363 Q 2004 Estuarine Research Federation Estuaries Vol. 27, No. 3, p. 363–377 June 2004 Habitat Requirements for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water Quality, Light Regime, and Physical-Chemical Factors W. MICHAEL KEMP 1, *, RICHARD BATIUK 2 ,RICHARD BARTLESON 1 ,PETER BERGSTROM 3 ,VIRGINIA CARTER 4 ,CHARLES L. GALLEGOS 5 ,WILLIAM HUNLEY 6 ,LEE KARRH 7 ,EVAMARIA W. KOCH 1 , JURATE M. LANDWEHR 4 ,KENNETH A. MOORE 8 ,LAURA MURRAY 1 ,MICHAEL NAYLOR 7 ,NANCY B. RYBICKI 4 , J. COURT STEVENSON 1 , and DAVID J. WILCOX 8 1 University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (CES), Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, Maryland 21613 2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, Maryland 21403 3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 4 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 22092 5 Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland 21037 6 Hampton Roads Sanitation District, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23471 7 Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 8 Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 ABSTRACT: We developed an algorithm for calculating habitat suitability for seagrasses and related submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) at coastal sites where monitoring data are available for five water quality variables that govern light availability at the leaf surface. We developed independent estimates of the minimum light required for SAV survival both as a percentage of surface light passing through the water column to the depth of SAV growth (PLW min ) and as a percentage of light reaching leaves through the epiphyte layer (PLL min ). Values were computed by applying, as inputs to this algorithm, statistically derived values for water quality variables that correspond to thresholds for SAV presence in Chesapeake Bay. These estimates of PLW min and PLL min compared well with the values established from a literature review. Calculations account for tidal range, and total light attenuation is partitioned into water column and epiphyte contributions. Water column attenuation is further partitioned into effects of chlorophyll a (chl a), total suspended solids (TSS) and other substances. We used this algorithm to predict potential SAV presence throughout the Bay where calcu- lated light available at plant leaves exceeded PLL min . Predictions closely matched results of aerial photographic moni- toring surveys of SAV distribution. Correspondence between predictions and observations was particularly strong in the mesohaline and polyhaline regions, which contain 75–80% of all potential SAV sites in this estuary. The method also allows for independent assessment of effects of physical and chemical factors other than light in limiting SAV growth and survival. Although this algorithm was developed with data from Chesapeake Bay, its general structure allows it to be calibrated and used as a quantitative tool for applying water quality data to define suitability of specific sites as habitats for SAV survival in diverse coastal environments worldwide. Introduction During the last several decades, the chronic loss of seagrasses and related submerged aquatic veg- etation (SAV) has been a problem occurring with increasing frequency in shallow coastal ecosystems worldwide (Orth and Moore 1983; Walker and Mc- Comb 1992; Short and Wyllie-Echeverria 1996). Losses of SAV beds are of particular concern be- cause these plants create rich habitat and food for animals, supporting growth of diverse waterfowl, * Corresponding author; tele: 410/221-8436; fax: 410/221- 8490; e-mail: [email protected] fish, and invertebrate populations (Lubbers et al. 1990; Heck et al. 1995). Seagrass and SAV com- munities also significantly modulate key biogeo- chemical (Caffrey and Kemp 1990), physical (Ry- bicki et al. 1997; Koch and Gust 1999), and sedi- mentological (Fonseca et al. 1982; Ward et al. 1984) processes. Although many factors such as cli- matic events (Pulich and White 1991), physical dis- turbance (Quammen and Onuf 1993), and herbi- cide toxicity (Kemp et al. 1985) may have contrib- uted to these SAV declines, the most prevalent causes appear related to reductions in light avail- ability associated with increased inputs of nutrients

Habitat requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water quality, light regime, and physical-chemical factors

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363Q 2004 Estuarine Research Federation

Estuaries Vol. 27, No. 3, p. 363–377 June 2004

Habitat Requirements for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in

Chesapeake Bay: Water Quality, Light Regime, and

Physical-Chemical Factors




1 University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (CES), Horn Point Laboratory,Cambridge, Maryland 21613

2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, Maryland21403

3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland 214014 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 220925 Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland 210376 Hampton Roads Sanitation District, Virginia Beach, Virginia 234717 Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland 214018 Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062

ABSTRACT: We developed an algorithm for calculating habitat suitability for seagrasses and related submerged aquaticvegetation (SAV) at coastal sites where monitoring data are available for five water quality variables that govern lightavailability at the leaf surface. We developed independent estimates of the minimum light required for SAV survivalboth as a percentage of surface light passing through the water column to the depth of SAV growth (PLWmin) and as apercentage of light reaching leaves through the epiphyte layer (PLLmin). Values were computed by applying, as inputs tothis algorithm, statistically derived values for water quality variables that correspond to thresholds for SAV presence inChesapeake Bay. These estimates of PLWmin and PLLmin compared well with the values established from a literaturereview. Calculations account for tidal range, and total light attenuation is partitioned into water column and epiphytecontributions. Water column attenuation is further partitioned into effects of chlorophyll a (chl a), total suspended solids(TSS) and other substances. We used this algorithm to predict potential SAV presence throughout the Bay where calcu-lated light available at plant leaves exceeded PLLmin. Predictions closely matched results of aerial photographic moni-toring surveys of SAV distribution. Correspondence between predictions and observations was particularly strong in themesohaline and polyhaline regions, which contain 75–80% of all potential SAV sites in this estuary. The method alsoallows for independent assessment of effects of physical and chemical factors other than light in limiting SAV growthand survival. Although this algorithm was developed with data from Chesapeake Bay, its general structure allows it to becalibrated and used as a quantitative tool for applying water quality data to define suitability of specific sites as habitatsfor SAV survival in diverse coastal environments worldwide.

