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ББК 81.2 Англ.


Словари и учебники по английскому язъпсу издательства «Вече»

можно приобрести по адресу:

129348, Москва, ул. Красной сосны, 24,

телефон: 188-88-02, 188-16-50, 182-40-74

ISBN 5-7838-0061-9

л.г. Памухина, Л.Г. Глухонская,

J.II. Сочплипа. Часп, 3, 1999.


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Данный учебник представляет собой III часть учебника английского языка “English for Business" и рассчитан на слушателей, овладевших лексико-грамматическим материалом в объеме I и II частей учебника.

Целевые установки учебника те же, что и во II части, т. е. активное овладение устной речью на базе общелитературной и коммерческой лексики в пределах предлагаемой в трех частях тематики и умение вести деловую переписку.

Учебник предназначен для взрослой аудитории. Он рассчитан на 400 часов аудиторной и такое же количество часов самостоятельной работы.

Учебник состоит из 10 уроков, 6 из которых представляют собой сокращенные и несколько адаптированные отрывки из современной английской и американской литературы, а 4 — коммерческие тексты, охватывающие следующую тематику:

1. Продажа товаров через агентов. 2. Общие условия. 3. Условия платежа. 4. Претензии и арбитраж.

Объем лексического материала составляет 700 единиц, из которых примерно 200 единиц — деловой лексики. При отборе общей литературной лексики авторы руководствовались принципами сочетаемости и частотности употребления лексики в современном английском языке. Отбор деловой лексики обусловлен указанной тематикой.

Учебник не включает нового грамматического материала для активного усвоения, так как весь грамматический материал дан в I и II частях учебника. Предложенные в разделе Commentary отдельные грамматические явления не предназначены для активного усвоения и включаются в последующие упражнения на материале английского языка.

Для поддержания грамматических навыков речи в учебнике проводится систематическое повторение наиболее употребляемых в устной речи грамматических явлений (раздел Revision Exercises). Сюда входят:

1. Система времен активного и пассивного залога в различных сочетаниях. 2. Согласование времен; прямая и косвенная речь. 3. Условные предложения (сослагательное наклонение). 4. СпосоОы выражения долженствования. 5. Герундий. 6. Причастия. 7. Сложное дополнение.

Кроме того, в разделе повторения предусматривается повторение тематики I и II частей на расщиренной лексической основе. Повторяемые темы включают в себя;

1. Город (ориентация в городе, гостиница, почта). 2. Развлечения (театр, кино, отпуск). 3. Спорт. 4. Путешествие. 5. Деловая командировка, посещение и прием фирмы, посещение завода.

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6. Запрос и предложение. 7. Заказ (различные статьи). 8. Промышленные выставки.

t* заключительных уроках 39 и 40 вместо тем предлагается список лексики для повторения.

Структура урока

Урок включает в себя:

1. Краткую биографическую справку об авторе (к литературному тексту). 2. Текст (с диалогом в уроке делового характера). 3. Лексико-грамматический комментарий. 4. Список активной лексики. 5. Поурочный словарь. 6. Упражнения.

а) Упражнения по тексту. б) Лексические упражнения. в) Речевые упражнения. г) Упражнения на повторение указанного в уроке лексического и гра.м-

матического материала.

Текст литературного урока делится на две части; текст делового урока делится на части А, В, С для удобства прохождения в аудитории. Сносками в тексте даются редко встречающиеся пассивные слова и трудно переводимые лексические обороты.

Комментарии к урокам включают отдельные грамматические явления, не предназначенные для активного усвоения, которые вкрапливаются в упражнения на материале английского языка.

В поурочный словарь вошли все активные слова данного урока в той последовательности, в которой они встречаются в тексте. Активные слова выделяются полужирным шрифтом, транскрибируются, если они представляют трудность для произношения, и иллюстрируются примером, в редких случаях несколькими. Под заголовком w. comb, дается сочетаемость, иллюстрирующая сферу употребления данного слова; под сокращениями Gr. и ргр. даются характерные грамматические структуры или предложные обороты с данной лексической единицей. Поурочный словарь включает в себя также пассивные слова с переводом их. Пассивные слова выделяются полужирным щрифтом, но примерами не иллюстрируются.

Упражнения по тексту имеют целью раскрыть содержание текста и при этом обратить внимание слушателей на трудные или требующие интерпретации места текста. Эти упражнения рекомендуется задавать на дом вместе с первичной подготовкой учащимися текста и затем опрашивать их во время чтения — анализа. Количество единиц для парафраза, интерпретации или перевода может быть сокращено или увеличено в зависимости от индивидуальных потребностей группы.

Лексические упражнения направлены на закрепление лексики. Они включают упражнения на тренировку наиболее трудных единиц (упражнения типа Activise these words и Answer these questions and sum up the answers). Упражнения Translate into Russian включают предложения из литературных произведений, иллюстрирующие употребление активной лексики урока. Эти упражнения следует делать на слух при закрытых текстах.

Упражнения на предлоги и артикли во многих случаях представляют собой связные тексты (коммерческие и литературные). Их рекомендуется использовать для беседы или детального пересказа с использованием активной лексики. Фабулу этих текстов (в случае, если они представляют собой отрывки из романа, из которого взят основной текст) следует использовать для развития навыков устной речи.

Речевые упражнения, помимо упражнений на базе основного текста, включают текст В, который представляет собой продолжение текста А и предна-

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знамен для обсуждения в аудитории с предварительной подготовкой дома, а также дополнительные рассказы на английском и русском языках (последние для пересказа или обсуждения с использованием предложенной активной лексики).

Упражнения на повторение построены по принципу; литературный урок- повторение деловой тематики и наоборот. Такое построение диктуется необходимостью постоянной параллельной работы над деловым и общелитера- турны.м аспектами проходимого материала. По возможности, в разделе повторения каждого урока учитывалась лексика предыдущих текстов.

На прохождение каждого урока рекомендуется отводить 25—27 часов аудиторной работы. Цикл урока строится примерно следующим образом:

1. Чтение — анализ текста (раскрытие содержания текста) — 5 часов. 2. Первичное закрепление лексики — 5 часов. 3. Закрепление лексики и развитие устных навыков на базе текста — 8 часов. 4. Развитие устных навыков в отрыве от текста — 7 часов. Повторительные упражнения берутся параллельно с прохождением основного урока. Все три автора принимали равное участие в составлении пособия. Методическое

руководство осуществлялось Памухиной Л. Г. (структура учебника, структура урока, подбор словаря и принципы его построения).

Авторы выражают благодарность преподавателям кафедры английского языка Высших Курсов МВТ за ценные замечания и советы, которые помогли и.м в работе над данным учебником.


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L E S S O N 3 1

Grammar Revision: Tenses (Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect)

Vocabuiary Revision: Travelling on Business Staying at a Hotel Enquiry and Offer


by S. Maugham

(abridged and adapted)

William Somerset Maugham was bom in 1874 and lived in Paris until he was ten. He was educated at Heidelberg University. He afterwards attended London Hospital with a view to practice in medicine, but the success of his first novel “Liza of Lambeth”* (1897) made him devote all his life to literature. Something of his hospital experience is represented, however, in the first of his marvellous works, “Of Human Bondage”** (1915), and with “The Moon and Sixpence”*** (1919) his reputation as a novelist became firm. His fame as a short-story writer came in 1921 since when he published more than ten collections. W. Somerset Maugham died at the age of 91, in 1965.

P A R T 1

For thirty years now I have been studying my fellow men and still I do not know much about them. I suppose in most cases we judge the people we meet by the face. Some people say that their first impressions of a person are always right. For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me^ because most of us are self-contradictory. My oldest friends are just those of whom I can say that I don’t know the fimt thing about them.

These ideas have come to my mind because I read in this morning’s paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died in Kobe. He had been in business in Japan for many years. I knew him very little, but he interested me because once he

* “Liza of Lambeth” ['laizs av 'laembafi] «Лиза из Ламбета» ** “Of Human Bondage” [av 'hjuman 'bindids] «Бремя страстей человеческих»

*** “The Moon and Sixpence” «Луна и грош»

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gave me a great surprise. Unless I had heard the story from his own hps 1 should never have believed that he was capable of such an action. It was more unexpected because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type. He was a little fellow, very slender, with white hair, and very nice features. He must have been about sixty when I knew him.® He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and position.

Though his offices were in Kobe Burton often came down to Jokohama. 1 happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there,® waiting for a ship, and I was introduced to him at an English Club. We played bridge together. He did not talk very much, but what he said was sensible. He seemed to be popular® at the club and afterwards when he had gone, they described liim as one of the best. It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hotel and next day he asked me to dine with him. I met his wife, fat, elderly and smiling, and his two daughters. It must have been a united and loving family. I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness. There was something very pleasing in his blue eyes. You could not imagine that he could possibly get angry. Here was a man who attracted you because you felt in him a real love for his fellows* and this seemed to be the mairt feature of his character. He could tell with point a good and spicy story,* and in his youth he had been something of an athlete. He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself. I suppose one thing that made people hke him was that he was so small and looked helpless; he must have aroused' their instincts of protection. They felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly.**


One afternoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel when Burton came in. He sat down in the chair next to mine.

“What do you say to a drink?” He clapped his hands for a boy and ordered two drinks. As the boy brought

them a man passed along the street outside and seeing me waved his hand. “Do you know Turner?” said Burton as I nodded a greeting. “I’ve met him at the club. I’m told he’s a remittance man.”*** “Yes, I believe he is. We have many like him here.” “He plays bridge well.” “They generally do. There was a fellow here last year, a namesake**** of

mine, who was the best bridge player I ever met. You may have come across him in London. Lanny Burton he called himself. I think he’d belonged to some very good clubs.”

“No, I don’t believe I remember his name.”

* he could tell with point a good and spicy story он хорошо умел рассказать пикантную историю

•* fly муха •** he’s а remittance man эмигрант, живущий на деньги, присылаемые с родины

*•*• namesake однофамилец

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“I can tell you a fjiuy story about him." Burton went on. “He wasn’t a bad fellow, I liked him. He was always well dressed and handsome in a way, with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks. Women thought a lot of Ыгц. There was no harm in him. only he drank too much. Those sort of fellows always do. A bit of money used to come in for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card playing. He won a lot of mine, I know that.”

Burton gave a kind smile. “I knew from my own experience that he could lose money at bridge with a good face.”

“That may have been the reason that he came to me when he went broke.* He came to see me in my office and asked me for a job. I was rather surprised. He told me that there was no more money coming from home and he wanted to work.” “Any salary would do, ” he said. “I asked him how old he was.”

“Thirty-five,” he said. “And what have you been doing so far?” I asked him. “Well, nothing very much,” he said. I couldn’t help laughing. “I’m afraid I can’t do anything for you just now,” I said. “Come back and

see me in another thirty-five years® and I’ll see what I can do.” He didn’t move. He went rather pale. He hesitated for a moment and then

he told me that he had had bad luck at cards for some time. He hadn’t a penny. He couldn’t pay his hotel bill and they wouldn’t give him any more credit.® If he couldn’t get something to do he’d have to commit suicide.

I looked at him for a bit. I could see now that he was all to pieces. He’d been drinking more than usual and he looked fifty. The girls wouldn’t have thought so much of him if they’d seen him then.

“Well, isn’t there anything you can do except play cards?” I asked him. “I can swim.” he said. “Swim!” I could hardly believe my ears, it seemed such a strange answer to give. “Well,” he hesitated. “I swam for my university.” I got some idea of what he was hinting at but I was not impressed. I’ve

known many men who were too much praised at tlieir university. “I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man,” I said.

Suddenly I had an idea. There is a beacon** near Kobe three miles off in the sea. The currents are

very strong there. So I told my young namesake if he swam round it and back I’d give him a job. I could see it was very unexpected for him.

“You say you’re a swimmer,” I said. “I’m not in a very good condition,” he answered. I didn’t say anything. I

shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded. “All right,” he said. “When do you want me to do it?” I looked at my watch. It was just after ten. “The swim shouldn’t take you much over an hour and a quarter. I’ll drive

round at half-past twelve to meet you, and then we shall have lunch together.”

* when he went broke когда он остался без гроша

• * а beacon I'bikn] бакен

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“Done,” he said. We shook hands. I wished him good luck and he left me. I had a lot of work

to do that morning and I only just managed to get to the place at halfpast twelve. But I needn’t have hurried: he never turned up.

“Do you think he gave up the idea at the last moment?” I asked. “I know he didn’t. He started all right. But he never returned. We didn’t get the body for about three days.”

I didn’t say anything for a moment or two. I was shocked. Then I asked Burton a question.

“When you made him that offer of a job, did you know he’d be drowned?” He gave a gentle smile and looked at me with those kind and serene blue

eyes of his. “Well. I didn’t have a vacancy in my office at the moment.”

Proper Names

William Somerset Maugham ['wiljom 'somasat 'mo :m] Edward Hyde Burton ['edwad 'haid bu: tn] Kobe ['koubi] Jokohama [Joka'ha;ma] Turner ['ta=na] Lanny ['laeni]


1. .. .the longer I know people the ... чем дольше я знаю людей, тем more they puzzle m e . . . больше они меня озадачива

ю т . . . Наречие в сравнительной степени может употребляться с

определенным артиклем. В этих случаях оно стоит перед подлежащем и переводится с помощью усилительных союзов «чем... те.м». Например;

The more you read the more you


2. He must have been about sixty when

I knew him.

You may have come across him in London.

Чем больше вы читаете, тем больше вы знаете.

ЕМУ, очевидно (должно быть), было около 60 лет, когда мы познакомились.

Вы, возможно, встречали его в Лондоне.

Модальные глаголы may и must МОГУТ употребляться в сочетании с любой формой инфинитива. Must в сочетании с такими формами инфинитива выражает предположение, в вероятности которого говорящий вполне уверен, и переводится на русский язык как «должно быть», «вероятно».

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May в сочетании с этими же формами выражает предположение, в вероятности которого говорящий не вполне уверен. Indefinite Infinitive после этих глаголов указывает на то, что roBopnntHft относит высказывание к настоящему или будущему времени. Если употребляется форма Perfect Infinitive, то высказывание относится к прошедшему времени, а если Continuous Infinitive — то высказывание относится к действию, происходящему в момент разговора. Например;

Не must have left Moscow.

She must be sleeping now.

They must be at home now.

They may have gone to the South.

