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• WK.

DirectorOutlines AidTo Blind

1-TheRev. Rifcri-

last. Thursday night at' the Gar-woo.d rfecre'Stibn alleys. Eaz Bros,•took t(vo games from -Jlay'ss"Bar-bc-r. . '

High, scores ^f6r the eveningwere; Eleanor Belusio,., 191 and187 in a 503 series;-Gloria Etiz,175; Angie Simonet,' 172;'TeliaI'AleKsandris. 169 and ifeO; Pcecy

l d l f i f i d J f i 3 l X

/ides a scripture quotation aiildbrief commentary or pbeni for;ach day of the year.

for the Blind, was" 4speaker- at i> meeting oi t4w

Rosary Society- Monday .niflfyt at•St. T'heresa's Chuifhi

Father McGuiricss "cxpTaiBcd that, jhe. :rrnt<*r for .<^R't))iriri, run by-the Ml. Carmt-i Guild, 09. Cen-

t r a l Jivenue,' N^war 'c* ' s t n e laruestyir*V£>*.>

stale. Courses are fr.ee includinghonTiJ Cursing, cooking, games,dancihg, . carpentry, brajlfo, "sew-ing and ceramics. An educationalprogram is provided for children,he. said.

BooRs for children are publishedi:i braille/and magazines arc taperifrcordeel for the • blind. A socialii provided monthly by differentorganizations of the diocese, he

host at a sociai on February lit at.the blind center. Members • are

. bake xnkrs nnd

"Team standinfes:' • .( '

(•fit's BarlHT ,... *Eivi, Bios. ..:Ciirwoocl Iti;cr^:itlon -Kny'i. U.irbi'i1 ,Gdrwood Boyi'm^i-u*

ciien/l Mu.lnt*'iinnct!Four. GjipcnU^BSchcrx '.,•., .;, ..

Mrs. Dominick Marino, chairmanthat pizza, .soda,, coffee

croamA family communion crusade is

planned Sunday, the Feast-of theHoly Family. .Sunday School achildren's mass "will npt.be herfd

nri*-urged to attend/rnas

gether.v Pians-

hnly pniYimiipfon to

is Serve7. • $ja;s; Stanley AMrs. Cfhgrles Kpr'n'presided.


XCA^WOOD—GeneralPele's Barber and Garwi

es all won three garlics 1night competition of th

16T: Linda RationcTPSUTAlso, Eleanora Kutsera, 163;-Mel

.iamano, 1G2.; Millie Wheel!' 102';Eileen Snaikey, TS8Tt?dith"Guer-±ti»;j3jlf)7.-MK.t Ha/el Zukasky. 153=Evelyn LaWlcr had a 50J. serieshe previous"wtfyk with Rames .(£?

t w ^ w C i n a " • • • '• •.•'••"••/




Election HeldBy Firemen

ttp Sesi^ofts^royide

aS 'president: or Civitirbrd "Local 37;FMBA, ,at a meL'tini; in; thc.Yirc-housc Monday niglit. :" '. \

"OtlRT .officers •xtifere named asfoll&Wff:—

Vice-president, Ipussell Ditzel;treasurer, 'Donirldl

Ljperctary,, HarueySfnneial secretary,,executive .delegate,ini?c .... _;. *

ConventionOitzel; alternate de


A renewed flurry of activityto. S'upporjt. Education niow (SEN)Day, According'to1 Howard Siegelf.

Y; '3C %tdcpendcnt' groups r a c i n g.began the day after New Year'swho ^oncciiaidLtKt idea of SEN.

those dod. icy t»fddi editin

tho o y yingfacts-and-discr-editing'..rumorsconcerning the Jrfntiary 17 schqpLJr.ejerendum is that'' SO' additional'meetings iite schodulod \yjthin the

|-rrext~tw S lSEN captured the- irnijgination

of 36. chuirmen who .-tackled ;the

^eonard. Dolan;.Bernard Fleni-

[ J , Wesley,!itj»ate, .Leonard

JDoI'nn; sergeant-ii'Uarm.s, JohnTanv.er; trustee" Mr three years,Charles Karcfel, iihd-trustee forone yeaK Charle»#roiikenber'1gcr.. Arrangements wore made for asquare dance to.,/b/L: hc-ld at. Ever--greeii Lodge, Sp>)mgfi&l(lr-ai—&^&7) iTr~J5mTTrry~ 13r Tickcts~rnJiy~btrobtained frenj members or-Jjit thedoor. Edward Rouvet is ch.airman

task of hosting a minimum 6f»iivffmeetings ^ designed, not' to high-pressure people . into voting yes,but" to. iglct qyestidntf:'- answeredfrom authoritative sources to as-sure ah intelligent vote on refer-«ndum day. . . , _„

Board <nembeVs,. schdol. admin^istrators, real estate brokers, andinformed, citizens. have., answeredthe call for resource experts a to*tnl of 1D6. times. It [is estimatedthh^tri 1,(100 people,have

i'O Carolina.""slrtect; 'Mrs. ChaseMix. .42 Lewis street;, Mrs!.'H. Siil-Iman, 504 Casino ayenue^ Mrs. J .Warrington. 15- Kensington street;Mrs. B. B. Kott, 182 Locust drive;Mrs. XMlliam Collins, 44 ParkwayVillage. . ' - .'.-•. . Mrs.|.W. "trom"etterY2.MakatomdriVe;i Mrs. . Donald • Aikerj* 3

JSropkiiduJroad; Mrs: H. Smithcrs19 Herning'avenue; Mrs. f.'lHfus-

"•— Kenneth E.to the Philip-

•fcince~nj!)l, will speaTT_^Gospel. Chapel -.on

11 a.mTahd 7:30'p.m. *A)/ibc evening service, .he will

• an illustrated report oh nuV

of thejance committee, " •__ * • , ! • I r - . -

e^o a u p-?:io|i work in Manila"^ He is. as-

i t d i^h th -BiB'f"Sli6bT" f?:io|i work i M a .sociated wi^h the-BiB'fe"Scli6bT" ofihf Air, Wh'lrh is Hoard on st-vcralcontinents and enrolls thousandsof students,

Tlie chapel leaflet will be

p.m. Sunday; TJie senior and jun-ior "youth fellowships will meet fora joint supper at 4:3O. p.m.

• A. service^ for prayer and Bible.[.study wfll ,Tje -"hej'ti. o. Wednesday

.«- Gleanings" calendarsti^tributcd. last Sunday *lo

at 8 p:m.- "Choice

For LionsFire Chief Bernard A. Doyle was

host to members of the Lions Club-tout of J[irjC.hejidaiiftrier5i. fp.l

lowing their regular meeting in4he geaeh—snd—Four—Restaurant

participated," and that a,n addi-tional ,2,000 will attend the re-

One of the -busiest -bastments intown is that of Mr! and li/Trs1."iwaii" Buiwh*re space is allocated, for fact

^ b to de-^ i mtTfor schools is


Tuesday night.The-club "meiVibers''were shown

s on behindthe scenes in J. The chapel leatiet win ne a i s - | ^ a t &ocs o n b c . h i n d the scenes in'tributed by the- tract band at 2;30Tj-7]^nl3TtKc--iwth--rcgard to readi-. p.m. Sunday; TJie senior.and jury-1 n e s s for" cmerBcncicstmTTuffrcleney.

of asking questions of specElisiStl

ness fot emergencies _,of persorifrtil and e'qaij»m^nt..

Gilbert HohWald^ program chair-man, was in charge of arrange-ments fbr the fireTiousg tour.

The Crariford. club will be hostfor-a meeting of tft'e Union CountyAssociation ior tlie Blind on Jan-f.

17 J h E i i i harge

a n d b c i t t i f i t « s u i d |is'toa-dilticult^to answer. Mr.J51e»gel rertiarkcd—J8any TTT^

each family" attending thcJFamily | uary 17. John Errico is in charge•«anr> "" " '

port' thjit subsequent meetingshave'boon planned to deal withspecific prpblem raised by.'a. ques-tioner at a previous meeting.

Areas of particular interc'st^tSEN groups have been: The neefor a junior high school, the tqtatax story, the effects the loss &

•Norimhegan court—and Mrs. CarlPirlk, 105 Benjamjn street: '..'.

Mien in Sefv.i&B~~T '•Walter A. Keve, Jr., son of Mr.

and Mrs, Kcye of-18 Hillcrcst ave-t,nue, is undergoihg basic trainingat. Lafkland_ Air .Force Base, San

viilucsJ-..'\rtdtonal requirements of the '60's. .-

' group ^chairmen include:s,rt Herb'ertl.MUchen,. 728' Wil

;erbury ,road; Mrs. Ii[ving Weiss,10-Shetland dri\;e; Mrs.-,E. Yacker,i<\ Ciwniina «trV<it: 'Mrs. Chase

S!h Lincoln pat k. east,Hi Sommerville, 41 Craig placeMrs. JohftFlt?^er.nld, 511 Centranvonucp P . H. Moses. 17 Osaaedrive; Mrs. E. L. Brantley, 176Garden street

. W^ ingrr,. ,?a Pr'i rifftnnJroad; Mrs. William Know, 2 ^ Dering wayT Mrs." Richard Fihh7~3Tntip-stret-t; H

>i 'i'iift Cit'fliMi

^For right reasoning there shouldbe but_onc/fact beiore the thought,Namely, spiritual existence.—MuryBaker Kdtfy . '" .. "'.



NOTICE la .IWVuby ulven fhat thu coinrnon Cbuncll af. the U<ik*ou h o Kunllworth, ai a muetlntf, tn Y\ef h<;ld In tl>oCouncil Chim\ber, at HiiroiiKhu Hall. 520.ttyulcvard, Kcnllwofth, New Jersey, on(hu'..24th day at Junuaiy, l<Hil, at '8 :00o'clock P.M., will consider the report ata^tcKKmcnts od bcntifltK conftTTtd' iijiOrt.*lot!) arid ''parcels of \iM<i and rejtl estate''J.v rtusoi) of the crudlnc, paving andcurbing of North 10th.Street, between (heaoWcCard and Monroe Avenue-. l»- *lw.Horouijh A)( Kerriiworlh.

—pill Ui.ii']l ' ui -far- trt+WjrnrftltTminionit—iitlifaU>iHU"^~wiy—JtcUon ". or objections tHat tho ownersof property named In said report maypresent acilnst the qonnrmatlnn of such

l i to trikf further. -and• I1MM-11HI.-IH?. Ulf • —other action as may b f ueemediito and pcoper. jmd as_ rlctil and Jubileeihnll retjulre. The report above refem-d

I to 'It now- on file In'tlie Office of (liel"fio'rbuErr~CIeWr~TOi1—eJttiTntrratioin—byp.irties Interested therein.

PHIUP J. McOEVNA.' • . • • • • • . . B o r o t i e h C l e r k

Oytcd: Janunry "3, lOBl/ :• .Adv. Vie: $6,110 • ' l'-S

jSnngneld avenue; Mrs.Tphict!, Mrs.SENmembers have tlie benctit

i t lon4—M

KtCRihlor, ^ B o r J c e l e y 7 p rJ o h n Conover, "i"14ABeech s t ree t .

[4ows--Hill road; Mrs . E . S p m m e r -^ t i 1 place; Mrs. WilmarP. l>!inge, 50S Linden avenue; Mrs;P. J. Folinus, 16 Brown terrace;M/s. Kenneth. Ingraljam, 8 Colbylane; Mrs. Richard Guy, 301 Pros-pect avenue; Mrs. Gene -StoveHs,208- Arbor ' s t ree t s Mrs. Henry,SUtuson, £15 Casino" avenuo; Mrs.'^tian Grice, 388 Cientennial hvo-ntic:'Mrs. Howard C. PetcrsQW.Jj.0

for your every—f*^^^

BARKBffilNftO.;. %.v ,.**~


>* . - .SCOTCH V

come see, come save, dt our big




t~,*-'k TO SHOP AT

' • ~ ' •

-- ;. '. [

• f - , -

• • • • • • ; ' • : > . » : • • •

: / ' • •

•••••• t f o i r S l -4 Sections, ^SPages " .'•' ;' THURSDAY,

"YOU'RE BREAKlKlGl OUR ENGAGeMENT?^Don't break your good N.evv Year's resolutions.One resoluBoni to make is. to get prompt medi-




h'org.wil1 R locatedori a 25-acrfe-site on Hillside •ayenuc-. --

—CratTfordvntw^Vl^ W* tnasHny on the Boartrof• EmicMiah's plan to erect asehooL^ 1 3 0 0 ' J i J i h h l h

i Hillid "

-SENibR-HlGH-SGHOOL—ArcHitect's renclbrin'g -shows the $3,804,700 senior high scheoi on Orange avenue,i?rihir$57Jl71?^(>()TmrkiTi;r^hm-^'v-b'^ j->>finv>nriimT Thfi r>H-rnom senior hit;h

*~ " ...........---it^-^jfi-j.,™ ^ i "jmwin-w.iiv Pniicwill .hfi- on'mi from 2, to 9 p.m. " . . - ,_'"_$2rl70,300'-iuftipr JiiCh school shown* ^~^a!T15t1hTr$57J7^0tnractargirprlttr-it>-ot^ttuim —^____,^——_. .; . , L Y\, ,. ...;.. " Y ~ ..." schooVqn the 39-acre TJraiifie avenue site mil have a i.SOO'capacity.. Polls vvill beopon from 2 to 9. p.m.


Cannons Ensemble . . .Moroccan

striped towels

finest Quality ;, *


Stevens-Utica . . .

-sSieets-xarBd cases ^J_pgjgsL '72X108, Refl 3 19. ,,^2.59 2, $Q)f 7 , 0 0

81x108, Reg. 3^

Hand TowelRegular 69c 57c

Wash ClothRegulac 35c -*— 27c

90x l08 r Reg. 3.79V

Cases: '

45x36^ Reg-89c ,_

Twin Fifretl Bottfem •Reg. 3.19 _ _ —

21x27 Siie*," Acrililn Filled, Non»Allergetiic.

Reg. 4^98.-— ••3.29


Regular Size Foam RubberRegular 5 .98_^

22x28 Jumbo pacron FjlledRegular 6.98__-________

.2l6 8.00

2 to 9,00-79c> --•...... Sfl%Down, 50^0 Ped»h&r<# A ' 11 t\f\,

2 » 5 9 •"*'•• l* a 7 S i M 'B°9u l a r7,98_i_z >°:'11*Uu/.


Chbbii) frotrt decorator colors: pink, blue,

green, rod, b oWH and roie. . '

Full Fitted BottomReg. 3-49_ , 2.98 100% Down Pilled Jumbo /

Size, Regular 9.98 ^

• . \




"The. 'Come and Bo Counted Rally" planned foriMQnday"" •-•" •-31 "an ontibrtunity for citizens to register







Bcmk '






We Resefv? The RighfTo Limit Quantities

' " ' . . . ' ' . O . ; • . " • ' • '

STORE-HOURS?.-.'8:30 a.m. to 10 p.rri,

xlaVi!.'.. Mrs._ JBprnard^ B. 'JCott^jirrangeracnts cft&irmainouhced today? The. r5HyP5e " ~t%" " •*-*•—'='-«--''-a Better Cranford, has beencalled for 8:15 p.m. at the-highschool audjlorium.

Dr. Ilonry M. Linn, profes-i sor of education, Teacher's

Cninin^tn Ilriivi.-rsUy", Will

School PlansFound

r' be among the. "iiest speakers. Heserved as a "Consitiltdnt "to thc'Boai'dof Educatloiiintho oarly-staKes ofits •plannii')g. Dr. Kcrjneth G. ~"its planniijg. Dr. Kcrj i

.Kay, president Of -XJni'<)U -Juniqr' C l l aO aud member ol|j.he_rally_rallyColleaOf aud | jcommittee, also.witpspfelc

d l i "IlllllULbVI-, UISW, v« •«. *.trOther guests tb deliver" brief

messages include Dn FJ. W. Al-jeia,-))rQfo.ssor. of jfrench, Prince-ton University;" Eftr 'V)aytar'Vm~breit,;. professor of Baeteriolocy,Rutgers Ujiiversity, and Byron D.Stuart, associate firotasor of xiducation,' TJpsala College.

By popular demand, R. J.. Mer-cer, vicc-prcsident and copy super-visor of Batton., Barton, Durstlneund Osborne, will repeat thespeech he delivered at the Datf$Day PTA. meeting Saturday.

Entertainment will be providedby Tina Robin, recording star, dj-rect from Jack Silvermun's Inter-national Club, and Si Green's- or- fchestra. Special rally songs haveJ>ccn_weitten-loathe everiint*'. •

Economical• 'Vhe State o^ New Jersey odncutional and. tax authorities ^havfoilnd the referendum "wvnWiViT f

to be ediibationallyeconomicalr—a realistic answerCranford's • school- jYrobteivis.

hcen received from, the "New Jersey Local Government; BoaYd.--Aa hcarinii with Craoford schooaiiihorities, this board approvethe plan _as jnetrjiTaj; the followinstandards: First, the'*-amount to bispent for the educational facilitieis Mot unreasonable or exorbitantsecond, the" credit of Ihc town wilnot be impaired; third, the authorization of the necessary bond.will not ho possible, withoul extended cVedit; and fourth, the.neschool debt will not exceed thappropriate percentage of the ;iv

assessed- valuations.


More than 500 men of Crawford -sa-c uvi*t.'d to vote yes-"forthe kid next door." on January 17 by RicnardjJ. Merebr, • vice-presi-dent of Batten, Barton; Durstine and p.sbornc, in his concluding •r*d-dross at,the Ulifih School PTA's Darj's Day 'program Saturday morn-

ad^ga the red to>-diii-of- t h e <(eh<cic>l

mmunityflS'S~'tliO"•oblcm and the merits ,of the

forthconirnR referendum;Mr. 'Mercer uraed the group "to

vote snd persnadlcf others to voteyes on. trie ruitwend.nm —. not for


Board Announces TimetableFor Construction of Schools

" 1'he tfiTveOTble ol sfops iie'ce.">S?(TT~rn-TrTmriTil wiih trorert-rnc^-tiotvof new jiljMJor mid senior high school.*-., if the rofi-ri-n«luni i.sapproved Tuesday, wns announced this week by Mrs. G llohvu--;Williams, president of the Board of education.

• . A schedule received from Epplo and Seam.'m. srhool urch:-...work on .both- buildings will

the- new .senior high sbhoolr or Uie1,000 junior ->iit,'h>. school piipils"who wUl-use the old hifihschoql,Or the eOO.pupiJs \vho will use the

'.now"1 junior hlfih school. I askrfn thiii for Hu'kid nfxl diior

liam B. Boonelly, St.Church; Mrs. Paul K. Wilson, Jr..chairman, South Side CARES;Charles- Hansel, Jr.. chairman,

(Continued on Pagr 8)

adequate;cilities will be fuljy utilizethat there is-no iilteihytive methodof providing such new educ-ational

(Continued .on Page 8)

Adult School Brochures List33 Courses for Spring Term

vyho must make, an effective con-tribution' to our society if this re-public is to be preserved! •I ask•you-to do this fnr thn nne..or-lwoor three or more students wholive under your- Koof and hoar

. your own name." • -- • ^(- Roderick W.- Smith was masterof ct-.i-cmonios at- the program,sponsored by "the. Hifih School PXAand organized by Meredith Con-ley.. " ' .

The morninc befjan with cofTeeand douuhnutjs in the gymnasiuma.S the men studied'more than 100charts and exhibits 'At U*e—pro-pose,d buildihgs -arid. ta)kerl withi*.\pcrls in cnginccrini! and . con-

juction. Aftorward- they assein-nuditorium to hear a-

To PublishDelinquentTax Names^r^a ih iSr^ef^r i f 5 ^^^

' " " ' " — - i i y j J - - - - • - • . . . . . . . , ^ ..

ul.Janeo.ciSly, in order to assure completion ii searly :»is "piin . 10B3.

FoltowinRjire tho major steps to be taken alter the pa.sMini.-'of the referendum:

September 1, 1961—Completed plans and sperilicatinn.s U>rthe two schools to" be presented to. the Stale Department of Kdu-

- cation-fotj^vidw and approval.• October 15, TDtH—Conlra.c-1 documents tu be offered tu

Crant'oi'tl-voU'i^ at-a spcciiil school.e]eclion Tuesday will"take artiotHnr ir-. t^iT^T^O-RtlVRMMiAJHUtn^uuiddcJxuLa^ii^1,300-i'apauity senior high s'chool ancTa' 0BO-ca|)acity junior,high'school. Polling'plaL'ivs have heon itureased from'six to-nine for this election. and the polls will bo openTfctun 2 to 0

Voted on will be

biddcrs .I5,r-1981—Bids fvo.ni coiitractuvs w t«> r<-eivi\t-.

Dd&embcr 1," 19(il—Contracts to-be a«anl>s.l b.v tin- Hoard

of. Education.'. IDecer(iber 5, 1S*G1 i— CTround to be br<

1 Ammft. 1, I!)fi3 — __Con_s_t£iic11orv_ to h Completed on both


Weaving BateFor SchoolBudget Set

T E d t ioT Education doesun estimate of its

The Boardnot yc-tproposed budnet for tlie lDGl-fischool year, Channtni; Hiidcl,•lihairniHU of the'-flnance committee,stated . \x-slerday.- •

He said i-vyry eft'orl is~beiimmade to cet the budcet uRiives tb-gttluT an"d in tluv hands of therniinty—HHperinleiHl_ynt__of schook>

be mailed this week to every: •

ceed vv th plans to .publTsTi"rtaifti'V of persons ' and businessfirms in arrears with their per-sonal property taxes. This willmark the tirst time such action hasbeen«*ifcaken locally in an t-ffort tocollect delinquent personal prop-erty taxes.

According to Finance Commis-sioner Howard McAtvir there areapproximately 350 delinquent per-sonal, property tax accounts. IU-

, "a number- uf Diem are localbusiness firms." Total of the do-

the Januaryerentlum. - Si

After tlie invocation by tho Rev.Dr. Henjiimin W. P. Allen, pas torof the First Baptist C h u r p J i r D r .Clark W.JMcDerlnitb, supor in t en -

(Conliuued on Page H)

horfle in Cranford by tho Cranford Adult School.spring semester will open Tuesday,

nry 7," and will coivtinue iui l u

consecutive Tuesday* evenings at-ranford High School. In-personregistration will be heldTebruary

and 3 from 7 to 0 p.m. at the

Recitation BandIn Free Concert

dNext Wednesday"Wherr thc~-Cranf 6r"d- -Rccreattorr

Band gives its fro'c fall concertunder direction, of George Toenesm the high wrhhnl auditorium at8:15 pjn. next Wednesday it willbe composed mainly of Cranfordnuisicians. >•

Personnel of \!>c b ; i l u l w l11 m"dude the foliowinj1,:

-' Flutes, Viviun Burbace, CarolIjork, Charlotte Bniucj-. • RoUeiFinserlin and Carol -Kfubeiispies;clnrinets, Zyi'.mond Bork, Philli|.llrubaker, Stuart ChTmpboll, _Ed-v.ard Coc, Aut',t|=T Oiebcl'.iaus

•••Paul ' GuihtheV, Jay GliintheiKenneth Inunun, Warren .laiobiThomas Sackeu and Mi:f. ^Al

riet VollherbsU-;.-

\ ' ' / ,

_G_erii£!LJVi3i_Jlii;1 ba'-ssoimi, Kd^-ard

•piwockl; altii clariiu-ts, JMadden find'Lawrenct: P;rcc, bai-cUiriiH-t, Ffi-'d Huston; k-nor J.:.No|)'h6n'os, i-Toyd .1.. Arnold, Wil-liam. GHiiiths and J'red Niltel.

Alto sitXopFiono'M James Pantiino inut Wmron Scchrist; Krenclliorni^ Cynthia" Juwett, -Hieh.avi'Gxmi, Churlos .Ward- and Hatoli

. coiohc-t:;- tnimJK.4'j, Law'Ciay'nuh,"' Kobcr't '• (-'0'-'

on Pd^s• Si •


^thool. SljiTI rciijstratTDtts•vtlrte -accepted through January•1. ,

Dr, Kennc*h W. Ivorsen, pfesi-Lteljl^cnrectar xrf-t+ie-udult- schoollOday ur.gcd. interested persons tomake u>x- of the registration formo be found in the brochure. -JThey

should be sent to Registrar PaidW. Selhy in care of the CranfordHigh School, West End place,-ranford.

AccordinR to the Adult Schooldirector, it wijl be necessary., tonmit registrations in-some courses.Ho urged Interested person;; to

(Coiillimi'd on Pane. S)

v, $12.000'and $15,000.Accepted with regret was-'the

resignation of Patrolman WilliamE, Zirkle, effective January 1. He.wan appointed. *to the departmenton December 1, l!)56. Sgt.. LouisGuertin, ill- for the past twomonths, wns granted sick l<-yve


n to AidIn Scoldhing KiinvorM •

The Board of Education hasbeen "advised . that a corps of

p'rindirtfi <lOUT>te' s o s i sing reas^CbSed, it, was pointed out,and final committee reports, areexpected tci be u-ccivc-d at meet-ings tonight and tomorrow

Public hearing on the proposedbudget has been si-hedu'.etj forJaminry 20, at winch time hoardmember* -will present mi-ir .xloui-mittee report;; and thc~pul>hc- willbe gtveji. iin opportunity. to dis-cuss board recujmiiciulatiuns.

The proposed budget wJJT beadvertised in nt-xt Thursday's

r h " |

Polling Places • hensivt' school expamitm plan,^ V k r i ^ M i g l u u o l] which was -atiopiou- liy tlluI b o a r d ni| S>(;jitiMiVT7\ r 1-1 by ,'i "-'i

•Pol l ing plai-es "fur t h e special i v o U . ini inwihg a rel'i-n.-ndum on aSi-hool e lect ion to bo lfTI'd T.u<-.-:tlny .-JS.VVB.OIIO bond I.SM.K1 for a, highw e r e | listed. J,bi,s week, ti:v \¥. l'i Y t l m o l alum- w h i c h vv;is d e f e a t e d "MiiJ i Umuilu . s e c r e t a r y -of .f the". \jy j vute _o_f_3J(i:i tu 3,145 lastHoiiiill of Kdta-aliiin. . 'i'ln- pfirfiiii," March . . 7 ~ ' 'p l a c e s , . w h i c h will be open t r o m 2\ T h e n.i.-ijonlvMjivored p l a n cal lsto 9 p.m.. a r e -as _follows: j IDI e i . r t inn c i j ~ . p r w sen io r h igh. . i ihe r iuu i l f^rl^uul —\'u!il> u(. f I--.I- -.eh.ii.] on O r u u e v i i v i n i e and aera l Kleirtion • I>i.*.trii-ts 1 :,)i.l i.'). j t iniui lTi^li seluml un_ I t l l i s i i l r n v c -

W a l n u t A v e h u c . S e h i . u ' Vnu-rs | »•'•fit Cai-neral Meolion '' I.Ji.stin I-, :'., , h u5 ami 10. , " ! l ' l ;

Cleve l and Si-h^-l \'n!< i>. o l ' , ' " 'G e n e r a l Klcction IJi.-li i«.ts H .mil I

• u

I J \ i l i H - " t " . n A v e i n . i e S e l n . i v l . '

V o t u r s o f I ' . i l l r l i i l F i i - i i l ' i i l l | ) i . s -

tiict-s ti and IIH l U l i Krl . i . io l V u l e i . s uf Cieu- .-r-

i ( C o u t t i i i u - d tm Pirur S)- h '

PM Schedule

H ^ I • ^ ' PM'.1"'"'1 ''iiilrtuig on Wrel Endtu a'l.OUU-puplI juiuoi high

MHfiol, and 1-everMon of. CUeve-b i n and s ii-rin.in Junior .schoolsn cUjiucnlaiv .and tlo;ir.tl ot Edu-

_ for the purpose ofdistributing last minute, infor-mation to Cranford voters justprior to the referendunj,.-

This group sprang imo exis-tence after the -board discussodthe dilliculty of coping with"a-, concerted drive fo confuse

•ety Coinrntwiont-CTiy -tHXHiiifs^""-'" '^"!.-"1

ued on Paqc S) / | • public-lrelations budget.

and will be submitted to the vulei^<it the annual school niet-tnu; onFebruary 11.

Lions to EuliMtahi BlindCranford l.i'ons Clul> will he

host at a meeting of tin- UnionA.ivnn.-Hirin :,1^ H • ; y

idltoruun' of St.


MF& -Ezio PinzaWednesday V,Guest Speaker

M r s . I-'/iu 1'in/a nl the M< ti<

G i ' r u u k Zimt '^J l r ! ! ! 'n 1 P'.'i'icapajuf ( ' i a i i f j .n l MIKII S I ' I JOOI , told a

Dad ' s Uay nu- i^ ing in llu- h ighM-hoiil Sy tu i ti.-iy i n u r n i n g t l u a J i i i i x i m u m -,intin r e r ,i .-.tiuiiK posMlul i ts ' t h a t ' v i d e a h u l l e ltins v r . n ' i n i n t h -g lade will iigaiif J h i g hI.e mi tin- a f t e r n o o n hd ieduU- n e x t ' '••••'•

T h e p r i n c i p a l sa id t h e r e an - 2T1f>n i e n i b e r s in th is y e . i i ' s i ; r a d u -

; I l)i'.'tiiils nt t h i s pliiM w e r e ' s e t' t i . r th m a n lli-p;ii!e n ' l ju l ' t p r e -

l.i,irid h> the . lnMi 'd :u\i\ d i t i t r i h u t e d• tu e v e r y liunu- in the t o w n s h i p l a s t(Mioiith by nu-iiilietti .of—tiie C r a n -! I'unl C' .UI-CI- C h i l . .! PiOipo:,jiN of the d i s s e n t i n g' m e i n b e i x uf t h e . school b o a r d , IV.

K a n d a l l l t r i -ge r "lind l i e i ' i i a rd -IAI-

• high school na the HillsideTuiil(irial FleTd in. t|available . for thi!tioi^' uT TTillsirn.-the mill

total ii'eryaguite and r/foca-

TTillMrn- rivoiuio_/to\vrarctiachrii-uperty \\\y/ to effect

utill/.i'lHrfrl a,iul pro-use «1 the pit-sent

rdtur/li-d to a Juniorhiuh school aryf continuance- ofSherman sct-,(/n as a junior highschool, and construction of a ju-"'or l'linh school on any si'iitable

<»iroiiiui Breaking Datefor iPc

Ground Wicajiing ceremonies arcstlVidulud' for Sunday, January22. fur the new $250,000 conventof St.- Michael's Church, t a . b eerected at 1011 Aldt-n street. Actualconstru'ttldji i.s expectud to gut.underway the (pllitwiiui. day,\veatlier ptM'initting, it was stated

TovvniJiip Corninittci> '1'npy.luynight approved the biiildim: pt'i-nut iar tht! Lutur

p o l i t a h T i p e r a l i n i l d . t r r r , -tviH- h t -

gues t s p e a k e r at t h e ptl l lai i i lu upir

tr;- a? t he W e d n r s d a y Mm nriig

Chi l i In Shel-luek Hall at '_' p in

W e d n e s d a y . l l r r l«W<- wil l he

• G r u w i n u u p W i t h * Up«'r:i." Om-

ul t h e g u i l i l s M^>..!.n.hi|> . w i n n e r s ,

-ftlir.S"Muvi;f \WH-.IIHUHH1". u..ill--iin;i

Jding"eiass ,"whereas t h e . incoM,.n f ;; site ">'• and .when needed ."n grade will noml«.-r botwron* ^ • . . i l . of ,h« nunor i ty plan are

< w & - ( r t ; t -4a < >--u t t41^ i . . . - t v ? ' . - i i t . l i in i ; l ' " ' - ' »^ ' ' 1 •» ", ' ^ l l i r t ? " \ dt

f " b ^T l l C boTh tin- nmth and t e n . i i ' t h e In.ard anil ihs.i ' ibu.ed to local,.i-;ides on the a i t e r n u n n -c l iedule huutxs this uyeU

K e n if if is pusMl.U- .„ « u , k P.m-on.. , , . - of ,he n n j o n l y p l a nu . U a s e h i - d o l e t n p . i n m t h , v i -a , ' , h a v e h, , -n-lAisv ,n r e e e n . n u m t h sn i n t h g r a d e to go ou.ih.t- ,n,*HrntK . M™k.nH ' ^ ^ " ' ^ " ' . 'M-he<lule n e x t vear . .1 is i.n ; . I )M, - Kn.ups and u u b h e m e e t , , gs in a nlute c e r t a i n t y , " he de . -hned l a t e r , , mU-uMvi.- publu- uifoVinat.on p r o -that the n i n t h and t en th g r a d e r s g' '- '"1

i l l ' & alU'i ' i-i i t h i l l v i - l v

FOR .COMMISSllONEHS-TownshiR Clerk J. Walter Cottw. second from left, w slujwnl to C. Van Chamherlin, who Wus cIctccMiuyor last weok as Township Cnmrn, tee

t S K for lU.il. "LooklOB *n ,'aro ^'hlic WoVk, Commh,,loMcr Nlchnl.-.s St. ;tnhn .,,(.or.e. I-..,u(ho S tworn in for his tilth year, on the comhuU'ec, and Public Attain Commt^oner We.Jey.

Pbilo, who began his initial term, . .. ( . ' . ' . -. .

Tar IJie UTKUU. _ •-•' •_ - \

i\Ji s. 1'in/a «.i.-. born in Water- itown, N. V . uf CajTiidi.in puri-nts. j-

'ler atterxlmi: l-'ini'h CnUei;!-, she |studied wifti Alex Yakovle(J, a-former partner of Anne Pavluva.Sl-.o studied also .it the Auieru'iinAcademy of Arts

In li):tll, she- joilief' Hie Melrn-"|)ol|tan Opera Buliei WIK-M- she'met the great llalian b.-i-.-u Thevwcrf married in I !)4(l ,md Ir.i'din Stamlurd, l.'i.nn. Mr>. Pm/aIs ylill living tberi- with thejr

' fhrci ."\ ' lul i l ien, CI4I,I . 1!); K/n»Pi'etro, Ui. and Gloria, '.I

.Shi- Is I'hauin.m of Hie eibiia-tiun commuter ot the Mi-ti upulitauOpera Guild and 1IIJ;«-|1I«T rt-U|iIJobert Miigido.IV i-- the aulliui nt

e lilial i.haptei uf "K/iu Pin/a "T|ii- drain;) ' committee ut lh(-

Weiiiii-sday Mormug, Club willlneot at 1 ;il) p i n . \Iullday .i\ the

u- i.',t Mrs K. O. LKnik, UJHamptilll VO.KI. There will. IK:p«'L'orts :tlHUd|.-.i-U«si),ins on threeplay.-;, "Meeker," "A Taste <>(lliiney"' •'inifl""linuii \;A Douce." The.study of the Greek dr'ama will becontinued..

thi-.v.siT iH'ter berause ±± Lbe rih- wh'i.Jv has enMied siiuV adoptionijig enrollment.' ' -wf-thc-ma:ortbr• l?k«v.-»li_(lr-w>Uing--. He told an au.lience nf m.-n Satn of Ihe special election date, there

(Coiilliiueii ou.Puyi- H) . . • ' fCd'itiiiueti oit Page 8)

Dinner to Mark InauguralOf Chamber of Commerce

nund I-' Male -of P i m r i t u n , i:islali\ i> Cuini'.Ussipn on State. Per-f(a\slati- i-iiniinlssloiy-i-. ui lalmr andindiistis>_.wiXL_be_i',iii's, sp rakr r ata" dli,iuer at 7 pin.. Mnnd.i> . .January ;jn. at Scnti'h Plans CountryClub milking the inauguration olthe Cranfurd Chauibvr u| Cmn-iiu-ii'i1, it was an,i'.>iu*^i'd.tin-..wi-ekb\ Dr. lloberl.. K. Wal.M.n, presi-dent uf the local group.

Mi Male, mayor uf Princeton•inn- P.IJ7, served as eNelutl\i

nine) lioin l'J-l:i to MM5 and help-v (1 establish Philadelphia's civilservice -.vsteni uiufer its- newehaiti-r in 1052.

Tin- l'riiieiti'.n official is amaduaii of Union College andholds !i master's dogri-c, in politiesliimul-'iiiiccUm. lie was a memberof (he Prilic.eU)|'i IJorDUgh Coilil-i-il for tbri-L- years prior to boinii

as- i n.lined mayor.-i ~ (..in t- -In G o v e r n o r Huber t B.Mi'vin-i In.in* I'.hvV ID l!l:")ll a n d as| , , r s u m n I d i r e i t u r uf the Now


The CMnford Chamber of.,Com-merce is the sucevs-sor to the :

.••rsi.uni i um:ui» >-. ... .>>-'. Cranford lousiness AssuciutionIi r i y Department of Institutions and lifljcers of lh(j new iik'oup*. willii,d Anemic:; from PJ-lji to l!)f)'J j bo 'officially inducted during .Uie

Ttiiii wa.s ui, t|u- :,t.ill for the.NC-\vYi.iliiuer meeting. •;i.lPi-Vev CniKitilutirtnal. Convention 1 " I'lifc coinnultce iiicludeds.-l)r.-tn to 17 He also served on the 'Geldon Hindi-run", Charles M. Uaystaff tit the Now Jersey Joint Lii-Jand Dr. Watiioii, ' . •;

\ . Y

• " • ' '. ' ' • • ; > • " • . • . ' ' • • '•:ri'.i-Y,-:..::-.

. 1 • - • I . . , ' • . - • / . • '

•• J •* o;t ' '

' • ' • - . , ' " > .

y . . •.-•-,

. .1

' ' f ~ • ; • • •

' ' • : ' ' • : • ; : • ' ! * • * • :

• > ' • • ' « * '

i:jj^<ffiyil^ :,

. * • ' , • • • ' ' ' : • '

i . - , . . , . ; , • , . - • ' ' . - . • ' • ; . ; ' . - . . . . , - • • ; • ' . . • • . ; • ' . • _ - V ' " „ . . - - . . ' - . v - v ~ ; ' • " , . - • , ; • ' • • " • * * • - ' • - . , : • • - . • - - • • : - ; • . - . - . ' • , . , • - - . . - . . ' . , • • • . - * ' • * ' • . . • • • : • • • _ • v - " . . . - - -

" • " ' " ' ' ' '. - ' ' " - V . : . . ' • / - - * v ' v \ : : • ! • \ " • ' ' • ; * • • • ' •• . ' - J - • . ' • ' • • • J . ' . • ' ^ ~ s " • ' • - . - v / • • • • ' " • . ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ^ • • ; . ; • ' ' ' * . • , : " - I - ' 7 , " . : • ' . . ' . ' : " • • ; . ' . • • " '

' • * .

rtTi7rw !—TinTRSnAY. .TAKI'ARY 12. 1961 Three






Session; Backs

g staternent of. thet Inbly of t'K'e :United Pfcsf' thufch, USA.

stateinent eomivjits

Session ofHhe First Presbyterian Church recentlyof the GranfOrd Clergy Council ctfll-

and recommending a yes vote onTuesday.

Service Leaguethe b1liic'.:6rganit:pti6n..of thel j c infnrwnritifvn/ renriflnipn. Sev-erarmemUeis pi our. BbaVd'of-'£ri-:j tl*»£l/-k|«CttO'u'cation have spoken to different - I j l U l U . I . P t aTtj^oiiiisirirFnahy '|i7s"Ttl'-vc:-evefiln iisTa *~~ """""- ""week- regarding the new jjuilrimjj,proposal and wo hjy,v<; found a realpconcern about education "it> our-cotnmunity;" - ,. .

V ' • •• - — • • - ^ — • , . . . . . . •

( * - •

\ C^aniord Junior/. SSJrwicfeh i t s l y cndor,sc/d -the^ Board,

' hl x i

Band pn Wednesday '.ih,.ihe.highschool; Mr.-'Collins Urjjed mt'in-bcrs to attend. 7^ - •"•- ,

orian Church, USA, to tl?eof public education in' our

J so: long as public educa-pvide's a settinjt .in* whichdreji are .free to-develop

Uy. mor^lljf and spir-it makes specific declar-

Among thefti !kVe\i sUrRently retiuesls-t1!^-s' in 'this country to Work

' for?the improved financial'of thb' public schools., it

s the churchVof the' neces-

Let us be ever vva'tch-1honor of our/country, j .

organization and/ ourselves, jfrom

O.I Kducation'-s Schoolplan at a nifx-'tirig Tuesday at thohowp of MrsLandeil plac».

.••.r-Tjw!,., irwM. lW.^Oti..l

Candleto have .been

causc*l'.by. a boy-playing'wifh al i J ^ t o d d l d t d h a p e r


.avenue a capthermal f i l l ing shall swerve us from \Jra'difiorinl • ceremonies • a f Over-] ^ d ^

' ' " ' >f'.Practical v,v .

j S5C-io Citizens for a Better,| ford in. support c

ftain .voter approval ofv


giving,more genuine recog-

'cSmmUnity)' It calls forterlans to. serve on locialboards''/., . • • " '

These/c6nunitments, prih-ind dialierigei place ah in'-

iteriari Church and upon all[nations and-fajths that ac-i© principles em


session .

tliat W h i n s shall swerve us fromthe pji \ '«f justice freedom and H^•Hospital.Sfchbol of•

N r n g on ErldaydemocracyThe

Berjjstedt "a/\ictv commander, due

^ p .Nursing on Erlday.

nursing, •open to ^ ; fcuhto businwf^ s, wdi T.tccive l.

d id'Edward. Gill announced paid'-ypmembejsfap iqtaJs- OO'.'

'Membfers voted 'fo\dorlate t\yotrophies for a state twirling cbn-ic'st .February 25 in th<K Casifto.

contest •will hducChapter 228, NBtA. sponsoi^TJSnr^the post. Robert C.0 Walterspost adviser to the 'association.


On Referendum"Cranford' voters arc1,, \vjthout a

doubt, better informed and.'bcrcter^i

twef v.ears of hiph schoo.l,in the

shortage, • Miss VirginiaCarney, R.N., director ^_of theschool, said, • • . ' " • , V

- .The capping ceremony.tijitj end of classroom -ii

destroyed a hamjic-r:<Voggl..;,5071.^^^.clpthea ina|U...,gtjd'..,danTiaged"*""" 1 window * curtains ar?3; siip~eav<?r5s


pIietforti J

the hospital:at Gniystone Hospiki

of clinical ^per-.( rheeung.

the.-jylonday~ Afternoon.•••• " S h e WJH b e a s -

.Mrs,.' William M.';,-l*Juro-', Sir's.- -Kennttth 'A. "DcLongu

d f t c i • • • • - ^ • '

'- Sir's. ' Harry V.' OsbOrne, Jr.:,.president,, conducted the' business


:. GeiWgc,K. McGrath, chair--..-cp#mittee~\erair Vbters thi;5fi ' M i M B t t 'irt fhf-1 t,,<;yicf,f _by Mrs fi 'MiMnn-Boycttc't-

tare of psychiatrip^and senile-pa-(Mrs. ICTo.rinan H-,'Brubaker,tieXts/1 . . ••/:./• ... . ' '-I'Roy ..* • ^ - J i - " - • «J f-- -•«:-«-•-

ZOaWick-lTft Jtffrl'y. aitd-MFS. George A, Ho.1-

.* Joseph B. Matte^on presidedafihb tea table. i. • '

s for aNBlue andof Cub.JP

prepared for decision

.. in our.•^ m e s - — E

ch.airrnah of

of Educajion. l'3?fianks '.toheroic efforts of Cranford"

the *Cr%anwood,HGarwood, on"Tuesdny.!

Nations and ailooci of individual.citizens -y?iw.s£L .. poucern, . about

j l f : ' h ' s . l o d ' - t o

AmericanXe^fon, iail.ctF; a stand on the scbooLrcf-'m to bo-voled'tin Tuesday.

jj iojjon, supported by Com--r Williaij) J. Fordham, torecord supporting the rof-im was tabled "in ordecjto

>' and harmony." ac-

story^qt'. Cntnford's utfiTcnt nced;

has been

fXg to a~Legion spokesman,[wither motion to tiw t e r motion to donato^RtitS,Granford Watch Dog Associa-J||as overwhelmingly defeated,

is stated.< i — aHjournmqnt, .J

ider JTordhniri utged-memberstemember tliat our obligationur country can only.be ful-

^ filled, by faithful performance of"all duties o|,citizenship. Let serv-

ice .to the cbmmwnity, • state andnation "tie ever..a ttttfih. objectiveof the American •L^gion^and. its sands of people had • not''assumed

. ' : • • — : . , . > — _ - , , : • • • • • • • • " - • ' r - I ,

Mr. MeGovney-noted .that mnny-Cranford or;;anizutions alreadyhave publicly endorsed the pro-posjeid • referendum,, includirig. the

a. • Better Cranford,Clergy Council, Cranford CollegeClub, Nomahefjtm Civic Associa-tion, the BTO and PTA's, CrnnforaTeacher. ;' A'&ociation, Cranford

,'rrambered i- through

"Tltit nor-mal worlc'oiof Education has iieen severelyhampered-, by tliis .mammoth ef-fort to inform the voters," he con-tinued, "and the task would liaveboen insurmountable if these thou-

20etnd'Glaasea Start

CALL EL 5^5075for Additional Irifbtmqllbn. —


(Above Mew TfaeriKi) w SATURDAY 'TIL 6 "PM.

February 21, at Cjojn.iJoseph—Steele—^ar

Lt. Gov. William G. Palermo,, n [ Jr.'tif' the LindejiKiwahia Clutb

tendance'.Awards, .wore mado as follows:

Ono-.vear pitir^ David

E. '•Jlobcrt-. Hubbueh; Victor NMson. j f.George Hilbert, Ralph ' Colueci, IRussell •TyndMll; wolf, Rny.mocdV . . ' I

_,! made his oiticial visit at a meetinKr_oi. t'r.o Cranfovd. lyiwanis Club-last


International in-1961'.presenttkn.v'ith 'a traveling

past Lt. Gov"in" Shire,

• Lt Gov. P-alermo inducted Wal-ter 5.I.'-Coijper as vice-president

Usmsto; god arrow -Ralph Lol- ^ , 0 X c l u b and presenteducci, Russell Tvndall: two-venri, - ... , - y -

numd Flatn; gold, star, .Robert, F H_ G Jr.; JEfiasStllLpLsten Robert Lizamch; denner J, .LpLsten, Robert Lizamch; dennerstripe, Wilfred Prutzman: assist-ant denner, William. Evans," R6b-

and ttar'old G. Common; 9 years,Dr. Kenneth .Iversen,. Sidney L

•• i ' - j ' "

ertNunh; .c^ HHire; four

i years, XV. Dean Comptori; Edward"wcbelos: Robert"? Hubbueh; Vic-tor. Nielson, David Duncan, Micli-ael Catena, William Marston,Danny Rappaport and Mark My-

f. • Kerviek; -2 years, Benjaminniofft-'tt,. Hugo M. Staiger, ChoaterSitney Kingsland .Ward,- Deati


Daughter Slain''- William X. Boland, Jr.rof Irv-

Varidei'Clute; 1 year, Robert Biun\no,k H. Robert Lawsenu. , MiltonLoshin. ,. •

Lt. Go*/. Palermo inducted'-H,. T.loyH Toni-g nurl W yTm.-firrl Qr

former i

as hew members. The birthdayanniversary. oT Mr. IVIofTett wascelebrated.

Mr, Siaigefr announced that 25inaton, - ex-convict rfpdj montalt patient, was held without j members antl°th<;ir wives will takeibafTin MefCer qounty jail to}- \ pirt. in the Cerebral P,-ils || Telethoi"towingTn'iTrtKmheTnr^oTMmrdnyTn^iHjQTraa^^j the .murder, of Mrs. Goldio Garb, i nex, Plainfleld, from 1:30 to 5 p.m.| wife of a prominent Trenton den- j Howard- Hermes of, Plainfleld

W. Dean Comptontist and daughter of David LevyJ-^-as a guestof~TOv"ange7~cIevol6pi>ir:T)T- College pri'Sidtd.'

^pga signea confession, Mr. Bo-

land- admitted he followed Mrs.Garb, 45, Into h t r ranch^stylehome last" Thursday jn the Ilil-tonia section- of- "Creriton where he>^abbe«i hei* with a butch'c-r "S ife

. .Rob«£2;_Cp*.lins. aijd_ Mr, Lawsenwill take part in the free fall con-

the h o p e of OE. M. Kiamic at 2JO»Tuesday,. 1 a<it-iL-

" (

When .firemen arrived they,found the boy had' managed 'toextinguish; the blaze himself.* The'alam^w,as r~sounded~at-4 :~20'.'p:rn iand ;baefc'-taps at 4:35 p.m. -


ChangesThe; voters' service committee of

the' Cranforcl Leafiue of Wj>rnen' attention

k^artwmbe^-'pf-chang0!! in:election laws which"*hnve t>eeriabproved. in Trenton since- thelast • special schpol olecition- inM h h " '

•It is now tequirod . tbat,a voter has ...signed tho poi.l; list,l.Ts ..aiBhi»tui'ti\'al>iiU be. eoiby one of (lie election officers-.withhis signature in the copy, register.If bpth signatures are {hi .sameor • sufficiently similar, the voter.

-T.—. Court of AxvardsA! -Court of Awards was h^ld'

rnilii^ry unit. fheOrneTliiu seTJyttiii tieout 1'roop"?ac.. •• Mottiwere the invited guests.

^ f F ^ y ^ p iant fpj1 Brookside neighborhood;presented the following' badges;." Dabbler- and My Troop—Elaine

Alsi'er, Cynthia Hamilton, Pamela

Shaw, Deborah Thornton,bar*-••May, Kathr-yn 2achary,'Ter-ry' . kestor" and-;_Chrlstftie TuUy;.homemaker'. — Cynthia :Hamil.tT)»i;musician — Pameia'icreiji; capp>.tcraft and • outdoor- cook, ..Virginia.Sdymbur;. r&usiciari, adventurer,campcraft.>=-'Christine Tuny; out-door cook: — Loray^Koster; firstaid .— -Deborah-Th.OcntQn",_campj^

craft, outdoor cook, salt Water'tji'j May.

Different Skills learned i,n~earn-Ing their.,-proficiency bacjgbs ^featured^ in a program,. Nvlii'ch ln-cliided two iJt!rppe;i~plUys~wriUtuiaiictproducbd"by'.tho scouts.' Mrs/J.-ffamiltonMrs. Tully, assistant. \ ~ ~

Rei'resjj**»nt~ •verev siirved1 by'in hospitality.

; e s . ' • • • - - •

App6intmi«t~Df « challe.nj;cr-atr

question is su. nittt.'tl, is now per-mitied. Ttiere is to beoiu] fayor-i

) i tlif' prrtpn'salin each voting district.-'• Mt'H— Joseph - Hawkins, 'league--]

' h i j

BR 6-0062

John E-Laeiza Svas installed asj/-_.;i"dent ofTh^Cra'niofd"Youri^!^

^ooublican Club/ succeedin^'Petefnson, At^cerentonies^ in. "the

Elks L^ite, neadquarters Fridjv |St. .Republican _ M u n,i <-1 p a 1'

[chairman James F.'O'Brieh sei vedt s installing j)iarshal ' apti ad-liiesscd the club; lauding it;, >oc

•prie '

'the locjl'

• Baron's•&.. Sch^r's Hatha way's


commuiee.'. _ r

•rfutui'«. a( the' Republican j.

p , gpresident,''ahd &irs. Edwurd Coejand- Mrs.iHarry Hughej;. of the*league's Voters1 service, commit-tee., met recently with H. R.'Mc-Ciillo.ugh, secretary of the Boardof Educatiph, to discusschanges which have beenproved since tho la-st-fclectlon.Several suggestions for changes

ithe • lust

school referendum._ _ '— The league, it • was", hnnburtccd,.will place' posters at each 'of- thenino-aalling-placcs to remind vpt-

thus-preventing apss of votes.

Vahies-i^oocl SclipolsAbove a

Bonnie Ellen MeCrea," daugh- ":^cr ofTWr. "and TWrs. 'William J.&tcCrea'*i)f 10 I^ocu&t. d^ivo, "aKevonth Rtade student a t .C.leve.-

larid\Juiilbr"ScH3oll planned totake. a^bus - boijle- • from • school.Tuesday\af,(*t'n(j'pn^but instead .she deposited her fare jn a coin 'bdx.for supfiort'Ot. :a camp^aiyn 'for passage]of—next Tuesday's

-sriKwFyeferanouitt. • •—:—\-=When an. adiil't'in the ffaftie'

storij with Bonnie offered to give. her money for bus fare,,'tho girl

thank you. . 1'^-.rathergive up my bus ride if it. will

cert of the Cranford Recreation help us to have g6od. schools."

pUrse ahd three pieces of. jewelry, jMrs. Garb was buried Sunday in j

King Soiojmon Cem«tery, Clifton.. J




_ — All Types of Insurance. —•" Marie R. Deacon — Broker ' . , :

Bus. ER 5051 r--4 Alcfen Sheet—Res, BR 6-2550,QUALITY PROTECTION IN"5".all-m-bne Pack-age Policies. One designed especially for your







NO KXTRA CHARGEM.', .uiA" t-r/;




As long as a single child(or adult) remains-handi-capped by the cripplingofjfoctg -the-fightmust go on . . , and youVhelp is urgently heeded!

Contribute To TheMARCH OF DIMES NOW!

— This Spaed Contributed As A Public Service By -


• '— We Deliver —i k •• .-•— ~21 N, UNION AVE; r

w BRfdge 6 0150

KiJnnxami IMP daughters,

Your ConvalescenceWorked wonders .in dovoloph

drugs which can shorten the,period.of recov-ery, frbm. -certain' ailments"tjy daySr. weeks,

St | R E

„ instaH new viWlity and- loadu- - 1

• m p in our town," Mr.,L:ie//.i do-•iarcd. in , his acceptance addiev* »

Also '-insiallecl-- as -OHIcOibl foiUUii wcrci "Alfred . Piri'sdlii, JU sti ico-'prcSljfiitntj^Horbei't' .Jbujcotk,t-tond vice-president;.-Jano Dun-1

ltd,, recording'.seci'i'tary;.Ann Wil- ,;ri> corrcspohdihg secretarj . Joan I

k'lj'safc, trcasurev-; Mr. l$p'*^ nnt|'floan Ksill. •delcgatcs':at...l.iij:e,,|'•janccs and Peteif. Johnson, af-

: delegates;-lVlvs;. James An-tin-w, advjser. ••

President..'LaC?*a.rna*B the ,fol-. .-;n . . ' pnmmUtp'ift hppoin'tlttCntS;'

Washington. I>. C., this wfe,krendn~1Trt-2 — NEWARK BROKERS

ciTorus^illTjeTDavld Baj-tly, KL'n-^^i^ lf^od'^y~'Tf. "PbTuVnt-tU jBtnclel - ahd ' l i l i se . Kinney. '^; ,,paymond- Bennell of H,

^ l ^ n ^ s u l l play in Iho con- fschuub. l " ^ ! M ' J 3 i h eJ i [

l C ^ s p y fschuub. .lji(^.!MlV40J3v..iJamc^JUsnney, vocal -music [ brokers, at a -infetinK of tlie

' hi_Kh__school, will , ,it i;3Q p.m. TuWday in Sherlock

Take LeadIn Auxiliary Phi League

The Boo Boo's moved a gamei '' ~T'i?^i»»

Mrs.- : Gerald Finney,- -programIchiiirman,- Kai'd -'a' Jiuestion and'answer period -oil stocks; ' bondsi and the stock market will follow. .

C r a n f o r d , V F W A u x i l i a r y j f ^ l S t f i C l J /

OIla,.r Ronald Connally.;.|:,1, Mr. Johnson;* :llnanee. Miss

NEW .PRESIDENT TAKES; OVER—John. F....L:iez& tatnew inei-'itlciU of the-:Cn.mford -YOUIVK RopubliciitV GUib; isacceptiou {. ••t'cl from- Peter Johnson, retiring -president,stalllition ccrc-mjiuus Friday, nijiht... Republican Municipal

r,i«ht)',shownat in-Chair-

man Jam.es ¥. b'Bnt-n/ ' ' ' f '

Way. tnsumun; iimtsnal.

iform. H Raymond. Kirwan-.-nncll fti Plan Bridge PartyRVesley N. Philo; program, Mr.1

C. Garrity, Pabie^ 4GO: Mrs. JackEwin&, Boo Boo's, 450; Mrs. D-;Downing, Ki'nR Pins, 442; Mrs.;

Cass-Gin-ski', Boo Boo's, 438; Mi's. I•Gf-no-.K()«.mi;i,Kiin>t Pins, 4i8; Mi's, jRoy Brinker.hofi'; Dabics, 41G; Mi;s. iD. Scho'lleu, 41-3; Mis.'B. Brixner^j.KhiH Pirts, 412; Mrs. B. Butler.babic-K, 403; Mrs. Tim ' Korner.BooJ3oo'<s, .400; and Mrs. M. Co-

Brio Boo's, 400.: • w\

i,,,-s •; , .21!C-lns . .. ..


2 5 >Dili) I>OClinvnnPlh Ulii


50 delegates representingVFW post 's ' in thtr .co.inty-ii t-

ten.ded' a° fifth district meethiti"Sunday at Capi. N:-l^. Fiskf Post3 3 5 , V F W . • . - • • • • - • • ' • „

' -Anthony- N. Tjne)>- of Ci';i.n.-fpr(.K ;

.jlftii district comnihnder, presided.Among t'he guests.' wcrt'1 State

Senior Viey-Commiindrr EdwardA.'Duva of Ea*;t Kenn»l)iir.«l. StaleMembership Chairman Edyiw1-1 I!Scrtuler* of ML>r(-'hantvilUu StatePublic Rela,U<>ns Chairman Dijvid-Si Lawrie ;of". .East OrangiN alVdCentral Area .Membership O'hnii-maii Jcn'.y.Neale of Trenton,

Mr. Schiller complimented thedistrict nn—ii

ami ess stockings

, t i •

i(h../~. * '.•—•-•ji--

save up to $1.Q5 on every box


i\I,- •i.Mv.-ia, a Ufelong "*-""-:•• | .,. , l t

1,1 eral.foi'd. is a member- -of the, •

The Cedar. Crest College •Ciuo Qi centrai i

buft't't -entcrlainins..

O i l Ex tH ' lH ivO Bo'iU'tl - . i strehiith.-- Keiiilworth . Post 2TM).•Jerome A. "nVddeo of 25 Pi'irlt ; VFW,-ihtrotliiced a resolution ctill-

avnnuc was nameU to the c-.xecu-.J infc .-for $500 lax exemptions for-rive—faonrd—t<r—thtrH^fe'1"" Em- '{viiit<vvtm-?t—iMm*±-en : ; i ' '

S^^ _

^ T u L , s d a v - a t the^ A jj h l > r mhford. is a , ^ _ p ^ A jj h

s Him Qf Joseph -J-Wcbt'i T o p p i n i , H,n road. Westfieldnp

Lewau -of B o u n ^ •n.e Rev. L«m•






_ the),lenderesL jucfos*.pork: roast vou over toot-'.edl • 'ijot Ih6se joins ato ctif'ltoin'liiohesMo^bbdt:

.... MessLcorrt-fed-ipprkers—^young. exba-ldoBl porit-.ei^ oijunBealaljl©~«5[Salily~OCHdruiie<iutxlled DuSi"or. The ldina are trimmed in th» famous KURTZMARKET style tHcrt renioves excess bone a n d /fcrt-BEEORE JHeighin<3 ip give "you.'.eyoipt » 9 » .value for your, money. Gfet thisu BEST MEAT "

' B U Y for the' -weekend^^ and~tredt^ybuf fctmlly 16_- a perfect pork roast ,. , -. .: ;:


Ik* [Hd PRIDE OF THE FARM 8 med, cans,

^ DERBY brCLAIRIDGE 4 1b. cans




Ib.0AKE1H1XES 3 ^ * 1


CHDP COOKIESOrange —* (Csrsmet — Lemon y? Peanut

" ' ChCherry - . / •







FAliiGY /'• .^..•..:.



f. we :>

8AM 10 6PM i)AiLY«CUANt

service sheer-

reinforced sheer-

Si 35) $ / . J5>: : 3D«~"J3V30

SI.501 $hIS, 3 P's 3.60

• •at-

tive~bonrd~^f—tfte-^rrtettrtt—&V)—i'vi/tcrittw-f»(^-samo. ertiniwif w—VAVH-ploy,«s" Association of\tlie JerSeS'j are not elidible undo: .Hie state Central Lines at the organization's.' constitution'. .' ~ '• j


•-on nastor olii'e, Jor'n.'rBrook. prosident, wtir~yjrcsidg7^t--str' Paul's'.--AM-B—ehttrchV-Sottth-

• ~ . •'j the business moetinK \o makcypre- Round 'Brook, -vvill preach' at a;., nnriTnary~-i5Iims for- the"clpb'sr an- |eliov«sl'uP:.S<a'vlce. nt 4 'p.mv:Snrr=-

' I nuaT bridiS'1 party.- u / day. at St. Mark's AME Church, l

' "'Mrsl •Hii'rutitf~lfe?fs~Af: West- j-—ThV-Rtjiv Mr. -<34pssn-'-wiH—be-fit-Id, program'ch^-nian, will )>iv-' a'cCump.inliftl. by thu chuicli. chuii

u > . v . M. -_w,, .-,,.. .sent.Roy Badylyy of Summit, who :,nd conawKation. The service will \Discussion Of fund.raisinfi pro-i will speak on toys and • hobbies he'sponsored by" the usher board.,

''ntln-opieslwnM the_foatt,ire of last j the toy industry.. . - .Huii'hfday's luncheon .meeting "f j ' . , : ' T •-,lie Itotxv Club In the Methodist .-^f.rSt: Harkills to Lead'

^rnriV^ncid ScoH>,e. I J»^» rZ^,^U,, niuM!\n Elizabeth. ^ . I. ^ ] coirniiii'e your si'unaturi1 on the;.. E»vy and fear 'are- the; only p n X | ballot stub with your -siKniiiun- in,

drm<: tn which »f> itielisiirc i s - a t - V he County Board-of KlectionA ve.g- ,tached.—J"ohn%;hur(on Collins, M^Jintion book. " i

sheer heel demi-toe

all sheer Sandalfoot

1«& $ii5j ff .35, 3pn <3.90

.he attpriilanet contest now.- tin- !,„, Mrs . -Edwin P. Harkins. pf 204U^w;jy. between the .Westfield. and ^ e , . c ! j street, .president of. theSKimfnTTnttiS':—fftcrtassers—wHV-rtytrttm—cVitnrn—eKnpKi—(>t~^*Uive tho luncheon at •" foint.i M " ' " " ' » ' A«snriat.ion of theneotinH F e b r u a r y - H a t the West- lege of St. Elizabeth, will eololfl VMCA- • , - • • • • "a sft6rt bu.sinoss meeting amliclcl yMCA: , . . .

I-A biographical sketch was" offer.-:-, , ,Vil by Carroll K. Severs and .the , Fifbruaiy 1, a t ' a nv

' • - p.nv. tnrlnv.in.thr r

f i i l l i i '> r i I J I V V L » I I ( S • • ! •«-• w.•• '-•• | »

'for a bridge to be held |at 7:30

Ijjwi's Eaird. Dr. Anthony Sor- Buildirig, 271 Worth Broad street.h '"'

Mrs. Stanley Modell, home ser-


I' Ho the N*ew Hompownor's Package.'Pclicy. Full details without obli-

gation. - , |> ,ETt-ra-rlits"Ts<&vU-i-..ls'Qur-'M"ti<f

i'Y .: ... '

- • .

A s N<'\V Ul l l l

T a T i K M : s n p ^ ri Clara. FrosC il!re*»G*acei Mrs. .Charles £.'OT "rtid-^,! Mrs: David L. Hndtall. '.

To ^"asljfnfiton[. Four Cianfoi-d High School stu-;•: dents will participate in the joint

t'ji • eonccil_otai the AH-F.iistt.-rn Ciioru^and Orchestra for tlie Music Edu-

HSr^S^feriSi ' ' -i Calais' N.'ilioixal Conference i'n

Ij,—president; conducted the


Mlarie H, Deacon — Broker!- *Btis7BR G-5051'—. 4 ALDEN STREET - RosT: ER..G-12SS0

ria's'"cTros6ri'~"A'"?lTin" .Bought AFarm" as his sermon: topic at tho11 u:m, service Sunday. TheYounf! Adult c;hojr will sinp, un-dei- the direction" of Mrs. HennaAdi^bis, organist-director.

Sunday.School will meet at 9:45

Popylaf — Classical — Composition —' Song Writing ;~


.. sho^.modium and lonRcolors: south pacifrc, baii ros<\ barely there, nude

monday, January 9 thru Saturday, January 14 ..-'

Only-once-a-year . ^^-ivii^^xeit-w^b'uy^hcmvb^tJ^^sale of .famous Hanes seamless hosiery. You'll .find not -

only Hane?" usual fine qtiaiity T>utv a:Tor^ea«l "•$• ai-We-SptMn^..•--•' - color news as well. .?yJ", » .

North Union Avenue

Court, 34, Order, of AmarantlT, at'-rC o u , ,tended the orfianuation meetingof the .1. Freemifn Limning Court.U. D, in Toms- Rivir Siiturday

I evenini*. .In'the local delegation were Ir-

win O. Schmidtr"Erwd a;aocintepatron'-; Mrs, Elly' Y._Schmldt,Rrpnd spcretary; Mrs. Martha A.

("HS S«'iids Four Stu«jU»nts

heavy stw

~ T \ A - * •'•• an!t ' ."

At The Sportsman's ShopJ a n u a r y ^ 1 3 3 " " SWSJ"



4 ri'nht aiici-left

y . ••

carefully, and can add

ALL $2.50 NECKWEAR2 for $3.50


Req. $5.00 and $5.95


your doctor may.recommend.



Reg. $5.00 to $8.95 r .

All Others Reduced 20%

MEN'S FINE DACRON and WOOL SOCKSTgiiyTCare, DacFoH~Stewrfedi-wtth- Woof—fo

hi W h b i l i t ^Machine Washability

Reg. $2.00and $2.95 r 2 > $3

SWEATERS - - SWEATERS - - SWEATER!?Neck, Crew Neck, Sh

Sleeveless, Etc.

All Reduced 20% to 40%MEN S SLACKS

with the Amazing

SCOTCH GUARD FINISH. You Can't Stain or. Reg. $9.98

$ 7

We will keep AfCMtATK ItKCUIlUS .,1

(ill IUtin«s. mail remiuclo'i- c;inls. t""\'dl--

VitEIC size check-up.-;. „

I'ATIKNC'E v.s n-iiuin-ci, we will ^iv.- it

JI •.

c r

^ ~ _ , 23-North-Union


Special £roupr~~




• ; •

Washington, IS. C., this ureek-end.-j i_]4_2 — 'NEWAKK"ihi ';: Page'Tvfo 7 CnANFftllD ( N . J ) GTTTZES AND CmiOJrtCtE—THtJiRSDAT,'3ANtJAKt 12,1961;

Presbyterian Session Backs• • • " > • • • • • . . . " . . . . - - . • • • . . ' • . . . " • ' • • • ;

"—The Session of the First. Presbyterian, Church .recently voicd'• endorsement of -the statements of Wife Cranford .Clergy Council call-

ing f6r j*\inity in our" community" 'and recommending a. yes iiote onthe school*referendum next Tuesday . • ' ' • ' • ••• . • • •

"" iscssiruTlSitedLtQ call 'afrenVionTcI

rs. t«t us be tver'watch-the him©suif;bur country,


{he•"church and eoinrnunityTo 'ii\ti'following statement of the .Gener-al 'Assembly of the United1 Presby-terian Chuj-ch, USA. " j our organization- ijnd- "This statement "commits the j that nothing shujl-

Presbyterian Church, USA, to the 1 the path nit justic-J,\freedom~1andsupport of puWrc education, in our I democracy."-. - . ."'tpunt ry , so: fong*<iS Pllbijc. edUca-.- •••• - THe^^esignation ^ T : Kennetli

Bergstedt \xs \(ice commander, due:to'" business reasons, was received.Edward Gill announced paid-upmembership totals 160. •••'

Members^ jvoted to donate, twoirophies for,a" state twirling e'en-test February 25 m the fcasth<j.The contest will be conducted bV

, jtibn prot/ides >a .-setting in w.hkh*all children are free to developintellectually, v morally •* arid spir-itually. It rrtakes tepeciflc'-ddfclar-

therti a r e r _- ti". . . I t urgently totjViests £ r e s -

byteriaris-in this country to. v/orif1 actively1 fbr \h'e improved financial

support "of . the public^ schools. I t•reminds the church of~theTieces-~Sity of giVlngTnore genuine recog^n»tioh-to the place of the teacherin the, eo'mmunity; i t calls fopP'resbyterians t° serve- on local

/•"*.. — Thes6 •commitments, pein--ciples and challenges, l i lacelm i n -escapabie obligation upon th<-'.Presbyterian Church'and upon alldenominations" and faiths' 'that a c -cept 'ih&".princlples enunciated inthis document. ,,.*"' '. \~ :'. ' '

Stand onTo 'Keep, Peaces

'During., n lengthy^'session TUCK-;'• day night-in-Hhtv Casing Cranford

Post, 212/American Legion, failocfto tal:e a stand" on the schoolerendum ft) be-voted on Tuesday.

_ A motion, supported, by Com-mander William J. fordhanii to

__> go on recbf^ supporting the ' r e f -"erendum was. tabled^ "in order to

the basic organization of the. pub-lic information ^campaifin. Sev-eral members oLour Boatd of Ed-

jiroups a i many as live evenings a:weo&'regarding tHc new buildingproposal'and"ive have found a realconcern about education in ourcommunity." .

At Overlook HospitalMiss Betty Parrott of 238 Crah-

foi'd avenue • received v a cap intraditional ceremonies at Over-look-Hospital School oi Pnfctical

Frj4ayi-The~ye;rt7«—course- in--pr»c.ucaL -jf^,

nursing, open to applicants. witJj

SemceiLeagueEndorses iSehoolRefereridum

C r ^ n t ^ Leagueunanimously1 endorsed the Boardof Education's, school, expansionplan at a meeting Tuesday ut the

Barid onfWedhesday in. the high,school... Mr..:Colljns urgtd mem-bers to atl.c-nd.. ' . . . ; r ~~

Fire Caused in CellarBy jtighted Candle

Fire •reported., t o . have beel i i



caused by a-boy playing-lighted candle destroyed a hamper

The group* votefl' to contributeSSflj, to Citizens for a- Better Craii-ford in support, .-of their efforts to^gain voter approval! of the refer?t -nd l im. .; •/.' • .'••' \ . y• Mrs. Otis A." 1-tintz, ways-andmeans chairman, announced that


Chapter 228, .NBTA, sponsored bythepos t BobcFtOl4ValteFg4ftthe-post. - BobcFt—Opost adviser to the association.

Voters SeenWeiHitfornteif

"Cranford voters are, without adoubt, better" informed and "betterprepared"" for decision;- on. nextTuesday's refcifendum " than foratiy-othbr1 foVtVhitdeclored "James '1$.-chairman—fef.-i

of...JEduoation.-..'• ^Thanks .j i o t t a t i s ^ M - Crnnfoi'd

p and a flood of individuaTcit.izensr'• whosts. • •conreern.. , alSoutschools for iaiir children has.led, tohours c}(. devoted ' workr- the -fulstoVy of Ci"qnfq'rd]s urtiont hefefor schools has ;been ^the town." _ . /(

Mr. McGovnoy noted tjidft manyCranford organizations' already

-have publicly endorsed tho pro-

tkesman..Another motion to donate $10 to

the Cranford Watch Dog Associa-t i o n was overwhelmingly defeated,

lo vposed r e f e r e n d u < includinc7the

n•••- -fietter /Crtmford;- • CraitterClergy Cbdncil, Cranford CollegeClub, Nmnahegan Civic.-Associa-tiorytlie PTO and PTA's, Grantor

'pilchprs* Association, Cranfordbnrd of rtcnltors^nnd QEN Grmps

ef Fordham" Tirlcd "mer^bcrsoiitr obligation

country can only be ful->y~ fait.hful pgrformanca of

all-dutice tonation bOf the

s of. citizenship."' Let se rv-commuTiiiy, state and

ever a main • objectivo.erican Legion and it'sSjinds. of people had not assume

Enrollment Closes January 20Classes Start Following

CALL EL 5-5075Addi t iona l Information*


. (Above JN(ow theatre): _


numbered 1 through 30.' T h e noi'intil woTlc~oniie "Boari

of Education has been sevcjreljhampered .by this mammoth effort to iri.form the voters," he cqntinued, "and the task would havbeeh insurmountable if theso thou

two' years of school, hasi hproven pf direct benefit in the

nursing- shortage, Miss VirginiaCarney, R.N., director -of theschool, said. •

Tiie' cappihg ceremohy, markedthe fend of classroom training and

~ 'and Mrls. dMrs, /Harry , V . ' O s b o r

the beginning of gllnicalienod in the hospital. Four, weeks•atstudentscare"oftients.r

one Hospital will give

Cub Pack}Dinner


will Saturday,. Feb-sts will be jl S W y v .rjf 4,/at the Monday Afternoonb ' ! i r i i d 4 h iU'b

on a'c'lbthbs" line in thu".collar oftho homeAoi: E: M. Klamie at 208

'"" avenue Tuesday -af ter-v• ' ' . - / ' . ' : . •'

, When1 fireprien. arrived theyfound the ,boy had managed to.extinguish'the blaze himself.* The'

:s~sounded—<st-4:20-"p;mvand1 ,back' taps at 4:35 p;m; •

Club,'!PlairiUeid lv4he. wiU'>be as-i t b M W i l l i ' M W u m VMrs,-Winlam H,

',,; Mrs; Kenneth ' A^ DeLopgo

•president", conducted.:thmeeting. ' •'•

ii. -George. H.man ' Of - the tcu/tommittiitr, was

Mrs. No'rnriay Brubakiir, Mrs.klell, Mrs. Richard. B.

»id' Mrs; George; A. Hol-- R i ri-ft: LklanJ

iK' Joiieph L. Mattc«i;n. presidedpt the tea iuble, ' . . • • - , ' '

Lt. Governor

Bteele ayp~weleombd a:; new

recent pack meeting,n 1- won the cubbie. for. good at-tdanco.;-- • • * •.'.-••.Awardrf were made as follows:

Onp-yoar pin", " David' Duncan,•Robert H.ubbuch, Victor Nielson,George Hilboit, Ralph Cohlcci;Russell • Tyndall: wolf, RaymondLasinski; Igold' an'ow, Ralph Col-••tifetj—*Rtiageil—-"PyndaUt—$wo-y«H«*pin. John Gustavscn; silver ar-

made his offictal visiV-at a meeting

row,, Russell Tyndall; bear, Ray-mond Flath; gold stai-, RobertLe^ston; Robert Liznnicli;"dennor.stripov Wijfrcd Prutzman; assist-ant-.:dcnner: William ..Evans.-' Rob-..ert 'LiCi.sten.

owiiia_cabs_ .wctc_jnadcwebelos: ' Robert Hubbuch, Vic-tor Nielson, David Duncan, "Mich-ael Catena, :v William Marston,Danny "Rappaport and Hark My-t -rson. ' . • . _ • ' • y >

;Daughier.Skin'... Wlllftvn T. Boland, Jr . , of I rv-

"ex-convlet ^xind formerniental patieht," was held wball in Morcc^'Countv iail • fo | -low'ing-nrrai^nntient on Monday fnthe-murdcr^of Mts;-Goldio Garb,wife .of a prominent Trenton 'den-

of Orange, developer oi College_ . . . , . jiVeiiue.

a signed- confessiont Mr. Bo-land admitted ho. followed .Mrs.Garb, 4S, .into her_ i-aneh-siylchome las t . Thursday' in jthe Hil-tonla section of Trenton where hestabbed her with a butcher knife

purse and three pieces of jewelry.[ Mrs. Garb was buried Sunday inKing Solomon Cemetery, Clifton.

« "| r •_•








bir Kiwanis International in -~^.i e was presented with a traveliriK;peiiker's podium by past L»fc Gov;. Calvin Shire.' ..-,•Lt. GOVJ Palermo inducted W.al-

cf M. Cooper as vice-presidehtif the logal elub~ and "presentedKm

resented as follows:- 11 years'. H. Gray, Jr., Russell Hotiglandind Harold G. Compton; 0 years3r. Kenneth Iversen, Sidney L

V'cars, W. Dean Compton, Edward

Markowich;KetvJck;. 2 years, .Benjamin

Moffett,"Hugo M. Staiger,-ChesterSkney, Kingsland Ward,' DeanVandtrCtuto; 1 year, Robert Blun-no, H. Robert Lawsen, MiltonLoshin.. . '

Lt.- Gov. Palermo inducted

^ new mdrnbers. The birthdayanniversary • of Mr. Moif ett wascelebrated " ' 'celebrated.

Mr, Slaiger artnounccd that 2men{b(frs and th.elr wives will takiimrt in--tho Cerebral-Palsy Telotlicfilon Sunday in the Park Hotel A«nex, Plninfield, from 1:30 to 5 pir


Howard Hermes of Plainfield\Y0J5 ii fiuest, W.'Deaji Comptonpresided.• Robert .Collins and Mr. Lawsen

will' itake"part in the free fall conerl of the Cranford Recreation

ummarizesSchool ElectionLaw Changes. The -voters* service', committee ofthe Cranford League of Women

-•?(Girl Scout,

Brownie "NewsCourt '.of

-by i•Gfrl Scout. -"-Troop-- 786.' Mothers..were the invited'guests. " •. — -.

Mrs. Frank May, troop consult-'ant -for gfookside neighborhood,presentod'the following badges:': DaSbW arid My Ttopp-^Elairie-Alstor, Cynthia Hamilton, PamelaKjiemr Virginia-Scyniour^-^nna-Sh"ilw, Dtsbbr'ah Thornton, Bar-: •bara •May,_Kathryii- Za.charj', Te r -•iy Kcster •and Christiaie.' "hilly;;homemake£ ,-^ Cynthia Hamilton;musician' — Pamela Ktein; tiarpp^


V6tcrp_thj^ week drew attentionb f i h l

olccti'on laws which hViV<r bt^napproved'.' in Trenton since thelast1 specTal school <\ledtion 'inMarcT

It i s ' nb'w required that, aftera vo^eir has signed the poll list,his signature shall. ,pc compaTecTby on*. 6( the ejectio^i' ortfeers withhis signature ih Uief.copy register.If both signatures are t h e . sameot!;sujiticiently:^imibr, the voters^Irall~rc'c6ivt" a-ballot —•

-Appt(intm«'nt(-'of-3-challenjier at

craft nnd outdoor poojf,v "VirginidSeymOur; •• Kioslcian, ad\renluiLer>.campcxaft -^Chr i s t ine Tully; but-'door co'oE,1—'• Loray'Koster; firstaid ' flcbornVi iTh^rnifi);" ' '""Tl"craft, outdoor .cooki salt water

Difffcrent'skills learned in.earn-ing Iheir proficiency, badges \yerefcainrod in a progralm. \vhich in-Cluded iwo- puppet lilacs writtenahd produced Uy the scouts.- Mrs.

l d dT ;is> froon, lender nnd

L.d;;']by:Mrs. Tully, assistant.' "Refreshments, were served:, Hygirls : working on •'-hospita-iitybadges;.' . . ^_

question is submijtcd, is

...Statonaw prohibits eltxStionc^rirttf wlthita -10Q. fr^t 'at/^ pollingptucoc

BR 6-0062

^ ^

How Science SpeedsYour Convalescence

drugs :which can shorten the period"of recov-ery from certain ailments* by days, weeks,

-Jeven months^. Voufdfi4t6r's'"preLi;iipliun nan,d ' l i f ' y O U tHBifever '

John i". Laezza' was ^installed as 1resfdenf of'-Uie- Cranford Yourtg\

facan Club, succfeecfiiig Peter;uhrisori,'-"it ' ceremoijies in trieIks Lodge, headquarters,- Fr iday'iiht. 'Republican-' M u h i c'i p a lhairmnrt James F. O'Brien serveds installing marshal:' and_ ad-resscd the club, lauding its ac -


i*.* will be David li'a'rd.v^ Ken-"[((jsc'uSsed by H. Poter Scfiaub aifdneth Belidei-'ahd'--t;iise Klinney. \ Raymond Biivnell of H.' PcWrRobert Cohen Wilf play in the con- Scttuub. inc. t Newark investmentcert. James Lcnney, vocal music brolu'n--, at -.a -'mi-utii^: of tli.o VIA

BOO BOo's Take Lead' :•In Auxiliary I'm League. ...The Boo ,Boo"s mov>|d a

W U < ^ 4 4 i ^ J i i

Mrs. Goiaid_' chrfirman.- sjid

leyV'Programj question and;'

answer ptrlod op stocks, .bonds..and-the stock.market wiii-aiiow.

commi.tte&,—-The fute 'e of^thc /Republican1

Lu-ty thlCranfcrd'1 depends vitallyL o n the "activities-of out-, group

install new vitality and leider'.; .-Ihitt inQur\owa,1>;Mr,.Laezz:ii d e - i .liarcd tfRhis- acceptanqcv address. .

