SubcommitteeReportstoExecutiveAppropriationsCommittee SummaryofSubcommitteeBudgetChanges 2014GeneralSession a b c d e InfrastructureandGeneralGovernment Ongoing Onetime Total 17 Sources $0 $21,207,400 $21,207,400 18 BaseBudgetChanges $0 $0 $0 19 Reallocations $88,900 ($21,229,100) ($21,140,200) 20 Subtotal $88,900 ($21,700) $67,200 21 Addons ($57,033,900) ($169,050,000) ($226,083,900) InfrastructureandGeneralGovernmentTotal ($56,945,000) ($169,071,700) ($226,016,700) 2/18/2014,11:16AM OfficeoftheLegislativeFiscalAnalyst - 1 -

Subcommittee Reports to Executive Appropriations Committee

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Subcommittee�Reports�to�Executive�Appropriations�CommitteeSummary�of�Subcommittee�Budget�Changes2014�General�Sessiona b c d e

Infrastructure�and�General�Government Ongoing One�time Total17 Sources $0 $21,207,400 $21,207,40018 Base�Budget�Changes $0 $0 $019 Reallocations $88,900 ($21,229,100) ($21,140,200)20 Subtotal $88,900 ($21,700) $67,20021 Add�ons ($57,033,900) ($169,050,000) ($226,083,900)

Infrastructure�and�General�Government�Total ($56,945,000) ($169,071,700) ($226,016,700)

2/18/2014,�11:16�AM Office�of�the�Legislative�Fiscal�Analyst- 1 -


col. a b c d e



1x�Pri. Item�Description Ongoing One�timeBusiness,�Economic�Development,�and�Labor

1 (blank) (blank) Rev�BEDL���Gen�Fund�EDHR���Arts�Nonlapsing�Balances�to�General�Fund�1x $700,0002 (blank) (blank) Rev�BEDL���Gen�Fund�EDHR���BEDL�Base�Adjustment $3,000,0003 (blank) (blank) Rev�BEDL���Gen�Fund�EDHR���Industrial�Assistance�Fund�Unencumbered�Balance�Transfer�to�General�Fund�1x $1,900,000

Business,�Economic�Development,�and�Labor�Total $5,600,000

Infrastructure�and�General�Government4 (blank) (blank) Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Debt�Services���Nonlapsing�to�General�Fund $13,056,0005 (blank) (blank) Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Debt�Services�Payments $1,051,4006 (blank) (blank) Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Transfer�from�DFCM�Admininistration $5,100,0007 (blank) (blank) Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Transfer�Retained�Earnings�from�DAS�Purchasing�ISF�to�General�Fund,�One�time $2,000,000

Infrastructure�and�General�Government�Total $21,207,400

Natural�Resources,�Agriculture,�and�Environmental�Quality8 (blank) (blank) Rev�NRAE���Gen�Fund�NRAE���Stop�transfer�of�restricted�fund�to�GF ($207,000)

Natural�Resources,�Agriculture,�and�Environmental�Quality�Total ($207,000)

Public�Education9 (blank) (blank) Rev�PED���Educ�Fund�PED���MSP�Balances�Transferred�to�the�Education�Fund $4,500,000

Public�Education�Total $4,500,000

Social�Services10 (blank) (blank) Rev�DOH���General�Fund���Close�Fund�1052�Victims�of�Domestic�Violence�Services�Account $15,500

Social�Services�Total $15,500

Grand�Total ($207,000) $31,322,900

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col. a b c d e



1x�Pri. Item�Description Ongoing One�timeInfrastructure�and�General�GovernmentReallocations

171 1 (blank) Cap���Capital�Improve���Capital�improvements� $1,470,600172 (blank) 3 Cap���Capital�Devel���Unified�State�Laboratories:�Module�2 $7,800,300173 (blank) (blank) DAS���Admin�Rules���Administrative�Rules�eRules�enhancements $25,000174 (blank) (blank) DAS���Post�Conv�Ind�Df���Post�conviction�indigent�defense� $100,000175 (blank) (blank) DAS���State�Archives���Archives�automated�storage�and�retrieval�system�upgrade $150,000176 (blank) (blank) DSvc���Debt�Service���Debt�Service�Refund $76,100177 (blank) (blank) DSvc���Debt�Service���Debt�Services�Payments ($88,900) $13,077,700178 (blank) (blank) UDOT���Construction�Mgt���Construction�Management�Reallocation ($1,470,600)

Reallocations�Total ($88,900) $21,229,100

Add�ons179 1 (blank) Cap���Capital�Improve���Capital�improvements� $57,033,900180 (blank) 1 Cap���Capital�Devel���SWATC���Allied�Health�and�Technology�Building $19,300,000181 (blank) 2 Cap���Capital�Devel���Weber�State�Science�Lab�Building $57,400,000182 (blank) 3 Cap���Capital�Devel���Unified�State�Laboratories:�Module�2 $39,800,000183 (blank) 4 Cap���Capital�Devel���Statewide�Instructional�Initiative�USU�Brigham�City/Eastern $26,500,000184 (blank) 5 Cap���Capital�Devel���Camp�Williams�South�Infrastructure�Improvements $3,900,000185 (blank) 6 Cap���Capital�Devel���Huntsman�Cancer�Institute $17,500,000186 (blank) 7 Cap���Capital�Devel���East�Elementary�Property�Purchase $1,000,000187 (blank) 8 Cap���Capital�Devel���Weber�Valley�Multiuse�Youth�Center $2,300,000188 (blank) 9 UDOT���Aeronautics���Wendover�Airfield $250,000189 (blank) 10 DAS���Finance�Mand���Digital�Form�Conversion $1,100,000

Add�ons�Total $57,033,900 $169,050,000

Infrastructure�and�General�Government�Total $56,945,000 $190,279,100

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col. a b

Row Ongoing One�time489 Infrastructure�and�General�Government490 Reallocations491 Business�like�Activities492 DTS���ISF�DTS�Ent�Tech���ISF���DTS493 ##### Dedicated�Credits���Intragvt�Rev ($8,621,200)494 DTS���ISF�DTS�Ops���ISF���DTS495 ##### Dedicated�Credits���Intragvt�Rev $41,450,100 $41,450,100496 Business�like�Activities�Total $32,828,900 $41,450,100

497 Capital�Project�Funds498 Cap���DFCM�Cap�Proj�Fd���Off�budget�fund�changes499 ##### Beginning�Fund�Balance $22,353,800500 ##### Ending�Fund�Balance ($10,299,400)501 ##### Transfers $50,939,100502 Capital�Project�Funds�Total $62,993,500

503 Operating�and�Capital�Budgets504 Cap���Capital�Devel���Unified�State�Laboratories:�Module�2505 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $7,800,300506 Cap���Capital�Improve���Capital�improvements�507 ##### General�Fund $1,470,600508 DAS���Admin�Rules���Administrative�Rules�eRules�enhancements509 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $25,000510 DAS���Bldg�Bd�Prog���Maintenance�auditor511 ##### Capital�Projects�Fund $85,000512 DAS���Bldg�Bd�Prog���Transfer�to�new�line�item�for�Building�Board513 ##### Capital�Projects�Fund $1,148,000514 DAS���Bldg�Bd�Prog���Vehicle�for��maintenance�auditor515 ##### Capital�Projects�Fund $20,000

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col. a b

Row Ongoing One�time516 DAS���DFCM�Admin���Budget�correction�of�funding�sources�in�Item�41,�Senate�Bill�2,�2013�General�Session517 ##### Transfers ($28,600)518 ##### Capital�Projects�Fund $32,100519 ##### Pass�through ($3,500)520 DAS���DFCM�Admin���Transfer�to�new�line�item�for�Building�Board521 ##### Capital�Projects�Fund ($248,000)522 DAS���Exec�Director���Parental�Defense�Dedicated�Credits�Increase523 ##### Dedicated�Credits�Revenue $20,000524 DAS���Finance�Admin���Finance�Administration�increased�dedicated�credit�authority�525 ##### Dedicated�Credits�Revenue $500,000 $500,000526 DAS���Post�Conv�Ind�Df���Post�conviction�indigent�defense�527 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $100,000528 DAS���State�Archives���Archives�automated�storage�and�retrieval�system�upgrade529 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $150,000530 DAS���State�Archives���Archives�increased�dedicated�credit�authority531 ##### Dedicated�Credits�Revenue $126,000532 DAS���State�Archives���Federal�Funds�Adjustments533 ##### Federal�Funds ($61,100)534 DSvc���Debt�Service���Debt�Service�Refund535 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $76,100536 DSvc���Debt�Service���Debt�Services�Payments537 ##### General�Fund ($126,600)538 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $13,013,400539 ##### Education�Fund $37,700540 ##### Education�Fund,�One�time $64,300541 ##### Dedicated�Credits�Revenue $2,134,100 ($228,600)