IntroductionDuring the last several decades, the chronic loss

of seagrasses and related submerged aquatic veg-etation (SAV) has been a problem occurring withincreasing frequency in shallow coastal ecosystemsworldwide (Orth and Moore 1983; Walker and Mc-Comb 1992; Short and Wyllie-Echeverria 1996).Losses of SAV beds are of particular concern be-cause these plants create rich habitat and food foranimals, supporting growth of diverse waterfowl,

* Corresponding author; tele: 410/221-8436; fax: 410/221-8490; e-mail: [email protected]

fish, and invertebrate populations (Lubbers et al.1990; Heck et al. 1995). Seagrass and SAV com-munities also significantly modulate key biogeo-chemical (Caffrey and Kemp 1990), physical (Ry-bicki et al. 1997; Koch and Gust 1999), and sedi-mentological (Fonseca et al. 1982; Ward et al.1984) processes. Although many factors such as cli-matic events (Pulich and White 1991), physical dis-turbance (Quammen and Onuf 1993), and herbi-cide toxicity (Kemp et al. 1985) may have contrib-uted to these SAV declines, the most prevalentcauses appear related to reductions in light avail-ability associated with increased inputs of nutrients

364 W. M. Kemp et al.

and suspended sediments (Kemp et al. 1983; Cam-bridge and McComb 1984; Borum 1985; Mc-Glathery 1995; Tomasko et al. 1996).

Health and survival of these plant communitiesin coastal waters depend on maintaining suitableenvironmental conditions that effectively definethe SAV habitat. Previous studies have attemptedto characterize these conditions quantitatively us-ing simple statistical models that define, for select-ed water quality variables, threshold values beyondwhich SAV are absent (Batiuk et al. 1992; Dennisonet al. 1993; Stevenson et al. 1993). This analysisused observations from sites throughout Chesa-peake Bay to define critical SAV habitat require-ments in terms of five water quality variables: dis-solved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, mM) and phos-phorus (DIP, mM), water column light attenuationcoefficient (Kd, m21), planktonic chlorophyll a (chla, mg l21), and total suspended solids (TSS, mg l21).Although these water quality variables relate tomany aspects of SAV physiology and ecology, theirinfluence on the plant’s light climate was recog-nized to be of primary importance (Dennison etal. 1993). Although in recent years these SAV hab-itat requirements have been widely employed as adiagnostic tool to assess suitability of sites for plantgrowth or restoration, their use has met withmixed success in Chesapeake Bay (Moore et al.1996; Landwehr et al. 1999) and many other coast-al environments (Dunton 1996; Koch and Beer1996; Tomasko et al. 1996; Valdes-Murtha 1997;Glazer 1999).

Alternative approaches have also been used forestimating habitat suitability for growth and surviv-al of seagrasses and other SAV. For example, sim-ulation models have been developed to computeplant growth based on ambient water quality con-ditions in many coastal habitats (Madden andKemp 1996; Fong et al. 1997; Buzzelli et al. 1998;Cerco and Moore 2001; Burd and Dunton 2001).In most cases, these complex models are designedfor estimating general trends in seagrass growthunder scenarios of changing environmental con-ditions, rather than for directly assessing SAV hab-itat suitability at specific sites based on water qual-ity measurements. Simple empirical correlations(Nielsen et al. 2002) have been used to predictdepth of maximum SAV biomass or colonizationfrom routine water clarity measurements (Rørslett1987; Zimmerman et al. 1991; de Jonge and deJong 1992). Although the widespread availability ofwater clarity data (e.g., Secchi disk depth) makesthis a potentially useful approach, it does not ac-count for light attenuation by epiphytes on SAVleaves, often a dominant factor in regulating plantgrowth (Twilley et al. 1985; Sand-Jensen 1990).One approach to account for epiphytic shading is

to monitor it directly in the field and to computethe combined effects of water clarity and epiphyteson total attenuation of light for SAV (Vermaat andde Bruyne 1993). This approach is limited by thefact that data on epiphyte shading are seldom col-lected as part of routine water quality monitoringprograms (Stankelis et al. 2003).

The purpose of this paper is to use routine waterquality data to compute potential availability oflight for supporting SAV growth. This method in-tegrates a combination of statistical relationshipsand numerical calculations to develop an algo-rithm for partitioning total attenuation of light (toSAV leaves) into water column and epiphyte con-tributions. The approach further partitions watercolumn light attenuation into contributions fromphytoplankton biomass, inorganic suspended sol-ids, and other substances. Application of this ap-proach required that we establish target values ofminimum light requirements for SAV survival,which we derived through a literature review andby applying this algorithm to calculate availablelight under the empirically-derived minimum wa-ter quality conditions corresponding to SAV pres-ence (Dennison et al. 1993). We address severalquestions including the following. How do the rel-ative contributions to total light attenuation fromepiphytes and water column vary with water depthand estuarine region? How well do predictions ofSAV habitat suitability compare with actual SAV dis-tributions throughout the estuary? Is this approachgenerally applicable to coastal systems beyondChesapeake Bay?

