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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1930-11-11

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Believe" or Not R1p1eJ'. cartoon Appean DIDJ

Ia The DalIJ Jowaa

00 .... '.


Datlu Feature. All BatlN Pap of Them, JII_

lAppeII'a 00 Pace. of 'I'hla Paper . ,

10 PAGES IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1930 FIVE CENTS NUMBER 135 ============================================== ,

Student Dies in A uto Crash, Th Tee I n1' ured Nation,City,SchooICease Work to Celebrate TweHth

Leona Rowe Killed as Car , Piles in Ditch

Thomas Beveridge Critica] Condition

at Hospital

By FRANK JAFFE Funeral arrangements for Leona

Rowe, 19 year old sophomore. of ot· tumwa, and efforts to saVe the IItp' Thomas Beveridge, A4 of Mus~tlne, vIce presIdent of the eenlor ~(6s are the outcome of an acctder..1:~earlY Sun. day mornIng that se~,! the model A Ford roadster In ,:;'nlch they and two other Unlver~y ot IOWa students were return~Jfg to Iowa CJty, lnto a

dItch about seven miles west o( Dav· enport.

Tllree In HOIIPital The injured, who were taken to

Mercy hospital In Davenport, are: Melba Coontz, 19, A% of Garden

Grove, fracture of the upper Jaw, two fractures of the lower jaw, IrILClture 0' the left coUarbone, lind *11'0 rib fractures; condition fair.

Tbomas Beveridge, 21, A4 of MlIsC'allne, two 'raetllred verte· brae apd serious IaternallnJuries; condition critical.

John Adams, 19, A% of [\[88011 CIty, fracture of the right hand and bead cuts; (londltlon not serl. ous,

Quartet A.ttends J)ance The two couples left for Daven·

port about 7 p.m. Satu,-d.ay arte,' dinner at the Beveridge home In Mus. caUne. They attended a dance un· til leavIng for ltnva City shortly att· er mldnlgh t. bn the return trip. Mi.s Rowe OCCUpied the front seat while Adams, owner of the car drove. M18~ Coontz and Beveridge occupied the rwn~ seat.

Adams Blames Ught8 Dean Robert E. Rlenow yestel'c1ay

quoted Adams II.!l blaming th e bright IIchts ot an pproachlng ca.r tha' caused him to swerve from the road Into a ditch along whIch the Cl\.r traveled for mOre than 300 feet be· tore overturning and )Jlnnlng the occupants underneath . Dcan Rlenow 6llserted that young Adams had ad· mltted to Investlgatol's tbat he was drivIng at the rate of 60 miles an hour.

After the crash, wblch All::uns ~aid

he believed occu rred shortly after midnight, he attempted fo,' mOl'e than an hour to induce pas~lng 01"· torlsts to II.!lslst him, Sevpral of them, be dcclared , stoPPed whllo he explained the situatIon but hesltaled offering ald.

Stops Tourist Adams sa\() he climbed OV~J' the

fence ot the farmbouse In front oC which the car somel'>laulted I.lUt rou ld arouse no one.

He finally succeeded In stoppi ng ... tourist car bearing an Ohio J\ce l1sc plate, The driver helped him ('any the two girls to the car and slnco there was no room loft, Beveridge wa~ lett at the scene covered with Adams' coat. Adams held thr hod)' of Miss Rowe, who was kllIod almost instantlv, all thc way back to lJavell ' port.

Break8 loto Hospital ArriVing at Mercy hospital , Arlams

declared he tried for Mevoral mlnulos to arouse someone, and falling, was forced to kick through the plate glasij door. While the other received treat, ment, a police ambulance was 80nt back tOr Beveridge ,

Corooer Quotl'l8 Dean Coronel' J. n. Cantwell at Scott

county In a statement to the Daven· port Democrat yesterday said that the girls had obtaJned permiSSion to be absent tram the university and through tho dean ot women had Ill'· ranged to spend Saturda.y night with iffI') trJends In Iowa City. Dean .i\.de· lalde L. Burge, when called by tole· phone last nllfht, refused either to corrobol'ate or deny the cOI'Onor'6 IItalement.

SororIty Attends ,Funeral The UnIverSity of Jowa chapter or

Alpha Delta: Pi I!orority, with which MIN Rowe was IItrlllated, will attend the tuneral trom the home of hoI' )lII.rents, Mr. and Mrs. William H . Rowe, In Ottumwa at 10:30 thIs morn. lng. RepresentaUve8 or Beta Theta ~, ot WhIch Beverldlfe Is president and Adp.ms a member, will attend. Mrs, Vera Marsan, Alpha Della PI houllC mother, and Mrs. Martha New· lon, Currier hall perceptrcss, also lIIan to be present for the services,

Beside. the 80rol'ity, MI~8 Rowe Was a member ot university players and Octave Thanet.

A coroner's ~nqueat will be held this week,

YOUJllster Runa Awuy KEYSTONE, Nov, ]0 (AP}-.. Atter

telling pereOns In a restaurant thlll he! wal rUnning away to Davenpo,·t to lICe hi" parenti, Leonard Davll, 18, dleappeared Sunday. The boy lived hero with hll .randparent •. A ,",aroh W&8 made neAr Marenro.

FUlior Station Heldllp CEDAR RAPIDS, Nov. 10 (AP)-

T. H, PAckln.ham, fllllnll' station at'· e'ra.tor at Palo, told police he wus MI4 up lut nlllht by two youthful bandit, an\! robbed of ,20,


The value of good will to the advertising profession was stressed by President Herbcrt C. Hoover in an address before the conven· tion of the National Association of Advcl'ti8el's in Washington yesterday.

Hoover Tall{s to Advertisers

on Good Will

Positfon of Advertising in Economics Due to


Second Play of Season to Open'Tonight

"Let Us Be Gay" Will he Given; Story

by Crothers

State Dry Agents Pay Surprise Visit to City Establishments;

Get Three' Pints for Trouble

Find No Wet Goods at Three Stops; Secor Again Raided; Three Hosts Released for

Bonds of 81.,000

Staging a pal'allel to their raids four ,veeks ago, state prohibition agents swooped down upon three Iowa City bootlegging (,stablish. ments in a surprise visit yesterday afternoon, They hit the Home. coming supply, but results equalled only three pints compared to 140 gallons in the previous raid.

M. C. Bragg, Marvin Novak, and Leo Budreau were arrested on charges of maintaining liquor n uisanecs and appeared before Justice B. F. Carter where they pleaded not guilty and were released on St,OOO bonds each. They were held to the ~Istrlct court.

Bragg Arresled At a place one·half mile west of

Iowa Cltl' on U, S, highway 82, the raiders arrested Bragg, In whose place was found a quantity ot empty bot· tIes. Bragg was In the act of seiling a customer two halt pInts of alcohol when the agents raIded the place.

The ne"t stop was at an establish· ment north of ]oIVa City on U. S. highway 161 where Novak was ar· resteel when one half pint ot alcohol was fou nd. FlftY·flve haIr pint bot·

l lies and two funnels were also dis· covered.

At Budreau's a sll1aJl quantity or alcohol was found together with a. numbel' ot empty gallon cans and sev· eral bottles,

Tbree Rnids Fruitless The resIdence of Harvey Secor, who

was ""rested on a similar charge Oct. 16 when state and federal agentij raIded was also searohed but no llq· uor was found.

The garage of .Ben Ra"ey of Coral· ville was raided wIth no results. The Yacht club, loco.ted south of the municipal alrpot, was raIded, but the search was fruitless.

Tile raid WI\.8 heaped by George At· klns, stat-e prohibition agent, aided by G, W. Nuzont, Roy Scott, O. W. OrlUln, and Hronek. W . C. Cooper, federal agent, wUs pl·oHcnt.

Second Local Raid This Is the second raid In Iowa CIty

by state and federa l agents In the last fOUL' weeks. The tlrst was Oct. 16, when three local t'stabllshments YIelded to the agents. On this occo.·

Track Coach Has Difficulty

With Bigamy

Two Clerks Refuse Give Licenses to

C. Brookins


KANOKA, 1110 .. Nov. 10 (AP)­Charles K. Brookins', whose "two marriages in 60 days" caused his dlsmlsaa.1 as aS81stant track coach or the UnIversity ot Iowa, was retused a marrIage license today.

}I'lrst at Rock Island, III., and five hour" later at the courthouse here, Cupid's clerks told him to seek a per. rolt elsewhere. .

Bigamy Charce Faced wIth a charge ot bigamy Ilt

Iowa City, Brookins set out to l'e· wed Miss Dorothy Coby, former IIten· og,'apher In the HalVkeYe athletic de, partment. He tirst had married hrr at Aledo, m., Oct. 81, less than 60 days after he had married MI·8. Ethel Held, also a tormer athletIc depart· ment 8tenographer.

WA!;HINGTON, Nov. 10 (AP)­President Hoover told the assoc'lalion o( national adwrtIsCI'S d.nlgh~ that if llle gOod will of the lJulJllc toward them j~ to be lnalntalnc.1 th!' desIre c"eated through advertisIng must be ",.:.tlsflerl by the IlrUcle sold.

Transfol'lnat\on of a. dowdy, dc. sian 140 gallons of Dad's day whisky voted wif~ Into a rll~cl",lting divorce!' was seized a nd five porsons were ar· Is thl' theme of J1aellel Crother's rested.

The two ~vent8 caused E. n. lALuer, Iowa athletic director, to dlscha"go him trom hIs coaching dulles 'wlth tho statement that "two marriages In 60 days Is too fast a pace far the athletic department whatever speed may be desired on the track," Brook· Ins as an Iowa student set a world's rrecord for low hurdles whiCh HUll stands offiCially.

"Tbo goot! wlll or tile pllbilc to· ward tho produ cer , t he goods a" the servIce, is the ~HsAntlal "f soullel ad· vel'llslng, for no busIness su( 'ceeds epon the salc oC a ll U!,tlcl~ alon~ ," hc said in Ii speech before the twenty th'st annllal meeting of the group.

"Let Us He Gay," tho second unlv6'" Ha"vey Secor, Gladys White, and 'iLy play of the sellaon , PI'cse,ltt"d for Charles Coffey, were arrested on \the flr~t tlmo .tonlg-ht In natural Charges of maintaining a liquor nul· Mclenco audltorlu'n. CrItics hnvu sonce and were releaBod when they lel'med this comedy of love, mlsun. provldelj $1,000 bonds. dor~LaJldlng, and reconcllh<Uon "brll' The raid on the Secor residenCe at liu."I, wItty, sophlsllcate() , a nd amus. 226 E. PrentIss sll'eet, the only place Ing." to be raided within the city limits,

Prof. E. U. Mable, hoad of the de. Yielded tbo quantity or whisky, while the soarch ot Coffey's place revealed

partment of ~f\~cch and dranltlUc art, a complete bar and table eervice. A Is directing lho· play which begIns

Don't Violate Public Conflden('c "And to maintain thlll eonfldenc!'

of the publlo you [LilLI tlie medium whiCh you patl'Ollil.e have an lnt~r·

eat. that others (lo nut viohttll eon(l' dencc alln thereby discrodlt the wholo of advcrtlslng. The very Importancc of the position which advertisIng llas

wIth an "Ugly duckling" motif and youth and an unIdentified man who , claimed to be from Moline were ar·

whICh, (Lt thc fina l curtain, fInds a rested when Secor was apprehend d lOetamorphl?.e<l KItty Brown at her I but were lat., I' reloa..-ed, e ~Iemcllt 111 ' tho country bomo of hm' eccen trIc dowall'er Crlend. Mrs. llou· cicault.

Dutiful Wife ChlUlges In II. prologue, Kitty Is pl'e~ontcd

as a dutiful, doling- but unatlro.ctlve risen to occupy In economIcs Is In wIfe and mu lhel' who lo~e8 her hus. dIrect pl'ol>ortlon to the ability of band, Bob, to a more "OIJhlsticated the people to depend upon the probity , woman. When the cUl'taln rises on of the statements yoU Jlresent." the first act, a renovated Kitty faces

"It gives me great pleasure to ex· l,l/e audIence, II. devastatingly Hophi~. tend greetIngs to you upon your as, Heated and alluringly beautiful Kitty scmbly in Washington. Adver tis Ing who has learned an Infallible method Is one of the vital organs at our en· of captivatIng mell III tllree year~ in Ure economic and social systems. It Pal'ls. cenalnly Is the vocal organ by which M,·s. Bouclcault, an eccentric old Industry sings Its sonKS ot beguile· dowagm', invItes Kilty lo hel' home as mont, The purJloSe of adV()l'tlslng an ally In b,'caklng up an affair be. 10 to create deSire, and trom the tor· twee n the Bouclcault gl'antldaughter r.lents of desire there at once emerg· a nd Kitty's former hUSband. Tbe '8 additional d~mand and from de· piquancy of the situation Is enhanced mand you pu\] upon Increaslug pro· by the tact that none or the nouse ductlon and distrIbution. party guesses that the Browns are,

Cl'ea,tes Hlgh Standards or rather we,'c related "By the stlmulan.ts ot advertIsing SUl1lri~ Ellilln,

"',hlch you administer you have stirI" A SUrprise ending climaxes three en the lethargy of the old law of sup· acts or romance Ilnd comedy. "Let ply and demand !lntll you have trans· Us Be Gay" wlll be Pl'csentcd again

(CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) tomorrolV night and ThursdllY.

Bureau Says New Storm Due on Coast

SAN .F'RANCISCO, Nov. 10 (AP)­A new storm was predicted tonIght over' the PaCIfic ocean, whtch took 18 lives over the week end, and bat· tered shIppIng up nnd down the coast befo~-e subsiding undel' cover of a denHe fog.

The weather bureau "eported a storm off southeast Alaska was trav· ellng toward Washington and Ore· gon . Storm warning were dIsplayed.

At Ellreka, Cal., where 18 lIlon drowned when the lumber IIchooner F!rooklyn broke In two. oft the bar Saturday nIght. hundl'cds or men nat"olir<i the benches, Heeklng bodies. only w"ccltage was found.

Divorce Gl'IIllted At the time of hl8 dlsmlssa.l , Brook·

ln~ asserted Mrs. Held had divorced 'hIm the week tollowlng their mar· nage. Although he detailed an at· torney to obtain proof of' the dlvo"ce, oWcla.ls tiled charges of blgaruy agaInst him.

Last Saturday 1I1rs. Held was granted a dIvorce at Nevada, and Brookins announced he would re·wed Miss Coby. At Rock Island, he was told he could Dot obtain a. marrlag<) license In Illinois without written per· mission fl'om the Judge who granted tho divorce.

De&t1natlon Unknown MllI60url laws, he was Intormed,

probably were such that he could re' marry there but the clerk here reo f used hhn a permit wben ho applied.

Where Brookins 'would a.pply next was not learned a8 he left the court· house here without announcing his destination.

'.rhe Iowa coach was married once before 'he ran Into the present dlffl· culty. The girl he marr.led while stili In school thrca years ago Wll.!l granted a divorce from hIm.

J\lle,ced Murderer a Suicide CEDAR RAPlDS, Nov, 10 (AP)­

Ben Simons, 46, awaitIng · arraign. ment on a charge of slnylng P'loyd Vanderbllt, 40, In an alleged drullkell lIrawl, committed sulcldo In his jail tell. He hanged hlmsNr wIth It rope made from the covering of his mat· tress.

Clash With Officers Kills Cuhan Student,

Injures Four Others

Cast The cast consists of: Priscilla MOL"

rison, A2 of WashIngton, Kitty lIrown; .oelos R. l'horsol1, 0 ot Mis· soula, Mont., Bob Brown; Ethel Han· ley, Al of M u8catine, Mrs. Boucl· cault; Virginia Wlnge,·t, A4 of Dav. enport, Dlcrdre Lessing, .Herbert But· terfleld, G of 1"t. Wayne, Ind., Town. ley Town.

"MaRY Your Secretary," Advises University Doctor

HAVANA, Nov. 10 (A.Pl-The op' position neWspaJlcl' EI 1'o.ls reported tonight that one student, Victor I<lndelon, was killed amI four oth' 01'8, One Ot them a girl, wero In· Jured In a claBh with pollce at San· tlago de Cubll. late today.

Tho paper said tha.t 2,000 Ahl<lon tA formed a parade and marohed to the statue to Governor Barcelo at Or· lonte province. 'I'hey destruyed thO monument and thon went to II ~ta· lue ot Pr~8ldent M,\chlL()u ncarby, attlWklnlr It with hummors.

Albert H , '{'answell, 11.4 ot Iowa City, BrUce Keen; Helon Wareham, A2 of Davenport, Madge Llvlngstoll; Duncan R. Miller, A2 of De8 Moines, Wallace Grainger; Cedric Crlnk, (.} ot Malvern, Wllltman; Oene Edmond· son, C3 of Milton, Struthers; Robert J. Greef, A4 of Eldora, Williams; and Harriett Ja.me~, A2 or low .... City, Perklne.

'Rubbery Charlol Flied Nurse Attacked SlDNElY, Nov. 10 (AP)- CIJllrg(lS ur

,ANAMOSA, Nov. 10 (AIJ}-Mlss robbery were flied today I1galn't Cllrl Ann Richmond, 18, Mercy h08111tal Stacey, 21, ~nd Chesler Bovd, 42, 11 urle, WIi, In a hospital here reo holh or HambUrg, arter Uley hUll coverlnll from a fractured 8kull unll blIen arrested in p088e8~lon Of ,600 other Injuries rCcelved whon IIho WDK worth ot merchllndleo alleged til IlItV~\ attacked by a man with wl)om ihs I bl'en etolen from the Wymlln 1.1111\ hM ,ono rldln .. Sp,lurduy, flI.terson ~tQree at Perlllv\\l,

CHICAOO, Nov. 10 (A P}-TllI' Ilawye,.~ at the beginning arc penni. young lawyers·lo·be or NOl'thwestern le88 and llalmot afford an extravlI· lIn lve"Hlt:v W~,m advl~ed by Dr, E"· ((ant wife. ward L. Corn ell of Northwestern unl· "4-Educatlon-Collego degrec pre. vers lty m('dlcal school touay 10 fetTed. l'hllOsa good secrotat'los and then T!I(!t 18 Essential marry them.

A ~eCJ'ctarY, Dr. Cornell told the law studenls, ~hould have a ll the qualities of a ((ood wife, nnd Just ~o t\le stlldcllt~ wQulll I<now whllt lhe (lualltl~H or " {.(OlJU wlte .were, he ellumt'rat('d thllm :

"l-lImllth- DolI't n,ort·y a 1(1 ,'1 who can't run II. 100 yards c1o~e lo 13 "e"ol1\ls, Any f!tster rnay not be deslrabl on some occasion II. Much slowel' Is not II. sign ot health.

Dew lire JeaJoU8)' "2-.Jeo.lousy_A Jlroteeslonlll man

clLnnot ut(ol'd It Jea lous set'l'ctary or wlk

"3-Thrlct-l,lk~ ~octorlt, rno~t

"Il-Soclal t,·alnlng-TlU·t. Oood taste In dress and home management and thp, ability to entertllin are very esentlal.

"G-l3uslnp8s trainIng- This Ie ""ost e88e,Hlai WI most p~te5slonal mOn a rA P<)or bookkeeper".

"7-Chlldrl'n-She ~ho ulLl he wll· H"1t to be a moth('r lo children illS

otherwise tho country wll\ autr .. r through depletion of Ita bost type~

"R-Freedom of work-She shOUld be willing to allow her husband to attend meeting. and conference" at any time.

"9-Beauty-She .hould hll.ve u good appearance and be .. mart pnough to muln""ln her /\,ooQ 1(I9~""

Succumbs Anniversary of War's End

~ ViI ASH I N G or 0 N, ' 10

(AP)-All active troops in the vicinity of the capital were or­dered mobilized today by the Will'

department for the funeral Wednef;day of the late General Taskcr II. Bliss, former ehief of staff of the army,

Fort.s Myer, Washington, and Humphreys were drawn upon

for their total !!t1'ellgth for thc es­cort which will aggregate about 1,600 men. They will be com­manded by Major GimeraL Fred W. Slade, eommancling the third corps area.

Brazil Turns to Economic,

State Reform

President Vargas Tells Pro jeet of New .


mo DE JA'NEInO, Nov. 10 (AP)-..

President, Govemment Officials to Honor

War Dead

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 (AP}-In a brlet revival Ot wartime memo· rle>!, the nation's capital tomorrow wilt observe Annl~tlce day.

Twelve years atter the agreement that silenced the gu na In France, president and cltlT-en, churchman and layman will join In ceremonies that, while the eye Is fIxed on main· talnlng the peace ot the world, will Hend the mind back to thoughts of the days when the nations were at conflict.

The tomb Ot the unknown soldier at Arlington will be the Ahrlne at whICh many will gather. Other8 will make their annual pllJ:;rlmllge to the chaJlel In Washington cathew'al whICh Is the last resting place ot \\I'oodrow Wilson.

Pre81dent to Visit Arlhtgton President HOove,· wIll be one ot

the early visItors to Al'l\ngton . Ac· eompllnled by lIfrs. Hoover, Secre· tal'les Hurley and Adams, Admiral Pl·att, chler or naval operations, and Oeneral summerall, chIef of staff 0(

the army, he wIll place a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldl I'

at 10 o'clock. An hou,· later he will address the good will congress of the world alliance for Interna· tlonal friendship.

After the president's visIt, the chaplaIns who particIpated In the religious exercises at the Interment Of the unknown SOldier will pay their annual tribute at the tomb.

Cal. John T . Axton, retired, ror· mer chief ot chaplains, and Dr, Mor· rls S. Lazaron, chaplain ot the 0[·

[\cers' reserve corps, will repeat parts of the origInal burIal servo Ice and 1,lace a wreath on the tomb,

Service at Washington Cathedral In Bethlehem chapcl at Wash·

Ington cathedral, the Rt. Rev. James E. I"reeman, bishOp ot Washington, will conduct a brief service tomor· row afternoon. The Rev. James H. Taylor, paBloI' 0{ the Central Pr~ll· byterlan church, which President Wilson attended while he \vas III

the w'hlte House, will offcr thc prayer.

KunzClaims 'Scarface AI' Stole Election

Th", military j!(overnment ot Brazil, with political ISSues Rettled by the recent l'ev~lutlon, Is tUI'nlng it. at· tentlon now to th e economic stablll· zatlon Of the n~Uon , Getullo Val" gas, the provlslrmtll presIdent, today told the Associated Press In an In. CHICAGO, Nov. 10 (AP}-Con· tervl~w. gre88man Stanley Kunz, demoCl·at,

"The Immediate motives of the I Of the Eighth Illinois district de· revolution ," h(l Raid "were poilU. I f ' cal, but the recons't"ucUon work eated Tuesday by Petel' J. Granata, which we all'cady have set afoot I repubLican, charged tonight that will have sound and fa" reaching "ScarfaCe AJ" Capone, gang leader, 80claJ and eoonomlc consequences." stole the election tram blm with

PreRhlent Gives Interview guns and gas. He gave this IntervIew at the Ca. The congressman said he Is gath·

t~ttc plllace, residence of the presl. erlng f\vldence In IIlfldavlt form den~, ",hlle h e $I\t Ilt ClUIl', senously through the ~Ix wards of his dlHt,lrt COt181dering the problems which face to suppOrt his chnrgo$, that he will the lIelV government. IUIk federal court Intervention In the

"The UDe'lulvocu.1 Rupport glvon case lUI soon 118 formal proclama.tlon the revolution by the least favored ot the election result Is made and olasse8 of OUl' people," he saId, "I. that, when Congre88 reconvenes, he ample proof or the dlsco'ntent gen· will seek cong"osslonal Invesllgatlon erated by the politIcal organization of the whOle eleCtion . which has been overthrown, The unorclclal tabulation at the

Igllored Party Rebelled vote cast showed that KunT- was "That regime had gIven monopo- defeated by about 1,400 votes, he

IIstic pl'lvlleges to certaIn 80clal eaJd, although the democratic ticket cla8lles to the 'detrlment of the In· 8wept the district. On the basis of terests Of the nation as a whole. etraight democratic tickets voted, It was largely because of this that Kunz stYd, he should have won by the revolution reoelved the support about 10,000 votes. of those whose rlS'bt~ had been ig· "My friends tell me that CaJlono nored, men, fOur or tlve of them In every

"The government which haa been precinct of the district, usl'd thrents overthrOwn abu~e<l th<l ' electoral and gun play Where money could \lYstem; tt made tbe jUdicIary an In· not buy them votcs," Kunz said. strument for tile sa.lIsfaction Of po· "And I have election officials who Iltical passions 80 that the ]Jeople will mllke affidavit that they wer were without weapons B./l'alnst vlo· coerced by hoodlums with guns Into lence and sought recoUnJe to armed mark.lng Granata votes on straight re81stance to invasion ot tbelr democratic tiCkets." l·'ghts."

'Gene Tunney Faces l\'Iara

NEW YOHJ(, Nov. 10 (AP}-On() Judge and a doz<lll referees, a strang'! array Indeod fQr a retired heavy. weight champion to fac~, took over tonlg-Ilt Ow qu('~t1on Of whnt port 'If $526,8l2 .42- lt any~ao ne 'I'ullney owes Tim Mara.

Attorneys Emo,'y n. Buckner for tho dcfcl1~e, a nd ]11" clln \V. I.lttle· Ion for MO"a, a BrOlltlwf\,y bookmllk. -r who Be~k8 morfl thnn one qunrtt'r of Tunney's rlnl& fo t· tnne of $2,000,· 000 for all~C[1 breach of rontMlct ' ummcd np thrlr ~RSnA today b~fore fustil'e Peter A. E!utUng In lIuprome cOllrt.

Once more, picking over the teeU­' ...... ". t.,,.,, ('Ftr"'pCt the IJceno along

dlt!erent Uoe, baok to the halcyon days of the prize ring-when the late Tex Rlekard ruled the tighten' 1'008t, ,Jack ~mp8ey waa conlltlered thn Invincible Mavywelght, and Gen. tlem9n Oenl' WIl.S :lu~t another chat­If)nger for CI~tleutt', rlt,lhe.t prize,

Flying Hotel DO-X Ends

SecondIJap CA·LSHOT, Eng., Nov. 10 (AP)­

The "flying Mtel DO·X" hol"ted It· self ott the ZUlder Zce today for II.

running jum\> acr08S nearly 400 miles of North Hea and English channel and eet Iteel! down here at the end ot the eecolid stretch of its trans·Atlantic flight to New York.

Fifteen men In her crew, 21 pas. Bengers, a black cat and Hans, the canary. shared the flret 8cagolng trip this 60·ton giant hu made IIlnco she flew to Amsterdam from Alten· rhein, Switzerland, whore she WfAa

hatched. Epochal Trip

It was an epochal trIp, from tho time when the big IIhlp flirted the laat of Holland's sea from Its tall only to drop back on the water tor a minute, while some minor engine repa.\n WllnI made. ltella\t1l mado, the .hlp took o~t .. aln fQr C8,I~hot.

Parade Features Local Celebration; Legion

in Charge

'Wlth all cla8s<:'s suspended, the unlverslly will join with Iowa City today In the observance ot the twelfth anniversary of ArmIstice day.

A parade at 9:30 will be followed by services In the American Legion community building. Charle. Mc­Kinstry ot Waterloo, state vice presl. dent ot the Legion wll\ dellver an ad· dress.

The program will be opened by the advance of thl! colors ot Roy L. Cho­pek post and the national colors of the R .O,T.C. 'l'he Rev. Richard E. McEvoy of Trll1lty Episcopal church wlLl act as chaplain,

Rlclulrd Pllans Program Tho Invocation wlU be followed by

the sInging of "America" and tho local Lcglon will give Its ritualistic service followed by music. The pro· gram Is In charge at CIlPt. R, V. RIckard.

The street parade, In charge ot Major Will J. Hay~k, marshal of the day, will to I'm on Clinton etreet betwoen Iowa avenue and Jetferson street.

Una or March Outlined The first diVision In command ot

Delmar Sample, commander of the local American LegIon will be led by the legion drum corps, The Leg­Ion, L .. glon auxIliary, city oWclals, the speake,', a nd guests at honor wll\ complete the dlvl810n,

Tht) Moose band will heau the Hec· ond division followed by the nallonal guard unIts, the 186tb hospital com­pany; troop 1 of lhe 113th cavall'Y, and the Boy Scouts a nd Girl SCOll ~S ,

Tho unlvl'rslty band and ICO.T.C. unIt will constitute the tllird unit under Lieut. Col. Converse R . Lewla and hIs staft.

Libraries Allnounce Hours All unlver",tty IIb"arles and the unl·

verslty galt COUl'se will remain closed until] o'clock. Unlve"slty librarians have announced that a\l booke checked OU\ la .. t nlght mll8t be re­turlted by 1:30' p.,". today.

Brazil Indians' Murder Baby,

2 Americans NEW YORK, Nov. 10 (AP}--Qttl·

clala ot the Inland South America. missionary session surmised today that the killing or two American mis­sionaries and the baby of one (If them, In lin attack In the Interior of BI·II.ll II, was the result ot enmIty be­twee n savago Nhamblqullra Indians and a handful of Bra.zlllans who tend toleg"aph wIres at Juruena..

Hay Sends Word ' The only word to the Unltm'. New

York orrIce was a cablegram from John Hay at Posados, Argentina, illY· ng he had roeelvod word from Corum. ba, Brllzll, that the Amerlca.na wero killed In an attack. Hay Is field dl. rectal' ot the Union:

He listed as dea.d the Rev, Arthur F. Tylee; his two and one·half year old daughter, Marian Nelli; and Misa Mildred Kratz, a registered nurse of Wheaton, Ill. lie reJ)9rted Mrs. Ty· lee, the fanner Ethel M. Canary of Memphla, Tenn., seriously wounded.

Mrs. Trlee Recoverlor A later cablegram trom Albert E.

W. McDowell, a British rnlellionary who Is presumed to have survlVlld the attaCk, Mid Mrs. Tylee WIUI recov­ering.

The Rev, and Mrs. Tylee Riled for Juruena for the second time In May, 1'9 29. Just prevloualy Mrs. Ty­lee delivet'(!d a. lecture on the Nham­blquara Indians at the Moody BIble Institute In Chicago. She deecrlbed them 8.8 "savage murderers" and called Juruena "the ugliest pl&ce t blL() ever Been In my life."

MurderoWl TrlbeII "We wen t there," ahe 1I8.id, "led

by Ood to reach a tribe of Indians, the Nhamblqua.r&H, numbering from 10 to 30,000.

"A sad lncldent had happened & few months betore. Six membe1'll of the force at the telegraph station had gone to a.n Indian village In 8earch at (Qod. They camped out overnight and were murdered by the Indians as thoy slept.

"From that time on It was war. faro betwee/\ tl\e Bra.ztllans and the Indians!"

The Indians as described by loin. Tylee wore no clothing and WIIld poisoned arrows tor hunting,

"I CIIn never forget the day I rode Into Juruena," ehe mid. "The sun was very hot, tor it was noon as t came over the brow of a little hili which slopea down to Juruena I II&W tour little cottages to my right and lhree little cottages and a larger building .to my lett. That Is Jurue· na.1t


lOW A-MOIItly fair TuefIda,. and In extreme II!Mt portion Wed­and Wedneedar. colder Tu • .,. a.nd I" extn!We MIlt potUaa Wei­IIOtdllf.

rAGE TWO ,. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1930 ,TIlE YAILY IOWAN. IOWA cIT! _ __ i_ 3; ____ 'L-L : . i J ~


Pan-Hellenic Group .Gives.'.

Initial Frolic • > ,

Modernistic ColoT~,(on Parchmen.t .Outline

Silhouettes ____ I


PERSONAL ITEMS .. • Da vId A I\)ert. A2 of Sioux

Ilntl Maul'lce lifter. A S of Rllphls. spent thl' week end In l"land. III .• nnd l)lIv~npol't.

William tfozen. A3 Of ('"eallr Rap· Jd". Joseph Schwartz, A3 of Chlca;fo. In., Albert J lal'dlng, A2 of CoOncll murfs, lind Som Epsteih. A2 or !llo..:x· City. s pent thl' week end In \ Chicago. !

I Ralph Rlegleman. A2 . Of Dclt N"0,'\'~8 . h~1l 'I'heodol'" UH" s pnn. A~

. elf Den ~YolneA. spent the IV('l'k e:1d at hOlnl'.


Men of the nine PIln,Hi!llenlc aoclul t'raternltles C]lterta\nt'd lust night at th!'lr tlratllance lhls year at Slmllow' land. Progrluns fOI' the frolic pic, lured ~ dancing couple sllho\\'Olled u!,;alnst 3. moo rnls tlc backl, ... ound of !nauve, pule green, nnd Illlrchmpnt. MUSIC Cor the ufful,. wllS furnls\'etl by Herb H eu \"8 Vagabonlls.

.. EI1IR Paul . AI. Paul Armstrong, AI. aile! William Sharrel·. A2. 011 'o'r ·hicago. !!pent the wl'ek end In thut

cll j·.


, 0 upsts at th IlmlCe were Mrs. E. . Klnsloe, ;\1urtha CamplJ'ell. Mrs.

Laura Lewis, Mrs. Lucy Reeves. and Harry D. BI ene.

Those s'ervlng as cbaporons' wero Capt, and Mrs. 'rl\omas E. J\1arUn. rrof. and M,·s. O. Ie:. Patton. Mr. a"(lel Mrs. Harolll HeedqulHt, and Prof.

S. B. Sloan. ~fllyor Illiam lIllie 'l'hompson of Chicago, pllOtogl'aph d ,in Robert Conratl, L2 ef Burllngton : Chicago hospital, ",llcrc he ul1dcnvent an opcl'ation 8 ",('etc ago for

Malcolm ~l'emple. ItS of Davenport: appendicitis. IliB I)hysieians report that lIe will be able to leave Montngue Hak·es. Aq of Lauren~ : DICk Macallster, C4 of Wilmette, 'In.; tb hospital in 811othel' week. 1.11ke Farl'oll , A4 or MIchigan CIty. >----"----'---------~------------------lnd, : Edwal·,l nohlf. A3 of Watel" 10'0; Alpert Rober·ta. La of Des Main, e8; Dean "VlLI' lch ow. C3 of Eldora; Jlt.d George WO'·llIh~y. AJ ot tungs· Icy were In rhfll'~e of the tlan~e.

, ~. 4- + Hamlin Ga,.'and to


Pre.fient ArlniBtke Uu' Program Tonight

Hamlin Carland literary society will hold IlH r{'gu llir meeting tills j'venlng ut 7:30 on the sun porch of Io\ya Union.

The program . In charge of Stellil Stleper, A3 oC Arcadia. will consIst 'Of an Armlsllcl' aay reading bf Gwyneth Finn. A3 Df Iowa CIl~; a medley of wal' songs by the entire group; a "evlew of "All Quiet 6n til(' 'Western Front" by lola Thomas. Al of Eddyville. n nil another group or wat· songs by the society, I d by a quartet.

