Proposal Kualitatif p. Naim Sem Vii


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I.I Background of the Study

Indonesian takes English to be the first foreign language. English is considered to be very

important in the economic, scientific, and political sectors. The importance of English it self in

Indonesia has also been decided. Based on that reason, English is touch at the elementary school,

Junior high school, Senior High School and University.

Reading is one of the English skills. Reading takes an important role for two major

reason; obtaining information and pleasure. Reading for obtaining information can include

reading newspaper, magazine, textbook, instruction, brochure, etc. while reading for enjoyment

can include reading literary works such as: novels, poems, and short story.

Unfortunately, the foreign language students do not get the advantages of English as the

first foreign language, because after finishing their school their achievement is far from

satisfactory. Realizing the importance of English especially in reading skill, the curriculum

designers decide to emphasize as a stated in the 2004 English curriculum on reading

comprehension. In the levels of reading, they are genre or text types. In this case, the researcher

uses anecdote text to give the stimulus for the students in order to be able to increase their ability

in reading, either their fluency, pronunciation, or find the some new works when they read.

Reading is viewed as a difficult subject by the most students. According to scientific,

reading is as one of the central difficult of students with learning. Based on the level, of reading

comprehension this study, how ever will try to find out how far the ability of students

understanding about reading.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the explanation of the background above, the researcher would like to identify

the problem that is:

How can Anecdotal text increase the students’ ability in reading?

1.3 Objective of Study

The researcher has purpose of doing this research which probably becomes one of the

ways to reach the prospective of the study. The following statement are the expression of these

researcher when do research. To know how anecdotal text can increase the student’s ability in


1.4 Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be valuable for all readers especially teachers and

students, not only theoretical but also practically.

Practically result is expected for any uses, for instance teachers, students, and readers. For

the teachers they can use the result of their study to find out the effective method to increase

students’ ability in reading anecdote, since the students have many experience or skills to master

the reading materials. They are able to understand about generic structure until the content of

anecdote text.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of Study

There are many kinds of material in reading which can be applied in reading skills. The

researcher chooses anecdote text as one of the ways to help the students’ to increase their ability

in reading. The researcher limits to analyze the content of anecdote text and message that

happened in the story.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation with other researcher that may have the same terms, the

following terms are defined.

a. Anecdote text

Anecdote text is text that can make the readers laugh and enjoy its content; it is also able

to influence the readers. Anecdote text sometimes gives message that can be taken what

happened as lesson. Such as Nasrudin’s story or Abu Nawas.

b. Reading ability

Reading ability is the ability of the students to comprehend the skills of the reading such

as model in reading, strategy in reading,

c. Reading

Reading is highly complex purposeful thinking process engaged in by entire organism

while acquiring knowledge evolving new ideas solving problems or relaxing and

recuperating though the printer symbol, Linson (1986 – 1987).



This chapter discusses some theories related to the topic relevant to this study. It discusses

definition of reading, factors influencing reading, process of reading, creative readers, the

weakness of students in reading skills, anecdote text based on 2004 curriculum, materials of

exercise in anecdote text, planning and teaching anecdote text, kinds of generic structure of

anecdote and characteristic of the humorous stories of Nasruddin.

2.1 Definition of Reading

By knowing the definition of reading, students can get information easily. Reading is a

language process requiring the understanding of written language. It mean that reading ability

depend on the student’s mastery. Reading is very complex process. There are some aspects of

reading are in agreement:

1. Reading is interesting with language.

2. Reading ability is closed to oral language ability.

3. Reading is the active process by individual’s ability.

2.2 Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension

The success or failure in reading comprehension is determined by many factors. Different

researchers’ different factors which affect reading comprehension. They are:

1. The deeper a person processes text the more he / she will remember and understand it.

2. The limitation of vocabulary mastering

3. What the students already know affect what they will learn from reading. The reader’s

knowledge will influence for interpreting meaning of reading passage.

2.3 Process of Reading

Reading comprehension is an interaction between the reader and text. However it is

complicated process, so the readers must be able to:

1. Interpret what they see as symbols or words. ( Perceptual aspect )

Perception influence the interpretation that reach the brain each reader process and

recognizing the data according to his or her background and experiences.

2. Follow the logical, grammatical pattern of the written words.

Written text is printed on the left or right margin, so the reader must follow the sequence

in order to read and grammatical understanding for the reader will guide through your

understanding text.

3. Relate words to back experiences to give the meaning

4. Recognize the connection between symbols and sound, between words and phrase.

2.4 Creative Readers

It requires the readers to think they read just as critical reading it also requires the readers

to use their imaginations. In addition to comprehend the text, creative readers must be skilled:

1. Cause and effect: Readers must understand cause and effect relationship in text.

2. Solving Problem: Creative readers relate the things they read to their own personal


3. Visualization: Creative readers allow them selves to become a part of the story. They see,

fell hear the sound which described by the writer.