Quantitative Approaches for DefiningSAV Light Habitat


The principal relationships between water qual-ity conditions and the light regime required forgrowth of submerged plants are illustrated in aconceptual diagram (Fig. 1). Incident light, whichis partially reflected at the water surface, is atten-uated through the water column overlying sub-merged plants by particulate material (phytoplank-ton chl a and TSS), by colored dissolved organicsubstances, and by water itself. Light is also atten-uated by epiphytic material (algae, bacteria, inver-tebrates, detritus, and sediments) accumulating onSAV leaves. This epiphytic light attenuation can becharacterized by the exponential coefficient, Ke,which increases linearly with mass of epiphytic ma-terial (Twilley et al. 1985). The slope of this rela-tionship depends on the composition (e.g., chl a-dry weight) of the epiphytic material (Losee andWetzel 1983; Staver 1984). Dissolved inorganic nu-trients (DIN and DIP) in the water column stim-

Water Quality, Light, and Submerged Plants 365

Fig. 1. Conceptual representation illustrating how availabil-ity of light to support photosynthesis of seagrasses and otherSAV is influenced by dissolved and particulate material in thewater column and by epiphytic material accumulating on plantleaves. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus (DIN andDIP, respectively) stimulate growth of planktonic and epiphyticalgae, which can be controlled by herbivorous grazers (modifiedfrom Batiuk et al. 1992; Dennison et al. 1993).

ulate growth of both phytoplanktonic and epiphyt-ic algae, and suspended solids can settle onto SAVleaves to become part of the epiphytic matrix (Ver-maat and de Bruyne 1993; Guarraci 1999). Thepercent surface light reaching SAV leaves dependson water depth and on key water quality variables(DIN, DIP, chl a, TSS, Kd) defining SAV habitatrequirements (Batiuk et al. 1992; Dennison et al.1993). Because epiphytic algae also require light togrow, water depth and Kd constrain algal accumu-lation on SAV leaves, and light attenuation by epi-phytic material (Ke) depends on the mass of bothalgae and TSS settling on leaves.

An extensive monitoring program in Chesa-peake Bay has provided the data needed to relatedistributions of water quality and SAV (ChesapeakeBay Program unpublished data). Water quality con-ditions have been measured at 2–4 wk intervalssince 1985 at ;50 stations in the mainstem of

Chesapeake Bay and at another 90 stations in Baytributaries. Aerial photographs (Moore et al. 2000;Wilcox et al. 2000), taken and analyzed annuallysince 1989 to monitor the spatial distribution andrelative abundance of SAV throughout the estuary,are also used in our analysis.


Our approach to defining SAV habitat require-ments explicitly considers water column depth. Forany site, the minimum water quality conditionsneeded for SAV survival will tend to vary with watercolumn depth. Chesapeake Bay is characterized bybroad shoals flanking a narrow channel such thatlarge increases in benthic habitat suitable for SAVgrowth will result from relatively small changes inlight penetration into the water column (Kemp etal. 1999). As a consequence of the estuary’s bottommorphology, the doubling of SAV depth penetra-tion from 1–2 m results in a 50% increase in po-tential bottom area of SAV coverage in ChesapeakeBay, from 165,380–250,400 ha (Table 1). As of the1998 aerial survey, however, actual SAV coveragerepresented only 16% and 10% of the 1 m and 2m restoration targets, respectively.

In this paper we have used mean tidal level(MTL) as the reference point from which meanwater column depth is measured. MTL is the meandepth over all tidal cycles during the year. Al-though SAV restoration depths were previously(Batiuk et al. 1992) referenced to mean low water(MLW), these have been adjusted to MTL by add-ing half the diurnal tidal range to restorationdepth chosen. Tidal amplitudes in Chesapeake Bayvary from approximately 120 cm in the upper YorkRiver to 39 cm just south of the RappahannockRiver. Tidal ranges on the Bay’s eastern shoals tendto be higher by 10–15 cm than those on the west-ern side, and ranges are generally 40–50 cm higherin tidal fresh regions of tributaries than at theirmouths (Hicks 1964). SAV are generally excludedfrom intertidal areas because of physical stress(waves, desiccation, freezing), and the shallowdepth-limit for SAV distribution therefore tends tobe deeper in areas with higher tidal range (Kochand Beer 1996). The deeper depth limit is gener-ally reduced at sites with larger tidal range becauseof increased light attenuation through the longeraverage water column (Koch 2001), resulting in aninverse relationship between tidal range and therange of SAV depth distribution (Fig. 2).


We define two parameters that measure differ-ent components in transmission of incident lightto SAV (Fig. 3). The first of these parameters is ameasure of the light transmitted through the water

366 W. M. Kemp et al.

TABLE 1. Restoration target areas for coverage of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in major salinity regions of Chesapeake Bay,and comparisons to 1998 aerial surveys of SAV distribution.

Potential SAV Coverage

Region Areaa

Restoration Targets (hectares)

Tier Ib Tier IIc Tier IIId

Tidal Fresh andOligohaline Region

Mesohaline Region

Polyhaline Region

Total Bay

Area (hectares)% 1998 surveyArea (hectares)% 1998 surveyArea (hectares)% 1998 surveyArea (hectares)% 1998 survey













a Indicates areas are derived from Geographic Information System analysis of bathymetric maps of the Bay, and these are comparedto actual SAV coverage calculated from aerial surveys in 1998.

b Indicates restoration of SAV to areas currently or previously inhabited by SAV as mapped through regional and baywide aerialsurveys, 1971–1998.

c Indicates restoration of SAV to all shallow water areas delineated as existing or potential SAV habitat down to the 1 m depthcontour, excluding areas identified as unlikely to support SAV based on historical observations, recent surveys and physical exposureregimes.

d Indicates restoration of SAV to all shallow water areas delineated as existing or potential SAV habitat down to the 2 m depthcontour, excluding areas identified under the Tier II target as unlikely to support SAV and several additional areas between 1 and 2m depths.

