Adding defects by lba range is very useful for repairing some scratched hdd




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Adding Defects By LBA Range Is Very Useful For Repairing Some Scratched HDD

It’s sometimes very useful to fix clicking hard drives with a small scratched area by using one of

the new features of in DFL-WDII hdd repair tool version 2.4-adding defects by LBA range. For

some clicking hard drives with a small scratched area, they are still detected and the hdd can become

ready in DFL-WDII. When users scan these patient hard drives, users can find red squares which

are read-failed sectors within the scratched area and send loud clicking noises.

Users can move the mouse over the red squares or on the left side of the defects scan screen and

find the LBA of the read squares sending clicks. Users can copy and write the LBA values down.

It’s the best users recording the start and end LBA of the damaged surfaces so that later this surface

can be added to P-list.

Next users go to menu Defects>P-list>Edit P-list P-list is the module 33 within WD hdd.

Next users enter the P-list editing interface; go to the section “Add Defects Records” and input the

Start LBA and End LBA values written down in the previous step. Next click ‘Add’ and this range

of sectors are added to P-list defects.


ext the new P-list-module 33 with new defects is generated.

Next users find the module 33-P-list and right click and write the current module with the new saved

P-list in the ‘Build’ folder.

The P-list is written successfully.

Next users go to view P-list with new defects

Next users go to format with P-list (Regenerate Translator) and then the scratched area will be gone.


isit: Dolphin Data Lab HDD Repair Tools Dolphin Data Lab Data Recovery Hardware Dolphin

Data Lab Head and Platter Swap Tools

For a higher success rate of hdd repair and data recovery, cheers!

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