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N U M B E R 3.300.


A Dozen Places in Montclair Yisited and Robbed All '

in One Mij|bt


M* Sun>rlM la N.w Vark lM l«lr CIralM O r.r Ik . Htport of a ■o|uratlaa

HolwMa th . Coapl*.New York, Au j. *#.—Th* >titwn8wt put>-

Unbed rMtorda; that U n. W. K. Vaodarbllt ll about to beglu arparatloB or JItotco |>n>- oaaillQga, haa not, It la a l l a ^ rrcata>1 aur- priae in clrelaa vhera th« ralatlona of tbapalr ha?a baan known. That thar haaa not l^aad barmomoualT Uia laat two jaara baa bean tba gnaalp of faahiOQahIa nlrctet for aoma tinw. The crlala in their affalri, acoordini to the paper to ^ y , waa raaebad ImmadlataJy after therunniot of the Qrand Fnx de Paria, June IT of thla jraar.

Mr. Vaalarbilt won 18,000 on tba ra«a,and almoal ImmedlatalT after recaletna hia win- nioga wat Inirodbred to Nellia Nanatrettar. (Uw faaduatiNl tba tuilUonaira. Tba atory of bow be Attad up a uiagnlAcant aatabliahment for bar in Paria and anbaeiiamtlj gaea bar a

idance at UeauTUIe with aarranfai and avarr luxury aba daalrad la aaid to oa true. It ahorkad and auiprlaad tba Atnarkan roal- denta of Paria but Mr. Vanderbilt waa w

E ig h t Thooo&nd PeraoQS W ltn o u tb a

FxtentioD of Abbe BrvDe«n.


Hlaaawaaa, Maaay and Cletklaff Takan fron Hoaaaa of tfaallhy Maw Torkaea- Oaa Boaaakeldar Flada Ika la tm d a n la Bla Beaia aad Caaa B it Bawalear, ba t Fallal# Btrlka Aay af tha Bniclara—A OaodTIaia With a Caaa af L aiar—A Hara Balaead and Alaa a atakle—K n a Cklakav W#r« laaludad la tha B lr Bald. Tha Falla# Faaalad bat I ta r t la I# B a# t tb# WroB(.dle#ra.

Montclair wai fwoopad down upon by burglar, laat night aad bafoca (bay Anithad they bad operatad in Juat twalra plaoea. Tbongti Montclair baa baan auSartng tor acfoa time from tba work bnrglan, it waa h a m draamed that borglarlti would ba at- tauptad on nich a gigantic teale.

To-day tha reaklanU are talking of aoth- ii^ elaa, and ararybody la taking aaoount of atook and laylBg la fraah tuppltaa of bedta and look*. Tba police appear to ba para- lywd, bat bare gona to work to aaek tba robbm Bllrarwark tnonay, clothing and bter wara taken. At one home tbe Intniden were beard, and bullete fran a m o lre r ware lent after tbenj ae they ded. bnt no one wan btk In a aninber of tbe bouiee tbe burglan took palm to turn everything upaida down.

Tbe majority of tba burglaiiea araraoom in Vppar Montclair, whare eix hooaei ntarad. From all but one booty waa

arittad In were entiicured. Tbe bgrglara at moet avary plaea gainad admtaalon by boring a hola in tha window eaahoa and then, with a piece of wira managed to ipring tbe oatch on the window.

Iba riddence of Rev. Richard Hayward, on Honntain avenue, waa ratuackad, and after picking up what Irlnkata that lay in right iba burglan ptekad up a trunk that lay In tba front hallway, earned it out into

I grove near Uwboma and ranwAiadit, taking avaiTtbiiig of valna foiu^tknrein,

I ulkn, ^ v einch aa eilkn, ^ v e a and the Uka Tbe trunk wee found thii morning juft wbere the tblevie bad left it.

Tbe home of George W. Boalwick alio on Mountain avenue, and near tba Haywardboma waa vialtad. Tba burglan found a la m quantity of plated nlvarwara In tha bnffet, which they evidently examined and, not dnding any toUd wart, left it lay on tha table. The tMid aileerware had been taken upttalraand pUced under lock aad key, fjeverel artlcM of wearing apparel w en etolen from tbebouae.

At Waltor Brown’t home, on Innwood avn- nue,themaraudera had a good time witba case of iMer. Tha burglan found the beer In tbe oelJar, oarrled it upetalra to the kitchen and, mating tbcmaalrae at a tabla drank mveral bottlin of the beverage. What they were uaable to drink they took with them. They waraavideaUy latladed with thla tn a t, ai tba bear waa all thev took.

At Cynis Walaar’a raridenou on Loimlna avanu^ an nmhrella, overcoat and two hate were taken, together with a few dollan In money.

Tbe bnrglan alio virited the boina of C. B. eUwk. 00 Imwood avmne, but had j u t ^ n a d admlHlou when Mr. Clark bmrd imm. Tha burglan heard Hr, Clark oomlng down tha lU ln and they made a baity exit from hii bouik followed by mveral bulleti from Mr. Clark’a revolver. Hone of tba bol- leti took effect.

At Samuel Hnbbard’i home, oo Mountain avenne, entrance waa affected by a ride win­dow, from wtaleh plaoe iltverware nnd clodi- Ing were taken. Soma of the eUverware itoieo bai been piiied ai old family relict, and Mr. Hubbard will taka every poaribla mcane to run tbe bnrglan down.

lir. Foiler, anothM* victim of tba burClark notiiled tbs pblioa thla m onlac tbi ina reUiata had playad havoc a t hia nonomeby (uming everything in a topay tu rry aktta Only , a few artlclet of waarlngap- gmriwwre itolaa, beaklet a gold-handled um-

The Pria.t'1 Ufa af Debauehavy and Crime Riuled at taut on tha heafTaid—A la tte r Written duet Bafara Uaath la Wlileh Ha Daclaraa Hia lanocaaea. niiordarly Crowd! Fill tha Rtreat. af Laval Awaiting the Kieeatlan—Cheat. Whan the PrieeV. Head Dmpa In tha B uket.

open In hia attantion aa to paiala avarybodv. One of tba moat aurprlalug thing* he U aaidto have dona waa to allow tha aarvants ot Nellia Namtrattar to wear tba lama livery aa that wont by Mn. Vandarbtlt'amrvaota.

Tba Vasdarbilla, It la lald, have ilvad apart ainca early last string. Mn. Vanderbilt baa apeot the innimar In Ettglaud at an axtannlva aatate on tbe Thamaa, near London, which bad beau ranted for bar. while Mr. Vandar-' but baa ipeut hia tima In Faria. It la allagail that whan, tome time ago, a tanlativa agna- mant of •enarstlnn waa reached Hr. Vantlar- blltagrmd to aattia upon hia wife glO,000,OUO.

Joiiph a . Choatck of New York, preeUant (ff the ConatltuUanu nonventlon, whan aakadyaatarday if it ware true that ha had bean retalnad to prcaaouta a ault for divorce, which It la allaged Mn. W. K. Vanderbilt will Imtltiitk rafuied either to oonllrm or deny the itatement, laying: “ t never tall my private affaln to tha pram." Ellho Root denied that ba had baan retalnad by any one ot tha Vandarbllta in divorce pro- oaadlngi.

Thatalk eftbadomaatiolnfallolliaiof Hr. and Mn. William K. Vanderbilt at New­port axtaada over a peMod iff two yean or mon, aayi a diapaten from that city, and nn far back aa that time the probability of a mpantlon waa tbe gotaip of tbe |dkea. Two eumman ago W. IL VandarfaUt tnraad up nt Newport oa bin yacht Alva, aad Inter wea on it wiMo it waa rua down and aunk In Vineyard Bound. A few montba after this Mr. Vanderbilt, who la an enthuiiaitia yachtaman, want to England, where ba re­mained while hia preaeat yacht, tbe Vat lent, waa balng built

lAat anmm.r a t Newport the chittw wai Incaamat When Mr. Vanderbilt returned un his new yacht gotelp wna sUenoed by tbe annoancement of plaai for, a long yacht­ing trip with Mr*. Vanderbilt and other w^.gnowii panona in tha party. Cnrioua atoriei bava reeebad here of quarrela aboarh tbs yacht which are aaid to have m ultad in the abandonment of the embe nt nn early stage nnd tha entire breaking npot tba party.

Mn. William E. Vanderbilt li a Southenj woman, of tbs family of tha Bmitha, ofMobila, who a n mneb pronder uf their blood than tlw Vanderbilla are of their mlUloni. She la a very handaome woman, with beauti­ful golden hair and large bluagray njen,

althonch aba is axcaptlonally exclualvk thorn who know her lay that ibe la n t jand, I

graafams aad charming to favors with bar friandahtp.

thorn whom aba'iavors with bar f riani

Mr. Vanderbilt it ii laid, built tbs nacni. floeat itsam yacht Valiant to replace the wreaked Alva, chiefly to pleam her, ai aha la very fond of yachting, and it wna to anabts her to entartaln lavishly, another ot her planaurea, that tbe famon* white marbla palace on thn cUff. at Newport was built


Tha Wealthy Italian Found Dead dald ta Be a Victim of Foul Play and

an Arrest Made.

Lav At., Franco, Aug. 30.—Abba Bruneau, tonnarly vicar of tbaoburch at Entramiiiea, who on July 18 waa convlcteil of murder roblwry and arion, was put to death by the guillotine at S o'clock nioming, in tba pmaauee of 8,lJin panona. H. Lominiqua, tba condeiiinad priaat'i legal adviser, arrived hare from I’eria lest evsning, alter au un- aucoMalul attempt to lacurs a reprieve fur the condemeal man from Frealdent Caalmlr- Ferler, with wbcan tha advocate had a per- aonal interview. Almost aa soon as H. Domtniqua hail announced In hia eliaut the Ul auoceaa of hia minion to Furls, It beeama known throughout the town that tha exscu- tlon would taka placv this morning, anil tba Inhabitants and the peasantry, who bad gath­ered from mllet around, began to mova toward the Flaco dn IMlal* de Juatioe.

At 11:30 1*. M. there were several hundre-l persona asaemblad, and by midnight the crowd hail increainl to 3,000- The presence of a atrong force of troops nnd gendarmei had kept the crowd moderately orderly, but aa tbe gathering continued to swell In num­bers tbey became noisy, and a t 3:30 o'clock this morning the dlauTder was so greet that tha sakllera were obliged to resort to re- preailve tneasuras. All of tha windows over- lookiag the place were lighted up and crowd­ed with onlooker*.

The la t te r of Ednioni) II. llnlTman Cbbsh a Atir—Talk af Over-lMuee

af hloi'k.Tba anuounqcmant of the fact that a letter

bea baaa rtcalvnlfrom Iklmond It. iloffiuan, who dleappaarail Angml 0, ihnwing that ha w u In F n ^ has ravlvHt the lutaraat of a conaldaralda number of jieriuti. who were intareated with him In varlouv huiluau an- tarprieaa. Tha atoi'kboldari of the Sign Btratobar Advertielng t'oinpany are particu­larly anxious to Isom In * hst thspa tba affairs of that conoera era, wpeciully as then have b»a rumor* of nver-iuuea of stock, to which tha pnaldent, liuuUJ. i'riatb, did not sign hia name

Whan a reporter for tho Ntw* called on Mr. I’riatb tliia morning ho Mid:

" I hara Iwaril of vurhnii pcraini: having amounts of atock that 1 had nnn r eignal, but I can aot nay poaitivaly that Mini U tha

Tha biwki of the ooiiqaiiy arc now in Ion of Mr*. Hoirinsn, and 1 shall go

her to-day and gat taeui and then fuvita tha other atockholilers to look over them with me. After such an examination we may poatlbly ba wiser than we are uo* .

* 'Hoffman thought out the Idea which waa tne basis of the budnam and got lap-ulsuu it. Ha than orm lsad tba cuminny, retiln- lag amajorlty of tbe slock, for which he gave the patenta and lavaateil himMlf os lei-ratary and traasnrer, with nearly all the umiuga' mant. There was ooe powoi-, however, which ha did not have, and that waa tbe right to iasue * t ^ without tho sLguatum of tha praaidauL Among the mau who took stock In tha company wara a Mr. Yates, of Jsraay City, who waa tha Ant praaldent; K. W. Muun. W. U. Mott, Dr. Albert Widman,John L. Kusal, Henry Hanetllng end mysalf. After a time t was elected preeidant to tuo-oead Hr. Yates. Tbe busiiiew wee a failure and about two week* before IIotTnisu went

At 3:13 A. M. tl» aasiatants of M. Delbler, tba ofAcInl rxecutionar, erected the guillo- tlDF. In tha meantime the coademned pne*t had bean charted In his cell with tba prison cbaplaln, Abtw Poubert, and bad thrown himself upon his bed for the brief rest which waa allowal him. He waa aroused about 3 o’clock, when mass was celebrated by tb* cbaplatn, ami the con­demned nun reoeived hia laat communion. Bruneau than wrote a two-page letter declaring hia Innooence of the crimet of which ha hul been convicted. At tbe cooclualon of the letter tba governor of tbe prison arrived and told the prisoner to pre|»ro for death. Rrunaan, who for a abort time bad hern somawbat ngltabad, im­mediately IiecaiuB oalm. Ha Implored pardon of God and man tor his faults and the for- glvenaes of tbe clergy for the pain hli Ir- regular life bad causM them.

Tbe march to tbs gulllotlns was then takan up. Bruneau walkM with a Arm step and with bis head erect. Arriving at the icMold ha was at one* salasd by t u axacutlonar^s assistants, who qoii&y aad quietly placed bis Mck under the knife.

At A o'clock tbe knife fell and aa tba bead ot the murderer rolled Into the basket a cheer went np from 8,000 throats and tbs great crowd oisparied without dleordar.

Tba trial of tha Abbe Brnneati, swindler, thief, incendiary and murderer, ooeupiad tba Havenna Aaalcet tor four daya, and ended July IS In a verdict of guilty on the princi­pal ebarga. Of tba many crimaa oommittad or atlagw to have lieen oommittad by the prlact, only thre* were named in the Indlct- maut—tbs murder of Hme. Bourdaia, a Aower teller of Laval, who was found dead srilh tha

I marks of nearly forty slubt on bar; the set­ting on An of the pnabyterv a t Aatilla, in

laftand obtain Intnrai

TbaraMdenoe of Judge Hugh Oallaghar, on St. LnkVs plaoe, MuntcUlr, waa enteredihortly after oudnight A suit ot oiothus be­longing to Folicenian Hugh Tunnay, of the Montciw foroa, who boards at Ur. Qal- lagb«*a hbosa, wua taken. This morning the umtemi wae foiuKt in a lot near tbs moun­tain. Tba rooms of Ur. Gallagher adjoining war* alto virited, but nothing ao tar as la known wat takan.

Tha bam of John K. Llveriqora^ a wealthy raaldsntOD Pnilerton avonua, waa broken tntngpdA at* of hamaaa, valued a t |1SU, was ttolSk.

lyotn tba atsblaa of Jidin Slaoo a blanket and some feed were taken,

Fntrlok Corooran and Edward Kinoannon reported tbe loae of overilxty oboloefowl% which bad bean atripped of thair feathers and lift alongtida ot the henneriia.

GUaf ot Folioe English and Captain Nstdarbausar went qp a lourof invasUgattoo

Nrw BRunswtcK, Aug. SO.—Aniallo Spine, an Italian, was lodged in Jail last evening, charged with tba murder of Anthony Priaca, an Italian padrona, and a oiamber ot Tnra- many Hmll, who wat fonnd dead on the traoka ot the Fanniylvaata Railroad, near Franklin Park, on the morning of April 36 last The arraat waa made by OSloera Fisk and Read, who went to Sand UUl, tbeltsUtan aattleojeot aome mllet below this dty, where Spine Uvad, and wbara Frlaoo owned conaid- arabla property.

'ni* datactlvH any they bava strong evi­dence against the prkonar, aad expaot lo-dny to arraat a man who was hia acoomplioa. Spine it a typksl Italian. He dalma not to ba able to nndaratand or to apeak Engllrii. He 'Will bkve an examination, altbough It la thought likely tba main porUons of Ina evl- dsnee will ba rtaervad tor tha Gmnd Jury.

The aooapled thaory is that tbe murder waa the resnlt ot a faud between tba Italiani. This was flrat uggastsd by tba tact that aavaral “ bhasi*’’ wars fonnd on a tree near tba spot where Frisco’s body was found. Among thasa were a Croat aad other marks, which, it was aatartad, wara MoAa marks. Tha ItaUana wUb aaid this became dumb when tba authoritiat triad to Indno* tbatn to Inteiynt tba ligaa.

After Frlaco waa niurdared hit body sraa placed on tba tracks (or a train to nin over, and thus wipe oat tha mark of tha ciima.

Priico waa a wealthy man aad owned oon- alderaWe property. Ha Uvad in Jaratv City a t the time ot Uie murder, altbongb ^ had lived in New York for some yeare. He bad lieen away from borne teveiul da^before

Ihta morning. Within Uw past a ll mantfaa hardly a u l ^ t or day h u robbtry ot some kind baa

s paaaad but what a I bean re

I u l ^ t or da.ot some kind baa bean reported witii

tbe exdaptlon of one week when the tktevee bad avlden^ takan a roat, ae no thefts ware reported. 'Tha police bava arrested four burglan, who are now langulahlog ta the county Jail awaittag aenteuoe.

Vbiet Engllib baa spent no end of Hme in endeavoring to ran tba burglar* Into oamp and while ba la aomewbut dlaoouraged be ■ y i ha wtu evantually land them all ba- Um prison ban,

Spactal datactivaa hare bMn employed inthe tosrn since the meny robberlee started, but tbey have been noable to nut the ron-bars down.

Upper Uontclar is Inhabited : weellw Ke* Torkan. Fully 100 bn

Uontclar is Inhabited moatly by buivlartea

have baan oommittad In Mouiolair wubln aabort time.

Arthur Lavanburg, colorsd, who elalma to live a t Nhw firuniwlck. sna airaatad this mcwaliig by Patrolman ClirUUa while trying to dlapoaa of a suit At clothing,'an ovarooat, an umbnlla and a baromatar In a atora on Canal atraat Lavanburg had 113.10 svlth blm, and tha artiolea wliioli ba was trying to dlspoao of a n ballavad to have baan itolan a t Montolair laat night Tba polios claim to ba able to prove that tbs prisonar waa t t tn In Montclair laat night

Jugoroar to ooncatl a tbiattand cmoney, and last, but not least, the murder ot the venenble Abbe Fricot cun ot Entrani-mejLWhiwe

Tip awh clserly tha

vicar tha prisoner was a t tha time.'■ trial proved

was fivan to the wlldaat dabauefaciT and that he bad had racouraa to fnud and than. If not mnrdor, to obtain money for the gratlAcatlon of hit vices. Aa regards the actual murdart, how­ever, tba taatlmony was of a very drenm- •tontlal cbaractar—a fact which was mad# the moat of by tba oouoaal for tba defence.

Tbe raanlt woe that tba* jury acquitted tha prltuucr on tba Ant chaige of murder andon tha charge* of anon, but fonnd Urn guilty of the mirdar of Abba Kricnt, and ha waa

away he cloiail up the oAli'a and workshop ‘'T han are many thing* that I do not

undantand about Hoffman. He olalint in bit latter to be dsatltuta, and yet ba wi* a man who worked early and late, had nn hadbabita, spent very little money and appeared

Ding a good buslnes*. He told ms him- ealf that tha Income his wife hail Irom ksap-Ing boanten was lufAcient to pay the huusa- tacud aipanaaa. Now, If ha didn't taka a larijasum away with him what did ba do with hu money P'

Cb^laa H. Meintira, who la in Imsiueaa at 18 and 15 FnnUin stm t, Is a abareholdar, too, Ha baa publlthad an aildrass, In which be advisaa a conference of the various itiam- bert of tba oompany. Mr. Priath says be la going to call auoh a masting.

Hr. Mclntii* toki a Nxwh reporter this morning that, beaidaa buying eight iharci of tba company's stock, tie bail paid tl.ivUO for a half interest In a wagon advertising businen that Uoffman clalmm aa bis own. Mr. llo- Intira waa to get a t least tlQ a weak from thla Invastmant, and that amount waa turned over to him weekly for nearly a yi

Mr. Priath waa under tho Imprenslnn that tha wagon advertising businan twlongail to tha oompany.

" It seams to IDS,"said hsi “ thatHoffmaa bad no right to go Into businosa as au in­dividual In competition with tba company that ba had organised, and in which be h ^ in­duced other persona to Invest thair money.”

Thomas Nicoll, nu Inauraucs agent, stated that Hoffman, before ba left Newark, par- Boaded him to purchasa aome stock and i^va him a receipt for ttia money, but whansvar be waa asked lor tha rartlAcataa be always replied tast they srara not ready.

Tlia Frisoiitra Found With Thair kliagal O iitati-A i'a ltar the llsadqnarlars of Two of Thaaa Arroaled, While iba Others Ware Fonnd In n Unm--GnlUnn Amonnt or llmndy th a t Had Boon Made from Orapa Jnloa Raliod - Contastaelenar Whliohaad Flaaoo the Aocnaod Under llouds.

The internal revenue authortUac at an sarlv hour this morning made a raid on two llllrit dlatiUarlaa, one i t Carlstadt and an­other at Lodk and captured four man, b - •ld<* a complete outAt for cbeettug tbe Clovrroment out of the tax on aptrita. This Important capture was made by Deputy Collector Thomaa R. Watton, aa amploya In tho olBoe io thla city, together with lUvenoe Agsnt A. H, Brr.oka and a half doaen other men in tha employ of tba departmaiit.

The man who were nude pritonera wars all French. They wepa Thomaa B. May- grott, John F. Molllord, Pierre Laitandra and Chrtattau Uchwarla. They ware at once sent to this city and placed in the ctia- tmiy of Unitad Btataa Coamlaalcner White­head, who took thair voluntary statatnenta this mornlog and placed them under badi.

When tha revtnue authoritiat nude tbair raid on the dlatillarie* they warenot actually la operation, but otu of them waa atlll warm fromtha An that had baan placed under it and tha other obowad unmlstakablo signs of having beau Bled within a abort tpaoe of Uma.

Tba worm and other parapbtroalla used In these Illicit Bill Is wars oompleta end a conaldarabla amount oftha diatlllad aplrlta was captnrad.The mac had bean making brandy from grape juice and ranged about tho moma In which the atiila wore found were many casks and bottles, aotno of them Ailed with the stuff.

For the past three months It haa bean avl- ilant to tha authorities that tba Oovarn- nient was not batnf paid for all tba apirilatold in Brrgen County, and they as* tba dep­uty collecUirs to work to looata the

After Ualiarlng Hlrasalf Puasasaad of Vata- able rroperljr fur Twenty Vaasa

Mr. Beaker la kl ada gad.Tbe swindling iransni-tions lu real Ntata

that were carrloil on this rtty about tweotir- Avayeare ago by a number of real aetata sharper* aro occasionally hrought to mind whan one of the old iliwJs turns up or in tha aeltllug up ot tha estate* of sonic ot tlia vic­tims. A case la gwlut is that of Wllllain B. Meeker, uf «3 Atlantic street, who, aftor t* eiity-otie y<«r* of f nncia>l eacurlly, has Juat learned that In a trantactlon he was tha vic­tim uf a iwlndla.

Twanty-ona yoart ago William H. Meeker was condm'tlng a pnnjwrou* butcher busi- noas at 33 Liberty street. Bucoii.lug eonia- wluit dissatistlel be decided tueailuutand Invest tha priNnade In tuina other line. Ha advertised Ida Luslnoat for tala, aud thn ad- verlisi'iiiaiit Was answared by a Ameapiwar- ing gcntleuian, who gave hli nanit as John 1. Mallett, and placv ot resldanra as Jar*oy City. Mallalt looknl over tha busluau and daddnit that It was just what ba wanted, ei a Isirgalu was iiiMa. Mallett was to |iay (1,'AU fur tlia businaia, flOO cash aud tha balauca In Ihrao nutaa, one for |8il0 to run slaty daya, and the other* fur NtiU each tu run uintly daya aad six months rasp the noKa tu ba peiyabla a t tha Orioga Bant

To iveura the'uaynient of the aotat Mallett Bgraad to give Mr. Msoker a t o t mortg^eoa "three valuable lota" a t Bergen Fulut, and to ronvince him that tba Iota ware vaiu- ahte he took Hr. Maaksr to Bergen Point nod tbowa I him three Iota, stating that theyware tbs lota upon which ba propiiaed to give blm n mortgage. Everythlnjg taamsd to taliaud atrsightforward, and the ilran n r waa



aooordli^y aeatencad to death, amid tb# ap- planta of the court, in which tiia priaon-r waa tba only man who showed no signs of emotion.

The aooa ot poor paraota, who made greatelTorta in order to bring him up to become pritat, tba abba was dumlsaed from the edu-

Iba murder. HawaaloiAiBg sfisr hit prop­erty at Band Hill, which ba lautait to a e o t l^ Italian. On tba night of tlsa muidar be waaaean on Bauid HIU about 10 tfolock. No on* teemt to know jiiat -wbara ha weat, but hia body waa found some mllaa np the track, in tba direction of this d ty . A bloody rope was found in the woods after Jttaa murder. Ha waa probably bralnod with a club.

fifr fomt ftKum or o t ^ you may dt «liwr ■iSor mntf bo odwr'tU4u(f§orMi§b§r» AtM, your

tUtny mMf


AwitrliQtMiUfin^oywKnt Noewwto Mil in iUcol9mi%MWhmutimt

BODOBT FtATING CABO* AHEAD.■aw Iba CIvba Get Ahead of the Maw

Tariff Law Provlalan.EgtabalV, y. Brnan, Chief Deputy Collec­

tor a t Ihtarnal Kevanua, it raotivlog many ■ppMoattoat tor atampa to put on playing oardaaathe'tMff lawraqalrtu Toalloomert ha wya that be axpecta tba atampa within a

lltalL )ta.able .to

‘‘land,*'I a r ta r t^ i

aaid Hi, Brutn to a NlW8 re- a moralng, " thatraoat ot tba einba

aad Indlvldaala wtm are la tha habit of using la m qnaatlUaa o( omrda laid in a oontlder- ablanMiiybaths* tb* n*w law want Into, affect itad thna tav*d the tax ot two oaaita n ' t

"Tba atampa th a t 'l in t arrira will, 1 think, to a BiMlal lania Intandad tor the nia of ntdO daahra who have a atook of oarda s t a h ^ iM b t laturaih* atampa vrUl to toM d l r a ^ r to Ito manafhotiirari.”

Hartral ttalloMry daaltra and othan who ladnda nlayini oarda aaorig thair gooda, m tdto tharepartorttaat thar* had barn uo a ao ti^ demand for oarda alnoa the naw a d

Tba Bnoampasant la ia9d te Be Held a t ladlaBapollt.

TYaeaniaTOif, Aug. 80.—IndiaaapoUa will be the place selactad for the biennial anoump- ment of tba Knlgbta of I ^ h u a In 18M. Tbit has bean practically decided upon through tbe witbdnwal of oUiar oon- toatanta for the honor—Boston and MiancapoUa. Notwithstanding tha fallnra of tha railroad companies to make low rataa to Wathlngton, 70,006 people bare virited tha dty tinea tbs ^ th ia n an- campmant began. About two-tfairda of tbeae were Fythlana and thalT friends. In tbe big perade on Tuesday, tto Toronto division nf tbe Unlfornud Rank oarried a British Oag and this baa been one of the principal Mpica of comnsnt among tha Pythlana from ttaia aide ot tha line,

Majo-Gentral Carnahan, eoigiDanilsr'In- obief ot tha Uniformed Hank, la a atench aup- portar of the action of the Canadlana Ha aavt thara la not a division la tto ordar more loyal to Its IntaTtata or which tokaa a mere active part In its affairs. This ta the fourth coaaacuilTa ancampmant which thla parttcolir Toronto dlvlaion h « attended. General Carnahan lays It was narfartly proper for thani to oairy tto Union Jack, ana ha holda that It wonld have baan jm t aa proper for tba Canadlani to have objected when, at the anoam{aiient In Toronto In 1 8^ all the dlrlaioDS carried tba Htai* and Btripaa.

Hina drill teams from tto varloua dlvlilona of (to Ealghu of Pvtblaa of the dlSarwit Htalea toBtaatoai tor tto aopr*iw-y to-day, MyiUc No. 18, of Oltard, Kan., Cajtoln M. F. Bua- lall, ndw hotderi of the .obaoinlan- ship, wen th* llr*t to taka tto

by dlvlriona from T p la m w i t Fa.; Now Attany, Ind.; In- dtoMpdia, Amatordam, N. Y.i Haatlngai J ^ h .; Tarringtoo, Conn,, and Louiavina, Ky. .

went into opanUoa, bat that all who aak for liafarmedihattham arai 1 they mual watt until

, nrad.lUtaari Ihnswand Internal RavMiM nampa

toa* ar* laaiHd IQi tto Qovammant tob. *— ws*.i s s s t f s s a r j s s *

FLAT! FOB TWO AWraeUosia at

WBRiCb.Thehe Tbaatea* an

that Win Follsw Than.Floranoa Bindley and to r oompany oon-

Unue to plaaes tha andtaaitoi at H. R. Jaoobs'a Ttoatr* .with ' “Tha Cap- taln’a Mata." Next weak “ Tto Frodigoi Folbw’'wiU to played. I t b aaid to to full of fun, and a number of apeclalty featan i ore Introdaoed.

H ^ Howard'i oompany In borlesqna aad TsudavlUe la bring wall raorivad a t ’Wald.

next weak by **“ “ o®*® vaudivUla oriebntlea.

Mbaar’f l lw tre o i itn a n t i t week with thehammoMa produotlon

*’T Haaltei a ^ p a n y .paH ig the aomtaar aom aiw aoaBarrhaa

M additional attnwUvaMta to t to

cwtional aaminary before ha waa ordomad. Tbe (upplicattona of bis parenta and his own prontina to reform raeultad In hia being takan bisok again, and he'eventoslly became a priest la due form. He was appointed vicar a t Aitllle in 1886. Here, by nrulwsitig the moet extreme piety, he became tba raclp- lent of l a m turns of money, which charita­ble old Sdlra desired him to traosnilt to the poor. This money was spaat io tbs wildest orgies. It appears ba robbed tto core and twice ettenipwd to sat Are to tho building, with a view of getting tbs ioiur- anoa money. He waa after this treated witli wbat aaenia td be inexcusable Indulgence by the ecclnlutical authurtties and sent to Eutrammaa, near lavaL Hara, also, by hit loud profsarioni of piety ba obtained the con- Adnnoa of well-hrilo and charitably dlsitoad domai, wboaa money he spent ID riotous com­pany at Itavol. But a tta rs time his funds became too small to meet the requlreinenta of such a life aa ha lea In clvlldraei at Laval.

About this time the curt under wboae ordari Abba Bruneau had bean placed loet about six hundred francs, the extant of h l| aavtugs. When qnmttoueil by the gendarme* hu laid tao knew who the thiri waa, but that he would not daooouoa him. He would tell tbe thief what ha thought about him soma day. A few days afterward the cure dlaap- paared under vary mysterious condlttous, and was not lean again till hia body waa dis­covered in lha well of hia ganleo. Ha had

Heavy Loasaa by tha HIkada'a Tnupa Be- ported—Coraaas Uelplag to

Bant tha ilapanaaa.RnSROBAl, Ang. SO.—All aorta of rumori

are adoat conoarnlng tha battia alleged to have been fought batwten tha Japanese and ebinesa troopi on August 18, but nothing official has bean reerivad hart. Aooordlngto raporta racalvtd by thi native praaa, a foroa of 5,000 Chinees troops attaolrad the Japa­nese forces guarding the Fing-Yang pmuea in Nortfaweat Coraa aad dreva thain from tbair position. Tha Cbinaaa were jolaad by a large nnuibar of Coraaita who applied tor arms and assignment to the Chinese advance gnai4.

These account* say that next day the Chlnaae were relnforoad by 4,000 men from Yi-Chow, and, with this augumentation, on August 15 engmaed and defeated tbs Japanmo at Chong-Bo. Additional troops to the number of ll\000 joined tha Cblnasa army on August 16, and next day auotbar ittack was msde upon tbs Japaneaa, with tha reault that they loat AOOO men and loft a large amount of ammunition, bagfaga, etc., oo tha Aaid.

On August 1$, according to tba native ra­porta, tbe Uhlniaa ware Arad upon by thir- taan Ji^neaa waraUps in the Tatung River,

Huang-Chow, laalh| several hundredmen. Rubci^uantly tbraa of tba worihips went aground and wan llrad upon aud lart-ously damaged bv the Chinese artUlaiT.

Tha Japaneaa Ibraat ratraatad southwardand war* pursued by tbe Chluata oavtlry un­til night set in. On the following day Gen­eral Yeh, commanding tha Chlnaae army, auocaeded In gettlag in the raau' ot the Jap­anese, routing them after a sharp *ud

It wat oniT attar a long and oarefuT araroh that the slilla were located.

The still at Lodi wat found to to worked by Molliard and Rchwara, and thoaa a ware raptured on the premlsaa.

The still was In an old barn, and tbs nrighbars have for soma tima seen strange lights In tha plaoa at the dead of night and wondsrrd thu causa. The barn Is In a loansome part of tha town, and tbs bouses In tba netgubarhood are not Very near or vary plentiful.

Tb# other still, which was worked by tbe other luan, it in an old bouse that is diractlv ou tba boundary between Lodi and Cori- •tadt. Tbe still was In tbe cellar.

The ravenue man Arst viilted tha Lodi bam aad made their daaoant. Tto men were taken compkataly bysurprise aud did not offer anyraaistauca. 'Tbay were bandcuffsd and taJun to tha I Orlstadt Honsa. Tha other raid wot also secumpUabad without any oppoaitlon. The mau ar* tollev*d to ba partaart, a t they were all aoquaiutad with one auotbar.

When the maa ware before Com- mlsiionar Whltataaad this morning, Meygratt was charged with bring a wbiilaaala daalar in tha lllldt stuff and also with distilling tha spirits. Ha pleaded guilty to the sale, but not guilty to Ua manutactura of the stuff. The other Ibraa men were only charged with dlatllling tbe splrlta, and Molliard pleaded guilty to tbet charge, while the othara pleaded not guilty, and protaated their iunooenoe of any intant at wrong-

" T ^ g r a t t WU pUced uad«r ll.flOO btil and tb* (it).ert all under ll.UOO ball aaob. Tbey will ba Mot to jail this aftoraooDs Thu azamlnatioiu were ■eC dowb to bwiii a week from to-morrow, Theee are fche flnt raid* made in tbli dittricl in some yean.

■ucH A pi«aunt mau, lliat Mr. UeAer did not take (be (ruuUle ta leareh the title of the ■trauger to tbi> property, but took tbe |UU in oiidk with (be nutee and tiie morteagie and tnreeil bi« iMitiueu oT4»r to Malimt ini- iiietliateW afliT turning the hmineii orer Mr. MeeL^r removed to Hprlngvihe, Htateu LlaJid, aii i eunged in buslnm there. When the tint note bemme due It wee preeeiited for paymiuit, hut there were bo fund* to Dieet it. HifWever, Mr. Meeker felt eecure witb 1U» niortgaft aod did but worry, nor did tlie fict tuat the other notee were nob paid et maturity eeem to arouee hltn, he felt eu leou^e with hti enurtgage on the lota,

About twelve yeere ego Mr. Meeker be- ceiue a tnfle uoreay, ami eongkl legal ad' ▼Ire at lo forerlueurr of the mortgage. The lawyer took the pepere, and after keeping Uiem for a time, returned them with tbe Itatement that tbe loU weiw Id a Terr wet kwehtr, aud be ftm id not advlee hlia to fore<;loce. hut let the matter lay, ai the U>ti might br filial up eruund tb ^ i and tbeu they wuuld be valuable. Thu« tbe mattvr renU«<l up to UrI week, when Mr. Meokei e tainily dL<r(de<l that eomntblng iboukl be done. Mr. Meeker, who U an iDvalld and nnable v* attend to buiitirai, gave tbe paper* to hii daug^hter. who put them in the hand* ofiamee J. Thoratey, a lawyer ot New York. The letter Immedlktrly ovgan an In- reetlgatioD, nnd itii hia report on tne matter, Juit received, that ban dispelled any UlunioQ that the Meeker* may have eatertaJiaed aa to tbe Tolue of tbelr mortgage.

Id tbe mortgage the fuU are deecrlbed u loU Koi. 6>\ M aoil C7, lylbg between Jen- kiOM'e raurh, ti«y Way and Atnoi etreeli, Jn block No. 7, ae tbowo oaa map of 1,300 loti on file at the Clerk'e offloe of Hudion County. After a long Mearcb Mr. Tbomley luoceeded in finding the map and locating loti. On tbe Diap they looaed very pretty, but an at­tempt to ui'tunlly locate them ou tbe face of the earth Uir« out thlitatHnent made by tbe farinrr hiw yer that tbey were In a wet l(h eellty. * lr. Tbomley went to the watar'e


capturing Uuaii* Chow. L<)8Do8, Aug, .80.—The Shaughai oorre-

sprindent of the Central News says:'' There is ao uneasy fnllag in 'Tien Tiln,

owlug to tba altitude of tbu native troopa.Foreigners are arming ttaemsrlvea. at they fmr an attack. The l^ n c h warahip Lion,

beta Arst ituuned by a blow from aome heavy...................................... . .........-ll.Inilrument and then tbrown into the well and the murderer, Andiug that bis victim was itUl alive, had buried down heavy blocks of wood upon him until ail was uvar.


iDdiestloaa Paint to a Large Array #r Biblblta and a Inacatarnl Weak.

The Bpaad Department.A blg'oorpa of mtehaoles have baea pat­

ting In overtime tbit week a t the Wavtrly Fair Grounds making laady for tha tblrty-alxth annual fair of tba Naw Jersey Btata Agricuitural Dapartmeat

Tbe fair togliis Saturday uiurnlog. Fna- ent indiratiorui,BCConllug to tbe ■tetomanta of (he raaoagsr* of tb* various depart­ments point to one of tba meat succaiisful npcalUon* aver lield by tto aaioctatioQ.

departmant la this yeartuperintandaiscy of tbaBasainL who bos tor

a leading part iuexhlbila. Mr. Baa- ibat In hia dtqiarUnent

Tto apsad under tba Cbarlas L. yaan takantbe equina •ini announceatbe li*t of entries tncludra 368 borMk all ofbigii ftandiug.

The track record of 8l1 ^ , made by Bert Bbelden In lliM, Mr. Baisini nredlcta will be tosten, He hoMi that. Judging from tbe merita of tb* anluials e n ta )^ tbe aaooud winner will have to go In at Isast 9:15.

Tto race* will begin eaob day at lldW. The unpraoedeotedly large entry list ba* neceasltatad tbe oreotlon of Alty new box ftalls for til* accommodation ot tba ijaUDal*I tba u i i

roacMy.Poftpaaing the Taaala Ti Til* Exacutiva Commlttaa ot lb* Hontfa

Perk Lawn Teonli Club, under wboae ausnicee Ibe anmial tournameut for tbe local

doablechainpfo&blp In singlsa and doubla li to ba held, BM derided to poatpune tb* diatobe*from tbi* Baturday to Haturday, Beptember 8. In order to be sasure^ of a suoceaiful tourney this waa naraaaary, na many ot (boae who dealra to compete bare not yet re­turned to the city. Dudley Roberta, nf tbe Nswarfc Tennla Club, bnlda tbe ai..gla obaiu-plonahlji| tb* doubles being hrid by Friater

dwln, of tbe laro* clnb,

tb* Oarmaa Wolf, tha Britiih Llaaet, the Ameiican Ucnocacy and tha Russian Sivooteb have been sent by tbelr Govern- manta to Tien Tain to p r o t^ tb# foreign rasidanta in rasa of used."

Anottaer lUspatoh framEhangbai aays the Japanese newBi;aper publlabad a t Shanghai has ceased its afferta to palllato the act of sinking tha Chinaaa transport Kow bhlng, aad in despair of oonvlnclug Its roadert of tbe justice of ibe act demands a specuil enurt-martiat of tha oommandar ot tha Jap- aaraa cruiser Naniwa, whien, tba paper ba- Itern, will sfaow that offices stotion was •tricUy within the rules of riviliasd warfare.


A lllh Dyar Amatad on a Cbarga af Us­ing an Aeeasaory—Brighter Out-

Ie#k tar sutler.Fatimox, Aug, so.—Frederick J. Nan-

kirk, a silk dyer, was arrastad this morning, chargad with being au accaeiory to the murder of Mtx Uhlausloagsr on March 38, during tha labor troublti bars. William J,Kammarar, praaidant of BranchNo. 1, Ribbon Waavari Union, who swore out the wai rant, allagta that Newkirk rartad tba body shortly after tha murder to a lune- soma spot alone the# Erl* itaUroad iu Bergen County.

Allegatioa of a* nature different from thoea obtained by Justice Otto Btutk batdi against Aparohist August Miller ar* now roUlog lb. They nuna from the frlendi of the accused man, and they Ht forth that MiUer la tba victim of persecution bacaUM ha gave evidence at the trial of a furniar contadarate.

Froaecutor Uourlay, who arrived bomt yalerday from Newport, said that Millar waa not arrastad by bit dlractiun. Ua bad

.sviittnoa In bin pcasetsion, but lie did net tbluk it atrong anou|^ to (astan the eriiiia of OhlanklaageFi murder upon Miller. He had not, however, lookad over ‘the eridenct securtd by Jostloe Htutabacb, but ai auan at he had he would to better able to tail wbetbrr or not Miller would In held to awidt tba acUon of lha Bergen County au- tboritlsa, wbara he will have ta to triad la OBsa an indletmant la found against him by tbe Grand Jury. Mr. Gonrley'a knowledge ot th* recant alleged avldeuce against Millar was ubtalnad Ibrougb tbe newspapers, and from wbat hs bad taus gieame<i be u ld thara bad uot Iswo aaytbbig ailducad In additiqn to wbat wai already in bit iwesastiou. j a ^ i g ^ ^ tto oaae Millar will leave tha

Baa Into the Tree.J. Plot*, employed by th* Frnden-

ttal Insurance Company, wblls riding his bioyolaalout Faria place Inst Dlgl’* ran into tbs trunk ot tbe- rim tree, that had basu left In tba road. His wheel was badly broken and he was cut about the face and bead. Than was no light on tb* tTM to warn people of danger aad,M r. Plots has ptaced tto matter In tb* bands of tbe looai oonaiil of tto L. A, \V. to bring suit sgainsl ths city tor dsmagaa._____ _ _ _ _

gdwsrd ■tala, Whesa Atraag* Aetloas Caasad MU Arrast In New York,

T*1U Aboat Ul« MUtlun*Nrw Y'ork, Aug. 30,—Edward Btalo, th*

man arrestad last nigfat for making threata to kill Monsignur Batolli, was arraigned be­fore Justice Taintor thla morning. Ha ra- fused to say anything to the Jadga and tha latter commltt^ him for examination aa to his sanity. Btiili was intarvlewed auba#- qucntly in his call in tbe Harlem jail, u ss: 1 L isC b:< a;< v i: (i.r.V'ini> yaara Ha Is a aiiKKJtd-facad young man nf ransldar- able education. W haa asked concarnlng bis mlsaiou from Haavan to kill Monsignor Ba- tolll, ho said: “ Ob, that waa simply a freak oi imagioatlon.”

He Biibseigneiitly said after savaraJ quai- Uimt that be ruine from Findley, O., and that wlilla there ha received a call from heaven, muking him the King nf mankind.

" My instructions from our Heavenly Father," hs began, "was to form an army of

I king to to a German, Theten mill, tha king to ba a German,arniv was to go to Waablngton, D. C., leak out .Vlonsigaur Hatolll and kill him. Thiswie a loilg time ago, and after that 1 weut to klaoilvllle. Pa., where I startau in the reelaiiraut busineat. Two weeks ago I had another call from Heaven to form my army of tou men, and at this lastoall 1 waa to be made king wltliont taiL 1 sold out my restaurant, but altar rejiratod afforta tu dud sult- abla men tor my army 1 gave up for tba time nud conoluiled to carrysout ray Inatnic- tlou Biugly. Ob, yaa, 1 want from MeadviUa, Fa., straight to Watoingtou and made in­quiry for riatolll."

As the Insane man mentioned tha name Hatolll ba placed hia lips cloae to tbe hart uf hit call ami hissed tha name, "1 could not Aud him,’’ hwaed Btolk, "but 1 will.''

" What brought you to thla city I” ba was asked

The idea uf inunlerlng tto Pope's amitaary taeiiiad to bava depaitad from blm oa ha said: "Wall, I left Waataiugton, trainpad to Balllmui^ stop jad at PblladalpW and Auatlr lauded In Naw York,You sea 1 bava a pataottbat I am anxious td place on tha marliat In tha tbapo of a chair, tha srat of tba chair IncUnat toward tba back and pravenia persnus silting ua It from Iwnlng back auddefacing tbe walls, I got prlcaa ou the seats at Haltlmura and in Pnlladalpbla 1 got quotations for tbs lag*. I oama to New York and woul to 168 Canal atraat to sea whuC 1 could gat tba tocks Aalshad for.”

" Do you sUll intand to kill Mousignor fctatolll r he wdb asked.

“ Wall, 1 am Elng and a naw IJlbla must to writtan. Tba old one was bacotniug playad out, and it can not to writtau until Baiulli ls dimd. But wbat la tto Oks of talk- iiig to you uoleta you at* wlUlng to btooiua one ul tlia tanf"

“ 1 am willing to join tba army,” tald tbe npurtor.

"A rc youT he said with a s ta rt “ U you are, then come aud lea me when I am re­leased from prison, and I’U give you full iu- itruidlons.”

Although repeated attempts were made to have til* msm give his lustructiona, ha re­futed lo again speak a word, and walked to tbe m r of his cell and sat down.

edge, snd then could not get within a mil* of them, for, according to to* ma|*P*tions, tbey biy a mile from tbore, between

and daacrlp' orabatweas

the biouih c'r tha Cammuaipaw Rlvar and the Statue of litorty , and even at that to found that John 1. H ^ t t navar had a deed for that part of New York Harbor.

Tha awlndle falls rather aevaraly on Mr. Mutkar and his family. They bava always cuuntad upoa tba lota a* somstblng to fall back on In tima of used. L'taarla* Jaoobus, who ussd to Hva la W right iiraati was also a victim of MalletL Ha traded a bouts on Frtllngbnyaan avtuea to MallaB, at about the iniHl time tha dtal sras madt with Meakar. Mallatt gave him 8360 In cask and soma lot* at tisrgsn Point, prMuuiabjy tbe saoia lota that fas tbovad his otbar vlo- tint, Btfore Jacobtl* discovered that th* lota ware out In the bay, Mallett had tuld the hiiusa and gone to p u ts unknowa,

Early iu tbe spring a man nho said that he was executor for tba Heath estate at Eaaton was tcaroblag among tha records and m l « tato efficas In tfaia city to hstata some Iota for which he bad a deed. Ba flnally located hie property in about tba tame place that the UaeW and Jacobus Iota wsre iocated and returned borne in disgust.

Acconllug to Icbabod Ayrei, Ruparla- temleiit of Publlo Parks, thara la not a healthy elm tree in tba city anil ll is only a quaaliou of time, be says, whan avary trta o( the Sind will hare to be taken down. Dur­ing the |iott Sevan waaks about twenty trass have baan failed by men nmlar Mr. Ajrrt* and In each cstao, tb# laitw daclaraa, tha obopjilng down was atnolufoly naosaaary.

Home of tb* tnes, Mr. Ayre* said, warn abont 1511 yaart old and were la a dangattiM state. Tba eitarior of tb* trunks appsartd to be in a healthy condition, ha asdA bnt only a few blows of an aia or savnrml stroksa of a taw wsre nacataary to briog tka appW> ently mastiva alnu lo lha ground. Tka centra ot lha treat wat dtrayed and nothing resnainad but the outer bark. Tbit bring tka caaa nothing eonld save tto traaa, aad. Hr. Ayrat says, ba waa foretd to taka them down, a t Ikera waa a great danger ot soma of tbam falling in tha Aril heavy wladstom

Tha rulaattoa of tha sliui it not dna ta- tlraly to any kind or class of bugs,to says, but priiiripally to tto lack of nourUbmant. Tha great quantity aad variety of gaa ia tto ground, ba clairat, has much to do with tbe killing of lha treat, and tba asphalt paring of toina of tbs atraala, be ttatat, prevanta tto water from gattlug Into tba ground to nonr- iab tto traet. Tba nault of tala la tbak lack- lag the utcestsury supply of water, the roots CBBiiut furnito the tree with lit ra- quireuMata.

"Ufcoiii*#," contlnusd Mr. Ayna, “ tto Intacta have sometblug to do with tto work of daatruoUuo. A femal# beetle, (or inttaaea, gets on Ito ouUr leaf of tba topuiuat btaueb and layt Aftaau or twenty eggs on (kt bot­tom 01 tba leaf. Wbtn these a rt hatetod out anil tha llttla Intacta gal abont (toy be­gin at one# on tba nearby taavia, devouring (torn rapidly, and gradually work tbair way downwanJ.''

Mr, Ayrat was of tto opinion that in otdtr to havs tavtd th* trssa they tbonld bar* botn lookad aftor Aftatn yaart or to ago, Tto work of dsatructlou, b* said, had kata going on for many ytari. It wUI not to aeo**tary, to says, to taka down maay mora tm a around tb* city afatto preaant t im but ba ia poaitlva that before many yaart go by tba city will not bare a slnxls rim traa, and b* thliiki tto work of replacing tbam sboold to begun iminadiaUly.

Hr. Ayr#t auggeita that young Norway and *afar maple taeat to placed abont tto parka In ragnlar order, Ttot* treat, to ctaimi, a n tba haalthiatt, and that if (toy should to planted at onm Ito parka would bar* tplandid tress In tan or tsralv* yaart.

Tto fact that tb# handtonw elm t n « mask go It a toorce of great rtgrat amoag tto cttliiana of Newark, and (be naottar bat naan uiuoh dlsouMd. no inlanttad haa L'barltt A. Paick, a lawytr, of TS8 Broad atraat, ba- esma in th* matar that to eommonloatad with tto aattorlUa* of New Havaa, Conn., taking fer information a t to how to tare tbs

In due time Hr. Ftick raceivtd front Mayor Joaaph fi. Bargent tba toUawing


A aK iplo tlon af nTnsm Ita Caasad by aa Ita lian Laborer In tha Old

Burying Oreand.Olovana La Graggo, an Italian labortr

amployed by Contraotor B. U. Hhanlay, narrowly pscagwd lining blown to piacaa while a t work sorting cobblastonea in tba old burying ground tbis morning.

I’llea of cobblaetonea balaaglng to tbe con­tractor lay Just In tto reiu' nf the building* aoutb of Mn. 1 Hook-aUd-Lodder Houm. Th* Italion ibvid n]»n a pile on the easterly tld^ whan suddenly tba pile hagao rolling and ta* iHpoil to tbe ground. Hnddenly thars w it a tarrlAc s i plosion, aud a half bundrtd stonst Aaw through th* air.

A dynamite cnrtrlilga Is ballavad to bar# been raralestly thrown among tba stonea and axplodeil when tha preatur* of tha rolling moss woH sat upon it, A number of tha stone* were blocksnad by tba axpluilua, which was bstrd several blocks dlttaiiL

Tbe Italian wot not hurt and uo damage waa dona exrapt to tb* stone*.

JOHN 8cHr:iir,B’H nuddkn d m a th .Aflar aendiag for a I’rleit In Albany Ha

1s Found Head ia Uad.John Hcbeder, au Albany man, waa found

dead m bed at Zucta'i sakiun, 113 H|iringAclu avenue, thla morulng about 4 o'clock by the proprietor. Zui'b stated that the man had baan Rtopping with him for about a week anil that last night h t complaiuod of fading sick. Ha was given some brandy, but that did not •sem to do him any good and ba died daring tba nigbt.

K'badar eaina to Newark from Cttafclll, N. Y., wbara he tod bean working ou a farm Ha told Mr. Zuch t to t ha w u looking for a p rin t named t'ruevsen, but be oonld not l>* found her*. Tbe dwaased bad ukwl Zuch ■esterday to telegraph to Itav, Katuer

TO AMEND THE CONaTITUTlON.Tba Coiainltla# A|ip#lnl#ri by the Canatl-

tallBaal Coinmltt## u Worh. tfp.risd Dlspatek to the Nxwa 'Brnmu Laxx, Aug. 80.—Tb* eommlttae

tppointad by tbe Conttltuttona't ^ to prepar* amendmauw to -tiie Conatitutlon are in taeeloo a t tka Moninoutb lloun tore to-day. The members pneent are: Haniuel H. Grey, of Camden; Attoruey-Genaral John F. Htocktoo, of Trenton; Albm L. Ho- Dermotk of Jersey City; ai-Governor Joiqrii D. Bedta, John Naan, Jr„ Elisabeth, and Judge William M. Laiulng, of EUso- betb.

Tto party arrived about U o’elock and

. Vogt, a t Albany, to come on litre Zuro dill to, remvlng a telsgrain

jettaniBy Kidellt M and Mrfrom tb* clergynwa this moinltig to the affect [bat ba would be her* to-duy. The Iknmty Hiysiclen w u notlAed. It 1s lie- Iluvod that Gis deoaoM l w u heir to sunui mono/, but only two cauts was found on him. Ha w u about ilily-foar year* of age.

A Blvat 8tra«l Hniite Kaidad,^, of '.m Bummtr avsnuo, w u

drunk ywterSay afternoon whan be enteredPhilip Murphy,

itertoy itba bniisa at 37 River streat. Homebody re­lieved him of III* revolver and (1.80 and to rsportad the cau tu Patrolman roniicll. who rau l^ tto house. Edward Edwards, of East Orange; Janie* Hmltb, Victor Hsilar, Mamie luTllv, llnaa Lahay, Jaunla VVeio- bseb, who wsre found lo the place, were taken in custody. Judge Mott this raornlog coiomlttatl them for ninety daya aud Auod Murphy 516 for carrying a revolver.

To Hina Nat.vU aud Mill Om.Articloa of Incorporntioinif the Rudd's

|,aka MluIng and Milling Co«ni»ny war* to day rwimdttd In tfaa County Clerk’s uOca. Tba object of the company It to " mine for uiataltofallkindtandto mill ores and ax-

'tniot* tbtrafrom.'' Tha capital stock I* plsoadat 1100,860 and builnsas will ba com- oMiuad with (L600. Tto incorporators- are Adrien G. Flunck, ot RiCWniii-

Nauia J. FWfi, of HpobSiyfi,"lDd frauds B. King, of this city.

Koran Wlot th* Tarkahlrw •tafcea- liOMDOx, Aag. tu.—n ie u n y -aeo i^ 8“® ^

rtoe for ito %*«t Yorktblt* 8 tak« ot Af- Meh aovaralgu saoh, with 500 aovarolgn* added, for forilt of 1831, to nm a t tkra#

■ runr ta re old, *D* mile and a quorur, w u k Y o rk to d ta r . Sir B. Jardinri* E o r t t i - - A M Mr, Boaris Basildon taoorid, aad Lord WMirinnffsIjaMagaalo tklid.

War* lha ErovUlent ■tolan T _ Oacar Sohart of S3, and John Barth, o f » FJitabath at rest, waro arraatad by ratrol- m*D Malar aud Goldto at an early boar tbit mornlug on Hnltorry streat. Tto msa ware “ -ofukt to have stolse bags of polalost and

riuia which tb v e an ta l Tkay dalmad *Mh* shdl was glv*Q to ttasoi by drivers

ae^geyad by eomflrilo# dsaiirs.

after cnjoriiu tto cool sea bretstt from the Monmoutk Boina porobes for a skort tlm^took pcaaetslon of parlor No. 19 at tha Mon- moutb and were In itethm until "3 F. H.wrhea tbay tdjouratd for dinner.

T to mektiif will be oonttansit tbU atUr- nooa.

Tbonaagd* do, de year w a tara tF is l^ -A d T .

drink the bast a*da

, Will Try Aaothar Game.Ideutaaent Tracy, who la tb* manager of

th* polio* bau ball team. It ooaDdant that bis men can defeat tha New York poUoe at tto National gam*. Attar tto dinner which w u fivso Ito New Yorkers at Aohtel Btat- tar’s yuterdsy tftarnoon, tbs Usutenant pnmliad to take bis tu rn to New York and show tto " pantatat ” how to play bau ball. A game will to played lu the matropoUa in about Mo days.

■yor reply:

•D iix B m —W* (ormarty (ten toAftean yaan agol ware vary muoh troubled with worm* that ata tha leavsa of our aim treat, Wa watotaad tbair babita and found that tto (amala ww a sort of a tlug-shgpad lusaot, tnnxith and toft and moist Ilk* a ctuwUncctuwUng■tall t o t pama, u w* aappoaad, outof the grouDOnaar tto irex in tto warm, fog; days of tto aariy spring, when tto gram


bacams tbswad, bunarad* or mora could to couatad vary slowly orawllog up tto trunksof tbe alms, and hovering around Ibem was

ys a swarm of wnIW-wmgad moths, which proved to to tb* tnsUa Intact that for- tlUsad lb* inuthar slugs u thsj clung to Ito trunk of tto tree.

“ Wt aduptad a perfect ramady, entirely affective and at very little cost. W* cut ouaru bay or straw into lengths uf about tan luciMt and bound them around tto trunk ot tba tree In tbiekaen of say half an Inrit when oompru i cd by the cotton cloth baud Uiat we wound around tto straw. Tb* band of unblaactasd, rather coarw cotton c loth- brown sbe#iiag or ablrUng~"Wu abont six or eight inebu wide, and the ends of tb* cut •traw projected about two Inc bea above and below Ik* baad, Tb* band w u then wall smeortd over with a good tblcknau of printan' ink ot a oouilstancy such u would adhar* to tha cloth aid no| run dowa muck. I know ot ao good in th* axtansiun of tto strawa above the baad *x-eept to hslp bold them (ram sUjqiInf down.

Moat of tba (troato became eutanglsdand parlstod la the straw below tba baad. Ttauim that gut at far u tna bead war* d» stroyad In tba iak. Wt hare bad no troubi* with any Inai'Ct on trees (or tto giut tan years ur mors, till this summer. Now tbsra a rt a very few trees that are troubled with a nonn tluit hatebu from the wbli^i n u laid and glued tu lb* undrrride of th# leaf, and It Is u ld that tto mother la a Ayiag bug, simitar in form to a junt bng. It* babita have uot baon watcbnl tufflciently bare to report upoa, but it is said by some lb»t the insect 'bug' comas I rum th# xrouad aad crawl* up the trunk ot the treu. If so tba straw and band smeared with priu- tars' ink wili destroy them.''

At a result of tbe removal ofthu traea thara are nut so manyshady placss abiiut Military snd Wuhlngtoo park* u tbor* were.

loing year* ago Brood *traat,ln lha vicinity ot Military Park, we* sbadnl by the aliita, but now tha luu't ray* are unobetructed.

There ora a number uf Elin trace in front uf private residancre throughout tbe city and tbue tooor* decaying and wlU have to coma down. Haveral raaidenta hara reluctantly admitted this fact, aud have cngtgnil Mr. Ayrta to remove the treu oa •uou as |»»tlble, ____


Tha Instlla talloat Club's Eieurslnn Again Nearly lalersapled—No Clua I#

the tflsohlef-iDSaliar*.Another attempt w u made yenterday w

cause Buiioynnce to the lusGlule Boat Club ami Ita friuodi, who left Newark to-day oa the annual excursion uf the club. Arrange­ments bad lieen made for the eicuraicmlsts to travel bv rail h> roiiirnitidgiaw, thar* to embark un tbe stoaiuer Mnltawaii.

Lata yastarday afternoon Treuuror T. J. Ryan, of the Institute Boat Gtub, received a telegram from tbs Htarlu Rlvor and Harbor Trnn*portaHon Gompenf. The clls]aimtcl^which*wa* littod at New Vnrk, read* tuus:“ To r . J. Ilyan, 70 Sow sirMi.-

“ For your information 1 telegraph yoa that letter signed 'J . Magown’ has been re- calved, stating ‘Jlatteawau will not be r» quired.’ W* will pay no atteutlun to tbli letter, John H. Stakin.''

An inveatlgatlon w u a t unce beguu, aud il d*Talo{)ad that tha ■teamboat company was in receipt of a typo-wrllton tetter signed " J, Mugowan," wbich cuuntermauded tbe order (or th* boat. Th* Btariu paoplt, ra- iiwmberiag tha experience of bu t year, ifian a tiiollar letter wns recelvad by them, deoldtd a t once tu send I to boat u par contract. Tbs uflieari of tbe boat club have no know ledge of "J'. Msguwan’" and ar* a t a Ion to'underataad tto attoniptk to work Ik# club kariu. Much indigaatiou prevailad among tbe metnbart and tbelr guaate when It iv u Isarntd that another dis­appointment had been pJanntd (or thara by tbe mtaohiaf-iiiaker*.


Friday Fair and Cooiar,Fair and slightly ooolsr wuther with wtsl-

srly winds I* tbe Weather Bnnau (orsoatt (or Mew Jersey to-oaerrow.

Great attraction a t Beyntoa Baaeh labor Day. 'ito**dv.*xeanloB«olHBn.-AdT.

K dw snl ilargan aad TboisiH Trsey 8w#ra I# by tb# City Clarh.

Edward Bergen, who w u on Monday Bight choam by the Police Commissioners to succeed PoUee Uautaln Chorlts Ghirl, win sworn In this murnlsg by City Clerk O'Con-

Lieutenant Tbomu TraoyaHo took to* oath of riHo*. The Ueutonant bat atsumsd tto dutlM at kit olAc#. Captalt Bargtn will ttk* eommaad a t tto Fourth PreoTtet on toptamber 1(1, whan Captain Glori will atari upon hit vaeatlon. __________kl Pasha, fiiMNt of Cohan axottaafan're tto rigar for «iu taste anlowgwlHM.

“ * 4 t.


I W O C B ! F f l l E S T F I S .

Fortins o f WlscoDsio u d M lebigu Swept by Fieres Flames.


Tk« Town o f Phltuiw. CunUialRf *SO B a lld lu p , E s l ln lr *w»i>t A w« t-T I i* t l« M t o f Moot r*rm *rt 0 « » . o'"! Tholr r M lI lH W ithout SholW r-Tho I « m w to Lomboim oo Sold to B oo Vl> Into tho m illo o t—U oiucw w ful Edorto Mod* to t'ootral tho Homos.


CB1PPS1TA P*LUE Wit.. A b e 80-K orool <8m In ttali soctloo ol Northw«il*ro Wtaoon- «la taw boon tam tof for two motiUw oiwl Iht 0|[|n |[oU toot Is Dot tad tta l SH,000.000

llio plno loml oiroofBOOd oowuiin niso, bwldM tom to IndiTWuoht Roporto to- d»j »w tta t flreo o n rogluK on tho ouUkIrU at l^nUeo, which wo* olnwtt wljiod oat o . fow woskt 0*0, ood fin oppor»t« ta i bow ■oat t ta n from tbU citj.

T ta fllU(0 of Voopor, la Wood Couotj, was oompiotslj wiped out ysolordoy. oa*l tw w tf fonilbM oro roportwl butuolwo. At !!■«» City, 100 milto diolont, dUoNU aro •siMUiolod by oontinuously fi*htlnc Uro, and U ttk ltleft In tta T iU ^. At ImfayoUt foiaot S n t doTuUtad tba bunui of oix (ormon. „ .

F in 1i a t preaaat burnlnt a t SliTtr Bprinf Fuk, touf ^ t a dlotanl from tbio city, and ttap iaa t of t ta Cblppawa Epiios Water Cooipaay, a largi oonaira t ta t thipa to all port* at tta country, h la danger. T ta twOMaf WlUiara Ht, ixiuii ta» alroady baeu iMiratd at Nabogowala.

Fine a n booiulag atoag tta CUrafO. St. Paul, Klaasapull* *«“l Ot»»b» batwsou Chip­pewa Falla end K ^ a a r for Sf« mUoa, and arary towu It oalfiiriag to a jn a 1 « or leaa ilacnE flnjirolaotlou bdn* oat of tho onao- tloa. At Uaoon City the JnnipRlTor Lum­bar CompaDT loit lU plaat. L(fc(l,000 of log* .ataEOOautaof tawed lumbar. Flna are r ta lH ^ O i terrilto fury through tta fonoU afBuraat aad Waohbura oouotloo, otun to tba railroad traoki, and potoiagcn report thacoUBtrr h llk aa ieao fS n .

n a W&ooiuia Caatral and ttaOoiatia roll wo f t haw been b ta f j lotera by ftna, (Bair irankt babit taraod for mllaa, and a BUtalMr of freight oan wen lott by tta latter roadalMaioB. PW>bptIt ttagnato rt t ^ (mar by Iba flna nut a buUdtng out o< « 0 la tta plara bdag left Tta principal laaan ora t t a J . K. Uotw Lumber Company, Jadob Latoarkagel aad Uwaa Lappm,

' “ ■ Falla The ntort «*taodw

The Men Who « o t s IlssB RoHblog Vlt- iMia ot Atbory r o th Oap-

torod at t e o tSpecial IHtiiatoh to Iht H iw a

A»Bt»T Par*. Aug. an—T ta Atlranr Park poHoa h i t night arm ted Iba crook* Who bow barn operating to. astauiitaly aloag tiM boardwalk and in prlvaSa bouaoa during the patt month. They are Wlcbael F lam lnt ot as Writ Modltoo atnet, Naw York, and Paul Mitetatt o f eOS Uadtuu t t n e t Hnbnkae.

The police got a dctcrtptlon ol U e mtn a week ago from Mra Clark, tta wHoof the Trenton iwttery mauutoctnTcr, who t a in cottage on Aibiiry avenue. She oow tbeni going through the pocketa o l ta w n l cxcnr- ilonlMt on the flthlng pier, Yeotenloj wm Ivulghta Templar Hay in the park, and the police wore given Inttrnotlont to look out for the plckpockeU. They w o n ttadowed about town all the afternoon,

lou t night baton tta epedtl train for Newark pulled out of the ttollon one of the depot bando taw tta crouka enter the urtt cor and make their way through the tn ln , which wai fottfllllng opwitheacnnUm lita eager to oMure goon «*«lt, Councllinan Hamad W. Klrkbrida wat Botlllad, and be foliuwad cUif> bahlwl the plokpookota. When the latter Jumped from the rear n t a lf c ^ o f t ta la t to a r Mr, Klrkbnde mdllkewite. Tta men beoamt iuiptctoue afterawhile and itarted to run away. IHTteer Force w it ealled and be and K lrkb rto miv* otaae. Tta latttr ahonted to F o r« to draw bln i w o l w aad ibunt b« doto, however. Mr. KlrkW de oai^ht up to tta younger ol tta two th le n i and oaptured him. The other th ief ran on for a thort dUtanca and then g n w blmoelf up. Uefora he did *d how­ever, be wai teen to throw tomethlng ovw a feuoe. When tta toot wat tearched a few minntet later a tolbl diver watch and gold chain w en recovered. Poree put the ulppen on bit men, who wat trying to gal Mr. Klrkhridai roan trial the lame triol^ but both wart gotten tafely W Iwrk HalL w han they w a n locked up. t t a y will t c giw u a btarini

“ ■ thlt afternooa.


WtalthyGavakd Wllhloion’i f oot l.lfe Rod. dsoljr Brought to o f lo w .

EMgAmcriL, Aug. so.—flonld WllWnoon, twenty-two yoon oM, who* fothev i™ a wealthy woollen manufacturer In Paw-


A B sla tlve e f a rrltooer. W ho AlleM pled to E teape, Severely Cut.

Special to the K v in s a Niwa HI'HHIT. Aug. aO.--doeepn llaona, who*

brother, Frank Itaena, tacapeil from the Eim i County Jail oa Hoaday night but and

ItlHlMH *M > r i.A T * TO l e t .TOLF I , TWli ri.AT* IN HKI.-UIH

.jom.tnil tom : all mederfi Improv*. meiiw. l.,MUlreorritlli!l.*<'*V, «»eBI, eenef IhlrWHUb tve. ooJ Orevs rOOf oX tou'J- hou» ____________ ”1

l.-'I.ATxV id : 7 reoni' tort

R t ond who* arandraintr. It » Moot V.mu.y ww —uuuoj n.o—- ------Id, m rted the Urtt woollen mill la ; wo. g ^ j d a ^ y

IitaU d ied latt night at the Grand Unbia ■ D elo^vt tarroll,tJU r an lUneta of only a lew Heighto, waa tCabbtd by another broltar, Hotel t a n after an iun«o « ^ yeateMay

Ttayonng wah 1*1 lieen drinking heavily I oftemoon. T ta Injured man wa. taken to for oovinAl monlta, and bit dekneoo WM | Summit In a wagon and Dr. Uwrenoe unduubtedlv brought on bf hl» dimlpat^ ■ dreened t ta wound. .taUto. He came to Elliabeth eeren muotbo I i i »m» wwit before Jodice Kelly aco in oompany with hie valet, Cbarla* Hoi- ooompbilnt. Uffleen Stewart and Gaildl*

an d T ^ S Jg wonmu. who told ^ e . . . , were * n t to BerkeUy Hdghto a«d hie wife th e two money lavlihly muI they reachad t ta ntideoot of tta mon waoh w*ro oi vraye lurnmnded by o lot “1 eportlug , , j ( » Jamped out of a » » o a d -^ V wimlow tuou. who liad 0 go«l Uuio with the young ^ yon loword the wood. U(B«r Stowwt man's oaob Ho told them that hie parmle , , u cwupallod to u n hi* revolver and tn*w en-lead, and‘'ltaV t a ' h i l an iniim * <>f Tugltlve'wa.'captuTrid. Thl*— ---- ---- *1. - K« -r-ailthi* D^of* Jw tict Kdliy, whomoney he utm nd to have a goc«-e_i»ri lu.- . comimiiea bltn to the county Jail to await1811,000 a y*ar, and from tta way ta ipent hi* o m l g ^money h* •*nwd to have a good-etarl for- . committed bltn tuna T ta pair left Klitobeth In May and i ttaacSon of t ta G nnd Jury.went to California, whar* they ooiJ ^ | ------- _ L _ --------------------iiialned a nioolh, anil ttan niumed to Ellto- leth and took roomi at ItaTamniany Houaa, when ttay plunged afn*h Into die^natlon.

On Tueeday night H llklneon and bit valet Itarted out for a \ig debaucU and ended in guleg to t ta GraiulUnloa Hol*L Ttay drank heavily nntll both bwam* elck and bad to be


reiiioved to a reom. The valet'* coiwtltntloo w M ilront bultaUeUlliU. I our (ibyilclaM were euinmoned to attend hie employer, mil ttair CoHiblntd effortacmild not tov* hi* Ilfs. Hit brother tawrenoa tolrtv-ili y*re ^ arrived a t Elltotath from New Ytak la*t night and took charge of the body, whtoh will be Uik*n to Pawtucket for burW. Ito liaa three broU m living. Their par»ate a rt dead, _______ _


rOR *A I.S -C tTT...- .* " r iio r K R r ie j* HiR

i*«7 war* ef the edyewl will *1'* ». !r. (Hccar. Till »™rt “ *>o

_____ ________ APART-m u l toildlnt .'('na HI aad H* Market ti.

, , r. KIIIK, W M artet^tINI.ATf* 'l«' l-VT, PLAT’". IN* mi

/lAKHiDie F»Tt fivji\ Trouait: IM'oliUii »t, thlril fl«or. fbdr roof&t ; i4D<tu»l(lt floor, rtv« rtiotii*.U l I'HANKIiljf St. ULDfliProdMitloi taU41n<.

M lIK H irm AAJLSA.n.)

rjm n iiT ooiiBT ‘ VC MIcIim I Lorllt, «

A in.)-KrtrtkX '

( C l n u l t

SIlKRIPrW W t.K ‘Jorori

* Hy vlriiieiuitottoveeuiedwiU enurl to-ltk It M(llraeted. 1 ehell eeine* W< M to setUc ^nriiv*. at thi I'oortln u^ fn Sow^k.on iwnNUy.

ood pnmti»* illuau. !rluiri“fl bilni m thoHtr V JHnwmrK,



II AYtt «r., FfJ UHe 4 lOOMiAt J ApplyJM*--------------- *C- ta.ta

nu i H’f., i l l -IXA p p l y I K t r t L l U T l l O H A N O B A V K .

N B A HH nu i HT., *17 -IX KOOliH In) afa'.AU Im^rdrainerttl*


»J JUT.. l.KT. dOK t UOUWA

T iiiu ln atn JOllJfnUNliT.

LAKAVirrriC »T..] Uf taLtUM.

I27-TO L*T» LOWKK( O h

MM n u 'K w rhath.

MCT. T BOUMft AM) Apply 96 MAKKRTMT. Tlf

F ir K ^T., Ill FI.ATA TO UTT: FlimT IN attd «F«and [ cornar har wlQitow l laltttImproTaBaiit* i modaraiA. IhqiiIn ^ ^ C:}J>. IjAHMa KH, IQlMawafkii


H r i L 0 l.*<O i j T f T i i F I A -

H flAI.* ON mKVKNTK 'Md HUhlil ala. nwr OvanHt av« Ibt

mad daMrabit l«r i|urt tn Uia <rtl/; P rU>* fHaaonA- bl« m 4 taroiM «My. •miulri* , . . .IDta ClIAiA W. 0.»«PfON»UI Markatit

BALI QH t o T-Tba hom aaM af tba Wa Wax U. Ktrk, V9.

v ic ilh iw ava .For inRwouLtloa apply ta

w WARKrr HT„ U palall^

I j^ih Ha LV- JOHIfftON WT„ WltAR “ * ****2*i bfDuoi batiaa ' ‘ .................

• f I t.

by jDitir'a BofAtowaringWord

bae been lent to rn*p«tor Hymea of New rk, and one of hie men will be tont down

of CM pyewa

b am ttaT elt^ awaed bya n a b im (arm la Wtooooaln, Bve mtka

------ 'W A f la r a *oompletety im V tijm K ihrir a WHh 1 no inaunaof. The Chippewa

Doaovan, b e i n g

Y o rk ,______ _____ - .to Identify tta plckpockela. Within the peet month aboat liCtfld worth of valuabke have been taken from the pock*t* of tummer te*l- deuli whll* on tta beach. Tta crooki kept track of all the »oflal *v*nt* aad manageil. In a majority of caeea, to take part In lb*m, and robb*d thorn In attMidanc* of tome of tta ir vnlnaUsa. ____ _


C tm tar aad Boom Oompaay, of ttta rtly, t coaoerna of tta klad In

S t Cirtud'lfeaim,’ of which ttat a n a . Frtdarick Woyarbaeutor, la tta bead, bH lo*t i s t ta aelgbborbuad ol Sl,OUi^U0U ta

T ta lu a v iir t Icaen if* i L ^ 'P P »« l ^ i m ^usd Boom Company, Ohlppowa Dalla m '000) J, H, Uavl* Lumber Company, fl.OWt-_. — .. . . . . . -------------HaeoB,OOOi Wbtto Elver Lnmtar Company, Mh o b , noateO : U k o Hapanor taim tar Compaoy,

itartm l R t l l ^ IWOOpi libbtafn. S tHlDOtApoiii a m OoiAbfti llOOfOOO;

n D K i * » fW ___________ _

Eipelled Hemben of th* OrOer Ue to Court for Balaelatemant.

pHii.ADEi.niiA Aug S0.~John (IKeofaA. H. P. Leuf and Patrick O'DouogbuA mamban of Ixwal AeauniUy No. 8*01, KaighU of Ubnr, y*»l*nlay Bled a hill in equity la ('ommoa Plea* Court No. 1 against Jamea tl. Sovereign, John W, Haym, TboinaiB. HcGuIra, H « r y C. Martin and Charh* A. Fnucli, cooitituUag tta General Ee- eontlve Board of tta order, and Uanry C. Tnphag*n and William 0 . liagley.

T ta couiplainapU aver that ttay hav* b « n ta M y acouied of uaknlghtly coadact, and witbiiut lawful authority a ip ^ ls l from tta order by the defondanta for tta purpoee of preventing O'Kaife from aaesrting hie rlghce a* rvprceentattv* of District Assembly No, I

Ths'lom tatt tba tnmbar aom iin lsi n « ■laalsly stasding ptas, o s which t t a n waa an

jg Kegular Itlut eu lb* girseta Lsuls Over a lla b |.

S t. LoHA Mo„ Aug. 80. -A riot o f large proportlutu that eurgud tack and forth OB Ohvu *tr* t from Twelfth to Fifteenth ■trnU lirougbt out all tta l»upla half a doten btak* of th* seen* last evsidng. Kitty Hulllvan, a ctambermald to tta Mar chants' Hotel, ous ysar ago gar* birth to a (-hlld. Ynterday Walter ilatiirainga, taltar of toe infant, married Kitty. Dr, T t a ^ L, llatm, medical saanilner of the New York Lit* Iniuraiic* Compauy, wlthhU wlf*, lived at the Moichaul*’ IIolcl, aud adopted tta Hulllven girl's child esveral moothe ago. A t Qoon yNierduy thp now M n. C aiuounn called on Mr*. Batos and asked to takt ^ child for an airing, as tta frequently <loD6 Wor^. Aiwi fcwlt tba ^ anl raaidp»L'<s at KifUffluih auLi OliTt airaat^

At rt o^'loct Pr. B*t*i want Vi L um* houia an'i flaiuawlwl w cbIW. Iw

wi« atuckad by Ctimmlngi and »hii(Hau.l<, bntinaaagaatoaw'ttra t U cbIkL Thao U om PtftariiUi atfae!, a « t utt Oliva to Twelfth, fcba tloouir, ona arm claapiM tba child ftini tba otbar wielding a ****•'„***?!“* hit w aj to tba Mai cbahta Motel. By Uioa tba atraat wan jamioad with axollad peouie. Word wai paiaad th*l C w n r u ly wai trying to atani thi ebild* fl* wwn bMtan InUi iruaimibllitt and Uken aw»y in m mn- pulaftce. Tba mob about tba botalAM ln

tLlflA NarRHUnAssaw I raana; prtoa tl.Wi.

bara; lot MiH»: prloan*ar 4 hlri*#nili *t*.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wj. Morun t l . , i-air »h lh .llfoomiy ifQpmvamanM: |4,S<o Thineainhlllfb, U rooma. all imi^wiuants: prW

F. kftFUH ACXJ.. riNil l•«u(•alld uiiarAne#.Xe. tIO HprtaaAOd i>vt. opau «v«ultvf».

( Hal* faiuUr: fixid locauoa: eonvenlantto Ptan- •vlvaolA tuilon* .iGj AflfIrM A.. Boa Q, Naira afflea.

Ok A Mi K HT.. 90 ( H V; A FKKT IN TH It rfTV:Mcunfl Aik r. n>ur or fl v t raoma;on« meat on Ih Ird

Hour If iiMiiad; a iwo-atarjr hiick idauit Uf ht mod ftin'. ^ (hr two honaa. ur oaa ataU nr fl; two blorkt [rom ih* huaaa. I

>im^fw7--krflaiimV >n the oorthtHj I**** AdtfUKa i>n*t at diF dbUn<% ol OEM buodiwl itaL ttbU'fiy fromUie ieiirfly f tand ffi-ni themf north iwruljr flrfreft ihlrlj mln-

P04t fliHX-FaTOD iMt ilx liMMjee; ibrocoeaei- orly enil MreflM with ^ fm l•Uht Incfire. Uieoreeoiith*^ S£! !.?idf«cT had line lartf-*av»e frH il* luaheeKi lhai^d hne of AofiwUiireri: Hieoce a on« thel l M u f A u I u H a r t r e e l « i l r * t t f c t t a N r n l l o o h r a l o

** tUroil3 «» aerthort)' WfleOf UiMU-ia etrael ai ihriooUiaait rlrwroefofa lul atmtiyed by Stubaei rtaudara tu hlrih Hcliteunxer and Ip-tm tbeacw runatnf aonartiy iXiiik the iln* of u># flr»t dfwribeo traai fcrty- aorta hH*i rU locbe*: Wetioe ■ouiheriy para lil with Ihe tlnrt ntairtl lini forif-^vtn IfCSiae

Ntaort.a*. J., Aof. ?B. rtalod BTopototo wlU b* raewivM at iHti nmaa

antU i ovKm P X . ikf • bure-ur. tbo alath day of Mpteenbar, iMi, loz the oaa»iwtt<m of a oawaf la

VANDKkltkrt. htkK k',haiirMn ranutyWaitla avaoua wd fUaahalh a?a- iM9: la at oulll in ibrta diflhreal .

I’ht fbilowihf u abo'it«he amoao* yf t o m doMAUd Um matertaii i* be furnlBbed ka » • oob* ttrueiloii Mvd eamaletton nf raid work:

-tv-nhunilrva a.irt Iklriy i7»> r” "IriT 'Tail feeler eleUtfl) hvli vUrilleJ. Mdl-ilsiwl, etoeewtse mwer IflWl

■" w liutiliwrt u 8 clily iMC) Ito. ef isn (W ta * iz pipa, end

■Ihi,•taer T-.,

kkibi(ij manholMia. with Iroe htadiaa k aavora n m m wlu Mata ihtir prlcao In wrlUo* M wall

OM hi Afurta. j ,Ifl ujtfi mual tpaekfy In Ibair iTop<rtab ibal.

thoald fk« atkOTO work be awardao lu than, ibap will biDd ihtnotlrn la inlab and oanidata dN laiuawUhUitwtfekrcmMaMttrawqrkUiBdaFP'^ _

Ibe plennatid tppcidcatlon«uf the work aa txamliio I ai tkie oipco of (hr I aard of hireai aa4 A 'ater C:auiint«loaer«. No. m liabtr Mn«t>. >‘old ompiwaiato ba ot^nipMlad bf Ibe eooa*iH.>U writing, «i< two kotpUrA who tbai)« ai the time ocp o i i i i f l I n t u e h p r a p o e e l a . o o t l i f yWKH in« l tpennlDU/ ta the anoDfilof tuTii-propcMal.wad oiaa

I f r i " 1 I t a i i i r i r e e i l i a i . I f ( 1 i * c e n i i w c . t w t w M t a d t o ' t as l u t * h e s m s . m e e t l e e i w e m o o s e » i t s i s » ' „ n , g o , m , o r o o s t o l t h e y w i l l .' 1 rlc' Iteglttliig on tot aorth Me

Aoxuaik Etreot at a poUit oae nuadrod oodhfi/ Ikat AOfUbU Fblpnnn itteet iwhica eald

iwcMiofibi- pfemiMoeor Mrt. CatnertM Favm Ich •jtiM'iJ fpvt \* Inttniled and appfoprlaied lor uhllc bltfhwer: ihtnco tloogiialdhlchwajr t»arw

vatai from tbv corner .Auaueu uitei U> twentr’tw o fHl wkrte) and tlileoiifrft W| * ' _____eve" Ra—. J..si..Mto* UeWnmW U l c h .n nuhllc bltfliwnr--------------------- .t H > o t Y d > w r a < 4 k h i n r m i a o u a o a a t I h r i r w i V i M i f e e t M l l i i c h e e f i t K - c i w « ' e r l y t o * R t n l t o l w l l h A W ■ t i e t o u r s M i U t s - i i t a l i I g h H i i c h e . , m u t e n r b m , t o i h t l l u e o f i l i e i e i r t i - e t i l e * l u * * t j I h s i w e t l o n l B W l i n e M o t h I w . i i i y d s e r v H U i l r l f n a l t n i e t w e e l f c B r -

e e v e t W e i H i u i r l t v e t o A u * i w a i i r e m : ! ! > • ■ * • linos Ausueu e i i e e t r e e t o r l r t l t t o e e ta i « * » (

OKIIN'lAJe ThHUACf. 41, OFF OW-NTAfe «!.• f l f i roomt, flrat Hoof, lii booat wtUitwa


iPoiiM. mureorteealothtiiUcoolberlDiiliif.rtald ibrar tnuia beltig Ua» aarue pretdlwa coV

vr) ml lo kdwara otora by loaeph lateoarf by dead

1)l.AXXHTo,M-fllK newly papered and

llOOIdH, THIRD PLOOH, painted; real lU Apply . HONTOXN, tn IHgb a t ^

p o u n X l)« M>OK^

d e l e d < k r t o b # r U l r « , a n d u o w a b o u t W b a r e -

' i b t f t i r r t o l r i f O o n T t y a a c e h h e r e b y n i d d e a a h > l e r i t o a i M n i d i a i r a n d J e a n m o i i g a v e a m o u n l l n g t a i U F a u t | l . 4 l v a r i . l n a l i y M . i » t t : a ] i a a u b l e o t t o l a x e a

u p o n l U b e i i k f a > p w i r o e d , b t r e r u t h i e o i ^ l h e l r l u r r U f l t ( o r t h e i a U k l o l p o r b > n u a & o a o f t a l d w o r k : e n d t i u t k f t h o p t i a o n n r M V n o n t u t u U o r r e l h e i t a v i e e a t e w o b c e a r r a e t . t h e y w U i p a y t o t h e • M F o t N e w e r k a a y d i O b n i a d t b e t w e r n t a e e u i a « t o w h i c h M r n r t h e y w o t i l d h a v e b e a n t a U t i r d d p n n o o m p t w I k o n o f U i e c o n t r u c t , a u d t h a t w b i ^ t h e o t i y o f A m o c k m a r b e i d b i k g t d t o M y t h a p a t w m vf p a r - w m » b y w h o m M o t i a o a h r M c | i h a k l u a a t t m i t o A

* h t H M r d o f S i r t e i a n d \ \ a t o t < o m ( H t t o l O d e r M • t h r r t i y o f N e w a r k r M a r v a l o t b e m t v l r r d l a e f i f u t o a o c r p l o i r e j e n t M y d f a l l p r » > ^ f t w l h r a ^ y w o r k . M t h e y o i a y d M « b e a t t o r i b a U i l e r N A o f t o

r t i d d e m t n d t u r e k l e e a r e h t i e b r t w ^ f l r d i b a A u n d e r I b e p m e U l o a t o f t h e t e r e u h M \ d » o u u f t h e U w c r e a t l i v f t h e B O a f d O f * « f a t t ‘ “ I ' at o l w i i o n e T a , ■ p p r e v e d U a r c b 9 . I N I , t h a t I k m b o n d o r b e u d i t o b « g k r e a t o r t h e t o J t b t o l o A r o n t t o n a n d

o l e a k d p t i h U o w u f k , m l i <

U10H|ff)14D OT*., T- _ _ - .flr ; fleer 1 aiodara cwaeasleoree; email to^

u y ; « i h

u o w a a a i i » l e * i > d p e o p e r i ] r .FLAir'h lric( .llr*lniun| In Iba •aaterty I

Harbara Hreet »t kbe voulherty oornar of i l l Hmlib

L H l R k A l * F - P W > P R R T Y , m r l . l N ! ' * > NI JilJg* tart g*!’ - - r T^J*t J j wil F 1- - -’ to fket tooat and raer. I« deeji; iUbla or ^

■nUwaeeofi rtnirwwick •!; ato> I'H* ua tuuimlng*«t. IrTlngtaa. Addreta ^lb J. atlX 'H kh, m Brotd «■! agtu'l-

1W«TALME!fT FIMN • bauee. cktawoad are..

- r o i l h a i a ,-T -. twir Hprlofd* * a'*!.',Ea»tL)rasM,lroofi»abaihroom,oatlir,ikllnio4«n>lin*

prevamtou; Itondioat** floltb : ,oi Sit I40 . water, ■ewer ilid gM i aeenim madtdaieltoiJ and wde- walh t yae p«y ao ■nrelben lair root *n1 *i «**

a n d o f H x a r a t a h t y e a r i y o u n w n j t i u r o w o f l ’7*1. l l HACVJ , 181 FfospeL-t »l>.A p p l y o w d t r ,


own booiie-^Vi}

f|.H IK II AVK„1IS. Aini IIAIWG’."Lbooaa, Idreowi: all imprurtiaenu D f t W N , f l A l . A N l ' k

K t

M 'NTHI.V, buyo frame k>oiiM »n ’ rrb near

<:«Btaiukikf • roonm «aier, im . Mwrfawd ; M 9a lfli oan be nto*1 tor ,V, J, h:u‘WN.7« Broad it

OR 4 RK>Mm ILAHOK. HOT wttor. ptoataiil looailiy. newly lenoraied; H

•I, lio ton mtouui from Market tt. Inoukra i7b ____ J. w . FttoTr A, UT Olive# M.

and Alllnirprtiwny. whkeb oornar U iitiaat Ihir loMtfi hundred aud idoeiy-four toei iv« luchei twrlhtrly irotu Hamburg plfwv; theo^ ri'n*

^oiif HerhafA Arttt eoiitk rnty-nlrva

uoiforiaaime oleakd pah Uo work,^ e d t l to iMmetonay by toe b o ^ ‘■ l .f j ?lor n. hy the Oeuinwl of the hoard, aod m .ll a* bltrtluf tn the eltr, or bscetn* e—ctin or uMFsUvt unlll u»B Boo* It 10 ovprori-d 1 ood too PrsilJrot of Uit »oor) ehsll bats powMiors- sniltt ths pR>n<».il bondwtrii “"8*r o^u. « 'ta ehsll to drertre, or ehAr a« lo lasiritaed ta '/*•

n u i s

TO I.KT. FfmRPt.BAHANTH'XIllS I i entre Harkei: rent |1A Itniulr*

MH'i. BKJ KCIELK, 44 Abmioem it.

oiil H.................... - • • • . -flttrm fliwwn niiwotae weal fcrey-nliw iwolficbee: ib*aoe aiuih ihlriy degretft torty lva

AiiilnutereeM one hundred toet; theace oaruterly flfry jtine dFgreee Hftoea mlautoi raai torD-alne fret iwfl inrbe* ; iheiwe north ibln? degrtoi tony- ' — — louiepb

I bonduae„ ____ _ „ i b M r ^ -

tward, boiihe hoard wUI aetb* bound byariy «ui^ mtni that may he i ^ e by "wh PV<|P^] meoebal •bail baea mil powe# *»d»to«4“M l4 ereiton In the whole mdHer, and tbU kball be retorred to to M f adTtrtlaaweol lavkUeg bldt torai*y rueb pahito wort. . ...

flee mlnnton weirtnie bamired fhn I p l a n a o f'iw iidua^l IdtHUT HOOMHTH KRW XhIU: baiweaii routh uimaia are. aad i M D t h a v * . l a q i H r e i t t U t ' ^ K E l D f ) N h T .

TIOU**K ! aad Tliir-

hMlnuing Mny pan of Urn P«F***y “IXm id ton* by drwl rowiTdad ka t o d . .v l l ef

bldt tor ai*y rueb pohilo n. m. — - wBy dlrteiioi of toa liiwAl of htieei aoA Wb*n

Commltoloneri of the cRy of »ewa/k.J, ClVkWKLI. KKXDY,

Ilf Oeaenil hopehatendenl of Wark*.

1»ICT, TMR*m 110^*4. TIUHD I\flO(jr. leqalre 14T WALNUT i t . King beil

V rt-M"i'ouuty. i w ito. Tba «ald ppl e M i r t o o i i v e y e d ^ i u b l L O i t o j i ^ t n o r t g a i t o ] ^ ^

UfKlMa-AFCel^AAANT BOOlfir IN PRIVATK hniMi ; aara pMi Iba door.

p r e t o *_____________ _wilir’b'enver tbe Hhuve prwmWaa aad a loc t) rtve M l Edjoittme an the wepi.

i F S I t d L n n u u . c n , s h o r l f f .A. q. Kairiiist * U"**i HOielissa |tA*>

i t K i n l f e B a UaDIMY NT.

eib Kfl

-|>onMN~*TWi> <X)NN*CT[Nl» ATfJO KOuMfl J hie trt t water I ranc 44. I b ^ i r A

aUlTMAN BT,linO M k t o L*rr-FUOM IT TOfl


kHY t kl4.tolk

E f>.Ma-TO IJtr. FfkUR RfHiMA floar. Inquire lA MOHTO!4 trTe

FUtoT4 4 f


Ko o y w m r.KT, dHOOMh; RENT |I19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-OUT o r l l e o i i e s u o w a Ls c t BT.

1>tM)M»-TO LKT* FtVK NICK NOOMrt..Ittth .................. .................

Llndeu.Iliqaire W PLAN*: UT.

X ? * W OOTTAOX A T U N l> BN. 4 M I ™ ‘**IN Newrrk, I ronmeead celUr, loiWO»:prlOf

l i n W R t r r . e 4 1 - 4 I s A H l l Rl \ 1 k

urmaldOdowa; * ** ‘*^'JjpJlLhllY

ROOMM; HMALL(fkmlly pmfrned; reatfl

Ng R. F. UAlfNACH, 44 WMt H.

wPlnest. New Yura. ^ ^ t l W l . A N I ) O T . - ^ E V I Ni milt 414 : toeoad fli4>or.

Hav market equan wa* (Inallv ille p sn ^ lijr til* pollc*. T.ast Bight Dr. Bataa, who hue

■oatb UrHDg*.

F or RALH-ii.:*) n iu a ix tr -Mlole, b iif cMb, reiiun niurUegr .

HOOVn TO L&T i n q t i l r e

NOl.AktC PTs

taon promotcilto a higher p la n inCtaera- phir of tta Iniurano* lonipanr. wife and tta Cunualag* ta b . fur Dallas, T*a. ________

ICS ICC.ta sviB Mf- - ,-t_______ - alio a fMad-boos* 'ou Vsller '1.. twwecu souin otoue* • “* 1MmburD',(S,Ha. Addwi,jn I). AR^Ol.ll,soiUU'tacS*-



to the Guncral AtM ablv of the order, and of on tn* Districtforring

ilac*, Trai withAssambljr, la hie

wbos* sisotlon tbspigiiWi I raphagiD,M nsral B is s o n Hoard la laid tu ta in tym

EAL IWTATK niU__ hove a number of unpreved proprrJM lacug■0* coburUt lof oiohsosF: slio i uuiniivr uf uato- rombtn* cRv loio w tiolitiigv lut Improved isir proportr- g. BlcyrM Iimi retolo ata in- eoiaooe, Nft muprloatrlil o'* I'peo s n o losa.

pathy.Th* Conrt is isksd to prevent Tnpbagcn


and Boglta, who Is dlstriot naordtiig * i«n- tarv of tta Dlitriet AsssmUy, Jkoni Usiilag eredsntlal* as nprassatattvs to snjrbody ; to enjoin Trspbsgen from sxaroislng th* oDlcs of rspreaentaUv* la the issambly to ta held n u t November, and that tta ganernl exteu- tiv* board ta ordered to n laeU to tta mm- plalnauta as m sm tan ot tta ordai- and to turn over to Lsuf, dietric* master workmen of Assembly No. 1, all tbs books and paper* belonging to tta t aSHmbtjf.

B a t - ITTf, Mich., Aug. 80.--Th* fiwisst A nsn srlb w attof this d ty a n Iwoomlng a sauna o l a to m to tta M danta of this po> F|toa at t ta oonnlry, aad nutoas rain ooaNS a t oaos g n a t sufferlpg will ta enlaUsd on t ^seta kavs homai in the path of tta On. Dr. ilUelTawtoll d iw n out la in tta coaatrjq $ M .luportad Hurt Nto « ta M r ^ t a d Ita, ‘B t a w Nad,. Jhsar w ta t to Jtnowu tbs c u p read, aad yaitantoT ^ t ^ lltos h ^ to **Aj, what Uttto houiahold and psnonal goods they could Had aud move ta to tta vUtogaof Kawkawlla. Ttaprairlaa bstwsaa Bay C1tfv and Saginaw have b*sn burnad over and tta l ln to now agnfinad to hha blihck k*iu aurfiM^ whloh burna Uka punk, aad tta atllUug emoks tta t I* pro- duosil to htown over boMi olttoi, wblon have taae aav*tO|Wd aB day bwlug to a n t o fto A

eaatkweat. TbS HiMltor MM Baa+«r

Sirov*rt eUy provarty.

Kmployos Li kelp Boon to Da A eksd t* An- Mpt Isrwor W agn .

Trm to u , Aug. 80.- A oonteranoa ta tw ssa tta lottery manuIRctufsn sad tta ir am-ployoewai held on Turtday iu TNARW-irAiiTitb, A r..iiM w irn i!* TWOihopa. The mftOufACtorani prapArw imtfr ^ rwUmad itaikwi in tuchmoga tb#sMuU iiwwlsig the own (hat It would be im* powlhl# to ooatloue uailar the aaw teriff at U » jirlciae to which oonipatitioa with fing- laud would bring tha fooda. Nona oC tba manufactupara takad JlractiY that n fnrthar rwliMJtioo bfl acoapUd, but tba ItoplM mg of tba cmifaranct wm to tbla wo±

Tba m «i Inquired tha nec«iltY (rf • raduo- I Hgm uoWj whan there wna no nee under tba

u s. f i H U W N . 7 T B r e a d M .

i ^ J X T h A V r „ p u t ; r t i i t 1 1 1 .

-A PLKak aNT BOUMa TO4 1

<l kanoary A IITitjHKRTF*-^ UALA- l.S CH .NOkhY OF KKW iTkjtrAtT- lUrtwswa I mna I'Uut* gukrdkan. cmo' iilslooiii. ourt Iholeb H*il sod ol, osAndsaia—t l K.. a.r-A'eof oior1**l»rt iiromlw*

Bv virmo ul (hooljov* Mausl writ of Uorl nciM, In liic (lirwi*rt. I *0*11 sipiias k» u l# bp puMIc voiiilos s. iboUHirihouie III Novork on .uosdar, tbs slkbissiilb rtar of rootoenbor ou t, ai 1 r'cloi-lt I'. M .. sll ibiMirtiacts or psresl* of land an* nrswIsneliiitit.lflntandlwlBf ta lbs Tswoiblp of |.s ,i umiut. Kiwr t'susv. .'■•w J in sp )

FInt I rsct bsSlnolti* lo tbs wosvrlr lint of Nonb .Xlnsissnib «’)»« »t s pulni dlvlsnl iwo buic dito end niiH>ir-wvn tnd iwentr-Aiur hnsdfodihi fssi mvibtilr from Vi'uilsiu .ir ttli Uitiist nsnls* osslorlr, n—rlr SI r,«b( sntlss, is .vortb Miie- tseotb iirvsl nos bunJrsd toil; )heoc* iiotlbtrlp sbomonshiiiidivil sod Btip-iwu Bm lo Iks louib- wsnertr coroi-r of i*t 1. in BWrii K, on a mop ol pmtisrtr of u nilaai F. KkMsri iSon— toewiiv, ■Urmiiiti wim 111* flru auar*a aimai aav«Q(j'«li

A X OKUINANWK TO FROVIOK gOH TUKA rspaviugof^ ,^^^^^ r r R K K T .

'T iW s lS ^ 'U . K i ' ^ « « * lComml'*ion*ra of tlia diy o* Kawark. aa lokibwa.

“ ^f-AOVKY KTHKRT.from Ilrwi iirwl to Tlana Hmak akAll ht *wpatwi wkihobtoiiggroitlto Work paving. wUh a •lam to fruadtokian and Ui« IniartUoOT of tb* hiMka iliMl wHh fwvol aiul pavinf-tnawW! toftjjj" Wlih an u r apparttnaooaa pi r w ry ta caatglata'V a w S J l T haiU i pTt.p*rty hr iMhireavlna ihall bn aemiad the bill ramat of U t »pr«Ml or pwnUar batwfli ooaiarrad apan Ua laaiaby lb* *iiia ininlJc 1mfimv*(tmnU wi*-,

r NMkm I* Thai ImtaadtaiHy aynn Ua aa9^l<m al Buoh imMlc w*Pk or DayroraaMnl, Ua Llark oflha boaM. In wnlunciion with lha Kaglnear ofri uanarai' up#nril*nd*ni of Warka of Ua hoard,RhRU c m r f f h l l y prn>a#a aad fhrnlah all ftacamaryt i A U m a o i i i . m a i w i i g j j l f l c a t l o B * o i o a r d a U

LMrwUrl wiU III* flru auor*a 4t*aai aarooij'ai M t ta th* wMi rly lint or North Ma«trrntli lim t; (li#oa« KmihrriT Nloiig tha *0111# ooa biindr*4 and fifty fratiatnapiaorofbafflnuiags BalaflioiaNoa. Ms l-iaiid 11 In HruaK Bimiaairt mayr

haruod I raci Hcgliinlug in Ua waatarir Iloa of lorih Sinalaanih «raal at a pelat d^A altouf

OHANflR AVK.p*m-FlVR j}rd ftiNW ; rant Ih.JAUrh BhaDIsCT. Mark*! aud PUaaaiA

C 1 * ^ U T H

8PR|N(lF!Xr.D AYR.ApartcMoi of I

real f i i

Tt, HkAli IIU4K nr.-r lo lot; Impravanianta;

8FRlNi*fIKI.D AYR., » -TO CQLOB£D PKO- pit, I PDoma I rent low. IiMulra

1^ KALhAV dTs, Id floor.

SpniNOFtRLD AVR,,Mt I -----------------jitaond floor ; mat |A


SPKJNdFlKI.D AV*., 4T1-FLAT TO LKT flv# olco roociM ; improvoumiiA 4U


\ .vA.~A. .tin arary ward af lha atty and vlU

I HAVE PHiO’fcUTlKd TO HUNT. . . ...K V , rtMJtRT.7«0'Aroad*l. IM

c tL V K u t m x A T m n r r " t o A C tfxu KBaraad

tow ublps im n s n tav* taaujtsudlly'fca' turty-«ifbl hour*.

‘ I o ( Uf* tava ta*n brought in, bat a nidtoenilUsd. „ ^

IsaraKUlo, Hlcb., Aug. 80.—Bush flrsa a n burning in a vary cunaly of tha upper ipsalasato m Mhdugss. T han is Uttto wind, aadim ok* astUa* *t night la adaosapRll ,^ a r t ta olUea and vtlto im batng at times so itoSM* an UN light to lavtnbto at 160 feat dla>,tent, and notolag oan ta man aoross t t e Btiasl Tbs saasMi ka* basa anasuRUy dry 'nndan* ta v t tasa burning n u st ot' tiwkrt ateoe Hay.

Tta Diamond Hatidi Company has beau itfca baavlatl loaer by lira. Of lha 1»U,000,000

--------------* ' ---------- pinc bornad

A Thraa-paar-old ll-iiia naatau, and fitiirvtd.

Bol'TlI Ahbot, Aug. 3).—A sad oaia of brutality to a thne-yaar-old child has Just bseu brought to light through th* arrsst ot John AbboiA, on oomptolnt of J. Manning Botarts, a young m ^ o a l itniltnt uf th is, ptoca. ttoberto baking haaril UwL A ^hljd it>. 8 starving ooadltlob was tortured by it* parents lu an outlying part of town, known a* Frog Iloliow, mad* a oomptolnt baton FoUoa Justice Graoa and iw u n out a war­rant for tha arrest of Abbott.

The totter w u given a hearing In tha Bor- ongb Hall yesterday, and in default of fl,0n0 ball wat takan to New Brqnawlok p aw ait to* ketlon of the Diiutfl I w x - , , .

AWtqtt has bssn Hvlng with a woman namad Banta, of Partb Amboy, wbo Is said

tloD uow, when there was n o ----------------MoKlatoy tariff, and the m anutaclursn said the radpctjMi of Lha pricei to Itnportw* w m m equal the raductlon to tha tariff, and A im H- can goods must be inaie on a lower soala if such 11 done. Tta men claim their prasant wages are but UUIs higher than labonr*', a ^ If laborer*' wigs* a n to b* paid to •klllad m«n It would be bettor tor the potter* to ae*k a healthw calling.

The ecolcTenca ii ia1<1 to be a preijmlnarY •top to She manafauturen asking the aikiapb anta of a further radoelton of seven and bb*-

JJK'UIHS wr.> wator :

, ift-noraK. aix roo m bicitt bull l'for two flunlH** ; r*ai |l!lmoath.

Inqulr* in H lOKKlOMMKKrH hT.-TOLKT, MTmRY BHR'K hoQM. It roomi. wlib Improvim^ntaK. A. &O.S D A (V).,

791 Broad at

r p o I.ICT-KLAT, fl AND 7 HIK)Mrt. _1 pmromonU : m « If F*4lattd and papo^ j

•rrvmM; rvaU^w togaodtooaataJa M i OU, i l (Iraiuit, orJanifor'i

fln pr*„-— - - ................Bmid A Crt, Kartfli and Dnad mi.

ALL fM pvmd: Apply


hirtWrad and Miiy-alaa and oiuwiy-liiiiKlmdthB M l oorthorly from wlUlam flHf*t: ihonM aonn•rTyw7B«' iwld'’iJno of North XlnPtooaU MrMl ta nniy IWO and Bliiy-fll* huadradthfl M t ; thoiuio Jiorili fortv-iitrko d « w a fouHion mlocrt** wm* •nvrniy-ono and iWfaty-fottMiaadtodtha fan iIhvtwa ioulti Ihlny-Hv* dagnoi ftflr mloai** w«iltiilrtr andnight-buDdradihi fo t i: Itwnoa oaitOElylnaiiraifhiTln*iov«inf-thP*o frol, moro or

H«lM tho zLOTikflny hAif•aid map.

to liio plan o( btflnrilnf. ofltH No. 14 In Block B '

La40d Adgllit It* 194s _ mvIlMiMAli I.FHLBACH, RbOftff.XiLLiAW B. WkKka. ttolloHoT.

wftalnini to iueh 'i)8Ehc wotk nr Improvfoiont. oLi tba PrMldoat of Iht board aad told jUort abail Ibomtuoa* oo brbalf of ibf Bijafd of 8lr»*l aatl wall# Commimonan of iho eH.v of NOMrk, <w Ufr tho Muoo CO ibo oommoa fobiMHl of tba M4y ot Nowark, In orlar tba* lald Lomnuia ^ n c l l amj tb*twafUF piticiod to mak* aad ooHort tooprop*r MiMinont for Uit now and oiyonao of vuea pablto work or Improvomont M may aow ot horiafior ho foquirod by law,h0rtk>n4. i4o«l public work or fp iw vofomtt ihaU bo miido aad ootnpfoiod uiid*r tba auporvMaii ot

aisr > oiunMantfI. a e c^ li^ Ista* tisesnl HBDSrinrindsrtl of VVoriafHnetsnd Wsisr (omstlMansf ^ -___ .iktprovAiwisiifihsfKr chsnav oaa u w j ^ ksafHnetsndBUis.'aTi* m* crd'lMicw if'iS* <jfyniistsiid rigilstlont of Iks Ci*Wsisr twawl—onsr* of ih* i*tr »f nswark. ap-^.Sirtmii I* Tku lh« onUnano* tksll Isk. sffto.

(Cbiuiosrr A Itk).............. .........NO

L sompIslnL-.sort Jt-k'ii U. AKbsr sl sis.. dsfsurt*uta-F\. Ik.,

bKRT OF If RWC?HFUrPM *sl.h-I.V OHAi^Jsrssr-llalwfsn ASMpk SohsiE somplaltuBl.

I*.-Ft.fcr SAls nf ootupS"! prtiolsss

Mjr vlrluoof ihoabovo ilatodwrUof Am

r 'UJ LEt-.Nn, IJ 7 LAKUA,WHIOHT HTs.airy rtfoma; lotaniTomoAla

«. B. JACKdOH, TO Broad t i

17WION 8T.. ir . BKf. LAFAYK1TK AND r rwa -To lot, Ato (4) roow on lint ■"'Liltfiimprovvniotii*

iirrifobfd ; JaaUor ; convoiiioiit to Ha^ kot and Farry *1. itactoai i roni tow. for LHJUUHI V AUOUl.D* 4toBrQ«a«t, Booin6.

light rooidif. In bnck bob w■11(1 ■talri fii

VAlRMOUNT AVE, UTs-«MaLL HOITflA. BIX JJ Eilco room*: rout loW. 9th

h tif Dec; ©out. Ijd AddiUoja to tho twtdM wad ocio<balf Dor eeaL cut under whioh tiio uwoV F A IL.^ IJ _

J^AI.L RE.NTlilO gKAnOB MOWOPhW.Wo aro prorwrod to flU all dtmand* for dwoH*

inft, t>4 lo |74 |WP nintttb.IlaU 4 to 7 r >o{&a, "Ub Im^vorotat*, |I4 to ffo

pOT mOillh. bioio** offrow* IwtA .Mtoftoih oto.B. K. BUND A ill..

791 Bfuod aha n working. It is bsll.vcd U the ™pufao- turer* press Iht* rertuotion they will be *«- cuswl ol brisking faith on the agrvemani mads a t Wasbtngtoa The proposed reduc­tion will be reported to Heonwr Smith, and be win be asked to pruveul an Incresw* in th* Tariff bill which be proposed to d o in D*- oambar. ____

Indi.ton ht. - to ' 1

I.KT, AATOHY BRICK .M. liDdto. 10 room*aitil balk; all Improvtmonto; in oubdiilou; la ckulo* uttfhborbood-

X, A. au.'iDA I’O.,70, ?9i iwo%d *1,


/ I A ll'in E ST.. M -l’OLEr. HOUSE. • HOn)4B\T aad bath ; loiprov*in*BM ; r*nt |aD i>or manih.

IN D. LAIMBH Oa, 4I7-460 Broad IL

wilhttA] of P -

to ta * ie m etW of tta oblld, which la oot-arsd srith bruises tram bssd to foot. It bad been, It Is altoged, tortured by being knocked down with a pokar, baing placed oa a rail hot

W 800,000,000 teat Of auuidiuc pine bornad lln UsUDagon County tta Diamond Match Company has had over ooa hundred mUUoR.

ly pot cNWB Im plA*. T beM a-

_______ , . Ill'000,000 test, aad as Bin assim lnit U)000,DU0 tost

JVrtW| IfWM .H.%>vs wow m a wwftova bsM up by th* kaot of tiw iwek and beaten until It became u o o o n sc ii^ and b^Mingleged

Itth sn w en esveral itnall insarauec* on

Bnoh m on i* pDialblis t season.

QLADWiR.'Mich., Ang. 80.—Btovans’s flta- tlou, a small mill bainiet batwsen b e n and

■Haaonaing. Im* b e n pncU callr dsstruyed ' by tras which have been raging for the past ten daya A train which ran through tha !ptoo* was tst on fir* In several plwM and many windows w en broken,

tha child's Hf*. tavaral wltim*** swore to the above fucia at tta bearing, a ^ W>U ap-

C against Abbott befon tta Ontnd Jury.oiiild Is being oared for by Mr*. J. B.

Hoberta, inothsr ot tta young medical stu- deut.

The mother of th* child was given three day* In which to leave to*n-


Tba Prasldeat Met at the W barf by H li W ife-A Pleasaal Trip.

lifU A R u's B at, Mass., Aug. 8(k—Pnat- deut Ctovuland arrived at Gray Gabtoaat 10;3U o'clock this morning. Juat bafon 10 o'clock tha llghlhous* tender Rodgan, hav­ing on boai^ tba I'resldent and party, wa* flghtod i-omlDg up Uumard's Bay, and tta flag was Inmisdlately hoisted oo tta flagstaff atTlray Gables.

A iHOETAGE OP a s ,000.000.

BUSINESS LOOKING UP.In tbaKapavt* e f Steady linpm vsm sBt

Indailrlas a t the Raath. B A L m oR i. Aug. so— Spaolal report* to

tta Mnaq/aclbrcrs' Jiacord from all parts of tta South iudkate a steady Improvamant la busiaasi intensta Bouthem marohanta who have bean in Baltlioon during tta week In torgar number* Ihaii a t any tlm* for several year* give tta most enoouraging fucta at to the abundant crops, to tta good (luuuuial cundltlon uf tta psupl* gsbsrally, awl as to tta outlook for an un­usually large volume of trwle. W hile th* ■attlameat of tta tariff qaestlon has helped to lUtnutate business throughout the entire country, the South especially I* showing sign* of m on activity ttan at any Urua dur­ing th* past two yaan,

A number c f Important umvamente in .railroad matter* have taksn place during :th* weak, including tba ojwuing to the At- tontle oo*«t llns ot a new route to Augusta and tta far South; tba uurebaM of tta rjut- ern Shore llallroud of Maryland by a lyudl- ■cate of New Yorkan, who wlU consoli­date thl* road and ••varal steamer Hues ciinnecting it with Baltiitiun^ and t ie preliimnary arrargaiuents for the building of a fifty-mile electric railway between Ilaltlmora and Getty*, .burg, tb a u la of UXI.UtXI acres ot tiinbar laud in Alabama to New York opentor* ba*

tVhat Memphis Ha* Lost Thraugh tba Noa- parm sat e f Tasas-

M iHrais, Tsuo., Aug. 80.—M ate Coop- troller Jamea llarrl* arrived In Mamphl* yastenlay with a toi-c* of depntlss who w *n to-day put to work on th* book* of tta Tax CollKtor to get at tta ihorteg* nsultlug from th* fa ilun to luak* coltootiun ot privUtge taiea fur a iitrlod of ton yaors, the aggregate uf which I* now taliavad to reach t&!0UU,UUU, tta Grand Jury having alroady shown whsra there 1* a dellnquoDcy ot oaurly |;:,(g|(),wa Dom liquor ilaalar* alone.

The ( oniptniller aunounr** also that if the facte warrant be will prooaed to collect all delluqueuciM nut barred by limitations, which covert i l l year*. In oase* where he camiut recover lu that way ha will pruoeed against Countjr i^ u rt Clerk Vdigtoy.

'been rsportud, and ntgotiatiou* are pending for a minibur of othar large iructe ut timber land in vwlou* parts of Ihe South,_ Amongtlie iDdustilal enterprise* r»|w ted for th* iw sek area ITA.U00 oil mill coiuuaur and a $80,00(1 glniMry in Texas. The sDlsrgtiueiit aad Improvenient ut a rolling mill at a cost of tKtUUU, an citehslvc Unm-ry aud torg* lumbering o|>eraliimi by Northern .caj^tellste In Alabama lu South CsruUui

Mr. Cleveland and party w s n rowed ashore by four uiariuea, aud Mr^ Ctovatond was on the little wharf to m « t them. The I'resldent went immediately to th* houiaand

the baggac*. Tta 3Unr saU from

the marines carriwl up I'raeldent had a mest dallghtfni New York, ami the trip rafreahed him vary much. Ha wl II remain here trow (oar to six wevka Tta Bodgsr* w ill probably n to ra to-day. ___________ _

Oort.D a VR, rosrvillk- tu i.kt, iq .« » it coUAflB hflUM. iG roomi, gw. 9\a.\

MA# fliflotrlc OTnaad dvput.K E BOND ECO*.n i sriAfl 94.TIfl

1 1OUflJCil TO LlCt-w

Nou 114 B»lt*TUfo flVA. 4 rflOOM k«i bitk !»('. Ifo' . rtnt 4ik

No. 18 i ovrUni] IU.8 MO Ql tfll b»t I kU Im-feror«inVAUi; root IIS'

ItiquMofOWNkHFlH IMItVillflAVA

H OUWI'TO I.ITT. HOU8Jt o n HOOllft 4ND ftltlr room. flultfthiA fr# i ftmlliw; cloofl to

•IfTtrie ckTA Inquln >01 UHOOUX nr. IQfl

n aUrtK-m LET.MCK lIUUflEOFT ROOJdb to •totkll fomlir. tnqqtfq

erb ’Hop.KiTKPiG.trforisA.M,

liove^iaifltit PH ntlni Otteo Faro* 1U4lae«(l W*flHiN«»T0if, Aiig. BO,—Tbfl OoTflnKnflii*

rrintlng Office loro* to-day la about EM tom than It wi» yesterday, owing to t t a ^ - chargss onlcrwl by Fnbilc tTtoMr Baasdlct. Tbs reduction, .[ l is stated, wa* mad* ne-'etsary by' the adjournment ofI'ongnss auil the conasquent de­crease of wirrk in the record room.

To Raise th* Prio* a f Amarloan Oil. Lo.vdun, Aug. 8U, 4 A. M,—Th* ITmas

coBtsms a two-column article directed against tbs aim* ut the Scotch mlnei al oil distillers, who got a select committee ap­pointed to Inquire into the legal stundurd of tba volatility of petroleum, which, they al- isged, was far tixi low for pnbUo safety, the object of the agilatiou being, the ai-tlui* do- clarut, to coiu|iel ail foreign petroleum to cunforiu to the charactertslios ot the |iar> affine artlAclally nude of Scutch sta le . BrotecUun cauuot b* obtained illrectly by a duty, so au iudire^u method at raising tiia price ol Aniarinn X X oil lias been discov­ered. Th* agitators waut th* Hiuh punt raised from 7c to lUU or 1(18, whioh would kHid to a raise In tta* price of foreign oil at a cost of $8,0U0,UUU to the ivuisuiuera, while the Bisjtcta dlatltlers would gain NIUU,uilU.

la company I* f ortiiing to build a |1 uO.UOO col- ' liarylaiid a $400,000 oysterton mill. In

cultivating company has bw-u orgnnit'.-d.tveat Virginia report* two coal ininlug cum-

uf $130,000 and $!00,IXIO capital repan leatively.100 tin can works North L'lirolliia. improvement to cotton mill, $i0U,IKiU

•pecuveiy. Ijunialan*,USO.iXUlo*company, $60,000 tin can works North L'lirolliia, $80,-000'vlnayanl company and gold mining opera- Uotu. Baveral larjge irrigutlon enterprises a n reported from 'Toibb.

The whole busiueBS HiliiaUuu of the Houtb Indicate* a very marked change for the bet­ter, with a heavy Increate in bank dearlug*, galni In niiroad inrnlDg* and a n v lv a l in

, lu ^ l r U l iuterSeta . .

A Trip lo the gontb.For the tarly autumn apnouncetiiant la

made ot two personally couduoted tours b; tba [*euutylvatila Bailroad from New Yor'

-to the iiiouutelut of Maryland and Vlrgmi* and the two moat proitlluent clUai of tlia upper Booth. The polnla covered by these tour* are Gettyabnrg, Blue Mnuntaln, Luray CavertiB, Natural Diidge, the Grottoea of tlie bbanandoah and the nlUea of Itinhinond and WaahlBgton. The acenery ot the entire 'runt* la picUiresiiue and atlrsctlv*. Tbste tour* will leave Now York

Tba Hteamer Narthwsat Afloat Again.AuitgRHTBi'HO, O nt, Ang. The big

liasM-iigar steamer Nmlhwest, which went aground at Bar 1‘oHk lughtehlp yesterilay afterno^m, was released this morning. The tug Champion ruachwl the steamer a t tlay- llgbt, and as the water bad raised she had no difficulty lu pulling th* Northwest off. The CBUiie at'the grouuitlDg of the tteaincr was lliick weathar aud the parting of un* of her nuiiler chaiui. Bh* wus going under check Ht the lime nud did not go on Very banl. Mho Bustelnci) no damage, as she was on a satidy bottom. Hhe passed here at 7 :A1 o'clock, and is iiaing aisUtad up the river by the L'baiu- pion.

whore the proceedings w an put Id type.

K‘ rlnters are affected by tta ■lug bookbludani, foldan,

About SOU printers are affected by tta ordsr, era, foldan, preaa-

111*11 nod other employee naturally alftoted by th* luipeniion of the (Tongnsstoiwl Jlecord. George ATTracy, president of tta Typographical Union, hta baeu appolntw (dreuian of the Congrearioaol Ataord, ta BuccaeditLf TV. 11. liickiiian.-

n UNTRRWjI*BT..M-.I10i;** TO I.XTl BIX roams Mf

■\\c«I.KUT ST.. » '-T O LKT, I.N PRIVATK VI hOHW, to small ISml'y,

floor ant I In aliic i m il f4 rotiDM, I on BBoonrt

FATtTAf.NrT HT„ Me-THHKK ROOMS TO l-ET. VT wilh water. Mk

'IXT**®V V rooms ; narfSet order.14-TO LKT, TKAKK LiOHT


v r ARRKN^T.s NRAii W>YT-Trt LBTg FIVEniOTlkznrooawtofliaiflUfoi&Ur; r«flt #«^

tOTMdirtefod, Uball flxpoM for •tl* Uf ItuDifo vMdufl, Hw 4’oarUu«i%* tJi N*«rkfkg *n I'MwUr* ib**t|bfocalti ilk>*af H«pfoiob»rD»«t.«tf o clock 1*. M.j flit Umi trort or ptre*! f>t Ikofl *nd prtttiiM ■Itiikfoi ijrlticflufl bfllc« lo ihooltjrorNflwor^lutiCCuontf. Now Jrmy:

B ^ ai ‘anliifl %i 1 9 MMilbfMl cflrwr Jofanwo MMl Mfl U m y KoUroHdovoiiM ruoBltif oTonfl Iht Mot w JohniwMrOTt lYOhuudfod onfl iovfliitF*4bi*fl (**i lo too Bortkw«ritoorn#r ofk loliww.or roinwrly bolonr lo s t I Fllu KooLifh; thtriM flionf tli» llri« ofthot lU olM ir flvo foot to k Jot DOW or fiirnwrlr M o ^ Ink to Fotri'k CMldcn, Utpoeo k>«tng th* lln* or tb« lot or luU DOW or IbnnorlY of IfoniiLH ('oltoris (.-bkriOT K. I.ujn» D, B. Bna O. Ilv Hiuflk. r*ylr vMt#T Hmitti, FktoT O'Krteii. Ibomw' rtoilth kofl Thorn** »tilUT*D._.io iho >4w

tmrnrfllkloir' __ *ra«ed Anguril.PiOThfoktof tbfl Bflorfl • t flizOTt iM»fl Wmot Obu-

miMloBtr*. Al Ml f*11414 Uk 1 VsC M t t ib« Bow# of m tm u 4 Wofo# Oiniftfo-

„ Nayov.


No(fokl*hOTWkr_flv4 fln th* kViMn flf fld pih0kn»rt]r hMfoAiofl V

______ ll opoi„ M*4* aoS NslHist* E* asasineilaa at tbs

ItkilrukJkTeniio, ll Oalkf olino runiilitc porAlUl with iho hn«> of Joluiwii fliOTt, In loofth tbTM hokfliM

■ - ■ ■ **--------‘— tho Mot

froa IMfortfo fot . t e e t E w g t a aaased iaay w r ite s r iv a fn e w s r t jw jta ■ *a staisn s a tem vtfl*aw

r ? » b B Y * A K brriw M T -..I'kITTy NI'B'n

' la s a r t t iC

•Diiabla IiKlolrs 17* WvUltIC.N RC. TSh

ROOMS, FLATH,-j~rk->onM8 - WANTEUsE l _

flutithUr. thrM roornk for boinok^plng. rant^ ■ u U U I t i w v i . a i i r w s x A r i i r e s t v > a a a ' i u w a » * s w | r i v a a slow, Shovs u ifb sc. iwtwsan Smith Oiima* ave.aiidnsakfl. AUraasM. E LV l4Uni»loti.,ltestOranss, N. 1. . HI

rVRNlH BK D ROOICfl TO LET.lJANK»T;.JI-FORNIBBItn BVCK FARLOH l ) i iv l taadronmaiUelnlnDt solubia ter S sm ls^

or tlmilav buelnses, or two tantJsman.___ _ . LAIIflK FUHNiaHRnrwnie. one siillabi* for ilgbl bausektspliw- 7t>>

-i s AKK ST.. « - l

-TlHOAIl CT,, 44l-rUNN[HHKI> RlXlMS TO JJlet flir Uxht houvekeapiBj as* semlsmeo.

rUHNIaKltD FhOMT BAY______ ___ ■aconfl lloof! thrs*

walk lieai ChvsmatcL i *>041 reSiivpo*,CAMP ST., U ----------------- . ^

wiadow roam. Mcotid Door:_ thrs* mlnuieaf

^VLIMTOM IT., . ^ 7 0 LKT, laM ^HOOM ,_ Aimlshsd, ft» llakt hODSekaaptal: waiar on


yKte«(r ftiwfohod rooflBA tnoiofliar both.

IBRRTY HT.-To r.RT*. t^TOttV BttU’K].Jdw<lllaf, 8 rouma okfl liktb i kll lioproTontmt*.

K. E. buNL A C(X,71f 711 B l^ l t i

M ili roo

LETIHT., 7!‘i-TO LItT, llOUkK RlOTlT rootiDi ktio oil imtiroraDiDlM : brot ofordor;

rotitr«k*unolil«; k*vj$, i»LoHllCl a 'M, Hol**X tod Monfooi; *>k

MoNM'tUTH ^r.. n-YO LL1| HOUEE OF ftT9 rwHiix l«rf* *iUc : 41i 1

■^.jrLKKHHV H'T. To LET, M lOllVs H/OK___ hkOOauoiit. brick Jitmif, 11 roiMikk. both ktid Im-proTomrnts; writ Arrtnf At) for two ranilllok : lo ^ *m o giflie WAfor kod lirol lajt Atraiifomifktr.fo^ t.. K. A i'U, m BfOkd ot

X ^ A rr P A R K E T . j 1 4 - A L A H O E F R O f C T H C X l K s rjnoktlF lirntabM. fo# ob4 or two i*nll«D*n. 4?fc

ADci ibrot Oral adA on# Inch; tbooofl Atokf tho o f t M e N f l w J o i O T T H k i t r o o A k t r a h o f l f i l i E M f * k l M

A A V O n l o n l i A i i o t h o p l o o o O f b A p t o k i o g . P .iteA n .U -ll,lte ..^ ^ LKHLBACH.>h«1ir. A. Kiiis?atri(«, RoUcItor. VN49

(( bkootry A lU.)SH K R irrs 8AIiK-<N rUAsNCEHT OFKFW

)*iiikj-B«t«OTk UaztIM a . Crkwfordj ootfrttlslAAIllk kod AnbUZ A. KtrjkOT ADd a1„ (ttfoofr kJlfo Ft. fa.v (&T jiaJ* of mortiAfwJ pramt^.Br TirttMflf 4hflktevo>Atktod u rlt of fltrt foMkA t« rae fllractoO. 1 rbkU eiptMo (or *a1« br fluhlfo Vibdur. tho < oonhouio lu Newkrk, oil J unoa^ lAo «lKhlOTnlh Any of f'tpiflmbrir ocil. kl 9 o'fllpcl p, jfl., kU Lhkt tract or paiotI of Ud<1 mmI p WDfo«4 tfiMtjks LfIdc kofl frrfnk In ih« uiwnoftip M 1Cm4

rkof*. Lm JE CunniT. Srw Jflratyr ^H^ooli lo l£fl twihrrry llueof WUll»m 9 t ^

kt 0 ooloi uUtkot fifty And iblnNk hmkflrad^i (hot. m__ ate- .....................a— ssjatateW A# MIKlAwMUirli}’ froco tbo MKitbfrantrly rotMr of akinfl kud h'ortb 89VADtOTuUk AirOTi; thflon zuuiuf TTiittrlr kioofl tkhl iifl* of wIlUfljiE airrat flfty Aod foartwDDtatiflrkflihA lOTI: ihAOOT •ouihtrlf Mmiol with NorUi MATtntqrntb «iro4t MOhufl- Sr^fOTl: ihkCMfo ««ft«flr pwrannl wilh WUUkm MtOTl fiitr ■ofl foartrao buuflrridiL* (ot* : Ufocvoe DorUitrly r*krAllfll with North fSAvflOtraaih *trMlonfbfl^raflfooito tb4 pl>ItMrtoritaerlywiw»rty of wUIlkB F. EUA«r.

M#(uflh» BmafoOT eoaTflyflflfo Arthur . Ki^ktr by I lA U h ^ i kod

• p u r n r w r » i s HE4, ktid r t P o r f l o d l D Book

JT aj5T!?te.W.iK T 5 R .I S lE ii* ' L k ia a F O iM la writ

^ L T K ! ^ *f l e t a ^ t e J t a * m ^ S T t o F t iS a n k j id iv

.Ratals* hMM partM laiea__________al iiitentiesi ■« laia m -i

perrOTeef fowifl------ liayw t llflOTflt

frOTi iTOTroktoCfEfofldflnMmiom»gU9hifl*#f

from Bellevill* aveon* te In P” *"'A r*M«OTDtiknwltzwpfotoflkfl<l,wMtflOTU ^offlfokll. ■DMkt mky h*All porfooA Infozfofod to •■to iboArd ft- ■xwptwvTUESDAY. THE K»URlH_ DAY Of EIPTIM-

IIM, ^ . . .i P M.skt tBw COfottilfliloptfF icocks 2l0.AwirflfloOTv n i# UkU.

Lkfod Atif lUt Mf IflH. F. Is. FEIJfD.------------ r v t eJOHN OW Yl—Fa W. EDLLIVAE,

C O S I I k l M l o i l f l N s

I £kTFilU •'rKteUkTEMIB w»awvvtriAM of bOTlBklflflbfllU

tot • Lfl blora O Oh mkfl t l

l)wdf lor UIWIL Y44 of

baite LKHLBaCH, (herUf.- “ - ♦B.OOWnxfAM It Wmito, BoHeltof,

J * - K R BTRxrrfor bOMfltt.


Noltoo ll ErrahT flT9P Ui« »» l . ^ kll Ut* flwhflfo <H wl

tflfMflit «pon

cuUkTly tfoifofltofl by Um oOTtfonifoion of tofl i#wotto iAME8 ETRRRTsfrom B c y ^ ilrOTi

IriKHKY HT., fofl-Tt) LET,’ l ----------— "' rMcoi for lifht hoPMlteoplDf.


nOOMEi ALL■ 1 H#'IpcR itianBn

' menn. — FLANK nr., asst New.fMPtlCtVM

_ i £___ ________ WTSlimO riMIRiBLKrooms la nflned bobw star aSrtrsev

Ilf RiSiKVILH. ears Cartier Wo. II.GHttTLKM Ktt


IIhausakaeFh't. $8; Ballvaomi, $1.BOOM*.

n s


SFFICK OF THK BOABD OF STRIKT AHDO Water OoDOitateuvn of ike olG of N m rk.taivark, .N. Jv nptUflJlh sesltd I'KUNiaait will ta novlvsil at thlt omet

nnlll 4 o'ciacit P. M. »f Thaiwdar, M Mstb day of MtiMinlivr. IKH. fl» tin nMVtagaf


thaBVovlBliniaaf taanlluiH* of Ihttityof I ark. stitUed “ A a ordi uae* te piovls* aw tta nan- itrocttoo ol t OTWOT Lo • JAMES ETREET.m m Boydia etnst M itetbln alntt," anwoved tStotoinbAr 40,1444, . „HMbOTipfmitoby tbt ODdtnltflto Domto- flOTifit. kPo^Dtod by tM Mkyor of Ut« City of Ktw-

(T«pot1,by k flo^flrklo Lk unitiiiK, with kd MooOT HT Hiii fokp kM ■rtttomfok tbowini lh« ■•irflffAi kwOT9fl>» Ajklart tho OTTOTkl OWMIIf n s i i ^ ^ W c i r y ' c W t W ^

pOTuik nmoMfl

______ iT^iLEQ A irrtootn; tmp>o»fltn»oto



Torpedo Iloal KrlcMonto M f * TRENToif, AtiB The torpodo boat

KrioHou win pats tht’oiiffh tbfl DfllAWflre lu a HArltAU ( ‘auaI 4011)9 tiitto tO'dfrY' The Doflt wlU pufl up the U«1awkrk Ulv«r At Eii flETly hour from Furtren4 Mouroo to New London. The Toyu|;D of the Krii'oioa from Dubnqufli Ik., whevtt nbfl wen built, v ie New OrleaQii w u underteken fo domonitrate tbe prec- tbwMlHy of tbe “ Inlead route” for bo»to of light draught from the MiiklMippl to New York bhrltor.

F O L K S Y O U K S O V 9 i

Eiid Pbikdt'lphlfl on Heptember 15 utdUJ, u d tito metobera of the p*r(y will irflTul; inepedtl treiiM of pertor oeiw provldad ez clutvelY for thdr me. The entire roumi trip WlU oorer e peHod of leu defe, end ex-

including e|L trovelUDfl TO New York nt W

H4ITlC|Cft,tWMou why we nre fk liilitg trade

every dey le net herd to DnaereLitttd.►c-k ■

Our____L ll ot^pJeteg uur urtoee rigbU oar inetiivdof dolntf buAlneifl U riiirit. \Va nu$ke o^r ownutoiure fraivrfl. hkvlng the torgc«t f ^ o r y ef

lieutli pf Hr*. Mkry Inoontirde riKxBiuiOK, Aug. tK).—Mrt. ldai‘y lAon>

ftrd, v*iC9 uf Jv Nelkou Leoiutnlf died here on Tueutoy. tihf. wm ieventv>twu veet'H of ege Aud oue of the o)de»t mud beeti kuuwn rtMl> (kutfo In ihe piece. Hhe wm iiuirried lit 1S43, Mr9. Iseouerd toeurvived by . her hunltond aud tbe following children: Chwter end HAmufHjeouerd And Ure. Aloujto HAkteeU, of Ftue Brttok, And II rs. WIHLbiu C. Hrpitb, onVahUti'eetg Orange. The funeral lervloei were held thii kfteruouQ.

»>rtUTU rtliA.XuB AVV.a _ kll luproTiDiAiiU* rtDl vrrr eheep. JOHN MEHKIi I' a Hvji.N, XI to fo Prihce at, cukl yerd. 4lg

gUITMa N at.. \l \- rO l.KT, HUUeH UF'flverotiBM; |t4 nieuUi. liHjuini

i)u)(AN(t bT., Lk hkt iiere,AVK.-Tli I.KI. S-'ToHY J^XTEN-

l^lOD frem# dwi'llinf, 14 roO'd* k<)d bath ; ell fm-fiievenenfo: le ecoimI t-endUInu ;4iU4«ieuueor»flr II very detirdbie avi 'Mirhoo I.

T t a .


tlchirnotuf: kiw h*th, l*m)<lrv. kUlo eoA o»l* tor: kii Wproveiuenu. ma. MT end 111 Kfth ev*.;rvkt feM4iDkhte> 47d

AupiyV:a sNsNliHTll HKVEftTfl AT.

IMT-TtiK 14 Nfc^Hirr AT,. VOK Of JkDiM. htiUM 10 ron>n Aim ikUioe, r«iU flQ; No

ri'Mj X JeaiMs

t e o W A t b i n f ^ e ' ^ i L , i n t o ! ) A i n r * . r » O T f V l ; H a 1 4MklAeu toM Aniory titlt'h, leeiii*. rent tix

• iJlT......... ............. 'Mf JullN lift MkrKetit.

L AWftENOK WT., II. O ff CLINTOH-ELSv ifMit tone roose fcr two i ktoe ileito room* (i.io

week. ______ ■ . .._________ *

H iULBKHBY.W-FUIlSIaHKn ROOMStKX- ualaigai ball noBU far lealleBisa 71a

I ll.aN K #T., SS-FURNIBHI’D HOoMh FOR*llgkt bouav^asplii# « leaUsawB ; |l.eo to M

witkly i kalliaaoi, $ i .______■ft KOTOR *T. It i-*" ;'"Ikilsbsil fooea. no* and cold Water i eultehl* IhrtweieiUenee.

lf<M« B[»*d forref to Mkrkel tlteei. __ ^The fiitlitwlof hi kbont the kmoant of worv M be

dk (4)

florie tad tM ineteH&li to be forntofied to Uii eoe- •truetton kefl eomfoetteo ofeeid wort

Mdeeu Uioa*kaa tod two hiodreil lei >*ardi ornbioof gntolie block pkviegs With t ill Inoh oneereto Rweitkltoe : end . _ .

I hlrty-ibree bundrefl (liiQev K|«kf4 foet ef *< Bel- clkn" hridfing. „* Iddderv wUietoik thetr prtoie to wrMat At well“ hirtSSiirmOTl epeciry tn Ihetr prepotol* IhAi, ihouid tb* kbove work he eerknlM to Ibfa* tb«y wLUblnfl theiu*»]ve* to fliMb era ooi^ tw tM Miiifl wlibiA ninety <o»*ecutlve workleg dey*.

I hepJiiBi knil itperlflcklLoU* al the work _kiktitlueci et ihe_wfUc* of the Bukrd 4tf rttre wjl

.............. ....................... ... M. HCHKVILLE-tirobbed roOMft wTtli ell knpn>veiuenb j ^

veto ItmWy,

tJOUTH THIRTEENTH AT..H h o ................... — ‘

ftTOIlBE, LOrr«4 «TC„ TO LFTvA %rv ■s>cW'o».

A ygw iiFFICFe, «INII1.1C OR KH fltllTICl S«Kl Ilftai sad venlilsUmi, slNwi baat, IB *»r

bulldldfl. 7.1 Brt*d fov. ^ ,- 3^ TU Bt tt,

W AAKlHUT<1NAVri;.,lH AND J0t-1MU«EA li> ikC;flii9 m i tom ;$Art 7 ro'imx bktb.

Ikonflry, etl lt»pror«ai9utv rt'tbiit meateLkwwly peeeradeeil ;i4ln(ul, CLnt onl'r: )jl^KMy HAWAHK rtlURM:, «A1 Hrokdj

MTi, Tl- eisnisK

TexiM llepeb llrent' AtAte Ticket, XULLAH, Tez., Aug, Uepubli-

ran btete oonveution rajourned iMt nig^t. th r plAtfurni rfodSniii thA NatioDAl form Alia condmune the Htete AiliiiuilAtra* tioD. The following ticket w u nornlnAled: Ooverno]', W. K. MAkepooo; LleutetiAnt* Uoveruor, H. B, Iteptfro; Traieorer, J. O. lAwdon; Attorney-^enermi, J , A. Hurleyt Land CointniwUnier, Kd Andereoii; Comp^ troUeri'U. A. ToutUiiwin; Muperiuteudenb uf feicboolfli A. H, CAJdwelJ.

-vinmen L. I uttrm to At l^prlng IjAke*—TboiukCi Kkiii' and Al. J. Doyle ere At tA)hg

Bruiicii.-D r . Hnnd ha* returned from hi* vaoa-

tlun.' Mr. And Mra Henry D. Reutor ere At

rthuholk Ulun.—Mm Kdilh JoueHs of Rnutb Ntxth Itreet, U

itoppLtiz At helmkr.UtykeudAlls nf WkketnAn Avenue,

gone to HhiledcLphIk.—MIm* traue Blto«, uf WekeniAti Avenues to

Allying At Sliori HiU».- M!*k M Umlip Wftll*, of tb f4cU y ,» vlflll-

iiit' Lor broth«r»t Ml. Talwr.Htliel Hotie StllwHl 1b kt the DeUt-

were Water Oap wttli k party of friends, '(toorKfl A). Uervuy.or Wiikemkii kvenue,

Lk* r turniMl froiDk month'i trip to OeDkdk.—Mrs. Kohert DodsOf LlUleton kv«intifl, hei

gouo to FivU tUYfr, tli9 While Mouhteidm end

—Mra. WiKlem AldredsOt Ktimme^kveniue, will Ickvc Ibis Fuek for a two weeks* trip BoJUoh. •

—Willtom r. WllkltiAbn A;md dkngbtAri MIm Mery, of Heat Uikitoe, heve rtiUirned 'from Nova

Frederick HlnchinkD. of Wakrimen kve« nufl. hiui retnrufd fronr a two weeks* VkratHui ou li»Uf

-'AUiii Helen MoPnvItt, of Dhllkdelphlk. to the Kueat of her slitor. Mira W. U« ColHns, of WAnbingUiA 4tru«l

-v-The Mtofloa Fannto Welch A&d Elirut Ktoff era Apeoding e few d eft At Mrs. J. NewelPi coilkge At Asbury.

—tieorge B. JcnklnsoA end fAtnlly And J. D, Nmyth AUd dkUfKter ware kmouf the psm n- g e n who arrived from Europe yeeterdAf on (he Spree.

raVTPBMTKMV¥ roflfok, fid; six rooms, |l] per inontn,


TO IsKT^ODT o r T o w n .,*k-.--'vw -,c,AZVVWVV1WEhI’ iiUa M*KTI> i .kt.I IHKKIY AT.,

iooungp. all T riin, ffUli bsihrovifii. fliitikoe,rangVi hot end eb'd w«trr: «<ri-rt- r«fiv$>ntonM iiHrarnraib. *ppty Fi.KMlvu, | ,hVm MO.'«P A (X)„ lOfl WktcbiiUK RV«.. rtrshjrt. L bferrV>l:r.NTOR lkahk- Ldeuble dwelUni. "

IHVI.VtIlOH r.AHOK_______ . . . _ 14 rnom*. oellsr,

heeler; fhclnfl ^prlncfl•>d end f'lrk evra; wed- wilietl ler torge Isimly t>r battnHmf-huu»r; nwr flet^trii-Ckirai^t A»d itiMrapli omiw; rant low. lA()elr»of TBu Haa H, JUsNL:h, rak) wtoie oflire, IrrlngtoU- . Wh

ARl.f.WtJTONST.,ID-THREE FI/)OM, EACH i.oooiviukre f w t ; -------____ ______ . r»wer, steett hrai kim bJI

ourveutottiwa: Bulufole for Jewellers. 14/rilTEKNTH AYE AND AOrTH

C V r V i l l T H a i d " i b A r room*; celtorkpcl treble. _____________________^tjiaCTOKY to LKT. OOaVTAtHlNO B HLRR r snil eufine' iidfoWa for iwy ktivd of meeU'Ihclury. inquire 114 FLAXE AT,■JJkI.HKY B Wto-TO

iiibed zreoerjr rtore.let* OLD-RSTAW-

Water < emDl«^ura^v& iM iiaiwy fortei Droitokkii to b« kOMmeanled by toeeDakeers to wrUIttf. of*wo*epwtlw. who shat), At Ue tln» ef tHililna In suob prnpoekli, quality M to UMHr ncKmsLmhiy In the amMTit ol aarb pfopowl, aed Und ihrn^vea that if toe wtitraei be kwafttod w

uerseei luklew tbe propeeai tbay WlU, upon Us mliifl se awarflrd. beoomt eli otr theirMsrattof forthe ftHhfol performance of aald work ik4id ihst If the pezMB or periens emit or refiiee to raveuto such obivtraot tbay wUi pay to the o lv e f Newark any dlfforaeeehecweeeibe eumsicwhlee or or ihty would have been eetliled upon compie' tloeol theeoatract end (bat which the eliy orHewerk may be obilg^ to pay lh« pemn or eons by whum suab oonlraM abaii b* exOTUted.

