Faster World of Warcraft Leveling 1-80


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Tips for Faster World of Warcraft Leveling 1-80

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Leveling from 1-80 in World of Warcraft is an art form. It requires time and plenty of effort. However, there are steps that can make leveling your world of warcraft character much easier. Often these simple methods are neglected and often the reason that many world of warcraft accounts never make it past level 20. Following these simple steps below will help you level your character much more efficiently saving you literally weeks of time! Here they are:

TipsTip 1- Take as many quests as possible and have them lined up all at once. Do not do quests one at a time. When entering a new area, find all the quests from NPC's first before you start doing anything else.

Tip 2- Use Auto-Run (Num Lock Key). You would be surprised but allot of players forget to use auto run when playing the game. This can slow progress down considerably and take much longer for you to do anything!

Tip 3- Use groups that complement your character class. Often times questing in a group can be beneficial and accelerate both quest completion and leveling. Try to find a group of one or two additional players that complement your character nicely.

TipsTip 4- Stock up! Before questing have plenty of food, water, ammo, and repaired gear. This will insure that you last for a long period of time without having to return to town to restock.

Tip 5- Stick with green quests. These quests are a few levels below your character and insure that you don't get killed. Do these quests to prevent lost time being killed. Also, killing monsters that are green to you will be effective in grinding you character class. Its both fast and efficient!

Tip 6- Don't just stick to a single zone! When the benefits of leveling in your zone wear off its time to move on to a more challenging and rewarding zone. This will insure optimal leveling efficiency and speed.


I hope you enjoyed this and found it helpful in making world of warcraft gold!

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