Alto ' installed' as bfficOw- for.I !)61 wbrc: • Alfred Fri«ola,. first .l-icc-presidcnt;-. Herbert" Lay cock'. |I.cohd- vicerPrcsident; 'Jane p a n -ic!, recording' secretary;-Ann Wil-.

' " > secretory; Joankissakr;-. treasurer.; Mr. Laeitzii and

;,-,in Kaul, delegates a t 'Frances and Peter. JobnsoiTT, al-Icrnate delegates-Mrs. Jam-as An-

r ia t . . adviser•• ••' '_. ". ^_. . '

! ; ^ ^ L m i ^ - S n i m o n t i Mallution Ce.em^cs PYiday, night.'^publican Municipal'Chak-ionsiitutlon, Ronald Conhally;. so-~" "'mun James- *. Qiiuuu ^u k-ri) v ^ .usUllu.* J


in the CranTord VJ'W AuxiliaryLeague. . , • . . .

' .> rolled by: Mrs.! - About 5 0 " d e b a t e s repK>aentms'4l>d'"Mrs '-Jack-' 1'9,'VF-W puftts-in the epunty at-

Boo-Bob's , 450; tMrs. . D. : t^ l c W c l a .. lifth;..district meotingbowriirig, • King. Pins, 442; Mi;,s--Sunday at Capt. N. R. Ftski-ll'ostCass,G.ur.ski. Boo. Boo'*, 438; Mrs.J 335, VFW.G-ou~e TC<it»nii>t Iviiig' Pini>,-^418v-MvKi -: (Vntiibiiy N1. .* Xinc-Q oX

annual safe P

IK.seamless stockings

- /

I .»ne\v president- of tW eranford.-'Young ;V;epublitati Club, is shown[ 1 arexT7tmirTprt'^H)Virtrr-.Pi.tcr• Johnson. Mwtirinfl. ppcsklcnt, (-^i'in-.1-



',\ai Mr. .-Johnson; 'finance, Miss"issak; publicity, Carton .Kraft;.


"'man -James *. 1. / _ . J' _ ^ « - • • • .

Cedav Crest Alumnae vice ndviser of


k. "Raymond_Kirwan and .fo PliftrHrUlge PartyN-' prqgram, Mr.

Mr. Laewa, a. lifelong" residentfcf'C'i-;infoi'd, is n member, of1 theIIKWUIB l l rm'of 'Joseph-J . WcBvr

E-nd Cos with.olfices ;at.l5 East-Knair-stfWt. . ;Hc llV("! Tit 3fl1 T.jri-i;olir-avenue with his wife, Jptiri,

in each-voting district. '' sT^Joseph" ^TawEIns7-7"le;Tg'iM!

t and. Mrs,.. iand* Mrs: Harry Hughes of the ~'league's voters' jservide commitstfiP,. wet yefccntiy with H. R. Mc-Gullough, secretary of irje Fof Education,- to discusschanges which have • beenproved since the. last" election.Several suggestions- for changeswere

school referendum.The league, it"g , ^ ,

will'' place, posters at • oiich of the: lli l t i d

p ,:mne polling places to remind vot=ers *%KL "leave the pointers d w "thiis preventing loss..oi_yotes

Values- Good Sdiools_Above a Bus Rule

Bonnie Ellen McCrea; daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. William J .McCrea of 10 .Locust drive, a

land Junior School, planned to"take a bus home from v school.Tuesday: afternoon, Isut insteadshe deposited-hef Ifare in a coinbox for ••SH.pplfrC'of, a CAWpaignfor passage olfl ti9xt Tuesday'sschoprreferendl(nn|r

When an adult in' the saniestore with Bonnio offered to give

Jier inqney for^bus faro, the_ girlremavked:• "No,' thunk'-you.—-I'd—rather—give up my bus ride." if it willhelp us to_have good "schools."

— All typesi of Insurance —• Made E. Deacon— Broker

Bus. BR 6-5051 — 4 Alden Street — Res. BR 6-2550

QUALITY PROTECTION IK "5" all-in-one ipack-age Policies, One designed especially for your

month* Ask us about pur "5 Keys to HomeSecurity. • . . ' . . ; . -_ '*

GAR ME Nits;


BEFORE;. n A . M . ,

on HP Yr! i ' AM



rs oi^titabecrtafcl^ qualijor- T£e loins arcv iriMARKET etyle that-lot BEFOREValue for .BUY fi£l]£ea petfocl


in« l* £oan6»w^UllTZoves exces* bone and

lctJ5aXSJfa.ttJ6Yon moreGet fliis BESt MEAT

drid teeat ybm7fc






Musrsm. t r ••-,'.7/!


As long .as a_single child ( .. (or adiilt) remains handi-. I jcapped by the crippling'

~~effecis6f polio, the figtmust go/, on .'-. . andVourhelp is urgently needed!

Contribute To The ^MARCH 0F D8MES NOW!

•j) __" — This Space C'ontr faute'd As A Public Service By <—

LIQUOR STORE— We Deliver —

2t N. ONION A V E . . " BRidge 64)150





CUSP COOKIESF^^Cd^amel — Lemon <-* Peanot


3 39c pkg. $1 00

neetintt^ebruary 1'4 at the West-|eui • m p A . ~ .... • : • r

A biographical sketchAwasd by Carroll K.

Tie Liehdeyest iucldat porkp ^080 lpins.are tujt

/ extra-lsan pork-

The Crest Alum-

Publicn>.. will

Servicesneak oh

Roy Brinkerhnn;, Dnbics, 41G: Mrf.'j.lltth district^oVnm.ander. f>i.-i'si(k-d.D. Schcller, 413'; Mrs. B. BrT5iiu.>r,; Among tho goests' were. Stii.ti-

Pins, 412; -,Mrs.. B. Butler.'\ Senior yii-%t1-6<uhmi>iuU.'r tcd\v;irdD-.ibics,- ~403; MVs: Tim Korrft-r, \ A, Duv» o1lvKasr Ke;.ui--lnirm. StiitoBoo.. Boo's , 400; arid Mrp. M. C o - | Membersh i | ) rChuini) im Edg;)i-- I!langelo, B'do Boo-'s.'. A0^ ' • " :-\ Schuler* 'or-McT^h;ml\ ' i . l lo; Sui te

. ••. •"•.•^- v " ." " , , w •• .,'!; ! Publ ic Relations. Cli-iurman duv id -

D-'itj-p* :.^....•••••'-i... S^'-J JV j . c't>nti-;i\ Aron M e m b e r s h i p C h a i r -

Cl'n'v.-hi:'"" L " " " ' ' ' ' ' " M ' ~'« ' I mrtn .lei-i'V Ni'ifU.' of Tj-t'n-ton.

sove up 16 $h05 on every box

Ui>s MV. Sdmier complimented the.II ft lt district on its .wc-mborshl(i

bullet entertaining.

o t ut.8:30 p.m. Tuesday "at.'thfhOjiVc tiff Mrs.'Fetor A. Du«hi, :">i 1Topping Hill l'ond. Westfield.

• Mrs." William "Lewan oL'BoundBroolcr pXesttk'nt, will presidtTalthe buKineSs'.'meetlhe to make pre-liminary. plans, for the.n'ual-bridge- party.—


To Visit Here

Bound Brook, will preach' at"

Discussion of fuhd_raisipp:-octs far the club's .VUHQUSkntlnopies was the fealwis of. last thi: toy industry..Thursday's, fiincheoh.. meeting oi • — - = — -[he Rotary Club in the Methodist fifa Harl,jns to.Leildphurch educational bulldirili. „ . . n t r i ' . . . . u .;^»lv''

Report also was submitted on. flr-tdge'Plan DlSCHSSiptt)Ilie attendance contest now uh- 'jyirs. Edwin P.Jtlarkirnr of 2«4lerway between' the Westfield and j QeccVi sireet; president of . UW

'"" n1e-^6re>!r"^tt-7"trnioi^ — t w

Mrs. Richard "Burns offield, program chairman, will pro- aecompaniec

-.nUJRoy jaadtUcyioLSlimmii^who nniLmniU^fiaiiop. T!.>£ service will

Way.at St. Mark's AME Church. ."tTfitr-Rnv: Mr. - iStpson—with-be

Ihe C-lTUrch ohuir

O i l E x e e i i t i v O H o a r d .'.; strength. KenilworHi Po^l 2TM),Jerome A.' Tiiddoo of 25 Park ' VFW. introdueed a resolution j^-ill- •'

avenue wa.i nnmed t6 the. execu- ; inj- fur $.5,111) lax irxeinplions fyrkrtird uf—the—Vctcr.it>—Cn) _, teUiCiii..' of-.'unw11 •eniur"<it;n.i—who

rJloyes' Association bf'"the Jersey a r e ^ o t -oltuitile under the stiiteCcntrnl iLikes at the organization's constitution.SYfi anifuiii ^'Tii'S?1tt8tIffg™Si'r^

1 . ,, *,r- n Vj o w i i mi ' -Under ii new state UiW, i-leclion ,urday at. the Wmndd ScoU- H°«e» , fflyU.t.rs a l „ s ( . h O l l l , . l f r , I o n ltHlS,Jvn Ehzabe t l i ^ - <; „ .. : L t u n p . i r t > y m i | . s i K n i l ture 0,1 th.-

Eavy and fear areNhe only pas- i ballot stub with yotiv sii-hat'uiv in~ ' ' " ' Is. at- I tht' County Board of Elections I t'HJ

service isheer- 3ph..

reinforced sheer—

sheer heel demi-foe |io5) 5 I . 3 A , 3; $3.90

oil sheer sandalioot-


colors: south pacific, biili rose, barely there,-nude.monday> January 9 thru Saturday,January 14

will speak on toys] and hobbiesjhp sponsored by the usher board;and the influence of telovision on- The Rev. JTohn DeVeailx,.pastor,

has chosen "A Man Bought -AFarm" as. his sermon topic at the

a.m. service Sunday, "theAdult choir will sing un-

der I he direction of Mrs. HermaAdxiins; organist-director.

Sunday School will meet at 9:45


.- . . *pr.wr-L.rVe_the—iunchconZ-xit_a joint ^Alumuap Assodatioji_oiMhe Col-1 nesday at 8 juyr.li.'ge: of .St. Elizabeth, will conduct

a ;short business, meeting and dis-euss plans-for a-bridge, to. by held

Selleik and the \ February 1, at a meuting nt 7:30

3H--Norlh BrtTad street,"pf(Jsrdenf7~rcbnducltvd.: the Enzabcthr

Mus. Stanley Modell.-home ser-


f "Bbfff Delay — Cattg?s-yodar;—Ho the Nfew Homeowner's PackagEL,Pclicy. Full details.-without obli-

1 gaiign. ' ~ .. '. "Exira'-Plux Service if?' Our Motto '

. . . Mane R. Deacon — Broker _ _Bus.:BH6-50Sl — t ALpEN STREET — Res.:1 BIL6-255ir ~

Anmranlli Rtjprest'iUetlAw New Unit-Organizes

•'•- - A T - Y O U R H-O.M E;~ ;' - - • Beginners-1 ®" 'AdvancedPopular — Classical — Composition — Arranging

__ 7" • Song WritingEDWARD B. HITCHCOCK BRIDGE 6-3257

- sale of famous 1 lanes seamless hosiery. You'll find W)t_ _i5rrai-^-t|tK^T5trf^- • - - . , - " .rcDlor'llCiVS.ilS.. v f c l L . . - -'L...-.,. ...<.


North Union Avenue Granford


mnlYlhWc fVf

14. Ocder oftended the organization" meetinj;+

of the J. Freeman,Lanulng Courf,\J. D., in Torns River Snturday

feveniriR. - . "~ .' In the local delegation \vere Tr-] win O. Schmidt, grand associate'I patron; Mrs. Elly Y. Schmidt,I grand secretary; Mrs. Martha A.

.. I f l ft

Maurer. suprtmeClara Frost, Mrs. Grate Pollard,Mrs. Charles Fan- and-'Mr. andMrs. DuvicLL. Hadsall.

(:IIS Sends, Fou r;S.tu <\enl*

y_-^^_ -- ..—.'.

jf|j' J . Four Cranford High School stu-jji| indents, will, prirtieipate in the joint

! antLOrchi-'stra for the Music Edu=.I cdtors''» Niili.oi»iil Conf(3'enct' i'n

,•••-•••••••••• , • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • M * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 I 0 » » * V « « » * * <


S53Hffi0TLargo Bag




. . F A N C Y - • ., . - - • " • " - . • ••-• ^ ' L b .




V v

:!?fe • -..lofig inside<j"ri.nht.nnti left

Side an A ofr*. - We iill prescriptions

carefully, and can add '

your doctor mayrecommend.

At The Sportsman's Shop



ALL $2.50 NECICyifEAR $ '2 for $3.50


Reg.~$5.00 and $5.95$3."



Reg. $5.00 to $8.95-

All Others Reduced 20%

99MEN'S FINE DACRON and WOOL SOCKSE i S y C £Machine Washability

Reg. $2.00and $2.95



SWEATERS - - SWEATERS - - SWEATERSBoiTTf ick , Crew Neck, Shawl;—Sia;—psrtfvganr-^Sleeveless, %\c.

All Reduced 20% to 40%MEN'S SLACKSCroaso Resistant and with" ihe_Amaiing_ $•SCOTCH GUARD FINISH. Yoa Can't Stain orWet It. Reg. $9.98

BOYS' SPORtSi«ss-12to20 $4,50

Special Group!BOYS' SWEATERS


We will keep ACCH-.ITATK UKCOItDS ..(

till IHtin^s, mail rcmiiutor carils, prux-itlc

FUEI-; sizu chcck-ui'S.

Whiitirvi-r iimL.ut. of TIMK. SKILL an

I'ATIKN'CIv is Jrc-i(iii;'L-cl, vve will sivc


c r i xi'i HAHDI-CrjARGE



•r{: '•:>•:•: • : r : : % : i

;••'... .-' >'V > : ."";' . .; '- .:4 i ' ; . ' r*i '

- • • • ! •

*'..ciiAXFcaa> (SXYcni/kii. ASH* clumsier—i•jt.:'. -\:.\\XS¥Vtvxr

IAST AUY 12; wci* ¥ T

ppBuyers RateSchools First

Jn inieryiewsjwllh_jl2- local realestate oftices,' Ujree residentsjound that prospective home buy-

•values went down ;jiid Six an,s-,iwtreij thut values rcmitinud about,the . sy'mc^ So\ren answered . that jtioublu sossipn.s liad contributed!fo lowering propeily valued;• .three••!•said .thev had noi and .two man- iwero uncertain... " • "^i.. ,- j

UnceVLaiftty as to .th^.future-.tax jpicture here has affected real es

most- importantRanking .second


is . j?atisi!ac;lpry» and con-tirttitihg Jtaji,

loy C: FoUc;:TlO~jClarompiit yitire&T•%,d\vara W.| Marek, 713 . Willow f-.Mt«c-t. - and S.. EUioft^ Hurrfe,: '6Fiske "terrace.'] . ~

Prospective home buyers'.:. alsoare- cottcerhed with knowing thaitaxes arc comparable with othercommunities, thero are good r e -ligious facilities. thp,t Crariford is

living!" -andr- has, good municipalservices. - • ' . »

•rohitnrs said' their offices

seven "broker's.•taxes' Jjsi.t'p..h:id

Three said.ari.eil'ect. oi

Seminar Held

had'lost sales ta othei* communi-ties because of the unsettled localschool situation, the interviewersfound. Three- said they had notlost any sales and one.«aid""some."

•NTino renHore 'said' ith^v"*fonnrt• distance to eU'itmntary schools"most important," and 10 real-

'lore—cai'd- prOEpoctivo- homoers w<jre less .ebneerned Jibout thedistance t o -a high school; . Twosaid distance to a junior high was

. alMmportarit. a , •--Eightjjcaltors-said.defcat-oi-th&

referendum next_Tuesday"\vould•fend—to -lowcr real •estate -valuesarid four said' ihiy Believed values

" irraiW 'rAmnin nhiyitt nq Oiov nr.r>

• Ten'of'the realtors sojd "addi-tional double.sessions would causereal estate values l,o decrease'fuv--ttier and two said thejjr did not be-lieve there would" be much' differ-ence. Nine answered that approv-al of the referedurrr-wouUTlielpmaintain property values, twosaid it would, not and jonc couldsee little or no'difference. ~ '

defeat of the school referenduml a M a i c h <fltutedTtiils_l(jie values. four said it did not' and was


^ a l c t o t h c h l c h c s t b o r558. frontnn* on D(«tzJ>tfiiot^jn'the Town-ship of Cranford. Njiw Jeescy, at its incct-

b hld i^tfu; Municipal Huildin£.East, Cniiitford, New

, Ute 24th day a! J£m'-'P.M. on the following

p fti\tl to be hold25S North AJersey, onxiary.

1/Mipimum sale pried SI.000.00. -.10'. of the nmount al the bid to bo

wild in cash, or by certified chc<iU. utthu time til lha saic. . '•

of piii-chaiu; prlcc-to bo paU3-in certilied chut: It WTTHn"thirty' 1301 .diiye of the date or sale,upon di-Iiu^ry of tlgcd.

• •). Burehaxur 10 pay ties cost of piibllca-

. preparation of dued.fi. Purchaser to uay a- proportionate

of tK« taxes! i'oi- the omvenfrom the date of s:»li»., • ' -

I- t iyear].iceeitance by : the Towrmiup CommiltJtL.ii/hlch t^sci-vtis tho rlcht tireject any and all bids.

7. Tlic Kale aj>d conveyance sbpU bisubjMt to.the following. lyKtrlctlVmstai Restrictions "of ' lix-coVcT r*i\H "zon-

Ini! ordlri.TJicei. _ibJ^Such utaU-. of facts as :in actun

aurvey tiiav di»L-Ioue—(c> Said Lot 120, Block 5S8 shall. b.

. uiSd in Qoniunction with adJoining property 'owned by thu*purchaser to form one build?ins lot Xrontinu on Dli'ti Street

TQWNSIH*' OF CltANFOrtDJ. Walter Coffee

. *& ' ~ Township ClisrK'<bau<& January 10. lofil - *~'Adv. ?ets: S15.B4 ,' *-**>


. .,.'tr ;'•„•• '•


PartiesI ^ '/"•.' lyipny prizes have been jdonated by local, merchants for .the MarchI ' of Dirnei card parties, the-iirst of which \yilVbe held-tonight'aVthe'I - home.of Mrs: Arjthur Venneri,'5l3 Slovth avenue,_eas,t, it was announced

yesterday. bylMr's.B. J. Torciviu,:ch»irman. . , rf"-.':''. • • •• -Mrs- TbreMia callo'd Olson all resideiifS.lo "pleas*, say yes-to th

icvy March ofTCirncs" in order'.to . — *"*



' continue -^nd expand the-tfational|ir.ritilo ,Pai:alysis program of re-

A -seciVndjj b.udRet" s-tudy si-ssiotlwai' -held at- the Walnut •AvenueSchool last jiiulit1 Ijy.. the Union'uirty-eiWfliclV uf Pj*A"s wii'^ilxe

Hs'sistance of the Union County].pci'inlondmfiv.. Association', the

Union County Federation-ot-Eaatdi:.}-pl'.. ^dueationi the "Union County)•Education Association and School fBusiness ^OU'icials. frf

DisCttSBed were methods of get-1ting'-schpol bt^dHtts. passed and |flftnils cJ'inriividiia) iirnhli'inK anrU-si.tuatibns.

Main .speaket yas -Le.wls Ap-aL public re,l:..

lions for' the New Jersey Eciuiia-tion-^Association.. A ci.uestion*-and-.answer 'period followed His taBfT [

' Dr. Herbert SamenfeJdof.Scotch jPlaink chairman of school dduca-ltion'ior the PTA council,, presided':''


Notice is hcr'tfhy [jlyen tlvr.t- the TowiiHhip Coiitiiuttee nt the rrou-n>.hi|5 of-CrJ;n-iford,, will receive " sife ltui propitHal. at*It^ 'meeting lo he IUJI^ITTT- Tn^iuhtv, Jan- juary 34. llMll, M lt:M\ P.M. ,lti'Mun(cfp2»lliulhtlhi; for the furnishlnij of. th^^Town^Hhip's i(;quiromcnt!; of t:aj;oUo».¥ for -.iVtLi 1y a i ' 19111, estiji'uited at 42,000 .ealloiu. 1.The Uircifi tmkB miw used- by the taa- Iship are owned '>>y' Humble Oil and V- 1Hnini! Company and biddi'ri must :ii;rve •to niircliase thorn from tlus Hu-mbl*1 Oil jand nefinint: Coinrpany. and fui'ni.sli tlu_'nvrto the Township i>f Cranfoiti for :!tnra;>rpurpoHtifi. - One tank ntut visec! -.tt PuulicWorks Garaue at 12 SouC\i .Avt'iuje

of the ToU'n^liip ol Cr;m!nr(i wlie.n .tl:ePublic WorJcit lliirajiu is movctJ fr.or:i thvribove^nieniio'nt'd location. Cas.ollne tnu:;tbe the enuivah>i.it iil Ks^jo..it:isnline Jftenu-lar Gra(le~Ga;;ollin;i vca nianufuctiuetl byHumble OH ajitJ- neUniiii; Company anci il-uch bidder shall submit With Its- bid Ia ispecification of' Us , products. . .The]'l^Q^Phliip Committee roi,erv'ev_the a-isht f

Its'offnifcj'iv will besftenre the TritLTi^ts q} \the"Tou,ii>.B+i')>"of~CranfiirdT" "


. _ " Township ClerkDulPtl: January 10, 10(11 ' .Adv. £oe<i2 S7.02 • . 1-12

TOWNSHIP OF CltANFORD --— NOTICI; OP nt.vui.vp • • .

' rlumnue Hoard. ——Nu'ili.EM.'.'-hmi-bj, i.i'ven thnt liiv P}.m»-jnlnu Do;ird of • thJT "Tnwnttiitv "I Cram"ford. Union County. N. .!., will lmltl a |public hearlnj: on ThurhcUi.v, January 2t>.inni.al'8:110 p.m.- IEST) ••«. Ihc Slunici|ial-|

St.. Cra'nforU. H- 'J -~!" eoiiiider ttui ;ln-'Jplication -it'or approv.il ut lvreliifiinary |pjnt's for tjubdivluioii of hunl' by the fal- jlijwinrr'apnljfant: j "••••• • - — t" ' 11) 'Grove ^AiTO.f.TntE5r~ti:ivtTTiT*tts"~PT'ttT=Tcliial phice <if 'b>'isine:.f • ut 20ir> MorrisAvenue* Union. ».- J.. for property on 'Geoi'uia Street and Kalriluld Avu me.Itnown as Lots 1 to 22. Tiu-I.. Block i::. .i>sitown oVi the tUN mill).

A Copy ot* the Kuid subdtviHion -hn*been Illed with fhc Municipal. Clu'ic ior

All Intnrested-'persons will he i:ivcnfull opportunity to be heard jt the ;..itdtinu1 and place. ' ' ' *' .

Dv ofltei: of tho Planning rioard- . CHA'IJLES-F HANSEL.

STliiLLE STANLEY.Secretary.

Dated: January l.lv lflni

' " • • • !


Is Now in ProgressOur Clearance Prices

Substantial SavingsOver and Above Our

Usual Low Prices

Suits . ..100% Wool Hopsiickirig WedVest Grey, BrownOlivette : . - :. • ;----;:-x- 41.75100% Wool Imported Sharkskin, Worsted Her-

'.ringbone. Whipcords, Solid?, Muted,iPlaids,Grey, Navy,' Olive,.Etc.

j a c k e t s ; ; '..•„•,.:VM, Imported Shejtlands, Etc. „.. 28.7!S

100% jgrtol Blazers; kavy, Olive,-Black 25.75

Top Coats, Overcoats100% Imported Cheviots, "Tweeds, Chester-fields, Raglans . ..." 43.75 and 48.75

Slacks100% Wool, Worsted Flannels, Whipcords, AllColors '...:..:.• • ,' ..„.:.:.-. '12*7$-

Open lifojidayJWodiieadkiy dijd Friday till 3 P-ifi.

307SOPTHAVE. • . .; ^ J l ^(opposite Station ParklnqV ' ' • -M> 3-0248

. " • * » . • • : • •'

^^oundation research/proKram.-toTiioai'ch.' rne Ueid.1oi..can^et r e r' , r ,• T. . search is bencilting both. direcUy

- - p ^ c r r t £nr^urig diseases ; . ^ UndirecilyVfrinvthe;NriSoiial

S S S ^^U$^°^f.,-ta^vo ' activity.reofnt' stijtejijent made before aCongressibnaL' commktee by Dr.

; James 2\.> Shlinnon, director, Na-tionaMnstitiites" of ftealth: s . •

I laboratories have; teen respon'sibje'' ^ o r certain striding, advances iri-

. "understanding-' .-of .: .viral, '.'agchts',causini(7canc<;rs:of-different' types

• dnd in different organs in animals.I But,, I particularly' want' to point"

out "that in large rneasur<j this ad-vance • has' • been '-triade pi

velopmehtofi --virology' which was the-fresalfc- of

the National-fouridUllon for Jtii-

" ' • ' • • • ^ . . J . • • :

'.• H a voting machine~doe's not'function property, ribtify the( chair-.'myi\ of the polling district,.'who

"izod County Bo'ar^of Elections' r«-'pairniari. .-•

I .

. .My books are water: Thbse-jOfthe gicat geniuses are- wine. ' Ev>drytiody'drinks ttVater..1 ' "..

You cram these:wo^ds-iafe>. mineears against the sst^ma'c&Jol. .sense.—Wiljiam Shakespeare «•'


-Sizes. 3-12



• • < * . • . . •

Al I RemainingBoys' and Girls'

. . & •




REDUCED "-^.498 to 1198

NOW ~L30 t o $Q.6O

•'-X •

-One Sucde-

Sizes 4-12 :

NOW 2.37

m$Boys' Robes

S i 8G-orduroy^ • -Flannel

and Terry"Sjcg. 4.98 to 7.98

3.77 to 5.44

Boys'Long Sleeve

Sport Shirts

Frontier JacketSize 4

Reg. 16.98Now 8.97


Sixes 4-14 'Flannel Xined

Keg. 2.98 to 7.98Now 2.37 to 5.37


• L J --

PAJAMAS• 'S izes . G-1'4

20% OFF

&s -3 -14 -Bulkies Irifcluded



$izes 3-




,, "Mido <»om purr


~ tTf;TK;

laby Foods'•.' ° Chopp»<L ,. Stralnid .

-spist^cut-Up^o r

/Reg. $8.95


Girls' ,Washable S^iannel .

Lined Wool Slax

2.98 p*v •_,...-;

4-14Rc«. 1.9fe & 2.98

Now 137 to 2.2/


1.67 do*.

All Of OurIleg^alic



StACHCSETS "• . S i z e s , 3 - 6 - '."••'


Terrific Values Q7c

BOYS' SLAXSizes 4-12




^'ss't;-Of Girls'


ForWlef *


U.S.G©v't Bnspeded• 4 |0*o£vf |

3 E — p « g w - -T-

« • ' •

:•.- :- . T i ; - - • •• • • . • :• • : • • T > S - " " : . • • , • . • • , • . ; : / s t r « e a P i o u m i ^ r

h^PfkerClnir^Mon^Priccil Higherf~|^FrWe}ams-H 7o«.|pkfl-'

-»« \9W

Short Cut

Baneless Brisket

- . , , . ' - ^ : ; ^ : ^

Lifebuoy SoapFor foilat and bath ...

3 f 7 32°

Lifebuoy Soap

9 M*1 Sic

Ivory SnowFor diihel and <ino fabric!

Styl, Q«n.jt»tiy *TEMDEB SMOKED - ' ' -Sh^Rorflorl BuHPorfiort

(Oitt • StraightCuU, »tUtLY COOKED ' ' . . $ M f i ' l M B u H M I | > "

f '-flftC • ^flw^eg wh°laoi:.61" \ ^ 1 ! S3iu

largesize -



Super Right—LIVEHWURST or


79b Chkksnfionoloii CJiucl


•According to U.S. Government

Supor-MEAT « « % c UNK1 Riqdt lb. pig. f«9 lb' P^- '

Red,catto"3 to 4

Ivory FlakesFor d;«ho» and Kpm fabric*


Super Suds Detergent

With5eoff I V/ithl2eo«



No Refunds -No Exchanges -All Sales Final


^•mlaSr ~ 8*«hi DCtt

Sunnyfielii-Salt or Sweet



With Tomato Sauce

^C 1 lb.'lb. brick



-«v _ ^

c itelBCiousApples-JdWByi Farms—aoldeu

• -Si«reefPot at e^s-Tendar,- Oreon


" • • • - - — - • / — • •

Strained Varieties


16 oz,cans


n .Washed Spinach I0o«.,

bag .


Free Parking In Rear of Store " YourvCa'rtter


|uq*ters" 32 Eastman Street, BR 6-2510





• A ••.

Silver Dust- Blue doUhgpht

RinsoWMi«-ta*ip V*K

. _ _ . . , . . . _ _ --Jib.boi

|^»^^M%|<HLZ^!^JJj|y! f-| flj Q^[^^*itHfT"*^rI ^^I^P*^^^^

Colgate's AdD.Urgont


Regular or QufoirWklng

Quaker OafsHi Ho CrackersOreo CookiesPillsbury FarinaWheatena Oer

35C Grape Juke - 21-4 5ODod Luok .

f6 Nlargiarine »** 2 4 ^- •• - ' • ' - - • - A ISos, A A [

iff) {!&Hi JSH ^FDal Mont*


Jana 11 oi."«Carler ptg-J


OuaioWiiil ly -I IjOoJ llouiitrcfinj


• /Wore 4«rt J»crflfl Va^eif ^

Pure Preserves »A5'««V . . % 65<Pure Golden Honoy . . , V1^ 39<Italian Dressing . . . . . »onu2$<

2p\;'33° English Muftfins

»«-aye Pure Grape JellyBuckwheat Flour - s S * ' d S.W* Coittadiiia

s* T)0i?y Favorites !Sunuybrodk BraHd—Grade A Urge Size :

Fresh White Eggs 5 9 *

Blended SyrupNuiierMarkarine ;LOctagon Laundry So

TangerineJulce^^i 5 W t u r g e l g g s <•>"*<»*»-?&.&%*'Tomato Juiee ^ i C " : : 31 r Imported Swiss Slices ^ X 53°AntrelSoft FAC1AL TISSU6S 2 . .&t t« Muenster Slices A&Pi:r"tf 15^°,:- ••• — :—-^——^ - Frtitolone'SIjtces ^ " Z " ' " tC^3 c '

LesioilAll purpat. j.iorgiht

Laundry Bleach

kj l Juicy orchard-Irtish appK baked in a liglit, ilaky, gold-'browii u

Banish Almond Ring Pound Cake GOLUta <9 w


MoziareSIa Slices , , ^ L , t£33«C d d B ^Sharp Cheddar Bars *»•»-


Sioutferr* Brand

Fruit PunchDole's Juice



Prices orroctivo thru Bj r rj s £ y e Orange Juice 2 Lt 45C

Sat« Ja"u^y 14 jrt Out Oolden Corn ^ ^ 2 ?*: 37°Supof Ma^k

Self • So»yJ« Brussels SproutsMilady's Biinhes

* xi^i

103 MILN ST., CRANrORD i - OPEN EVERY THURSDAY & rRtDAY UNTIL » -\" • . . . * - _ •


• t - . ' • ' .

• v » . • : ; ; . ,

, - < ^ :' • * • ; . - . • • : , ' • : . . • > • ' • ' • • • • •

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I. •.



' #

ibi6cie echon

Ol/vJJ;,%9S J^drties -

Vahasta and

Card parties appeared to predominate on the local scene duringthg-past week ns local Hostesses <?nlertain(fd at bridge arid canasta.

r - ' Mrs. .Walter Swartz of 4Q M s r t l ^ ' ^.street entertained; nt canasta last i

evening. ' .Her ftuestsjMrs.'Sidney Schneider,'Mrs.| ay

Jsnu's C.'"Stokcs. Mrs.'Harry Hen-derson, Mrs. Frank 'It." Hctek andMrs. V. C. Elsden; Jr.;, at Crari-j>ford, Mrs. Stanley - Tcjbiassori" of j

tincl' Mrfe.- Joh'iv Hermseo ,


of Highland Jf-urfc..

Mrs. Carter E. Porter -of.., :Edgewood !road was hostessLindge Monday

Arnold Vreolandplpvier.-' .

• „'• O -T - . ..... .

' rSylvmus-JJ Shaw of 2(5street is recuperating nt.home fol-lowing reeeai surgfery at OrangeMemorial Hospital._ _ =^—-J»


Mrs. William Kolbe..Mrs,.. WarrenT. Olde, Mrs.. Henry L. Smithers,

\ Mr. and Mrs'. -Walter R.1 Methof -120 Wilshirc-dfjve recently* re"-tu rned by p l a s e from

1 ,..;_ t 0 j j"L .x jC 0 . '" TITey ^vTsi'ti inpMcxica City, Acapulco and Oaka-

^ , Mrs. Euppnq Stanley, Mrs.Philip Pcarlmah, and Mrs.. HarryM e y e r s . '• ' • . / ';

Mr. .and Mrs! .Walter J. PuzicP' ' '.of, 1G8 Mohawk driVo .entertained

at a family dinner '^jmday in hori-"or of their niece)-," "Miss Sujan

""—TSYeehirrig ofGrendiile^ U 1., wheseengliBement to Ki-^us Aiiold, also

',. of giendale; has recently beenannounced. Othereluded Mr. - and .

guestsi-S» ' Oeorgc

ftatke of GlendaleT Mrs. -FlorenceWich.um o£ Newnrk and, Mr. andJMrs.'• •Theodore.Kozlo! oT Bloom-

Carol Potted"of .Holdcn,M"ass., returned home lastJWcd-jaesday attej- spenHIhg a week astiic-fiOest "of Mr. and 'Mrs. John

' Jf., Banker of 19. Dartmouth road.i Potter" is the daughter- ot

Jfli?.' and Mrs. JulesJPottcr, lormer.Cranford resident?.

'•. Mrs/ 'Vincent McGean otparkway Village -was honored,.at9 surprise dinner last . Thursday

paily .it- thehome of Mrs;' Brant Coopcrs.mitliof 51 Concord street. Attendingwere. Mrs. Everett Yackcr, Mrs ; Z.

-_'• Robert.' Turadiqn, .Mrs. Martin' .glotzer, ~Mrs:~Gc6reii: E. Holir-

&ay, Mrs." Ponton .S. Lnyman and_. jWrs. Peter D. Burk. Mr. and Mrs.

McGean and their children," Vin-and Barbara, will move tins

month to Hampton, S. G. Theytiavc resided in Cranford for ftvefears ""» ' ' •'• ' " v "';

M1is". -Williebridgf.l . iM

r"flny evening.. Her guests, all o0:anford, included Mrs. Thojna'Kelly,', Mrs.'H. Raymond KirwanMrs. Walter Wasowskji, Mrs. JohnBoffa, Mrs. Francis I X. Mullin

' t/ix's. RichardHBradlield, Jr., and. JVtts.'.A..C. 'Ells.

I; Mrs. E, L. Haisch of D'ansville.•ft. Y., a former "Cranford resident

"^S visiting this iveek with frien3s ir••-JjjOWih "

t Mrs. E. A. Koy£n. of 215 Milnbtrect entertained at luncheon and

ridge last Thurcdny for Mrs. Ed.Malone, Mrs. Leon E. Hun'

Gail Wnsowski, daughter df Mr.nd Mrs. Walter Wasowski^of H

PifFsiicld street, elitertarncd at,j(aluncheon party last Thursday intelebratipn of her.eighth birthdayanniversary".." • Ui-'r ' guc&te w-e^c.Sandy Ueetfker, Patty • Ann DaVis.

MarrkdinRw dejanewa.""'The weeding of Miss Elza Botello, daughter of'.Mrs. Jaime de.

Paula-Bo'tclfo and-the late Mr, Botello, ttf'the Rey, ^William EugenieShepard.- sonf' of -BJr.' arid "Mrs. Fred Shepard^oMi^Orchard^r jee^ ,took place" Saturday iri Rio de Janeiro Brazil. ' '

ptook place" Saturday iri Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.place Saturday iri Rio de . .

The-^ev, Amahtino Vas.so,•' pastor, performed ihe cerembny An1p ' j ' ., * • fc. . ' • . ^ ^ K » m L. 4 L . - ' • — ' • • ' • — . ' •

Ri'p'jiiJe'.i'aheirb, A .reception fol-

Mrs: Jonas Gavalcahtc of Rip de'Jaheiro,;-whfr served as witnesses,ut the ceremony^ •' .

"year, from the . School. pf_ Social';

Jatseiro.The Rex. Mr; Shepard Was1 Grad-

uated from 'Jefferson Hicti School,


v\n M R r I;'rIcVrrifk'Corcoran,-son-QfMf/aUd'Mrs1;

M s - C h a r S - M ! J ' *• Corcoran.of' 20 Lincoln avu-Mrs. Charles. M. ( ^ ^ ^ bcm m a d e . - k n o W nby her father, J. W." Gorski ot 34Munsce"drive. Th'cbridiNqlect* is ;rt>c dElighter also of,the late Mrs /A n n a G o r s k i . , :•• t • • "

Miss Gorski is a graduate of.Cranford JHish-School aria Virgi--riia Intcrmont .Cblfege, Bristol,;. Va.She is emplpyed in the tlepartment

, _• Elizabeth? Swarfhnjore .^Pa.)., .pasior of The-; ^.._t_•Hom'c.-'Strcct-rWQOdslodfe—Presbiyr.-j n a r v ; KeW'Ydfic." IJe was ordained

of' jjathoVo'fiy; .Mqrltclair Commu-

Cranfora- Hijjh School .andBonayenture University. He wasrecently;.'—discharged-—^f*om-*-theArmy &here he-held • the rank- ofirst lieutenant. '> "' .

Ba?bara& WtilffIsFuMwtiBride

>uU"y' Williamson, SusanMcHagh, Joarin Wasowski

md'EJettyiane Wasowski. _'_

Mrs. Wavreri-Rtmkii> of 30'Colby" ~Eit~bridgcr7Monr-

day eyenrng for Mrs. J.olm Brin-'•Sk',0, Mi's. "Stephen . Babits, Mrs.

':!. Devinney, Jr», JVlrs.p Knauer,"-Mrs- John Kei-

mig, Mrs. Robert Hodge arid Mrs.Robert Mayer..

Mrs. A. J. Bcaman of 106 Orangenvenuc! was hostess at bridge Mon-day evening. Her guests wereMrs. Walter E.'.'&ean, Mrs. Wal-ter Yost,_Mrs. VV. H. Ueisel, Mrs.Richard J. Mercer, Mrs. CharlesHaaf/, Mrs. Frank May and Mrs.William Kish.,

' . __o—Mrs. Ben W. Geddes of Short

d S

Robert Benson,

ttay—evonmH- for .Mrs. Philip^ T/r;Francois, Mrs. Charles D. Hall,Mrs. William H. Weber-and Mrs.F. Gordon Leech of eranford, Mrs.Robert Davies of Westfleld andRtMrs. Kenneth Stiehl^pf Short Hilky

—0— ' . " " l~rMrs. Peter.J. Caravella, Jr.,-of

55 Faii'tield avenue entertained at-a—coflfce -party Friday morningAttending were Mrs, Loujs Costaliile, Mrs. Z. Robert • Turadian,Mrs. Frank Baker, Mrs. LesterDcschenes', Mrs. Samuel Schrcicr»

•William.Buckley of ;BelleJ Mrs._Harold Ervinp, Mrs EvercJYncker, jyit's. Ann

E.. 'Hoiiiday;'ig, Mrs.,. MdlP"Cramer

George E..'Hblliday;' Mrs,tin Glotzer, Mrs. Arthur Craand Mrs. Seymour Kaye.

Mr. and Mrs-Theodore A. Crane:

of 243 Wriliyit avenue rtturnedthe .past week-end from sj threeweeks' stay at Brunswick;. Me.,where they visited their s6n anddaughter-in-law, Lt. (j.g.) andMrs., David IX Crane and thoi•family. Lt. Crane, is -the officeri n c h a r c e b r t h e coKnmissayx &toi<at the Naval Air Base in that city

l_Mr. and Mrs-. Harold Schott ol_Mr. and1102 Raritart- road- entertained a

" ! •-.•"••:• 7 ;

; ; • • • • ' . " .

• \

OfPaulKeim-Mr;-*nd-Mrs. Henry '

10 3ecch street tjavehp.crigagcm.6nt of th'eir daughter,


Piazza, Jr., tit Miami, *Fla.Miss Wulff 'is a" graduate- of

:ranford High' Schobrnnd i s atrosent*mployed by the Baker Di-

/ision of (Engelhard Industries,Newark.

Mr. Keirn is stationed with theAir Force in Bitburg, Germany.

No date has been set for thewhlrh..n'ill..'taktt-,,nlnrp in


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MinorAdams of Sari, Diego, Calif., haveanribiinced the marriage of th'eirdaughter; Susan Mariej to-Sonar-

=hian 3/c Robert G. B&nson, USN,son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Ben-son- of 30 -Bloomingdaje avenue..

l H Q

teriart CHurch of Bronx, !N.; Y^ at iriyjuiy. 1959, in tlie"Second^the "present time, was an assistant-'-'bytcrian^ Churcrf.' lllizaiaetri.'•"','••','miniister' last „ yj&ar at ihe . Untjitf.1 .' i l r . arid, Mrs. Fred She'pa'r'd' arjd•Church• of R|o de Janeiro. , I their* daughter,. Elizabeth,' l-etlirn-

Following- a tour of Brazil and .ed yesterday Jay-_plane after a t -Trinidad,their: homeLongfelJow- averjUi

lowing a tour of Brazil and .ed yesterday Jayi-Plane after a t -iad, the couple \v;i 11 ynake tending the wedding; They -ttew'tphonie on. Februar-y I_ar'l682 'Soiith 'America ;.-. earlier, 'this

• The bride was- graduated this Lirna^ Peru; Brasilia and' ^TrimdaaT

Susan Jime Batesr in

.Harold. O-.Bates of. H P u n h u m avenue, to' GaryvWilliam .Ahlbrand,6 f M L n d M r s MauciceAAhlhrand nf TnHr?nirnSn1is Tnd to'<hA-Ahlhrand nf Tnd,,

Luke's LutVioran,bcthT; . :_• i;L._._.:.j:-._''...!

The Rev. Jamt's- yon Schenk,pastor, performed, the cererhbnyat 4:30 p.m.. A reception followedat the Winfield Scott Hotel, Eliza-beth. ' * - ' • . . - . • •

Mrs. Donald H. ShoemakcB washer sister's honor attendant. .Mrs.William K. Ji l lardof New YorkCity and Miss Sonera Ahrbrand,sister of thp -bridegroom, werebridesmaids. _ j

iannuolis_iUnd UeKvrdT5|.t-ri;oft.LafayjGtfe.'Ind. ' \ ..- Eolfowing a honeympon in V.er-mont,"~thc couple will reside inPittsburgh, Pa. — — -- — •

Mrs._Ahlbrand is a graduate ,ofCrpnford High School and, Sus-quehanna University, Selinsgrove,.Pa. She ia "a member of AlphaDelta Pi sorority. 'Until her mar-riago,- she was assistant, .to the.personnel director at OverlookHospital, Summit. • ". Mr. Ahlbrand" is-an alutnrius ofSoutlipo^t High School, Indianap-^iS'1m^ri*u^ticn!Triivers'tty.. iiii is

est man for his^brothe'r. | a sales'' engineer

ber 31 .in the Christ EvangelicalLutheran Church, Pacific Betieh,Calif. The bridegroom Is stationedin San Diego and the couple -v|illlive in Pacific Beach: Mij. Bifnsonis a" Cranford High School gradu-

Tor"Ushers were Robert rjeid of Ind-' cific Electric Co., Pittsburgh.

Miss Kosinski Bride-Elect

BlaryLpjiMr. and Mrs Donald F. Agnew of

'J.Oi Brnokdnlf road -announce theengag'errrfn.W of- theif: daughter,.Mary Lou, to Frederick' H: Mid^

Jv- -sfin.nf Mr.nnH Mr; ( ^lid-'ige "of ,B"elle.ville.'

Miss .Agnejiv is a graduate ofthe University of Vermont and iscurrently - employed by GeneralDynamics- Corporation in ' NewYork City. Mr^Midlige.waSated from ^luhlenbffrK College inlOSt^Ho-ohtaincd bis-tri a sfVr!!&tde£grec ' • frwjj[ Lehigh University,where he , a candidate" for hisPh.lp. in.-biology.

Dig; Delve Chairmenj&ive Series of T/tllis

The- . Dig ,and Delve Garden'Club he-ld its monthly meeting lastThursday* at the homfe of Mrs.

^"raVik Reed. Mrs. John Boffa wasco-hostess."'"Tile pKUgrjiriV tun—tiiu:1

consisted of a series of talks and_helpful hints by the,bird, horticul-ture and roadside chairmen.—Mrs: F. J. McGurn was ajdsitor

at.tHe meeting,'. _Ttw—fUnwnr—

TVtr-; Frqnk- MnlTin.


• • • > • • • . , " , : . - - a , .

• p - • ,

• - " ' • ' ' i : ~ ^ * ' ' . '

J2r 1961 -"I Pa'se SCVCB "J^0NeicJear^sEveTrip into Space

STsterKood Temp'TrBetTiiEl:"celtf,""brated New Year's Eve at a.pa,rlyr.simulating ' .a / t r i p :around -;}beEWorld.'—Tables represcrifing "thuUnited States, Turkey, . Israel-,Spain, Frahce, _Af-rica," Hawaii,

h t Vdestinatibris of'.'the

thosp,"ijorts'vo'f"cj[)J'l,-'ian(l ..^dd^U;tifewmny

ties of the evc'niHg. . 'Sam'Bogner and his orchestra

provided the music for dnticiug. -

Local Fomiifes

Many Crariford-parents,entertained ^iinday in honor of-yieirchildren,--.whb7:wer'e confirmed at a 4.- p.m;" ser.yice ijj flic CranfbrdMethodist ,Ch-urch.by the Rev. Dr.*Albert Alliriger, paston -.'" ' .

I^arks and Public Property- Di- - —•—L—'• ^^—; ^ ~d rid

mother, was also celebrated. „. •.,.Mrr and Mrs.-:-LoUis Imfeld of

16 'Van Bureri0 a venue were hostsat a family^ dinner in -h.onor oftiieir iion- Robert; and their niecci'

Mr, awd-.M'fVr.fhepdoSe'A./CratieT4 4 3 ••'•Walnut . a V g n ' u t ' a r c t h e p a -t e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , * ••/>•' •

rectoV Ralph E.. Glol-dano arid. .MKS...vipj.aano.-Pt>yrange--auenaca"'the' ccrernoiiy and later ' 'we re'»'•->tfiirtntSi-at ^ TPrMiiy jFiOPiP ^ Pftitty-I?lrii i?^'*.'.

•honor of'the^bnfrrinatiori of

chair-man and airline hostess. Hostessesfor. the various countries, dres-cit'Tn7*nat4Ye"."irdslurnes7Tw«re: Mr?.'•Mi^ael-Fr^kel.-.Mrs. Jack Seh- .WDri7.i-"Mrs.."Je"sp Bernstein,. Mrs.Daniel Lcrnery Mrs.j Albert Pol-lack, Mrs. Irving..•Metzger* Mrs.Seymour Herbst, Mri;,-Irving Sho- •piro, Mrs. |Allen -Hcrcr, Mrs.' Jack

.f. Xtafaekr-MK.:Sidr>i.>y-ShJRUo«v-j^rs-—_

—granddaughter, Carols Koziaf,daughter vt, Mir,.and MrB.iTheo';

- dore" Koziar of 320 Retford ave-nue.,. ;.....: ..••'•iMfr.'and'-.' Gilliam

at; a ' buffe^- supper'ihT.honor of'• Ih'tit .daughter;

ti - There-were;

Lo:U5~^idnTOrrTnTth|vlrs, Seyiriouf

..The decorating comrjiittee mt-rn-b<;rs werc'r-MrA. \Vvnn Kpiit Mrc.-.

-Donald Ellen-<--v-r;. lyff-s. Abrahaln Liebu.r, Mrs.HV Martin Friedman and thi hos-tf^committet: " ' ' ' ^

Ih . ? ;16 guests from Cranford^Elizabeth

. and. Clarke:. . ••;-. ' • '• ,.- -, • __!J Mr. and Mrs.i/Thomas W. Ci&td of 12 Roger Norton place en-


daughter; Carel/ Cfucsts VricltidedDerilse- Crawford,- Mr. and Mrs.

-Mr '


..•'•Mrsi. .Harvey K. Nevails of Buf-falo, -N. Y.t has returned homeafter spending three weeks Withhe rson and daughter-in-law, Mr.

L !if>f-.107 hvomift.

b.ich'and Mr.--andr-j4ts;"Ocrarcl*BigUn of Elt£abetli..' ., ' : ,.' •Mr.:-iind'Mrs.''ilobert"Grimshaw

cnter(;iihcd at dinner; Sunday- fol-the conflrma.tion of their

and Mrs.-_JEdward Itimilton - ofCranford and Mr. find' i lrs..Charles Grimiiliaw of,Roselle.^ • M ; a M k l W H i l H ^28, road

daughter, Diane, ';foidguestsTfrbiit}:

Cranfo'ii-d and Island Heights.; . v, Mr. and jF&=Johri Josew^itch of

17- Concord street entertained afamily gathering' foUowihg thecontirmatiori; of" th'eir' soni Paul-Gregory,1 f- Guests', >yere. -present

Ellyiie"' Kramer, daughter of Ivlr.and Mrs, Bernard Kramerof Un-ion.-There were 23 guests'fr6rri.Union and, Cranford. • ....

M^^ond Mrs. Adolph.'A._Bauerof 33 MunSee driye entertained at"

i v

son; PauU' Guests were Mrs.. A. E.BU^d^KaridMy^'^ri^BaUer^d^y^^:Heye ..and sQ.ri,i John,. pjfs-Jorsey.City, and ,Mrs. E." B*. Hansen. of

'on7 ...,. . : . .^ M r . irSTVIrs. jj'." G. OUndersett.ot .210 EJm street* iiitiertained 4pr•the'ir sbri.^Clifrord,. follQ.vving. hiscortfirritation.- There :sverev 10;guests; from Cranford and Qcali),F l a l ''• '•' " r , "••. . ' • • • . . - : -. ,

/'•* SoiUproblems were' discussed byEric Peterson, VJriion Clpunty agri-cultural agent, at "a '.meoting lastnight of Crane's Ford Gardeners atth.e hbm'e, of Mrs. Henry Detering,

'O8.,Bijc^itrect.:1;^,v.i.,,.,,,,,..w,,.,,,,.l,,,_/!,,,.,,• Mrs/. Herbert Ftarik,.! pre"sl'dent>

conducted "the ' buslhess meeting1

and. appointed Mrs. Warren Sech^r'ist "as chairman of, vine "committeein' charge of -the. husbands' parfy','"S i r s . Deterrrig arid. Mrs.';Sech-rist. reportiid on a ..meeting theyattended—as' guests'- of Hhe SunnyAcres Garden Club. ' 'n t

Flowrs'-~for the--evening' wereb b M ' W i ' l i M i U

M ^ ;.'Mrs.._ Claude J»,_&r5dy.of 36 Bro&kdaie road-".entertainedat iTfamily dinner for their.'.son.

At ConventionFrank Petrik, son of S[r. and"

.Mrs, Joseph Petrik of i'f^Burch-field". avenue, headet^': the delega-,

" ' ' h r of

yersary of/Mra/Florerice-E.'Gradyof Brooklyn, N Y, Pau

•Stevens-^ilwtitute^of": Technologylast Week, to 4ho Alpha Phi Oniega35th Anniversary.... at;' the Benjo-

e&kvasik-Is Bride-Elect

Marie Skvasik to Leigh K, McKel-sqn~pjL-Mr. .jpnd Mrs, Josephr Ey'f;--of-:7RosJclie,-: ;Was., nn:-

• byittie bridcrelect's pai--dMJohn-SWvnslk of

12,8 Severin '.court;1

iiMiss—Skvasik—Jajttendpd— Eliza-beth 'schopls - and Cranford HighSnhnnl. Rhn.-is n member of AAssembly 40, Order- of. Rainbtju-

Girls:. j - I ' - T~Mr. McKelvey is a" graduate of

Abraham Clark High School, Ru-•selle,' arid is employed by H. k...Porter. Co;," RqseHo.- • .

a r r f i H g b d b : y M t i i rJr.,, Mrs. Edward Deyofkin* and1

Mi'sT Richard Town. ,/. , . . -Mrs. Paul ;Wr$c»lby-assisted Mrs.

i h"oate%

p h i a ^ P a . , ; . . ! / _ . , .'...•;."•.' ".: • • -^M, iPetrik ; is president of the

' • k >l 1 « ' i ' • L'i'H'lTheta •'.Alpha chapter 'Institute^in Hbboken, where he isin "his_ junior year. He w«s alsoappointed'to the National Stand-ing Committee—bn Scholarship,Standards.

The Alpha Phi Omega,.a Contin1

uat'iott- cifibbv—scout Jnemhership,." l f t i t i t l l

anij universities throughout the:«v»iKtryt-.-•'whif-h^-'-porfornut- variedservices-in its own'institutions. It-is-th'e-lSr

-•• - M i s s - ^Mr. and Mrs. fcenrifeth 5pster-'6f, .12D'oerinjj -way," and. Miss .CarolBauer, djiughtcr^bf-Mr. ariH Mrs•A A. Bauer'-bf .3? Munsee drive,returned recently y plane to


SWAN SERVICE AWARDS—William.' Rocker/ vice-president ofSwan Drycleariers, 44?North. avenue,'Cas'j'V js • sHWn; -pt'esontliig ""goTd'"wajci'ies to" lw6^rirTpIoyes for having completed 15" yeiiVt! Ofservice. Gfca staff, of .40," nine- employes;-have: served ihe.com- ...

• pariy IOT j5u'y»!ttrs or'mofe and the remainder have a \TOfkiiij;.average ol" live yeat-X- J^ef^'to rijsTil in-.the .picture are; Marcus,

TlamTTiori, 21 years;^Kenneth G«ldenv pl.mt mnn.»g<.r, 1«) >o.rs;R'fiirie..Balsarrie, p ' y e a r s ; .Vice-President Rocker; Beatrice .Phelps,-15 years; G-'unuar Gvllettborj!, 15 years; AnFTFaii'cliild..20 years;

..Grcidy WilS5ii7'20 years. ->Iat shown, arc two employes .who havesince'.retired,. SigjsijriiuVii*-Ferris,'.20 years, .arid' Herman Nathan,;

- I D ' y e a r ' s . • • . . • ' • . ' . ' . . [ ' " ' • • . " ' ' . • . -'


CrouKhore'of J.2B • Mohawif'driVt. I tfie S'ttidenl C liiTtnl at flic TCoUegise d B t h C l l f St E l i b t h Convent whorohas..^turned to Bethany College,

.Bethany, W. Va., afterjspendine , _..the-'Christmas holidays -\yith her |'m'etnU-'ir' »t tho Giec

Miss'..'Crotrsrtore: is'.. a _m^n.her._.pi

of St. Kli/nbetii, Convent, whtrosho. is a sophomore.: She~. js a


Miss CrotnsrtbriJ: is.. a _m^n.r._.6i-Alpha. Xi Delta, national soe'ial'so-l*ority.

daughter ,.ol Mf^arid"; Mrs. AlbertLawsoh oM09 Thomas street', has

Dhio, where ^oth . are members dfthe freshmajTciass. They spent theholidays vyith their parents.

firoushbrc.: datlgh-

returned to MUtvleuWrij_ ,-—,Pl'ainfield, .where'Kh<t is in nurses'trahiing^ after' spending' thVhbli-.days here.. . . . . " . . - '

• - Miss•••• 'Mary Anno McHarg,daughter of Mr. and Mrs- John. E.McHarg of 424. North Union avc-

ter of Mr..and Mrs. Gerald H nue, has been elected treasurer of

}vuv_ Ju,K(jciati<>iv._.an.d^ i.s5.*>!) theexceut-ivi: bouKl of "tliiv UlissiortUnit.-

BwYc? Brumdeld, son bf.-:Mr-vand Mrs. David BrumfieldL.or. .120Elm street;1 returned to TultmeU.i>iyL'r>ity;''NJw orlu-ans,'wt-ek after spending tho um'as holidn>"s' with his parents and

mate, Philip Angeil oi' Charlotte,W. Va. "-" ' ' . ~ - •'

• Miss Patricia \VrJKht •Spent the

and,Mrs. John Wright of. 220 Wal-nut awflrine.; A Jhnior at, DouglassCollege' in- New Brurtd'wick,' MissWright is presently --serving asvice-president of hfipctedft-.iiwl -u&ji . chapel usihe.!'. .She )>as "Eu«iv__J»p-livointeci to ' the Doan's ' AdvisoryBoard foiUhe neod'emfevyear 10G0-

•s Ja'tiu's E. Sha\v, p-jjiiphomore rt\the .Bichmorul* Professional—Jn-slitute oT the _Cufiegt> .and Mnryv and his brother-, V.Stephen Shaw/ a freshman tit;'tfr«

their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Syl-vnnus J. Sl/aw.of 26. TUljp street.John Davis"of Laconia, N. H., wastheir guost foji_purt of the holidayTy.ison.

jj1; ParliesEleven .nHcmbcrs, of Cranford

Twig One, Women's Auxiliary olOverlook Hospital, Summit",." wiTTopen itheir homes on' February \4Tit t.ui

bridges. : — -Proceeds .will be "used to

Wrrrianv+Wnurses in needy cases, it was an-nounced.

j-hTOat a meeting Tuesday at tho'-jhom(sof Mrs. John McClintock of iojbr "•Park -dj'ivo.. Mrs. F; P, Andofseiiwill bo chairman assisted by Mrii,ftSW^hi

isthe-iSrg<&tHJGrcck-letter-=frjiter«riity ' irV'-to -;United S.tat^s, and

ii f K t h t ' l f

of 114. Spring GaV_den_stxe_p_t hadas.their guests tor two weeks ttieirson and daughter-in-law,.-Mr. QXK\Mrs. Gaffney, Jr., and daughter.Lisa, of ,San Jose, •••Calif; 'Tfij

__ Blake^StevensraOd hfebride, theformer Miss Patricia Berg of Springfield, spent."their

••;• honeyrr,oon at 'the.Sea.Shore;.Hfttst >Fort;.Lauderdalc, Fla. Theym<{Tat the resort two years ago during,his_yae'tttipn from Holy

A. TRpr'ps; Vii»r h'nsbartd is the


a famjly dinner Sunday. Theirguests were. Mr. and Mrs. William-Watt and son, Donald,, nnd JohnShaw. of. Ci-nnford, Brtjcc' W:*ttand Hurry Watt of .Metuchen, Mr.and Mrs. John Watt and children,Jennifer nnd John, of Orange, Mr.and Mrs. James Watt and "son,Robert, of Jersey City, Mr. andMrs. Raymond-.SSpigler -i»hd chil-dren, Maureen, Gregory and Deb-bie, of Caldwell, and Mrs. MaryMackie of Kearny.

Dr. and. Mrs. Clark W. Me-Dermlth of 7 Lenox avenue willhave as their dinner guest onMonday evening, l5i-. -li'jnry Linn,•professos.-of education at.'t'eacli-

Tho engagement of Miss Mary-ann Kosinski to Second Lt. JamesR. JForeman, USA, son of Mr. andMrs. Mora Foreman of LehighAcres, Fla., Iras, been announced byMr.-and- Mrs-;- Stanley "Delikat of318 High street,'iincle and-aunt ofthe bride-elect, with whoijn1 ijheimakes her hb'mc. -I j^Tis^K«Kfyskiistltet5i|ttighteio.f

John Kosinski of Lake-Parsippanyaritt the 1'atc Mrs. Kosinski.

A graduate of Cr,ahford' High'School, Miss. Kosinski —attended- —i•Union 'Junior- College. She' is em-ployed' as a secretary' by S-F-DLaboratories Inc.,1 Union.

Lt. '• Foreman, whose parentslived in.Morilstbwn until October,.js stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala-.,whorcr he. is in flight school. He is•an fthmVmw of Rutgers University,where he "was a pre-l^w studentand a member of Kappa Sigma-social fraternity-.- -..• ,_'." An April wedding is planned.

104 North Umon Avenue

BR 6-0700

Free Delivery

BR 60701


Blue Blades1.98 Value



17c Off

Dr. Linn, une of "the consultantsfor.'thc Board of Education on itsbuilding program, will be a guestspeaker—at—the' .'Conv j I i

R l l M

Wedding Guests'

i/Sr^r- *•

sbn of Mr., and Mrs, Charlcs^J. Stevehs of 10 Summit road. Themarriage took place December 30 in St.. Rose of Lima Church inShort Hills. - T.hey have teen at home sTrice January 5 at.B-16Bashford avenue, Union. • ; . __-__ 1_^_, j . t _,

Counted Rhlly'- on. Monday, .

Mr. and Mrs.' Hurry V. Os4borhc, Jr., of' 6 Dartmouth road,wi)l be guests lit a luncheon at theHotel Astor, New York, Saturday•Djl Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. S'wits ofRed Bank prior •• to- tho benefitmatineo-perfoiimance of "Came-Jot." for Bonnie Brno Farm forBoys, MiUin'gton.. Mr. Swif/. is

. a r r i v i n g to_;_morrow to spend tho weekend inCranford .and attciid. the weddingof_Miss Oaylc-Virginja. Waddill,da lighter of Mi', and Mrs. JamesBrei-dun Waddilt of 127" Oak lane,ami William Drysdale Rosencrantz,son of Mr. and Mrs. Charick Vree-land .Rosencvantz of 6 Centralavenue, Saturday it;-the First Pres-byteriah Church.• Mrs.—Rosencrantz' brother-in-law and fister, Mr. and Mrs. Thom-as MacMcekin, Jr., of West Hart-ford, Conn., will stay with their

{)f Advertising

mittec and Mr. Osbome is chair-man of the board of Bonnie Brae.

Mr. and Mrs, Montgomery Vailof 339 Walnut 'avenue left yc:»-tei'day (or Hollywood, Fla., wherethey will vacation for, two-months.

father. Elmer F,. of fi.nivi'r-

LADY ESTHER •. ,• ^ M M -



Reg. 69c Ea.

"New1 Push Button

Hand Cream\ 1.25

R. WESTS - ( -



•Barbara'Jagerman,'daughter, ofMr. nnd Mrs.,D(iyid JuKertnaiv.bf32 Mendell avenu'e,. will celebrateher fifth birthday anniversary at11 party on Satt(rclay. Guests will

DTa»KTKaut? 8 ^

Iside drive, and their sontj, ThomasD., David E., and Donald M., willdivide their time between Mr. andMrs. MacMcekin Sr., of 10 Centralavenue and Mr. and Mrs. RobertM. Itarmon, of 21 Berkeley place.

.Mr. and .Mrs. Ranald 11. Wether-,irigton, Jr.,'of Hadclonficld will'beTTur&1fte?t3"6T MlV"'N'!Jta'iiC' W-'Ui-'n-man of 4. KTveVside driv«.und Mr.and. Mrs. George F, W61f of Deer-ing, N. .11., will stay • with Mrs.Henry F. Southard-oX English Vilr

The "Glads and Mads" of ad-vertising were presented in atalk given by-Mrs. Charlotte Mont-gomery at a recent Newcomers'club luncheon at the 'Roselle G6UCliib. Mrs. Conrad Lynch intro-duced (Mrs. Montgomery whowrites a column, "Speaker for theHouse," in the- Good Housekcep-

More dramaJticv^tues from ouyiexciting Jewelry^ Sale/;Hiirri/ in . .*

ouMandingL EUROPEAN BOUNDr^-*:Mrs.. E. W.^an^Gilder of Mbn<clalr"aays<r>B.Wi» in her nir.thpfI Mr<! S .T . . W n l f nf.'4^K OrThnfrl 'sttWt1. .IS

they are pictured aboard the.Jtaljari Lirie's Satumia as. she sailed

every .ibur. schools, -

Neighbors UohbrMrs.Wm.Rolbe•- -Mrs. -William Kolbe bf-40 Herns

Re«, 10.95 lo 12.95

Alarm ClocksRO(3799.50 y

Noritake China30-Hour Boudoir Alann.

^Jlodcs* Savings PricedL'93-Pe. Service for 12.'Superb China Value* 67.77

! be Barbaraman," Sheila Victorin,

—-B«»glas—and-ijlnykip, all of Cranford, andi ETtuart and Alan Ilubin of the

Bronx, and her two sisters,i and Laurie. " \

Mrs. John Tuttle, membershipchairmanj_ introduced five 'newmembers They are: Mrs. RichardWagner. Mrs. Eldred Halsey, Mrs.

borhbod- coffee—patty_^jrjues.daylmorning at Uie homo of Mrs. W. A.Brittle of 108 Herhing . avenue.

.Mrs. 'Fraser Hellegers. and Mrs.Warren T. Olde were co-hostesses?.-

nnA• IVtrK: Knlhf and theirchildren. Gail, Kenneth and Wil-liam.-will move tomorrow to then-home at 8O..Bartley avenue, Port-land, Me., They have been Cran-fordrresidents for eight years, andthe children, .attend RooseveltSchool. Mr. Kolbe has been traris-fecredTo Portland b_jy the American

- ) — • . —


• n r ^ - . T

lthe birth of. t\Wns, Cathryn Hod-ges anS.William ttarold, Jr. , .onDecember 3ft in Overlook-Ho'spiial,Sumrriit. The twins join a sister,Missy,;%t ' '___..' ' • ••

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Conroynt 107 Severin court have an-nounced the birth 0? their seconddaughter', Elizabeth Anne, on De-cember SI at Muhlcnberg Hospital,-iUainfield.— Their^ other daugh**ter is Geraidine.. The maternal'grandparents are Mr, and Mrs.William G. Ford of 88 Benjaminstreet ' "~" •

Lt. (j.g.y and Mrs. David DJCrane of Brunswick, Me., have an-

h i ; i r f P Ithe^irthirfTrEo; POIX"" Yl rtt>Tnhi>r 30 fit t h e

Htig. 7h50 Men's. Ladies"

WatchesChooser Bulavcc GruetuWittnauer, tlgmTCroton. ~

Milo Corrjiex, Mrs. HollisterSylces and M-.i's, Herbert DCmrjnel.

Mry.-T.vrich-nniicrtiiiH-fi- ihaf....n

Mr. and Mrs. O'Dean W. Hutto ofHolly Hill, S. G-.. will be the guestsof Mr. and Mrs.- Jean A. Montone-court of 2G Central avenue.

representative from the "World of.Tile" will sppak" at the next lun-chi-on, which will be "hold" FpbruVnry 1 at a place to.be announced..

Persons jntercsted infjoihing theNewcomers' Club- -may." con,tactMrs. JTmruttlL',- Jr.,"Stt .Mapl'phutL".

R e g . " 1 2 7 . 5 0 -, —.-.'.

Copper Chafing DishCopper

Special! Reg. 5.50

Buxton WalletsTine* Leather Walle ts •Are Savings Priced.'

Reg. $7- ' : . : ' . ; "' ' ' •."..

Religious Medalrleligious IVledalori Gleaming Chaiu.

. Islantb. Jtaly ,ftnd Cpam;-7ighc'.'-i'antryGift Shop' :28Eaitifaaristrect


owner of the^ Town and Country.Gift Shop', :28_Eaitifaari_.strect... ' child is a daughter, Robin Heather.

• - a


NORWICHAspirin tabletg

^Introducing ModelsNEW VEE-FORM

.Sanitary'Pads-Anatomically Shaped

ftofc ConifoYt "Full 45c Refundfo End;

I1 Mr. and Mis. Fred De Marco of: 737 Walnut avenue i>nterj;rin2d nil' party Saturday fvening. Their jcuests were Mr. anil Mrs. Joseph jO'lU'ien, Mr. and Mrs. James Pan-]tiino! Mr. and Mrs. Lconaiil Tol-ics,co, Mr. niid Mrs O. J, D'Ai'-canuelo, Mr. and Mrs. Ohio Mc-|Intosh, Mr,, aiui Mrs. Frank Diei;-inun, Mr. iiiul Mrs. Harold 'Schol^i

.Mi;, and Mis. William Hubiak, Mr.;and Mrs. John Rispoli and Mr,and .Mrs. "F, W r Do- Cliiibcrt ofCranford and Mr. iiml Mrs.' <Ni-'

"cholas S.iscioue of Orange.

t "Mr. and Mrs. Leon Papier andItheir son, David,-of 12i WilshlreI drive, rotunu'd last'\teck. from u

r. ci l l l ' i - '.Mmiml


'•ivVulilrlJu Jur SUi*p of lltHlliiclluu" -^ .

# - •

.We Ace Here TomorrowTo Back Up the Furs You fifty Today


249 E.. Broad Street Wfestlield ADams. 2-3423:

Special! Reg. 15.50

Sterling Tie Bar SetsY TYou GetTlinks in St

Bar. Cullarling Silver.





Cooldag'Alltho Time, A Real Value. 18.77

Many More Savings Items throughqutrthe Store. Hurry In Now . . .(or Outstanding Values and Savings . V

manhn.Opaa f huxsddyv.Evenirig 'til 9


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Bridge 6-6718

:— Ako til'Our Wcstfio^d qnd:Kenllworlh Slorcs

Did You Know . . . it Costs Less Than—

Cents Weeklyto receive


(Including Our Topllranded^lerchandise)


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Just fill in the blank below.. .with your name orone to whom you want to send The Citizen and Ccoupon and i4.uO ta us. Your subscription win start immediately.

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—TTTtTTT'rrr ;- ~—.- ~v Titegr$55- fe-$«B-—~ -V1^—r-r—

Topcoats a n d Overcoat s . .Reg. $59.50ato $89.50

*ts .I. . ._. . .L; ., — •• • • Reg,.$25.95.io $50 : v ,

Raincoats , . .Sport Jackets....

• Reg. $29.95 to $55

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-Reg. $1-5.95 .to $25 -. .'Sizes 36 to 46, Regulars, Shorts awlXongs


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PaiaiYiaS . .". « "v.". . • Reg:'ll4 to $9.95 . . .

N e c k w e a r - . . , , . - . . - , . . .••.-. • . R e g . $ i ' . 5 o t o $ 5 - . . . . --.-•

M u f f l e r s ; ; " . . . « . . - . ' . . . ~ . . t . - .Reg. $3.50 to $7.95 . .. . . . . . ^^e'.$&$& * ° ^

"Gloves -.- ^ . — ... .Reg. $3.95> $itf.95_ >. . . ..- - S a l e $3.15vto $ 8.-75C a p s a r i d S p o r t H a t s — .Reg , $3.95 to^-5.95 . . . . . / $ o \ e $ 2 . 7 5 t o $ 4.75

A Sete<f Group of Merchandise Including:

Dr«?ss Shirts • Sport Shirts © Sweaters•

REDUCED 5 0 %Clearance


Alterations Free. Charge''Accounts Invited

Expert Tailoring.tfane on the premises

46 .years of quality

T 6 w n ...r. •••••) .....—••

: W Subscription D0pen Monday aiid Sljhursday Evening*

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• • ' : - . : - ' ^

• • : < •• • * • . ' •


(Contlnuva j-rom Page i)that, n sub-sta'rtdard education in'over-crowded scltoqls is certain


to hamper tlxo future prospects.ofCrnnft»<l'graduates....,'.* -i ', '1

short "piay, " t h e G. ftO•Edward Gil!., awistnnt ^ s r t p y , , f t p(cndont of Wostmr Elociric's Question," directed by Mrs. W. J.Kcarny works, outliinkl in dotail- >i'O(rm:in and written by Mrs. J.the school populntiori data. Three A Maiden' arid Mrs. ii. « . Kott,

•Cranlord Hi«h School; Viijcent"Surnovvski, -jirfnc"ipii'l:uf CU').xll;inc>and Sherm.in Junior Schools,' ;indAnthonv T t : r l t 'K'n°. principal ofLivingston Avenue .. Elomcntnr.ySchool — joined'with lir. E. L\

• Itebt-l, director of health, safety,and ph.vsjcirl educatiori, N. J. T)c-\pariment of Educivtion. to disc-usVthe I'ducational 'need—ta-leiiVdthrciit of double svsSipns.

Representatives <>f business andhichur <;duc;ition nlsp spoftfj op theur|3<Mit neeCJ for Tiifiher qitalily fa-cilities;-.to (.-quip our young .pt'Qiilcfor 'ho toiifjh compotitioii thoy-

"will face when "they U'«ivc-lhe_pub-lic soliools.' Ricliard. H. KavajKiRh,persopnc;!' rcpix'sen?.)ti\ e of thePort , of ;N: IY> .Authority: -.Dr.(ieorRe Ji. B.nxel, director-of theUnion COunty • Vocational nnd

tions i-aiswl'-hy -Qranfel'd voters-^lUissell- ilerman, FarrTJ. S vSCk-harner, t William Duncan', ' Dr.Jolm Glsoru Richard Ku'pplt'nArba T.'iylqr, Folrest Dexter andJohn Snook were; in theljsast.

The committoe'ot enjiineers andconstruction experts includedRobert A. Brooks. Arthur Kenlnn.

imps Miller, Robert E. 'Albri«ht,KobL'rt C'lirjsh-hsen, CornclitK' 'Ar-nold, Hichnid Harringtpn, Hi'ibi'VtFinnic, Jack Hennc-, "' naj'inon^lVincent. Patrick Pet rick.. FredBall and Henry Smivhers.-•-tloar-rt „!.<&• "Educatiijn meiNbersand board caivdidqjw; ' .afso' wereavaihibjc to ex|>lain the ti&ibjts.These .Included ":Ti|ines E. Mcpov-

2_andLPa'ul, SdtjiLHigh_Schpol_officerp, were general chair-for therevent. .

Itlefc^nirlutii'Rallyjrom Pageiy ,"•M C h l f Ke'd

ter montlts so its to make;the_task,^f piowlng~str'ccts'' easier"~in/p\e,event of. a snowstorin.,;,.jv _'-"Mayor-<Jr~Van"<ihart(be;i'li«»<.'Oi»-dlicted • the" mce'iing.

Clatjninfi BoarH: Mr,s. Charlfs Ke'd-d e n , riverriber.trnikin C o u n t y V o c a r•)jana 1 . . a j ^ T c c h n i u i i h L B d

Roderick W.. civic3 The participation of matvj^otherprominent local residents was^art:nounccd ln.4f \Vcck. | , X

ArranKpirionts for' a torchlightp;inid.e' to"''precede tho rally arebeing handled by Edward.Marek,John" Snook aniL-Alb'ert- GessR'r.An invitation to the ptTBTk; to at-tend liasTbceh extended. '.

To(Continued from Page | )

Raymond Kirwan resfghed asmt>mb"fr of :the Planning Boardand. Public Aftpiirs CommlssioiierWesley rN. *Philo was appointed tothe board, his term ' to"run con^.

• currently . with his term on the

School Plans •(ContinMkd jroin Page I) .

facilities that would" bc-',more

driver education, social 'dohcing.Aisof^'sculjiturercreative "writ-

ing, ' art Yctr "beginners, "publicpeaking,—Jypmg—SpamKhVr-stfm-

and -trim, ptahoumginig itnd- dhgi b e d i e h c e ^ - •••••'' .. : . ...

The Cranfyd^cdul^-School is anon-profi^ organization • operatedin cooperation, with-the, Criinford^ d . of Education. Serving on

n.cv. Chauumg. RijdU. Dr.. JosephE. .Hawkins. Henry M. IJoardman,G A.t Giitiernv-. H. Randnjl Kre-

litTiii 1 rd—i-fchv Wrfe—Bis—Wen FJ

.Township. .CQmmlUepu.. _ _.;;... . _.P»bHo ••' Works Commissioner

| Nicholas. S". LuCorte rcqui>sled re-rars in drivc-

thrceintensive study iin.d as-

sures .tlhis'citizens.of Crn.hlord'thatthe approgriaW - rfate authoritiesjudge, the board's building pro-"gram^as sound nnd economical,'sahi James McGoVney, new build,ins Chairman. "The only remain-ing sto^ is. endorsement ^by vote•in JanuaiX-17- •• ••$ < v •.

"Since tlicKclefeat ol a diffcrGUtschool buildingv reCercniium l>^tMarch, • and the doable sessionsspreadlnK'throufih the schqol sys-tcrn, rnany citizens havi; expressed

that .Cranford is losing, itsT;tandin^ as a "ftntf f'esidential eoin-munlty--that l real" estatc-vajiuesare being downgraded. by; pros-pective buyers-in.!search of.go(jc!

for. IhHr children. Piib-

.vy. asEistmit • .dicefctor .of ad'hiis- ' Minuui-.iind W.iUiVjn'.Knox," Frank ' w'Sya and carages during the wln-

lic approval of this referendumwill bring about the solution tothe problem at'all levels and keep

d f h l 1 ^

PMfrom Page 1)

urday. that, the liigh.. school >.qwoffers, approximately iBO .'diflerencourses or about twice, the numberoffered when 4he* present higlschool was' opened jie'arly.'-ater of a' ccritdry'-ago"."

Enrollmentr by classes at . the-ghoolT^as-bf-tho-imd- of -De-

-ccmber>.followaLi«'intri, 437';. tcShth'876; eleventh, 323; and twelfth.295..__The._-thr_ee-. .upper Brtotaling 994 pupils; now_ atlenclclasses during the .mornings whilethe. ninth ' graders go to class' fn.tlio afternoon. .... • •

jig Places;--(Continued from Page.l.)

al' Election pistricts 7 and 16.Bloomhtfcdalc Avenue School—


SaueV, assistant jdireeto^;—Mr. Sel-by; Charles Redden', treasurer;Miss 'Mary Lourse -ASTetjen, secre-tory;'-Rby Smith, public relationschairman; Mrs. G. Holrries WHams,' Chynning ,Rudd,. • HoriryBoardnian, all merhbers • of' the'Board .of Education; rMr"s.xWalter.'jf.««Conlcy', and Thornafs Ben'tson.

; ( from Pasn; JJ'..:•HngSrsHelmut A. Larse'n, Benja^min SWiyCarid Albert -E.-Tallman,

don Cojieri, Ptgston Robbins -arftlJohn LrSriooklfcjSsses, E. O.- John-son and Robert Cfcninife;;.percHS-ton, Chii-slui ' Kui'tv(Wixki and

ChaVles. .Stattuirier.r liiaritbiws.- MrsDoris Bock and 'Edward CNJtcariick: tvmpani, Kenneth


) C 2 O r a ^ AMD CBRONlGl*--XBrE«DAT. 12, 1981 SECTION, TWO



"Dry but-cold ^e^therlwas,cxr.:4)erienced: in ,,QjaxAotA this week.

