Consolidated list of approved forms by tax topic https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax- topic/ Last modified: 31 Jan 2022 QC 27234 Consolidated list of approved forms by tax topic Lists of all our approved forms (including title, approved form legislative reference and NAT number) by tax topic. Tax topics A to D Australian business number (ABN) Business activity statements (BAS) Capital gains tax (CGT) Consolidations Country-by-Country reporting Customs (under delegation) Tax topics E to H Employee share schemes Excise Fringe benefits tax (FBT) Foreign resident capital gains withholding Fuel tax credits Goods and services tax (GST) Tax topics I to M Importations Income tax Instalment activity statement 1 of 61

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Consolidated list of approved forms by taxtopic

https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

Consolidated list of approved forms by taxtopic

Lists of all our approved forms (including title, approved form legislative referenceand NAT number) by tax topic.

Tax topics A to DAustralian business number (ABN)Business activity statements (BAS)Capital gains tax (CGT)ConsolidationsCountry-by-Country reportingCustoms (under delegation)

Tax topics E to HEmployee share schemesExciseFringe benefits tax (FBT)Foreign resident capital gains withholdingFuel tax creditsGoods and services tax (GST)

Tax topics I to MImportationsIncome taxInstalment activity statement

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JobKeeperJobMakerLuxury car tax

Tax topics N to PNon-commercial business lossesNot-for-profitObjectionsPay as you go withholding (PAYGW)Pay as you go instalments (PAYGI)Petroleum resource rent taxProduct stewardship for oil program

Tax topics R to ZRulingsStapled structuresSuperannuationTax file number (TFN)Third party reportingTFN withholding for closely held trustsWine equalisation tax (WET)

Miscellaneous tax topicsMiscellaneous

You may also wish to see a list of all ATO forms or our booklets and publications.You can order many of our publications online.

Australian business number (ABN)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=2Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – ABN

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

ABN registration forcompanies,partnerships, trusts

Subsection 9(2) of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.For accounts other than ABN the following


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and otherorganisations (seenote 1)

references apply:Section 25-1, section 25-5 andsubsection 27-10(1) of the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 202B(2) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.Subsection 16-140(2) and paragraph 426-15(2)(a) in Schedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.

ABN registration forindividuals (soletraders) (see note 1)

Subsection 9(2) of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.For accounts other than ABN the followingreferences apply:Section 25-1, section 25-5 andsubsection 27-10(1) of the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 202B(2) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.Section 16-140 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for ABNregistration forsuperannuationentities (see note 1)

Subsection 9(2) of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.For accounts other than ABN the followingreferences apply:Section 25-1, section 25-5 andsubsection 27-10(1) of the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999,and paragraph 19(4)(a) of theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Act1993.Subsection 202B(2) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.


Application for ABNregistration forgovernmentorganisations

Subsection 9(2) of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.For accounts other than ABN the followingreferences apply:Section 25-1, section 25-5 andsubsection 27-10(1) of the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 202B(2) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.Section 16-140 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to cancelregistration

Section 18 of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.Sections 25-50, 25-55, 25-57, 54-70 and 54-


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75 of the A New Tax System (Goods andServices Tax) Act 1999

Change ofregistration details

Paragraph 14(2)(b) of A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Note 1: NAT 2938, NAT 2939 and NAT 2944 are not available on ato.gov.au orPODS.

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Business activity statements (BAS)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=3Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – BAS

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

BAS A –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with a quarterlygoods and services tax (GST), pay as you go (PAYG)tax withheld and PAYG income tax instalmentobligations. Typical users include sole traders andcompanies.


BAS C –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with a quarterlyGST, PAYG tax withheld and PAYG income taxinstalment obligations and any one or combination offringe benefit tax instalments, wine equalisation tax orluxury car tax.


BAS D – Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation 4191

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Administration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with a quarterlyGST only. Typical users include partnerships andcharities.

BAS F –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with a quarterlyGST and PAYG tax withheld obligations. Typical usersinclude partnerships and charities.


BAS G –MonthlyBAS

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with monthlyGST and any other obligations.


BAS P –AnnualGSTreturn

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers who pay theirGST by instalments and lodge an annual GST return orare eligible to report and pay their GST annually.


BAS Q –AnnualGSTreport

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers who have paidand reported GST quarterly using GST Option 2.


BAS R –QuarterlyPAYGinstalmentnotice

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample PAYG instalment notice is for taxpayerswho have elected to pay an instalment amount(Option 1) and only have a reporting obligation ifvarying.


BAS S –QuarterlyGSTinstalmentnotice

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample GST instalment notice is for taxpayers whohave elected to pay GST instalments quarterly(Option 3) and only have a reporting obligation ifvarying.


BAS T –QuarterlyGST andPAYGinstalmentnotice

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample quarterly GST and PAYG instalment noticeis for taxpayers who pay GST and PAYG instalmentsquarterly and only have a reporting obligation if varyingone or both of these amounts.


BAS U –Quarterly

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


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This sample document is for taxpayers claiming a fueltax credit with a quarterly GST, PAYG tax withheld andPAYG income tax instalment obligations. Typical usersinclude sole traders and companies.

BAS V –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers claiming a fueltax credit with a quarterly GST, PAYG tax withheld andPAYG income tax instalment obligation and any one orcombination of a fringe benefit tax instalment, wineequalisation tax or luxury car tax.


BAS W –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers claiming a fueltax credit with a quarterly GST obligation only. Typicalusers include partnerships and charities.


BAS X –Quarterlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers claiming a fueltax credit with a quarterly GST and PAYG tax withheldobligations. Typical users include partnerships andcharities.


BAS Y –Monthlybusinessactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers claiming a fueltax credit with monthly GST and any other obligations.


BAS Z –AnnualGSTreturn

Section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers claiming fuel taxcredits with an annual GST obligation as well astaxpayers with wine equalisation tax or luxury car taxobligations. Taxpayers who pay their GST byinstalments do not use this form as they use BAS P.


RBAS –Revisedbusinessactivitystatement

Sections 155-40, 155-45 and 388-50 of Schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers who need torevise an activity statement or apply for an amendment.


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Capital gains tax (CGT)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=4Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – CGT

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Affordable HousingCertificate

Paragraph 980-15(b) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Community HousingProvider – AnnualReport

Item 9A of the table in Section 396-55 ofSchedule 1 to the Taxation AdministrationAct 1953


Consolidationshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=5Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Consolidations

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Consolidations –Taxsharing agreements(TSA) (see note 2)

Joint and several liabilities of the subsidiariesof the head company of a consolidated groupare tax-related liabilities but may be reducedif a valid TSA exists and is produced whenrequired. Division 721 Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification offormation of anincome taxconsolidated group

Section 703-58 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


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Notification ofmembers joiningand/or leaving anincome taxconsolidated group

Subsection 703-60(1) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification oferror(s) in thecalculation of taxcost setting amounts– Income taxconsolidated group

Subsection 705-315(6) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Notification of headcompany no longereligible: income taxconsolidated groupceases to exist

Section 703-60 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification of a neweligible tier-1company of amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group

Section 719-77 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification ofcontinuation of amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group with a newprovisional headcompany

Section 719-79 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification ofconversion to amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group (specialconversion event)

Section 719-78 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification ofconversion of amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group to aconsolidated group

Subsection 703-60(1) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification oferror(s) in the

Subsection 705-315(6) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


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calculation of taxcost setting amounts– MEC group

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.