She may be resting now. He may like the film.

3. I happened ... to be spending a few days there ...

He seemed to be popular ...

Должно быть, он уехал из Москвы. Должно быть (вероятно), она спит

сейчас. Вероятно, они сейчас дома. Возможно (может быть), они уехали

на юг. Она, возможно, отдыхает. Может быть, ему понравится

фильм. Мне СЛУЧИЛОСЬ провести там

несколько дней... Казалось, он пользовался успехом. ..

Глаголы to happen и to seem с последующим инфинитиво.м образуют конструкцию, которая называется «именительный падеж с инфинитивом». Эта конструкция переводится следующим образом;

Не happened to know the man quite well.

I don’t seem to remember him.

4. ... you felt in him a real love for his fellows ...

СЛУЧИЛОСЬ так, что он хорошо знал этого человека. = ЕМУ случалось хорошо знать этого человека.

Кажется (ПО-ВИДИМОМУ), Я его не помню.,

... в нем вы чувствовали настоящую любовь к человеку...

Перед абстрактным существительным с предшествующим прилагательным часто употребляется неопределенный артикль.

Например; а wide experience а good knowledge а strange hatred a deep sympathy

5. Come back and see me in another Приходите ко мне еще через три- thirty-five years ... дцать пять лет ...


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Местоимение other с неопределенным артиклем часто употребляется перед числительным с последующим существительным во множественном числе в значении «еще». Например:

Не will stay another 2 days in Mos- Он пробудет в Москве еще два cow. дня.

6. ... they wouldn’t give him any ... они не хотели давать ему тоге credit. больте денег взаймы.

Глагол would (will) в отрицательной форме употребляется со всеми лицами ед. и мн. числа для выражения упорного нежелания соверщить действие. Например:

The boy wouldn’t tell me his name. Мальчик никак не хотел сказать свое имя.

The door won’t open. Дверь никак не открывается.


to puzzle puzzling contradictory to contradict a contradiction to come to one’s mind an action to act an appearance a manner a feature an occasion on (for) the occasion occasional sensible sense to make sense afterwards sensitive


to describe a description to strike (struck, struck) to strike smb. as to make smb. do smth. to make happy, big, etc. to arouse like adv to come across funny handsome in a way in this (that, etc.) way to think of experience from one’s experience a salary experienced

to move to move in (into) to move out (out of) a movement to hesitate hesitation to bint at smth. to smb. to take the hint to give a hint to praise pretty adv to be in good (bad) condition to drive to give up to give in a vacancy vacant


puzzle V His explanation did not help me understand the

situation. In fact it puzzled me still more, puzzling adj

w. comb, puzzling explanation situation letter words, etc.

Your explanation seems puzzh'ng. I don’t see why you should have done so.

озадачивать, ставить в тупик

непонятный, странный, озадачивающий


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contradictory adj w. comb, contradictory character



reasons opinions decisions data, etc.

We’ve got contradictory information, we can’t settle the matter now. contradict v

These documents contradict each other. противоречить

. Note:

His words don’t contradict mine. По-английски — прямое дополнение.

Его слова не противоречат моии. По-русски — косвенное дополнение.

contradiction п w. comb, great I contradiction

small I 1 see no contradiction between what he says and

what he does, mind n come to one’s mind

It never came to the landlady’s mind to doubt Jim’s words, unless conj lip n capable adj action n

w. comb, clever action strange wonderful

His actions are sometimes hard to understand, act V The matter is urgent. You should act at once. He

often acts in a strange way. appearance n 1. His appearance did not attract any attention. 2. You shouldn’t judge people by their appearance.

manner n manner of doing smtfa.

w. comb, manner of walking dancing laughing saying smth., etc.

His manner of speaking is quite unusual, slender adj feature ['fbtja] n

w. comb, nice feature pleasant main



ум прийти в голову (на ум)

если (только) не губа способный действие, поступок

действовать, поступать 1.

появление; 2. внешность

манера, способ способ делать что-л.

стройный, изящный черта (лица или характера), особенность


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Cheering up other people when they need it most is Semov’s main feature. The child has very nice features, don’t you think so?

neatly ['nKtIi] adv occasion [s'keison] n

w. comb, good occasion special happy this, that

A world championship is a good occasion to display achievements in sports. prp. on (for) the occasion

The first Chaikovsky contest was held in Moscow. Many outstanding pianists came to our coшtry for the occasion.

аккуратно случай, повод, событие

по этому случаю, связи с этим

поводу, в

syn. event . Compare;

The singer’s first concert was to take place next week and she had a beautiful dress made for the occasion.

We’ll have to wait for a special occasion to break the news.

occasion- повод

■подходящий случай.

Olympic games ate a great event in sports.

My son’s first day at school was quite an event for the whole family.

Первый концерт певицы должен был состояться на следующей неделе, и в связи с этим событием она сделала себе красивое платье.

Нам придется дождаться подходящего случая, чтобы сообщить эту новость.

Олимпийские игры — большое событие в спортивной жизни.

Первый день моего сына в школе был большим событием для всей семьи.

event — большое событие, факт


occasional adj

w. comb, occasional visitor letter telephone call visit mistake, etc.

We are not regular buyers of such goods. This order is quite occasional, sensible adj

w. comb, sensible action person idea plan decision, etc.

In the circumstances the only sensible thing you can do is to wait.

случайный, случающийся время от времени

благоразумный, разумный


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sensidTe adj

The girl is very sensitlTe. You should be careful about what you say in her presence, sense П

prp. in this (that, what, etc.) sense “I don’t understand in what sense you are using the word,” said the teacher, sense in doing smth.

There is no sense in going to the library so late. It is closed, I am sure, make sense

“There must be a mistake in the cable,” said the engineer, “It doesn't make sense.” afterwards ['aftowo:dz] adv I am short of time at the moment, I’ll speak to him afterwards, describe v

I can describe the place, I remember it very well. prp. describe to smb. Will you describe his appearance to me? description

n His description of the place contradicts yours, fat adj

elderly adj strike (struck, struck) v

The news stmck everybody, strike smb. as+ adj. or Germd The performance strikes me as very original. He doesn’t strike me asj,being very clever, kindliness n spicy ['spaisi] adj athlete ['x6l£t] n

make v Gr. make smb. do smth. The teacher makes bis students repeat difficult words. ----- ------------------------------- -------- Compare

чувствительный, восприимчивый, обидчивый

смысл, значение

смысл в том, чтобы делать что-л.

иметь смысл (быть понятным)

потом, позже



жирный, толстый пожилой поразить, произвести (неожиданное)


доброта пикантный спортсмен, занимающийся легкой атлетикой заставлять заставлять кого-л. делать что-л.

I’ll make him do it. I’ll get him to change his decision.

Я заставлю его сделать это. Я уговорю его (сумею убедить) изменить свое решение.

таке smb. (smth.)+ adj

You must make him responsible for the work. Can you make the report shorter?

делать (c последующим прилагательным)

-Note the translation:.

iong(-er) удлинить short(-er) укоротить big(-ger) увеличить small(-er) уменьшить happy осчастливить nmons расстроить responsible, etc. возложить ответственность, и т. д.


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arouse [o'rauz] v

IV. comb, arouse interest surprise pity love protest, etc.

The article about the painter’s last work aroused everybody’s interest,

bear (bore, borne) v lounge Hounds] n

wave V nod V like adv

She sang like a syn. as

real actress.

вызывать, возбуждать (о чувствах, эмоциях)

выносить зал для посетителей (в гостинице, аэропорте и т. д.) махать кивать подобно, как

She worked as head doctor while he was away on holiday.

The girl put on a white coat and walked about like a doctor.


Как главврач, в качестве главврача, исполняя обязанности.

Как врач, напоминая врача по внешности.

соте across (smtb., smb.) v

Looking through the books I came across an interesting novel by an old Russian writer, funny adj

w. comb, funny person story idea

встретить случайно (что-л., кого-л.)


expression, etc. There is something funny about the actor’s manner

of speaking. Everybody starts laughing as soon as he opens his mouth, handsome adJ

This boy will become a handsome man, I am sure, in a way

"What do you think of the book?” “I wouldn’t call it excellent, but it’s interesting in a way.”

in this (that, what, etc.) way I don’t see in what way I can help you. You can do it in the following way. curly ['kaill] adj

piok-and-white think of V

красивый (обычно о мужчинах)

в некотором роде, в некоторой степени

таким (этим, каким) путем

вьющийся кровь с молоком (о цвете лица) 1. иметь мнение о чем-л., думать о ком-л.

iv. comb, think а lot of smth. or smb. not to think much of


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“What do you think of this film?” “I don’t think much of it.” “Really? And my brother thinks a lot of it.”

Can you think of a better plan? experience [iks'pionans] n

prp., Gr. experience in I smth. I doing smth.

I have no experience in this work. She has a wide experience in teaching.

prp. from one’s experience 1 know it from my own experience, experienced adj

He is experienced enough to attend to this matter himself.

И’. comb, experienced person tocher doctor speaker, etc.

2. придумывать

опыт (жизненный, трудовой и т. д.)


salary п John knew his salary would be very small but

he had no choice, move V

You should move if you don’t want to get cold.

Some people like moving from place to place, move in (into) v

We are moving in this weekend. We are moving into a new flat this weekend,

move out (out of) v We are going to move out of the office soon,

movement n The movement for peace is very strong now.

hesitate ['heziteit] v Why are you hesitating? Make up your mind. Gr. hesitate I to do smth.

I whether to do smth. or not If you don’t agree with me don’t hesitate to say so. He hesitated whether to stay at home or join the party.

hesitation [hezi'teijn] n He spoke without the least hesitation, commit suicide

a bit n be to pieces hint V

He hinted that he had important information. prp. to hint to smb. at smth. What are they hinting at? You needn’t tell him the story in full, just hint

to him. hint n

take the hint

give a hint You should always give him a hint, he’ll take it all right.


1. двигаться

2. переезжать

въезжать куда-л.



колебаться, не решаться


покончить жизнь самоубийством немножко зд. сильно расстроиться намекать

намек понять, воспринять намек намекнуть


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praise V хвалить I praised the boy Гог the work he had done so well.

airrent n течение be in good condition быть в хорошем состоянии

The equipment arrived in good condition. He can't take part in the game, he is not in (a) good condition. ant. be in bad condition быть в плохол^ состоянии

. Note:

В коммерческой корреспонденции в выражениях be in good (bad) condition артикль не употребляется.

shrug one’s shoulders drive (drove, driven) v They drove towards the forest.

Can you drive a car? give up V

w. comb, give up an idea a person a plan a job work, etc.

Gr. give up I smth. I doing smth.

If I were in his place I’d give up music. He doesn’t make any progress. I don’t see you skate any more. Have you given up skating?

пожать плечами

1. ехать

2. вести машину отказать,

оставить, бросить

. Note:

Не gave up writing poetry. He

refused to join us.

OH перестал писать стихи (больше не пишет стихи). Он отказался присоединиться к нам.

Глагол to give up употребляется с герундием и означает «прекратить иматься чем-л.». Глагол to refuse употребляется с инфинитивом и заниматься

означает «отказаться сделать что-л.».

. Note;

I think he will give up bis plan.

He refused the money offered to him.

Я думаю, что он откажется от своего плана. Он отказался от предложенных ему денег.

Глагол to give up с последующим существительным означает отказ от чего-либо, чем человек обладает.

Глагол to refuse с последующим существительным означает отказ от чего-либо предложенного.


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give ш V We argued for a long time and at last I gave in. prp. give in to smb. If I were you I wouldn’t give in to him. body ('bodi]

rt be downed [draund] v gentle adj serene [si'rtn] adj vacancy ['veikonsi] n

“Is there a vacancy at your office?” “No, not at the moment.” vacant adj w. comb, vacant seat room position job, etc. “The cottage is vacant,” said the landlady, “you can move in any time.”

уступить, сдаться

тело утонуть нежный безмятежный свободная должность

свободный, незанятый

Г11 be free at 5 o’clock. The room is vacant, you can live there.


Я буду свободен в 5 часов. Комната свободна, вы можете жить в ней.

pretty ['pnti] adv

His English is pretty good. He wrote the paper pretty well. He is a pretty good speaker.

довольно (употребляется с прилагательны.ми и наречиями)


I. Read the text in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises below.


a. Paraphrase the following:

1. For my own part... 2. ... I don’t know the first thing about them. 3. ... he gave me a great surprise. 4. ... Unless I had heard the story from his own lips ... 5. I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there. 6. ... he could not bear to hurt a fly.

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. ... I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me because most of us are self-contradictory. 2. He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and position. 3 __ they described him as one of the best. 4. ... the chief thing that struck you about Burton was his kindliness. 5. ... he aroused their instincts of orotection.


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с. Give the Russian equivaients to the following:

1. ... he had been in business in Japan. 2. ... both in appearance and in manner he suggested a very definite type. 3. ... he had made every penny himself. 4. ... in his youth he had been something of an athlete.


a. Paraphrase the following:

1.1 nodded a greeting. 2. Women thought a lot of him. 3. A bit of money med to come in for him. 4. He had had bad luck at cards. 5. There was no more money coming from home ... 6. He was all to pieces. 7. I got some idea ... 8. I’m not in a very good condition. 9. Do you think he gave up the idea ...

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. He is a remittance man. 2. There was no harm in him. 3. He could lose money with a good face. 4. I swam for my university. 5. I’ve known many men who were too much praised at their university.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following phrases:

1. “Any salary would do,’’ he said. 2. And what have you oeen doing so far? 3. Well, nothing very much ... 4. Isn’t there anything you can do except play cards? 5. Come back and see me in another thirty five years ...

d. Sum up the following passages:

1. from “One afternoon I was sitting “Well, isn’t there anything you can do .. about three days.’’

.’’ to “I know t h a t . . 2 . from to “We didn’t get the body for

IT. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences and phrases and give situations in which they are used in the text:

1. Что вы скажете на это? 2. Здесь много таких, как он. 3. Вряд ли я помню его имя. 4. И что вы делали до сих пор? — Ничего особенного. 5. Приходите ко мне еще через 35 лет. 6. «Решено»,— сказал он. 7. Я был очень занят в то утро. 8. Он так и не появился. 9. Он все-таки отправился.

Ш. Activise these words:

to puzzle, puzzling

a. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. I am sorry to say your comments are strange and unexpected. 2. My friend had graduated from a Technical College and it was strange for me to learn that he had taken up teaching. 3. My sister’s unhappy face surprised me greatly as I expected her to be in high spirits over her new appointment.