Thtie was flo precipi'ttition' ex-cept "a trace -of 'snow o" T

'yayi,^'''"T^lper'atiii'es"""d.u.i'iriBi;1''wct'k jrilnged- from a higf °l

s (almost "sprint;r'iHc.) onS;*turday to a low'bf 16' aegreeslast Thuvsddy-''i)uVing the week,23*S degree; jlays wbre recorde(Jt ., The, teinperature recoVd:

' • :"",'•'•• ••'"• ItlkV.'. ' M i i i ; - A v g .

iThursdlay; '^^ ..,31-.-Vie :--24-

Saturday . ' ' ' ?S.4; 29 42

Monday^ ' * 36 1 8 / 27T-ucsday •' : •• '. 35- 1« -27.-Vestcrda^ • . '• ^3 IT . ;30.'"Re'adirig -through 4. p.m;.'-'.". ' •

Stolen Froin.Miss Atene Atlen 6t 18 Sprlng-

lleld avenue fopbrtcd' to the-policeat 6:30 p.m. Ijlonday that someone.

E flat clarinet,"'Terry .Johnson.NJ had- cntcjxd-^her apartment and"


• c .



• r

If you' have-a.ppliod"fpr aij ab^-sentee baiitft.but lird in' town1..utrelection: dayv yoii MUST use your-absentee ballot: :.Ypu, will NOtbe permitted to vote in i>orson_at

-your-polling -place. ''•"'• ::

- Dr. ThomaK»Gadwalladcr"estab-lishf d ' the sticond: public., libraryin •America at-^trentqp ir>., 1750.,

a -cabinet' model" 'electric'$l'3O

ahtf VRcniin'ston adding machinevalflctOstL 5.75- "•. ---. " • : "

She saWNlhe artj.cles were taken'butw'uuii.-2;15\Mid .5:^.5-p.m. Mon-clay." ' InYestiK^io'n ^b j , Capt.

. Geprge L. S!psendal<antrtitrKirlprfJ. Koury showed no sign of forcedentry,'.

Voters of General Election. Districts 8 and 12. ' -I...'•'''

Roosevelt School — VoterTT"ciGeneral Election Districts 9 nnd 18.

Lincoln Schqpl—Voters of Gen-eral-Election Districts 11 and t3.

df General—Election ^Districtsand 1.9.

to mail a/p(Mtardio^S^ ofefs •. but you can reach this vast audi-enceoi nearly 18,000 readers weekly fot

Referendum Next(Continued, from Page 1)

lias been puBllc endorsement of therqfecendurn proposal by- manylocal organizations,, including theSOuth^ Side "CARES, eitlzeijs for :,YBetter GTranford, CWmford ClergyCouncil, j"Qranford College . Club,,Nomaheganv6ivic Association, theCranford BoaVd^of Parent-Teacher




PTA'st CrailfordCrant'ord Board;, ol

and 3G SEN . Groups. ••-,/ •Main oppbsitjon to'the^refcren-'

durrt proposal Jias citme. ,i"*^ theCranford Watchdog 'AssSciatiVciatiVi. .'

If you have anything to se% buy or ex-change, rooms to rent, need domestic help

Adlult--School'•-{Continued from' Page 1). . ...

register, as soon as possible s6 asnot to be disappointed.--'VHir brochure includes a.lisTlnifc

of. each course and a condenseddescrjbtion on what will be cover-ed. li> alsa_-includes the fime^ofthe elnss, the ,fee to be chargednnd o short w-rite-up on the in-"structor. ^J^- .'_

Among eom'ses'to b,e offeredare:- Investing in" the st6cic--mar-.kettj sewing, contract, bridge, paint"



D; I l vf;S.



! ^ 1






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Come any day, any nlyhif

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Find till thtisebuyM and hundredsmore throughout iCooithj!

Hundreds 61 equally excltVny buy*onsale at Koos Sea GM, Freeholdand Parslppany ftorest

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itf % dotin... nj»i«i 2 year* to pay!• 4»«rgtf« plentu of free parking!

iit, 411 item* aubteei to prior ««Ie.• *6rrjj, MO mkn^-phmmm-.mraer*.

m L I V I N G R O O M F U n N->-T U .•« E ;

_ r ,Wriiiraitrcii^b^ioxsprmp;;j:Win^r:fqlL^i69;S^^

Hcaltli Centcr*inattr5!.!ror hoxsprinp;; twin, full_79.50,_. S?.OO

_49,0S_ 3 4 . 6 0_99.95_L; 6 9 . 0 S


: ^«j^<WBfc^99 . f l t l _ - l IHtJU^- - -:—

Simmons ma(lr«M> o r > h o x p r i n ^ T l ^Sjjiiwonii-liint'trrM or Lx^prihg; twin oir fu>feStu'dibV iileepi 2. ,kirt, p n t . ^ 3 *o\at* ',Slcftp-Kofa: kiwp-iiixc. colonini. tw<tcdt natural

Sofa-bcH; Mwart'Danitili o.fa tutn» into b e d — - ^ . 8 3 0 0 — 6 9 . 9 ^Sofa-rtca: modern, dtripe/ralid, .i coloriux— c_2:61W5^r~l»4sB5-Sleep-Rofa: Ivy ' Chcsapcak*-, winged roionial 369.00_^.295.OOSinirnons Hi'<le-a-B««l; full rite,,colonial p r i n t _ 2 2 9 . 5 t ) — 1 7 9 . 0 0


Chair; colonial, na\ur«l pnr\U f««n* t«)»1fttr.

• pljair; «!olon5al» k lgie1 jir-inj ioiis ; ttinljOT'ui.

colonial, belflo print* t^xn- ruM)«?*-Cli ir ani ottoman^ roli.l*toxvn tyc«e«l. font"itair; wonrrn, pold« foaW rubber. tit*UionSofaV\Wo^letn, -nywpli-nre^n, f6Bm..'tt«>p*t_

\ *•" • * ' • i V " • J » l

S^ln; moJprn, broynf), foam ruMifcr cu*hi0(. Bol<J» fofun ruhhe^

* •4-pf. (iretic




• Now-.

BfiRNETT'S SUPREME4 0 gOne of Our Most Popular



&Ad Deadline —10, A.M.

60 Faleon 'Wae«h.. ' 1.03559 Vviti Country.Stdan.../ i.69557'Ford Country S6dan.... 1,19557 Ford Del Hh> KaueU.i 095G Fdrd Country Squire.... 995

5fi Ford Custom liaiifh,... 60555 ford Country Heda»... -£«955G k'lyiiiuutli VVaeon V 59550 I-'otil Uaiichwaiton 59555 I'iymouth Wugon 49547 WlHyV-Wut'on....v , ,250•J9 Ford^Country S(juWe..v 95

ABERDEEN SCOTCH66 Proof-1100% Imported

S c o t c h Whiskies. LightBddied and Smooth


A Recent anfl Increasingly roAddition to Our Stock.. •. 100%ported Scotch. 80 Proof

Im-4/5 Qt.

10% CASE DISCOUNTExclusive \V4th Xls-


_ - . . - - . . i i :..-j.:._^ •.tf?'™

SWIFT'S SEtECTJED: • / . - • ' . ' ' '








IN REARUse Convenient

Rear Door Entrance

DIAL BRidge6-1044


Dependable Ford. Birico 1920

.''• ' 1S(8 E, ^_'Wo»tfie!d.Avfl,

MoSollo Park-^ . ' CH. S-6iO0

-30 Eastman St."(Opp. Cifardord Thodlro)


The Spot


Open Friday Till 8 P. M

Walnut dining.room; china, tabfe", 6 onair^.549.00-_4io.OOSaWe^walntn DRj 62" lireakfroht. taMc—627.00^469.O»~Cherry l*url DR; china, taRlc, 6 ehair*i^__,60().00i_45OiOOyttjfta»aic DRxS^c.ehiria,: table, 6 chainL.349.00_277*OOrKKwK]«r Showpi«ic«JpiR: jJMitbh-butfet. G ch._5S6.OO_329.O0>BurnishcH walwjiany DRi cred^ma, ^alxl&_^93.0fl^ai3*OO^thned bak DR; brealctrontvtable, 6 chnir*_3O4.00__242.OtlLiuwd oak dinctlet cbina. tidily 4 cboirt^-l^.OP—149«^flAntique inapie,pR: 54 '' l,utch-buffc»:_-^-'J30.<)te-:S44.OO\~fe-tny T>K ^mnp; ^nl>l»')i luiffet»'. china*, fclfairfc. 4ut-T-'4O%



Sofa; provincial, n'qtyCh,airi •wfljt.ionai

Kofjj; trad.; rc«ccli

as much as OFF Bttd

.*hs^r.or« opjsp uriA take-homo t^e- bi*y of yourI^ifcl Ye«l f t l j > i l J d i jj

AH Dayslroui dinette floinr Biimplc stiil<:8,.5':au*i 7-pc;., c u t _ _ 2 0 %Hi-fi ^tora^c c^ltincto, hutcliet, one-ofia-kind, reduee« l—_20%Traditional Dft'oJel pieres^ luiffcLK, P1I>— -•" '«"1»«

we l>emitifri in ou7


B E D R O-O/-M

o d B R i traditional,77'',triplFrencl, Prov. TW: -JouW« "


j*lipcover« -ypii've neeri in ou7 niodei rooms, model howen,Sotne even utarred in.our. Itiftt decorator stnee show! -.JSfow yowra at . . .bold your breath , . . L^SS TWAN COST! True4 a few tni^tt be «licbt|vdunty . . . but you won't ni in d_o bit when you nee their price! Just lookbelow to »te what we mean. Ah<l'reiwcniber,'the»e1iuyi~»rir6ii«»-of'-Ji-khiil•Ufttom gem* . . . no-when they're pone, they're (rone. Be early for bestchoice!, Sale «tart» when doors open 9r30 ti>hiorrow!

SsfaS trrid.i Wtiirtl^jnam ttnSljer.•-. y»oyedeat;v'(r.itd>..i1iipjf:e tap«fftry, fonm

fihiti*1? ti'oditiotinlt.'^pl^,* foawt rubl><Chair; trod., cliaH-ppl/lirown. foant'Soffl^ - trnflifiwiaJ, too»tv fjjam -t-ulit*3'fjW*Mf<»»»«l|-**i»«litJonil, nivttnn•-,|

— Sofnj ti-ad,* nlon»p. V-' 'fr. fo*m rtiiiJtr^r


WlH W:Rtrral F,upltSb cWerry BR; triple < 1 ^ ^ i ^ 0 _Modern tan BR: ttiplo drover. cl.e.U bo . l_279-00_Sablp walnut-BR; modern, triple l ^ 9 5Spanish luxury BU; antique w h i t e — - — S ^ . W

-rr.iHwooi4»U;' Frenrh Prov., triple . w ; 8 . _ ^ - 0 ^ -'Fruilwooil BR:. Itnlihn Prov., triple « 1 ™ ^ 9 5' C I l r B R ltnl.au Prov i l


Drapery and window jhade; ehintJ!, St"W x SS"L, per pairl-/)7.07_ 1 2 . 0 0. Picture window drapery; modern print, 132"Wx99"I. 12I>.16^_2O.OO

Drapery and eornice; Antwerp printv 51"W x 0H"l^_i_ 7-1.85.,-15.00Drapery and valance; red and preen print, 7rt"W x 9ft"L:_119.0S_l».OO

..Drapery arid .fo.rnice^blue/white .pol. cot.,. 68"Wx98"L^105.W._ 1 7 . O 0Drapery; Maneltu. Chine«e- print, 86"W x 9 9 " L _ _ _ _ ^0fi.50_ IS .Ol l

{ ^ i l o o


9x11.7 Silver fitty hnavyall-wo ' twi»t~._-v--_138.62_104.009x10.11 Pelihie Ibeipe lifavy~all-wool twi»t_ 237.80_I'7»/O0

12x7.fi Opal 3-ply all-wool twi*t hroadloont ^_89.S0_ 5S.0OfJnvi-nJer cotton phioTi-piJ* riroddloom—S9.90_ 48.OOBriarwood nll-<mol twint broadlootn—110.00._ 8 0 . 0 0

I2x°n Opal all-wiJoT tM.turwl hroadloow—__144.S4Z.105.O_012x10 Gxr«-n all-wool twirt l)roadloom__ 119.00_ 73.OO

-12vlO Forcut ajl-u-ool tweed hroadioom ^119,03— 9 3 . 0 012x10.2 Mijilli-toe luxury all-wool ivrht 2^16.92^.4149.0012\10.0 Old (-old Dupont nylon texture Vdl'nt_H2.28_ »».Oi

all-wool twill .135J&-.....83..OO'



S.peV Fruitwoo.1 BR;-tra.litioiial, • " P ^ V 1 ^ ^ ^3-i.e. Seandia t3n BR; double dresser, chest. 1i«l_ L_l58.00

Modern.walpiitBR: inflc drrSf»cr, Aic.a—JS9M—nrn hnmipheil innhofany BR: tripli" ilrc»w*, reduced %

RiirarKrt-liab Heather lirowiHyican BR collection, reduc-d, 1 0 %Chon-y Manor lioliil chr-rry BR callcctinn, redured__ Z O %Oil walnut BR collection rcdHce<l___—i- : = •*" /«

Double dunt ruffle; KoKd* polished etit'lon; Breton «hecr. 57"W x 87"!

_ t r " \ ' .1 _ » - . ' ' • ' • . " • . . i n n6

? ' I n h A - ' • • - ' w

• * - • . H . • . • . - . . • • . * • • • • _ ^ J 4 - - i ^ - i . ^ U w

.18.05_ ».O«

pr. fjlack/wiiite WunliingtAM to.ilc^ 34"x8't"Drapery and valance; floral print, 13<V"\t' x 100"L 1Sofa «lipcoy«r; eufttom inadR- Tnnjrier fabri(i_


12x12 Honey all-wool lii-lo texture k'dVnt 1S9.20_II2.0O12x12.11: Ocuert pold all-wool twist ltroadloow_-153.9t_ 9 4 . 0 012xKJ,3—Sf,

If S C .'•E:.'.L'':L;:' .t-N" E-O^U-S..

Wa Now

Boneless Brisket

CORNED BEEF5-pc. «iinfitl(;> - .-.3-pc. sccl ional , rltair. 2 tablr*:Sofa. 2 chair*.. 2 tnhlos: wroupht iron. S »>•»—S-nc. d inr t tc : "wronjjht iron, plus* top table5-pr. d inet te ; white wrought iron, yellow R«at»—-Art" dinette.; white- wroupht iron, gold *eatB «j-

dinrt tc : w, i. tnlden. 6 rliair*. tea'<art —*>«)

Drapery: automobile print. 52"Wx53"L. ea. pr— .11 2?t . 7..10Drapery; hand-printed chintr, 80"W x 97V2"L, ea. Rr..__117.28_2O.Ol»Lftvekeat «Hp*over; eustwni .made, tweed texture. ^ 11."0—10.00Chair (dipeov^r; enstoru made, tweed texture--^..^ '13.H0... S.OOStudio conch nKpeover and bolster cov.ru . M.00_. l i t ,00

iil'ipcover; t mtowi wi»dc. d/In^mk .•._ _ ') I .-SO I O.Oft




• 12x16 t


Ali«tleto« all-wool twirt J>rosdloo»ii_J^i2S9.47_-lflS.OOHnnoy Uupont nylon texture hr%H't«__192.03__13S.OOOld RO1»1 all-wool twi»t liroadlooni__«-.l7^.32^1137.00Martini all-wool loop . texture ' Sj(W.99_ 1 4 1 . 0 *Monlepo Band Dupbnt Yiylon textur«!r_216.91_l 7 4 . 0 0Morlia Dupnnt jtylon.t«Ktur« hr'dl'w 2lfl.90_lS4.OOSilvfr afey heavy all-wool twint__ 265.29_IO9.OO



Chair slipcover; etintoni wade, Pompei fabrie^Curtain; fofrtienn and ninon pauin; 17l"W x 7S1

/4'%Coverlet; c«»tom made, cotton plaid•Sofa slipcover; rtiMom made, stripe-.

02.70." T « : 0 060.00.-. 1 2 . 0 0

Jfi.9• 10 6

firry all-wool 18tl» C?ntur>' floral—twiot hroadloont_362.2ft- ZSB.OO

flinrtte: w. i. tnble^. 6 ,c a f c e t ; wronglu iron, table and 2

rt -——rr • • • - l l +

1 LB. CAa ) l . t i l l t « JJ,

S-pc. dinet te ; white, wr<»T2K d k d i i lKnrelirt]* deskt traditional inahojany. plnsti<_Bachelor cheftV trad, niahopany, marhle top .Ilarliflor chest; provincial, leather top.f'.Knir: farndiouse rolonijil. maple..^....

•hair: w indp<>

_S9.95_. 39 .00

36 .0014.00

JX551OTT9H7CUTbe,'orator7iirrior»: ^ -re 19.0i|to 64.95. m l u r c i l - 2Cift^ and nccewnrio:' a»b tray-, vaseo, etc.. cut

- ?37 tnhlec: nio.lern. trjiditional, col., prov., c u t _ Z « ^Hundred* of laiunn;' tl.rouChout all 5 floors, cut ? O ^224 chair*; from Koos liu<lp«t chair «liop,jija»bed 2 5 . %Clorkn.'M-oiKTc ivnll and mapajiine r«ck.Krhii^oek».

conoolr 8H*. Bmokcr... liridpe ej|iiipmenl. cut JU lOflower?; larpc variety reduced 5 0 %

Mocha Diiponl nylon texture br'dl'ni_149.2S_ 1 0 5 . 0 0

Dre«dfn blur 3-ply all-wool twin, 14S.89__ 1^9,00lWeb.-ip.- hea\T all-wool twist hr'drw_218.69_104.0O

Briarwood hoavy all-wool twist 2S9.0fl_ 180..00

Sandalwood all-wool twi»t br.oadlooiu._50fl.48_lSlJ.OO

- rrrrrw«Wd--trrhWr I viKjUiueil h iWi-JOBigi .^151 .00-2SS.83— 164.0ONutria all-u«r>| lurrj

Mocha Dupnnt Kyloa texture br'dl'siSandatwood hr.avy all-wo«l twUt

"Silver grey fr.»«vy MJJ^1A«| iu?l>t an.qn 2^-i.OO

all-uool twred broadWw 253.29_lftft.OO

15vlJ1.9 Tur^ Dupont nylon textuwd br'drw_311.4t_2l».OO

Silver Ri -y all-wool twi»t broadloom 290.87_227.00

all-wool texliire Wilton. 439.00_237.OO

IVblde beige all-wool twut broadloom_314.1S_245.00


Rahtmy, Rt. 2U FV 84700Parkway Exit IBS * New Jtrtcy


£u* Girt,ld

• Gl V,678h^J * WO 2'-0mBt.UmDE 4-4100


. • • . • • • . . / •

. ' C v • < ' 1 " • " : . ' i • . " » . • • . • • - . . • • • • • , | • • , . . • - , ' . • • • - . - . " - , - • " ; . - . . . - ' " : , • • •

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- . ' . . , ' • ; ' * > * . • • . ' • • • • . ' : . ' - . • ' ' ' • ; , i

• t o - . . - . ' 1 , • • . ' . , ' . V T ?»»•"•

•• , ' ; : . • . •' j ^ ' . ' - r r ? ! . . - / • ••' '• • ' • ' - •


u re j»l • ineasured - dtstancesfj,. numbersof cha<^e»i-^ad-'<iosts ,-to tell us?When "will they tali' us — nextmonth? Why not last month? OrIs this a mapuf'afcfure'4 *

16. Dr. McDernuth can defendt

70.1, Willow,, St,EttTABtisUEb 1898 .ESTABLISHED 1 8 9 3 : THE ClUNFORD

°* .,,((C;OMilNED INCranf o'rd;January's, 19611

tibarSir:Breainle^ly.t. at the last. min-

ute in March 1960, the "WatchdogsDigest

will not'have tiie'chancetoEditor- and PubBsfier . a . profession in-,

i i l UI16 D

himself against character assassi-s of .the ,ura*ia to write this letter be-ED'iTORfA-bNATIONAL

Quality Weeklies of

.: Bntaced at the Post Offkbat Cranford, N. J., as• ° Cranford, N. J., by the Ccanford Citizen and C

Garwood and KenUwortb. SubscripUonOffice; 21-23 Alden Street, Cranford,

Class Mattel , Published Thursdays . 4 ;.Ide, Inc. Official newspaper for Cranford,

YearJ Advertising Rates! on feequest. , _^Telephone BRidge 6-6000

* Vote YESJwl^uesday's ReferendumVoters of Cpamord will- go ta the" £rs caused by mcreasecj enrollmenit, sal- -

poils again riBXt Tuesday to' pass judg- ary increases, etc. Estimated jtovv'nshlp.;^merit onaHSoard of Education proposal and. county tax estimates., are" hot yetto solvfi'double sessions at the high school" available, but' some increase in both can

and crowded conditions throughout—be anticipated. - . /of the school system. T?he propo- All. residents oiOranforckmust do a"

- sition, calling for construction of a new ' great deal of spul-searching between now~~~~~ " " ~ ' "~- '•• ' -~^~- aishiextrTiresdayHaite^

what part they wish tQ..pfeyin'trj(.e_.futuredevelopmentmunity.

as authorityto tha t "^oterehdurn".'""Under"" thespotlight ofJhbnest anafysis, thatweapon ufrned out to be as: phonyas a. three.dolirir bill. Today, ir* £ „•

.K'a|let.«deftvered. to my door, the*same group borrowed the thorite of- my---letter-exposing those-'.'who\y.0uld.. intentionally confuse the(issues, "Facts not,' Fiction," but*

-Jijjnored my]';'. Warning that the...voters of Cranford will .not .toler;;ate "facts" that are convenientlymad£ up to suptfoH a"-weak, irn-'.

- proper opposition-. Statements be*.-/come... lacts_;bhly Jsvjheni.'they; are"." documented, only wheiv they-^are„ properly Supported. An opinion or

an argument dot's not- become • a.fact only because it is-cdnvOnient

. facts,'rfull..ot holes) 'arid lafcj. and •We are promised more iif;.the same.''. ;Here. we are on'! the brink of'aVery important. . decision. ,.Wul

'.Cxanfotd keep up or.dwray? If.theWatchdogs are realty mterested in-th"eij>sue oil! the\ referendum, rather

':;, An - eight- and - a - ha^f-Ticretract in, .penman rOaci'oiase toLexingtorf 'avenue had ' beeh Mciati6n, Sunny Acres" Associa-tentatively selected "By -'the ttorv-'Wooaside Manor Assdcfa-Board of' Education "-as a site • tlqn,. Columbia Association arid

^ M x I C ^ j r e r - s W ^ u m ^ ^hundreds of/ prop^ meeting and nearly hal* the e n - lies for quality education for ourhe\6poke for hundreds of r..... . _ . . . . . . .. ,- „,

*rty. owners in. the: arpai.fr well _•_ tiro number used for, dwellingsa.S;'the.-.Cranforo" Ilelghts As-

ssues o! Board of Ed tlqn... Columbia Athe pqMtlcS and-trie s«Uo'nal»- ,fo^

h ' t U t d it 1 > bildi / i "

high schoolon Orange y nior high school on Hillside avenue, willTcost an estimated $5,975,000. ~ :

More than two a.nd a half years haveelapsed since-school board and citizen

i b th

. or useful. '• ~ "• ! 7" ~"The last' minute propagandabombs that the- Watchdogs aretrying to .drop on Cranf ord con-tain riothiSigkthat could not •beert brought to' our •weeks ago, eveii mbnthg

7 when the information"

ism-,, why. haven't they entered intothis .public education, discussion&nd " •..debate,' : .before this ',... Jastminute? -Where., were they/nn Be-cember, In November, in October?The ,<so-called. "service" that theynow.offet exceeds; the poor qualitythey suppUed-last•jyvixc. Whc» caiv ^on,; to; the Brodkside- Placenow'; depend UptotEeir-aUesedT— School,-co^facts?-? ^an't. Should^yout.. ; .room school J n Bloomingdale

_ I am not Raptured bjrany group,. aVenue, convert Cleveland nndand tny politics are well known. I s ^ m a . n Schools to tworye.ar


school.'' The new biiildingwas",to lj§ one phase of an expansionprogram proposed byvthe boardto'."me t a shortage of facilities,-both y elementary :.an'd highr-7

.• school! Th,e. board.also prO-posed to build a sbc-robm addi-

ago'. But

strongly favorCranford no matter who. supports 1them, I'll be delighted, to work

„ .hard with the.Watchdogs for anyjust cause, and^ Just as" hard inoippiJiltidn when ,1 befieve them-to

'""' — " - - i i will not be'gilent when.

j o r hign. schools aiulCranfdrd High School a fojjr-year 'institution. Although it"was estimated:that a proposed

ment^ Association.

. Masonic Bulldlner at -Jthe corner of I^orth TJnlon av.e- .nue and-Alden-street had been'sold by - teonard- Soschln of •Souih Oraflee iit> Gcor'g'e Frleclir.ma'nof Washlnston. B.C.. It wasannounced by lyiajr Tieeer andCo., EI.lzabelh~ rectors, ' Tjtesale; price was', said•' to be -in.excess of $50.000. . The four-

^n. 1940'—w^re. granted by theTownship Co;mmittee. Valua-tions .of'the new dwellings, ac-eordi'ng: ;tb Building- InspectorE^E, : Steele-,totalebr_$234,750:Fifty-two permits were issuedto Sears,JRQebuck-and CO'.;forthe second section of l{s dc~;.yclooment on itiie Speiry tracton Raritan •• road; 14'twerp is-sued'to" .Henry J.. Shaheen for.his development oh Arborstreet; 11. went- ttf

p r p pbetteir'colleges aiicl we wUI have'to .live with the results.

ourig people.Mr. Silberhian-gives seven, rea-r

why he thinks sonie people„ „ be felucfciuit to.vote for;, qiial-ty schools for their children. Hislrst reason states'ih>t voting.yesviU-increase "our ;taxes;^• ,This.-iself evident truth. Prudentiallyeaklng. ,1 ' teel thai .thinking,pleiwill vote yes::..Whenever: •spend Jaoiiey wisely, on the

preparation of our childreh for lifeSn a tomplex," competitive. _

he Investment pays pff uV-mani-bolri Ways. The hild, thejtown-

g e r a n p ^ y ^to pass on .the experience of his-tory, the Jciiowrledge; of scientificiidyaBce," theHnoraT and sp'irlttfalvalues i / i i J h t

fcan expect,b :

-Call5.itself._,"a fact sheet for pletely about-the present and ihejmaturo] individuals" "and thei) foreseeable-future. » . . . - • ^spends .half its time In: name- cail— ~-Since that time I have tried toing. Are half-truths quoted, out of make aunsadsfor my lack ofcontext expected to.appeal tp.our knowledge^T' haver-stpdicdlogic, our • enretipnSy or what? J. all

(3> Is the Watchdog leader who

"Mrr7"Willoughby--tjndr- his variedsupporters^. 1| have come to" these

School' expansion programwould • cost- about $1,800,000^Cranford. would •• not, Jhavg. to

for tfie •

story .building,". constructed in '1902- by Thomas- A. .Spetry,

the Cranforo, 5 and 10Store nn the crbunaLfloorL

went" on the Sgorry tract onCcntehhiaL avenue and the;rest';were\ scattered amont; severall l builders. —'——-•

bhfp,' theThe c ,

State and the; nationl tuurteflt because of the deyel6pment

to-the mifix'iniuni: potential- of each(>f_ii<!~ . Thftrn are many studies

Clarence E. Blafieslefe.'wlde-;.ly known real estate atid In-

They must think of their1 own chil-elapsed sinceschool board and c ycommittees began the task of trying to . dren now. in the elementary or junior

n f e r i H l ^ h llind a solution to

„„„ _ cannot" t iny group climbs- on' the back of~~ exceed its>deBt, limitstand,Jhe spotlight of honest pub-• 'non-political publiceduca.tjon and propbs;edjb.o'nbv:issue.lie examination and. debate, It-has seems'to. be trying to ride to poli-' - - .- A l*;:*'.^' •-• •• •to be drbbped i n . the" last few flcai. power. I like facts; I like JimSTS^Averi^of Plalnfleld,

1-- nOW.in ine eieiueiiuu-y u i j u u i u , . S i n u t e s f S ^ n V prayer A > S ^ ^ d f l l ^ i n t e g r i t y r - socki studte tocher at Gran- ^i0^1S7TjrX)Hhtichual^n-next-aOOrt-ana it will bo the l^sT^VordT^That'r-^-^ore'th^n^^^ —iSSTHEBTSaool, was seiecte*

theoBiceSofCnwles J.Stevens.; surance broker,'died. Wllmar Lahge, den— in bis office at 15 Notfh ave*Finance Co;, Jmd^nn^nner-east-A-tesldentJieEejBialft-

apartment on th.e second floor , than 40 years, heiJbaA btfcn hiand ihe St Highway Dept. .the real estate and InsuranceRoute 4 Parkway headquarters^ business under the naitte ofon the third, and fourth floors. Blakcslee and nplakesleei ,with

availably to 6how::a high degree]pi- positive ^cprrelatiott ^between

> education and flnxincial re-»*''"" ""^ ft rwnrdinff llfw

the decline or civilization, chaos,"and dark, ages, it has' happenedb^/ore;.*wheneyer^men \haye neg-lected thefc fespohslbility to 'God•and to fellow-meni There are allto6 many indications;.that. this istaking place—such as the strength.61 c' fahe in .our countryi lack d£moral co\irage among jriany V.S.

" ners'ln-Korea, corruption of! most want-i^. respect.

!•-»•» _ie:choice..w.e matte.oniourrbeferendum •wtachi''wilt point one1 direction or the, other as to ...what

we citizens of today want-to.'give•/>f-tnmnrpr.«). ' • ...

the .facts about the present"situation, both as presented



pected' the new,referendum to be,defeated "and -I,don't caro^tt .thenew.. schools; ever. Tget.J. built"'ashamed of hh) remark?- Maybehe was just momentarily carriedaway*by -his own- enthusiasm.Even so, just what does this1 mean?•* >S)-'-This-north;side versus.southside -business is .n phony issue.Naturally, eyery parent would liketo have ithe! new- high school saythree-blocks from home. -But set-,

1 ting'. thisrfUp- as south side^yersusnorth is a .very diiferent...matter.jThis "disappeared as a valid, argu--. . y ..tmentin Cmnfprd/withL the;• h o r s e ! ^ O m e

and bjiggy. "fiie storyof the |iJet^-1" :Vt- "4

odist Church is a perfect'example: ' s

60 yearfe'.agd this church^split in

'The Boardfs facts and figuresdm'ctimcs dry, sometimes difi'i'c

f esdmctimcs dry, sometimes difi'i'culi,to.waclc .ttifo.ugh.'but always com-plete and fit'tual —''revealed, unastonishing :SltHatij}n._ To summa-rLto.-H simply,^Vi«! Kave allowedpurselvei to be'bacl<ed into a cor*ner wherer only'. ninS^out of 10•e^mentary school stujde&ts nave aproper plipe to sit and* leatn. Andth projections into the fuhire

^ h th«j. sitita'tio.r* wijlthe

For his second.reason, Alex sayshot taxes will go up because of

c-n'ofmal-increases-in' th> srhnol ^^ ~-^_.«'—• -L-J '4-_-;—»k»U-.'K»iJ'rt»t. a h d " e a r STr:

• Sincerely yours,;" •'•"• •"(The Rev.) Robert Bizzaro

300 North Ave., E>

&is a perfect "example: shortage b real, it irfjupoft ua nbw'•W« ^hiirph^sDlit in and iti.eannot be.improved with

our pTps'ent physical plant1),


.. J..

and township budget, and "ear air;of-the new Ubrairy, town |?n a "sceot release to the citi-

' find no 2ens',of Cranford, the Watchdog

that a "yes"TIam conyiHe^dr

vote is right'for'me.school pnpnl.-?tj>»^ nxp1ny:mns-jidhirh_hav^ ' of the increased demands that will,be _jood poiiuekihg!hit this and many other New Jersey coiri: madej)f thewrat the college level or irT • J ^ . ^ S Kmuriities since Ihe end of WbrldrWar llr the business, woria-in an ever more comtf

, -calling t'taf--- pefitive and^lernandiKgT»cietyr~^ ^ j . -rno monoypra suaramBim , do my/pan.- uamuiu U i U iWv« - - . — „ - . - _^ , - . . - _,—'-vjn^f=i~p(=z===z. =xiiiSnPffv=fiwn-prq~whn^/vhildrpn -?i=~~"»ue-me-if-I!m-wron^trlckwia-,welU->had-^-referendum so well-an'dUso— *-.Local-* taxpayers—\?duia. be Berkeley.-C. Austin,^George: H. to residents_eiiterlng,.leaYingiprThe

_ . as the "Voung Man ofain encouraged;- TiaP'~By~lhe~CraSr<5rd=Kenll^-

ever, for a look at these Watchdog g^j convinced.tjiatit- is .my duty_. ,.worihX!hapicr,.Juntor Chambermanufactured facts. • ' ? •'; • i jas^ 'fatherland as aitsA.»neriean to—of •Commerter--_~ j-r1-^ -^-•

The money tsffeferTSflaruriluuTjr ~gb my., part. Cruiifuid~has~nevcr ~

because'of; the pewhall and .parking1" lot.

iens,of C r s p ,Assoclationr'cialmecltb bie render-

' t th l b^it&rmFim ^ • • s * * s - £ ^ ihb partneir, for 25

- but neither half could pros-per jiione aixd the two. tejo.ined 25.yeai«• hence. Today, the pjns -ori

every street in town, north ands6uthv Once,you're under way,


£BANFOED &J.-V trnzpi AND Qm6XICLE-^TjgHttSl>AY. JANPARY 12,{1OG1 Page Three.

iiast, but wc.can insure the future,Sincerfcly, - -' •;-Jerry Kiupaick

i.15.James Avetiue .Cranford. N. J- -January .3, .1961 •:.- •

Ik "itrn«t true: that -in-the-lfisi.referendum the big "boot"' washat the .'niJre package was not

prosentyd to tfie voters —. evehthough it Was;stated that the Ju-nior High School iyould be nt-'eded.Now' thtrtunior High School is- in-cluded in the referenduoa and the

.part offtoel i

s ari iibsolute nect'ssity .ior-schouVanstruction. • , '-. 1construction

At the same .time, I was interest-Jr\ In Mr^.^wnioughby's pooh-pooh

patkage . . . krid both complaint*are from the jsamu people." '"' ""^am fi sotith side^jjaidentam voting'lor the,&£toarj< 17threferendum withthat this is .the only'proposal thatis- best- fdr the tou«ir-a&.4J. Whole.

&hy other proposal, haijdle ourin the elementary.' junior

and .high school' levels? • i do hotioH change my daughter

hcrman.Hefcn Behnfttt

ing of school ovetcroujidim}, .hisdenial thaT it esdsted and his lator

that he saw,, .nothing

>yas elected., a•' Crartfbrd-iTrtJsti Qo-11

[T.he.'iirst fuM. year of opera-:,moving:permit m-

ismvstructiooange avenue, was defeated last March by

- a vote of 3,783 to 3,145- • *^:

There were some who voted against"the last, referendum because, they contended, the board was not solving.^thewhole problem. Others charged the cost^^oMg^ti

Krn/io-h tlh*» Wal=~ ftnown. on ' Madison Avenue—-aficT;f"S!?80 ttro local- tha t,s n o fac t t ha t , s o p l n i o n .f r o m a ClVlCfstar td- ; ';:••:- 1z. i d l d a aefalled onafyslsV do-

—1.. —i£:_i A ; « * 'UoHhi,H Itv-the- Citizen and'Chronl-'ithout a single projectedand showed the growing"

number . of eVcess •• students andthe urgent need.for a Junior. High.That's .a fact! To juatsay we don't

the school if -we use,g ^there was no need.

vtVe have riot heard anyone, with anvknowledge of the current situation, deriythe need for new school facilities.

ready- have _schools must decide, «., ,point or even from a purely selfish point scribbd^the. citizen and chroniof vjew, whether thei*; properties' will bemore valuable .wi£h excellenUschool fa-cilities and a higher tax rate or a lower

---toxjcate.-arid crowdejd schools — manymore on double sessions within anotheryear or two. - . - - ~

_JParents (yesrand grandparents) willhave-to determine the fate of many pre-

mgst«r<i W^^ -.rtaniint..>yet speak

honestly explalheHTtaugli^ and"defended as-this. Let us completethe Job. arid ajiprovd i t r .

Very- truly yours,Alfred L. Miller

. 27 Rutgers RbadCranford, N-, J,.'January 1,. 19.61

asked to^payTIBS^-iniS moreT"—Bates, Lisle-trfBeardslecrilp]in ja-xes for the school budget J.v Brown, Robert E. Cranp,

"for the 1956-57 School year than William H, Orr,, Joseph. • A.for the cttr T>» «^»rtl ypftr. ' Plummer, Thomas A. Sperry

ted the finest typeof-educationaltraining so thnt they will be cap->ble flhahcially to cope with theirbbllgaiionsrwhen^ they take, over

Mo as taxpayers. 'Uet-uslceepluufflind that these^a.re all -lonfi

the police department's annualreport revealed,1

ierm-obligatio, axe al

Hst ingsurno yto.be sp.entKor possibly--to' be spent.Ths^ta^OTcHts^se^nJrto^rie^d'bedeliberately_

In the

proporly, whatever thata perfect example of a manufac-tured fact. . .

3. The Watchdogs seem to' be-lieve that they havo pressured the-Board* so well that they are now


This was indicated fn^a^enta-JULye budget adopted by theBoard of Education™'Because—of a large increase in state aidthe amount to be raised .by localtaxation in.the 195S-S6 year de-,.

loughby who made such alous suggestion and that's aWhat nonsense!

4. It is a fact that you pay ijv—tercet on borrowed money,'Comj

plnlntng about paying interest mayhelp relieve the pain, but I knowof no way to change that situation.

dogs suggest by quoting Dr. Westthnt- we should let the West EndSchool become "second-class? ~by

criticized for their ultra conservative pot- for themselves,' but who will' be HeadingIcies in not providing sufficient facilities ' rapidly toward the^ kindergarten classfor future growth. The current proposal two years from now, which is the earliesttakes this into account and provides ade- nwtacilities can be ready for use, evenEquate facilities throughout the entire sys- if apprpved next Tuesday. *tern through a new high-school and a ne\y . Good schools, churches, public I F

; -junior high-school. Yet.such groups.as brary^ arid muriicipal facilities determine Mn7bMhi is^7;:fact'of ufe.11

the Cranford Watchdog Association have- the character andimage of a community. -•" 5. when tu Junior HighTs buiitstarted the propaganda machine going How well this image compares with-that on miiside Avenue, do the watch-fwith the assertion that "we need only one of other towns usually is an excellent bar-school;," r . ;- .:.._..' ....•_._ ..>. _ _ ometer^f whether residents are proud off ••-'• ThG Me^tfopolitan RegionaLHanniijig^.th^ |p!a(?el!Associatioril_has predicted, that'lUnioin their values elsewhere. \ !

Xounty will double in population in the ~ Rising tax rates 4ire hot peculiar to- next quart.ej- century, th i s community _ Cranford. They are general throughout

has mom than doubled its population in- the state. -And^whether we solve our "the past 20 years, which is one .of the un- school problem next Tuesday wiQPthe"

,-derlying causes~f or pur present-crowded so-called "package" program or do itschool conditions. Located in the center- piecemeal"later on at an even greaterof the county, Cranford can expert fur- cost due to rising building costs; it will

have to be solved. In the meantime,many of the ,5,700 youngsters now in thepublic schools are being deprived o t afull, well-rounded educational program.

Voters may expect to be bombardedwith literature both for and agarast thebond issue between now and Tuesday.

I read with considerable inter-est the sincere letter that my goodfriend and neighbor AI • gllbeiman'wrote. I was pleased because Aitook time out of his busy scheduleto.' express his opinion concerningcivic • mattersT and' bccalis'iii'' 'Av'1

. who is a relatively new home <jwrt=tact! e r j ^ grantord, realises that what

""-' -he has to say will be. given justas much careful consideration bythe township • committee and theboard of education-, as that saidby any senior taxpayer." I respectAl's rifiht_to his opinions, but I .disagree jwlth.J\lsv conclusion thatthe way to show opposition to the""Town's Spending Spree" is.-tovote against the school referen-dum.. I feel that it.is unwise andunfair to makp our.! children

creased~by, S29,?S5!4l 'Appro-^priations in • •' the- new . budgettotaled $l,486,584S0' as com--pared with $1,361,615.12 for the.current'

and Henry W.: Whlpple werereelected directors.

• ' . , . - " • • * # . -

Clothing of evet y descriptionto attitln a eoal here of. 15.000Karments .was hoped for in the

Ttothini: DiJvc

25 Yeats Sgo ~The .congregation of Calvary

iiUtheran Church voted to pur-chase the. St.'Paul's Methodist

. Church "property on Eastman

In fairness to the township com-itteei.1 would.Hfte to- say_ that I;ve talked with • Mayor "Dorianid the .rest of tne cujiuiiilluu. and

.^ve nothing but respect for thembnd what they are doing to meet|hd weeds of our town. .. .

nejet "point,' iff - that goodlehobls : are necessary' to ke6p

pens^s— are—listed ns if this0^"dWrthigT~Assessed-volue

wno qares wiicuier you |jai«.,nc:i«; •or there? The same thing applies .wrong with 35 students in a class-to the Presbyterjsn Church^.the ™°™- T h i s w a s » P o u l t a t >vhich

CathoHc Chu7ch. and the pew n o l o s t m o C Q m p l ^ e l y -Temple, .These .are_rnajor civic: I-have gone,into my son's.fi^stgthe entire community.against nclfth 'in. school discussionspnly.:an-exSmpIeo'f the "hate-tech-^qqc^brgaghtrdowii froiii lhtrin=-

y ..wi'i'tehed histeacher bravely stniggle-io teach

•y fhtMrfn in rifi L-shapod forrhpr

'5 Januar;Hear Sir: •

Much-has been,many opinions • iing the iorthcominiJ~school re:endutn to boVote'd by "of .Cran|ord on January

With these, I wish to-express

library in: which 'part, of the classactually \hidden from sightf i h ' " h i " Of

itbn .knowldg , real

.T nrp he.irly four times this

p l o v 0 s gof. property, is used whencommbn -.knowledge ,that

l ti

temationaL level:- tor local- affalr.-;?-division now EeomsIf slich a

appear, Is it because _ somebody•wants it so7;;s;wntaheouJly



does not-saeh;—a-

And paidi

this is. sub-;; wnrsfc

advertiscmonis • pooh-

personal viewpointsCranforcjl approximatelyago, having selected-ttus-commun-

.the'oiie-which' appealed t4 l i t d irtritf "teacher's;• ncroic'rut-1 ui most :or"tlie mopy \-isitcd, i

post war yearsih

ingto aid destitute people .pver-t*aa, cranford's quota, was onegarment for each man. womanand <ihlld (11 the. community, C.E l i b b h and W11


what k^ntf of fact'is No. e OP.No. ii About as startling as No a.

At a special, meeting theTownship Comrttittee" unani-mously adopted on flnal re'ad"irig an .ordinance toTezone fromResidence A to Industrial the34-acre Sperry tract south-of theLehigh Valley pailr.oad; Sched-uled for construction "oti thetract was a $1,000,000 plant forthe H7 A. Wilson.Co. of STe'w-ark,, manufacturer of thcifin-ostatic controls. During anhour-and-a-half public hearing,WalterfE. Cooper; attorney and

y <ot~ixi<s Board-of-Ed'-


^Methodist. Church. Included inthe property was a plot 100 x238' feet, containing the churchbuilding .and parsonage lo-cated at 108 Eastnian strejjt.

J" . Tha church buildihg had beenoccupied until live years eaffler"by St. Poul's.Methodist Church,prior to its "consolidation-withCranford Methodist^ .'.Church.The Lutheran congregatlojn had

• been occupying, the church farfour years. •;..

• • • * * «

apiount. .- ^ ^ ^ t , feeling in other civic affairs', andIf the average homeowner Were V .. { o rto figure^his financial • g g j g - ^ t e and yours next week is not

WaytheWatchd^A^o«at ionha | r ^ - ^ > ^ ^ sc u ..Hone, he wotrid be considerea ." . _ . _ . . „ . ,"•... ,e would

hisheighbora. The typicali t e th "

Richard • J, Kaul and •Thomas V» Albert announced,their candidacies for two Of thethreejvacancies on the Board ofEducation-to be filled at the an-nual school meeting ori Ffcb-

_ruary W. Joseph A, Plummer, _ Ableher percentago ofpresident-of-th& board for 11. ^ ^ collected in 'Cranford' Inyears, declared he would nbt_ 1935. than la any yeara^sinceseek reelectipnr . 1930, township Treasurer H

_ - " < ! -. • T-'"" .-••:••,. R. Wlnckler announced. Slxt^rvL 2 0 Xearft A g O -: • three percent, of S497,000.of the

b i l d i g g h t f * * s « « > j ? ' ! ^ $t6?j)00 «»- ' --i^L

Eighty building-pgrhuts-f<*,- -?t6?,00p. Ws»_,

ther growth, no matter how strongly-ourresidents and elected officials may resist

•it. _" • ••' ' > • ' • 'Some, residents contend'that the

eight-room addition to St. Michael's Pa-rochial School will offer relief at'th'e'ele-flientary and junior high school level.

tober at this late d'attrjust beforevoting 'day? It seems pretty' clear'to me that the Citizens for a Bet-ter Cranford do support the refer-endum vigorously, and,' that's 'a_"fact;'and so do I^-and that's afact. I've been in that so-called"CCIIOT" and there were no cloaksofc. daggers. Any Wat^dog mem-ber could have felt honestly com-fortable there, even though heYnight not have -oeVeed with tho-conclusions. And that's ,no fact,just my opinion. Would It hq Im-proper tcr demand nt this lastbreathless moment an explanation

iin two basement rooms, so that the addi-^mie. voting macHmesT'uesHay afternoon ^prope^at this time,.jjxti.on, when completed, will actually afford or evening- It is to.be hoped that the de- 9. Mrs. Dexter approached Mr.

space for onl\T!mjir~alId^ —^orns, / 7 t : - - 'notemotion, ' . . ",; l^S'tZZ^&S^i7 The estimated cost of the proposed ThisNis a question so .important to do& created issue. Tho author

*" new high school and junior high school - the youngsters of our community as well' Represents the largest bond issue ever as to the veryBiuture-of the co'ir*""**"1"

put before local voters. Yet since the. defeat of the referendum last March, buildsing costs have risen approximately 2 per-

as to the veryiutureof the cohimunityitself that it should be decided 'by ALL)the voters — not SQ or 60 percent as wasthe case last March , \ s -

Tt is ty\r fQnsidered^pinion that thei ' l t

^AYit^niiItho-^amnJhigh_; g ty\ Q n s d ^ pnow will ,cost taxpayers approximately Board of Education's proposal represents

h it ld h 10 th b t l t i to the crowded school

dog., c atative opinion is that the upgrad-ing hope «was wrong and that's afact. It was Mr. Markowich's opin-ion also that Orange Avenue couldbring more residential ratablesthan' could Hillside; A Hillside "*zoned lot is half the size nt nry—w(Orange Avenue zones lot. i L

be done..

p p ymore than it would have 10ago. Experts in the building

taxes that are enlculated~\o resultfrom each nt comparable she are"not substantinlly different. I trustthat answers the question.

10. Dr. McDermlth was quotedwith too much enthusiasm. He didnot my "eoitifortnbly." You canhouse a school in a big tent nsyou

-*"tfEtfi~a'"'Clt't:ii!i" iintl' that's what' womay be upproachinK;lf this klrtd of »'

f_ , , . .. , ,. . , .„ , " iltion.succeeds. .Cranford is a community, dating last.. Saturday morning at the outset ot 11. it is o fact that Dr. ucnot-

back' approximately a century, which the Dads' Day program)in the high schaol ""^ sub"' |ttcd his p«>p°an before- - • - :r~r= "~ «~ •...-trrri-*-. rri-^+.ji.-ii:,™. 5—__4; . Jhf rent fiptirps wote In find p'v rc-

$60,000months ago pfield fail to see any signs which pointto a drop in building costs in the foresee-

h i t and this applies to homes,

the best solution to the'crowded schoolconditions and. we strongly urgea "yes"vote at the polls Tuesday.. ' \ • v

Before voting^ we hope all votersjMUrjpad thei fpUowirig prayer which wasoffered by- the'i Kev. Dr. Benjamin W; f.

(bat I proved it could

commercial buildings, mdustnai plants ,and public buildings. . . . _ . .~ ; Allen, pastor pf the First BaptisrChurch, . S ^ w S ° 3 t t a

""'*'" J"*,uig las t Saturday morning at the outset of n. it is n fact that

grew up oivbothTsides oFthe^fefsey^Cen-tral-Railroad. Because.of its general lay-out in earlier years and rapjd develop-ment in recent years, tliere "pTtoba'bly isno "ideal" location left for a high schoolwhich would be acceptable to everyone.This was the case even a quarter of acentury-cigo.wh.en the present high school

to studytBe^lchootsitu'atiom"Our Father in Heaven:

f for light andbend io

m this

centuryggcwjien the present high swas built. The Orange- avenue tract has - of civilization itself;b l ld h t able from a build "Save us from

Thy . . .matter so vital to olir children. Heyeal tous the large jobjective of education in ourCommunity as^m all, of inducting thechild into the life of society, of traininghim into the use of the instrumentalities

quest. Why didn't |tho Watchdogssubmit their' plan Itheri Instead ofnt the Very last njinute? Why iathe Minority Report also last

12. it is a factthat orange

Suburban Trust and

vings account..

was built. h gbeen called the most usable from a build-ihe standpoint and also would require norelocation of homes or little acquisitionby condemnation.

Cost of the proposed new schools, itK& been estimated, will be approximate-ly 138 percent of "a taxpayer's presenttax bSk Thus, if a property owner now ismvinfi $S00-a year, the two new. schools

ill add about $64 a year to i h e "bill,feSilfH increase,an

Save us from the shame of defeat-ing essential values through the pettinessand self-seeking of rival social forces.# '/If we cannot all be right, help eachone to be honest, removing the masklabeled zeal for education, to hide per-sonal animosities and dishonest, ambi-tions. _ ,,„. ' ' ;i

"Help us to "shoulder our responsi-bility in the unity of a common cause.•We pray-in Thy name', for Thino is tho

tance from each grade school toeach sSlto nnd find thnt on *anaverage Ordtigo and Hillside areequivalent in this regard. That's .afact, too.

1.3. ItJ is a fdet that the referen-dum does not. include outdoorathletic facilities. Whoever satel itdid? Do the Watchdogs), now wnntthe'facilities ijt this referendum?I'm against thnt, ahd that's a fnct!' 14. I suppose* it's a fa£t thatthere ure drainage -tiles in theMemorial. Field site, u is also afact that It has beeryxK'clnred un-sufe by a National Safety Councilexpetrt, being '-surrounded by p

...vfj'tlwind tiy) titf PitfW\v.ty.

also, in the general operating, costs of the power to see us through; therefore theschools to take caK.afcadditiohal teach- ^ory is Thine, not urs^ Amen,

1. • v

15. Transportation costs,to Hlll-/slde would, bo le« for whose chilidren? H*v* tha .Watchddjt* jiohim

• - t ' ^ - .

push property values down, and:ake homes unsaleable^ . If • onejld move "to another town and

jet'more for ..the same money than;t-anford has to offer, I jwould bekiite concerned,.but,. I find that[tie gets only what one paysfor nij>

atter where one" looks. '".In answer, to Mr. Silberman'silieSlloh coricerning .the, type of

ll&nning-the board has been!doing;pr yenrSifeel these-dedicated people have

a nice job. I have attended'ery board meeting'this year andcan assure.-you_that__w_e_have.ih yery fortuhote-y^o have

icted io • our—board the^ seventlemen and two ,ladie3 ,1 findre. ^i;-Jkst's admit that if hind

fght-'were riptj better than proj*,-^.-^-i. -U^ ..._..,j all ~;

Wmeowrie7g6eTTlitsessed valuation of. his house, .ihe interest of his mortgage for thenext ^fr^ears, include the cost- ofan oppuance' that_he might buythree years froni now, and try to.

« h l : i t ^

isalso a chance to vote against let-

poohing it will not cure it.But what about the '

present proposal ofthe


~hiy,irp p newschool at Orange Ave., a new ju-nior high, at Hillside Ave. and theconversion ot the present~hlf;hschool to a junior hlgh?Ts thisthe curcall we need?

settle and raise our children,Which we now have three.

Our eldest daughter is a fresh-irarr in hiErrsctejolr1flit*yeaffirS£>Ut

.the boara nas oeen.oomgo.^ x l i n a n a n gi,-I would like to sajLthat B _.

. We must all be c a r u jhave accurate, thorough, informal^ion from specialists' in the fields,of education^ school construcllon,

h i arid township

i-the entire future of Cranford.'Sincerely yours,. Homer J. Ha.U

42 Nomahegan jCourt.....-..• Cranford.N..J.

.'January* 6,: 196!9 6 f ^

go, you werebiish.' a .letter

Sincerely;" ' .Agnes JM. Macintosh

In conclusion, Alex says that the.hool board has "hot ha'ndled the

problem of getting industry into-_ ^ranford. Irwould like to state

Ht.l?ewr Jersey School Law does

1 HSranford, -I• . January 6; 19Q1Dear Sir:,

• Before last yeatHs" school bondreferendum, th» Cranford Teaeji-.ers - Assoelation-condticted: a_pollIBf-fis " • - " • • - - - - ^ - * - J

bear Sfc^Several • months

kind "enough-to p efrom me, written more in angerthan In sorrow, in_ which I ratherharshly' criticized—the presentBoard'of Education for the s fits-- predecessors and at the same,time praised the efforts of Mr. B. SWilloughby to obtain a- solutionto- the present schools• I \ua9 annoyed, and rightfully,

so,,at tha Uorrendojustlac)*: of plan-ning in, past y 6 8 ^ ^ 1 ? * brought ourTtowii to itsipresent school despair.

^ h M t h * ^ t S ^ b t

iot give our siion in thls area.In summaton, I would like to

that my two gltls wjll be inlege next year, but I value ed-

eatlon so much- that i will voteC8 on the referendum .and' willihtinue to-make Cranford iny-..._ and make my contributionward the education of the de-lving, young people who will being through our public schools.

™am,unequivocally for sound ed-lacatioh now-and ibKUie future,

us keep our dranford^ desir-

strong support for the Board ofEducation's .building progranx OnThursday, January 6, 1961,. theCranf ord , "Teachers AssociationEbceeutive Committee reaffirmedthe tea"chers.' support^ of—thaBoard's plans to-meet Cranford's

for more schools.. —ns^btsen said-, In-the last

few years; of "the real need to pro-vide o"ur yotmg people witfi thobest possible edoegtign." FeW, atus. would question the "basic - Im-portance —'I ' " " ' • ' • • • - »good: .-schoolsYet how. relucfant'we sometirnesaw> toacdept the. educational-ia'ctsof life ~ and the price tag,Wwhich good schools mean in prac-tice. - • • • • • : -

session; nesrt year, split session;the year after, split session,, andher senior- year,? Our secondchild is in "the sixth grade, -not'inBrookside (and I might add that

flClU—Wrnnlrgirh* Srhnol was

planning, the answer would havebeen-no. But this is 1961 and wocan't remedy the present by- la-menting, the past. The answer to-daj> inust be^Jgh^ PranKc AjVe. site isn't themost'ideal—b"ut »t isttSTtable today! Right now, next Tues-day as a matter of fact, we haveto face up. to that situation andmake the best of it. Belay willgain us nothing but.added ex-pense, added problems and —worst of nll-^added denial to thechildren of our community of aproper place ..and atmosphere inwhieW to become the citizens ofthe future.

one of the reasons for our movingto our present home),' but inCleveland School. I recommend.. visit to Cleveland School. foranyone interested in observing forhiinself~the; use o,f crowded sub-

that past but, unfortunately, Ihad not done my homework com-

e f u t u .I am apologizing, therefore, to

any. who may have been ..swayedby my- first letter, am} I am'.Urg-'Ijtg theirf" and fall others in Cratu-

^ j S ^ d W h ^ p l l ^ i a tTuesday in approving the schoolsreferendum. We can't' undo the

enter—be' '' d

the'ab'stract >-f ofto thp community,


e, a d . toarry about the saleability of ourimes because they will continueb«rblue~chip-investmenis——

Walter 3. Toomey

. ~""' 107 Eastman St.-C«"anford, N. J -

_ . January 8,1961ar Sir:Certainly the citizens of .Cran-|rd can be, protected from the

ears and misleading informa1-m distributed by the self-styled

gredients would seern'reqiglvii^our youngsters the- flrat-rateeducation they should •>- indeed


. by weekly deposits-in niy

Savings Account at

, He was amteed

the balance had

grown! He's going to

The informatiori as presented istcorrect and seems to me. to be aliberate effort to confuse the

le. I'm sure the average eltl-reeognke3, the lack of com-

lson in mortgage value andlessed values, the deception in.•lnHlny interest for <fie next 28:ars in today's net worth and tha-ihpnesty of listing planned or

ible expenditures as the pie-ire of today.

&ed by this "confuse,coHtiuer^-teehnioiUttl

Ueth. century world orourST~gooil,teachers and adequate school fa-cilities. Double sessions; missingclassrooms, non-existent space,not only add up to a lack oil fa-1

cllltyes — they add to thd'dirtiqul-ties of good teaching as well

It is with o very real sense ofporsonal viinvolyement that weawait the outcome of tha BP-proachlng school referendum, Ontjehalf' of Uie €fanf6rd-*roacaora

I would like now toboth our wholehearted


Dryclieaning(or given

. - . . Ye^EREE . . . with any "NETpurchase ol $5.00 . . , brought in .

)pto routeman)... at

Special OfferStarts today! Come In for.a beautl-

is, at the moment, attend?na-,ihi''dgrade at Brookside. I understandthat she too will be~forced to beeducated on-a split session sched-ule next year.. We moved to.. Cranford toraise and • educate our children,t happen to subscribe, to the be?lief that these jegrs of educationIn a youngster's life arc the KiiSstimportant they "have in being pre-pared -to face, live atid-sueceedt,he competitive world they mus:

bustaess or coIRge—~... ^..-duatinii front, high sdiocl-iUotnpifftf; :1h^il-ffiiiaV^jJCJgl _acceptance tor hightr |elluc^-

(Continucil on Pay's Sj'_

[with oil

for OM Men* yjpw can'* beof... Inttsf on

MofrffAeaf -express both our hsupport of the Board's plans andthe hope that 'they . wiU, be en-

orsed by the citizens of Cranfordn January 17th, lOflL


softee shredded foam rubber sleep-Intf pillow . . . These nlllaws areRESILENT, LIGHT, ODOltLESS,DUST-FREE, -isA-NITAR-Vr—AN-I>-NON-ALLEUGIC! C o m p l e t e l yWashable . . . Cellaphaae Wrapped. . . Owe "freKrWith each 5.00 drycleaning order . . . no limit to num-ber you may receive!

Available at our Plant Drive-In Store and Elizabeth Branchor Call for our Route Delivery Service . . . BR 6-33001

Pearl(Mrs. t t yours,

.Frederick, Kenneth Frederick)

111 Forest Avenue. Cranfqrd, N. J.Junuary fl,

earSir: •1 cannot. Iwagine how any cltin of Ccanford could consider notjpportlng our new schtfold. The


Cranford Teacher*.Association

' 310 Prospect Ave.Cranfdrd, N. Jf«

TRUST COMPANYth$reh an office i\i yalir comintfniiy

C RAN FO RD • GAR WOOD -" PLAtN FI EL D- * SCOT C H PLAINS*— - - ^member (edaral deposit fnsllF


n9 to support therti seem toso overwhelmingly necessarythe alternative so devastat-

nec'E-a&iry and the alterna-harmful to. bui* comrnUnlTy.

The children we fail to, educatelay will be our; government andotectort tomorrow."if they tire^prepared, they will be de-' ed of personal opportunity for

|»11 development,, .they will notive adequate preparation to easaUvlni.-they-wlll-not-havo^thO!

(tckground' to tnako 'w l s o decis^i for our town and natldn «nd

January 1,1981Dear Sir: _ .. .-... /

Just thirteen months ago, onMonday, December- 13, 1059, theCranford Watchdog CommitteeWas orgnnbedJ Ita purpose wasstated as "non-polltlcal Irt natureid secure greater interest by localresidents in civic rriattont auch BS($CK6O1B, candidates Hi Bodrd ofEducation, zoning and capital im-provements." Thfes^ .arer -. ftnawords, but what we havei Bceii In

since has made me

Special Note To Fireplace Users —a^ooa supply

Also, cannel coal, Kindlekwik and charcoal.

Cail Us for Prompl Deliveryf-

tho monthswonder:

1) The Watchdogf


or any other grou-p of titkens hai Ia perfect right to collect and pre-'sent 3 or 4 potllloaif in one year,on .various topics of civic Interest.But why all these pious protes-tations about being "non-pollU-

Docs anyone in towa :

BR 6-0900Office:

North Ave.,









Yard:Lescinglort Av«». at LVRfc

. V . . . - • ': ~T

" I . . • ' * • > . ' • " . '

J^J\.;-- •'.' ' • ' ' "' I t '• '"7" ^ "•"'•"

• » I . . . • • • • - • > . . . ' • . • , • . ' ' , • • , • I • . . • . - . > . . - • \ , . • ' . •••• 4 ' ^ _ • . . /

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msChurch Of fers

Prayers for our community are-offered at Trinity Episcopal Churchat the three services every Wednesday. Special Intercessions are .offeredon behalf -of the members Jit the- Township Committee, members ofthe-Board ..of Education, teachers, police, firemen, all civic employesand residents of _the community. An invitation is extended.to anywho .wish to attend these services. — L — '— •'-- ~ - r - ^

• .- • Trie tneri" and: boy's' choir ..re-hearsal will take place-tonight at

• 7:30 p.m. ' ' . " ,•_•;•-._.Services on Sunday, the Second.>. Sunday after Epiphany, will in-.

elude: 8 a.m., .Holy Eucharrst; 0;15a.-m:, Morning jPraj£er jmd Family

Awaited at l ^ p l e

betters"Ki(»h ovoVcrotodlnfe," .They are now

Eucharist; 11 a.m., Morning Pray-er ond Sermon. " ' " • . • • '' A complete church school ses-

. sinn ik conducted in conjunbtion'with Jjoth the 9:15 a.m.,and-_,H

a.m. seryices, A coffcSe hour and. adult class takes place each Suri-/-dav-jnoininc in ShorTohk Hall foi-lowing the 9:1.5 a.m Family."vice. The "siilbject for the aduft

. class .this year.4S ."Christian-Liv-ing." A coffee hour also is held in

. Sherlock. Hall each Sunday im-ihedlatGly following the .11 -n.m.service.

.- _Ihii^.Senior.. Young Cfturchmen.~ will .meet in the guild room at .7

i_ ._ _

On Monday the children's Con-firmation class will be'held at 3:30p.m. in the Kuild room. Boy ScoutTroop 74 .willJneel. in SherlocE

-;Hall-at"7:30,,p.m- . _.On Tuesday the boys' choir re-

hearsal will take pljlee at 5-p.m.and the girls' choir will rehearseat-7:30 pm. Thc^AauE"Scliool ofReligion will meet at St. Paul'sChurch. Westfield, from 8 to 10p.tjj. The CranforJd Chapter of Al-conolics Anonymous will meet InSherlock Hall" at 8 p!m.

... -pally-scrviees-Bt-pal Church will include a celdbra-Uori of the Holy Eucharist on Mon-day, Tuesday, Wednesday "and'Friday at i a.m.; on Thursday at 9

. . . a.m. witE'thc Sacrament of Heal-

- - ^ • t .

service of Morning Grayer take!}~ place each day 15 minutes before

the Eucharist and the service, ofEvening Prayer is conducted in•the church each evening at 5 p.m.Each Saturday from 4_to 5 p.m. oneof. the clergy is in the church lor

— spiritual- counseling and the ad-ministration of the sacrament ofabsolution.

' "Discover God" is the subject of~a preaching mission to take place

at Trinity Episcopal Church, WallStreet, New York, ftow 'Monday'.throughFriday,~JamJary 20. The•tit. 'Rev. Michael Cofeman of theBloceso of p

_ cdndticj,- the! mission. Residents ofCranford who work in New Yorkare invited- to attend services fromnoon to.12:30 pTm. and 1 to 1:30p.m. Supper will be servecLat- 3l3&p.m. followed by a service- Qnd,inga£ 7:30 p.m.



WNBC — (660) 7:45 AM.WOft-TV, Chcm, 9 —. 12s3&£JML

PresbyteriansSet Annual -

The annual congregational andcorporation meetings will *tc held

xtt i F l l h iHall

AtOseeotu sThe Rev. Frank A. P. Pfchrson,

Executive of the-Synod , of frJevtfJersey,;, will be guest speaker at -theinstallation''.service for new offi-cers at 8' p.m. Sunday in..the sanc-tuary at Oseeola PresbyterianChurch, i. . •• •' ' .:

Musical selections will bo pre-sented by Mn and,Mrs. MauriceMan4el.-;soloigt!; at the WestfieldPresbyterian'" Ch"urch7~~~and,. theSenior-choir. ... ___

A reception for hew. officers .willie~&iven by the Rev; and Mts. Al-

bert G. Dezso in. the large fellow-Ship room. immediately, followingthe service. "' ' • •

•"God and tho Crises-of .tife".hfl

The' Rev_»Dr. Robert G.lif r; pn<tn)-; mOriftriltor of the

sion, will.preside-at the congrega-tional meetinlj and George" Mot-ton, Jr., president of the- boardof trustees, will preside' at- thecorporation meeting.

Election oi officers will be held.Plans for the. year will be out-lined^ and work during the past

be reviewed. ' "'"'J C t _ j ^ J g ^ base

his sermon topic at; •tHe~Sun3a;ymorning worshij) services-on theyear's theme "Yokefellows "wi%ChrisL" ! : __.-At., tho 9:30 a.m. service;Westminster choir will singPraise the JLord" by Ivariov.-ahdthe Chancel cboir, n't the. i l o'clockservice will srmx""!of God" by Scull.

Robert, Schanck, "minister, ofmusic,, will play "Harmonies DuSoir1' by K.arg,-Elert for. the pre-lude and "Tho Peaceful Forests'

At 7 p.m. the Junior High, Fel-lowship will meet in the gymnas-ium nnd the. SenloF High-Pellowship frjL tl)c junior, high room;Parents of members of the, cbrn- jmunicants' class 4oE-eigKth. ajadTTffittlri^radr=aydartlB;itieoplej^»llmeet with the ministers at 7 p.min the • junior room. The firsmeeting of the communicants'class will be Wednesday at 6:45p.m. in the junior room.

On Monday evening the leadersof trie Koirronla group_ will havea training session under the,- di-rection of the Rev. Milton Bast-wick and Dr. B. C. Belden, chair-man:_Or. Tuesday. at 1:30 pan. the

Prayer Group will meet in thojunior .room. :

Tonight at 7:30'pjm. the boardof trustees will moot in JLhe niii^istcr'j study for ita'.,flniil meeting}

Rev, Dr. HopkinSpeaking: at AdultEpiscopal Classes

The first Session of the second"annual,School of Religion at St.Paul's Episcopal Church,- WestHeld, opened Tuesday eveningwith the Rev. Dr. C. Edward Hop-kin, professor of theology andethics at the Philadelphia Divinity-School, as guest lecturer. '

The adult education program iisponsored by four Episcopa"churches including Trinity Ew_is:copaKChurch. The Rev. Roberi

"The Sacramehts,'*. one of «b<courses offeredyht^liie school.

Dr. Hopkin/aijthorNif a book,-"•The-Watchman^. is-lecakine_on"The Incarnation," a study oGod's action .in,.ihe person of JcsuiChrist and tho Gospel message othe chu.rch. •• - *

Other courses arc as follows"CEurch History is Important," thiRev. Ronald C. Henstbck, rectorof St. Stephen's, Plainfleld;'"Per-sonal Relationship with God.'MiieRev. Richard J. Hardman, rector

St. Paul's; "St. Paul," the RevRobert H. Wilkinson, associatereptor; and "The Holy Spirit," the


PrescriptionTo A —

Guild Optician

Now — Less Waitingtwo Men to !5en/e!\Y©u

—• ai — i '

PHESPHiPiKON4 Nortll UnloB Ave^ Cranlotd

', BH 25650

tor of religious education.The courses ,wJH!~contlnue for

five consecutive Tuesday nightsa t ' 8 p.m. Registrations arc stilbeing accepted.

Trinity Rector PlansClergyiki&iW Conference

The Rov. Robert Bip:aro, rectorof Trinity Episcopal. Church, is.serving on a committee to plan thefourth-annual Clergyman's Confer-ence of the Union.County Associ-ation for Mental Health on Thurs-day, January 19, at the Woman'sClub^of Wcstflvld.

"Group D y « n m I e p withinChurch Groups" has been selectedns .the topic. Dr. Charles R. Stin-nette, Jr^, associate director andprofe.s'sor, department of psychi-atry and religion, Union Thoologl-caTScminary, will speak on "Heal*ing or. Hurting in Church Groups."


. How true health and harmonyare established will ho, broughtout in the lesson-sermon entitled'"Life" at Christian, Sclenetichiiwiht's Sunday. .

Included in the Bible readings)is this slnti'morit from Dc_uter6-nomy (5:33): "Ye shall walk 'in &Ythe ways which thi* Loi?d your Godhath commanded you, that^c maylive, .ami' that it may be well with

may prolong your

been chosen by the Rev^JMr. Dezsp( pastor, as hjs set'mon-topic atthe; 9:30 and-11 al.m. services Sun-•dayr

"f-he sacrament 6Mnf ant .baptismwill be observed at tht: fl:30 a.m.servjee. . .

Church School for all" depart-ments, will be hold at the sameHours, oridl a child care nurserywill be conducted during bothchurch^servlces in_.the small .fel»lowship room. ' : " . , ' . .. •^r;0n-SundBy- a t - ? p , m . the Rev.J l r . Deiso will participate in thegroundbreaking services" for the

b^nK~th«r^reetings o"f the.ClarkMinisterial . Association..

Members of the Senior- West-minster Fellowship are asked._tompftt In thft large fellowship roohiat 7:45 p";*n. to attend the installa-tion service as a Kro'Up.

The annual me.eting'bf the concremation, will be held today at7:30 p.m. in the large fellowshiproomL Approval of annual reports

new Officers, and adoption of theJ3cneudlen.ee budget wilj highlightthe meeting. ~ • ••-._' The. meeting of the corporationAwllI follow the meeting of the con-

'adbplieiJMLJ ~and elect" officers;' Meetings scheduled tomorrowarc as follows: 4 p.m., BrownieTroop 686; 8:30, Westminster choirrehearsal; 8 p.m., Senior choir re-hearsal.

All junior high boys interestbdin joining a church basketballteam aro asked to meet in thechurch, library -oiV Saturday at 10a.m. The ntfto^brownle troop willmeet oh this same date at 10 a.m.;.and G,irl Scout Troops 108 and 291jat, 10:30 o.m.•-." Members of the board of trus-tees will hold their regular rnorith-ly meeting on Monday af7:30

Boy §«|ut Troop. 44'will meetTuesday N&t 7 p.m. men of thechurch will" bowl at Echo Lanes at7 p.m.- and.at Linden Lanes ot 0

-p.m.Junior chpic rehearsal will be

held on Wednesday at 0:30~p.m.;Junior High Westminster Fellow-ship, 7:15. The third meeting of theChristian Round Tpble will be holdat 8:15 p.m.'-in the small fellowshiproom to study the Book of Jame's

New officers of^the Women'sGuild"were.installed by Rev. Mr.Dezso -as follows: Mrs. MarvinV^verka," president; Mrs. DwightYates, vice-president;' Mrs. JohnLeone, secretary; Mrs, WilliamChiravalle, treasurer,; Mrs.x RalphHoc. membership^--Mrs. Henry

Daniel. Kuslv, programf-Mrs. TEmilTobler, Mrs. Howard Miller,Florence Dahlgr«n, Mrs. RichardLee and Mrs. Dezso, circle leaders.

At a meetiHgof the 3F~M3rrled'"Couples' Club at 8:15 p.m. Satur-day, Robert Kitterldge will givedemonstration on the role thathypnotism plays in modern living.All married couples of Jthe churchare invited to attend.

first Italian ChurchSlates English Service< For the first Ume the FirstItalian " Christian Evangelica

one -of itsregular Sunday services in Eng-lish at 11 a.m. this Sunday.

Services will be • in Englishevery third Sunday, It was an-nounced). ..Douglas Macpherson,assistant ijo the minister, hasise-lected "The Name'ojiiod'1 as KKsermon topic at the English serv-ice this Sunday.

A Bible Study of the Gbspel of"John will be hold at 8 p.m. Fri-day.. Both Americans and-XtaUansiwilt,feel a^ home, it.was reported

days in the land which yts shallposfeess."

This passage from "Science andHealth with Key to the Scriptures"by Mary Baker Eddjr will als6 beroad: "Our proportionate admis-sion of the claljna of good or ofevil determines the harmony ofour . existence,—our health, ourlongevity,'' and our Christianity'(167i7>. • •

The Gotden Text is taken fromI John. (5:11): "This is the recordthat God hath given to us eternallife, and this life is in his Son."


Sunday. II A.M. ~d School.- 11 A.M.

rlJEKTiNO^; 8:15 P.M.

O S Q b J i _1J5 ,N. Union Av«mwta - ' '

. ibrtJ KH.. 10:30 A M—t P.M.'tvt., 1:30-0 P.M-iisl. 1-4 I'M.

By>Tho"3Blev.yEANKB«."BOSSI, Pastorj ' Craniord Baptist Church.

^ ^ ^ ' J N f e p t J C••-> Our generation is witries^lng':'S(t^-csore tragedy,; • • " ' . ' - - . " • " • . . ' . . . . . '

. f • ' • - ' , ' ' - _ _ . • . • - - - • • • ' * • * ' * ' . , : , • • , ' . _ '

The formal .education of bur youth, even on the grade schdollevel, and ,th*rprt*ent day-by-day play ciqperienc«s of "le^rnins;by ia»ing"'h^ve btecome channels of knowledge wl^ch ia working-a subtIe~chB.i«e In life's values. Children aHe being quite J B T

"nricently; duped IA(U> a »Mlosi)phy of IWe which wMIeave them ascold as steel, as hard as coral. .TherDhlltosophy of which I speak Is

- an overemphasis on the thought ihai^only the things' which are.-exactlyThis Is the philosophy of science.

• ' - • ' • " - • • . • ' " . ' « , . . 4 « K , .

Shall this.be a world of nothmg but gpience?

. J l pr. Albert Allinger,"pastor of-"the\Crarif6rd Methodist

v will iaie a VSpirttuM" In-ventory" at theS:l5 and 10:55 n.m:services Sunday". A "tomniunibriservice; will -be-, held at-8:30 a.nrii

The Junior High' Fellovvship willrnegtat 7 p.m; io discuss "Can'.youBelong to Part of the ChWh7^The Intermediate and Senior -ISighFellowship whl combinfe jiot amovie Tjnd -discussion, "Far from

' ' ^ The d f Q ' M r i d• "'*

Wheret in suchan intelleqtual order of things 'is there ro6m for the heights to-

'• which the soults tapublu ut <Jlniblti|j".in itc search for th,p eternal Imysteries of God? _ ' • '-. •• * . • • • • . . •

• •" . . . ' • , • , • . • * . .-._ -. - i.

>.'cdltbr-of a tcllglOMS periodical,-^The Baptist

The.second of fjve Monda'y eve-Tung training courses lor. teacher^and leaders in the Church Schoolwill t e conducted jn Plaixifieldat

n ? n~Leaderi"-once wrote* . • , •'•. " ' s••_'••'•"• "The Sputniks have launched a cold ari# chilly War

. against our intellects, our souls, an t foW daily way t>f life."It Is- no longer popular to read ot writ* poetry, to.

speak lovingljirbf music, tojtoy. with a brush and, canvas, toaspire to the stars, unlesp it! Is done with rockets, o r t o trot putmoral eaiiatlond unless they can do sometihing for ballisticsMid trajeclories, • ~- ~~"". ~ ~r^-—

V ^ onr toasters toast.


bnr caw run. afli.our war" tnachlhery glistfof the-Child take, the place of the joy of hopscotch, the

nt Hrftt iifr «»ats with crayons, ^and the -lenderdelights ofhemming a, doll'sdress. ; .."".—.-" i : : ; . :

•~ ""THcri~ls ""an^'evll inoiveirteiit^brtad -that wou ld h a v e usabdicate , ou r academic delights and allow t h e preclseness,the metalilca, the aurencsa of science to take ove t In ou r Bcboolft.

^ g ^ l n ^ uni- ^«Vtf hnirianltfy a n d our reason

w " ' • • _ : ' • ' " ' • • - - ' • • • • • - • : • - . • •

A party'for n6w members andtheir sponsors .will be"held at ihehbme^of Mrs; Albert England, 101Carpe"nfer place, ;todby-at=8-jpi:Hb- Schreicr.

Boy Scoyt" Troop 75 will meet"at:7"p.mr and •ExpIorer-pDst 75" ati p.m. today. / .,-._ _''*.. '

The Mr.-anti Mrs. Club will have'

for being. To subjugate to arithmetic the beauties of growinga radish is .to make US secede from the wondrous-works of

G o d h i n a t u r e . - v • • " l •'.•' •• •• L-••• ••.'"'••-.— .*—• 7"

"yes, but children1 musi' be taught the basics, the f ulcrtims.' must haye arithmetic, physics, and chemistrS', and under-

poetry implicit in Che flight of the bird, the swhiglng arc of thewings 'against the. sun, -the swoop of the kite against ,a. flailingwind, 4be otrch of the head Inclined in 'grace, the' courtesyof th<ruprlght player on'the ball Held to his fallen foe—andthe_afterjrudlments J h a t ijo to make up the waking day. Mostof all th^' 'm' 'u^intBo^pio1iy' ' :""~^r'" ' ' : ' ' '^~' ' '~~'" '-' ' ; "^-of all,

In the midst" of a changing world • of values, how can we be_sure that our children will be the recipients of their- rightfulheritage";. We must b§ sure that we are ever, on the alert to those

" patterns of education-" which will permit our children to developspiritually as well as mentally. Food for the soul is as importantas fuel for the brain.' Within each child there are foundationsrooted in God" which knowledge alone will never satisfy.

- _ ~ " " ' . • **. * " * « ' * •

It is grand to be living i n a Society which has freedom1 of ed-ucation. We must"preserve i t ..but to become victims of tyranniesthat east out spiritual values in the name of progr'ess Isjio deprive;ourselves and Our chiTdren of_the most worthy motive'ill education.

Study on Ideas AboutThe Adult Study Class, at Calvary Lutheran Ghurch has started an

original program of study on ihe theme, "What Do You Think AboutGod?"- . ~

During the" flrst sessions the group has been discussing ideas aboutGod in the Old Testament, Present ideas about God and considerationsof the future will be. studied inlatter meetings. Some of the dis-cussion groups will deal with theproblems of law or love, salvationor condemnation, free will or pre-destination.

The* class ^meets at 9:30 a.m.on Sunday in the, library—All i n -± ^ d d l t j j d t

Services ofc,worship will be fieldSunday M 8:157 !>:30;and; \l a.m.Sunday Church School will con-vqnc. ior all,^igesJat_fi^Q_a.mllaMat 11 .a.m. for all except the adulfand senior groups. Children un-der thrde years will-be cared forin the church house during the 11& l k ~ h l i

Evcnts for the coming week In-clude: Today, Junior choir at 3:$0,Youth choir at 6:45, Boy ScoutTroop 84,* at 7:30 in tho fellowshiphall. Saturday, catechetical in-struction at 0:3tt- a.m.-•fctrthTr-beaguesTrtr7-p.nl.


Monday,.church council, at 7:3ft

10 a.m., Calva?y Mothers' Club at8:15 p.m. Wednesday, ladles-nf_thechurch will meet at Cfirlst Church,Union, at 13:30 for. the LutheranWelfaro Auxiliary of Central New

now mariners' class will

meet with the pastor, at 8:15 p,min" the library. • •-• -.- " . .

