsy Klein and Shirley Edillon, former Blue Ridge District Presidents, Juanita King, Blue Ridge Blue Star Chairman, Elizabeth Lester, former Southwest District President and Pat Smith, Southwest District President.

24 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Club and District NEWS

Southwest District OffersMonetary Awards for Club Projects

Something new in the Southwest District! The District Board and Finance Committee would like to give back to the members. An award outline has been de-veloped for a creative plan to beautify an area, town or community. The plan may be a new project, a revitalized previous project or the continuation of an ongoing project. Clubs may apply for the monetary award. Simple open ended criteria make this potential award very manageable. A panel of three garden club members will be asked to select the best projects from those submitted. Information on the award will be sent to the clubs via the “Mountain Laurel,” the District Newsletter and through word of mouth. All clubs are encouraged to apply for the award. It is hoped that this will be an ongoing award.

Four Seasons GCSubmitted by Toby CookThe Four Seasons Garden Club has

recently placed their club sign at the three entries into Saltville; these were given in honor of our outgoing President, Betty Griffitts and the 2010-11 Officers.

There has been very good participa-tion in the mini-flower show that the club has at each meeting. Pat Smith, Master Gardener and certified flower show judge critiques the designs each month. Pat is a member of Four Seasons as well as President of the Southwest District Club.

Green Thumb GCSubmitted by Carmen CantrellGarnering attention for the different

types of cancer was the theme for the Green Thumb GC in Norton. It was their choice to mark the 60th anniversary of the club with flower arrangements placed in the reception area at the Southwest Virginia Regional Cancer Center. Each month members assembled arrangements for the reception area which focused upon the colors of cancer of that month. Special cancer information was included along with symptoms and treatments.

Some cancer awareness flower ar-rangements included:• April--Assorted white flowers in a dark

blue vase for colon cancer • May--Stargazer lilies in a black vase

for melanoma/skin cancer• June--Daisies, white spider mums and

lemons for cancer survivor awareness • September--Orange gladiolus for

leukemia • October--Miniature pink roses for

breast cancer


Town and Country GC-WiseSubmitted by Sandy YunChucky Chipmunk and members of

the Town and Country GC visited with three primary grades of the Wise County Schools and with the Girl Scouts. The anti-litter theme: “Stop Throwing - Start Stowing” was very popular with both groups when they participated in an anti-litter discussion. They also participated in fitting arts and crafts, learning an original Chucky song, and having their pictures taken with Chucky. There was also a spirited question and answer period that followed to reinforce the anti-litter theme.

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 25

Club and District NEWS

Fincastle and Seasons IV GCs

The Fincastle and Seasons IV garden clubs worked with the American Cancer Society to de-velop a permanent Garden at the new Four Seasons Wellness Cen-ter/YMCA in Tazewell (pictured at right). The garden was designed by the members of the two clubs, and includes a special weeping cherry tree in memory of Kelly Combs Necessary. This spring the two clubs received the Kellogg Civic Achievement Award from the National Garden Club at the Annual Meeting held in Washington. D. C.

Lee County GCSubmitted by Anne Dumper, Corresponding SecretaryThe Lee County GC is one of the spon-

sors of the Relay for Life Cancer program in the county. At the Relay for Life the club members staff a booth, and sell heritage plants to the general public. All plants are grown in the members gardens, and are carefully tended throughout the year. All proceeds from the plant sale go to the local Cancer Society.

Also, the members exchange heritage plants and non heritage plants among themselves. Both exchanges are very popular with the members and the public.

The Lee County Community is very supportive of the plant sale, and many individuals look forward to expanding their individual gardens with some of the most prolific historical and legacy plants that were brought to the County by the first settlers.

Club AnniversariesCelebrating Years of

Gardening and Service

BLUE RIDGE DISTRICT60th - Dig & Dream GC - Bassett

PIEDMONT DISTRICT50th - Pamunkey River GC

50th - Windsordale GC



26 www.virginiagardenclubs.org

Club and District NEWS

Tidewater District Flower ShowSubmitted by Mary Sue Floyd, Publicity Chairman and Sam Halvorsen, Show ChairmanThe Tidewater District invites you

to a Standard Flower Show, “Tomorrow’s Designs Today” on January 20-22, 2012 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, 100 19th Street in Virginia Beach in con-junction with the Virginia Horticultural Foundation’s Virginia Flower & Garden Show. Sam Halvorsen, show chairman, and her committee have busy preparing a great show for you. The District Flower Show is free with admission to the main flower and garden show. We look forward to seeing many of our friends from across the state visiting us.

