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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1929-07-11

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HOW ARE THEY HITTING? Read ()omplete Resulls of H lttlnc

by Big League Lellders In the Sports Section Dally

CONDITION OF ROADS In Iowa Shown on Map Appear!ftI

on }'age II.

------ --------------------------------------~~~----~--------------------------------~----~--~-------~=---~--~~~~~~------------------------------~~~--~~~==~~:-----------~------------~~~-:~. Volume 29 8 PAGES An AUI'Malve Pro,""".. Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday, July II, 1929 ruuTbLeuede ..... ~ .. lnJt-"Rep~~ at Number 3S Uall,. Ne wspaper ,.~ _ .~

Yancey, Williams Complete Flight to Rome Flyers Determine to Stay Up Another 100 Thousands Wait

Hours to Greet Flyers on Arrival

"Pathfinder" Lands at Littorio After Ten

Hours Flight LITTORIO AIRPORT, Rome, July

10 (AP}-Glldlng out of the darken· Ing wpatern sky, Cllllt. Lowls A, Yancey and Roger Q. Williams brought their rla.ne, the Pathfinder, to a landing on this field at 9:30 p,m. tonight, thUH fulfillIng theIr aim of a flight from Old Orchard, Me. , to Rome.

The Illst lap of their flight 'wns trom iJa,ntander, !:lpaln, and was more dlfCIcult than any 'Portion ot their hop aCl'oaS the Atlantic be, cause they encountered cyclonic h~adwlnds that some times reduced theIr speod to botwoen 26 and 30 miles an hour.

The American aviators accom· pllshe~ It nothel' teat that nevel' had been done by any of theIr com· patriots, They kept Benito :MUl<80' IInl wlllllng tor two hours and at length disappointed him completely tor the head of the Italian govern· ment had. to leave the field jUllt 10 mInutes before the Pathfinder came In sIght.

Several ThoU8lllld at AJrport But If Mus.sollnl was not there to

congratulate them there were plenty of others, headed by ltalo·Balbo, undel' secl'Clary for aViation, and representatives ot the Amel'lcan em· bassy. Seveml thousand ordlnal'y clllze"" stood In mass formation for many hours nnd when the flyers tlnally clambel'ed from their mao rhIne, the crowd holl/ted them and Commander J"l'anclsco De PInedo, an Italian olt, hero, upon theIr shoulders and [)araded the trio to wailing aulomoblles,

Just as soon as lhe Pathfinder's wheels louched lho ground, the erst, while llattent c.'oWQ made "ne bIg rush, The)' elbowed out of their way a doublo l'OW or carabIneers, nearly a full regiment of steel hel, melod 8OIdIN'S, a big d~tachment of Rome's met"opolltan police, and a horde or special deputlcs In pI" Ih· clothes who wore thore to guard l\Jussollnl.

Flyers III 00011 Shal>e The last lap of the tllght trom

Old Orchard duplJcated the long hop across the Atlantic In. that no one kne,"" anythIng certaIn about the progress of th plane until It a.p, peared ,'cndy Cot' landIng.

Both Captain Yancey and Will, lams seemed Illtle the worse for wear when they were brought Into town , allhough each Mclal'cd ho had ealen nothing sInce leavIng Spaln. Captain Yancey saId he never liked to eat when he was flying and Will, lams stili was suffering Crom the iltomach trouble which Inflicted hIm when he left Old Orchard,

Will Not F1y Ba('k Aft~r dinner CIII>taln Yancey was

asked It he and Williams Ilad con, Bldered h'ylng for the prize of $25" 000 offered by Col. W. D. Easter, wood, oC Dallas, Tex" for a Wl;'ht from thIs city t,o Dallas, via New ,\'ork, He said the same consldet'a, tlon would apply to that as to any project.

"There Is, however, a. flight that we are thinking about trying," 81lld Yancey, "and It Is not as dlWcult 81 It sounds, Colonel Easterwood haa offered a prIze of $60,000 for a fll&,ht (I'om Dallas to Hong Kong, ChIna, There are three jumps In this lind we believe we could make them."

A Cter a Ce,,' days' rest In Rome, the aviators will make an all' tou~ of some of the nearby Italian cllles, atter that Ihey w1ll ship the Patb· Iinder home and then lako a shIp home themselves,

Des Moine, Plane to Take Off Sunday

in Endurance Flight DES MOlNl!lS, July 10 (A.P)-PIlQl

Charles Gatschet, who with R/,l~s Arnold expects to take off Sunday Inornlng In lhe GI'cater Des Molnos In an /lttempt to b,'eak the ('ndu,'·


i Child Welfare Head i Bruce E. Mahan Old Hospital Will House Five Graduate Branches

Committee Votes for Reservations in Ratification Bill

• • to Direct S. U. I. Extension W Qrk

Authority on Iowa History; to Take

Office Aug. 1

"Eaat Hall" to Include Education, Child

Welfare Units

graduate college enrolled 2.188 stu, dents. a 14,8 per cent Increase over the figure oC the pl'ecedlng 12 monU,s.

The first unit of the old hospital FIve graduate units of the unl, was built In 1897. with additions

vel'slty will move next yeur to East added In 1902, 1913, and 1914, The ha ll , the old general hosplt!!l, whIch use oC the buildIng as a hospItal

M. Poincare Opposes A ction Taken by Repres~ntative8

Js to be remodeileci lor occupanc:r cea8ed when the new general hos· Appolntmcnt of Bruce E. Ml}han, next fall , The Eust hall project 1)ltal was completed on the west PARIS. July 10 (AP)-The Issue be.

for six years leotur('r In hIstory and Was annou nced yestet'day afternoon campus. tween the government of Premier assoclate edItor or the Htate hlstorl· trom U,e office oC PresIdent Waltel' The five fleld~ of graduate work Polncal'O and the opposItion In pnrlJa. cal soclcty, as director of the Unl' A, Jessup, aftel' a committee hUU which will move to East hall are mont as to how the debt accords wIth

worked fOr scveral months on plans, now located In varIous buildings on verslty or Iowa extension dlvMon. The gradua.te collego. college of the campus. Education Is located the Unltcd States and Ol'cat BrItain wus announced Wednesday arternoon educatlon, department Of psycholo, In unIversIty hall, child weIral'" rr. should be ,'atlfled was squal'ely de' by Pres, Walter A, Jessup, Mr, Ma· gy. depal·tment ot philosophy, searCh station occupies several Clned today on the eve of the open ing han will "ssume complete ellal'gc o( speech clinic, and the Child welrHe 8 all b Ildln" t blo k tl'

~ m u ,,8 \VO 0 S nor 1 0, of the momentous debate. The tor. station will move Into the remodeled Old CapItol, the 8peech labol'lltory the extensIon divIsIon Aug, 1, structure 88 soon as work Is com· Is In tho psycopathlc hospItal and elgn l'olatlons committee decided by

The new director of the extension pleted, according to unlvel'81ty of'l· I" t 4 It I tl tl t llberal arts building, while the u 0 • W 1 5 not vo Ilg, 10. res' divIsIon is a native Iowan, born In clals. Tho department of ground" psychology and philosophy hend, N'vatlons must be put Into the ratll!, Bed fOl'd , Nov. 25, 1890. He earneO and bulldlnf(s 18 In chal'S'O or the I'~' quurters are In the llbel'al al'ts build· cation bill. the bachelor of arts degl'oo at the modeling program. Ing and old dontal building.

I'RO ... '. G. D. STOJ)UARD .. UnIversity of Iowa In 1914, and was The dev lopment became nece.· M. Polncal"e wIll oppose thIs, He

• granted the master's deg,'ee six years sary In ordol' to relieve crowded The offices or the deans of th~ again announced that he would stake latel', In 1927 he received the degl'ee conditions In pl'esent university college of education, and gruduate the life ot hIs government on the Is,

Jessup Appoints Stoddard Director

of Child Welfare New Head to Continue

Research at Child Laboratory

Prof. George D. Stoddal'd was ap, poInted dIrector of lhe rhlld welfare I'esearch stlltlon yMtel'day by Pres. "".-a1tl'r A. Jessup, Be had pl·evlous· I;.> been netlng dlrectol' In the pluce oC PI'of, Bird T, Baldwin, who died In May, 1928, Shortly be Core the dealh Of PI'o((,M"or Raldwln a gl'ant wns 1'('c.'II'l'd fl'om lilt' Rock,'Cen .. r, Rplllmn.n founda tlon tQ support the station for 10 years.

Professor Stodda I'd has been at the unlverslt), since 1923, when he wns made gl'llduate al!slstant under Prot. G. M. Ruch, Two y~ars later he I'ecelved his Ph.D, dcgl'ee here, IJe became Rsslatant professor In psychology and education In 1926.

I'lacellleut Examill!!tions Freshman placement examInations

hnve been the specialty oC the new child welfaro head. lIe ha6 been In charge or qualifyIng test" fOl' tirst year students since their first use In 1926, HIs doctoral dIssertation wlla on Iowa placement examlna· liGns, 'II hlch have slllce been used Ir, more than 1 SO colleges and unl, versltles as glvln<; a new type of mental measurement.

Professor Stoddard was bo,'n In 1879 at Carbondale, Pa. Atter 1'0' ('elvlng d~grces In chem Ical engl· neel'lng and educational psycbology at 'P~n n9y lvanla Slale college In lan, ho went to the ,Unlvel'sllY of PIII'IR to take a master's dcg,'ee in [)sychology,

ContrIbutes to Articles Joint author wllh Professor Ruch

of "'I'rijtR and meaaul'ements In high school Instruction," published In 1927, Ol"ector Stoddnrd cl'lIaborated wIth Louis NewkIrk of the Indus, ltjal al'tR d I)artment to write "The gpn,el'lll'shop.;' Be has wOI'ked alone CI" with othel's on 15, standard PSy, chologltal tests, chiefly on Iowa 1)lacement examinations. In addl, tlon he , hal! contrlbutl'd 20 artiCles to technical journals In pSYChology and eilucatlon,

Continues Uuldwln's Plans The child welfare resCRreh station

Is carrying oul the progl'am out· lined by Pl'ofessor Baldwin, Spe· clollsts _ In nutl'ltlon, Ilhy"lcal growth, anthl'opomelt'y, child I>ay· 1' (,01010', Jll'est1hool educatlun and pal'cnt education and other persons on the staCr numbel' 67. This unl' ,'C'r8Ity hl'allch Is the ao'ordl natlng cI'ntel' for child welfal'O research 1I'0rk In the stale, lIith othel' de· 1)(,rtmenta at lowfl ~Hulc college, Ames, a nd 10wn State 'l'ca hoI'S' col, I~ge, '~dtll' F alls, A~ PI'ofessol' Stoddnrd hus becu

In charge of lhe station, he will mel'ely continue with hIs duties as "Wcla l dIrector, I~

of doctor ot philosophy. bull61ngs, Undel'graduate units will college will be located In the I'e ' jsue. Immodlately aftel' graduation from now expand Into the quarters of modeled buildIng. Each graduat~ The l'cSel'Vatlona to which the com·

the unIversity, Mr. Milhan became campus building" I'acat c1 when the unit will be aloitcd space In lile mlttce \'ote up plied were declarations superintendent of schools at Cas. gl'llduate dIvIsions move to East ma.ln building and Its four wIngs, that France nevor should be called cade, holding that pOsition until hall . The nOl·thoast wing Is seven storlcs upOn to pay mOl'e In debt settlements 1918. Between 1918 and 1923 he was The state board of ed ucation In .helght, than sho receIves as reparatIons from head of the department ot history, de~lIgnatcd the numc of East hall , The gl'aduate cenler In East hall, G rmany. anc1l1lrector of dramatics at [owa City and. apnroved the plan. of expan· university o([lclals say, wlJI be one There also was Bome talk of an, high SChool. slon. The growth of the graduate of the leading centers of graduate other l'esel-vaUon pl'ovldlng for a

Aulhor of Historical Pagestlls college of the unlversltr will ma ke 8tud~' In the country. The growth moratorium whenever tho capacity of Mr, Mahnn has done conaldemble East hall an exclusively gl'aduate In gt'aduate study on the campus Is FI'ance to pay Is not equal to the In,

"'dUng on hl~torlcal subjIX:ts within ' bulldlng. one oC tho significant developments stallments duo under the debt accol'd. the last sIx yeuI·s. HIs doctor'" F,'om June 1928 to June t929 tho at the present time. The prime minister Insists that, no thesis, "Old }'ort CI'awford and the :==============-::::;:=============== l'cservatlons of (tny kind be Insel·ted I.'rontlel·... was published In book In the text of tha mtlflcatlon bill. l1e fOl'm b), the state hl9tOl'lcal socIety. P S ff Cho MO ° holds that It Is useless to qualify the He Is the Ruthor of two hIstorical 40, ersons u er Inese lnlster l'atlflcaUon of settlements whIch pageants, "The Ploncel's," and "The w(,re entered Into In good faith b)' all Story or the Indian." S d C I cone rned, but he will consent to

Othel' literary works of Mr. Mahan InJourloes l·n Wreck uspen s onsu the passage at separate resolutions Include 46 Iowa hl8torlcal sketches e=-llresslng any sentiment upon publlshCd In "The Palimpsest," which the chamber may wIsh to go monthly organ of the state hIstorIcal Y' K W' f M on record, Mci!)ty ; 50 storIes out of Iowa's past, Fast Passenger Train Ing oat 1 e ay ConservatiVe opInion al'ound the dlstl'lbuted to state newKPallCI's last J T k' Stay in States lobbies tonight was that the govern· ~.' ... ' b' til. ssoclatf'd Pre~l!; and umps rae 8 In ment would muster It small, but 8urp, articles and book l'evlew8 tor the )Ills, No. Caroll'na Says Law mnjorlt)' (01' unquaUtled ratification, .ls"lpt)1 V .. lley hi"torlcal revIew. In While IIOn\e Of the hlthefto staunch collaboration with R Utll A. Oallahel', adhel'ents ot lhe Polncal'e admlnls,

"'OCK'" 'jOUNT N C J I 10 WASHINGTON. July 10 (AP) - tl'atlon have exprcaHCd themselve" In librarIan ot the state historical t!O. ." ." ",' u y Chinese Mlnll3ter \\I'u acted oftlclal, favol' ot resel'vatIons, yet other clety, Director Mahan wl'Ote "StorieH (A.P)-Forty Or mOre persons were I t I hl tt Ith th y on g In connlX: on VI e groups have let It be known that they of [owa fOI' Boys and GlrI8," publlshed Injured , 14 of them sCl'loualy enough charges oC opium 'Smuggling brought would come to the aid ot the cab. by MacMillan. to requl~e hospital trCII.tment, by lhe against Mrs, Ylng ]{a.o, wIfe of the Inet. It was reckoned that there were

Conduct8 Weekly Exctll"81on6 dllra.llment of fiVe cars on the fu.st former Chinese vice consul In San enough of these latter to overcome .1<'01' the last sIx ye41'S BI'uce E, Ma' Flot'lda·New York ))Us.senger tl'aln F'ranclsco. defectJons In the norma.! government

han hU8 been In charge of the weekly No, 8 of the Atlanth; Coast LIne excul'sions fOI' summel' session stu' railroad neal' k.'nfleld, N. C., today. Atter receIving a large number of I bloc. dents. He hIlS supervIsed the e,ctlvl· One Ivoman was so !:mdly hurt messages trom ChInese citizens In tleu 0' Io,v· 1,Istory ,"eek, ",pollaot'cd h I J I I h tht! United States, the mInister sus' Q'", t at a 1e may d e, whl e Bevera ot ' dId annuall " by the 111-10"lnnl "oclety and f I k pen cd Ylng Kao from h 8 utles

, Q ~ U ~ er~ wcrE> 8U fer nS from bl'O en the Iowa Federation o( 'Vomen 's bones, A list of the more sel'loual)' In the consulate and Is now awalt, Club", He I" a membet· 0' PhI Delt", j b ( Ing a report trom Chinese officials

u u , " In ured given out late tOday yo' Kappa, pl'OtesBlonaJ education fra.' flclals oC the AlIttntie Coast LIne In San FrancIsco on the Investlga, ternlty', the ' American Hlatol'lcal aa' II I tlon he has ordered, Tho IlIlnlSrer l'a road at thE> hosplta hore, showed has reported to his government on 80ciatlon; :Mlsslsslpp> Valley Historl ' II women and three men In the hos' the basis of Information he has aI, cal assocIation; and the State Hlstorl, pltal. Rlllll'oad orrtclals said that rewly receIved, cal Boclety, they had been unable to check up on

Au dlrectol' o. th extensIon dlvl. I I t It was learned tonight that there 0, 0.1 of those Injured and given r ra . 810n, Mr. Mahan will replace Edward aid treatment becoro a l'el lef train Is little prospect that either Ylng H:. Lauer, who waA named May 9 liS reached the scene. Kao 01' hIs wife could be deported dlrectol' of the dIvision of llhyslcal The wreck occurrod In what Is from the UnIted states. cducatlon, d The labor department has l'uled

M'Donald Submits Policy for Debate

LONDON, July 10 (AP}--Hardly altel' the flt'st vote ot confIdence had been gIven the new labor ministry Ily Tuesday's ballot on "8Ilfeguarcj· Ing" tariffs, Stanley Baldwin, prime minister of the l'ecently deposod conservative government, today ob, t.:1lned from P l'emlcr Ramsay Mac, Donald a promIse to submIt the whole governmen t policy to debate and a confidence vote early next year,

AsIde f"om th Is develop men t the proceed Ings consisted chiefly of (t l'athel' dull debate concerning 8cot, tish local -government affa.lrB,

The conservatives crIticIzed Mac, Donald Cor usll)g al'my pln.nes In keepIng politica l enga.gements, They al'gued that addresses at polltlC<L1 meetings did not constitute govern· ment busIness and tllat t he prime ml nlRtor ought to engage pl'lvate aft-planes fOl' such trIps,

known as Ruggles swamp, one an that foreign otflclals who have rl', one.·halt miles nOl·th of Enfield. A slsned their posItions after enter, truck under the dIning cal' broke, Ing the UnIted States on official 'V, B. Dnrrow, 8up~rlntondent of pa.pers, may remain within the Unl' transportation for the Rocky ted States. MountaIn division, said, causIng the Chinese clt'clell here tonight em' rBar end. of the dIner to lelf.ve the pt.aslze that Ylng Kao has been at, ralls, Five pullman cars Wl!fe tached to the consulate for tlve dragged over the tics tOl' 75 ya.rds years and was a holdover from the and then oVClturncd Into the consular servIce ot the former Pek' swamp, slidIng down a. six toot em' Ing government regime. bankmcnt,

The locomotive. baggage cars, coaches, and one pullman proceeded to Richmond, Va,

'Vhen the cal'S overturned all telegraph and telephone Ilnes main ' talned by the ra.IIt'oad company along Its lines Werll brOken, as a result l·n.llroad offices ",el'e unable to get anY early Information n.nd for several hours Jlttle was known as to the number of Injured.

A.ssisted by the pasl!enger8 from one portion of the traln that 1'0' malned on the raila, the traIn crew, none or whom were Injured. broke windows In the oVerturned cars and helped remove the occupants, The ra.ll road company announced tonIght that It was making a house to house can VMS Of E nfield In an ereolt. to locate nil ' Injured persona,

Hant MissiDg Man ONSLOW, Jul)' 10 (AP)-Mlsslng

sInce June 10, otto lIunswarden, 25 years old, III beIng hunted on a charge ot ha.vlng cmbezzled $5,600 In cash from the Onslo,v SavIngs bank. Bank oWclals are of the opInion that lIu nswarden concealed hIs alleged thetts for 18 months before he disappeAred.

82 Year Old Gun Fighter Dies; He Never Knew Fear

Weather Hinders Salvage of H .. 47

Three Men of Entire Crew Esca~ From

Control Room PEII1BROKE, Wales, July 10 (AP)

-With "dIrty Iveather' holdIng back all salvage eftolta, the sunken sub­marIne fI,47 remained tonight a. silent tomb for III I except three of Its cre,".

The baltered L ·12 which collided with the death vessel was at Mlltord Haven. moored between the mother ship Alecto and the L,U. She was deserted by hel' crew and full of chlorln!) gas with tugs pumpIng (reah air Into her.,

On both sIdes of the L·12 great holes testified to the tOl'ce of the Impact whIch lIOnt the H·47 to the bottom with 22 men. They were ugly gashes I n t he steel plates well below the waterli ne, other platcs wel'e buckled and the bOw was out of a.llgnmen t.

It was le'\I'ned tonight that thl'eo men were saved Crom the H'47. The commander, Lleut, R J. Gard· ne,', and a telegra])h opomtor, es· caped from the control room, Petty Officer Hicks, of the stokIng Cl'ew, had just come topsIde tor a breath Of olt' a moment be~ore the colUslon, The Impacl thl'CW him Into the wat, el' und hIs nurrow escaPe WIlS the subject Of m uch dIscussIon In the naval clt'c les.

ance I·"fuellng I' cOI'd, an nounced • • today that the airplane and equip·

The cou nter argument t l'om the I,tbol' benches wr.8 that t he object of the air Journeying was to tll\ve time that could be bettcr devoted to gol" crnment aCfa!t's, The discussion (ll'omlsed to become heated b\lt t he speaker Inlervened and said that 0(,

flclal notice mU8t be given 01 any turthel' quesllons On lhe subject. The house late tonight rejected 0 n amendment to t he .!ddress In l'eply to t he speech f l'om the t hrone ot, rel'ed by Scottl"h II tlel'als li nd csl li ng fOl' suspension of the 10coJ gf)VCl'n' ment In the Scotland acl . Tl'le vote WM 374 to 61.

GlenwoOd Hermit Dies; Coroner Will

Start Investigation

HIGGINSVILLE, Mo.. JUly te (AP)-Jlm Cummi ns, who rode and fought wIth Jesse James, Cole Yflungel', Wil liam Clal'k Quanlrlll and allll lesser lights or fuct and fiction, has battled Ills last oppon, ent and spun hIs last yarn,

Although the utmost seCl'Ccy Is observed by all the naval men, It was leamed that tho H,47 experi, enced some engine trOUble neal' the Island or Armm and fell behind the flotilla to remedy t he dlWculty. Sho \Val! going at full Bpeed to I'e, gaIn her pI'oper place In the fleet when the collisIon took pIneo.. Inent are ready [0., a r (ueling te~t I THE WEATHER I

F'rld~y, • • "We CPo eyeIng beth with admit"

allon and c"p"chen~lon the doggefl Pel'slstonce or the Angeleno as It dronss OVet' the Cu lvel' City airport, lIlaklng OUI' tRIIlt more difficult Its

every houl' ])n~SOB," Glllkchet ~ald. }fe XIlI'CBscd the olJlnlon t haI btul weather wou ld bring the Angeleno down b fOI'C lonl:',

Ha_oDd File~ PetitioDl DES MOTN~J~, JUly 10 (AP)-John

n. lI ammond, 10WII pI'ohlblllonl.t , tOday R~ked th~ PolK county tllMtrlcl eouI'! to ".,,\Iork tho rrrigh I ~ Ilor ot Illp 'hlNlJ'l'O lind NOI'thwpstt'rn rtI!lwoy 0 nn th~ wlIl'chou"p of ('hn I" I~" IIcwlt I It nrl RonK, ['e(ltIon. fliP(1 by Hnmmonl1 .'onlend thllt lllr (Ip· feMunt. Ilrp ~lIl1ty or "tran"110rthll~ , ""lU ng, hllrlerlng 01' rlcllVN'lng mull U,uor," ~ __ ,

IO\\'A-Thu nde l'Rhowers Ilrobllbl.I' Thul'MI'lIIY and FrIday; somewhat warmer TllU rRdo,)' , roole,' til no, I" ' ''''.'''",'' portion I,' l'Ida),. I

T .... OW('Rt templ'I'Q· lUI'll TueRday, 53; 7 fUll. yeHt~I'(IAY 'I 62: hlgheRt tem, IIPrallll'p ),I'Rtrl'dny, 83; 7 p,m, yester, drrm~f1ft! II"),, 73; unorftcllli "l'lIdlnA' at night, 66. No I' rI l)!tntlon.

HPrlfll ng. Ily 1'1'01', John IIrl1ly. ofrlrlnl gflvNnment "'I'nthp.!' OhH('I ' \"N "

Aunl'I, <" 4:4() n.m.: RlIns('t. 7:42 lUll .: mOf')nt'IHI', 10:16 11,111,; mnons!'I, 10 :10 1),Ill.

l •

Mn. Colby Appeals Decree RENO, Nev ., .lull' 10 (A P}-F~'

fortH to obtAin a divorce In Flu'lf! having foll~d, ]\f "H, NII-thalie ~edg' wIck Colby, hal! come to Reno to file dlvorc!' poperM agalMt Baln'

GLENWOOD, July 10 (AP)-In' VCsllg1ltlon ot the deu th Of George Shackle, G9 years old, a florist, the rourth Iowa l'Ccluse to be attaCked withIn two w~ks, \\'111 be startl'd withIn t h neJCt few dlll'8 by a. COf' oner's JUI'y,

Shackle died In If, Council ~lurf8, T.l., hOBpltll1 nflel' being ro und Qt his home on thE> out8kh'ls Of Glenwood,

Cot'oner FI'nnk Raynor so ld tOday t hn t Shackle tOld him he hEld been beaten ,,1th a ba .... bu II bat. Rn )" nor sold he bclll'ved Shl\ck l e'~ death might hi' ~onnected with the slayIng of two othel' IOWa henn.lts.

brld!{e Colby , fOl'l1le l' secrelary o! l3UR l.INGTON, Jllly 10 (A1')­~tnte In the cabinet of \ VOO<II'OW Eldwol'lI NeullCl't. St )'('orR old, who Wilson , T it .. Colby de~l'ee was de' WOR 8hot fInd kl ll"'l hy his Wlf" In nlNI hy t he 1'n,'18 <'ourll! In Mltreh, Chlcog'o, ~unc1lll', WOR 'burl!'d hel'p 1928, 01 whlrh tlmp thet'c W8.11 ('on· tod )' , Mr~ , N(\up~rt was ncqultted ~ldel'Ahle Mtll' OVPI' Ihe g"Rnt1n" or tl ,' " rOI'I1N"R jul'Y or n ('harg!' Of rllvQI'cCR to Amerlrnn~. ' n;'I1'''"r, f!iI~ c lnlmcll ~rlr 'I{'tpns",

Deo.th came l'estel'dsy to the pic· turesque g un fighter, who to the last liked to boa~t Of h I~ onquest8. For the lust 27 )'ears Cummins had Uvcd ot " confederate home hero where he died.

J im Cummins admItted he nevel' k now teal', HIK associates at the old 80ldl('ra home uphold hl~ claIms,

He grew to manhoOd In Clay counly, Mo" In company with the J ameH boys, JeMse nnd Frank, Bor. del' ",al'fllre, between the tree stalerA Of KansllS ond the 1)1'0.8I1vpr man of 1I11880Ul1 flamed Into belnl!'. Cum' mlns joined a band of Mlljilourl sym· pHth l,..erH who wen t down In hlstOl'Y n~ Qua.ntrill's band.

Latel' he joined tho regular Ql'my, PeaCe brough t no Joy to JIm Cum· mlns, When tho Jomes boys oJ'gan, Ized lhelr gang or notorlou8 train robber8, Cummins joined them a nd PartlelpRI,," In thl'lr ~l'ImpR for 10 rlllll'8.

Commiuion to Let Contract. July 23

AMES, J uly 10 (AP)-The state highway commIssion tOd.iY fIxed July 23 0.. the date for leltlng con· tracts for 86.4 mlle8 of povlng In Shelby nnd Audubon, W lnnesh lek, Boone, and Potlawll tta.mle cou nUcs.

The pI'oJecl8 Include paving of pl' lmary No. 7 from lIarhl.O to A vo\ ca, No. 71 from Audubon nort!). to th!' 0\.1'1'011 county line Mouth of Templeton ; 1'1 pa l·t ot Itn extension on No, DD fit C8J\ta lla In Wl nne8hlek count.l'; 9.388 miles of the Li ncoln hlghwn.y In Boone {'ounty from thl' OI'OOne cou nty lin!' to " 1'0At 01 Oil" den; Q nd 6,2~D mill'S oC pa vlng on No. 7 betwee n Council 'FIIlIrrM Rnd UnderwOOd t tl NOtII~.


; .

Builders of Plane', Motor Announce $1,00Q Award for ' Each Aviator; Optimistic

Mi .. ives Dropped to Earth CULVER CITY, Cal., July 10 (AP)-'l'hc two hundredth hour

in the air, much sought but never before attained objective of en,­durance f lyers, waH passed by the aviators L, W. Mendell and R. B. Reill Jlal't ill tbe biplanc Angeleno at 3 :29 p,m" today. Their ship, was performing as smooth ly as at any time in tbe f light.

As the biplane completed 203 hours in the air at 6 :29 ;30 p,m., the pi lots dropped the following note:

"Will take on light load. Looks like a low fog ton ight. WiU \\' llIlt an early !Doming refueling, Everything O,K."

The" light load" to be taken on about 7 0 'clock, wus believed by offIcials to IndIcate that the pilot.

Interests of 25 Countries State

Views on Tariff Spanish Government

Threatens T rade With U. S.

WASHINGTON, July 10 (AP) -Governments and com~erclal Inter, el<ts of three continents expressed concern over proposed In~I'eases In American tarlft rates In communlca, tlons ma de public today by the sen, ate finance commIttee,

TheMe Included approximately 60 notes ancl letters ft'om 25 nations and their colonies apI'ead over F;ul'Olle, AsIa and Routh and C('ntral Amerl~a. They were forwn.rded to the committee ror Jlt~ consldera' tlon by the ",tate department.

po.uUlll'(ls Tllreaten Some of the documenu. were

couched In emphatIc language, es, peclally a note trpm the SpanIsh government threatened "clenounce, m nt" of the ~xI8t1ng ll'IOst'fl\vored naUon...I.rpde relatione wllh the Un\. States shOUld various rates now In ;the house blll beCome law. Others were mOl'e mild I)' phrased.

The noteg came from Great Brl, taln, Australia, IndJa, British EMt Indies, Bahamas, Bermuda, Island of DomInica, IrIsh Fl'Ce State, France, Itllly. SIl<'l.ln, BelgIum, Mex· leo, Auslrla, TUl'key, Norway. Grcece, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, PersIa, Uruguay, Dom' Inican republic. O,uatemala, and Hondul'Q.s,

P leliS lor ConslMratioll The general tenor OC the ]ll'ote"ts

and comments wtUl a pIca for {'on' alder8 tlon of th~ trade relations be, tween the communicants and the l'nlted Stutes In the I'evlslon pl'O' ~es8, Trade balances now exIsting In tavor of thIs country were em, phaslzed and fear expressed over the possibility of decreasing purc7las!ng power through hIgher tariffs cur, tulling shipments to the UnIted States.

Publication of the doeumenls Ilre' oCiJ.}ltated a t!harp clMIt 'between democrats and rellubllcunll, tho for, mer chargIng and the latter dllny, Ing that the complaints represent, crt world wIde l'Csentme nt over the hCluse measu re,

Democrats Wan t. HIgher na . While agreeIng that the for Ign

'Jlrotests :were not un~sua1 when American tarlff revisions were In progress, democrats dl!clared su~h

a tlood of foreIgn l'eacUon nover be· f<ore wal! experIenced,

ChaIrman Smoot mInimized thp situation, denounclnf( a statement by Senatol' Harrison, democrat , MIssissIppI, tbat 38 naUons had nro, tested, then contended the demo, crots would vote for rates even higher than those nOw carried In the bill on certain agt"lcultul'al Iwod, uets wIth 'whIch the notes c1enl at length.

Emmet, Dickinson, Northern Counties, Defeat Bond Issues

ESTHERVTf,LE, July 10 (AP) -Emmet county tOday defeated lhe proposed $850,000 primary roud bond Issue by a vote or 613 to 734, according to I'eturn~

fl'Om 12 of the 16 precincts. The remaIning tOUI' precincts are r ural and are expectec1 to swell the majority again8t the 18lIue,

Esthervi lle favored the bonda with ' a vote or 358 to 259, and Armstrong gave them 174 vote" to 44 agn lnst. Ringsted voted unfavorable tOl' the hands, 12 to 147.

SPIRTT JJA.KE, July 10 (A 1')­UlcklnllOn county WM the ~econd county today 10 defeat a pl'lmUl·y l'ood bond l""lIe, vOting 686 to 1 ,07U ogal nst a $723,000 l""tl~ , llcror(lIng to returns from 11 of the 12 I>\'e' cl nctH.

Hpldt "flk~ (avoI'ed the bonds wIt h 11 272 to 61 vo te, while AI" nOld'H Park gave them n. 162 to Iii votp, Lake Pat'k defentcd thl'm by H, vote of 13 to 318. The rcmalnhu{ llrp<'inct IR It lUTla.ll I'unll which will not npprcclnbl)' ILfJect Iho l'C~ lJlt .


wanted to be able to Cly above the u:­peeted fog,

'l' he stubby winged shIp pOunded away on a monotonous clrclo ot thll flight tonIght. Spectators came. stood In wonderment and departed,

As the two hundredth hour ot the flight flIlted by a white mIssive Wlta dropped. ScrIbbled aCt'OSB Its grease stained sUl'face was a terse request fOr mOl'e gasollne,

"Tell that crowd IC they wanta sel) u~ land, to come back next Tuesdaj', \\'(,'re gonna stay up another hun· dl'ed," It ended.

Refueling ship shot up. lowered Ita hose and with the contact made, sent 100 gallons of glU!ollne Into the An, geleno, Next a dangllng l'ope was caught by the flyers and In thermos bottles and sacks their dinner of souP. corCee a nd il'led chicken was dellv, ered.

DUl'Ing the day the Wright Aero· nautical corporation, builders of the plane's motor, announced an award of ,1,000 to each flyer.