The church council announcedthe—annual meeting of the .con-gregation- will be held at 3 p.mSunday, "January 22. The 1981budget will be considered-andcoiindlmi be elected.

isterhootl to HearRhbbinical Student

the Jewish Theological Seminaryof America, will be guest speakerat the Tarah Fund program^ ofthe Sisterhood—of Temple Beth-El at- 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at1 thetemple. . •

Mr; Ostrovsky, a native1 til Jer-usalem,, has lived here since 194SThe-'Torahi Fund is used for train'ing of rabbis, teachers and layleaders at the seminary in NewYork, inter-faith programs arid;the University", of"Jua'aism OH theWest Coast.^JVfrs. Leon ""Shrank and MrsEdwin',Aaron are chairmen. MrsHyman Gelfman is in charge'refreshments.


(MM k*) — W( Dld>«> — «

4« lltiimiaM u l

UiUnla* U MM *i Uul

scosNca BADIO Koa&Ui* o* ima vuwnrr

COAST TO COAST HOVERS• AnywiMx* in ib* XJ. B. «* Canada

Van — IUU — Boat — AW


f or CommercialQooda.

^SrsA Jacob ..-Blitz,' Mr.l

the Mrstitwulay.

Methodiist .Church On

Ijaihing class will' begin-onWednesday at J.8. pirrt; fdr personsinterested in. teaching . Church

^ r J m e V i E >Righter, director of Christian edu-cation, will leadVthe classes, on"Fundamentals of Christian Teach-

rJameViE>."' ^ty-aftd-Mrs.-Goorgp Krtcg'V,'

The spring "gr6up..,,pf the; Confirm

10 and l ! a.rtji. The group/will be_ohi3ick. -:Cub i?ack 475 will hold its

monthly pack meeting in the audi-torium at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan-uary, 14th.

The annual congregational.cp.v^re^_dl.sh.r.suppejri'ajnd-''b'usihGS5.meetfrig be •.hel'd~'Wonaiy~5t ihxmoT-«6 pjn. All metnfiers of the con-gregation are urged to attend. Thebusiness meeting* will begin at

0-prm. for persons vfho can-not attehd the ..supper._*lr

by. Mrs. Edward Snow, was re-ceived as a new member. Hiefollowing children were* bppthjedNicholas Scott, son of Mr. and

rs^ Nipholos' M. McKluskey;sponsors^Miss Audrey,.Kraus. andRonald Korni<sak; George~AJstonPorcella, son of Mr. ajnd Mrs.George Alston Porcella; RaymondScottTson of,Mr. and Mrs. .Leon.R. Smith.

Home is? the deafest spot onearth, and It should be the centre,though'1,not th* boundary^J>f the,affoUs^ar^tokirJEidsi

Every great .majvis always be-ing helped by everybody^.lor hisgift is to get good out of all thingsand all persons.—John Ruskin.

¥"acts are to the mind, wht(t foodis to" the body.—Edmund Burke

^ V ^ e w j n ^ ^ r s wifl be^eceivc^rTOservice tomprr^w. Rabbi Sidneyi Drshapken will conduct the cbnse-t r a t i o W - H e r v ^ e ' - i i s s i s t e H b v ' T h ' e o d o r e W e i n e r l ' m e n i h e r s h i n V ! w

'topic.. .The-,Templechoir will-be under the direction of Hazzan .Samuel Lavitsky."

^member^.._are:^ •Mr.- randBeiftrakn B^cinoff,.' Mr. and-

Mrs! Bernard Bernstein,- Mr.:. andWHrsVLaurance1 Berristtiri.'.Mr. and^ Mrs.Milton" Braunsteiff,'Mr. and _Mrs.Norman Cohen; Mr, andiMrs. Mar=.tin Gale,Mr..and Mrsf Daniel GUd-Wargi Mr; and Mra. Charles Gitter-man, Mr.'and Mrs.'Leonard Kap-I M r : anrl W Rm a n . ••••

Wr. and Mrs.; Marshall Klein,Mr.' and" Mrs. Herbert1-Kowaisky,

• New Bibles given to the churchas memorials will be-dedicateiTat-

ihe rrSijnday;; .niorning .worshljir

service at JLl o'clock. ..' ."Sunday. JBible School at 9:30

a.m. , will . precede" the morning* y ^ e « T ' ' ' •

and'Mrsc'CharleirLeisten; Mr. andMrs. Eugene. Lemansky/ Mr. and•Mrs. Robert Lo'wenslein, Mr. and.M j i i M d MMrs.:jvoiiis Jjlafgolis, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Miller;,Mr/and Mrs", Ben-jamin Odesky,;Mr. ond Mrs. JerryR d ^ M d M ' S l

y.and -Mrs...•'. Samuel

Mjs. Leo-Schwarta, Mr.Michael -Sherris, Mr. and

Mrs. Leon Shrank,, Mr. and Mrt«i ^ l S i r , and- Mrsr. Alex

Silberstefai. -.•'----„ D - -^ . , ,~ „ , r^and Mrs. Sta»ley-Silyermanr

mation class will meet.SatUrdayati Mr. and-Stris. Norbert wolf^Mr.and Mrs. Irving Pianka;.Mr. aridMTSJ George Weinberg^ Mr. andiMrs.. Stanley. Solomon^

. nsupervisor,. will conduct the jlrsttemple^ onlSatiirday at 10 a.m. in.•the youth lounge.

"Mf.- SeblUssel invited -chiT5rbnin Class palad, and"older classes toattend. ;.The childreri xvill partici-JMtiiiJBt^MKeanajianoi^^be gWenV.parehts ore invited to at-tend. . - ;.v'-" ... Regular Saturday... morning ser-.yices will be held at 10 a.m. TheiTprah reading will be from Ex-odus; telling oi the plagues..'

Presbyteriati Women3ef All-Day Meeting i~ The" .Rev... Milton Eastwick, as-sociate pastor, -will speak on "WhatPrayer , Meant to Jesus1* "at thea)I-.day luncheon meeting of theMargaret Greece Association next.JTH'f'" ' ~J T H i < ^ i i v . ' •'; - || • v ••-. ••---

jCancer dres'siwgs will lie madeaf |IO:: a.m. followed ;by luncheonST" 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship" Hall.Rachel,Circle^will be in charge ofthe luncheon'. Mrs. S. J\ Shawwill lead devotions. -..•

The executive board will meetiit 9:30 a.m., January 26.

Members of the Alliance YouthFellowship will conduct a . serv-ice for. residents' of "the Bfooksidc1


....„..„.,..-... Page 3) ,rpfj(iirelrrie'nt ,,'eiquals"-. t

o t h e r . ' • • ' \ ' " . - • "'• " • ' . - • •

4t has been suggested .to nie thatwe try.-and^flnd" some ..means 6fplacing oift" chUdreh in private

. schools now.' In i c.t.wQ have,.j>gen,-told* not to wait foV<the results-of:

rangements nowd^ Uhleh


lo.'fbllofllfjif'; Cranford doesnot- vo.te, for Tnii'r'recommendejischool program/ ;. -••'?.,' . ? ' " • '

This..viewT»inJCis-all very welland good.' "tiowOyer, I-belieye. inthe Eutjtic School: system of ed-uoation.as being-.nTiofife.xepresertt -.live' of the_-Wor)d- in. which o\irchildren mu?t •• entei;, .."and there^fore, if you*wilj, an impoi'taJit partof their training. ~ • . - „ ': ~ ,

There is one other alternative"to solve the problem of educating.the children" pf Cranford, and that

, ^ 9 ^whole one .may'.flnd that which w£thought "existed here/15.'years ago.

It is, however, niy.^ric'ere hbpeHut tho problemfa c i f ^

r n q y .The regular meeting pf the .Pel-Aoyrship grou'ps- will be at 5:45

schools will be solved by all ot ustogether with YES Votes to" thereferendum'. ' ' "'• _ . ' - * ' • , . .

b.mTThe" Rev. Laur.atice. J. Pync.

•pastor, will speak at the-'Sundayevening service at 7- p.m..

T t i iexecutive-committee of tfe-Yo^th.F.ellowship-wiU-meetJVIon-day at 8-p.m. The Missionary. Co-Workers -wiil-^neet. at-4he^cburchat the Ijame time; „ . '\ On Tuesday, tne Hamabsi Mis-.sitmar.V—Society_-wilT' meet at 11a.m. The Pjpneer GirlsAwill mc«tthat-evening- i-rJ-pJmJ.-.-.----- r• The Annual -Business Meeting:of: the churclt .Will be tonducted.-,.Wednesday. evening :at 7:45.'^ h f f ^ i T ^

have any cHbico other than beingforced to- solve _for himself theneed o£ providingtor.his children^education'/. ' '" . • _1' . '• '

Very sincerely.yours,";. Edmund W. "Morris.

—:—:——l-j La—Salle-Avonuo-• «• , - ; '••'• January 7, 1961

Dear Sir: '—.-^—"-- -.-•••--- - , _ -• Today's calendar is marked 1961.

Son\e,of Us"would like to'turn-back—ttct-yi'atff.e—aw'f^llirp' iinain •'-

Mrs, Lester Simon^ Mr. ond Mrs. T n e Women's Prayer Band willM i l t o n - D u b i n , — M r : a n d . M r s , ' • • • - • - - • ~ - • -^ •••

George Beberman. . ' '"-,MartinSchiussel, religions school

meet at li30 p.rn.ihst day.The Boy Scouts will meet to-.

night at 7 and the Cub Scouts ,to-morrow at the same time.-

fhc to,wn of -30 years ago, ;writh a"population,: of llr,0.0Gf-people,T-andfour ,Schools, a quiet,'country^.vil-lage-built .around., a 'meanderingriver. - - ... .. -~ ~ • ~

-Voting agamsFtHel^choblTfefer^endum will not bring back thatt o w n . . - • ' . - ' ' ; ' Y •

Our 'population Is now 20,000.We are a J>usy_suburb, not a sleepyvillage. It is a. prime responsibil-

Chooses Sermon,"Pqwipr /to Keep'?' hag . beiin

chosen by the Rey. Frank MT_Rossl,pastor--of the.' Cranford BaptistChurch, asihis sermbh topic, at theII a.m?.service Sunday in Roose-velt School.

Teabhers and officers. of theChurch School wjll rneet at S p,m.today at the home of Mrs/RtiiliJennings, 12 Park terrace.-

The committee on communica-tions wiH meet tomorrow/at 8> p.m. Iat the piirsonago. i-; . .:,.J

The. midweek Prayer Fellowship jwill be (heldj at Jhe' home o!' Mr. ]

y p plic education for its^hildren. .

calendarj vtaits'for' no^-one.The childrcn'sTgrowth waits for no

The:years for teaching,chil-dran arc few, and can't be n^ade...to

:"YES"tto edtt'eate- ourtown's chitdKeri

I sa that ;Cranford./. can do • its', pjart.I in' educating Americans! ~ •' ~

~Sincerely, .• ' • . Mrs. Sidney. Lauren

. . . •••-,. S iHamiiton Ave.Cranford, N. J.Januarys,

ear Sir.Money.doesn't'gro'w on trees but

children grow anfl; deyelob on gifod^education. ,.,!'.—•

1 am just an ordinary housewife,a financial export or an archl-

^ednesday. - "Great /Promisesthe Bible" has been chosen as th«theme. • •

- Love is,the fulfilling_Qf.tho_iaw:It is grace, mercy," and Justice.—Mary Baker Eddy _

Q&U ADwnj 3-4464

...AGranfotd Clergy Council

: . Cranford, NL J. .

We, the inernbers Qf the clergy arid the^dfittinistrative bodies

that-iheachieyerrient 6f-atspMTbr unity ai^gnnflj^n in 011is of most importance. ..;.._'•••'.;' - ^ ,

'to divide the citIzem-ot-GranfQrd_^_geographically or otherwise. Rather, let us strive for ' . T ^

Unity In Our Community.

We appeal to the.members of our congregations to layaside all personalities and prayerfully consider, with the welfareof our childreji uppermost in our mindsrthe proposed plans fornew .Tmhirtr-atiH-Sptiinr High ftrhftftls to be voted on at the special.school election, Tuesday, January 17, 1961.

We urge every eligible voter to go to the polls and cast hisor her ballot under-aivine guidance. tf

. • • • • •' • - . . • _ . • » . , . -

We are sure that if our school problem is approached in thisthe result will be the correct solution, .

Official B'



TEMPIiE BETHEL, 'G. A. Rubine, President


Clergy^ Wardens and Vestrymen,TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Rev. Arnold J. Dahlqiust

Official Board und Board of Trustee,CRANFORD METHODIST CHURCH


" " ''_". ' — Paid /of by Cipixford Clarov

y on 'tIiS~knowledge 6Tjsionala in thcsO| fields, .v, . -

X havo.faiilj in our School'Bdard.I believb that -they have- done agreat deal..'ofjrcsearch to.bring thetrue picture to the pepjjle- of. Cran-ford. I believe that th6y-ti.avo thebest interests of all. tho childrenat,' heart..— why~.shouldn"t theyhave? Wfiat have they done toarouse our iuspicibna to the pointof- proyiding- a "Watchdog" for


a lend. Trying Ioi your appolnlmonta

u can, il you go b y (odd. You'll navf* plenty ot t!nu%lit and « » » dough > » « boy.


;?<*/«* HMNGS US QUICKL Y:'"•-«*.-DRida6 tj-OOUO

ASO. coyo/rioAjgnCADILLAC L/»ictfti'*e .Ve'\>/'oe

them?; I think we should" accepttheir,;facts, anri Hfiures. arjd. startiGQl Utif-.: xha&a ";• ao-badiy-ueErj5etH'«««ttfiistihools. O-course our taxes will goupHi-hqw1, cajv they not? Sell thesecond'.cai:, stop Sfnpklrig,1 give upcocktails—there' a? e lots of -waysof' balancing jrour budget 'to pro*

children, but nothing you can ;do"ab6'ut':tt.'if yotrie't'-this opportuni-ty go. I t i^ill be' too |ate for. .manyof our-children to ever niake I tup; This'Is the real issue. ".••. , •• '<

-: . - , . Sln'cerely, •''• :- .'\.'^''~-.Laura de. Brigard..'•• "••>'

. '.1., <Mrs/ WjlUam tije. Bngard)

- ' ,"'"• ~"":•"••;':'-44«V:Orchard'St:;;';

.,..•••, . '•••>. i ' Cranford , N. J .'.'•' ''• ', .-.' .January 9, JS81'

Deap-Sjr: : / • • ' . . . L{W» '"~ j\fter receiving the l§st-minute^vote no" Ic4«iets front the Watch-dogs, 1 Wallz6 now-more_ thijii;ever that:-they-are-playing politics

ith the school issue.;>The. Watch-dog^ had ample time in the past'few. months to-brifig their1 "issu.^^not into the' oben^ut they knewtheir, distortibns of tact and theirhalf- truths.could-not'stand Up u.n-^der careful' crutiny^ , .'.... •;

^faey—arer-tryinH^-dcfeat thecoming 4w^fflpeople' into ii'lievfig we do notneed a'junior nigh school. Since,the efficient capactty of the prtpsent high. school is. 1,000, and' theprojected .figure for 1&65 juniorhigh. s<JioolvenroUn\ent-.is,. 1,633,-what-othC'jjrproQf .is heeded-td-sjiow^that a junior high school .is neces-sary*' Last vPobruary^ilter.- a schoolboard .meeting, a Watchdog menPbisr ;.tord;'"w(6' .privately, that hp*ldot^o^tlMtthjcferenidum ^ because- i t didnotLquately -taker cate-of-1- the-Juniw


thoir.motives. • ( • ' • - ' .

•I'.feel .the Crnnford' populationwill, hot be taken in b>'-ih<isti last-

:eajt?—tactics 'assigned-tb-give petfple a.vague,-uneasyg p p ging, that. sornt'thin(J' ma>^ be .'amissin the bourd'si. sound, wejl-studiedju&pfjpal. ^Vith-thV high .schobl 'onjd.Oubje•':scsslonsp with .BrooksideElementary $chbol threatened with

..barrirtes;. • activities , roortis, inuse -'as; ,51 assroo.rjis1; in allour. olomentafy." schools and sub-

ircas in use in, someij i the ' two junior schools; 1

feel tlie majority of Cranford citi-zens care t6o much about our ibhil-.dren to See them forced into-yearsof'-1 substandard education, Thereare'v.. enough . education-triindedpeople -in Crap^prd to^pass • thisreferendum.' It 'ctijj^and. will pass:

if eyeryoni; will realize • that "ourChildren will be. tho innocent vie-tim? of thi's'partisan maneuvering.Our.chlldren^S edttdational future.Is a(\stakeTXiJt'^notlbse 'any ntorelihie.Gur children can't afford it.

1 Sincerely,

J. pr'Hnmi?r>

128-Gallows Hill RoadCranford, N. J. • . "'January .9, i960"

pear1 Sir:. I'rif Burc.if Mr •Wiitchdog wastalkiiig to people in,-the- lower($l),00() and under) income bracJo-'et, he. hiust have given ihorn food.fot-thoUEnt.

J $0.000)wfih their.', children to remgin in

certainly' should vote against ther e f e r e n d u m . . . / - - ; : • . • • • . » .

•=' This' is riot the-.vHsh. Frrt sure

Bettor^Cfjucational-facilities canan<i-wiUriead^o73ir3iig}iErrstiindsratd.pf lcai-nirtg (and liyinu).• To" attain thea? slandards for djurchildren^ 1'ni' certain we'r<i goingto havein^ny rriore "yes", 'votes

Very truly yours,. Harold jo,.wOvv.en

•27 'Harvard "Roo(do

• ,Ianuprjf-;5; 1901

fators' in the various categflj'it'!; andthT^hTtrbrft^tW^iitF^moli^11"1^1

dif'ficul't.trf make. - . '. Those of .us . on .the committtio'

who compiled the list.of entrantswere especially pleased to ix-cog-tijzeL_the_ng»ngs_of,- siy maii^. i ' : :''1"

a.^numBeF^^1^ 'prizes.."-.,-

Bear Sir:

endum implies either thatI) tht? voter consider^ his pe•'3onal judgltient .superior .to

that of the collective school.boardi thtTarchitects. and the

. "State authorities, or • ' • .•] .2)-the ydter-.is'willing; that.a

pesonal incdnyenience- suchr " \as. .locatiojo be. weighed

againsibihe additWnalcpst ofliaany montlis br'some "hun-

dreds of thousands fat dolrlars for some alternatives, Kor

3) the. voter is content to seehis neluhbovs.' >nove away to

. tosvns jyith .firide, i n ^ h t- r eHueitional-facili<l«iSj'.T.«.n(J:.jh(t community-itsclj; jr*-'~

... • • w. -A. •Thornton

c Roail. "g.

Pear Sir:

Cranford*,' New Jersey-January 7, 1961 ~

The Women's AssdJciaTion ofTThl;Cranford Real Estate Boa"rd haiked. • me . to express their ap-preciation to you. for the excellentcoverage given our recent Christ-ma's .decoration's contests r

As you know "irom..publishingthe' results, the winners represent-"Sl" a good cfcoss-sectiotnot'the town;ajid wo went delighted that so

the contest, "yftq-jjudges, whovvcreother-towns, jyere amazed

families . in this -income"e, children, _. jrtJPt?i.^£^ J^JLJho individual

oi whuni _'\vroTT

• We hope'thdt' he»c,J year all thokewho' entered the contest will:doso again along • with • Uj& manyothers whose,•hofriesJ vyei'6 decor*

another, did "not s,iibmit: an entryh&-«»«~. t i r t

t illiiniicd succcss;.ot the contest willdepend in large .measure to thepublicity given the 5nnual .eve»tby the4Citizon and Chronicle,

Sincerely,...I Louisa Svedmun •:

-Publicity. Chairman,Christmas Decorations'

• Contest "*•*--• '

Doar Sir:(January 9, 1SC1

X am happy to report that sixOrganizations irroar-Chyrch Hlgnedbbth oWhc jictitions -submitted bythe Cranford clergy'Council; thatthey wish.togoJ <>ri,record on theibr.tn»eo' of the' High School .Re-ferendum and.do everysiblo to get out the .voters;- alsocomnutting thtwselvcs to cnKt an-gffirma^^-baltot at 1ho polls."Thoorganizations jiriS The OfficialBoard-arid Board .of Trustees—list-ed, in the paid advertisement —in addition, Tho Womun.'s Societypi Christian Servicor. Tho ChildStudy Club, Tho Young-Adult Pol-lowship and the iVoaleyan .ServiceGuild.-

Ihcru Is-a rumor current that^>up-Ghu«ih hfis ibcen approachedwith u 'request for the use of ournow. Education B_uildvng" for pub-

'know, of' no such requesj,. W il

camtf,.it.would-be interpreted as

tibifof.'mdro:,' and butter schoolfacilities.. . •

Sincerely yours,Albert AHine*-»r .

" . Minis'tor

— :••' 308 Central Avo.: • • Cranford, N. J .

• './. . • ', , . ••' J anuary 9,: 19(ilDeai*Sir: •• '" .. ' •

I anV"bne--of the older rosiUentii

the school system. But 1' have livedranforci1 • for S^Tj-eara and h(irv«!/

a-gre'at. respeyt for Cranford as acommunity, I want the childrenof•'this.generation-to huvo as 'goodan-education us the-childretiof myfamily received in t.lje past;

All that I .can gather from_lhystatcrnehls made by the Watch-dog Groifp is the plan-is tidefeat.tho present Referendum. -Nobodywins—everybody loses. «w ,

I fool'thnt the.'W8tchd6B™sso.-ciation is doing, the community otCranford a trotiiuJTdous disservice.

YOUTK truly,~ '«•.—.'„• Anne E_ Thoinpiioa.

309 NTort i Union Avenue• • Grariford, New, Jersey_January~ 9, 1901

X)cor Sir:When Ctanford citizens .go, to

the polls on January 17 to vote on

schobls .they will stand at a crosstoads in/the history of our town's-progress. -" Which" -road—will theytnke-r • J : • . i f •• •

__Wijl they"take,thu wrong rood'Shirking thoir responsibility io oury.ouiid PCORIJO — relegating ourtown to a socond class stntu's andour property tcTa loCver value?. _t'OLYOte.."Np"..on the referendummeans to'-turn down the recom-mendation of. our School Bo:ird,vvho, after many ' jonalderfttionsr

.. (CoMtiiiuctt on "Papc~B)~~

witti a: Mhrotis dietary drinkniade Mth fresh skim milk!


. "4


900 calories per qiiaft—for people who,want to lose weight!

of all the recognized essential vitamins and iuij)eni.ls...

n fonft cnntitining a day 8 re^uiremeut A -

NO MIXING, HO StlRRlMB— PLAN is ready to drink Ju»t a» it q u e i (row

the carton! ' . , . » -

NO SHAKlfJO. NO SEjILIHfi-PLAN is smootli and delicious from top toboltouA

HANDY tO"BUV-at the dairy cose of ilu? grocery Blore wkere you buy yourother foodi, oi> from your dairy route, maa. '

FRESH AND DELICIOUS—prepared (rAli daily in 2 delicious flavors; choco-late anA.vanilla!.

HIGH IN PBOTEIN—r*LASl is unusually' lilgli in high-quality proieiu!

ICONOMItAl—one quar! I n full day'n supply! ' X ^ .

_,. wtiglit—a little or a lot-^-you>wuit limit your calorie intake. Now, forthe first time, youc«u "Th(ak Thiii" and enjoy it!

allifng-H iui'l. nitlilng m iniv, PLAN r'onn-a (r>-;.Ji, eoniplete atiJ convenient-"-ready to drink. As ua old iu -weight rtduction, simiily driiik oirc~ttircrt22S-calories) bulead of eating a heavy meul.,. '<•

For b«6t results, consult your physician, especially before {oii"i on a fctr'lct dietsi low-ai'900 calorie* ptr day. Possiljly you will lose wtlelit more laU'sfaclorily

nn a tlnfly intnke of 121M) caloriea mine "'Mtola additional low-calorie mitticiil, maybe even one liilit meat per! duy. ^


_ . I'LAN contains nq dru^ or Brtlficial hulkingisgnnl. It Ii* s fresh produc" a nalurol base. One i|t|art supplieu the recooiraendcdnlnlly requirtaie1

d l l f all the recognized egi>«)itial vitauuua and niii><tralui

Equali or ExceeJs Niilional Research Council RtcommenJeJ • Duily I' Allowance}. (N. R. C publicalloH~,58)),


at the dairy case in your groceiy store, or home delivered by.your dailyFor accurate specific advice in all matters of weight control, consult your phyaician.

PLAN II pAck*i»d by local Jmlttei Uxidei Ikonit li&ti Plan Fccdi mkf KoiearcA, IC. C v Wa.

CRANFORD DAIRY20 South Ave, BRidge 6-0197


-nf. F.fluc'a(i6ri will' placti" V'forti tfto-cltizwsfpfCranford on Januarys 1.7, 1961'a referendum;'-for the ^of a Senior1' High School ' building f«r l.iiOO students" on theOranjjo Avenue tract at a cost of $3:804,700, and a Junior HiKhSchool building fov C0.0 Students on the Hillside Avenue tractut a 'tust ot 82,170,300." The" filiih'-provides'lor the conversion"

-ni1—ttw».J.MW'»;(>nt Hii h Rfhnol ;\\ West End Averiuc Ip 'Juniorl h t rTCT^aTSTeTTfKRHigh School use .--uftf tin.' re turn m

buiidiH|JBto cU-'mcntary use. .(The B o a r d votes 7 - 2 ) \ . - .As a citizen" of Cranfo'rd t . you shottl(l exercise y o u r f ranchise

01'the polls oSl J a n u a r y 17th. You hi ive ' thei iosivVr to accep t ofreject I h t r p r o p o w c l referendum'.' . ' _ , , ' v <j

Siticc the-entire Bo.ircl ot Ediicittion is not. ij> ;iKreemcntwith this proposal*,* it is necessary for^ tui(Mi of us to l-e;id thomajority report (delivered to y6ur home in December) and thfrmitiovlty report delivered to your-howo this wul:k. If .VBU donot' have liu^se reports, -iisk tlio Board of Educntioh for a copy. .

After reading both—rejioris, tlta points of lignfcement* anddisat!|reo*Vtei1.t appear to be as.follows/ . . : . ' "• '

1. Ali.members of the Hoard of Education ar.rae we shouldV>r.ovide a ctimp'r'ehtnaivf tiuallty prp^rarrrrnf wlucational. servicesfor our children. • > . ' . .

• s a. M^JQttl'^V-MElCtBK.RS^-Support-tlio-above i-etercndUR).'."TVttNORITV MEMB'El'tSiSpi'iJiiose the b'uiidinK of a"-'1,300-

ptmol as a Junior Hii'hSchool. They state thift presont envol]mpnt forecasts indicate anew junior high school buildin;: ia not needed^ , .

3. All members of the Board of Education accept the. en-

4. MAJOWT-V • MEMBEIIS—Give a total efficient.capacityfor all buildinfis of 4,480. • -;•

-MINORITY MEB.JB.EKS—Express .a total efficient capacityfor all buildings of 5,133. * ' . ' • * • •

The difference is-C44-pupils; equivalent to one laVfie school-buildiUiVlEhi'diiifi'renee of opinion rests in three schools: . Sher-man, ClovoliinB and.our present TTTtiH "Sciictivt. , _

>• r ' - ' M A J O H I T Y • M I N O R I T Y

Qlevcland ".'.„ 293 520Sherman : '. • .-, 203 ' . 460*•High School ;:.'.._..-.'....~....i;noir- — \^a—-

^ ' J ^ " - .' • • • '- U 8 . G k \ - •• ~ 2 f J ! 3 0 - "••

''Dr. Spnr* ileterminetl p;tp;u-ity-- fw elementary useJGOTC"400 and for Junior-Hifjh use to be 400. " * • ' • - .

The i.ong Rnnce piftnhinK Commit.tco in 1952'evaluated the'present Nfligh Schqol <7th through 'iaih -Rracles) maximumeapneily to tie 1 ,r>00. The Hoard of Education has stated many

^ 1.3M_to 1.500. Cranford''has housed on sincle sessions as.rnariy a.s 1.393 piipils as- statediu the September 15, 1055 Cranford C'itizen and Chronicle.

r Professor Linn has also stated .tin-,.capacity of the presentHlRh School, as a hiu.h school. (-SUli t-hniuBh" 12th grades) to he1,200 - 1,267.u_J_am inclined to ajirce with'tho minhvity fliat t,2f>(l pupil

capa.cit3nrirmo7e~FeWsTnHrWTrYr^^Majority members of the Hoard of Education have fifvin

their reasons for the reduced, capacities of tin; Sherman andCleveland schools as utilizini! a portion of those buildings fornon-educational purposes, such, as storage space, maintenanceshops, central affice-administniUve amis, etc. • • • • .

- 1 -wriist ncrcc'with the. minority members of the. Board o£

poses' and the capacitie!; set forth by Dr. Spare art- in kcepirift*with the best educational iind financial" interests ut Cranford.

H. Site location for our High School.MAJORITY MEMBERS — The Orange Avenue site of 40

acres. —- _MINORITY MEMBERS — The Hillside Avenue site ('25'

• acresi includinR the Memorial- V!«-1tl (10 acres) for :i total of 35acres available for the lLufti ..School. This trail is

'mile neater tho center nf the.community.It Iras; Jpeen my opinion Unit since the

have become divided hec.iuse of site location; any retei'eniUitxjcalling for n liigh school ivn the OranRe Avenue, Hillside Avenue,or tho Memorial Field sites will he rejected by the community. Acentral site vvould be the only sensible, solution, A proposal pro-viding for a central site would Rive erjunl consideration to allsections of cfiir community. Until the .Board considei's a_morecentral h'i'te, thp citizens of Cranford will not be, satisfied'.

"•"KmjtlHT si^nitirant-item vvlliieh o.tnnot bllv ovcrjooliied-and:that vvliieh 1 don't utulerstand isjllif lack ot position taken by thoCranford Chamberjjf Commerce in connection with this p|-o--posal: It has been"expressed by certain businessmrn that theinflux of students into the business center .would create; shop-pint? ,and troffiiv.-ditficulties impairing tho efforts of these busi-nessmen to conduct their businesses. Isn't, it a ..fact that ouryoungsters are one of the main reasons for the existence'of thebusinesses in. town? Don't they generate the need for. this mer-chandise which is s'o vital to the merchant's endeavors?

It should be remembered that nil the members of theBoard of Education were elected by the voters of Cranford.These members., were selected, for -their ability to comprehendbroad problems. If there is disagreement within tho Board^woshould look at both sides of .the story.

If the referendum is ,tu be accepted. It must be; accepted bya Inrtfo m<fr«rity. 'hint majority must come from all sectionsof the community. , ,

If tht'.referendum is accepted by a small majority nnd anoverwhelming "no" vote coinos from one section of town, v/e»shall have a divided community for many, many years. Onlya uniwd town cap accomplish future improvements for Cranford.

If the referendum is defeated, it must bo by a large majqr-uitv tfiushnw onr objo'ctiotii to such plannini! so thai the BoardiWwiMAnS»ieJvVri^'il'I^7 r '-^~- i r w 1 '*"-'"*—•—-"•—~ — —•-' • • - ; - • -- - -• *•

44.T f vote, siiiit_>ly-tif

. inlth w i »1 yo , _ynot have the necessary tiifie to do the job right is not a valid

•reason for being satisfied .f*j,r the salte of expediej>cy.\ This Is ahit; investment for Cranford and the wrong decrsijm all this timewill mi)an we~wiTl" have toTTTve witlr the result f o r i h V t d ^ J O 'years' or more. Is the cure worse than the' disease?

Your decision should _bc yolir-own. Do not letjndlvidunlsor croups tell you how you should vote. You shjuuld^be satisfiedwith the answersr to your questions. For $0,000,000 you, have ariuht to . ask and receive satisfactory ,answers. Ask yourselfunselfishly — • __ '•' ii •' v

1. Isi this the "best, solution for ALL Cranford,1.' (Its citizensmay move, but Cranfonl must forever remain* -' ~~

2. Can yon afford it'.' (Since 1053 our tax'rate has increasedfrom $5.8S to SO.83 per hundred. Will our tax lncrea.se to $12.00per hundred?)

3. Are two schools necessary? (We. can always buHtt a sVc-ond school if wo Iind it necessary.) ' ~~~- '—

4. Are you familiar with the transportation problems? (Busservice will be furnished for those students living beyond 1H-;nWlSs. Any one within the 2M- mile;; may have to furnish theifown transportation nt a cost of about $50 per student per year.)How will' tho bus schedules aff<H;t after-school activities)?

5. >A; re t he present ochool facrVitTeVbeini' usmd for the great-est rctuMJ^rSnwrtiiK dQjJinrr^^, .'—•

fi. Are juafciiSS^ot.'rthsrvk'NYs: of.,iritoi*stcfl civic orgnniza-



• ""M

\ -


:t\, Watuh Dlitf A.si.-oci<it,lon. Citizens fo? the Betterment OfCranford,.PTA, Taxpayers' Association, etc.) All of these groups—ate comprised of citizens concerned with the woltire^ of Gran^ford. Much can be learned from thqst- that criticize our ownviewa. i^

I appreciatenectiou with the relocation of established homes, churches 'and | -!businesses olYectudL by tho consideration of a central Kite. Longrange proi»res« and development of Cranford should, envisionchnnges of this kind. If this thought appears drastic; it Is forthe good of a ^community which will bo part or the urban beltthut will encotnpnss Cranford which supporters for thejirescntproposal have been, mentioning. . ' .

My efforts during the past .several weeks-, in presenting toyou information and raising questions in connection with ourschool problem have been simply to try to bring out all factsfor n proper resolution of the school problem facing Cranford.If tho referendum passes,-.we should accept the decision" andunite behind the efforts of our Board of Education to realizethe goal.iu soon as possible. " ••_^Jt have tnaile »>iy iU*ol.-.iuii, you tiutke yours, ajtil eictire^i

It at the polls) on JumiWy 17, 19G1.I wish to state that all my ,vlcws and comments) ar» my

own as on Individual taxpayer and a citizen of Cranford, paidfor by myself, without any support from any group or organi-zation."

B. S. WILLOUGHBY^. 12 Clark Street " '

N. J. , •-

• . • . . i f

' • * * . • • w . .

^ , - ' $ ~ & ^ i 0 < \ :;•:• h:;;•• t : > • , * S v • v ' y fo - ^ ' '"••"• .'• - • : ' ' ' ! ^ ' ; ' J ' , ^ " •' • : ' ' ' \ : '•••' ' V :


' . 1-" ' . "J

' " ' V <• ' • '

„ L -

- . - ' . > ' * • - .

. - . ' I ' . ' .- ' » ; ' '


. ' . ' ' • • ' • •

' ^ ' ; H ••;• L -

Cranford Public School

^sscsf Weatherman=uJlu^J3aa^,nw].,.,,,i:it^J^

second grade-, ( )y singing musical selecllfois frotha daily record j ;v,any distant lands. f " V

Joe] Becker..JJtut innkeeper of a

Judy Keller:," Nicholas Irhperaib,end Carolyn LeMaire'.

Walnut Avenue-—_,— Ktndetgarten •—— • f—

The pupils In Mrs.-Ethel Wjitfskindergarten class made a friezedepicting winter safety. They arelearning the importance of properdress, food find play habit.s in or-

Frances. .MflCRie'sha\"c been keepft^ u «....., ,

:„ of1 the temperaturtju" and weather. !B uul_, u v t i v s i' , . AjTa mid-year acUVUy the class ! stn;i\] country"1 Hotel,

' has decided 'to 'sum up the various , v-isiV<ii's froiiV'TiJl"" over 'ffic ' world- "Winter" weather conditionsHo date, 'on-phristmas Eve, Mis first guests... /The -jollo-wlnu committeesN have (were the Americans, who wore

• , been formed: Suxyny tfctiys Fr»jJ- I represented, by Kutbloen Odcll,"•—jjricte.. FeJdbaueiV .'Lisa SehnornX(uncia -prink, Kenneth Gorlin. and

stein; David Thome,'.Dawn Adams; | W,crt -Eriirksoji.u.Th/s K.r-oup fromI -.B|ctt.V, t oy McNally. ..; •• •- | HoHahd ' incliider/.'KathVeen Sun<--

- Criiudy days, Nancy SUborsteirt, j c r i l W b a r a ' Malliore, John By-jyiaria rtryeak, Rebecca Valla; Wil- [ kowski/iintf Ralph. SKrignoli.-Ham Jonqwski. .'G'lenn Thimons,; , Fj-enclV^buolcrs. who serenaded.rainy days, William BiiFnett, Rise•, t h c K l , e s t s r w % Trudy Anderson,

-- -;IJrfiytriw, Joan Kr>liP°wski. Rol>-iGail BowmanKAj-lene 'Sa'ntella.ejrt Palmer,. Wayne Johnson; | E U e a W;rtsoi>, TSii'&n Derv/Su. and

••••.:••• 'snowy days.,Ellen Morris, 'Charles••:-Rov KoAig. The jol^y, Mexicans- w . Innoeehti, Elizabeth Sarkisian, w c r e p}nyociby. Mary Ann-Colucci,

Poor; 'foKRy 'Clays.-. Ci^'a-'pncTa . Surecns. Joyce' ~'llt'l'S. Villci Ji.'trice .-bLMtfi',

George Ba'cr,.'f erry Vorndran, Rc-nee Doskoczynslci, James KiHion.

committee chair-.



men are Gary Walter. Jay Shak.Deborah Benedit, Dierdre Zahaj-kewycz and Mary Ann Mowakow-skii During the .month each chair-man will report on his group'sfindings. ,

Bloomingdtile School 'Grade 3

"~"F\ln~1l'iV School" -wHr- be- the.^tljeme-' of Miss Elizabeth Kelly'sprogram which will be-given-iy.

"•JTTcr iWii'ft"grade -for- t+ie primmygrade" assembly".• -. "Tho Ugly Duckling" with nar-ration and' music • arranged byFrank Luther will be dramatized

—hy—n rfmnp prphilflren who cniovsinging together and in solo.

"The-'Peppermint Boy," a playlor hand puppets, will be given bychildren who enjtsy reading playsand manipulating puppets.

..ThncA-.p-'iVH/'ipTtinf' in tV)P pro-gram will be Joseph . Audttsirlc,Tl'iomas eESadle, William Carter,John.. Eldridge, Kenneth Kasper,Thomas Beadle, William Carter,

..-Kenneth jQUck, JOavc Marin. Rob-^jaiJW^^cJ<i^lb^t^Sbpt .__\Va^

tef' Zingler, Lucille Andribla.Den-ise Carter, Betty Ann «Covnc, Di-.ane Foster, Judith Garrity, Pat-ricia Hazeldine, Karin McComb,

• Mary-Theresa Mineur. Debor•^lunsch",.'Geraldine Triola " ^ces Valla, Lynnc. Volknoartn, Kristine Walsh, Susan^Vtist and Joyce

Lincoln SchoolKindorfiarten^

v Miss Dorothy ,,Weinberg's kin-dergarten children, were very busybefore ^Christmas vacation, making

tionaid. VaTTCora;, John•A JReid, and" James,'

SwedishSusan Losko,

safe winter. They learned, that"weather determines, .our; way ofliving.

The "recent heavy -'snowfallshelped to stimulate the xhildr'on'sinterest in snow.' They, arc 'find-ing answers to such questions as:Wher.e does the snow come from?Where "does it .so when" jt rnelts?W o c s snow help us? |fow..dpes

snow harm us?' Snow (lakes cutfrom white paptj- made an ap-propriate addition to their winterbulletin board display.

JEujjehe Macelko, Jeilrey. Nfcw-inan, Gerard Iiaritelli, ThomasShcerih, Willianti Svihra.' NorrriiinNorcisa, Glenn Samuel, "Wiu'ia.in

, Wiehtma.n, Clark -White, DeborahMarga«>t Wdiiililc^ - Mary

Walulik', Debra

Jhe familyJanice

hvanyshyn, and.Allan Ijt.vvack.Marilyn Wargacki, Irwirr^Lyoiis,

Willfam ^Viltcrs, and. John-Kono-pack' helped to brighten trjb' oldinn'•with their, English decorationsand Vule log.' Finally the, Ger-mans, Deborah- Fjeund,.-- PatriciaMoore, Craig Maier, aridrMatthewMatusiefsky added a Christmas-trcu. to -ihe other decorations.-Qail.Bowman was. thfc ajinou'ricer-,

Willitim • Brown' • acted ase manager:. '-.-.. L.J!

a l , ^ i c ,Sheer, Cynthia" Weinsteinr KathyWitka, Barbara Evans, and Tracey

' t i w j c s . '',,-. _

; \ - Grade 3Miss. A\the'a- SUSinV class—cn=

joyed the vi^t of Mirts. Anne' Kris-tensen, a Danish student at Col-umbia Universftsjr, who spoke, totj)6 childron-abouXjl>cnina.rk andshowed slides. , Lohisc -Fedorkowrote a report . aboutxJDenmalfk"ahd'"l-caa~St" t6~Ker"-clasS\aKd tosome of the other classes i-n the.school. "Children who. drew t*ic--


\lrr. Noiccn Thiinvpson"\1r und'Alts. "Robert V

uod Mr'1) T'"ir"r •rMr. and Mvu. Guoriiti McGrniHMr. anfl Mrs. Joseph M

Mri and tiii. Louis LevlnoVrtMtU K

jects depicUngTife in New Jerseyduring the time of the Indiana!' and•early settlers. Joanne, Ericksoiv.Judith Gijldberg and Lynn Krilpvmade, ^wigwams similar to those

[-fettHt-by -thtr-tehni- t«nape-lndiftiisr||Jeffrey' Horowitz and Jiidith Tre?-za constructed log cabins.' Robert Weiss, Paul Nikitak, and.Thomas Hubiak set up miniaturt;

'J>i. the Revolutior&ry War

Fink drew maps: of .NoWV, jerseyshowing -the various battltsites ofth<;_Beyoluttonary: War. _- A doll "dressed like Betsy Rois

was made, by Paula_Valvo. Wil-liam Waters depicted the.Jife in anJrsdian^settlement with wigwamsilnd--Indians; -jflandi Mihtz- drewand colored, a picture of lylollyPitcher. "Booklets on., historicaiplaces in Kfew Jersey were, puttogetlier by 'Howard Kaplan -andAlita Mix. William Yackcr .madea mortar of clay? which "he dugfrom' the -rive.r barik.

Letters ToThe Editor

much study and careful thoughtkhave presented what they con-'•jflfr tVio' mnct 'ocnrinmip.-il :\r\i^' nf-llcient solution to our school prob-lems; . - -

Livingst&n Aveiiue_ ' - .Grade 1 .

'. Children in"the first grade liketo-taEelcare-ot- thoir r'oom E a hweek the"J boys and. givls-iln MissMary Marrcll's class volunteer tobe helpers. Listed, below fire thechildren who worked at their jo.b^for one week,: Elizabeth Green-mwi-Keitl) Dcert wevc-jinc jind-classleaders;. Paul Lyrich took care ofthe attendance report and EvelynSchmaus checked the calendar^^

The counting and passi«t? ofcadflhs. ...wejre rM tJhar.'gc bf


T u F e s ^ r r J t t i T n a r k ^ ^lock,_.Marcj_a..SchUrejr1 Bonnie Pol-lack, Virginia Vandver; Judy Ed-elman', KSiren Schreiber.,"'ancl-Car-ol Bopthby arc on the bulletin-boarcU —- _- -* = :

Frank Prager -played his accord-ion for the elate. The children en-joyed listening to him play Span-ish songs and Christmas carols.

-Th6 class made a wjn,'er murnl.5 l

children .will be deprived of 'ade-quate educational facilities', one ofthe first considerations in the- rat-ing of a town.

To'vote. "No" means, that-1 weco ild lose our accreditation.

"p^votc_.'lNpiV means that if *W-have second rate school facilitiesour town..will be .classed as sec6nd ra"tei:whi5h Jji turn" means a'lowering of property values.:\p.n the .other, hand to vote "Yes"oVHhe *j!fcrcndurB is a vote ,o'confitfencc and pride in the futur•ef "CraiVford.' J t means .{Sat w.~aro-votina54o kfcap—ti a first rntcommunity,v\with mpdefni wel

holders were madio by BarbaraBranyan, KathJcen Kelly, Vincentparavane-, Patricia Conlon, JcimdsLeahy, Mary Bennis,--Dalc Loder-St«dt, and Pauja Zydzik. •, Utility trays were made by John'

Adamec, Dale JLodprstcdt, Bar-bara Bohncr-j Dayid IjSresslar, Jo-dee "Catena, Mai;k Chodpsh, Hel-alne Deni\is, X,isa DiGiacarno.

\_^ Sharon Gustafspn, Normyn -Hob^bie, Clieryl Irish, and Stephe'n

,\, Coates.' .—Knitting boxes were made by

•Natalie Schade-, Diane Novello,,J,imes Ltuhy, Carol Meier, Susan

~ Pfatt," David Schectcr, Kathryn"• MeQiiald, and Melanie Hull.

Shell ash tr;ji's -were made by._, iB.arbarn_JBeck,_Carol Burdick, ~

~IIi-iuy Drailii. Ki'ric-JtuelcclT-KiirlKoester, Joyce Krevetski,, LeeKunze, Patricia McGee, Richard,

--avtoHsse-y-r-Pamela BulditiruljlancLCbughlin, Robert Lynch, J:uno;Nolan., William Peters, and M'.ch-.riel Fedlrko. ,

• ',• Pin boxes were rnade"by P.osi-marte Hacunda, Alan Eslick,•Thomas Rutmayer, and \ ^ i ryMoschella.

Sponge paintings made by iliechildren wei^ used for wrappingpaper. All of the children had a

-.chnrp In making Christmas orna-ments for tho classroom tree.

Grade GHoliday customs from many

;yiarts of the world were portrayedin-a one-act, dramatization, '"TheWay;" which ^-was presented • byMrs. Cora Leonard's sixth grade.pupils Before their Christmas ~

-.-„•.' The clafisroprii library waslie[)l ihorflei1 b y Barbara Clark,ValejcrtTBones, Arthur Carter, and•Maureen Ross. The museum was.in the care of Leslie Koziar andBarry°^.oldenberg, -Deborah. Ann

_.„ and. Gary Helrnstottortook turns watering the plantsdaily. Eiripty^ milk 'carfon's andwaste paper jverc collected byRobin" Wilson, and Susan Ross-bach. .

The doors were in charge ofCynthia Ku^tz-anH Kevin Amory.Evefy member., of .the clais. helpseven- .though j hik^nam.ft,.:.w»fty. Jffiotappciar on thcihclpers'- chart. Heknows he is responsible for thecare of his material and for clean-ing up after work is dpho.

^ Grade .3 'The boys ancTgifls'Tn"Mrs. Lor-

raine Olszevvski's third grade havebeen studying the Netherlands.

The children constructed wind-mills in three-dimensional design.Children > who •• displayed' tHeirwindmills on thp- bulletin boardwere Gregory Gamba, RobertMansfield, Patricia Prisco, JayTrent, Barbara Rosa, David.Claus-nitzer, and Patti Lee Arrowsniith.

Students who m,ade, tulips forthe bulletin—board were JamesBennett, Agril Cook^ Allen -Enlow,Dcbocah Faust, Qhristfne Hclm.r


i r , p

chiMr^fx to paint the background,afsnow and sky. Houses, people,snowmen, trees, sleds ond a npnd•were made from construction pap-j*r, , 'Triw hy -nipnn Roossner,•Ktovori-Gale. Paul.Mozpr,,^a.nfL.Jnanj k f f h Jil S h d i[jBackinblY; houses, Jil Schedin,John Palmer, David Silvc'r, andMarcheta Rehrig; snowmen, "Ken-neth Tardif, Michael Schaeffer,Allan Turadian. and Ronnie Bur-stein; people, John Berard andLewis White; pond, Linda Sher-man, and apartment. house, AnnEpstein. —

Grade 4Mrs. Hazel Pecibu.s' ' fourth

grade has been working on pr6-

'equipped and adecjuute schoolsThis we owe tbvour town, ouchildren and ourselves.

As a lifelong resident of Cran

Tuesday, Jaiiiiary 17, a day of decision-^...* " • • ' . . . , • • - • » '• • • " • • ' . * ' : . ; • J . - ' . •

You'l l Have a chance t o yote ••-..•.-;

Youil be voting for a iij&w SenioKffi^School.: :YES;-1iut, more: important, you'll ke voting for a growing,

The Grknford Board of Realtorsreferendumrfor the eonstructipn^ of a ^30a capacity high school on

^ ^ ^ a 600 capacity junior high scliool on Hillside Ave^nue.

^ &• ^

'. and Mrs. Kdo'ln Ainon,.Air. 1I)U o i n . j—uwtii ««^«i^iiMr.ond Mrs.'<3<!orgc,J; Abflo

Mr. and Mn.1 FrauX v - CuroianMr. and Mrt; Jolttj Carter . ,Mtsjr l'atricla Castaldo- " —— -.Mr. aild Mrs. Thomas Gcrmak

d ~ S 7 C ; ^ i r r C H l S T n

Akr. Ulld-tolrl' Kutfirt F4iuicyMr. and Mri. WilQiir KlacmrMr. and Mrs. HotiU-r1 (,- >uher '

Cranford niiist proyffle quality education for all i^i i a ^ ^

-fQrd...I..rcmanh.ej_^v.hPJaJ£ffiJik..only two schools in town; Sher-man School and Grant School. Ilived arjalock. from Sherman andattended Grant, in the 6thr7th, 8th, _and 9thL grades, walking' twice a •daynBacK^aBc'P'fsrtRr" ThErcrrwertrr


y cars.Today, with transportation pror

vided for" those living' at a dis-tance, the location of the schoolshould present no-problem. . Thereal problem is the vital need fornow schools and only a unitedcitizenry, with, pride in the townthey live in, voting "Yes" on-Jim-uary 17th, will provide them.

Very truly yours,Kathryn Denman Hansel

^ % r o p e r « e n ^ a S ^ ^of Realtors would recommend such a ^not nf a mind ta see^unnecessary residential p^opa^ies demolished^ TOerazing of existing residences would require relpcating^f manyj:amiliesand^ould bring a hardship to m ny of the families unrooted from theirirjesentJhftme sites. The cost of acquiring a central site localion^m^

be considerably more tiSan acquiring the proposed" sifes. ~ ~Due M these4>^feinsJ5nd thelacf there is not a proper central


. Mr. 'and Mrs. .Irvine- Adoihis .Mr. .and Mrs. Klctuftd O. Adams

'Mr. and Mrt. Kobert M. Addoras 'Mr. and-Mrs. Donald Alfcen • 'Mr, and Mrs. John Aklun *'Mr. Victor Albertl '_-•"-.. .Mr. RobertJL Albright .'Ktsv. Bri-Trnd^Mrs. Bcnjutnln. W. "P.' . . , . AXlin . : • ' . " ,••.' - . . : . , " , , • ' . . . . •

= Mrr.iand&Irs. John E.. Alien __ ._,__RcV.JJr. andMra. Albert/AUinsci?

Mr. aua lurii. t , . v. ynuiuucun,, -Mf. and bin. Frederick A. Chose

. -Mr'.'and Mra'..R. D. ChewMr. and Mrs. Paul G, Chieflf • .Mr: •Boi.WW.^-Robert Chriaiensen •'Mr. and Mr*. Robert JL, Clarv, Jr. •.'Mr.9 and'Mrs. Charles Clark ; ..' •

—i lr . and MwiJohn.V. Clarke, J*.'\Mr. Uiwrence Clavin "Mrs.' PHVE' Claviri •"".

-J)ir.-iind Mr«.iWJlllaro..P, CJeaye{ ,,_MSis GeraldUie Clcrolnson "'- J . . . . »-•-'——lof'B. cloud '

• s . c i u aI' CoiJ"

IVirr-aneJ-iltfcltalRh-Wshi*-^——*4r. and Mr<; V<(iuam >-. FlshcJ-Mrs. kJcaaor yiti^eirald , ;Mr. gnrt alri. jr. K friuaenUdMr. IV-d tiufierald " •' '.' •

and Mi?. W.^K. WanaKan, Jr.l M i f X W c l « i ! U i i » '

A»r. and Mrs. W. J. Hailriiai)Mr. and Mm. G«,rce A. Holden _Mr. and Mrs.- Jtiscph Hollkn

- Mr.-ahdJlis^LauirenS!. O,JHt>!land_Mr. and.Mrs. Kebtrt"Holland. ~"Mrs. A. TC. Hopkins

. WidMrt, John'M. Cole'sMr..ond M r ^ * I o n g o r N : A cMr. and Mrs.-Charloi-Augelbcck.

i3S ^ ^ ^ ^ ' Mr.' and Mrs." Hobert ColllurMr, mid Mrs. Wllllum L. Collins

Kir. .und Mra. If. Flemm . •TvtrTBKirMrir.-Noelrr'lorcftc* • *•>Mr. ui^d.Mrs. Hobert l-'dDnusz' . -

•Mr, aod'Mrs. teter J. iV)llnus' MrTiSnd-TltrS77itldBclcy-r>oilcr

Mr. iiVia Mrs. JWlUmm J. yoonprtMrs. Francis • W. l\>rcman

—Mr. and -Mrs. 10-nn«;th .L^tosttir_ild^cnn>_Er»hm« • ' •••'.'

Mr. Und-SHrB.- W.lManvJFraiicis-. .TVZ:Mr. OAdMrs. Herbert Frank'Mr. and Mrs. Mlchaisl FronKel -

. . Mr. and Mrs,-Robert Franks'' Mr. and' Mrs. W. KyiincUi VredcrlcU

JSr, and Mrs-^Arthur A. Korakh.Mr. and Mrd. Goodwin. IlorowlUMr. tnd Mm. H. HoaktnsMr:.und Mrs: Vittor'Hotfell '


istnpKool ".cation. Tlie Lincoln Seh6o

_n i rR lc r the direction ofi'Sandra Helmaey, assisted the class

The pupils who" wrote reportsand, read them t(ii the class .were.|.tnnn Rnt urn. Holly Bendlin^-Robrert.wCasale, James Douglas,- TobyHnk, "Robert Gigon, BarbaraJones, Katherinc Josewitch, LauraKilburg, and Benise Manfreclo..

The boys and girls who madeprojects for display were NancyNardelli, Deborah Peters, DeanRobinson, Jacqueline Wcssels,. Pa-tricia Johnson, and , Robert Dins-more.

j» . Grade 6The boys and girls in Mrs. Ku.W

Coppage's sixth tirade have fin-ished reports on the' early "Egyp-tian civilization. Richard Wintersused a shadow* box to illustrate hisreport'oh religion-. • - •

The students are working in'committees .on 'LJunit on Pakhitan

-nrprcpai.'tn'ufi-foi ii-vi.a'i by'Mr..Imtiaz Kamal of PakistijiC The



Robert E. BrunnerPrescription Optician '" .

1'' *• ' . . . • • ' . _ ' • i •

Takes pleasure in ajajjouncing that

Melville W. Wood :/

is now associated with him.

/"" Ctaaiotd. N. J.BR Z-56S0 ;

mended by the Board of Education, as the best Available sites forthe location of these schools. « -

The cost of ne>v Jbiiildings will be financed, in a sense mortgaged,

tp approximatelj/6 miUion dollars, will affect the taxpayer'^oUarpit a $^,000 a^essment apprbximately^$56 pjer year. Any cut bac^ oreionomiziiig^n jnew i^hoj^^ amount ^onerMl^lion OTSTwOl oWire^uce~^fe"apprwfe

^ d $500CL B i l d i l g high scKool instead

Mr- and'Mrs. -H. h. Arrtescfi-Mr." and Mrs. Corncltus S. Arnold- Mr. and M r s . Floyd Arnold

Mrs. Louise ArnoldMri and Mrs. Mcr lyn Arno ldKIlT- and Mrs. Joseph Aron • -

. Mr. and Mrs. lr. A_-A»huol!Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, AUcrbach;Mr -JliiH ,Mn. .MHoqj{auafaMr. and Mrs.-Jumoi AtlltMlai Melt'no • AUsilln

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BablnecM r . and Mrs. jAscnh B d « a ^

* Mr. and -Mrs..-C. S. BaUce——

' Mr. and Mrs. M. S- ConkyMr. and Mrs. Wqlt^p'J. Conley .Mr. and Mrs. Qvor$c ConpverMr. imd. Mrs. JTohn .Conovt-r 'Mrs. Jean Conte '•Mrt. Mclba E. Cook . , .. "'Mr. fioriald G. Cobptr 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Cooper

—M\fi-a>^ K<rr Wn'^r M. rnrnff .^• Mrr and Mrs. D. L. Copelund

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. CorlMM. Kathcrlne CoryMr. ond Mrs. touls Cbelabll*Mr. and'Mrs."Bernard fco^entryMr. Andrew Co*», - ,•Mr. and MM. Clifton H. COK

-Mx- and M™. Wch»«LtCpX^_;- Mrs. WtUlam Cox, , , .^V —

M h J M > : C t i

>tr . and" Mrs: Ceorde yiMtuv-iur— "

M r ^ u n d Mrs. Kobert HoytMrs- l iu i s« l l •""•Miv

- M r .Mr.





and "Mrs. Horoid Ulleurctucand Mrs. ir. G. tlbcre -

. rTratiees UtUet • *k .and M«: HtrmaH Llcbwrtnanand Mru: tw'uUon M. Uthteipand Mrs. Holwrt W. Lindsay

.- \l S-. Uni(er<eldt .'••.-. ' .and Mrs.. Fri ilk C. tfppnuinnand Mrs. Lawriftieo p. iJtlnun)id X(rs. Linn IJMJkwood

. M. Coderstedt . 'i<nd Mrt. William "Ifrelfer

d M nm

N " • • ' . • ' • : ' -

$AY. und Mr«. Snymour NadelmanMr. und Mrs. Donuld L- VstonMr. and .Mrs. V. jfesbersiMr. ond Mrs. JasoDh NK>vc)lo ^

• MV, and Mrs. Earl Neul •»

Mr: und Mru. H. K. Nt;vul>. 'Jr.Mr. anid Mro. H. y^He^Mtneief

ttnd Mrs. Joi>n W:and Mrs. Elliott HumeEred C: HummW . . - . * 'and Mrs. W.'B. Humphrius=fttt i ic;br:HttB!cH*-—-:=z~und MmrJames H. Hunterand Mrs. Fr^d. Hustonand "Mrs. "Jloberi IC.rHyatl ^and Mrs. Charlci V. Hansel, Jr.Carl' G. Hansonand'WrjJ.'H^njami^'Hyamsand MrspHarold W. Hlldebrant

and Mrs. r*re<JH.'F. Looser

, Ji*aii icaiianiind Mrc^Hariry Lohmanand Mrs. Kalman Lurln&kyand Mra. John T. Luttle^Jr.and Mrs, Bedford II. (Uydon


~~srrrand Mret-John ; . „.,Mr. and Mrh. Bernard T. Lyons

" Dr: Edrfioil B. LeeDr- Samuel Lcvlne .Dr. Albert LewisDr. WalUr Uir«i«.Mr. and Mra. Jptft>h t-»vy

Mr. and Mrs.. Altur Nkn, Mr. and-Mm. J?fuiik Nlcuz.

Mr. and Sirs. Thomas NolanMr. nnd y/tra. (toy K. NordutroniMrs. >lortneo E. NorthcuttMrj and Mf8. I^ocer NortonirWJtulph Nota.ro

Mr. und Mrs. Hubert r'reyMM ftmt: M n. E. frledmanMr. aid Mrs. "AUredf rlcob •Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fumun

Jur. and Mrs. Ben GalenA C K l U l

Mr. and Mrs. John D- Oalhout .Mr. und Mrs. Ilufold U. O'Brlon

"Wr. and Mrs. "J«mci! V. O'Brlon TPhlllt). O'Connell

Mrt and Mrt). K. W. InurahamMr. and" Mrs. J. W. IncromMr. and Mrs. William' XrslincerMr. and Mrs. Wtllum IsaacMrs. Harold IsinU ,ViVfaUiiMe




UflDEN ' SCOTCH PLR1NS SO. U l N n E l D . APlnfld 5-2200 f

Jand and (Aaioil MalotlaU V

•••;'•• • • . , . • • " . ' j r ~ ' ^ A

UMDEliHU tr 64*22 fftmifd 24300


pronerty^issessed at%5,000. Bmldmg one large high school insteadof S m i M and SeMoxHigh School cpuW possibly save tme^inil-

dollars; building only a proposed high school instead of theJunior and SenipTxHigh School, could save possibly 2 mil-

lion* dollars. 0 n ^ R a l ^ ^ f % ^ m e assessed at S5,000 We tax sav^lion uuiiaia. v « <* W»AP»JV* «\*.««— — — - * n - •_ , _f»

ings would mean only $10.00 X^year for each million dollars cut oftbuilding costs, \ •-•— ' "

The decision of cutting building costs and jeopardizing the j(uali-mnst he youfsr

ill be acce^mg a hit or missdeaL

Mr. and Sirs. E.: ,L. Baldeschwleler_ Mr. andjrtrs. Kenhcth E. Baldwin

Mr. and Mrs.^Wchard Baldwin v.Mr. I. J.'Bollnth . . •M«". an<J Mrs, Fred Ball "Mr, and .Mrs. Albert BahschcrMr. Kenderton B. BarberMrs, ,Gcora« 11. BarlowMr. and Mrs, Daniel Bass

' Mr. and-Wro. WlUlolin H. BatcwanMr. and Mrs, GeorKo H. BatesMr. t)»d Mrs. Uni-old BatesMr. und^»Vlrs'.:.Jdhii. Baiu«anwMr, and Mrs. Edward Baxter.••'.Mr. and-Mra. E. .F.-.Bjmtei", Jr. ~Mr. and Mrs.JohitHBaytalaMr- and MrsrA. F. Beach • • ••

.. Mrs. li. M. Beach . .Mrl-ana^TBtjfSTIJoyd. d." BcaU, Jr. i .

. Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur J. Bo a MI an, Jr.' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bedell

: Mr. and Mni. J. W., Bedfofd"Dr. and Mrs. D,"M.'Becson

_ " '" Mr\" and Mrs. AJ?/ Bimlert' KBr. and^IrsT^IyToTrwrrBdfAi.-- • -Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Bclden

Mr; and. Mrs. Alfred Benedlt-Mr. and Mrs. A. DavlU BennettMr. and Mrs. B. Bcrtfen_l>r. and Mrs, H. BcrmanMr. and Mn, Bernard G. BernsteinMr. and'Mri'. J'css BurnstelnMrv and"Mrn. Sam Bdriultein'Mr. and Mrs. D. Smcad BerryJMf-'iittd Mrs. Vclot-BertoloUlMr. and Mrs. Stephen Blaleckt "jMr.- and Mrs—Murray Bledenaan..

, Mr, Irwin L. Billet • ._ Mr", ond MM. E. Bllllch

Mr. and-Mrs. WiilIy"JohnTilrii:—Mr..and Mrs.7. Hobert P. BlunnoItcV. and Mm. Robert UliiaroMr. aiuLrMrs. Josenh'A. Blnha 'Mr. and Mrs. Wi'tst H. BlandlncMe. and Mrs. Robert Blog&cr 'Mr. and Mrs.'FrtfdavIe BlumX>r. and Mrs. ttoland I>. BlythoMr: and Mrs. C. H. BoddenMr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Be,.Mr. und Mrs;. Jnhn BotlwarkMrs. C. A. BolflodMr. and' Mrs. Douislas U BonhamMr. ahd Mrs^ Donald Boothby, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul IlprlckMr, Zyiimowrt t. Boric

oil . tr.—-yr?-^iii«aww.-- ... ..Mr1..and Mrs. Ueinurd A.Mr. und Mrs..Leslie GamtaMr. aiid Mn. Dale Gantfaware . .

' Mr. anii-Mrtr-WlUiom- parb«r«:, Mr. and Mrs:-Bernard 1. GarllngerMr. and Mrs. JbseDh T, GaynorMr. and Mrs. William H. Gelslcr

-Mr-««i-Mri . Edward " ~Mr._'iin'd.^rs^ Mortoia_


and Mrs. C F. Machonlsand Mrs. Anthony Mucluuakand Mrs- Anthony Mackand Mr*. Genri»u Mack. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward JacksonMr. and Mrs: Jay JacksonMr.. and Mrs; Herbert H. JacobusMr.'and Mi's.' Krlc M- James

\M-tr (aid Mrs,. 11. B.. JettrcyMr. Qnd-.Mrtt. ChrU' Jensen

d M J h J r iMr>Mr.Mr.



and Mrs. Arthur e r a m f ' 'ahd Mrs. Robe'rt'M. Criihe. Jr.

.James Crawford - 'I. HelchrCreBar; . .rand Mn. Walter J. Croll, Jr.and Mrs. C. B. 'Csfcrnle'aand Mrs.' Paul A..Ct|rcl(jnnd Mrs.- Hadlcy Curtisand Mra. E. B. Cyphers

Sidney Carslryand Mis. James 5- ClarUc -

Hcv.and Mrs.'Arnold'J. Dtihlqulst. ••Wt. ahdMrsipcorge JJalack

Miss Theresa. D"Alessan<)ri».- Mr..'fth'd'Un. WlUlamOJaJy^

. Mr.'and Mwi.'AJ'O'Asnato '••Mr; and Mrs. S. Daniels . •

• Mrs, Ell«n....S. JDaylj .^'.•• • •

' -Mr. and Mra. WllUamMiss^Xrena Gilbert.. •

—WmnuriMrsnrohn W. Gilts—*Ir. and Mrs. Edward GUI

Mr. and Mrs.' George GlllcnMr. and Mts*JQru£f_GILU'SS>leMrr and Mrs. James J. Gllllch"Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher GllpmMr. E. N.' GllroyMr. and Mrs. Itqbcrt GUserMr. ond Mrs. C. Gitierman.Mr. nml Mrs. George'Gladla-Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Gle.Mr. and Mrs. Martin GlotiiJ1

Mr. and,Mis. Btcphun Grai'liKMr. ahd Mm. AUmrt Goldberg

- Mr; and' Mrs. Lee, GoldcnbcruMrs, .Nprman.'"GaldsiriltH.' :' " - "Mr. and Mrs. C. E. GonanoMr. aiid Mrs. C. C. Goodfe.Uov/. Jr.-MK- Al if.' Coodhart


- '.MrMr.Mr.



, M. Mr.

' Mr.Mr.

• Mr.Mr.


and" Mrs: ciarenco O«dcn

Mr. antPMrt,. Ilohi;rt HXIUKUTOMrH. Duvid Hyft'n

''y . •• • ••' s ' • • •

Ur.. anil Mra. A. SabulotMr. jimil Mra. Don'iiid K Kin-ken - •Mr. arid Mrs, \vuitum aadlur•Mrs. a . T, Salwny •• • •Mm. Enn'lw 't. Barrier -. -

—Mr^anU JLtr4L-U_R_HlllUlEnt_ _ii_k,Mr. and Mm, llnrolil c. aiirilunlMr.^and Mrs. Edumril D -Suntucnr

- -Mi-.- und Mrrs. Arthur-flaiklulan . •... Mr. ami Mrs." Vlncont lr. BaiiiovAkl

Mr. nnM Mrs. Daniel SqustMj. and Mrs. Carl SuuorMr. and Mrs. aetirLt'. 9. Sanrr -"'•

'Mr. and Mru."CKifToirScjlUTOMr. and Mm. J. !•". SclmfirMr. Uobott E. Sclianilt. . . . ^Mr. und Mru. M. Schiilner.Mr. avtd Mru. Ksnnvth o . SchellefMiL.JUid Mrsi Rolnnil M. Hcht'llfr ..

1 Mr. amd Mrii. Kdu'artl ll! BcVu'.nker• Mf n»H l l w A ft RrhOtlillchj




and Mrs. XVllltiim A'. Thornton, Jr"."und Mrs.. Gjoruld E. TlnirsOpll 'uiul Mrs. Rtciiurd TomllnKoivand MtSi.WaUer J. Toom'ey •and Mr a. Pruhk J. Torrens, Jrund Mrs. A.- Donuld Trccostllurold Tri-'ntmul Mret. ^dwtird W. Trl.'ttrturtuiul Mrs. W. a. Tromctter fnnd Mra. Qcv«-uo TnunDore..

, anil Mrii.'Z.iwjbPrt Turadlinund'Mrs. JolVn -TilHt ^^—-——

. [uui Mr«. JUUKMI A. TUFUTTI*

.'iiml Mru. John V. TuttlB, Jj1.

.Tnw;Mrs. M.-J,-'"rHittle • -

..nnd Mrs. David W. Tyro

. iiud Mr:,. Poter Tyruait '

' ' *• •"•'•"-": • ' A

VMn Froilorlck Ummcr

nnd^ir tr .JnekOHaranrid Mrs. Bhcldon OhlcrlchAnd Mrs. William Hayes-Olduhd Mrn. Waruin Oldeund Mro, John A. OUon

. JoMBh V. O'Malley •onH"Mrs. It. A. O'Neill

Mr. und Mrn. Joseph pehlllur. _M..r.;_und Mrs. Al.' BclilHinc. ".

Mr. und'Mfs. >'rank BclilnkMr. and Mrn. Krnt'st J. BchlrmerMr. and'Urs. Poter SchlemmMr. and Mrs. Robert O. BchmidtMr nnd 'Mr». Verne. BchnebclMl.su -purollnc 8chneUU»r

#anTl Mrs. D. ., K-' ,M:icLeil'nolTand Mrs. Thomas MacMeoklnand Mrs. Dexter MacMlllnnand Mrs. M. J. MacMUlun

. Melvln MocMUIani. Arthur VI, MucMurray

and Mrs. Donald K. MncLennanand Mrs. John Maddenand Mrs.. II Maddux

Or. and Mr*. Watltlna John '- Mr. amr"-MrsT"Xlberf~K. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. JohnsonMr. und Mrs. William S. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Robert JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. JonesMr' nncT Mis. Carlisle JonesMr. and .Mrs- D. L. Jonts

- Mr: and Wrs. E. A. JonesMr. and Mrs. Norman tl. Jones •Mr, and Mrs. Y*aill Jonei;

•.Mr. and Mfs. iValtt-r 1.1. Junci-

. K . '• . •""Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Kalst'rMr, and Mrs. Fred -Kalsur

" Mr, atid"rMrs.' Edward' KamnilcrMr. anH Mrs. F. Knnt

. Mr.. : W Mrs. Curl KantorMr. aKd Mr«. William S. 'J

Mr. Mhd Mrs. ' ' ' "

jnir. and Mirsr^kardld Dcen ~~~-|Mr. and Mrs! Walter1 De HaVcriMr—arid MrJ. ocstisr J,; D^sehenesMrs. Alpha.de ta Motto ,Mr, and Mrs. K. A. Do LonneMrs. N. Denman , „ ; • . "Hetf. and Mrs. John De Veauv, "3r;—Mr. and Mrs.,'Thomas DevlinMr. and MrtA,.-^, DeWoltMrs. Forrest bextcr -.'•Mi..and Mrs. Forrt»i-P-..d«jtter. J*.Mr. .and Mrs. LqU' DlckiteinMr,. andMril* Chflri«sl",Dletrlch—

• Mr. and -Mrs. George Dtctrlchsen... Mf. and'-Mra,>'. Bruee-pliUett. Mr. and-Mrs. Michel D'lriiioci'nito

Mr. and Mrs. irsrtttan V. Doerhoft-rMr. arid Mrs. Jblui H: Dolbeur

"Mrs. N. Anne Donaldson' ' " 'Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Donnelly •Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. DonQvaitMr. and Mrs. Ira D. Dorian

• Mr, and Mrs. «. M. Dori»n - •

Mr. and Mm. Casmlr J. GorsVcaMr. and Mrs. Bernard GrintMr. and Mrs. O;_ ~

"Mr^iindrtMrariiowqrti =**i« nn i • v »-*»*Mr. and Mrs. Kefmeth B. MollcryMr* V. W. Maloney .'_.Mr. Burton I. MandcllMr. and Mrt. T. .ManncK •Mrs. Marlon ManningMr. and Mm. Erwln It. MaiiliyMr. and Mrs. Edward Mur<:kMr. and Mrs. Edward MarnnlliMr. an<l Mrs. Lewis ManiolluMr. and Mrs. John Marohi'VMr. mill Mrs. John V. MarunUlun

4 Mr. and Mrs. Gforgi! Maiiih'Rlr.tind Mrsr yeyiiWjir MarshWr. und Mrs. John MarshakMr. and Mrs. Paul MarUmn, Jr.Mr. nndjjlrii. John L. MJirtl-Ur^iiUd»Mi*. William It. !Ui.-lln.Mi*,..and..Mrs. Frtnik MartiMr. and Mrs. Jolili Ma.honMr. and Mrs. W. Mauarsky

"" Mt«- John Ma>onMr. and Mm. .John II. MIIIIU-WKOMr, and Mrn. Arnnhl K. Mutiny•Mr. i.n.1 Mrs, .g.~H:i|rMattr)cw*-

Mr. und Mrs. Jullun OreelMr. and Mrs. E. Paul Orsay ,Mru. Laura OsbornMr. und lyira. Hurry.V. Osborne, Jr.Mr. and Sirs. Marvin Ostro 'Mr. unH'Mni. Tlurbld OwenJiraTMurlou Owen - j •

• - " I * — — .Mr. and Mrs. IV V. VaneMr.'uud Mrs. Earl IfttffriithMr. und Mra. 'Arthur PU.IDWMr. and Mrs. C.-L. I'ajmor '

Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Punetta^Mj. anti -Mrs. AHr«d,1I*ai>PMr. anil Mfs. Thomas ParrottXlr. and Mrs. Herbert I'uskowMr. uHrt'Mr». J. 1J, Patbe'reMr. und M ru. Ttnbrrt S. Puici-sonMJS. Charles Patteruon - ,

' Mr. Iltehurd Patton*Mr. und Mm. Philip Pcorlmun 'Mr. mm Mrs. Hobert PnarlmntiMfil! C. E. l>euKeMr. and Mrs. Paul P. Ptfnvcnud :Mr. and Mrs. W.. S. P«retMr. uml Mrs. Carl Person •Mr. and Mrs. Wns>n« R, Potdnu -

ond Mrs. Herbert A, Peterson

Mr. und MrH. BumutM HcVirptfrMr. H)\d Mrn. Olto SchrtckcrMr. and Mrs. K" 1v. Si-hrneilurMr. anil Mn, Terry N. ftehulijiMr. und Mrs. Jon BchwulbuchMr. und Mrv Juck achwart7.

-Mt^iiud JJrj I'jiul. QcliwartxMr. and Mtit. Htrjlortt Si'.hw;ir**b;

Mr. und Mrs II. Knujk VnndersllaiU»:v. und Mrs. Tliomun \.'VuntlcriilicMr uiltf'MrsTTVtwViiiYDc WaterMr C. Van Illrtuin " .Mr. «hil Mrn. Otto Vulblnger-

'Mr, untl Mrs fcurl A. ViMislromMr. und Mr». .Donulii P. Vlotorln,Mr. and Mrs. II E Valmi'rMr unil Mrs llurolcl A Voi ' l

" S(T*TlmraMiss Jean

-•' Ml!.;; Clull WuddlilMr. iiiul Mrn. Hlchurd a. Wauner

.i..- —Mr-miir-MrK eiwHfr* llr-WuaiHJr, Jr.

Z Zd UYi. U^'pelitlin"r~" ' Mr. rin<i

-Mr. (inil Mrn. Robert U.M-r. and Mrs. Warren I> UechrtstMr. and Mrs. C. W. BculbuehMr. and Mi'ti. Heruuril St'tlerMr. uJid'Mrs. Oeoriip 8n|:rli»<loMr. und Mrs. H. c , Ruhlmoyerh!r, tuul Mrs. Puul Sclbv

. Mr. and Mi'n. Currull KTsTflrr:!'Mr. untl Mm. John H. SinnonMr, unil' Mrs. Wllllum c , sevorsoiMrs. Hurolil Sovmour, jr.Mr. i\iul Mrs. Edwuril BhahiMMiMr. und Mrs Nle.ion N, BhaliUubbl and Mrs slilnoy Ehai\li»tiMr. nnd Mrs. llcrmuii ShunlroMr. and Sirs. S. J. ShuwMr. und Mr». J. T. BliawdoMr. mill Mm. II. L: Hhlri'Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bljujiin'r


i lund Mrn. M. Wutnuurpntf-MnrrrHiirold V. W»H,; ,Jiund Mis. Hlchard Wolbrui-lyrund Mrs. a. II. Wale,otluntl Mrs. • Jacqni'ii II. WuMufhuiHl'Mrs. Andlew J^ Wiill'nurund Mrn. Jinnen J~Wul-.liuiul TNtrr,. PatfieU Wiilih.ind Mrs l.uwrenee W,ll:kvuiul Mr.-. l-'retlerleU, C. Windftntl Mr . Ktnuslnnti Wuld

• Rltymand D. Wurd •und Mr». VI. K. Wurtel '

i Iieulrlcel-;. Warneruntl Mrs.~C3. K. Wurner, Jr. -und Mm. J. IJ. WumnuUin... _nnd Mrs. II. I-'. Wuslibnrnnnd Mrs. Theodore WusserUM-linnd Mrs. Jumen ]J. Wutersun.

Harold c'. WnuuTiTiny C. Weu,V>Tyler Webber

nd,und Mrs.

.' liilri Mr:..

Mits tnla DohvmanMr1, and Mw! A. v.

! Sh i l DorlniClrsl Shirley DorlnMrs. Doris DornMdMr. jhnd Mrs.- Clarcncu Dou'dMr. 'and Mri. Joseph DouifunMr. and.Mrs. Henry preyer,.,,, _Mm. EU«jib«th/Oulty.

Mr. and Mrs. WHUam F. Gray.Mtvjmd Mrs. William F. Gray. Jr.Mr. and^trsPrfarold OrayccMr. arid Mrs. Stanley F. QraysottMr. und Mrs. Httiry GfeensUIn -Mr. and.'«Nfri). D_ t . GregtfMr. and Jar«. C. J. Gr«.'ir6raccMr. und Mrs: Lewis O. Griffiths 'Mr. and Mrs.' JohtiD. Grice 1 _._Mr. <ind Mrs. William GrWithsMr. and Mrs. Cene Gross -Mr. and Mrs. Jay GrossMr. and Mrs. If. A. drotcMr. and Mrs. Frank GruberMr. and Mrs. Val J." GnmewalderMr. (ind Mrs. Theodore V, Crush .Dr. and Mrs, J. lMul GulntherDr. and Mrs'.-Donald A. GuthrleMr: aiid Mrs. Gus A. GutierrezMr. and-Mrs. Hlchurd GuyMrs. Violet Guytrbf. Wclchi-r CllplnMr. and Mrs. Act:l Garland

-— T.-G«lset"THr.Mr.

urid J t f r V T I t .and Mrs. Joseph


Mr! tlnd•TJ7«."Hobcrl'Ki'ibe."r"Miss Eltxabeth. KellyMr. and Mrs^Thomas C. Kelly


Mr. Edward J. Boyle"Mr. and MM. . Diehard Brudfleld, Jr.Mr-, and Mrs. Harold £. Bowles



We are equipped to handle remodelingfrom start to finUh. Soa us before* you re-model, We can save you time and money.




.-- •...'..

miot^ollar^^utyIs this what_ you want?TOe strength and growth of our town, county, state, and .coun-

try depends to a large degree on the type of education we offer toour children (the citizens of tomorrow). If we ar^going to keep ourtown growing and protect the way of life we hold so-dear, we musthave progressive education.

To a large degree^ the future of our town, whether or not youhave children, rests in providing quality edufeaticm. -

'.' r

For h growing, fort^ird-jmvim^nford, ibe, theCranford Board of Realtors; urge each amk every

citizen to vote "YES'' for this referendum.

f . • • -

Cranford Board of Realtors•—Paid./or l>y Cranford Board of Realtors - •

4 Aldeu Street " • * ,

• ^ — ^ ' • : . . . .