T OFTh TO Ll-rr IN BUILDINO NOE ID AND J J1* Ward 9%., wlifr or wUhouij>o^-“7lg * FKaDTsbUtK,

O W t f ,, fo$ Harkei at

I iitUlK ORhlfbt

m k r t in u B ooM .^iast yrk t , sv*.. wRBfU site hteL tl


A ^HAM>W’MR•and OTlIer : every imiiroTi

fomily. MAluilfs»fAtoy<iw>v.4iiTMKvr, 4 mifiiH liiiliroTotiifiit; luw lo go^

A rtvesTlH ; ell light room*; ball fiimliiitdr ^ »V BArtCil *<IKKI sSMUr.lKM.,

hovtith sad summer evae.J^KTiEVfLL^’. AVIC.._

l O o ^ l l t .l.heulra ifli % kyAyil.Lt: AVEAfriTveS r HyO R. IUMPD^:S Wl.-

»*'Vb. Ifojiulpa Mooxe and peiitry. first

PL.with llvhkg rooma

KnUMH Tif LKI’v1

t aloon to LKT.lob

W1T*I POWER:■I*-**?"!?-. *S1, I f SJI'okKRy’? TSD'llreaii t inuolire of kaMLK...

rt, or fugieeer cm lha premlara Ml.

ALL JM- Bpudleot

Teieabeae He.Mt

nHANfJR AVE., IM-ATORE ANDLjOUTH - ......1 **'^jIuiilH'liUAlLEYs Harketend PtoieatA

■H* mf wsiutu JHMsaa »-a#iiisw»e wsw's •»"1 he Board of r treei and Water ComaiiMloeeri of

U f cllr *r .vmani reterv* lo Utmsvlvsv Ita rifBt t« sceviR sv ralsci aw “► all Frepoaaii flir u* atava work, as Uitr ntejr fleam taat ter Uit letenst'’ rndtarT'aart tartilH are baistar eeailifl U*t uDrter tta* oeovlsioite ul Ita atvseu. tesuoa of IB* lawcieailnillis Iteacrt »t Wtseiaofl tteiw ^ s t miwionera, approved March n, itel, that tta head or biiod* to bt given for the Iblthfoi exocuttoti and performano* or told puMlc work, ebeU flew be urovfdiia 10 toriicton^ hy the bijard, aM form, hy ih* eunarl of ihe board, end ee ut ■ball be bindina on the dly. or bacofoe sltoetlfo or opnrMiv* noilt each bond to se eppruved; and tbe FTtoldenl of the boara shall bard pbifoT to osa ^ |of the pfo}>oii tetuUnee uedM ealb, If besbeU BO desire, or ahsli be (lUi ibe bi sitl wlM not

, selnMraoWd Ifyita hoesd, t be bouad hr *er i« i* » » l

i tai mar ta made by saee pnuoosd bondsmeo, but atasJI havi tell po«te *»> amdluu dicsm.lw taU twhol* insttvr. and this provlsluB shill M rsterr*.

Tllo lo *By .rtviftitem#*. Taviupg hifli ftw *Bf eueh pubilr work.

1 r dlisrtirai or U* Bn»nl of Mveet tiifl W*ltt UaaiuilaskjBtr* of tta ettr of .vewark.

J.CROWRl,lb MffNDY,S7f (l•ntI*l BoperieivadtBl al Works

ark, tee aiamlDaltaa tar tbenbi.'' Bsesasmeet osaprleti

U*_ ___________ _______ let*, traei* BBS

paresis at laofl >•*! • “ • ‘f "•’’I* ■* “ tesefl■sateiiBtId. irita OB taoUi stdis of ' janUBTH K ItTfrom norflen rilsel 1* Nsabt.t riites

A "lei"iwpietaulsaiiutlnFloiafteofl.wBsetasBteFb*>*s7.s. ___ ita J-Vss__flte tasnte*te ASStaeeid before told Coaalealeoera on

.f"g.ns™ TM K tbCgT** “ T O BflSnaM -1 F. u .,* t Ita (iomm&tiiia^ rooiB, .Mb 4 cM

W S f t ar w. H u u jv iN ,Mf Omulsrioaete.

Av o n * iiD B R L M O irr*v*su in i«W M B - AtetteB»et AH’ tauaflia.

Heta* Is hershv slvs* iBit an u sn sn set bbob aU u T e w S r . oTril Us^ Usd* aed rsat ^ pteeUariF taeedted hr U* eoaainetMh « tU


krlueoilUod ^An otrMiloaAfatewaf In


”a \ W a KD BKLJtOIri taVKlIOW,ltd WavetlF p h « ,’- apprevsdOnm Badm avene*

* ^ 'ta S D erteand bv Ita nBdemsaad Cass r i* M r* « iS te 5 n f tta Marot »nE.Sitjr.of iBTk.aidUalaiepoU hirateflUtate

Bid Casaal*' Kaw-riensra.

altaeoorBpSBFui*” map ata tobe^i^bow il nvevsl t««B*i»tea**l*Bt,U» sevsinri SWB< r«lltrlF twtalllsd a* iKseteld, ba* h « t d t ^ l IB U seff in a f Ua^tltf Clark, h f i ta w y a f ta S ar*. for esanlaaltan bp U s FatUas rBlensUd IhatelB.

tta awaaisee


till a m - ir t - - eempriasa all ten, tnets aed psi< a l l of raid ata t**l w ide lls to te ta aewteiSal

Officv of th r «

£;TaBLK-TO LW, NTa BLK ONi^wni

DIVIEIO-V^nmrt, w of te -^ U pl, KlRK,ai4MBTkB tit

(lOOD LOCALITY. NKW KOl'pK'*,Sf O H m (lO O n U X !A i .n v. .vr,-w n u i- ’o r ,- , on South orauf* av*. and tea Bank sl.i rtat

oliMp, JOHN Mk .>KKL*» )N, M to » FrlBa --«**) vffird. - it- .w y

t IIIL'NPWICIC ST„ u: TO l.m . l>flnor iUin* ruom* alouve and taliibiv..,

lar 1 ,1L ___________________________ Ml

CUM F *T.. t l - ' f l l it , 'IWiI hOOMH WITH lateilF of IWO 1 svlsot loaauofi. i


lM-Mol).;itS FLAT TU LKT, 4 I* Apply at

i.b:HCKF.'s,I41 nroadsvs VOORTAT.. . .............. ,

-room*; aU UsprovsBuina A

Mother e.iil Chll.l IluriMd to Heath.Rt, Pai'L, MlnB,, A ta. 80.—Mn. Fnebnrg

and oliUd, four jraan bid, were el-mnated in M iirny (,'uuuty faterda.T b j tk* burntag ut her liOiiie. In ettnniptlng to save her ^ U d tta* waa oTsreoma liy beat and i>»rlilisd witli It

Mlts E d u Lobk, oI Plalnflald, and Mr*. Jam u M. Moon and fAOitlF, at Phllailslphla, a n lha ,Re*te ef MMi Augnata Goodman, at Lincoln aVanne.

—A pleasant hlrtbday partrwatglTenattbs reatflence of Hra. James J. flynn, un Niwth Revealb s tr » l, Riwevllle, l u l night Inbunar uf the funrtb aiinWcrtary of th* birth uf her dangkler, fsMiis PljfUB, Ahunt foriF gutal* w an oresent. Thera vree vocal aud lnBtra„ mental music. A supper wa* ^ v e d and tta partp brake u p a t A ld i^ k

g'lllAW FOhPh'f . * - T ‘>L*T, FiVK RCUlMS, V> papered, hifloadorUsribsllBfuraUlu-di prlvats

« •

D r KUDU To L'T IN PflDUEHTIAL lfllpUlsN4b leqlilie Roem lOOT. aj

44 HU'KI.y>rtlUNl»HKJj room* with kU lmprov«i»BQta i rffoteikOM «g.

kltkitged, ’E ast f a k e


-*T4\WE 'TfJi 1 fle,Ads,.te ariK.

ANR ~ Mb

T"Tha laifa t ttoVF bullillnl Na 4W RRUATI *T,,

opposite MIllterF Part. Tta itora In U l. bulldint Bai Ua largvft shew wTiiduws oa Broad aL. tbanU Infsanverraiili, andthtlltht la Itairesrso•Iisiigta tbat nelwlihuandlite R >* >ba dtepaat ■tonlnffawarklt U Ua bniUait. aieaei baat, sts. Tbs n e t to a tallabla drygwMa matcbadi will ta mart* ao iDduoaasata.

ItivKHRYRT., l« -t HtWIMS W I.RT FOR M*M L’ and -wlte 1 mutt ta qulai psopte, Hiars. t

___ ___ LKT, A ..liA’I, 4 It’II MB ANDtoatbraom, all Iniprovemsate t will 1st cbMp to

dsatrabl* li'Baut-; bn snitll ebllrtrsB. Inqulr., uf Itb J. MOUAUoh.ite iisub sL, oer.eyrtniy pi.IiM jlT -W

' I

IVI.AT TO L»T o r RIX ' KlriNKT Ki.,«rMr(lultmso i tlltniMit. Its WKM'


tagsltaM 4tAi‘« > n « , _ m


riVOLKT-LAUORcTlIRKANItOCLl.; ' *-S» 1 II roam* i» cilBloa akt • ! « » “

t reiima 111 Bank SAi taoaed aad Iblld floors, <reiimarasbw steob, Ifl ovoBsie atis i H, Kl.N.VABtiteO i.iitOllittoBifl.TRl LKT-P.)WKR TO CUI T i tetHCLRItllRY V PT,, 1st deoe, itaiw.i aiaijtal'^ij^weil tabteJ.

RltdlNKFR OF TIIK Roaru oreiMil snd Waitr Commltilenais of

U trllyof Newsrt-.vitbc*. ^Tb* Hnsl tsiiitaUi lor th* telloBilnf eonirsns

will bo preieiiiort lo ibv I tard af c|r«*l sad wntti l ‘i]n.i.ilsilon*T,of itisi-liy of .Svwark for acotpP anas ou '< huriday, tapteraMr A UM, vis.;

torthsrepavlne ofaiVui H l.RANaF. AV».NUa

from Rprinsflsld avinu* to ceutb Malta atrtaL aad CLINTON HIRKRT,

from Kmart ilo-et lo MalMrrr tirtst t also ter tb*oeimtniotlOBOi'iheiswtrn. __


neaiP-wuHy.paal rinai lo Market M(s*l; ' ■ *'**' 'I' avhl sttlatete*

ujUst tibsevu '-"iiw iwu, Ol WiltUK, OB or boters t P, H.. w*dn4<d*F,' epiemtai I, INL

,M ..d4U,U ..M .W .44b Koglaaar,

aterweld, lylag oa beib aids* of aiorasmo. r se a VKNUF,troB Baditer evtaw to Belnwii avaut;

Oa both ■“ “ KHB* *ItomAvonaTsfloitoWaveilFplac* , „ -

A ** 1 et '* zepneeeui ka eetlft |N<>4 fl4 Iflofl,*Yl1^rM«Ylawr«tad U said asasasaiait mag b*

1 P. Mm t t lb* OameiteSaM^ nta i, Mte 4 Gdlloori Jflly Hall.

f6fr/rv?vVr. ir.HULUVAK,

tif CeuDltttonaia

XrOTICr M IIXREIIT n iV I ^ T lU T TIU iN CtaialHtoiMia baretoteft appWnlrt W Us MaySforitacHFof .vawarkte makeanesllmsto tta avMtsnaet upeu all Ita owaer* efidl tta lauds and rrMtsuls In lbs eiqr of hansBIvd uy any tootl inurovamtnl It . Iht ttld

^ Mtgflrfy

___ .JO NOTIOK-OBDlNANOi ORDBHKb. 10 third rsartlag. w*. lbs undtnisnsd, tarsbv esrilfy that *a

„n1tnsBet was read a n«*oaA dni* at • masanf af IH Board of ntrset ted Water Oeminl'iton*n,b*ld_ M..,. —.— I

MBMsainnse ttaitwend*

OB .1 ugaat a , UK imd dull.oedtriil te Inx.tmvMlnateMtafltsctf^rst r^heioAb* towaiulp af Oraasi laint.--------iralam aftha city nf Nawark, aad RW U* balldlag t l* atantotlag stwti tbstator in lha elly of haw-art.TMtd Astnit Ml UK.w oo .* ~t*BRIhON VAN b u T N l

Mlrttntuftbe Board of RliaM and Wanr CeBpntirttlitnlattonsm.

WtA. M. U H Narr,


ally. In proptaV^afportloa *a tgflrfF b. may b* I* the art- vantessetob w it detiflidto hat* toqulrta, litnmad* an tettmate and s a a tH iB a B ^ ^ all tta,owaoii nf all IhstewltMd^^jj ijjieliy of Newark pairttellF taetBtta tel'lDwiMi 'Immrveatebt* In laid allr, naoHIFi

TM eipavlBf at. . .HfVRlI efllK W .rtum MavfM canti brldi* W Molbevry itrstt;

ngnf .Ttanpavlngo- H raB irn iK cr._______ , . • ! * « t .^ h t h a v w1 ta paving bta lepbvliii ol

fttsn tantvaMDt.RAV HT'RKKT,

1 altast to new Jartty Ralimad tveniMivfaif allAlLUt

Bm Hnnd1 ta " I J p La OR fwwu tlds),

Ann Marktt ftiiet to » « th canal ittesl; aod have flltd tbate repofte d taM autesmaBri M tanellis In lbs noc* of tha clvrk of iht UrenllConner thaeonttraf B tas, and Ual th* ladg*I I jK dT IV tS b MDjWH B OrBKPfBIl-

EXRi I944hal leefriartla ita Ibnaeoa.u Ue Curtail oeert nem at tta OourUionta, In U t dtp of Kawart, ta Ita Ilto* and pisea oThtarlug any ohlaalleite taal e a r ta to* ■* to the wid awtesnsaeto,

tteted ABgefli 4h irtLCUAMDUtR W. RUKR,4Sf (Tiy Oounasi.


priUR OF TIIK (JITT BBALBR Wrtelils aed Mvaiursa iWIciuiivet Is hotoBjr gtvaa that tta eflto* of tta

paneaweataed a socendltnuat a mSMIagef Ita B w d of e|rt*t and Wnwr Oammlttloneri, htW a* r Bsuti a , UK, and duly ordand I a Ulrd m d i.^

.. arwtiehla and .tlsamms bat taw rw___,.i«n Ih* tantmeat at City Hall to lta M Mraet'iiaiidtajj t e e ^ <1*** xateaaaa ta m ad

i i

iftanvniaapiio ' valali It U*

......... ot

third rsaditr,We, lha aodandfntd, hanby atrUlF U tt aeetdl-

I Wnwt Oammlttloneri, YtW t. . Idulyonlaradl a U lrd ied n ..

regalttlBs tireet rallwayi aad niovRIltw ibr tar- lax aad isoavlBg In ib* siieeti u m r ii w tM ---------- ----------itautetepantod.



A«MHr4u4 A m i s lar aA n riM ac » ■ • • • • n i w , N m i at ik*M w *

WBW T O K K -K n a la cN M n B r « » e * 0 * » T9 W « I9 B iillA hi, H. r . Ik U u t a m i i a tw la l n a n H B ta ttrb

• i iA iv a K -HaaBlBc W n n B n u i'k M a r . I>«|ir. w,

fJm d tlT T ■■tMImc, t M H a iB n . , M « M r , n a a I*. 0*«a •rr ila ca a u U 19 f - M.

■ I'W A B K -U«lBli>apr*i Bra* W a n , earaar al B n « 4

a a l X arkai Ma.r a a l K. ■akaairtar. avr BraWi SkB.m aaM ar. M * B raa< M.« .B .m a a a w . tM K m a i .Wallar N, T aaahnaa, l U RaaaTlIla Ava, W. a . Bra«k mm W aahlaM aa MMr m W . Maraa. II* T hlr« A ah W arrtaaa. law aA aalar, BaaaTlII* Aa*,

M aUaa.b a m t o b a a m b -

W . B . Allaa, « M Mala ■«., aaA BH«h O nrah WaUaa.

W , B . PlaailaT, B ait Oraaa* Mall**, i b u t b B B A X s a -

Bakai* Laalla, A aalk ~ ----f r At*,

r . t . B aaA aiM . M l M aH laaa A*h B l.B B IIr lK l.B -

M ln ta a , AawaBaalar . a w , B«b *A ■ V M BIT-

a a t t jB K alir .M BB T IX A IB-

R. M n a * B Ca., K awalaalan. BMAKBB ▼ A k U I V -

W llk ar k , B a iaaM . BamBaata*, AM klKBTBB,,

« .M . B laaa.W A m K M *inn»

Chartaa BraBlar, NawaBeatai^■U DfaOK...

Lawla A. W aipra, Daat**, Bn I*aaBW . a . It.B laUaa.

M 0BK 1HT0W N_y . r , la a li. Hawa*aalaB______ ______


Called tba O anlaa a l A aia-R adolph W*b> *r‘s B ip ad lllo ii.

A lm oit a i intareitlDK a* tha Polar axpa- dlUoD o f W alter W ellm an, llio u fh per- bap* not lik ely to be flranght w ith aa many dramatic locidenU —U certaln ly can ­not evlTer th e cnuhltiK o f a iDlp by lee— w ill be the tropical expedition w hich l i to be beaded by R odolph Weber.

H r. W eber ie a N ew Yorker and i i oon- neoted w ith tb e departm ent o f mam­malian paleontology o f the Amerioan U uiaum o f Natural Htatory. I leU K o in g to Sumatra, a moat wondertbl ialand, de- ip lte th e Ihct th a t n o t m uch attention Is paid to It by th e O ccidental world. H r. W aber beHerea th a t patient. Intelligent iDTeetlfatlon th ere w ill b r ln i to ligh t m any fact! o f th e utnioet in- tareat to th e aclentlflo world th a t wlU be o f m ore or lea* direct valne to m ankind a t large. It hae lon g batn held th a t th e Eaet Indian A rch ipel­ago, o f w hich Sum atra ie one o f tha m oat Important m embere, waa once connected w ith Aela In tn eh a w ay ae _ lo form one Taet oontlnent, and U r, W eber hooae and belleyea th at he w ill be able to prore cooclualvaly tb at Ihle th e o ^ la oorreoL H e alao belieTea tb a t he wiU be able to And tracer a t lea ft o f tb e p r lm iU n m an, and ba bolde tb at a lo w etudy gcnarally o f th e anim ate life o f th e ialand will afford m nob Ulum lnaliou o f tb e theory o f rroln-

rptxil™ wnnER. tIoB. Rla exp en aci are to be borne to ln tly by the mneeum and by th e N ew York Herald. A ll th e apecimen) o f tha flora and fauna o f Sumatra that are gatb- ared are to go tb e m oeenm In New York, w h ile , under a contract th at has been en­tered Into w ith th e Philadelphia m uienm , all ip eo in ien i o f a h e ll ia r e to go to tb at laatltnUoo.

“ T be Oarden o f A tia ,” 01 Sumatra baa bean called becam e o f Its rem arkable beanty and larpam ing fertility, la an is l­and o f an area alm ost eqhal to that o f Taxoa and th irteen tim es oa great aa tb at o f Holland. Its length l i 1,MT m iles, and aa it Is bisected by th e equator almoM e x ­actly h a lf way betw een It* norttaern and •onlhern extreuiitiea, It is distlnctty a trop- leal land. I t Is separated from the Malay i^ ln a u la by a narrow strait and /frhm JaTS by a still narrower one. L ife th is m ore famous island. It abounds In volca­noes, several o f w h io h a re more or less aotiTe, and w hen Java received th e aw fhl volcanic and le iim io visitation know n In th e records as th e K raketos ontbnrat Bamatra suffered w ith her Island n eigh ­bor.

H r. W eber, w b o l i a native o f Swltxer- land, has already le ft Amerloa, but it w ill be som e tim e before be rraohea Sumatra, From N ew Y ork he w ent to Leyden, w here he propoeee to rem ain for a m onth or 10 fixam t|iui( Som etran speolmena In tha e ica llen t m u w u m there. W hen ha iiea aufliettnUy fortlBad bim selt w ith th e know ledge be can obtain a t Layden, be w ill go dlraot to Bumalra v ia th e Sues Canal, Oayhm ond^ Siogapore. As soon oa h s

umatran to ll ha w ill e n w i leTegi

I toappinsoaatary parte o f tb e e x p ^ t io n ’s work.

fores o f natives, to whom be #111 deTegate the hnntlag, flsnlng and trapping that are

T his plan w ill leave h im free to devote m ost o f b is own tim e to th e clim illoation o f his speolm ens and th eir preparation for ahipm aot to Am erica.

I t l i stated o f both th e anim al and vtga - tohle life o f Sum atra th at It la not only ex-

jtreiaely luxuriant, but very cbaractcriauo as w ell. That la to ssy , tha types there

ifoBOd are m any o f them nnllka those tb a t ara Indigenous anyw here aim on th e ear- (koa o f th e ball w hich w e call the earth. U b argned from Ibis tb at the aeparation o f th e luaiid from th e mainland m ust have taken Place at a very rem ote period. Otharwlse there wonld not have been sot-

'flclent tim e tor tb e evolution o f enoh pn>- nonnoedly dtetlnot typee.

A short tlins before he w iled aw ay H r . W eber spoke a t som e length , throogh th e medium o f a new spaper Interviewer,

k th e exped ition and th e eharaoter- o f Java. I t contains a largw

ivoriely o f m on k eys than are to oe found In any oth er land. Its fauna n n e r a lly axhlb lts a n a a ter tandsney toward tb e forma o f antiquity than nrs to be m et w ith ebew bere. There are very many TorieUw o f anlm ab o f ex - traordmary alia. T h e peohyderm ata (tblokeklnnad boasts) ara largely repre- w n tsd . Including a d istinct variety o f elephants. T he rhinocaroa o f Bumatrs b also paonltar, th ou gh not nnlqnt, from tb e b e t (bat U b Ihm iahed w ith tw o b om s. Ilka tb e rhinoceros o f A frica and uollka th at o f Java, w bleb It w ould be tnopoead to more nearly rew m bls. AUbongfa th a w ild boar b found In tha H alayan rsn ltr- so la and th e Island o f Java, both vary naar naighbora. It d o w not aaem to a x iit s t a l l InfiPmatra, Tha variety o f bate Is eitraordlnsry. T be " flying o a t” and th e ” flying fox ” are found In gi

* >re Iled reptiles In profi

lees torts o f enafces oath vast aod venom ­ous, tn d tigers and tb e lik e alm ost w lth - o s te n d .

F a r m ors Intoreetlng and Im portant th an any o f th ese , how ever, are th e h u m a u o flh im a tr* . T here b not apao* to ip e a k o f th a variou* n o e e , many o f th em o f e v U i ^ H a U r origin , iior o f their oori- out outtoint and appeoh, both spoken and written. T hejpoM latlon b belfxVed to In- olnde a tribe o fiia lry wild m en, w hich m ay be fonnd on close exam lnaU oa to be nearer th e pibnlttve flyp* t^A>i M y that baa yat Dtenstudied. In d lv ld n ab of th is tribe tukve been often seen in th e Jungles, bat never approached o low ly . They are said to ba w ithout taUs, to w alk uprignt In­variably and to oarry nlubi and Tanoea, H r. W ebar w ill InveaUgate tham as thor­ough ly oa posetble.

H r. W aber boa an Idas that perhape thars era a lio to ba fonnd In tha interior o f th e b land t iib a t o f eata-dwalleia, and h e w ill waroh for th ese w ith patience and eagernets.__________

A pprepriete te tha eeeaslon . « rroastheODiuinerolalAdrartiasr. .

A t the eanelnsloa of an impeasloBad address down In Kantneky tb e other day Onboal W. a P. B reek ln r l^ annmoead that ba w w weary, and t ^ a g soon as hit eampalw Was tndsd ha WoaU v b » K agb J l. Wkecawpoa the leader »f tbe bend, wlm h a w w a Id bean •sBUshMoa, Mraylt « p ” iDflflM wihiOwiB>”


great nnmbera. aUlgmtore ana other great lie*Ho profusion, alm ost end-

W#apoa»Not«e*Frank Sicoransa, of Central place, Or

ange, was sunmoned to appear b e feteju s- lica Davis a t tha Orangs Polled Station yes- tardey co a charge of violating tbe dog or­dinance William N olle • » insurance agent employed by th* Cnlted States Industrial In- surance Company, ratda the compleint. N olle was passing through Central place two weeks ago, when Ucorania'a dog attacked him and tore his tronicn.

A t 11 o'clock lait night Isaiah B. Wehl^ of New street, appeared at tha Orange Police S u tto n and cuinpblned that he bed betn ee- saulted by John Canning and wvsrmi other men, who struok him on the bead with a tin pail. A* evidence of the aw ault Webb sbowed a bed cut on hb head and three locw teeth. He protniied to tnaka a complaint against bli a iis ilants to-day.

Itr. Carl Ruttuer, of Orange, w iled this aftem onn for Osnnany, where be w ill spend two months.

J. A. Wolfe, a lecturer of Brooklyn, will speak at Eagle Kock on Sunday on the labor qumtioiw

John Philip Joqul, an old resMsut of Orange, d ia l at hli home, cm W ilUam ana Cauhelil strset*, last nlgbl o f gniaral debli ily . Mr. Js<|ul was born In German; seventy-one years ago, and bad baan a ran dent of Orange for ihirty-flvs yearn. Op to

al debll- rmany

and bad baan a reai-

flftsea years ago Im waa engaged In the plunibiog busineai on Hein s tn e t , Oranga Ha leaves a widow aud one sob.

The rector and chotroiasur at Christ Kplscofal L'hurcb, East Oranga have dt- cided to organise an auiillary choir, formsil of ladies and gentlenieu, to aaabt tha rsguJar cboir in making the mnrio o f tbe evening servire thoroughly oongrtfatlanah Upon tbe first Sunday night o f tmob month It Is proposed to have ta t Mitlra mnalc of tbs ■ervlne sung by tbe regular ehotr and tbe auxiliary choir together. A preliminary meeting of all who are willing to interest theunelvea In the effort will ba nsld on Sun­day night, ImnwdlaUly a fu r the regular evetilug strvlcae In the church.

Begianing next Sunday n ight an organ re- c lu l will l ie given In Obrist Epiioopat Church, East Umngo. Tbaw rsoltale will be given on the first Sunday night o f caoh month.

The funsral sw vteea over tbe remains of If rs. Lida Gtidney, wife of S. D, Gedaay, of South Uapte evemw. East Oroage, who died at Asburv I'ark on Saturday, war* held yee- terday aftemuon at her late home la East Ornnge. The Rev. W. W. Davis, rector of Christ Episcopal hburch, Eaat Grange, otliclated. Tbe Interment was m sds In Woodlawn Ometery. Hrn. Oedney was fifty years old.

Township Comralttasmen Hebmidl^ Dorsy and bowMian, of East U ron p , have besn spending a few days In tbs w b iU Mono- Ulns.

E. Von DieitlskI and fam ily, of Grove ■tnet, East Grange, have returned from their luimner home In the Catakllls.

Robert Mnike, of Elgblsmitb street, aed Percy Whitman, of Hollywood avenue, East Oraug*, have returned from a cruise on the scboulship St. Mary.

Tbe Ladles' AuiiUsry o f Jamee A. Gar­field Post No. i , G. A. R., of Newark, was entertatueil s t loncbson yesterday W H n , Botnuel Blaurock at ber rasldenoa, SWfl Har­rison s tr» t, East Orange.

A thrre-dny*' fair will be held In Bethel Presbyterian Churcb, East Granga, tha lat­ter lisr l of next mouth, the proraeds to go to the church debt Cnml.

M in Louise S. Anderson, daughter of H r, Bud Mrs. Juhn Anderson, of Dougherty street, East OraoM was married at her borne last night to Bummer C. Blackman, of Grange. The oaremony was performed by the Rev. W , H. Hubbard, of Auburn, N, Y ,, who is supplying the pulpit o f the First Pres­byterian Church, Granga, during the sum­mer. Only relatives snd Inthnate frisods of tbe young couple were present nt the cere­mony. Tbe btidtsmelde were Mim Emma Anderaon, a sister of the brldck and Miss Lucy Blackman, a sister of the groom. Tbs best man w ss the groom’s brother, William Blackman. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Blackman will reside at 18 Elm street. Orange, whet* they will give n reoeption on ^ ptsm iier 12.

A wagon belonging to S. J . Blair broke down a l the corner of Main and WInans atreeta. East Orange, yesterday afternoon.

A p ^ y of cyclers of East Orange rod* to PatetK^pu, Long Island, yeatenuy. They will return to-day.

The Fireman's M lief Association of East Orange bald Ita regular monthly mseting lest night.

The flual game between the New Jereev A. C. and Grange A. C. ball ttsun* will be played on Saturday afternoon on tbe Orange Uval, Eaet Granga at 'i o’clock.


A CorreepoDdent Claline th a t R epahlicoM Are H is Trne F oU ow en ,

7b the Editor o f tke fiftiH ;Sm —la yours of yesterday, August SB,

you have an ortiole beaded, *' Wouldn't Take It Back. The Jeffersonian Club and Its Re­cent Tariff Resolution "

I would ask by what rule or saying of Tbomee Jsflhnon any club of Democrats can asswne to call themsslves Jeflenonlon Democrats f

1 havs a Ilfs of Jefferson aixty-three years cld, published in lElL On page 436 Jeffel^ ■on says: "Should tha Import duties be sup- preesed, end that advantap ^ v en to foreign over domeetio m anufecluns r Suosild they he dtminlabed, end upon what princlpleer Or should they ba continued and applied to the purposes of Intentallmprovement, sdnes- tlon, etc." Page 802: “ You tell me 1 am quoted by those who with to continue our dependouce on England tor manufactures. T h en was a t>me when I m ight have beea to quoted with more candor. But w ithin thirty years which havt since elapsad, how a n dr- euuistanceachangedr Pm SOS; “ Experience has taught me that manunuAurers are qow aa Doesasary to our IndapeDdenca a* toou r com­fort; anil if those who quote me as of ad lt- fenuit iipluluu will keep pace with me lu purobesiug uothing foreign where an equiva­lent of iloineatlo can be obtained without re- gerd to diffetence of print.* P age tOt: “ la- atteiitioD to this l i what bat railed tor thle explanation, which reflection wcsild have rendered unneonsary with tha oandid, while nolblng will do It with those who uas tlie

friendly people.”Sir, my old book tells me that on no prom­

inent question of politics o f this day is the Democratic party in hamiiKiT w ith the opiu- ions o f Thom u Jefferson. Ever tlnoe tiie days of Jackson to this the Democratic p a h y 'i principles have antagonlsnd the prlu- c ip in of Jefferson. Jefferson wai an A w ll- tlonlat. H e belbpred In using the eorplM revenues for internal imprarveaMats, Re srae 10 strong a protectlaalst that be would not putebaee a foreign article, but wcutd purobaee domeetio fabrin without regard to dlfferenoe of prior.

And to crown It all, Jeffenon always gloried In the feet that he was a Repablirau,

Sir, the BcpobUnsna not Drmoorali, are hi* Kenntne disciples, w h so Dsm oorits call tbenuelrea Jeffersonians tbsy are not randld; they are not touthfol; they ere disloyal; they ■rs traitors; t h n a n slanderers q( the name and mamorj of Thomaa Jeffsraoii whan tbey oall themselves Jsffersaalan Democrata • JoKN a YotJiro.

Newark, Aogast 30. _______

S T A T E S i m N O S .

The gallows on which W esley Warner is to he exsoutsd hss Jost besn completed snd will be put sp In th* fall yard a t Mount Uelly next Wednesday.

A field party of eleven men, under Oeorg* M. Lehman, ss chief, and-Janus H. Hood, as­sistant, oommeneed tha server at Borden- fow ^ yesterday for New Jeiteyb proposed ship,

. The work of gathering Hu cranberry crop wlU begin next week on some of the b w to Burlington County. It la estimated that the yield this year will be about thlK y per ceflti below tbat of laaf year. ^

A black Insect Is playing havoc wltli fruit grasrers in lbs vicinity of Olassboro. The In- sset eats off tbe Iraru and prevento the trmt from maturing. Tht tat* pear crop srlll be an almost lo la l fklluie In onnaequanoe.

On Tuesday aftentooii. after being mislaid over one week, the SW advartbad as lost by H n . Msrgarst K. Mailer, o f.U n toa etreet. Kohway, was found by Deteetlv* W. H, Phelan in Mrs. Mailer's house. Her money-bed fallen inside the bureau. Phalan cialma tha HO re­ward.

At tbe annual Smith family reunhra near Peapaok yesterday the offloers at last year ju ra re-slwAsd. Tbsy arei L & Smith, of Hlllburn, prstldsnt; Abram Sm ith, of Pea-

*»• ‘“ “ b tieaeurar, and J . 0 . Smith, seerata^,Tha tahigh Valley iUUroad Company was

sayerely haadled by a Oaiwurii ]ary which ** lavBitlgat* the death of

Kl*ti|g R faruMT • ( Usioft l>a«iiPti^wbo waa k llM a t thy Oheelnat atraat eroastng of the Lehigh road lost week a t Roaelle. The Joryaxemlnsd e number of w ltnaviaa teclnd- log tbe o n w o f the train, oad found th* com-

.pony guilty of criminal ooielemM et In not having * getenua at th* erooiliig to warn peo. pie of tha MprOMh of tralaa hr leweriog the gatra H la told tbat o s H u atrangth ^ th l* veN fatth an laH vaaal ttm ddM m aaw iU at oBoa. MMHM a txK H* heavy damagtd BgalM ttiHLalifffhOegigM r l e t hM death.

On tha ocemdonof thereeeptlaoto Frencte Willard In New York in June an album containing telegraphic mamegee of welcome sod greeting from the prssxlsnt of the W'oman'e ChriMlan Temperance Union of tech Btet* we* pneented to her. Him Willard eipranwd bar pleasure and daolared It was tbe moat unique gift she hnd ever iw- calved. Tbe book was prepared with padded covers of ■ delloate shade of drab chaniolt skin. Upon the cardboard Isavea etch tsie- iram w ascaretuU jp aiud jttitai Itoamefrom the hands of tha operator. Above the nwe- •egea on the margin, were printed the namse o fth a State* in alphabstlcal order, acoom- p u iad by symbolic or eouveattoual decors- non. It may iutem it Newark women to know tb* mpMogt which was tstegrapbed by Mrs. Emma Bourns for bereelf and her New Jersey cunstllusncy. It consisted of two

NOTICR—Transient aitfcrtlslag la th e NEWS must invariab^ Im» paid for la ad-

flSaae*, ^No acenuBts w ill be opened tor smeh,N* advertlseinent w ill ba veeelved over

the telsphoae eseopt lliuso seat by aattwr- lied ageaU.

A -.A .-W K m a k e a hl’M-ULTVOr FIW- •lug tmplDynitiit Inr m.u: aritelSH IM'n'

tiw, BiBlerst. ensrs*. sad rsir ire.tiu.ci swured; UtHUA.V-AUIKJUa.N A(U..'|('Y, U t'tusr It. tslsbll.ssd tSTt. I

incy.quotations from In* Bible one from th* third cpisti* of John, “ Beloved, I wish above all tblugs that thou m ayit prraperthird cpistia of John, ived, I wish

and be In health, even ■■ thy soul prosper eth;" the other from Hiilomou's song, " Be- esus# of the savor of thy good ointments, thy name is os ointment {lourad forth, there­fore do tbe virgins love Ibee."

* * ♦Borne New j e m y women, uenonal fritudl

of Hiss W illard, have contrlbuteil this tuni- iner to the furnishing of her bedroom lu tbe cottage called tbe “ Eagle'sNe*t,"at Twilight Perk, in th* Catskills. The cotteg* was built by New York women and uie deed for It was pm ented to MIh WlllarU at on* the convention* some year* ago. This tiny oottag* Dontalns four rooms. The young women's temperance locletles from all over the country oontributed to a silk flag tb si waves ovar tbe cottage. Hiss B’illard is at nrsssol sojoarning tberq sod Is writlag with b*r usual Imlustry, among other thingt a booklet o f “ How I Learned to Ride the Bloycla W ith Hefiectioas b j th* W ay,”

Tha Rev. Phebe A. Hannaford bat, per­haps, psrformsd the ceramuny a l more mar- riagat (baa any other woman. Not long ago Mrs. Uanuafiird uffloiatsd s t tb* n u rr ia n at Glen Ridge of Edward F. I.lnonist and Miss Anna Ayres. Tbe H'omaq'* , /o a n u t ipesk- Ing t f this event, s a n : “ Thau partlss were both aducated, cultured persons who wet* sboudantly able to ilecids for themselvas witbout prajudica, and were evidently en­tirely n t isf la l by tbeir marriage by a woman minister."

* * *

One is convlneed anew, a fk r a sojourn in Northern New Jersey, that no place oeu be more charming for a summer vecatlon. Driving tripe through Bussex, B'erren, Pas­saic and Morris rounUse are always full of fresh delight. It Is ell uphill and down dale aud conasipienlly richly dlvetelfied. After a


long stretch of road tbat winds through "oathedral woods," where “ boughs n iu e arches overbtad " and the elr Is laden with odor of pine and fern, yon enuerge to find tbat you have unawares gained an emlnracc that gives a wide view uljpastoral valley bounded by wooded hllla This experience is re­

tted egaiu and again. The view ujion en- m g Bparta from ■ point Dear Morris Lsdu

Is sufficiently extcuslTe to embrace several villagsa w bik in tbe dlstenca, outUnad ■gainst the clouds, may be saeu tbe Dela­ware W ater G sp With Its eDTlronmaute of rock-feced hills, Bparts seems s most restful snd secure retreat for world-wora mortals, ^m rta Glen, where tall fawnlncks make “ a twilight lU noonday," and the noisy Wall- kill gose lsa|2ng over Ita rocky b«l, is a fascinating piac* fo r a p to lo n M rambla giving oue a tost* of primeval Nature. Th* chief industry ber* 1* kseping summer boarders, and *very house bears a sign on Its front, for everybody's house la ■ hostelry In sunimer. There were 400 summar guset* in tbe little village lest wsek, many of whom were Nswarksrs.

• * •- On a little inlet of HoDatoong there ie a

duck farm, sad a great flock o i snow-white ducks swimming on tbs water Ie a pretty light. The proprietor has found his novd sutenoies profitable. An interettlac object to be encountered in drives around tiovst' Is the old Quaker meeting-house built In 1TS8, t* a wooden tablet over the front door de- claras. Though now fallen Into duuse, it Is still In agood slate of preeervation, Tb* walls sry low, w ith bowed oaken beams fastened with wooden pegs. A wood stove, a somewhat modarn affair, standi In the centre of the room, and there are a number ^ unoom- fortable wooden benches where tbe good ijuakerf sat a* tbey listened for the inner voice. A hinged, lidjuslable partlUou in tbe

SidOl* of tbe room septrated tbe men from a womcii, aud perhaps prevented wander

log tboughU. An errongenient of trap in the oeiliogt gave the sitters in tbe

an opfxirtuidty to see and bear tha irethfen h i tbs main audience room. In

tbe yard bacS of the meetlng-honse sleep the forsfatbers o f tbe Alwardi, the Veils and tbe Brottwrtoni. These grave* have no coitly moiiumentB, but are simply marked by rude alaha of natlra stone. A modern and prstontlous granite monument, lately •reeled, eaemed Inconnuous. Driving away from this ancient landmark, there are seen from the brow of a hill, la tbe distance, Seven ranges of hUJi.

* * *

door* I gallery I brethreil

E varyw h m is seen in this picturesque i glon the summer girl. This year ibe is t “ all-around girl." Bh* hkes to boast of 1


girl.” She hke* to boa*t of her all-aroundedMBi, and it Is lUvtrting to hear ■bout It from her pretty Up*. She con play lenaii and swim and row and drive and cook. She can d ltcon tbe new novels, give her reason* tor not wanting to vote and the disoloM* an astonishing knowledge of hu­man nature, Bb* ran m u e aud tie the mau- nlsh oacktlc* she wears, sbe cab snibroider, and she can flirt, when there is a mau to flirt with. Her gowns ars distrseting and her language preferred; object* tbat ordinary mortals think luteresling sbe declares are "marvellous;" she never dislikm a thiug, she “ loathae It;" what others like the “ lovts;” she it never annoyeiL but some thingt make “ perfect Hand " of her.'


The real estate traeefert reeerded la th* Reglttor'* offle* Wednesday aad reported by lb* Fidelity T lllt and Depoeit Gumpsay ware:

KBWAKK.Joseph Cook at ux to John Berry, * •

Bergen *t 80 u fr lUh av. 28x100............ $1Townaaira.

Herman Lehlbech iBherlffi tn Eroslus K. Moroy, W est Orange, Prospect sv at t * Douqiae Robinson, couts 17a... . . 000

Oeerg* P, Kingsley to the Kotedsle Cemetery, West Orange and Orungs.In the I Ira Harrison n w from tbe road ,,.......................................................... 4,000

F ew er o f Light,From the Philadelphia Record.

A local iciaatlet hot recently mad* tonw very intereetlug tests with lights at sea and declare* th at a white tight can be seen farther than any other. A red Uglit comet next In oanrying power and green ranks third. Prom sixty to eighty per « n t . of light I* absorbed ^ rod and nlaely-Bve per cent, by green glas*. In* pem n tog* of eheorptlon, of conree. In- eretoetlD ratio with the densKy of the color In the glaoe, and tbe condition of the atmoe- pber* bM oonslderable Inflaenoe on the rang* of vlelbllUy of tb* Ugh U. ____

m a r r i a g e s .STORCTI^BRaNT—Al tbs reUdsen of Ihi bildt.

A**uft:a, br >b* Her. Ur. Huibrooks, Oenrs* Rotwrt etorch snd Emms fneors Bnui, both of ibu elty. _________ _

D^AIHa.BAKnRTT-On Anieet » . ” H CMherInt, wilb

et John BArrelL r. B*loilvesand msBd* ot tb* Amlly or* rtepeoi-

felly Itvltfd to eltend ibs fuasnl tm a ker late residence, No. IS Uoble stivet, on Fvidsy, Aosuet »l. at BJO A. M., 1* at, oolumba'i Chwrrb, vherta IMlb Mossot HegeMra will be eflbied lor the rspflte of ber soel. Iniermeni iB lb* Ctmetery of th* Holy Hepaichie.

EATOIIr-tia th* (Mb Init., *t his late rtildtDae, No. SM Perkei siieet, WllUam H. kbioa, In bl* 44th yesr.

Kotin of funeral berealur.HOCK.-On Wedoeeaay, AneuitW. Pile* Hock,

eridower oftb* loH t bsreae llOdK, aged 14 y ttn10 niontba

Poiieimlwlll lok*[d**e nn balurdAy, Veplemher I, irvni tals eon's rtsideuoe, Mn Andrew lluok,

. im Ivtmluttnn iirett. nt ( P. M. Nslnclvee end friends, th e nmcere *n.l member* of th* order *f United fttende, S a tee* are Wndty Invited In elienA InUrment lu yxireiount Cemetery.

WAI.I.-Oe Tbondey, Angoelia et the reeldenc* of bl* p*i»»w, Na 401 reeoed «re*l, Kearny, N. J., Sdward Well. Iielovad non of Mlencaa* nud Mepeon of Thom*e Oeee

KeOet *r lUaeral beveaftsr.

Dnath OlHoeo Paid la Newark aad T ielalty T*-day by M *lr*p*B(aa L ift la i . Oe.

■ Nieia. Ab lKUO Clara M Bergen et,...—. - — - . » Rw »

A. r. WtULlASla de*t-lU-llS-Ui MorkM netAtr flnlAer.


A - fnah o k a h a p p ic h , ruNKRAt, in-, BmrroHk AND b m Aa l k m w .

Xiobelialaf cpenleKy. PMttOinaORANoE AVR, eettreta Ue/ea and loaeesta US

TOBaVA BBIKRUBVjPra*j^^^ DIBBOTORHI Bread *4. Alt* flieteton Uvety StiAia, k 4 ead su ayet Teltpbeae its.

'X K R T lR qfc. i i iw S i t o r o p BWOKI.AM

_ ia n d Hateof Cnkin No. land NaiswmbebiM at No tTMorliit el. Mdey eytnlng. A M-

requeeted. ** bailneei 41 impanau*ittdsaM H will betn

R v w fb l>iHo BKcitaTAmr.

\ OKNTa, WTKKKTMVN ,WK Ma KI'KAI'- lurtto Would awII at

Mr.1 PH<E?fIXO-tMI>ASYe£:H#«TiMlcil.

WANTRUII9 KNKUANdllUYftXX •T*.. bttwttti ULIkrwnd

1 JuiiN J. vo u .u e ik .IJDY -WANtKU, anv SVIUI ICXP&HIKNI'KI VIUMtontiMllDf. ^OILObMEIN A

II Afllt^ion Bl. 1OV WANTKD TO <‘AMHY NImHT A S li 'Ronday roBf. ft PKNNmyi.Va . \ ! a AVJt. I

HUTl’ON.imiLlAlCH—WAXTKH.PK.VHL HUT-lolHlrlHBr : ruX A 11

Biid ft Nb« JrnNjr HaHrawd bvb, 1



/ UHlMKH-YnU.Na MAN WANTRIk AA V. CWitalBr; Bkoct cwm* writ NconinitBdwJ.I J. & nXliKH. UT.iluitMrr; iL

r KlAll ^AIsKbMAN W ANTlli; \ k'AHMA- ABBl POBUIBB Oli lli to BIkI BtlwrlBBOBd

men. wuh eiWbasMi tiBdfc Addi***N.t Hoc l i , o t H i W.Hli

i iIdlrRK WANTXn IN NEW VnllK M*Nr- \ ftirlurlnf ofSew - b vi-n'if intn: nmRtHbtb RoikW BipFiiBtMW la Mi« ImsIiiPiiR, wrKr n |i<'0d haji'l hikJ tk* roriwct at ItgiiraR ; vfrjr UbvI of r«>r' •iiopt raiiukraiL Addraoi JkvW'iCKi.KHr Hui K* NffWioplBB. I

r OJettCTOR WANTED 1HKilal. Call Friday • A. M. huOM rrud«iiU*l

Palldluf ;a«Y tor Ploia. iIJ^NAIfET* PAINTERM-AEVEKa L KXJ'KHt. PjanoFd aBamal fialBtar# WBitUid ; fUM m. hw

iMroan who ara at U rawing, and laq brlDgHiiBplB work. E LEVY. IN HBitwrry kt. 1TAllrrmHKKA-k WANTKh* HIX T^Tlfr HAT- C uiilBB toon •, prawayatroi.1 FEHitY A NAjnxn.



CiT01t|WETTAA--A OOOD KTONK*flKTTAR a^aaniad ; rtaadf wora tor tond, lUaly man; muit baa(?raaloiiu^ tu rlagi <» all kkiRlt m aN- DAVILLEs CARKOW « CRANli. ft RHMhta H.I

W AsNTrD-»T»R ARMY* AtUrK-H »H1KI> UN- marrtad Boan, b#iwB*B lAa agM vt ai and A)

}raar« ; good [Hf. ratloa^ rtoUilng a,t\i Jiteltr»danoB : applloBBU BiBRl br jiiwpirrl to rurnlih Mlifffkctoty «rid«iMW a* lo a<i, oharartar aa<l habUa. Apply m U a h EF.T 81'.. Nawn/k. ,\.J 74<]\ it a n t e d - a ftrut-tlabh Man 'm tA K sT T rhaiiltt of a BOrBBt ftetory ; nni«t N ahit to

lay BDi cnil and dadgn oorHiA ; iiaie tMlary waatad. AcklrMa. wUh rtrrrBtit'f*#.Hi C-. K.. i'oi if, NffwtoflioB.T ir A Wliar* ATAKT TOr IN A PIsEANA.Hr. TT profltablB aad farman4>Bt t>aiinaH; rau b«

dooa al yoar OWB hOBB«; |lo a watk. Baaily tuaU Mod iiaoiB ibt fiiil •apla’kaUork.

WEhTEHN hUPPLY O'!., tk. IrOBla Ma


\ - A .“WE HAVE A NCMAKR OF HX. •ilaMa "wad*. (*rrhiaB aadotuar gofid Mmiit#

on aur hat rapabla of filling any pwlUon In houiwe work, w* andaavor ta ioTmtigiiir rarcranoBA uf MrTjuiti baforawndliii la yonr oidar. UMKHAN* AMEkK a N AU8KCY, 31 CadartL 1

A -W A N T R D , PARTllH RKTCRNINO J. a aftoai tba pMaBora and ooufltry aButlof goad MiraoU IB Mild ibalr ordart nt onra lo MHrt. HTRVKHK, Ml Rroad i l , Uatropoiluu Aganc}'' atiordafiwin ba proDipUy atiandrd waaa*ati|F Ckcilon fuaiwBiiad. I2h

Api.ArE fixcUEKi) rnBR o r tra h u r for girla baatnf rotor—em \ hlfhaat wagm oo4 baat

famItiH. EUTE EMPLQYMi“' ~ ......................firaad It.

MNr UFFlCJCd, 7«>140

APFRSNTICEB-ftRBWINO OIRIJI, PTHIHR- ara aad laanMri, fbr dmamaklof and coii lag.


VYoOieA VllCAlKET.,OrBiyAl>belcaf Btiildifig. Call «*ary day. iy

CIOOK-WANTAD, OtRL TJ COnK, WAHU aod Iron; alao oaa to do ebambarwork and wait-

Iny. Apply M 14 PRobPX13T «T-. Ka«t liranfO I

IpiRAT CLA^ OOLORRO HEI.P OH HtHD ' for dty aod cnaainf : aooka and ctaambarmalda,

laoadrtiii. a waltraM and faitaral lionaiiwork, ourM rlrU; alio ikaymaa and bwodf haip. Call obb waak, ampliiymtDl agancy, 3 SSUllam it , cor. af Bnwd Ik. J. H. HKE8UN. 1^lODDCOOK AND LAITHDREKS WANTED : LTDirman pr«f»rr»d. 118 BKLI.EVILLE AVEl

n oirsRwoRK Wa n t e d , a niHL forfvnenil houMwork, with orwliboiit wMhIng:

mull bt b«»(; swMa or ciorman pr#f«rmL 4i NORM AN RT., near Pmapecl, Brick Cbarcii. 1

N V m r WAKlElk, PD81TION AH NURhE to laTaltf I AtpaiiMkrabhd AddroM

1 K,g lUiJi He Havooftti'o.VOUEU w o m an WIhHW »i|TUA-

aK Uon M bant ar ckambanBaM. loqulra t 140 HiMiVL'E PT.

WANTA W4**HIHU, TT IroBlBf or bauiaolMBlnf by Iba day, or

raftanrMi worm. Mhm* 8jOiAtl PAaKiNikiriiaritl DalWary. P. aT l ’-ARHINU-COI/lREl) Wf'MAH WWllkM Tf Auoily wMhlBi to dual bomA AddrgM

tag U1 EKHITll AVR*\irA b |11N D -A BRRPKCrAllijE WDM AN TT «r»abi waahlof* lo go aul by day ar lakt tb-

I IIUJ.NDIThT.\irAKKtNa-RfcBPKlTAELEORRMANUlRL TT WBOia to lak* waahluf booM or go oot. ('all




\ UEKU1KR HROHTHAND intTA T inK , legal, oonimBfdata taohaioal or gentral; Mun-

Bon’t lyaioBA RoBslitftnn lypowiltar: graduaiM - i« ^ a iUuBtloua. KEYUOirEQiiatidfd ibr TMpoL. .. . . .

BrEMCHlRAPllIO iHtfklTL^UkR, t Broad II, I

l i EaHK pftmak n h o n tm a x i) m:m>oum BROAD Br-e RiXlXi I AND 4.


H OMR 8i7m»L a t MUHTHIME PARK, Hoath (iroBga—HaBlar, IbbIot, pno—t f bad

kiBilergartan dtptrimoBU; laogaagaa. uiuik:. drawiBf, pbyiiaaj outtura, ala. ilH*. 0, J. EAB- B in * I'riBiipai. Urimlan an applloalloii. «M

Minn. TnWNHRHl/a »->AHU1H0 a NU day acboal IbrgiriA. M PARK PU, Nawark* N. J.

Prlaary. AoadBmla aad iMUaga Prapar%kory Da* paitmeiM. RO'^^n WedneatUy. Bapuiubar 8A

tlrauiari aa aa totkl'Wi _ Wy


E A. F4RRAin>. B id l MadHr, R'llEON FAEEAKD, AUdOlltla tfARb*

riifina tuplli 11*17 IT, lOt.ThortMifb praparuiaa Ibr oof oMMy* ar MlaaUai

•ehool ot Ibr baMoaia Ikfb.< btAloaiie OB BpoUaaPoi.


US BIQH ST., NEWARK.ClBMiegJ, Oomiaarolal aod PrapaiWMrr Ooaraa

OPEKR BEFTEMEIE AFor Airtbar IntomMUoo apply ta

RRV. EAKRET HELMBTETTEB. A E B.,Ih Dtrartor.Cl^ORTifANP AND TVPRWHITimi HCHOOfi k~or Uin W'oaipB'i cYmatlBa AaioaiBilaA laopana Bnnday. i*eptama«r 10, at W I'oun M.

liitinietiuo thorougbiy pracUcal: raiaa modartta. Apply 10 ta«rh#f, 1. i l KKNKKDV. I | Wright

dee or an atkdaftef Rapiambar Ipat fkam iIn It A. M, nr



c^Duge PrapAralory, NoBlar. JuBlor aad PrtmarF Dfparimaflta A aonkbarof bdfa la PriiAaryIfeparimenL ibrtlAoaM admUa %o Watlaalay 04- lage. I'lroalan ub applMatloa.

K m IosAXJO.OUITAR, gITItEE MANDOLIN AND tV>|Ib biighL A, 3, VRlDT, TtPMtR ft. ft*

Iki A N'(i ] .\nTRUCTroH: t e r u r m o d e r a t eAdclfibiw pKr>FEA80H* Bok A* Now* oBaa. t4a


nOAHUlNGeTjOARDBR^k-WANTRD, A FEW GENTLE- JY men labia bnardar* la pHTmia Amliy i food hooiCtabla; raryMiural. addma 1 TH-N t'HAL. Box A, N*«b nflea.

B ROAH HT,.' fl.W-Nlnfc room a n d ooodboard : ctrmi fBaannabla. gig

C I.lNTf'N AYE, tl-LARGE FRONT PAR- lor. with or wli houk board, ■allablo for a pliytl <

claa. 1r-<nLFMmA HT„ U ROa RDJKO; f r o n tL bill btdrooTD ; aM conTanluDoaiL Mh

riOt.l'HPIA NT., T«~PLIA«ANT ROOMB V wUh iioard ; oaa aleora roora ; impTPVfabta! labit board. i^

1) K81RABLR ROOMS WITH ROARD. DEN bl., nppofika Waak park.

L^FUSY ST., MD-NTCFeLY FUENIBHRD a ro >mfl Had board ; fenllamaa «aly. Nb

I^ T'LTO.V AT.. 4T FURMHHXD largo *Qd mall roomf and board.


i;<ritNlHllkn RCXIM FURTWrjOENTLEMElC 1 with or without board, t&oulra «h 100 WltNEYUT.


m ail faitiilr :•nca. ('all t l EM M AT rkT.

„ . rxH ____m ail family; jiuicapBolc of taking charge; raier

( t H(jVK ST„ » . REAR CYlURTHoyaK-. V Y Board rbragoBbik -nen; trnni femaoDablt. 24J

n ATAKY AT., 42 KHONT ROOMd TO LET. with board. gig

H AleeHFYBl.. 41k FURMSHED ROOMS To lot with boant ; ref^rencai. 3ih

H oU'kEWORK-OIRL WANTKIi* tlRBMAN prafrrfd, far g^oaral boiiaawork la mall

llituLly i b«et of refrreBcaI 144 NORTH NINTH AT.

Il AI.HKY AT 1T4-n'RNl8HBOaud board byEay or week. ROOM*

I riVEHTV 81., JinARDING; NICELY Jfurn1ibf>il rnmua; guod board ; bath, fth

H OUnKWORK w a n t e d , J-XP* RIEM’fin girl for grikeral houeawarE wUlt good refac-

OBOO, Id a fikEolly of two. Call 1 41 ROREVILLS AVE

H o u sew o r k -WANTED, o ir l f o r o k n -rral bouMwork : Orrtnao or Swrde pre/brtad.

Call MU& pBHHY,ab Eahyaa pL, Cllntoo I owb- llilp. 2lh

H ouAkwoRK Wa n t e d , a th o k o u g h lyoompataniglrl fortanaral AouMwork. Apply

LJIi 41 solTiU MAPLE a VB.. itaaiOrangB.

HOUBRWOBX^WANTED* A NEAT YOUNG girl (o aMiat wlib gtaaral hoowwork. Apply

■k No. Ml N. FIFTH 81'.. Hoe*Tllla 1

HUUheWOKK-WANTKD, QEHMAN OfRIo, ganeral houMwork, iroiuaf and wakhlog ;

bring ra/ltreDue. Ift BHOa D M'. 1

Uouhkwork- g ir l Wa n t e d for oew* «ral hftUMwofk. Call al oam,

1 IM LITTLETON AVE.. aor. Ititi ar*.

n r>tl!-FWOKK-f*EHMAN-AMKIUC!AN OlAL for light huBiff^rk.

1 W. EILIFF, aiQ BallavlUa a^«

H nlfHFWORK-WANTED, A YOUNG UlRL for giuaral hPuaawork; two In fkinlty. Call at

1 2tt NORTH 8EVENTR gf.

a OUHKWORK - 8TKONO OIKL WANTED for geaeral biHiMwork.

1 1B7 W lirr KINNEY BT.

H oukew ore- w a n t e d , a o ir l forgraa»l hoaaework la a entail family. App.y

I7h ttt liuaEVlUsE a v £

n iHtPEWORK-WANTMO, GIRL FOR OEN* aral booMwork; alM) a naiv* girl


n OUaEWlPRK-WANTED, A GIRL FORleiMrai IkhimwoiIl 1ft W, EINNEY 8T. 1Ol'MKWORK-WANTEn, 0»BL FOR (iEN- eral hoiMwnrfc: im HOHRVIi LE AVF. 1OUHKWORK — W'ANTED, YOUNG GIRL forllghi liodoawotN, ftl WaBRINQTon bT. 1

I nURARUY HT.. *1- Pl.FAHAKT BOUMA Jiand goixl board ; private family. )l]

N KW b t . 44 FRONT ROOM, WITH GOOD board, fur gratletuan :aU Improvemaata ; oen

tral. 7j

>riCFLr Ft HNiRHEfJ RJ>OS(Hr~WITH OH I without lioflrd, In private temliy ; bath : thf*B

BaliiukM' walk v> l>naflytvaiita Hallruad Depot ftf AddroM M. H., Hog f , Newe olT1<;a.

board, alao iMbls buard1^>AHK FL, M-FRONT H(KiMiS,

i i i l


E< Ton '•T.,47-LABa E A ND AM A LL ROUMB, with hoani Mgrt'IIMONn BT, T4-GRNTI.RMAN BOAHtC

>er wMtlAil: piaataat mom; hamo cmufbrta ftg^TFCRKN KT.. 1ft, EAST ORANGE- ^lii prtvftl* fknilly. BOARD


nOARl> WANTKDelaoAHO WANTkDnV A HR^PEirTAHR LADY J>lD privMlt family ; central locality. Ad<lra«i I Hyr l‘1 CTAHLE. box D, Newi oAlae.


d 0 ^ A .-A .-T H K PATH. bTEIN A

• Riati, ItaiM bpriagfield av*. |l.40 liJiidoln ry«gieaMi Me.; ft Aluka PebbleiprcdciM &I4C.; tiaBkioekl froo. aflh

AnVEIlTHHMK.NTH FGK aLL NEW YOKE ji«b*n rmlvad and Imerted at regilar dQo*


T»i Broad it*, Newark.

A I.LKITtDS OFWRlNOKnS AND CARPET xwMper*repaired; rolH Ua op; warraated:

WEXHQr.K RE-_ ,«WMpen repaired; rolH Ua o: uallwl (or and delivered freaPAUUN18 C'<A, M4 Plana f t

g'-iHIlAl' Fam ily HHOR BTORE -LADlta* \ kill. tli*. baMon. |1 : ladlat'due bid. Up. button. fl.U; lAdlre'kill. tip. lared hlpch^ra, fl.S ;

OPKRATORII AND BAHTEB8 WANTED. F l- Dkale, at ft Marbwt f t



1>()UlSHr.RI*-WANTICD, TWO OfHL«; KK- perienned iwll'hen en wkeele. epRVi-EH

OPI iCAU UU.,ooJ‘nef H. H, Ave, Aid Cirtte*. i t i

eprhur-bcei. it:i. bntb>n. iq to tl, am. i , ts* . *t vv M. J, McKINNXY'a, 174 PUae eu, naer Will­iam It, Ilf

VbDPI-CIlAin MAKRUa WANI'KO IUIHLHj, AblinkenendebAixera kj AiniLPU Wa HH-

RAN,4U Pfonklln thifd floor fear. V7|\T7-ANTrD-OXKHAX OIRL* ; pABTIia TV wlahin* (Irsl-elaae help, oil aAlionAllUM end

epIoTtil Help, beet or fefCf*HtiL tppip Mtin. BA H- TuN, Xinploynient Oltlee, lee men M, i

W ANTBD - YOU.va LADY TO LKAHN tHedrepbp 8» potltlon, ptnlnulen,

Mb_______________ SM UnoAU BT„ topdoof.

W ASHINO-A OIRL WANTXU TO iviehin* lad Ivnnliw, 14 * . PARK ST,

™ **«*'''***'**” * W A RTKP-MA.LK.

BARTKRDRR-UtPBRl'snCPn'ANn n il linble xnene miui wlihte a eteedp poaunn; can

lurnleh anl,eleei relbfeaeea lb PKTKRWOmmtR,»e Wnveriy nve., clG.

(I. MINTON, MASUV AND RUILDKR— i 4 .Furnewe, cUiern*: nhlmneve built And re- ' pel red . well, rtimlrsd end whitened,

L i II WaSTicjNNKYBi', Send pnud,

IpKATIIKHH CUHI.XD WHII.R YOtT^AtT i oerrlcU leeiher bAH need, and curled: kid

fIgvit, neck tiei end Ibncp lace, cinned enuol to new. HEL L. WILLIS, M orchArd It. Hh

I f w m B tixn a a n d cakpsit- iweepive need rapnirin* aend

pMiai. Hnlld while rabner ndli r»m n renu up. Oslled Ar aid dtllvand Iree. AI-«o'd wrintsre taonaht end traded In nr new nnaa

WtUNUXR KXPAIR oni.______ _________________ M New i t


BOOK-KfEPIR - KXFRHIEKCIII BOOK.keeper deelretiltaatlan: beat nfrelbrenct. Ad-

diM BqoK-KaRPMH, t o t R, Nawi nipca «h

GI ROCICRY OLNHK - VOUItO KAN. IR r W t i * elMAllan la th* Xrqcery buelnaea

erneltMt* or rttnil; rehrenen, Addreea_______________ UHUUKHY, IIS Khoau It.

FAINTER-TOUN'O m a n , w h o s p e n t I yaete et aeliitlu, wonld work Inr enow food

man vary reesnnAbiy end board with bin. In cliy or oouuiry.»>b fat TOMMDNIPAW a VJL, Jewey City.■V,t>bSH MAK.IT TXAK.1 Of AOK, WOULD

li** to learn pntern mnklncnr wrui turnlni; worn* hoard wnk emhiqver in dty or conn'ry.X7k WIOwMMU.Ci Pa W AVX.. Jereey iiiy.

YMRHMAN WlnHRVSlrUATIOK ATA.NV-ihinf; nan div* aecarlty. Add iw

______ ito Ma I.N n I,, knit Orntroo,____ L ,


A ROOD M RVAirr sri'W fiLi) at sh o utsntwA Al w* anicttr* •lluiLInne without

cuorie tortita WMeoeralEy have nepllcellnc. for JCLil'S EHPLu VMRHT OfPiUlLM, 740

itraadetH ook-k m p e r a n d 0A *m *n, lad yI lranjpatent to do anker, deelree pmutnn t beet

rewrencee, Addieee u A.,H4 pneeen el 4«/'tHAMBRRMAID-UQOD UEItMAN ItlBti

pcellleo ae apHAlra work of iiomework 111 A ooMll family ; f leniiaii-Anaarti^ pielVrred.

U*a tie ACAiirllY sT,

C'lOOlt'-WOMAN w a n t s WTUATIO.V Afi rrook la (mall flualiy, Pleow otll nt once

■" « l rrtjUTH NINTH ST,f10OK-COMPRTXNTC)OK WA-W PLACEA^pitvate looilly ttokt All nborf*. Addj


fbVfl faf uilhi koeatwork h apetalM WMk. Addreee b .’A„T|i>« o. Newt ottiea______ I‘[TODSaWOBE-AlIRL WANT* alTOATfON n * t kteeai heMtwork. &IU .t(b IH ORANUR NT.

H oDBEw paE-oiRL Wa n t s position a t l eoerel koeeewnek. CUIII LEH'i Z AVE 1

T l OCaRWORE-WOMAN WANnFLAUB AT Alltkesallnattwork. MSPLAHBat. tTMPKlVnt-W ANTEU WORE AE IMPROV. ItrWBUUhatrr.eratHMawnnaalnitMR *r atanyiMaq, AEdm e

ORtlaiMO, EES E B*<n edua.

\ f AOCilRMACK-a A T 0 It X I. -4, .VApockeUnokA maanna' I*«i ben end truike of our owe aMnulactura: rapnlrlat PtoapUy uttodtd to, 111 BIKiaD s r . npiKltUa Wethlnitni



Bet, Bank end Aoedeaytla

u PnOlETZHlXO AND REPAlitIKO.Mnltmaa* made nnd mode ever ; rartiett laid i

'Certains end Ahedei med* end h n u „ „ . A. BfR.NHAftDT.431 Hroto E , bet. Oiven and, fruk lh i ala

r-r tC .- PIANOB iN Il Oltb*NS TONKU, R f. i Opelrwl. oaOKOBHllNT, tM bUiket .L *».


A - a . -41.» IS aliTw iTTr a m b t^ epepM a fair Mm room, iMtndlnf *ahV MBtr

ABd bomer: pAlnilne end keleomlnla* dune nt nrtoe* to siMnlib yon; oer work In enarsnmed ^nic FAIR stetn A BIah, IN in apnoea.ld av*:

A -oito tm k w. CUNK oa, i V tiHi to SEW sr,.p a Intk b a a n d dboohatorb

Jf'b" I'bf" “ 8 W*UHbaldlnt Houa* la lae stele.■ -TBADK h a m plb w kikr I^WretT PRIC'XM AT RRrAtL, n m PelnUni, Psper KAndna

tre llaMIONBWJiTe.iTO rwmuDf, raptr l_ ^ ._E|M warfc only at low piiaM.

Er«ad. wbiie tralldlng.

A DAMPS BR(K>KJ.TN W* LL PAFBA PTOHE - t wUL DMr any M niUmI room with gold

MMf 1^ wM* bordar, tafttidlng rapalilfiffrfnr |L ft : *l*uiMdo ArtLaMBB palntlag. g*aiQing, fcai- ■omlnlQg.nka*lfilBgBnd timlag. Forth*ebropMt gri<iMintb»o(iy,iindjm(al aardx tor «u»]^4a, ar «Bil at Brkjokiyo Walt Pai^f Mora aod aalaci your paMr*, 00 wo oarry a toll Uaa of oSoooto aap«n.

Of MaakA (Uta, glttiie ambaB«ad, In g n l^ a d ttlM; largatt MMriMn In Rta4A and **U at (bo­

ar ttoiyprloaa. WBllpagtr bwhfc — 'iMbatoaa. B4 triaiBMd bypaoMaatoaa. Owa orMtiwa ttU«. Wataiijpapar fro ft lfta u a to ll «g la fl.io. 8IX ftltOk'J^rtii, Damtotop FnpaHMagtif aud M n ta n : flnt'«Uw walk gaartoiiaadi m BFrtng^d aya^oaarUlib f t fid

B KANCH o f TBR NKW YORK WALL PA* pot ftor* will Mgar —j m a paoaa with gold

p e w and gala b a td a n ^ a roaaii ptaaift iaad p o m cam t paUUag. Tra^ftlBiiM and daaoral- N a NTRATSOVSftlUpalHiflftdm^ twai m arik m«

HAM>UNninLK PARTTgB IN NREDOP MONEY CaaebuiB tha aama *1 tha am«p*f tha Nawark Mongata Imo (V* Wa wllHaa'l roa any tbat you wiGl at tba lowMl itoogMa paift In tiia gatec toi walbla uma iMid for any taagth of Uma t* 4UiC you, YMBBipaylt back la Mob laiiBlnanli ai yon wlak. wba* y«a wlah aal 4Mily oay toe * at tobgaa you kaap 1L Yoa caa borro# — hoiMi- bold Puraltara plaast, hoftaii waTJB*.*' ''rtBf»i k- oibar paiaonat praparty witho'ii ra'noril fficn yonrown paflmdoB. tbim gfrlar yo<t tha nai nf bfliik U BEMl ikt manay. t Nif «(Boa« ara OMranlaBt ly iocatad. aatl partiti caa ba walMt OB>)Ulikly. roimaeuily and i-oDd>taatlaiir. Itam«iub*r ilwl you ran lay all ur any part af thn loan al any fimi, and ibai avary dollar pfti tM«*a« Uaa ouh oi oart/* log Iba iMn. NRWbh K MORTGAGE LOAN

314 MarkMfai,. aaeji'l lobf.~A.~A, Mu.SKY M I/)AN ON BOND

L aB8« Biorigaga la aunia lo anil.K W. iikKhT*mTlnai1aL

B XWARK ItrFnnr; R^KHOWTNG BMAIefdaroiHiiKa gai tba low raUa and aaiy tarm« of

tMe OralOB11 all Hiitldlng, 4>4 Broad at 44or 1ALL AT lU E OrPlUA Up


T« RR0AD*T, id floor BOOMB 1 AND K

Tlynowani moMy la auitll nr larga antnuiut. nn taort ar long Ubja boiia*ho1d rurnU ira an I pUaoi, horaati wagons darnagat, waraboii» ra palpto or palional pn»panr of any kinA wlUiom lamovai of pmpBriy from your owa poa'ftclon. wi eaa aava you Btonay by nor wr oa toan* of aa r amuuat from flO to |l,(rn at k»ryaboH a.8ilr*t, wiik Blit publlrUy. You Mn par iha mooay hack In aar amoupu y4Hi wlahaBdalany dm*, aad aaab p4V mant laada on lha nrladpal will roduDa iha coU t! tha loan In proportion.

llatoragattlBg oMHMr alMwbart nalt ana aii ni BAd yuu ivlu bad It graatiy to y«ar adrauiaya,


M<l\kV Tn IsOAN O.*! llOt'BKMnLO rt'B* nlliira, planot, nrnn* mad par* ’"'*] property

without rainotal. partba bonorablv daait withn a bkaka ratbavntaali by loauunaatii. ba laawi MrlcUy oanadwIiaL U. MAHITNA roott L ftl BlMadft

MGf^kV IrOANklJ »IW I'iTh^Tn AL FKGFE ly, pian<jA orgaoB and toralMr* la u«t wUhoil

iMMVBli ail baMaaoi ainoily -naiitarlal daU-rl aUrm F. C. KKWahph, roomi, IHt Haftat il.•» HOadacat. ilavor aronlbg.

Mi.NkY rn UiAfi ON AND MUK'^gag* 1b lumi la fliilli itom laoD to f t m

^ ___ WiHUYLKMt. JAl'KrMlN.TftHroadft

Money to loan on mortgage.Mb__________ A V. HUIAK* NJC

Q O \ -MUNKV TOLOAN IN ANY HUM AT ...^ ** * month. gniKl Pir ona yaar.

C. HlhRMAN, ibiwnbrokor. XaiAbliabad Iftl IC ft. uaar liruad._______ «2w

4fa^ >nn ON itoNO jiE* " v fW w " Fiaortfikia at 4 par caat. Is ^ilodY to Nit tba hom»war NO

A.NuNiaa and ____ ______________ _HONVHUlU'otllflMJtlON FeXALTKO; all HBOB4-

ramtolly praftrwt. riIAKLK’4 A.FKK'K. UH]a■allp at•fAW. ftt Uroadit M*

n n I' AeN ON ItGND AeN[lrp 1 F»W1 f1 loiortgaga at K par orat, la namiaad tor parlixli lo aiill tha herrowora; no BDBM or comriiliBloa ebargodi fto u to luanoa chattot mortgar* In minia lonJl. EDWa KUA Hr.AUR, iWonaaliopat ijiw, room SH Prudoatlal Rulldiof ; iaiapbema Na ail.® 1 ?r ANii VI'A ARII LOANRD ON Fl HSI- »k' J i/lurr or lakan on tturago aad advaacva mada f>a »amp. M K a KE. 17 itth at., HomovUie, ijf


ti.aoa fiixn, |4,0fteta b« plaead rm Arftriaia bead and mortgaga i* mrity oa propany worth duubla thaamouQl and mur* by oalliag ua

CnARLiHA. FETCK. i'uo a iBl lor oM aw.

TPl n* Rrood ft


J^WfCftOLIDATEDTRACriGeN f tNawark Pamaagar f tBaltarnia and Nrwark HofM Car R. R TkCiaagaand Nawark Horaa Oar R H. f t


r cilalraD It


Bay aad aali HtoekA Hoadx aud GrsJa oa Naif t'ork kiehangaa and C'hloarb Board uf Troft•Itbar tor oaab or on marglo.

tiO RROADgT. fNatloaal KIM* Beak BuUdlag),

TaMpkoao lOft Nawark, Nrwark, N. THrandi

Oraaga Natloaal Rauk llulidlag, Oraaga, N. J. THiphono 4M. oraaga.

p k h h o n a l .

A HXFTNKU WIIK)Wft4' W iaH'KS?o\lJtifr a tGiiUaiiiBD wbo will aMlnt brr.

1 AddraH WlG.rW, Hox Hv Naww offlea.

n c. DORV, TRANCE MKTilVM, CasT H efiponauRad trom a A. M. to 7 M.


LAIHKH-A FHIKMj in NKKI) is a FHIIG.ND Indoad. Ifrcw watta rafiilator ih tLitawrCtiii

aadraMl'IlA WOMA.' 'h .vI Klj.ituMJC-AufralOiN. Y.

I ADlKrt WIHHING IMdVATK NUlMiNfr, Cl JHOWARD, opp mirilHCit.; onaddaBtlai tmau

ntant; Infbnta adopiad doctor in alundaner, eva

MjnWlFK-GJtKM-lN WIliWIFE WITH diploma ; IC yoaiY axparlaaoo: woman jiunwl

al ber boixii; overychlng iiiiint,« y 314 E io irrn i v k , *

Mr s . M IN CH R j^ s nK M U V K D FROM Ift Badger ava.. to 91 W'lillam at. naar Wach Ibgtoa. Where 4ltn will atlaiid all ladlaa w1«nliid

(iilTatanuralug; twauly yuara'oitMtlaaoi ;douwrfli^londatkce. __ __________ *7y

MHR. IXiHLKY. MIGWfKIC- FOHMKHLV u 7 1T9 Ftrry ft , baa r*iuovad lu *

4a 104 VAN BUHBN hT.

P KHHONAL-IF YOU H*VR BL(H»f» jMtHON la BK-tiad or third tiagaa, wGta jIdK

KKMF.DV C 4.M1HNV. tblcaoo. 111., »)T MoauiilO Tompir, aud laarB of a qutra and ]<aruian#nt


A -A , WK ANNuUNCiT'^To W'OIIKIYG «g1rl4 only lhat un rvanlof drrtarBaklng riam

will 1)0 furmad in f-rptambar at a biuou raducad raia ; all hrauehae of iha tr^de wilt be iiuicht to iba MllcfacUon of aoholara. Cali any availing ft Ml* C11 Broad it , H. T. i ajlor Uo.Mb M. K CHH18TIE.

A -A - Mi.-DGWKLL IJ B VH8C U T T I NG *a«taooL Wa tsaub tha onttre art of Francli

draaemeklrig; puiHli maka Ibalr own tlrowat ahlla looming ; oall or a*Nd (or oiroular papar pauarat eatlo maaturi*. K. C. CKAWLkY. W Hroad iLMlb

1 )HKRHMAKleNG-fGIIlMTMJ. UP Ing baliit 4«t II ROA IJ 14T.


^^RAsNhL DItJ'JhJ rriT lN G hc.’MOjL oFitN \ fo l ] aumniar iha Taylor hjrttam ihuroochly taugbt i alio outUiig, fltUng- drapuig, maklAg, da- ilanlaa and hulihliif . we loaob lA dIRVraiil tiyini Of waliti, ITlru'm droMw, Jorktft coaia. iilaUci tad capai. ■ written guafaiitaa glvHit all who •ntOf: dr t-rlMa draafimaklng at pMiinad priora opan diy and art^nlngi ;apootal livtuoamHiG ofTarad 10 all lairning lymtn duttug duly and Aagtin trial laviioni givan Dao. Ail the laiMi Fraitoh atylo an 10 be itaeii at MARY K, LYNc IUHv 321* tS4 Main ft, i raitge, J>vckar Hnlldlng.




Raaldunca and Oflift U9 mtOAD 8T-,

Oppoilta WaalilngtoB pL

Offlot nourt-t-i<%Talophona 11& KM

H AHHIWIN van DUYeNie.RireojoraBd [JaaJarla Raft Rataft

791 lllplAO Jtr.Pldaluy Tula Co. Hulldljiz. Eitaiaa dJrldod. ra

UmalMurTaluai>f prppartT flran. 9»)h



n RUGVAL—JmiN c. uKAKr, a a. a .UKMTa L RUltaEON, 4 WK8T PARK HT.,




f ioLr.KCrirmfl op htampw, cjinh , old •''gold and illvar boughi al

lib VKHHlEh'R, VA lirw l It., lifai ('lay.I YEHK-Wa NTED, HKCONlM! 4hD, KGLI* Xytop dnk lu loua order livgko j.NCAh- DKBCkNT LAMP Ou., Harrl»jii* S 3. i

B EMC^WANTRU,'at a IIAKGAIN, 314X4 toot oak roll'tou deair.

I a HTHCK nUKMFLC., moorntlHld.

OtN OOLIJ, ►ILVEIl AND JXWKJ.HY hflogbl, MAHTIN, Itf Market f t . eatranoa

ofl llalaay iL 'Jag

W ANTKD-A MAHONIJ.1 ' Aeldrau CAHit, Hot G, Nana oQlca-



L^ohmaLF 4:9 r'AHK buy s young, aoun al MtTllah muitaai pvuy ; Am '■a*liliBT. L luuoh bTuiUL oor.Fifibavft


HAH»KR--Wa NT«UT0 1|UY A G JUD BAlb boribap AddriiRAKHltK. Roi M, N aw ioflft

g GGthHTnitKFnKsaLK; Hkbr IXlCATIOJt * 1(1 Xlltabethe AddrtM

II.. Rni A, Ktw4 ofDflAnH<H'EK¥ 8T-GIK F«»lt 8ALK UUHNKB ‘ igrooBryuora; mUtbaap.M aDLAFAYETTE BTe


IkAJ'KK HCHlVk-SK Fun hale, A LARtlE • lul rapidly arowiiur papor buolnm In Caal

<)raii«e at a bargain ; c uta of »alilac. poor hcaltlu Adilrru H.^ftUAlN, H<vt O. Nawi nfllre. 3R}

WANrRD, ,A ^MAr.l. F-^Nl.V UKY t^iroodt Nliira, wUb : juiiat b* ohoap ; atala luwaat prii'a tor uaib, r*ui aud waakiy *amiciga, Lut K h<iX A Hahwar, .v, J. g|byTO K « CONFKr lTliNleKY AND lOE r t-ream atore tor i»l«. wa 1 aatabllibed; guod trjwlve AddroMtlcEKKGRN Itr, ilk

FU li RAl.K,

\ A BKST LKlimir xn, 1 NOT C0 AL» fwall Brreeiiwl |17 | liar luaj kladltog wa>d

chNkp. ^ rmM.MXK<kaj.,N.JeH. He aribaall*fm UoeL Taiapbonr l \ l

VN UNirst^AL CHANCK-THK BLEtlANT iKwaabukl fii riilture h bleb waa not aald yafttP'

flay at aiiiSlibg will ba ottered at privaia tala ; ai*4jii1altag>ivda Ibr iiarlur, rw-aptlim, hrHlroom aad fliiiliw ruom : muai <ev|| 14<«liai tinea aud waba too auuftVr. rrlvatareddaaoa ivc iTl AGERf. Ug

n tH)s-FOH bAl.Ti HT. IIKKXAKD fUFFlkal;flva waakaold .p4 1gOM<

1 u a lv ‘4 7i'hfiati.,Ofai)f**

1*'' 'H Ka LF I.Ga F fU- TIIK R>HT RHEA D tor ihrar ranta al KKNNV'R, Tit Brawl f t t4

I^st'Bviri BE p i\K rA iiL in »riT, h a ir - aiiifltfai, H iih iiiMMi e (w fi' nine rookarfl. oak b«l-

KteHd. « Ira apdiaa. hair nmlireft oiUera baatiag atovr, argauu burnar.a Una hvaw-r; raDlgarator 1 44.«KLs N PU, attooil floor.

I pAHMOr-VEHY GlMin-TALKINU PARHGT tttraaia. ill KMHKl i»T. I3h

IkleANR HT.. iOi I.KATHK'i DINING-ROGIC 1 auKi f 13 to f» ); dining labiaa, all kloda af tor-

oMura, now and BaoeiHl baud. fuayPHK FAMMl'il I.KIIIIGI N a t NUT COAli I tl 111 at par 1041 ; «la-> itMl Lahlgb agg, atdTa

aad nui at 4 7>) prr Pmi ; urdari By luftl aramifllF atlandadio. il. ek i . M. JKBGLa m a N, Na* n >'rallngbuya>'ii nva Kliutly iiMntlu>a atiBaad prioa ofouat rasuliad. lU

ItlrtralBB,|3JCV{'LKN~A FEW RAllG.IINH tn HlOEt J 'grade, Msmnd baBil wliatia, |90>, f4(>, tbiaOd all In apiWMlii] order and auld under our wall knawB guarmnlsa; aany itaymanta 4a NKWa HK evul.K C.I.. ifTairBlaya.Iktl'ycLER-W HY TIIIIGW AWAY HUNKY J>on MTOBd band luiik- wl|h ibr JOdrIdga hpaoiai aalllug ufw lor fC- T Warmniad furooa year by tha jfai.DlGl>Gh BsCVCLa tAf.. MBiiiW Uantml nya. Hf

-T^^HTi mGIIKMl G.tADR f n e u - ■* «y vyuiallc ; In flut ouodUlua ;c at l if t



NEWARK HORNE . _marka4n Noa lic toOtOanlral BTOb

A latga atock of 0 rMurinm bartaa alwnya oa band tor talc or axabauga at (ba

market prli'oa idraagbt, d/lvari aad ganaraiiTpoaa horaaa: a fair trial given nnC ftl ataok ael'l

witn a h»U guaraitaa (o lna« ripr»«a!iUd raiuodad. ALBKRr L. riHLlN, pfB)Jb

( lAKIGAGRA-.A eNUMllKf; Gi>' .YEW AND aBBaBd-band carrlagaa aad wagtiaa Mr aaia

vh— fk GUWER K^UFACi'UIUNG UUl, toft of Clay «i T«l«pbaBaf4L

CIIIAKLKrt GhUltK. HAKrFAOI'UltEfl OF all kmrlc of rtrrlagaf, fMtunder depot TBignOB.

Rookawayi, ladift pbaaloba buggiac, axtanalnii topaurravi, raaopy lop nrrByi,toBipBaM rntrof*, traita and baokhoaiia, cplodla wagoft road aorta and apoadlng cart4, M« n«ev watoti tor Oatobarf and hakaftgrooBrt aud mtikinaa, ptinbon aad carpaiiltni, laanUry aal niotblari, exproaa aod toMiera' wagon\ barriMiand auiiimar ihaali an I blaakato, atWIand 3Sa Market ft, (bdtery. Rah­way. a . J.

JND,'uy ; Em dHvar and goaQ

BiootoAohl and I

H ARNERMf ITARNfSBa t lOaHkHkOF IIANt>*inada bernoM nv>m ftO pvr tat up ( alft II

caru from |iiD up aod aeioa obaap boi |fh Tan NT*

n OHHE-tU CABH BUYK BIGGEOT BAIU gain aver otTared icoal owner |Jto laMMuaraort

miMt laiaa Uia uooty 1 flniT yaar-oldBOiind.blGcky* built mare; Walgba l.lft-. IkM UarBUft; auHafaft tor any bugluata or work purpooft; warraaiob MrMtly auitod and kind; wank'a trial, i - ^***V* ^'*^*^*** '» •• Bloomflald awa.

n ORSK-FoR AALR, a MTYLWH, WEiIT i brod, dark bay oarfiag* bimI aaddia botoa wllb

ruuatHKit wacon bafom oompiaM. ai fawma-;

Llawallyn t^rk, (mogo. N, J.taok ,

n OimK-14001) UOHbE. WEmRT 1,10*1 •uiubla for grooar, mllkmao, or (bmtly tiftl

warratitad BouTi<i ntid kind; alio bakar'a wagon audhafiiaia. t all alH MAIN R}'.*, IL Oraaga Ith

H fHlHK-r'H BALE, A HEAVY DRAUOnfi boraa Addrtia ‘

73f K. a FAITQtrrB, 4M Emai f t


OR'fUA (WIOD HOKS* KJB l.mHT ^9fb for isle. 4) IJ.X|^»fV AVK,, Kceniy.l*]i1111SX, caigiiaok s n o iiAime.HH niKeele,(4a C*. J . R. lias H, l inden. N. J. t


OtfHK-GtjrH» WfiUK HOUBK FOR HALN vary low. IkiahTo k st . g)bILKo W. RANKY bltRG.,


Tha larfftt lamrimant af high dati draagbAdriving and aaddia boraaa In tbobtata

Matchad palm a ■pwlally. bakerai aoutll poulft on band now. ________________________TaltphoaoOi


■kock uffljft-claM borBroalwaya oa band,________ tor Whir ur oxebatiia. at Ib-i lowaat mar-

kft pylBw : draught, drlrara abd gnagral puriioaa biiram: a toir tnft given aoil ad atook *^d to ba *i rrpraaejitod or «afab ratoudad. Unil aad mo tl»o giioda MU'UAKL HTKt.’llKH, Froprtftor.rpKAM <iF VrjUNdarH^Nli llOHBEdi DOUBLE L hamcN, and butlum wagun.


wagouA trucaa, irapraat, grootry and butouar wjhgoua, Burrayt, bugglte, ffuInJlaand road watvut. ■to., torwtla. A. U UPLiN, 4al« aal Eiubaujl ruoiBri, 114 to S3& Oantral av*

NIHE-nAttate ; all in good order

^ / J i ’lHUYs G'KiD HOHsg. o T f" rbtugy, baniMa, etc ; all in gc 1 WA'irttCNG AVR. AND a LDRN NT. Grang*


I PIANO TflK KLEGa' s-'MJPBIGMT PIANO w.hlrh WIN not Mid at aatSiim yamoMay will ba

offered at prtvaia ania; iiiuot xail : call at uBoa aud luako iut) an offtr. I'rlvalo raKldauoe VI* PM’orTAGK HT.

A .au(


batH'bM and uiuablnery I'htfap, at«j AHl.IXUTtiNNT,

A.—DJUJF J’H(ShK4 in s i U ’K. ed l.kVKIil I»(IK, T9 Mtclianlo at.

VNACItTririL-TWo HITCnieMlS IbJlLSHd lor botbouaw ufl*. anil giuab far oala.

7I1 it L-shKX Hi'., kaitOraogae

i rHoraa pQwar Uprif^i Tioiiir for tala Itawai

a FiiOilpt'a naaa: prioa flH.

laqulra uf PtTRLfNKBR,kvanlnf Nam oltoo

I PAHTIEN HAVING HJCIGN1>-I1 A.NU HOIL.entaudvnglnM tor Mia will (Ind It loibaLrln-

(eriHiMitijiJ dvfcrlpilo'j au.l prtca of ftma 10 llKWLHA PIltLIelPt^HlHu.N WUKKd, Mawark, N. J. 3Ut

-PAThMIA-• GARTNKH d(X).. 794-799 BROADaE.

1 ba iarguit Putant Gttloa In tba stata

KEI.14UGWA cu., 33CLlutoaAk. (oppO'dia (0 if ifraugbtlng

oiiu'klaa drawingA aad1 PATENT A.S1> DK.M'iiHTLNQOFFlUSM o r

, n ........................................Y M. r. 9.> .s'awarK, N. J.; all klndiofi axaoBla I naatly. tuob u aiauklna drawJAgi any kind ofilMltnlng for ratalqmara. aft; o loltora of Ainarli'an aim foralcn [lakrnti; axparu In palogt ooimi FYaiich, Garman and Soanilfnivlau laa< fuagaa ipokan; op‘B Friday av*mluga bBUl I o'eioeki promptauaotlonalwaya1 lATKsNTo-^

FAEDERrCK C. rAAENTBRI« BuoRMBor to Oaapball A Ou.

GlA>fiE BUiLDI.Na904 TIHOA n BT. iloOnli «1 aad |r.

P A TKN !>*, U. N. A N D F G H E IG S,obialuad tor all citviat of Invantlai,

IlKNItV J. .\11LL>0 I,KoiicitorofPalanttaul Hacuaivloal RnflbY

(Lata of CrauaA MUian,900 nroodft,

Doom lOOand 101, Nawark, N. J.

IyATKNl*M-I»KAKK ACI4NoUcItorff ot Amarlcau aii l FnralTii Patautai

AUonrayolQ paUQt «iuim Iwton iha U,B. Gaurft * MvcIia nBal and i-lpctriokl hntlaaarflariJ^EKparft I'orifliuitalion fraa. T.-ik tIH )\l> AT. rhuMdafai «a* tnhli^had iioiia In Iba Htair. Iwaniy-ilva yaarW aaiwrleiine. (*«rfoan *pok,«n.____ _

SHUi. aUvar ikya dog^ cllpuad arouad boiiy r ar WlU plwaa raturn onnDrTr.v laa uhtolq wo >

h. HALliWie'v^M Wakeman ara. . ' 1AUCTION BALMS*

IN GGJNG PROM FRUIT HTaNpfN jfiraBi of Hnbauar'ti to Markft at. on alaourlocari

lo Katl Hranga. pocktiUibk coutalninI GBT-

Jlo Katl Hranga. pocktilKiok coutalning ft> lo Idilt* ■am* changf; mI»o card of Caivta D. 1.)‘Od. Kc* ward If reluraad tuI 11TUGMPOONNT., EaatUraug*.

OBT-A U\SVU»iji>K GN THE HOWARD utlon, FkidarwlU ptaoa* Mtura

. 1I>*vlnfeis«tllut to banki


D a HOLMKN'N NpEUlFtC A HU RE goalUvaBurn lorati tomiia irragBlarltlav

AsVD-- __________ Ad-

draia 141 Uamdan ii.: UqU’a abuva High ou Caainlara.: V. B, ‘ mlth, K1 itoOBd tbi Oalaotbian Fltarmacy, lllgb aodiHiN*Kav«..*u4aUdniuiatv Prlc**l. lU

N EHVOim DKMLfTY, HUH>D FblHnNTNn and tol dJioatat trrolad wklbotu pay until

curad. aI snm P, a Uj X Ift KaWari. f it


h ev e n iH et,, Maw York. Eapofta aaft to laEtoaudaratooirlalioatJkMBl* M

^^uA lO N TTi^a ■ ■ ' *


D: C, IllilQINS, Aneileneev, will aell *11** •*!•» room, .Vo, 317 MARX KV eT„ on FKIDAY

(iD'Oiorruw) wl IQ cfolu^,»

Klagautytiuaraauri I'pRabi TIauui Rnganil Ptaali Parlor nuUm, cbomiMw twlu, Uantol Mlrn» wlUi Hualo ItaK BiiBchmaiii,(dnlralabial, Dialag-raobk furulliira. ibaln* BruMrti aod liigrala CNrpaito Cat Foidinf HaiD, HadMtaadlb ><ugv.tJ!li:4oUL Haag' ihg Lamp*, l^ttiHngi, UloaalA MaltraMti aod * varlaiy of FnjiUtuni, aft. aft Alao laigtiala oa haiurclay at lo u'«loak,Whaa tbaooottntaofaMohlh diBir raffldpriea will ha tedd without rgaarva,______I

JLlVfitIt ETAmiKB.T \ a C* LA WHXMK, V, aJ f rAaiiroNAHLS LIVJ9Y s r ^ L m .AOKNOWLRDUEDTKBHi^ I i r f U « t t «____W d W B o ir icea

j n C W A K K E V E N I K G ^ W S . T R E B S P A T . A U G U S T 3 0 . 1 8 9 * .

N e w a r k <C oem ug N e w a

i«*u»awO A ILT, I X O l P T •U M PA Y X ,

•f tuaKiuiil l(fs Pibltsbiij Ctntpuj,

310-X17 M A B K B T B T B SS T .H««r«rti, N.

ta*fwleliii WOAw* wWMMwwIKr.l

DtOvirad byc»fl^#n in »nyp«rt ^ N«w mH. Th* Oftnf«», H»rri*on, Summit,

Mortiliir. Bloomfmd, md *11 MkCbborinf

iiiiil wbtcf^p^'o^^ dolban ft yftifi of fifty Cinti t month, j ) 0«»g« <(*• Singrl* copin, two c«nt» CSoiivorod by c»mor« in liowiHt, ten conti * woah.

Ordinvy »dvortii»mont»t *•" «•"*• *Iflitft,

Advortinmtnt* ondot ho»d» of Wtnlad, To Lat. tor S»1«, Pomonal, ate., on* cant • word! but no charge taia than tan canta each iniattion.

'U ^ aarU flea ta taggra fa tliU I |U6,*llt,0«) 1 alHl hod p»*d < nrlnt the year clalmi u - j pragatlug f l .« 0,T4A ______



80MB I.HIHT ON LArOKN,To the anoiul report o f CommM onar

Oaorga a. Durjraa of the HUU Dapart- mant of BaokiDg aod Inaonooe, Joat laKiad, the iDqnlrar for facta and ataliaUoa ooooamlac Indnatrial Ufa InaaraDca lapaaa naturally tonii. The facta tharain aat forth by tba oompaiitet stay not at all aurpriaa Inanranoa axparta To aoma o tter people they will be limply a au in g .

The Indnatrial Inanranoe bttilneM in tU i State la dona by alz oompaolaa—the Pradantlal and Uhltad S u taa of Newark, the Cmaenl' Kntual o f Atlantia City, the Metropolitan and Germania of New York, and the John Hanoook of Haiaa- okntatta. Tba Allantlo City Company bacan the year with tdd Indnatrial poltola fbr|H,tSB In New Jaraay, and Itaaad 7,175 poUeiaa d o rttf tba year for |H 7,tOO. In that tlma MW New Jaraay poliolta " aaaaad to ba In toroa." In Ita bailnaai bare and alaawhera tba oompany raporta that darinf tba year <• p a ltd a t oeuad to bataforoa by death and 5,tU bylapaa.With that proportion orer t,nO of the New Jaraay tarmlnatad pohataa moat rap' leaent lapaaa.

The Pnidantlal Oompany'i ^ o r d of polMaa “ oaiinl to be In force ” during the year to tnteiealing. I t abowa that the nnmber tarmlnatad by death wai *>,688, yii»f their amoent | l , 63t,0M. Tba nnmberthat oanaad by lapMa waa T70,6d5, and tbairamoent 1)1,8(7101. T hat la for thabnal- naaa tbroegbt tba eoentry* In New Jaraay UDylSl Indnatrial poUolaa for t l t ,7Sl,Sl) aaaaad to bain foroa daring the year. 1< tba proportion of iwonty'Ata lapaaa to ona death bod bald good Hero that would moon that oror 113,000 of thoaa rapraaant- adkpoaa.

Tho Vnttad Btataa Indnatrial Oompany'i raport to aran more ram aikabla That eotorprtolag oonoem roporti that daring tba year SAOT polWaa eaaiad to ba In^ foroa, 1,8M of fbam by death' and i l . ^ * by lapaa. Tba proportion tbar* to aboot ilxtylapam to ona death. That to on IjnilniM throoghout the oonntry. In New Jaraay St,«lt poUolea aaaaad to ba In forae daring the year, Thay rapreaontod *»,- 1)83,688. If the p rop o rt^n bald good, ow f liOOOoftbaiaraproaantodlapart I

Bo mnoh for tba New Jan ay iadortrlel oompanlaa Tba Oarmaoia Company doat bat a trifling Indoitrial bnilnoM In Naw Jataay, the number o f poDoiai In force being only 437. The MatropollUu Coropany’a r ^ i t of 4>oUDlaa "w atad to bain foroa "ahowa by death 54,10 , amount | 5,aH,8ai, and by lapaa 841,888, amount yi07,)*7,046. Tba proportion bare to abont rtataan lapaaa to ona death, the large ordinary Ufa bnataaaa dona no doubt de-

' nraailnflt la Naw Jan ay T8,8U Indoitrial polMaa aaaaad to ba in foroa during the year. Orar 73,000 of them moat hare rep- reaantad lapaoa The John Hanoook Oompany doaa not lapaa poUolea after thay bar# ran for a eorttln tlma, but Ita raport ahowa th a t while 10,188 pollelei, ropreianting f l .I41,B40, caoaed to ba Iq fone by death, 213,377, repraaentlng | 2S,- 081,783, eeaied to ba In force by lapia. Tbatwaa on tba general buiineai. In New Jaraay 7,188 policies oeaaad to be iu force during the year. I f the proportion of twenty lapaaa to one death held good about 8,800 of these mual bare repreaented lapaaa.

In other wordi if the propoiilona lor the ganaral huatnaae brld guud about UidOOlDduatrlqllniurance polloiea " ceaiad to ba In force ” by death in -Naw Jeraey laat year and about 233,000 ceand to be In force through lapiei. The rtporto preaented by the Commlwloner do not abow wbat the people who failed to keep up their poUolea had paid In. They do not abow how much new buil- neaa the unlucky age nti bad to makeup to the companies to atone for the inability of pollcyholdcia to keep up their pay- raenta.

What they do abow li the mlifortuue of tha poUoyholdera and the wiportanoo which “ la p » i " have In the buiineaa. To the oonilderatlon of the people and tba Legtolature of New Jeraey thla report to reepectfully commended.

Other figures that It preeenti are of such magnitude as to ohallenge the attention. In the ordinary tife tnaurance buaineai, #,as4 polloiea for 122,371,858 were Itsued In the Btate during the year. There were 42,688 polloles In force In the Slate at the end of the year, their amount being (107,- 332,876. The prert4u.maoollectointnuunled to (8,327,880 and the death clainia paid to (1,728,112.

It ii when the business of the lo-oalied industrial companies and that of the fra­ternal societies to taken Into considera­tion, liowcser, th a t the extent to which

tdC ' 'r ■ ■ -;-;rajl.mienter Into tbe life, of the peoplq to best OompreheAded. In the Btoto 302,8® in- duetrlsl policies for (S7, ^ , 8» wem In 1883; the number of policies In force Gtoeraber 81 waa 841,47Sund their amount (86,381,66(1. The premiums ooUeolod amounted to (3,fal8,U3 and the payment Of death claims .o (1,286,476 Thebual- ueai written exceeded (ba tof the preslons year by 10,878 in number of policies and (4,8)6,464 in amount of inaurance. The average amount of oMh: Industrial policy to (118.38.

The Iratemat beneflclary assoclaliona, of which thirty-one have compiled with the act of March 11, M»3, and Bled rsporti, had In foree Geoeiuber 81 lotUn this Btato

OWNKHM, o h TKNAHTKt In his tsitlmony hefors tho National

Labor Coramlaalon, tba preaidant of the Pullmaa Car Company pretented a de­fence of hla poaltlon aasumed daring tho reosmt labor troubles a t Pullman. Mr. Pulimaa found no dilflcnlty tn demon- atraUng to tbe Commtoelon that to ad­vance tho wages paid would have meant tba conduct of lha oar manufacturing de partmetit of th i bualnem at a beavlor lost.Thera atemt indeed to ba littla doubt, judg­ing Orom lha evidence of numerous wlt- qeesse before the Commlaelon, thallhe fun­damental grievance of the men employed at Pullman related to rent. Thay felt that lha charge upon them should hsve besn rsduosd. I t bsa been impossible tor the men to establish homes of their own In the vicinity of the worka Neither land nor houies were for sale. If tho Pullman employe ebouid undertake to purebaae a homo It muat bo faraway ftotn hto work, and ba would know that ha would not bo lound among the favored ones If slackness of work should necessi­tate a oortailment of lha foroa. The nat­ural fleilre to acquire a horoeatoad. to be owned In foe simple and beqneedhed to hto ohlldren as an Inheritance, wascrushed out of tba workman at Pullman, In this regard the eohoini of Industrial develop meat In that locality proved dafuotlve.

Abundant llluitrattona, both In tbto oonntry and In Bnrupo, might be adduced to abow lha advantagea of tba ooolrary plan of encouraging workmen to purchaae and pay for their own homea. Tbe vnat land boldingt of tba Kmppa, a t Bssen, Uermany, have been dovoUd in every poerible way to tha uaea of the fifteen thousand workmen employed In tbe great steel works. Every men is encouraged to buy or bnlld hto own home—to assisted In making tba porchaaa, If aaalatance be neosaaery. Aa one reault of thto policy Emcd haa become one of the model man- nfaottring towna of Europe. Whara In- dlvidnal owneri dlreoUy control the bomottaada and took after tbe Interests of the neighborhood the moat powerful In­centives to Industry, aobrlely and orderly living may be found

I t baa baan urged, In defence of tha Pullman plan of corporate ownerahip of homaa, that In no olhar way could tbe cMlualon of what Mr. Pullman rtyled ■'baiMfol Infiaanoea” N iceured. Thla to by no means certain ( but, even If true, the reeultlngadvantaga baa avldaDtly been aa applaa of Bodem to tba oorporatlon. No Individual, no dorpomtion, how- ev«r WMltby and poworlai; ean luaka baiUlway ogalnat tba Inbora and In­grained aentlment which laada men to desire ardently a bema o f thalr own, with a dua abara of control over tbe local IntaraaU of tbe vicinage. Wherever Ibis privilege to denied dtooontank- and Indus­trial revolt find a natural and congenial lurking place. ^


A South Cgrolioa CoDurMimw Who Amoifi* the Honsfl


Th* Man Who Ilreained that lie Was In I'lirasliirr and haw honie Alllanoe Wan There--TIie I'alnler end the I.aw hull. The Sail Pste of the trtohnisn’s Pups, ■ml Their aiereni- Iteinerh-

Itopresentatlve IV. Jasper Tslhcrt, of the HwMnd Congress Gisiricl of Houtb V arolloa, l> ons of the must InveU-rato story-tallera on the flour of the House, lie Is a faruisr, and ilollghto in taking a shy at tlm lawyera, wliKiii he regarils aa the traditional siiamtse i.( Ills sgrli ullciist. Here a rt some anecdotea from a recant speech by Mr. Talbert ou the Auti-Optlon bill:

.MU. IIOWBKK, KI.KCTIIICIAN.siends the Hour Itell and It llingi M Hh

a VIni.Is onr door ball an electric bellt"

queried Mri. Bowiar the other evening

"A gooil eld fsnin'r had I6a>ied hiaone- horse wagon with Ins beans and iJOtalnes au<l cabbages bi start for market, and lo the morning ha hltehe-l up his olil mule Jack that had iwrrled him to nwrlist many a time and brmight him Iwek safelv. and he numiilnl tlieseat ..f the wsguo with whip in hsn.1. Its ilnwa on, and all went merrily until they came to a long, ataep, alip|iery hill.

“ Tbs good old faithful mule » w what was l«f lire Idol and stepped; ha shook hto lisiul; lie w.inlJ net puli. The feriiier was a klnd- henrUsi ellow, as fanners generally are, so hetrieil Uj persnsilB the mule to go along. He eoasisl liiin. Ilieu lie plucked him, then, as he wuuld not move, he first tickled him with the lines, and then with the whip. BtlU he would not go. Then he lilt him hswler with llie whip. Plimlly he got down upm Ihe groiiu'l and trnsl to run the wagon up on tho imile, HUH the iiiutu would not |iulL At last lis raise.! a pda that lay on the road •).le. anil was In the act of knocking poor old Jack nil tlie liei^ atul killing biui. Juat tlwii a jiruticwloual man catiie along—a lUs-tur,

“ The ill d o r rode up atiil aalil, 'Hold on, 1 can start that mulA’ ‘ Wed, doctor, I wish you would; 1 have boen hers or three hours and 1 am afraid 1 shall never gel to market.' The doctor got down and haik from hit aaildle pocket soius kiiid of a lii|uid In a vial; then be took an Inttrumant

after tucking up young Bowser for the night.

Out of order again, 1 lupposeT growled Mr. Bowaer in reply aa he looked up from hto paper. ,

" Every doorbell to liable to get out of order ernce In awblle, Isn’t it 7”

No, ma’am. It Un’t. Onra Is the only (Inorbetl in thto town which ever goto out of order. Do you know what It haa coat ma to have doorball men running up h*'* every five mlnutae for the last ten years"

" It hasn't been out of o rd e r for a year beforai”

• 'Hasn’t I t t T h a t shows how lltUe you heed what to going on In this house, l o ray certain kaowledge that doorbell BM had to b* repaired Iwtnty-eighl tlmrt in lha laat twalva montba Tnat Is over Iwlc* A month—onof Ui ftvefydftytl i l ii any wonder—tu t any wonao^Mta. Bowaer, that I can’t bank » '•u * '* '^ aavamyneokT la II any have nightmare every night and kick m o toes and gruan and hava dreams of the poorhoosa 7" ^

Bba didn’t answer, and he ■tood befora bar, apaolacles In one hano and newspaper in tha othar, and contl

"T h a doorbell boated agaln-burii^for the twenty-ninth time In a year I A Iboii- sand dollara paid out In twelve inonth* J® repair buatad doorbellal Wo might m well quit right bore and go to the poor-

’' You oao’t blame nie, Mr. Bowser, ebe protMtftdf

** If you ftreuot lo bUmfts ihen who ii T he ihdnMd. “ If you d idn’l stand on t te •tape and jab and jam o n the button untilthe wire melted or broke, then who dIdT Don’t try to toy It on oome caller or agent.

" I ’ll aee about having It fixed my“ ' ‘' * havtn’t had occaaion to rink montba. Tbero'a no reason to gel excivea over such a trifle.” , j , .i™Mie. Bowser, I'm "ot 'lo lu d ^b u l slmj

■W e T h in k o f S o m e t h in g E is e

Besiiiea sales. W e’ve been in N ew ark long enough to know th a t th e people are go ing to buy pianos. I f all of them would buy at once, we’d be too busy —wouldn’t like it a t all. I t ’s better as it is. Peo­ple to whom we showed pianos several times a year ago are reiidy to buy now, and we are showing pianos now to those who may buy nex t m onth, or next year, or in ten days. I t doesn’t m atter to us. W e th ink fa rth e r th a n the end of each day.

Come in w hen you like, a s often as you l ik e ; buy when you get ready— pay as you find it con­venient.




plnrsno-Tbe 8r raphnny to raady any lima you ars. 1

snytbly.-"by request —at a mlnute'i tloe. Tltii'l a toy j It's a wondsr.

S . D. L A U f E R €657-659 BROAD ST,

Asmiir pm, oeem spon.S a t u r d a y , S e p t . 1 . GOOD H3AD3 TOnSRAM BXT.

For tho convoolenoe of bicycle rtdevs Iki train will stop at Korib Aabury bulbwayia E ilra car for blcyclss.

fR ihK L m iJHiCT IPWORTM U M O i. n Isavsa Urued Strsst Station. Oealn

R. B., at lJu P. M. KeturnlBg.lea'________ - og.iiPark Uiliu P. M. Tickets. • l.M .

—it hyi«lenuio syrtng^ I tielleve they call It—fillnl It full lit thelii|Uiil suil iojected Itright bi'hlnil the iiiulu's ears Into bu neck. He then wipeit tbe syringe mod put It back luUi the taodle pucket and begau talking to tba fanner. Tbe farmer becenw inUrsstod; lie dropped his lints and tngagiil iu ttw enn- venatiuii, ]«yiag no attenUuu to the mule.

In the menuUtue the nuHlIclne had be-

ply put out over yo-> ™ . . - - ------ ,bnit tbe doorbell; you break a pane of

our earuloainess.lak a p

giase; you arassh a m irror; you kick a legofftheeofa; you-----”

" When did I do these *blu(*V ..iw ” Never you mlndt No wife should talk

back 10 her bueband. While your care- lesaqeis hat ooet Tne over | 8,«W Ibe last



gun to act on old Jack; first be stamped one iw l sul then the olhar. Finally tbe medi;cine permeated bto whole systoiu and workel him up so that all a t once be shot off and went np that hill like a flash of Itotttnlng, leasing tlis poor farmer behind. The oTiiimile Mceiideil Uis hill with such agility that

what to


WAVERLY PARK,On the Line af Pennsylvania Itallroad. Hetwnen Nswark aad Ellaatseth.



k.t8ro | tmi4 PWMUft* , d»ni\ Vwftltffllt fbtiM V rwftfiUftUftttft AMS neuliural vondM*.

I Aft ftMqftftlM MftsI A|«rt«,iftft|Ma««ftl I Aviftrr MM ■' MMh MUliftlQ. a s ln i, _____ _ OUft

J ULm4 «lMft ftftkftL PlaftMi ft Ift Aftrtft.


* pci«lft DAutMhs tafti’* ^Thft Dftlff* Boftdnx, bftihinjE, ttl^ If, iMfrliof kaa uulitfdfe

Newark to Glen Island D irectF tpftmbAftt IftftTM ronKolHftted Trftrtloi

Compiitiy ft Oleu Jilftnd Hork, PuftMlc HlVftfv fttj» A- M.

Ev»ry dfty thii ▼••k ThtiPtHUr.KlftfKvfrjr liftjr oftit W««k ftftoept Kumfikr ftfed

Tuemiiiy.Htftiira!'{etiiralnf, loftn Olen Ulftxul for N«#ftrk ftlM,Ttr.kftU good to ffttirn on fto boftt to K*w

York.Exonnkm from Nftwftrk........ «,..es.,40o.Childrftn................................ ............lOft.TirkftU for »ft1r on tbft boftte

Septemkr 3,4,6,6 and 7,1894.A T T I I A C T I O N 8 :

Trottlni. Rnnnlngand Pacing Baoes Each Day. Grand ExMhilton of Road, Dmeght a ^ Car- rllis Hon« Tho™ OaltVe, Hherp. Mwlue and Poultry. Ifigeons In Grsat and

'uisplSy of Frnita Flowen Vwtablea. Mactatnerr and Oardsn liupltmenls: Works is 'nd Embioldftrr. Eoirr lUv)L> Opra Anguti .iftftft ** 0 «rn ” Will perform dftllye wid oth*r oqUAUrooTtl ftt<

, _____ I


V 3

Tbs N m JtftoW PM * Z d tm g t ta tn o h a n " a e e ld a n t" M ooeurred on the Eagle Book grade of the Bnburban Company’l railroad should be Investi­gated by the Grand Jury. “ Tha inperln. tendcnl of the Eagle Rook raliroad." soys the German dally In lie w ort vlforoni TtuKeOlo *ern%Bftot, " h h i ;4falarod that

• unaypld-able,’ IfaO rand Jury, with or without Judiolal Inetraotloni, ehoold examine Into a obarge agalnit the railroad oStolals, made by a victim of a dleaeter similar lo the one alluded lo, a i a tost case, to learn the oriuilnal reeponslblllly of the ofllelato,It might qoiofcly appear that such ac­cidents gfp pot ( ( .’.u p av p i^b le ' as they may seem. As the railroad companies, aa a rule, are Insured against lomca in damage suits brought by victims of dis­asters, the officials have little concern for ■ooldenU and their reeult IfH 1» once made clear to them that under certain clrottmstances the petjltentiary w>H yawn IV i ^ i T i h u wUt q i^ k l r ta in a lively la te rta l^ n t te iifety- of the public.” It toh harib thing to ear of any men that they are Indifferent to responelbilltles In­volving the lives of others, but In railroad managenieutsatsty to aaorlBoedeo olUn to mere avoidance of expenditure and de- •Ire for Increased gains that in many cases .the conoluslou ef the fVeigAsKmg to un- avoidaUe. T h e badness of We ooqipauies which andortske to defend any and all damage luiU and to reUeve.iavs In ex­ceptional Instances, railroad and other corporations Ikom liability on this sooro does uot encourage carefulness. I l ls a business which many are ooming to be- llevt to against public policy and to pro- llfio of bad results The mauoer In which tbe company operatlni oioit largely In this county conducted Its business for a time, the retaining of the Prosecutor of the Pleas as Ita counsel, and of a doctor acting for the Oounty Phyilolao is lU agent and detective, Ual not tended to commend II to favor, even among those who think that It U a legitimate thing lo provide and procure Insuranoo sgalusl the Hufferlng of low Ihrougb blood-gulHlueiu for oconoiny’s sake.

the fsrnisr at first did not know wEal to do. Then he turusd to the doctor and sold;‘ lluotur, is that stuff costly f ‘ No; It doss nut cost muck.' ‘ Well, shoot about two loads Into my neck; Fve gut that d—d mule lo osich,"’ •

"1 have beard a graat deal about tbe ’Ignoraucs’ of the farmer, 1 bath tieard loaoy epithets hurled a t thorn, and a t the deiuaads which they have made frem time to lime from this body. The natue of farmer hers eesms to bs regarded as a syaonym of Ignuramw. J hive heard the tanner's ■Ignorance'llhiitrateil by poetry, by proee and Ly auecduU. Due notable aueolots which was recently told for that purpoee by a ilislingulklied gentleman upon this floor was to this etfscti A man dreamt that ba liad died and had goas down Into purgatory. He dreamt that be knooked St the door, and that Uld Nick npeoed it and took him la and Ireslail him very klmlly, and showed him all the dspartinonti of the domain. He took him duwD Into the buttomlees pit, where the niardorors and the worst sinners were to be seen : tlieo he took him up on anotlier floor w tale those who wore guilty of lees heinous ermm wers c-uuHuwl, and then he took him through a long hallway, on either side of which were a lot ol men hanging by the heels. Tho man aakaU: Mr. Goyil, who

BUBTEP AOAnr.^ i r I iball tay nothing mow at this time. The bell will not only be fixed, but I wiU fix It myself. In fact, I •••J®*} wisbleg there was something I coald tinker a t for an hour.” ,

" If you will tel it go till to-morrow, 1will gel a roan to do It.” .

•"fhe bell will be duly repaired within ball an hour, Mrs. Bowser. Is my tool­box down cellar 7”

« I believe so, bat 1 wish yon wonldn t He with it. If anything happens,

aril those that you hiro ihereF aud tbe devil said: ' Well, thiise are a lilt — Alliance fel-iows aud tariners tliat died and came down hsiW aud they are so green that I had lu liaug theiu up by the heels to dry them before 1 cuuhl burn them,’ ‘

meddlem—you-----" Nothing will happen, and no one will

blame you. If I can save (1,000 a ysar by keeping that doorbell m repair, we inau be just to much ahead of the jiame.9 just

Mr. the base-.. Bowser disappeared roent, where the batteries were resting on

FarmThi csishratsd ja p a n w '

‘' " ‘“ eJL'lrt b . wild on tk . r . t r Ground, on snd a« .r Angnst 16 All n«r-sonswanlliw pririleresml any kind nioit make spplleatlou In person or by letter. SPACE

A ? a h tk ro n \M ? s n ^ Teswlay, Wednetdaj snd'ThurwlaT. s d ^Sion » 0e“ l- «r « iM buying flkvOT more ttoksis tor UM on tiisseih™ be allowed adlicomitof SOpercftAL Tor CftUlo«W Prcrolurniicbedulft addreii •

B .G A O D iS. Prestdsnt. R. T . Q U INN, Cw-S*c‘x. 7«4 Breed at., Kawark.E.X

P ro f . H a r t 'a a trio fl q u a r ta tto u i f th e fam oua o o rn e t aotolat, W . D, B a rto w .

a i mm theatee, b ™ s iAlways tbs Best Attractions

at Popular Prices.

iioes Tusadar, Thursdsyind fiStunlay. Telrphone WB.

A r a t t l in g ^ e BaU H a to h . B a th ­in g , B o a tin g e n d A m u sem en ti g a lo re .

GRAND CLAM BAKE.Trains leave Rrusd Stredt Station, 0, R. A

of N. J. Istnpplcg at Firry street sod East Ferry lireet). at iTw, lOtOA llltl AM., 1:81 P.k'.Return S:l». 7KG »M P. M.


leek BextDQini loodi;, And. 2Y.Mstlnses Wednesday and Satarday.

FLORENCB BIHDLET,In her Interesting SpscUoalar Coroedy Drama,

Tlio hamliororet costumsd eotapanr on the road. Two new burlescnes, “ CIGARETTESand “ ONE-HORSE

Week eommenclnt Septeinhes 8 — Vlvtan-De Honto Vaudevltle Celebrities.


s shaif, and twenty minutes later ba re­appeared with a smile on bis face and ob-served i . . u i.’* The repair* are completed, Mrs. tsow- sar, snd 1 have saved from (10 to (16 ”

"W hat was the m ilter 7”" Aa you know nothing about volte and

amperes and alternating currenta and

Tl tlPMS Hit!The moftt rftftEYfttIo of ftU ■oenlo produolloDi,




THE COOLEST PLACE OS TBE BAY.Cheapest EicBnloa—Grandest

ExhlbllloB Ist>.

AX U OOXOBBM Of hOCORSI uins or TR a wnann.

A in b i o ae P a r k , S o u th B ro o k ly n .Frnm Newark evsty day excapt SundaT.


open circuits, y'*u ooiild not nnderfttand if 1 tried to cipUins I will now go out and

_ J ’- •-'-rty will do

** A jiftlQtftr wftM ftvKetl ti) paint a la^'suit, ami iltlM was hte iilea uf It: Two fariuet'ji hail bought a large Jerwy ww, wbWb wus ppnmputed in the foruzruimd of the picture

TLere WftBfthawinis ft (ull lUppij of millL farnwr on, eacii uoo of tbe cow each oau trjlng t» get puMaeiiou of it. Each one had employerL ftf tORietiiueft do a lawyer to take Lit eldeuf ttiecaM*. Ouftfartuer waft ri*|jre»eiU«ii ctfa aach lide of tbe oow, one pulilugat Ite huruii, the other at Ite taiLwLU« ihp two Iftwvftra wore reprMeDted, one uu pacL hiJey milking tbe cow,

Hut that wftft uot the whole of iL There wftft a to the «lory. After they hadguitfi) all the milk ottl of tbe cow one of ttipm irritated the animal In ftome way, either by »Uokmfr hie Anger into nodm ten­der s|m>L or hurting It iu eucb a way that it sUrtEsl the cow aud ehe Looked on* of the iariiiem over the (euoe aud kicked tbe Other one backward Into the dlUih, aod then tbe luwjeri drove the cow arouira iMcJcoftbe ruuriLoufte and eold her to pay the “

preaatbe Lulton, and elecUlof the reet< ^There were three bells on the circuit. When Mr. Bowserprjwel lha button they begau ringing, raid » ueii he letup they still contlnuad U wasn’t a soft, melodious ring, is th a bells gave out when a lady c^l- er prown d the buUiin, nor yet a quick, de­cisive ring, as when the Turkish rug man mounted the steps to oITcr his wares on tho weekly in'Ulinent plan. It was a continuous clatlor, with a buxzsaw edge to it, and it hadn’t continued over thirty second* when young Bowser awoke with a yell, and the cook came flying from the kitchen. Mr, Bowser p r e s ^ the knob and lei go, and he got out his knife and worked the point of the blade behind It, but the clatter even grew louder.

“ What is it—what have you done 7” de­manded Mrs. Bowser as she rushed into the hall. . . . - ,

" Maks that young un stop hi* Infernal noise, niid you go hack and sit down I” he yelird m rc^ply m be gftllopftd dowtisfrftirft aflrr ft hammer, a ftcrewdrlTer, a p*ir of pinchtirftand a whetftlone.

icft,. boariar hoard bidk pooadlng Lnd robbing ftbout for flv« minotts, Thon be oamo u{YftUiri and pouaded and ruftbtd Home more. The ouok flew into fchft back yard and screflinod “ F ire !" and *' Police 1” and young Bowser tried ho hard to drowa



W H E R E ?Traluft Iftftvt ktarket Htreotx x-Dut)«jxTwe Hallroftd, at T P. M. to Janciy City* aad tbeneft by Hpfclal stiiaTDboftt dlract to tbft Wild Wait Broundft. returtiliic imuMdlately afUr tha ftx-


8 1 7 B r o a d S t r e e t .



Twlr« Dallr* ram or Hhlne* 3 and 8:1.1 P. SI* Doorft open at 1 and fl:30 P. M. 81411X1 Mata. Fare for roiiod trip* Inclndliitf ataamtioat

fare and seat Uie coverftJ auad, TOo*Tor ibeafternoon theae tickets are good oa

the I)rooki)'n Annei.


M a u c h C h u n k , G le n O n o k oXKU TIIR

F a m e j l S w itc h b a c k ,VIA CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J.

M O N D A Y , S E P T . 3 .


1 want to congratutata lb* tanners of the uulsr ul the bells that his eyes rolled, this gn-ut country that uiey are not like a and h* exhihlUid every symptom of fits,

ri - ■ ■ - ■ ■ .............................gilot ol jnius that f heard of that a gave

:’ai, on ilsil to

Those niembors of the Jeffersonian Club who believe in the Jatne* Smith, Jr., kind of larltfrelorm and who are Indiguant be­cause oortaiii resolullone favoring another variety wore passed a t one sliraly aUcinled meeting snd were not rescinded at an­other may yelvliKHcatethostoUsni.viiHhip of their guide, philosopher uiid frleml, Let them rally in their might, call a nieot- iDg about which there will be no uncer- latnty and proceed to Indorse the beiiutor In earnest. A ringing declaralloii from them that Mr. bmith 1* tho apostle of tho true Urllt' rofonii and that the Doinoorala who objected to hla course--one Uroyor Cleveland among them—are frauds and humbugs who would ruin Iho country II they had their way—th tl would about All tho bill. The members of the club who are of a different opinion would wclconio a cuulest along those llnoe. Why ehuulil the admirers of Heiiator Rnilth withhold their hands and voices from the fray, par­ticularly when they claim to bo so over whcluiingly In the majority 7

lU*to Ills ni'ighbur,an Irisbmau m>. uue nccssiqp. r a t oonoludod he liiiut Biiiiioland hit nuighbor gave him half a ilnuii very Tloe bound pups. Fat was very pruuit of them umi took thaoi along home, llui the uext nibrnnqpjie want gut to f*ed thrill and their eyei wefo shut They were very young. I

" I'lit did ndt noderttond, so he thooeht his neighbor had giveu him a lot of bund ilugt. tie went out tbe sei-ood mottling and Ihrir eyes were siitl closed. Ua wsa stUl mure irritaieJ, and It wcut an unUt the luurtb luurnlng, when ho waa so mod that lit) viok the pour little pups out and slammed their iirains out on a rock. The next day lie went along there. U« knew theyiMTS dead, liut he thought b* would go and see how they looked,ii hen be got there, In and liehulo, there thsr Mere, the whole half Juxeii of them, their legs sllckiug lip like overturned work beaches, their eyes wlile open, gaxiug at the nouiiilay sun. I’nt did not know what to Hulks of it. He lonkeil at Miein a long time, and finally he soaliypiiiieil thus. He said: ‘ ’foil iloinoed liltls fellow^ just to tUlnkyou hail ill have your biaiits kiincked out beforo you would open your eyosr’

Mr. Bowser finally ibund the wires ae they led In from th’' front door and cut them off and pulled them out by tbe roots, snd tho ringing ceased. Then be sat down uu the front stairs. Ho was there when the frightened child finally grew quiet, and Mrs. Bowsf-r went out to see If tu« hurricane had pa.s*ed.

' Well, did the volts, and the amperes, — ‘ mixedand the aUernalliig ourronta get

uji," she kindly aiiked.Mr. Bowser looked up and glared and

breathed as If lie bad been climbing up a haystack, but be liad nothing to soy. There was no need of words. Bhe wss to blame, of course, and In the morning his lawyer and her lawyer would have an in­terview and arrange fur the divorce and setUo the amount of allmuuy. M.QUAO,

T h e M o s t i m p o r t a n t P l a n o S a l e E v e r In N e w a r k .BY CALLING EARLY YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING A8 ADVERTISED, AND

YOU WILL BEE 8OMETH1N0 DESIRABLE,look a t th is list B ra d b u ry U p r ig h t ................... a i 0 5 . W

O f b a r g a i n s . up rig h t......... m . o oIn ip a r la l U p rig h t..................... 0 5 . 0 0N ew Y o rk P lano C o......... . 5 0 . 0 0H a i le t t * D av is ........................ 4 0 . 0 0B nw yer.................... 0 0 . 0 0E s te y O rg a n ........................... 8 0 . 0 0

A special express train, with lunch ear at­tached, will leave Newark, Broad. Ferry and East Ferry Birsets, at S« A. M. Returuing, srElvs In eity about 9 P, M.

Fare tar ike K*ss4 Trip ( i|.i» .Bwltohback. soe. extra If tiokeu are pur­

chased on excurvlDD Iniu.

700 ilH SEI IPS.

F . G . S M I T H . M a n u f a c t u r e r ,

817 Broad Street, Below Market Street, Newark.BEHARKABLB TBBE8. INCIUKNW OF .THK

The First and Second emigres* dlstricla of Louisians are the sugar districts, and tha planters propose that llepublioan Congressmen shall replace HspreK;Bla- lives Meyer and Davo.v, two Umnocrata, who now respectively represent those dis­tricts In the Fifty-third Congrese. Thu Louisiana planter! want that sugar boujjly, snd want it badly. Tho bounty has paid tho cost of raising tho sugar, leaving a large margin fur profit In the market price. Much ol the profit thereby accruing goes to capitalists outside of the Rtste. but there Is a strong inlermt in Louisiana which, having once tailed of (jhfVtmmenl bbim ty,.'h , _.oontent wllhbut II. On tbe crop of 18X1 Lonielans plamefa were credited with 16,882,689.88 In bounties.

UAMiei/.SHvMkft 4>r tii«

WOllKwV^orry that Want With Ita

lltB Trlt4ui|)hiFrom niacRwoud'y Mikirisioft.

Haiideii poMt!.M4tid m^rrftlloiii pow en of rapid work. IJte sMutalftb,' laaTreataftt ol all orutorioft, wan writtau la twenty* three duy ; " Junhuir* in Iftftft than ft month; in twenty-ioveu days.Tho fl|>4‘Gd, mdoed, at ivhtoL he ooiupoaed hai hi eti provud by the stud upon the ink ui tliL top ftH WAfU AM at the bottom of the poge»» HDOwititf that the page was wet ihrAjughaiu wnen lubjeoted to Bead fordryliiK purp'«fft,

Oci occuMtnn a perturbed alnffer had some wiirm wurdxt with iiftudelf and wound up the wrftikgif by threatefiing to

(Jump uii ilio harpftii'ijord which he plkiyed. "Oh F* retdii'd Uandel. *Met me know ven ^ou will do ual, rmd 1 will ftdvertiiie h, lor 1 am nure diit more people will cuiue U> nee you Jump dan to hear you

Hkffi Wfty of MatrlmoriT*From the \Vorue*lor Knltirprlte.

Man thut i» married lo wuimin li of na&ny dftya ftbd \* full of IrouhlH, Id llio murulnf he drawft Lin raUry, niid In tbo eveulng. he* hold. It la all Kone; U kin’IIi, but he kiaowe not whrro. Hai «]M'tuh>lh »lirk«lB Wx the purchase of tine linen to ouver thr iNisom nf hid tamitfA yet he le eeeu at tli« KiRica of thr cUy with but una ftaftperuler. lie fttK'lli furlh m an nx ur aMii, and driiAvelU tlm ulmriut of hit oflaprlutr, Ue rlftiN>*clad in ihu uiiiUr trarmAiitnof the uLlfUts and in^keth Uvb iMiilijmnivbatfeut parci- ffiirlr wliicU h«alut)i iIig colickjr Moiuaeh of hit offepriev. Ya*k« he !ih Hltonoihcr wretched and full of misery. VViiie it the roitd and bruftil hi the way mat IfMilrth totUogateoi [UKtrininuyi ftrxd luaiiy tloTe bu ibatgueth in thereats ____ _ .

PK U H O N A Ii.

Billjf*Thhe scolding which he gavs the pro-

fctsirs who wanted lo hear “ The Messiah,” but had been Indlffsrent to “ ITieudora,” was not devoid of truth nor wlihuut thu composer's usual pleasantry. There was many empty benches when

Thcoduta-’ waa pertormed, and Hsitdel would say to his consolers, “ Nevermind; do oiouaic vUI suundt do potter.” Disen­gaged profeiriori would soarc«ly aeoebt iree admissions fur I t ; and Tq^sequeaUV. .. ... .1 I, ,ii^_ IRigi

The two members of the Board of Htieet and Water Commlwloneri who are to attend the oonventiun of Boards of Works at Buffalo are going to pay Ihoit own expense! Boine surprising things happen, and yet for all that the publie has ever been able to And out about the blits the JunksU of the psst might hsve been taken ou tbe same principle.

b ^ .

An Autipwlal TVull. from tbe Ho Kilb Hecurd.

A msu must comnivlics drawing water from the wtll west of Gardner's hard war* itors St sunrise If b* wants a drink before dark.

two of these genflcmeii calHng uiu, jriiilsslon ta hday “ The Ueislab,”.JOUliWItfU

Ifundul bluntly fxpuslUlated: -inHei ■ "

’’ Oh, your servant, iiiuinBer'rtnl Yuu'are tainnsple talnlyl You vuuldn’t go to ’ Teodora ;’ dare was room enough to tauce dcre when dat waa perform 1”


Mns. MaIiv A.MixiuiMS.NAV.tl!Uu has given up her huuec al Taiibrlilgu Wslli and wiltmove next month to laimloa.

.Mmx Patti recemljr gave avlmrlty noncert for tbs beuetU of ibe Swimaue (Wales) bos- pitsl and the piair In ilinl vicinity which yielded the sum of $,1,^11. nigntir Nlcullnl sang, in the abeence ul Uurnard Lely, tbe Welsh tenor, who was unable to roeoU the hnuee In time.

ItaSlOAL t'uusAHui MS. who haa Just been plaoed ou tbe retired list of tlis Kreneb .-triny, enjoys thedlstliictluii uf liavhig been tbs first to Introduce M. OleiiMocesu In tlie itoligbts of duollng, of wliloh the Frem li atateainan haa since tasted so freely.

Mils. Jons A. Loiias 1ms deferred her Eurupssn trip until Octnber, w hen she will go abrosd-fur a etay of eeveral miinilm In order to canter with the sculpiur Frsnklln Hlm- inons, who ha* bean awanled by t'lmsress the msklugot the bmiisi' htstnesud {ledi-stiil of tbe late General Dmau, wliieb Is to be pUoed In Washinglon. _ '

VoewSK L, FiiiinAH, who died last week at■WimoOe.-. -■ e-iibSeii onolsi retv...*,the 1 iTnole Sopretne Court for iblriy-one years, and wss ooiitidered one of 11,c ahlesl of such ofUdsls In the country. Du ring hi* term 1)1 service Mr. Frueiuwn bail compiled and Is- eu-d IkOvulmnesof reports, coverlbg over I.IIUO

One that Furnishes W ater aad Aaether that aupplles Tallow.

From the Ban Jose Mercury.On the Canery Island groive a fountain

tre e ; a tree meet needed In some parte of the Island. I t li *sld that the leaves con­stantly distill enough water to fornleh drink to every living creature In H leio ; Nfttorft hftvlnf provld#d thi* rfTnftOjr for the drought ^ fhe lelend. Every morn­ing, neat this part of tbe laland, a olond or mist arises from tha sea, which the winds force againstwtooh the tree grows, and It Is from tba mist that the tree dlstilla the water.

Chins, too, oUlm* her remarkable tree. This Is known as the tallow tree,f«soalled from the fact of its producing a substance like tallow, and which serves theaaroe purpose, is of tlye same conMstanoy, color and smell. On the Island of Lewohew grows a tree aboot the slke of a common cherry tree, which poiaeroes the ^ l l a r - liy ofchanging tha color of It* blowm s. At one time the flower a s s u i^ the tint of tbe Illy, and again ehortly takes the color o fthe roee, In Thibet there li aonnoui tree known as the tree of the thousMd Images; Its leaves are covertu with well- doflaedobaraotertaf the T h l^ ta n alphas bet It Is of great age and the only one of Ita kind known there.

The oaobab treo Is oonslderod oile of the most wonderful o f the vegetdW* kingdom. I t appears that nothing can kill this Ueei hence It reaobee an as- tonliMng age oa well aa enormoM ttae. The nsllves nuke a «rong cord from the flbrae of the bark ( henoe the ^ e s are continually barked, bat without damage, as they soon put forth a new bark. It ap

Told by an DM koldler Anuy,

From the Plttiburg DIapatoh.A ito ry has lately been told by an did

soldier of tbe Frenoh army as a sourenir of the Crimean War, It li oaa of the few Inoldents of the war which would bear re. lating a t tbe recent feitivals In France In honor of tha revtsitliig Bnailan naval of- flnere and eeamen-now tl>e firm nlllet of the Prenoh. In one of the attacks of th s French left upon the Buselans tn tho neighborhood of Bebastopol the retreat was sounded on both sides and th s Bus- sians retired to their fortress, the French to their trenches. On the way • French Sergeant of tbe line encountered alone a Ruftlan Sergeant, alio alone. The two men were face to fltoo and enemlea,

H ig h a t o f all in Leavening Powerv L ntett U . & G ov 't R eport

F o w d e rj R B M U X t B K V W B E

wtaciy toon pu— ------------ -pftftTft linpftl'YToaft to f ix •v#fi tha aza [ft PdMiffitjir). Bit It oanttauaft lo stow jqi» railfttad* ftft U oontl^iaa* w ^o w length while it lo lying on the ground.

In Mexico there to * plant known by the name of Palo de Lieche. I* I®tbe family of euphorbia. The lo /ljM throw tho leave! Into the water and the fish become itupefled and rise to the anr- face and are thon caught by the natives.' In this case the effect of the narootlo soon P«SHS off. TIta mUk o f tbU plsot thrown

-- - ^ y ja c

CBIHBAN WAR. She m n e hof

F . T . F E A B E Y .lift Market St., Newark.

By tho bsauilful new etaamshlps of tha

O l d D o m i n i o n U i n e ,TO OLD POINT c o m fo r t OR VIB-

GINLA BEACH AND RETURN..This trip Is an Ideal one, ai tha conne skirts

the coast with little likelihood at w ^elakiie^and jiaese* lu revisw many watering plaoes and polcls of tuterast.

— THK— -

SUphtDS & Condll IriDsportitioiCa.COMMENCING SUNDAY, JUNE II.The New snd Commodious Btaaiuar,


C O N E Y I S D A Y D IBay m dfw

Thoir gnna ware emj^ty. Slmnjtanootuly

Iir t,.......

siblo. The guns, like all olbcrs In

they too~k cartridges from their pot and began to load, methodically, like well-drlTled soldiers, but s t awiltly os

Vift Sftft BftftoL ilftllraiMli ffooi Thro* Trln Dallr*

LeftTft Oornnaorclftl Wharf, font Mftrtftt fttf, M., lilB P. M. ^ t n i u l n i iosv* Sen

Reach Pslaoe, Oonsy Island, al hskJ P. M. Fare (round trip) iUc.

10th/ i n bv'Pennsflvaola RsTlfoad The. I’sseea- ssri ehoiring agente at docks opmmutattanjw excursion tioksu by any New J t r s e y ^ wfil h* furnished trip tickets16c.


pos* thak

campaign, 'were musile-loadori. The cartridges were forced to place with a ram roil Bimultaneoucly th# liro ram­rods entered the guns, aud ■Imultaneonsiy thay were withdrawn! bat the Basalan, acouatomed by Inflsxlbts dlsoiplina to do everything in a set way, put btek hla ramrod in lU ptoea along the barroL * “ >« the Frenoh man threw his away With the movement that withdrew iL

Thlo gave him the needed moment’s ad­vantage over his anUgoniat. Olapplag Ms guiistock to bis shoulder he had the Rusalan’e Itle in his hands. ThBRnselan stopped still, awaiting the shot that shou.d be DIB death. T hentns Frenoh Bergsant dropped bis gun from his shoulder and put out his right hsnd. Th* ^ w ia n grasped it j Abe two soldloTs shook hand* without a word—for neither knew a word of the othsr’i tongue—and then both turned and want Jbeir opposite wayw


Now op«n {Amorloftn plfto; oqIaId* ftftd •ftrrfM ouftorpftPMftU; room* slDftl* or t a iftlta, wlia bftUift ftttichwl; elftTiiLjr all » o f■ArdflD,iDQftlQ hftU,btUiftnJtsbowUaft iindIftWft tennis. OPEN Ti!e ENTlhE YEAR. Itom- mlt 1ft ftUiifttad on on* of th* pftln ta^th* OrftDftf Motiutidnft, *1 qUtai from NftW Y o r k . ^ t t hlttbly D*nt pbyilolftDft for th* purity of U*U«lll> UUJPtUittUrt grsaissg w. --- :Abtoluta fiwlom from ***1* ^ from ftrtaftlfti) w*Hft; m»cftdftmlft*fl fe«tpiftXEa: S3 mlnut** from New YorTl.' ^ ’Y luT M T .'N E W lL ^'M sn^Of Hotel NortDftndle,

OCZAJf flJV)VJt-WDClKW^> j n j X * -fiwlrfthl* Tootnii an<1 boftfU ftt r*dttee(l l»tftl

for ; owloott^x th* oomn ftnd i mftudlierltim Adrirw* BOX tfl. _ **h

u p ^ the fire i out ftijdace neuien and hoadec'taken internally 1* « deadly polaohl'It

..................................... Ity accordingwill prodoco'death or Inianity according to the slse of the do.w. There Is a popular b,Uef among t fie lower class lo Mexico that the insanliy of the ex-Empreia Car- lotta was osaved by this potson.

H lih m t and Lowest Btevatloas.From tbs Touth’s Companion.

Acccrdln* to t he rerenllj' snoonneed results of measuivBisnts and calculatlods made by ths Unltvil States Gsologlcal Snrray, Delaware 1* ths !ow«t State, It* elevatloa above the sea level sVeraglog only sixty feet Colorado I* the highest Bvaragln* ABOO feel above the sea,tlio highest averaging wns) rse* aoovo white Wyoming Is s olooe secnod, uoly 100 fastlower than Oolorado. In minimum etevatloii Florida and Ix)nlslaaa dlspoi* tor second place after Delaware, their average elevetleo living, tar each, 190 fse t Taking the United ^atee as a whole, onr country lies sllihlly above t ta averags slsvattun Of the isnd of the globe.

Trade In Flower Farluma,From Meebau's Monthly.

Ths frowsr petlnms trade, whleh has rtached .taHitaese .penMss)-—• 1-1 th# Did World,_^M

IkflU rtaFvalue of ths proiluot of flow n for per** , and tar ssed raising for largAboleaalt estah- Rshments rvachis the equal of about ( 8,000,000 In American mousy a year. The larger por­tion gowi for dlitllDog parfurots, although iiiu ^ attenllon Is giveu lo raising speolaltles In Ihe flower tloe fur issdsmao i owe traot of tblrty-Avs acres sloas la said Ip be given np by PBS party to rslsteg Bssds el the Chlasfs ^m rose, Th* ohlst flowsri talsad, howefwr, ays tar psrfamei and consist ohtaAy of orange

Cut Rates!?ioSi4®mrComiHisiy

(Wiery Oomj

aSe, SSo. dSe,

_____________ ______»»s.>vnh (hlery Uompannd..He,

aowers, rose pstali, JssmllMS, pupparmlnl and lavender. VloUt flowers ars slsu ralaud large­ly for pstfumsrj' purposea.

Knoll## Fish for All.