Notification offormation of amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group

Section 719-76 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification ofmembers joiningand/or leaving amultiple entryconsolidated (MEC)group

Subsection 719-80(1) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Notification ofprovisional headcompany no longereligible (MEC group)

Section 719-80 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


DesignatedInfrastructure Project(DIP) entitynotification

Paragraph 415-15(2)(b) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Note 2: Not available on ato.gov.au or PODS

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Country-by-Country reportinghttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=6Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Country-by-Country reporting

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber


Subsection 815-355(1) in relation to paragraph 815-355(3)(c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


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report number

Master file Subsection 815-355(1) in relation to paragraph 815-355(3)(a) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Local file Subsection 815-355(1) in relation to paragraph 815-355(3)(b) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


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Customs (under delegation)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=7Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Customs

Title Approved form legislativereference


Application for remission ofcustoms duty

Section 163 of Customs Act 1901and regulation 107 of the CustomsRegulation 2015.


Customs warehouse licence –application to relocate orchange your warehouse

Section 4A and paragraph 81B(2)(b) of the Customs Act 1901.


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Employee share schemeshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=8Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

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List of approved forms – Employee share schemes

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber


Under section 388-50 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953, the following forms areapproved for the lodgment of the Employee shareschemes annual report under section 392-5 inSchedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.(1) If the form is given using ATO stationery:Employee share scheme (ESS) annual reportNAT 73514(2) If the form is given other than using ATOstationery it conforms to:Electronic reporting specification – Employee sharescheme (ESS) annual report version 3.0.1 which ispublished at softwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au.The Employee share scheme (ESS) bulk load Excelspreadsheet, for 2015 prior years only. Furtherinformation is published at How to lodge your ESSannual report electronically.


Employeeshareschemestatement –originalstatement

Under section 388-50 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953, the following forms areapproved as employee statements as required undersection 392-5 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.(1) If the form is given using ATO stationery:(a) For income years 2019-20 and onwardsEmployee share scheme statement NAT 75282(b) For income years from 2009-10 to 2018-19Employee share scheme statement NAT 73433(2) If the form is given other than using ATOstationery it satisfies:Electronic reporting specification – Self-printingemployee share scheme statement – employeesummaries version 1.0.1 which is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au.


Employeeshareschemeemployeestatement –amendedstatement

Under section 388-50 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953, the following forms areapproved as employee statements as required undersection 392-5 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.(1) If the form is given using ATO stationery:(a) For the 2019-20 income year onwardsEmployee share scheme statement – amendedNAT 75283


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(b) For income years 2009-10 to 2018-19Employee share scheme statement – amendedNAT 73434(2) If the form is given other than using ATOstationery it satisfies:Electronic reporting specification – Self-printingemployee share scheme statement – employeesummaries (version 1.0.1) which is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au

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Excisehttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=9Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Excise

Title Approved form legislativereference


Application for a continuing movementpermission (non-export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence to brew onpremises

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence to deal intobacco (see note 4)

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence tomanufacture excisable products –alcohol

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.


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Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.

Application for a licence tomanufacture excisable products – fueland petroleum products

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence tomanufacture tobacco

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence to producetobacco (see note 4)

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.


Application for a licence to storeexcisable products – alcohol

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence to storeexcisable goods with permission tosell duty free

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a licence to storeexcisable products – fuel andpetroleum products

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a periodic settlementpermission

Sub-section 61C(1B) of theExcise Act 1901.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for permission – still Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) of 71905

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schedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.

Application for a periodic settlementpermission by telephone for NonTransport LPG and LNG (see note 3)

Sub-section 61C(1B) of theExcise Act 1901.


Application for renewal of a licence toproduce tobacco seed, plant or leaf(see note 4)

Section 39F of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.


Application/renewal for a permit toreceive concessional spirits

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for a single movementpermission (non-export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move excisable goods –continuing movement permission(export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move excisable goods –single movement permission (export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move tobacco seed,plant and/or leaf – continuingmovement permission (export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move tobacco seed,plant and/or leaf – continuingmovement permission (non-export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move tobacco seed,plant and/or leaf – single movementpermission (export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to move tobacco seed,plant and/or leaf – single movementpermission (non-export)

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application for luxury car tax refund -for primary producers and tourismoperators

Subsection 18-15(2) of theA New Tax System (LuxuryCar Tax) Act 1999


Application for luxury car tax credit -entities not registered for GST

Subsection 17-10(2) of theA New Tax System (LuxuryCar Tax) Act 1999


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Claim for return of goods seized (seenote 4)

Section 107FD of theExcise Act 1901.


Declaration of criminal historyparticulars

Section 39 of Division 1 ofPart IV of the Excise Act1901.


Excise drawback and instructions Regulation 16 of Division 3of Part 3 of the ExciseRegulation 2015


Excise refund and instructions Regulation 10 of Division 3of Part 2 of the ExciseRegulation 2015


Excise remission and instructions Regulation 10 of Division 3of Part 2 of the ExciseRegulation 2015


Excise return and instructions Subsection 58(1A) andSubsection 61C(3) ofPart VI of the Excise Act1901.


Excise amendment Section 58 of Part VI of theExcise Act 1901.


Registration for excise payments Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) ofschedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Note 3: This is a virtual form for outbound telephony only.

Note 4: These forms are not available on ato.gov.au or PODS.

To request a copy of NAT 5901 or NAT 7113, phone us on 1300 137 290.

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Fringe benefits tax (FBT)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=10Last modified: 31 Jan 2022

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QC 27234

List of approved forms – FBT

Title Approved formlegislative reference


Application to register for fringe benefits tax Section 355-25(2)(g)in Schedule 1 to theTaxationAdministration Act1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2)to the TaxationAdministration Act1953.


Declaration of car travel to work-relatedmedical examination, medical screening,preventative health care, counselling ormigrant language training – section 61F

Section 61F of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Employee's car business use declaration Sections 19, 24, 44and 52 of the FringeBenefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Employment interview or selection testdeclaration – transport in employee's car

Section 61E of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Expense payment fringe benefit declaration Under section 24 ofthe Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


Fringe benefits tax (FBT) return Section 70 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Fringe benefits tax: Nominate or revoke aneligible state or territory body

Under sections 135Sand 135V of the FringeBenefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Fuel expenses declaration Sections 9 and 10 ofthe Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


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Living away from home declaration -employees who fly-in fly-out or drive-indrive-out

Under sections 31F,21, 47 and 63 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Living away from home declarations Under section 31G ofthe Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


Living away from home declarations -employees who maintain an Australianhome

Sections 31F, 21, 47and 63 of the FringeBenefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Loan fringe benefit declaration Section 19 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


No private use declaration – expensepayment benefits

Section 20A of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


No-private-use declaration – residualbenefits

Section 47A of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Overseas employment holiday transportdeclaration

Section 61A of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Property fringe benefit declaration Section 44 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Recurring expense payment fringe benefitdeclaration

Sections 24 and 152Aof the Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


Recurring property fringe benefitdeclaration

Sections 44 and 152Aof the Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


Recurring residual fringe benefit declaration Section 152A of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


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Relocation transport declaration Section 61B of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Remote area holiday transport declaration Sections 60A and 61of the Fringe BenefitsTax Assessment Act1986.