• Mr.Mr,Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mf.Mr.M.r.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mrt

—LtWie-Ilr<E.<if|_^_w__and Mr». Everett L. BruntTeyMorris A. Urantlcy •and Mrs. Irvinu Braslowunil.Mrji. John XJ. Brtrinanand Mrs. James B—Brewutcrand Mrs". Dwlifht Brldaeund Mrs. Jnfm A. lirlnokoand Mrs. Winchester Brittanand Mrs. Carl Uroekerand Mm. ltobert A. Brooke,and Mri. John A. Brosky - 'and Mra. Hlehnrd l>. Ufowt'rr Jr.and Mrs. Charles K. BrownHerbert nrownand Mm. Hottert G. Brownand Mrs. -Edgar A. Brownie*and Mrs. Norman H. Brubaker

W H E h W B U W t t UStrrmidiWrriHEhivWBfUWttaUMr. and Mrs. William J. BruntMrs. A.'E. UuchMri arid Mrs. £. U. Bucket-Mr, und Mm. Edward ButlandMrs. Brewttc-r BpmsMri*.~Jack BurtonMt. tvM Mrs. Poter D. BnrkMr. und Mrs. Wilfred A. BurtonMr. anil Mrs. Itrucc .Itell'Mr. and Mrs. Juntos Brldu

Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnpv-GiuldleMr andMra. J C. CalM>r*»-^Mr. nnd Mm. John H. Coofiun.

' Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobert Conlt .-—-Mr. ond Mrs. Br.mt M. CoobersmUhMra. Marifarel Callahan

- Mr. and Mrs. T. .B. Cullanaii

Mr. and MnH!lueh'l&''ii'iin\oi>~\"*Mrvand,Mra. Harry thmnMr. and Mrs. James DUmiMr. nnd Mrs. James Dunn, Jr.Miss Bfrnlce DurhamMrs. Hester Durham •-

.Dr. N. S. DeutuchMr. and Mrs. Hcyriold DcVinncy

Mr. und Mrs. .Churlcn EatonMr. and Mrs. WHlJam E. Kbcrle XMr. and Mrs. Jlarold Kckert I'.Mr. »nd Mr». Harrison EdwardsMr. and Mrs. John II. Elchlnifer'

- Mr, and -Mrs^-Samucl .HiitntotYaMr, J. S. MdceMr. and Mrs. John tlllottMr. and Mrs. K. tl l is ,Mrs. V, ElsdenMr. and Mra. William G. Emerson, Jr.MrrraHlfitrnrr-Huii'ciiO ICwtfA—Mr. und Mrs. Harold L. Knustrom.Mr. antl Mm. Moe EpsteinMr. and Mm. Carl ErlcksohMr. and Mr*. «al l ti-kkKonMr. ond Mra. Oeorife U. KrdrminnMr. and Mrn. Donald EschenlauerMu. and Mrs. K. h- Kslabroak

~Mr..and Mrs" David KttelninnHt. and Mrs, Meivln KttlnMrs. Thomuj EurillMr. aHd- Mfs. Alfred C- Ev'iui-t

.. -.Mr. iinrt Mrs., William C. V.varji • •NffTaiiaryn'^NnMUht •> ••*t*n*~-Mr. und. Jrs. -Allen Kverctt

- « -~ _ . ~ : "Mr. "arid 'AlH.

^ [v(r,t

ana mrs . £ . m a , u »«.,,.,-_.—and Mrs. Arthur J. Kc-fllanand Mrs. Hlchard T. Ksnt,and Mrs. Wynn Kent, •and Mrs. Richard Kepplerand Mr*. Jamts V. Keivlckand Mrs. Ira Kurunanand Mrs. James A. JCternafi, Jr.

. Hlchard KhntuUan'd Mrs-.K-Kinif • • -,-and Mrs. John I. Kinney.and Mrs. Paul Kinney. GioVitQ Kirn'. Wl l ibm Kishand Mrs. N . C. Kjejdieriand Mrs. Joseph M. Kit Inand Mrs. Marshall Kl,:lnand Mra. Kudolph Klempaand Mrs. Ndrnvun Kline. Walter- Si Kmak • tand Mrs. G. Lyndall Knapp *and M r i Willlaiw T. KIIOJCand Mrt. Victor G. Ko<.vnkound Mrs. Walter E . Kflshand Mrs. Wtlllam C. Ktich - ~-aud^Mrs^iIojcplj.W. Kiwlr-™

1 Mr.Mrs.Dr.


Dr.Dr.Mf.All .Mr.Mr.MrTMr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr,Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.MRMr.

_ VI. MliJJrihd Mrs." Edward Mayer, Si'.

. Eduarjl T. Mtour • •aad Mrs. D. S." Me Arthur

" "" "-•• -- JMeArthur,ana mn. M . *iv\v.ir<i^iiand Mrs. J, X5. McBrldcaHd Mrs. Donald McCordand Mrs. Hobert L-MeCnrmack, Jr.and MrB. Gj.*ii£ S. McCrt'cryand Mrs. Chirk W. McDvrmlthand Mrs. Richard N. McV.iddenand Mrsi:.Stuart McFoddenand Mrs. Walter jr"Mc<X'irryand- Mrs Douald McGlnnlsand Mrs. James K. McGovncyand Mrs. William McGradyand Mrs. John E. McIIaraand Mru. Martin Mclluehand Mrs. W. D. McKcauueand 'Mrj. Jaiucs McKreai)d Mrs. H. EUetmere McKelcoand Mrs. Hbwurd McKIniand Mrs. II. McKlnlcy. Jr.and Mrs. G. I. j^JcJJcilland Mrs. Illchuil^Menzeland Mrs Richard J. Merier

Mr. und Mrs. , _Dr. and Mru. William CDr. and Mm. Emll O. PIHTCIIIIIMr. and Mrs. Judson pinckney

^ r i ^ a i i d »<•" -yv^-wiryr-H- iMfttitrMr. and Mru. Vred/J. pluttncrMr. juid Mrs. Q.. A. PluVloMr. and-Mrs. William plumnicr .Mrs. Mary H. I>6lldoroMr. and Mrs./Alvln PollockMr. anil Mrx, Hlchard I'oj\icranl2!Mm. KatheHne I. I'ODPMr. uud .Kira. C. E. PorterMr. limfTMrs. Jnsiiih H. PostMr. ur>d Mrs. Herbert PottishklnMr. (kild Mrs. Jumes PoiitellMr. and. Mrs. w . Kenneth, PowellMr. und Mrfi. Kimene M. PUWITSMr. und'M,rn. .Chnrle.s Pn-stonMr. nnd Mrs, Anton Pceu.ssMr. and Mrs. John M. PrlchurdMrs. Joseph PrillMr. anil Mrii. Mnlcolm B. I'rumlu

. Miss Durburu Pti.tiichcrMr. and Mr». Louls'O. Putt,cht'r


'-Mr.. Jit-Mr.

' MrsMr.Mr.MrMr.Mr.MrMr.Mr.




anir Mrs.unil Mrs.UIKI Mrs.ani l -M".nnd MrK.

. John Wand. Mrs:iiml-^lrs.and Mrs.null Mrs.und Mrsund Mrs

•nnd Mm.iintt Misund Mr.-,mul Mmunrl" Mru.and Mm.uml Mrs.UIKLMI'!'unit'Mrs.uml Mru.und Mriiuml Mrsand Mrstuul Mr

John V. RllllmiinCheater BllvcriitolnRobert C. Simons

-U- L, SJ.urscnCharteii 15. BkaeepBkcrrot•eaniP H. Skliimoroj.'r(?d~Bluu)oHenry SluuuonH B. Hli-t'sliiun'I-'riincl-, 10. HlnutDiinuld K Smlllil-Tunk amli.liVrinil! J 3inilhI,C-OII II HmllhPuul Smith

Robert K. HmilliItodi'ruk W SmithWurr'en HmllllWurrrn W. HinlthWlllluin II HmllhHenry L Sniltliers •John L. Snoot. Jr.John J. Somcr*Junu-.-, P. BonniiervllleMorrlri aofnujn


. Mi-rMr

iMr.. liilri Mr"\1 r. and Mm,'Ms. 4iHi:jji'a- J i t U ;Mr. E M..W|.-lier 'Mr. itnd Mrn.| It. Weber " ~Mr. untl lira. WlUlum.' WeberMr. and-Mm. Walter Wcucrlmuer. Jr.Mr. Und Mrs. Clinton Ii. -WetolerMr. uud Mrs. Floyd WeeksMr. und Mm. Kennutli 11. WcnmatiMr. I,. II, \Velliel „Mr. iilitl Mrs. Laul.il T. Weler:ibi|chMr. und Mr». S. J.VVellMr». Stanley M. WnllundJlr. untl Mrn Theotlore WelnerMr. untl Mrs. ueorut* Wi'iMicrnerMr und Mrs. Irvm« Wema ,Mr. fjeyiutiill' Wel:isMr nnd Mrs. Alun a. WclljMr. Oliver West .[ft. antl.Hrs. WIMIunl II. WestMr. nnd Mru. Robert C. WheelerMr. und Mru. C. Wellet

•"Hr. und Mrs. V. WllllmeyerMr uiul Mrs UernuTil L. WliltoMrn. John While,Mr. Tlcunse White, Jr.Mr. and Mru. t^oruiun WhltnMr und Mrs. Kurl Wlelie.ilet . _ .Mr. und Mrs. Hrrinvt WiesoMr. und Mrs. Iloljert Wlesu


Mr. L. V. Haar -Mr. and Mr». Chauneey C. HaleMr. und Mrs. Homer J. HallMr. and Mrs. Mathew B. Hall

T f t b t ^ H lMr.Mr,Dr.Mr.Mr.MrsMrsMr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr.


and Mrs, Marvin llaltomand Mrs. II. J. Halvorsetiand Mrs. Joseph I*. Ilamerund Mrs. Wiljlam Hamiltonand Mrs. Robert' Hand

:. C. V. Kansiel. Warren la. llansenJohn Hanvland Mrs. William V. Uumlnnd Mrs. Hobert M. Hartnonand Kirs. tMwajil Harneyand Mrs. U. C. lUrrinctotiand Mrs. Malcolm tlurrtuand Mrs. William II. H&rrlkonand Mrs. Half L. Hartwelland Mrs. C. H. Harvey

-and-Mts.- D. W. Hatklns.Mr. und Mrs. ttlchard Hasklnsi ~Mr. ond Mrs. G. W. HaukDr. and Mrs. E. Itausmai)Mr. anil Mis. Wllliaiti Haveson iMr. und Mrs. IK1 .m lUvitand ,,Mr. und Mrs. HotMr 3. Hawley 'Mr and Mrs. Halph M. Hay-ward.Mr. and Mrs. «. T. Haieldlrie 'Miss Helen Hubelidahl • -Mrs. r«ler> JlfbendahlMr. and Mrs. VlUol UellbrunMrs. Edith HellerMgi'iSiiil tt*. -ITirn' II





rid VMHnd Mia

Mi, rnd>irl..L.''Ke'nnetirMerrTii J

and"Mr»-"irUe'riard KoikeKobert Kotoand -Mrs. Jl. Koplnslcland MJS,Marc Korn.


.MollyKoriiButand Mrs.B. II. Kottand Mrs. C. Kramer... •and Mrs.".Lao B^Kramw 'and Mrs. Jo»etih. Krapfand Mrs. Hoy KifiisnofYand Mm. Albert l*r Krausand Mrs. WlUlany Krcsj;e."Howard Kripnendor!and Mrs. II. Krotmanand Mrs. Arthur Kramerand Mm. II. Lifter Kronuund Mm. Jot»et)t|.Kroumeyoran'd Mrs. Louis Kouslnand Mrii. Edwin'R. KowtLikluh'd Mrs L. D. Kramerand Mrs. Walter KubillusnnH Mrs. Joseph Kuntj

~ K 3 r aundKTr3rTOvittCharles Kurtz

Mrs. Bruno C. MetznerMr. and Mrs. William A. MeyerMr. ond Mrs. W. C. MeyerMr. and Mrs, William H. MeyerMr. and'Mrs. Harry C. MeycruMrs.'Marlon Mlchuls - 'Mr Alfred L. MillerMUs Mildred MldUlHMr. and Mrs. Morris V.. MldklftMr. and Mrs. Howard MUlusMr. aVid Mra. D. MillarMr. ond Mrs. Edwin Miller, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jumu$ Q, MillerHev Mr. and Mrs. Laird O MillerMr. mid Mrs. Ilabcrt MillerMr. arid Mrs. William J. MillerMr. and Mr*. W. Jonathan Miller, Jr

, Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. MineurMr. and Mrs. J. MlrtnemanMr. and Mr«. ltobert Mlnturn, Jr.Mrs. Muriel Mint* . . ,

y i r r ' *'lnntp


• Mra.Mr.Mr.MmMr.Mr.-Mr.-Mr.Mr.Mr.,Mr.Dr.Mr..Dr.Mr.Mr.Mr.Mr


Mr.'and Mrs. Stewart CampbellMr. and^Mrs. William CampionMr. aijd Mrs. Gerard P. CanevarlMr. and Mrs. Thomas CafHinc |Mr. John CarUonMr. imd MM. Konmith It. C.irlsaaMr. and Mm. \>M\ A. CurUonMrs: JUchird Csrlsoa


unt) Mrs. William VulnhiMand Mrs. Walter K. fasnkcht

•Hinunil 11. l-'uulkiicr

. John >'oltyJnm i* G- l,Vrt£u sonMichael VerroW. Lireh V'lUlef, IH-K. 'W. >teld«rL. M. V'lniitrlliiCarl Fink

yana Mrsond Mrs.und Mtand Mm.and Mrs.niul Mrs.and Mrs.and Mrs:



and.Mrs S. W. Hendfrsonand Mrs. John £,. Heufy* - ^and Mrs. Albevt Hemv fahd MrSf-Vernon D. Hcrtjortiuud Mil*, •iut.sell Hermanand Mt}. Henry M, Hiiilc'rand-MtK. Herbert JlertzorY

-iiiul-Mri, SamueL Hewittand Mrs. Daniel lleyburn.Tr.nnd Mru. Holwrt D. IriubiejHd Mm. Itobert Hlttinsand Mrs. Stanley Hilland Mrs. Otis A. HlrUzand Mrs Herbert M. lllrniiand Mrs. Hobert G Hodge

Mrs. Hlchnrd It Lackey. Jr.Mrs Catherine J. luCorte

-Mr. und Mrs. Harry LJdjnyMr. und Mrs il...0J. UilrdM'r. nnii Mrt. \V A LaklnMr. und Mrs. Jiflin G Lam[Mr. und Mrs. Jamcy P.

.... Mr'...ni>»l Mr". Krank I

Mrs. Connie Mlskelly MrMr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Mitchell Mr.Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Mittleman \ j r HMr. and Mrs. Krimklln Mittrlcker. Hr. M rMr. and Mrii. KrjnUlin Mltlrlcker, Jr. MrMr. and Mrs Chuso V. Mix MrMr and Mrs. K Wu.vnc Mnllinraux \\TMr. and Mrs. J. Montcm'courl ' '.._'Mini Hulh H Mnntfomery j,J.jDr. nnd -Mrs. Leonard E. Moody Ml.'Mr and Mrs. Georuc £ Moore • \tr'Mr aud Mrs. Curlton Mortn Jj^'

and Mrs. Jume-v Hueund Mm. I-'runk HumHry ^und Mrs. Roiwild H. Itandull

. Churlca nunsliurBnrifl Mrs. Will iam riiiveiiull. Jr.und Mrs. Lcroy Head

. Maruurrfte HeurwlnChurlcs Reddoo', 'und Mrs.' Etlwurri D. rtuevL1;!-uiul Mrt4 Siumii'l Hci'."lund Mrs AniofiKntichertQnd Mr». Jh-rbcrt neh-hmunund Mm. Juines Ht-illvonir Mrs. Ru.vcl C nelnerland Mrs. E It Relalllluunnd Mri VlurtMU Hottlno

•und Mrs. Oeorup nruini'hand Mm. Jo.senh Rhelnand Mru, James M. Htchumd Mrs B. N Richnnri Mri., t.loy«l Itlchariln ... 'und Mm. HUnley D nTiTTTriamrand Mrs. Kenneth K. Rlha

. Annftto Itlkcruiul Mrv II V: lii-.l.i-i uund Mrv. John A. Rol)t'rt:iund Mr:t. l.eroy Il(iljertsund Mrr,. ChurU'ir-rrTtolicrtil ~ ~ond Mrs. Richard, llobey

. Harold Robinson"und Mra. Norman Rnt|rnund Mra. Karl Rndi:i'rKund Mm Kpriflo~*Uodrlijuea


' MrMrt»Mr.Mr,

. Mr.MrMrsMrMrMr.MrsMrMr.M'rMrMr'MrMru

und Mrii. I .e»u«n7^3puelll:ilul Mrs. Cluirlf.'i A Siw i-rund Mrs I' ' K. SiH'rlltiw ',nul Mrii M U) V. Hnlcj-ii

IlerlicrL hlpurlucli - .nnd Mrs. W, irst i ic .ymul Mrs Kiiuenr J. Htttnlny'*'-und Mta. S. ,(, B7ulmmiirAlr.'i. J.ucob fJlunk-y

. John W. iHjrkcyuud Mrii. WlMlMji V. ati-i'rsund'Mrs. nrrnard-ijiehlliiund Mrs. OPIIP Stt-'irtlfiiHJohn Bttivcniton

und McC. Jpu-ph Btrwurtund Mra. ICi'iiht'th stewurt-und Mrs. n , Btllunund Mrn. Mnrton S. monoand Mrs- Hi'iiry titrelnand Mrii. fluymotttl a . StroUlJuiui'ii A. Htronti


mul ^r»i VVllll.uii C Sn-,>l<\uml Mrs rar'rli; 0. Hwuckhumur*

. Luuru H. Hwilcktiumcrand Mr:i. tl. B. Swullson. Jr.und NJrs Bumuer II.' Hu-prLsx-rmill Mra. J. Q. flwetmunun<l Mrs. Dun Bwlntonimd Mrs. William I-'. Swiulcr ^

> AliutMIra rtynr-iiki'ymid-Mrs. Hur'rv Hy.vvrtatuimid Mri,. Carl HivirltlunTin-iih Khi'i:<-fl> n '•' ••• •


- M r ,Mr 'Mr.MTKMr\lrMrI)rMr,

' -ilrMmMrMrMrMrMr,Mr

— MrrMrMrMr.Mr.Oi.Mi-,

Y- Mr

Mulzle \t Wilsonuntl Mrr,. Churles '.Vllnmeruntl Mrs Robert Williamsonuiul Mr:?. -Irvlnu Wlhjertrnrr'--MrK^;r-V—WIIK'OH •J. tlrndtonl Wilson. Jr.u»id Mra. Miirttin Wilson

. Puul Wllmiiund Mrs. it, Curtis Wilsonnod Mrs. It. M. Wilsonuntl Mrs. Robert. II. '.Vhilu-Iuntl .Mrs. Paul Wliwk.irurid. Ml'.i. V K Winteruiul Mrs. Euuenc. Woehr

. Juiiti WtilUuud Mrs. Krnest C. Wolford-and Mrs llurold E. Wolfnrdand Mm. T. J. Wojtowteand Mrs. n. W. Wooilymu,nd Mrs. Uouer Wordcnmul Mrs. Kdwnrd Wo:aiiul<

l M t 3 W U ^ i iuml Mm. <lrnrn^ J -—und Mrs Arthur Wrl||lltund Mrs. Tlunnus a . Wrluhtund Mrn. James W Wyultund Mrn. Allrc-d WylliuJnhn W.ill.u-h.ind Mru. J . Ili.Klfojtl Wll.-,,,.' Jr.

mid >Ir». K. J . Vuckcr.inrl'Mls (.lusluvc YucLcr

Mi>ai)«i HraTTMtuTvnMrs. Frederick L.inuoDr.. und Mrs Wilniur VMr. and Mrs. Dole UMr. and Mr» II. A.Mr. M\tl Mrs KidneyfcuuV

i Mr. ami Mrs Edward iLivMr and Mrs Hurry W.' L

~SIF~a7Tt]nvrf»T-TKBmas-Mr. antl Mrn."D^ntnn f*Mr» V^lmun n LeeMr. unjMrv. II. L: LflaMr. Jaiiieft l^nn^y 'Xfr. und Mrs. .Burton lMrs. Mpruuerlti; Lcvett

Mr. and Ntrs.' Edward II. MtorrisnnMr an*l -Mrs. Jnfceph V. MorrUMr. and Mru. Ever*:lt Morrlj-onMr. dnd Mrs Gwirce W. Morion. Jr.Mr. ami Mru. MUK MozerMr. Norn^an MuldrowMr. Earl Muldrow'

.M,i;i / .uu ,vu . , . .». , . . .Mr. and Mrs. Njithun RndiUelu

J.lr. and Mrs. JoltrrT Rne»ri* 'Mr. und Mr». Robert D. FtoseriiMr. und Mrs. Vlucont RomunoMrs. Walter ltonnlund /Mr. und Mm. W. M. RoonoyMr. and Mm. C. V. HosfncruJJtz

Mrs. lin'rloa M~uiliallMr. and Mrw. J Clinsnian Munday

'Mrs. Hda MundyMrs: K. F. MurphyMr und Mm Albert J. MusiiMr. and Mrs. Jjihi\ Muusc, Jr.

Mr. uiul fSra. l(nl«'rt B. Ilos: J | .nw. and Mrs. IPrunk, JlosalMrs aertrudt) HowbottiahrMr, und Mm, Oourge llulilno''Mr. and Mrs. ClmmilllL' -Hudd


\ . k. ' .;v


- • . . - * . • • . . • • . • \ . " ' - • •

• M ,•••' : l '

We want to apologize to the hundreds of citizens who wouldbe listed, but- ''time ran out" even for this committee.


ami Mrs. WilUmn Tul>utiiiul Mi> I.. O T.ilii'lni.iniind Mrs M L Tahut'Tromid MrH irvma Tuunriib.uiiiilnui MiN Allin S. Tuvliit

M t ^ ttlldMiH*r<Ilt*l|«h l , ( ^ W

Mrs Leon Teetuel^Mrs. LUiwiirtl K .TerrellMr.-mid Mu>. Anlboiw J. TerrlulnoiDr und Mrs ' Alirulium 'I'liulerMr uud .\rr:i. Kurl Thuxtun

Mri., M Ymilr*-*. '^^r. mul .Mru. 1 . C. Youujlioitso

.; z •Mr mul Mis A /.lorMr unit Mr-i (i t'ruuk /.IIIIIIU-I in.M»~--«»tl—Mt«*.—Pin+V- 'Jjinuiuti ukutl—Mi .mil Mrs Cii-orue Z.itiulMr UIKI Mrs l-aiilfiui ZobcL^^.Mn. M.irtha. Zulu- • . ••

' :Mi uml Mii Wultrr /.illftvskl .Mrs GI'OUIL- A. Zutell


have wished to

T'tts aducftiscMiL'iit wan ;>ald jor by many •>oL'the ubouc cilbcus

Mri Nornuin H. Brubakui-, 710 Willow StrictMrs. Jcs^u n. Piitbirjj, TM Willow SlmH -Mr; Stuart W. .McFa'tlilfn, 21) Aln<ini|iim

• ' . V". . •

. i •"TT"' . . ••

* • • • • • • • •

. . . <• ' ' X •/ • ' . V.

various centers to nerve,

Making their' temporary homewfrteiatniltcs native to each. o£ theccn^rs, thej;tudeWa are -given anuhujiual -oplferlunity to observeintimately; the- .fcustttsasi pnd -livesof "the pcb'l)]c }yhq arejrepresenta-

Upon'completion of the study...pro,--gram, th •• young women arc givenan opportunity, to tour'iVariouSareas in Europe.

NEW OWNEtiS-^In and' Mrs. Thomas Kiahiie.of 3G Hollywoodavenue- will, .niove shortly into their recently purchased home at ,472 South aver.flo. east. sho\yn above. Mr. .Kianiie is employed by^JRobert Hall- Thv duplex formerly was ownod 'by Mr. arid Mrs. PlilP"lip~Vo2i3. u-ho have purchased anew nomehi Edison. The p'ropCrty..

— - - — - • • 1 «;n1rl. W A n w T).

2>>'.eU of tfti/offite of Evelyn Wade, Real tor 'and Insu'rpr, 423 Noi:thUnion-avenue*. . . . . • • • - . - • ... ••.

on.Miss Virginia A. McAr.thur,

daughter of Dr. and Mrs.I). 5».Mc-Artfilir at 28 Tulip .street, will'ac^company.- the- BucknelL XJnlverstt?"WomehS Glee Club" when thegroup makes its annual mld-wlnterconcerttoupiater,this month.

.Miss' McArthu'r is among 7Q»stU-_ 'by the'.Club'stqr, Alfcrt.W. Flock, to; present a.series of JW cpncerts.-in 10 citiesfrom January 26 through ii: . \-^. During -its six-day four, ,lhemusical: organization .will ~appfear

jAwcK high schooV_arvd

then lajer went into the restaurantbusiness. He returhed to" the" in-

nCe field as a life' underwriterout.of titl' Newark office" of "NYork fife in Jhnuary,'.^960.. ^

:A native oE-)jcw .ybrk-City;'.hemoved .'to Crinlprd seven' yearsag;o from Wopdbridge, where hebpb'rattid"'a'diftei-•'for"eight yearp


Schedule ^ oS u y Atres.,Garden Club

hold a workshop on Thursday,

Nadelman LeadsState in Selling



Denmark, "ancnative t

pgTerm m Diiimcojg

iliss Lucille Lombardi, a juniorat Lake Erie Col,l<?gein Painesville,Ohio, err.bajked on the Europe-boxir.d lirx-r, S. S. America, Pecem-be? 20, for stvi-ral v;eeks.of.studyand two of travel iis a participant

Eri : College-*wihter

daughter 'of- Mr

project for aJa'il college

the University of Copenhagen,wiinlve wilh"~a

Bucknell ,Maryland; Virginia, PennsylvaniaTand-trie Dlstrictof Golumbia".i>

Miss JMc'Arthur is a freshman atBucknell, in tewlsburg, Pa;, where

She will return to, the UnitedStates -with her iflO classmates in

• aiicT"to" T y i bjr "Mondayr

she "is stuayngbachelor of arts.


JiSa?th.-27t/to •complete her. .year at- pake Erie College-. '

As pbl'rt of"the regular college-cu't'rlcma and included in the col

GfouptoSpea'•.• Dr. Paul BuohaguVcr, coordinatorof special services iri-the Cranford

'•flltyrfchobl'system, will be auest

- The. .Newark General .Office oi

second time in; I960, Eof' 308 D.enman..road,-led the en-tire :S.tate~ofJ New-Jersey-in, sales.Mr. Nadelman also leeTin sajes int h e s t a t e f o r M a r c h ^ a n d p p33rd nationally l^r I960 among th

( t b t i n t h Qp a h y T v T - - - ; - - - - - ---:„•• -.

. "Mr. "Nadelinan;s record is tin-usUHl7^A*touj^^I<[ine^^enera

comprchensiveTfee, the: term speaker ": at a . parent-education

usUHl7^A*touj-^.^I<[ine^^eneramanager, said, "in tSal'he is com•petlng \vith-outstandlng-Jreprtv?entativos from the rnetrdpolitan'are;for this honor, and tb compile thi

onrd during his first year in

abroad program provides thatgirlswill study', pro-selected projectsand-submit-completely" detailed.re-,points upon their return. "The stu-dents, are accompanied by several

rtygtf" l^gcflty''"wwnbgrsT~tmd"'the~t!olb^g" ' employs qualified residents at .the

meeting to be held by -the Living-:,ston Avenue PTA at the schoolat 8:15 p.m. Wednesday. •

fjye members of the specialservices-staff will be^panelists

l i i * 4 f a l A

.he .business is attribute to".his:ompetcnce) and knowledge in the Pakistan Wsitor

e^^ufarSctrJEi.^d./Mr! "Nadeliipii--4? a graduate of

Evander: Childs High'School;.New;York, and ."City>College .of Newvoirk and attended SU John's LawichoqLHe: began sellipB"insurance

h J ; i d

January 19,.a.t 10 a.m. at the homeof IVlr's. Wesley N.PJiilo pf'9.Ir6-quois road. .. ..-"":'. ' '•,..''• *

Dried pr-fresh materials may beas well as-.accessories, Mrs"datlin, xvprkshop chairman

announced! _ ... ••'. •- Members are asked to bring. a

sandwjch, Dessert_atid coj[Iee_Wi!

Mrs/ Irntiaz 'Kamal '•• o.f Pakistaninornihg and

afternoon . a s s e m b ^ jingsibn; Avepue SbhpolrtomOTTo'wj

-fllsb'i .will•--wisit-somc^ of theclassrooms., : D^er.t :

:,;lnd> .coffee'\vil be served, by the PT^. ex-ecgy.tivc boaVd Jpr tlib touchers and the.assembly speaker. ' ' ' . - •

;Mrs. KampL is a, graduate olthe Goflege •.oi,NjirsJng.miKaraclu^Pakistan." She. ls';studyia^' at Col-umbia' University for u^egroe innursing! education...". She' • lias hadexperience qs a:.n.uri>cj»nd'instruc-tor in-hospitals ih^Ka'rachi..' :She is ihterfested is sch'opl. healthrprogttiijw—tod^iri;—writing -andbroadcastirig ior. cultural1 and pro-fessional programs. , In "addttipn,to English, she also1 speaks Tun-.jahi, "(JrdU-...>>hd ^Pegsian.. _Mrs,Kamal i s a Muslim. SKe. i



1 try Division In German;yt.:'A per-^j'Sonnel specialist^ri Headquarters

Company "of lljeT'infahtry's 505th1 infantry in Mainz, he' entered-therAwny in DcccHnber,': 1958-sinc( coin-

. . . . ,.- . . ,.- . . . , - • • • .- • , plated basic-training at Fort Bix.The Crariford Board'of .Parcnt-Te^her Organizations; voted to The 20-year-old soldier is> grad-

Women Realtors' Comiffitees Told

ried arid, has .two' children,-' bothhome in Pakistan^-... ^'", , . .,- Mrs. Kamal is an:ejcper.t in folkdancing. ..anU sortjji §lic play? ~Dholak,<w?hi6h is anlndian drum:


Ldorse! the Board of Educatiou's expansion program at. .a ineetlhgn l-he-Walnut Avenue School'list Thursday. ,.-. ,.,"•"-"'':' • :, *• '•

This 'action was folWed^byla talk by Dr.-CJirfk'W, McD.ermith,'

v ' • ; . • • ; • • ' • . : :..

of oor children

ind the future of Crenford

walk hand in hand into the

Voting Booth on ~

i JANUARY 17th.

Janet Ettelmaii, 19 Caat^rbury Pl^ce"

>c-en presented with a challenge•0i as'it'has to iace.nexl Tues-V ••••'•••"•? ••-:- ' _ • - • ^ • : - ; — . • . y - i

Never again wijil Cnanford' h^vej^a f t " f anew,' locating "building?

;ite'«» preparing building plani,hd carrying through the, manyhiher necessary: vprocedurqs thatU \vith^ pro-gfei^n-such,:aiis.berL,< pursued p t - t ius time;-: Dr../pDermith toid the' group,

Ho plan is "perfection^ he ,ad^iled, but the. present plan Is the•mist and most: satisfactdfjj-. for theiiinosi' The 'superintendent statedlui ,Ut(j pieaent—plan *te >sound,

liite and ample: f6pieaent—plan te >sound,and ample:. f6r;the next

at) yeavs.-'jr.hi5' ran'fie plan, hed',-. Vis ••air that', one can really

LjM be reasonably respo'nsi-"

uate of: Cranford (High Schopli •

NavyLt. (jg) Dorsey'"T. Mears-°jL..3_.Adamg avenue- is.- serving

- Mrs. Mary •Knierim,--pr'esident.of the Women's Asso.ciatioii of the

d H a d l R T C S r

that one need, expect in tlie fore-seeable-future. - •;-—*?£ '." •« •^ The ani^UJil'>.chiiajfeajs'' >$Taysponsored by the.PTO wiH b^ "-Ad-ventures of Siinple Simon," to ;bepresente^-by—the1 'Union Revelerson January 28_at-10:30 a.m.. at thehigh.scbool. : i^C:-:}:;,'.i-...i.l.r-^.J..Acting "as "hostesses "were the

•following' membors-of the Living-isto'n -Avenue ' chopl • cogrunittceiMrs..Hi' Raymond' Kirwan, M'rS;iN. • F. Imperato,. Mrs. Kenneth,Kaiser- andi Mrs. Theodore Was-s e r b d e h . - r -' ' •• - J • .•-.-• . •,'--'- - ;- X

"oboarcf^the dSroyer Ww ,_ ,~~j._-ing on a traiiilxig cruise, and good-:will tour o£ Africa. He is a mem-ber of the •'••cpfi fejneH: s^tcer:. taait\ifrom the' destroyers" Vogelgesangand Gea'ring .which' is scheduled toipippete in a series of garrtes .withAfrican teams. «The Gearing' isoperating *ai a !unit «':'i*—&'****•>•

npunced: committeo tnuinbors atthe 'asspcjation'Si. fii>-;t.; businessmeeting of • 1061., ,hc4d, last Thurs-day at the h.omt; of Mr^.'DorpthyvMcPhersdri,' 309 OsirlO ;avtnue.

' 'uai l Lows:.

Betting, .Ruth .'Kc vt-v Betty Aihoh,Libby"»' -BrewsterT Nominating:"RUlh Det(>ring," Gertrude-

Executive, AnnV wHtouihiby,tforp'thy McPhensbh,' -"MargueriteRearwjn; s«cjnl,_An]rio.iutcH, Elea-nor- BraSfield, "Gertrudo TJunnTMinnie Anderson,.Bessie Warner;prbg'ram, • Dora Kuzstiva, HelenCregaiy, Anne Cook, Ali6e/Mitag-liotta, Pauline Chandler . ' " .•..Christmas, Viola. ;Hale, Mary

Publicity. Alice. Wirkus.'.CeceliaWhittier., Mary Ross;; township,Dorolhy. McPherson, Evelyn WaclcvDoris Rutz and Marie peacon; h6s-

Lee Diotrich and Ila?t^

Fleet. * She has • Visited' Trinidad,Brazil and_ Sierra Leone since herdeparture "from Charleston, S.'-fi!,:O c t o b e r 3 1 . ' . . ' • • • • - • • •

Mere ire Service, Army Pf c; .Timothy -P. Sperberv;uri :cf' uiid

'han»cii', such as an occasional bef,..85 Winans, avehyle,1 "recentlypbisroom in certain areas, tire, all was; assigned to the Eighth Infant

• m\

I - The Vatch Dogs haye:bragged^ that•', they have thousands ofI—doUar^v;ailafaleJio"-:ilQod^CrjB'nfprd(s.jyith last minute;nojtiroeI b t t l tireferendum literature (How" tha

Walnut PTAVotesSuppori


Suburban CliUjiter SlatesLectui-e.QU- Clergies •_'. V

A demonstration of techniquesof -testing-and preparing vaccines"and extracts for allergies .will' bepresented at a .meeting of; theSiiburban Chapter of the Ctiil-'dren's- Asthtna 'Research institute

Dr, Paul V. Buonaguro and Bur-ton J . Mandell of the, Cranfordpublic"schooluu^s**i> »j* i» #* 4, fc#^-^ij^""* ,, w t r r v ^ p * ^ w * - '

entata-^meeting pf th«i executiveboard 6f ,tWe'..VSGiuT Avenue PTA

ar^vailafaleJio-:ilQod^Crjnfprd(s.jyith last minute;^nojtiroeI for rebuttal, anti-referendum literature. (How" tha| moneyI Wild'have helped the United Fund!) V "

Well WatcftsDogsr-.let the flood come. Cranford Is. ready for *it this time.-pamS vof-solid, fact, Iflng study,' expert •.opiniph and;_;


Luncheons , . Dinners.Ordlei's to Take Out

~ Coirtiplete Chow Mein Dinner

— $1.30^ — * -

Phone AD 2^3873

ypYSii t a ncrexplainipg4faelrtio«s in- the School system.

Participating "will be Dr. AnitaLyons, psychologist; -Mrs. . A^naPrell, s"chool\nurseV'Mrs. _Gladys^aker^—reading—specialist;-. iMni.1Fl<\rt>nri»:Northcptt. speech-, sne-cialist, ' a n d . ^ c n Fondi, ; social.I —~-y^T«^-~r:r:ii£s^^worker. •

A ^cftfestlbn-and-ansWerfollow.




. "S- rnlfl tuilon tola from Ntwark' tlttl .

We Are Proud of OurSatisfied Clients —

6-PASSENGER CAR IN AMERICA!Yes, yon pay, America's lowest "prices* for a true6-passcnger sedan of station wagon. And Falcongives you so mych more' tha t -o thermakerscharge ejetra for—like armrests, sun visors, foam-padd«V front seats. Compare deluxe four-doorsedans With radio, heater, automatic vtrarismis-sion—and you'll find that some of the Tiew-nimecompacts are priced $5051 oVer Falcon!

murky, river of unfounded insinuations, half-truths, uh^elafai.,,l—issueg-and-Ecare-tacticS.^^^ . ...'.--^•r—_,^—.—.—:—__:_^____:L

It has ahvays b«en clear what youy are against. -I t Is. nowbecoming clear what you are for. Even thpugh a founder of your -i

i—aSJoctation-Eaid-iri-pubUc-at-I,inroln Scb^QOa^S^gPtember,. 'M<?Jdon't CARE whether-Cranford gets its high: school,?' a t least .for the record you 'appear'-to want,a" hiijh, school on. Hillside;IN SPITE- of how much more it would <ibsfc This would notsolve the whole problem and, you, know it. So then you would.right for a junior high on MexnorialFleld IN SPITE of its. ex-cessive cost. ' • . • , . . - • • • . ' : - ••••"•

lasTWeanesd3>r toTnswcrqn%s=rtip'ns' about the Board" ~pf Educa:-:i ' ) 1 " 2 1

BtF8r3()=pnn=Mj}Memorial feome.'

iVeleians^ Memorial feom

f The program will _ be: given^ bythe Allergy^Lab', Newark.-.: i

'My-irMurvurfiio\vu,uf 34 Blake

A* rjuorum" Was not: pres.ept; atthis meeting, !so a special meetingWaSHcalled for last"Fridayr^atwhich'-time the aboard-voted tosupporOHe

aVenue \vas hostess at a.'Weting othe executive .board last Wednes-•gSyT^lrsrBurtonrEige; nominat-ing coinniittee chairman, an

| ' W , that- o new slate af.:offid

tionptW, that o ncers is being prepared;

pporOh.e BchoBtTefcrendumThe meetings . were./cpnducted

by Mrs. Williarp Eltinjge, h: ^ B : d " ; t h t ^ ^ ^

ruary 7, at \~pjn. itw}lirjeatu_ ^a.covereddish^supper, followod by,,a panel sljpw, "What's Wfy^Hob^ ? " 7 B & ^ i t b r ^ 1 u r

—New Jersey- has-about-35-petcent of Us land area devoted t

hagriculttu-e. ' . — ~

!amUtoi)...1 _ . _ _ _. .BrcakfastHvas served.-Mrs: Mar-

guerite Rearwin.^ast president,•yvas7*-"presented ".' fiWtWTftT. gift7 and-'members "of, the . ne\v executiveboard wece'- presented with cor-sages. Mrs.- McPherson and Mrs.picacon reported on the highlightsof the NJAREB co'nvc-ntion—l""-"-

December* -..

Nufcses Report

A total of 253 visit's \yer« hiade

,Association according to Mrs. Jo-si-phine.Rudnlcki, director". • Fit'tyrsevon-of the visits were free.,. Mrs. Rudnicki and Mrs..PatrickGrail, board;'member,'attended imeeting of the New Jefsey_LeaBUe

attendedThe regular ih-scryice meetinfi . of the -i UnipnCOUnty'Publicr iFcalth-JvIursefi.-; - -:' The annual VNA meeting willbe held Januarjp'26'at 10" a.m.at LincolniSjchool.

He" th tit -can have patience •' can.h a v e wl"*"1'' *"" '*•'*"''' t A™i«.*s*viiFranklin.

3*«Add N<ew life to Yoiir Dull andf Faded Hair ,

Hyith "(G6loij IJp,'* a Rinse that'Lasts through Five— also

ot Rub Of f^

- - ^ J^rjnjanenfWaves — $|a and up !Complete with IShai^to • Style Cut • Set

Expert HcnV Tinting Fout Operatorsv - 'BH 6-6^16 : 3UrSb.Union Ave.

y Open Ewwy"patf " • Cranford'~ -•- •;•" 7"Froo Parking


' • Super-Sensitive, "Hew;VIsfq"Tuner• New Full-Picture Tube

Panoramic FM Sounpl• Hottd-RubbeJ Fine Wood Veneers• One-SefVHFFme Tuning "

aW Hlgh-6om« P i c f u r e S i a b t l i z e i " C i r c u i t s • . ' . • ' - ,.• Poll-Posh Ort-Qff, Slay-Set Volume Conbol

peh' fhursday and Pfiday Evenings

EastrrianSt, j e

' Wfflb^gTabyN S

ap.tiMriBTS. Wfflb^gTaby wotmSKimrrifficuMt^i yiupeify ap.ti_tear down houses IN SPIT/B.'p* what that would cost in money

t i n d t i m e . ' ' • " • , . . - . . ' •: .. '.'•' ' • - . • •• ' ••••_•

Vic in the Bropkside a«?a havp had very compelling reason?h h ' j b : r f ^ ; :

tudied-our tax monetf and what the Watch Dogs a k d " ^ W i U o u g h b i rstand fpr would cost-much more; for a much less satisfactory:school system. • ~\ '..•',• _

We studied it thoroughly because of-our concern about burAiEh school'children who are being short-changed through lackat space, out-moded facilities, andmakcishlft-airrangements.—-

n We studied it thoroughly because it is Oiir eleinentary chll-| - dren who .are the first to face, the possibility of double sessions

in the elementary sqjibols, - 7 . . '• •; .' _ , . " ' ,

And because wq studied it thoroughly we ' will, vote FORthis referendum. The problem is so bad and this proposal isS O g o o d . - • \ . _ ' ; " •-• . • -.' '. * •' • • - | . ' . - '• - \ . y y ' ' ."':'

We urge all of C!rantord not" id be leashed byihe ¥fe&ch Dojs biit to go-freely to the polls td voteYES ne*t Tuesday1. •• ^~. r~7~

^ ^ u r a d i a n 7 pgrara: vi.cSrpr.esi^en't,,;»S'in, ^charge;61 the entertaitenent, ' . :'.'•••W,' was reported that the secondof fout foreign students will visittW'school pn January 23.' q ^ 4 U i J t ia » > » i j t i i f i i i i r v y " ' Q - f f r i r i « i r n T i i i j t - | i i • • • • • -

mittee has been named: Mrs) LeoPollack, . chairmanj^^Mrs.., Franktjadls, Mrs; Leonard Jack^sbn, Mrs.Anthony Rastelli, and Miss "Irene^ i l b t i i l ' ' '

Interested In Childfen/Jridl

tudor and Fordo* Sedans ride 6 big IpeoplcAnd 13.7 cuuftv ofluggagt, . - .'.

tttnititltiifiiHi t>ald tof. by Mr. ahd Wrs. HfcbMd F- Finn<31 'tulip 'SU-eft, Cranfolfd, New Jorse* "

Enrollment Counselor"t p Visit High School•• 4Vlis^'Beatrice Patterson, travel-ing enrollment" counselor at Cazc-iiovla •Junior'- College, -Gazonovia,Hi Y.,,will visit Cranford HighSchool hexjt Wednesday morning.'-. .Slfe will "interview students; in-terested: in attendJbbg ja twp-yearcollege for women'and' describecurricula offered at Cazeiibyia findstudent life at the college.'' ,- '

Free-reen Stamps

. bt Addition to youf r«£(Ular slampj wilh purchase olS10.00 Of moro andjhi'v coupori.

Coupoij expiroj January 21i(. 1961,6W UH G~*» I*—*'W •U'ACMI UlHlUAMXtlt






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1 For your kind of <iriving, cagxict tip to 30 tnllw \« *~~n zr-——i—^ "_ j i'nnn--~.l^.-t.lnn»»ti——


on a gallon of reguGF . . ."-' oil changes. Vou'll sa^e on waxing, tires, jepa«r».

eyen inwiraftce (in most states) '. . . practicallyeverything. And you don't Jiced power steeringor power-brakes!


100 S&H GUen Stamps in addiiion lo your' Ji'6giJlat-5lanips..v<iJh..l.ho.;putcha^_.pt..$lO_.OOJJor_more ,

and coupon plus; you wiltjfoceiiVe an adcHlioriaH0O7FRlEE~ •:S&H Green Stamps: Wii(i l^e piir*chaselof Sedlon 1 of ihe Holy '"Bible offer and noWspapor coupon.


Worth Ereereen Stamps

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Available in tjite King JamesAuthorized Version and theNew American Catholic Edi-tbn. Get s sech'on a weekuntil your


Holy Bible is

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Pot Roast 59 Drinks Orangeade, Grape orf

America's Winningest Wogoaa,Tudor and Fordor models.

Let Us Help You WithYom Real Estate Problems

Lancaster Brand Ov^n.l

Rib RoastLancaster Brand

Smoked Calas

Otfs Slightly Higher • *K|B > <***• oHilkul » » • with

f* orar-Kisf Light Chunk .

of ««y t^c o««k. Mi»a w c«p.,



mamT H C



, . (OlBdUulWruWa


1 TOO!. •' • "Falcon's "just-right!' size fits parking spoU thatothers have to paw up. And performance?there's a new 170 Special optional engine forextta sizzle! Resale valiie? It's tops in compactsjust about everywhere! Come in and drive the

v "World's "Slost Successful Ne\y Car—and get a'" deal right now that will open your cyes^


JLaocattor Btand-Bo«e lii LsneaJtar Arond -

diudc Roast M S Chuck S»eak ^59^J n^^ff^- p*f~< lattca^yf Br. B onloa Crow Oit

Arm Roasf »-59* RoasJ -4- *-79<

Lancaster l]rand CoU Cut Sale!

• Pickle of Piwento LoaJL• Cooked Salami

• Olive Loaf

• $p iced Lundheon Meat

Chef Boy-ar-dee Beef or Cheese


423 N. UNION -AV^..llcal Estate and Jiisuxance .

BR 6-1053

BORO AI|T(TC0RP7158 E. Westfield Aye., Rosalie Park. N. J.

CYNTHIA HOWARD253 Easl Broad St.

(Opposite RlaKo Theatre)

r«i iKp« • •

Tomatoes 2dai29«Andy Boy > •- ' '

Broccoli ^29<Extra Largo Temple . . ' ,.\ '

Oranges lp-49 jAll iidvodlisd (xicsl olloctivd Ih/U ^<).lyfd^y, J<mU^y \Mlu |?^l

' • • " ' . . • • ' • - . { - . ' : . . . " •


Laddie Boy (around Beef

Dog FoodSunshine Krispy, 16 oz.; Chocolate Chip, 7 4 oz.; Cheezit or Hi-Ho, 10 oz.

,k3S $ | . 00

Libby Frozen

j •

1''"'-:K. - i V ; : ^ . ?j^.;':•r^

" - . \ • Y • ; . * • • ; . . •

• • . • , • « : . , . > . ' " A * •. • ' . . / *

j . .

- , ' - • ' • • .>/ :• , - - ." .'..V • • ' ,%#- ' •» . , • V

- , - ' « . . • ' < > i . ! . . '..

^••Jtify^v: -•;•"

, 4 "

*^ r * . ;•• - y ' s - : :

_ • _ _ - ^ j ; :_•„:.• . . .:;". ; , - , - • • " , • „ ; „ - . ' 1 _ •'••^r ;. .';. ,*\'iV...jL;r;/-:W

. • ; •' ' ' * . . t •

',-"• V• - • ' . . \ " v - - ; - . * - . . : : 1 ' - • • • • • - • •

A . - . ••• . ' • ; •

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, ; . - • • • - - . — / . . . - . . • - , . . . : . . . . , . • > , • . ) . - . • . . . , . , . » _ : . . . 7 , . - j r . > ; , . . • . . . . - I , : -

NEW O W l T O R ^ M r / a m i - H n ^ ^ ^ :

;, aycnuo will move slioi-tlv it 6*)lifMr rfpmtJy-rrtm-V^..pri Wn» n't --4*3 South atuiiuL1, mi;.!, UR^CII UUUVL'. Mr. Kiuiuki la vn>l>I»yed byRobert Unll. fl e duplex tormerly w;is owned by .Mr. and Mrs. Phil-lip Vogel, who 'have ptti-cFasc-d i) new.homo in Edison. The. propertywas .Multiple T.istofl' hy •Chnrlft:-, K. .ftnn-Hf"; rmrj sold "by

icom January 26 through 31."-' During itji six-day tour, themusical organization \vi!l appear

i l i •• • • i • p • • ! • i i . • • • • - - . . • - j i - ^ i r i i i i i i i [ | i a n « n a i i < t i t t t i a^ . i • j HHir i pr

_JZ»toll of the^bflkci of Evelyn Wade| Realtor and rnsurpr, 423 North.Union avenue.' " -. ' . . . . ;; ^

MissLomhardiTo Spend CollegeTerm in Denmark'Miss LuciHe"' Lombard!, a junior

at Lake EritfC&llego in Painosvillo,Ohio, t-inb"atKe*d on

the University. of Copenhagen,•Denmark, .and tyilj live "With :nfamily native to the area.,, -.„ -- • • •

'Shp. will return to the-tTnitcdStates with her 1.00 classmates in

and to Painesville by Monday,'March 27,. to: complete her juniop


0; for several weeks tif study,of travel as a participant

J ^ e Erie College winter"term at>RS2ci lor. all-its juniors.

-Miss Lomb*di, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Johin^Lombardi, 4 Har-vard road, willsfbdy on a collegeproject for a ull college terni lii

As part of the refiulflr collegecurricula and included"irrthc cof-'lego's comprehensive fee, the teemabroad program provides that girls.will study pro-selected projectsand submit completely detailed re-ports upon their return. Th"e Stu-dents are accompanied by severalfaculty members, and the collegeemploys qualified residents at the

V . .

Rout© 22 — Mouni

acjisiurLuncheons . . " X . Dinners

jOrders *o Take Out

Complete Chow Mein Dinner fo

• - • ^>B.OU

DANCING TO BAY DoVAtlTS ORCHESTJHJl'Friday Saluiday —• Sunday;

: ' Private Banquet Hoom '':..;;;*.



various cente^S^ 1selors.-«^ —~

-scirve: as coun-

hftir . temporary home/with .families r>ati'vtt;iio.-,each.o'i:'thecontys,,the students are given anliriusuai 'opportunity to observeintimately"the. customs, and livof. the' people "who are representa-tivl'.' of .their several countries.tTpoh completion of .the" study pro-

an '•opp6;rtvlrX'ty to"- tout' various

areas, in'.Europe. • .-' '•" .,,"

AccompanyingB Women's

• Mjss.. Virginia • A, McAi-tKur,daughter Of Dr. and Mr:;.D.:S. Mc-Arth'ur of 28 Tulip litreet, will ac-compnny. the Bucknell.- UniversityWoraen^^ Gleji Club wheli-^thegroup- makes- its- &rin'6"atl-ml{lTwinteF-coricert.tour Ufter itlxis^Womh.- •

dents selected-by the'cljub's .directtoe, Allerl W. Flock, to'.fiFesent 'a

Budknell alumni audiences'. ih:

Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvaniadrthe-Biatrlct of-Columbiih -Miss McArthur is:a freshman, tit

Bucknell, in liewisburg, Pa., whereshe is studying for the dfegrev ofbachelor of arts. '

Group to SpeakDr. PauTBuonaguro, coordinator

6f_spejciai' services; in the Cranfordpublic-flchooi system, will be guestsneaker at a 4Jar'ent-0ducati'on:meeting to bo held by tile. Living-"ifhn. Avcime_P-3*A_at—thtt—sehoaL

at 8:15 jj.m. Wednesday. ,members of .the special

services stafl will bii panelists ina program ejiplainirfg t h d r f u n c -tions, jn_the__sclrtM)l .system, "

Participating wilkbe-Dr. AnitaLyons, ,psychologist; ';• Mrs. Altru^Prt'H, school nu'rso; MtX^ Gladys-Baker,- 'reading, specialist;^ Mrs.Florence Northcutt," speechcialist;.._lani] Ron Fflndiy -•;worker." • :

; q a e s t awill follow.


3 miii nation tals

OurSathf ied Clients

Let Us Help You WithYour Iteal Estate Problems

WadeHeal Estate and Insurance

423 N UNIONjAVE. BR 6-1053



The Newark Genc-ral .Office .ofth(> Nj w Vfirk' T.if.'- Iwciirrinw Coanrjounccd this \veekthat foi": tjiesecond iitn«i«1ifl i960, Eli Nadelman•of—3(J8-E>eiilnitn^r<)ad-Jed-the--trt'-tire State of 'Hew jersey in stiles.Mr. Jvfadcltnan also led_m.salfcs intfee>state for .March^.and; placed33rdnationally for iftRfl ^m"ng ibf*6,100 agents.Jrepxeseniing t h i com-pany. " •' . ' ' • : , ' • ' .

usual," Arthur M. Nintar, generalmanaKeTJ.said,-"in that hiiis com-

tatives from the jnetropolitan areafor'this^tonori -and- t0;compile-thlsiticord during his »Iirst year in

the .business js a tribute 'to'.hisp

life insuraritie'field. f l. .".•••*Mr.,.-ISfadclman- js^a graduate ofEvaijder Childs' HighjSohool;: NewYork, 'and-City Cdilo jL- • of NewYork and. attended'St. John's Lav(.•School- He began selling insurancewhile'• attending . law,, school- andthen later Went irito the restaurant

¥ 7 ^ u a T f cout" of the -WeWa'tk. office of NewYork Liie-Jni1 January,.,1960. •• •

A native of New York City, hen>oved to' Cranfosd seven yearsago frOm Wobdbridge, • where.^eoperated.a diner for eiglit years.

Sunny-Acres: GardenersSchedule•'Sunny Acres! Garden-Club willhold a workshop on' Thursday,January.-!9, at.iO-a'.Mn. at the horheof Mrs; -Wes'ley •N, >hllo of 9 Iro-qijois road. - ~ ., . .-.•':'- -' Dried -or- fresh materialfi may "beusgd :as_well' as; .accessories; Mrs.Ovid Cotlin,.wpfkah l iopannounced. . "• Mfchibers are asked to bring; asandwich. De.*ert and coffee willh'p prnvidpdi, -—;—^- ^t.

- * . * f -."••"

SpeakingAt LoctilSchool

Kamal '.of Pakistanwill speak during1 inorning «»nda'Cternooa assemblitia at: the Liv-

• ;. y.

tomorrowand ..also'Wll visjj, 'sonic'•of. tfeclassrooms. Dessert;;, and" t'ofleeu;il be served by the"PTAt execu--tive.'b'ftarU far"the teachersa•assembly speaker, W . _. .-tJfxs. Kamal « a graduate\~pt'the^College of JMursing in jtariictii,.^J^iSta'n,';;L§j^er^r studying at C61-u mb'i'a Upiveirsity'jior a clegftie mnurslnR i-ducauon.. •• She has liad«^pC.r!erice.!iis. a. nUKf nnd .Instructtor in hospitals jn Karachi. "- ., She is interested in school health

programs arid jn -writing and"broadcasting" for"oi}liwoT anSrpto'-fcssional progran\s,'^- In addition-to English, sho.1aJsQl"4peaks4 Turi*Jahi, Urdu and Persian. 'JVIrs.Kamal is a Muslim'' Shiris-.tnar-

L'hilihun. brrth~home in Pakistan.

Mrs. Kamal Is an expert in folkdancing ancl >sorig.: She plays -a-BholaJc, which :.ia aif InAtaa^dr-tmw


Sales - Service

0 Alden Sfcu

MHilfi MlfiltALTERATIONS •r j Work ^


THE FUTURE-of our children' .

and the future of Cranford

walk hand in hand into theVoting-Booth-en-


. Paid for by SJ§N Club Nb. 4

*;.*. Ii1 '***1.T;ri"T'*ir^T;J''-*•'•'•""""''"'•"""-—~^t*Tjr."-'-TCJ'"• •

lacksSchool Expansion PlanThe Cranford Board of Parent-Teacher Orga'plzationfe: voted to

n'dbrse.the Board of :Educatiou's-expansion program;at a meetingi the""Wainut Avenue School lajst Thursday.' ;,_^_ .. -

This'action was; followed^ byia talk by Dr. CJark 'W,.Mcbermith,H f ^ h ] J h i h h t d i J l C ' ^

—challengeoeh as it.has to lace next Tu4s-

Never again .will .Cranford haveo -start anblv; loc-ating; building

' ' i p s i i i i g t ^ H d j n g plansites, .]itcpsiiriiig--T-t Hdjng plansird -carrying through the manytiier ,.n«cessary procedures thata '\VJ th jn ..PT ram}-BUfcjV. asjs-.be-

^ i j ^ i i Etrz,IcD.eriiiitKvtold..ttje>.group. ;:

.No..pUinjisJ'B^ection»'.' $ e ad^t l i "th

N o p j J B ^ » . $led, bilt.tht'L presentkplan is "the;test and tniast-satisfactory for the

Th i i t ? d i l ' " t a £ dimes.

^mple for • the next'" range .plat)', •• he

aicU "is all that-one can reallyic'cept-und be reasonably^responsi-,

- "Hie-declared-that minor

that one "need expect in the fore-seeable futurtjr •-.••• ':..../._-,.:

The . annual; children's-.-playd by the"PTO vrtll'be '"Ad-

f i lventures of Simplp Simop," tdi bepresented by 'the Union -Revelersn January 28 .at-ao<3tf"a.m. at "thej g ^ s c h p ^ ^ ; : ; ^ ™ -- - '••" Acting; a"s~TSoSle5ses/-we're"' the

following members of the'LivingT'siojfi, • Avenue: School .Committee:

•'Uts.-U., •Raymond Kir«an, Mrs.JNf.. F.- I'mpcra'to, - -Mrs. KennethKaiser find Mrs. Theodo.re Was-

; \</Meh, in ServiceArmy Pfc, Timothy P.. Spcrber,

• of - Mtv and Mrs. Emit10.•hanges,. such as an-- occasionyl bet, .85 Winans ayepue, recently:lassroorrt Jn certain areas, are i l l was assigned to,-thtisElghth Iitfari

• The Watch Dogs"have bragged that they haVfr thoiisands ofdollars available "to 'flood • Oranford. with" last" minuter in? /time.

"for" rebulta;'~anti-referetidum~T1ite£fatMre.':: (,Hb\yr that moneywould have-helped the United Fund!) ' :"•, • •- .-:

Well, Watch Dogs, let. the flood come.- Grtinford'js ready.JarHJhis^time. bams' of solid fact, long s.Uidy,j3\#ert opinion/and

Inn jit wnrfc~pop'Qlacg"*UalrJ'Kee"P tnTTi TnT^Beiimurky river- 61 unrpunaedinsmuations,,.issues and scare tactics.r


It' has -always been clear what you are against. It is npv-teconiing rlr'jir whaLyomxa.fnr, Kvrnlthqugh.ii...fQn)idlRr-of yourassociation said in public.at Lincoln Schpdf last September, '"Wi;

^ o r r t T ^ i V S E ^ h ^ h e r o ^•fnr thn record you 'appear' to .

S h h

g e h"a high school flntHUlsiiia--.

r would cost. This -would ijot -r .oi l know it . So then "you would:emorial Field IN SPITB ot'it&'.ex-'


yIN SPITS'of ho.w much

' solve the whole problem anfight fpr.a Junior high oncessive cost.

• Mr. B.-S. WUpagbbv would have us condemn property apd.tear down housjjg^IN.SPITE of what that would cost*ln: pabney •and time..

',_!',We jx^he Brookside area have had very compelling reasonsto ptudr the school board's proposal..thoroughly. '.. :i ;

' l • fc>"

"Yes, you pay America's lowest jprices* for a tru.?..6^>asscngcr_scdart or station wagonr Ar^d Falcongives you sb much more that other. mak^rj

" charge extra for—like arm rests, sun visors, fqapadded front" seats. Compare deluxe.."sedans with radio, heater, automatic>trarisinis-sion—and you'll .find that spme'pfjfeKc new-naraecompacts are priced $5o5f ovcy^Falconf -\ •

* \

T u d o r ond Fordor Sedans nde-6 btg peopleand 13.7' cu. ft,1 o f l u g g a g c -./r •' •"•

• / ^ W e •studied it thoroughly because we want the. most lot.our tax"inoiuiy"iihd'wliaf tlife Wtitch'Dog's ahdT Mr.'.Affil'lcrdgKBiT'.stand for "would cost much more for a much less satisfactoryschool system. _ - - . .

We studied it thoroughly because of our concern about ourhigh school children who are being sh'drUchanged through lack:

|..of space, out-moded facilities, an&JMake^shift-awaHgenients.^-

We studied it thoroughly because it is our elementary, chil-dren .who atethe firsf, to face thijr possibility of double sesaionsin the elementary schools. _."'•_. •'•:''. , • ' " •' ".-"

• And because, wo studied it thoroughly-we will vote EGRI (his referendum. Tlie problem is so bad and this proposal is

s o g o o d . . • . • . ; ' . . . . . - . > - , . .

• * ' . • 1 ' --not-to -h$- leashed by-

*ikU*d ** companion of Manujocturtrt'

fo* +4K/ hdaii ami •*#«*• ~ ' .

the.Watch Dogs but t<y go freely to,the polls to• ' 1

A Group of Brookside Parents,

' - 31 Tulip Sifeftt,

try Division in Germany.;* A per-sonnel , specialist in HeadquartersCompany.' of' .the infantry's ^05thInfantry in Mainz, he entered -the,Army jn December, 1958 and com-pleted basic .training at. Fort, Dix.The 20-year-old soldier is a grad-uate' p'f Crawford iHigh. School.; . ."

<j'g) .'borsey t: Wears,fif .3,-

ing on a training fcruise and good-will tolir of Africa, He is a mem-ber of.the-cBmbqied socc,er. teaVnfrom the^ .destroyers :Vp^elgesqngand Gearing, which is schtrfuled'tocompete in a sejries of gnmes withAfrican.... leinxs', The - Gearing is


Women Realtors' Committees Told^.^Mcs. Mary ICnierim, presidente.Fthe.-Women'Sc':Associat ion of "thtiCranford Board sof -Realtors, ari-nounced .cdmmitk'e numbers atthe -association's. first buaiiiessmeeting'of '1961,' hold last'THurii-day at the "home ctf -Mrs. DorothyAlcPherson,. 30ii Casino avenueT,

Division 222; in the SbuUi AtlahticFU>et; She has . visited Trinidad;Brjizil:-'anoLSierra Leone slneo-heriepartui'p fro'm Charleston, S. C ,October 31. .

Votes Supporiof testing and'and extracts'for allergies will be

_ .presentecf at a. meeting of -theSubui'laan"" Chapter, of."the. Chll-

XJfReferemB.. Dr. Paul V. feupnaguro ah4 Bur-ton A. jMandoll of the Crawfordpublic scnool., system wt're pres-"erit at a' meeting of the executiveboard of. the Walnut Avenue PTAlast WednesclayLJtJL-unswcr^tibns'about.'the BoaVd of Educa-tion's expansion plan.• A quorum wu& not present atthis meeting; so a special, meeting'\yas called for last Friday, at•Which .time the- board voted tosupport- the schooljceferendum,.,».The . meetings, were' cond^cte

agriculture, i

"Rpunced thartlie Foundors.- Dayprograna has been changed to Feb-ruary 7, at 7 p.m; It will featurej y j ^ h ^ p p , j ) l ^ d by

a^panel 'slfovv, ''What's My.Hob-^ ^ M R b t d J^y^rMrftrRobertTuradJsngram vity-priyldent,, K', in ^of the entertainment.

It,.was reporteel that th^ secondof,lour foreign-students will visittl?e school On January 23.• ^TJie following' tTomiQSitiBg com-mittee has been named: Mrs. LeoPollack, chairniahf Mrs. PrankRadig, 'Mrs.-I^eonard Jackson, Mrs.Anthony Rastelli, and Miss Irene

Eiirolluien)t CounselorTo m&it Jttigh jSbhool- Miss Beatrice Patterson,-traveling enrollment counselor at Cnze-novia- Junior— Colleger-CazenoviarN. Y., wHl visit Cranford'HighSdhool next .Wednesday morning.

She will interview students In-terested in attending a two-yeacollege for women and • describecurricula offered at Cazenoyla an'dstudent life at the coll'ege.7 ". !

7 Optometrist




• • ; • - • • ] . •

For youtiaad of cfriving, expect \xp to 30 tnile«on a gallon of regular and 4,000 miles between,

fhahges. You'll save on waxing, tires," rcjpftiriT" even insurance (in most States) . . . practically„ everything.- And Ji ou don't need powei" steering

or power brakes!- •

m-.A i vi i v , 1

America's .Wjrinlngpst Wag—Tuiloi' «nd Furdui mulcb.1

*ri rompiriada if

itlimrtd priiti S" i^om* m&m*

1 __ . I

•I . . . V , l - .



Falcon's "just-right" sire fits parking spots thatothers have to pass up. And performance?There's a hew 170 Special optional engine forextra sizzle! Resale value? It 's tops in compacts,just about everyviriieref Come in and drive theWorld's Most Successful New Car.—and get adeal right now that will open your eyes!



TWIN BORO AUTO CORP.158 E. Westfield Avo./Rose!le Park, N. J.

• \

. V

253 Easr Broad St.

WESTFfELD .. (Opposite Rialto Tti«alr«)—,

• • - . ' < • ' • . / •

• ExecutiVtf,.u .Anne ' Willoughby,fidrothy McPherson,' MargUerlte.Rieairivin; soeia)t Ah.no ZutcU,.Ej[6a,-"rior ?.Brijd field, • Citrtru<lo :*• NUni>rMinnie AhdcriOiv, Bessie Warner;prognim," Dora Kuzs'mji, Ht'len-Criegar, Anne Cook, Ah'ce Mirag-liotta, Pauline Chandler. . *


. t s . ; . C » . , . j 8 & ; . . p n 1yji& Jilpsenfed" "with-^a gift /and

oer£. ;of th,t .new •• •.stcejjtiv'ftboaifd were presented' -wiO» cor-sages. Mrs. McPhersdii. and- Mw.beacon. reported~on the highlightsof-the-^IJAREB-conycntiot) \yhit-'h

_ ,. _ , _ . , y _ • _ • •

SuLiirJjan Gliapter SJal^sHectut-e on

ana JlospitaTlii «T3D p.m. Mopaay-at Veterans* Memorial riome. "

The .program will be given bytho Allergy Lab. Newark.• .Mrs. MantiW^Brown of 2}4'.Blake

av«?niie was hostess at a meetinig of" ' ey.^cutlve bonrd'"last"" '" " 'day. Mrs; "Burton Ei«e, nominat-ing cohunittee'. chairman, an !hounced that a new slate of bffi-oors is being prepared.

New Jersey- has about 35 per-cent of its land "area devoted to

Rettino, Ruth Keytv'BbltJ' r ;I4bpyrr~B-tuwbttiK' ! NumiaaiiiiB'Ruth petering," Gertrude DavisliNaoini Henehan. ' . . -,-Publicity..Alice Wirkus, Cecelia

WJyttk'r, Mary Rp:is; township;Dorothy McP.hersoii, EyelVnjyjj'(fiori^P'ut'z and'Mafi^jPeacpn; hoR-

Ilaniilton. -'Breakfast.was s ,-Mrs. Mar-

they-attended' at^ Atlantic City inDecember.. . •'" '


Visiting Nuiises Reports253 Calls iii JWiiil>er-• - A- t^t'^i' Af *? 'i \*is;iti" v.'VLro 'iutulc1" -hist month by the Visiting Nurses'Association iteco.vding to Mrs. Jp-Kep"liin^ Rudnicki, director. • Fifty-seven of the visit.-; were free..


rneeting of the Nt'W Jersoyof'Nursing last month:' Mrs.-Hud-nickl also attended the regular in-jscryice meetinii of the. Union'epbhty Public Health Nursed ".;'. .'irhft. "annual V IA iiiee\in:g .w-gH,be"T"hV-rd' January" WadQ "u\m.at Lincoln Sth6ol. . '*.

have what heEVahldin. -.-'

Add.^ew yfe to Your Dull and Faded Hair

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. • Pull-Posh Ori^Off, Stay-S6l YdlumtConlrol

Cranford Radio, Inc.,.;-•. Open Thursday and Friday Evenings16..Eastman St. — - BR 61776 — Cran|<

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Worfli Freerreen »s

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6v. oz.cans


Smoked Calas F^U«

Chuclc Rpas* «»:4S Chuck Steak

Arm Roast


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Ionc4ter fyand Cold Cut SdU!

PJcfefo & Pimonfo Loaf• Cooked Salamio Olive Loaf• $piced Luncneort Meat

Chef Boy-ar-dee Beef of Cheese *

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ZJ-ruits C7* l/tMotaBufd

Tomatoes 2 f 29Ai idy B o y - . , >-.

Broccoli *~

Laddie Boy Ground Beef

Label | ^ Can$ |

Sunshine Krispy, 16 piL^ Chocolate Chip, 7% ox.-, Cheezit or Hi-Ho, 10 02.

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• • • " • • " • • • • ) • • • ' • . " • . ' .


' . * * , :

SatpiteProjectO^giStucfehts by 'Father of Echo'

Project Echo hjay well-trace-,it<- beginning te-sciep_ce fictioii, Dr.'•; John R.'Pierce; of-'teerkoley Heights, who Ts credited "with the ideV

behind the comrriunication, satellite, told l'2O academically talentedstudents from 50 iviorth and> Central'. Jerseyhigb schools last. Thursday.

'•'' '" 'everi nig" at'Th'eTUnlbnJunior

lites as an Example •

lated how" he became interested insatellites (is a result of roadingand writing science fiction.,. *Hesaid" he seriously "began thinking

' aho-ut the possibilities- of usingsutcllUes in communications when.Tte waslnviied in 1U54 to speak on• th'i't subject for the Princeton Chaprtor-of tht? Institute of Radio'Engi-,.

' l i c e r s . • . " ' . " ' * " . - . ' "

.."I was astonished to determine-tlicy mijjht be good for sotnp-


Bell" Telephone Kl,aboi'»iUiii'i6s is

dle trans-ocCanic -telephone andtelevision- signals. It would cafryits own ra^ioT'eceiver and trans-mitter rather than reflect micd-waves! as is being done-rwith-Kcho

JL,_.Dr., PiiTcc-XXpjcilnetL.r-Such-asatellite would have the potential-.'hy for-- coriynercial" t^ans-oc.eanlcteleplione communications,' he ad-ded: •• . .

The "father of Echo," who is di-rector..•,b£^resea'rch--in- cqmniunica-

B principk'a-for Bell Telephone:srfo.MiLaboratories, Murray liitl, dis

cussed -with the high school stu-dents some-of the major problems

.- -faced l i i LAiming uiese were: ilow could thesateHito be-Jaunched?. What kjndof satellite should-be used?- Howwould the signal be received frorpthe satellite^ How. "much power,and what frequencies shbuld beused to transmit the signals? How1

much interference would the amospr CTe <3provideV'v And howV oiild the satellite be tracked?: L'

Dr. Pierce was the second speak-er in the 10-le.cture~series, whichis being offered by Union, Junior

CoUege ynder a:-grant trom ih/eMerck'Cp', 'Foundation'. The lec-.ture-dlscussion seminar is designedto • challenge thetClMgh schodl stu-dents'ihteliectiially and to creatqa n interest in science and math-ematics."., ' -. . '-

FpUowjhg. rpr. Plerce'-s -.Jcctjire,the students _ba)ke iip: into fivegroups for^discussions vl.the topic.The*t"i9i cuBsisij;1 leaders-\verc:*'0r;

ogineering, -accounting, quanti-tative •analysis, problems of. ecprnomics.T- western civilization,plane and sol|d analytic geometry,mathematics of finance, business

rganization, descriptive geometrynd drawing, marketing,' Russian,ihysic's and public speaking/ .•',• •

Applications are still being 3CT'pt^for^theeve^ng^es^Spn7:pr

ric^3^|^,^,;partment a t ^utgerts,'ir.tlniversity,New1 Brunswick,"- and;-<~J!ohh" •Xi:Biach and Ernest Michelson,. bothof the_UJTG laculty. '..-

grams. Dr. MacKay said.'.


At Junior CollegeThirty-five' frejshman 'andjsoph-

i ^ w i l F " : b e f Ttire -spring slcr-of-tJntomtng-spnne .ion Junior College, . it.. was an-nounced today by Dr. Jfpnneth.'C.

Monday, February- 6. Registrationyill be held February 1, 2 and 3.

Courses to be offered includet*betaiblryv English

dsition', college rna'thematics, ..ilege. algebra''tor 'engineers, \igral cqlculus, sociology, 'engineer-ing mechanics,. English Jiterati|re.,; Also, German, business .law, an-alytic trigonometry, general': psy-chology, ' Spanish, 'engineeringproblems,, principles of electrical

. . : ; •

— f '




'-' • By-The - • ". „


BE VOTED ON JANUARY 17. - . - - - C • • • '

'alii (at_.l)>; druntortl WiyiUiana Club'fiUa'fliiM A. Spia'f. M.O.. Prcaldcnt' John j , . Olsorf* M.D., Sticj'.-TroaB.,

HoUy St^

optician-,--4^North—Onion—avenuer"anridunced ' this—wcek^rthat—Mrf.rville yr.- Wood. is. now •associated


y . t Don'hlot your finances control you. Alow-cost' Union County YtiistCompany checking account' Willprovide .on 'accurate record ofexpenditures in your checkbook/and- your contjolied check; are

n prqof of pqyjrtnhK' Be businessliko-and be bos* of

your bankroll. If you still ppyCash/stop by any of our sevencbnvenienr^ffices andl~fin'dt' outhow little it tost* to pgy the easy

Jf y4u prefer.— or mail the couptjn below


Belter living begins at sour.VulUService Bank

•lion County Trust CompanySERVING YOU IN CRANFORD \

lOOSouth Avenuo, last '• .

Six other, convenient offices inntqUr-—B&rkeJexJBleighta..,

CA ' free demonstration of the

Dale,Carnegie course liar men aridonicn _,will b^* held \ at & pjm.

Tuesday, _ift, ,,,Spjinftf!pi(k^?i=.4hJS:

.merican .' iLegipn,.., jt .w:is" an-ivehing. session .courses are

yailable to non-matriculated stu-

American Legion, at :8-p.ni-• •The -course is sponsored locally

iy/ the , Leadersh i p arid " SaleaTraining Institute' of •New Jeftcy.The organization's .offices arc..lo-ated'in Millingtort. •'•S i 1 SiaJ ^ tiJ7 ^ ^ ^

maniririd wotn^n troifv all \vcilks oflife throughout" the w'ilrTd haveaken' thVcourcje. More than 7,200jf this number haveu completed'

ATesley E. -Vtestrpni, president -OfhcrinstitutcT—" V"—^—

"Some-of the objectives & f < tDale' Carnegie'Course asc in d<s-V£lopin^^hcl|^idjia^^Wl)s^ilJ)et

speaking more erfectively,'and' in.pers.uadi'ng people to do<what.youwant themlto dq,".said.Mr. Wes-


|om.. ' 'It is interesting lo nq.ie,..added, "that a pol^ of .gradiiP

ates of the.course revea'le'dtliat 70percent reported increases in* i'fi.-come from- 10 percent to 60 per^ceht wKHe.;they were takiijg' thecourse,- oir within a year after-wards."

ntwrt- ¥,. ttn'inner.-areitcriptibn

Mr.'Wood ,ha'^:had- 12. year's ir>ophthalmic dispensing and^ijs. re-lated fi' rf*) Tfp"""grnrltiafiinn fromthe Brooklyn Academy of Opticsin 1948, he served his apprentice-ship with a CTuild Optician in;Manhattan. v - " '.:'.••

Atter duty with the MarineCorps during .the-KoreajxJWar asan optical instrument repair mdn,Mr. -Wood, resumed ophthalmicdispensing at J ,U. Penny, Inc.lulld Opticians, in Brooklyn.

1358- Mi^JWoQH;maiv-agDd the Bloomfield oflice of Ray-^ a G M h ^ e»uildj,Opticians.- In_ 1959, b/e-waS rwialled * tojoift the management of J. . H.Penny, Inc., where'he -continuedimtil his recerit_assdciation . withMr. BrUnner. : ',•'•*


Accourttmg PupilTraining on Job

Stephen Q. Euderie of- 14 Col-:urabia avert.ue, a senWr accountingrriajoi" at Rutgers School of1 Bust-

Administration, will- be aime accounting interji at,., ara.t'--!p.wWict;-s!ccpuxiUng;j;

during J«rti\a*y and February.,* A Cranforo* High Sch:ool;4r!uate, Mr. Eudene will secure prac-tical experience in his future pro-fession, with Ernst & Ernst, a NewVork publjc; accbuli'tiriS' ilrmr; r

£he Cranford reslderit'is one of18 State University . businessb-bhool students- in the 1961. ac-counting internship. ."The^ pro-gram was begun in 1946 to enablequalined senior aecoiinting majorsto obtain ' on-the-job_ trainingduring the .accounting profession's•busy period-preceding the ;ta^ fil-ing deadline. •'''.'•'. • • . .

^Students take Intensive aeadctn-ice courses_before,_ and, oftcr _theinternship so they may .graduatewith their class in tfuhe.:

teci' 6fu"



Aboa«IH>o folly Jf

fIncludes two days,' ttlftienight of sheer pleasure infabulous Nassau. The1 sh,jpii your hotel in pore. Shop, -sigbt-see—rclux; on thebrc'aihtakingly beautifulbeaches. Afloat, "you havfcall the transatlantic luxuryadd cruise comforti of thefamous M.S. Italia. Sailingfrom New York at, A IP. M«Stopovers arranged.. "; '




42 Broadway, N, Y- 4. N. X.4-A3A3,

oiirse Scheduledth

loimced. tpday. A free dbmonstra-ion' couV^e'also-'; wiri""be\KelcLr in,

^ ' ' liUIklciii ~' i <ilti LlOi i^liijjo(

the.••promotiorr'W. her son, pRobert S.'Cumb^rledg^-how.sta-tioned ja'l-CJrjfTlss. Air,,Force Base,Kome,.. N.'vY-,. to the" grade -o£m a j o r . ' . : ^ •••• .. - . - " ~ ; .

Card Party, Fashion : :, {,Show j\lonclay Night''..The Rosary and Altar Society ofSt. . John the. Apostle. Church,Clark-Linden, wiU-.hold iti gn-nual^carcl party ar$i -fashion .sh'True -courage is. not.,tbe_ brutai

force of vulgar .heroes, b'lit thefirm restolye o^>artue and reaSGnT ispring"': will • be the theme, and:^•^X^=^1=^^JU—Paul"Whiteh'ead i fashions' will ' - - - 1 ' - l i j ' - ^ - " -

Monday, evening,- Pashxcns fori-

jl. Coerke D^partnient -Store ofj E l i z a i a e t h . : • „ - • • ' •' ' • ' ' " ' ':" '•' •• '•

: , Committee chairrnen include the; following ironi Cranford:. Mrs.! Jtxhn. R. Coogan, decoratidns; Mrs/; Henry -A. Danyus^ refreshments,

Mrs. Carroll E. X«onard, pub-and -fashions. . . ' - . - •

*" ^ • r- ~— ,

j \Tais*: Sunday attend the.chiireh:?.cl,-"5"Qiir"cBoits.;"-'-?-'' i '"'''v ' --•—-'• •• •••


RALLYj C A R ? Lij^TS!-.-•; ^ ^ - S K ) T T i G H t S !


S l ' " » / : ^ ' • ' ; Hear AH!

fSCHOOL ^". ;.".• .-'.'* •>".•;:; STARS! ; •• FUN!. /".MUSIC!