« ftmauftX liftift pf'fliih ft* lUrrUon ftt 4e. par pvftod,

■ i Z ’ "UiuitonMr* are teqnsswa to bring btskstoj*^arw lll toon .It yard from 4 A.: trsigbt ysi


1-qnart FimnMB Hrownts. best uuai

* Bulb Syrlngta. sue, ■■ iraiiw .tqi

rings, with all attach-Irringe, w illty, Sh .

HokWator Bags, 4-qnart SSe. .OROlMAUr mtCHIPTIOMS COMPOl/UtO

AT tSe. APItCl-A T -

ATfOKraemer’s f cCor. Ctmton and Mvtbtrry Stt.

iftfti ftrri ft** taSu aeammukaum io»k oeft ftta* J\UCWR U ^A.IAftjrsW w»*w<e#*iwllii»D rft«ffl]|pi|ff«nft





U r. O lir e r 'W en d a ll H olm A sC eleb ra tei

H is E ig b ty iirth B ir th d a y ,

=“ 0 '


V lH ie m s tti«O ium lm iloB T>««Ur«tiuht tlow urd AdvofftitMl Vjr>lcii^«<>Niiw Torh umt J«irMy BHilf* ('am i^nrA»1i f«r » ArUtm 1«T «kM mm th e Virp««Hi Report.KnlffhU o f Pyt^Lu ]l»xlii Tb«lr F r ln DrttlB'-'lln. A itor’i ItraQilfut Biinimer Hoot* Tnrnnil Into a lloA nllnf•hont* f«r W ortunm W ithout Her KnowUdco.

Dr. OHT*r W«nd«n Iloltncw w«a J9mrt olil yoitorvUy, and bb frbmls oelo- bratod tho idqI w n a r j At bli boino In ton IB A quiri way. To (b« c««ua1 otnirrAr br bw not cktjMiged nor |rowti a day older siztce hli but n&tal day.

Tbfre wtu on eT«ry u n d in tb« i ^ s a n t bomo erldvore of lurlDg frivoda Tnt>re w u A grtat va^i of jack roM i from tbe piiblUh- ing drm ot Houghton, MtlHln Sl Co.t uue for ev«ry wbloh hot orer Dr.HotmM'b oead. Another gift wwi a little bunk of wlKtiooA fyuiii tha a^rHlagi of tba AootoTiiwUli a piotaro of blmwlf add lomr of

A pure antiseptic, tnctlicinal toilet sc>ap for daily UHC.

T>rnizgi«rr i eil It. ^ IIlrw tro of ImliittiotiH. - - —- A book nn 1>urnmttil. ogy with ererjrake.

At iMith of Petty's Dru({ Stores in Newark may be found a line of the Special Preparations for the Skin and Scalp put tip by the John H. Woodbury Dermatolopc*! Institute, lay W. 4ad St., N. Y.

Park, ami bogAD a t So'clook jHtenUyjnonhUig.

Prorrtrt Diriifun N(\ 1, »>f Kantan CItj, U(K, Caotiln J ahiab A. Rcwl, wa« Uw flr»t organlBtlnn to drill. It be^n At 8 oVltjck. aad wont through the icfaool <if the ^nighti, the Hwonl exeirltA and ditidon moTeui«nts proMutiiig A Ti.Tf praUy liglit In Axteiitlng tome of the ro«np)«x oottAtarmArcbea Ltiry CL DlvUion Nf). Irt, from Haiicltfle, la., f'ai>- tain Tboniax H. Waud, foUowAd. otlwir divliiimfl drilling tnnlty a tm Percitile No. 11, Mubllt, a U.. Oantaln John D. Utgan; John Har * Gita No. 10, Rau Claiits Win., ('Apuln Uonrail Ftlgr: Plnnear No. 1, U ttlt Hock, Ark., CaptAln D. W'. Hartlttt; IfanoD No. 'J5, Uiriuu, Ind., Cm UIu Daaltl Ounder; Terre Haute No. 3. TiiTAnaula, lod., ('aptoln A. 0. DuddlMtoti; KaaMae n ty No. 8. Kaaua ('tty, Mo., CapUld CtjarkM Hiibtr. and KiL'elelor No* 4K, InuUn-

p<diM, Ind , Captain II. U. Uaetofr.Ymtarday's driUe ended At U:30.la •honor uf the vipitiiig Pyt-hunfl an lodrai*

trial parade wai held latt eveoing nn Pesii- kylvania avrnuo. Jnilging fruai the great nuinljtr of fp««>tatori, if ptored the moit at­tractive featuia of tlie eaoampineot

OIL OLTVKR WTNPll.fNflOI.Mlll,w oe* about whotn be ban written, Uoqa by

Howard WImwIod. of a Noutbern d ty . paring the morning the cbtldren uf Mr. Lowe called with a b iuqueiof ronebud^ anti auDother g ift WM a cake with eight wltcbea ^ aadiig grimly In the froating on to|> of it.

Dr. H olm n wallu a n Ue every miimfng had dtiTaa a doMn mde* every afternoon. B a can nwd food tjp< tiy cl«yli|{ht nmi by

icnodkllgnt, tn aptu uC th« dlnuiHa of hi* •yn lgh t, haara ta well ni many peraona irho would reaant bala^ aecuied o( d:Mifna**. H ii <■ loniawbat bark from th*ilQlat toSit,' coyly concealing itaalf bahlnJ a waalth of vine*, which mount up to the eac- ond (tory and peep into the upper wiodiAvt. 1%* wide portico on one aide is almoet en­tirely shut In hy the luxnrlAnt jnvwtii, and i* to that extent closed. Tha lawn is well

iliept. There are masaee ot bright^olored flowen on all ildei, and a line ot crimaon gladioli nod their heads a t the liaae of a huge rock at one side, aa U wearie.l imd tacking ly- poae. There was aetrlr a constant going and cotnlcg during the day, though not so manv called at lis t year, prolwldy owing to tb* £u)t that Dr. Holmes has bean iU, and w as not tuppoaed to be at strong as usual.

T o a rM»rt«r who vLdlsd tha bi>am raa- torday, JJr. Holmoa said: " I have received a Dumber of lattea from friends and rrmetn- brasces, but 1 have told my story a good many times now, and It is not always pUss- ant reporting, so many mistakes are made, cBil I do not think 1 can tell it again."

'r|ien the doctor sat gating at tb* Are, s i.'h burned with low but steady flame,

I .1 spoke of hit reministeDi-es which he is V I'lting, bat which may not be published un­t i l he u gona “ I think 1 have told you all 1 have to say,” be went on qnietlv. ‘‘ 1 ani not a politician, and tbo public has not the Intereat In m* which It tns tn its public mea I do not want to ha like some men, who tell

. Ton a good deal more than you want to know. You niact all kind of men. Thus* wbo ar* cross, thisu who will not talk, and thoa* wbo talk more than you with them to 8 o yon will not mind if 1 do not go over the whole thing again, 1 kuow."'


Hallroail Kiiipliiyes so Trstlfv Ilefore Ih* National Labor Comuilssiun.

Tb* National Lalior Commission, now in- Tsstigaliug the Pul^inan strike at Chiciign, azpects to complete its work by the end of this week. The [s-lnclpal business of tbs cotnmlssiou yestei^y was the exeoiinetlon <rf twenty-three witneeaos, most of whom

< testifled that at the meeting a t Blue Island, a t which the Rock Island men derided to strike, Vice-President Howard had connsellod TiolSDSO aad used predsna laaguage. Tha glat of the testimony was that nuly about one-half of the men who bad voted to strike Tars railway man. Iteaidss this, many of the railway men present were opposed to etrtklng.

Kobeit a. Walsh, assistant to the flrst Tire-president of the Santa Pa road, was the flrst witness called In tha morning. He tes- tlSad that the rood bo represented was liwer,

. as closely as be could flgure, *305, OW liy the sHike. . The strike bad never been declared

,olI by the Ranta Pe men, he said, but the road b running . n ^ u t interruption to traffic.

Twenty-three witnesses were sworn in a fcnnch, It was Announced that they would give tetUmony regarding the strike at Blue ltk|||L^^AHW |n IWbw W. D. Fuller tesm eo 'that Howard openly counselled vlo- lenor and applied a Vila epithet to Cleorge M, rallman at the mestlDg at which the Kock Island employes voted to strike. Debs was not so radical fa speacb.

(f. H .' Ortiele^ norrtdioriited Fkillar and I aaid Howard also abused ofneers the Hook

Islaad RallfoaiL He ascribed to Debs tb* statamanL “ After the strike the scabs will has* to walk the plank.”


A BaarlDg Aska.1 far Reture Final Action bv (be War I>»pArlinentt

Charles U. Sgan, secretary of, tb* New York and New Jersey Bridge Company, has w rlttanalatterto th tSacretary of War, in Trbloh ha says;

*' 1 am diractad by our company to request ttiat, before you take action npm the report of the engineers appointed by the President tatnqnire fatn and determiue what length of ■pan, not Ism than two thousand (2,000) feet, Taold make a safe and practicable railroad bridge over the Hudson River, between the city ot New York and the State of New Jaraay, you wIS gta* as a copy of the rvport

"The company taaTlng seound propsr lagblatlon for tbe oonatrartioo of the pro­posed bridge, deposited with your departr Bianl the nccetaary money to pay the ax- psAsia o( the anglMers, a t raqulned by the ac t We have also expended a large amount ot money for tha plana of the bridge. Tha Decenary funds can b* aacurad to ccustruet a practicable railroad bridg* over the said rlrer, and,4hen I any a pracUcabl* railruari brldg^ I maan a structure that tb* coat will Dpt M *0 Igm •> to prsetad* tha railroad fratn nsing the aame. In other words, If ws can make (be o<at ot the bridge maonable ■ 0 as to allow tbe railroads to us* Ik without taxing a passengar too large an amount fur transportation, I t would bis popular tor that tralSc.

“ Tha looatton ot tb* bridge must be bo- tween Fifty-ninth and Bixty-ninth atroeta In tlwclty ofNew York, Tha New York Can-

. tral and Hu Ison River Railroad Onmpany claitu ownership to aH that proparty. Their claim la not sound. Tb* city 5l Naw Tork owns a iraat part of the water front W twatBjnity-nwth add BixW-nIntb stiwata, and oar ootnpatW have a map made from tha records ut the Iqnance Ilspartnient ot the cHty ot Naw York, thowltg that a location can bs made for a pier within the' exteriorB ‘ lad llnua without daniage to other In-

. J b e t map Ne'wonld Ilka tCLflle with yon before you iilake the Incsttour ' /

"Thera Is 'nuab to b* mid la favor at tbe preposad brldce before' you llnally act, and I trnit you wlu grant us a hearing, through our snglneer. In oi-der that jnstlcs may be done to all, not only to the ganernl pnbtlo, but also to the United States (tovernment in

I sarf|n .axpedltlng the mall i


( Iiiae M ulsh In a Mtaks Kvsnt at Klieapa- hra.1—MeAulllTe's l-atlei-..New

Vnrk Wins A gala.t'tllTord ibninmstrsted to tha crowd* at

Hliee)Mlirad Bar ti-ack Ti-slerdsy that he is a flyer. He won the Flight wtakes in l.'it 'J-A or fimr-flfths of a sfcoml hater than the track recoril. I.urtre and Isnlv Violet were his only coinpetilcrs, and although pretty well nin out at the flnish the other homes were not dangerous. Don Alonwi was atop- heayy lavorile for the handicap at one mile and a furhmg, fur which his only onponents were Kcilskln and Atrathrasath. Rlslskln was Well played at 2 to 1, hot nobotiy seemed to want Hlr&thnicatb, against whose chances 12 to I was laid. Tbe outcome of thence was a big surprise. The iwce was so slow in the flrst quarter ofa iidte that Krdskia halted long enough to kick at Htnthmeath aathey swung around the turn. I'p the hackalrelrit Ntrathmuath went up tn Redskin, and the )iair went to tlie lieud of the stretch on even terms. They were Jolneil hv DonAlouro at tlie head of tlia strvh'k, ami there was a furious drlv* all the way horns. It was aiiylKsiv's race at the trio oaiiie down the stretch faeail and head. Herl.'.la siilke-l at the very last tnomenl, snd Don Aloua) and Slrathirieath pasnsl the Unlshing line on such even terms that it was linpussUilt fur the sim tator* to tell whii'h won, although the preiHimlenince of otiiuhm won tu fsror uf lion Alnnoo, who wosou theuulstdeur near­est the grandetaud. Tlie judge* derided it a dead bmt. Uedsklu was only beaten a head.

The .uiiimnry of the raim is given:First Race—i’llrse lll.UUll for two-ysar-

Harry Re ‘

victory for the Vniiuioee. tn fad , the Vaiinaw* won l.y mu Ii a |,iug distance lhat the contfwt resemhjisl s pnwesalon more than a race.

• The I iiUm I.iiii r iiili tVoii,Tha tournament, sho t Ilf tbe Idimax Hun

('lub of FsuwiMst i.s-urrcl yestordsy ami In- cliidisl tbe seiMiid o f tU,. -..riesof milcli** lia- tween the Union liiin I'hili and the I'llinsx team. The result of the match la given :

t’ltioK ora ri.n i. i i lu sx iirx n .rn .Kicliinoud......... ...... 11 ('amiii-tail............ . . . . aaUndatoy...... . ....... Irt.l, Zfitllu............ . . . . IHrioiwr................. ....... ei ............ . .. . SiWllUama....... ....... Ik W.'i rrry ............ . .. . IHHablM'rj.-.ob. . ....... In ........ . . . . StHvritatf*......... wi lUrb’j ., ............ .... 1ftL. Tarry....... . .......ell-'Hjisho*................. . .. . 11Van ......... .......Sfol!...................... . .. . 1»Hraintnall........ s.». Vi It. Ti0rry. .e........ . . . . 1ftHUrklay.............. .1... S',* lilitH)||sy........ . . . . . SlOraka............. . .......SI (•mntlisxham... . . . . wHlklrr............... . .......« Krllrr................... . . . . mMHier............. * .... J'SiiiitU ........... .

T o u l .............. .......•r.'i Total...............

I propartlaa on t is dlsrbar.ad


Iter ttanlener's ftcheme fur Money-maklna at " ItreeliwcMHl " Juat D I«of*red .

l ir a WlUiaiii Astor, who o«^n* " Beech- wood, uno of tha haadanmaat.Ballevne avenua Nasrp.n't, h is her gardener, John Hammond.

Hhc allavst that last winter b* turned her chamiluie villa into a lioardiiig-hnosa, entor- tatning there a doseii pereono, who slept ami ate in the place. Mrs. Astor says shs Ivarntiil of th.« ludlwretion on tbe part of her hired man but recently and at once gava him no­tice to leave. ifa bad been ou tbo place a Dumtior of years,

The trust r«|iaaed In Hammond mail* it aaiy for him to carry his plan into eiacn- tiiiii. He and hi* wlf* lived In tbe lodge in summer, but when Mr*. Astor left for town In the autumn tbar transferreii themselves and their lielnnglngi to the house Itself, where Mr*. Hammond entered upon the duties of linusekeeper.

This tin* place hurt year sarly In October. Then Haiumond bought a numlier of outs and put them in rooms In tha raar part of tha faousa.

After everything had been arranged ba looked abiHit for his boardar*. Than wera carpentara aud plastarara aad other work­men. who wera amployed In iularlor altera­tions In Honi* ot til* big housa* along Balla- vua avenua. To tfaasa h* went, aad told in glowing colurs tb* life h* oould offar them at a country villa, and he said that It wouldn't be very di»r.

H* advani-ad the argument that they would lie much nearer to their work than they would be If they lived in the town, and that they'd all be tnere bave a very Jolly time, pretty one to tbe carpenters a n i plasterer*, aad Hammond bad no difficulty whatever In su ing bis cuts.

The function ot Hrx Hammond In the bouse was the co o k l^ of the boarders' break­fast* and suppers. 'TDelr dinners she gave them to carry to their work in tin ^ I s . Rhe must have been a good oouk, far in the flve luonths that tb* baarding-hnnae wa* nni- nlng Hammond didn’t loae a alngte boardar. He, too. moil* an adinlmble landlord. It is

lid, a ll- lb* boardeis were sorry to leave when Hie spring conia, and the nous* got n a d y for a tarblabiog before Mr*. Aitor’a

rrlval. That it was a quiet lioardlng-housa la established bT the fact that Ihrauchout the winter nobixly In the neighborhood guested that Beech wood was a iKArctlug-bouiw.^


Rubstantlal Frogrvss Made at a .Meeting Held in FhUaiLrlpliln Vesterday,

gubstantUil progress toward a reorganiza­tion of the Keading Kallroad was made in I’hilailelphia yesterday. J. Kennedy Todd and F. Whiteridg*. repreaenting the Olcott Committee of Sew York hoadholdcri, were la conference with both H|e rival vjgrs and Mesari. Earle and Tylir, repriwnting the i’liilulelphia committee. Hiihstautial tirograss towardc-miplidaharmony wssmsde, uu 1 tbe Naw Vorkers left for home ap|isr- ently well^drssad with tbe m u lt of their con­ference. Up* ot the receivers staled that aa oatlinaof a p lsn had been wbinitted by the New Thrkan, but tha details of it werecare- fuUy guardad.

olda, flveturluDgs; Hurry R w l won, Hay Dav flUy second H-'tindslay th ird; tim a l.u l It &. Betting—Five to 1 on Harry Itsed, against H ay Day lllly b to I, Huundelny ilOtol.

Hacood Race—I’urse 11,000, for Iwo-year- ohtg flv* furlongs; Tings won, (toldsn lhal second, Uaretta th ln l; time, 1.01, BetUng— Agaliiat Golden Rod avail money, Tinge a to 1, Meruthi Ifl to 1.

Thinl Usee—A handicap sweapstaka* for thrce yaar-olds and u|iwnnl, mil* aad a fur­long; Dun Alonso, ritrathineath, dead heat; RihUkiu thiisl; time, 1.5b Betting—Two to I on Don Alonso, against Re lskiu 2 to I, NtraUuueath Id tu 1,

Fourth Ract—Belles' Ktakss, a swesTMlaks* for fUlis* two ysars ol0 Futurity course; Irish Reel won, Uulta I’ercha i*ouii0 dedl* third; time, 1.11 'JA Betting—Against Irish Keel a to 1, Sadie T to I, Gulta I’ercba 0 to I,

Fifth Race •Flight Ht^eo, a sweepatokes tor two-year olds aud upward, sevea fur­longs; fliflord won, Ijuly Violet tecoiid, Lustre third, tinia, l.'J,5 2-5. Betting—Three to 1 on Clifford, against Lady Viulst'iji tu l. Lustre 15 to 1.

NIzth Knee—I'urse tl.dIM, for three-year- olds and upwaril. iniie; Ht. Michael won, Arab accond, Speculation third; time, 1.40 S->5. Betting—Against Arab e to 0 Ht. Mil-had 8 to 5, Hjiai-ulatlon 20 to 1.

Heveuth Race—Turf handicap for tbree- yw-uhis and upwaril, luiie and a Itluine won. Oh

Tarioiis -,|,nrls.Goa'Zimroerinauu, New York's cham|ilnD

sbarpehisiter, who has si-orat iiiauy victories in Europe, ilUtlaguishcl IniiM'lt ageiii at Hamburg yesterda}' in a lUO-shot iiuick-llring matoh. ilo defented his 'ipiKiuent. the crack shot of Hamburg, by inneit piints.

Tbo Jeflleraua A. C. willertiss lusts with the A ctive A. U. Hntur.lay aficinooo on tbe groumls, JefTamou and Kianay itrcela.

The raturn uuolt m aldi lietweon the N**- arka and tha Albions of New Voi|k will lie played in this city on Septandwr 8. A meet­ing o f tlm club will be held on Fi'ulay night at 18 Uroei street.

All but fifty fuot< of the gran,l staml of the Cbioago Base Ball Uluh. at I’olL and Llncolu atreetu, was destroyed by lira yee- tanU y afternoon. The staid had liooa practically racuastructcil alter the fir* of teveral weeks ag'i, which destroyel about half of I t .All the recoustnu'iwl ’ part and aoma of tha old structure were biirueil to- ilay. Tb* origin ot the lire is UtUevod to Oe iuoandiary. 'rha bias is estimateil at fiu,u00.

t e t h e r and ni^ht The picture wo* a

,t was also leariieii that tne rauadtipii oonutiifta* has audeeadad la -hariik uflli wriltan 111,000000 of the reguirod *4,800,000 lecaisary to fund the ganenl mortgaLg* ouu-

Gona, and that tb* whoia aninu |X conlu'rea.l- y have been lacarel in i'htladatphla, bnt

out of (ieforence to tha Naw York paopla,who dyslr* to narttripate, further siiMcriptiona to the tnou in Fhiiadelptala w en decKacsl,

One Intareating feature of tbe day’a dayeL opniect wat the evident straagtb ot e i- i'ltstniABter-Ueneral John Wananusker in (sinusctlutt with reports that coupled his name with tbe Incoming prtaldaucy of the Itaadlng. Althotuh Mr. Wanainakcr has as

£*t carefully refrained from committing imselr, be, on Tuesday, In a brief iutmrview

on the eubjeot, dronped a ftw word* that are signlAoant. " t baneTe that 1 could rs- orgaulie Reading, aud that vary ahortiv." The opinion is rapioly ninlng ground that failure to reorganise tha company within a vary shortkime will mean Mr. Wanamaker's elaction a t pratidant of tha Raadlog Coue P«*L ,


p y t u i a n s ’ p r i z e d r i l l .

An Inaiwctlon Rarlaw and n Parade Vee* ' terdalrii F ealn rw o f th e Kaeampment.

Yraterday’a pnvramm* for the Pythian *tnaid(Xnwt a t Wastaingfoa apanaa withtha faejilnnlng of tha prise drill*. A contin­ued iRBliin of tbe Biipram* L a tin aa Inspect tlon and review of tha uniform rank In tb* Whit* Lot, and an Illumination parnda ware

. a lo o fea tu i^ Tfanprixa drills are held on W k i h l i i ^ J t m Ball

Breektaridge’s D epoaaat H aag In Effigri Camtnlsslaas Signed by th e Presidant. —tv . C. Uwanx of Bcotl County, Ky., one

of tb* oaadidata* for Congrasa In tb* Ash­land distrlot wa* hung In affigy in Kleb- m oii0 Ky., Tnewlay night. The Hbdy was suspandad from a teltgraph wire between tbe W inis House and Courthoust sqitara, above the sidewalk. Two placards were at­tached bearing these word*! “ Poor Billy OweuA after Heptamber 10” and “ Warning —Don’t take down this body until this aftar- nooltat 3 o’clock.’’ Of count, this workcuuld only have baon done b t Brtqkinridg* aygt- patbliwn, of whom them or* a ^ p o a In Hadisoo County.

—Bafore laaving Washington for Gray Gablaa yesterday m e id a o t clavtlaad Mgued oom lnM oiis for sevunil of U s appolateaa whoas Dominations fallsd of aonflrmaUon by tha Heoat*. Tbatc w en A. Augustus llu la y , Collsetar ot Internal Hevanua for tb* First iBrouklyn) district of New York; Georgs Witaoi., CoJIeotar of Internal Rsvsnue for the district of Florida; James W. BaU, Col­lector ot Cuatoma for tb* district of Yaqul- ma, O re, and Dnvid G. Browne, CoHector of Ciivtoma for tb* district of Montana and Idaho, Tha Fraaidant also sppointad Milton Welsh Surrayor of Cnstomsfor the tw rtof Kansas City, Mo,, a new tppolntmant, la plaue of John Boott Harrison,

—AdvIOM front Roms say that an Anar­chist » lot to kill tb* K t u of Qraeo* w ai re- vatlad rsceotly by an inlorinsr to the Milan polli'*. The man designated by tbe Inforniar was arrastod tn Milan and Was fonnd tn ba in poasaislon of letters proviag that ha In­tended to stab the King,

—Bdward BUilie calmly astnrwl Sarnant Tbninpabn, at the West One Hundrair aad Fltty-saoond Htraat Htation, Haw York, last night that God bad commaiidad him to kill Monslgnor ftatoill. Un Apoatffilo Delagala E* was found wandarlng in his baro fast at One ffuudred and Savanty-fltth itraat and Klngsbrldge road. He Wu arrested, H* said his hum* wa* in MaadvlH*, Pa

—The Inwruational Peace Uongreas was opened at Antwerp yeaterdny. An Ameri­can delcgnU spoke at length on the growth

/ * • that the mosthighly oivlUaad natibos war* pracarlna to give np war, r r— ■■

8 WOMAN’S NIDENS*"™i to the right

modldiML Tm <!hroDle w ts in w w (WwnnMntSg §a4 tm iM T S k o H in tU l ajHlct bBr_**i, a n eurad by fir, Ptaroe's

Iqn. Id M trilg-d ow n M UtoNWMRjn-

------i »fflSi5nt'*a poaltlT* m n ed f, »

HniHmiaaii, A p k k u I

— PI**** a c ce p t my

quarter;won, Gloamlax Mt'oiicL Lire (k«k

third; tUit^ 2.07 1-5. Bettiag—t e n io Ton UloniniD^i againiitLire Oak 3 to 1* lUumo lU to 1.

The at Chicago ymterdav reeuited a i followi:

Firrt R are-P Ive and a half furlongi; Elaou won, KaUe B. aecood, Madelliw th irl, tluKi, l.OHk.

Kceond EUce—Threoqnartara of a mile; Glee Bgy wou, Tim Murphy leeuDd, Mult- tauaUiird; tluiKl.15^^.

Third Hare—Iuudlcap,oneaDdaiixteeDth milfw; Cicely wod» H jruGrsault eecond, Full UeMiire third; time, 1.47-

Fourth Kace—Fiine 11,000, mile daub for trotUre in the 2,15 cUi^; Kate F. won eaellv by two lengths, L lva necolid, Js B. H. thLrJ; time, 2.22^^.

Fifth Ita^e—Mile aocl sixteenth; Dangar- won, (Corduroy necoudy Joe Murphy

third; tinje, 1.48,•Sixth lU oe—F ire and one-half furlonge'

IWpeater won, Moillo K Mcoad, Ualihard third; time, l.npi^.

Heveuth Seven eigbthi of t milespuree; Tatterball won, Kucx *McCaan lecood, Kd Greenwix>d third; titiie,

Morrie Jonee, of Ked (lake la.* and the owner of AUXy wa-Kut GaleeUurg, 111, terday makmg arrnu^emROti for the |^m e little mare tu «tai t hvr agulnit her rtH.H>rd At the meetiug next Mumth. WlUtaini made tbe anuounoemeut that if tbe race betweeu Dh'fM'tum und A)lx ehail be trotbMl he would add |.'S,0U0 to tbe elde bet between tim two borece.

Y estenlay afternoon taw the twelfth eon- test for the faiiums Charter Oak Stake at Hart ford. R'ltpb WUkcM gathered in the race Id straight hoaU*

W ith th» Fleht^rtiff nothing hanpeos l>vtwei*ii now and Sep­

tember 15 lONper Jjeiin, of Naw York, aad Jumuy Barry, of Chicago, will tight to a flnish IU private. A inaicb haii been ar- rangud between thew ln'o well-known bao- Um ^ aud the lx>ya are to havG it out at a pUoe about Mixty iniiea frmu Chicago un the aboWAUkte. Tb* mill Is H rather kmpnriant utw, for the winner will be entitle i to thn honor o f the lO^vpound champioii’iUlp of Ameiicav

sMayor Schlareii, of Brooklyn* i* dutor- Riioed!| if piwibli* to stop aav (urtbir box­ing exhibltioiu a t Coney liland under tli<( direction uf tha Betulde Athletic Club. lie itaid yaiterdayi *'lamuppoHod to curb uu exhihttioit M waa wltaawMNi at Couay iMland on Monday n igh t It in deninrnlixnigiu tha oommtinlty. and especially to the young. Although rolli'e (JttmmlAMloiicr Welli-s did not see anything which bo thought would have JuMtiflad him in stepping thaaxhibitiun. be U not in favor of inch boxing boubi. I shall UM a i l^ y iofluaD 'L* and powar tu put a Htop to tbiMs axhlbitloDH in this dty.^'

Pater Jackiou left for C hicap Iset night to stay tw o weeks or Ivhm. Jackflun's miit' • l im ^ the W indy City G tihrouiltnl in mys­tery, Ha says that ht has verv Important bu^naM to attend to there. He refused, bnw'ever, to diK<doM its nature.

McAullffe has written a letter regarding bis ^ b t w ith Griffo, m which he sars:

**lbaTe no fault to flruf with tha faellugof the sportibg public agaiast Die to-day, for I oaufes* th a t 1 did not do iny duty to thorn Ju entering the ring as 1 did. That I wa in nd coudilloii to meet Griffo nr any one eUe I am tree to admit. I will not Attempt to make kzctiias for that* nor shell I |iloa<i forgive- DfWtnjDtll I have demonstrate I by niy achunt that I am entitled again to that wufldunca that was mine for so many y«r*. I only auk tha sporting world not to forget that for alaveu jaan i I hare never failed them when callaid upon, and that no man in all that time has aver lost a dollar where he has backed me to win. 1 atn hmuan. 1 confess m y faults

“ As tha dafandar of ray roimtry’s olairos to the lightweight championship 1 have tiken in tbe past severe pualihinsnti 1 am ready now to taka any panao»» that my former followers may cnooas to imjMaa upoa me. 1 told Griffo aud his mnnagHr after Monday night’s eontest that 1 would give Griffo any chance that he wanted ff they thought that Mr, Moore was wrang in his daciiun, and hate offei'w)* and now offer, to meat him again for tan rounds or to a itnisb at the If

F K M I M N B O U D S A M ) K M > H ,

To make an euvainpc library* tsk^ tru en* valopas* and put either a ihurl Miur>, an tway or lllustraUrd article lu anch. buy valopes Isugtliwlsa bttfura you, and rule off a space at th* top in wUloh tit STrltP wurdM,

Euvalopa tJbrary No, I*'* " huvriopt.' Library No, I I / ' aud so on lliruuxli (li«< ihtu'h of Ira. Hula off a apeoa al lUe IkuUmu m which to writ* the uaiue uf tha Htory or an Ivls* aiiU t he author's name. W'hen the I'ltvelopoA anntled tla the ton Utgsthar with a dfiliity rih1>.in aud stHil iUaiu where they will dll Ihe muHi kooiI. For use 1q hoepltals thaaf dalniy pacliusus of iturla'v have proved vary Wearyoonvalescents. aud especially thooi* nt*vcr vt»> ited by frienda aia nut only pleased wiili IIh’ gift* but are raliave^l from Ihr falSgue iluil iic. cxktupaalae tha holding of a heavy Iruok or magaslna.

Afternoon tea-table covers are aim mnde wllh a VAlatK-e about eleven Inches ilccp; It b gathered raoderalely full aud pul on with a cord,

Tha very newest veil which 1* coinn^endwl by the French milliner* Is of flue net wlih snutll dots upon It* having a border fonued of row* of narrow satin ribbon, and when it U put OD reaches quite ta the wiilut. This U odd* lookings hat It caonol be said that mure than this one adjeetlva will attach Itself tn it.

When laundarlug embruldcrrd linen make a stiongsndsar soma white soap and lukewuim wuler and wash the pleivis carefully. Tb- waabboaffl mast not be u^ed; riiioe Imiuedf' ately In lake warm water and tbsti la water tlighlly blued* and hang out tu dry. When half dry lay them out smoulhly on aclsan cloth which hae been laid over a piece of dou­ble-faced white cantou flHUnel, and preas on the wrong side with a )iot Iron iiutlLthey are quite dry. If they are fringed, comb the fringe out careluUy with a mtHlerately coarse otemb.

Ae far ae possible It Is wisest to select ma­terial for piano covers wide enough tu avoid Mtanu. This is especially uecea*ary for the cover uf a square piano. Forluuately there arc a nntiAberof fabrios now obtainable which lend thernsflves particularly well to thlR special decoration. The B^iuan or silk sheet- log cotiiri Iti many ahadeo, blue, pink, white, gold* green and terra cotta pink. It Is about flftyhiehre wide and is rxt>reuielf soft and pliable. Art satin also cuiues in m kny shades. It is nearly as wide as the liuiuau sbeellng. Mallclotli U a little hesvier than the others, but equally lieaiitlfuLailliough a IIUU luurv dlflli'iiit to embroider uism. Ei>;>ecially at­tractive for einbroldBry purpoAe’f are the colored Itiieas. Thsj will be found partini* , Inrly HitiUblc for the covers of upright piano-- ' C'iiina fliik is always available. j

Gra]»e fruit; creamed chicken in scallop sheHs, with rolled bruad and butter; Frviioh chop*, broiled or breaded* with creamed js>la- toes* lettuoe naiad, tTockers and HiccHe and a light tweet of voine kind* I'uffee ur eiiiK-ulale and Iced water or ApuillnarlN will Hcrve fur beverages, Herve lyjffse and ten wlUi the s*‘0 ondcour-ri*. In preparing the grap- fruit cm I t tn liiilves c m SWISS, cut out the hard eotc HDd All In the space with powdered au^ar and cracked Ice.

Fine thread Ince rauglug from a quarter to hair a yard desp and elaborately cut Jets that glitter like ilhuuonds*are liked, not onlyut»mi the black cou-ta, but upon the colored one*, hitvel trimmings In deep friugr^ and flne de- slgua iR steel beads wrought out on blank un are very effective upou gray velvet, while o;i one uf the purple cciata le noted over the capi' of rtne ltc0 and niacbitig to the collar* a head­ing of guUI paineiannisrle with aniethyslssei Id U. nutionN arc seldom seen unless they are used for liurely decorative purposes. The triramiug down the fruai oouoeals the large and useful UuuKS and <^es, and ai the tbrusi there is ntnslly a bow of black ribbon. ChU- fim. with most artistio neult, Is frequently draped over ilie upper iiart of the sleeves whan they are of moire. Fancy sleives are> greatly Uked* aui when they coctrost In color are Invariably of moire* but when thimtTect Is uotalned by trlinmiug. the sleeve llvelf i* of velvet. Personally, I think a very rich vrlvei cnat re<iqires but little trlmmlng.'-/>i<11ra' Htmif JourmU.

C'ttKFKK AMJ t U H FK-lritINKINti,

llls lor ica l klrnil(»ti o f the llerry—The llrtiik Aiuotig M«8bainiiitHlanH.

In the Blldlothlque Nalliiiiale there U a ■ m anuscript (uoar the end »f the sixteenth \ oenttiryt, w rlltcn by an Arab, Abdelca*I dvr. who d e c la rea th a t oollbr wa-i drank ( for the flrat lime tn A rabia In the mlddlo

ot the flfleenth century , a.'.vi the Abrjst- jjrrd rft, o f Copenliafvn, 0 :hem tblivk

that certRln rem arks In Persinn writing imply th a t coffee was used in Per*U as early as th e n in th eentttry* but moet authors dispute these texts. U is com­monly luppoaod th a t the uje of coffee In its carileat home* Arabia, is only dve or six centuries old.

A legend aayi th a t th e angel Gabriel once, when M ohantmed was ill, brought him a cup of coffee. A nother Irgeud says (hat a M oliaiumedau m onk discovered th a t his goats Imsame very lively and full o f fun aDer they had eatou o f the fruit of the coffee (rec. T h is ubeervatlon causHd him to m ake tbe first cup o f coffee. IDs dervishes drank It a t n igh t to produce wakefiiinese when they k ep t vlgll«, Cau- ttuns historians laughed at these tr s ' dftluns and prefer to stand by .\bdel(*eder*s m anusrrlpL This w riter mentions an Arab, Uemaleddln, a Judge In Aden; who while travelling in Persia* or, u (he his- torlans correct th e manuscript* to Abys­sinia, saw people uee coffee as medkiiie. He used H an d was cured o f a sickness. Later* becoming a m onk, he taught his breihretv th e use o f coffee. U w as, (hm , in Aden lh a t coffee d rink ing orlgHiAt«< ' The fakire even made coffoe drink ng compulsory upon their tieapbyUa. Public coffee houses orig inated in Aden* and very early in history.

We do nut find any opposition to the itse nfcolfee until the m iddle o f the six­teenth oeniury, when IheE gyp ttsn Baltan arn t a new governor* C hair Bsy, to Mecca. T his governor kuew iiobhing about oofTee, and was greatly enraged when he saw the dervishee in the mosque drink coffee. H e believed th a t which they did was corurary (o the teaohing of the Koran* and lh a t they became Intoxb cated. He ountuHcd tw o Persian physl clans, who were opposed to coffee. Tney declared i t was a substitu te for wine* which Is prohibited by th e Kofan, and hence coffee d rinking was a violation of M ohammed's law. To prove th a t coffee drinking made persons neglect religious duties they pointed to tn s laot th a t while cuffee houses were m ultiplying the mosques wera em pty.

Chair Bey called a couneel o f physicians* prlents and lawyers* and, on their advice, ibrhade Absolutely the use of coffee. The pullce gathered all the coffee th a t oould be found and burned It in the m arket place, A iterw ard be reported to tlie Hui- (All What he had done and received tbe following note in rep ly : “ Your physi­cians are asses. Our Jnwyera and pbvsl- d sn s In Cairo are better Informed. They recummeiid the use o f coffee, and declare that DO faithful will lose heavon because he drinks ouffee.” A bout twenty years later a man m Cairo preached against coffee, and declsied th a t coffee drlakers were ^ o r Mohammedana*

rARKETl. u L B e R ml E C H A N lC I

1 5Newark

iT a r i In aatld lad rM m VopaTE.

f v m , BOOIM hlOATI.


iijilitm lclit lim it for any nun up to A1U,UUU irithm tw o nioath). 1 am rMdy to puat a forfait, auil will do no at tha lin t iadioatloD from U rlllo that he Bitau. biulnew.'

Galiiart Aiiulliar Folat.It waa a tie ,(ama on the Folo Grouadi

until the elfhth IttiilBg yesterdHy. Then tbe New Yorke, Uirourii un error by MeUarr and a olaan hit by Biti ke, made two runt and won tbe ganie from the L'lenlaudi, The Raw York, gaiued just one paroeiitage point on tha Boeton. and Baltimore*, altbougn all tbre* eluba won. The Boetone ttuael-ed the 8t Louli toaio In rorenie for Tueeday’. d»-

' but the Baltimore, had abard t**k to taka a ball fromthe IjOUlaTlIla tall-enderx Tha aud- don brace of the Brooklyn, hae aerred to mora them up the Inagiio ladder Tery rap­idly. By rtofoalliig Fltteborg again veator- day Fontx'i men paewd the Ulavelanda aad ■re now flftl^ Itut tweiity-llT* poinU beklud the Philadelphia*, who wore tiadly whipped by the Chlcagoe. The Waahinglon. coa tinned their winning .treak by taklag Cln- rinuatt Into camp. The retulM;

New t ork 0, Gloreland 4.Brooklyn 11, Plthibanf 7, ,Baltimor* 8, Louievilla 0. ,Bouton 14, Bt. fxm i. 4.CUcago 13> rhlladelphla fl.Waabiocton B, Cladnnhtl S.

TttX UaOOHD,anbe. ■ Woa.

Boeton..........................Baltimore.............................. 07New V urx,........... ......................... 60FliUadelphla............. ...............07Bi-ooklyn............1...........................06illnreU nd........................................ 0(PlUehurn............................ 01O hloago..,*..................................... IN

p r o i A ^

P lN iO T A M ’5V e g e ta b le Compoundb EposiUTt CUE for Ell tboM painful

A ilm en ts o f W omen.Itarill •n tire lf ourii tbo troret forms

of Fetoala Complalbli, all Orarlun ^n b le% Inflaininatlonaiv] Ulceration, Palling and iHeplacumeitl.*, of tbe Womlb and eona^ iieo t Bpinal n rak- ntaa, and la peoiHlarly adapted to tlie Chang* qf STerytlnw i t will cure

.B ack ach e.I t baa eared m ore oaoet o f lienror'

rhosa than eq t rtm ady th e world baa erer known. I t la alm ost jnlallible In aiieh c a a ^ f t dissoW et toid expels Tum ort from <tbe U tenia In an early atage o f deTeJoptnent, gna oheck*.any


H tenia I- .. _____ ,_ ,iiit, ana chock* anytaudenoy to oanoeroua bumota. ThatB earing-dow n Feelingeanalna pain, welaht, and bitcitache, la lUfUntlf relieved and pnrniwiently cured by Ite uee. Under all cli'ciini- ■ta&cmitaett in barmoiar with the lawe th a t fovern the fetaalo syaieni, and la El narmleia aa water, f t removea

IriegularityiSoppreaaed or Painful Hcnitnatlons, W aaknattof the Btoinacli, Indlueetioa, Bloatinto Flooding, Nervous Frostrr iloDtHaadaohe, Ueneral Debility.

oetra-UoDtHiadaohe, Ueneral Debility. AlsoD In In eaa , Faintness,IxtrenM LaasUndo, "don’t oare’’ aiB xtren ia Laasl

" e r a n tto ba I_____tabUHy, Irri tidiillty, nervnusni

o kba le ft alone" fecllnu, excl-

---------, , ..r ltid itlltf.n ervousnees.ileep -leaanasiL flatu ltn ey, melunclioty. or th e “ b lu ia /’ and bacltaoho. These are in ra Indleatlooe o f Fomille Weskneia,

BtJ+nl*.W u^luaton............ ....................06Loqlsville.......................................U

VanuwH a Fast Stoani Taelu.For tbe past three yean epaemodio elTorte

have been made from tlmato time to arrange a iMaw yacht raoa between the feit steam yachts 'vamouia aad Norwood, and luoideat- ■lly to bring |b* yacht* How Ttaaa sod Van- kae Doodle'Into tb* ooutett, but for sonit unknown reaion something t lw a p sprang up a t the last uilaut* to prsvsnt such a von- t ^ ami up to yeaterday no actual bona flOe rmoe has been held batwssn that* boats which a re acknowlsitged tu be ths fastest of AtiwHoa's atram pleasure flask Yesterdsy, tbrougb the efforts of Frank T. Morrill, the owner of the ’Fauioose. and J. Edward Ad- dkH m toa Baetan oapltallet who owns tha Now Then, a r tc a took place bstwom three two boats on tbs Hudson River, from Fort La# to Venkan* which resulted lu a tigual

ffiMue ilfEtoigeiitaot of the Uterus, o i

W g n i o iH iU b fC S sTbe whtflE ttoiT, however, Is told InI l l la t tn to d book r -------- - -eallh," by llte.

U lna over A»i u f o


} LjBHa E. Plakkini’a Lhtr FllliCBra

I CentllpatlM, MakHaadaehe, SCe.

All dmigltls stilIthsVegtiiileCore-

peand, or ■fn( PV wilt, m form oc pjUa ar I*(iwn|TW* MI retcipl Cf $1


1Special Sale in


1.23 Upholstered Cot, w ith metal strip supporls and helical spring Id center. Regular i .p l .

L - ■■■■ L**

Folding Bedstead, S tee l Mat- traas-wlra w ith m stal strip snp-

, ports, running from each corner and connected by h tlicel spring* Maple frame. KegoUr t . 98.


I»i ^x^ I i.v*.’'iA e ,.tL ii,t in -.T iir staw . (i*nl I sllmail or ‘siertn. rntireiFd isrescii.

(hU^)'IIi* htiFEluikifij ^ultrli laJ I'lock "vtfDal . jutriMt "‘ I*' <UH« anljr an nMk« uhn«1 HllFr J11I.V INM. intiiii will iaava .uorkat »lro-t aiMilOll, Nrwurk. M iwlkfwt ■

riiK a. M.. ibiFyilallr* triiit l*Hllm«ik V#ati hi a I'-tr'ur aud Mit<a|iiiif I'ark.fUr l*1lMb(ira,C’ulutU" btis iRdlaiJkpalla, (inrata diiU UiOa

) laiT M. IVi)MAjrlva:ila t.lmliail, Jail/, r iR- IWKMl atrliMlval.v af lallinan VrailbiUa lrratalii| ftad -iRifriKinn, Mvrp nt, lun.nf. '-tDOktiif aiul itfeh MaivtlLua (.kn, pi*aaalln< niiaaviol r<tURJirmphard and lypFwHlaf■ iMikmoini foF rkafR aFXFs iaiiiMi* utalile aarhar Align, Hiiforv an>l all tkt niuvFnlpr»oa.A ot fcaiaa Of Rftlm ( Ifliiml by Mauvtiarjr ao<1 uiuTdlsi* IIrRU. Arrival( tikawal.M A. M., C'l«avlan4 \,;4 A. M , ClikaioaoU I.M *. Mh HUJa»aiHfiiw A.«t A. M.. inlaJnul. M.

l^UI* M. t hfraiNtRRtiM HiU’i Xx|tr«6avdalFv 1‘ailosjiii VaalUnila rlaapluE and Hnlug C'otllaHt IrOulb, I'liluAff ou<l l,GHhivlll»; VMlJbnla nuKkktaV (^1-ami I'ltaiiantpr (VtarAtN laAt, r.Mita am1e*« t'liMinau 1 ^ 1 a* M. UwMisW J*. AL and (Jlih

V. M. ntit d»r-IL.J K ii. \\Mtarn KxprwM, Uallr* f\ltn»a

VaMitiiUafelari 'tu 7 art lu iHMAburt. i ’hloaio*u.l nHfvlaoJ i'iiiliic < ant to H.ii«iiflpkL\, aitifiliia- buFE lo I'tikofeu. A rr rta at t'l«t alaihd 11.16 A. II,, II) t'ofu M.w i', M. MU day.

lA.ur. « .. .’on»li»»v|.m Aiprw* riallj. IHIIk Dimi \>*libalaHi«a|ilnt i apt lu v.'liKiniuiu ood «L Luiiia i ’Uiinf i ’«r Aiutana Ut ArrivatI'lm'iiiitatlaiHll', M., utduoAjaiUi io.lt y. M. ^ hi Lraam ;.«u A. Al * aFtHiioi uionunf.

i F.ur. M.. rectnc XKuF>«a- Imeiijt, t*nllruaa H«if- fll HfaMimir ('af .Naw Vorh tn HiiaWini. Arhr«R dailv ( htcoft) 7.10 A. H. latrond maraiiw)* biiNT.lt At. aad HavrlAnU f. U. A8h1 r«M#11.4.01', g liaM/, firapl '«alurr*ajr.

I4.A.I t'. M. i.irkmionti ami Iiofivilla XipnaA dfell). Al*a|iara bf Auv^Btaand urlHUM ; l l i fnight, (lotl/j nlafotri la i f kkOiirUUk.

lAkg K il. lUiy far eU lOlaH fVR CbaaagaabiAUk) lUiio noUwaj'. I'.irlMratri IHaliig

A or IHalllnHir*. WoilMiiftiH) aii4 iba aouUt, 1147, tXi, gtr. ii.Mi;i-liaMad ivipiaa*. I*ullnna« \>ttitkUa l',*rior Onro, VFiiiUu a, l^MFRgaf (,'uarbaa *o4 i ’ltiiXf t'O/, M.I; A. u.) II,-j»A. H., tUiLILLII mitj D.IU I*. Al. i-u sunioy, itlY, 1.17, t .« A. U- 4 A, k'i; and ID I*. M, Aor Itahlutufa voljr, LS I'. M. RMbiUn,

Kip. 114;, 441, TlRLILLtr. 1.3I, l.lt (KJi l.lailiail KxprPSA, l*NUiiiao Via- Ubulr I arlitr (tra, V««IU.u]« KaNiaiiigar toocbal and Ltiiiiiii tart. I1.A A. At., ittf, l.'ji, l i tiM. lau, a;7. s .ii aotl a v p. Ai. II X. A. M.. AM aiid ?.M K M


. . . _ . On auiMU/, *vi-atkaa. U47, Lit. UL LM, ML I0.U A. M.: AM. LlLk.7, l.r , xr: aiMl LU P. U. AtcammtMlatloa,LilBi<n.ur AI.

rer I n>iuan, 1147. Ml, T.Ot, J.m. LB. LI7, 111LhiiU^ X '

1 tfk. \'FMttlii)la „ ____{‘anL IMRanAil.U A. M■ «». Lit.

Gas Pipe Bed, W ire Spring end eupporte e im e ee Folding Beditead. For le tv en ts roome hM pitale, etc. Segular 4 .49!

biraa, i s n i s t Crack Vran*, |s Incke* w ifi, weres wire ksitoa • s l edmstalil* hssd-nst. C is he coveted wuk K ii st Upkeltiary.


a n d


Physiciini by the thousand recommend

x io T r x i» ir z 2 a '£ ] .

Wevts-Wirs iir isg , tkies rows st itril tsiarsisd ipirtlsrriBgs nrport- 1D( tbe {sOric ssd a m i stiiss wsvss thm gh it. Sold all svsi at |*.os.


Cash or Credit.V« pay * 9 fttifkt aaywktrt ( i JmtT<

Our wiKctt 4«hvgr laodt for lo nilM ir«iiA«

NOW OPEN.Sp ace w ill n o t p erm it th e p u b lica - . p t t t a t O T T P n n ' O

lio n o f o n e per c en t, o f th e D im e s o t W A i j f S f l OZi UU. 0 m in en t p h y sic ia n s w h o consider

B O V IN IN E in d isp en sab le in treating

all su ch cases . H ere are o n ly a few

ou t o f m a n y , ju st t o sh o w w h at a

fr e a t fo o d B O V IN IN E i s : —

L< n. Swrirmtledl,J. K C.Ooaclld]l. Buitof),J. W. liell,

E. White.J. W. Cnoli'li: * r. w . Hartreitp . W. J. Mariirr,S. D. Dflwejr*W. S. MftTri«(in,S. H. M' Kjre,W. W. Jamrj,

M.D* W»Eh5nri<m, D. C.

Wiierlivu, Id- PHUljur*. J'j. Tyniiity, l>.n. ScranloTi. i’.t.

W'lNhlngti.Ti, |). C- Piunhurj;, Ihi.

Aiclimond, V.iSt. Johit. N. H

TndiinAixiUii. lo'lJ^iladeljilut, Pi.

ffiir itore end fc$ Crtam Saioon,

A T 1 5 7 a i A I l K I i T S T I i r . E T .

Old Stands • 1 h a h k e t mtrektVIU UIU//I/5 ■ BIUIAD 8TUEET.

k U m i T A N M /C /re.T /.F O F ffl 0A U 9M

t e l e p h o n e a o 7 .

T hese and tw e n ty - f iv e th ousan d

others have ta k en th e trou b le to w rite

us s la tin g h o w th e y dep en d upon

B O V IN IN E in all ch ild ren 's illness.

Aold by mH drutf(>ta.THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK.

entitled "Guide to « Plnkham. It ooiw

_ _______pA fei o f most ImiwrtAiitloformgtioTk wUlcU every wotpknyroer*' ried or ilngre* abonld kuow about her* •iU* f f e n f l two-oefib aUmpa for \U fo ?

Kidney Oomplalntetold f i K O ^ e o l H tk tr t t i t lw V«g#-REbM O anpouso. I« wneqnaled.

Toe 4W giblnss hi itrietNt ronfldeiie*,H H A a ruK O M i VV'P to u * M N

W . L. DouglasC U A P lETH EEC rr.O l l w b NOEdUEAKIh&

# 5 . C o r d o v a n .FRINCHd. DI0MEUJLO CALT4iEt5.)«FlNEGAlf&KmAinI3.U P0LIC E,3Sou9.

«2A 7-$B oY ^ sam 5H oa• L A D I E S '


BROCiCrONy MASSw T m fftR iRva mooey by w rarlog tbR

\ y , L i DoRtluR i 3 . 0 0 nbo«4npesMa*, w« trs tfa« lortett tnaoiirarititvn ol

thin irulorif »1mai Indioworul.RUdguarafibeo Ibrii valua by itampitif ibR tiama tno prlp« on tb* iHittoni, wblob protoot yoo agslnit bigb prims anU 1I10 naiilcllPDfER'i prunu. Our sboei rufU m work Id easy flttlog attd Wf arlnf quailtir*. BTaharathi'ro sold avfr/whrr* aUowrf prlnMfo hfl TAiao glvrtt tbsn su f other maka. Taka no suV 1(11111**. If vmir daojFr f ann>K tnpply you. w» coo.

HAldliT W ll. BPFr]4GKK,»47 RroAd ■fe|jo a . .71A V A: Ornngia iis* far. I Ith4i*f P. llKV>l.4M**«|ia.k*4W1irii»ririafl4*lflRr^.| \V. A .A-T. V.AUKNri4HD.1 U m litsf U* II. ri.A H R , Id FrriT al.i II. G. n s I lS I l , 0IIIU b u rl) II. II. BIKHaiAIS, llarr lu B .

WM. K iiAlLEY. Ht'MMlT.



LUMBER!Bailey & Ailing,


A Man Withoat a StomachMay c x l i t««a muoantn froak, bnt mo4t of ug rcooanJxe th<« atomarb or aecMnsrRrr to life aud vmnffirt. Moat of ua azp«rietti.'f* a little troii hit from iblA aourca oc^AAtonally* wron i acilutt ot tbf MtoofRclk oauritu dyapaneta. ate.* apit glieryib« trtiuUe biunda, (avofviDr the llvir anddowaIa* wnetiire wa flml.>bilinn«iD^AAatulooaAtl- pallon. Wa fiitd sIno that tbr bowclB and kid­ney* (hfituru'iRCWAgaAyatem).become floggiK] wnhnftbt^ inattnr, from whinh

I cuiuplalntK. Tb*likl bnglnnliig,

-------- ------ - come irapiif*blood, liOila* blutohRA* p1iiipl#R. ocpofulaji^rofa'' louAAV«Hlbgf aud oanoeroiiA Uurdock Blood B itten tak«& oratauylatAr atogisarreau tbe truiiiiio. itorvR 1 bo dlMirdrrad organ lo oapti rlty.t h«r«-by removlna ev«ry VRatHra of dlacaan. ll.H.H. )a an abountcljr para attract of rouU aud b«rba* wbloh coti not Injure tvoii i hr mo*t doll-oai* oonalUuUon* a u d ...... ...........BIllDunnAM, CoQttipatiOQ, Had ■ucoreda I n W ra*re otu of ]00.

cure for DyaMpala,HhNxf, rio,

R U P T U H E C U R E DTh« limpruvi»rl ElMtlu Trua4 1a Uw only tru.ii

tn oilaUnce that Ir wonb aboolute tmn-w__. .a... ratulufi the niplnrij

■l a1lRgveentifort ulabb and day* ball u n d a t ^ hardret etaraee «r . . . . . .*um1 wUl affoot a MrrciaUiviU and iMAdyoui without regard fo \M Hgaol tbe pdflauL U. amltkAtfcm freo. Lady lA attoDtiatM lor i

'*'**■ U «U l^ £tM £L A »T It) TRM^S W ,HI 4oa i l Itrow'way. wr. U '\ st., N.Y



To (jiiPeiiKtirivn am i Livorpool anti o tiio r pointa lu



T I C K K T A G F a S T T N ,

800 Sroad St.I ir a r tN a n d m o n e y o r d « r a t«> a l l

p a r t s o f t h a w o r ld .

NORWICH UNE.Inaidf* liontc* via Kow londno* for

T ^ o H t o n , W o r o t ? H t o r ,I'HDVIDKNOE. F.AHT AND NORTH.

OnlyiH m i rout* for WATCH inidi.BLOOK IHLANI>, aNUHWU;il AND NEW lJ)NnOM.

New t wln-acrrw iGAraf r (!IT Y GF lyOWELU and CITY d K WOUCKsTKlt, in cuminiiAtou* Iflavhiiir rii’f 40. N. H„ naxt L)««ifruMaH at., at 5;IIU 1*. M., wci’k dayn only* cfipncf-litia wiih vrelihulcd ('ipri'nti rrainA, N. V. and N. E. It.ll.

Tlf‘k<*ta and atatrnxmiA on p1t*r and al HVl Hruadway. A Aaf orchuatraou each Htramer. Tahir d*hute fliniirr.


EAST, Only line t'ounei'tlnx w l.‘ ihrotiab IMrinr rara to thn WYIITK NTAINS Hitaainar Cmmertlmt and M. -Achii»-ttn JCAVO NEW I'lKli ii , M. K., on# idtjck ah'iva Cojiril At.* Al VJliP. Ms daily EXCKl'T sl'N - pA'^ ; iluA iTuvIdoni'P, A A. AI.; flui* IViatun,

A. M.: (hia Wori'»*abftr K A. Si. iHijmlaya iWAf A. MJ Islm, Wiille Moiuiialu Etproho, duo rahyiui'a 4:?I0 I*. M. Full ntkfhr'N rBnt, Abureral rail rldo, FINK nllCIILSTKA un each iluauiirr

k t o m n g t o nIr»ald« routr lf> Konl. Only ilircrt fjoiind

rrmio to NAIIHAGANSKTT MlEK ami WATCH HILL, Kl«am*'r*g Maine aniI Nfw llaiutmhlrn IrAva N>w I’inr att. N. U., ttlD K M, dully, INl'LrnhNN « l NDAY.

STEERAGE RATESr e d u c e d .

CuunrO Line* WIiHh Htar Uuft, Aoiarlcaa Lina and othprii.

For Urketi nnd Information apply to M A R T IN R. D E N N I S & CO.*

Kurupruu SluauiaUlp Aic«uti.774 BHOAD 8TUEET, Newark, N. J.

LEH IG H V A L L E Y K A IL R O A D .Market Ntatlnit.

T.Si A. M.ilally for Mnucii Chiirik Amlrotirraa dial* itAiluNi- i'oiHiarilDa aarept i4unitijr, fbr iSnurUla aud ltMdb*lf-

(14,• A. M-daUy ’ - Mottara Eaili,

' j f l f

/or (lanori. ltnobyil«r. HulTbkL............... »§i*nilon lirl’lt* aail tbt Ww«|,

aral priiK jiai KMai ilJaUki ear tu Wllxa**L»Mrr«, t^Jlutui paiHof car to.nfiiralii.

A'flf A. M dally, Fipopi Miiiday, fbr Uauob ■hd iMiirin diittt* Cuntitrikina lor 'and Harriubjri. . ; _ ^

\tA i J'. dHUy, f^rbipi^urulajr, for Cmlraaoi] ill mtermvdlalM wliitkMK C'oanAcllotpi far villa apd tiouflli-.ii cnalr n r to ivLikfWdorrv- ..

f.V r. M-, '1 ri^und Urouk abilInlrrmnllntA p

iU P. 31. vlally. ^nllday, for Uaodn.Junrllooi Mid prluclpai lalrrmodUlo lUtloiti | ruU- mao-HfifTat I’arinr ihir tu Wllbuttorra ; comMCiluui lor I'oUmrilla.

A44P. .u.dallji fxctpt Hiidrdiky and Huuday, foi Mmli Plain nalA adiI loUkriuodlal* ntatlona

5.441’. M. dally for hauiw aid luttruMOlata tiuna*

(I.M i\ M. iialiy<riiirMian v, U.) tat BofMos MMAta KalUand OJl poluli Wpti, Pullman iloMintr, vrimlHJJa iraliL. Yurk to (hkogo, ilorpar gtiinilo, ciynoMilona fbr atodlncaad liarrittiurv.

t.O) 1’. M. dully, ax urptHaoday, lur UMicnubunk and liitariiMiUalr iUVuim,

u tn r. M. dally iur lihora, (4«nagra, But'Uamr. piiCThk), •N’lagara tail* and all pelgiw Wo«i. Puth man tioatio/A to chlOrtfoaed JIurTkia unolroor .NOW York to wdt(rRbarr»(w«ak doyny

Additional 'iinitar irolot II.;I4 4. M. lor Waiwb ( bimh iiiul tutuvlil* and all laiarirodlaio aiortlOIM

Tlrkebi and I'utinian r.i’romitindaUoaA aireatf lylrotda bollruad Uopol imd TB Bread itreat.

'IbaAfW Yorit nanoibr looipaay will caU for ■lid rhorit biviaxd freiu boiai or naWaudt tbfoufb to 4i*Un«tl4ia*

Jl,«4 1.14.0-'A7 l-hnliod kiyrtMo. I'uJliuaa VMillMila IWor

f’M, .Ui ......... . ......... .........

Mu, kTI, .14. 4.KI aud X40 V. M. Mimlay.II*?. u%. i.fst, i j i Hill ifl.u A. 11.: A ii a f f .i ik Ari, i.ti, (i.tSaiid :ill p. M.

For AOtnilci Itr-Xlf P. with Tlirmffli Poll* man iiuilvi iVior .('Hr aiwl Day ('uootM* wreK daia44'< A. M -UBilfinu

FtiiFiana May, ln.IT r-ainrdayi anly\ ll.M A JC I.J», a 15 V. Si. wi'rk'tlajra

Vitr l.uni Rraiwb, Kiliartin. Aibory Fbrit.nroae (krova Hfjrliif iaVr, nmI liln. MaiiaOHiian. IHdai rfOaNanl and fmtniii on tb* York aqo loMHninoti 1 allrtod, I.M. T-4B, S.M, inzu A. M.; IXtC ].U<H*iurda.v% onlyi. Itt. X.ii, 4.14, 4.44, 4-14and? r 1'. U. « ■ HaiHiay 4k in.iv a . .u , muJ vW P. M. l'ni>ot»iop«( rranitrova or Aibury ForKodi Wunday.

For ro-oilda IVk, fria4>l ri*lxhii and toor i blr»r. 4.A fM A. iM and 5.44 P M. w«alC‘< darn returio/ 1 nitly. Alt p. i«. Parkoitl), 1314 r. M. woak lUyt, aiolaya lO-l* A. M.

far RfiMriii, wtibAui oliaacd- 4>td P- K- wwtb- dayao.lA P. 54. dally,>nr1inoliiyn. N. Y.-AH Ibr ovh tralaicnanMl

■iJoreay (1tT wMd ht«u of •’ Brooklyn Anobi,*'■ mtnilriff dlrort iiaiiafir la and from FtiliMi Wfoia •viddlns doubk l•rrlaff• and h>uraoy ocrow tb« «(y.

PORKAWYOfllC.■ I.«. M7, a « . U l 4.^. r .^ 7 » . 7.4*. kill. 4.10.\t<, f.ia AIKA41, 4.47,

.•**.';*“* Afll, .S4AAI*.MT, 4.iA,«jCT r a . M i . T 4 a , u n , iftfn ia « ,iu 4 P . i t . ■Ml 11.07 nkbb xiitMlny trvtno. L it A4t, tag, tag a.U. J(Mr, I(\*n. J0,4a ll.oa ll.M a . ¥.; IXIt lll%

ikr. 4.AA.4W. 4,00,^**. a*i.7 ja ,7 .» li5 .? * AW. moft. in.aa W4S P,

t i.♦•raratilFa. a . . . .i.- AtaMun. IW, t u*■ 'L**- >■« toi.in , C J i x i T , a n . I.M end txer p. j t

erei dnyi.rhMtnot eirret kuiIod, HI. LH. XU, ML

LT’.Lrt. » 14. •-»!. I-M. I4M, ta ilf; 440, ^*4 414 7.D*. 7.14 S.37.kix mOLH i? Ti S - . •“* "’v*’- e i t I.**. l.ti. XHISA I0.B ll .« 1. U.; Itll, 11,17, l.H.I,u,t4V41LJo'tiV iSinV pV ."' *'*■ ’■>4 7 .a 4 » ,u L 4 i . .

iM nSinitidw rea lleilon, &HXH XU7.S7,T.», (.u*. Ml), Ml, all,e.»l SM, 1II.M *, M.; t lH 1114,1.71, l,M .11l,liLI.I4,eit 4«t, 0.41,li t . 7.4L M4. MMUOP. M ., 1101 itlcIlL LOS, a n

M l i t m i H l.a,l4I.X 4a 4|44^*4i.»a M4,>4I,4I4 M l 7.U,X«.LU, s j

rH' M NARKrraTRtiKTeTATtlllL“ 0 BsOww, IJL S4I, JJftl.H

ll .« 4. )4.: I.gi, lWl.U*,4uS,41k 04* 4 N. 4 A 4 ^ uo. Lie. Lia m ixerupspi taiurd>T 1,XIXiti, 141.1,47,7.‘oT7.0t, S.lll, e « . ML4W.SJ4, laiL 1*11 ii.u A, N.. [tie, Me. 1044.U. LUL 4H 7.SL l.li, 7.1,, 4H 40*. n i . 1 1U7 P%l,.a,Kl ltl7 olsht ‘ '

hor Kllwl.ui „„|J. t,.j| A. *1. dsUy: asr a . K.eti4 itM .c l *.«| P, „ , wwUt-n -

e w . t n Xl>.).iL " UiH

.. . . . ...je-<iariIII hew HruiMwIsk. i .47, t4t7i.1

end 11.11 *. if.: 13.11,1.14, US. M t,etl,7.»,m .sm 1io,h p M.

l.4i.7.«rtT.>aM7All,anLW, LIVLII, L*>,L>L___ _____ _ .jilay. UttTi

f M2- *•’.* *“* ’411 A. itr i i u T ic 0(x7M.S.U1 MJ.irt II,,j jc.Fnr WndlirM^. | if *. «., |.*l 414 401. 7,or ■« I

443 p n , TOkrtvi, aund«7aio.ii.iM ia.tL , tnd MOOP. If.t'srl.rlh AinlHr,l4L 411, T.ia, IH •■11444a.

J l . . . lu i . i a ,4 i ,4 * .a 4 ) o F t.« sm 411 P. N.in.l ilienlihL Iin^uuiteya 44L liLU, ILtI e . II..i.H■iid la n p h ,l or lau UlOiiniw. 7.01 A. If.! 1U4 LU aad M l

i*. II., dail,-, 4x0,*) Minds*.For Ktngoioiisui) HiiokrItilU.Va, ILMidLtl

P M., ds)lj, 4iM*t’ od)|r.Forl’)illil)>«)n,r*. ).s.)uuud )4ilT).1sm. 7.HL ILII

A. M ust XM.433 P M. .undajl. 4 0 P H.fr.r I smi«iriTli)4 7..M, li.« A, M.; I H 4t»*a0 133 PM. miMlsx.ln )., M,Knr Kl.oilnflun 7.D). | | JS A. M.. Sad 4M P H ,

deU> H<*wL-.uada r.

4-W P, M, #o«vk-dara N»tnriU)'!» unly. M l P. I t ► imdaya.kJT d .¥ . For i-rrebold only, toUP. j t a«fk-8lafA.

A vr>HK TO x k u ah k ,For.Vtiaark, J,», Ano. AJia Atl.7.11. 7.0. 7.df>,tlt

lo.iu, io.«u. ii.no, 11.40 A, V,: ixio. il«a 1.00,1.41, 2.00, *4*0, ■•.on. 4.io. t i tf 40, 4.M, l.un, A30, *..to, A4A(ikaoFjki fsalur4o^5 t-Tt d.io. ii.io, «>», t4u,7.uii, 7.kj.Ms, an, m.it ii.od,iiJi

ii.i5nUiJitUbi. aiinnoy ttaia*. t l t t ’l) f.iio. m , io.fjo, id.ki, ti.uE ii.m A. " t m ul-. L4.;liK*2.<it*.an, 4.«t4fl.'VV (1.4.1, 7.01, 7.*0. r.4t, S.tif), *1,10.f.iio. m , io.fjo, id.ki, ti.ui. ii;m ’A.M,: \iM aiMia

' ‘ “ * ' 14J0, t o t L it to*. „ • ..................... ------too, deSt I0.U,LI.J1K Ma, Mil }‘An nrldflliriit,

r»r fiirrhor infurinaiLon am Umo-lablM. t« twbai Al Ui* iluttot od|i'«e<i. 1 irkHtt bkr hU golau oa ltd I rnntiyivaiiia Kallrjod andi'MmtfWslifaN.aikd brribaAnttlunt aa'l liofyara rbHL'k* at iha combaarifofrlnw.Ko. 7W nromt itrooi, or al tlcktl uno* aI Harliat Htrret Htau,>n.

»f. rHkVfatr. J. R. WOOD,(■tn fal Uanofer. narM ral roaaaniar i«nL

I'NgNTHAI- IIATIsHOAD (rr NKW JKRMgY** \ Aniiiracilt coal uwd aietoArrety, iiwuflag eiaamltM«« Nnu oonilbil 'llnurMU la ^ a t jo if

faltii loara Brood aiid FbriT rirrei •tiUodtW.W. 16.IH. (U {

KM. auxiOaya 7*0, 84tt.AT. LI u a. m.- 1 ia

For rvlljt, at t1*. T.IA, 9,'d. n.9t 11,1* A■*‘’ T il M t

xW s I U T h n"3;r^ *-Far FlHnihiHon.7.U )(« A. M.I l . i t t n t i t P.

U. Huidavi. 4,10 |>. M, louV< r hiatU tu H lfli tbf------— ...,,s [Iridm, mnoaeUai

riitlun* tin Hl|ti Itrldai Brauu inti Lak* Wo__M ai|tlt* .M A U ; U t la i p. K, hUiidaVa.TTI

“ rin Uni NSW J4n4x<'annl Hr1>»n, treiun. a»li|4)i.a,, A)lFStnws anrt Maujli ttiuoit. 7.11, 1.M. it.M A. M, w Vxi-on I.UL 4.1J iBuirrt 1 arinr n,n, loi i rtslhi Pmia. (Mrl ( w |I“h ’'““ ’*>'4 7.10 A. M.,1,11)

K'.f W llkreiisrm , I 'lip ion liwI !.erai3idn, 1 04 a M.. ).)4 1,11* )•. M. 1)0,ita i-srior r«"

to»i4i>-!rs U ,1 Wiiiism>)MH vie 7..W A, JL. l.H 3.10 p. \L miw

, NKW.tllK AKn iri.IXABlTI) HUANPFl J tslB» I4SV4 Droai) Hinw) Atatlan fur Klluestk

Mf.’ •' nJiwi>4iS|»in oiHr.M4;;?S ,, I lli.»l"i)ilH)ri onij, e » , S.M. Ml,10.U.1, 14H, ll.Oi), 11.i'. X. SI.; fiiv I 11 U l3. W, «.0S, 4.W 4.4, llMl»ll,,„„,V.„lyi4.43 S l il.H 4«l( 4H T.ll, T.1.1 K,40, 1404 IJ.ls 1', st numtkji., 7.SO, I,-., 11.04 .yj,, . l|wi„.tnb„.i oi.lri

^ s‘-; i .H iH 4 i i i'Sr '"'’T'l' 446. 404 7.-J0, I.IL

Fur iHriu Am»»oy. LI.K Ari. HSV UAl M.: I..71, -ive. 4.(A 4 .1 M, *.,10. 0,J) y.’j.y p jjj,dayaaiJA a . ar.: MV 4.10 KM.

For Ikiyntiii) lira-ii, Air, lalV H,*t d. It; (.11. iW -W fl’ M

For Allatilkc KlfhlHadi r la Alatawoa, d,U. L i t it..n A. M ; 1.U- 4.U1I1.4.J} p. n. iioiJayL v u a.14 A.M.: 4.L0 I'. U.

Fur Fra<‘buU1. t?l, ll,X1 A. f.; I.lv OlOp It FoThrd Flank, l.onx ltraa<-b, «>r«ia <(rov«. atOre

f tift trt Had Hanky *.23. In *\s..t4, 4.10 P. M. Kiitkdayt. 11'apt *9 ureab

GretP.AO.'i, f '2* A M.: l.tA, ill) K V. re ..4 r.AKPW<*OH

A m"'' .M*4Vs |''‘s!"''“‘For VlnnlaoU ami Hrldarian, i.*s p, M.Fur Ailanlio (1ly, i,*.> I’, iJ.

NkWa u K \Nl» NKIV Y >KK. rrom ilmail an>F Frrry ftirwn''tailoni -AtLU

tfn.fJO. *-(0, 7 ik| |7 3( 7.4-J* ■‘■W. o.4J-LOJ.I.lLI. 4U, lOK), li.w A. .q.; IM F i t ; lllu. l.nrt, |,U). 2.IKI, ’i*), LUO, i;Vi, 4. ,, i,m. VOi. LI»,S..»5jaoft.il,1il.L«, J.|J,7.41. T.Vf, AV>. S».V*. IO.UII. &JP. M.; D W, IlliiiilirhL Huai)ay« Aim.r.OVLVA *.U0. 10.110, It.CAl A- 1J.U0 if., i.Gi, |.I0.10U,LUJ4. (4). L<l0 A.f»i, T W, S.00. H.OU, lO.OO. II f|0. Ui>j \\ ,VL

Jf«ava N(*w Yorli from Juul uf |.ibr<r y titrofti AtA41 T.ILT w, 7.41, Mi, a.5n, LM, 0.U

10.0t), lOsIL lL*<i, 11.u), il.w A. M.: llOi M Il4t,I. 1*. i.|o. lOi. Lift, 3.*j a.vv ti». A.vt, liv .v*l5. M. .V*ii.*.*Nt. A3.fj.ii, 7,uf>, 7 211.7,4*, ti. tt>, 9}>,II. l*. llia> K M. •‘uiidayN-4 00 7.0), M0, iyL, h o ) Haw a . M.; itwM.: i.mj, un. <.<)«, * , o a j iMO.I.OO.LnOiM), 10.00 11.01, it.Foil . FUJ^AIiRl.J'rHA. liALTlMOhlC AWO

WAHHINuTny, HOVAt HU’K LiXi; yor J’bMaditiphla um| traoUm, T.*V kOl. lO'iL

r il .is t to a p t I’ljUmlalplilaj A, *' ‘ “— *....... ^ ............... 7,,J(il.liAi

1 ,a f. WMblaifLun. liM* il.U %. M.;s . “ •

For ('OaiionoMea, N*w (irloaM and all uulali ^ulh, witb ihro’ifb v«H||tMlaa sloaptrA Tl* ■'«liaa- Mimoh Valliy tin*, al K M. nutaU]^ M l

Tkreucb ihtktii w a ll prtQClual iwtata a t Iowa** n w t or* oa »al* a* Brooti -HtaUuML i. II. OLMAUhR.V, II. K HA/dDWiJf*

t*n. NUparloWiHHiiL Uaa AtfMti

ERIE RAILWAY.D x r o T p o iih t h avK . s,i,i p a h s a i u h t ,

t’onadotiui irolms Ioati oa WUuwi-WlWa UK AXD FAIKliHOaT

i^ la ^ ^ a w k rof l-ataimi*,-./•* --e.evaa-aaal

’“ * * .* ■

7 . i 'n v 'v r f « ? L ' t s t t n .4H e .u <Bi. to.u r, M. fwndar,. 40L a l l

10.» A. Il.l 1,10, 4D0, T.H 10,1) P I t I'lHk AJU .VKW.rtmit

t.riiT* N ™ rk -ll.l«,*»,«, 7,a,‘ T.St 40V 417.I S J*-’* i t i . ' i H Loa L » a n

11^ r;.” ; .«. ’.‘.'"'.’f'' e * it ie a.M.: 3.0l. 404 aw, II.M p M.■ WWS.M tb'-... 4._-b AS'.L.. I_.,

.OyOAblWIi koAM _______dayL3,2f A. M. YMUbola Umitad ioiirea Nowark* 1.41 P.N. MmdAri..tot r> M. uromn runk pmm Idava* P. V. IM F. M.( biooca Kiurrai loavM ffa«rark.L97 P. M. now doya. aU K m.

For tlck«lK, baavigw onntki, ilrei^v oar lomttaiL tlmrioMw, call al tha (Ity TMal < nttbiv ive Morkwi •irari. T«i*^iouaU, oraiMaUon.

fbr e x tra 's tarffi tirv^atton mmAm m odiNirUM mmiihUaUnuiXptHmm onvtUmtbf at 4tew ap> ptarinffin m tl oiAtt <Mlp, mtd aenatdireNy more •a Man (tew la itny jraMMad er adrew



m T R I P T O T A R C E r S .

Prom Port Yellowotojn O r*r tho HoaBUin* In Soaroh ol Elk.


U n rth t PvrU m i

WUleh ukI 8ll*nt

CUurcIl kdO u d UlinriiU Trail T tarrU -l'n rIe Julin Vanrujr T u itill WooilT, Ilia tiiild* •■d Old !»■ dlu) Flgliiar—Th« Story of Iho Woman Who Wai llrltor for a Wow With anUar.

luul tliOH to do that fully I *ra* at Ilia biittnm illy atiHal haililiia at . Thia w ii thii la»l

K. Houfli In Foroat aud straain.I( wan Ttry pomr<d'tah!a a t Fort Vallciw-

atcinalntho giKjd hao>U of f'aptnin Andar' ana. tha poimiianding offloar, and for in.T part I did m t i-ara U) laava aiUi«r tiw inrlt ilwlf or lliat inrti'in thareof in wldoh t « tlian lofotod. valnahle war* tb«aad a n of raat at tlia tor darint; tliam I laamed atill mnr« of tha Umrnugh mnthnd by alilch lb« park la fO»ertH«l, of tha |wr- faotcd «y»tam In form, and <>I tlw pftio»lnk- Ing and (^jiiadantloui labor irfon im l by aaary branrh of tha imlltary iKxly to wlioae i-ara tlm groat praaerTa liai baan haudnd otot. t'ajitaln Anderaon, with s.mia qoiat chucklan, toU mo bow aonifltiniaa t^ptam Hcott, whoaa troop waa atatlonod. In t t» tourtat iwaaoii, a t tha Oayaar ItaaltM of Ilia upper )nrk, bad ftajnd ocoaaloa to maka aome axubarant brldafnami, who had wrtttau bla nanw and that of hit balo»»d on a ga) tar formatloB, walk bark tw iuty mllaa from tba a n ta ln ita ttatloB and arruh out liu Immortality by inaana of toap and bruah.

Our raat, howarar, wai not of long dura­tion, for It waa thought Iw t to maka tha trip o rar to tha wintering ground of tba allt, a i that a paraunal laraatigatlon oonld ba made aa to tlMlr nnmban. Thn would taka t» orar toward Um nortbaaat comer of tba jark to the rciintry about Yanoay'i and tba Kaat Ifork bayood Yanooy'a Tba diatanoa to Yaaeey’f waa twenty mllaa, to to made In otia journey. A Clilnook waa ou and •hoelaf bad now lorono aimply awful. Mr. Haynai had baan orer to Yanray'a and da- ■rribad It aa tba woral tlnw ba had aver had la tala Ufa W ith thia ouUook wa did not faal • x a b a w t over Um trip.

It waa about 0 o'olouk of tba morning of Marab !kt whan we left tha poat f nr Yanoer’a an ambolaniw balng aaiit along fur tha nrat itaga of tba Joumty. Itllly took along bla big oamara, and wa both h u In onr parka tba naoaMary a rtlrlra Wa bad alung tbia lima P rira ta Hunt, C'aptaln Anderaon bar'

it tha rhuta, whereniy look uf aatoiilahTuent.ftbaru drop down lnb> th* Ikirll a Out, jV a all got handiKiini) oroppaia bare, but theamiw waa aiO and It didu t uiattar.

W ere In the (lilt now," aaid llnlyi and mat the aama aa at Yamey'a. ll'a fire mllea, Jilt erery inch uf ll’a down hill."

Wtlli this latter ataileiiient we were later illa|ioawl to agree, bu t witli the ^ n t l f l itateineut that we ware aa good na there, wa bad nuae to dllTer. tt'ohad a frUhtful time getting down that hill, and were heartily glail when thIa part of the day't Journav w aa over.

( in Ibe leal alaep plb h Juat abore r unrey a Hilly baik to the wooda, and aitUug down lai hU akta alld down tb ougb a t hirket of (mak­ing aai». 1 walked or ploughal down th" alaeiiaal |iart of tha run, rouilng on Hunt who waa lyiug on Ida buck In the anow, reat- Ing attar a tumble. From below Uiere came a h ia n j paal of laughter a t bla nilahap, and I knaw that at Uat we were e t theebJ of the march. We then all got upright oil our akii, and rau down with a llooriah

the two log rabluj, In frimt ofP>which abaal the onlire |a>]«daUon of ''k a n -

ckibsliitlng of UiifU Joliii pt*-

Erletor In general; Taawlll W'ooiiy. the well- nown uiouutjua mau and guide; Hriiwn, tha

cook, and old HIU Jun ijt who on* arabiu juat bark of Yaiiuay'e, and a atablo for the in«ll-rarriai"i botaee. Nor rhoujd I forget 1'iiele John'a two etaghoanda, rlnkie and tlraen, fli» apecluwna, albeit of tourb-aiwl- go teiuueranient. Bill Jum p baa a dog alfii, whirh may or may not be a Ktaghouiid. liinkle and G rten llrk liliii no eajiy that he It afraid to rail bla loul bla own, and ao takea it

lIKIIOKIIOnti, KliniiU, B.vrTLhaNAKKaTim H um or th a t la In Ka<h of the f r r a t -

urea Kiplalned.From th e Kaenlng Hun.

" I ’vo alwaya noticed a funny thing about ratU etnakea,’’ aaid Uncle t'a l Hhep- hord, the bunter-humoriiit of the S lnn^ mabi ning. “ A» for th a t, though, I’vu noticed a heap o’ funny thlnga alxjut ratltraiiakea, aa well aa o th er anakra, niid thing! that a in 't anakaa. liicluJIn' brara and roona, and not forgettfn’ deera and hedgehoga llcdgehoga la btniilcr than ftoga, but they don 't know th ey ’re funny, like ftoga doea, Tho frog la lunny, and he knowa he la, and keepa It up JIat became he knowa. But tho hrtlgeliog’a lunuynora roinea a different way, and l.e’a a<> darn aolemn when Iie'a funny th a t It niaki s .you laugh all the more. One of the funiileal thlnga a hedgehog doea It not to ciiiiib a tree when you cut hit tall off. lie ’ll climb a tree only loo quick If you rt.m'l cut h it tall off, but when he a ta i^ up a tree and you chop off hl« tall h a ll alot. right there. Ila won’t go another Inch, but he’ll hang o n to the tree and

iriGIIT W ITH AK (K^TtiriA.f'lahermea Vonquer tiM bew Monater After

a Faarful Plglit.From I ha Han Franoltoo K xau tner. •

A huga oclop iu w as holalad on Flshcr- maii’a W harf on T uaadk j afternoon from Captain C hariot CoUlua'a boat, and the four membera o f th e eraw shuddered aa they bandied It and to ld o f th e ir terrible flghl fat out (kora th e land. The roouater covered a targe aectlon o f the wharf, and lu long ten tacles w ere avoided by the curious crowd. £ v e n th e Italian Usher- men who baya beooroa accustomed to


look at you as aoloinn aa owls. And un je» you take him dowOj ho'll aUiy th e rc tlln m

out liarkiug alatraugera.ulTt» papulation now nearly doublml by our

advent, adjourned Indoon, W’e were et

T in, and a very plmsant hen* wa Wieey cabin, with llihlar.lng flrr,

Ita abundaut h » r ty food aad tha gancral ‘ K iTty. Thera

rtyot free-aud-eaay W aatem huepllallty. w an tunia aadiUat and aaddle-blankett on tha

tag detalhal hdin In tilace of l.srten I I -------_ bava often had occasion to ailmire the

skill of the real tt'o ttern mountain tiwmater, which la tomethlng no Underfoot ilHter can appreciate wltiiout seeing, A UnderfoiA tsametar would have tu r n ^ Itack a t the end iff (be flrat halt mile and callatl tfau road Int- paaaabla, (or tba iiudaa w an breaking ibrough, planglog and wallowing shoulder daap In the aaow. Our teamster took It all cowy, Btvar hurried hia mulsa, and let them take tW r lime. Tboae bsaata teemed skilled and taplaot also In thia sort «t work. They acanrif naver to get rattled when they went down nearly cu t eight In the snow, but lay ■till and took It easy till they got their hceella, end then alowly and isirefuUy triad It for a tew yards furU er on. By this curl­ew Illustration of an ailapUthm to eiivIroB- ■Bent, wa got oa ilowly e n n in far aa the Qardinar River and a little way up tha hill bayond, to a piAbt where t t e boow ww tw

(or th* UbkiA baij[h fo rtb e sk la The atxiwww meltligt

n n d and not on top, as wa•aough akwg I Ita rw d b yalong the gn:

‘ r fluwater whan wa got out to

uoiping through Into atraami ofsit to hi____ _ lelp the millet.

We did not ibire take many ehaaoat aOcnitselling our feet wet In the valley (lata, out b e n on Hie hlU the enow was not ao bariL ao after leaving the team we walked on foot

-------------- -uii-H lll, Thet to meet tkll-


Marly to the ton af t ta Oardlner HUb - ■ V, cfiurA

r ^ c n ,h iIda taam vrith a tied np tbn blU. Cliurcil

maB-carrier, Churob. ferbape tnl winter driver in that r w

took a hunkboarS to tha point when wa left onr team, then left th t bucklmard and took tobltsisil. Wbanhaoould gat no further be hitched hit horaet and took to bla skis. Ha carrisd tba Yanoeria aud Hods Butte mail, and waa rarely bentnil In any weather. How he (Ud It waa a myatary. Tba inow ba |iassed through and orar waa from three to thirty

and ule (allow who wot wlUiiig to light Pmkla or firaan for a hhuiket could make

hugelyuorocri back uf the Bre eXeCuUva

comfortable In the warm Hare we went intohimself

l-'A 0. ....------ —........- - - ,Ion of story-telling, and few

parts of our stay In tba lin k wrra plaaaanterban the days a t Yaauey'a

Uncle John Yancey, who ii a Kaolui-lilan by blrtb, h one of the faaturaa of tha I'ark, lust a t much as the geytera ot Uie Canyon. My imptsiselou is th a t na was thara Isifore the (Muyoii waa Bnlahad. Ha la on# of tha few parsoni who are allowel leasee In tho lairk, It tseng In hie oats thought wall to U v e a id a c e li that part ol tha uar|l when, •now ky1 of KccoimiXMlAtluiiN ciiuld Iw h4il bv travallsra Here there la a little gardaa a row or two, and alwaya a 1*1 and e g(Hsl plain talilo. Home of the vary Isstl trout Bshlng In the park Is near Yaiirey’saud ll;n place SB otm ot the preltlsat and meal pleas- aut of all the postlhle stopping places.

One time a clllaau sariouily offended Uncle J(ihn, who didn't like the way lie acP'l around the home.

” 1 wui a g r(« t mind to kilt that (idler lavaral tlimw," said Uncle John csbnlv, in telling about I t " I reckon I would a-klll»l blinon’y l didn’t want hini layln’ arouiil bare ontll 1 (smid g it word over the fiost all’ have some one come over an' remove him. I felt very hostyle to that feller."

Uncle John lovee a good jiika and oan tall oiM on hlmecir If needa !». He tells on# about as oiperienre of bis which happen nd when be waa younger."1 wm liv in 'in jdiasoury than,’’ said ha, ’an’ I reckon wui a kinder wild young fel­

ler. You eas, I w iu guin' to town (me day, an’ I bed to areas a river, an’ they wus im y OM boat tbera, which wus owntd by some folks who lived cloa’t by the river. Tha owner wasn’t to bonut but hla wife win, Khe wus a great big wuinan, 'bout six feet high and big proportionate. She wua Mvager

H ervislo ilaalb. ib a t ’a one thing that makcB the hedgeiMig funnier than the frog. The frog roulilu’t climb a tree, not If he Irled; nnd Iflie 1It, nnd you out hla Util off, there woulont bn anything left but the back of hia neck and his amde. Then he’d tumble to the ground, and aU lit* fuunyneai would be

**o*Bulthat funny thing I've alwaya no­ticed shout raUleeiiakcs Is that If i m trout flahln' aud trout la I’ltin good I m alwsya sure of Unitin’ lot* «n‘ <»ratllerl, hut If the Irout halii J bltm go<m I don’t run across a “J . k . i-Ti1 don’t know why that la, but there hidn t Ik th in s ! know *bnut raUleinak** that a any ni»r» d«-ad open and ihut tacU Ibaa th il. Then, agin, there haln t no troiH In uiiv coiinlrv where there halo t rattle­snakes. T b it’s tol'ablo lutmy, too, but It's true. Hut there's rsUUwimkea plenty In pnuntrloB where there ha n t no trout, ehnwiu' that It bain t trout that the ratllem has lo have or else not live there. I seen a ratlie- Hiiske lav for a young hedgehog once, ana throw bis J iws over it and try to swallow It. The quills o 'th a t *;*?«*

an' auy young woman ought uacherl to be. 1 ast her fW tba Ixiat, an' she said ’ No 1 ’ et If

and they’shoved thcmsalves up throng the top o’ that Tattler’s head till H lookedthe top o' — ■ .like my old woman’s pin cushion atucK lull o’ needles. Ami I llmughl that was funny. The rattlcsnako dldil t, can** he died not long after lu st young h«pKf" hMg siiick In Ills throat amt socked ItiiiiilUe tlirougli the rsUler'a liesd. But It <Inlv allowed how uiioonimon funny hedge hogs kin be, lor when I cut that young on loose from the ralllesnake a jaws he tiegaii to awell aildawell and awell till It wawi’t long '.ore he wai aa mg around as a punkin, and tho w y hla quilla atuck out every which way. If 1 d a come oil to that hedgehog without knuwin' what had happened to him I’d a thought I'd found the father of all chea’nul burra After he’d swelled till he couldn’t awell no more, the hedgehog busted like a Fourth o’-July aonielhin’ or other, and the way quilla and piece* o’ hedgehog showered around there fer inebbo a mtnute jlsl about made me awell up and buat. loo, I hud lo laugh ao. It waa the p’ison the rattler locked Into tbo htdkobog ih t t done I t Hedgehog la the tunnieat thing there la, 1 tell you. H’poie a trog had Irled to do that? All tho lua thero'd baen

looking upon Um terrible flab kept a t a reapectftil dlataoce from tbla particular monalar on aooount o f its site.

Beveral of tba Bah are caught each week and brought to the dock, but never bad ao large a one been carried In through the Heads a* the one naught by Captain Col- llni and bla crew. The doep-aea monater had been dead nearly kwo dayt, but iU large eyes atill retained their ferocloui glare, and it la no wonder that the *up«^ atltioua boatmen looked upon It with dread. Tho long teniae lee when spread apart measured about twenty-five feet Irom Up to Up, and they wore armed all tha way alifng with dreadlul aaucer-llke mouths that enokad the life from their vlcltiua

" 11 waa a fearfbl fight wa had with the inonauir," aaid C apuln Colliua, “ and 11 Is only by a latrscla th a t 1 am here to tell of It. The men with me were NIc holM CetB, John Zoga, John Colona and tto la Cunseadlut. ^ e lelt last Monday morn­ing for tha reef off Point Reyes to ^ h tor rock cod. For a couple of days luck was agaloat ua, but than toe fish began lo t> t s bold of our hooka, and they were soon being landed In a shower In the bottom oftbebiM t. At daylight on Wednesday morning w* oommeDoed to take up our llnet as usual. . ,

“ Savarai book* w*r* brought up, w t with no (fictesa, and we began to gat ala. oouraged, when there came a violent lug at the line, aud a huge arm uf the mon- ater flashed vlolenlly out of tbs water and landed aornst the gunwale of the boat. In an Instant it fastened with Ita tentcioiia ■uokers, while the water about the boat was lathed Into foam, and the te* Hsmed to be alive w ith the flih’* anake-llke feel- era One of the men grasped an oar to dislodge the arm, but before he could reach It tha body of the monster rote be­side the boat, a few feet aw.sy from in*.

** An octopus can be killed almost In­stantly if It can bo stabbed Just below the eye, even If the weapon be ooly the amall b l^ e of a pocketknlle,’’ aaid the cap­tain, “ and when the fellow row so olO(o to me and presented such a good oppor­tunity lor the death blow, 1 reached lor a

Weddings gaiMM-lvd aad Homs that Hava tlrrurved—Unmaares Clironleled.

From the New York Telegram.Thera Is not exactly an tpidetnie ot en-

gtgemenla of Bcnalura’ daughter*, bat one of HenatorOorman'a girls and Senator Hheriiiah'a only strl have Just permitted their engagemenle to be announced, and these and similar annuuoce'nenta and re- Uacllona concerning other Senatorial girl* illuatraU that the family of the United States Senator is no aalar than any other from the dallghtful Ineurriou of the playful little god, who la represented In the ptuturos usually as not being over- modest.

Miss Mary Sherman, the adapted daugh­ter of the Ohio Benator, baa lately become engaged to on asatstant clerk of the Su­preme Court Miss pherman Is a petite young woman, quiet, but entirely familiar with eociety here, a ataadfast, oompanlon- abls aduiirer of her dlatlnguisNed father. Sue baa never seemed to care very mueb fur eociety, but has been buded, ralber, with her reading and with thoaaaUen- tiona which make the life of the pubito man here, aa well aa tha life of any other father, very pleasant.

The engagement of Hiaa Daley Qorman, the eecond daughter of the Maryland Senator, to Richard Jo b n u n ,o f Waahlng- ton, is DOW confirmad. Mr. Johnson Is a •on of Knrtt Johnson, president of the Cltitens’ National Bank, aad be 1* described aa a haudeome fallow not over twenty-five and a college gradu­ate, who acta aa bit father’s private secretary and bnalneas ad- vliar. The Johnson Ikintly la also in the coal bnalnsa bara, and comas from the Eastern "Sbo." Mist Oormau is juat beyond twenty, a pretty girl, prominent and popular In loclety hern and alto In Howard County, Md,, where she It spend­ing the summer months a t Falrvlew, In Laurel, her father's elegaiit oonntry home. Senator (Jorman’s oldest daugh­ter le engaged, as It now appears, to a cousin living In Lanrsl, a Mr. (lamhrill, whose father and brother are both in the departments bars.

Mveral of the richsst o f the Benalori, men like VilaA of Wlsoonsin | MoHlllan, ofMIchigeni Brice, of Ubioj (tusv, of Pennflvlvanla, and Murphy, of New York,

CEREBRIMB (Himinoiid).tUtract of the Drain ot tb* Ox.

In tha Treatment of LOt'OMOTOK ATAXIA.

N.Y.Nenrnlogloal Hoclstr, MesDne AprilJ.'BJi " A case wsa prsaeciee of locomotor otoj-to

which liad been treated with hypodermic In. JeoUuoeot t'EKKBHlSE. ,H1» rear*ago the DUtent. a man aged (orir, had begun to snffer with double ylalon. This. alUr aevyri muiuUa of treatment, had dlBappearod. awl for a Ume he had been quite well. 1 lie typical tymptom of lunimutur s ta lls then oaine on; romnlale loss of knee Jerka; sharp nalna In the lega; auxlo gait well marked; limbilltyto atand with tho eysa cIoboiI ; (lllBoulty In cva(saatlng the bladder sod bowels: s e i t^ power l « t a Bonne of oonstrlclloo around the waist. Treat- mtni wa* heguu atwut ten w wU Bltteil Ilf a dally hyp dermic Injecltoo of CKIG EBRINK iHsmmondi Uv* drops, (»mblnad

Ilka amount of wawr. ImpTovemoutwithTori 1 narked; eeiual fimotlons Mrtoclly itored; complete omlrol J * " bladder Mil bowele, and sharp pal as b ^ disappeared,Soneral health Improved i able to run UP and

own Stidra, and could eund ataady with ^ eyci dosed, No other treatiiMiit smployad. Improvement gnulusl and steady.'^

K riM p av iDo»f, Five Drops. Pries (1 dtachanal, M ja Where hwal rtrugglsu o t not innplisd with

tho Itsmmi.ud AnIiMl .***(«<• .‘.“"I rfthi

Don’t expect the news* paper to do it all. Look oat for the show window and th* cases and counters. *

mailed, together with all aaletlng literatar* on the subject, on receipt of prioo, by

THK CUUINIIIA CUKHW Al. CO„' W aehln|ton . D. € .

For eale by ('. a bnlih AOa, aai Bnad at: B aisealer. a« Mroail *t; Maa Oelief, H a^*‘ _ ^ (WathfesioM Bia; iiatelgan'i pharmacy. JM Hrsad e t’ (awli IIIW..W MarketBb; (.-twrlee lIolBluaer, Merkel sod lltoeC "t*. Hraeiner. Wl Mulberry it , and iroaoiiit iiroftJompear.eif Bread«.

IINANOIAUi m a u s H iB m * .

boathook, the handiest w e a^ n , and u i^ ea lunge for the vital spot. A* 1 did so the boat careened Tlolenlly, and Initead of dispatching the brute 1 only inflicted a wound that maddened the monster more, and the battle then became one of lit* or death between ua

A ouuple more of the armi oftheocto-

have Ane famlllei of gifts grown up, some lin ■

pu# had by thia time been wound around the boat and they reached from *t«m to

TH* Broad Ht., OOT. Bank HU CAPITAt,.................. ........... . . .• 1 (0 0 ,0 0 0

1 inn a liuultin’ of bsr. That lort of riled m*. an’ I 'lowetl I’d hev to Uke lb* boat anyhow. Bo I go« down an’ 1 lays hold of tb* boat fer to pueb it off. Tb* womnn, she gMtbera a cl»hi »n’ abe cows* tm Mb Hit* wua big a* threa of ma an’ I dtdn^ know what to do, ao'lowin'I'd quiet her down a tittle whll I wua tbinkm* It ovar, I hit her a whack hard aa I could over the bead with a

Bh* set down pretty hard an’ kepi

fart deep, and It probably av*rag*d *1* «r sight feat. He luaoMSii V rSnd hairs ridges and get along. As rluve atatad, tha anow__ I get along, __data not Ua ao avtaly in Ihie part ut the park, being blown about more.

Wa found Church’* tndl up tb* DtnUner HIU of much aervicA ai It puked the suow eo that It would bear our weight that muru- tng without tba tklt. We fouad that the bent place to itep was about (our IsqIkw In- tlde the track of th* sled runner, where tit* now icemed to be cuuiprwwed matt. It ona stopped on the ndge batween tba hortea’ tracun b* wai apt lobteak through. Wlieuhe dkt tbat b* would sink down tufi-lag depth, get a jar, and have a hard time rogalu-

qulet. ail’ 1 weat on tcroel tb* rlvar.■' When I come to flwl out, 1 learned the

ftllar that wui th a t woman't huibaud wui a ■ I ’lowed wbeo I eeed

(’voasil kill bull

pleaiant no- m. W* woi

botkon hoi-**back,'an'1 saw blni rldin’oii dowB the roail tow ard me. 1 got all ready, ’towin' the ihuoUn’d abore have to begin, hut not Ihtnkln’ It wa* egim-ktlv [wrllte to bit a nian'a wife with a oar an' then begin ihootlii’ over It befo* he did. Well, he riilse on uaiow arti ni* an’ we both stop*, I a baia’ uiigiflr catetUljikA Al tJit u|*h0t Of It all U, 1 out no' toll him the whole story, 'luwlo' bta wlft hadn’t treated me no ways right. The fellsr he Ustciis to m* ail l|)r(iilgli. as’, sayii he: ‘ Btraoger,’ says be, -1 wuh to (lod Tou’d don* that sooner to tbat there wouiaii. Hbe'e beet a dlfferant wife to me iliice then.’

“ 'That klud ot relieved ma you know. Yea It ahorcly did relieve m e,"

I have uieuUoued John Falkoiu, winter knper of tbg (JeiiJiiHk Hotel, as tha inoet allcttt man 1 tvier kbiW. The eecond lileat m anu tw w in Wood^, During tb* whole

thg hia fodtlng. Repeat thia* hundred ttmea and tba result Is sunuyLag and ttrlng. I'waa noon, and we were tlrro enough olruady, artien we toiipad ta* long, sleep and wiiidiug Uardluar Hlil, and turueil out into the tim­ber juat atwve tha baauMful (Jardtner Fall* to sat lunch aud put our skis in order. W* were now what fa ualled five mthsi (in our way, and a t tha *dg* uf tb* platoaa K the aucoaaalon of mountaia spur* and (oi^iUs can to be (udiad.

As ba* 'uaeu earllo- tsJteu u|i, tbera are (Wrtain geiitlemeii who pnifi^ to bo anxious to build a railroad through th* park to Cook* City, up tb* Yellowstona. I abould •ty that our route would be tlie belter one for tb* C o^e City air line. It would bo mceasarv, bowevar, for the Hue to be eqnippea with a vartioal elevator of Bufilcieut power to lift the rallwar truiiia tbn*c unarteri of mil* straight up Into th* air. Thh would b* rimpla, and would bring tht

iu ii wmili! a been the hump the frog’d• • I bellyimade pretty aoon in the m ake’*

then the rattler’d walked off with the hump and the show’d a been over.

“ Another ftintiy thing I know about rattleanakiM li the way they can’t get the beat o’ mo by bltln* me. You Dollce, I s'poiie, that there haln’t much left to this right heel o’ mine. A good many yearago there w*i Jlst aa much to that heal ai....................... ;h

right of way up to the level ut the ’' plateau." 1 thiak( they would then be plenty buay enough to get a grade acruaa that lotorestlng country, which ta about aa level aa the fin­ger* of your hand when yiai stick them up straight. I will not say that u road could not be built across this ’’ plateau ' If a com. pany bad a few million dollara but It (-sr- toitily would have to have an elevator ou eai'h s i^ of tite plateau, at the (ianliner Hill aud a t Yaucay’a 1 don’t know „f any road to equipped, so tb* Uixike t-'lly Air Line, when built, would be In a mauui-r uauiue.FeopI* would come a long way to hoc It, aud to ride up and down thu elevators on

a word unlst* accoei^. Ue a|isut hour xfiar hour and day after day playing nolital'e, Woody 1* a man of large alaturc, over slity yrnri uf age and quite gray. 1 tliink he hai iiMir* natural dignity than any man 1 over know iu any walk of Ufa lie la a well- known mountain guldt. and hu Iwen mooli out with Mr. Roosevelt and his frieinls. He |*T« Mr. Roosevelt Is the best blg-g*nii> slait he ever knew. Woody wa* horn In MiBBoiiri, and has lung Hvs(l on tha front He wni a ’4Her, has Iswii to the AuatTallau gold lleldi, ami, in sburt, has SMn all llie wihi hi* of th* world and *11 the gloOoB of our now taded W ist tif bit experience* ns Seoul and indlim fighter It was extremely ditllcult to get him to talk. Acting on Uncle Jolm's aavii-o, 1 tric-l to gat Woouy to loll me soinothing of the light on Bouvler if) Creek (on the preecat t 'row resorvallim). where ha, Charlie l.'oi and Hubhall holed up In * willow thicket and stood off probably 1,111)0 Hioul all (lay, killing eight or ton uf thesn. 1 waited for a whole day. till Woody and I were aloua clliiiblug up the mountain side to go over aud see some elk, aud than I said, carelosly:

■' How about that light vou ware In with tha Indians, over east he'raf Wasn't I t a

there 1s to t ’other one. 1 haln’t never ben took much with tba habit o’ wearln’ leather on my feet, 'cauae leather coeto money, and no matter what you pay for It il's bound to wear out. Cunsld’ablt many year ago, 'fore the wolves waa all gone from the Hinneraalione and aurroand- in’ country, I wa* goln' 'long the creek flsbin’, andasockln^blg rattlesnake was so Inconslder’t os to grab me by tbat heal that you don’t ace much ot now, Ha hadn't no sooner planted his p’laon fangs soniclbln’ Uke an Inch deep In mv heel than he let go ng’In, and went *-tc*riu' away op the creek jlst as If be wanted lo git home as soon as be could ao'ahe conld be attended lo right away. I sat down and laughed till 1 got ao out o' wind Ihnt 1 didn't have streh’th enough to move, and hcario’ a wolf coming down the creek a howlin’ and yelpin’ on my trail, that wasn't no very pleasant pardlcament fer me ter be In. I didn’t have no gun, o' course, ’cause 1 was only out after trout, and I begun to be conaarned aorry the rattleiinake had bit me, 'canse havin’ wore myself out laughin’ oter It, I was now on the p 'in t o’ bein' chawed up by a wolf. , .

“ JInt aa I aae the hungry variuint turnin’ the bend In the creek, and not mura’n a rod from ma, I got a_n Idea.

stern. Oara and boatiiobka were our only woapiinai bat It ww almoat use leas to at­tempt to pry the luuktue from I he boat. They would no aoonar become looeened at one spot than they would fasten them- aelvea on another. The boet was com­pletely enveloped by them, and all hand* were kept busy to eacape being caught by the relentlaas auckere. The small craft rolled and rucked in the arras ol the mon­ater, and every moinenl it threatened lo throw all five of ua into the water.

“ The only hope we had was to deal the monater the death blow, but it seemed the opportunity would nut again be uffered. Blows had no effret on tbe hugs tentacles. The nieh belabored what parta of the flih they could reach with cluba, but the effect was like pounding a piece of rubber, Beveral tlmei tlis boat waa tipped by the struggle* pf the monater ao that water came over tbe guuwalra and in dcaperallou the m«n fought lor their ilves, hut expecting every moment to be drawn below the surface uf the ocean to a horrlblo death.

“ Une of tbe stout fish hocks had caught securely in the bod,v of the bruto, and a couple of the men b ^ a u to haul in on the stout tine, Hlowly they gained on tbe cord aa they pulled, aud alowly tba body of the monater waa balng dragged from the keel ot tbe boat, where It had been Inipuuible to reach It with any weapon that would put a atop lo the battle. Hteadily the men hauled away until tho bodv came lu sight,

“ Tba huge eyes glared savagely op through tho water, but the vitoJ spot wee yet out of the reach of tbe weapon poised to deal tbe death blow when tbe oppor­tunity came. Hlowly the monater'a body woe being dragged, and as It reached the surface the sharp sp,ke of the boat book was driven deep into tbe brute's body Juat below tbe eye, and tbe victory waa won. Uradually the long arms unwound tbera- selves, and Ibe terrible sea monster was soon dead and on tbe deck of tbe boat,’’

of them almoet budding Into aromonbood. Tbe eldest da-jghters of Benatora Brlos and (juay have been tbe only onei In this group to come out during the peat winter, but the daughter* of the otberi are already known for their atev«n>*M and good looks, end next winter, or lurely tbe winter after that, will witneea tbelr comlngqmt partlea Special Interest will naturally attach to the daugbUra of Mr. Brice and Hr. McMillan, w noara proba. bly the two richest men In tb* Senate, men, too, who are vary llberatl with alt their family dasires and surroandlng*. The McMiflain have been leaden in Detroit, as tbe Bnoea have In Waahlng- ton. Rumor ha* Boniewhat attached tbe name of Colonel “ T om ’’ Beatty to tbat of one of the Brice daughters or rather it haa been assumed, becans* Colonel Beat­ty, the hand-ome and talented private aecretary of Mrt. Brice, It very much with the family, that he must surely be- oom eam em beroflt sooner or later. Tbe Brice girla have bod tbe advantage of tbe advice and friendship of a most accom- pllibed and devoted mother.

Benatora Blackburn and Lkidgt have roamed daughter* and each la a grand- fatber. Hr. Blackburn’s grandson bae lately come into notice on account of a recent letter ot Beeretary Horton raferring to bia OW'D, and asking 11 tbe Kentucky Senator would not exchange grandton pictures with him. Th* letter's son-in- law u In the regular army. Hr. Horton’a in the trouiporlatlon bualneea In Chicago. Senator Lodge’s daughter, Conitanoe, married Auguatua Oardner, of Boaton, a scion of one of the wealthiest and most respected famlllee there, and tba Haiia- ebusetta Senator, though one of the vary

Tbl* hank InvHe* naw acnoiiBta.All accam itt-whsther larg* or smaU—will

b a n cartful attontloo.W* hart axcepilonally good racUttlo* (or

making ccllectlona and dlaeountlag butlHaai paper.

('lIA a O, nOCKWOOD. Pre*. g. a CAMFBELU Vloa-Prs*. H. W. TUNIS, Caabler.

T I E M D T D i l B i E F T T

When you advertise soia> thiu^ of special interest in tbe' papers, fill the window 'with it and have it prominently dis* played in the store. Have some neat tickets painted and hung up' above or near the goods.

whipped out my knife, sliced off my heel and chucked It to’rd the yelpin’ wolf. He was on to It, and niaabln' away a t it, In

Ho hadn't more than got away with it when he began to double up and tumble and roll and acroeofa and M-rcaiu and groan. 1 felt aorry for the pour cuas, but 1 bod to du It. After a fewABisirsnflM ^ thilL Ij Frilll-A

oungest members of the upper branch, ears tbe boners of the grandfather easily.

Perhaps he and Benator " Joe ” BLacfc- ' ' known of the grand-


burn are tbe best tntbere of the Scuat*.

Senator Palmer, of Illlnoia, haa am ai“ rfed daughter here, who is a clerk of hitoommittri, and In genaral la of very great aaflstance to tbe General In all of bia po­litical and social affolri. Tbe family oil live at tbe Elamare together. Benator Peffer'e daughter, P« , It her tatber’a private aecretary and committee clerk. She la deecribed os a very clever girl and

■'.fuL Th*


AM7.I IM>1>U. . - - •ASSETH (Markat Valnae) J bo.1,

inn............................ i-v j--- |5*i**»,ll»! 1!


«,T4X,«I ir WDAIWIi

LlADlLmEH. >1. T. aoi HStandard,..,.............................

bUBPLUa................—VBURPL08 by fomar N,Y.9t*a4-

ard (AUL El. 4K par «n t. Be- . _ _........................................................ CAIATOTn

Fuuvivb Aosutatoly Noa-ForiaUabl* Altar a«eoD!l Year.

Be sure the clerks all know what is going on. Make it a rule that every clerk should read every advertisement every day. Have them nn- derstand ^ust what yon are trying to do with each adver­tisement—just what the goods were and where they came from and how they happened to be so cheap, or so good, or both.

Iw raid or Larai the poncy is oos rtKWio i i aa Its -raju^wJU pay f^ jrourxia long-------- , ,

nrefamd, a Paid-up PoUer tat l u d IslMOad la exahanga.

Afur tb* aaeo^ year Pollcla* an nRaaLAxiK l all rratrictlona la to reridaiMA Iwirri or tfruaoM n or* remcoad.

Cam L oan are mad* to th* axtont of Wpir cent, of tha teaarve yalna, whet* v ^ *to rinraentoof th* Polkiiaa oan b* imuleaaool-**Lc«M*SSd^|ra*nadUtoly upoa oocopletla*andapproyaiof ptoola.

ry attractive, though notbeautll Peffera also live a t the Elsmere, a swellreu rrn BWKJ liTC »V vuc CiiBLuvrv. • ■vrottliOArdlDK'hoQBe on H n tre tt, whloh

" ■ “ ' • dl< ‘Z ich ” Cbaodler'i private


prftttY rlnw) tbingWh*t llghtt'" Mk*il Woodji; calmly.

Ihutrafna. b f txmriic nobody really think* <biit a r^iruad cn.juM huitt up tbe V'alley of the YeliowatoDo. aud uo engineur haa ever cailttl that a practical route,

Tba eoiiiitry we were now oroi’dng wa* lilgb and coUf nearly Ijare of uearthe trail, MimetliiiiK uke the Maydee 'alleT. bub mucD iiiore hrokeu I nhould nuj. It waK nut such tery burii tkl country, hut the oondltlou uf th«4 huow nia<U the going Mtmply awful. The ennw whh, iti wiiiie place*, orutted hard enai) ';h tfi bear w up ou thu eklA, aad lu otlihm so •nft tui to let m link down lit’l'iw the -urffu^e. Thno thiT»> wern itri{w uf couiibrr iiioiig the ridget quite hare, ur *0 ueat'U'*u a» to f’linqicl us to take otf our ikiM ami go ivTou ou fool—something which the Nki runner ijM'lai'iis lirtHi him mure ilmii live thiini the dl'<taLicf of *trR]gUt travel, Itecuntu' he iit)t like to etiKipover and fix hh •braym, or to f^rry the ilii"- pery ekiA over hii ilnmhhT. Of cuuree the vuuiiitiuii of thf< suow deptndtHl mni'h on iho way the struck it, no that one sido of a bill mtglit be soft and the other wibh a bard crust.

Again, the hour uf the dar had macU to do with It. Tho hiiow wan iiMdting underneiitb aihl eetthug faiL but at mid-day this did not niaiber eu iiiUf'h, Iu the afternoon, a rniet began to form, aid this rriKt was jufd strong enough brnuk tbrungb Ml>out every few jard i. W'hi'n it broke down the iiuforiunate ikf man would liud biiiueif a couple of feet below the surluiw of the sui>w. AUempting to sU'p iiut he tterhiips would bri'ak in ngalu, |jltrug;;Uug Htill further, he wimld thrust the too ot bis ski far muipr the UMhniken iTunt about him and have a duo lime iu f^ettiivg it outaguiD. hrcekiug up thn tTiUKt hy Reading it between hie le«(, hn might muke n last try for UlMrlyv uuly to sbp l»aok into tbe hole ut the last insUtit. Tlte coiitlnual fitraiuing aud etrugglmg we found vary wearing. To make it all worM, Hunt wa» liaving trouble with hfce shoee, which were sbickiu^ Itudly. Wa stuppeil twio* lo waa U| building a fire and melting snow ut otie place, aitd thus get-

.hoti he reUpmni into hileuce. Thu abi»TM was all the deMiriptiou I <Muld get out of him about that light. L^ler on, however, mak­ing an evldimi eiroit to ba uonummlcatiTu, he told meu faw thlnga about Indian tights iu general. He rlaitued that the indians were very ]»uor rlUo sbota end

the clomT they were to

eru<»D(lao' that (errible perrormanc* tba wolf quit. He waa doader'n a gaiepoet. The rattleimake pTeon In that heel o’ mine W1W more'iii any woU' that ever howled could Htaiid. 1 woe rested by that time, and went on with uiy ftshiu^ but erery Utile wayN Td Uuveto set down and Laoffh at the way thatanako huiUed for home to g it'tended to after he bit me. Beanu to me that u got around among tberaUle- ertakes after awhile that il waa wuaa than tliiu' throw'd away to bite me, fer oooe I Wivlkcd barefoot through a niedder over on 'Taler Hnn, more’n half a mlled. 1 didn't MOO tio rattlora, tUoiigii 1 beerd ’em tuuiii' up lively aud aanay both aide* o’ imVAs 1 went along* There must a ben a i4’W fur a chap trom way down toHt nuvu who waa gatherin’ rattlwa their gri'uHu ana hides fullered me ’orOMt IbMt ihedder with a flail and thraahed llfty-iilfio big fcllerainto hla bag, and he Hu.d there was a good manv got away, Aud there huin't no inatary where there’s rattlcfluakea Thai's another Amnv thing i know about 'em,

Ami another funny thing rattlaanakea driev is the way they can't get away l^om n deer when U seti out to hunt ’em down. DeerwUl hunt rattleHOukes and And ’emthat the clomT they were to you,

the !(••» apt thev were Ut hit you. At ^ g good dog will hunt birds........................ T>*“f ■\VIlong range they were better HhoU,

seem to get exritod aad trorubly, fll<>tie to you," Htttil Woixly. ' A lot of ’em shut at me and a Dutchman one ilay. They rosLi up out iUiv foot awuy from u*v ami oiU{ld io

kiMAi both of us. 1 Bhiysd hack withbuva Iithe Duh'buian, and we stooil them oJT.’ i,l c<»uld nut learti whether the Dutckmsu was hurto r wliether WcMMly himself was hurt).Tha sollaire gamo alwarn liroke up ihu Ulk.

We iM ni^ that wu wsru now in tho heartof ttm winter range of tho elk. From the eubih door we couLd mm a little bau>l ot elk fi’eding outniMif tbe ituM ridgu wbirti riss'i at tlio u{q»er end ot "Eleaiant Valley." Learning uf our purpose. WiKnly quietly iuld ui that he take us tua|H>iiitwitbiti two niilee where we ctuild sue over hiSK) elk at one sight. As i shall later shoi^ he did itj _____

rU E M 'II r<iLlTi:NKH.S.

t i i^ a d iin k of ruthur Huk»ky^wAlsr.

n>eii H dter oucii gebt Hceut of a rattler

HiulU now IKK) pleutv uf svillance that wa were t$ettlii)( Into tiia allt couafcrjr.* Wo could see tralb( and |MWtn)n lo graateat abuudance In every (liracUun. Tit* elli aeeuiad to bo iiiurn iiuraeruut iu Ut* aauUuu about tho HlncktaU Crtok. We aa* une band of forty-alght alk, dlatont |ierfaa|M half a mile or more ou the left of thu tralL it was I) o’eiucli in the ovonlni, and time to he gttoiug aoinewhere, wbeu w* at laugtb found ouraolvea at the summit of tho Yan.ev Hill. BDI waa ahead her*, and duappearad from Tlev ou a long, gentle, curving alldo around aiul down the last hill that skI* of tli* daep gath thriiugii the niountolna known aa the iJuvlt’a Out 1 fol­lowed, with a BtTMiie sena* r,f relief at (he •aay, gliding inutluu of a down grade and nod anow. All a t onoe the whole (>artli

toemed to fail out from lu front of me, and all I oould aae waa hiua air below, ily aarauKv Taiiisbsd, aud I hurriedly got auroa* tiw aki pule to put ou hrakoe. out hefure 1

A. UentleiuaB W ho (Ih llgl.iily Tendered a t.o«]i of H l*ln.

From tb* P lltaburg DIapateb.Frenchm en o f th e old school did at

times trem endously polite things, such aa breaking th e ir necks to pick up a lady’s fall, or aetllug fire to a house to dry her when oaught in a shower o f rain, or run­ning through the body any one who eliould dure to say th a t her foot was large o r her uo»e red. Iu our days French men are not ouch idiots, and y*l they sonie- ttmee do exceedingly foolish thiiigsalii thu polite Hue. T his story, fur example, is related of a Count du fjecouileui;

In deat'eiidliig tbe etnirapae o f the opera one night, a tauy of hi* acqualutonoe liad a lace tireia-i&f -a'-^idj.rahla value torn by a man tre a d ia ir« .....tiun oV m patieuoe she turned lolbeU ouut and said ;

“ Have ypu a pin T’’“ Mndnm,” -he said, “ I don’t carry a

pincushion, but here Is one," imd he drew from hia breast a valuable diamond.

’’Hjr,” aald tbe lady, nottlad probably by bla re to rt abou*. 11: ^juaushioif, “ 1 uau nut (iccepv a diam ond trom you."

It’s good-day witb that rattler. Tba deer fullers the trull, and heads tbe rattlem ake off. The snake oolla up ua soon aa he sees tlie deer onto him, but It bain’t onoe lu a bundrvd limea he kin light ou t quick enough to give the deer a clip before th# deer has come down on him with both fore teet and ended the fighU 1 never knuw 'd but once where u ra ttle r got tbe beat uf a (iter. 1 don 't know hoW he Impiiened lo do It, but be done It. I t was du.wh in the Elk I'onnty woods. 1 Waa gulii’ through the woo ls aud louud a big buck luylti’ th re dead.

“ ‘ Hullo I' say* I. ' Must a ben a ainart buntor w ith a siiiarl d >g that shot you aud then couldn’t find yuuP

’’ Loukiu’ closer, though, I see th a t it wasn’t a hunter's bullet th a t ailed the (leer. R ight In one tiostrll was a ra ttle ­snake’s fang, nocked deal) In to the hub. Aa there wasn’t any rattlesnake fa d lo the fang I uatur'iy cnnultided tb a t the rat­tler this pedsuh fsng helun|(edtu bad been a little too su.tden lor the buck and hud plugged the fang Into bis nuae and jerked away before the buck could get a t liUn, leaving the fang slickin’ there nnd all its load o’ p ’ison w orkm ’ in the (Icor. Thai vunoluafon u’ mine was right, fur nut more than a mile from there 1 came out ou a doe that had cornered n big rattler. Hhe pegged tbe life out of him w ith one swoop ot her toes and went on her way rejoioin’. I made a little examination of th a t snake. He • d n ’t have lu t one faug, and tb s nilssin’ one hadn 't ueun guiio Irom thejaw more than au hour. That doe was the buck’s mate, Hlic hod fobnd the o f ba teller dead uhd aeeu w hat ha.! klliad him. Bo she Jlst natu r’Iy started on tho war path, Bhe got on the scent o ’ th a t onfort- n it snake and run it down, and I waa lu at the death ."

The M aking of The in by t ik llfu l Hands.Meerssary M nte ria ll.

From Harper’s Young People.A strong paste is needed first. To make

UdiiBulve In a cupful ot w ater ten cento- worth of gum arable. In to this Btir care­fully a tablespoonful of fioor, making a amooth, th ick paste which requites no bulling, Improves with age and la good for many things beildes fiowerx

The other rcqalsilea are a gaulTer-lron, which is to be heated like curling-tongs, a plump pinco ib ion , a pair o f plyers, a rubber block and a spool of threadlike wire.

Marguerites are bought in three parte— the petals, the heart and tbe green “ ■prays" or " e to llrs ," as the calyx la tecbuically called. For a single m ar­guerite take one ring of petals, and fold each petal lengthwise, pinching It be- twnen the tlugora of the p ly en to give It the oream-d effect of nature. Then put a little paste on tho atrm ui the base of tbe heart, nn(t thread the wheel o f petals on by tbe hole In Its centre. Press it against th e paste, add )iaste to tho bane, and slip on the etolle, which needs no creaelng. This finishes thu marguerite, but If I t looks stiff the )jetals may be beat or tw isted a llUlo w ith the plyers.

I f you wish u double daisy use two or th ree rewa of petals. Beveral rows that have been laid on tbo pincushion and hol­lowed out by a circling motion of the iiea ted gauffer-iron make quite a present­able ohryaanlbemum. The effoot may be Increaw d by anlppiiig tbe petals into t r regular lengths, and curl log tbe outer ones away from the heart with the plyen. But as obrysantbem um s grow ju.d oa abundant aa daisies in tbe shops, there i.i no object In using one lor th e other, unless to exer­cise one’s Ingenuity.

Petals and b ra rU for buds come In sm aller e iiea T he closed buds are made by aimply gathering up the petals between th e flngere and pressing them about the heart. Tba otpUe la patted up closely about them .

’The sbupa th a t keep flower mate rials do no t aell tollage, but the leaf-maker* are to o ther little abops nearby, and wlilmii- cal variatlone on nature are often played In tbe com bination of leaf and flower. Even if you wish to be a faith luL eupyiat, your m ore ImsKlnattve dealer may Inaial on your buying oandelion leaves to grace your daisy atom*. Y'our follagu dealer know* more about grafting than any horlloulturlat. T he Icavei are ready for binding Jto th* flowers with your line wire.

Rote petal* m ay b e bought In rings or a p a r t T h e ring* are alnipleiit fur making * wild roac if you do not object tc> linving tlx petal* w hore nature ’’ loves the number five." W hether rings o r single petals are used, each petal h gauffered on itje pin- ouablon. ‘Then, If you are making n dou­ble rose, th e Inner petals, which need to be oruioplad, are placed on tbe rubber block and ore»»ed and wrinkled Iciiglh- wie* tow ard th e heart with the points of (he plyers. T he edges uf all the p e u b ehoujd be m ore o*lea* curved by taldug them betw een th e plyers, and curling them as yon -would w ith the blade uf * knife.'

to be benator reeldenoe.

Benator Dolph’a daughter m arried a newspaper man, Ricbarii Nixon, who for a long time repres*nted the Now Orleans TimM-Dtmoerat here. T he Nixons now live In Portland, wbera Senator Dolph’t son-ln-taw baa •ntored h li father-in-law’i law firm, ao to apeak : for Mr. Dolpb haa a bro ther lo Portland who is aaid to be a much abler lawyer than tb a Senator. I t le amid th a t H r. Nixon expeota to shine In Oregon poDtlet leter. T he o ther Senator from the W ebfool State, Mr. Mitchell, bad, and baa, a beautiftil daughter w ho m am ed * French Duke, Roohefocauld, and tiaough tbe father was * good deal op ­posed to tb it m atch a t flrat (having, I sup­pose, * natural prejudice against foreign marriages), and though the customary ex­perience haa been unlike this, the Boche- (ccaulde are extremely bappy.

T he Benatorlal daughter* are much Ilk* o ther girla- The betBttfut dahghtcr o f a Boulhern Benator, aomebow, a year or more ago became Infatuated w ith a Bpanlard, titled o r not titled , one or the otner, who was in this counlry in conntc- lion -with tbe W orld’s Fair. H e haa a wife and a grown-np daughter living In

Tbera Ire Some Hef DesUns In Jeielr; loiel- lles DiHsrent From Rnyihing Heretofore Seen in ReiirL end Far Prettier.

Tbej Are From Entirelr le i Fitteru, ind of tba Finest Workmusblp,

A m ong T b e m A n P e n d i B I s , B ro o e b e s , E i r - r in g i , S c i r f - p ln s , S c a b b u d P in s , E t c .

18 some*

l l l i P

&GO.'SH E W S T O R E ,

Between Waet Park and Cedar Bta-

The newspaper times blamed ftsr the ill suc­cess of an advertisement when the real fault is right in the store.

Don't ever expect spas­modic advertising to pay. Don’t ever let an issue of apaper you are using appear without your advertisement

A lg ers BOmewben, and aithougb repre- aenm tioni to ' ~ 'tbl* effect were made very atrongly to tbo young lady, neither she nor h er people would believe them . Indeed, one or two of the foreign HInletera, who thought K not im ­proper for tbem to Intereet themaelvea In the caee, were no t able to convince thq young woman of bar folly. T he romance wae not perm lttad to laet, however. T be handeome Bpanlard laft the country, and the Benator'* daughter is living In retire­m ent here. I t la thought in aoetety tb a t ahe has finally enlflhd tnla flame of love, Bpeaking ofbeautlftil daughters o f South. era Benatora, hv the way, Mia* Bate, daughter o f the jan lo r Benator from Ten- neeeae. ie a very beautiful and ao- compllahed g irl, who Uva* in Haelon tiroe w ith her f*th< ■ - -- . . . . . . .llonee.

I R O N W O R K S .EeraBi.uaiD leeil.

C o m e r o f O r a ip a i iQ i le a M !MMmcTttHcnaoF

Improved Oorlli* E n t to ^ T u ta la r Boriera, Tanka and Sheet lr<m Work,

her and mother a t the Ebbltt

OuloirKrfKorwiawInlrl-WOM “W <*• JVAWS vto (A«a(«i(Ui0 Mll, 6«mM**v to (tkite Itov/Mlen.iuoi (g fotUnt o panAMW-gatw to iirouiat

en tAAi n i ii-niF .a SPBGaaua •* •&d orders for Rononu mMshizw »tia boHmr rvtkftlfs pTomptli tMOQtod.

The day you leave your ad. out "will probably be the "very day on which somebody will look for it, and not finding it, go to a competitor.


o b a t e -barb .Wharf to let, artth heavy oraii* and etorag*

, by day, weak or month, a t lowaatprIvlUna, I city ratee.

HeaeoB U gh ts.From raaaler’a Magaaine.

It la a long atep from tli* llloinloatlan of 1973 of the beacon On Point Allarton a t the en> trance to Doalcn Harbor, by “ Her bales of pitch and ucum " bumeil In open bvaalsra, to tbe Jierfrctod founUla lampe and the first order lena apparatus of to-day. Boaton Light, erected in ITW. wa* first lighted by tallow candles; then fullowad the spider lamp, burn- log Hab oil, and In 13U came W lulow iwwii’a patent magulfylng and reflecting lan­tern. The refleetor* war* gradnally Improved and the magnlflan art aside. Franoe lead* the woald In llgbthonae illumlBaUan. Th* beautiful Ians, elear aa cryatal. naed In all the Important Ugbihou***, wa* the Inventlihi of Finjinel, and the prlnolpal tnannfaotcrlae of these lanae* to-day OT In Pari*. T*** United Ktatea LlgUttaouM Eatabllahment atill ordara Ua lenticular apparatu* from tbe French huuue ot Uabler St Feneatre, Bautter, Launon- lar St Cl* and Henri Lepanta,_________ ____

j U b e r l C . G o u K < e t ^

A C I D 3 . ^

^ I D R U G SC h e m i c a l s

D Y E S .T U P P S .,209MARKCrSr.‘SwfJ*

O U T I N S e B O G E B I E S

iT Mtovcfo

II you are uaing th e ring of pctnla for a Ingle

“ W ell, th en ,’’ returned he, “ her* la a lin w ithout a diam ond,” and breaking uff ta* jewel ha threw It out of the wlndcw

pin (til* jewel I bnd presented the aim pi* pin.

Flail fur Hurrlaon.A tcildgiTAm tiifl NtWR frpta lAralKx; &

OOm <ivru«rH of tiia Park KlMh«irl»jt,tfIvH poiItlr« AHNUranee itiat there will b« a carFuiu of (UU for wUu ab Harflaun toeniur* n»Hr. Price 4r> iKif pound. <tar wlU be on eid* fiuf At KArrbon AYenue freight y^rd frimi « A. M. to If M. (;u»tomer« ehonlrl take tMebetep box«e or paper to carry their pur- cbAtee.

Tho Alb will be taken trrmi the pound Thvimday eveolog. AiiU will therefore'iia In tuagulficent condliiou*

lla^wlrk-oii>Tvr«arl*Vri>ni the Lomlub Globe,

It vvlin>e wBtsu tliBt lu (he uotloe pnldliihed in IriU nlghl'n tinzrltr. ae (o t ho grnoral form of (Itankegivlug for the birth of n young Vrltn «a (he old fiu'mle prewrved. Hud that It Itt to be (iKod ill oil churoJiutAudcliAiwUlu KiiglAtiU uuU WaIfu “ and lu the (own of her- wlclk-«ii-TvvrrU.'' The amunmceinent recalle the curium hlalory of ihlis old town; how, while KuglMjid Mid 8u4)Uand wer« a t Tarlaaoe, U Uelouged flret to one and then iu another, until Hrurjr Vlli. niadn It independent of l>otb cuunlriee—k ourlotin laulaiiuD which U luQg prrHorvedi pOHseiwIug’A Chacoellurc a Cham- bFi'luIn aud other oAken of a klngdom't, rather than A bOrougVi etatr. TUie wm put aiitnd to by the aiimlcIpAl lieform act, aud tho uaiue of Lerwiok-oQ>Tw»ed ceaned to ap­pear u it formerly Itad ilnne ou all acU of

lament. It 1* preiiumahl]r an overelght that It hail uot dUappearod from theio notlvM aleo.

single yoee, go on o w ith the Marguerite, bu t If you or* netqg aeparale petals, paste on* a t a Uma about the heart, making the rosaaa double o r single, open or cloasd, aa you plaaae. Tb* calyx, or “ arlegne," corraeponding to the etolle ot tho Mar­guerite, 1* gauffsred and- to theB „... ' ___*..a™wr1iu ie greeuCUD, ur oaiioe, 1* Hipped on to finish *)).

'f he green robber- tube* th a t cover tho sterna o f th e beat o f artifleial rosea are pulled on a t th e laet up to th e base of the caltoej they InoMaee the expense, but add InUnHaiy to u e grace of the flower.

ITound a Iliilo rlo Medal,From the Watorbury Amarioan.

Thom** Bird, a farmer, jiving In the aunth- era part of Lawrence Ciranty, Ind,, fuund in hla whaat field while harveallng a silvermedal of hUlorlolntoreit. It allows that it wo* presentod to General WUllain Ilvur, Ilarriaon hy the Government fur hla bravery and galUntry In tuppreulng the Indian up. rising in 131L Oaneral Harrison and hie army marched thrungh ihla part of the Btate.camu. Ing uaar tbe praaaot farmbouae of Bird.

For washing Dishes,

there’s nothing

like Pearline.

Why don’t you begin the use of it in that way, if you’re one of the timid sisters who still think that Pearline “ eats the clothes ? " Then you can soak things in it for a- .year or two, and test it in every way, until you become convinced that Pearline can’t do any harm. Hut it won't eat your dishes, that’s sure. It won't clog up the sink pipes, either, as soap does. And that cloudy effect that you’ve probably noticed on cut glass and china when it's wa^ed with soap—that 'won’t be there if you wash it twith Pearline.H tom re o t laKattOM. i l l J A H n PYUh TbY.

Baked Bsana, per can................... .Baat Oolumbla River Salmon, per *•»■ <Bast Fieneh Hardlus, 1 ...................... 4Lnbelar, flat ..........................................Shrimp, larg* ...................................... -Clarified Lemon Juice, hottle.............. •Flee Tea, per pound............ .Extra Oholce Tea, per ponuA...............





C f i . H A R R I S O N ,

The last ad. of a series Is tbe one that sells the goods. A man may see your ad. thirty day in July and not buy till the thirty-first ad. welds con'victioti into his mind.

It's the last stroke that makes a horseshoe—all the others were merely preparac tory. The ^ oe was not a shoe till the last blo'v fdh If that had not been given it would only be a semhlgace of a shoe-—merely a bent piece of iron.


8UCCESS0B TO H a B B lS O IS db H o A a

Ton will find a t m j i to n 4 f nU Uji'i ot T B ®

Best Paper111 iioiwt PficMi

20 (Ul/roit S t . /ftmti*. H. 4.

A sale is.secnred h y th c /a»

last word that is spoken—by the last ad. that is read. If it remiuned unspoken, or dn- readj the sale would often fo’’ entirely. '


H U L 'rA N A Fur tlnllM tb* lip* awl obeaka

P m ajj) <wBt*.__ „ P A R I A N L O T I O N

Her wbittgt tht^aklp. JM o* Ua

and Moth Cfiaam, watraatod to (iwr* freckle* and all diaoolomlona of tb* aklg eaaaairh f theaup. PrioeU eeatepar jaar.

ilfir .Ataotutoi

madahm B. mwnieYwu^, 3 1 8 W a s h l u j s ' t i o n B t e

Advertising is insurance tA business, but yon must keep up the premiums or the policy will lapse.


N E W A U K E V E N I N G N E W S . T I U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 3 0 . 1 8 0 4 .

CM ilB BIG A BIOTFonrtli PreoiDOt Offiesrs W trs Out

W ith Clubs and RtTolrers.


Tbe lHDbf>rK-Cowiin I*i.rtnm1ilp Airnlr a t tiprlaittclil Av.nua ana Iluyd Htrrrt K f.alti In a Vary Kicltlnit Tlaio—On* Futlan-B raalu in Wlilka ihn Othar It Iloldlnc Ih . f a r t - ’Ctrl Laatt Turn. Out a Cruwil—Tha Bualaru tiuld a t Aurtlca far OdIj SldO, but Po ih u Iub >iot Tat Obtalnad.

j With a n»b that wat alniott baadlong an I so t to IM ttayad avru by tha ilruug ariu ot tba law, a. repreHutotl by tba praaenoa of Utb potiea offlnra, a raid wai made ou tiia •treii|hobt of Michael I'owan, la tbe grocery atureat the corner of HprlnffleM avenue and Boya etraet )«la yeaterday aftamaoa by Lawyer David Hplro, coiinaal for Davit EiMubtre, and Ounitalilna WUliain Wbalaa and Ucbnitain. Hefura the Inmataa and friandt of tba Cowan faction had recovered

jfrom tiialr inriirlia the plane wai captured in a oertaln Millie and the goodf aold to tba

luiortgagee tor tISO.Tha plan to antar the place waa Ingeolouily

Icnncelvad, and Ita tuoceaa depended on tbe Tetlitleaa manfler In which It waa aiacuted.! There waa tha moet Intents excitement about I tha plana all day jaitarday, but It had reached fever beat by S o'dack, and it looked a t If but a littia more would have

tpracipitaled a rio t All day long the rival ifaetiuni in the ttruggle for tbe poeaeialon of 'the itore bad ttmggled about and in the Iplace for tbe right of poaaewion. About 13 lo'clock Conitable Llcbentleln, who had been vainly trying to get poeietalon of the place aldi'e Ifonday, but had been abut out, hove In eight with a formal noUttcation that tbe atuck and Aituret would be told at 5F, IL He deoiipided to be admitted and one of the men he bod placed within the ttore to watch the etock, Ferdinand Klng- lelb, itarted for the ttore door to let him In. lA friend of Cowaa, Ifax IlerEoian, blocked hit pnigrete ond.tbe two oint a t llM door. The father of Hlngleib, Ernoat Itlnglelb, oainetobUaau'l aulitanue and the three fought and itruggled about the (tore, while 'Llcheoktelu encouraged the KinglciLa from the ontaltle tb Hartman, but thilthey found to be tuoru than they >iod bor- ^ u e d fer, olthaaRh tbey cut him about tbe lace with their fl.te and bnally managed to open the door, through which Llcbenateln bravely ealtred. Ho gave tua noUoe and dlaappeared.

All Want along merrily until about i F. U., when Ha}or Carl Leutx, aettug at coun. eel for Cowan In tbe alleged coupiracy cue, which wae to barn come up In the Fourth Precinct Court 'In tha aftvruoon, but wmt poitpoDsd until to-morrow becaote the law­yer Gunld not be on hand af tbe time, drove up to tbe Itore. Tbe Major wae ailmittwL He twapt tail eye around the ttore quickly and law many people whom he did not think ,bad a right to there, tlolng to tha dour ha called UIHcar Kreet and talked to him a niinute. Helurning to tbe store be eaid: (Want every one of yon who it nut friendly to Cuwan to elaar right out of thia ttore, and If you coma hack bare again or attem|it to bleak into this place agmn yoa will bearreaP


ed and locked i|p for eotet lDg and iteallng." Ail but Cod'on went out even tbe watch- jnon end hit tom who had 1st In C'onatab te 'Xlctaeaattfn but a few houre before-

The door wet locked on>l, ocoompanied by aeveral of Cowan'i fiiendi, the Major weot to tbe Fourth Precinct Ktatlon and had a talk with Ueutanout Kline, to who ha taid that ha had ordared the rliacnberg faction out, aa they could not enter tbe place to Mize or veil with tueb a writ of ditpottwtt at they oorriad, that the only lagal writ would be one from a court of law. Tha Major atkad tha Liautenont to a rm t thf llrtl man who ehonld attampt to enter tbe place as a dis­turber of the peace and as being obarged with breaking and euteriug. The Lltuten- ant aianred him that he would ndt jiermit

disorder at tbe store and would tauve an oiOcer theret en be mdC over OlBcer KohW man. That offloar eoDU ditpaniail the cnrloui crowd gathered about to tee the tun.

But auininary as hod beeil tbd'gettihg nut ot the enemies of Major Lentz’t client, it paled into iutlgniOcnnce when compared with the ruah, charge and capture of tba ,atore by tha email battalion commanded by Lawyer Hplrn.' IMnldenly a light buggy con­taining ronatable tVhelan aod the lawyer Were teen teeiiug up toward Boyd street. The cry that the HberilT was coming to teka poaseealon went up. The crowd scattered to 'Itae right and left, OfUcar Kohlmao took a good grip on his stick aud brai'ed blmeelf to meet tbe onslaught Conitable Lichenstein crossed the street with a fonuidable ducu- meut in his hand Just as tbs light buggy (Usbed up to the store.

Out leaped Ike lawyer, fnUoired by Con- Wtabla Vhalan. Tliey rau towarl the stun ■door, tha crowd cluelug In on thaoi, anxious to mise notklng. " tVtere’s licheuHteiu f Break that door down if they ifon't open It for you Ftjialled the lawyer.

“ No yon don't," cried Ofllcer Kohlman, as he placed his broad form against the broken door. “ You oannul go in there im- less you bave the right."

“ They wont let me in,” called out Licben- ateln from the outakirte of tbe crowd, nv he waved the docuuieut in his hand over the buds ot the people. Just then Whalen took in tbe situation ut a glancti

“ Let me get at that door,” the constable cried, as he made a rush, backed up by Huii o.

" Don't let him in, ufflenr. You can't do it. It's against the law, know," some cried from the inside.

Whelan fought hie way step by step through the b re ^ In the dour Hero he rs- celvad a- punch In tha face from a Bet of aome one loeMa which. « u t him backward agalnit OlCoer Kohlman, but he quickly r»- covered and snada a plunge through the door, landing on hie knea., Ua recelvad a ahowar of blowi on the faoe and body from the Cowng iMUpth. U* managed to get on bit feel and quickly subdued tha men Inside.

In the meantime Licbenstelu and Bplro, on the ottttldK bad forced their way to the front, and the moat intenu excitement pre­vailed. “ Hun tor the police I" “ Hun for the pollec T was tha cry that resounded on all iidoa Half a ^oseii ran to Lieutenant Klina at'the Fourth Precinct Rtatfon, and in a minute there came hustling from the i tv tiuo OlOoere Oresa Coleman, Kouinan and Harmea erme.1 with cluba and rtvolvera to quail what was about to become a riuq so- cordlng to appaaronoea. Tbi» quickly scat­tered toe crowd and kept thw^vemenl clear.

Inalda tba store 'Wbalaa wai coutautedly smoking a oigar which Cowan had given blm after bis tucceasful entry, while outside Spiro was urging Llohsnitein to read tbe mortgage and writ of dlepuiiesi to the orowd and prdoasd to sell the place, with Ita con- tenta at public auction. Llubaustoin trembled like a M in agale of wind as ha mounted the tingle step, but be teemed to gam courage wbea .WMan e in e r^ from tbe itore with an easy air and itood by his tide.

Llchenataln bacM to read, in a scarcely audible Toloa tbe niortgega and bli writ ot authority. " Hpaak louder," ihoutad a »nan on cbebutaldeedgeotthecrowd. “ ex­cite him nr bt’n lott bli head," said another. There were oatcalli on every sides *nd no one

. could understand wbst toe constable Was reading. At last tha raading Was oon- cludad] and then the , ooaetabU itemad to gain coorim as ha began, in the siag-aong manner of the auctioneer;

“ C oal W e, two I bavei ftnllanien, start tbe bids gotoif, wont you t"

“ Twenty-flve doUare," "kid one man.“ TfaaTs rather low," said the constobta.

auctlODoar, “ but It'aaetartar. Tvnnty-flva I bave, twenty-five i bave, Come on, gents. Tbe greataet obanoe of your -Mb.”