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col. a b

Row Ongoing One�time542 ##### Federal�Funds ($1,224,000) ($1,224,000)543 ##### Beginning�Nonlapsing $4,677,100 $5,750,100544 ##### Closing�Nonlapsing ($6,689,600) ($6,600,800)545 ##### County�of�First�Class�State�Highway�Fund ($8,116,100) $24,300546 ##### Transfers ($14,107,400)547 ##### Transportation�Investment�Fund�of�2005 ($6,752,000) $10,452,600548 DTS���Chief�Info�Ofcr���Federal�Funds�Adjustments549 ##### Federal�Funds $566,700 $566,700550 DTS���Integrated�Tech���Federal�Funds�Adjustments551 ##### Federal�Funds ($620,800)552 UDOT���Construction�Mgt���Construction�Management�Reallocation553 ##### General�Fund ($1,470,600)554 UDOT���Engineering�Svcs���Reallocations555 ##### Transportation�Fund $277,000 $171,400556 UDOT���Ops/Maint�Mgt���Reallocations557 ##### Transportation�Fund ($94,000)558 UDOT���Region�Mgt���Reallocations559 ##### Transportation�Fund ($183,000) ($171,400)560 Operating�and�Capital�Budgets�Total ($14,028,800) $15,867,200

561 Transfers�to�Unrestricted�Funds562 Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Debt�Services���Nonlapsing�to�General�Fund563 ##### Beginning�Nonlapsing���Debt�Service $13,056,000564 Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Debt�Services�Payments565 ##### Debt�Service $1,051,400566 Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Transfer�from�DFCM�Admininistration567 ##### Project�Reserve�Fund $5,100,000

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Row Ongoing One�time568 Rev�IGG���Gen�Fund�IGG���Transfer�Retained�Earnings�from�DAS�Purchasing�ISF�to�General�Fund,�One�time569 ##### Purchasing�and�General�Services�ISF $2,000,000570 Transfers�to�Unrestricted�Funds�Total $21,207,400

571 Add�ons572 Operating�and�Capital�Budgets573 Cap���Capital�Devel���Camp�Williams�South�Infrastructure�Improvements574 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $3,900,000575 Cap���Capital�Devel���East�Elementary�Property�Purchase576 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $1,000,000577 Cap���Capital�Devel���Huntsman�Cancer�Institute578 ##### Education�Fund,�One�time $17,500,000579 Cap���Capital�Devel���Statewide�Instructional�Initiative�USU�Brigham�City/Eastern580 ##### Education�Fund,�One�time $26,500,000581 Cap���Capital�Devel���SWATC���Allied�Health�and�Technology�Building582 ##### Education�Fund,�One�time $19,300,000583 Cap���Capital�Devel���Unified�State�Laboratories:�Module�2584 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $39,800,000585 Cap���Capital�Devel���Weber�State�Science�Lab�Building586 ##### Education�Fund,�One�time $57,400,000587 Cap���Capital�Devel���Weber�Valley�Multiuse�Youth�Center588 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $2,300,000589 Cap���Capital�Improve���Capital�improvements�590 ##### General�Fund $27,033,900591 ##### Education�Fund $30,000,000592 DAS���Finance�Mand���Digital�Form�Conversion593 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $1,100,000594 UDOT���Aeronautics���Airport�Construction595 ##### Aeronautics�Restricted�Account $5,000,000

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Row Ongoing One�time596 UDOT���Aeronautics���Wendover�Airfield597 ##### General�Fund,�One�time $250,000598 UDOT���Ops/Maint�Mgt���Highway�Maintenance�599 ##### Transportation�Investment�Fund�of�2005 $4,000,000600 UDOT���Support�Services���IT�Expansion601 ##### Transportation�Fund $1,900,000602 Operating�and�Capital�Budgets�Total $62,933,900 $174,050,000

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Transportation - Support Services

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Support Services in item 1 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Computer Software Development Projects $300,000 and Building Improvements - $200,000.


It is the intent of the Legislature to effectuate the purposes of Section 63B-18-401(3)(b)(x) for an energy corridor study and environmental review for improvements in the Uintah Basin, that the UDOT continue the direction and funding of the Uintah Basin Transportation study which began in 2014 with $3 million provided to the Department under Section 72-2-124.


Transportation - Engineering Services

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Engineering Services in item 2 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014 The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Special Projects and Studies - $300,000.


Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Operations/Maintenance in item 3 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Highway Maintenance - $2,000,000.


Transportation - Region Management

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Region Management in item 5 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds limited to the following: Region Management $200,000.


Transportation - Equipment Management

Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Equipment Management in item 6 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds limited to the following: Equipment Purchases $200,000.


Administrative Services - Executive Director

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Executive Director in Item 13 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $95,000 for customer service and Department optimization projects, shared services, IT security auditing and prevention, internal auditing, website maintenance, and marketing; up to $60,000 for Child Welfare Parental Defense expenses.


Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid Services

Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Inspector General for Medicaid Services in Item 5 Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $587,000 to monitor compliance with State and Federal Regulations and implement measures to identify, prevent and reduce fraud, waste and abuse and monitor the quality and reliability of Utah Medicaid providers' service delivery and accuracy of billing.


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst 2/18/2014, 11:20 AM- 9 -

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Administrative Services - DFCM Administration

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for DFCM Administration in Item 15 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $500,000 for information technology projects, customer service, optimization efficiency projects, time limited FTE and Governor's Mansion maintenance; up to $500,000 for Energy Program operations.


Administrative Services - State Archives

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for State Archives in Item 16 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $50,000 for regional repository program support, electronic archives preservation and management.


Administrative Services - Finance Administration

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Finance Administration in Item 17 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $2,600,000 for maintenance and operation of statewide systems and websites, studies, training, and information technology support and hardware.


The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance research the funds in Fund 8020, Finance Suspense Fund and determine which funds, if any, are unencumbered and which funds are legally obligated. The Legislature furthermore intends that upon this determination, the Division of Finance transfer the funds accordingly to lawful recipient entities.


Administrative Services - Post Conviction Indigent Defense

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Post Conviction Indigent Defense in Item 20 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $150,000 for Legal costs for death row inmates.


Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct Commission

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Judicial Conduct Commission in Item 21 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $80,000 for professional services for Investigations.


ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services

The Legislature intends that the Purchasing & General Services internal service fund Central Mailing Program may add up to three vehicles.


ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Fleet Operations

The Legislature intends that appropriations for Fleet Operations not lapse capital outlay authority granted within Fiscal Year 2014 for vehicles not delivered by the end of Fiscal Year 2014 in which vehicle purchase orders were issued obligating capital outlay funds.


ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Facilities Management

The Legislature intends that the DFCM internal service fund may add up to three FTEs and up to two vehicles beyond the authorized level if new facilities come on line or maintenance agreements are requested. Any added FTEs or vehicles will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.


The Legislature intends that the DFCM internal service fund may collect the following rates from these respective agencies in FY'2014: Wasatch Courts $14,605, Chase Home $17,428, ICAP $12,469, Vernal


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst 2/18/2014, 11:20 AM- 10 -

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

DNR $59,481, Clearfield Warehouse C6 Archives $138,210, and Clearfield Warehouse C7 $65,150.

Technology Services - Chief Information Officer

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer, in Item 23, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $30,000 for data processing costs associated with optimization initiatives.


Technology Services - Integrated Technology

Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division, in Item 24, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $500,000 for Geographic Reference Center projects and $75,000 for Global Positioning System Reference Network upgrades and maintenance.


Debt Service

The Legislature intends that in the event that sequestration or other federal action reduces the anticipated Build America Bond subsidy payments that are deposited into the Debt Service line item as federal funds, the Division of Finance, acting on behalf of the State Board of Bonding Commissioners, shall reduce the appropriated transfer from Nonlapsing Balances - Debt Service to the General Fund, One-time proportionally to the reduction in subsidy payment received, thus holding the Debt Service fund harmless.


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst 2/18/2014, 11:20 AM- 11 -

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management

The Legislature intends that any and all collections or cash income from the sale or salvage of land and buildings are to be lapsed to the Transportation Fund.


There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of State highways in Utah. It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation fund first, a maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of federally designated highways, as provided by law, and last the construction of State highways, as funding permits. It is also the intent of the Legislature that the FTEs for field crews may be adjusted to accommodate the increase or decrease in the Federal Construction Program. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.


The Legislature intends that the Department of Transportation use maintenance funds previously used on state highways that now qualify for Transportation Investment Funds of 2005 to address maintenance and preservation issues on other state highways.