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b. Complete these sentences:

1.1 can’t make up my mind as to what to do ... (to see, puzzling). 2. He couldn’t take any definite steps ... (to be puzzled by one’s explanation). 3. The girl knew that the old aunt hated her, ... (to puzzle, unexpected kindness).

occasion, for (on) the occasion, occasional

a. Answer these questions:

1. Do you write only occasional letters in English? 2. Do you try to correct even occasional mistakes? 3. What do you consider to be a great occasion in a person’s life? Do you make special preparations for such occasions?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. You won’t have much to do at this time of the day here, just ... (to answer occasional calls, to type occasional letters). 2. He intends to start systematic research work, so far ... (experiments, occasional). 3. At her birthday party the girl was very fashionably dressed ... (a special occasion). 4. EXPO/91 displayed our achievements in different fields, wide preparations ... (for the occasion).

sense, sensible, to make sense, sensitive

a. Make up sentences in accordance frith the model using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l There is no sense I see no sense

in speeding the work, it’s not urgent.

(to comment on, to type, to rent a room, to act, to contradict, to struggle)

b. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Его план кажется вполне разумным. 2. Он разумный человек и не будет противоречить вам в этом вопросе. 3. Такое решение разумно, не правда ли? 4. Его предложение озадачило меня, оно совершенно не имело смысла в создавшихся обстоятельствах. 5. В этом пункте чего-то не хватает, он не имеет смысла. 6. Она очень обидчива. С ней следует очень осторожно разговаривать.

to strike, to strike smb. as ...

a. Make up sentences in accordance with the model using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l : His appearance struck me as quite unusual. The girl struck me as being very sensitive.

(puzzling, contradictory, sensible, absent-minded, attractive, outstanding, original)

b. Answer these questions:

1. You have seen difierent parts of the Russia, haven’t you? Which of them strike you as most beautiful? (highly industrial, having an excellent


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climate, etc.) 2. You have read stories by O. Henry, haven’t you? What strikes you about them? 3. Which of the modern actors strike you as very talented? What about writers, singers, pianists?

to make smb, do smth., to make (smth.) smb, happy, etc.

a. Translate into Russian:

1. His answer made me angry. 2.1 v\«ant you to make the report shorter. 3. Her words made me happy. 4. These descriptions will make the story long. 5. TThe new furniture made the room very comfortable. 6. These details made the story very interesting. 7. The changes made the room very big.

b. Make up sentences in accordance with the models using the nords given in brackets:

M o d e l 1: The circumstances made him act in that manner. M o d e l 2: Your explanation makes things easier. The results made her quite


(to act, to appoint, responsible, difficult, gay, nervous, to describe, unhappy, to train hard, profitable, to agree to, to reduce the price, reasonable, sensitive)

c. Answer these questions;

1. What makes you learn English? 2. Why does your teacher make you read Enghsh books in the original? (correct your mistakes, write exercises at home, etc). 3. What can make a person happy? (unhappy, nervous, excited, gloomy, cheerful, etc.). 4. What can make work easier ? (important, interesting, difficult, etc.).

d. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Ваши слова рассердили девушку. 2. Этот рассказ рассмешил всех (заставил всех смеяться). 3. Его ПОСТУПКИ заставляют мать нервничать. 4. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы несколько сократили ЭТУ часть. 5. Появление артистов оживило вечер (сделало вечер веселым), б. Директор заставил его просмотреть работу еще раз.

to think of

а. Complete these sentences:

1. The Russian ballet is popular the world over ... (to think a lot of). 2. This translation is not very good ... (not to think much of). 3. This play was not a success ... (not to think much of). 4. The actor L. is very talented ,.. (to think a lot of). 5. The teacher explained the rule and suggested ... (to think of).

fa. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Каково ваше мнение об этом человеке? 2. Я очень невысокого мнения об этом фильме. 3. Она очень хорошего мнения о вашей работе. 4. Я не МОГУ ничего придумать. 5. Он придумал новый


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метод внедрения этих машин в производство. 6. «Что вы думаете об этом изобретении?» — «Я невысокого мнения о нем».

to hesitate, hesitation

a. Make op sentences in accordance with the models using the words from brackets:

M o d e l s : l.He hesitated to speak to his chief. what to do. where to go for a holiday, how to approach the subject.

2. He hesitatea whether to act at once or put off the matter. (to put smb. in charge of, to make smb. responsible for, to get smth. for the occasion, to move into the new house, to describe at once, to use the contradictory information, to accept the offer)

b. Translate the sentences into English:

1. OH не решался рассказать другу о том, что случилось. 2. Я долго колебался, прежде чем принял это предложение. 3. Он дал мне окончательный ответ без малейшего колебания. 4. Она колебалась, согласиться ли на предложение или поискать другой работы.

to hint at smth, to smb., a hint, to take the hint, to give a hint

a. Complete these sentences:

1. For some reason he could not give me a straight answer so ... (to give a hint). 2. Not knowing how to break the bad news she ... (just to hint). 3. The boy turned red when ... (to hear, hint). 4. He said he preferred a frank talk and refused ... (to hint). 5. They told you something, didn’t they? Why didn’t you ... (to take the hint)? 6. She knew it would be enough if she ... (to give a hint).

b. Translate the sentences into Engiisb:

1. Тебе не следует намекать, что она очень, обидчива. 2. Я не понял твой намек. 3. Ваши намеки рассердили его. 4. Он не любит, когда ему намекают на ошибки. 5. Я не знаю, как он воспримет этот намек. 6. Он давно уже намекает мне на какие-то обстоятельства. 7. Вам давно следовало намекнуть Петрову, что его манера говорить обижает его товарищей.

to give up, to give in (to) smb.

a. Answer the questions:

1. When does a person give up a plan (a job, one’s idea, etc.)? 2. In what case would you give up singing (playing the piano, skating, sports, etc.)? 3. Do you usually give in easily? When do you do so? 4. Is it always sensible to give in to your children? 5. Why do parents often do so?


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1>. Complete these soitences using the words to gioe up or to give in:

1. The young man broke his leg and ... 2. She finally realized that she was wrong and ... 3. There is no sense in contradicting him, in your place I’d ... 4. Stop hesitating, if the plan is no good you ... 5. With his experience he shouldn’t ...

rV. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. How can you describe Natasha from “War and Peace" ? 2. Can you say that her character is contradictory? Why? 3. Did she always act in a sensible way? 4. Can you say that she always arouses the reader’s sympathy?

1. What do you think of Andrei Bolkonsky’s appearance? 2. Did he strike people as very handsome? 3. Was there anything strange about his manner of speaking to people? 4. Do you think he would have made Natasha happy?

1. Do you always make your children obey you? 2. What do you do if their actions contradict your wishes? 3. Do you think occasional punishment can do children good? 4. How should grown-ups act to arouse children’s respect ?

1. An athlete should always be in a good condition, shouldn’t he? 2. What happens if he gives up sports ? 3. Is it pretty hard to go back to the former con- dition afterwards? What is required in that case? 4. Can you speak about it from your own experience?

1. Have you (your friends) moved into a new flat lately? 2. How can you describe the flat (the place around)? 3. Did you quickly make up your mind about the furniture you chose or did you hesitate first? 4. What did your friends think of your choice? Did they praise it?


V. Give English equivalents to the foiiowing combinations:

1. быть в недоумении из-за противоречивых фактов; 2. действовать благоразумно; 3. описать потом чьи-л. поступки (внешность); 4. вести себя разумно; 5. заставить кого-л. дать ответ; б. встретить кого-л. несколько раз (в ряде случаев); 7. противоречить описанию; 8. не решиться похвалить кого-л. за что-л.;-9. быть хорошего .мнения о чьем-л. опыте; 10. перестать (бросить) водить машину; 11. въехать в свободную комнату; 12. СУДИТЬ О чем-л. исходя из опыта; 13. произвести смешное впечатление; 14. описать товар, прибывший в плохом состоянии.

VI. Give all possible combinations of:

a. the following verbs with nouns:

to arouse to book to come across to change to think of to miss to give up to collect


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b. the following adjectives with nouns:

puzzling sensible contradictory funny occasional vacant

VII. Translate Into Russian:

1. The letter must have made no sense therefore Helen looked so puzzled when reading it. 2. There must have been no vacancy at the office that was why they didn’t take him. 3. The son’s arrival must have been a great occasion in the life of the Bremvils that accounts for their inviting so many guests to the place. 4. They must be discussing the price question at the moment, since the question about the delivery date was settled yesterday. 5. The boys may be sleeping now, as the house seems unusually quiet. 6. You may not have liked the girl’s appearance but you shouldn’t have told her about it. 7. He may hesitate to go with us on an excursion as he doesn’t feel well. 8. She must have given up her plan about going to the Caucasus as she didn’t ring me up yesterday. 9. He must have moved in very good society as he has very good manners. 10. She may be a very sensitive person but, I cannot say it for certain. 11. Kindness must be the main feature of his character as they say he is always ready to help his friends.

УШ. Choose the correct form of the infinitive:

1. The girl must (to be puzzled, to have been puzzled) by the sudden appearance of her friend as she did not expect her to come at such a late hour. 2. The patient may (to be in a good condition, to have been in a good condition) as the doctor allowed him to go for a walk. 3. The Petrovs may (to move out, to have moved out) of the flat last week, as we no longer see them here. 4. The child must (to sleep, 4o be sleeping, to have slept) and so her mother doesn’t want us to talk so loudly. 5. The child must (to fall asleep, to have fallen asleep), don’t turn on the radio. 6! Everybody must (to appreciate, to have appreciated) Zotov’s manner of reading poetry at the last evening party since everybody praised him. 7. They may not (to give, to have given) a very correct description of the place therefore you failed to find it. 8. Smirnov may not (to take the hint, to have taken the hint) and so he insisted on being right. 9. Helen may (to give up, to have given up) the idea of teaching her child music after having a talk with the music teacher. 10. The boy must (to do, to be doing, to have done) his physical exercises as it is twenty minutes to eight.

IX. Fill in the blanks with articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

1. Eric Gorin understood that it would not make ... sense to try to prove to ... manufacturer that it was ... very valuable invention. 2. “You act like ... man who does not think of ... future at all,” said Turnbull to Eric. 3. The doctor may have been right in ... way when he said that the teacher had no right to allow ... child to come to school because ... boy’s little brother was ill with ... measles (корь). He said so because he did not want ... other children inf>.... form to fall ill with ... same disease.



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4. “Your idea of improving ... design of ... machine is good but I must talk . matter over with ... owner of ... plant and see if he is interested in ... modifications,” said ... engineer to ... designer. 5. Jim must have pretended not to take ... hint when ... landlady told him he had made ... very good impression on all ... members of ... family as he said nothing in ... reply. 6. When ... actor told ... friend he had given up ... theatre ... friend said that he did not consider ... decision sensiblj. 7. If you want to achieve good results I advise you to act in ... following way. 8. ... student who was the first to take ... examination showed such ... deep knowledge o f . . . subject that... professor gave him ... excellent mark. 9. Somov makes ... impression of ... man who has ... wide experience in designing ... machine-tools of tills model. 10. ... more I think of ... case ... less I understand what made you act in that way, you must have followed ... wrong advice.

X. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs and retell text B. A

1. The chief engineer acted ... a man whose words never contradicted hiS

actions. 2. There was a lot of excitement ... the house ... the occasion . .. the arrival ... the elder brother. 3. Have you come ... many new words and expressions ... the book you are reading? 4. The scientist must have had a wide experience ... scientific work and this made him very popular ... his fellow-workers. 5. All that the old doctor told Manson ... the sanitary conditions ... the town aroused a great interest ... him because it was clear . . him the man spoke ... his own experience. 6. These blocks ... new houses may have been built... this district of Moscow not long ago, as people are still moving ... them. 7.1 prefer not to give .. . when I feel I’m right. 8. If you come here ... another two years the town will make a still better impression ... you. 9. Can you think ... another plan? I’m afraid nobody will agree ... this suggestion. 10. I hinted ... him about the matter but he seemed to know all about it. 11. The doctor advised the man to give ... the job as it was doing him harm. 12. When I came to see the Sotovs I was told they had moved . . . .




It never made me happy to get ... close touch ... the great men of the world. And when my friend suggested that I should be introduced ... the famous Spanish poet Don Calisto I refused. He was puzzled, but I explained that the poet was old and ill and... (a) bad condition and the appearance ... a stranger ... his house would make a very unpleasant impression ... him. But all this took place many years ago. For a quarter of a century since then Don Calisto had lived quite lonely without seeing anybody. I happened to be spending a week ... the town where he lived and it suddenly came ... my mind that I might be glad to meet the great poet. Don Calisto seemed to be interested ... young writers and allowed them to call ... him.

“Woat does he look like now?” I asked my friend. “Very handsome. His appearance and his manners are charming.” “Have you got a photograph ... him?” “No, he wants people to remember him as a young and


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handsome man. Now that he has become old he refuses to face the camera. Women had thought a lot ... him ... his youth, that might be another reason why he is acting ... this way.”

So the next day early ... the morning I started ... Calisto’s house. It was ... the suburbs ... Seville, rather ... my hotel. When I reached the gate an elderly woman ... a pleasant face opened it. “What do > ou want?” she said. I understood she looked ... the poet, and I gave her my card. She hesitated ... a moment but I said, “I have an appointment ... your master.” She opened the gate and showed me ... .

The place struck me as very poor. There were a few pieces ... old furniture inside. ... the walls there were some Spanish pictures which seemed rather bad ... me. But the more I looked ... all the things around me, the better I thought ... the poet, as I knew the reason ... the poverty. Don Calisto never looked ... an opportunity to make money. ... .the one hand he earned it easily but ... the other hand he never tried to save a penny for he didn’t think much ... his everyday needs. He paid no attention ... them. The place impressed ... me greatly. It was quite clear ... me now that a really great poet should finish his life ... such a ruined and great Ьоше.

Tben I heard footsteps and my heart beat quickly. I saw him come ... me. He was holding my card... his hand. He indeed looked very handsome. I was struck ... his appearance. I got ... and said, “It is a wonderful honour, sir ... a foreigner such as I to meet such a great poet.”

The man looked amused. Judging by the expression ... his face the situation must have seemed funny ... him and he said smiling, “I’m not a poet, sir, but a merchant, you must be mistaken. Don Calisto lives ... the house next to mine.”