~ + , Literature, Grtr'den

Divisions W (Hnan' s Club Will Convene

The lltel'Uture department Of th e Iowa City Woman's club will m eet with MI·s. IN. L. Bywater. 230 Ma· gowan avenue. at 2 P. m . today. MrM . F. L. Mott wl\1 reporl on "The Mean·



Ing of CUltul'C" by iPowys. L

Mrs. A. C. Howell. 447 S. Sum· Mr. !\m ('~ 1'., son 01 former govcmor of Dilyton, 0, mIt street. will entertain the garden on Nov. 21 will mltl'l'y Miss IIt'len RlIm~('y (lE'ft), dUlIghl('l' of Lee ~epar~ent 'l'hul'Sday at 3 p. "!;. Th I Hums<'y, or N('w York. '!'he nuptials will take place at St. Bartholo·

~~PI;ive;;V~~ ~~~~~Oh~~~e~·hi:e~ . • mew's chap 1 ill r-zew York. + + + ------------~--------------------------------

"Zeta Tau Alpha Betty Klrkpatr icU was a weele end

guest at the Z ta 'rau Alpha house. Lucille ''''IWck . A3 of Muscatine:

Zelda Rebelsky. C3 of Clinton: and Evelyn Wilcox. A3 of Eagle o rove, spent the weele end at tholr respec· tlve homes. Ruth ),1 eyer. A4 of Ft.

. Madison. and IlJlda..llartman, Al oC ,Anamosa, visited at Anamosa.

+++ .Phi Omega Pi

Phi Omega PI announces tha Inltla,

Women Give Dance To4ay

Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi Act as


tlon of Myrl Hobhlson. A4 of All r, .' The fIrst of a serJes of afternoon

Mrs. E. Reuter Writes Home

Describes Experiences as HOl101' Guests at

Chinese Play ---'-

"QUI' most IntN'estlng experience

tOll: Huth Dugal\. A4 of New Mru" dances to be hl'ld Lhls year unde.· lhe thus far was ou.· ntlcndance at 11 ket; Thelma Kincaid. A& or Ottum, direction of V.om n 's associatiOn will hlnese play." writes 1I11·s. Hl'uler wu.; LlnOa. Bash·on. A4 ot Ottumwa; f H I 1 h " bo on Armistice Day hop at Val'BUY rom awa i W lere R e anu hCl' hus· and Edna Grum. A4 of Ollie.

-;. -+ <+- . fl'Orn 2:30 to 5 o'clock this afternoOn. band, Prof. E. B. R eutel', and lIleh'

__ . 1

:.fl'. antI MI'H. J. L. Record3. 224 R \\· Il.~hinr.'lon Atre t; :111', :u.d ~rs. F _ B. Olsen. 430 S. Johnson street; MI'. ancl )I-[ I'f\..J. lark i-rughes. 3(S E. Browh atr' ot; I\Ih·. und Jl.I'I'M. H. L. Hands. 414 l own avel')ue; MI'. ,and Mrs. G. 0'. Kosel' 37 Hlve,·v(<l)V. nn<\ MI'. and Mrs. C. k Myers . 711 Mull.

. ('ailnl) uvenu~. spent tbe week end In Ch lcngo, retUl'ulng Sumlay even, Ing.

GCl'Iufmy'~ latest oHehb~ to ' jatio~1 1$' the' ~f' feet; t; giant .J unlrel's il'lonoplan :0-2060, wbich il:l nOw it.q lli\allobcl jS' 26, pounvs and its maximum on It tout' of E1ll'ope. Th(' cruising I'ange arid load speed ·i. 170 miles art hour. , Fo1ll' motoJ'R or 00 cR})acity of thi s craft are oeli ('ved to surpass tll()se horiiepo\ver eaeli snpply the power.


Cathel'ln e Daker, 930 E. WaRh!n~' FallS, S. D ,. are visiting In the home ton strellt. lIpent the weel, encl at I her home In Davenport. or ]1,11 '. and Mh. L. O. Frutlg, 421

~1elro"o nvenue.

' " , j' 1, onts, M,·. al'd MI' . ' :/). '0. l.\otl1':ln~ . IE( U B" . G Wns!.fngt6h apa,·tmeht~. and wlll ~l,' ,' f£" • . .."OClety

Mrs. F. B. Whlne l·Y. 1023 Kirk" wooG avenue. left aturday mdtni ng tOI' New YOJ'k city where she ' will vlf.lt friend,. until Ihe latter I)art of tile month.

hal'I~~ :If. J)OL't'hh of tire Dutc:h· cr. Walk!'I·. nntl Rlcs law firm yes· t I·tlay bl'/\,o n a caS!' In Polk county which will continue throughout tile week.

Juna. \Vude. J 0 Iowa apartmentR. left Sunday fOr a week vlAlt In Du, bU(lue,

Agath:\.' Brandl. 128 E. D.'tVl'hpol't street. Rpent th e week end at her "orne ill ~fUlJra.lIne.

Bertha W ps tra\1 ot the Hira fl(l upartmentR wIll I ave (Qlt Chicago tomorrow fo.,. 0. snorL viSit with her slstel'. G race Krotz.

Ateve a"ormah and B.:uC!e B~nnett or the HllI'ad' r aporthlents pen L Sunday at WI.'.~t Liberty.

A mb r LaPOI'le, 603 S. Clinton • "~pt. vl.U I'd OVPI' I he week end wi th Mr~. Marie Porch, Rock Island. III ..

W. H.~lngle~lI;n. wl]o Is In. tllp cTetachment diviSion of the UnIted .,.ates arnlY lind Is stntloned at Ft:' Hob,Ron . Neb.. Is visiting nt ' tho home of his ~Istc r, Mrs. W. H . Ball· "Yo 228 H. Linn su·oet. 011 a month lurlo ugh.

!\11'!!, J . J . (l\l'nn Ilnd daughter. Bet · ty. 532 S . .Johnson street. retu l'ned ftom (1, week'H vIsit wIth friends In Mlh'en'g'{j Y\oste rday.

Earle Whalen. 112 S. Dodge stroet. spcnt ' th,.' we;'l< ~nd In 'Roele IHland v'lsltlng frl cn(]s.


D, L . Bbtham, 1':4 of ~adlson , Wis .• and J e"I'y Clenn, 5S~ A. J ohl\' Korl lItl·eet. nUended tho ~al'qllellp, Towa /rums Satul'tlay,

Walelo Oelgpl', 2J 3 R Marl!pt street, ancl Roy J(o"a. R'05 E. Wash· ingtflh Atl",> t. I' 'lul'heel frorn Chi· NI.:::O ;~~tel·dll.y. 'I 'hey attended the Marquette IoWa. game RntUl'llay_

Ft. . Wlell ke I~ Improving at hIs home. 600 Muscllllne aVeJ1\It'. :l-fl·. Wie"'('~e \vas . tl'ueK by al'! auto Sat­urday nfght while cl'()ssh'lg the< stl'eel to a buS.

~jl' . an'" Mrs. Roxie Bull and :1-[1'.

and ~h·s. !ten nell! Bowmllll. 728 nundell ~trl'e t . w'enl to Winfield Sunda~·.

Mr', Olltl ~r~. John FlnKel·toll. G32 S, JohnSol\ aU·ee t. went to Des Moines thIs mornin g to "pent\ Al1nIH' tice Ilay.

Ina 'l'yTp)'. field tepl'es n!:allve of Hi e ... .oc:al wrlf~tl'e bUr~nll of the ex­ten'~ lon t1\vls\On. wns 0. Mt. Ple!l.SIln t vlsilOl' yesterduy.

remaJn fOI' IJornecomlng. Meets' Wedne,day "'---.

Evelyh \V~I~lIInN, 1135 E. I• ollege lW.M.B. socloty of tllil Chrl~lInn ptr!!~t. A\1~lIt tile ~ It ~h'd In !tock chutch will meot at tht: hOlll(' of '_\lr9. Island. 111. . vhiltlng he.' parents. 0 ; It. Dunlap. 316 A. Johnsort s tl'eet .

~- , (l Itt 2!36 oh \~ dnl1>ldllY. PInna will , ~tl'lI. 1 It. T. ~J;l I!el:'. o~ ' If 01( l\1IluJ,l' be inMe tor the homecomlllg djnn~r

1I11h. lIh~ h .. IH vislllng' I~ till! MIl1 ~ Of 1 r; r, Id f,htu ]a ",j b ' - J.J.L \ r Irlro r l.. • l. ' C"" 0 e .... r( y.

11('1' ~o n , I'. Nur,";10n I'. ,,1 Il ler, ,1 , J f( tJl ,,/. I/-' -l-nlver' ~tl' pt. Hile ~v\ll r eturn to Iron At' h n l P' ~ount:\ 11l 011 Frfd'ay. pave ta' l.

' --'- " 1'hoge of"th9 'A\pIM Della. pi chrip· tPI' whO "pent-ih',,' \\r~ek end at home dr'; '06roth'Y SlUl'tl'fcl/l'l'. A~ of Vall~y .Iunctlon; Edith Ch\'I·b. AS ot Wa~h' {nltion; a nd H~l'nlta \\'hil", A 1 o(

N(.\I Jl arHH, nroprl~t'~\- Of t'1\i frown Illlll (lawn tea lro'oW,'. Is Sfl~ntr. Ing' (l. ("W day~ Wilh hOl' slate .' In

.. -L-.- Garber. ' cll.tilP,'lnp ~I\ ~\\!'thev" " , c'ti n~ h~nel .1t'1ln Fh'iw~lI. A4 at Dav~n'pOl·t. and

of tl\'~ 'g\'Uplttc nM pln:stre a'rtn dp. Lillian ' ,11011. A 3 ot J)~n vel', ('1110 .• Pllrtmenr .' il.nd ' Jtele.n ' VlIil;\'mK. ". erc' ~IJent' t1'l~ ' '\VI'\)k 1''0'(\ With ).1J·s. flhel· In I'y Hr till' ' xt'm>;idh dl Vl!llqn at, don Folweli In Cb le/tgo , lb . Leniled \lw Alti'uR.I. ('lob 'dlshl(·t·con. I Ellsl'e llinclel'ltn~cht, Al of ('('(\01' f .!f hc!' ill ('ounci! Bluffs last w, ·,· I, . f:nplds. lind Huth ~ff'ikte·. A 1 or B~<1' end. 1'01'(\; "SPPllt Ihe wI'ok (' nil In ('"clar

_. -.- Ibl)ld~.

:\11'. nll',\ MI'~ : 'P,tul Wngnl'l'. 3\5 1':. 1'h~otrora Pilpa\(o~l:l.!i . A2 or ("h\, Dn:v~rtpOlt ~t reE'i, ent~rtalnf" ~j'/ ('/I.go. m .. wa '" th~ wcr!.; ,-nil 'l ll~ . t fl'l enlis JI\.' a " brjd ~e pil'ly fl'ul'rdtly oi Dorothy Jan" Fhlkp . A3 at <'1111· evt'n ln g 'n t tl;l'h' \lamp. Pltl.te 11In~h"~ tori WP!'O Sl'l'vpll at th~ close of thp even, , ,(/ ·17 'of I In;'. • A.lpha Kappa Kal:JPl1

])lnn(' I' \ruests I'lt lhe AI)lnn Komli\ OUb' rta SM,tt, A4 Qr 'hochestl'r, f<nP'l>a house Sundlly W!'I'e> nuth I.

Minn.; l'Jlea nor Jan'c SIp/<,. C3 or IIson . secretal'y of physIology; Su' Ma rshalltown: Leone )of eN' ally, A3 of .anne Chase. secretary or hygl~ne: Hawardon: J'eanne S('lll1a~I. , p~ or 'Margaret LOoney of WIIlon Junrtlon: Rpd On)e; )'Iary 1.oulse )'lo01·e. AS of Chrystal SChultz. Nl of Renanor: Mrs. 'Valnut: ~nd SU7..'lnne ChaRP, 40g CeCil Seibert anil l\Irs. (:11''''.an Be('k, !I'relrosi> :tvl'nue. motond to linlol1 wllh of Iowa City; MI'. alld ~fI'" . n . Saturday afternoon where they "t· R \Voodhouse and sons Ramlall C1nd tPIIII('(i II bll(ige tea. ill ho'"OI' of .JM ll· Hlan dley or Vinton : and·M,·. 01111 Jl!r~ . l1elte. H ollel'Un or Clllltol1 who IH to O. C. Slll\rnbaugh of Van hlrtH. be II l)f'{'ernhel' Ilrlde. . .:. + +

Mard!) 1)ll'hpr. 711 Jeffprflon Rtreel. sprnt Hllndny in WA terloo with his

Cella Lpwls. A3 of Webster City, fllends. gllellt the Week enil Ilt hom(,.

Edward Blc\klpy ot Wate)'Yoo wns n \\'et'k ~nd visitor In IOwa City. Phi Delta Theta

Samucl' \Vartin. 402 'Fl, Church Adaihlde Rwnrtzundl'ullCl'. A3 ' of ~trret. Hlit'nt Sunchy wl'Lll his frrends

RoHlt1i<i Ollillhom. Al of nee kalona. ~p'en l the ""'('k ellu lit hel' 'n Mllr~hnlllo\Vn . MollIca. spont the weelt 'end with he" homl'.

Mr. Hnd ~1rs. Mars hnll Wat. on of Knoxville Apent tl1(, \v'e~J( end at the home Of the la ttl'! l"s parenLs, 11'11'. and !\fl·s. M. 'N. Adams. 510 S. :tohns'on stl'eet. M'r . Wnt~on In athletic ('oach )1\ the t-:nOxvlllo ],1611 a'chOol. lIe is a gradlla te of the unlversJty.,

Week end ;;uestH at thp Phi l)Pltlt ThHa house wcre Tqnch 6ammon of BUI'hngton; Lee RolldeWlg and Kpn· ('th honk Of Davenpol·t : J oh n ShO'll of Eldon; Peter Anderson o( Sl. l.JOuJs, 110.; Robert Guiney and Floyd Bnl"


MI'. and ?\frs. IIlt·1t Call1\\'oll. 5!O A. DQdge stteet, sPent ih'a weeR: 0111:1

at Winters t. at the hOme or \\fl', Caldwell's parents. M,'. nntl _ fl"s . \"I'(lllit Caldwell.

M,'. ahu Mrs. Fred )o"uhrm'as i.el' :lnq

Albcna Manahal\. Al or Vinton aWa ' V~l1 DS Ma rthi . Al of Sioux City SI)'/lIlt the wl,pk end at Vinton.

Ph!lp),I> pr<'lfr(OI·. A ~ of Flly<'tle. AIH'lI l tll(' \VP('1C I'n,) at till' hom(' of h('I' p:\l'ellts aL ""n.yHte.

Nntb'ln IY>ul!lch spen t thl' \V('(' ),

,' ud In j)" 1! :\llllnps with (ri l'nel!!.

!lfr. anI! :III'S. A. n. Hartwig and :'II rs. Al'(ne,. Hou!Tpk or :'Ilu~!lt In!' viHlted HUt:l l1:l1iwlg. A 2 oj' ~llI"('H ­

tine. HU;1day.

son Hermlln. of Newport vi><it('d , lI~ltrgal'l't Chamberlin of :\Iuscutlnf> !:lu;.iay with J . P. llollel or D05 N. who Is allon'c)ln!! CO!'ll~l1 colle!\'o at Dodge street. ~t. Vern on. vl !lltl'.1 Rllth ]lartwill

Li1cll1~ lloerrhn. A3 of MU SI'ullnp. rJlj'/o"t th~ \\ celt entl a t til hO!ll!' or her ptll'e· nLH.

~f.·. ali d Mrs. Robert Burgpr rlll!l f.unily. 620 Ronaids ~tre('t. and lIll's, !3urger and son. George. 912 N. Dodge sl l'eet, visited at Ceclar Hit p. Ida Sunday.

:'I h'. an d Mrs. Enrl Fle~k fin d fnm· ' Iy or Okkuloo!;n vl!llted H el, n I"I~~k

~rl'lba Rn.(\ OIn~I'ric\l . A2 of Teu , .\ I or O.kf\IOORil. l'lllnday. lonn. spenL the wr"k end In l'a10Ila.