Fig. 2. Illustration of how tidal range influences verticaldepth distribution of SAV. The vertical range for plant distri-bution can be reduced with increased tidal range. The mini-mum depth of SAV distribution is limited by the low tide (T),while the maximum depth of SAV distribution is limited by light(L). The SAV fringe (arrow) decreases as tidal range increases.A small tidal range results in a large SAV depth distribution,whereas a large tidal range results in a small SAV depth distri-bution. Mean high water (MHW), mean tide level (MTL) andmean low water (MLW) are also illustrated.

column to the depth of SAV growth, referred to asPercent Light through the Water (PLW). The sec-ond light parameter, which considers the addition-al light attenuation by epiphytic materials, is re-ferred to as Percent Light at the Leaf (PLL). PLWis calculated as an exponential relationship todepth of SAV growth (Z) and attenuation coeffi-cient (Kd) in accordance with the standard Lam-bert-Beer relationship,

PLW 5 100 exp [(2Kd)(Z)]. (1)

PLL is calculated from PLW plus variables estimat-ing epiphyte biomass (Be) and biomass-specific epi-phytic light attenuation coefficient (Ke), both ofwhich are derived from numerical and empiricalrelationships (Kemp et al. 2000),

PLL 5 (PLW) exp [(2Ke)(Be)]. (2)

Previous studies have made quantitative distinc-tions between water column and epiphytic contri-butions to total light attenuation (Twilley et al.1985; Vermaat and de Bruyne 1993).


In general, for all SAV species there is a strongpositive relationship between water clarity and themaximum water column depth to which plantsgrow (Chambers and Kalff 1985; Duarte 1991; Abaland Dennison 1996; Olesen 1996). Numerous sta-tistical models have been reported describing re-lationships between maximum SAV colonizationdepth (Zc) and water transparency measured by Kd

or Secchi depth (Canfield et al. 1985; Vant et al.1986; Duarte and Kalff 1987; Carter et al. 2000).Virtually all of these models are similar in shapeand trajectory, and two representative examplesare given (Fig. 4) for freshwater plants (Chambersand Kalff 1985) and seagrasses (Duarte 1991). Al-though it appears that freshwater plants survivebetter than seagrasses in relatively turbid waters(Kd

21 , 2.5 m) whereas seagrasses grow deeper inclear waters (Kd

21 . 3 m), these differences aresmall and perhaps unimportant. Percent of surfacelight reaching bottom at the maximum SAV colo-nization depth (PLWc) can be calculated fromPLWc 5 100 exp [(2Kd)(Zc)]), where regressionequations such as those in Fig. 4, are used to com-pute Zc in relation to Kd. Values for PLWc tend torange from 10–30% for both marine and lacustrinehabitats. This calculation represents a quantitativeindex of the minimum light required for SAV sur-vival. Results from in situ experiments involvingseagrass shading suggest a similar range of mini-

Water Quality, Light, and Submerged Plants 367

Fig. 3. Conceptual representation of how percent surface light through the water (PLW) and percent surface light at the leaf(PLL) are calculated and how these parameters are used to evaluate a site as a potential habitat for SAV.

mum light values (10–35% surface irradiance) atwhich plants can survive (Congdon and McComb1979; Gordon et al. 1994; Czerny and Dunton1995; Lee and Dunton 1997).

Neither of these approaches for estimating SAVlight requirements accounts for shading by epi-phytes, which grow at all depths on SAV leaves in-cluding experimentally shaded plants. Studies invarious estuarine habitats indicate that light atten-uation by epiphytic material contributes an addi-tional 15–50% shading on SAV (Bulthuis andWoelkerling 1983; Sand-Jensen and Borum 1983;van Dijk 1993; Vermaat and Hootsmans 1994). Arecent detailed study of Thalassia testudinum bedsin Florida coastal waters (Dixon 2000) showedthat, while light levels at the maximum depth ofseagrass colonization averaged about 22% of sur-face irradiance, epiphytic attenuation reduced thisto approximately 15% of surface light actuallyavailable to the plants. This represents an averageof ;30% additional shading by epiphytes.

Whereas seagrasses tend to be meadow-formingspecies with blade-shaped leaves that grow up fromtheir base (basal meristem), most freshwater plantsare canopy-formers that have leaves growing outfrom the tips of stems (apical meristem). Underlow-light conditions, the canopy-forming speciesoften exhibit rapid vertical growth by stem-elon-gation, and they retain only their uppermost leavesnear the water surface (Goldsborough and Kemp

1988; Maberly 1993). Canopy-formation and stem-elongation are two shade-adaptation mechanisms(Vermaat et al. 1996; Middelboe and Markager1997) that allow these species to survive consider-ably better than meadow-forming seagrasses in tur-bid shallow environments (Fig. 4). Because SAVspecies inhabiting shallow, turbid tidal fresh andoligohaline regions of estuaries such as Chesa-peake Bay tend to be canopy-formers, we mightanticipate that the apparent minimum light re-quirements for SAV survival would be relativelylower in these areas than in higher salinity areasdominated by meadow-forming seagrass.

For the present analysis, we estimated the mini-mum light for SAV survival required at canopyheight (PLWmin) and at leaf surface (PLLmin) by in-serting into Eqs. 1 and 2, respectively, appropriatevalues for Kd, DIN, DIP, and TSS (Table 2) previ-ously shown to be maximum thresholds beyondwhich SAV did not occur in Chesapeake Bay (Den-nison et al. 1993). This resulted in values forPLWmin of 22% for mesohaline and polyhaline re-gions (Kd 5 1.5 m21) and 13% for the tidal freshand oligohaline segments of the Bay (Kd 5 2 m21).Using our algorithm for calculating epiphyte shad-ing (Fig. 5, Eqs. 2, 8, and 9), we estimated valuesfor PLLmin to be 15% and 9% surface light for themesohaline-polyhaline and tidal fresh-oligohalineregions, respectively (Table 2). Consistent with ear-lier discussion, this calculation suggests that epi-

368 W. M. Kemp et al.

Fig. 4. Empirical relationship (after Chambers and Kalff1985; Duarte 1991) between the maximum depth of seagrassand submerged freshwater plant colonization and water columntransparency (upper panel), and empirical relationship (afterMiddleboe and Markager 1997) between photosynthetically ac-tive radiation (PAR) at the maximum colonization depth andthe diffuse down-welling light attenuation coefficient (Kd) formeadow-forming and canopy-forming plants (lower panel).

phytes contribute an average of 30% additionalshading [100 (PLWmin 2 PLLmin)/PLWmin] to watercolumn attenuation. These values for PLLmin areremarkably similar to those suggested from our re-view of the literature (see above).