Miniature designs, table designs and creative designs including multi-rhythmic and abstract will be included. Horticulture will feature conifers, broadleaf evergreens, and container grown plants, limited to 10 entries per person. Each club president in Tidewater District has a copy of the schedule or contact Sam Halvorsen at bzynana@aol.com for more information.


We Want VIRGINIA on FlickrSubmitted by Robin Pokorski, NGC Flickr ChairmanShare your garden club pictures with

the world. Send pictures of your Blue Star Memorial plantings and dedications; your flower shows; your daffodil plantings; your civic beautification projects; your aquatic eco-systems projects; your Plantings for Public & Special Places projects; your Arbor Day plantings; the list is long. Be sure to identify the club or district and the location.

NGC would like a monthly feature of a garden club’s project – so send a series of 6-10 pictures of your club’s project.

Mostly NGC wants Virginia garden clubs represented. Send photos to Robin Pokorski at RobinP@juno.com. Then visit the site:

www.Flickr.com/NationalGardenClubs and find pictures for your newsletters and flyers and ideas for projects and plantings and staging and, and, and--it’s all there for you!

In Memoriam

BLUE RIDGE DISTRICTCatherine Lee Gilsdorf (Kitty)

Westchester GC


Helen ShiflettFront Royal GC


VFGC, Inc. and

Shenandoah Districtwelcome

the members of the

Middleburg Garden Club

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 27


VFGC LIFE MEMBERSHIPS AND BOOK OF HONORSubmitted by Renee Johnson, VFGC Life Membership Chairman

Life MembershipNO. NAME HONORED BY DISTRICT6984 Mary K. Strickley Old Fredericktown GC South Central6985 Jeanie Hall South Boston GC South Central6986 Jo Snyder Round Hill GC Shenandoah6987 Susan Bradshaw Hanover Towne GC Piedmont6988 Dody Douglas Chesapeake Bay GC Piedmont6989 Angie Brack Chesapeake Bay GC Piedmont 6990 Sandra Ehlert Chesapeake Bay GC Piedmont 6991 Lorraine Jordana May Farm GC of Kingston Tidewater6992 Yvonne Smith May Farm GC of Kingston Tidewater 6993 Brenda Kelley May Farm GC of Kingston Tidewater 6994 Elaine Hillers May Farm GC of Kingston Tidewater 6995 Lillian Woolfolk Green Spring GC Tidewater6996 Ellen Wade Sugar Loaf GC Blue Ridge6997 Mrs. Thelma Eley Thomas Jefferson GC Shenandoah6998 Jackie Clark Nelson County GC Shenandoah6999 Cathy Thompson Rustburg GC South Central7000 Emily Pendleton Rustburg GC South Central7001 Martha Maxey Rustburg GC South Central7002 Carole Foutz North Lake GC Blue Ridge7003 Joan Patton Lord Fairfax GC Shenandoah7004 Maria Baber Cartersville GC Piedmont7005 Margo Ward Monticello GC Shenandoah7006 Joy M Poole Lois F. Northam Shenandoah7007 Lois Northam Joy M. Poole Shenandoah7008 Leigh Anne Rhoads Manassas GC Piedmont7009 Virginia Dillon Belmont GC Blue Ridge7010 Peggy Walton Stonehenge GC Piedmont7011 Karen Joynt Thoroughgood GC Tidewater7012 Anne M. Colvin Canterbury GC Piedmont

Book of HonorNO. NAME HONORED BY DISTRICT47 Bonnie White Season IV GC Southwest

This tax-deductible $50 donation for VFGC Life Membership/Book of Honor, given to honor club members, friends and associates, supports the VFGC College Scholarship program. Contact Renee Johnson (rlbldjed@verizon.net, 276-988-9759) for more information.