Transportation - Construction Management

There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of State highways in Utah. It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation fund first, a maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of federally designated highways, as provided by law, and last the construction of State highways, as funding permits. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.


Transportation - Aeronautics

The Legislature intends that the Division of Aeronautics consider using $300,000 of the one-time airport construction appropriation for a feasibility study at the Ogden Airport. The Legislature also intends that the one-time appropriation of $5,000,000 to Airport Construction is non-lapsing.


Transportation - Safe Sidewalk Construction

The Legislature intends that the funds appropriated from the Transportation Fund for pedestrian safety projects be used specifically to correct pedestrian hazards on State highways. The Legislature also intends that local authorities be encouraged to participate in the construction of pedestrian safety devices. The appropriated funds are to be used according to the criteria set forth in Section 72-8-104, Utah code Annotated, 1953. The funds appropriated for sidewalk construction shall not lapse. If local governments cannot use their allocation of Sidewalk Safety Funds in two years, these funds will be available for other governmental entities which are prepared to use the resources. It is the intent of the Legislature that local participation in the Sidewalk Construction Program is on a 75% state and 25% local match basis.


Transportation - Mineral Lease

It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds appropriated from the Federal Mineral Lease Account shall be used for improvement or reconstruction of highways that have been heavily impacted by energy development. It is the intent of the Legislature that if private industries engaged in developing the State's natural resources are willing to participate in the cost of the construction of highways leading to their facilities, that local governments consider that highway as a higher priority as they prioritize the use of Mineral Lease Funds received through 59-21-1(4)(c)(i). The funds appropriated for improvement or reconstruction of energy impacted highways are non-lapsing.


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst 2/18/2014, 11:21 AM- 12 -

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Transportation - TIF Capacity Program

There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of State and Federal highways in Utah. No portion of the money appropriated by this item shall be used either directly or indirectly to enhance or increase the appropriations otherwise made by this act to the Department of Transportation for other purposes.


Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid Services

The Legislature intends that the Inspector General of Medicaid Services retain up to an additional $60,000 of Medicaid collections during FY 2015 to pay the Department of Health for the state costs of the one attorney FTE that the Office is using.


Administrative Services - DFCM Administration

The Legislature intends that DFCM Administration may add one additional vehicle to its authorized level using existing funds. Any added vehicles must be reviewed and approved by the Legislature.


In accordance with Section 63A-5-104(4) of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that the Utah State Building Board allocate up to $300,000 of capital improvement funds to facility energy efficiency projects and require the entities receiving those funds to repay the funds to the State Facility Energy Efficiency Fund based on a payback schedule adopted by the Utah State Building Board.


Administrative Services - Finance Administration

The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance research the funds in Fund 8020, Finance Suspense Fund and determine which funds, if any, are unencumbered and which funds are legally obligated. The Legislature furthermore intends that upon this determination, the Division of Finance transfer the funds accordingly to lawful recipient entities.


ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Finance

The Legislature intends that the Finance internal service fund Consolidated Budget & Accounting Program may add up to two FTE if new customers or tasks come on line. Any added FTE will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.


ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Facilities Management

The Legislature intends that the DFCM internal service fund may add up to three FTEs and up to two vehicles beyond the authorized level if new facilities come on line or maintenance agreements are requested. Any added FTEs or vehicles will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.


Capital Budget - Capital Improvements

The Legislature intends that the University of Utah Utility Distribution Infrastructure Replacement project be completed and funded over multiple years and that the capital improvement allocation of $21,235,400 to the University of Utah for the Utility Distribution Infrastructure Replacement project satisfies the affirmative authorization requirement in Subsection 63A-5-104(4)(g) to fund the University of Utah Utility Distribution Infrastructure Replacement project in phases.


Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst 2/18/2014, 11:21 AM- 13 -

Old Fee New Fee Est Rev ChgFee Change

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Transportation - Support Services - Administrative Services

Outdoor Advertising - Permit Renewal Late Fee (per Sign) $0

Fee charged when permit is not renewed by the renewal date.

100.00100.00 0.001452.

Outdoor Advertising - Replacement Permit Plate $0

Fee to replace permit plate on outdoor advertising signs.

25.0025.00 0.001453.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Impound Storage Fees $0

Impound Storage Fees

0.000.00 0.001454.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - New Permit (per year) $0

New sign permit

25.0025.00 0.001455.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Permit Renewal Late Fee $00.000.00 0.001456.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Renewal & Admin Services Fee (per Year)


Permit Renewal and Administrative Services Fee

0.000.00 0.001457.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Retroactive Permit Fee Penalty $0

Retroactive Permit Fee Penalty

0.000.00 0.001458.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Sign Alteration Permit $0

Sign Alteration Permit

0.000.00 0.001459.

Outdoor Advertising Permit - Trfr of Ownership Permit $0

Non-Refundable review fee for transfer of sign ownership.

0.000.00 0.001460.

Self service copy (per copy)Photocopies

Government Records Access and Management Act

$0.05.05 0.001461.

UDOT made copy (per copy) $0.50.50 0.001462.

11 X 17 sheet (per copy) $0

Beginning with first sheet

1.001.00 0.001463.

Per Computer Run $025.0025.00 0.001464.

Tow Truck Driver Certification $0200.00200.00 0.001465.

Type 1Access Management Application

$075.0075.00 0.001466.

Type 2 $0475.00475.00 0.001467.

Type 3 $01,000.001,000.00 0.001468.

Type 4 $02,300.002,300.00 0.001469.

Access Violation Fine (per day) $0100.00100.00 0.001470.

LandscapingEncroachment Permits

$030.0030.00 0.001471.

Manhole Access $030.0030.00 0.001472.

Special Events $030.0030.00 0.001473.

Inspection (per hour) $060.0060.00 0.001474.

Overtime Inspection (per hour) $080.0080.00 0.001475.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Low ImpactUtility Permits

Encroachment Permits

$030.0030.00 0.001476.

Medium Impact $0135.00135.00 0.001477.

High Impact $0300.00300.00 0.001478.

Excess Impact $0500.00500.00 0.001479.

Variable priced tollExpress Lanes

$0Between $0.25 - $1.00

Between $0.25 - $1.00


$0Subtotal, Administrative Services

Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management - Region 4

Foot passengersLake Powell Ferry Rates

$010.0010.00 0.001481.

Motorcycles $015.0015.00 0.001482.

Vehicles under 20' $025.0025.00 0.001483.

Vehicles over 20' (per additional foot) $01.501.50 0.001484.$0Subtotal, Region 4

Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management - Traffic Safety/Tramway

101 Horse Power or overTwo-car or Multicar Aerial Passenger Tramway

Tramway Registration

$01,560.001,560.00 0.001485.

100 Horse Power or under $0940.00940.00 0.001486.

DoubleChair Lift

$0610.00610.00 0.001487.

Triple $0720.00720.00 0.001488.

Quad $0840.00840.00 0.001489.

Detachable $01,560.001,560.00 0.001490.

Conveyor, Rope Tow $0250.00250.00 0.001491.

Funicular $0

Single or Double Reversible

250.00250.00 0.001492.

Rope Tow, J-bar, T-bar, or platter pull $0250.00250.00 0.001493.$0Subtotal, Traffic Safety/Tramway

Transportation - Aeronautics - Administration

Airport Licensing $010.0010.00 0.001494.

$0Subtotal, Administration

Transportation - Aeronautics - Airplane Operations

Cessna (per hour)Aircraft Rental

$0155.00155.00 0.001495.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

King Air C90B (per hour)Aircraft Rental

$0775.00775.00 0.001496.

King Air B200 (per hour) $0900.00900.00 0.001497.$0Subtotal, Airplane Operations

Administrative Services - Executive Director

Electronic copies, material cost (per DVD) (per Per DVD)Government Records Access and Management Act

$0.400.00 .401498.

Photocopies, black & white (per Copy) $0.100.00 .101499.

Photocopies, color (per Copy) $0.250.00 .251500.

Photocopy labor cost (per Utah Statute 63G-2-203(2)) (per page)

$0Actual CostActual Cost 0.001501.

Certified copy of a document (per certification) $04.004.00 0.001502.

Long distance fax within US (per fax number) $02.002.00 0.001503.

Long distance fax outside US (per fax number) $05.005.00 0.001504.

Electronic Documents (per film cartridge) $00.00Actual Cost 0.001505.

Electronic Documents (per USB (GB)) $0Actual CostActual Cost 0.001506.

Mail within US (per address) $02.002.00 0.001507.

Mail outside US (per address) $05.005.00 0.001508.

Research or services $0Actual costActual cost 0.001509.

Extended research or service $0Actual costActual cost 0.001510.