Partitioning Light Attenuation from WaterSurface to SAV Leaf


Attenuation of light within the water column isattributable to light absorption and scattering bydissolved and suspended substances in water andby water itself (Kirk 1994). As a first approxima-tion, the diffuse attenuation of light measured byKd can be partitioned into contributions from wa-

ter and dissolved organic matter (K(W1DOC)), fromphytoplankton chl a (Kchl), and from total sus-pended solids (KTSS). Although wavelength-speci-ficity of absorption by any substance and interac-tions with absorption by other substances wouldtheoretically preclude linear partitioning of diffuselight attenuation (Gallegos 1994; Kirk 1994), wehave assumed these non-linearities to be unimpor-tant for most management applications (Gallegos2001). The basic relationships can be described bythe following simple equations:

Kd 5 2ln(PLW/100)/Z (3)

Kd 5 K(W1DOC) 1 Kchl 1 KTSS. (4)

We derive Eq. 3 by rearranging Eq. 1; Eq. 4 de-scribes a linear partitioning of diffuse attenuation.The values for Kchl and KTSS can be approximatedas linear functions of chl a and TSS concentra-tions, respectively. For this analysis, values of thethree partial attenuation coefficients were derivedfor Chesapeake Bay from the large monitoring da-tabase that includes simultaneous observations onKd, chl a, and TSS (Gallegos 2001), as follows:

Kd 5 0.32 1 0.016[chl a] 1 0.094[TSS]. (5)

By combining Eq. 3 and 5, we obtain:

2ln(PLW/100) 5 Z(0.32 1 0.016[chl a]

1 0.094[TSS]), (6)

where Z is the target depth penetration selectedfor SAV restoration.

This equation can be rearranged to calculate lin-ear combinations of chl a and TSS concentrationsthat just meet the water column light requirementtarget (PLWmin) for a particular depth (Fig. 6) atany site or season as follows

[TSS] 5 2(0.32 1 0.016[chl a]

1 ln(PLW/100)/Z)/0.094. (7)

It can be used to consider management options formeeting SAV habitat requirements.

The range of management strategies can be il-lustrated with four alternatives for meeting thePLWmin requirement by reducing TSS or chl a orboth (Fig. 6). The first option involves reducingboth chl a and TSS along a projection from theexisting median water quality conditions towardthe origin, until the respective PLWmin value is met.In the second option, chl a and TSS reductions arebalanced by moving along a trajectory perpendic-ular to the PLWmin target. The third option is toreduce TSS only, moving existing median valuesdown a vertical projection to PLWmin. The final op-tion, which focuses on reductions in chl a only(plus algal contribution to TSS), moves the median

Water Quality, Light, and Submerged Plants 369

TABLE 2. Statistically-derived water quality thresholds beyond which submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are not present, andcalculated minimum light requirements for SAV survival.a

SalinityRegimeb Growing Seasonc

LightRequired at

SAV Leaf(%), PLLmin


Water (%),PLWmin

Water ColumnLight

Attenuation(Kd, m21)


Solids(mg l21)

PlanktonChlorophylla (mg l21)

DissolvedInorganicNitrogen(mg l21)


Phosphorus(mg l21)

Tidal Freshwater April–October .9 .13 ,2 ,15 ,15 — ,0.02OligohalineMesohalinePolyhaline











a Indicates that these are statistically-derived water quality threshold values, beyond which SAV were found to be absent, based onintensive field studies at selected sites in Chesapeake Bay (Batiuk et al. 1992; Dennison et al. 1993). Minimum light requirement forSAV survival given as a percent of surface light through the water column (PLWmin) and percent of surface light at leaves (PLLmin)based on Eqs. 1 and 2 (see text).

b Regions of the estuary defined by salinity regime, where tidal freshwater means , 0.5 psu, oligohaline means 0.5–5 psu, mesohalinemeans 5–18 psu, and polyhaline means .18 psu.

c Medians calculated over this growing season should be used to check the attainment of any of these habitat requirements, andraw data collected over this period should be used for statistical tests of attainment. For polyhaline areas, the data are combined forthe two periods shown.

Fig. 5. Calculated responses of epiphytic algal biomass (Be,mg C/mg C SAV) to changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN, mM) concentration under various light (PAR, mE m22 s21)conditions in estuarine waters. Each curve is described by theequation, and each represents computed response under dif-ferent light regimes, characterized by the dimensionless opticaldepth (OD 5 KdZ). These curves, which are described by (Be

5 (B Be)m [1 1 208 (DIN2KN(OD)]21 (where (Be)m 5 2.22[0.251(OD1.23)] and KN(OD) 5 2.32(1 2 0.031OD1.42)21), were gener-ated from numerical model calculations (modified from Bartle-son 1988) assuming constant biomass of host SAV plant overthe growth season (May–August). The model was calibrated todata (open circles) from mesocosm studies (Murray unpub-lished data) for experimental light conditions (shaded area).Equations were fit to model calculations using a statistical curve-fitting routine (Kemp et al. 2000). Similar functions are pre-dicted for Be versus dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) con-centrations, with DIP 5 DIN/16.

Fig. 6. Illustration of the use of a diagnostic tool to calculatetarget concentrations for TSS and chl a (growing season means)for restoration of SAV to a given depth (Gallegos 2001). Targetconcentrations are calculated as the intersection of the mini-mum water column light levels required for SAV habitat(PLWmin), with a line describing the reduction of median chl aand TSS concentrations calculated by one of four strategies (a–d). See text for explanation.

values along a path parallel to the line describingthe minimum contribution of chl a to TSS. Thepotentially serious theoretical and practical limita-tions to this linear model (Eqs. 4, 5, and 6) can be

partially overcome with calibration to the particu-lar study site (Gallegos 2001).