OVI" · the weC'k ('rid.

~~~1I~\~:~:;~ anl~y~~~~1 ~i:~~I~~ I~I( Dp's l\f olnes.

Dinner guests Sunday Jneluc1p(\ Includetl Elizabeth lTn;fles or st. Louis. ~1 0.: LUCile OI'lner of edllr Falls; Ellzahelh Jones nnd June Lash· er ot Des MoineH; II plen und l~v Iyn ,\ndcrson of St. Pa\l l. ;\lInn.: Irma. LaVIne of r...v.'npo!'~: Nanry lo;!llolt. or Sioux City; Dorothy Enllip. A2 or ~ewton; Emilie [l'tket', A I ot lJurilng­ton; Lol'I'lIiL1c HucklT\an. AJ of ('hUI" II'S Cily; ~tlry lsalJ~l1p 1'0rlt'1', A nC (<,<jar HlIllldR; .Jenn I~·tlrweuthpl'. A3 of hlca!!;'o; II l·len J e)yte, .H "f Keo' kuk; and "'yaH ('aW!' of 1)avl'nl)Orl.

'" + .j.

w.oplen P1ar in Intramurals

Currier, Phi MIt, 'Iri I

Delta, Deltlt Zeta Win Games

'PhI Mu, Cur.'!,'", an 1 TJelta lJelta Delta we.·p vlelOI'R In the Intl'llmdrnl volleyboll conll)('lIilcln ,hPlu YL>liI~r. tlly 0 f l'nOlln .

Phi M II d~ l'e:lt c1 J\ ln1m XI Delll. 21.11 : D(\1\a n Ita 1)olta Zeta. 31,0;

1{npJ1lt Deltll. 21,8 Deita, 21·6.

U Illl won over 'url'll'l' derea'.(\] 1l1ll1 A I~III~ XI

Delta Zeta·" "pcond tennii! teHan r1 feat d (Jamma PhI neUl'~ ilecollQ team, 2·0.

Gamm'l. Phi Deta'" fil'At lennlA learn 100l to WeMtlmvn's rtr~l tenan by mUlch I'lCQ\'P!I of 2·1.,

"l- + + J' era Travis Wins

W ornen' 3 )jrch'(!ry I

From 10 Entrtmb

Vera Tl'a vIs. A3 or thamvlon. Neb .• wOn the wonwn's rail archery tourn8.ln nt lIeld yP8terdny at 4 p.m, Her Bcore was 90 COl' lO hitK. Mal-. guret Lockwood. A3 OC IOIVIL City, was seCOnt! with n IIPol'e of 9. ' for 23 hits. an<1 \I ·l ~h Haight. A4 ot MIssouri Vaile~', thlr<l. wlLh a SCOl't

or 95 tOI' l2 hlt M. 'rhe round " hot was J8 arl'OWI

from 30 yanl~. anti 18 from 40 yard~.

Othj!)' partlclpantR In the ovent were )o'lol'!l nCe HOI' nke. AS f Wai· colt; LJlllan. Hantly. Al ot JJe. !\folncs; lIuzel Whltak CI', M ot Fnlrtll.'ld ; W'ace Amlorson, A3 ot Ottumw,,; EIl'unol' Dilw~on. A4 0(

Farmington. III : Huth Brown. A4 oC Iowa tt y; Huth Dun~u n. AI or Iowa City; a nti gVt'lyn 11 011.". AI or Wlnter8!'l.

,- -}- + Wome'~'s Hockey

G"me Finishes in Tie; Play-Off Next

All Iht' "P!lult or the tie "!:o~ o(

th~ rrPR/ln1IlJl ollh Olllor women', claA~ hO<'kl'Y f!'IIme yeM~r<t~~, a \lln>'-Vfr gallle will h .. held a week (I'om, Snturtlay

)011.11' Wier. A1 of )owa my, "corell thl'l' llml'H; Marg:u' t M~· 'urtln, Alar Houth Be nd. Ind.

made t IVO sonlF, n r'Id V prona Uenli· mann, Al or Du rant. 8cor.;d onc~.

Umpiring W1I~ (\onl.' by Doris Hoose, J\ 3 or IOWa City, an~ EdM MI1I~r. A4 tit Bondumnt.

The rowa ity ho ... key I'lub will PI'llcll~e with It mlx(od teum this mo)'nlng at 9:30,

~ -' }

Triangle Club Has Picnic SUPIH!T

Trl,.lngl. Ciuh will hOld It JlIrnle supper at G o'cloc'k thlB "vMlng In lh" club roO»! at IOwa nlon. J'ru!. lIubel' O. a-Oft 18 In ('harge. lie Is beJnM' asHlst by Pro!, Homer Cherrington. 0.\'111 1'ro(. W!tlter Le<·hwlng. ,frl!. O"ol'S'e l{ny Is gen. (''!'IiI bo, tes •.

ASsistant ho..te 'It nre MI'II, CArl E . 8,,([shol' , )!I·". H . 11. Pit crnld, Mr.. 10 'H Jun!:. MI'I<. C. A. Phil· lips. Mrs. Edwnrd Harlow. Mrs. ~In· "on L.'\dll, Mr:!. J~al'l 'Valerman. :,nd MI'lI. Andr w II. Woods .

-t- + + Alpha Chi Omega

Gamma Phi Beta PI Betl\. Phi and Kappa Alllha son. Donuld. are Visiting. Pl'ofessor Ouests at the Garftmll. Phi Ilela Theta sororities will be Ilostesses, tho houter. of the department of 8oc(010· MI'. and Mrs~ M'crlorment 0'(

Oll'n M. BI'adley. ca of Auroro. :1ft·: nnd )oti'H. llrnry P,~if(e l' Of q nCTlI thl> w('ck pnd at th home oC

ltandallil. w~I'p In fowa City AUl1da\' hl~ p:trl."nts In Aurora. v!~ltll!g (d~ndH here.

AutOmobileR am included among lead ing Imports tOr lhtl g~MI1\I 1>011, ulotlon Of Mouthwesl .\f .. k~.

1)lnn r j; UpStH at the Alpha. Cbl Oml'l:'a hou c l::lundlly weI' ~tr.!I/Id MrA. F . Mux~on ot Tillton. M!1I. Frank Toll .. tit Council Uluffs, Ray· 11'1'>nd nUIM. A2 ot Trilloll, lCnrl Kel · ('I!<en, ('4 or Iow:! City: Alvin Lol'tb, M~ of J Illrtl"y; Hobt·r t Milligan. (.'3

or J Herson; HolJ~rt Bartels. A2 r/. Movl1ll'; VQn~" l;;!lIott, A 1 ot Knox, ville; und Rlchnr.1 Miller, Al c,l Cat-·u.

E~ther (lI·au. AI of Musrn.tlnl' . :::=====~=:::::':=::i::C====;:;:==::;======~ QPent the wr!'k end at th e hom!' of ~ - - ._- --- --.----her purents In Muscallne.

house Sunclay were h\:rs .• J. P. SI.'a,· laHel' substituting for Alplla D!!ltu gy. is In HawaII on leave of absence. 'Ce-tlar Rapfds visited ~unday at (he h ' j • d 'r 1 M ' .... \ " Chester Evans home Ilt FranK J. 13. P'l'mllRtel'. l'OI'mpr Instrutn~n' om. an "I" nne rs. rau .~ea·· Pi sororIty Professor antl MI·s. ReuLeI' were holm of Moline. 111.;' Mr: and Mr~. • . • P .el ceo . makl'r III the ph;'~lc6 cl(·partment Elmer C. DarJI n'g; ;l.nd Mrs. C. M. PI Bela Phi hostesses are: Jaync bues ts of honOr of the Chinese .(1lgnl- visited hero oVE"r thp week en'd wHh

-nybbro of Denison, ShOVer, A4 of Monticello: Ruth 13ar- 1al'le8 at a Chln~se play which she .'Tohn McCabe or COI;g'rpJe \ i s iT. his ROn. J/U'n~A. DI. or Chic!ts-o. M,'. ~ ... + 1 + c lay. A3 of Mason City; Lorraine d~!;crlbes: "The orchestra played. b\./slness rlll\er In low .. City ye~tcl" Dem ll~trl' I. now u' (,hlcag-o ",hcl'e : Phi Beta Delta Buckman. Al of Charles City; ,Ma l·tha throughout tM perrormanee ana the day. he Ie drvrlopl11A' ~"T>crlnwntnl Ill"

. nllt'lltnq In thp ll('W mlr~I'Um Ileing • DJnner guests at the Phi Beta. D 1- Rich. Al of K okuk; VirginIa Shadle. ac tol's gave their lines In Il. slng·song ~fl'. arfd MI·s. O'I>Org'O 'Robl) 6f Dav. placl'll In th'" rin!' orts buildln!!;, or ~ ta house Sunday were Mrs. J. gergle A2 of l~sthel'vllle; Oabrlelle Royal. fdshlon. The lines are ImprovIsed. npOI.t were ' 6usII1e'ss callers In Io\va the World's (,olllm~)lnn expo,r.l1on, " or Waterloo, Mrs. L. Grellnstein ot Ai of West Llbcl·ty: Mary Blancharll. they know the plot alltl tbe dlalopue CIty ro!\tprday. ' Mal'SbalTtown, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ollm. Al of Davenport; !\fary Remley, Ai I~ made up as they go along. It Is ~ sky. and Son, Hdwtlrd. or IOWa CJty. Qt Anamosa; Betty French, AS of largely a matter of Imagination , ..

and Henry Landis. Al of Amherst . Des Moines; Gretchen Pulley. A3 of The actol's are announced l,y the - Mass. MaQ uoketa; Virginia Kaye, A3 of beating of brass cymbals. .. 'I'he .. Charles Kimmel. D1 of Iowa. Clly: leal' Lake: anti a th rlne Rcllmond. Ilrollel·ty man "'lUI nluch In evlcience. : Ben Golob. A2 oC Toledo; Sam M'egl- Ai of Monticello. I)icklng UP fans ancl sWords nnd gill· • bew. Dl of West New York. N·. Y.; Kalllla. Alpha 'J'heta hostesses are: tlng In everybody's way. The trctors • Morris 'Waxenberg. El of Burling· Mal'y Spohn. A2 of Northrieltl MJnn.; wOI'e gorgeous costumes and lovely • t on; a nd SOli KI-onlck. E2 of Sioule Ddrothy Engle, A2 of Newton; Mary Ilrapes are used on the walls and over­: City. Visi ted In \Vaterloo Sun'day. Hinkle, A4 Of Des MOines; Margal'et thB chall's. Spel'ehes precede the • Emanuel Brotman. A3 of Hobok· ,Me 'ulley. A 1 oC Omaha, Neb,: leel\cla. play. but no one pretends to listen .. e n. N .• T .• a nd J ock Kotlow, A2 of ,<::ronltl. A3 of .Janesvllle. Wis.; LOis aA this Is an opporlunlty tor tile • WQodellff. N. J .• were In Cedar Ra.p, J.llnI<IQ. A3 of Des Moines; Irma, ea'i Chinese to visIt their friends." : Id~ SUnday. ellg. 4 Q{ Davenport; Helen Morgall. !III'S. Reutel' comments on the

Lou Shulmll.h. G of IO\\oa City; I A)l ,of Newton : Lois ·.reetcr~. A3 of ahundant plant life In evidence : Akeeba. B rmtln. A2 of Cleveland. 0 .; flt-. LoUI.S. Mo.; Allc,e, Schaefer. A~ of lhl'oughout the island due to the

Ben Shine. Al of Spencer. and Her, , l<:eokuk . Chrysta l I I Icc, C3 of 01 un· Inrg amount of rain which 1'1 called : bert GI'eenholllle; L3 'of Iowa CIty. dy Center: and l~l'Unces Willoughby, "lIquld sunshine." '['he temnel'atUt'e • VisIted in Davenport over the week A3 of Grundy Centel·. I Cmo.hls !tJ'oqll[\ 73 degr~es. but the

end. -+- .+ + V3 1'y il1g hum idity causos g l'eat dis· . + + + Gamma PI" Beta ~Qmfol·t. ~'h e il' Cavo"ltt) drive Is up

: Pi Beta Phi nllo e ha ntet· elf Onmma Phi Hell th!' Nuana valley to the Pall cll (f • Mary Rovano. A3 of Keokuk'! .Jri'ne sorority nnd its ,:\.Ium nae ass(lclutlun which rises above the Po.lI abou t ' : Shovel'. AO\ of Mtlntlc'e)lo; Mary .f!L'ne will commemol'll.tr the daLe of the 80· : .• eoo re-et. "From thlk vantage pOInt • Cummlrls. A 2 of DlI.'venp'ort; Mary l'OJ'lty's t'ouml1nlr at a ba n(lu et which i,. to he seen the most temal'kable

Q . V. Dour:lnu. '23 Of 'I'uls". Okla .• ~II·. and Mrs. F. Setlrl e~ of. S ioult 19 sJ)cntlll)g th A, we~le with I,is Iml"

) 7

'." l t.


". , t •

Phi Deft(! E"riltm Phi Delta Epslloh. In etHen l ft·n·

lcrnlty. l1el/J Its s ptlt1.mOtithlY m eet· Ing SUnday afternoon at Towa Uri· Ian. Abraham !tuntl'ow. M3 Of Ncw Y6"K CIty. rend a paper. Dr. n. M. Hurevltz wa~ a guest at th e ,meellng.


J I • BlnncllUl'd. Al ot Davenport; Eliza· will be at the ch~ pter hOUse at U:30 I nnol'ama 'ln tile world." ' be says.

, ~ beth Fl'ench, A3 of Des'Mblnes: Kat11: tonight. -+- + + ~ l'yn Boetcher. A4 or Traer; and Olib, 'M'embers Of the c0'1'mlttee In White Shrine Has • rIel/a Royal. Al c!'t W st Llb'erty, ~hUrge Al'e Rosalind li'Jsher A2 of

.Com~~ again, hut o;ur memorYj 0' ~n-

dividual sacrifice and of national 'hero-:' .ment tbe week end At their featu!'e. Peoria. III.; Helen J ean Bm'ndt, A2 lJi'nn'et TomorroW ~ tlve homes. ' of Davenpol·t· li'mnces Slem'nR P2 ·Whlte Shrine wIll meet at MMohlc • Alice Bond. A 4 ot Io'wa Ci ty. VIA'j of CorydOh; Luclllo Wlnge.·t. A'4 of t.'mpl Wednesday evenlhg. A pic,

Ited wllh (I'Jends 1n Davenport Stu· 'r,Pton; a.ntl GenevIeve l::l 11'11 th , A2 nlc supper will be served at &:30. , urday a nd Sunday. Qf Dubuque. :,od each meml"Jl' 1~ 'askell 10 hHn'l,t I , • 't + + 'rhe toast fll'ogmm wi ll cal'l'y out cove red di sh and sandwlclu!S. 1'ho I ~ Pytluan Sisters the Idea of a s hin. the S. S. O'ummll I('gulal' bUHlness meeting at 7:30 will

Pythlan Slatel's he ld theIr re«ular Phi. Rosalind Fisher. A2 of 1'00;'111. l)e followed by ll. attn] parLy. ~ bu~ln!!8H meeting at the Knights ot JlI., Is toostmlstr!!ss and fh'st m!Lto: -+- + + ; Pfthlan hall. last evening at 7:30 p .m . J ean Anthony. A2 of Sioux City. Miss Halsey Will I ; , , + + + plebs; Mary Elizabeth K{'ho~ , A3 of : Phil" Clab Cedar Rapids. midshIpmen; J eanne Attend Conference . ;:: IJru'dld Saks, Aa at Cou ncil Blurts, ~ was fecteu pl'esldeht Philo cl ub S\ln, : day venlng In the river room of : Iowa Union. Olher offrcer)" &ct, : ed in .June. are Samuel T . Bllt·rt8on. : Dr ot Newark. N . J .• vIce prealdilllt; ~ and Natalie Schoen. A3 oC Cedar Rap· • Ids. sel'retary,treas·urer.

, . ..., tH + : Phi Epsilon: Pi' , phI Epsilon Pi will ente'rtaln the "7'lntel',fratel'nlty council at Mnner to·

morrow nig ht.

Schadel. P3 or Rell Oak. petty om, Prof. Elizabeth Uallley, head o( the ~ cers; Anne Bradfield. A4 of Daven· women's physical education (lQpart­POI·t, chevron": and Mal'guet'lle Heh· mcnl. will attend tho WhIte House del'. 0 of Iowa City, admlralft. cpnference In Wash Ington , D. C. to

Table decomUorls will conAlst oC be hel<l Nov. 19 to ~2. . bowls 'ot lavender a nd ye\1ow chrysan· ThIs 18 a. sllllclal commlsaJon ap, them urns with pink toses, with Ivory pointed by President Hoover [or the candles In amber hol<!ers. study of problems oC child conserva·

+, + + tlon. I

D~'.~ G ""'" WhUe In tho cast. Protesspr Hal, enu amIRfJ S(1Y will a lso go to Phlladelphlll 'fo r

Del'La Gammil. aOI'orlty I'nlcrtnlnCd the a nnua l meellng IJt thl! U n/teU 22 alumnae a t a Illnner al the chaPlel' Sintes field hockey association held house last eve ning. [rom Nov. 26 to 29.

• ~8m makes the ohservance of thi~

l J t. ,

more imp~sive ea'eh year.

'1 Ais store will be

Closed Today

--- ~ - ~--'-

A ,Beautiful Ring for Her

, . . Wily Not-

Ell.Ch year w have a number of peol>le w ho ('orne in early and sel ct some gift for thejr denr ones-ofte1'l it watch, a ring, a new set of Haviland Chi na Or silver­they have us lay it away for th m, pay­ing a little on it each w k and then when Christrnafl 'COlnes they haVe it completm paid for.

Why Not You? . ,

A small d posit will hold nny ' Article fri our stor~, She will be morc than pleas­ed with a benutlful ring or watch and you will not notice the payments on it between now and Christmas. Our present selec­tion of beautiful lasting gifts is very Coni­plt'te and remember, your jeweJeT fur­nishes "the gIft evel'lasthWr."


J. "mds & Son .. Your Jeweler Your Friend

, I


Educatil Nation DrYPl

Prohihitioni! for Comil

in COl

WASlIINGTON, Drys are moblltzlr for the proepectlv tIe In congre8s ane .a. na Uonal ellucntl,

Sena.tor Fess, R, staunch prohlbltlo call tollay tor the and he emphasized it must be conduct prohibition slaft.

Drys H, Senator FeBS II

drys are going to l ganlzatlon . There also tha t tho work lhe antl'saloon shouldered Lho lhe dry cause Cor

Salvation of the ment Ie the ,tli the prohl


Kiwanians Wives,


Iowa. City their wives bridge at 6:46 the Jefferson

The party the regular the tlrst of IllS nJght." bave on A ture.

I the 'D1B.rrltlIr6 Alderson, Inr eohool HlLrtaOCk rled a.t the 1IIIn, III. Tho), buque etreet.

W.C.T.U, The decea.ecd

wldo'IVor, one z..er, a.nd two L!lwll, all of },(rt. Char Ice

• P. m.-J"'u., trio .

(I )t. m,-"""" WeUI trio.

• p. m.-S ban.

' I Tti eta

ella Deltil ntramUl'tl1 III Yl!"l~r.

XI Dell., won (lVer


l~hlL :Xl

nil! tC1l1l\ l 'S ROCona

Rt I~n nl* h·.t teull\

hamplon 11 1l1'ehe,; at 4 p.lII. ItH. Maj.. 0"1\ (:Itv, of 9G for t, A4 0/

th Il 8CO~

8 arrows front 40

,'own, A4 an, AI 01 JUlIpn, AI

Wit Cit]'. arl't lIt'.­nd, Ind"

ona. [)enk· I'd oncl'. by Do,ls anti Edll,l

('Iub \\111 team this

Ml'lI. Carl }o'ltzgcrnld, . A. l'hll· , Mr •. Mn· rrnnn, and

Alpha Chi e lItr. III1d ton, Mrs. lufCs, Ruy' KarlJ(el'

vln Un'th, IlIlgan, (1

eh!, A2 at I of Knos'

1', AI d

e fl1 eae· yOU een

eJec' c()l1l­fur'

TU~E=SD~A~Y=r=N=O~V=E=M=B=ER==11=,~1=93=O~'~~~~====~~~~~~~~~==~~~==~~~~~TH~E~D=A=~=Y~IO=W~A~N=,~I=OW==A=C=IT~Y~~====~ __ ~_~ __ ~_=_~_~_~_ ~.~_~_~ __ ~_~_ ========~====~~==P=A~G=E=THR===E=:E Education for ]V. A~.E;~-'!REP ARES: FOR SOUTH AMERICAN TRIP Swim Clubs Nation Marks Break; Eels Dry Program Plan Pageant

Prohibitionists Mobilize for Coming Battle

in Congress

WASHINGTON, Nov, 10 (API­Drys are mobilizing on cap itol hill for t he prospective prohibition bat­t ic In congress and the tlrst step Is .a. national educo.tlonal prognun.

Senator Fess, Republican, Ohio, a 8tauaoh p rohibitionist, 80undQd the call today for lhe e<lucatlonal drive und he emphasized as he did so that it must bo conducted by a r eorganized prohibition staft.

Drys R eorganlzo Senator Fess Indicated that the

drys are going to build over their 01'­

ganlzatlon. There Is an Indication also that the work will ]lot be left to the a ntl'8flloon leagUe which has shouldered the polillcat nellvlty of t he dry cause tor so many YC11rs.

Salvation of the eighteenth a mend· ment Is the one banner for whlcn .11; the prohibitionists are unllcfl.

No R etur n of Saloon

Dolphin Revue Booked for Next Month;

New Theme

Tho traditional Eel-Seal R eVUe III no more!

But tho Eels, 0 1' DolphIns, III'{­plannIng a watel' pagean t which they claim will out do any aquatic 111'0-

gram ovel' berore stnged at this uni ­versity, Tuesday night the honornry swimming fraternity decided to un­liprtake Ihls project without the aid or the Seals. women's aq uallc c lub. Which has betore been a co· partner In the review.

Expeet Record Crowds

"The people will never stand ror tile return or the saloon," said Sena, tor Fess, "nor will they glvo up the elght'enth amendment. We need a national campaign tor education."

The stand by l~e88 was Inte~preted by lome as a warning that any move by the repu1!lIcan party against tbe eighteenth amendment In the 1932 prellden tlal campaign would bring a. :IIpllt. Fess Is chairman ot the Re· jl\lbUcan nationa l committee,

The Prince of Wales, who sailsfor'South Amer- beside bis own ,private airplane which pt'obably ica on the British steamc~ Ol'o])e!'l!i. (below ) .Jan- win be taken over and stationed at Buenos Aires nary 15 to open the British tr813.e expoKition at during the exposition. Map hows pointll he will Buenos Aires plans to do some flying on the other visit on Latin America trip, side of the cart b.. lIe is shown dbovc standing I :

A wide publlclt.v ca mplIl<;n IA "lnnned by the Dolphins tor their ghow. The pageant wlll h~ advl'rU,,­cd In all neighboring towns Inclutl · Ing Ced:or Re lllds, Clinton. De~

~Toln~~. lind the 1'rl-Cltles. B1each~rH tU'o helnA' constructed to Reat 1,000 ql1el'tator~. nnd thp Aftnlr Is to be h('ld on two nights, Dec. 9 and 10. InRtead of one night In order to ac­"ommodate the crowds that are ex' pected to witness the event.

The name of lhls year's pageant Is "Show Boa t. " The theme Is belnlr written by three members ot thc or· ~anlzatlon, assisted by Coach DR viti A. Armbruster and Irving G. Wt'bt'l'. 'l.n alumnus. The pool will r eprcsent tho Mississ ippi dver. At the deep pnd thel'c will be a typical show boat. 1nd the "river" wlll be lined wllh cottagcs. The cast wll! Include 36 frnembel's of the honol'Ury fraternity, 1'9 20 pledges, half a dozen protes' qlonals. and Iowa's six mos t beauti­ful women.

P e.oIiltlee of Little Erred Senator Fe8s, conceded that lIUl In·

creaaed penalties recently Imposed for liquor violators had failed to be of the benetlt he had hOJled.

Like congress, Itselt, the Jlrohlbl.

Hoover Talks to Advertisers

on Good Will

~ __ o...-___ ~ Ammel Ends Coralville. News I

't.O- R- A-L-V-IL-L-E- -N- E-'-V-S-- .--- · New York to ' Mr. and lIles. McAllis ter I'e turned

to . their home in Dallas' after vl~lt­\

lng ' a t the hom e of Ira McAll is ter, Panama Hop Pia u Beaut y Contest

Itlon question and wha t those on capltol 'hlll will do about It are enlg. mas that only the tuture can solve. Moat of those members now hiWaah· Inglon are Withholding the ft', mula­tlon of plans until the pl'C Ident's law entorcemen'i. commiSSiOn com­pletes Its report which may come obout !.he tlrst ot the year.

(CONTINUED FROM PAn!': If EiJlWard McAllister retul'nedo to his First Nonstop Flight be Completed; to

Try Return


Dolphln R will select one queen for P1ch night a nd water nymphs t l'om Town's most bea utiful repl'esentnlivp women. TIl(' setting tOt· the queen will br a huge water-IllY In the mld­file ot the Jlool. At th e openln l{ ot the performan ce the petal~ ot thp lilly will open revealing the beauty qupen on h('r throne. Water nymphs will be disclosed on the huge lea \'es.

ferred cottage Inaul!lI'le~ hila ma~ home\ a fter IIpendlng foul' weeks I,n production, From enla l'ged dlrfu8~ La P(JI·te, Ind. I

Kiwanians Enterulin Wives, Friends at

Party This Evening

Iowa City J{lwanlans will entertain their wIves and friends at a dinner bridge at 6:45 o'clock this evening at the Jefferson hotel.

The party will take tho place ot the regular Tuesday luncheon, and Is the first of the proposed annual "lad, lei night," which the club'hopes to ha.ve on Armlstlce night In the fu­t ure,

+ + + Eastlawn

porothy A, J ohnson, A4 of Ireton; LO,ulse Phipps, AS ot Charlton: Jean­ne H. Sperry. A4 ot Orundy Center; and Geraldine M. Taylor, AI of Ire' torl, accompanied KatherIne Wall, A4 oC Victor, home tor ArmlRtlce day.

Helen L . Maines, A3 Of Da.venport, and Mary L. Voss , A2 ot Davenport, are spending the day at hOln!'. Doro­thy Wohlet'I, A4 ot State C.'nter, Is at borne today.

+ + + Currier Hall

Currlel' students spending Annis· tide day at home al'e: Helen and Jean !)Owning, both Al ot Anamosa; Doro­thy Durlan, A2 of Wollman; ·1, ol1oro Goldberg, Ai of Newton; Alberta Kem-

.slon of arllcles and ser vices you cheapen costs and thereby you are a part Of the dYllamlc force which ~reates high er standards ot livin g .

"Moreover, YOUI' consta nt exploita­tion of every Improvement In ever y article and service spreads a l'est­less pillow tor every conlpctltor a nd drives the 'Producer to feverish ex· ertions In new Inventions, new ser­Vice, and stili more Improvement.

A.dvertising Essential One time advertIsing was perhaps

looked upon as a n Inlruslon, a ola mor of the credulous. But YOUI' subtlety a nd beguiling U1ethod~ have long since. overcome this resentmoot. From aU of which t he pubUc has ceased to deny the usefulness ot ad­vl'rtlsing and has cOllie to Include you In the things We bear in ltCe.

"But In more seriOUS turn. the very importance ot the position which advertiSing has risen to oCCUpy In 'the econ'Omlc system Is In direct Pl'opO..tlon to the ability at Ihe people to depend upon tho probity ot the statements YOU present.

"You bave recognlzcd Lhe rcsponsl. bllIty. The betl~r bu~illess bUl'eau and the vlgUance agencle8 which you have set up to Htlfeguard the geneI'· al repulatlon of advertiS ing are not on ly sound ethlc~ but ~ou "'t bu~r· ness."

Wealthy Wife Seeks Divorce From Actor

mann, A1 at Clarence; Marie 1". Kel· LOS ANGELES, Nov. 10 (API­ly, A2 of Cedar Rapids; and Allce Hobert Amos. 8creen actor, was dl­Walker, At ot Dewitt. vurced lJy his wealthy wlte, lIlrs.

Nedra Brewer, A3 of 'Vebstet· Clly, Helen M. Ames, today on charges Is 'VIsiting In Norway. Estbor Glas- of cruelty and habitual intoxication. pey, A3 of Independence, Is In CO.-I Allies !lId not contest the action. lumbu8 Junction. Mary R IUley, A l "lIe was drinking all Ihe tll11e of Anamosa, Is In De8 Moln~s. Pearl whon we man'led In Wa ukegan, Tlep, A1 of Cedar Rapids, 1M In New· 111.," 1011'8. Ames tesll[fed. "That ton. Juanita ZOok, C3 of Moline, Is was l<'eb. 10, 1927. H~ promised In Anamolia.. he would stop drinking and did un-

+ + + til a year ago, when h begun Norma Alderson ugaln, became sulky, bad temp~red

'Ind Irritable until our seplLnLLlon Wem R. Hartsock Qct. 10. He frequently dl'ank 110

Nona. Lewis ot Iowa CILy spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs, Dana lVhlte.

FRANCB F'TELD, Canal Zone, Nov. 10, (API-The monoplane Blue Flash or Capt. Roy W. Ammel, Chicago

Margaret: Ives, daughter of Mr. airman, flashed In hel'e at 2:4 1 0'

and , Mrs. E. K . I\'e. entertained a clock this afternoon, compleUn" a party of trlends In honor ot her thlrt;~enth birthday. Games were played and Jldzes won by Lyle lIIary

I ' Nance, \Jack Nance, an,l Dick Nance, Refreshments were served.

\ IJ

Ardelle .and Leo 'Whlte spent Satur· day with Billy Conklin In Iowa City.

\ -- .. Mrs. Ira, HlIls visited her parents,

Mr. a nd ~rs. Mallly F~untaln of Plea.sant Yalley township. I

'. ---George Pl'ehoda has retUrned to

his ·; home at't er undergolnll; a major ope~atlon at Mercy ~ hospital , 10wI/, City.

3.198 mill' nonstop Wght tram' New YOl'k In 24 hours, 24 mlnut .. s.

'Venlher condilions were ('xccllpnt 118 thEl ChlcagOlln, who Is a bl'ol{H by" "atlon, covel'ed the !nst stagl'1I of his long trip.

Captain Ammel was wnlcomed lly Lieut. Col. James A. Jllar~, commlilld­ant an d other members of tho I ~th·

,mla n all' fo rce of t he United Stutes :1J'my stationed at this field.

First Completed "'light The flyer thus completed the

first nonstop flight from New York to P a na ma. He left New York at 2 :10 o'clock yesterday aCtel'nooll with a low-wing monoplane equlppoll with a 500 horsepower motor Qlld havln&: :I. crUising speell of 135 11')lles

M.rs. Louise Hill returned to Iowa a n 11 our. He ca rrIed 703 gallon" of City, after spending several ,weeks I gas,<JlIno allll 34 gallon" of 011 , which with Mrs. and Mrs. Tony Nortman. WIlS sufficient for II- 4,000 milo trill,

but had no radio. Mr_ and MI'8~ont Davis and Soon atter his arrival C"ptaln Am:

f"mlly accomJlanled by Glenn Colony .mel announced ~e would attempt a spent Saturda will relnUve In nonstoJl jump flom Panama to ChI·

Lob"ell to Feature Comedy and aquatic abi lity will

Intermin gle with daring and death defying teats to vary the progl'Um. In nddllion to an exhibition at .fan cy diving from the spring boards, Went, worth Lobdel1, A3 ot Rocktord, III .. Iowa 's Big Ten and ali-AmerIcan dlvln~ champion , will perfOrm a numbel' at twists and flips trom the rat tel's of the pool. A tire dive from the saml\ 50 foot height will bo ex· ecutl'd by a flame shrouded plun ger.

The committee chairmen were an· nounced last nIght by 'President 'Wentworth W. Lobdell. They are: Willia m S. McCulley, A3 of Omaha, Neb., geneml manager; Boyd N. L1d­dIe, J4 ot Davenport, advertising;

Roland E. Tompkins , A2 of Sioux City, tickets; Robert G. Janss, A~ ot Atlan tic, programs; R eynold p . Jurgensen, A4 of Clinton, bleachers: Bertrand W . Myel', A2 of Dubuque, property: Kenneth 'M. Smith, E3 of Sioux City, electrician ; Oeorge A. Ammann, AS of Boonton, N. J ., con, struction; William H . Ra wdon, AS of St. Louis, urt; Irving O. Wober, nlumnua, prizes, and Roy r... Bodine, D1 of 1<'t. Benning, Ga.., m .. lo,

T y 1 S cairO aft!'!' a few days rest . ama, After he reaches Chicago, the tly· Meteors Due

er sa id he Intended to plan a. t ran 11-Josepb Hoert returned from tho oceanic fJlr;ht tOI' some time In the

1108pltal attel' having his tonsils and /1])1'1 nil'. probably to parI/! or Rome, a denoids r emoved, but his first concern now Is to re·

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Parrot of East Moline spent tho week cnd at the bome Of Mr.! and Ml·S. Brandslatter.

Mr. and 1I1t·s. Wesley Prehoda and da.ughtel' Dorothy of Riverside vjs­lied the home of the former'ij brothel' George Prehoda, Sunday,

1\011'. and Mrs. Leonard McAllister anll sons Leroy and Jean visited at the home of Ihe former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ira McAllister.

turn 10 his home city. Experiencetl Llttio 'fronble

Captain Ammel said he had little trouble except tha t at the takeoff he bal'ely cleared high tension elec·

on Saturday eo

November 15 tJ'lc wlrel! and nearly pulled his fuel PlIILADELPlllA, Nov. 10 (Al'l­clump valve. Again, as he neared The scattered outl'ldel'S of lhe world'H Atlanta, hili engines hegan to stutter greatest meteor tUsplay arc due be­.but he kloked UpOIl anotllCr fuel tween Nov, 11 and 17. valve In time to prev(1nt trouble. Few In llumbers, they al'O the ad.

'rhe aviator (lew 11Y (1Nl.\ reckon- va.nce guards of tho vast m a in swarm In ~ a ll tho way, a lthough he wn~ of leonid nlcteors which appeat' III aided bv thp bPacon Rystem along th" United Statc~ a irlines, In Cuba great numbers three times a century. a nd the Is le of Pines, and thereufter and which are due either to hit 01'

Pauline Hanzelin returned to her went by the SUIl. Just miss the earth In 1933. It th ey


'apt. l~dw,JJ'(1 V. lliC'krnbllck(,l' (left ), photogl'apll('d with Presi­d 'nt J [O()\'C'I' at Bolling field, Wasbington, after r ceiving t ho. COIl­

gl'(' .·S iOll!!1 111(>(181 of honor. 'I'lli' prcs('ntation waR made by the presi­dent at Mil chJlJOl'at(' cCI'rmony in J101101' of thc figllter Cl' ditcd with 26 victories in the ail' during the world war,


Georgc Arliss and Norma Shearer, winuel's of the merit awards for acting given yearly by the Academy of l\Iotiou Picture Arts and cienc s, '

during the last thousand y('al's. Most of the advance guarcl tllis

year Is expected In the Cllrly lllorning hours of Saturday, Nov. 15. All OVCI' North America and Europe astrono­mers and thelr friend will he out counting th('se 1930 l eonld~, hoping ther by to flnil indications to '/.Ie po­sition of the oncoming main "tI'Cllm.

If m ore [conlds show up than on Nov. 15 last yelll', when about ten per hour were counted for three hours at the lJIue UIII ohsl'!'valory neul' Dos ton It will be taken as a Hlgn I hat the "hlg Rho \v" ]losslb1y Is headed thlR way. If there Js no In· crease In l1umhel's it may ml',," they are art [lie tmcl< I he eurth III ter­sects.

lIanl~y Rests Wildent,

Hawklets Hold Pep Meeting; Fire Boxes;

School Band Plays

Fire Sunday night destroyed tho pile of boxes which the 8tudon ts of Towa Clly high school had gathered On Shrader field to burn at the Home­comi ng pep meeting last night. ~'he

hox pile was beyond control when the Clre dopurtment ar rived.

'1'ho stUdents yellterday hullt an­Hher pile. About 300 Lillie llawl{ followers marched last lllgh t I, .. hlnd the band .to Sl1I'adet· field 10 proclaim Ih('l.. loyalty to their t eam which meets 'WaShington high of eMar Haptds today.

Use the Iowan Want Ads

\300 at First Band Concert

Moose Band Presents Program Directed

by G. Unash

More lhan 300 attended the con­cert of the local Moose band whleb was held At the Moose hall last nigh t. This co ncert was the rirst at a. series which a l'e 9Cheduled to b beld every month Ihroug h the winter,

Under the direction of George U n­ash, the band Jllayed pieces varying from popular aelectlons to marches, (rom overtures to patriotic t unes, played In commemoration of ArmlJJ· tlce day.

During i nterm~slons In the band program several feature numbers were presented . Henrietta Daut Jllayed the marimba xylophone; Cath­erine Grim presented a toe da.nce and a. tap dance; !lnd John Suner played sev I'al novelty selections on the floxltone, accompo.nled on the plano by MI·s. F ery l Bane.

The bancJ played the following se, lectlon: ''''aehlngton Post, ~'ho E ln es, Stein Stong, Georgia Girl, Bar­num !lnd Bailey, Over There, There's a Long Long TruJl, Ulgh School Ca­dets, Innocence, New AnnapOlis, a nd the concluding number on the pro· gram was the lodge song-l'rIy Moose· heart.

C. L. Robbins on Program at Convention

The liCe of th e small to\.n school superintendent as com pared with that Of the dub golfel' o n a well trapped couree will be the theme ot a n address by Prot. Chal'les L, RObbins ot the college ot ed ucatlon betol'e the convention of the Iowa State Teachers a ssoclallon Stltul'day In Des MOines, Thursday, Friday, and Satul'llay.

PI·of. Norman Foerster, director ot Ihe school of letters, will address the association on realism and nat, urallsm In lItel'a.ture,

Prot. M. J. Nelson, head ot tho department or IOwa State Teachers college, will SPeak before the jun. 101' college section dlscusa1ng the

justification ot establishing munl· clpal junior colleges.

'1'be extenSion ot nursery schools will be discussed before the kinder, garten section by Esther Leech, In. structor In the child wel(are depart· mcnt.

Reports Give Crop Figures

W ASHINO'l'ON, Nov. 10 (AP)-­Prospective production ot corn was reported today by the depa.rtment ot agl'lculture to have been Incl'eased 47 million busbels over th o estimate of a month ago by a favorable lato growing 60ason.

'1'he preJlmlna l'y estImate ot this Yl'al"" corn crOI> Wits l)Iac d at 2,-094,481,000 bushels as against 2,046,-716,00 0 a. month ago a nd production last year ot 2,61 4,307,000.

"Late crops In 1930," the depart­ment said, "were favored by a late growing 8eason In many Importan t B tate~ anll ylclds are quite gcnerany above tho expectations Of a mon th '1~0. 'l'he estimate of corn production has been Inoreased since last mont h by more than two per cent.

"'l'he estimates tor potatoes, sweet pol.u.toes, apples, rice. grain, sorg­hums. buckwheat and sugar beels have been incrcased !Ive to eight per cent. Prospects for 'beans and tobacco also have Improved slightly, Flax seed, broom corn and sugar cane grown fO l' syrup are the on ly Important field crops for which tho e!ltlmatCl! have been reduced."

Announcement was nlade l~st eve- Inuch it Inle l'fel' d wUIl hJs work nng of th engagement Of Mary as a motion picture actor ." Moen, J\,3 of Onawa, to Marcus Mag' She dill not seek alimony. nU886n , A3 ot Clinton.

Miss Moen Is affiliated wJth Delta Gamma sorority, a nd Mr. Magnussen with Kappa Sigma fraternity.

InteMllIotional RehltiollS t1ub ~leets The Intcrnatlonal Relations cl ub

will meet on the sun porCh at Iowa UniOn today at 7:30 p. m. Walter McGrath, A3 of New York CIty, preSident, said yesterilay that this year, Instead ot dlsousslng a single topic a ll year as for merly, the club would choose a variety ot subjects. NEWS BRIEFS-

home after spending a week In Chl- Cal,taln AC;:::elt~t:I:~Sy t wo sal1d- 1 ~~t't1:t~~en~m~~~:x~~~~ha t~~t~,~~l;' cago. wlches, 0.. bottit' oC soun and olle ap- produced occu.slona lly on past visits

Mrs . Ha.l'ry Oddy of Ames Is viSit, pie during the flight . He said he be-

EVANSTON. 111. , Nov. 111 (API­Coach Dick lIanley rclcaHtti the wholo NOI·thw('stt't'J1 footi),11l R'lliad toduy an(,I' t<'lUng hl ~ athlvtt!s to fur­ge-t aboul Noll'" Dame und stftrt con· ccntl'atillg on \\·l~COIH.111 "wlli"11 will I{ccp you UU HY enough t hi" week."

came ~Ieepy while over the CarIbbean a. gooll rest and tomorrow he will be jng her 818ter, l'rIrs. J . A. Brandstat- 'a tel' tor a few days. ncl at one time went Into a doze, r eceived officially by tho pre~ldent Sl.u.ndo.nllzn.Uon has "I',IUCOll the

awakening 10 discover his plane 111 ot Panama, the governOr ot tho Call- slz s or balloon tires Crom 43 two 5T~UQ'S

+ + + Mrs. Findly to Give Ijeport on Convend6n

Rachel Carrell missionary lIoclety Of the Chl'l~tlan church wllt meot Wednesday at 6:15 p.m., a.t thq home of Anna Lake, 208 E . Fall'chll4 street. Mn. G, E, Flndly wlJl report on the ~atlonal conventLon which 8he at-tended at Washington, D. C. LillIan Adams will lead the mecllng.

-+ + + Bodrd Enjoy. Picnic Supper

The oltlclal boal'd ot th e Chl'letian ch urch met at the homo ot DI'. and Mr8. W. nohrbaCher, 811 E. Coll~ge IU-eet lut evening. A IJIOl'llc sup, Del' WQ,IJ followtlc\ by th regulAr busl· lle88 moeting,

+ + + A1tk1n1on·JJarllIock

I AlInouncemen t hll8 boen mado ot the marrlll&'e Sunday ot Norma J une Alderson, a. graduate of nursol' train, Inl achool lut Juno, and Richard J . HarteOck of Tltfln. They wore mar· rled at the hOme Of tho bride In EI, r ln, III, They will livo at S28 N. Du­buque .treat.

w,o,T,u, + + + The decea8ed Is 8urvlved by 11er

Widower, one daugh te r , Ml'~, W ill z..er, and t wo 80ns, Malcom a nd Ber t lAIwlI, a ll of Iowa City; one I I. tor , MTi. eharlel Johu ot CrOlton, and 14 8tlU\dc\lIldron,

WSUIPROGRAM Noon-Luncheo'h hou r program,

CharI.. Cl-awley a nd oroheltra., a p, m.-){u8Io&l program, WSUI

trio, (. ,. ' tn r--Dlnner hour pfOl ram­

waul trio. ,. p. m,-Itudent activI ty, Currier


Esther Bower~ has returned to Ce­dar Rapids atter .sPending t he week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Bowers.

a vertical banl{ at It sP('ed ot 190 ul Zone and other officia ls. years ago to 17. miles an hour. Thereafter he sang - ---------------------------. lustilY to keep awake.

At one place he r an Illto a severe storm along the coast. He f lew low and tor a moment was Imperiled by

Mrs. B. ,y, Bowers Is confined to palm trees but 'Pulled UP sately. her home by llIness. Tonight Captain Ammel obtained

. Homecoming's Biggest Party! . The

Annual All-University

Homecomllll Par~y sponsored by the Iowa Union Bo~rd8

Friday Night Music by \



Tickets, '\~50 at 'Union Desk ., , Ticket Sa1e Limited •

' . "

The Advantages of a

Checking Account

A checking account has many ad· vantages.

Payment of bills by check avoids the necessity of taking and pre­serving! receipts, enables tyou to pay by mail, and relieves you of carrying substantial sums of cash on your person or in your home,

Aside from those conveniences, your checking account, if you car­ry a satisfactory balance, will give you a standing with your bank that will prove beneficial aU through life.

The First National Bank of Iowa City welcomes the accounts of re­sponsible individuals, firms, or cor­porations.

FIRST NATIONAL .... "' ... FlNUL .ru.-v. IVll a",


fARMERS loAN & TRUST Co. 4....A$s~i$ OVQr $4.000,000.00


A STOlt! .. CIt E'tIEIt)'aODy -Armistice

Day--The years roll on but we

are always glad to close

this day in respect to

those who gave their

Uves fol'. their country,



~ ~~'1I dent at the expense of tho. e whose only ~~~ chance to get home comc with the long

, hristmas holiday. ~USbed evel')' motnlnl: except MOl'd&y by Student That leaH'S At'mistice day as a possible Pu~lIcaUons tncorporated, at 128-180 Iowa avenue. Iowa sub tl'tllte, A rOVl'ng hoMay which inter-CiU', lOWL Fred Ill. Pownatl. Dlrec:tOl',

Bo&rd of Truifees: Frank 1.. Mott. Iil. Ill. MacEwen, R. l'Upts th work of a montli ill which ITome-s. Klttrleige, Sidney Q, Wtnler. Sblrley ~ Web.ter, Balley coming an'd Thanksgiving both come, it ~ .ft~':'~l¥tbe C, Conn. Leonard -feteraon. Cla7ton wonld well be turned frofu an occa. ion rec-

Harry S. Bunlcer. General Manai.r ogriized by di. mi !Sa l of cIa. s into onc with , WlWam T. liageboeck. Aulataot General Van ... , It brief period devoted to the essentipl lJUl'-EnI~red 9./! eecond clllll8 mall matter at the Jl(!IIl'otflee po e of the (Jay.' ,.

at Iowa CIty. Iowa, under the &et of COIllP"ea8 ollil&rcb 2. UJ1dl!r the pre. ent arrllngemeht there. is 1&71 •• " .. nd rcal holiday Armistice (luy. ·R.O.'l' .. The Asaoclated Presa' ll ex::lualvel1 entltlet! to ule for I '. ., rep:1bJlcation of all newl <il.patches credlte~ to It fr Il'Ot ana band member partici pa'te iu the parlwe oth6rwiAle credited tn thJa paper and &180 I e!oca new. 'yitllOut 1.0 ... of a. da~' I,ill 't,lle, llr clkily \llot,k" a.nd. P\l~t..hud herein" - I

All rlghtB of repuhltealJon ot .peelal dllpatCllee bereln are for the mo. t Tl rt pl'evented from ~Otng ue al80 reserved. hbDle. fnd'etits' wlib,' live at a distance are

EDITORIAL DEPABrMENT .' t1l1abl ~ to take advadt'a~e 'of tI\I~ respi/te llf-~~~n~.AH:~!~~on"::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::"lla;;aii;;if ~31~~~ , forded. l\forcov'er l\lein61'ia~ day really Oeti -~"b:,,~epe~j:":=:::=::::=:=::=:::::::-~::-_~::::::::::::::. Nc~7: E.d:~ fohns lnost 6f t'hE)\ lb!lllisbce day functions ~~~ Rutherford ........... -...... _ ..................... Sporte Ed~t.Or in r~. p' ct t& th.e sol<i'ier d ~d. .. . Yieau:;.t ~a~~~ .. ::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::_::~~.I.~~~~ ~ggl~tl~ ~~ t~~ AN ':1, I It tter of' grea·te. 't good to the gl'e~ t ~ EJ./jel $wne .•. -.................... _ .......... AsslsU.ntcsoelety ~~llttor rst' nl.1 mbel'" ~It' is d' si'l·;'ble tbat hrist"mas J!'rlU1k .Tarte ._._ .. _ ............... _ .. ___ ._.......... ampus..,. ... u~ jJ

