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December 12, 2015 30 of Kislev 5776 Shabbos Chanukah/Rosh Chodesh Parshas Miketz Vol. 6 No. 12

Shomre i Emunah Week ly Bu l le t in




410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) , ל׳זצ


Welcome New Members Richard and Lauren (Mayer) Simon

Message from The President

The response to the Roof campaign has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s been very gratifying to see so many people who use the shul, step up and be part of this most needed expenditure. I ‘m not comfortable being a fundraiser, and I greatly appreciate all of you that have contributed, and those that will contribute.

The friends of Shomrei had their opening event last Motzei Shabbos. Everyone that attended enjoyed themselves, and there are plans underway for more events. Thank you to Vicky Caine for handling the details of this event, and thank you to David Bienenstock, who provided musical entertainment.

The Shomrei Youth Chanukah party was a resounding success. I apologize to the kids I knocked over in getting my pizza, but a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. Thank you as always to our incredible youth director, Josh Zaslow, who continues to coordinate great events that are geared towards our kids having a good time. I also thank all the volunteers who helped out at the event.

This Shabbos, as has been well advertised, we will be hosting Sgt. Benjamin Anthony. This is not his first visit to Shomrei, and when he has come here in the past, he has proven to be a very powerful and commanding speaker. In addition to speaking before mincha, Sgt. Anthony will also be speaking for a short time at the youth minyan. Thank you to our Israel Committee for arranging this.

Have a freilichen Chanukah, and a great Shabbos. Chaim

Mazel Tov George and Brenda Strum on the birth of a grandson born to

Rabbi Zev and Shoshana Strum. Mazel Tov also to the other

grandparents Rabbi Mayer and Esther Elefant.

Shaul and Devorie Guttman of Har Noff, Israel on the birth of a

baby boy. The baby is named after his great grandfather,

Alexander Guttman. Mazel Tov to grandparents, Shoshona and

George Guttman and Dr. Ester Klein of Brooklyn, NY.

Jordan and Chana Leah Wiener on the marriage of their

daughter Tehila to Moshe Holzer of Miami. Mazel Tov and

welcome to Moshe’s parents Rabbi Dovid and Rona Holzer, and

to his grandparents, Emanuel and Norma Holzer, and to Tehila’s

grandparents Jacob and Ruth Wiener.

Please join Shomrei in partnership with ACHI (American Communities Helping Israel) to spread ACHI's message of "Think Israel--Buy Israeli." If you would like to sponsor an Israeli product for Seuda Shlishit, or any other Shomrei function, in future weeks, please send an $18 check made out to ACHI to Tova Taragin at 6600 Baythorne Road 21209.

Thank you to Hal and Vicki Caine for sponsoring this week's Israeli product at Seuda Shlishit.

The Rabbi Shlomo Stein zt’l

Motzei Shabbos Avos UbanimMotzei Shabbos Avos Ubanim

6:45pm in the Bais Medrash

Pizza! Soda! Raffles! Amazing Prizes!

Please consider sponsoring one or more weeks! Contact the office today to become a sponsor!

This week’s sponsors: Insert your name here.

We need you to Sponsor! Contact Josh, Chaim, Dov or the office ASAP!

Please join us for a special Seudah Sh'lisheet (Shalosh Seudos) on Dec. 26th, in honor of Ron and Myrna Mitnick, in celebration of their upcoming Aliya. If you would like to sponsor this event ($18 minimum) please contact Brenda Zirkind at 410-358-5932 or A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Shomrei Israel Fund in honor of the Mitnicks.

We thank the sponsors of the Sgt. Benjamin Anthony presentation: Rabbi & Miriam Marwick, Moshe Marwick, Reuven & Sara Ani, Binyomin & Leeba Berger, Shraga & Perri Goldenhersh, Murray & Baila Jacobson, Yossi & Amian Kelemer, Michael & Tracey Kotlicky, David & Pam Lehmann, Mike & Layne Lowenstein, and Jim & Malina Rose.

Sgt. Benjamin Anthony will be also be speaking at the youth minyan.

Women's Shiur

Janet Sunness will be giving a weekly class at 8:00 PM Sunday nights for women at Shomrei on The Teachings of Rav Schwab, cosponsored by WIT. The shiur is currently studying Shema.

Shabbos Chanukah/Rosh Chodesh Parshas Miketz

December 12 2015/30 of Kislev 5776

Mincha: 3:00pm

4:20pm Candle Lighting: 4:25pm

Shacharis: 6:50am Parshas HaShavuah: 8:30am

8:15am Sof Z'man

9:00am Krias Sh'ma: 9:38am

Mincha: 2:00pm

3:00pm Shiur: 3:30pm


Maariv: 5:27pm Daf Yomi: After Havdallah

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur given by Sgt. Benjamin Anthony, IDF Combat Reservist, Founder of ‘Our Soldiers Speak’ on the topic: “The Role of the IDF in Combatting Antisemitism in Europe and the U.S.”

Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: Ron and Myrna Mitnick in memory of Ron’s mother, Mollie Mitnick,

26 of Kislev.

Libby and Robbie Lehman in memory of Robbie’s mother, Nannette Lehman, 30 of Kislev.

Notes for this week:

Chaburah following the 8:15am davening, given this week by Rabbi Eli Froelich.

Rosh Chodesh Teves is today Shabbos and Sunday.

Rabbi Reisman’s shiur will take place Motzei Shabbos at 7:30pm in the Social Hall.

Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Vayigash

Mincha: 4:30pm Candle Lighting: 4:27pm

Daf Yomi Rosalie Rapoport in memory of her brother, Bernard Greenberg, 6

of Teves.

Kayla Freed in memory of her husband, Asher Freed, 1 of Teves.

DAVENING TIMES This Week 12/13-12/17


4:30pm (MS)

Additional Mincha:

Sun: 12:40pm (BM)

Additional Maariv:

7:15pm (MS)

8:15pm (MS)

9:00pm (MS)

MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin 10:00pm (BM)

Shachris 7 Chanukah 8 Chanukah Legal Holidays Rosh Chodesh

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday S, Tu, W, F Mon, Thu Sunday Weekday

ETT: 6:18am ETT: 6:19m ETT: 6:20am ETT: 6:20am ETT: 6:21m ETT: 6:22am

6:05 (MS) 6:10 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:20 (MS) 6:10 (MS) 6:05 (MS) 6:10 (BM)

6:40 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:40 (MS)

7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM)

8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS)

8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM)

9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS)

Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for:

Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel

Ahuva Bas Chana Rochel

Chaya Rochel bas Nissel

Dina Miriam bas Esther

Devorah Sara bas Basya

Refael Chaim Yeshaya ben Chaya

Yosef Yitzchak ben Miriam

Zissel bas Shaindel

Chaya Bracha bas Miriam Tova

Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh.

Donations Marvin and Mindy Pazornick in gratitude and deep

appreciation to Dr. Yossi Scheller, donation to the Israel Fund.

Marvin and Mindy Pazornick in honor of the birth of Yakira

Leah, granddaughter of Myrna and Ron Mitnick, and great

aunt Cheryl Mitnick, donation to the Israel Fund.

Robert and Elizabeth Loeb in honor of Ann Loeb, donation to

Shomrei Emunah.

Dr. Chaim and Heather Haber sponsoring R’ Reisman’s shiur,

in honor of Zaidy Green.

Memorial Donations Murray and Baila Jacobson in memory of Max Reiser, father

of Pearl Zoimen, donation to the BYTF.

Marvin and Mindy Pazornick in beloved memory of Max

Reiser, father of Pearl Zoimen, donation to the Israel Fund.

Sandy Gewanter in memory of her mother, Dr. Edith Earle

Leonard, 30 of Kislev, donation to the Israel Fund.

David Diamond in memory of his father, Herbert Diamond, 4

of Teves, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Abe and Laure Gutman in memory of Abe’s brother, Mannie

Gutman, 5 of Teves, sponsorship of R’ Reisman’s shiur.

Esther Goldfeiz in memory of her sister, Chaya bat Dovid, 6

of Teves, donation to the BYTF.

Yahrzeits Fred Sunness Father 30 Kislev Benjamin Sunness

Sandy Gewanter Mother 30 Kislev Edith Earle Leonard

Robert Lehman Mother 30 Kislev Nannette Lehman

Brian Tanen Father 1 Teves Bernard Tanen

Melvin Minster Father 1 Teves Samuel Minster

Deborah Eisenberg Mother 1 Teves Shirley Polak

Kayla Freed Husband 1 Teves Asher Freed

Bernice Sakols Husband 1 Teves Jack Sakols

Amy Ackerson Mother 3 Teves Lillian Hammer

Judith Scheuer Mother 3 Teves Bella Wetterhahn

Gerald Goldfeder Grandfather 4 Teves Avraham Feder

David Diamond Father 4 Teves Herbert Diamond

Abe Gutman Brother 5 Teves Mannie Gutman

David Bienenstock grandmother 5 Teves Jenny Bienenstock

Robert Loeb Father 5 Teves Robert Loeb

Eugene Fischer Mother 5 Teves Chana Fischer

Ellen Lightman Father 5 Teves Hans Frank

David Bienenstock aunt 6 Teves Lilly Goldstein

Rosalie Rapoport Brother 6 Teves Bernard Greenberg

Josh Lewis Father 6 Teves David Yirmiyahu Lewis


Shabbos Youth Programs

Babysitting - Classroom 2 , Time: 9:00 - end of Shul

Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Classroom 1, 9:30 - end of Shul

Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade)-Board Room, 10:00 - end of Shul

Older Boys Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Tower Classroom 1,10:25

Older Girls Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Kallah Room,10:00-end of Shul

Youth (Teen) Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15. Hot kiddush following davening dedicated in memory of Gilad Schwartz.