XI. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active words:

1. The more the girl thought about her friend’s sudden departure the more she was at a loss. 2. The excuse given in the letter must have seemed very strange to Peter as he said it didn’t explain anything and he didn’t know how to act. 3. I’ve heard different opinions about the exhibition of Picasso’s works. I think the reason for it is the way in which his pictures are painted. 4. In the summer of 1966 the World Congress on Therapy ['Oerspi] was held in Moscow. Many famous scientists arrived in Russia to take part in the work of the Congress. 5. Natasha must have been shocked by the way in which Andrei Bolkonski’s father spoke to her as she could hardly say a word in his presence. 6. If Anatol Curagin had not been so good-looking he would not have attracted Natasha’s attention. 7. My friend’s opinion of the New York ballet was not very high. 8. The opinion of the Moscow public about the actor Lawrence Olivie ['iMons oh'vje] must be very high, as he was always met with a storm of applause. 9. The fact that the doctor agreed to make an operation on board ship showed that he was a real doctor. 10. The lodger didn’t seem to understand the landlady when she told him he was not giving her enough money. 11. Rembrandt’s pictures were seldom a success during his life-time but he never thought of changing his mind about painting. 12. “In another two years when you are a big boy you are sure to drop such ideas,” the grandfather


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said to his grandson. 13.1 wonder how much you will get after graduation. 14. You should have told me Mary was easily hurt, it would have saved me a world of trouble.

ХП. Translate into English paying attention to Complex Object:

1. Мы бы хотели, чтобы эти факты были проверены еще раз, так как они кажутся очень противоречивыми. 2. Я ХОЧУ, чтобы ты тоже прочитал это письмо. Оно показалось мне непонятным. 3. Разве ты не слышал, как они говорили, что у актера X. особая манера чтения стихов? 4. Не следует заставлять ребенка заниматься сейчас фигурным катанием. Он все еще слаб (в плохом состоянии) после болезни. 5. Почему ты хочешь, чтобы твоя дочь прекратила занятия МУЗЫКОЙ? Она одна из ЛУЧШИХ учениц в классе. 6. Мы бы хотели, чтобы ПОСТУПОК X. обсуждался на собрании. Его следует похвалить в присутствии всех. 7. Не заставляйте X. делать эту работу. Я слышал, как он говорил, что у него очень мало опыта в работе такого рода. 8. Я слышал, как друзья Климова говорили, что он очень опытный инженер. Если вы обратитесь к нему за советом, он будет рад помочь вам. 9. Я не ожидала, что его ПОСТУПОК

рассердит тебя. 10. Они не ожидали, что Е. окажется таким обид- чивьш человеком. 11. Мы бы хотели, чтобы были приняты более разумные решения. 12. Не заставляй меня подробно описывать наружность Джейн. Я никогда не запоминаю внешность человека, которого ВИЖУ впервые. 13. Я не ХОЧУ, чтобы моего сына хвалили в присутствии всех. ЕМУ ЭТО будет неприятно (unpleasant).

ХШ. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. Everybody got angry with the young man for acting ... a little boy, but he wouldn’t ... his tricks (as, like; to refuse, to give up). 2. The girl played her part ... a real actress but she may not realize that she is talented (as, like). 3. He studies at an institute and at the same time works ... teacher of physics, but he never ... to help his friends (as, like; to refuse, to give up), 4. They may have made a nice couple; a ... young man and a ... young girl, but she wouldn’t marry him and he had ... her (beautiful, handsome; to refuse, to give up). 5. “The room will be ... for another two months,’’ said the landlady. “You are ... to move in right now or a few days later” (vacant, free). 6. ... a businessman my friend visited Finland on several ... , but twice he went there ... an athlete to take part in sport... (as, like; occasion, event). 7. The Graduation party was an important ... in the life of the girl and she asked her mother to buy a new dress for ... (occasion, event). 8. It’ll be a great pity if Mary ... playing the violin (скрипка). She has made great progress in her studies (to refuse, to give up). 9. It will all depend on the way you speak to him, then he may n o t . . . help (to refuse, to give up).

XIV. Make ap situations using the following sentences;

1. These data are contradictory. 2. Their suggestion puzzled me greatly. 3. It aroused everybody’s interest. 4.1 suppose their decision was very sen


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sible. 5. He wouldn’t take the hint. 6. She shouldn’t have acted like a child. 7. His explanation did not make much sense. 8. The goods arrived in very bad condition.

XV. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1. A Trip to]]a City

to go on business to come to one’s mind from my experience to book to hesitate to think it’s more convenient to go through the Customs liable to duty

2. Getting Accommodation

difficult to get accommodation on the occasion (not) available a way out a boarding house charge furniture to be in good condition pretty

4. The Return of the Goods

to arrive in bad condition to strike smb. (as) a vessel to unload from one’s experience to be badly damaged to come to one’s mind to describe a way out to hesitate

3, Meeting a Person

to come across for the last few years appearance features to change to strike smb. (as) sensitive to think of afterwards actions to arouse interest contradictory

XVI. Translate into^EngUsh:

1. Вопросы детей очень часто озадачивают взрослых, и они не знают, как на них ответить. 2. Последний роман писателя X. вы- звал большой интерес, так как заставил читателей задуматься (think over) над многими важными проблемами. 3. Меня поразила внешность этого мальчика. У него очень правильные (regular) черты лица, не правда ли? 4. Если ты хочешь сделать свое сооб- щение интересны.м, постарайся использовать много примеров, под- тверждающих твою ТОЧКУ зрения. Это заставит всех присутству- ющих (all those present) слушать тебя внимательно. 5. Эрик Горин знал, что, если бы он потребовал увеличения жалования, его хо- зяин УВОЛИЛ бы его, и ПОЭТОМУ он вынужден был уступить и согла- ситься на УСЛОВИЯ хозяина. 6. «Вряд ли такой поступок вызовет уважение твоих товарищей», — сказал отец СЫНУ. 7. Вы уже .много раз повторяете ЭТУ ошибку. Не думаю, чтобы она была случайной. 8. Нет смысла звонить КЛИМОВУ сейчас. Только что мне сказали, что он вернется в конце дня. 9. Заключения (conclusions), сделан-


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ные ДВУМЯ группами экспертов по работе станка последней модели, оказались настолько противоречивыми, что главный инженер завода предложил заменить этот станок другим. 10. Я бы никогда не мог предположить, что В. окажется такой обидчивой. 11. Молодой инженер понял, что ему следовало бы почаще консультироваться (consult) со своими товарищами, так как у них было гораздо больше опыта в научно-исследовательской работе. 12. Недавно на улице Палиха открылась выставка. На этой выставке (экспонируются) показаны детские рисунки. Многие рисунки производят очень хорошее впечатление на посетителей выставки и заслуживают похвалы. 13. Я давно знаю актера X., он очень талантлив, и меня всегда поражала его манера работать над ролью. 14. Молодые специалисты всегда старались следовать советам главного инженера, так как знали, что он дает их, исходя из собственного опыта. 15. «Вы уже переехали в НОВУЮ квартиру?» — «Да. Мы въехали, как только был готов дом». 16. Больной был в очень тяжелом состоянии, и это заставило врача отказаться от мысли делать операцию сразу же.

XVn. Translate Oie following sentences bito Russian:

1. “Does any of these papers make sense to you?” Essex said to Mac Gregor. 2.1 met him in another 10 years. He did not give in. He had never known a day’s illness. He seemed never to grow tired. 3. No one could be more English than George in appearance and manner and everything. 4. My brother Ferdinand happened to move in very good society. 5. Mrs. Forrester felt that her husband’s presence on these occaaons was absolutely necessary for her. 6. In a moment he opened the door in his hesitating way and looked in. 7. We must move with the times. 8. He dressed in a manner that suited his age and condition. 9. He was a big, strong man and many women seemed to like him. She liked him, too, in a way. 10. Park Gardens was a handsome block of flats, not altogether modern but large and with a fine view of Hyde Park. 11. He wouldn’t move the furniture into the next room though I had a. sked him to do so. 12. The more I move about from place to place the better I feel. 13. The second point is the request timt they should not give up your house. 14. To see the vacant chair and think, “How good! How kind! H? is gone.”


ХУШ. Give extended answes to these qnestioiis:

1. Why doesn’t the author trust the first impression of a person? 2. Why does the author say that once Edward Burton gave him a great surprise? 3. Why does the author describe Edward Burton’s appearance in detail? 4. Why did Edward Burton arouse the instinct of protection in people? 5. Why did the young man turn to Edward Burton for help? 6. Why did Edward Burton make his suggestion to his namesake? 7. Why did Lanny Burton at first tell his namesake that he was not in (a) good condition? What made him


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agree to his suggestion afterwards? 8. Why did Edward Burton act that way towards the young man? Did he really have no vacancy to offer? 9. Would the young man have changed his way of living if Edward Burton had offered him a job? 10. Do you see any contradictory features in both characters? What are they? 11. Would Edward Burton have arranged the swimming test if he had known how it would end?

XIX. Make up statements on the text followed by questions in accordance with the model:

M o d e l : The author supposes that in most cases people judge the persons they meet by appearance. Do you agree with this point of view ?

XX. Give extended descriptions of the following facta or episodes from the text. Use the words given in brackets:

1. The author’s trip to Jokohama (to come to one’s mind, a suitable occasion, a sensible thing to do, to book tickets, on board a steamer, to come to see off, to wish a happy journey, to feel well, to do a lot of good, to enjoy a trip, to do a lot of sightseeing, to have to change)

2. Edward Burton’s business in Japan (to belong to, to move to, to set up an office, sensible, to compete, to do business with, not to hesitate, reliable, to make a profit, to consider, on the one hand, on the other hand)

3. The discussion that took place at the British Qub after Lanny Burton’s body was found

(to be puzzled, contradictory reasons, to strike ... as strange, to think of, to see Lanny Burton walk about, to hint at, to commit suicide, to feel bad, unable, to realise, to shock)

XXI. Characterise the followiag persons nsiog the words given in brackets:

1. Edward Burton (to puzzle, contradictory, appearance, to contradict, manner of, to describe, to strike ... as, to give up, vacancy, instead of, to hurt, to judge by)

2. Lanny Burton (handsome, in a way, to think a lot of, experience in, to be in (a) bad condition, pretty, to hesitate, drive, (not) sensible, in low spirits, to be disappointed, to object)

XXU. Using the words given in brackets retell the story in the person of:

Edward Burton (career, to be in charge of, to come across, to puzzle, to be willing to do smth., to strike ... as, to make up (to change) one’s mind, in these circumstances, vacancy)

Turner (to turn up, to seem to be popular, always, to be in high spirits, to have no experience, handsome, nice manners, to think a lot of, to strike ... as, in another two months, to give up all hope, to turn for help, to seem to disappear)


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Edward Burton’s daughter (to describe, to arouse interest, to invite, to strike as handsome, to be willing, to change one’s mind, to take out, to seem to be rich, to

ask her father, to make smb. angry, (not) to give in, to give up)

ХХШ. Pick out the words from the brackets to describe: a) a

person’s appearance; b) a person’s character

(appearance, features, thin, talented, lovely, experienced, proud, attractive, friendly, handsome, clever, figure, good-looking, contradictory, reliable, nice, curly, hair, small, disappointed, nose, cheeks, straight, sensitive, sensible, beauty, intelligent)

XXIV. Read and discuss the story:


Mr. Max Kelada aroused my dislike even before I knew him. The war had just finished and the passenger traffic in the ocean-going liner was heavy. Accommodation was veiy hard to get and you had to accept any vacant cabin offered to you. You could not hope for a cabin to yourself and I was thankful to be given one in which there were only two berths.* But when I was told the name of my companion I felt disappointed. I would have preferred my fellow passenger’s name to be Smith or Brown, but it was Kelada.

Mr. Kelada could not be described as handsome. He was short and rather fat, his long black hair was curly. His accent struck me as foreign.

He was fond of talking. He talked of anything that came to his mind. He discussed plays, pictures and politics. What he said was sensible but still by lunch time I got pretty tired and said, I would go down to the dining-room and get my seat at table.

“Oh, that’s all right,” he said. “I’ve already taken a seat for you.” I not only shared a cabin with him and ate three meals a day at the same

table, but I could not walk round the deck without his joining me. I came across him always and everywhere. It never came to his mind that he was not wanted. He was sure that you were as glad to see him as he was to see you. He was a good mixer,** and in three days knew everyone on board. He ran everything. His experience seemed to be very wide. He conducted the auctions, collected money for prizes at the sports, organized a concert and arrange^ a ball. Probably, he expected to be praised, but he was certainly the best hated m in in the slfip. We called him Mr. Know-All, even to his face but he took it as a compliment. He seemed to know everything better than anybody else, ai d never hesitated about anything. He would not drop a subject, however unimportant, till he had made you think his way. The possibility that he could Ы mistaken never came to his mind. He was the fellow who knew.

There was a man on board. He was Ramsay in the American Consular St rvice and was stationed at Kobe. He was on his way back to his post, after a lying visit to New York to get his wife who had been spending a year at

a berth койка I

‘ mixer общительный человек



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home. Mrs. Ramsay was a very pretty little thing, with pleasant manners and a sense of humour. The Consular Service is badly paid, and she was dressed always in a simple manner; but she knew how to wear her clothes,. She made a very pleasant impression and struck you as very modest.*

One evening at dinner the conversation happened to turn to the subject of pearls.** There had been in the papers a lot of talk about the cultured pearls which the Japanese were making, and one of the passengers remarked that they must certainly bring down the value of real ones. Mr. Kelada, in his usual manner, went on with the new topic. He told us all that was to be known about pearls. I do not believe Ramsay knew anything about them at all, but he could not give in easily and in five minutes we were in the middle of a heated argument. I had seen Mr. Kelada talkative before, but on that occasion he went beyond himself. At last something that Ramsay said aroused him so much that he shouted.

“Well, I’ve got enough experience to know what I am talking about. I’m going to Japan just to look into this Japanese pearl business. I’m in the trade and what I don’t know about pearls isn’t worth knowing.’’

Here was news for us. Mr. Kelada had never told anyone what his business was. He had only hinted that he was going to Japan on some commercial business. Now he looked round the table triumphantly and pointed to a chain*** that Mrs. Ramsay wore. “You take my word for it, Mrs. Ramsay, that chain you’re wearing will never be worth a cent less than it is now.’’

