[1.2, 2.2] Video Message Neelie Kroes [3TU.Datacentrum Symposium 2014, Delft,Twente]



Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr9qz0o_RJ4 3TU.Datacentrum Symposium Research Data Management: Funder requirements, Questions and Solutions At this symposium the funding organisation NWO and the European Commission explained their vision, plans and requirements. Researchers from the three universities of technology shared their experiences of data management in different stages of research. And the Research Data Services team informed the audience about research data management services offered by 3TU.Datacentrum. The 3TU.Datacentrum symposium took place at the TU Delft (26 May), University of Twente (2 June) and TU Eindhoven (11 June) for and with local researchers. More information on: datacentrum.3tu.nl/over-3tudatacentrum/symposium-2014

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