Everything You Need to Know about Relationship Marketing

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Upcoming EventsClick links for more information

• Feb 16 NC State Fast 15• Feb 27 Social Media• March 16 Greatest Coach Ever• March 27 Growth CLUB• April 13 First Fridays

• April 15 Deadline for Summer intern program

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Strategic PlanStrategic Plan• Vision, Mission, and Values (VMV)• Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG)• Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

Threats (SWOT)• 3 Year Targets• 1 Year Goals• 90 Day Action Plans• Weekly Action Steps• Daily Affirmations

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Vision, Mission, ValuesVision, Mission, Values• Vision

– “Financial Security and Peace of Mind for All”• Mission

– “To be a well-respected and sought-after Top 100 Coach directly impacting the lives of 10,000 people”

• Values– Ownership, Congruence, Constant Learning,

Integrity, Balance, Fun, Leverage, Gratitude, and Abundance

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Sales vs. MarketingSales vs. Marketing

• Marketing’s job is to generate leads

• Sales’ job is to convert leads into customers

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MarketingMarketing• Target Market• Unique Selling Proposition• Guarantee• 10x10 marketing strategies

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The Secret Sauce

• Profile Your Revenue• Segment Your Customers• Systematize Your Sales Processes• Focus on Five Ways To Results

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Cross-Section of Sales Funnel

Set goals for percent of total sales from each quadrant

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Five Simple Steps To Massive Results

Number of LeadsX

Conversion Rates

= Number of Customers

= RevenueNumber of Transactionsx

Average $ Sold

= PROFITSxMargins




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The Shortest Course on Sales

Ask Questions and Listen!

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Direct Selling RuleDirect Selling Rule• People buy from people they trust

• People trust people who they like

• People like people who like what they like

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Segment Your Customers

Don’t complain about the economy until you have 10 pieces of personal information

on every prospect and customer!

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Sales funnel

• Suspect

• Prospect

• Lead

• Shopper/customer

• Client

• Fan

• Raving Fan

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• Customer contact database

• Postal mail

• Email

• Direct calls

• Print/Radio/TV advertising

• Social media

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Social Media Made Simple

• Content

• Context

• Contacts

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Email MarketingMade Simple

• Build your list where you already connect to people• Types of permission

• Explicit opt-in “Join my list”• Implicit (assumed)

• Add value• Promotional• Relational• Informative

• Form/format• Newsletter• Promotions/Invitations/Surveys• Announcements

• Call to action!

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Telemarketing Made Simple

• List

• Script

• Calling Associate

• Supervision

• Product or Service

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Make sure you are Make sure you are signed insigned in

Fill out evaluationFill out evaluation

Meet 1 new personMeet 1 new person


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Our Mission: World Our Mission: World Abundance Through Abundance Through Business EducationBusiness Education

High Performance Must-Do's: What Every Management Team Should KnowThursday, February 16 5:30 - 7:30, NC State Office of Technology Transfer

GrowthCLUBMarch 27, 2012

The Greatest Coach Ever! Life Lessons from Dean Smith, Roy Williams, Coach K and Jimmy VMarch 16th

Carolina Club (On UNC campus)

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Jim JubelirerCertified ActionCOACH308 West Rosemary Street, Suite 307Chapel Hill, NC 27516(919) [email protected]/jimjubelirer