ح يقار تي ذكانيفاء انثسانية تاطيح انذيح انرقهي وأسهىباء انث تانطرقسرذايح ان) ارج انع انخضراء( ياج س ـــــير انعه ر ـــــ ىو ف ـــــذس ي انه ـــــيذ ح ان ـــــــ ح( إ دارج يش ــــ روع ـــــــــــ) اخ ذح ــــ د إ ش ــــــ راف أ. د. ع ــ ـــدل انس ا ـ ـادو ـــ ي د.ذ أحذ يح عثذ انعهيى اس ــار رش إدارج ان ــــ روعاخ يذرسش إدارج ان ــــ روعاخ كهي ـــــــــــــذس ح انه ــــــــــ حطريح تان كهي ـــــــــــــذس ح انه ــــــــــ حطريح تان جايع ــــــــــــ حه ح ـــــــــــ ىا جايع ــــــــــــ حه ح ـــــــــــ ىا كهي ــــــ حذس ه ــــــطري ح ان ـــــــ ح جايع ــــــــــ حه ح ـــــــــــ ىا5102

مقارنة بين تكاليف البناء بالأساليب النمطية التقليدية وأسلوب البناء بالطرق المستدامة )العمارة الخضراء

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تانطرق انثاء وأسهىب انرقهيذيح انطيح تاألسانية انثاءذكانيف تي يقارح

) انخضراء انعارج( انسرذايح

ح ـــــــح انذيـــــي انهذســـــىو فـــــرير انعهـــــسياج

اخ(ـــــــــــروعــــدارج يشإ)

رافــــــشإد ــــذح

انعهيى عثذ يحذ أحذ د. يـــادوــادل انســـــد. ع أ.

روعاخــــإدارج انش يذرس روعاخــــإدارج انشرار ــاس

تانطريح حــــــــــح انهذســـــــــــــكهي تانطريح حــــــــــح انهذســـــــــــــكهي

ىاـــــــــــح حهــــــــــــجايع ىاـــــــــــح حهــــــــــــجايع

حـــــــح انطريــــــهذس حــــــكهي

ىاـــــــــــح حهــــــــــجايع


حلوان جامعة بالمطرية الهندسة كلية

اذ٤خ اذعخ هغ سئ٤ظ / اذزس االعزبر اغ٤ذ ثؼذ.... غ٤جخ رؾ٤خ

:ثبذاسط اخبصخ ابعغز٤ش جؾش وطخ رغغ٤ ػ٠ ثباكوخ ازش ثشعبء

سايح يحذ عثذ انظاهر يحذ

)ؼبس١ ذط(

ػا رؾذ

تانطرق انثاء وأسهىب انرقهيذيح انطيح تاألسانية انثاءذكانيف تي يقارح"

") انخضراء انعارج( انسرذايح

" Comparison between the costs of Traditional typical

construction methods and Sustainable method of

construction (green architecture)."

: اششاف رؾذ

انسادوى انيزيذ أتى عادل .د.أ

) حهىا جايعح – انهذسح كهيح -انعهيا نهذراساخ األسثق انكهيح ووكيم انشروعاخ إدارج و انذيح انهذسح أسرار (

انعهيى عثذ يحذ أحذ .د

)حهىا جايعح – انهذسح كهيح - انشروعاخ وإدارج انذيح تانهذسح يذرس(

اششك٤ ره٤غ اذاسط ره٤غ

حلوان جامعة بالمطرية الهندسة كلية

اذ٤ اذعخ ك٠ ابعغز٤ش دسعخ ػ٠ ؾص اجؾش خطخ


تانطرق انثاء وأسهىب انرقهيذيح انطيح تاألسانية انثاءذكانيف تي " يقارح

") انخضراء انعارج( انسرذايح

" Comparison between the costs of Traditional typical

construction methods and Sustainable method of

construction (green architecture)."