Mrs. Ramsay in her modest way turned red a little and put the chain inside her dress. Ramsay leaned forward and smiled.

“That’s a pretty chain of Mrs. Ramsay’s, isn’t it?” Mr. Ramsay said. “It’ll puzzle you to hear that Mrs. Ramsay bought that string at a department store the day before we left New York, for eighteen dollars.”

Mr. Kelada turned red. “Nonsense, it’s not only real, but it’s as fine for its size as I’ve ever seen.”

“Will you bet on it? I’ll bet you a hundred dollars it’s an imitation.” “Done. Let me look at the chain, and if it’s an imitation I’ll tell you quickly enough. I can afford to lose a hundred dollars,” said Mr. Kelada.

“Take it off, dear. Let the gentleman look at it as much as he wants,” Mr. Ramsay said smiling.

Mrs. Ramsay hesitated a moment. “I can’t undo it,” she said. “Mr. Kelada will just have to take my word for it.”

I had a sudden idea that something unfortunate was about to happen, but I could think of nothing to say.

Ramsay jumped up. “I’ll undo it.” He handed the chain to Mr. Kelada, who closely examined it. A smile of

triumph spread over his face. He was about to speak. Suddenly he caught sight of Mrs. Ramsay’s face. It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint.**** She was looking at him with wide and terrified eyes.

* modest скро.мный

** pearls жемчуг *** a chain зд. нитка же.мчуга

•*** to faint упасть в обморок


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Mr. Kelada stopped with his mouth open. He turned red and then he acted in a very unusual manner.

“I was mistaken,” he said. “It’s a very good imitation. I think eighteen dollars is just about as much as the thing’s worth.” He took out his pocket book and from it a hundred dollar bill. He handed it to Ramsay without a word.

“Perhaps that’ll teach you to be sensible another time, my young friend,” said Ramsay as he took the note.

I noticed that Mr. Kelada’s hands were trembling. Next morning I got up and began to shave. Mr. Kelada lay on his bed

smoking a cigarette. Suddenly I saw a letter pushed under the door. I opened the door and looked out. There was nobody there. I picked up the letter and saw that it was addressed to Mr. Kelada. I handed it to him.

“Who’s this from?” He opened it. “Oh!” He took out of the envelope, not a letter, but a hundred dollar bill. He

looked at me and again he reddened. He tore the envelope into little bits and gave them to me.

“Do you mind just throwing them out?” I did as he asked, and then I looked at him with a smile. “No one likes it when people make him look a perfect fool,” he said. “Were the pearls real?” “If I had a pretty little wife I shouldn’t let her spend a year in New York

while I stayed at Kobe,” he said. At that moment I did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada. He took out his

pocketbook and carefully put in it the hundred dollar note.


1. Why did Mr. Kelada arouse the author’s dislike at first and what made the author change his opinion about him in the end? 2. Do you see any contradictions in Mr. Kelada’s behaviour? 3. What made him give in and lose the bet to Ramsay? 4. Whose actions were puzzling in the story? Why? 5. What would have happened if Kelada had told the truth? 6. Who returned the money to him? Why did the person do so? 7. Why does the author stress the fact that Mrs. Ramsay was an extremely modest woman? 8. What do both stories have in common? Do they both prove the author’s point of view about the self-contradictory nature of a person? 9. What do you think of the main characters of the story?

XXV. Retell the story using the active words given after the story. Discuss it.


Старик Потапов умер через месяц после того, как Татьяна Петровна поселилась у него в доме. Татьяна Петровна осталась одна с дочерью Варей и старухой-нянькой. После Москвы она долго не могла привыкнуть к ЭТОМУ маленькому северному городку и сожалела, что бросила друзей, театр, что теперь она уже не скоро ■сядет за свой любимый рояль.

2 Зак. № 348 Памукшга 33

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Но возвращаться в МОСКВУ было уже нельзя. Татьяна Петровна решила выступать в лазаретах — их было несколько в городке — и успокоилась. Городок начал ей даже нравиться, особенно когда пришла зима и завалила его снегом.

Татьяна Петровна знала, что у Потапова остался сын моряк, что на рояле в кабинете Потапова стояла его карточка. Иногда Татьяна Петровна брала ее, рассматривала, и ей почему-то казалось, что она его где-то встречала, но очень давно, еще до своего неудачного замужества. Но где? И когда?

Среди зимы начали приходить письма на имя Потапова, написанные одной и той же рукой. Татьяна Петровна складывала их на письменно.м столе.

Однажды ночью она проснулась. Не спалось. Она накинула халат и пошла в кабинет. Включила свет, села к СТОЛУ, осторожно взяла одно из писем и стала его читать.

«Милый мой старик. Вот уже с месяц как я лежу в госпитале, — читала Татьяна Петровна, — рана не тяжелая. Я часто вспоминаю тебя, папа, наш городок и дом. Закрываю глаза и ВИЖУ; ВОТ я отворяю калитку, дорожка в саду расчищена. В комнатах тепло и пахнет дымом. Рояль, наконец, настроен, и на нем лежат те же ноты. Неужели я все это УВИЖУ

ОПЯТЬ? Когда поправлюсь, .меня ОТПУСТЯТ ненадолго домой. Но лучше не жди».

Татьяна Петровна долго сидела у стола и дулгала, что вот со дня на день может приехать с фронта человек и ему будет тяжело встретить здесь ЧУЖИХ людей и увидеть все не таким, каким он хотел бы увидеть.

Утром Татьяна Петровна расчистила дорожку к беседке, исправила колокольчик над дверью, пригласила настройщика настроить рояль, а вечером, найдя в ящике стола ноты, положила их на рояль, села к роялю и стала играть.

«Зачем ты трогаешь чужие вещи, — сказала ее дочь, когда она кончила играть, — мне не позволяешь, а сама трогаешь». «Пото.му что я взрослая», — ответила Татьяна Петровна. Варя недоверчиво взглянула на нее. Сейчас Татьяна Петровна меньше всего походила на взрослую. Она вся преобразилась и походила сейчас на девУШКУ с золотьши волосами, которая потеряла туфлю во дворце и о которой она сама рассказывала Варе.

Когда Николай Потапов приехал в свой городок, от начальника станции он узнал о смерти отца и о том, что в их доме живет эвакуированная из Москвы. «Переночуйте у меня, — сказал он, — домой вам идти незачем». — «Спасибо», — ответил Потапов и вышел. Весь день он бесцельно бродил по городу. В сумерки подошел к своему ДОМУ,

осторожно открыл калитку. Зазвенел колокольчик. Потапов вошел в сад. К беседке вела расчищенная дорожка. Потапов снял фуражку, остановился и тихо сказал: «Как же это так?»

Кто-то осторожно тронул Потапова за плечо. Он ОГЛЯНУЛСЯ. Позади него стояла молодая женщина. «Наденьте фуражку, вы простудитесь, и пойде.чте в дом».


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Потапов молча пошел за ней. Весь вечер он не мог избавиться от странного ощущения, будто все это происходит во сне. Все в доме было таким, каким он хотел видеть. Даже его письма из госпиталя лежали на том же месте, на которое его отец всегда клал письма.

I Поздним вечером, сидя У рояля, Татьяна Петровна обернулась Ki Потапову и сказала: «Мне все кажется, что где-то я уже видела вас». Он посмотрел на нее. «Нет, не МОГУ припомнить», — сказал он ГЛУХИМ голосом. В четыре часа утра Татьяна Петровна разбудила Николая И пошла проводить его на станцию. После второго звонка они попрощались. «Помните, мы теперь как родственники. Правда?» Потапов ничего не ответил, только КИВНУЛ головой. Через несколько дней Татьяна Петровна получила от Потапова ПИСЬМО С дороги.

«Я вспомнил, конечно, где мы встречались, — писал Потапов, — но не хотел говорить об этом там, дома. Помните Крьам в двадцать седьмом году? Осень в Ливадийском парке. По парку шла девушка, ей было лет шестнадцать. Когда мы поравнялись, я ВЗГЛЯНУЛ на нее. Она прошла мимо меня быстро. Той девушкой были вы. Я не мог ошибиться. Я смотрел вам вслед и почувствовал, что эта женщина может дать мне огро.мное счастье. Тогда я уже знал, что должен найти вас, чего бы это ни стоило. Так я думал тогда, но все же не СДВИНУЛСЯ с места. Почему — не знаю. Жизнь оказалась милостивой ко мне, я встретил вас. И если все кончится хорошо и вам понадобится моя жизнь, она, конечно, будет ваша. Да, я нашел на столе у отца свое распечатанное письмо. Я понял все и МОГУ только благодарить вас издали».

Татьяна Петровна отложила письмо, туманными глаза.ми по- с.мотрела на снежный сад и сказала: «Боже мой, я никогда не была в Крыму. Никогда! Но разве теперь это может иметь какое-нибудь значение? И стоит ли разуверять его? И себя!»

(Отрывок из рассказа Паустовского «Снег»)

привыкнуть to get used; письмо на имя а letter addressed to; рана wound [wutnd]; пахнуть чем-то to smell of smth.; настроить рояль to tune the piano; ноты music; эвакуированная из Москвы a woman evacuated from Moscow

Words to be used: to puzzle, to come to one’s mind, action, manner, appearance, to strike as,

to act, to arouse, to make happy, to praise, like, to move in, to make sense, handsome, to be in (a) good condition, to give up.


1. What kind of feelings did the small town arouse in Tatyana Petrovna at first? 2. Why did she very often look at the photo of Potapov’s son?

3. What did she decide to do on the occasion of the arrival of Potapov’s son? 4. What impression did Tatyana Petrovna’s actions make on her little daughter? 5. What struck young Potapov about the house when he opened the door? 6. Why didn’t the station master want him to go home? 7. What


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made Tatyana Petrovna open Potapov’s letter and read it? 8. Why did she- never write to Potapov about his father’s death? 9. Why did it come to Potapov’s mind to find out why nobody had answered his letters? 10. Do you think he really met Tatyana Petrovna before ? 11. Why did Tatyana Petrovna decide not to tell him the truth?

XXVI. Speak on the following topics:

1. Give the reasons for the author’s choice of the titles for the stories “A Friend in Need” and “Mr. Know-All”. 2. Compare Mr. Edward Burton and Mr. Kelada. 3. Appearance is very deceptive. 4. A friend in need is a friend, indeed. 5. Describe a voyage you once made.


XXVn. Answer these questions using the necessary tense forms:

1. How many foreign firms have placed orders with you lately? For what goods did they place orders last year? Had all the goods been delivered to- them by the time stipulated in the conti'act? 2. Have you ever had to make reservations for foreign visitors to Moscow? Did you make them through the receptionist? What kind of forms had the visitors filled in before such a reservation ? 3. Have you ever invited many guests to your place? Had you managed to arrange everything by the time your guests came to your place ?' 4. Have you ever travelled first-class? Was it easy to book tickets? How many days before the train’s departure had you booked tickets? 5. Have you ever had to take your luggage to a left-luggage office? Did you ask a porter to help you ? Had a porter collected all your suit cases at the left-luggage office before you got on the train? 6. Have you often had to stay at hotels in different towns of Russia ? In which of them did you get the best ac commodation ? Had you reserved a room before you arrived at that place ?

XXMlI.^Translate into English paying attention to the tense forms:

1. Вы когда-либо летали на ТУ- 154?По-моему, это очень удобный вид транспорта. Однажды мне пришлось лететь из Москвы в Хабаровск на самолете. Поездка была очень приятной и отняла у нас очень мало времени.

2. — Портье принес уже ваши чемоданы? — Да.^Вот они. — Горничная проводит вас в ваш номер.

3. — Как вы доехали до аэропорта? — Автобусом. — Вы не опоздали? — Нет. Когда мы выходили из автобуса, нам сказали, что самолет только что приземлился, и мы встретили наших гостей в здании аэропорта.

4. — Почему ты не распаковал свой чемодан? — У нас еще много времени. Мы успеем погладить свои вещи перед тем, как пойдем осматривать город.

о. Мы узнали, что время вылета самолета изменилось за 3 часа до нашего отъезда.


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6. Служащий аэропорта еще не зарегистрировал мой билет. Подожди меня. У нас еще есть время.

7. Бюро администратора находилось на 1-м этаже. Мы сразу нашли его, заполнили все бланки, и горничная проводила нас в наш номер.

8. Когда Климов подошел к камере хранения, носильщик уже ПОЛУЧИЛ весь его багаж.

9. Они переехали в эту квартиру через два месяца после того,, как дом был построен.

10. «Эта комната (пустует) свободна уже два месяца. Вы можете въехать в нее, если она вам нравится», — сказала хозяйка, обращаясь к Джиму.

XXIX. Exchange impressions of а business trip. (Make'up a dialogue.)

A io gc on business lately to prefer to go by train an express the first vi.sit strike as to de.ccribe

В to fly to book a ticket How long did it take to think of (not) to agree to be right in a way

XXX. Supply the correct form of the verbs and discuss the contents of tbe letters:


London, Jan. 27th, 199. . .

Dear Sirs,

We (to receive) a letter from our clients saying that they (to need) lOO standards of Russian Red deals, 3x9, for shipment in April.

As you (to see) the size they (to require) (to be) somewhat smaller than the deals you (to deliver) to Messrs. Groats last November. Messrs. Groats> said they (to be satisfied) with all the consignments you (to deliver) to them, and therefore we (to think) you (to make) us an offer of the best deals too.

Please (to quote) f.o.b.Petersburg. We (to look) forward to your replyЪу return.

Yours faithfully.

Brown and Co^

deals дильс (мера длины); Russian Red русский кедр


Dear Sirs,

We (to receive) your inquiry of the 27th January and (can) make you an offer of a lot of КЮ standards of Russian Red deals, 3x9, for shipment in April, at £ 21.00 per standard, f.o.b. Petersburg.


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As regards your reference to our business with Groats and Co. we wish to let you know that we (to do) business with them for the last 5 years and we never (to fail) to meet their requirements. Last year they (to place) a very big order with us and they (to cable) us that the goods under the contract (to arrive) in good condition.

As we (to do) business with you previously we (to be glad) if you (to agree) to cash payment instead of a L/C which this time we (to ask) to open for 3 months.

We (to hold) this offer firm till next Thursday at the latest.