Electronic Copies, Material cost (per CD) (per EACH) $10.30.20 .101511.

$10Subtotal, Executive Director

Administrative Services - Executive Director - Parental Defense

Parental Defense Fund - Parental Defense Conference Fee (per Per Person)

$0100.000.00 100.001512.

$0Subtotal, Parental Defense

Administrative Services - DFCM Administration

DFCM Inspection Services (per Hour)Program Management

$080.000.00 80.001513.

Capital Development (per hour) $067.0067.00 0.001514.


$046.0046.00 0.001515.

Capital Improvement (per hour)Program Management

$052.0052.00 0.001516.$0Subtotal, DFCM Administration

Administrative Services - State Archives - Archives Administration

Data Base Download (plus Work Setup Fee) (per Record) $0.10.10 0.001517.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Audio recording (Excludes Medium)General

-$1500.0010.00 -10.001518.-$150Subtotal, Archives Administration

Administrative Services - State Archives - Preservation Services

16mm master filmGeneral

$012.0012.00 0.001519.

Microfiche production fee per image plus (WSF) (per image) $0.035.035 0.001520.

Newspaper filming per page plus (WSF) (per image) $0.30.30 0.001521.

Photocopy made by patron (per copy) $0.10.10 0.001522.

Work Setup Fee (WSF) $025.0025.00 0.001523.

35mm master filmGeneral

$020.0020.00 0.001524.

16mm diazo duplicate copy $012.0012.00 0.001525.

35mm diazo duplicate copy $014.0014.00 0.001526.

16mm silver duplicate copy $020.0020.00 0.001527.

35mm silver duplicate copy $022.0022.00 0.001528.

Frames filmed (Standard) $0.05.05 0.001529.

Frames filmed (Custom) $0.08.08 0.001530.

Books filmed (Per Page) (per Page) $0.15.15 0.001531.

Electronic image to microfilm (per reel) (per Reel) $040.0040.00 0.001532.

Microfilm to CD/DVD/USB (per reel) $040.0040.00 0.001533.

Microfilm Lab Processing Setup Fee $05.005.00 0.001534.

Microfilm to digital PDF conversion $05.005.00 0.001535.

$0Subtotal, Preservation Services

Administrative Services - State Archives - Patron Services

Copy - Paper to PDF (copier use by patron) $0.10.10 0.001536.

Copy - Paper to PDF (copier use by staff) $0.25.25 0.001537.

Certified Copy of a DocumentGeneral

$04.004.00 0.001538.

Non-Commercial (Education, Museum, Cultural Institution)

DisplayUse Charges

$0At CostAt Cost 0.001539.

Commercial (Local, National) $010.0010.00 0.001540.

Non-Commercial (Education, Museum, Cultural Institution)Film/Video (Moving Image or Sound Recording)

$0At CostAt Cost 0.001541.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Commercial (Shown in entirety)Commercial

Film/Video (Moving Image or Sound Recording)Use Charges

$075.0075.00 0.001542.

Commercial (5 to 10 minutes) $050.0050.00 0.001543.

Commercial (Less than 5 minutes) $025.0025.00 0.001544.

Non-Commercial (Education, Museum, Cultural Institution)Broadcast Theatrical Presentations and Websites

$0At CostAt Cost 0.001545.

Commercial (National/Internet)Commercial

$0100.00100.00 0.001546.

Commercial (Local/Internet) $075.0075.00 0.001547.

Commercial (Catalogs)Advertisements

$075.0075.00 0.001548.

Commercial (National Newspapers and Magazines) $0100.00100.00 0.001549.

Commercial (Local Newspapers and Magazines) $075.0075.00 0.001550.

Commercial (50,000+)Publications, Books, Pamphlets, Journals, CD and Video

$075.0075.00 0.001551.

Commercial (10,000 to 49,999) $035.0035.00 0.001552.

Commercial (less than 10,000) $010.0010.00 0.001553.

Non-Commercial (Education, Museum,Cultural Institutions) $0At CostAt Cost 0.001554.

Published Posters, Calendars, Post Cards, Brochures$0At CostAt Cost 0.001555.

Commercial (5,000+) $075.0075.00 0.001556.

Commercial (1,000 to 4,999) $050.0050.00 0.001557.

Commercial (less than 1,000) $025.0025.00 0.001558.

Other - ResaleOther

$010.0010.00 0.001559.

Other - Novelties $010.0010.00 0.001560.

Local News Media (at cost) $0At CostAt Cost 0.001561.

Five Day Working Rush Order per Scan/Image (per scan/image)

Photo Reproductions-$400.002.00 -2.001562.

Digital Imaging 300 dpi or higher $010.0010.00 0.001563.

Photo Reproduction - 20x24Fiber Base Sepia Tone Prints

-$3500.0070.00 -70.001564.

Photo Reproduction - 16x20 -$3000.0060.00 -60.001565.

Photo Reproduction - 11x14 -$2000.0040.00 -40.001566.

Photo Reproduction - 8x10 -$2500.0025.00 -25.001567.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Photo Reproduction - 5x7Fiber Base Sepia Tone Prints

Photo Reproductions

-$1600.0016.00 -16.001568.

Photo Reproduction - 4x5 -$1200.0012.00 -12.001569.

Photo Reproduction - 20x24Glossy or Matte Black and White Prints

$055.0055.00 0.001570.

Photo Reproduction - 16x20 $035.0035.00 0.001571.

Photo Reproduction - 11x14 $025.0025.00 0.001572.

Photo Reproduction - 8x10 $015.0015.00 0.001573.

Photo Reproduction - 5x7 $010.0010.00 0.001574.

Photo Reproduction - 4x5 $07.007.00 0.001575.

Mailing & Fax in USA - 1 to 10 PagesWithin USA

Mailing and Fax Charges

$03.003.00 0.001576.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Microfilm 1 to 2 Reels $04.004.00 0.001577.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Each additional Microfilm Reel $01.001.00 0.001578.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Photo 11x14 $06.006.00 0.001579.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Photo 8x10 $04.004.00 0.001580.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Video $05.005.00 0.001581.

Mailing & Fax in USA - CD/DVD/USB $04.004.00 0.001582.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Add Postage for each 10 pages $01.001.00 0.001583.

Mailing & Fax International - 1 - 10 pagesInternational

$05.005.00 0.001584.

Mailing & Fax International - Each additional 10 pages $01.001.00 0.001585.

Mailing & Fax International - Microfilm 1 - 2 Reels $06.006.00 0.001586.

Mailing & Fax International - Each additional Microfilm Reel

$02.002.00 0.001587.

Mailing & Fax International - Photo 11 x 14 $08.008.00 0.001588.

Mailing & Fax International - Photo 8 x 10 $06.006.00 0.001589.

Mailing & Fax International - CD/DVD/ USB $06.006.00 0.001590.

Mailing & Fax - International Fax Fee (plus copy charge)Fax


Plus copy charge

5.005.00 0.001591.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Long Distance Fax (plus copy charge)


Plus copy charge

2.002.00 0.001592.

Mailing & Fax in USA - Local Fax (plus copy charge) $0

Plus copy charge

1.001.00 0.001593.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Copy Charges - Audio RecordingsAudio

Copy Charges


Price excludes cost of medium

10.0010.00 0.001594.

Copy Charges - 11 x 14 and 11 x 17 by staff, limit 50Documents

$0.50.50 0.001595.

Copy Charges - 11 x 14 and 11 x 17 by patron $0.25.25 0.001596.

Copy - 8.5 x 11 by staff, limit 508.5x11

$0.25.25 0.001597.

Copy - 8.5 x 11 by patron $0.10.10 0.001598.

Copy - Digital by staff, limit 25Digital


$01.001.00 0.001599.

Copy - Digital by patron $0.15.15 0.001600.

Copy Microfilm - Paper by staff, limit 25Paper

$01.001.00 0.001601.

Copy Microfilm - Paper by patron $0.25.25 0.001602.

Copy Video - Video Recording (excludes cost of medium)Video


Price excludes cost of medium

20.0020.00 0.001603.

Surplus Photos - SlidesSurplus Photo Charges

-$150.001.50 -1.501604.

Surplus Photos - Photo 8 x 10 -$400.004.00 -4.001605.

Surplus Photos - Photo 5 x 7 -$250.002.50 -2.501606.

Surplus Photos - Photo 4 x 5 -$100.001.00 -1.001607.

Microfilm Security Storage (at cost) (per reel)Other

$0At CostAt Cost 0.001608.

Archivist Handling fee (per hr.) $028.0028.00 0.001609.

Special Request (at cost) $0At CostAt Cost 0.001610.

Supplies - PencilSupplies

$0.25.25 0.001611.