~orOlhY Rubenstein ...... .............. Asslsto.nt Campus' Edlto~ vacatilnt.1i tile ' I' maio' at as ncar its Jke 'ent .rf~:~o.~o~~·~ z::.~.:::.:::~.:~::~:·.::::·.::::::::·:.:·.::-:::~~ .. F niu;~I~rgn~r' Ien"OI asj1~ksible, giving "tltclent~ 1'1'0'1)'1 otheL' lUIi& Peterson ......... " .... _ ................................ Lltero.ry Editor states n chance to get h·ome. W .111u Ilcc61'd lIIargare~ Unterklrcner ......... _ ........... Book Rev law Ealtor " ) I ,

BUSINESS DEPARTlIlENT 'l'itH i)is 'pl'lhciplli if! ' tIle ld It thht tha1lks-1Jqnl,1elt Burke ................ ~ ........ , .............. Buslnes~ 1ifano.ger gi'v i1~g vacations shOilId 1n thc future be ex~ Agnes W. Schmidt ............................ -.......... _ ..... , AccountlUlt tcnded to includc the ,\'ee k en cl. 'l'he only

, TELEPHONE no dr.'lwback is the t"na'city with which some Bro!!cll exchange connecting all deJ)al'l:menta "


Twelve Years Later

TWELVE ycars, and all is well- but is'it' The war is encle 1, but tbe memory

liJlgerf; on- but does it ? All is quict On the western front- but is

it 7 J When shrieking whistles at ~ :30 n.m. tol(l

,tne world 12 years agQ today, that the World wal' was ended there was ample catls fOI' celebration. To soldiers in the tr~J1Ches it

· mea nt going homc to . leel) in beds and en· · joy oleu ll linen and eat wllolesorne food . 'Llo those at 110lh it meant having someone llack W)1O hat( b cn mif!llin~ for mOl'e than a yea.r amI whose Ilbscl1ce liad been the CIlLIRC of sharp ~11lXiotie8 and ell' aded exp ctat io\\s,

'ro everyone it meant hop -a hope, that as President Woodrow Wil RO Il put it, thi s was a " ·wal'. to elld wal·s."

'foday, after 12 ears memori es are I Sg poignant. A few of tIle soldi el'~ who were in the midst of 11le i'ighti'l1g on ov. 11, 191' will don IlIlifc/l'mfl that ll(lve become too smali for them amI wi ll 1'ecall more or 1 ~s." vivirlly tIl ' relief with which thry lai] down thcir bayonets and turlwd tow!\l'd~ bome. 'I'here wi~l bEl some who waited tor those . that did not come back who will bru h away tears as thc parade passes. Many will simply gO about their business as though tod/lY werc no different from any other day.

But tllCre i. another clem nt in the coun­try 's population to whom Armistice day is

'apt to .mean Rqmethi!lg far diffcl'cnt. 'fwelvc yeal's l~ 1\01, a long tJlne, but there has sprung up in that brieE span a generation that can not recall lilly thing of the real purport of war.

'1'0 tbosc who reeal1 the world conflict in ·terms of marching . oldiers and the blare of bands, t hose who wcre boys of ten at the time, who are now men in the early twenties

l there is mOre Ot' less of romance in fighting. Those who were too young t() remember even ' the tramp of many feet, those WllO have been borne Hincc the VersaiU s treaty will won­dCI' at the tears tHat come into mother's 01' grandmother's eyes and run a\vay to enjoy thc splcndor of today 's parade.

It is at this yo unger generatiort that Ar­mistice dRY celebration. should be aimed. It SllOltlCl br made t.o se~ this ddy llot ris just auoth r holiday, wben the band plays, a day frced i l'om the ordinary grind. . ..

'l'l1cse arc tbe oneS who are most likely to know the horrors of another war. It is not likely that another great conflict will arise which ' will enmesh the gencration that has now r ached adulthood. '

For es aro now on foot which in another decade may lead to armed confliet. Whe­thcr or not tlley will depends upon the ef­f ctiveness of the, now, worldwide movement for peace.

With such a thought-in Il\ind, every cffort should be exerted to make, Armistice duy mol' than just another holidaY.

Wear a Badge

FROM points as distant as eattle, Los An­geles, and Boston orders for Iowa Home­

coming badges are being received. Alumni all over the country will wear these symbols of their alma mater even if circumstances prevent their presf,lnee at the festivities.

For rour days before Nov, 15 sorority girls will give every Iowa City citizcn and evefy Univel'sity of Io\va studeut tHc opport'un'ity to buy 11 badge. It is yOUI' duty to 'pm'chase and wear one, It will be the only Homecom­ing badge sol<1 during thc week.

If everyone shows his cnthu, iasll\ and scllOol loyalty by helping to break' aU previ­ous sales records of badges, the 1930 Home­coming will bo one of the greatest tue uui­vel'flity lla ever ceebr(lted.

Buy youI' badge early, wear H: tl\'roilghont tlle week, /lnd help to strengthen lIll old lowll trllditioll.

A.rmist.ice . Vacadort

TODAY is a holiday in tbe state of Iowa , as fill' us the ncgotialJili ly <if checks lind ·the regulation of finlllleial transciions Ul'e · conCCI'ueu.

'1'oday is a holiday for the University of Iowa .as far as r~~uircment of chlss otte~d-

.llnce IS concerned. . ' _ . I' ,

• Exemption from g01l1g to c}~ss IS #iHcdme whenever it comes. Few~tuclerlts' feel thilt they are deprived of anytlli'rlgwbell a class

:period it!! removed from the sellicster total. ;'fhat is one rellBort why st\idclnts 'do o~ 8~ 'the .neees. ity of having' ,class~rt· tlltdi\'idll:y .and Saturday follJwin~ ·1~lia~lts~ivipg, Thur8-day. Yet an extension' to 1~ave at that time would mean time take)l from else Herel since : the university op~,r~t.ef!. on; a ~8S;~ o~ ~~~~ ,. spent hI cl8ss, of wlile~ It has as low a num-

1 bel' 88 roost .¥()boQls. 1 . • " ,

'ro take all that day anu a half from Chri~t­mas vacation would mean ai4ing Iowil stu-

ollganizatioh. clingto U),ll holiday whicl} per­petuatcs thei)· wi 'he .

::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J. 'ltow Db You Fe~l?

II H OW'S YOllr he/IItll Y" The qu~stiori . ,. /JOp ' good natu!'edly from. the ~out.h

of a so icitolls acq uillntlluee 0)' lrlcnd W110 IS observiJlg a commOn courtesy without thought of the consequence... .

And t)lCll the chron ic sufferer is off. lIe h118 ,a sr}itti~g hea~aqhe, a set of miscrably d ellyee te th ~ all ti~ ratioJl sbdl' tli ~t .~ odld make your gllan~mo\her I tnL'lt Over 1r 1m' gi'ave, is 011 thl' vC I'ge 01" a iJe'i.'vQu. )jr'ellk~ ddwn, OJ' ilL a vihual'state or co\ra rise 1'1'()lh ariy olle 0\' c6mbin. tidn of t.wo 01' more ma1a-die. listed jJ)' Ihec1icnl I :tt.. . . "

rr he is fl'{<sh f l'om 'lhc hospiLal be] 91' lll l.l cieiltist ' . . cllalr, hi's' coh e't atioh is ilpt to. be lhng and vigdi'olls, ' waxil\~ and w'!ii\'ing) ll­def) ni tely ill. a mbndtonbl1f( .nas~,\ ton. ~pd it 'slentb 6n'e. that an allll l'oachlllg tl]l . i'at~od \(fill I' vive ~is flow dJ' w'ol'ds \V'h n tl\~ .sHb­jee1, ill Ih.,i<t lIas be.en colnpT fely exhliMfed, MeIl11whll ~, thc in((uil'ing acqllain1anc<,)

sLlfferH, 1601(11 fl1HiveTy lit h 'l~' \vl'i st wHich from ti~h e to . time, finany bl.Ll rts o~\t t1~at he really must b going, lind slmks off. P eo­ple can 't be blamed ~i.lch fql' Wi.nlihgthat these wa1ki'ng, talking invalidR haa nevel~ arisen from their near-death beds' oJ.. fOL' uttering a fellv id, sHent prayer to ~ind p'\"oyi­dellce tha tM llext operation prb~e fatal.

Rising iTI bitt el' indigMtioll against this complailling clan, Frank Condon writes Col/cgo llitmol' thitt he wi ll l1ever again 11 k anyone oVer 19 how he f~els and, speaking fo1' thousands who suffer in silence, avel's tl}at the healtbless eonvel.'satiollalist's only listeners 800n wi)l be using, stctho. copes.

And the moral is, no matter how you tottcr l writhe, or staggel', no mattet' how black the swil'ling world turns before your eyes or what tIle toU of physical anguish upon your stre)1gth, summon your last ounce of en~rgy and forcc your di eased lun~s to mumble "fine" before you die, .

Practice it before tbe min'or, st rive ror tile exact })t'orluneiation, say it Over se eral times after eac'h meal. ' Then at lea. t A de­gree of popularity is a sured lind even the most caulioljs (riend willl10t hrsitate to !\sk "lIow do you feel?"

Steck vs. Brookhart?

N~OW that he has lost his post in thc el'\ate cham'ber to 'ongl'essman L . • J. Diekin­

SOil, many p rsons aL'e wondering if . Dan Steck wilt COme out to tace Senator SmIth W. Bl'ookhalt for the covcted seat in 1932. A.-­suming that Brookhart elects to b<'come a candidate to succeed 11imseW wll(m his pI'es­ent term expires, such a cdntest would bring about a revivlIl of the campaign of 1924.

In tlJ!lt year Steck and Brookhart ['an a nip and tuck race, Brookhart t1}lparcnt.ly emet'ging as vietOlJ• The. senatc tlifmght dlf­ferently, ho,rever, and eventually Seated Steck a Demohat, on a technicality. As a result or this contest, a deep . e~ted enmitY arose between these two mim WlllCh time has failed to heal.

Brookhart maintained that the wishes of Iowa's voters were di , regard cd when the senate refus a to recognize his election, Steck 11Cid t1lfL his election was legal in every way in that Ure ba !lots' blearly indicatcd that lw was the ellOiee or the votel·. . 'fwo 1eal's later, BL'ookhlirt again sma. !ted his way to the senate, this time defeating thc vetel'an Republican, Albert B. Cummins.

1£ the. e two 8bould again beco tie embroiled in a gl'lldge battlc two years hence, Iowa and the nation can look :forward to a pO.l.itical bat­tle thllt will l'ivul any in its history. Steck was tillable to spli t 'the Repll bllcan part Ue­hiud Dicki1lS6n, l.hlt' 'the ill.'l\rgeui t actics of the fiery nrookh'art lhuvo ul\v!lys' beer! Ii thorn in tll~ ~ine of his *arty. A'd'9c~ to thIs ill the pOSSIbilIty of a '~eneral swmg to the Democratic sit}!), as .evidpnced in the clections held this mOllth, ' ,

Mnybe thc !g~cls saw people dlating to get tbin and decided th,ey (tidn 't n<;letL any more prosperity. r-Kessinger's Miatvest Review.

1 -

Sunday , d\bol tCl1<lh I'-So " Lot's wife looked back !\h~ t'rirned' into a ·pillar of salt. 'j'ommy-Ilow long hnd she been driving¥

- '1'ale Spins.

A baby luis been named Bbb after its motner's bail'. We prcsLUDe these nameless urchins lire nam d a£t~r their .fathers' hair.

-Cottage Gt'ove (Orc.) Sentinel . 'I - •

In the ruim; of an old church, ex<l.avators found a queer ~haped basket filled wit~ but­tons. It must have bee.)] It colleotion plate.

-lud{}e. I

, .IJ wm b(! fi~e enough to talk about chang­ing religion when men grow np to the present one. -I~l Paso HCl'Uld.

• • , ' ,.,., .. ,1..


_ University Cale~d'~f :,' "', I;' (All students and taculty members shall schedUle,!! .t.nt~ (~Volvlng

the use of university bul/dlngs at the Presldent·s ottice In 'Old< CapItol as fat· In advance of tho! dates o.s possible. No of her da.t~s a.re Included In this o{f(clal calendar. which lakes the place In most cases or ordinary

1 bulletin notices). ,

7:15 p.m 7:30 p.m 8:16 p.m. 6;30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

]2:00 a.m.

2:30 p.f)l. 4;15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:]5 p.m. 7:20 p.m.


8:15 p.m.

8:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m.

Tuesdll)', Novem~er J.l ARMISTICE DAY. cla.sses suspended.

El'odelphlan literary SOciety, Ipwa UnIon Hamlin Gut'land literary society, Iowa Union PLAY. natural science audItorium Picnic supper, 'frlangle club Card party, Unl"e~plty ciub

Wednesday, Noveinbf>r 12 EI'S"Jneerlng fac\J lty, lown Union ,h

~VI lnculty. IOWA Union I, i \, I. 4 . I .11', ReligIous Workers council. TrIangle Club Drama s clion, lOWA City Worpon's club, Iowa Union Y.\V.C.A. meeling, Iowu. Union ' . < .'-li "'" r Scabbard and Blade, Io',Yo. Union Student ChrIstian Sclen~e soclet1. L. A. drawing room PI Epsilon PI, Iowa Union PI..AY, natural science auditorIum

Tbursday, November IS PLAY, natural science auditorlum Y.W.C.A. meeUng, Iowa Union

Frifluy, November 14 HOMECOMING EVE 1

~. ill 0'. I, P&teDt Of1Ioe;

6:45 p.m. Mass meeting. Iowa Union , 8:30 p.m. 'J'rlangle club receptlon for men

Unlv ralty club t'eceptlon Cp t· women. Iowa Union 9:00 p.m. All unlve"slty party, danclpg. Iowa Union

Saturday. NO,veulber L!i lIOM:E:COM]NG . classes AUspen(leQ, I


, JOSIAH"S1AH4 9:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m. ]0130 a.m. 11:00 a.m. ]2:00 a.m.

Ol)en house und exhlbltlons, fIeld house and armory wonicn'S hockey. Alumnae vs. S.U.I.

rOS8 country run. Iowa VB. Notoo,.namo. , .' Memorial exercises COl' 'Willlam O. Flnkblne. Iowa Union Chamber of commel'ce lunoheon fot· older visitors, Legion build· lng, College nnd Gilbert lItreeta.

2:0(1 p.m. FOOTBALL. Iowa Vll. Penn Slate. sladlum 9:00 p.m. Alumni pal'ty. Iowa Union

Sunday, N0llember 16 6:00 p.m. Npgro rot'um, [ •. A. ~lt'awlng 1'.00 01

/ MondllY, Nuventber 17 12:00 a.m. A. P . T .. Iowa Union 4:00 p.m. Homo. economics demonst.ro.tlon llnd lecture, natural science

auditorium 6:00 p.m. Gamma ",hetll. Phi. Iowa l1nlon 7:15 p.m. Iowa Ity women's chOl·us. Iowa UnIon

12 :00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

7:15 p.m.

Tuesday, November 18/' Luncheon, University club TuesdlW morning music club. Iowa Union llesPQrl:l. literary socIety. Iowa Union

Wellnesdny, November 19 12:00 n.m. Hcilglous worket·s council, Iowa ·Unlon 12:00 a.m. Enginl'l'I'lng faculty. IOWa Union 12:00 !I.m. Law faculty, Iowa Union 4:10 p.m. English Journal club, L. A, drawing room 4;15 p.m. Y.W,C.A. meeting. Iowa UnIon 7:20 p.m.. PI Epsilon PI. Iowa Union 7:30 p.m. Iowa Dl\.mcs Club. L. A. dra",lng \"porn 7:45 p.m. Alpha Phi Omega. Iowa UniOn . 8:00 p.m. DEBATl!;: German universities, natural SCience auditorIum

Thursday. November %0 4:15 P,m. Y.W.C.A. mceting, Iowa Union I 7:15 )l.m. Octave Thunet IIl~I"D."Y society. Iowa Union

7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9 :00 p.m.

Friday. November 2L ANNUAL MEDIC CLINIC Bridge tournament, University club l<~ t'eshman Po.n·Hellenlc. Iowa Union Currlcr hall party, Sha.dowland

Saturday, November U

elf VAN &uRf.rM* t\A5 BEEN' Af.l AtTI'IE MEtII6ER

Of THE. ~t ~[)E.~


~ .. ?') . ~ .. ~,-.

- W>O~@Tr ~~~ I 15 15 TlME-S AS 81G AT 1'H~ ToP\

AS IT IS NEAll.. lHE 8oT1'OM .' Top ... 23'~t - eottOIl't ... l>i~Ht.

--. !'UftKo. $pI'/I\9-S, Ark6nsc.i.J

GYIll Class r~r Faculty Women There will b~ no class the nlgllt of ArmIstice day. . ---

Botany Club "


Prof. Walll'r F. T"oehwlng 11'111 give an Illustrated talk on the MlsSOtll'l ' bolanlcal gardens WedneSday at 4:]0 p.m. In room 208 botany building.


Internlltional RelatIons Club • The International RelaUons club will 'hold its biweekly meeting on lhe

sun porch or IOWa Union at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Evet·yone Is InVited. WALTER McGRATH. prcsldenl.

Gym Class for Foculty \Vomell 'fhe ~ym class will meet every Tue.day and 'rhuI'R<lay at 8 p.m. In lhe

wOOlen's gymnasium. SIGNE PRYTZ.

mtLLSAND ~ J t..

FEVER·· Dear Ell: (The 'Ell you IID,Y?) ,

In hL~ "Introduction to P,ycljol" OKY." s('ashol"e ayR: "To tlckll\ BIj!­,·\lUCIcally. attach a bristle to the ell4 or on~ prong of a large tunIng fork aM I t the brlslle vibrate against tl1, skin." •

Al)INU,AJ. ~DlC CLINIC FOOTBALL: Nef:ll'aska vs. Iowa, Iowa slo.dlum , State TeaellerA Conference

We've at la~t learned the real pur· pORe of a college e~ucatiOn-to leO!n, lO tickle selenlltlcaUy. , .

2:ao P.TIl. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

12 :00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

7 :1~ p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

, 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, November %3 Phi Delta Epsilon, Iowa UnIon , '1'ea and MusIcale. Unlversl~y club Negro torum, L. A. drawing room

Monday. November 24 A.F.I ., Iowa Union Gamma '1'heta Phi, Iowa. Union . Iowa City women's chorus, Iowa lJnlon Lecture Dr. G. EllIott·Smlth ch,emlstry audItorium

Tu(!sday. NO'lember 25 Erodelphlan literary society, Iowa UnIon ;. Hamlin Garland lIterary society. Iowa. UnIon Card party, University club Dlnne .. , Amcrlca.n Chern~cal society I .

Lecture. American Chemlcql ~.o.~jety. chemistry audItorIum Wetlnesday, November 26

12;00 a,m. Engineering faculty, Iowa Union

4 :11) p.m. 7:15 (i.m . 7:15 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Law faculty. Iowa Union Hellglou9 workers counCil, Iowa Union Y.W.C.A. meeting. Iowa Union . , Student Christian Science society. L. A. drawing roc.m Scabbard and Blade, IOWa Union PI r:;pslJon PI, Iowa Union , Drama section. Iowa Ity Women·.s club,.Iowa Union

ThursdllY, No;vetn~er , ~1 THANKSGIVING I;lAY, class\,s suspended

Saturday, November %9 0:15 p.m, Dinner. University club

Sunday, November 30 3:30 p.m, Concert. Iowa Union 0:00 p.m. N~gro forum, L. A.. drawing room

12:CO a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:0(J p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Afollday. Decelubet 1 ., A. F . I., Iowa Union Lecture. Jas. H. Cousins, senate chQ.mber, Old Capllol Gamma Theta Phi. Iowa Union Io,vlI- City women's cho;'u~; Iowa Vnlon LIIlt'!~ry club. L. A. dl"D.wlng ~Qoqi .

Tuesday, December 2 ' " 10:00 a.m. Tut'~(lay MornIng MUSic cIJb. IQw,a"Unlon , . 4:00 p.m. Locture J o.s. H. CousIns. sena e chamber. Old Capitol 7 1" HeSI)el'l;\ Illerary ' ~oclety, Iowa. Ulllon : D p.m. _,.4 n

8:00 p.m. Play. natul'al ilclqnce auditorium. \VednCSlllly, December S

12:00 a.m. ~n{:lneerlng (acuIty, Iowa Unlc.n

.' 3;00 p.m. 4:10 \l .m. 4:lQ p,m. 4:15 p.m. 4 :80 lUll. G:oq p.m. 7,20 p,m.

, 7:30 p.m. 7:46 p.m. 8:15 p.m.

4:00 ' p.m, 4:]5 I).m. 7:15 p.m. 7:~b p.ll/-.

La.w faculty. Iowa Union . RePs-Ious Worket·s counCil., Jowa UnIon Leotur . Prof. Tho~. ~. FI'en,?il , physics lecture room Lecture . .Tas. n . C;oll.slns. se1)ato chamber. Old Capitol Engll$h Journal club. L. A. ~1'1\.\Vlng room Y."\V.C.A. mectll1lr, Iowa. U;nlon Octa.ve Than t IItcral'Y soclel~' .. Iowa Union Football t('am d l'ln ~ r. 1\l'esld nt's home PI Ellsl\on PI. 10 va' UnIon I Io",o. DI\~CR Club, 1',. A. · drawln~ room Alphlt Phi omeg~, J()Wo. un}?n ,PLAY, natural sc/cncl! . l\.udlt~·lum

Th!,rsilll),. DfIClIlInber 4 Lecture. Prof. 'rhos. E. Ji't'~1)ch, Iowa Union Y.W.C.A Illcetlng, Iowa UJ1I~n Octav 'rhanct 1lter¥fY f\OC\ y, Iowa UnIon Germah Club. L. A. drllw)ng room

Frl?aT .l)eCl,Jnber II I 9:00 p.m. Sophomore CotillIon. iowa '\Ihlon

SaluMiay. December 6 7:30 p.m. Cosmopolitan CIU~. L. A. d~'~wlng room

, ·1' J ,. I Every 8tud~I't wllo expedll to ~fli"4\ a degree or certificate at the unl.

verslty COII\lO('lItloll' Feb. 3, 1931, slloufcr make his formal application on & I card provltled for Ib~ purpose, at the regl lrar's office. on or before SatuMiay, \ Nov. ~5, 11130. , . ., i

• .It Is Imporlan~ that each st~deJlt c\lncerned comply ImmedIately, for ' othct:wlse It Is likelY that thJu~llli may be In other respects qualifIed he will not be reCQlnmondcd for graduntlon at the closo or the present eemester.

Making aPI)\Ication tor th~ degree or certificate InvolvPB payment of the graduation fee ($15.00) at tho time lhe application Is mMe.

H. C, DORCAS, reg1etrar, , , , I

'-41' ~otJce to nge ... Tho university gleo cluul,ls have rcce ved copies of the Gilbert & Sullivan

o\le~tta "Trlill by JUry," which wl\I he ,presented this semester as a part of tho unlvl!rslty concert s8rlea. Tryout~ for the cast will be held at 4 p:m. dally ,ln room 101 SM·AI. Ot' by appoln\l1lent with prof. Walter Leon.

E:, VE~NON PRIOE, business mana&'er.

UniversIty UbrvleIJ University lIbl'lll'les wl\I be losed frql1\ 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 11 .'

,In observance of Armistice till . Notices concernlnr departtnental. UbrarlQs will be postC(J on tho doors. Reserve books withdrawn tor overnight uso al'O to be returned at 1:30 II.m. Tuesday. Nov. 11.

MILTON E. LORD, (lh-eotor or librarIes.


RllllrOOIl id nllflcatlon cerllrtclltes for the IOWa Slate Teachers as~oclo.· tton meeting al Des MoInes Nov. 13·16 may be obtaIned at lhe college or ~du, cation, 'W113 east hall. PAUL C. ;PACKER. dean.

1 Des l\toines Dinner There wlJl be a reunion anI! dinner fQr alumnI and la.culty attending the

Iowa State TeacherH meeting Thu~sdny. Nov, 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Hotel KIl'kwood. Alumnland .faculty ft'om lowa CllY may obtain tickets In advance at the alumni orrico In Old Capito). F. G. HIGBEE.


Mrs. Henry W. P/:'11body, leadrr of a natiOllUl women's committee fOt, law enforcement, has said that she mi ght prove from the state 01 illassacltnsetts b('cause of that state '.' rrpenl of the fltate Pl10hibjtioll lJw ill rt'cent elections. She S!lY~, "P ' 1'­

son ally, r do not wi'sl\ to be a citizen in an outlaw stutr." . Diiirega /'ding whether prohibition is or i81]Ot a good thmg,

Mrs. Peabody 'I-! attitude strikes me as being rather ridiculous and I·adica!. It would seem that th prop r field for Ollc who wishes to sre the eighfeonth amendment enforced would be in a territory t1IUt is not cnforcing it t'athet' than olle that alrelldy agrecs witlt thc reformist.

Massachusetts will probllbly do little more drinking lIOW than was done by its citizens in the days when 1111' state aided ill enforcement of the law. If everyone who was not in entire agreemen t with tIle policies of. tlJe state ,in which .they resided would luove, trllllJ fcr compaJlles would be workwg 24 hOlils

a. day.

.• ToR('ph A. A. 1\1tl'in,gcr, who strangtecl.Elil'I Fllller, Dubuqll(, school boy to deatb Oct. 24 hos been sentenced to hang 1 OV. 6, 1931. 'I'he Towa law on administration of the d ath penalty provides tllut lit lcast ono y ar shall clap, e U tween time of ~el1te n c(' and time of execution. 'l'hc law may have it!; go()(l lioitis ill that if crrOr is fOllll(l in any point of fact. 1"?1' ill , sll1ncc, if illlinnocenL p('l'son llas been Ileutenced the ulIstllke will havc ample time in which to be remedied.

But on the Otl!'I' hand, In a case like the one in point. where tile ' cOJlvictetl and sent(,llced perRon hd. nlude a conIe. sion, about iill tILe law lloes is to give i\im plenty of time to think over his offens . A y a. l· Rpent connting the days, waiting for th('.set time to al'/'iv secmH to me 10 be infinitely more of a pUUl~h­lllcnt thl1llthe 'illfli ctin~ of the death penalty. ] f the convicted pel'son l'epents in the]2 mon1h period, it's too bad, and if he tIof'sn't, will !;oci ty bcnefit by having him al'ound the d~Ath hOljsr j'or n' y(lal' 01' ln01ie'Y

IJrt's convict 'em and hang 'em, but don't hnve havr COII ­viett'd perRoliR laying around olready ovel'crowd{'d jllils wllteh­ing' the final doy surcly creeping on them.

A l1~WS disJ1ntch ft'ol)\ Kentucky, reporting that Ward Hl1t­field hm\ br(l11 killed in'an' lection dlly brawl, immediately con· jurieK fol' the rcader a picture of one of the l'omantic, bl~t 011('

of th; most l'egl'ctable stOl;ieR in American histol'Y. It II; the stoty of the bloody fcud\stll of the Ie utucky mountain~.

Wllat tJ le RtOl'Y c'L~es 110t mention, however, is thut the kilI ­'ing has no belll'ip~ all the old Hatfield-McCoy f'lId . 'fhnt inci­dent is drll(l, tltanks to tlle all pCl'vnding illfluence of our mod-('rn' world. 1

'foday a Hatti ld and a McCoy battle side by side on tb football team of a . outhern college. Hntfields and MCOOyH 'Iavc fought' togetnel' under t110 colors of th Uniteu States, and in mine wnw;. Botb Hatfield!! and MCCOYR havo dikCoverecl that there is a world outside of their nlollutains, and thnt t hey bnve a bond ill common after 011.

The It!'nttlcky mountain fellds arc a t~il1g of tlIC past. Tho mountains 111'0 no longer a. world unto themselvcs. Modcrn roads and moderJl economics are rapidly dispellin$ the gloom tllat hR~ hl1n~ lilte a' bhlC haze over file mOln'ttail\s. Rontallce is dead bnt pellce ond happ111eHR has taken its plaec. h it too gl'('at ,II ])l'ice' J 1 hink not.

The well deesHed man this ..... 8,'IflD will carry th\! neceSllllry IlPparl\l ll/l with him. Brlstips may be. hacj 11\ col ors to matCh the tie. but luning ror1l.f are to be had only In black and /lull , gray. " .(

Profe".or Oceanside further It&t&! lhat. '''J'lckling III the association or prel>!lure with nonsensory expe~·

cnce." 1 always illd thInk t1cl\lIn/l' Wq.I!

nonsense. Mr. Beachllntl negloctad to lIlon:1

lion that tickling engend r8. laughter In thl' scure !I-tho tlc\I~, tlIe lIckl,'('. uml the ob rver.

-Emperor "opel. • • •

GracIas, Em peror! \Ve or Lo (Ieath to hear from yo al'oulld "Ollll' tlml' and we'U good oM "tlckle·f(>IIt."

• • •


tlckJM Drop

have a


11l <lid/II dlddl~. the 1I11:t and tile rlddl~.

"110 drummor rnn 1\11 rou,lld ,tl., ,'oom.

A fl"llt . pi <I" had 1l'1V1 n ,th \iaJliS, loo much buo;r:e.

So they puddled him w~1I with a. I)room.

SHOT AT' T'''~ C1N'~ ~. It 1\11 of Ol'otll. arbo'~ Icr ~ ((Iu;

£I ~ WCI'C pu l tOIl('th r. ~ pont:linl!OUf .comlJu ijlloll wOlll.,. liul'ely n8UO.

t' • •

TO Eo J. . ., I love you clearer than,my lite .. 1 hone some doy you'lI lie OW

wife. . ' nut Ir you m(liloPOIl!e my

thougbt. My &'t"I\d 8 Will tu rely come to

nougl1t (0). • •• , !

I" AMOUS "~LDS , " "Holtl thnt 11110 ••• Hold ,n»- ,hlllil

· .. 110111 'Ilr NelVl ... 8tranSle !lolL · . . HOld my h a~ •. , Jlcll~ lI;llY.lJ l)c(·r ... Hold In y hor It , ", ~ on t1 l1ht •.. HOld file elIOt! r •• , 1101011 out In ontl . , . 1I0ld that 11011 · .. Hold ov rYlhlng." h~

• .. • I • I

lmagln ttt mbnrrn8sm 11 Grille rootbltll play(>t· wllo ron I)Ot , r,lI 16 a touchdown and til n 1('/lrned hal 1\18 girl had loft th 8ta.dIU," to·'­a fellow about 1\ IIUI ' · , . . "

FflEllJ HAN I< GAS~ ~V~ • • • •

-I" TORO. -----,.',--.., .,-,

8uk MuIC'I/te ~I(lUve ~r \ CQUNO~L BLUFFS"NtI.,. 10.( ,

- AuthotltlC8 wero ,eakln&, & In, :.J.

for the apllatllnt 8U\ Id of J"JIII ~I~hlt, 80', tL bachelor. lila body"". roun(\ hltn Illg by ll. rOIl rrom a door li t his home In Mind II Sunday.

, I


JtAnder, Gives R Fans)

Exp1ain Intt' in Address


"/love It r!XI'U 01' I

(edeml J\ll111'1' ." Ha iti , derson or t.'t.· Ml14l1HO ference eX llel·t, In anHV tlOIl. "Whal II' we c. ellmlnato\'?" HtltteLl a or comt\\('/"(Ii! \wckly lu ncheon at lhe Arr conlmunlty lJulhllng.

Mr. And "80n call1'l lion of milio {nnN. ll('( et·S Ihe fed~h'l law wilful IntN'f(' r4'ncC' " told of the ('onvlrtlon

I nterfel'('IICe Moto,' drlv(>n h!tlr

milk mixer!! an41 were m nllOnel1 by common caUSeM or

"Thet'C 18 no lerence that cannot lIy ellmlno.te(l." Mr. "but the biggest electrIcal nolscs t ceptlon.

Two Hhld8 of "There aI' two

lurbances aOd neh lerence," he cxplal less than two I}('I' lerence and never cycle while Is regulnr and

Some or tho d~rso n lI~le il radio rec"l,ti on I)liance. such diathermic

Wililam H. Jow!\. City radlu the speak~r.

Carter Kupka Bond

Rodn y Kunka Justice of lh(' ]'Pll.l'"

terday .(nil l l'cl'lv"ti or plea(lln'g guilty lUrblng the /l ' [lCt'

danCe paviliun . Cl;u'~ nre I!on.rt~

fore ~usllce Cal'ter. Irgal IlOH~e·'Hlon of uor and en tere.t a He \V3 ~ rp l~,u'l'll

Ing IlI'ellmlnal'Y h

LewIs. 63. Who local hos)JtUl.1 Col Illness. Will . b hE'1I1 clay afternoon til mortuary with the Iy III chOI"(;. Bu land ceO) t{-l'~

She WIlS born In made her home In City for mot·(> thlln Il membl'r ot t.he the Am~l"!can !Joyal

Funeral fot' Baye

Funeral ~eJ"\'1cl)

1I . Unys . 'noth"r O,llInol·o. G30 E~ who died at lhe Ing will b' 111'1(\ 'l'uelKlay.

Irgc or 1:1.w and Milled the port, thll ohl Baysc. Dell l)' fa ll I!Ove~al WCPKS

• (rered I]. bl'ole('n

, Thl'4'n (·nll,. flrtl c1c)}"rtrn '11l enfl . A fh'c ilt 9fldge wn~ ('xli dilnHlg(, 0 11 Au clay night Ih I\, eall to Hh IIf boxeR to h(' coming bonflr'o s hOOI WaR hIm'.!

A fir .. ('/l U l<II(1

nr oven at I he c!(UngulsIH)11 D.amagC W(\.~

, I '

. , lO ,,'~~'

8I'm~~ \It 'J~ 1I1I

lis l1\ldy ,va' rrom .. door


TUESDA Y, NOVEMBER 11, 1930 , ,~E DAnJY_IC;WAN. IOWA CITY ~~=::==;" ;:::;i=~~:=: • PAGE FIVE · •

It Anderson Gives Radio

Fans Advice Explains Interferences

in Address Before Chamber

"Havc It rlx~u 01' se tlie wllh lhe federal jutlg\'," HIl I(l " Ihlhel't An­derson of t,'t, , MlldlHon , I'odlo Inter­fel'encc exl'><'l'l, In n nMWN' to the q ues, lion, "WIl{U If W~ CIllI't nf(ord on ellmlnator'l" s lut 'd Ilt lhe chumber o! com lhel'I',!! 'wP<'kly MonthlY nuon luncheon at lh" America n L QglOn conlmunlty bllll.ung.

lIIl'. AnilN'so n called to lhe nlten­lion of mtllofal1s, llenJerH, nlld own­er" the C d~'l'lll 11~W whl 11 prohibits wilful Intl'rC .. r .. nce with radio and tolil o( tl\e convictIon by th law,

Itlt errPI'I' II(;e ('auses Motor drlvE'n hnlr cllp rl ers, mo.ltetl

milk mlxcl'K nnd vncumn cleaners wCl'e melll1onoll lJy Ml'. Am1cj'~ol1 as COI1101on cau~c8 ' Of 1'11.<110 Intert I'enoe,

"Thel's Is no 80l11'{'e oC radil> Inter­feren e that cunhOt bp fo und and etLs­lIy eliminated," .Mr, And'rson slateti, "but the blggesl job is to find the electrical noises that mal' raot!), re­ception,

Two Uinds of Disturbances "Thel'e al' two klrids ot radio dis­

turbances and !.'aeh has m ark ci dlf­terence," he expla in ed. "Sta.Uc Is less than two p I' cent ot lh Intel'­rerenc~ and ne ver occurs In the 8ante cycle while man,made Interf'rence Is l'egulUl' alld constant,"

Some of the Illlerfer",nccs :Mr_ An· d rson 1I~l t'C1 aR IVOl'st e nemies of radio I'(!ceptlon WE'I'e: 1']lr<'lrl'ld al)­pll anc~s Bueh n~ ,ll'I1l~, X,ray, a nd dla.thel'mle mn('Illnl's_

Wlltlnm R. Hart, Pl'rHI,lrnL of lhe Iowa Ily radio council Introduc~ Ihe SpeakN'.

Carter Finds Kupl{a Guilty, Bonds Boarts

R()(lney I,; 1I1lka npllP:tI'p,1 before Jus tice of I he !-t>IU'P H, I,'. 'a l'tel' yps­lerelay fUJi! l','c('h't'tl It fill,' of $25 aIt­er l)lp a,1illg g ulI1y lu chargeS of. dis­lurblng the j/l'lll'l' of the MulUnlx dance P!tvlJioll,

Clarence BOlU'ts also appeareu bp­fore J ustice Cart~r, chargeu WI~h 11-I!'gal p08se~slon or Intoxlcnting liq­uor and ent~I"" 1 a j/lpn Of not guilty. lie \V3K r('lea~~u on bond afl~1' waiv­Ing lu'elhnln"ry heal-jng.

Girl Scout Troop Meets; Decides on Thanksgiving Work

Girl Scout troop 12 m t al the city park yesterday uniler the leauenhlp ot MrS', A; C, ~'rOwbrldge. It \Va. d .. clded lo fill a Thanksgiving bllBltet (or some family.

New members oC the troop are lIfltl'y Virginia Paine, Nona and lono. Coo­per, ancl Virg inia Heag .. r _

The Collowlng girls will )lass tlleSr nllrslng test Ut ] 0 o'clock toaay at the hom of ,Mrs, C, '. Rlcs: t:lU'oline Cole, Leonora Chappell, Mal'y Jane Whllney, and caroline 'r,'owbl·ldge.

Funeral Service for Mrs. Lewis Today

Funcr!ri ~ervlce fur .'I\rs, ))Iela L€wl~, 63 who died 'unday at a local hOSI;ital following u. lIngQI'lng Illness, will be hetrl nt :l o'clock 'rues, t1ay afternoon al the lIoh~nschuh

mortuary With Lhe Hev, Gay II, l"lnd­Iy In ch:ll-ge, .uurlut wIll be In Oak­land COlUet"r;y\ .

She was born In Eduyvl1le, but had mnde her hom!} In anll al'oOn(\ Iowa City tor mol' thnn 60 yeal'a, Sh wa.s 11 member ot th - hdsllan ohurch, the Amol'lea n Leglol) auxlJlal'Y, the

oyal Nelghtl()rs H"JI~( COI'PS, Ilnd

Funeral fot' Mrs. Bay e Helf}. T~day

Funeral hen'lct: (01' II'S. Ellz th M. Daysl!, mothe.' or Mrs_ EUgene A, Qllmol'u, G30 1~: \\'u.shlngton ~treet, W'110 dleu at th e home , llnday mOI'n­hlg will b' held h' n o 'kllu.'t, lnd" '1'1.Ie8t1ay,

J>rO fesHo.' (lthnorr, dran o[ tho rOI­I~/ie or law lind MI'", (1l1mol' ((ceom­llflll ied the bOlly Yl'M t<'l'dny to Hock­port. tho Old flltlllly home of Mrs, BaYHC, Death was t it .. result of It

fall ~vl'ral Wt'ekK ago 111 Whle l} Bho 8 (fel'NI n. bl'oken hlp ,

Firt' Force Answers Three Call~ Surtday

, Tln'no rnllH W/'I'(' nnSW" I'''(1 hy m e fh'o (1~IJ r'l'lm'c'lt <luI'ln g tho w<klt rnrl . A fll'e n l thl) H~nt\m Htre!)t Ilfldgo Wtls ['XUII ul~hrll \v'(thout altmng(' on Sun,lny 'llol' llln g_ ~un ' lilly nigh t lhl> tI ptll" "l lInt ItnHwered 0. call to SllI'lul I' fll'lil whCl'e a pile ot hoxps to hI' \l setl In tho home­COOling ho nth'c Ilt I owa Ci ty high 8 hool wnM hill zl ng,

A rlre <'lIu",',1 hy IIv(' ,'oal (rom an oven nl I h" Oal, lo nd ha kpl'y WU)! ('xUngulshctl Yl'Hlel't1lIY I\lol'nlng, ))amllgc W(l.H unesUmat~d ,

Hospital CompallY Will Have Dan.~e

'l'ho offieAl'R Of lho l Gth hOBPlttll rOl11pallY of lh o JOWL' nallon!l l g UIll'tI nhd l1wlr wlv('~ hav h~I" l I,aml'd IlJ! 1M rho lw l'onH for th l' lr Arml~­dee day dn nre, Offll' I'K n"e a.pt. Georg M lll'l'~ h , .11'1. J Ilek J , IlIn­"ln.n, Lleut. lryll111 1 r. Hot'ls, Llout, dOl'!!' 1'11 1\11''', 1 ,11'111 , Arth Ur 8, Fotirt, lI n,l 1.1 1'1 '1 , 11.II'1'Y p , l ... e!'.

'MaJot' F :I'I rltlllh (If Alll rH , MnJoI' If, H, HlIll t1 1 ',r I{ ' " ~II" ('lIy, li nd Adjulall t-(JI' lll'nd \\,1I11'1'('ll 1I , lIul1ey hllV been IIlVllell ,

h , " ' , s 't d

Smith HeleMi'd on Bond Charles Smith was released on $200

bond 'yesterday afternoon when h e a lJpeal'ed befol1e PoJlce Judge Zager on n, cllarge or operating a mOlor ve­hicle with Improper license plates,

Helmer 8ec1ln!8 Permit A, J, HeJrher, 200 N, Dodge $tr~et,

has saCUl'ed II. permit to !hoVe his I'csldence ] 0 (eel to the relll', Dan Leuz Is the contrnblor,

Troop ~ {,leets Troop '7 will meet tomOI'I'C.1V at 4:J 6

p,m, at the MeLtlodlSt ch'Jreh with t heh' capluln, l.il's, R. I-J. FILZgel'nld Ihstead oC tOdll:(. TheY will continue the ir work on Clrst and second c luss badges. I . ·1 t

Cedar Rapllill Couple l\larry , Lumler ' KonllPlmurk aM Ag\ies

Koler of Cedar Rapids ,\\'llfe m Q.rl'li!d on Saturday afternoon by Ju~tlce of the Peace El lia s J . lIughcs. -Scout Troop 10 Meet 8

The Junior R;roup of tl'O'op 1~ of the girl seollt" will meet torno!'rw at 3:45 p,m, iii the Presbylel'lan chuI'Ch with tl,ell' oaptain, Oe"ll'ud~ Walker, In­s tead of today_ Miss Walke.' will ex­plain scouting a nd the tenderfoot tests. flatrol leader s will be sell)cted.

Red Cross Chonles Meetlnr The executive board of th1l R ed

Cross will meet Tuesday Instead 01

Th u,rSdllY at 7:30 p,m,

Long and Sheridan ~ars Clilllde A CIlI' driven by George E, Long

collided with onl) owned by l:Jernard Sheridan a t Cllbert S l~eet al1l1 Io,va aye llu8 ycsle.,day. Occupnnts CS'­caped In jul'Y, bUlthe cars IVwe badly damaged,

<. I, J

Austrian Vote ,

Changes Two Party Groups

VtE:.INA, Nov. 10 (AP)-1')II' Am,,­trlan 1IIII'IIumen lHI'Y elr<"llo li H havE' rpsu lt ,'d In Ihf' lWO IJld~" t nnu Kll 'ong­~Kt pal' tlpH vlr lu 'lliv dlfU1/(ln£: IIOSi­tlons, nnd wllh lhA [asclst lTeimwchr, view d OK n Ihl'enl uftC'r the rprent BllCCl'HK of til/' 111'0\\'" ~hll' ls In Gt'r­many, coining only eight K 'at~ om of tit(' It.j In the nnlldnalmt.

]"01' ] a ,vcnrH lllO Chl'IKtlil.n soclnl· IHt~ ruled thr cbuntry, hu t In the'ha l­lotin,<r ye~tcI'drty Ihev . 1I11Po<1 from 73 seatA In the old h04 s(I to GO In. lh e npIV_

Am' inl J~pnf()rI'nl~ " ' in A Ow Ramp tlmp thr Ho~ lnl Mmo­

~I'1l.U(' p!tl1.y, whkh is tlw slrolll;','sl In the city of VI('hnp a nd u!(al nst Wlll~h th p J ~ I)t\'e.' com pe lin g par­liPs ICI'C)c<l \lIPlr g UIl H, \1~11I Its HI:t­tUll antI pvcn gltlMd '011<' n'tlllldil\l', elimbln~ fl'Om 71 ~ .. atH In th~ f,)rom,>" notiOn/llt'at to 72 In th~ Il~W "lit! th el'eby hecomlll~ the Rtrongc~t sfn· g le pnrty.


' M The14ion

Cl\ptains of the YHI'ioW, foreign eqtl strian teamR which arc viRiting Alnel'ieR, !Ire tIll' g\le~t. Of Major Uen1'1'111 Hanson E. Ely, l . S, A" at II

~nt\ch eoll at the Officers' Ulub, Oovl'rnol'S [slanu, New York, (Left to right ) ?lfojor 11, D, ' ham­berlain , captain of the, 1 ruited State, teaJn; ap· trull Baron von Waldenfels, captain 01 th!' Ocr-

.. t

man team; Colol1el )lalanott i, captain of the Hun­garian team; "i\Jajor \3eneral Honson E. Ely, com·

mantling gNU'I'ftl of the E'lecond Corp,' Arel1 , U_ H, A,; Major :It S. Titnn~l~, cuptpin' of the 'ana­dian team; 'aptAin R 0l'r11, captain of the wed­ish tel1m, and Captain O'Dwyer, captain of the h i h Fn'e ' tate team.


NewHope of Labor Relief

President's Co m.mittee Seeks Aid From


W _\.SHINO'l.'ON, ~Il\', ] 0 (,\PI­

S<'no.to.- " 'ag-nel- oC :'I('w YOI'I( volPNl

rt11le11'Cll hop!' fl)\' his (ltr "-pOlitI I"g­'$Ialll'p PI'ot-rorn for I>el-IIII\l1 Illt un pnlplol'me.nt relleC loon' . TIll' Ilr,1QJ, cll'llt'" I'.n r~(ot'cy nl\llo,I'I I1"ll t rO'Il ' nHltl''' >lQU!!bl the aill ur nd\' l'r1l8t'1" ., a pe-mll"t ' 1111d illl!'IISlfy r" lI1edle~

101- ,Ih (' J)l'r"elll. J;:llwl ,r<l 1._ U~I'lHl~'A, pllhllc .",)n­

II'lnR ('ou1I8el for th!' COll1n'lltt('P, "'nrn~,1 tl", ,,""oC'llltj'}11 nf IIlltlO1h,1 n!\\-crUs r's tbat "lju~lnl'"" ~tn ntl8 tll 10Qe 11K mllrltet Jf It ,l<le" n ot allHltrl1E' the job of helping to find jobR {Ol' '.!'e JohII'SR," und Ilrg~d tlw m~",'l~ r" to UYlI lheiL' . In(lu,'l'cu btl JO('11 1 111'0'

!;rnm s.

Tue&dn)' 2 p_m.-" 'omE',n 's R eller (l 1l)S.

3:30 p.m,-Athletlc prof,'1-atn , 6:30 p . I11.-BuHlnes.~ anu ProCell 101\­

al wom II dlnner-dnnce. 9 p ,m.-] Gth hOllpllal cOmflnny

dan (', ", .. dne' dn,-

3:30 p.m,-Athl(' tI p'-ogr;llll . 1 :30 p.m.-Women's c luh Jl\l'ral'Y

"pctlon Plily l'phE'arMaI. 4:30 p ,m,-Rlgh chool Clrl couts

mee ting, Thut'~dll)t

3:30 I"m,-Athletlc "rogra lll . 7:30 j),m,-:'Inll l'1lt'\'I'Ol l't ('t]r ellR-

I :ay. Friday

1 :~O J)_Ill,-\Volllen's duh IIlernl'), section pIny rehearsal_

Slllur,iny 12 M,--Chambel' ur cOllln1 (, I'~P

Homecoming luncheon , G p_lll.-Dell!L Sigma Delta <1lnlll'r, ,

Hanford, Jr. Slart Fight Against Wife ;

Denies All Charges

W tlgner nring~ ,lien $IOUX CITY, NOV, 10 (AP)-Ar-


'1'0 Ch'llrmUll Woods of thc com' thur S, Hanford, Jr ., we ll kllown mllt('~, 8 nRtol' \\' ''f1 ncr Itnu 1'!e l)I-'" business man here, today launched ~pntllt\V I' Proll of N"IV Ynrll brou~lt l n. court fight to defeat l\frs, 1.£ur­fL I)Ma rOr IlltervE'nllon to fOto~ tall lei Hanford's recent plea ror sep­r""satIOn o( worll 011 a cO l1s lrt) ('Uon arate mainte na nce, pre811glng a jtlh Oil ' talpn Island, whlch the New I protracted legal s lruggle In Rettle-) Y. nr kpl'R Maid would throw 2,1i00 Il1 pn I m l1t oC thell' dlrte.'encea, lIollf01'd nht of IVOI-k \In l ()~" plp.ns were. o lt .. r- flied U n "nHwe.' laying down a bh,n­N) h/'[ol'/" .Tall. 1- ' 'loodS promlsNI to ket denial or "IR wife's charges,

~ I- l'I 1(' •

Consi{leration \VASr1!N01'ON, Nov. 10 (Al~)-A

familiar Il'glRlaUyl' question mark ,

1\1 ",,'I.. ~hOflIH , was moved toelay l1<'a,. thl' \tC'ad or th l' JIst or pro])­l~m~ awaiting I he coming R"Mlon "f COH~l'f"S:i,

I)l':I,l lol'l l<'1I Ln-qt ,hmll MII H,' lc Hhoal!. IN: ls latlon W ill(

