The Fugitive Slave Laws Passed in 1850 Enforcement guaranteed by the Compromise of 1850 Terms 1....


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Protesting Slavery

The Fugitive Slave Laws Passed in 1850

Enforcement guaranteed by the Compromise of 1850





Runaway Slave Ads, 1850s

Northern Reaction 1. Personal Liberty Laws

2. Working to free slaves peacefully

3. violence in the border states

Personal Liberty Laws, 1855

1. Series of laws passed to protect freed slaves and free blacks in the North

2. What were they meant to do? Restrict slave catchers Undermine federal


3. Where were they enforced?

Freeing peacefully 1. Uncle Tom’s Cabin


Effects on: The reader The abolitionists The southerners Stereotypes

2. The Underground Railroad

How did slaves travel on it?

How did runaway slaves know where to go?

Role of Harriet Tubman

Violence in the Border States

1. The Creation of Kansas and Nebraska

1844: Discussion to organize Nebraska and Kansas

The issue of the Missouri Compromise

Kansas Nebraska Act, 1854

Passed under Franklin Pierce

Terms 1. 2.

Slave owners v. Abolitionists

“The Sack of Lawrence”

The Pottawatomie Massacre

In the senate