Residual benefit declaration Section 52 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Residual fringe benefit declaration –vehicles other than a car

Section 52 of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


Temporary accommodation relating torelocation declaration

Section 61C of theFringe Benefits TaxAssessment Act 1986.


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Foreign resident capital gains withholdinghttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=11Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Foreign resident capital gains withholding

Title Approved form legislativereference


Foreign resident capital gainswithholding clearance certificateapplication

Subsection 14-220(2) inschedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Foreign resident capital gainswithholding purchase paymentnotification

Section 16-150 in schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act1953.


Foreign resident capital gains Subsection 14-235(3) in 74885

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withholding rate variationapplication

schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.

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Fuel tax creditshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=12Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Fuel tax credits

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Add a newbusinessaccount

Section 25-1, section 25-5, subsection 27-10(1),section 29-45 and section 151-10 of the A NewTax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 16-140(2) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Fuel tax creditregistration –non-businessclaimants

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) of schedule 1 of theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Fuel tax creditclaim form –non-businessclaimants

Under subsection 61-15(3) of the Fuel Tax Act2006.


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Goods and services tax (GST)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-

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topic/?page=13Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – GST

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Add a new businessaccount

Section 25-1, section 25-5, subsection 27-10(1), section 29-45 and section 151-10 ofthe A New Tax System (Goods andServices Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 16-140(2) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application to cancel aGST or PAYGwithholding branch

Sections 54-70 and 54-75 of the A NewTax System (Goods and Services Tax)Act 1999.


Application to cancelregistration

Section 18 of the A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.Sections 25-50, 25-55, 25-57, 54-70 and54-75 of the A New Tax System (Goodsand Services Tax) Act 1999


Application to register aGST or PAYGwithholding branch

Section 54-5 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Section 16-142 in schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act 1953.


Consolidation of GSTreturns – notification byGST joint ventureoperator

Subsections 51-52(1) and (3) of the ANew Tax System (Goods and ServicesTax) Act 1999.


Election to use asimplified GSTaccounting method

Paragraphs 123-10(1)(a) and 123-10(1)(aa) of the A New Tax System (Goodsand Services Tax) Act 1999.


Notice to revoke anelection to use asimplified GSTaccounting method

Paragraph 123-10(1)(b) of the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act1999.


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GST group –notification of forming,changing or cancelling

Section 48-5 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Section 48-70 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Section 48-73 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.


GST joint venture –notification of forming,changing or cancelling(see note 5)

Sections 51-5, 51-7, 51-52, 51-70 of the ANew Tax System (Goods and ServicesTax) Act 1999Subsection 355-25(2) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


GST on propertysettlement - GSTpayments at settlement

Section 16-150 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


GST on propertysettlement - requestrefund of amountwithheld in error

Section 18-85 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Application to form,cancel or changedetails for a GSTreligious group (seenote 5)

Sections 49-5, 49-70 and 49-75 of the ANew Tax System (Goods and Services)Act 1999.


Indirect tax sharingagreement of GSTgroups and GST jointventures

Section 444-80 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Refund of excess GST(see note 5)

Section 142-15 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.


Notification requirementof a supply made by anon-resident through aresident agent

Subsection 57-7(2) of A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.


Notifying amounts ofGST to recipients ofoffshore supplies of lowvalue goods

Section 84-89 of A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.


Notifying the Section 42-15 of A New Tax System No

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Comptroller-General ofCustoms that a supplywas a taxable supply

(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. NATnumber

Note 5: Form not available on PODS

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Importationshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=14Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Importations

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Amendmentof an importdeclarationor self-assesseddeclaration

Application for amendment of an assessment ofindirect tax on importations (paragraph 155-5(2)(c)of schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 (TAA)) for the purposes of paragraph 155-40(1)(a) and section 155-45 of schedule 1 to theTAA for importations on or after 1 July 2012

No NATnumberContactDepartmentofImmigrationand BorderProtection

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Income taxhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=15Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Income tax

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Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Attributionmanagedinvestmenttrust (AMIT) taxreturn 2022

Section 161A or other provisions of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936,the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act1997,the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act1997,the Taxation Administration Act 1953,the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act1993.

No NATnumber

Carbon sinkforests

Subdivision 40-J of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


Company taxreturn 2022

Section 161A or other provisions of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936,the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act1997,the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act1997,the Taxation Administration Act 1953,the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act1993.


Deferring yourcompulsoryrepayment oroverseas levy

Under section 161 or other provisions of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1936.


Election torelinquish yourentitlement tothe NRAS taxoffset

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 that is required to be given to theCommissioner by approved participants to makean election to transfer an entitlement to theNational Rental Affordability Scheme tax offsetunder Division 380 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.

No NATnumber

Employeeshare schemes– request toallow a laterelection

Approved form under section 139E(2A) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1936.


Explorationdevelopmentincentive –Excess

Approved form under Section 418-160 of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1997.


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explorationcredit taxreturn

Family trustelection,revocation orvariation 2022

Section 161A or other provisions of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936,the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act1997,the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act1997,the Taxation Administration Act 1953,the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act1993.


Frankingaccount taxreturn andinstructions2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Fund incometax return

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Individual taxreturn 2022(for tax agents)

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Interposedentity electionor revocation2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection with


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returns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936. Section 272-85 in schedule 2F to theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1936.

Junior MineralsExplorationIncentive(JMEI)Participationform

Section 418-100 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


Notification ofthe issue orexpiry ofexplorationcredits form

Section 418-130 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


JMEInotification ofno explorationinvestment

Section 418-135 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


Loss carryback – Changein choice

Section 160-16(1) of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.

No NATnumber

Overseasships – voyagereturn

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 of the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936. Sections 130 and 131 of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936.


Partnership taxreturn 2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.



Section 87-70 of the Income Tax Assessment Act1997 provides that an individual or personal


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services entity may apply to the Commissioner, inthe approved form, for a personal servicesbusiness determination (PSBD) or for a variationof a PSBD.

Section 139EElection(employeeshareacquisitionschemeelection) (seenote 6)

Section 139E of the Income Tax Assessment Act1936.

No NATnumber

Strata titlebody corporatetax return andinstructions2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Tax return forindividuals2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Tax return forindividuals(supplementarysection) 2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Trans-Tasmanimputationelection form

Section 220-35 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997. Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.



Section 220-45 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


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revocation form Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.