<1 (',,,1Io('llr,1 111 conr('rel1('~ Ills t .lun!'

nn,l t 0<11\ .,. H('nntol- McNary, CIIf\It'­I11U n or ; h~ Kenat" conr~reeR , Holr\

l \t (' wnuhl ('1111 a me('tlnJ:: to ('onsl<\p.­""' "It 11 ,<1 lUll 011 th (' fh'Ht wodctng day 01' llP:t ~(I~",JOJ1 , 11 win Jnflnn It n ' opf'lIing- or lh~ old rl1 5t"UH!'4 lon of l1w .nP I' Il !'t (If gOVt\ I' 1l111£lUt tlltd 1')1'1· Ville "llI'rallun Of till' Alllht\llll~ pow-1'1' HilI' :L~ 1' l1lho<llr(\ In Iltp hl1\s he­(Ofl\ th" t·nnrt~ l·ecA.

McNa ry Aald h p thought t he llen­ntc wO'I"1 tlot recedp fl 'om ROm!' lllan ur government opm·allon. '1'hC' senat" IlllHHCrl thp NorrlH hili for J.\OV ' l'llltH'lll ownership a nt! operlL' tlor al the InHt session hy It ('om­rorlailio In llJurlly. 'rhc house, how­eVH, I'~J"I' t('d that' 111 NIRUl'C (Illd

,,"II Ih" pult Refll1lng comll~ny to Ha nford dl'mands ollt,1ghl annul-110 fu. 'w~ ... l with thl' ProJpcl , : I ment OC thei r marriage, raiSing the

1' l1r" .. 1\Jl'l\I'UrM Pr".II~~t1 question Of whethe~ Mrs, H nnford 'Vn l';l'\('l- Rfll(l after the conreren~c could have enlered a lega l m nrrlnge

I hal hI' Jvolll.d preS" tit\'. tl1T(~e ml'll-, contract whll'n lhey pnrtlclpat d In RUl'ell SponRol'ed l)y him an,1 IlM8~d a marl'lnge ceremony May G, ]0 20, I", tht> ~ennt(\ IOR I s prIng, H e favor- at French Lick , Ind_ It Is H a n­,," IL ft'dl'l'ul I'pll"f aPlll-o]lI'llItion 10 forcl'" contention lhat Mrs, I1 a ntord mI'l'[ all I'Ktrt'mlty If one ShOllld de- never was dlvol'Oed fl'om hpr (IrHt vel or>, he said , anI! nihlNl Lhat an a p, husband, Hobert E. K enne, and propl'latlon !l\\thorizallon Ilf $100,000.- the,-eCo.'o ~ollid nOl hav<! lawfully OflO, Htrkkpll frl1m a hili 110W In can· cn l red the I/erond conu'act. f" rr'lltr, ll1'ol1Rhly \\'ould 1.11 In~l'(lI1!crl Mrs H an Cord In~tltutc<1 dlvo.'e to S2aO.poO,OOO. J)1'OCe~dJngR oglllnRt her hUHhand a

"111' 'Vn£:n~.. IlI'O)(1'1. m tnohlll~~ monlh nfte l' (,1'lmlllal eho I'K<'s wel'C' Ihl'''(' hlll R Phlvhllng ~l1lrLrg"nwl1t or filed ngnlnRt him In Omnhrt In con­!!,ov(,l'nm~nt mll chhH'I'~' fOI' UIlPm- necllon will, th O death nr Iln r m­IlloymC'1l1 RtOtlHlIC'~: 311 ntlvuuc('-pll\l1· ploye at n hotel thpre last Rum­nlnl( progrAm to r('~ uln ~ puhllc ~on- mel'_ 1<11'\1<'110 11 I" ;If'~onl :I\H'(' with I,IIRI · _ ________ _ III ,~~ t "pntlH: n ntl n sYAt f" 1l1 or r('tI'l~'lIl

p nlllloYn1t-l1l f.ol(·11l11l 1f1~~ to f"\)U111 '.~JL'

Wl l h LIlt' "tUte R,


Nollc~ I ~ h~ I'l'by /.:Iv('n lhat thpre I~ now 0 11 (Ij~ for ImbUe InMJl"~tlon

JlussNl Il.l<' fOl' p,'lvat" oJlPl'allnn, In the uffke or lh n plly cI('I'k n. plat AholVR E leetioll !'ll'lI lhll l'l.t nnd ~ch~dule IlInrk d "Plat C-G" of

lItc 'ary fjll id he thoughl th~ .. Iec- the follOWing s u 'eet. anti plll' tM of lions Bhowed plainly th(' wntl'" I}OW' str elR a nd alleys, to-wit: er 'lu .. "Uon was tnklng shape us un" ellter Avenu!' from the cast line of tho .1I0rit Impol' tant 10 be RetU('(.\. Of Dearborn Street to the Wl'st Une TIe 80.1(1 th e E'lpctions ahlO Hhowpcl of Seventh Avenue, t ht' lIoopla were thinking about the ~ent .. " Ave nUe from the eaHt lI1le pl'ohl,,1Yl and had begun 10 register or Gran l su'e('t to the west line of tho I'c~ult . Rund E'll SU'eel n nd f,'om the Mst

Hep"CAentn.ti"e Re~re or ,]'enn('"- line Of Runclell Str!'!!t to the west '11 to th curl'lcli lum , A II nwn w('t'e S~(', wit" p.'opos('c) Iwlvnle 0lwrauon IIlle or J.)enriJol'11 Street_

Of ~ uR.-Ie Hh()llll<. was heaten In the S venth Avenue from the J1:tvlng

------------_ .,t.-I

r('qul"",1 lu tak" t hem, and wom('o od-elecllo n. ms a ttltm1e on Muscle In plaCe On MUl<Catlne Avenue to tll~

I "Isell to. Students can led their regu- Shoals waR commended hy P I'cBldent nOI'th s ide of Sheridan Aven Ue. la., numh~r or hours or work, and a( Jt OO Vl' t' but a n indePt"1(It' n l I'PIHlhll- Dubuque Stree t fI'om th e HO llth

c Ill<' ('1111 of tiw Rtolll"st"l' Ihos who 1 t ~" t line of Block No. 73 O. T - to the can Who n( VOCl.t,~ govcl'nm('n op- _. ' pass d In their work rec('lvetl as a t'l'/ttion or the Jllant dl'f"rLted him. north tine Of P ark !load,

gl'ade till' lelte.'s, S.A.'I'.C. Scnutor Norris, l'el)UlJItClln, N ehms- Cemetery Crom paving In plnee a t EverywlH're "Save" 1m, lOll'; a BPonRoI' at gOv~I'nll\('nt Lot No. 132 Fernland, thence uJong

Even regulnr meals were Intel'- operllUun, was reelecled In thnt the east nnd north ~1<1e8 of }o'el'n-

ot Blork ,'0, J9 Onilland cemete ry,

all In JOwo. Ity, l o\\'a, wh "eon stre"'t ImppoI'em Ills ... otl~tructed un­lIer a cont,-a I with \I'm , lTol'l'llhln ,

ontrllcllng Co,. <lathl lhl' 24th ,jay, • Of Sl'ptl'mb 1', 1!130 half he"n eOlll-plel d, _

Said pllt nn,1 Iwlt{'(lult' I<hows t he , Repnr!lt e lot. or pure .. 1 uC !,'TouI1d 0 .. s pt' if I d pOI'lIun thl'l'euf, subject to a"sct;!lmen l. [01' such Slr "lim­provem nt!!, the name" of the own-rs a9 !ar all practicable, and the •

amount to be> a~8elISeil. a~alnst each lot Or parc~ 1 of ground, and agnlns t -any railway 0.' ,tl-('et ntl1wa~'.

Nollce Is tutll"'!' -Iven that w ith-In 20 don, afte,- the llrst Jlubllcatlon of 1I11" n oll('", all objectlonM 10 said pla t nnd schedul 01' to Ilrlor PI'O­ceedlng8 on account ur 1',-'-or8, \t'­regularlt\(~M, or In('ljUliliti(,R, must b(' made In writing antI file" with the (-Ity clerk: a nd Ihe city council aftE' I-, Lhe expll alloll of ,'Uld ~u dllY~ a t Lhe flt'st regular mel'Ung hpld the re­ufter Or nt n special n.('eting culled" for that IIU"po~"" hln'ing h .. " .. d s uch • objeCt1on~ Q 11.1 murle th c ne!:l!s!laI'y cOI'rectlons, will then makE' lhl' >!pe­elal IlKsessml'nl UH "hUII'Il In ~at<l plat - , and schedule as cOlTt<:ted a nd np­rlrovNI.

Dalll'd thlH 8th dtly oC Novpmb~I-, 1930.

Ity CEO, J, DonRER, I,'rk oC Iowa Clt~" la,


and More Hl.J\T There's just as much

difference in the smoke from two kinds of coal as fl'um two killCls of cigars, Now, if you take

arbon King Coal you get a minimum of smoke with a maximum of clean, intense heat.

Place Your Order By Cullillg 87

• TODER Coal & Ice Co.


Across from R. 11. Depot 'l'lle fourth pl'lncillal factol' waR

the .-IRe or VI' . .'Johann Srhoh~r, wh(l waA fOI-ced to r esign ns chAnc~lIol'

this summer, H~ deveiope<1 a nation ­al economic bloc and gOeH Into 1.11 (' nel', parllllment with 19 Reots,

ferNl with , '['hI' word "MV "ruined S II-t('( Ia.nd, on(l the north and WCBt sldcs

rv~v bUI of m~ on ilie clm~uLI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sugnr wnA ollowed on ly In smnlli. <llla:!\tlll~R fOl' <'eltn.in PUI'pOses, on cel'enls, tor example, IJu t not on to,

SC'lI\lbcr HoldA r"" l'el' Thus Rchober haMs the ha,lan~e

of powel' a nd It IS expected that th~ Chrl~1I3n R6c laJl l\ts, HU ll nttemr>ting 10 wield th'ell' old sll'cngth, will al­lPmpt a n aillanre with SchObM and hence tOI'!h n l:'ov~rnment. In lhat CRSt' lh(' prese nt cliancellol" nr. K orl Vftugoin, proil!l lJly woOld r~RI.tln, fa,' he hrought nMut Schober'H down fall In the Sll mmr l'_

Emory Ell.~ ·(shown with his wife and baby) told Los Angeles polict' hr paid Ern .J. Browll (inset), a A'lllss worker, $2,2010 kill MI'~, EIl~ 11f't!'1' pt'omising him $2,000_ Police ~ay 13t'OW]l Jik('wis(' cou£es eel. 'I'llI' two art' h'pld in Los Angpll's on murder chargl'~_

mato~s an,] other vegetable~ Those w~lghlng over 113 poundA wer" nd­,Ised to abstnln from Its u~e alto­gethel', bu t there Is no reCOrd or any enforceme nt of this rule_

::I1nny or the, .A:r.C, men saw SCI"

YIcC' In the wn..', a nd a number wore En route 10 J~l'Qnce when Armlstlcc

KNOW YOUR IOWA CITY "as dcelnl" d , It may have brought a ccrtaln d~gree Of dll!!lppolntment to j he~c fOl' lhey were tlt'ed of tll e Hrlc t diSCipline or army Ute combin-! 1/, I '

Plaintiff Attorneys " Finish ~a'm~ lion

Sherman mllY b~ l'ig-ht ollout Will', or liberty !JondA, but even lho "'orld war harl ItA atl- days!

ed with stud ies, and were anxious ')'1 10"(> \\'PI'(, the fOI'·'l changl'.

Wllh tho Clecla.ratlon of peace, how­

AVEL, la., Nov, 1Q (I\.P)-Attor­neys!C1r ttie pllllntlrt Ih the Salt or Wilfred Co!emltn Of Hastings, N C'b_, to obtai" a share In the e.s4te oC the late Chal~elr E, Bre'nton com­pleted the exa.rrllntltfOn or witnesses th i~ a!ternoon, ,

Iyd~ E, BI'en to'n, eX'e<;u tor for the f!!little, deniM on th~ slimp that fraud Or mlsre"pJesimtltlop was

' used I,.. getting cortman's s1gnature on 0. re le!lsel,t(l his clall'l) , for '''hich Coffmlll\ testlf(ed h'e WIIS ))/lId $]2,-600, The nlal n,tlff !'lad P\'f,lvjously testified h' signed tho Inatrllmen t withOut befng told the sitze df th estate. ' •

Judge, W , S, Cooller, In w'h'o~e diS­rlc~ cour,t lI\e su it IS being tl'led, will hol6 COllrt Armi stice day In or­der to 'hMf~r lhe, trilll, .

van lages , as any IItudcnt of Iow!L

uhlversl\ y at thul tlnl" mlg hL tr,)I

you, Imagi ne clnss~s whpr" no r oIL,

were taken, and no gl'ad .. ~ glVI'Il, Not a thln~ to worry about. Imagine a dance In liber a l art" hull<1lng, with facu lly mcmbcI's indl s ting ulsh uble from "ludl'nls- lhal lVaH lhe aflN eiCects of lh e Wttr.

No F1U'ticS Of cou r~" th!' tin.!'" hall lhl';" <lnrll

moments-unlv(>rsl ty so('IIl I 'lct ivltlpH ';'ere stlspcmlE'd, It nu no P'1l'lles or :lny kind coultl he 1~1"" 1 1. IVhcncvpr 0. m eetln!( or ga therin;:; of 'Illy I<l lid waR held, rCfl'~H hlll ~ll ls ",c'\'(' "1 ~PN1 8-

ed with, lind the studcnt 'H I1 lc',l i)ill went up_ 1 [e coul<l 110 10fl!(<'I' 1'('1, all a club meeting to fUl'll i,h nN"'"­ear~' suslenancc to lICe, and I", I'e­fore had to buy his l)\Vn dlm' !'r.

H e was also e xpected 10 ('onll'ihntr j\of!lnut'tlct urers Of tires 'a nd lulles t9 "worthy" causeA In lhe fOl'1ll or

have dlwnalcd In numb!!l' from 125 -transferrabl e filthy IU rI'C, Camnalg-nM In 11125 to tess tMn 40. fOI' l'alRlng 1l10nry 10"1'(, bl'o U'111t flll'th I

;tlmost evel'Y week, A(\rlr·1 I" "I)I ~ for Cood anel c lolhlng-, UICI'<' IV l'C 1'('-

Dolls; Doll,; Doll,; ques tfl for financia l olt! frOIll tit ' Hed Cross, the , alvatlC)1I AI'my, nIP

Girl Scout, Hunt ¥.'M .C,A, the Y ,W ,C'. \, allIl oll I et' 01'­Df)#is Iw... Cltrfstmas gn.nlznllons, Thcli III hiM RI'Il "C t lml'.

/'" tll(> H\"d"nl mll';hl l'llY r:'lvj llg- Hlnrr"'R

Dolla, dO lls, dolls! U.'lng YOU" dolls lo t'hll gl\'1 scout l'tell.ilquar'lol' s In the AmeJ'lcIIIl Legion community build­Ing for memlhl g aifil dl'esHlng by Chl'ls tmas to be g iven to some un­torlun14t lIttl gll' l.

Mending u nd dressing broken do lls Is a now soclnl servlcc pl'oject to be eta.rted by t ho scouts thlH- year, All contr ibutions will be received at the scout hcad~\ltlrt()'l'K _ It you cnn't hrlng the doll~ cu ll the headqual'lcrs llnd Home g ir l scout will onJl for them,

Ev I'ybocly rummage In YOUI' aWc for dollM, doll8, (lolls,

Quality BakeShop

l· ,'~ I~

Phone 2244

QWdity 8ttked Good, Prompt Service

.'hollo ,Iohnny-m1-t h p-Sllot (fJr CUIII-J'hone 9


Say you're in a hlJrry for your coal and watch us hustle up your order. We have all sizes right now and can deliver as many tons as you want if you don't delay .

Johnston Coal Co. Phone 9

AI'IllY Officers COlltl'olll' <1 e \ er, restraint, routine , orders, sav, lug, were laid aside Whistles were

'I'h" unlvprstly wus enth'ely umler »Iown, sirens shrieked, guns boomed , the control Of army ofllcers, GUllrd. "cre ~tllllonpd at va rious Jlolnls on 111<' clllnpus, and anyolle wishi ng to noss or enter ollU or lhe bllndl ngl! mus t ... holV hlH IdenUfic"Uon card or b(' barl'eel a tlmillance. Sinc(' records of atiplidance wel'c not I,,' pt, how, ever , a ~tlldpnt who hud forgottt'n ntH car(1 rlll!:ht Jigllt u Murad, walk non, chal!U'ltly down the strect, and for­&N ti lt> clnss.

·W lth the cstlJhllshm~nt of tht' S, A/I\C. , wal" Issue cour .... C'R were add·

and people cl'owded the s treetll shout­Ing until lhey were hoarsl!, Gigantic Ilnl'OUes were formed, In which k a ls­r rs were burned-a su.'prlslng' thing, Ihe numb!?r Of kaisers whlclis udde ll­Iy appettred all oVt'r lh world ,

The climax at r ejolcl ng at the uni­versity was I'('nched In a 10n-g parnde a nd a donee which lus ted far In1.o th e mgh t.· R egular hours forgollen , everything forgotten , except th1l1 the wa l- wus over a nd everybody lov~ ('ve,'ybodyeIIlC. Ro mit der Kaiserl

I-Iams and 1-1 r • OmecoMlngs--

Several yeats ago one of our customers ordered a ham to be sent out for the week-end of Homecoming_ She said that there were always so many peo· pIe dropping in t hat she would have more or less of a Buffet lunch and let everyone help themselves to ham, rolls, and cof~ee.

We have watched this custom grow un· til last yeat' in nearly every delivery basket that went out there was a ham,

Phl)n~ YO UI' ordcrK '('orly fM hnm R und a ll thllL go wllh tlt em .


Grocerif.s I


Dubuque at Iowa Ave.


With,A ! HUMphrey .; Radiantfire

'-"'EEPING the home comfortable h. on cool Fall evenings need no longer be a prol»)em. For it requires but the t'urn of a valve and the touch of a match to fill the enitre room with C'Ozy healthful warmth from a Radiantfire heater.

I -And yo.. have no fir s to build, no smoke to contend with.

Come in and see tlie many Rad­iantfire models on disnlky. There's a size for every need and a style for every decorative effect.

Small Monthly Paymehll With Your G.. Bill


SOllfe . Beautiful Model.

.. Iowa.

JUlt $1 Down


" TUESDA V, NOVEMBER 11, 1930 j

Washington High Tigers Oppose Red and White in Homecoming Struggle Cedar Rapids Eleven Holds

Season Edge

)·1----------------· Strikes and Spares I

Little Hawks Keyed for Annnal Grid Classic;

Burr Injured

'fhls u.fternoon at 2 lI.m, luwa ,'Il" high school will engage In It~ aJlnual tussle with WashingtOn high 01

Cl'dar Rnplds , Thl' holiday 'l fr"h'

Notre Dame·U. S. C. Clash Features Pair

of Nation's Greatest

• • I Divot Diggers Sleep I

1 Late; No A. M. Golf I ------------------. '[here will be no club ~w1nglng on

Fhl)(,blne fIeld, unIversity golf eOU1'Re, lihls morning, Coach Charles I<;en· nett announced yesterday,

Teeing oCf will begIn at 1 o'clock In the afternoon.


.-------------------e The Dee Rocreallon leam bent the

Rellab!e J~lectrlc tcum ([lst nl!;ht three slt'nlght, The Dally Iowan team won two out or lhree lrom Bailey Inllurll nep and the Gartner ~'otor team bent the Strand Bal'ber Shop toom two out 01 thrt'c,

High single game fOl' the ('veiling was bowlc>d I.>y Dee, with II. score or 224, .HIgh sl n!;lc thre~ game was thrown by Bal'Oes, with " 569, ] Ugh 'fam" WOIl bowled I.>r the Dee ReI" r(,(LtJon tenm, 8COI'e, 930, High three .;:une was also bowled by the Dee ~o('reat1on team with II. >!Core or ~6!! L

816 2401

3, T'1. HS 502 150 452 J 22 484 182 505 19. 62ft

Totals ----,---

Hoosiers Relax BLOOMINGTON, Iud., Nov, 10

(AP)-Wlth two weekfl.,dul'lng which to prepare for Its final game at the I

' "eason at Purdue, Indiana's squad ' waB let off without work today,

FOOTBALL, I " ~~ . :




Iowa City 'Hig~

TODAY ~ ..,.,

W ASIUNGTON WGB (Cedar Rapids) . .'

appearing on '\ •


AdmisaJon, 75c 2 o'clock Children under hirb sehool &p, 2k

"A TOUih, Traditional Struliile'" \,


AN OLD MA.STER PASSES Connie Mack Prepares for

1931 Season

'The Great Shires' Camera Marriage Fails to M aterialilJe

Freshmen Meet at Ramblers to

SeCl'etal'Y HUI'Iey sa id the break· down could not he conSidered fln .. 1 and hO hopell fu ,'ther negotiations, which thc A"my was "Nldy to carry on, would ,"ijult In a n agrl'cmcnt.

Outshlcrs Not Considered

Unconditional Releases Given to Schang,

Jack Quinn

Ohio Hopes for Win COLUMBUS, 0., Nov, )0 (AP)­

Victory over the ~avy Saturday <;ave Ohio Stute strong hope for It

win over Pill as the week's workout beb"ltn tonIght with no hour's slll ''''l (11'111, The varslt)"s morale wu>; grcat·

LOS ANGELES, No\', 10 (AJ') -Arthur ",'ho Grellt" Shires. mujur lea/( llo baseball plu.vrr. "'"M w(,dded to Miss Elizllbeth o rC(,lIbamn , Universil~' or Wis· eonsin co·ed, III superiur court todn)"

Iowa Union to Pick Teams, Managers

!\len Qf thl' th'Rl vellr rlIlA~ will meet tomorrow night at 7 p,m, at Iowa Union to complete plans 101' tl,,' organlzatton of II. freshman athlcLlc association,

At tho meeting fr 'I!hm~n will 1)0

given opportunities to sign UI' fllr ~qlJadH In the various SPOI'tA, anti ILth· lollc mflnu.gerB wlll bo choBen,

Begin Drills Gau10cher Only Veteran

Left; 18 Report for BasketbaU

LOS ANGI'lLI 'll:l, ellJ, , Nov, 1U Olen Bakel', Al or D,LVenpOI·l. VI'PRI· (AP}--Charle/4 Arthu,' "Thp GI'(~2.t" I dent of the aH~oclaL1on, will IIrosloo Shh'es Of baseball fame met with III the moetlng.

With the opening of the basketball scason less than two weeks olt, ('ofl,,11 }o'rn nC'ls Surppel Is Rending his St, Mary's high squod throu~h

som~ hllrd wOl'kouts, 'fhls yeur' s Ramblers wlll have to travel If the, kecl> UP with the record Het by their predec(,~Hor~, Lust eeaso n's mark or 18 !<trniqht vlctorl R, nnd the right to comppte In Stagg's lnt~r8cholo8tlo tourn 'lmen t at Chlcogo, Is not easU, fo,·goll .. n,

an upset today In his ~lanH to u -------marri!?d betol'e n \Va reel cameras H·ll d D I on a Ifollywood motion plctu"e lot, 1 an a e

Last week Shires and Miss ElIz· abeth 01 eenbauOl, UnlverHlty of S d T k 'WlsconHln eo·ed, announced plans qua a es [01' th eir nlovle wedding. ACter the couple had rfllled to aPllenr at the 5 Mil J t studio, officials there let It be knOwn e aun "th delll" for the ceremony before

Silt', I!:xpel'lence I,lIcklng PI'OBPt'cts rtre none too bright for

tho Rumllll'I'H, 'fho fellows have th, "pcpd und nrc aggressive, but !Lte came,'as had fallen through.

They sltld they did not know where Shll'e~, under contract Lo act tor the films throughout the winter would bc married,

The couple had not appeal'E'd at the ml~rl'lage !lcense bUl'eau to ob· taln thelt' permit. Application fOl' It was flied last week, Shires Is I'lrst baseman with the Washington Senalol's,

LionsTent~ Intersectional

Foe for Iowa

Hizer Orders Layoff LA~'AYE'l"l'E, Iud" Nov, 10 (AP,

- With Its only LJl'eathlllg speU of '''n "Pilson due Satul'day, Coaci' Klze" ordered a complete layoff for 1'UI'(lu(' today and maybe tomorrow, 'Wlth Iho exception of Risk, who 8111\d,,,,el an nnkle In the last quarter 0: the Chicago game, the squad wa~ In good shape, 'rhe halfback may bp out of tho nuller game but wUl be ~ ble to play against Indiana II. week lateI', A brullhlng UP In the Gold anrl Plack lJasHlng aHack will probablv occupy the coaching aLLack this wpek.

With only a tbh'cI of tit ' \'III'Mlty ~:;~;~~~:~dT~~ ~q~~~ ~: ~Z~~~I: In compeLltlon SaturdllY agaluRt till' flV rogeR only about rive teet, fiVe frcshmen In theh' Bchedulrd I III IlIl I· Inches In hl'lght, and Oaulocher la ¢ap r un, the pOw~1' of the T1 ulVkM tho only holdov('r Irom IllSt year'l looked somewhat weak, Rut yrstc'" fh'Ht ijtl'lng, Only, 1\ limited lime II ~ay with the vl'terA.nH buck In tog,. IIvallohl<) for procUre on the Iowa tho tea.m sl'ttled down to thl' tnsle Cily high floor. wher all of the of co ndltlonlng for thl' meet with hom I' i!ame~ will bo plnyed, 1~lghteen Notre Oame Homeoomlng morning, or the 19 bOYR In school are repOrt­Led by Capta.ln Howard Wickey, Ing dally for drill, Qnd all of them Iowa's Iron mart of the hills and I along with Conchcs SlIeppel an~ dales, the squad waR I~d through Orlmm Ilre I"lvlng evet'ythlng to one of the hardest workouls of the ,make the RcnRon a succcssful one, scason with the long htilV flv!' mtir- Work on Fundamental8 cOu .... P t raver8~d III fost time. 'Wo,'k 80 far hilS been conrlned to

A blow to the team h08 been til" fundam ntalll auch aa handling of abat-nce of Lyell VanallA., who hn~ the ball , pnsslng, pIvoting, and bas, 'been Ollt of the lineup the past w('ck. ket "hoOllnl;', ('oach Suoppcl hili! con, It Is hoped he will be able to return stnn Uy sh ifted hi" men In order to to the team In time for at lenst one lI'y out various combinations, Com· conference run. Dick Parrlsh Is ex' Pl'tillon Is keen fOr "very post, and TlPcled to ~ eligible by 'ov, 14 and thp team proml .... ~ to 1\p a unWed a~· ,may ente,· the run Saturday, ~rpgatlon with no outstanding statl,

Today'. practlce will call for spel'll On~ of the mOHt l'l'mnrko.bla 1'01\,

work, followed by an oral prcllm· t"(tHtll on til" s(luad \" shown be, Inary quiz over the rundamenlal" twecn onRamufS. l' nter candidate of CI'()~S country running Iwfol'e tlw who tOWI'rH six tcet, rive Inches In test for honors this Thl.II'8dny, tllt' iiiI', :lull little Charles "Wick"

A novice handicap 1'un hOM h('en Pl'lzhal \\'h" n,,,aRUI'PII only fiVe (eet. planned for 10:45 a,m, IIoml'comlnl'. Iloth hav£' "hown up ",eHl n IIractlce, morning fOl' the freshmcn , 'fen men have already slgneel to ('liter the run .

A var~lty squad of six men will leave tor Ch~l1lpfllgn, Ill .. lit 7 :30 I"rlday No\', 21, COl' the con(erenec CI'O~S counti'y meet.

Battalion, Chocolate Meet in Garden for

Featherweight Title

NEW YORK, Nov , 10 (AP)-Bnt Battallno of Hartford, Conn" will de­fend his world's featherweight cham· plonshlp against Kid Chocolat<', Cu· ban flash , In a 15 round bout In Madlson Square Garden Dec, ]2, The bout will top the curd tor the New York AmerIcan's annual Christmas fund show.

BattaUno has held the 120 pound title since September 1929, when he outpointed the champion, Andre Rou. 'Is. Chocolate long has ])epn ratPd lUI an outstanding challenger tOI' the

('rown but ~utr('red a I<urpl'lslng de­leat II t the hand" of FideI La Barba In his last IIwrt ,

Th" Oarden annouucl'd that La Barba had been signed to !neet Tay· 101' or TerrE' Hallt .. , Ind" In a 10 round .. " lit the Gnl'tIen Nov. 28,

Shoes'for"Men Show the rigid dic­

tates of fashion

COASTS' ~ "." s. Olin"'. '

't'he pre~ent nc"otia tions have heen "OIlC~l'I1ed wllh till' resumption of genl"~ll Ilthll'lIc ,'elations fl.nd not the 6u!-;!-;eNtloll fl'om outsldl'l'S thal IIII' two HE"'V\(oP~ playa post· ' season gamc U1I" yt'a,' to !lsslst un· elll(Jluymellt funds, This lalter qUI'S' tlon hfU! not yet been co"slde r~d, HlIl'ley snld,

A l1y gam" whll'lI might be a r ' "lLngrd fo,' 1931 would have to he pllLycd out DC seasnlt heeau "c the Army hl~s ('lIlupleted. lls regular schedule,

Save Money!

MADlBUN, WI"" Nov, 10 (AP)-A 40 mlnuto pruetlce HCl'lmmugc for the reguhll'" wns handed out at Wis· con~ln today



Expertly cleaned and blocked at

alI times. Why discard yours

when we can make it look like

• \ t ,., ,

1 •

·'B.unting ..



, I new.

SHOES Women, send us your shoe . repairing work, you']] be surprised how much more wear we can put in a pair of shoes.

THERE'S many an Unknown Soldier, in every corner of the world, to whom

we bow in homage on this day. May we

never forget the price that wa paid for

peace, and may we never again know th

days of darkness, of conflict, and of un·

bearllrble )OS8, that must be borne with

every war,

Don't forget we have it and in the right shade of gold,

When winter comes, it's

always well to have those

extra pairs of dry shoes

handy. Let us fix up your

worn shoes.

A very goo~ quality. This Store Will Be Closed All Day

HAWKEYE Today, A.rmi,tice Day

Shoe ,Repair I • Alongside of Raclne'~ No. 1 lOW A CITY'S FINEST STORE FQR MEN


Kriz Goes Willer to


Leo J ensvold, been named State game the leading Hawkeyes Of 326 yards attempts, an

Lineup by injuries liS Coach Burto what bncks he coach Otto Vogel lings. The first the exception of given a. rest In

Krll Oliver san8en

out the se8810n at ry Krlz, who has Sansen this year Bud WlIIer, to rejOin the !lash, seems to nenlly shifted to dahl Hickman tOn al ternnted field post,

The J ensvold Lloyd, were on has a bad Marquette to play Only a Lloyd was also by the Hnltol~per. to be In

.------'1 I .-----3

The Greeks Saturday D.

clean up thel games before lIrda.y night. bIocn cleared a two sections round robin divisions still dule betore the claimed.

Phi Bela Phi Beta

1I1on,. of .nm~8 Epsilon Phi I'd the

A mass A)pha Epsl d1!1Order, Delta hi tho Big Alpha .mlttee, In IL !house forfeit for Alpha when tOWld gul1ly did ale. In Its 1;1

The Ilrotest by the S,A,E , crew

,game was ruled :tee and the tw, 1I.8'0in for ih r itT the s tlon t

Delta ChJ N Dl!ita Chi's de

ed to the final b1es t~tI: rney by from Phi 1:1 tIL 1 of the duo comb dulcd somif({lal I <Jhl team, The \1

'Delta. Th ta tOi ;plonshlp,

Irvin Ploo&, ot ~o tho finals 0 to~'rney last we Pallner of Ko.p

U's Tl "PnCe6

SCl Pork Tend. Hamburgen Pie ............ . Milk, qt. .. .. Ice Cream, Wafers, Ii C

Call 54-Free '" on all)' C

Mai Hambo South 01 U-


Ie --ills :eran lOr

aketball Ike ott sendIng through I Year', It tbey

Oy theIr nark of Ie rlgbt holn~Uo ,t easUr


Ight for ave the but are Ilze and \ Whot. let, five lcher ia t year's time la

Ie Iowa ot the

~Ighteen , report. of them pel and hlng to ful one, ,)1

Itlned to ~fin&, ot ind bas­has con· order to 18. Com. lost, and titled ago Ig stan. ble con· own be. andldate nehos In "WIck"

rive feet. practice. -ising de-.a Barba.

that La ,eet Tal" In a 1D 28.



". )


Leo Jensvold, Hawkeye Leading Ground Gainer, Leads Team Against PAGE SEVEN 1

Lions I

·Coach Shifts Backfield for Homecoming

Kriz Goes to Halfback, Willer to Quarter;

Line Rests

Sportively Speaking

By DiU Rutledge

l'houghts of pence and Armistice nre uppermost In the mInds or people today. but not Iown City's .L.n, .... Hawks, who war on Washington high '1'lger8 thla aftemoon o.t Shm·

Leo J ensvold, senior halfback, has , der field. The Ced,,,· Haplds jugger· been named captaln for the Penn naut 18 known to btl tast and heavy. State game Saturday. Jensvold Is As the Hawklet" al'en't 00 siow and the lenalng ground gainer for the light, quite n battlc I" expected to In· HAwkeyes this year, with Il total tel'l'upt [\, dny otherwIse tl'or,qui!. Of 326 yards from 8crlmmage In 78 • • • attempts, an average or 4.1 yards. The gnme IR Citl' high's

Lineup change8 made neccsenl'Y Uoml'Coming. Foll'l! llbout town by Injuries wel'e IndIcated last nlsht !md students ot the unlver&iI y 1i8 Coach Burton A . Ingwersen "an who spent their (WOP dnys nt the what ba.cks he has available agaInst local high srhuul will hn\'c II

Coacb Otto Vogel 's fJr.t strIng year· 8p~11I1 interest ill Ihe enCollnte l". lings. The first string line, with • • • the exception or JIm Hay, end, w/l.~ There seems to bo a close and


With Iowa">s Varsity John P. Stutsman, Tullio Dellavedova Pair

Sophomore Line Reserves on Squad of

Isaac Edward Stutsman lett his While In hIgh school he WOn IL

footprInts In the UnIversity of Iowa number Of oratorical champion·

Ra.nds 1)nck In 1906. '07, '08 that hIs ~bips, son John Paul Is trying to follow In.

The elder Stutsman can beat his chest and brag of his athletlc prow· ess wIth all trutbfulness. He was var81ty tackle three seasons. Inter· to lleglate wrestling champion two years, and trnck luminary thl'oo ~·en.r8.

The hall of athletic tnme In the (ront corrIdor or the tI~ld house "hows the Renlor Stutsman to have hepn the unlverRJty chomp In the Ahot and hammel' in 1909. dIscus 1907. '08, '00,

WOIl Numerals Thnt wlls 23 years ago. Toclay

he lms 0. son Rc~klng to duplicate

Tullio Dellavedova Of Ottumwa, 18 n sophomore second strIng lineman, who Is among those beIng primed to tIll In places In lhe forward that will be empty when gradllatlon ro1\s around. He a~so plays tackle.

Thrce Sport Athlete HIs showings in frosh Intra·squad

games last fall won for him numer' als. Hla prep experience embraced two seasons at tackle for Ottumwa hIgh.

He played basketbal) as well, two seasons nt center In hlgb scbool. He earned numel'als on the year· ling outclt last winter.

given a rest In the long scrImmage. .mystlc bond bet\v~1l that which is Hrlz a& Ralfbaclc mlltal'lstlc nnd that which Is ath·

Oliver Sansen was used through· letic. MlIllary larUe.s are among the out the sessIon at fullback. and Jer· fundamental' Ill'llIl'iple~ of footb'lli. ry Krlz, who hne been alternate to Most plays arc based on Napoleon's Sansen thIs year, was at fullhack. war stl'o.tegy-F1I'st, determine the Bud Willer, groomed all year as a weak SPOL In the lI~my fl'ont; ann to rejoin the squad In a COUPle or then, ovel'whelm It with U pl·eponder. tll18h, seems 1.0 have been permo.· ance of flower.

, that record. John won nn Old Gold sweater with Ih fJ flgures "33" on It IMt fill! wIth lho freshmnn squad. 'rhls A~"son his atatUq ha.~ hpcn thllt of a reS81'V P 1l11~mltll .

TraCk Is u.lao on hIs list of ath' letlcs. lIe competed In the weIght events ft. sell lion In high school and wo.s ou~ fOt' track last sprIng.

Infni Tak" Rest

nently shifted to quarterback. R,m· • • • dahl Hickman and Jack WarrIng· It rlln be easily imaginell Ihat too. alternated at the other bnck NllPoleon woul,l have become 110

fIeld post. great grid CllllCh Imil he Ilved in The Jensvold twins. Leo and this age, and Ihat ]ulUte

Lloyd, were On the sIdelines. Leo R«kne, for instance, would have has a bad sholllder received In tho become a tll11l0118 gener[ll hUll he MarAUetle glUne, and may be able flourished [~ century or two ago. to play only a short time Saturl1I1Y. • •• LlOyd was also bumped pretty bndly Army oCffc(,l's have proven ~uccess· by the HllItoppers, but IS eXI)ected full football coaches. '1' hore',; Major to be In shape by game time. Cavana.ugh Of FOl'dham, Major J. j,

Ends InJunil MoEwan of H oly roso. Wesl Polnl Gus Mastrogany and Gporge teamB, whICh n~ver fail t9 rank

Rogge, regulal'" entle, were In slreet among the nation's best, are tutored clothes last night. but are expected by milItary le(ldel's. Major Ralph Penn State LIons. Olher Injuries to "Tank" Sasse Is this year's coach. days. Mastrogany hOJ! a stltf ijhould· You rememher the prcvlol's mettlor. er. and Rogge's old leg Injury Is Capt. "Birr" J on~s. who coached un· stilt troublesome. til hIs commIssion expIred.

Bugs Ely, gIant tackle, has a bad • • • shoulder, but Is nursing It fOr tho The story or Gene Tunney's Penn State Llon.1I Other InjurIes to a!ICell~ion to the prIze f1l1:ht squad members are minOr In char· Ihrone trom a $5 0. week office acter, boy is as enl:rossing as any tale

• or tiriiun. 'rhe detllils or his lire t------------. 111'0 beillJ:" reveaJed in a law suit

who rend bonl(8 without any pic· tures or jol(es.

••• A noLlwr strong connection b~lween

bra.ln and brn.wl1 Is found in LIp Unlv('rslty or (,lIleOl1;o footll'll! team. Tho JI1n.I 'OOIl J)ln.y~l's nl'£' l'eferred to 'l" lhe "Rcholn1'l), young n1f'n from ~i"lwny cloIHters." purdue's vll,Lol y Saturday wo. c\p"crlhcd Os "Ihp roul of "0 , "Hell braIn by actua.l bmwll to a. RCOI'O of 20 10 7." '['he Chlcal1;o· PrInceton tUSSle Nov, 1 was termed 'I. gnme for tho "cultural champlo1\. shIll." PhI Bela Kappa keys mllY h~ dangling tram th e watch chaIns ot Mal'oon grWtlers, but not any little gold footballs dpllotln v; cham'llonshlp.

• • • He they eVel' SO smart (in the

C)[ISRrOOIll), th~I'e 's lUI team liS punl, (Ill the "u"ferl'n('p\ ~o 1116

Maroons (on the rootball field).

I In ali I in New York in which h(' i~ the tramur tes defendunt. Gene will be remem· The &terllng- examf)le of a sport

••• . ------------. b<..,.ed liS the intellectllul PU!;iJlst and studies mixture Is Herbert

PlumPI·. h·rt HUH(l for lhe Chlc:u::o C'·u·dlllllIH pro t~am. ~1L'. Blumer, L.· 0., 111 th/\ ~porlH \\'01'1(1, cxpan,l. Into H~"bel'L Blumel', A.l3.. liLA. Ph.D., Phi Retn I,appn" SIgma Delta Rhe; In academIc ril'cl s.

1(ur\\,lh; to Relnrn II) T PII Ul CIHCAGO, Nov. 10 (AP}-{,hlcago

1't""!"'VCs. had I he wholp IH'actlcC fIeld to themAl1lvE'fj today mI ('oa.rh Slagg gave tlWtn 11llnolN prn~·". 'rhe rcg· ular" w~rc nnt aslH'd to r<'I)Ort. buL will gO to work tomorrow . Ram r!o,·wltz. who~e leg Injury kept Ilhn out oe tll(\ Purduo gallle. wu.s /"C.

pOI'led I'('coverell. and will be rPM1y lo start ngaillHL [1l1nol" Hll.tul'tlay nL i:ltagg field.

'rhough fOI'plgn sales or automo· biles declined tho fIrst hal[ o[ the yeal', A mprlcall export!! o( Aervico appllanccs nnd garage equipment In· cl'eaRed nearly 40 per cent.

"By Ed" ------------------ -------------------.-------,0 Tbe Greeks had a. wild ~ramble

Saturday atlernoon In an effort to clean up their un played Reellon games before clOsIng tim limit Sat· urday night. ACtel' the debris had been clearell away It wns round lhat two sections have flnllltted thcir round robIn schedule while two other dIvisIons stlll have contests on schp· dule bofore the champs cnn be 1>1'0' c1a1mell ,

Phi Beta Delta Cop Se('iion 2 Phi Beta D .. 1ta was crownpJ1 ('ham·

,,101\ ot secLlon 2 a11l'r winning l!'am~8 from Delta. To u Dt>lta. Phi Epsilon Kappa, Deltl\ Up"lIoll . nril PbI Delta ChI. The Phi 1leta.~ a8~um· ell the winning attltude rll(ht from <the start of the toul'ney and were never headed opce started. They will :meet the other ger tlon wlnnrrs In a round robIn final tourney LO ,le· clde the champIonship of the silort.

Kappa SIgma t'ode rough Mhor! over oppOSition to cop the pennant Of divIsion 3, 'rhey tl' lmmed such -worthy competitIon as SIgma ChI. PhI Epsilon PI. Beta Theta Pi, IIUd PhI Kappa to cinch the right to pIny in the fInal roUnd rohln for the trophy.

Section 1 Underided Several gameS have yet to be play·

ed In sectlon 1 before a champion .an 00 pIcked , The dlvls10n is rep'

:resented by five teams, PI Kappa Alpha, PhI KapPa pSi, Acat'la.. ThAla Xl, and Delta Sigma PI. It Is thought thnt some of tho nc~o\lntable ",ames in thIs section have been played bllt have not ,been reported to Coach E, I G. "Dad" Schroeder a.t the fleld

~~u:'r~~ I:f n~~~~r:'s~~~t a~(~ ~~~~ I agers are urged to supply them to I "'Dad" Immed iately , I

A mass of protests against Sigma .Alpha Epsilon threw section 4 Into d\ft()rder. Alpha Tou Omega and Delta Chi entl'red pl'otests agaInst the BIg Alphs and the proteRt com· Ilmlttee. In n meeting at the fIeld 1l0use ycsterday afternoon. ruled a I torfelt for A.T.O. against the Sig AJpha when the lattcr team wa~ I tOW1d guilty of using football can· didates In Its game with tho Tau8, The protest by Delto. Chi agnlnst the S.A.E . crew on their G to 5 Ue I .gomo W9.8 rllied alit by the commit· tee !lnd tho two leams must me t Naln tor lhe rIght to pln.y A.T,O, Itt tho secllon fInals,

ThIll" ('hJ Net ters A(lval1Ce D~ta Chi's doubles team ac\vn ne·

ed to .the finals of tho tennlR dou· blea to!rrney by virtue of a forfeit trom PhI Beta Delta. Only one mUll ot tho duo pomblnallon tor the sche· duled somlfinal malch wIth the D Ita -Chi team. The win net'S will play PhI 'Delta Theta. for the doubles cham· 1llonahlp.

IrvIn Ploog of Delta Chi odvnnCl'd ~() the flnala or the tennla alngl~8 to,'rney \a8t week by beallng John I Pal,ner ot Kappa Slgmll.,


It's THE Thing "Pr~ce, alway. the

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Maid-Rite HamburK Shopp~ South or &he 1" A. oulldln,

New TODA yt Last Times Show • Friday

Continuous Shows

Attend Matinees Attend Matinees

GOOD NEWS ...... A Proven Hit! " ~. " the Greatest Stage PLay is 'NOW ON The Talking Screen---,

With a Hand Picked Cast of Youthful, Frolic-

some, Stage and Scree.n Stars-

"Scenes in Natural Colors"

1681G lONG, HITS •

Gee, But I'd Like to He'8 a Ladies' [\flln Make You Happy Walk Oollnglate Feel P_lmlst!e F laming Youth

Football Happy I)I'YII

If You're Not Kisslnr TaU Song Me

That's How You Know We're (Jo-eds

The Best Things In Life Are ,Free

Toda.y'l the Day Girls of Pi Ueh~ l'hJ GoodNews J""cky III Love V ar8i1 Y [)rag

-Music by-

Abe Lyman Anll IIis Band


Air. & MRS. JAOK NORWORTU "The N""era"-Coml)t\y SkJt-

_r MY GAL SA.r-"Novelty"


Coming Soon Harold LLOYD

lIe wns Il rogllllli' tac/tlo foul' ypnl'8 with the Slprllng, ('010" pref) eleven. ) lis Honlor year the lcam won the Impl'csslv title of cham· pIons Of the G l'eat PlaIne confer· once.

'rhe :young StutHman hal< heen oul for tUlcl( find fOI'('n~i("H IWl"e.

CHAJ'.fPAli:rN·. III. , NOV. 10 (AP) -<:onch Bob ZUPllke rested the II· IInols squad tOllay before beginning pl·epars.tfon" fOr Its "consolation" game with Chicago Saturday. Tom ·Wllson. sophomore e nd, Buffered a wn'nched knec In the Army con· , t~~ t Salul'day , I

Another Great Show

Now Showing , The two funniest fellows on the screen, in the funniest

picture they have ever made. Better than "The Cuckoos."

BERT --_____ ROaT. _____ _

wm EflERr WOOlSEY r~

You'll Laugh Until YOltr Sides Ache



Very Interesting


First Times

Again Brings His Golden Voice, His Dashing Love Making, to an Unforgettable Romance 1


He Dreamed of a Love He Had Won-and Lost 1

Few Three



I I ''Call t/tM B I , I

,~DOROTHugRDM Matinee.

''Everytl i REM EE ~EE !5c Evenin&'1

Hll.ppellS t! ~fe" ERNESl TORRENCE 8unda¥1 (]omedy Skit "'- - . and

r" Talking liewa

Ho\l4&71 liiio

1. --

Freshman Grapplers Labor With Varsity

ways grpat rivals, the Gophers are particularly all.xlous to trIp the \Volvprlnes Saturday. VIctory would more tha n square UP fOI' (,Arll I' de· feals. Dllhlel' and Ri'zowskl, ends, and Ken MacDougal, back, were baCk, having recovered (rom In-


FOUr varsIty g l'1lPpllng candl· dates: Raymond Collins, 14G; \Vorm· ley, 145·pounds; weaver, 145·llound· er; and nuff .135; and two la5·pound freshmen hopefuls , Harry llskowitz and Frank Delfrldo, sweat tIlrough lOng workou ts yesterday.

juries a.nd lIIness. I

Wolves Drill for Gophel's Paul Amlie. veteran 135·pounder

Umbered up, bllt did not wrestle any as ho Is partially IaJd up wllh an attack of bolls.

Coach MIke Howard saId the men would not be held Cor pracLlce lO· day.

ANN ARBOR, lI1\cb" NOV. 10 (AP) -lII!chlgan's vlctol'Y over Hal'vard last week fell shy of Coach Harry Klpke's exp etatlons and he gave the wbole Wolverine squad, I'egu· lars ana u.lI, a long drill, Several new plays were handed out Ilnd As· slstant Conch BennIe Oosterbnan,

Gophers Prime for J\llchlgan who scouted MInnesota. gave tbe MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 10 (AP) - freshmen Gopher formatlons, Oost·

All hands were present tOdny as crbaan reported Minnesota as pow· 1I11nnesota began pOlishIng u p tor erfu l. but not as fast as other teams Its game at MichIgan Saturday. AI· lIUchlgan has faced this seaso n.

TODAY One Day Only

Just Today


SILLS In His Last Picture