2.5 The Weakness of Students in Reading Skills

The weakness of the students in reading skills is unquestionable. Reading is also based on

students’ schemata. Schemata are concept in reader’s mind or frame works. On which new

information can be attached. Schemata and significance experiences are organized to build up

new large schemata that can hold more information and experiences for the future.

Sometimes after reading attached, students do not know what topic of the text is. They are

unable to understand the paragraph they have read. In order understand paragraph they must have

appropriate meaning to key words. Not only that but also they should understand the meaning of

all words and their relationship within the paragraph.

2.6 Anecdote Text Based On 2004 Curriculum

The term of anecdote that is used in the text based on curriculum 2004. That has purpose

to tell occurrence that is not usual and funny. Anecdotes resemble with recount and have same

purpose that is to explain occurrence or event in the past. The main differences is anecdote

usually tell about event that is not usual and has purpose to entertain or makes somebody else be

laughing, since in this differences generic structure of anecdote differ with generic structure of

recount. (Education department 2004).

2.8 Materials of Exercise in Anecdote Text

Materials of learning anecdote is given through two cycles that is oral and written that is

cycle for activities or four activities that consist of BKOF, MOT, JCOT and ICOT. Dividing of

cycles oral and written show domination activities with one of modal. It means that in oral cycle

for instant activity with written may not all. in using language in the real fact, reading activity

often followed with reading the content with material that they read or when they hear message

and hearer feel that it is needed to write down its message.

2.9 Planning Of Teaching and Learning Anecdote Text

In this planning there are two cycles in teaching and learning anecdote text. They are

cycle and step of learning and modification level of difficulties text.

a. Cycle and Step of leaning

We can remember again that cycle with consist of four steps include the activity with oral

and written styled. They are not usual to be applied completely and they cam be done from which

ever steps.

b. Modification Level

There are many factors determine level of difficulty text such as vocabulary, grammar,

kind of information on text complexity of structure meaning etc. to reduce level of difficulty text,

those factors must be paid attention more

2.10 Kinds of Generic Structure of Anecdote and Characteristic of the Humorous Stories of


2.10.1 Kinds of Generic Structure of Anecdote

According to Gerrot and Wegnell (1994) in education department said those form generic

structures of anecdote are:

Abstract : Signal of retelling of an unusual incident Orientation : Sets the scene Crisis : Provide details of an unusual incident

Reaction : To crisis Code : Optimal reflection or evaluation of the incident

The second according to Hammond at all in (1992) in education department said that forms

generic structures of anecdote are:

Abstract : signal of retelling Orientation : sets the scene Crisis : provide details of an unusual incidentCode : concluding comment or reflection of anecdote

2.10.2 Characteristic of the Humorous Stories of Nasruddin.

The humorists of Nasruddin stories make the requirements. The stories are funny,

interesting, and have moral values all together. The series consist of:

1. Nasrudden, the clever man

2. Nasrudden, the foolish man

3. Nasrudden,the wise man

4. Nasrudden, a man with thousand ideas.



This chapter a description of the research methodology include in this study. This chapter

includes these major components. (1) Research design, (2) Subject of research, (3) Instrument of

research, (4) Procedure of collecting data, (5) data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative class room action research,

because the researcher wants to get the valid data of the result increasing students ability in using

anecdote text. In classroom action research, the researcher uses some cycles that consist of

planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

A. Planning

Planning of action in this research, the researcher makes preparation before doing class

room action research. The planning is arranged the materials of the text will be given to students

during treatment progress.

b. Acting

The researcher gives test of anecdote texts that has been taken from the stories of

Nasrudden and gives the way to do the text. When the researcher did observing toward acting and

result of acting.

c. Observing

The researcher stated that observing were all activities that will be done to recognize,

record and documentation each the process and result of acting.

d. Reflecting

The researcher reflected or analyzes to ward all information that obtained from the acting

therefore, reflecting in CAR not only done in the end of doing the research, reflecting was done

after knowing the result of planning acting and observing

The cycles of CAR

Reflecting Planning

Observing Acting

Reflecting Planning

Observing Acting

3.2 Subject of Study

The subject of the study was first year students of MTs MIFTAHUL HUDA Wates. The

time schedule of the English instruction was located at practice in the English laboratory.

3.3 Instrument of research

“Instrument is a tool or the facilities that are used by the writer in collecting data in order

his job easier and the result is better” (Arikonto, 1997; 151). The researcher uses two kinds of

instrument to gather the data. They were test form and documentation of students’ memorizing of


3.4 Procedure of Data Collecting

All of the data obtained from the test form and documentation. The step of collecting data

is the important activity; the researcher will get the actual data. The steps used as the follow:

1. Preparing the instrument used to collect the data

2. The researcher gives the information the way to do the test before doing research.

3. The researcher give some treatment to know the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary,

the treatment is going to be done continuously till students get the good result.

4. After finishing the researcher gives the scores.

3.5 Data Analysis

The data collected from observation was interpreted to answer researcher problem about

the students’ vocabularies. So either the teacher or the students will know weather the VCD is

good for building up the students’ vocabulary or not and whether the VCD is practical and the

attractive for the teacher and the students.





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