Trust tax return2022

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Venture capitaldeficit taxreturn andexplanatorynotes

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Note 6: Not available on ato.gov.au or PODS

Return to top

Instalment activity statementhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=16Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Instalment activity statement

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

IAS B –Instalmentactivitystatement

This document is for taxpayers with a PAYG income taxinstalment obligation only. Typical users includepartners in partnerships and other individual taxpayerswho may elect the amount or rate, report the instalmentincome, vary the amount or rate and pay the PAYG


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income tax instalment quarterly.

IAS I –Instalmentactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with a PAYG taxwithheld obligation only (quarterly, monthly or annually).Note: Taxpayers may receive this form for the first twomonths and a quarterly activity statement for the finalmonth of the quarter.


IAS J –Quarterlyinstalmentactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers with PAYGincome tax instalment, PAYG tax withheld and FBTobligations. Use this document for your record keepingpurposes.


IAS N –Annualinstalmentactivitystatement

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This sample document is for taxpayers who haveelected to pay an annual PAYG income tax instalmentthat may also involve reporting the instalment income orvarying the instalment amount.


Return to top

JobKeeperhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=17Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – JobKeeper

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Business participantnomination notice(excluding sole traders)

Section 12 of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Sole trader nominationnotice & enrolment

Paragraph 11(1) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


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Paragraph 12(5)(b) of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and BenefitsRules 2020.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.

Employee nomination notice Section 9 of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Religious Practitionersnomination notice

Section 12B of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Enrolment form Elect to participate under:Paragraph 6(1)(e) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020,Paragraph 11(1)(e) of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020, orParagraph 12A(1)(f) of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.Confirm entitlement under:Paragraph 6(1)(f) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020,Paragraph 11(1)(f) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020,orParagraph 12A(1)(g) of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Election to excludegovernment grants fromturnover for an ACNC-registered charity (otherthan a university or aschool)

Subsection 8(9) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Identify and monthly Confirm details under: No

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declaration form Paragraph 6(1)(f) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020,Paragraph 11(1)(f) of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020,orParagraph 12A(1)(g) of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Report the current and projected GSTturnover under Section 16 of the ofthe Coronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.


Confirm information givenby Australian governmentagencies and localgoverning bodies

Section 18B of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Confirm information givenby authorised deposit-takinginstitutions

Section 18A of the CoronavirusEconomic Response Package(Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020.


Notification of hours Sections 12AA and 12BA of theCoronavirus Economic ResponsePackage (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.


Return to top

JobMakerhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=18Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – JobMaker


30 of 61

Title Approved form legislative reference number

JobMaker hiringcredits –registration form

Section 27(1)(g) of the Coronavirus EconomicResponse Package (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.


JobMaker hiringcredits –employee notice

Section 30(5) of the Coronavirus EconomicResponse Package (Payments and Benefits)Rules 2020.


Return to top

Luxury car taxhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=19Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Luxury Car Tax

Title Approved form legislativereference


Application for luxury car tax credit– entities not registered for GST

Subsection 17-10(2) of the ANew Tax System (Luxury CarTax) Act 1999.


Application for luxury car taxrefund – for primary producers andtourism operators

Subsection 18-15(2) of the ANew Tax System (Luxury CarTax) Act 1999.


Buying a luxury car under quote Section 9-10 of the A New TaxSystem (Luxury Car Tax) Act1999.Section 9-15 of the A New TaxSystem (Luxury Car Tax) Act1999.


Quoting to Comptroller-General ofCustoms

Section 9-15 of the A New TaxSystem (Luxury Car Tax) Act1999.


Return to top

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Non-commercial business losseshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=20Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Non-commercial business losses

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Non-commerciallosses:Commissioner'sdiscretion Applyingfor the discretion

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 that is required to be given to theCommissioner in making an application for theexercise of the Commissioner's discretionunder subsection 35-55(3) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Information requiredfor a product rulingapplication –Agribusiness (exceptDivision 394 forestrymanaged investmentschemes)

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 that is required to be given to theCommissioner in making an application for theexercise of the Commissioner's discretionunder subsection 35-55(3) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Information requiredfor a Product RulingApplication for a'forestry managedinvestment scheme'– Division 394

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 that is required to be given to theCommissioner in making an application for theexercise of the Commissioner's discretionunder subsection 35-55(3) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Return to top

Not-for-profithttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=21Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

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List of approved forms – Not-for-profit

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Agreement tocomply with theprivate ancillaryfund guidelines

Subsection 426-105(1) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Agreement tocomply with thepublic ancillaryfund guidelines

Subsection 426-102(1) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Ancillary fundreturn

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and that is required to be furnished to theCommissioner of Taxation in a paper form,under section 163 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.


Application forendorsement as adeductible giftrecipient

Section 426-15 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application forendorsement as atax concessioncharity

Section 426-15 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application toreduce theminimum ancillaryfund distributionrate

Section 426-103 in Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application forrefund of tax offset– National RentalAffordabilityScheme – Incometax exempt entities

Section 161 or other provisions of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936, or under provisionsof the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.Division 380 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


Election to spreadgift deduction

Section 30-248 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.


Notification of Guideline 17 of the private ancillary fund 73402

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change to thegoverning rules ofan endorsedprivate ancillaryfund

guidelines .

Notification ofchange to thegoverning rules ofan endorsed publicancillary fund

Guideline 17 of the public ancillary fundguidelines .


Request forvaluation –Conservationcovenant program

Regulation 31-15.02 of the Income TaxAssessment Regulations (1997 Act)Regulations 2021


Request forvaluation –Philanthropyprogram

Regulation 30-212.02 of the Income TaxAssessment (1997 Act) Regulations 2021.


Revocation ofagreement tocomply with theprivate ancillaryfund guidelines

Subsection 426-105(2) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Revocation ofagreement tocomply with thepublic ancillaryfund guidelines

Subsection 426-102(2) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Return to top

Objectionshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=22Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Objections

34 of 61

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Objection form – fortaxpayers

Section 14ZU of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Objection form – for taxprofessionals

Section 14ZU of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


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Pay as you go withholding (PAYGW)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=23Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – PAYGW

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Add or cancel aregistration

Section 25-1, section 25-5, subsection 27-10(1),section 29-45 and section 151-10 of the A NewTax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.Subsection 16-140(2) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Application forcertificate ofpayment

Subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1936.


Application toregister aPAYGwithholdingaccount

Subsection 16-140(2) of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Section 355-25(2)(g) in Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Employerregistration forworking holiday

Subsection 16-146(2) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


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Medicare levyvariationdeclaration

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), thefollowing forms are approved for the giving ofdeclarations as required under section 15-50 ofthe TAA.


Non-individualPAYG paymentsummaryschedule 2018

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax Assessment Act1936.


IndividualPAYG paymentsummaryschedule 2018

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 and those relevant claims or returns that arerequired to be given to the Commissioner inmaking relevant claims (or approved in lieu) or tobe given to the Commissioner in connection withreturns that are required under section 161 orother provision of the Income Tax Assessment Act1936.