Central to this revised approach for computingpotential light available at SAV leaves is a relation-ship developed to compute biomass of epiphytic

370 W. M. Kemp et al.

Fig. 7. Relationships between values for percent of surfacelight at SAV leaves (PLL) and percent of light in water just aboveepiphytes on SAV leaves (PLW) calculated from water qualitymonitoring data for Z 5 1 m in Virginia portion of ChesapeakeBay in 1985–1996 in three salinity regimes. Lines indicate po-sition of points where epiphyte attenuation reduces ambientlight levels at the leaf surface by 0, 25, 50, and 75%.

materials and to estimate associated light attenua-tion (Kemp et al. 2000). Although the relative con-tribution of epiphytic material to total light atten-uation for SAV can be measured directly (Twilleyet al. 1985), widespread monitoring of epiphyte at-tenuation (Stankelis et al. 2003) would be prohib-itively expensive for large estuaries such as Chesa-peake Bay. We developed a quantitative functionto estimate potential epiphyte contribution to totallight attenuation for SAV at a particular depthfrom monitored water quality data for Kd (m21),TSS (mg l21), DIN (mM), and DIP (mM). PLL iscalculated from Eq. 2 (Fig. 3). Calibrated numer-

ical calculations (Bartleson 1988) were used togenerate a family of curves relating epiphytic algalbiomass (Be) as a function of DIN (or DIP) con-centration for different light conditions (Fig. 5).With decreasing water clarity [as measured by op-tical depth, OD 5 (Z) (Kd)], maximum sustainableepiphyte biomass decreases. This hyperbolic-shaped relation between Be and DIN was calibratedwith data from mesocosm experiments, where thecalculated curves (shaded area) correspond well toobserved values (open circles). As suggested fromnutrient enrichment experiments (Neundorferand Kemp 1993), the algorithm uses DIN if theDIN/DIP ratio is ,16 for growing season medianconcentrations; otherwise, it uses DIP.

Values for Ke (cm2 (mg chl a)21) are calculatedin two steps (Kemp et al. 2000). Total mass (Bde, gdw (g SAV)21) of epiphytic material is computedfrom a relationship with epiphytic algal biomass(Be, mg chl a (g SAV)21) and TSS (mg l21),

Bde 5 0.107TSS 1 0.832Be (8)

Ke is then estimated from a relationship to the ratioBe/Bde (mg chl a (mg dw)21)

Ke 5 0.07 1 0.32(Be/Bde)20.88 (9)

These empirical relations were derived from field(Neckles 1990; Stankelis et al. 2001; Carter and Ry-bicki unpublished data) and experimental (Staver1984) observations. Units for Be are converted be-tween mg C (mg C SAV)21 generated from Fig. 5and mg chl a (cm2 SAV)21 needed for Eqs. 8 and9, assuming C:chl a 5 100 for epiphytic material(Staver 1984), and 0.5 mg C (mg dw SAV)21 and0.3 cm2 leaf (mg dw SAV)21 for plants (Goldsbor-ough and Kemp 1988; Duarte 1991). Much of thedata used here are from studies on three plant spe-cies (Potamogeton perfoliatus, Ruppia maritima, andZostera marina) historically abundant in Chesa-peake Bay (Kemp et al. 1983).

The algorithm developed here was applied toanalyze submerged plant habitat suitability for 50sites in Chesapeake Bay using water quality datacollected over 14 yr (1985–1998) of monitoring(Batiuk et al. 2000). For each site at 1 m depth,values were calculated both for percent surfacelight available both at the SAV canopy (PLW) andlight potentially available at SAV leaf surfaces(PLL). Despite considerable variation among sitesthroughout the Bay, a plot of PLL versus PLW re-vealed clear patterns (Fig. 7). Calculations suggestthat light attenuation by epiphytic material is im-portant throughout the Bay, contributing 20–60%additional attenuation (beyond PLW) in tidalfreshwater and oligohaline regions, where nutrientand TSS concentrations were highest, and 10–50%in the less turbid mesohaline and polyhaline re-

Water Quality, Light, and Submerged Plants 371

Fig. 8. Percent of surface light at SAV leaves (PLL) calculat-ed using growing season median water quality data collected inChesapeake Bay monitoring program at stations throughout theestuary compared to relative abundance of SAV in adjacent shal-lows in 1985–1996. PLL is calculated for water column depthsof both 1 m (light bars) and 0.5 m (dark bars). Categories ofSAV abundance (AN, always none; UN, usually none; SN, some-times none; AS, always some; AA, always abundant) are definedin text.

gions. This range of calculated epiphyte shading isconsistent with literature reports (Kemp et al.2000) and with the values established for SAV lightrequirements, where the PLLmin requirement rep-resents 30% additional light reduction from thePLWmin requirement (Table 2).

Expanded Analyses of Relations between SAVand Water Quality


For most coastal and estuarine ecosystems wherewater quality conditions are monitored, samplesare routinely collected from mid-channel stations.Such monitoring data may not be representative ofconditions at adjacent shallow nearshore sites with-in SAV habitats. In shallow areas, benthic photo-synthesis and sediment resuspension can cause wa-ter quality to differ significantly from conditions innearby deeper areas (Ward et al. 1984; Moore1996). Comparative studies at sites throughoutChesapeake Bay revealed that parallel measure-ments at adjacent nearshore and mid-channel sta-tions were statistically indistinguishable 90% of thetime, when station pairs were separated by ,2 km(Karrh 2000). In several cases, paired observationsof key water quality variables at nearshore andchannel sites compared poorly at various temporaland spatial scales (Stevenson et al. 1993). Eventhough water quality sampled at mid-channel Baystations generally provided reasonable estimates ofconditions at potential SAV habitats in nearbyshoals, more information is needed to fully under-stand the consequences of using these data as in-dices of shallow-water conditions.