Shortly before 5:30 p.m. the aviators frantically Signalled tor mol''' fuel, having flown past a regular tueUn .. hour. The Angeleno's tanks were neal'ly d.,y when the refuellng plane made contact and transfcrcd 100 gal, Ions,

Amphibian Plane t

Faces Catas'trophe i Among Ice Crags

CHICAGO, July 10 (AP)-A thrfll­Ing fight to save the "Unttn" Bowl· cr, Berlin bound amphIbian plante .. rrom being crushed between towering Ice Cl'UgR Is lold In dIspatches tonIght to the ChIcago Tribune, owners of the plllne, from Port Burwell, Ungava. The plane Is there wlllUng a lift In the weather which will permit thll crew to take the giant ship Into tb. a lt' ngaln,

Helays of Eskimos hauled luel for the plane ovel' a range oC hills from the slorehouse ot Hudson Bay com­pany's post to the ship while others aWed the Cl'CW In fending oCf huge masses of Icc II'hlpl>ed by the wind which bore down On the craCt.

As an added precaution, the plane was taxied out fl'om tho shore as soon as a clear space of water was avall, able and there It was l'ldlng tonIght, pI'cparatory to taking off tomorl'OW If the weather permits.

The course plotted tOI' the next hop will take the ship 700 miles acro .. the Button Island. ovel' a short stretoh of water to Resolution Island. and along the coast of Ba.tflnland to Cap. Walslngham. The "Unlln" Bowler left Chicago July " on the tlIght to Berlin which had been planned to lake five days of good Clylng weather.

Swedish Aviator. Leave Iceland for United States Goal

REKJA VIK, Iceland, July 10 (AP) -Exactly a month aIter they left Slockhoitll on a CIIght to Amerlce. Capt. Albin Ahrenberg, SwedIsh fly· er, and his companIons, lett here to, day for Ivlgtut, Oreenland,

The aviators had been here for wcury weeks trying to get thel" flyIng boat "Sverlge" Into condition Cot' the next lap of t heir t r ip. .

A ftel' several unsuccessful at· t~mpt8, all ot wh iCh wero ha lted by motor It'oublc, they sent to the Junkers wot'ks In Germany tor a. new engIne. ThIs wILlI Instil-lied, tested, and round 8Il.Usfactory eo. with favorable weather condltlolUl. tho new start wn.s made at 1:4'$ P. m, today.

23 Receive Injuries in Street Car Crull

~VLWAUREE, July 10 tAPl-­Twenty,lhl'ee persons, mOBt of t h,!m women and children, were Inj ured whrn a street cal' crushed Into &

heavy tl'\lck here early th Is morn lnc. Among th('m was Charles Bartel. &I year~ old, drIvel' of the h'uck. •

'rhe fl'ont end ot the car wY ,necked and t he It'uek Was throWb ngalnst 1\ telephone post, Anum'. bel' of wome n pll/ll!6ngers becam e hya', t(,I'lco l nnd were Injured In their et­fOI't~ to get ott t he cn.r, None ot th em, howe vel', sutfered serlou8 ha rm', ac­cording to attlmdant8 If.t local h_ pltlll,. 11;'here the)' rPClllvP<j tre_tn:'II!l1o

Page 2

[ . t, ,

SOCIAL tVtNTS Former Stti.dertts to Wed August 3

~ , . in Los Angeles

Ot Intl'rest In local and unlver· slty clrclell Is the announcement ' Ilf tile t'ngllgt'ment and ap'pi'ooclllng 11l1U'l'Ioge of Eleanor WlIIllnTISOT/ ot ('.,uncl! Blufts (lnd WIIII(lm lArra· ~e Ill. fortnerly ot Cio;rmon L The announ t'ment wns made at a 1 o'clock luncheo n Tuealhy In the flowl'r room ot the 1\18.1") Loullle ten room. Loll Angeles, Cr.l., given by lIb·iI. O,'Orr:e E . Williamson, motht'r

f lbf brlde·elt'ct. Thirty rrlends of 'fIA ,,'lllln ll1'1On were p reaent. ' Tht w!.'ddlng will be an ev nt at

'all1rdny. Aug. 3. Ilt St. J Oh n 'a dl tll Ch in LO!I Ang~le8. P arenta ot he couple will be In the cI ty to 0.1.

tend t.he cert'mony. 'AIle WIIIIIITmI01I '18 tllll only

daughter o! :'lr. and Mrs. o<Jorge E . Williamson or Council BIMts. l'Ie attended Walnut Hill &chool at Natick. Mass., and was a stUdent at the Unlv rKlty of Iowa for on year. While on the c. n pus She Wlt8 /Ifni:· at4!d with Kalll'~ KapPIL Gammo. I!ororlty. Fol' lhe Inet Yt'ar she has lM'en It st ud('rll 01 the Unlverslry or Southern lifo /I\a at IA~ A "geles.

Mr. Larrabee Ii tile so n of lIfr. lind .11'". William Lorrabee. J r., or

lermon t and 11\ a gro nd on ot tTJe late Oov~rnor and Mrs. Lorrabee. He allendt'd the Northwest rn 1\[111· tary anti Nnvl11 academv of Geneva . Wle .. and gruduatt'd from the Unl· V(\Tslty of IOWa hi 1926. He received Ills degree t l'\)m the lltw ~'hobl hpl'e In 1818. lie 18 a m emo bel' of Phi KapPa Psi . IIOCla l 1rn· tPrnlty , Pili ],)"Il4l Phi. law !raternl· ty. II nd Ord r oC olr. honorary Ipl!lll 01·ganI7.atlon.

Ht' I" noW with the law firm of l\Ieserve. . 1 uml>er. 'Hughes lind Robertson ot 1,08 A.ngeles a nd Is n. member of Iht' Iown lind CaliforniA be.r .. "

... ; 301,4

Comina Event.

Today 10'\\"a ,tnte Teachers' college

dinner. IOwa Union. 6:30 p.m. Saturday

Summer sessIon excursion to Al11(lnll. 8 n.m.

, I

Local Chapter of P., E. O. Entertains

21 2 at Luncheon 'Two hundr('() twelve cuesta were

IE-ted at IL lun hl'on on the Sun p6rch ot Iowa UnIon yesterday nt 1 p .nI. by local 'chapter g, or P.RD. slllterh ood. Mrs. DIn Babcock • fII· ler ot Iowa Ity, suprem~ pTesld~nt of P .E .O., was guest or honor. FOI' th IlUlt two year!! JIIrs. Miller hM IlK'rved ILS supreme prt'8Ident. In S ptembe,· she will presld(' at th(' ·supreme convention to be held III ChIcago. ~

The 15 tables w ere ('entered with crystal bowls ot yello\" anO white daisies Ilnd baby's breath, yellow lind whIte IM'lng the color!! of the sisterhood. Yellow tapers (l nd nut· cups wllh the gold fit r or th P .E-.O. klaterhood on the handles coml>let~ the decorations.

Rupreme President Prpsldes Table and parlnr hO .. rtpMp~ were

~fl'H . "'rank J •. :'1 ott, Mrs. B. E. Jirn.nvllle, lIfr •. E . F. Oerken, )frs. Paul G. SI1M, :llrs. W . M. FowleI'. ~ I'!I. Ceorge R. Cay, Oerll Idlnt'

·Shontz. lIrrs. Mac Pardee Youtz. ;II rs. Nett! L. JAke, Mrs. {1('org L. Spencer. Mrs. 'R b!I Duncan. lI[l·s. 1.. B. HIgley. :Mrll. Jiu'hcs E. St,·onkH. :llrs. L. G. Lawyer. 1\Irs. (1('Or~e n. Oallup. MM!. Cl'orgt' F. K ay. )("11.

A . W.' B\·ynn. Dorl~ LukP. Mrs. S, WooMol'd , !\f,·s. S. L. Updegratt. 1'111'8. H . O~ Woodbury. lIIrs. W. r •. BY"'l1ter. Ruth BywatH. J{ath~"lne Clark, Marguerite Chnpman. Buo· lah Crnwto,·d. 1I1rs. E. 'V. hltten·

........ ---""""""----.... - .... ~.I dell, ~rI. WillIam Smith ana • (r~.

yrll Uphllm of Washington. D ..• I. In the city "'~ltlnghls sf Bier nnd broth !'-In·law. N01. and !til'll. John e. Rrrggs. IIfl'.' Upham Is connect·

d wIth the Unltf'lt States hah\ber of commerce III '''"shlngton, D.C.

Grace Neff Orthe circulation de· partment or the IIbrury. Is oUl of town on he,· vacallon.

Mary B . H\II1'II)hl'''Y. Ilbrarl'll.ri ' III chnrg or thl' perlodlcol odlne I'oom. Is 8J)l'ndlng her vllcntlon in LoJJlsvllle. Ky.

ElIzoJ:)eth Tl10tnM Of the Ol'd I' dlt· )}artment of th IIbl':u·y. I ~ 011 he,· 'Va· ratIon. A portiOn or her leave wilt be spent til M G,·egor.

~r6. !,nuralt.;;;-L. MtII~r, '28. lett yUto"day tQ 11 r ~~In. LQA AI!· leles aft".. ~llllh\8" UI month ot Jun ' '\vlth her piuents;· Mr. and Mrs. A. M..~Wlnt~r,;. N. CIIM n street. '

I . , J', ... l

Dt:'nlid fMl. J.O:Sexton ot WIl.h· Ington. visited th eir daughter, Mar· garet, YCHlc,<day. ,

1\1.... and MI'8-:-R. IT. Fitzgerald. 600 llakland IlVenUI'. went to BoonI' TIle8JIly evenIng tor a two days vlijjl. "

lI1('h,1rd ·13,·I!."IIt. ' WhO'rM 1Ved 1118 mast r~,; Ol!grli In 'cl\ertJlstry In 192'1, - 18 making a n extended v isit with 111 11 nUl l'I'ts ,' Mr. an\! ~1I·8. W . M . Brlghl. 460 . T erYI plln ' I'OIId . Mf . .Bl'lght I~ Vllh tit AtnjOspheric Nltr~n compu.ny, SYracuse. N. Y.

Lyda D. Btebblnll, 810 N. Li nn lit I' ~ .. t-etllrnt'd to her home yeHter· day Irom l\fercy h ospital. She hnl! be<:ltln the h08pltal s ven weeks on IU'collnl ot I\. broken hlp.

Rutll Ann Dal~ ot Quincy. III. , Is visiti ng for two ''' ek. at fhe home ,of he" gra ndparen ts. Mr, ond ~Ir!l . .. William Daly, 502 19wn ave· nue,' ~

MrR. Mae OSborn lind lIouglite~". Dorothy and H elen , or Coralville. I , re visitors In Davenport yester' lIay.

• Arter 11 week 's visit at the

)lll1'eJitlll G. P . . peldel , home. 111 8. Su,"mlt street ,' Mr,"and ~lrs: 'T . O. tollh!ton. and daughter . Po.· trlelll. I\nn. ' 'I fl ' yesterday ror th Ir home~ 'l1 IndianapOlis. Ind .

.L + + Past ' C;-blel'A €lllb DInner a.t Yooi!e'.

A ''dtt'her bridge party wtll · be !lIven ,lor the member8 of file Past ChillI/II club of the 'I'yth1I1.n' ~Ister· h ood. a:t 6 o'clock tonight at Youde'! jnn. ,," '"+1. f'

M~ Lola lInnnon. Mu:' MaMe YOude ·ahd· ;llr8. :ltnry O'Harra will be hOlitessell. ~

• C." + ~ 'Ii +-

U nlveralt, Cfatt Hold. Tee for Graduates ••••

IJ'hl! Unlvprslty 'club ,.till , hold an lnforlnlll tea. open to' lJU~r' 8tu· dents' ot the g raduate department. In th6 lub 1'00ms at ··lowa. Union tomoPI'DW' tram • to 6 :30 p;m. The conlmlttee In chnte 18 Mrs. ' W . 1.. Bywa\er. no Maguw n lItJ'eet; Mn. R ,' B.' Wylie, len WOOdlawn Ilve­Jlue; mUlah Crawford. 0 or Iowa. CIty. and Emma Watkins, !05 S . Linn -'reet.

+ + + '" lII'tborpr'. Pk'nle at Park lui, '2 ", ....

All tOMllel' etudentS' 'a.nd t~lrehers of tl1e ' three WlLrtbul'Bft IIcI...,ls at W~verly , Cli nton, and Dubuque. will ~Id a. pIcnic at the CIty park tomorrow at 5 p.m. The m eetlrlg 1)1a!:e for the group wlll be tlle big d lPt>er 8wlmm Ing pool.

All Intel't's ted . are asxed to call K. i F. Wetner. ~9I:!.j, ~ '".nlng.

I ' 1:"-, • j •• -h",,-+.: .T o .... ,

AI ro.... Club RMnJ Report .. :WeekJy Lancbeon .

l ..... : luncheon In the AmerIcan leo g10~ dining room at noon yester· ~Rt. Mrs. Jetlsle B. ,Gordon, 305 S. Summit street, repor(ed to the AI, tr~a. club on the national conven· tlo that waa held in ·Denver. Mrs., a don was the deleeate from lh. 10 1 Cbapter. . ~ .. .

"'rank A . .oanl1er. A t the ~pcllkers' table wpre 1\(rs.

111 Iller, /!Up",me rlre"ldpnt; JIll'S. IT. 11. Newell ' of St. LooqR. Mo.. na' tlonn l orgnnlzer; Kath riM Monn o! l\ft. Pleasant, n:Wonal execllltv Mc,·etnry. nnd M,·s. Frank L. Mott. prel!ld(>n~ of chllpt!'r E. with reprp· St'ntati"e8 Crom othl'r chapters. Each spoke n. rew words or gr(>f'Ung. At tho· tnlllE'!! parh memllcr trom eo.ch chapter WILli IntrodUCed by the presl· dent ot her gro up. '

J'Totram Given Following the tnble program a n

pnt~~talnment of song" nnd dance nutnbf'1'II ,,'lUI g ll'pn In the loung('. A woltz clb!t and I\. plrl1tl' dancp wl're PI' Mnt1!d by a clas8 n-om the physical education llpp:lrtment. 1\Ir~.

Clair I~. Woodwnl'd plnYl'lI thr ar· c nlpanlm ell!. Thelma Rhoml .. r ('n· te rtnlned with I\. Bolo drince I1rter which Susan F.aker. A of lown. City, gllve two re(ldlngs.

M.A. T~. G. Lawypr or the locol cl·apt(l~. sa ng "The (loral danee." lfl' ').lbss. Slle waft ru-.companled by :'1r8. W. 10'. Smith, also ot hap· tel' E. Ruth Elaine Smith. aceom· J'lllhled by ' h~r motll.-r, )1r8. F loy Orah(l,n Smith. concluded the pro' grnll\ with two co.~tume dances, the "I)anLsll" dance, anti "~f~xlcan hee1!"

OOt of StAte Ouest!! l'Tesent Ouestlr from dllLpters at ·WMhlns·

tOn. W(!st Libel'ly. Williamsburg. 11.[o.rlon. ~lt.'Ve'·non. TIpton . ~ra· rengo and edar Rapids wc,'o pre~· enl Ilt the luncheon.

Guests rrom chilpters outRide rown. W re KatherIne Day of linton . Mo .. )f1lf'Y Ellzo.bcth 1.lttle ot Dulutll. ~Ih\n .. Eltzo.beth Farrell ot' Oml1ho. Neb .• 1\1/·s. Fr. W . rnven of Evlln ... · ton, m.. Marthl\. ShaH ot )Iollne, lit .• Mrs. C. L. Bartlett of Los An· gelM. nl.. Mrs. n . W. Thro.lkeld of Tdnkn.wla. Okla .• 1\1rs. S. C. Grub· ble of st. ]),ouls, ?io., l\talvlnla La· man ot ""'agone r. O~ll.., MI's. Louise L . Voorhis of San Dimas. Cal., ath· ethlll McAfee or Knoxvlll. ] n .• ]i!tJfmll L. Ritner o[ Los A ngeleR, Ca l .. Mrs. B. A. Bobb or Mitchell, S. D f, a na Marjorie Sauerma n of Mitchell. "S. D.

J i

Iowa C~ty W oI1l:en Entertain Matrons

A series ot parties are bei ng given for severo I young lIIalrons who are visiting 'their p(lrents In JOWl\. City.

!iiI's. R obert Dnvls of Lawrence. K(ln .• and 1\1rs. Ma "lIn Horter of ToledO, !)oth bt whom nre vfaltln l!' their purents In the city. e ntel·tl,l ned a number ot former Iowa City yoUng women at a breaktt:\.l!t In Y01Jde's ' Inn Wednesday mornlnt;. The table 'was centered with a bou· qUet of pink garden flowers.

Oue!ltg a t the br akta.Rt were )frs. L!lurlstorl :\!11Ier of Lo.q Angeles. Mrs. R l\.y C. Dauber ot Stnrk vllle. .:\1188.. OrpllA Sch uppert, Florence K elleher. )1r8. Hugh Carson and ~(8 rlon 'Tanner. , Complimenting :'[rs. Miller, Mrs. Hugh careon of the R iver road 1J0uth . W(lS hostess 'I'uesdll'y after· noon 0.\ a bridge -party. Mrs. Mil· IeI' . and .Mrs. Kelleher won bridge prizes. ·A two·course luncheon was served at the conclusion ot the func· tlon . Guests a.t the purty were ~rr8. Miller, )(r9. DA.ut\ r, lIfrs. Dl\.vls, Mrs. Hotter. IIf lss Kelleher. Miss T a nner, and Mrs. Edward 1\1cLough· lin.

M re. ~rl1ler en tertal ned I\. grou p of young matrons at I\. luncheon at 1 p .m ., 'VedneSda)'. In the Town and Gown lea room.

ThoSe Included In the courtesy ,~ere Mrs. Horter. Mr~ . Davis. :l'l'r8. Dauber. Mrs. Carson. Mlqs Turner. Olive Klingaman and :llIss Kelleher. . ,...... .;: + '+ Elks' Ladles WUI Pt.y Fi .... 1 Gametl of ToumlUllent

The tlnal bridge games ot I\. tour· llAJ)'.ent sponsored by the Elks' ladles organlmtlon will be played at the Elks c lub house, Thursda)' . .Tuly 11. at 2:30 p.m. Prizes for the tournament w1ll be I\.warded at tho end ot the . aflel·noon.

A vestment which belonged to Ly· dcke <Abelsson. bishop of Veste l'tUls, Sweden. In the flrteenth century. has been found In a niche under the cathedral 'noor In that town.

GetJ Entertainer 'forMonday

Mystery will lend enchantment the program ot magic which Paul ~'Iemlng wtll present Monday at 8 p.m .• at the naturlll selenc audlt01'l· um. Endeavoring to boffle 1118 a udl· ence, l\I r . )"Iemlng goes on the thMr)' that people e njoy IM'l ng mystifIed.

F eats of mnglc. mind readlnl!', nnd mesmerism. oomblnlng skill and In· genulty. COIl1P08e fbe evenlng's 1)1 ... · gram. HI8 slAge technique and his constant flow ot wIt add to the en· tl'l·trunme nL

During lhe winter he IS 'a prOfl'SMr of psychology at Swarthmol'e college. swarthmore, Pa. Prlt,.. to thnt lie \\'Il.q a pl'ofessor of ecohonl Ica III the University or Pennsylvania.

Local audiences will remember MI'. F'lemlng's former nppeal'nnce \let June 24. 1927~ At that time he .tuted that be endeavored to fool all the people all or th t1me. ' Accohillig''to Prof. Benj. F. Shambaugh. cholrm :on of tbe sel\ate board or u rit ve"slly lec· tures, the nh.tul'ot ,!clente audltol'l· um WtlS packed. and ma ny perBons W I'e tUl'ned awny.

The Daily Iowan, Iowa City

Perform , . . .

War-Time A viator, Part Plane . Owner ·

Die al Craft F alII


HACKE:-I~A K. N. J .• (AP) -)IIlJ. Willi am Strong. of Arl • .onn. former wlI,··Ume avlato,·. and Ceo

, CI'Ot'ler or Parmus. N. J .• were killed tonight In their alrpillne whIch fell 1.000 reet to the ~ound at Rochelle park . neal' here.

Buth O('eupants were dead wben taken (''11 111 thl' ,v reck(lge. l\1(ljor trong WItS the pilot of the pillne

and eroell'l' was pllrt owner. ~fajo,'

Strong had " e n service In lhe a rmy during the Pershing expedition Into ~Iexlco and In the ' Vorld war.

Six Law Students Work for Degreel

Six men are working 101' thplr [le· gl'ees In the college of law. If suc· cessful lhe bonors wlll be presented during the July com'ocatlon. Th t'l'e rae no cllndl<1att's tor ad vanced de· g,·eeR.

'rhe men lire CI'alg K. ){ ennedy of '\'ate"loo; Orville F. Grahame of

~ '" , Shel1~burg; J ohn J. Seat'S of Rioux Roy O. Latham to Ily; Walter I. H a nson of Davenpo"l;

. • • Doyle W . Dickinson or Winnebago.

Thursday, July II . 1929

Architect Found Dead J.E~I.\W4 , .luly 11) (.\1') - AlOia

;\llUI1l'~'. nl'~hllr('t. fOl'lIlerly I'c~ldlnK

In Lc~I.II·~. "'lis found drlld In a hotcl rnom III Chlcagu, UI'C'o"dln~ III wort! l'cccl\·etl I>y 111" pO"enll herc. , :'Illthey hall ilccn el11lllond 10 C'ldcago fo,' about twu yeal'~ by the Rlnel'lh' 011 comJlHny. lJul'lng hi, ~tudent days lit ~"ot,·c Dome unl· \ 1I'·Hity. he \\ UN II footbnll plnyer.

Just one Htntemrnt." },hl'lIch Mid. " I lls C0111ment upon the verdict or 1:1 j'"'OI'S i.~ Inl(,l·cHtlng. li e shall have a chance lo pl'ove that. too. t lle hs ll'yint;' to gh' e my client a hlacle eye lE'c(luse sll won," he said.

' , 'h p,'Ogtam 19 brour:ht here under the auspices of the aenate board of university lectures.

Hig~e, to Setv~,

Speak at Reunion Minn.; anO H1chal'O A . Nelson of Ex· Forme,' stuuents ot Iowa State 1m.

Teachl'rs ('ollege will guthe!' this eve· nlng at Iowa Union for theh' annual reunIon. Roy O. Lathom, 11I'esldenl at the Institutions will gIve the prln. cl plIl toast at n. <llnner at G o'clock .

Association Holds Lead

L.lYiJlgston, fOl'mer ,'L'u lsa divorcC'3, was happy whpn 11 jury a\\'III'II('([ h ~t' $~.i,OOO in It t' breach of promise suit against Franklin UaJ'clirrgr, \\C'llithy hicago mannfactul·er . She is shown being congl'utulatc'd after the ve l·diet.

on Alumni Council 'for Three Years

W ith 21 other lhen selected from 260 college" a nti univerSities . Fred· eric O. Hlgbe .... fxecutlve lIecretarl' 01 the University of lown. alumni (lPsocllltlon. has been named on the board or IlIrectors of the American alumnI council.

'Ihe unlvel'81ty man a lrE'ady has tnken orrlce lind will remnln In til,' position for thr e Yl'ar8. P1J1'llOAt'M 01' thp ~ouncll Are the crMtion or friend ly relations bHween IIlumnl orgnnlzutlons. Interchange ot Ideas on Nmmon problems, and stlm ula· tlon ot Individual a lum nl assocla· tlons.

Town Is n member ot reglon 6. which Includes Inslltutlons In Kan, sM. :'flssourl. Nebrnska and Okla· homa.

Dorothy English Raps "Periny in

Slot" Education "P<'nny·ln·thl'·slot" eOu~nlion wns

glv~n a blow yt'sterdl\.y by lJorothy English ot Lohdon. e"ilpnellt or the

l'oul' students ot the t 'nl\'erslty or Iowa. all [ol'me,' 111('mbo"8 of tht' r'dlnnlslngel'H. collrge glee club, will p" esent sevt'ral vO(,lll sl' lcctlons. CI'OUP !llnglng will be Iwld with K A . Ralston of ThO/'nburg In cllllrge.

Elmer P. !;chlndl 1'. c: or Hlppey. presldenl ot th a'80cl:otlon. a n<l AlJ' A. Voogd. 0 of PII',·son. spcr('tary. are members ot the commlttel! In chlll'ge.

Minister Charged With Ass~ult BEDFORD, July 10 (A P) - The

Rev. 11 . R. Pllltt oC Shnl'p"l)l1rg-. \\'as bound over to the gl'cllid jury In Justice RU"I'('Il's court here y<'II' t rday on $500 bond, to answer c l.llrges at assault. brought by Ora N~·lson. Sharpsburg dl'lIggl~t. who claims th:lt lhe mInister attacked and uent hIm on July 3 dU"lng an argul'n~nt OV~r a I'alll thl1t had been conduct d ngalnst the drugstore.

Suspend Car Service A:.ms. Jul y 10 C'\P}-~er\'lce

on thp .11' pt Clll' IhIP bN wt'pn down · town ,\ m(,R lind , th" IOWll Stn te ('01· Ipgp ~.ampu". ()wn~d hy thl' Ft. Dodge. DeH :ll olnes. anti Soullwrn mllrnn(l. will h" suspended until tile beginning of the fnll term III tlw coll('ge. In ,,~cordan~t' with 1/ peti· tlon fil ed hy tlt l' company. whic h tlw city cOllncll nn(] Rtntp bo, I'd ot Nlucatlon hllV~ approved.

Auth~~itie's Investigate

A:llES. July 10 (AP}-The north '1'omo, cow tes ting association again led thl' 99 cow testing assoclattons lal Iowa with an avt'l'Uge of 30.8 pounds or bulter fllt P~I' cow durIng Junl'. nrcordlng to the m onthly i'eport released by the exten sion 6ervl~e 0: Iowa Stat college. ThIs Is the hlghesl avern.ge which n.J1Y cow teSl· In!~ association In the state has made dU"lng lhe month of June [01' llle lost five yettrs.

Stumped Profes8or RALEIGH. N . C. (Apr-Dr. J. M.

Bell or the ch mlstry dE'partment or the Unlv",.,dty oC NUI·th 'al'Ollna, one of tl)e edu(,l1tot'S condu cting PX

ami nations In the EdISon schOlarship contest, saId he couldn't hnve ans· wered nil the lluestlons hlmSt'H.

, , C'llfC'AC10. July 101 (Apr-Prae· dp~ ,\f a Hult (or $200.000 todllY was (lied " y pounsel ror ~lIss Ann L I,,· IngH(dn. tul"a. divorcee, ngl1lnst 1,"'anl,lIn lI urdlng~. millionaire Chi· (, [,go manufacturer, cM"glng the welllUw Chicagoan with s lllnder. Miss Llvlngaton lnst Saturday was tlwrud d $25.000 by a jury whIch hPnl'd' her suit for $250.000 against J I"'ill. 'ge In whIch She IIlIeged I"'pach or Pl'omlse.

'1'hl" bllHl s of tOday's suit Is reo m:U'ks mudp by Hardlnge In a stale· nWllt (llstrIiJutel'1 lo the p1'e88 Mon· 'lay In which he WllS credited with (Illying ;\'IIs. Livingston a "tl'altor to hE'" s~x." 1111<1 charging he,· with hreaklng lip the home of harles

. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . ........... ; ....... I'


The gay DIlIRY Mayme Plunkett Klpax . hau tht' audIence with he" from 1ll1l'1'lRblll'g. "plunks" down In (rom hI'" th'st appeuranpe. although u reserved bachelor's home and In· her chal'lI t""lzallon was also paint, [orms him that "There's something l'd broadly . lJ e" high laughter li nd else In lire uesldes slaving all your little Idlosyncl'fi~\I!fo ot movement days. und whnl ore you s laving fOl'? CUl'nl~hed a succe~sful lheatel' Aunt To leave ft to /I lot oC relatives \0 0111,.. flghl over!" Irenl' Stanlt'y 0.. DaIsy Mayme

,lIl'l'rt m<'thOd or teachIng LoUn. whpn :.rANLY. July 10 (Al'}-Author. Rh~ tl1lk~d bero"e o.pproxlll1alely 40 lties al'e expected lo InvesU/(lltc the persons In room 1\0 ot the llberlll a ,·ts possibility that a man tn the- Ce"ro bul~'"ng. , Gordo county jail Is the one who

1 hl~ type of education sht' ch:o.rnc· :o.ttackeO Sam JTolln.nd, n. recluse. terlzed as I'pcelvln!:, '1l. rtAln m('nH' last weel<. 111t! d~. rl,rlion, It Is ur'~ ot tdct~ tor 11 given IImount or fIDld. t"llIps with the prl"Oner'A ap. etro,·t. OPI10RIng thlll fl\.ulty n'lethod I pe:or:once. 11011an<1 wll .. hNllen and ot t(,llClllng. she offered the plan of robbecl while ulon<' In his shack on (lI ~sl'l1llnnllng knowledg.. through lhl' oUlsklrtA or Ma nly.

'!Dal sy ,Maymp;' by.C1POl'pe K elly. ('rpat~d prr(pplIy the ~ood natured. wilR 1)lay&(1 to lin enthusiastic audl· unquel1c lmlJle woman who acled so ~nce o[ liellrly GOO pprsons last night nlltul'Ully I1nd und.rstood Cliff', In the natu;'lll science audItorIum. relatlvl's so well. 11 ,. cont'llglous This fIrst play of the summer Ses· laughter Gild he,' easy lilt Of man· slon was 0 {lomeellc comedy of de· ner with. now a nd then . II touch IIclou 81y realis tic chal'actel'lzatlona of I)alhos bl'Qu!!hl a [Inlshe(1 char· Whic'h , W~Jl lJ l1enrt~ r"epl>o~e; fl:om act(\·r.'·I~

dlrecl association ot wrlllen and "pok('n words with action. and ob· jects.

"The dramaU method utilizes ~

IlrOCPR" thnt IA pll'slIlI.nt becltus!' II Is utlfol·ced. and Is economIcal," .Mlss EngliSh 8O.1d.

'rhe plan Il'ads through languagl' Into IIt"rl\.tlll·e. Translation becom<,s IIlIled wIth arts. Songs, ato l·lps. games. debates. and declamations are r'csouroes l

ObjecUonR that tll(' voellbu lary wou ld be r..,Mrlclt'u by sucll ~tudy and that tht' m ethod would Involve too much time. she met by Allying that lL b'rnall active vOCllblllary 18 or more me1'lt th(l n I\. larger ' absll'nct one; and th'at tim Is not wasted that pro· 1I uct's resu 118.

There will be nil ..,Vedneadny Ipc· lU "e n ext week Since It Is thE' fi nal week , but this BeBslon's plan will be cOlltlnued nexl term.

I ,

Sorority Entertains at ,Inform,aJ Df~n~r:

Mary Plum 'Reports . Thl r ty·tlve nlumna~ ' and active

ml"mlM'rs of Alpha ~Ila PI were e n· tertalned at on Ihformll.l dinner at the chapte\o house yeslilrdny at C:30 p.m. The gu~s'ts were sl''nted at fOUl' tables a rranged In the shape or lhe IIOrorlty ·pln. Garden f lowers weru used os table decorations and a color Heheme of pink and lave ndal' \\'n~ cal·tled out In the appointments.

l-'ollowlng the dinner. Mary oPium ot Iown. City, presented I\. report of th~ national cohven(lon whl~h WOH held a t Mayview Ma nor. Olowlnl\' Rock, N.C.. the last week In June. MIU Plum WItS I\. del~gat frb ,he local chapt~r. She ' also played her sororIty Bong wh Ich was u wal'(/ed the na tlo"aJ prIze at the convenU~I\ . a nd the group Joined In the s lllging of It.

i!)ut of town' members pi'esent at the d inner Included Mrs. 101 rUn' Hotfer of TilledU. MrlI. Cliester Grottmon ot Ma nchester . 'Jean Jo'olweU 'of Da VW1' port. and Ruth Roth of Ottumwa.

I I I 'I

Hom~ ~.ql}?p1i~s , Students Entertam

- '--The thIrd luncheon prepared by

the . tudenw. of the home economics department. was ' lIerved In the dc· pattment dining room yesterdny at 6 p.m. F1ow~rs and food made use

lOt red nnd 'While as I\. color scheme. Jnne Wydenkoft. A of Iowl\. City. was hostess til Lulu Smith. Mra. Sarnh S: Edward.e. Frances John· .ron, NIna. FrohweJn. Lillie Cilley. :\Ir~. Alethl\. Redman, and SylvIa Noffsfllger. Allah Chatterton, A of LInn Grove. and Anna.. Hurevltz. A oC Muscatine. were cooks, and lIIar· tha Potgletel'. A ot S leamboat Rock, served as waltress.

A.t I\nother table Jllne .Dutcher, A of Iowa City • • 1~stes~. H'llr guests were Mr. -and Mrs. C. :Af. Outeher. a nd ..on. Dan. and Mate Olddln!;a ot' the home economics de· Pllrtment. and Dr. Grac e WillIams and Winifred Clark, ·both. of phy,l· cal education departm~nt.

Church Society Meets CEDAR FALLS. July 10 CAP)

The annu(ll ('onfe,'cn('e Of lh~ Sun· dny sChool and the Chl'lstian En· deo\'ol' "orlctl' of th~ Unllr() Br('tll· ern society or Iowa co nvonl'd ~ Rtv('l'vll'w park. 11('1'1' todny. for 11

flve·dllY 8e.,"lon. ~10"o than 300 persons arc expected to attcnd the

onfe"enc .

thp lIsteneoli K. ' j Laura. Fe-tlner tars From the {'ntmn"" of Daisy Lau .. a Fennel', the forbidding.