PAYG paymentsummary –business andpersonalservicesincome

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of an annual paymentsummary required under section 16-155 ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYG paymentsummary –employmentterminationpayment

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of a payment summaryas required under paragraph 16-165(2)(b) ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYG paymentsummary –foreignemployment

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of annual paymentsummary required under section 16-155 ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYG paymentsummary –individual non

Under section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of annual payment


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business summary required under section 16-155 ofSchedule 1 to the TAA.


Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the purposes of subsection 16-153(3) of schedule 1 to the TAA in relation to theannual report required under subsection 16-153(2)of schedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYG paymentsummary –superannuationincome stream

Under section 388-50 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of annual paymentsummary required under section 16-155 inSchedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYG paymentsummary –superannuationlump sum

Under section 388-50 in schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this form isapproved for the giving of a payment summary asrequired under subsection 16-165(2)(a) ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953.


PAYG paymentsummary –withholdingwhere ABN notquoted

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of a payment summaryrequired under section 16-167 of schedule 1 to theTAA.


PAYGwithholdingannual reportsfor Centrelink,Department ofVeteran Affairs,andDepartment ofEmploymentand WorkplaceRelationsBenefitpayments(electroniclodgment only)

Under Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA),approved forms for the purposes of subsection 16-153(3) in schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 in relation to the annualreport required under subsection 16-153(2) inschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 in respect of withholding obligations arisingfrom benefit payments made by Centrelink,Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), andDepartment of Employment and WorkplaceRelations (DEWR) under Subdivision 12-D inschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953.The form is lodged electronically and conforms to:Electronic Reporting Specification Centrelink, DVAand DEWR benefit payments report version 6.0which is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au


PAYG Under Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the No

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withholdingannual reportsfor departingAustraliasuperannuationpayment(electroniclodgment only)

Taxation Administration Act 1953, this form isapproved for the purposes of subsection 16-153(3) in schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 in relation to the annualreport required under paragraph 16-153(1)(a) or (b) in schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 in respect of withholdingobligations arising under section 12-305.


PAYGwithholdingannual report –naturalresourcepayments toforeignresidents

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this form isapproved for the lodgment of the annual reportrequired under paragraph 16-153(1)(a) ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 in relation to payments from which anamount was required to be withheld undersection 12-325 in schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


PAYGwithholdingannual report –payments toforeignresidents

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the lodgment of the annual reportrequired under paragraphs 16-153(1)(a), (c) and (d) of schedule 1 to the TAA in relationto payments from which an amount was requiredto be withheld under Subdivision 12-FB ofschedule 1, Part 2-5 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953


PAYGwithholdingfrom interest,dividend androyaltypayments paidto non-residents –annual report

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the purposes of subsection 16-153(1) of schedule 1 to the TAA in relation topayments from which an amount was required tobe withheld under subdivision 12-F of schedule 1to the TAA or an amount was required to be paidto the Commissioner under Division 14 because ofthe application of that Division in relation toSubdivision 12-F of schedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYGwithholdingfrom interestdividend androyaltypayments paidto non-residents –paymentsummary (free

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of a payment summaryrequired under paragraphs 16-155(1)(a) or (b) ofschedule 1 to the TAA, in respect of paymentsmade under Subdivision 12-F of schedule 1 to theTAA.


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PAYGwithholdingpaymentsummary –departingAustraliasuperannuationpayment

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of a payment summaryrequired under paragraph 16-166(1)(a) ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYGwithholdingpaymentsummary –naturalresourcepayments toforeignresidents

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this form isapproved for the giving of a payment summaryrequired under paragraph 16-155(1)(a) ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 for payments made in which an amount wasrequired to be withheld under paragraph 12–325in schedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYGwithholdingpaymentsummary –payments toforeignresidents

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the giving of a payment summaryrequired under paragraph 16-155(1)(baa) ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


PAYGwithholdingwhere ABN notquoted –annual report

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA) this is theapproved form for the lodgment of the annualreport required under paragraphs 16-153(1)(a) and (b) in schedule 1 to the TAA.The annual report is in respect to payments fromwhich an amount was required to be withheldunder section 12-190 of schedule 1 to the TAA oran amount was required to be paid to theCommissioner under Division 14 of schedule 1 tothe TAA because of the application of that Divisionto section 12-190.


Personalised –PAYG paymentsummarystatement (seenote 7)

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this formis approved for the purposes of subsection 16-153(3) of schedule 1 to the TAA in relation to theannual report required under subsection 16-153(2)of schedule 1 to the TAA.


Single Touch The Payroll Event (PAEVNT) specifications are No

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Payroll (event)reporting

available on the on the Standard BusinessReporting (SBR) website is the form approved formandatory 'Single Touch Payroll' reporting undersection 389-5 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 (TAA), voluntaryreporting of amounts under section 389-15 ofSchedule 1 to the TAA, making a declaration atthe end of a financial year under section 389-20 ofSchedule 1 to the TAA, and making a correction toa statement as provided for under sections 8K(2A)and 8N(2) of the TAA and subsection 284-75(8) ofSchedule 1 to the TAA.


Voluntaryagreement forPAYGwithholding

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA) this formis approved for the purposes of paragraph 12-55(1)(c) of schedule 1 to the TAA.


Voluntarydisclosures forfailing tocomply withwithholdingobligations

Section 26-105 of the Income Tax AssessmentAct 1997.



Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), thefollowing forms are approved for the giving ofdeclarations as required under section 15-50 ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


Withholdingdeclaration –short versionfor seniors andpensioners

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), thefollowing forms are approved for the giving ofdeclarations as required under section 15-50 ofschedule 1 to the TAA.



Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA), thefollowing forms are approved for the giving ofdeclarations as required under section 15-50 ofschedule 1 to the TAA.


Note 7: Not available on ato.gov.au or PODS

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Pay as you go instalments (PAYGI)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=24Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms –PAYGI

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Choosing topay an annualPAYGinstalment foryour clients

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 (TAA), the following formsare approved for the giving of declarations asrequired under section 45-140(2) of schedule 1 tothe TAA.


Return to top

Petroleum resource rent taxhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=25Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Petroleum resource rent tax

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Application toregister forpetroleumresource renttax (PRRT)

Section 355-25 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Notification ofpetroleumresource renttax (PRRT)instalment

Section 98A of the Petroleum Resource Rent TaxAssessment Act 1987.


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transfer interestcharge

Notification oftransfer ofpetroleumresource renttax (PRRT)explorationexpenditure

Sections 45A and 45B of the Petroleum ResourceRent Tax Assessment Act 1987.


Petroleumresource renttax (PRRT)deductibleexpenditureschedule

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act1953 to be given to the Commissioner inconnection with certain returns that are requiredunder sections 59, 60 and 70 of the PetroleumResource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987.


Petroleumresource renttax (PRRT)notification oftransfer of aninterest in apetroleum title

Sections 48 and 48A of the Petroleum ResourceRent Tax Assessment Act 1987.


Petroleumresource renttax (PRRT)return

Sections 59, 60 and 70 of the PetroleumResource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987.


Petroleumresource renttax (PRRT)instalmentstatement

Section 98 of the Petroleum Resource Rent TaxAssessment Act 1987.