~~~1. JANl Ktmi RAntOND HA(J(OJ




"Johnny's Week End"

Tomorl'OW For 4 Days

No Children Admitted Following Chicago and National


Does ~'Sex Since.Tity" Exist After


Smart Sophisticated - Sparkling

1 John Erskine's Fatnous Modern

Novel -

A Sensation


6 Stars

In The




Conrad Nagel Rose Hobart

(Stage Star "Death Takes a Holiday")

Basil Rathbone Genevieve Tobin (Stage Star "50 MilJion French· • men")






PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY TUESD4.Y, NOVlJjMBER 11, 1930 / c i _ . r ? - = - s:z= 777l

• e. • Read The Daily Iowan's Page of Sunrise Features • -.-

Laughing Boy SKIPPY-He Wants a of Scenery By PERCY L. CROSBY

By Oliver La Farlle

(What Baa GODe Before) Laarhln, 80, meets 8Ilut Girl

at a ceremonial tfaIM!e an. laIIII In love mth her becllase abe II dltferent fI"om an1 otbet aqua\\' he ha. ever known.

His family advlBe8 hbn not to ,. with her, but after be loaell bill mODeJ' ane) bOl'Se, SlIM Girl ,",l'IIudes blm to 1:0 wltb bv to her home. ghe will get Jdnj mucb silver to work with ond honea to breed, she tell8 him.

Slim Girl, who hll8 been edu· cated by the Americana, .... eoI)­

led m~f 01 the Americana wall. Sbo has tbe ability to pl_ whJte men.

Now and then sho goeJ to the town for an afternoon. she tefts Laughing l)Qy ehe ,OOfI to belp tbe mhllster'e wile. She ~ to spend tbe afternoon willi a white man. He «Ives bel" lIIoney. and ",Ith' thIs money she I. able to keep henelf aDd L&arbln, Bo,.

But always she Is anxious to relearn the Indian eustol1lll and the lndlan SOUr8, and she Is hun. Itry fQI" the life that sbe baa lIut behind her.

(Now Go on With tllo Story)

quarter of a man left, I think. Look at what th y trl d to do to you. A nd yet they were not dellbero.tely trying.

"Vell, soon we shall bc where th«.-re m'o tew Amel'lcan~, vel'y few . And we shall Me thal OUI' childl'Cn nevCr gO to school.'

'Soon we shall be wherc thcre al'e very tew Americans'; that tnought was constant In his mlnt1. JIe wus \,~I'y happy, It was like a sl'cond honeymoon. lle had kept a ll the good things of life, nnd hc had saved hImself. 11e saw thllt hl8 wife de· ppnded on him; sl1e was vPry tender alld I'at her grave. He unders tood lItr grnvlty, In view of her wound and all that had happened. Soon In new 8urroundlngs there would be causo for only happiness. A little readJusltnelit, a little helping her Into 0. less comfortable lire, hu t her cournge would make nolhlng at tha t.

She was very tender a nd very grave, nnd she was thlnldng n great d al. That crlsl. like a blast of I~hlte light had shown her lICe and hl'rself, It had ended her old Inde· pcndence. She had unt'avc\l('(! her IJIa.nket back to the beginning, and started agaIn wltll a dcslgn which eould not be wOVen without ]Jaugh. Ing Boy, and she Imew tha t there

'You have lived In a ten'lble w()l'ld could be no othel' deSign. that I do not know. I cannot Judge It would not be easy at fll'st to be YOU by my world. 1 think 1 undor· eompetcnt and 81lt1sfactol'y up there; stand. YOli have deceived me, but to maleo hersel! ncceptM antI 11k d, you hnve not been untrue to me. I I to do the dull things, to walch slleoll think. I.!fe without you wo\lId be a. \ and make her own bl·eael. BUl sho kind of death. Now I know that I I would, and she COUld. They would do not have to do what I thought 1 bO to Oljeto\ Moonlight 'YalCr, !l.

had to. and I am glad for It. Now I [ll'e tty name and a pretty place, If a know you, and there Is 110 more of childhood memory were true. Sho this secret thing that has been aI''''' bm! :l'elatlves there, and II was far er between us. flam the long arm of the Am l'IonnR

'As Boon as you are able, we shall - wild country, with the unexl)lore{1 go North. IC lhere Is a place Where fas tnesses towards 1'so Nanauzh and YOU have relatives, we can go ther~. the Pah·Ute8. 1'hat woulU l>l' belter J! not, we CUll go to T'o 'flakaJ, 01' tllnn dealing with his r elatives o.t some place where your clan Is strong, 'J"o Tlakal, nnd It was ncal' enough or wherevel' you Wish . 'We shall get fo,· visi ting. the sllcep thtLt my mothcr Is Itceplnll' 'And we s hall sec that Our children tor me, and we shnll buy others, and ncver go to schoo\,' Sh(' echoed we shal/llve among 'I'he People. Thtlt that, and she longed tor them-his Is the only way, I thInk. ch ildren. But the thouS-hl gave ller

'Understand. IC We go on t,ogeth~r, pause. Now tha t ehe WIts t hink. it Is In my world, Tho People e world, Ing as truo as she knew how, Cor and not lhls world ot, Americans who her salvation, she wondered If she ha.::le 10Skti tlledir way. stili could have a Child. ::lhe was

""Y sse. h h b t 'I sh .. :: h. happy with you any. young, bUt" e ad ecn hroug h II Where that YOU ;..-:::!: to tA.l{e me. As lot. After that one terrlblc time, In· you hnve Hf!lll, there Is 11\J~~, :::'~ be .. fltl'uoted by the prostitlltes of Onat~, tween us 1I0W. You have made Ut_ .h .. hlVl Tlnvo,· !lilt )"1o"'olf In d ... ,,~~ r I to me, and revenged me, tor every. of It 01' had Shl!1 Sl, ~ cu~c fJ>lCK

thing the Americans have done to me, carefully In her mind: sll was notl My Slayer of Enemy Gods.' /S UI·e. It was pOssible that silO could, l

'You must not call me that; It js posslblo tha t she cOliltl no t. 1'h ~ wicked to calln human being by sucb thing stared her In tho face like a a. name.' risen corpHe.

Sho answered him with another 'rhen what could she do? lIa vo kiss. H e thought he had never seen him ta ke another wife, who would ller look 80 happy. FOL' the fIrst tlmo b('llr them to him. Then In the cncl since he had I{nown her, she loolcelt he would love that other. lie woulrt as young ns she was, a year or 8 0 not l of himself, ever want her to go younger than himself. IIer face was away, but tllat other would schemo full of peace. a.,.alnst h 1', th e moth er of his chll·

They toll to planning. Reckoning dren. What would thore bo in the their I'esources, they conclUded that. world for her, n ban'cn Indian, hav· they hacl amassed the astounding su'll Ing lost Laughing Boy? An unlock. of threEl thousand dollars In mohey, ed dOOr In a s tree t by the I'ailraad goods, and horses. He did not war,t traCk, 01' death. Only death. to take whnt came through her lover, There must be chlldreTl. After all, but she said: ~he was only f rIghtening hel'self

A Sad, Sad Story

On Other Campuses

'No; I took It like spoils In wal.. with a chancc. When she was It was war I made with him. An1 (,ulte wcn, and I'ested, In their new New York Unive"sity yoU made It yours whcn your arrow home, Bho would put Il to the test, ~t~~~~k~lm. And we both paid for It, and It would come out all right.. So

'Perhaps whell he gats well h e will Sh~~\'aS hgra vo nnd very I ten(~e, . Il Bend policemen aftol' us .' en er arm was a mos we,

'No, I I{llOW him. He wlll say Laughing Boy bl'oughl thrco at hlH npthlng; he will be ashamed, I thlnlt.' test horses to the corral. They pre·

CHAPTEU XX pal'ed to move In beautiCul, cleal', I cold, sunny weather following a flrsL

During the Interval , Laughing B,)y IIghb snow, the slight thawing of moved most of his hOI'ses a couplc which assured them oC wat(' r. Thl'iI' of days' 1'1110 (alther north, not fal' '<oods mnde IItlie bulk-well ov r a

Speaking on Important local amI natIona l poliUcal It;6u~H of loctay, Norma n Thomn s , socialist poli tical s peakel' a nd candidate for C'ungr{,HS" man of the sixth cong l'cs~lonH I dis' tl'lc t of Bl'ooklyn, l'Ccenlly addressed a la rge aHscmbla!;c oC sturlents at an opcn m {'eli ng Of the W. S. C. Day OI·ga nization.

tram Zhl Cllchlgl, where he penned thousand dollars In silver. tu rquoise, Northwestern U. them In a box canon In which thero und cora l, sevC/'al hundred doll,ll'S was a spl'lng and stili a little teed. In coin, 'hls jeweller 's kit, her spindle, He bought pl'ovlslons nt a trading b<l tten , cards, and fork, hnlf a dOZl'1l post on the road to T 'o Hatch!. Slim choice b1ankets, some pots and pans Girl had confessed to him that the and provis ions. Th ey c..1.rrlcd a good story nbout the wan'ant out for him deal on their saddlcs, and packed on a.ccount of the Pah·Ute had beef) a fhe rest, Navajo·fashlon, whic h I ~ to lie, but, nl! thlng~ considered, she bay badly, on the sparc pony. Th ey telt It best thllt he stay away from aet out with rlne bla nkets OVCr th~h' town. He said thllt It had lIoell'!ed a shOulders, thclr mounts praneln,; In lIlUe odcl that there Shoul,d be so the cold, t-helt saddles und bridles muqh trouble OVet· a Pah·Ute. hcu.vy wllh sllve!' and brass, leading

'No,' she said, 'they do not want the pack.horsc by a mulll.coloured any shooting.' horsehair rope a splendid coullie.

'That Is true. 'Whenever there I" ACtel' a period of worl'ylng, she llu11 cause for n fight, they want to senti reacted partly by dellberalcly living men to do the fighting, and only let each d~ fot. Itself only partly b a us come a~ guides, Hke that time y ,y with Blunt Nose. They must be very natural and reasonable swIng to tond f flglti.Jng I think and they optimism. So they were both gay have ~ot e nough 'at their o~, eo they as they rode, and chattel"ed together do other people's fIghting for them. of the futul·e. Oljeto had been agreed It Is a good thing and a bad thing. upon tor their new home. It was II

' J do not understand them, those good winter camp, he saJd, and he Pllollle. They stop us from raiding . thought that at Segl ) IlLlsos l Or the Ston.s House People and the Mexi. Adudjejlal, IItlie over a day's rill e cans, which Is a pity; but they stall distant, he could find an uncla lmod the Utcs and tho Comanches trom fertile strip for summer. There Is raiding UB. They brought In money goad water there, even In dry sum· and sliver, and these goods for our mel's . clothes. They brlhg up watel' out of 'You have seen the stoho granar l," tho ground for us. 'We are better we build,' he said. 'The rock around orr than before thoy came. tIIat part breake easily Into sq uarca,

(To Be (JontintUld TOlllorrow) thero Is lots of gboc1 adobe. I cu n

A survey of univorsit), s ludent:! shOWed there W01'e " tOtlll or 17n

xc luslvc Of tho Division 13 Fresh ­me n whiCh ente,· tho lattcr pa rl of Deccmbc,·. 'rw/'Ivo states of t hI' Unllcd States Of AmerIca Ho nt! bile 0,' more students LO the unlvC!'slty, whllC' nine foreign co untries at·o rcp· resented.

University 0/ Ncbroska. Nlnety.slx ju ni OI's were appointed

sccond lieutena nts In the Cndet reg· Iment by the military c1 epartm p nt of the university. 'I'hls Is the fh 'sl year that jUniors have received ap· polntments hlghet· than seargenelcs.

Old grads from us far !Jllck as 1881 an,l frOm ali pnrts of the nit· I'd States were present Itt the unI· vel'slty 's 1.930 hom coming.

Columbia. univerSity IR to be th c feature foe Of the university dc· ba.ters this season In a clash to be held before a luncheon oC tho Om· aha Ad·SeII league On Mal'eh 30. Th e debate witl be on tile 8ubject, " Resolvcd ; that the American home hus broken down."

'But yet It doeB no\:,.matter wbether build you a house ai\ good aa the ono ., , they do good th.lngs or bad things wo Just left. We shall make a tu n· t UruverSlty 0/ Caltlornia Ol tltupld thIngs, I think. 'When one nel like that (aI' the smoke from tho The southern branch ot the Unl. 01 ' two come among UB, they al'O not fire, and we sl1all have one oe· those vOl'slty of Cnllfornla Is being I'C' bad. If they are, sometimes we kill wooden doors that swi ng. 'l'here lvill built on a 6,400 acre campus at n. tllem, lUI we did Yellow Beard at be no hOUse like it Ilround there, ex· cost of $10,000,000. K1en Dotlcllah. But a lot of thom except tht! tl'ader's at T'o Dnesjl.' nnd wo cannot !lve togother, I think. She smiled. 'And a window ?' 'J'hey do gOOd things, and thon they 'Ye4, but; we cannot have lIlU~ do something like taking a child clear stone In It. We shall put II awny to 8chool tor five years. membrano across It, that will lot In AI'ound LUltachukal there are many light, [ lhhik, but yOU cannot see lIt,n who wen t to 8chool; thoy wear through. It.' ,hllk flair -short; they all hate Amerl· 'That will be good enough.' cuns. I understnnd that now. There Thcy came Into the mouth ot 18 no l'eason in whllt they do, they ChlzbltM Cllnon. Here and there 4.1'0 bUnd, but 111 the end they will were fragments of patrlfled tl'OCS, all de~ troy evel'ythlng thAt Is dlffcrent colours, some dull, 80me retlecting tram them, or else what Is different like marbie, th.e many shndea madc mt:st del troy them. If Yoll dMtroyq brilliant by the thin blanket of snow overythlnr In me that I • .,tt.rent atoun(t them, and the clear sunlight. 110m thew. UletrJ .w.o3llil ~ n. 'jjI.~!!~ II • ~t 2' J'l!!l!r

/Vorthwe,te"n U. At the hom coming on NQvember

14, many lnnovaUona will he Intra· duced Including the use oC fire· works. This Is tho fIrst time any school In 11e Big Ten has used fire· works In any way and is thought to be the Ch's t used to celebl'ale horlle· comIng In any university.

JlfcKlnloclc campus, felltul'lns-the medical, dentnl, law, and com· merce schOOls I the Purple Pal"'ot Is the lattlilt nddltlon to, the humor bI!i(Iio!I!!!l.

------ -

Wfl.~, I -(ell .. 'Iou. 'Iou Go-r "(HAT WMOLE LIIUE 01' HORll.Or-J As. ~AR AS 'Iou c.A~ SEE IIU AJJV OlR6C.""'O~, ANO 6EAu,II=UL CLOUDS ROLLING DV6R. l"r KINOA FILLS 'louR MIND WOt.JDfiR INb WI-l6RE 1"H6y'RE <r.OI/.Jb, AND 8'f ~£ TiM6 '{Oil 1"'HINK o/:: HoW SEAU1H<UL 1"~GI{ A~G, "I"HE S1"'AR'i> CoM6 ou1"". 'Iou SORTA C;ST To

LOOK ON 1'/-lEM As .sO~TA •• WELL, r DOf-J'-r KNOW,. SOR1'"A Fltl6r..tOS, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~i~I!!~I~~~~~~~; AJ.fO WHEN 'IOU 1"HINK 'YOU'RE ALI.. ALoNE, -(HE" SolttA CaMS OOWN 1'0 \(OU ort'lOu Go';P 1"0 "-H6M •• r DON'1" KNOW •• BUT "f"HSf\I

(. YOUIR& N01" AlONE AND ALL O~ A. so r>OEN ,{OU Go TO !:>L.€E'P. THEN '{AU WAKE UP ~6 1II(l'-r MOP-NINe:. AND AS FAA. AS Vou CAN S~f. IT AI...L LooKs. o'FF~Re;NT AC;AIN. ,-r's LI/<€ A GREAT etG

p,e.-rURE ONL'/ IT'S A DIFF€R6NT PICTIJR€ (VER.\f IOA'f. l'M KINOA It K€ "tHE AR,'-IS" PAIN"\"IN' rr. EII€R't DA't IT'!> S€'TiE R •. !