The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups.

Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with December Birthdays!!

Is your child’s birthday in December and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site!

Shul Notes Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please contact

David Bienenstock at to arrange your Aliyos.

Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact or Rochel Katz at or call 410-292-4113.

Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604.

Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at


Five years ago, Shomrei Emunah began a partnership with Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef in Yishuv Eli, our sister community in the Shomron, in a most meaningful Big Brother Program. This program began when the two sons of Roi Klein HY”D and one son of Eliraz Peretz HY”D, entered first grade. This successful program has since expanded into underwriting the Torah education of many children of fathers serving in the IDF, either as career officers or as those fulfilling their compulsory service.

The parental role of learning with their children and reviewing their school work often went unfulfilled. However, with the success of the Big Brother Program, this void has been filled; and the impacted families were given piece of mind.

Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef is a learning center for 280 boys, ages 6 to 14. The “big brothers” are Bnei David Yeshiva students.

Each year, we have committed to continue supporting this wonderful program. Contributions can be made to the Shomrei Emunah Israel Fund, earmarked Big Brother Program. Thank you!

Rabbi Binyamin Marwick Binyomin Berger Mike Lowenstein

To the wonderful people of Shomrei Emunah!

I am looking out of my window at the mountain upon which 2,000 years ago Yehudah HaMaccabee defeated Apolonius the Greek. A few Jewish soldiers fighting a great Greek army! Today on these same mountain tops in the Binyamin region, 280 students are learning Torah. The fathers of 30 of our students are now serving in our Army, the IDF - a Jewish army. Some of them are protecting these same mountains, but from a different enemy. Their sons are learning Torah in your zechut. Please join us continuing the spirit of the Maccabees. Thank you. Chanukah Sameach! Eliana Passentin, Deputy Director, Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef

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Joshua Bernstein Shira Rosenberg

Shmuel Chaim Breuer Noam Schulman

Sammy Carter Yosef Spatz

Gittel Friedman Nava Stein

Zevi Goldsmith Yehuda Traub

Kayla Lasson Nachum Wealcatch

Aharon Meth Doni Weichbrod

The Youth Department would like to thank our generous donors for their Shomrei Youth Chanukah Party sponsorships! Our amazing Chanukah party was possible because of you!

Latke Level George and Brenda Strum Chaim and Aviva Wealcatch Ethan and Cheryl Spiegler Chezki and Suri Nemani Natan and Leah Berry Moshe and Atara Miller Josh and Baatsheva Zaslow Moshe and Aliza Zirkind Avi and Shoshana Zuckerbrod

Dreidel Level Ed and Iris Miller Elliot and Yael Schwartzenberger Ari and Inbal Elman Joshua and Eva Gonsher Kenny and Marla Friedman Shimon and Chaya Weichbrod Joshua and Eva Gonsher Yair and Devorah Reiner Boruch and Chanie Bernstein Rabbi Binyamin and Rebbetzin Dr. Miriam Marwick

Community Notes Melavah Malka! If you are age 20-33ish (married or single), join us this Motzei Shabbos, December 12th, for a

Melavah Malka! Latkes, pizza! 8:45pm-11:45pm, at the home of the Bernards, 2804 Cheswolde Road.

Jewish Caring Network Annual Toy Drive - Put a Smile on a Child’s Face This Chanukah! The Jewish Caring Network brings comfort, smiles and joy to families facing serious illnesses. One significant part of that effort is the giving of toys and games to children. Won’t you please help us this year by donating a new toy or game? Your kindness will bring a smile to a child’s face and a little “light” into their home this Chanukah. It’s Easy – JCN Toy Box is located in our lobby! For More Information or To Make a Donation: 410-602-6075. Thank you in advance!

Baltimore Film Premiere: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion (BJSZ) and Kollel D’Baltimore at Shearith Israel Congregation invite the community to two showings of the inspiring new video “Triumph of the Spirit – Reflections on the Life and Legacy of HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel zt”l”. The showings will take place at BJSZ on Motzoei Shabbos Chanukah, December 12, at 8:00 PM and Sunday, December 13 at 12:00 PM; for men, women, and high school students and above. Admission is free. Sponsorships still available; please call (443) 695-0322.

Join the female basketball team! Monday nights 8-9 PM or 9-10 PM. For more information call Miriam Rabinowitz at 410-358-9366.

