Project: ”An Ideal Welfare State”

Categories of people. The Welfare State. The future of Welfare State. Medical Care in a Welfare State. Life of Elderly People. My opinion

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Page 1: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

Project:”An Ideal Welfare State”

Page 2: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

An Ideal Welfare State.

Categories of people. The Welfare State. The future of Welfare State. Medical Care in a Welfare State. Life of Elderly People. My opinion about a welfare


Page 3: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

•Categories of people.

There are a lot of categories of people: the widowed, the retired, the unemployed, the disabled people, the elderly, the sick, the single parents.

Benefits for different categories of people: The widowed can claim widows pension. The retired can get retirement pension. The sick are entitled to social Benefits. The unemployed are provided with

unemployment benefits. World War II Invalids get retirement pension+

invalidity pension, and other privileges.

Page 4: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

The Welfare StateIn the strictest sense, a welfare state is a

government that provides for the welfare, or the well-being, of its citizens completely. Such a government is involved in citizens’ lives at every level. It provides for physical, material, and social needs rather than the people providing for their own. The purpose of the welfare state is to create economic equality or to assure equitable standards of living for all.

Page 5: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

The welfare state provides education, housing, sustenance, healthcare, pensions, unemployment insurance, sick leave or time off due to injury, supplemental income in some cases, and equal wages through price and wage controls. It also provides for public transportation, childcare, social amenities such as public parks and libraries, as well as many other goods and services. Some of these items are paid for via government insurance programs while others are paid for by taxes.

Page 6: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

The welfare state is socialist in nature. It redistributes wealth by heavily taxing the middle and upper classes in order to provide goods and services for those seen as underprivileged. However, even countries that don’t typically subscribe to socialism offer at least some form of safety net, most of which continue to expand.

Page 7: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

One example is the United States, which according to many European countries, is found lacking when it comes to altruism in government. The truth is that the welfare state on a federal level is the antithesis of personal liberty, at least according to the U.S. Constitution, which enumerates specific powers granted to the federal government. The Tenth Amendment grants all other powers to the states, “or to the people.” This means that individual states should be in charge of their own welfare programs, rather than the central government.

Poster for the 1935 Social Security

Page 8: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

While some nations believe that creating a welfare state is the proper role of any central government, few have managed to create efficient systems. They are unable to provide equitably for all their citizens, often leaving those most in need with the least. Rationing of goods and services also becomes a major problem when too many people depend on the welfare state.

Page 9: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

The Future of the Welfare State

Poverty is widespread in the United States, and vast numbers of working Americans and their families lack health insurance and other basic social goods. But the mid-twentieth-century ideal of a generous "welfare state" is dead. "Welfare" is linked to moral decay. Redistribution to end poverty and broaden social provision is said to be counter-productive in today's global economy. The time is ripe for serious alternatives to the prevailing wisdom. This gathering of renowned scholars will address the practical and moral challenges of reinventing the welfare state in the twenty-first century.

Page 10: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

•Medical Care in a Welfare State.

First, medical insurance is organized by the Government and is compulsory. Second, despite the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well. Third, there are two sectors of medical care. There is a private sector and a public sector. And medical care is available to the poor and to the rich.

Page 11: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

•Life of Elderly People.

There are a lot of good points. First, the elderly do not have to go to work. Second, they have adult children, who are not a burden any more. Third, they have a lot of time to meet with friends, read, travel go in for sports, work in them garden.

And the elderly get wiser, have more experience and the ability to help with advice. First, elderly people become a burden to children. Second, they suffer the fear of dearth. Third, elderly people lose friend and spouses.

Page 12: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

•Our opinion about a welfare state.

In the welfare state, most benefits are available to everybody who is entitled to them and it's very good. In the welfare slate, nobody is allowed to live in poverty. Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income. The welfare state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.

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We think there is no ideal “welfare state” in our world. But we’ll try to describe maximal effective welfare state.

Page 15: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

Benefits: Of course welfare state should pay

benefits for its citizens. But only those who really need it should receive benefits. They are pensioners, the disabled, widows with little children and invalids. To our mind unemployed and homeless shouldn’t get money from the state, because they are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and if they want to be rich and happy they can do it themselves.

Page 16: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

Medical care: Welfare state should pay for

medical service. Hospitals should treat for free only those patients, whose diseases are dangerous for their health. Certainly plastic operations won’t be paid by state.

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 Education: Child is the future of any country.

State should take care about them. Important parts of children’s life are school and university. Every country wants to have good specialists. That’s why education should be free. From my point of view education should be compulsory for all kids.

Page 18: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

Culture: Most of countries have their own

culture. The state should remember about it and support it. Culture can rally nation during bad events like war.

Page 19: Categories of people.  The Welfare State.  The future of Welfare State.  Medical Care in a Welfare State.  Life of Elderly People.  My opinion

Sport: Sport is important part of people’s

lives. And it helps citizens to be healthy. Sportsmen are representatives of country at international competitions. Because of it the state should finance sport.

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As we already said there is no ideal thing in our world. But state which helps its citizens, takes care about children, provides medical help, remembers about sport and supports culture is very close to being ideal. That’s our opinion.

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The End…