~1aymp. who ('omes lo Cllcr :ITCHIng· /Iva ... lclous Ris ter of Cllfr. was c,·~at . cr's old fllMhluned village hOJl1e to Pd by Floy Mann Schenne,·horn. visit hlR nl~cl', May. Cllfr's reltltlveR who ~howp<l the most flnl s hl'd. a,'e In a conslant state of excite· dell~nt"l y ~h"dpcl und subtle churac· ment tor f~nr DaiRy Mayme will te1'lztltion of the III:ly. The t"ngedy vamp hIm and thus g t hIs hom e In h~r fOI'(> onll ""II'!' In the las t art and money . And tun loving, mldtl~p was trnnRmlttNI to the audience alld (lg('<.1. lJolsy :'olayme who dOl's n't won " s),lll j)athy In "pitt' of the have n. s~lfIsh thought In ht'r head. meU,WR. DC the stage character. cicclcles thl\! after all urf wo,,1<1 Clift 7!1E'ttlnge'·. the stpady. faith· make a gOod hU81ll1nd on(1 win. him. rul l'l\('holo,· brother. who Clnnlly

rIm nf Pla,y light ,'UCCUlllbs to Dolsy Mllym('. wus Thus We have the plot of the play CII"l'fuily pOl·trayed uy A. Dale

which Is v~ry .lIght. the r)everness R!I~y . who showcd ('onsld(,I'nhle nr· d('pendent UI)On tl1I' charnct"I'Iz,'1' IIslic lllient In his cre(ltion oC a

The nOR"lbtllty or train" of glld~rs lions. The roles were nil well piny· complet(' Inte,' pr"talion. towed by alrplnnl's IR being widely ed .nnd pitched In the key of the 'I'he III'odul't1on a'< a Whole showed discussed omong gllllp1' rOnA I1t Long t11Pater. a SUCc,,"~rul WorKing out oC " plllY ]leach. ('nllf .. ncrording to I'pport" Hugh Seabury. as old )fr. Jt' lloon. whlrl[ ·'0 l)endN1 upon thl' Rt,'ength from tbat city. which has a In.rge who MY •• " I've had ihrpe wlv .. s, ',f (hnrnctl'rizatilln anti ('mphnsls of altd a('live 1;"1<1 I' ' organlz.'1t1on. and I'd hnve nnothe,' If m~' l<'Ig .. '<l the homl'ly tnn ~ of l ypiclll middle Some enthu8la>its are ..aId to envl· rarry me fa,' "no\lgh to tlnd her." cia •• , .Am~riN\n colloqulllsms and 810n aerln.1 tl'Oln. In which the gild· I{l1ve an rxtrem!'ly stro ng com('dy famfly Bltualions.

rH will bl' cut 100.'1(> from the train Interpr~tuUon. His bron(l plnylng "D(llsy ~Tnym~" was prOduced at ihe dpRUl1atloni< of thel ....... spec· won a Ilearty hand from the audl · unde.. the direction of Ha,"'y O . tlvo Iln.qHl'ng~'· A. the limllrd going .encl'. 13arp s, tpchnlcal (lI"ector and

th "0111\ h , to =,1 ts .~.:~= .. n='=I",n.=n :"~'==='~= ~Iorence m(lk~ ~~I~;..",A:;:u::n;;rtFo::l~;,y_a"..8 ... p.,.,18!:t",a:-:,n,.,t ..,I,.,n'-""!t.'.,.::l::' ~=t=o!:,. ",i"'~=is8P,,,,~e=c~I=' .=.,,,_c!!


After aft After-noo·1i .,'

of 'Oolf~i 10.

i J , t • H II

The Foulltain at .r, . ,

i50uis ~.'" I'

blton STORE: . 124 East CoHere " , ,·1 , ",.,

The Rexall and Kodak Store ',. iO

NIIX. St. I,oul a advertising man. At· torney Rl'nJnmln Ehrlich sa W to~ ; . • • • • • • • ,. nlAht. '

"I shall seek to have him JlI'ove ~ 4 W' ., fI' ,;.~ ___ f. __ _-' _ ----:--0:--:---- ~ ______

f.++ ..... +* .. *+~* ..... *+.H.* ...... j. .. .,.H ....... *++.H.++*+.I ... +t-H+

~ MeN WANTED I i .W~t~d----264 Men I ~ To Buy Good Shoes At t i ~L:.t I * ~ ~;% and30% Discount I i hrE HAVE that number of. shoes which are going. t ~ VV to be sold today, friday, .and Saturday. +

I¢ ,. I S~VE NOW! 1+

AI LL SIZES, from 6 to 12, and a variety of colors, styles, and materials, Tan - Black - Twotones :

i V $12.00J' ~ A 35% Off t L $lp.OO t U $ 8.00J t E $ 7',00 30% Off I

~ S $ 6.00 + I ~, I i SteWart Shoe Co. ' :t , ~ Hotel Jefferson Bldg. . {I tt!'" ·UH't+i'offf,:t++ofofoftofof++-H'''''''''''ofofofoft'!:.",,,·4+HofofH1.J I -- - - -; --- -------

Lighten Your Work With

~ -.#I' " • ~ ~

B'ctter Equipment

Convenient Dura],le '

",with this sturdy, efficient gas Jaundry stove such ob1301ete methotU as fire tending are banished. It is just the right height', Efficient combustion under boilet' is assured,

Both For

AU Copper Wash Boiler

$12.50 Higli Grade . Laundry Stove

CODueetiou8 Included to Ex/sUug PJpJug

For the ,price of a laundry stov/:l you get both an all-copper waslt boiler and this high quality gas stove. Act now, This ccnlbilla­tion offer lasts for only a limited time.


Sf)~ 25c I, _1

Weekly I '1



No Interest !dd~

• ~1l Copper Wash Boiler

A Unit~~ Ligl\V Property

Phone 121


In which the diary. I'elntlon to pu~zle boys.

A diary I" the plncl' or 0)' girl ('n n are har(1 to ever', wh en too high a wriling I. lly has

m nts 0

R~r'lolIs and 21 boys.

In a fore tht' hall yMtprdn vlce·prl n~1 PO I 8chool nt PI tlje t~nrh Ing tile stud ent blllly of his

"There IH tl'p lng," 1\1,,, wllh the lIHe up eha rt. 611me th~ and there or lhe ll,(curncy t this 1111<1 tha jJ,l,"a~Jr."

The chrrl[ blank URNI blilty On 10 ,Quit·,'d to day nnd l1a checked by rece ivf' :t mo"kert

M ,'. L n •• ,," ),,'


Graduate A • I erla ..

Two Im'S''' , made f"om l\ h the nlr , hn vp Univers it y oC 1 nrerlng by Lici graduate or 102

P hillip". Is In Un It ed Stntp" e tn.!Ied with tit \lnl~ nt W"I~h He Is wOl'kln g \ who hnR nllH1e gren tel' he ig h t In lhe WOI·W .

Clauical j

.~Picmo Clnss\('al club

Ilt IIII' ,Roulh do' building ot 4:)( II pIcnIc porI),. \VIII '$0 to the ( per will bl), RPr t~e: FIOl'once .1, Hngllsh ; Lillian ,Point, S. D., n ~ker, A 01 Col

1929 -d

The Daily Iowan, Iowa City . ...

raae ~ .. Thursday, July 11. 1929 . --------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,-,----------------------

Advance Degrees Outnumber First

Awards Jilly 18 •

University to Confer Honors for First Summer T enW , ....,...,.,.-

\\, 1111 "I'M ot lIll vanel'll d~~'1'e~" vlll outnu mhel' Iho~e who take ~holl'

fl"~ t olllll'd" n~ th ll!1lver~lt~, or lqwtl'u flt'F\t lerm . sum.mer 4 s~selon <\.o/\\'0 '11\0n July 18. nceonlln,? t'1 n PI ~1i9'lnl\r)' rPllort ma.dc \VedneR' dOY b:,· t 11(' IOflZiqtl'!l),'f; offl('(I. 1

One hlllHll'e<l thlrly,nlnp mpn a n" women ho»(' to (lnl~n one of llucc ad· v~n ell degl·e"". 'l'h ' ~' p are 9~ ell n' Qldnle" fill' n)nRter or 1I\'t". 28 ma"lel' ot "elellc('. lind 11 (!OctOI' or IlhlJoR pi".. , I ,

The !;,llllng final examInation>, bolh w"'lten and oral, ,Probabl)' wil l result In the fall urc of Rome ~cho lal'" t9 ql.\allfy for the dpg'I'ee., QM hUH Iwon tho ('nRe In fIns l yoar",

On the prelimlnnry lI"t , ar' the name!; or 21, ml?n and wom(lll whO are candlllatc" fOr degree". and 8even ('rllnN'te eandldatpR. Eighty ' persons ha"" appliNI fOl' flrsl d .. , grces.

lIel'!' nre the tII:ures on the other Mgree" whiCh will he awardpd. pro­vided th~ stu<lenl" ~om llly with )'e·

qu ll'!'n1pnts: bu('helOl' of urt.. 66; 1)8 h(llol' or l "pv~ n ntl ,1111"t'\ (ll'\l"tol'Q

G: phnl·m(L~y. 2; pnglneerlng, 2; and comnwrrp r;, ~rh(>rip ar~ ~€'ven rnntl l. dates for journalism certificate'. I,l.nd one tOr thp e"rllrlente of in· ternpshlp.

Dutch Professor Tells Effects of Youthful Diaries

plar)'-wrltlng to thl) ndQlesC('Jlt n1N1nR n. method or n"l'lvlng !It a clenr­PI' l(nller.tandlng of hlmsplt nn<l (lC Qs"umlng n crltlcnl position ooncern, Inl'l h(s own actions, nccor(\lng til Prof. F. Ropls DC the Unlverslty of Utrecht, Hollund,

The Dut~h psychologlsl. one of Aix InternntlQnQOy ,famous scientists who Is 1 .~t\JrI Jlg at the Unlvel'~lty of Iowu. tleclm'!lq tltl1.t tilE' youth (/1' Inoic1 renclle. that point unconsciously, for thc writer nl (irst hael eVAry Int ' n­tion simply of transcribing ('x(Lclly all the cll'Y's experiences,

a Iris. Professor .Roelg. says, rp\'~1

In Ihe emol!onnl eHllct of the enel l"ss Belt,contpmplnUons and AeH'ana lysed In which t hcy Indulge by means Or the diary. Problems t'egardlng the relation to themsplves an(I to others puzzle hOYA. howevE'r.

A diary Is written becnus~ It takes the 1)lac(' ot (L Ctl~nd to whom lhe boy or girl can conflcle exprrlen~es which are hard 10 Il<'ll r alone, Orten. how­~ver. when pmotional s urges become 100 high and tellslon too great, the IV"IUng I" st\>pped. the Dutch author­Ity has found. Exp~rlmrnling with his whole per­

so na ilty, the adolescent must becomp the ownel' of an entiq'ly new class of experlenceR with which he I)<'comps acquainted a t ~arly mo.tllrlty. H becomes usrd to these eXI>erlences. ProfesMr Rorla says , by writing them Into hi. diaries. I ttprs. and poems, an<l by hamlll"g lhem during his con­tact with other persons.

'rher. Is no tlme .. when the experl, ments a bout the values of lire Itre J\o R~ " lollS rs h~tween the ages ot 1'6 eln(] 21 for girls. and 11 to 24 tor boys.

D. D. Lessenberry Gives Demonstrated

Lecture to Cla88e1 In a demonstr a ted talk g iven hi>­

fore thE' typing clnsses at the s tudy hall y"-~tl',·d.1y, D . D. Lco.8~enbe" I ·y. v lce·prl nclpnl or the husl nl'ss high school !It P lttsbu·rg. Po .. .slre~Re.t1 tlW teach ing of lelI'nl. nnd mnklng the stude nt assume the l'eAponsl . blllly ot his work .

"There Is a technique In CO lT<'ct typing," Mr. Lessenoorry said, "anel with the use of the techn ique eheel!­UII chnrl, the student is mMh' to a~ sume th~ I'P8ponslbllity ot his worl! and lherefor" will mn~te , ' I'~eh unit ot the work with g reat"r "pped n nd Q(cul'llcy Ihnn Ir h<' W('I'C' taught this Iln(\ thu.! without ,'C'lylng on hJmRC'lt,"

The !'heC'II ' u)'l chal·t Is ufoI'm bla nk u.·ecl to throw the l·cHpon"l· bility On to the Rlucil'nl, 11e Is re­,(JIIII'NI to hl'ing it to cl""" <,very do y 0 nll hu v<, each tC'cjmlll Ue u ni t elle!'kC'u by tho teat- h pI'. ITp will 'not r eceive (L grncl(' unlesH (,IlCh unit Is n1l,"111'11 o. k, hv the InsU·urtor .

M,'. LeAs~nhp;'I'y Is making a lOur or coilege" anel unlvers ltlcs thl . 8l1,nmel' gl\'lnl:' thpse ta lks and dC'm­onsll'n tlons. lie left ),C'"tE'rdny aC, t ernoon COl' the Unlv~ rslty Of Ne' braska , Itt Lincoln,

Graduate Presehts AeriaJ Photographs

Two 131'1\'!' mosa~c photolll'nphA, n,Me tram ,~ hl'l ght of ~Ix mllC'" In the a ll'. have I ee n present!'d to the l Tnlve l'sl ly or l owa ~o lleg(' or (' ngl, nC'erlng by Lieu!. J ames F, Phlllip3, grndun te or 1922.

Phllllp..q Is In lhe Aervl~1' or the United Slntes engln!'Pring corps, cle' tn lied with the aeJ'inl pho\(lgl'~ I>h y unit nt Wl'I lC h t field , bnyton, o. He 18 worklllg 'WIth Calltaln StevellS, who haA ma de photogrn phs ( l'Om 'n grenter he lJ';'ht than nny ollle,' man In the wol'ld,

Clauical Club 'Hal ~Picnic Part'y:r6aay Cln~~lcal club m~mher,. will m~e~

at the .ROuth (loor of th~ liberal arlM building nt 4:15 thl~ n.Ctornoon fo,· a ,lien I" pnrl)'. From lhel'(J they 1I'm 'go to 11lC City Iltlrk whe"e I<IIP­per .wlll b served by Ihe eommll · tee: Florence Jol1nston. a of Norlh Bngilsh : Lillinn Hnlvpr80n. a or Elk ,Point, S. '0" nnd tM Rev, D. E , .iliaker, A ot ColiegevUle" Oonn.

SENATORS ON·W .AtRP ATH Commarider of Religious Rebels in ",Mexioo CMse Own Manner of Death

• • Din NaUJlfea on I . Coat-Getting1 Trip ------------~------- .

Prime Minister McDonald Consistent in Fight for RenunCiation of War

Senators lWbprt 1\1. r./Ilfollctt e (left ) of WiSCOJ1flin and Burton K. Wheeler of l\Iontana, photogl'aphed iii Chi 'ago while, en rout to make an extensive ill vcstigatioll of Indian resenation affairs. e ha rges have been made 1.11 a t Inc1i an. have, been mistreated Jllld that the government has not dOM its part in their ('ducn tion . 'rhe scnatorll will talce test imony in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, North and South Dakota and Montana.

Visitor, Finds Iowa City -Streets Need Markers to Aid Strangers

EDITOR, THE IOWAN: Hfsldl'nts of Iowa City. !'Ie('ure in

their pride In the lielluty ot tlw lown. do not l'eullz that 911'3 ng"I's In their mll1~t muy with rah'nes~ malce onE' orltlclsm. The streets are !lot well mnr'kp(l wltb names so tha(.anyolle Heeklng certai n addreJ:Jsea lJIaY Cinrl them (,RRII)',

Touris ts passing tlll'O\1gh the city would have no dlCflculty, lor the high­ways arc d o l'ly mnrkPd In ~\'N'Y <11-re<.'tion. ~'I1l're enn b~ 110 obj~ctlon to til{' way these mRrllers am mwn­taln~t1,

II owe,,"r, If a rfsldent will pul him, solC In th" place of thp hUIl<lreds ot pel'Rons who cOme Iwre tOJ' t1lP first til11~ at tto~ opeJllng or I'aeh ne w .e, mester. lIP will Bee that the hou"lng II"t given us an aid ('an be of lIttlp help \\'h~ 11 the street Il"m~s are not deSignated .

The Ilowntown strl'ets are au.pposed to bp marked with name lflgns on I)ol,..s ar the Jnter~fi)tlon8. Even t hCl'c have not been kept up praper· Iv; In mo,'" than on\l Insta nce only hu If the sign remains.

In the resit]enoe <llBtrl t the name8 painted on the curbings have been blw'I'~d or t'ntlr ly erraced by the w.athel' ahcl ha.ve not yH bean reo n" "'N!. 'l'hI9 Is not the CRse at ' cve~ , co)·nt't·. of course, bu, It Is LrUe at pnoug h Intersections to make street finding a motter ot rral dlrtlculty,

};\'"ryone pays tribute to a city Ihat Is "easy to flncl you,' way around In' ' wJthout being ('olDllelied to ask rOI' dl1 .. "lloIl8. Iowa 'Ity has every, thln.r to off 01' In the way ot I1t01os' I)h"n' "lid lov. llne8", It woult! be \Vl·1I If II \\'uuld aupply Ihls onll (ea, tl!l'P for conv('nlence. -R.E.\!,·

Victorian Era's Honesty Not Frank, , Our Frankness Dishonest .... Webster

IEXI 0 CITT. Jilly Hi (AP) -:{{now-Inr he ti111H~ pprrsl! . OeR, £n, riqUe (jorddll'la. ~tn.manae,. ot a ll lhe "Cdsl ros." 0 rellg'Ib'u9 rebl!is In 1Jij. Slaifl ell I n 9C antI tl r~~"l o~ the right-erA Whd~rnlll d to "VIM e rlRI\! R I'!Y.'· ehp~ I. own ,M nner of tneeUnl\' d ut lt n CI W"nl with a gestUre that Ii1'0J~ed ucltljJratlbn thr~ughllul Ml-xlcb. cv .. n among L\tdS6 ,W.h t! w t'rE! hbt In sylntia! hy wll~ his co us ...

:r'h~ IIlO")I ' o! th .. dMih el! b hem I iJQl'p~tI"ta. whldt "hut a H"verp blb\v 10 the h'rl'gUk~ " reH!'ll1bll , hllR J\l"t \'eachI'd ,Mexico C!lb. bls\J~nrt­e nl!d by the consblnt rev~1'SI!!I hl8 ,meh lind s urh!red Ih tHe~r ~li gagl!'

"IlIs\ol'y Is ohe or the muses 8.nd Is entitled to be treated as such ," So ~liev~ !l'Vlng B. Hlchmon. law· yel' and hlal t/lin n. who spoke before th hlstorhm.l t:onreren~e !U\"\.&,'day 1\1181'nool\ In the. house ch amher or Old i;'apllol. - "Not fact hut trulll, the alm or history " waR Lhe Utle at his leout·e.

"HI_tory once again I~ r~-eRtnb­

\t ahlng jt,!"lt a lld. ~Ing , to bru e Itselr on \ruth.. I:\oml' lime ago Iact wa..s verytllhig, /Trut'll dlSOl'trnln­a teB rl'\)m fact ., ln that it, 11 8.R , ele' m ent ·o.n(\ the reaction of rri'lnit upon it. "

The speaker COOl~d . the njn~ teenth century with th t\\'entleth, H~ JlOlnt~d 911t that. ..w .... >!p the lwentleth r entlll'Y oonti nUE'B to 1)'" materlallalc, y~t. W11M! conSld<!l'lng t h inking, It Is tM most 8ubJto<'t.lVI' 0( 1\1\ ages.

,"'l'he Old , Ide-a Of hll<t/lrl;1.ns not to a.Ilow pet'Solla l hlf.'afl to I'1ltl'l' lnto thefr "'rlUng, Yet the ' mlln WhQ Isn't s~kjng to prove thin .. hall nothing to say." dec.tnl'ed Mr. nlchn.utn.

"Th e. IstorJan musl bave IL ,point 'Or view," he salrl, " It Itn historia n bl\s no point oC view h~ might just aB well Qui!."

He Also c ited hlstQl\I8n~ who rfOllly did oon rorm to hll< vJI'W 11\ the wril, Jngor hlslory. J\[u,onulay anll Lud, wig were two ot these. n .. QuOtpd ),,\;e{le"I 'k HarrlsOIl. J,.,olldon law· yer, a. beln~ o( the .Ram I>oLn t Qf view.

In olpslnl; his Ic~tUJ'e. he said: .'''trlltll, Is largel)· and Inevitably subjective. It comes Into lhe realm or cart and phllosol,hy, ami takes his· tory with It, ma/dng hlatory mean­Ingful o.nd va.luable to the mind."

Services :E~pose :·Fictitious "Date

.of (hang Death MUK.'OEN, Man" July 10 (AP)­

- The ofClolnLtlcUon t.hllt old Marshal Chang Tao,lIn, on ·tlme dictator of Manchurl" and Not'th China, llv~d 11 days after lile bombing of his train on ihe oUlsklrts oC lI1.ukd ~ n, J)lnp 4. last. yea l·. h!UI b!>en aban(!one<J. No sta\emen" 'lUU'~1'f.I tho djscan:lIng of this $Iory, which sorved for more t ha n 0. Year to ,becloud th~ facls at tlle trngedy, but It was noted thnt the .euddhls t ser" Ices cOn1tnemol'atlng the anniversary of the death were \leld on the date In the Old'~lyle Chi· nese Cl\lenda,' COrroijl>ondlng to the a nniversary of June.4, 1928.

,1I~ncp It Is certain thal :'.f.r~hal

Chang died the day of the bombl nl;. 'rhls belief ha.l\ been wid Iy held , but It co uld not be l)rOve<l. For Rev, e"tlle n days otter lhe Iloml,llng ,the

"In the VictOrian og they pln.yecl flutes Instead of sllxophunes, rn­~tea'l Of plnylng upon the »1:1no WUnlen d l'pw bi<etdlf'H a ntl un· [01 t \tnalply hit lIII"" II "':llk." f;o drcla ,'pel I' roC. 1' .. "n1< ~1. \\'c'hMpr In hit-( It' f'tllr(l 14 . \ tl l'fi'lIP' f' of till' Vlctorl:.n" ",Ivpn l;t ~ t n ;J';'ht nl 8 p .m., In lh fl' IU.U' :t'" (~il : tnl1j_ uJ Uhl Cnplln!.

In compal'ing the present age with old lfarshal's house hOld Is"ued 01· tlw Victorian period, Professo)' ' most dally b.ult tins dl'~rlblng his , \V bster chnract el'lzed thl. age as supposed oOJ1dltlon. But In this I one of fnlse Immodesty and lu ck of' p eriod, the 11011 , ,and hell', lrarshal man lI<, r s, yet senliJllenta I, a nel Chang ! IIsueh,lIlj.n/f, com pIe ted thl' "1ll 1J 1( . ' I IP6j1t1«11 ,orrol1l("l>lentll If""trjng' t.j\at

"There Was ne\'''r a TlN'lod , soo ,h e. .sAoIiId Il1h~I'IL hlR ratllt'r' s titl('s smu::: n~ lh~ tWentieth t>t'ntury,'i hl!' and pO'l"ers"and on J~m(> , 21 you ng c1P('In.I·NI. "OUr smllg ness 19 ... Chang ' 1ll1110UnCp~ tha t lhe 91d legnllzed s mugness In which ecCle- I Cha ng had die(! that rnornlng,

Thf"l v'n'nu:) ('In r'lc'lrd· ·t Ir ~l o r Ihe' VI ( Olin n 3 W(lf'''' dL\r \l 'l'"' .' ;J :t n'l (\ ' ,l, _

\I'Il$t"11 wJLh tiJl.~e or lll,' 1\\'('ntll'! 11 r ent!!' r.

~Iasll(tll unci l)ollticn l Inw SIlYS we aut this yean" on the eevpn teenth Illllst not la lk uhout 1I11~ 01' that." da.y ot , the FOII,·th ;\loon hy thp Old

If'fh l' \,1,. j /ll·I~ln \Va~1 fakf'ly mocl~ 11 r.l l ~ In m3.nn!'I'~. nml faiR" In 'l·nLln1Pnla1ity . Lpt;R \\'~I'e lIm1>8 ;lJul Htorntlf'h \\,.1.~ ('Itllpti 'Lillie :UIII'Y,' II f't1 ill th p Rpea k pl". "CI'O('){l't ancl arch~I'y were I ill' '-:0 vnril " Rpor.'lR. Emotfonc:; W('I'P Inllulf: t.'t.l ill

tor 11l(\h' own ~:l.k~."

I'rofp~Ror '\-"hster (1100 hl'ougljt.. aalendRI· . 1& Buddhist , prl~Bts f .. om ' IIIi Ihal In 1,lne~ or n qUlH'rel . b~- a ., famous t~PIQ, .outside Ihe \V"JI~ Iw~p n "(' I"n ep a nd religion wI' , nr. a( ;M:ukdel'J , \\'~nl to the oUlclal 1'P81" eominlC IJnel< to a pel'lolI ' OC ,qua'TQ', (!.enco of th.v;t r.lOrcl , oU ManChuria llC'twpp n fn Ith n nd work s. ,TIel .., .. Id U,e an,!lverMry BPtv,lces.

O:shonest }l' ra .. lfllf'SS On. ' the ~me .das I l'll,!an 1\' HS\Jph.

" f)lvln~ {lnr,"!"

"Tile VI~tol'lan uUelH ptell h onesl¥ , liang" WllO llUd . take n UI~ t s umJll ... r without rr:1nkn "" "'hilI' the , l1lodei'h quarters In a ,.,ew villa al th e North­llgP t1 Uprnpts rl'tlllltnP~s wllhollt ern Tombs .,ear l\lu,kde n , pr ... illeJ 11onpsly." Iw pointell Otlt. JIe ,addpd,' the're ,a t 0 slmLhll' ceremony. however, thut t lwll' honp~ty Wal< -------

prJ111'1o' u hy tohoo., \y hll" , we h~ " e \fllantl l,to:P..roVide 1'hp spe~I(l'r rlll'thpl' rh""af't~I'lz!'d th r VI~todan ngp a. one or ell\ low lInJ'P~t. Yet ~he speakpl' pmph"qlzl'il the rurl th"t ont or th is unO' 'Ht nll1c'-h h:l!'l comp, lIrf'hp ~trlll~g-ip hf'­tW('en srlpn"p and r eligion IIt'oduced grpat chn ngp". r,., I hI' r~:t1111 or polltlrs rn n1P thl' clPl110cI'n ti c prin­cipal. " H e alRo ell"d th l' a cl vnncio,

LWf'lI nH"I'l'l~' I)t'pal<lng down tabo 11 .. 1

• I '" 'd l'I'Me."01' W ebster rlnall), con('lull- ' l'SpeC •• ,Gut ea Ifor

I'd Ih:)t tlw prese nt age doeBn't S a E ,. J\lotify the looking do\\'n on thl! "'. , tu ent' KCUrlWn

' l11 pnts of ed ucntion and Roc la l sel'vlce,

VI~to;·lan. ' • " I ~"rh nge IA mprply a pasijlng ' of

one nge to I\no~her with. m'\lch .th,E\ Rn me Pt'ollol1l"." he ~n lll . " \Vp Rrp rt lw~YA Atrtnellng, brh'een n d~ajJ, world and onll powm·I .. AR to be bol'n/\

"Y outh Best Cared for When Led" Says Prof. Francis RoelslinTalk

"The bl's t 10l'm of ~ar(' tal' youth ." which Is Clll t llrlll lind a s thHlc ,dis' Prot. Frn nclA Roels of the Unlvrrslty r~g.1 t'lling RCX a nd age. of Ulrecht, Raid In hlA lecture on 'Olnrlps hI' ment loned n~ marki}lg " 1'11 (' biological s1gnlCIco nce or pu , n rlprlnll e' chl\l1l((' In th~ child. Tit bescenc(' a nd aclo l (>scen~c," last nig ht. I' pI'PRPnt th e beginning of /nlrhspM! ' " Is tho IOIt,ling of yo ut h ," TIe s poke tlon . hut. b~cftuse at the r8 ll ld ch llng~ In th e ch(>mls tl'y audltol'ium before in th ~ .pu'\)esc(lpt. ~he, dlal'lst can aPll,'oxlmn tely 100 pel·son s . sef141' r ly rp olIn I?\' hlml1',l( In , ~h~ I

li t' IniJelNI pubel'ty nil a INt r nlng dln,'y of th!' pl·,,~('cl lng day, 'Inll ll~ tll1 g sch ool In which expel'i, Adolescence. according to Prl)res..'IOr e ll(' l'lI com(' tllI'o ug h R(,nRO-motor Ropls Is th!' J>prlod . In wllloh , perron' I)nlhs. 1 n Rolpn ~I'. laCk or rogard or pl(\el's, nnd nbscnt-mlntl IInpss. he Rlltl' III t a king HII rll 'SI 8tpp~ . ,In 'f QIlOtC(\ as necesS:tI'y ('onstltultlve Id('als become mo,'o abstract and ,h"r parts or the blo1ogical pl'O PH8. A man. l , nE'gn llv .. pel'lo,1 ch n l'octN'lzpcl hy n At his mo,·nlngdlncl . a!ter.nQolI Ief!' fQ ling of "I om s(Ld alHl [ don ' t know tn rCil Yl'lItPI'o\ l1l' . Professol' Roolf .dI~' \\1)'1)'" Is follo\\l('(l , hy a pCI' lod of en· c ni'lBNI .. ('o"cwptlon ," And ·'Corrm· thus lJ\.8 m sUggestod In the quotation . five iyprs." . T' "I ,am looglng fOJ' somplhlng, but 1 ",j\1('mo"y" wll~ 00 the ~uJlJoct of\bis don't know whal." tHlk In Ihe IIbel'al o l·t a a udllorlum .·al

'This pn tl1uslasl11 m ny h'ke th e. [m'm 11 '0 " 10 It thi s mornlng,ll IJ'he >att.er­of 'fUHa lioll , Whpn Its object Is of nOOn discussion In the tlenata btl'.m, the Qth~f ~x and or abOut Lhe B m e be~ of Old Capitol, will d~ .. 1 with ''1lril­all'6l or the form of real enthusiasm plrleal typel."

Word has been received b y t he 8un:tme\' 8es~lon , office tha t special guldek will Qe I),'ovlded at the Sinclair pac/dnl\' pUtnt ·and the Qua kE'r Oal~ mill (or the 8uroinel' 8e!\.lon ex..,,, ... s lon to CedQr Rapids, Saturday, Thl' trip 'will s t8l't p,'omptly at 12~J5' p.m . (rom the north entrance or the nt!· ~ur8J solence blilldlng with I Tla rbld H . ' McCnl'ty. or the college or c m· m ercl!' In chprge.

:rrh~ group will ' HtOP flrMt u t lhp Slnl)\alr pJant a nd ' then go ' to thp Quaker Oats ' mill . ,They will ,'ctur" !thOut 6 p .m .

ThOI\,6 'plnnnlng ,on I11nl<lng t he trip , Il'\cludlnl; thpse using' their own cn ... ; aI'S to reglste t· at the Hummer slon otrlco In the hasement or Cnlptol hetore fi o'clock tQday.

Nun€Geta Position 'I atadCliart"' Salltttorium

• J{n'thryn 'Dpj{~ 'Who l, nR been cQlllw(1tM with lhe. unJ\'el'~lly \ls·, ellopa~hll' h9sPilai for 1.hQ lost six yta rA. h as accepted a, . position at the sanatorium for fndi lln ('h lldl'e'n Il.t Tol~do. , ,She graduated !rom lhe Wlool at, nu~~lng a t th e IlIllv!'rsl III )920, I\Ild did , Inlltlt ullonal .wol·k tho, to! low\ng .·year at Los Angel s, Ca l,

Artel' n fe w days' vacation B,t h~r bOUle In OraggB ' 'OIty, Bhe will as, .\lm~ on, '~w, :4I1U .. at Toledo.

On.. I1mlllrpd twent,v,tlve mill'S _ ,. ,i 1'I1~lIt" \\Ilth Ih" nUb111pntNI redeI'1l1 from tllp Itt,.U','.t "ollb'ml<l nnu till' T..oNDON. July ]0 (AP)- ,val"1810.11'8 and the prlrne" minlBter '.ot (oJ'ceM sent llllainst him arler HUP- perils of 10dgt1 Inltlallons, live the '\I'eclled R RllltlU)' ,'l ncDonnld In IflI4 \ireDt Bl'italll 01\ disarmament arid t>I'I!AAlbll of thp P.~/'obar I'('volt. 001' · gon.ts oC the C'aft(Ja<le mountains, ac- - tol'pl(>d him Into a political RCI' P' InteJ'l1at.ilmal Ilea~e, " " b1.fI~/o. goth/'I'Nl Iol~ 1t'llcl(,I'. nn<l fl (·o ... ,1lng to 110111 I' R . 0111. clh'!'c to,' h 'ap barhed with the contempt of " 'hen 'MacDonald In August 19 t .. , I,,, .. ot hlH lnC'n rtf the IlaC'\endn ltJap, of tl!(' unlvprHlty museuln, who 1':11.\ • ., his countrymen. An<l no\~ , 1929, It [Jatl y 9l>~OSed England 's entry. I~~ 1':1. In J4I1 H~0. pr('lIlllln:try 10 c1~baJ1(I, til(' Il),.«t ot hl~ ~llJ1lnWr IPctur s to 18 Rntnsay :'la('Oonald who will th!' Will', car,' led his opposition ~~o IlTg th~m . 17:' pe,'sons In thp rhemlstry audl, "peak ror his coun t"),,,,('n In the the Ir ng tli' ot reBlgnl n .. hlg lell,lI~r"

'rhpreo Wfls tlC'PI'Il In thp mmp. torllllll last night, fO"lh~oming "Iwar(.to·he:u' t" tnlk shl l) of lhe labor plll·ty when Ii(. , l!Qwevl'l'. anti (:uru:tlleltl 's 111'n.lIqulI!" 1\11' . Dilt tle"crlbed an e.xllrellUon between th Ilrl'slll nt of thp 1Jnlipcl oolleagues dJ88.grMd ,,1thhlm '"e le r .. wete l'ev"'II~,l h,·rOn' his pia,," to 1111' Cascade mounta in. In l!l~O \I (IS Kene,'o lly bell~ved to h9.~e w~re cohHlItnhllltPll. HI' aWOke tit(· rol' the PIII' I'O.!' or ""curing g<>.t co mmitted poltUcal .l\ulQjde, c!!rt${!J ' lIeAt mdt-Tllng tv find Ihe hnc lt·nd. RJl<,('ltnpnA. 'I'hl' party JourneypJ "Publ.·c.·ty Part of II' rew men hav" been 88 unpopulaT KUt'l'o untl('{l by 2.11110 rpderal.. H I' rrom St>aWe to L>efld Hors~ ca ml> I;' b:ngland as Ra msay 1I1a.c1;)onf.yl WRS tral'lll'll b hillil lIw thick wall~. and forwnrd over the helgl,ts or Social Work," Says \\3S right then. The . blt~rri'.¥ with "'lclIll" ImpbssllJlp. Hilly (loat pnRR. against him was IntensQ,,"~d whp.!'