WAKE uP ANO WoNOE"R WHAT J'M ,"Ol/V~ TO PAINT, BOT ~OME ~O"" n .)vs.,- COM5S -A B€,Te:~ PICTURE" -mAN &FOR~. J

WEll, "fHA1" MAV Bb ~UT ' 1'1"$ A \N€EK ~OW SltJ(.€ l'V£ e€~N LOOk.IN' ArTIlE SAME PIC.TURE Af-J' r'M

GEITC"" "'II\6D 0,," IT,

L-___________________________________________ t

/1·// .~

H"E WO~ .NIG!-\\0 AND. ANt::> wmr Ar\EAJ:::::. OF ALL }-1ls fRI~[::::..s WI-\O vJ'ERE"

O\.J"f LAIE ~ NIGHT I>A~CII'0G A~t::.

!1\.li r{E ~ E\l~ bA~CE eECAUSE HE <561' lLJ MlY\Go Ff.;:oM O'JERvJORk-

CARoU..5) !\Y5 -MCNaughl SyndIcate, Inc., " Y.

At The Nation's Capital Illinois Senator First W Oil Recognition Through

Herrin Prosecutions

\Vith a. hackground or nuhllc serv. iCe which Included ('Ighl y"ar~ as stall"s nltomey in JaCI(HOn county, Illinois, and one tcr", as a I'CPU Ir llean It'llller In thr statn sr na te Otis l". Glenn wag elerted to the Unltcd States senate In J 928.

H e l",cl galne" notice thrOUgh his proR(,{,l1tion or tll(> Hitly('rs wh o pal" tieiplltt'd in th" mine rlolll at n~r· rln. Ill. 'l'hat \VIlS a specIal assign· ment acc'C'pl{'d hv Mr. 01 nn after sevrral olhvr la;vY~ rB declined th InVitation Of J\ ttorney General B"un(\;lgc to sel'v{'.

];;I('cled to th(' sUIte sena tc In 1920 following a second term ' ItS slntc'H altol'll y for Jack son cOUllty, the IllInOis senatol' n.ttractl'd wldo atte ntion as lea.de,· or Lho forces op· pos~d to I h then governor, Lon Sma ll. At t he dose oC his fOUl' year trrm he ,lid not 81.'ek reelec· lion, havi ng- onc('o d Clll l'cd that his rh i<'f leglsla tlvQ mIssion was to be "anll ·Small! "

Senatol' Glenn, who was opposcd at the gencral election by Anton J . Cernl<lk, democratic leader Of Cook cou nty, had ""e endorsement of the Ant l·S,tloon league of 1Il1noilS, but bleadfaslly refused to make the wet 01' cI,·y qU('8t1on u. campaIgn Issue.


Aflel' his elcctlon, howevel', he de! nounced the J ones law which wllll passed durin the first few months S~nator Glenn was In Washington,

Behind T/w Scenes

IN HOLLIYWOOD By J/t\.RTU 'ON Ci\JlROLL city should be an Idclll muslrlll b(\C'){.

11 -JLYWOOD- Irox Is now hed;;,· g round for tho COmllQ8ct or "The

AN~ t1ls~ E\lCR\TH r t-:l G I-\E- SlRIjG\SlEt:,

\0 EN.)c,\.

By J. P. McEvoy and J. H. Slriebel 1111 ......

, MOTHf.~ WAS RI~J..\1- SHE'




WHI!N ""THE BAND BoYS cSiA"Tl\E:~ED I..AST NlCi!MT FOI':!."lHe FI~ST WIN'TI!!"- MS.,.'N' .... C,--E~ PRUNT'( FOJ.lND iHleEE SQUI~~EL.S', A"'I> A HAL.F BUSH.1.. O~ ACO~NS 1111 HIS N!:W SIL.VE~ p._ .... .,...p ~O~N

GOOD Gi)osH-Tl-4e MIC~ ATS Tl\E CovEleS OFf:


AND s;-,a IPe; S For.! SV!fe'"