سايح يحذ عثذ انظاهر يحذ /وذ اذط

:اششاف رؾذ

انسادوى انيزيذ أتى عادل .د.أ

)حهىا جايعح – انهذسح كهيح -انعهيا نهذراساخ األسثق انكهيح ووكيم انشروعاخ إدارج و انذيح انهذسح أسرار(

انعهيى عثذ يحذ أحذ. د

)حهىا جايعح – انهذسح كهيح - انشروعاخ وإدارج انذيح تانهذسح يذرس(

اششك٤ ره٤غ اذاسط ره٤غ

انرحيى انرح هللا تسى

ػ٠ ؾص سايح يحذ عثذ انظاهر يحذ / اذط اوذخ اجؾش خطخ خص

اذ٤ اذعخ ك٠ ابعغز٤ش دسعخ


تانطرق انثاء وأسهىب انرقهيذيح انطيح تاألسانية انثاءذكانيف تي يقارح "

") انخضراء انعارج( انسرذايح

" Comparison between the costs of Traditional typical

construction methods and Sustainable method of

construction (green architecture)."


اجبء ثبطشم ازو٤ذ٣خ ، اجبء ثبطشم اغزذاخ أ ب اوبسخ ث٤ ، هللا ثئرعف ٣زع اجؾش

، أصش ػ٠ رب٤ق ازش٤٤ذ ثش ػب عاء ازب٤ق األ٤خ أ ري از٢ ٣صق ثبؼبسح اخعشاء

ب ع٤ز ثئر هللا رؼش٣ق ل رب٤ق زشـ٤ ، (life cycle costرلن ػ٠ ذاس ؽ٤بح اج٠ )

. رب ربس٣خب أذاكب غ ػشض ثؼط ابرط ااهؼ٤خشؤ ،األث٤خ اغزذاخ

، ٤ل٤خ ازؼب غ ا٠ ذ رؤص٤ش األث٤خ ػ٠ االغب ػ٠ اج٤ئخ اؾ٤طخ ب ع٤زطشم اظع

اوذساد ػ٠ ؾبكظخ األض بألعةث ، ػالهخ ريااسد اطج٤ؼ٤خ اؾلبظ ػ٠ اطبهخ

ثبألعب٤ت ازط٣ش٣خ اشبس٣غ ػ٠ لبماإل رظ٤ اؼبخ األا إذاس ثؼذ غزغ االهزصبد٣خ

اظبس ذ االسرجبغ اص٤ن ث٤ از٤خ غ لذ األظبس ا٠ ب روز٤ طوزب اسد ، ، اؼ٤خ

إ٣عبػ ٤ق أ اؤ٣ذ ؼبسح ، ا٠ عبت ازع ؾ ازصب٤ اغزذاخ االهزصبد٣خ اج٤ئخ ،

ب ػ٠ ع٤غ االصؼذح االهزصبد٣خ اج٤ئ٤خ اغزذاخ ٣شا ػ٠ ابكغ الائذ اض٤شح زا االرغ

إ٠ ٣ؤد١ أ ٣ األ٤خ اجبء رب٤ق رو٤ ؾبخ ازو٤ذ٣خ ك٢ اظشح اإلكشاغ أ إر، ػ٠ ؽذ عاء

غا كزشح ؽ٤بح اج٠ . غزشح ثصسح غبهخ أػ٠ كار٤ش ذسح اد

رغزي أب عذ ازؾذح اال٣بد ك٢ اخعشاء اجب٢ ج٠ 99 ) ػ٠ ) أعش١ ٤ذا٢ غؼ كل٢

ك٢ دكؼب ٣ز إظبك٤خ رب٤ق أ١ كئ زا .ابصخ ازو٤ذ٣خ اجب٢ غ وبسخ (% 30 ) ثغجخ أه غبهخ

، ب اب ال ٣ أ ـل اشدد اال٣غبث٢ اشاؽخ ثغشػخ اعزؼبدرب ٣ اجبء ازص٤ شؽز٢

ثب ب ال شي ٣ض٣ذ ؼذالد االزبع٤خ از٢ هذ ؼب٤اجب٢ اغزذاخ بالغ٤خ از٢ ركش

رش٤٤ذ اج٠ ك٢ كزشاد هص٤شح عذا .رؼض اجبؾ االظبك٤خ از٢ الوذ أصبء


ثغبددت ػادد -٢ الوددبد وبثدد اؼائددذ االهزصددبد٣بد دد٢ اؾددشى اشئ٤غددػددذب ردد ازددب٤ق