('nlltn!\' h : I""n tl"oun<l him, Oor, The mules In the l)ack iI'aln Secretary Edmonda the 1918 genet",1 ele tlon p.v voter-. o:r:tlela lolll lhert' to surrentl~r III:l~' klcke'!l: the hills wel'e so stoep tlun a chance 10 ballot on ttie qUl\81lon ,clt much a.q lhey Ilkely would PSCal)(' two '\IPmberR or th~ group so led "Publicity Is n recOll'nlzed pud or whether he shQuld remain III PIII:II., III cbnseQu dees ot thf.'lr nets lJ, thell' shoes wllh )"ord caSi ngs, but Rocl3 1 wo,'k," declrlred 1'. J. Ed, ment he was ousted by an ove~, (lausn Of thelt' I\'''SPI' rank, uut thlll In RI)lte oC tnu l~ and unpleasantly monda. executive ~ecretary ot thl' whelming majOI·\ty vote Crom a. I~t lie rE,(tUze<l IW 1l11111t [lO y with his p"l'J)emllculnr mowlttllns the J)a rt)' l o\\'n luhel'culosls (t •• ocln.tlon. In hl~ he had held for 12 years, l

life 'tOt' Ills leadl"'shlp anti blOudy brOUght back It' goat spoclmens. dlscusAlon ot "Publicity In '0('1111 JUs attempt to come bnc:k: In , tJ\e LRnll).'lJg" ngalnst th" govel'Jiment, M,·. Dlll ha(l cut up thl' meat of work" beto!'e the Rocial work group I " 'oolt'(ch by·eJection after fhe w.a'r I

Acter h\lal'I!'g Ina ••• he Ol'del'('(1 n gOltt !lnll carried It to a n Imp .. ·o, )'eslel'do.y morning, fnlled. The QOlllmOn v~ew was th~t his hot ... ·" mttldlcd anel bl'ought to \' IRed Rmokl' 110USE' when he helll'C! "Tlt('rE' are rive !'eaSOM for Reck- Romsay Mac'Oonald had been wiped the pallo of thl' Ii:tcl~hdn. ' t'heJ'" th e padding of r('{'t. Ing Illlbllcity for "ocln.1 work." he ofC the polHical slate Cor good . ,., lI e mounteu , a Rb 'HhObtl't' In either 'rhel'e wa. n. fl£'re.am. li e made a Rolcl. "These art' to InrOl')11 the puh- Yet in 1921 the tide hat! begun to hand. hn.qLy exit from the sl110ke houAe . lie a. t o I'!!'!" URe OrrUn(18. to ('<iu, turn. ~lac.J)Qn'llld wa eo nslder~

Th" -n.teR o[ the hacie"iJll. weI''' On tOI) or II. blow lIown n ell" thl' ~ate the. publle In the need or the AO completely out ot th e phltup' .. riml) IlOSl'd ~ Canllda l)'nx, :MI'. Dill k t lot I I I 0 e .- II t 1 Is I hAn t thMwn Open and th~ <Iooml'cJ I Nul· wor . 0 ass" n 1'0" ng 111 n )'. '" 13 1 campa gn ! peec ~~ .we e

"olllfhL hlB l'ltl~ but the nnlmal lind seeuI'e Ntnmunlty sUPllort, anti to not I'eported to the press. But ~e el', once a tl'ust('t.\ [C'lh'\-nl genel'al skull\p.d n.wn)', Itf\ footprints I ft In promote sperlal ohjl'etiveA. Th!' cI.,rMed the const1 tu ncy or·Abera.v~n: ancl l'Il'tpd a" among th(' finest al" the marHh g roUh(1 by :t sprln" WN't' I I I' , tllle "" OfCll'eI'S III Mexico, ra~ed ., ])ul'po~e ot public tv In AO(' nl work and re"umed his career In par \;"

, fou nd to be lru"-er thllll nn out, I t I I r ' tl t IntI t ] 11 b k t I"" rPrtll. 1)'Colg low On the npck of hi. ., A 0 ~ Vl' n o"mo on. 0 r .. m men. s swe~p ae 0 P9PU /LI" hO"M, with his 1'C'vOIVI','R hll1zlllg nl SPt'l'!llI hnnd, the peol>le of thing" Ihe\, ah'pad)' IlJ und power w:111 a lmost as "\"I~t the en my. 'rhl' Il'rture was UluMtratNl by know. nn(l to Incit!' 10 .'\etio n ," 0.3 his wnrUme ta ll , By t he end or

He mnnllge.] to gC't Bom e 50 ynl'ds slieleA. }I fl' . l~dmonclA \\'11 1 ontlnu .. the dis, 1923 he had becon1e <;I.ea t BrJtaln's OUlAWe the hll"INldn IWf re .harp, cURRlon. or publicity In Roriul work first prime mlnillter. ' shooting reel!'ml Aoldler g-ot the 6 YeaI' Old Slaver Paroled toeloy and tomo" l'ow ot 10 a.m . in Now. tor th second time llono .. e~ range and kn()('kpcl him fl'om tile roam 308 unlveJ'Alt)' hall. with tho hJgheAt ortlee any Erl~on ..addle. li e ww. dend wh.m h FHA:.Ir'; I?ORT, Ky.. (AP)-Curl ('nn chieve, hI.' hag ohol!en as aile '(\l'ol/ ll('d. hul he Iwcl died In (L man- Newton , :'.Inhnn . O'Yl'nr-old youth I or the task" to command his th'!' t nN' that hael .·til~·ed the quick nd- who killec.l hl~ play~ote. Cee-II Va n Woman Ends Own Life attention a move t o make erCect)ve " mlm~Ofl Of e\'('n hl' e\1l'ml ... ", 1I00"l', today \\'a"paroled Inlo the and real the Kelll)gg pa t Cor renun,

Coroztleta'" 40 orflcl'l'R Obediently ~U"toJy of hlH pa .. ell t~ . BUbJ~ct (0 f1r\RR1H , July 9 (,\P)-~II' R. elation or wnr. It this latest thrust ; , sU''J'~nde''ed anel we"e u~ed as penc~ thl' Rupl'r" lsloll ot probation oW- Jum!'" :'lIlche ll, \\'ho IIvl'd on II farm n, the menace or war hits a vital .eml ><Ul'iI'H by the federal army. eel's. nea,· hel'e. rommlll(>d Rulclde today by. RPOt It mfly be that the man wh'o " Corov.tlPla·. body was emi:Ja.lml'd and taking polMOn. ~o rl'a~on for thl' nK IntI' 3$ 1920 cl).uld be rererred to !lE'nt to hlH family In Mexico Cit)'. ~lls" ]~ellth npll of 'lowa City. I. a aet IH known, A hu.b(ln(1 ancl two a" Ramsay MacDonald, the wa.r where It waK J';'lvl'n n pr!\'ate burial gu ... ~t :H the Grace Do<.lge hotel In sono Slll·vlve. Xo Inqu~"t will uC' wt<'eked. wll1 go down In \jl ll tor y

jln~o~n~eio~r~. ~lI~'e~~~~~o~w~.~"~t~c~M~n~~~t~ol~i~e~L~\~\~~~"~h~I"~g~~~o~n~.i~iii~~iii~hie~l~di'~i~iiiiii~i~~~n~l~~~'llie~w~~ ,

'Iowa City's

Dress Store

Second Floor­

Take Elevator ~

';f oday, Friday, Saturday The Continuation and Conclusion of Our

It Is the Largest and Finest Assortment of Dresses We Have Ever Offered at J\ll:\f


Clearance Brices


Values to $29,75

Navy ,geor.gettes, wash .silks, 'new pllints. Reg­ulal' sizes, half sizes, colors and styles to t suit everybody. Values s uch as these are seldom of­fQred at any season of the 'year.


Values to $11.95

;Be sure , to se:) tho dress values on this rack, F,'om the stun .:point of true value these dresses

SllOlild not be offered at $5.95. Butrit is clear­ance time with us and your opportunity to !lave,

¥.ou?ll Never ,Bind SucK " " . ,

~ress Values .... An¥wqere

Page ~,

Cfjel .111 ,!.o.a PubUalled enry morn In&, el[Cflpt Monday by Student

PublJcationa Incorporated, at 1I1-nO Iowa avenue, Iowa Clly, Jo ....

Subec:r1ptlon r .. tea: by carrIer, '6.00 tor n mObilia; b7 aalL n.'o tor 11 montha. Sinai. oopl ... 6 oenta.

Harry S. Bunker, Oennal Man ... "r WUlla m T. Hageboecl<, AMI_tan! General KaIl .... r

Entered aa !le(Wnd elaaa malJ malt .. r at the poat office at 10 ... City, IOwa, under the ..,t of Coner ... ot Kareh I, lilt.

The AIIIIOelaLed Prea I. exclusively entitled to uae for repubUeaUon of .. II neWs dl.patchea eredlted to It or not other .. l .. eredlted In thIa paper and &180 the local n .... pubUahed herein.

All rlCht. of republication o( apeclaI dll\ll.tchea h .... 1n are allO reaen"".

EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Vlr",1 L. Le .. I. __ .. _._._._ .. __ ..... ____ ..... _ ........ _ Edltor Lola Moeller ________ .. _____ ...... _KaIl ... lne Editor , ...... BetUe __ ._.. ____ New. Editor JL Stanley Woodrlll6 __ .... _ .. __ .... _ .. __ .......... Clty Editor Rol .. nd Whlte ... _ ........ _____ .......... . _ .. Campu. Editor Antoinette E. SpeldeL __ ... __ ._ ... _ ..... _._ .... Soclety Editor Jiarm&n W. Nlehol..... _. . ... _ .. _ .......... Sport. Editor

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Kenneth E. Greene.. ...... _ ................ _ •. J3u.lncsa lllUlll«tlr Franoll J . Tobln .... __ ... ___ ...... _ ...... _ .. Clrculatlon Mo.n ... er ....... W, SChmldt._ .. _ ... _ ........ __ .................... _ .... Aooountant

TELEPHONE'" BTanch e .. chanlre connecting all departmenls

'. Thursday, July 11. 1929 . ' .

\ The Daily Iowan" 8 Platform \

For a Greater Iowa City • • 1. Mako Iowa City the bed home cily in the

.tale. 2. P.t the airport under mu"icipa~ controZ as

.00n as possible. 8, ussen number of automobile accidenta and

'"crease safety for pedestria"s, ,. Pave Dubuque and Cli?a/on .'reel, in the

business di trict,



The Handbill Litter

A FINE example ror uny city, lar~ or small, hilS been set by two California

cities, Reliidents of these two towns evi­dently became tired o[ the litter of hand­bills thrown into theil' front yards, upon their porches or fastened upon their doors, and such a proetice is now ch cked by city ordinances in both lluntington Beach and

outh Oate, 01. It is a. common practice in towns of any

size to have handbills distributed in places where they are not wanted. IrrC8ponsibie boys are hired to distribute bills to homcs, and in thc end, they might just as well have been to 'sed to the four winds, 'rhe boys throw two 01' three of the bills in tlle general di rection of It porch ond cho 'e On to the next bous in ol'd r that they might get through with the job, collect their wages and get back to the more important business of playing' ba, ball. Thc bills ore leIt to be picked up by the wind and scattered about the yard and str et.

Civic pride III thc two Clllifornia towns did away with this nuisance and they will no longer have their lawns littered I1p with the handbills. It should not takc long for the civie pride ill the resident!! in any Iowa lown to follow the cxamplc set by the towns in the sunshine state,


Careless Dri'Ving

MORE than 40 per cent of the accidents in­volving motor vehicle!; in three Htates

during It period of eigbt months wcre due to reckle 's or careless driving.

This fact is glcancd from statistics com­pired from Dewspllper Ilceountl:! of accidents by th<! bureau of public roads of the United States departmcnt of agrieulturc.

It is a severe indietmcnt against thc driv­ers of automobiles, 'fhe increase in the num­ber of accidpnt ' due to thoughtless operation of automobiles means but ODe thing-that morc stringent requirements for drivers of automobiles will have to b enforced.

When it becomes nccessary to restrict the operation of motor v()hicles and burdensome lind ex pen 'ive examinations life required, the careful dl'iver will suffer eqnally as much II s th c reckless and ea reless.

rfhoughtlessness thllt jeopardizes the lives of oth r8 i inexcllsable. Why persons drive automobiles without giving consideration to the rights of others is past understanding.

Their selii·bncSl; in refusing to recognize the rules of the road and use good judgment to prevent accidents deservcs the severest condemnation.

They may risk their own necks if they wish - that is tbeir business-but it is not their right to increaso the hazard of motoring for the careful driver.

Public sentiment will have to outlaw the recklc ' driver because the toll he takes is entirely too huge.

:::::::==:::::::::::::: I' In Defense of Women

MEN may have been created free and , equal, but women by their own energy I are having to prove their equality_ The na­

tional federation of busineS!! and professional 'Women in its meeting at Mackinae Islllnd, lfieh., decidcd that woman must no longer

• be a shrinking violet, but that she must ad-vertise herself. R-eferring to the old time dis· grace of being a Ilpinster that caused women to fight individually for husbands, it pointed out that organization with a new motto, "Every woman for every other woman, " will ,

, be the saving grace for woman. To imply that women are down trodden

, savors of untruth. Admit that they are not , given serious consideration as executives of , big business, we must. It is clear that if

women want to be recognized, they must ap­>. proach their work in the seriollJ! man.ner

which men employ. , ~ That men are now cOlUiidered superior in

the business field, however. is no reflection \ upon the intelligence of womaokind. At the I present time the majority of women are find­" ing themselves too coneerned with smoothing : the corners to bc mnch worried about who is

getting eredit for the most accomplishment. I , Building a house may be B harder task I than furnishi~g the home, but both are neces-


IIpectacular than decorating th interior, but it will not contribute any more to thc future of a nation than will a happy home environ­ment established by loving hands.

Women may be able to exccl in thc bu 'ine world, and undoubtedly would excel if they were to take the matter eriousJy, but so long 88 they can see real value in their present position, the majority will be satisfied to let man have the greater credit.

Ser'Vice Plus A NOTHER depll rture in teaching comes to

tbe university with the opcning n xt term of a short story cour'e by Prof. Frank L, Mott in which lecture and cia 'sroom dis­cussion!! lire to be broadcast. tud nts reg­istered for corre pond nee courses mny thus become auditors of the CIIl~8 work.

Aside from the very evident incenti "e to the participating members, re 'nIts will be even further reacbing The monotony of book·to·mind and mind-to-paper study will be broken.

Without the urge of preparation for a pur­tieular cia s hour, a correspondence COIII'se lengthcns into an cver impending WOlTy. · There are no units followed by periods of real relaxation, An oppre ' iye feeling of being prisoner to thc coursc is likely to fill not only certain study honrs or the clay, but also every other hOllr in which the studcnt is not occupied elsewhere.

Nations have recognized thc nece 'sity for instructors to outline course~, and to lead and encourllge students. Courses undel' ex­perienced guide lose half of th ir tel'l'OI's.

Because of thc habit of putting ofC a tbing until it has to be done, 1Il0 t per 'on8 work better under II little f;t ref;S. A numbcI' of absent students who " listen in" will prepare th mselve for thc cla" pcriod as fait hfully as if they were to be a part of it. Failing that th yare SUfC to be in, ph'cd in some way above thc regular hu/ndrum of correspond­ence work.

Elsewhere in this paper we ure presenting an article telling about one man's droams of a radio educuted Am ricun of the futUre. The University of Iowa is doing its part in getting I:!uch a move ffi.arted,

A Tennis Play Time: 2 :10 p.rn. any Tucsday 0/'

Thursday. Place: university tennis COW" s. Dramatis pet'Sollae: one woman,

two tennis playcrs. Sa!Js tlte woman to tlto mOil, "I'm

sorry, but YOlt'll havc to give liP tltis eOllrl. Our phys cd class is 1(~ing it. "

At which point tee 71tcn:ifllll!J lowel' the cu1'taiu before the men can make their replies,

TilE ousted players naturally say naughty things about their dispo 'sessors, blum­

ing them for the termination of tbeil· set. , But women, notoriou~ly the root of aU

evil, are not to blame in this case. 'I'hey are merely acce ories. 'rhc physical education elasses ha vc a perfect right to a placc for playing.

It has been said O\'e l' lind 0\'('[' again, without apparent effect, that the university need~ morc tcnni coul'lB. Under ordinary circumstances there are frequently liS mallY 8S half a dozen waiting to pilly ill thc after­noons. There are not enough courts to ae­commodate all those wishing to play.

The university was wise in providing these faeilitie.':I for recreation, but it lIas grown considcrably since their erection, tlud is now in need of more, Why not have more than seven university coul'ts, wherc at the mo 't 28 persons out of several thousand can play f

Shall Uncle Sam Do It?

THERE is much comm nt both for and agll inst the recent proposal to add a tie­

partment of education to the Dational ad­ministrative groups. It would act mnch in the same fashion as the depal'tnH'111 of agri­eulturc or or commercc.

The old hue lind cry of leave to the statel! what can best be donc by the, tates immedi­ately raises itsel f and vigorol1K protpsts are voiced against takiliJr the mattcr of education from the bands of thc state.

But has anyone evel' stopped to con ider thAt the states would bencfit in money what they would lose in power Y 'I'her~ is no doubt but that a grellt deal or the fcsea rch necessa r­ily done independently by each state could be done by thc national depal'tment for the joint benefit of all the states, tbus avoiding duplication and consequent expemre.

The standards of education would be uni­form to a degree which is not po 'sible at the present time Il'here every tlttc makes its own laws in regard to requirements fo r studcnts with the result that studcnts who go from one state to the next find that thcy lack tlle requirements demanded in the lattcr statc.

Before denouncing this JleW plan It~ Iluto­cratic it might be well for American parents to consider it in thc light of lin advantage to their chi-Ldren.

==~ Now that telephone cOllversations have

have been held bctween business hou. es and trains, liS well as between newspaper offices and airplanes, while plans are afoof to estab­lish connections between private home' lind transatlantic steamers, one shudders to think of what the future telcphone directories will be hke.-Christia l~ Science Monitor. -

The following is told of Winston Chllrchill when working at the admiralty. An Ameri­ean journalist was granted an inteniew. ,. I've turned down seven of your compatriots this morning," exclaimed Winston, nod.ding toward a pile of visiting Cllrds. "I know," replied the American, "I'm them I "-1\1on­treal Star,

What does it meau when the thermometer ill around 90 and the daily markct letter says, "Butter 18 flrmpl""!-Detl'oit, NeU's,

TIie Daily Iowan: Iowa City -

BELIEVE IT OR NOT (Reg. In U. S. Patent OWce) By Ripley


SAME YEAR-JAl'tUARYANt> MARCH HAD 2. rVllMOONS EACH. '{hIS Clever hc.ppe,..ed be~ore - o.od. \/JIll not h¢.ppen

~o.\n ",or 2,500,000 \(\!or.s,

D~~ROSE LOMS~RPI .. ~ -o~ SArI f\'~l\clsco THE. SMALLEST M\J~CLE

f!J' ..... ../~ .- ~At)ATr.M?EAATI.lRtOf INTriE.BODYHAS1HE. 1-JI J ~ ,\'1" ~":--.. 112 t>~GREES LONGf.s:r NAME.':

t>E~~~E. ~y"\) IlL£VATORLABII5UPERioRISALA£OUlJlA.Sr ~ 1912. STOlE4 BAstS " . _~d

..., IN oNE INNING . ,_ . MEAtl5: f:l\!.,,~toroj.1I1e upper lip MQ.-WlrtSQt the. ~e..'f • • .. t.IIIIIL __ ...... ,_.a-t&M),., ...... r._ a-t. ... __ -.-.a

Tomorrow- The heaviest substance known. The Crocodile is an insect! See Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 14, page 638.

Chills and Fe\ler

Sllrlg Sog LoVe mak('s a mounlnin or Il punctualion mar ie Love forglv!'" a ll ; It does

not a~k why; It docs not rctt:son. "hl' wlac lover disappointed ln love I"lghts love Wlth Love.

-Ropc Ravell"l;s. • • •

Thad's klda s'dhnedal , but l'be gOld a code lUI III s ebs IIge spl·lg. Addy· how, a guy only Ceels yug wuds.

• •• Beforl>-luICI Arter

No matter how big a part a m an playS In a college romanc", you can always bet tllat the U'I gal I. th~ stage mu.nagcr. -A.S.A.

• • •

lIe: I sec young GIlJe got a. m dleal appointment with the sea forces. lIc's a. naval Burgeon now.

She: My. they're gelling more IIpe, clal1zcd cvery minute!

-Waffles. • • •


• • • Sil. Tight, l\lcl'horson

In Milwaukee one day three fdend. were In g eWng a. glass of ""Vhat made lI1ilwnukee faOlOus." It so hap· llencd that there was a fly ln each one (each glass). The first one picked his fly out, the second on e 111ew his out, and the inevitable Scotchman wrung hIs out. - 1.'wo Gun.



• • • In case anybody cores, that "hot

sluCf" on yesterday 's m enu was spe lled "SWEAT corn." It must have been well roasted .

• • • FAlIty TALE

Onco Ul>on a time tbem wus It

Scotchman who was n('ver tight. lIe belonged to lhe Y .M.C.A.

• • • :My roommate aDd I are gOing to

dl·h.c to Nlaglll·a. as SOon as lhls ses· slon 18 ovel·. W e will .. how thl~ con· c!ted hombl'e~ what milita nt fem· mlnlsm Is. OUI' motto-wc expect to print It on n lxlnncl'-will be "NI· AGARA WITHO T BENEJr'IT OF CLEHUY." -Jo.

~ .. 'Sa il right, Jo, but there's only one

thing wor~e than a woman tcnnla player, a nd that'. two of '~m.

-EI Mono.

Major General Squier Predicts Radio Education for Entire U.S.

("~ol'wn I'd st!'ps In the mlltter of using radio fOI' educatlon pur· POS '8 hllve heen tak~n by tho I lnIv!' I'Rlty or 10WIl during rt'c{'nt YCllrll nnel another ~tcp wnH tak('n tills week when PmC. Fmnl< L. Moll, tlll'ector ot the Hchool of journnllHm, waH engageel to broadcast IJoth l('ctUl'CR and cia"" c1IHcusalon of hlH .hol't .tory cour~e . The course will start with th!' second tcrm of thc sum· m~I' S(,H810It. A complete story of thl .. nell' ventul'e of radio ('()uca· lion hel'e WI\R 1"'(,Rcnted fully In a " tol'y on this pagc ye"tel·day.

I"ollowlng Is a n Interview wIth Maj. Gen. O. O. 'quiet·, [ormC!' chIef of the SIgnal corps and fa· mous Inve ntor. It wu s senl to Thc Dally l ownn IlY AssocIated P('CI!!R and td10W8 whal u. Juan IH'Ollllnen t In " ationa l radio ell" el('s thinks of "adlo edu cation).

MA.r. GE;N, G .O. SQUIER \\' ASIJINGTO:-r, D. C., .Tuly 10 (A P)

-A SU1101' unlvcl'slly or the all', dis· semlnatfng knowledge and culture lo Il('Oplc of a ll ages and c la88cs in AmerICa by mMns ot wIred rarllo, lsI Large Number of (ol'e"('en by lIfaj. Gen. GOOI'ge O. Squlel', formor chief of the Signal Stock Issues Once corilli and Inventor of wlred wlreles~ M R hR · d (levlses. ore eac ecor

Will Come oon Citing the move by Secretary WH·

hUt' lo develop government promoOol1 of educallon vIa I'adlo, General Squier "ays that It will be only a maHer oC a (ew ye.'trs, untfl course~ In In8trucllol1 (1'0111 the best teach 01'" In the country \\'111 be tl'llnsmltte<l over huge wired radio chal ns.

"By this means, education w!lf not stop In the prime or a. roung man's life, but will gO 011 until hIs death," Ite predIcted. "Th e fal'm er, as well II " the resIdent of the i(u'gest city, will be able to heal' leclures by the best mInd s oC the s tate nnlve l'sltles I\n/I

lho department" at 'Vashlngton. The day oC the untmlned rural school teacher will be at a n end."

Is Chea)ll\Ielhod Thc advuntages of wired mdlo over

the present SI>ace broadcasting as a medium of education Is Its ease and ehealll1 ess oC opemtfon and Its sup~· 1'101' I'('cepllon, he contends. Volume eon lt'Ol Is 11I'0vided, and static nn'l fading al'e elhnlnated, he claimd. There nre no he terodyne effecl., sea· sona l clumges 01' day and night vnl·j· ,IUons which IU'e Inherent In SPIlCn

mdlo. R ecent tests at Freeport, 111., whel'c

the system Is being tl'ied out, show that flvc waUs of encl'gy arO su(fj· clent to IIllturate ttIlLfsCacto l'lIr, 6,0<)0 cabl' pall's, G('ncral S<luler says. Thi s POWN Is les8 than a tenth of that used in the average electric bulb socket.

Th e latesl form of receiving oret comprls('s three tubes undel' a 8peclal ell'cult arrangement. The fIrst Is the ncw A.C. ~hleld grid tube , the second, a power detector, and the thlnl, an audio ampllfici' wlth an undlstort~d power outpul of approximately 1 'h wa1ts-l;ufrlclent to opemte a dy· namlc 811cakcl·.

NEW YORK, July 10 (AP)-Ecar )lrel'J8UrC was again 1n evidence in today 's s tock market, but for the 11I08t part cncountercd strong I'e' s lsta'lCe ns opcml!ons for the ad· \,;ll1ce wore nel'gel!cally pushed for· wal'd In many sectfons ot the list, som e two dozen Issue" once more I'caehlng recorcl prices.

Bears regarded the malntenanc~ o( a 9 per ~e nt call money rate and a cautious ~ta~d taken by several commi ss ion house,; In lhelr advlces to clients, as provIding a favorable bu ckground for a drIve on over· bought and vulnerable issues.

Th o undertone In call mOl1ey was ea.~lel·, howevel'.

Th e day's news Included tho Unl· t ed States Steel unfilled tonnage report a' of June 29, showing a de· .cllne Of ollly 42,257 tons fl'om the end of May. This decrease was small enough to be I'egal'oed a s highly {,womble In View of the high rate or pl'oductlon and shipme nts maln· tu Ined (luring the month.

A stallstlcal IndlcaUon ot the high rato or Industrial activity In the si x monlhs cn~lng .rune 30, wos pro· vld d hy the Amcelcan railway a880'

clntlon's rellOt·t of totaJ fre ight car IQ&dlngs, whl~h sct a new hIgh r C' corrt at 25,.UO,938 CUI'S (1 udng t he hnlf yeal', e>:c<'cdlng tho best prevl· qUN rcco rd for the period mude In 19~7, hy 75,898 cars.

In lhe (Ot'elgn exchangcs.· Sterli ng ran Into some profit taking on Its r~cent advance, tho cable rate sag· glng J·8 of a cent to $4.85 1-8. The CanadIan dollar contlnuod to 1m· pl'o"e, reachIng 99.32 conlll, arlee or mol'c than 1·4 or a ce nt since last , ,'oek. ,


.\ WSUI. PROGRAM i 4 Me~ Working for League W ~r~er Here Wave Length, 217 Meters , Philosophy Degree. , for MUDlclpal Study

., . • Four men al~djdates fol' ad. lIflnnle Offman, connected wllh

The Collowl nil' progl'Rm will be broadcallt from slullon WSUl tOClaY:

9 a,m.-Mul·kets. N('ws. W eathcr. Dally Rmlle. Radio Ceature.

] t Il .m.-Glo ss room houl'; "PoInts Of vlow In psychology."

12 noon-Lunch('oll hour 1)1'0' gram; Ellen Jon es, LoulHG CarleI'.

3 jl.I11.-Ghllelren 's readings ; MrS. Mlnnl 0, I~ren ch.

3:30 p .m .- Music allprccitlilon hour; M rl!. Mildred M cColffster.

6 lI.m.-nlnncl· hOIIi' IIrogt·Om.

vanc d degrees from the ilepartment lhe league Of Iowa munl clpn.llt1es, of llhIl080)lhy. H successfu l the de. with headquarters at )[arshalltown, 1;t'Css wll! be IlI'cscntcd duri ng the II! working for tlVO weeks In the July convocation. Iowa. stnte historIcal so letl'. Shp

will make a. "pcclal study of munl· cI l,a l government an(] admlnlslra· tlon In lowa, Includin g the teehnlQuo of dl'aWng municipal Ol'dlnanceH.

E, 1'1 O. ) .. ockharl, lowo. Ity; n. R. Illghtowdr, In<lhUlu-polls, lnd.. a nd H a lllh T. Cosc, Washlnglon, ar work· Ing on theil' Ph.D. clegl'ccs In charac· tel' educaLlon.

.TnmeR Lee Irving, New lberlu, Is working on his M.A., majoring In (thI!ORoph~-.

... J\llss Offmon has cho.l·ge of the

ordinance I'evlslon In lhe leulCue of 1 .Wll municipalities, which .... a s ta te orj:'anl.llIlon oC cltieR «nd towne In 10",3.

Thursday, July II, 1929 1

KNOW YOUR UNIVERSITY i~ i l Cave Man Complex Hurts American Malela

Manners, London Critic Says te tt' •••••• ttt •••••

JJy MARY J . A1NSWORTH The American man oecllll lonnl1y

surrel's from a " he-man" complex 'whereby he thinks It slselflcd to do nlways the graceful and chIvalrous thillg- make lhe " bellu geste" In lI1annei'l! as It wcrc. Such Is the viewpoin t gal ned by Edwin EVlLns, famous mu"lc cl'ltle and author fl'om London, who Is on our campus this SlImll1er giving appreclalion courses In modern musIc and world trends of music today.

"[ am Impl'cssed," saYs M,'. Evans, "by a curious reversal of the sexes between England and America. In England the ma n has better natu m l courtcsy while the womlln Is marc egocentric. In Amel'lea I find the women better schooled In the amon l· lies of life and many men fo llower" of a sort oC 'he'!lllln' cult."

However, MI'. Evans UBSUI'es us thot thIs 18 on \y an ImpreSsion gnlllcd Crom hI. observatJol1ll on streets, herc and' thero In New YOI'k and Chicago, nnd as h e has watched men a nd women In genel'a l since hi. un'lval In Amer' Ica.

AmerIcans Not Crude \\'hen he planned to come to th is

eounl l'y there were friends who warned that he might be conscious or a certain crudeness In manners. He thinks that this Impl'el\lilon, reo ceived by occasional E'ngllshmcn via' ItIng Amel'ica, may be duo to theIr meeUng mainly with member" or thclr own sex, and lhel'cfore the more prim: Itlve ot tbe standards.

" I( the average were strUCk," he said, "there would appear vcry little difference either way, comparing class with clas8. For my part I have receIved nothIng but the utmost kind­ness and coul·tesy from the Amel·l· cans I have met."

In traveling, MI'. E ,'nns has met with that type of "pal'\lenu" Amerl· can 10lll'lst which so mlsrel>resents America abroad. "When 'r meet such people In tt'easul'e places such as the Ufrlzl In l!'lorence blatantly shouting thelr Inane remarks at the wOI'ld, 1 sincerely believe atl'angulatlon justl· flab le."

Columbus ~fade Mistake? Mr. Evan J realizes that that sort

of tourist Is not the t),plcal Amerlcnn . "If It were, Englishmen would awak· en every morning hurling anathemas at Christoph er Columbus," he assures UII. He explalns It as "typical of a class whose money hns grown mOre rapidly thnn Its tastes." He bell ves tha t in 11 Cew generatloag cult\ll'al gl'owth will havo caught up with mil.· terlal progress and such dlseonccrt· Ing Ilhenomena w!tl be no morc.

The ndvantage of tradition, of lin old cultul'al background, was empha. sIzed by Mr. Evans. In Europe the developmcnt of modern music cam!' from a group of perhaps about 150 thinking, enthusiastic artists. They lurnlshed the dlrectJng mind . This growth of Interested groups whIch fostel'cd art goes back as far as the mlddlo ages, when Ilrtlsts and scltol· are traveled an dcultlvated constant relatfons ono with another.

Intellectual "BohemIa" In Europe today there Is a. Cre('

masom'y among the arts whIch af· fords a much better scope lor devel· opment. Mr. },;vans tells tiS, "although [ loathe and despise the word 'Bo· hem la' because of the way It hIlS been misused, It may servo to descrIbe such gTOUPS in Europe-groups o[ Independent thinkers who' form a communIty of their own. Here an aliveness of thinking Is Costered."

'Mr. Evans deprecates sham "Bo· hemias," whether la London 01' In New York, "In which wealthy young men I'ent stUdios (or lhe purpose of enterta.lnlng their girl frIends."