Supplies - USB Flash Drive (per GB) (per gigabyte) $05.005.00 0.001612.

Supplies - CD (per disk) $02.502.50 0.001613.

Supplies - DVD (per disk) $04.004.00 0.001614.

Film cartridge $03.503.50 0.001615.

Electronic File on-line (per File) $02.500.00 2.501616.-$1,510Subtotal, Patron Services

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Administrative Services - Finance Administration - Finance Director's Office

Utah Public Finance Website large data downloadTransparency


Revenue kept by Utah Interactive up to $10,000. $1 per download

1.001.00 0.001617.

$0Subtotal, Finance Director's Office

Administrative Services - Finance Administration - Payroll

Duplicate W-2 $05.005.00 0.001618.

SAP E-learn Services $090,000.0090,000.00 0.001619.

$0Subtotal, Payroll

Administrative Services - Finance Administration - Payables/Disbursing

Tax Garnishment RequestDisbursements

$010.0010.00 0.001620.

Payroll Garnishment Request $025.0025.00 0.001621.

Collection Service $015.0015.00 0.001622.

IRS Collection Service $025.0025.00 0.001623.$0Subtotal, Payables/Disbursing

Administrative Services - Finance Administration - Financial Reporting

Loan Servicing $0125.00125.00 0.001624.

ISF Accounting Services $0Actual costActual cost 0.001625.

Cash Mgt Improvement Act Interest Calculation $0Actual costActual cost 0.001626.

Bond Accounting Services $0Actual costActual cost 0.001627.

Single Audit Billing to State Auditor's Office $0Actual CostActual Cost 0.001628.

$0Subtotal, Financial Reporting

Administrative Services - Finance Administration - Financial Information Systems

Automated Payables (per Invoice Page) $0.250.00 .251629.

Credit Card Payments $0

Contract rebates

VariableVariable 0.001630.

UDOT $0Actual costActual cost 0.001631.

$0Subtotal, Financial Information Systems

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Finance - ISF - Purchasing Card

Purchasing Card $0

Contract rebates

VariableVariable 0.001632.

$0Subtotal, ISF - Purchasing Card

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Finance - ISF - Consolidated Budget and Accounting

Basic Accounting and Transactions (per hour) -$9,30034.0037.00 -3.001633.

Financial Management (per hour) $060.0060.00 0.001634.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

-$9,300Subtotal, ISF - Consolidated Budget and Accounting

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services - ISF - Central Mailing

Business Reply/Postage Due $0.09.09 0.001635.

Special Handling/Labor (per hour) $050.0050.00 0.001636.

Auto Fold $0.01.01 0.001637.

Label Generate $0.022.022 0.001638.

Label Apply $0.019.019 0.001639.

Auto Tab $0.016.016 0.001640.

Meter/Seal $0.017.017 0.001641.

Federal Meter/Seal $0.014.014 0.001642.

Optical Character Reader $0.017.017 0.001643.

Mail Distribution (per Mail Piece) $0.065.065 0.001644.

Accountable Mail $0.18.18 0.001645.

Task Distribution Rate $0.012.012 0.001646.

Intelligent Inserting $0.025.018 .0071647.

$0Subtotal, ISF - Central Mailing

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services - ISF - Cooperative Contracting

Cooperative Contracts Administrative $0Up to 1.0%Up to 1.0% 0.001648.

$0Subtotal, ISF - Cooperative Contracting

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services - ISF - Print Services

Contract Management (per impression) $0.005.005 0.001649.

Debt Elimination (per impression) $0.005.005 0.001650.

Self Service Copy Rates $0

Cost computed by: (Depreciation + Maintenance + Supplies)/Impressions + copy multiplied impressions results

.004.004 0.001651.

$0Subtotal, ISF - Print Services

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services - ISF - State Surplus Property

Credit Card Convenience Fee (per Purchase Amount)Surplus

$03% of purchase amount

0.00 0.001652.

Total Sales ProceedsState Agencies

Miscellaneous Property Pick-up Process


Less prorated rebate of retained earnings

See formulaSee formula 0.001653.

Plus 20% of sales price or as negotiatedExempt and Non State Agencies

$00.0025.00 -25.001654.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Less than 1 year oldHandheld Devices (PDAs and wireless phones)



$30 minimum

75% of actual cost

75% of actual cost


1 year and older $050% of cost - $30 minimum

50% of cost - $30 minimum


Seized Property $0

Plus 20% of sales price

0.0025.00 -25.001657.

Unique Property Processing $0Negotiated % of sales price

Negotiated % of sales price


Electronic/Hazardous Waste Recycling $0Actual costActual cost 0.001659.

Vehicles and Heavy Equipment $05% of net sales price

5% of net sales price


Default Auction Bids $010% of sales price10% of sales price 0.001661.

Labor (per hour) $0

Half hour minimum

26.0026.00 0.001662.

Copy Rates (per copy) $0.10.10 0.001663.

Semi Truck and Trailer Service (per mile) $01.081.08 0.001664.

Two-ton Flat Bed Service (per mile) $0.61.61 0.001665.

Forklift Service (per hour) $0

4-6000 lbs

23.0023.00 0.001666.

On-site sale away from Utah State Agency Surplus Property yard

$07% of net sale price

7% of net sale price


Building (per cubic foot per month)Storage

$0.43.43 0.001668.

Fenced lot (per square foot per month) $0.23.23 0.001669.

Past 30 daysAccounts receivable late fees

$05% of balance5% of balance 0.001670.

Past 60 days $010% of balance10% of balance 0.001671.$0Subtotal, ISF - State Surplus Property

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Purchasing and General Services - ISF - Federal Surplus Property

Federal Shipping and handling chargesSurplus


Not to exceed 20% of federal acquisition cost plus freight/shipping charges

See formulaSee formula 0.001672.

Past 30 daysAccounts receivable late fees

$05% of balance5% of balance 0.001673.

Past 60 days $010% of balance10% of balance 0.001674.$0Subtotal, ISF - Federal Surplus Property

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Fleet Operations - ISF - Motor Pool

Telematics GPS tracking $0Actual costActual cost 0.001675.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Commercial Equipment Rental $0Cost plus $12 FeeCost plus $12 Fee 0.001676.

Administrative Fee for Do-Not Replace Vehicles (per Month) $051.2950.82 .471677.

Service Fee (per 12) $0$12 Service Fee$12 Service Fee 0.001678.

General MP Info Research Fee (per 12) $0$12 Per Hour$12 Per Hour 0.001679.

Lost or damaged fuel/maint card replacement fee (per 2) $0$2 Fee$2 Fee 0.001680.

Vehicle Complaint Processing Fee (per 20) $0$20 Fee$20 Fee 0.001681.

Operator negligence and vehicle abuse fees (per 0) $0Varies (abuse or driver neglect

cases only)

Varies (abuse or driver neglect

cases only)


Sedans (per month, per vehicle)Lease Rate


Model Year 2013 contract price less 18% salvage value divided by current adjusted life cycle + admin fee + fleet MISfee + AVF fee (if light duty) + mileage fee.)

See formulaSee formula 0.001683.

Select trucks, vans, SUVs (per month, per vehicle) $0

Model Year 2013 contract price less 21% salvage value divided by current adjusted life cycle + admin fee + fleet MIS fee + AVF fee (if light duty) + mileage fee.

See formulaSee formula 0.001684.

All other vehicles (per month, per vehicle) $0

Model Year 2013 contract price less 17% salvage value divided by current adjusted lifecycle + admin fee + fleet MIS fee + AVF fee (if light duty) + mileage fee.

See formulaSee formula 0.001685.

Mileage $0

Maintenance, repair and fuel costs for a particular class of vehicle, divided by total miles for that class

See formulaSee formula 0.001686.

Equipment rate for Public Safety vehicles $0Actual costActual cost 0.001687.

Seasonal Mgt Information System and Alternative Fuel Vehicle only (per month)

Fees for agency owned vehicles$010.905.88 5.021688.

Management Information System and Alternative Fuel Vehicle only (per month)

$010.905.88 5.021689.

Management Information System only (per month) $02.722.25 .471690.

Daily Pool Rates - Actual Cost From Vendor Contract - Actual Cost

Additional Management$0Actual CostActual Cost 0.001691.

Administrative Fee for Overhead $048.5748.57 0.001692.

Alternative Fuel $0

Light duty only

3.633.63 0.001693.

Management Information System (per month) $02.722.25 .471694.

Vehicle Feature and Miscellaneous Equipment Upgrade $0Actual costActual cost 0.001695.

Vehicle Class Differential Upgrade $0Actual costActual cost 0.001696.

Bad Odometer Research $0

Operator fault

50.0050.00 0.001697.