Yours faithfully, Sojuzexport

XXXI. Supply the correct tense form and reproduce the dialogue:

Hindy: Well, Mr. Ivanov, now that we (to settle) the price problem Td like to discuss your delivery terms.

Ivanov: We (to state) them in our offer of the 2nd of July. Hindy: Yes, but they (refer) to fabrics* samples 21 and 26. Now we (to change)

the assortment. Our customers (to be interested) in fabrics on sample 27. The demand for them in our country (to go up) lately and they (to be unlikely) to buy samples 21 and 26.

Ivanov: We quite (to agree) with you. This kind of fabric (to become) pretty popular indeed. What quantity you (to require)?

Hindy: About 5 000.000 yards, all for prompt delivery if possible. Ivanov: Oh, that’s a big quantity. I (to have) to get in touch with our suppliers

before I (to let) you have my reply. Hindy: I (to wait), but I hope you (to give) us preference, since we (to be) your

regular customers for years. Our first transaction, if you (to remember) (to conclude) 10 years ago.

Ivanov: Of course, Mr. Hindy, we (to do) our best to meet your requirements.

ХХХП. Translate intoJEnglish and sum up the dialogue:

— Здравствуйте, г-н Браун. — Здравствуйте, г-н Иванов. Рад вас видеть. Хорошо ли вы доехали? — Спасибо, хорошо, хотя несколько необычным путем. Я опоздал на

10-часовой поезд в Ливерпуль, и мне пришлось сделать пересадку в В. — О, В. чудесный город. Вы там бывали раньше? — Нет, вчера я видел его впервые. Город произвел на меня очень

приятное впечатление. Надеюсь, что это не последний мой приезд сюда. А теперь я хотел бы перейти к делу. Вы рассмотрели наше предложение, не так ли?

— Еще не совсем. Мы внимательно ИЗУЧИЛИ предложенные вами цены и условия поставки, но наши специалисты все еще изучают рабочие характеристики станка.

— Каково ваше мнение о ценах и условиях поставки?

* fabrics ткани


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— Условия поставки вполне приемлемы, но цены несколько завышены. Мы сравнили их с ценами ваших конкурентов.

— Я думаю, г-н Браун, вы измените это мнение после того, как подробно изучите технические данные. Станок прекрасного качества и надежен в эксплуатации. Кроме того, недавно мы изменили (to alter) его конструкцию и предлагаем вам улучшенную модель. Еще (even) до того как были внесены эти изменения, станок пользовался большим спросом.

— Я знаю это и уверен, что мы договоримся относительно цены, г-н Иванов. Мы давно торгуем с вами и всегда были удовлетворены качеством ваших товаров, не так ли?

— Совершенно верно, г-н Браун.

ХХХ1П. Render the letter in English and do the assignment following it.

London, Feb. 8th, 19

Трейдинвест , .Москва

Уважаемые господа!

Мы узнали ваш адрес у фир.мы Смит и Ко. Они сообщили нам, что они являются Ваши1ми покупателями уже в течение ряда лет и вполне удовлетворены вашими станками АЗ.

Они также сказали, что Вы поставляли станки АЗ на условиях сиф. Мы испытываем трудности с получением тоннажа, поэтому, если бы Вы смогли обеспечить тоннаж, мы бы хотели разместить у Вас заказ на станки

АЗ с поставкой ДВУМЯ партиями в мае. и августе этого года на УСЛОВИЯХ сиф Лондон.

Просим подтвердить наш заказ. С уважением,

Браун и Ко.


1. Discuss with Mr. Grey particulars of the order. Say that you are unable to meet their request about the time of delivery they require. Give your reasons.

XXXrV. Write letters according to the following assignments:

Write to the firm that you have received their offer for machine model TH-64. The machine completely meets your requirements. The time of delivery suits you as well. But you cannot agree to their price and terms of payment. Give your reasons.

Inform the buyers that you have received their inquiry. Tell them you can- make them an offer of the goods they need but you cannot meet their request about the time of shipment and the quantity they need at the moment. Give your reasons.

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L E S S O N 3 2

Grammar Revision; Direct and Indirect Speech Sequence of Tenses

Vocabulary Revision: Sightseeing Post Office


Brown and Co. Ltd., distributors of Test Equipment and Instruments in 'Great Britain, were interested in doing business with Russian trading companies, tions. They got in touch with Mr. Smirnov of Tradeexport during his stay in London and discussed the possibility of their acting as Tradeexport’s agents. The correspondence below followed the discussions.

Tradeexport, Moscow, G-200, Smolenskaja 32/34, Russia i

Dear Sirs,

London, 1st June, 19

Test Equipment

We wish to confirm our interest in possible cooperation with you in distributing your Test Equipment in England. As regards the terms of such cooperation we suggest the following lines.

You shall supply us with several pieces of each item of Test Equipment on a “sale or return” basis.^ The equipment will be sent on consignment for an agreed time limit and the cost of every item will be remitted when sold.*

We shall arrange a showroom on our premises at our expense and provide testing facilities as well as services of a highly qualified staff. We can also start a publicity campaign advertising your products in the technical press.

Our commission, roughly calculate, should be about 10% of the selling price.


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The seШng price must be very competitive and equipment must be ordered from stock* to enable us to compete with well established English manufacturers as well as with distributing firms, sole agents of other countries’ products of this type.

We therefore feel that our gross profit is in fact very low and we may even suffer losses in the first year or so.

We should be glad to hear from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully,

‘ Brown and Co. Ltd. В

Tradeexport considered the suggestions of the firm and wrote the following reply.

Moscow, 20th July, 19 ... Brown and Co. Ltd., London

Dear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of 1st June which we have given careful

attention. We believe that the points brought up in the letter will better be settled in

Moscow during personal discussions. Meanwhile we would request you to make inquiries about the makes that

may be of particular interest to British customers. We would also be obliged to you if you would start advertising our goods

as soon as possible. Some of the expenses involved may be charged to your account and we

believe that we shall come to terms about the extent of our contribution to this. We are looking forward to seeing your representative in Moscow.

Yours faithfully,


C ^

Clay: Smirnov:



Smirnov: Well, Mr. Clay, we’ve studied your suggestions and should like to resume our discussions. What would you like to start with? There are actually two points. First of all the commission you ask for strikes us as very high. What exactly does it cover? The running of a showToom, full service to customers during the guarantee period and part oP the publicity expenses. We shall also pay the importation charges. When all these are deducted the bal- ance won’t be very high, I assure you.

Smirnov: I still think it’s rather high, Mr. Clay. We feel you should either cut the commission by 2 per cent or cover all the publicity ex- penses.


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Clay: Let me see. Have you got any publications on your equipment? Smirnov: Yes, we have. I can let you have a complete set. Clay: Thank you, we’ll have to go through it before we give you our fipal

reply. Smirnov: Certainly. Now comes the second point Can you tell me what makes

are particularly popular on Ше British market? Clay: Yes, we’ve made out a list of them. Here it is. Smirnov: Oh, thank you. I’ll pass it on to our experts and I think we’ll be able to

sign an agreement.

The following telex message was received by Tradeexport a few days after Mr. Clay had gone back to London to settle the matter of a reduction in the commission.



1.. .. on a “sale or return” basis = on (a) consignment basis на условиях консигнации

2.. .. when sold = when it is sold 3.. .. from stock ... CO склада, т. e. c не.медленноГ! поставкой 4. ... part of the publicity expenses часть расходов по рекламированию

товара В выражении part of something «часть чего-л.» существительное part

употребляется без артикля. Например: This is only part of my report. Это только часть .моего доклада.


an agent transport facilities particularly a shipping agent a service to involve an agency to service to involve smb. (in) an agency agreement a campaign to charge to one’s distributors a commission account to distribute roughly to come to terms (about) on (a) consignment basis rough a contribution (to) to send on consignmmit to calculate to contribute to remit calculation to resume remittance to enable actually a showroom a loss actual expense to suffer losses to cover at one’s expense to bring up to run to provide personal charges to provide for personally to deduct provided to make inquiries the balance facilities a make to assure shipping facilities particular to cut


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agent ['eid39nt] n A number of Russian foreign trade organizations

sell their goods through agents, shipping agent Л shipping or a forwarding agent is a representative

of a shipowner at a seaport, agency n

Many well established firms have agencies all over the world.

As it was difficult to establish direct contacts with the firm business was done through the agency of Green & Co. agency agreement

An agency agreement was signed as a result of the talks.

distributors [dis'tribjutaz] n Post offices are distributors of magazines and newspapers among people, distribute [dis'tribju;t] v

w. comb, distribute | books I letters I parcels I products I profits, etc.

The prizes were distributed among the participants of the sports competition, line n consignment [ken'sainmsnt] n on (a) consignment basis We sometimes sell our goods on (a) consignment basis, send on consignment

The firm sent 25 per cent of their goods on consignment.



1. агентство, агентская (посредническая) организация

2. посредничество

агентское соглашение

распределяющая организация

распределять, распространять, продавать

зд. условия, линия действия консигнация на условиях консигнации

послать на консигнацию


We sent the products on consignment.

We sent the product^: on a 3 months’ consignment.

•Мы послали товар на консигнацию, (артикль не употребляется) ■Мы послали товар на консигнацию сроком на 3 месяца, (неопределенный артикль употребляется, если указан срок)

remit [rl'mlt] v

prp. remit smth. to .. . Please remit the balance to our account, remittance

[n'mitsns] n We shall be pleased to receive your remittance at your convenience.

переводить деньги, посылать деньги почтой (по телеграфу)

денежный перевод


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ehowroom л Showrooms help castomers to see and inspect products.

premises ['premisiz] n expense л

w. comb, small expenses heavy large travelling holiday marriage, etc.

My holiday expenses were pretty large this year, at one’s expense

The goods are to be sent back at your expense. He works very hard at the expense of his health, provide V

prp. provide smb. (smdi.) vith smth. I am already provided vrfth everything I need.

The shop will be provided with all the necessary equipment, prmdde for v

The Contract provfdes^for a period of guarantee of 18 months, provided conj

We can grant you a 10 per cent discount pro- vided you increase your order.

демонстрационный зал

помещение расход

за чей-л. счет, за счет чего-л.

1. обеспечить, предоставить

2. снабдить, оборудовать

пр:'дус.чатр'.1вать, специально огива риваг:.

если, при условии

We shall give you a discount'provided you double your order, (настоящее время)

. Note:

Мы дадим вам скидку при условии, что вы удвоите заказ, (будущее время)

facilities [fo'silitiz] л W. comb, facilities for study wmk

travel, etc. They have all facilities for travel; good roads,

comfortable buses and large hotels, shipping facilities л Russia has enough shipping facilities to effect

export and import deliveries, transport facilities л

We have different transport facilities to make deliveries in time, service ['sawis] n

w. comb, offer a service do accept refuse, etc.

They offered their services as agents.

средства, возможности, условия


транспорт, транспортные средства

1. услуга

2. обслуживание


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comb, quick service excellent bad slow medical telephone, etc.

The service at the “National” is excellent.

w. comb, secret i service diplomatic ! Government, etc. j

His dipiomatic service added much to his experience, senice v

w. comb, service i a car I a machine tool I a shonroom, etc.

The car is in very good condition since the owner is servicing it very well.

-------------------------------------------- Compare: —

3. служба

обслуживать, ремонтировать

Dinner is served at three. This hotel is very good, they serve you here in a minute.

Cars can be serviced on the road.

Обед подают в три часа. Это очень хорошая гостиница: в ней обслуживают без задержки. На этой дороге можно отремонтировать машину и сделать ей технический осмотр.

publicity [pob'lisiti] п campaign Pcxm'pem] n

I campaign w. comb, strong wide politicai military, etc.

They started a wide campaign against their opponent.

----------------------------------------------- Compare: -

зд. реклама кампания (военная, политическая и т. д.)

Their campaign against this law is unlikely to be very strong.

They all make a nice company.

The company undertook to eliminate the defects at their expense.

Вряд ли кампания против этого закона будет очень интенсивной. Они вместе составляют очень приятную компанию. Компания (фирма) обязалась устранить дефекты за свой счет.

commission [ka'mijn] п

W. comb, ask for charge get give increase reduce, etc. !

комиссия, комисс!!онное вознаграждение

a commission


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The agents charged a commission of 10% for their services, roughly ['rAfll] adv

Roughly the weight of each bag amounts to 20 pounds, rough adj

w. comb, rough figure amount

commission, etc. This is only a rough amount, it’ll have to be cleared up.

tv. comb, rough i copy I translation, etc.

This is the rough copy of his report, calculate [,ksUguleit] v

We calculated what our travelling expenses would come to. calculation [^kaelkju'leijn] n There is a bad mistake in your calculations, enable [I'neibl] v

Flying enables us to go from Russia to Canada in several hours, manufacturer [,maEnju'fasktj3r3] n gross [grous] adj loss n

The loss of parents made David’s life very hard, losses Л

w. comb, heavy losses great small unexpected considerable, etc.

We haven’t calculated our losses yet but they seem to be rather great, suffer losses

We are sufiering heavy losses because of lack of shipping facilities, bring up V

He brought up an interesting problem in his article.

This woman has brought up five children, personal f'pacsonl] adj

w. comb, personal need matter opinion contact, etc.

A lot can be achieved through personal con- tacts.

personally adv Personally, I don’t like detective stories but I

don’t mind reading one occasionally, make inquiries

“I’d like you to make inquiries about the firm,’’ said the manager, make n

A new make of cars has been introduced into the market this year.


приблизительно, при.мерно

1. приблизительный

2. черновой, неотделанный

вычислять, подсчитывать

вычисление, подсчет; расчет

давать возможность (что-л. сделать)

производитель, фирма валовый, общий потеря, утрата

убытки, потери

нести убытки

1. поднять (вопрос и т. д.)

2. воспитывать (детей) личный,

свой, собственный


наводить справки

марка, тип, модель

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particular [ps'tikjula] adj

H'. comb, particular case book attention importance interest, etc.

This is a particular case, we won't settle it easily, particularly adv w. comb, particularly well

important necessary interesting, etc.

Personal discussions are particularly important in settling difficult cases.

inTOlre V H'. comb, involve expenses

difficulties results payment, etc.

A delay in delivery may involve payment of extra money. prp. involve smb. in smth.

