Making Appointments and Selling over the Telephone

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Making Appointments and Selling

over the Telephone

by Richard Mulvey

The Power Series 2017Feb - Getting New Customers Mar - Selling at your Higher Price Apr - Future Rep (The Future of Selling) May - Selling over the Telephone Jun - Sales Presentations Jul - Closing the Sale and Objections Aug - Sales Negotiation Sep - Selling Face to Face Oct - Retail Selling SUCCESS Nov - Sales Motivation

Preparation Clear the desk No incoming Calls Chain yourself to the desk Don't put the phone down Use a mirror Put up a "Do not Disturb" sign Always dress for work as if you were going to visit

Qualify your customers first Suspects Prospects Customers

Always speak to the right person Don't get stuck with the gatekeeper


Note Pad

2 Pens



Scripts and notes

List of Today's Calls

On Your Desk

Date: ………………. Name:.....................................……………………………….

Name Company Phone No Objective !


Call Report

Match your speaking speed to that of the ProspectYour tone needs to be warm and friendly Never call for more than one hour at a time Don't ask prospect if he has time to speakDon't read your script to the prospectKeep all statistics

Basic Techniques

Use the sweetest sound in the world! Be Ultra Polite

Please - Thank you Always use positive words

Like "Opportunity" and “Idea”Don't say “Price” say “Investment”

Use Trigger wordsFree, Easy, Discover, Guarantee, New, Safety, Results, Save, You, Health

Key Words and Phrases

Make the conversation SparkleGreat – Fantastic – Amazing

Paint Pictures“The boot is so large you could fit golf clubs and luggage for four people inside”

Don’t sound like a Brochure

Key Words and Phrases

"These multivitamin tablets are ideal for people in the prime of their life with

demanding lifestyles or are recuperating from ill health."

"These multivitamin tablets are fantastic! I use them myself and I feel fitter, stronger, and I never get tired

in the afternoons like I used to."



Making the Call



Uncover customer's needs

Outline your benefits






Making the Call

“John Smith Please”

“John Smith Speaking”

“Hello John. This is Richard Mulvey from Niche Training Market Research Department."

Making the Call

"I am phoning, John, about the email we sent you. Did you get a chance to read it?"


"John Smith asked me to call you in connection with your sales training"


Opening Question or Statement

Open Questions

Closed Questions

Who, What, Where, When, Why, How

Do, Does, Did, Are, Has, Have, Is, Could , Can, Would, Will ... etc.

Uncovering their needs

Store up the Points - Make Notes Ask Questions - Get Clarification Prompt the Prospect

Go on.... I see...... Really?.... Listen intently Repeat back to him what he said


Up-selling "If you increase your order to 50 I

could arrange an extra 5 for you, free of charge"

Cross-selling "I am pleased you are happy with the

new programme, now .. what about your other branch?"

Up-selling & Cross Selling

The Close Wait for Buying Signals Summarise The Benefits Ask for the Business


Alternative Close

Minor Point Close

Compliment Close

Suck it and See Close

The Close

The Appointment“The reason for the call today John, as you may be aware, Niche Training and Development has recently developed a new idea to ????? (feature)

for people in positions like yourself and I would be happy to drop by and give you the opportunity of seeing it.

I am calling today to say I will be in your area tomorrow around three, and I wondered, would you be there for about seven minutes?”

"Hello Mr Smith (or better still “John”)"This is Richard Mulvey from the Niche Training Market Research Department."

The Script

If they are a new prospect "Briefly, how do you find your training programs are working out for you?"

If they are a referral: "Fred Jones said I should give you a call, Briefly, how do you find your training programs are working out for you?"

If they responded to the survey "Thank your for responding to our survey, Briefly, how do you find your training programs are working out for you?"

The Script

"What sort of challenges do you have with your training programs at the moment?"

We now have to continue to explore their issues with "Open Questions" 

What sort of training are you offering your staff? Who gets training in your organisation? How does the staff feel about that?   When was the last time you reviewed your training

programmes? etc.

The Script

Qualify the customer.

How many sales people do you employ?

How much do you spend on training each year? etc.

The Script

Once we have found a problem we can solve

"Many of the companies I have been speaking to have exactly the same sort of problems, that’s why Niche Training have recently launched a new programme

that will ………(Benefit 1) and also ……(Benefit 2).

The Script

“The benefit to you is that …………… (solution).

Can you see that working for you?”

If they qualify ..... "It seems, John, that you also qualify for ....... (Free Seat ). This will give you the opportunity of trying the training programme for yourself with absolutely no obligation.

If they seem interested…. “Thank you for your time, John. Let me e-mail you the details for you to consider.”

If they don’t qualify and don’t seem interested …. “Thank you for your time, John, can I e-mail you a copy of the details of the training programme just in case you are interested sometime in the future.”

The Script

“Shall I book you in for the course on Monday or will you be coming next month?”

“Will that work for you?”

“Do you want to send your team on the public course or do you want us to train at your offices?”

The Close

Listen to the whole objection Clarify the objection


It’s too expensive!Clarify the Objection

“When you say it's too expensive, are you saying you cannot afford the price or is there something I've missed?”


Listen to the whole objection Clarify the objection Answer the objection Get agreement


Opposition Indifferent Sceptical


I don't have time to talk to you at the moment

We already have our own training programme

We don't need training

Just send me the details

My brother-in-law runs the training for us

My sales team are already trained

I deal with xyz training company

I have never heard of your company

Keep Going!

Try for more information


"Just send me the details“"I will be happy to email you the details. It is quite a long document, are there any areas you are specifically interested in?"


“No, just email me the details““Certainly.”Email the details. Then... Follow Up! Did he get it? Does he want it? If not, why not?


"I don't want one“"I am sure you have a reason for saying that Mr. Smith, do you mind if I ask what it is?"


"How much is it?“"We have a full range and the prices are very dependent on your needs, what you are using at the moment?"


"I am too busy at the moment”"I understand that, we all get very busy sometimes, when would be the best time to call, on Friday, or would Monday morning be better?"


"We already have a supplier""May I ask who it is?""XYZ Supplies""They are a good supplier. How do you find their service?


What is the best thing your customers’ can do for you ?


Complain!96% of dissatisfied customers never complain.

90% of customers who are unhappy with the service never return.

If you fix the problem, 50% - 74% will return.

If you fix it straight away......

96% will stay forever!

Listen!Remain calm and objectiveDon't Argue / Don't interruptEmpathiseAsk what the best solution would beTell the customer what you will doDo it ........ Then follow up!


Things to Avoid Don't say “How are you today?”

Don't say “This is not a sales call”

Don't say “Congratulations, you have been chosen from 4000 people to win a two week holiday in Welcom”

Things to Avoid Don't transfer a call without telling

the third party what the call is about

Don't let the sun set on a customer complaint

Don't leave your prospect listening to what is going on in your office

The Real Enemy

Be Ready with everything you need Set Targets for yourself Never have a gap between calls Make Statistics work for you Do it first!

Call Reluctance

Speaker Score

Selling over the Telephone