Vehicle Detail Cleaning Service $040.0040.00 0.001698.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Premium Fuel Use (per gallon)Additional Management

$0.20.20 0.001699.

Excessive Maintenance, Accessory Fee $0VariableVariable 0.001700.

Past 30-daysAccounts receivable late fee

$05% of balance5% of balance 0.001701.

Past 60-days $010% of balance10% of balance 0.001702.

Past 90-days $015% of balance15% of balance 0.001703.

Accident deductible rate charged (per accident) $0500.00500.00 0.001704.

Operator negligence and vehicle abuse $0VariableVariable 0.001705.

Higher Ed Mgt. Info Sys. & Alternative Fuel Vehicle Mo. (per vehicle)

$06.336.33 0.001706.

10 days late (per vehicle per month)Statutory Maintenance Non-Compliance

$0100.00100.00 0.001707.

20 days late (per vehicle per month) $0200.00200.00 0.001708.

30+ days late (per vehicle per month) $0300.00300.00 0.001709.

Seasonal Use Vehicle Lease $0155.02150.00 5.021710.

Operator Incentives Alternative Fuel Rebate (per gallon)Operator Incentives

$0.20.20 0.001711.$0Subtotal, ISF - Motor Pool

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Fleet Operations - ISF - Fuel Network

Charge (per gallon) $0

greater than or equal to 60,000 gal./yr

.03.03 0.001712.

Charge at low volume sites (per gallon) $0

less than 60,000 gal./yr.

.035.035 0.001713.

Percentage of transaction value at all sites $02.0%2.0% 0.001714.

Past 30 daysAccounts receivable late fee

$05% of balance5% of balance 0.001715.

Past 60 days $010% of balance10% of balance 0.001716.

Past 90 days $015% of balance15% of balance 0.001717.

CNG Maintenance and Depreciation (per gallon) $01.151.15 0.001718.$0Subtotal, ISF - Fuel Network

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Fleet Operations - ISF - Travel Office

RegularTravel Agency Service


$025.0025.00 0.001719.

Online $015.0015.00 0.001720.

State Agent $020.0020.00 0.001721.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

16-25 peopleGroup

Travel Agency ServiceTravel

$022.5022.50 0.001722.

26-45 people $020.0020.00 0.001723.

46+ people $017.5017.50 0.001724.

School District Agent $015.0015.00 0.001725.$0Subtotal, ISF - Travel Office

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Risk Management - ISF - Risk Management Administration

Administrative ServicesLiability Premiums

$94,020356,003.00261,983.00 94,020.001726.

Agriculture -$19738,277.0038,474.00 -197.001727.

Alcoholic Beverage Control $1,96387,998.0086,035.00 1,963.001728.

Attorney General's Office $1,487124,248.00122,761.00 1,487.001729.

Auditor -$26210,840.0011,102.00 -262.001730.

Board of Pardons -$2,65412,786.0015,440.00 -2,654.001731.

Capitol Preservation Board -$5609,006.009,566.00 -560.001732.

Career Service Review Board $56604.00548.00 56.001733.

Commerce $16,57171,334.0054,763.00 16,571.001734.

Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice -$692,727.002,796.00 -69.001735.

Heritage and Arts -$5,72633,139.0038,865.00 -5,726.001736.

Corrections -$157,215757,684.00914,899.00 -157,215.001737.

Courts -$8,786257,467.00266,253.00 -8,786.001738.

Utah Office for Victims of Crime -$481,915.001,963.00 -48.001739.

Education $25,407251,366.00225,959.00 25,407.001740.

Deaf and Blind School $8,02379,377.0071,354.00 8,023.001741.

Environmental Quality $4,76599,514.0094,749.00 4,765.001742.

Fair Park -$10,5628,648.0019,210.00 -10,562.001743.

Financial Institutions -$85013,827.0014,677.00 -850.001744.

Governor -$34413,626.0013,970.00 -344.001745.

Governor's Office of Planning and Budget -$30412,039.0012,343.00 -304.001746.

Governor's Office of Economic Development -$1,00139,650.0040,651.00 -1,001.001747.

Health -$6,085305,347.00311,432.00 -6,085.001748.

Heber Valley Railroad -$11,3432,756.0014,099.00 -11,343.001749.

House of Representatives -$2667,673.007,939.00 -266.001750.

Human Resource Management $1,21333,461.0032,248.00 1,213.001751.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Human ServicesLiability Premiums

-$52,689700,477.00753,166.00 -52,689.001752.

Labor Commission -$1,96627,523.0029,489.00 -1,966.001753.

Insurance $93,727161,223.0067,496.00 93,727.001754.

Legislative Fiscal Analyst $2,2286,652.004,424.00 2,228.001755.

Legislative Auditor -$2286,956.007,184.00 -228.001756.

Legislative Printing -$451,126.001,171.00 -45.001757.

Legislative Research & General Counsel -$97315,229.0016,202.00 -973.001758.

Medical Education Council -$1910.00191.00 -191.001759.

National Guard $36,51292,523.0056,011.00 36,512.001760.

Natural Resources -$44,723347,305.00392,028.00 -44,723.001761.

Navajo Trust Fund -$2,5420.002,542.00 -2,542.001762.

Public Lands $3004,670.004,370.00 300.001763.

Public Safety $47,935590,300.00542,365.00 47,935.001764.

Public Service Commission $2,54115,418.0012,877.00 2,541.001765.

School and Institutional Trust Lands -$1,47522,409.0023,884.00 -1,475.001766.

Senate -$1754,213.004,388.00 -175.001767.

Tax Commission -$7,850150,545.00158,395.00 -7,850.001768.

Technology Services $94,803202,153.00107,350.00 94,803.001769.

Treasurer -$3755,848.006,223.00 -375.001770.

Utah Communications Network $1,99711,283.009,286.00 1,997.001771.

Utah Science and Technology and Research -$3,1017,138.0010,239.00 -3,101.001772.

Veteran's Affairs -$7524,013.004,765.00 -752.001773.

Workforce Services -$82,010359,092.00441,102.00 -82,010.001774.

Transportation $145,0002,363,000.002,218,000.00 145,000.001775.

Board of Regents $28,50561,702.0033,197.00 28,505.001776.

Dixie College $31,22182,117.0050,896.00 31,221.001777.

Salt Lake Community College $65,117232,205.00167,088.00 65,117.001778.

Snow College $27,80576,772.0048,967.00 27,805.001779.

Southern Utah University $43,808130,750.0086,942.00 43,808.001780.

Bridgerland Applied Technology College $11,98421,577.009,593.00 11,984.001781.

Davis Applied Technology College $16,63728,829.0012,192.00 16,637.001782.

Ogden Weber Applied Technology College $12,92525,917.0012,992.00 12,925.001783.

Uintah Basin Applied Technology College $10,58615,584.004,998.00 10,586.001784.

Tooele Applied Technology College $2,7735,371.002,598.00 2,773.001785.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Dixie Applied Technology CollegeLiability Premiums

$4,5655,566.001,001.00 4,565.001786.

Mountainland Applied Technology College $9,88312,780.002,897.00 9,883.001787.

Southwest Applied Technology College $3,7515,850.002,099.00 3,751.001788.

University of Utah $102,6551,371,665.001,269,010.00 102,655.001789.

Utah State University $28,716507,098.00478,382.00 28,716.001790.

Utah Valley University $169,459363,567.00194,108.00 169,459.001791.

Weber State University $56,503263,562.00207,059.00 56,503.001792.

School Districts $493,1334,686,846.004,193,713.00 493,133.001793.

Net Estimated PremiumProperty Insurance Rates

$1,235,00715,676,059.0014,441,052.00 1,235,007.001794.

Existing Insured BuildingsExisting Insured Buildings

Gross Premium for Buildings


Building value as determined by Risk Mgt. & owner as of Mar 2013 multiplied by the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service rates as of Mar 2013 associated w/ Building Construction Class, Occupancy Type, Building Quality, & Fire Protection Code

See formulaSee formula 0.001795.

Newly Insured BuildingsNewly Insured Buildings


Building value as determined by Risk Mgt. & owner as of insured date multiplied by the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service rates as of Mar 2013 associated w/ Building Construction Class, Occupancy Type, Building Quality, & Fire Protection Code

See formulaSee formula 0.001796.

Fire Suppression SprinklersBuilding Demographic Discounts

$015% discount15% discount 0.001797.

Smoke alarm/Fire detectors $05% discount5% discount 0.001798.

Flexible water/Gas connectors $01% discount1% discount 0.001799.

Lack of compliance with Risk Mgt. recommendationsSurcharges

$010% surcharge10% surcharge 0.001800.

Building built prior to 1950 $010% surcharge10% surcharge 0.001801.