Amid the calls of tbe auctioneer heads ap­peared over tbe trautum of the store door, and quaint rtmarki were applied to the auctioneer. The crowfl advlaul blm to “ come og Ue perch,” and ttaoee In the stotvi cried out to not buy, as It wae a “ shia.* Finally the afore and coutente were knocked down to > the uartgage*, Max Lamber, of Hew York, for (IN. Then all bande de- parted' ,

Both partlie stand about the same aa they did ysaterday, tor While the goods were sold from the outside of the building they ore nut in the bands ot ttaepMwhaaer aa yei, oud tbe Cowaoltei are In poMeulon uf tbe atora .'When atkad bdw (he g o & ^ e r e to be ob­tained Constable Whelan laid that to-day • writ of replevin from tbe HbarilTi olfioe vrould be obtelncd Lawyer Bpiro said he would bave the goods either to -^y or to- nterrow, la s t night Couetable Whelan ‘wne on duty eoroei the streel from tbe itore to eee that no one should ssIm the ito rt fixtures or goods. There ii expeotad to be more troubla to-day when tbe attempt to eerve tbe writ of replertn shall be mada

kiied for Non-sunoori and tVaiits Kelaase from HU Hell lfoml--A Hofuaiitie

ntorr Ifavelapeil-lloward W, Hayes U about to nuke an ap

pHcalloa to Chancolliir Mrfllll, in inpport of which he will Ills several elll.laviU, for the dlselmrge of tlie bond lor |B00 that his olieiit, Pengp R. Tiialson, was oblige 1 to give In a suit for alkunlunmenc and noneuppori. brought by his wife, Annie H. Tunlson, Tuulson was arrested in this oily oe Frklay, August ll\ auil waa ralaaied on tbe Monday following, having obtained tbe Dtoeasary lUrety. Mr. Itayoi lays that the sworn s^tsiuenU be will pnaant to tbe Cbancellcr will be calculated to demonstrate that there is no necessity for bolding 1 unison In this way.

A romantic story is developed by this oiaa Swirly fifteen ymri ago Tunhoti was en­gaged to be married to Mlse Idiara Bmltb, but the metch w ii broken off, and Mias Hmith became the wife of Andrew 0, Waring, while Tunlson also made anotbar cboiou. Now both Mrs, Tunisim and Mr. Warlug aru engaged in aettooe fO;‘ legal separation and tha custody of their children, aud Mrs. Waring U keeping a hoarding- houiaat IT Uallecfc atreut, wljb Tunisoa aa one ut her boardera. These cinditious have ^ven rlM to storiM which both Tunlson and Mrs. n aiiug deny, and differont vanksns of wtalrb they are anxious to have tbe pobllr know.

A reporter for tbe Nkwe saw them last night end heard lhair narratives, together wilh iliat of C, N. Hmith, Mrs. Waring’s father. Tunlson was seou in his boarding­house, and said:

“ tin . Waring and I ware lovart beforeettber of us were married. Our engagemant was broken beiausi* of falsa reports that Mr. Waring carried to her. She married him, and t niarriicl another woman and hod a family of three children, Harold, now twelve years ul l| Natalia who is eight, and Ray, who is six years of oga. Id laeolsaa Mrs. IVailiig again until A^rll i ut this year, wbeh my wife amt I ware invited to attend a n-ccptlon given In Brooklyn no the onul- vcrsoi-y <g the wedding ot Mrs. Waring'a sister, who is now bcairolng, with her hne- liand aud children, is this houaa. Mrs. Tiinlsoii refused to accompany ma to I went aluuc.

" Fifteen days later, on the seventeenth of April, niy wife uewrted our taotne. In Tenafiy, taking the children with her. Hbe b ^an a suit tor divorca meutiuning Mra VV aiing at the eo-nspjudenl, Iwt that action hai since been toned down la a plea for a legal eeiwration, Mrs. Tunlson asks for tba cus­tody of the two glrla but says noialng about tbe boy. When thn rase comet to trial I tlwll lie able to ahow that I, not sha was da- larted,

"Tiie queatlou is otten naLed why Inm living in the bouse of Mrs. Waring. My answer to that It that she' end I are old frieuda bhe has to tarn a living for herself aud her children and 1 want to help her along. 1 am ou tbe eame footing ban a t aay other boanlrr.''

U ra. Waring took up tbe story a t thia point as follows:

" It It troa aa Mr. Tnnison baa said, that bv aud 1 were unoe betrothed. We wereX 'atcil through tha efforta of Mr. Waring,

daelared tome that Mr. TuaiBon hM confided to Mini that he did not intend to marry me aud that he only came to see me because I was of a lively dlspcsltion. WItb Hr. Tuaisan out of the way, Mr. Wariug’s suit prosperod aud we were married.

" I did not icarn bow Hr. Tunison and I bail iweti deceived until the night of my sister's reception. It wea beoause I dlscov- artsl his duplicity, I think, that Hr. Warlug maile up bis mind to leave ma At any rale, on the luorniug after the recaption he came to ne and. In brutal languaga, daniwl the paternity of my little girl Hay, who la now six years of age. Thereupon f refused to live with lilm. Two days later ha bemed fiirgiveneaa, and 1 told him that, whiM J could never forgive him, I would toleraU his prufwnce in our house end thus avoid a Scandal for the take of tba cbihlnc. Than bu repeated tha awsrtlon about our little girl, and I gave him bock my wedding ring. I did not throw it in bis face, aa has b n ir stated, but put It in his pocket and informed him that 1 would be bit wife no more. On April 'Jfi he left me and tbe children, (elliag me that it was aone ot my bosioeBa where bewas going.

“ lie bus entered a suit In tbe Hupreme Court of Kings County, N, Y., for a sapara- tion and tha cars of the obildraa. Drenvilla and May. My applioation for alimoej wot denleil, owlcqf to a naisuodentandiog, pend­ing the trial in October, but I wae ataated- comisel feet end Mr. Waring was denied the privilege of seeing tba children

*' ’The ailegatloa that Mr. Tunlson and 1 •uttoln or ever have lustajned relations that would justify a suit In which I would figure as the co-respondent is false and wicked. When I oania to Newark to rent a bouse my mother came with me, and 1 have idwayi conducted myself in a way that I bava ao causa to bo ashamed of. 1 also w l^ to deny tliat t ever lived In Tehafly, when the TklN sous resided,"

C, N. Hmith, Mrs. Wartng’s, father said We have tried to avoid publicity, but iha

time has come when we must speak in o r^ r to right oarselvaa Hr. Waring nronlaad me whan ha loft my dongliiar that ne woold keep this painful builqese from the public, but lie has not doae so, not has be tasan the pains to deny tha alandere that lava boio pat n j ^ hor. Ha alio promised to give Uri. Waring h t f of his Income, but ha baa not done so fur some time." I


am of the llust there

. yb fipeeim TnlagramFrflm .puabee ft Oo., tba ownei

Atburj Park fisberleB, aanimnoM ll will be jmlUvety a aals of fish at Harrison to-monow, at four cauts par tionnd. Tlie car will be on the skiing at UarH- |on aveutw f might yard from * A If. to.lP. IL, so that evarybody pan gat a ohanoa wlth-

The Retail Mea ot Oraaga Koealea Onlera from the Wholasalere,

Yeaterday afternoon the retail lot dealers of Urangt reuelved uotloa front tbe wholaaole detisrt that- they would hare to sign a oon- tract to buy their lot In Orange at t t per ton and sell the ioe to storekeatieri at thirty five cents per Kk) pounds and to private fainillM for saventy omte per 100 pounds.

The wholirale dialers thho ore sfild to have formed a trust are the Orange DlaMtliid Water Ice Company, the Oreenwood t.ake lot Ckunpenv, Stewart HaSlnan, Cborlee P. Harrison, Soverel dc Sons and the Bloom­field Distilled Wstar toe Company

The tnuill dealers are up in arms ngalut the trust end olatm that they nennot sell their Ice to Urn poor people a t eeventy oente per 100, as their ciistomers ars unable to pay ao much (or It. The Ioe has been dlapoeed of to private famillea tor a price less than aer- aoty cants per 100, and this is objected to by the wbolvaale dealere, who threaten to drive the retollen out of the buslneie.

One retail ileaier y sterday drova to New­ark and purchased a load of Ioe at til per Um,

THE HORSE FUVND.Kr. ghaasdiaa, otHallevlUe, Lost Hla Pvop-

•rtr-'Locatad a t BloouBald.This odrartlMmeat was inserted la yaatar-

diy'i Nkws

I o -t- tuubdav, AUiii.’ST ji, B xr roksk,Jitid slie brawn Hltar tug; nwird gtven Ibt tstiim uf iltiasn

JiairiEb SHAKaHAll, SellevUlt, The horM hat faeeo lu pound at Alaxmndar

McNair’s, In Bloomllald, atBoa tha day It wot mlsaed. James Baldwin, of tha firm at J. W. Baldwin Sc Bros., grooera on BrOod itnet, found the animal in bla barn. Tito hone bad once belonged to Mr. Mold win. He told the animal, and it boa nnoe bean the prupwty of eevartl portone,

With the hone when it returned was a set­ter dog who would not allow anybody to approach. Finally tbe bone wee lecared end taken to the twund. Mr. Shanahan will get his property to-day.

Tba csiirge of ateoling toe hone made by Mr. Sbananan ngalnet two bon <>iU ba with- drawn.

Mewarh Cheekar Club Wlna.Tbe Newark Cheekar Club paid a Tlelt to

Illewltlfs Hotel, Jenoy City, last night, and defeated the Jenoy City Club after an ex- oltlug lerias ot gMuea. The Newark man won aeventeon gomes to eleven (or tM r op- puiwntk. Twelve games 'were drawn... Tne Newark Club clallni to ba ohamplon of tbe Btato having beoWn the Orange team twice and Jtrsey City ones. Capbdn Bhindlu laSItbu great credit for the mxnser In whloh

B handled the team. The Cbaoken aad-Obato Clubs have united, and will <qwn (beir naw rooms, a t MT Brood street, on Saturday night. The ofloera of the Clmctiv Clab o n ' P e d a n t, A. C. Time; e a e iS ? ^ A diu: treaaurar, B, BeonMx; —rfrant at arms A. Ungia,, -> - V ■ ■ 1 - '■ ■ >*-----

Woddod a t Valoavjlla.Marr EUiobetbkBwwtft. ikfiMb'C _

O. o f^ to o iv tth b 'a iidKktord HaniT Itay, of wanmarried last night a t Hr. Burngiiwaeal-

* “ parSrm edby lUv. WllUom Knot, pastor of tbe MathodM ohureh at Bpriagflald. Tha beat man waa Elmer Day. jrf Short HUli, a brotlHr of toe

frooin, and Mrt. Mary Day waa bridsartoid.he bride Wort a gown of white eatin,

trimmed wlto oronge^lotomai and ooirted a bouqtM ofbrtdtroaaa. The bridamald waa

dotted iwlsa. ArwoMon Mr, and M itTfttfwUl U&iooTUlii.

DrlMinaK Mmitelii tmr IrvibgtviieA pnblio drlnjflim fountain will ba awatad

I? '**JL**, *•" InlafiwtloB of Clinton and Bprlngfialdavtoiast, Irvington. U M g gift to »be tlUicw irent to t IrytMtog Wotic

('uniminslanen’ Letter lit Ihv Kasavlllakaipravemi-Bt Aseuolatlun aad Nr.

Parmlr's tlalm-^lvv HItl Rite.There wet a well-attenilnl meeting of the

Koeevllle lintiroieiiwnt As«oclatn>u last nlglit at Hhawger's Mall, at which uoiwidera- ble butinen was trniisacled. ( hainuan Hamlll pnalded and .Mr. Audersnu was we­re lary in the absence of Becretary J. V. Agsna whom liability to do juitii'e to hit dutin owing to hla owa bosinus roused him to resign, Tbe resignation was siTeplwl Willi regret, and Ernest E. t oe, a new mem­ber, was elected in Mr. Agent's plavt.

A communlrotloB was road from Chair­man Thouias Smith, of tbe Finance Commit­tee of the Hoard of Ahlermen, in reference to the inquiry of Alderman Sydney t igdeu os to the Ivy Hill lieservolr site purchoee, in wtaioh Mr. Smith stated that the osaucia- llon't conunuulcatlon would receive bis prompt etieution at tha first opimrlniiity.

Ill reference to the oiieimig of Hueeville eveoue, from Bloonifield avenue, which inet- ter was laid before the Iloanl of Ihiblic Works by tb(> aieoclation, toe beard sent a comniumcatiou stating that “ We ere luwer- less to undertake any public Improvement at the prveeut time, aa the funds fur tliat pur­pose are verv light and not near enough to go round. Vour'e is oueof many cam|ilainu of a similar nature we havu at mind."

Mr. Family aruee to say that tlis letter of the Board uf I'ubllc Works woe somewhat mislimdlDg, and he woifid like to explain the exact stats of affolti to tlie associalliin for their guldhnce. He said that soiiiu vears ego streets were opened Indiu-rimliMtely. aud there was leemtugly a useMM waste of the' public mouevx The pablio became tired of the stvls ot tbe idil board and petitiuuoil the Lfglxlature to redraie Uiair grievances, and that baty did sn by passing a law rogulating the tpeadlug of the publlo moaeyi tor street Improvemenb. and putting a rsetraiiiing hand on tbe extravagaui-e.

That woe the reaeou, Mr. Farmly said, and not a lock of funds. It, be said, tbey bed to,flUO,000 to-day they could not nee a cent of It tor street improvemente, and ta« tuggest«t that the way to ob­tain the niooey neeile.1 was to iMtltion the Connell to lay asliki a sufilcient'sum (or tba purpose which It can d^ as the matter Is entirely in its hands. The letter was plioeil on file.

A petition (or tbe paving of KoeevIUe ave­nue was then read. It was signed by fifty residents of Riiaevilla avsnue aud asked that It be laid before the Board of Fublic Works,

A rstolutiaa taking tha Hoard of Publlo WOf ke to improve Itoaeviile avenue. I torn Warren etreet to Forest avenue, with such pavement as shall be satislactury to the ma­jority of the noidenta and tsiipayera, wta adopted,

A motion was uloptod that the ossorlatioa ballevaa a bridga is badly nendtd over the canal at Blxtb avenua Tba regular monthly maatlng night was chaiiged from tba lost ThUriday to the last Wedneedsy in the mouth. Thanhs of the association were ten­dered the Hchuol CouiiniHtioneni end (.'um- misslnner Hamill for their servioae in having tbe North Heveuth Htraet Hebool made a full grade grammar schooL In deferenot to the wishes of the residents.

Cherlet H. Htsigbt, Ernest E. Co# and Alpheus tioifen were elei ted members. Many (ItfectiT# RjdtWAllo W9F» Imported by Ibe vaHoui niembtrH and rt<f«rrml U> Uie p re ^ r oouiiaitiMM for coi)t»id*ratioas

BOTH CLAIM THH rHUFlUTTuAa IntarcitJtif HtrugfU fn i>rikDg«t Ovftra

T«‘iH»ni4*nt liotmevA pdacf of prop«rty oa New glr*^ Or-

u id to ba worth ii Um bonaof ooQteDtioEi h«itw«cn Hrts Mary KHes moTy of IM Honto Hiith Nvwtrk, andJohn Attridn«, of Uarrow itreat, Orange. Yarterday afUrnooa Mn. Geimar, with bar huaband aud couumI J. R, McDarmlty ap pmred at the property aod took poiaaaaion of It. Tha dwelilng pewtiou of tbe place U oo> copied by coiiored people, but Mr. and Mra, Gelincr were wucoucol fo a Vacant Ntore aod room DO ibe ground floor.

Tbe leoaiito iu the builiUng were much tur* priiad at the etateof affaim. They wero told to not pay aay more rent to Hr. Attric^^ wbo claUw lo he tbe lightrui owner of tbe property by ytrloe of a wlii left by hii d»" OBA^ wife, who owned it. Tha faete ta tbe oaae are peculiarly iDterfetiog.

Jofao liiley waa tba prigioal owner of the iroperty. He married a Mim Edey and when a aiad left the eutlre propery to oer. lAter

ibe married John Cotter, wh<t bad two daugbteri, one of whom la ure, Ueliiier, who now laya claim to a ebare in tbe property, Cotter died and tome time after bie death hU widow married Joba Attridge. Tbiye veani ago Mra AUrldge died and left a will be- ODfiathlag aJl tbr pn»paity to her huMband. The will it now in poeMsainn of Mr. Attrldge’i lawyara, B lau & Huw^ of Or* a n ^

To a Nawa reporter th» moralog Mr. Attrldge eald that Mix. Geitner bad no claim whatever to tbe pniperty, aa ehe wai ao re- latloQ whatever to hie wife.

RAUALL HKM» FOH COVBT.Tbe Alleged Kvabeuler Had Engaeed

Paaeage to Europe.Arthur Baltall, dt Bridge itreet, corre-

spoidiag leoretary of the 3tont»cuiUrt' UuicA, wbok aa told in tbe Niwh ywiterdey, waa arreiUid by Detective Murphy, of ilie BeooiHl Predbct pc^ce on a ( h ^ e of em- bHalenMot, wee twld in $8Ud bai I to await tha action of the Grand Jury by Judge Mott tht» mornings The complaint, wbii'b ia mode bv Jamee Keilly, tbe prcaJdent of tbe unlvu, rbarfia that HaliUl, In bia oapictty of retary, received a ofaeok for flM frnni a boM ■tooecilthir and that tbe check was never turned li, tbe eecretary claiming to have loat the oh^k. This statement, it Iv allE geih wai proved to be falie, and the vompiainl was made.

The police alio learned that llalcall bad eocureu paiaage for England oa the stearn- ibip BriUnaiCs which left New York at 4 o'clock yesterday afternExiD. Thv prisont r, it ii aiWged, bad maue all arraiuferut^uU lor leaving ^ country, and had obtaiuf^l a new coat and veet from Peter Oibney, a taiiur <>f 8b Bridge itiwetq but, according to the tailor, negleclea to observe the formuiity of l^ayliig for tbe goodf. th il oversight armtswl Tailor CHbney'a Ire to inch a pitch tint he also want! to loako a charge against Hnlzall.


llloomflrlil, Moult Ulr »ntl ^r^eby.Clilef uf i'ldU’p Kniiwli, ut Moiuclair, who U

a1(t» ehairman of tilt* iVkiics ('iiiuiuit4*f> of the Vonmuiu OtiincU. Imm Riiried a movsim-nt for a o«*w pcdlce ^ttstlun. Tiofi prvMui slatlou U piHirly ventliatrd ami tmi smaU. The \Vtnii*u> Town I m nn'ut -V ssiirlal Ion Mvme time aku alti'iiit>i«il to MM-nre Iteltrr veutllation for Gm pUl't.

The Firem^ri’* AasmciaUnti of Mont*clair at a meetlna on Ti>e*.'l:iv Ellaciisseil the pfEiprIcty of adoiiiUJ'J • ' \d «■. Dr. A. J. Wrigbi nubiuhtcMl a i. ut It did m>tmeet with approval, v ..... >v.iitee of Ibreowae apiMjlnUd to tIsU UUh iiiHt'id and see tbe badge in ue> theres The coinmlltee will probe ably recommend that the Hiootnfleld taidfebe ailopted.

The Fire Commlsaionen of Montelair meet l4k-niormw idubtln tbe Town ( i unrll chaot- bon*, Tbeacliott of Koae rutnpany No. 1 la •ipelilng Kfilward Leacb h ||1 Iwcunaldered,

David G. Garrabraiits of HhKmilU ld, made comptalDt before Jnttioe lh>Rt yesterday agaiusl Jack Coarey, tieortfe Dundy and i boy named Hchlnck fur the allcgetl steaUnguf fruit from hi* prvmiiM.

tVear Itodd, luperinrendeAt of the r ^ t Orange Diepoeal Workix appvare<l before Jua. tlce Dual at Bloomfield yesterday aud pm* frrred a charge of dliurdtG)' cuunuft against John Idaebaa, * Mm of tbe de]Hi««d aupertn* leiideut. Young Un«ban aad IKsId gin Into a cUscuailon and e lively tUMle fullowsd, In whlfh Ditieban waa driven ulf tlio diRpoaal worki grounde.

TUe weddtbgof ^ilss Mary K.« daughter of Henry Heown. Jr,, of Mnntrlalr, arnl Frank Bird, of luondon. Kngland.tooV pliuvni <’|»rlRt (Tiurch» Hay Hldgo. N, Y.* at tJ o'rpK'k laal night. Many Moutdair rseidents aunudml the wedding.

The entriea for tbe Teabor Dav gamrR nf th^ Montclair Athleiic Ulubwlll cIomi on Katnr- day night.

Cbarlee W. Rngliah. of Montclair, si arts next week for Deattr. Ool., to attend the lumber dealere'coiveutlon. Kdward Taylor, of Montclair. wtU accompany him. Mr. Tay. lur eipeota to make bii hooHi In Denver.

MIm Ellen Harkins, daughter uf Daniel HarkliUa of Montoiair, and William Senior, uf Hlouiufleld, were married in the I'hurcb of lbs ImmacTilate IXjaceptlon, Montclair, at e oVluck ihia morning. Rev. Patb«r Meudloffl- i elating. Mlu Annie liiirki&a. a sister of tha i bride, was brldestnald, aud Joseph Seator, a brother of the grfioin. was best man. After the ceremony a wedding brvakfast was served.

AnicettBgof the congregation of the Park Methodbt Chnrob, Rloutansld, will he held to­night to elect a trustee to IIU a vai‘anry.

The congregation of tba Pfrst I'rribyterian and Methodist ohurohea of ('altlwrli went to Boynton Beach yeslerday on an exniislon.

J. R. Dratt, of Montclair, re|*nr(ei} to the police that hia Warwii^k wheel had hrsn stolen from in front of a house oa Ftillcnim avenue, wJicre he was vIsUtug.

Charles Huestoa. colored, of Berkeley ave­nue, Htoonifleld, arddentalty shot blnmclf with a revolver whloh he wae claanlug yesterv day. The bullet entered his left band.

Mr. aad Mrs. James Fneter, 8r., of Camden, are viiitlng their soa. IN>UcciuaD James Foster, at Wntaesalug.

Mlaa Annie M., daughter nf Henry De Welh and Jacob J. (msslug. both of Odar limvc, will be married on September IR.

Austin Van (Hesuu, of Mootrlalr, rinsed the arrest of George Bbnrt yesterday ou rfae ground that Bhort allowed ht» ducks and nhlcketii to destroy Van Ble«nn‘s pro|wrtv. Constable Gihbn arrerisd Bhort. who will have a ticarlng before Justice Milligan to- nighu

William Baldwin, of Arllnglnn. drove to : Hlooradcld Im I night. In enming into Broad etreet his wagon oolllded with a hydrant with such force as to throw Baldwin over the dash­board. He escaped vrttli slight Injuries.

IVinn^roach, of Verona, has been declared by t'halrman Howard Baymoud, of ibe Hac- lag Huard of American Wlkcelmen, to be the world's cbatnplott for tbe one mile distance. Gruei'U made the run at ('iiftun In X mfinitea IS aeoonde, the faatest llooe having been X min­utes 2P 2-fi seconds, Tlio people of Verona are arranging to give Groscb a receptlna in boour of the event. ______ __________

Westneld and Nearbr*Willow Tarove le to bave a i>oslollloe of Its

own. TIjc Dostoflice Departmeat eldecte to ettabilshlng new postoBoes wffh two words in the name, therefore Willow Grove here-, after will be known offlciMlr m Wtllowgroves Pictim it Qcw ogilAtlBg for a pCHdomce.

'I'he Westfield Bohool Board held a special tnsettng last erenlDg to oouslder the request uf Brofessur Francis for a lao-wveks* exien- a«on of his vacatloQ, Binoe school closed the prufesiMjr has lieen Under special treatment fur bis huahb, which was much broken down, and bo asks for the •zteuslnn by tbe advice nf bis physloiaoe. Tlie request was granted by the bcinrd. and as a ennsequenoe the scbuols will not n(WQ until September M.

Y*esterday aftrrntxjn Mr. Brewer*i borne aod surrey was standing In front o! Trainer's grocery at Westfield. His little daughter of nine years was in the carriage. One of the olerka started to draw rp ibe awning In front of the store ami the horse took fright and ran away. As the antmsl started off Mr. Ia Koea tried to take the child out of the oarriage, bat she wae so frightened that sbe clung to tbe seat Mr. lA Hosa was thrown to one aide and tbehoree daebed up Rim street with the car­riage and fra occupheii. The frightened animal ran the length of Kim streetlo Dudley avenae and la torutaf the carriage struck against a tree. Tbe borte Iwrame Stripped of bU bar* ncitH and then rau to a barn nearby, where It sitqqwd. The litlh* girl was thrown out when t li«" wagon caught tint was not Injured beyonda few slight bruifwBi*. Several buodr^ peoplefutw the ruuaway aod ibers waa great ezolt^ uieot for A time.

^vhlle gbiog down tbe cellar ctain this BiornlUf Fred ( alUway^ of Ploton. struck bin liAiid Hgaiust the edge of a taw aud cut a vein In the back uf his baud. All altempts to stop the bleeding tailed, and Dr. Harrison, of vvcittleld. was s^nt for. and he tied up the severed vela. Mr. Callaway ie very weak from the l<ws of hiuod.------ .1 I-. ■ ■■ 11

tcAft vvmf Http hit Pu ftBW9, ttmmtm Thotr ivaiU •Siluatiant open Mui paper Oe/Ure allD>04«r«.

She Trusted Toe Mach"Narrle<1 and De- serte<1 on the Name Day.

Mra. Freilariok Welit, formorly Mra. Jehanna IftTslD, who was (or sums titno am- plojracl os a oooh in Oleirbuian’t Irrinitou Motal and whila thare hod trouble with Frad- arick YTafsa, a Eirdanar in the aroploy of 'WlUt firolbara. truck gordaaars of Irring- too, ba having Jilta.l bar, it again tha Tictin of the heortleH mao.

After Wain Jilted bar she uioda applica­tion to Onriaar of the Poof John B. l ^ .v , of Irvlngtoo. for rallef, but not having bean a raildant of the township long enough sbe vraa tursad over to the poor lutboritlas of Newark.

Sha than got a worreat for tbe arreat of Welaa. The latter w u oot arrested, how- liver, until lost Baturdav night. Deloctlve Jaagero found him and he wo* taken before Judge Eggera. The than Mrs. Lnrseii ap- oaored in court and on Buuday inurnlng tlia ooupte were married.

On Bunday evening Waist ngnln danrtad. Mra. Wats* appeared before Judge Eggera Tuesday and told hlin uf her new trouble and oRkad hia assistance. The Judge advised her to look for Vvelse In Irvington, but she oouM not find hiiK Ha boa not yet been li>- cated. _ _ _ _ _ _______ _

LATE l(!MMEK WEDIMMflS.CereosonlM of Marriage Perfanned la

Charon and s t HomeAt tha rasidanna ot bar uaola, Cborlaa L.

King, on Rowland street, Mist Nallla King waa wadded lost night to Pradertek J, Franks, of Montclair, llov. Mr. Young, the Wde'a ootain, ofllotated. Hiss Fiiinia King, ra t brida'i cousin, was maid of honor, nod tha Hisaas Ullie Franks aud Maynw Warner ware brMaiinald*. Rdward L. Young acied ua beat mao and John J. Walobar and Walter Haukal, of Rurnmit. were ushers. Tba happy c o u ^ west oa their hoiMyiiioiNi to Dalawara Water Gap. , ' . „. At tha Church of Our Lady of Mount Cannai yastarilay aftarnoon Mlii Paulin, El Rtou and PMw L'. Dumont ware wedded by tba pastor. Tha bride’s sistsr, Miss Laonle, was maid ot honor, and Edward K. Roswra WN tjsst man. Thsrawarsnousbsra J,. darouiony-the nawjvkwsdded couple

want on a trip thrragh tba Raitarn Btataa.

gohn BHahle nod a Bowl of «-ap.■oriylost night John HI toblo, who clmlmi

Id Uva laBrooklyD, want Into KAliir's rat- touraot, a t i n Ferry atraat, and ordarod a dinner. Afisr eating it Bitohta it la aold, rofuaad to pay for the meal, and FoUoeinAu ICortin WH summoned. The latter slnight- ened matters out aud wsot away, Ritchie followed him and btosme tbuslva. He oreatod a dlatorboan eu the straeL and as a Tssalt toa ofBosg orrsatadhlm. This morn- lag when arraigned before Judge Mott tba pnioaar said tha proprlator of tbarastaurant troatad him to pay tor a bowl of soup otdarad by aaothor man. Thli ha rafusad to dsvba Hid, and after payiag for bit own meal ha started to lotTa, whan tha onoar waa ealled. Hp waa dlaahMnftd with a wornlDK In Hava tha city.

MorH«towD Nawf Items,Reounlly a base Ivall team ooiupo*Hl of

yotmn 1aw>'cn repreanotiQf the Morrii Oofia* ly Banlefcateil a nine ri*preee&tliMrlQdepcail- ent Hfwe No. 1» of Murrlittown. The victory so easily wita proved UlvUly etatliif to thedlB* ctpleM <if Black HCone, aiid ttioa they acoepled

I'lialleiitre from a alhs represantiag the Yoarig Men's ('atbolic AMOoiatiOQ t4> play a frame of ball. The mucb-talked-of game was playe<l yesterday afteraocQ and th« Uwyen were brateii. About KK> was t a k ^ la as gate rersipis, ami th« money wlU be doaaiad to All Hs>d1k' Hospital.

Haw Imll nlucM represnatlag Vautjatta Coun­cil, ,!r. 0. r . A. M., of xMorrlstewn ami Hie sMadlsun will orose bals oa the (>i>l*llnsyillc base hall groendi Labor Day.

Ai the aanoal eleotkii) of offlettv of the Mnrrlatowa HttlWlog and Ijoao AintMiatlon ei-Mayor KnlUvau, E. If. Woodruff and George G, Rnfiyon wertsUcted directors for three ytari. The oflloert elected were #z- Mayor Sullivan, presldeutt John B, Byraiu. treafltirer; Isaac I t Pierson, secretary, and George G. Uunyouv eoubsel. L u ^ i to the amoutit of llOaUOQ were aegotlatad.

General Hoy Ntone, chief Of the Bureau of Road Inquiry, of WuhlogtOD, D. C„ who is speudlng his vacation s i Mendhain, has been engaged by the Morris County Board of Free­holders to assist thsm in the preliminary work eonceraing the proposed taproTement of Morris County's roads.

Maplewood Leaves.Mrs. Hunt aud son, who have been stopping

at tbe ri'sidence of D. H. Carpenter, In Ridge­wood ruad. Maplewood, for the summer, r«- turaed to their hoOM in Nsw York City yes­terday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Brown, of UUIgewoiH] road, Maplewood, have returned from a two weeks' w joura at Ocean Grove.

A lawn party was given by Miss Alice Brown a t her residence In Prospect plai'«, Maple­wood, yoslsnlay aflemoon In honor of Miss Hattie (Joiiemau, cf ililioa, who Is her guMU An enjoyable time was spent.

A nomber of yoting mau of Maplewood bave arranged a programme of sthletlo sporu tu be held at the corner of Ridgewood road sod licnot arenno on Labor Day. The evente will cnaslit uf fbot races, Jumping, bicycle rsttes and nbetaole races.

Miss Lyda Baker, of Ridgewood road, re­turned yesterday from a short May a t Ocean Gruvi, ______

€hatliam Uappeislafs.Profesaor Panl G. Zimmerman yMlerday

met with what might have proved a serious aucldsat while driving on Morris avenue In company with his wife. The forward ail# of the buggy broke end the profeiwir woe thrown directly uodar hU bores, while hla wife fell under the bhggy. The occldouk happeut>d nesr the Morris Avenge Uotsf and aseitianos .seen arrived. Mr. and Mre. Kl|um#riuan r#- oslvod bnt a fssr bruises. ' ' y <HftMy w Firooblal

It was foind neossaary to kill two dogs In Ohatbam yesterday owing to evldenoee of ra­bies, o u t of nearly fiOO dogs In the townehlp but about th irty have boon regielored.

THE *«AU1/DNA g l FKN.**Her Aon May It* Heir to Mauv llrlMith

NoverelgnsaTbe Ariiona Star o f Joly 38jirlnts an in*

tarvtew with C^onel J, R. Errry* of Ijon* don, then staying at the Hen Xsvler Hotel, Tucson, Colouol Perrysald hta mbsioii lo Arlxona was to find « mining heir to a Urge estate in Hampshire, England. The story begins with the emigration to Amer­ica of WillUm Heatbeote, younger son of Bir WlllUm tieatbcole, of Hursley. The young Englishman was JiUle more Ihuti twenty when be drifted into Arixuna, just about the Ume the Tombetone c&mp was diaoovarcd. Mis oorrespondenre with the family in EngUnd lapsed, and be was lost sight of eompleteiy. Blr WlUUm died, and waa suoce^ed by the elder ion, who seven reaiv Utter Instituied a search for hla brother.

The young man was traced to Tombstone and then (briber south to the border of Mexioo, where be became interested in a claim worked by an old mao known as Old Frlseo, who woe a mystery in the camp. Evidently a man of eduostion and polished mannert, Old Frieoo had moved ifl a dlffbreat Kihere of life before braving tbe dangers or a m lnsr'i e:;1stence on the deeertwostea His claim was about two mites up the canyon firom the regular oamp and qoUe Insooeeslble.A young girl oi rare beauty and devoted to neraged father shared hla isolstlon and was recognised by miners for ni lies around aa the " Arliona Queen. Many a hardy prospector made rich in a day by some fortunate strike would have given all his treasure for this beautiful child of the desert, but tbe old man kspt a watohfht eve upon her, and men won­dered when be so fhr re ltied hie vigi­lance that young Heathcote waa taksn Into tbe iQDDfl mine as a partner. On the death of Old PrlMO Heathcote as­sumed control of the mine and married the '* Arlsuna Queen.

Two years pAsied, tbe Old Frisoo claim prospered and a son Wes bom to the hap* py Queen and her devoted husband, ueathoota was engaged - one day a t the end of bis tunnel In pisoing a blast, when It exploded prematurely, ailHuf hlra in* atantly. Search among the p a ^ r s In tbe oabin failed to aitabnsh his identity or connect him with the Heathcote family In England, though the mystery of Old Frisco was cleared and bis Identity estab­lished with that cf a wsll-hnown bank preHident who wrecked a San Pranolsob bonk several years ago, and, taking bis taraily, fled to the coast.

Tbe death of the eidsr brother and heir a few years ago raised the question of tbe younger brotner again.

*'Thfl fststs is now valued a t several hundred thnusaml dollars.” Mid the Colonel. "A s the absent sop waa the hei^at-law, bis iMue In the event of bis marriage would now be tbe liwal heir to the Hosthcote estate. Therefore, 1 am now here To find, if pooslble, the wife or a<ui of young Heatnoote, who tong ago left the Tom&itoDe claim and bare gone to some other part of the ooaat. 1 may find the missing heir or tbe once-fhmed Arisonn Queen, who will perhaps never know that her son Is tha rlghtfiilowner of one of England's great estates.”

Franhlla a*d Ifatlev*Htmuel 11. barruw, of Chestnut street, met

with tt Leavy Iom early yesterday morning through thr horning of the standard Buffet, at HX BroRUvray, Nrw Vurk City, oI which Mr. Harrow wo. the pruprlelor.

F. GarriKiiu and Mlee May Belle Garrison, and F. V, GarrUon. Jr., and Mra. N. W. Pree- tun. of Grant avenue, have rstnrued from Lake George,

The NuUey Field Club will hold Its annual field «|>orts and g-iiues on Labor Day on Uh ground* on IVniiiM plare.

The prugramine fur the crenl;Qg of the New Dark Hrhool iia* bren (’onipleied. Tbeexer- cIst-M wNl ronsUt of pinging by the punlle, under the direction uf I'rufeHonr D. J. hmltb : oration by I'oQgresamaA Tltotnoe Dnnn Kng- Hsh.of Newnrk I prsnentation uf the key* by the archUert to the rhalruioo of (he imard; an nrlglnal Ming, eiitltled "Labor Day." writ­ten by H. 0. Bunner, editor of for theocrailun, will he sniig by the pupil*. The exerclHM will begin at Id o'oluek.

Baker Btnly. uf Belleville, hod ojoe of bis war^tii ut*sei yesterday morniug on the cor­ner of J'ae<ialr avenue and rhralDnt itreet. Tile horse atinched lo the wagon became frighteneil while drinking at ths foanlaln, and. turning suddenly to one elite, overturned the wagon and lipllled thecmit^nU. The hurwe ws* caught before he could run sway and the wagon wttA rigbled.

Aseletont Su erintendent A Klein, of ibe Metropolitan IneiiranoeC'Omiia&i. whiJe walk*, log along Hiuomfleld avenue yeslerday affur* Boon was aUarknd by a large Muck dog. Klein sacurod a ittlrk aud a large sloue and drove the animal awav,

Mr. Hud .Mre. J, LewD Htralian, of Now York, are visiting Mr. and Mr . lli*rl>eri M. Bingham, of Turrare place, N'reelamI avenue.

Mrs. ii. IL Lyman, of New Bucliolje. N. V.,Is 4 gne i of Mr, nod Mm. it. ii. Uarsleiio, uf El^upla«'u.

TheoiK^ntiiguf the ElinwtiiMl Teniiia Cluh’s new home on Klni ptacs yesterday efterutMO was a pleaHATir iilTalr. Ihiriog the afternoon tec nis an«l other mitdoor sporls were ludulgrd Id. a dinner vkah svrvftd luihe evening.

IteUevillv sfoittiiia,A tug having In tow V. T. A. Hretr* house-

buat, “ The .\rk," catuti tu Belleville yeHter- day. Thrt craft has been uverhauSed anti is DOW lu go >d condition. The boat has been fitted unt niinfiirUbly. and her owner exiMOts tc leave for hie nr^t cruisu within a few <1aySi

A Buvcessfnl lawn party wna ht-ld on the PartK'hisI .*<'111)01 gromids ai HelleviUe last night under 1 hi'auspli’eu nf the Voimg Meo's Caihollc AK' Mciallon of Hi. IVter's ('hurch. The AM'*n'him-e was largo, and damMng cun- tlnued utiril uarly this morniug. Thu grounds were pretrily lllmninaind.

Miofl Koht Egbert, nf Maiuatree!. Bcllevlila, Is the gupsi of 8. H. Osborn, at .Morristown.

Andrew Boylan, of L'liutoQstreet,is visiting iu Fall Hlver, .Mshs.

The public ichuolH reopen next Tuesday. Heptemlier 4. h( Miintgomsry and BeilsvUle. A few rhangSH have Imin tnada at the Belle- ▼ilteflchrHil. Mrn. Alley has been Assigned to the ( ' primary riHjiu, ne it wae cimHldured 6S- sentlAl (hat the morn ex[»erienced teacher aliuiildbeln obarg'‘ of the beginners, Mlos Chit tcfllog has I'een engaged fur the A pri­mary room. MIsn Davis itae besn etigagad fur tlioC grromnar clav:, and Mla» Dodge, uf Monirlnlr, a grailUAte of Wellesley College, has Ireen sfctmid Ait aq ossDtant In the 041- vAm’sd gralr. The old library-room has been tilted up fur redlutloD puriKweo,

T. C. VVilllaiii ut tiie Kiioiosure on DAoealD ATeiiue, has lesMil the L. F. Castle ootlAge on Grant uveiniK, .Mr. ConIIh Uelog uboui to re­move ludiicago, ills

.Mr. and .Mrs. K. H. Tilton, uf Nutley avenae^ arevlaltlug friemlH In Koal llamploiH Loog island.The Nntley AtbleDc Club booe boll nine

will go tu Hlalen Island rm Haterday to croes bals witli the uinr of ihs Htoten Island Ath­letic Club.

The Nulley Fishing Club will meet'to-nlght at Barr’s ____ ____________

SflLlburn, Hhnrt Hills and Npringfletd,Nuwtou Hiker, a jtaper-maker, formerly uf

MUlburn, whs arraign* i before Justice Himp sou yraterday un a charge of mm-support mode by hla wife, liiker woe dismUa«4l uu bli promiae to remove to Baeklag Ridge, where bu said he wuiiid provide a home for Mrs, Hiker.

Chriatlan FoigeoapAu, a Newark brewer, who bos a summer reHldrnoe at Old tihurt llilJo, re­turned this muruliig from an eitcnded trip tbruugh New York H(a(e,

The progratufue pf the Thursday uiglit prayer-moeilngs at lbs .Metboillel church. Kprlngfield, bas been changed, and hereafter the mesMng will lieglnat f:4fi o'clock with a prayer service.

Thu annual excuralun of the Methodist church uf Hprlugfield to Ocean Urove aud Asbory Bark will Uke pUoe lu-morruw.

gooth Orange Nauiiterlngsa A two-ysar-idd child of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh

Coblou, of Hmith Orauge avenue, (South Or­ange, died yeeterday.

The eec*^ foot hall eleven of tbe Hooth Or­ange Field Club wlU meet to organlso to­night. '

An attempt was mode by bli rglani to enter the resldenos uf William Fredericks on Acad­emy street, Houth Oraage, lost night. The thleVee were at wurk boring a bole to the soeb of a rear wlndr’ r eo that tbey might word the Uloh when they were frightened away.

Jhe HoiLth Orange Field (7Ub eyclcrs wlU •u? ^ -# Tuasdi^-ajijghL

Bflhool In flouth Or oage will open on Tueodoy next for the fall Uirm. <

Mrs. John Murphy, ot Houth Orange aveoue, li vielttng her daughter at Aebory Bark.

lyesi Ms aii H Prices in Americaim srjjffM sm m d jjm sraLm sm iH iu .

t o k 3


MONSTER 3c. SALE!A V T T J j C M s O S K I N T ’ W O U / V Y 8 .


Big BasementTo CUNFOHM w ith tha downwxrxl teiidaiiuv of valupa rau an l by tha new

Tnriti, (Ireal ilnnsnhu In G U A N n ’K IltO N W A U K K ltE S E llV lN a Ii K TTLES.


GREAT TARIFFIC REDUCTION SALEW c IlH* SiiriHtis Htock o f T w o T m ito i i rutU'rleHa

White I*i»rc'*la1n Pllcliehi. f-qiiart alee . . . . . . .41iH'h Fhiw't^r Btilaftrid Hmicpra.....................h-iuch Fluw*-r Buta and Hauc^ra.....................WIdte I'lircrtlaiu lioiir Diahea ..................... .tVhlte I'uiotilniri J*ialra. any alse,.................WliUc IVircelaln Teepolo,....................*..........While I'orc^Ulii Huger Ikiwla...............Drc^df ri White I'orcclalu Hlnp Ja rs...... ........tVhitf I'orcelAin JhiwlaAli'l IMloben..............While I'urt'eJniu t'nmi*urta..............................While IVirOelaiu Haled Howls.......... ...............White BorreJain t'tial^x»rt Jttg«.......................Whit* l' <rc*lain (‘naipi»rt Jug*......... .............WJiitc Pitn'^laln (*nal|H>rl Juga....... ........ .White I'ortwiain ('ualjnMrt Jugi.......................


I'overed HAueepans, b-iiuart........ ......................ruvrred Ham lloDera. Iv^-gathm......................l^v«reil llain Holler*.X-gailuti........................

rnrcflnln tir Tlh-llnnl roverwl HatirwpanA, X-quart.,.. l*orct*laiu or Tin-lined Covered Haurepane, lAi-qiiart .INwcelaln or Tln-Biird ('overed Haut'epAOH. It quart..., jhirceiaiu or Tiu-ilned ('uvervil Saucepaua, 4*quart...J^rcHaiii or Tji*-Ilticd Uovered Haueejians, &-ijuarL Furcainin or Tin-lined t'uvered I*I'orociaiu or Tin-Btini t^veriil I . . . __1‘ijrrelaiu or Tm-llm d Coverwl iUm Boilfr*.Sle-icA)luii..... .I'tirceUln of Tiii-lliieil (‘oven'd 11am BoUrra. H-gailun.....jN*rre1atn or Tin-Bned f’overed Ham Boiler*, W^-gallou..,Furretam or Tiu-llned <'uverr4 Jiao* Boiler*, 4-gaUoa,...,IVjrrelalu or Tin-lined liivt*red Ham HuUer*, &>galhm.....

Special Mces oa Ml Kliis ef Freserig Ues.

K*ts Nuw16«

To «•«c 4*

MIC«Jo f«u.du«aiQ 10Oe«BSftc 10«.*A

n t s fti.ansaW) flM.ittlib4fkJ 9fleTflo Altaimu 9V<*



..Hhj t»*.Mo »t«.m 95*

Sfi*.HMo «s*

fll.W At*il.l9 790l.lMl.4« 97ol.W ■1.09IBS ■ l . t tlA • le4V

T IN 'VVAHII n o ih E H H , 7-lnflh copper bottom , re)(. 81»o....H O LIl) COl’I 'K ll TEA K E T T l.E H ............................ .............MAKON’H B E ST JA U 8, quart*..................................................







Perfect Fitting Paper PatternsThia rut lllMatrate*

innef aavcral auwNlylea Jii^t rctelveil. Another will appear ro-murruw. \Vv have alac rerclvad a 'iiinplclr llmi uf pAl- erna for maklnj; lun*-

.in iMiderweAr, price


HANDKERCHIEFS.KS) finsau Fliit Wklt* llamstlMbsd M ull.ll

■l)rlat uf cinhfaltl.rr, rox- lUv. xod U M -F r i d a y 5 c .

'{ Udd Uit lasdl**' AB-Llnun lleTnatUnhed, eiB>! broldered Initial, r*g. Xftc. lottio.,' F r i d a y 1 5 c .r Men's Colored Border llerBstltched. reg. lOe,I F r i d a y 6 c -

LACES AND INSERTIONS.Bolm df f'arla (jAre, roinred edges uf red asd

b ue, 3 In A Inohn wide, atH A L F P R I C E .

Jnssrllms In huttar tnfhas —Ida,

in'! aeru.nua to t»r

3 c . , 5 c . . 7 c . a n d 1 0 c . y d ,

A H P T . E ^ r i 3 m L I N ' E O F

Brass Bedsteads at Half Price!


All leading teachers of cookery use

b a k i n g p o w d e r .Always makes light wholesome food.

einrim i JKWv Nroarr..CK, .lyinufro*. Smttmr ft q p M Amfiwft

« P m "ftOd

TAMIN.l lll'NMiN'UimillN.How tho I’roUx U lll- I 'roa tnm Qulrhl/

l.*iirn t oiitldanac.St. Auruitlne Cor. Furait and Btrauin.

Hu nuiilOKblrda s r t ao clowly Wutobad by ornlthulnglsts that, appuraiitly, tba only Im portant qua. tioD still unsattlad ia la ralatlnn to Uia doracitio cliaraotar of the mala. Audubon and Wilson oould bardly find wrords to rxproH thair ad­miration fur blm iM a dutiful and dairotad husband, but lataly tbeir optnlona bava boon cbnlletiqad, and Mr. Turrey (I tblnkl ho, eruu bud ralay.i of watohart at ft m at for warka, and asaerta, positivaly, that tba nml* bird ahows no ufTactlon for bU mate after the terDilnallon of bis courtship. Now, this question 1 m ast leave for other* to decide, for although 1 am, probably, the only una In tha country who tames huinmhigblrdJi reg­ularly axary suminer, I have never haeu luoky enough to find a nest (bat I oould aatoD, though I have always been In- olinad to agree with Audubon and Wll- aOD.

A few yaara ago 1 had a large room In New York, and a flurlat In Astoria aent me in a paper box a laniale bumming bird that bad been caught hi one of hla hothousaa. Ha said a pair of them came iu nearly iKiry day, and I requested him to bring me her mate if poislble. In two or three days—alter the first one had be­come thoroughly tame—the mala bird was brought to me. I took him out of the box and bald him iu my band till bis mate caina down from her perch to feed. Then, whan 1opened my hand and let him go ba seamed (o be In a rapture of delight. He circled around hor llxa a crary lover, apd as he waa undoubtedly very hungry, as soon aa she left the bottle ha look hia din­ner without tbe allghtsat healtaUon and than darted up to h tr, and renewed bla (lamonatratlons of affection lor a long time. When 1 fed Ibam, whloh wo* vary ofian, he always walled lor her to taka tbs lead, then followed and hovered round her till abc was satisfied, and then helped himaelf. I have never witnessed anen gallantry and alfection, and It is vary dineull to oliange tha opinion I than oon- oalvad of blm as a husband.

1 wae very much Intcrealed in my little psta, though I did not Ilka tha idea of Kaaplng them confined In a roomt bnt tba matter waa soon sattiad; for the mala bird, iJi bla rapturous flighta, dashed him- aair against tba window. I anant naarly a day in trying lo reauaoltat* nlin, but h« had evidently injured hlmialf internally, Hla mate waa than turned out, and I bava never atnea attempted to keep tbem In oonfinement. In (sot, It was only from Dooeaalty th a t I did It than, forlknoW that ttaay can not live more than two or Ihne woaka without Inaaol food. Hera In my country homt tbar can be tamed with little troubla, though I am lutpaotad by soma of employing magic.

Now, oa yoD Intlmaled that my fln t ar- ttclaw aanol aaUtfkotorv, Inaimaiih aa 1 failed to glva the datalli of my taming prootaa, x will give It In th l^ thongb of ail who have been Initrnotad by me not one baa been able to do anytblpg with tbem.

In dlapoiltlon they are as dlSkrent as ohildrsn, and wbll* alt of them are ap- parantly very timid, that in moat o f (bam b aially owrooma, and than they a r t very bold and fearlata. Tha graaler part of them go fnrthar north than Florida In •ummtr, and tha fisw that ranidn hara to bring op famillea (urn the young ont of their neata ajboat

the middle of June. Whan they start on their emigrations in early aninraar no temptatica la strong enongn to keep tbem here, and I have given up all attempts at Iralnlug them Uirtbe young birds appear. They usually become so feorleis that tbey come to us anywhere about tbe grounds, and come In and hover round us while sitting at Ibe table. Unaoubtadly memory la not tacking In t be litlla oraaturai, for on two occaalona our pets bavs rctarne4 the following summer oa tame oa when t b ^ left.

The first I mentioned in my former coniinunicallun. This summer ws bod tbe ill-luok lo tame a nervous, unsHtlsfao- lory lUtie fellow, aud were rather glad when ba dlaappeared.

One day whhe my wife and I ware sit­ting on the plassa a beautiful mala bird Ut on a twig chum by, and Iremarksd tbat If we could only sui>ceed In getting him under control we need hare no fear of hla being driven off by a stronger bird, a* Is often the case. I went in and got tbe bot­tle, and III a few minutes he was silting on my finger, to our great surprise. It was undoubtedly tha one wo bad photo­graphed lest summer, only now changed from a speckled to a ruby tlirosU Rut I was mistaken about bli fighting qualities, for ss eoon os the other one loutid him poachiog uu bis preservet batjounced upon him like a hawk and drova iltii off. lie returned two or three times,

but finding hs could not stay without a fight he left us, very much to our regret. Idle other disappeared In a fsw days after that, but we took the loss oomplnoautly, in a day or two anotbar young male, with an aiitirely different dtaposition, oaraa and took his plooa, and In una day waa tamer than his prtdecesaor. Its Is now perfectly at boroa wilh us, though hs only oame a week ago,

Tlie young mala la eoally known by hav­ing a apeckled breast, wtaivb is changed In a few inuntbs lo deeporlinson. tlia tall Is tipped wliu wbito tbe first year, which also changes to brown or black. This bird bos one liltla apark of lire In tha centre of his throat. Ilka a ruby breaatpln —the firat Indloatlou of a obanga. While I write this on tne plaixa be Is altbar sit­ting near me on a tWig or paying frequent vlalte to tba little bottle of augar and watar ■tending by me on tha table.

The proeess of taming tbem Is very eimpte. When I find them a t tha flowart i bang a amall bottle of augar and water up near tha fluwari and then Ituert a big- nonia (or other favorltaj; and when they find it 1 move it a few yarda a t a tlma UU I get It near tbe p lana , wber# I can itt and bold It, Of oouraa, aome patienoa ia required, bnt by taking a book I can paaa an hour or two very wall. After coming afaw U m aaths badiapanuawith, and than there la no nirthar trouble, " - ................. - t - r — ------------- ^

XFKRUUC* •tomi to ilhoir tbftt tho ohoopMt prfoo ut which ft lood, gfthftrtl iuwft> pftpsr o «a bo oold U two cento.

The ruUng prlooft ftt which ftttob papen ttr* oold are two and thmconti.

In thU hUMW tho zriW A BK XVXNXirU n x w * fttftQdft pro-omlnoQt,

It azceedft in oirouUtlon ftnjfftftir. noon dftUj pubHahad atthfaft prlota is the Btatoi of Haw Yon, n n * OflYlnla or How lanay. ^

Tliftt our ofUropeated swwrUoti tha t we soil a t lower prlcM than othera ii no empty howt, but a hnnl-|»n fact. Couple tliie with the knowlnlg* that you (tet your money lack for anything unnatUfactory, ami there ihould be no iini'etlmi as to the moat profllable place for you to do your trading In, Tlie»o ipoolal bargaini are for to-morrow o n ly :

Outing Cheviot*.Iinhort length". Wark anUbrnwngnjunat, rngular 13Hc. Trlilar« RJ* bergale prion......................... •

Ready-made Sheets,

Bleached Table Damask,6ilnch«« iTt wWth. anti In n«w trry bftn<]«tTUA iHittern r^fularB&o. fiidiky’*bwTf*i * prio*."*..*.

Bordered Apron Ginghams,SB Inch"" will" and Unit (lyalHr n.Kiil". blua and bmwn fliMka,?MUl»r lUo. t-ridai'" bargala l» a prlw, while It laau.............. ..........

Unbleached Canton Flatmel,E ilra haaey flna Iwm and ton*nap, regular HWo. Fridar*" W - ? lai^K price, whlUfltUala................. <*<'

A n e* « llen l qualltr, n n W w h ^ maellB . wHh_Hai!li hem,long. B4 yard" wida, regnUr «c. I J j F>l3»r'i nariata prloa.......... .

Cream Domet Flannel,An eatra ftne qaalllr. *I laobM wide, nertf eold for lew lhan «c, Frldar'i bargain print, whU* U iaala.

K E W A K K E V E N T N O N W S , T n P R S P A Y . ACGTTBT 3 0 . 180A . • I

Heath&Drake The Popular Store.

D ow n W8 go from to -d a y to w a rd th e end oI A ugus t. S u m m e r’s slow feet are creeping s te a d ily b u t su re ly to w a rd fa l l and w in te r .

Our b e a u tifu l new s ty les are beg inn ing to a rrive .

The Dress Qoods d is p la y here is a lw a y s noted for i t s m a rve llo u s beau ty , i t s w o n ­d e rfu l v a r ie ty ; i ts exc lus ive designs.

W e endeavor ev e ry F riday to m ake th la d ay m ore In tereatlng by giv ing b a rg a in i th a t w ill au rp rlse th e ahrew deet buyera. To-m orrow ■will be m ade m em orable by aelling a t lew th a n w holeeale ooat. YOU w ho know US k n o w th a t w e m ake no pram lsea w ith o u t p iod u o in g th e proof o f IhlflU m ent.

The lirw lttible magnetic power cf our wonderful TAliiee liai brought thouiande of people from all point* of tbu cumpaM to

OTIS OBEAT BTnUINO SALE.le It of any wonder when ae a premium for helping

u» condense »tock* we give our patrons the roost d«lrable class of raeroliandlee a t amr lime on aale, with 1 l U t h a A t c o a x , N EA R COST, BELOW COBTT


CAKPENTER'8 GENUINE LAOE-BACK SUSPENDERS,l e d slm faner w d embrolderri »ebWt.ft. S I C e H W ItoW rr mpperiers, nsuallT »«- Fr«*7's pdoe............................

MEN’S ? IT B A dUALTlT OVERALLS,Made of .aperloT maurial. .plendMIr.aewn, lb Mae or whlU, with or C e U l SwUhool aVroiia, regular »o. Friday'" bargain prle...........................

MEN’S UNUUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS,Madoof ,up.rl..rronalla.Ma« 1* M lTr»lupr“" ^ 4 C C U UUsiuBi M l InTdcuble back and front, worth Ute. i riday • oargam prica

lie, f’snton Flann"I«. In length" of 8 Qn yH•iid 10 yarda ............ ^

MEN’S FINE ODTINQ SHIRTS,Onrinr » c tic grade" In Poinet nanMl.rh«Tl<»tM*d Cambrl|»,llgW2 S S d l ^ S ’oStoiCatl «11 m ad. and loll "lie. Eriday'. bargain prloato ............................................................................*.......................................

SK9 eentH

Tln-lop Jelly .. ......................fi-lneh Flower Pots, iU* ^ ^ a W m b l.r s .......... 3e.eaMason's (Jnart Fruit Jars-^ksd 1 Ifle

^JisuTnaboa,firstqaafity.only »»»■Bsamtlfnlty Dtootated 10-plso* Totlst |^ |J9 atnehGlaae fic

Doobts-piate on white mstsl Tee-•1'®®*“ ' ..... ......................... SET OF BIX H»s

L . B a m b e r g e r 8 * C O e g

4*c.yd *"**'''*-equal to 7e. gooda

Torkey Red I!ama»k,gof)d worth at 2 5 0 . V dWc., M'lllng............................ Mwvij".K Q „„J n"iidw>n» fiajln Ithidaiiiaa, all 0 ilC.ytl (llli, luaUgmidcoloraebeapatBOe.

LOOK HERE.Extra Tambour Embroidered Rwt«

Mntlln Saab ('urtalnlug, double a ^ elngla Mrdera »n<* ®“-19C.yd

89cIt Qnamy All-wnol InjnwlnHquaree, new pallern«.2Hi* yard" # 4 7 9....................................... ^ ®

New All-WoolMixed Suiting*,double w idth, valnefiOe., at

3 8 C oNew Jacquard Silk MIx m Suiting, double w idth, value SOc., at


FOR FRIDAY MORNINGSOIBTBIIG SPtCIUEiqQltlU H o t Of Short L n itth Fine C&llcots,

th« 80a gnid« o f goodp, on ipocinl Ublo, 1 to iO ynr4ft l<mf.

iD74 H T .i4 m

FAKCV CHEtflOTS—<0-lncb Vidot Chariot" In new mixtnrea, worthWo., for................. ....................

DBILLI ART HERORa- ILlDch Brill-’ hni Hergi*, all n*w falUhadea

itc. quality, (or.


Uood Quality Florida Water. Yon barep« doubt paid K6c. very often for tw 1 An better, here...... ..........................better, here

1 A n For a bottle of ipltndld atranftii West 14C ludla Bitv Horn*

AND LOOK HEREAll-etlk Chanimy. Bonrtlon and othar

laoea, very line gouda of J#c. valna, QQo .........................................lO n r r d All-silk Orrnadlso Vallltw, satiniA & yu border, ill ehadee.

147 and 149 M ABKET STREET.


■Ma •€ the ■xperiaaoea of aa AaiaHaaa CIUsea-Brutal f laalowaB

•r Waataa,

[Irl foortean veai* oM. When wa left fottlOD an oaoot requaetad ooa of the eoldlara to coax lha girl away f^ro the family whan the Art* atallon was raaobad. I heard the offloer Mklng to

irned the (hmlty. 1 iriaonen to protect

From the New York Son.Nlobolas N. Fradrikwui, thoAinarloan

cttlxatt who atrlved on Saturday on the itaamabip Peris, and whoae etory of hie Imprieonment In the Military Prieon of gu Peterebnrg, from which ho eioaped on July 1*, was told In the dun, related fur­ther detade of ble adventure yesterday.

Be eatd that he eould think of no reegoU Ibrtha poUoe peraeoutloa ho underwent Jn Bttsala other then the spite of the gsadanne to whom be refueed to pay tribute. The ohargee were that be had deaertad from the army and changed bis ctttsenebip, religion and uenie.

“ To that gendarme 1 refused to give twenty-flve roublea,” sold Mr. Prederlke- •aa, “ and he aatd U would coet me twenty-five tlmee twenty-five roubles to •fPsol my release. I lo*t mf liberty end eonalderably over fl.OOO In cash. Ameri­cana can not appreciate the power of the

the soldier, and warned the (kmlty. I alw aaked tha other prieonen to protect the girt. YfbenUleetatlatl WH *5*ioJdter appeared,'and takhui bold of theI S . . __I Ml akmh atsA wMsnmi'kN.Tiir

ladles' SwVi Embroidered I ^ p Edgelicslloped lUndkerrblet"; aleo Me"'" Alt-ltncn H.nwtilclied, vrar* 11« ronUid cure Bsi. l»c.toiac.Teiuei AAwSjVM N iJi-"IUw4" Jew-"* - -rented pure B e l , Wc. to IJc. veiuei

E jtra fine foil nlckel^lated Bole-

S2.29 ffUn IMW X Mfimetaws e—;---lleeh Point elTecte, | t value

Faney Brail Teblee, real ouyi top, 10tnehea "unare.with fancy under aA AA shelf e ^ of %1 value.................

*iy QQ Fine Banquet Lamp", heavy onyx Wl.Ov rotumn, pretty eltk "bade, |13



Fine Covert Cloth, mixed colon, 62 Incbe* wide, value ti.OO, at

75c. yi*


lte.rdPATTERN SKI RTS—Onting Flannel J g>

HalUtn8blrU,0»c. qualltT.for...




8CKIM~ae-lnch wide Lane Btrlps l e ■* ticrim, Se. qnaUty.......................... wlifjll

Storm Serge, All-wool,■ye.*0 r ■Indigo dye. *0 inobe* wide, value 60c., a t


OREHS OINOHAM8 — New Dark Ilrrai UlLghania, worth lOe., tor..

ROLLER TOWELIilNO —Bleached Twilled TowslUng, red border, lOc. quality............ ...................

OLA8R TOWELUNO-IS-Inch Plaid Ultae Linen Towetling worth 10o„ .................................................

fa n c y BCRlM-Ml-tDoh FaaoyCoI- fila ed ored btrlpe Scrim, worth Uo., tor

MUSIJNOOWNS-BeaotlfeUymade,trimmed with embroidery, regn- aa lariillc. qnaUty............................. T»«.llt

RAIRPINS-Large OablMt Hair- la plua............................................. " •

HOSE SUPPORTEBR-Odd lot of C* ea Cblldren'i Hoee Supporteri......... Oil, y l

DUCK SUITS-Ladle*’ Duck Buits, t Blaser efiecte. large eleevee, neat- dOaly made, worth tLN, for......*,*,

LADIES' WAISTS-lawn and Pe^rale WabU, rnflie yoka, full Ifia eleevea, worth We., ehofoe...........

H O U S E F U R N I S H I N G S .K O a LAROE WABH boiler, I 1 2 |} heavy stam ped ketpinedM Regnliif Hto. qnftUty. | DfSHPAN, worta Ro. i

rtn* Cor«t CoTST", V front urul •dfla awl Inaenlon, »l»ci wide cm- broidered icnerlioa aod edge nna of aSo. rfttae..".......... -.......... 24o

Ftne Rolled Gold Screw and Drop Earrlngi, "Olid i»ld wlro", regu­lar 78c. to gl-iOguod" 25c

n o - Genuine Alltfitor Pune", with iralde wOC pocket, flue ulckel frame, regular Bw.

IQ - Extra floe foil nlckel^lated Sot I DC. p r aura, In 8 aliea, Wo. to Stc. valuae.

All-ellk Colored Fancy No. J e l l e d IQ n .v d Garter Elastic, regular Wo....... awu. j

00 Merino Covered Tomato Plocn*hlonsr UuWD to OOe

ObUdren'ft Srhfjol HiiiKikerchief*, pretty printed detlifni. Belllutf rftpldl; ' —?Sidiy«d";dth ;ri*? roiJt-;: 2c

aO n Balance of thoee odd "liee In lAdlee’, tfOv Mlw"'. Boye' ned Tout be' Shoes, Of

gl.W to tAOO velue.

E x tra F in e S torm Serge, pure Indigo dye, 6U inebe* wIdA value 75c. yard, a t

w i i v S o : x &1 5 9 TO 165 M ARKET STREET,

' 9 c t sKew fill Mtyle* !tt fhitlerlok P»tt«ri»

DOW ready* CaUlogM u d fMhloa papera fte«*

Heath* Drake777 and 779 Broad St.

Fine Black Broadcloth" for eapei Krtn -nd and dteases, 7k. value.............. UUUJfU

__ ___ gggJEFvMWU| Wli® ei*«aeaw •* —glri requeeted grufllv that she aooompenyhim. T — •*—

tOTtnUKKUUIT .aewv -—W -WWW- —r - ” .'bim. T b efir l ihr*nk b*ok, aad mother and daughter pot ihelr arini aroand each other u d began to crTe The fM her pro- teited, a i did aTefyW y In the om . 1look It upon myaeir to say that the omoer

id 00u » a « opou uiy—11 vu - - - —-wee a brute u id ought to be aahamea of blmaelf.

*^The' eoldleff eeelag thathooould do _ ig, WentdffindiSformed btisupelf-

lor that I had called him a brute, and In anothingminute the latter eppearedcled only In ble troniere and sh irt When I WM pointed out, he exolalmed: ‘ Oh, It is tho Amertosn P All the prisonere were so stirred up end showed so much fight tbet he went sway vrithont taking the girl. I1*0 W « * * * I.V V M J TV swoaaewaw W- — g ^ - - 'told him that whaa 1 obtalnad ray llbarty■ . U.U-.W - a a * keeisvsmr1 would lei the whole world know o fh bhitslUy. He thresteilea to ran me through with h b sWord, but did not do i t

“ That night a woman from tbeCaU'

gendsrmee. They the Oxer's prlvsle bodygusrd and can arrest even QeDooygue™ «iu c a donerals

• of the army. Conaequently, when this oSoer showed hb aulmua toward me eveu Oeneral Bebainder could not help me, because If he showed too much InUr- est In me they would have suspeoted him and might have oonftKsted his properly.

“ The flial Jail I ws* In was that of the city of Blelgorod, where 1 ws* oonfined^ -----jviietij rysavsu* * ww— —after b e i^ arrested on my emplojier s eXUU. ^..jerew ere confined there four women who were suckling children, and the oldait child was less than nlns months old. The Oovernuienl Joes not allow

casus, twentv-threo jeur* old, w u assault ed by an officer and two loldlei^ She

There'* * big w indow full of *11 the School Room F ixings *t *pecl*l prices, and there'* * llfe-Hke school room scene, inc lu d in g teacher, who for tho tim e being w ill give dally'lesson* to class In charge. The public are cordially invited.

L. S. PHUT & CO. - • 707 TO 721BROID STREET.



clap-trapl Not windy deceptlonl we dea’t try to


UnfVprMVM* »» w merre a •* # swottr cttitonwri Into pniing

price for tbelr Tbai end Oott*#* with the


;;saet Superior Claret .•SpetMlice BlenSed Teas....... .............!5«- ps»lies English Breakfast Tsa....... **e. per

Y O U R B O Y ’S O U T F I T !

S u it , 'w o rtli ' ■ $ 3 .5 0 S h o e s , "w orth “ 1 .25C a p , w o r t h * -50

$ 6 .2 5

,-_lb per lb

cent for children's bMrd, oousequenlly all. . . . . ---------- -----------------------------the mothers had was the regulation one

and one-half pound of rye bread anu a-■_-M_____ li-ssMi# atafl_____ ________ ^ U U U V * *. J Wl s e sw v M — — —

portion of soup composed of liver and cooked lungs of < “ ' •-i.i-f cattle that no respectable aiaughler-houae would kill. The thought of the smell of that soup nauscales me even now. But those poor creatures were glad to gel It, and if they found a hard piece of meat in It they counted it a great delicacy. Thu pound and a half of bread allowed them they did not get, ai tbejailar took the half pound, and you may bo sure ho took the best part.

•* When my servant brought Iny meals 1 oould not have the heart to cal by luyselt, but generally gave a good part to the women, who would try to kiss my hands and feet Borne of them had been con­fined in the Jail a year and a half lor petty offeDoes, and tbelr cases had not come to trial, Tho women were putIn a different room from themen at night They had noth­ing to sleep upon but the regulation bench, lust large enough for one. The vermin were thick, and there was a con- tiimal crvlng in the woman's departm ent Soap was not allowed, and of water the Isllcr was verv chiiry, giving oncli woinuu only a handtul with which ahe was lu—j^Md to wash both bt-r ohlhl anil iiersefilHJSCU lu n.aii Hi.-,. ........... .........ru fir clothes looked like worn-out scrub­bing rags.

“ 1 asked the Jailer If my wife could bring bread and milk for the women and children, and be said that If I did I would spoil them and they would rml be content

su u j *u - ---------------- - --was on the platform of the oar ahead of me, and t could hear her icrearas. She scratched the nffloer's face, making him look a sorry sight Sh# had been sen- lonoed to Siberia for twelve yeare because she was suspeoted of being in love with aN ihilist When tho soJiMet* left her "hefell in a faint and lay that way for hours, the other prisoners being so used to suoh sights that they made no move. I kept my temper this time is I knew It would be no use to fight againrt snob heavy odds. When the young woman recovered coo- tciuusness she turned her fisce to the wall and cried all night

“ When wo reached Moscow I wa* obliged to be aeparalad from my com- panmoa We were taken from the cars, chaleed together and marched through the clly to the prison. Tho Jail was seven mile* from Moscow, and wo bad to walk all the way there, Tho pace eet was so fast that the women and children had to run, and they were worn o u t

" The Profimlslalc prison In which wo were confined 1" a four-story building sur­rounded by walln twenty-five fhet high. Several of us weru confined In a la r p room, tho foulness of which cannot be surpnwicd by any prison room in the world. On the floor and on the wnlnscol- Ing wore gathered the greatest variety of vermin I ever saw. Von could not put your linger on n spot where they were nut. Henehes were In the room, on which we were supputed to sleep, but the vermin were thick there, too. I put my rnbluT coat on the bench, and, silting in the Turkish lashion, kept knocking the bugs off all n ight You may bo sure I did not gid*leop until tho following day, when the insects also rented.

1 was In tills Moscow prison six days Tho day we left a Hrioen-yeat-old boy was nearly knoiited lo death for disobeying an order. In a car of llio train In wlilcli we were taken to Moscow were four women, who were being sent to prison because

»A tL AND WINTE* SILKS.Heavy Grades w iu » • i« T«*os-Olhev

FMihloR Note*.The ooUook for fill wnd winlor >llki

pyotnISM UM ttMlh foexU in the rlohert and moat aopsrb qnallties ~ dorost, Watchet, brocads and th* heavy ohenoya, as well as striped peso de sol* with a i- qnlsltely tinted flowers open th* strlpea All these grades are hsavy and will be made in such a manner aa to display the beauty of the fabric. The oheney* bav# enormous flowers like Ibll blown roses, convolvuli and bouquets, but all (hate fiowet* are In extremely delicate tints, though very wllsUoally de­signed, and the ground b never dark, but alwayi in some subdued and neu-

185 ind 63? EroidSt, Cor. New SL


TO-O N T . Y :

Full Yard-wide Bleached MusUn. Mt equal to hut the real genulns Fruit of the loom and Lonidale breads, 11) yards G> a customsr, at

Chelae En*:Choice OoioCholne Japan ................................ rC'baloe Younx HyeonTefc............. ;}*• P*v }rCholoe Raeket fired Tea................•*»■ per lb

Ohoioe OoloegTea.............. .......... Jf®. per IhcEoleo Japan'rea..........................*;«• per |h. ••-".iierlh


* 2 . 0 0

ONE DAY ONLY--SATURDAY, SEPT. I.Same Teas told i t backet shops at *0e. per lb dead Maracaibo Cuff as................. •*«. P«r lbU11UU jaMAPAmiw ......................................... r— r -Good RloCofl**............... ............. J5®* P**Best Lnas Cut Bmoklnf Tobacco..., *•«. per lbPure Wines,..................................Tie. per galPure Vinegars.........................Pure Whtokeys-........................Pure Bys.S-year old... ........ •*;*!? *7!! *H!Rest Cbocolste Cteem Drops......... 14^ per lbFrench Mixed Candy..................Also a large variety of other goods and groiet

which I am obliged to omit for want of ipeee.

W illiam Tierney,65 lAHIET ST., IRWA8I, I. Ji

PU U S S qpJSVJSt OTItV" " le -w j . r v —. — - —---------— ---------with the present AtXtr much urginK

' t my wife bring In milk and broad efcry day. I ftHkud tiim If tie ouuld notho let my wife brlnefcry day. 1 ft^ked •jui* *i s»m*ftflbrd to givti Itin cents a ibiy from l»ia ownwngeBto liupruve the woinen'a con-u n i s WIVjUTrB iU X iX X |y iw rv m v - " - w e e iw . . w-veedltlon, but at this he only lauighod and laid 1 was orar.y. 1 bud galnea a point*

n d a u v w x i |^ iM Tiib Lvy |/■ l■ w ■ x s .rx :w i» u a v

they sold cuoked food lu the streeU of Novtcr^>d, thereby cuuip^'tlnif wUb Ibe

M g iu M. VS « I» V l* « > y e * •■•e,4however, and when niv servant brought in tliruB quarts of milk every dav tho ever­lasting crying stupprd fur a lime.

1 wut taken to Kursk, but did not stay there long, as they quickly removed me lo Toulon. 1 WHS taken with four car­loads of prisoners, most of whom had been exiled to Siberia. In lbs same car with me were a woman and child as noarly like beasts as it Is possiblu fur human beings lo get. Her hair was unkempt and fell in a tangled mow around her face, lisr clothes were rags, and her eleven-monlh- old child was equally as bad looking. The woman was nut more than kWenty- six years old, and had beauti­ful blue eyes, but In her coudltlou they were the only redeeming feature, fur she vros BO covered with dirt that little else was seen of her. KhS said that her husband was confined in the Siberian mines where be bad been sent a year and s half previous. According to the Russian law a wifr must’reside where the husband does if he wisliee her lo, and slio hnd been compelled the authorities to follow her busbaod, who had requested that she bo sent lor after he bad arrived in Siberia.

“ When I saw the woman she had been travelling on the railroads a year and a

' half. The auttioritles bad loat her name and Wert sUfUiig her around here sad there. Neither sbenur her.cbtid had bad a uhange of elothlng or a bath In aU the time of tbelr wandering. The Udvani

............................ en kopei'

restaurant keeper*. The soldier* insulted thorn, a* they were young and Jefenceles*.

“ When we readied HI. Petersburg 1 wa* cbilned with four men who were sus­pected ol being enemies of the Cxtr, and taken before snoie high nillitai y offleer, II* assured me liiat oiiTy g<xid fond would be given to me while fw as under him. While conh-mplsting my escape 1 thought of three plans. The Unit scheme I formed I followed aud It worked to perfe> tiuu. It involsed no crime and was the most aim-

5 i c . Y d . RGray, Jr.VO Drills PKtt rnii, of DXtrk flue quality In*

dlMO lllue DresH CaUcueft* at

4 9 c t s .For full rattern of 10 yardi.

80>iDCh Fancy Colorad all n«wti

6 i c . Y d .

BLACK PU.TC GOWN AKD EPACXET* trifil t in t Oray» very pale blue, mode, flaXv IlUc* mauve and d « b and or two of the leaet pronounoea of t j e light browTiH are the color* *hown In tna groundwork, which U *lw*y* In JEl***“ ing contrast to th© floral pettern* ™ , f* hlllm will have (h© ekirU entirely plain and bp gathered or plaited to the and whatever garniture thew m*y be will bo on the wol»t *nd *JeeT©*^ftna will conAlst of laoe end beadwryk or full ptifTnof chlffan. The rtyle of m ak­ing liJBBO lovt lv jtllki will be quaint add rnFlowthe IKk) model very cloiely. l aaw on" of th© pRtti'rn dreMes mad© with a full plaltpd skirl - th a t U, it was plaited In to the waist Him and fell fre© from they© In noble folds. The waist waa pointed In front and cut out pompadour faahlon, and there wae a Htomacher mido of ib iired chiffons edged by delicate laoe, which wa* gathtred clear around the ii©cky m ak li^ a

t h e s e I o rALL D A Y :

Fotf l¥ant Hardware,Wrought Iron Pipo,

Lead Pipe,Iron or Braae Fittinga,

Factory Supphea, Etc.

; : ; ; 190 MtRKET STREET.


Iloios p a n Horn( L I M I T E D ) ,

73 l i i k e t Stnet, H u i F lu e Stnet, R t iu k , H. i


O ddSy E n ds R em n an tsT N T H E B A B G A I N B 0 0 9 E 1

l l ic t a i n M W a tH n .2 2 2 M A U K B T N e w a rlx .

B E ST A SaLTEETH ^ lurutal


Summor Bargain*LADIF,fl' VVBAirKllS. MADE OF FINE


g y U l Y V U ax as v s x s i a o ****** T»«.a v i s u r s s v v v w sa ii

plo, and no damage was done t.) the Jail beyond tearing aii usk plank n|u,rt. ’The soldlert who allowed me to esi ape will probahlY excli receive three inixiUi*' im­prisonment, and the ofllcer In charge will no doubt lose hi* rank. I am sorry for them, and will write a letter lo the Pub­lic Prosecutor to eaee tbelr punlshtnont if possible." _______

ahorrbertha. 'The sleeve* w'ere puffed aud ended at the clbcw with a fall of lace.

A Frliiro u« * rlijilclnu, TheliOudoB lyiitirrt, "In oil seriousness,"

pruiK.se* that the liifaul son of the Duke of, York "hould lie aducated as a physician or. Burgs.ui. “ We believe," say* the /..inert,

lliat our reasons for llie proposal are sound.Our profseql - N------- UieIn pahllc Hi.p.- . - J i s i , ' ' w a sBftor surelj from* want ol Stale reeugultiun. 'VV have bui little baud In the geveriwnent of ii coun-..__ ___ 1 I..M.W..S Ass msvaexsi t\k. sv4

JU ailUCU mo VIULMT TTi*H •—Th© broegdes und other he*Ty lUk* #r«

Mutlabl© only for jriutroni, *i»d yoonf girl* should not attempt to wear them or moiroB, but the pretty alrlp©d *1111* signed more for the yoUQ^ *hd *uch dainty drew©! can be made of them that they need not desire the heavier qualltiea. illack Bilk, faille. Ottoman and heDgalin* will be very fashionable thla fall for atreet aod vlaitiDg gown* *■ well as for h*nd»ora* dinner dr©M«i, Horn© of th* ittWOBt d^, sIgtiB are nearly covered with »' netwwk Ol jet beads wrought Into beaaUfhl ow nigns, Honaeotburasre very plaln^

Black Bilk In any grad© niakes a dr©** aulUble for a young lady when a Uffhltr

4«©s EACH.LADIEH’ waists, made of fin e feh-

CALKH--IdOT 1—Foftnpr price tkv., ftt IS©, sacb. lo t *—Former prJre Wk ., »it asr. eaeba




T E E T H m iT H O U T PLA TES*ETJrt'H ex tr a c te d , iSe.


Closa out tha balanoe of spring 'tooklap Miitta TWtnw>m fiulti. Cnrp6Ui Of ftU klodli BodulBSt B|d®OOMdS| Calf* fonnleiws Extension TaWw, Dining-room Chairs, Hallstani^ and Rockera, Couches and Lounges or all kinds, Mantel aud Pier Glasses u d. , I___ -Ia u ,ha.n Ai,t a t noarlv vnur own nrloKJtott^,"2riMt°sprlSg% patternsTtooloro them out at nearly your own pilot,

P O R T L A N ’D R A N 'G E S .If von need a range do not forget the Famous Portland, aa It bM no egjial, 'T* * a V.. V «>&•*■ mn/1 tw»»ntnlJHl nr mnnev raftiodeda BuyI f TOU DMU ft imnireuo UUV iuikck wio X *.s*av/M- - ------1 —-

and has been aold by us for 7 year* and w arranled or m oney refunded.term *

S T O R I N G F U R N I T U R E .We have a few good rooms vacant at M Bwk s lm i C l^ lln jw and low

rate* Is our motto In our now building. Furniture moved with vans at reasonable price*. _______ '___________ _


4-4 L'h*nill* 1 sUia Tovers, rich colors sad d©« Blgns. lie*VT frloM.

Rcvrrslbl© tisiuiukk Tiible Cuveri, besutU fUl COlOflOgBi At 40c.

BLANKETB-Kx1r«t sir.n sml fiuo 4|UAlltr Fsper fltriptd biaukelfr* roIiI hII over tti IhtOv for f 80s * yslf"

LAdB OURTAlNfl—Hrtmvle cmii of fluo 1 ^ * CYirt*tui*t UBusliy fK)l<l from to U s pslr (msattfociuror'A AAntpl«gK ni eacn.

JIMES ). COE t C0„ ,IM u d li


IRON10# aad loa Mnlbarnr ■!.,

■rewABE, a. J.

T K L E P H O K E , 6 8 0 .

fiMOS H. VAN H O R N "7 8 lu lit Stmt, Iw F1ib» Strut, luiirlt, 1. J._______


B A R S " B E A M S , A M Q L G S ,

S H E E T S . R O O F I N G P L A T E .

Only House Selling Douglas Shoes a t Reduced Prices.


LADIES' VBSTS-1 Julies' Fall Wflghl Jer- lyluliDed Vests, with luug slroves, rag. priee »c..*t 1*M«- es^h.

CKINNER& T e ^ r y .

HOTZ SH<iltrimming is employed or a oonabinatloa wUti some other color Is added to give it • •tuokii

>LL 8PEClAL-i:ri S4-lncU JolnUd lltq with PToreablo uyrs, »ho©* ami r^ . prio© $1,130, at AOc. oooli.

moto vouthibl appearanor.Therftii no limit aev for tb« tlz© of tk8

try wU©r* we har© au imm©u*« otwork 14> il» lu tnakiug thut fountry th© saul. > __ ____a ^ - - , . . , . . # _ ,..k l.> ...j . a 1©/. v ia IS

berthas add pelsrlnea. ^ m e of thelpW O r a i O t i n IU m » A n s # a u ta a * w v i« t* i #Isry pattsritaf n*tlan*.W To us It wems that Ihwie rhiiix" have lofl* merltwl

aient allossstl Ker te n a o p se k t, or teaoenta every twapty-ioar hours for wests but sue never received the wc« . .. worth of the

I bought III* child a tllU# milkmoney, • . . . . ^«.v.and th* mother a UUlo meat sod (we#**,

A S b.j"#Aa eiAaaa* w a n S ja iA a lO U U M i * m w ifa s a -a m SAVasaV p s a v .m

and they were both very graterol."From Toulon I wui tu e i i lo Moscow.

A family, oonxlstlng of a father, mother and five children, were in the oar with me. The men had been oondemned to Siberia for life and hie family were aooom- panying him of tbelr own volition. The eldest child w ts a gnod-louking youngi

Iiwse rniiixi iia.e mu* scknnwl-edanioul, eud the nnetkacknowledsmonl that the V I'ould p<»slblr retslve would be the rii- rullmeut In our Indy of a Prtneeof th* hlnoil. Ijit Ibe young Prlao* be a physIcleBor a enr- geou."

Til* Love Giles of Uarae* (M .i.a.

Vo i«hor.A* the kid ntsiu the kill_ _____ u the elil.

Of Its tirMblltig dam In qnesl, iSlettVlth an Wle fear pom^Bt.

fjist the woods, 111* wind should kill,1 , Ch lee files w - Uhonld tbs trem

UeudWliSSMhof sprltwDsw-duM. ttbeuld Hi* Heard stir the thorn,

Tr.'inbi* heart and trsmble knutu.^ I no tigress at thy book,

No Gaeiullan Itoal tRipe for male*, no mors be shy.

Tread no more thy motlter'e track.—Right Hoiu IF. X. GkvMoue In Ute Nine-

bent/i Oeiitprir.

enorinoua, and few are really gracefi.... Th* round bpenoer and French waixt are growing in favor, and to these a n often added poiku ruftlM for a baaguo finish. Basques arc seen, loo, .among .the nSw models, most of them being eprung or fluted in the back. Gathered walatiare seen overywhera, and tho choicest ma­terials arc mads In thU manner, and they prove brooming for stout and thin allk*.

Among tho pretty new accessories are deep linen collars, some of them cut round, some square like puritans and others with deep polntt. Those all have a row of feather slltching and are edged__Xa .,..a,-1 s ..-,a *1- -K.S k" a kL M A -k 1 M.— S ewa S # m S I ja

jj-YCTRIUllON -OtOplooear,«. a, ,V., at er. a yard. mDI' 1, WM ISr., i t Be. a ysnl.No. S, waa at Hie. " yard.No. IS. w*s a t., at ISe. a yard.No. IS, was SSc., at-l 7c, a yaM.

uxHuyAomniwisSPECIAL AND

tim Tons ron sroata md ncnnita,Steam Engliwsi Oearing. Sbaftlnfc

1 Uaagsta, Fntluya. bin.

236 Market StreetCOR. MWLBKBBY BTIUttCT,

, N . J .

ffe/Nvrniy Awiryf/r a tt^ M T* «.

6 ud 7 Ballroid Pius, Keiuk, I. i.

DAVID STRAUS, COAL! COAL!u a»/VV we "wveaiwe -eweeweMU ---------n lth honiton point or a olp*« Imitation of .. m... ----- ------- Mmw worn a t the

63M37 BROAD STREET,Cor. New Btruot.

It. The fuBS ore aonieti»— ~ elbow aud anmetiffles at the wrlet.

ClMU coal and fUU weight my ape- daU.v. A!so wood by thif cord or barrel. Call aud examine before buy* Ing elsewhere.

Ws bavs Douglas Shoss laVS, M .a#, •* . •*■«>, M sod M

Msa’s; •* and #S Lsdim'i • • Boys’ and • ! . »

Tonths'. Prine* end te stAlngadlri.'wi^ 'dm otsTerypaii


a r a a r m $3 M wohth o r ta o ta aao a m o i a e i m « aa • w t m u o ir c n o m e m r T i t te r to c o a ir laLtao m b neruae.

Thsyare pretty and dainty, however worn. They can ba waabed and should be1 a w y V #H I ifW VTS104SBI* r e s s u « . e v r r e e » swwpullshtd Just Hke a man’s shirt. There ore many variations on this design to suit everybody;_________ _ _ _ _ _ _MinoilMMri «M (AsXMm, teeavM Msy DM c«*

kofi Haw l« IM laujM.4

BANNERS!L i t . . J m a u " a t IffE A K far tt . b l t s l i s x s a a e a a B x l jAU altas, nt lowest iirluus, iiiaUe

At short notice.

TbeVbMead&HoagGo.,Car. WatUeattHmir Warftnait.. MtwaHi, IU.

A. .C SMITHp"“n L WkicK. i M i Pi«« fctNiL

u U hua immm m r^miaU mtmm

The News •3 2 . 0 0 0 CIHCDL&TIOS

mm. I. Ill. nil I p p u u M i . . 11.IK ip.inv.iii 1.11 . u ijni i i u. u - iw


’M-llf*i niodioth

« y

low i t (



« 5 .


J .





DUMBER 3,390.

Third Edition.


/ A

THE iOLESALLDozen Places in Hontciair Visited and Robbed All

in One N ight



U m r w .p . , Mob*} .n d Ctothlnc T ak .n fram H d b h , of W B .llh j N .w Y orhcn . O n . M oBH hold.r FIm li t l i . t .U u d .r * In H I. H orn, nad tiMii HI* R «.o lT .r, but F a l l . In (Mrlko Any of Ihn Bor*lnr»—A Onod Time W ith a C u e o f L ater—A Rarn E olered and AUa a Stable—Rven C hleken. W .ra Included In th e R tt Raid. T h aP o llee P a n ted bat Start l a t a Hunt

tha Wront*dnen<

Hontdalr ira. iwooped down upon by b n rtU n lart night and before they flnnfaed they Bad operated la Ju«t twelve place.. TUoufh Montclair be* been tuffcrlng for lome tiinn from the work of burglam, It w u never dreemed that burglarlee would be at­tempted on ,uoh a gigantic toaie.

Today the rendente are talking of noth­ing elW) and everybody 1. taking aorount of ■tock a ^ laying in freih tnpphu of boita and kKlu. The police appear to be para- lyaed, but hare gone to work to leek the robben. Silverware, money, clolblDg and beer were tidien. At one hoiue the Intrudere were heard, and btillel. from a revolrer were lent after them u they fled, but no one w u b it In a number of the hoiiM. the burglari took pain, to turn everything upelde down.

The majority of the burglarle, were com­mitted in Upiier Montclelr, w herein bomweI digt/MVh uatt j wuwtwmam uv.were eataiwd. From ail utit one booty wee •ecurad. The burgUn at moat every place gained adminiiaii by boring a hole In the wlmtow u ihe. and tlieu, with a piece of w ira managed to eprlng the catch on tho window.

llie rerideuceof Rev. Richard Hayward, on Mountain avenue, wai raiuacked, and ^ te r picking up what trinkeU that lay In eight ihe burglan picked up a trunk that lay in the front hallway, carrieil it out into a .mail grove near the nouie and ranmeked i t taking everything of value found therein, Mich a . ulki, gloves and the like. Tho trunk was found tm. morning just where the thieve, had left i t

The home of Heorgo W. BoMwlck, alto on Mountain arenu^ and near the Hayward home, wa, visited. The burglar, found a larg. quantity of plated sUverware In th . buffet which they evidcotly examined aud, not finding any wild ware, left it lay on the table. The eolid silverware had been taken upetaireand placed under lock and key. Several articlue of wearing apparel were rtolen from the house.

At Waller Brown’s home, on Innwnod ave­nue, the marauders had e good time with a case of beer. The burglars found ths beer in the cellar, carried it upstairs to the kltcbeu and, Mating theDuelves at a tabla, drank mveral bottle, of the beverage. What they were unable to drink they took with them. They were evidently satisfied with this trea t oa the beer was ell they took.

At Cyrus WalMTS mldenc^ on Lorraine aveuttB, an embreOe, evereoet Md two hale erera lakwi, together with a few doilars in money.

Ttia burgisn also vtiited the home of C. B. Clark, on Imwuod evenua but had Just l^ n e d adiniMlon when Mr. Clark heard &em. Till biirgtars heard Hr. Clark coming down the stairs and they mads a hasty exit from his bouse, followoii by several bullets from Mr, Clark’s revolver. None of the bul­lets took efftfct

At Samuel Hubbard’s home, on Moimtaiu aveoue, entrance was olTecled by a side win­dow, from w hlch place silverware and cluth- iug v»re taken. Some of the silVerware atolen las been prixed as old family relics, and Hr. Hubbard will take every possible means to run tbe burghua down.

Mr, Foster, auotber victim of the bur-K' iw, notified the police this raoruing that

robbers had pUyed havoc at bis noine by turning everything in a topiy turvy •tate. Only a few urticles of wearing ap- psiral were stolen, besliles a gold-haudted luu- brella.

The retldeuce of Judge Hugh (Tallsgber, on Ht. Luke’s piece, Muntclair, was entered shortly after midnight A suit of clutlie.s be- loogiug to Policeman HughTunney, of the Montcimr force, who busnli at Hr. llal- lagher's home, was taken. This morning the Oniform was found in a lot near tho moun- lain. The rooms of Mr. (tallagher adjoining were also visited, but nothing n> far as is known was taken.

The bstm of John B. Livermore a woilthy resident on Follerton avenue, was broken into and a set of harnesa, vulued at |1S0, was stolen.

From the stables of John Sisco a blanket and some feed were taken,

Patrick Corcoran and Edward Kincannoa reported the Iota of over sixty eboic-e fowia which had been stripped of thslr feathers and laft alongside of tiie henneries.

Chief of Police Engl lab and Captain Heldefbauser went on a tourof iuvastigatlou this morning. W Itliln the past six nionths hardly a night or day hue pssieil but what a robbery of soma kind has been reported with tiie exception of one week wbeu tho tblevei bad evldeutli' taken a rest, as no thefts were reported. 'Ine police have arrested four burglars, who are now languishing In tbe county jail awaltlug senteuoe, .

Chief English hat spent no end of time in endeavoring to ruu the burglars into camp, end while M is somewhat dlaoourtged he leys be sriU eventuelly lend them ell be- b w prison bers.

B p^al detectives have been employed in Um town since the many robherlet started, but they have been unable to run the rob­ber, down.

Upper Montetar is inhabited moetlj by wealthy New Yorkers. Fully UlO burglaries have been oommltted in MonKlalr witbin a short time

Arfbnr Levenburg, oolored, who claims to live at New Briiiiswick, was arrested this morning by Patrolman Christie while trying to dlspoee of a suit of clothing, an overcoat, M niubrella and a baroilioter in a store on Canal street. Levenburg bad I1U.10 with him, and the articles whiun hs was trying to dispioae of are believed fo have been stolen at Montclair last night. The police claim to be able to prove that the prisoner was seen In MonteUur last night. _________


lleaVT Letses hr th e Mlkmlo's Troops Re­ported—f'oreaus H elping ^

Rout the dapeneae.Rhsnoiui, .Aug. SO.'—All sorts of rumors

are afloot concerning the battle allegeJ to lisve bw!U fought between ths Js]>suese aud ChiiHue troops on August IS, but nutblng oflicisi bus been received here. Ai'Cordingto reports receivol by the native press, a futve of 5,000 Clitneee troii|i« attacked the JBjia- ncic forew guanlitig the Hug-Vang pnsen In Northwest Corea aud drove them from their position. Tho Chinsne were joined by a largo nundier of Corcans, who appUel for arms and osilgniiiHut to the Chinese advance guard.

These aocuunte say that next day tho Chinese woiw relnforc^ by 4,000 men from Yl-Chow, lud. with this augunientatkm, on August l.'i engageil and defeated tbe JapHiieM at Chong-lto. Addllioual troops to tbe number of IlLOUO joined the Cblaeee army on August 1(1, aud next day another attack was made hjiou the Japanese, with ths result that they lost iOOO men and left a large amount of ammuniliou, baggage, eto., on tbe field.

On August 18, acoonling to ths netlve re­ports, the I ’blueee were fired uoon b.v thir­teen Japanese wsrsbipe in tbe Tstung River, near Hueng-Chew, losliig several hundred men. SuliMspienUy three of the waiwhlpi Went ngroimd and were fired upon and serl. ously daimigeii bv the Chtneee artillery.

rhe Jsiinnuae fon-oe retreated southward and w ere pursuwl by tiie Chfnsee cavalry un­til night set Id. On the following day Oon- eral Yeb, om m anding tbe Cbtneea army, . •ucceeded in getting in the rear of the Jap­anese, nmtiug them after a sharp fight and capturing Huang Chow.

taiMWN, Aug. 80.—Tbe Shanghai oorre- •inndent of the Central News says:

’’ There Is an uneasy feeling in Tien Tsin, owing to the atUtudo of tho native troopi. Foreigners are eriulog tbemwlves. as they fear an attack. The hTench warship Lion, theOertnan Wolf, the British Linnet, the American Houocacy and tbe Russian Hivoott'h have Iieeu last by their Oovern- meuta to Tieu Tain to pnruict the foreign rwldenta In case of need."

Aouthcr dls|ntcb from Shanghai says the Japaneae newi|Aper publlslted a t Shanghai bss ceased its efforts to palliate act of slukmg thn Chiusae traniport Mow Bblng, and lu ileetmir of convlnclug Its readers of tbe Justice of Hie act demands a special courtrmartial of the commander of the Jap- aaese cruixtr Nanlwa, wbiru, the paper us- llevee, will show that officer's action was strictly wittaln the rules of dvilissd warfare.


A Silk t)f#r A rrM t^ on ft Chftreo of Bo- Inf on Ace^oftorr—lirlfhtor Ont-

look far MlllorsPATiRBolf, Aug* 80.->Fredorick J* N«w-

klrk, A utlk dycTy w u krreftod tbiN Diorningt cbftrged wJtb being ea ■«‘eMfjry to tbe murder of Max l)blaaftchl&egi*r oa Mirch 23. during ibo labor troubi<e here. William J*Kemmerer, presldeut of BnuKrbNo, 1, Ribbon weaTere’ Unboy who iwore out the wftt rnut, alleges that Newkirk carted tbe body iborlly after the murder to a lone* eonif' alone tl(e Erie Kallroad In Bergaa

A PBIESTjniLLOTlD,Eight Thoasand Persons Witness the

Execution of Abbe Bruneau.


The P r lc tl'i Life o f Ileliaurlirry amt Crime Fuileil at IJHt no th e ScalTnlil—A Irf.tter tVrItteu J n .l Refore H eath In Whit-h Re llerlarrs Ilia lunurenee. IHaorilarly I'rowcli F ill th e NIrreli of Laval A w alllug the Ksecntlnt,—Cheers W hen tllo I’rleBt’B Head Hropa In the llaelie l.

Cuimtv.A u c tio n s of a nature different from

those oiitained tty Justice Otto Btuts- bach against Auarebist August Miller are now rolling in. They come from tbe friends of the accused man, and they set forth that Miller Is the victim of persecution because be rave evidMioe at tbe trial of a former confederate.

Froaecqtor tiourley, who arrived home yeeterday from Newport, said that Hiller was not arrested by lili direction. Tie had evidence in bis poasesaion, but be did not think it strong enough to fasten tbe crime of Ohlenelaeger's murder ution Miller. He had not, however, looked over the evldenoa arcuml by Justice Btutsliacb, but as toon oa be bail be would be better able to tell wbetber or uot Hiller would be held to await the action of the Bergen County all- thoritiee, where be will have to be tried in case an Indictmeut is found against bim by the Grand Jury. Mr. Gonriey’s knowledge of tbe reuaut alleged evidence against Hiller wasobtoinad through-the Bsaiaf ap**!. and tram what be had tons gleaned be said there had not been anything adduced In addition to what .Fas already m bis poaacealou.

It such ^ the oase Millar will leave tbe jail in a few days a free man.


T he Camialttee Appointed by the Oeaatl- tntlbnal Gommlttee a t Worh-

^■acial Dispatch to the Niw a Snau u Lsxk, Aug. 80.~The oommittee

agipointad by the Conitltatloiial Conmilsslan to prepare amendments to tbe Conitltutlon ore in Msoion at the Monmouth House here to-dM. The inenibeni present are; BainutI B, Orev, of Caindetii Attorney-Oeafral John F, Btookton, of Trentoa; Allau L. Hi- D em ii^ of Jersey City; ei-Governor Joseph D. fiodle, John Kean, Jr., Elisabeth, and Judge William M. lamuing,' of Elisa-

Tba party arrived about llrh'*.oUk and oftor enjoying Lbe cool sen breciss tram the Mopmoulh Bouae porebes for a abort tlmo, *'.’?3lMSHSIan of parlor No. IB at the Mceir. mouth and were In sestlon untU 3 F. M., when they adjdurueit tor dinner,

The meeting will be continued this ofter-

Boflkio Rllta’ tmpnrtant niove.Bowalo, Aug. » . -Buffalo Lodge No.

BA B. F. 0. Elks, met laat night tnd attar three bottra of an axoltiiig MNion voted In ally Kaelf withtbh Attantio City factlou. Inaauiucfa as the exalted ruler of tbe Buffalo lodra Harry Bob^ is a fraud trustw of tbs facHoa which met a t Jommtuwa tba octlcu of the Jocal Elks la itgnlfloant The stetement that lllty-two lodges ha>l declared in favor of tbe AUobUc City oontiugent lad ooaaldorabis Islluenea.

Thousagdi do, do yon I drlak tbe best aa w«t«atFaUyM.-AdT.

A Hock Iilftnd Hoad Kmployc Befor* tko NftlAooftl Lsftbor C-omikxfMion*

CniCACH), Aug. 30.—Chalnnau Wrlghh of the National Labor Commlssiun, said this morning that up to the last of tbia month the lioard wilt have eipemted only |I,50U of the 15,000 wbleb la allowed for expenses, CharlH Htewart Wade, in the employ of the Rock Islaad, was the first witness this morn­ing. Mr. Wade carefully examinedawitchea wnich had been tampered with, and declared truni a previous knowledge of railroading tliat none but railroad employee could have manipulated tbe complicated lystetn, which was an Interlocking one.

Mr. Wade testified that he asked a man who was Inciting a mob to vtolenoe what his employment was and was told that be was vlce-preeldent of the Carpenters' Union. In Mvera! instanoes he saw oars overturned and witueseed ncti of violence. The police often stood idly by and watofaed these thinp with­out interfering, showing evident sympathy with tba strikers. The wltueta related the cate of a striker who preteaded to be wound- wi by the troops lu order to work up a feel- 1 Dg against tbciu, but on examinatian It was found the man hod nut a scratch on him.

Richard Mooney, who was present at the meeting of Rucif Island employes at Blue island when a itrike was deebuad on that road, testilleil that neither Deba nor Uowaril advised the men to strike.

Mr. Muoni'v said that Deputy Marshal Davidson bragged of aeiting oars ou fire, and said be would do It agalu. Vice-Freaident Hofcard, of tbe A. R. U., teelided that he had laid that ha thought t'uilman luch a mean man that he ought to be hanged, but aald be did not oouiuel violence. _

Troeble Over H eller Work a t PnllmonuChicaoo. Aug. ao,—There la trouble at

Pullman among those who have been aaa» elated in the work of distributing wppllee to the needy. I t Is really a slrift Mween the Amerloan Railway Union .and the workmen who did not Join tlu t orgeniiatlon. The troubia aroee over the appoletmtnt of Theodore Ropde as chairman of tha Relief Committee. Mr. McOuirei aacratary of tha committee, cinima that Ropde wia not regularly appointed; that bis au­thority to serve came from J. W. Heathoote and R. W. Brown, the leodera of the ati'lke, when It shoukl nave come from the Central Committee, who had charge of relief matters. It is further said that themembers of the A. R. U. seek to g^n oontrol ot lbe distribution of relief in order that none but union men may receive the ben^ti ot it.

Three Mimtha fee F eg llle t ’Toracr.Special to the Evzsino Nswi.

E uxauxth, Aug. 80.—Gna Turner, a well- .known lightweight puglUat of tbli i;ity, wea a prisoner in police court here today ubarged with disorderly conduct and with Bfrtking a woman. He beet bis sweeUieei% Nellie Braonlgan, lost night while the pelr were baring a quarrel oa the street. Folloe Captain Long heard the young woman'i screams end came to her aisistaace. Justice Krill Mveraly reproved the boxer for bis coudtiot and sentgpcwl him to three mouths in the county Jail

O V K B T H K W I R E S .

Tlcft-Pmidftnt Stftvehmn liu arrived ftt HEknretitQs Me*, luid will rectiftlii the re»t of the •eewm.

Advicee from Idondon Mjr that the ymohi raoe «t DArtmoulh will uka place io-morniWg Aegnei 8U aoi to<da|r, m preVlouilir * nouDceds

loformetlon fame been reoelved'et The Hague tW MoAu I of the Ulftud ofldOmtR)CirnrpuMweaionuf the natlrr mbeU and b heiag bombfttaod bD qtoh wurihipa.

AdioQtf the peueiiKetw on the Gernifttilo, whfcfh eftUeil from IgfVrrpool yesterday, ftrt twenty OfttholloolLT^yiosII, lately ordalnod, who ere neelgoea to mlulimary work In 3ta Peal, Uabuquet Omaha, Ohtoeffo* Kensfta City and Uuloth.

Vrsterdey a ita^fe roach aoliitf down Four* mile Hill, Qcar Meeker, Ool.* where the road ww badly weahed, rolled over twice. Fire ptM8niter», all from Denver, who were golof to Cr^ 00 a hQDtlag eipedtilon, wereln^ured

* WTOW escape from death.WLiiam Hevell Moody, eldut eon of D. U

Moody, and Mary Whittlt, eldeet daughter of Miijor P. \V, Whittle, Wfre married iQtUe Ooumfiutpnal eharuh, Northfleld, Maii.,yee- lernay. Tfte Ghurolj of KoKland sorHoe waft g^rformed by Hev- H. a Uartiler, of Worth-J

Ua v a i., France, Aujf. 80.—Ahhe IlruTi#an, formerly vioar uf lbs chun‘h at Kntrammeui, who Dll July 1st was I'utivf c llmI i r murder robbery ami arson, was put to fleath by the gulllotlD eatS o'clock this tnornlng, in the prtaeeuce of 1 000 pen<nifl. M. lh)inlnh{iie, the condemned priest's t^gal adviser, arrived here from Paris last eveuiiif, after an iiii* iw^ooMful attempt to st run* a mprievt* far the ooudemDetl nuin from Presiibrnt Uasmjlr* I'ertcr, with whom the advocate hft«lap«'r- eonal iotervlew. Almuat fts houq as M. Dominique liad announced to hl» client the 111 •um*a» uf hit miHtluu to raris, it bocaiue known throughout the town that tbeeaet'ii- tloQ would take plains this moruinR, and tbe InLiftbitanUaiul the (teosaDtry, who batl gath- ered from milea arountl, bvRau to muve toward the riaco dti I'tUals do Juibti< .

AlV;90 I*. M. thern* wure several huiwlroil persons assembled, and by tnidiii^ht the crowd had iuereaie>l to 2,01)9. The presence of a strong furra of tnK pa and gomiarmei bad kept the crowd m<Nlerately orderly, but as the gethehng (Hiutinutnl to swell in; miin- ben they became nujiy, and at 3:30 oVIoi’k this RK rntng dlsnriler w*as so great that the soldiers weru obliged to rovort to re*firessive maasurM. All of the windows over- ooking the place were ligbtod up and crowd­

ed with nTilooktt's,At 2:45 A. M. the auistants of M. Deibler,

the ofQfial ezecutiuner, erected the guillo­tine. In tbe iiirantime tbs condeniiied pncMt had been closeteil lu Ins cell wita the priHoa chaplain, Ahlie Uoulusit, aad bad thrown talmeelf upon hit bed for tbe brief iwst which was allowerl him. He was aruusml ol^jut 3 o'clock, when niass was celebrated by the cbaplalo, and the con- demttod man recetveil his last couimunloD. Bruneau then wrote a twD-^*gc letter declarinir bis Inm'tcenre of Uie crtm<w of which he lutd been convictod. At the conclusion of tbe letter tbe govemor of tbe prison arrlve<l and toM the pri*on“r to p re^ re for death. Bruneau, who for a short time hod l een somewhat agitato), mi-

! mediately l)M>ame calm. Hetmplnred pardon of (iod and umt for his faults and tne for­giveness of the clergy for the iMiinhiH ir­regular life iuvl rauKMl thorn.

The march to tbs guillotine was then taken up. Bruuvau walked with a firm stop and with his lu'Ad erect. Arriving at the a< lTold he was at once seiae<l by the ezecukiooer's aMlitanta, who qulrlly and quietly placed his n«'k under the knife.

At $ o’clock the kmfe fell and an tbe head ot the murilcrer rnlW into the t»a kM a cheer went up from 8,000 thruaUaud t4ie great crowd dlspersod without disorder.

The trial of tbe Abbe Bruneau, awlndler, thief, iDceodlnry and murderer* occupied tiie Mayeoue Assiuw for four days, ana ended July 18 in a verdict of guilty on the prlnel- ])«[ charge. Of the many chtneH conimitteLl or a lle i^ to have bticQ cnmniitted by the priest, only three wer« ruine I iu the iudict- nient—the muHer of Mine. Hkmrtlnis, a flow«4r seller of Laval* who wan fnuml dead with the luarks of nearly forty stabs on her; the set- tlUE on fire of the prcKbytery a t Aatille* in order to concnal a theft and obtain InKurauee money, and last, hut not least, the murder of tbe venerable Abbe Frici^ cure of Entrain- meK,wb(9ea vicar the prUuuer was a t the time.

The evidence given iu the trial proted clearly that tho Ablie Bruneau wns given to tbe wildest debauchery ami that he liad bad reoouree to. fraud oml theft* if not munler* to obtain mmief'for' Ihe'yraUflcatiou of hU vices* As reganU tbe actual murders, how­ever* tha testimony waa of a very clroum- stantlal chararter—a fact which was made the moat of l>y the enuuset for the defenci*.

The result was tlmt tho jury accpiitted the prisoner on the Arst charge of murder ar.d on chargee of anon, but found him ghilty of tbe murder of Abbe Fricot, amt he wn.<< acconliugly seDtenced to death, amid the ap­plause of the court, in which lb« prisou^'r was the only mao who showed no signs of emotion*

Tha soon of poor parontA who ma<W great efTorts in order to briug him up to btM'Oine a priest, the abtw was tiUuiiHsed from (hf 1*4111- cational seminary before be was ordained. Tbe suppHcatloof of his parents and his own promises to reform resulted hi hU lieitig taken back again, and he oveutually beramn a priest in due form. He w«h appoiutc.l vicar at Aslille in 1838. flersi, by prolcs.sing tlM most eztreme piety, he bewme the reclj>* lent of large RUim of money, whii’h churita ble old litoles desired him to transmit to the poor. This money waA spent lu the wildsat orgies. It appars be robix-d me cure add twice attempted to set Are to me building, with a v!»w uf getting thuiusiir- ance money. He was after this ireati'd with what seems to be inezcusable luilulgciu'C by tho ecclesiastical aulburitlHs nnd sent to blotrammes* near Ijaval. Hero* also* by his loud profetslotis of piety he obtaimn! lbe c<jd* Adonce of well-lodo and cliaritauly disposoil damso, whote money be spent in riotous com­pany at J^val. But after a time bis funds bocame too small to meet the ns|ulremeDU of such a life os li« led in civil rir»*ss at I*aval.

About this time the cure under whinse ordera Abbe Bruneau had liecn placetl lost ab<nit six hundred francs, tiie eztoiil of his laviitgg. When queetJoned by thi* gcndaniicjt he said ho knsw who tho thief was but timt he would not denounce him. He would tdl the thief what he thought about him fKune day. A few dart afterward the ni iw disap­peared under very niyiderious condltiuiit, and was not seen again Mil hit tvNly was dlt- oovsr^ In tlw well of hi* garden. He had been Amtstuuned by a blow from tome heavv instrumeut and theu thrown into tho wttll, and the murderer, Anding that hit victim was still alive, had buried (lowu heavy blocks of wood upon bim until all was over.


The l.e ttero f Kdomiid II. llofDnati Cauets a H tlr-Talk nf l>Tsr-luu«s

of atmksThe auuounccment of the fact that a letter

has lieeU reruivnlfroni Kdmoml H. Hoffman, who <li»Ap|)een.Hl Augtiit i», showing that he wfih ill l*Hri«, han revival the Intvreit of a couslderable number uf ]MTr»oni who were lnU*n**te'l with him in vari'Mix htwincu en- terprii*cv The sttx'kholderv of the Kign Hlrclcber Advertising Uonqiany are particu­larly auiious to learn in wliat nhape the affairs of that concern are, ni^mMally as there have IteCfi rumors uf over-i)wue« of stiM'k* to which the preMident, IsOuUJ, Urieth, did not sign his name.

When a rcjxirier for tbe NawacaUeti on Mr. Brietb this morning he »aid:

I have heard of various per«'>n!! having amounts of stuck that I hod never Aigfied* but I can not eay jmsilively tbut NU»*h is the co.*wi. Tba iKxiks of the cuiu^uiuy am now lu pueseMlon of Mrs. lIoITtnan, aud 1 rhall gu V> her to-tiay and m l tJieiu end thtm invite the other stot'khuMcrs to look ovet them with ino. After such oa ezamiimtUm we may posnibiy Iw wiser than we are now.

" HoAmau thought <Hit Ibu idea whu-h was thebanbiof lb** buriuete and got ]iat«utsou it. He then orgBiiii»l the (H>n){iaity. retain­ing anm joritynf tbeitox?k, for which he gave tlk ivitenta and iavestol himself as w relary nnd treaRurcr, with nearly all tho maDS^- meiit There was one power, however, which he (lid not have, and that was the right to Usue stock without tho signature of tho rirwidont. Aniuug the men who Px»k bU»ck In tho coiniiony were a -Mr. A'atoa of JerNov City, who wju the Arst pnwidenl ■ K. VV. Mnmi, W. H. Mott, Dr, AUjcrt Widnuin, juhu L Kneel, Heary Htimsting and mysidf. After a time I was elected president to auc- ( w l Mr. Yales. The husitimu- was h failure and about two weeks before HolTmau went awav he clneed uz> the ofAca and workslioti.

There are man) things that 1 du not uudm>taud about KoAman. He clHinis in hli letter to be dMtItute, ntul yet he was a man who worked early aud late, iiad no Imd habits, s)»ent very little nionev nnd aptiearcd to be doing a gni^ bUfeiuiwi, 1 le told run him­self that the iucome his wife hnd Irom keep- lug boarders was sufflolsnt to vay tbe hnuNe- hmd expenses. Now* If he didn't take a large sum away with him what did he do with ids money f

(.'liarles H. Uclntlre, who Is in huHlnres at 13 ami 15 Franklin street, is a sbarehotiler, too. He has published an addrem, In which he advises a conference of the varioun 1151*01- bers of the comfMiiy. Mr. Frleth says he K going to call such a meeting.

Mr. Mclntlre told a Newh reporter this morniug that* beeidee buviug eight shares of the 1‘ompany's stock, be bad paid H.50V for a half interest in a wagon odveftiNiug business that HofTmao o la ln i^ os bis own, Mr. Me* In tire was to get at least flO a week from this investment, and that amount was turned over to him weekly for nearly a year.

Mr. ITleth was under the iDipresslon that the wagon advertising buslueos Mlonged to the company.

Tt M'Cms to mii,” aaid be, " that HofTman hud no right to go into business oa an in­dividual in cumpelition w ith the coinjiany that he Lad organized, and in which he hiul in* duced other iierboos tn invest their inouoy.”

1 'liohias Nicoll, an inHurance agent, stated that HofTman* before he left Newark* psr- suruliHi bim to purcha.se some stock and gave him u reivlpt for the money, but whenever he v!M asked for the orrtiAcatee he always replied that they were not ready*

r.tMPMFETlNO aERVICKS ENDED.Crowds Attend th e r ioe ln g EserelseSs

A uditorlnm Corner-stone I.»ld«OcE\N' Onovx, Aug, 30,—About 10,000

perMUiK attended tbe solemn ami impressive clustug sxcrcisfB o f the twenty-flfth annual ciiiiqmiHcting hare this morning. The ier> vicef began as early as 0 oVlook in tb«i morn­ing.

Key. Dr. .Stokes opened the clusiDg service at 10 o'clock. After prayer and scriptural p*ading tho celebration of the sacrament wa<i loiiied in by the array of m in lston present. The most tonchlng inriiient of tbe service wsN the b iptlAin m infanta.

Dr. Htokes thanked the workers aud the people, tho reporters and others for their

grcwQce. Then* while singing “ TbaBwert y-atid-bye," Dr. Htukaa took Dnifusor

8weeney'f arm and the two* followed by a long protvissiun uf ministers and churcti mcmbcr>s slowly marched around the Audi- toriuni in the preaenceof theimtjwnaacrowd.

Another hyrnu was oung and theu Dr. Ktohes declar^ the oampmeetlng closed '' in the name of the Father, Sou and Holy Ghrat," This ha* btv n the tom t sucTOssfiil ■ wiTipmooting «<vcr held here. This aftorno<m the curnw-sUuie tbe Auditorium was laid.

MIDS ON DI8TILLEKIE8.On* Still fit CarlsUdt and Another

at Lodi


Th* rrl*OB»rt Found XTIth T lirir I ll* (> l O iiinti—A O ile r III* H eetluu nrl#n o f Two o f Tho** A r m ir d . W lill* Ih« Othrr* XV*r* Foued I n e Rnrn-^Jult*en A m ouet s f Ilrendr .th e ! Had Hrrn Sled* from (irap* Ju lre h*l»*d — ('araBilailoncr W hltrhred Flee** th* A*cn**d Cede* HMd*.



B o t* l, O wclllnxt, l.lrarr 8tebl*s endH one* Hererd In Ih* Indian* Town.

COLVHBt’H, lud., Auk. 80.—This e llj perieuced the mort deuKerous nnd dlnastrous fire last eveuinK R svor bsd. The fire started la Bliea * Graham’s brick Jlr- ery stable. Hay, feed, fifty Tebiolea, three fine funeral cam aud twelro borsea perished. leee ♦10,(X)0, with only 91,500 Ineuraecr. The Ht. Deni* Hob’l, val­ued a t 150,000, owned by F. H. McConnlck, wai completely KUtte<i exoept the lower floor. Los* 940k000; Inturaoco 910,000. The hotel flitu n i were owned by Jamea A. Tnohey and were valued at 915,000. The Iocs will reach at least (10,000, with no In­surance. ,

Tbe livery stable building was owned by Frank Crump worth 98,00(1 and la a toial loaa, with no Insurance. Three small resi­dences, owned by Dr. J. F, Wriglit, were totally consumed, loaa 910,000. ’The total loei will figure between 950,IH)0 and 910,000, with about 92■ 000 insurance. ^

■hot a F ler lec Thief.Bpeolal Dispaloh to the Nxwa

CAHDXif, Ao«. B0.--Walter Brown, a col­ored youth, was detected atoeling bread from L'arsoo’a grocery storey comer of Whiteand Beckett etrretA early thismorning by Follcoinan ochregler.Tbe thieving has been golug on lu tbe vicin­ity for over two montEx Mbregler bid in the hwtse where Baker KalicF'was niurdend last Deoetnber luid■aw Brown steal the bread. Brown ran and Sebngi— ^ ** >Jaf >“ timet, one bullet perforating the Ttegro'S hat. TlMdagltlve nnally ran In an alley and waa caught after being fired at again and woondod lu tha arm; He was eent to (Jkxiper Hoepital and then srraiKned before Mayor Weeteott, who' oommlttfM him {or court. •_____ __________

Esca|Md e Mob o f Lyeehare.lIirirnnoTon, ML Va., Aim. 30.—Tbe ao-

thorltiea of Uiuom County last eyening ar- rmiad John Feyton, nis son Elisha and W 11- ton Gross on the charge ot asesMlnating Albert Keyser oh Baturday night. Whit* tbe priaoDan were under fiMrd a t tbe houee of Constable 'Willard Adklu* a mob appeered to lynoh them. Tba three men were turned loose and ran for tbeb* Uvea Into the mouu- talus, esosplug tha mob. or they would have been strung up. The gnatest eiolteaMut

: preyalle tbfrs,Orest ettrsetion a t Oeyaton Beach labor

Day. fie* adv. cxcuralon colunn.—Adv.

A H ltnrs* Te*tlHr* A bout th e la tt e r He XVi.i Aeonsed o f Gpening.

DityvF.K, t ’ol., Aug. 80.—At tbe prelimina­ry hearing in the caee against Govarnnr IV site before United Btatae Commissioner IlliiaUle this morning the court- rmmi was crowded. Governor Waite askal the mturiilstloner for a copy of the charge, saying that all attempt* bv prrs'ure one bad Imnfutile. Mrs. Is E. Garnett, a bouse- ksepor, the ttret wltneea oalled. teetl- fleJ that she had inserted the sdvertleement to which the trouljlesuiiie letter wai a reply and that the n.eil the police matron's name as a matter of cunveuienee.

Mrs. lilkeos taetlfled that she was remorsd on J Illy 11, that the letter waa reeri red on tho fifth, liud was used as a ground for her dtt- inlsval, that there was a conspiracyin the police to obtain her dismissal, and that Kate Dwyer and the other defendant* had witn- beld tbe letter from herelthungh it wa* plainly a privateone. Tbe Governor had the witaesimlmlt that tho envelope wra addressed to the jsitice matron, and^ nothing on the outside would indieete its privacy.

The Internal revenue auttaorltle* at an early hour this morning made a raid on two llllflt dlstillerien, one a t Carlstailt and an­other at Isjdl, and captured four n»u, b - tides a complete outfit for chiwtlng the Govenimeut nut of the tax on spirit*. This Iniporlaat capture wo* ina.1* by Deputy Collector Thomai R. Wateoii, an omploya lu tho offlre in this city, together with Revenue Agent A. H. BrtokA Deputv United Ktetee Mnnhal Haggerty and a half donn other men in the employ of th* department.

The men who wore made prisoners ware all French. They were Thomas R. Mey- gretl, John F. MolUar.1, Flerre I.elteadre and Christian Hi’h warts. They were at once sent to this city uud placml In the cus­tody of Uniteil Htates Commlarioner Whlte- heaii, who took their voluntary itateiuents thi* morning and jilaiwil Uvem under twil.

When the revtuiie authoritlea made thair raid on the distilleries they werenot actually in operation, but one of them wae still warm fromlbe fire tlist had been placed under it and the other showed unmistakable signs ot. baring been uie<l witbin a short apace of (Ime.

Tbe worm and other Jiara]iherna1ia used In these Illicit still* were eomplet* and a eontlderable amount ofthe distilled spli It* was captured.Th* niei; had been making brandy from grai* Juice, and ranged alsnit tha rsmi* In which the stllb were found were many casks and bottles, some of thsni fliled with tho stuff.

For the i*st three niontba It ha* been evi­dent to the authurittes that the Uovern- ineut was not being paid fur all the aplriu sold In Bergen County, and they eet tho dep­uty collectors to work to locate tho place where tho tintrloui stuff waa coming from. It was ouIt after a loug and careful search that the stills were iocaled.

The still at l/odl waa found to be worked by Molllird aud Hchwart. and those men were captureil on tbe ureniises.

Tbe still was In an old barn, and the ueiglilvurs have for eonie tlmo seen strange lights in the place at the dead of uigbt and wouderwl the cause. Til* Ivani is In a lonesome pert uf the town, anri the bouses iu tbe neighborhood are not very hear or very plentiful

TTie other still, which wa* worked by tho other men, 1* in an old house that Is dlrectlv ou the biundtry between Ijudl ainl Carl- stsdt. The still was in the cellar.

The reveuuo men first vislteil ibo Lodi barn and made their descent. Tbe men were taken completely bysurprise and did lint offer anyre-isteuc*. Tliey wero liandoiiffeil aud taken to the I arliUidt Houee. The other raid was also acoompllibisl without any oppiaition. The men are believed to Iw iwrtners, as they were all an)uainted with one anothw.

Wbeu the men were before Com- miiiloner Wbiteluiad this moruliig,Meygrett was charged with being a wbolrsala dealer in the illicit stuffand also with distilling the spirit*. He pleaded guilty to the talei but nut guilty to the manufacture of th* stuff. Thn other threo nicu wereonly chargwl with distilling the spirits, and Moitiard ptra.li'd giility to that cliarxe, while Uie others plead^ nut guilty, and protested their innocence of any loteut at wroug- dotitg.

Meygrett was fHaced uuder 11,,’ifS) bail aud the othors all uuder(t.uOO luvil each. Tliey will be sent to jell this aDeruoon, The exaiiilnaUons were set down to Iswin a week from to-morrow. These are tlie lin t raiils made in ibis ilistriet in some years.


The Inftttiitc Huat Kxcuralon A sainNcttrlj' liitort«itito<i--No Clue to

the 5ll«rlil«‘(-inalior«.Au'illi'T attempt wiiR ma<)e ycwtf'nlay to

cuuu atitioyam-a to Instituto Ilont Club auti Its friuDilA, ivho left Newark to-daj oo tb<> annual eicurslim uf ttiu club* Arran^^- mettU had bueu made for the oxcurtioniats to travai tv rail to (.’oiiimunipaw, there to embark uu tbetftoaaner .Matieawan.

Isute yuiitonlay afternuoD Treasurer T. J* Ryan, uf tho ItmtituUr Boat Club, riH.*etvetl a tclivram from the Hiarm Htvor and Harbor Tram^Kirtalioa Uom|jaiiT- The diapatohf


tmlli'nllona roLat to a l*arf[a Array o f KvkilUtU and a 8ue«aiiiful 7

T h e K prrd I>#pM rta>riits

A bit rar)ii of niectianic* have beeo put­ting in dvi'rihio tbit week a t the M’awrly Fair Crouml* mokiug uady fur the thirty-sixth anuual fair uf tbo Now Jeii9oy Ktate .^Kriculturnl Departmout.

The fair IwrIum l^turday morning. Tre*- ont iudi(viUona,acri)riiin^to tho alntoiuf iita of Uio managvni uf tlie various diquirt-

p4iiiit to our uf tfio meat MUM'c^ul exiMMltlomi ever lieM by the ax*i(H'latiun.

Tiie tfieed departmoiit is thii year uniler tbe Mnteilnloudoiu'.v of i'liarlei L, Bnmlul. who luu for yi'am fakoQ a ItMuliug )iart iu the Mpitue exhibtt«, Mr. Baa- tlnl auiidum'ee that to hU ileparttneot tin* Hat of eiitrlM Includes hoi'vess uU of liixh

All TIE ElKS 1ST GO.Newark to Give Op the P re t^ Tree#

to the Ax*.


thtperlhloTulent AyrM, o f th e Piiblle Park^ Overtettiiig the Work of I'ltopping l>owa th e «>nre Fam ine Natural Featnraa a l tli<« Clty—lAone W'lll Ktrape* Ite Nay*—A4 I n te m tln f l*ff<aer from New Hav*a*i Mayor In lte|^ard to Flgtitlag th* IH* ■Irurlive Inuprli*



One Death from th e Fever aad More New C'aoea R eported .

gperial to tbe KvBNina Nvwm.ELizxBXTJr, Aug* SO.—Mro. Jennie A. Vial,

o^ed twenty-two yearn, died to-day at her rt ldenoft, 53 Rahway avenuB here, of lua- UgaaDt typhoid fever. Her husband, alto twenty-two yeam old and brother, ogedsev- euteeo, ore both lying dangeroutlj ill with the Mine complaint* Un* Vial had only been wedded a year, aud vru a native uf ^Voodbridge, to which place the body will be removM for loternieut.

Two freeh oaeea of typhoid were taken lost night to tbe Alexlaa ifo^lta l here and one of the patlenta li very low, 'The Health luapeo- torbaacloeed all welU on Kabway avenue, whore the iiiaUdj rageOf but the dfieoM had nearly affected the entire neighborhood be­fore iliii waa done. There U a general feel­ing of alarm amodg people bore who have wellB on their premioea anil leveral called to­day at tbe office of the Health Inepector with oamplea of the water to h»ve It analyxed*__________ ___________


Ferme. Bees* Neerlj Clubbed to Desth la His Heme and All His Val-

uables gtolOD.rnii.Ln>RBVlio, Aiig. 80.—Three msskeil

men entered tiie house of Fbfilp Rsese, sn old fanner, near Csrpentenvflln, last night, and covering him with revolvers, domnndefi hit mone]'. Reese was sitting down at the time, but showed a disposition to fight. Hs was overpowtred and clubbad alinoat to dHtb.

The robben eecursd a gold watch, silver­ware and 950U In gold which was hidden In an old trank. B sw ’« wife and doughters were so terrified that they were unable to make an outcry. There u no clue to the robbera. __________ __________

rSs VAliM ar *» adwrlwsrTMrtl ilspss h up** (■* . nvmbfrefptaptm who rhad iL St,ASl rupto of thd Sh 'lftirw Hhl ssirr any. #tet Uski that moss pcepli fyaSMs paper siMry au*.

Thn*'Alleged Hlaokniaitere Arrritwl.Na irv iu ji, Tenn., Aug. 80.—John Csn-

treli and wife and Mrs. (lanireirt brother, William Clln^ have all been arretted at Rogtrtville. Tenn., on a chojge of blackmalL The arrest* werenio4« a t tho fnatanoe of Dr. A. a. Morgan. Ur. Morgan le a proral- nent and wealthy phytician. He allegea that he hai of late been much heaet with attentione from Mn, Cantrell. 'Rd- really he was summuned to tbe women't boust, aatensibly to lee a slok ohikL H# found Mrs, Caotreli alone, ua- dreettd aad ve*T dsmatwlrative. Jaatatlhl* polat the fansbaad broke Into the room iu a pntriKlad rat*. Blhm than the dootor sty* CaatrsU hat demanded large antoualt o( muMiy u tits prio* of btosUriwa.

wlili'ii wits ilittsl a t New York, reads Lbua:“ To r. J. Hi/an, 7fi Xrw ttrfel:

“ Fur your information i U'legraph you that ialUT Ntgnad ' J. .Maguwan’ hat boon ro- 4>«iv4'(l, Rtatmg 'Maltvawan will not b* ro- qulrwi bMiinrrow.' Wo wjU uiy uu atton- tioii thi* letter, J ohm U. BtakIN,'*

Au inveHti((atloQ won a t uuc« begun, and It ilevi'Uqied that tbo ■teamtioat company wm in HN-ript uf n tr|w-writt«n lettor, Ugned

J. Mjigiiwai]'' which countorinandod tbe order for the lioat. The Ktarlu tieople, re- inNiiil'vring the fixperitRi.** of laai year,

a Mimilttf letter wan reoelv«l by them, dn iitcrl at unc(i to lend tha boat UK iHir roiitract. The ufficcrH of the boat flub liaVM ni) kntiwU'jJge of ‘‘J. hfogtiwaii'' and ere nt a to iindurataml tbe altempto to wiu’k the club berni. Much inillgnatton pn,‘Viulfl niiKmg tbe meinlxars ami tbelr guoHtK whet) it woe learned that auotber die- appoinlmi-ut had been platined for them by(hti titihfhief-iiiakerH.

WIIKEIeMKN AT AMIIJRT PAEIK.lllcrollNli from AU tJuarfcera on Ifanil for

the Three Day#' Tournamimt.Abblky Fakx, Aug. SO,—Thli place fe full

of whfH'lmnn to-dr.j. ChanipicMi*,ex*clianipioiii and wuuld-ljo cbirnplouf of the iplder- wob niachinwi Joetle each other. The cauAe of good roodele reaponaJhle for tbe gathering. They aro here for a three daya' tournament, which begluf thia aftortiuon at the Aebury Park Athletic Grounde at North Aibury park.

The cuiitoAtanU are divided Into two cIrohm, a and B, Thooe of tbe funner di- virion reprceent o^Mteiire pure and. riiuple. ihey are travelling around the couiury elnipiy for the glory and thH fmi of the thing. Tbe B men are aiiiateura aloo, but they rapreoeot the different inamifarturen of bicycloH, But tbii time all have joined hnndi In a common caueei, that of good roadii, Tbe entire prooeedt of tbe tournaim''nt, after uerefuary expenoea are paid, will ha lilted to diioeminate literature andiiringlD - fiiieoee to bear where it will do the moet good In tho attempt t(> Improve tbe publlo tilshwayi.

lu clam B the feature ie tbe open tulle ra<^ which takea place thu afternoon. Great In- tereet \* aUo centred iu the ona-ndle open race la cloaa A.

An Kxelllng Tenrile Hatoh* Nuoara, Out,, Aug. 30.—In the ten-

nie tiournatneut thie naorniug Cbace and Avery hod au exciting Diatch. Cbace won tbe fln t la t Rtarting off with five gimee in the lean. Avery then mode a ipurt and took flve ganiM in auocaa- •lon, after whh^b Cbace rau, out tbe net 7—-5. Cbace iriio won the Mcond eet, 6—0. Foot<\ of Yai«y beat Griffin of Toronta 6—1, In tbe Iftdiea' oeml-Anal, Min Oaborn, tbe Canadian chaaipinn, beat M1« Newman, of Detroitt 6^—ly 7—5. ^

Hortan*« TVot Yet Baaflfr*BmNicLirrx. N. Y., Aug. »).—Ex-Vtee-

PrealdoDt Levi r . Morton, la iiUl mak­ing up hii mind whether be will be tbe Ha- puijllun caudidata for Govamor* ipaut a .quiet day. He arrived here from New York a t 6 o’clock laet night, am duw getting ready for u y itatanianti,^ eald Mr. Morton thiimofulug. "A t tbe latent now I will *havfl eomeimog to aay tomorrow or Hatur- day,” ^

Koran Wine tha Yovkeklra itak«Nis London. Aug, 80.—Tbe 6tty-aecond annual

race for the Cfreat Yorkablre Btakae of 6t- teen eovereigne each, with AOU ooveroigns added, for roale of i8Ml, to run at three yeare old. one mile apd a quarter, wae run a t York to^ay* Blr Jaraioe'e iCorau wae Onrt 1^. Roae e UatUdou eeooodt and Lord Jiarawood'e Bemnpanto third.

tba troak record of 3.19'^,by Bert Bbeldeit In liaRrini prodirtx, will be l*fv<toii. He htildit that, Judging from the mertti of the animala entoretl, the raoord winner will liave to go in at lea«t 3.12k

The n im will begin each day at 13:SU. Tho unprecedentedly lareo entry Hat ha* m^'eulUted the erecilon «if fllty new Ijux •talU fur the aci'omnindatiou of the aulmali.

Among tho crackwa-Jlacki In tiw Hat in ibo S.UicUuM is Rebus, owned by H. K. Rally, with a 'J,UH re<’ord. J. C. Mct‘oy'»two flyers, Billy C. and Foeclnatiou, with M. DeintriNii'i National, all better than 3 14, are euterwl In the 3,17 rlaw with Janita I.., David 1\ aiui Buudanoathe foi'eninat of thoir rivaU. isAiiy Bug, Khipman, ICathleen, Annie Beimeit aiMi Bravado ere the fore- lutet lu the cUm .

Tbr show hurMs will also be on hand in iocreascil numiiero, with f<mr>iu-hands, bin- dems, higlii Mteppent aiid high cIom |>oniee in aliuiioaticu. A number nf entries are re­cot dnl in the geDtiemen'i road class and amie fancy aiiltuits will ap|»ear In the saddle cIom coin)jeUtioiiN. Priau ttalilons, I'eroberuns, t'ly<i-«4.1alea and hOL'Xneys will form a ftsat* ure (if tho ethibiUim.

A new feature of tbe ei|uiue exhibit will bu the difltribuiiun of programmes, showing the name and alandlng of etch animal Tbe wlniicra in each claN!i will, after the uwarda, be Jeil lu a raiw d dale, so tliat they may be seen to the beet advantage by the spci'Utora,

Tha highest nuiulMr of eiitria* in the cnltle azhlbiu In tbe rtr'ord of thit t: tr 1« down for this rear, urixe animals havingbeun rnufrtea. Three flocks ofaheep ahirh cirrlnd oft jiremiumi at tlie VVorld'p Fair ar«) also entered. Uf thi' dosi known technically as ^*neat" cnttlu there am eighty entrlea. The poultry daiu iucluiteN 1,B10 exhJUtit,

Z’. T. (^uinu, Buperlnlendent of the fruit dlNplAy, icels certain ufa ■ucnemlui exhibiL although huadaiilM Unit owing to the protracted dry weHtber Uk fruit may not be In an good con dltiun as might bo dMired.

The URiiinargn amount of needlework will be on eihibiuon.

Hilai K. Haincy, under whose care the flue a n exhibition hoM been placed, haa itrured pamtiugs from many of the fureiur^ri artiata. Mr. Halitiy aiinuuncea that his display will be much ahea«l of funner OUSH.

All tbe latest improved farm morblnery will ha shown, several of the largeHt roeDMficturiQK L'cncenu haring applied for

and made full clmM entries.EntriLW will dose at the eociety's

quarters, in the Board of T r i^ rooraa, at 4 o’clock to-morrow •ftcninoD. FiSto entries will be received on tiatuniay morning at the fair groimdi.

The amuhemmit <lepartiiient has not liceu neglected by any means. Tbe Japanotu oivu tn>U|.iu uf ac'robats, gylnnli^ts and eriultibriKte has been eugagfriand will give daily cxhibltiooa on the platform facing tbe grondaumd.

On Monday afternoon the Futtofflee CycU-rt vriJJ have a series of ractw fur tpei'lal priiee offered by tiie luciety. The bicycle racea are open only in riderti attached to tbe Newark Fostofllce.

Tuesday will be Judging day in all de(Skrtmeut8. Thubig event of the fair will of <mirse be Governor's Day, when piditiciani of every graila of profniaenre wiiroiksctublo on Pollticiana' Hill to view the ractis aud be viewed in turn by tbe spneta- tora


John Ikihedsr, from Atbauy* I>les Whlli»fltopplev to This C lty T ro cM

flf Itat puiioQ.John BchwJer, an Albany man, woe found

drod m M at SucIj's saloon, 113 Springfleld avenue, this morning about 4 o'cLi 'k by tbe proprietor. ntuted that tbe mail hadbeeu stopping wiih hiui for about a week ond that last night be complamud of feeling tick. He WAN given Konid brandy, but that did unt MH«m ti) do him any good and be diod during the night.

Deputy Cbiinty rbyririan Harrison this afterTUKiu mads an invoKtigatlon Inin the manner o( the death nf Hi’hirier and coDcludcri that u wai a case of d«Mth by poiiion.

Tiie pbyriHaa bases bis oplnioti on tbe coutonts of a bonm found in the man's room which contains trace* «>f mt puison.

Hchnier came to Newark from Catekill, N. Y., where he had l»een working on a farm,

told Mr S udi that he WOK looking for a

Aci<ordii]g to Ichibod Ayres, Suporia- tcmlcnt of Public I'arkSs there U not a houilhy rim in-e fti thn city and it la only a

; (jkirxtion uf time, he Nayo, when evtry tree ot ' *"* the Kind will ha VO lu 1>H taken down. Dur

tog the ]«»t seven wtiekn about twenty trom have been felled by men under Mr, Ayroi aud lu each cose, the latter declares, Uw chopping dowu woi abeulutcly neconury.

Home of thu trees .Mr, Ayres said, ware about 150 years old nnd wi-rc in a dangarow viito. Thu exterior of tho trunks aiipeared to lie in a healthy cuQilltioii, he iidd, bul only a few blowi of an axo orioveral stroke! of a saw wem titH*t>>itary to bring the appar^ eutly nioeslvu eimH to the ground. Th# ciKitrc of the trres wan decayed and naUiing remained but the outer bark. This being the notbiug could save the trees, aod| Mr, Ayrei Hayk he was forced to rake then down, os there was a great dangor of lOiQ# of tlwm falllug in thu flntt heavy winditornk

Tbe riUDitlnu of tho elms is not due en* tirely to any klndorr)a«of bugs,hceayA bu4 prlnd)i*lly to the lack of nourixhiuenk The great quantity and variety of gas In tba ground, he rlaima, hoe much to do with ths killing of thu trueo. and the oupbalt lavtDg of ooiitd uf thn struntA, he atoteo, prevents Um water from gutting Into thu. ground to nour* iah the treej. Tbe result of this is that, look- in | the nti'esoary supply of water, the ntnUtentmot furnish thu trne with Its nh quiromeuta.

"Of course,’’ <>ontifiu»l Mr. Avres, ^ tlie tosectN have sometUIng U» do with tba w#rk of destructluD. A female Iteetle, for insUnoA gets on the outer leaf of the P>pninst braneb ami lays flfteen or twenty eggs on tha boV tout ot thu leaf, Wiieti these ore hatcqied out and the little ium’U get abewt they be* gin at oDce on ths nearby leaves* devouring them rapidly, aud gradually «n>rK their way dowtiward/'

Mr Ayres was of the ojilnioD that inorder to have savwt the tr««i they should hava been iuukeci after fifteen years or ao agci The work of ilehtrnction, he said, bad baa# going on for many years, i t will not b# necssnary, be says, iu takedown many more trues around the city nt the present tlma bul he is (losltivn that befure many yean go by tiiu citv will nut have a siugtu elm tree, and ho thluks th>» work of repLociug them should be t>egun ttimicdiaMy'

Mr. Ayres suggesti that young Norway and sugar maple irem bo p l i^ i about th! jiarlcs m rugular order. Thane troeo, h* claims are Uiu healthleils ind that If they should bo ulaiiloJ at oiioe Um parks Would have tpleiidid trues in ton or twalva yottrs.

The fact that the hamlairae elm treea mmt go is a souri'S of great regret among th# citixens of Newark, aad the matter has doo# much dIsL'Ussed, Ho laterestod bos Unarloi X. Feick, a lawyer, of 7M Broad street, ba- ceme '1 thu matur tliat he oonitnunl^ted with I authorities of New Haven, Ooan., a^kiug fur luforniaiiun oa to how to save the trtMs. In due time Mr. Frick received from Mayor Joseph 11. Horgent the following

Hupriest DA mm I Brneuieii, but he cimld mit t« found here. The ducuaiad had ruked Zurh resterdav to telagrepb to Hev, Futlicr Fidelia M. V'ngt, a t Albany, to come nn here atid Mr, Zmm did ku, receiving a telegram from the clergyman this morning to i Lh eiT«(‘i ilmt he wuuVU>e hero to-^luy. It i i be- lluveii that the liet'eased was beir to some tnopuy, bi]t only two centa was found ou iilni. He WAR about sizty-fotir yuirs uf age.

Thn IxMly WAR takun tu Bruckocr's Morgue 1ctt« this afterooou. Dr, Harrison will make a poHt-mortorn uxaniituition of tbe vemaiiu a t thu morgue hHiight*

Tt'UNVF.UKlN YOUW ^ItT)( IN NKE1>.An Appeal to Have Their IliilldiiBg from

Uola^ Lout on a MortgageiThe trouble that h u for soma time

been thm tonlug ibo financial stand­ing of the Turnverriu Vorwu'rta 1ms kieen mode publlo In an appeal to lend thu organisation a helping hand. Thu turners occupy a big brick building on Ferry MtreOt, with a large hall and a well aPiKiiQi^ gyiunniium. Th<'' itn ictn re is iiinrtgoged aud the interest on thu mortgage U about due.