، أ ك٢ اوشاس صبؼ٢ذػ -أخش شبس٣غ أعة ب إلهبخ ا ارخبراع٢ هذب ؾ ارجبع ظ ؼ٤

ؼ٤ش ػ٠ ت اؽذ رغؼب ث٤ئخ شزشخ ، زؤصش ع٤ؼب اطالهب ب الع٤ب شبس٣غ ازش٤٤ذ ،

ػد٠ ادشئ٤ظ اجبػدش د كد٢ هزدب اؾبظدش "االهزصدبد" ٣ب او ثدؤ كئ، ثب هج أ ؤصش ك٤ب

اودش ، ثؼظ ب ؽدذس كد٢ اؼودد األخ٤دشح د اعزذاخ األضش اجب٢ ازصب٤ ؾ ازع ازؾ

از٤دخ اج٤ئدخ ؽب٣دخ اعدؼب ثاظد٤غ ازبدب خبصخ ػب٣خ اذ اؼذ٣ذ أذاصش ، ؽ٤ش

ث بى ػا ػذح عبذ ك٢ ري ب :، كشاؽ االزب زا ٣ذ ، اغزذاخ

صؼثخ اؾص ػ٤ب . طبهخ اؼب٤خ ازلخ -1

اعخخ . اج٤ئ٤خ اخبف -2

اوزشخ از٢ خلزب اضسح اصبػ٤خ "اش٣عخ اجب٢" ظبشح ؽ اؼب اون -3

زؼ٣ط خغبئش اجب٢ ابرغخ ػ اغجؼ٤بد كزشح از٢ شؤد ك٢ اـوخ اصذه٤خ ثبجب٢

.اؾشة اؼب٤خ

ك٢ ردي اخعشاء اغزذاخ ؾشخ اؼبسح اجذا٣خ هلضح إؽذاس ػ٠ عبػذد ع٤غ ز اؼا ؿ٤شب

.االهزصبد ك٢ زا الزشح ٤ اشاس ص ، الزشح

ؽ٤ب رؼ اظش زي اذ از٢ أذ ازبب ثبـب ز٤خ اغزذاخ رغذ ثؤ اؼذ٣ذ دز اجدذا

رؼزدذ ثشد اغدزذاخاجدب٢ ػد٠ ادشؿ د ا ، اغدخ ػد٠ دذاسرـ٤ت ػب اشدظ أل٣دب غ٣دخ

أعبع٢ ك٢ اإلظبءح اذاخ٤خ ػ٠ ظدء ادبس اطج٤ؼد٢ ؽ٤دش ردكش صدق ٤دخ اطبهدخ اغدزخ كد٢

ث إ ري اذ هطؼذ أشاغب زوذخ ك٢ رطج٤ودبد اعدزـال اطبهدخ اشغد٤خ صدذس ثدذ٣ ، اإلظبءح

بس اؼزخ اذاخ عخ ٤ضح جدب٢ اظال اذاظ غا كزشاد اث٤ب ش ، طبهخ ك٢ اجب٢

از٢ روجغ رؾذ اشظ اؾبسهخ ادظ اعدئ٢ رؼزدذ كودػ ػد٠ اإلظدبءح االصدطبػ٤خ ازد٢ طوزب

.هزصبد٣خ إ٠ كبرسح اشثبءاالػجبء اؼذ٣ذ األرع٤ق

عزدب إد٠ رطج٤ودبد اؼدبسح ثدؤ ؽب رؤدذأظبػب اج٤ئ٤خ اصبسخ اسددب اؾدذدح ا٠ أ ثبإلظبكخ