--.--r"-:'.•• '- ' ' Sobnaoied b

id ilor by Citizens for a-Bt-Etcr Cninford, 17-Alden-Street


Tweniy-threo- Cranford residents.- .will be- among .more than 100Union Junior toUege students who will, man, telephones Sajurdayiand" ''"' ' " ' ' - • ^ajk• Hotel Annex,.'..'Plainftpld . for.. ihe.;.l'96^.'pcrebral

Elma AilaniJj ioPJay -In Np»" Y.ork Recital

Elma 'Adams of. 173? Gardenstreet,1 pianist; wifl .give • a recitafou Sunday at 3 plm at.the MuseumOf the City bf'-New.Yorit1-.'•''•''

Mrs. 'AdnmsJ. a -member of the^Vestdeld, Miisical'-Club and.-grad.-.

. Boy Scout Troop 176 of St. Mirthael's Chiirclv hiid :ihrei! sledtearns-entercd-in-th<'J+:onuiliogan

from 10:30SaTiiirday').o-Sp-m; Sunday, They

will in.an the' lOo telephones; at theNew Jej-sey/tipadquarters for the'annual campaign.; • • ..'.:•'... ]

The. yoluntee.rs • wer.e: recruitedby-the UJC rhter-fraternal;.Cp'un-

I'in itlie. drivePledgeswiU.be used for1,the growing.pro-li/a'ih of serViice to -the cerebralpal4edSby,^i^Umtedi?CeifiBf aipjlsy • Association'' of, New Jerseyand its^everaTaffiKates: •',, . ^~;

Cranford residents -attendingUnion'Junior Ctillege~whO'/haYe

i i i t d to assist at' the tei'e-

To^MarkSthATmiversaryA' cosmetic '.demonstration will

highlight the eighth, anniversary

ihoil are: . . . . .- Thomas E, White"pf 10 !Cedarstreet"' James F-';'Gibson • of' -178

Lehigh • avenue,' Wjlliam E.

M. en"•Major James A. Rav At 7:).< Wil-'

ow-streot has <received-tf-

Army'. He".has. been in -the Armyfor 18 years anij is at present' serv-ing-'iri korear^He-is the brbtljcr ofMrs. Winiam Hf."" Bateman ai the

C..F. Sullivan of 24 Shawnec road.

Mrs;;'- Sydney Cumberledge ofBound' Brook^ formerly of Ci'Em-ford, recently. received.'word of


• Orders To Go

J &C Restaurant• ^ OPEJN EVE|IY Ni(3HT^XCEPt M0N..TIii,ll2 PJW..Closed Sundays — BR 6-98551

Fi ia! Expert TellsCar Ariel

is available bothexpert, and author of . ,'ni<r]iv" ? iy-3 Mr. Rogers.bcst^-sellingr books on "Wficira loss Recurs, he

';ll»:t^'s "takes .ciire of all "detailsrfnrre!^ ,P?I?~

buying insurance ~orciy~ merit. Is made fairj^'and .tKroy^h' an indepertdeirc promptly. You can, tellInsurance agent." him by the BJg T Seal."

Mr. Rogers points out You canbuy-insvirancetha t an Jndepe^iderirt .v.ith confidence from theagent is a, professrisfral- man \vh,o shovys this -seal.-insurance inaft'as-ivell'as • l e t - " il,t p y , . ^

on your car or. home," . kni%s local conditions; standards designed to 'says Donald I. Rogers, - "An JndependehL agent protect you.

^tst Dnvinsurahce Agency in N. JL"126 kotJTH" .AVfc. EAST. CHANFOHD.-BH 6-3000

Open Thurs.' iill 8:30 P.M. Week Nigbis lilt 6 P.M,

I Dennisv ot • aanr. itiiicrest .«venutL DeBefnardis of 25 Bi

I dale road, "Ross E.* Kpwlaiid.-.-of1427 North, tJnlon' avejuie,'' DavidIF. Beach of 214 Cpluhnbia avenue,|Mr. and Mrs. George E.^Vanbornlof U l^Behjomiir-istreetr^-'--" -J^-—

Robert P.' Starkin:V'ojf 22 rro-• Miss--Josephine R

North Lehigh

I Chester Lang placg,, Miss Nancy,-Grad-of--2 Park-aVenue,; DanielKing-<)f.-145=Severin^Gour f:D3 v~

lid ?. Leslie of 14 Mendell avenue.

Xyman rST""S"arshaii of -131 • Mo"-.'" 'hawJc._-drive. ;

Welen M. Burg of 9Brd\v'ji;terrace, Miss Frances D. Shapiroof "127 -Beech stieet, 'Norman'-'L.Sleiner of 123 New street, George.Pattersph of 122,,New street, David

Of"-4l7"OraTi'ge '"avenue,'Walter T. Marshall of 220 SouthUnion avenue,' and Charles. S.

.Rornano. of 19.' Retford

Glub.at 8:15-Tuesday in fellowshiphall of CaTva"fyrt?utheran--Chlirch::

Complexion care and make-upvvill Jje. demonstrated- by a W'est-field cosineticialn. All .niathersare invited)/"; • „. - ' , ' . . " . .

A,birthday cake will be- serv'edby (he executive boardf " ~.

Named Alumni Director•'•"• Hans" H." Angermuqller of 410Casino avenue was elected to' a

Hhxee-jasattT7terrnF--as"-a-directb'r' of-the* Pingry Aliimni. Associatlon^a't'the-arihual meetiag

-local—resident—was=%the Pingry.class of 1942-/





OLX Whiel • Arm RtstsCJgMghfer* Dir Sigato

COMPLETE PEL!V0 PRICE[; laeiuamft f micMT.Aim ML ro>. T * U S



U2 E. Westfield Aye. <3H J-X4M Bosclle ParkAlr-Condltioned Showrooiaa Open 9 AJM. to 9 PJiJ-

V ' ' T U 1 S , . i " '


*r> >t




^ T


' t-

fere's Jiow the ^with your steppea-up driving schedule!


"Come to a


M ' i

N, St.


Sr-AMEMCANlEGlON _.5 8 1 M a p l e A v e . • - ..•.,-, r _

- Poniiac for '61 is tunod and • tailored' toonlivon tho oxtra.'hours'you spond in 9 car.

— Wolght is trimmed to QIVQ you more actionwith loss oxpons-a. Widor doors oporvfarthofto oaso your Dotting in and out.

' Thero'swiioro room inside. Outside, Poritiuc'has a more parkablo, fjaruoeablo sizo. .. ''•You wanouvpr without effort, sit stoady

and straight on curves and corners. Thiscomos from tho built-to-the-road stability ofnow Wido-Track. And Pontiac's famousV.-8. ilorlormanco lots you take city orturnpikQjravcl with assurance. . •" ,

Chooso tho car that has kept paccuiith'thdclvai»r)o in your driving•-• Habits. Inspect,drfvo,,9elccttho '61 Pontiae of your choice

J :• " } • • • ' " - • I .

I .



THE ONLY WibE-tRACK CAH!l ; i i i i c Su. Ilia»n!0'.: lutU ol .my CJI&>j*t>.;iktiii;i>'Yej I j icJutaMdouvn-

, U*.'j; U.:.i-.: ii,,i h! Laianr^Ttji'lwceii fl>

1 0 WAYS this course can help you!

• : : • ! •

I..I,'! II l l .433 NOHTH 4, h

- w * -

o Speak More EHecllvoly • Conquerand Worry b Increase Your income • '

• Aoqulre Self-Confldenoe • "Sell" Yourselfand Your Ideas • develop Your Hidden

AbillUea • Win More Friends •Be a BetterConvarsatlonallsi • Remember Names.,, e Be Your Best with any Oroup v

~Wrtt.«rphon»forcomplot«d»t«li Mllltngion 7-2*22' ' '•"•'' ' • .' Pr+uantadby '


Ontw m bs kald at PfalifeM Htsktmadt, SpringfWd, tit* 8iuni*fc4;JMvrtttw^ Hatawjr, '|f^tcii|rf Nsvort, l^lapn^^my farjjr, u d Jersey City.

sic, NeW'york.Avill oIT r -"yoccatai | 3 M J V B h S h ' " ' f t j

Klondike Derby conducteijr? by,

Io Piano,'' Debussy; " ^ed "Scherzo in B • Flat J

C h o p i n . •."••' . , ." V J ; ' '

Garden CUibSees

ijL? CountriesA. tour of "Gardens Afound the-

:slidei;i,by .ivlrs. ojhn,of 12. Plttsfitld streetr-at. a meeting ot the Garden C]H&> of

Mr^. A.- W'. Bowling, Jr., '01' tililloW svi' ef, Was hostess. - „ ' ^jtVIrst1, Lehman^shovved slides of

Jormal^eity gardens of _ . ,^ehtina "an3 Chile; "church'; gar-dens' of Peru, country gardens ofGreat Britain, an? Ibulb" gardens ofHolland. " • " ' ' :, /:,_.!_,_

Also/ fields of moss in the Landof : the : Midnight~ siln, mountain"gardeiis of" Switzerland~tiuxcm-bourg and. Austria; old and new;gardens' of-Gerh>any, chateau gar-

Japan. Htid tropical (<ut-deH.s ot'

tV>e prograjn. ._.Mrs; • Hehiiian - was presented-

with two* slide viewers,; Mrs;. E.E.- Teirreli', chairman,'was assisted

• by Miss ttelen Plummer and Mrs.C.-E.'Sku'tJgs, Mrs. K. N. Albreehtand Mrs. J /O. F. Helle. . .-„• ..-.- Mrs. Robert . ,B." "Ackland and

Mrs. E*. J. Torrens, •Jfr.,:.poured.-' -

Speech CommunicationCourse to Be Conducted•" Ah eight-week-course in speechcommunication for 16 employes of

i C "X? ill'Willbegin today as an off-eamaus of

The instructor vitft be MrV. MaryAnn .Rodes of Westfield, Englishjnstciictor al U3fC.

A report writing course for Shellexecutives waS-given last year asan~ off-canipus""program "at UnionJunior College^

These programs were develogod;by Dr.' Kenneth W.-lVersen/ UJpdean,. ahd' F.:'^f ^wackhamer oftranfordr director of Shell'sTechnical Service Laboratory. .

-Mrs^;Rodes earned a bachelor ofarts degree at Washbum Univer-sity, TopJoka; JCan.,; and- a master

degreeJatr-'oi Columbia ;University,

Livingston PTA BoardEndorses School Plan

The executive; boardof the Liv-ingston Avenue PTA went onrecord. aS endorsing the scho61 ex-

dJp a s ^ p g ^ ^ ^ JIn next TuesSay's jrefej'endum at"a meeting last- Wednesday • night

Henry Boardman,-a iiiembex" pthe Board oif'Educatlon, and ;Vin-,cent Sarnowski, principal of thejunior "'schools, were .speakers-ata referendum meeting' Held at theschool last night. hTeir talks werefollowed by a qupstion-and-answerperiod. '•.""7T.~:' ~~"~; '~'Z~r~~








• . ' • - .


T«l. BR 4-2474



TJriion- .Co"i»iciJ-,'' Uby Scouts \ii

The Falcon "Patrol led In thetroop \WUi 39 ' ii-but came in


120 Clarewlll avenue, Upper Mont-eluir,~at 8:15 p.m. next Thursday,Her "topic" will bt;'"Relationship of

n^Ai't;,to Traditional;-A:rt."

— CRANPORn (K.J.) CITIZEN" AND CUROKICIJE—tnUnSDAY, JANlfARV 12, 19G1 Pace Five. * . . • , " • » . • . • . . . * • • " - . . . . , . • . ' • • • < . . , _ - , _

Stiiifent Officer--Posts at College

"Ryo residents- of Crunfordi sii'iidents at the College of Saint Eli-

too. late lo score'in''the coinpeU- 1 ' ^ t h , ConVent Station, have beenti'on.: Members oi'^his patrot artH Voted .officers .of-the' siUdetit <>r-:John Peti-occ.lone, P^ul . Codena, ganization •thtie.>< Mary. .McHarg

i, - John.' Wog'loni.n,--Edward' Maelc~ahd. Marli'

* » - . • 1 . • • ' • . ' - . . - ' • .

Bi>t Patrol, composed ofPatrick. O'Cdhnell, Howard Smith,William Ginthiier,, Gene

has won the 'post, of 'treiWure!1 and.Catherine Hebert htts-b'een-'ele"cl'»cd' junidr' counselor if or d a y l•Rents'.' - ' >• '•'-':'"' '.,'. ... . - - ;

Mi is thu daughter of.h M H '

<eromg-<jorcoran^lJenniB~Jrnkingf m g ..Crnnlord Hign achoeilrMiysSriah pnyiH_and-Er.aiik_Miilll>)g-T Mc.Harglw^s-vice.presideri>.-bt.th&ea'rhed 30'-nuggeti.', and the Eagleg g , n E g ePatrol,." Witt Paul Maffoy, peterJVlgoi'ii, .-.Richard TH6sklh.s, Danlyl

lers, Harry Erwihe ond, WilliamPaduia, won 24, nuggets. " '

Burchfield avemie. She.^ an honorgraduate of Benedicjiiie AcademyOf Saint Elizabeth./U'here she Held

Pest Control'Conclave.-Hans Krusc of 202 Beech street

and Edward J.Pilat. of 529, Ricji-iield 'avenue,/Keniiworthf will beamong._ those _.aUendin£_ Jhe an-nual two-day, shor),. c'ourse jbt, the.Ne\v. Jersey pest ^Control Asspci-atioii to be held at,the. College ofAgriculture. Rutgers.' University.

Brunswick, next Monday and

-courses- for- past controToperators were originated in NewJersey by- the association hrtd, .Col-lege of Agricul.ture in -1.044, tyheha need was found for better un-derstanding

Named Chairman

yGeorge E.-VaijDorn of 111 Ben-

jamin street has . been : electedchflirman .,of tlie Key Club atUnion Junior College.. __ Key Club nienVbers-act as offi-eial' hosts • and hostesses for the•college and conduct guided touts

" N iMr. VanDorn, a sophomore, is

majoring in engineerinc in- theDay Session. "

Cornell Women MeetingMrs. R. J. Salisbury of Madison

will "address tht! Cornell Women'sClub of Northern New Jersey atthe homoof Mrs. P. T. Atlerldg


I fcwt slition. ttit *tfm Mnuk llUl

B g ghMr. and Mrs.' John McHprjJ.Nojrth Union avenue. Svhilc aitend-

junior class and' president of. tlieFuture Teachers of America. '/

Miss' Hebert is the-daughter of' ' '•"'"' ' Ml

currently' completing,^ term astreasurer of the-'Athletic Associ-ation :at. the' Cortegf. of .Saint. Eliza-beth. '' . •'-• -—: : '—• -

Naiiud Club Oif JeerMiss Joan . M, Llsariii " of 44

Richmond avenue7 has been elect-ed secretary-treasurer of the In-ternational ."• Relations." Club.' "attTnir>n .Yiminr Prvllv*^ Miss LisanU,

PTAAddress.In ii'-talk V" ."T,he' KinR's

lish," FiviKk Ramsey." head .of Jh(>English depminient . at Criinford

groups have made the ' pYograin'availalile.

Hegistration' for the first-aidrourso as Wi'll .as 32 otKer classe*available" wili'-bK held'.Februarya arifi 3 frcm\' 7 to !) p.m. at Crari-towl High'^St-hool. Mail; registra-tiont'• wiH be aeci-pted through

g ; gtiont.'• wiH be aeci-pted throughF b J i i P l J L

'earHist childhood-has' ci profound"effect on u"child's" skill wilh wordsthroughout life. . "'

He discussed the. development ofth(iruse of langua'Ke":iii_i! .st'ciueiice'beginning .with listening andSDeaWng, and .continuing ttmumh'reading and writirij:- The speakerwas intrjodiiwd by Herman Krog-nian". '" ' , .. .'. '. - " .

The PTA passed a motion tn-dorsinji iiiid" supportitu! thw schoolreferendum to be:. voted on ' next

Ed\<:.arri.._GlU(. a.Jermcr.ijvdii'iberof (he.Bonrd of Edueatidn,"explained the .; p'roposul 'Tf»)tl •• ifn-'swerod questions from the audi-ence. . . • "" . -

Lnrinskv. nre.sl-

<'oiifs»' —will -btfFirst Aid Squad.

Jaycees i«> Koll Barrelofiijihl iii Limlen 'Tluv' Crahf'ord.-Kenilworth Jay-

eee.s will jin'ticrjiiite in-the" "Rollhe Barrel" • contessl.' toniglU as

they •visit the- Linden juyceey:David M^ss'ls enTijiman. ~ ~^' Last, year ' tht local groilp wortllrat in Uiis area iu)d fourth placein the Ktate> in the annual con-los.t,.- .bsffcdjap. iittcndanco-tinct

dent, ann'uuncctl Tli.it i\w muiimljoint .Founders'-Day 'meeting willbe-held at Sherman .Junior Schoolon February 20. "• : •

First Aid CoutfeeFor Fifth Year

The Cranford First Aid Squadah3 thi>- "Cranford'- Adult SchooJagain will join, forces to-sponsora free basic first aid course!

Jt will.be offered at the school'sahniiul spring semeslelv whicTr vflToptai-JCt\i":dn.v, .February 7 at.'Cwua--f d H i h ^

r HTe 'tw(Jtiftir~consecutive





94 HIGH ST.Phone: BRidgo 6-2700


f ^ p i " .visitedhe'- loc'ol group last night withho baia-el. The, contest is 'de-

signed, tcf. eiicouriige ""attendance •and to acquaint J^vpi.'t-s with

' -s of noiyhborinK" chapters. . •

Scputers StageFashion Show

and Mrs.of

Memorial Home.Mrs;. -Howard Smith

Evans- Jenkins werov_dThe fashion show. Models were.William "Shramek, John Sorentino,Worreii. Ehlors,. Howard. Smith,Ruy M ickw .Evans' 'Jenkins,' Jim"Hill. nnd.' Frank _ Turle^y. Mrs. 'TSTfcTioIas Imperato. was narrator.

A buffet supper'was. s efVed byMis. Frank Turley and Mrs'.War-ren Khfers, chairmen. - '. . AmonK' the pftiost wore Mf." and •Mrs. Gi.'i-jld' Finney of CninfordT"

3Mr. and" Mrs'. Petvr Walsh oselle", formerly- of Cranford.

More NgtFictionIT IS A FACT that Bernard Litwak, a member of t ieminority opinion on the Board of Education, has beeninvestigating.-the availability of classroom space in churchschoolrooms to house the overflow of students in th0

-southside-sehoote tlwHrte-ANTieiPATESrmay occur ifctoroncliiin^is not iVussod! — —

IS THIS THE SOLUTION the Watchdogs .ricfer.to in Item2 of their "Facts Not Fiction" flyer? "It is a fact thatourpi*esent~fa"cilities, if properly utilized, make the erection,of a Junior JIigh; School unnecessary at this time.'";?-Dothey mean our presonjt facilities to include placing south-side children hrlnt "i&r miss accommodations in churches,and whatever other buildings may have an extra seat forthem? . _ ' ' ——

If this is-4'adequate" for. the-Watchdogs,'t-earncstly hopeit is NOT ADEQUATE FOR THE REST OF CRANFORD,who want to fill our need for schools with schools, not

We arc hot im uiuierprivileged-community, nor should webecome one. WE OAN AFFORD WHAT WE NEED'IN-CRANFORD, and it would seem that even the minoritymembers of our Board of Education are aware that whatye need are schools. This is, indeed, a fact. I can see hoother way of'-considering this-fact• "than .as a mandate fora "Yes" vote on the school referendum.


Paid for by George, A. RubineTO Crtscent Place

hereIs this «ie word to our youhg people - oble ami b«k>v«d <- %»*eti flto/to

finished! school arid are ready io start making ihelr' own living?

often It Ii, In the smaller communitieslike our*. . ,-

Why don't we have more job opportunitiesand more business opportunities right here, soihat more o* our sons and daughters can es-

But it's al»o partly blouse many of UJ havelet ourselves get into the habit of spendingfc<? ni|id|| of our money somewhere else* _

Every dollar that we spend away from homeis a dollar less to circulate among us and to

fabllsh their homes and be happy and pros-perous here at home?

It's partly circumstance. Partly the nqturallimitations o* the economy b# our area, Partlybecause we haven't been quite aggressive orenterprijlng.enough io build and grow more.

ortrade volume as It moves from hand to hand.

Keeping more of this easily available tradevolume at home Is one way by which we couldcreate and sustain more local opportunitiesfor our young people. And for ourselves.




• • . • - , • - i


Takes Home Town Name12, 1961 r

V . . . - , .

TVCaree^> < ' : .

'..",-' A graduate of Union Junior. Col-lege -and . fdr-rrier player with thoCrahford "Dramatic 'Club didn't

•have to think Kong before comin«VID -WliVl n iHnty . >i-'.w,r~ f~». |-.;.-'...,|W::l

I i,

I .;.;•., •;-.

•'< 7 : , T

Robert S. Howaxth, son of Mr.and Mrs-. Albert Howarth of <i

• Shetland drive, chose RobertOrariforcJ—as, liis name as -K'e' era--barked-oil a television .c'ateer as ar'odkie detective in "Manhunt," n13-week .television series starringVictory jfory, tapi-tT j'ri Hollywood

>-'Mr." Cranford, when, returned to.Hollywood ow . Monday after. ;j^two-week^ visit with his parents,

, said- his agent suggested the name^gic-etl~Tthnt '".."'CiTfrfg'

isjV" s.tfjonK namp and-has a

He will appear its "Phil 'Burns,"Mr". Jory's partner in the 'scries

! • • | i ifcrf^i JHflJ^B i • ! llV | l 1 ' •> , ^.l . l ' 1 W i l l ^ I I

.evision,"tt'vi.v.picniii. llis.-ilrst ap-: pcarancc on television w'iisi'." in" eommercinl filmy- after .-playftifi• summer- stock- and various th'ejilrc

iny a beiiuty contest at-theCounty FaHj-i^85S,Wh

H«Iy"NamelSrocietyHears'Su)v'Peter-8 Counselor...•..•••.' pkic 'Kev. .Francis Shalloo, studtrit counselor, at Stl» .Pcter^s-JRre^

•parat6ry. Scnool." Jersey Glty, dis^..c-iissod the. irnportanci of "idecond-s.aiy^cdUcatlvn in. .'preparation for.college 'at a .meeting ~of St.- Mi-•ohacTs' Holy r H a S"""F^ttfrt

Manhunt" series, &Ir. Cranfordtook roles_ln various plays in ttol^lywood. area playhouses. -The 6-fOot-2 actor sifld he was returningto the West eoast to consider .rolesin twq other scries. ' . :.:

Mr. Cranford, a graduate'of-.Un-ioh High School, h"as,ii'sister,., Kirs.Carole . Eckert, of- the Cranfordaddress,'.:and two brothers, AirForce Majors William Van Bruntand Albert R. Howarth. TheJHo- ;wartlis have lived- in Cfanford Jpr,

5fc£SC3feir£ : " ~~ " . ." ;.-


;irk, a -4invi owned . by his. father-He~chosL'l)i.s new career in 1!)5(>

groups. He" played,, in ."~I3:H.-kBrovVn" and "The-Happiest Dayso O ^ o u r .Life" with 'the. Cranfordpramat i c Club.- • ''.. After "'.grajUvating from Union

Junior Co)roKe in lf)53' with nn ns-iociate in iTJ'ts dearee in businessadministration........ Mr. - Cranfordplayed- With a Viusic. combo andworked for Excel'jFoundry, Nc\y

| irnlhinR n-iKhts at •Actors^ Studio,\UGK\- York! ' . • ' • ' • • '•"" '"T~";

In June, 1J159, he decided*"NewYork was barren of. opportunitiesfor an<. .iiK-pirjng'-actaE.und Ic'fi forMolly'wood without, much'. moncjyarui n bride. " . - :

. H<i js '-married- to the (ormi'r.Miss Barbara Joan Mead ..of Ru th-crford, whom \\et fnot while°iu(iit-


Troop 25 Places

)5oy Sco.ti't' Tropp " ^ <jf_Crani'oi'd Methodist'- Church 'vws. rep-resented • by eigh{ patrol ' s \eachjcqhsisting_«ji"!JiixTtd. eight, boys>rinthp.nnriual Kldndikti JD'erby heldbyJ the Western ibii^trict of Unionet)un.cili.B'$A, at 'Nomahegan Parktani Sunday. .. -

frhc Copperhead Patrol of. Troop,J75: tookj third pliic'e'ln -the derby.In! the jjUdging.of75is V a m i r Pat7.5.. s Vampire Patrol was first andmo Copperhead- aPtrol was-iUicaniL

of students.* •. ' -•*' A joint meeting with the RosarySociety ••wiUL be'field February '6.

Holly Grower

e teOfProgrimfprEvenin

'"Comic Interlude?." a deWnstraOon in the ar t of^peaWng^- Swillbe presented t>y'Kenneth Hayne's at 8:15 tonight' a t the monthly meet-ing of.the.KveningDepartme.ntbit the Village Improvement Associationat. Union JunlornColIegeC

Deen - periorniing for T5- years- onstage and radio. He will tell howour language grew through pan-tomime; sound effects and thespoken word. . • ' '{• •. Mrs; Eugene - J . Stanley, chair-,man, will preside at the- business


r r Q y i , ; America's "JMfost Beiloved I'lant," wfll 'be discussed byMiss Elaine Yannuzii-of Plainfieldat a jnteting. of the Flo'r'aphile.Gar-

^ Club at l,'p,m5Monday,'at the

for the ifashion' sKowj:and- dessert^bridge, the c l u b ^ i l l giye on April-20 at' Koos Brop. I r r t tahway.^' ."Hostesses- for. tonight's meetingare Mrs.-;iEdward. Wirkus/ chair7

"hoi'ne.Qf ~i/lis.# Herbert Mitchell,7 i 8 ; W i l l o w ' s t r e e t . '-•',. -\ . . . '••••,-.

Miss-' YannUzzi spends her~Haysnursing and caring; for young hol-lies at he r faftiilyV f loiflst' shfip inWarrori Township.- Her latest' arti-

cley. you can . L*row xio.uy, \vasrecently' published, by t h e ' NewYork .Horiicultural .Society.-^Anewly developed variety of Eng-lish holly has been named^in herhtfnor. •••' .— - . - • . . ••

Co-Hostesses, will ;be;"Mrs. 'NbfcJrnan Brubakcr. and Mrs1, Alan

itWells. M r s . n . E. Bair. and Mrs,Robort DaUdorf "• will .make theflora) arrangerrionti'. •_ ,-. ,

l a w -prnhihits •.'olprHht)«Vp'r'" .'ing within 100 feet of a polling



Reg; 98e YcL



Reg. $1.19 Yd.


CORDUROYReg. to $1.69 Yd.


Reg. $1.69 Yd.




Reg. $1.!9i V• • ; — • • - t '

$1491 Yd,88«45-INCH

SUITINGReg. $1.98 Yd.

man; n #Mrs. Russell Matthews'.- A board meeting wfts held last

Tuesday night at the hohfe 61 Mrs,-'William.?yoiif' Bulow, .6 Herningn v # ? n u * « •' ** ' . - • " ' .' • . ' • : . . . • , ••' ' '

Causes Extensive,Damage to Hoiirte

a.m. they found a mattress blazingin ithe yard. A seeond-floor bed-room, "including' furniture, . w.ascompletely b.urned .-. out. ChiefDoyle said, .arid there was smokedamage .throughout the house. -~

ported a fire caused by . ._.tar.6ke.0iit in them attress at 1 \but h e ' thought he had. „ .guishgd it successfully himself:WfaerT the \ family awokg later toIlhd the nouse lull ...ox .smoke theymanaged, to. -escape1 . without ih-

Two booster''lines were, used bjfthe- firemen, who returned.to. head*quarters %t 5:5J. a.th.

~ and: •--•'•

BrownieNewsFire- apparent ly , caused* bysmoking in. be4 resufted-in datnageestimated' at $2^500 to the horn* of*R."fe."kraisnpff;.;33'Harvard.road, '-', . •• Girl Scout. Jtoop 100early Tuesday'morning,; Fire-Ghiefl-f;-- "The: (Jirl Scouts of Troop 1Q0-Berrtarf^AvrSoyle^repogted ' p r ^ e e n t ^ f larf^AvrSoylerepoted. pr^eently^rehaaetSHjalfln^fy

When firemen arrived iii, rd^-i and-knittihg needlds fpr>a,"Chrisl-t ^ A i ^ d d t ' ^ I — mas - Caps'i—Rtoject,-—Thf

sent! to the American FriendsService Committee, vtho,: Irr turn,send" them-':to Algerian -refugeebbys .so ihey'may knit™ their: ofrn-^ o r m c a p s / / ; •'. '.•'• ,-,"• . • '"-~-

TKe girls also visited.six ladiesat Cranford Hall and took .themgaily.decorated baskets of Jgreensin—addition' to' Christinas' cooKIes:-

p- Soichi Kato from. Japan will


visits and cardsTJ • . ; ' • : . . ;As one of thie reqlUrements of

earning the-dancer'badge; the girlswere hostesses a t a dance at thehome of theleader, Mrs : TheodoreWassexbach, 425 South Union ave-,nuq. •••- Each -girl introduced ..herescort and then ice-breaker aridgifUacfqua tilted gameS'Wcre.played;Refreshments' WereVfurnishedHbythe mother .of one of thip.IgirlsTT^Uneoln , - Uvingsttm .- Sherman

NeUhbortiood9 ^

"--At1 the-last: meeting -before tbe.holidays,' Girl Scout Troop; 799finished .making, .gifts • for .theirmothers, . Cookies and punch' were.served-and giftsclose-ot-the-meeting.-t1-.-,--;•"The following' -Friday evening,

Troop .7^9 joined Troop 848 to sing'Ctrtols' for thct patiqhts in-Cran~ford^Hall. Thc-girls were, acconi--panied b y ' Mrs,—William Meoge*

H l i i M ' J f epanied b y MMrs. , Harry- l iming . Mrs .Watson and - Mrs. Francis CollinsAfter singing the g k ^ ' went; tothe home'pfrSuePaftenroth" for hotchocolate, and cookies. ' -

ta"foll»wj[ng na.-

School Visits

r-M.'J •



Contestst h i s y e a r . - •'- '-

The visits have,been arrangedfor by Thornas R. Tipaldi, princi-pal, through -the -InternationalTeachiRjt Service Bureau, Teach-ers College, "Columbia! University.They1 pre sponsored by the Roose-yeit.PTA.; ,-•.. ; .'.•",,..-•:'., - • ; - • . •'•'.., -'•• •• Two -assemblies - will v be--held~so"the primary grades'as well as the"tpurth, fifth•and^sixthgradesTwilibe: able to hear Mr- iKa to ' sd i s -cqssibn of Japan.Kato wUl visit each s i*tb ' gradeclassropm fot more detailed ques-

GARWQ.OD—There will be.no contests.in'the February 1.4 schoolllcctlori. here, it xvas revealed' as the deadline for-filina-of.. eandi^ies*Ictiiibns passed".a(. 4 p.rn: last Thursday. •,'•-. il__.l_

. Seeking :tJ»red full 'three-year terms on A c board wili/rje John L:n.lJri.JinCumbents.'

r.-Mrs. Shirley, Seelig'-.offstreef.-tiled ;'tay4.hu -two-y^ar

fcd.terrroo.be filledil_._ 1,1._i-.'Aline -*K.

sp, A, tea has. been planned for. afterschool by the PTA" to allow thevisitor." and faculty.- to ..meet (for


Pn-ARWOOS—Request of -

^ iiiaastejrfs-de-•gree. in ..administration from, th?-Tokyo Instittiteiof Technology and 'at present is stiidvinpTnternatfoh^

•crn'iisslon "to" sutfdivide~hif; 'prop-|rt>,'- moasuiing 100x100 feet, intoIvo iotii,'-one 58x100 feet and_one

al larigaaEe' at , Columbia -. Unlyer-sityJ He, speaks " rEhglish,'Japan-ese . and ,,Gcrrnah,; atid j -Is .tatcr-ested in" prpmbting. pen-pal' ac-_tivities.as'he is conyinceil,that .thisis a''rndstjefltectjye and.inbjgxensive'diplomacy. :' -^ - -..' ': ' .Thenext visitor. Peter EvangelosD'eras.fr'om (Sreece^is 5cJS3ui^Tto 'visit the school on February, 10".

Our Depositors, For Making


Statement Of Condition As Of Dec 31,1960liabilities

First Mortgage Loans . ... :.'.'.'...'.,.. .,:$3,OQ9jOO8;3a Mettibers' Capital''.. ; ,:,,..;:,.;.„,,....'.$ 3,587,943.23

_ J f e d € ^ ^ -3,146,54U.S. Government. Obligations: - •rS.89,OO0:O.Q. - - f c ^ * y ~ «Ai/«<

' ' ; -'--• —- - ^ ^ ~ ^ i i f e ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' " . v ! i ^ v ' - ; - < ^ ^

TWEEDSReg. $2.49: Vd.



Reg. to $5,98 Yd.$3.88 ^

.-ii.1.:54-INCH WASHABLE


Reg. $3.98 Yd.$ 2 , 8 8 ^




TOWELS • - >



; "Reg..$3.98 to'$9.98


BEDSPREAD GLOSEOUTBatesVarsity PlaidPetiteRose TrellisRob Roy




Morgan JonesHeiress Coverlet

Tam-O-Shanter '.'...




iiatkm-;,..'::,:';:»:: f.-.': , i : ^ 0 8 0 . 5 8 ' ' v ummdetHPrbfib>.::;:.::::... : ; ^-Other-Assets r.- v . . . . ; . ^ ;. ^13,390.23,. ^ ; .






DirectorsROY H. MacBEAM:







Assistant Secretary'• -CHARLES J. PFdST


lAssistant . Treasurer' L1JLLIAN M, HINKELDEY-







• . . . •/>

C O R N E K N O R T H A N 6 U N I O N A V E f4 0 £ & ' •OFHCE HOURS — 8:30 AM. to 4 PM. Monday thru Friday-___ Qpeii Monday ^•nlngs .6»30 "to 8 PJM.,

12x101) teet, was approved by aov-I Council at its .meeting lue^-

_ night, following length^' dis-.[ussion and ' ah--executive sessipii'. the matter.)~~:-:~:~:.-- ^ - 'A fetter-Trpm the. Board of Ad-

lsfmcnt pointed ou t , that objec-rons' h;id Been receTved from res-lents of the Jjrea expressing the

Cmxyi.ng but of theS S i v S o H ^ w o y l d l hot be ."in,cupingwith-the rest of theneigh-

^o°d,'' where other propertiesave

ktortedat Ship ession

cralvCha!rman Charles Zarzccki, ' appearing ataJPartntsMJighi-rneetihg of.St^a-'Scout Ship 70, sponsored Jby.Bayleaf-Posi 6307, VFW, gt tae post home la i t Thursday^ announced the satis-fticiory jrCnclusibri of the Garwood Communitjr^Fund for Boy Scouts

to Arthur ,E. Kocppci.-tjcecutivc-ofDistrict r Pour, .SiVatchung' AreaCouncil; Boy Scouts of America.J Thanks were expressed o i i ' be -half,.. of ,the Cu£> Scouts. Boy

her seeoad three-.yearterm' ;on the board,- /including twoj*Sais uia piuiudciil, did 'not file for

"_• '/-reok-ction. > -Slri;. teuscher . -re-that -"aria tjdan

frontage^ ~~ • ;i'Alt.hough we unanimously, con.-

ur with the- objections pf theseesidents," the Zoning-Board let-

readi ^duu to "lack of. ordi-t

o -hereby, recommend that theubdivisiott be granted."_ • • • ..~ES'piairilnK"that "wo legally have

apijroi<e".<s;ince building lots Ine borough rietid have only a 40-iot frontage;), Councilman Ilenry

Piekarski, chairtjia.n o£ build-,g and -grounds, T.eeomrneuded

Xcommendation. . •.,....:Whcnahere^vas rno.. sfcomL foE,

j-^vnotion, Cojimcilmart Edward,t r ipka intro'duced another to

ble the matter .tax: farther study,he latter motion was passed withlouncilman Jukis J . Lusardi vot-IR "no" on .the ground that "weav(TTitr-cte6ai basis for holding upis matter.". "_•_.

jthat ' Jthe mau.-'TSs.f .his moral.'obligations to

t- community ahd has-sTated7hc,m'bving /rojn. 'Jbwn," Council^

••'-•iplta-at this point remhfk-he intended to ask to be

:cused from the meeting ,if , theucstion. came upior ,a .votgaga}h.Councilman 1. George CnsaDona

lso ^announced-'thAt if t ^ r c ' ha|dcenj :»-second on the original mo-on for approval, "I would havebstained- from .v0ti»fj because o t

association with Mr. Davis inic-Demoqj'atic^party." . - ••"v appreciate.yiJirr-position due

on Pace SJ -

in the-famil'y-is enoufih.." Her-hus^band, former Councilman Johtt,'Teuktil'ifcif-, "was- elected io va tw6-•year_irhexpii'0d term on RegibnarBoard of Education ItistrFobrijary.

Mr. . Csupa i$ completing hisSecond three-year term as a t rus -•teo. and has served as. president ofihe-'board for thfe past • two years;

.Mr, Lc.wis was.'a"pivbir>t?d-.to. theboard in..Jfune7 lQ$7t for the.re.-mainder of the first year of a two-year unex'pired-—term '"• arid was,elected to a three-year term in1938-;",; . . . <r—— :\~r- -----

amedJrLNcbivpmber to ser.ye-oa_th.eJboard. un -til tlie coming'election in place oflioward XV. Fehwick, who resign-ed August } upon moving- from

_Mrs..Seelig».who is running for

tlve-^remaining -two years -6:unexpired term of- Mr. Fenwick,was a teacher for. many years inJonathan Dayton Regional' HighSchool, Springfield; jifttil her res-ignation, in 1959". .

She is a graduate of LindenHigh7 School andTecenrcd'4icr-B;Srdegree, from Montclair State Col-

anrl hnifi •mai;>0ir'fat>BgiKi<v..fri>m.Columbia Unlwrgity, She also

a member xitrKappa("Continued ott Page 2) . .

i^SValticatGARWOOD—Cquncllrnan Frank

' -Qrganiaations, ' for.- $f upporf •- of - GorwoocL residents,business."' men, pro'fessionhl -menand industries. Appreciation- also

extended • to 'theiptiier.J!und

eiiairman for- the 19GI- March.J3'fv • *

Dimes. now>ainde1r way, aud May-cy Edward H. Tiller fs-serving ashonorary chairman. -

In announcing a local goal ofSJ.OOO, Councilman Wanca point-ed .out that, this amounts M> ap-_proxiniaiely-18 cents for each res-"ident.of.' the boro'u'gh;.. He urgedmore generous- contribution!; thisyear, in vieui- of the "fact that col-,lections here last year totaled only$&2. or^ridt mitch more1 than onecent for each borough resident. —

M y T i H e r , " ' in•- proclaimingJanuary'.'as New March*- ot Taimes"Month, also appealed. to al l citl-ztins "to volunteer their . .fullestfinancial and "spiritual supgort tothis worthiest of causes."

Mayor Tiller's proclamationpointed/ ,out-• that the National

InduSriai-GhairrQan^Fred-Adami}Residential C h a i r m a n LouisKleekrier and -.•Treasurer John

to thi'-many Gar

to prevent birth defects-and arth-ritis; tfirough. its programs of-re-search .andrdlnical study and add-ded that -"aid'is-needed, by thoisestricken U^th prjjalytic polio0, andprotection aitorded by the lSalkT

lions of our citizens."

placed in local stores, letters have

(Cohti,nuc4• distributed in

Page: 2>

Record Attendance at HNS BreakfastGARWOOD—A new.record:was

set for- St.. Anne's Parish, as' 260men attended the 8:15 p.m. massahd received .Holy Communion in

^ i Church'"of S t ;prior to-the CommUn-

lon'^ breakfast held by-L the HolyName Society.in the-auditorium ofBt^ Anne'g-Bch'doL'^ |' '-.:' .""-,.. , .:..

•TDne f e a t u r e ' o f tlic'"event!" wasthe attendance o f : t h e borougll'spublic Safety men as group.. Thepalicethbn were present i r t /uh i riorm.'_...-. • . ... ' •• --. ' .- . .

Main speakeii-'-'at-'.-thj*.Jtreakfastwas. the. Rev. Armand'^Pr: JPre^gault, QFM, of StT'Francls Chaprfr

He.stressed the

importance of living as outlinedin the Holy Name Pledge.w1l>he-JRcrt;..Joha A, McHalc, pas-tor- and moderator ot the society,e*prt!ised fileasure a t . the - l a rge.turnout and~urged the publicty' group tp consider a regularmonthly. gathering'Ut mass.

Hcnryf ^ JJariman, president ofthe society, congratulated_the menon their turnout and skeaTTfor a•standing i ovation." for "EdwardDrier,, breakfast' ehairih'fln' and'taastmastor; Edmund McCarthy,cd-eliairman; the Jentirefnst-coixuniticc; the Rosary Soci-ety, members, of- which, preparedtfte- meal, and the ,CYO vgjrls who"served i t •••••—•



.touts and Sea Scouts, and

wood? citizens who-asslsted in theolicitation. _ ' ; : . .! One of the highlights oif the Sea

jcoutts program, fof the \everiingwas thtS showing of motion picturesof the' SES Tarpon on. its cruiselast sumhier t6 Mystic, Conn.;vincetown, Cape Cod; Stonihgton,C London, Conn;, andback ~to' Perth" Amboy. This <jualifie'd the officers and crew of-theship- to "FHfty-Milcr; Awajds~writerfw<ire'' pieserifed''"by SRipper Jo-seph Kosky/.to Artliur-Walsihe,John. Casofil, .. Joseph- .Zukasky,Stevc-n Matlaga, Richard Herald,Edward Zukafiky-,. Daniel Tucker,Donald Watt 'and Daniel Fitzslm-mons. Mafe "Ttlchard ~Vlfet~~and'

GOP VictoryDinner fiance]STextWeekof M a y o r E d w a r d H. Tiller* andCouncilmen Henry W7 IPiekarskand Jules J. Lusardi in Novemberwill be held by' thejGarwood Re-publican Club at the . Cranwoodnext Wednesday- night.'

Former Mayor Lv Thoiriaj^ tJaiibwill serve as rftusterjof ee"remon-Ies. Former Councilman" JohnLombardo i? general chuirman foUie iffajr, with- former Co'uncllman John Schnitzer as co-chair,m a n . , ' . • • . . •

7 Committee members includeTickets, Couricilrna»\,.John".J7, Sa4 d ^ h ^ 4 t a e b — P i n k l nand former Mayor ,jba'ub;' reception, former Counciintah AddiionS. MacDoUgall, chairman; formeCouncilman .Frank Ragonese, amAllen Bradley; arrangements, MrsLombardo.'chairnian; Mrs: Schnitzer,. and Mrs. SalandT ~";

GYO HoldingSwim Party

GARWOOD —• Plans fpr aswimming party at the CYO Cen-ter in Jersey City'tomorrow nightwere completed a t a meeting of St.

._ lAnne's CYO Jn St. Anne's Schoolon Sunday. Buses will leave from

dlscTissed""'were plans' "tora valentine dance from 8 to jTTSop.m. on February 10. Music willbe provided'by the Counts; a five-piece orchestra. - - "

Th.q group will hold a "luncheons served'1 prdgram at noon- on

February 22 for adults of the par-ish. Nancy - J o - Humenik is inclilTFge of tickets.

Richard Galauski, athleticschairman, announced that bowl-ing activities will begin1 for girlsat noon this Saturday at TwinCity Lanes, Elizabeth, and forlK>yi; at IT3(rj}.in. Sunday ut Fed-eral Lanes, Rosellc.

Jack Hay, spiritual chairmanextended thanks to the 20 girlswlm served the annual communion. Jbreakfast_of'the Holy Name-So-Ut n K d

It was announced that the. firstuditipn of a, CV.O ne\vsi[iiper hadbeen issued under chnlrmimshlp'of ' Joseph Lusardi. and PatriciaLeonard.,

Motion pictures, "dancing nnd re-h b i '


BUY ANa u t o m a t i c

mcetlnK. •Coininunion SujniiJy will be ob-

served by. theXiYO thiy Sunday,with brenkinst IH the school cafe-tei ia, fplliTwinc attendance at the

iPTAto Explorei Teenage Trends

• K-ENILWOft«« — The Kenil-.! worth PTA | will sponsor a program

entitled "Fads and Fancies" todayat 1:30 nlm.- in HaWijiB School

i cafeteria. ... ._••> • • •! A film, "Individual Difference.-| in Children," will be shown fol-

lowed by a discussion "of .currenttrends in . dross and behaviorainonu tec-iiaKera. Girls in the up-p t r trades have -boon invited. ' "

Mrs. C. William 'Gutokunst

kl 'yourMr.- education, 'conunittuc- bl1^ thPTA.-wil.l piL'sidf. The meeting iopen to the public.

Fpur-Polnt Tax

SCHOOl; BELLS RING—rTlie keV^Sylvester. P . McVe'ljjh, pafil6r:of St. Theresa's^Church...ahd iSjtvr Leo, principal of St. Theresa's Revaluationtaphool, aij y - S o c i e t y ; — m y iparty, w^l bc-used'. .to-, purchase.'an automatic belf system for HieschoobtO signal daytime classes and etching Telifiious classes for

' A\ h t i T " l t T t ! c t : tLooking on is Mrji.. U. B. Leskaiifc, calendar.party chairmau.- .

In School Board ElectionKENILWORTH—Fourv K.cnilworth .men \vili vie for three scats

orTthe Boartfof JBducatioTTat the'annuqlschoolT-lection 6rTFeu"runry fTTtli

"Incumbents;""GKarlca'"-A.. Lennon and Howard M. FairchlfcH. Jr . j bothscekihff"trustec posts for the ilrstjitne. John J^Gampanclll, completing;his first term, did not seek .re-election. —.. .'"It.. •':?~~1- l«

The candidacies, of Mr. Cirillq,board -finance 'chairman,-,- andCharles' A. Lcnnon, mana«cr_ofCity -Federal LSavinys,. were an-nounced oarlief._ .. " '""*•

Mr.' Hetman, wii'o Kervcd aschairman- of education th is : year,is seekUw his second term. A resi-dent here 15 years, ho attendedNewark .College of Engineering.FjirJhe ;nastMJyeai 's he has been1:mT>?ofeTTjyW**!*f^^

toVgineer; He Served in' the Navy'Muring WWH...'

Mr. Tletman and his wife, who•livii at 420 CoolldKe drive,"havethree children, Dolores, a studentat Somerset Hospital School ofNursing who" was graduated fromJonathan Dayton Regional. HighSchool-in June ; • Susan, 11, andWilliam! 4.: Mrs< Hctman4s a-for-mer president of the Board:, ofEducation.. . • . . • • • ' . .

MrvFairchild, ajiutivji of Allen-town,'Pa., has lived here two-and-o-hh.U-years.-A graduate ol Penix-syl.vania ' State University, ho is-nssfatan'tr-i>tiK.'hBaing— agent—withthe, LtnMeio;,.-.Divlsiciii of UnioriCarbide and Chemical | Co., New-ark,' whcrtfhe has beon" employedfive years. He is a member of theKenHworth-Republican "Club, "lieserved two years "in the Al fTorceas a rddar te'dhntclaii' during theKoroah War.

Mr. Fairchild und his wife, .wholive at 15 Wiltshire" drive, ha_ycthree children, Peborah,' 4, How-ard, 2%, .and Janice Carol, 5)

-months. ~ ~

eighth grade classes, is open to the"public... Kenneth GldVer, principu.1,has asked that children bp accom?panted by parents. Students willhaVe nn - opportunity' to see" thedisplay" tomorrow morning, Mr.Glover sttkl. •«• " '.-'Prizes have been donated byWhiter'Labs, Hey man* ivfnmifactur-.ing Co:, National Too! and Dye.Co., Stonco Electric Products, PuTi-"ttin Packaging Co., Adniruu: Ciir-bide-a'nd^Reetl and CaVnick Co, .-1

Hn -classroOnj activities, Mrs.Calhenne Hascher's third gradehas launched a study of the solar_system and advances made by mant '

Troop 82Patrol Wins

Patrol of ,Boy Scout Troop 82,sponsored by the Community

diMethodiitr^hurclnrWertrdistrict winners In ' the th i rd an-nuiiL Klondike Derby held Satur-day in Nomuhegan P'ark, Ci;an-fd:' *

Members' of the patrol are FrankJohdos,- Jr., patrol leader; ArthurWeber, Michael Nimsz, MetroWeslbbk, Kenneth Jnhanson; JohnVan • Horn,' Douglas \ Staiger andJamo3 McNair. '

Forty-four patrols from Crnn-lorfl, Kcnitwo —..~ ---,selle Park participated. A secemflderby, was staged the sarpe^dnyby -the eastern district In WatohunK

Encli patrol hirflt dpB sleds,-wclgbing-at luast 50 pounds. Sledswer.q>ipad<lcl''(ivith tent, food, flrc-

''od;' '^'wUctiiii—um»—L««>kiufluteijiiife xand other items. Patrolspushed- slc'4ls over a thi'etvmlk''course-stopping at slx./itations todemonstrate specific * sc6utingskills such ua siannlinc, first aid.

tent, and fxecutini; an ice rescue.Proficiency in these skills was

Vcwordcd'by tfold nuggep;. Win-ning patrols were judged on thenumber of nuggets acquired nndthe time required to complete thecourse.. Another patrol from Troop 82

won second place last year, HarryQimn, scoutmaster, reported.- 'Plans have bl-cn announced for,the first overnight caitipiiij: trip |this week-end at Surprise Lake, j;coutninster Dunn.and Nelson La- '

...ecla,- assistant scoutmaster, willaccompany the scouts.


At Harding" K E N I L W O R - T H Approxi-'

mntely 275 exhibits will i><- ondisplay ;it thf annual Science'Fairin -Harding -School-gymnasium'to-night nt J? o'clock.

Prizes will be awarded ut^l) p.m

KENIlAVGRTrt—The Board- of'-Educatjon- lipprovvd :>,1-1962 school budget of $491^8.3.90 Calling for n four-point in--ase. in .the tax r i te! for schools ut a 'meeting Tuesday night in

: S c h o o l , . . ••; •'.•"'- - - ' . 1 .-•_- ' ^

Of the total, S'lOS/JaO-V? will come from municipal ta-xes, an in-crease.of.$lC,32-5,arLQ,ver last year.However.,- it is expected this

aja':irding_ a -5.19,9. 0 conu'aci IFJ...M. Cleminshaw Co. of Clcvc-cland, Ohio, for the project ot- xc-vaiuiiting iviil propcrt.v_in Konil-.worth vv;js, .adopted ,by Borough

"'"Itouncil TupJday night. The Cfien^jnshaw bid was"-the lowest ofthree.

Mayor Walter. E. Boright. ex-plained that the conncil had ask-ed several riationj)lly-ki\6wn firni's"to submit .bids for the project; as-suring selection of";*. wt-'il-ijutilP"fied firm fon-Jthu project: -•""TTFie liuiyor iiTTufn"* Ki>Vj3TiTi"st>X'dt(rif nil ., pynpprty u'ill hi- fnirlv

itiyaluation w-ill prp-: j C — f o r

«nai>y years.'hju added.An* ordiftaik-o appropriating

$22,000 fpr the job was approvedlust.month- Specifications fur.tin'project, were drawn up by Fred J.Stefany.

Cullnhna of Schc!liJig Products.Judging will take place, this morn»ing.

.stuccia, building Xiispirftor, report-1

ed that .new 'builtliii'g' valuationsin lflliO totaled $7^4,305. Four newdwellings were erected totaling1

$13l}t0l>P; 8 tiyo-family dwellings,^MU.HOU; 15 residential alterations,

. S24.74S;- 3-1' •testdeutial addition::,$36,275; 25 (•armies, $25,285; fouritiflnstrjul l.^iiiil'ini^.. SB3H.1IIHV: »industrial iititlitiuhs.' $.127,500; 1

The faii\ staged by and

to conquer space'.Miss" "Dolores Sikora'K third

grade is studying past, prosont andf.uture methods of communication.

3 'conVrngi-cial additions, $Kl,500.Fines totaling $7,187 wi-re col-

lected during lfl(U) in MtihicipaCourt compared-tn $li,2i)3 in 1D5Kaccnrdin.g to the annual ripirtt oGctirgo ki ' inan, court clcrl:. Therewere 1,033 traffic casi-s this yearBll in 1959; 139 criminal cases10BO; 124, 19507""^^—"—i—' Mayor Boright and mc-nibcis o:

the i'otmcil ••compH-mcnted thbuilding depalrtrelent "andcourt on their job.

" James Vitalp.cmd Fred-Jucckelmechanics, were awarded a con-tract for servicing police cars a

Democrats-Plan Uan«eKENILWORTH — A dancV-'wil

be held by-thc Keiulworth Democratic'Club at- 8 p.m._Saturdny n

Veterans ' Center. Bernard Peikinis chairman.

jqrou'jih' ratable.s, Lesteif J . Nev-^ ' ' ' '• "• I-, • T h e• • - ^ _ . . . . . - | 1 J . - J . r - i • • n .1 I | I . T ii .

four-point tax increasels based onthe $5,325.37 figure. - '-• • -_

The increase in iheLbudgeLis-r4y-4ri-ftit-;fi.i rtf jpa

300 far- teachers.nnd addltiorrof .tencher. Edwin IV. Kr;fus,_

uperintendont of schools, said theaiuir-agc—$340—for th" .45 teachers. For ln-_purposes 'the ' bbird

$2fi!),-175, an inereaso-of $27-;-75 o,ver last year.The new teachers' saTary guide '

;hows a teacher with a bachelor'slesTee--' .starting at $4TC00- andlimbing—to—$7,000—in—Ui-step^——jast-year 's starting salary wasJ+.-KK);—©ther-etisKifiwitipn&-arc: !-v-'Jon-degree teachers, $4,300

master's. $4,9T5u~lo~$7F' ^

200.Last year's budget totaled $4847=

934.40 with -$386,025.40-i /

bymunicipal taxes.'. An $18,81(5'He-crense-in capital-outlay was noted •In the budget, attributed to com-Tile-tfon --of~-inajef—venovwtions -atthe school.

Mr. Neville said that $1-5,000had becu -taken out of surplusfunds to kit'p- the operating cost;md tuxes down. The Surplus fundWHS reduced to approximately..150,000, ,ho noted- '."— ""'

The budget was npproj'cd 7-1

only .dis'scntiiiK vote. Mi\ Clark

Salvatore Cirillo was absent..A public hearing on the budget

witl be held. Monday, Jat>tu*ry 30,nt fl p.m. at the school. A meet-irig wTfh I ho mayor ancl council tpdiscuss the budget also is beingarranged.

Plans ShapedFor MOD Drive .

KENlLWORTH -*- Plutts- for aMothers' March for the NewjClarClji of Dimes nt 2 p.rri. Sunday,jiirninrv '30. hn^f liia<m''nnnomWd,

:. I u,.nby Mrs. H. G. 'Frplich of 013 Rich-fiel|.'. avenue, Mothers' March -.I-clmirman. . _ . • ,- '

Volunteers arc needed to assist ,in thoTocal drive agdinst crippllne^'birth -di fect.M, nrthritls. and pqli<vVolunteers may call Mi's. Fvolich

•2) .' fContinued.on_Paf)i;/2

KEN1LWOUT11 — r\\if HceriM-.of William H.'Sloll, 20, of 717 Ver-non avenue was revoked under theNew Jersey Point system for <m<-

was-announced this; week by NeJ. ParsL-kiiui, "ticCnm _diivcl<ir.- »the Divi^iuii of I.lotur Vehicles.'


. L.

NUNNBUSH$jpr»o $10-90, (for-merly to $2635)

EDGEB*TONO to %1$p*

(forweHy to $17.95)



(formerly to $19.95)

N o w A v a i l a b l e * * . ' ' ' • - - - • " . • .. "




Were NOW

$iws 8-12 ' ' 8.40 $6*90Siiesl2Va-3 " 9.40 $7.90


Can't BUY Better

SU6S •

Special Price 5N o r m a l and ORTHOPEDIC SHOES for the ENTIRE irAMILY

— ALL ORTHOPEDIC WORK DONE ON PREMISES —Open DailylftA.Ml \O 6 PM> — Friday to 9 P.M,

304 Centennial Cranford


•^ , . i \ -,".!.. . I 1 ; -

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GARWOOD—-MagistrT. Leonard, ftr'caidcirt

electedOther -'officers iort_.J|961 .-•

Vice-president, GerhardctiSs.i\xt<sr\ Jo seph H u m ircf5r j \ fefoward vT.William Grlbble! and 11

Oakurn, Louis $t' J

It Was announced thati t G b

uhas written taGovernbrMeyner a cf members o

. allocation oi state funds| for .. -I ination.of the Center st

i iing oi the Jersey'Gentr


' among more thaUi-iOO Utll t d tCollege .students, marjung

phones "Saturday and'.k ! A

field, Jor.^he 1961 Ceilihri b b dTeleihori to-be broadcas

' T X £ C h l ?£-Channel-?.—'The UJp students^

three-hour shifts from ! f0:30 p.m.SkdytBf^uffi^Th

Mate -MicnaeV Schatif . . f pthe actjyitjes. of theinairt yeay andja n n o u n c e d Ship'•7ft?s .plans for-••the.if ^ ^ ! i l i t t p i t i t C iSion'er • Ray OJson presented the•annual charter from the Natlohai(Jq'uncii tsoy s c o u t s (it Amer ica ,

Ttlff.inRvtt>,'«;antl^u^-it« .good

Sea Scouting'fof another yekiv.Mr;Olson. coTtgratula'ted - the"- ship onrW! fjne program. v

kichard Loehr spoke onof-Sea Scouting."'


G A R W O O D •— The Rev . Sti jph-

N- Y - " they attended'; thefuneral Monday pfMt-Tpugher'smother, Mrs. Elizabeth! T°ufiheFt

IO died .prlday. ,,The Rev. Ricn-.VJ IO died . p d y ,,ard-I.> Sfiftth,' associate,'•Jjjastor: ofthe Westfield presbyteri'anChurch;preached • laslj. Sunday—in 'Mr.-

lay in requests for. police aid,- he•fcU ' ' ; '';afcU . : , : r . ;: 'The council .willi'hold ,ji budge tmeet ing at-r9330 a .m. S a t u r d a y .

Sweeps Scored vHeld

GARWOpp^Fathera native of Cjranford .arid. now & imrssimtary utuiciien 7to -St."- •"—'-; --•

Izil dinner tor. retired .employes,sponsored' by the Veteran Employ-es' Associatiop. wiy fc>e held st-VSjki.Esswc. House ' in; .Jfeiyark on No rvember 11-". ' '',.-". •

'• Republican4d«I> to tlola

Paul's.Iinttfrt..L,'hi^rcii.,oi:ihe annual congregatiorial -meetingSunday.^ •• ;''-.-.-_i.-~r*-• -;i.'

!„ Other officers were namedj: asfollows: " Vice-president; WilliamU t M D i Ho^

Bible study and prayer hour willie held at 8 p.m., Wednesday. ,

.*- '*—" '. " ' '' '. I' . ''''.

Unge; treasurer;.Mrs. Doris ,^;.oil; secretary, '"Richard Harper;,financial secretary,-" Mrs.' Charles


cRR Grossing

iliary^ot Bay Lda^EbstL'BBpt, VFW,^PM4Ialiits_jheetin^.l?j^W^_nes-iday night r t6 . wrKe to Governor•Robert B; Meyner ' arid .IfnionCounty: representatives "in the

f T pplgVn»nr<vtirffljTfr ih.fir SUp-pact in. gairane • cmstate funds lor olirhlnation'l.pfCenter street grade crossing of theJersey Ce'rrtralrRailroad.'

Nqmed'.-tb.' serye .o«' the churchgoy«niing"bodjr Were• Johri>Lom-barflo,' Herbert' • ^erthweih, ' . EarlFalrcliild -and. Mr^Jiin'ge." jkis:'

Noves and' William Farkaswere ;

;elected to -Board ofChrjstf'an Educat ion . ;'<-"•'• , '

officers will be .cobducted at the11; a.m. service- otv January"22:' •••;.'•' Af'hiid^Vt j/>ffiling i Slfi.PQf)' WPS

approved.,,'It was .announced thatConsistory meetings will be heldon' thei /first Wednesday * of' •«&ch

i '

S y f r ^ y ^ y ;will be among 300 persons who will.man the. 100"telephones at

—Jersey—hoadquartcre—fbr—thc-^arp-'riual campaignr-. • _ r*

.- -The volunteers Were~rccruitedby 4he UJC Inter-Fraternal Coun-cil and the Day Session StudentCouncil.

' It :waS announced, that', a bus-Ibad'pf veterani-from Lyons' Hos-pital will bp entertained at a. dance,•social at Bayvkeaf Memorial Homene*t; Tuesday rilgfit.' Mrs. PreS-1i)n Terrell ahd' Mrs. Joseph Gor-ombey, hospital chairmen, will

fi""charge.Miss Florence^


— A t a dedicaTion

_Castaldd, Mrs.

, Miss Florence C ,Charles • Dickey and. Mrs, :-Ralph

Mann: will represent, thelb

^Veterans' -Homi*,' Cran-

i-the. growing-prgram of service to the cerebralpalsied by tho United iderebralPalsy Association of New Jetsey.and its affiliates:

Auxiliary XJr^esG ^ i S r

idejif Marlon- Jones of Cranfbrd;will make her official visit., ~..A' • donation was Voted tojthe

Union County Tuberculosis and.Health .League.. The meeting.was'conducted by Mrs. Ma'nnr presi-dent.. — ~ . ' ,••' —-w-——.

service Monday nigfiT,,• the ;•• Worn--en's Association 6£ iiic UnitedPresbyterian Church of.Garwopdinstalled "the following slate of

PottS; vice riVrcsldenl, Mrs,-'s-WU-'i t M A

Evan^,- and treasurer, MKS. .JohnSaland. T~ ''. ' , :-.

Committee •, chairmen includeProgram, Mrs; William •• Gilbert

h i M j l i p ' te l l p r . p pV/prJd service,, Mrs. Adam Miller

^ b 1 t [ r ^ ~ R b r M


Del ta 1>i; honora ry , , educat ion s b -ciety^ • . ' " ~

$>ars, Mrs. Seelig is married -andJmi!..A^j3iii/h)i'i'-..in . flrgf I'TPflp at

School. She is a

F a V l a h d : ' '• .,'•' : . . . .. The Chancel. Choir^ under th

direction of Harry Gee'tlein, wilslhg, "The. Christian 'Battlo.'V b;Hfttfit-SDhren, and' "O Love, HovDeep." by Penjamrn Weble at th

-11- a.m. -woriKp3"eTvtce~~StlnTiThe Rev. $ric S. Tougher, pastor

will meet at 7 p.m.

. ' "GARMyoOD^-Th'e Ladies'' iliary-of the Garwood Democratic

' Club has' directed lits: secretary towri te to Governor Robert B . Mey-h e r and to state legislators askingtha t funds be made available fpr

• elimination of the Center sixeet' grade,• ^crossing. All. members

w t r p urged by_Mrs. Nicholas. Lo-. .,Biie, 'president*..to cooperate, with

j the local "gbverning body by writ-ing individual letters as weJU..- . .

•• —•' The action" was t aken4 t ' a meet-ing Monday night at the.hprne"of

1 M(rs",,fW,alter Peniak, 4p8 Third

. itit a ,1:a,rd fiafty social'to bt»^held• • in M_archr f ' "^. . • -\~.. • |__

-The monthly hostess award waspresented to Mrs...,p(!orije Casa-

..: 1 boria.,'..*-. " '".,' ... . . .. ,;..,.i.-—---—The-hext-meeting-'will-be-heTd

at .8 .p.m...Fcbtuaty 6-nt. the homeof Mrs.. Thomas Reed, 451-Third

. ' ? • ' < • • : . " . a v e n u e . ~ • • " " " • :• • ' -•

TTrcimJcr or., tat?Church in Westfletd.'

tt>turned Jh i s ' week' from Albany

.iGARWOOD-^Clarcnce Dingmahvas elected chairman of the Gar-wood Sanior Citizens as the group

"its first anniversary tneeting

KecreatiopGARWOOD —

of ^possible candida tes -for BoHi'dCouncU posts-; •.•• •. •'' - - .

P l a n s wi lMte completed for ,tiv ie tqry d inner .to, b e .held by. \c l u b a t ihe . vCranwood next

i.nesday. nigllt . ' •.;


By DON DBUSIMi b i t b y

ershe, visitors ' withinBy DON

•ha»i&,to, 29 ;;boint5-by, seniorJo Gatyas. by -far the highest

Four Cup7' i

GARWO — 7cakes_nnd. Garw.ood Rec'ccatiori

Yearns scpred sweeps in the. Gar-wood'Wom'en'S Bowling League atthe-Garwood Reereatfon lanes lastThursday night, Garwood Bev-erages and Ray^s 3'arbfcr', Wori tWo

;galhe's"eachrv : >—:'"~:'i~y^y?:~~''F^:''tHigh .games • for the evening

e-.-Cleanora1 Kutseral' 189,-Ev'e-Lawler, 184..and ,159: Bertha

k V m . - J C G and 152r-Elea-

-jtruct-w at n'-rr*T'"'r t " > M - h V ST. j-cw;.cu.M.ii •-«-'«^«*«»*-*-*fiyy..l.,VL,-i'Anne's. Holy Name Society .this j • GARWOOD"— Election of offi-i past" week-end! The~retreat began ! cers"\uiirfcW heid i t a meeting-ofpast weeke j cFriday evening, continued SaiSur i-thei. Gurwood Republican Club at

i h h ^J h h fy

day andjconcluded with thei t * ftul ommunion b'rei

at St. Paul's United CnUi'cli of.Christ', last Thursday. Mrs, John ICarley:-;was; naine«i'secr«tia?yT'---' —'

Named tp ' the , ientertairtinentcommittee Ayere Mrs-Elmer Ifeaa,Mrs: Earl Fairchlld and-Mrs;. Gar-

^ Donuvuil, . 109 arid ' IGp; MRomaTio, 165;, Dot Spencer, ,167--• AlsO*.-Terry p'Alessandrls," 105;Eileen'Sharkey,-164r 16r and ,16b.; |Peggy CastoJdo, 161; Telia D^Ales-1

60 Edith G i 1C2

The jtev. Stephen &sabb,. pastorpt^the' host church,jgave the in-vocation, as luncheon was served.'Bir .; anniversaries : pfr: -Ma?sCl~

^ H i l ?c

ckic% John Sohrpilairld 'Mr. Ding-,an were .observed.'" ,..„.,'.'"".Guests' included Mr. ^and"

August Shaffer,' Mr. antt ; Mrs.William" Heoler'and Mrs. HaroldrWilliamsotv-and.her-daughter.JVIissDeborah AyUliamsOn, '—' . .,

' t h e . group. ,\ylll, meet ^ngain at;3'0:'-p,m. .next' Thursday i n r t h e

c h u r c h h a l l . ...!•• ••'••'•.*;.

'. (Continued iforn Page 1) ~$Jlld a month. Prank J..:Mascarp,.police and firo^iCommlssloner, re-

the^fire. truck, jdam-p P r t e h , jaged in a collision with~STfroigHt

b i 4 i b lshop for repairs- ' ; • , . • ' •. In his December'report, PoliceChief • Edward Stupak reportedthat .4pO7calls' Were recelve'd -in a'three-day period-requesting 'infor-mation son school closings,, during

^ l d dres idents t h a t t h e - a i r h o r n .will

Schopl is closed-and at,7;3O a .m. lihrs filowcritary. schools a t e '.'closed.The calls created'unnectss'ary-de

eggy a t o J ,andris, 160; Edith Guerrierro, 1C2.


and . .150; "Ann • Mc-yMqhon, ,154; Gloria Enz,; 156.

T t d i ' l :Tearp,.,standings' lare,:

. Barber j,.,.:.'..: '•••:••

fcnrwobd-Hccrcatibrt '..,.,.Hay "B' D?.rb«r •_ ;

iFoUr CuaonqrIil'

h '


30 _2I• 29- -.25

.27 2'24 2723 JJ832 2913 as

Dimes-Drive. ^Continued frpni Page, f)

sch'opjs, Chairrhan'^WAnca "report-

m charge pf the-Mothers' March

_, j f / M r . ' Wanca announced,David Weeks is in charge <>£-• in-dustrial"uBolicitation. - , - '•

Volunteers Wishing to Assist jrithe Mothers- March are requestedto contnctjMrs. Kleeman or Coun-cilman JWanca.'

Plans. Shyped -{Continued frotn Psagel)

<?r Anthony1 C a r b o n e of 612 'Washihgton ayenuu, cor.chairrriaril

l ^ ] h H l ialt borough honies asking for contributions by mail, . the co-chair

Boright, is chairman of the industrial drive.

toicprroW'at the home ofH ' W P i k k i

ay a n j p ^ piety*s anftual communion b'reiik^- t-Countllman Henry' W.,Piekarski,

' : " W liasf on Sunday,•'.asf on S d y , . :Frank Galauski «has issued ant

HNS members tojassis*Tf d

500^West s t reelalso will,'be a diseussion

.vith car_ transppiftation,'and f\xp-1CYO' t i i t i i n 'ecvrsiorj for CYO activities,^ in-

cluding swimming, ; ice skating,!basketball and, oOier events, i r '

a,.a'ancLGene'Payne^hayelbeen ap-i

pbinted. to a'nominating cqhimit-,!tep tp_pxgpare, a dual $lafe! (of.-theelection of officers ijj May1.

Mauri Vyhich organized, the Soci- Jety's • fall .dance now is •• .working 'oh plans- for the grqup.'s' aqiualspririg-dan€-«v-te^bq,. held -af tier-tha.jLenten-season:..- . - _ "

• v ' • • • • > • • - : : '

Jersey Geittralvraiis Reelect

EugeneGARWOOD — Eugene M. Hart

or.228,Beech avenue l t d

ErhploSes" • Association of-the, J5r-~9—a—post—he=fea£-

held since 1948, as 'the associationheld.-" 'its 57th; annual businessmeeting in> Elizabeth on Saturday.

Mr. .Hart aiso. was. appointedbusiness-manager.for.ihe :36th Aa-niial cohvehtion of the United As-




Frdncis Goes To We$t

Tarzan & The Lost SafariVLUS COIX>E CARTOONSSTARTS WED, JANT i t t k .



Inford performanceii

•rcamc a s«:,v«="Ti"





who wakes upashamed! .

deficit and went .orrto'whip.Jcn;'-il-62^at Cranford FridayL This was also the Coiigiirsic'st point perfptuianoc;of. the. o n ; . « ' • • ' ' ' • ' » • M

ranford .took advantage of its« defense and good: fast break (-markers.ii including fine'passing, and

/ i tta game cdL ^hots/toiwin tht game, tojGa'tyas.xyho converted 1? of-.lTF throws', the Cougars put mlot^30;..Linden, However, ~<"*"


f ,rd took: the-.-iriitial.- lqudRobinson's baskets Atiir

h H f o u lIt', Gatyas drove in for'

, Gatyaswas fouled again. Before he step-ped, to the line, th6 linde'n. coach

'Xwinetz put. that shot, through :togive-Cranford an.,.8-3 lead. .Lindenpersisted, and finally tied the gameup at the end'Of the first period,on six-points by Stan.. fiaykp'wski,'

h led the visitors .with twenty

-victors, buti John Hester was highjscorer with.-.nineteen. -•'_ :

' Var>lt)&. Cranford-- {

••-.•-•-• ji \y r:


»7Bayk«»w«kO|St. Andra j sy5_5

/ ' " • Pace Three

Iii Crawford Bowling Loop.\:-, T h e I J o n s Club bftpsted their lead in...the-Cranford Bgvvlin^ Led

to a. ganne and a half Fr iday night-when' : they won two games t\"tfie "sqcpnd. p lace 'jLind's Pharmafiy^teuml T h e j ' e p p e r r n i n t Room r e -mained irt th i rd , despite,,a two gSfrie lots "to Crawford ' s Gulf.'

,J_.JCo.uc.^lvee^s_\yere_recoraed *""! ' ~-~-'—:— •, v

follows: Ldu'ti Mar-•IHIM ..o. . aKlau

Jjinden ijot thq first seven, pointsin the second, period : to / takc- jhBt^ . t» r - ilead; 23^20, But-Crariford camd !*."•...:.back ,with scores, ' including

t i t


'• Totals'Craniord" ' .Linden.

-Jr. '-Vanity

1 V alMtcken'S.5 .3 13!Zaranka

,2." 0' 4lMol!ik1i "

' 1 S lalShlmkus' o 0 . b|

Totlils'. 15 • 24

u ' ii;


aiiop (2i

o . %

i l a 81' * 20' '20..


KrlpEd' SluzisTfour, to takera1 two-point I BuVRe'-. - o 6 oiniuilead. A baskot -by Ed'ShlinhB^-andKiuniwmcry r o 2IDV«'

9 1•a ia *':-4iM<fl»ki ••'.q 6. "Oltharle*1- 0 aiuBraclo '

rin.v •

l indea••• '•"• c, r

B- 2 148 2 14

' 5 1 11S 0 102 0 '41 0 22 - 7 11

a-• free"' t h r o w • b y Baykowskiciiiinged t h f ' s c o r e t o 30-29vLinden,•fcut--Hejriry- Dreye r . ^Ed Slui is , andRobinson, h l t - f o r successive fieldgoals to as su re t h e Gold and Blu<iof "the half t ime- lepd , which, a t t e f

i b Bteiftwki(US and was fouled .^He.missed

-'--'• bu t ' was fpuled- shor t lyM . yliS'n \\i- ""fonvurtmi

'of Two." After Ernie Hoffer pul j was :35-3L , - . , ,| ° ' . ;._••. .'- - ?•. -i'-. •• Gatyas got the first two-baskets

of-the'third..period,-one on, a fastTinricny'

Penvenne I o. 0 . I •

Citizen and Chronicle over Standsard Lumber, Petersen's Dairy otferVFV)' • and ••Barnett's, Liquors overHowlund.Realtors. ; , •• Mason of Crawford's; Gulf rollunjn" C42 suries.-on ganicV of. 18!>,.-2il3and:244, and R..pcter)sen of pet-ersen's.Dijji:y turned in a 62^ serieson ijamesTrf 174, 214 and 234r v •.. Others Whorrqlled games of 200

or abfaye incIUded:rA.LSchulz,ersen's' D.airy, 209; Justh/Breen's

Phpcks. ?3rl; fiold.Standardr

v-i^u :..:.:.;..KoliVy .....:Ci'icUox^kl '. --K'ordstliuil '•.••.: ' 1111 I'J

Totlili ...::. 012 075 8m)BUU-DEHS' GENERAL (l l 2.-

. H. A'ia'f 1£\ lUS 1~4rz7r • •- iW


14- 12-13

6 ' 1—431 5 .;•-'•.• 8 -—08

scored-baskets, cutting Cranford'sB t "a" scvfcn-jgoint



be' held in.Asbury Park on 'Octo-Ber. 8, .9 and 10 in 1965."The Jer -sey Central unit will be. host tothe national organizations tot the1863 convention.v '

A past pre|ideht of the national'brgartization, Mr: Hart has beensupervisor .; of -employment a n d ]



of. Thfem A l l :^GOLIATH

THE DRAGON•--• . ColorScoptt

L \VUIiams -_.r_.\This is' h*r .Story! .


. S i r T C E S . :.'