The membert say that If the payment is not imule on llrne the mortgage will be rum*lo«rls Owing to the prevailing burd time* many ot the soduiy's sources ofruvetiue have Iwon cut otf, the attopdatu^ St the gymnaslnm rpMsus aud the tohool having dwindled very niudi. A deteimlned eftort is tu bu nmde to ward ulT the threatened danger, and thn members hope that their apiiual to the }ml>- lio will not pass unlieudp<l.

Smoothing Unt Itnottv Tariff I'ointR.TV ABicmrjTOX, gVug. OO.-“The knotty iwtols

are gradualty being smoothed out iu tliu now Tarin ' Uw by Bfcretary Carlisle. One uf the most important subjects In dluputo wan what toilo about unloaiUng anthracite t?oal.' Ten day be decided that uuder siv^tlun 441 of tbe new Tariff act euthrac^ite coal m aybe Im­ported free of duty and unloutled: that the limitation as to unloading applies ouij to coeletoresof American vesseU.

Yl'ill T rj Anuther tvutuo.IdeuteiMut Troc'y, who is tbe manager of

the iiolieu base ball team, is uoulldeuC that hii men can defeat tbe Nuw York police at tbe National game. Attur the dinner which was given the New Yorkirs a t AohieJ Htet- ter’H yesterday afternoon, th s Jdeulanaut promised to take hit team to New \ m a and show the ^*pantatos" how to play base ball, A game will be |4 |yed in the uuitropoJiii m about teu day# ^

InupevtlaK Sites far a lloepUal*Tbo six memberrof fhe~ Board of Health

this ' afternoon started ou aflual fnipectloa of tbe sitae for the new luallpox hoepital.

Mayor and eeveroJ membemof tho Board of Aldermen accompanied too Domuusion- ers, _______

VHday Fair and Cooler.Fair and sllghUy cooler weather with west­

erly winds ie the Weather Doreau foreoasl for New jersey to-morrow.

The range of the tampsratare for the post twelve hoarts aoeordliii to the raoord kept by Okkorlei Uartdigsu A On.* Ml Broad atreet. ts i aAeMsgtodeg.; tA e tf ., « defd » A* M.. 71 deit.1 kHistUdegsi dP . M*slSi

reply;“ DrAH KjH>-We fornierly (ten to fifteen

years agu| were very nmi'li troubUal with worms that ate the leaves of our elm traao. We watched their tiablts and found that the fumale was a sort of a slug-shaped luaecti, smiMith and soft and moist like a iTawiiog snail, that camn, os we sappined, out of th# gnniuit nesi' tliu tree. In the warm, fuggy ^ y s of the early upring, when the groan# tccauie tiiawod, hundrerls or m oreoouhib! counted very slowly crawUug up tbe trunka of the elms, and b(»vpring around to « a woe always a swarm of wnite-winged motba which proved to be the male Induct that fer- tillzuil the uiutLer slugs as they clung to tha trunk of the trui*,

" Wa adujmri a {lerfect renieiJy, eutlrely etTociiva and at vary UUlu cost. We ett! coarse hay or straw into Ivngtbs of al>out tm IncbeR and Iwund them arouud the trunk of thu tree in thirictiess of say halfanincfa when (Mjmpressed l»y the ootton eJotb band that we wound around tbesti'aw. Ttieband of iinbloachsd, rather coarse cotton cloth-* brown sbiKftiug or Niiirtlng—was about lUcor right inches wide, aud the ends of the cu! straw prujectud about two Inches above and lielow tbe buml. Tbu baud was then well Minearcd over with a good thiekneas of printori’ Ink of a cozuliteuey such A* would adhere to the clulb and nos ruu down nuicb. 1 know of no good lu th# extension of ttw stn w s alnivu t ^ bond ex­cept to help bold them from slipping down.

Most of thu femalen became untaugled eiiil |ierniht.Hl In the straw below the band. Tho»*u that gut AS far os the tutiid were do-

, stroyeil in tbe Ink. Wu have liad no troubl#, with any Insect on treus for too i>a«t luu

years or inure, till thin summur. Now there hru a very fuw that are troubled with a worn*, that hatches from the egg, which woe luid Hiid glued to thu uiulersiue of toe li-tif, nnd it is hiid that the mother is a flying bug, eimilar hi form tu a June bug. Its habits liave not been watohud anfllaeutly beru to report U|>uti, but It i» said by some that thu iiiHuot 'luig' mmeH (mm the urimnd and iTawJs up the trnuk of the true* Tr MO tbo straw nnd Inmd smeared with prio- tors’ Ink will destroy tboin.”

As a ri‘xutt of tiiu i^moval ofthu ire^w there are not so manyshmly placus about Military and AVriNhington purk>i as there were*lx>ug years ago Hrund Ju the Tlomityof Military rark, wan shodeil by the eluu, but HUM' tho Nurrs ravK arc uDolwtnii'Uid.

Thuro are ti numliur of elm tree! in front of private resideucai throughout tho city and thMie too are dveaylug and wiU have to eouiu down. Bev(>ral reeldente have reluctantly aduiittod (his fact, and have engaged Mr. Ayres to i-umovu tks trees i# soon OM possible.

Mr. Feick was aroused by what b# saw la Military Park yesterihty aftercoou.

*'Two of ihH lliUHt hIuw had jm t bucu cut down,” auidhu to - lay, "and It tmulenud# me actually sad to hh< Umt thetrunkN wore Mtjll Rolid. If they wero dead they hiid died from al>ove, uot from below.

"VVhunl griisluaLud from VaJu in 1878 the rims of New Jiavun were thnuteued buC the aiithurltieH, acting uuiler the advice of th# college profn»wini, »ave<l every tre# in thu way that Mayor Hm'gent bosdi BCTilMxi. Thi» Rume thing ocuild be don# In Newark. Trues that ure now in tbe curly bUuci uf dwwy could bn ttaved. Two or liirei* yiMirs from now they will be gooi^ iiulc>a tliu iUKt4xtsary rumudius are applied i4 onoe,'' _________ ^ _

A Pipe tilne t'ampeujr llustralned*Robert N. MiC’nrter this morning

Hncurud from V'loe-ChaQcullor Van Fleet a luiniicrsry InjunctionKtrainiiig thu unitud Htat^ Zhpo lin e Company from riinhbig iu pipes across th# Morns Canal nt a point lu W arren County. A jH^ruanont Inluiictiou is also asked tor 1o behalf of th#Lehigh V'alloj Railroad Cotupany. I t li thought tliht tlio pipe line U to b# run 1# oppostUoh to tliu Htaiulsrd Oil Company to carrying oil to tho eoa»t.

llunlLug the Mctiouls.The Heating Committee of tho Board nf

Education will ask the board tom orrow night to approve uf the uontrocti for heating IffiVwFifteeutl) Avenue and Waverly Ploo# schools which wus awarded to P. Creyor fur (4,Z35 aud the Newark Hsatiag ##d VeuUlatiug Company for CTiar1«iLeoidi wrui appolute<.L toiuporory Jouicor of th - BtifawL , ^ ■

Any{hi\\ti*V*mhnvr. Jto or £rfArwi#afrcm UW, Ju/act/or iiAl/ muMn* t ouirtiA to ndese- ttor. mu «/iW 4 um fA« /w;tAspfalAM<>a/rsi^

yuuisttcAfliors jiWiile—cwiwtfiwUlif 4SW ksort# mors. _____ _

C I T Y N E W S N O T C S .

An exi.inlnAtlun tn a suit for dlroroe will held In til* ufflo* uf E. 8. Hlsok Ute this s ftsr . noon. The sui> is brought br Albert fiq^ree sgHlnst Carrie Hquln*. s a l b nuGontcaM. F

Cepluln Tsrlor, IlDowh t s the QotdcaMla. strel. with tali giilter, will cDudut th* m seu In gst tbeBalntlon AiinrHeU, tS Beltorille nvenae. to-nlgbt. CspUlu Tsflor hs* lu si rr> turned from the juDllee aemonstrenoA latsittdon, ___________ _El Ps*h*. flhcet nf Ouben • xocIql You’re th* tiger for our tsete SBiour petiteMs




Ii?0G B! T W O P IC K P O C K E T S C A D G H T .

F o i 't io u o f W isroDdin and Michigan

S w ep t b y P ie ro * Flames,


Ih s T a nHulldlBC.1

of rhUIlpi, Cunl.lBln* *»«r.nllNilT A w .J"Tha

nam e, of WaoT Tanner, fione, and Ttirlr ramtllM Wlthoat ahetler-Th* lol.ambermon Hald to Kan I'P tnla 11*. M ail.a.-t;n.urw M ful Kffurl. Mail, to (laatnil (fi. Flaiuu.

Th. Men Who ll.re tin ii Iltibliln* lion at Anbury I’arh Cap-

tervJ ■! taftil.Rperlal to tb« S t w i .


m s IIKIIAl'I II PAIIt.ll Itv DKVril. I

W rallhytlern lil W llVIinuu'. I u.l l.lla "m l- | tleiily llrnutut It* n t lio*e.

Ki.i/.Alit.Tll, A u4. ■'•1. -dorul t \t llWumii, tai,uty-lwo yooni ol-L wli'ni' father wiw a wealthy wmllrn iii.niitaftiiref In I'ow-Miekrt. a, I., aii l wlio,ui Ki-aiv.lfatUer, It!.wtiil, Htertiel the WM‘*lleii tmll in Hlurio

illiei la.l night at th.i tlraiiil Union llot.l hero after an lllnem of ouIt a few

^ The Toini* man had lieeii ilrinkiiie lieArilT tor «'Veral iimuthi. aiel l*l« M'hiiiet wna uiiilouhtotlT hronglit on he In* ili»''|iate,l

[ liahite. lie eanie to KilMl-eth «ven 'luinlhi. roiniMiiy with hi» vaU t, t hi»' I**' *‘‘-**

ai I# Vfiuiu T oriiiin, whuiuiiilth« wifi» of thi> . Uvislily nii-l

Urea In till. aacUna of Nurthmwteru \T i*ron- * .ifttie aflerntem.■in b*^n burnlnjf fuf two nwintiu | tl»o train fortheaeKfeitata Inmie not lean that ♦S.OMl.flt*) | s .a a rk [lulled imti*t iho.lalluii onu of the nmoon the piim laud owner.and mwnilll j de|*rt liaiele wa lUa criKikt aiitnr the K^t___l,«. in tniliyldualA BeliorU t.e fur ainl make their way Ihroiigh the Irani.

- fas, mil.,g n,i with uye.ir,l;.n.^^^

Anai'RY I’Aht, Aug. im.—Tha Aslniry l*apk [lolira la«t night arrtahsl the muik. who haee Iwn operating ao ettan .t'ely ■long the boorilwtlk aii'l In private liousei during the part niontb. They are Uiehael Fleming, of ,!» Writ llaihsim atreet, Mew York, anil I'aul Mitchell, of «>5 Hmlaou •trnet, IlolxiLen.

The puli™ got a detorlplinn of the men a ] ago in weekagofrian Mm. t'laik,Trenton [lofterr mamifai-turrr. who ha* a j " " . J , ' | , y . i,,[ ,.f sporting |s>ttag« on A.hnry a*emie. Hbe aaw them ,„y„, whoTi:,.| a g -1 time with tl.u voniig going Uirungb Ilia poeketa of aeveral e.eur- c,u,h, Hb t„lil tiieiii ttml liis [siroiiU•loiiMtaon the 0*1,1 ng pier. Vtwl* rUay wn* i were dead, and ilmlKulghh. lemt.lar Day in the j-*rU, and ilie a year, and from thn way I *■ *1« nt it.

' ■ - iloii# tA> Unik out fnr 1 ni'irn*/ y* Ua ’o......................liHUp.

« Wl A.ar. -VI tmiUt* Wej-H lllHtl Ul‘1.CHirnEWA Auk- pirkiwK-krtH. They wereahatloweii »l»oui The [lair left KUailieth hi May an*l

WHiit lo l.aliformB, whrre they only ra­il lahird a laoiilh. ami then returju.si to h im - i Isuh mill limk room* at llioTamijiaiiy tlonw, | VH hi-ni ttifv i»iun 4 i lnl<» iliHiAlimUini,

Oi) TuwltUw uml

HTAIIIIM* HV Hl!« nnOTIll'K .A KeUtlT* of » PHnuher, Who Atti*m|»trd

to Cut*Sj>M‘ia] r.VVNtXii bVEWA.

Ki MSIIT. A uk. 81 —'Towiph Mamia, wluwkH hrittkH', Krauk M*4»ua a«’ap«<i iruiu tbu h>.M«x Cuuiity oil Monday niisbt WM reruirtufi*'! liy \Vnr«b-ii M ’ Mona^ l« uud IN-Uvlivi* CnrroU, of Newark, la l-rrUsli'y lleightM, WM iiUbboiI hy awollieF brotlirr, Jumw Maena. a t tUa Inltfr vrHWr*lsy rt/Un'iiiwn.. TIm injured man wa* takrii to Hmnmic lu a ^vagim and Dr. Igawiencu dw<*wl the wound.

Mama went Iwfom Juatiea Kelly atidTuade ft ruiiiiiljillil. Hlewurt uiid UttdU»were M'lil to !k*rkeley Hei{;hU, and wla-n theT rrat!h"«t the re iUlentw of th« luun wiiiU- cd fi« jmupTui out of a i»«’on«1-Hb>iy wia low and rau toward Ibe wuodn. Otlk' 'r rtU'wurt wfw coni|»lled to urn bit revuWfrund tju# fujiitivu wa» t’AUdurunl. Tlii» mornloK o*' wilt arraigned iwfore Jiistlcw Kelly, who nuiiiiilttt* ! him f*o the county jtul i*> awajt tlir artU>n of tlm Ui and Jury.

KOUMH AND FLAT^ TO I.KT.IM Tni.vT.TWis yi.Arn IN r 1,1 •Trfxim-an'l haili; all inmlrm ImproTe* nifiiu, !. .Ill'• ufauJ bruva al.i uf tuurl-Ihsrtf'Bth avf,Itifii-i I7J


i ’i il'HT«i alt

m l.>T, KLAI'H IN THK APAltT* I m«nt bo till Mt Nf». » i and 2W Markpi m.

KltKlJ T. KTi%Kt 'i*« Mafkat................... .. JSB-.tKroSh rWH>n, KIVK

. * rooms '. at., ihlnl door, four rooiftt ;14fM4ttn»ld# at. rpc>Ih1 fl<»or. Il va rofsina

FKANK. I.N M. oi.U-h, I’raiJaiuLai Uidlillitr

/ ’ AUMUKI l f

I J A VKH dj.. 4 **'KC'»N N_Kr OK. 4 KO>M?t Apply IViHorTH OUANOI-: AVel

I III.PI SIT* IX iM> liis ni:ah c'kn* I Irul HVI*.; alll.i provemt-Mia I

f '» l 1ruiNrtON hr., SI-1’0 U'. 1’. floH t I'O'j MH,

liifpilrt a lu HT.

I AKA^ Kri'K. ?sT.,-1

li7 -TO LKTBip rt Ilf liiiiiw.

\ l


A il! T > I'KT, 7 IUXJM* AM)A pply M A ft K E r ? T. 77*

KlftHTimil a*ooiid flw.ir; i'nr!i*r bar window ; Uiost

lnu*rurrru«iita ; n-ut mod*r,ilo. Itutniro IS] CH. le>.itklANN, lia Nowarli at.

N it K-f.K nr.. Hi! Fi.ATH ’nU.KT:II

iUrrult A UT.)L 'liK K iK re nAi.f. -tJWtX i iHvT’ ir ^ J.nir* Alirsliall VI. Mlrhael ievili,**'hr *lrtn*otth.Bbov»*ui«l«rtt onirrl r.. la*.to III. illm'led, 1 "tiall fllsiw ler lo e Uj- (lUlili, vondut, ai lli« ' iu .Nnaaik.tiu iu--aa>vllM. elahieenili <1 ,y *.f -rpl.uib.r i*a*i, « 1 u'eifK-k I*. il.,all 111'"* i i« i' *" p u r .'.i 'f l.ii; and pn'olHi Pintle, lyint tint heiiu 111 Ili.nUy of>nwnrk, !...»* i on ty, .■'•vi Jti i y.

l-lrat inuM lifguurn In ibr iMirUirriy i.no ot . Avuniitaainrt al U>e dUTatic* ul fui« JiUflUra 1 (ed \ ea-t^rlr from ilir onalfrl.v Nine of rlilpuian otre-W j ami rr.un Ihi-tU'e nurili iwf\wy U#*ris-i thif!/ mlth uimkam fiirlv iWion n-rt al.S liik-h*a ; IdeRfcWR^* | rrlvaitil iJar-i.rJ wnb Aiiumla alrovl >i%U*rn Ih..| . alcbt irclir*, Ui*m •■“uibody iioraiifl wild iho flm i tl Krr bffi itu* iortjfH‘ r*'U Wet i l l iikch- * |u H o Ml I : niioof AUB'iUanrooi; Ibeiwo woit- riy alai,' «ly'lino AluualaUieft (Uxleoii fe*T loL'lieilo jtill* piK<'o uf iMf*ti>iiftia, I

j-etoiMJ IriM’t noKlunitl* tl»e m^Tih#rl\ aido ; of Auff i-ia Mroot at il. a<mlhw( riy oortii-f oi a lot c.n%eyt-d by .UUUaM o Jlkien lo l lr’l' . H*htrun<«.r, and tMm uion«’t- lunnhi* iiurtbsrljr ah.fitf iho Ihw of mo flrU de—ilivti Iraci ftirty. , MT»n leel alx iiu'lnHk: thauce •on'ilHrly paiadol whU the ilrtl DRtiied lliii lor.y-«v«» frf*tal.t i« clio.« lo AunWa »«rMi af.»ro*ald, and ib*i»oe wo»Wiy alon* the *aiu«iiiTooo lortiU IncUoo to Uiw plaoo '

’ttilrd iraci I'lwlnBlof on lb#


r f ' j W i u i ' w ild , waT.lniiwt w l|«l nnt a ' uul""u“ i h.^uvh'y’unu!Mil^**'iimn

ftarlfdtmt fornidiC dehim-h and ciiiiMi in ,unrlliiiao | Roifig fn the Graml Unl<*u I

4 *. A .- l UAVK H iiic t lll 11- i - " lhit valet A t ia li . In tv.rr awd ef h*. f 'V tad «■“ •I.V’

yisi.«.*ar».ln, -. At, lUir.MV, 7*11 a**.*! *iu

I f ¥*1* r.>iiiily; yitid Iwaiiud; cniivtnl.nt 10 I^nii Hylvaiila kibtlou.bi| Addr# « A., Bill O. Xowi oiHe#

jtreot at a point orio jiundrwl and tkfly fr«tm l ftN>m ihi- nifflpeof -bliMaaii air^tAUlUstiiAu* iiKta otHwi i ’ V« enl jr-i« o loot wide' af d

f«w wark# acoi. aadflr# appanfuahai b##n Mat tberw from thl# city.

tb* rlUagf of V«i»*r. to Woofl Ojuuty, yvM ofnnpletoljr wl(«d out yettoriiay, ami twanty tamiUa* ara raporUtI bomeleat At Mmoo tTty, 100 nillaa illtlant, daneoa are •iliauthid by continuoitaly fighting Bra, ami UttlaUlaft In tba Tillage. At Ufayalt* fn ra t Dm ttoTiaUtad tna liutnaa lyf aig

Vira la n * pnaant bnrnlng at Hllvar Hpnug Flai*. hmr mlla. diataat front ttiU city, aa*l iJw plant of Ike Chlpfava Hprlng Water Coniiaay, a larga ounoom that ahipa to all narta of Ibt country, la In ilauger. The boua of WilUaiB Ht IajuU baa already bwu bumad at Nabognoiam.

Flraa are booming along the Chliago, BL Faal, If Inarapilia and Omaha between CTtln- Mlra Falla aiul Mjeiouer tor IMl' mllaa, and OTory town ia aotrerlog to a graater nr lea. dagraa, fire nrotactlon balint o'*k of tba i[iio.v tlon. At Maaott City tba Jump Rlvar lAiiii-

Till’ vfti.'l*’*f'tui-itltidWjIJl ) r i l . lM ''n 1.<1T4 K -R o s >*K V M ItlioiuiM^hU Mr.. iioHr ofHUb i)r*> SE'ar*.

toll„w«l cloa*. tflilml the plckivfkr**. i ivi..i*v,rl h, a r.teii. r.v,from th« rr«r wiia .itnuig, hut he la'‘Till lU- r''Tir

- - - • ‘ ‘ toatlnud butniT“ >iliuiin»he'tM r L'nnUdnoal ctrorl" f'mlil ntit sitvf tii, hnithnr Ijtwreme. ltilrty-»l* jvar* nhl, arriveil at Khrainlh Erotii night ami took (dmrg*will lie mkru HI 1’aeun’l

KtCflliT lOK A r u n .I t ,

bar Cnnmany iMt tta plant, I,(WU,IIUU of kiga ■ aawM lumber. Fliea are

Inmpany M— l* ,0IM,lM»of ,rawing with tarrlfio fury through the foreaU ofllurBet and Waafaburn rountiM, oluaa totba mllraad tracki, and pa.iaing.rt raport tba country h Ilka a aaa of lire.

Tba Wfiipooato t'enlral and the Omaha railwayi haea baao baaey hiaan by 11 tln lr tmoka being burned fur inilai, and a tuimbar of freight oar. were Iwt by tb. latter road at Uaaon. PhllliF H “>« “ ^Tiirer by tba Brea, not a building out of JaO In tba p l ^ being left, 11m prlmd|«l loaeri n r . tba J. K. Dover Lumber Cumpauy, Jacob Lalnavkugel ami Owen Lappin, of Cbippawa FaUa. Th# inoit eileiulTe cmnhaiiTy farm In Wltcon.la, five niim troot tbia city, owned by Aglum dt Donovan, vaa aomplataly ikatroyed, ibair kw. haing

kOOUt with BO Inaurwtce. The t'blppowa

When the latter Jnmp<*l . platform of tlie la*l I'lr Mr. K ifkbnle oil Jlkewlte. The iiieii D*‘ame -.**11101011. atler ■ while and ttaite*! to run away. Olllc»‘f Force wat callal an 1 he awl KmkbrI.le L-ftV# chA*e. Thl' i(itt#r Hlmiihx! to Force to ‘ji **’*hU revolver and khouU he could do ................Wy however, Mr. Klrkhride cAUajbt fthH tlirog hruiln'i" liviii, up to th# yiHiiigef The iwu ih.'iidthftvffi end Cijilurktl him. The otlft-r thief renoti fur« short disUiKt »ud thru gave hiinieU up. Itsiforo b« did •‘S ho«- •Tfr, be w u *ern hi tliruw MHiiethluK ov«r a feni'A. When the sjnii wm neundwHi a f* w luluutM inter • (Mili U iltrr weU'U uud guld i-hein w*r» recut#re<L Force put tlio ulpts-Ti ou Jde iiiAii, whti WA# trying got kwav.Mr. Klrkbrkl*’" iiwin tried the aeme trick, but both WMH gotten wfoly t<» I’ai'k lUU, whore they were locknl up.They will <t giypii • hcarhigby JuAtU’o Ikmtoii tld# aftoriKxju. W ovd Imw btiMi fwiit to luspfH'tor hyruen, <jf Nuw York, and one «d his iiw'U will l»e «»eut do« u to identify the pick|»ockQta. Within tho |m^t inemtb ubftUt ♦^0U» worth of valuable* liave bwn taken from iho twckeU of euiiiuier p»i- dfuta while on the l»each. The cF'jok# kept track of all tba social eventn au'l mnnagtHl, in a fuajoiity of cajir#, to tak*' |»art fu liiE*ui, and robifCil thiae in utUUilaiioe of loiue of lh«ir valuabhw. __

niij-kt il»-'1r*b.r le. atioit hi Ih" fUy i rs- wm*'hit* AiiU i»Mii wi*-‘>’. tnf|Ulr * . . . . .Hh i.'JlArt, W, I WPr««N, lift Mtrk't »t.

( ll'M rfuuror flv#ronmR;«»# ro-iitjonHoof If * twi> irory bhi'k sUid# light eudflln . *1 ft)r tKuliiinivA or oa# Hail fer iS; IwieIjiiK'ka fitmi th< lit (*)<#. I

ff«*i w«#t uHbH iu*ui!wMH>i' Mt»- l AHisrln# p.tjrii#. » lih'lt lr*l l» lnifU'l*d mii.i ni'i)C‘PrtslCtl fur■ iiuhfti’ hit 1> " ST: I In rin» Rpm* wM nubw»|’ non li tWRii.v Oiluy fiiijc-nevr-n Iwl

.rpv. I sli lijcl.#R. th. iLv 'R#ti#nv nod p«r»U"l wjiIi aii-iJiiti ' guii#»tr#fiiuw'i*ir't'l»hihu-l»»*‘.pi'«#url«‘sv««J i lljrllh# of lliei'1‘1 c;Jlv<tlla:•t; llu-nrv nIi>o* hi*Ith# RouHt twi-iiiy de*rk-«wllilriy nj|.,rti«'R wrhllurtjr

Mveu "Ik IrH-hft tu Aiigthia k m }\ tiii'ivee Riuiig Auifusl* »lr*#t ♦wulttif •Ute**ii Cmi elgiU

hi" lift*.r-bU year# old, j

„ New York lest I if tho btHi);. which j

ii-Uet for biirUil. Ho '

LET-1 h# hoiu#Rt#Ml Of til# let# Wm.

1 e i ’iiimnavt.KorlnWfmathm eppiy to

11. Kirk, So.

ItlKM AL 1 riHAt‘>.41, ilFP nJlirNTAl. 'M. I'lv# roomt, arst flour, lu kouts wlih two

RiliiliK. 7Hho ; :

lucliHi niofH or l*w, to I b» jiIm.*# of bpgl ii iiln*.tr.irU l>riiij| ihw u m s prt-rul"*#

Tiwir parrntJi art 7*if

A l l . in l . r Uh.l **n I'''* n i « e l ‘ “ f *b l.Diil. tivi'r a linti.*,

HT. lAit iH, M*.., Aug. W. A riot o f lorga pnnsTtloim that «urg>*l back and fnrlb on (ilivu ilrrat from Twolftli to Fiftoonth .tr**it*i hruiigl.t out all Ihii [leople wllbln half a il**r*'n hkfkt of the »**nu la.t #venlng. K ilty Kullivaii. a i haiiileTiiiaid in Hi* Mur- ckiuU’ llirtul, one year ago gnve birth to a fliikl. Yi siurJay Wiilli'i' Ommiinga, father 1,1 the infant, niarrli*! Kilty. Dr, riiotiuM L, llate^ m «lli« l aiaiiiliirr “ f Ih* 1 “ ' *

t C UAUKRT ht.. fp*l«tm- ,\kau iir.iiM*

Hr.,i« -SIX nnoMH, TtHRi) ri,iMiH.uiwly p*p#r#dttu| i*li)t#d ; rent ll.V Apply ItrjSTURNilM mghst.

Te>»U WALK- ^T.. ............ .anxfW house imd b«rn ; I'ft "’tkiw pniW

*1 >rOU>li»SJ> WT„ T-FntMl N 13K • OmMSllflrs i Hour; tftudiriii roiivonieme*; inmii fhm-Ih

hoiftilirr ....on ---------- -- — , .Toy#d to KdW'srtt lrrlil by Juiepb Iwitberf by owwl dsted < ■ctuber It, I'Wt. Mid itu'v »tiout lu b# re­coded- . . . .

I h** (Virstolng <K)iiv«Mirt H hereby nii,d# sub- ttrtios builitia* eoiNowii uiurt«n*e emounltn* l«> soout 91,t 2. orl-limily 98,ih0 isUotiilihrtt to l*kt«i»ow A 'shwt lud pro}>eny.

lirrio, Nurfiilk I I . ii*»ar i'utrietniti uve Mkx)>i!*- Iifirt Mprt-iU It.MOiiiR,iinprr»v#,n«*ul"; 9f.li) l!ilfie#uU« sv*. heofHigh, li roikOis. All lmpfov'matiU’‘ :

K Kiev KH it I'lE*. i«*-sl rUI# Slid lu'OfsDW*,No. ISO HpTltigflRjil svs. inieu O' inlug".

fty jjioiy ■M'*

Fourh inici 'U*‘*luhiimliiih« esstfrly ild# olHsrb#rs ilrv^t el ihs RombsrI r efirotr < T ibe T .iiUh

KANIIK,I or 4 R 1 twRM‘t. itlessiul looiiUy, u#wly roooy*t#d \ 9ft, |iu , t«n minutes fmin Market M. Inoul Ilh i. W. Fu«TtR. 117 oiliTor rt.

» r u s roN a v E b["Oft KAl,‘-- PHtJI'RlU V.' iM frei IVoal end re r, 14X deep : slshie or

J. W. Fu«TtR. 117J _TO IiKT. :roTMt rLKA>*AST R'tOMH

.opweile I'enirs Market: rent 9li inQiiir*Aih MU". UUIKCflLK, 44 ('omiMeriW Rt.HoflMH


enlrsfire on brUHnwlck el«o lots on l uimulug* NT., IrvlSktna. AddrsMlb J. RElAFU-.lt, V« l$fO*d"t;nu*6eiva

end Alllii«pr.‘l*eMy, nhJen oorner I* d‘ *t*at ftilr- leen bubdred sed tiiuety-foer fp*t flrw tiintei nortlierly trom Usmbur* plMw; lb « '^ rim- iilni luuiuc lUKier.i ilrest snuih Itfiy-iilne ileereei flUoen iidmitM w»"l rorty-nliie leel twolnohes; ih^aw vulh Ihlriy d**rm forif flvo iiilQUieReeM uio bundinl lert; (beewe ueriUttly fifty nine d-grets flftiwu inluutes eisl fbtl}‘nftie feet two inrbe" : llteiire noTlb llilfty de«reeR forty- dv* jiUnote" west one huo'lred fe»t to the plst-e of

INmTALMRNT p l a x -i

Life Immran*-. ('omiiaiiy, with hi. wife, llTwl at the ilerchaut.'lb*t«l, and mlopHtl t ^

KMUIITII o r I.AIIOR AT n ilua .

|J,OOL, ______L M b a r ^ Boom C'oinpwiy, of Uiia cIlT, <MM of Uw blzg*#t ooncerni of tfat kind la IS* United waM*. ot wtaioh lb* iHiiilmrfaaron, Fredarlcb Weyerhiotiaar, D the bead,baa loat In the neIgbburUood of SL,UUUUU In ■tabding pine,

Tb* beavteet toeen are: Chippewa Lumber and Bourn Ooaipauy, Chl|>pewa Fall% Siwi),- dOOi J. R. Davto Lumber Canpeny, 11,1100,. OOOi White River LiUtober Company, Maaon, laOQLOllOt 1.-V- Hupenor Lumlier CoiU(*any, BebMomeia, 160,000; Jump Kivar Lumbar ikmipany^ ihanDoa, WU0,(RIU; WIiconaIn Central HaUro^ 1*30.UIMI; ChlingA Ht. Faul,Cuupan;Central L— — --------------- . -SianeapLdla ana Omolia, tl0U,iJ00; Jmvib Laiuergiigel, Cbli^mwa Falla, lidOtKil Uwen Lapnln, Cbi|>pewa Falla I^OIM; towu ofFhllliue, SIUU,UUUl

The Inn— to the lumber ooin)*aniaa are mainly atandiuf pinai, oa wblcb ibar* wa* no Ineorane*. _

B a t CiTt, Ulch., Aug, 00.~Tbe foreat flre*Durtbwe>tot Ihie cliy are tiaooiuiug a BDum of alarm to th* re.iJ«nM ot tbi> pur- tfon of the coauiry, ami uulau ralu oouwi at

Eipelle it M.iulier. e f th * Order Ou to Court fur lE eliu lal-M i.ut,

FimjkDgi.rliiA, Aug 80,—John i)'K « taA. H. 1‘. Lent and Fatrlck O'Uouogliiie, >n»iiil*ere of Itical AariMiibly No. OHll, Knighti of labor, ye*tcritay illed a hill m e<|uity In Co.imiou Flea* Court No. 1 against Jaiiiin R, H'jveiBlgn, John W . lla jea , TliomatB, McUulie, lli'iiry f . Martin nn*l Cbarlw A. Franck, coiutltutliig Uie Uaueral F i- ecutlve Hoard of lb* onler, and lleury C. Traphagen ami W illiam O. H ^ ley .

Tile ouiuplainaiiti aver that they bare been faliwly accuacil of uukiilglitly couilucL an*l wlth*iut lawful authority ei|iell*d from tba orilor by Mi* *ltf.mlanL* fur th* purpoie of prereullng (VKeifa from aawrling hla tiidita as rapreeentalive of Diurlct Aaaetiibly No. I tu the lleueral Aweinbly of the urdor, auil *>f forcing on the Duitnct Ataeiiibly, in

.Hiilllvuii Lirl's I'hlhl several niontb. ago. At n.o,u yiwtor.lay the now Mra. Ctnmulnge ch1Ii«I on Mn. Hat-s ttml a*k*' 1 to take the Clilkl fur an airing, as ahe had frerjiiantly lUitie liefore. ami t*wk tb« hal» tiv bar praa- ciil resldomc. st Kirt.-enlli and tlUve atreeta.

At (■* O’clix'k Dr. Hales went lo the Cum- mingt honse aii l ilmiaiiii**! tlie child. 11.at-nUaikislhv CuninilnKsand a ls‘''ty ^hiifrleiil*. hut iiiaimg'-'l to s*viu-e the child. Then from Fiflwnth street, i-atl on Ullve lo Tnelfth the iks-ior. olio arm clasping the cliil.1 anil the other wiekUnfs a caua, tought his way Ui Uio Meicbants Hotel. By tUat rime the street was Jamnie,l with ciclteu neopl*'. W'unl was [*ass«d that Cuninilngs was Irving to steal th. child. He wa* lieateu liib) luwiislhilitv amt Uken away in an aui- hulniii **. l'liem.*h alioiil th . hirtel and lu

bisigplaca. 1 raphagen, wiUi whuea election tlio ileueral Klectiun Board it Htid to ba lu syiu-patny.

The Court li caked to prevent Trephagen and Begley, who lid litrict reoordiag eecru-tary of” Uie District Atiwiubly, from issuing cn-leutlal. aa r*pre»utatlve lo niiylictly ; t.i

llayniarkel wpiave was Ilualiy illspenw.i by !l,e\s*lice. f*s l ■■■■'■• -------lieetl |*ronl*iti*l to

ra!ami thu Cummings

night Dr. Butea, who ha* hlginir [ikw*e in the ein.

. fuH H U.^. ’’ ► W.boiTR*. "Jmwoml *v .. n«'*r “pflurdi-i #»#.. Knii < »r*djrt • i"j*miNbikthro4iiu,'’*l l#r.*l i m'HirTn i in- pruvtpi^DiR ta#n Imjiwi? HhInIi : »"t •T'*t4t iwwfr Ainl : #vf*Hii# »ml *ldP-WMlk : y«u no Ihnii Ifc f "*• J*•nd of tlx or y#*vi y«u .v«iufA isiilw jiu n»r dg itAfriFl'. INl n4>> t #"4HJ

H IM.IIillT lUXJMN IN N KU llur^Rtu ; houlh <'nbO|# nv*. #Dd Iblr-

b#irii»o«Bf"b#ljiv purl #nb* prup«rtr wmvvywJ to helwttrd M«u by U##d iwird#a IP jMok

iMinth #v». to'iiilr* iU lU'N'l Vlti>uN n i.

U i "U l"floor.

T'> LKTs THRKfC 1UK»MK, THIRD lllilvLri L47 w a l n u t HT* Him b#u

Apply uviorr, K. C. UAUi/r* l l l *t..umiiR#. _______

APLIcAHARTHOOMR in p r iv a t e; e#rx poM tii« door, inuiftr*

121 AL'AUEMV ht.

fwiird M*ru by U««d Tvotird#d in BOtik i" '*ft uf T» #(U for H»-ei rouiUy. Tb# -nid prriii-liw«#r# eotii'fywl iuhji-«i to# mori^inc*of f*!-VW, whli-h oorrr ib##bo»r pr#ml#if nod nloloflwtu- ty dv# Kal RilJiilDiTMl o<t tb« w#M*

D#i4»d Au#u>l Di ^H HM4N I.FlU.BACH,>*h#flfr.A. a K KAntitr ft wor*i, JAkllciiott* f2J-"0

Oi i-li K UK y\l^ » » -Ti UsKr A \ i i v\ #v:r “fib# I'liy of S#wwk*

,J.. ."HR. ..V ,► ##l«l pTLiF-rialN wiU b*- rwvivtU jkt ihi* ofilow

unnl iM-fji.i-t V .M*«tf b»ini:#v.ui# Rix»h>U'- *piRujli#r. irftl, lor ib- 'irucMup of * i#«*>T lo *

V 4 X Dl- Kl'' >''» ftl' ► . iwiw##n Prtiiuiylvuul# l»«wl i'llxtb#1h»T*-'hub; to Ik-I.iiiji In thr«# ^

riiK rolliiwliif 1«Oku il >lui AOiontii of wort ton* duni-Mid ih# to iHifti«ilb#d loth* ooo-Hmi'tlim»tulco!iiplH|i>'ifif**l«l w'lrt: , 4.,,-^

' rr-n h'hidml nml Ibiru i7»>! laRiof #l«h44A> Inch vltrlil#.!. i .ii-»|isr*fl. Rcwtr p.pu:

•| liEK# biimlrHloDd rxty iJA»i fw** of >•" **“ ■••tver Mid

K Uhl (#1 HiRMliolKt. w Ith Iron bond" on * rtvai*.HuklKiRwm »ut# ib«1r prwwn lu wrUlucod^*^

Mill llHIffR. , ,, .11 'LCM muil np*t*irv lu tli*lr proi''rwJ4 iboL

•bouH ib-*o*iT» work b» uVinltd 1«j lb#fn. 11*r ixlJl blnii ihBiuiwtvt-# to HulAb »i>d 0Bini»l#i# IM KiJii# ivllluit EWKiiiy (•■tiiR#tniilv# ururklPtf

Ibu pSoiiH «nl »p*erUlc.*llQfii cf Ui# 4ork iWh #W#TRmiii«.i iMhr ofllpv (if lli • I ouul of Mf##*Woivr t.ormi,lR»H>n«Td. >«-. 13" |l#lt#v giroKi. ‘iiWpropthnixta b# iirojinpniticiil by itw cuuwul. IW-wrtni'f. ut Ivu)'iimira, wtui *11*11. Ml tb« iltii# ‘ft tmiiliif la aitcU pru]i04ilH, (lO ibfy m m (h ir ■j«t,Hlr>Uy lu lb# M-inuiil* OTAiii'li propfnnl.MU'i bftia

iUmi. If lb# conlr.icl h-d HVffcnb-d lo ibw prrwiu tft m*ktinT ih# proiFowU iboy wH>.U nin It* IwlHS iti MH'Mri «d, b*uO(u« bU or U "IT MirKile-.N tiir the faitbtal penormiinc# of utld work : «ud tiiMilf lb# twruoLi ift ptn nii utoU nr ratuxt in fxrcutr iiU'b coiiir#t't, tbay will |uty 10 ibe kilty

j vbwetK Muy iiinvroitr# b«iir##n th# xnnH 10 which tir (boy wt'Mid tuv# l*##u •oUftrd «|H>n ouiupiw

I Ikon of lb# L'onlraci. MJ'I ihit wbb b i*ha efty .N#\s#rk iii«y tM» ttblix^ (o puv lb# pcr«ia ur iwr*I loiiH i>y wliom mutr 11*1 i4i#SI U##x#<hu#i1.

I ' iiM HNMnl 4iF Hirr-Ht M>d Wki-r ( omiaii»bki«#rR *till' cUy of .sVwRFk rt Norvoio ihpm-#|VKMthri rlul* let iircKpi or r«l t nny or oft prup<r«n|a f.r lb*- #b4tV wurk. M th#y u.ny ikiwtn 1>#m( for Um tak rent uf Ik ckiy.

I idiVn »nil sumiK# nr# h^n-hv rmtUlrd Hint urulf-r th- provUloflR of IhK Mvrn b ut 1b#l«w crM(ln« tbf Uc-htfl of Mf#vl and Wnur U)iu- luisBiiiii'krR. »ppiov#d M#rrh >. lllH. !hnt in# boml Of iHiiiJ» 10 b# jflv#i ft>r tin- fkftbful #x*-ouUou #u l l^rruruwmo# 01 M'd pubUo work, RbaU drMt h# #l>- iiroTttlMi to •umpl#iiry hy lb# board, MiulMitw tnro. by lb# rwio-^ of ih#h*>#rd, and u#ou«i«fc-'A rtmU bi* blftillm on Ibf diy. or bauoini’ rnaoUv.*'«r

mull #ucb bond 1" mo amihJtwl i tad m# vVwtMwft of tbK boat 1 RbMll hav# pow*r lo« anilTiR lb#proth(#Hl iHiiHljruMO uml#r oath IM.* ■ball iHMlKtir#. or ih.dl 1>h ImuriKird ExMinl. buUh# bcian will lol *># bound by any #4#^ m»ai U bI may b# UMid# by awpb prupo^l . l \ T iii#n. lull ihail bav# lull |B)W#r nod ab#olui# dl* rr#kii>u in lli# wbola mhtl#r, and tbU Khali b# r«ti>ri#-l to In any odvtrUBpiiitDt InvltlMf bblR lor aisy audb public work. .

Hy iltrrcilitn of lb# Hoard of Klf##t iod w a*#«Co,„mlMl,.n.weflh.vMTorN«^^^^fiir n#o«Twl vop#rim#ad#Qi «f

fpEUllD "VK., l», AND tfAltSIf'IC nT.1 huuMi, llTOurui : #11 iropf »v#m#ut".


UODMH-TWO l-VlXNROTfXO ATTiC HOy*l« (ok#t; wit#r i r#iit94.


•9 aVlTMAN »T.

nL*->fUt PlWN, nM.A.Mli M VTIII.V, O tj ly llb u y a tram# bou## ^ b n#«r N*w, i-onkHUiluc u hHiiiia »ai#r, am ■rw'#ranJ b«Bt«r ; kol idito ; can be um#‘I f'»r t«'o fa i iii#"»>b t ! J. Hm>WN.727 linadal



( {haiicvry A 187)SHKRirUfl lAleIC -IN UUAsNCBHY OK NF.W

. J#r'#y Kama Iftnut, auardiMi, uufti-plalBMU, auil iRalRh ball aod a i, d#i#itdanta*—il. Li.. ifjr k#l#of aiortfifwj pr#iulMfA

By vlfiu# 01 ibiBwiv# Rlalctl wtH of nan Thdat, lo in# dlriwitd. I ■t»Mll #xuu«# fur raI# by pubilu llli -N'

A n OHDtWANCK repaviUt of


t.#ndu#M tb#I'oitrthou^In .N#warkc ju*fda*y.

H f) IM!* ftoor.

- 1 0 IsRI', roUK mjoMlieInquire U MOKTON ST.


the olifbtVKiitb daj' of #»itlvnil>#r ii#a(, #t . i*'ckCN‘k r. M*. mII till)## iracU or priroKla of land and

a i’ xnKMV RTRKKT, from Rrofcfl RlrMl t ■ I’lM# idr»^ . . _

It# It untabiad. by i b# Ibmrd of Mt##i ani bloo Com ml -iMMrR of Ui# city ol .\#wark, u koUowa.

rM-Ctlnii l, l bit _______AUAnFWY htrkkt,(yiiin Ilria l v rm l fe» Plan# «r»#l. iball b# r#p*v#1 HlihobloiWAfiknft# b!ock tavlm. with a »i* m< U n.ai-r#Ut fnund iltou a*id lhilnl#ntl<*»ROf thablOiJ'v# flliHfi with travel aivl lavInK-maHllC: Ww»ib#t nliuall Lhv appu nriianois nicraiiary to cofttpin* tb# MUI#. . .

##4'tloii t That tb# pruiwrly b#n*llUwl by itw-ii*p#vli)f iball b" MMiMl lb# full H»t#ul of tb#


.<9tT u r


JS#w#rk, d room*and r#llar. lui.WxmO' ^91,UO; |•rlft1 |6udowii;


prlc#Ok lata# fft niutitbly.

U HIti# iL, New Yofic.

KfKiMH-rn i.Rr, «Bo<»MH#hKKT 911.q .............................. ..iqnlroai HBWa LNL'T hT.


liiqolra 184 PI.AMK RT.

l.AHOR ROOMS; SMALL I Ifkiuliy pr#hirr#d: rtnilb

K. P. Ba UNa CH, 61 WeatiL

n nWI.A.NI) ST.-AKVKNI ■kraut 914 ; tecoDd flour.

F riR HALFloia,

Knnib Omnfv.niH HjxrKKN'

IHKiMfl TO LET;Inquir#


iili>¥ oftlmluMiranc'o i-oinpimy, loflwUhhii _:r.- .....1 els.s 1 i.vet i{ iitra |iK4t)b ft-d* DAll*fl#|wifeTee.

|■OTT ;llH IN CONI-'ttKKWt'E.I l.lkel.v Huim to l*e A .hetl l » Ac-

eujum Traphagen from enerolaiug the ofllceo fre .................. reprewautlf e In the eitaniilbly to lieheM

: next NuveiuLer, amt that the general execti- Uvh hoerJ lie unlnroj tu reintUit* the cum-

_ {ilalnanta as meiuhem of the order an 1 tooBoa great aullering will be entailed on those * turn over Mi twnf, dUlrict master workinvn who Lv* home* In th* puth of th* fir*. Dr. of Amemhlj No. 1, all t o booki and (uperj lilac'iATlibflrove out Into the oountrj, and ' *“ * ""reported that Die fire had rrecheil the Beaver road, near what it known aa to CUp nM rc«ier<lav eight faiit- tlie* held u* thk« what Util* boueehulil and personal goode thev could llu*l and move Into tbe village of Kawkawlln. The prairlee between Bay Chy and Hagin.iw have bo*n bunind over amt the Are It now o inQneJ to tb* blaok Isjam aurtare, which burnt like punk, end t o .tidlug einuke that It pro- duoea U blown over tsilb cities, wblcU have been envelupeil ail day owing to a gale frjin t o eoutbweet. The Monitor and Heaver

belonging to that aiueiubly.


toWiHlitpa tarmci'i bar* bean fighting fir* itcgdily for lurty-elgut hour.. lUporta oftbalom of Ul* have been brought to, hut are dkwredlted.

lu r u i ih o , Mk'li., Aug. 80.—Bush firm •re burning In every county ot t o upiaw BuiMuia of MIebigaa. Then* 1. little wiud, aod Huok* aettka a t night lu a delita pall over t o cltlea and village.^ lalng at timni to d * ^ au arc light It inviMhie at 130 teet dis­tant, and nothtug can he seen eeriMs tbe etreet. The leawn ban been unusually dry and fin* have been burning in<Mt at tb* time elnn* May,

Th* Dlamonit Hatch Company has lieen the heavieat loeer by fire. Of tbe 1130,DUO,000 or 800,000,000 feet ot stanamg pine hurueil ia Untouagou County the IHaiuond Match Cosspanv hat hsit ovi'r one hundred million. The tumueriuen ha\ >■ already put crew. In t o woods cutting liamagml pine. The Diar mond Match Company vdll rut at leaal inu.- 000,000 feet, and as uiuch more ai puaeible, a t afptlnet SB,000,000 lent na»un,

Gla d Wi M, Mich., Aug. ao.—Htevene'e Hta- ttoa, a tuiaU BiUl baiulut betweeu here and Fineouning, has been practimlly dertniyed by fine wmch have been raging for the past tea data A tiralu which ran through th* place was eet on fir* ui wreral places and nuiay windows were broken,

Kn.pl*..I'Fpl I.iiwiT IVaget.

Trkxdiv, Aug. on.—A itinferenc* beta non the pottery mauufactiirers and to l r era- [ilnycwai held on Tutsvlay in their work- th'i'lri. The maniifadurera pre|>ared .tale- nieiiD showing the mou that It wouhl be Itn- [Sisslhlt to cnitlnuu uinler the new tariff at the [.rices lo which coiii|i*titlon with Kng- laii.l noulii bring the goods. None of t o iiianijraclurrra asked directly that a further lediivtioii l*e nccepUil. hut the Implirf mean­ing ut the I'onreremu was to tbU oiHl.

The men iieiuired the ncceaslty of a red i^ tloii now, when tliero was no rise under the Jh Kiuley tariff, and the inauufai-turerk u id

jnxtimbsif va*n, re.1t i*n ior*rt«si. ; .Ou ■ r**a.t-

buu^ on VnMvy #t„ b#lw*vu south ' tmur##au p1!lbiinu|I.^W). Aildn-n# ^Tllk *1- AHNDI'*'. SduHh niunp.

ixTii Avr i#t; rent 9IL



liRAVftK AYR., JKS-PIVKthird (IfMir; r#ni t«-

JA&11 K UKa DLEV. M#Tk#( « i4 llAD#it\



FJ TATK F<>H KXrllANUK WE IhBV# B nutuh#r of impf«»v#d }m>p-r!l#x in oily

•lid •uhufTiM lor #*chiin#H : #l*o b minitK'T uf unln- nimberHl city lot# to exclinig# tor Improv#*! tliyproLirrtr, k\ IlKVKlt A rt>.- 1 #*i Ii>-MUriOf#. -N'o. iatSprlngfl#1d #v# ev#u>iic#.

L^l . . . . . . . . . .' f AMCtmcift uf ■ rootiiB 10 l#l; liaprov#tn#ntR : rent 911

prouiIkE# MftuBt#. 1yl»c Biid o«l)if In D># Tuwurtip of Urwifp. K#*#'i I'011017. -'‘8W Jersey :

U n i rmL'\ U#ilunltift la tb# w»j*i rly lln# of Nonh Mii#t#rnlh i w t st# Tioliil dlnUhl two liuu* df#d Biri nmmr-wvfifl #nd iwphty-fuur biimlr#<Uhfi I0--1 nort&trly from WUllBm tbeiuM runaiti.iiRMt«rl}i iw#rly M fiiUt 10 -Nfjnh Mrj#-

on# liiinJr-fd fkvi, iliftw'i’ ]iuito#rljf ■l»o«i on# butidr#d Biiii flfty-two fi-ot bi ifl# wkhu- w#tii#rlF i'orn#r of lot 14.111 Uloi'k Hi on # tiui|> ot pKMwftV of WllftBin V. KWdvr; ib#ift*e •«#i«rty,ikBvall»l‘ wltb III# rtr*t #f##ul ••fruiy -'ikt##t (0 th# ^ KV# ly llntol .Vorih Miw*U#mh Ktivei: llipnet-»«ith#rlv Mlutif i,h# MBni# on# hundn-U and Hfty i##t ioHi#pl#o#orb#ft1nnln«. HelnylotR.NoB. I i .h #nd Ift In hioik IL on kAld m#p.

tract is»*irlnniii|{ lu 4b# ivvn4#rly ISn# of North Mn#l##iiti> it # jwIntdBtBnt ftwirhGiKlP#Hl »nd hliiy-nln# and n1n#t.V'h»tif1rpfUtiM ti-#l nortliMrlr fruui \V lllliiu'tr##l 5 lh#ii#r nortu- •riy BioujE «#!■*! Un# of North J(In#l#ciith iir##tIwf-iity UTfiBiid #lii3'-*ix hyndr0l!hs f##! : uiMnc#mirtb forty i»l»i# drtf r### funrt##n nUouici w**»iMMYKOiy-uiie nod Iwmly'rour'jiuudr^lihi (■#(ih#iicvK>mli tblrty-nv#'hirrKM fifty iiftii»4-M writUilriy Bn-l »!ihi'bimiin»dlh^ fk#l: tb#n«- *BM#rty

VjrillNtJKIKMl a VKs. rt -TO COLOHRD PEU* I rnutuM; r#i*t low. 1 aquir#IDd UALiiKV ibT., 11 floor.

FAK lfH WANTL1>.^ritlNtlFIFLl) AVK..48l-Ta LKT, 4 WXiMH,l7n«coail (loot . rent |8, •i€

.'•ARM W ANTKIVA FAHM WITHIN TWO[iiIIk# of ndiniAd sUfton in iichni** for lot- five nli-# riwiui

L'PIlINrtFiKi.B * f lv

AYE,, 47A-FLAT litaprovvoiontA

lO LF T ; Mb

In 4» iUBiftlil ii'1# wvenly-lhrBK r##L laior# or to ill# plBOf- ui beflcolh . Ilv.ae th* ihurtb#rty buf uf lot No. M 111 Ul'M'k H oti 4#id mftps

If*t#il Au urI 11. litM.IT. hMAN T.4’nLDACII, h®TiffF WlM.IAM H. Wl.nKR,#Ollo1tor. 0

•rwiBl nr i-t r iiBr ti#neii I cimftrred a|K>n tb# miu# by lh#^ld jiuiilli' luitiroyemorit.^

srofftl «lty propottyC, J, HIIOWN, 7”7 Brnod iL rp i ft IMOIjKKV t o LET.

4 MAVE riUil'KRTirJS Tt> KENT4‘\filniV#ry w*r<toflh#ofty # 11. r»nl

|l(i I.Kl' FLAT. 8 AND 7 ftOOMs ; a LLIM-. yrm ■iiiPiiiK ; nvisly pBlnt#d and p#p#r#d ; 1

jBnliur'd AKrTicvt; ri'nllow 40 |(ind UnaotA Apply on pnailReH Ja .M io H. zX DrBt]4Ua,orit,i'.. Hood ft t-i).. Market Aud Hro«d rU. 94

tCb#nc#ry J41.)tiHF.ftlFrRSiVI.I. l.'i ( ‘UANUFKV O f NRW» JV|-A#y m.'4WB#0 Adolph Sclll'fc. VOIMpltlUBMlk• ml .luhn H. Arrh«P et bIa. d*f#n'lilitA - H. Tb-,for sb!# of iuori«*f#4l ;if#iufwn , ^

By Tlr4u# o( tW #hov# fitilPd writ 0f fieri

Hftlcm 1 'Tbai ImnaMUirfly »P 'i> kb# oompIfUoa o( Biioh public wdirk or iin|irfivem#:it, Ih# t 1#rk or th# boB0l. In twiluorllon with in# Fri*lne#r #04 t##M#r*l ' uiwrlit4»nd#n4 of Work# o( ilv# hoArda Khnil l•* #fttlIy pr*|i#re and ro ll h #11 n#c»»«ry RiBt#m#iHR. m#|SK ip#«-iflrBt1iik4 And other iIbIa wflBliiln# toRDctrpnl'Mc- work or ImprovemeiiL •nd lb# Kr#Aid#ni uf iha board and lai.l O r t RH1.IJ lh#r#Hi»on. on la half “f lh#B<«nl(jf sif#*t awiWbI#t Cuum>li«iuu#rtof ihertlyof #WBrltF 0# life III# Ham# 10 tli# l ’ommon • uoiiHl of *h# oily o- N«w#rk, in nniprthit Rmid ( ommna C'oimrll mai UjuraaftHr |inv##d 10 •nak# B*d «ill#ri fh« prop e BM#«aii»*ni for th# c'O't and «tt>#riRBoi nirn pnb-ic work or lnipfoVfthi#nt m may now of h#r#Bfl#t b« tvqti>r#4 hv law,

tetAloiid -fiftid public workorimpmtpfriBntiAAli b# mad# and ifimpirH undtr Ih# »up#rvtalim or in«p>«f'ihMi of lb# nglnavT nr A ^nf . ^nver ami Iht H#fi#Fal '-upvrliitendf-ul of wurlitnf ih# wihpra or'*if#vtifM Wwi#f t omfn>#(*ufri, infoMlng to tb#pmflalofWioflh#Hty fharter and law# of he ititi'. and Ida oMlnantw* of ih# ifty #iul hylawe. ruiMaml Hitard of str##i#t.a\Vai#r CmumiNAlottpr* of th# rtty of Newark, ap- pUcabl# rh#f#to. ,, ^

s#rh«tift. ihat Ihii ofdtoanc# «#H taEi#m>oti ImnirdlRtriy.

Prwiiletit Ilf Ike Boanl of uireet and Waver Coin

A.B...,.N.NKrr.Clark ol lb# Board of »ir##t and Wat#f tX>iutdl*-

•JiNURfR.ADProved AUfOttxft* I8i 4.

J, A.LKBKURCHttH,I f Mayor.

•ouably. s. W. uKKUY.Ifd Ufoa<l«irty* i.Ki'-’'so. li witirtHT st„ I i

7 LAHUKeair; roome; Itnprorvraiiia

Ida K, a JACHAON.TTD Broadet,

H KIhFN h t , AS-lTorsF. stx mft)MS;(TrYwaler

1built fur two fliDilftvH ; r#at 9*2 inOBlh.Inqiilrb In H i OKh.

the reilurtlou of the pricai to linoortera would lu the UrlB, aiul AnierD

A Thi-oV'yifttv-oM D-hter* HonlvQ# Durjiad »m l sl>u Vfi'fiL

Hopth Ambov. Aug. ;*U.—A w l rtw of brutality to a threc-yoar-oU child hue juHt bevu broU};Ut to llfht thn»UKb tb« arn^t of John Abbovt, on coinplaiut of J, Uannmfl Hobartit a yomiE uioiiical Htudvut of tbli pliLw. KoLsirtA, havlug hnard tbAt a oiilldin a atarviuic comlitlon wua tortured by lu parenta iti an outlying jiartof town, known a# Krof Huilnw inaiio a ci^njtlatnt bofor#. Poitou Justirt (irawi aud iwuro uuii a war­rant for th# arreat nf Abliott.

Tbe latUT war iclvau a boaring lik the Bor­ough Hall TMerUay. and in <lefault of f 1,(J00 |«li WR* takttu to Now Brtinawick to await Uie ai'tiou iif the Graiid Jury*

Abbott ha:< been livlag with a woman naiDMl Bantaa of tY>rth Atuboy, who !• raid U> be the mother of the child, which U cov­ered with bruinei fn>io head lo fwiL It had bw-D, it in aliogetl, U)rturod by Iniluj; kuvi:kud down with a prAer, beiiiic plaireil ou a rod liot iWva, lieUi up by the tack uf tbe dik' h awl boAteu ftiitil it UM-ame uuoooiK'ioua, and by lielng nil tb# while Mlowly Atarvod. It i« al­leged thnro a ere ievernl a**iaU lnimruuce5 on the ehilJ'4 life. Heveral witin?»mf?i tw<»re tu the alK>vfl facta at the hiMring Aril! a|>- pear ■gaiiiat Abbott bniore tbe (iTibUlI Jury. The (Uiitd il being earehl for by .idr.H. J. i). HolMU ta. iiiuilier ut Lliu yuuug tnodh'al itu- doiiL

The mothrr uf the child wee glTeu ihri-o deya m wlihdi to leave town.

equAllhe i*wlurtlun -----ciiu gJXht# lukuil Iw lUA'iu on a lower scale li *U<'li 18 dolKi. Th* claim their ppwM*ut want's ere but llttki lilgbt-r than iebortni, and if laburt'r#’ wagrt are to i» paid to wkiiled man It would be belter lor tbe pollofi to M'vk a hi’althier caUin^.

The ctiuferem'e !■ W4id to be a prelinunary fttep to lUu ijiauufavturor# aakiug vba Aiy9\i\r Aui u of a turttiiT reilui’tion ut i»evcn and oun- Imif per wnt. in addition W Iho iwnlveaud uii* luilf tier ceut, cut undci' wbieh tho iiwiii artiwurkftkg- It U bulteVL-d if toe inunulw-* turerh prrt^ thw roduylUui they will be 4W> cu e*l of breaking fallh oinhe agrreiueitt mad* ftt tVHablnxi )Ds Tno propowl nsiuc- tion will be repoi Uwi to Keuatfir Kinith» and be will aakeil lo prevout an lucreafto iik tiu) Tariff bill which bo prujweihl to do lu Do- ctJiiiber.

XWt'rtKY MKIC'ICd oi'IMKIU'F MT. TO l.hTIi liuiiw, 11 wlib ImprevKiiU'fit*.K. B(».vD ft iX>„

T#1 Broad at.

.’'Allt.MHfNT AVE., 117-SMALL ILOt'BK. SIX* Mb1 " nlrt ruoma: r*iH low. __________


Wa ar# pr*i>ar#(l lo flU all d#itjaiifla fbr dw#ll' tufli 9I ‘ triv i>#r (lUftMb.HoU r omM. wiiti ImprcjvempBtR. lift to |30Mr muiiin. MuT#i, ofllcvt, iulU. aoUitlaa, #ta.

K. K. ft- t’u.,TVl «LIII'T'"r luiiissi 1C reoins ami haC,; all ltiiprf*vvm.iiis;

A T «U A V (lAU l.KS .



Me Berts of Rleailjr Inigravrmvat In th . laAo.trla. uf the Nuiitli,

BaLTntoRB. Aug. 80,—HpedaJ report* to t o Hanttraefurert' ifecord tram all part* *if t o Doutb iuUicat* a steadjr tiuprovauieut lu buelB#** InterMta. Moutheru nitrcliauU who liav* been in Ilaltli.iort durlug t o week in larger numbers thau a t acy ttm* for eevrral yean give the moat emoouragiog tacts ai to the abumlaot crupJ, to tb* good Uuauclal euiulltlun uf the people geBerally, and aa to tta* outlook tor an uu- uiually large volume o{ trail*. While t o •eUieiiu'at ot the tariff iiuestloa hat Hslped to itlniulat* bueiutu throughout the entire country, tbe South eapcclally It ihoirlng ligsi of more activity than at any time dur­ing tb* [last two yean.

nuiuher cf Important movement* In

tv lint Mvuiplill Has Lost T hruuglilhe Nmi- parltlpnl .it Taxes,

ilKBpniH, Teiin., Aug. a».—8laU foiiip- trollvr Jaiiu's Harris a rrlvcl In Meiiiplil*i yestirrilay with a tore* of deputies who were lo-*lay [Hit to work on the liooke ot tbe Tin Collector, to gel at ibo shortage rcsultiug from til* fsllura to niaka colluctiou uf privilege late* for a (.lerlo.i of teu yeaiw, (lie aggregate of which Is now bellev**! to riHieli |.*i,UIXi,U00, the iiraiiJ Jury having alrea.ly .hitwu whore tUore I* a *U*llimuoucy of uuuriy tU,l)UU,0DU ftoni lli|Uur ilculei's aluiio.

The ('oiu[*Goiler announce, also that If the tacb* warrant h* will procood tu cullei-t all delimiueiicle* not barrud liy liiuitailuiiK, whirh rovers six year*, lu miac* where h*> cannot rMovrr lo that way ha will jirucced against County Court Clerk (Juigley.


The i ’resldent Met at the W harf by Ills H Tfe-A risBsiint Trip.

llrinARti’8 Day, Ma»* , Aug. 30.—l’r(*l- dsiil Cleveland arrived nt Urey Gnlilesat lU:;ki o'cliH.'k thl* moniiuit. Just before 10 ii'i'lock the llghlhouse lender Itodgelr, hav­ing on board the I’reaiilent and party, was sighleil I'omliig U|> liniiard't Bav, and thn Itag was Imniertiatcly hoisted on the flagstallat ItraV IGlilea.

Mr. tilcvelaml *n-l party were ro weil ashore t*y four marines, niid Mrs. Cleveland wa* on the little wharf t*i innet them. The 1‘resi'ieiit went liiiitiedintuly to tb* house nnd tb'j niHiuie oaiTKxl vip the Th#I’lesi.li-in had n most deUghtfu! sail from N(*w York, anil tho trip refnehed him ver.v mui'li lie will remain her. from four to six *e,‘k*. Tho Uodgers will probably return today. ______ _____ ,

HT. Tn LKT, >^IOBY BKlrtK , lioiia#. lq ro lt» (uuJ cundiLluu7lHr

Uj t bulO# n#liU>K>rhutMlEg MUMJ ft rtO.* 7tl Hro a St

i i a H'IHF mt.. w -n>LK r. KorHMa ku^ma\ Taad bath : luiprovaiu#ivii ; nm4 9^ P*** luuntb.

h. 1). l.Al rVti OU.,UT‘‘UW Krooilatur

U NION Hr, ]?7. H‘ l'. LAFAFFTTK AND <r»fD-I'fi i#l, ttv«(ft) rooms on Aral ftonr; «H

llglit rotniii. In i>neR hna*#; improtfratnua: ball# f ixl AUln fiiriiiiih*'!; ]«ttlior ; conv«nl#a4 to Ma^ h(>i BMC) t'vrry al acallons : rant low w Lonm t Y ft UuULD, 810 Broad it.. Room#

Aft^Ai.NLT KT.. JW-TO LPT. IN FKlVATR T i bodar.liiamiili Aml‘y, 4rrx>rn\l o# ##uoni

floor an 1 1 Vo aUK;; rtot ♦i5t- ll ''A L N fT HT.. U4-THKKK Kmma TO LKT*y \ w.Uh witar. tth

U4I) ►?.. »4-TO LET, Vf Krouiuii perfect urflar.


■\I»'AK!tF.N‘-T., NF.AII l(')YT-T<J LKT, fIV R 9T niwiart»riK>in4toai«aUlkmlly: r#at rt*-

■unabl#. liuiulr# 17« HT. 78h

ROOMR. rlaATH* KTU., WANTED,i^.s^Arary-vikiArh i*tc ft w|. A •'.'vv’o'v/SA'oS.-u'W

E rtOMH — Wa NTM i, BV a LALY AND dauir(it«r, ihr## rooms fur houa#)t##pla«. r#ni

low. abort ilifh at.* l»«tw#«ii Houth ( tense av#* and Bank *1. AOflrvM M. K (J.* U Llm'Olu it. .Kaet

N. j. ______________ I4J

lo in# dlroctad, 1 «•»#!! eipo## b)r •#!# by pnljllo vendiip, at Ilia (ourihowMi tu -NKWiFlt. 0ii m^lav\ the elfthutenlh day of ?M»pl#mb#r ii#xL at 2 o'cl'J k r. M.. all that tract orparivl of lattd and premliis •Knat#. lyiiiyaftd OMnf In lh#oity of N#vrark, Kiawi Uouiny. is#w J#r#ey; ,

htvlunlhj ai lb# aoulLtoat oorn#r or,Johii»oa airwi and New Jvm y JiBllnt*td »v#iioe tli-nc# nioolua alf>n< 4ii# Ua# of Johu*oH oirOfi-t tWi>hurulr#il aod Kavoniy-lin## 1#et U> ll»a uortbw##l corner or# lal nuw. ut Jorinerir Im-Ioii*- Inatt I-lira l*#oufb; tb#uue oloiik ih* Mo# of that lol BlnalrdT# feet lo a lot uiiw or frrtnsrly Iwlojur- Ihff to l*auli-.( t acldeti. tbeflo# alone Uit lUioof tbi iut or iuM now or fbratirly of LoiitilM v'uicoii, Ybartvs ►. l.uiM* D. J>. aud tL U- Kra#ti. -yl- v#n4#r Hmith. iWef (TBrlcn, iliouiM HVimb avia Ihoman Holll.itu. to ib# >#w Je^oy IJiairn^ avtno#, It b-lof alio# runnlok perMJol vhli tb# lUi# f>r Johnwiii i-lrtK-i. In l#imlh tlir*# bnndf#'l and thr#« fret nud ioi# Inch; theoc# !untt< Dik iln# ot til# N#w Jenuy ] ailmarl av#niit nintty-tiloe fart i#vtii Inrtieato tha^dar# ot i>#c1oii1af.

ljai#Jl August 14» Iskt. , .s „ , .a. I*11K11M4N lm iluactlHb#Ti(r, A. KraKPATkicXpHolWior. DiO

t iHITTKNDKX««r p_Aw.A#e#ni<‘nt for 1#a#(lli.


Nolle# Iff lifreby giv«u that an a"#"ism#nt U|via •tl th# uwti#re of all tb# lamii and t#ai p#oiiitarly u#a#fli#d by 4h# ooiialrueii-j* or 4b#“ Tnl'ri-KNrKN a n d fioWLsNnaruFerra, fmi.i IHIevllle aveiiu* to mooniSeM avenuF,^ omins to tlie iirovIslOB. of an i.nllnaiiw <il the Htf or Sswsrk, Hiitmed " .tn ormuama lu provlM let tb# conslru ilufl tif a ##'V€f It) ^

CKl'n # N MKN AND MiW l,4NDhTRKHT«. frrttn B#M#vMi# av#Bii# to RHnlufl#ld aT#bu#.paanvU Jon# :v£. 1404,


/ mILI.D AVF*. RDHFVrt.lsE T') LKT. Vlrtory i-oititfrhoue#. m roomi, gaa. «'ai#r, #tc.;ri«ctric ra/s aaU dejuK,

71ftA. BOND ft

791 Ilrowi i t

lOUKKN TO LKT-irNo, tM U«1l#Tillfl ava.e roumsaa] brtb; %n

provetn#ii4 : reol |2i .Vii. iH uwl#ticlsL,.K r lu-m aal bat <

priiV#ni#ribi; r#ul 4.V*t. lut|ulr#pf «.»WNkp. 114 u#]|#vlll#ar#

n Ol-HB -TO LKT, OK • KCXIMH .4NDBin# mom. loha-iiii f-jr i AuuIJIm ; olu#« lo

#l#ctriccara. Inquire ft»3 IlHUOUlt h L »)r

TO J.KT. SICK MOITHBUF7 HOOMH |a) iciiaU family, inquire07li ol'.M'k t-i FL*. after 12 A. M,

,Jn C * t-

IHKMTV KT.-Tii M '-.t^TOKY HHU'K jawellliig, & rmmrt au l Iftih ;'al1 ImptovaiuenU.

K Iv UONL ft n»..77g 7kl Bmad kL

tluvernnieiit I ’rlnllns (lUlee Furr* Retlucet!Wahoivi.tos. Aug. ;)0.-TlHt Government

rrimnig Utlic* forco to-day it about 300 t o limit II v4iih vwt#i''lay* 0WID4J to th# dls- clisrgBMOi'.ltTeil by I'nbllc lYiuter Beuedlot- Tii** !*-iliiutiotg It t» Blatcil, was innJe n*H-*smy l*V the adjotirnmoiit1 'oiigi.ss aiiil tho cousetiuentireioe ot work In tho record roong where tho [jnswlinga ware put In t^po. AUnil '.Ml [iriiiters aroafTocUkl b; till* others lit-tng Imokbiuderit, foMera, press-

Mr«iiW«afiDtmbi#; k#yiiat. IIILIX'^ Halsey and Mamhall tta.



iti#iiL brlt'k )iOMKt. 11 ru’KiiN. U*4b #{>d Im- pravtiiM'iitte. well arra-ife-il for iwo fbinlll## ;Mpa> raVagai, WRt«raiuI beating arraiigcmeiit*. oug h. K. H-'N U ft TO.. Tkl Kroad It.

tb9 oi'dar, ........... . ........... preiMv*

men umi other #[ii|iluyc# natiH'bUf sITflCteii

railroad nmttan hav« Uk«n pJoc* during tb i wobk. Itjoludiiig th« oponiDg to thb At- Untio coMt itufi ot A new route to AuguHta •ml the for Huuth; the imrchoM# of thu Koat- arn Rhort HftRroad of Uaryiaud by a ByudL

of New Yorkeri, who wifi conioU-Ofited»U ^ l i rofid end leveral atoamer Hnaa ooRiiM'tiQE il With Hattimor#; ood Die prvUiiuriary arranf^rQeuU for the buildiug of a flftj-iuilo electrio roUway betweeu Baltimore aud Gettro- burg. Th# eaie of UKI,IKW ocr»H of tlmlMr Iftou III Alabama to New York uperatora hoebean reportody and negotiationl or# peudiug for a number of other large tracu of timber lu d Ld varloua parte of the ISouth. A m o ^Uve tndiiMtriai 4Uiterprli#8 r#|xjrt#d fur the week OT0 a |T5,000 oil mill ooimwuy and a 960.00U ginnery in Texet. The enJareeiueut giJl improv#nii#Dt of a roiling in 111 at ooet df ISiltOOO on extenilve tannery and li^ce lumbering o(»ratioii« by Northern copilallAbi lu Alabama. In Kouth CoroUnaa oompany ie forming to build a|150,0u0 cot­ton Euill. In UaryTauil a |40U,UUU oyitercultivating uoinpauy han t>con orgauitodeW«et V ir^n ia reporU two (Nvet miuiug oom- paniae o f 1150,OW and lHX^OOO capital re

tivelvs Louiiioua, |liM),000 ire coaHftUVf—............• •“,000 t4n con wurki* North Carolina*600 iroproveneot to cotton tiiili, IlfW/XjQ vitioYord compauy and goU mlmog opera- tioue* tWverol lane irrigatioD ent«rprUat ■re roport*! from Texes.

The whole buiineoa aituatlon of the BouthIbdicatee a very marked rhauce for the bev ter, with a beavv iucreaio in bank cltMriiigs, galiui In railroad uornlngH end a revival in Lduelrloi in^reeti.

To Hall# th# I'rle# of AinArloan OILLondon, Aug. Jin, 4 A. ,\i.“ The Time#

coDtain# a two-culuiiiii artiole dlrccitd against the aliuri of the Hcoteh ininornl oil dMlUiere, who got a ovlect comiiiiuo« np- {)oluted totiiqulro Into the li>gal ?<taniliiril of Uve volatility of jM lrulvum, M'htrlq thi'y ai- Itged, wo# far too low for puhUc anfoty* lli« obJ*4K.‘t of the utgiiatiuii. bvliigf llio urilcio do- claroa, to comj>ul all foroigu pctrolemu to oouforiii to thu cliaroi'toriMtios of par- afllnA arllddaliy made of Hooi.-U sUrtl-i. froteotiuq cuuiiul Ih» obtaineddirwtly by a duty, 80 au iudirm't jiiethod of raUiu ; thu prUa of Americau XX oil has teon dbcov- e r^ . The agitator# want ibu llaKb |joiiit raieed from 73 to li)U or 10>% which wuuhl

to a raise In the pri(*e <if fortigu oil at a <Hj#t of |5,0W,(XJU ui thu cousumura, wJui# thu HiNilob dUtiller# would gain fnlOO ua).

i, pnsllflCI

hv tlb? ibsiwuJ-ioii of tho CotiflreMionftlliecord. Hmirgf- A. Tracy^ pro-eldent of tha 'lyiHif;iaphiml r>ilou. has beuii ap|wltit#d foiumim of tl)i* CoJigrf'fcrtOfvui Bacoro, be 8U(‘cuodiiig W. U. llu'kmuu,

Th# fttvimer Northwest vllJoat Again* AmhehrthI'Hii, Ont, Aug. 30*—The hjg

pMneDger MteaniHr Northwuut, which wnntigrouud at Bar Point ijightahip yt tt) ti4y afternoons w m released this inoruiug. ' "

Auk eleuriiigs,

Thetug Champion rtMU'Ued tbe eteiuier at day­light, and OS the water had rniaed ahu had no dlflleulty iU pulling the Northwest ulV. Thu CAuae ol the groundiug of tJiu aUamcr w.as tJiick weather and the parting of oud of her rudder chain#, iilie wne going uuUcr ch#i-k at the ttnie and did not go on very hard. Khu euitained no daauiig(\ a t she was on a s ainiy twuom. Hhe poeaeil here a t 7:30 (Vclock. auil it Ulng OMilated up the river by the Cliaiu- piou.

A Trip to tb# Huuthe For tbfi*s..;vly autumn apneuneeanentr U

t n ^ of two ppreonaiiy oondueted tuur# by th# Peniuylvauia Koltrood frcjnii New Yoru

v)f S ary!aTl|d and Virginia and tbe two muet protnlufnt citiee of the upper fckiuth* Tbe point# covered by thes# tour# are Uettyiburg, Blue iJountaiu, Lu av i'-averna Natural Bridge the Orottoe# of thn Rhotiondoah and tbecktlMof RIrbmohdand WoiblDgtun, The oeenurj uf the entire route i« pictureMiue and 'Attractive. TheM tours will leave New Yorkand l^liadoiphia on Heptember 15 and and tbe meuiuere of the party will irAvol inipmjiai trolue of parlor care provided ex- iduMvely for their um. Th# #ntire rouud

lialIvelr for their uie. Th# #ntir

trip will cover a period of ten daye. aud ex- curik>Q tickeUr Indudiug ail travelling « penitea, will be eold from Nuw York at


TL# rvMcin why we a fi talnlag trade every day fa tioihard to undeinUnu. Our■took ia complete* our priuea right, our method. >pl ............- _____ - _______of dofbg bUHiu«ie f# rluht. W« maku our ownpictunTfroiMih having the Inrgeal fooiory uf the kind In New Jereuy, Cory A KeunyiMU

1i#at|i of Mrs. Mery lH?oiiNrd,PiKS Bwhik, Aug. IK),—Mrs. Mary l^on,

aril, wife of J. Nuleou Leonard, dietl liareun Tuostlay. Kliu won aevonty-two yOkre of agu ami one of the oldrtt ana beat known n- dents In the place, w'oa niAi'riud in .................................. . " " ■ ‘ sbamlMr«. Ijoouurd la survived by her husbaml and thn following eliildmn; ChesVr nmt Samu#] liUoiiard and Mrs. Alonoo Haltteadi Of Floe Brook, and Mm. WHluiiii (j, HmitiL of tVard slreet, Orenge. The fuueralscrvicw were hnlu thm afternoon*

TorpMlo luiat Erlca#un*s Trip.TurMOS* Aug JKi.—The toriwdo boat

Krir-eHou will tiA'»* Ihrough the PeiaWare and Uariian I’amu ^niu" fimu to-dAy. The boat will ]MiNS up ihu iL-liiware lUver^ at an early Imur from forln-s Mtniron to Nnw |iun<lou» Th# toyugc of thf I-'rlo stm from Dubuque, 1(4.. whom hi* WAS ImiUL via New Orlnuuk, was underf alien to dHiiioiistrot# I he proo lirahllity of thn “ Ininti-l roulo” for boats irf tight draught from thu MUudMtppi to Now York harbor.

F O L K S V O L K N O W ,

T^xoa itepubn«<a)i4* Htat# TlrlreL Dallah, _ Tex., Aug. 30*—Thu RvjMibli-

mil UUito ikmveuClori adjoui'Qod lo-st night. Thu platform reaffirms tho Natloual piut* fnrtu and ccmleimis tiia MUite 'adminlnra- thm. Tho following ticket woe iKinUiiatudi: Governor, W. K. Mekounon; Lleututmnt- Oovej'uor, U. B. Uentfro; Truaaurur, J. G. IjAwdon; AUoriiey-Geuoral, J* A. llurluy; l*and CoQuiiisaioucr, Ed Anderson; L'cHUj)- trcllnr, U. A. Tpmlltiaou; ISutiariutfmlent uf buhools, A. H. L Aidwell.

Muther and ChHd lliir iicd to Ueath.Ht. Faut*, Mitiii., Aug. 30.—MraTlrrmiliurg

and ubiJd, four year# old, were creumiml in Hurray Gouuty yesterday by the burning of bur houM. lu altomptfng to save hor child ibe was overcomo by iioat oaiii perinhud with iU

-.Tduips Is. Sniton Isat H]irlng Lake.-Tliunuut Kanu ami M. J. Doyle are fltLlktg

Brmu-li.Dr* Hand has returned from h ii vaoft*

tlun.Mr. and Mrs* Henry I). Reuter are at

Hhobola Glun..Miss Kiillh Jours, ot H<tutU Blxth itrovt. Is

stopping Ht liolniar.Miss Ooykrmlu) I, of Wake luau avenue, has

gutui tu PhllatUdpUU.Ml?a Irene lUlsn. t>f Wakrtuau avenue, Is

staying m Minrt Hills.- Miiw M Ijuulsfi ^Vntts, of this d l f t iivlalt-

Ing lier hroMier ut Ml. Tubur.- .MUh Kthel H»|)u Stllwrll Is At lUoDeU

warr Wutrr Uup v>ith n |Mrty of friends.Uuorge M, liarviiy, of WakuTnan HVennoi

liHB rrluriiud from a ruoni h's trip lo (.’unoda.—Mrs. HoUurt Dud. of Lliileloh Avenu#, ims

fTMic tu Full iiiviT, life ^VJdlu Muuntul&s and Quultec.

- Mrs. WilUsm AMred.^f Hummer avenue*will leave this week fo ra two weeks' trip le Bo«*l«iri, . ’ •

—VYIIllam t".'\V11kln8on nnd daiightfir, Mlsi Mary, of K(4st Urmfije, imv# rcturnoil from Novu fimtlu.

Frederick Illnoiiinan, of Wakotitau av#. mir. hns.rutuniod from a two wuvk#' vacation

I ou I.y>ig lainml. -n-Mis# Holan iMcDfivitt* of I*hilAd#lphla,

lliu guest of her slslur, Mre. W* U. Cp|Uns,of Washlugtan strcvl.

—The Missus F;umltt Welch and BIida Hlffl er# sponillng a few Uaye at 51ra. J. Nawell'i cotlago At Aebury.

—Us(>rg(‘ il* Junkinsnn Aud family and J. D, Htnylh and dnughler war*' among th# psssen* grrs wlto arrival from Muruj)# yestertlay on the Siiree.

Mis» I'Mna tx>bg, of l^lofniletJ, ami Mrs* Jatui'A M* M(H]r« and family* of l^hdodclphin* Qi’c lb e tturtts of MIm .Augusta UoudiUAii, of Lluo«>lu uvsnue*

—A ptuASAnt birthday parly WAsglvenat li: reshlunrc of Mrs. James *1. Flynn, ou Kotth Suvcnlh Htrrel. BosevUlc, lost night Inhonur of the fom-tU HunWi'rHury of the birth of )i#r dAUtfUter. leoule Flyuu. About forty goe<te Were uresont. There was vot^ol and Instre- nuoithl music* A supper wa« eerved luul ihe party broku up at oldulght.



TyANX^T-.JI-rURNlftllKli B4t’K PARfjOR I >nnd twlroom »(1iulnln« ; suttabif for dapilitry

or iludlar busljwia, or two fvmlsmsa. Iftb________ _ t LAUOK riHlNlsuwr*3ro0mi, ous suitold# Ibr Itgbi hoiis#k##plnf. TSb

HT.* «

IJHOAD HT.. 44l-KV«NIHHR:n UnoMrt TO J Jlet forUaht huu«#k##plii r and |#ntlsm#tt. S9hCtAMr hT.. 43 FDHT4IHUKD F»10NT RAY-

. wiedow room, serond floor; itirv# alnutta* walk from fUwiDai hi. 1 #pot; rvianpr#,___ 1

(( Uancsry A 1 _O lIFR lFfi^ ftAL.',- N rilANCKftV OF 7VVW nj#r»#y-J4<lw##D Hatrlii A. Orawfoirt. f#m- l^loaul, aoil ArMiur A. Mryksr aiul al.. tlersud* ania n . ik. fersale of niorisagsd pr#ifilM4.

By virtu# of ill# abov# statpil m fli uf fl#rl fkeias, to Di# ilIrvctM, I »hail #xjHHe lot sal# hy puollo s^nduf, ai th# I ouriliieus# In .\#«rark,op lussUar, t)k« slehtfotiih day uf spt# ] b *r aval, #i i ti'cUx'k 1' M., oil ilial tract ur }wrc«l fif Iniiil anil [I' sntlws•I'tuat#, lyinx and h#tH{| m in# Uiw wtitp of ka#4 « ncDk#. M wi I'liuiily* N*** Jenvy:

H^xtoulng III ih# suiitlMTly llu# of William slr-at at a point dnisnt tiny and thln##a himdredius f##t weyiariy from the MUihw#M#rly reiinvr ut »aujs and .North Hiv#niw'u4li sttvti; lh#nfv ruunl»s i^gai rly aions xaiil of WIDIaui slr**#t fin.r and fourletn imhdrV'lihH ltT#i: Ihcnce #uiJilj#rly n*ronsl with North f#v#ni##nlU sir#«l «n# hun-^_a ._*. __..iA«l*j •*»>.ull**l uiltK VllLlluilSr#d IhSHc# #a#i#rly parattrt with WUllaTiistrN-t flity and fuurtova humlndihi tn 't: tlv#iic«'

Ha* b#«ii ir iHiTrtl bylU# mnltrd«ni*d tvinimls- sipitorlt:l by Ihe ilMyDf oflb# rttjr_nr

Newark.iSd that a ##iwrt. hr a ofrunoii# In *rd- Ins.with an oonou.p'hvlnk map and srti#'tueS.aliinv- tfiir Ih# s#vsraJ H«##*mMnis asaliirt jftw r.lowner# iwKullflriy rM-npilt"! ha/JJj;#rtaponli# I til III# riinc* of th* tliy 11#r.» of Ihe •’ftV of Nfaiirt. Ibr •lamlnallua by Ih# parii«*# lotfr**Halrt a ne^m#nt roinprlws all lota, tract* so l MmvUof Uhd and T#al stuntllabls lu b#aaw«#a OB afbresald* lyng on boili sldm olin-‘4 l a n d h T'iickt* fffijn lUoomftclrt av#nus lu 1 rUtsBrt#n itr##!-

*'1’;?l'T.NnKNaTUKlCT. rmm H*ll*viH. av*.*u» ui Its isnaloiis.

A “lot " rvpr#«. iiis an rnllrepLoi uf laed.ivusilMr**T l peSnInt int#rvsi«Kl In aa'd a*»s*mnil may be hsard lw/..r#sal-1 romiiils lonen.on TUKhDAV, TUJl I’-d UlH "At l)F etl'-PTttM*

n JL issL ^3 p, M., at Ih# ('oinrutaalnnsr'i' room, ^o. 4,lhlra floor, n ty Hall.

I,ato*uf0.lfit,ir^ F.I.FFINI>,JtHIX HWYKIU

*, K. W. bl-T.UVAX*('otniui»sW»n#re.S3f

JAMK.H WrUKF Tfor b*n#flit.


]#rsilf| with North r-#v#nlr#nthfi|r##i

g^LlNTtJN AT., ftl-TO LKT, LAItOK R(K1M, V fUmlsbsd, for light bous#k»#|)laf; water on

nortuarly ] - .............. - , ,«ns huniired fi«t lo th# plac# of hefinalag: Mine th# nurihfrly lUO f#«i of lot n la block w im uiepuf piYip#rtr of william F. Ktd'i#r.

B flu 'pari lh« premia## ronVayVil to Arthur A. Hi^kir by Ismah Bali ami wlf» by d##d diU#d Pantetntwr »>. UM». and recurtl#d In Huok V-iH of

CommKIH’K ht.. rt. OrtH. f.AWBBNCg- Nlosly fUrsHhed mmu#. ledudios hath. I

p A S T PARK HT., 14-A LAKHKKRONT HOOM,r*#n#atly larnlshtd, for on# at two i#nLlim#n. 4Th


ir<RimY HT.. V i- T t } LKT, t X I ...............rooms for Itfht hotia#k##plns,


YIIItNlfiHRH KtHlMHi meiita »5 PLANK MT.

a.Ii IMPHiiVK- Otar N#w. Sy

--NM ‘ I J H ''I'.. wiflv# ruuius. UrfA hIiL'



M rLHKLIlV •*r. m f.Kl, S-h io HV, h in hlMi(’.ti#m

MiLTlI t .«-K AVK.. all ImpTi'V^m#III* rant vi-ry eh«a|t. ,1 -U V

MKKLL* ft h N, ■.’o to ‘> I'rtiii'S «l., ciial yard. HkN l-W IIM'HI’ i»N


n iM K.r., ut- TU LKT, l£f>U8K UF hv# routns; 914 muiitli- liiqiilr#

W( aimuanU Id Imt store.(J S

i^,I'MMKIt -AVK. TI> U-:r, S-^TU!V I XrKN' lalnii framp dwi-tliris, 14 mo ns B’ld liath ; all Im-

iri>v#m#iil’i m ru.mI t-ui>d!ili'ii illUiaUtuii curiior n vtry davLrahta ht'iBh'Dirhoo 1.

nsff ;bi Broedsi*fp ' . LKT SK.W sKVKN LAhUK1 light rr nniMi alM hath, laiiniry, all’C anfi c#llight w oniM

iart aU Irnpruvrnishtt :uv M7 ant Ul Klfth avs>;rvht raasuimUiH. Apply47a i:li, .NiJimi HKVKKni HT.

0 rouins lo i«fih#d hoiu# way addrtu Blf iitiBKVlLLK, oajviarrior No. IS.

• » —TURNIKIIKDhoiii#k#tpli>t.'9i ; hollroiiurt. ft.

•JJtlAK Y BT., uoumA78a

HT . 17 - KLKUANT room 5 lieprovertianta ____H im .rootr


J AWHKNCL hT.» It. Opp riilNTON-^KLItaa. ao-ea^ant larsa room for two ; also slajd# na>in, |1.<

a w##k........... ’ lix-M ULBKRUY. RIJOMU;

tlI tr# laryd • boH rooms for fvntlsmsn.

HT.. nt-FDBNIHHKD HO'M« FOKl% (h ? M ftollfiDiD ; |1.40 to Uweekly •. ballroom, | l .____ __ ^T>KCr(i!t HT„ 18 laATHiK KKWLY FFIt ■ leHbsd rooro, botauU cuLd water; suiuue fhr

4kClIwoguntlaiusn.tjUl’TM TMIlVrKKNTH HT..48* BOHF.VILLK - nnirnlthtdfoooM wllU alt loiprovpmsiUa t pri

4SiiTSt# family.

rp f) I.IT-NU* 14 NL-Hhm' Hf.. I'OB* OF1. Jam*#, hous# l; rouui* aTi-i ta'uoa. r#m 9.10; Na

Sku WMP-hUigtoii Hi, ■mail slur#. r#ni 9Jil; No, 14Baldsn lao#, Aniory brt 'k, 10 iooths, rent |;ii.

J JU.X JAL' ,H iN, 183 Markat si.MfTXTAHIU.NOTON a VK,»4 A.SO IW2 9 f to t#t; flu* rMi l«-ic nart

J{ rtruics ru<M)S, bath,'

laundry, ail ImptuvsmthU, #ah1r)«i tnaivlelA newly uapsreiland ifaluiNl, iLi* nrlnr; fi: ti. soy n A v^KK l-'Alll'KrHl-Oll^.Aa3Hri^_l^X lfrE H iK il HI'., 71 BlNuLK v\ rooniA Ih*! rooms, fil p#r moiitU,

ini.'Mhl, FIVKUJ

T4» aFT*-OrT o r TOWN*

iB K irY HT., w w r Tl* u-rr,Joottsgn. s** rooms, wlih liMthru-niv furna*"#.

ra>iv#r bot and ro?iJ wati-r ; evi ry conv#ni«iic#: 91Hiwr uninih. FLJ-VI 'I, ^HUmmoNDisiwriMonm. M'P'> r4^rn;i •«,

toe WalctaiiMgar#* nrang#. N. J. fAr iV ) l:KNT on LKAHF-I hV IN<H ONI iloubl# dwalllng. 14 P«umi». t’s em# _____

ikeing :-prniftllt1<i and )*iirk hv#s ; wsll-iieubi# dwalUnj

bsalsr. '8ullv 1 lor larp lam

I.AfUlK t’awmeiit, rallar,

nr tM)ariinifr-iiuMii# : ntarHlSfirlu care. irtMl and i#l#£K(uii ofllcen ; r«*ht jow,

‘ TnuaftAH il. /UM.h, real esiatu oflic#,ulreofTfiivlufttou.


A „TTAM«''>.M1* APM li M'■'NT, n IO)fiMH «ntid cellar ; #v#r ' Impi'-ivernam ; lurr to gootl^TTANimoMi;

lar;#v#ifaiulLy. UAIIhU ,'«> IftInysH# SI.

4 IM"lAav#.; ; all light rooms ; ball fiirnliih*d.

i lA »v t l ft U likK N l-ll.U .r-i,, h«v#eth anil Mimmur bvm.

h to r k h * LOFTS* FaTCe. TO LKT,a* v-.V-V.'.- -VStoV

\ P^W r'FKTO^y*, HlPfuLK OH KN BI’ ITK; I'Tvil Hsht and veninoiiofi. sTsana beablnoui

buUdloLTSl BroadTBl itruMl sb

TKKUKFt/>OUH. UAUH )Wrt, tttata heat and oH

iuUabl#'fbr J#wsUsfa_________HfAm.rNOTON HT.,10 ------ .

^owNpisf# r#t}


and slabis.

___ AVK. a n d HOrTTt•btote and foer roems; raUar


CfLHTAtNINO BOILKft_____ » Ihr any klud of tooziu.

forlur}'. lni|Ulrs314 PLANI11HI'. 45f

TJ'IAOIORY TO L rr. ,r imi angin# siiluhl* >hr any klud of ooziu.

J| AI.HKV WU-’IOllshtd grooery #tur#.


ftKTHTnLhl' IN llUrLDINCi NOB. 10 AMDJ d\l Word Hi, with or without powsr.74g Fllr 1) T. KIRK, Mark#! ft.

J oniiK UKJiao#


MBKTlKrt ROOM, UXftO FHRT, uriJicflsid av#** with tM and beat, per

HKYKK. ______________ ___ '***

r lCN\I>jnTON RTh *wUb living roonaa.IpmT#rn#nt#;

T3-^AL00N to LKT,lOb

. . . WITH POWKR: ALLIM well llfh(«d. Na 34 Boudlnot a MUKL Vt'. «

ML. or#iiclu#«r on lb# prsmUsa Tei*phou#SftI, M4

OUKrt 1.‘ LKi'.

It. lnau'lr#'of"HAMCKfi W'. OttbRY, TM Brofrt

^ u r i M^flv# Tooma; rant |Mi

JAM.-.H RltAULICVe Karkstand I’lana ati.

br»di lor Kasrx ('oonly, pagM 4tk, eic.-------I.

'^•’^ * ‘'^“'V i.X N L F n L B A C ir ..h .H (T .WIMJAH H. WkVKA Hollolbir. IV.iKI



____________ RUAiin orMrBBRT andaier Cuiumlssluiiere of Ihecll/ of *N«wark.

Newark, . J-, August '4B. I SOI. Sealed proposali will b« rerhiivaa at tbis nttica

uniLl 4 o ctO"k H. M. ol Tburviay. eke slttbday

Nolle# IS h#r*hy given that an aw#,ftnilfci upon all th* owner* of all tin lands atul real ratal# i>0- cullarly b#n#fii*d by tbe coiwtructlun of tb# aewur

JSMKS HTRi-'Kl*frotn Rovden s iw i to Neshltl iir##t, sotnrdlng to ihi provialoirtOf on orillnatMJ# of ih -d tyof N#w- ark, snilUed “ '>n ordl-m&M to pruvlcl# fur the outi- strucllon Ola sewer In ‘JAMKHSTRKKT.from Uoyd#n itrast to Nvsblli str#«t," approvru f-eplemMr 3h, INVl,

MSA been prvt'aivd by Ih# under"! ned tommiv sloners, siipolnU d by tbs Mayor of ih# Cliy‘>f .N##- aik. sad ibat n repiirt, by a oerntl-'at# la writing w.th an M'componying map omi Acliir-dult, ahuwing lliesetaril asi#s"mi#iAn agairuu tlieaevernl oivner#peciiharlv tHuofiled as afurirtAld. has li##iidtpfiil(«-d in lb# Ih# tlty I’ierkot Ih# City «-f N#'V

ofH«jji#mljer* I8^ fur the rvpavlug of Fl.APt- KI'KKK!'.

Irom Broad itrew W M«rk#tiir#eLThs fijjlou'itig Is abont tb# amount of work lo he

duo# add Ihi materi al to h« fUrnlibed ia lb# l*oq SI ruction and oomptftlon of aald work 1

l*l(V##u IhounaiiQ and two boiidrvd 114,300] laiiar# fsrds orobloag gnmli# block paving, with g six («) mob cuficrew roundaiiun : and . . . . .

.Llrty-thr## huudrtd (i,»6iSq'«t»^ fbetof “ JlaJ- glan “ brMipug. „

Jtldil#!# will slats their prSo« In writldia* *sll asianguf#A . . . . ,

niilderi matt siwdiy In Ibur proposals Ihst* ahonid lb# ahuv# wutk b# awarded toih"iti, ih*y wiil bliul Ul.m*i'lT*« in llnKh >ina nomtiUl. Ill* Hill* wlUiln tiinely Binwcuilr* wntXloe il«jx

1 h* plna.an'i .p.fllcatUia. ol the wort oao *• *iamln*>i at Ui* umc- ol thl Doatrt „ f Ntrwl anil W»lanoinnllwlou*M. Nu. 11* Hal-wy Brml, JW* upoiyiaals to h# aocomp-'Viiled by tus oonaent, lawriting, of two sur#llss, vrho sbail, at tn# llm# ofyuutng In siiph priiposaM, qualify as to tbslr re- npunslmhiy In ths amount of anch proposal. oaU bl nd thomsslvSi that If IU# coutJ^l be iwardw to iheparson orjrtirson" making the propMal th*y will, tip(mltjbtlugs*awardrtl. become bis or their aureUes forth# IhItbfUl paflortnauceof aild w-rk: and that if tho p#rson or psrauss omit or remw to eit*culs such noMlraci lh#y win l*a.v to th# cllv of Newark any diUKrenoe between tlu surrts towblcit b# or they would hav# been entitled upon oomplw itoa 01 th# ointrsot and Ikat whUih thi city of

srt. for esamlnatlou by the parti## lDl«r»"l#4 ^•F#ln.- aid a.‘'S#s?m#n4 comurtsas all Iota, troett an’ pareei-< of Iau-1 add real ft-nai* llshls tu b# a iessod Maroreuid* lyixk ou bolbstdeiof

i.KHiH tSTilKKTfrom royd*'n slrMt te Ne Wit simet.

A “ lot " mprMealsan tnUreplotof laod,WMUi#i larg* I r small. . ,All Mrs-tna Interested in Mid ssa#Miti#‘it may b#bsard Ixirnre said i^utnminlo-icrs ou ■irMUAV.TDK ORHEPTBM-

RVb, I*'H,3 i*. M., at tu# Con)mliSluaen' roopu, Na 4 (td fliM>rK iMty Itoli.

l«l#d AOBVit33< 14M. r. I* PKIND,JOHN LWYi K,F. W. Ht'LUVAN,


Av o n a \ i> rkt.most avknlbh hbw kb-'SI_ sses^nient lof hsnsdts.

Notice Is hereby elcoo Ih ** ed (wensmsnl npou all th# owntri o f all th# lands amt real Mtota p^dlArty tMotlitrtl by Ui* coBttruct'oo of tbe“ “ " ’ “ v o n ANII tIKr.KOST AVENVIte,from Radger avenu# lo wavsrly pinr#, a«oordlnf Mislo ' - -■*- V— .______ ll.-d .structlou arasewt>rli)

ihe provlsioDsof auurdinaoeo uMhe^dJv e[ New*ark.enllll-H} “Au or<lluauc< to provld# fur m art

AV-LN ANnRRLMONTAVRMTfKH.from Radf#r avenei lo Waverly plaos," approved

Newark may M nbilgtd to nay tb# p#non or per-■ ‘ ■‘r*«t si “ ■•ocM by who'm such (tmlr##! sbal) b# ssmit#d.

I h« Hoard ol "rriot and Water rtemniUiloner.i of tbertly of Newark r*i#rre to ibsin##)v#fi the right to accept or rjoct aitJ »r oil pmpo#alt for il^ above wort* ai ihuy mar deem boat for tb# lDt«r«#( of til# cllv. . *L .lHilder4 aad luretlsi ar# hereby notified that under Ihs prcivUtuni «d lb# setirvkh Recllnn of tiv# law ciHtIng Ihs Uuard of mraotand Waier iom- Diliilun«rti appnw# I March » , llSl, that th# bundor Iwiidi to ^ given for Ul# fklthfiii eieenUon aa1

i f i ......... ......perforiuanosofaaid public work, than firit be aj>* prOvediaS to "Ulflrteocy by lh#«.boaitl. and M to fomi. by Ih# i ounsel of the board, and rw idoiract shall ha binrllnf on the oUy* or become sfTbetiv# or oi>#rattv« iintii such bond Li so approved; aod tbe Vr#sld*ntorihe board shall bav# power to #*a i - In# the propowd boridsnieu under oalh. If bisnaU aode-ilraor shall bs so Itistructe l hy the booril, (lui ihalMMUd will nut b# boniiil hy sby^sialsmsnjthat Rjay be mado by sqch Broi>oaetl hoiidsmpi iball have tnil power sed ob»«1ut# dlscrfiion ift m#■ imil 1M»TW iui» l uainx ni«*. A _,Whole mailer, aid mis pfovWnn ib ^ b o referred to Ui onyeilvertliemtatlnvulhg bldafbr oa/suok‘’“by atofion of Ih* noanl of *<ito ami Wall, (■ioninjlialoiBfff of theoliy ofJ. (3KI*W KLI. KUNDY,I7f usuersi Nup#rlol»nd«pt ol Works


( Ra NUR AVE.* Ui-bTOIlB ANDfive TOitma; rent IMi

■ jki.lkvtllk avk., l»flf>ori9l**

. . . is-*.’! lUi jMH. HI-'.tutNDtpqutf# III RR1*I,KV1 Ll.h. AV'KAg

l> 0 < n )N rtT.,N<' IfN ioe location 1 ‘

M, c IL IIAMI'1)I:N r tl.- vuj# iDvaivfiVM , tour fuonis autl paiitry, Hrsl

Mo,ir; rtnl l i t Li ju. jj«1 > KUNHWD'fv HT.* Ilf- -T?f' ;*iK,i.J ifluirr 4 three rooms, alcove and liathri>oui : f#L

l » r ; 911. ________

i'TABLK-Tn LKT* HTaDLK ON DfVIB10*N ^poiiri, roar of 48 Park pi.7«l ________ ,t^kL f.KIRK. gH Mgr te te i

ITOHTM, oinD LOCALITY.OTOHTM, Otnn IaOCAOiITY. NKW HOO/i KH, ^nn eoiitb iirange avs- and on Rank M.; rent

KNOINKVR o f THK BufvmorMfietand Water Oommlsslootra of

ih* cllT of N>wsrk-.>iuUoe.The final ssilmsiss for,ih# Ipilowlng eontrocta

will be nragenUil lo ih# < bard of hicmi a nJ '’rtierommlsvimiArsof ihertty ortspt-

^^mj'bMn^prepnrsd by th» nndoralgned COmints- Ileners.apphbdbd hy iho Mayni of tho oUy ot Newart,j.ndihxiar.r*url. l)yao*rliHo*t*la wrttInE, winaa aoTOuiiiaiiyinx map »mi wamlul*. -Im'viBa mi i***ral M**'aiu*nt* iifuliLt til* p’T.ral o\va*f. p*fiillarly httiHli"' «• aftirtsalil. ha* h**ii tt*u,^l*J In ih* orai'*of th* i1 ir «*rt, ofih.drt iif haw art, lor axanllaallnn by th* pani«a ItitFmto

fialad Aucaal^i t o », I. PRIKD,JilH.V UWVKR,V, W. MUt.LIVAir,


aticu on rimrsday, Heoiembvr fi, I8i4* vlk. For tbs repaying of

cheap. JOIIM MECKEL ft R>Jf. to to n Pr1ac«si« '‘ .jard. 4Jg

..................17- M III'lamiiy oflwmseleofm .

i lOUUT HT.. Ilk l*/roums;aU Imiirvvei l if



Mulw.-i.N f la t •iow*frr, i nlA Apnlyat ^

mEMCKL’H, Ul HromliLd ih a WFORD at., 4« -TC> LKT* F1VK RO-iMh.■ ' • r_ _ _ _ J I.all*. T. a ■nlwl* .. ja .....,'papored. *□ onltr i halls furoliht-d; prlval#house. _______

D ir k »oum to i> t in rrujoRNTUL.................■RriLLi-ND. loilUire lioom !W7.

,1AHT PARK Ht.a 41JJ

hil Impro emsmsehaiig#d*

NtcBi.VaFnmmitKDrrfefincws ei-


l^VMUY »T., 1« -a RfHiMH TO LKP FOK MAN' and wif# ; wuii b* psopi#. HlOrc.

--‘i'O L1f1‘, A Fi.AT, 8 ANDr bathroom, all ImproveineaU t will let rbraii to deltrable tenant; H« small chlldteu. Inmiir.* of UI1 J. ML'MAMUN,** K^uksi,, qor.Hyrtiiey pi,

...... .................... WITH PIXTUIIKH, ANDIJIvs larga rooms. Jnqniiv 141 CAMDEN HT, tth8TURK TO LKT

JT|ii> iiEr—

■'I h* lat»* «tory inillfitnr Wo. *0* flltoAD *T.. oppnall* MillUrjr l-art. TbOitmla thl* OuliaitlT AM Uia lalf ■'•t *how wlndoO-f no B rto at; lha rrintv. an n ty AGh, and lha ll,lu la tba rtirao atraniad ihat iHtwlilutaa<llii( It U th* itaapaat •ton In WawarX It G thk imthtan. at-atn tiaat, tto. Thl nnl M a tallahio dryyojili mtralu li «rlU Da oiadt an tnducamauL

A a rn tR nitviwit.in HartatM.

riao LET-LA MOW wTOIIK a n d CKLli.H A M l i It nw

I ranitia.roan* aaeb, U oruham aLnwiDt, l i LtiBlan tt.i I m i

I ronitia. III Uank in: iraaDd i.. . U (Jlietaaal.1

aofi Iblnl Itaon, •

. . . ___OF »IX HOOStH, 1*1 WENTKlM W Etntf.iiafhaitotniaaat. , * |,

H. KlN.yAWB^Ql.nClliltiiBlt.

■|,M,AT-TO LET, T j, i f J - IMPROVK-latatA im iulnat Wl.

rjv i LKT-^POWK* W alfi i;.; m uulrwhhv•T., l« 0i»(. tlilM ; axtatonirG re J IKbiaJ: nar aaana; ilawB hiat liu tto l Apply ci

p n ia to

mVuTH OBAWtIE AVKWUIC. ‘ ftam Nnrtaffflaid annua ta aonlh Ninth atnai. aod a • htbEE'I',fiam Broail itriti in Molhanr «tr*at 1 alia Ihr tlii •ooittualloa or in* t*war I" ' „ . ™,um w uru

haiLi.oad plai k; awd commskcb htres r tfcam “anlh CaniU atnai to JJartal *trt*L

All aWnnlnin h* th* payment uf aiW *111111 inn.i h* mm with in*. In w rllina, on ot befpt* IP. M.. We4nt*liy, .atomhatl,nut,

***■ EHNMT Adam ,Dulfd August ftfiri44h EoxihHr.

I IUBLIO* i^TlUiC-OBDlNANCK OJtDKHBO to third reading.

ilf nWe. ihi jmdefsrgned, hoiehy ceMIfy lhai ao ordiuanos was rrod a ■•coud time at • nteetliy of ths Board ofniiwet and Wm#!* fomial‘ftctuirs,h#ld on AUfosi 34, l»4, snd duly ordered m ibird read­me. DrovidlM for the dlvchargs of botisa sewerage of tn# lowoMiln of Kost Orongt lnlb tb# Mwamge lysUin of th# cUy of N#watk» oml fi>r th# boiling ofaoonnectlsg sswat ib#r#ft>r lo ih# ipiy of New-•7 lkm AOEoal * . ^fraunanturtli* Boanl or HUwt aad Walar I'om-

mlMluo.™. A.iLUNaNlTT,Llvrk.Mt

b iny^FFICK IlF TUN tTTT HEALIB OFW W *l*h » aaii M«»uija. _ ...

PulillflnuliosUh#r«'hjrVlv#e that th#olfireofth# riiTsealerofiVeichts »m .'uoasorM hsB hMn re- iQOTsd from tbshawmeptot Cfity HaUteiUeOeivipi Market htuldlng, second floor Eatraiiw ou Biatd etreet isom 0*nw hrMgo.

U#/i>llowlug iDD^rjnmouii In sold cUy, nsmelyi

hast; ^

MS# smotit enmpriaes all lota troctv and ? i r eehorisQd and real #ilal# il«Ms to b# asieosedM .lar*aMa. lytaf oa tolh aW« of^£rum Badger avenu# to BalmooL avenue;

On both sides otBkLMONT AVKNIIK.

from Avon arenus tu Wav#rly plac#.a “ i.ot** lep'irverms an «htlrs plot at lend,

whether laraeorsmsi.All persons Iniereste i In mid oMSSSment mop he

heard b#fi>resaid Ctimiulssionsrs, on TUlHiiA v;T IIK FOUrtTH DAY O t HErrKK-

BKR. l«M.I P. M.. at Ih# OommlsslontTS' room* Nta 4 (M lleorti CUy lloH-

and reoleaiat# In ih# ehy of Newark peouHarly beiirdl^ hy any IixmI iKnuruvtMient l i tb# Hulu glty* In propofUnii M twarly a* may be to Ih# ad- vantage each w >s dremeU to hsvo oon'ilree. bar* Trail# au u>tlmate and oSsMvmeet of Q#nwma upws ait tbeowoaraof all th# laudiaoii rnai estate In the dty of Newark y#cslUrly Norfited by eodb of

The r#pavlaff of _____ _' lUVKR hTilF.KT.from Morris C anal bridip to Mulberry itr»

'i be repaving of, HlOB ItTRRST.

fmm* ranf#i(r»at u K^hih avanes;'I bo paving and repaving uf

^ MtJ .BAY HTIIKKT,from Brood ttiwet to Kiw Jamsy frahroad avtnee ;

*^*r*^AlElWAD p L A U K c w t s i ^ d e iV ^ ^froip Mark'd Mreot to fi6UUk venal ttr# t; opfthave fUsd ihtlr ivporte ot m IiI as«#wtn#nt4 for benelltslo The otnu# >>tUia Ci#rk of th>< tlrsiilt' t'diirloi khgconnlr ot Rseex, and that the JoUgeof mid cuut£ MS fixed .------- TfiW ktJ^gRTn DAYuPBEPrKM-rUKHDAV,-------BKR.jSWrat 10 o'clock In thr fori>n*un. In the Ctrouit fwirt nk>ui at lb* Dnurlhouse, In ths city of Newark, u the lime end piHC# of bearing any ol sotlous that juay b# ma '# to the said sasassmeota.

Dated August 31, IRH.CHANDLXH W* KIXPTa

4lf t Hy (Vmno#l

P UBLIC KfniCK-ORUIKANCKlo r ‘....... _ - --------------- UtlDEHXU(bird reading.

\\ a, lilt itudenighed. htreliy csnilp thsit an ordh Mnoe was lead a second Umv at a mfellugof ike Boaid of'*tr#eiAOfl Wnter('uminlwIojiAri. u*il(lois A uguHi tl, ISM, OiHl duly ordered t a third reading,regulailev «re#i rallwars « biI providing Ibr naV Ink aitd repaving In tbs aimvts through wuloAetfiwt railways are built or i^raM .

Dated Anfk«t3.M«M.IIAIIHIHOK v a n DUVNK,

water C

7btd> liBHlftAN r* OWflHWMKR,UtybeoM

Frestdent of the Bovd of Ktrest sad mlmlOMnL



A iilh*rlu4 ftr MtOHtola* atraia i* th«M p la o M a n

•vtatacwn w w Y O R K -

tvrilH p N#wi BrmafiR T3 W*»I4U, F. Mr, IUauMii«L|


pMtfy. JMauMVT. i4a4M »r «alldliM l, t€%mmlmM^* M flaar# m « 0 »«b

«T f p(p«« «atl* I* **• *••R BW AR K -

lloixhppar** nrp« flwrp, ««ni«r « (Br*«4 ■»4 Marliel

Pawl tL NrfaH*1<l^. 497 B ra a i • . KlM M .r. M » nram * »l.«.m. l uV u l u r N, T .u r liw w i. !•* At . .W. H. nrxU. “ • (I■ .r a n W .X * ’**' *»•■MarrliaB. Hm . tI1I* A .te

H a ila a .r A » T O P A B « « -

W. H. All»a, 349 Mala *(., a a i Brick < karck kuilaa.

W> F ta a ilc r i H a ilO ra aa a M a tla a . a«t"TM a p A P iJ B -

■ •kart Laalta, a aau . Art.■ A B H U P k -

P .A .P M k K aB . t a i M a rrlaa B A « b P I.9 0 M riC I.B ~

■ iM la a , P aw aA M iar. # rr> B*r*** ■ l I M I f I T -

CAwarP p. Kallr.■ O k T rL A ip -

I I . M r t a a ^ C a . , Nawidaalara. PPA IIPP T A L L P T -

W llkar I.. r v a a B h MnraPaBlaiv APMNPTOM..

('. ■ . Plana.VATltCH^lIIO-

I ’harlaa B raP lari PaoatralaT. U A n i k it k .

L a w l. A, I T a i . n , Ntwa D aalar, D „ I. aaP W . It U .rtla llaa.

MORN INTOWW. r , l.caic. Ncwacrmtcc.


Callad tha flardan o f A.Ia—Rudolph Wab- cr*. Kipcdltlon.

Alm ott aa Intareatlng aa tlie Polar e ip»- diUoD of W alter Wellman, though par- hapa not likely to be fraught w ith aa many dram atic incldenla—it certainly can­not auffer the croahiug of a ahlp by iee— will be the tropical expedition which la to be headed by Hudolph Weber.

Mr. W tber ia a New Yorker and i i con­nected w ith th e departm ent of mam­malian paleontology o f the American Muienm of Natural Illatory. I la i ig o lo g to tlumatra, a m olt wuiiderfal ialand, de- tp ite the foot th a t not much atten tion la paid to it by th e Occidental world. Mr. W eber belierea th a t patient, intelligent Inyeatigation there will bring to ligh t m any facta of the utm oit in- tereat to th e aclentiBo world th a t wlU be of more or lesa direct value to mankind a t large. I t hae long been held th a t the Eaat Indian Archlpel- ego, o f which Humalra ia one o f the moat Im portant member*, waa once connected w ith Aala in auch a way at to form one vaat continent, and Mr. W eber bopea and beliaveetbat he will be able to prove coDoluaively that thla theory la correct. H e alao beliavea Ihet be will be able to Snd traoea a t leaat of the primltlva man, and he bolde th a t oloie atudy generally of the animate life of theialand will afford aiucb lUumlJiation o f the theory o f evolu­

tion.mrrioLTO wxnvB,

___ HIi expeneea are to be bornejointly by the mnaenm and by the New York Herald. All the apeeimena of the flora and fauna of Sumatra that a r ^ a th - ered arc to go the muacum In New York, While, under a contract that has been en­tered Into with the Philadelphia ronseum, all apeclmana of abella are to go to that Inatltntlon.

‘"The Garden ofA ila ,’’ aa Sum atra haa been called becanse of Its rem arkable ^ a n ty and surpassing fertility, is an Isl­and of an area almost equal to th a t o f Texas and thirteen timea as great aa th a t of Holland. Ita length is 1,047 miles, and aa It la bisected by the equator almoat ex­actly half way between its northern and lou thern extremities, It is distinctly a tro p ­ical land. I t la separated from the Malay peninsnia by a narrow strait and from Java by a still narrower one. Liko this more famous Island, i t abounds in volca­noes, aeveralof which are more o r lees active, and when Java received the awfbl volcanic and aciimic visitation known In the records as th e K rskstoa outburst Bumatra suffered with her island neigh­bor,

Mr. Weber, who is a native o f Bwitxer- land, has already left America, but i t will Ih! some time before be rraohea Sumatra. From New York be went to Leyden, where he propoecs to remain for a m onth or ao examining Sumatran specimens in th e excellent museum there. W hen be has sufflclently fortified bim selt w ith the knowledge he can obtain a t Leyden, he will go direct to Sum atra via the Buei Canal, Ceylon and Singapore. As soon aa he landd noon Sumatran aoil be will engage a force or natives, to whom he will delegate the bunting, fishing and trapping th a t are neceaaary parta of the exoeiULion’a work. Thia plan will leave him it'ee to devote moat o f hia own time to the claaslficatlon o f bis tpeolmens and their preparation for ahlpm ent to A m erica

l i Is fUted of both the aminal and vege­table life of Sumatra that it ia not only ex­tremely luxuriant, but very oharacteristlo as well. That Is to say, the types there found are many of them unlike thoae that are indigenous anywhere else on the sur­face of the ball which we call the earth. It la argued fhom this that the separation of the laland from the mainland miBt have taken plaoe a t a very remote ^ rlo d . Otherwise there would not have been int* fleient time for the evolution of such pro- nonnoedly dlatliict typea,

A short time before he Bailed away Hr. Weber apoke at some length, through the medium of B newspaper interviewer, upon the expedition and the charaeter- isilca of Java. I t contalnt a larger variety of monkeys than aru to be found In any other land. Its fauna generally eshibita a greater tendency toward the forms of antiquity than are to be met with elsewbere. There are very many varieties of animals of ex­traordinary stie. The paebydermata (thiok^klnned beoats) are largely repre­sented, Inoludlng a distinct variety of elephants. The rhinoceros of S u m a ^ la alio peoullar, though not unique, from the fact that it is furnlshtd with two horns, like the rhinoceros of Africa and unlike that of Java, which it would be luppceed to more nearly resdmble. A lthou^ tha wild boar is found In the Malayan Feniu- ■ola ami the Island of Java, both very near neighbors, It does not sesm to exist a t alt In Sumatra. The variety of bats le extraordlnarv. The “ fiylng cat ’’ and tbo “ flying fox ’’ are found In great numbers. There are alligators and other great •belled reptiles in profusion, almost end­less sorts of snakes butb vsst and Venom­ous, and tigera and the like almoat with­out end.

Far more tntcreating and important than any of these, however, are the humane of Sumatra. There Is not space to I r a k of the various races, many of them of evident Malay origin, uor of their enri- ons onstoms and ipeech, both spoken and written. The popniatlon is believed to In- olude a trlbeof hairy wild man, whf oh may


A l>eg Owner te Aiuwer for His Pst’s Sad Teihiwr-A Tin Pall as a

WeepaB~Ilotea.Prank Sl«Mrau«», of Ceatral p l« ^ Or­

ange, watsnnmioned to appear before Jue rice Devil et the Orsoge Police Station jei- leniry oo a charge of vlolstinf the dog or­dinance. William Nolle, an insurance sgsnt employed by the United BUtes Induatrlel in- mrauce CtHnpany, tnoile the complaint. Nolle was ptusiog Ihrough Central place two » celt* ago, whsn Licoranra’s dog attacked him and tore UU truuwie.

At 11 o’clock lost night IsaWi B. Webb, of » w strw^t, epiiearwt at the Orange Police Station end eoniplalncd that ho bed been as- •aulted by John Ceuuing oml several other men, who struck him on the booil with a tin inll. A» evidence of tlie assault Webb showed a IumI cut on his head and three loose tit'th. He proniisvc'i to make a complaint against his assailants to-day.

Dr. Carl Hutlnor, of Orange, sailed this ■fternuen lor (ierminy, where he will spend two munthi.

J. A. Wolfe, a lecturer of Brooklyn, will speak at Kogle iluck on Sunday on tha labor qtiestioD.

John Philip Jaijiil, on old resideut of Orange, dial at bis home, on W illiam and I eritield streets, lost night of general debil­ity. Mr. Jai|Ul was born in Uennauy ■eveiity-one years ego, and bad been • ™ ‘‘ dent of OreiigB tor thirty-fire years. Up w Qrteen years ago ha was engaged in the plumbing business on Main etreel, Oraaga Be leaves a widow and one son.

The rector snd choirmaster of Christ EplKTopal Church, East O rau^ have de- riiled to urganite on auxiliary choir, formed of Udics and gnidleinuo, to assist the regtuar choir iu making the music of lbs evening service thoroughly uougregstiooal. Upon the first Sunday night of each month it Is pro]»osed to have the entire music of the servile suug by the ragulor choir and the auxiliary ehufr together. A prtUmlnary inaeting of all who are willlug to intanel theiuselvee in the eltort will he held ou Hdn- day night, Inunediately alter the regular evening serviiet In the church.

Beginniug uext Himdsy night an organ re­cital will Is. given in Idiriet Kplempal Church, 1-Jua Uranga. Theee rerltali will he given ou the tlret Sunday night of each wonlb.

The funeral sarvicea over the remains of Mrs. Lida Geduey, wife of 8. D, Uadney. of South Maplu nveuua. East Orange, who died at Asburv Park ou HatunUy, wore hold yee- tarday s/temiHin at her lato home in East Orange. The Kov, W. W. Davis, rector of Clirisl Epitcopal Church, East Orange, ofllciated. Tha Interuient wis mails in Wmsllawn Cumctcry. Mrs. Oaluey was fifty years old.

Township Committeemen Hctamldt, Porer end Bowman, of East Orange, have been siieuding a few days m the Vvtilta Houu- taliis.

E. Von Dieielski and family, of Grove itreel. East Orange, have returned from their tuminer home in the CatakllU,

Hubert Molke, of Eighteenth street, and Percy WhUinan, of Hollywood aveaua, East Orau|A liave returned from a cruise on the schoulsbip SU Mery.

The Ladieii’ Auxilutry of Jemes A. Gsr- fleld Poet No. 4, O. A. H., of Newerk, was entertained at luncheon yestenlaj by Mrs. Samuel lilaumck at her resideuca, 'JUfi Har­rison street, Eaat Orange.

A tlicee-ilave’ fair will be held in Bethel Preshvtenau Church, East Orange, the lat­ter iMu-t of uext montE the proceeils to go to tha church ilabt fund.

Uisa txiulse 8. Andsraon, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John Andarson, of Dougbarty street. East Orange, was married at her hnnia last night to SuRimer C. Blackman, of Orange. Tha oeremonj was performed by thu Ilev. W. H. Hubbard, of Auburn, N. ’I., who is supplying the pulpit of tha First Pree- byterian Church, Orange, dnrlng tha sum­mer, Only 'relatiTH and Intimata friends of tha young couple were present et the ctre- moDj. The bridesmaids wers Hiss Emma Anderson, a sister of the bride, and Hiss Lucy Blackman, a sister of the groom. The beat man was the groom’s brother, William Blackman. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Blackman will reside a t lA Elm street, Orange, where they vnll give a reception on September 12,

A wagon belonging to 8, J. Blair broke down at the corner of Uitn and Wiiiani streeto, East Orange, yesterday afternoon.

A party of cyclers of East Orange rode to Fstchogue, I.kmg Island, yesterday. They wlU return to ^ y .

The Fireman's Belief Association of East Orange held ita regular monthly meeting lastnight.


lu n d r a o l o i e q x g m ia a tio.1. wvuuiusve -^yik . . *' vt has

' yet baenalndled. IndMduiua ur toll tribe luve been ofteii wen in the Junglei, but nrfVer eppoaetaed elossly. They are aald to be vrltboot tells, to walk upright in­variably and to oarry otuM and Unoea, Hr. Weber will Investigate them u tbor- onghly on poeatble.

Hr. Weber baa an Idea that perhapi th en ere also to be found In the Interior of the Island tribal of oave-dwellers, and be will eearcb (or theie with patience and eagerneiA_________

Appropriate la tba Oeoastoo.From tha Oommareiol Ailvertiser.

At the conclusion of an Impssaloned oddreii down la Kentucky the other day Oolonel W. a P. Breokleridte aonounead that ha wia weary, aad that i i loos aa hla eaupolfn wia eedad ha Moald vialt Inylaafli Wbarenpn the itadtr of the hMrt,lrta haagwt*»fl l a i u » ^

■ ■

ha flnel game batwMo the New Jeraev AC. and Ornnga A. U. hall teams will be pleyoil on Saturday afternoon on the Orange Oval, East Orange, at 4 o'elock,

JErFXKHOir AND PROTECTlfm.A Correspondant Claims that Bcpeblleana

Are MU True Followers.To tha Editor of th* ffettt :

S ir—In yours of yeaterdsy, August 39, you have on orticla ba^ad, ’’ Wouldn’t Teke It Back. Tha JatTarsonian Club and Ha Re­cent Tariir Rcaolntion.”

I wonkl ask by whet rule or saying of Thomas Jefferson any club of Damocrati can inum e to call tbemselves Jeffetvonlan Democrats f

I have a life of Jefferson sixty-three jeari cld, published in 1S31, On pegs 430 Jeffer­son » y i; “ Shonld the Import duties bo Bup- prasaad, and that advantage given to foreign over domeatic mauufacturaa I Snontd they be dlminishad, and upon what nriaclplae F Or should they be conllnned and applied to the purpiwts of Intarnal improvemant, aduca- tiun, etc.” I'age 9U3: You tell me 1 am3anted by thoea who wish to contlnna our

epandeuea on England for minufacturea. There was a time when I might have been no quoted with more candor. But within thirty years which have sinoe elapeetl, how are clr- oumstAncesehangadr PagaliOh: “ Eiparlance has taught me that manufacturers ate now as nccMsary to our independence as to our com­fort; end if thoM who quote me as of a dif­ferent opinion will keep pace with me In

tmrchssiug nolblng forei^ where an aquiva- ent of domestic can be obtained without re­

gard to dlffercnee of pries.’’ Fage 604; *' in- BltantloD to this la what has Mlad for this explanation, which reflection would have rendcreil unuecesury with the candid, while nothing will do It with those who use the former opinion only as a atalking horse to cover their disloyal propanaltiei to ksro na in eternsl vsiialage to a foreign lua un­friendly people,"

Sir, my old book tells me that on no prom­inent question of politics of thb day is the Democratic party in harmony with the opin­ions of Thomas JeSarsoo. Ever since the days of Jackson to this tbs pemoerstto party’s prlnripUs have antagonlsM the prln- ciptM of Jolferson. Jsfferaoa was an Am U- Uoniat. Be believed in using the surplus revenues for internal Improvenients, He wai BO strong a protectionist that ha would not purchase a foreign article, but would porofmse domsstlo fabrics without regard to dlfferance of price.

And to crown It all, Jsfferson alwajs gloried in the fact that he was a Kspublicaa.

Sir, the Hepnbllnana not Democrata, era bis genuine dlaclplaa. When DtmooraU call tbemsalves JeSenonlans they are not candid; they are not truthful; they are disloyal; they are traitors; th » are slanderers of the uame and memory of Thomas Jeflarson when they call themselves Jeffersonian Democrata

J ohn g. Youbo,Nswarfc, Augmt 80 _________

S T A T E S I F T I N G S .

The gxllowa on wfaloh Weaiey Warner is to be eiMiuled has lost been oompleted and wltl be put up In the ]ati yard at Mount Holly next Wedneadsy.

A Held party of slaven men, under George M. Lebmsu, •* chief, and James II. Hood, ee- slsUnt, commenced the inrvey at Borden- town yesterday for New Jersey’s proposed ship canal.

The work of gathering the oronberry crop will begin next wsek on some of the b ^ in Burlington County, It Is estimated that tbs yield tbis year will be about thirty per cent, below that of last yesr.

A block Ibieot Is playing havoc with fruit growers la the vicinity of Ulassbero. Tlie In­sect eats off the Iravea and prevents the fruit (ruin maturing. The lete pear crop will be an almoet total failure In onuecqueom.

On TuswUy vtftemoiin, after being mislaid over one week, the grdl) Odvertleed sa lost .by hire. Margaret E. Mailer, of Union strMt, llabway, wai fonnd by Detective W. U. Metan ia Mre. Mailer’s honse. Her money hsd fallea inside the bureau. Phtlan clnlnu the gSO re­ward.

At the annual Smith .family ronnlou near m p ack y es te^ y the oflloers of iaet year were re-tltotad. They acer 1, s, Bmtlh, of Mlllhnrn, preslrteqt; Abram SmKh, of Pea- psek. Tloe-president; J. D. Smith, treaiwer, and J. C. Smith, secretary.

The Lehigh Tolley Hollroad Company was severely handled by a Ouroner's Jury which met at Elisabeth to Inviitlgate the death of Jacob Ktein. a farmer of Union Township,who was killed at the Ubestnut street croMlng of the Lehigh rood lost week at Roulle. The Jury examined a number of wltuesves, Inolud tng tbe otvw of the train, u d found the com­pany guilty of oriminal carelessneoe la nut having a gateman at the crotslng to warn peo­ple of ths approneh of traliw Iqr lowering tl» gate*. U is said that 00 tbs strength of this vsrdlct tha relatives of tha dead malt will at omm lusUlMa a salt for Envy ihigui



On the occasion of the rscsptlou to Franofs Wlllaril la Naw York In June an •Ibum CDDtAlaiDf( U’lagnpkk* TneoukgM of milcom* and from tba pj^Midant of lb*Woiuao.*! CbrUtkii Temparanca Union of mrh Kuta waa praat^ntod to bar. HUi WUUril exprnttad bar plfltonra awi daclurad It waa tha moat unique gift aha bad arar rr- ewirad. Tlw book wai prrpanvl witb padded covunt of a dfllaata aluuic of drab ohamoft iktn. Upou tha r«n]bo%rd laaraa oanh tala- amm was carafuUy paaifNji Juit at Itcama from Iba hand* of tbe operator. Abora Uta mi«- M^aa, ou tbe luarglD, were prloUd tba uantaa of tba Ktutait la nlpbabatiml order, aocom* paiilad by nyiuliolb' i>r cgiiTaiitloDal decora- iiou. may IntaraHt Newark wotuea to know tbe mi wiaga which wai tel^rrapbad by l ira Kuinia Houma for hofiwlf aud her New Jeriay coiuiUuiencr. It coaiUtad of two quotation! Irum tba Bible, tin** from the third epUtIa of John, "Gloved, f wlxh ahuTa ail thing! that tbou mayit proattar ■ud ba Id bealtb, avan a« thy tuul proapar- atli;” tba other fn>m l^loiuona wnjr, "Ha- cauaa of tlia larar of thy good ointmenU, tby Dame ia a« oitittaeui | m>ui forth, ihero- fora do tlia Tlrglna luva tbea."

« a efkniia New Jenay woman, peraonal fritnda

of M i» Willard, have rtiutribuiad tbli lum- ruer U> tbe furuU bii^ of her liedruom Id the CidtAga calltHl the ** Eagla'iNaet,''at Twilight Bark, la tha Uotakilbi. The cottAga wa« built by Now York wumoo aud tb*j ilae*l for It waa praaaiited to MImh Willard a t one of tha cos?autlr>n« tomu yean ago. Thin tiny cottage contolni four ruoiiis. Tha young vroman'i tamperance wx'letiai from aU orar theoQUUtrj ooutributed to a vilk Hag that waTM OTor the cottaga. Mlu Willard U at

ErMaat aojouralng thar^ and It wrltiog with ar utual luJuiitry,* aiuoug other thing* a

booklet of '*How 1 leoarued to lUde Uu» BleyclOy W ith Hi*flactlt>ut by tba Way.'^

e a kThe Her. Fhobe A- Haiinaford ban, per-

faapH, parfomtad the caraniuuy at oiore tuar* rlagai than any other wothau. Not long ago Mr*, flanaafur*! odlriatMl at tha marriaga at (jlcD liid gaof Kitwanl K. Un*|UMt and H im Anna Ayraa. The Woman'! ./oumaf, hpeak- Ing of thi! event, nay*; “ Tbvae pailiet wera both aduratod, cuUnrad panoni who wero abumlantly abla to dacide for tbeiuMlvea without prejudi(», and were evidently en­tirely aatletiiHl by tbelr marriage by a woman mluiAtar.'’

* * aOne la convin*'o*l anew, after a tojoum in

Northern New Jentay, that no place can 1m more cbarinlng fur a amumnr vacation. Driving trlpH thr«mgh HuKsax, Wartan, lalc and Morrie coimtieH are alwayi full of fra^b delight. It u all uphill and down dale mud coneeiiufntly richly divendfied. Aftrr a long atraPih of that wind* through^'ratbadral woo<H,' where ^'bougbi maka archea ovarhea*! " mid tbe air fi l^ en with odor of pine and fern, you emerge to Hud that you have unaware! gain*Hl an ainioenca that

EIveta wide view ofji>atitGral valley bounded y wooded hillft. This experienra l i ra-

paate*! again an*l again. Tha view iii^n en­tering Hparta from a point near Horrid Lake i i flufAcieotly Fsteimlvt} to enibraca leveral vill^ re, wbiJa io the dUtancag outUnwl agaiDit the clouda may ba Man the Dela­ware Water Gap. With it* environmenU of rock-farad hillN, Sparta a raoet raetful and wicura retreat for world-worn mortal*. HpartoUlen, where tall hemlock* maka " a twilight e t norindAy,''and tba aotey Wall- kilt goM leaping over ita rooky la a faecloating place for a prolonm l ramble, giving one a iatsta of priiiiaval Nature. Tba chiaf induetry hara ie keoplng eumutar boandars, and every home bear* a rign on it* frontq for everybody'* bouse li a tfoatelry in aummar. There were 450 summar guaeta ia tba little village last weak, many of whom were Nawarker*.

On a little Inlet of BoDatcong there le a dock fami, and a great flock of snow-white duaka ewlmiuing on the water is a pretty •Igbte Tba proprietor has found bis novw anlanudMi profitable. An interavtiag object to ba eneouotarod in drlvea around Dover is i the old Quaker meeting'houM built in ITGb, as a wooden tablet over tbe front dow da-1 Claras. Though now fallen into diiuse It f* still In ngood state of praservation. Tba walls are tow, with bawed oaken beam* fastened wltb w<K>d«n pegs. Awoodttove, a lomawbat mudera affair, itands iu tha caotra of Iba room, and there are a mini liar of unoom- fortabla wooden banchn where the good Quakers sat as they LUteiifd for tba mnar voice. A binged, adjuntabla parlitiou In tbe middle of tbe room separated the men from tha women, and perhapa prevented wander­ing thoughta. Ad arrangvment of trap doors In the oclling* gave the sliters in the gallery an opportunity to we and hear the brethren ia the main audience ruom. la the yard back of tbe meetlTig-house ileep the forefarhars of the Alwnrd*, the Vail* and (he Brotbertont. These graves have no costly mdnumanta, but are simply marked by rude slabs of native stone. A modern and praUnUous graiilta monament, lately a re c t^ naamed Incougruous. Driving away from this u c ian t landmark, there are seen from tha brow of a hill, in tha distance, saven ranges of bills.

e « eEverywbara la seen in this pictnresqua rw*

glon the lununer d rl. Tbi* year she ia the **ail-arouudgirL” fihelikMto boast of her all-aroundadnaas, and it is diverting to hear about it from bar pretty lips. Hhe cau play taonii and swim and row and drive and cook, tiba can discuss tha new novels, give her reasons for not wanting to vote and sba diaoluaas an astonlsbing knowledge of bu- tnan uaturo. Hbe can make and ti* the man- nUh uackties she wears, she can smbroulsr, and tba can flirt, whan there is a man to flirt with. Her gowns are distracting and bor language preferred; objeota that ordinary mortals think intaratting sbe declares are *^marvenous;7 never dlslikH6 a tblug, tba ** loathes it;'' what others like she

loves;'" she Is never annoyed, hut some th in p make ** perfect fland " of her.

ERAls B8TATE TRANItFEBS.The real aatate transfars recorded la the

Register's of&ee Wednesday and reported by the FideUty Title and Depoell Uompasy were;

HCWAkkJoeepb G?ook et nx to John Prrrfs a i

Bergen st fit) n Ir 14lh ev, B&xlUO..... .TOWMSHtPa

Harman Lahtbach (Sheri fl) to Krantna K. Marry, Wost Oraugu, Prospect hv at a s Douglas ItobluiDu, coutg 17&.....

George P. KlngHlev to tUo HnsMlsJe Cemetery, West iVange and OrMUge,In tha 1 I ra llarrlwu n w from tba road .,,.,,,............................. ..........

IfEM* W-VNTKn-M.tl.r.ANOTICE~Trnnst«uit a4lrt‘rtl*lag m (lie

NRWtt mast invariably be paid for la ad- vaarc.

No aoroaaie will be oi>«*tiM for »ueh.Ko advartlevMivnl will Ite rev4*lvod over

(he teleptiane rH«i«4pt (hoie »eat by autbor- lio4 agents.

A .A.-WIt H AKl: A ALTV OK riNJ>.• Ing empli>]r’'4*ht for meu. t1rti«lA.-4Y fbrli-

------------- - ' ------------ - —EMPLCITMKNT W ABTRlS-.rFM Al.R9

WABTRU IVWITION MMt»K I loiuvalKll fipeiiviMWaJirt NfsrrtHy’. Adilrrsi

1 H i >6 h ., iUti IK N*«i 4>m> s.VPHs-v:

Hon u

\ irA a m N o - Ironinc

ipiil A'a tirrsKtaler ■!.


ng e m p l o y f o r meu. lift. mod#r*l ’ el.arsei sad ia:r irvti <ii PMAN-AMKHh;.tN AnKNrY,I stelillstiad im .

V(IRRI*H, WTKV:t>rrM N y\F. m a m k \*- iitrtto ra t sellers; w>>mM n*u el »i|bl el

Wevsriy Fair.1 PHlRytXO-lMI'.'(NV, -,''J Mm IihdIi-tt.

WOMaR WIS1G*w tiinaoriUenibsruielJ, Inquire


housvcleanlni’ by U*« itar. or rr«taoreni wor*. MK . aaKAit p a 4.K.ixa, i»»nvr *lli*llvrry. P-O. I

llARHgKH WANXr:l*.fi'* l.tNOUCYHKN iTava, betweea Miller eiul Venil«riHH4 »ia

I J*i|lN J. Vid.I.MlCR.

1l>ln «tiM*esvttlnf-WANTWP. IV»Y w irw KXl'KKIKNl'K

• , M’HLOK-IEIN A KlES LIl.•1 Arliufftuii SI.

WANTS'© Tr» TA'^nv M-.MT AM» ei pgNN.SYi.VAXtA AVE. 1

wiMiihaAiutly wMblDg to iiu at hous- Addreefl

lii K iiiim i AV^V’ HINO A HKHPpfTABI.K Wu X a N weabi « ashing, to go »ut by dsy or tssv In.

m O N b ll' M'.’'AHIllMl- Kl KPRiTAHI.miKHMANOlKL

eem slotuiis WMiaitf bume ur la Ciii. ( ail 4(ii iiiMHsr.

roi.oHKi> IV man



nday roaiAl>rT1'<i.H.©Hir.Tsini—VV ANTEI'.VrAllI, III'T- J StMbdrilter : r^mele (H>x « P a VK G* >K 1. tl

ejHi U New Jsreey fieliruad ev*. 1


VOKMI’INK WUOHTIIANn PprCATlON, IfgnI, nmimetTlel, tirtiul<'al or general . Mun-

! ’>n'« syitea. lyiwwrtier: grailnaieeaueiirlr<l lur rr*|KMislUe slDiauoua

rp.N*HsUAiMiH.' f:NHuri;iiu.x, sasHriMUst. 1

f l A H P K N T g H WANTi:i’. MANHA1TAN ./LRATnRn WORK-H.*} IsnSeiFortti i t 1

( lASniKR-Y*iUNfl .MA.S W aNTKI) Ah ^ra«hler; muot (<arao woll rvromn:#nil !.

1 J. K FLNilKH. U7 Miiikfrr}- il.7^U»AR *-Al RVMAN W AKTMI : * PF..;M (- \ neai po«!itan Oi>on (o ralleirr a*i>t idman, wllit eelabllsbed trada. AdiUr%s avji M., I'ux II,>cwi(iciii-a,I Ti.r.RK WANTKI* IN MCW V"Hk : Ia NI'. \ riuiurinv jeweller'^ onlen e vi-ii if ioru ; iuii«t Save some experlent'# In ih* nutliiFit . ariio e f.ro<l hftail and haiofract et fifureo; vtr]> iMii’ir leirr* aiwe* reqiilrSKt Adrtreee Jf-.WKl.l.KJt, Ikix K, bewi uOtca. 1


n a nittJAl> Hl.,.H )OMA 1 A.Vil A J. K HKJJKXBkim, INI THUCTOR*


n .iMF»nuiK tirmner

wmo-*L AT MoNfU'JHl’: PARK, Junior, primary and

kta’tonrnrlm aeiHirliaMle I U«*f«af>4. tHU-ia. ilrawiuir. pliyenal CiltUr*. e(0. <'■ J. BARlit I I, I'rliii l|«L. (tr 'uiare on aspllcelKiw Sid

nOl.LKCTOR WAWTFDFOII Tltv I' rn i N- 1. Usl. Call Piiday * -t. H. IT.'? rrHlKiiUiilnullding ; aflM for Plots 1

(NAMKI. PAlNIkHW-aWKllAl. I XPHU- _ ivnof^ rnamel palnirrs a’aititil; alto a fpw

leariMirA whoara gcad St drawhif, ami <an liriiifeample work. K, U£V Y. lUS Mm-erry ti. I

llQiilien : union men ; prei^ Ivstfra.KKh.iY A NSPEKlt


STi «•


rrr.R - A oiKHi m on i> k n v it aniad ; itaaily wora tor nod. fli4‘a ly man:

muit iw affTciiiiciiin rlogs *>f all khiih. MaN- BKVILLB, t'AHHOW A CRANK, U .narflhall iLl•tlfA N T M l -KOn ARMY, Am.l’-ll «l»IKh UN-

Vf marrlKl men, twtwa-n tha SKei nF 2i and sii yeais ; good pay, rai loss, r'duthl Of HOd miillusl «(• teudaoce ; appUt'anl* tiiutl be prf)Mred to lurniili ■atUfaclorj tvlJlriM-a a** to aie. rbaruTur and habile. Apply 17& MAHAT/l’ HI', Nvwsrti, a.J 741

W ^ ^ ’TEI)-A MAN 'InTtKKVT rharge iigaeorsat fkcuirT : hr miiMNenh a to

lay oot gooda cut and d» -1vn i'or<el- ; itato salary sated- Adilresa wlUi refereiir^i

Id C. A., l:ux l(,Nr<rsnmM.rit wii.T. HTAJiT v e r I.\ A PI.PamaM'.