Return to top

Product stewardship for oil programhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=26Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

42 of 61

List of approved forms – Product stewardship for oil program

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Application toregister for PSOprogram

Section 9 of Part 3 of the Product Grants andBenefits Administration Act 2000.Electronic Specification – PSO Claim Formwhich is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au.


PSO claim form(see note 8)

Section 15 of Part 4 of the Product Grants andBenefits Administration Act 2000.


Request to amenda PSO claim (seenote 8)

Section 21 of Part 4 of the Product Grants andBenefits Administration Act 2000.


Note 8: NAT 3319 and NAT 4303 are not available on ato.gov.au or PODS. You willbe sent a copy of these forms once you have registered.

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Rulingshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=27Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Rulings

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Private ruling application Subsection 359-10(2) to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Private ruling application –non-commercial losses

Subsection 359-10(2) to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Initial contributionsnotification form

Division 394 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


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Failure to establishnotification form

Division 394 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Return to top

Stapled structureshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=28Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Stapled Structures

Title Approved form legislativereference


Stapled groups – Choice inrelation to approved economicinfrastructure

Subsection 25-115(3) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1997.


Stapled groups – Choice toapply transition provisions

Subsection 12-440(5) ofSchedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


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Superannuationhttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=29Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Superannuation

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

44 of 61

Application –excesscontributionsdetermination

Apply to have contributions disregarded orreallocated under section 292-465 of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1997.


Application forpayment ofATO-heldsuperannuationmoney

Sections 17, 20H and 24G of the Superannuation(Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999Sections 65, 65A, 66, 67, 67A and 68 of the SmallSuperannuation Account Act 1995; andSection 65A of the Superannuation Guarantee(Administration) Act 1992.



Sections 11A and 11B of the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Act 1993.Under subsection 129(3) of the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Act 1993 this report isrequired to be lodged with or given to theCommissioner of Taxation, in paper or electronicform, by an actuary or approved auditor of a self-managed superannuation fund when reportingcontraventions.


Capital gainstax cap election

Under subsection 292-100(9) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997, this form can be used bysuper members electing to exclude from their non-concessional contributions cap supercontributions arising from the disposal of certainsmall business assets, from their non-concessional contributions cap.


Change ofdetails forsuperannuationentities

Under paragraph 14(2)(b) of A New Tax System(Australian Business number) Act 1999,Under Subsection 19(4) of the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act), andRegulation 11.07AA of the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR)


Choice toinclude excessconcessionalcontributions inassessableincome (seenote 9)

This form must be lodged with or given to us inpaper form by an individual or entity who acceptsan offer under subsection 292-467(3) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act 1997.Under paragraph 292-467(3)(a) this must bewithin 28 days after we issue the notice, or (b)within such a longer period as we allow.


Superannuation(super)standard choiceform

Employers who are required to offer a choice ofsuper fund under section 32N of theSuperannuation Guarantee Administration Act1992 (SGAA) must give a standard choice form totheir eligible employees. This form meets the


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requirements of section 32P of the SGAA andRegulation 17 of the Superannuation Guarantee(Administration) Regulations 2018.

RequestStapled superfund

Under section 32R of the SuperannuationGuarantee Administration Act 1992.


Commissioner'scompulsoryauthority torelease excesscontributionstax andstatement

Under section 390-65 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this form mustbe given to us (and a copy to the individual towhom the release authority relates), in paper form,by a super provider within 30 days of the releaseamount being paid out of a super plan, after arelease authority has been received and actedupon by the super provider.We can, under section 388-55 of schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act 1953, defer thetime for a super provider to give the statements inthe approved form to us or to the individual towhom the release authority relates.


Compulsoryreleaseauthority forexcesscontributionstax andstatement

Under section 390-65 of schedule 1 to the TaxAdministration Act 1953, this form must be givento us (and a copy to the individual to whom therelease authority relates) in paper form by a superprovider within 30 days of releasing the amountout of a super plan, after a release authority hasbeen received and acted upon by the superprovider.We can, under section 388-55 of schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act 1953, defer thetime for a super provider to give the statements inthe approved form to us or to the individual towhom the release authority relates.


Contributionsfor personalinjury form

Under section 292-95 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997, this form can be used bymembers or account holders wishing to excludesuper contributions arising from eligible personalinjury payments from their non-concessionalcontributions cap.


Division 293Tax – refund ordebt releaseapplication forformertemporaryresidents

Under section 293-230 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


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Division 293Tax – Deferreddebt accountelection form

Under section 131-5 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Division 293Tax – Due andpayableelection form

Under section 131-5 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Excessconcessionalcontributionelection form

Under section 131-5 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Excess non-concessionalcontributionselection form

Under section 131-5 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Releaseauthoritystatement(For ECC,ENCC & Div293)

Under section 131-55(3) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Downsizercontribution intosuperannuation

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 and section292-102 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Election to benon-deductible(or revokeelection)

Under section 388-50 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.Under regulations 290-155.01 and 290-155.05 ofthe Income Tax Assessment Regulations 1997


First homesuper saver(FHSS) scheme– notification ofpurchase orrecontribution

Notification to purchase or construct – section313-40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.Notification of recontribution – section 313-50 ofthe Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


First homesuper saver(FHSS) scheme– releaserequest

Section 131-5 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


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First homesuper saver(FHSS) scheme– determinationrequest

Section 138-10 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.



Section 390-12 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.Complying Australian super funds shouldcomplete the KiwiSaver scheme paymentstatement or a similar paper form that collects thesame information when they pay a member’ssuperannuation benefits to a KiwiSaver scheme inNew Zealand.


Memberaccounttransactionservice (MATS)– virtual form

Section 390-5 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 (TAA), section 390-115of Schedule 1 to the TAA, section 390-20 ofSchedule 1 to the TAA.Technical documents for the MAAS web serviceare available on the on the Standard BusinessReporting (SBR) website.Practical guidance for funds on how to administertheir fund reporting obligations is available atFund reporting protocols


Memberaccountattribute service(MAAS) –virtual form

Section 390-5 of Schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 (TAA), section 390-115of Schedule 1 to the TAA, section 390-20 ofSchedule 1 to the TAA.Technical documents for the MAAS web serviceare available on the on the Standard BusinessReporting (SBR) website.Practical guidance for funds on how to administertheir fund reporting obligations is available atFund reporting protocols.


Notice of intentto claim or varya deduction forpersonal supercontributions

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.This form can be used when a person intends toclaim a tax deduction for their personal supercontributions or when they wish to vary a previousnotice under section 290-170 and section 290-180of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Recontributionof COVID-19early releaseamounts

Paragraph 292-103(2)(a) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


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Request forrollover ofwhole balanceof superbenefitsbetween fund

Sub regulation 3.33(2)(b) to the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Regulations 1994.


Rolloverbenefitsstatement(before 1 July2013)

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.Under subsection 390-10(4) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this informationis required to be given to the receiving superprovider, either in paper form or electronically bythe first super provider reporting the payment of arollover super benefit for a member to anothersuper provider.