We tested the robustness of computations withthis algorithm by relating calculated values for PLLat 0.5 and 1 m water depths to SAV presence overthe 14-yr record from 1978–1997 in areas near wa-ter quality monitoring stations. Patterns of calcu-lated PLL versus observed SAV presence were thencompared with the respective PLLmin values (Table2). Using data from aerial surveys, five quantitativecategories of SAV presence were defined (Bergs-trom 2000). Listed in order of decreasing proba-bility of plant presence, they are: always abundant,AA (minimum SAV cover . 200 ha); always some,AS (minimum SAV cover . 0 ha); sometimesnone, SN (minimum cover 5 0 ha, but median .0 ha); usually none, UN (median cover 5 0 ha, butmaximum . 0 ha); and always none, AN (maxi-mum 5 0 ha).

We assumed that SAV should be able to grow ina Bay segment if the calculated median PLL at a

prescribed depth (MTL) for the SAV growing sea-son was near or above the minimum light require-ment (PLLmin). For the mesohaline and polyhalineregions of the Bay, we found (Fig. 8) that the me-dian PLL value (at 1 m depth) calculated for sitescategorized as SN (14% and 13%, respectively)compared well with our estimated PLLmin (15%).The situation appears to be more complex for thecombined tidal fresh and oligohaline regions ofthe Bay. SAV growing in these fresh and brackishreaches of the upper Bay and its tributaries arepredominantly canopy-forming species (Moore etal. 2000). Although these waters tend to be veryturbid (Schubel and Biggs 1969), there are exten-sive shallow (0.5 m) subtidal flats available as po-tential SAV habitat (Batiuk et al. 1992; Kemp et al.2000). We inferred that, for these estuarine re-gions, use of a shallower application depth (0.5 mMTL) would be more appropriate for comparingPLL to SAV presence. In this case, median valuesfor PLL in tidal fresh-oligohaline regions ranged

372 W. M. Kemp et al.

Fig. 9. Maps of Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries showing predicted areas where there is sufficient light to support sustainedSAV growth at 1 m depth based on algorithm described in this paper (PLL . PLLmin) using 1997–1999 water quality data, andcomposite figure of actual SAV distributions observed in aerial photographic monitoring program in 1997–1999.

from 5% to 8% to 12% at sites categorized as SN,AS, and AA, respectively (Fig. 8). These values areclose to the PLLmin of 9% computed for tidal freshand oligohaline regions. Although agreement be-tween PLLmin values and predictions of SAV pres-ence were weakest in tidal fresh and oligohalinereaches of the Bay, these areas represent only 20–25% of the whole estuary’s potential SAV habitatarea (Table 1).

We also defined the spatial distribution of shoalareas where PLL values calculated from water qual-ity variables exceeded PLLmin for respective salinityregions (Fig. 9). PLL values were estimated as me-dians over three growing seasons (1997–1999). Forsimplicity, PLL was computed for a depth of 1 mthroughout the Bay. These maps predict potentialSAV distribution where computed PLL exceedsPLLmin (Fig. 9). We also provide a composite mapof actual plant distribution based on 1997–1999 ae-rial surveys. Both maps also include designated ex-clusion zones, where strong wave action andcoarse-grain sediments appear to preclude growthof SAV (Batiuk et al. 1992; Koch 2001).

With a few notable exceptions, there was very

good agreement between observed SAV distribu-tion and potential habitat based on PLL calcula-tions. PLL calculations predicted the observedwidespread distribution of SAV all along the Bay’ssoutheastern shore, around the islands west ofTangier Sound, and at the mouths of the easterntributaries from the Honga to Chester Rivers (Fig.9). Calculated PLL exceeds PLLmin at sites that gen-erally coincided with observed SAV presence inlarge areas near the York River mouth, along theBay’s western shore between the York, Rappahan-nock, and Potomac Rivers, and in isolated westernshore tributaries between the Severn, Patapsco,and Susquehanna Rivers. Aerial surveys confirmedPLL-predicted SAV absence from upper tidalreaches of large and small tributaries throughoutthe eastern shore and on the western shore belowPotomac River, as well as the Patapsco River andsmall upper western shore tributaries (Fig. 9).

In contrast, PLL predictions of SAV distributionwere consistently incorrect for the upper Potomac,Patuxent, and Sassafras Rivers and for other smalltributaries on the upper eastern shore (Fig. 9).The oligohaline and tidal freshwater regions of

Water Quality, Light, and Submerged Plants 373

Fig. 10. Conceptual representation illustrating how avail-ability of light to support photosynthesis of seagrasses and otherSAV (as influenced by dissolved and particulate material in thewater column and by epiphytic material accumulating on plantleaves) interacts with other physical, geological, and chemicalfactors. These physical-chemical factors include waves, tides,currents, sediment organic matter and biogeochemical process-es. See Fig. 1 for further explanation.

these and other tributaries contain extensive shal-lows that are potential habitat for canopy-formingSAV species. It might be appropriate to compareobserved SAV distributions with PLL calculationsfor 0.5 m rather than 1 m depth. Although PLLpredictions for SAV presence at the mouths of thePatuxent and Potomac did not correspond withobservations in 1997–1999, more recent observa-tions (see http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/sav01/quadindex.html) reveal extensive beds now inthese areas, suggesting delayed re-vegetation afterwater quality improvements.