ال ازد٢ عدجوزب كد٢ ردي دب ادذ اصدبػ٤خ ازوذدخؽبعدخ اخعشاء اإلشبءاد اغزذاخ أضش

، د أػد٠ اؼدذالد كد٢ اؼدب اؼشث٤دخ ٤بد أشؼخ اشظ ؽشاسرب غب ك٢ طوزب ع٤ب أ

ظدشسح االػزدبد كعدال ػد، ثدذ٣ إلزدبط اطبهدخزج٤دخ زظ٤لدب صدذس ا اربؽدخ الدش ٣ؼ٢ ب

. إظبءح اجب٢ اشآد خال عبػبد ابس ػ٤ب ثش سئ٤غ٢ ك٢

د ٣د د إ ، جدذ اؾعدبس٣خ ااعدخ سعد ػد اغدئ٤ أد ؤؽدذثدذس ادذط دب إ٣بدب

اغخ االعزشبس٣خ از٢ ؿبجب ب ٣غدؤ ك، ػ٤ أ ٣ ؤال زي ااعت، كئ األ اغئ

رطج٤ددن لددب٤ بسعددبد أ رلؼ٤دد، ددب رشدد٤٤ذ جددبغددشم ا٤ددب ابددي ددذػ ارخددبر هشاساردد ؾدد

أ ٣ددددز إال ػدددد غش٣ددددن اؼددددبس٤٣ال ٣دددد ازشدددد٤٤ذاؼددددبسح اخعددددشاء كدددد٢ صددددبػخ االعددددزذاخ

سكدغ غدز ادػ٢ ثد٤ غدالة اذعدخ دب ٣عدت ظدشسح ، اؤ٤ ك٢ دزا اغدب اذع٤

خال االر٢ : ؽ رو٤بد اجبء اغزذا ري خبصخ اؼبس٣خ ػبخ اذعخ

. خال رص٤ شبس٣ؼ دكؼ ا٠ رطج٤ن ؼب٤٣ش اجبء اغزذا -

ب ٣ود ابظك٢ اغبؼبد ثئدخب ز الب٤ اؼب٤٣ش ك٢ اغئ٤ رشغ٤غ اإلداساد -

كعال ػ االعزبػ٤خ إ٠ إ٣غبد اؾ االئخ شب اج٤ئ٤خ االهزصبد٣خ اظ٤ل٤خ


ب ا د٤ظ د اؼود أ ٣ؼدذ اغدؼ٢ اد٠ رطج٤دن لدب٤ االعدزذاخ كد٢ صدبػخ ازشد٤٤ذ د داػد٢

دد٢ ، ثدد ؤددذ ػدد٠ اددب اعددة ػدد٢ عذ٣ددذ بسعددخ ا٤ددخ أصددبء شاؽدد ازصدد٤ ازددشف اؼ

اض٤ش أ اغاس. ا٤اإلششاف ػ٠ رش٤٤ذ اجب٢، ث اهغ هذ عجوب

أهذاف انثحث:يهخص

.اؼذ٣ذح ، أذاكبرظ٤ؼ ل اجبء ثبطشم اغزذاخ ) اؼبسح اخعشاء( -1

. الائذ اجبششح ؿ٤ش اجبششح جبء ثبطشم اغزذاخرظ٤ؼ -2

ش ري ػ٠ ؾبخ رو٤ رب٤ق اجبء األ٤خ ، أصا٣عبػ خبغش اجبء ثبطشم ازو٤ذ٣خ -3

.اج٤ئ٤خ غزؼبد اوذساد االهزصبد٣خ

اؾش ػ٠ رلؼ٤ رطج٤ن لب٤ بسعبد االعزذاخ ك٢ صبػخ ازش٤٤ذ . -4

ا٣عبػ دس اذع٤ اغبد اؼ٤خ شش رج٢ جبدا األث٤خ اغزذاخ ك٢ اغزغ . -5

خطىاخ انثحث:

اجزخ عبثوب اغدثؼط دساعخ شاعؼخ االغالع خال روذ٣ اعزؼشاض أدث٢ -1

.بظع ثازؼوخ اوبالدازت األثؾبس

اغزذاخ أ جب٢عاء (case study - )دساعخ ؾبخ دساعخ ثؼط ابرط اوبئخ ثبلؼ -2

زغ٤غ ثؼط اج٤ببد الؼ٤خ ااهغ .ازو٤ذ٣خ

إعشاء غؼ ٤ذا٢ ػ غش٣ن اعزخذا ظ االعزج٤ب زؾذ٣ذ ذ ادساى ابط ل -3

االعزذاخ ، اعزؼذاد وجب .

هف ػ٠ دساعبد اؾبالد اوبئخ رؾ٤ اج٤ببد ازبئظ از٢ ر رغ٤ؼب االعزج٤ببد -4

. الاسم ث٤ ال االرغب٤

اذاف اال٤بد اعبئ االصخ زؾو٤ن اهزشاػ ثؼطالعززبعبد ازص٤بد اخالصخ -5


-: انثحث يحرىياخ

. وذخ -

. ل اؼبسح اغزذاخ ) اخعشاء( رؼش٣ق -

. اغ٤خ -

. اجؾش زبئظ -

. ازص٤بد اخالصخ -

. اشاعغ -


Prepared by:

/ عبؼ ؾذ ػجذ اظبش ؾذ

" Comparison between the costs of Traditional typical

construction methods and Sustainable method of

construction (green architecture)."

تانطرق انثاء وأسهىب انرقهيذيح انطيح تاألسانية انثاءذكانيف تي " يقارح

") انخضراء انعارج( انسرذايح

:اششاف رؾذ

انسادوى انيزيذ أتى عادل .د.أ

)حهىا جايعح – انهذسح كهيح -انعهيا نهذراساخ األسثق انكهيح ووكيم انشروعاخ إدارج و انذيح انهذسح أسرار(

انعهيى عثذ يحذ أحذ. د

) جايعح – انهذسح كهيح - انشروعاخ وإدارج انذيح تانهذسح يذرس(

اششك٤ ره٤غ اذاسط ره٤غ


The search will include the comparison between Traditional typical of

construction methods and Sustainable method of construction or so-called

(green architecture), and its impact on the overall construction costs, both

up-initial costs and those that spend over the life of the building (life cycle

cost) operating costs, as it will be, God willing, the definition of the concept of

sustainable buildings, its origins, its history and goals with some models of


It will be subject to the influence of buildings on man and on the surrounding

environment, and how to deal with natural resources and energy

conservation, and its relationship with the best method for maintaining the

economic potential of the community not to waste public funds and spending

on development projects by scientific methods, with draw attention to our

own resources.

And show how the close link between economic development and the

environment, and move towards sustainable designs, along with clarifying

how the proponents of sustainable architecture are betting on the many

benefits of this trend at all economic and environmental levels alike, since

excessive traditional view to try to reduce the initial construction costs can

lead to wasted materials and higher energy bills continuously throughout the

life of the building And show how the close link between economic

development and the environment, and move towards sustainable designs,

along with clarifying how the proponents of sustainable architecture are

betting on the many benefits of this trend at all economic and environmental

levels alike, then the traditional view to try to reduce the initial construction

costs can lead to wasted materials and higher energy bills continuously

throughout the life cycle of the building.

In a field survey conducted on the ((99 building of green buildings in the

United States found that they consume less energy (30%) compared to similar

traditional buildings. Therefore, any additional costs will be paid in the design

and construction phases can be restored quickly, we also can not overlook the

positive effect and psychological comfort provided by sustainable buildings

for employees, which undoubtedly increases the productivity rates, which

may offset the additional amounts spent during the construction of the

building in a very short periods of time.