':11" ClOU t WhO'M to play the femlnlnc Hhfl.psody In Blue."

~~~~e mu~~tI~~eCpnh· Guy ful~n, wh~1 ~ ~e boo~ ~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~==~~~~~~==~~~~ W1118 a[' contillg to Ilollywootl to s~ l'vcd In tho Rllmo Cilpacity (or .e

compose. "l'he Love 1 '<\I'£LI10.' , /\'rTENTION, '1'J\Xm URn' l'}1(! to chooso Lhe Illu.>, " H()cl{lIhyu," for "l'~ find III Ill", "f IIw !lHlO rll-Jan~l Gayno,' hall h~(l ll announccd

for Ull ~ 1'01(', hut ollIeI' name~ .

Jet,nelle Macdonul(1'~ fOr one, nre now mon t1onod. 'rhr officia l pro· nouncement Is Lhat 110 one hus beon ch08 h.

11) tho meanwhile, OeOl'go and Ira OerMhwln a nd G\ly Bolton , their co l· laborolor, arrive here tomorrow to ,bcg ln 1l1'('I>aralions fOl" the produc. tlon.

Some woul<1 aa\' lhat to start a muslt''' l now requires more opthnlMlll than 10 buUd a mlnln.lmo golf courso. But l~ox Is Impervious.

'rhe Gel'~hwln pi tUl' will b~ called "Skyllno," a lfi will be New y .Qrk ruedle~, Fpx !lfS'uce that the


It ,h 'lY Il1tCl'~SL a rertaln tltxl IIrlv· ht,,, next vehicle, L 'lUl'l IJullv ('n'l" lime ful' h"r/{ In •. ,('Oll811111 re ncA' AN EVEN IIRE/\li ' Or to Itnow thaL the gcntlvma n In IIOW 1)lullS to <'nllct a 1'01 .. III tI\I' )lh-. Iwt 11Il~ hml [t tOl1l<O IIll1nr~ ortel'

'fhcro's tho MtOllY nhoul tlte filt 11 CVCIl\!lll (\1'('86 whu tOHocd him 1111 /{g ture. lH'r " I1I1~tl\nela ," Mllc' lI Inll'oduct nctOl' who tried 10 bOn'ow ,20 Ct(lln on Molluay nIght WI IS (lcon:e T(' l'I'O<lUCtioli I ~ v(ling h~1I1 1111 until It 111 I';urupl' .. . JobYI1I\ 18 Il;Ick 1ft 0. [1·IOnd. Arthur, IJ ollywo ()o ij pmctlCll1 Jo:.o· 1.1. Mullnb\(l I( 'adhlg 1I1~ 1\ CllII \I f"UI'1. tOW I1 , ""c'm'rr"ll ft'llm It II Mtnck 01 " I'll glvo YOU SIO," rOllI/cd tho ("Ir· Um of the touch. KtCi. 1'lly Ott/' nell, who'll ,lIrrct, I" gl'u v· pll l'1I 1111111 Iii. WllI'l1 I' nnxtcr hlUl

"Uut, 1 Ilsk9d you (01' 120." ()oorl\o IIVCR fll 1:180 Schuylnr I·oarl. Inll' tllHellul'agcd III hl ~ h('Ht'l"It . II~ t .. krll dull' te tllllK IC~e0I18 tOI' tWO " 'Woll," sltlel tho (deud, "we'll uoth Maybe tltnt will ~rltle my AcorB compluhlH that tiler ute on ly ~ I 01' r,llr.

lose t"n ." with George for hundlng me a simi' JlI'I't'n goo(\ lendIng Illen 1n Ihe bll I· I"mllk AI/) ' 1 '1~01l lllltl Doris Hlltl Ittt· ~ Il' just hcforc th~ curlolll wpnt n ~ 111111 n II or th~81' arc l\lll'l{itl l(. 1'lIllllt111l' t" hc 'I'll till{ 'lhl'r ht 110'

S:\\'E 'rilE ItRl\INAN'NI Our Scotch rrlenil, lo:tldlc Cnlllo!'1

would 11[1 ve the city cOIlI'ert 1111 Iw d sC," ' letl Illllliot urc golf cour6CS Inlo ccmetorlcs for u~etl \lnfdty·I·1I1:01' pJadCIJ.

\111 Ilt Ol'org!' HL'I'Ill1nl Hhnw'6 "'I'hr I 'wooli, '1'lw)I IIll't whell hoth 1'01" AIlPI" ('nrl." I NO'J'IO'I'III\'I'- l·XlrnA. ('IIlN HOII I" \lilt Il Inl'~c RUIll

Old you <'Vl'l' Iry to COllcC'nl 01' t1l .· I,ow BruwII, of ne l'1ylvn. BmwlI hl'('a ll ~(, lie It Ill\. lI11 In IllIl el I' ~(' r~~' pMI' 01 LI n egg JII lL rl'owtl~(] tlIClltCl'? ltl l(\ Il l'l1de l'$o ll , 1I ~1'8 Il II1 UKIr ~tlifr t1\lIl ~. 1'lUlI IllIIUl11 hull l'eel'I'ved her

"lid elc" Us IL c r,,~t all hI li cllI'. .. . ~lIltc In ollr Nrl l 'UI'k 1108trh'Y Olld RETURN!; TO A(J'r1NO. : j(Ch 1lC1l1 Mel el1l1l1 18 hhopplr11f Cor 'l ~11lI rrlllalNcd lit Illiothr!'. Rile dl"

.Hltvlng /ntluc!iced OI!!rlll. Swan.lln )'IlWI til 11ft n Jt~ _ummel" BiJltL hunt, COl Cled Lh wlstuk 1.1 wee I!lterl ,


Stoel TI Mal{es ]


seJlsllivenes" oC bo ot stocks WIlA shllr day In a • sslon prcssuro extend('(\ tM mOJ'I< et rl(cAp Oovcl'nmcnts.

Bohd Ill'lees 0.8 ~ crnge CO\· 30 OOlld loW fol' 1930 at Ull ago o( 98,0 fOl' 3( relll'l'Ren led a & pol u .. dIlY 's c l o~" Ilnil prevloll" ycar'. 10\\1

ed ~nrly In th ~ Y(" hlgh~r II,UIl the IJ Ing il y~ar 01\'0 wh, were railing Rhn.rpl

Rn.iil'Oatl Ohll~ Rlillroail ohllglttll:

tMA" with Ht lI~k I lell the d~clhl(' 118

equity 1~"lH'" I ty Rcliing or

L OAAPa of AIJI'I" kl~d th lug mony bond" IlllUI1l S, ft nd Vf'I'y

move(1 contrllry t. I>au

In th(' rnll lI"t S 6s of 2,000 "ar;rg('(1 yeal"S 10\\1 at 33~, lost npnrl,. a9 Chlclll(O am! and RIo Pacific, N~w I.ouls, No,'111 San Fl'IlnC'IAC'o. WabaSh dillIJ1't1 wall thl' Rll"l<I"n' .. "~ Is"" 8 as {fnlon son Ocnrral 4,.

IOa(19 stdelly and \\,('II;lIty ,,11(1 ru~

wenk; all over heo.vles showing stoek 25c low "I'; tall yearlings $ $12.50 wllh $9.00; slaughtN' sleers good and 11.00 114.00 ;

13,75: 1,100·1,300 300·1,500 I be. 9 Ilnd medium, 9.50; hl'lfcl'e Ibs. $9.50ffl 13.00; um $fi.26ofi] 0.00; choIce $;;.506, 7.ili; U/lJ $4.0911i 6.75 ; t('r $3.006,4 .00; clulled) gO'Hl find 6.25; cutter to v~alprR (milk ,8.00(11 ]0.60; a.nd common feeder fatlle: 500·1 ,050 Ib~.


Stoe} Trend Makes Bonds

Drop Lower NEW YORJ-, Nov, 10 (AP)-Thc

senalllveneAs at bonds to the tren(l of stocks \Vas sharply delineated to· day In a. session In which sclllng pl'esauro Nltcndcd to all scctlons of tlla IllUl'keL oxc~tJL United Stntc~

Oovernments, Bohd pl'lces o.s gauged by the av·

eTOge fOt 30 bonds 1'e"ted at a. new 101V (0\' 1930 at the cl08e, The nvcr· ago oC 98,0 fa I' 30 dom~Htlc bonds I'cprc"cntcd 1\ II point drop fl'om Slit· lIrd'IY'~ c10"(\ and COml};lrcd w!lh a pl'evlaus yeal"s low Of n8.4, ~"tabllsh· e(1 parly In tho YCRl', TL Is only 0·10 higher than the prIce level -pre villi Ing a year MiO when aeeul'lty Ill'lcCR wem (alJJng Rhlll'ply,

1t:~lIroacl O"lIgation~ J,eud Ibillrootl ohllgntlol1R, hoth II~IIM nnd

thORO wllh slock Vl'lvll~gc CClI.lut'CS, led lbe (\l'clinv flS Pl'~ssul'e agll.lnat equity I~Ku(>s Influcllcecl furthur hUH' ty Nclllng of lnv!'Rtm('1118,

LOBRrs of 1, 2 Ilntl 3 poInts w('re RIll'lllklrcl throughout til IIRt, cnl'l'y­Ing many b0l1c1s I~ I1~W 1030 milll· mums, find v(')'y f w (ol'clgn IJonds move([ con tl'ol'Y to the Kencml trelld,


1'1. Puul OrOlllj In till' I'nll list st. PaUl rulJuatml'nt

58 of 2,000 f'agged 2~ points to a new year'. low at 33~, ancJ the 58 or 1076 loot Iwarly 1\8 much, Bonds of thc Chicago and NOl'thwcstE'I'n, Dcnvel', and illo GI'nn<1e '''eslt-l'n, Mlssoyrl PIlr!fk, New Yorl{, ChIcago and !:It Louis, NortllN'Ll Pacific, Sl. LouIs, San Ji'rnnclhco, f;~almnl'll Ah'line lI.ncJ Waba~h diPPNl ~llltl·ply. Tn contrast was til!' slcadln('~" or fllI('h gilt pdge ioSUcs 1\8 Union J';Lclllc 4s, and Atchl· son Gel\C'ral 4H.

Chicago Livestock

CIITCAGO, Nov. 10 (AP) (U.S.D,A.) -HOOs.-2R,000 dirod; .. low closed mostly 10·15c lower; 160 Ih~ . down Orf Icss: lOI) $0,25; 2~0·310 lila" ,a,10@ 9.20; 170·2]0 IbR, 'R.OO~. 9,10; 160 Ib6, dowfl $9.00f!) 9.16; packing so,\18, $8,00 @8.0o; shipl}er" 8,000; (,ijllmated hold· oVt'r, 6,000; light light 140·160 Iba. ,9.o01ii:9,15: Ught welJ:ht 160·200 Ibs, $8,POtv9,IO; medium wehlht, 200·250

Ilb~, $8.90~, 9,26; heavy weight 250· 850 Illll, $'.OOIfi 9,2;'; Jlnckin.; 80W.,

211;.(,00 IUs. $7 .7"", ~.G5; Slllughtcr pig" $8.70(i',9,1~.

CA'r'rLE-23,OOO; culvcM 3,000; few loads strictly choice ml'fllum welghls a.nd we!<,:hty tlte~rs along with rank ftnd file III;ht yeaTlln!;d, steady to weak; nil o,'cr steer" 200 to 50 low"l'; heavlcs ~howlng full decline; ahe ~lock 25c lowel'; largely steet' run: tOIl yearlings $13,75; \Jest heavies $12,50 with Rpots S11,50 down to $9,00; .Iaught~r <'lillie and veul"rs: sleel's good and chOice $600.900 Ib8, $1l.OOIlt14.00; 900·1 ,100 Ibs. $10.50@ 1B.75: 1,100·1,300 Ibs. $9.50~13.!5; 1" 300·1,600 Ibs, $9,006113,00; common a.nd medium, GOO·l,300 Ihs. 6,25@ 9.50; helfcl'A good nnd choice 550, 50 11)5, $~,50", 13.00; ('omOlon and medl, um $5.266, 111.00; cows good nnd choice f5.Ii0617.7f,; common (lnd modi· Ulll 4.00rlf5,75; low cutter and cut· I~r $3.006,4.00; bullM (ye:u'lIng'8 ex· clwl('<l) !;Cl<>d amI cholre (beef) S5,001f/) 6.20; cUltCl' to medIum $3,76(116,85: veai('I'~ (milk f~d) good nnd choice 'R.OOlft to.60; medium ".OOf!) 8.00; cull and comlllon $; slockel' and 'eedel' cattle: steers good anll choIce 600,1 ,050 Ib~, $7,QOIill9,OO; common nnd medium $5.501fi 7,25,

Daily Radio Program r rry Til' '7l.80Cfor.1I PreIS)

J>!'ogrnms In Centrt.1 Standard TIme. p, ld" unleas olberwllc \I 'u:r: :cU

454.3-WEAF New York-660 (NBC Chain) 6:00-Alr Scoop.-Also WIBG WWJ 8:30 - Happy Bake,.. - Also W" 11'0<: W'l'All WFJC WWJ WSAI WIO( 6:15-L.aw. That 8ateau'~d (15m,)- [{SO WOC WOW WOAF WTMJ I<S'I'1 AI.o I{Sl'P WGY WOW WOAl WKY WEBC WHAS WMC WSB WS~1lJ IY'I'MJ , WIj:IIC !{GO I<OA !{ECA KVOO WKY KOA KSL KOO 1\0,\10 J(u)1(j EU:rQ WOC \VHAS KECA KGW KHQ WBAP KPRC 6 :4~ - The Pickard. - Onl~ WOAI 1:00-50nll Bird! 8alon Orch, - Also WBAP KVOO WSB WBAl KBo WOW WTAM WOY WFJC IVSAI Wl.80 WOAE WHAS WJOX J<').'B8 WSM KSO WOW WVAF WOC-WHO WWJ 7:OII-Trolka Bella-Also WSAI WOAF 9:15-8. A. Rolfe Orch,-Also WFJC WOW WIVJ \VSAI KSO woe WTMJ WEBC 7:15 - 8noop & Peep - Allo WSAI WJAX WIOO WBAS WSM WMC WSB WOAF WSMB WJOX WOAI WJ<Y .l;{OA 7:3&-Coon·Sahder. OancI Frollc-Alao tWO !tECA KOW (BQ KOMO KTAB WGY Wv.{J WSAI WGN KSD WOW KJi'SO WIBO WOAF WTAM WAPI


,KTHII WFJC WBAP WSAI 8:00-0rch8lIr. 'W"d Feature - Also 10:30-Vlncent l.apez Orch, - Also WaY WTAM W ,1 WON KaD woe ROA [(STP woe WOW WJDX KSO


348,6-WABC New York-860 (CBS ChaiD) 8:4&-Alexander Woollcott - Also WOWO WFBM weco KMOX KMBC


I IQ',.pY KFRC KFPY KOIN KFRC 7:OII-Sanderlorl and Crum lt - Also 9:1&-Radlo Playho" .. - Also WADC


394,5-WJZ New York-760 (NBC Chain) 6:00-Amoa·Andy-AIBo KDKA WJAX KYW KW~ KPRC WEBC WJAX WlOO WCKY WLW WJR WHAS WSM WMC WSMB [{OW KOA 6:1&-Male Trlo-AllIo WREN WCKY KSL KGQ KHQ WTMJ KOMP WREN 6:3O-Phll Cook - Also WEBa KWK WKY WOAI WaB W100 KECA WREN IVTMJ !tOA KSL KOO KECA WCKY KSTP {(TAR KFSD WJR K0!40 KHQ KFSD KTAR KOW WLW WAPI WIBO 9:3G-Armlatlc. Day-WJZ chaIn. 6:45-Laddrel-Only [WA [{GO KFAB 10:00 - Slumber HoUr-Also KWH 7:00 - Wayne King'. Orch. - Alao WREN WJR KDKA KFAB WTMJ KDKA WREN }'{YW [{WI{ KSTP KSTP WHAS WSM WJAX WTMJ WEDC WHAS WI\IC WJAX 10:00 - Arno •• Andy - WMAQ KWf( WSM WSB KFA.B WJDX WLW WREN WOAF W'rMJ wrus WSM 7:3Q-Big Guna-WJZ Chain wsS WSMB WENR KTBS KPRC B:OII-popular MusIc ~rogram - Also WOAI WMC I{OA KSL KFAB WFAA. KDKA KYW (('WI.< WREN WCKY 10,3O-Amo • . Andy-Only KECA KGW 8:3O-0eath V.~I.'y Oaya-Also WCKY KGO KOMO KHQ ({FSD l.{WK WREN lOJKA 11:QO-Art Kallel!'. Orch, - Also WaM 9:0o-Salut. to Printing-AlIa [{OKJ\ KSTP WIBO WREN KFAB WSB

CENTRAL CI.EAR CHANNEL. STATIONS 29S,~KYW-l02d G:45-Astrologer 398,8-WJR-715O

0:30-Urcheatr1l.S 7:00-Same. a. WABe G:aO-Welcomers T:OO-Same as WJZ 8,00-Muslcal Prog, 7:00-K. 0, Riley T:30-Sponaored Pror, 8:30-Same ao WABC 7:16-Bum & Strum 8:00-Samo as WJZ 9:00-Red Cross Proll' 7:30-Bubble Blowers 8:30-Spltalny Orch, 9:30-Sponso,re,d Prog. 8:00-Clgar Glrla 9:00-Same QI WJZ lO :Oo-AmoB n Audy 8:3U-Chroulclea 9:30-Features 10:16-Water Boys 9:00-WJZ (1 hr.)

10:0ll-1"ewI; State St, 10 :So-Oau & SylvIa 10:00-Varlety (2 hra,) 10:30-08nco Variety 10 :45-Muslcal Prog, 258,S-WOWO-1160

344,S-WENR-870 ll:OO-Oance Mus, (8 h,) 7:30-WABC (1% bra,) ':45-or,-n (15m.) 428,3-WL.W-7OO 9:15-Sponsored Pror. 8·SO-Featur. 6:So-Same .. WJZ 9:So-Th. Boys 9:00-Bome Circle Con, 6:45-Nltbt School 370.2-WC·C0-810

lQ:OO-WJZ: Outinr 1:00-Sam. as WJZ 10:30-eome~y: Studio 7:30-Bubbl. Blowers 6:00-Muslo Features 11 :0b-Alr Vaud. (2 hra,) 8:00-S'ponaored progs. a,t6-Sponsored prog,

... ~WLS-870 9,OO-Amerlcan Scribe 7:00-WABO (4 bra,) ~,~ 9:16-Varlety 11:00-0rchestra

T:Oo-Melodles 0:80-ootton Queen 275.1-KMOX-l090 7116-Muslc Surllrlso 10:OO-Varlet)" (B~ hra,) 5:00-Vlolln: Feats, 7;30-Muslc Oroi'll" 299,8-WOC·WHO-l000 7:00-Same as WABC S:OO-Varlety Show O:SO-Tho ChronIcle. 10:00-To Be Annouuced

447.5-WMAQ-670 7:00-con~ert Orch. lO:15-WABC; Revue 8:30-30e Rudolph 8:00-WEAF (4 bra,) 11:30-0rg'anlst

SOUTHERN CL.EAR CHANNEL STATIONS 405,2-WSB-740 10:t5-Quartet 9:00-Same as WlZ

G:Oo-Hour 01 li'eaturel 1l:15-1'be TwIsters 9:30-WEAF Program 7:00-8am. as WJZ n:30-Sam. aa WEAF 10:00-Samo as WJZ 7:30-Featur. S74, .... WBAP-800 1l:3o-0rcbestra 8:0o-Studlo Concert 6:80-BluOl Slnrer 461,S-WSM-650 8:30-WEAll' Program 6:t6-Samo as WEAll' 6:00-0rgan; News 9;OO-Same B.I WJZ 7,'00-OancI Frollo 6:3O-DI11ner Concert 9:30-8ame I.S WBAll' 6 '6 WEAF P 10:OO-Same as WJZ 7:aO-Same as WBAll' :. - rogram

IO:lS-0rchestra S:OO-Concert Orch. 7:00-Samo as WJZ 1l:00-Sama aa WJZ B:30-WEAF (30m,) ~::~~~~~~~ Orch, ll:bO-Dlxle Jamboree 288,3-KTHS-l040 8:3Il-Spon.ored Prolr.

2tl5-WAPI-1140 6:30-Strln,l Band 9:00-8ame as WJZ 9,'CO-Sam" a" WJZ 6:45-Sama as WEAli' 9:30-Same aa WEAl!'

• • 7:0()-Bal'n Dance 10:OIl-WJZ Program. II:So-Stt.me aa WEAF 7:30-WEAF <30m,) lO:3ll-Jack & Bill

IO:OO-Talk: Barltouo 10:00-Same as WJZ 1l:00-Same aa WJZ lQ :SO-Alr Cabaret 10 16 0 h t 10:fS-Herb ' a.nd Jorry : - rc os ras 262,1-WOAI-1190 11;00-AI, Cabaret S65,8-WHAS-820 a:Oo-Hotel TrIo

G:Oo-Jaek Turner 6:SIl-Studlo Program 374.8-WFAA-800 a:U-Same sa WIMB' 6:tS-Samo .. WEAF

9:0o-Chronlch!. G:3O-Qusrtet 7:0o-1'1ank Program 9:80-0rchestra 6:.5-Samo as WEAF 7:S0-WEAF nOm,)

lO:OO-Same as WJZ 7:S0-Feature 9:00-WJZ & 'WEAl!' 10!15-Jean & Joan 8:0O-Studlo Concert 10 :00- W lZ (l5m.) 10:3ll-Rhythm Q.reh, 8;30-Sam. as .WEAF.. 10:IS...orcbeatra


Directory, of Nationally Known Produds and Services City and Where to Purchase Them in Iowa

, Below you will find listed America's most famous brands of merch:.ndise and V/ell known services and the names of the Iowa City merchants that arc able and willipg to serve you. Read the list. Read it often. You will bel happily surprised to learn that many articles you did not know were sold in Iowa City can be obtained without difficulty and without delay.



CHEVROLET sales & service Nall Chevrolet Co" 120 E, Burlington, Phene 481

RADIO SALES & SERVICES ATWATER KENT & Westinghouse radios Bowman ElectrIc Co., 125 E, ollege, Phone 053 BREMER-TULLY, Bosch & Appex radios lowa Furnlluro do., 228 S. J)UhIlQUIl, Phone 194


Wayne Kile Pleads Not Guilty; Awaits

Trial at Anamosa TIPTON, Nov. 10 (AP)-wayne

Kilo ot Canton, 0 ., was returned to the state refermatory at Anamosa tonight, ne was brought here to plead not guilty before Judge John T. ]\fofmt to charges ot slaying of R. O. Sproat, Tipton.

KlI hils been held at Anamosa to pl'event possIble mob v10lence, lIla b'lal was set fOr next Monday,

SPI'oa.t was slain when be and

S1'OCI{ lUAJU(ET AVERAGES (CI)yr/ " 1930, "huu!, tntlstics Co,)

GO Inds, 20 Rails, 20 UtII, Yesterday ............ 121.5 97.1 154.3 Pr vlous da)" ...... 123.8 99.0 159,5 Week Of;'O ............ 131.1 1I1'onth ago ....... 13n, 7 Year agO ........ .... 15 ,0 EHg-h, 1930 ......... 202.4 La,,,, 1030 .......... 123.8 High, 1029 " ...... 252.R 1,0,,,, 1020 . 141.3

105.7 10n,7 12ft,1 141.6

on,Q 1m .R 117.7

1 RJ.4 1 n,o 183,5 281,3 150,5 353.] 1 »U,3

two otrlcers attempted to halt three bu.; bookIngS 5,000 bu .; cancellaUons men who were escapIng atter rob· 7,324 bu.; and receIpts 235 cars. New York Stocks bIng a. Da\'enport drug store last AuguSt. The othel' lwO bandits are sUII being sought,

ChiOOlo Grmra

C£HCAao, ~ov, 10 (AP)-Cash wheat trade wus light today with only one cale made, The market ruled ea ler with the futures and the trad· Ing basIs was called unchan~ed' ShIppIng sales totliled 17,000 bu,; cantellatlons 7,400 bu,; and reel'lpts 5 cal'g, A smnll and limited export bu.lness was reported over the week end. A small business was claImed toOOy on thc brcak In futlB'e". Jl!od· erate Inquh'les wel'e In tile market, but th~y wero mainly 2c below It

worklnl.;' basis, Spot corn was activo and in £0.11'

(It'man,l, bul the market ruled caslcr wIth the futurcs. Sal~s declined \.~e I\ml the trading basIs was lc lower to Ic rtrmcl', accol'cllng to quality, Sbll)Jllnf;' !'ules amounted to 57,000

(By the A ocilUed Press)

Ca~h oats clOSed steady to ~c easl. er on actual sales and tradIng basis, ShIpping sales were 60,000 bu. and rec!!lpts 58 cars.. lIIgh Low Closn

AI Chem , .... _" ........ ",193 !lt5, 189

Chicago Stocle. Am Can .................... 111' 1011 1091 A T & 'I' .... ", ........... 1901 1 4i I 6! Anaconda ._ ............. _ 35\ Auburn ........... ......... 6n .-\ vlat Corp ...... :r.:...... 4

(8)' lite Assochlted Pres) HIgh Low Clasp.

Bulle1' Bros ...... -...... Ot 51 6 ChIc Corp .......... ".... 61 5 5l Beth Sttel "" " ......... 611 Club Alum ........ "........ 3 21 2~ Can Dry ..................... 37~

omlVlth Ed ............ 24Il 236 238 CR Ill P .............. 68 Dexter Co ............. _ lOl 10 lOa , 'hry I r ........ " .... "...... 16 ar Lakes Ah'c ........ 2! 2 2l oca ala. ...... , ........... 152~ Hal't-Carter ... : .......... l3 12~ 12~ orn Prod ." ...... " ..... " 77\1 Insull Ut Inv .. " ...... 40, 36,! 370 CUl'tlss "'1' ...... "...... 3i Kell Switch ......... "... 4& 4~ 4~ Dupont ........................ S61. Morgan Litho .......... 6i1 6~ 6~ Gen EI .. " ..... """",, ... 471 Nat Stand .................. 23 22& 226 Gen Mot .......... ",."". 381 N & S Am Corp ...... 10 10 10 Oood>'ear .................. 40. PitH'S Wlntrt ............ 15 11~ 15 Her~hcy ...................... 83 Std DI'cd.;lng """ ..... 7A 74 7A Hudson ....................... 19 Slplnlte ..................... . • ~ 111 <lnt ...... _ .............. n Swl(t & Co ................ 2R} 2 1 286 Int Harv .................... 5TA U S Gypsum .......... 3G 35 35 I T & 'I' ............ " ..... , 27g U S R & T ........... " ... 146 13 ]32 ,Johns Manv .............. G4~ Zenith .... ...................... 3 3 3 Kr ~ge .. ..................... 26\

34 631

3ii 5 ~ 34t 65 1 11

146 ;41

31 83 45 3H 3 I 81 18 90 55 25! 61i 26A




60 3n, 65 16

14 i 75 at

84& 4511 32 39~

82' 18B 91 55: 25~ 62~ 26~

~faytag 2B ................ G~

~font Ward ................ 17~ Nash .......... ..... " ........... 26 Nat All' T ................ 9~

Nat a h Reg ........ 29b Packard .... " .... ".. ........ 8 Para. pubUx ......... ,,'" 45a P(>nney ........................ SO Penn .... " ..................... 00 Phil P"l .................... 18! RCA ..... " ...... _ ... , ... IGi R K 0 ........................ 21& Reading ...................... n Rem Rand ................ 10~ Rey TOb B " .... " ........ 44i SMrs Roe ............... 461 Shell Un .................... 9~ Sine Oil ...................... 12A Skelly .......... " .. " ........ .. 121 So PIlC .... " .. """"".".,, 99~

t, 011 Cal ................ 51 St 011 N J ................ 5ll Stew Warn ................ Hi Studebllk r .. " ......... _. 20 "rex orp ........... " ....... 37~ Un Pac ....... " ............... 183~ U Rubbt'I' ..... _ ..... , 12~ U S Steel .................... 112.\ 'Varn PIx .............. " 1 a W U Tel ... " . ... ",.,,137\ " '('st EI & MC&, ...... 99 'Voolworth ............. 59\


lSi 24~

9~ 281 H

411 34~

661 16i! 14~ 19~ 811 15 43 45

8 IH 116 961 491 49 161 lSi 35

174 116

138 1 &

131 94~ 5-11


IS! 25l

91l 281 7~

43 3411 66D 17 14i 20ll 881l 15i 431 46;

80 lli 12& 9 t !iOA 50A In 19 3:;\1

1766 1l}

140 16'

132" 06:\ 55

Classified Advertising ~ Taxi and Bus Service


Apartments and Flats 67 IrOR nEN'l'-STRICTLY MODERN

o.pa.rtments. Furnished or unfur· nlshed-wlthln walklnJl. distance from Cllmplhl, Phone 436 or 4343·W.

wA _ ._ -

FOR RElN'I.'-TWO ROO~1 LIOn'l.' 'houaek(>cpll1g apal'lm~nt, pal'Uy

tUI'nlshed, neal' medical building, 283 Melrose nve, Phone 269·\V,

FOR nE~T-MODERN FUR~IRH· ed Ilpartment, reasonable. Inqulrl'

nt Iowa Furniture Co. 228 So. Du· bUQur, Phono 194,

",on In], 1'-FURN [S1lEO OR UN· furnished apartmrnt and rooms­

clo~" In. Phone 2952.

FOR Rf9:-.1T Tllr.r:r:: TO FIVE ROOM APART,

"'~I1!A. Qlliet location. Well ot ~(."'l "nter, Phone 580·J,

---------------------------to'UR REN'l'-~rOnr.:RN FUltNI~IT· E'd 3 room apartment-Call 9 I·J.

Musical--Radio 57

-Phone 290 = .. , ., ..... -.


Classified A.dvertising Rates SPEOIAL OASK BATES-A epeclal dlaeount for..... 'raM .. --... fill .............. ~ III .... tne will ~ allowed OIl all Claultled AdvertIJIlnc aeoounta bIIcN. paId wilbln Ills: day. from explr&tloll uta of !.be ad.

No. of I I One Day I Two Days I Thre& Day. 1 Four Dan ! FIn Da7a .1 SJz Da.:J;­Words (Lineal Charge I Cash ICbarge! Cash ICha.rge I caah !Cbarge Caah (Charge! Caah ICharge! Caeh

Up to 10 S I ,28 ! .;II I .33 I .30 I ,., I ,sa I ,&1 .46! .61 I M I ,a I .11 ~ to 15 3 I -.28 I ,%6! ,66 I .60 I ,as ,80 I .77 .,. I ,88 I .III! .I. ! .10 :6 to 20 4 I ,39 I ,36 I .77 , .'10 I ,to ,81 1 l.~a .H I 1.11 ! 1.06 I 1.10 ! 1.18 21 to 25 6 I .GO I ,45 I ,99 I .90 I 1-1' t.04 1 "-80 1.18' 1,4& I 1.3. I Ul I 1.4' 26 to M 6 I ,61 I .55 ! 1,21 I 1.10 I 1.89 1.26 I 1.68 ],.4% I 1.7, I 1.68 I 1.11 ! 1.7, 31 to 35 7 I ,72 I ,65 I 1.43 I 1,30 I us 1.48' 1,83 ue I J.OI , 1.84 ! UI ! !.OJ 86 to 40 S I ,83 ( .15 I 1.65 I Ut ! 1.8, ..,0 1 1.08 1,90 I 2.11 I t.10 I U' I 21.30 041 to 46 9 I .94 I .811' 1.81 I Ut I U1 1,92 I 1.85 %.14! UO I U' I I.U I 1.68 411 to 60 10 I 1.06 I .95 r I ," 1 UO I r,~5 !.It I 1.62 %,sa I us I UI I U.6 I U' U to 66 ! 11 ! 1.1" ! 1.05 , Ul I l.tO ! 1.80 I us I us I U! I 1,1f I %.811 ( 1,46 I 1.11

" to 80 I 11 I 1.11 I 1.11 ! UI I 1.30 I U. I UI I UI 11M! .... I 1.1. I U' I 1.41

Illnlmum eharge, J6e. Special Ion6 ten. ft_ fill'­eUthe4 011 ~eQueat. JIlacb word In the a4'fert1lJe_t IIlq", be counte4, 'l'fI. pretlltea "For Sale," '7Ir R"t." "Lo.t," IUld "mllar OlIN at the beginnIng Iff a4~ are to .,. _ted In the total n1lJllber 01 __ Ia tIM 114. .....

alUllbltr anf '-"- III a ~ .... __ .. ___ -... word.

Cl8lJSltl.d dl8plq, 'Ie W.... • 111_ ......... eoJumn Inob, ,,"00.1*' _tb.

CI .... ItIe4 a.d~ ............. 'Z. " tU f1IllowtDa' __

------------~-----------------------------------------------~------------~ VVanted--Laundry 83 Rooms Wi thou t Boacd 63 Houses for Rent 71

Get the Radio in Shap~ for Winler-

You canl find l'eliable radio doctol's in the classified sec.' tion of

The Daily Iowan.

Lost and Found 7. LOl:;T-PURSE CONTAI!'<ING PEN' -olher valuables, flrturn l,.

Iowan oWeI,', Reward,

LOliT-BROWN SHELL RU1MBD ladles glll'S('~ 011 campus, Finder

!(o:\\,e n.t Dllllr IowlI.n,

LOS'J'-GEN'L"l:; GOLD WATCH, LI· bern I rewul'd, Ilelurll to Iowan of.


Building-Contracting 18 WJ.olATIIEfl s'rR1PH l,so TALLED-


p on 0 porta Ie and number 0 called for and dell,ered. Phone room for men 8tudcnt~, 104 Mel, records, $25,00. InquIre at IOwan of- 1963·J, rose avenue, Phone 711.,J. house with bullt·ln garn.ge, Mo!· Automobiles for Sale 9 (fce, - rttt and Blakesly, Phone 96,

WAl"TJ'lD-fl FT.AT AUrO S.\XO, phOne. Phllnc 1758,


RI\JJlO OOCTOIt&-lOWA CITY'S established radiO repnir shop,

Phone 3132-117lJ S Dubuque,

Musical and Dancing 40

"'A~TED-STUDENT LAU~DnY. I-'OR RENT-DOUBLE RooMS- FOP. SALE-1926 'T"EVELAND 4· PhODe t369. ~'honft 40H.W, FOR RENT-l~IVm ROO~[ MOD, doot' ~cdn J( In ~ood condition, $5U.

836 S. Clinton. PhOne 3050·W. WANTED-WASHINGS,

Inga, Phono 1629·J, I RON· FOR HEt\'r-ROOll!S, PHONE 2469.

B' ern hou~c. Gal'den, clstel'n and

Male ahd Female Help 32 WAN'l'ED-WASlIINGR, UNDfo)n,

weal', Hhlrts, pajamas 10c, handlt(!l~ chiefs, sox (ree, Call 1422,

gal'Uge, On Brown street, Phone IG31·\\',

FOR RENT-ROOMS ON WE!:l'1'! _____________________ WANTg]) -TWO S'l'UDEN'rS slde-south of hospltlil. 2213, FOR REN'l'- TRIC'l'T"Y MODERN must be expel'lenced wlI.llers, Call

FOR REN'r-ROO~lS, 'fWO AND house-partly rurnlsiTed-gal'age-at 121 S, Dubuque,

Houseke~ping Rooms 64 half blocks from un!ve~lty hos· Phone 30H ____________________ pIta!. 1986. __________________ __ 'YANTED-HELP FOR TlO~IEC0ll1· IJlg week end, CalI Curt Stranghan

FOR R E N T - HOUSEKEEPING S d PI t FI 58 FOR RENT-6 R00ll1 MODERN n; 1t4., DANCING SCHOOL - BALLROOM, rooms for adults, COInpleteiy tur. ee s, an s, owers house, Almost new, G'n.rage, 121 -----------------------

tap and step dancing, Phone 114, nlshed, garage. 419 So. Summit. -l)'-O-R-S-A--L-E-----B--IT-T-E-R-S'-;vE--E-' T-, Clapp, Phone 675·J, Employment Wanted 3-1 BUl'kley hotel. Prof. Houghton. Phon \ 2814, Phone 3176,

WANTED-SMALL SIZE AVAnT· m"nt plano, Phone 1931.

1!'OR RENT-7 ROOM nOUSE AND WANTED-IUDLINING CO A 'I.' s.-Wearing Apparel 60 acreage near city limits, Phone $2 .00 . Phone n58·J. Transfer--Storage 24

Houses for Sale 78 __________________ ?314·J.

Good Things to Eat 53 LONG DISTANCE AND GENERAL FOR SALE-FUR C'O.\T, SIZE 88. ----------- _________ ~_ hauling. Furniture mO"~d, cl".lte~ Excellent eondillon. C'ttll 767, leOn RENT-Large 5 Toom house- leOR SALJ.::--BARGAIN, VERY DE-

FOR SALF..-APPLBS-u RIM 1<J iii and shipped, Pool ears for Call· madern, Everything furnlsh"d In· sl)'a.ble mode),n G room home, Good Colden, winter banana. Geo fornla. and SeaJ.i.le, '.rhompsonf rludll1g heat, Very reasonable. Phonl) nel~hberhoad, Immediate posesslon.

Wnnck, 1G29·W', Transter Co. Use Iowan Want Ads 1207, 'rerms, Phone 2106 or 306n,



DR, 0 , n, J,Jl\IOSETIl Tho University



Suits Made to Ordcr-$25 and Up All Lines Except Life


• ,.1



.. "


-" DODGE sales, service & storage anrtnC'r Motor Co" 205 S, Cap!tol, Phone 142 HUDSON-ESSEX sales & service T, C. Hudson J~"RCX Co" ) 1 J~. \Va.s h., Phone 281 OLDSMOBILE-ViKING sales & service WIJJ llbrock Molor '0" 301 8, CUnlon, Phono 441

BRUNSWICK, Radiola, Melo-tone radios GOOdY'H Tire & Bat. Sorv,. 215 S, Clln" .Phone 605 CROSLEY radios \I.[ NamaTa Furniture a., 229 E, Wash" Phono 208

All \Vorf( Supervised Shllmpoo UJld (1"inger \\'a\'cs 75 .

Shllllljl(kl lind !\I!trcel SOc I'Prmanrnt. wuves IUHI huh' dyell» l'IIol1e 7Z3·W J4~ S, Oubu:n ...

I\n Iowa G~ad, Pa lmer Grnd, Offico-279 Ucs,-1053 Opposite The J e/frrson Hnlel

Pay by hour or complete course, Also cross country flyIng a nd pas· senger rides over city, R eason­able rates,

SHAW AIRCRAFT CO. Air Mu.JI FIeld or Phone 425

Gents' and Ladle8 Alterations Cleaning-Prcsslng

1%2& E, "oUOltl)

H. L. Bailey Agency Phone 5 118% E. College I ::


AUTOMOBILE general repair work T"d l"Iemlng. 215 S. Hnton, Phono 1i33 DA YTON tires, tubes and batteries 000(1y'8 'rlr~ & Bal. l:;crv" 21G S. Clln" il'hon() GOli

ELECTRICAL & speedometer service I, C, Battery & Elrctrlc Co" 16 E. Wash" Phone 476 CHRYSLER & general auto service Mac Motor Co" 118 N, Linn, :Phone 383 REPAIRING, greasing and storage

GENERAL MOTORS radios JUcl(NO n Blcott'lo Co., 108 S, Dubuque, Phono 762 MAJ~STIC·GE-Victor & Philco radios Sponcor's H o.l'mony Hull, 16 S, I1ub uque, PhOno 367 PHlLCO, Brunswick, Atwate r Kent radios [own Cily RadiO Store, 280 E, Collego, Phono 133


:FLO~SHEIM & WALK·OVER shoes EwCrs Shlle Store, opposite Cllmpus, Phono 207 .MARTHA ASHINGTON women's s hoes

American Beauty Shop , JCugCllJa 8 100111 Ole Wave und

Tril>lex Coll1blnution EXI>ert F'il1~eJ' W a,'IIll:

We blend J)<lwdcr for night nnd day weur

I Under Ollborns Phnno 330

Business Men, Office Help Furnished

Reed's ReplI.lr ShOP, 209 S, Linn, Phone 3105

NA Yetter's, 115 '. Washington Phone ](

SH REP ~\IRI~G, s~rv., strge" wash, SHOE REPAIRING & shining

p u nLIC WOUK DEPARTMENT Mimeographing, Stenci!scol,lnl:,

'fypewrlting lind Stenographic Work ilone to order NlUh Motor el", o. 211 E, 'Burl. Phono 1364,,)', I Slmpson'l; Shoo Repair, 117 Iowa Avenue

EDUCATOR SHOES, for the family HOME APPLIANC,ES Klnn 'y'8 Sl1o~ Store, 128 So, Cllnton, Phonb 126,


I Phnne 42 Or 555


COPELAND ELEC. refrig. West'house ap. Bowman ElectrIc Co" 126 E, College, Phone n58 FRIGIDAIRE R ellahlo l!J1 lrl 0" 13 S, DubuQlle, Phone 1012 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator ' I , C, LIght & Power 0., 311 E, Wuh" Phone 121


A. B. C, WASHERS , R ellablo ]~I{'olrlo Co,. 13 S, Dubuque, Phone 1012 VOSS WASHERS • I ,C, LJlI'ht a.nd Pow r Co" 2\1 E, Wash" Phone 121

Vacu urn Cleaners

PREMEIR DUPLEX vacuum cleaners n IIl\blo Ell ctl'la Co" 13 S, Dubuque, Phone IOU --,---:..-_----------


HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes Cod.sta' , 10 S. 'Clinton, Phone 48 KLING TAILORED clothes A, Glasser, 116% 13, Dubuque, Phone 8875 NO BETTER clothes than at Br.emer's-Iowa City's Finest Store for Men MIDJ)ISfJADE CLOmING-Gt'lmms, 106 So, Clinton, ~one 776·W, STETSON HATS-Orlmms, 106 So, clinton, Phone 776.W, i


~---------------------Up to $300

LOaDS LoaDII mnde to 1n8truCtOl'll anti

ieaClben In a d1gollled, confide. u.I, and economIcal maDller, The only l80urlty we need III JOur 81,­... ture.

There are no ambarruelng In· vestigatlon, no andarsen requIred, no deltQ'. LOANS MADE SAMlll DAY.

I ., WE CANCEL EVERl LOAN KODAK, EASTM!N & supplies In cue of death or certain l!\jurlea Henry LouIs, R oxall &: Koda.k store, 241 E, Collesa a.t no addItional cost.

fnOTOGRAPHERS PERIODICALS, any ma$'azine you want We Are Here to Serve RarlnE'S Four stores You Every ~

PORTRAITS SHAEFFER fopntain pens and pencils 9:00 to &:30; SQ.t, 9:00 to 1:00 And l\'\,\ 'hPI"l Hl\IClIo, lG S, Cllnton, IP hono 636 Williams Iowa. SujlpiY, 8 S, Clinton ,:00 to 9:00 p,m.

l"'ORTRAITURE of distinction SMOKIN'G accessories every smoker needs Firat Industrial Lenders LU8comb StMlo, a , DulJulluc, Phone 114nW Raolnes Four Btore. 110 S. Linn :~one 741 IOWa CIt,

~_ _ . _ _ _ _ .. _ :=~~~_~~_ ~:::::_ ~'::::.-:_-='':'-:-_ -:--~i~-:-__

Dr. W. T. DoImage DENTIST

Ovor Miller Wobl Co. 111 J.Z E. Wash. Phone 860

INFIRMARY College at Dentistry

Open tor ClinIcal Service Hcglnnlng Sept , 22, 1930

Haurs-10·1Z a,m" 1·5 Jl,m,

DR. S. A. NEUMANN Chiropractor

We Use the Neurocalomoter Office PhOD':l 335G-W

ResIdence Phone 2896-W Schneider Bldg,

W. D. Martin General Insurance Agency

Sound Insurance at a Saving

Offlco at Res ldence-614 N, GUbert Open Event".s Plloue %!O7


Iowan Want Adb PHONB no

Chas A. Beckman I' . ' uncral Dlrectnr

Lady attendant Ambulance Service

Day or Night I Phone 278 216 E. College


Sold on Budget iPlan Storage

THE AUTO INN Phone 910 217 E. Bloom.

Oathout Funeral Home

Ambulance Semee Lady attendant

Varsily Cleaners Cleaning, pressing and

expert repaIring

We caD tor and deliver Phone 110 23 E. Wash.

Hawkeye Cleaners Cleaning - Pressing - Repalrlnr

rtl. Born Cuatom Tailoring

We Call for and DelIver Phone 69 U2 So. Dubuque

,RENT·A·CAR nooges, 1I1odcl A 'lnd IIlo\lel T Fords 5c to l ac per mile. Round trip Cedar Rapids $3,00, u. F. Oarter, 2%4& E, College. Phone office 343, residence 2033.

Rankin Beautv Shop Nestle Permanent Wave $~

Shampoo and Finger:

Waves $1 l Phone 2225

205% E. W~blngton

Mecca Studio Courses in Typing and True-to-Life Photogr8(lhs

Da.y Bcheel and e'Ven\nl ciuIM S\u4eu\a \ ....

\1 Brown's COmll\ft~ Colleae Phoue lot 8.\lpo\n\meu\a.

•• 1 ....

.. ~

Phone 249 4 S. Unn

Speedwriting ~ Special \r'\tes to 1\

I \ Phone 989 \ 'Phone "I\)3 \ ~A.bove the Penny StOTII) \ \ 1\ S~ue\der 1\\41. \


Sporting Goods Rent a 'rypewriter

Tennis Supplletl S ...... 1al RaUl Golfel'l Need.I ..-

~ Btc to Studeat, ~~~ ______ ~=-__ ' __ ~'~ __ ~l __________________________________________ __


Use The Daily Iowan Want Ads

8 So. ClintoD j

PAGE TEN ........,

~bil1a Boy Leaves Farm to Sail Seven Seas; Returns

Home With "Fishy" Story SHANGHAI, Nov. 10 (AP)-

Ching Chi Kong Is a China boy who wr,nt down to the sea In ships and (,ame back with a tali, tali tal~.

He told It first to the captain of the anchor line steamer Clrcassa, ,"';hlch fOund hlm, bobbing like A

buoy, In the middle of the Red sen. He told It to the chlet of police at Bombay, and the chler of police IIIJ1pped him home without comment.

Leaves Funn The Chino. boy had left bls fntll er'~

fru'm near Nlngpo at the age ot 2t with an ovenvhelmlng urge to oall the seven seas. One of the seven, It appears, proved plenty.

He shipped trom Shanghai on Ole Dardanus of the Blue Funnel line last August. He started at the bot· tom-whiCh In this case wag at the top, scrubbing decks. He rose to the top--whlch In th is caKe was the bottom, a fireman.

OlinJ: 'l'ries Suicide ~e Dardanus was ploughing

through the Red Sea, 300 miles out of Bombay, when Ching decided to commit suicide. He had had 80me unpleasant words with the boss fireman. and In the en8ulng !ist!­cutfs had been badly bashed. For Ching Chl·Kong, with swollen jowls, blackened eyes and battered body, the sea had lost Its lure and life Its promise.

One morning at sunup young Mr. Ching jumped overboard. None saw him jump, 'but the cl"rcumsUlnces were rather conclusive because (l) 11<' was missing trom the ship and (2) he later was found In the Ben.

Fishy Story From that pornt on hlng'S story

Is fishy. Jle discovered he couldn't

House Hears Testimony on

Russian Plan • WASJIlNOTON, Nov. 10 (AP)­

Testimony that the soviet rive-year Industrial program was Instituted to produce economic depression In capl, tallsllc nations prep,\ratory to world· " 'Ide revolut'oll was presented to the house communists In vesLlgatlng com­mittee today by three witnesses. . The R ev. Father Edmund Walsh, "Ico preslClent of Oeorgetown unl· verslty, tesLifled that through the program the soviet was enabled to dump In the so·called capltalJstlc na' tlons products of "enslaved labor," at prices destroying world markets.

Bernard S. Barron of New York, general counst'l or the American Manganese Producers association and E. S. Clark of Phoenix, Ariz., counsel for the hapln Explorallon ~omrnny of Chicago, testified that Russia. was dumping munganese d.n(1 (.'\11 I' conscl'lpted labor pl'oductM on .A merlcnn mll"keta Il.t p"lces below the cost of production.

The (ourth witness was ,Vtl1lElm F. Long, general manager or lho ASSOCiated Industries of Cleveland. H e said communists had concen­trated on Cleveland industrlcs alIa hud become a menace to workers tlud employers. The movement, he sail!, was spreading with disastrous cffect.

"We teel like we are sit ling on an Industrial VOlcano," he said.

drown. JIe (Ioated along like a log, buoyant ot bOdy If not ot soul.

ACter an hour, b e later lold the cap­tain of the Clrcassa, he realized. the folly of self-destruction. and detel" mined to live. It such were possible.

About this time a tlsh appeal·ed. Il glided first at a respectable dis­tance In hlng'S wake and then, bolder, came alongside. Ching eyed It with misgivings. When asked abou t It later the China boy was un· able to say what kind of !ish It was; but he Indicated Its size; I! not gar· ganlum, WIIS by no means Itilipullan.

Eats Raw Fish Ching mus t have looked appetiz­

Ing, for the fish began nibbling at I,.m. This was something China Chi Kong would not stand for. He Ifl~hed out with his hands and dis· patched the fish In a thrice. Then he ate It. The raw meal gave his body slrenglll and his soul courage to withstand the rlgol'S of the sea until rescued.

That Is the story of Ching Chi Kong, the China boy. as he told It two hOUl'S later to the amazed call' taln ot the Clrcassa. when that steamer picked him UP; and It Is the story he later told to the chief of 1J0ilce of Bombay when the Clrcassa put him ashore there.

Back 011 the Fann They shipped him back to Shang.

hal on the steamer 1\1orea. Now he has gone back to his father's tarm near Nlngpo. to Ule tedious toll of raising rice ; and thiS, I n the scoffl ng opinion of many members ot tile foreign colony here, Is quite a come­down for 0. China boy who has wrestled, conquered and cOlUlumed a fish In the middle of the sea.

University Housing Service Receives

Room Applications

Applications fOr room reservations for Homecoming are being received by the university housing service according to Prof. },'. E. Holmes, manag I' of the service.

Llats oC avo.llable rooms may be obtained by cnlilng at the housing service office In Iowa Union. .

Householder8 who have rooms to rent over Hom ecoming will be Includ· ed on tbls list If they wIll communi· cate with th e off'lce.

S. M. Woodward Has Article on Hydraulics

in Scientific Monthly

"Hydraull() Laboratory Research at the State University of Iowa" Is described by Prot. Sherman 111. Wood· ward, of the college Of englneel'lllg, In the October Scientific Monthly.

Proteasol' 'Woodward describes the hydl'aullc laboratory and some of the research problems undertaken re­cently. IlIu81J-atlOIlS accompany the article showing work covet'ed by 8~udont8 .

The first al"I)lane to be made In new Argt'ntine government factory hus been built and sllccessfully flown.

A new aJrport nearing completion at Halifax, Nova Scotia, will cost $101,179.

Scene from "Good News," featuring a cast of stage and screen stars, including Bessie Love, "Ukelele Ike" Edwards, Gus Shy, Mary Lawlor, Stanley Smith, and Lola Lane, with music by Abe Lyman and his band. Englert starting today.



(Allo Pabliahed u the ''PractlcalStandud'')

A .. ~ .... )llQIan QaeItIeu WIdda tile ....... aa_. KaowIIdp

THE lalelt and largett abridged fint; 1 ,32S pIjeI; 2,SOOJllultntloal: Dictionary. baled upon the 12,000 linee 01 l)'nOll),lDic treat·

world·lamoul Funk "Wagna111 menll; 6,000 aDtoa)'m.; 1,900 lor· New (Unabridged) Standard ~bich eien pbruee. c:ott more thaD Sl.500,ooo to MOlt IUlhorltatlv_bel~ tho loillt produce. llbor 01 400 eminenl ICbolan aocl Sp_~I.!l proDouncea and defiDee ex peru in leadlna univenidea aDd 11O.uw lerlDl.loc:ludlna tho lalell- nationallDititutiODl, TbleDictlollll"1 all In one alphabeticar order, Ih. I. Ibe "c:ourt oil .. rwort" wber:' commoo IIK\8IIln, 01 a word ,iun ever tho Eo,II.b la~uaae Ie epokea.

V ......................... iWe_ ......... ........ PrIue,.... In. .UO .. '17.10.

AI .u ".1,1.,,, (j,.t"~tll'" ,.., eN/,") ·(If ",,11, lor lJroehr, ., s..~, P.,,,. 111 .. "../14", •• ,,11 ,u,,, 1II/.r_UOI.. B,..,.,

.,. ."". III;' "'IfF.




Member of the crew and officers of the U. S. \I'OW' the officers are : W. B. Sampson, R. S. Lamb, Navy submarine V15 grouped on the deck of the R. . moot, . L_ Damon, Lieut. Com. J. lI. craft as she layoff Provincetown, Mass., before Brown, Jr., skipper of the V-5; W. B. Thorp, lI, speed and diving trials. Left to right, in center B. Jarrett and D. MacGl'egory.


Sbaded portions of map show statcs in which democratic party scored gains in next congt'ess on the basis of unofficial count of recent el ction. Figures indicate number of senator or repre­sentatives gained by democrats. In white states

tbe party alightnmcnt of congl'e,. ional delegates l'pmaineci unchanged. In Iowa republicans gain­ed one senator and democl'ats gained one repre­senative.

Party Lines Weakenedbv

dl'ew a large share of attenllon. £Fnllng Indio., plodded along behlnd a group of King's college sludents who carried a nlod~1 lton as their mascot. Suddenly their I~ader saw the jungle enemy and rushed toward It, trumpeting.

Outliut's Plan


Radio Chains Will Observe Patriotic Day

NEW YORK. Nov. 10 (AP)-Mes' esges of Armistice day will come to American l'adlo listeners Loday from President Hoover and General Pershing.

The observance of the day on the radio wlll ·begln a,t 9:46 a.m. when the WEAF chain, broadcast chut'1!h chimes fOr 15 ml n utes.

At 10 a.m. there wlll be two min· ules at sl1~nce on both th e National and olumbla chains tolowed by a 28 Imnute program from ,Vashlngton In whlcb PresIdent Hoover wHI btl heard, speaking b fore the Wo.ld AI· lIance fo,· International Friendship from the 'Vashlngton auditorium. )0'01' this broadcast NBC wtll use th e WEAF chain.

A peace mesB<'lge to children, written by Zona Gale, will be read un CBS at 1:26 p.m. .

Th e Armistice day service at the <tomb pf 'Woodrow 'Vllson In Wash­Ingto n cathedral will be broadcast by both chains trom 2:30 to a p.m.

At 9:30 p.m. WJZ and stations will pt'esent General Pershing, Secretary of State Stimson and Secretary ot War Jlurley speaking In a 30 minute program arl'anged In cooperaLion with the military order at the World war and th e reserve officers' asso· claLion.

Besides these featUres, praotically every program on the chalns Is ·to have patriotic muSic and other spe· clal fea.tures.

Congressmen Give Campaign Costs to

Secretary of State

DES MOINES, Nov. 10 (AP)­ThreE' R~IIUblicrul congressmen today rf'pol'lE'd thl' costA of their Kllcressful campaigns to Secretary or State Ed M. Smith.

CongreHsman C. W. RamReyer of BloUlnrlelcl RIJCnt $G7S.13. l~red C. all· chl"iMt or Lauren~, who won the seat no\V held by Senator-]<~Iect L. J. DlckIIlSOIl, ~x\lenc1ed $286 and Con· gl"~ASmnll Ed Campbell Of Battle Creek $2&0.

't'he campaign Of Miss Agnes Sam· u~l"on for replecLlon as state super· Inten(i.,llt of publle Instruction cost $70. E. J. Rlpgel, DE'mocratic candl­datI' for state treasure,', spent $5.76, :lnd ~f. .r. Kliln3l1y, D~mocl'nt, re­ported no receipts and no expendl­tu"e~ In his campaign for ' railroad commissioner.

Stnte S nntor Frank Shane of Ot· tumwa "pent $194.49 in his unsuc­cl'8Mfui campaign tal' reelecllon. nnd Senntor .Joe R. Frailey of Ft. Madi­son, Republican, spent $56.25.

CLINTO)J", Nov. 10 (AP)-One reo publican offiCe holder survived the Democratic Invasion of Clinton coun· ty officers In last Tuesday's .electlon. a recheck revealed today. Harold Grumstrup, Republican clerk oe coul"!, had (1. lead of 16 votes ovel' ~'lIl1um Ralf!, Democrat. Unofficial ret1ll 'lIs had Indicated RaIrr elected

Split Tickets

Col. C. O. Shcrrtll Of Cincinnati, fOI'mer manager of that clly, out· lined Clnc!nnatJ's plan for aiding the jobless and proposed that the presl· dent ot the United States create a permanent commission for the HabllIzatlon of employment and In· dustry. He also recommended crea· lion ot slmtlar state commls~lons.

The great beast seIzed lhe lion In them back In 10 line however, and the his h'unk as tbe students scattered pageant Il l·oceeded.

CLEVELAND, 0 .• Nov. 10 (AP)­Ballot scratching as an expre.sslon of the voter's Independence Is weaken· party lines, bringing smaller men Into government and threaten· Ing governmental stablli ty. Attorney General Gilbert Bettman of Ohio Mid today In addressing the national conference on government here.

The address was delivered during R discussion ot better methods at picking candidates.

PartT l\lerelT Vehicle "The political party should be

graded as the vehicle through whlch the w!ll of the majority of the people Is registered upon measures and as a gua,ran tor of sound orticlal con­quct by men," the attorney general sald.

"It these results be not accomplish­ed, the remedy Is not to abolish the party, hut to substitute bettcr leader­Rhlp In the party. If that cannot be accomplished-the hel'olc remedy Is then to elect the opposition party."

Discussion of the &,overnmllllt's burden In alleviAtln&, unemployment

Time to

He urged the adoption Of the Cln. cinnati plan which staggers working lIime, making certain the employ· ment ot every bread winner at least 24 hours a week.

3 Elephants Nearly "Steal" Inauguration

Prade in London

LONDON, Nov. 10 (AP)-Three tl"ightened elephants stole the "Lard Mayor's Show," today as they caught sight of a make·belleve lion In the parade ahead of them and charged Into the crowd which t1:ronged the Thames cmbankment.

Fifty spectators were jostled as those at the curb sought safety,

Sir Phene Neal, the new lord maYOr of London, In the carrlage which has carried his predecessors to thclr Inaugurations for genera· !.Jons, was In the parade.

The elephants, In a tableau repre-

Clean Up For






and dashed It to the pavement. Then In the evening there was the tradl. he and the two others headed for the Iional banquet In the ancient Guild· crowd. Mounted police soon handed I1000ll.

, ACLEAN mit appearance, broad shouldC!'rs, and an ac­·tive step are the products of exercise and correct eating. The handsomest man in the senior class will have them and they will be the secret of his magnetism.

Two Shredded Wheat Bis­cuits a day go a long way toward establishing the right

"THE MOST HANDSOME MAN" eating routine, They are a part of many a trainin, schedule-they are the main-

I stay o( many a luccellful busine.s executive.

Try them for breakE •• t with milk or cream. A great food for the mid· night lunch too.


ifUEsnA Y, NOVEMBER II, 19~ - _ _ ::::J

Doctor Gardner to Appear at Teachers

Meet at Des Moines Dr. Thomt\R Oardn!'r, director of

th e bureau o~ dental hygl ne, lett yesterday mOl'lllng for Des Moines wher he will exhibit bulletins and equipment Of the bur au at tho 1111' nunl met'llng Of tht' Iowa Htnte Teachers association thi s week. 'I'he exhibit wll1 InclUde a spot map ot the counLles and the 250 lowns llnd cities active In ~he Iowa dental pro· gram.

Dr. Gardn r ,will present the plan to the superlntendent's dection ot the MBoclation tomorrow.

Former Iowa Girl Reported Massacred

by Brazilian Indians

CEDAR RAPIDS, Nov. 10 (A P)­Assocla~ed Press dispatches touay eald Miss Mildred Kratz, formal' Ceda,r Rapids girl had been reported massacred by Bra:t.!I!an Indians.

Mss Kratz was grauntcd from Coe college and later studlea nursing at A ugustana college at Rock Island. She was a daughter of the lute L . M. Kratz, Cedar Rapids attorney.

More than JI. year ago Miss Kratz joined Ihe Rev. ArthUr Tylee and his wife at their mission In the Brazilian jungles,

Miss Kratz had written her sister, Ieabelle Kratz, i'L teacher h re, that the pu.rty had been warned to leave the jungle.

Geologist Confers With Kay Monday

H. II. }Iodgeson, division engl· neer In charge of the cenlt-al dlvl· Sian ot lhe topogra phic branCh ot the United States geological survey, was In IOwa City yesterday.

Mr. Hodgeson confer"ed with Dcan Oeorge F. Kay of the college Of llbel'al arts and state gpologlHt, concerning cooperatlv~ worl( by thp Iowa. and United Stutes geological survey.

War League Holds Armistice Service

NEW YORK. Nov. 10 (AP)-On thl' eve at armIstice day the war re,Kls' ters' league held a memorial service today for men who died In the war.

The service. held In tho shadow of arant's tomb. was dedicated to th(' proposition that all war Is (uUle. Those attending the meeting, most of them students, renewed nvownls not to right In future wars.

Wilson Group Meets Today

NE1W YORK, Nov. 10 (APr-'I'1I~ war' IniluAtrlpij board, "right o,'m Rnd rlghl cye" Of President Wilyon duro Ing Lll!' 'Worlel Will', will t'econven~

tomorrow In reminiscence. Evt'ry second Yl'ar since lhe sIgn.

Ing of the Armistice the members Of ' Ihls bonl~l which 1)layed such an 1m. portant part for the United Statee gov(,L'nment In the war, Ilove gotten together. LunCh 01}, a business ses­sion, 0. theatel' parly and supper at the home ot Bernard M. Baruch, who wa" chairman of thO board, are LIto Items on the program.

Death hns taken two p~mlnent TYl('mbers ot the war Industries board -Admiral F. Fletcher and Qenerat George W. Goethals-but Baruch ex, pects virtually every other member t il be prescnt tomorrow.

The boa.rd originally Included Mr. Barucll, Alexander Legge, now chair. man ot the farm rl'lIet board vice chairman; J. Leonard Replogle; Judge Edwln B. Parl(er, chief umpire of the Amerlcan·German claims com· nllsslon; Oeorge N. Peek, Oerard Swope and 'fhomlUl Nelson Perkins, RObel·t S. Brook\ilgs; Hugh Frayne; Albert C. Ritchie. now governor of \!aryland; Henry Bayard Swop~,

and Howard P. lngels, eecretary,

Five of Extension Division to Attend

Faculty Convention

Five members ot the university extension divisiOn wtll attend the IOWa S tate Teachers' Ilssoclatlon convcntlon lit Des MOines this week.

Prot. lIarrY A. Greene, director of the bureau Of educatIonal re­scarch and service. Emmctt A. Bells anu J. E. Kirkpatrick, research a .. slstants In educatiun, and Lee W. Corhl'an, In char", ... ot vlsu tll Instrue· lion, will supel'vlse tho exhibits. l3"u~e Eo Mallan, dll'cctor of tbe ('xtonslon diVision, will also attend,

The exhlhll will consIst oe colored views or thp cnmpus, ompm,lng c'lulpm!'nt for univerSity music, 16 mllllnl<'ter f!1mH In (L miniature tllf'll.ter Atngt'. and other visual a.Ida.

On!l or the functions of the dis· play Is to att"act tl'achers and school aumlnlstrators to the test ami bulletin publicalionH ot the unl· versity.

Grim Give Speecli on Geological Topi~

Eocene sediments ot MIssissIppi \\a9 the subject or Ralph E. Grim, G of Unlver.lty, 1I1ISs., who spoke to

Taxl.bus Hervice In Sydney, AlIs, the geolOgy club yesterday afternoon. tralla, has been outlawed wher In I lI1r. Grim, a Yale graduate, spent competition with existing tram· tour years at the University of MIs-ways. pis Ippl. _

Bare feet on damp floors • may gIve you


ON the floors of showers and locker rooms, there the

little ringworm parasite that cause8 "Athlete's Foot" is right at home. Tinea trichophyton is the name, and in colleges as for apart as California and Pennsy}. vaaia it haa been found that 50% of the men have it. Again, the U. S. Public Health Service repoI18 that "at least half of all adults suffer from it at lOme time."

"Athlete's Foot,lt goller's foot, toe itch, dobie·itch-there are maay names for the 8ame thing, and the symptoms are redne88 between the ides, with i-t.c-h.i.n-g-or a thick, moist akin condition-or a dryness with little acalea. The danger aignal, vary, but authoriti a agree that they are all trace· able to the ringworm germ, linea trichophyton.

It loru in the very placea 'Where we all go for deanliness and bealth - OD the edges of awimming poola and showers­in gymnasiuma-on locker· and cIreuins·room floon. In spite

of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) this fungus parasite infects and re-ittfecLS bare feet almoet a"y time they come in contact with damp floors.

Ab30rbine Jr. kUII the

germ of n ATHLETE'S FOOT"

T 8t8 in 11 famous New York "lab" have reveal d that ALlOr­bine Jr, penetrates tleah-like tissues deeply and that wher­ever it penetrates, it KILLS tho ringworm germ.

It might not be • bad idea to examine your f et tonigbt. AS the Urst sign of the eymptollll mentioned, dou con AblOrbiD8 Jr. And keep a hottle handy­your locker as a preventive.' Usc it after every exposure of bare f t on damp Ooor., At all druggists-SUS. W. F. YOWIft. Jnc" Springfield, l\fase.




'-arch ot Brltaln's Ihe tlnal dab

There was Ie "Incident" der. and clnred war. I land. France have followed

An army or white general, havo march ed strength of n enlistment of

conspirators but It was "French :the French'

Poincare, Through the

er~ment antt played the plot. trlbuted their as "trade Industrlt Paris.

The elgla prls ~ducators ltIld tl' are to be t1'IOO at the soviet supre, of high treason, ary /leU ,'ILI Hand Isbman t tor any ,

Senator Ha Missouri

Run Al wAsrnNOTO~

Senator Hawes I

announced his \\ .(lent of "more gl 1ca" toundallon, Intended to rellr when his term e

He recently a, not be 0. candida order to accept WIlS to run far 81' tirement from 11 io receive an IU1 ~OO.

Senator HaweH a letter to J08cPl York In whloh 11, dent of the organll that Its heatlQual New York Instead because ho tho 'Would be limIted

At the sam 1I Ilouncement Ilbou .mate stili stootl

"I havo tolll 1fI~ that I would not h II!lecUcn," he said, )Ie & aport and n,