"Most of the new music , hailing

. .. . ..


from America, merely reClect. Euro. Ilenn production . Am erlCil gives U!, too oClell, the old thing back again. We a l'o clll'lous to scc what Amoria will produce thnt Is OI'lglnal, dlrrer· ent (['om OUI' music , our arts. Th, most odgln,,1 eomposlLfon whlcb I have yet hea rd pl'oduced In American mus ic, Is Roger S 8slons' symphony,'

Scra pers Lif\e I'crfurated IWxes Mr. Bvan. Slllt s thn.t he beliey ..

the m()~t promiSing thIng In crlglnal, typIcally A merlcan art todllY Is lh' I)!'oducllon of the new architecture­lhe more recent skyscraper. In L'hl· cngo nncl New York. "Hcre," h. 9a)'l,

" Is a dlsUnctly new trend 01 artldell Dut even in this there had to be l

growth. 1.'he first attempls look'" like packing boxes stoOd on end and Cull of hole ....

Mr. Evans welcomes Eugene 0'· Neill as a big (ol'ce In original Amer· Ican d!'ama. The Gordon Craig mOllo

ment In thc American Ihealer Pit> duction shows America's tendell(Y Ilgaln to COpy. "Gol'don Craig! shou~ COIU fl'om America, not go to Anter· lea."

.Uencleell Discounted Wh en asked If Drltlshcrs' oplnlonl

of Am edca wel'o too much colored by Mencke n a nd like "antl·American· Ism " journa llstR, 1\11'. Bvons assured us that England al~o bas Its Mencken! who criticize England for her own gOOd. "Jntelllg(,l1t r~ngllsltmen rtal them patlent!y and know 110IV to df!. count what they say."

After viewing some of the Ameri· can palntfngs In a Chicago art gal· lery, Mr. Evans not('" thal most ~ them have been "well observed ani well brought out but rew ot thell lhought out."

Tal\e Note, Not Noles This sume lack ot "thinking thlnll

out and making It I>orsonai appllca· lion of the knowledgc" lhreatens II be a shortcoming or the averili' I American sludent .

American st udents nre keen minded and engel' for fact. , but they al'.Mm. what apt to pnt tho facts Inlo nol. bookR I'ath('r thnn turn them InlD •• able materlnl, thinks Mr. Evans.

Mr. Evans likes the middle wesl lIe Is grateful thnt his firsl vl~lttook him Into the mIddle west rather than to New YO/'k . IIo is hnppy on the Un!· vel'sHy of 10wl1 camp us, he assur!t us. "The students !,,'O keen and In' tellectually cul'lou~." MI'. J,;vans o~ scrves tlH\t the women here dlspbl good taste In drcss. JJe tlnds their usc of bl'lght colora and their hll­mony at color combinations V!I')'


Official Daily Bulletin iI'he University of Iowa

Bulletins Rnd nmIOlll1c()mOIl/S for Ih o Offlci.l DaII1 Bulle/In column must be In the Summer SessIon ornc~ room 6, Old CI.pilul, by 4 o'clocle III lhe Hfteroooo II appear In lhe loflow"~ IIlOrnilll:'8 DlLlly Jowan.

\101. IV, No. 1M July lI,lI!!

WEEULY CALENDAR Thumh.y, July 11

4:00 p .m. Conferenco on polnta of view In psyrhology, by Professor F . • Rocls, senate chamber, Old Capitol.

6:30 p .m. Iowa Stato Tcacher's college dinn er; Iowa Union. )'rldny, Jul)' 12

12:15 p .m. Excursion to the SinclaIr packIng' plu nt (lnd to the Quakor Oa~ plant Ilt Cednl' Rllplds. A utomobllcs wllt INlve tram norlh en' tranCe of natura l scienCe bulldlng, at 12:16 p.m. Trltnspor!J' tlon $2.00. II. H . McCarty of the college oC com mer e .tatt Yin direct this excursion . Heglstratlon by 6 p.rn . 'fhUl'sd.y, sum' mer sosslon oHice, Old Cnpltol, Is rcou'" d .

4:00 p .m. Conferencc on pOints of vi w In psychology, by PrOfC550!'· Roels; senate chnmber, Old capitol.

8:00 fl .m. Public lecture: ""ho pallet'n of mu "lc his tory," by Prot. Ed'llll Evans; natural aclence auditorium.

SlItur<lay, July I:i 8:00 a.m. Excursion to Amana. Colontps: M.ct ill IIh~I'nl al·ts lllIlembil

tal' talk on the colonIes at 8:00 n.m. Autolllohllrs from Mull end of hall of II bel'lllnlts ILt ~:30 a.m , },;xp nSCH Including (a~ and c1ln nel' $2.50. Numbcr limited to IGO ; ]ll'UCe E. Mahnn,tIf I·cctor. Rcglstl'ntion (IL 8umlUN' 808slllft orrlce, Hoom 6, bIIt rnenl of aiel Ca.pltol, beforD Ft'lday nOOI\ Is l'~qult·cd.


Candldatps tor advanced degl'~r 8 may tako thelr remll,,! teet I. French at 11 a .m ., or 5 p.m ., on lIfon day. This u.l'l·altgemont will bo~ throughout the first terln of tho sum mer scssion.

COLBERT SEARLES, ,lop ru'lmcnt or Romance languapl.


Lists at students fr om ea h stilt h llvo been cOmp iled Rnd ma, III secured [I'om the Summer Sesalon oWee, Old 'aplto!.


IOWI\. STATE TEACIJEICS COI,LFAJE Iowa Rtate Teacher" collego 8unlmel' H~s810n ,linn",', 'l'h ul'8I1oy, Jul, l~

6:00 p.m. Iowa Melnol'lal UnIon, AI! fOl'lll I' stltd nls and friends Bnt ... vltoo to get ticket" I\t lh o Memol'ltll UnIon dellk, the Coil 1\'0 of EducadO' CUI'rler Hall or the Quadl'ungle ortle by ' Vl'dttesduy ovrn lng, July 10-711-

E, p , SCIJ JNDr .. l~n, president 1.S.1.'.C. Club.

SIMPHON t'OI .. U ':Gl<j IJJNNEI~ I Former students and [Nlchel'" at HlmtlNon Col!cg(l will hOld II dinner I

Ihe Red Dnl! Inn, Thursduy, Jul y II , lit 6:30 Rhn l·p. 'rl'lll1Hportu.tioll 'fI'1II11 1)I'ovlded (!"Om the nortll ~nll'a"ce or the nlltural ""IM CO blillding. ~

C08t of Ihe d Inner will be 75u. All who tlrc In tl'I'<'Ht'd pl(,lIco cal l me 3061. l'A lTi. 1(, OIDDJ':lI'S.

('ONOREOi\TIONAL ( 'IlI IIU '" Th(, Chrl~lIan Jillldellvol' Soclely of tit" Contl'cglltlonnl (,hllrch will

HOI' a "RaIn or Shine" PicnIc on Saturday, July H. ('a I'- I('av(, 1M rhurcb

4:30. nerl'C8hmont~ 2r.o, l'l\'or,vllody W(licomc, P , flODI~nDAlJl·

, -

The cur ant1 they all )'acing along tile Thame8 second car deserted city chapel. Tltp t their cl'o wd:;c, er: yet, wll the en l' which Jim

"We're a vol6c.

"Tell that tomo1"I"Ow

A door 1>U8scd


Bobbe Ar

929 1 -­~ ~~'il ale's

Thursday. July 11. 1929 !

• e $ • • • $ •••• • $ •• e ••••

The Green Archer ,- By Edgar Wallace ,.p .....• o:!: ••••

TilE STORY 0 FAR: Valerio Dowolt. "dOI)ted daugh·

ter of Senator 1I0wctt of Pellll. lIyh'allh,. is soar("J.ing for h~r mol her, Elaillo )Jold, who as Val· erlo 8USllects, Is hl,I,lclI away ill Garro cllslle, Iho OWllel' of \vhleh, Abe Bellamy, is a ChiclI!:o IIliI· 1I0llaire with" rCllclient plL~l who 1I0W resides in England. B<' lIuIllY Is rc,'englng himsell on the WOIII'

all lor l'Ofusing to marl'y h ill1. 'I'ho Howells have leusl.~1 u,dy's lI1all' I\or, which [ulJoills 0 11' msUo groullds. BelllllllY identifies Yal· trle ItS an inrun t wholll yea rs be· foro he dolivers to H owett 10 rear wbell Ihe hill el' WIIS a poor IUI'IlI. er. Spilm Uolhllld , an !\mericnll reporter worldn/;, 011 a Londoll nOw81)III)er, is illvcstigating re· ports Ihllt IL ghostly IIreher dllll

\ In greon hllllnt s lhe casUe. nl'lI· .my SUSIlCci s Valerie of being Iho Oreen A rcher . He has rCI'odoua oogs to guur" the custl\', but lulo lit lIight Ihe GI'een Arfhel' dl'ogs tho (logs uml gai liS access ICI Gell· amy's bl'{Jaooolll. Fe!lthcrs tolle, a Srollllllt! Yard official, who is ill Jovo ",lth Vuleri\', Is helping h pr search rOI' her mol her. )Je sus· peets I hat RelhlJny and ColdIHu" "UI' Smith, Ileeper of II low resort In Londo II , 11I'O plottillg evn agaillst Vuleric, ami 11811S lJolI!LlHl to help him g ua ... 1 her. VaJrrio at nighi heal's sobbing in .. mom In hCI' hOUse and llllempts to In· vestigate, bu t Howatt cllJls III hllr 10 go 10 hed. Lalcr sho 100118 OVI'I' tho slairs alHl sees the Green Ar· eher ahtruling in the ha ll . Hllld. h Ll l'boul' ISmith tril'S to have Fay ( 'layton assist him in Iddllal)ing ValeriI', but Fuy refusrs. When next Beillully e ll li'I's the secret undergl'Ound chulllbpr where he bas been Ileeping Valerie'S lIIolh·

, {'r, hI' flnols thai his Jll'isoll~r has disa pl)ellrcd,

~ •...... WaH nothing here. He came down ugaln lo tho private room behind lhe bar. and found a disconsolate bar· man.

"This is Ill'ctly tough on mc. Cal)' taln. I've only boughl the busllH,s3 1'1'(1111 Coldharboul" u. week ago. ( 've Ill,t eve,·y penny T've saved into Il."

lj'rhC'1l you've lost il," said Jim say· ngrly.

Jj(' could sec that the mun wus Hpeaklng tho ll'uth, IIlId he I'em('m­lJt>"ed that Coldharboul' had talked aboul handffng over his business to $ompl)ody else.

"I'U close this club In a we k after I've hau a conViction against the men lIP"talr". 'Vhat do YOll thIng of that , Darnell'!,'

Bal'nett evldcnUy did not Wink much of It.

"It's tou..:h on me-" he bel:an. "Wa~ Co\tlharbour here tonight?

"'ho was he wllh?" The man refused to spealc ''1'11 glvc you a chance. I 'U mukc

'his cas against yOU as lighl flS 1)06' .Ible, and I'U not move to sUsl)Cncl the ffeense of the club. if you tell me whl'n Coldhal'bour Smllh was hOl'e."

"fCc Was here half an hour ago," said Ba rnell.

"Who was with him?" "A lady." ' \\'110 e)se'!"

"The man LhM brought hE'r UP. He went a.way."

"And whel'e are they now?" "j don't know. caplaln. I swear

don't know. All I I,now IR thal Cold· harbour coflecled every cenl or mono ey that wns duo to him und s IfPI)I',1 out. He~ld he was going to America or ~on)c Illacc.·'

" lI ow has he gonc? No Ifnel' hav~ Irft Ulr.c Hiaores for Am!:rica 01' South AmPI'lca Hlnee Monday. How 11as he gone, Bal'llE'lt?" .

HI don't h:now, sir," The Juan ht'si· tatl'd. "llc'~ alwlI)'s meeting thORP ~ca captains. They como h~I'e regu· Inrly. He's had (t lot lo 110 wllh ono

CHAPTER XLV. 0( them-Il~en here for hours with ~'J1I~ RAID. him."

Tho car came up al thal mom('nl, " II ho was lhe captain'!" and they ali bundlcd in, and were ",t mall culled Fernandez. Ilo's the I'I\clng along the bl'Oad boul('vnr(1 or 1')(\I'l owner of a small tmmp, and the Thames embankment b{'fore till' runs it himself-the COlilessn; 8he's second car had arrived. 'rhrOllgh th.' Iyillg' out In the pool, or she waH lhis deserled cfly Into the glare of White· uflN'noon, because lhe skipper wu.s In chnpel. Th" theaters were dfsg'o"glng here." their crowels, and progress was "low· Jim reached [01' the tclephone and er; yet, withIn n Quarter of an hOU1\ ga.\' I ::l number. the I'll!' swtl1lg Il\to Lhe Atr!'el on "Supe"lntcncI('nt ot Thames Illvi· whicll the "Golden gast" "tood. alld slon?·.· It Is Cllptnln }o'('ath(,I'stonc JIm sprang oul before the drivOl' hat! sI)('aklng. I IVDnt lhe 'Contesoo' held. stoPI)cd. The conlon was all'~acly Hhe's a tramJl lying In tho pool. • • • formed, and the slt'eet seemed to he Oh. you know I,el', <10 you'!" tfffeu with unobt"uslve men, who Ill' waited" moment whUst lh<) (fl­closed In on the hulldln!\, [Ul til" ear vl_lonal exchange IH,t "Ian tlu'ou!i'h 10 pulle[l up. Jim passed the (loo"it" Jl ,. tho riverside station. and m.n liP th(' sluft·s. The coloa·(',1 "Yes. rapluln je"alhel'stone ~peak· bano was playing and a dozen coupleR Ing. I want the 'ConleRsa' held, In­were dancing on the poU,lwd flool' ; "Jl('clor. • • • i:H,e's In the pool? but, oblivious to their com(ol't, Iw Good!" pushed past them Into lhe bar, to I lis ea" ear,·ted him to a sUbstaLion wher lhe whllt' coated sateflfte ot of lhe \\'ule,' IloUce Into lhe Iftlle Coldhn"boul' Smith was gazing non· Illotor boal thal was awuillng him . chalanlly upon thl' dancfng couples. "'rhe '<..:onte.sa' shows no sign or

"Wlle/'e'" Smith?" asked .lIm. mcvlng," said the InapE-ctol' In chal'go "He's not been hero tonight, cap- of the boat. "Sho's stin al anchol· ...

taln ." "!las Rny bOat left lh pool'I" . lIm noddrd, nnd, turning to the Inll "There WUH one went ·ol1t oal'ly tilis

room, made a signal to the leader ot morning-the 'Messina.' She wad a lhe band und tho mt,slc sloppl'lI. Soulh Am~ricnn cargo boal, too."

"Eve,'ybody In thlA room wlfl g'ot The traml), with her riding laml 'H their coats and \\'I"IIP" and wfff pa.,~ on lhe ma't, lay In the VN'Y center of one by one before me," he ordered, lho IJooI, thal broad stretch of lM and the gue"ts Ob<,yNI )vllh Mm e Thames where the Hhlpplng of ali 'he alaCt'f(y, though there w(,l'e one Ot· world foregathN's soonel' 01' latp,·. two Bulky looking Individuals who The launch cume alongside, 011,1, seemed to resenl this disturbance of call' hlng the monkey ladder, the l'lvel' thB harmony. poflcemen w(Ont aboal'd hand over

In the lI1eantlme the sp clal 8('I·V· fist, and Jim follo\\'ed. Ice men had flowed Inlo lhe bundlng Apparcntly no watch was kept, for and lWO of lhcm (oilowed Jim u('hind lhu deck was empty, and without the bal'. cel'(,lIIony the rive\' pollcemen led the

'''l'he door's 10ckNl. Cold harbour', WRY below. The caplain of the ·Con· got the key," HaW the sulky barman. tesRa' was awakened frolll a drunken

Jim Io'elLlherslone put up his foOL sleep and hauled up to the Raloon, and drove with all his stn'ngth, the whlcb waH on Lhe d~ck level. He had doo, ' opened wlLh a ~,·ash. The IIghtH se('n nobody and had heard nothing, were bUrning In th empty room, and he "aid when he was pal'tfally 50b<'l·. on lhe tabie stood a pint bottle of lie thought his crew W!!I'O all drunk; champaign whieh was half empty. ;tt !lny rate, he WM cerlaln his officers Ther" was one gla.~s. He took up the wel'<', and he was not mIstaken. glass and smelt Il. "This can'l be lhe ship," snld tho

"Through thRt door," TIe pointed t .. oublell Jim as lhey I' gained thO to the door lORding to lhe street. rlock. "These men are genuinely III "There's an exit below," UIl, and there Jsn't a man on board

He hlmsel! continued up the slulrs. \\'ho's capable oC tul<fng the ship down At the top thero was a small "lIldlng', tho ,·Ivel'." and a locked door, undel' which a Une The search was thol'ough but slaort. of fight showed. Bo tapped and In· (01' they made the slartilng discovel'y Btuntly tllo light wellt out. Waiting' tI,al the shi l) had no steam. Her fires no longer, he lJut his shouldN' lo the weI'\! d,'awn and cold, and It was n panel and dl'ove In the door. physical hnposslbillty tor her to gel.

"Put on tho fights," he ordere:! under \va3', even though she hai! had shal·piy. "An)' man who attempts to any such design. rush me I'll shoot." "It must haVe been the other ~h!1I

A detective behInd him threw a ray timt went down this afternoon," said of lfghl from an electric torch and 1'('. Jim . Tile rive I' polfceman shook his veuled a dozen uncomEorlllbie looking head . men, a hint of a gt'f'en table and Il "She'll be at 8ea now," he said, "tin !!Caller of cards and then the light iess she wa" waiting fo,· this fellow to went out. join her. lIe coul'l very euslly get to

"You're all under al'l'eHt here," said hel' by motor car It ~hc lay III) for him JIm. "What at'e you playing-faro'!" orr Tilbury."

"Wc're only nlaylng bridge," "aid Th~y went down the monkey Ina· a volcc. del' ogaln a nd joined the motol' bo!!t

"Tell that to the man on U .... i)pnrh I\n(1 ValN'le ' }lo\\,ell heul'd the chug" tomo,·,'Ow morning," said Jim tersely. ('hug of the lJltle motor lUI It made COl'

A dOOI' led out ot the room. and he the "h01-C and in her heart wa~ blalll( passed through to flnt! hlm"plf In th(' d('~pufl·.

kltrllen o[ the establl~hmcnl. Th('r<jl'O.'\"I' I Nll~~~_]~ NEXT TSSUE)

Bobbe Arnst, Jimmie C"rr and his orchesrra in "Nighr Club." .A Paramollnr TALKING Picture ,

~ l J At the Garden 1 dnr~ startin~ todar' _ ... -J

'UT~ICr. 10 eonl. "... ""fI. oopy

I"-pee ..... " 8y ",.11 I",""

I_Hr_ C-I .. lon ,c,.,..: 10_ .. ., "'lUI ... Authori •• 4

1.ln Af-t.~

Demand for Wheat From U. S. Brings

Moderate Upturns CHICAGO, July 10 (AP)-BroRden'

Ing of demand for \\'h al from tho lCnlled States, together with x· lremely adverse crop conditions reo porlerl northwest, bl'oul{ht !Lbout moderate upturns in wheat valuE'S loelay. Friends of higher prices for wheat, however, were mOl"o or less handicapped by uncertainly which p"cvafled as to whother nnndian and Uniled Slates crop estimates due after thc CIOBO loday would a l!ow 'for all <lamage done UP to dale 01' only for damage as of July l.

Cioslng quotations 011 wheat were firm at 3·40 lo 1 1·4c above yester· day's finish. Corn clos~d 1·40 to 1 @ 1 1·8e up, oats unchanged to 1·4c hlghcr, nmI pl'ov!3lons un· ohanged to 20c orf .

Export takings Of United Slates whellt today for shipment to Europe viu tbe Gult ot Mexico were fig· tI"ed ns totaling l,600,QOO 1)ushelR, IUI'geiy No. 2 hard wIll tel', nn arnollnl heretofo"e unequalled of Inte dU"lnl: a 24 hour pel'iod. Oth· er outstanding {nctors tending to IUl wheat prices here WCl'e Indica· tlons that drought Injury to crops was bing made worse both norlh a nd south of the Canadl[ln boundary And In AI'g nUna as \\ell. Cash han· diers here booked 260,000 bushels of wheat lo arrive, mO)sUy from Knn· "as City. On the olhel' hand, rains were reported to be hampering har· vest in parts oC the soulhwest, and as the day drew to an en(1 lhe ma· j(1rfty of traders were antleipRlIn,:; a buil exhibit IlY tho Co nadlan 0 nd Unlled States governm nl CI'OP re· po,'ts.

Corn and oats sympathized wllh wheat strcngth . Besides, prospec· tlve expo,·t business in corn altract· Ni altenUon. The <governmen t reo port on probable yie ld ot COl'll was ronstrued as bullish, belng 21,000,-

It's Nice and Cool

Last Times


C'monEvery· body Ken'.


Here A thrilling story of Indian days and the brave pioneers who built our West!

"Red Raiders"

Action, drama, and roo mance lifted bodily from the most stirring pages of Western history. A super­Western for all America!

Also Showing

A Selected Comedy Pathe News and Song

And ti.) think vou can it for only-

The Daily Iowan. Iowa City . \ Page S; ------------------------------------------------~-

_D. JULY 11

000 bushels under thc average ot + ------------l+ Close of Session prlvale rcports. I Chicago Grain

The rally in wheat broughl SUI" +_____________ Shows Losses in port In COl'll, and lhe market moved C 'hI B d up after an curly dip. Coulltl'Y 0(' CHl<":AGO, July 10 (AP) _ Cash onverti e on s [erlngs were Ifght. Receipts today wheat n\"rkel finished unchanged In Chicago were 113 cars a!(ainst In prices and trading basis. No. 151 cars last week. \VeathCr con· 4 hard Hold at $1.18, 01' 3 t·2c under dillons werc [l,vomulo, mostly fu.lr. JulY lwlce and 1 1·2e ove,. No. 2

The befl has had plenty ot raln nOI·thern, lor $1.22 3,4. Shipping recently. Al'j;l'nUne corn surplus sales 16,000 busllCls to mills. ellll' remaining for export WRS orrlclally c('lIations 11,598 bushels, deliveries placed al 76,000,000 bushels. Prl· 139.0f)0 hushols. Booked to al'rlvo "Me comme"cllli rCflol·t~ Indicate U(1 ~GO,OOO bushels, iattcl- InCludes GO,· as high as 102,000,000 bu~hels, lM IIOu t>ushels now from t.he country high ffgU"es In<iicllting total sUI'plUs and balaneo from soulhwcst mar· Ol 177,000,000 bushels a~allll!t 262,. {<els. Jtt'Cclllts inSI)ecled 20 cars. 000,000 hushel" a clually cleared the Exporl business In all sections esti· lasl pl'cvlous 8('a80n. mated 1.600,000 bushels.

Some reports from the seaboard indicated lhat corn was close to an ""porl hasis noll', but that no im' portant business wu~ looked [or be· ful'C Scplember.

Provisions incllne(l downward ow, Ing lo a setback ot hog values.

NEW l:OR Ii I'l'roCU:S 11 Igh 1.0"- Clo.'"

Am. Sm('lt. & He f . .. llH lOlle Am. Tel. & 'J'cl. ..... 232& 23H Balt. & Ohio ... _ ....... 1281 127h Bpthlehem Steel .... 11711 U5a (l,·n. 1IIotors ....... 74\ 7j~

GEon. mee. .. ......... .... 347 338~

II udson ]llotOl'ij .. .. . sn 87 A Trl. lIal'vcste,· ....... .. 1l4& 1114 N. Y. Centrnl ......... 2201 217 l'u.ekat<1 Molol's .... 135~ 133 I'~nllKylvnnln. ... ..... . DO'1 8Da Radio Corp. .. .... ...... 82 77/1 SeRl'~ Roebuck .. .... .. 17 II 17111 ~In. Con. Oil .. .......... a6~ 35j\ South. Paci1lc ... _ ..... 139g 1381 South. RaJI. .. ..... .. .. t51' 150~ Studebake,' Co I'll. .. 766 75Y Union Pactrfe ...... 2486 2466 U. S. Rubber .. .... .... 541 5211 U. S. SteOi _. . ..... 200\ 1 n~ Westing. Elec ......... lD8 104 Wfllys·Ov('l'fnnd ., 26~ 26! Y~l. Tr. & Coach .... 41i1 3DI

111 \ 23H 127\ 115;1 72'

343' 871

112. 219 134~ , DO

77! 172~

3fi' 1381 150~

7Ga Z46ij

531 InO 135; 261 40

Corn trade modcmtc, plice 1-2 @ 1e casler COnlllared wllh previous salcs. 'fl'ading basis steady to 1·2c higher, lutter on choice. Shipping saics 120,000 bushels. BOOked to ar· rive 20,000 bUShels. CanccllaUons 12,300 busheis and dellvorfes on .Iuly contract_ 407,000 lJu~1 Is. There w re Illdc'1 Of 50 .000 bushels lo go to sto,·c. nocelpLs Inspecled 113 cars.

Oats trade rather light. DomeStic Inquh'y good, prlce~

sl.-ady. Shipping sales 114,000 bush· et<, dcllvprles 70,000 bushels and cancellaUons 25,000 bushels. Booked to arrive 50,000 bushel;'.


WednegcJay ........ 22D.3 149.7 277.1 '1'ueBday ............ 230.9 150.1 274.2 \\'oE'k ago .......... 230.2 148.3 274.3 1'~at· ago .......... ,.159.2 119.5 146.7 llIgh 1929 .......... 232.6 150.2 279.4 Low 1020 ......... .. . 201.7 128.6 193.1

Total saies, 4,209,630 sharcs.

C o o L

NEW NORK, July 10 (AP)-T..nte Ill0CIt taking In stocks brought about It pronounced reaction In con· ,'crtl\)l~ hond!! today and most of the uctive 1~8ue8, sevel'fll ot which had louched n~w highs earlier in th" session, showed nel iosses al lho closo.

An exccptlon to the general It'end Of tho Slock Ceatul'c bonds was the At('hl~on ~ 1·2'H which gained 1\10re than 3 points on a largo turnover, eJo"lng at 140 3'4, atter selling al the now Ileak of 141 1·2.

United States g,overnment bonds und treasury noll''' ext~mlcd theft· r('cent gaIns, nlthough turnovers \\01'0 small. The demand (or ))I'lmo .ho,·t te"m seeudtles, pfll·t!culal·ly Lhe treasuries, hy cO"pomtfonH 8ceft· Ing temlJomry employment fo)' large (unds received from I'"c(>nt flnanc· ing olloratlons has been exceptional. Iy lal'j(e.

Bonds wlLhoul the speculative Jlo-~' .. lbIlfU('s orrcrNI by the convertibles d"agged all day. Canadian Nalional railway 4 1·2'8, Central oC Oeo'-gia 5'., "cries C, ,\nd I,'lorldo. East Coast 5's went to new Jows on 0. fair amounl ot se1lfng. The I'allroa'l group as a whole was mixed, cspe· cially the [lrst grade Issues.

Indulllriais and utilities hOvOl'ua ciose to yestprdny's prices. Tnte,·· natiunal !\1atch 5's, Lorlilard 7's, and '''cstrrn Elect"lc 5's mel with PIlC ugh sclllng to cause los~os Of 3·4 to 2 1·8 points. The fO"cigl\ sugars were firm. Sincluir Consoll. dat('c1 011 7's mO"cd In largo vol·

C o o L ;;111"]

NEW SHOW Ends Saturday Today Starts

TODAY A Sound and

You'll ~hill! l 'ou'll 'Iniver! You'll gusp! \'ou'll IOV6 It! )('8 II new Ihrilll

A jrl'lIming' )h'Jlnllt or ''''0 Air I)il()ts bUltling' ]n ,\rdlr "'URIPS ror I A)\,e lind friendsbilll


"TWO LITTU'J C; HINESI'; 1\!I\JI)S" JIurlllony /slng.rs

"SCllUllERT'S SERI~N!\IJE" A. MIIs;elu Sl,eCch l\lo,'lelon. News


SERVICE M.~ • "'IIPM&O ..,





PAVr:D ... __ . __



ONLY. = ...... "_M. C!l!!ftUf!I,. oUOU .. .. ()(X) 1"0100 ClO'.O!

~""""""""fI" D.,~. [;fIII.w.\. • • • • £MIl," •••• ,

ume, but price changes proved small and a. f"actlonal loss appeal'cd at the close.

Some of the South American gov· e,'nmenl Jssues and bond.8 or Ew·o· pean municipalities were lhe strong· est s)lots In the (oreign Hsl.

The cow population of lIale coun· ty, 'rex.. Is grealel' than the num· IJe!' of humans who reside within Its bol·ders.

The "board" bfil for Inhabitants Of tho Chicago zoo Is $25,000 annual· Iy. ~=-~======~=======-


NEW VORK Stoclls-lrrcgulur; Ilublic utilities

make new high . .Bondl:l-Irreguial'; seveml conver·

tlbles touch new peak. CU"b-Stl'ong; ",iddlewcst utilities

soa.· 21 Iloint~ to new high, then reo act.

Foreign oxchange.:l-~lIxed; J a il' anes yen rises 1 cen t.

Cotlon-LowCl'; favorablo weekly Weather. ' .... Suga,~Lower; easIer spot mar·

keto Cortee-Deelined ; lowot· Brazilfan



Wheat-Firm; large expOl·ts. Com-Firm; tim , southwest mar·

kels. Cattle-Weak to lower, lIog~-Lower. , j

It's Nice and Cool

(if:LUm Friday

Sat., Sun., Mon. You will have the pleasure

of Seeing A TENSE


"House of

Borrors" with

Chester Conklin and

Louise F azenda You'll see things you never saw before-

-also showing­Pathe News­


Selected Comedy

Afternoons 25-10c Sundays and Eve­

ningt 35- 10c

+++++++i'+i'i' ......... +++++++++++++i'i'+++++++++++++++.H++i I NOW Refr"hinglyeom NOW i 1 Ends 8 1111. 4 U8!'S I ~+~ lk I ~ All Ta ing! t All Singing! 1 All DanCing! t All Thrilling! 1 i "" t

Hot Music! Peppy Dancing! Broadway Favorites! Sparkling Entertainment!

Gorgeous c081ume8, pretty g ia'i s, Jazzy ll1usici n :111 evening 's on· tel·tailtll1cut filled wllh Ihe thrills, sorrolVS and IK!ll1lcxilics of

IJrmulwlll' Night Club habitues

I '~/

I I I ----~

where you'll meet these internationally known Broadway


Fannie Udell nobbio A.rnst I'at Hooney nctty Lawford Vivienno Osborn Dorothy Tierney lIlllrgot Kelly Paflicia Collinge Mary Williams Donulil ]{irlle Geo,·gi:. Lerch J.)orothy Tcnnallt

Ann P cnnington 1\lIlInlo Dupree }'at Rooney, ,rr. Goolh'ey ]ien' l'ol'cy nelton JUlie "'Illker Jellnl1C 0 reene Jo'rlllices \Villiallls A 11 ne Forest Mabelle S",o" Adele Klaer Tlunara' Ge,' ..

Jimmy Carr and his Silver --------. Slipper Orchestra

The chorus from "Good News"


ALL-TALKING 2 reel farce comedy



1\Iatlllees \AISO Cha.rlie Chase Comedy Jj;"I'UhlI'S


Z§C and ' "Iltest News sse


Page ~ The Daily Iowan. Iowa Ciiy --~------------------------------------------------.-'~----...--==--~-------------------------~----------------------------

Thursday, July II , 1929

l;{ermn, Barfleft ~~maiQ Among Favorites State Teurney € Meet Tooayin

Quarter .. Finals of,Tournament

Marc Stewart Wins One, Loses One

Out of Play By WILD R. C, PETERSON

(A_laIN P rtila Sport Wrll"") OU:O:TRY' LUB UR, E,

CEDAIl RAPIDS, Jul), 10 (AP)-­Fur flew thick nnd ClUlt on this beauUful I)ut troublesome gol! course tOOny a.~ Town'H lJ<>~t exp n' fnt S oC the ancient Scotch l)(lstlrne tOl'Q Into I'Rch other. Twilight Cound llix oC the eight J(ol!erH' Clg, urPH to hOVt' the Inolde Ira k In th~ ~Rl1ltllllgn for Ihe IIt'nate title pont· Ing In deCeat.

Lt'e 11t'rron of Rioux Ity, medal· I t anll COl'mer title holdel', ani! ~rthur Rnrtlrtt of OLtumwa, <1e· tending .cbamplon, alone remained Among Ih(l hplIV!' Cn,'orlles. Onl' Of IheR(> must be ellmlnntt>d tom or· J ow lor the), meet In the Clrst of th .. qUAI'!t'r flnnl motcht's.

entlg McKee, youthful De~

~lolneR golfel', prove<1 It hlg barrier I/ ,'el' whl h two Cuvorltes I'ould not puRR. 11 6 handpd Bud ~faytn <:"

Newton multl·mllllonnlrl' who WM "unner UII In the lrllns·Mlssisslppl, a two to ont' deCl.'at this ,mol'nlng "nd thlH otterJIoon It'lunilled on Llo),d Nordstrom, the Dav~npOrt

youth who led the qunllC~I's the p nlng day \Vlth a Rtartllng 68, by

3 and 2, J llmfs :\rcOr~gor or OsknloO!lll

pulled anolher 8urprl8(' In the round, downing Iht' "etprnn Hob

1 "J{e~ . tonlh'1' 8tMP Rnd trnn.· )IIRJ1ls9IPIII tltllst, thre~ and two. but he In turn tasted lIef at In till, aftprnoon from nnolh~l' comparu· live un,knowl1, O. n. Wisner oC BI· dOI'a, WIBn .... won 4 Gnd 3.