Elvis Presley

FLAMING STARCine inaScope - Coloi1 - '-••

S t e v e A L U O f ' • •" •.>Stun»e VAN DOKEV


I.. i o o e o l the, best"• Dorothy MeCrdRE-



"Scout Fund^ (Continued froni Page 1)• Skipper Kosky also' earned thlis

a w a r d . . • • — • . „ •Aavaneed to the rank_ of ordi-

. toary seaman were Arthur Walshe,Joseph ZukasKy, John Casonl and

I n ' Teefezaeelar;PIa*^-The Sleeper Hit of 1960—**tant, crippinc toysiery"—CUE


Micheluie PRESLE ,


Make Love"Package"


rnon Council of the linroijeK-of KWorth, at • n meotlnii iu bo held" In UidCoUnt-ll Chomb»ir. at Borough' Halt .850

^ n C r t r i Ui, Kwir'J'eney, uny 1061 1100

B b t l l a v a r a n C B r r t r w i U , w y ,t h e S4tlt d a y of J a n u a r y , 1061 . u t , 11:00o 'c lock r».M,, will coniildor, tho i t -par t Ofiksiieumchts ' . of b«nofltd \ cbh ie r r ed . Ubbn~

%. lobi and farccbl -of l and mid r o n l V s t a f o" b y reaBun of the construction of a tmvts-

^r-~total, oa Falrfleld Avunuo irbm' MarketSt J t S t t I thetoS t r e e t

MIn the

a Falrfleld A v n u oto South' 3Jst Street

r u of KcnUworth:....Tho pUrposO"of~iiDSh' hleetlniZ Is t

consider, mnorie..other thinui, any ob•• lcclldn':-6r objectlona that, th^.'outyiert_ of property named in laid-roport may

~ • present against thq Oonflrmatlurt of uichasuossiiients. o)id ti> tnki- further nndother action as 'may bb deomud apurojirl.

d i h t d juatlpoother action as 'may bb deomud a p u joto and proper, and; w right tuid juatlpo

lu. Is now on. lUc In thu OJTlct' o{ thuBorouijli .'Clerk, for exainltluilon - l>ybartluii inttirfisb>d thcrctri, . .- '

_ PHILIP Jf. McOEVNA,- _ V ^ BarOUtfh Clerk 't>n*ed: Jfanuary 3,_TBfllAdv. Pe<*: Sd.'lB

BOROtJGH OPNOTICH o r nupoteT ot1

i&nutoNOt-lCE l» heroby glvni that tb* com-

rnon Council 6! 'th.* Uofouuh at Koiill-Worth, at u tneutlnie to be held In tlu>.CoUriMl Chnmbei", at Borouah Hull, 520

Kvlillwarth, Maw Jcmey, on"""•!,• t.t 8:00

""Solock P.M , will ctfniiBcrirnrrepurl u*

curbh^i." Narih loth Strict..fcfI*"*" tVl"

Jrctlon of objof property named In »alJ Ireport maypresent against tho confirmation1 of uuoh

. nasegsmenU, und to tnko fUrthur amiother action aa >iiuy be defcwed upproprl-

d luht ulvd Jliatlcunasegsother action aa >iiuy be defcwed u p p o p

tind proper, und an rluht ulvd Jliatlcull ruqulrf. T1»u rvport ahov* rofurrtid

f th



'•• . P L A I N F I E L D , 1


GageLobphe :junddfeated Lehigh Telo rolTquintet" xenfalned-a—full;L-ah>a'2Lof the VFW and the

i th "A" l g v p - t h n sW V's- in the "A""!

strcakfby .Cranfordpoints by Litwinetz-, • gave • Cran-ford . n- '.good Ipad--for_ the rest- ofthe game ' ' • ' '

Lumber, 212'; Marshall, Sr.,land. Realtors, -202; Drapluls"nctt's-tiquors, 222;-RusaelU. Baf-n>U's I 4 ^ o r s , 238; DiGiovanhi,'Barnett's Lfquors,., 222;'Ba.rriett'i>*LlciUors; 225;' Pells, Bar-

222: -NiuUri. jLihd's Pharmacy; 313Therniann, Lions Club,lo\«, Lions Club, 202;

_ — — : jBy DON I I H I I I > I I > I — ^ — 4 - t - f e t v a ^ e t t r b , 336;' DiFabio, HiU'llir-v C.ranXord-High*s'-b9sketbalLtcn!!a. p a i n l l . v u Q ; b i t o r e n z o , Hartiii, '207d e f e a t e d Clark-, T u e s d a y , 46-32, a M . ^ 20U Fv. Rizkallaj Builders 'efeated ciarfc. T u y , ^ 20U Fv, Rizkallaj . B u iGlark. The win gay* 9 0 l t S t i ' B m Genera l , 200; HJ[. KnierinV L

the- gamet w e n t y of h i s ,29

points in the second half, iftwelve in the .firtal period. Withjust over four niinutes to play in

"400 BLOVWS '"Bes t Forelffn F i l m of t3ie Year"!


f 6rth&"&"'1'eaRUC icSd (.;he Gora~Ba1l~rccrcation—bas

| b : i l l ' l e a g u e . .Bt 'owhubiCt B r o w h l t d tlfe Lehigh

iri.tp a 73-44 witvWei- the jok-

Mar t in ' s five a" 1-i. recoiid, ,The Esso,- 210;' Mucfht-rsori, Methodist I

/ n i g h t , the ju.nloV v^slty I %£££- at seven.

s Was higin the Regional contestJ_THe had four field goals

^ m - 1 this shot,: givinglocals a 64-59- rnTlh^T•mlrtutetf :ttvplay«.eriihforcl,bcgah aStall, jnterrgplM' b y fouls and f re-qubnt baskets by Gatyas Und Slur

- t h ^ y t;d • as Gatyas...>•-- .-.,,-. . . . ,..MU 1 qubnt baskets by Gatyas Und Slurby .dumping.in 24 points. Wait .y[- , t h , g a | t ^ , e n y t ; d • as ; Gatyas.nowski-^-added—L5_.Jnarkersr;. m , • , ... • jr<1{i_throws-for-hii

pp f Scandal"

STAHTS W E D . J A N . 25

"The Royal BaHei"

Inowskililc^Pon. Brandea and Bob Belle I

14"ariti"fr*pbints rTspTCtivcryithe 'vyinhcrs.' .Ron Durham

red 14 and Clydfc Durham

itped in 13 .points fpr the*lours,harlie Stevens and "Robinson>d the VFW to.ii 43-34" mamm• the Chytans with 12 points

In the 'preliminary, Linden tfeatcd the Cranford Jayvecs, bytaking a tenrpoint" first perjodlead ' and . incrcasine U easily.Steve Kupcho. and ?d Bhimkuseach got fburteen* pqints for the

free- throws for eleven•••TrfT-tUu ^Cfasadgrs-^v, nia l^ iOff f^^y!^ 4 ?^^^^ ' " 7

. Cranfod pand ted for virtually all the 'game.'Shazis, 'Sitter,' Gatyas, Litwinet/,

i"and—Bob-Engel—started—the—gainuLtri<v In'etils • .anil gave' them . a'

Kinney , follow:games, George Bar low, 24ft,-

i K i 2 4 4 h i h

9-(i first - period, lead. CrliniofJbuilt the margin up to 37-21 atthe end of the third period beforecalling, in some" substitutes at the.end, and-.were outscored, 11±9 in.the last frame'. 1 •

Crimford's junior- varsity teani


Rosanan Keglerevables in bvertinne

-"•:• C R A N I O K t i - UK a-v>


' ' • ' ' • : '• . i n . : • ' • . . - ,

ALASKAN-" plus


KIDDIE MAT.* - SAT..- 1 T3

20 Million Miles to Ear

f i 1 (8 tallies while Bob Thicmed 15. and Ira Lo ma eh*,' 11, Cur-led the losers'With 21 "markers.) in double flguvet; for the Vn-cvables wore Cattrey, 13 and

.wrm—'——i—-: -Ihe Cashiways edjjcd the Is-gcrs. 32^30. -Scherer paced thopers "with hint". Ken Walsh[Hayes ea<;h, scored^10 for the

. Southsiders clipped thepiously'1- unbeaten. Soutliem

30-26. Cosfellp led the win-

for. first placo, onlyi


"dropped ari-exCTtffiff~cont«sl lorClark.' 50-47. Staorander's three

i h f i l i t ^

Mason and Frank D'elGandio, G07each; Class A—:high -yaincs,' An-thony DiGiovanni, 248, and PrankJusth, 283';.. high series, • fhomusHand, 602,.and Alex Gritske, 591S;,•Class B—high gamiis, Arthur Cra-'mcr, 241, and WulK'fr Njotzul. Sr.,— i I-.I.- ._ , . T . i . ».].-:•.: c-i-:'.:;7.r.- r-rnr-"23oTTTTgh-scries,;Alex STupaS," G(JT,and.John JBauman, 576; Class C-

ieSUllS wrapped the gome up,f.Qr;the uun-. Fv(.-d~HiieUeman, 225; hiiih seriesoru' 'foln ;^vny^t£fe

l th Daisies wfth 14, while ., Harry

l".! U ^ w i t h 1,0 Avhilti Schlotikor (had

for. first placo, y t ^and Bluebells, sweeping-.(heir scr-ies, are the front runners in theRosarlan J3owling'--.'Lea«ue- this•weeks--The Lilacs also took three_games. — - . V

Four hundred .ser.les were post'-ed by Lorraine Isaac, Daisies, 482;Mattie-Molbcznik, Buttercups, 471;^Evelyn Krankenberger;--. Daisies,439; Dot Markpwski, Roses, 436;Kay J'roh.aniinerj tfoses, .430!Claire JCuertzig, Daffodils, 423;Bertha Kaynei Bluebells,-^412;•fi B d o k ; Bluebells, 411;

Tn twelve.V»r.lty

wfth 14, w j ^ a 7 k o w ^ ; ^ 8 0 GWitscher got 13, and BlUJftay put. g,u~L% p r o d Hi2.k.,ii,,f

a I ClarkG V »'i

4 :i UlUcylon

HittiirGMyas ."LHWintUVuriiullaKlni!RobinsonCustaldoDrevcr

Totals.Cr.-ii '0*'4!

— :i 22 ( i n1! nlllnnyirtiirp HlMartz6 'Z

c v »•0 0 0a "ij -r

. .a -i Pa. a ii2 0--.4p HlMartz 2 ,

6 2',Zuur«ynskl 3. I 71 LI

. STARTS \VED.. JAN. I8th~ Doris DA1T ln_


for t*he losers......;i. •..~:B.. Wil l iani irnaTa^ofi to

half leud-nnd'.-w^ht on to ijip. RoseMarlo. ' r iowers. .Ulacs,-4oO.g_W-as hi«h 1 , T h e •errii|in 'ca. '.took three games

' — _ T C O M I N & , S O O N . , ., Grand Opera Returns••"""'" To Cranford

Winter Sei-liW: Wed.. Jan. 25th

rfcts 34-32.. ... _-the w-inncrs with-. 10 while

•ritt Muldrow paced the lasers\\H points— .cant, standings arc1:

{ f i i i<t8i^

CBewtrin* JMJS58'" '• '"THBK TUESDAY


' . '" '• '• ' ' • ' "pins ' '• -

T h a CROWDED SICY'D a n a A N D R E W S


Did this happen in the air overBrooklyn? . •

In Technicolor

JAN. IRth.John "WAYNE in

TH TO ALASKA"' " ; • . • • •' p i n s ' . ,


(hall nxjulri, Tlio report a b c . . .. to 111 MM/ on Mu hi tla- OitU'o o( thu^BoroUuli clerk for i-ntunlnatloii by

partlL-J tntoruatcd therelrt. '. Uai-ouah. CJork

Sated! JnhUorV 3, 1001Adv. Fee: ta.so.

PLaln^eld 6-5417

HELt) OVER!!!; Thousands are seeing' a

from the Sables J n •the.jSt. Mich-ael's Bowling League, closing the.gap -to™first-=:place_,tO-fltlc^ga»ivetwhile J h e leatiue-lcading Chin-chillas took two ganft'S from theMinks . ' , ' . . . / - • • '• ' •

Top bowler "of .tiu^cyening wasJean Haddad, Ermines, 405, whichincluded a 155 game. Other topgames posted wet'e-Hose Jami-s;Ermines, 155; Ellen Dragon, Sa-rblcs; -144; "Betty Olintpia, Chin-chillas, 142; and Mary Tallmaii,Minks; Hi. _ _ - - ,

Tcani standings are:.

,0 1 LI0 1 I t ' '0 0 01 -•?! 0 I);

18 10- -10! Tota ls '"HI • 12 1(1

... (*• -u " o

12 B 112• B—J(l; u—as

I j r , V.at.lly Cnntoti It, Vnrfilly Clark

Hay . .KrlpSliarorDlttmnr ^Durl<c

3 1 ,"J|ll«lj5i'lnir:i (1 12|Air«m .1 o alchinchor

-1 2 4IStuoraiidi.'r•1 2 ' AjWiiihJa1 0 2 Wltscluir,

CruwIordV fciuli ........Acacia ..—•S w a n C1«J.\IUIU, ,


Totals 17 lit « i Totals

.Ntilliin - •,..-..-,-....- l.V.I. -14ttTntiiU 182 1H-I

" Mt-',Ti.iorjisT"strTfi'S c o i n A'I. C6iJ> , • ""• " '" ' """•''

l imii ..:

-Class .'.-AA—high



210ll|i>- Ift'J 210

Hu'etti'innn• Total*

GUI.l1 ' 2 '-.... His a i : i 2'l->

1HJ7- lan fJ"135

m mi mIIKI 171

V. MiisunA. "WarknwlcliV.n.c

^ _ ^i^^i.-Jui." ITj'±h_i''iii^till i u-.i< i-ycn^wl from thf floor. li'H in u i t u i^ i . IH.TIUII.

-^r.vrx~rl-.:..lir.«fr-i~d->rT—rrH^r v rniHiH-ii—nr—'-4*- ~^ IMUr:'".r : ' . . ' . '. 1—\i7itk"."H'"

; win becaust! of A! . . . / . . . ' C-..1

F. . j yG. Q*tro>'sl<y.•••'•A.' Brook.-.-with-, only ' nirtC'i

J i . f f o r , j

non ed«o.<l C ian fo td ' s . coached ...by,'Mei le ; , IoneK. 'aS-i i i -Cri infoi-d lostlu; ntntch b.\;"TJiO\'cn secoiuls, th»;

tiivi*; t\0o '.'. Cranforcldidn't- Icsfst

HAYECK'S ,1--OCDS C2I •••"ti:i» 177

, :...;... 1S5 >Connolly '...:.... "172 liiaTivzti ;:.*..'..-.- 15.1 l~0

Jt'll'etson won • in rtlti !l7-pr)tintJi-l;iss by l'orf<.'iK At 11)5 poifii.dx.Viu

i ' l idILEltlGVt-ESSO I'l

'i N ly

T)6n:ihui>* ihCi'o5fscd-'his teaiw's leiidby. blaiikini; Bill .Uussojl. 81)


d ,Kli^uweltvr ..--..,.- 171 137

M, Knier im ....:. ! 210 lt',3 In n v y \ v Tson. drew witli'jqi.' MaznrAi 2-2.^


«Cran,foid Wich'd varsdrubbud .-PlaiiU'iolil

! 3-i-14v at Ctanford. ' -Herb ' Farr .- l l 'smatniioti now- sport ri 2-0 record.

t. Mark's


Pinju _ r by 3% Games. , i ~ J S t . ' M a r k V - hvUl ' i t s Unit 'pliifL'

limits- by .'declKlon. SU've joutwrostlocLSkip fiVrmy. I3r7, nndIlowie Milius stopped . "Manny

.nl. a H d i J p f t ' t :X'aul Infuso «lgi'(J^-vVrt-,Nielsoii,!)-8, Cranford ' s Stan 'Twtineh' was. . , , . .h in t 4 and was forced to leave ;ibo'ut he w a s Ifiidnii!,' and Je f fe r -son*!; Andy" Capom; b rough t h i s r ^team five points .

•j:i)o_CqiiKar-lju;ilQra—tool; t h e ..lc:icl. hi'li-fly !"• \yiinnm|< rhe next-three . 'Tony Pt>tAi^ edged L n r r y ~ " ;'.Ro'tKun,-2-1. Paul Seiespj , nlpp*-'d 'ChaHk' J ackhowi S-4, and Sohny, .'Kj>L'l>!!!:-iil ijiftnxT

n itis'i~<(i' .si'conclsT

17-1io:i:•» | edge . . . , .,

aOT ' , ! at 129. and Mike-s topped Pat V.jis-, ^ 3 " . , „ , , ' " y j ; \\, juiycsv Osciuln

a n d '. outiiDintud" opponents , "t-ete |-_ . • • • .Kc danBc;irouB"RoKi'r Cosset t , •>-!,! wcx'v: ? • ' « « " < * . Lmdcn Prcs. , 2.1R;

•'--•• ..-—."_^j n_ , „ „ _ ] N. Young, Cranford Methodis t 2,

ob Clave rfrtd J a c k Liddy i ; ^ - " - • ' • " • ' - V.T ' . - - ' ; •-siled to a 4-4 draw, at H O ? 1 5 - C" R ^ ' ™ . Inn"?". ' 214; J ..nds'. Ga ry Gip.sou n'.od t , l t > Kut :< t . neo . Teniplo km.mu-E l 214",

~ . ',. :,,. .o jE. Dortman, Temple Both-KI 2,

:-t-iiu),-4-2r^J.-135-pouilciS., . ' i tT" ""," .."tt,"",,".', " " tv -.

wr«'pounds'.cradle to pin Bob Kremer with 18 i *•"„ ""'"', ' ' ' ." ' '."'"•;•" *T"-" Vi r iiLconds to go in thP U7-da& bout.! 2 l 3 ; O

L Wen.stem. Temple Both-EIAt 150 poundvDave Wurth -do- ' - 3- *• ^ - « • *"*'*• 2 ' f

1 • ~~- . ....:.:-^i Also, I. f letclior, St. l'aul%:, M«iih<Mlist; 211; L-. Krichinan. Tem-

th-EI it. 210; M. Ostro, Tom3. 211!). M. Crans, Ziifl

feated Bill Petties, 2-1, clinchinj! ii h e . match for Cranl'ord. Plain-ifield's• L f> .Chrtstnian topped Lee'.

Then Jcfrprson'iook tho next twoand the match,..with'.l».i»i:i

•willi seeoiuls . luft. Ray. • Goiv/Ulws 'downed Joe Blahu with one MOC-otid left to wrestle, and GorryT.isiuicU felled \io\\ Sterlint! with

i \ i XCtiirc/iik . w o n the heavyweigh tbout, in 1:20. Ftom thu 140 -c lues 'on, the junior varsi ty urapplerswres.lU'cl oi ie-inlnute |K»rlods.

Local Girls HelpSet Swim Record

D'Alessandris, 224; high series,Bon Marshall, 57G,V and Edward

Ward , 568.

lilbiiit ClllbLind'u Pliarm.icy1'epiJBrmlnt Honm ..Mcthndliit Vlen'i ClubHurrln. Lid

"Krrlco TriieUlnii,S tandard CumberHartlji Paint SL l i h t

' .Coimar Wtiylle Bender usi-ci tbe i l ' u u l 1 '™ 1 ' "''"• ' • "-V", "."",

was rewarded with a 3:21 pin.; f>»}«: 2"»;"' ^ l ^ i ^ ™ ^-P.aillfie.d heavywe rMiU.' U,- I ^ . ' S ; k S ^ X t

. 2 1 . . B 50

w211. -211




,__ / : . Hockey — _ CraiifardHockey Club seniors vs. Ny-aek HiKh School at Have-sttaw, 5 p.m.

Totndrtow: Varsity Basketballat Cranford, 7

V. F. W. (01 . -i>' MnrlcnVfch •••••- J4-Y KVI Kill

Slkpfu • 180 -US ' 141J. Tlnco 1411 lfl.'l- JliOWclterl 147 130 1'44Buraidlnclll . _ 113 IIW 148

—Handicap IB 10 10Totalli 752r-IU0 703

-PETKHSEN'S DAIHY i3> ~" -"Jl Pctuitiio « >H4 214." 234"A. llncrtniaun ..'...••< ISl 13U 12a,C. Moll 184' i:i» HIA^,Bchulz .„,.; 1S4 200 KillK. Thummu'n ....... 1114 H4 10:1'.. Totals B47 1)011 1111

Ptahlfietd heavyweiBlit Rinn' u"'" -Be,ji-KI 2, 203; H.Larry Davis, 4-2. in; p , u l , . s K ;v.. u {,202

j the final bout. - . " • Fir>t Baptist, 2(H).".'-.-wii. iiw4 mu- j pininfii-ld won the uiinoi" var> i •1-,.;7M1 ,.t3ndini'> a

^sity match. 25 - lT when Clemeiisjdecisioned Cranford's heavy-.:si l l;' lk'" - , . , , . ,weiiiht. Emit Ciurczak, S-4. Other ) ^ ' ^ V,llhl.;,,,,. ,Couuar j a y v e e s ^ o lose by de-; z,,,,i-i.,.uv-ra.ici?ion weve Pe te Oqci. Ar t Nlelson.:.£:;;;;•,£ \^:^ 2. '.'..Steve WilhiueV. and Tony Peters, .uuiim r.eiUynriai. ,Ken -Sterjjnu and_ Paul SeieKorJ,""^,,,.; ,„;„•,'were piUD'ud. and Howie" KWius; n,,i iMpiiu3-2>, Stan Milich




(:, V free style relay swni i -mlnn t eam which set a new s ta te -rm"ord in the"Jifhior women 's 400 r *:yard event -Saturday nij»hl at t h e

1,IT j

l l . _.C. Dflhf Hala i -.L PerryJ ; Delia S.ilaJ. Ciiijkou-tUI ...Mcuslur - '•

• Handicap - •





1J~l*d•nSi:ifi„ | ( ^

• j i


Baron*& Charlie'sT

JLOU'S MAHKKT i'J>.D'Alespiutrla : W0 115 r 124Ktrlcpatrlck ....:. 151. 170 • Kill(iyeiiirmn .154 1D1" 1U2


- i".ilvor> tThe Cranfo«l'"ll i«h Soiulol Kym.' T, yiVii- ,Km.-.m.-Ki.

will be opi'n tuniRht and every j S i -j'.uiis fctlt '4("Thursday nitiht for ilu- next ? ——=

event iii 4 tnl.n.,,-I17.-JiCC., li) breakthe former state record of 4 inin.,'If) sec.

Both Ideal uirls were uieinbersof the Cranford Swim Club's team 'last summer- which turned in an(Hit.ilaiulintf performance. .Otheriiu'inbeis of the Summit. Y "rclay-leam were Susan Pitt, and JudyDinston, b(ith,(»f Sumiuit..

. -^e)!-iwv—tennvK-iioinpotijui-acalnaii..-Lsuinmit Saturday kvere Watchunt;,

Noiui Jersey and, TtidRcwood.• Susan Manny also holds thestate women's individual 400-yardfree sJyle record, which she ,letl;isi ' " " " - - ' • - '

To admire on !j>le is the1 & U V / ' nl mnnlhs for bitdmintoti. it » : TO nainire "•• 1'uuv.u"- - • - •=» j nl inonths loi u " u l . t imitate w i t h o u t loss:Charlie's: announced rccentlv 1» »»- <-'• ' i ° » ' y _ " / , , „ „ __ c , i m l l « i Tavlo*Baron's 'Drills 'iind Chaj'lie'

Tnovbd into lust\place in the Parkffoyd Recreation Comruitti-o.I Village Bowlinji Lenrfue this week j Kjwwih open at 7:30 p.m.as Frcund's Jewelers droppcil to; —— ——.—-fifth after losing a\ sweep to H n n -ken ' s . — \

T e a m s w i n n i n t r t w o iia'mesBaToii's, Clwirlie's, CVnipy's, P a r kway, and Uncle Hcnky's .••••"•• ••• i ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f T :

of oricinality. — Samuel Taylor

UiTder ,n new sta te law, .electionofficers at a scliool election mus ti-innparc your s igna tu re on the-liatlot KtiiU-.\vHh_,vi>Cir s innah i re in

il a t l o ,tin1 County Hoard of Elections• r e g -

, Al 'n* Jack's TexacoSthe lead, lh ' the Cranford.

•a™ t teA|D'!lnfflnr^V^:r!rrr3r';n Sa SaluWayj. Indoor Track-Car-tford. K i - | jnitmrcupa ••• }« * ' ^ •'-'! " dinal H a y e s M e e t — N e w

(iis Jun io r^BowITni i . Lua^ucrisi Service- Gen te r hca'{fs''th«s;' loop. ancL."A. la ionc & Sonahead, in tho B a n t a m league.


.. St. Michel

ChhWhlilas i..'....-.; "2(1W tr

| e posted by: John Banhoft;^; John Slverd. 489; John-Frun-

lldcri 470. .High."games wcrcTDd by: Sandy NIcDowell, 176;inis Durke, 174; and Williambiak. 173.

jMinks 30


l .17222(1

Hockey Club LosesFirst League Tilt

The Cran'Iord Hockey Clubscrjior team dropped its first

l l R U l B u w o1/icz bowled t h e - h i g h ' ser ies

a 388. O the r s included Lois

f 387,. and Margawcf M:ic-cson, 378.

t h e B u m a w loop, the I.uionc,ering, ' n n d ' •Hedenberc -Mac-

\n tcuiTis all swept the i r o p -' Tlill . Vfiivthl. of ..PfVrien

Inothor tilts, the seniors swamped

Freshman Basketball -r. Cran-iford at'Scotch Plains, 10 a.m.Freshman Wrestling —, Bur-

t.t Crariford. 10 a.m.

L u l lt l

14(1 1721S7 1114

mai in

Htiyiftl1 • i ••>. .

•ilia '1s:i TJO.

Hockey — Cranford'HockeyClub Juniori; vs. ..Wissahlckon

— at Chestnut Hill, 1:30 p.m." .Sunday: Hockey ^-T Cranford

Hockey_Club'S.eniors vs. SouthOranye" Canadians at Ice

____Pahice; in South Plainflcld,

mvlt ,owcr Mnkcfield -12-3-and-doui.Wissahickon 5-2 -while thtj PeeWees lost to-Wissahlckon. 3-1.-^BOVJ- Ack land scored bo th Cran-forci fioals against IUdgcwood -in

w,ell. played- contest.ist 'I•nw;.'!'..'"Mnkcfield on

S-.'Jd a.m. ,Tuesday : Varsi ty Basketbal l

llowai'd-Bavi J t —

N. KouryWccUuZlt'lenbacli ..

HanUlcapTotalu ..:

STANDAltDColdM Cymbaluk

AND CHI1ON1C1.K1811 1411


104' liai .

l l l l

a17» 1 231 31. 31

.004 B7B-- lllll

Hillsicle at CraTp.m.Freshman Basketballford at Bui-net, 4:30 p.in

lead over the Roses who also won

nera ' rolled the high* series j Friday. Ackulnd sca 3G3. - " .

foam standings are,:oVil"1 JUlll'.l- I.»U



S ;

mmmLAWN MOWER SHOP. - EitoWIshea 1920


" 1. ..' , Locksmith •Roo— Eclipse — Excello

Many Other Famous SlakesDBUVe&r SEBVICB

ADams 2-2528tM M. Elmer St.W«UUU. N. i .

\l&n)oy complete banking service plus*( modem convenience at National State -J . , - . where you can Tceep ^our checkingI account and your savings amount,

arrange loatis^rent a safe deposit boxand use other backing services.

Theiie*s free parking near niNational- State's > 8 haady- offic<b andextra banking • houis at all of them,Whatever your banking need^ you canfill it fast, Just head for National State.

Tc-Ji.icur>f«M KlwpnUjJunlor 3.4

1A- Local S2fck ,v llowavdpn'» Drue ..


i u u l r y % '•'••fonnc Harii'l & nrum C». .

Pharmacy•lian Trdiil

|tin Couiilv Trus.1 CoU'» Mfii's Slinp(I Kw,i)

l»\i Junlnr Ccl!*-'lt'''-••octoi'a I'uiiil i Huii

21 'a2011)1 jl l l ' j


. I 4 ' i14. rs

• 1 !I)


I|!./''i<iTi'li.-Inu-r'H l-'lo Slm|)


HE NATIONAL STATE BANK"Union County* teaiiing A i ^







'•'SlottingMON.-TUES.-WED, IM N U A R V tt-W-W |

«.n'« S Jti. 10 '•. Ijidloi1 Aiipai.-l

t i t o m t.L"i!lon AuxJUary.t'aia- ;Hili-y AU)tlllM>'yliKiirant1*!

pioid lliii^lu'y'ii

^Uov>' lUi iUui *•«<'w «; Sun. Coniraftof •





I.1114 "141414'a

•II)U'.'j1 7 >.-jID19•Jl'j


I .•a:iII1(1.17111111



^ u j a y , lClint Crane—iind Davethree ; and Gem-Re* GipsonBUI Vhirnmer,- one.


I Vhirnmer, onePete Crcinb scored the only coal

W i l i l i a j a s incnin^tscored t

Wissahickon. Toiji Leahyi-eii tlnu-M— atjainst - the

, \i\\ senlbrs and Craneand Gipsim<bat'h added one. Thejlocal team played without the'


week-end after Criinfotd's ace-;

lioulie Friti -Weemun trunsfcrrcdto another school/.

The local team' will play NyaekHl.Bh School tonight at Haven-'t raw and the South praniie Cana-dians on Sunday ut the ni-y IcePalace in South PJuJhtieiu.' 'Thejjuniors arc scheduled to pluy Wis- 'sahickoi) Suturday.



- y . . - • : - - ^ B R A N

505- W. Chapman, pa rkway .


rok, J r . , 'Baron!? , 531, Also, F* RohecUi, ~

V. Ceetar , (Jolony, ill /; It. .srsm-trCamp'y's, 515; E. Filsitijjcr. S p o i l s -man ' s , 510;-R. Mnloney, F reund ' s ,507; M. "Castiello, Joe 's , 505; C.\Wheiler , Beoz.lie, 503; G. Orrok,. 'g round ' s , 500. * * i

T e a m stiindine are: 1 '2 1 '2 1 '

Passbook LoansSlock IB Fedoral Home

Lo«xn Bank— U. S. Cov'U Obligations ....



Othor" Liabilities ••...>.: ;..

a n d Undivided



Banks 789.842.D5

gamesLolly. Geller, 198>Shirltey Pomer-antz. 103; Shirley ' Herbst,Gert Massarsky,Kent, 173.""TTcam' StaTfntWKS arc


Jl.-iiUm1,I'll' Af.-lu'V



cu , UuUdcr ...... an. 31

ModernGain League Lead'

Less DepreciationFurniture and Fixtures!

_!~Less DepreciationLeasehold Improvements:

Less ^mortteauon .........

96 287 42 • tOtXTTIXBinnES &RESERVES $14,674,424.83

19,794.53- ,

27.453.45 .

Modern B.irhei^ Shop to ar the Vett'i-an's mid into

the Cianfuril Bav-sweep ofirst .place intier's Association Bpwlim!Cor.s«ren I'ollod a !Wi3 sc (ind

D'Auostino had n jUi!O score. The(Jianloix! Ilarber Shop also won :isweep and movetl ijnto third place

'Other hii;h series were postedby N. I'rato, Jr., Modern, 50"-'; S.Wise, Modern, ;)«!); N. I'rat^,;Modern, .r)17; K. RviUcnv Culoniiil,*filiO; K. Koeni'U, Colonial, 533; Cor-tese, Veteran's, f)04; V. Blxby,Master's, fiO'J; J. Frnsco, Ciatiliud.5U0; M. CastiellD, Craiiford, n-i2;

Kaestnrr. Ki-ni'e's, 54(1; and F,.





j week in the ' runni lo 'Uelh-Kl Sis-J j c rhnod T'liwlinji. Ijjin-iif to lITaiaUuilFIour T


Team :.lMiitli-rn ti'iilMIUL1.. 'Hail'rr.intnfil H'l

; i re :

Simp-- Ui»


-Hoinc 'l.tuw




COUNSELStein, Sinn and



r-c-Pr-.;,. M11.DUKI) l i 1IANSEN; ...resiiledf .lOSin'M f)Sl,KNDKUrcvidcnl l.ihl.IAN H". .VALUES ..1..(•rclarii ALICE S. SOUGIE ..'.' l^r t ' iy . FHAN'K S7.ARO", ;.'.,'..l

Asa'l. Sec'i/./\ss't. Sec'lh

.•lii.s't. 't'n-asnrcrAss't. ..'J

MEMBERLo/111 Lntuiu*

Jcr.ii'!/ and

Insured Up to^lO.000 By Tho Federal Savlngsand Lparti. Insurance Corporation . - . ' . '

. ( • • • : . • • " ' .

.." -<w .

V • • ' • • ' ' . ;


State Ifomfcocal Agency

'!?. • ' Mrs; £dith-\li'ggifis, executive director o.t the Vis iUngl lomemaker' Service Assqciavton of New Jersey, -will, be {ho' principal speaker at•..ih.oi-.annua'VjTi'fcetmfiL.of "the- yf^iUng' IHoinoiririkyr- Surviee of Ci'jitrai

aiv; at ;J.5.j).;')Xi,l.T''o.bi;i.i:irv 14 -Jt SrieriockiHall ,of ..'Trinity

Y. JANT7AEY12,1961'M>:s\iiuf!ili. Dun1opl'_ Mrs. Wal-

iiat ticketsavailable for the Broadway

"bhow, \-Tendei-loin," ' o n Monday.Mewiboiv may. j'nyite •,,. guesta.T?;inKpoi\;itidn

k hprovided

at 7 p.m. M tho Post .Office, return-,itiH.yl -1 i l l

1 Mfs.. EarV~Shca, c'hairmari jo-f\yolfarc,' announced a"vneetThg~on

. GVaniord, co-cnairfiK-n TfJr flu- ilii-''rtuai event,. will-. b<\ assisted -byAssemblywoman Mitkiied BarryHughes ot' Union, ThV was.-- a n -nounced . by-'.Miss! Helpresident, of '.the "bbardof; the local '-agency, a t



. - Miss PJorence^Wislwrd, execu-tive director, reported' that duyiiif!thu past year approximately 50JO00

patients-in the- corninunitiesn.-, yicud by"-"the. agency. ThisJs^an inr

jcrease of almost 9,000 horns OV«Bi

Commenting bir theMiss Pa'rkor said:' • ;.—•-•: "The continued, growth


ol' th

mi\n", Mrs:'"Av'den 'E^-S nnd-Mr;;: Arba .S. 'T.aylnr;of\ercmford.

•__yi;:itir»i?.' Horrie.malner Secyice," • anon-)irofit-or^anizati'on wJiich sup-'plie's" matured capable wom.erl •• i.o.assume, th.ft-'eare and vnanuuenicritof; a hpuKbhold .during' a period o£emergency, is"-a mejnbtT- of theCra'.riford Uniltd-Ftiiid, the.UnitedFund ^f •Westiuj.ld. and the Plain-

Mrs.'. A'r.ih\jrJlio.stess.fit t h e rrtcvtins. toniKht, a s -sjs ied b y M r s . - . i llihMrs; John Cox,Robert1 WitUiajnsonAMrsi.Petersen.. • jjn. i.eqtt . . -. •

Retijring Pack 75Qfficers Honored

Cubmaster Robert Higbie "ofCub Euck' 75 pr<isente.d . jcoutplaques to retiring Cubmaster Jos-eph .Talcott 'bnd_.Comhi'ittee Chair-nuinGeorB6^?aJs at 11Lrecent

received his bobcat pin. ' ; •.: Den S'.-showed a nini, "E^plor-.

ing the Night §kyk'' in connection,w>Hh. the ,the;rh_e| "Guiding.Stars,"1'

The next parent ^committee.meeting will": be 'hHd.''!Jilondi£jy

^ 0 ' "'

at"Cranford Methodist

nTso" .:..was

- s i n c e imuii H>-"ageiuywith 16 homemakers ..who gaveii'ppro'iimately 3,000 hours of ser-vice, US the present number of"75

"active"—:humt;iiuiki--i!ii. ' iOndiiirtij, ._50,000 hours-'qf serViet^ritt~19<illr-iy-|^vr-Vctcr;phenomenal and isjindiciitiye of i"tremendous- need, for tho -type/ofhelp provided by~tf'Visiting Homaker.'*" ' ' ' • • /•'

. . ..Vv

m a k e r . / ...Miss Parker also fei£pt<&sed tho

Breet^pa^p*«sideftt^4h<€rj»tford business Association ior 'the

___and.to.Rlchiw^Hartlijpi.ioi North• 'ITninti Jn^p^iipNwhrrsimSplk^J-

y "Among jthose present at the—meeting,rrield at the-home-of:the

.corresponding .secretary of thesdi Miss Helen Loire, 24 Spring'

^fle'ld avenue weft! Mrs; C. K.-Skill-

tonight at .fi:I5 o'clockCUib'uf '

publicBenefit Life In-

as. elected an out-Mnii of the Year

huirJbei: ofFitth Distf icT arid:

County officials were maiie ait". bi~Bay~Xeaf - Ppst d' ^ V r-"flf Wl>'mnrin>

-•Oth(-'r> awards,; at the..meetingwtre: John one-year pin: ; yand silver afcrovv for wolf badge;Ralph' Johnson, wolf badge, a«dRo'bert ^pinsmore,: silver arrow for

District Offieers


IlolrilMonday nig>»t-

• Fifth- District officers attending,vere- Corn'.rnand'or Anthony Tineb

(Jrariford, ' Senioriidex-. Joseph '"

- 0 1 „demonsiration' -willTh ursid ay r J« tttt a r>HJ

Mrs,! Arthurof, line 'arts ahd drama,jsomin it tee, Mrs.-Hnr.old'

Special Limousine ServiceTrips to all airports, railway stations J& .piers~ JCALL BRidge 6-0961 —6-2272 .

to anyplace

Accredited by MiddleStates Association .




•• |t.--..-^--- - : j - .


: C. W. Post College offers Unexcelled :facilities for a rich educational/cullural,recreational anil sqctol life Siipcrblysituated in a .serene, rural setting on the .'historic Nqrth Shores of Cong Island,' the*traditional, ll&icro campusis just pne hour from mid-Manhattan,. ..



Write br Wrcfle •Admissions QHicft-for Appointment

MAyfairkKOO. 1AROLD F. BENNERIncorporated

y^-jypieaio sand ma


J DWomt^s ResMenpe Hall D"en's Resldonco MalijQUndergraduate . QCraduataL ._._•J>?£. d-Evoiiirta—y

I A d d r e s s . . . * . a t . V . . . • . • * • > . < . » . > .

i c « y A . ; ; , . . : . . . . , M . ;

' i I expect to ba graduated from...*.Lii»».i»»«»i"-«»«.-».»^»'»«-'«--«>'">**»''>"""ta«—l

';.. Korner- of Cranford and Mem-ers'hip Chairman Jbhn Hppik. ofahway.. Also present. \vas Vln-

:ent L;' Brinkerhoft of .Cranford,trnior "• vie'e^commander ; of the

01iio7P"CoTrnty7Coiin cltr~

wolf..,OVie new . cub?. James • Wright"

\viis .welcbpied Into the pack and'

Stolen Gur Recovered

a.m. Tuesday, Patrolman .William'Crissey foundhUd been reported. to 4he Kenil-

Sunday. afternoon. . Tne: vehicleAyas turned 'over^ to the .owner,John ' Siaruch' of .202; North ",15th'etrect,'

_A group of Union County busknessmen-this. week-hailed-Cford's Police Chief Lester W-.well for his leadership of \he Po-i1tcc"7 Training,'AeademjfcfQL VlPl)nion-€minty.. Police (pliers'.As-sociation. .„•• '•-.•' -..••'.-'-'.i•.-'..i-;j--i-: .-.:

.'praised for the-pre-service and;in-r^exvice. .training _prograTns_he...Jias_conducted'.for policemenC .-...'''"Our committee^QBes;" the-let-ter re.ad,. "that will-continueto supply the^kjadership necessaryto the,.PoHct^is5ciidemy s<5";1hat its

' fcid ill b i t i dhigh sfc urds will be maintained

Powell by Edward A. Kammier,oi;j ayafl'able."Cranford, president , of Union-^niinty taiifrfc in Kli7.ahp.th. .;\yhoiseryes as chairman oi

police aFstolen in that tpwri: County Traffic Safety Comn^tee' ' £ tlie^Ne^aerseyState^afety

Council.Chief^ Ppxjrcll, who \hffi; guided

the' operaticrjsv'of the/4icademy asdean for thei past tWee years,.was

iwnvlGare Talk Slated.":"Lawji Care and

•be., discussed 'by »^vision manager o f Bennett andClayton -' Division -of .UnexcelledChemfcal. Cortsotation, at a meet-ing of. the-Nomahcgah'.Civic As-

sociation; at 8;I5 p.m. o»at Union Junior Colegc.

. Amusement is'.the. happiness ithose-that cai Stf'der Pope.. ...


^ ; ; ; ;: JCENILWORTH -r-Fred G. Mac-

. Ken::i,e'Av!ll b t ^ m a series of four'Sunday: rntetings at Kenilworth

ScUetluIe AnhqimccfVFor BasketbalL TeamyGAftWGOD — Schedule f ^ t h e

basketball teain. ,pt the'Grfrwbod"public schools has been^tnnouncedby "Cpach. Joseph Tpitono as fol-lows':"" .,-'.. .'• •'•' i

January 16; i£iark,_ h°nie; Jan-uary 18, Bevfcley. Heights,' hortie;January 'Ja, Roselle. Park,

v ^ C m e n ; of the church to. 'taWjfart • in. .work sessions on1 Monday1

fveningsr^siiuary 1(5 and 23. 'Themen aj?e installing folding p^rti-iiotis and rtdecbratihg the-SundAi^Schoolrooms..' .'" - . •-'•< ~:-

Cub Pack 82 will hold its month-;ly meeting Tuesday at 7:30, p.m..and 'the commission on. steward.7ship ahd finjuice will start workon the budget at 8 p.m. at the

YARDS. GARAGES. Gohsral-Houflo

Day or Ei

Baseball Star Don Newepmbe•This' Person and;'Work'-of .the,LordJvsus Christ," and at 7:30^ p.m.

' Melvin'Gaue'hjan .wi!l.'be\s<rioistn't' thi.; morning service, arfel-Mrs.

~Ti rnfi I fir rinl-hnm iri *h" eve-

uddlvssed J

Lhe \yo--. group will ...be

rs. Katherihe "Mi^Colombia. She first

.the-..' South.::'American• jn 1933 with her late hiis-nat continued missiOnr"wprk

-thorc after-liis_dtathl_alii6.,.iaKliigCTircof her. foiirdaughto^rj—,—.-" Ai;J^ur.-.Rou.se of Toronto, Cana-da, AVIII sptak- at "the chapol onWednesday at 8-p.m. .Mr. Rouse is


(jave a^Talk. on the hnRportance of keeping up'member-ship in~tfTe VFW. " •; . .V•- It.7\vaH;-anttounced that4hc post

'"' "'*'"' ii^onaoi'-atearr) in the'

the Minor League. _ A-donation of$5 -was-,"votecl- foi- ;-i"h(Army. . • ; ~ , . •.

Patrick' Christiano, chairman,


p ^social ..J^djjit_thc.ijjost home.

'.Charic's "ZarzcckTr cfiafema"»i".""fo¥the Community B6y Scout- Fund

rive conducted here for Wutchv"Council, BSA°, reported, .a

co*;ction of $1,031 in the'borough.Coloimnncleif Louis Klek.her pre-


BERVIC«lUptrtnunl — -

-North • unfl, CenUU>

.~ '. . JVDcDDBS

ServiceBit DtnpMne

tHlllb'C • Morril,.

•8prt i» "

r——H8howr«on»Stfi-tL... Bnad-VSt.:.

nMC Showroom



atureJersey State

GAKWOODassembly of theschools .this w.eekprogram by. the Ni-Poiicc;~nrrari{ie<l—UHd«!r—directjoifof Fred Wliite, supervisor of theschools' Safety Patrol. •' ,'...._...:

Aj-epresentathje of the S.tatt1,Police will .speak on safety and afilm "entitled "Jerry1 arid the Safe-ty Patrol"-will be shown.~

CommiUees fo , the ON. class at-Lincoln School-have been- namedas f.olk|ivs: Wl"nt\ow decordtiona, -Jo>Ttt ThaisK and-^SUelley ,'Costa; 1buH'etfiPTJ'qards,"-' Pattf • "Brumer,"

Lynn — Grossmnnn . arid BewlJc.Glow;icky; board " decorations;Christine Valen'ti and Lucille'Spa-

—•Rocent-eiieMt-ispeakerri^for—tho-Gatwood^—Teachers'—^AssociaTib'n^have been Councilman' Joriri-JvSalarid, who discussed the auMe'ct'of wills', and GeorRe Vandemark.,whb spnkc on "The^tlistpry_ofGarwaod."


— T n ' j o r p tAhtho

. O t 6 B»tiitm/ik



VUtBtHsed .

Sorrlc2-765Esat. We








. • Fresh Seafood Dally

\tall BBldg* 6-1333 .



. ; ; - r~ BRUo* 76-039*,U~NorlS~TrnIon AT£ ~

Union, ah organization designed tofrieourage tlie systematic-reading^of the B i b l e . '. , • ;';•• ; -•-


, BOOFINO •— . smora -". " . GUTTEBS\. •. _ , "' IXADEBSExpert Slate Shlnsle and

••.••.-,;-•• T U e i K e p a l r ? • . -: ,. •B l J

t >rfe*;t-tomorr'ow..'. at 7:30 rp.m. at(,59 Arthur terrac.e.., •• _ . . ,




las Nonia AVEU i . . y

-'•"•';' ADatn* St;3700.


To'vegjster your vptc on.a vot-ing machino^ou • must leave thepointers In the DOWN-position.


-BfiRSEBJiOTHERS' : AolIuiHied' r

Plymouth - D e SotoVaMant

LOVEtANt) FUEL CO." j / t u M w A u A •'••'• • • ' • • ' •

ESSO HEAT — FOEti. OIL— Prompt—Courtaou* fj<inr1ca

T—^-UQUPB-STOHE--^' " " • - • • * j a ' : ' ' - • • • ' ' .'•'• : ' - ' - ' • ' - '

:itoEi»o Delievry

— CoU BHld^e 6-0150 :'

21 N. Union Avo. Oranlotd

Call BRidge 6-1144

1 North

SerVlcs Since 1B25

O<wl - HKATINO OILS - Coko

'-_._. BRldgo 8-0900 ~.

iTtvE. Cranford


; On EnUre BsUn^Vrom »1 VV

CHestaut 5-231, Main O£flc»

EUxabftlh Offles 29 Brcad St.

RANKIN EUEL CO^Metorad BarrUa -' Ptomp* DeU«rte»

:. •" VIJEL OIL : ' . ' ' •' * ' O t t BCBNBB 8BKVICB • •"

Call BRldae 6-920D, H KQ Amvrer. BHlds* 8-3341321 CeatesnWAy^! Oranlord

' oh ytjnr^ H t l ^


ADams 3-1020,MS Notilr A»o. W.


Insured Savings '<—• Home LoansBo«W«rd »t CenUr. Kenllw«rtli: BHldg* 6^8200 * :

Xu« Aeney ** Jettenen. mu»h«Ui'.:•"• ELUabeth 8-3300."'-;;,

North Wood ksar Eta, tAntom. Htfoiw: 6-5500 . .

LEHIGH OIU Cp., Inc."Satisfaction, Guaranteed"


41 Myrtl> Ava. Cranlotd




*; Phoa« BRUga 6-0255



. Amtkatla««jgrUDKBAKKB ' . •

.. ' . Sale* * Bvrvioa

ADoms 3-4646428 NorUl Ave. E.' . V





• NANCY WAftRENTake Aavantage of This BIG plSCOUI T'*>* ALL PATTERN?. ."/• .. (Limited Time Only) ' . :>



- BnlM Jt 8»rrlc«

Dodga /'Job-Rated' trucks!

60S NortK AVoc


• Pmfemlnnal Hair Coloring '• Expert Balxdieulnk -

15 Aldui S t • BHIdg* 6-0105


CtmtnM — VrojectoriKvorythln* Pbotographlo

la Springfield Avenue


34 North BBJdg» 6-1024





CHeslnut 5-0100

Cranford Cycle&JjayjCoJjie.

tD&on from Tb«at»BRida* e-iTW;,




COLONY DELICATESSENOotnplfito Ttlrii rf • • -1* i


All Oo«kln« * Bakllil Don* «n tnmUm

12 N. Union AT*, BRldfl* 6-0169

Roofing - SidingGutters-Leaders

AUWor^c ;Guaranteed



Fern's Furniture, Inc.K»«nrlli!nt Por Th« llamaFumltura — . Appliance* -

Baby. Carrlates ',Xinoleuxn -—' RUJIJI '—- l tuxxn

'. ,; G U I s -r • • .

BfHinwn St.

prejudice is. never easy UnlessIt can pass Itself off for reason,

. :r- . •.. • -William Hazlitt

S E E • ' . v -

Storm Windowsat

Aluminum Prod.102 South Avo., W.

BRidge ^3205

Open24 Hours

• Day

PHARMACY•11 Pazjk; A T C . PlalnlUId

PL 6-000* • —

1 ttar»



HGT.CoU DHIdgo G-2942

04 Walnut Avo. Cfxmfnrd



241 North



1 Walnnt Avcnne i~ CranforJ

Forms NewHigh School Choir

Kfnn .WORTH- -T.Wontvpeople will m«et at 7:30 p.m. liejctThutsaay' for thc:' first rehearsal

STAINS of the newly formed H]gh School'choir at the Community Metho-1

CENTEN1WIAL G«flrItfriiyMuldrow • •'-7 ' S t a

Gulf Product*Mechanic on1 jputy_at A

Truck & Arito Betults — Ho*d Sen~, BRldgo 8-9775

367 Conlonnlal Ave. • Crania

dist ChurchT

February 2. Scotch Plains,home; February X5, !Mouritainside.'home;- February 14, Clark; away;February 27, Ro^ile- Pirfc, away,and Slarch 1, Scotch Plains, away.

ForSundayg ^ . . _ .

Rey.: Jameses', "Kllfer*, pastor,'as hissermon . on1-Christian niisslons\hf> 9:30 nnd 11 a.m. service Sun-day',, at The ComiiiUuIty McffiodlsChurc.K.. :: . ' f ; • ." •' Thcjj), Methodist choir Will sing

•"Sternal God", by Bortniansky aboth services-. K.even:staoy Heia,spn • of Ivir." and- Mrs. • Donald; C:Reid, Will "Ee'baptized at the 11a.m. service. .-•-.-.

'Sunday. Sehool will'meet atwith classes^ for, three-yearioidsthfough'high school. Aj^iirsctrif atit^throughrtwprye^ olds

Tje^held in The' parsonage behinithe church.at 9:30. A nursery.fo;

chilLilC-u aiTntll c h l C u a ^conbueted.'in"the" Asbuty' room b.





22 Aldan St. Cranfonl

Thy choir was formed1 by-mom-bors oi-the.Senioc. XoutliJE't'IloWr:

"'ship. Mrs. Joseph Priestley will di-rect .thlL_.ttew_chpir± _jA.d.diJipnal

"registrations will be acceptod Sun.-

fellowihip, Betsy.JLang, iellowshSp.• president, .annouriced. .. '

"Members are: Ijaniel -Smith,Howard Mu'Jfphy, Jr", James Seale,Susan/ StaiRer, Alice. Wiegandi

:vriEavbara: Ba'rifield^ Susan "Yule;'Hollis Anit Cox,' Patty Rein, Sandy

-^Edward .Dor^ell,- prefJdent. o:Club", has in.

eligibietoplayin the t o u i g tThe forms should be returned'at^ Sports,nfghf program. Lateregistration will bc^held! Jakiuary;28 from 10 ,-i.nv. to ,l~p-m. in" Hard-ing-Sciiool

. . -^-vKenilworthboys registering for. "Little leagueat 6:30 p.m. Thursday. January 26,

Refreshments''will be served:Each registrant must be aCconv;panlea by a. parent, Mr- Hart, said;

Iustollutiou Planned ) _

commission on education will meetWednesday at 8... p:m. • at . • thechurch,.; ;.-;••/ .,

The Junior choir will, rehearseThursday, at 6:30 p.m., and theMethodistiChoir,'7:30 p.ro*

lior.. Methodist,-. YouthFolfowshlp for seyentn aigraders •will meeV iSunday eveningat 6;30 o'clock with Mr. ahd Mrs.Kuft Staigcr"'as_counselors!JlfieSeiu'cg Methodist Youth Fellow-ship will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mr.and Mrs! .Robert Witt will lead

Richie Regan,-basketball coach atSeton Hall University and Othershorts celebrities, .j .-",;„

Following the registration,, theprogram wHltiefiiven at 7-p.m. Inaddition to talks by the sports celo-brities, a'World Series film will

r -hniirTr Pinrh Rryriin will beaccompanied'by several of, hisoutstanding players. J. W> Hall iscelebrity chairman,: and : K t h:Kenneth

p;;'; On""SaturdayT'the' Junior-will meet at the church atpin. before a' splbsh jRarty at theWfstficM YMfiA, Sujtan,feanfield,

R. Hart,;general chairinari/Registration-blanks will bo dis-

trihuted_in_the_schbols'-i.t h i

in- the •

•womceTswill be installed by the 1101111."-owners' Mutual Benefit- and CivicAssbciation pt-o meeting,:Monday.at 8:30 p.m.-HT Neyl.lle's. .^anchH o u s e . - . : . - . • , . w ' . '' •' .'• •'.'• '. •' •

islew' 'officers ares President,Eugetnr~Coppola; first vicerptesi-deht, MichaelJSfreko;, secona^yice-V, TiV IH.j TiTir'i - Thrhrtnr|- 'tassettrecording ' secretijry:,:JMes,,, L-ouis

Mrs; George LoFtmd^U-casurer,Mrs. C, Joseph Aragona, and ser.

• ' • " • • • • : ' • • . : . • • ' . ' . . • - - . • - " * • • • ' • . ; * . • : . • . : . " . v - - • . - ; • ' . • • • • - . - • - . • • " ^

to continue holding

fContinued from Page. I)to personal feelings.-' Mayor Tillerreplied, "btlt wehaye an.obliga-.."— tn thi- poni>t(» \q stand tiponour. -rights and.yote.. No- matterWhai the conditions -are, .we miislface them.", • "

TJhe mayor, then suggested a 10-fyt f d i u i f th

may ggrecess for discussion of the

lmfyiitc recess for d i s c s s n ofsubject, fallowing which Council-"

that, the Bccfcley Perforating Co.,315 North avenue, be granted' per^mission to^subdivide lots i'.throuEh8 in,block-29 to form two buildinglplots., one with 50-foot frontageon North avenue and 120ifeet*deepand th'e other with" 100-foot front-age on Ijlorth avenue and 120. feetdeep.

On. recommendation of .Council-

to table the matter., _Councilman Piekarski then re-

stated his recommendation as fol-lows: "Based on.the.ihvW.igatibnmade by the Board of Adjustmentoil ,.ther 'rhatter. of the subdiytsitta.fotMr. Davis and on th*ndy|cWol.Q'u'r.jattp^ey,£lLmoye.that_.tijo^onr;ing-JBoard's" 'rectTlnmcndatjoh bo•n> »p»p ~an3 tfe.subdivision grant-ed.'

6d and approved uniinimously.Couiicil'also .approved thtv rec1

...-_ Stetiler , were -in truc-iu^work' together to codify all_bor--ough ordinarteesrwith completionon or before Novembei'j<14r«r, •., Councilman Piekarski also rec-ommended that the clerk'.and at-torney look into the possibility ofan- ordinance to create a pl;mni.ngboard lor the borough, as> • sug^"gestM in Mayor Tiller's New

•Day address;~~A~'waq:

recomnxendiitipn_ of CouiicilmanFrahk Wancn, urging the Board of

membei-svof' the pubH<SSAvho' workdays arixipportunity to attend:

'Mayor- Tiller expressed th; ^to all local organizations, which^ha\'O .written to Governor RobertBl' Meyner and - members of the -State'Legislature" urging an ap-propriation to finance^ eliminationat the CenteF street grade cross-

l R i l ig

the-Jersey Central

SO as soon as. posslble»

Polling hours- for the -January17 school election are from 2 toSi p.m., the maximum"'permittedtor"' school elections under state

l '

Jilany aman'tblniiis ho is buying"ivaaiJE^wheja he H-really.-selliiig^

himself a^Eranklln.

.GARV«pOD--Rpy T. Puckey ofCranford, nature • photographerand' presijilent of, the WestfieldBird Club, will conduct a program-entitled—siBirds-.'UhUmJte4ii—a t_al.meeting of the Garwood Woman'sClub in Bay Leaf Memorial':Mome<-at-8rt5-rp:m.—Monday^—>5--r——.--•-

Included in. the program will beM

Of. ,v

' horMrs. Anthony lllela is chairman'

- of: hostesses -for-the evoriing.". -'-'—

Brown, Alan Smith, Stpphen_Ter,-jek; Jerry Dehner, Miss Lang,



Yes We Do— :Dry'Cloanlng

-Pressing- • Repairing »<Alterations L Homodaling -

All Work Guaranteed

LINCOLN I16 South tlnton Aye., Cranfflrt.-'Bea. BK t-MS3 P»nl PatctU.

, ;The MYF".plans.a'-party-on Sat-

urday, February 4. William John-stone, Alan Smith, Daniel Smithy

.Aubrey Major;!, Susan' Staiger•and.Sandy Lang arc in .charge of

• TRUCK AND GAR...l.,.^-..

Knights ArrangeGommunion -

KENILWORTH — Plnns will be'. coniplctcrd-'- tonight for the familycsjumunion breakfast on January29-by St. Teresa's Council i>4ji 6;J " •—""



' cNVUsenrM mJUslit«M*a tianca In Chars? .

BRidsett-7100600 lilaealn Pk., R_j Cranford


GRECO'S GARAGESouth & Centennial Aves. Oranft




. Paint - • Window ShadeS"BRldg» 8-2540 _

T*. Cranford


BRENNAN & TOYEPlumbing — Hooting

WJ269 'BoaU A«<u. B. CnxiUwi

CHAPMAN BROS.Plumbing & Heating Contractors


• , - ' BBldgo 6-1320 t.I t Nortli AT« . . B. '• Crauto

G. Ledlden & SonAND BCATINQ' .


S i 5-1207



1 ' • %n4 i• . 1 ' IN8CKANCK '• ' .

Ol AU »t~**J •

111 North AVi, W. BH 6-1890


Successor to John W. Helna & 80a

15-17 >Iorlh Kroy E- Cxanford

BRldge 641777. Wanaijue Reseryplr . In. PaasalCounty is seven- miles long andoin-vinllu wide.—— ——

A helping Word to one In troubliISj-ofteir'lUtc^ a-switoh-on-a.- rail-road track—an Inch between' wrociand «mo<Hb-»llina proaparity.

Go The Easf AVIS Way!Fori-ocal •

Car or TrugkJBentaLCall BRidge 2^090

~ E«t«« Inclado Ga», Oil,• , Proper Insuranc«FINE'IMO FOUDS »nd other

- CaM' io ebooMe .from



At Interior. S8Up Covsta - Fnrnltorp

• J V . U l |->-'. 1 ; . : ,?— . : ,

Followiwy the 8 (j^n.' mass-on.January 29, families tyill attend a

' breiikfast at the American LegionHall, Union. Reservations must bemade, Gran'd,..Knieht Francis "B.

"Smith-said. '' " -. ^-r^t..— —r^-JuhirGribbin andT'fhomas -Dev-

lin ¥re chairmen. , ,• The business •meeting will begin

"at 8:30 o'clock tonight, in thechapel basement.. Plans for a

' social meeting on January 26. ulsowill be discussed. •• ••,'.'•

Kenilwprth Gains19 Businesses

" KEN1LWORTH ,r= An increase"of. 19 businesses- in Kenilworth

'J195^ Kjk S*P,prfC<J. this.weefc

" "Paul-\V:-Rtisao^-diatriet-manager-

BiHdgo 6-0893120 Soilb A»e., B. ' Crwoiu

ECKBE Upholstery Shop

Upholstering' - Slip Cover/

grapes - Furniture Repair3

_ *\—^—

31 South Union Avenue

,- Cfanford,- N. J,



)vcU»a Qn*lity lJr*njl^

. BiUdgo-8-0893ISO Bloalh AVd.t E. « C

that 7.CJ7 businesses were listed inthe.:iO58-edition, of the Dun_andBradstr'eet reference 'book-com-

*pare<l to 8-,Wl businesses in theNovembei-, MOCO edition. ''••

In 195.8 Kenilworth listed . 197businesses; in I960, 218-^rho referrpuce book lists' manufatturers,"wholesalers,, retailers and .someservice industries.' '"••-".

Lions to Honor _:Nicholas Capece

KEN1LWORTH - > Nicholas Ca-, poce, depijty district governor of

18E, 'will' be given n tcstlmoniadinner "by the Liom: Club at 6 p.mFebruary 2G in the ynia.RomaE l i z a b e t h . • ' t

: . • •-••••- —

Rudolph O. Cammarota, chalriian1;-" arino'uhced •thirt- llUi uilai.

Ul. be a dinner dunce. Assistingh l Vi

wUl. be a dinner duncMr. Cammarota art! Charles Vible, Jr., Joseph Restuccia, LouisKlein and Ralph Vitalc


tobei«ri, -Shriuip, Crab' Moil1 Cook«d Buttjy To 3«r»«

risu sTtf( N.rtli AT«noo,

master, waj; appolnteu ^i \nty .uibtrict governor last'summeh He habeen- a ; member of" the, club, 1years arid has served m im '|off icei

"'- Polling Uurs' (ox the Januar.17 school [elc)ctiort are from 2 t!) p.m., the w"as«inlum permitteefor school election:; under statelaw..

WoHd-famou* ichool otfca•peciatecd tttiaing in per-manent fcf>T removml — •Browing, oncrowded fitld.Hoan nro flexible, day or.evenings- State liccnicd. Ex-cellent "OLtecr opx^ottunltjf.Writn foe Uea booklet J.

Knee iNsmure152 W. 42 Jt^JL Y. 38, If. T.c T ? T i o « B r


^3 tiele^hohe c a l t j qour Representatives to" call at your home-to show

We wp.uldapprelciate y<5ur cooperation. -

Please be advised that we are the only auth-orizeci representatives of the NEW JERSEYSTATE COMMISSION FOR THE feLIND. We donot sell soap, costnetics or shampoo and have noconnection with.any such^rowpy

f_r. Each: c|f mir irpprpsentatives carries^ state'iipldze'd'identification; Please ask to see it ;i

E : | p ^aUtiipldze'd'identification; Please ask to see it

Mew Jersey DistributorsOf Blind Made Products444 William St., East Orange, N. J.

Don't Forget Your

We Are Pleased Thqt Our Ihstitutipin Is Growing Rapidjy, Bo* Sfceilone l i ^No t^u r Mofer .Objec+A^ We Just Wani. l o Ma ce Cit/

* - 'A l l " 'Round Savings -InstiTutiort arttl^ttejt ,T

ihp^ People1 o f ; U>if6n_ County Determiner How Large It U ~'J n^

RESOURCE ; vCash .,!.......i......S.:^: :.Z::::.:...:.:$-1^80,500.66U. S; Government Bonds .. X 5^022,831:34



••_"••• _ Your Choice of 4 Mixtures —

Bird Houses •Feeding StationsSuet Cakes & Holder

" ~ Peanuts and SiihfloWer Seed , ..

Flowers • Herbs •Vegetables-•-i NEW VARIETIES — OLD FAVORITES .-.-.._.._'.. .Start Stms-OfThfem ~ . M o w l * . ; ', ;



No Parking Probl



Drive Inwardens


116-118 SOUTH AVE., E%

BRidge 6-1661

Stock in Federal Home Lpan Bar»ku- -871,000.00Government^^Guaranteed.Loans . . ,^. .10,112,27272 /ConventibnaFMortgafl* Loans . . . . . . . . 38,264,095.85 ~Loans on Saving* Passbooks . . . 297,930.65

Savings Accounts . :.....' $50,925,802.12

Federal Home Loan Bank Advances.... ..2,862,500.00

Ofher Advances : '..'...„....J.. _500,X)00.00

Other Liabilities ..'.....-.". 25^819.09

eserves >. ."—• •3,215^37*1.8. - - ^ - - •- •






Howard C Davis, ChairmdnfouatiUt — Davis Sn$iaetiint Co.



' ..GILBERT G, ROESSNER_U k V k P i l d



Whil4 Lubotatotlmi,

, H ' eUMOf J. bOtMRMANM

M. UEUlTfRetired Vic4Pr»iul*ni

thi Riitwoy ExpieM g. Ct/'.

UMU CRAM* KlUOOO !UHtnluf Partner

Spent, Lauli Had Kelloggotuur a kotsiNi*

VU»-l*rtiiileiiiivturr c


Harry W. iCohler1, Chairmanlixii, Secretary Alifrua Tuf<* tnillranc*

LINDEN B O A f t t ) • :.., • " . - • A l f r e d

. ' , < - > - • - Internal. lUpnicnUiM*. DhttlU-n & Allied XParlicn

CHARlli 5, VAlVANO, MLCiiy t'r



Au't. Siiiw

..^— ; : . . ; . . - . v ' ^ v . . ' > . ; . . . •"":':" i . ' ^ i ^ ' : J 1 v V : " . v . ' u ' r : ' ; : : ' .•••^--r.,.. •.: ;-. -i;-^-..:.: ^ ; v : ^ 7 ' > , -. / • . > : " : , " ' > ^ ^ , v \ , , - _ ' . " . - :-^ v ^'^;::;- - - ^ ' • : ; ' 0 ^ : ' i - - 7 T ^ ^

','-'~-f;.J\--y . •,';..' .'•;' ':•:v »».,•

• - • . • • * . _ :

.,.• '"i'V '". ".

• ' . • • ' • • ' ' • • V

" ' > / • ' . :

• : • / ' • ? * : ; ' /:

" . / • ;•;; •. '•


• • • i i.

V ' " . { ' ;':•'••'1 - . , - . _- ' t . _ • . - • - ; - . . _ . .

flRST INSERTION —• a cents a word, 75 cents •irvnUniiiiy*;~ cash With, order. (A 5 cents service charge i s 'made.

• ; • • • ' . ' for e a c h b i l l i n g . ) ' " . . • .. ' ' • •• . • ' . •"•" ••;'••'.-

^-BEPEATTNSEHTI6NS (Cpnseculive weel^s without copy

"ADS SEt BY LINES — 15 cents crime. AJds set In "caps,with blaijik linef or -display Unei:iibusr-i>e charged by

•-.-••--.- Uies. Display lines" (12 pt type only) charged as• ' t w o l i n e s , *•' . ... : - ' - •'-•• - ' •• r : , - f ' • • • • . ' " •• '

CAStt- Chocks or, Stamps should accompany'... "^rj* • • • : • •. • .

<N6T fifiSPONSIBLE tor'^rrqtajj?.-jadsvlakon by telephone.DEADLINE FOR COPY --'}"'"' """""~'"""'-**"*"-«——

- Telephone BRidge 6 «S060 ^-

Sereic^sU A M K . DAVIDSON.;': ,

. CONTRACTJNGr -Carpantry. .KfusAury, Plosturine & Ilood BR10g

B-.3B29.. {4o Job'too BITU>11.wtlhoui obleatlon.

.CARPEWTER nild CO1STBACTOII. ' AllkniJt /.< alleraileiit, iKJrcl «; etc. , lUidr

. wl|i Kcib«H,.3fc8 Lincoln DrUe. Kepll-1 v;or«h • BKldp.e- «-<>S28.-. tl

'ri palr« uiil

Ks. Jna«>ll<'d. ' CMvitlo Strevl.

rtfl.'EVHjION M'Kt-^nlliBiiAST "For th«-'.Ji". I itw faiiuy.t tit'fUjct c^ll licaiioiuy

.'••dcoiHe.' UUld^c 6-UHSS. l>ii'y nt 'Might.

Real Estate For Sale

Multiple Listing' Service •

Real Estate For Sale

Redtor - Tnstirdr

BE 6^1053 iH : BR -1058423 NORTH. UNION AVE. /cRANFpRD

.Lee pielrloh .:...-...u ....''.;.;.. "nil B-4638



'(iSL/iCTfticiL svwvieie- - iiAMKi' J-" Hfyliurn,-lie^iisud. eli-drlcluii, 5 Burn-

!— tide A«6., BHldco U-56do. '".' ,tf

.PAiJnh^k^vlOno coat ccllirvtf -out

Vlnji) biise wnll pjlntAlkyiT-flot wall .paint

TTtppty wlUi -_Satin Enoinei ...

; "Chemllux" White ' EnamelNon-Yellowlnfi

' Youub Floor Flhtshc*• .Color • htatct>tnB~ 'Servlet;• -

.,.J Boulevard...Kenllwortb..-._' .(-

; Vhonf: Bnidao g-isaa

TE—EVISJON HEI AlBS—Quick, ctepeiicl-abl* service: Van'u Graiitord" Electric,;« A.lilerl .Stroet BlUtlgc 6-WU3. if

i GENBIJAL CARPENTIyY. and •CABlSjirt-1 work.- Rcpatiru, . iterations,/ addition**,

., ilormcrb* . poi'dhits. 'rv^r^aUontittle ruonui fccpcrtly done' by• • • • • - • • • - • - " " ' - " - - C - B 4 5 S . tf

" The Lowest Priced ; •

no- 1» tt\\u. a i f c j of i\x\c houu1)*.- • ; • ' ,

t i c ottc;:; c J t t . f-kipr—'Vy ' • •. \ . . ...

"^ Brocfefde ScliooF ""'uro YrU-ndly fahtllirk" who litildv VfoB—£E~£"lHSI-,t!»->vi_i_U- Itawacillat'i

, yootu »plti' level with Wrb-'itTfinheat.."'and h Innccd

- Female

Dplnand' lor . AVOX^ provid.cV excellent• tacninc .(.pportunlty , to. *hDu cu9Cfrj(. Notupt-xit-ncc nt'Ctsaaty: ' NTilst' »ct at "ohc<--C aV! Mfs. Butlor; MI 2-51*a"foj home"Interview. • KKEE

TV Expert Iteplm

• Bonnie Pruddtn',' popular television. jjersonality, deplored the na-Uonwide limited physical education facilities, the.,overcrowded gymciasibs the use of school buses, and the amount of. time <Spent beforethe.television set, which.>aye. resulted in the failure of 80 percent

Mrs. Virginia RoacH»-KBNILWOFtf I t — Mrs, Virginia

Roach, 43i' of 42T North' .Eighth

street died January 3-at St. Eliza-

slice',;. assistant rector a t TrinityEpiscopal Church, -will ofliciate'.

^ t ff\ •. Tnt«l

, .Old '..Mary Ross .'.

: UKZ":Z;.;""...'..'.,BR..€)|-3«=

McPHERSDN REAtTY C• Open baijy'-4r5r> Sunday Ir

inMjxancc fi{trti,T; msuriini:*; CJLPCIit-Ac*^ncco^sar>'. Write- to Box U6fl 'in -cureof the Ciar:(ord CHiien'alid'^Chronlcc.

SjVLESGlnLS, ..(uU-tlmc pn;f-rr^-d, , E i -pi-rienct!- not -iLi celiiary.- liu&inc^l lo-cuUd in Cranfo-d: Write U> Box 37Q.

"i care of Cranford Citizen ahdChron-'

. • . • • -

Or by Appointment

tAodurn kitcViOt, i a s )icat fc/Dnd u iin patio, . O N L Y 2 YEAHS OLD. , .

llHEE 'UOOM upartmunij^iioratisd, nt 20!) WillovTSVv'cnac,Call pr-rC-aiiM. •



, ii-22


_._ .-T..--_- and t>T>in_!. lUro&ourtblc,prompt Uirvico- 0ui'r itlchi* Sunday,

icc. IB HlUcrvst,.Avenue. UlUd«e fl-:

u__;;::_: . _jn..'^ 5IX KOOMS, U'coiid door, he.it ~^M\

U'lrUKU, *tiO per- raoili.li. Imtnvuljitu'occupancy.' . H4-i'c;-ui3Ci's..-.'.: i:'i:qiiircclr n u u i i i . n u " " — -gt>rnltur« ropaW; ,„ ,

draporiesi, ulifi covers, Vcnotlan blinds. I l'ijllciLc 0-7470. ' .Nice cholco of fabric*. F. Kanbicr & l i . . . ^ ^ - ^ ^ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. Son, 120 South Avo• 6-0803.

"jt 7


Iricheti custom quiilky stock blinds, qll'84 . fncKts" letter-*3,2S:—also—Jencra^t-

d C W B n custom blipd«.

oviiw.itri• :md : b.ith,

|i water. &int,cho;>t_!iiin. communicnllonfc. Call

0-4 . menus-lonj;. - * J , * J , ««« « >." -i . — . -»nd C. W. Broneinon ci_torrt bllpdg, I CKANFOKD.—Availubii! t't-'bru-uy 1st,

-^OC-^KI—M—-Ctarifotd_.UphoK.to»X^i2E' I—_tte»_^ rooiri nnilrtmcnt. l)U!tlmt!Js soution,130 South A»c. , E., BRldse .e-fiaST t frTl ioat uml ;wotcnurnl!ihuHr57ir^lwh6Sir— - ; : ^-——^^_=_=i_|:—jiauiu>iv-aiU(lliu_il«iQKUJ.0_AJSSllla_5

iiB'iER••••STfAlUPi. miidt! tu order on<h0rt~nDticeT-u>iially 24 ho.ur* eyrvlee.

Thrice*—vou»pajibleU__aieat_jlL_ma'tt!rlul\)Id workmuiiulilp. ' Crawford KuEBoTSt.imp Shop, H i North Avenue,~"W.,i l d diuao if

i - • ' • • " - ! • ' - - • , ->

XDKAly A-I'AUTf.lK^T.'Wr-bu'*inct.u couple. oviiw.itri'alnily. 'I'trnt (lour',' (on r rounw

:md : bith clniiod j>jrchey; liarai;*? Ivrittrnt (lourj>rjrchey.;»

l l d» liarai,;*?,. _ Nt.ir


S-ULL HOUSEPOWEK electrical iorvlce..100 amii., service, fixture and plug ln-itaUntion. Free • ostlinitoa. • ' A. Knolt,.033 Kinmton Avenue... • Kcnllworth.CHcatnut 8^6304. • . . .-. > , ^ • U

Al>0MlNUM ; 'porch ;eiiclosuiros .;Uiiii4-•jalousies,, awnlnt!• typ« xvl^dows,' com?" blhation^Rtomi -v^indowa- and acredns or

comhlnWlion aoojrfca=Xi/"tlfaQ-AlunllBuntProducM Ind., 102 South Avcnuu, W.BiUdCo 6^3308:— ~ ^ t

. P.M.

itQOMit. accand lioor.- privateil rtt7~^t^tr^t—hl

$ak-xmen ,"""Llbby Brcwstcr ..-.:..,lope Mfliui. . - •—- -

Hb^H~t^n^^T^G. E. H0WLAND V

Realtor , --I BlT6-59qa

'ct'Ctllu H UGertrude Davis .,Evolyi) Heltlnn*...1.I"a\iltiio'Chandler

MaryGil H

,.:.-... 'AD 2-0063....;:. BK 0'57C7

- AD 2-3703.; uHfl-OBBrri. .... till C-301E

Bit S-0057

13 Eastman St. „ Cranford

••if:• • . . 1 *


' p»AN'-TO BUILD, rell TTTTOlmake niteralianSi cal?

-URidid .B-Brtt;....1.

'] i<l*l-Ui;-i;'.'ll-yuur-huine_Uila_niaui;rii-.w;ry.•r- Tii'ily onu broker U> d e a l - w i t h — o n l y oneW cotiVBili^luHi'-aiid -thto -Included nil —Jvor-.

> j u i i w a r J i r r t U h i i . ' , ''upiS«ulSjBr"#tcTT—Bltsran'--••-'"••—»"»it.—CranXoXfl-X)cij^iicJU(iJQur^ydlUi_iilL^b_1H*;.rs

; ** I County area. • • . ' . • _ " " :~

.„ _ _ combination storm windows"and "dereenS—us'ed—vai-loUS slzefl. ' So.00'' and Up.. l i f e t ime Aluminum Product*

~~tntrr~to2—Bmjth—Awe.^—WT^-BUkliio— IJ—320S. • . • ' • - . _ «

". tANOS tthd'OHGANS. top braiida, hostprlcpa. Dudkfn I'lund to. . North AVe.

- at rtailroad Station. Wi_tfleld. ADomy'•a-BBU.'^-^. "• - - <• • t l

BOOK BJIELVES,'base, cabinet, Wall cab-• Inet, radiator cnclowirc-s. cheat of.

drawers, tablas, toy cheiitji, coriilcctJ.b'><)kcfiM> bed hiihdboards, unpulhtcd.

— . t'RJEJb tfXVKY, _ 43 Ni—Ttir—Street;

ncluhborL. ..CJ.'i! <il Cl'ailf

CIIANCJER repair»-U^S^^iiHE^La a"?' ' >"'1*-llli [til-Ti and JtECOHD -.CltANCJER npalr»-4.

^ w t K ^ ^ H a l r . fe1-1^- 8 .*"?? eet Bl<1^n i f o r d C l t l z o r t ' a n d C h r o t i l c l u . )• : '• .•_..: ' • « • ' " ••'' - •'

Furnished Rooms

. tKJED CTtVEVT 43 IT.7tdstillwortb. BlUdee 0-5535^


• , Majfc:RS^t—URidao tf

. r For f RentROOMS S-QJl KENT by day or

ItcuLonable ~ Katun. BtUdg6.- CtlANFORD HOTEL. ~

ONU UOOM, nicely Juinlshed', piivaleiKoine. -23U l>Jo. 31st Street, Konllworth.

•- ~ - • • • • . . : . v u

(IALF DUPLEX- HOUSE. 7 rooms, heatstUiplltd. * Convenient tc* tehoul.-ii sh^D-phili ;md -lrar>!iport.itinrt.r Apply on

\v.. ci'antnrd.' tl-(SW7.

JLOOH WAXING MACHINES, new artd.Uited, compUittf line, of . woxers undjanitorial supplies. 41d, -Ccntejilila)Avenue. tMlldL'c 6-5702. — .:

I O M E FOtUnSHlNGS^Antiques, pianos,rtics; • BlTvcrwurc, etc., tomiEht tmd-ioM.-MADlSO»f GALtSIUKSi 2S0.. MainStruct, Mndiunn, N. J. FR 7-2flO7._;,ti

ffitTLDJG AJ* ESTATE! — Uuai i&vetViaed,' ,0x12. 630; 0x15,. t35; v«tl(mtalD&13, SSS —ollier »l/ea. GK vacuum,MO. Attic fj.it; t>5. Also wool hookedtu«s. fOltoa B-2028. / "•• O "

. ( . - , --dm.• • - i - ' L : l i i

ALi TOli WATctt noiu-rionj. 'many dlf-feront. typefl. * Cultilum. chloi'lde I _1 1

- Trubehbach'B Feed & T3oid. Bitldfio 6-1601, 118'South'Avenue. E.. Cranford

Wwited to Rent\VK Nt.EP: a Iwo'-bcilroom iijiartinent 'for

!. Dtlult .touplu; up In SIM).

• , / 'G. E. HOWLANDRealtor

tl-iNDscApiNd j wia. TRO: WORKJim Loveland .' •'

U7. Wa_9ln«tbn St.. "WestlieldADums 3-6530 or ADanu 2-O07B ti

••• . - • • Knesvic'* • ~


, »Hidi(0 U-3573 " .

Complete Multiple'Lfctki^;



Knt Quality workrnatuhlp und fair price*

THORLEIF " — 'TonpScTo

-BRjdge G-95 8./ . - i ' •

iBn e-1095ewis

- • ' " • • T A K V ..p'TTrrc

HO0SEWOm;iM. full tune,ci. rtquisvd- Call- bRidue 6-

J ' • - • ' - - • • - • • •

ell o$0Y-'ulh.JEHtness. "„•'•MisjPruddun, whose report on

Uie cornpfcratit'e fitness of Ameri-cafi and European cbildreri led t(ythiJ formation-of the President'sCouncil* presented a pjrogfam ^pn

h i } ; f i t G £ r d t t i g h l

.. H e b ^ H ^ora KuiimD ;._..;.homas Callunnn :..".

^nn^»BRe139frV^Tr.:.... BB «-34«4. :...1...'BR 2-5240

\VOMAN WULL.baliy »lt. day <kr evening;L BBldse - """* - • , • . . - - • •

l- Ualmlen;- Pinkway. Cr;nv

WOMAN -wishes' Ironing .toCall. PRldge 6-3JO4.

GROUP OF 8TH GRADE Cirls.. UnSlouSto so-to-WiurUnston. wflL do.odd job*or baby sittlnc: 1 cent a minute, afti-r

-- 14..«.|Urt'Br w»yk-*r>di. CaU

jjhysica}fitnpssatGran£ordttighSchool on Monday evening spon-sored; by the Grahford" CpUege•tSlub and~>ther-.Cranfo'rdV.!kigh.S c h o o l P T A . ' • ; • • •;• '

'• "JLast year, while 80 percent-ofq f h f'itingVhf'^p r>!'SJr

cal education department, becausethe majiagtement is smart enobghtoknow that the body has to' carryaround", ttie. mind." If you really .want to do somethings fory your,kids, don't just Jpok at the science;rooms, for wjtfiout a healthy body':hey will have' 'h_t_iBndu'ranec. Jincl^fllTnqr^lpyni^'TnV'ml'nf'dMr^ptnds-oh the body. As you are Is ''How You Think?'As you are is-BbW ViMi^t'bolf:"'; Well-exercisedpeople.' Have less h6r%fl_*' tension,are- better ' looking, -have h>ore

tests, Russial was~speh'dirig' SoVen..bUliori.,dollars on physical educa-'tion.'iand .Rifefe has plans foroiirchildren," Miss Prudden id


.6-2313.torj's buit location, dIenWltd_und sub;tantial home,, with: family .. rootn. ifut^"cltchL-iv, plenty of storajc &paci'. hluh1

thari Sioo! Tr;«nif«:>rcil-6wn<ir. author- . vy-'ork.ln priviiU". homi.-. -licJ »alt»-a"t Sltt.oaa. MontVa rt , i l -op- .'.MIW- " tsHidiie 2-S3S<2.-IKirturjlty-• (f. you -— -••'-•->-• • '

ss PruddntvJTff'n.t' itf tv\v~ siv-

ei ier^Tesi^nlh^ess^et tcr r^f r^rnore"disciplined, are'.a better bedto live longer^ and 'while they live

,', They Live!". . ' - .• Bonnie'£ru"dden \vas assisted in

V"a6 ' u —


„ to passfol*" physical fitness,

i tomjiai'ed ._ _ — . , .jure of European-childrfcn


•28 Alden Street inldfrj 6-7'J±J'"—Multiple LUtlnfi Service *-

—Saleimtn-Eleanor uraiB «.,.»......«"•• t— " " Z~Z~rrarJt^udlrna!.:^..-.^:...-.,;:;;;^-^^"Naomi~HeheKan~^:. .^r-bR-tS-2063LouUe Svednjan .......;.... ..;....-BR 6-37S3T, ——OPEN WEEKENDS — .• . :Sat from 0 u in. Sun. from L.p.tn.

- linmv.'1 Kxpj-rienced;. references.•'• Will•. \Mk up "and .(U-llver.' FUltan 1-M28.:

WOMAN will baby- sit cvunlnsU'•perlenccd. . Call BKidac « - W -


LocslMothcr—will tuK«-" t-'rto-of two -children dm.ihii day.

yif'ill.j Mnttii—- '• WOrlcil. ,:


82perccntot our six-,y.ear-olcis areflunking thisT test."—•.., "tWerits- must plan -to expose

their children to pliysical, educattion," said- the speaker, "af"lifc"isnot going to be. easy, and \Ve mugjtbe sure' 6Ur children are itr_sh.apeT o ^ a k e l t ^ R e r n u m b F r ^ t ^darlings who can't'_walk .terschool7-tr', ni-<-- ihc pnes who'arc expected'to survive iri places likc-Korga'u..~ Quemoy^Tf'..__,_... .,.,,,.-years'-to' get' our -.youngsters..bach

Services were held' Friday at' the TJmuii_Baptist Church. Intef-w f e was in North- Carolina. Thefuaieral was';&'om.,the Nesbitt Jttn^.eriil-Home, Elizabeth." •-. ' •': '

Born in Pelham, NuC., she lived

E , q ; gters,; >13enise; fe and'Catherine E;

hen.-' 12-ygj>,fs: She was a memberjjof'the Union Baptist Church. .She]M,'fts an. opera.tor at' U;-S: Wire: &CableXbrpVjUhion.^ ; V' ' _^

~Surviying are'Her • mbther'.'TSrsTBtllo Kernodle of. Danville, Va.;

t , ;at home; <\\ei parents.' Mr. andMrs'HaroldjCKerr^Sr^)rjga^

-Kernodle, both of Kenilworth, andIsaac.iind \VHUe.KLernodle; both ofpanvUle; and'three' sisters,'Mrs!. 2;" and' .three sisters,Irene Dennis and" Mrs.1'.; Louise

. pon^nrri, both of Danville^ and

Kirn, and Miss" Ruth McCartney,..i...'..!_.,« «j..«i,4!«r, instructors at


. Va.'.Mary.. Tiipps of.