Rolloverbenefitsstatement (from1 July 2013 to30 June 2017)

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.Under subsection 390-10(4) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this informationis required to be given to the receiving superprovider, either in paper form or electronically bythe first super provider reporting the payment of arollover super benefit for a member to anothersuper provider.


Rolloverbenefitsstatement (from1 July 2017)

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.Under subsection 390-10(3) of schedule 1 to theTAA


Death benefitrolloverstatement (from1 July 2017)

Under subsection 390-10(3) of schedule 1 to theTax Administration Act 1953 (TAA), this form canbe used by a superannuation provider to give astatement to:

another superannuation provider that a benefithas been paid under paragraph 390-10(2)(a) ofSchedule 1 to the TAAa member in relation to a benefit paid on behalfof the member as required under paragraph390-10(2)(b) of Schedule 1 to the TAA.


Self-managedsuperannuationfund annualreturn

Section 388-50 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953 and Section 11A of theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.This form is to be given to the Commissioner ofTaxation as required under section 161 of the


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Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or otherrelevant provisions.

Self-managedsuperannuationfundindependentauditor's report

Section 11A of the Superannuation Industry(Supervision) Act 1993.Under subsection 35C(6) of the SuperannuationIndustry (Supervision) Act 1993, this report isrequired to be given to each trustee of the self-managed superannuation fund, by an approvedauditor specified in subregulation 1.04(2) of theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision)Regulations 1994.



Section 33 of the Superannuation Guarantee(Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA).


Superannuationguarantee latepayment offsetelection

Under paragraph 23A(1)(b) and subsection 23A(2)of the Superannuation Guarantee(Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA) to be lodgedwith us for an employer to make an election undersubsection 23A(3) to offset a contribution made toa complying superannuation fund or a retirementsavings account against the employers liability topay superannuation guarantee charge.


Superannuationguarantee optout for highincome earnerswith multipleemployers

Section 19AB of the Superannuation Guarantee(Administration) Act 1992.


Super paymentvariation advice

Section 43 or section 47 of the First HomeSaver Accounts Act 2008 (Repealed)Section 18C, section 20M or section 24L of theSuperannuation (Unclaimed Money and LostMembers) Act 1999Section 16, section 20 or section 24 of theSuperannuation (Government Co-contributionsfor Low Income Earners) Act 2003


Superannuationfund/ retirementsavingsaccountprovider claimfor payment

Subsection 61(3) of the Small SuperannuationAccounts Act 1995 (SAA).Under subsection 61(1) of the SAA a trustee of asuperannuation fund or retirements savingsaccount provider is required to lodge this paperform to claim an individual’s account balance held


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in the Superannuation Holdings Account specialaccount.

Super membercontributionsstatement(2012–13onwards)

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder section 390-5 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.Electronic reporting specification – Membercontribution statement which is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au.


Super membercontributionsstatement(2007–08 to2011–12)

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder section 390-5 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Super membercontributionsstatement(2006–07 andearlier years)

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder section 390-5 of schedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Transferbalanceaccount report

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder:

subsection 136-85(3) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA)subsection 136-25(2) of Schedule 1 to the TAAsubsection 390-5(4) of Schedule 1 to the TAAparagraph 390-115(1)(a) of Schedule 1 to theTAA, orparagraph 390-20(2)(a) of Schedule 1 to theTAA.


Transferbalance eventnotification

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder:

paragraph 294-85(1)(b) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997paragraph 294-90(1)(b) of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997, orsubsection 136-25(2) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Excess transferbalanceelection

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder subsection 136-20(4) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Notification of Under subsection 136-25(2) of Schedule 1 to the No

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transferbalance debit

Taxation Administration Act 1953. NATNumber

Commutationauthority –provider tonotify member

This form can be used to meet the requirementsunder section 136-90 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953


Transitionalterminationpayment pre-paymentstatement

This statement is required to be given to thepayer, under subsection 82-10F(3) of the IncomeTax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 (IT(TP)A1997), by individuals exercising a choice undersubsection 82-10F(2) of the IT(TP)A 1997 foremployment termination payments made between1 July 2007 and 30 June 2012.


Trusteedeclaration –To becompleted bynew trusteesand directors ofcorporatetrustees of self-managed superfunds

Section 11A of the Superannuation Industry(Supervision) Act 1993.From 1 July 2007, under section 104A of theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993,this declaration is required to be completed, inpaper form, by a new trustee or director of acorporate trustee of a self-managedsuperannuation fund within 21 days becomingsuch a trustee or director of the corporate trusteeon or after 1 July 2007.


Unclaimedsuperannuationmoney non-lodgmentadvice

Under paragraph 16(1)(a) of the Superannuation(Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999,this form is required to be given to theCommissioner of Taxation by the relevantscheduled statement day for a superannuationprovider who, at the end of the unclaimed moneyday, does not hold unclaimed superannuationmoney or only holds accounts for members with anil or negative unclaimed superannuation moneybalance.



This form meets the requirements undersection 16 and 20E of the Superannuation(Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999.Electronic reporting specification – Unclaimedsuper money statement , which is published atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au


Unclaimedsuperannuationmoneystatement –additional

This form meets the requirements undersection 16 and 20E of the Superannuation(Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999.Electronic reporting specification: Unclaimedsuper money statement , which is published


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members softwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au

Voluntaryreleaseauthority andstatement forexcesscontributionstax

Under section 390-65 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953, this form mustbe given to us (and a copy to the individual towhom the release authority relates) in paper formby a super provider within 30 days of the releaseamount being paid out of a super plan, after arelease authority has been received and actedupon by the super provider.


Virtual form –SuperannuationElectronicPortability Form(see note 9)

Sub-regulation 6A.02(2) Superannuation Industry(Supervision) Regulations 1994, andSub-regulation 4AA.02(2) of the RetirementSavings Accounts Regulations 1997


Note 9: These forms are not available on ato.gov.au or PODS.

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Tax file number (TFN)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=30Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – TFN

Title Approved form legislativereference


Foreign passport holders,permanent migrants and temporaryvisitors – TFN application

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) inschedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


TFN application for companies andother organisations

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) inschedule 1 to the Taxation


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Administration Act 1953.

Tax file number – application for adeceased estate

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) inschedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Tax file number – application orenquiry for Aboriginals or TorresStrait Islanders (see note 10)

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.


Tax file number – application orenquiry for individuals

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.


Tax file number – application orenquiry for individuals living outsideAustralia

Subsection 202B(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.


Tax file number declaration Section 202CA of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936.Section 202CD of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936.Section 202CF of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936.


Certificate of application for a taxfile number (TFN) (see note 11)

Section 187-1 of the HigherEducation Support Act 2003.


Note 10: This form is available by contacting the ATO on 13 10 30.

Note 11: This form is available by contacting the ATO on 13 28 61.

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Third party reportinghttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=31Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

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List of approved forms – Third party reporting

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Annual investmentincome report (AIIR)

Section 393-10 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953Section 16-153 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953Section 418-130 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997Items 7 and 8 of the table toSection 396-55 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953Section 16AHA of the Banking Act1953.