Ce",ort 1ASf'S D,'. Puul Ba .. ton. Dnvenport'"

thi rd quallfl r, '1'88 set back In nn· other first round upset by John

are)" ot Cfdnr Ro,pltlA, one up. nrpy thpn PI'ocp~ded to win hlA

RPrond rounll 8trU~!llp \\'Ith ~rnl'r Htewnrt. 1 ·yenr-old lowa IlY youth, hy Ihree and t\\'o . The ~Ixlh favol'lte to 1l'l.~H vut of t lip plrLure Wlt9 J ohn Vnvra , lorn I are. ~I" hl\d II tOllll'h battl" thl . morning \0 der('at al'leton J\fcUlIlO{ltli1l of ~Ioux City. on~ up, on'! thlA Mte.· noon found hlm8f>1C tmiling Pa t 'WUrol(, D s Moines youth who I Ilrned hi. golf ns n ('addy, Wilcox ~rten In trouble, made remarkllhle )'('('ove .. Il'R and 'Putt~d SUpl'rlJly to wIn, 3 [UHI 1.

[(I' rroll m(II'ch~d onwBI'd at th~ l'X)ll'nse of h l8 fpHow luwnsmon.

het Yeomnn, 6 nnd 4. thlA morning nli dUJlH~ate" the reCtt ngnlnAt

Chorl~s Lomar of Sioux Ity, this nrttlt'noon. G and ft.

SCunrt 1'nJ{ell 20 1101e'l to WIn Tht' feature ml\t('h of th" dny,

hpwever, wllR thal I)(>tw ... n Cnrroll S tuart , 'Vlltl:'r100. lin (1 Al T'PQRIPI" of 1 ubuQu('. 1t took RtUDl't. who hI (avorNI to win hili woy :n lo tho flnolA through thp Iflwpr hrol'k!'t, 21 hole8 to Ile(eal Peaslee thla oHm" noon,

B. E . JIaYPR, 62 ypa r s oli!, har! ton, the 0lde8t .'emnlnlng con· tp~lnnt. won on" Ull vlc torl('~ over two np" ;\Iolne.q golfers, heating Jack Bnthnm on the nlnPt(,pnth Il]l a morlling nn(1 Bill R end on Uw l'lghteenth this a((ernoon.

Palrir.gs for qual·ter tlnale tomor· row:

Herron vs. BllrOHt. Wilcox VA. lIleKee. Stuart VA. '\' Is n{'r. lIayPR VB. Carey. FlrQI rOU)ld cbamplonRhlp flight: Lee H erron, SJJ)ux City, (I ef~al('cl

he!, Y!'aman, Sioux Ity r. and 4. Charles LnlllJ1.r, Sioux CJty. d

tp",ll'd I L . Jensen, Cedar ~llld8, 4 a,nd 3. , I

,lOh n Vn Y)'a, ~edar Ro.pld$, dr · tea ted rlto n McLaughlin , Sioux

Ity. 1 up. 1.loyd Nqr\Il\~I'Qm, Dave nroo .. t, <1".

C<uted I<'a R1dtlell, I<'ort Madlooll. 6 1IU1\. 4 . I

rat Wlleox, ~~ ~fqJnf>!I , (I~fpn.t('d

08.'a li! Illdcr. Ca.lar Ra)JIlill. 2 Vil. • 'arro ll ilwart. 'Vn.u~rl oo, (jo(t'1lt · -ed E. W. WOOd"lrh. Cedar Ra.pld , 1 III).

. Craig Mcl{~p. ~!I ~Iolne", !1l'fl'at· .. d L . B. Mnytn.g, N cwton , :\ anil 1-

I ra Allen. j.)O.\,e·llpol·t, defeat(',1 Cia I'k 'flldpn, Am 8. 5 and a,

O. !-T. \Vlllner, F;I!lQ.'a. d fealNI Frall ' ls W oQdI'OW, NeWlon, 3 i nd 2

l Ull Rend, DI'II Moines, der .. nl d J-I llrolil J ocku m sen, \Vatel'lon, ~ n nd ...

James McQregor, 09ka\ooQ o., 111' reat .. d Bob McK:(,(', Dell ll oln 8, 3 and 2.

AI P IIslet', Dubtl(lue. def .. n.tt>d F.d Swobodn, Jr .• Cedar Rapids, 2 anti 1.

Arthur Barlle tt, Ottumwa, de t NuNI \I'lI l1a m H e ucr, D!lVenpoll, 2 up.

Mart' Stewart, IOwa City. eldeat· ~d \V, E. lJulls hee, Cellar n a p lds . 2 /lml I.

J o hn rey, Cedar Rnpltls, de ten.t· "d Paul 'Barton, Davenport , 2 up.

B . E. Ha.ye,., Chal'lton, defeated In.ck Bathnm, Des MOines, I up In 19 holes,

Second round : Lee Herron, Slqux City, defeated

ClIas. Lamn.r, S ioux. CJty, 6 n.nd 6. Art Barllplt. Ottum ,,'a, dl'tea t I

I ra Alle n . l)n"eOJlorl, 6 . n.nd O. P:t t Wilcox, Des 'Moines, defeatl'd

ClIrlton ,McLjl.ughlln . Sioux a lly, 3 and J .

O. If. 'Villner , Eldora., d .. rellied I n.mes McOregor. OskalooSQ., 4 and 3. , • . , •

Jolt" ('lire)', ,Cedar , ~. d ... 'e.&ed Mllrc Stewart. low. Cley. !I alld ! ,

a.rroll Stllnrt, Waterloo. defen.t ed AI Peaslee, DubuQuc, I UP on 210t 1)011'.

B. E lin yell, Charlton, d fented Bill R ead , D es lIfolnes. 1 up.

An Industrlnl colony hus bee'n .,Ibo,·n In London to Mlp l'ec)lI.Im jobless m en ",bo have heen unem· l/Ioyed 80 long they Ji4ve Quit think· ~lg about It. __ -

. Trains at Home j I-A' 5 $plit Double ----. B~l With Browns

T~ FILi:SPEAiER'S'SHOES? ..... " Marty McManus Ii SOCK!! °1 I Yesterday's Homers

Matches in First Round of July GoH T ohlrney Complete

. .. .. .. . .. . .. " . -' . , Gets Homer to • - .

• T . I.,oUII'; , July 10 (AP}-The st. VlUls B.'Owns nnd the lellll'ue·)ead· Inl'< Phlla <\l'fphla A thleticR dlvldNl n, double he~del' toony, lhe A~hi~tI!Js taking th~ opener. 4 t.l) I , nnd the Browns wlnnln/t tile Clnal, 7 to 5.

Hln le ~f:lnush, Brown!!' Il'rt nl'ld· er. hl~ In both !rumes, running the 'total of consecutl,'p gn.ml'R In whIch hE.> has hl~ soCely to 18. , T he opener was n plt('hlng dupl bfo:twE'el} 10: nl Grny (or the Browns Ilnd Uownrd Ehmkl', Neither team

or(Od until t he ninth wl"\en the AlhletlcR rE'aelll'd Gray for fou .. r ... ns. .T:JhmkE' held the BrowllR to two hlt...~. The :e l'own~ batted Rube , a ll1u.'g f"oln the mound In the third Inning oC Ih(' nl!;htea.,. Ed Rommel t90k up the hu.'lIng dullt'" uu t was no more ff ctl 1'('.

• Scx:ond game: R. n . Fi. Phllalkllphla .... 002 020 100-5 12 1 Rt. Loultt ...... _ ... 012 100 30·-7 11 J

Batter(f'......-Qulnn, Homm.,l , \\'nl· b\lrg a.nd Pl'rklns; ('rowder, mae· holder nnd Fnrrell.

, Don MOe 'Shoots Par '6olf DesPite

a»1my UUtHl('lI. lightw('illht chllmpion, I'ho <l fends hi. title againRt Tony ~Ilnzonel'i at the 'hi 'lIgo stadium, Aug, Z, has be·

gun tl'aining ill hi s gymnllsium

Brody Eliminates Kleir in Tourney

• Heavy Fairways

OrE.'gQIl st..vdent. from Portland. play~ .... '~ "'""'- '-'-IIt" ---.. - __ _

par golt <;lesplte hondl l'ap8. He en·'

)1 l R R JON JliLLS COl N'J'RY (,I .UB, K al)sn.s Ity, July 10 (AP)­

,Don 310e, 19·yelll'·<;>1(1 Unlvers~ty 0( I tpred the quol'ler flnlll" or the thlr· R," Ql' IX 1t .\LL "ntl's h,' I~ nllt Illll~' I!llIHl wIth lhl.' lerntp. onnunl Wl.'st!'l'n I1.mn.teur tour· ,)'h .. I''' may b,· Rom~ 1m PIll' t:tnt will,,\\, hut Ihlll 111' I. ;)1"" 1·"IINlsIl'nt. noment un<!t' .· woy 011 lh~ ~fI"810n civiC' que"CI~n" t" ht' (\PC'id l'd In II,' hit .3.i3 ill 192K, I1ft,·1' ~'J"lcln!! ~llIIs ('ourSt' lhls aftel'noon after (')ewl"nl), 0., hul wllf'I','V(>l' IIwn 1111' lIJ1r,l~ 1'0 1' ll1"I'I,~ or .3~·1, 111 I~i "hoollng onp under pltr on the 2R gathC'., In thl' I'v"nllll(~ tJlP ,·onv{'l·· and .31~ In '~Ii. 1f,' .nln.h<cI ouL holes he had to piny In his CIt'st and RMlon uRunll)l " t :tl·t" ncr wltll ·"I·hl. 37 four-pi) ' \l'ollop" In Han Frnncl.· Rrcond round mate., s, a.lthough c .. now A\'('I'III" nn,l I" buit<,d <lo\\'n ('U h.t ~'I"II ' nllll s('ClI'l'I1 In l'l1O,.

obliged to baltlE' ruin, h eavy [alr' th('rl' ~l'cUI'('I~' (or "eonHllleralM ThlH prlz" 1'001<1,· stan,l. rlv~·foClt waYR a nd tr~ach(l'rou~ gref:'n8. purt of lilt" ('\'('11111:::. tPIl, WP jghf04 1 7~ lwUtHI.;;;; II .'~ lpn-

~roe hnd conquered tho cotlrs AlmO"t e,'pr.'· hall I'h,h h1. nt h nnelq1 "h!>n II" cnnlP" tn l!t~ "llIte wah two pnr 72 round::t for m(ldnllst IN18l on(\ rookh' who pn!-1!ot('Rs('~ g'l'P'lt tlntl rH~hl·hnnd(,11 whl'n h(\ tht'O\\'9. honors In the QUll.IICying rounds. po""lblllth's, 'I'hp N.'\< York The (')0'\"1'1:11111 fall. al'r olrl'I\dl'

1'ht' majoo' ullHet of till' tourna· Yank p!'H hnVl' SI1I11 B)'I<1, Dptrult 1I1'I'llInlng 10 {I'I'>"t til P In'" nf 1'rl" menl cam In a.. cond round mntcll I haR All'xanl1/,I' nn,l .;ol1n"On, . thl' St. ;;111'·1I,,·r. tIl<' g1'l'a t nl.1 n"ay E:,,~II'. wh n Art Rw"t't. I:"Qlf w.'lter fl'om Lolli" ('11I'i!lnnls havp Cllhl'I'1 anl1 - 'rhl'\' rlI'U1·'· that , h..rlll'l' till' y"ar Chlcngo, Mfentt'd 1\ formel' chnm· Clevl·lnnt! has 1';nl'l\vl'I'IJl! Is OWl', AVI'I'1I1 "ill h:1\'I' 011111<'

Ilion, )(t' f~ 'IIrtcl', Oklohomn. City, I .\ VI'I'III I" til<' P<I"'lIslv" 011[' thlll.(S "rolllltl th " Aml'l'iI'nll "'a~1I1' 4 p.nd 2. Swee~ won h iM morning rlpll1l'I' llul'('hnR('C1 fr"m the San wl1"'h will hI' \\,ol'lh rl'I""Il'R lno- tlur· round from Jnmt;'R A. KennNly of F)'a.nc-Ifl:f'o Sc-nl!'=. ] In lonk~; lIk(" lilt{ llw IlIn~ wlnt.'.' l'v(>nJn;..;~ wlwn Tulsa., Okla., 2 up. "thl' pl'lze rooklp or In~fI' In n lilt Ihl'\' ,It 11I'0Iln(1 munchln!{ nllpl,,"

In his morning round ~rO!! won of rnn~ who I~k~ ti" 'h' h~'~hlll and ~"tln': l,oTI ~OI'I\. from w;. ~. Critchlow, AI'elmore. "el'IOllSly, lIntl hl ~ IIUl'l'h,,"c nlt'kp'l .\"1'1'111 I. onl\' 21 vell'" of a'!e. o and 5, Dnd In 80 doing turned thp 'frlbe h:lnkl'OlI for n l'ellUl·tell f1:l~e runnl'l'l! h~I\'p ,,11""111), 11I"rov· In th~ low('.t nlnc·hole lOCor(' of tho $50.000. o .. e,1 Ihat hn ha . all "\I'pllt'nl throw· tournnm nt. a 32 on the first nine, Averill I" note(\ chkfly a. It hlt- ) InA' wln!{: ht' hlm"rlc I. nlmhl(' on pal' being 35. tPI' anti hn" It .. "pnrll, which In(lI· th .. Imth •.

llubllY Tie .. , With 71

Hall. Fritz Mercur

'Win for Tigers TlF.TROI'1', .1 ul y 10 (A P)-l\Il.ll'ly

~h':\)'anuq, fOI' the ... rond tll11P thl, WI e k, won ~ /1(0111(, for the Detl'olt TI;:;eI'R bl' Mlnml11lng a home run o,'pI' lIlP left fwld .8coreboard lo<lo.y \\ Ith thl' h~Re. I ade(l. 'rhe r<,""It· :tnt foul' I'uns "'<'I'e thr Tlg('r,,' mllr· gin oC vlclory, th sCOl'e helng 10 to G.

Srorp: 11ORTON AR. R. H . PO.A.E. "'llrleRI,)'. 2b.. .. 5 1 I 2 5 0 Rpl'\'l'o, 3h 2 0 0 0 0 0 It. B'UTPIt, 3L ........ 2 1 2 I l 0 Rrnnll t, H ......... 2 0 0 J 0 Q l!(,thrork, cC ......... 2 II 1 0 0 0 I\' l1:tI·I·ptt , rr 3 0 1 2 0 0 Poh('n", II .... ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Will l:tlll A, ct·lt .. _ ... ·1 0 1 2 I 0 '1'0<1 t, 1 h ................ 5 0 0 7 0 0 npl~I'Y' (' .................. 4 1 2 5 1 0 Hh)"n,., s~ . 3 2 3 4 0 ~T. (laston, ., .......... 0 0 0 0 1 0 (;clow, rr ....... 2 1 1 1 0 0 . Hl'vlng ................ 1 0 0 0 0 0

Tolnls .................. 34 G 10 23 lS 0 ·lJaltl'd tor Dobpns In ninth.

DF:'rROTT- ;\B. R. n . PO.A .E. .J oh n"on, If G 1 2 4 0 0 Rlre, cr ............ .... 4 2 3 1 0 0 (I,'hring!'I', 2t ..... 4 2 2 7 2 0 fl!'lImann, rf ...... _ .) 1 2 1 0 0 1\I(,:<I1I1,ler, 111 .. .. .. 1 4 1 0 ~1c';\lanu" . 3b .......... 5 2 3 2 0 11nrgra.v(', c ..........•. 3 0 2 5 0 ~,huhlp, R8 .. _...... .. 0 0 3 2 1 Ro~ .. pll. )l ... _........... .. 0 0 0 0 0

Totnl. . .............. 37 10 15 27 7 I ~cor(' Ily Innings:

Boslon .... . •. :1 ........ 000 010 500- U J)l'lrolt 001 144 00·-10

Summary-Rulls hatted In, J ohn­son 2, (1~Slon, McMollus 4. 1 r"l1· l11ann 2, Alexander, lIal'grave, BIgI" Inw, Nal'l"Rky, R. Bor"plt, Rolh ­I'ork 2; two bnse hils, RIC'P, Me· ~tnnl1!~, Gehringpr, 'V. Barr ttt Rllyno; tllt'ee M8e hits, Rhyne, Hell· n,nlln. Rolhl'ork; home runs John·

(By O.e 1\ 8"0",,,1(''' I·rrs.,) 1/01111' Itllns Ves l crd l\)'

{;I'UI\thu'I', J-Ij l'utes ..................... .2 'l'raYllor. l'll'lttes ..................... .. L . WaIlH, Pirllies ......... _ ......... 1 Fussell, P,Irates ............... ............. 1 Hleln. Phillies _ ........................... I f) ' Oonl. Phil lies ............................ 1 JlIIl·s l. I'hillies .................. , ... l 80111111'1''', Phil lies ..... _ .. _ ............. t WilSOII , (,'ubs ............ . .................. 1 Hafey, (' ar!linulll ................... _ ..... l f 'r ederic l(. Ikool<l),n .............. _ .... _ 1 J ohnson. 'l'igers ............................ 1 Mcl\lallus , 1'igcI'R ... . .................. 1.

chullt', BrolVns ............................ 1 Hc), nolds, Whit e Sox .................. 1 Ferrell. Intliall~ ......................... I Jl'ull(, ]diulls .................................. 1

a liolllll League ],elltl rrs 011. Ginnls ......... :..... ............... 29 lIoCtomley , Ca "dlll"ls ............... 22 lIa(ey. l'ardina ls ....................... 2'! J<leill, l'hillics ...................... ..22 Wilsoll . Cubs ................................ 20

f\ Illl'riCIUl League L entlerR Gehrig, ~aJlhe~s .............. . ... 22 S imll1ous. AU.lctlcs ............. J9 Itllih. Yunlu'l's ........................... .18 }'oxx. i\t hl~\jcs .............. " ......... 1:' l\II'xlllllle.·, Tigel'll ........................ 13

'rol nl.: NutitmuJ ..... .................... .. .. . ".iG J\1l1l'rican ..................... _ .... _.

Tot", ..... ......................... ........ _ .. 788

Kill Chocolate Score£ Win NP.W YORK, July 10 {AP)-Kh1

(,hOl'olate, speed)' uban boxel', add· ed one more victory to his long string tonight hy defeating Ignaclu J.o'rl·nancJez or the Phl1lf1plne~, In hi" rll'st Important ~attlp flS n [I'n l hel'lvelgh t. Choeoln.l~ had th~

beAt of the 10 round bn.tUI', which opened the outdoor season at E:llhel" field. by a good mo rg ln n.llhOugh he found the goin.g' hard In spots, FHnandez weighed 12o, Chocolate, 123,

son, ~lr~lnnll"; stolen boses John' • _ ____________ .• "nn, Ri ce; sacrIrlces, Gehringer, \\T. I l-Illl'l'pll, nnston; <lflul.lp plnys, Me· ~Iallus to (l~hrlngel': left on IInh'es, • HORlon 9, 1)<'tl'olt 8: lJO ~p on bitliS. orl Son'/'II G. orr Gaston 4 : ~ll'u/'k oul bl' Orts!on .1. Ro,.rl'll 3; hllR off (;nston 14 In 6, off Dolll'nS 1 In Z; ImM~('(l hall Bpr.·)'; losing pitcher, Clnstoll.

Umplrl'R-('lplsE'l, Vlln Gratlnn. :In<1 (JlI'rn".


BIG SIX --------.

(By Ihe I\SSoeitlt~t1 l'r('HS) Batl' Ruth, Jimmy Foxx, and Palll

\\'an~I' werO tht' h" avy hitl!'I'M of til l' Big 81x yesterdny, with lwo lI,,(etiPA u')Jlece. but Foxx 1l1ungl\d ))(·low lhp .400 m ark fol' the [irAt time III mn.n y weeks as hI' requh'ed two 1:;Ll1lrR to regl"t('r his two hits. lie Htlil I.'nel. the ]JIg Six by n good m,u·gln. Semi­official rev IRion" In th e figure" )'1'.

~IT. VI';H!IION, Jllly 8 (AI') tal'd(>(1 Ruth and altlN1 Jlornsh)' ~1 Il'u!'1 Ih'ynul!lR, holdpl' of a H. A. slightly. 'fhe Bnbc Is now PI','"slng

First 1'0111111 11111 tI'l 1('" In tho J~11 golf [oUl'Il:tment III u.l l fOUl' clasae!, n.t the Iowa ('fty Vount!'y club have b~pn compl!'t!'!!. 'I'hp "pcond rOlUld must ,'" f1nl~hl'lI h,v IWXl Runda, night, arcol',lIng to '1'0111 Harl'ls, p~ r"Rslonol,

In Clri~R A, nlll't 1 ngwN'HOn default· N1 to II. I •. Hull!'y, and Prof. lIomer flcott dl'fn.ultr<1 to .r. 1.. Kadglhn. 'I'hl' wlnnrl's of th,,"c l11:l.t chea ad· vanced to th!, "l'conl1 rOllnd.

Only twn mnlchps In cl:t". B W~" lert to ron1Jlletl' the rh·.t round, and It WQH flnlslwrl whrn C'. C. Shrnd" WOIl hy defa.ult from lJl'an Carl K 81'[18hot'('. nn,1 Itall,h \\'hllc lost 10 Opol'ge Kohlrr, G·4.

(,Ia'" (' a(]yancpd tlnee men to Ihl seconu round. J . B. Van 1I00'n de· fent ed 'I'. J . Kll'hY,1 \1)1 In 19 holr •. Dr. F, R. Pelerson won [1'0111 lIenry \\'alkN', 3·2. nnn !tay Sebek lost 10 Kh'k Yerkes, 4·3.

It t. W"!'Mel b)l Mr. IloITis, Ihat


' \11 "prond l'ounl1 match!'" not Illayed hy ::;unday night will he 11I'tRUItI'll. it I. al,solulely nN'I's><,lI'y 10 do thll I In O,'tlPl' to finish the tournn.ment IQ LIme fo ,. th J\.Ugllst contc,t.

State Agents Remove 16 Ticker Machines

SlOFX In'. July (10) AP-AII ll'l~grnph Ie tklr!'1' mnchlne. br whl(')l b3.Sebal) alld olht'1' sllOrling events hnve h een l'ecelved he .. e have hc(On I-emoved, n.H a rPRult or raid. l'(,,,tl'rdll\\' hI' sto to ng~n ts and del>' uty Ahel'i((H. Slxh'ell o[ lhe tickers IV('I'E' s!'lz('d by the ralelel' •.

10'. C. !'llcldull, su pel'lnt!' nc1ent 01 Ihe Slottx City hrnnch of the We.l· ('1'11 Union lel('grnll11 rom puny, an· nounced that 110 ["l'th"I' ,,('rvice b to I)(' given hy the company unlll a COUl't rul ing oan hi' oJ,wlnl'd ,ell· Ii,,!, to whethl'r the lIck!'r. are 101.0 COI,~dPl'''d nR gnmhllncr (\PVI~

Enjoy a Game of Billiards? You Will at

The A'cademy

Cigars - Cigarette. Luncheonette

Billiards DBA ~IOlNgs , July 10 rAPj-AI·

Ihollgh f;l\'orll"q ran trur to form luduy In the Iowa Htate ll'nnls lour· namen! herp, many Of Ih"m tound till goln/( lough and wpre forced 10 C'xtend lh mse1ves before win· nlng.

Hubby had a qun.1I fylng mednl oC 149 and at the pnd or the first · elay was In It four-way tiP for low score with 71. Hubl)y won his fll'At round match, 3 a nd 2, from Robel·t 1I1c<:;rary or neg Moines, t.'an"·~fI"·

64 Rotary Clubs Gather at BoonE:)

for 2 Day Meet

(!<'grpp from L'DI'lw11 "011<>1(<,. fll>llI·!·q tho najah fol' s('cond place. When you want to know W ' D bl., T'tl eXIII'rlence at manual lah",' I" 'In C. AB. n. IT. Pct. call 810

In ou e" Ie . ImporWllt P'lI't of 11ft'. BN·P. lI ',' ho Fox". Alhletlc" ...... 7<1 275 C4 lIIn .anc --- I wnntrel SUCIl ~xl>el'ience, lte)noltls 11 01'n"by, CUbR ...... 76 282 73 l01 .35~ THE ACADEMY

{A I:' ~(I.1l11I'g' f1:~'~. hC.I~I~'1 to Inll~ ale "lildy 111 11I1'I::e unlv,'rHlti.'s nnd P. w~nel'. Pll'3tes 7~ ~9~ 70 99 .~;J~ 116 E, Washington 81sslppl ('ham pion. In tho • lect· a .. tcr upAcl match, BOON ', July 11) (,IP)-Roonp TI()

Frank Bl'o<1y, to vorlltl (or tho tourn!!y, had little t"oulll(' In clhnl· nallng Blnwr ){Ielr of Cedar nn.p' ItlIt , G·2. G·2.

Todlll"a res ults In the mcn's sin ' gil'S:

the fnct that Carter WIlA oCt Ivs lnrlnns wel'<' ""ndy tOllllY til wd"om" gome In the second .'ound 'as not (I('JrgnlpR (!'Om GI Rotnrl' rlub. In

TN 111.\. NAI'OI,lH. I.nll.. Jllly In to"H('d n"I/11' " I))llll'lunlt'''" rOl' '~I'Cldu· I Huth . . Ynnl{ees ...... r.s 21" IH 76.3j5l I Uh:1nt.l n P or t'\U,} (IJDI nldc]f' 11 ~ hnd Ink !'n .Q job OR n. bralu'nhln fOl' Olt , (,Iants . .. ..... 74 J78 80 !Jl .23, thol .. OIlI'OOl'ntR. !o'I'!lZ ;\fl'r~lII'. TII,th· n ralh-oad (;~hl'lg. Ynnkecs. 74 ~6~ G9 83 .315 . IpIH'I11, J·,l ., :tnll .J. (;II I>l'l't Jlnll, . • - .. - =--= __ ~ -----.=_ --==*:; Rmllh O"ang't', N .J •• tnda.v lIf1ff'ntp(1 rIPn norch'll,ofr anti Arthul' KUSH'

mnn, hOlh of 1.0. Ang~1t A, r(l" till' nn· tlonnl "Iny ('ourt tennis clOllhl"A cham· IlionMhlp.

(leorg(' Rtrublp. Toledo, dl'fpnted Jume. \\'llllam8. De!f ~10Inc8. 0·1, 6·2.

Louis Beckerman, Des Moines, d('· teated Rldney Cralger. Des Moines, 7·5, 6-1.

Hall Hood , Drll ~folnl1., derl'alE'd Tom SW[\ja, Des Moln ~, 6·2, 7·5.

'\'lllInm Flynn, KnnsflS City. de· fNl.te" B. J . Corney, D es Moines. G-2, 2-G, 6,4.

Fl'n nk lll-ody, Dps ;\folnes, detent· A,l Elmer Klelr, Cedar Rapids. 6·2, 0·2,

Tl'd AwenAon, Cedar RapldA, !'leo fNl ted 1Int'I'Y r~lIIott. Des Moines. ~·2, 5·7. G·J.

.TOP Vlln Olnkl(,. De. ,10l nos, de· rpnlM John Tatom, C!lbu Cebu, p, I .• 8·G, 6·1.

Bl>nnlo B ckerma n, OeM ~rotnps,

deCeAtei! Joe Knufma n, San An· tConlo. 'rex., 7·l;, 8·0.

In th j unior ~l l)glpR third round

• \-. ¥

6 MorcAspirants Take Spill in Play

• , SI" mo .. e I'h ll.mplon~hlp n~1llrant8

for til NummC'I' ~es.lqn mpn's golf tl)urntill1pnl wer!' cllmlnn.t~d -yest!'r· !lUY III Flnkhhw field. OnlY one more match r(,llIalnR to be plo),ed to (!Om · Il let!' the nl'st 1'0\lI1d.

In Yl'stl'rdaY'R piny, J . T~ . Cronin " lImlnot",l lIelnl e Sauel'man, 3·2; II , I.. 'umm lng" 10Rt to , J. Krumm. ;'.4; B. 11. Brickley dofcnter1 R. Ed, ~ltInr1 HO n, 3-2; T1l1rold Il ryn(' n won IVf'!' I •. ll . [.'Ish!'r, 5·41 ]floyd Barber I rPaINI A. M. r"b~t, 2·1; and P . W . I-)olllliny losl to John MoseR. 3·1 .

A" L1w toul'nomenl Is on Q hancll('op )a~I", thPl'f ai' ('('!lily no favo.ltcS . However, lIeynen and Bm'ber lire 'loth unlv""~lty I>lnyel" of some re, ()lII(', n.nd Krumm Is dow ning his 01" IJOnenls In qund pIny.

Postmasters May Permit Carriers to

Attend Convention NF. \\'TON, July 10 (A P)--Iown

postma"lerM hu V" heen nuthfl,.Jz<'d to grant IMves Of nbsence to PI1)' ployees wishing to n (tend the Ihlrti, th ann ua l c~nv!'ntlon of t11~

[own Ruml L ottel' CO I'rlel's assoe lll· lion h •. (' J uly ~~ to 27. fl . V. Rhp)l· he .. d of N wtqn, a ~omn1lltee clinlr . man anl1Ounc~d . Only me\1 II ,~I'q o[ lho org<U1lzalion will be g"3 nted> t his Ildvll('gl'.

Loca l commltt('es ore prepn,.lng for anll nttl'D<!, 'l rp of 1,000 lit the ronventlon a "'1 the .mpl't/ng of II\!! 10<111'.' II ullll lllry. • TM., Annunl round·up tile evening of July 24 will prl.'ce<le the (orm nl opening oC till'

COHCl'dPd by tournnment followcl'. , nny discredit to Rw~et who IllaYPi!

a steady ga me a nd had Cru'tl'l' I h"ee down a t Ihe , turn.

f]l'khUld "'Ill'" A.fter Win Mlddlewp"t/ ... n ~olfel'H predoml·

nate In thE' Quarte.· tlnnl pairing. teom orl'ow with Jl!oe the only uOllt·

s iver" nnd Inciden ta lly th e fovoritl' or thB gal lery. lIfoe Is )lairI'd with another young mnn, ('nrey h Bal· lew. JI· .. 20 year .. olt!, of T~nRru!

Cltr, (or tho !l')'u elling 36·hole battle which will truly leMt the merits of a goiter. .

At Erklund. 'Vlch lto, Knn " vet· l'I'nn, bntiled Rlldy Knepper, RlotlX

It 1', to the runptl'f'nth hole to Win his morning m ntch only lo fn.1I n ~ nnd 2 "Ietlm In the afternpon to Gllberl Carte." Nevada, !\fo. Franc <'~' !wnrd won from harll'A D. Jlun· reI', Tacoma.. 'Vu8h .. on!,' UI) on 20 holes In tht' morning and Ih en lo~t to Lawrence Mollel', Qulll<'y, 3 and I , In the afternoon .

• • I MINOR LEAGUE I I RESULTS I .------------------

Cl'dn r R a 1)1418 1·3.

)):1 enport 7·0; 1\I01lne lo3 . 'I'. ok uk 4: W aterloo 12. HurHn !"lon 10 : DubllQu~ n.

WESTERN J..EAG UE Tul lia 8; Wichita 15. Topeka 4 ; (I)<.lolonlo (,Ity 5. O~nvel' 7; Dps ll 0lne8 3. P\' ~I) I ~i ¢ m'a l a J:..! ( '1.11 ' . ~E.JUCA1I! A:ntUOIA>'}1'ON O/Ul1lbul' 7; IndJllnn.polls O.

Tol~11Q IQ; LouIAYIl1~ 8. t, Ilap l t ; , ~rllwaukee '0. lN~F.RNA'J!IO!\lAL 4.EAGUE

Newark 1; Tqronlp 6. J r~y City 3; \ RQchest.er 7. 11",.nalng 8·7; }fontreal 4·1. Ball¥r~ 6; l~l,ltrr.:lo ., B.

h'J'~E E1,.; ,LF.AG-tJE Sp.'lng(l Id 7; QuinCY ~.

.Terre :Haute 10; , Da nville O. HI90m lngiOn ~; PrQrtn 2. DeCJltur t31 .EvLn~v~ l~ 7.

T~'xAS 1.J.Ci\('. E A\lrevl:port 12-1l; Dallll~ 2·8. nouJjlon 5; ""aco 0,

.. WlchJt;l Falls 3; F t. Wo~th 2. Slt'1 ~n~nlp ,a.t J3<'~llmo~t .. rain.

M,ctYiC ('1); RT LEj\ul E FQftland 4: ~I1pslon !i 12. S~attl~ 5; Hollywood 11.

.I.,QH A nge les I ; Ra("'o men to O. Sp,n Fran('lsco 9; Ollklnnll 3.

8OUTHE,RN ASSO('L"TmN NaMI1VIIIl' 3; Chnttnnoogn. 4. N ew Orleans 2: ~Iemphls 3. Atlanta 2; Blrmlngh:tm 5. Only gam es scheduled.

ga therl ngs' A • ( Di Sllellkl'1'!l will Includl' J . A . .Tohn· • "erOD.utia aspector es

Son or Pomeroy, president of thc co rrll'r.' aSMClnllon ; ,T . A. J.ln"c.. }'f,\ SON CITY, Jul y 10 (AP)-­man or Treton , national vice j'I·N,I· Glenn V. Conrad, 32, of Burling ton , dent; lfr~. R . A. Forsythe, presl· a~ronautlc8 InsJl(!ctol' Cor the de· dent oe , lhe auxiliary, E llis Cra", po.rlment or commeme, wns Cound ford Of l own City, dl nll ba~le8 (J. dead In his hotel .'oom here to<1lly W~nrlch of W ashington, D. '. or I by his wife uppn her ~ t",l'Il from the )ll'rsonnel dlv,slon of the fourth It. Jjleater. ~ath was due 10 heart assistant poetm"'~r pneral'. pf· dillease. BW'laJ wl\J be In. But·lIng· flee, •• •• _.1. ~J1, .._

the elc'vPllth ,lI"ll'lut iOl' Iln ,'x""II' lives' ('onfel'pnce nml ""hool or In· qtructlon. S"".lon~ WPI'!, to op"n "t I 0 a.m. and will "'"se 'fhuI'Hh" artprnoon.