Agency Discount1 $063.5% discount63.5% discount 0.001802.

Agency Discount2 $0

Agency specific discount negotiated w/ Risk Mgt

See formulaSee formula 0.001803.

Existing Insured BuildingsExisting Insured Buildings

Gross Premium for Contents


Content value as determined by owner as of Mar 2013 multiplied by the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service rates as of Mar 2013 associated w/ Building Construction Class, Occupancy Type, Building Quality, & Fire Protection Code

See formulaSee formula 0.001804.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Newly Insured BuildingsNewly Insured Buildings

Gross Premium for ContentsProperty Insurance Rates


Content value as determined by owner as of insured date multiplied by the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service rates as of Mar 2013 associated w/ Building Construction Class, Occupancy Type, Building Quality, & Fire Protection Code

See formulaSee formula 0.001805.

Completion of Risk Mgt. self-inspection surveyGross Premium Discounts

$010% discount10% discount 0.001806.

Risk control meetings $05% discount5% discount 0.001807.

Public Safety rate for value less than $35,000 (per vehicle)Automobile/Physical Damage Premiums

$0175.00175.00 0.001808.

Higher Education rate for value less than $35,000 (per vehicle)

$0125.00125.00 0.001809.

Other state agency rate for value less than $35,000 (per vehicle)

$0150.00150.00 0.001810.

School bus rate (per vehicle) $0200.00100.00 100.001811.

School district rate for value less than $35,000 (per vehicle) $050.0050.00 0.001812.

Rate for value more than $35,000 (per $100 of value) $0.80.80 0.001813.

State and Higher Education (per vehicle)Other vehicles or related equipment

$075.0075.00 0.001814.

School District (per vehicle) $050.0050.00 0.001815.

Standard deductible (per incident) $0500.00500.00 0.001816.

UDOTWorkers Compensation Rates

$01.41% per $100 wages

1.41% per $100 wages


State Agencies $00.88% (except UDOT)

0.88% (except UDOT)


Aviation (per Per $100 wages) $04.5% 0.00 0.001819.

Rate per $100 of valueCourse of Construction Premiums


Charged for half of a year

.053.053 0.001820.

$1,000 minimum (per student)Liability ($2 million coverage)

Charter Schools

$018.0018.00 0.001821.

Cost per $100 in value, $100 minimumProperty ($1,000 deductible per occurrence)

$0.10.10 0.001822.

Cost per year per vehicleComprehensive/Collision ($500 deductible per occurrence)

$0150.00150.00 0.001823.

Employee Dishonesty Bond (per year) $0250.00250.00 0.001824.$2,528,214Subtotal, ISF - Risk Management Administration

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

ISF - Administrative Services - ISF - Facilities Management

Alcoholic Beverage Control Administration (per Year) $0599,961.000.00 599,961.001825.

Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores -$599,9611,286,145.001,886,106.20 -599,961.201826.

Cedar City A P & P $023,404.000.00 23,404.001827.

Chase Home $017,428.0017,428.00 0.001828.

Clearfield Warehouse C6 - Archives $28,800167,010.00138,210.00 28,800.001829.

Clearfield Warehouse C7 -$19,07046,080.0065,150.00 -19,070.001830.

ICAP Building $012,469.0012,469.00 0.001831.

N UT Fire Dispatch Center (per Year) $020,972.000.00 20,972.001832.

UCAT Admin (per Year) $032,880.000.00 32,880.001833.

Vernal DNR $059,481.0059,481.00 0.001834.

Veteran's Memorial Cemetery (per Year) $024,464.000.00 24,464.001835.

Wasatch Courts $014,605.0014,605.00 0.001836.

Agriculture $51,606356,706.00305,100.00 51,606.001837.

Adult Probation and Parole Freemont Office Building $19,845192,375.00172,530.00 19,845.001838.

Archives $0120,765.00120,765.00 0.001839.

Brigham City Court $0169,400.00169,400.00 0.001840.

Brigham City Regional Center $0412,059.00412,059.00 0.001841.

Calvin Rampton Complex $01,602,863.001,602,863.00 0.001842.

Cannon Health $0821,860.00821,860.00 0.001843.

Capitol Hill Complex $03,809,700.003,809,700.00 0.001844.

Cedar City Courts $0103,520.00103,520.00 0.001845.

Cedar City Regional Center $072,008.0072,008.00 0.001846.

Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property $035,672.0035,672.00 0.001847.

DPS Crime LabDepartment of Public Safety

$023,840.0023,840.00 0.001848.

Drivers License $25,159154,064.00128,905.00 25,159.001849.

Farmington Public Safety $068,425.0068,425.00 0.001850.

Division of Motor Vehicles Fairpark $043,437.0043,437.00 0.001851.

Dixie Drivers License $050,300.0050,300.00 0.001852.

Driver License West Valley $098,880.0098,880.00 0.001853.

Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Training Housing

$049,736.0049,736.00 0.001854.

Farmington 2nd District Courts $187,980537,465.00349,485.00 187,980.001855.

Glendinning Fine Arts Center $045,000.0045,000.00 0.001856.

Governor's Residence $0119,220.00119,220.00 0.001857.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Heber M. Wells $0858,321.00858,321.00 0.001858.

Highland Regional Center $0391,766.00391,766.00 0.001859.

Clearfield EastHuman Services

$0129,322.00129,322.00 0.001860.

Ogden Academy Square $0248,906.00248,906.00 0.001861.

Vernal $060,225.0060,225.00 0.001862.

DHS 7th West $38,094124,594.0086,500.00 38,094.001863.

Layton Court $080,896.0080,896.00 0.001864.

Logan 1st District Court $0281,870.00281,870.00 0.001865.

Medical Drive Complex $0331,230.00331,230.00 0.001866.

Moab Regional Center $0112,533.00112,533.00 0.001867.

Murray Highway Patrol $0141,738.00141,738.00 0.001868.

National Guard Armories $0331,279.00331,279.00 0.001869.

Natural Resources $97,160745,072.00647,912.00 97,160.001870.

Natural Resources Price $075,968.0075,968.00 0.001871.

Natural Resources Richfield (Forestry) $02,040.002,040.00 0.001872.

Navajo Trust Fund Administration $0132,640.00132,640.00 0.001873.

Office of Rehabilitation Services $0180,942.00180,942.00 0.001874.

Ogden Court $71,890467,740.00395,850.00 71,890.001875.

Ogden Juvenile Court $0166,045.00166,045.00 0.001876.

Ogden Regional Center $0593,848.00593,848.00 0.001877.

Orem Circuit Court -$32,87590,792.00123,667.00 -32,875.001878.

Orem Public Safety $0105,640.00105,640.00 0.001879.

Orem Region Three Department of Transportation $0141,192.00141,192.00 0.001880.

Provo Court $0299,400.00299,400.00 0.001881.

Provo Juvenile Courts $0173,940.00173,940.00 0.001882.

Provo Regional Center -$18,289664,011.00682,300.00 -18,289.001883.

Public Safety Depot Ogden $021,608.0021,608.00 0.001884.

Richfield Court $082,289.0082,289.00 0.001885.

Richfield Dept. of Technology Services Center $049,050.0049,050.00 0.001886.

Richfield Regional Center $050,385.0050,385.00 0.001887.

Rio Grande Depot $29,760397,565.00367,805.00 29,760.001888.

Salt Lake Court $01,868,160.001,868,160.00 0.001889.

Salt Lake Government Building #1 $0972,934.00972,934.00 0.001890.

Salt Lake Regional Center - 1950 West $0215,571.00215,571.00 0.001891.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

St. George Courts $0465,353.00465,353.00 0.001892.

St. George DPS $059,517.0059,517.00 0.001893.

St. George Tax Commission $034,272.0034,272.00 0.001894.

State Library $0183,714.00183,714.00 0.001895.

State Library State Mail $0135,240.00135,240.00 0.001896.

State Library visually impaired $0124,027.00124,027.00 0.001897.

Statewide Facility Focus -$12,0000.0012,000.00 -12,000.001898.

Taylorsville Center for the Deaf $0108,000.00108,000.00 0.001899.

Taylorsville Office Building $27,719185,250.00157,531.00 27,719.001900.

Tooele Courts $0311,351.00311,351.00 0.001901.

Roosevelt - UBATCUintah Basin Applied Tech. College

-$538,7240.00538,724.00 -538,724.001902.

Vernal - UBATC -$450,2400.00450,240.00 -450,240.001903.

Unified Lab $170,008789,863.00619,855.00 170,008.001904.

Utah Arts Collection $026,900.0026,900.00 0.001905.

Utah State Office of Education $0410,669.00410,669.00 0.001906.