28 www.virginiagardenclubs.org


VFGC YEARBOOK CORRECTIONSSend ALL Directory additions/changes to: Betsy Klein, b.klein@jetbroadband.comP 7-8 Add NGC Flower Show Judges Handbook Exam (4 dates) to Calendar: Oct 27, 2011 Apr 26, 2012 Oct 25, 2012 Apr 25, 2013

Change year 2010 to 2012 - middle of pagep 16 Birds - Shenandoah Emma Berryp 20 Litter Prevention - Shenandoah Carol Flora Memorial Gardens - Shenandoah Alana Danko National President’s Projects - Shenandoah Alana Dankop 28 Chester GC Betty Beverly 804-543-7215p 36 Add club to Shenandoah District: Middleburg (42) Linda Taylor 540-687-4176 P O Box 596 ponyprod@aol.com Middleburg VA 20118 p 45 Delete Park View GC and Poquoson GC from Tidewater Districtp 68 GENERAL INFORMATION, PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING AND DEADLINES,

PUBLICATIONS: Please note that # 3, 12 and 13 are the NGC Award numbers. They correspond to State Awards # 9, 29, 30.p 70 S-7 CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Change the text so that it reads “between March 1 of the preceding year and the end of February of the award year”.p 71 S-17 HORTICULTURE THERAPY: Add that this award aligns with SAR Award #6 and NGC Award #19A.p 71 S-18 HORTICULTURE THERAPY GARDEN PROJECT: This award does NOT align with SAR Award #6.p 71 S-21 MEMBERSHIP: Dates listed should reflect 2012 and 2013 awards year. Please change this paragraph to read: $20 will be awarded to the club bringing the most new members into VFGC membership. Send a list of members new to your club, showing joining date to VFGC Membership Chairman by Mar 15 of each award year, 2012 & 2013. For 2012 awards, new members joining Mar 1, 2011-Feb 28, 2012. For 2013 awards, new members joining Mar 1,2012-Feb 28, 2013. p 73 S-30 CLUB NEWSLETTER, Section B: Change text to read “publishing a newsletter of 3-12 pages - at least three issues.”p 75 Under Award Y-5 YOUTH SCULPTURE CONTEST, change the word “poems” to “entry”.p 128 COSBY, Claudia Email chcosby@verizon.netp 133 HUNT, Geneva Email genevahunt@verizon.netp 133 KELLY, Audrey Email wmyluv@verizon.netp 126 Add: BERRY, Emma 540-948-5835 492 Sandy Creek Road eleeberry@comcast.net Brightwood, VA 22715p 134 Add: MASON, Marilyn 540.972.2861 101 Mt Pleasant Drive marilynmason@comcast.net

Locust Grove 22508-5110

Fall 2011 Old Dominion Gardener 29

UPCOMING VFGC EVENTSJan 25 DEADLINE for Pulicity Press BookFeb 1 DEADLINE for College Scholarship ApplicationsFeb 28 Design Program with Tony Todesco Sponsored by VFSJC RichmondFeb 29 VFGC Board of Directors RichmondMar 19 Piedmont District Meeting RichmondMar 20-23 Flower Show School III StauntonMar 25-27 South Atlantic Convention White Sulphur Springs, WVMar 28 LD Consultants Council GloucesterMar 29-30 Landscape Design School III GloucesterApr 5 Tidewater District Meeting PortsmouthApr 12 Shenandoah District Meeting Front RoyalApr 14 Southwest District Meeting AbingdonApr 17 South Central District Meeting Pittsylvania Apr 19 Blue Ridge District Meeting RoanokeApr 30 VFGC Member Meeting Charlottesville

Upcoming EVENTS


NGC President, Shirley Nicolai, has selected Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems as one of NGC’s Special Projects for 2011-2013. This project recognizes that it is of utmost importance and urgency that members of National Garden Clubs, Inc., identify and address critical water issues at local, state, regional and national levels.

Aquatic Ecosystems include: rivers, lakes and ponds, streams and creeks, marshes and bogs, wetlands, coastal estuaries, aquifers, floodplains and springs.

National Garden Clubs, Inc. will present monetary awards and certificates of rec-ognition to garden clubs in each NGC Region for projects promoting the protection of an aquatic ecosystem (upon submission of an award application.)

This award is sent directly to NGC and will be awarded ONLY in 2013.

Award Application: Preferably sent by email. Snail mail acceptable. To be received no later than March 15, 2013. Send to Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems Chairman:

Mary Sue Colvin jhcolvin2@bellsouth.net 10473 Hwy 562 Fort Necessity, LA 71243-5122

The complete rules and application process can be downloaded from the VFGC website under AWARDS.





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