. prolUahle and prrmanrat huiinm: t*n b> guD*a( your owe horn*; |A<> a wank aeillyiiM li send staine for foil nxpla*iatlOA.

WlC*4TgRN dCFPLY C')., HL loiils. Mo.

Ml*n ripWS'nlilNirH u IAKUI.XI4 A.Nll DAY •i’bool for fins. M PAKk PI*. Newer*, k.J.

Pnmary. Academic aS’l •.’ollege Crs|i*r»i»fr us- paruuseM. Hr-open Wednesday, Hcptaiiibsr M.

OrrulaPson aputlUsU'M t*yEWAHK ACAbKM V^

R A. rARRAND, Rial MatWr.«*IUR>N F a HRAND, Aasooiate Vtaiie?

iteopcne H*pte:»t»ar if, iSH

Thorough preparation forauy c^Hsja or M laaU lt arhord i>rf>rhui1oeaiIlfo

I'atalonioon apnlloalloi.___________^ T , a k N g w n 'B cuLLMin,

Ks m n ii RkWARiC.Classical, ('ommsroial and Preparatory Coiraa


fo r h irthsr trifoffmaUon ipldy to



A.t{h>pojfM|Hi.ff pARTTKa IN IfRRnOf M^NRY (Anobiaiit ihe Mme aim# ofhetef ihs N'tivark M ongafo I oan l\>. We will tend you any sum that yen wish al Ih*'.((weot r**»siJble rates, In the 4jkilok- *ti pgaalble Uiua and Air any leofth of time to suit yoa. VaaosapayU tiackla eunh iMlalaissiia< you wlab, when yoj wImh ant atlr usy for v at longaa you kaep Ik You can burrow on b’yttc- hold furiiUare, piaa.n. horan, warooi, ;*«rrlsf•« > - uther peraooal property without rentoval ITja yoiirewB iwssD«aon, thus clvfai yoi I'ls iits of foilh U and ini monay. uur olTloas art reu vsnleai- ty boated, and pariiei ran be walteJ oa ’jul. ttly. <TNin»04tsly aB,i ronfl lonilaUv KemamlMr (list you 4wn pay all or any part, of ih* loan at any uma and ibai every auUarp^iiasi-ni lU *cuestarry■ log Ike lean. NKWaKK MORTiiaUK IsOAN 1 *4. vi* Marham,. 11 »r

■A.«aadMO.MCV i . i {^lAN OS HU.NU

A tuongagi Io iiiitM to esit.m W. u KJtKY, 7S0 Broad et.

HrWAHIt HKPiiHr ipiUHiiWlNtl MMAl.L amutmiR g*( the low rales and easy tercui of ro*

MytnenUnfthe sM K .iir\N Ujan tXA, uratoii Ball HuUdlsif. see Ur iail flt, iu^ aU s at i u j ( os'gicA u r


rn>ni\nADftTra in FrxjOR, moMs j and a

rfyofiwanl money In email nr ler^e s ’noiints. os short or i*>a| tlmi*, *mi boM^Ud l ftirnUire an I piAmM, luifsei, wacon, r»rnav^ war*ku<i«’t re- relpteor urirwinel pmpmy of nny klu V without removal of proiterty rru'nyour own pmwwIu t, we caa save you inbitay by our tern* oe tusiii nfttir amiiunt IVoui fan to (l.ono at very shn fi ti rtl >s. wn h gut pikhitrUy, You can pay the money hsnk in anv emoirnu ymi wieu and at any time, And each pef- tn*i)l tnade uo th* prlidpal Will rudiloe the iruH »f Iheloan in ppnpirtlmi.

M*forev*i()i>f luoney elsewhere rail a i s ■»» ui ■«d >'wu wUI Hod iigreailjr |u your aJranMre,


__ TfoBrnadSLTO I.OAN ON IT K-

.nliup*. llanos, nrrens aad peramal propsrty wtihout rimnvM |>arUi»s boiiorahLr detU wltb cun mek# r»'itruitalf by insiai nenis tiq inest eirimly cO'id.tfQtl iL l(. a* A li 1 INa, ruem 1, W ItriMhi oL



5__________ R A KBER Itox X, Wesra oBloag MilAH KTURK r m AAl.R * In EHiaf)e(b. Addreee Mh

BM l' LOCATION D oi A, NewaoflIOA

f iH<K*gKY HTOHK Poll MALK, (XJHNIR Y wocery Store; rent cheap.

fliUr ____ aiUl.ArAYETT**T./ 1 U'H'KRY ANIH'A Vl»V t*TORR PORbAl.lC, V lch eap, .ipply S( Wl.SA.'VH AVK. MA

I IAPK'I mniNF>’'A rn u n A h K A LaROR and raptilly growtruc p*IMr biisinaee In Faet

Orange si a bargalu; e u«* uf wiling. pnnrhaaliH. A(Ulr*WA lUHOAlN. Ibi O, .NewiulTioe.^UlH K WANTKU A eMALI. pNNt.V ORY i^stiods store, with rooms’ iiiU‘tbe cheap i state lorreRt price for cash, rent and weekly ^aralngt.L<H K ItuX t, iuhwa>', xN. J. Mb

iy>NFKmnKKUY AND lOb > <'ream •for* fur ealo. well estabJlalied { good iradr. Addreifl Sit ilr.hUKN Ht'. uh


V A Hnnl' LICHIUM Nik 1 NUr coal, •atU «cr*en4Nt, (ATS per ton ; klddllog wayj

Ch«aii. S I'HlMMRRAOXixN.LK.U, «va and lA faveiiest I'eieptione SU.

\ ^\ hriiiechoiil rurnltiirr> which wa* not aelit yeetefo dar at ant'iioa *111 be oltrred at private aale ; OX'3!iUli* g HHiM for tmrlnr. rrors|itl<H«. bnlroo >1 and

irjln luoin : miitlsril ; call at utHW and make ne an oI!Kt. Prlyaie residence KMMTi AUKHf. (Uf

D IM4H MkHaAUK, HT. HKHNAHU PLPPtElt fire weeks old ; pedigree.

1 ktr.1^% Tronest., Oranga

1.S u KAF.r-l.OAP o v THE llt-HT RUlAD for tbreri remsat kKNsWH. TU Broad at.

K ^iriitK KJSK 1‘AHMK M IT, MAllW Brulfcd, w Rb (liicn o-n*rr«: nlrw riickers, oak bed-

»l*;cd. wlr* npriace. hair niaurnss, wiusre heailQf elove, argaud burner, a line heaU-r; rerrigerator.1 ' -4( .sbLn N 1'1j4, seaoaU floor.

I yAiiuoi- for sale.

Mn w v nllui

Mo n m ty. plan

4h^H*»RT!I KSU A Nil TVPRWIU UNOi^nf III* VVnmi n'i iljrwtlNU AH.>r(illun rropeneMondey, > *pt*mb*r in. at i'lmrtet.

Innirurilisi) thoroughly prwUral. rates moderate. Apply In teai-licr. I. (' K K'iN.N KiiV. M Wright

1*1.. (<T Oil etiil aflrrceuiraitwr lOat arbned, ITum * l ul l A. v . Mf

1.>>A.NKI> IIN i'kIt-niNAl. l*lt*>HK t- idanne, orgaoe and foroUureln use wil ioil ; all huMaeee etrtclJy ooaAdeaili^ Call **

sddreee P.U eRWahuh, ro u s i isi Market it., ri looedareu. davar cvenlaf,

M ' NKV 10 I.OA.N OsN lUtNI) and Muht*gage In >iims to suit, irem (odri to is,t>h

^ M JU'U.KUH. JACKh*»N,7WRroads^

MDNIlV TU l.O.tN ON MORTOAtlk.^ Mb K. V ^H f UmK,rio llroadst.l )U \ s MO.NK.V To IdiAN IN ANY M’M AT *w f^*?pfro*nt. (vr mndlh: good for one year. C. IUKRUAN, Van tihrukar. Keiabllshril IMi IQ Cedar sL. near Hr >ad. 4'2W


1>I..4NK NT,, ■lit (R(TflRR niNINGsROiE ■lilts |lS tu fill; dining tahlea all ktod* of for-

alEuro. itew and >i*com1-ha.ol. Mfrp ilK KAMIHIP I.KlIli.n NO. t KUT COAL 1 tiUl Hi t .Shiier tnn ; aln i Ikwi Lehigh *gg, etovt

god tiui ai 'H f • per ; ordere oy mail prgmpHy ait<‘ii(1ed Io 11. A 1 . M. JKiCiLAMa N. NOl m Krelhiuhiiyt^nava. Kludly mentloa elxoaod prlea oftiuai cei)ulrid. |U

IIIctcImsl> IC V rM l« -A PFW HAmi.llNH IN KTOR J sgrRd*, arooad hand wIiaeK (*11, HQ. fAO and MO t all In spletiilkl urrlernnU eotd under our wiRl known guarantee; easy i«yutenia

NEW AHA CYCLE r.L.fi ceatral are.YkirYrLEH--wiry th r o w a w a y moiiicTJ s o ii ■ei’ondsbnnd Joiik, wiMi the Rldrldgg Kpeclal •elltug new ler Warraated fur on*year by th* ai.ULllDUE HiCVCLE Ca., Mand M I'vuiraJ are fof

0 0 0 ' ^ ^ loan (in HONIi a .nkttimi ai d


H E L P W A N T r n -F r .M A L K H ,

\ -A .-W F 1IAVN A m'MlIKR Oi‘ RK. •liable ^wode. crrmaa aod other ro<M|»*t-vaiiis

on our llet ravable of (Ullag anr }mmiU1>io In hmiM> work. We endeavor to lafMiileete refsreocfs of eerventa beforesendlnc to your order. OKKMAN- AMERICA.^ Ati4i..HCY, SSCedarit. 1

^ W A NT kn,. ... . . IfB'X

■enraiits to send iheir orders Ht once 10 til:A « f

PAKTIRS KrTCHNlM*nore and rsHinlry wantlni; coO 1



roller* Pr*|iaratnrr, Malor, Junior ao1 Prlmsrr Deparlmeiits, A Uiiittod numberorhoysln Pr<mAry l>sjiarttu*nL certiflrwtM admits to Wsllotioy Oul- 1*1*. Circulars on eppitestloa

Mnsir.T >AVJfi, OriT.tn. J ITlf FR. MANDOf.IW AND J Ivlollnl iught A. J. W'F.IOr, Tlronlb «L S7a

1»A\<1 INM Rl’CThlN; TKRMHMOUEKATR. Ad<lr*«i i'noFF<H(in. Bor A, News ofBc*. >*a


^RKiHgaf* at K per roil In periods 10 •dtt (he borh»w*r NU

IlORlM OR mVM IS'moN KX ACrEl); all n*rw»- eary nep*rs rerefolly prepared. cltAHLEi A.

|i'K. iVmuMeilor-eoIjnr, 7h* Hrmdiv. AAg

l.HtllT, MIOltRvr riHADR PNEU* ^ 1 /s.lmaUo ; In dno oundltlua ; ooet flOQ.



t& l * ANjj r r I slliir* nr tikrn

lA.N UN Bond anc finoitgage at S per n>at, tg

Mimeaod for perlvle to iiilt the hnrrnwort; no bfiiius or coramlwlnn ciiarf*<V lS,dQ> to Ioanna challgl mrrreag* In ■urns toseh. EriWAHD\ IiLACK, ('eaiiMelluc-ai Iaw, runin !14 PnideqUal Ihilii'ing : triepbmjR No, SH

‘WAHlJ LOANRI) ON FTHNI- ■turatr* aai) Bdragcre

medeoHMim*. M k a N'K. iSih at., HgtOvllJe. Ilf

A -TIIR NEWARK ROBBI •markoL Noa. HI totMOgniml av%

A large Mock of d rsbclaai kgnee always on band for ule or ■.tcbakfi at UM

lewoot outrkAtprhiosidraughi, ilrfvoM ao-t gentrfo parpoo* hureoi: ■ fair trial gi van uad Ul siook soli wilbafaUgnaraatgelob*M repreeaatod uv cask ruundtd. ALHEbr L I'lPLIN, prep.


( i AKKIA(IKH-A NCMHFK or' NEW A.VIl . eeggad-haad garrlagi* and wagoas Itr 4ale ckoap. ULlvan MANUFa CTUUINU OOw £004

orciaysL Tolophoaoeu


HTLVRNh, MS Broshd si.. kleirdpiHltsn Agency: all ordeie will be pronipUy attended lu and alls- Bsciloii guarauleed. I2h

APJ.ACF HEC'UttKD FRfc'F OFiUsltflu: KfHt i girls bavlag roforence ; hlfbeei waxM au I iwst

fimtlleo. ELITB EMPLOYftlE.Nr ufyiCi;.H. TTi Broad ib 1(Q

\ I‘PHKNTICEa-»SEWtsa OlRr,g, KIN18H- ere and loanMiv, for dreesmaklog end cutlin .

sLr r iR R AiioT./"I IRIA WATfTED AT THF INTKLLKlFNrE iTofUc*. Sn MAIN Bl'., OratigH. Decker Iluildiny. Call every day. NJ

( irifiK-WANTED, 01RL Ti» C KiK. WA**ll aud Iron; also oue to do rhamborwork end wait­

ing. Apply at 14 PRlJ^PaCr BT.. KAel Uranga 1IIKU' UN II SND

_ . . _ , . I and ( liainbermsldAUiuadrew, a waltreei and gonerai housework, nurw girls; aleo German aad Kweds help. lAJI oao weak, empiovmeut ■geimy, 3 tt llllam it , oor. of Brood *L J. H. HEEMJN'. 1

1>(‘AlU>sn<4 W,ANTM>,taMe lwiir<.l*fi io private

liurii* table ; 1

FKW MRNTr.K*raniUy ; tixsd

very central. Addr*s«■ ChNTHA L, [hii A, News nfflee.

HHGaii hr., roard

rA .NICK KlK>M teriu-4 reaennshle.

a nd (KX)D *1g

f ill.M'ON a VK. n L.SHMR FRONT PAH- lor, wltb or wL hunt board, luRoble for a pkyil-

Plan. Ifr o n t


H,noQ. H.viv 12.000, ran he plarei on Itmti’iaea boad and mortgagee* Curtly oa prooeriv wortU double the amount and mure byoalUngoa

CHAR! in A. FKICK. CouDeellorAblAw,

rsd ________________________ ?M nwadst


( iHARJ.Rn OHDRE, MANUPAtTTVtiErt OF all kinde of rerrlagot, reuindor depot wagons

Roekaways, Mtes phoeioaa btiggioa. aitoulna t(■pturr«y canopy loip mrroys, Jump eaat eurroya trana am! bivokboarda, «plQdlo wagoas, road carts and speeding cans, cm*ln*e« wagoat for nuioheri and 1)0hers, gronors and mllkmon, plnmbon aol rtrpaniero. laundry aad c?lothlor% egproee ag-| < fornien* waron% harnawi and eumawr afiaeto aa I biaokato, atauaad 2M Market bl. footory. " way, N. I.


T,^(mMALF rACAfSIf BUYS YOUNG, hound, atyllsb musioof j«ny t fln* driver ’

gG il.i timA HT., S4 nOAHDINO; \ lisl" ■lirll h*(1rf>am ; all eohv*iil*ac*s.yiOI.r.MHlA HI’., T4-I'I.RAHANT RflOMR A a Ith iH>nrd ; oD* alcove rooui; ImjimvenMiBt*; tab!* bnardi. Iflh

KM ItABLE HmgMH WITH BOARD.M in m „ opp^wli* %t'm Park.

I.'MR.MTrLA'-H COLORED ' for city and ceaotry : I'ooke a

Pl.'K H i'r

r l'l.'IUN n •n.'RNJSIlEDlarge


^NoNBOLIDaTKIJ traction *aNewark PaM*Dgtr Ae.Hellevllle and .^*wark Horse Car R. IL Ta uranieaud .Newark Hop** lAr H, H. Oe.

n tcoHT nv J. B. lUPPKii, Dealer,

atuldter. LlqilGK ifToHa, Fifth avra.

. .. and food, BluoafleM ao^

MT., ;e>-. .NtcFr.Y f u r n is h e dJO ima aitd Unerd . gratleuien only. Mh

large and small rooiui and board.FRONT


Gi OODOOOK a n d LArNDHRKH w a n t e d ; ruerman preferred. Ill BELl.KVILI.K AVKl

IJ'CH N IN IIFD RfH»M PORTWG (IR.VTLEMEN P nitb or without boar*], Ingtili

TIOINKWOUE WANTKt). A <HHL FUR . 1 1 general houaswerk, with orwlihoiit wtihlng: muM be gaat i ewr^e or tieniiaii nrrforrrd. 41 NolfllAN kT„ bear Proepect. Urlek Churcli, 1

( MtuVR KT., i«. REAR T Hoard fog ■ gtflUenian; terms rraiunabla

' l i m . LINN AM ENdCa,VT *1 (A’K HRUKERS.Key and Ball stocky Roods and Orala 01 New

York Kxchangee and rhlOAfU Board uf Trada eltker fur cash or <»n laargto.

aiQ BROAD AT. fVallonal ^lale Bank Butldlafi,

iMWIINKYfnv Tetcplioa* imu Newark, Newark, N. J.nfiRja

Orange Nattonal Manu UtiUdlag, Orange, N. L _____ 1 *l*|ihon* 4M. uranf*.


■flAtNRV KT„ A 1 with board.


n CUTAEWORK — w a n t e d . SXPkRIKNCFD Prfilestant girl: good ooos and lamiilreas;

■reall family 1 on* capable of taking ehar«e . reier- ence. ('alitlEMUKTUT. 3I

J J AI.MF V m ., ,44 • FT'EtNIhllED H«K)ifa TGL let wUb hoard ; crforfiices.

HGU'iKWfJRK-^HRL preforrM, for geuerat

fhmlly : bealof reforeane.w a n t e d , g ehm an

bniieowork la icnallII


A RFFINEli WIDOWiHi WlHHKfl TU MEET n gentleman w Ito will aMlat bar

Address WIli.iW, Box H. Newvofllce.

H AFtNBmi KAPMEfWr lOOARTAUf RAND.ruade harnew frnm ■*( upi algo M

carta ffoni |io up aud seui* cheap Rone*, a ih SM mClH r»T>

H 0ltSR -|U CAHH BUYN RinaEMT BAR* galb ever offered ; co»l owner liae laM tuiamait

tmiet rata* the money ; AnoT-.vear-uideound.biocky* built mare: welghi 1,3on; Chii fcravellnf I iiilt^ i* fur any huelnea* or work purnoeee; wamaMd alrlolly euund and kind; wrek*a trial.I______ PWlVATKRl AKUi, «• Bi4>opaflrid are

n URAk |T)R HALE, A HTYLIHH, WELL- bred, dark bay oatrlage and aaddla bevee witki

runafowi wagon and karnnas conapIrW, re reaeonn bie |)rtce. hnree aoid Engly Ifdontred, A ^ y at, owner's prtva;* Itabln m.AKEKAN'« OOnAGFV Llewellyn l^rk, urange, N. J. 84k

H oh»e ^ k>od lio itns. w E iaB T i,io»r ■nltabi* for gconer, mllknsaa, or fbnilly ueeti warramed eouiid and kind: alio bakePs wigoa*

and baronaa. tall at *• MAIN aT„ E. Orange, ub


AI.HKY HT.. IS4-FVHMhHBD and buanl by day ur aeek. tih


H OUdF.WORK-WANTEn.gl rl for general boittewerk,

apce. In a Ihniliy ef two.1

EXPKhlENrRD wltb good refrr-

call41 hobevillk a v r .

H OimEWOKK-W ANTED, OIRL FUUOKN- eral faoueework : Qrrtnaa or bwed* prelknM.

Call MKH, FEKHV, ai Kabyaa pL. CUnton 'Iowa- ■bip '-*Q

ouH xw uaic-w iN TaD . A THuunnaki-YI Illh

L-ojupeteniglrl for general kouNwork. Apply 41 MOUTH m a ple AVE., KaitOrange.

I IBKRTV AT., sa jrurnlihtil rot^nis: ginxl bmnl

T UMHARr»V ^J ^ m l good bi ard

>t-yw ht., 44 1 ( boitrd. for ijeallauii

nuAIHiTNO: hath.


NT., J1 Pl.RAHAKT private fomlly.


KRO.NT kU(iM, WITH GGUD all Improvement! ; ceii

Iral.'V'lCKl.Y FrllvT-^nED RrwiMN. WITH riR i v wlthiiut board. In private family ; Knth ; ihraa rolmitw' wulk tu iviiitflylvaniu hallroad J>epol. fiSg Addrc^ M. Ji., ikii t , Newi omi**.

1>A|tK PL. V. PHONT llOUMrV board, also table board.

w m iI'll

n nuaiw oD Kgirl to aeelei wim general housework.


at No. 284 N. FIcTH bT., huaevllla 1

OEBMAN OIRL,~ and wasblog;n iiUHEWOBK-WANTKD. mi

general housework. Ironing bring refereni-e. 1*7 UltOaD Ml'.

HoraRWemK oiKL Wa n t e d for q en -eral bouseworK. Oail at oaca.

1 i»a LITTLETON AVE., oor. Ilth ave.

n nUsRWORIC-4'iEHMAN-AMKhlCAN UIUL for light boueework.

I W. 7A LI FF. lAO Beltevllle av*.

HUIIHEWORE-WANTED, a YOUNG OJBL for geueral bouaework ; two In faoklly. CAIl at





P o w e r o f I J i h t .? n m tha Pblloaeiphla lte«M .

A local BclaQtist bos rsceotlT mxite sotds IT7 intanatlDa tests wltb lights at MS and

flecloras th a t a white light can he smd farther thaqoD j other. ^ red light ouniei next inoarrilng power and green ranks third. From •litT to eighty per cent, of light Is abeorbed hr red and nlnetf-llre iier cent, br grreo gleu. The percentage of abeurptlun, ot ciiuisi, In- orenoee In ratio with the deniitf of the color in tbe glens, snd the coiiditlnnof thestmoo- phsrs hoi eontldsrahle Influence on tbe range of vlslbllttr of the lights. _______ ______

MARRtAGEh.STORrn-BRAKT-at ttai rtildssraof th* brids,

>nto.tIS, br lb* I'sr- hr. bflBbniok*. Ostjrg* Bobsrt hterab and kmios Ktsncwi Prani. both of Ibis s U f . ___________

DEATHS.DAHRICTT-On Augost M, ust. C*a*rine, wtf*

el John Ilensii.AflsllTsi suO trtsnd* ol tb* Ihtnitr *™ nspicl-

tdllr tnrlied to attend the hinsfsl from her lets issltlenee, ^o. 11 Uohio «i»st, ,□ Wrisr. engbst II, St it* A. M., u PI ColumOs’i Church, where a High Mine ol Hrqnlem wUl bs oflhred lot tbe repoM of her ecuL InurineDt In iheCemeterrofihe Ifelf aspolohre,

KATO*i~On ths »tU Inet.. *1 ht» Isle TsildenM, ^o. 201 trorker street. WlllUni H. ksion. to hli dtih gear.

It cues of foceral iierealter.HtIL’K.-Oil Wednemsf, A u»u.l » , Peter Hack,

widower of the Inis I bereu Uuok, sgedM rssre tomobiha . . . .

Toiieralwlll take piece on SstiiTdaT, sepleraber 1, irora hie eop’i reeldeoce, Mf. Andrew Hock. ISS reonlnglon etreet, at I t ’. M. heletiree end Itletide, steo oflloere snd membstsof thsttidsf of I nlisd f riebde, A*. hM* are ktwUr IcTltad to aUssd. InteruiSDi In Pelrmount csmsierr.

WAt-L-On ThuAfer, A iiguit M. St tbe neldencs of hie psreiiM, -No. «1 recosd etrast, Xeornr,

J., (dm rd WoU, htlored eon of allsu Cses and eiepoNO of 'fhoniis Usee

KoUce of ftiseral hsreifter.

O estli Clstraa Polil !■ Mswork anil Ttslwitj ts-A ag leg M strspsU toa Life lee . Os.

, Prsia. Anl.■lies Clsrs, 10) Bergen it ...... .. . » fit* ®

i , KVlLhlAlI*, east.iw-iu-ii; hterkst n.. esrur Hiiwr-



Ktobslmlof epsotslt.r. HdrdtUlUOltAItuJfiAVR, osiwstu Ha/i* snd Joise tta W)


r t Brood tk Ales iltiUbn* iJserr Blablat ’ ssdSC lsret Tstsphoi* IS).

M K R T IK O fl.

A e r ic iA i . MEKTiNy o r ■h io k l a y m w snd Msesse' Vnlon Mo. land Ne.llwiUh*b*ld

at ha W Itarkol tl. Frldaf STenlag. A good aP tsndsae* U minsstsd. *i buetssia of UaponaaM wUIhslraaesstsA M hboupim • to w T a i i r .

HOCHKWUBK -H I ’RONO OIttL Wa n t e dfor geueral bcMuework.


H ddkrw okk- w a n t k d . afcaeral bouaawork in a email family.


tu ui.baviLLi!: a vr

n nUAKWORK WA.NTED, OIRL PUlt (JEN* eral bouaework; ale* a uerec gi rL

46 MURRAY HT.OUHKW’iRK teneral Imusewurk.



n1 |Ul.!HEWUaK J leral hcHiuwnfk.1 1 UVHKWURK - WANTED, VOUNG (HKL J 1 for light bouMwerk, m WaBHINQTON nT. |

OFKUATOliB AND UAHTElUl WANTED, F&I • ......................

Kh.( T«m^T,,4; with iKwrd

-jJICIlMoMi HT. 74-GKNTLIIM llerw antel


riGARD, plffaiAui room ; bunif cMimforta. S9g

tjTKnsKNP :111 private fumily.

-I . r.y eaht oraNg k - BgaRD ____Mf

H0.4KH WANTED.T>OAMD WA.NTKD BY A HE'-PFr’TABK LADY J lla private rainlljr : (cnlra) loraJify. AiMre»I I'TAHLk:, kci D, NewsoJRoe.


THJC FAIR. «TKIN A Blau, ie6-if«ji Hprlngflald ava

fi.^u rmiili.ln vyegiasaci . | l AJaasa IhibbI* apfuiHC’SH e^cs »4auiii>*d free. Mb

A I’VKUirnh MKNT- I'tUl ALL NEW YORK papers rrc*lv»t1 and Innerteil at regular olTloe

raira S'* CAll F.t KKUM (XJMMI-hI' >.4 A4EKU F. N. ifltiMMKH,

etil Rroad si., Newark

Vl.l, MMiS fC WHlS'UKilB AND CARPICT swe.’ptii r*pslM«]: r'll SJo. uu; warrautM;

Iraaie* at TI Market st.FlriLIP MrtlIVNEY.

OrKliXTOIlH WAHTtb OK FtKR PAN7U: •taadywork. Nt>. lOjlPRlNflFIKLI) a VK. cj

I FOLiHimuB—Wa n t e d , two o ih l h ; f x - . perienotd lellflhers on wheels. KFKvcklt

QPUCAL UP., comer M, H. eve, and CottagrsL I

called 1<rJ Hiul tluhveml fra*. P.VIKINg Cg,. H4 I'laiteeL


KOFIf-CHAIN Ma k er s WANTED (QlllL^), llnkaia and phargere, ky Alii>LPU Wa h h -

MAN. 4* Franklin u ., ttalnt floor raar. _____ *7gG1HL9 ; FAinTF'JI

hMp, all aAllonalUles and ooloroil uelu, best of referenowL apply Mii8. dak- TGN. Employiaent Oflioa, IM lltgu ec- l

W A A*TV wHbiOf ftrn-eiaa

W ANTED-YOUNG LADY TO I.RARN1----- ---------------

81b___ TO

telegraphy ftir pealtlon. Panleelarv,810 DRDAD ST., top r onr.

'i i t a b h i n g - . a g ir l Wa n t e d to » waehlpgand Ironing. 14 R. PARK AT.

BHPLOTHRMT WANTEII-IHALEs1)ARTKNDRHwmRXPER!KN(;RD and RFe- Jyilablf young nianvlsheaaitcsfly poiillon; ran furnieb fltet-claeareforMrei.*n FLTKK V«JHSTEfl, 27* Waverly are.cUy.liOOK-KEKPEB ___ __________I ikeepet deelrts ■ifoaboit; liret of reforence.

EXPERIENCED B(K)K-dffae B'UOK-KaEPE«~Pox E.'NewVomre~ ' 81ti

miCKllY OLKHK -w YOtlNU MAN, II. \T a a o l e a tItnaUon In Ib t grocery buslneea, wbolwale or rviail i refotence, Addme >Jg ______ OhucKHY, U« Neisau it.IJAINTER-YOUNa X yeare at iialniinc, woi man very reaaenably andWard wUh kirn

MAN, WHO nPK.Nri would work for eonie good

Is rtiyor country.Mb WCOMMUNtPAW AVE, Jeriey (Hy.V O U N U MAN.TJ TEARS UF AUK, WOl’I.D X ilka to Irern patem making or worvi lurning;

wontd beard W|ib ezuployer in 4i1ly or country. t7h M-IOuMMUNi / a W AVK,. Jereey City.

Y o ung KAN w is h k ' mituatiun at a n y .tblRg; oao give eecurlty. Addnm

Ig aOMAlN Kf., Kaintrange.


A nnoD e e h v a n t h u p h .iku at khurtanU0*e Af we procure !ltuatlaa4 wUheut

Charge togirla wesentrally have apiiUciUons for Biaure. LUTE KMFlg VMK.NT h/FFiCaS. 740 urged H lai

( GtKAl* FAMILY sJli'F, STORK -La DIFK* kid. M|>, huttfin (I: laillcs’ kid, tip, button,

yi l.t, IhdifV kill, tip, laj'cd Mlacbrm. |1 mtmi* ■prlQS lire, Dp htiiton. T.tr. tofl; niaii'a lewad, itti-nl, II, Jtirin 4 f|JK> lared and idiifreeA, 81,18; uirnA rm-et Malv atii IimcheiT. It '.if; tioyfi* ilne Jt'wf, . yo'tliPi" rtrw laced. Wc; children'! Bpriur he'’!, ill', hultoit, !■« tu II. nlc. (» Vtc, at Vi m, j . .McKhNNAVn, sT* Plane et.. near Will­iam et. lagg i a. MINTGN, MASGN AND Hl'lLM^K^ * ■ }■ urii.ici*!i, olvlernY; ehimneyi biilit and re- palretl. walla rritalrvd aud whllrDed.U.f,j :!l WO..S1-KINNKY S1-. H«Dil piatal

n r. DGHN. TUANCE MEDIFM, CaN •cojieulied fruoil A. M. tn? P. H


27 fr a n k lin at.

J AIHES^A FRIEND IN NENU IS A FIUETO jipdewt If you waata rerilaior thatBeverfiiit

aid reti 111 a W U M A .V' A xj E D. 11G M K. hti nUiA N. Y.

I ADIKH w is h in g pnlVATK NURSING, 41 j HOWa HD. opp H(l|>it{ix au, cnafliUBtlal treat­

ment; lofanta aHloptOti docior In alieodance. A*a

M1DW1FJ.J-UKRMA.N WIDWIFF. WITH diploma ; IS yean' axporlrooe ; women nuri4Hl

ai her home; everythiug otilnt Mr SIS KlfHITIt AVK.

Mr MINCH HAH HKMUVKD FRilM IM Radgcr are., to St Wlllla<a at., i>**r Wath-

liifteo, wbere vhe will alUnd all ladlra wUhlitgfij^veten'.iraltLf; twenty yriart' experleec* ; dociora n attendance, I7f

MHH, D 'KLKY. MIDWIFE FOHMKHI.Y OF 178 ferry et., bat removed to

4a 104 VAN BURIN AT.

1)EIHM)NAL-IK YOU HAVE DLOUD PniSON Ik sri'ond or third itagre, write C jOK

HEHEDY c iMRtNV. i blragg, ut.. kj; Maaouin Teinple, end leara of a quick and permuuent cure, Stf

AddreiK. C. rA ITO UTB, 480 BnaA St

. GOOD UUKRS FOiT T wihS work for aala 81 KBAHNY AVE., Keany.HE.


H mRME, UAHRIAGK aalt, |fl). ■■

AND HAKNENH TORU Lh lita Hog B« UndOD. N. im 1


W. RANEY «m tO ,


The largtsl asenrtmenc of high elaie draagh^drlvDig and eaddle hoT««e In lb* Alata.

Matched pal re a specialty.Aevoral email puDlee ou hand ruHS.

________________________ ^Telephoa* 41L

- miKS^MAKlNGs

A - a.- WK announce tu WnHKixn •girls only Ihnt an cveiilttg drswimaklag niaei

will It* formed In at a in»cu rMliiredrale ; all braurtivR uf lit* trade will ba iHtivlit Io the ■aliRfaettOD 111 aoholam. call any evatjlng at dll'* eitUruad ht, H. J'. la>lorCa 88k ____________ M. K rifHrMTTE

A -A . MrDOWM.L U R M HH U T T I N <1 • ebiHJl. Wetoac'ti lha eritim art of French

itrvMinaklikg: piipiii innk* thalr own dr*e«es wuiIh learniitg ; call ur Iffiid lor circular paper pattarH cui ip nlea1urT K. C. CUA WLKV.sit llroad nt.8dhI a KINuJ /ing liabitn. '



T H E orrr l in e (h f iu n o f ie l dAVFO hale RTAHi.EA-'A laige

stock of nrsLciam horsreaiwayionbaml,____for inJ* or eseheag*. at tba loweel ma^ .

krl price*: draught, driver* amt ieiMiral puVpoee hor*«t: a fair irla) ^rmi aad all etoek sold to be as tcpreet&lwl or caalt refondod. Call aad eat the gookla MICHAEL RTKVHEK, ITopnetea______rpKAM <>F YOUNCiaul^NfJ HOREE0, DOUBLE X iiarastit, eud buelnoia wagon.

41 ZB4 UABSIDE ST,W^AUUNn! w agons !>| HAVE T5 NKW VT wagoiia. Inicxa, ei prase, grooe^ aud buloher

wagena, aurrey bugglea, apludle and road wafoai. cte., R>r aale. 4. faTlPLI.'^, dale aaJ Bxcaaa|t ntaolOB, 818 to 823 Oeatral ava

ri'N>n•^O lfhngfy . harncM,

HORAg, AIDE-Da B ’Ic; all In good ordrr

1 \VA i n i l NU AVK. A.HD a L1h6 i hT . Oranga


I yiANU- THK tELR<IA NT UPRIGHT PIANO which Was not Meld at Rfictloh yealerilay wlU M

ORANUE DHFHS r r iTINu H(;i|Oi»I. -OPKN ait vummcr: Taylor Hyifoni thorouibly

taught; alao ciitRux- dulug. draping, makinf, do- alfnlttg aud iliilahing: wo t*mib l.t (fHTcrtiu ityke of walats. iTtiK'sK dre aat. Jarkale. oi:>aiA uJatart aod ca taa: a wrlltan giiarinlaa glvAu wlie eater; flritl-claan dree^nmklnii at rnliurtHl pricti* open diy and avriilnga ;ap*cla1 ludugemrinu offered to all laeraliut ayitein dorinv July an>l aualnc (iIaI 1*wran4 given free. All the laiaet l-'r nOli elyieaaretobereru at MAKY K, I.VNCirri. 'iS }24 Main at, Uranga. Decker Roildlng.

I ’ EATHKIf* CUMI.ED WHILE YUITWAIT;mtrirb iralhar l>o*i WNrie and rerled; kid

glove*, neck Ui-i aud faecy lanw 'clvaiied equal to Dew. MU-. L SVlLLLs, 24 Urchard sL 24b

11** wringkrh a n d c a r p ft*iw#eprr« nred repairing eaod

]io«ui. KulU wbite rubber rolli from 7tien i4up. Called for and ileJvered (re*. wringani bought audI reded la for new onaa

WrtlNGKH RgPAIR m . ________________ «N ew *i

J ACNIR TUI.r. THE (’AHPENTMl, WANTS work. t*B)n«)Tl(JMK.NUR sr . I

M*cr.jUMAl!K-AA T CH E I.H, triw-kelbo-jk*. maaonV tool baei

and irunkioronrow n lUanuiaoltir* repairing protapUyatiendel to. 93) RliGAU opp4jtlt* Wai'iloftOi


nooD*s WARtHouawi 2M TO no tv AailtNOTO.T ST.,

DeL Rank and Academy ik,

■£jrnoi*sTKmNfi a n d REpAiRiNaMHltrvMea made and made over; I'arpete laid:

Curtains and hbade.4 mud* and bung.A. UKR.Mi SKDT,

*33 Hroml ii.,hcl. Ureruand Franklin eta

^ frc '. pia n o s a n d o iu u n r tunk*d. r f . MJpalTOil. (iKOlUiK HUNT, 2M Market at Ate

HOO K-KKEPBIIrorcpc’teiu to 4o ettber, dMlrei* pueitloa

oahhjkh.- ____ , dMlre paiiL

AddreaT L. A., ll« Nareau it./ l)JAMEEltMAlD-<lUOD (IKHMAN UinL ^'Oeslrc* position at upeuir* work dr hcMiewoHi In a email fomliy ; Oenaan-Aroericaii prefrrr^.3 call IK AL’AUi'.HY hT/SOOK-WOlfAN WANTA SITUATION Afl x^caok Id email foaSiy. 1*l*aw cell at uore Wh ________ y i W4JUTH Ni.NiJi ST.

C1i>OK-~<jpMPBTklfTaK>K WANT4 PLAVE /private mmUy ; Uk* full oharge. Addraei

1___________ 18 KOBSUTH wTsf-lOUSKWOHE-raWANFEJ). MTUATIOT BYlla y d d a g f lH Ibrllilit boueework or apsteln work, Addrere o. Newi olbea I

H uusk w o r k ^ iir lAt geaeral boaeaworE


A -A . 81.K fH ALL WE Oil A ROE tTm u J • |Hi|wra fatr siM room, tseludlng gold pan- r

aid bonier; palming and traleomlttlaf doue at pricra t» axuuii'ih »yii\ uur work !■ guaraitired. I HK PAIH, ^telo A lUau. IM 1*8 i^pnnjtfleld ave.

A -UKIiMUb, W. (T»NK (XL, ■ 18 and 20 NEW sr..

Pa in t KR-. a n d uelxjrators U rgeet Wail Pajwr amt Wall

Kooldink Uoua* In tbe huiaJ HAD* ham ple flu err

IsUWFj*!' pbR ^ at uki ati* ilouea Palntlnt Papsr Hanglug.

Dret work only at low nriewi.47c 38aad KNKW HT-. near Broai]. white building.

A DAMS’S nRttOKLYN W.tLL PAPER STORE —1 aiU patter any folralted room with gold

paper and wide imrdar, Including reialrljig, for | l M1 aleiMv* (io Hntt-cliM piduilag. gralnbig, kal- eomlnlag. plaftaring Hjid timing. Kortbeebreoretpriretin (he%liy>a*i4d peau! card* lor aamulre, or

‘ ~i JBrtiuilyii Wall l*aprr K|gr* ami select your

1 ItDFKaaiON.ALs



Beildrnco end Oflioa 8&» RROAD BT.,

Oppirtite WMlUngtoo pL

Office TToure—B—lOt 1—8, T—8. l elepboiie 838. 89e

nAHllltPtN VAN DUY.NK,-‘terveyur aed l>ea]*rlD Real Batata

7Sl Rli- )A u at.FldalUy TRIeCo. Ruiidlnr- Fitate* dlvfdad. Ft-

llniuiea of rain# of propertr clvtii. Asb




n *EM O V A L-40H NJ I d k nta l

c. imApr. a rt a . HUlUiE'iN, 8 WEST PARK ST„


Aa FUKMKltl.Y.

^'lOLLW'rMNM \ /geld and elWer bought at


UK 8TAMP>W!iiI>rs716h

OLDVKKHlh:>r't i LA llrt>ad It., near Clay.w a n t e d , A HKC.'UNn-IlA.' D, llOLL-

J ./lop drek in gaud ontrr. LIVuRO iNCAN- DEnCk.N1 L.\ MP C Harriion. N. J. I

A'l1 \ khk- w a n tfd J /foot oak rou top de^k. 1 AKTi

ilAilUAlN, 3>4.\4 l lu ii KUHHKLL llloomflaid.

(K)l.r>, HII.VER A.NU JEWELRY MAHTIN, 131 Markel il.. rnlranoe

ou flaiaey lUOLD


\1^AM(CJ>-A DIAMOND TV 1 Addm* c a sh . Rei U. New* office.


_ 2«n, illver sky* d'lgr cllpiisd iroufid body ; Undjir will plrene return or nullfv eyii ubtalTt re*

Ra i.


orfrrrd at prlvai* ( make me an olTcr. Mg

mull aell ; call at onoe aixt Private reSIdeuM



A a . - A. - A lAlTUP hAKMS, JKWELLER’d •hrurtioeaud niaeblaery rhiiap, at


A A.-DHOP PRSSs Kh IN h IOCK.• 1 LF.V K H ntU K , TS U aclian lo il.

a HA('nir]r'B-i wu jirrcH iN us ftOiLEju J. \ for bothouia um, and g lan for sale.7h 14 a r„ ri-astorangaI^UlLElt

16-Hoiee Power Upright Dollar for sal* APudRpe'i laaae; price |3H.


Inquire of FtTBMSfrBH,FvNotnr New* offlea

1)ARTIEH h a v is o SKCOND-UA.ND b o il rraand aaglnei for aale will And It to their Io*,

tvreet IO ■eti'l da4cr1p(Ujii aui price of eame to i HKvYknA PHILUPJ’RlRUN WOAKO, Newark, S .J . v t


.slVt GARTNER ECO., 704*798 BROADBT.1 he larg^ Pafoal Offioe la ihe su ia


Y. U. r. A.I Newark, ,H. J.; all kind* ordraiigbtlac; #1 scute I neatly, eui'li as inairhinn drawlngt, and euy Kind nMealgulng for oatalogure eta; eolloltora; of Anierfoan ami forrlgn iiairnle: eip^rU In pafoalj 4’a ^ ; French, Garmatt and KcAudlnavlan lan- Kuagm ■ptikan: up'’!) Friday avanlnga nalU 0 o'cEook; prompt aUaattoo always.


FREDKIITCK oTFRAKITraSU Huoreaeer to Campbell A Ua


P ATKN 10, I l M. a n d FOWEIGN.oMaloed for ell oiaseee of lavMtloa,

lUNltY J. MILLK t,BoJiCltororpat*(it<iaod .Uaonaaloel Knglaeer

(Lateof uraue A MUler».KO Rroad Mb,

TIoomR 100 and lOl, Newark, N* J*

I JATK.Tm-DRAKF ALi).Kotii'ltore ol American anl Forelm FafeeaM.

Aiier:ie/N In imient i-a«aa before the U. iL Ooufta Mechaiilaal and Riectrlml Knqlaeen and Fzparia C'oueuliatlon free. TK RRUa d s i ‘. I'lieoLdatt ew labllriUed Uooie In Ufo Riafo. Twaoty-dvo yaaiF | experfonre. tlerman e]»tjken.

AtlCXUl.t .SALEit.-■ BAT.tiWlA.M Wih.bianab^.,

W t- 1-V n ilN't KROM RRlirr RTAM)I!< iltoaiof AoiieuerG to Market e t. on al lrici-s.: ,

til l<Axi I'range, pocktltxiok e*nlalolngffi In bilJa euina change; lUau card ot Calvla b. Lyan. Il^ wart If reluraed tuI IS THOM FSUN RT.. Ei*t Orange.

I OSTv A RANK liOUK ON THh HOWARD J'avlnpliutlluilen. Finder will plteee relurn

to bank. ________

w«vuR SALE

• iv iz . x a fb t^


call _188 ORANGR STs

H OimBWOHE-OlRL WANTS POSITION AT geaelal homtimrk. call u LKM E A VE. 1

TTOUBEWOHE'^WOHAN WANtSplace XX graetai hOMaiTQrk. sn PLANE su


TlfPROVRJ|.ta.WANTBb WORK AS IMPROV. X tr fUl Btlilaery, or aa laleawoiiiaa in etere, ar a 8 asrtkto^ a««rH |t twUOlllO , M s 0, bsws *a*a

pipsraoi. wu mrnr * Intl llss «f eboKS inbS'b such H blaaks, flat*, fllta. *iiibM.*d, lufislri, Obtl illeat tergeii aeMrimetit In Htaie, and lell at («o<•■■s»iaer SOS T-oiisr, _ , _lory prlren Wall paper boncht of u tilnimed by mioblxi*frea openevrsloge tiUe. WaeeJIpaper foomt centearoTi up lo | l K SIX BUOrilK'tH. Decoraiore. iMpBr-baogen and Fatateni; Anit claM work gaaraoteed i G8 rprlngAdd ave.» mar iDvh at. BSd


l \ n . HOLMKH^^hpkCIFrc'^A SURE AND X/pnaRlveciire lorair femiiie trraguUrlilei. a4> drewi H-H tVmdso *t.; MuII'a above High on OniralAveaiC. li. ^■iiltb, Ki Rroad ili Celumbiaa Vhrrtiiacy, illgb and bueaeg avA, aud all dniggleti Frtreti. 8U

IIEDUINO, BTO U^ ETC.D. C n im uN S. .tuoiloneer, will eqU at the ial«a>

mom. No.34f MAhKh.T HT.sOn FRIDAY- ^ (lo’diorrow) at IB o’clock^

Elegant KquareatKl Upright Plano Rng and Ptoib Parlor Hnlte. Uliaiubur buRA Mantel Mirror wlib V uelo nox atucbpient, Centre i able*. IMnlog reom yurnilure. Cbatre. Dru«ael« and Ingrain i.ak holding L«Ia RMitieada i.ugaulleliME, KaaF* Ing laompi, Palntlngff, tloeoM, Mottmaee and a variety of FnridtuT*, etu, eie. Alee large sale on heturday ai 10 ofokwk, whom the conieftta of a Monh> Clair realdenoe will be oold without reetrva. t

YJU a NUH ok t h e n e w YORK w a ll PA- jFperecenfo will paper any ifo* room* with gold paper and gold horden, r1 a rooati pleaee aeod jMMal oardiJ vafoUag, kalintnlnlnf ami deeota4> lnf. 11. KATHUVSEfWIpflaaAetaava. haeuthuraiife are na

XT ERVOUh . - _____ _ . ___ON ar^ ail dleeavoB treated without paycured.

tiRHlLlTY. RLUOl) POiWfNlNO..... ............. . . ... until

Addreaa F. U BuX 18A Newari. FitLtVKUY STAniaFoA.

l>DOrKS'»Ult X meaksal ‘

GEY4EK. MAIMAQKMeaiiiOllya lid XASi tWKN IT.. New Yorfc


8. 0.i.awnKHZ. v.«L

BKVK.SlU » ' ...........taiUs* ssOst sIsiHrio usaluMsi •3 tn u c r itu n u tsa

N E W A E K— -


K e c o a i k < e u e m n 0 N t a j s .

rVlU»B»O A ILY , I X O E r T SU N D A Y S,

' ■] I t r «

iraiu Ins nmn coipoj,a i6 - a i7 M A B K E T 8 TKKET,

K cw arll, a*«•*»**•*»<

D«IW*r»d byeuriari in any part N*w-Hk, Th« O iin ja i. H*ifi»on, Kaamy. Summit, 8•ll•«i.1•, Montclair, Bioomfiaid. and all ■aighborinf tovrna

Mail lubacripliona. fiva dollari a yaar, or eanta a month, poitaga Iraa. Singln

eapiaa, two eanta. Oalnarad by carnara In SawaiV. tan caoU a waak

0 rdina7 ad«artitamanta, tan eanta a hna, m t t .^Wvartltamanta undar haadi of Wanted, Ta Lat, For Salt, Parional, ate., ona cans I word, but no eharga taaa than tan eanta aach Inaaition,


5B,5Ca eertlfleataa aggragaling fl06,J1S,CKX) and had paid i urlng the your elaiina ag- (tregaltng __________

OWKKIW, OKIn hla taallmonT before ttia National

Labor Cominladon, the prealdanl of the Vullman t'nr Coaipanr preaoiited ado- fence of hia potUlon anaumed dtiring the recent labor troublea at Pullman, Mr. Pullman found no diflloully In deraon- atratlug to the Commlaaton that to ad- eance the wagee paid would hare meant the conduct of the car roanufacturlng de­partment of the bualneea a t a bearler Iona. There aeema indeed to be little doubt, Jud(t- ing from the evidence of numeroui wlt- neaaea before the Commlealon, that tha fun­damental irlerance of the men employrd at Pullman related to rent. They felt that the charge upon them ahould

, have been radifoed. H hne been Impoaclhle for the men to eetabllah home*

TALlSTOMTAlBEIi!A Sooth Carolina Congrigsman Who

Arao9«9 the Hoosa.

fromo fth elrow nln the Tlolnlty of the worka j ,tuti-(.)ptlou billi


The Man Who Ilrramrrt Hint He Wn» In I'nranliirr and haw Home Alllaiire Man Tlinrn—The |-«lnter and the Law Fnll- Thn knil Fat* of the trl»titunn'e Pupe, unit Their hlajen* Iteiuark.

RcprerentatlTB IV. Jnrpor Talbert, of the Hacoinl t'onKre*- lliwlHct of Huuth Carolina, li one of the inost InveU-rato ntury-telli-ra on the lk.,r of the iloiLie. He U a rnnner, anil ilellglita in taking a ally at the lawyeia, whom he regariltas the Irailitlonal enomieii of the agrk'uiturW. Here nre aome auetelotei

recent speech by Mr. Talbert on the

Neither land nor houaaa were for aaie. If

■OHB LIGHT ON LAI’aSH.To lha annual report of Commlailoner

George 8. Dnryee of the State Depart­ment of Banking and Iniuranoa, Jnat Mauad, the inquirer for facU and atatiatioa oonoernlng Induatrlal life Inanrance lapeea naturally turna. The &cti theraln le t fbrtb by the oompanlet may not at all aurprlae Inniranoe exparta.To foma other people they will be limpiy ■mating.

The indnatrlal tninranoe bnalnaai In thli Stata la dona by alx oompanlea—the Prudential and United Btatei of Newark, the OlUnna* ICntual of AtlinUo City, the Metropolitan and Germania of New York, and the John Hancock of Uaeaa- eboHUa. The Atlantia Uty Oompany baton the yaar with Ode Induitrial polloiea Itar |B ,4ai in New Jeixey, and Uaued 7,175 polloiea daring the yaar for |U7,900. In that t in e t,SS8 New Jarwy pollotaa “ •iM ed tobe in toroe." In Ua biulnew b a n and eliewbera the company raporta that daring the year 10 potlclea oeaaed to be in force by death and 6,4U by lapae.With that proportion oyer 1,360 of the Hew Jferaey termlneted polloiea moat rep- reaent lapaaa.

The Prudential Company’i record of poUelea *' ceeaed U) be In force " during (ba year la intaraatlng. It ahowi that the nninber terminated by death wot 30,530, and their amoanttS,8M,033. The number that eeaied by lapeeawaa 770,646, and their •moont 168,687,338, That la for the buai n aa thronght lha country. In New Joraey UO.lSl Induatrlal polloiea for (14,761,819 eaiaad to be In foroa daring the year. It the proportion of twantyfiye lapaaa to one death bad held good here that would tnaaa that orer 115,000 of theae repreaaot- ed lapaaa.

The United Btatea Indoitrlal Company’i report b eren more remarkable. That eutarprialng oonoem reporta that daring the year 58,437 polloiea oaaied to ba In loroa, 1,564 of them by death and 81,843 by lapea, The proportion there la about ilxty lapaaa to one death. That la on boalneia throughout the country. In New Jeraey 81,614 polioiee oeaaed to be in force daring the year. They repreienled 668,668. If the proportion held good oxer 81.000 of there reprerented lapeea.

Bo mooh for the New Jaraey Indnatrlal eompanlee, The Germania Company doea but a trifling induatrlal bnalneiia In Mew Jeraey, the number of pollciei In fbree being only 427. The MetropoLttaT Oompeny't report of pollntre “ ceawd to be in force ” ibowa by death 61,138, amount |8Ji84,836, and by lapae 841,882, amount (1(17,887,043 The proportion here li about lliteen lapaee to one death, the large ordinary Ufa btulnen done no doubt de- •raaainglt. In New Jeraey 78,819 induatrlal poUelaa oeaaed to be In force during the year. Orar 73,000 of tbem muat have rep- naented Upaea. The John Hanoock Company doea not lapae poltclea aller they hare run for a certain time, but Ua reportehowi that while 10,183 policlea, j npretentlng (1,141,8(0, oeaaed to be In force by death, 212,277, reprcaentlng (26,- 061,702, ccaaed to ba In force by lapae.

' That waa on the general bualneaa. In Hew Jereey 7,188 pollclea ceased to be In force during the year. If the proportion of twenty lapaee to one death held good about 6,800 of theae mutt have repreeented lapaaa.

Iq other words If the proportlona for the general buelneae held gaud about 13,000Induatrlal Inauranoe potlclea “ ceaecd to be in forae " by death In New Joraey laat year and about 233,000 ceaaed to be in force through lapaee. The reporta prerentod by the Commleafuner do not abow what the people who failed to keep up their policies bad paid In. They do not ahow how mneb now buil- neaa the unlucky aganla had to make up to the eompanlee to atone for the Inability of poUey-holdera to keep up tbclr pay- menta.

What they do ahow il tho mlafortune of the pollcy-holdera and the importance which " lapiea ” have in the buaineaa. To the oonalderattou of the people and the Leglalature uf New Jersey. this repurt Is n ipectfally cumraended.

Other figures that It preaenta are of such magnltnde as to challenge the attention. In the ordinary life Intnraiice business, 8,294 policies for (22,271,853 were Issued In the Slate daring the year. There were 42,588 policies in force in the Slate a t the end of the year, their amount being (107,- 882,875. The premiums collected amounted to (3,827,680 and the death claims paid to (1,728,112.

I t is when the business of the so-called Indnatrlal companies gAd that of the fra­ternal aucletiei la taken into couaide^a- tlon, however, that the axleul to which deallnge with IBSurance coF’pdrauuns enter into the life of the people ia best

'comprehended. In the State 302,603 in-' dnatriol poitclei for (37,887,303 were Issued lnl883; the ttumhor of policies In fogee December 31 was S(l,472and their amuunl (66,381,660. The prcinluini uolleoted amonnted to (3,819,342 and tho payment of daath claims tu (1,286,476. The bual- tuMi srritteu exceeded tbatof the previaus year by 10,878 In number of policies and (4,806,464111 amount of Inauranoe. The average amount of each induatrlal policy 11(118.85.

The In ternal bcneflclary nsaoclatiuna, of which thirty-one have oomplted with the act of March 11,1863, and tiled reporit, had In force December 81 last In this State

the Tullman employe should undertake to purchase a home It must ba far away from hla work, and he would know that he would not bo found among the favored onea If tiackness of work ahould necessi­tate a curtailment of the force. Tho nat­ural dealro to acquire a bomealead, to be owned in fee simple and bequeathed to bis children asan Inherltanoe, Waacruihed oot of tho workman at Pullman. In this regard ths solieme of induatrlal develop ment In that looallty proved defective,

Abundant Illustrations, both In this country and in Europe, m ight be adduced to ahow the advantages of the contrary plan of encouraging workman to purchase and pay for their own homos. The vast land holdings of the Kruppa, a t Essen, Oarmany, have been devotod In every poaatbls way to the uses of the fifteen thousand workmen employed In the great •teel worka Evayy man la enoonrnged to buy or build his own home—la assisted in making the pnrebaae, if aaaiatancd bo noceasary. Aa one result of tbia policy Knsfn has become one of the model man- ufactnrlng towns of Europe. Where in­dividual owuon directly control the bomestaads and look after the InleresU of the neighborhood the moat powerful in- can tivaa to Industry, sobriety and orderly living may ba found.

It has bean urged. In defence of the Pullman plan of corporate ownership of homes, that In no olhar way could the exclusion of what Mr. Pullman styled ■•baneful Influences" ba lecured. This U by no means certain; but, even if (rue, the rwultlng advantage baa evidently bean as apples of Sodom to th e corporation. No Individual, no corporation, how­ever wealthy and powerful, can make headway ogrinst the inborn and in- grolntd aentiineDt wbioh leads men to desire ardently a home of their own, with a due share of control over the local interests of the vicinage. Wherever this privilege is denied dlseontent andiiidue- trial revolt find a natural and oongonlat larking pla c e , __________


•*A good old farincr hud loeiieil his one- horse wagoil vfltli Ills la-aiis and potatoes and ratilsLgca to start for market, and lu tho morning ha hiU'liHl up his old uiulo Jack that hod carried him to market many s lime and hronght him hack safely, ami ho mounted tiui neat of tho wagon with whip In liaml. Ua UroTO on, aiiil oil went merrily until they paiu# tu a loug, steu[i, slippery lull.

“ The good old faithful mule saw what waa Iwriire him Bud itopiv>ii; ho shook his heiul; he w. mid not pull. Tho fanner was a kluJ- hetirlwl ellow, as farmers griterally are, to he Irlwl Ui [irr»uud« Urn inulu to go oloug. He coatul him, thi-u he pluckml him, Iben. ns he Would not miivu, hr Ur>t tickled him wltli I he liiiiw, iind tlR'ii with ihu whip. HtiU he wi.iild not go. Then hu lilt him harder with lUu whip. I'iunUs he g.it down u|k>u the griiun l and tnel to run llio wagon up on tho

rilill Uie niilio would nut pitlL At

Hit. IIOWSKIl, KLECTIUCIAN.He Memts the iioor Hell and I t Itlags With

a YIm." Iso u r door bell an electric belli"

queried Mrs; Bowser tho other evening after tucking up young Bowser for the“•s'*'- . »o“ Out of order again, I supro''eT growled Mr. Bowser In reply os ho looked up from his paper,

" Every doorbell Is liable to get out of order onoe In awhile, Isn't i t ! ”

" No, ma'am. It isn’t. Gur* *> Vb” “" 'I dootbell in thli town which ever gets out of order. Do you know w li <t It has euat me to have doorbell men running up here every five minutes for the last leiiycurH,

" i t hasn’t bean out of order for a year before.”

" Hasn't 111 That shows how little you heed what U going on in t hie house- To my certain knowledge that doorbell hw had to bo repaired twenty-eight linics In the last twelve months. Tout t« over twice a mouth—onoe In every thirteen dajx I Is it any wonder-is H vny wonder, Mri. Bowser, that I can’t bunk a dollar to •avom yneckl Is It any wonorr that I have ii[ghtmarB every night and kick and toia and groan Ohd have dreams or the

didn’t aiiiwer, and he rose Op and aUiod before her, apoctaoh's In one ““J'd aod newspaper in the other, and contm- U6d !

“ ’The doorbell buatod again ->>“’6 ';" the tWBuly-ulnlli lime In a year I • ' thou­sand dollars paid out In I'.vo'V,® inonths to repair burled doorhcllsl Me might us well quit right hare and go to the poor- house." = . 1, 1, ."Y oncan'thlom em e,M r. Bowser, sheprotowtsd. u - i . #11" if you are not to blamf, then who isT he shouted. " I f you didn’t nUuid on tho itepa and Jab and jam on the outUm until the wire molted ur broke, U'en who dluT Don’t try to lay it on auiiio caller or *lf®"'-

" I’ll sec about having It ti*"d in}’",'’"-,* haven't had occusioii t» ring it In six months. 'Thero'a no reason to get excited over such a trifle.

W e T h in k o f S o m e t h in g

Besides sales. We’ve been in Newark long enough to know that the people are going to buy pianos. If all of them would buy at once, we'd be too busy —wouldn’t like it at all. It’s better as it is. Peo­ple to whom we showed pianos several times a year ago are ready to buy now, and we are showing pianos now to those who may buy next month, or next year, or in ten days. It doesn’t matter to us. We think farther than the end of each day.

• Come in when you like, as often as you like; buy when you get ready—pay as you find it con­venient.

K xci'iw roNS.


The Pvmphony la ready any tims yon ors. PInyi auylliiiiv “ by rvuosst ’’~at a tulaiile's Bu- tlcv. ’Tisut a toy 1 ll'a a woDiler.


S a t u r d a y , Sex^t. 1 . GOOD BIADS TOURNAMENT.

For tho couTenAonni of bh^yclti ridem tb« tmaH wAli Biop Ai Nortli Aibury Wtliwaffc Kirrftcvr for bicyolM.

fftMAKUit ^7fi££T £PW0/iTH UAOi/lTrfttD Iflaren stree t SUtlons CentriU

P. K., it 1;:AiI r . M- Utturnlntg, L«uth« Atburf ark P. M. Tickets, SlsOijsPark P. M. Tickets, SI

Ths New Jertty FVeic ZeUmtj that aaoh an " aooldeDt *’ w ootsurred os the Eagle Book grade of the Suburban Compahy’i railroad ahould be InviuU- gated by the Oread Jury. “ The euperin- teodFOl of the Eagle Book railroad." asys the German dally In lU most vlgoroua Tentonle vernacuUi, "hoa declared that | trisTtedhim the accident of lost Sunday waa ' unavoid­able.’ IfeO rnnd Jury, with or without Judicial InstructloDS, should examine inlo a charge against the ratlrooil oSlcials, made by a victim of • disaaler almllar to the one alluded to, as a test care, to learn the orlmlual responsibility of the oflicials,II might quickly appear that such oc- cldeiita are uot as ‘ unavoidable may seem. As the railroad companies, as a rule, are Insured against lones In damage sulti brought by vlellms of die- asters, the offldals have little couceru for iccldenta and their result. If 11 Is once made clear to them that under certain circumstances the penitentiary will yawn for them, they will quickly take a lively interest In the aefeiy of the public.’'It is a harsh thing to say of any men that they are IndtSkrent to rosponaltiUitlui In­volving the lives of others, but In railroad managemonl safety is ssorlfloed to often to mere avoidance of expenditure ami de­sire for increased gains th a t In many coses the conoluolon of tho FVete Zeitung Is un­avoidable. The bnslnesa of the ooiupaules which undertake to defend any and uU damage suits and to relieve, save in ex­ceptional insUiiicea, railroad and other corporations from llabllUy ontbisscuru does not encourage corofulneu. Il is a budiieis which many are coming to bc- llevs Is against punLlo policy and Is pro­lific of bad results. The manner lu which the company operating most largely in this county couduoted Ua business for a lime, tho rtlulnlng of tlie Prosecutor of the Pleas as Its counsel, and of a doctor acting for the County Physichiii a.s Its agent end ditecllve, has uot tended to commend it tu favor, even among ttioso who think that it Is a legitimate thing to provide and procure Insurance against the sulferlng of loss LhruugU biood-guiltiucss fur econoiny' s sak e. ______^

iinili-.Ust he I'sisiHl a )sils that lay on the nw l side. BU'I was In the oi-t of kuucklng poor oM Jai's iiu tile lienil, aud killing him. Just Ihun a prufusaiuual man came along—a duclor.

"'Iheductor rfslnnii and ssiil, •Hold on,I can Sturt llial umls.' 'Wall, doctor, 1 wish you would; 1 have besu here two or tlirvs bums uud 1 am afraid 1 ahall never get to iiu rkst’ The doctor got down and took frum Ills-aridli! (Haiket some kind of a liiiuid in s vial; tlwn laitouk sn luitrumcnt - a bypcxleradc syrings, I liellsve thsy call It -fllhil it full Id thcliquid aud injected It rlijlit bchiuit ths niuls's ears Into his neck. Us then wljiAd the syrings and pub it bock iiitu tile uildUi pui'kot sud began talking to tils farmer. Tiis fanner IsH-ame interested; lie dru[>i'e<l his lines sud ingagwi in tlis coo-

I vsrtaiiiin, twying nu sitsntiuu lu the mule.I " in Ihs meantime the uasllctne ba-i be- I Klin tu act uu olil Jack; first he stamped uoe I lisdaud tlii-ii the other. Finally tlw uiedi- I Clue (leriiictled bis whole system and woi'ke-l

him up S-) Tiisl all at cince he shut Olt aud went up that hill like alla.sh of ligbtuiug, leaving Ihe poor farinfr liehlnd. The eld niuls uM'imdisI ths hill with snob agility that the lariiicr at first did uot know wliat to do. Then he tnrtisil to tha doctor and said;• llia-tor, Is Ihat itiiir cosUy P* * No; it does not cost niiirii.’ ' tVcll, shoot about two

l loa-laiutomy neck; I’ve gut thatd—dmule I to catch.'"

"I have hcsni a* grret Aeal alwut the ‘ignorance’ uf tho farmer. I have heard many epithets tiurled at them, and a t tho dumaiiilB n iilcb Winy hive made frem time tu time from ibis body. The uauis of fanner here seems to be rsgaiiled as a syaauyui of Iguurame. 1 have heard the farmer's ’Igiiorauco’ lllustrateii by poetry, by proas and by ahSc-loie. Uue notable am-cdote wbii-b waa rei'eutly told for that purpose by a dlstiiiguialieil grill leiiian n{»n this floor was to this eil'n’t; A man dreamt that he had died and hid gone down into purgatory. He dreamt that he knocked at ttie door, and that UId Nick niicned it and bark him in and

very kindly, and showed him

"Mrs. bowser, I’m not excited, but sim­ply put out over your carotcssii#.s'. lou bust the doorbell; you break a pane of

pot out overbe doorbell; you urt

giase; you aniaah a mirror; you kick a leg “ thesofa; you— ’’

When dill 1 do these thln^sl’’OS'the sofa; you

11(11 dw . ■ ." Never you mind I No wiu- should talk

S. D. LAUTER ©657-659 BROAD ST.

b«ck lo her huebaiid. \VhlSf‘ vr>iir cara- letiaeos h t4 owit ma «vtf |3,UJU tho IilmI

W A VER LY PA R K ,On th* Iain* or renniylYiinl* B»llrM*de llrlween Newark nnd Etlubeth*

T H IE T Y - S K T H A N N U A L E X H IB IT IO N' ------ISflLL B E H ELD ------

September 3,4,5,6 and 7,1894.A T T U A C T I O T ^ S :

TndMng. Running and Paring Races F-arii Day. Grand KxMbltlon of ^ o d . Draught andCor- rlsKt llor.ses. Thoroughbred GatOB, Sheep, awlno sad Poultry. Ifigepnwjn Urrst and

Here Varieties. Msgalficrnl DispUy uf Fruits, Hnwrra


BUSTED again .shall a,iy notUmg more at this

aiiJ Vegetables,Farm AlaeMnsn-"and tlrirdea’lniideiiients! Works of Art lu P an t­

ing and Embroidery, Eiilry lh»ks Oiwn August .The erieljratedJspabns"O w u Troup "wilt in-rlorm daily, and other equally novel at-

prTvi'l^Kes'of ri'"f*mU ^ be sold on the Fair (Imunds on and after August lA A» fmn Wanting of any kind nni«i uuik* etppluw^Uou in pertoa or uy letwr.

AiUHVi(A!oV(?n^MoVuVl Oc TticmUTs WednemUjHRm fturp buyluir fifty or mor* tleketi iarm* on thfw llirr* day* will be allowed »dlsniiitil of 'ro PIT ceiil. For Catalogue or Prrmlnm Schedule address E B G A D D IS Presiilent. p . T . Q U IN N , f o r .nee'T, TU4 llro a d » t., Kwwarh.H.J.

All per- 8PACE

TH« WORLD’8 PLIA 8U R I GROUNDS Idsiisiirriil ssii su (tea •Uuiniliri,Two ffiuia cDDoortf daily,

AUralflrmt fnlian, wotilouiias'j ]]4J ilftallurat wnndrira,Ao uiiotiualflii tupo* axorl RviuaEiMilcDnl uviwy anil ttiama ittoih aijuariuin. OAnalba OUii Tibixt eJank bako.niiuian « la eartts** K lain hnutAcbe

land.’' *'Tha iJalrT.'*' Boailur, Urhinc, ttahw Uif,bowl]()|r iLuil liijliarila.

Newark to Glen Island DirectrotiaolldAtfid Tmrtloii

ComiMiby't Gl*u inland lk>ckt River*H ® A. M.

Kvf.rj (Uy tlili wcf'k Thuradav.Evrrj' day n« it week ricep t fiuutl*y and Tueaday.

^ ftol^rnliig, leave (Ren Island for Newark a tUnkete good to return on any boat to Noir lork.Excuraloo from N ew ark .... .............40c,C hildren..,..................... .............Tlckeu for eale on the boat.

ad the departiuofits uf tkio domaifl- Ho lo<»k bliii duwu itti-u the Ijottoiiileai |dt, wbare the nmnlorere aud ttio wurat miiiiera wovo to lx*

; tbeu bo i>»ak him up on anulUer floor wlun-e tlHkHe who M(>re guilty of 1cm hoinous tTiiueii w(»re ooulluetL, and then be Cook him through a long hallway, ou either sidu of which were a lut of mou hau^iu^bythe heclu. Tho utau asked: Mr. PeTil, who aiv thoM that you lia\o thorof’ aud the duvtl

OM they *W(4||, thoHij are a Int of Atliaui'e f«l-iuwe and farnu>i‘i tlmt dio*l Hiid vume down liere, aud Uiey aru m- fiimm tim\ L liad tu huiig them up hy the bvel» kej dry ' them before 1 could buru them.'

A painter wm a^kotl to paint a lawMulty and tbU wuft bin idea of It: Two farmers had bought u lari je Jeraey cow^ which waa repre7t(*ol«d iu the foregrauud of the picture ahowiug a iuU aupply oC milk. There wae a farmer ou each Khie uf the cow each one tryiug to got pou tsHiou of it. Each one Lad employetl, they K'lmellmee div a lawyrr to take his side of the cji’ic. Una former was repi'aM9Uted im each side of tbo cow, one pulitug a t Us horuis the other a t l u bili wiiile liiu two Jaw'ven were rupreaeated^ onu uu ouch side, milking the cow.

But that was Uot the whole ctf It. Tbvre was A bequoi to the story. After they bad gotten ail tha milk out of the cow one of thorn irritated lha auimal in tome way, either liy riticaiujf hi* Anger lOt'O aome teu* der or hurting it in such a way tha t il hUiried tha cow ami she hooked oue of the farmci'M oyer ihe feuee ami kicked theothei* uiie backward into tbu diU b awl then the iaA'yor« drove thn row around back of the I'ourLhuUM and sold iier to jiay the costa.”

Those members of th e Jefforaonian Club who believe in the Jam es Buiitb, J r .| kind of turlDT reform and w ho are indigminl ba- cRUHo oertain ru o lu tio u s faroriiig another Yurlcty were jia’ui^dalonosliiuly attended meeting and were not retK-inded a t an ­other may yet vindicate the atateHUuuujiup of their guides phUonopher and friend. Let them rally m Ihm r m ight, call a moot­ing about whleh there will be no uncor- Uinty and proceed to ludono the Konntur in earnest. A ringing decinraiian from them that Mr. Bmllh ia the apufttJo of the true turlH roform and th a t the Uoinocrata whoubjectod to hia course ^oiie (irover CievclHiid among i h e i u ^ r e frauda imd humbugs wiiu would rulii the couutfy if they had their way—th a t would about flit the bilL Thu nieiubcra of tho chib who uro ot A dlifercnt opinion would welcome A contuHt along thu^e lines. Why should tho admirers of Senator Bmilh withhold their bands and vukus from the ffay» par­ticularly when they claim to be so over whclmmgly In the m ajority T

The Flral and Beoond Congress districta Of LouSeHiua nr* the sugar dUtric Is, ahU the planters propo^te th a t Kepubllcau CongrerMiiuoD shall roplacu Unpresenta- tivcH Meyer and Davey, two Duinocrute, who now respectively repreHunt those dlti- trlcts in the F lfly -th ird CongrewL Tlic Lonlslana p lanters w ant Umt sugar bounty, and w ant It badly. Tiie bounty has paid the cost o f raising tho sugar, leaving a targe m argin fur profit in the markul price. Much ol th e profit thereby

ouliido o f the State, but tbCTo r« a strong Interest iu Louisiana once tasted ofGovernmev . , , no iougerbeoontont wltbotil U. On tho crop of 1S82 Louisiana ^)lauler^ w ere credited w ith ttJ,bS2,G8U.83 In bounties. ^

The two niorabers of the Board of BUeet aud Water Cumtuivsiuners who arc to attend the oonvenUou of Uoarde of Works at Buffalo are going tu pay tbelr own expenses, titnae surtirising things happen, and yet for all that the public has ever been able to find out about tbe bull the junkets of the past might have been taken on the BAtne principle.

1 w'Lint to c'uugralulftU the farmers of thli gi'vuL couiiilrv tuat they are uul like a bit (it piifM dial f heard of that a niAD guve l4) his nt"igiibur, an Irishman named PaU uu om* rn'csHiun. Pat coiicludHd be wanteii to hunt some, and hiit neighbor gave him half a doz i'ii vury fine liuiiuU pups, i^at was very pi'iiu 1 of t-hum nim bKjk them along boine. But Che nsii muruiug he asnt out to _ fo.Hl them and tboU'u)cs were shut. Xbuy'wcre Very yjuug.

" I’dii did nut understand, SO he thought hU ijoigtibor had given him a lot of blind (lugH. lie went out the socuud uiorufog aud their eyMM were still closed. He was Hill more irritated, and it went on uutU tbe fourth inurnhiig, whun ho was so mad that be took the poor liltlu pu M out and slaRiiund their bmitm out ou a ruck. Tbe Post day he went alniig there. He knew iliuy wt’i'e duml, but hu thought he would gij and Nee iiuw they looked.vVhvn he got there, lo mid heUuUl, there they weru, tlu> whole half duzanof tliein, their Isfii hticking up liko ovvrturnod work bt'ucbes, th^ir rytM wide open, gasingat the iiiKMiday suu. Viit did not know what to jusku of it. He hmked at tbSiu a long time, and finally bv solihKimxtKl thus, he oaidi ' Vuu dgiimetl little fellows, Just to think yuu bad to iiAve your bratut knocked out before you Would uxjvn yuurejesr’*

— — - ---•— I 1 ■UANIIICl.’lj WORK,

8ome uf the tVurry tli.t Went IVlth It, III. Irltinipli,

I'roiii Utiick woofi'e Magaxlne.lluiulel puisiesstul innrvelloux potven of

ru pifi work, " 'i lu' MumIwIi,” Itaeiireateet ot all oriuorios, WHS written la tweety- tlirve tin y ; ’’ Jusiiiin’’ In lees then a inuiith; “ iHi'am” In twenty-seven days. The speed. Indeed, xt whleb be composed Uhs been proved hy iLie rend U|>on tbe ink a t tho tup Its Weil lus a t the bottom of the page., biiowliiK that the page was wet liiroughoiil when subjected to bond'for di-yin* ijurpiwee.

(Ill Olio Gocits.iiii a perturbed linger had BOiuo warm words with Handel, lu d wuiiud up the wruiii-le by threatening to jump on tho hiirpsioliordwhlob ha played. "Gil I" replied lluiidel, " le t me know veil yuu will do del, and 1 will advertise it, for I am sure dut more people will euiiie tu see yuu Jump d m to hear yuuBllIK."

Till) seordiiig whieh he gavo the pro- fesaora wlio wniited lo hear " The Mesdali," hut had been Indilfereiit to " 1 liL-odora," iviis not devoid Ot truth nor wlUioiit Ilia com poser’s usual pleasantry. TTicre was many eniply benuhes when " Theodotii' was perlotmtd, amt Handel would suy lo his consolers, “ Never tiiludj de inuusic Vltl soiiuilt do palter." Disen­gaged professurs would soarcolj aooepl .In-e adiiiissioiis for U ; mid subacqueutly two uf these gemlemeii culling upon him ior pcrniisaloii to hear •• The jfesaiah," lliiiidel bluntly exjiosluintedi " Uh, your aervanl, mein Herrriil You arotamnaplo taintyl You voiildii’t go to ‘ Teadoraj’ dare waa room enough to tancedero when Oat Waa perforin 1"

Tho bell will nut only be tiled, but I will fix It nij-acir. Ill ln c t,l waa just wishing there was somolliiag i could tinker a t for an hour.”

“ Ify n u w lllle t U go till to-morrow, Iwill got a man to do It."

" 'The bell will be duly repaired within hall an hour, Mrs. IJuw.wr. Is my tool­box down cellar?”

" 1 believe so, but 1 wish you woulan t meddle w ith IL If anything happens,you—you-----” ,,,

“ Nothing will happen, and no one will blame you. If I cr.n save (1,000 a year by keeping th a t doorbell in repair, we sh ill be JtiMf BO much ahead of the

Mr. B ow «r diaappeired in th e basf'- meiit, where the baUeriee were reeling on ae b e 'f , and tw enty inloiilea later h ere - appeared w ith a smile on hU face and ob- served:

“ The repalrt are completed, Mr*. Bow- Mr, and 1 have saved from itO

** \V bat was tbe mailer 7Ah you know nuching about voUe and

amperes and alternating currents and open circuit-s y<m coiiid not iindentand if 1 tried to etploln, 1 will now go out and prose the button, and electricity will do the rest."

There were three brll^ on the circuit When Mr. R w scrpr.'s e l iRr. button Ihey began rliiginif • and .v iieu ue i^t up they sihi contiiiuea. U waaaH a solt, metuiUous ring, aa the bells gave out when a lady call­er pressed the button, nor yet a quick, de« cUive rings a when the Turkish rug man mounted the steps to offer bis wares on the weekly iiiHlaluient plan. Il wua a oontluuoui clalier, with a buiiaaw edge to It, and it hsdn^t contln»^d over thirty seconds when young Dowsir asvobo with a yell, and t he cuok came flying trum the klicheu. Mr. Bowser preasud the knob and let gu, and iie got out his knife and worked the point of the blado behind it, but the clatter even grew louder.

*' W hat Irt it—what have you dune?*' de­manded Mrs. Bowser OB »be rushed into the hall.

Make that young u n ^ o p hl-4 Infernal □olse, aud you go hack and sit down I” he yelled in reply m be galloped downstairs aRer a hammer, a screwdriver, a pair o f pinchers and a whetstone.

Mrs. Bowser heird him pounding and rushing abunb fur five mimites. Then he came upsUirn: and pounded and rushed auine mure. The cook flew into the back yurd and screamed “ F lrc t’ and "P olice H* and yuuiig Bowser Irii'd so hard to drown the nolM ot the bells Umt his eyes rolled, and he exhibited every symptom of fila» Mr. lii'wser rtnaily luuiid the wires a» they led in Irotn tU front dour and cu t them 4)lt’and pulled tbem out by the rooU, and thu ritBjjltig cenned. Then be sal down on the tronl slalrs. fla wan there when the ffighlencd child finally Icrew quiet, and Mrs. Buwsl'F went out lo sue if tue hurncatie had parsed

VYul), did the volta, ami the am peros, and tiiti alturimting currenU get mixed u p J ’ she kindly A'<ked.

Mr. Bnwner looked tip and glared and breathed aa if he tin<l been climbing up A haystack, but he had bolbing to say. There was no need of words. Hbe was lo blame, ofooufMe, and in the morning his lawyer and her lawyer would have au in- tervlew and arrange for the divorce ami settle the ainounl of alimauy, M.(|UAD.

11. fl»K Him I * ™ " U “Alwayp the B«st Attractlona

At Fupuior Prices.

W eek B e g in n in g M onday, Ang. 27.MstlaecB %VednBSdaj and Natuninv.

F L O R E N C E B IN D L E Y ,In liFrliitm»tiD0 Sj*cUcal»rComedy Drama,

Tho most realistic of all soento productions. Next W erk - '-T n E fR O m O A L FATHER.’

iiers Tuenday, Tliuredar red Saturday, Telrpkone U90.

T H E MAY H O W A R D C O M P A N Y .The hsmleoraMt costumed cotni>Atiy ud the

roArt. Two ni‘w burleeunes, *‘(JI0AIIBTTE8" end ' ‘ONK-HORSE ( I BAX’S /’

Week eomineDclng September 3 — The VivUii-De Monio Vsudevifie Celebrities.

^ _ _ _ -------------1

LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 3Prof. Hart’i atring quartette and

the famous oomot soloist, W. D. Bartow.

A rattling Base Ball Hatch. Bath, ing, Boating and Amusements galore.

GRIND c u n BIKE.Trains leave Broad Street Station, 0. R. A,

of N. J. (stopping At Ferry ntrest and E ut Ferry strefiNtJ. at 8:39, IftSA, ll:3fl A.M., 1;36 P.JL Heturu 7:C0, 8:22 P. M.

E iC U R S IO I , 60c . C fllL D R E H , 30c.NO FAKIRS. NO TOUOIISL







THE COOLEWT PLACE ON THE BAY.Cbeapaet ExcurBioii—OrandesI

Exhibition la

AKD ooK oana o r bodqbXUPXK4 o r tH I WOBLm

A m b to fto P a r k r S o u th B rc^ok ly tuFrma Newark every day except Bonday.

Trains leave Market Street, l^ttBiylvanla Ilallroad. at 7 P. M. to Jersey City, and theaoe by Hpeelai steamboat direct to tbe WUd West grounds, retoraing kauaediately after the ex« hibllloQ.

Twice Dally, rain or shine, 3 and Atfi P. M.floors open a t 1 and 0:80 P. H. S0,()00 seats.Fare for round trip, Incladfnic stpeamboak

fare aud seat the covered stand, TOe.fo r the afternoon theae ttokeu are good an

the Brooklyn Annex.

8 1 7 B r o a d S t r e e t .

Thu Way of Hutrlmonj,Frutn the WurtrUcr Kiilvr|iri«e,

Man that is marru’d lo >uimiin 1i of many days Slid !a ftillfjf ir<ml>l4', tu the mortilnic he draws Ills e<a!&r/, ami In tlia cveriiug, be­hold. It Is all gorin; It hut he knuwe notwhere, lie sjienih'iU ftliekeis lu the ptirchoM of line ILiieii to eovt'ir the boKoiu of hln innilly, yet he Is Hceu ai the ruiB.v of the city wUh but cue etispeiHler. He <telh furlU uk an oi or Stm, and (Iraweili tln’ cliurUiiof his ntr-prlu^. He rlne , cloil In ihe kLurriientiMif thenight, and KeekeihiLri HiMiinatH*bui;o{it ] i-e> guric ivhich hvalelh the culii ky hluinaoi) of hie uCr<4l>rb>»t. Yen, ho In tillo^einor wretched and full cf ml«i‘ry, WMe \h the rood und bread Im wh> iimt Iv’uU'th lolhuiiiitu of luiurlmoiiyi ami umnytheie Ui iLtutguuib iu Ibereai. _

I 'E l lS O N A L .

REMOVAL SALE.T h e M o s t I m p o r t a n t P i a n o S a l e E v e r in N e w a r k .


J U S T l o o k a t t h i s l i s t Bradbury U p rig h t...................S 1 0 5 .0 0n f h n r c r » i r i 4 H a ln e i B ro s.’ U p r ig h t ........... 1 0 0 . 0 0

0 1 D a r g a i n s . ..........Im p e ria l U p r ig h t ...................... 6B .O ON ew Y o rk P la n o C o .......... flO .O Ol l a l l e t t 4 D av lo ......................... 4 0 . 0 0Howyer........................................ 0 0 .0 0

E ste y O rg a n ................................ 3 0 . 0 0



Mauch Chunk, Glen OnokoOKD THI


M O N D A Y . S E P T . 3 .A Special expreu train, with tnneh car a t­

tached, will leave Newark, Broad, Ferry ana East Ferry Streets, at SiW A. M. Keturnlng, arrive in city about 9 Pi M,

Fare for lb« Rwaad Trip SwUebbaok, 50c. extra if tickets arepUT’*

ebssed on excursion train.

F . C . S M I T H , M a n u f a c t u r e r ,

817 Broad Street, Below Market Street, Newark.

Mua. Mauv A^uxuKON-NAVAUito has given up her house % TauLnihtu \Yaiis aua will muve n e it umuih lu Uiiidoii,

Mmx. Fatti recently aelmrlty concert for the beiietU of lha ^wanhea i Walen) hue* pltal aod the poor Iti itmi viciuliy which yielded the sum uf (lUrii. Kuimr Nlocltnl eaug, lu the iLsencc uf liurwiLrU Lidy, flii3 Welsh teoor, whu was unable tu rtiauU the house In time.

tiiNXHAJi Pui:sAUiR'K.s, Who iuia Just been plnc^ cu the retired llrii uf tl<» Uruhc.b .Vrmy, enjoys the disUuclIuu u( having imuu ihr* tlPHl to lutruduue M. CleiueiH'c.ui tu tho rlediihtsuf duelirg, of which the Fruncii hUlthimm has since tasted so freely.

Mfttf. •lotiH A. IjIhian has deferred her Bufopean trip until t)uiol>ep, wlicu sbo will go ehmad for a sUi) of several cutbibs in order Vu oouforwllb the stuli>lor Fi-aiikhu MrU' jiions, who btu been awanlpd by Uua^rpts the in sk ln fo f the b r u n r u a m i ppdp’.tal of the late tJeneral Logau, wlucu Is to i.q placed Ln Washington.

Nona AM L Khskmas, who riic>d iiwt week at ijprlugUel'd, 1U.« had ItcoQ ollU'IsI rtiHirior ol Uio 1 Hauls guiircino Uuuri for Uklrty-oue ye&ra, and was coufthicrcd iilo of (Ijm uijIphI tui^ .null uOlulal* ia lilt cuiiatrj. DurhiKhlH term o( Hcrvlte Mr. Frovniaii liRiU'oin]i:l,.i| mill li- «ued UOvoiunje. of I'eyorln, i-ovitIuk ovcr'i.lMI DoaM.

IIGMAKKAULE TUKB8.One th a t FurnUhet Water aail Aaother

that Suppllei Tallow.F rom th e Ban Joxo Mercury.

On th e Canary Island grow* a fountain tree ; a tree most needed in tom e parte of tho island. I t l i ia td th a t tbe loaves con- ■tmitly d litlll enough water to furnish d rink to every llvlnit oroatiire in H io ro ; N ature having provided this remedy for th e drought o f the Island. Kvery m orn­ing, near th is p a rt of th e island, a cloud or m ist nrlses from the sea, which th e w inds force against th e steen oliff on w hich th e tree grows, and it Is ftom the m ist th a t tho tree dlstliis tho wa»er.

China, too , elalins her rem arkabte trea. T h is is know n as tbe tallow tree, so-oalled ftom the laet of ita producing a suh.tance like ta 'low , and wnioh serves the same purpose, is o f the same consisleuoy, color and smoU. On th e Island of Lewchew grown a tree about the size o f a common cherry tree, w hich ponaeBses tho peculiar- ii|y ol changing the color o f its bluanoiuu. A t one tim e the flower aesumee the tin t of tho lily, end again shortly takes the color o f the rose. In Thibet there is a curious tree know n as tho tree o f th e thousand IrosgOB: its leaves are oovorod w ith weli- deflnod cliaroetors of the Thibetan alpha- bet. I t is of great age and tbe only one o f lie kind known there.

T be eaobab tree Is considered one of th e moat wonderful o f the vegetable kingdom . I t appears th a t COllilug can kill th is tree-, hence H roaches an ae- tonishing ago os well os enorm ous sits . T he natives moke a stvongoord from the flhrea o f (ho b a rk ; hence th e trees are continuully barked, but w ithout dam age, os they soon pu t forth a now bark. I t ap ­pears im pervious to Are and oven th e axe Is resisted, as i t continues to grow in length Willie It is lying on the ground.

In M uiloo there is a p lant know n by tho uaniu ot Palo do Leone. I t belonga to th e fatniiy of euphorbia. T he Indiana throw the leaves into the w ater aud ,tho flail btoom e stupefied and rise to the sur-

INCIDKNT o r THK Told by

CRIHKAN WAR. tb e Freaeh

1 ilLE SE IKBy tb f beautiful ueYViteanulilpi uf Uie

O ld O o m ln lo n L in e ,TO OLD POINT COMFOUT OR YlHr -

GINIA BEACH AND RETURN.Thli trip II ab Ideal one. an tbe cottree eklria

the cou t with little ilkcUhood of Ma-HlckneM, and paueH iu review mauy watering plaoex and polQU of intereet. «

F . T . F F A B F Y .182 Market St., Newark.

An Aiitlpuilal Well.From the Do Kalb lluoord.

A Ulan niiiBl cummeiice drawing water from the well WIMI of OiU-Jner's hardwaro stoio at simrito it ho w ants a Urluk before dark.

Highest of ail in Leavening P ow er.— Latest U.S. Gov't Report

n I e

R a w d e rP U E ^ E

fAQe uad are liken b j tbe fiatlveB,Q tHis cftM the efl'eot of the natootio aoun

paMfls off. Th? milk of tbU p lan t thrown upuii tb e Bre gives out flimes th a t pro­duce DflU'tea ftnd beadnobe. The tnllk taken inlernally Is a deadly poison; it will produce death or imuinUy uccornlnir Ui th e site th e do«0s There is n ^ o p u la r belief am ong tho lower d ass In Mexico th a t Ih'o iiiHanliy of the ex^Empress C a^ lo tla was oRU^u by th is poison.

lligbM t apt) Lnvreit Klevatloat.From the Youth's Compablan.

Aocurdiag tu tlm rrwtdTy amiotineed reimlts of inea>uroincnU and oalculatiuns mads by the Uulted Huter Ueulog1csl8urrsf,Delaware U (lie luwvel Htate, its elevation above tha sea level nvuraglng only sixty ^eeL Uulurado is the iilghc^t, averaging 800 feel above the sea, white \Vi (imliig is a close aermul, only 100 feel lower than Oolurado. In rolnitnum elevation Florida and [sonlslana dl.^ptito for eeoond place after Delaware, (heir average elevatleu iHdnic, for each; 10(1 teet. Taklog the Unttea BLiiU'i as a whole, our country Uoa slightly above the aterAge eleratlou of th f land of tbs i^lube,

aa Old fiolctlar Arny«

From th e P ittsbu rg DUpatch.A story baa lately beau told by on old

■oldler of tb e F rench arm y oa a souvenir of tho Crim ean W ar. I t i» one o f the ftw Incicieuts o f the w ar w hich would bear ro- iatlug H the recen t festivals in France In honor of tb e revisiting Russian naval of- floera and seam en—now the firm allies o f the French. In one o f th e attacks o f the French le ft upon th e Ruselans in the neighborhood of Bebastopol tb e re tree t woe sounded on bo th sides and th s Rue- slant retired to th e ir fortress, the French to their trenches. On th e way a French Bergeent o f tho lino encountered atone a Russian Sergeant, also alone. T he two men w ere face to face and enem lea

T heir guns were em pty. Bimnltaneously they took cartridges from their pouchei and bsgan to io^dt tnstDodloally, liko well-drlTled soldiers, bu t a t sw lttly o i p ^ siblo. T he guns, iike »U others in ^ a t cam paign, w ere mosxle-loadore. The oarlrldgea were foroed to place w ith » ram rod Blmultaneously the two ram ­rods entered tbe gnna, and simnltaneously they w ere w ithdraw n 1 bu t tho Ruisiap, ocouetomed by inllexloie dlsolplln^s to do everything in a re t way, put beck hie ram rod in its place along the harroL wnU* the F renchm an throw his away with to em ovem ent th a t w ithdrew IL

This gave biro th e needed moroent e ad- ventoge over hie entngoniet. Oiapping bis guiistook to hie shoulder be bed th e Russian’s liie in h it handA Tho Russian stopped still, aw aiting the shot tha t should be his death. T hen th e French Bergeent dropped hie guii from hie shoulder and pu t out his r ig h t hand. The Russian grasped I t; the tw o soldiers shook handa w ithout a w ord—for n e ith e r knew a word of the o th e r’s tongue—and then both lam ed and w ant th e ir opposite waya

Trade In n e w e r Perfum e.Fnira Meulian^A Monthly.

The flower perlu rue If h baa raaf a t a

---- THK----

StepbeDS fi Condlt TransporlatlonCi).COMMENCING SUNDAY, JUNB8I.Tbe New and Commadlous Steamer,


C O N E Y I S L A N D IVia Bee Beach iUllrood, from Boy Hldgs,

Throe Trips DoUr.Lesve Commercial W harf, fool Market lU,

W t A. M., 1® P. M. ^ tu rn in * issTS Desch Palace, Coney lalohd, a t 4-.W P. U. Fore (round trip! too.

r^ISHING BANKS DAILY - 8TKAMEFI JP JAB.li.SCHUYLERlsaTwTroi;Di»k,W. p h St., New York, 8 A. M.| Franklin si., m Faro by Pennsylvania Ital rood Tie. Posss*.; ■era showing agents a t docks re iu ra u ta tlo ^ t; excursion Uekets by any Now Jertev r o ^ irill be^furnUhed trip tlokuts .PrsA

•D H H R lt BEBORTg.

' h o t e l b e e c h w o o d .s u n M IT , N. J .

Now open; American plan; culslaeaadM ^o* qiwtiTpHJWLw *, room* tlnglf or uu full*, wlta batlia auaciied; elevator to all floomi rou, garden* muilo hall, bl lllard*. bowling and lawft tenola. OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR,. mit Jp lUuMud on on* of the bUtM t poita^ of the Orttiijfo MouduIm , t l njUi» from New York.ftodte highly rw-ommended by orumLnentphydDlane 'for th* ptirliyof Iti air aod ab«ilut« freedom from mManai puw wxur from artesieu vr«lli; m iw ada^ied ro r t i i IlTd feel plasta-s flO m liig^from Niw York.

------------------- JlaaM*r»iormerlrfeetplasta-s wmBiuwerroi

WILLIAM TeKEWBLU of Hotel Normandie* N. Ye

OCRAN ORoVE—RID^KWOOB \ILL* —Dfiliabla reoiriH and board at ndnoed mtN

for Ntptember: oTvrtoukUK iba ocean erui Bfu audiieriani Addrte* 488. Hk,

Immeuse prjUjH rtlutM la the Old "World, haeveryilUleaiUhtUwiiiitfif *»**•<eAlu that In the vicinity of f jkvftluuof the proilttcf of flowora for^perfnnw siri for toed riileifii; for largo wlioleewe eetab- llchmente rencUei the eqnal of about in American money a year. The larger por­tion gOM for dhtllMug perfumea, although muub attvntloD le given tUrralelug ep^^ taltloa la the flower Hue for ecedemeu; one tract of thlrl|*~flve ftcree alone !■ fald to be slven up by oue jjkartr to ralelug eeede of the Cblneee prlojfupe. l*he chief flowere raised, hoaever, are for pertumee and coiulat oblefly of orange flowm, roee petnle, Jaiiulnea, peppermint aud laveuiltsT. Violet fiowen are aleo ralaed large­ly for perfumery purpoeM.

Cut Rates!Hood'a g arao p ^ lln ................. «fte.Paine’s CMicry Compound.......OSe.Aysra’s Sarsoparllls.,.............use.Kraemsr'sHarreparilla,.,.,. .Me,

- ^ ' s - U e l e r y CumjiuitQd.edde.

RUBBiR . -s.fluart.F rr'-ti’C.'fi-'hige, with

menu, best quality, SVe.45Bulb flyrlnim,

Uot Water Ha5o.

ajge* t>qaari, fifie.

Enough Fish for AlK To-morrow Igarabee A Co., the

of tbe jXebiiry Park fliberlee. will haveanotUe) areal pale of fleh a t Harrleou at to. per pound.


“ c a r S u 'i» Jn iW liiT it ^Hariisdu arenue frelkht yard from • aT * . till 0 M.

Customers are rsquretsd to briiiig h re k e ^ boxes ur payer.


-A T --

Kraemer’s . . . .EMPORIUM,

Cor. Clinton and Muiberiy Sti.

JeardFTt whe'ttortl aeeemeuKlalkei f«61 fa t MKh Ok

xanOlaUM. -*e vwol MutnUn eeiu'VWMIe JM imttua midlimit mAjKMrtna






s cDO*: c

L«.0*1[ (H*



l e .


I Co.

D .

•rvln, irlth I root tUwiiBom-

lilt* ut! . Neir >romU Jr *ad wtur 111 IHrmirlr


J E M O F M E M .

Dr.»01iver W endelJ H olm wCelebrates

His E igh ty-flftb B irthday,


W ttn«ti*i th* CoimniMliitt litcln r*1li*i llotrarii A<l¥*<^*trU VlolfiirvxMi'iv York *da1 New J n r ir j llrUlce i'oiup*iif Aek for * l lr e r ln f llrfuro Actiim I« T*ken oa th e Kxp^rl KiiitReere* beport* KnlgUt* o f r y th ia i lU |[tn TUrJr Trlv* DrLllit—Mrn. Aflfnr'n llruutlfiil Pinximer Hom o Tnrnod Into * liuardinK-hou^o for W orkiuen WItliuiit Her Kuo\vled|;o*

P r Oliver llohnoiwM elghty-flveyttkTH util yt‘»ti r'l*y, »ml hit friemU Oiile- br*t^*l tho a)mlviTH*ry a t hU home lu Hii*- ton tu u quIK Vi ay. To tliu catiUftl oba^rTe^ be b u uo( rlian^uil nor gro>^ii * day oldor alnco bis last uutal tiny.

Them was oo aeery hand in Um pleaaaut homo oTidence of U»vinjj friend* There wa* a great m au of Jack rose • frptn the publish* tng Urm of Hou^htoOf MitQlu & Co., one for every year whhrh ban ]ta«ed over Pr, Uolinea’a hoad. Another |^ft w u a little btx)k of lielectlaDn from the wrlcltifs of the doctor^ with a picture of blnuelf and some of

A pure antiseptic, nieijicmal toilet soap for daily use.

hruinti'^Oi nell Jt. Ruwnrr of linitallimn, A houk im Ih*rinat(j|> oi)r with vveryoikA.

Ii r l ' ,

klumAftm.IRI. *


m a


ksti.‘ AMim I


At both of Petty’s Drug Stores in Newark may lie found a line of the Special Preparations for the Skin and Scalp put up by the John H. Woodbury Dermatological Institute,12/ W. 4 2 d St., N. Y.

Park, and began a t 8 o’clock yostenUy morn- lug.

IVovfwt DivWon No, !, of K*n**^ blty. Mo., t'Hplaui Jamiw A. wm tho fif^torganlcatlnn to drill. I t a til o’chx'k,tthd winil through iho school of the Knigl^^ the BWnnl ewrcl^B and division movement-^ prevnUng a very p re tty tight Inexecutliig tomr of ll:c i’nniijlcx count-ermtrvhtsi. Liiey

lUvitiou No. 111. from lladclitTr, U.*Uhl Thoriiui 8. W ind, foUtmeil- The other divitiont driliiug to-day Perclvtle No. n , Mobile, Ala.. Captain John D. Hagan; John Ihir (Ren No. 10, Eau CJahc, Wit., Cantain Oourail Feljc©: Pioneer No. 1, Lhtle Rnrk, Ark., (Aptnlii n. W. H aitlrtt| Marion No. Murinn, Ina., Captain Daniel Guilder; Terry Haul* No. 3. Terre llault% IdJ., f'aptrtin A. ('. Duddlwton; K an^s City No. 3. KaniMt City, Mo., Captain Cliarlei Rober, ami Kxceliior No. A luiUan- apoti^ liiil,. Captain H. 1‘. Caabir.

Yf'ATerday'a drlllt andail ;ft 1^:39.In honor of the vititing Pythtant an imlut-

trlal farude wai hobi la»t evening on IVnn- lylvrtnia uvemie. Judging fr fm the uuiiiljei’ of ij'M'tatont It proveil the mokt at- tractivo feature uf the eiicainpuieiit.

DA. OtTnER WIN DILL flOLUES. thoae about whom lio hau written, done by HUa Howard When Ion, of a Southern city. During the morniug the chiklron of Mr. Lowe coiled with a touqtiet of roM>huda, and another gift wus a rake with eight wltchoa dancing grimly In the fniatlug on top of I t

Dr. Holinn walks a mile every morning and drives a down miles every afum ooo. He ean read good type by daylight aud by candlelight, lu spite of the diinneu of hii •yesigbt, and hears as well aa many parsons who wonld reneufi being accaseil of deafnew. His cosey cottage is somewhat batik from the quiet street, coyly cono'aling itMlf behind a wealth of vinoa, which mount up to the sec ond story and pee]> into Iho upj>er window* The wide ]M>rtiiro nn one side is almost ho t ire lj slmt in by the luxuriant growth, and Is to that e iten t Hosed. The law n is well kept. There are trms*e« of bright-colori^l nowpra ou all sidcH, and a line of crim««»n gladioli nod their headu a t the base of a huge rock a t one .aid^ as if w earied ami seeking re* |tose. There was nearly a constant going aud coming duriug the day, though not «o manv calle<la« laet year, probably owing to the fact tha t Dr. Holmes hav bMn ill, and waa not BuppnHA;l to be KlroDg as usual.

To a reixirter who visited the houw yes­terday, Dr. Holmes oaid: “ I have reecived a &urnbi*r of letters from friends and nMneiu- branoen, but 1 Lave told my story a gcwl many timefl now, aud it is not always pleuH* aut reTM>rtitig, so iiuny mistakos are made, ami 1 <(o not think ( can tfU It again.’*

Then i bn doctor sat giuing a t the fire, which burued with low’ but steady flame, and s}x>ke of his retnluiiK'eiK'es which he is wriliiig, imt which may not l e published uo- tllheU gone. “ I think I have told you all ( have to he wiiut onqnwtlv, “ I am not a (Kilitirian, ami the public baa not the interest in me which it has in Its imblic men. I do nut wnnt to l>e like some men, who tHl you a giKvl jl**al mors than you waut w know. You uuM*t all kind of mon. Those who are croas, those who will not tall^ ahd those who talk uiore than yc^ wish them to So yon will not uiind If ! do not go over the whdo thing again, I know.” ^


Railroad Eniplnj^ei so Testify Defore the National Labor Comniisslon*

The National ljfiiH>r Commission, now in- veeiigatlng the IhiUiuan strike at Cbiragn, expects U> complete its work by the end of this week. The principal butrinesa of the commission ycatei^y was the examinatioa of twenty-three wltiieosw, most of whom testified that at the meeting at Blii3 Island, a t which the Hock Island men decided to strike,Vice^PresidoDt Howard had counselled violeDoe and used profane lauguage. The gistof the teetimnny was that only about one-half of the men who bad voted to strike were railway men. Iknidee ibis, many of the railway men proseut were opposed to striking.

Kobert G. Welsh, aiwlstanl to the first Tire-president ottbe Bauta Fe roail, was the first witness coiled in tha niomiug. He Uw-

that the road be reprosvntod was loser, as closely as ho could figure, |Au5.fiH0 by the strike. The strike had never been declared off by the Santa Eo men. he said, but the road is running without interruption to tralfic,

Twenty-three witnossea were sworn In a bunch. It waa announced that they wouldfive testimony rei^nliag the strike a t blue

iland. All were aubptenaed. W. D. Fuller tectifioci that Howardopdoly counselled vio- lenoa and applied a vile epithet to G eorp M. n llm su a t the meeting at which tno Rock Island employes voted to strike. Debs w*a not so radical in speech.

G. G. GruHey corrobumted Fuller and said Howanl alao abused officers of the Rock Island Ratlroa^l. He aecribed to Debs the stateiueut, After the strike the scabs will txavfl to walk the plauk.”

THE BRIDGE COMEANV'M REQUEST,A Hearing Asked for Before Pinnl Action

by the W ar Department.Charles 11. Bwan, secretary of the New

York and Now Jereej Bridge Company, has written a letter to the Recrt^tary of War, in which he saye:

“ lam directed by our company to request that, before you take action up?n the report of tbe eagineors app<iitited by the I'reqjdent to inquire Into aud dotermliis what le u j^ of span, not Iws than two thousaod ('2,0001 feet, would make a safe aud practicable railroad bridge over the Hwlson River. A^etwesn the city of New York aud the 8tato of New Jersey, you will give us a oopy of the report.

“ The company having secured proper legtslatioD for the couBlruntlun of the pro* posed briiigo, depnsltiod with your depart­ment the ntx«saary unonay to pay the ex- |)*nsee of the engineers, as required by the act. We have also ex^ndsd a large amount of UKHiey fur the plans of the briilge. The nroeasary funds ran be secureil to construct a practlcablo railroad briilge over Gie said river, aud when I say a practicable railroad bridge 1 mean a structure that the cost wiU not be sa large as to preeluds the railroad f r ^ using the aame. Id other worda if we oan make the ooet of the bridge rewonabl* •0 ea to allow the railroads to use It without taxing a imfMugcr too large an amannt for transportation, it would be popular for that knffle.

“ The location of the bridge must be be- * tween Ftfty-aiuth and Sixty-ninth streets in

the Hty of New York. The New York Cen­tral and Hu Ison River Hoilrq^ ComMuy

elaJm ownership to Alt that prdpertv. Their claim la not souikI The city of New York owns aj^raak pari of the water front b*< tween t^fty-ulnth and Sixty-ninth street^ and our ponipanT have a lutp made from the records uf Ui* i^lnaooe Dspartmeul of tJie djiy of New York, showing that a location can b* made fru* a pier .within the sxterlpr mer-hsad lines w lt^u t damage to other iu- tvwrti. That map we wguld like to file with you b ^ r o you make tbs location.'*

“ Tbars Is muoh to be said in favor of the proposed bridge before you finally act, end I i iiu t you will grant us a bearing, through w ngdoeer, 1q order that iustlne may Be Moa to ail, not only to the general public, but aUo to the Unitra Btates Govamment in expediting the mail serviot.

PTTBIANi* p r i z e DRILL.


11«r <riirtl(mAr*H 8<*hf m e Tor M o n ry -u is k ln g a t " IlL 'erliw om l " J u i l D lucnvem U

Mrs. William Astor, who owns “ iJeorh- wootl, one of the handsomest, prouertita on Relleviis avenua Newport, has dJscbar,$od her garilonur, John Haramonii

She ullfijM that last winter he turnwl her chaniung villa into a boarding-house, nnU-i*- tamlng there a dozen iwruonv, who slept and ate in the place. Mrs. Astor ways she Ivarneil of tins iniliscretioii ou the part of her hired niHti but recently and a t once gave him n(^ tii*e to leave. He had been on the place a nundter of years.

Th»* trust rcjxMOd in Hammond made it easy for him to carry his plan Into execu- Uun. Ho and his wife lived in the liMlge in suiiinier, but when Mrs. Astor left for town in the autumn they transferred tliemsHveii and Iheir IwUmgiiigs to the bouHo itself, where Mrs. Hammond entered upon the | duties of housekeeper.

This pHik place last year early In (k*tober. Then Harnmond iHiught a numWr of cots and put them tn rooms iu the rear |>art of the home.

After everything had hern arrange<l he looktsl about for his boarLlert. Tbej'u were carpenters and plaRl«rurs and other work­men. who w»*re employed In interior altera­tions In some uf tiie big housSA along llell^ vne avsnue. To these he wenL and told in glowing colors the life h* could olTsr them at s country villa, nud be said that it wouidn’t-1>« very dear.

He advanoe<i the argument that tuey would l>e much nearer to tUeir work taao they would be If they livetl In the town, and that th»*y'd all l>c there together and might have a v{*rv jolly time. Tbn picture was a

one to the carpenters aud plafetcrerii, 'lammond had no difilculty wlutaver in

filling his cot*The function of U ri. Hammond in the

house was the o o o k l^ of the boarders* break­fasts and iup|>otH. Ttieir dinners the gave them to carry to their work in tin palU. Rhe must hare been a goo-1 cook, for in lbs five mouths that the boarding-house was run­ning Hamiuoud didn't lose a single boarder. He, too, made an admirable landlord. It Is said, and the boarders were sorry to leave when the s]>riitg came, and the house got ready for a furbishing before Mrs. Astor's arrival. That i t was a quiet l>oardliig-bouse Is establlthed by the fact that, throughout the winter nobody In the iialghburhood guessed that Beechwe^ was a boaraiog-bou^i*.


f ia b s ta n t ta l P ro g re s s M sile a t a MeoiLtig l l r h l In P l i l la d o lp L ia V rs ts r i la y .

Substantial progreu^ toward a reorganiza­tion of the Reading Railroad was mode In Pliiladelphla yoMteruay. J. Kcnnwiy Todd aud F. \ \ \ ^Vhiteridge. n-presentlug the Olcotl Committee of New York boudhoiders, were in conference with IkiIIi the refwi vera and Mmwi'H. Earle and Tyler, r^remmttug the Fbiladel]:Aiia Voinmittue. 8ubitaiiltai progress towar«t ooinplf t« hai rnony wax made, an i thu New Y'orkers left for homo apfiar- eutly w»l!-jj|eaaed wUbthe result of their con­ference. One of the receivers stattxl that an outline of a plan had been submitted by the New Yorkers, but the details of it were care­fully guarded

I t was also learned th a t the Pbiladelpbia coiumitlee has succeeded in having undt-r- written U,OUJ,0(X) of the req' ’ necessary to fund the general


Clut* Vinish In a Make Kvent a t Hlieep*-lira(1~>UAuliflV's I-e tter^^ew

York Wins Again*n if f or I deinnnstrabMl to the crowds at

HLe«'t^H‘a<l Bay track vosturilsy that he Is a llycr. He weni tUa Flight Wlakes in 1 .‘A* '2-5, or four-fifths of a M 'ond be tep than the track i'eeord._ Dusirdaml Ladv Violet were bis only coni|N*titi<ns and althtAgh i^retty wHl run out a t tlie finish the otiior tior«©i were uot dangerous. Dou Alonzo wus ato |v heavy favorite ruMlio handicap a t one mile and a furlong, for which bis only on|Km»«uts weru HoLl-*1klu aud Strathmoath. UetUkiti was well playwl a t 2 to 1, but nolKxly seemed to want Ktrathmeath, against wlioee chances lU to 1 Wtt't laid. The uutojme of thcraro was a big surprise. The | hu’* was so alow lu the first (luorter of a mile that Unlskin halted Joug enough b) kick at HtmtlimcHth <i« they »> ung around the turn. U pthebnek utrctch Stmthmuath wcut up U> UeiisUn, and tho pa'it e su t to the lieiiil of the atrt'U'h ou even t-Tiu*. They wero joineil by Don AUm;£»i at the head of tho strsloli. and there vrasufurluus drive all the way home. I t was anylKKly'i race as the trio camedow u thtiKtri'lch Load aud hcaiL Rcxlskin sulkod at the very last inoment, and Dun Alonrxi ami Ktrathmeuth }W8vsl the finishing line uii such rviMi terms Uint It was im|iH.M*hiliIe tor tho s]MH‘1ntnm to U*Ll which won, although tiie prt*|Hmderatii‘e of opinion w,\e in favor of Don AlniiZOi, who wa* on the outNule or near­est the gmnd^taurl. The judgun decided il a dead bL*at. lieilskin was only twaten a head.

■The bummary tl..* rsci-a is givsn:Fji-it Hace-^Fur*' 11,000. for twivyi^ar-

oldo, five lurlongs; Harry Kc«l won, May Dav filly Houiid>daj th ird ; time,1.0l3 5. Detling—Five to L on Harry Hei'il, against May Day filly H to 1, llouuJclay aoto l.

Kei’ond Race~I*un«* 11.000, fop two-year- oldi, five furldiigs: Tla^e won. Golden ILmI second, UaruUa third ; time, 1.01. Deluiig^ Against Holdeii Itoil even moucy, Tinge 6 to 1 .......... ‘

twet'ti the T'litoti (Inn riuh aivl the rlin iA t itoxni. Tbe n*mU tif t]a> nitU’h ix given : 1

L'KMJf Ul'N i't.t it. 4I.IH(A t i.rn. ■Hlrlunuml............ ...............sri .*Undolcy ............ .. Iii-I /» giio. ...............Hoper.................... . Si VxJiiDig ............... sa iWUliim^............. . fi* Terryl lc b ^ n l ..........VO. ,, |!" i'mrfH'ii,. ...............yti'Merit Kite.............. .. iurlcy... ................nL te r ry ............... .. 'MlirXH., ...............ill ;Van Dyke............ '<rt..... ............. an 'Brainluxll............ 4. IVrry. .............. jrtHli'hley................ .,;£!> ii'ihIIi'v .. ..............a i :Liritke....... *........ .. S' rHiitiiiifl a m ......... 4 iSi«!er................... Kellrir.- ................ u*Miller................... ,. Suillli ... ............... ^ 1

T ota l............... Tnlal,. ...............a m !8‘arl(»ua simrit.

pretty aod Fla

written |d,OOU,0(X) of the rmnirud ^800,000 iceeiiary to fund the general mortgage cou-

TXJiia and that the whole ammi A could read­ily have bcun securckl in Pbiladelpbia, but out of deference to the New York w p le , who desire to participate, further suWriptioiia to the fund in I’hiLsdulphia were declined.

One interesting feature of the day’s doveF opment was the evidont strength of ex- Pcwtmaiter-Genpral John Waiiaiimkcr in conuactlon with reports that coupled bin name w ith the Inociming presidency of the Rea^ling. Although Mr. Wauoumker has os vet carefully refrained from committiug hiinselr, he, on Tutteday, |u * brief iiitervicw on the Bubiect, dropped a few words that are sigDifleadt, "J beiieve Uiat I could' re- orgnuize Heading, and that very abortiv.” The opinion lit rupiitly gaining ground that failure to i*eorgantxi» the coiiij very short time will mean Mr. clei'tiou a* president of the Heading Com- joiny. _

mipeujr within a r. Wanaihaker's


A s UfPM tloia B*Tl«r u d a Farad* Tw- ta rd a r’a F -a tara* of til* XBe*iapm«nl. T a ria rd a /t pro(ramin* for tba Pjttaian

tuaaiDpiiiAiit a t WaaUiKtaa openad with U» batpoDlng of Hw ]irrlat drllla, A coDtln- oad HMlDn od Mw Sopratna Lodm *d Uu|i*o- tlon and n tiu w fit tba uaifortn r iu ^ i« th# WbiU lo t . aud an lUuralnaaoo i s n d a irar* tiao faatara*. Tbapriae drill* #r» b«1d oa

fl|*7Wiaiiistaii U S aU

llrrrk lnrldfD ’i O ppunant H u n , inCommlsslODa Hlgtivd by tba Beesldenta—W. f . Owen* of Scott County, Ky,, one

of tho caDdldatee for Congress lu the Ath- luiid distriuU was bung lu efVgy in Rich­mond, Ky., TuotMlay rnght The body was susi>eadod from a telegraph wire betwetm the R'lllie liouee and I'ourtbouse Kiuaro, above iho sldowalk. Two placards were at­tached bearing theee words: Billy(jT^ns, after ileptombor 16,’* and ** Warning —Don’t bike down this body until this after­noon at 3 o’clock, ** Of course, tfata workoould oniv have boon done by Breckinridge sytu-

athlurt, of whom there are a legion in Lodlson County,—Refer* leaving Washington for Gray

Oablfi yeMtertlaj iTwidont Cieveland signed commloaluns for several uf bis appolntoss whose nominations failed ol confirmation by the Senate, These were A. Augustus Healey, Odleotorof luternal Revenue for tbs First iBrpuklyn) district of New York; Ooorge WlIaoL, Collector of Intorual Revenue for the district of Florida; James W. Bali, Col­lector of Customs for tho district of Yaqui- lua, Ore, and David G. Browue, Collector of ('ustoius for the district of Montana and Idaho, The President also apiioinbod Milton Welsh Surveyor of Customs for the pdttof Kansas City, Mo.* a new appointment, In piacu of John Bcoti Harrison. «

—Advices from Home say that an Anar­chist plot to kill the King of Greece was ryi- veaisa recently by an inrortner to the Mfiaii police. Tho luan designated by tha iiifo^ier wav arretted in Mi tan and was found to be in poMession of letters proving that he in* tended to stab the King,

—Edward Rtolse catuily omured Bergoaut Thonipaon, at the Weet One Hundred and Fifty-second Street Rtatloii, New YorlL lait night that God had commanded him to kiU Muusignor BatolR, the ApostoUo Delegate He was found wandering in hts U re feet at One Hundred aud Berenty-fiftl/ street and Kingsbridga road. He wax arrested. Ha oaiil his borne was in MoailvUlo, Fa.

—The International Peace Congress was opsned at Antwerp yesterday. An Amerl- ran delegate spoke nt length on the growth of arbitration os a symptom that the most highly civiHaed nations were prspa^ng to give up war.

guiM arctu lij to I XhiAl Uai'e—A handicap awee|Mtake« fur

th n ’C-ytuir-oMs nnd upward, mil* na.l u fur­long; Don AlahM, StrNtbmueth, dead heat; UwlKkin tiiinl: lima, 1,5h Retting—Two to i ou J)uu Aionzil, ngniovt Ue<.Ukin 2 to 1, Ktrathmeath 12 to ].

Fourth UarH— lieltcs' Ktakes^ a xwe«f«take9 for fillies two y(*uis old. Futurity cutir^^; Irish Uoel won, GuUu'lVrrlia sscond, 'Ssilie third; tlim*, 1.11 2-V Rmting—Against IrUh Heel J to I, t^adii' T to I, Gutta Percha il to 1.

Fifth Ituct'- Flight Htakes, a sweepHtakci for two-vear olds and upwaril, stiveii fur- loiigs; I'lilfurd Won. lAfly VinVi secutrl, Luslrw tiilnl; time, 1 *Jo 2-5. Retting—Three %c* I oil ClilToril, u^aiiisit Jouly Vlulct2.!-^ to I, Lustre Hi U> I.

Sixth UuL-t'-Furse 11,000, for three-jear- oIiIh and upwarl, mile; St. Michael won, Arab sei'MJiui, Sf>e<‘ulnt{oti third; time, 1.40 ;V5. Rcttlne—AgaiiiNt Arab d to A St, Micbaid 6 to 5, Spe<'ulalUm 20 to 1.

Seventh Ka<*V“ Tnrf handicap for t!ir«v Tesu*-oldft mill upward, milo ami a quarter; Illume wuii, Gioaiuing Rnrond, LIto Oak ihinl; ttiiKi, 2.07 l-.V iiatUng—Ten to 7 on Uloamiiig, agaiiBt Live Dak 3 to 1, Uluiiio 10 to 1.

The raffe at Chicago yeaWrday resulted oa follows;

First Rare—Five and a half furlongs; Elaiio won. Katie R, tecuud, Madollue third, tiHir:, l.iJHU.

Second Itare—Threequarters of a mile; Glee Roy Vou, Tim Murphy second, Mon­tana third: time, l.LVV'

Third Race—Haudicap, one and a sixteenth miles; Cicely won, Sohiersauit aecuud, Full Mi*aaurH third; tiuiH, 1.17.

Fourth Uacj—FurK* 41,1100, mile dash for trottcrt in the 'J. 15 cU«i; Jvat© F. won ea<1lv by two lengths, Lim* secobit, J . R. b. third; time, li.lfl'j.

Fifth Ra -e^Milo and sixteenth; Dungar- veu won, Corduroy veeuhd, Joe Murphy third; time, l,4h.

Sixth Itace—Five and oae-balf furlungs; Ri'peater won. Mullio IL second, Dahbard third; time.

Seveutli Race -Seven eighths of a mile, purse; iatu-r^all won,.Rues McCann second, kd GreenwLKxl third; time,

Morris Jones, of lied Oak, la., and tbs owner of Alix, wa«at Galenburg, III., y««- terday making arraugemeuU for the gaum litlls uiare to utart her against Jier record at the ineetiug next iiumth, Wlllianii made the aiiDouurement that if the race lietnvi'u Directum and Alix ahall be tro tted bo would add to the aide bet between tlio twohoracM.

A'eaterdny aftennvm law' the twelfth con­test for ibi‘ famgijn Charter Oak Stake at Hartford. Hali>h Wiikea gaLhereJ iu thoraos iu straight heats.

tVLtli tlie riKbter*.If nothing happens between now ami iSep-

teml>CT 15 Casper Jjoou, uf New York, an<l Jimmy Rurry, uf Chicago, will light to a fluiahm private. A match haii been sr< ranged betwt«ii these twu well-known bau- tams, and thf* boys are to iuive it out a t a place about sixty miled from Chicago on the above date. Tile mill is a ra ther nnportaut one. for the winner will be ‘entitle i to the honor of the lO^pouiid cliainpioasUip of America.

Mayor Bchirren, of Rn»klyn. in deter- roiued, if ts>»>ible, to stop any further Ixix- ing exhibitiotu a t Coney Ulaud under tho direction of tha iSeasids .\thletic Club, lie Bold yesterday: I am opp.)sod to Much an exhibition as was witneeaoil a t Coney Ivliiad on Monday night. I t is deuiorali/.iug to ibe community, aud espe<'lal)y to the youtig, Althougn Police Cummiwioncr \S>|]l*s did not see anytUing which he thought wouid have justified him in vti'pping tbeexhibitiuo. he is not lu favor of bui-Ii iK^xing bunts. 1 wUall uos all my infiueDco aud trower to put a ibup to these exhibitions in tins city."

Peter Jackxou loft for Chicago Ust night to stay two weeka or lev . Jac'kson's ims- vioii to tho 5Vlndy City is fchroutk'd in mys- WY' He says that he has vej*y important business to Atirnd to tLr^< Ho rcduiiLd, however, todisuloMi Ra natnro.

McAuiifi't'. hma writtou a L-ttcr regarding his fight with Griffo, in whi(di he soya:

have no fault to find with the feeling of the sporting puMlc againat me t«>->tay, fui' i ronfesii th Jt 1 ilid not do luy duty tu ihrm in entering tho ringan 1 did. That I was lu no condition to mLvt Unilo ur any oiu* elt«) I am fre« to admit. 1 will n u tu tieu iiitt) make excuirt for ihaL u o rsim ill jd«ad furgivi*- novsuntil 1 have liomouslra'o.t tiv my acuoui that 1 am eutitied again to tiistnmilduuce that was mine for no many > cars. I only m»k tlio s|M»rtiog world not forget that for eleven years I have never faih.xl tbem wlien called upon, and that uo mau m all that time ha*s ever lust a dollar where be has backed me to win. 1 am human. I confess my fault.

Ax the defender of my coiiiirry’s claims to the lightweight chaiupiounhip 1 have tikeii in the past sovare punishment, L am ready now to take u»y jjenauw that iny foruior fuj lowers may to iinpoae upoa ini. 1told Griito aud his manager afU r .yurulay night’s contest that I would give Griifoaiiy chance tlial bo wantutl if they thought tliAt Mr, Moors was wrong in his Lleciiioii, and have o lfer^ , ami nuw olfer, to meet Liui again foi’ ten rounds or to a finish at the lightweight limit for any sum up to within two mouths. 1 um ready to post a forfeit aud will do so at tho first imlicatitm from UrllTo that ha means btisiness,"

flalneil Another INilnt*I t was a tie game on the Folo Grounds

until the eighth inuiug yesb»rday. Tla*u the New Yorks, thrmwh an error by McGarr and a clean hit by ^ u rk fs made two runs and won tha game from the Clevelands, 'I'he New ^ trk s gaiueil just one |>ercoulage polut on the Bostons and Raltlmores, although all Girao clubs won. The Boston* thrashed tho

' B t Ltmis team in revenge for Tuewlay’a de- fe .t, but the Raltimores had ahanl task to take a ball fromthe lioulsvllla tall-yndcra. The sud­den brace of the Rrijoklyua has served to move them up the ladder very rap­idly, hy defeating r itu b u rg again yester­day FouLx's meiM******* Clevelands and*m now Ufth, Ju«t polnU bebinUthe PUlla<Jeiphi«ii, who WBre badly wbliipnl by the Chloaso*. The VVnihiiigton. oou tinued their winnihg etreak by toJ[li% Ua- cinuatt into eanip, The reeuit,'

Now York a, Cleteland 4.Brooklyn II, K tubura 7.Baltimore S, Louliville U.Boatoii 14, Mt. Louis 4.Cblvftgu 1!L Bhlladelphla fl.XVaalriiiLiFf/Y(i 111 IlintdniLBfct 5

victory ftw the Vaiiunw;**. In fncL the COFFKK AM> C u ri '‘KF*l>ltl>‘K1>iOrVamiKrt* Won by iiU.-li 11 Ions dl*b,tK.e’ tlm tlb.'ocinlest nweiiiblid u piO(.eMlon iiittio tliun . ** ***' *'**n r.,.,, ^ llrlnk Aiuhoe lli.lmm m ed.iie.

Tile ................ n .i i , \V.,U. *“ t>« tllbllothlque N»tti.u»lo Ihoro It aTl» liinnmtiiont ,hiMt .if the fb m ex <)un . m »nu«rlp t (iie»x the end of the sixteenth

rb ib of Kenwoo I meenvil viwlenlny and lU’ [ c tn tu ry t. w ritten by all Arab, Abdoictt' cbiileil the ..^..111.1 of the scrii-iof mafi-hes he* [ der, who deelares (hat ootfre was drank

for the flrst lim e In A rabia in the middle ol the fllteonth eenlufy, says th e A'ord*!'

iwnhatten. O ther, th ink that rerlnln renh irk s lu Persian w riting im ply that coffee w as used in Perala as

the n in th century, b a t mont eu tbon dispute these text*. I t is c jtu- nionly supposed th a t tbo use o f ooffeo In lu earliest homo, Arabia, if only five ur six centuries old.

A legend luys th a t the angel Uabriel once, when M obaiuiued was ill, brought him a cup of coffee. A nother legend saya th a t a M ohammedan monk discovered that h!i goal* became very lively and lull of fun after they had eaten of th e fruit of the coffoe tree. T h I, observation caused hi IU to make th e llrst cup of coifee. His dervishes d rank i l a t n ight to produce vrakctulness w hen they kep t vigil*. Cau­tious historians laughed at these tra ­ditions aud proier 1 1 stand by Abdelcader'a momucrlpt. This w riter mention* an Arab, Ueiualeddln, u Judge In Adan, who svlule travelling m Perala, or, a a lh a h la - toriaos correct the m anuscript, to Abya- -Inia, Haw jioople use ouffoe as tnedioina. Hu used it aud was cured of a iicknesa. Later, becoming a m onk, he taught bla brethren the use o f coffee. I t wa«, then , In Aden th a t coffee d r ln k l^ orlrinated . The fakir* even made ooffee d rinking compulsory upon their neophyte* Public ootf'.e houses origiiutted In Aden, and very early in history,

We do not find any opposition to the use nf coffee until the middle of th e six­teenth century, w hen Ih e^g y p tlan dultan sent a new governor, C hair Bey, to ■Mecca, This governor knew uolhliig about culfoa, and was greatly en ra jed when ho saw the dervishes In tho mosque drink cufloe. Ho believed th a t which llu-y (lid was contrary to the teaching of the Horan, and th a t they beoamo in toxi­cated. H eociisuited two Pentlan physi­cians, who wore opposed to otiffe*. Tney declared It waa a substitute for wine, which I* iirnblblled Iq' the K oran, and b.'iioe coffee d rinking waa a violation of Mubaninii*d’v law. To prove th a t coffee lirliikliig made pereonx uegieot religloui diitie'i they p d iitcd to tUe laot th a t wbilu culfee huuMt’* wure m ultiplying the munquei were em pty.

C’Lalr Bey ra lle d a oouniolof phyaloUne, prltiHtfl and lawyers, aiuL on th e ir a<tftoe* luroade absoJutcly the uxo of coffexi The pul ice gathered all the coffee th a t could ue found and burned It ia the m arket place. A iterword be reported to tb* Rul Ian what he had dune aud received the fgllowmg note in reply ; “ Y our phyel- dxjkaare axxee. Our luwyerx and pbyal-

1. They

f ^ T S

Special Sale in

Bedding!(Tins WEEK OlfLT.)


Gu« Zluitnermaua, Ni‘W Vtirk's champion Mliarnfihooter, who ho* nourwl inauv vit'toruw in Kuriq>c, di^tiin^ui^lu^l Lmiw. R ai;x1u a t Hamburg vusturiav In n R>.‘ quick-llrmg inalch. Ife dcleatoil hl • the uraokxbot of Hamburg, hy lum'tv

The JelTurwm A. C. w ilh‘r'*>s Imt.H with the Active A. t'. Sntunlav aitet'UsHui oti tbo gruimdm Jeflciiom aud Kiuuer

The return quoit match ii.owe*!! llic Netv- arkx and the ARiimi* «f Nrw ^‘4»rk will lie ulxyet) in thU cItyon ^ lucet-ing pf ibe otuh will U< helil uu l-Yiihy night at 18 CroM Mtreet.

All hut fifty rif the grxnil ntand of ths Chicago iW e Ral) CInh, ni I’clk ami isinrolu itppet^, wo* dcniroywl by tire ye<- tuniay uftxrnoon. Tiu< loUnd iuJ Llnui prxclicttUy recundnictsvl oft-*r tbo iU*o of Hoverul week* ag‘S wh.ch ilvstruyi*-! uUmt half of lu Ail lhi> riH'imutructc ; i»*rt and NPiiiu uf the L«ld utructure w#>re lairmHl 1*h dxy. 'Tlie orijKin of the tire In'iicVih) to rw iiiceiidiary. The hm In eoLinixtcil at

Whilf rtw tntnf rriUfitl or yqu -I (|.» Ifltbapiuiny uti W oat Hv* i tr iil • 4

1>i .N.N k l.s A.^iA U i» IIIr XI'AN*4«rd Mxlirojul of ‘ Bivnio. I'rolMiMl (brotixa*

cntb>'ui* )tii*ri(><.kiMx skuirbi ik»(i nioofc <ixiiai r y^ifiii "I" Mo|3« unJY nn ddUc* ta Xf«at • * (Util nlti'r July t. ]<»!n , imnn wui texvx ixxrkil i-tiTf-T HMUtoa, NxwRrti. x» luilow <

laxNA.tu., (talk, with I'litlmta VmUfl-u « I'lrlur nnit H)4 >inc(.»r!(.fbr l*itiilHirf,Colu«ai*bus IxdLa, tiiolk Aiul H. IiMiU.

} lo.at A M. iVna^YlvnuU l.linllnd, (t*lty. ena- jHiMMl vxrliuheljr uf loi'lniwn V»aOb'il* Urawliig xad 'ixi^roora, hlvep'iif, Plniaf. I'moking W'VXitoii ('an. i<iTM>ntlnit nneiiclal rvporM,

, •t*iisfKrxpt)*r% nod ti'iM'A'rhnn. bmhrsXMii* igr boiU ! N'lP-i, ladies' ninlil. LariMr kb'ip. ilOrary xiKl all the , mnvenli'nnH or boju* or ofticn. I Ighlnti hf ' iiailu&*rjr hbiI niuT«t>i« Rectric hxbUL xrdttx

UiiiAxPM.uO A. U.,n*v«:*Dii Asn A. m., cinaianau Cli A. A|„ Jihj|jmia»*iilusuo A. &(,. 'lolemw A. ■>«.

fUtSP. M, Oifxtwo pidiIM. 1 4iuii gxpron, (t«hy Ihrhuxn v<«i1Im}I* and Hnliix (,'xn to1 oul-‘ti'Ulcuir» ind irdUMrl::*', VnitllbttUeinoXlRg Caraiul lanaouxpr (.'oteoN lu'-t [aiuU ArrivM I'lnciimati lUKl A. M., at, LouwTslO P, H, and CAh caxuAuQ i*. M. i)Xit(i*X-

r aj? P. M. \^eit«ni kitirewi, diily. PullmxaVfqntiiiJ* MfMfuiiiK ta n tu i litiUjiirt;. nikagaaml l ii'Valan.l i'Uiluf t an to I'LllMlrJpiilfi. oaaHUV Inm: tui litcocw- .trr vMt at U«Y»tiiad 11.14 A. IL* t. Il lAXif N.W P. Al. UtXI (txy-

ll.Jisr. M.. roiiifawt.xtoru PuU*omit V n t ; b u l e ( an tu tliiritinxiland hu i.uula MumvCar Alkxma UlL-limuad. Arrtrta (nnaiinait a.ou I'. M., InUianjipuUt lu.lft P. If. and ai. .oitu 7.UU A. sM., ■rvHiMi iiiuroiof.

fTnlinlatarAftl Tnl wBli miAfal I p. X(., I'ociiic Uxiifr-w -JiMiys PaUuiaa Duf*UpBOIttered COt Wltn m cu i Kl**|nnx t *r N*w Yum t» APfIvaeitn p xupporti and helical dHiiytiiicaffoUoA. x. dwcuod iiMruia«i.CuiaHi*

■ bui T.ia 1*. if. and rti>vi>Uml 6.ii p. M. aM Tiiiidell.f’i I’. M. dally, I'XoaiJti-'YatiuAigr*

I4.&ri 1\ M. ak-Iiiiuiiid and Uanvllle Kxpnaa dally. H|it«|,ari to end New u/l«aaa; t i l lliIflil. daily. i lrrpFre lo Ja-kioitT]il*

la j s r . M. indiy roi all leltiii(iQt'H«w«peeke amt uliie iialiway. I'Mrini atii] OlBlni ('«n.

r«r llaitiuiur*, Wwaintion aitd tXr rsHUa. liiT» ax \ v.E(Umliod nipr***. iNilimea Vfeilhule I'urjor (An. \»iUfiila lAM*Uffer coxchoa aud Jilulax Car. iQ.17 A. » .) U.::* A. Jd..lU. iXUAsM aiiM v.a» P. M. 1 u builder, ixft. •■AUe.E a.4.A.V Ui-T ar»d aE p. U. t a t JtaUldUNreualy,l.» p. M. wMi: caya

' ' lleiMpbla Kf*. 1147. &4A, 7 » , USUIsir.. . iirxf l.lmlliNl bliiliwn. Pulliuen Vw>

tluiila Parlor Cart, VmilbuU PiMta*er GmmIim aud Mnltii L'Hn. U.M A. M.; IL&d, l.ia, lU . LJi, IU. L9u. a;;;. k liiiK laloP . M. Aoeueimfolxllan, liSwA. M.. Auu and T U P >!■ (>n miiiday, M*

tpnog Id center. R ejulu i.gS.

Foldiof Bedstead, Steel H at- traat-w ira w ith metal strip sup­ports, ranniog from each corner and connected by hellcat springs M ip lt frame, kegu ltr i.gg.

Tho Making iif Them liji hUliliil lli.iuls, Nnretaary Mntrr|iil<a.

From H arpur’x Young Feoplo.A elroug paxte ia nretleU llr^l. To tt.xKe

It diwolv* in a cuplul ot water ten cent's' w'orlh o f gum arabic. Into HiU atir care­fully a tablexpooniut of fiour, m aking a amootbi th ick paxtu which riquiren no boiiiug, Improvex with nge and b gifud ior many Ihlngx bealdert ilowurfi.

The o th e r requisite* are a gauffer-iron, which ia to be heated like r’urniig-taiigSf a plum p piu-cuxbiou, a pair o f piyerN, a rubber block and a xpoul of ibreucRike wire,

Marguerltex are bought In th ree parte-— the petale, tbo heart uud Ibo green *'8pfaya" or **etoiio-(." ax the calyx ix cixns in Cairo are better inform ed.W hurcally called. For a iingle luar- recunmieud ta e ueu of coffee, and declare gucrite tall* one ring o f p fla i“» and foldeach peta l lengtbwixt.', pinciiin,; it be- ' tween th e flngerx of the plycrx to give it the creaned effect of nature. Then pu t a little pant* on the atem a t the have uf the huarL and thread the wheel of pciwl^ on by the hole In ita centre. PreHx ft agaiuNt the paste, add pa«te to tlio baAe, and xUp on the etoRe. which needii no creaxin |. This finiahei tho inarguefitc, but if it looks stiff the uelala may be beut or tw irled a little w ith tlie plyerj.

lfy(}U wlxh a double dnixy use two or three rows of untaiSs Several row4 th a t have been lai(l on tbe pincushion and hol­lowed ou t by a circling Luotiou o f the healed gnuffur-lroii inako quite a preeuat- ablc chryxantheiuuin. Thu effect may be increaxed by xnlpping the polal* in to Jr rcifuiar leDgtbXp and cnrlingtUo outcrones away from the heart with the plyer*. Rut ax chrysanthem um a grow Juxt as abundant 1J4 doiaici In tho ehop*, there in no object ib uiing one for th e otherr unlesa to e x e r cLxe one’x ingenuity.

Putaie and bearU for buda com e In amaller elzea. T be closed buda are made by xitnply gatberiug up the petals betw eeu the fingere and prcH^ing tht^m about the heart. The etoUe is pasted up closely about them .

The HhopH th a t keep flower m aterials do not sell ioUage^ but the Icaf-makerx arc it) o ther Rule xhops nearby, ami whim si­cal variations on nature are often played in the comblnatiuii of leaf and flower. Even if you wish to be a laith iu l copyist, your more Imaelnxlive dealer may Insist on your buying dandelion leaves to grace your daisy xLems. Yuur foliage dealer knows mure about grafting llian any horticulturist. Tbe leaver are ready fur binding to the flowers with your !lno wire,

Rose peialrt may be bought in rings or apart. T he rings arc lim ptest fur making a wild rojo if you do nu t object to having six petalrt wlu*pe iialuro loves th e num ber five,*’ W hether ringi or single petals are used, each pelu1 is gauffered on the pin- cushion. ’Tbrn, if you are m aking a dou* blc ro<ie, tbe Inner petAls^ w hich need to be crumpled, are p W ed on th e rubber block and creased and w rinkled length- wibo tow.ird the heart with th e points of the plyers. The edges o f all the petals should be more or lcx.4 curved uy tak ing them between the plycrx, and curling Uiem as you would w ith the blade o f a knife.

[(y o u arc using tb* ring of petal* for a Aiiigfe rose, go on a* w ith the M arguerite, but if you a r t using separate petals, paste one a t a tiniu about the heart, m aking the rose as double o r Hlngie, open or closed, OM you please. Tbe (^alyx, or ariegne,” corresponding to the etoile o t th e M ar­guerite, ts gauffered and pasted to Iho base o f tho peUix; tb ea the littio green cup, or oalioe, is slipped on to finish all.

Tho green rubber tubes tliMit cover tho stems of the best o f artificial roxe* arc pulled on nt the tuxt up to tbe baxu o f the callce; they lucrease the expense, -but add infinitely to the grace of Iho flower.

A WOMAN’k BURDENSaral<medtotue. ............. ....deraoganMiits, and painful afOiol bar ntx, ore cursd bv Dr. tHerco's Favorit* FraKwiption. In teirii


iten^ when she turn* to tbe rlitat - Tbe chronic wealtnsewi , dellota

Ful dJtordsti that

flenuDaUon, and everp a pualtiva remedy,


pains, ub r kindred

downon, In-uIoera (

ailment I f f

^,^--oaae sccep t m r tlianki for tna aoM rcur ■nrdlclnei bare done for

I truly haltere the ’ riTortte P n e ^ p tlc n "

n r boneewotk.S r ery in v a lid

F m ix n . ti>*uld 1*^0 Dr. 1*1' rro am FaroriteProaripUenaodfhould OoMm lledleal D in o n rTonn,

PIERCE.’ib z z ra tDOATB.


Wwbiugtoufi, Ciueiauati &viia


................. tlT.....................OH.................... .57................*,65...................54



P T n i w ^ ^Vegetable CompoundI t a pMiUre o o ie lo r all those painlul

Ailments of Women.I t will entlrclFonre tlie worn! forms

ot Female C’omplalnta, all Orarla.i troiiblea, InRammaHon and UIcvrat Ion, Falling and Displacements, u f , the Womb, and consequent Spinal Wenlc- Dcss. and it peculiarly adapted to tho C/uinpe 4^1.{re. Erary time It will cuia

Backache.I t haa cured more oaaoi of Leuror-

rhma than any remedy tha world liaa e rsr known. I t la almost Infallible In anch cHsea. I t dl.ssolvea and expria, Turnon from the Ifterna In an early itace of development, and checks any tendency to oauueroua humors. ThatBearing-fiown Feelingoanslnc pain, wslgbt, and hacicache, la Instantly relieved and pciitianrnily cured by Its use. ITiidcr all circ’im- ttancea It act* In harmony wtl li the la'ya th a t Kovern the female sj'stem. and la aa Latmleaa as water. I t ruinuves

SnppresacdIrregularltypcd or ratntnl UenstiU enstnm H ons,

Claim. .Boston............. .Haltlinote...........New Y ork.......Philadelphia.,...............Brooklyn............. ............Cleveland................Pittsburg..........................Clilcwgoi.................. .Cinolnnall.|,..,-.ji.-Ht. Louis., . t . . . . . r r . . T . T ( - . ' , . ' l . ' ' i*tl>Yaatitnatua.......-,...'.....>t.......W suLnoiavUTe.......... ................. . . . . .a t 7J

Vamoose a Fast B tn m Taebt.For tho past thrw year* s|ia*inodto sffnrts

b a r. been mad. from tline to tim* to arrauK* a steam yacht raoe between tba fast steam yachts Vamoost and Norwood, and laddent. ally to brlii|( th* yaclits Now Than and Yan- kse Doodle luio tha contest, but for soma unknown reason sometblne always sprang up at the last minute to prevent suoh a con­test, and UP to yestarday no actual bona flde race has bsw held batwsan thus, boat*, which aro ackuowkdged tu l« the fastMt of America's stvoui pleasure fleet Yasterdsr, through tba afforte of Frank T. MurrlU, tbe offner ot tha Vaiuoosa. and J. Edjvanl Ad- dkiks, tha Boston cwitallst who owns tbs Now Then, a race took place between these two boats on tba Hudson River, from Fort IsHtoVenksrs, wUcb raniUad

that no lailhftil w ill lose heaven becau.e he drink* ooUoe.” About tw en ty years later a man in Cairo preaclied against coffee, and declared th at coffee drinkers Were poor Moliammedaua.