In your place I would involve your friend in this campaign, charge to one’s account

All storage expenses on the equipment will be charged to your account, come to terms

prp. come to terms about smth. After much discussion both parties came to

terms about the price. syn. come to an agreement, agree (about) extent n contribution [,k3ntri'bju;J'n] n

w. comb, great contribution large small considerable necessary, etc.

Smith's partner thought that his contribution was quite considerable. prp. contribution to smth. His discovery was a great contribution to science.

contribute [kan'tribjut] v

prp. contribute to

He has contributed a lot to the development of this model, resiune V

H'. comb, resume work talhs contacts studies production, etc.

Production of these makes of motors will be resumed by the end of the year.

специальный, особенный, данный

особенно, очень, чрезвычайно

повлечь за собой, вызвать

вовлечь, втянуть кого-л. во что-л.

отнести на чей-л. счет


степень, размер вклад (денежный, научный и т. д.)

содействовать, способствовать, делать вклад



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actually ['xktjusli] adv He has actually given up smoking. He smokes a

cigarette a day. actual adj

These are the actual facts he told me about, exactly adv cover I'kAva] v

w. comb, cover a distance a subject a program losses expenses, etc.

The book covers the whole subject. This amount covers only half of our expenses.

w. comb, cover a table a floor the groimd, etc.

She covered the table with a tablecloth.

w. comb, cover I needs I requirements

These quantities of coal will cover the requirements of the industry.

фактически, собственно говоря

фактический, реальный, тот самый

точно, собственно 1. покрывать, охватывать

2. покрывать

3. покрывать (удовлетворять)


Your machine-tools meet our requirements.

Your machines covered our requirements.

Ваши станки удовлетворяют нашим требованиям (приемле.мы для нас в качественно.м отношении).

Ваши станки удовлетворили наши потребности (в количественном отношении, т. е. нам больше не нужно).

н'. comb, run I а business а factory а hotel an office, etc.

The man running the hotel must be a very efficient person, charges n

w. comb, importation | charges insurance i transport additional | unnecessary ' extra, etc. i

Under a c.i.f. contract insurance charges are paid by the Sellers. syn. expenses

организовать, управлять, вести (дело, фабрику и т. д.)

расходы, издержки


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The receptionist said that hotel charges had gone up. ctorges —

Larry’s hotel expenses included the actu^ hotel charges and tips, expenses —

деньги, взимаемые организацией или отдельным лицом

деньги, потраченные организацией

лицом или

deduct V ргр. deduction ТЫз sum will be deducted from the invoice amount.

the balance [’bselons] n We expect you to ship the balance of the goods

within this month, assure [a'Jus] v The manager assured us that there would be no

delay in the deliveries of the machines, cut V w. comb, cut { a report an article an amount

expenses production, etc. During the crisis the factory had to cut production considerably. svn. reduce



уверить, заверить

урезывать, сокращать


1. Read the letters in class and translate them.

II. Substitute the words and word combinations from the text given in bold type by synonyms or synonymous expressions:


1. ... to confirm our interest in distributing your Test Equipment . . . . 2. As regards the terms of such cooperation we suggest the following lines. 3. ... the cost of every item will be remitted when sold. 4. We shall provide testing facilities . . . . 5. We can also start a publicity campaign. 6. ... to enable us to compete with well established English manufacturers . . . .


1. . . . the points brought up in the letter . . . . 2. . . . to make inquiries about the makes that may be of particular interest to British customers. 3. We would be obliged to you ... .4. Some of the expenses involved may be charged to your account. 5. ... we shall come to terms about the extent of our contribution.

1. ... we should like to resume our discussions. 2: What exactly does it cover? 3. The running of a showroom ... and part of the publicity ex


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penses. 4. ... the balance won’t be very high. 5. . . . you should cot the commission ... 6. I’ll pass it on to our experts.

Ш. Exidain the meaning of the following;

1. Brown and Co. Ltd. distributors of Test Equipment in En^nd... 2. You shall supply us with several pieces... on a sale or return basis. 3. ... equipment must be ordered from stock... 4. ... sole agents of other countries’ products of this type. 5. We feel that our gross profit is very low and we may even suffer losses in the first year or so. 6. ... we shall come to terms about the extent of our contribution. 7. We shall also pay the importation charges.

IV. Answer these questions:

1. What were Brown and Co. interested in? 2. Why did they get in touch with Smirnov? 3. What do they confirm in their letter? 4. On what basis do Brown and Co. ask Sojuzexport to send them their goods? 5. How do they promise to remit the money? 6. Where do Brown and Co. want to arrange a showroom? 7. What are they going to provide in the showroom? 8. What campaign do they intend to start? 9. What commission do Brown and Co. want to charge for their services? 10. What do they say about the price?

В 1. What does Sojuzexport suggest in the letter? 2. What inquiries do they>

want Brown and Co. to make? 3. Why does Sojuzexport want Brown and Co. to start a publicity campaign as soon as possible? 4. Who is going to pay publicity expenses ?

C 1. Do Smirnov and Qay meet in Moscow for the first time ? 2. What point

does Smirnov bring up first? 3. How does Mr. Clay explain the amount of the commission? 4. What alternatives does Smirnov suggest to Clay? 5. When does Clay promise to give his final reply? 6. What is the second point for discussion in the dialogue ? 7. Why did Clay make out a list of the most popular makes? 8. What was the firm’s final reply?

V. Find In the text English equivalents to the following combinations:

] ... заинтересованы в торговле с российскими торгующими организация.ми; 2. ... обслуживание (оборудования) высоко квалифицированными специалистами; 3. ... начать кампанию по рекламированию вашей продукции; 4. ... в течение года или около этого . . . ; 5. . . . которое мы внимательно ИЗУЧИЛИ; б. мы были бы признательны вам . . . ; 7. . . . которые МОГУТ представить особый интерес для английских потребителей; 8. С чего мы начнем? 9. во-первых (прежде всего)...; 10. что и.менно (собственно) туда входит? 11. все-таки я думаю, это слишком много. 12. МИНУТКУ, ... дайте подумать ... 13. я МОГУ вам дать комплект (печатного материала); 14. теперь второй вопрос; 15. вот он (список).


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VI. Activise these words;

a. Answer these


expense, at one’s expense

1. What did your holiday expenses amount to this year? 2. Who pays your travelling expenses if you go on business ? 3. At whose expense are defects usually eliminated? What does it depend on?

b. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Тебе не следует заниматься спортом в ущерб здоровью. 2. Бросьте фигурное катание, вы им занимаетесь за счет ваших занятий в институте. 3. Его расходы за этот месяц очень возросли, потому что он переехал в новую квартиру. 4. Фирма обязуется оплатить им расходы по командировке.

to provide, to provide for, provided

a. Answer these questions:

1. Who provides tonnage under a fo.b. order? 2. In what cases are part deliveries provided for in the contract? 3. Are modem houses provided with all conveniences?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. We shall remit the money at once ... (provided, the necessary documents). 2. The agency agreement will be signed ... (provided, to agree to). 3. They will open the showroom within this week ... (provided, to pay expenses). 4. The shipping agents will pay the expenses ... (provided, to prove).

Cp Translate these sentences into English:

1. Эти УСЛОВИЯ не предусмотрены в контракте. 2. Наша лаборатория оборудована новейшими приборами. 3. Интересно, когда они предоставят нам необходимую документацию. 4. Фирма обязуется ускорить поставки при условии, что будет зафрахтован НУЖНЫЙ тоннаж. 5. Мы оставим у себя всю партию при условии, что дефекты будут устранены в течение месяца.

facilities, shipping facilities, transport fa ilities

a. Transiate into Russian:

1. We are well provided with modern technical lacUities. 2. Credit facilities are not available at present. 3. Port facilities help to load and discharge goods. 4. Transport facilities are improving fast.

b. Translate into English;

1. Мы испытываем трудности в связи с нехваткой тоннажа. 2. Нам предоставлены все условия для занятий. 3. Нам сказали, что часть технических средств будет заменена в течение этого года.


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4. Интересно, какие транспортные средства будут предоставлены вам для этой поездки?

to enable

а. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Мы использовали все имеющиеся транспортные средства, чтобы дать вам возможность своевременно доставить товар. 2. Эти предварительные подсчеты дадут нам возможность начать работу. 3. НУЖНО принять срочные меры, чтобы дать им возможность УЛУЧШИТЬ обслуживание. 4. Нам только что сообщили, что посланы дополнительные каталоги, чтобы дать фирме возможность продать (распространить) оборудование в короткое время.

а loss, losses, to suffer losses

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what cases can you suffer losses? 2. Can you describe cases when losses were caused by inferior quality (delay in delivery, lack of shipping facilities)?

b. Translate these sentences into English;

1. Нам пришлось понести значительные потери в связи с поломкой станка. 2. Мы еще не подсчитали размер наших убытков, но они ПОЙДУТ (будут) за ваш счет. 3. Мы понесли значительные убытки, так как оборудование было пущено в эксплуатацию очень поздно. 4. Не волнуйтесь, это не будет большой потерей для него.

to involve

a. Answer these questions:

1. What circumstances may involve additional expenses? 2. Can changes in the design involve difficulties in installation? 3. Do you like to be involved in the discussion of complicated problems? 4. Does studying a language involve much work? Why so?

b. Paraphrase these sentences;

1. It is sometimes hard to do the work if there are too many people doing it. 2. This is a particular case and may bring about serious complications if not handled properly. 3. This point may lead to long discussions, the data seem to be pretty contradictory. 4. People with a wide experience in agriculture should be made to take part in the campaign.

to cover

a. Answer these questions:

1. Can you cover a long distance on foot? 2. Is it easy to cover a big subject in a short speech ? When is it possible to say that the equipment meets the requirements but doesn’t cover them?


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b. ^Xranslate these sentences:

1. Закупки ЭТОГО оборудования удовлетворят НУЖДЫ

промышленности. 2. Этот чек покроет все их расходы. 3. Мне сказали, что эта су.мма покроет все убытки, понесенные фирмой. 4. Мне кажется, эти вопросы невозможно охватить в одном докладе. 5. Пол в комнате был покрыт красивым ковром (carpet).

to run

a. Complete these sentences;

1. You can trust the man completely... (to run the business for 10 years). 2. Brian and Co. have incorporated all the small firms in the hotel business and now ... (to run every hotel). 3. He can contribute to the discussion considerably ... (to run the department). 4. You should ask Smirnov about a vacancy ... (to run, here).

b. Paraphrase these sentences;

1. He must have been in charge of the office for years, he knows everything about it. 2.1 wonder who will be responsible for the show. There’s a lot of work involved there. 3. Tliis man had been in the government service for ten years before he was put in charge of this department.

VII. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. When do you sometimes sign an agency agreement with sole agents? 2. Do sole agents charge a higher commission? Why? 3. Where is the com- jnission provided for?

1. When did your office send their products on consignment? 2. Where were the products stocked? Did your agents arrange a special showroom? 3. What was the showroom provided with ? 4. At whose expense were the goods advertised?

1. Have you ever suffered losses through lack of shipping facilities ? When was it ? 2. What was the amount of the losses? 3. Who calculated the losses? Is it usually done by both parties? 4. Were all the losses charged to your account ? Were your shipping agents responsible in any way ?

1. What can you say about our transport facilities nowadays ? 2. What has been done to provide better service on the roads? 3. Where can you get your car serviced ? 4. Do you have to pay for the service at once or can you remit the money afterwards ?

1. In what cases do you prefer personal discussions? 2. What points do you usually bring up at the talks? 3. Do you always start with particularly important items or do you leave them to the end? 4. Which points involve long discussions ?

1. Do you sell goods? 2. What makes agency agreements necessary in trade?

3. What additional expenses are usually involved in sales through agents? 4. To whose account are they charged ? 5. What is the usual commission?


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1. Russian scientists have contribated a lot to difiFerent fields of science» haven’t they? 2. In what fields are our contribotions particularly important?

3. What facilities are required to carry out successful experiments ?

УШ. Give English equivalents to the following combinations:

1. распределять транспортные средства; 2. перевести деньги на почте за счет организации; 3. обеспечить экспедиторов отгрузочными инструкциями; 4. обеспечить требующийся тоннаж; 5. предусмотреть продажу на УСЛОВИЯХ консигнации; 6. рассчитать примерную цену брокерского вознаграждения; 7. начать кампанию по рекламе товара; 8. дать возможность фирме рассчитать что-л.; 9. нести потери из-за плохого обслуживания; 10. поднять вопрос об усовершенствовании последних моделей машин; 11. прийти к соглашению о чем-л. во время личных встреч; 12. удовлетворить фактические потребности фирмы; 13. относить за счет покупателя расходы по хранению товара; 14. возобновить переговоры о вычете транспортных расходов; 15. заверить клиента, что оставшийся товар будет поставлен в срок; 16. организовать (открыть) демонстрационный зал за свой счет; 17. сократить расходы по доставке товара; 18. навести справки о фактическом положении агентской фирмы; 19. вовлечь кого-л. в обсуждение вопроса о работе демонстрационного зала; 20. иметь монопольное право сбыта продукции.

IX. Translate these sentences into English using phrases from the dialogue:

1. — Мы можем начать ка.мпанию по рекла.ме через 2 недели. Когда вы сможете дать на.м ваши каталоги? — ОДНУ МИНУТУ. Я МОГУ вам дать 5 каталогов сейчас, остальные будут посланы почтой на этой неделе. 2. — Скажите, пожалуйста, когда мы возобновим переговоры? — Дайте поду.мать. Мы можем встретиться в среду, когда будет составлен проект контракта (draft contract). 3. — Теперь следующий ПУНКТ. Мне кажется, он слишком длинен. — ОДНУ МИНУТУ. Да, я думаю, мы .можем сократить его.

X. Join these sentences using the Gerund:

M o d e l 1 : We signed an agency agreement with the firm. Before that we made inquiries about them. We made inquiries about the firm before signing an agency agreement with them.

M o d e l 2 : 1 praised the boy for the work. She insisted on it. She insisted on my praising the boy for the work.

1. We came to terms about the final amount of the commission. We held long discussions before that. 2. They covered the needs of the industry. They supplied the required quantities of raw materials. 3. They charged the losses to the firm’s account. They calculated the exact amount before that. 4. We improved service on the roads. We increased the number of service-stations. 5. You must check these rough calculations. We cannot resume work with-


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oiit it. 6. They contributed a lot to the success of the research work. They improved the technical facilities of the departments involved. 7. We should make particular inquiries about their production facilities. We cannot place this order with the firm. 8. They wanted to deduct the additional expenses from our invoices. They insisted on it. 9. We sent the products on a 6 months’ con.signment. The firm insisted on it. 10. We gave the distributors sole rights in the agency. They insisted on it.

