E commerce email onboarding with shopko (1)



The Shopko Brand does eCommerce email marketing better than 90% of the stores we have seen but can still improve on some onboarding practices. Take a look at what we discovered.

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eCommerce Email OnboardingWith Shopko

Great Offer. $5 off $25 +

Why Do You NeedAll That Info?

First and Last Name?(We Just Met Shopko)

Post Subscription Email

Thank you for thankingme, and setting myexpectations

We could haveadded an empatheticvisual to connect with consumers

The 1st Impression

Subject and PreviewText Look Good. ButWhy don't you sendemails from a person?

Thank you for thankingme!

The Preferences & Unsubsribe

Asking about email frequency. Mucho Gusto! Put the consumers in control

The Preferences & Unsubsribe

Wow super fancy with the survey, why not just lead me back to social media? How many people fill that thing out?

Hit Us Up To PerfectYour eCommerce Email


Emails So Good Dogs Even Love Them