Mesila of Baltimore Announces: A FREE 2-Part Seminar Helping You Acquire the Skills to Manage a Financially Balanced Life. *Get Practical Guidelines for Achieving Financial Stability. *Discuss the Importance of Communicating about Finances. *Discover a Framework for Creating and Maintaining a Budget. December 20, 2015 and December 27, 2015, 7:00-8:30 PM at Kol Torah 2929 Fallstaff Rd Baltimore, MD 21209 Dairy dinner provided on 12/20 & FREE babysitting available upon request Please RSVP by 12/14 to Nisa Felps:

Yesodei HaTorah is offering a beginner’s level Gemora class to the community. The class, led by R’ Mahti Topas, is offered Sundays from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM and will start after Chanukah. For more information & to register, call Rabbi Tzvi Goode at 443-660-7008, or email

The Shidduch Center of Baltimore would like to invite all parents of dating, or dating age, children, to attend our upcoming educational event scheduled for Wednesday evening at 8PM on December 16, at Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Ave. Successful Dating: A Parents Role In Helping Their Child Date Well. The event is geared towards all parents, whether their children are entering, or already in, the shidduch parsha. It will be an interactive class and discussion with Rabbi Menachem Goldberger and Rebbitzen Dr. Aviva Weisbord, moderated by Dr. Shabsie Tajerstein. RSVPs via phone or email to 443.955.9887 or would be greatly appreciated, to make sure the venue is properly prepared. There is no charge to attend the event, although donations of any size are always greatly appreciated.

Baltimore Film Premiere: Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion (BJSZ) and Kollel D’Baltimore at Shearith Israel Congregation invite the community to two showings of the inspiring new film “Triumph of the Spirit – Reflections on the Life and Legacy of HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l”. The showings will take place at BJSZ on Motzoei Shabbos Chanukah, December 12, at 8:00 PM and Sunday, December 13 at 12:00 PM; for men, women, and high school students and above. Admission is free. Sponsorships still available; please call (443) 695-0322.

The Koidenover Rebbe visits Baltimore- 12/15-12/23. The Rebbe will be visiting our community from Bnei Brak for Shabbos Parshas Vayigash There will be an inspirational Friday night tish (12/18) 8:00pm at Mercaz Torah

uTefilah (R'Eichenstein). Community Melava Malka at Machzikei Torah 9pm (12/19)The Rebbe will be available by app't. for private consultations and brachos. To schedule an appointment to meet w/the Rebbe or for more info about his schedule, contact Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin 443-570-7598 or email

The Baltimore Holocaust Survivors & Descendants Group (BHSD) Family Social, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 2-4 pm, Community Room Park Heights JCC 5700 Park Heights Ave. 20215. Dietary laws observed. Fee: $20 per family and $10 for singles (includes 2016 membership). Payment required by Tuesday, December 15, 2015. Checks made out to BJC, Memo: BHSD, Send to BJC, Attn: Jeanette Parmigiani 5750 Park Heights Ave., 20215 Indicate the number of adults and children's ages.

N'shei is having a shiur on Wed. Dec. 16 - Rabbi Yisroel Roll will be speaking about how to spark your inner light: Motivation through Meditation. The shiur is free of charge and will take place at 6307 Park Heights Avenue.



Shomre i Pos t - Carpoo l Sh iu r fo r Women a wee k ly d i s c us s i o n o f con te mpor ary i s s ue s con ne cte d to t he P ar s ha. Mee ts Tue s day s a t 9 :30am . P l e ase co n ta c t R abbi Mar wi ck wi th a ny que s t i o ns .

Thu rsday Mo rn ing Sh iu r on Con tempo ra ry H al ach ic I ssu es at 9 :15am. Fo r mo re i nfo r mat i o n con ta ct Dav i d B ie nens to c k a t Ze idy12@ao l . co m.

“P izz a & P arsh a” fo r S tuden ts & Young P ro fe ss ion a ls ages 17 -29 th i s progr am i s dedi cate d L ’ i l u i Ni s hmas Gi l ad S c hwar t z and s ponso re d by the M aye r Fami l y . Take s p l a ce a t 7 : 30pm on T h ur sday s .

H a l ach i c The me s f ro m t he Parsh a Sh iu r Topi c : L i g h t i ng Chanukah Candle s i n S h u l s a nd Othe r Publ i c P la ce s .

Shabbos Af te rnoon Sh iu r given by Sgt. Benjamin Anthony, IDF Combat Reservist, Founder of ‘Our Soldiers Speak’ on the topic: “The Role of the IDF in Combatting Antisemitism in Europe and the U.S.”

The Rav ’s Mishn ayos Sh iu r ! At te nt i o n Boy s i n 5 th , 6 t h grade . The s h i ur wi l l ta ke p la ce i n R a b b i M a r w i c k ’ s o f f i c e a t 3 : 0 0 p m . Le a r n i n g M as e c he s Suc cah .