•slujl-liU: -rut-,Doycttc,netly—•Robert—J'rslinge'r,-'John Fe-dorka.. Gotfe -GraJU ..S.usaji Keep,Ellyn : Lonjack,, aild John .New-

ilworth;' ;'foyo iirothers. Harold C.K , Hrf, of Union, and George.F:

nf Kc^^wjthiJisiKtcrMiss'Deborah l l Kerr of .KenJhvorth,arid -her, grandmothers, Mrs. Wal-' ^ n d . M.ps'.vfi'brisiirin-.KfTr.-

:iboth of Kemlvvprth.

Mrs. Maria C_ WilliamsMr-". Maria i^rawjey* Williams,


cember 24 . at : M.uhlenb'erg H*),sJ

Tiital iPiainfield, after. ar-Torig llii-'nesis.'

comb. , . .b : Mrs. Robert E." Bldsst'r. PTA'Tpnisidorit,' prihWed. Mrst Richard

' " ipCollepe eiub-progranv1

.„.. ior the: evenihfi,--intro^-u u v ^ the speaker.' Mrs. K.e.nrieth

iTJcLorigo announced that1 the next

KENlLWqi t i f^ - ^ervlces-^be held today at 2 p.m. at DobleyColonial Hoftte, 556. Westfield ave-nufe, -Westfl'eld,- for Mrs. Eleanor

_E. Kozftowicz, 20; of 602 Newarkavenue, who died Monday in Muh-

I A.


AME Church.on.J3ecembei.2fi.'.^?)was, assisted" by the ;Roy. WilliamMoore of Scotch '.Plajnit" Burial"was in Rosemonf Cemetery, New-ark. ".• • '*' ' ••~~MTS—Wtlliams-had , . .-years. She was the wife of George

15'Nortn A«e., E.

BR 6-1900 andlBR 6-0777


Salesmen .'Everard KompshnUM I " 1 ' 'WKMTWIW

~BR 6-00724 fMelon Crueat ,..Z....,.._.-.:.^J..!... BKTPB __

Mama Thorn .............-_..:_ BR 8-0380Vtalu Mule ,.. BR «-5M3Goruldlne Mullln ._.....: *.„.:.: BH

^ B J Q Y H R S T r O R S E TFIRST? — W H Y W 0 R & Y !

_ < < . • ' • • . - . •

Maybv wo can hi.-l(j'you to •TKADt-VOlfH T'.lfKSENl' HOMfe


|:tAJNTgIl,Jsihi{_<sxperiel!c«!.. needs .work,snioll Jobs pR-ttrYifdninir.a-oufc—OSlrCHcstnut 6»7-t53. • .tf


"•''' GEf FOIA HOTJBB £OWEK'220 Volt fn^trtllatlonn our ^puelal

-SaMUKHMANM CHOTllKKSElectrical Contractors

4 n

13 Eastman St. Cranford

.-_. . . . . . 1 . . -.. .- . .

B R 6 - 5 9 0 0 IALTCBATIONS 6nd •UEPAlHS-by itxport' c a r p e n t e r . P w u «»ti i«nua ' Work

Painting — DecoratingT, A; CHANE—Painting and''Decorodnri.

-243 Walnut Avenue. Tel. BlUdfio 6-03BO<or estimates. " tf

_raulchliitf shrubs , roHiSI'Cardenjt . . . ."" T«TiQenT)BCh"u"Fecd|^:SCTid,:BRtdiid 6 -

1661. 118 South AUnUi. E., Cruniord.

WllXJLAM HOESEt' Interior nnd ibt-texlor Pointing. Skilled lnecliuiilc». Ver-

rf-ional^»up«rvlaioii^-20o- r*rt^ l lrM^'n: Av«-bue. Cranfotd. •-- Call


GENEHAl. HOME'IIEPAIH—it sroi huveH_ Job to bo done' or Would. ]UUt likoto talk with us ubotlt it, cdil BUl'ullomo Maintenance Service. . Electricaland plumbliiy repairs, carpentry, floor

1 tiling, lawn rfio^ntfi' storm' vylridoui*.scrceni, window Jypulri(( cellar hnd uttlocleaning. Telephone: BRidita 2-8080.Fully Ihsured.". ••.•••• :';:.«. ,U

I •

PAlNTlltJCi.-lDECoaATINIO. Interior. «x-• torto". Estimates .chc«rluUy "'. Klveu

S A BEBCl 312"Nth Aveh— • - ' ' •• .'"'.• '••**'•< ' — ' - ~ — ! totioc. Estimates .chc«rfuUy". ulven._ S MADE to ordcrNter wed- MANS A. UKBq, SlSTNorth Avehuc, K.,les and, all atttaApnst; ta<nap<Sti BIUdKe ii-l-iO9. , • ' • ' U

ANDWICHding p.ittlcs and a6nd-h.anl-dV>*.Uvres

WESTFlKLtT" MAtjUNE—Johnson niotorsi.Boats—Arkansas Traveler. Sea M:ic,Old Town,. 7U1 Contr«,l Avenue, Wost-fleldu,.'Open" Monday ind'l-"rlday untilt» ITO.. "Cull Apmns SrOO5S.

THE WOULD BOOK fe&eycjnpcilla, dratin salts. Budget plan. Qall EVELYNCHA1KEN. VUlton B-421G. - >f


-A^ fiVfeiOtbrior farid ex-painting and paper., hunging

l Call «Jtor B P.M. BHld" '

fu l ly -BRldca (1-12H.



G.G.NUNN~ Realtors Iniuror*

G. E. llQWLSND6-5900:

PAINTER WANTS AVOKK. 12 year*'; nt-perliJACer - Iniiid^ r».iantiiiU. .'utu-'iialUu!:in paU^tin^ CAlllnii1;, wallpaj\e* rcn\oV/al.Jtcasaiukbli!1. Da.v phqiie.. I! Hi due 6-22CI2; nlKht plwne BKldile 6-W72. .

olds, who grew up walking toKchbpTcould be back". iri shape insix we1eks,'",8he.disclaw!cl.,' -."If -the school administratorsare-good—

m^^iriB-pfrthTr^T.Aqh^btuary—16 will feature'--^epattmcnt,al_..

rRound—Tubles-with-Teacherii^l——''•' A health-vxhibit was arrangedby~Mrs. William, Boyd, ^safety,health and civil defense chairman...of-the PTA. Mrs; James F.' Caruso ,

BRidge 6-6110


Attd^Just As Pretty'."IK our tnlonliU on a nulet ulri^T It hasbeen redecorate^ 'in the. best po^ibletaste. New uus furnace,'"wood, burnlvttfilroplace. lbw taxeu, SO it IBa Ult- SecIt now, il «urc won't last lout!—$17.300.

- • - • . . J . _ '.i:-:....-.:.'. • , ' • • ' ' • • ••


"Iielp~BOYS (2)

Wji.rk afli'r ".-Ipur-EllMHeth-"

SI per JioEL 1-2170.


DltlVEIt for -li'clit delivery truck; fulltime.' Bub's Market. 107 Walnut Ave-nue, Crajjford. _ . ' __

Help Wanted-Male or,Female




Latest Dividend^

34S SOUTH AVE. . ^ GARWOODSUnset 9-0733

The Rev. Thomas A. Varider- ' Also surviving are five dayllvJ Newark'

ABOVE LISTINGSffi11 1. ,u I Are ottered thru tnerrib'e'r odlcos of the


WATER?Sreclnllilng In tao • t^movul of Umewalsfrom hot water colls. :W« tt,nt and sell' • — ' i r ' B O f l e a e n U A i - . . . . . ' , . '


AttTUUli A. 'K1AMIE—Interlpy »«d' .—.lerlor niaintlng and decorating; satis-faction KUUtranteed, i'rto <u,timatua,CnlT E U w b e t h 2-42-15 or BRlatfo «-1011?. . , • tf

CRANE bhd >f.D.-0 Bulldonerfor hire. B. W- Oliver, Im;# BRlda«B-2150 and M^Untue 8--708B. .- tf

j MICHAEL U. HAHIC1I—Exterior af.d In-TQu>l«P| terlor •balntlitc"' and-' puj>er ' "—••

l>fi<:>i»- ' C a l l d a j _ . _ . . ._" " 8-29

WtIoDnrBol«Dt SVot .n i b S ' Awtohta'iS tea.onabl^ **!<*.. «ui c y ,11EHU D M I X ' S N J S ^ ' «»<« Cto'don 8-1810. o v e n l n ^ . BRldtjB 6-7215..Ctnter. 2U0 Wenmi«LJaoad, Cvanlor* _ L T O C k uud SON. .203 MlchlianOpen Sundays. . • .. I.-' ftw..n.^, -Kt-nllworttc CH ' ' "

0037 ' -

.f_.~~— UJVlTATiONSr-Bliy 4rom at-tverlehccd, brofc.Hslonul printers and cn-uruvcrd. Bo»t nullity and price, fustti-rvlcn. Trvo p.irldriff at tho doof.ALlj-N PRliiT-JG CO., 41 North A>c-hue, E.. Crjutford, N, j . EvenlnB uptsointnicnld wulluble. QRld£<j ti-2244.

. J«iIC_l___ith&U3un<land 0110 lamp blvl.-di.-ii in stock. WSwill le-covtr uiiy tjpu lamp aliuuu; con-pletCvlamp and lamp bhadit repair de-

-tjartniettli—wp_t_hiimt--iiliiiSwm>.'^Ai>liABOUT- 50 p^rcont SAVINGS ' OHLIGHT ^ULBS..'...£.-T.'i.WlUlumtf, TriiS ,Cuntral Avihui?, Wtstiltld. EjcccllciitJ

ADume 1S-21SB. ' • If

K rOH T H E » S I G N ; .

'REALTOR1- ; --

clfCfpC^CTrqiSpjSC; tJUAtltWr m*W «*(finale. bft\».'c'iin-eii« of 25-55, S hoursila.lly..--SKl .60. per l\oiir. Consult Pollce,Cblt( tivUtt W. Pou-fcll. _ . 1-12

_ ^ _ _ _ _ ^ ^jf

A M A R V L L I ' B ' BULBS and Paper White:N15cliiTre~stloHtd'"he otartud Indoorn—NOW! Trubciibaeh'n l-'ccsl .and Sued,BRtdue Q-lUBl. 11U South Avenue, i'...



PORTABLES ^ $19.50 ujCONSOLES — $29.50 up






.„„,, , u u u ta. it. 3rd floor at IB-iN?rV Union. Avenue., corner. Aide,Street.. Idea! tat UH. KHiiinecrlur of

. K ^ ,,u.l order .tamp » « <fi.l-___

f c1180.

• I

. ' * ' . - ' •

• t • •

Piano Tutting

431 N6HUADairiH 3 - M U

Jutnble StoreJMlit-K STOKE upen tour, days a wul'k—Tubsduy.. WedliliduM, frldjy. Satur-ilay-U:yu A.M. to 4:UU I'.M. t'oi- tol-Icctidiis call mtldijc U-UrjJ ur UUld^e


w i u ALL iJAKES Wttahor^ and dry-er*; quick, dependable! service. ~ VAN'SCJ^AMFORD ELECTRIC, 8 Alden. Street,knldgo- B-04B3. .^ • • .-- .- • U

—HouUo repiirs. Palntlntfiija doors installed uitd xc-

' K I H h i J

hSteatt5J..;L,when "they l i a v c ' s 100, fi. yard' to p l wtheir tlnmes. ' On V^lny days-they willhnvb h r-.c. ro otn thitt.-U air eomtltloiuid.

;-o lovely bedrooins. two. bath!,, ultra.oca—klU3uuu-i!u!L 'tstseti _elr_h£ati Apercent-mortuauc. can be ossiimed^-


— . . • . • * • •


' -• •' .2-5 P.M. : v . '•'

See thti larUe split level with four'bed-rooms, i\j baths, ju«t 2 years old. ona di-ail end street. Qas hot nlr^hc.it,beautiful l»viio rec. room. "Science klt- '

'Clien.'llvlnti room with dlulni! L. Owner1

-k-. transferred and wants to sell quickly.

' ELIZABETH FEIELEY78 Cctitcnnial Avenuo B»_8-OU02 Tot tD STATION WACOM—IBM. nt"

'..mnttsr. Job. $350. Call UWlduo e-60!l

Real Estate Insurance

iS L

^ ^ ^ ^waikTbrn i tT

Home WantedLAllGKlt 11OME.< /our bffdrooms, nortl

side, location, ulvc detall.i. * Wrllo . toVox 367, in care^pf Cranford Citand Chronicle- _ -.. 3-2

IncomINCOME'' TAK »eiurnii--SinaH bui.liiCK

«,,.»t»\>ii»tm-rthii>ti and proprietorlpJ—IndlvM.uM ryturns proi^iilod I

Vsed Cars-Fpr Saletwa-door C

djij work:.

i\jMi.is*\C—165-t Itwo ^dooi', u hitei fullypowered. SI,000. Can'.BRidfce- fl-8053.

U1IU--iu58 - lomr-dnor- tedan. two-tuii'eisreen, r>uod ci>|iclitlon. MOO or beit o(-

. fei\ Cltldue »i;tJS(.O. ' . - . . . . . '

ROBBINS & ALLISON. IMC.• ; . : . v 1 — •:•• b u n t :• . • - • . ' . t j - -


Officers NamedWomeny

Mi's. J. C. Dlttmor was re-electedpvesidc'nt,','••• wt\" "the CranfordWomen's. Ret>tiblican Club atinooliug MondiUi, the hotne^of >

V a o a K r t h a vofiskcrs were



Call BRidge 6-089$ E»tl»nate»^€lieerfolly213 South Ave, Eatt Given on Any_

Crtnford,N.J; ^ Moving/Problem


tnethodK. C—tuical and populu. .jon»^J«J(oU_ houie. .tied Dorian Rood.

| r l f imt l j jml YfBaiVlSI IMoL Electric.

Carpftitry, DecoruUntf —i'—Anylhhiii . BENNERS1

ji'YMiiiltfrt'wrMfw. tf

In your, l: B-00D2





DA_NIEL K U S T K RVan lluren Avenuo


riiv.- ttuiiiuinu^ aluminum- niuutii. llepalrlnc und.alteratlims. Call

S. C. Kozlowskl. FUllon 1-081S.- "' -"

- Q U A L I T Y ••-••

FIREPLACE_W00DS10 per ' trucliload ; .

Frca delivery and stackingS h l d I'Anwood

Frca deliveJVJarUn, Schmlode


•1ANO ' INSTHUCTIONtT NCw fiTfmMarta Jiinuary lUth. Call IlUidUa <i-:ii5J. • a-a

RestaurantsGAS LIGHT IUi.STAUa.VNT imd CotUtal}

Lnuntt', Now •Juriity's iieuosit and mootiuvltinu .restaurant. Open • for' lunchand-duinor. Muuic- by charmlujt audtak-mud Cu'rtlu .Si^ttir*. Friday, satur-

stackingI'Anwood 3-0100


tora^etteHHome—SEE-Professional Services

, A C C O U N T A ' N T can aocoinlnddati!-a I wi r U i r v i T l W t l

181' North Ave., Kast. afCehtennlal AV«

BRidge 6-8110

ovety.'iucsday. WedntgdfcyCherry

an mH-.^ VhaxxiX Thursday uvenluu.Stvcut, ELi_ilicth o-&'i74.


Nursing ServiceSIANTOJUiv KKNlbWOUTH-V.JJ.A—toi-

Ifiiiii-rul nuiKliiL'. Vlaiui. 11VI«M1CH<IIC«,matornkl mid Infant cure, health edu'-

U ' - - " * " ' ' " " • ' • " » 1 - 1 -

Cali BR .64888Vive Ycat Unconditional Guaranty

Vree EstimatesAmalgamated services Co.-41)0 Orohiird St.

Kht. 11M8 1-12

Anr_tCbofc „Ben Wurn*rHuth Price Kev« ...Hazel Hamilton ......Lucia OTHHTnuy 7~Gertrude TurkLaura M S

..„ 6R 8-3120v crri 8-aolO

BK 6-5173.:...AD M m


more, ciiuiiii t...^.^...., - -Call . l lHldie H-tlaS or -write In..Ida.- in . care of. Ciuu(oft) Citizen'Chronicle. . . '•-""* .

FreeKITTENS, completely limiKebroken. f

Cray and one black and while. Callc-ims.

,.u,_-UIt«4Ut41„.-.._ Wl 0-1)531

TntnringTOTOHING Mich School und Collea

tubjticta. Cnrolus T. Clark. U,A, tValo).LL.U., Ed. M,. 3:<B M6untirin Avcmw.

l l d Call ADutna 2-34&1. U


Rentals•, Dahcted, trecepUuns, ^

rillin»r» — modern kitchen»OUR BOWLING ALLBYS

A B.C.' ApuroUrH•1 RJvenid* Dr- ' toRidtf* B-nili

•1FAST \ N D CdOTrtTJiOUa iJERVlCK>K. ltlEAt. EiSTATtf- it^ INSDHANCE .'

'Never ask far tomoww: it i

cvei^nroscnt, hc lp.:. and if yolt waitppyor rloiihtinff.• von -will have;al

Cemetery Plots

P.M.. oaiuiuBjr v »...«-., — _•orvko Suxidoyi tot {ho'Uday«.

Xiosiaitd FoundLOST—Sun_U>iica, dai(j brown frame,

titty lilass, . white ' spucklvd ...ca.se;"klmisvh & l.omb" niinivd. on v.\-.,c.i'W.it..c cull Ullldue' CV-tlOlll. \

Mortgage MoneyMOlffC.AGK MOMKY


North & Union A v e n u e Craulor'd

Dressmaker, Alterations'Ai.wu&'rifiN&'tirebjMaklntt, ilppiim rc-

' . SELLING?,W*U, now _t'thci rlsht tinw to t u t

your b o u u on the market I I I :Cull today.1 Our clHck-nt »Lal< will btt

happy to- eoliiull witlt-iruu—Wlthaumny.obllnitioo. ' • . . .

;„. tiU 3-SS80BR(S-4319

... J, . SU 0-0003-I . . . £L. S-3S31

BR p-3QM„»...„.., i lU 6-8734

,.,.«il...V* DH B-S774..i..y.-U. Bll BBaaS



Mi's. JI.' A. Batrforrf, a n d ' corrosyocyctary,- Mrs, J . N . Kf-

lems; auditor, . .. ..•'MrsT' . Mak'olrtu Jffchnson was

hntncd chairman of the 'annual'luncheon vtS April. ;. ' L '

Mrs _ tMUiher and Mrs. Law-rence will attend 'the N. rJ^SUiii!Moderation of. Republican Wo-_mi;n's (orum to be held in the.Princeton Inn on February 7. s

Pollini; placus have been in-creased from STxi~t6~ i>lncr"for~thc-'oominji scliixil; election. . Chock.->»ouv voting placu •in the ofticialnotice of tbL' election in tho Jan-uaiy 5 Citizen and Chronicle, suc-tion 2. pa[;e-iJ._ .. ^

What.is triieT"slmp!*'"ai»d"$inccrc;congenial •to n.iaii's; oaturo,




Alrports^~rGfcm4 Ceritral~&—-Pennsylvania Stations, N.Y. Piers

•".... — Day Trips,— . /.


-__s_r—/ — ^BrDbcba. Vtop*


: ' • . J"oxjndod In 1888

Vort-fro/it 'ffoifSectarinnr


••_/ Larger Reserve Acreage ' : . ~T~~

' '. VWiOrTofe, always welcome

, , '. Leaflet upon request .''"':"

' Superintendent's fUOO EAST* BROAD STREET

ITCL AD'a-0781..'1! . • ,;

B x t % f f125 B___~STHEErr

-,] • 1W. AD

Gates Close at fc

Interment __wilt be in Hollyw6odMen\orial Park, Union.• Born- in-''-Elizabeth; she lived

uate of Jonathan LJyHigh, Sahoo'i; Springflea member of ; Trinity . EpiscopalChurch, Cranforsl.,"

She is survived by her husband.Edwa,rd'j> Kqznoivicz; two daugh-


• r •

' , . : , , • M , . . . . . • ,'.'.., "Wiree students at .Cnmford High.- School ucl-e

Region II All-State, Baryi followirt|f iryoiits Ft;:i;%vHigh School. r ' y l . ' . . ' • . • • " • . ' • .

.... .Rita 'gcrns'tein.» daughter1 of .Mr. and' l!r>'. .J.es*-.

She. was n'anVed (Irst chair oboist,''—~and wili'plpx-in the All-Stjile'Band1,for- the secind year.' She is a;j t l n i o r . • - ' -. -.. •'" ' ' .'"';

'Warr't'ri Jacobi. son of'Mr: andj.Mrs. K- E- Jacob.i .-of 105 "Fhamas j-gstreet, will play the 'clarinet -..fpril §J\the;borid." "He

in Vthe i-Rcgioh';"IJj'..al-freslirnan T r-1'-

, . . •'Tabat'l..a1'souh6>npre.;\.va.-; 'h. ..l,:f?V_',v.'.''

selected'for (he -second >var- ^ K ^ b p . i ;.the Region IT band. Son -.of- Mr, r ^ \ : ^ . . _ , -and Mrs:. \villVam;Tubat of i8 | (- t<u^Ct ' t" v > v ^ '.Shetland, ••'•drive,, he playlj'" \\

i^'NliWHOMK.*- Mt. nrid'Mra; AltVijd ?! ehiiirn.;TornitVly of Kasi.

"•Aiiic.'Kcu»t 'E;

i s ^ - m - j & ^ ' r - U ' h i.vi' *;.•<.;•••:•*' ?*••• •• ' ^ ^ ; • : ^ ^ ^ ' 3 ' ^ v r ^ : ^

, ' - ! f . : f c v t " : ' . ' V K f : ^ T i - j f e - - f K ' - X ^ ; - 1 * • - : « - ^ .••• r ii: •'• ••'?.':':' ."• • ; . ' • ' : . ' Z ~ ; : . : * i k t n g $ ib:^-.---..V!.'^'y:wi;:J-«^^SI'.ia..;.,---:":-/j •.-.•- ;• • •?•' •••,;•'' ••.- - -• '-• '•'•-• >.^f^--r-~>f-.~'~

have pur'ch.9S.cd;-the above hpme'at-727 Willow street. Mr. and Mrs.riv,g.ii1Vv»":,y"rTr7/rnwi^^;tiWRB^^

hoine on Shawnjep 'road. ; Mr. Dusch is :afir«.'^t'.utivc! • u:ith thev Federal Pacific Eieclric;Co.. The"home WJIS Multiple. Insjed and .

Sold by'Laura'M-acGregor of the-oftiec' o'f C. G. NU'W, Realtpra.and

[• Insuroni.

texs, Mrs. EstherYork, Mrs: '"Pearl RobirSon : o.f>Jackson -Heights,;'L. 1'., Mrs. MaryE, .Sims 'of Jamaica,.L. I., .Mrs.-Plor*inot^EiBbuy--^^th»^C«;infoxiiaddress and Mrs-. " 'address and Mr a " White ofEdison: six sons, George.E., Jr., 51

' " R ' ^ t t h e

^avenue, WesUteld, at -8:30 ,a:m.

The KeRipivli Band concert willbe Sunday', Wbrilarj" 19, ar Unibii,Kifih~Sehool.' The AH-StijtL- H:\ndconcert' wjjl ;"b«;"held Sunday^

..at Pehnjaujcen;:nt

stfumental, musi.c -at, tliescho6l; necoiwpariied the students.'lo ,the.'try-outs.

plot.A native of BuyohncM she lived

here 25. Roars'. She cmn-

-erick'of-Eiizab.eth^ArthUi-otJLin-.den; 30 Rrandchildren and 7-grbut-"grundthlldreqi'ihree Sisters. Miss.A. li. Crawley'of Westuold,. Mrs.Margaret • Duck of"Asb.ury, Park

[and Mrs: Betty Cheatham. ot

mimicnht'ot St_ Michael^TChurctT.She was fhe widow-of -Wilbur "E.

tAtXin^pln School

'Graham .,'• Trevaskis, . eicchanjji;student' from.Melbourne, AiLstra-

ivintiave Uvo..i-Kons1,. Hay-R.,' ot"TFanvvoSa 'Sn'd' .Jt'sri E.

lh i ldfe^andtwb^5rothDrsrWili iamF. O'Grady o'f Cranford and Joseph.O^Grady*or BayoTint'", ^ ' ' " " ' '•.'•

Blackiitone, Va.

-Charles V. Lindbloom' ,GhorlciitV. • Lirid'bloAm1, 77, of. 12Netherwood terrace, East Qrantie;•a"; .former resident of "Cranford,^H'ACliirlny ri): homo after a

brief illucss. .c.05 -were..condueted _5\

jjHpme, 'Orange.. Interment was inP i i C t » V y W ' e s t f l C i l t l ^

OfMissiowrySunday Slated

GARWOOD — In oblse'rVaittcc o |International Missionary Sunday,tliL'-Ruv... Paul rcuklccT. a

llrr, .will visit .Lincoln School on•Monday aft.er his visit was''ciin-'cenu'dT^by—fctrc—si'iuvv.s.fcuiin—test

;;i:>ito;ial Clitirchesif r.he .ti!)iijt-ct of "a-rii- Sc-v. Kicharfl J.'Mi- -of. St.' iydTs•:.iv SA-IJM; Kjiiiiopala\i T-rinily Parish

•Kail. ;fathor &&z

vector at the•in Geneva to.;hla stay ho-'v:anrl-'Ti'l-'r*! ;;-

..'AiT5fc*lcan. .Chlir.ch: .yvir.' •und.- duringii-.L-i titfilion. -Piiris-i . > • ; . , - . , . , . , ; , t i u V-:,^


by 'S .treas-ui'ir,;

Mrs.1. XVtllisti '-'de :'-Brjgara wasappointiH*" eS^iniiiiJi cf the annualcake Sile--t<> tier held Friday. Feb-ruary- 3,'. a: R:'.r«in"i Druii' Store. •

*TTTr—Pw.tiri:?<»".-"|vi.rn U' l l l guHX' a

luncheon "tor ihc'-llofary Ciufcrj

ulr^,R.' M, Dorise iviJl facc•siiift!d_by r^rs.' C. C. .Goodfcllow

monthr •;-;- '•. ;,•; ,..;;r-. • ' . : j"Mr; .'I1rev;tskis7~who-isvStudytni;i

at~"Cplun1bia ~ University; - '-NewYork, will speak at 'two' a^so.mblie'i;tyid "visit fourth7~KradiL»'' flasseswhich have been studying AusutraaT

The t!iiest will be honored'at -uh h f Mluncheon at the home of Mrs.

Thomas Bentson. Guests will beMrs. Ruth Ja'noVb-ik, Mi.ss Bea-trice Wiirner.JMtrs. Frederick Todct,"and Mrs. .Hicluird 'Ernst.

A -. noininaiinji committoe. hassoil- selected -as-follows: 'Mrs.

Vnw .THoAkoi, chairman.

mis«ii"onary to Hon« Kohttserving as-prtStestaht minbler- i6

" ' l ^ ^ ; ' ' "

Mrs. Robert Gwilliam, Mrs, Alleni

Tcch»iology. in. 'Philadelphia; Pa.,^ V ' P i '

."'Azure'Lodge''120;-' F&AM, con-ducted a servico Tutsdyy at thefuneral home. .. Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Lindbloora.lived^in EHzabtith. WesUteld'andCranfora lioTore. moving to East;"Orange, ,* : : r-..-

Hewas formerly employed- as amachinist by-the Anjerican TypeFounders, Inc.;-Elizabeth., He was. a member of.:^zure Lodge, j . . ,, Surviving .art4""his\ryr\ie,> Mrs.'.l4iy.:JW'cbb "'iiindblpoM', and five

s i s t e r s , : , : ••. . ; — ; — . " • ' •

United Churdi'pi: Christ this Sun-day. '. ""' . ' > •' Church Schbol will meet at: 9:^

worship-.will be

will convono at 7 p.m. . __'„ The Ladies' Aid-Society willmeet ut 1:30 p.m.-today-and conrTirmalion class will meet with thepastor, the Rey^ Stephen" Sztibo,at. 3:30 p.m. -.Rehearsals w i l l beconducted for the Senior Choir at

:. the Chancel Choir at 8

ima-. Mrs?.- v.aisii:-a H. OJjl.U'e/rcshmtrt;?1' •v.'i-re at-rved by

Sirs'.' Kob^r't Qiziaro rind- iM»s

Teaching CourseIn Tax Assessing

Eci'vvard K- W^rk-owith, Cranlord tax iusts-^vrTivill teach .a clasin "Prmcipte of Municipal 'As

Monday.tihr>; 3,

r-oin ":30 to 9:Js. boijiiiHinji JanIho fprin a sched

_coirrsj?s. in baj;

•Orange,.,have'jiwyed info thttiVnovv lioine at "24 . ,yhovvii'abovT1', 'riu1 property wasr MuUi|>k'. Listed' by the B. S.Willoutghby. JReul-'Estate, Co. and sold by : Mi* •Paulino •ci'rciYUtler'-oitlieo^ici'ofvG. E. Howlaud, Realtor. ' ' 'V " """' ' '

ttended' tho ffchh1 distvU't.m't't'tingJa.st vOivk at CaptrN. U. Pisl.to. Posi

pxiary a Ciiix<^n <ihd Clifoniclo, 'st'i;-'. 2,. paj;e"!!. ' ' ' , . ' '

,' placos lu\ye_ Ketih Jhrfront siic to nine ijir theschQOl

yoiiiiii "place i olfitlal

" It' a voting 'machine doss; notfunction pvopei'ty, notify1 tlH.'.eliaii;-in;jn "of- thV-'poHi'ttu Llistrii-l,' v-4i(5"

rrl-|' ized County Board of Kl

notice t|(. lli<i election in the Jan- paivman

• h -

W * ' _ * ' _ _ _ • ' \

|"MTS. Richard

Mrs. .Finest-, Gt'it^or.; and

Lincoln School areas in the SchoolLofereijdum on. Tuesday between

_ aud-b p.m. im:\ Districts S, 10, 5,Wal,nut Avenue , School; .Districts11 and 18,' Lincoln School.

ti uidva vS «ni:n:cJjjal_aKi;essinB

Tile- basic- will

inuton and zr^c i,dvanved course in"Cansboro ar.j Ii

pbureau ir

u-j"Ji the Rulers-ensws -Hicsc train-

J .A'high mass of requiem wllt"l3effered" tomorrow at 9. a.Vn, at' St;.

Michael-'K Church /or JWr,>i. AnnO'Graely Jordan, 78... o£ 205. NorthLehigh' avenue, who dletLTuesday.l«f iVTuhTcinberif "HoisiJltai,! Plaih-Held", after a long, illness. • -".'•--

_ The funer&L will' be ..from poo-'ley Colonial Home, 550 "WesUleld



8 p.pii.:

'be a. meetinffoCrlhetign j:i_ducatioti a t

! ' ' ' ' ' : • • '

JPaper~0i*iye Saiiii*<layFor Little League Fiunl—~GAR.WOO1D — A pa'p«'r drive toraijC! fiinds for the Garwood Lit-tle League will be conducted this1

Saturday, s t a r t i n g ' a t 0 a.m. LeoLiskovec and Peter North ace co-chairmoii. _^

Construction of tlie Ll» fieldhouse atufruncs V. Guerrieco Field,interrupted for tlie holidays, h a sbeen resumed, and Joseph U u m -enik, league president, this \vepkissued a n ' appeal for voluiiteersfor week-end work. . ~" •••

Students to HearOrkiitat Seminar

; Piofesor ' Saul Orkin -. "of ,-the.Union Junior College Jaeulty will

k tpiii^ht iri the fifthbe

seminars for Cranford Hiyh Schoolt.' Union J u n i o r . l l

"Hison tlitf Individual Citizen, PubVteiiState •Uuivv.'ih'iy.. 35 Collefie ;K'C,-Opinion, and.RetireSehtativVslGi'v-

I'ori'iment."! During-Itist year's sor-iesr ProTessoi- ' Orkin spok.e on-^oiigin!j_and-J_taaslo_ro.Q!tit. o£ -.the•Democratic-'Stale:'' -•-• : '

' Professor Orkin, who \vas theaiitlioi: of the- widely-circulatedcoluiiin, "Presidential Politics1U60," will discuss the role of thecitizen vis-iwvis his government,the nature of publie opinion asexpressed in public opinlonhpollsand elections, majority rule—riuhtor wrbiii^f aMd publ[c policy—theresult of majority will,, the delib-eration;: of the Legislature, ..and

1 th^iidmlnislration of law by ex-perts. !'• ' • • - • . . -

coursiV for'"1ax u:.;soK<;ors arethe Aasflffjattosri el "Municipal. As-

rs of.Kew Jcrt-v,.. Local Prop-erty Tax Bisir'fij'U, Ke'w Jerey A's-sciciatiott of" Cou^ly. iBoard -Com-missloucrs Sad Sircrvtories, and.-New Jersey Sia' t League of Mu-uicipalicies. " — • .. Ke^istra'ion information 'fnr anyof th»j canters T.v3:ere lhe programsav-i bt4;i2 ftfJt^^d may be obtainedfrom. th«y pSfss*? ai tlie Uwivarsity


Edltbrsrilepor t onOLDS-F:i510,000-tVSile Test!

uue, N

Twob " S


David M.10th ttrovf.

stro«;t was

Two nowby Kon-

-.-i- 22S0. VFW. at a'S Tiwrsd.ayi They arv:o»:mJ2.--. J r . . ai 5!) Southa s d Jowph G. Dvor.sky

issiik of IS South'22ndwi_i_ity as a member.-

C6mrttapr>d«.! J . a i a t _ _ hlas Capi-tV. akid HayiYiond Grippo

GAUWOOD — David Silva,of tlin litorn-

5bi"ttlir'of tyrants.-^ Baker Eddy.

wiur lU: Bi(e_hi!>kl»li. ............ . -I. buttonholes. lIULduO li-SlSO.


CliSTOM Al.Tt-IiATIUNS: ffir- u|i|b'ilnt>mint vail ^ln.. HWIIII, llllliUiu K-l-l'M.

nichlrd Schwlh _..Juiiit— pr^a'd^o6t .»..-Joe SJlratfllultu .........Mlnolu Andcrioli ....Hunuah Lynch .........Mary GlurdallaChurlcj Nvwmiitt.tdwatd Shlnikus —

Rcaltbi- . " • Insuroi

B. S. WlLLOUGHBY,tleul ilitato Co. Open 6-0 12 Clark St.

PersonalUll.I^S COl.tfcCTEt). -No colUuU

oluiiie. Call J'LulMlU'ld 7-43U3.

lect• (J--JU3.

Wanted To ^uy




Nut or ^ IQ Allt I - . • . • • ! i •

Fill Your Coal Bin Howl wtih

13.00Pramlum Anthxadl^

mi o-itiai

fin4 Aider) Street. CraiUord

i liM B-!iisoAluhu do 1« Motte .~:..... bRMildred Vari Ctcldcr- .:. '.... Bll tt-Oi-tflfc-lorlilo Unley U...-._J-'....-...'-. llH tf-JKJO

- v ABOVEaJSTINGSArc ollcrcd iliru'kiiciiiber olTI(c«*'of~ilie









SHAHEEN"Over Hali A Contur/ of Service"

BRIDGE 6^)77715-17 NORTH AVE.,E.

- U-- ' %


BR 6-1144 — AD 3-1061^- SU 9_H2362 North Ave^t. , Cranfprd, N.

ture.committee of SL.Aime's llolyName"* Soclotyr reported, comple-"tioti of tho- committee's campaignin ' the boro'ueh at_ the . society'a'monthly meeting recently. .

listed the followlh'i;

KENILWORH.be. discussed for the Sixth annual


form.'; signifying cbmpll'anee withthe" campaign-.aims: Hidl's,- TheHut, Su^'ar Bowl, Melka's, Do-Crislpforo'H -and -Bey eza % • ~

-Ejoosters nt "L . . .8 o'clock in tlie> music roSfii aiHarding School. _. v x

•The concert will be hel'd Fxiday,I January 27, at 8:15 p.m. Miss Lor-'j raine Conovcr, music supervisor.J

be master oTceremonies. Pt-o-

Italiun-Atiierieini Group1C6 Take'.<T_ur of Itiily'

V1 KENILWOK'rH—A Mm, 'TourI; of Italy'"^r5r;ovid'e(l by Pan Ampr-l I ica nAInvays will be shtronrf at

U BtXINOWlfeU) AVKfiOK, O&ANTOttD- • .

>/ Cnmford and vicinity an

[.the February ,S_ meeting of. thoTOHisrlci'i'^" Wtrffa^c; • Ass

iatiori.The-fllm will be the "tirst it

series to- bo^shown at monlfilyEujJerie_ Coppola, pi

fessional talent will be featured.



^onoinieaMake your own F-85 TEST today!


REILtV OLDSMOBILE, INC., 530 North'Aye., E.



outstanding funeral home, complete ttiith air

conditioning, organ, lajge light rooms for your '

every convenience* Our own display room.. »'

• L

Mr. and • Mti. iThomas. feljaslwere, welcomed as hew memberxat il mletinii last T/iiursday in St..Theresa's ca&terja,! Gasiper Drn-KO WM.-J app61nted Hergcant-iat-arms. ' ".'"' ' ' : ;

Sam V. .Vitnfe - wresldelit, con-ducted the tS

¥ B. Cray, Jr. funeral Diredon F.B. Gtqy,Sr*

Republicans &Screenhi^ Cominittee

•KBNtlLWORtH —' A scroenlnj;comwiitu-e to consider candidatesfor mayor and Borough Council inthe primary Kkction was namedby the Kunii«.k)rfh Ri.'publlcatt'Club last Wednesday at a tihjjfa Neville's Itnlich .rfo'use.' Albert Simmenrolh,. Jr.,

numod chairman. Commlitei- meni-tw-Bernard frou-jtot,

7 glorious days on the -sunny io?.~*517O upSail away' from vyintcr oil one of Incres1 fanu-d "liirppvl>i)K'" 'ihi- pApu'l;ifw NASSAU'. Sfails Fiidays al;7 I'.M.

— • • • • I • - - . . . . [ . . . j . . . . . .... .

to tlie'-Siiii'drcnched tlithafnaS., Built solely- for p'lcasuj-e-; criiisiity.-it hiis all first-class accommodations—niivcomli-

lioning, va>;t Ltvlo ilccks, sleek hluq-ljled pools, superbContinental cuisine, and an'ilt'tcntiye Itnlian staff. Pick




Vtajih, EuUc-nu Coppola, andLGeoyio D. Conkliiv " I .

The uroup will meet tbninht atI the home,- of Mr. Coppolu, 5bo

Sheridan avenue. •

b6_* pro**** »W c^og . M

ttttmiatf raildaoc*.On* poKfy1 pro>U*i •*>•

your cruise—and

TD MASSAU i» th» BAHAMiASEvery Ffldsy et 1 p.m. Tho SS.NASSAU/

7-DAY CRUISES Jan. 13 • 20 « 27, Vfo. 3 • 10,MarclT"3 • 10 .i U • 24 . ... $170 up

••'—'" 1ODAV CRUISES TO NASSAU'Jl HAITI 'Feb. 17 • March 31 .,.".'. $250 up . .

50% "FAMILY PLAN" Reduction on January Cruisai



\iU. 1 8 U 0 A V S . S port* •


M u\>U«8.'B 13DAV5. & forts •Caster Crclsu

MAU. 32 1] DUrV» D iloni • •J30O up

A v.i<J.i choice ol sun • tltoiictudPorts: Klniiiton, St, Thouiui ,l l d u s a u . S i n Jiui)', l'ort-ui|>

i, DonillliCJ. I

Scyouirtrayel^iit .• Groi-«Ja.

INCRtS LINE, J'J B(oad*JV: Now York 6. N. V. Dltby -J:J6

: . : v ; . . ' : ' . • ; • • ' . . . - . - . . . , ( . , • • . - — . • " • • • - " • . . " ; " r " . . . s • * > - ' • • , • ' • • - . - ' • • • ' . • • . - . . . • . ; . • ' ( £ f f i:

- ' ' " ' • . - • ' . . ' , • • • . ; • • • . - • " • • - . - • . • ' . -:

' • - • • . - • " . . ~ — ^ . - ± T Z : - • - • - , • • ' . • < " • ' • ' " , ' , • . . • • . • • . • • ' . - ' . . ' • • • • • • . • • • . - ' . . • . • - • , • - . . • - y ' • . • • > • . . i . • • • ' ; • , " • : t;

. • • ' . • " : • • . . • . . • • • " • • . . , . • ; * • " . - • . X : ' , ' . ' ' - ' i•V . . - , ' . •/ ' • >

• . • • • . - • • " , • • ' . ' • • . ' j . . . ' . . - • ' ' • • • 4 ' '••. • "

; " ^ • • ' ' 7 . ' ' . .

. '•

" ] ' ; ' • ' ' • .

I . ' . • ' • • . '

• " 7 .

* • • :

• • * '• ; : v . , ' - ' , " . • • - , . ' ^ i i * ; - ; - . • ; > . , ' • " • : . - . " .-..'


TrV- . •, • 1 • • » ' • » ' ., of 250 antiuue telephone lambs b\

Todays Junior Achievers,.who will bo. the-indiuina!, communityarid cducfltionatTit-ucii'rs ui

and sold 7(j lamps at $11.95 each."Membets of JA-LITE. Co'. fr6m

Cranford-. High School are: Kath-erine E; Marek" of-. 7i-3 Willowstreti,'Susan L. Montgomery of-22-Coiby-iane,—Jtihn-1^

a substantial dividend" for the.- 325 'stockholders -'who purchased -41t).shares of stock jn their JA-LITE Co., a Junior Aehk-vimc-nt company,'sponsored.Kahway.

by the JRcgina Corp.,.company- oiticigl located' a supply

The;_23, boys nnd. girl's from nirie i and shipped th^m "to. The-Aehieversafter .-a^'m'u'tu'i'iJy-satii^ct'ory price

A.,.Sechler of' 15.: Sylvester streetand Tara E. Shull of 47^ Brook-side place. -, .


Fire AuxiliaryPlans Biis Trip;public arid parochial high schools

in the. Union County area scouredr.:the

obsolete•was . ___

. -grade in schtJctL. ropla . . . . . .%hc^'sear^'''tcrmiftated^--••fo•r•'"';4hti 'acting:'oii the" on Mui":'aii • light1 Ybnkers. on -Saturday, FebruaryAchieved-in-trie-wilds of Wyom-! switch. The' Acffiovcrs haye,_estab- j 13. .-Mrs. Georgeing ^Jien a Wyoming• telephone.) l ishtd a production anil ^aK-s quouii-iiiuii; annouii5eiljj|.ial-irii; u



Sizes 1 to 8 — Reg. 1.29"



ANTIQUE LAMP MAKERSl-r Using: assembly line' technique. Junior Achievers (lefts''-to', right).Robert' O (Hermann of Rosellc' dls-iissembies obsolete upright telephones while Patricia A. Scchter of.il5" Sylvester street* Dennis A. Miller of. Rpselle, Susan 'L.-'Montgomery, 61 ,22 Colby lane and ychn'•A O'Connor W-'-7l>rSp'ringr'i'^right George C. Laberhiem. vice-president of the Regina -Corporation of Rahway,-who .^jves as

• adviser" to JA-LITE"Co.i observes production work. The Cranford-young people . attentf Cranford.1 School and the others vre from Abraham Clark High School, Rdselle. ' '

Reg. $2.98 (odd lots)


S«l PAJAMASi. Reg. $2 ;98-


tegr$\n Reg. $2:98

1.47 1.97C:- BOYS' and MEN'S



^ LEEPIRSSizes 1^-3^-R'eg. $2:75—(Disc. No)_


SWEAT-SHIRTS^—Reg, to $2.98

open to the/public and the bus will"leave tbe - Boroufih Hdll - at -4:30

p . m . - , • ; • • ' . " • , , • ' • • ; - - . _ ; _

Mrs.. Rodner' -will. serv« as in-stalling officer for the Ladies'.Aux-iliarv, of ".the Kcnil worth .Fire. Pe-partment orTJanuory 20. " __'.-.._,

MrsrMatthe^ Hirsch, Mrs. Ben-jamin Froat and Mrs. WilliamKlcerrian were hostesses at lastThuVfidoy niuht's tneottng•. in-.,thcBorough". Hall jinnee- ;Mrs, JOtb^.'man, pre"s1dent," presided. •: •';, x

Officers Set p=:GARWOOD Gerhardt Walsch

was- reelected president • of theBoard of iHealth and, John Schnit-zer -watl named vice-president at

^ h n F J t r i



" - i ; ^ ; $2.98


Sizes -3-14 T - Reg. i,3.



Reg. $3.98 and $4-98


SSESReg. ;J3.98 to 5l98 '

nex Monday night. •• ;Appointments for 1961 were tin-'

nounced-by MrrWalsch1 'as fol-

Seefetary, Thomas J..',' Gebghe-4.

Jolin L.Banyasz; medjeaI officer,Dr. ' Francis M. Karney; publichealth nurse, • Mrs, .Peter Rl'zzo;plumbing inspector, Stephen J U ^len; "plumbing examining board,Mr. Allen, "Henry Pfeiifer andLawrence F.. Dltzej. •

The ".b'oard" vottd Xq 'hold itsmeetings on."-the '• first-Monday ."ofeach mohtlviHbtead of-the secondM o n d a y . ", . . ' • • • ' • - • ~ •

• ' . ' J v


Community ResourceProject- G A R W O C - D — - A community re-source project, is bein* conductedby_ tkc School' Service..Club of the

pvision jOi[Mr's. Marjorle Nobbs. _^ t ^ iIN!

. . = . • 1 ! t t o


Final — •

iliiLXVII: No: 52,; 3'-Sections; j22 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSBAY, JANUARY 19,-J961

Second Cli»» Poitns«At Cnmlord. N. 3.

deposed Next Step

Cranford's/ municipal ...bud-get,-whieh will be introduced

Fucsday night's meeting ofthe' township, Comnuttee,total $l,427,641:?ir~an:in-Wease of $29;098.70 or about 2berceht higher than the 1960municipal, total, it was: an-loifficed yesterday by finance

* 4

denr.6i! Schools Lewis F. Laird, aquestionnaire has-been sent tohomes in the_borough asking tormaterials,, slides, films, picturesand souvenirs of this country and

Tforelgn countries visited by thepeople of Cnrwood. „

_This_irifofmatioh is to be cata-logued by the club_and kept onfile for use in ' the clagsyooriis.Tencht-rs -and pupils then willhave information to displny anduse when they are studying about•'fhese sections of the world.

pointers ih the DOWNT position.



Oiir AnnualSeamless Stockmgs

Save up to 1M on ewjiy. box!. .

Service Sheer

Reg. 1.35

. Reirtforcedl Sheer


Micro-MesK / •

Reg. 1.25 3


,,,.. .... . *L*u.;-MttMm*-r:



III Karat •• *.JJ nilnl Kyiriharf1''fountain pcl>"W ull itrpi r»rk- .ur'Joltiir L ll point peii. . ..'fncrah"!" elcculd Uljcheli clock. :

bold uumctiU; »w«cpGO SOME TO BEAT THE OLD MAN"

-Gotta go somq to beat Qld Man Winter top.Keep tip your family's resistance to colds andjlness .with Vitamins. We stock a wide variety

df Vitamins-to meetreach ne$4:

, S500 Oft MOKE . .-•••,'A bcnUlKul,. I': In. Silver ServiceA bcnUlKul,.iV.iv liy .slierlUJtii ' ri-nturl'iiv H

niitnrn d f lvtclu-d th-'iiiu throunli"Ut..

$1,000 OR HI6UE'.,. .Kraeoii 'liUnfccl.': Midc .

l,y tin- lur

Isle" blanket |» »)t miractlvc ad-ditluii to llltiu- bcilt-oolu. L K


<) Gift t>rr CuBtoiijur—H.lhiUt'd "IVriod—ACT NOW'! ,.



Commissioner J. Howard Mc-1 The estimated Tax :r,ate for this

wuist. is $9.13 pex;'5TM'ol asses^dtaLuatipn, an increase: of '24jpoints|vcr last-year's rate."Th&• maYks"|he smallest annual iump in_t?xes•icre in four-yea'rS". • • ' •" ~'

The'tax'rate is estimated on the•nji&un.t, of the Board of.- Educ'a-:lion's proposed-bu'dgerto'be'.raisfd

tcsentlhg bne-half til tho: 1960-61Ichool budget and one-half of thes Jtll-P? vrVinnl yosts, as . w.ell as£•195,000 for county purposes:. TheIc)iool"tigurc-.;is- $183,367 -higherIhairbst yt-ar and the county esti-Inatc is up.433,000.: _ ; .';;'

The proposed municipal-budgetrCommissioner McAteer explained,

provisions—r-for • modest

Tux K£tes for!astllO_Year&i

_ Crahfordy tax rates. for^'thiS•past decade follows , • -.••'•.1951-.,.......,...;..;.. .;.....^..;' 55.191952-;:.-, ••"•::„•••••,;>.•••.•• ••:.-.••. 5 . 5 9

1954 v.;;....:;...:;.'...;"..' 6.211955 ;.;...::.....;;.., - 6.521956 ......:.'...., . 6.751957, : •'..,. ^...V..... 0.97

-1959-I960. ?.:..•...-....-....<.;•...,:.... &89

- . A referendujn' for 'UVQ-acQuisU^n"^Hand^^^lneeds probably will be the Board ot'fiducatib'n's nexTstPBrit^as in-."^ lilclHcoV^Uttidji^revcning following def ef tpf thei board's proposal, for

a. new" high schdpTgn6^ittniar_Jiijghscho6l> — . •-, •.-.-••••--' - ' ' "• '^iij- conaidcljunlf?tq-^icauiHng.Jand on,, Orange

In JrlHigh-Appointment of Miss •Gcraldino

Clemlnson,"principal of Blooming-dale Avenue School, to- a newlycreated position of director of-ju-nior liliJti^chool education wanior hiiJti^chool education wapproved'" by the Board of^Educa-T i ^ T l T i n i ' g l j t i g .^Tues-day "night-in fcincoln School.'

prf.Clark W.'• McDermith, super-intendent of •.schools,', pointed putthat the new position was createdin art effort ^o meet the need for•additional^professional service incurriculum improvement;-" evalu-{ion, and selection-of instrudtional

aboard'willaycniic, Hillsidcavenuoand m-uue-n-u* t** u.vu.»«.6ii«n. «,~.o,^,~j.~James E.'McGoVhey,.;ch'aifman of th&building'committee, stated. .; ..•'•• "Those "wlio own property at these1 siteS-haVei'sthc.. right to adecision," Mr.' McCbviey. said. . _ . • '-; . -•• • » ; • . • • • • ••

The'-QranKC avenue and JH^Uiside avenue tracts j.m'e •valued at

Sdiopl Bttdget JumpsResuUs

VcS. No

ing $2,680^303 TotalS261.000,The cost of acquiring the Hillside avenue slteis estimated-at $15 ,000and thc'tJra'nfje'avemic site at $104,000, it was stated. ' _

While the-board plans to analyse1 the results 6 t Tuesday's specialelcction_ahd n6t rush.into.anythingr both Mr'.J^cGovney and ivirs. u.,HolmesTWilliamsVpresident,.said'that.prcparatibns for the land jici"

^ I T ^ ^^j ^ ^\l H \J fc \.I \ I t * \J 1 | \ T ^ T ^ f l T T ^ r ^ • • • • • ^ 1 m . • • • • . — » ^ ^ — ' ' ' » ' . I I " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^

Education released its •proposed_l961-62 budget.....tStallnK S2,tiH0iSt)3,- - >The amount to be raised by taxation will be• $2,.13p,250, an in-_ , - / 1 n c C i j T i o u n i . i o o u r u i ^ u t - i uy U I A U I I U U W J I * y » - v w i . « ^ i - — « i »*•• - • •

crfcasc of• $l83-,3't}7 over last year, ehannjnttTliTdd.nnanisa chairman.

lidditipns to: the-.employe suiff asfollowsiit<',,'•' ' . • ' ' " ' •

Two patrolmen- in-the police de-la.rtmcnt,' raising the personnelfrom 38-to 41). ' . ." ' . . : ' .

One additional employe to serverbs assistant' township • engineerfind assistant building inspector.'I. One ' mechahic in the public

" (ConUnilcd on Paoc t) ~ .

S30"3TQ06._convent.Church will^take place at the siteciffXlden street1 ftt 373tFfp.ro. Suff7day, thc Rt;jRev. Msgr. William._B.Bonniujly, pastor, ahnounced yes-terday.



ment and guidance; "of .practice•teachers - and-to work-with". begin-ning teachers. ~ ' ' . ' . '—-

The new, t)ir,cclor also vyill aid in^ ^ i h i i h

HolmesTWilliamsr president,, sa id . . tha t .ppquisition refereftdujn will be started before the.annual Sfchoolt e l i r u a r y l ' 4 i ' . : , . • ' " • ' ' ' '• '" . • -• • • \'.." '"•-••'•

In a state.meht. tq residents in tincoln School auditorium,Tuesdaynight following defeat of the referendum, Mrs. Williams said: -; ^--'iThe^rtjferehdun?;rhBS_.beeri-rejected by' the peiiple^f'CraW"e still face the problem which is acknowledged by everyone w

'Cranford,^Thertjferehdun?;rhBS_.beerirejected by the p p l ^W"e still face the problem which is acknowledged by everyone who liast d i d t h d s i t u a ' t l o a ; r [' / " '

l pstudied• thd,situa'tloa.;hd,situatloa.; ... r [ _ / _

must again search.' tir-.a solution acceptable; to Cranford. It: J C i l i d J P d 8) X 1

An ine/eusi.'of !j26i,672 or 10.8 in the cost ofthe Onnrd ni

Walnut .' * •' -113 WH7.Clcveiliud" ...:,..;..:..... 4K5. J 216IJVlngsloli ,'...-.....i........... 29* . " 101High Sr,Uool : :.' 59U 301-BlouinlnSdule. ...I.:......:..'. 5SS 3H'i

It ; . . . , - <*"« 41B

iate, assisted by_priests of the'par-ish. Visiting priests from the areaalso will be present- for tho oc-casion.

school prograrn," . . .^•' Five other new iippointments toexpand and improve the- educa-tional services alsp were approvedby the board. Dr. Mcbermith'-pointed! bilt the' new app"bintmehls•will utilize more fully and effec-"tlyclyrthTriexistTng administrative-supetvisory staffc•Thomas Tipaldi, principal of

Roosevelt School,- will assume-thesame position at Bloomihgdalo

New MetSoflist,

said. . ftsecretary; sai(l-thc estimated taxincrease' will be-48 points; "

Public hcarinc on the- budgetwirt'bo held m?xt Thursday, 'Jan-uary 26;. at 8 .p.m. at Lincoln

~ s e h o o i . - , _ - ••• . • - ; - . - '

'. .The,major increases in .the bud-•(ietjiife attributed to teachers' sal-ary increases including the hiringof. 2lradditio.nal teachers; otherliruflrndail&ms~." ami a $15,000. ex-penditure for,.the rewir.inii iin'd re-

i t U j " d I R y i

To Be Rah Schools." . ..•• The teachers' Salaries. oxpundl-

•', It- is -expected that construction

•_Anhourieement that'the*auditorium in. the new-educatTonal build-ihg of CFanford Methodist'Church, now neajrifi'ii! completion, will beknown as Rancbliih ;Hall was-made at a recognition proTjr,am held, inhonor of Mrs; B. W. S'v Kahdolph and-her late husband as the annualcongregational- dinner -was held for-the lasHlm^-iivtho old-educational

l u r u 7 i J ; r T l i $ t W * hEiyht of the -new teaehei-s will be

signed "in-, t h e . elemontaryschools; tlrrt'e, junior schools, and

, Cratiford High School.'l1 provides for a book-

h Bd


son.- Anthony Terrcyno, princAf T-ivi C"*"*1 --prbflnii .Wi^s.iiame

•10vfi(>n^ral contractor for

AB the timo approachedlot tho—_.—.on tike 17th; alow linaldbaorvatwris oji tho subioet oi.UuJ


not ordinarily cbnsidored as lit for sud^purposeS, To do-thlsT-Awe tntist each yoar-Eoek-the-pemisgio_n_PJ;^the StateConuiilasioner <& Edu<iaUoh. and if is only, granted on-ashowiritt-ol emergency. How- much longer do we want,out young people to labor under emergent-conditions, aridover what further period of~ume must we be required to

'broadcast bur inadequate iacilitlea iot education./~ The high school is operating; under a double __set-up, and the anticipated pupil load wlU^gteatly aggravote this conalUon bi the FalL At the same time. Brook-,side Schobl goes partially onjhe'same program. As tt»is,conditioii becomea teoye wide-sptedd, the means olim-pcating sound education propprHohafoly decreases^ ;Whar~plan has been'olfered, other^thari that submitted.-by theBoard/to reverse this danderous trencTwith its ,consequentdamage Id our youthful-:citizens? r ,< .

A sound high school training is a-necossily whether or ,not the "student iS'<o go on to college. ;LacWng-a" college.,dogroe, the swSo'nt. will .more than over need a sound.LuInlnU m' ^bcondary tichftol VforV *" ^nrnpotw int. ana tohold, anyicind of a'decent iqhf Those going bn'.iq'Wghoreducation will have'difli^uHy enough-in entering college ,

1 because of the exbremo^hortage of space.' should we hu>"ther handicap thern>by. our failure .to provide adequate

——;i^-_____jj^..-l^^~ll,ia-^rlu-nnr:nrl_'>juork?. . . ..

The oppoheiits of the plan, iW their1 printed material."offet no faaSblej cpunjer-proposal': to, solve our problem. .We arvinformed by them of such inconseq^enUal thmgsas •yjfiaX one person said to another iri somepne ekes eel-larftmd what others were undoubtedly trapped into sayingin an unguarded irtomoht with ^ . tapo-irecotdor handy.Such trivia, and statements wrenched from their contextare of no importance in determining what Is best for thefuture of out young people. Moreover, statements of coatand'-increases iri taxation, as submitted by them are value-loss. Unless comparative" figures, involving other like mu-nicipalities, are also furnishac!; It is significant that the only.,comparauvoMigures; have been those submitted by thoBoard in its brochure . . .

Perhaps Wo sh6uld. In parsing, give a Ultlo thought-toah existing statute, which empowers tho Stale Cordmto-Bionor of Education to cut off any Blato aid to a numlcipal-Itv where tho Btandards of oducational fdcllilios have bo-como Inadeguaie. The substantial amount opiate aid wo

" • "' :od by continued vacillation.,,,'L,

Wrsho^ld^rayorfuliy hope that wo will never permit our-solves to approach, even romolely. the pomt whore thwpossibility would bo considered.



~=T" 1$1.75



" * • • . : •




We Reserve The,Right—" To ti'Ti't QMfl

STORE HOUR§:B:30a.m. to id p.m.'V

I A layman's view of .thepi«\CWorld of cheiriistry_will be

emester of the- Cranferd Adulticliool;- . ' "' ' •

J "Man,: Matter and-' Molecules'|dll be available on Tuesday eve

; starting on February 7.fromb:3ato.fl;3Q

the projecH. is Adams-EricHsOh and.Co.-of Montclait. ',:.. . , ' . ' . . , '

The structure . will be a Mo--*tory brick- buildirif- vyith twoone-story .wings off the back. Cinewing will contain a ehapel. seat-ing: 20, .where.'nuns. Can conductprivate, devotions;' and the otherwing will house a dining room and

administrative <(ssjstant for teacliTiT.' recruitment; Mr; " Tuneyiniheaded'a .committee this year, onteacher recruitment.-. Richard Wagner was-named ad-

ministrative assistant for_ In-Service" development of staff. MrWagner, principal" of BrooksJdePlace School, served-thia year ona committee exploring the htXdof in-service training.' Dr. PaulBuonaguroj coordinator of-special

of "twc> lioutes at 110 and

lonseeutive rfii^day evenings.,The' ilnstructcitr ' will fee Farris

,5. Swabkhamer of Granford, whop5 director-of the Technical Serv.-

Laboratory, Shell Chemical

applied 'reaearcl£and public infor-roatlonV

Registration for "Man, JMnttor|ai\d:Molcculcs"and some 3d other,

' ;cs available.at the CranfordSchool's spring §6mester will

_. ..eld'Febiu'ary 2 and 3 from 7to 9 p.m. at Cranford High School.Mail' registrations- will be ac->

-ceptod by Registrar Paul VV. Selby|at .Cranford High Schooljhrough

"cbtiiary 1. -..'•- "Man, -Matter and Molecules'1

.will include the latest ideas on thelorigin of Ufe, how color, photog-[raphy,. ,nntiknocli gasoline v-and

the ..new -convent was completedlast summer.!. The pcesjent con-vent, immediateiy adjacent- to-St.Michael's School, also, will, beraxed uponxonipleilon..bf -the newbu,ilding to provide larger grounds-

Expansion plans'at St. Michael'salso call for an eight-room addi-tion 'to the parochial school' whichalso woultf provide, for Increasedauditorium and cafeteria' space;Monsignor Donnoiiy.reported earl-ier thaVit is- hoped the school ad--dltion can be started while thenow convent is under construction.

l s ^ r f e ^ j v ^ s e p T m ^McDermith.n6t6d that^the. ption w.ill provide..the junior high

CColitinUcioii 8J

building Monday night.-The Hev. Albert Allinger, pas-

toi, presented Mrs. liundolpli with.1 scroll, engraved and doriated-byKoy .^Scheller.. expressiinK appro-

kee'per in the olfico of the Bonedof Education, a secretary In thohigh-school library, part-time sec-retary in the central office, twoclerical workers' to relieve tcach=L

tlatlon of thipJaiihlul service

given the • -new"thc 'name to beTnidttoriumr:

Mrs..Randolph came to Cranfordas a child arid members • ol! herfamily started the Sunday Sehoolin the local church. She and Mr.Randolph were married in theMethodist Church In Brooklyn L1007. Her husband served, as- su-

"ptrintcwlcntof the Sunday schoolhere from.IOOS'until4iis death.in103d. ' ' " ' ' " ,- BrrAUinge»isai4 Ctanfo^d Meth-odist Church.and>.allits members

Ijincoln ...ltrooksldv

1!H .712

" 53415 -

CLAUENCEJU fc'ltlTIfi, . , , . J * /"

Toastmastercrs ^ o m B 4 Bnnd lunchroom' helpers! in the ele- Imentiiry and jvininr Kcliop!s7~11;


totals ....,,.... 4.35L 4,'Ja^The bond, issue for a new .

$3,804,700 hia'h school on_Qrange_aydnuc and -a new$2,170,300 junior, high school^on Hillside, avenue was ifc-fcated by 576 vo^es in a special•---election. Tuesday. -

A record number of 9,278residents, or 65 perefent ofOranfordJs" 14,358: eligiblevoters, cast ballots. There were4,351 votes- in favor of the re-ferendum :• proposal and." '4,927 -against. The "number of-votcrs par- • <ticipritnu! wus .probably the laffiest:over "to take part in a'soho'ol. elec-tion in New_Jei!sey. ; *' -

This raiirkod the second dffcatwithin 10 months of a school bonrdproposal for'additional school fa-tllitiesi. A proposed -$3,712,000 lilglischool on the Orange.- avenue site-lost "by (538 votes last March in a-speclarclection in whit'h fi,D28 re-sidents" participated. The vote onthc last Referendum was 3,145 in•tav.qr.and 3,783 nKainst.

Voting was hciiviy 'TWlh _ l«u

[DinnerToWpart-time" nurse at theschool and a custodian..

The plan to raise all Cranfordteachers' salaries by $200 to $600was- announced" last month."" The"•gfSOO increment}1 will-go to teach-xrs with-'a 'musto^s ••degree whohave"tnu'sjit here at least threeyears': $400, to teachers with baqli-!Hor.rs~degrees "amrtiHTEamc length

there were oiTly,brief-delays duiv

hired •on a- part-time basis to sup-ervise lunqli hours in sctiools. Pro- .visiott also has been made for a . ClarenclL. Frit/, tormor-mem

high ber of the Township Committeefand president of Craijtord Chap

ter, American Red Cross, will btrastmai:ter..at..ar.dkii\eji_J!.nniiarj-.30 mavking the inaucujration ofthe Cranford Chamber of Com-merce,' H was aiiiHiunised- yoster-dyy by Dr. RdbertE. Wutson, pre-sidents ^ ,

Tho affair iwTll be hold at ttiu


plastics' „._.__ . — .possible,-and how the1, newwon-

Hi'tiijs '^vnived ^ronvjL.gr.eaterJtnowledgtt of .biochemistry.'-•D?. Kenneth W. Iversen, pvesl-

tient-director of the Adiujt.School,'[said.the course will include dem-onstrations'.

y ClubTalk byi2hi

A^<ftirig74lC^Cranford First Aid Squad net

a. new record for service to thecdhitnunlty-byJonswcrlnt' a t» tu l

of 741 calls'in 1960, as comparedwith 643 in 1959 ano\ 598 in 1058,according to the aniju-il report ofJerome-J.. KafUs, who Served Jissquad", captain last year

•- Second concert-.in thtv-1,060-61.scries of thc Community Sym-phony of New Jersey., originallyscheduled for' February 13 atCranford HiKh School, will be pre-sented instead at 3:15 p.m.. on'Stfnday, March' 5, in the high.sclujol auditovium. it "was an-nounced this week.

The change urd^Ae was -madeto permit sponsorship of this "per-formance by the Cranford Rotary

Music provides, a common in-Itercst' for parent-ejiild relation-Iship, Mrs. Ezlo Pinza Of the Met-•ropolitan Opera Guild told mem:Jbers and quests of the .Wednesday•Movnlnu Cliib at a philanthropic|iea ycstei'dqy" Afternoon iiu.Sher-

" 'Hnll,Tho speaker said that th . .

I presents all phases of music ;md•the theatre. She explained the|"£tntipri Wagon Opera company,"

• by the Qlpera Guild.

TCtub". "Se'iitstaisu: will befor recular season- ticket' holders.

Featured .-with the symphony inthe March 5 concert will be theNew York Univcifity Glee Cluband al.so.the winner 1n the YoungArtist's Competition for.the 1960-Cl season.' ' '• „ •'" C"'"lueti»& wJH>>'.• T>'-t*>f So/lo

Of-100 Denman-jroad, who, also.isconductor of the Oratorio Societyof New Jersey. Mr.- Soziff Itf amember of the faculty of New

•Tf.Tnlvi'rcity, teachinii orches-

montng s<juad members when anemergency exists, "eaUetLlhi' W C H

out 152 timeis Buring the. year.'.' The squad also participated -inrelays arranged by'the mobiliza-tion director of the Second Districtof the, Now Jersey. State First AidCouncil,with which the local/squadis associated on a state-widedisaster plan. A number of coun-ty drills called by the Civil De-fense organization-also were an-swered by the squad.


were 41 calls out of the. county and20 out of.the stater —

Winter weather with nil its in-conveniences did not- "keep the.First Aid~-S/tuad from answeringthe second highest number of callsin any one month during Decem-ber, when they, responded _79

the "am-


oTi t r i r ^4h^Hl^^ !j IpresideWt of the. Women's Mis-slanary'-Epdiiity 'and for years was-slanary-Epdiiity and for years wkey w<JmArl - J^'i;' liaison, i.,work

h f, throughout the conference.j_ Mtk. •• Maurice. Fuller, president

Tofthe Women's" Society of Chris--tian. Service, also had words olpraise,, for the' Buest -of honor, stat-ing that she had been greatlyhelped and, encouraged?- by Mrs.Randolph in her office. She toldof Mrs. "Randolph's assistance jnworking with the women in pre-.paring luncheons and other proj-ects which have contributed over

/CoHtinu'ci on Pac/e 9) -

Town Building

Open House SetFor School BoardAspirants Jan. 31

Annual open house foi* candi-dates" tor the. Cranford Board ofEducation will be held by theVillage. Improvement Associationin tho Municipal Uuildinc .at U:1Sp.m. Tuesday, January 31, it was'announced this week.

All candidates have boon invitedto attend und to spgak -lor liveminutes, listing their qualifica-tions and their reasons for seek-ing membership on the "schoolboard

...f, TfuFittmvci- hnitr nnd nenr.thtsclosing-of the polls at!) p.m. Therewere three more it'iolliny7 placesthis-time than last March.

Lincoln School auditorium, ad-jacent to-the Board of "Educationoffices, was crowded with resi- -1 diinti anxious-to receWe the ve-•sul 'fivasT SooiriuT lluTelecf larrborlrd~~r~workers reported In und the telo-plionosain the board offices and-atthe Citizen and Chronicle officewertTbusy until 11 p.m, reportingthe" outcome of the referendum,..

eoTeTrranmrCoTnTtryC•Mr.-Fritz, a member oT'tlfe'TJfOW"-

ark and New Jersey Chtimbers ofCommerce, has been active inthe Cranford United Fund, LionsClub and numerousgroups-here.

other civic

James P. Stewart, president ofthe New Jersey State Chamber ofCommerce, will induct new officer;;of the 'local group, and John A.Rypkema. director of member re-lations of the State Chamber, alsowill be present. Invocation will booffered-by the lleV.-.Dr. AlbertAllinfier, pastor of the CranfordMethodist Church.- -, ''•--Guest speaker Will be RaymondS*. Male,, state- commissioner' "ofale, sta

(Continued on Page S)

„„. ._, •-rI wafcT--ob-tained from Philadelphia and. used

until the return of-the re-paired vehicle on' January' t I O ll l t 'rt

were.hXr''il0 calls last 'rttonth,-60emuKtioncies' and lit ' were

transportations. '£hc siren wasused on 14 occasions ..during themonth and the squad Wunt out ofthe coutity seven times and out ofthe stole once. :" ..

The two ambulances traveled atotal of 1,278 miles in Decemberand the -members rendered 294

."poiEb .^iejrattufat«-'f3-t?V a t 3Ai5,m. t b d a y '-'•-doy in

unced 'f Cw i l l b e o p e n e d ' a t JMi .m . rotitry in „ " . , . , . f n r j.-nj-ourai!ini» C a n -

township rooms, It was a n n o u n c e d J - C ^yesterday .by Mayor CT Van Cham-

a total of •13,U4'Lmiles durlnts theyear and the men contributed 2,-722~man-hours of service...' There

M l ^ J 1 1 " I X I . ' * I I * • " JT

• • - - f | , , f c m 1 1 - M i . •tTI .P ^ I M I I I I I

squad substituted for Linden onone occasion, and Garwood

(Continued on Page 8)und

y y .by My CTberlin." The mayor and Ernest T.Brown of Plalnlleld, the architect,will rccc-jye thc bids. ;

li id expected that approximately70 bids -wjill be received coverinfigeneral construction, heating andventilating,, plumbing, electriciansand structural steel.

Providing the total bids comewithin, .the estimate.';, the Town-

al Education ate Dr. Jopph K-Hawkins, Jr.. incumbent'seekingreelection;' Mrs. .Robert -Blosser,William T. K.nox anil Dr. HenryJ.. Mineur. Running with en-dorsement of the CranVord iVatch,-doc Association arri Anthony J.Isaac, Malcolm i i Johnson andAbraham -Rothbard.

Present, members of the Itnard

of the r e W r e n d u .ppcial olncti'on mark-

c a ^ h e ^ u M i n a H o j i ^ t ^ w a ^weeks of spirited camprilfilniiie by ",lecal groups~ln.faW,oil im'd op-'-.- jposed' to1 the proposal. . Mimtio- . ,Tj'raphe* releases were - dlstri.-4>uted throughout the eonimunityby Citizens for u Better Crimfovd, •--propohents of tlio Board of Edu-cation proposal, and the CranfordWatchdog Association^ who.werNaopposed: A torchlight parade andrally in the high school audilomihiMonday evening, sponsored bythe former group, attracted-sever-al hundred residents.

The ~ Watchdog • Association,through Charles Ki'anue, issuedthe following statement following

Paao S~)following sta

(Continued on Paao S~)

T>limMng WeefcfWomen Voters

of cars carryinfi members of the lo<jillanning wi^ li-ave fom t^Shettond

t l

nwarclwf Eclueation also Imvo been m-

( niYti*rif*t*i syiorttv s o thi»t. the* - .•-nSfngmay.be s t a r t s and com- minute talks on their duiu,S ,nclpleted this year, ttuwuayor said, ^nt^coo_njMflo_«)

Card Party Raises $180 for March_ of^Dimes

Iposcd of students who Will per-jform J[or high school*; and music.• clubs in the area. A comf any is•now- presenting an. Englisl'i ver-Ision of .Cosl Fan Tutti.I Introduced with Mrs.- Pinza was•Miss Muria Mastraneelo, am OperuiGuild scholursliip winner, who IsI now studying with Rose llampton,••i former Motrop«litan X)penv star,|:nul other teachers. The scholar-

four .years',of Vbealjtralniui*, and . .is awarded --iin-

i-uially. to a talented hij;h si'hool."•nlor in the New .York-NewJJersey-Connoctlc'ut area.- BisldosJulving this scholarship, the Gu.ildIpruvidcs materials sueh as picturesland slides • to be used l-rt'-Jiigh|s'cliopls or club.-;.

Mrs. A. II. •Houseknedit was in

T ' " n u i n » •• .* v i •>•• i—.— T •,:,,_- _ .

•tration, theory and composition...Opening concert of tho season

was presented by the local sym-phony in the high school on No-vember 21, with Kenneth Amuda,n pianist who has won nation-wide acclaim! as soloist., . . •

Plodders ProddedOrtDofe Tag: Lag

Local dog' owners were warnedthis week by Township Clerk ,J.Walter Coltec that they -have less,than two weeks-in which to obtnlh1IIG1 license:.for their dogs. Dead-,line for license renewal is Jan-^

' lip-to" this week, less than .300bad been Issued out of

Mrs. BuricdHit J. .man 6rVlth«j Crahford' March ofDimes .drive for .the NationalFoundation, aiinounfced that total

" kmcill card party

ychroeder,IsUlt'd, A newJKIchar'd Dorian,Iliis. D. R.

• Alnoiig. the


,presented by

held last Thursduy by .Mrs. ArthurVenncrl at her home, 313 Northavenue, east, wiii'e $180. It wasattended by 65 local women.

Gifts were doitited by Cranfordmerchants, and Mrs. Nicholas Vas-sallo of Roselle liark made apronsfor table prizes. Cakes were baked«y-Cranford women for vrofi'esh-monts. '. •

Mrs. John B. Connors, State I'o-lio Mother, spoke tq the group,•about- the broadened aims of theNational-Foundation and the goalfor Cranford, which is $4,'J25.

Mrs. Kdward J; Flannery, cof-fee party chairman, announcedthat Invitations arc being mailedthis week for the MOD-coffeeparty lob-' held February a fron•» to 4'ii;m.'at the Educatlona


will beearly In ".February by

•OH. Pia<i J)

early; In . F e b yan"<l"s"umn»onsebTWill be is

suiil to owiH-i:! who have failed, j let obUW now d

show und reAn appcai.wus made' by

hull JriinluBS, Motherii* Marc(Continued on H

iay. At2_p.m.,!inroi'rarri iommittee on town pjft - ,. ,--.„»drive, the home of Mrs. Beit Backlnoff, chairman, to make, a tour olCranford. , . Y /-.....n

Following a map. ol Cranford prepared by Patrick J. Grail.tuwnship tMUlineel1, the .grotip willstop enroute to allow the commil-tee members -to inspect the towh'srecreational facilities, park aroys,open spaces, the Hahvvay. I t io r

u t

the proposed "new"ribrary, munici-pal building and school;;.

Also included in the itineraryare stops at the bu.sinibS .seclian,factories and industrial zonedareas. .Special attention will bepaid to the zonjng of spocilU: iireas.

Hi tt nd dettnolutingpaid to the z n j g pTraHic- patterns and ..dettnoluting

l '

Birthdays MarkedBy Two TV Fans;6 i d H V »

Two Cranford women were hon-ored at parties' last' week-endmarking their birthday annivcr-wirh* im either side of tlie 100-year mark.

Celebrating her 102nd birthday .anniversary on Saturday-was Mrs.

t - u s u l s u . w i 5 .Commentary on the vartoiis as-

pects'of the community." will Heprovided by Mrs. nuckinoll andMrs. Joseph E. Hawkins, l.WV

;»lcnt niivi'i;!" will lie Mrs.Thonjns E. Puriiott and Mrs. Greg-ory Boyd,,

Tlie llndtngs of the, committeebe incorporated in. the. back-

•Ajiii.TNorth Union avenue, who is aVesideii't v)f .the HV-'mlbck NuisingHome. Floiham Park. The youngervi'Iebrant was Mrs. Catherine Pat-

of :i Blake avenue whomarked her UHth year on Junuaiy11.

UENKFIT--Mrs,; Arthur. Vunnuri ° ' JM-'Ni.at hot home lust Thuri.dny -wliich realized SIB0. for b'Mdit

p,i:jich of Uimrt. Lett to fiyUt id th*! picture uvo-.-Mtu. William C,\Jo^-ph Vo^cK Mrs,- Vouucrl, and Mrs. John B. Couuui';,, btatc Pohu MoUiur;

. • . . » • • : • ' : ' , ' • • . ' • - .

More1 than 110 Cranford friends,nurses ami residents of the Flor-

, . . ' .-: h'onw attended a parlyunit meetings J o be heW during On Sunday for Mrs., • Thomas av»Town PIaiuiuTg"VVi;ek. | ranged by Mrs," KrMr 'WiVlton-or—

Tne Initial unit tuci-tmg »1II be >jia: Kustwnan street, a friend. Mrs.held at 1 p.m. Monday at the home; •Vhomas came to Cranford 'JO. years

" ar.o to make her home with the•late Mm. Kdna K. Baldwin aivlI it-1" 1',1-aiulson, thi'"late CieoruelvI'.al-iwin, who operated-Hie VluokSin-!* at HuV North "Union aveiuu-a"udi-e:s. „ '.,... ,-

b\ra. Pateiion, who has lived„ . . . , dii.cu.ssion -oil tin- topic led' with her si in anj} dati^hUi'-ln-Uiu'.Ky Mrs. Hfant Coopyrsiuith. i Mr. and Mrs. My id PaU-ison, for

..The I'neVlliilis will seek to make the past 1-I-years, wn.s honored atclear exactly what, town pKin.uing, a party-Satiivilay by U5 fnoiuls andi:; and how it may be-applied to relatives InclmliiV! a soil,' Holx-i't,Cianforcl. • V/hat Cranfuiif has.to; of 514 ClaYt'iuuntJ'l-'"-'1'' .iilfer its; rer.idents, what tliny might j -Mvs.'Thonias, who wus bovri in

will be incorp uground material presented Uil-WVsbam

i J b h k l during : S

of Mrs, Edward Cue, 217- Hollystreet. < , ' j

Presentation ol' hackfiroimfl .ma- •teri'al on tbwn planitmr. gathert'ilin months-hf study by the-mem-,iviTii of the local program roinmit-tec will be followed by gener(ilizi'd|

Cranford..Huhuury. Mi,.

.W.ml. lo L'liiiilgt: aiui wnai jum. iui-Sivail.'ibli1 tn lu'lp, luhU'Vi'"imy fu-tuie gnals will al:.u lK'-.:.tudlL'U.

(CoiitiitUL'd Oil Paoi) ))}. ' I

1 ' I U U U l L M p i l l U , i 'UJi»> •-> • TtTTtTTT—TTTTTT"

sunn.' .ti'lfyisiiin. Wie yut.'il. lorl'ici.iilc(it fcllst'iibitwi'i-, whom ±W*

oil Patfti. S> . -,'.