Electronic reporting specification –Annual investment income report (AIIR)specification version 11.0.1 which ispublished atsoftwaredevelopers.ato.gov.au


Annual investmentincome report (AIIR)Supplier lodgmentdeclaration

Section 393-10 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Business transactionsthrough paymentsystems report

Form approved under section 388-50 ofschedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953, to be used by acompany to meet their third partyreporting obligations under item 9 in thetable in section 396-55 of Schedule 1 tothe Tax Administration Act 1953.


Common ReportingStandard (CRS)statement

Section 396-105 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Early stage innovationcompanies reporting

Item 10 in the table in section 396-55 ofSchedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Foreign Account TaxCompliance Actstatement about U.S.Reportable Accounts

Subsection 396-5(4) in Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


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Private Health Insurance(PHI) report andstatement

For the PHI ReportSection 264BB of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936For the PHI StatementRegulation 62-220.02 of the Income TaxAssessment Regulations 1997.


Quarterly tax file number(QTFN) report

Required under section 393-5 ofSchedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953, by entitiesdefined as investment bodies undersection 202D of Part VA of the IncomeTax Assessment Act 1936.


Quarterly tax file number(QTFN) report –Supplier lodgmentdeclaration

Section 393-10 of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Taxable paymentsannual report –Businesses in thebuilding andconstruction industry

Section 405-10 of Schedule 1 to the TaxAdministration Act 1953.


Taxable paymentsannual report –Government entities

Items 1 and 2 of the table in section 396-55 of Schedule 1 to the TaxAdministration Act 1953.


Taxable paymentsannual report – For thesupply of cleaning,courier, road freight,security, investigation,surveillance orinformation technologyservices by contractors

Items 11, 12, 13 or 14 of the table insection 396-55 of Schedule 1 to the TaxAdministration Act 1953.


Real property transfersreporting (RPTR)

Item 9 in the table in section 396-55 ofSchedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Transfers of shares andunits report – ListedEntities

Item 6 of the table to section 396-55 ofSchedule 1 to the Tax Administration Act1953.


Transfers of shares andunits report – MarketParticipants

Item 5 in the table in section 396-55 ofSchedule 1 to the Tax Administration Act1953.


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TFN withholding for closely held trustshttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=32Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – TFN withholding for closely held trusts

Title Approved form legislativereference


Annual TFN withholding report Section 16-152 in schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act1953.


Annual trustee payment report(see note 12)

Section 16-152 in schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act1953.


TFN withholding for closely heldtrusts – Payment summaries(see note 12)

Subsection 16-170(1AAA) inschedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


TFN withholding for closely heldtrusts – What trustees need todo (see note 12)

Subsection 202DO(2) of theIncome Tax Assessment Act1936.


TFN report – TFN withholdingfor closely held trusts

Section 202DP of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1936.


Closely held trusts – adding orcancelling a PAYG withholdingbusiness account

Section 16-140(2) in Schedule 1to the Taxation AdministrationAct 1953.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) inSchedule 1 to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Note 12: Not available on ato.gov.au

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Wine equalisation tax (WET)https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=33Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – WET

Title Approved form legislativereference


Application for approval as a NewZealand participant for a wineequalisation tax (WET) rebate

Subsection 19-7(1) of A NewTax System (WineEqualisation Tax) Act 1999.


Application for payment of wineequalisation tax (WET) rebate by anapproved New Zealand participant

Subsection 17-10(2A) of ANew Tax System (WineEqualisation Tax) Act 1999.


Buying wine under quote Section 13-20 of A New TaxSystem (Wine EqualisationTax) Act 1999.Section 13-15 of A New TaxSystem (Wine EqualisationTax) Act 1999.


Buying wine under quote – 2018vintage and later

Section 13-20 of A New TaxSystem (Wine EqualisationTax) Act 1999.Section 13-15 of A New TaxSystem (Wine EqualisationTax) Act 1999.


Quoting to Comptroller-General ofCustoms

Section 13-20 of A New TaxSystem (Wine EqualisationTax) Act 1999.


Wine Producer Rebate Notification Subsection 19-17(3) of ANew Tax System (WineEqualisation Tax) Act 1999.


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Miscellaneoushttps://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/Consolidated-list-of-approved-forms-by-tax-topic/?page=34Last modified: 31 Jan 2022QC 27234

List of approved forms – Miscellaneous

Title Approved form legislative reference NATnumber

Change of details forindividuals

Paragraph 14(2)(b) of A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in Schedule 1 tothe Taxation Administration Act 1953.Subsection 8AAZLH(2) to the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


Change of registrationdetails

Paragraph 14(2)(b) of A New Tax System(Australian Business Number) Act 1999.


Foreign investment –annual vacancy feereturn

Section 115D of the Foreign Acquisitionsand Takeovers Act 1975.


Foreign ownership ofagricultural landregister

Section 19, section 20 and section 29 of theRegister of Foreign Ownership of Water orAgricultural Land Act 2015.


Foreign investment inAustralia – Waterregister

Section 30H, section 30J, section 30K,section 30R section 30S, and section 30Tthe Register of Foreign Ownership of Wateror Agricultural Land Act 2015.


Foreign-sourcedincome of HELP orTSL debtor

Subsection 154-18(3) of the HigherEducation Support Act 2003Subsection 47C(3) of the Trade SupportLoans Act 2014


Foreign-sourcedincome underrepayment threshold

Subsection 154-18(3) of the HigherEducation Support Act 2003Subsection 47C(3) of the Trade SupportLoans Act 2014


General purposefinancial statements –with respect toSignificant Global

Subsection 3CA(2) of the TaxationAdministration Act 1953.


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Offshore informationnotice – requestextension to comply

Section 353-25(3) of Schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Overseas TravelNotification (relating toleaving Australia)

Subsection154-18(3) of the HigherEducation Support Act 2003Subsection 47C(3) of the Trade SupportLoans Act 2014


Overseas travelnotification (relating toabsence fromAustralia)

Subsection 154-18(3) of the HigherEducation Support Act 2003Subsection 47C(3) of the Trade SupportLoans Act 2014


Nomination of aparliamentaryrepresentative

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Notification of adeceased person

Paragraph 355-25(2)(g) in schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Appointment orcessation of arepresentative of anincapacitated entity

Section 58-30 of the A New Tax System(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.


Remission of SIC andGIC for shortfallperiods (see note 13)

Section 280-165 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Untainting acompany’s sharecapital account (seenote 13)

Section 197-55 of the Income TaxAssessment Act 1997.


Voluntary disclosures– approved form

Section 284-225 of schedule 1 to theTaxation Administration Act 1953.


Note 13: Not available on ato.gov.au or PODS

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If you follow our information and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake asa result, we will take that into account when determining what action, if any, we should take.

Some of the information on this website applies to a specific financial year. This is clearly marked. Makesure you have the information for the right year before making decisions based on that information.

If you feel that our information does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies toyou, contact us or seek professional advice.

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© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia

You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any waythat suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products).

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