Coh'ence T~nud~on of (,Ienr L.~kp, IlIstl'lct govprnOl', will prl'Rll le al Ih(O genernl l11('('t]ng", antl rOltn(1 Wille' discussions \\'111 hI' helll foo' I'lu'. pl'",.lden l", s"('r~tnrll" 0 n(1 dlrpctOl·q.

A bnnQuet lonlght wnR .'X I1PNNI to h~ n hlg'h light o[ the ~on[rl'l'ne .. Cor thp 125 c1rlrgllt"~.

(l'1\'('I ~d!i "'PlOP 1\l'C"l'toI:-:Inry h .... fort' thp rn.'I,·rn 11,111' (lownr!l (1n .. ~h" kOrr and KW'lsm:lIl, whn two WPI'I<H llg-O won tltl' national Intrrrnllrgiatr c1nllh:r~ tltlp: Sel)l'('" w~rl' 10·12, :1·0, 6·2. 9·7, fi.4.

JtJl'rn tiC' oY(ll'hl'ncl piny hy J~ll~~m[\n krIll the gulll.'n Aatl' hoy, In Itot wutrl' 1nlll'Il or thl' limp, p,'en whl'p Owy 11"' .... winning. ~ll'r"tll' :11111 11;111

H omer F, Brown of 1"",,1'10, HI.. tOllk (,Vl'I'~' OPllol'lulllty to dll'!'ct th "1'1'11'111 yrRlPI'.I,,!, to visit fill' '1 few plllv nl hJm, rOt' t1W)I fnllncl (1<1I'('hl1 !lay. nt tho hOll1l' n( hlH und(', II. Y. kofr Oil tnll of hi" gam(', nnd maldng ~p~l!1 e l. 71;; ;0.;. Linn "tl'('I't.::_~_-',,.;.hrllllant l'eIUI'TIA for_pla<,('m,·nts _. _

....... --.-. . iF • r .- -.' GIRL CONFESSES SLAYING

Lam'a " 'ell \'!' I', 2l,~·('ar·olcl Wyoming', TIl. , ~il'l who hilS can· r('s.~('d th!' murd l'l' of Wilmel' '1'. Ki tse lllliln (als or Wyoming ). bel' 52·y{'a r-old com mon law hllsband, 1n 11('r cOllf('~sioll .. h{' told of glll't'oling Kilscll1lHll wit ll his Oll'n 1)('11 111 "'yomill~, fll',' 11 (;(l ll ·

"eyed thl' hody 30 miles in h el' automobile to a l'oalhi<.lo n a1' Aline· 11'1111, 111 ., II'ht~ I'c she dr'rnche 1 it with 1111 pI hll lI ud fired it. l:l llown with bel' is Stille's A1torllcy I.J. 111. Blu'key ot Toulon, Ill., (kft), and Sheriff W. 0, Edw,!!rds,

Is where lth'e News is


It was vlcto.·y out son. CttylC I' two 8I ngll'H, r lflce fly , t nnd two

runs. 'VI double, ("file.WO ;'1 c~flllnn ,

English, Ss :H orJl"by, 2b ·WlIson. r( Cuylel', I'f Heoth cote. Rtt'phenRon, Orlmm, lb 'fnYIOt', C Buah . .,

Lindstrom , Ott, rt ....... . Terry, lb .. . Cohpn, 21> .. . Jnekson, 88

Hogon, c ·Kaufmann nl'nl'Y. J) .. ..

··fllllJ~ .... . Hubbell, p • • • ,oa wtord Judd , ., ····O'Farrell

Totals -[ttln fOr' "Bn.tted .·.B:tltecl • .. ·Baltpd f;C'or~ by In

Chi 111:0 ...... NI''' York

BrooklYn In the fh'st win 9 to 6 . 12 hits, hut JI'RS H aines box. St. LOUis B"ook IYn

runs the of the scrles 8rore of 1 to C'lNC1Nl'IA'rr­Rwan~on , Jt .. Drl'ssen, 3b ... . W,aIl(Pl'. rf .... . K elly, lb ........ .. Allen, cr ........ .. PIU. nIl'Pr, liS .

Ford. 2\;j ........ .. Sukeforlh, c .. K.ol)), P .......... ..

TOla lk ....... _ ... BOS'I'ON­Rlchb~ul'g, .. t Maranvil le, S8

Clark, cf ......... . Sisler. II> ._ .... .. 11 (\1'1)61', If ...... .. Bell , 3D .......... .. 81lOhrer. I' .... .. Mngulre, 2b ... . · Welsl; .......... .. Pugan, 2b ....... . .JIQ,lth. II ......... . Cunnlnghnm, I

Totals .......... ·Bnttlld fOt· Mr

Scoro by Inr ClnClilllUtl ..... . BOHton ............. .

Batterlek -CUnnIngham, I

Thursday. July 11 . 1929

:-.IATIONAL LJj)I\ (l l ' E

Bush Outpitches Giant T wirlers~ ; Wins Encounter .. W. L. Pel.

Pl t tHburgh ............. .... .48 26 ......-...-'--. "";" f.:hlcago .. ...................... 45 26

Hack . Wilson Knocks New ~'ill'k .... .... ........... .45 33

C· . Bl . ~t. L6uls .......... ............ 89 38 IrcUlt Ow. In . B"ooklyn ................ ...... 34 40 NI'nth Frame -Phtladel)hla .............. 32 43

Boston .......................... :tl 47

NEW YORK, July 10 (API- The CuM cnptUl'ed the first decisIon In tht-Ir five gan\" series with the Clnnts todny. 0 to 2.

II was Pilcher Bush's el~venlh victory out of ] 2 games lhls lIe~'

son. Cuyle,' was' a big fn.cto,· with two singles. a base on ba lis. a sad· rlClce fly. two stenls. one run scored and two runs batted In.

Cincinnati .................. 27 47 Yeslerday's Resulls

St. JJouls G; Brooklyn 9. ChicagO G; New York z. Pittsburgh 15; Phlladel l)hla 9, Cincinnati HI; Boston 2.

Gallles 'l'oday Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at' Boston. Chlcngo a t New York. St. Louis at. Brqoklyn.






.4 59





., , .. . \I ,

I ' .1

.l: t }


:JH . .... , ..

.1Ji. •


. i 11. )lc)fllJo n nlso d"ove In a 'Pall' of funs. Wilson hit a homer and a double.

' Y. I •. Philade lphIa .............. 55 21 Pcl.' ~------------------------------------------------------~--------~----r----------------------------------------------------------__

PIJCACO A.B. R. H . PO, A.E. McMi llan. 3b .......... G 0 2 1 3 0 English. ss ............ 4 1 0 2 5 0 HornNb:>'. 2b ...... .... 5 0 1 4 4 0 \\'lIso n. cf .............. 4 2 2 3 0 0 Cuyl~,·. rf .............. 3 I 2 0 0 0 J1 ellthcol~. rt ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rtephenson. If .... 4 0 1 2 -e 0 (I rim m. 1 b ........ .... .. 5 0 0 11 1 0 1·oylor. c......... .., 3 2 2 4 0 O· Bu.h. P .................. 3 0 2 0 2 0

Totals .............. .... 36 il 12 27 15 0 NEW YORK- A.B. Ft. n . PO. A.E, Rou"h . cf .... ............ 3 0 0 2 0 0 I,pnch . If ............. 4 0 0 2 0 0 t,1t1CI~tJ'om. 3b ........ 4 0 0 0 2 0 Ott. l'f ...................... 2 0 0 4 0 0 ·fHry . Ib ................ -1 0 1 9 1 0 Coh~n . 2b ............... 4 0 0 5 3 1 J aekson. ~" ............ 4 1 2 2 4 0 H oga n. r ................ 3 0 2 2 0 1 'Kaufmann ............ 0 1 0 0 0 0 Hen rY. p ........... , .... 0 0 0 I 0 1 00 Fullls .................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 1\u1:>l) II. 11 .............. 1 0 1 0 1 0 "'Crawford ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Judd , P .. , ............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 • .. ·0· Farrell ........ 2 0 1 0 0 0

Totals .............. ... 33 2 7 27 15 3 'Ron far' TIo~,tn In seventh . "Batted for Henry In ninth. "'Ba tted for Huhbell In firth. .. ··Batt.d for Judd In seventh. !'leor. by Innings:

(,hlcago .......................... 100 110 111-6 New VOI'I, ................. 000 010 100-2

Summar)'-Huns bntted In. Cuyler 2. Mc:\1ll1an 2. 1';lephenson, Roush. O·Farreli. 'VII.on; two base hits. lIfc;\flllan. Wilso n. Hogan: hom .. run . I\'(lson; ~tolen b(l~e~, CUI,let· 2. Fullls; sarrlflce. Cuyler. Stephenson , Rous" ; lIouhle plnys. Horn~by to (lrlm!11; Coh('n to Terry; lett on b:tRPR New Vork 8, Chl('nl'.'o 10; bllse' on Ilall •. oft lTubh('1\ 3. oft Judel 1. Oft BUsh 4: strurk out. by Runb(·1J I. by ,J udd 1. by Bush 4; hits. off Huhhell 6 In 5; ofr Judd 2 1n 2; off Ilpnl')' 4 In 2; lORing pitcher nuhhp't] .

UI1lPlreR-Rearrlon. lIart and Rig. Ipr.

Indians Masl~cre Senators by 9·7

CL£VELAND July 10 (AP)-The Indian" won Cram 'Washlngton hO"e today. 9 to 7. In a game featured by henvy hitting. '

Seo,'c by Innings: R.lT.E. Washlhgton ...... J 20 400 000-7 ] 0 1 Clevela nd ........ 0~ 2 230 20x-9 ] 0 2

Bnlledes-LI.kn.. Burke. Hn.dley. 131'own. and Tnte; F an·ell. Mllj u8. nnd I ... Seewell.

Brooklyn Club Out.lugs St. Louis Cardinas 9-6

BROOKLYN. Jul)' 10 (API-13"ooklyn outsltlgged the Ca"dinnls In th~ first game of the oe"'1,," to win 9 to 6. \ I' ntson CI I'k allowed 12 hils. but was good In the pinches. J\!RS HaInes wns d,'lven [rom th e box. 8t. Louis ........ 000 002 400-G 12 2 BrOOklYn ........ 102 303 00 -9 16 0

Rnttel'les-TTnlnes a nd \"IIRon; CI(l"k and PicInIch.

! . ,!

Nine Homer; F~ture Pirates-Phillies Tilt

'PIII LAm<:LPH IA. July 10 (.'\ PI­n ittgbUI'!(h oP"ned ItR s('rles today by deCl'allng the Phlliles 15 to '9 In a !l'ame featu"PrI by tel'riflc l1ltting. 1'Iwre were nine home I'UnH so n(l· \~lche<1 In Wltll O"dlnary douoles ani! sin>:l~s .

PlttRbu" g h . 015 Ito 102-1r. 19 2 PhlilldCllJhln 102 030 300- 9 15 0

11nttol'I "-Hili. Rm'Rcl and ITa.· g rCaVeR; ColllnR, Elliott. Aw('(>Uand. Brng~ on(l Dftvl~. Lorla n.

• Cincinpali Hamml!rI Smith for Eight Runs

B081'ON. .Ju IY 10 (AT')-Cln cln' ha ll hnmme l'ed Rob Smith for eight runs In m il fh'st four InnIn gs and 1

the weHt rne rR took thc first game or th . Rorles from the Brav~A by a "ro\'~ of 1 to 2 todny. 'I

ClNCINNA'rI- A.B. n . H .M .A.E . SwnMon. If ............ 2 1 J 5 0 0 Dressen. 3b ... ......... 4 0 1 O· 3 0 W,alkr r. rf ..... .. ... 5 2 ] 0 0 K elly. 1 h... ...... ......... 4 2 2 12 1 0 Allen. c r ....... ..... "'" 5 1 2 3 0 0 Pltteng<' r, ss .......... 6 0 0 1 3 1 Fonl. 2b .................. 4 1 2 [. 1 0 Sukeforth. c .......... 4 2 3 4 0 0 Ka lil. P .... ......... ....... 4 2 2 1 3 0

'I'oll1Jk ................... . 37 10 15 27 11 1 BOS'I'ON- AB. R.H.f'O.A.E. Rlchb\lu ,·g. rr "._" . 4 0 1 3 0 0 Mn.l'ltn ville. ss ........ 4 0 0 2 6 1 Clark. cr .................. 4. 1 1 2 0 0 Slsle,· . 1 b ................ 4 t 1 11 1 0 Harve,·. If ................ 4 () 2 1 0 0 Bell. 31J .... ............... . 3 0 2 2 n 0 Sllohre". c .............. 4 0 0 3 1 2 Ma guire. 2b ............ 2 0 0 1 2 0 ' W I~h ............ ... ..... 1 () 0 0 0' 0 !jugltn. 2b .. .............. 1 0 0 ~ I 0 IIImllh, 11 ................. 1 0 0 0 2 0 Cunningham. p .... 2 Q 0 0 1

Totals .................. 34 2 7 27 10 4 ' BttU.lr1 fOI' MaguI re In 7th .

Seo by Innings; CIncinnati .................. 104 300 020- 10 Boston . .. ~ ......... .. ............ OOO OO()l 2(/6- 2

Batteries - Koip a nll Sukefarth; Cunningham, Smith. and Spoht'er,

New York ................... .46 28 S.t. LollI ...................... .46 31 Detroit .................... , .. .42 38

:i!! f'" ,. i>1iZY'iUTORS·SCHOOLIio,;····· i Albert Interprets :m .~ ... .. "1; .. . .. ....... Clause in State

,l iT"" ., . Cleveland .............. ~ ..... 38 37 Washington ................ 28 45 I ,

Chicago .............. .......... 29 (j t Boston ................ 1 ......... 24 55

Ycstl'rds),'s ReRult. Phllnde l]lhla 4·1; Sl. l.oulH 1·9. New YOI'k 3; Chlcai:'o O. BORton 6; Detroit ]0.

.3G3 ,. L

.30 4 OITICAClO •. 1-tl-IY-l0 lJ\Pj-T ommy 'Game Fl'sh aw' .;' ThomnR vltchetl the White Sox to , :".1

\V ashl ngton 7; leve land 9. GameR Today

New l'O,'k a t Chicago. Phllad Iphla at Sl. Louis. Boston at Detroit. Washlngtoli at Cleveland.

.J ... ~ , f

Organized Agrioulture ·Need~~,. ~ays New

Board Member OGDEN. July 10 (API-W. F. Schll·

lin/: of NorthfIeld. p" e~1<'1e nt of the Twin city Milk Pl'odUCC,·'f' asSocl(l· tlon . llnll ne\vly (tlipolnted menlbt',· or the (edam1 firm baliI'd. matle organl· zallon · th~ mnln tbtllc of his "Ilepch h~l'e lonlght.' l1e 8pok~ before a hu~e picnic of 'fat'mers at th~ Ad SOl1tPSOI1 fUl'm home.

" ll1lhtstry Is orga nl.oll; agrlcultt,re to thrill{!' must lib t1\(' same." h(' said. "A bett~r ' (tgrlcltltuTe C(tll only 1)e 11,\(1 by an organized agrfcu ltu ,·p. ACed· eral (m'm board cannot mfike fll,·m · e"s cooperate. but can guide and pro· tect tllem from thoHe who might

want to P\-Py upon them and e)Cplolt theni for private gain through specu· Ifill ve effort."

Schilling said thllt this wItS his [It's t address since his appolntmenl to lhe federal fa"m bOIll'd, and 81 n('e thp board had not yet held Its flt'st meet· Ing. ho was merely spNtklng as :1 p ,'lvate citizen. and not as a mem hpr of the boa"d :

From Ogden he goes to Oklahoma to apeak there. and will th{>n board an alrpl(tne for \Vashlng-Ion to I}e pr~se nt at the fh'st meeting of tlw board next Monday.

Expresl~' "S,ame View in Boone ,

BooNm .. July 10 (AP)-Wllll~tn F. Schilling bf Northfjpld. Minn .• first " dlt-t farmer" 10 1:1~ Ilppointed to lhe red~ral farm board. expreHRe(J opin­Ions relative to th tarm sltuntlon whfie In Doone today.

·I.1'l1e need ot lhe tnI'm "8 Is COOl)' e ratlolt Ro that his prod ucts can be controlled as t hey are In every other Industrll." Schilling sn.ld. "With such leadershllj af( that 'of Alexnndpr Legge and Arthlll- 'M. Hyde, the [ firm· et· surely will follo\v anel b"lng life to lhe prog,'am Presiden t Hoover out· lined.

" 1 consIder Legge one o( the (our greatest 'Tn r\ In America today.

i'ln regard to lhe tllt· lfC. Il Is m y jutlgme'l1t thn.t the ta '~ff bill will be rewritten ~nd vastly chang~d bt>fo"e It becomeR a. law."

f l' , '" .... \ T !

Acting Secretary~ Authorizes Banlu

to Purchase Notes -'-<-.......,. W M UllNO'fON . .ruly 10 (API­

Acting Secretary "fills a nnounced today thM h ha(1 n.uthorlzpd thp federal "e8P\'vP banks to (lurcha"" for the uccount of the kinking fu n I up to $75 .000.000 foce value of 3 1·~ per cent trpas ury notes or sprl~~ A 1930·32 ot 9 and acc "upd interest.

'rhls series of notps. 1.8l1e(1 Mllt'eh 8. 1927. Ilk conve,-~Ion (0" the "cr' ond ~ 1·2 ]leI' cent L iberty 10lnR. I. the I1cxl bl!? Issue which the treas' urY hilS io rl'!lh'c a'nd totalNI nt Is­llunnc.e 1 I ,3GO.000.000 on ILls t June 30 them was outstnndlng $1 .138.047.-400 . The notl'S mature In 1032 but th ey can bc called aft!'r MO"ch 1~. 1030.

"'he trpnsu,'y made public nn· , ndl'l1c('mpnl of th e Intention to buy the noll'S bpcausc It wi ll pUl'chnsr them Ull'ou gh thp fedl""" re~e ,·v('

banks dlr('(' t from the puh l'''. 'I'h ~

notes a re lis ted now at 9718·32 . , ,I • ( ) 1. ) ~\ .• I,. _ f " If ,

King George.Sends C0n.rt:at~lf'J~onl to ..

Australian Flyers T,ONOON • .July 10 (A P) - l{ll1g

o o"ge tonlghl sent congl'lllll ialions to t\vo AIIMrnlinn n nd lwo AmPl'Jrlln [tlrmen . I ~(l by .pt. CMrl"" KIngs· rl.rrl Amllh. who lOfI,,), In nc1£'d 111(' plnn "Sotltllern Cross" a t roy II n alt'neld I'Ct~r It ,'C~o ,'el hren klng 12.· 000 'mil l! jOltl'ney rtbnl 'A tlRtl'n.lltl.

Thr oln]>flCd time or th~ 11'1]>. f"ol11 lhe AU~U'a ll<ln Const to lh r En~lIsh

COlts t. \VIlR 12 'lnys. 21 hbu,'s. <1 '1 (1 1& minutes. Fo,·ty,flve m1nules 1110)'0 \Ver~ rN1Uh'Nl tor th~ s hill to I't'och "oYden. The b ~t prevIous mn.l'lc

fo,' ' thlt jou"f'(I\» was (h tl In !lnya. I hour and 7 ltilnu tes f"om thu A us · I ~a.lillt! 'l!OIt~l m Cl'oytfeh Btllbllshmt by Bert HinkleI' in February, 1928.

MlInagC'r Jo(' McCm1hy of the hicago Cnb~ who~c ho~s. William 'WrigLey, ,Jr., l1<lH ]lla(j~tl 11 ('ooL million dollars at his disposal in an eHo)'t to ci nell til(' Nil I iOllal league' prnnan t for ] !)2!J. ;\f l'. W rig­L<,y stated thai he cOfisiLl'l'll :JlcCal'tliy th<' smart!'sl manager' in the majors t,oday.

By RR,(,\:\, BELL 1';0 dops til(' puhllc. It I~ hitting (A'l~ot i :lt!'l1 I',,<,ss S"""II; Writer) thai Ilfts placed UII up In lhe race NEW YOHK. July 10 C.AI'I-'L' he and T hO lle th"t hilling will I,o"p us

50·call"d lively l1all of haheball has titHe." al Icu ~t. one . launch dl'fpndv,· In Joe "Nolu"ally I bell"v(> U,at we will McClt l'thy. win but It will not be casy . • 'VI'

"The on ,y IrOUOIP 1. rlrrl1 with tlte wllJ hav(' to hu~tJp. However. I ball Is that It Is not IIvl'ly enollgh." have fl whole lot of faith In ' our Raid the manager of the l'hl£'ngo team. .

their (I .. t 'v lclo,'y 'Of the seaMn over lh~ New Yotk Yunk~pg toHay. 'I'he ('Qunt \va.q 0 to 3. 'l'h0111::18' holding

, I, I the chnmplons to rlrht hits.

Score; R , R . E . New York ....... 001 100 010- 3 8 I Chicago " .......... (~~2 000 10"-6 11 1

Balterlell- 'SherI6. Helniach. an<l Dickey; :I:hQma.~ a nd ~er.g.

F ieauiant M~y Give Whole Meaf,

Says Ames Min

"A II Hlrpnms of 'Iowa nr(' Rtocke<1." a~co"lllng to ' ''. E. A Ibe,·t. Mtnte ·/ ·

; ganw wal'<\(·n . who wrotp yeRtprdny .• " to J Qhn M. Kadlec. county l'eCOl'lel'. ,' 'I'hls Information contl'll(llNS gen· ·.i.

I eral belief of Jl rsons tlHlt a tls ll' .• Ing license would be neC'eSS[II'y only "V

Iwll n fishing 111 n s toCi<!'d all'eIlOl h"

which were not 8 I1PI}0~ed {o exist r In this locnllty.

1'hl8 new Int "p"elatlon or the ,. , Lllw bY' the s tat(' g-nnlP wtLt'llen.l l lu

mOkt'!t It Imperative thn.l ~v(',·y 1l<'1" "" so n OVPI' 18 yellrs of agp m us t ho\'e , . r It [I.I, lng IIc;'11~e hHIl"o Ite can rI~h J,

In any stream In l owa. Ji'urthc l' '1 1.1 iI,t(" 'p"etatlon Of till' trot line law. l'ul('8 that thl! use or trol line wi ll

'he hntl',,(J fl'om " "(' at all times. AMES. July 10 (API-A whole meal Thut t!t(' new fi s hing la\v menns ,'l

from a alngle garden plant-It may mo"p mon<'y In tI' e COCfpl'l\ ot the " not b<l posglb1p but ihen again. [unn)' ('o llnty. Is pvldpncetl by the 609 fish· p t!tlngA have l]!tppened. ' Ing IIce nsl'!! lalten oul In Johnson

'~·ell. rtnyway. ayron 0 , DalE>. o llnty 90 t,tl' thl" y~(t~. 'fa d,ale .... gl'PpnhO l1 sP a~lIlstant al Iowa State 1(' 81 yen.r t11~"e W('rp only :?80 )I ••. ,., colll'gl'. has done a bit of expe,'lment· CA t1~P!l pUI·chased. 'rhp price I. $1 a. " • Ing with Il ybrl<l plnnlA. Now he hit" lIe,·nse. From Ju1y 1 to July 10 one that he can·t n"me unless he lhl~ year. 145 IIc~rispq werp bought • . , •• should call It a "tQpato" or a "pomn.· rompun'd with 15 la st ye(l '· . , .... to." . ____ .~.~_--

It all happenpd " Ihen Dale took a R . Off" 1 pOttlto plant of lhe Ireland staple va. Umanla ., ICla s ",,'

.. I;>t\l and upon Ill! root grafted a to· O,le hi g r('[I!!I11l why .11""11),' Pol t lllon pif.chetl hlg'lt 9('1"'01 ha.srbull Takp' Liahtly Plot .' .. mato plant. 'I'lle plant· grew and /)110 seasOIl 111101 big league Imsebu ll Ihe ,,~xt is thnt Dazzy Va lice ila, '"! t'o

th"lved. and Dale pIcked 11<'lllthy to· bceu tutoring him . Against Government mtltoe" !thove and dug up full . well· oJ, ,'oundl'd potatops belo\v the grotllld. BROOKLYN. ';uly 10 (AI'}- conl,·oJ. and that Is uuch n rare HI.rCHAREST. HlImanla. July 10 .....

And the vegetableS. or whatcham(t· Da1.zy Vance hns found something tiling fo,' kid south l)OW'S 10 have (API-Despite lIw discovery that the _ callem". tasted perfectly Qrthodox. to ke p hhl1self out of mischief be· that 'Manager 'Vllhe ,·t Robinson I'xlled P ri nce Carol wns Involved tn . Th"t Iii to MY thl! potatoes dId not tW£'l'n pltrhlng Mslgnl11pnts. Il"ol11t"ed himself another look. I bill i l

., HI" J I Il \) ot Y 111 tary consll I'a Or.' •. " • taste tomatoey an,1 to the tOlllatoes e Is tutor n il' ,oun~ I11m y Whl>n lhe Dodgers l,pgnn 8C}rtlng ... ,., agn.lnst the pr!'spnt r~glme and tne, ." dId not tllBte potatoey. PatUson. 20·year·old n roo k I Y n out the Ot!H",· "I'(,"ulls fo,· dlslt·l· {""1tinuanc(' oC al'l'e.~l" (0'- compll. ',n

Hut the plant Imll one IIlrt1culty schoolboy south l)aw . who jUnl\)!''' bullon around to vflrlou~ minor ' __ u.I(]oo It. lack "r I, nanle- It l'etIJ"eO .olmost cJlt-ect f"om hig h school 10 ' I I ci ty In that plot. orflc ln l Rumnnla ",'., n,., V 0 0 I"ngu" c lubs young '(ltt Ro n WllS tOllay went '"l1'urnpd O il IlA way. to rem'olluce Ilself. forming no neW the Brooklyn ball club. 111\'lt~d to sl"n a ,·,,",ulal' contract.

o 0 A bsolutp qulpt tplgnPlI In the cnll'~ iIl'cds. Bach time It dle>l. the gl'llfUng And nfter reltchlng the goal to b I I pro,'pss must Ill! repeatell. which all RC'hoolboy bnll plaYN's ~ ;j' ,\ out thn t t me Dazzy )I'ought It III an(l lhe only Indication at all' ""

But nevertheless Dale has visions Illre. Jimmy has proved that he th" DodgerR to tlwlr knees n nd (ib, prehl'nslon was the tact thn.t 1're· lain I'd his $25.000 contrnrt. On ml('!' Jullu Manlu MPht a messenge,'

of pdS.~lbIUties of Cered by the ex perl. la worthy of attt'ntion. "('portlng he IVI." assigned to show to nled. ,Jugoslavia. rpqupsl1ngl"',

ment. 1.lk" a ll youngHler 111cked Ull Jimmy somf' big leagup Irlel,., Qtteen :'Iarle to shorten her "Islt .• "Soon I expect to gra tt a P"PPPI' ("om thp school teams (In<l sn nil.

tl wllh h('r daughter. tile quepn of stalk ~nd a petunia stalk on the same 10tR. Pattison was just nnollw,' VaneI' says the In Is RU"" to lol t I · t m h d { Jugoslavln., who r~entiy became .,' po 0 rOO all( ge as e potll 00.8 , rookie when he "('potted at 111.. mak~ the grade nntl 'Pattiso n. who

1,' di h r t t d til(' molllPr or 'L son, '"k, a s uC ~ a oma oes an green Dodge,·s · Rprlng trulninp camll. works occuslonally. Its n relief pilch. d bo t M ~J. )[anlu scored II. p(,1'sonal trl, ...

IH'Il I)era. an It UqUet 0 flowers But .TImmy hn~ "om~th ln" th(' ~I'. hOS shown that he Is muldn~ III hi I t ·, th t bl " " umph aver thc polltlcnl opposition

IV 1 W C 1 0 uecorate e a e. ordlnnry "\10 oC bushel'" In.ck. ]o'or the climb with something In rc. h !d In the chamber or deputies this an·

e ,~n . one thing he was n southpaw with serve. el'<l"o n when that body vote,l to reo , •.• ';ell. Perhaps. who can tell'! ___ ._-==____ y •

" rp lv the adl111n1strnllon reform 1)111 . •. ,,, • I.

~ ~\..

1 Acreage Qf Wheat Iricr~ase.~, m f9~91'

Over That of, 1928

The story of lhe man mepllng employl'c1 In r.ondon hav" 10 sta"l '1'he opposition now Is expected to himself ('omlng b:tck I, no jokp In III 11 p.m. to get Ull'''(' the nexl ~nrry but 0. thr~at Of (tulttlng t lte .Plstea.. England. whero workmen day. No early train Is run. (' ltamb .. ,· when the bill com{>8 I'P rOr .,: I'

-...L- 0 ._""'"'-. .~ ~. • Ie ~. __ r_ . • d(\IHlla. ',,(1

Culls today. "'rhey Clln't mlllt(' on.. "Thl> 10"" of Jl nt·tn~tt ha s been a OTTAWA. Ont:. ,July .to (AP)- CLASSIFI n ADVEftTlstNG:~' too llv{>ly fOI' u~." tprrlhle blow to UA. The catoh cr Is 'I'll!" total /Iren. Ostlnlllted tl8 gown to

"It Is not thl' ball." hc ~ltINI . til .. mnln COg of the machine, . H e whoat In (ln nada for the seasan of "but the ,resU'letion on )J1lt-hlng ha nd I,," lhe ball 11101'0 than any , 1929 Is 24.305.300 acrps. 3S cOm l)ared thnt 19 responsible [01' th~ Incroas"d other plny .. t· and wllh a star like with 24 .119.140 :irrps fIna lly repo,'{' I

hitting. [f they will let Ih~ pitch 1'" Cabby out, wc hav~ been handl· • ed for 19211. nl) !Tlc"ease oC abou t 1 (HArolor the ba ll . rub It with enh'r~', capped. Cood I\s Is :\1IIce Co,\znleA. I)e,' con t. Rplt on ' it :1110 do the ol h!'r tricks t belie Ve Ir IT:u·tne tt could . huve The I1l'eo of fall wheat to be 11:1.1" commo n In the old day~. t1\P h ltllng been 1n thp ,'e right along We would vested Is I'stltnflted nt 897.700 at"'eR wltl ~toP. lively hall 01' no lively be wn.y out In fron t. OR compared wIth ,819.028 . acreS' In ball . "Our pilchlng I" p'·ell~· 1':00(1 now 1928. an lncrM8~ ' of lO pp,. cen t . "~OWadal'R the J'>llchprR pilch n and mORt oC the time we. tHe hilling. fjprlng wh at ·' occuPles 23.407.000

npw bnll to almost ('v9"y buller. n At that we /!:ot only flye hits y~' ac,'es ns 41galJlRt 2~.300.t1.2. a n In· a ball seeOls to snil. thl' h:tti!' " rail. terdny from Cantwpll at Roston a nd crenRP of 11'1<9 (han 1 per ce nt. Ih (' umph· .. ·s alt(,.Illion to It nnd h £' Relbolel I':(tv{' us JUSt Ove hits. too. 'I'h"sp ""limrite~ 'were Issup!l to· throws In a ne w one. J guess {hey were not Pitching th£' (hv by Ihe <10,n1.nlon bUreau ot sin·

" I like to se" til(' boys hit tit " hllil. lively hlll l. " tl ~tlcs. In t he Corm of Ilulletin .


I .


glasses. Phone 1183.

LOST - BLACK POCKET·BOOI< con tain ing Sbaefrer tou'ntnln pen.

pencil an(l change. In L.A. Hldg .• Werlnesd[ty mO,·nlng. Phone S081·J 01' Currier 214·A . R eward. - -LOST-S.\IALL BROWN P RSE , contalnjng key" and bJllll. Ro·

1\'1\,'(( . Phlllle ll334.

JNVES·J'~LENTS. STOCJUI. no:-.los P REl!'E Rll EO 17%. 6! '1'0 and 6% ~toCks. 1 nte~e"t paid qun.rt r ly. T nx ('xempt. All Aare. 'Vrlte Iowa Ci ty Agency. 1'.0. flos 98\. (,EDAn RAPIDS '1 NDU S1'H lief! olfel' extra safety nnd dividends on InveRtm~n ts h c(tuse they are ~on ' dueted under extnl good mann~o·

n1(>nt. For good (nvestments. can· 10\",:1. sull Ity A):rency. 'l'el. 3123.

P .O. Box 381.\ , WANT~ ---

WAN1'ED - LAlJNDRY--CALL 35J6· W. __ I !.L. ,( i


rooms COl' \Y-(l111Pll . rhone ~338.

I~IJ'~\i~& -

Calt 29'0' -.

f.Jf1JJT lJorrSE'~IlJRPTNn ROOI\f" -Fon RI~N1'-l<'URN'rsl I J.m 01<

unrurnlshed rooniA for light hou ... keeping. Phone 2962. - - -~

. I


Want Ad Rates

One or two dA"l. tOe per Une .. day.

Three to t1ve dayl, 70 per II ne a. ilay,

Sb days or lon,.r. 110 per line a day,

Minimum charge. aOe. I Count fl ve worda 10 the Un ..