OsB Pipe Bed, Wire Spring and supports same is Folding Bedatead. For setvsnta rooms boapitala, etc. tieguUr 4 .49,

Dlftx, nroU c CcickTrxBX, 30 Incbi wiQXg wortm wtrx bxttoiu xdJ xillxitxifie hixd-rxit. Cax b* covtitd with Exf 07 UpkoliifrY>

ur.fiW. U.4T, X4t». EAT, AM. AH IX-II A. M.: 4.H,4-.*. AVT. M.I3 ioil U.KI 1', M. Ai'niiuuudxtMi. Xli

M.tar Irsiitufi, 1147. «.4 ;.n0, 7.BO1 X».A&7, XB

R-MT Mmivtril Kxiait«, I'KSImiin VvxiJbiile Pxiiof ( Rfi. VvpiltKiln JU'hMiiittr 1 u«ctjM Jkiiil IHuInf Uiri^lt.-jHaii4tl u A. M.; IXM l.», 1>A5SI,LH Ltu, A3X, n.t;, .M. B.I1 nad «.|o y. M. ruwlfty,I-I.4T. 8.47. luij iu.ll A. M.; 4.34, 77* AUx:7.;.5\ M7 Rial 9.37 \\ M.

Far Aikiilicritjr, i l l iv K.. »Uti Tbriucll PulU RiuM litrior CVr xitd Dmy t'uxckix weekClVR.fl.fj A. If, MIDiJliyA

l«ir i Rit« M«y, 1U17 (.’'KtnnlAfeenlTli ILII A. M*.Yff 1.4>mr Mmiich, l-Jbvfon, Aihiiry Perk,Oww

(tnibe, h|.r1iif J ek«, (art. .MBOMK ueR. iPtHet 1 itAieuit 0041 on ih* New York XM l*MfISniK'h fatllMml, I..VI. 7..SA pM, M).at A. M.; iXiC 1.4;t|E«tiin]jiv« ?.rA. lIX,, AHaiikT.'il i \ U. K tl HkiHixr rt.M. IU.I& A. M.eiKlAWP. M- I‘Cl rtui Hup at iicrari lirovo or AxburY yxrkak KorKiRjr,

l-or Od'RRtite I'arfe. l i lu i llrtfhtx xnA Tem’i Rlv#r, t.'A, U.M A. M., ioj ao4 AM 1*. M. w*eke ditri, Hfuardijm onif. L88 ]* PorkOiiG, IS 84 IV IX. ^undayi. 14U A, H.

I or Ikwioi, urtitmut rheoM. 13.41 P. M. wxxk*8*7A P. M. dalljr,

I iir lifMoiityt), .V. V. All (hronfU tmlni mobmX ■4 Jer fy ritr whx Uiet« tif liroohlyn Axaeii” xlfiirdlutd1r#rtiiAM«>f4rio xnd frem l''ullOD iireei, •voidiuf duublt lirrlAfla kutl luurMjr ecnix Ikx eny

, FnU.VkW YORKIxj'XMArkefHtieei ►union, xifl, M7, 4,09; All

«.rA.7.lt.7> 7.48. Aun, 8.IAA14, i.», AlXLIA'Lii,'ttoo.iOL4a 1U48, iiiiM u r a. Jff. jf.o:. ta*l i.(k.i.a, iji-, lix. i t ......................

f.JI ,:.W. in*. 4fk.M4 L». A48.AIf.OT. 138


a n d


.IS, m a s a iu , tis-t.ir, am,aH,

i.u>, i-ii., 1 w, MW, «.,v s.B, leoi, iart,it.UP. »t. sell 11.117 niaht. mtiulertn1ai.au. ».«, a»,t,*aH. M, liMC, i^m. le.«, ll.(o,ll.,tl A. M.: I l ia IIH I aitai,ISO, *.r, *.(*', ssa, ana ass, a)i,Tea,t.»' uiiii'*'’ '*■*' * tl. laoa. iaia,ia« r.ii.,ii,eiT esv jl entr# "Ireet auilon, S.« IU. T.W.T.It

1 11 - *'*’• ’’“‘k ft a> *■ U-: I lia it.sk l.oa Hi.V71. « .n .k ir.aii.iu ,T .ti. B.a,t,i4*aij lasrr. >l eves d»'s.I ,a r . ChHlnul Miiwi sutleo. hlh S.!ls.an Ml.

I. 1V. 7.4- 7..7S, ain, a;iT, ail, aias.si. au , lau, lair A. M.: 12.04. lt.» . I.at, 1.31. I.U • It, 3.M. I.IS, SIX 4.1s, 4 sa aiic s.ia aio, ait, 7.m, 7,1a ».«. ».ia la tt 11.131’. 11.. 11,(11 Mirht. fiiGrter, sns. i.ts, i.ll. a lt 10 1 ,. to (7. Il ls A, M.i i»aa li lt . i . t a i .H i ia tu ,

I.sev# rmnwrairt.! aukilon, as*, at*, asl.T.a7. 7.40. s.iu, MS.ail, aia>.*>. ass, mis a . m.( ikna I3.:i, 1.11, 1.SS.1 1 1 , 2.34, aiM, a4l,a4l7.iL *.‘.'4.»s-. m ap . si., 1201 nivbi. ruinotvasa, au.

Fhysidtns by the lliousand recommend

I B O V I W I K n i .

space will not perm it the publica­tion of one per cent, o f th e nam es ot eminent physicians who consider BOVININE indispensable in treating all such cases. Here are on ly a few out of m any , ju st to sh o w .w h at a great food BOVININE is ;—

Ij. B. Rwnmutpdt, M D* J. R. C. Ouwellr >4H. Rjntnn,J.W. Bell, .«juE. WKHb, ♦.J. W. nT. W. Hetbcfly „W. J. Martin* hS. D. Dewevi ttW. S. MriTTldOfl, „S. H M-'Kircv ,tW.WJaniei, y*

Wanhiruftofl, D. C. Wiimififprtn, De!.

Waterloo, li. Piautiurg. Pa, Torvnto, Can. Scranfon, Pa.

Wflihington, D. C. Pmiburg, Pa.

Kichninnd, Va St. Johni N. H.

In(tiani}H>j|«, InJ.f*lul8(lcl(il>1i. Pa.

These and twenty-five thousand others have taken the trouble to write us staling how they depend upon BOVININE in all children’s illness.

5old by eti dnifElxtt*THE BOVININE CO., N E W YORK.

t f

W aaknaasof th a Btomach, Imllgcstloi), Bloating, Flnodiiig, Nervou* Frostra- tion, Haadacbe, U eueral Debility. AlsoDizziness, Faintness,

E xtrem a Laasitnuo, “ don 't c a re ’’ and “ 3rant ti> bo loft aiono" fcollm;. exci­tability . Irritability , nenousnes*. slccp- Icsaiie i, llatnlency, melauclioly, o r tho "b lu e * / ' and bacgaclis. *1°aura ii>4tlcuti()B**>f je m u la W'■akn**ii

,,'ilerangem aat d tba u wm a, o r

WombTroubies.T h e w hole story, howover, Is fold In a U lu l a t e d book ant It led “ Ouldo to tea llh ,” by Mi*. I'lnkham . I t con-

ta lna over DO pagna of moat im portant Information, which every woman, iiiar- ried o r iliittle, ahould knoiv alrout net- H i t Bend 3 twe-oent atowpa for J t For

Kidney Oompiaints1 % 0kaclie of rifAer s e x th a Vaiie-lie Compound ia unequailad.

Alldnsirrlsl* «!> tlwV*g€it«>l*C"®- pound, or »T miH, m form ot pill* er lioxerti^,on

___ \ firmly artinrtrodsYou In ittlcuxi confidencesu i i |k e n w u u j i AUb Ww

W . L . D o u g l a sC s L J ^ E ' i s T H ia c t T .

d o O n W b N o a i iu c A K iN m<5. Co r d o v a n ,FUENCHAENAMELLfDCAtrVd.EiFlNECAlf&KWIWKIl

*S.tPP0LICE,3SoLi9.j,»t.tE.W0RKIN8HEHfiEXTRA FINE.♦2. l. 5BaYSSCH00LSK0E3.

•L A D IE S ’


BROCKTOKy MASS.Ypu rne xare m oaer by wpnrlD# tbe

VVs Ls D ouglas 9 3 * 0 0 Fhoe* llfcniixps w« xre tbe IxrgMt meDurx<*tfireni ot

thifl lihors id the world, xnrl gtia/ent^o theirtaliiA liy iinmpluf tbe nxme xnd price oa tlia f>4jUom, which jirotect you egxlufit hlf ti prlcei u d tbo midiilonuTi N iirofltk Our ihooi oqUAl cuKtom w'lrk In tf.Yle, caiT fitting xnd woxHng quxlltlcx Wc hjLTHthpm ■'Oil OTcrywhore xt lower prlr«fo (ho vxlut'irlrer thxnxnvother mxiio. TxkeaoRub cuzucii. II koiirdoulorcxaootfuppiyyou. weexa.

W ll. KFFINGRUalUy llranil xt.t JUS. tf AV Jk CIL* 5f:l Oritirge et,. ror. t l lb •(.( Ks lli:V.H.4^.^|N**.^‘J0Mpr1naAr>)daTe.| \V. A. kV T. V. AGPiiiK, H0:| llroail el.i G. U. ( LAKK, l ‘IA>rrr4r.| H. fl. MAKHtl, .IfllU burn I I). H. lUBitsHAF4, llarrlM a.

WovsB-Wtre Biriagv tbtPi lewi of ilMl txmpeitd flritai8irix|s lupicrt- lag tbe fxbrlCAad n tU liln p i wovei tbroDchlt. Sold xtl ovii xt Is.oev


Cash or Credit.W« pxy tbi li«i|bt xxywhero In Jerteys

a.r wstosi dsll-ei too4. for» n iil .i ir o til , |For Kllubeth tinljr, 8,38 A,


Hew Hen anJ he Criam Saloon,AT 157 ai.VKKET STKICEF.

D id S ia n r in • I m a k k k t st h k b t v i u o i a n a a . f u k u a d mtkkkt.

H E m u T n ii m a s ^ i u o per gslloh

TF,LEPHOS!K « » 7 .


To tjiiopiiHtmvii ftiiil Liverpool and otlior points iu


S T E A M S H I P A M D fi A l l H O A O

T l i ’K K T A G E ! ¥ T S * v

8 0 0 S i ^ o a d S t .D n ilt* nu ll m o n e y o r d e rs to n il

p a r t* 4>r fill ' w o rlil.

___ .ulxy, AOlLn.38.*.H IA21, 11.48, A. >#.5 13,42. 1144. U8, IWl’i^ 'v ” " '**'*''■*. Ik *.«, 3.U,kB,l.«,

VB' !u MAIlKltT STllBBT VTATtOS. tar XllnSulh and Kshwur, I.IS, all, 7.M.7.M.

Ml. *3* laii, Ii.n A. 34.: i.us, i » , kta kua a -t.w ,4u. 4.B, am am. aia aw, aoi (aat***BBiarUj 1. ajs. sH, ail. ai7, t.irrTt.Jk ao>, att. a 1«.I7. II.SI K ll„ IlMsnd la itslrta Hundu.aia a» . ujM, w.ik isii, ii.ii A. l u a i.av i l a a ia

...............Iv'k.lJk t.“a S.H *.«, la o a k ik, --------- M. daUri aar a. K.

XJI'I IS.Mxml 8.(10 H. M wetk-doinx Foi New liruiiiwtek, I.-.47. 8.4ia.04.T.il.4.iT,».8IAt)

•tia li.UA, 1X48,1.14, 3,18, t.48,il1,AeirU1l f.ri.B.ti, 7,18, XKixad 10 47 P. U. 'fiodxy, lA47, X4», X87,1.30, la il A. i1A Ail.7,*i ».oj.ari*iMi 111? p, if.

>or \V(KiiH)rtdfX,«|l A. U,. XU, 4.1ft, AOi, 7.81 m I H.C P. M.i w«ek-(^i, duadoyi, LS.1ARV A. IL. Kiid m ou p. M.

For i^nii AiJihnr, lAl. 8,31, 7.M, #44 xodlftlflA. M.. A48,AM, 4.01, 7.07, 7.37 OOi A4i P.M.xirii iii8n!tbL (luxutidxyi, 8.0, HkH, tU IA. .y.,4.4«xnfriaoop. M.For Rx8t hliitlone, 7.no A, IXQLklBxadXD

1 44. dalijt. xxeept nundxy.For Kiugt'tmxit'l Ht«4Z HIU, T.B A. JfieodLlI

P. ]tl.,dxUy, xxofftHuuiixy.For PbliJiulbitrM, Kx«iVja xxd Helrii1xfXsT.4Q,U<ll

A.M.X[|>1I,‘44,A37P. M. i‘und*y, X.X7 P. M.For I.X(ub«riT|j|«, 7.4U, 11. 8 a. M.: XtLLMxxt

8.37 F. M. fcoudxy,#,?? | \ !k.For Flxmlitf loa, 7.4o, Jl,‘38 A. M., xod AM P. IL*

dxlly. exoepi ^mniiy-Fnr 8r#«b<>td Pxrniliicdilx xofi Me CHrv. riX

Motwiiautli Jutioftm. 7.40XIM) ll.U A. U.. 118 xxl 4.«> I'. M. w wg-dxirx imir, P. iCFuni]«f A 147 A. M. Fur FiMhuld oXl/a 449 P. IL u-«ekiUi7X

NKW vr»nK TfJ XKWARIC.1-rir aVf'i.Ytu’it.S.SO, fl.OQ. 440.8.40. T.Xt, 7-1?. 7.40,111

I.M, V.iA mio, I0.4U. ll.iOr n «i a . M<; lillA 18.44 1.1)0, r.xi, iJk>, Xlu, X80, 8.UU, l.x>, XAOt LOO. Ato. 4.844.4U, 4.4u, I.UU, 8,3u, 8.110, A,4U(eiMpi hAfurJoy), 4.8CL I..W, B.I0. O.JIL 4.W. T.Ufl. 7.10,«.I4, *.ll, 10.L8, 11.00, IL»

i.Oi, i.40.1.()U,X44, .t,U, 4.0U, iiUv LOIL 418,441;4.4.V T-(W. 7.30. >.44, AUU, 8.3U. 8.U0. 8.10, lOJ*,

f)0O%* 44LU*03

1 ■ M„ xnd ur&midqiihi, Hundxy ireinA 41XI.0A8.0U, H.4A, jn,(JU. lO.llA ILiKi, 11.30 A. It.: Il80 dool,]3,#i, .................................* . - . - -e.3U. 4.P, K.,xnd 13.1s niiflnlgbt.

Ftir hirtber lururmxUoii *!»(■ Ume-loblefc, te M bxi it Ui* tickut ulfiuM. (Wxetx for «lt potxli ex tbi Pni hiitrivxiiix liixllruxd xndc'oiaHnloex xad bxribe x^tlonu HA'I begicau<« cbK-kx xt Ibx eOnMxyx ufflrxx. ,Vo. 7><B louxit Mroit, ur xt ticket uAoxxt Uxrkel.strreLitxUuiL

M PHK.VcoiT. J, tt. WOOD,<ie(i»rrd Ueijxgor. Oxnerxl i^aewager Afeni

/iK N T hA t. IIAIMIOAU NK.W JKRHKY- \ AnlhrxcKx cuxl ua«(1 XicliNtYely, liixuilmg rifxnlUiMi kdd uouifurt Tlmeiebli lx «(teoc

1 rbini ]f«Te llroiul xml Ferry xirxet tlxUoef FurpixiJi'ixld, tu , 7-l<. 7.SI4 Xflt, e.(», laoui.H

A. M.; 1,14, l.Mi3.'.tiS»turdxy« oxlyi XM, 8.4L4.9L iJt;, &.(H,ti4, A&O. (L3U. 7.14, 7,14, 8.40, 10.04 lU I P. M, xumlxii. 1.7,0, K.4,9.<w, u.fj a. M.: U l 3,44, 4 iu, .vei,7.#), H.'JO, lx;iU 1>. S\,

Fur .'<omrrvUle,xi4ia.7.u.U.'ll. 19.04, 11.18 A. SC: M4 Mil liu, :i.M, 4.04 ilT. .ViH.AV}, l ln 7.11 8 4h jtu*. n X'. r. M. a.tl il il2.M. 4.1U, M'l. 8.3.1, 10, so p. M.

For Meiuliigliiii : H.yg A, M.; U4 iSL Ml P




LUMBER!Bailey & AHing,


NORWICH LINE.Kmjte, via New I*oiir]oD, for

D o . M t o n , A Y o r c ( \ s t o r ,I'HOVIIlKNCK. EAHT AND NORTH.

OnlyiUrort roni.fnr WATCH lIII.[,,nLO(’K ISLAND. MtltWlCIL AND NEW LONDON.

NewtwIn-BrrfWetoamflrl’ITY OF iaOWKM., and ('ITY OF WnurKHTEit, in (Mmual<»loh. iexvliig Pier 40, N. K., next DfehroN^e nt., at C:SJ }*. M., wocii only, cutiiicctliui »vlllivpfldhulcd rxiireH‘1 tmiroi, N. V. and N, K. U.H.

Ticketn auci xtuter-HiUiX nn jdrr and at. 'tVfl Broxdway, A finx oralieatra (in pnt'h xteamer. Tahie d'hcile dinner.


KAHT. Only line connertlng vritL ilrronuh parlor cari In the WiUTF. MOUNTAINS. HteauierH CrujTiecticut and Ma(*hHchHH-Us leave NKW |»IFlt W. N. li„ om- lilm-la al- -ve I'liaal x t.,0t r>:aiJ P. M. dally KXC'KPT h l’N- DvW; due ProvLlroc’e, 6 A. >!.; fliur II 7;l4i A. ,M,; due WoftTHter H .C M.dSundaya l<h2Ti A. M i Lirn. W hile Mnnntnin i’ ’tpre-sK, due KahyunV 4FI) P, M. Full nklK'i re-i, ehortoal rail rfdu. FINK OUGUKhTiiA ou each xteamur

RTONiKfiTON LINK.Icalde route in Oniv liirprt

roiilf. Ui NAI»IA^MNSI'-TT 14FU arni WATOll HlLti. mexiin-rM Maine and New Hamiiehiro leave NVw Pier iUl, N. !(., a ld i'. M. daily. INCLirniNO Hl NDAV.

34. hliXdxVK. 4.1D PXDd ivmk» HXfXl-

HuodxTX) rti


Cusard Line. Whllu tstxr lanv. American Uuoand otlipm.

For tlokete and inrormHtion apply to , MARTIN Rv D E N N IS & CO.,

Knr<ft>eau Sleamnhip Agejitn.774 BHOAl) HTKKKT, Newark, N. J,

A Man Without a StomachMay eilfttftx a nmavuin freak, but mo«t f t ne recognise I he xtouixchtui Decexaxry to life and nmifort. M uflt I tf U8 oxperleuce a Uttle truuble frvu) tUix enuroe oooaxiotuiUy. wrong action of the etonuifitiW'auxlUtf dynpewila. eio., nntl otton Ui« trouhle ektunda. mvnivlng the liver and IviwMm, and conatl-

• . ■ ' . kid*ne|8 (DAture''8 lewoge ayetem) becoDae OiOBmdwlthf^ffetf inxttor, from wbluli L'ome impure biudd, Iroilv. blotfdiei, pliuplex, xcrofa)a.ncri?fq- Ifiui ■well irign and oaiiceroiiB coruplnlutn. 'llie Burdock Blood Uitterx token k tt he bxglDnlag, orot oay Iftier xtoge. xrrexix the trouble, re* xtorex the dIxorderM organ to ooptlvlty.t here- by rernorinfi every vextureof dixeaee. H.B.B. ie xri xlieolutrly pure extrxot of rootn and herbx. v^tlch ran out Injure w en 1 ho n)u«t deli- rate oonxtUutlon. oud xx o cure for Blliouinexe. (.'onxtipiitloQ, Hod Blood, etc., eucoredx lu OM coeox out nf lOd.

RUPTURE CUREDT]ie improved Kloxtlo Trsiui 1 the only truf»

In exkfUnoe that tx worn with abxoluto com­fort uighi and day, 0x 18 retaiae theruptum under the hxFdextexeroiie or xeyerrxt xCraiu, Uid wtU effect o beriuiuMut and epeedy cure witlioui regard to tboM * uf tbe paUeat. Kft- oaduAlioQ free. Lixdy lu otteuuaiee to* to*

iSu“fLAfcriO TRUSB(B.aaA Mt llNadww, aoa. Uf

LEHIGH VALLEY RAILttOAB.Market htm rt Ntatiuu,

7.9 A. M.iIxUy lor Mxuca cbimk xnd lata rme ftlxte ititiox* CeiioevtlHU, eic.ipt UuiidAr. fir l-ixuvuie end

X4: A. M. rtxlly Tor iMnevX. Horhxfter, Hqnklo NlaxxrA KxiK .‘-iupiadon Urltlgr xml Oi* Wett. xn>J pniivl|.xl JoukI piilide. rtiiiln( c.ir la WUxex- bxrrf, Poliiiixn pxriort'xr to limTxIa

i.3ir A. At dxPy, XKCfpt FuiHlxy, Ibr Uxtirb C'tmiitc xnd Intbriiii-isixte pulikix (.'oaoeeliuoa fur hxxdlug XB<i lIxrrtAbjrg.

lZ.4f P. L*.. ^umixy, for Klfnlkaeulell :itU>rme<i'lAtH «ixllnu< C'r<HSiixfllloitJi for l*ottv vlllfl Mud hflxdtiiff, olielrcxr to Wllkribxtre.

J.W P. M., Mtutdxj'xunLr, I'or huumi bruok xod lutermedlnix p iinu.

iU t\ M. <lKtly, xiiept f<nrKlxy. for Uxsdn* VeneOon xud prliiclMt io^vrnatdute Mttlouf : Pali- eixu liuffet I'xriur Car u> wiUteifiurri ; cuiinecdout lor PotUVili#.

4.4«p. M-dxllr, xxexpt sxtorcixyxfiaHuadxy. fbr Foaili PUIatlxld ■oit Intermediate ktatloiui.

1.48 F. H. dxily for rjwtoii aud liUeruixUbti Rl«rtiu&a8,88 P. M. (ixlly (eonrtan fl.81 P, U.) 8xr nuflkto, NlMxrx rxllaxod xil poloui Wext, 1‘ullmxQ Me»|iir, veiifibule irxiik York |o ibkufOinlNper tu BultuioroootiPCLluaxfor atNUUiixxiJl |{ttrfts<jurg

448 P. U. dHiiy, xxi'fpt Fumlxy, lorMauvULhank and Inturmedlxtr Mxllunx

438 F. M. dxily mr Ithxcx, (fexevx. UoubMisr Itullalo, .Mogerx I'xitxxud xll polnU Weii. Pulp buQ irJei*p«ffl 40 L'klH''goait'1 BiifTx Os C'biUr otr

Viuk to WtJkxHiiXrrx (wXrikilxyxAdOUIanxl FUiHtay irxlat 11.38 a. U, for Mxueu

Cbmii uxtl I'ol Uvula aud xll IxUrtruKbxte ita- lionx

'I'ickPtx x»d Pullmxn Hcroajmfvtxtieut x4Fenm •i-tvxnl* J.xllroad Lenet xnd TXk JtrMut «tr««4.

'IhaAew Vorx 'irxaafer coniiMkoy ailloxU uu »ud rbwJc beggxge ftun holel or nxloenfo Ikfongk to dMflaxtfOb,

___ ..Ife, rf.lxn«itia no lllflli Hridija hriuira xd' eoog.G.li.xo# A. U.;U1, io4 R U.A. M.

hur <UUanx<iB Mxitt r,1i»e Sow Jer«xy reglrxt Plvlilou rMtUn, iialhlpln*m, AlUotoivn end Mxufb < hMnlf. 7.M. 4i«, i iMA. ¥ . to ^a•tun,l.lL4. U.1 iHulfi-t lxr|i>r rnri, 4.4t>H«fT-t I’xrlor lOfl,

A. M-. UUi Hf wiikutfurra, I'liiiiun xml Merxeton. t.oi A.

1.14 4.UA I'. M. fllijfltt t'arifir <"xr.Furemihiiry, IrcwlHOurf »m1 ^Mlllxoiitnort ViX

1-bhxilelpiaa ?.« A. M.. l.«. 7,« P. H XOX- Oxy. F. M

MTWa IIK AXn Rf.lTIADPTFr d u a n p h .J rxlnt Irmva I’roxil Kirmit HUiMoo for MlAXhxth

xml iTnxelle xt 418, n,74 MlfafHnib[Kirt aDly.r.ll. ■.ki. S.'fJ Hl.stivttiporl Bnli, H.1S, ».0». *,«, lU.M, lo.w, It.OS. II.1.4 A. .41.; AlS, Uk l.SV (.A5. M'. t.kl, 4.0.3 '4.*3 Ml4*lvllTp.irt ii.jly l.n, .3.0*(..34, S.«i, 8.JU, 7.13, Xu ..40, 10,04, Il.ts P, ,3C miiOivr T.w, «.4V B.IH, ,!i;. onlvl,*.IJ, I0.i3, 11 S3 A. .M.; 1,1; l.tt, 1S3. I.*). 4.1,Ml!' . V l l , P " " ' J ' l ' k«>. kOk 7.7S. kl*.y.Zvi In,el I*. M.

J'ar I’afifi Aintwy, xu, x?s. |n v n,|t M.;I.,I3, i;k4rrt,433, '.11, rta., 7.«1*. M. Nil. ilxya. O.uA t. M.; i.V., 4 |0 p 3«.

For Hisyuloii hXH-h. n.W, lilD, li.8l A. M.;1.D liw, v.v>l> M

For Atlxiitio lUghixndi via ACatxwen, AIS, iilL1I..U A, M.; l.tt frift. U.J0 I*. M. Mimixyx W.U. XD A. M.; 4.M I’, M.

For Kr*‘b(i!il, U.’lt A. ?.r.; 1.1V fOt. 8 Ml* JC For tinl Iiunlf. I oug iinaoh,' reeu Hrav**. etc.,

to Itril llfmki. liiV( 11 S4 a.: 1,88, iU4.nv 4.11, 8.70 r M. HuiKln/4.eiri««l to OoexxtirofH. il-M. V.V> V M.j 1.8V UO P M.

F‘iu LAKkWtrfiri;A \ f “' 1 lit 4Yl I*' »»'•’*-"'«skk<l

For VlBcIxoil xnd hrlclxMec. l.U p 5f.7 ur Atlxiille < Hit, 1.14 I*. 41,

n -avauk ani» nkw y irk.Ffoiii rifnaJ xml K«*iry streets Mxtli>a4-AlVll.

fi.fiO.a'JO. fl.tft. 7.0tM3l T.FLtl.Ui, Vi), ><.4K80Vl.i>. 4*>, ifMkt. uvii, m,4i ii.iu A. SL;Jl.liK 1.00, I.SO, le v -8)| 4ufi. 4W. 4,U(), 484. 448i. 88, S.W, iKJ.V-l.7iLa.40. 7i»V7.4K 7.4V A|d, fcV ------------ti.a i)'. M,; ri«v ii3.4iiiiunL Huaiixy« -400,7ii. Gtt, 10.00* u.w A. fti.: \ : r ...4.I>4, 8.00 XiNi, 7.fK|, xryj, II.O

liffcVf Ni*e' York fnxn f'.ao. .-...V), «.4 7.1V7 SlO.Oi). I0.tl. Kuei, ti.uj. t).l4A,.4., I14J'M.i'iH). l.io. 1.30. 3.4>. S.B0. 8.00, a-lo R.U. 4.Pi. 44$. 4t0, 811 6-W. 7.iR8 7.M.7.4V xM, M.),h».UD.l-V 1104 I*. M. ’-UHdayv>-40o. 7-iiii 4tift9.ai LOO), IMW A. M,: IIWIM.: l.of>, n», ;i(W, 4.oaa.0).at»6. » . 7,un,*.i*0. 1A0IM1.4I I2C)P M.jvm i'im.Aintj.j*mA, UAUiMORifi amo

WAHIl(NOTi>^. MOYAti UM;« Ll.VE,J‘0T Fiiilmlflpbtx Hnd TrentOTi, 7.44 8.04, 14 Jk

Ijl.&A eiMpt lOilIxiIxIphU) A. M.; I.U (IM ego«A| i ‘W. «.(H,.V>»4 7.8V II.U P M. Muadorx

i.M A, M-: l,W, Ay:tO*uw>xc#pi rrentoD). P. M.. Ixhlmora xml Wxxblxytoo. 9.0% ll.M A- M.: f-to, i.8), AW, 443, IJ.2.V I' 8J. KuOdijrv LOL 11*81 A._M.; I.U. AO-. X(«J*. M.

XU tu*U),7.(to,44A

Fur ('hxuaooofx, Nrer Hriaxua x n i xU eelfttl^ ijt h , n lt ii throiirh rt^tlbulrd iieapari r ix Abex*

Vxhay Une. et 8&0 P M. .-juatUya i .J l

‘JUniufth ItegtLi toxil prluclpel |»olxtx oi ioaeit n tM x ra uo U Uroxa dtreai HiaUoAJ. II. oUlAUsBN.

Uf*u. Hi}wtluttjideiit.H .P . llA L D W Ilf,

(iea, Foixeafet Afoni


L'auofutluf Irxlaa leeve e» foUiiwa-.■4..Wa »K and P.4lKK.SOIf.

l.eevB NVwerk lof I‘alrr»(m-*,jji. T.U A4I, Hk78 ***■ LW,L».i4l. Lo7, 10.8-1 P. .M. Hud l&tl As «I. ■ humior. LI) A. 8L

I.M. k4», .7.07, S.IH, H'.tt I*, .jr.I MW Tsisnu. ft), k ik S.U, Mt,

7.4k S.'U, 0.0k lltik ll.lj A. if.; t.KI, S.SLUr. l.iOI. C.lk ;,U, t„li likU 1>. .H. niuvlAr, k U 4olt ■IKI lau A. M.i i,», UO, 7Ak I0.S1 F. S k ^

Nf.WAHk A.VII .VKW VIMIK.I.MVO Mvo'srft-o.no, (,41 7.91, T.M, UO, ktt

ftV, 10.47 A. H.. 17.09, 1.41, 7,9k kDk k X kH.kOk t.tJ. II.IH F.' M. oivlur, 7.71, kOI, 11.10 A. U.; 0.0*. S.J4, M.04 P. M, ,

Loftv* N.t, 3'ork (Chstiib.,* str .ftj^ lk T.H. '.OT.O.U. ll.aiA. M.; 1,10, kOO. klk klkkOkktktas. o.'n,7.in, 10.00, i i m f. m

lou'sxftmil Imvm 3.)T*rk.k-- , i f / ............ ..............Oats, I,!

'*74*L0i4l«y' oftlf. kWA. Jif. (HI 4 It

Vrnllmtn MniH«l tvsnu N tiw I.Mil*. .M. UlOlSTk

r V. SL (■*.............. . ipta

ilnirtxbitx. call x( \h f ( ity lleket onoe* Jtt lUrkftI

ijra'x iMvaa Nrwrerk, Alt K M, o-tmdayx. L40 P i ['bicxgo Fxprn* IxxTW X«trxrk.L47 r* AL dxyx. 8.U P, ,V.

I ur tlckeiA tog«xg» cnMix. fUerdM car■ tract, Telepbunr U orxtatailao.

ink« JYA’IFA^«lar(a'*trriirii)Mmxia*M caedvarrtie moot in it ot leait Jtv* llmm luoutuaiHo «■ Aow pearinefn CAF tdArr tfoily, eM (ttaxMaraMg eiore io lAanfAew in <MF flbwixgj»q|»«r#MM8xMiPft MUA'iwanL


TIE T8IP TO YiHCEf'iProm Port TeUowstono Over the

Hountaini 1q Search ot Elli.


bail lime Jo tliat fullj I wa* at the bottom July liUM.t InokiiiK »t

my look ot n,t«al«bmedl. Thl« w«. Ibeof Ibe r-hate, where

Kall-earrler flitireh »ii<l Ibe Perllnii. ■nJ lUBeeU Trail Orer Wlilrh lie Travatl‘>l'nrle John Vanrry anJ Kltent Taawlll Wtiixly, lha tiulda and old In- | dlaa n* liter-T ha HI1117 of llie IVoiiiaii AVI10 VTai Dftler for a lilow IVIIh all Oar.

X. Uongb lu Fnreat end Htreani.Itwaa Tjry conitortable at Fort yellow-

atone In the good banJ, of CapUiin AdJ it- ■oo, the cotmnaojlug oJtloor. and lor my port t did not rare to leave ellle-r the [urk llaelf or that portion thereof lu wlih-h 1 waa then lortUad. Very valuable were three ftaye of iw t at the poet, fur JurliiK them [ laamwl etill more of tbn tlinrinigli nii'lbod bywhiehtlia park It goreriied. of Itiejwr- feolaJ eyiteiii In fore<t and of tlw ualu.lali- Ing and roSuclmlloua labor |•■torlnul by every braueb of - the military hialy to wboea i-ar* tbu (froat preaervo hatbeen handail ornr. t'a|itaiu Andnrtuii, with tome i|Ulrt ehiw klet, told nu- bow tometfnin t’aptaln Hrott, wbnte troop wat itallooeil, lu the tourltt teuton, at the Geyier Hailna of tba upiwr jtirk, bad found orcaaiiin to luako aomu otuberalit tir(dig;nMini, who had writtni hit uaiiia and that of hit lielovad on a Ifeyeer formation, walk bark twenty luUea from the nett tlBRe atatlon and arriib out bit immortality by Baana of aoap and bnith.

Our reit, Imwew'r, waa not ot iMig dura- tkm, for It waa tbungbt beat to make the trip over to the wintartog ground of the rlh, ao that a peraonal Invettlgatlon could tie made aa to tbetr numbert. Thu wuuhl laku aa ovar toward tba northeatt coruer of tba park to tba oobnlry altiut Yancey't and tho

Fork lieyoud Yanoey'a, The dl.taure to Taticey'i waa twenty milta, to be made in one journey. A Chinook waa on and the abating had now lieconia ilniply awful. Mr Bayntehad been over to Yamey'i and de- •iiribad it aa tba wont ttnri be bail ever bad In bit Ufa. With tbit outlook wa dill not (eul aubarant over the tnp.

It waa about 1i o'clock of tba morning of

.harp drop down Into Ihodievll'e llOt. t\onil got hurnlk.>iiio rropii-r. boro, but tba euoW wn» ~ .ft and 11 did n't matter.

■‘W e'rolntholbit now," lahl Hilly, “ and juet the aame ae ill Vaucey'a It’e llvo inUetf but every Inch ot lt’» down bill."

With thie latter Mcitemeut we were later illHjiONid to agree, but with the »anentlal etati'meiit that we were a> goo«l aa then', we bad eau*' to tlUfer. We bud n frightful tbiie getting down that hill, and woro heartily glmi wbou lbl» part of the day’a JoornoV waa over,

(ill the but uteeii plleb ju«t nbnve A ancey’a. Hilly Umk to the wooda and ilttiiig down 011 hill akl. .Ilil down tli ougb a thicket of iiiiuk- liig a.|r-. 1 walked or ploughad down the.tei'|ieit |iart of tiiu ruib coining on Hunt who wav l.rliig on hi, tuck In tlie .now, retb

after a tiiuilde. From below there came.....a rt] |Hvil of laughter at hi, uil.ltap, and1 knew Hint at laal wa were a t the end of tlw march. We I hen all got uiirlght 011 imr kkin, ami ran down with a rtourluh 111 the two log cabliiv. In front of whlcb .baxl the entire pupiilatnm of “ Vim- cov'e," coiielfctlug of UdcU John lihnaalf, prie irietor In gwiieral; TaewiU Wiaaly. the wall- tnowii ninuiitain man and guide; Brown, the

cook, nud old Hill Jump, who hu. a <abla ju.l back of Tnuoi'y’,, and b abible fnr tba mall-carrler’i boraaa. Nor ahmild 1 forget t ’ai'lu Jobu'a two •taglimiiiiU, 1‘inkie and Urefii, rtiia .|ieclliiena, allielt of UHioh-anii- go tern|ieranieut. Hill Jump liaa a dog aleo, which may or may uol l« a •bighuund. Hinkle nud (Ireen lick him wicaiy that h* la afraid to call IiIh eonl hln.own, aud >u takw It

I f a i ^ 90 wlwn we left the |Kwt for Yancey'e,‘ " I IfretM aiabulanca being amt along for the

atagt of tba journey. Hilly took atoog hi. big oamora, aud wa both had lu our parka thanaceHary articlea We had along tfat. tlmaPrlvata Hunt, C'aptaia Amlanoa bav-lag datalM him in pbice of luriieu



out liarkliig at.trangere.ulaThe (Kipulatiou «"W nearly doubled by our

advent, aiijourned liuioor.. Wa wore at home again, and a very pleaiaut home we fouii.l the coney cabin, with 11. blaring nre, Ita abuinUiit bourty fiKHl iiud the general air ol frac awl-ea«V IVMbTU hreiillalTty, There were tome naildle. and .uddle-lilaiiketa on tho tloor, nod the fellow who wai willing to Bght ihuklearllreen for a bUiiket could miike hiniMlf hugely cienfortahle In the warm i-onieni Imek of Hie Are. Her# we went Into execiitivo .e«ioa of .lory-tolliiig. anil few «rte of our .lay lu the 1‘ark wort plooeauter

i have oftoD had ocoaaluu to admire the ifclU of the real Wcatam inoiiutAln teamiter, w iM M imutttaliif no tandorfoig driver « u agipraclata without eaaiiig. A teudorfoot toamtkar would have turneit back at tbe end fl( tba ftrat halt mlla and callod thie road Im Buiabla, for tho mubn were brotking Ibrough, fduugiug and wallowing riioulder deep In tha enow. Uur teaiutter took it all oooUy, navtr h u ^ad bli nmlot, and let them takaUHlr tbno. TboaebeaatateeniHitiklllnd and aaoimt alao In thla tort of work. They MtOMO o m r to get rattled when tboy went down nearly out of eight in the eouw, but lay trill and took It eaey till they got their bnath, and then alowly and carefully tried It lor a few y u d t further on. Hy thU ciiri- 001 lllnitrMOO ot an ada|datlon to envlron- naot, we got aa llowly oven » far ae tbe ;Oardiner River and aUttle way up the hill beymd, to a point where the wow waa too deep t i t the ninlee, and apuarently hard eomigb for the akla. Tbe enow wa. melting aioH ground and not on top, aa we laaread by uumpmg through Into atraami of water whan wa got out to help tbe mule..

Wa did not dan taka nuwy chance, aboutC eg our teat wet In the valley Data, nut

ou the hill tbe enow wae not eo bard, lo aftor leavisg tha team wa walked on foot Marly to (he top ot the Oardlnar Hill. Tho Balbomrier, Church, perhape the moat akll- f«l winter driver In that rMon, bad taken bla team with a alad up tbw lull. Church took a buidiboard to the point where we left oar team, then left the buokboard and took to hh aleiL AVbeu be oould get no further ho Utched bla bunaa and took to bla akla. Ho

]«rv ,than the day. at Yaiicvy'ii.

IJiiclHJiiliti Yatii'ey, who tea Kentuckian by birth, la lino of thefeolurea of the I'ark, Ju.t a . much u. the geywir. or the Canyon, ily ilupnwdou 1* that be waa there before tbe < 'aiiyon waa flnl.be I. He I. one of the few peraona who are allowed leaaee lu tbe lark. It Iwing In hit cane thought well to liare a pla« in that part ot tbe nark where aoniHMirtof acconmuaLiHoua oould be had bv traveller.. Hero there 1. a little garden, a cow or two, and alway. a bed aud a gixKl plain table. Boiiia of the very beat trout flthlng lu Hie tmrk la near Yaucey'a and the place la ope of tbe prettleat and moat pieaa-uut of all the poarible .topping plaoaa.

Cue time a citUeu aeriuutly offaudeil Uncle John, who didn't like the way he acted around the hmi«. . . . .

“ 1 wui a great mind to kill that feller Mveral timee," aalJ Uncle John calmly. In telling about i t " 1 reckon 1 would a-klll*d Idiii un'y t didn't waut blin Uylii' around here oiitll I coulit git word over to the poet an' have «ime one come over an' remora him. I felt very boalyle to that fallor."

Uncle John lovaa a good joka. and can tall ■me on hlninelf If neeila be, He tall, oue aliout an exjierienoe of Ida which happeneil when ha wan younger.

“ 1 WUI livin'lu Mimoury then,*’ aald he, “ an’ I reckon wui a kinder wild young fel­ler. You tee, 1 wnx gulu’ to town one day,L-.l n nwiiae Fktow ttniv rm'-V

liilward Slot., tVho«i airange Acllon. CaiiMd III. Arre.l In New York,

Talk. Alinul III. MImIou.Nkw A'ohk, Aug. ;I0.—Klward Htolx, tho

mail urreatol la»t night for making threata to kill Mon.lgnor KeUilll. wav iirraigned be­fore Juatire Taintor till, umrnhig. He re- fuMftl to uiy nnythliiR jHtljfft null thelatti*r rommUtwl him for bj* tohitf jMuatv. Stole wwn nubie-tiueutly lu hm M \ lu tin> Hurlem jiiil.

eM Uarty-ume yo»ri.He 1« a aiuootli'tacKl youii^ ^laI^iiu<l Njioko iiko a mail of rnmhler* able wliicatJon. WJieu n*k«d ron^'eniiuff hU miMiuii from Ueaveu U> kill Ha-lolll, lio Bald: "flit, that w'aa uliuidv a frtMik of Uudgiitatiuti."

lie Bubswiuuntly «iiti after aevuial quc.N- tiuii-s that ite caioe froitl Kludley, iiii'l tliel wtille there he n*<‘eiveila call from btHtvmi, maklug him tbe king nf nuinktud.

•My U»tructiim» from our IleavtMily KaUe*r/‘ he t**Kau, ’•waw to forat an army of tea uiHU, ibt king lo l>n a (ivrman. fho unuy wrti to go ui WaBhluatui^ I>. 4.', Miek oiit HatuUi aiio kill him. ThwwiiR a long tiiiw ago ana oitHr that I •((•111 to Muatlville, l"a.» where 1 staru^i Ui iJie rwtiauraut huNiiiaiw. Two w«?«ki ago I had e not Iwr call from Heaven to form my army of leti muu, iu d u t tiuii lant t’ad I waa to be made king wiUiout faiL 1 Mold irtit my rHdauraut, but afmr r«*}*Hiih l dforU lUid *uit-ablr iiifii for luy army I up f‘>r tbelime nud i-oDcIuded to curry i-ul my inatruo- tlon mngly 0b» yw. 1 went fniia Mpadville, ra.pHrajghtto Waabmglou aud made in- utiiry for SatollL'^

Am Uie iuaaiie man iiicnlioned the name HtttolU tie pkaceil bia cloee to Uie bare of bia t'ell and btmei) the iiaim. "1 could tioi tUid hiui,’' hU**d Wtola “ but I will,*'

What broaghl you to ibU city ho wat aakeil.

I hH idea nf munlvring the l^ouo't emitaary leeincd to hare departed from biui ua bo Maid: 1 left Waahlugt*'H, trampedlo HalMaJoro, Hop.ied at Ehiladylimia aiid fiuallr laiulw! in New Yi>rk. Vouaoe 1 hareaiw lcnttbat I am anxioiu to place oil the market lu the Mba X; of a chair. The «*at of the chair irulmee bjward the back and prvteau perwuw alttiui on it from UMiDiug back au defviug tbe wtilt. 1 got prieee on the aeatt at Etltimore aud iu i'hiladelidiia 1 ^got quotatiuria for tbe lega. I i*anw lo New York and vrcul to lUb raiiai atruet to aee w could get tin* tweka Iluialied for.'

" Do you Rtlil mieud to kilt Moaalgsmr HaWlti y " he waa aaked.

Wailvlaiu kmg and anew Bible umit be written. Tbs old oue wax l>ecumiD|| playeii out, and it can not be written uutll Satulll it dead But what U the use of talk' lug to you utiit^ you are willing u> beooine oue (.if tbe ten*"

1 am willing to iolu the army," aaid tbe reiiorkT.

•‘ Ai-e youT he said with a e U r t run are, liieii come and soe me wheu 1 am re"> meed from prleoiL, and ITI giro you full tU'

Btrur'tiuue."Although repeated atlempta were made to

baretbeliian glre hie luatmcUane, be re- fuaed to again «|xak a word, aiul walked to the rear ot hlu 4«ll and sat down.

><i gurprlue In New York Nix'lr'fsr f'lrrlea Over the Kepovi o f a HeparallOfi

lletw eea th e t'fiu|tle,Npw Yobk, Aur. 80.—Tbe atntomcnt luiU

liiihwi ymterday that Mra. W", K. Vaiulerbilt itf ttlxiut bo liegin nuparatirm ordlrnrcc pri>' I't'fNluigN, hfiM It la alleg'Ht, crml'Cil sur' prlwi lu circlea w^ro the reTailoftn of tbeiutir Lavo Iwen known. That tbev hare not livtvJ hanuonioiHlr tlie Ual two yean hnn Ijocn the g<mjiip of faNhlonulde clrcm for nome Til** 1‘riBi" in their afTain, acrorfiing to the p«|)cr lo-day, wan reached immediaU'iy after thernuning of tbe Grand Enz du Uurut, June 17 of ihU year.

Mr. Vamlerbiit won |K,00(> nq the rncfi.aud j almoet Iminodiatelr after recejrlng hi* win­ning* wan IntPwiiirtHl to Nellie NeuKtretter. Sin* foKcinatcd the mllhnnaln*. TIc’ ■'tory of hnw ho titled up a magnlflcetit e»tah1u*hniejit foi lier in I'arU and MubMe«iueutly gave her a r<*tddeuoe at Drauriile with fervnutH and uverr luxury the dMired i* «atd to he true. It ikh'icLoil and eurpriMad tlw American rmi* (iente of i ’arla. but Mr. Vanderbilt wan »o o|N*n In hit fttteuilon an to putiilo ♦‘verybody. (.lue of the moat aurpriiing thing* ho ^ ^^td to havo dona WMM to allow Iho ■t’rvanti* of Nellie NeuNtretter to wear the munc llvrry ai that Worn by ttrik V'auderUIVaewvftnU.

The Vwiiderbilta I t !» said, have dw-^Upart ■Ince early laat spring. Mr*. Vandrrbilt lias ■pent the luuuner lu England at an exten'^ire cmtaln on Uie Tbamet, nuar fiondou. w'hieb had rented for her, wlille .Mr. Van-h r- bl)t ba« spent hli time in EariM. It U alleged that when, some time ag< a leiiUllvn agree* moot of scjiaration wa* roaehnl Mr. Vnn ler* blit agreed lo settlo upon hi* wife

Joeeph U. ChuaUs of New York, pi wident of the (-onstitutloimlooareution, when ankud ymtflrday If it wore true that bo had l>ccn retained to prosecute a suit for dlrnrce, which It I* allegeil Mr*. W. K. Vanderbilt will institute, refused either to confirm or deny the statemeDt, laying: *'l never toll niy private affair* to the jiresN." Eliau itoot denied that bo hail been roialned by any one of tbe Vauderblll* in divorce pro- oi eiliiig..

The tiilk of the dome.Ho Infelicities of Mr. stul Mrx. Willlsm K. YeiiUerbllt st New­port extendi over » periiel of two ymri or mure, u y i ■ dlipstcn from that cltv, and *. far back u that time Hie prolialiility of e •eparstlou wo. the Koeelp of the phovi. Two

Iiiillinsiioll. I.rrtileil U,mn oe the Mcet- Itif rU ce In KHMI-The Bleetloa

of Biiprenie (Mneen, Wisnjjr.Tiiv, Auk- .10.—Indlaiwciolle will

be the plare K'lwted for tho biennial onoanip- iiiynt of the KiiighU of I'ythia.

CERE6R1NE (Hanunond).Extract of the Brain of the Ox.

In the Treatment of MM.'OJIOTOR ATAXIA.

X.Y.Neuralojlrftlttoclety, Meellne April 4,1V, A ciuowimi iire.ontiKi

an' I hod to cron n rivur, an’ they wui on j one boat there, which wux owned by t ^ e


folks who lived cloe't by the river. The owner wuxn't to home, but hit wife wux. Hbe wux a great big woman, 'bout i l l feet high and big proportloiiata. Hhe wui eavoger au' any young woman ought nocberl to be. t Oit her fer Uw boat, an' she told ‘ No I ' ex if 1 wux a luiultin’ of her. Tbat xort of rileil me, an' I 'lowed I'd hev to take the boat anyhow. Bo 1 gore down an’ 1 laya bold of tbe boat ter to puih It off. The woman, xhen tlw n a club, on' .he comee far me. Bbe wnx big ex three of me, on’ I didn’t know

1), L. .little whil I wux thinkin' it over, 1 bit her whncli bard ex 1 could over the head with oar. Bbe eet down pretty hard au’ kept quiet an' I went on acroet th* river.

'* When I come to And out, t learned the teller that wux that woman', huiband wux a

oarriadthaYanroT'xand Hoda Hutte mail, ejid woe rarely bohlud lu any waalher. Howha did It was a mystery. Ttw mow he iwseod through and over was from three to thirty feet deep, and it prolwbly averaged six or right feet He managed to And bore ridges and gat aldng. As lhave ststed, tbe mow does not Ue eo evenly In this port of tbe pnrk, beiV blown about more.

We found Uburcb’i trail up the Gardiner Hill of much aervica, a* It pocked the snow *0 that It would bear our weight that morn­ing without the skis. We found that thebeet phtoe to stop wan about four inchee In- ■Ide Uw track of the sleet runtwr, where theuww teemed to be conipreeeed most. If one

lietween the horse.'

or him kill me, whlcb wuxn’t pleounl no­how. Well, one day I mot him. We wux b(Ah on boreebock, an' 1 saw him ridln’ on down the rood toward me. I got all ready, ■lowin’ tho ihooHu'd ehore have to begip but not thinkin' It wux egiacktly perlite to hit n luou'i wife with a oar on’ then begin ihootlu' over It liefo' ho did. Well, he rides on up toward mo an’ we both stops, 1 a beln' Diignty lareful llko, a* the ujahot of It nil lx, I out aa' tell him the wbolo story, 'towin’ bix wife hadn't treateil me no wayi right, Tha feller ho listens lo me all through, an', says be: ■ Stranger,’ saye hp 'I oish to (tod Ton’d done lhat sooner to that there woman, bhe’s been a dllTereut wife to me since then.'

“ That kind of roUovod me, you know. Yee, It ihuroly did relieve mo."

1 have moutioned John Folsom, winter keeper ot the Canyon Hotel, t t tha must •dent man I ever know. The second silent

Butinet. Hen from the Kouth In Ceaven- Him at Waslilnatua.

Wasihuotos, Aug. ;i0.—Buslneea men from (be Southern States met m convention till, morning at Willard'. Hotel to devise methods fur the Investigation and develop meiit ot Southorn Investmente and retources. One ot Ite objects lx to secure the ostabll.hment of a iiermanent exhibit of Boutliern retourcee Ui Washingtop with an auxiliary bureau in which the various Invest- uisute likely toMcure capital may liere- cordel with all particulars aud thus establish a reUahle meliuni between Northern capital and the rich Acids for dovelopnieot In the South. With a view to making tba convon- tliin a aBccei^ many of the TOOunercial bodies In Southern cities appointed delegatee to repfetiuit tbtiDi.

Tb« ctiavBiitloD w u nlle<l toofilAr nt 10.80 o'clock by Uoa. Hiuuuel BlackwelL ot AU- bftiTift, thB Third Auditor of the Tmwury, who M cbxlrman of the reception comrnill^ iiuule tk brief uttualog *po«‘h. After Rev. E. B. BA£by ted pmyetl appropriately Hon. John W. Uomu, prtfsideiit of tho Board of Conmilseionor* of tho Diitrict of Columbia, ieliverwl an addrtM of welcome. He Maid that tho Die* trlct ComnuMlouer* were much int<™ioil Id the tuoveuient and spoke of the uiinoral and other reeoiirce* of the “ Now Houth," Ue bad ofteu wuudered why it was that the ain- blUoui youni; fellow* of the New Eug;arul and the Middle Htate* did uot seek their for- luiMjM ill tbe South Inetead of iu tb* VVeet

I on tbe nd I apt to^

•tapped Ok tn im b edidthath _ .gex a bad jar, and have a hard Uine m^alnv

bivak thn>uirh. When be did that be would link down fuTl-leg depth,

Tiig hli footluix. Hepeal thl*a hundreiJ timee and the reemt it annoying and tiring. Itwa* nom, and we were tired enoughainwlyt when we t<miwd the Iuuk, *teep end winding Uardlner mil, and turned out Into tho tun- har juft aU>T» tbe beautiful Ganlinur Fall* to eat lunch and put our ikii in order. We waranow what i* nailed five milo* on our way, and a t tbe edge of the plaU*au, if tho •QOontiou of Diouutalu *pur* uud foothill* can fo be caUed.

Aa baa been earlier Uk^n up, there are eertain gentlemen who profta* to be aiixloiu to build a railroad thmuj^h the imrk Cooke City, up ibe Yeliow*ioi]e, I Hhouhl lay that our route would bu the better one for tbe Cooke C ity air line. It wouUl 1mi neceeear/v buwever, for the liuu to be eqiiippeti with a vertR^dUlfiritnrnfiutnclent (Niwer to lift the railway tralui tliroe* unarter* of mile itraisht up into the air. Ubii would be idtnple, and would bring the

umni*Ta*wlll W o tx ly .^u riu^ toe whole

with iu many duiulvantages.A prpjetd for a permanent exhibit of South-

right of way up tu I level of the "plateau 1 u iuk they would theu be pleuty bu*y eDoughto fat a grade acne* that iuteireNiini; oonatry, which i* about a* level ai the llu- g«i*u of your baud wheu you *tlck them up etraigliL 1 will not *ay 'thal a roml cuulii not Iki built acroH.t this " plateau. ' if a com­pany had a few milium dollar*, but it cer- taiuiy would have bi have an oleviiior oa each side of the pUttiau, at the Uai-diuur Hill andatVanoeyV 1 don't know of any road •o equipped, *o the Cooke C.'ity it,ir Line, wheu built, would be lu a nmniier milipu*. Feuple would come a long way b> »ee it, and to rule up ami down thn eievaturH ou the traini. i>f rouriu’i nulMMiy really tiiink* Ibal aiWiroad could be built up the Valley of the Yeilowetoiie. and no engineer ha* over called that a practical ruuU*.

Tlieoountry wo were now croNHieg wa« lugb and cold, nwirly l»ru of tnulter near the tndl, lomolhlng like the Haydou Valley, but loueb inoro brokun. 1 tihouJd bay. it wa* not such very hard *ki country, hut the condition of tbe btiuw made tho going iimpiy awIuL Tiia ■now wu«, iu some plac'e crusted hard eunUi ii to iMiar u* up on the eldia, aud in uthem mj noft a& to let lu Mink down below the Kurfa<'e. Then tlc*r»! were ■trip* of country aluiig the ridge* quite liai n, or *0 Dearly *o a* to ctuu jel u* to take off oar *kis and go acroa* on foot—sonietbing which the ski runner deciareii tire* him riiore than five timu* the dihumi^ of blmlght travel, b tcause he does not like to Htoop

gf pur stay at Yancey’* Woody Tiardly ipuke A word imk«* noccMt^. He spent hour aftor hour and day after day pleying ■oiiui'^ WikmIj i* a man of Largo etature, over sixty years of age aud quite gray. 1 think ha ha* more natural dignity than any man X ever knew ill Duy walk of life. Ho 1* a well- known uiountalu guide, and ha* been tnuoh out with Mr. Uoosuvpltand hi* frienda, He say* Mr. R(>ueeveU is the beet big-game t*h'ul he ever kuew. Woody wa* born lu MiKNouri, and baa lung lived on the frout. Hewtt»a '4ih*r, ha* been to the Auftraiiau g(»ld tloUiA and. in short, ha* seen all the wild lire tit the world aiul all ibe gionea of our now faiiixl West, (if hit eiperlern’c* a* ■rout end Iniliuii lighter It wm extremely (htHcult to gob him to talk. Acting on Uncle IoIvu’m aUvU'* , I triod to get Woody to toll

Dtu souii'thiug of the fight on Uotivler I?) C'rrrk ou the prrwml I'row reeervallouh where be, t ’horlle i ox und lipbl^ll holed up in ft willow thickHuud sNnxI off probably l,U0bHiuux all du>, kllliiig eight or teu of thrm. 1 waittKl for a whole day. till Woody aud 1 wrm alone, climbing up tha MKiuiitaui *ide to go over aud see tojue elk, aud then I *aid. cai i-hwily:

How about that ilglit you were Id with tho ludlau*. over cunt horef Wasn't it a

........... tueiem fOM)urL«s lotVashingtou bail been, he *0111, recently brought to the atteu lion of the Coot* titiseiuoerb by Beuator W»Uh, of Georgia. The mentiub of Benator Wsdsh's uatue caused pr«>long»d applau*e, aud there wa* another mithorst when Mr. lioee BUggeeted tliat it would be Itetcer and would meoi wiLli more gepcral Qpprobatii>ri from Congren- men to work for ail exhibit in Wasbmgtou of the resources of the whole counU^y.

rot._____ _ -on it when lb wm run down aud Hunk in Vineyard Kound. A few w.inlhs after this M r \and*rbllt, who i* nri cnlhuslasllc yachUtnan, went to Englaiul where he maiued while bis present yacht, the V'al* Unt, WM being buUt

Ijiit summer at Newport the chatter wa* InceMaat. WheD Mr. N'aii'ierbilt reuiroeil OD hli new yacht gossip wa* silence! hy the aononucenumt of plan* fo r a long yacht- iDg trip with Mr*. Vanderbilt and other well'Xtiowu persou* in the jiarty. (’iirious stories have reachwl hero of quarrels alHtarh tbe yachl which are said to have resulted lu the abandonment of tbe cruise at an early stage aud tlie ontlru breaking up of the parly.

Mr*. William K. Vanderhllt Is a Sotjthem W'>tnan, of the family of the Hmith*, of Mobile, who are much prouder of their blood than the Vauderhilts are of tlicir millioui. Bbe i* a very handsome woman, with beauti­ful golden hair ami large Mui’-gray eyea, and, although she is uxcsplUmnlly exclusive, those who know her Hay timt I'he is veryJfraclou.% ami charming to those whom she avon with bar frleaiiJiip.

Mr, \'anderbiit, it 1* said, built tbe magni­ficent steam yacht Vuhaui to replace the wrecked Alva, chiefly to please her, a* she i* very fond of yachting. Rud it wa* to enable her to antertata lavishly, aiuither of bet pleasures, tbat the famoUR while marble palace on the cliffs at Newjiort wns built.

Kan FRANciM’i , Aug. .'kt—Nellie Neu- ■tretter. tlie young woman who i* said to ba tho cause or the fandly irouble* of Will­iam K. Vauderbllt, is wed koowu here. Khe is a native of Eureka^ Nev., was educated at Milw Seminary, Alameda t'ouuty, nwided for a numiier of vearN in Krd Franclscu, and baa frequently ngure<l in escapade* that have won her noto­riety Iwtb in the new and old worlds. Hhe wa* boru twenty-nine or thirty yeara ago in Eureka, where her fathvr, CohoOf kept a clothing store and became wealthy.

Her first victim was the nephew of a well known capitalist, and her Imieon* with him created such Bcandal Unit her parents sent bvr to the care of relative* in Ban Francisco. Amuhg her admirer* was a wealthy man oamotl ItothBcliild, who laid hiins«lf and bis fortune at her feet. Bhe utilixod them both until she fell in luve with a cigar drummer named Henry Neuitretter. Hbe niarried Neustretter

Her husband'* inisiDHM oompelled him to tie out of tho city most of the time, and dur­ing his ftbMucd Nellie led a fast life. The end came iu IW , when she left her husband and wfUt U) New York in company with Toaura Edeliuau, a noted wuiuatt uf Loe Angelee. Neu&tretter set'ured a divorce and Nellie con­tinued to lead a gey life in New York. In ItftKI she went to Europe.

of Rythla* in i»M. Tliis lift* been practically decldwl ujwn through tljo witlidravral of other cou- testants thr tho l»ouor—Boston andMluti''a]>olia NotwithsUindiug the failure of the railroad compaiiiee lo make hiw rates to WoehingUm, TU.OOO jwjpla have tbe city since the Pythinu en-ciiiiqriiitiit began. About two-thirtU of thcife wm' Pythian* aud their friomU. In tho big }«ra4le on Tuo-Mlay. tbe Toronto division of tim Uuiformod Itank carnod a BriiUli flag and thU has cue of tbe lTiiici]*il io|uc* of r«Miiuient among tbe Pythian* fn iu lid* nide of tho line.

MaJo-i^nerAl Variuthan, commander-in* 4'hief of the Uiuformc-1 Rank, is a stanch sup­porter of tbe aclloa of the Uaoadiane. He ■ar* there Is uot a division in tbe order more loyal to llM interests or which takes a more active part iu it* affair*. This is the fourth CQUBeciilive encampment which this particular Torouto divisiou has atten^led. GsiMral ('-antahan says It was Dorfei.'tly proi>er for them to carry tho Union J ra’Il, ami ho holds that It would have been Just a* pm})er fur tbe ranadians to bovo objected whvii.ut tho cucainpmeut la Toronto la 1888, all the divislous carried the Htanc and Hlriisw.

Nine drill t«ims from the various dividou* of the Knighu of Pylbvas of the different KKite* contesteii for the Ruproiracy to-day. Myatlo No. 12, iff Girard. Kan., Gaptaln M. F. Hut- aall, DOW hulden of the champion*Rhi|s were lb* first to take tbefield, They were foilowwl by dlrislons from WllliamsiKirt. Fa.; Now Albany, lad,; In­dianapolis; Amsterdam, N. Y.; H asting Micb.; Turriugtom, Coun., and Louisvillo,

Kupreme T-jOdge of the Knight* ofPvthiM At Its iDurniug leeiion to-day elected Decors fur the eiisulug term of two years. Walter B. Hitobia of Lima, wm promoted from supreme vicechaucoHor to supreme chaticellor, and he was succeeded n* supreme vice-chuiKwllor by Philip T. OolgroTe. of Hulinga Micb. Albert Htelnhart, of Ala­bama, was made supreme prelate. Dr. K. L.C. White, of Ti'anetseo, whonasheld the office fur many yeors, was re-elected to lie supreme keu}ier of records aud teak, Thomas G. Kemple, of l^eoutylvaDia, who was some timt! ago appointod to fill the vauaoev of Biipretna master of tbe excbe<iuer causwl by the failure of Mr. Willey, of Wilnilngtou. liH., which created a deficient of sonie tT0.0U0, WM fleeted to fill that office for tbe full term.

A. IJ. Ganlinere, of New York, was made supreme luaNter-at-anns; James Muulsun, uf New Bruuswick, was elected eupreuie master of the luiicr guard, while John W. Thonip- ion, of ^Vasliingbui, D. C., was made su- prcDie master of the uuter guard. John A. Ilinsey, of Wisconsiu, wm made chairman of the Board of Control

All of the officers were elected uoanlmoutly with tbe exception uf Philip T. Colgrove a* supreme vice-cbaDoenur. Home oppoeitiou tu his eiectiun was iiiaDlfoetod. but aftor a brief dol«te he wa* vlcUaiout by a rote of FJ to 14.

Progress ill organlutlon was re^rtod at th© mtetiDg of IheFylhian Editorial Asso­ciation to-(!ay. A Nominating Committee was appointed to report lo*morrow, at which Urns tn© ('onunlttee on Coostitution will sub­mit iU le^Kirt.

rxx.re«a, f , ...... ..... of JorouwJfir n/rt/'which hod Ihhmi iresicd with hypodermic I. Jectioniof {■EUEKKINK. Hli yearmiao »i. pAtieiit. a man .iged furl y, liad be«u a lo *u«i' with double vlsimi. This, alter Mwral mohUib of trrwmenl. hud dS>«ppoar«iJ, and for a ilnw he hod i»CHi» uuilc well. \ he typical symptom* of lo'-om'-Unr atuslA then oainoon; comnlele l«Mt uf kiieo jcrku; nUarp p in s In tluslefsj Alnxlc gull H’cU irutrkcd; iiiahllltyto stana wlin Hill r)«i i-liiwil; iHffli'iilix liuiVMttnHns llmbioilJi'rnnahiiMrvI,: MXiiul po“ (r lo ii; a iwji«i of oiiTi.lrii'Hun urounil tlw M-xliit. Trexl- mpnt vre. texnn iibout ti-n wreXs nitu. nad^tun- sl'lrcl «( adxHx hi'i' atrmicinJrtHon ol (^f-B-CHuiSK ilIiuBiuomll Avo ilrnm. oomUngd iritli 0 IIXb umiitiiilof water. Improvemcnl

very marXid; .niiiiil fiinotUmi perfertly ro- ■t.irert; loiiiiiloto control over aUdder xM hnwel«. Mid .harp pami li«4 dlsappoered; irt-neral Ih'iiUii Improveit: »hl» to run up and a.iwn Ktelr., :iod could .land xloady with his ey*. rliiMid. -Vu oHier treatment employed. Impruvcuieut xnulaal and Hioody-'*


D on’t expect the news*

paper to do it all. Irook out

for th e show window and the

cases and counters.

Dom. Five Drop.- Price (J drnchmil, ItHtt Where liKvl ilruixlete nre not mpplled with

the IlMiimoiid Animal EitraoU they will be mailed, tO:(>'ther wUli allexIsHux literature on tbe aiibject. on receipt o l price, hy

TIIK Ctn.VMIlIA CHEMICAL CO, XVaahln, tell, D. C.

Tnr Hie by t‘. H. Kralih A Co., MS Brood i t t K BOifbler. *M Brood rt.: Mo, ftelyer, Market and Wiohlnxion ii .: fiarriireo'. phormocy. h» Brood II ' lewl. hroa, tW Morketsi.: ( horlM Kolihaaer, Miirket and liroort rto: Kroemer, lot Uulberry it. amt irureot Uru* (.oiopuy. C7 UrowlH.


BsimnucD m t.

TBV Brood St., cor. Bonk St CAPITAL...................................SSOO.OOO

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hove careful attention.We hove eiceptionotly good focUltlei for

making collectlont and dlsoountlag bnilneea paper.

W lien you advertise some­

th in g o f special in te re st in the

papers, fill the window with i t

and have it p rom inently dis­

p layed iu the store. Have

som e n ea t tickets painted and

h u n g u p above or near the


CHAH. O. ROCKWOOO. Prei- K. H. CA.MPBELU Vloe-ProA II. W, TUNIB. Coehler.


FOR THE MURDER OF FRISCO.The Wealthy Italian Found Dead Said to

Be a victim of Foul Floy and an Arreet Made.

Niw Bri'hiiwick, Aug. 30.—Anlallo Hpfne, an Italian, was lodged In jail Uot evening, charged with the murder of Anthony Prisco, an Italian padrone^ and a ntamber of Tam­many Hall, who was found dead on tho trackxut the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Franklin Park, on tbe morniug of April K6 last. The arrest was ma<lo by Oifloors Fisk and Read, who wont to Band Hill, the Italian settlement some inilea below this city, where Spins lived, and where Prisco owned consid- erabli property.

The detectives say they have itrong evi­dence against the prisoner, and expect to-day to arrest n man who was hli accotnplloe. Spine Is a typical Italian. He claims uot to lie able to understand or to speak Eugtlah.

NEWARK, N. J .AMgi ito n u , . . . .ASBFTB iMarket VsInesUan-L

IBM.....................................tStSIAOU ItUABIUTIE8, N. Y. and Moea. _____

HtandahL.................................FURPLUS............... .................. HAAIMI*BL'RPLUS by former N. T.Btaad*

ard (Am. Ex, per cent. He-serve:........ ............ ................. f JBETAf tt

FoiiLie. AM.ulntely Non-Forfettable Alter Beeend Year,

1N CAsi or r.Apea i ne policy la coxTrvuxo t a roBci ns long os Its value will pay for; or, i( nrefenvl. a Paid-up Poller tor lu full value Is Issued lu s ish an n

After the eenand year Potlotes u e reooo- TieraBLi, nnd oil rsKHettons oi to residsnea treed or oreupotloa ore reiaopud. , „

Caen Loan are made to the extent of n p« cent, ot the rteerve value, where valid a^ slenmentiat tha Pollolee can ba made as ooU lateral seonrlty, , ,Loons paid immediately upon eomplsUoa and approval of prooto.

Be sure the clerks all know

w hat is going on. M ake it a

ru le th a t every c lerk should

read every advertisem ent

every day. H ave them un­

d erstan d j u s f w hat you are

try in g to do w ith each adver­

tisem en t—ju s t w hat the goods

were and where th ey came

from and how th ey happened

to be so cheap, or so good, or




WARPAUKTh© N>w Is»w CiiiiKtHS IHMeuslon In Barn!

DiiirlcU 111 Aoutli iler»«7vBriu.iKHTOS, Aug. 80.—Th© school Uw

j)os*©d by the Jerw y IjegisUturo l u t wiuter ha* ortMited no i*n«l of dtssenslon Rinmig the rural school districts, and par­ticularly ill this nniDtv.

The little HchoolhuuAe a t lUDCOoai was owned Jointly by tbe r<«i>leat* of West- ainptoti nud \CilUugboroufb towDihlp*. Thy new law Icgialatwl lh« Wwtainpton poo- plri out, and the Dintrict Clerk, under tho old law, Kraiik 11. Deuul*, refusM to giv« up the w’luml propt^rty to hi* hUtH‘e«sor, Alfred llan*©ll.

The fH'h<K>lh(iii*e was locked, tbe wti^ows Ijarrwdaml tho new aiitborttieH warned to W p uwuy. Clerk Hansoll, actlns upon tbe eilvice of I'nunty Kuperinteadent Dm *,broke into til© huililing anil seixe.l the

Ramor* Clrcnlal©d that Monev I" niaiiil©e In ItuKh Ibilrlaa Throuj[h.

Nkw V’okKs Aug, ao.—Thore’s g>>iiig to be a lively time ur kih« gueitlp iu and about the Custom-houfiti before long. Brokem and the ugeiits of tho miTcimuts have beott lay­ing that the clerks in Ibe withdrawal depart* tnoDl, which is the department tb a t lian ex- periyiifTil nil the ruxli Him'© the new Tariff law ha* goue into effert, have lieeti aud are lieniamilug inuufy iu urdor to rush their OUtrieR tiirough.

Kilbretb Kald this rnoming that

Ztrue," said bo. ** 1 oiulit to know it lu com- luou JusHco to nil coiicyrnyil. If It Is uot, thue© who lire toiling of buch things ought to stopit. [f HOT <»ne will toll me uf a clerk wIk) ha'i that t will make an iuvestlga- tlou at onco *' While no one hat mad© com-plaint to tlie CoIlix'Pir, it Is euay ©nmigh to

‘ ■ ida.hear complaints anywhere iu the rotuud

, A Mill for damages msy Im the result. Don-prottv eh)**'thing r nw, acting for tbn Weatamptoa j>eopla, hM

“ \V hal lights ileijiaii.leil tha tx>nu uf ♦d.wfc, which rapro-

ov^ and tilt hi* Rtraija, or to carry t!ie sUi‘- peryskiiover hi* ■lunilder. Of c 'jurse tfio

llioii he relttpscii into silenco. 'fbe abovu wa* all tho d(*soriptton 1 could get out of him alKjut tiiat fight. L iter ou, however, wak­ing an iwidtuit HTnrt lo lie vouiiuunicativi^, he told me a few thing* atmut Indian IlghU iu gyueral. He .:liilrue>l that the Indiaui Were very poor rille sbota, aud that the cUmr they were to you, thi* lya*A apt they were to bit yow .At long range lh‘'y were bettor bhots, “ They Mii'UJ to get excitod aud Irumbly, close to you ,' hKid U'lKrily. * A lot of '©«n shot a! me aud u Duicliinau one <lay. They rose up n«'t llhy fet'i uwuy from us, aud ought lo have killMl l»otU uf us. 1 stayed t>ark with the iiutobrutn. ami wo utooJ them off.’ (.1 could uol learn whether the Dutohinsu was hurt or whether Woody hliuSHlf wo* hurt). The toltair© game always broke up the talk.

We ibAMie l that we were now lu the heart of the winter raugc uf tho elk, Kroni tbe cabin door we could see a little Imnd of elk feeding on top of ibu l>ald ridg© whi<>h rike* at the upiM»r end of “ Pleuseut Valley,^’ liVarning of our pur|»ote, Woody quietly told u« that he mmid take u* to a point within lwo~~Dnl©)i where w© <njuld see over 1,(KXI elk at one night. As 1 shall latar show, he did it, too.

BiuitN uno-imlf the cout of the scboolbouee w heu origumllv built.

A similar coudltluu of affairs exist between the ULH lihgtoh Township aud City Boards (»f Education. Uudur tbe new law an extra *('hiH>l WM thrust upon th© towusblp, and the appropriatluD made to pay ti« expenses ii kDciude I m the fuudii of the city board aud tho trufitee* are oitverse t<» aurrepderliig I t

Tho township board ba* engaged couueei to uiktutiglc the t-a*«s7%(iirtf*Ao icfiiif the y£i¥H, SeMtUf

Mnpl>>iffr4 l>rci to fluii m to cixlunow wA«r« PMirWfi ubiatn

A lirbHANI) Cl.AlMH

Tlie Market Openn nnd Uawer, butJ.aler In Gu* Itay Prlre* Move

I'pwftrdsNew Y4»kk, Aug, :kj.—The stook market

opened weak and tuwur tliis morning. The deuUud in pritien raiigtsi frum H to 1 per ceut., aud wa* iiiuel ujarktHl in the (iraugurs and A-tu«ricuti Huger.

There wsH a turn for th» lietter In tlie market after 11 u’clocl, and under jmrehase* to cover short eontrucU prin^i muved up Jq, tolS i pcri'eut. Siig.'ir n-so lo 107) . At Doou the niarkel vva* Hlroug.

TherangMof to-dav K pi'ices for the more active sluf'ks of the S'ew York market are ;iven below'. The quotations show theojien-

iog and closing and bighmi and lowest prloes reacUeil by tho K»*njntie* listod. The quotation* are from th>* New Vnrk Exchango and are rep«irted to iliv .News through Wid- iaoi Linn Allen & Kiivb hruk«n, 810 Broad Ktroet, Ktate Bank Hmlding, this city, and Orange Natinua) Bank, (irangd;


OOiwUou of The SDOH* depended much uu the way t ie luu struck it> *o that one Nidu uf a hiif might be soft aud the other with a bard crust

Again, tbe hour of tbe day hiui much to do with I t Tbe Ruow wm miimug utiderneaUi aud settling fast, but at uiid-day thi* did uot ma tar so much, lu the oftenioou, a crust begsji to form, and this crust was Just stroug enough to break through abuut every few yards. When it broke down the uufortuuata ski man would fimi himsolf a couiile of b et below the surface of the huuw. Attempting to Blcp out he perhaps would break lu ttgaiu. Mrafgliug still further, he would thrust the toem his ski far Utkdur the tiubrok©u crust about him and have a Hue tluie iu getting it

Charles lb CruwelL heBlits Knit for D an age* Against Jarob ItiMld Hbeppard.

J amaica, L. I s Aug. SO,—Charlw Now York, bM begun

tkie Bupreme Court Rudd Kbeppardt of

Ixong Inland, fur 15,000 for tlie alieuatiou of ifrg.

afTectious. The complaint

Crowell, of an nrtlou iu against Jat^b KlchmoDd Hill, damage* Crowell'*

a t t e m p t a t KOimKBY.

outagain. Breaking up lha cra*l by ueatllug It bekwoen bis feet, he uighvnuuko a last tryfor liberty, only to slip back luio tbe hole at

iMt instant. 'I ne conliuiml straiulug and atrW lK g Jte f^ u d vert weariog. To'

*’ :Ae it ail w-uVnc, > -oewtroybluwtth hJj ihoea, wbloh wen ..M-Asute -Aviiy. AVe itopped twice to wax up, building a liru and JSMnUDig snow at one place, aud thus gut- tiag a d r t ^ of rather imoky water.

We could now *00 plenty of evidence that we were getting into the .elk country. Wo oould aae traUi aud pawinn in greate»t abuudauoe lu every directlan. The elk ■eetoed fto be more uuruerou* lu the section abooi tba Dlackudt Creek. We saw on© band <ff fprty*sight elk, dlfUnt perhape half amUeorifioreoa the left of the trail, i t wa* tf O’clock in evuulng, aod time to bofottilag eomewhera, when we at length found ourselves a t ih t summit eff tbe Yanoev HIU. Bill was ahead here, aud disappearta from view on a long, geutle, curving ilide around and (town tiie last hiU that sitle uf the deep gaab through Um mountain* known M the Devirs Out. 1 fol* lowed, with a serene nnse uf relief at the easy, flidiiLg motion of a down-grade and good MEOW. AU a t once tbe whole earth eeeawi to faU out from In front of and all I oould see waa blue air beiow. My eMWBlty vamabed, and I hurriedlv get aoroa* tbe alu pole to put on tvakea, tMil before I

DA1EI!*QThe Hen WIDi Hetchtsl F.irtio©* anti (Ireen-

auuit* M«u i*rebi«b|y Foiled.J khkky City, Aug. 8U.--The puHce were

Informed thl* laoruiugof adariug attempt ftt highway robbery committod late last night lu OrLfnville. Ae a BayonnH trolley car wtw puKHlug over tho MorrU runul bridge on Avouue C, witii throe men as i>a**engor*, oue who *tt«)d ou the rear platform pultol tho trolley from the wire, putting out the Ughu and sbippiug the car. A mati within th© car with n saU'hel starloil to Uttve, mid wo* set Upon by tho other two pasoeugeni. The inov^rmau and conductor wore kept at bay by one of the tuiMulanu p^dnliug a revolver at them. Tlw man with tbe veliM eftcai>od from the oar and diwip- iiearud in lh>) woida His usBaiUiuta fuUowed, but failed to overtake hUn.

lice l>elKlve that tho man with the


servetl to-day, CrowellHhoppard with <lutiaiiohiug Mrs,

lu her hu.>ibaud'e horns in avenue, Jamaica, and aftor

ward the left her husband and went to bro with Hhsp]Mird a: hit home in Hichmond Hill, where she HtlU reside*. Ci'owcll hat aUo Itogun an action against hit wife Cor hu absoluto divun.H' uainiug 8h«i ^ r d w i*o-ruRpundeiit. The i>apert lu thn divorce tint wore served ou Miv. Crowell this morning.

Jacob itudd Hhejipard i* the ruan who an- tagoulxiMl Secretary uf Sbita Hlains somevtsirM ago, uioi the case led to the quarrelbel ■ ................................

iieared in Ihudied

itciielwAs an totended ylctim uf green-I Tb©!

good* swindlers who sihx'Wtid in gelling away with guixl monay aud wa* luUowed by Hi© twimller*. No ti'ace uf any bf them ho* been found. - ___

■twe«ui BUiud aud Berry llidmont, lu which Belmuut callud Blame a coward.

Yl’anivn to How fur the ChamplonSlilp.Ht. Louift, Aiig.80.^Mls*Koss Mosenthein,

of this city, has iM cepted the cballengo of Uis* Time Ashley, ot llartfonl. Conn,, to row a ninglp scuil race fur the cnamplon- ■bip of Amt^ca. The race will be fi>r a handsome trophy, and the Central Rowing Club will have charge of the race if rowed iu this vicrinltys ____ .

Two Y'oiing Tblcvrs in Court*^ps^ial Dlniuiich to the NkW*,

lV\TiiiieuNs Au«. ill. Mn.. Mary Gutt, of 10 Fair htreet, wan a cum|daluaiir iu the lU Yoj ■‘JJL mufntfig against bet souAld'iaudrr, agod elrvBu yi'ure, and Ijonter Horteili aged leu. She accuiMjd the boys of atesllng last Monday from a bureau drawer in hcrdwine. Tin> hoyi roufiwietl the theft. Tiiey eaid ihOt'after takiug the tnimvy they went to Kt)W Vorli and purchawd a now suit of ciothM fur each. Then they wont to looney Island and put up M a cheap hate) YisterdAy they weot for ant roll over the Isl and. leaving their luoney In their room. When they returned It wo* gone. Acting Recorder liyerHUD placed the boys each under $UII balL

Kl«h for Harrieen.A telegram to the News from lArabee Jb

Co.4owners of the Asbury Bark FliihoriMH, give* poNitivs aMurauce that there will be a carload of fish for sals at lUrrieon to-mor­row. Brice 4(‘* per pound. Car will be on Bid* Ing at Harrl|uu avenue freight yard frnni d A. m to r. Ms Costoroir* should take baaketi* boxes or paper to carry tiielr pur- ohaeee.

The Ash will be taken from the pouml Thureday ereolug* and wUl therefore pe lu maguilloeut oondiUoQs ^

to rho ]>ruMnt time no cumptoi^U uf that imracti^r have bevn inado to him. If it is


He will bxve u i eumlustluu, altbougb it u tlinught likely the uixln portions of the etl-(lenre will be rewerved for tbe Omul Jury

The accepted theory le that the murder was the result of a feud between the Ita liu i. Thli was flrit sugKosted bv the fact that wrernl " blaxcn" were found on a tree near the apot where Prisco'* body waa found. Among theeo were a cross aod other marks, wbichf- it was asserted, were Mafla riuirks. Tbs Italians who said this became dumb when tbe authorities tried to Induce them to Interpret the slgua

After Prisco was murdered hi* body we* placdl on the tracks for a train to run over, and thus wipe out the mark of the crime.

Prisco was a wealthy man and owned con­siderable property. He lived in Jersey City at the time ot (he murder, althoufth ha bad lived In New York fur some years. He bad been away from homo several dare before the murder. He was looking after Ills prop­erty at Band Hill, which hr renteil to aooiber Italian. On tbe night of the murder he was seen on Band Hill about tU o'clock. No one seems to kuow juxt where he went, but hi* body was found tome miles up the track, In th* direction of this city. A bloody rope was found In the woods after the murder. Ho was probably brained with a club.


T k n i n S o n it Hew l i e s l j n i In J m l r y H o fe l- tlfis D iffe ren t F ro m i D f i l i l i i l E r re to fo i^ Soon In I t i i r i , ' a n d P a r P n l t l e r .

T tiep i r e F ro m E n t t n l j H e v P a tte rn s , a n d o f tlio F in e s t W o rlm a n s li ip .

I m o n i T bom i r e P o n d a D t s , B ro o c lie s , E a r­r in g s , S c a r f - p in s , S e a b b ird P lu s , E to .

IS s o m »T h e new spaper

tim es blam ed for th e ill suc­

cess o f an advertisem ent

w hen the real fau lt is righ t in

th e store.

k iid. ’8N E W HTOBE.

D on’t ever expect spas­

modic advertising to pay.

D on’t ever le t an issue of a

paper you are u sin g appear

w ithout y o u r advertisem ent




Higa*N. T. Oantrftl............l)©i. A llutliiuti........1K*I„ Uck. A Want..Phil. A Itootlluff.....CanfttlaitouUaeru.-x CmOm C .A H tL .,.. Lake HhuraMlchigaa CsDtra). N. v J ’sTiirftl,,

thgiim»m h


erit.lUHhtT^•4'V*hlr' Am l


lxj«r- CluB- ©it. Ing.m '■hitU

!>ih 3%liklli

Atch.eTo. & 8. Fe......Atrh.liicomev...........i \ . B. * U .....................Cm M. a si. Paul.......ChLAN. W..............Cm H. I. A Paciflo.......llllnuls Central..........Mrt’iourl Porifle.,......Ifoulavilic A Nasb.....Uulub Pacific........Picoifio Mall...............WeMarn Uuloft........MauhatUu..........N. Y. A N. Kfltf.........Mik, KaOv A Texas....N. L. K. A W.......(iutftriu A Wwalern... \Vai)iaalh HI. L* l*ac... Wub,, St. L, * P. l>t..Tffxaa Pacific.............Rich. A West PolDt,..Nurthern Pacific.......NonherD Pacificpr...4ruor. Cutum Oil.......Aiuer.Cm. Oil pr......Korilk Ainerloan.......

UiHi lu|k4li'H. 71














Charles Danby, J r .. May ll«eoin© a tlena* diet and Alan iHiniitar t<* China*

WARaixoTOB, Aug. 30.—A roumoce in­volving th* prreent American Charge d’Af­faire* at Feking 1* likely to culminate in the Uulied Htatee having a new Minister to China. When ei-S*cret*ry of Htate Fos­ter and hi* wife made a tour around tbe world they were accompanied by Miss Martha Orr, ot Evansville, who had for tome time been engaged to Charles IJenby, Jr., who h u been Secretary of Legation ever since hi* father beoatno American Minister, nine vMr* ago. Hr. Deuby was charmingly suqirlted a t eeelng Miss Orr, os he did not know tbe w » within 8,000 nillee of tbe Oriental capital. Mr. Oenby it embiUou* to succeed his father, who u anxious to retire shortly. The young man is proAcient in the Chinese language both of the court and of the peopla and this nnd other aocotnpUtb- mente have made him exceedingly popular at the palace and In ofllcial circles.

It was largely duo to the seutlment he had created which oaiisad the Emperor to have conveyed to I’reeident Harrison ht* hop* that Colonel Tlenby, tho father, be continued as the American Hlnteter a t Peking, Coloael Denby ha* ageil vary rapidly of recent years and would gladly retire In hi* eon's favor If ho could. President Cleveland and Heeretery Greebam, the lutter a personal friend from youth, both have tho highest respect for Colonel Denby’s recommendations. Mr*.

T h e day you leave your ad.

o u t will probably be the very

day on which somebody will

look for it, and no t finding it,

go to a competitor.*Improved Corliss Endnes, Tnbnlar Boilers, Tanka and 8hsel Iron Work.

' Iron and Bros* Castlm;-also heavy Iron and __ ___STEAM FITTING A .B PEC U LTi.^ | j orders for general mschlne aim

Ilsr repsiin promptly execoted.A LARUE STOCK OF NEW ANDBECONII-


Wharf to let, with henry erase and stonge privileges, by Say, week or month, at lowestcity ratea

tjevsiand has'warmly enlisted her lyiupO' ' make M lsi^rr the

nmvtthics with the project to w ife of tho Minister to China, sommvhat, it must bo confessed, on account of the accominnying romanro, and it Is very likely that this com "I cooinminatlon will be reached.

Appointed a West Point Cadet. Wabhimotob, Aug. so.—J. J. Btaanton,

of Bayonne, N. J., was to-day appointed n cadet to the mllltery academy at WastPoint.

Cbleagu Gas.iTTCiN sll.ro n lsg o .........

Ainsr, Bug. nef. (lo....Natl. load.................Silver Ckrlltloate#....Bubo. & Western.. . . . .8u«i. & WeSiernpr... Chi'sap. A Ohio........MofvisA Essex.I), r -C. F... p. a A E ....... .


17 J74 177«jot; '•4


ItrtJ HIHiw 174.iia r>4 5

mix IDmi illto 7* ?KiH 44 H7f.’J

IWi 1K411 dH 111*4u 4;hh 4:1

r«ii iii4 i<i4!:v.





Benatur lllU'a Flfiy-Arst Birthday, Albant, Aug. BO —Senator Hill was a

busy man yesterday, hi* flfty-flrst birthday. Ue went dowti from his summer huiua, " Wohert Heat,” to his oSlue lu tba niorutng, and remained at his desk all day. Wheu asked this murning how he celebrated his birthday he nulled pleasantly and said: “ 1celebrated nre birthday by putting In a good

My triencto have Iwon very und. 1 liaye receivedday’s work. triencu have Iwon very

nnnierous tolegrams of oon- graUilatlon from W oshlngtoa and othsr parti uf tbe United Btetea and Nsw York Btate. 1 have received MVeral baudionte prMenti.''

Cbleago Grain asst Provision Market, Th* following table g lr« the range ot jiricse

ou t he Gbloago Provision aud Grain Exciwnass to-day, as reported by C. W. Holland A Ou,,brokers, rooms Prudential Building!

iSopt,. WheatJ Dea..

Open- High- Low- CIm- fng. eet. est. Jug.



May ..........ah.. . . . . I ,





Sa.:::;::;:) Jan.eee.essss,.......


iiii %

IBM) U«U U'w

i i f

F o r w ash iiig D ish e s ,

there 's nothing

like F e a r lin e .

W hy don’t you begin the use of it in th a t way, if you’re one of the timid sisters who stiU think th a t P e a r l in e " ea ts theivliJthes?' '"x tsB-iw things in it for a y e ir o r two, and te s t it ip every way, until you becom e convinced . that Pearline can’t do any harm. B'Jt it won’t ea t your dishes, that’s sure. It won’t clog up the sink pipes, either, a s soap does. A nd that cloudy effect that you’ve probably noticed on cut glass and china when it’s washed with soap—-that won’t be there if you wash it with Pearline.B*w«n « (inttatHM. «U J A im

Gilbert C.Couriei'.| /iClD3. ^ i ^ ' D R U G S EChemicals,.DYE STUFFS.209MARKn'ST.toivEB|


Baked Deans, per can........................... I0«Best Ontumbla HIvst Salmon, per eon......H>oBest Prenoh Sordines, I ....................... *8®Icbster, flat cans............................................. tTeShrimp, largo cans..................... >*8®Cltriflod Lemon Jnlee, boltls.....................*8®Fin* Tea, pe* pound.............................Extra Chuloe Tee, per pound.................... *8e

W. B. TURNER , CtonSmmtid Hote*?^


myMoreJfull^l'ni/: Im *

i ^ p e r

l i t L o i u t P rlc« s .20 CUHTON ST., Ntmtrk, M. J.

T h e last ad., o f a series is

th e one th a t sells the goods,

A mStu m ay see your ad.

th ir ty day in J u ly and not

b u y till the th irty -first ad.

welds conviction into h ir

m ind.

the la s t stroke th a t

a horseshoe— all the

I t ’s

m akes

o thers were m erely prepara­

tory . T h e shoe ivas not a

shoe till the last blow fell. I f

th a t had n o t been given i t

would on ly be a semblance of

a shoe— m erely a bent piece

o f iron.

Call and sea mp atock and gal prioes.

f o a m i k eIi For keeping stndgbt hair to

ourL Fries Bland BO oaata.HULTANA

For tlntlnsrths llpi and ehaakt iVlnBOni

P A B l AN l^^tlO N


A sale is secured by the

la s t word th a t is spoken—by

• th a t is read. I f

i t rem ained unspoken, or un­

read , th e sale Would often fail

en tire ly .

A dvertising is insurance of

business, b u t you m ust keep

u p th e prem ium s or th e policy

■will lapse.





GAME m IE A BIOTFourth Precinct Oftoers Were Out

With Clubs and RevolTcrs.


Ii»nt)prR*C«wan Pnrtiirrshlp AfT lr »( Hpriugtti'Ul Af#nuA antl llojrti Street Itetulfft III a Vary F scIUdc TAm»—()u« FttcHofi Bi'caku in Whlla the 4lth«r la liotiUnf tlir Fort'"'C'*rl Tuma Out» rroird»The Bupeln^ni Kold at Auetloa fur OnlF ^at ToueafeJoa Nut YitObUineil<


ftaed fur Noaniuppurt and WanU Ualua** fraui liU Hall H«ad-*A Bomautlc

Ntorjr |l•v•ln|M'(l.Howaril W. HuTin i* about to nmk« aoap-

plk'Atlrm tn ChacuulUir MciAitli iu auppi^rt iJ wbtoh bu will fita Mvoral afflfiaTlta. for tlie ilitcliargo «f tbe boiul for $500 t l» t hit rlitfut, I'ercy H. TtmiRon, w*i oblignJ to glva In a m il for alwmdoninent and non-iuppsirt bruUiEbt by hit wife, Anni» H. Tuulaon. Timiaoii was arrcKtad tn lhi« city on FrKlay, Aiifuiit lU, and WM r«tMw<l «n tU* lIouElay following, havlu.L; nbtaiDw) Ibe iiri'etMry iiirety, Mr. Hayw Kajf Ibat ilj« avroru *tnt<:(u*iit« he will prwwul to the Cbttt»<*elhir wiUl)*mlpiilatetlto'ieinomliate th a t there U uo ftw'«Mity for hulding 1 unison In, this way.

A roDiantlc story is tleveluped by this case. Nearly fifteen yean agf) Tuulson was en­gaged to he marrleil to MIm fjiurn Smith, but the match was tirokan off, aud Kiss Hinltli became Hie wife of AOElraw G, Waring, ■while Timl»r»n also mado mtothcr choice. Now heiii Mn. Tuulaun and Mr. Wai'ing are fuga^eJ in aettons for hijal s^aratiou aQd tiic cutttudy of their cbtidreDf atMl Mra. Waring is keeping a boanUitg' hoiuie at 17 Halht k blrfet, with Tuui'iou «s out of hi*r lKiai‘d“ri. These coaiilUuurf UaTa jriYon rise to storiM which both Tuoieon and Mn. \t aiiiig deny, and tlifr*?rent Tsralous of whii'h they ar« anxious to bave tha public know.

A reporter for the Niwa aiw them last night aud heard Ihvir narmtlraa, t^etlier with tliar of U. N. Smllh, Mrs. Wnring’s father. Tunisou was nwn in hU boardmn' bouse, and said;

“ Mrs. ^^arnlg and 1 were lorara before either of us were iimrrie«i Our eiigagomant was broken bei>ause of false reports that Mr. Wanng caniiHl to her. ilie married him, and I tnarrliKi anuthfir woman and had a family of three children, Hamid, now twelve years oil; Natalie, who is eight, and lUy, who is six years of age. 1 did not aoe Mrs. Waring agaiu until April $ of tlila ■ fear, when my wife and t were iuvitesl to attend a« rccrptiun gireu in liroukt>’n on tb« aiiul* rersary of tire wedding of Mrs. Wariiig'e slftter, who is now Umnliug, with her huie luinil and children, in this house. Mra TuhIkjji rufuM'd to accompany me, so 1 went alone.

“ Kiftoen days Ister, on the aerentewnth of April, my wif»dHM*rtmliiiir iumiA in Tenafly, taking thechltdrHi with her. Hho l>e^u a suit for d1 ore^ iiicuUoniug Mis. VVarktg as thEf cc-rC'iH'iahuit, but tTial aotiou has bhico l>ceu Uaied down to a p h 'a fo ra ie..al s>*|iaration, Mrs. Tuiiisona'^ks fortbecuw tody of ttn- two girls, but says notning atiout thi) buy. When tha case ooioew to trial 1 shall \m able to show that h uut stic, was da- scrUsL

The question is often asked why I am living in tha Iiouh* Eif Mr . WsrJiiff. My answer to that is that ska ami 1 are old friends. J he has to earn a living for hcrs.vlf and her childmi and I want to help har along. 1 am on the same footing here as any other iHwrdHr.”

Mrs. tVariug bKik up the story at ibis as fullowN:

“ It is li'ut*, as Mr. Tunlson has said, that hs anti I wera om*© betrotlioJ. We wm-a wquivattHl through the efforts trf Mr. Waring, Who (ledansi tome that Mr. Tunlson bad confided to him (hat bo did not intend to marry me end Lliat he unly came toseo tne

of a lively (hsposition. With H r, Tuni'ion out of the way, Mr. Wariiig’s suit iirosiieriNl auJ we were married.

" 1 did not laaru how .Mr, Tunlson and 1 bat tKHNi <lfN>eived until the night of my si>if4T'K nH'tqilion. It. wo* borwiise I discov- ei'isl his (iiiplioity, I thmk, that Mr. Warmg tnuJe up his rmud to leuve .\t any rate, on the luoniiug after tlw reception he came tu n e and, in brubd iangua^pt, denial the puU’i idty of my little girl May. who w now six years of ago. Thereiq»on I rcfuserl to live uith him. Two days later be heggsd forgiven''^ and t toM him tiiat, while 1 could never forgive him, I WEJutd tolerate his iTrewncoin our Iioum and thuv avoid a

talk with hientcuant Kline, to who be Mid ! iK'ab’ial for I be .sake of (ho chillren. Then tiuit he had oidor^lthe Kisenborg faction j ho rej»eate<l tho assertion about our little out, Bs they could not outer the place totei/a | girl, and 1 gave him back my wetlding ring, or sell witli such a Evnt of dUpoAscs' as they j T did not throw it in his face, as has bisen carried, that the only legal writ would Le sAtcnl, but put it in his MX-ket and informed one from a courtof 'law. The Major asko<l him that 1 would tte bis wlftMio nuire. On the LieuU*uant to arivstthe lin t man who . A p r i l h o loft nteamithe children, tclhr.g

With a rush that was ahnoist headlong and not to be stayed even by tbc strung arm of the lawj at ret>res«ited by tha presence of five police efikTrs, a raid was made on tha atruughold of Alichael Cowan, in the grocery atoreafi Iba corner of iSpriugficId avenue amd Boyd Hire<.'t late yestenlay aftoruoon by T^iwycr David Bplrcg ixaioaol for Davis Diftcuberg, and Constablf'S Wllllatn Whelan «iid Uicbsmti iiL Before the in mates and frieuds of tha t 'owau faction liad recovered from their surprise the place was captured iti at'erialu aeuM and thu gixxls sold to the laoiigogrt for $150,

Tlie plan to eutor the place was Ingeniously sMiK'eived, and its suoi.'sns depeudud on the resisticas mauijer in which tt was executed. Tbure waa the moat lutetuie excitement about the place all day yaslerday, but It ha<l rwached fever heat by 5 o'clock, and It looked as if but a little nioro wonhl have )|)reHpltativt a riot All day long ttie rival farthms in the struggle ftir the posMOsAiuu of the store had struggled, about and In ilte place for the light of poAiwasion. About Vi o'clock Constable UcbeDstelii. who bad boon Taiuly trying to get possewaioii of the plate aluco Monday, but hud been shut out, bovo in light with a formal notiflAVition that the atoek and fixtures would be sold at A K M. He damauded to be admitted and one of the meiii he hw\ placed within the store to watch tbs stock, Fenliuand Uing- K'lh, itarleti for the store d<K>r to let him in, Afrieudof Cowan, Max lieraman, blocked bis pnigretB and the two uivt a t tlie door, 1'ho father of Uiugleib, Kriinst Itinglcib, eaitie to his son's asstslance and tlu< three fought and struggled aU)nt the store, while Lichensteiu encouragod tli.' Uingleihs from the ouLsiiie to “ do" Hcranan. Hut this they to be mure than they had bar- KsixK<l k)r, aithougfk they cot him al»cUt Tai'e with their fists and finally mana;;;isl to t pon the dour, through which Ltcb(*nvtuiii bravely entered, lie gave tuo uoUco aod disappeared.

Ail w eut aloiflt twcrrily until about 4 F. M., when Major Carl t.,eulB, a(‘Uu^ fu cuuu- aei for Cowan intiie alleged coiispiraev ease, which was tn have come up m the ronrtb Pre4.‘ini’t Court in tho afternoon, hut was

uiiUl (<r>>tnnrr<'W iHHMusd tho latv- yer conll ucjt on hand a t the time, drove up to the stoiu The Major was adniittud, ho swept his eye around the store ipiirkly and &‘iw iiuiny p<s)ple wbuin he did not think hud a right P) Ix’i tnere. Ikuug to the di>or be calUni OfUci r KrwhHuml talkc 1 to him a inlnnrc. Iteturnmg bi the store ho said; “ 1 want «very ont* id you wlio is not frieudl v to C'owuu U) cliuir right out of this nk»re, and i(. \oUEs>me back hoi's again or atteiiipl to ^ reak Into tbts plat'o again you will bearr^'sp etl ami loclus.1 uu for HUterfog a.i i slouliug." Ail but Cowan wD.d “Ut, rveu tho watch' man and his s )n, wb>i lunl let fn ConjlabAo Liobrnstetn but a lew hours before.

The di>or was locketl and, Btsv iiqittuloil by several of Cowan's friends, the Major wi nt to tho Fuui th Freciuct Station ami had%

Cuniiiilsiluneri' Latter to tha KosavUle liiiproTainrnt Aasoctatiou and Hr,

l^anuly*« ClaliU'-lvv Hill tlletTIku's wjii a welCattended meeting of the

H(»sevilio Improvtinent Assuciatiou last night at Hhawger's Hail, at which coustdora- bb husiueis WM transacted, t'hainiuin Hamlll proslded ami Mr. Amlersou was retary in the alu«t>nce of Haci'etary J. C. Agena whoso iaability to do justiivi to his duties owing to hU own busiuMs causeil him to resign. The reeignatiuu was ac(Hq>T0«l with regret, and Hriiesl E. r4a% a new uje.ii- ber, was elocUMi In .Mr. Ageus's ]>lace.

A couimimifation was read from Chair­man Thomas Smith, of tlie Finance Commit' l.'O of tbs Hoard of .Alderman in referemi) to the inquiry of Alderman Hydney Ogden as to the Ivy Hill Uoservolr site purcliuMit m which Mr. H.mth sUUsl that the iModa- tioit’s cuiutnuiiicatiun ivouhf r«K*elva liu prompt attention at the first t>pp.H'tuul(y.

in rufereocNP to the oiieniug of KusoTllie avemir, from Hioonifirld avenue, which mat­ter was laid liefore tlie boanl of Ihibllc \Vorks by tlu* assoriatioii, the iiuard Mut a rommunicatioo statiugtbui “ We are pow^r- less to iiudertiike any public liuprovenicDl at the present lime, as the funds for that pur­pose are verv light and niit uear enough to go fuuud. Vour's is «meof many coiujuninU of a etmilar nature we liave at hftad."

Jitr. Farmty arose U) say that tbs letter of the Ihjnrd of ruVdlo Works was somewhat Tuiifh'adiug, and be would like explain the exact state uf affairs to the ai>so<.-ilatiou fur their guidance. He said that some ycarv ago streets were ojNiincd indliM^riniiiiately, and tiiere was seemingly a u*>elesK waste of tlie public muuevs. Tue public ItOEWUR tlre.l of lh«) style of the old board and i^titloned tho LegUhUure tu n*ir»'«* llmir grhjvam'os and that body did ko by d law regulatingthe s}w>uiliiig of th‘s public moneys f<u- Rtrc4>t lmp^'’V(iii«nb. and tuittiiig a rpsirnimug band ou the extravagnuce.

That WAS th* rcasLm, Mr, Parnily said, and not a lack of funds. If, ho said, they had W,(MiO,U99 $i-vdav th-y could not uw a cent of it for stroet improveiiiejus, and he siiggi sP l that tho way tni talu the money wus to pelitirmIhu CotKirll to lay aside a sutUHent'iuin fE>r t'.ie purpoais w hi<’h it <'an do. as tbe matter is eutirely ill its bauds. The letter was pliu*cd OD file,

A {totitioii for the paving of HosevHte ave­nue was thou read. Ir. was signed by fifty residents of U'lNevillr uvonun and aske-l that it Iw laid Is'furc the Ihwird i*f Tuldic VVnrk .

A re»uJiitiou asking the H<siril t>f Fubhc Works to improve Uuseville avciiiix, iroui

' Warren street to FurcHt aviMiua, wilhsuoli paveruent as shall lw> mitisiacb>ry to tlic um- jiirity of the midruta and iax})a>ers, was adopUnl.

A motion wm adopted that tho ns^x’latioii beheveH a bridge l badly m'olwl over tho canal a t Hiitli Tli regular monthlymeeting night was changtsi from the U'tt Tbunwlay to tlie Iasi Uedii^Mhiy In the month. Thniikv <if the a^K'lMlioii were leii- ilcruil the Kt-hred Coumiivsiouei^f and Com- uiftslmicr Humill fur thHr - rvliv M iu having the North Mi'vrntli trtH' t Seb^ed nmda a full groiip grammar wtiooL iu deforeuce to the wisiics of tiie rc'ildeuU.

Chitrioa H. Sleight. r.rn*^t E. Coe and Alpheus Heiftrii wt-re tdiH-lud nn-nilier . Many defecUvo sidewalks were repjiio'l by Hhj various niemle*i*s and rcfrrrHl to Ibe proper comiiiittces for cousiileratiou,

— ----------- ♦---------- --IIOTJI (l.AIM THE PnorKKTY.


should attempt C> cuter the tu rbero l the peace aiidfa. with breaking and cnteknig.Aut assured him that he would out iierndt any disorder at I be slore and would hnve an >fi1ccr there, so be M.<ut over UlDi'er Kubl- jiaii. T l^l otfi(«r soon dispersed the curious srowd galhei 6il about to see the fun.

But summary ns had U'eu tlie getting out of the iiiemiea of 51ajor Ixmtz's cUeut, it ])aukI into inslgiidlcanco wdicn compared with the nisti, charge and. iviptui'c of the

I iinall battiilitm commaDdcd by

Whelan. They rau toward the store kwp this painful busincMi from tbo public, tie crowd clcjeiug lu on tbeiu, anxious ■ but he bos not done so, nor has ho taken the

“ Where’s Liehanatein ? jiatiin to deny the tlanders that have been put " ‘ ' u)H)u bar. Ho also promIsAj to give Mrs.

Waring iiaU of hit Incouia, but ha has not done so f<ir fiome time.’*


Store by tlis iJjtwjer Suiro. KmiiiBuiy ■ UgUt buigy i»)U- btiiiiiiK (.ointAble WIh'Uui itud tbo lawyer were Mca tearing up toward Uoyd street. Thu ory that the HherlS wait conniig to take jviittesKiou went Mp. Tho erttwd soattoroit It) t'lo right anti left. Offluer Kohlman took a gooij grip on bis stick and braced bimselt to meet the onslaught. Constable Ijluhenstoin crowed tbo itroet with a loritiidabla docu- tneut in his hand Just as the light buggy dashed up to the .tore.

thlt kapetl the lawyer, followed by Con­stabledoor, the crowd to miss nothing.Uruak that dour down It they don't open it for yiiu r jelled the lawyer.

'•Ho, you don't," cried Officer Kohlman, as hu plawl hi. broad loriu against the broken door. “ You cannot go In there un­less you have the right.”

*' They wont let me iu,” called out Lichen- stein friHn the outsklrta of the crowd, ai he wared the docuiiieut lu his baud over the heads ot the people. Just then Whulcu took in the situation at a glauce.

" Is)t me get at that dtxir,” the constable cried, as ho iiuwle a rush, backed up by ttpiro.

'* Don't let him in, olhcer. You cautdo It, It’s against the law. you kuuw," some criad from the inside.

Whelan fought his way step hy etep throiwh tho break tn the door. Ksrc he re- ceWeu a punch lu the faoa from a list of some one Inside which sent him bac'sward against Ufficer Kohluiau, but he quickly re- oorered aud ikade a plunge through tha door, landing on his kueai, [le reieirad a shower of blows ou the lace and body front the Cowan people. He managed to get on his feet and quickly subdued tho men iusldo.

lu thn meantliue Liclieostolu aud ttplro, ou the outside, had furcod their way to tho front end the most Inteusaexcllenient pro- railed. “ Hun for the policef’ "Hun for the police r was the cry that reeouuded on all sides. Half a do«n ran to Lieutenant Kline, at tlw Fourth l*reclDct Htatlon, aud iu a mluute there oaiue hustling tram the eti- tluD Officers Creea, Colemau, Hnssmau and Harniet, annel with clubs and royolrers, to quell what was about to become a riot ac­cording toappearancea. They quickly scat. tered the crowd aud kept the paeemeut door.

Inside the store Whuhu was contcntodly smaklng a cigar which ’[^wau bad glvad him after his successful entry, while outside Hpiro was urging Llchetistoin to read the mortgage and writ of dlspussess to the croe d and prmned to eell the place, with Ita uoip tenia atpnbllo anclion. Llchenstelu treinbiod like a leu In agale of wiud as he mounted the single step, but he eeemed to n ln courage when Wbelaa emerged from the elore with an easy air and stood by his side.

LIcbenstaIn began to read, in a scarcely audible voles, the raurtgago and his writ p( oulhority,. “ Mpeak louder,” shouted a mau on tha outside edge of the crowd. “ Don't ea- rit* him or be*inuee bla bead,” said another. There were oatcaUa on every aldsi, and no one could uuderstand what tiie coustablu was ruadi^. At last the reading was oon- cludatC and tb«i the coustnbte seemed to gsdn oourage as he began. Id tha slug-fong

' manner of the aucUonaer:“ Une I hare, two 1 hnve; genttetnen, start

the bids going, wont you f*“ Twenty-nya doUan,” said aoa man.“ 'That's rather low,” said the constable*

auetlonser, “ but it's a etartcr. Twenty-live 1 bavej twenty-live 1 have, Coma on, genie. The greatest chance of your life."

Amid the calls of the aitctlonear htads ap­peared over the trausoni ot the store door, end quaint remarks were applied to the aucUoueer. The crowd advised him to “ come off bis perch,” nod these in the store cried out to not buy, as it was a “ sklo.” yinally the sfora aud nonteiits were knocked down to the mortgageo, Max Laiuber, ot New York, for tlSd. Then all handa de- parted ■

Both portlei stand about the same ns tKcy did yestuday, fqg while the goods were sold from the oubilde of Hie building they are nut In the bands ot the purchaser ns yet, uud the Cowaultes are in ■ posseiilun of the note. When uked hoik the gooiis were to bebl>- taiaed C'onstable Wfaalan tald that to-day a writ of r^ev to from the BlierllTs otnoe would be outlined. Lstwyer Idpiro said bp would have the gooda either to^lay or to marrow, [gist night Constable VYbelnn woe on duty aoroes the street from tha store to sea that no one should ttim the store futures or goods Thore is eipooted to be more trouble today when the alhimpt to serve the writ of replevin shall be made.

A Bpeelat TalegrauFrom U nbee A Oo., the ownere of the

A sbvy Park Aelierlee, aonouticea Ihid th en will be poelllTaiy a sale of dsh a t narrlton to-murrow, at four came per pound. The ear WIU U .on the sUlag at Jlajrrt. son awnue tre in t yard from # X M. to * P, IL, so that everrtiody eon n ta o l ia u u with- onierowdlu Tbeneli will be taken from

•“* ’'“‘‘•JR'■ ■■ ■ >

n]fi('«aa a | tun that It xvas none uf uiy buMuttM wbt-ru fio U'iuK i-liarffud ■ umi goiug.

Tha Lieuloii- “ Hf eiitera^l a xuit lo tho Suin-eme Uom*t tif Kinjcs CoudIv, N. V„ lur a M*|iara- lion auJ the i'ara uf tiie rbiMrt»n. Greuviille aud May. eMy apidication fur aiim uuj oraa ilenlrMl, tr> a mi«UQiterNtaiviUug, pend”iuK the trial in October, bub I aaa fcruuttvl (•oimHfl feca and sMr. WurlnK woi denied Ibe priviiofie of seeing tho children.

** The uile^ation , that Mr. Tuniaott and I •uataiu or ^^er have luatoinud rclutioua that woubl justll'j a fult in which I would figure as the uu-r«poudeut ii falho aud wicked. When i caxu« to Newark to n n t a bouse my mother came with me, and I have always ooiuiucled myself In a way that 1 have no cauMf to he atbained of. I abo w>h ti> deny that 1 over lived In Tena&j, whore the Tual- frms rokifle^l.”

U. K. fciinlth, Mra ^Varing'R, father said:Vr 6 hare tried to avoid publictty, but the

time ban oocue wh'CU wu uiusl sfK'ak iu order t'k riuht oorveiveti. Mr. Waring promised Dio w hen be luft my daughDer that ito would

An liitrrrsting ^Iruuglv in Orange Over aI ’enerm-isl Umiak's

A piece Ekf prujMTty un Ni'W street, Or- •nga, oaid to be worth is the himoof eoitteutiuu between sMrs. Mary Ellen (-lol' jner, of liBSuutu Sixth j*tre<-t, NuwuE'k, aii-1 John Attriilge, of I'amv.v litreet^ Orange. Yesterday itfUTDoun Mrs. Ueitner, with her busbaud and couimd, J. K. 5Udiermit, a|H |iearo.i at the protM irtv tiud took iKRti'^loDof tls Thedwelllug pcrMnu of the place in oc- ciipied by colnfe.! |ien]ile, but Mr. and Mra (teiinOr were eufirMnce<l m a vacant Htora and room on the gfi^uud fio ir.

Tbr tenntJtft in th'i liuiMingweraniuch sur­prise’ll at the Maletjf MiTiiira. They were told to not ikay any more reat to Mr. AUridgti, wlio clabiis to bo the rigldfiil owner of the pro|»crty by virtn»* 4»f a will left by his eIp- c*s!»ed Wife, whi owneil it. Tbo facU lu the case are iieculiarly iuteresUng.

.luhu niloy wom the m idiial owaar of tha

t>ro|>erlv. He marrij*d a .Mias K.dey and wheu 10 auNlUlt tho entire prii^kery (<»W. Ia Ut she married John Cutter, who had two

daugblvra one of whom is -Mrs. (Teimer, who now Inviii claim to a slmr ‘ in the |inq>crty. Cotter"diei.1 and <M>mc> tliiio after his df'otbhia widow ntarric^i John AtlrMjfo. Thn'e vwirs Ah'% Ait'S, Attridgu died aud left a will be- queathiDg all the pro|ieitT to her buAliand. 'ihe win is now in ]KWMrfisioa uf Mr. AltriElge'i lawyer^ Biake Uowu, of Or­ange.

To a Newk reporter tliis morning Mr, Attrldge said that Mrs. ffelmcr bad mj daim whatever to ibe protterty, as sbe woe no re-

, latlou whatever to liis wife.

After Hehavlng Hhn»«>ir INimn'minI of Vatu able Froperty for Twenty Yean

Mr. M erkrr Is Matin Mad*The swindling traaw tio iis lu real estate

that were earrwil on ihls cUy abimt twenty- five yeara ago by a uuiul>er uf rMl estate sharpers are otX'a.Nlmial{T bn light to iniml wfiea uDO vif the old diH>lM t(trn» iqi or iu the settling up of the rsiaitK nt some nf the vu'- l4uie. A cate in point is thnt <d WilUam H. M(«ker, of 49 Atlantic htrni, who, after lwenly*<»ue years of fancleil M'cmitT, ha a just iMructl that iu a tnsiisactuiu bs was tbo vU'* Um of a iwlDiliies

Twenty-one y»'an ti;o William S, Meeker w-os <x»bdneUng a pmiterous liutelier busi- ijcsa St 3si IJbevty street. IWiGiiiug mune- wliat dlssatisfiofl he decided to sell uut atid invest i Im prtx'oaJ* in some other lino, Ha advertised hit busiiuns for sah'. and the ad- verUsenuiut was anewertNl by a (iiH -aiJixvir- iikg gauUemaiiy who gavf> his name m Jolm 1. Mallett, and pla*'e of n'shlcnce ns Jersey City. Mallett looked ovee tha biD«lw:&4 aisl deoldad tlw t It was Just what he wnme.1, so a l«rgaiu was made. Mallett via* to pay $l.!yx) fur tlie busluMs, ||(s> rasu aud Uie lalaniw In three uotes, ona fiT l-t.iuto nin silty <iaya, and the oibcr't f<>r t-hsi c.u'li to m u nitittv days and a it tnonUw rtfpecHvrIv, thu ui’tw to Im {viyable at U>e 1 1raiiKH Hank.

l o Ad'urv the Tmymeut of the liuIlm Mallett agreed to give Mr. Meeker a llrnt iiuirtgugrt on ‘Hhrtw valuuijo JoW’" at IWigen ami to couTiut'e mut that the fitU were viilu- able he took Mr. Meeker to Ik'igcn roinl and showa l him khrfv> luls, statliiK Ihai they ware the Iota upon which he pro])oAtkd tu give hill) a mortKag*!'- Kverythiue VNMiK“i su fnir ftud Ninii'.ihtforward, umi the Nirauger was such a piaasaut man, tluit Mr. Mi”«>ker ib>1 not take the troubin to iwarrb the Ijtte uf iha stranger to the proikerty, but ttHik the in Ciinli with tl}« nuU”M uiitl llm inortkagi- aii)l turne.i his buKiiu«ss over tu Mnliett. Im- mediately aft *r turnlnu the Im-irn'i* o\er Mr. Meeker rentotc^l to Springvillc. s-diiteu Ikland, aud engaged in huslu^s-i there. When tbi* first utdft becuiiiD due it wh”! M for iiayraent, but there were no funds to inet'l it. However, Mr, Mwker fell nre with his inurtvfage aad flid md worry, m,’ did the fact that the oilier nuh^s wn>' U'd |)Aitl ut m aturity teem to artiuse him, Im felt so wR'ure with tiU murtgagu on thu loti

Alxkut twelve years ago Mr, M's-ker lie cam eatrifio unea-ty, and wmglit legal nd- vlce as tn foreeloiuiv of the niortgajk ‘1 fie lawyer t,)ok ihu imperc ami after ke-'iiinj them for a time, r»dur!iwl them uilh the staleiijciit that tbo lots Were lu u very \it» UyallfVv niid be would not a-lvise Imn lo fori‘cl«*iO. but let tho m stt"r U>', a* 1b ‘ ii>tn tiiifitlit be filletl U]> arnuiul tbciu an I tko-ii Ibi'V would be valuable. Thus the I’lntl.r rc'U^l up b» last week, wheu Air. *Inmily dccldol riint vomethiug Nlirtuld W done. Mr. ATenkeV, who U uu invalid and unable to attomi to buHim-ia. i uve* tin* ] n|iiM-ik to his daugbl'r, whu put them b) tln> hain]* of Jaitips J. Thornley, a lawi-rr of New York The latter iiiinuHlloudy o!-j,:uu ail In­vestigation, au‘l it IS bis rep a t on lli*' nmitn', jUist receivcii, th a t has disjn*lUil any illu'iou that the Meek^^rs nmy have cuUrtuukKl un to tln« Value of tbclr mortgage.

In thi4 mortgage the lots are descrils'd fiA Inis Ni>t, 36, 80 and Ot, lying l»etwitii Jm • kiiiKs rauch. Bay Way aiul Amns Nin^-ts in idot'k Nr>. 7. as ^howu nil a luan *f l.u*Ki lot* iiii flio at the Clerks ofllcn of liudism Couuty: After a long scan’h Mr. Thornby !*ucri‘«'.hsl ill flmling the iiotp ami kx\itiug the lute, i hi Ibe map they loiiacil very pretty, bin tiu at- touqjt lo urtually hx-ate them on thi- fuci' of thec.:n t!i t>orc out tliCBlafeim'iH inado by Ibi’ former lawyer tha t they were iu u wid In- culily. Mr. Tbornlcy went to the water's fdgp,’ and Ihi D could uot gel within a uillr* t,{ them, lor, a^a'ording lo tho mau mid r't' i rip' tioUR, they lay a mile from shor»\ l-atwceii tlif luouib of the C'oniiminipftw Hivi-r and tlis Statue of LUwrty, aud t'vcu ot that hu itiund that Johu I. M alhtt never iiad a dt'vJ fur (hut jiart of New York Harlwr.

Thu swiuillB fails rather wn-endy ou Mr. Mci.'ker and his family. They have ulwaVK f*oi1iit»l Kuiuethingto fiilMjack on lu time of ivi4‘ b Churlfs JfioibiiH, who u.sed t<i live In dVriglit hireel, was aUg a victim of Malhdt. Uc tra'I^d a houi-o uu Kreliughuyseu aveouc to MaUoU, ut uUiut the same Ittiu* the <lt-al wan mn-lo with .Meuktr. Mallett gave Uirii Fiv'ai iu ca*'li and Homu lote a t Bergen ToluC pris»uambly the eame luts that he sho'vad bi uilicr vic­tim. Befurti Jai.’obus diKcovriv 1 that tlie lots weru uiit iu the bay, MalleU liud tho hous** and gone to part* uokium’n.

Koi'lr iu itiL't'^priug A ma^i who >c*id (hat be was exci'Ult r for the Heath (state a t Eastott waA M-an-hing amomj: the rwonlM (Hid rvnl estate ( tfh'eB in this (Uty to liMiate toiiH lota forw bii’b hu hod a des i. Ho llimJly bswUnl his i>r«ipcriy lu alKKit the snme ohic*' that the .U4*ckt'r aud Jacobus lots were lucalfti Aud lelurued homo indiKgusl.



The l ^ a l IMvlaloa Kl»e(» l>ui|iorary OH- rerst M Kvtiulred by l,aw, |

Tiw nwinlieni of the New Jersey Naval i Hrwrve realdent In this city aud viciulty met la>l night lu Cb')*-ni Frienda' Hall and tiM.k the uo-mHary ppehrnmary ‘‘leps for th* t^taidhhmciitof wbiit will l»eoRh iaHy known as (be Kcl >ml Pivlalou of the Huttaliuu of lha hlad.

Chairman Fmuk J. Crquhart, after ex- plnluitig (he obF*»’t* uf (be iinHitiug, read the law goTcruiug the crgauiaatlon of fie Naval Ke*«rve. Mr. I'rqubart Infurine*! themtiu- bers tliat (luvcriv<;r Werts line decliueil to give his otficMl Miiictitji) p) the nrgoul*ati(»U uuril ceriaiu provisions a f t <sini|il’t* l with. The fii>t uf these is thaeletdloiiof hmiporary olticerh (o the jKieiiiiui lo*bu aMiuiiuMl Inter by the iiennaucut oiltcers, ami ibc sih'oikI is the ei]gagc:utiut of a man well up iu ua\al laclicK Ut Hseume the ixwitiou of cominander. ll wa* i'e|K)r(ed (Imt the prluio iiu»ver* in lh» iK’heiiie have such a man lu view, aud eipei’t to (va aide toAi^curc his sarv'icos.

in accordancu with Mr. f'niuhart'i rc||»>rt livt-ae teiiqsirury ortlceni were t ho'*ii: Ideu- teunnt-Ctinmiitidvr, H. C. Rorick- Junior licubmautd’oniiiiaUtU'r, John 41 Hul^on; Hkniior En*tign, Frank J. rrquliarl; Junior Kiisign, T. Uohleiigav. '1'Iu*k(‘ offleers will H’rve uutlt the election of vhe jwrmuneiit olllHaU, Mr. Hu<Uon, who is s meml'cr <if iUa First KaglineuU will prolmbly be cb.^cii to siTve as military bistructor tu tho ulvl- sioii.

A commlttofl was apprilutwl to •■uituble hall for the (Uvibuui drills. Tho Be- ennting ( '(miiiiittca will uicet next lue-«Uy iiigiil, when arraD^ment- will be made for tho next imjering lu the coriw. At Ibu in«t* lug Tuesilay iiigiit all objvR'tlons ui the can* dlilncy of any Apidlcaut will i*e hHir«i. A ruther lindy di^rusdtm in I'Cgard tothe pow­er of the UccruitiiiK CommlUeo to act ou vucli o(>jAvtluU'was hod last night, and it was jvsolvevl uot to endow the coinaiittea with alMwlnlu power to decide against any appllcunr. All (’sscs niusfi alter having l^ 'u heard, be reiairtial to the divliion fur fiuai action.

The mustt>r-roll of the division shows thew nnm#v a fi w of which may Iw transferi-eJto th.‘ .Icrsev Cut rtwicr-

M, A. liaMwin. Jobu'l'. Barr.C.W. Berger, H. Boriieuiaii, W. J, Hovncmau> A. W. Jhiw h, C. T. Burt, H. I‘. Chandler, W. 1). ^^dUll^ (I. H. Culver, H. 11. Cook, W. K. Di;vcu[s>rt, J. Mi*. Deckert, K. C. Diu* 1«0. DiniicI A, iHiLiau, W. A. Fiiine- i;aii. Snimiel Galser* Jr,, K, T. (*a1e, C. It. (hirdncr. T. (iolilengwy, M. T. Hanley, \V. Ilar-uyisilc, M'ilhaia Jlanly, M'dllaiu H«n1iig(on, C. F. K. Hartnuin, (». C. HIgby, .lauiejs HihkI. T B. Hodb John M. Hu'&ou, •1. iIacoIk, U. iP. Jaeger, Chai'h*s M, Je-wup .K«hii M. Judges O. KeUfiw, KliiierKmgstun, H. J. King, Edwarl Isiller, <» i'. Muhuu, John A. JicAr(bur, B'. J. .Me- Kl> riiAU, J. \v. McljAUgblm, F. Mc('u«, A, Mmj«-iu, Arthur Oliver, U. O'ibmrkiN J. H.1 rU.i:r:.c. \V. OTtoul'kts J. C. I'crkey, Ih-ncdict IVicth, J. liadigun, jl.• IJ 'Hrli, \V. H. Hui'sungcj, IL FcPiA.'rVE'r, (t. M. Hlmn-iiiglutusL'n. Jr.,C. cM'lii'fc null, D. Wflvmoiir, J. T. Smith,

W. Suiltli. K. y„ Starrs, Edward J, Stc\ en-. .1. M. SU'WAPt, F. J. Tnu' oy, Charles W. liivlor, II. Thielmnn. W. Tulen, M. F, Tj niu, F J. CiNpihnrt, !*« Boy I*. \ alien-t Me*, t!. VAlidi‘|-h"ff, rhi'odoro \VUtA K. li.\V'lii-4iiiu, iSolvK It. WliigaiiY, E. V. Whit- niuu and ‘ P, F,. F .Mahor.noMJiM rL.aviN ti fa k iin a iik a i>.Itim liif Clubs <i(it tlie (Ichl i»f the New

TanfV Law |• nr hh l»..' .nm!i)'l S. Ilrucu, Chief Deputy Collm

U>r<*f iutfi'ijul K-vi'imc, Is I'nviviiig many api’lii-aUoiih (or siatu|is to put on playing curds as the lu’W law r«?qulres. I’o allcomers hi'^uys (itijT l:4> cX]» -Ui ihc stam|i6 witliiu a iloy or twov but that (ill he j%[i«II beatiloto furiii.-ii tbfiii hcran nut uuiboriaoany one to sell cHi'iU.

“ lUiid,” fcuid ,Mr. I.rueii (fi a N*wh re- |iortcr this iii.ti-iiiu , “ Uiul must of the clulei au i iiidii iduaB n bo uro iu llie luibit of U'ting largo quunlitiot i<f r.'irdi* laid In u oousi ifr- abic su[)jdv Indore tho new law went into eff* ’Ct and lhu*< suvuil the tux of two (.i.'nlA a |Mi k,

“ rii« !»tnmi>s (but first arrivi* will, 1 think, i>cu ll(H'tAl isnua intended for the use o£ retail lU-nlorh who b;iVe a wliK-k of car'le on hHU'l. !n the fuluj'u tliM htuiiip!' will be sold diK 'tly t<) tliu uiuaufiw'turoix.'^

Si'vc.'al "tutioiiury dealers end uthcra who luclud+i piuylux cxrtU ani(»ng their g«>«(a, Kuid to the rep irlcr tlial There had bc-n no iinuhuul demand for cards idijce the ihgw act went into iij erutiou, but thul all whuMk for llu iij nrc iuiormisi that they luuAt wait until the stauqiH cau ta* pnK'uro 1.

JTft-cen thouiatid liitorual |{cveiiue slainj"* that MIT issued by the Huvcriitnent (-0 hr plunsl uu pinymg canK were recidvc l bv the liit*‘riwd lleveiiuc authorities till'* moruiug. They will be issuud to the dealers at onn>.

The Best Goods ati/m srm AiLsm m uM


i/ m m m s M im .




B i g B a s e m e n tTo (’ONKOIt.M with llic downward tendrncy of vain..* rntiwd by tha new

rurlH'. (Jttiat Uiirsnliia In (iUANlTE lUONVYAKE i*nK(iEBVINU KKrn.KH.


GREAT TARIFFIC REDUCTION SALEW i‘ ItoiiLdit t l io .Siiriihift K tock « i‘ T w o T i-c n to ii P o t t f r lr H .

Whitr Porci>liiln Ifitclicr^, f-qnart n\te...... .4 iiu'h ►‘I'lwer rti(N uud f*#u<‘er»— .........................A.oi<-ii Klu vrr I'ot" and Huucem............ ................ .\\'i iiH roiTfUln Hmie IhNlie* ................................While Fiurid.iiu I'lMtPA, any sixe........................ -.......W hile F.in-eialn TesiN il*.......................... .....................AMilfC 1*1 rei'Um Suunr Howls.............................lh‘i''»'h'ii Wiilh* Fort ehvln Wlop J kM......................... .W hhe I'.'h'e! on B<>\vl»And IMlcheri.........................Widii* rom'lalij ( 'ouilNirls..................................Wlii!i> I'oK i'laJa Hwlai! IhiwlA....... .................................\ \ i;|(r I'ort'oinln i 'oaliiurl Jugs....................................While iN.rrf'Iidn roaljHirl Jugs.................................While |■|'r •.'l;dB ('nUljHlfl Jugl....................................Whitt- Ftircphiiii I'cHtliKirl Jugs........ .......................


Keg. Now

Tc toBo 4o

QUe l(la .doiQUO S8r>(iuitfk: lBr.e»

|;f 4U •1.4f»e» 9Ho Ofie.Mt

, m tfie. bVi 0$fl. Hh, ntic *n«, 'A*o

19c. eachNowHa«.

Forerlnln or Tlii-liiiod ruvcrnl Satic^panR, t-ouart............................. 4kchirc-elniu or Tm -liued ComtimI Haiumiisu*, IV u 'U iP t................................Kloporeelniti or 'I'm-lined Coversd Sim.’Cpiiis, ............ .INirffliUii or Tin-lined Covered Rvuce|iaiw, t-qiurt..................INiri-'-iaiti or Tin-linud covered Sauefjruia, JWuuarl .................Forr«-laiii or Tjii-lln»'d Coverod H d u Ji'digra, 14 -gallou ................1‘oret'lrtlii or i iii-llneil t'overwl Ham ifriilrra.B-gulluu........... .lAij-relidn nr Tm-lliu-d Covered Ham Bollrr". !f=4-aall(in............I'on eliilu or Tlu-Uried Covered Ham Hoiler .H-galfUJi...............1'ore lain or Tiii-ilued • ‘oven d Ham Boilers, tha-gal ion............. .ihirn-laiiuir Tui-liniMl Coisriid Ham Hoilrra,4-gaUfm,..,„............... llAiIVirceiuluor I'lii-lluvd (.'uverod Ham Uollera, 5-gallon........................fZ.tt

Spill Frits 0 1 All U s of Frosorrii letUos.T IN W A S H ItO ll.K K S , T-lnch copiior bottom , rcg. HSte................................... 4<IftKOl . ID C O I T K K TKA K IC T T L K S...........................................................................f l« 0MA.SON'.S HEST JA IW , iiimrtit...............................................................................* 8 o

Tha Itataii Men nf Orange ltec«»lv« Orders from the WhuleNalers*

Ycfttcrdaj afteffiooii the fetall Ice dealura of Umiige received notice from the wbolesalo dealers thnt they would have to nigra a con­tract ta buy tlieir ice in Urange a t H |»er ton and sell the ice to storekeei>urs a t thirty- five cents }x«r isumdi and to private (muiiioe for seventy ci*ut» |»er lOU pounds.

The wbolewde deak'rs wlio are said to lave formed a truxt are the Orange DietUled Water l(*e Cum(>aity,'thp Greenwood Lake l4>e Ci>[ui«ar, BteA'art HufTman, Charlee F. Harrisou. nuverel & Kons aud the Bloou- Celd Dbiillcti Water Ice Company.

The imiall dcal.m are up in arifi* agalnet the trusl. anti duim that they canuc^ ooU tbclr i^e to tbn poor peopls at seveuty (wuhs per too, AM thuir customer! are unable to pay a> much for It. The ice bay been diiponed of to private famlUee for a urioe less than sev­enty cents per lOU, end tnls la objected to by the whalMwh* dua'.ert, who threaten to drlvu the retailers out of tlm btisIneM.

One retail dealer y sb^rday drove to New­ark aud purchased a loud oif ice a t |3 por U>i.


Mr.^thanaNan* uf HelUvHLe, Lost HU Prop* •y^y»-1,(Hiated at Hlo4>aiftel(U

This uivartlsement was ioseried in y e s tv day^i Niwa'i- ^

J o-TvruKsnAV. atJ(iuht k bay hobbr,Jitid else brewn Miter <|cw: itwHrd given for rslurn uf elUaeritaNIgL mHaXAUaX, fieilevlhe.

The borw has beeu In pound a t Alexander UcNalr'ii, In Blounifleld, imoe the day It was mtaaed. J a n ^ Baldwin, of the firm of J. W. Baldwin' A Bros., grooert on Broad ttreet^ found the animal iu bis barn, The horse bad once belonged to Ur. Baldwin. He sold the anlinak and It hue sincit baeq^Me property of aevenii peruogs.

Wiih the horse wbsa it returued wae a set­ter dog who would not allow anybody to approach. Filially the horse was aecured and taken to the pound. Ur. Bhaiubau wUl get his property to-day.

Tbo charge 01 stealing (be horse tnade by Ur. Bhanahaa igalnsb two boys be with” drawn. _________ ^

Newark Chrvker Club Wins*The Newark Checker Club paid a visit to

Bluwitt^s Hotel, Jersey City, lait tiiahi, and fipfeatod the Jersey Oily Club after an ex* cltlug series of gamei. The Newark men won aevenceen gotme to eleven for tbolr up- poneatM. Twalvt* games were drawn. Tbe Newark Hub tlalmi to be ctmmplon of the Utate, having hvAteu tbe Omnee team twice aud Jersey City unoe. Captain Blandin is glvon great credit for the manner In iibinli ue handled thi) team. The UUsekefe and Chess clubs have united, sod will open tbeir Dew rooms, at fil7 Broad street ongSaturday night. Ilie t ffiosrs of tbs Cbe^er Club arc; PrckMent, A. C. TUIfe; ssorotary, A. Ban- dlu; trsoimrer, B. HennsU; leigHiut-aUarnia, A. Iluggs. /

The Alleaed Enibriuilf>r Had f^uMOge to Kuv(»|>e*

ArtJiur Ilaliall, ot Jt! Bridge strnrt, corrs- (poudiug taereUry ot the Sloiiecutlere’ Uniou, *»ho, u told lo the S ewh yehterJoy, WIU »rr«*twl by Detectieo Muridiy, of the Swood Precinct police, on n chnrge ot eiii- beulonieut, wm held inIHoiJball to a—slt tbe ictlon ot the Ornud Jury by Judge Mutt tbl» inuniiug. The couiplniut, w blub in niudo by Jam « Hellly, the president of the union, chnrgee tbnt Hnlenll, iu hie caiucity of ec- I ri'Ury, received a check fur tM from a bohs Btouecqtter and that the check nae utviT tume.1 111, lb* ewn'tary claiming to have lost the check. This blatemcul, it is nllegist, wee proved to bo tatSL% and the compb.nt was nuule.

Tbe police lUb learned that Halwll bad tecured ivnwage for Kuctand on the elcuin- thip ilritaiialc, which left New York at 1 o'clook yoster lay afternoon. The prhonor, it 1* alleged, had iiiaile all arrnngemi'iiis l.»r Icnvlng tbe country, ami had nbtaineil a now coat and vest from I’eter (iilmey, n tailor of 3ti Itrldge street, liut, arconling hi the tailor, neglected to observe I lie foniinlity of poying for the gnode. This uversiglit aroiiiei Tailor (Hbney's ire to such a pitch that ho also vraut* to mako a charge against 1 ialaill,

WUEfS o r Mlt-s, WEISS.She Truatcl Too MnrU-.Harrlcil anil lic­

i t rieil on the Same Itsy.Mre. Freilorlck Weiss, formerly Ifrs.

Johauna Larseu, who was for some time em­ployed OA a cook In Ulelchmau's Irvingtsm Jlotal and while there had trouble with Fred­erick Wet**, * gardeuor iu thu employ of TViile Brother*, truck gardeiinra of Irving­ton, be having Jlltel her. 1* again the victim uf ths fasurtiuMS man.

After Weiss jilted her she made appllcn- tlou to Overseer of tlw Poor Jnbn B. (.'ase.v, of IrvlngtiOU, fur relief, luit uot having Inwq a rwidetit of tbe towiwblp lung enou^ai she was turned over to tbs jjour aulbailtiei of Nswarke

Hhe then got a warrant for tbe arrwt of Weifs. Tbs latter was not arrestsd, how­ever, until last Saturday night. Detective

- Jaeger* found him aud ho wan takou before Judge Kggere. The lUeu Mm. liuraeu neared iu court and on Huuday morn lug the couple were raarriwl.

On ttunday eveulug Well* again de»rt*d. Mr*. Wells appeare.1 before JU'lge hgger* Tuesday and told him of her new trouble and asked ids asslAauce. Tlie Jiidgo advlswi her to look lor Vv oiss in Irvington, *»it she could not find him, He has nut yet been lo­cated. . _____


Wedded At Univnvilla.M ar. Elfuibeth Bupuett, Ndeit daagbler ------ ,

of Wriilam Hurnelt, of Unlouvlllt, and went on a trip througl

Ceremojaien of MarriageChurt'h H»d at lluiue.

At the letldetir* of her unole, Charle* L. King, on Rowland street, Ml*. Neill* King WAM wedded last night to FVederIck J. Fronks, of Montclair, Hcv. Mr. Young, the bride's cousin, officiated. Miss Fannie King, the bride’s cousin, was maid of honor, aud the Mlsse* Lillie Franks mid Maymo Werner were biidesnmiils. PMwaril H VouugBciiui ns bent man ami John J- ^Velc‘her aud Waltar Heckel of Muininlt, were ushers. The happy couple wont ou their honeymoon to Detoware Water (tap.

At the Chnrch of Our IJulr of Mount CoTnicI yesterday afternoon Hfse Pauline El Kaso and Pster C. Dumont wore wedded hy the paetor V T is ’"dde'i s ls ^ , Mjse Leonid wa*«iatr . . . - s .^-earrt.K-Ro^rs was beat .“q.” **?-A fter 1 bo c«r*tuony||» —w *.

iwi tlie M


All RxpInKloii o f liyuaiutte CatituU b j anIta lian Ijil^omr In th« Old

Utirriiig OrouiMle(i)iivaDa Lo an Ualian laTiorer

employed by Confractor B. M. Kimnley, unrrowly Mcnjitwl Iwing blown to piei'es while at work porting oubbleptouee in tbe o\>\ burving Rrouud tble monilng.

File! of cobblv(i1onee bolongiug to tlie coo- trai tor lay Ju^t in the rear of tbe biiiliJlagN NOuthotNo. 1 Hook-atid-Ijaddcr Houxe. The Italian upon u pile on the oikutIj side,

I whim »iHiil«nly the pile hrgail rolhu[( and be I ]ua[iiHl to the ground. tSuildenly tbnra was a I u-rrifio ex])h)!iou, aud a half hundred atuiiaa [ fifw tUriiugb tb# air,! A ilvuAuilt«‘ cartrUlgo ii believed to have

U'eu rareU-valy thrown auioug tbe itonea aud I'xploded whuu the prowuro of tbo ndllug luaHn wa» »et uuon i t A uutulior of thu rUonee were bim'koned by the expljtiua, wliirh WM* heard several bluoku dlstaut.

'i'he Italian wa« not hurt aud do damage WON ilout) except to the kloaevs

I'niHNn I'lubt* Uegattaa.All the cAuoe rUibe of tiio Pasoaio Rfvor in

front of Artlu^-ou are practltiDg, In p e|>- aration fur ihetr annual regatta. 'The Or- auin) L'auoe Oliih will hold tbeir regatta Kiiturday. Tbe aUrta will be made from tho i rlublioutb, Dear Midland avenue bridge. There j wil) be i^teeu evoiitn. lu the Bailing ra(*o | tbe winner will reouive the IW alu Ahmm ciaicd Club*" trr>j>hy cup. Monday ttiu Arlington Canoe Club will hold ita annual regatta lu tlie morning in front of tbi club- hoiiM6. There will be twelve eventa. In tho afturnoon thu laiilho Club will hnil ite aumiai regatta, whoa there will be fifteen eveuta.

Tailor Shop Mobbed,At)ni« time Ijotwoen 1 aud 5 o’clock thia

nioTuing tfie tailor rhop of CUarlea Fawt, at M U Ferry atreot, wae entored by burglar* aiidgood! valued ac 800 wereetulen. The »liup iia* ouu eide window, aad that Ik noarty even witb a dirt bank beaJdo the douku. The burglar! rriuuved a pane of glaM uud, reach­ing m, reuuived an old tcrew-drlver that wan wedgvd under the window to pievunt ite atlding IwcNs ThegootU twkrn were nioetiy thing! that had boeu left by cuAtomera to be pre.d^ and repaired. Faoe eunfiec'Ui that a men who hae lounged arouml hi» piaoe for teveral weeka pait could tell flonietbimc nlKitit the affair. The maa wae nii->iHDg thU morn- lug. __________ __________

A U lver Street Uoiiee Itelflod.Philip Murphy, of W Summer avenue, wak

drunk yaaterMy afternoon wliea ho entered the bouee a t VT Kiver atreet. Humebuiiy r»” UevkHi him of hie revolver and |1.80 and hn reported tha caee to Patrolman ('ouueil, who raided the houea. fcklward Kdwardis of Kaat Orange; James Hmitli, Victor Heller, Mamie Iteiltv, Rosa JAhey, Jennie Wem- bttdi, who were found In the place, weti> taken in cuitodj. Judge Mott thl« luoruiug couiDiittad them for ninety day* and fined Murphy #10 for carrying a revolver.

r r .A v s n > n tw o wi>:i:KH.Attra<‘t1onN at tiin I'liPHire'! ami Tfioee

tliul Will I'idlow ilieiii.Florence Hindlfy aud her coiiijuuy ct,m*

tluuu to pUianu thu auilleiriut at H; H. Jurubn’N riieatre wllh ‘'The C'fi|>- laln'e Mate.*' X**it wc^k “ Tlie iVo'ligal Father” will bf I‘In j'«l, l*e fullof fmi. aud a nujubvr of specialty fealuro! an* iutro iu(’<? 1.

