Bridging the communication Gap & Continuous Delivery



This is a case study of a top retailer in UK which was following Agile but not all the Agile practices. We will discuss how collaboration between business and engineering team improved using BDD and how it was used to generate automated acceptance tests. We will also discuss how continuous integration was implemented which laid foundation for continuous delivery.

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Bridging the communication Gap & Continuous Delivery

Case study of a top retailer in UK

Masood Jan

Mazataz Ltd


Communication Gap. Bridging the Gap. Simplifying Automated Functional

& Unit Testing. Continuous Integration. Path to Continuous Delivery.

The Communication Gap

• The BA/Arch agree with business regarding stories (epics) and creates HLD/LLD.

• The Developer reads the LLD and sometimes makes a different set of assumptions to create code.

• The Tester reads the requirements and may make a second set of assumptions to create test plans

• The Developer finishes the story, does the “Works On My Machine” stuff, and checks in.

• The Testers wait for a build in Test Environment, usually couple of hours/days.

• If Build was successful tester verifies function against test plans.

• Identifies defects raises them.• Developer analyses the defect, debugs to fix it.• The Testers wait for another build.

The Result

Late feedback. Confusion during development and

testing. Change of requirements not clearly

propagated. Surprises.

What was needed

Focus on development and delivery of Prioritised, Verifiable Business Stories.

Focus on providing a common vocabulary that bridges the gap between Business and Technology.

Focus on exposing business rules to be reviewed by stake holders.

Focus collaboration between Developers, Testers, Architects, BA’s and the Business.

Make it easy to Automate functional testing.

What did we do

We behaved ourselves!

How did we do that

Have Small Vertical stories of Business Value. Agree & Document business rules. Agree & Document the behaviour. Agree how story would be accepted. Create executable scenarios for each behaviour.

Given, When and Then. Develop the behaviour and verify the scenarios. Show completed scenarios to Truth. React to feedback.

We synched up!

The Result

Business and engineering team speak same language.

Quick Feedback. Requirements changes were easily

communicated. No surprises.

What tools we used ?

JBehave (Java) Selenium for web applications.

Why JBehave?

Java, all the teams were aware of it.

Built on JUnit framework. Scenarios written in text file. Given , When & Then

annotations. JBehave code generator

(custom). Integrates well on CI.

The JBehave Framework

See it in Action !

Simple Login Story

Example Story

Story Title: Login to the Customer Service Centre (CSC)

So That: I can resolve customer issue with an order

As: A user

I Need: To Login to the CSC

Acceptance Criteria:

1. I should be able to login using valid username and password

2. I should not be able to login using invalid username or password

Defining ScenariosScenario 1: Valid Login

Given the user is on Login Page When the user types user name service And the user types password service And clicks login buttonThen the user should be logged in And the user should see a message, Welcome, Service Administrator.

Scenario 2: Invalid Login

Given the user is on Login Page When the user types user name wrong And the user types password wrong And clicks login buttonThen the user should not be logged in And the user should see a message, Invalid Username or Password.

JBehave Code Generator

• Create valid_login.scenario file in eclipse.

• Copy login scenario into it and save.

• Right click on this file and choose • JBehaveCodeGenerator

• Generate Code

• This will create two java files ••

public class ValidLogin extends Scenario {

public ValidLogin () {

super(new ValidLoginSteps());



ValidLoginSteps.javapublic class ValidLoginSteps extends Steps { @Given("the user is on the Login Page") public void theUserIsOnTheLoginPage() { throw new RuntimeException("Step not yet implemented"); } @When("the user types username $username") public void theUserTypesUsername(String username) { throw new RuntimeException("Step not yet implemented"); } @When("the user types password $password") public void theUserTypesPassword(String password) { throw new RuntimeException("Step not yet implemented"); } @When("clicks login button") public void clicksLoginButton() { throw new RuntimeException("Step not yet implemented"); } @Then(“the use should be logged in") public void theUserShouldBeLoggedIn() { throw new RuntimeException("Step not yet implemented"); } }

Working Example

A Happy Path Order Capture

JUnit Testing using BDD



Mockito library enables mocks creation, verification and stubbing.

Similar to Jbehave with given, when, then steps..

Enables Behaviour testing of java components i.e Formhandlers, Managers, Repositories..etc.

Mocks all objects a component uses and verifies if it is using it correctly according to the behaviour.

Mockito Examplepublic class RepositoryUpdaterTest {

@Mock MutableRepository mockRepository;@Mock MutableRepositoryItem mockRepsitoryItem;

@Testpublic void shouldUpdateRepositoryWithAString() throws Exception {

//givenString valueToBeCreated ="Test";RepositoyUpdater repositoyUpdater = new


//when repositoyUpdater.updateRepositoryWithThisString(valueToBeCreated);




Continuous IntegrationA quick feedback

What we have

CI Topology Check in build Pipeline Release Builds Pipeline Check-in best practice

The CI

Check-in Builds Pipeline

Check-in Builds

Static Code Analysis

Sonar Report

Release Build Pipeline

Release Builds

Deployment Pipeline

Automated Database Change Process

Using DBDeploy

Acceptance Tests

The Status

Check-in Best Practice

CI monitor close vicinity Checkout when CI is green Just before checkin see if CI is still green If Red then wait until green, find out why it is red Do a get when its green Build locally again with tests. Then Checkin Check for CI building your code. If Red due to your checkin, fix it ASAP When CI is green after your checkin, then relax

For more information

BDD : Jbehave : Mockito :

Jbehave Code generator :