Each word In the adverU_ ment must Le COUll ted. 'fhe pretlKea "For 8aJa," "For Ren," "Lost" and ;· lin. liar ODell at lbll beglnnlnlf at "ad. are to be cOIIPted In tbe total number ot '!Vord, In the ad. Tho number and letter In a blind ad ano to be COllnt... ,. one word. ,

CIJI •• lfllltI dllpla7. IIOe per ., Inrh, • One Ineh boalnes. earde, , IN!t _til, $ut.

Claultled adv8rNslnll' In b7 II p.m, will be publlsbed tbe foJ. lowlnlr mornlnc.

1 . ,


1'he COllsl Ii nl'l' PI'iner o-'ol'gC' i ll iillOWl! alloW' limping ililo pOI't Il t Boston, lI lns. ·., IIrt.l·I· IlPl' Cl'lIsh 55 mil es off 8 h,o 1'(' in 1111 cUI'ly morning .rog wilh the cOllst.guol'd pu·t.l'oL boat, Agwwsiz. Below are een some of the 249 passengers who were

I ,I.,

re~clled IIn(1 sa(','1y' f I'ried in small boot. It) the i\ ~l\sll i7. and t hI' euUI' I' 'MojIlV4l. The Aguliiji:t is Hhown lit l'i~ht, with stove-in ·&w, at the Charles­lown nil I'y yal'd, after the collision.

, ( 1 " r

N SEW LOAN SRltV1GIlJ Loans nIllde to InstMlclAlI's tlnd

tCll{)/J(ln. Ih It lUgnlrhid. confl· dentlal. and economical manner . The only seCU"lly we nelld I" your Signature. Po), nothing. pxc Ilt Inte rest,! unlll October flrll t.

Wh(>th t It's Cor your vfl~atlon .

116usehoHI. 0" any purposb. you wlli film It p1~n8ant to tleal he ,·c.,

There a re no embarraSSing In· ve"UgriUons , no ondOl'8el'S reo (Iulred. no dOlar In getti ng your monoy. I ,.


II A .)W 'ro ' fi;30 P.M. Pll'llt Indldtrlal Lenders Inc.

110 S, Linn st. Iowa City. Ia. Phone 741

Lola IJIarIl .... hell, ".0. ~,., WOlD.

101-4 J'obollOll Couotr Jablt BIde"

HoUri 1 to. P.Ja,

'\. • • I ,.. . •• . , t' .. ,. ' • • • I ... ,'" • !

, .... .j

. I ,,' 'J

) \ t


pholos tor l Or.. "LIU\e Oem" Photo Rhop 129 1·2 So. Clinton.


house. Phone 3345·J between 6·7 I) ·m.

I·OR J{lo~N'l'-l;'UHN t S J-lI~D FIVE· room bttngnlow nnd ga,·age. Rea·

"onable. Phone 21148. - ---FOR ,mNT-i\pi\I,TMIllSTI'

FOR RI':NT- FffiST tLASS 11100· ern nl)nrtment.-ru"n l ~h~d or un.

fu rnished. Phone 43G 0" 4343·W.

• I

.." I .

I' ., oJ

. , ,. • . .. 1

WOR HENT - APTS .:.... ~tODERN fltl'nis llPd or unrll ,'nl HIt~d, prlvnt~

hol h with Hle~pll1g \lorch. do IV 11

H ll1h~1' up !4 l nll'~ . 419 R Wa.sb .

FOR RENT- MODERN FrRST· fl oor apar tm ent In f irs t class

hom e. Two 1'00mg and kltchennetle - private entrance-cool IIn<\ clean-Adult •. ~(~IJ 2843.J / . , - . "'-'--

Hr. .. P WANTED --- -rEACIJERS- FOR 1929·30 . CEN·

tral 'I'chs. Ag)' .• Cedlll' Rapids. En"olI free. - --- ---\\ ANT I~D-MBN Jt'OR UNLOAD· I nil' rock lit Malcom. Apply a t Dane Cual oftlce.

, ., '


al IQwn. Supply , Note. Ind T~f!'1,e ,.",.,. JrormR- ltepo,·ts- Lett.erl

Mlmeogrllphln& I Phone 1047

Btenor;raphic Service

: '1

! ,

· " • .1.


, ,.

, ,"' " ",.f



PageS . ' .. ,.,.

Council to Hear .'

" Objectors'Views Proposal to Combine

Fire Companies to Be Subject

Objections to the combining of the Alert hose company. 204 N. Linn 8treet. with lhe city h~ II fire ~ta· tlon, probably will occupy the ml.'°(' Ing ot th city council tomo,'row nt 8 p.m. In the city hall. The obJ~c· tlODs were to be heard at the coun· cll meeting .."uly 5 but no objedor~ Rn<l only a mnjorlt), or the council appeared 80 action was po.tpon~d .

Lltt! 8 rio us objection to the combination mm'e Is expected nl· though 80me IIlxpayers In the fourth ward. where the Alert com' pany Is located. will vol their dis· approval. Lou [(autmlln. IIlder· man or the rourth ward, declnrt'd lut night Ihnt an" oulslandlng or or!;l\nl.~d opposition "would be new. 10 U8." referrlm; to th~ coun· ell . nlthough he Ildmltted that thrre w~re @om~ obj!'~tors.

COUII~U Ji'DVOnl Adlon lItt'mbl'rs of the cit)' counCil ""em

enthusiastic about th~ mo"ement for th. combination, which 18 head· ed by Dr. ,v. T •• Bywatpr, alderman· a!·huAe. chairman of the tire nnd wnter commIU"~.

At Il rpcrnt InsllPctlon a Mlnne· apolls. MInn., fir!' rnptaln .... nt oul 'bv the Atat" Insuranct' bur .. nu, de· rI.rell the ~omblntnl( or the two eta tlOM was egsential ror "pro, p~tlon or lirA nnd property In Iowa Ity." Tbe All'rt hose company I. ma nnpcl by only on .. pH"On tor nlnp hour. \I (\ay, council membe"" have Ahown , 'lnd two 18 a mInimum to o pe''I\ t, the eq1llpment,

Expect BeIt4!'r Service H th,. otnllnno or" ~omblnNl 11"

m~n will be InY(,iI ort and th,.re ,,11\ be alway. Il sufClclcnt number or firemen to adequatel)' manllge the truck.

It the combinat ion I. atreel .. tI th .. e~ntr \ tire station Itt th .. city hall will eonUlln nil lhe <:Ity'. fire right Ing n ...... "rlltuM. Two fire trucks, on. II PUDlP r, nnd thc chief'. car, \Vhl~ I' contains ch mlenl extinguishers and th" Tf nnd JJ Inhnlotor lor Ulle on IIrownf'{1 persons or thnse ovtrcnm" hy Amoke. will nil be (:omblned und .. r on roor.

Sheriff Travels East for Werner

Rh,.rirt F. T •. Smith and Counly (,lerk Walt .. r J. Barrow Icft thl. mornln!\' by uulo ror Hoboken, N, J . 'I'h .. 1 rip will btl one of th .. long .. 8t n John .on county sherler has ever 01,,11 .. to hrlnlt ba .. k a prleoner.

The eh .. rlrt will bring bnck Aleel ",'"rncr who WlU. nJ"'t'sted while on board It Rteamcr read to 8A II for Copcnhn;.l'en, Dcnmark. H 18 ROllght on charges of child Ilbnnl1on· menl, and fallur to can'y out COUt·t order8. Tho I'xtrndltlon pIlPCI'll ar· ,Ived ye6t "<lay f"om Oov. John lJ'lmmlli which will Illiow lho sherltr to go In quest Of Wernor.

Th Illw permits onc man to ::-::' comllliny lhe sherlfr. Th .. mon ex· pect lo be gone ahout ]0 day ...

Ayers-Welt Team Win $25 in Gold

in Trea.ure Hunt AL tho Ilnnual treasure hunt ot thc

LlonH club yeeterday, ?ltrs. ROBr'Jo Ayers lind A, A. WelL won the $25 In gold. Tho hunt started nt 4:30 p ,m " an" entled In time fo,' Il dinner III thp Red Ball Inn. The wlnnere utomoll· cally became lhe committee In charg ot npxt YCIl,"s nffah·.

FollowIng the dInner, n. dance WIUI

enjoyN! with mUlllc by OUY Oglo's 0" · chc.tru.

Ame. Students Win AMES. July ]0 (AP Iowa. Stllte

college 8tudents won three fir" p laces In a. contut for the best d .. · elgn for a war mcmol'lal sponsored by (he AmerIcan SocIety of lAInd8cape Arehllect8. Kenneth Mltchcll of Ma· son Ity received "first mention plll.Ced," with Carl Baumho!ner of Cedar Rapids and VIctor J . Brucher of Remscn wInning " tlrst mention ," "Second mention" went 10 ,Terom .. :Miller of Cedar Rapids, 'and H. li . Rlloy ot Ames.



New. About Town

RobbIns Talks at Rotary Pro!. C. L. RobbIns or the college

of education will speak to the Rolnr· lans at thel,. weekly luncheon this noon at lhe Jerre"son hotel.

1I1Brriage Ucense I 8ued Onp marriage IIcen.... was Is.sued

by the counly clerk Yl'8lerdoy; V~I'non Everett James, 26 ypnrs old, of Conroy, 10 Pearl Loota Roggen· teln. 25 )'eal's old, of Ma,'eng-o.

Palonr Named In8(lCC'tor John Pazour Is named the Quto

Inepoetor of thc 8to te vehicle depart· menl tor seven east~1'O IOwa count· I 8 Including Johnson counly. He will eh ck on the manner In which vehicles are complyln" with the sUIte motor laws.

" 'e t Branch lIIa80n II ere The W st 13, 0 nch blu .. lodl;'(' will

come here this aft~rnooll, and con· duct the third degrcl' In the Mason · Ic tem pie. The ceremonies b gIn al 3 o'clock, ond rollowlng the dlnne, at 6, the work will bI' continued at 1:30.

1I1rs. ,I . 1\1. Jensen Dies :Mr •. J . M, ;eMPn. 46 y('ars old,

or Arnolds Park , died at 1\ 10Ca) has· pltal. The bo~)' will 1}(' sent to Sleepy Ey .. , Minn. McGov"rn·. Cu neral home hM charge of local ar· rangements.

Police Judge Find. Elmer Le Vora Not Guilty of Interfering

'~Imcl' L~ YOl'a. 437 Oar(1 n I\ve· nue, wa. found noL guilty In I)ollcc court ~'''8terdl\y on [' charge or In· tel'tcl'lng with an ortlce,' having II prisoner In hi" cURtod)'. Police JudSe Chnrl". L. Zager dl.ml~8ed the cnsc due to Insurrlclent evl· tlcn ' C.

On ~ll\rch 2 Police Ortlcc,' We8' ley Sedlvee mndo the aneat of an IntolClcalNI !lIan In n local bllllurd hall ond was laking him to police headquarters whcn Le Vora was al· I"'l'ed 10 ha,'e Interrer"cd , He wa­!lrreM(\d yesterdn)' an(\ bool<elI on nnother cho"ge while being held ror Inv .. sUgatlon. Attorney 'Vllilam F, M ur\lhy obtn Ined a writ of hahen s corpus torclng lin Imme(llate trhil .

Chl('f Qr Police C. 1". Bcnda prt· .('ntl'd the dty's casc In court and

Itorney Murphy ""p"csented I..e \"orn.

Inspectors Receive Three Large Trucks

DE!; lItOlNI;;S, J\,ly 10 (AP)-Thp • tote departm .. nt or agl'lculture hn" purchnst'd th' ... e, ton and 'L half truck~, 10 be UHoo In ll'ulll'portlng the weighing a nd lestlng equlpm~nl or thl' e In~pectol'" known fi8 "hOllVY Hcal~" Inspectors or thr ctepartmcnt, loenled at Ottumwa, MMon Cily und OR Moln<'o.

All Apac H aro Insp~ctcd b~' t he state departlO('nt ot Ilgrlculture to In8ul'e til .. l'ul>lIo ogalnst shorl w .. lghts.

'When 10ade(1 with the wCights nnd ~qulpml.'nt or Ih .. Inspectors, lh .. molo,' \I'uck weigh llbout 4,000 I)Oun(\8.

Court Continue. to Hear Equity Cales

Th e Illl8lgnment of cqultl cases 18 continuing In dIstrict COUl·t bc[o,'o Jurlge Hllrold D. ~Jvan8. Th case ot Paine VH . 10WIl City, nn npl'('al fro III

paving a8Rossmento, will be conclud· cd Lod'LY. The next cuse, Oxford SLoie bank V~. LUHe, a fOl'('cI08U"(, Cl'SO. will b~gln when the Pllln caso Is complet· cd.

Judge Evans took und r advise· ml.'nt. the combIned cas 8 or Wood · w rd V8, Iowa City, and Rosc vs. Iowa Ity.

Clerk Records Five Birth Certificate.

Five birth s we,· ' fliNt wIth the county clerk, Walter J . Barrow, yes· terday. They wer~: Emil ha"leH, born June 14 , to .MI', and Mrs, Charles A. I..."lngnl' Of Amann; Evclyn Ma,'le, born June 22. to Mr, and Mrs, Jo Unlk of Solon; James Edward , hom June 3, to JIl,'. and Mrs. Charles Bart· lett ot Solon; Alfred, born May 31, to Mr. a nd Mrs. Ed Wall of of Solon; a nd Evelyn Me" 1 , born May 25, to M,I'. a nd Mrs. GI nn Jedlicka of Solon.

Receives Scholar.hip

I Land Tranafera I EVANSTON, III.. July 10 (AP)-• • Ernest J ohn Wollenweoo,· of K okuk,

Eight warranty deeds. a quit claim deed, and a rete"ee'g dcrd wcre tiled with the county record ryes· terday. The warranty deeds were; O. S. Barnes and "if. to Rub)' Watts Cousins, tmet In 80utheu~t pa.rt of lot 3, In J . & J . \V. Clark's addition to Iowa City; Emmons Hnln to J , '"' . HilI. lots 2. 2. 6, 1, and ~. III block lv , block 46. and lot8 I and 2 In block 46, nil In cast Iowa Cltr.

EWe L. !lain and wIfe to J, 1<'. Hili , lost 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8, In b lock 15 In east lowa Cit)·; Nellie HC,"Phlll !In(\ husband to R . K. HemphlJl, lots ~ and 4 In hlock I, and lots 1. 2, 3, ane! 4. \n block 3, except 20 fe<>t or lot 4. In block 3, all In ClotSC's addl! Ion to town ot Comlvllle.

Anna L . lIealy und husband to " . P . Brlldley, a tmct In hlock 1. ~P . tlon ]5. township 7 • range 6. Hlrt'e Addition to town oC Hills; W. ,p Dradler to J. S. UI ·h. the east half of east hai r ot northwesl quarter und west half or northea.8t qUlu·ter. nil In Moction 16, township 79, range 8,

Suthel'land C, Dow" and wIfe to Iowa Lnnd nnd BuildIng company, east half Of block 26, according to reo corded plat ; and Marguret Cook Dow8. ct a i, to Iowa ·Lnnd and 'BuildIng company, In lot 8, block 94, n low City.

The quitclaim ,If.'{'d wall from Flrllt NaUonal bank and the .F:lrm~r'" Lotln and Trust company oC Iowa Itl' to J . 1<'. Hili . lot 8, block 16, In eUllt (own City addition to Iowa It)'.

The referee's deed waR bl'twepn Vem RUIUM'JI, the I'erere(' lind Mr/!. NeillI' Hemphill , lot .. '3 and 4 In hlork l, nnd lots I. 2, ~, and 4, In block 3. elCcppl80uth 20 ref't ot lot 4. In block. nil In CIM<"" allllillon to tOwn Of Corn IvUle,

In" has been awardoo a. $400 scholar· ship In tho !!Chool or speech lind (l''.L· matle arls at Northwestern unlvl'r' slty, Ralph B. Dennis, dClln, nn· nounc d. The scholarship was of· fered to the lown hoy who In high school showed the gre:Hest proml~e In public .peaklng. debuting nnd drll' mllt\c8. 'Vollenwebcr WM gmduatoo rrom Keokuk high school la8t month.

We i<nU lDOIICy '0 .>O\JIeo kecpen under 011( con6dcntial and beoe6c.W Iaan pIatI. Our It!vice uMlpful anddianiW You t.,.. let thr money the .me doy you apply and c.n :.ave twent, mootho to npaJ.

el'1!-but not students

FlnI' Indus trial J .enden

S. LInn Call 741 Iowa City

:~e Daily)o~an" Iowa City , ~------.-------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, July II , 1929 I

KENTUCKY BOY SLAYER PAROLED I Transport Lines Ask Certificates

Des l\IolncK, July 10 (A P)-The July ca"l.' docket of the state board or railroad comml""loncrs I. un· usunliy heavy fo,' thl. time of )'cn'·. llearlnl;s nave IIcen listed In xe'·l.'ral scor(' Of transmission Jlne appllea· tlons and nunwrous appJlcatlon~ (01'

cPl·tlrlcate. to operate bus lines aO(I fl' lI;h t IIn~" In 10w'l .

The docket dlscl081.'s Ihe (ollowll1l; hetlrlngs:

:u ly 16-at 1\[[lson City, 1[ot .. 1 ll a nfOl'd, 11 a .lIl. Allpilcnllon o( AI· vln C. Buechele of Grafton to operate a. freight IInp In 'Wol'lh lind Ce'To 001'(\0 countll's. Sarno dato at DI'H Molnc" , offIce ot bom'!1 of I'Illlr(>"d .. om ml""lonNH. 0 n.m. 11('al" Ing on 18 t"an smls" lon lines caseR. • \1"0 "Ight of way c"o,slng, 8 mll('s norlh of Lrwls station, CaRS coun· ty. Cast> Of Iown Stutc hl!thwny commission against the C. H. I" and Pal'l fie railway compan~'.

July 17- At Tracy, Farmers and l'I' .. rchllnts bank, 10 :30 lI,m. Appll· cation for authority to condemn lanll In Mnhask(L county. C.B. and Q. rll\lway V8. E. A. Barnes, Knox· ville.

Iowa Rallwny and Light corpora· tlon fo,· transmission IInc In J oltn· son county.

July GO-At Des ]\folnes. OWce oC commission, 10 a.m. A ppllcaUon oC Iowa Railway and JJlghL corpora· tlon to opemtc passenger line In Linn, Benton, TaOUl and Marshall coun tI S. Also headng In 13 trans· ml"~lon IInc cases.

July 3I-At COtmty auditor's of· ·rlce, Sioux City, 9;30 a,m. A)lI)lIcn· lion of Ak,'oll Truck ('ompany, Ak· "on, to o)lemle a Crelght line In ,,'oodhu,,), and Plymouth counties. At Des Molncs, commission's 0('

flce, 0 a.m, Apl)lIcatlon of ~10I·1'i·

80n Servlc com)lany, Cllmblng 11111. tu OIJl'l'llte n hu. line In Ida and 'Voodbu,'y counties. AI_O )letitlon to revok e ce"Uflcate of !lame. Also n[,pllcatlon '0 trnn"fer certificate Of O. T . I I nd rson to Bu~1I Tra vel', Pllulllna. also application of Fluell Tra ve,· to 01> ,·u te fl'ci!;h t line In Woodbul'Y county.

Mao chester Pioneer Dies ~(ANCIJESTER , J uly ]0 (AP)­

Judgo E. P. Seeds, 74 years old, plo· n('c,· rcsid lit here, dled today In II'flshlng-ton, according to word ,·c· c(llYcd he,·c. The hor\y, lICCOn1J}lIn· led b)' the widow "n,l n d(llIghll'l', will lII'rl vc her" ,.Frlda.y [01' burial. He ha s h~ld a position aN auditor

J uly ~3-At D('s "\lolne~, ofrlce commls.lon, 10. a,m. Application

of In the tl'('(lsuI'Y department [or or mnny yea,·s.

Report Mother of Mr •. Coolidge to

Be Resting Better NORTlliIAJ\U"l.'ON, MM •. , July

10 (AP)-M'.... Lemlt,~ B. Goodhue, 80 yea,' old mother of Mrs. C>llvln COOlidge, WIUl Raid at the 'oolldl;O homo hero tonight 10 be re.Ung ~o",Co,·Ln.bly, co ntl'llry to reports 'vhich Maid she WRJot "very low ," at the Cooley· Dickinson memol'llll ho.· 1)llal 11C''C. She l1a8 been 11\ for mo,'o than a yenr. lItrs. Ooo(lh uc's con· dltlon Im!l cllused aome llnxlety on Monday a nd Tuesday, howcve,·.

Dr. J. E: Hilyes, M,· •. Ooodhue'. phy.lcian. said th e patient had a. "bad spell," p"esunlllhly due to the hea t on Monday but thal .he bccmoo I·ccovcl'cd.

Mao Sues Show SIOOUHNE'{, July 10 (Al')-'£he

city of 'Igoumey and the W olf ShOWS we" mad e the de/enda nls In It HulL tm· $5,000 (\I d hOI'" totlal' by c. R. Osterhoudt, ns the "esult of Injuries received by his daughter, Aud,·cy, 14 yea,·s Old, on a July 4 when a firecracker exploded agnlnst het· Ic!; resultlnll' In a bad but'n and lacerations. Th c ity Is charg ,1 wllh negligence for not enforcing the O"dlnanee against the shooting of firec rackers on UlO public square.

Rotary Executive. Allemble at Boone ·

BOO."oIE, July 1 (AP)-Mo,'o Ihan 150 Hotal'iall8 had I'Cgl.tel·cd thll evrnlnl; ro,' the two day conference of l\Xecutlves of the Rotary clubs of the eleventh <l1.lI·lct which Is belnc heW he,·e. P"('slllent A. I. Lee gave lIle llddre." of welcome.

Governo,· Illrenco Knudson 01' Cie!lr Lnkc I)l'c.lded al lhe conter. ence s(,R.qlon. '1'ho topics of dl9CuSo slon Incl uded the a.ll11s, objecl8, and obligations ot thc HOllu'y cJube.

TomOl"'ow'8 toplcB fol' dlsclIllI!lon Include "Community .ervlce," alll\ "Boy's wO"k," An Internatlonlll serv!ce will bo h .. ld 'l'hul'lKlIll', attlt which p"",t Governol' Bruce Gat .. wl1l speak and the convontloll will end.

Patsl' n u th 1>1 Iller , promlnenl movlo actress, reccntly made her first solo flight, and Is noW' nn u· lhuslastlc momllot· of tho Siudi • ~"Iylng club ot Hollywood, Oll,e" of the club whO have soloed an Douglas Hheu.r",., 'Vtlilam Daniell, Men'lIl Pye, Buddie Olllesple, and Tal' Ollrnett.

The full ,·epo,·t of Mar.arel Schmu'c, ndmlnlstmlrllC fo,' Ihe estate of 'Vllilam P. geh~~"e, d .. ceasc<;t, Was sct for hearing July II at n a.m. before J uc1ge !la,'old D, Evans.

~~~~~~~~~~~-~=~~=-. _-=:t_

at) Te\\'ton .l\lahan, 6·Yl'al'·0Id l'uintllville, ICy., bOy, is shoWI] with i\IL'H. gll1ll1ll11unt, dirl'ctol' of KE'ntncky childrcn's bUl'cau, to whom he Wll~ paroled uYter having been found guilty of JUl1t'Cler.

Department of Agriculture Forecasts Decrease in Yields of Grain Crops

Whole Country F aUs Below Average

of 1918·27 WASJIlN01'ON, July 10 (Al")­

Decrellsed yIeld" thl~ H('a~on In g"a1n cropM hclow IURt ycar's har· vest were for CllJ't to(lny by th de-1)Il,'lment ot agriculture on till' btI.ls oC InfDl'maLlon 01\ July I conditions.

or the lI1ajo,' grains, only ry<, WtlS cstimatcd to show nn Inc"ellllC'd pro· duetlon, although r('I)Ort. (1'011\ pro· (\uccrs, InclUllc(\ In IIw HU"VPY, showed that U]) to July] th<, w~"th · ('I' WWi .7 ]lC'r cf'nt nlOl'O favorllbl \ fo,' crops th lln 11I.t y(',u·,

Corn 1~lllIM Short 1':sUmat(,8 tor leading I'rOIIS. com·

l>nl'ed with the ID28 hllrv"Rt, follow; 'orn ~,ij62,OOU,OOO bUllh IR, cOlllplll'ed

with ~.836,OOO,ODO harvesteu la.sL Yl'n,·; wh~'ll 8a·I,tlOO,OOO lIn(1 U02,tOO,' 000; oau. 1,217.000,000· and 1.419,000" 000; h9"loy 317,000,0110 nnll 357.0UO. 000. Th ,.y f()"ecll~t "'U~ Cor H. 300,000 bushels compared with H,7~O,OOO n ~'enl' ngo.

In the cuunl,·y as ,. whole the con· cllllon of c"opa a \'''''ag~s 3.1 PI'" I'rnt b .. lo\\, the ]918·1927 flVerug ," the de· Ilartmcnt commcnt('d,

Prospects 0 0('\111 "On Iho fI"st of July crol>s were

In a particularly cl'lt l<'a I ('oll(lIt1on In th. nOl'thol'1l grent 1)laln8 I'eglon where drought and high trmpel'U ture p,. valled und l"'o~pe ts WCl'e dl'cJln· Ing dalJy."

Tho sep''''ate whcc't c''Of) oHtlmntcs w~re winter wheat 582,000,000, COm' pared with 578.000.000 ha"vestrd lnsl yellr; dU"um whc'at 58,000,000 com· pared with 93.000.000: othe,' SI)l'lng wheat 93,000,000 (,nct 231,O('(),OOO.

DeCl'ea6!'<1 nereagps werc Indicated In rorn, 00' •• "ye, ,·Icr. and potntops. and Incrt'ose I acreageH w('ro 1)lonted 10 whrllt, hlll'l .. y, flaxseed, ('olton, hay, swc~t potHtoc~, I obacco , beans, I)eanuls. un(\ ~u~a" bpC'ls.

Fruit Oro)S Poor Qf the c,'ops I'sported on, III'

("'008('(\ yIelds over 1928 wert' <,aU· m'Lted In flnles('ed, lame hay, !Jeans, toi)!lCCO, nnd SlIgn,' beets. ~.

creases were "hown In hops, b,'OOm· corn, sweet potatoes, pota.toes, pears, apples, peache., and 1·lce.

Poor yields wc,'e (>fIUma.ted In Crult crops, p('al'8 being "HlImate I a t 19,800,000 bushels com pnl'ed with 21,0(0.000 bushels la.t year; peachc~ 41,100,000 bushols compared with 68,400.000, Ilnd apples 154,000,01)0 bushels cOlllpa,·Nt with 186,000,000 bushcl~ last year.

"Furm wng~H for th.. ounll'y we,'~ aboul 2 )leI' Cl'nt hl!{her on July ] thall 'l y~nr Ilgo," tile dcp(u'lmcnt reported. "'\,u,;o Inc,'caRes are gen· eml except In the ~outh Atlantic Htatc~ wh~"" HOml' ('\('cl'e:Ulc Is show 11. 1'he slIPply of farm lallOI' Is "cllOrtl'd as 11\1.1 per <'ent on d .... Oland, us ('0011'(1"('(\ with lOu,5 pcr {'ent u year ago,"

The ,·cpo,·t .hOWK Iowl\ hllR 10,nS,' 000 IlCrCK In C"I'O, [In 83 ('ondltlon oC a nOl' I1Ul), llncl 11n InfllC'fltrcl pro· dUl'tloll or 419,140,000 bush"I.. 1"01' oatH the a('I'Ollg(' Is 5,974,000, the condition 82, nnd th . In(\\('atoo \"'0' ductlon 210,ti43,O'.' huMhels.

County Officials to Attend Convention

I'''!'. Dono [';, .1 uly 10 (A PI- A 101'1:''' f numb,' .. of ~t!Lte of[Jcllll~ will attend the annual convention of ~ounty oc· fl~lal8 of Iowa hC,·c July 2·1·20. The Hat Includoll J , " ' . Lonl{, audlto,' uf stllte, J , V , U>1Il1ey, h~ad of lhe (l~. counting clivl"I,m fol' ('ounty oCfic('rs, ""mr orrtce; H. K JohnHon, treasul" er of atate; 1';(\ M. HlIllth, Rrcrrt,ll'y of ,late; all mcmbers ot'the stat high· way commission , and I,"'ed R Whltc , "lntl' ~ngln('el'; Hoy n. Oaull, KUPO'"

Intem\('nt of the motor \'t'hlcl's (](o.

l'o,·tIllPnt; ,,'. I,. Alhert, state gam(' w"rdell; Slate. l:l<'mltOI' Oeo,·g .. W. l'at(prHon, and Hepl'esenlaUve C. R. C, nu,h, Cht" 'ok('o coullty.

"W atch Your Step, It May Get L~t"

States Motorman

'\'alch you I.' .11'1l! lIow man;,' tJmes lIas ~ve,'yonc h('a,'(\ Ihat state· ment, yet It ]JI'O Vl'Cl a needed pre· en utlon la st night.

'l'he I'lll·k·1\1 an vlJle st"cot CllI' Wit"

"olling down north Du bUll uc stl'eet when sudden ly thel'o WIlS Il muWed cl'll~h II nd the sound of grating steel. Immediately th .. motorman ~tol>l)ed and storted to get out of lhe cllr.

Rlght then ' and lh "0 It was good Ihat he watched his step, or mthe,' wlltchcd Co,' the ~tep8, bccausQ they had dl'OJlI)od orr.

SU'C<lt cal' I!Cl'vlce was tcmpomrUy halted while wO"knlC'1l from the cal' bu"n crune to IIld tho dIsabled c.al'. The s teps we,·c dll!Connected tl'om th ,·od. which werc dragging them, and Illken a'bon "d tbe C(lI'.

Famous tor Its flavor

Distributed by:


Celebrating Our 55th Birthday


a •


"Today, Friday, Saturday 55 Years Serving

the Public Health WIIE'I'S'rONE'S, roulld· ~d 111 187 1 by JOIUl II. "'h~lstolle, is a ,)crfed ~slllrlllle thut "EXPE· JtIENCE Is everything" •.. r.:; YN'1'8 or .11' EX· PEIU E ('ED money· saying St!l' \r~cc . . . 55 ycul'll 01 Ull EXI'EI{I'· ENCEn Ilccumt.e lire· s('ript\ou ~("'"Ic~, ... . 55 YOaTS (II '"l U;XI'IHU' ENe .. , \) Ilel'!lollul ulld CricJI(Uy sen ice.


Bathing Caps



Fletcher's Castoria


60c Pompeian

Face l»owder

50c Williams' Shaving Cream 33<&


New Improved

Gillette Blades

Antiseptic Mouth Wash

59~ S3c 29<&


TIZ for the Feet

Pinkham IS

Veg. Comp.

$1.00 NUJOL Mineral

Oil 79¢


m flu; I «-t,.] 1 ;1' lllICTEV'XP[{l4Ll 25c Mennen's Talc ........... 19c $1.00 Coty's .: .. .................. 79c 25c Zinc Stearate .............. 19c 25c J. and J . ...................... 19c 25c Mavis .......................... 19c

$1.25 Vacuum Bottle ........ 89c 60c Bromo Seltzer ............ 36e 40c Hand Scrub ................ 29c $1.25 Bayel' Aspirin ........ 98e $1.00 Lather Brush .......... 89c

25c Palmolive .................... 14c 15c Wash Cloth ................ l1e

1,.X,l III tsi I it (p!41 4D1j .l I r;! sOc Kolynos ........................ 29c sOc Pcpsodent .................... 33c 40c Squibbs ........................ 29c 25c Listerine .................... I6c 30c Kolynos .............. .' ......... 23c 60c Forhan's ...................... 37c

$1.00 Coty's ...................... 79c $1.50 Houbigant's ............ 98c 50c La Blanche .................. 39c 50c Djer Kiss .................... 36c $1.00 Azul'ea ...................... 79c

Btl ~ U t1 It.t1 il 10c Lux, 3 for .................... 21c 25c Woodbury's ................ 16c

50e Palmolive .................... 37c 60e Mulsified Coco Oil ...... 46c

25c Packer's Tal' ................ 17c IOc Palmolive, 3 for .......... 21c 10c Ivory, 3 for .. : ............... 21c 10c Lifebuoy, 3 for ............ 21c

75c Mme. Butterfly .......... 49c $1.50 Fitch's .................. $1.29 50c Packer's Tar .............. 39c 25c Cham-Kana ................ 17c

' \t1i\VI~C' p~ l F41?i\ llVNJ '"

35c Pond's .......................... 27c 50c Burma Shave .............. 33e 65c Pond's ......................... .43c 35e Williams' Cream ........ 29c 50c Woodbu1'Y'S ................ 37c 60c Pornpeian .................... 49c $1.00 Theatrical ................ 79c

35e Palmolive Cream ........ 26e 65e MoUe ............................ 54c 35c Bal'basol ...................... 29c

65c D. & R. .. .................... 49c Fitch's Shaving Cream .... 50c

Anniversary Special


i\ (leliriolls ('r('III1lY ClI!lge and filled with nuls. A [l'Uly lVomlc"Cul 1)lece or cundy.



$1,25 S. S. S, Tonic


85c Jad



Doan 's


59t •

~~~ ~ ~

60c Neet



tl'lc A IItollll' ot th r Will: pU"chased rI'O ve,'y Ruh~ta nl 80nnl holdlnp common sto<,k

"Mosl nf th. dl~n.(e hav~ I 1',o\lh MI'. ,VI Y'al'. ol)d W!'r of Ihp compan

"Their at'lio dillolltli Inl,.,'( fldencr In I h(' Ov~rl ant1 cnm hloblle I nrl u811· 'trp"':th to th

"Mr, Will : ntgotlntec1 th l dope not m~ar the compun.v announr_mcnt made for n. fe'

t ----I THE '

t ----

10WA-t Probably Frldll tr In ell tr"me cooler In no,·tl

Sunrise, 4:4 p.m.; moonrl •• ~Ul p.m.