When the costs and expenses in exchange for royalties and economies are the main driver - along with other factors - to support decision-makers to move forward towards a particular approach, Or take what method to establish projects, especially construction projects, And proceeding from the fact that we all live on one planet and surrounds a shared environment which influenced by before that influence it, So, at the present time, we can say that

the "economy" is the main motive for the transformation towards more sustainable designs and buildings , Unlike what happened in the last decades of the last century, where many countries paid special care and wide attention to issues of environmental protection and sustainable development, This attention was not born in a vacuum, but there are several factors that led to this, including:

1. The high cost of energy and the difficulty in obtaining them. 2. Huge environmental concerns. 3. public concern about the phenomenon of "sick buildings" - remnants of

the industrial revolution - associated with the closed-box buildings that have arisen in the seventies to compensate for buildings losses resulting from the global war.

All these and other factors have helped to make a jump to start the movement of green and sustainable architecture in that period, Then the economy came in this period to complete the road. When a hard look to those countries that have paid great attention to sustainable development ,you will find that The sun is absent from many of these countries for long days throughout the year, although the sustainable buildings depend mainly on natural daylight in the interior lighting, where it is providing 50% of the energy consumed in lighting . Besides, these countries have made strides in the advanced use of solar power as an alternative source of energy in buildings applications, While we see darkness all day periods distinguishes our buildings interior, which sits under the scorching sun and glare optical, And only depend on artificial lighting that adds many of the economic burden to the electricity bill. In addition to our stringent environmental situation and our limited resources stresses that we need to green architecture and sustainable construction applications more than those advanced industrial countries, Which has already preceded us in this regard, especially when you know that the amount of sunlight, heat and its flame in the Arab region is one of the highest in the world, which means allow the golden opportunity to be used for the production of alternative energy source, As well as the need to rely on mainly in the lighting of buildings and facilities during the day-time hours. From our belief in the role of the engineer, as one of the most responsible for representing civilized façade for his country, If not is primarily responsible, It must be eligible for this, because he is the advisory, which often the owner resort to it to support decision-making about the construction method of its

building, In addition to the activation and application of the concepts and practices of sustainability and green architecture in the construction industry can only be done by architects and engineers qualified in this area, which requires to raise the level of awareness among engineering students in general and especially for architects about sustainable building techniques through the following:

- Push them to the application of sustainable building standards during designing their projects.

- Encourage departments and officials at universities to enter these concepts and standards in the curriculum, which leads to finding appropriate solutions to environmental, economic and functional problems as well as social and heritage.

Also it is not reasonable to considering that, seeking to apply the concepts of sustainability in the construction industry it is a matter of scientific luxury, It's very wrong look, but we emphasize that its new practical style for professional practice during the design and supervision of buildings construction stages, but the reality may have outdone him many of the neighbourhood people.

Research objectives:

1. clarify the concept of sustainable building methods (green architecture), and many of its objectives.

2. clarify the direct and indirect benefits to building sustainable ways. 3. clarify the risks resulting from traditional methods of construction, just

because we try to reduce the initial construction costs, and the impact on economic and environmental capabilities of the communities.

4. induces the activation and application of the concepts and practices of sustainability in the construction industry.

5. clarify the role of engineers and stakeholders for the dissemination and adoption of the principles of sustainable buildings in the community.


1. Provide a literary review : See through, study, review some of the research, books and articles . 2. Make (case study) for some of existing models both sustainable buildings

or traditional to collect some of actual reality data.

3. Carry out a questionnaire to determine some things as the extent of people's perceptions of sustainability concept, and their willingness to accept it.

4. Data analysis and results to determine the differences between both directions.

5. Summary, conclusions and recommendations, then propose some tools and means to can achieve the objectives of the study.

Thesis Structure :

- Introduction.

- The definition of the concept of sustainable architecture (green).

- Methodology.

- Search results.

- Conclusions and Recommendations.

- References.