May iluwanrsconiiiHuy In biirIoM<iuu and vaudcviili* IS Irt'iii well rtL-eiviEl at U'nld- niftiiu’s. If will 1k» followed next w*H*k by the VivlHtj 1 Munbi VRuih*vdk' relcbnllM.

Miuer s I'ficAtre oprii^ next week wirlj the : niiu K|MM-bif”ii)Ar and fimtiuruUh |jr>.»dnc'liuu ‘ “ Frautu- imi," by the Hauluu'it Fuiu]iauy. DuniJii th* Nijumier soiuu n»»w eceuery haa b#H-u uud uiher work dunu that willlend udtiiiiuujil ftUmuliveiJfit'* t-J loe play- iiuUKE.L

27t,mssis' COSTUME.


Perfect Fitting Paper'PatternsThii cut lllualratee eof avvcral new aiylea

tiMi received. Anuiher ill npiieur to-nmrrow.

vVu have alto received a jiDplcte lint) nf m t- frna for nmkiujf mue* ]i underwear, pricq,


HANDKEECIIEFS.dozen Fine White llematitched MuU, U

Btyle*of eutbroklery, rea. lUc. and IfHv.,F r id a y 5 c .

Odd Lot Tiadiea' All-Unen HemaMtcbedq eix bruidured Initial, reg. 2A<!. to a5c.«

F r id a y 15c.Mcn a Onlored Border Ilematltebed, rtg. IQDh

F r id a y 5 c .

j L A C E S A N D IN S E R T IO N S .' I’rdnt (le I’arJa l*ere, ruJorail edgaaef red andi

b ue, 3 to AinciiM wide,atI HALF PRICE.I Ihaertions In butter and erra,ona to twa I inohru wide,

3 c . , 5 c . , 7 c . a n d 10c. y d .


Brass Bedsteads at Half Price!


All Arr(‘4l (fiiit KdlUiwed a llcterllveU Wiirk—WliHt a HearHi iirvealed.

Garri't M«'K<'un, of BU Mouth a?n*et, wa* Hrrf'iiHl lu-l mutil cluir|{,.l wltli sts»lliig silvrr irr.rif 111. i-iuiJuj'i'rs lleev,*, ,4 tSillvoi, linmiilsi'UirMi,; jswiiKof*. wlio Imvr Ibtiir (tto- tory lu lljo r.'sr .if .KJ tValiiut slroot.

Tho iirm liiis Isvn mU-.ltiu sllvur fur Bome time, sh'l liotwtlvo y'ucnivo, who was de- tniioil ou Ik" '’s-e, evrsM«l HrKuoii us lie ,u;s 1, uviiiK til" fsrlury lust nl^lit. M.'vi^l liiillars' worth ot silver was fouu'i uisin toh iinsotirr wtioii he was sism'lu'il at jxjlice Ii, ;idi|uai'tei's. lie Is hold aw uiliili a niiii- l i l u i i i t . _____ __________


]t,IWHi'd ILi'i'grii amt ITiomasTreuy ttwurn hi liy 111" I'ity t'lork.

Kdwiiril lleri;™, who was on Monday Iiiulit i.'Ihimmi hy till' I’olii'B t 'Iitiimisslom'ni to siii'iw l I’oiU'o I'uhhiln riiarlxs (itorl, was sworn 111 tins inontln,( hy City t'lsrk O'Coa- liiir._ Liuulonnnt Thntnin Traoy olso took the oath ot olll'll. Til" Llriitonant hs* assiitueil Ihu iliities of 111* ollliv, Cuptiiin ll"r((eu will take ooui.Muu i lit the Fourth I’riu'ioct on Ho(iiomtH'r In, wiieu Uaptuln tilori will start upon Ills vu'‘a t i o i i . __________

l*ns(|iolllii|I ttir Tennis Tulirney.Thu Ksmitlve t'limmlttuu of Ills Houth

I'ark Iriwti Trnnl* Club, under whose Husplres till' iiiinual touruuuisiit tor the lucul cljaninioTiMiiq' In sluylue and doubles it to lie huhl, na.s d'S'lik'l to (Kislpone the uiati hes from this Sut unlay to Hilarday, Hi*|itoiillM-r S. lu OT'lur to l>e assured of a Biii'isiisf ut tiniruey thi* wus ueewisiiry, tu many ot those who desire to eomiielt' have not yet re- turtieil b> tho I’lty. U ml ley Roberts, of the Niw'urk Toiitiis Club, huMstue sL.gle cliam- giionshtn, thu ilimbliM being held hr Rulueur and linldwhi, of tho suino elub.

TAMlMi ill'MMlNUKIUDN. |How 111* I’relly l.lHle Creature* gnirkly

l.reni r,inn,l«Dcre.Bt. Augusthie Cor. Forest and Btream.

Hu it'ltilnghlrde are so cloiiely watched by ortilthologiets that, apparently, tho 6tily tnipuriam queetliiu fttll uiisettlcd Is In relation to the donicstio character of the male. Audubon and Wilson could hardly Hnd words lo eipree* their ad­miration for him os a dutiful and devoted husband, but lately their opinions have been cl'alliuigeil, and Mr. Torrey <I thlukl has even hnd relays of watchers at a nest for weeks, and neserte, positively, that tho mule bird shows no aOectlim for bis mate after the term ination of his courtship. . Now, this question 1 must leave for ottiors tu decide, fur although 1 am, probatily, the only one In the country who lames hummingbirds reg-

tlie middle of June. When they s ta rt on I heir emlgratluiie In early luiumer no temvtation I* strong enough to k eap th em hero, and I hnve given up all attempla at training them till the young birds appear. They usually become so ieorles* th a t they come to us anywhere sbout the grounds, niid come In and hover round ut wbil* •Ittihg el the table. Unnoubtedly memory Is not licking In tbe little creatures, for on two ocosslons our pets have returned the following (ummer as tame as when they loft.

Tlie first I mentioned In my former cammunlcBtlon. This summer we bed tho ill-luck lo tamo a iicrvoui, unsaUefac- lory little fellow, and were rather glad when he disappeared.

One day whLe ray vrife and 1 were lil­ting on tlie gdaua a beautifbl male bird lit on a twig close by, and 1 remarked that if we could only succeed In getting him under coutrol we need have no fear of hie being driven off hy a stronger bird, ae ii often the case. J went In and got the bot­tle, and In a few mlnutre he was ailtlng

j .Itsii lutu the Tree.

I’lots, employed by tlie

l ^ e r a States.'

To U lBe Metals aail Mill Ore*.Artoctn o f Inuoruoration ot the Build's

Isike Miuing aud Milling (Joniiuuy iviiro t"- day recurdwt In the County 1,'lork's oflli-e. 'The object of tho oonipny is to " uiiu'i for nirtali uf all kiud*and til nilll ore* anil a t­tracts therefrom.” The rapltut il'S'k, isplacftl at flO0,(KIO and buslue** will Ik> ront- luenced with kLUnO. The inoorporator* are AdrMu Si. Flunck, of Riehuiond t'ouuty, N. Y.; Jinmk 4. Ifelli, of Brooklyn, amt Francis B. King, of this city.

Hearuf Townslilp** Tss Kale.The tax rate of Kearny Township for ISW.

wlU Be > an luci ouse of* -ww»*.*ivwe -v sg*e4<U liAl ylSiir.

Fru'iuli-liui Tnsuranus Couiiiauy, while ridtug his bicycle along I'ark ploiw lost night ran into the trunk of the elm tree that had bwu left in the road. Ul* wheel was badly broken and hu was cut about tho facu uuil head. 'I here was iio llgut ou tBe tree tu warn people of duhger and Mr. i’lot* has placet the lualtcr iu the hands of the local consul of the L. A. IV. lo bring suit agaiukt tlio city fur damogHS._______ __ __

Were tlie I’rnvliloe* gluten T Uscar Nchurt, of IU, aud John Brrth, of 30

Elltabelh street, wnro arreated by Batrol- iiicu Mder aud tfolden at au early hour this mprulugoB Mullicmr street. The men were thought to have sftWlfbagv-" J . ’pickius which they uurrnti. They clUiiiud' that tho stuff was given to thorn by drivers

. employed by couimiaeloa dsalti's.

Richard Hour/ Day, of Bprlqttfield, were married last night at Hr. Bil|nekt's reel- dsnoe. The oeremimy was iMWforiued by Rov. WllUsm Knpx, pastor ofTbo Methodist church, a t HprlngfleM. The best inau was Klmer Day. of Short HIIIa a brother uf tha

room, and Mr*. Miry Day was lirldeemalJ. 'he brill* wore a gown of white satin,

trimmed with orange blo<soms and cawlrd a bouquet of bride l ose*. The brideeiiiaM was

I attired in white dotted ewlm. A reception - followed tha oereiiiony. Mr. and Mr*. Day will reside a t Dnionvilla


irrlnklng Foaetein r«r Irvington.A public ilrtuklng fountain will be erected

to day a t tho inlersemlon of LUIntou and SprlngDeld avenues Irvipgton. It Is a gift to tha vlUag* from the Irvliigtoa Water Comjiany. ^ .

John KItubte and a Howl of Soap.Early last night John HUchls, who claims

to Uv* in Brooklyn, went lulu KalSBr's nse- »nraiit,* l ITS Ferry street, and orderod a dlnuur. After eating ItlUtchle, It Is said, refused to pay for the meiil, aiidl’ollceiiiaii Marlin wn* sUuiuiOiied. The latter straight- tned matter* out and went away. RlUdiie followed liim aud lieuame alraslre. Ho created a dUturhauw on tho street, and as a reeiilt lbs officer arrested him. This morn, ing when arraigned before Judge .Molt the priBonur said tho proprietor of th e^ tau ran t Wanted 'him to pay for a hois I of soup ordered by another man. This he relusod to

'do, ha s a ^ and altar paying for hi* own meal he slartoil to lenvh, when tlie ofllwr was called. Ha waa dlBubatged with a warning to laava tha city.

All leading 1;eadiers of cookery use

baking powder.Always makes light wholesome food.

ISiMtthwJ .ffrtiHinf As*j^O*i If CJrfvAiW



lucky enough to And a n e t that 1 could walcn, though 1 have always beeu In­clined to agree wRli Audubon and Wil­son.

A few year* ago I hnd a large room. In New York, and a tiorist In Astoria sent me in a paper box a female Iiumining bird that had been caught In one of hi* hothouses. He said a pair of themcaoio In nearly every day, and I requested lilm to bring me hur male If giotilble. tu two or three days--alter tbe IIrat one had be­come thoroughly tem e--the melo bird was brought tu me, I took litm out ofthe box and held him In ray baud till bis mate came down irimi her perch to leed. Then, when Iopened my band and let him go ho seemed to be In a rnpluro of delight. Ho circled around her like a crimy lover, and as he wn* undoubtedly very! hungry, us soon ea she letl the bottle ho took his tllii- ner without the alighteat heiltatioii and then darted up to her, and renewed hU (iemouatratlon* of afl'entlim lor a long time. When I fed Iheni, which was very often, he always walled lor her to take the lead, then tollowcd and lloversd round her till she wn* sntisOi'd. and then helped himaelf. I have never wilnessod such gallantry and aifecilon, and It Is very (llfflclilt lo change the opinion I then con­ceived of him BB a husbnnd.

I WUl very much iiiterrstcd jn n iy little peta, thougii 1 did not like the Idea of keeping them confined In a room| but the mailer was soon sultled, lor the male bird. In hie rapturoua Hlghfs, diished hlhi- aelf ugalnit the window. 1 siionl nearly a day in trying to reauacllnle him, but he had evidently Injured himaelf internally. IDs mate waa then turned uut, and 1 have never since uttemptud to keep them in couttiiemeiit. In fact, It waa only troai neceasUy that I did It then, for I know that Uiey can not live more than two or three weeks without Ineeol food. Here iu iny oounlry hoine they can he tamed with little trouble, though I am suspected by some of employing magic.

Now, as you totiuiated ihot my first ar- tlulo waa n'.l satiafaclory. Inasmuch ns I failed tu give the details of my taming praceM, I will give it lu this, though ot all who hare beeu iustruoled by me nut one has been able Ui do anything with them.

Ill disposition they arc aa different aa children, and while all of them are ap­parently very timid, that tn moat of them Is ciuilly ovrroome, and then they are vary hold and 100X10.18, The greater part of them go lurlher north than Florida In au miner, and the few that remain here to bring up famiUea turn tb« young out of tbeir notts sbout

....... , . . . „ , . Itwoe unituubtedly the one we had photo­graphed last Hummer, only now changed rroin a speckled to a ruby throat. But I was mistaken about bis fighting qualities, for os soon .as the other one lound htiu poacliiag on hi* preserve* h* pounced upon him like a hawk and drove him off. lie returned two or three timet, hut finding he could not stay without a fight he lelT us, very much to our regret. The other disappeared In a few daya after that, but we took the lose complacently,

i in a day or two anolheryouog male, with ' an entirely different dlspuaitlon, oam* aud took his place, and m one day wai tamer than his iiredeoeiaor. He la now gierfeolly at homo with us, though be only came a week ago.

The young male Is easily known by hav­ing a spockred breast, which Ischiwged iu a few mouths to deep crimson. Hiatall Is tipped with white the first year, which also uhsngo* to brown or block. This bird baa one little spark of flre^nthe centre of his throat, like a ruby breaatptn —the first Indication uf a change. While 1 write this on the ptaiia he, la either sit­ting near me on a twig or paying frequent visits tu the little bottle of sugar and water standing by me on the table.

The process of taming them la very simple. Wheu I find them at the flowgri 1 hang a small bottle of sugar and water up near the fluwera and then inaert a blg- nonlamr other favurltotj nnd when they find tt 1 move It a few yards at a tim* till 1 get It near the plsr,r.u, where I can elt end bold It. Of oourac, aotne patience la required, but by taking a book I can poa* an Hour or two very well. After coming afew ltm eatbe flower may bedlapanied .with, and then there It no lurlher trouble.

XFBBIUNCB leoma to nhow that th« ohcapost phoa at which a good, general ne'vg- papor oau be gold ia two oonta.

The ruling prices at which such papers are sold ore two and three cents.

In this clsas ths ITBWABE BVENIKQ itEWB standi pro- eminent.

It exceeds in circulation any after* noon daily published at these prloee In the Statee of Now Torlis Fani^ eylranJa or New Jereey.


ciw/r m e e m M is vs:THt w i * r m ro.M 08fiow w il l f s o t A n r i t n n .

H i V

Th»t oor oft-reiirttiHl MHertimi Hint we (tell at lower price* than other* ]i no empty lyKuit, but h Imnl-pan tact. Couple thU with the knowledn* that you KCt your money Itack for anythlnir untmtlufactory, and there ghould be no (juestlon i* to tlie raoet profllable place for you to do your trading In. The** *pecUl bargain* are for to-morrow only;

Onting Cheviots,In iihort tiUPk »a<1 hrowjjgriiUhd , ri'gukr Fria»r ■Kiri ■

Bleached Table Damask,M InotiM la wfrttb. .Bit lu n»w »nd Terr ii.lt.rti*,8k, frlday'* birguu price......... 2 i l e

Bordered Apron OtuKhami,SAInfhrn wW® ind a«M)d», blue and browu rhnrit. r«tfnUr Kin. FrMAjr'i Wg*ia prioft whil* H UtU.*................... * 4K

Unbleached Canton Flannel,E»tr* heivy I?*** Rtnap. rfgttitr 1!Hp. M dftf'ibar- Jlfif*iD prft». wbll* It UiU...*.........■

‘g&lu prtc<».

Ready-made Sheets,6Jc

A neif.li.a t qumlllr, tinlil*«h«l tnuellii, with Wnrii Item .r»r<l*ill ISF41II. W I » H ..•w.t.i ", I y 1 ^Inag. fU taMa wiA*, ngulM iOo. FVW«y‘ ktargAla price

Cream Domst Flannel,43e

An fttin quality, ST InobM wide, never Rnld for leHi than fte. Krldey’i bergeJu prloe, while Itl u U ........... *.................... *......... 4!g

FiHir Exciipiioiial Bargains in I n ’s Wear.CARPENTER'S GENUINE U C & B A C K SUSPENDERS,

Id pUln. fMor awl embroider^ webbing., with wlr. bncltl. m d o e i l t f ldr*™r*pporl*r.,u.ti*llrBlte. F rld .y . b*r*»lB prl<».......................

MEN’S EXTRA QUALITY OVERALLS,Made of .nperlor mMeriol, ipl.ndld|r^Miwn. la Wm or white, with or C C l l tAwtlhonlapTulie, regulw Wa. Fridey i bergnlD price................... ........

MEN’S UNLAUNDERED WHITE SHIRTS,Medeof ioperlor raiwlln, *t*ee 1* to IS with f l ^ fell^ eeetni, lloeo g l d l d s ihonomeet la,dooble beeb *od front, worth 5 ^ Frld*y *bugoln price

MEN’S PINE OUTING SHIRTS.Onr He.. Sfc., 4fc. gnde* la Dontet Ft»tmtl,t’heTlot end C*mbrloe,ll*M»Bd medium Milor,, d l well made and foil «l»e. rrld*y’i bergeln price ^ 0 C C I l t t l to ................................................................. .......................................

Tla-top Jelly GUeeee. 3C.«4

Muon'. Qtmrt rm it Jure, pecked 1 l a . de doeen In i bo*. tin t utwilty, only u*

fl*»utifnlly Decomted Kbpleoe Toilet #4 SQ Hetn. belt were................. ........... ipi.ueH*ti,be*t were

Dogbl*>pUte oB while metal Tea- Jg|i PKT OF MIX■POOIH...

fl-lneh Flomr PoW, 10;

Tint OuolltrTabU Tumbl»n>*>a* ' 3tea

P-lDch OIm .Kerry DIehes.. 9c

Complete Dinoer Met, beet Kogllih OS pSrcel*lo,b«»utifohyde<joriiled.. tJ*"®

t' y r I I

(,0rtY 0 t>o u s ; i s pito■ n«t, 'A .j. MIUUNEHY


Down w e go Irorp. to-day to w ard th e end ol A ugust. S um m er'a * slow feet are creeping R e a d ily b u t surely to w a rd fall a n d w in te r.

Our b e a u tifu l n e w sty les are beginning to arrive.

The Dress Goods d isp lay here is a lw a y s no ted for i ts m arve llous b e a u ty , i t s w on­derful v a rie ty , i t s exclusive designs.

The Popular Store.

S I I H D I I IWe endeavor every Friday to make this day more interesting by

giving bargains that w ill surprisa the shrewdest buyera. To-morrow will be made memorable by selling at less than wholesale oost. TOtT who know US know that we make no promlaea without ptoduoing the proof of fUJ ailment.

F O R F R I D A Y M O R N IN G .

The lrre»l*tihle magnetic power of our wonderful Tnliie* hn* bmughl thousand* of people from nil point* uf tho comiMiM to

OUB G R EA T B V IL D IN G SALE.[* It of any wonder when m a premium for helping

us comleiisc slock* we give our patrons the most ileslrahle clas. of merchandise at anv time on sale, with I'KICKS AT COST, NKAB COST, BELOW COST?

L O O K H E R E .use. rsniou Flannels, In length, of * fin wf]

snil W ysrde, lulling.............. ■■■• o b . j '*

j|S - ..iJ nieoched Mostln, folly yord wide,^ ,C .y U equal tu 7c. gcoda

Turkey Bed n*m«k,good wnrth at 9A(ia'le., itiliiig............................... , J

XQ/i n d Hendeome Sotln Hhadsmei. »U UaC,yQ ,tlk. In all guisl eolore,nheapat9Uc.

Oooil Qnallly Floriila Water. Ynu barenil tlimbi paid He. very often for oo 1 * p better, here....................................

Id n For a Isitlle of iplendld strength Weet l^ b India Bay Bum.

L O O K H E R E .Extra TMnbfniP Embrf>lflvp<nl Hwl«i Miialln H.wh (’urialulnM, doniilo

mill liniFle burden, And YQv«lue„

B9c^ kiyma Bujrs. new end very handsonie pal terii*,sl»lbinil, regular ll.HTaloe.

BestIt Quality All-wool Ingrain ArtSquare*, now patterns, S*,<y*rdi *A 7Qof $8.31) value............................... r* . I

t2 .2 9

A N D L O O K H E R E L O O K H E R EAll-silk Chantilly, Bourdon and other

laces, very flue gieids, of tec. value, QQp •elllDg........................... ........................

12c. yd All-Milk GreQidine VelUni. Mtln Uirdar, MtUU&de«.

L. Bamberger 8* Co.,1 4 7 an d 1 4 9 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

HORRORS OF RUSSIAN PRISONS.• m . o f th* Bipevlenfoa o f an American

C ltlsea-M rutal Treatm ent • f Women.

From U>* N .w York Sun.NIebolas N. Fradrik***n, th . Atnarioan

dtlM n who arrlTad on Saturday on lh« stoomehlp Part*, and who** story of hi* InprUonment In the Military Prison of BU Pslersburg, from which h« osespod on July lA, was toW In th# Hun, rolatod frir- ther details of hi* adventure yesterday.

He said that he could think of no reuson for the police perseoutlon he undorwsiit la Bussla other than the spite of the gendarme to whom he refused to pay tribnt*. Th* ubarges were that he had deserted from the army and changed hi* dtiieneblp, religion and name.

*< To that gendarme I refused to give twenty-five ronbles," said Mr. Frederlfes- ■an, “ and ha said It would cost me twenty-fivo tlmoa twenty-five roubles to tllbet my release. I lost my liberty and considerably over fl.OOfl In cuah, Ameri­cans eao not appreolale the i>owur uf the gendarmea, They the Csir's private bodyguard and can arrest even QenuraU of the army- Coueequently, when this oflicer showed his animus toward me even Qeueral Bebilnder could not help Die, because if ha showed too much Inter­est In me they would have euspecled him and might have ooufisoated his property.

“ The first jail I was In wrb tual uf the e lty o f Bielgorod, where 1 was cenfined after being arrested on my employer's

girl fourteen yesr* old. When we left Toulon an officer requesled one of the soldiers to coax the girl away from the family when the flret etatlon we* reached. 1 beard the oSloer talking to the soldier, and warned the family, lalso asked ths other prlsonet. to protect the girl. When theitation wae reached the soldier appaared, and taking hold of thegirl requiested gruffly that the scoompaoy him. The girl sbrank back, and motherand daughter put their arm* around each other and began to cry. The father prw

did overyoodytested, a , did everyn In the oar, Itook It upon myself to say that the officer was a bruU and ought to be ashamed of

after being arrested . . .estate. Tners were confined there tourwomen who were suckling children, ami the oldeet child was lewi than nine mouths old. The Uoverument dues not allow a cent for oblldren’s board, consequently all the motbera bad was the rcgnlatton one and one-half pound of rye bread and o portion of eonp composed of liver and oooked lungs or osttle that no respectable •laughter-boute would kill. The thought of the smell of that soup nuunoatei me oven now. Rut those poor creatures were glsd to get it, and if they fonnd a hard piece of meat In it they counted It a great delicacy. The pound and a half of oread allowed them they did not get, as the jailer took the half puuiid, and you

himeeir. The soldier, seeing that he could do

nothing, went off end ieformed bis suuer. ior that 1 bad called him a brute, and In a minute the Utter appeared cbd only In hls trousers and shirt. When I was pointed out, be exelalmed; ‘Ob, It 1* the Atneriosnl' All the prisoners ware so

Ijidli'*' Mwlwi Kralwulilercd I « p Edge Mt.Uoix'd liandki-n-liiefst also Mck'i All-lliisn Hsmstltfhna. war- t i n)*t.Uoi.‘dMck'i All-..... ...........- ..... .......rsnied pur* Ilex. l*c. to He- value*

10/1 Tin Extra fine full nIckel-nUted Sri,. ItiC. pX M>r,. In 3 sLse*. S5c. to 8oc. values.

All-Sllk rolored Fancy No. * Frilled IQ p -n-il (iarier Elastic, regularaSo....... 131/.JU

Scotch I-are Cuil.ln*, Brusssl* and Mash 1*01111 elTcrt*. $1 vri u*.

Fancy Bras* Tables, rra! onyx Inp, IdInrhe* ,/jusrc. with fancy under ed AA *hidf and of $7 value.................. OT.iw

17.89 Fine Baaqaet h*ATt onyx-houculumo, iiretty Hlik shA




New All-W oolMixed Hutting*,double width, value GOc., at

E i q o l s l t t LIb i o f S b o r t L « n g tli FIbb C a llc s is ,iLi« 0c. in d e of goods, on *p«oial table, 1 to 10 ynurde long.

4 m -

4 p ftT .l.-

FANCY CHEVIOTN-IO-Jach f M t j thCtifltioislA new mlxturex, wonJ

40c., for.fiCIUM-^lnoh wide

HorliDgte. quiklltr.

New JacquardHllk Mixed Suiting, •double width, value fiOo., at

BRILLIANT RE R(lEfl-»-lnoh Brill- lent Meres*, ell new fell *hadca SOc. quelTty, for........................ .

FANCY 8CBIM-«-lnoh Fancy Col. ortd MlripeMcrlm, worth 16c., tor

48c.PATTERNRKIBTM-Ontloi Flannel

Pattern Mklrth Ho. quality, for...DREMS OINGRAMB - New Dark

IircM Olughsm*, worth lOc., for..

F ine C overt C loth, m ixed color*, 62 Inohe* wide, value tl.OO, a t

ROU.F.R TOWELLING-Bleached Twilled Tiiwelling, red border, 10c. quality

QLASB TOWELLlNO-lWnchPUld (lias* Uoen Towslllog worth Kk;., for.

Laoe Strip*

Ml'MLI N OO WN8-B*aiillfully made, trlmnied with embroidery, regu. lerdSo. quality.............. .............

Cabinet Ualr.


l i c . ; d65c . t i

nAIRPINS-Large ploa..

HOSE srPPORTER8-Odd lot of Children'* Ho** Mopportec*.........

DUCK SUITS Ladles' Duck Suit*. Riaxsr elTecti, laig* *1***0*, neat­ly made, worth ILN, for.............

LADIES’ WAIBTB-lawn and Per- cels Wal*ts, ruffle yoke, full tleey**, worth 98c., cbofo*.......... .




Blorm Serge, All-wool, Indigo dye, 40 inche* wide, value 60c,, a t


Aegal*r Nto. quUty* I D18U?AN| worth No.

39c,Extra F!n«8tonnpure tnr)igo 50 inches vids,vsluti 75c. yard , a t

Fine Gnmi r4»vor«. V front XTifl laco •4icr Aitd Inf^frtlon. mIho rm- bmidetril iiuertfun and eilif*-* OAf*of &V. valu«».

Fine Rolled Gold Screw anil Drop Knrrlngft. gofti regi9tar TAc. tu gl.AO ...................

with inilde25c

OQft Genuine Alligator £fO\j fHKsket, flue lurkel framt', rrguliw 38e.

Kew full ityjet In Bntteriek thhUerai now retulr. Catslogue and faBhlon {taper* free.

Uau<lkpri-hif>fi»^____ doslgus, MeUltig

rapittlyaud with go-xl rea«tt!i at*.Children** Sch«x>l

pn-tir priulefi tlj

QQrt BdSanre of thoM odtl Biifie* Id tjadlee'. v O v MliiAe*', Boye' nnil Yotilhe' Shoe*# of

fl.i» to $ .0U value.7 7 7 an d 7 7 9 Broad S t.

9cMerino Covered Tometo Plncu*h(on* Uowo P> 9c.

Fine HleCk Broeil.lathe for cepe* Rflo yy/l and drcHoe*. 7.6e. volne.............. UWt/. J U

Tiiero’* a big window full o f all the School Boom Fixing* a t gpeoial price*, and there’* a Hfe-llke Rchool room scone, includ ing teacher, who for th e tjmo lielng will give dally lessons to cltu.s In charge. T h e public am cordially Invited.


stirred up and showed eo much light that 111 went away without taking the girl. 1 told him that when I obtained my libertyI would let the whole world know of hls bruUllty, He threatened to run me through with hls sword, but did not do it.

“ That night a woman from the Cau­casus, tWBUtv-lhree yean old, was oaioult- ed by on officer and two soldlen). Bbe was on tho platform of th* oar ahead of mo, and I could heqr her soreama Mhe icratobcd the (iffloer’* t'aoe, making him look a sorry sight. Bhe bud been sen­tenced to flibcria for twelve years becauseshe was suspected of being In love with a Nihilist When the soldiers left her shefell m a fsliit and lay that way for hours,

f boilthe other prisoners being so used to such sight* that they made no move. I kept my temper this time, as I knew It would be no use to fight against lunh heavy odds. When the young woman racovered con­sciousness she lurried her face to the wall and erted all night

“ When we reached Moscow I wos obliged to be separated Irom my com­panions. Wo were taken from the cars, chtlced together and marched through the city to tho prison. The jail was sevon

fron '■

ItMvy tiratlee Will Be lo Vogue-Dther Fashion Notes.

The outlook for fall and winter silks promisee os such goods In the richest and roost superb qualities — dorcet, watchet, brocade and the heavy cbeneys, as well as striped peau de sole with ex­quisitely tinted Bower* upon the stripes. All these grade# are heavy and will he made In such a manner oa to display the beauty of the fabric. The chodoys Lave enormous flower* iiko full blown roses, convolvuli and bouquets, but all these flowers are in extremely delicate tliiU, though very artisUoally de­s ig n ^ , and the ground is never dark, but always In some subdued aud neu-

■nlles from Moscow, and we had to walk

may be sure he took the host part. •'When my servant brought my meals

all the WAV there, The pace set wn* so fast that the women and ofaildren bad torun, and they were worn out.

- " .he

could not have the heart to eat by myself, but generally gave a gued part to the women, who would try to kiss my hands and feet. Borne of them had been con­fined In the Jail a year and a half for petty offences, and their cases had not come to trial. The women were put In a different room from themen at night. They had noth­ing to aleep upon but the regulation bench, just large enough for one. Thu vermin were thick, and there was a con­tinual crying In the woman’s departm ent Soap was not allowed, and of water the jstler was very chary, giving each woman only a handtul with which she was sup­posed to wash both'her child and herself. Their clothes looked like worn-out scrub­bing rags,

“ 1 asked the Jailer if ray wife could bring bread and milk for the women and cblldren, and he said that If 1 did 1 would spoil them and they would not be content with the present fere. .After much urging he let my wife bring In milk and broad every day. I asked him If he could not afford to give tun cents a day from Ills own wages to Improve the women's eon- dltiun, but at this he only laughed and said 1 was craey. I bad galued a point, however, aud when m r servant brought in three quarts of milk every dav the over- lasting crying stop tied for a time.

■■ 1 was taken to Kurak, hut did not stay tberrilung, a* they qu\okly removed me toTo'ulon. 1 was taken with four car­loads of prisoners, most of whom had been exiled tc Blberia. In the same car with me were a woman and child as nearly like beasts as It Is possiblu for human beings to get. Her hair was unk empt and fell ill a tangled mass around her face, her clothes wore rags, and her elcven-month- old child Was equally as bad looking. The woman was not more than twenty- six years old, and liad beauti­ful blue eyes, but In her condition they were the only redoeinfug feature, for ehe waa so covered with dirt that little else Was seen of her. Mhe said m at her bosband was cosifined lii the'B lbcrlnn mines where he had been sent a year aud a half previous. According to the Ituaslan law a wife must reside where the husband

^ doe* If he wiines her to, and she had been compelled by the authorities to follow her husband, who bad requesled that she bo

. sent tor after be had arrived in Siberia.“ When I saw the woman the had been

travelling on the railroads a year and a half. The authorities had loet her name and were shifting her around here and

j/there. Neither she nor her child bad had

The I’roiiadatsle prison In which we were confined 1* a fonr-ttory building sur­rounded by wells twenty-five feet high. Several of us were oonfinad in a liirgo room, the louhiuiis of which cannot be BurpoAsed by any prison room In the world. On the floor and on the wainscot­ing were galliorrd the greatest variety of veriniu 1 ever saw. You could not putyour finger on a spot w'hcre they were ton. Heiiebes were in the room, on which wu were supposed to sleep, b u t’the vrrniln were thick there, loo. i put my rubber cost on the bench, ani^ elttiiig in she Turkish Inshlun, kept knocking the bugs off all night. You may be sure I did not get sleep until the following day, when the Insects also rested.

1 was In this Moicuw prison six days. The day wo left u fiftoeo-rcarold boy was nearly knuulod lo death fior disobeying an order. In a csr of the Iralo In which me were taken lo Moscow mere four muinen, who were being sent to prison because they hud sold rooked food in the street* of Novgorod, thereby oumpetlng with the restaurant keepers. The loldler* insulted them, as Ihcy were young and ctefencelesa

When wc reached ML Petersburg I was chulned with f.mr men who were tns- pected of being cneinle* of Hie Cssr, and taken before some high mllltaiy olncer, He assured me that only good fcid would he given to mu while ! was under him. Whileoontemphitmg my escape! thought nfthroe plans. The first scheme > funned I followed and It worked to perfeilluu. It involved no crime and was the moat aim-

lo, and no dainnge was dune to the Jail

635 an d 637 E r o a d S t . , Cor. H e i S L


O N ^ E Y :Full YArd-wlxlfl Bleflched l fnalln, not eqnaal

to but the r^«l Rcnuliie Fruit of the Loom Mod IxiDiidMle brniAflN, ID j'drdfs to a ouetomer» Ml

5‘c. Yd.son BreM Putler&HsOf extra flaeqUMUtrln*

dlKo Blue I>ret« Calicoes, At

49 cts.

BLACK SILK flOWN AND KPACIETS. trial t in t (Irny, very pale blue, mode

c:; I ji'vond tearing an oak plank apart. The Td'"soldiers who Allowed me to cacape will

prob»blv vMol) receive three montbs' Im- prlsiminout, und the uflloer In chRrge will uo doubt lose bis raiik. 1 am sorry for themp and will write a letter to th e ‘1*ub- lie Prosecutor to eane their punishment if possible.”

A FrJnro ne a Phyilrlen.The Istmdon //inrrf, 'Mn &II Kerjanunem,”

pruttonfN tbet the Infant son of tlie Duke of York Kbouiii be oJuiHited ah a phjrMloiAn or •ur$(ffluii. lYe ijelleve," nat* the Jxincft, ‘'TbAt our reAMimi for the pn»nosal Are eoiind. f>ur prorenelon has tfronrn linmuneelyof Inio ih putilk' irnimrtnmre, fet we suffer sorely from A went i*f blate reiMJicnltlotj. ^ 'e IiatobtU llule luAUil 111 the Moverument of Acotin- irywntTt u'e hnve ah liuiuouse Amount ofwork loilnilllUAkbiH tliAt country th e ___turr |)AUern of nAitiunMi- Tiui» it suems thai tliitse ihlii M liAVe tunk merited acknowUedtcmeiit, AiiU the finest urknowledxmt^nt tbat they could jiossddy reT'rlve would be the en*roBmi'ULinoar Inidy of a I'rlnceor the blood. Let tlieyoAiuicPriiii-e beapbyslciAUor A eur* geon*"

A ohtnge of clothing orabA tb in aU tlae flme of tbelr w&nderltis. The Uuvern' m in t Ailoworl her ten kopecke, or tenoenU. every twenty-four hours for ineAlM, but ilie never received the worth of the

And 1I bought the child a litUe milkmoney.

i the mother a little meat And ebeese.and they were both very gralefuL

Prom Toulon I waa tw e n tu Moleow.A famUy, oonsietiDg o f a Ikther, tuotbor and five oblldreu, were In th e car w ith me. The man had been oundemned to Bfberla for life and b li fatuily were acootu- p an y ln f bitn o f their ow n voUUon. The ^ • e t obild WM a gooddookiiig young

The Love Udrs of lloreoe*0(L I. 21.

TO I'HJOK.As the kid npun the hill. .

Of UstrrmbtinKdAmtn<inestq With an liUe fear iHiMem,

lacst the woods, tlie wind sJioald kill, Chloe Aimi mo. Khonid the trees

Bond to Urertib of Nprhig ijew-born, Kbould lUe lixard ailr the tliore,

Tremble heart and tremble knee*.1 no tIgroM At thy back.

No (iaoMiUan Hod It Ripe for mates* no more be shy,

Trewl no more thy mother’s track,Ifon. ir* K. citodilune in the Nine-


hnXp lilac, mauve and drab tnd also one or two of tbo least pronounced of the light browns are the colorf* shown in the groundwork, which U always in ing contrast to the Borsl paltfrn . These Hllks win have the eklrts entirely pUin and be gathered or plaited to the waist, and wbatover garniture there may be wlU bo on the waist and sleeves and will consist of lace and beadwork or full piitr^of oblffnn, The style o ^ a k - Ing tuesu lovely silks will be quaint and follow th e 1H30 modes very closely. 1 ftaw one oftho pattern drcssoi made with a hill plaited skirl that Is, tt was plaited In to the waist Uiio and fell firee hrom these in uoble folds The waist woe pointed in front and cut out pompadour fashion, and there was a sloinuch^'r made of shirred chiffon, edged by delicate laoe, which was gathered clrur DromiU the neck, making a short bertha. The sleeves were puffed and ended at the elbow with afAll of lace.

The brocades and other heavy sUki are suitable only fur lualraiia, aud yuung girls mould not attempt tu wear them or muires, but the pretty striped silks arc de­signed more for (ho young, and such dainty dresses can be made of them that they need not desire the heavier qualities* Black silk, faille. oUnnum and bengaline will bo very fashionable this fall for street and visiting gowns us well as for handsome dinner dressoa. Borne of the newest de- slgnu are nearly covered with a uolwork of Jet beads wrought Into hesiitlful de­signs. Borne others ere very plain.

Bluok sUk in any grade mdkes a dress suitable for a young lady when a lighter rriniining is employed or a combination with some other color U added (o give It a more youthful appearauce*

There is no Umlt sev for the size of the herthi^ and pelerineo. Some of them are enormous, and few arc really graceful* The round Bpencer and French waist are growing'in favor, aud to t b w added polka rufttes for a Uftlque finlln. Baaquoi are seen, too, among the now models* most of them being sprung^ or fluted in the back. Gathered waliUare seen everywhere, and the ^choicest ma­terials are lu.ode in this inaouer* and they prove becoming for stout and thin alike*

Among the pretty new accossorlcs are deep linen collars, some of them out round, some square like puritans and others wUU deep points. These all have A row of feather stitching snd are edged with boniton point or a oloss Imitation of it. The cuds are eomelioies worn a t the elbow and sometimes a t the wrist* They are pretty and dainty, however worn. They can be wasbea and should be polished Just like a man’s shirt. There

For full Dress Pattern ef 10 yards.

90-lncU Fancy Colured Cretonnes, all newdehisnA* At

e c. Yd.



FRIEND.W ORDS or TRUTH I Not political

clftivtrapl Not windy word# of deception! We dcu*t try to "lolly”' aqr customertlato parlDgaoubks ilr Teas and Cuffeek with the ex-price for their Teas s

iN’Ctatioq of gettlof tin pot# for ootbing. YEARH IN THE BUSlXKBV

gofit) Cams Bupeiior Claret Wlue




S u it , w o r th ■ S h o e s , w o r th C ap, w o r th •

8 3 . 5 01 .2 5

.5 0


© 5 .2 5

_______ _____ ,ti3 per raseChoice Blended Tew......................*Be* per LbChoice EtiEliAh Breakfaat Tea.......*ftc. per lbChoice OohJugTea............ *,.JIdc* per lbChoice JapwaTtea................... s.JJei perchoice Yoting metinTea............. *,*fie. perChoice Haeket Fieod Tea.’.................... **«• per lbSame Teas sold In bucket ehops at flOe. per lbGood Maracaibo Coffee.................. per lbGoexi Bio Coffee............................ ,S5e* per lbBe#t Iionc Cut iimoklng Tobacco.... kSo* per lbJhire Wine#.....................................76r.perfOlPure Vin«Mare....,.......................l§r, pergalPure WhlAkey&s*........... *...........SlvlO per galPure Rye, B-year old............*. -.. Bi-OO pet galHe#6 Chocolate Cream Drop#......... lie* per ibFreacb Mixed Candy.........................Ue* per lbAlso a lorse variety of other good# and grades

which 1 am obliged to omit for « want of space.


W illia m Tierney,60 MARIET ST., REWARE, R. J.

n j J » RGray, Jr.you IVant Hardware,

Wrought Iron Pipe.Lead Pipe,

Iron or Brass Fittings, Factoiy Supplies, Etc.

: ; ; ; 190 MARKET STREET.

HDIKS' XRIPFBRS i U H i m .The Loet of Our Oreat




LOT 1—Former prlp. a»r., at l»v. **ch.LOT a —Formrr prii-e !ik\, at V3r. *»ch.


MADE OF ALL-WOOL HLalK CLOTH; NICELY ....................................................______ TKIMMEI). WEHK MELLINOFKOM V> TO |8.«l. AT ix.WK AND »3.7S.TAlltE COVKRM-

4-4 Ohetkll Is 'I sblfl Cover*, rlrii rotors aod de- tifns, lieavF (rin*o, «t an*, m-h.

1-4 Hovuvlble Damiisk Table Cever*. be*ntl- (ul colotlui*. at sue. eacL,

BLANKETM-Eitra site and flne q«»Ulv Foncy Striped BUnSti*. *,ild all over at (1.4«, for SHc. a pair.

LACE CUIlTAINS—.Sarrplo *nd« of flne Laos Carlalu*. usually »iil.| from to M polrfmimutaeturer’* sample.), *t KOe. aarh.

LADIES’ VESTS - IjvIIm ' Fall Wrlxhl Jer- ssv Hlbbed V»»ts, wltb Ions sisovs*. re*, prie* I*?., at I*H*- •«ob-

HIO DOLL BPBCUL--176 34-1 orii Jointed, Body Dell*, with moveable eye*, shoes n rtoosinis. reF- prliy f LOU, at flOo. each.

BATIN BAf IK VELVET RIBBON Satla HacIe Velvet lUbbons—

No. S7 WAS Ite., at Oc. a variL No. 7, w»* 1*0-. *1 Me. a ysnSV-"

- SAT’S. «, w»»*SU" »l a yard.

,1W pterei

'bin,. M, wdldlls... ~

l e M h M teiatii),2 2 2 M AKKET ST., Newark.

B E S T 4 SetT E E T H W«rant«l







fliDos p a D Hofdf E I M I T E E ) ,

73 H ailet Street, Hear Plane Street, N evarl, M. J.CONTINUATION SALE

---- OF— .

Odds, Ends RemnantsI N T U i : B A B G A I N B O O S E 1

To close out the balance of spring stock at your own price, conslsttnf of Par- lur Suite, Bedroom Bulte, Carpet* of all kind*, Bedding, Sideboards, Chlf- kmniem. Extension Table*, Dining-room Chair*. Haltetands, Fancy Chair* and Booker*, Couchea and Lounges of all kind*, Mantel and Pier Ola**** and Matting, all Uwt iprlng’* pattern*, to close them out at nearly your own prioa

P O B T L A I S T E B A N J O E S . .If you need a range do not forget the Famou* Portland, a* It ha* no equal,

and ha* been *old by u» for T year* and warranted or money refunded. Easytenua

S T O B E S T G F U B N I T U B E . •We have a few good room* vacant at 88 Bank atreet. Cleanllnet* and low

rate* te our motto in our new building. Furniture moved with van* at reoRonable price*.

JIMES K. COE t CO.,IM and 10* MalbeiTT IS-

»«VABA. *• A


T E L E P H O N E 5 8 0 .


7 3 lifk e t Stnst, Rm i Flint Strut, lowuk. R. J.



Only House Selling Douglas Shoes a t Reduced Prices.

C K I N N E B ^ & I ^ R Y .MAavrAorUB**


iL triTons n s s T o ia akd r A c m i t t6l«am Englaii*, Oearing, BbatUiil,

Hanters, Puller*. Kto. ffflgo/mv Promptly 4ff*flrf*ff Fa

Ae.1 4 b»*.*^ Plua. Iivirk, 1.1.


236 Market Street*COR. h u l b k r b y btbrst ,

N E W A B K , N . J .We have Deii*!** Shoe* la ■*,

•* ,M ,«a,«> te0 ,W *nd M Men's; • * * « * • * Ladle*^

« • Rots' and • ! . » ) Teuths’. Pries* *ad‘

DoniA stamped oa txx -

J f i

635-637 BROAD STREET,Cor. Now Street.

are many variations on this design to suit everybody. ________jHanatitalert nM teeauss (Aaaeaa

MHf tim* to tht motla


Clean coal and frill weight my *p»- daily. Alao wood by the cord or barrel. (MU and examine before buy­ing elsewhere.


Ladles’ Oiford T1«knei.SSe. (^Ildmn’s DimaoU Balflm, aee.(, ^Xll«i’P s t e n i U p B n t t e B , M e n ’sdAffo?

■/■mliwi^sn’a Shoe*, W .« , E OLadle*' Butlon. M .M . rsdUMd tram fa in , sad ottaar bartolu.Tip HnitoiL *1.00. Sbo**, ••.do. Bonlsur

Piteot . Ka*i*»,AaBart**,

§ r i t i r iM $8 .00 wen t h o r s h o b i a h o i i u h o i h o r m t “ Ao ” w b wiu ent£ TOO rU BB t h ip t ic k e t t o c o h e t i s l a h o a h o r b t o h h .

All n l lowest prices, nia<le At abort notice.

A . . C S M I T H p

''fb^MELWK. 1 i i i Pim ElruL Theflh'wapepar urflhtiia lawoi rtmikittow, A i/


News . •.3 2 .0 0 0 c m c u u m o s


v m m %




0 ,

i s .

J .


M -



iO JM B E ll 3 ,3 9 1 .

First Edition.

K E W A i m , J .. F i n D A Y . A U G U S T 3 1 . 1 8 9 4 . F U lC E TW O C E N T S .


Anothar lU liu i Arrested as Oae of the Alleged Slayers,


liToMpli Armed) H»UI to Be the OrkKDmLor of tho Plot lu C*ot Antonia Frloro t>ut of tho Wmy-’Tbe Climlii of RTltlrnd'o A talnit ArOM and MIpItim, HU AHns«d Co-iicrniplrOiur, flmld to Ito CotmpUt*. 0OW tho Murder 1» Thought to Uuto Bmb Connitttod.

A Vrlrnel itS Iho ra m ill Tmlk« About the Affj|r--Tlie MtllloumlroU WKo

Nut Fopulat.Nifiw YoftK, Aug. 31,—How (mr Uio roU-

tlnuH nf Ml’, anil Mr*. W. K, Vowlerbilt have been atmderod and bow far lb« Jogol proceeditigH bavp gone mro two queaUoiM aUli liitsrnrting Now Vbrk. The ImwyflTt la tLi« city, wbo aru InihoTod to bss couini»el !n the e«»o, Huy nutlilog uuJ Imiigb mt all reports. A fiiouil of tho Vamlerbilt family, who is faniiUHr with most of the iletulli of the iliwiavi-vmeut between W. K. \ativUr- bitt tml his wife said ynterday; *

"Tlielamlly liai long ex|»#eUMl that the wliole htury wuuld be nia>le public, but tlie shock U iieveilhalfcMH serfre. I do not Ihv liave that auy defliiit* mrrangemenu have

CoinniiMluners AptMiinlrd by Mayor IVaiiMer Fliitiili Thrlr I.mburs»

lleiiiocnits DlHaaniflrd.JiiltfEY t'iTT* Aug, 31.—Tho CouiniiMlon^

»n who were appoihteii by Mayor Wapser last mouth to tlx the bnuuiiarietof the new wards in this d ty completeil ttielr lalkors yrs' lenlay.

The map of the uow ward lines, wbirli cuts the d ty Into twelve wards, was 31eil In City ('lerks Hcott's otiiin* hi the afternoon, aud Uie new law will become rlTertlve at the elec'tloui next Norembor.

The eoiiiniiaaiun to arrange the new wards was apjMjinted under a law passed a t the last sesHlou of the li6gistature. Its meuilierH are H. 11. llotmeo, Charles . Iaws and John H. WrasUil, HepublU'ans. aud Uttu Crouoe

Flower Boats Buroed in Csnton River, W ltb Shocking ResnlU.


All the Ifnrurtnnatet on Hoard thellurnlng Craft 4io Itowii lu DeatUllefure Assislanee Itrsrlips Theta.llLdlaa of Japaneie F|i>ailikg inthe Tatung ltlver>>The Mlkadae s l-on^es lleperted to Me Momhanlliig ilie Forts at Fort Arthur*

1)«;D u. yet for ■ wpiratlon lietw«n , ami J .m n K, FwMr, Driiiorrat..Hr. a«a Jin. Vanilrrbitl, «ltliou(th thrre it \ The Kir,t. Chk'oiuI, Thiril, Fourth *n l little doubt that luth an arrantfonrent It to | Fifth ward, are in the lower nortioii of tho

OpNial niipatoh to the Newr.New BhunhwicE, Aug. 3t. — DetectiTo

ChariH Olirer hai captured Juaepb Araca, another of the men aantad (or the miinler ot Antonio Priico at FVanalln Park Htatlon on th« night of April S5. Araco wa* one of th* three partuen who puretMUHl the farm at IJaDd Hilli from E'riaoo. The detectlre elalmi that he waa the originntor of the tnur- deroue plan to get rid of their truubleeome creditor.

From afUdaTlt* in the pnaeeeeion of the au- tboritie. it appear, that Arare prepared for the murder by hiding an ax* at the <|wt where the murder wa. to ho eominittwl. He and hi* co.oumipirBtor., it ia allaged, (oroetl Priaco to elgu a receipt in full for the bal- anoa duo biiu, and then made him go with them to New Bruniwick in order that a record might be niaile of the tranaactlon.

When they reached the plaoe where the axe waa hidden Arace, It ia olainied, dropped be­hind, aacurwl the weapon and enuhed in Priaco’l akull at aaingle blow. Then the body, It it allegfti, waa placed on the railroad track! to cover the enma.

Hbortly after the murder A raoe wm tto work on a farm at HacKvIMe t'entre, Hteten Iiland. where be waa arreated but night by Dat*cUve Ollrer. He profewil entire igniir- ■oce of Priaco, and declared that be had never been in New Brunawtek. Neverthe- l« t he baa been identitled ai one of the pur- ebaaert of the (arm. The chain ot evidenoe apinat Araca, it it aald, ia now complete. It ia aaaerteii that he and Hpina, the other priaonar, have openly boaatea of tha crime.

KINO TAWHIKO UEAi>.The Hanrl Knlar Sarcumba te an Attack

of Ih iln e n ia .AvcEuan, Ang. 31.~Tawhiao, the Maori

King, la dead from influenxa.

King Tawtalao waa the aon of King Pota- tau !„ a great warrior, and waiaeveoiy yttra okL He auoceeded to the throne May 2, ISnt, and after a diaaatruoa war with the Gngliab, In which ha loat tala potaeaiiona, he Bailed for England to demand in perton tlS,- 000,(WO (or landa, etc. Hi* vialt attracted murfa attention, but all he got waa a penalon. When, upon hit return, the MaorU learned of It they compelled him to return the money.

Deprived of a lend over which to rule, King Tawbiao atarted a newapaper with hiinaelf aa editor. The title o( the paper waa T( Paki Afotorilta, which tranalated nicaua

Pleiad^ the Hewn Htara.'‘ I t waa a email elghbpage affair, three columna to the page, and waa printed in “ Engliah” and native tonguea, a colnmn in the oentr* of the page being reaerveil for tranalatlon. In the Initial latiH much apace wae devoted to an editorial on the aubject ot the pension, aud bis Hajcaty annonneed that it bail been returned with intereat on the money. Tawhleo alwaya wore hta face paintwl, oa befitted a Maurlan Ktug, and when decorated in full drwe ww highly pictures(|t».

be made ultimately.“ I Imve henrd that Mr. Vanderbilt liaa

lately eipieiiMai Borrow thot the acandal baa reached tlie ] roiMirtloiw It baa on account of hit children, who inuat suitor from It. The ito rj that Mrs. Vanderbilt la to receive lUI,- 000,tWU is hardly to becreillted, and if It were true, would not be made public. Mr, Van- derblit could make a aettlenicut of flO,IIOb,l*W upon hi. wife easily, ae he la worth tl25,lXW,‘ (aw, but he is iiardly in the frame of mlud to do anylbiug of the kiud at the iireaent time.

*' I aliuuld not be anriirised if Mr. Vaoder. blit letuni»l to America at any time, from wlmt I imve h#«ril. It Is not improbalue that he will arrive liere liitbeVaUaut thla autumn. He lias little care for loclety, and the fai't that his return might erobarraaa him Bocially on this aide ot the water would not deter hiiii. It la generally eiiiocled, how­ever, that Mn. Vanderbilt will remain In England for some time to coma."

Mri. WllllaniK. Vanderbilt baa been un- mpnlar socially for a long period. Winter before last one of the meut prominent men in town s|>uke of her as the moat unpopular woman In society. She la not a^ all lavlah outside of her own family. She doea not en- tcrwln to any extent, but likes occasionally to give a grand affair. A clergyman who ia connectwl with the public chariUwt ou Ward's Islanil worke l very bard to induce her to help a near relative tu a hoapItaL whose family waa in great need, a Mr. Barney, of Brooklyn, and aha finally aant a chw* for 1,'Vl. The Barney faintly, It ia al­leged, hail iialtiad her aiong befora ahe mar- rml Mr. Vunderbllt.

People say that Marble Hoiioe, the million- dollar mansion buHt by W. K. Vanderbilt, at Ncwfiort, was ill-omtned from the atart. In spiwaiane* with tha niBMlve walla aur- iMunding it, rapped with funeral urns, it ia a gluutly iiiansuleum. Mora than ll()U,U00ot the interior dm orationi in tapestries ware diatruyeil by dainpneee. One of the flrxt Incideiibi that occuired in the bouae waa ot a painful nature. A Oernuin governeaa went crair and imagined that she waa walled in by the white marble.

It is now said that Nellie Neuatretter, the woinaa with whom Hr. Vanderbilt is alleged to have beieuiie infatuated, baa never been lu the Uiilteil Btatea. Nellie Ncustratter ia known eoually well in London an i Paria aa “ Fat Nellie ” Hhe la a buxom, good-looking woman, apparently about thirtv yeara oliL always superbly groomed, and with a liaah- iiig nuiiiner that attracts men who ara not iiartlcular about making ocqualntanoM a long way from home.

NEwroOT, Aug. 31.—Every tnemlier o( the Vanderbilt family has left Newjiort, and thia hot suggested some talk tbatanoipec- bttion of pspera being aervod for one or auother purpoae has atarte<l them off, Cor- netiui Vanderbilt u In Chicago. Hra. Cor­nelius Vanderbilt la in Boston, with Min (lerlnide Vanderbilt aud Cornelius Vamtar- bllt, Jr. Mra. Wllllani H, Vanderbilt la at Bar Harbor. IVhethcr all tlio family left in order to be away wlien the publicity came ii of course uiikoowu, though there are many BUrlniiws.


A Dlacevery Which Has Oaaied a Stir In Hackettstown.

HiCKrmrrowit, Ang. 31.—The inhabl- tanta of this plaoe are wild with excitemnat over the discovery of gold ore upon tha farm of W. W. Potter, juat outside tha linilCa of the town.

A few davi ago a man named Btorr, who located the gold mine at Budd't L«ke, where the derelapnHnt hot warranted the outlay of

lor a cruaUng and aeparating nw- chine, was walking through the Potter (arm, when he accidaitally kicked up a amall atone and saw auin* gUtterlug aputa. He Bought Mr. Potter and abowed mm aplaoatff aurtace rock taken from the same vicinity.

To lallaf y bla curiosity and teat the knowl­edge of the liiapectiou he sent the rock lo one ct the best known aaaayera lo the country. Tbs report of the asaayer is very favorable. Than are traow of tllver in the rock and au apprecUbta amount of gold.

The company at work a t BudiTa Lake are ■nxlou* (or a feaae on Mr. Potter's niountaia property, and have offared him fifty oente per ton royalty on all the rock taken out. One ikillaf is the price he demanda, and thera tlu matter raata. _________


city and are made up fruin the Third,Fi.unh and Fifth Assembly districts. The Sixth, Sevsutb and Eighth wunis are giartuf llio Firat ami Second Assembly distrlcU. and arc altuated In tha aoutht'rn or Hill aii'l Hreeii vllle aoclion. The Ninth ami Tenth wards are made up from iiartj of the Hecoml and Third Assembly dlsiricta, and the Eleventh and Twelfth wards oom|)riae jiarts of the Haventli aud Kiglith Assnubly dutricta, in the Jersty City Haights section.

According to liemucratlo estimates tbo First, HetMud ami Fifth wanli are tha only uneaof the twelve that can be ufely couiitnl on to return majonllet for that giarty. Under the new order of things, each ward will ba entitled tu one Alderman and one Freeholder. The Freehulders nre now elected by Assembly districts, Jersey City has alx Fraeholdcre now, but under the new law It will lisve twice Miat number.

The number nt Aldermen will neither be Incraassd nor decrea>e<l. I'haro ara now all Aldsrmanic dlatricls, each of which baa two rapiwiitatives. I'nder the new law tliere will be oae Alderman fur each ward.

Ei-Henator William D. Edwarda on be­half ot the Democratic (,'entral Committee, will renew hii motion to J ndge tJppincott to-morrow for a writ of certiorari reinoviug the proceed! ngt of I he enmmltsinn to the Hu- preme Court for review. The Deniocrat* ara confident that the law under which the eomtaisiioii was appointed will be declared unooBstltutionaL

OBTAINED MONEY IIV FR al'D .FiReee-year-olil Girl Arrested on Charfea Preferred bv a Widow.

Special Dispatch to the News.pATKnaov, Aug. 31.—Besal* Phneart,

aged fifteen years, waa committed to jail in default of . 1300 Iwii by Acting Recorder Kyersnn this morning on a charge of obtaining money under false pre­tences preferred by Mra, Catherine Henry, ot 38 Ellieon atreet.

The coni|ilBiiiant is the widew of Will­iam Henry, who waa killed white ot work on the new City Hall by falling from the top story to the cellar of the build­ing about a mouth ago. For the post two weeks Beasie ba.s buencuilectlng money about tho city, claimiii|i that she was the daughter of Henry, and that the mother was in great need.

Mrs. Henry leai niKl yesterday what tho girl was doing. At the time of her arrestSestenlay afternoon she was occcmpanled by

llnnle Ueering, aged eighteen yeara. The Utter was dstalnwl at policeheadiyuarlera over night, but waa refeaseii this iiKrrning upon her own reengniaanoe, aa It is tolieveil that the was uut guilty of any wrong.

The fiugart girl tried to cry In court but failing w i^ if wet her fingers in her mouth and than mb them down her cheelia, leaving damn st reaks in lieu of tears. When she saw that ficr ruse wuuld not work she burst out laughlug.

Trank Waksm, a Wraltby ('hloagaan, Wedded After Midnight.

Milwal'EEE, Wla., Aug. 31.—Tho Rev, Sahtu Hatsay aaas called from bis bed a t 1:13 o'clock this morning to perform one of the moat remarkable weildinga of tha many hun­dreds at which he has oiUcitted during bis rsctorshlp in Uraud Avenue H. B. Church. Frank C, Waknn, nf the note brokerage firm of Wtkem & Marsball, 123 LaSalle street, Chicaga brtame the husiuind of Hiss Mattie Chapin, a chorus girl from the "Uff the Earth " company.

WakeiD, pert, ia one of the pioneers and one of the wealthy men of Chiotgo. Youog Wakeni with a sbux a portion of his fath

The Anerlean Yacht and tbe fiataalta Be< ealnird During To-day’s Race,

DAfiTNofTH, Aug. 31,—Vigilant and Sata nils started this morning in the race given nader the au.spices of the Royal Dare Yacht Club. The course vnia triangular, from Dart­mouth range around the bell buoy off the Hkerriea, thence to a mark-boat off tbe East Blackttoue and back, four times around, total distaue* forty miles,

Batauita crossed the line a t 10:30.30; Vigi­lant a t 10:31.20. Tha latter had the weather berth. The weather was hazy, and a t tha start a fight nortb-northeast wind waa blow­ing. The yochta atood east with a free reach to the ykeiriea. The wind increased after the start and the Vigilant quickly passed her riral and began to draw away.

Hounding tbe bell buoy off tbe Skerrlea the first Umc, the order waa: Vigilant, 11:00.04; BaUidta, 11:02.07.

It was a beat for the mark boat off Bast HlaOkstone, which waa rounded os follows: Vigilant, 12KX1.43; Ratanlta, 12:11.15.

Thence It was a brood reach to the com- modora’a boat on the starboard tack. The boats gibed around the cnminadore't boat as fulTowa: Vigilant, 127J8.22; Hatanlta, 12:43.30.

It was a run on tbe port tack to the Bker* ries mark, which waa rounded thus; Vigi­lant, r2:S5.(lU; Bataulta, 1:11.40.

After rounding Hkim'a mark the yachts Iwalnied and bimly moved, Vimlani, how­ever, maintained a long load. I t not de- clarid off tbe race will probably be flniabail at the end of the second round.


ar'a oapitaL IMM bedeefas w ite prosperout In tbe fields of ttuanoa. He necanie a regular patron of tbe ChtMgc Opera House during ill lu t seoton tnajog to the fact that be was impressed witS tto charms of Hlaa Chapin, a member df the hall«t corps. So when a few weeks ago she cut looae from Chicago tbeatri- oole and coat her lot with the Milwaukee ven­ture, be followed ehortly after. Tbe romanoe bad its climax In the dimly ligbtai rectory an Sixth etreet. Hiss Chapin Is a beautitiiJ young woman of about nineietn.

DBIVRN INNAHE BY GBIEE,Hlaa Tberp erased by Her Mother's Death

and Burial a t Sea.PmasuEO, Aug. 81,—Mrs. William

Thorp, tbe wife ot a merchant of Carnegie, who was returning from a trip to Europe, died euddeoty of heart disease while the ship waa is mid-ocean. Her daughter, Etta, waa with her at the Hm*, and was proitrated, Ho' death oectirred on Aiwtiat 22, when tbe aUamer Black Prince, of too American Line, waa LdfifI °>Uaa fro<n Land. The body waa pnt in a sack, weighted and cast overixitrd with the attendant Impreaaive eaa funeral caremoniea. This, toUoWiai ao cloaely upon the audden death of her mother, waa too much for tbe daughter, and her mind gave waa,

Bhs tried to follow her motbeFa faody Into the esa, but waa prevented and put under reetratoL Bbe was sent from Philadelphia to CantegiB in oharge of an unploye of tbe ateamatiip oompany, and with her arrival came the first news to the family of the death of Uta. Thorp. They had been expect^ heme and a happy time w u anticipated hr those St borne on their arrival. The girl Is la a dangaroui ooadition and bar recovery ia doobtfaL

A IMItlfnitih LIb* lu Japan.Pamoic kng. 31.—A. W, Cohen, of thla

placat (ormarly alsatrloian (or tbs Erie Rail­road, reaif nad hie poaltlon with the company onTnaaday, Mr. Cohen goes to Japan on Hotober.l to superintend the construraon of a'telegiwh line there. Arrangementa arc now pendliig bstweou-the New York and Cattsmao JapdiMiiH iteuauli that will oon-

The I.lttle Craft Believed to Be Caplalfi Erltseke's Nina.

New Yobk.i Aug. 81__The steamerScaiidio, which arrived hen to-day from Hamiiurg, reports that on August 28, about WXI miles east of Sandy Hook, ahe p a s ^ tha wreck of a small voaael about thirty feel long, pAiubvl white.

The dascriptiun ot the craft corresponda with that of the little sharpie Hina, which loft this port August 4, commanded by Adolph Fritacbe, who set ont to cross tha Atlanllc alone In his little boat. The weather re)s>rta of incoming ateamera indicate that the Nina had not been favored in that re- apect, and many believt the wreck sighted waa the little cockle Hbell ot Captain Friteoha; aa all of the old lolts shook their h e i^ doubtingly when the fiaii craft sailed away.


A C C riilU U U P EM IIF.Z/u l.K H B N Te

C h ftfle i E n ifp r Ari^nttfid In Nnw nrk nn<1 T»b«n lo Kll»b»th.

Spndkl to tfa* E viN tiia 5 iw s .Eijxabbth, Aug. 31.—CbarlM Eager, who

WM trrmtad Iami iiighi in Mullterry street-, Neirartc <m n cliarge nf emlituUiig mouef from L. B. Butmai, t hnrd- wftre nierchaut of this city, bywhom he wai efnployed he wastrav^iog ealnman, was brought hers tiy UstactiTe Decker auJ Is unw locked up In a cell at police bMdquarters. It it taid Kn.- m r’i stMliuga will amount to hundreilH nf Qollars,

He is twenty one years old, and Ikes In Uuboken. He has only been in Mr. Fas.-<- tuan't emplj three moslhi. He will be ar ra ined towinorrow.

foger waa traced from Knhokea to a houte oa Mulberry street, Newark, where he wes caught. He ifaowud but wa quickly overpowered and taken to police bead'^uar- ters. Lautt night be wnt to Mr. i'ansiiiau tbe horse aod wagon be had used for driving through the country. Nothing wa.i leeu of him since then until his arrust.

Hoko Ko?ru, Ang. .Hi, Fire stnrtcil yea< tertloy among eoiiic huudredH nf llower Itoali that were iiiuored stein to stern iii thn Ueii- tnu Hiver and nearly all the hruft were destroyed.

The boots were mooreil lu ttcet* aod itaoee employed on them llvtMt nti bnttfd. Thu fire Mpmad so rapidly Uiat thn^ on iKmrd the

had little time to make their Ilimdrsds JumjWKl overhnanl and were

drowned, while still greater numbera were burned to death. At letist [tersonsperished.

SnAKUiUi, Aug. SI.—Tbo HfItUh gmilumt Iteilpole lias saildl from Cbe-Kik) fur Fort Arthur, dunks arriving at ( ‘lie-F-x) from New Uhaug report tlmt a Urge ruiml»or of U>diM of Japanese are Hoatiug in the water at the mouth of the Tatung Hivvr.

Several himdre<l Bower iKuits wlilidi nere moored stem and stem in the Uant>in lUvcr were set on Bre and burned. Thiae on lH«rd these bosts were unable to aud I.OOUwere burned to death.

FaONPON, Aug. HU—A rtiNpAtch to thcGeu- tral News frojii Shanghai says;

*b\. ('hc-Foo dtipatch ttuten that JufianeMi warships cQuvoTlng a uuiniwr of trausporri landfill troopa at Liau>Tie>iShen on Atixust 30. These troopa were inarcht^d at onoc upon Fort Arthur, JatjariHsc warshi}> hi the meantime bouilnrding the forti at Ihat place. The object of the Japanese is to Ocl- ftroy tbe docks and forts at Fort Arthur In order to prevent disahlci! ('hi new vpjiHidi fis)m ihelteriog tbiire for repHirs. The light U still In progress.'^ ______

HUDSON RIVER 'S BRIDGEThe Beport of the t ’onjuil»lon .(l!»i>olTiied

lo Insestirate and Make Heroin- mrndattons Uleeu te thePuhUc*

WAbHiNUTON, Aug, 31.—The Secretary of War lo-day made public the foUnwing itato- ment in regard to tbe Hudsuti Ktver bridge at New York:

The report of the eonimissioi) appointed by tho Freaident to investigate and recoimuund what length of span, not laK-* than 21,000 feet, would be safe and practicable for a rAiln^ad bridge to bo couHnicU'il over the HuiImou Kiver between New York and Jersey nty^ finds that a 3,U00*foot span cautllever bridge with a pier in the centre nf the river, would l>e Kafe and practicable, and that its cost, in* eluding viaduct, would l»e

-Xho 4‘oat of the centre pier Is estimated at |Si,^,UU0. Tbe depth of the rack foundation within tbe limits of the liridge location beiug 'Jlio feet, nearly 100 deeper than any existing fouQilation. A 3, lOO-f^t clear span cantilever from shore to shore is found to lie possible, but impracticable, on B<‘eountof its ex^nso, which wonld be about 1 1,1 J8,U00.

The board reports that in yesClgation aatla* flee it that a six track, single spanHUK|wnnioQ bridge would be safe and practi- cabJo and would, if certain conatructloui were adopted, cost $8b,3K7,h7i, Much abridge would carry six tuazijuuni freight trains moTiiig hide by side at full epeed.

A pluu is worked out aod submitted for a lighter structure suHiiension bridge which tho board believes would meet every pousibie dfinaod with absolute safety^ at a cost of 130,743,000. The board say they feel that the <».>ntu)gem'y Altt’tuiing the LMostructinn of the deep river foundations of tbe cantl* lever bridge is enough to balance a i« rt uf the greater cost of toe suspension bridge.’

The report ia signed by all tbo memMrs of the conunlssion: Major C. W. Raymond, of tbe United Htatea Engineer Uorpt; 0. Bonwf«reu, C. E.; Protessnr William H. Burr, of CoJnmbia College; Theodore ('ogper^ C. £., and George H. Morritson, C. E.

IU S K IA * g H A tN T.

ARRESTS AND CONFESSION.Two Mon Adm it Having HoliUed Neveii

Houses In Nuntelalr Koterod W tdnesilay Night*

The arrest of Arthur Uvcnluiry nmi Rhi'b ton Waruer, wdoreii, bidh of MonU'lair, ty Officer Fftter rhrintie, of hoadijiiorler«, yes- tenlay ami their confuwion of wven of tho robberiescimuultloiiatMonlclairou Woilniw- day uigbt ennsed great rejoicing iu that town.

The prisoners, up to Wodmwilny tiigbt, had not been in Montclair for uiauy weeks, bav- ng been dnveii out by the i»olice for gam* Ming. Both had been watched for along lima Chief of I’olU'e KiigUsh, of Mont­clair, who wont to No walk on beiug In­formed of the arrest of the men, got a full coulceelou from IheruAud they even bud where they had hidden llte toofcs with which they scenrtti ontraiioe to the houses, (.'ttlef Eng­lish has re^*ov«red theni.

This momlug Rev. Klcbanl HaywanL of Upp^T MonU'iair, whose house was entcj-oil. apl>car»i before Hwortier MilUgan a t tbe llontdair FolWKUtion an<l desirrl to enter a conipUiiit acnlnHt the pHsonera, whom he claim^l mbbeil Uls aervaul girl, whiwetnink, as toM in TcsUrday’s Nitwa, Iwd Iwen taken from tbe house and ranwked. Tbe Hecord- er advisetl Mr. Haywan.! to go tai polios boed- qimrters with bis servant and Davehorex- amiue the prt>perty recoverw!, and if she could idsulify any of tho artlclea U) make a complaint. The giri, was much dUtreoswl over the loss of all her money. ITU.

Tbe prwoners said that alt the money they stole was A little over |1W, which wae found in their posoewlon.

The servant also told Heconler MilUgan that some RiigUsh colni were taken from a U>x In tho trunk. The pollceexpect to make anotlior ini|Kwtant arrest before the day shall lx* over. Judge Mott this niorntug <x>mmlltcd the prisimors-

laant night Utlicer lluddea found Henry Myer, who gave bis residence an Newark, slipping under a window of a house on Fark street, aud ttulokly lauded him behiud prinon bars. The fellow admitted this morn lug to Itccoriii'r MllllgiD that be had been arroriWil before. He bdd such a peculisr story that tho HoiHtrdrr decldeil to further iuvi^tigaU', aud hr was led im^k.

T t V K L f T I l T l'I lN ’FKHT*

andA IMg Tints to Br Had Tu-iiiorrnw S v \ t VVrrk hi This < Ltj.

By ti>*tiiurrgw Newark will In* alive with fnrnoni aud their triends, to l« In at- leiidaiK^at the twelfth annual tiirnfcst of the New Jemer Cln’Uit, which will b«'giu to­morrow night with a parade of IhovDitiug tiiruoni. The vinltuigturn societies wdlallbo in the city by lUKiu of tomiwrovr, nud will procetMl to Military I'ark, wl.cro ihi*y will be met by tlw l.K’al turners fnun Turverem Hall, iui M'liliam Ktrcet, ntid lie wehximed to tho cily for Ihc three ihiys fi»«iiva]

The |iaraik' will Ivo formeil in rhr following order: UnnunUbv> on Krciptiim, Halwr aang's luind, United Sutes ilags Turn* wii rUof the Bi*/lrk, New llrunnwi'-k, I'aNt - wm, Holwkeh. Union Hill. MutUm Ultv, GreeiiviUe, Kli*alwlh. Jervoyfitv. Nuth- siile Turnveroin of Newark, VorwiiTt* Turt.vm'ih of Newark. *i>rletlc» in'll lielong- Itig to the district dlmi de'H of the Ttirn vercin V<ww«ert\ illstcipJee of Hie Newark TuriivsrHln, Newark Turuvereiu.

Tiicre will b»* plenty of nm^ln lb the im radiN which will le* frmn Military I'ark down i Broad street to Market uiit Market to | Kprlngliiild aventir, U'lwt street Ibcuecnuihd to Turn Hall, wliere thefonnul wel come to the city will Im> mA<le lu an addrrHs by Mr. Kraus*, one of tho leading lm-ol tunicra. Hcrreohiuouu will !>• ^xirtaken of, liad^»« givou the imuubor« and thu visitors ariHi|j;ueiT to quarters during their stny.

The public exercises will bn hold In lhi» Bhnoting Fark Knuday aftenmoii and will coiiipriM Indian club swinging for turner i amt the women, Jiimplug, iiiari'hlng and other fiMiurwiof athletics t> suit all cla'vieH of turners. At night thei’v will l>* siiigitig for prises and other feituras of interest.

The ewimruing tournsment wlU take place on M4mday at laUthar's^iwimmlug school mi the Fiu«ab*, which It ia Inbmded iu follow' with a psi-Aitc and club swlngUig in Military i ’ark. After the exhihitiou m tlw |iark the march will t>f uken up to Hhootlnjr Paik, where tlm<xnite<tts for iirtses will again lie reenmetl and tho prlr.es awardw) at night.

HUNDREDS BOUGHT FISH.IlarriHiiB Miid Kearny F*«pl* Have An­

other Treat of a#n F iwmI—Much Hold at Kmall Prlcee*

Tho inhabitante of Harrison and Kearny weruugalu given a flsh tj*«at to-<lay. The fish were fresh from Iho Atlantic Ocean, and. as before, were tohl at cheap pricea. Ijiraiiee & Co., proprietora of tbe Aibury I»ound fisheries, to^lay fully com­plied with their advortlasment that they would have at the frelghtyurd of the lY'unsylvanU Railroad at llarrison at (1 oVlock thH momiug a carluad ul llsli uksti (rum the sea last night.

There were distributed yesterday 1 000 tinuii bills, which gave notfi'e that without fail a carwould arrivo Idaded with fl^hthat would U' sold at four cents a |K>iind. i t did arrive pMuiptly on time, and there wore lupveral hundred men. womuu and child run waiting nt that eerly hour, aod soon as the car was opened the hurrying commeiieed.

Each buyer hid a liosket or an old news­paper and Hue largo weakOsh wore told thein, just a.s they hid been tuken fruoi the sea.

Theta was no rogard paid to the adver' tised price a poutwl, out fish weigeliq four or five ^u u d s wera soh fur ton cents each, iror hours the sale won kept up and streams of people w ere niaklug purebas. Many of tbe people came a guo*l diitanoe.

The poor familin especially took advantage of tbe uppurtimlty to aiiipiv supply them­selves. As before, thu regular dealers lu Haarlwmand Kuaruy were diHKatisgiul. Oue of them, a coloro<l man, Johu rreemau, who tor the [last twenty years Jiai told fish from a push cart, for whi< h privilege lie pays tliu authorUlci of Harri»ma a lioenw*, was about llarrlscn b^daj with bis cart, but be ha>i ao Ash for sale* He liad only clumo and oysters, and Mid; "Tlierc is DO USA of I'artliig around any Asli* as 1 could Qot eoinpete witn the wholesale Ajib dealon/'

N n A U .P U X IN I IA im iH O N .

A t'ANr I'oiinit la a Feniily uf Ten Chll- dr«oi—A Newark Case.

Tho ruui-ypur-uld son of Bartholomew Hcg«irm (d 310 Urosa street, Harrison, was rrmoVA4l to the Hudson County hiiullpox Hniptia) at Kuake Hill yesterday afternoon. Thu Ikij was taken sick litst Uouday, aitdtho attending physiclao prescrllwd for a fever. Un Tuewlay the child was Iwtter, but yester­day tbe sicknes* developed into a virulent attack of iinalipox, amt tbe patient was re- niovoil t» the hospital.

Health Insiwi'tor Callaghan, of Harrison, took ctisi-ge of the Rogers house and quar- autiuwi it. There are leu childreu in tbe fainllv. Mr. UogArsUa driver fur the Edi­son fllectric ljunp Compauy at HarrlMm. I'hrce of the chlldrso, two girls and one liuy. at work lu factories, were sent for and plactni iu tiMH|i]arantlned house. The rooms in tho (uctorltM where they worked wero din- mfeidotj.

The ibvilth Biiartl held a sfierial meidlug ' last night iiml Htqxiwsred the Health Xnsjiei'- tor to u<e all necesury precautionary means to prevent ths spread of the rllsaasc. The Hoard of hMucfktioii will bo ro()uast«<l to TxwljHMic the utwning of the public schools toH<’ptomb*r 10, lliat iho rblldre.i of the town may l>e vat'clnateil.

Dr h^Utouall, the County Health Fhysi- cian, aud Dr. Dolphin laxt night viccinatnl the inmates of the quaranUue<l house and childi'Mi living in neighUirlng homes.

Mrs. Edgar l<'ul«ej|, whose husband con­ducts a Mluon si oil Runyon strest, wa* re- moved tu the HinaJ]})ox Hospital last night after Dr. reported to the Hralth

Board o f Edntation Committee Hakee : Its Deeleions


Nu|irrinteiidrnt Barringer Submits a B«* port aiul Annoiiiicrs Ills CbQlra ol righ t Ntiidles <m th* Kvili ef Intovl* rants, Drufs and Karrotlrs«Th# Boa- tor's Kreoinnisndatloas Ailnpl*d—Algo* hra t'ansss a DlNrnsiloa—4'iintraeta Bir Work at a Niiinlirr of irhoals AwardoA*

The Pi'iard of Eduratioii Textbook Oom- niittee, at Its meeting yesterday afterQoon, ki'tiug U(ion the rM ummeudatlnn of Busier* lultuiilcnt uf WchouR Harrluger, adoptad Dr. Nriiltli's iKsiks un physiutngy for use in tha primary nmt gruinmsr si-h<x>ls. EvarsiDoa the ('iiQrttnent by the Ijrglslature of ItiOi of the law rniuiring the adoption of tha study cf physiology for tho purpose of lostructtiig tbe youth os to the daugor of the use of inc tihxh'auta, driigw ami narcotic*, tbe commlttaa has had ibr NuhjA<*t under cousideratloD. Finally Kii|)Arintriidrnt Hairlngor waa dl- rvclei toii'lect* or rallter recoiumeDd, ODOof eight bdoki. After Introducing the siibjact Mr. HaiTinger rtMid tlw (ultowlBg report at yestcriUy's nuTliiig;

Tb Is examinat Ion has lieen cundiictad eo- tlrely from nu wiuculiunal standuolut. Tha Arst |M>iiit noted is, MKaw thu author In hla book proseut and drlvelop the subject In tha laHit way aud with the Imt metliod fortaac^ lug the subject o( the gradi* namad f

point, 'Is the irratment of tha tubjtvt matter corri'c't from tbe standpolal uf science y’

“ l^in l point* *Ara tbe topics ao dBr- plIAwl and arranged aud ilia steps ao graded that the pupil, from the bcglnaU^ to tha awd ofhiscourM*, will suiter uo breaks, do hlh- drafK'VH, In bis progi'ess f

“ T iumc are tne iiUMtions the Huperiotand* etit has ethiaavored to answer. The oooclo* sion reached is that tbe two booka kaowD lu tbe ‘1 Timer uf Fhysiology aud Uygiaoe' and the * Human Body and lU HmhS*' by Dr. Nmijth, Buswer the queviitMis better thaa any others examined, I would, tbaraforap recoumieni that they lie adopted for uoa lo the primary and grammar Wiboola**'

After roading the report Dr Barriaftf feaid:

Now gaiitkmen, I aiu ready and glad toanswer ^|,y questluui on the subject.-'

** Do tha books you have ret'cmimaBdid oomply with tbe Jaw f ’ asked Dr. Hamill.

‘ Ves, air, they do, or 1 should n o t^ v a ini,'’ replied tbe Buperlxh

nonOfficer that she hail the diseas*.

year* Is to taka with mmtwenty-ova expert ijiliyaiiliiii n and tineoiea, who wlU ako be boOndby oontracb.

Wedded a Cmeert' Hall Singer* EoiRKiiiaa, Aug, ai.-^-JuatlB Huntly

HoCarthy, son of Ju itla MoCarthy, M, P„ ihtieaderof (ha IrUb Natlooal party^iiii Fwllaineal^ waa married to this .olty on Wadaieday to Ml« Marla Caultla Uoftoa, betSM* known to inmio hall bablUiea aa ** DMMe Loftoa^ the eliigor. The cereoumy WM performed by tha Bbariff*

tb * Ceant *f Paris Vary Weak.Ang, SI*—-A diepatob from'

Mewra Houae toui mgridaf M i {be IMeMweri Mao wona

A Buel Day on the Stoek Kzehanga—Tha Ot angers and Sugar Par-

tlenlarly WeakNiw York, Aug. 81.—Tb* railway and

iDbcttllaotMiuf iboras wbta tbe market opened thle morning were quiet and firm, Tbere wa* a little actlTity In Amarican Hogar and tbe «tock opened a t 106 down to lOOH'. The oth*:' luduitrlals were *t»d.T.

Between 11 o'clock and noon atooka Were earier but thera wo* no prveaure to lell. Tto U rannn and lugar wera partlonUrly weak. At imd-day the market waa quiet and waak.

Attacked an Kdltoroa the Street.■ Br. John*, N. F., Aug, 81.—K T. Ho-

Gratb, editor of the Bt. John’* HeruttL the organ of the Woodridge UoTernnwiit ofHew founilland, w u aieaulted and ootuiderablT injured to-day by a Whiteway heeler nain^ Klee because uf a cntlcism publitM In his paper. McGrath waa walking on the itnet, when he wai attacked without warning, and but for tbe interrentton of onlookeri It ia likely fas would bare baeii dangaronaly hurt, aa Bice Is a eery powarful man, while Mo Oratb I* a alight, weak man. McOrath w » also beaten last year by young Thorburn. a son of Hir Robert Tborbnm. He wo* iiial- fareated and was IU for Mvcral weeks.

A Fugitiv* Baroa Oaptnrvd,Bt. FiraiWBUM, Ang. Si.—Baron Rtarn-

berg, who wa* arreated In Nlaoh, Herela, lo the latter part of July on a Rtunlan requisi­tion and nbsM|n*nUy eacaped from the oiu-

*' . Consulate a t Balonlca,_. , _ a«iSsfH4 In this olty. It wa* re­

ported that Btaroberg had Uk*n refuge »M«al and natlad for

the Unltad Btate*. j

A New York Banker Arrested.Nrw York; Ang. 81.-Harry Wldemayer,

dr., a banker a t 16 Bowery, hea been ar- rosiad, charged by th* Hombarg-Amerloan Steamthlp Company with (aUlng to account for II, 1M.77, MUea of tiokatn.

Aocldant Iniariuie* oa Fall Hat*.Blootenbunrti * Oo. will gle* a new hat, free

of vb*W< In t'*»« OB* boniht of them ebould be brokett ^ th ln thirtr day* from itm* at purobate. Their famoo* IS men’s Dtrbjr le the m e u Dthera usueJIy (*k |S f» , Farem* w lliaea mooty by baying tbelr boys' hate

THK II.I.ICIT UISTII.I.RItlElt.Rflvenn* AalhorttlM Hill] at Wfirk—The

PrUonars Go to Jail.Tbe Internal Heronuo authorltloH are

•till working on tho case of the illicit dletlllera whom they rajo tored yesterday *t Lodi and L'arlstsdt, and ire finding new eridcnce r^ganling tbe work of the gang. I t t i understood that ,Mey- gert ia the cartalist uf tbe gang. He is said to have failed In the liquor business In Hoboken about a year ago and to have since than been eng.tg^ In tbe ilicit busineuq at which ha waa captured.

The still*, which were cnnflsc.ito.l, are said to hare had a capacity of 2d:i qallous, aud three fifty-gallon barrels had Issui tilled with the revenue authorities mads Ihtur descent. The four men were sent to jail, as they could not secure bomU.

f u a n il l l lt n is rc k 's t lu ic k Run.New York, Aug. 31.-The Hambnrg-

Amerlcan liner Foeivt Hisiiuirck, ('autsin Al­bers, made a leinarkabt.T quick ruu tram the Needles tu the lightship and had it uut been for tbe fog, which settled down lu the neighborhood nf Fire island, would have broken tbe record of the His t Normanlaof six days teu hours and forty-five minutes. As i t ' was, the Fuerst Bismarck was only •even minutes behind her sister ship’s record, and bar average speed was eSt.118 snuta per hour. The total distance run was

(H8 miles and tho days were aa follows: !8, 487. 490, 482, 601, 492, 198 to tbe light,

ship. __________ _Cars Dlicbed and Reveral Penoas H art.

Trot, N. Y., Atig, 31.—The night exprasa train from Montreal, due at Troy a t '2:10 A. H. to-day, left the track at Port Kent, near Flattsburg, at 9:90 last night. The accident was cBuiml br the spreading of tbe rail*. The engine and four cars were ditched. Hov- erel peraons were Injured. Conductor Hall, of West Troy, had a shouWer broken; Spe­cial United felatos Agent Henry HGikea, of Fort Henry, cat on head amt body; Tlioinas Jones ot Troy, badly cut; Express Agent Bereaford, of Allany, bally Injured about spine. Otheri were more or less hurt.-------------------------- '

Att*tnpt*4 nalclfl* oa th* 4tr**t« Horoki:!*, Aug. 81.—Paul Fallorls, thirty-

two ywtra yf age, of 202 Park avenoe, this city, attempted tu commit suicide a t 4 o'clock this morning at tha corner of Third and YYaihlugtou streets. Fallorls was etand- Ing ou tbe corner of the streets and suddenly palled a thirty-two-calibre

.............. to hi* right temple, andTolver, nlaced It ftr^. The bullet glanced off without doing serious injury. Fallorls was raniovad to Bt. Mary's Hospital. Disrnpointment In lova la given aa tbe cause of bis sttempted suicide.

N ovel method o f G a lr liin g F Ith .Froin the Portland Oregonian.

At the Pokegaiua dam la tbe Kl.ynuih River a man has set up a box near the bank ot tho river which Is on* ot the simplest anil most effeotlY* fieh traps In the oountry. TbesiJmou (or siimon trout, whatever they are) in at­tempting to jump the dam, fall back about one hundred times for every succesafnl leap. This box Is fixed so that the fish which make the rim near It are likely lo fall Into It as t liey drop back from the dam. On Tuesday of lost wnk the box caught IU fish, alt in Sue con­dition. _________ ^_________


C lD ih ia g B a y e rs Rhould L e a k lo Watsoa** B ro a d and M arket Hlreet W indow s.

This week will probably dnM ont tbo lastfrslr of lb* broken lots of (3, $6 sod |T paotu- omi* that Watson A uo. lutend to salt at la a

pair, and buytrs will gst simi of tbs baud- somesi styles, as many custom pstterus have been cut up, sud all umpl* gsnnsnia, both In suits and nantaloons in whteh you get th* fint touohec of (he new (all shape, art in- oladed in this g na t closing out sal* of th* ■ ^ ■ IhatWateon A Oo. can

Peculiar I’se of Ml* Iteputation Made by Iirtlgulag Womea.

Prom the LnudoD Daily Newa.Father John BerglelT, of Oonatadt, it

probably the moat univenally popular priest In the BuetiaQ Orthodox Cborcb. Hli prayers and benedictions are besought by the grievously sick and unfortunate In nearly every government of European Russia, by letter aud by telegraph, so tm- p llo itisthe public confidence reposed in hia piety and wisdom. Father John hlm- sell'is a man of simple life, making no (iretensiona whatever to extraordinary aanclity, of modern habita and lavish to the last ruble of his conslderablt income in relieving neceasitlea, making no distinc­tion of creed or race.

Not a little In d ica tio n haa therefore been raised bv the dlacovery In the gov­ern ment of Orel, that tbe good fatber’a reputation has for tome time past been wickedly traded upon by a nnmber of designing mammas who hava unmarried

lid duwerlet* daughters to dispose of. These solloltoas m atrona eometime* act­ing in concert, but in different localltle-i, have fabricated te tten of advice, purport­ing to be written by the worthy priest of Cronstedt, recommending particular mat­rimonial alUancea between tlielr daugh- (era and certain pious young bachelor neighbors aa divinely onlalned. Theso spurious letters proved succeseftil bsits In very many Instances, bat eventually thu maternal conspiracy was detected, and It Is now probable that the more guilty of tho intriguing mobharaand matcb-nuklng spinsters of Orel will have to do penance tor their Indlveratloa In a conventual re­treat before Father John's abaolutlnn Is granted and the civil authoHUea are sat- fifled. r

Pytbtsns' C o n p e tlt lT * D r il ls Ended,WasHiNGTON, Ang. 81.—Th* competitive

drill of th* vartous divisions of the unifurui rank of the Knights ol Pythias coochided to­day. Out of tome forty-five teams enters'1 but twenty-four competed for tbe prise. 'Hie ilvlslnns drilled to-dav were from ( 'levelainl, O.; Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Altoona, I’a.; 'Toledo, O,; ra rlu ra^ rg , W. Va., and Rochester, N. Y. Great Interest has (wen attached to tha drills, and ail the divisioes entered hava mwle a good showing. The cash prises add Bir Knight's jewels offered are well worth competing for, but the dis­tinction nlned by triumphing on the drill ground alone Is snlBclent iDdiicement to put all competing teams oo their mettle.

H ebrew T a ilo r* to Oo on Ntrlko.N*w York, Aug. 81,—To-night over on*

hundred Hebrew tailors of tV'llllaiiiHburg will begin a strike to nlleve themselves from what trwy call th* “ task work" imposed upon them by their employers, the con- trnuMri. The ttrlketi say they will have the moral support of from thirty to forty thousand tailors of Brooklyn, Jersey C'lt] and Philadelphia. They say the business Is booming now In their fine, aud lu the lung run they are bound to succeed.

Alleged Attempt lo Fsai Usd Money.William Hickey was arrested for'

attempting to pas* a had dollar bill on th* “ HUl" this mornlug. He gave a little girl the bill and said that he wuuld give her fUteen cent* If she would have It changed (or him. He was taken liefore Cuniroissloner Wbltehsad after his srrest and paroled until t^uiprrow morning, wtum an examination wlU'ba Mtd.. - '

Something New In tbe Way of Wheals- HoMIRRWORtB, N, ll. , Alljf. 31.—E. U .

Hlgley, of this city, has luventeil imleycle which proiiilses to double the spewl. of the fastest bicycle. It Is seven feet lu dlsoieter; 1* worked with t>edala and gearing coiinected with two wheels in the ceuln of tb* machlsa which sot on tha outer wheel nod it Is started by the action of the body ot tha ridtr.

ri>H D IU R G T I .K G It l .A T IO N .

Enemies to the Srlienie Warned to Ktpcct ruiitii'ai Oppoftitiuiie

7’1adi for Iho fall rami>aisn w*ra kid at a mwitin^of Ili« na* oRlccrM uomftci iiiK tha Eiw^utiv* C'lniiniUac of tbo Diw’t Lafpfek< thm lefagiio of New Jurwy, haU In the raonw of Fre^ideut L’olter lout n:nbt. It wmi Ktotod that (bera weru ou bund R),900 copies of th* ottick) bullotiQ of tb* IraKue, which will for tbe luoet jjort dUirlbutotl thiough tbe Fourth UiH)|£reriKtiinHl District.

A nf Ihi-eo wa* api>olnted lowall on tha K^pubhcao manaitera lu thii cUv and tbrounUniit lb*'Htato to urge U|)oii them the mipirtanca of uocmuutlug men for the AwwmUly who aiis frieudl.y li> Direct I/'gislation, and to Imprciw uijoii them the fact that if Aiuieuiblymen Btdjrrn or Ok-ott are noniiiiatofl again tho will do all in iu }>uwer to defeattbeiik. They alone aro mrutioaed aa being uikUt the l>an of the order, but li was hintol (hat there are a number of other* who tiiiiKt walk very Nlrulght it they want the *up]>nrl of Iho Uirei't kegiKlatioD Iseague*

A fumuiiTiee was ajipoiuted to wait upon AsecinljlyrijAii Wooleey aud explain to him the folifiue of dlrx't IfKiiiatiim and to give bmi a rlwini'i't(» prove iJU iriendliae^M to il , Ai)utji«‘r C'lipiuitloo wa« nppolritotlto Ih‘ in leadltuMii to pre|>are a ijoiidvT of wblrh aballrontniu iiiHi nam*i of Ibo faiendi and foen of dopct logiriiation ami rail on the jieoplo to uhri tiieir milueiino at the |Rilea f^aiost tbe foe#.

It WAS deriitol to proiMire pledget and to tend thHii to all political aspirAhta, with thu request to Ktate onHU finrlLstril printed elip bow thityint*nii to vote on the inattor if they get a obiina'. A iiumbar of new memberi wc}'* rei*riviNi and tbe treasurer etatod that tbo fjtiaguu wbs in a proeperoui i^oudibion lliiau- c i n l f y . ________ ______ _

MAPLEWOODS WON THE MATCH.Th e {sixth ( iia t ii| i lu M lilp T e a m Hhoot o f

thn New Jersey Trapshonten* Iseuxue'^The Hooree Made*

Tbe rlidix tliat took part In th* ilxth cbaiiipiutii'>bip team iboot of the New Jersey TraiiebootorH* Ijoague, bedd on tbo Elmwood avriiuetfroumUyin Irvington, yeeterday after­noon, were the Maplewr»od, tbe Climax of FlaipArld, the Houibxldn of Newark and tb* Myrtlo Ufli k of Irvington.

Tbe mat<di wan won by the Ifaplewrxxk with a erore of IIS, The Clhnax ('aih i*aiii* next, with lOii birrli. 'fbo Houth Kblen wej’* tbii'ib having 107 to their crodiC and the Myrtij Firki flnlflbed laxt with a showing of VT.

The matob was hold under the an^ploee >f the Myrtle Fark (ton Club, and was attemled by many welkkuown ikota from all ]>*rta of (be Btate.__________ ___________

llig Kush at tbe Utifttum-lionee.Nxw \ 0VJL, Augs dl.<-Th* rush a t the

Custiom'hoavn still rontluues, and the Third Division begin* to show still furiher tlgna uf wc*r ami tear. Yb* clerks in tliat division were kept busy until after U o'clock last night, and many of them were liack a t their drake at 7 o'clock this morning. The force will remain oo duty until midnight tonight and until 6 o'clock tomorrow, although ^ tu rd ay I* usually a half holiday. Deputy Collector King said this morning that he ez* pelted to sea tb* rush end with tbU woek* ---- -

Made Hay While the Run hbone*Frank Hood,. of AH2 Kouth Fourteenth

street., and Frank Hellotroiu, of Manbatuo Hark, were arrsried lu Kearny Itto veeter-

carry away k wao ot t i y valued a t (20 from memlow laml eweyd by Jame* Clark un tbe turnpike'modi Ksarny. Tliey,/iir^tsbt.t twU before Justlo* Tuinbnll to awalt tbo Ictiou of the Urantl Jury. __________

D R . m c i ,<'a h k v m e a n s h i 'r i n e 4r .

HIm l.ewyer the Mayor Al>out tliat Teii-crnt Car Fare.

Thu tight being waged by Dr. Dents MiiU rabey agalusl the i 'onsulidatod Traction Uoiupony uMtinied a new pbaM this looming, when Frdwanl Kenny, roun- n«l for tbe physician, flietl a <*nm* plaint with sMayor Lebkuecher diarging !be company with violating the d ty ordinance iu chtiglng more than flva rents fare for a rid* *'Ub1a tbe city iltnlta. Tbe formal eomplal' t was accomiiaoied by a rlemand that the (‘ouipgJu'.'t Uceuse b* re­voked, rs the onlinanc* provide* #her* it* provisions have been ilinregardmi.

Lawyer Kenny bi'gau by (’ailing tbo Mayor* s attontlon to the dausu sp<*rlfylng what course ibuulil l o adnpbNj when the rail­road comimnlet violate their tigreement, and ffdlowei] it lip wltb the doctor's itatunx’Dt to the elTect that he bod boarded car Nu. 41 of the Jersey City line on August 11 lent, and was threatened with ejectment when ho re­fused t4i give teu renUi for his ridu. The manner In which tbe conductor actoi, his threats Hnd hie action iu calling on policr- meu to remove the doctor, were all clt«d, as enumerated l>efore.

Mr. Kenny suggested that the Mayor set a dav for a hturiug, ut which both siiles i‘ould have wUnnescs prosent and obtain the facds In that way. Mayor Ijebkuccbcr replied that he would Hat* to consult tbe Jaw dcnirtnient l»efyrc acting, arm If a hearing should trt decided neciW'Hary he proniiArd to give the lawyer due notice.


T h e llenieod fur the “ Ntlrkers'* for Pley|ng*rHvda le Treiuendous.

The Internal lleveiiue aiithorilie* aro surprised at the nurnbur of play­ing cariln that the relall dealer* of this uity hand on hand when the new law wniit Into clTect, making theni siihjerl to rt tax. There were 1-~>,(X)0 klaiii|M orderod and received, but ll hasbeen ' qutkI that the number Is totally Izuidaquale to incr«l. the denmnd. This niurn- mg two orders were rweived, one for 5,1NJ0 and the other for 4,90(1 stamp*, but Ih* authorities could give out only 1,(Xl0 to each, as the bupply of wo* ruuniug verylow.

Information has iMt'U received from ihs deiiartiniml at VVasuiiigton that therd>at«oii spirits Used In fhn fine Art* or iiiaiKiraclnriBg will not go into nffcot til! the pnnnnlgntions of the 1‘egulatlimH under the recent act.

■ L - • « '■ .........................

n f r i i l i i s o f f\u JMllvrEnfifAeni lyiOA (S*tif prtijiU %vfv> rs-kt W, (/ tfv»

SKWS<¥tp sntfl ri'Frv diiv- foMi inanifp fu jilr r e ad ffu. p n p t r tvrrjf •i'ij-

O e ilte a d y , B a j i - Y jK a l lo n I t Neevly O ver.fitoatcBbartfi A On. lisve mwl* special ar-

rsnesmeuts to supoly lotuiol salts to tuo Mjrt who will resume lu n r etuiUss la a sbort litas. «7blldr*u'a Hulte, |2 to Ik Bon’ LOJR-paM Batts, 111 to U . All our own m anufsetan. ttiriish and durabi*. An lospselloB wlltooa- vliw epann is that w* are bsadquarters (or Boys' and Chlldrea’a CtotelBg.Htenteaburab A Co., IWio • » kiraad S t.-A d v,

A FreUy R lfh l.No met her can look over uurfall stock of

elotblna fur chlldrso without a lively sense of plenaan In the bseuiy of the style*, nisierla t and workmaashlB dltplaysd In eleir.nt pru- fuelou. HchouL suits from |I,M and dress suits frunt | t te |1U. all ihowlus the arestest oero iu the etiectlon ot Roods, and artlsUo skill to de- tlfu almost surpass belief for excclleuos and (snerous value. • , ,

Bring th* little folks to us and be assured of tatteraollon. If not money bsok gladly. Oluecd all day Monday. Labor holiday.

HarthsU * Ball, MT to 318 Broad al.-A iv.d te a t attrastion at Boynton Beach La'bor

Day. Bsa adv, ctourtlon oolamn.—Adv.

fillllDEN CilANGEU.T n l«» Th*t H'oiilil K«du(i* Aay Onllnarj

MtTrnry toFrom tb* Indlauapolla Journal.

i»id tho grocer lhoughtte»*ly, fur h« bad forgotten that the meiu W'ltii th* ginger beard wa* aliting behind th* Movet '*1 *ie* that the tempcrnuire dropped twenty degrees in tifteen minulc* down to Texo* the other day.”

don’t call that nothing,” said the man with the ginger beard. " I remem­ber when they waa a party ul‘ ua carupiu' up in the Black Hill* that tho tempera­ture drapped ao sudden that one of the mules in the outfit, which wa* in the act kickin’,iWas caught and froxe that way, an^ atood with it* heeli In th* air two day*. W* had a thermometer along, but th ec u sa ^ thing went bock on ua, ho t cvn’t exeactly aay JIat how much of a drap It wux.’*

** Oh, yeal'^ u id the aohocl teicher, ” It la a well-known fact that a ta ternp<Tatiire of about forty degrees below Xfro tho mercurv Aud hence cannot regis­ter.”

” Thi^t wuxQ't at it all, young man,” said the man with Iho ginger beard with flne •corn. Tho durn mercury drapped so quick that the friction made it red-hot and busied the glsaa.”

The man from Polalo Creek began to snicker, but the man with the ginger heard stopped his mirth with a stony *taro. __________ ^_________

rhargAcl W ith f le llln s lU d Meat,There wm a Urge crowd in tbs

H«*onii District Court this inornlog to bear the bytlinoay In * thn unit of the Bo^d Qt Hfalth agaiitst Jutiui Ab#1t k wholeasl* butcher, obarg^l with selling bad m «t. The M**tInspector testihed that he calledat Abel’s establishment andfound a uuauUty of meat there which was unfit for numau beings to eat. He m UI that •ORieof It was covered with a green scum. He went for Dr. Hunge, but wbeu he returned to the shop tike meat had been trimmed and (he poor pieces thrown away. Tbe defendants claimed (bat tb* meat waa good, aud they produced expert testimony to prove their as- sertloo. ‘ _______ __

Satard ay F a ir and Cooler,For. to-morraw tbs W*alh«r Bureau pr**-

dicta fair an^ slightly cooler weather Id New Jersty 1 wssttrly wlsdt.

tw, sir, thev rccoimtirndetl th> tondent warmly.

** i movotbat Dr. Hmith's books be adopted, Dkcii. ' said Dr. Hamill.

Mr. VanDorru'sameudmeui that ” Hubob> insou's Fhyatology ” be substluited for Dr. Hmilh’s w as not Kcconded aud tlie motton io adopt Dr. Hmlib’s iMXiks prevailiaL Mr. Van DoriMi was alone hi tlni npiMiiltloD,

Other hcKiks recuiiimendHil by Dr. Bar- riugnr wnr* Til Jen's tummerrial Ueography fur the seventh and eiglith year olaMes and Hn-Liiton’* KiigUsh Literature and Hhetorto fur the male de]«ntncut of the High HebooL Tim sucreUirv was iDKrrurted to purctUM a half duun ('uples of tho Utter.

Dr. Barn tiger's rt'port on tbo eubjoot of algebra (‘auswcl a little dlscustluq. H* wrot* that he tiad itiHi>e4't*d eight or ten works oik the subject. Home authors, h* stated, (n their endfavor to simplify the study \w \ sacrificed the value of their boolm from an educational stauiliiolnt Th* tiooki which mot with hit approval wero >VoLtworth’s and Milne's.

1 move that the matter be again refiiiT*d to the Hu|wHnt*Tidert and that he b* in- Mtructed to rsiMirt u|Niucms book. W* askwl for a report on one, not two,” said Dr, Hamill.

Mr. (juinn's mution to adopt Milne's book was approved. Mussra. ilamlll sjsd Van Doran upiMjotk.1 th* luotlnn.

Hook 5kO. 14 uf tho Graphic writing sy^ tom was ado|»ted.

Dr. Hamiir* roaoliiMdii, that In thefotors the Hii|H‘riiiTf<ijdunt whriuoskedehould ruooai- iiiend a fiertlcular InkiIi, prevullt^J.

HupiTintoiiduut Jlsrrluger said this morn­ing that according to hr* Interpretation of tbe law tho Board of KJuratluu u coitipellad to liegm the study of physiology wbsn tb* M'hoolii Mhall on HeptemWr 10. Tbe re- LKirt of the Textbook (;(niim1ttoe on tii* suto ject will lio submiUi^i to the board for id approval to-night.

( ontraets for ihe construction of closets tn th** yanU uf schdolK were awarded by th* Bi'Ard of Kdm-atJoh'i Hepoirs UonunlttM last uight ua follows;

North HevHuth Street-^Masoti work, £. Wolf & Ut»., efVKI; carpooter work, J. F» Mcijaughlhi, |i]umbing, G. C. Bnhlar, Wsr., .

Elliott Htrect—Mason worm W. B. A O. E. Dmin. fbld; curp«nt«r wofii, D. B. MiU cahy. 1547.

nUver Htrwt .Mason work, W. H. Con twlly, |k'iT3; carpoatar work, J. F. MoLaugb- bn. I4T3; plumbing, E. J. Ijdutiard, gdlS.

EigUttH:ulli Avfmie- Miwon work, W. U. A*(r K Dnmi, cfirpHuter work, J. F. Mclsniigtiliu, plumbing, iiuuls Rsh«man. #^50.

Soulli Market htr*«r—MaiKcm work, £. Wolf A: Co., car^Mutor work, J. P, Mo- l.aiigh]in.

Fatnck Klyiin agreed to lay chert stone |iavcnj+4iii for tho Ixiard at ten cent* pc*r foot> and the coiUruct for indt work will b* awarded to him.

THE IV^HK LH»>TlON\C‘oinnitinlcAtlons Ke('4HiiiiM*iullng Hltos

<‘elvi'ik liy i-he I'oniiiikssion.A mcptiiiit of tho K'iO'x i 'uiinty i'ark Com*

mission w’AK hdil in tho rooiiiH uf the Com- iii1s.h|oi] luHt night, all of the Commisslooers Ixiiig prcwml with the nxre^tthm of F. W, K*'!'"Ay. A rnA]i of .Mimtclnir outlining a pro(vMei| Uullcvnnl mi tiie muiniUiia top HAH I'lK'elMHl tt'iil ll ("oMiiJntiiiit'atton from th* W^st 1 iraugc ’J'<iwnHhi|i i ‘niumiibv wak read reiHiiniiieliditi;' th»* lUuuntalii aa th* sit* Of th» propoHpd pnrk

UonimiKslonur Jsrkiuia re;Nirte<l on tlia irieelingH ho had sitcudBil At Nuriey and jlelicvble mill rMiiirnisHiancr Bramball slated that th'Ore wuh cutuhicT'ahte tutemst 111 Hie 44'lierne iK'nig iixhihitol In th* Oranges and tlmt he had no diiul)t but that th* Com* iriiKKinii wtmhl riH'eiTc substutitial gift* land lu li« devoted to |iai'k pm- KMe,

Tri HE r i T iM iK u G iu ii;;(D .

Un A cconnt of 1 rvijueitf Trouble FoU*e WlreN /IretM (lo In llieC oudiitt.

On account uf thn |*<>l>co {latrol box wires coming in contoci with electriclight and tolnplKme wirvs, rendering surim of tliA tolcphunes almost usolfto, the Follc ('ommiHdouerA have decided to put the pohc4! wirpH through tb* uoder- gruunii conduit. Thn ronmilwioneni bova had a {Ninforcuce with Henry R. Baker, local nmiiugor for the New Jersey Tslophona Com-

oonilulte aru naljr run through tba etri'vte lo thn centre of the city anil Electri- claii King will begin the work at unce.

Old Man KniX'krd ]l»wn by * H»rs*tAn old man wearing tho unlfomi of tha

of the Ht)ldl*r>i’ Horn* wiw crtjMlog ilrixul sti'oet, rm tb* soutli sld* of Market Htreet, to-Jay when a, borne, driven by two women, cam*rapidly down the street. Th* man, iinablo to get out of the way of th* hnrto, wa'* kutM'kr i down, but rollM from in front of the currlogo. H* was helped to tb* liilewalk, where it was found that b*bad Kustain^vl no Injury lieslde shiH-'k. The wony eii. afteJ’ learning itmt the man was not bur^ drove oil without giviiiK their Dames.

ICAckiiieii ToUl io Mov**Thief of Folic* Hopper has told tbe b a c t

men who bavo been sUinJiug with thsif liack* on th* south siile cf Market. Dear Brnod sirwt, that they must go slsewbora. Home of the hack.meii explained that they hatl permit* f roju property-owners, but Chief Hop|)er dlrec'tcd the men toobtolo tbrir per- ihiri from Mayor Lebkuechor.

A bo u t the FHoe of Men'* UatOa,All dealers iwy the manufeotorer about Ibe

same price fur hats of the Sam* grade, but *ilJ them at very dlSerenl marglii* of profit. 1b our case the hat fUpartment is not expected to }>e a oourre of profit, but tneraly a eoto venienee to our custumers. This Is why we 0*11 derby* and soft batN for fkaud |Sjd that other people gvt a dollar tiMireforat ieaet. We have all the latest stylo* aud bait make** Why not buy nf

.MArshall(k Balt, manufootiiriiif olotbltrs, ftn to kill Braad it. Tluoed.all day Uemday, Labor holiday^—Adv.

The grocery store of Aaran Word A t a t will romaln open utilll 10 P. M. ^atuixUllR'- Adv.

ation 1 ProveTh»t our oft-re|K’st«l MH«rtion that wc nell at lower price* lliaii other* Ii no empty l«M«t, but a hard-pan fact. Couple thUwlth the knowlwl»te that you fWt your money hack for anythlntr uii*atl»fnctory, and there ihould bo no (juCHlIoii *« to the moet profltable place for you to do yonr trading In. Thi*** *pecl*l bargain* are for to-inorrow only:

Ontlng Cheviota,Ip « horl leUKthi. hlick «Drt eiyWBsrimndi. naiilar )-H«. I r id a f i J8*Iw ialn pride...............................

Ready-tsadfl Sheets,anrxreliept (leellti, nnWeachM nmelln, will, S-lorli [lem. l!-i jrerdi loo*. r»oli< "Ide. re*oi»r «Bci.

1*r*»to price.................

Cm m Domst Flannel,An «itr* rtnn qunlltT* fT Inch** wide, never (M>ld for ihw Sc*Friday'* barffclu prioe, while it I J qIbjiU.

Bleached Table Damask,S4 InelMi In wlrtlh. ami lu n*w »ndT»rj banilKim* regular on i*ISO. Friday’* bargain prlew........ .

Bordered Apron Ginghams,Mincbeik wWe end qc*Mty

blue and browu i*lwsrkt*r»<«iar Ulc, Friday* UrK*la l*aprice, wbilelt U*l*.....................

Unbleached &nton Flannel,Extra h«lvy floe tw ill and long nao, tegular ItH e. Friday’• bar.(BUi prlca, wblla H laita

CARPENTER’S GENUINE LACE-BACK SUSPENDERS,Id Plain, fancy and .mbrolderr^ webbing*, 2 1 C C I l t f ld r a w Mpporwrx, uxually »*:. Friday’* Uargain prlo*........................

MEN’S EXTRA QUALITY OVERALLS.Made of .nparior mat.ri.al, " 41 CCIltHwUUout *prwoi, »i£ul*r Wu. Friday * barjaln price.............. *........ .


The lrre«l#tlhle ntAgnetlc power of our wonderful vslues tine brouglit thousands of people from all poinU of the cmn[iuHS to

OUB GREAT BTriUING SALE.Is It of any wonder when as a premium for helping

us comleiiscstockg we give our patrons the moat desirable class of raerehandlse at any time on sale, with I’UlCIvS AT COt>T, NKAB COST, BELOW COST?

LOOK H ERE.ISc. fantou Flannel*. In length, of 8 Qn -ird

and HI yard*, wiling....................

d S n n d i'loacliwl Mq«lln, folly yard wld*, W4v*jrtt equal to7c. gdoda.

Turkey Bed liam**k,goiid worth at 95C.'V'd iic., wiling................................ . J

59cyd JinUIIWStlUO |■••laal , w-.--..-w-aillk, 1q all ffCKili coldn.cLeapailKIc.

<lnc*l gnallty Florida Water. Yon hareno doubt pal ■“ ----------' ' ----------lintier, bare

MEN’S FINE OUTING SHIRTS.rine Me flan tie grade. In Domet Flannel,t’heriot and OaTnbriei.llght £ i ' S d l " '< S b iiiI lw e llm ^ Friday’, bargain price 2 2to .................................................................. cents

Tll».top Jelly Olansee........................HaKD'e Quart Fruit Jar*, packed 1 lfl» de * doeen Id a bo*, llrit cuality, only *®v.Ui

Beautifully Iteoorated ID-pleee Toilet t l fi 9 Bell, betl ware.............................

Double-plate oa white mel.1 Tea-...... *...........................KF.T OF BIX

fl.|neta Flower Pole, with laucere....

FinI Quality Table TunTumbler...

................ Ifl!

.......... 3e.ei. . . . . . . 9c

Coraplet* niimrr Ret. batt EnglishporcaWn, beiatifally dcooraUd.* v ’ * vu

frlnch Cila** I’iarry Di*bri

L. Bamberger 8* Co.,1 4 7 and 1 4 9 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

HORRORS OF RUSSIAN PRISONS.B«_e of the Kxperlenre. ef an American

C ltl*aa~llrutal Treatment o f W om en,

rrom the Now York Sun.Nlcholae N. Nredrlkeesn, the Alnerloan

citUen who arrived on Saturday on the ■taaiatblp Paris, and whose etory of his Impriaonment to the MltiUry Prison of BL Peterabnrit, from which he escaped on July 18, was told In the tfua, related fur­ther detail* of his adventure yesverdey.

He latd th a t be could think of no reuaon for the police perseoatlon he underwent la Roasla other than the ipit* of the gendarme to whom he refused to pay trlbaCa. The oharge. were that he had deeerted Irom the army and changed bla citlienship, religion and name.

“ To that genderme I refined to give twenty-five rooblea," said Mr. Frederlk^ geo, “ and be said it would coat me twenty-five time* twenty-five roubles to eflhot my relesM. I lost my liberty and considerably over fit |0lk} Incasb, Ameri­cans can not appreoistc the power of the geudarmei. They tbc O tr 's private bodyguard and can arrest eveu Generals of the army. Consequently, when this officer ehowed hta animus toward me even General Bebeliider could not help me, bocauee if he stiuwod too much Inter­est In me they would have suspected him and might have ouufisc*ted hi. property.

•' 'The flret jail I was In was tuut of the city of Illelgorod, where I was oonflnt'd after b e iy arrested on my employer's astate, 'rnere were confined theru four women who were suckling children, nnd the oldeet child was Joss than nine mouths old. The GoTeroment does not allow it cent fur children’* board, consequently all the motbera had wa* the regulation one u d one-half pound of rye bread and u portion of aonp composed of liver nnd cooked lungs of catGe that no respeutaUe slaughter-house would k ill The thought of the smell of that soup nuuseales me even now. But those poor creatures were glad to get It, and if they found a hard piece of m eat in it they counted It n great deiioaoy. The pound and a half of bread allowed them they did. not get, as the jailer look the balf pound, and you may be sure he took the best purl,

‘‘When my servant brought my meal. 1 could not have the heart to eat by inyself, but generally gave a good part to Iho women, who would try to kiss my hands and feet. Borne of them had been con­fined In the jail a year and a half for petty offences, and their oases had not come to trial. The women were putin a different room from themen at Etght, They bad noth­ing to eleep upon but the regulation bench, just large enough for one. Thu vermin were thick, and there was a con­tinual crying In the wonian’s department, tkiap wiw not allowed, and of water the jailer was very chary, giving each woman only a handtul with which she was sup- poeed to wash both'her child and herself. Their clothes looked like worn-out scrub­bing rags.

“ 1 asked the jailer if my wife could bring bread and uillk fur the women nnd children, and bo said that if I did 1 would spoil them and they would nut bo content with the present fare, .titer much urging he let my wife bring In ml lie and bread every day. i asked him If no could nut afford to give tun cents u day from his own wages to improve the women’s con- ditioii, but a t lliia he only luughed and Mild I was crsxy. I bad gained a point, however, and when mv i-crvaiit brought in three quarts of milk every dav the ever­lasting crying stopped for a lime.

“ I was taken to Kutvk, but did not slay there*luug, as they quickly reinored me to Toulon. 1 was taken with four car- luads of prlsonrra, moat of whom had been exiled to Biberia. In the same car with me wore a woman and child as nearly U kebeastaas It Is posvible fur human beings to get. Her hstr Wiis unkempt and fell in a tangled mwis around her face, lier clothes wero rags, and hrr cicven-imnitli old child Was ciiually as bad looking. The woman was not more than twenty- six rears old, and had beauti­ful blue eyes, but in her cimdltlon they were the only redeeming feature, for she was so covered with dirt that little

, else was seen of her. Bho said Uiat her husband was confined in the Blberlan mines where he had hern sent a year and a half prevlona According to the Uusslan Idw h wife must reside whore the husband doe* if he wisnes her to, and she had been compelled by the anthori^asto roliutv i,„r husband, who had reqiifiiiien that she be

;lrl fourteen year* old, ique p r l

family when the first

When we leftuulun an officer requetted one of the

soldiers to coax the girl away fkom the

nu’dnubl paid Sto. very ullen for no 1 AgAFA.......................... -........ A^V

1 A * IxMtl* of tylendid ilrefiftb We*t luUlA 1ifr)V Hum.

LOOK HERE.IlitfA T*mb<mr Embmlrtffwl Sw’is*

Mn*Un Siuih rufu!n1i»if. douhioMijl *lEiit1e bfjrden, And '^ '-^ 0 ^ y Q

fiOn • l y ™ Ru(t*. n^w nnd vprr handnom*O aJU paturua.sl*u |1-S> vaia«.

Beat QiiaUty All-wool iDgrAin ArtSquare*, new 2HE-y*Fd* 4 /t *70of|6.riUv*lu«............ .................

#(} 0 0 .Scotch CurtBiD*. BruMels end l\»int effectn, |4 value.

Feney Rfm* TeUlem reel onyi lop. Idinf'heH HiuaiY. with funry under #4 A A nhtlt Rtiu of $7 vjUuri.................. #*t.*t'*QQ Pine Banquet TAmp*. h**VT outm

# i*OB column, iirolty aUk ahadev

AND LOOK H EREAU-Nllk Chiinlllly* Bourdon and other

Inoua, ver)'fiti* giwKla. of Wr. vaiae, JjQr*KdllDM........ *.................................. MOW

All.allk OrcQMdlne Vellloff, eetln tHiriler* eUehedeH.

LadU'V Swioi EmhroMrred <»op Edge HcAlluiik'd (iMbdki*r<'hlcfa; rIno Mev'a AlMlnaii HcuiKlilHied, war- 11a fkinletl i»uf* l«f. to 52w* valuoi A lt/


Id a Tiw Extra flue full nickel-plated Scls lyC . p r MW, In 6 .ises, ISe. to a&. values.

All-silk rnloreil Fancy No.t Frilled IQn liarier Elsitic, regular S o....... x o o . j u

Merino CovrrediluwntoOe.

Tomato Pincushions

AND LOOK HEREFlue Coreet Covera, V front end ieoe

edue emt InNwrlion* *)ni> *Ulr rm- hroidrrvi! iuaertloh and edao and CMn of aftc. value.....................................

Fine Rolled flold Krrew *nd Drop Karri HUB, MjUd sold wlroa, regu- iar TAc. to |!.W irootl ....................... u OKj

QQrt O nuino Alligator I’urva* with InaldeuO\j pnc-kei. flue uh'kd fraim*, ivgultir Mr.Children’* IjkhonI llindkeri’liiefi,

prs'lty printed doBigua, a«lllug Oa rnpidly and with goi#d reoaoii at.*

QQa Halanrti of thoae odd alTiea in laadle* .fiJOL Mlwa'a Hoja' and Y'ouiha’ Shoe*, of

fl.aStn^.OU value.Fine Hleck Broadcloths for cape* Rfl/* iTf

anddrrasBB, Tlic. va lu e .............. w U v*jU .

DrakeDow n W0 go from to -d ay

to w ard th e end 0l A nguet. S u m m er’s 'a lo w lee t are creeping s te a d ily b u t su re ly to w a rd fall a n d w in te r.

Our b ea u tifu l new s ty les are beginning to arrive.

The Drees Qfooda d isp lay here ia a lw a y s noted for i t s m arvellous b eau ty , i t s w o n ­derful v a rie ty , i t s exclusive designs.New All-Wooi Mixed Hultings, double width, value 50c., «t

3 8 C o

New JftOquxrdNtlk Mixed Suiting. •double width, value AOc., ht

48c,Fine Covert Cloth, mixed colors, 52 Inohe* wide, value tl.OO, at

7Sc. 5"*etorm Serge, All-wool, indigo dye, 40 Inches wide, value S0&, at

39c, yFiXtra Fine Storm Se%e, pure indigo dye, 60 inohe* wide, value 76c. yard, at

The Popular Store.

F i A r S U l P R l D M !

We endeavor every Friday to make this day more Interesting by giving bargains thst will surprise the shrewdest buyers. To-morrow -will be made memorablo by selling at less than wholesale cost. YOTT who know ITS know that wo make no promises without produolng the proof of fiilflUment,

station we. reacli'eA 1 beard the officer talking to the eotdier, and warned the fanilly. I also aakedtbe other prlaoneri to protect the girl. W hen the slxtlon was reoehed the aoldioT appeared, and taking hold of the girl reqiiexled gruffly that she accompany him. The girl shrank bock, and mother and daughter put Ihrir arms around each other and began to cry. The father pro- teetod, a t did everybody In the oar, I took: It npqn mytelf to say that the officer was a brute and ought to be ashamed of iilBiNelf.

“ The Botdler, Keing that be could do nothing, went off and informed hix super­ior that I bod called him a brute, and In a minute the letter appeared clad ohly In hli trousert and sh irt When I was pointed out, be exclaimed: ‘Ob, it Is tbs Amerlosn I’ All tbs prisoner, wsr* so stirred up and showed so muoh light that h i wuut away without taking the girl. I told him that when 1 obtained my liberty I would let the whole world know of hie bmUlUy, He threateoea to run me through with hli sword, but did nut do I t

“ That night a woman from the Can- COSUfl, tweniy-lhree yean old, wax nuumlt *d by an officer and two soldier*. She was on the platform of tb s oar ahead of me, and I could hegr her screams, tihe scratched the offleeri* face, making him look a lorry eight. She hod been sen­tenced to Ribrrla for twelve years because she was smuieoted of being in love with a Nihilist. When the soldiers left her she fell in a faint and lav that way for hours, the other prlxonuri bring so used to tnch sights that they mads no move. I kept my temper this lime, *i I knew it would be no use to fight against such heavy odds. When the young woman recovered con- Nclousnvss the turned her face to the wall and cried all night,

"W hen we reached Moscow I was obliged to be separated Irom my com­panions. We were taken from the oars, clitlced together and marched through the city to the prison. The jail wo* seven miles from Moscow, and we had to walk all the way there. The pace set wns so fast th st the Women and children had to run, and they were worn ool.

*' Thu I’ronadalsie prison In which we wcroconftiiod is a four-story building «ur- rouiided by walk twenty-five feet bigh. Several of us were uonfinod lu a liirge room, thu fouliieiix of which cannot be iurpna.scd by any prison room lu the world. On ihc Uour and on the wnlnscot- ing were gntbered tlie greatest variety of vennin 1 ever saw. You could not putyour finger on n spot where they were not. Henches were in the room, on which wu wern supposed to sleep, b u t 'th e verniiii were thick there, too. 1 put my rubber coat on the bench, and, sitting in I he Tiirklsli loshlon, kept knocking the bugs off all iiighf. You may be sure I did not get sleep until the followlug day, when the Insects also reded.

" I wax 111 tills Moscow prison six days. The day wc loft n rtfieen-ycar-old boy was nearly knuuled lo death for disobeying an order. In a car of the train In which wo were taken to Moscow were four women, who w eru being sent to prison because they hud told cooked food In the streets of Noi gurod, thereby cunipollng with the restaurant keepprs. The soldiers Insulted them, os they wit»young and defoncelesa.

"W hen we reached Ht. Fetersburg I was chained with f.iur men who were sus-fiecled of being enemies of Ihe C'isr, and aken before some high nillllaiy olTlcer,

He aasured me lhat only good food would he given to mu while 1 was under him. While contemplating my escape 1 thought of three plans. The iirot scheme I formed I followed and It worked to perfection. It involved no crime and was the most sim-

lu, nod no damage was done to thejntl >yond tearing an oak plank apart. The

Boldters who allowed me to escape will


E iq o ls ltB I t o a of S h o r t L o n B h F ln o G a ltc e is ,the lo. grede of good*, oa B|teoi*l table. 1 to 10 jrerdB loag. ,4iSTASr

FOR A LL DAY.fan cy CHEVIOTS-«-lnch Foacy

Cnsvlots la new mixtures, worth 4flc., for........................................

b r il l ia n t SEROES-mUneb Brill­iant Fergea, alt utw fall shades. 2«c. quality, (or...........................

PATTERN SKIRTS-Oatlog Flannel . PalUrn Mklrts, Wc. qaallty, for...

DHEHS 01NGHAM8 - New Dark Iiresa Olughams, worth lOc., for..

ROLI.F.R TOWF.LLINIl - Bleached Twilled Towelling, red border, 10c. quality..................................

GLA8H TOWELLING-lMncb Plaid Ulas* Unen Towelling worth lOo., for.................. ................... .........






SCRtH-W-lneh widt Lace Strip* Nerim.eo. qnallty ,,,,,,...,..........

FANCY SCRIM-SMnoh Fancy Col­ored Ntrip* lUrrlin, worth ISc., for

Mt'SLIN QOWNB—Deantlf ally made, trimmed with embroidery, regu­lar Wc. quality.............................

HAIKPINR-Lorfe Cabinet Italr^plDB......................... .........................

HOSE Sl’PPORTERS-Odrt lot of Chlldreu's Hose Hnpporter*.........

DUCK SUITS-Lodl**’ Duck Suits, Hlaier effect*, large ilesves, neat­ly nude, worth ti.N, for.............

LADIES' WAIBTS-Lawn and Per­cale Walsia, ruffle yoke, full sleet**, worth Mo., ohoto*...........


60c. ei 3c




HOUSEFURNISHINGS.l O s * LARGE w a sh BOILER,■1 »v C* Regular Mo. qnoUty.

-lO o s HEAVY STAMPED BETINNED A X O * D18HPAN. worth tto.

New fall Ityles la Butterick Pattern* now ready. Citalogu* end feebion Iwpen free.

777 and 779 Broad St.

There's a big window full of all the School Room Fixings at special prices, snd there’s a life-like school room scene, including teacher, who for tlie time Iteing will give dully lessons lo class In charge. The public are cordially invited.


Be la Vogtte**Oth«rH*aTj Grad** WillF*ikhlon Ni>te*.

The outlook for fall and winter silks promises us *uch goods in the richest and most superb qualities — dorcet, wstchet, brocade and the heavy cbeneys, os well us striped penn d« sole with ei- quixllcly tinted flowers upon the atrlpes. All I he.« grades are heavy and will bo mode li> such a manner os to display the beauty of the fabric. The cbonoys have eaornuiui flowers ilko full blown roses, convolvuli and bouquets, but all fbexo flowers nru in eilrem ely delicate tints, though very artlstioally de­sign^, and the ground ia never dark, but always in .oiiie subdued and neu-

6 3 S 9 D d 637 B road S t , Cor. H e i S t




W ORDS o r TRUTH! Not political clap-intpl Not windy words of dfcepllonl We don’t try to “Jolly" our custenurs Into paying double price for their Tea* &di<1 I'oflfeAi with the ex* pectatinnof scUltiM tto pots for nothing. *30 YKARS IN THE BUBiNKiiV*WiL'AMB Hupertor CUret Wlue.. ..S9 per cueCliolre Klcnaod Tee*. . . . . . . . . . . . the. per LbChoice KngUth HreiihfMt Teft. . . . per lbChoice OomugTe*-. . . . . . . . . .,**..JI5c. pet lbChnice J*pMirT*n. . . . . . . . . . . . . *..»**• per jbChoice YonogCholc* BfwJtet Inrwl Te«.-.. . . . .._45e. per Ibham« Ten* eold in bucket ehope et 40c* per 1bGood Mnracalbo Coffee. . . . . . . . . . per lbGood Rlo(’offee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t5o* per lbBi*»l L/me Cut Smoking Tobicco.,,, «»e* per lbPure Wines,*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pur** VtnegBTs. . . . . . . . . . Igr.pergeliniro WhUkeyiu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pergiHPure liyesS-s’eer old. . . . . . . . . .»4.DO per galHeat CliocoJRie Creem Dmp*. . . . . 14e. per lbKrtnch Mixed tiandy... . . . . . . . . . . . Oc- l»r lbAlso a lerkce variety of other goods end gmae* which 1 xm obliged to omit for * wwnt of spece.

W illiam Tierney,60 M ARKET S T ., H EW IR K , I L

W l l a f S O l V C O .159 TO l e o m a r k e t s t r e e t .


S 3 .5 01 .25

. 6 0

8 5 .2 5

S u it, -worth •S h o es , w orth Cap, w orth ■



L mm% & CO.,w irE R F ! t h e c l o c k r& 230 MARKET ST.


•ent for after he had arrived In Btberla.aw l ___

travi^llnff qi> th e railroads a year and aWhen I law the woman bIA had been*

half. The anthorlUes had loet her naiuo and wore ablfling her around here and ther«. Neither aha nor her child bad had a obaDKi) of olotbitig or a hath In all the time of Uielr vpnrtderlng. The Ouvern' meni altowod her ten Kopeck«, or ien ceote. every twenty*taur hoar* for meals^ bat she never rocalved the worth of the money* I bought tho child a little milk and the njotber a little meat and obeeaej and they were both very grateful.

**Froni Toulon I waa taken to Moieow. A farotly, ocnalatitig of a father^ mother aud five ohUdreny were In the bar with me* The man had been oondemned to Ib e r ia for life and hi* family were accom* panylng him of their own TolltJon. The eldwt ohild Wia a good-tooklng young

probahlv eacJi receive three months' Im* prltonmonL tbe oflluer In charge will no doubt Lo e bU ran^. 1 am sorry for them, and will write a letter to the Pub­lic Prosecutor to ease their puuliliment if pouaible.’’

A K'rlnee us a PhyilrliMnThe IjOiidun i/fmrcY, "Id all serluusneBS,"

prii|K)se<4 Ibat the InfaiLl *oa uf tlie Duke nf Vurk Ktiould bo iiJiicaled a* a physician surjfeuii. " Wt Itelluve," says the J*<inrrt,

that our readout for the proposal an> soiiDii Our profeiision has ifrown Immunssly ef lalo lu iiubhc inu^triaucs* yet wo suffer sorely from a want uf Htats reoognitlou. We' iiafe but little iiaiul in the guveruiueni of a conn try where wa have kn Immeiis* aTuouDt of work 10 lio ill makluM that enuutry the *anl> tary pattern of nailoun. Tons It seems that thus* things have lung merited aoknowl- edgment, and the fluest ackDnvrledxcnent that Ihny could JTOSsibly rerelve would oe tU* en< rtiUmviiL In our \ntns of a Prince of the blooil. {.et the youDif Prince bea pbyalciauora aur

j geon.”Tlia Lose Odrirnf Uuraoe*

Od. LSt TO 4’ll LOB.

1. A* Ihe kid npuit tin* hills ,Of Its irrmbllugdam In quest,With an idiu fuar pussest,

I,«Mt the woods, ihe wind shonld kill,1 Chhte flies ms* HhunId the trees

IU*u4l to Urealb of spring iieweborni Hbuuld the lltard stir the (hors,

Treinblie iiearl aud tremblu kneesiOk 1 DO tiicreis at thy back,

NoOaetullaQ lion ItHIpe for mates, no more he shy,

Trea^ so more Ihy mother's track, iron. W. K. Uktd»lon$ in th* NPie*

t«*nfA Uitturgs

O N T . Y :Full Yard-wide niesched MusIId, so t equal

tn but Ihe real gruiiini* Fruit of the Loom and LiUDsdale brarulN, 10 yardH to a customer, at

53c. Yd.200 DreM Patterns, of extra fine qnallty In­

digo blue Lress Calicoes, at

49 cts.Fur full bress Pattern of 10 yard*.

slVInch Fancy Colored CretooDes, alt new dehigiiH. at

eic. Yd.

BLACK SfLF finwN ANI> *PAtn.F.TS. trial tint. Gray, very pole blue, mode, flax, lilac, ruauvB and drub ind also one or two of tliu least jirotioonoed of tho light browns are the colors shown In tbe ground work I which lx always In pleas ing contrast to the floral pattern. These silks will have the skirts entirely plain and be gathered or plaited to the waist, and whatever garniture there may be will bo on the waist and sleeve* and will consist of lace end beodwork or full puffs o f chiffon. Tho style of m ak­ing tuexu luvriy allks will be quaint and follow til a 1S.10 Inodes very closely. I naw one of the pattern dresses made with a full plaited skirt—that Is, it was plaited in to the waist Hue and fell free from these in noble folds. Thu waist wa* pointed In front and cut out ponqiudour fashion, and there wax a sloinachcr made of shirred chiffou. edged hy delicate lice, which was gathered clear around the neck, maklim s short bertho. The sleeve* were puffet and ended at Ihe elbow with a fall ortoce.

The brocades ami other heavy iltk* are suitable only lor inutruus, and young girl* snould not attem pt to wear them or moires, but the pretty striped silks are de signed more for the young, and such dainty dre«e* can he made of them that they need not desire the heavier qualities. Block silk, faille, oltcman and bengaiine will be very fashionable this fall for street and visiting gownu as well os for handsome dinner dresses. Some of the newest de­signs sre nearly covrred with a network of jst beads wrought Into beontiful de- •Igiis. ^ n ie others are very plain.

Black silk In any grade mokes * dress suitable lor a young lady when a lighter trimming Is employed or a combination with sonic other color Is added to give It a more yuuth ful appearance.

There Is no limit set for the lire of tbe berthas ancLpelerlnes. Borne of them are snormous, and few ore really gracefhl. Tire rbrnid Bpencer nnd p'renoh woiat are growing in favor, and to these ore often sdded polka rnflles for a basque flnlsh. Basqhcs are seen, too, among the new niodela, of them being sprung, orfluted In th e ' back. Gathered waists ors seen.everywhsre, and*the choicest mo-, terlale are mode in this manner, and they prove becoming for stout. andlthlD alike.

Ainchg the pretty new sccussorles are deep linen collars, some of them out round, some aqutre like puritans and others with deep poinls. These all have a row of feather stitching ind are edged with honUon point or a olose Imitation of U. The cuffe are aometlme* worn at tho elbow and samellmea a t the wrist. They are pretty and dainty, however worn, They call be washed nnd should be poUsbed juBtUke a man’e ibirt. There are many varUllon* on th lt design to lutt everybody^______ ________ ^JHenedsalrrt u«s iKtSiMWit SsMuw 4A*v lA*n ces

M p UsM H> (be maria.

RGray, Jr.Kou Want Hardware,

Wrought hen Pipe,Lead Pipe.

Iron or Brass Fittings, Factory Supplies, Etc.

; ; ; ; 190 MARKET STREET.






LOT 1—Former prior 3flo., m i »r. ftxcli.LOT Frttinrr jirUfl filJr., nt exch,


MADF* OF ALL-\nN)OL R1.A( K CLOTH, NK’ELY TBI.MMEIl, WEUE SELU.N’O FROM is TO ik»l. AT aii.bK AND «3.Ut.t a b l e c o v e r s ^

4>4Ch^uilla 'liable Covers, rich colorsxnd d#w ilffus, h«AV)r fringe, at cftch.

$-4 R^Vfrtlblq I>Kiim!tk Tuihlo Cfivem, beattil- ful culoriufi, at 4Uu* tacli.

BLANKETS-Eitra aixo and fine Qualllr Ffiiiry i^tripfd eluQltGts, s.>ld nil over at $1.4ft, for Mce M pair.

LACE CURTAINS—Samplo ends of fins Lftcc Curt&lns,usuaily miM from %A to Ma pair ima&ufacturC’r's Sfuup1e*i), at aacu.

LADIES* VEaHTK-lAwlieV FMl Wpight Jer- MV Hibbad Vailf, wllb l(>ng iteevri, reg. ortoe 10e., at K9lHe<

m a DOLL BPEClAL-175 S4-lnch Jointafl Bodv Dolla, with movnablc oym, Nhoea nnd •iooktuga, r«g< prl<w S W b(Jc. each.

ba tik BACK VKIiVKT RlRllOK-,T60plq«i Ballu llwk VdlvGt Hlbb<iHN'

No. 5, waa 16c., at Op. a yard*No,’ 7, waa iftn., at Sr. a yanl.No. », waa Me., at lOc. a vard.No. W. wa® 2»o., at 1 '3c. a yard.No- Ifli was 35q.. at 1 'Yc. a yard.

Tte B M Kital Awlitin,2 2 a M ARKET ST., Newark.

B E S T 0 i SetT E E T H ^ WaHanUl

S P E C I A L T I E S .gold cro w n s , f in e gold riLLlMOii,


e t e t h ex tr a c tk d , *#«.WITH GAS OR AIR. Me

JIMES L COE t CO.,IM and lOS lialheR y Sl»




l l i n o s H . V a n H o r n

fL I M I T E E ) .73 Maiket Street, Hear Plane Street, Newark, N. J.


Odds, Ends # RemnantsIIW X H £ B A R G A I I V R O O M I

To close out the balance of spring slock at your own price, consisting of Par- lar Suite, Bedroom Suits, Carpets of all kinds, Bedding, Sideboard*, Chif- fonnleres, Extension Tables, Dining-room Chairs, Hallstands, Fancy Chain and Hockera, Couches and I^junges or all kinds, Mantel aud Pier Glasses and Matting, all last spring's patterns, to close them out at nearly your own prlca

P O R T L A N D R A 3 S T G E S . .If you need a range do not forget the Famous Portland, as it has no equal,

and bM been sold by us for 7 years and warranted or money refunded. Easy terms.

S T O R I N G P U R lS r iT U R E . •We have a few good rooms vacant a t 88 Bank street. Cleanilness and low

rates is our motto In our new building. Furniture moved with vans at reasonable prices.

T E L E P H O N E 580.

AMOS H, VAN HORN73 lirkst Stmt, I8U Ftins Strut, I«vuk, I J.

( L I I I T E D ) .


W V lD -S T R A llS ,6 3 9 - 6 3 7 B R O A D ST R EET,

Cor. New Htroct.

CKINNER^ & T e a r y ,luvxrrAonTRm A.aai,ian ^



Bteoia Engtees, Gearing, Shafting,HahgsFS, Pulley*. Eta. - ‘ '

l^lAirmg 1‘romptlf krtfsArf Pa

5 ind 1 RallToid Plies, Itfirk , 1.1.

COAL! m u

Only House Selling Douglas 5hoes a t Reduced Prices.

236 Market Street*COR. m u l b e r r y street ,

N E W A R K , 1ST. J .W* bar* Doagliit Shoes laRS,

•S.BO, Rt, a a so . ** and w ' Men's t ** sad MTedlesh

• t Boys’ and Rl.lgj Ybuthi’. Priest and*

neats stamped on bot- *0 m of every pair

BANNERS!All sixes, nt lowest prices, made ^ At short uoticr.

Clean coal and fttll weight my spe­cialty, Also wood by thi) cord or barrel. Call and oxamine before buy­ing elsewhere.

A . . 0 S M IT H p®"p? T m elic il 1 SM nine Street

SPECIAL b a rg a in s THIS WEEK.

Ladles* OifoTfl Ties, SSe. ChlUlreil>Powl* tolTId Rnttoa. Al.OO. Lridlss Patsnt “ p Hutton, • l . i ------------------------8bo«7asIoo, B«nl*t*ri*M*n'i8no*s.a4.oo.r*iiuo*dfpoin»».0). B.C.Bart'S. Ladles' BuU^, AS.SO, i ^ r e d from ts.ni, aud othsr bargains.

J t o t ^ BO*. MIsms'M l.SS. Men'* Calf «r Rm

•IC tf. W a tltin g tw n u iA W a r ru S it ,, R tw a r i, 4U

Oltwi e pae*i- wM 10. larvMi eWniMlm, M* Aul Mae M tai m* p#wfl*i*d odvariMiiiif mtmm iMUat ffMM® M muM IM gTMtor.

§ r e v r iiio t s oo w o r t h o r s h o e s a h d r r ih o ih o t h is " A o " w e w il l


The News •' 32.000 CIRCULATIOS