Physical, Chemical, and Geological FactorsInfluencing SAV

The focus of this paper involves defining SAVhabitat requirements in terms of light availabilityto support plant photosynthesis, growth, and sur-vival, even though physical, geological, and chem-

ical factors may preclude SAV from particular siteseven when light requirements are met (Koch2001). Some of these effects operate directly onSAV, and others involve inhibition of SAV-light in-teractions. Tides and waves alter the light climateby changing water column height over which lightis attenuated and by increasing TSS and associatedlight attenuation by resuspending bottom sedi-ments. Particle sinking rate, coastal erosion, andother sedimentological processes alter texture,grain-size distribution, and organic content of bot-tom sediments. Increased deposition of find-grainorganic particles can affect SAV growth either byincreasing porewater nutrients (Barko and Smart1986) and by producing phytotoxic reduced sulfurcompounds (Carlson et al. 1994; Goodman et al.1995).

An extensive review of the literature revealedthat certain SAV species and functional groups ap-pear to have a limited range in their ability to tol-erate selected physical, sedimentological andchemical variables (Table 3 adapted from Koch2001). Freshwater plants, particularly canopy-form-ing species, tend to be relatively tolerant of quies-cent habitats with little water movement, whereasmeadow-forming seagrasses require substantiallyhigher minimum velocities (0.04–5 cm s21 versus3–16 cm s21). Seagrasses seem to tolerate rapid wa-ter movement better (maximum velocities of 50–180 cm s21) than do freshwater plants (7–50 cms21), indicating a tendency for meadow-formingspecies to have less drag and to be better anchoredto the sediments. This is consistent with the obser-vation that the more fragile canopy-forming spe-cies tend to be less tolerant of wave energy (Table3). Although sediment grain-size distribution ap-pears to have little effect on freshwater plants, sea-grasses are generally more abundant in sedimentsin which silts and clays constitute less than 20–30%(by weight). For both marine and freshwater SAV,sediments with .5% organic content or 2 mM ofporewater sulfide are usually devoid of submergedplants (Table 3). SAV are sensitive to many contam-inants such as herbicides, with significant stress ev-ident for some compounds at low concentrations(e.g., ,10 ppb), which are periodically encoun-tered in estuaries (Kemp et al. 1985).

Concluding CommentsOur algorithm for assessing SAV habitat condi-

tions represents a scientifically-based approachwith broad management applicability. This algo-rithm complements use of water quality models(Madden and Kemp 1996; Cerco and Moore 2001)for managing SAV resources. Simulation modelscan be used to predict how SAV habitat conditionsrespond to scenarios for changing nutrient and

374 W. M. Kemp et al.

TABLE 3. Summary of physical, geological, and chemical factors possibly defining habitat constraints for submerged aquatic vege-tation (SAV) (modified from Koch 2001).

Factor Description Constraint Submerged Plants

Water Movementa Minimum velocities (cm s21)

Maximum velocities (cm s21)


Freshwater plantsSeagrassesFreshwater plantsSeagrasses

Wave Toleranceb Height , 0.5 m Limited growth Canopy-formers (e.g., M. spicatum, R. mar-itima reproductive)

Height , 2 m Tolerant growth Meadow formers (e.g., Z. marina)Sedimentsc Grain size (% silts and clays) 2–62

0.4–72Freshwater plantsSeagrasses

Organic matter (%) 0.4–16 Mixed speciesPorewater Sulfided (mM) ,1



Healthy plantsReduced growthDeath

a Conover 1964; Westlake 1967; Sculthorpe 1967; Scoffin 1970; Phillips 1974; Fonseca et al. 1982; Madsen and Sondergaard 1983;Werner and Wise 1982; Fonseca and Kenworthy 1987; Koch 1994; Merrell 1996.

b Joanen and Glasgow 1965; Hannan 1967; Rawls 1975; Stevenson and Confer 1978; Stewart et al. 1997; Dan et al. 1998.c Burrell and Schubel 1977; Carter et al. 1985; Posey et al. 1993; Short et al. 1993; Edgar and Shaw 1995; Dan et al 1998.d Pulich 1983; Carlson et al. 1994; Kuhn 1992; Goodman et al. 1995; Holmer and Bondgaard 2001; Koch and Erskine 2001.

sediment loads to the estuary. This algorithm usesmonitoring data to assess quantitatively recenttrends and changes in suitability of sites as habitatsfor supporting SAV growth. This approach hasformed the basis for developing water clarity cri-teria for adoption as state water quality standardsand for setting caps on nutrient and sedimentloads to estuaries (Chesapeake Executive Councilunpublished material; National Research Council2001).

Although the approach described here tends topredict SAV presence effectively on broad time andspace scales, it is less suitable for habitat assessmentat smaller scales, such as a specific hectare of es-tuarine bottom. There is considerable room forthe algorithm to be improved and generalized withadditional research. Any future improvements onthis approach should strive to maintain the flexi-bility needed for a science-based management toolthat assesses SAV habitat conditions using readilyavailable monitoring data. Although the algorithmpresented here was developed and calibrated forChesapeake Bay, its structure is sufficiently generalfor it to be calibrated and used for other coastalecosystems where SAV distribution is limited bylight availability and where nutrient-stimulated epi-phyte shading is important.


We are indebted to numerous colleagues who contributeduseful comments and discussions during the development ofthis project. This long list includes: J. Barko, R. Davis, K. Dixon,K. Dunton, M. Durako, M. Fonseca, J. Fourqurean, B. Glazer,H. Greening, D. Hammerschlag, J. Kenworthy, H. Neckles, R.Orth, H. Phelps, K. Price, F. Short, M. Smart, J. Titus, D. To-masko, B. Virnstein, L. Valdes, D. Wetzel, and D. Zimmerman.We also thank M. Teichberg, R. Herbst, D. Jasinski, and T. Car-ruthers who provided essential technical and editorial assis-

tance. In addition, the paper has benefited from the useful com-ments of two anonymous reviewers.


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Received, September 17, 2002Revised, July 14, 2003

Accepted, August 4, 2003