Utah State Tax Commission $118,320928,200.00809,880.00 118,320.001907.

Vernal 8th District Court $0248,649.00248,649.00 0.001908.

Vernal Division of Services for People with Disabilities $6,41731,330.0024,913.00 6,417.001909.

Vernal Juvenile Courts $020,256.0020,256.00 0.001910.

Vernal Regional Center $043,493.0043,493.00 0.001911.

West Jordan Courts $0487,796.00487,796.00 0.001912.

West Valley 3rd District Court $0118,350.00118,350.00 0.001913.

1385 South State.Work Force Services

$0292,390.00292,390.00 0.001914.

Administration $0633,591.00633,591.00 0.001915.

Brigham City $9,97934,308.0024,329.00 9,979.001916.

Call Center $56,545200,317.00143,772.00 56,545.001917.

Cedar City -$20,28278,461.0098,743.00 -20,282.001918.

Clearfield/Davis Co. $0180,633.00180,633.00 0.001919.

Logan $0110,088.00110,088.00 0.001920.

Metro Employment Center $0221,449.00221,449.00 0.001921.

Midvale $0135,640.00135,640.00 0.001922.

Ogden $12,376153,748.00141,372.00 12,376.001923.

PEP -$9,5550.009,555.00 -9,555.001924.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

ProvoWork Force Services

-$20,260127,680.00147,940.00 -20,260.001925.

Richfield $058,072.0058,072.00 0.001926.

South County Employment Center $0176,196.00176,196.00 0.001927.

St. George $066,452.0066,452.00 0.001928.

Vernal $056,152.0056,152.00 0.001929.

Ogden Division of Motor Vehicles and Drivers License $11,28971,964.0060,675.00 11,289.001930.

Ogden Radio Shop $4,31412,782.008,468.00 4,314.001931.

-$753,995Subtotal, ISF - Facilities Management

EF - Administrative Services - State Debt Collection Fund

Collection PenaltyOffice of State Debt Collection

$06.0%6.0% 0.001932.

Risk management debt collectedCollection Fee for Risk Management Cases

$025%25% 0.001933.

Labor Commission Wage ClaimsLabor Commission Wage Claim Attorney Fees


10% of partial payments; 1/3 of claim or $500, whichever is greater for full payments

VariableVariable 0.001934.

Collection Interest $0Prime + 2%Prime + 2% 0.001935.

Post Judgment Interest $0VariableVariable 0.001936.

Administrative Collection $0

18% of amount collected (21.95% effective rate)

18%18% 0.001937.

Non sufficient Check Collection $020.0020.00 0.001938.

Non sufficient Check Service Charge $020.0020.00 0.001939.

Garnishment Request $0Actual costActual cost 0.001940.

Legal Document Service $0

Greater of $20 or Actual

Actual CostActual Cost 0.001941.

Credit card processing fee charged to collection vendors $01.75%1.75% 0.001942.

Court Filing, Deposition/Transcript /Skip Tracing $0Actual costActual cost 0.001943.$0Subtotal, State Debt Collection Fund

Technology Services - Integrated Technology - Automated Geographic Reference Center

Regular Plots (per linear foot)AGRC

$06.006.00 0.001944.

GIT Professional Labor (per hour) $073.0073.00 0.001945.

Utah Reference Network GPS Service Rate (per year) $0600.00600.00 0.001946.$0Subtotal, Automated Geographic Reference Center

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

ISF - Technology Services - ISF - DTS Enterprise Technology - ISF - Enterprise Technology Division

Network Services (per device/month)Network Services

$396,35244.0042.32 1.681947.

Security Assessment (per Tier) $0

Server Count:0-4 $19,0005-34 $38,00035-85 $76,000>85 $152,000

Table0.00 0.001948.

Network Services (other State agencies) (per device/month)Network Services

$34,59247.0045.00 2.001949.

Security (per device/month) $639,46015.0012.29 2.711950.

Wiring Design and Consulting Labor (per Hour) $085.0085.00 0.001951.

Wiring Materials Charge $0Direct cost + 5%Direct cost + 5% 0.001952.

DSL Remote/Line Access (per device/month) -$169,499104.50104.50 0.001953.

DSL Remote Access Cost Charge $0Direct cost + 8%Direct cost + 8% 0.001954.

Miscellaneous Data Circuits $0Direct cost + 10%Direct cost + 10% 0.001955.

Desktop Services (per device/month)Desktop Services

$155,84563.5062.85 .651956.

VDI (Formerly Shared Citrix Services) $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001957.

Hosted Email/Email Encryption (per month) $05.755.75 0.001958.

Phone Tech Labor (per hour)Telecommunications

$070.0070.00 0.001959.

Voice Monthly Service (URATE) (per dial tone/month) $028.0028.00 0.001960.

Other Voice Services $0Direct cost + 8%Direct cost + 8% 0.001961.

Voice Mail (per mailbox/month) -$75,6463.003.50 -.501962.

Call Management System $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001963.

Long Distance Service (per minute) $0.03.03 0.001964.

International Long Distance $0Direct cost + 10%Direct cost + 10% 0.001965.

Long Distance Service Access Charge (per unit/month) $01.001.00 0.001966.

1-800 Service per Minute (per minute) -$114,936.03.035 -.0051967.

High Speed Laser Printing (per image)Print

$0.026.026 0.001968.

Other Print Services $0Direct cost + 10%Direct cost + 10% 0.001969.

Hosting Services - Processing (per CPU Core/month)Hosting Cloud Services

-$219,86173.1278.00 -4.881970.

Hosting Services - System Administration (per OS/month) $325,870391.72371.61 20.111971.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Hosting Services - Storage (per 1 GB/month)Hosting Cloud Services

-$82,563.2386.2446 -.0061972.

Hosting Services - Storage Encryption (per GB/month) $0.782.7819 .00011973.

Data Center Rack Space (per month) $0458.00440.00 18.001974.

Web Application Hosting (per instance/month) $041.0041.00 0.001975.

Mainframe Charges (per Subscription (See Table))Mainframe Computing


Subscription Table

4,347,752.004,347,752.00 0.001976.

Mainframe Consulting Charge (per hour) $074.0070.90 3.101977.

Mainframe Disk (per MB/month) $0.006.006 0.001978.

Mainframe Tape (per MB/month) -$7,089.0008.0009 -.00011979.

Database Consulting (per hour)Database Services

$1,92474.0070.90 3.101980.

Database Oracle Core Model (Min. 2 Cores) $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001981.

Database Oracle Shared Model (per 1 GB/month) -$43,24868.0072.00 -4.001982.

Database MS Sequel Core Model (Min. 2 Cores) $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001983.

Database MS Sequel Shared Model (per 1 GB/month) -$4,82232.0034.00 -2.001984.

Application Support/Project Management (per hour)Application Services

$1,702,00074.0070.90 3.101985.

Project Management (per hour) $074.0091.00 -17.001986.

Application Consulting Services $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001987.

Equipment Maintenance Costs (EIS)Miscellaneous

$0Direct cost + 10%Direct cost + 10% 0.001988.

Software Resale (MLA) $0Direct cost + 6%Direct cost + 6% 0.001989.

DTS Consulting Charge (per hour) $075.0075.00 0.001990.

Training Room Rental (per day) $0100.00100.00 0.001991.

Microwave Maintenance Labor (per hour)Wireless Services

$090.0090.00 0.001992.

Radio Repair Labor (per hour) $065.0065.00 0.001993.

Install Bay Labor (per hour) $045.0045.00 0.001994.

Contract Maintenance Console (per ch/position) $08.008.00 0.001995.

Parts $0Direct costDirect cost 0.001996.

State Radio Connection (per radio/month) $028.4728.47 0.001997.

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Joint Appropriations Subcommittee for Infrastructure and General Government

Communication SitesWireless Services


Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.001998.

Tier 1/DS 1 (per mile)Microwave Services

$011.3711.37 0.001999.

Ethernet Circuit $0

Special Billing Agreement

SBASBA 0.002000.

Tail Circuits $0Direct cost + 10%Direct cost + 10% 0.002001.

Voice Grade DSO Card (per card) $031.6031.60 0.002002.

DSO / Four Wire Analog (per mile) $0.76.76 0.002003.

Data Grade DSO Card (per card) $063.1963.19 0.002004.

Circuit Installation (per install) $0947.48947.48 0.002005.$2,538,379Subtotal, ISF - Enterprise Technology Division

ISF - Technology Services - ISF - DTS Agency Services - ISF - Agency Services Division

Contract Labor $0Actual Cost0.00 0.002006.

Software and Equipment $0Actual Cost0.00 0.002007.

$0Subtotal, ISF - Agency Services Division

$4,301,648Subtotal, Infrastructure and General Government

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