XI. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. He must have given in his unchecked copy, there were a lot of spelling mistakes in it. 2. The goods were sent to Brown and Co. on a “sale or return” basis. 3. The required amount was sent by post. 4. The cost of freight was paid by the seUers. 5. The medical board supplied the doctors with everything required for the research. 6. The contract indicates payment of a penalty at the rate of 0.1 per cent. 7. The laboratory has got all the necessary facilities for experimental work. 8. A very interesting problem was raised at the last conference of our students. 9. At present there is a large number of special measures* taken in England to increase teachers’ salary. 10. This is the real sum they deducted from our invoice. 11. It’s no use trying to make him take part in the work. He won’t hear about it. 12. The sooner we come to an agreement about the quantity of the goods the easier it will be to settle the price problem. 13. He must have given up music. In fact I haven’t heard him playing the piano for a month. 14. The latest model of the plane gives the passengers the possibility to reach even faraway places very quickly. 15. Since there were no complications after the illness the doctors allowed the patient to return to his work. 16. A very efficient person was at the head of the sales department of the head office.

XII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

Messrs Krack and Co., Moscow, June 2nd, 199... Reykjavik, Iceland

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of May 10th informingusthatyou would like to act ... our agents in Iceland and also bringing ... the question whether wc dispatch instruments ... a consignment basis.

The matter is that usually we sell instruments ... agents and ... most cases we send them ... consignment. The agents make ... a list of firms interested ... such instruments and distribute our leaflets ... these firms. They also arrange showrooms and provide them ... all facilities necessary ... work. Very often they spare** neither trouble nor expense on running the business. ... this case we prefer no other firm to be involved ... the same affair, and come ... terms ... signing a sole agency agreement very easily.

measure ['теза] мера spare зд. щадить, жалеть


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Reykjavik, June 20th, 19

If the goods are sold before the time provided............. the agreement we agree that the agents charge part ... the involved expenses ... our account. They usually deduct roughly 0.5 per cent of their expenses ... the sum due to us and the balance ... the amount is credited ... our accoimt. This helps to contribute ... our mutud interests.

If you agree to do this kind of agents’ work ... your expense, we shall be willing to start discussions.

Yours faithfully, Sojuzexport

ХШ. Fill in the blanks with articles or possessive pronouns where necessary. Discuss the situation described in letters of Ex. 12 and 13.

Sojuzexport. Moscow

Dear Sirs, We are pleased to receive your letter of June 2nd and would like to tell

you that we have made out ... list of ... instruments ... market needs mostly. We would be very much obliged if you could find ... possibility to send us... required instruments on .. . three months’consignment as ... trial transaction. Upon ... arrival of ... goods together with ... set of ... publications we will do ... best to bring them to the notice of trade here. Unfortunately at present we cannot arrange ... showroom as it may involve .. . heavy service expenses and we are afraid that we are not prepared to make this contribution as yet. .

Of course, as you are aware, there is keen competition on ... part of both ... Germany and ... United Kingdom. In ... field of instruments the British makes will be ... chief competitors of the Russian ones. ... quality may be inferior but ... English have cut ... prices to compete successfully and not to suffer .. . losses. This enables us to work on ... small commission. Besides, ... English are not short of shipping facilities and therefore their freight charges are much lower, and this is also ... decided advantage. Here we can calculate ... profits on every transaction in advance. No doubt .. . calculations are rough. ... remittance of amounts is effected every three months, and ... balance for ... goods sold by ... 31st December is remitted on ... 31st as provided for by ... agreement.

We believe that your goods will have . .. good chance, provided ... prices are put on ... competitive basis, and then we shall be able to come to terms* about ... sole agency. 1

We will write to you further when we have had ... possibility of testing ... market.

Yours faithfully, Krack and Сол

XIV. Choose thejcorrect word from those given in brackets; ^

1. “You won’t have to wait long, just sit down and they’ll ... you,” the shop assistant said to the woman who seemed to be in a hurry (to service, to. serve). 2. Itis provided for in thecontractthaUhe machine tools will be ... by


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experienced workers during the guarantee period (to service, to serve). 3. He must have been with the ... for a year or so before he joined the country wide ... against the Government wage freeze policy* (campaign, company). 4. Their products ... our requirements in full, but I am afraid the quantities they offer will ... only part of our actual needs (to cover, to meet). 5. The money they have remitted so far covers only part of our actual ... (charges, expenses). 6. The sole agency agreement provided for the agents’ payment of any special government... (charges, expenses). 7. The hotel.,. made only a small part of his holiday ... as he preferred camping in the open air (charges, expenses). 8. Bringing up children ... a lot of difficulties but very often the results ... a deep feeling of satisfaction in the parents (to arouse, to involve). XV. Make up situations using these sentences:

1. This commission will provide us with only a small profit. 2.1 still think he is the right man to run the preparations for the show. 3. We may be involved in negotiations any moment. 4. She must have contributed so much to bringing up the child. 5. He should have cut the story. 6. I’m sure we’ll come to terms finally. 7.1 wonder when he will resume his duties. XVt. Make up situations using the foliowing words and word combinations:

1. Drawing Up a Contract

the sole exporter (importer) to charge to smb.’s account to cut insurance charges to charter a vessel to be responsible for

3. Running a Showroom

a showroom to run to exhibit the latest make charges to charge to smb.'s account particular importance XVII. Translate into English;

2. Sending the Goods on Consignment

sole distributors an agency agreement to send on consignment to come to terms about transport facilities a commission to calculate roughly 4. Improve Service

poor service to improve to bring up a question to start a campaign to involve to contribute to enable

1. Мы .много лет продаем наше оборудование в эту страну через агентов, на условиях консигнации. 2. Все деньги уже переведены на Ваш счет в банке. 3. Мы предлагаем вам открыть демонстрационный зал за свой счет. 4. Туристское агентство обеспечивает туристов необходимым транспортом для поездки по стране (tour of the

• wage freeze policy политика замораживания зарплаты


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country). 5. Фирма сообщила, что фактически товар отгружен в срок, предусмотренный контрактом, и они не считают себя ответственными за задержку в поставке. 6. Фирма обязалась начать налипанию по рекламированию товара при условии, что все материалы будут переведены на английский язык. 7. Обслуживание в этой гостинице всегда было очень хорошим. 8. Задержка в открытии аккредитива не повлекла бы за собой задержку в отгрузке товара, если бы покупатели сообщили об это.м своевременно. 9. Нам очень легко было вовлечь Зотова в разговор, так как он оказался большим любителем МУЗЫКИ. 10. Мы сделали только приблизительный подсчет наших расходов, но сумма так велика, что нам, очевидно, придется сокращать их. 11. Мы бы хотели, чтобы этот вопрос был поднят на собрании как можно скорее. 12. Наша фирма уже много лет выпускает такие модели станков. 13. После двухмесячного перерыва завод возобновил производство станков модели АВ-10. 14. Фирма Грин и Ко. заверила своих клиентов, что все расчеты будут закончены в срок, оговоренный в контракте. 15. Мы только что подписали агентское соглашение с Блэк и Ко., которая является единственной фирмой по распространению этой продукции в стране. 16. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы подробно узнали (навели подробные справки) о производственных возможностях этой фирмы. 17. По сравнению с прошлым годом ВЫПУСК всех изделий значительно сократился.

Фир.ме Грин и Ко. Москва, 1 июня 19 ... Лондон

Уважаемые господа! Мы благодарим Вас за письмо от 20 мая, в котором Вы предлагаете

свои услуги в качестве агентов по продаже наших тканей в Вашей стране. Как известно, мы посылаем часы на консигнацию на срок в 5

месяцев. По истечении месяца Вы должны перевести нам 20% стои.мости отправленной Вам партии. Товар, не проданный в течение 5 месяцев (остаток), должен быть возвращен за ваш счет. Импортные пошлины, реклама товара и прочие расходы также относятся на Ваш счет.

.Мы полагаем, однако, что упомянутая Вами приблизительная комиссия несколько завышена. В своем письме Вы ссылаетесь на дополнительные расходы, которые влечет за собой торговля через агентов, но Л1ы ведем ее уже несколько лет и хотели бы заверить Вас, что Вы не понесете убытков, если пойдете нам навстречу в отношении размера комиссии. Однако этот вопрос можно будет решить в процессе личных переговоров при условии, что мы договоримся о всех прочих пунктах.

В ожидании Вашего ответа. С уважением,



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XVIII. Make up letters in accordance with the assignments given below:

1. Inform the distributors of your transport helicopters KA-26 that you have received their letter of ... stating that they are ready to start a publicity campaign of this aircraft. You agree that your goods should be sent on consignment. Make suggestions as to the number of aircraft to be sent, the period of time, etc.

2. Make up a letter to the distributors of your machine-tools telling them you cannot increase the commission by 5 % as requested by them. Give your reasons.

3. Write to the firm that you have to suspend* shipment of the equipment ordered by them. Explain why.

4. Write to the firm asking them to speed up shipment of the first lot as your customers are becoming worried. You would also like to hear from them about further shipments.


XIX. Give extended answers to these questions;

1. What ways of doing business through agents do you know? 2. When do you use the services of agents in distributing your goods abroad? 3. When do the sellers prefer sending their goods on consignment? 4. How do you know of the financial position of the firms wishing to act as your agents? Who provides you with such information? 5. Why do your agents carry out an advertising campaign? 6. What commission do уош: agents usually charge ? Do you easily come to terms about the amount of it and other conditions such as arranging showrooms, providing facilities, etc? 7. Who provides technical service there? 8. What expenses does the running of showrooms involve ? At whose expense are they covered ? 9. What is provided for in respect of such expenses ? Have the agents the right to deduct the amount of such expenses from the sums due to you?

XX. Sum up the correspondence in Letters Л and B. . .

XXI. Sum up the dialogue (part C).

XXII. Reproduce the dialogue as^close to the text as possible.

ХХШ. Pick out expressions of agreement or disagreement and illustrate their use in situations.

I am afraid not; I think so; I don’t quite agree with you; I agree with you in a way; no, not at all; that’ll be quite aU right; I don’t think it suits me; you are quite right; that’s true but still I think . . . .

■ * suspend временно прекратить


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XXIV. Read the dialogue and reproduce it:

Petrov: Have you started work on the introduction of our aircraft instruments? ,

Brown: Yes, we are doing our best. First of all we’ve started the publicity campaign. We’ve provided our clients with information about your models M5 and MIO and are planning to open a showroom to demonstrate them. .

Petrov: That’s exactly what I was going to suggest. We' understand you’ll arrange it at your expense, won’t you?

Brown: Certainly. Besides Bristow Helicopters are making arrangements to demonstrate part of the instruments at Redhill airdrome and will help us to distribute the equipment if necessary.

Petrov: What do they think of our instruments? Brown: They think a lot of them. They are now looking at new instruments in

hehcopter 64 but many features of your products are superior and they are very interested in them.

Petrov: Well, this is all very encouraging. Brown: But there’s the point of the commission. It may come up if the

distribution is not very successful. Petrov: Well, we’ll live and see.

XXV. Make up these dialogues:

1. Discussing the Amount of the Commission


What does it cover? too high to cut a rough figure to resume Let me see


to depend publicity expenses extra charges to suffer losses to make calculations

2. The Running of a Showroom


full service testing equipment Now comes the next point to involve publicity campaign


to regret unable facilities to charge extra to advertise widely to attract customers

3. Discussing a Delay in Payments

Seller to provide for in the contract to keep the goods at the port extra storage expenses


unforeseen circumstances Can you tell me to remit


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to suffer losses to deduct

to come to terms to assure

XXVI. Render the letter and give your suggestions as to possible replies'


Dear Sirs, Colombo. February 12th, 19 ...

Railway Sleepers* We are obliged for your name and address to die Russian Trade Repre-

sentativ office in Sri Lanka and wish to introduce ourselves as importers and distributors of different produce in this country and at the same time we act as agents to the Government for the purchase of goods to cover the country's requirements. We run showrooms in different parts of Geylon provided with the best modern facilities and serviced by qualified stuffs.

We therefore assure you that should you wish to cooperate with us our connections will be to mutual benefit.**

May we bring to your notice that our Government will shortly send out world wide enquiries for Railway Sleepers and we would like you particularly to answer them. We can let you have any information to enable you to quote the most competitive prices including our 2% commission. As we have regular contacts with shipping agents we can easily come to terms about delivery dates.

As to the business integrity*** of our firm we refer you to the iMerchant- ile Bank Ltd., Colombo, who will submit at their expense any information you may require. We assure you of our best services.

Yours faithfully, Hindy & Co. Ltd.

XXVII. Render the letters iu English and discuss them;

Союзэкспорт, Каир, 10 ноября 19 ... Москва

Уважае.чые господа! .Мы ПОЛУЧИЛИ Ваше письмо от 1-го ноября сего года, в котором

Вы,просите сообщить Вам о работе демонстрационного зала. Мы очень рады, что Вы подняли этот вопрос. Мы хотим Вас заверить, что .мы делае.м все, чтобы обеспечить вашей продукции рынок в этой стране. За свой счет мы обеспечили демзал техническими средствами, наняли 2 квалифицированных механиков для обслуживания станков, готовим и распространяем комплекты печатных материалов на арабском языке. За 6 месяцев эксплуатации демзала нам удалось продать 150 станков из партии в 200 станков, присланных на консигнацию сроком на 12 месяцев. Деньги за проданные станки будут переведены Вам в трехдневный срок.

* Railway Sleepers шпалы ** mutual benefit взаимная выгода integrity = reputation


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Одновременно с этим мы должны сообщить Вам, что такая организация работы демзала требует (влечет за собой) больших расходов, и, даже по приблизительным подсчетам, мы работаем с потерями для себя. ПОЭТОМУ МЫ считаем возможным поставить перед Вами вопрос о частичной компенсации наших расходов или увеличении процента комиссионных с 10 до 15. С этой целью мы составили перечень затрат, которые нам пришлось понести в течение этих б месяцев.

Ждем Вашего ответа. С уважением,

Sarky & Sons. Фир.ме Sarky & Sons, Москва, 27 ноября 19 ... Каир Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше очень подробное письмо от 10. 11. 19 ... г. Из письма мы узнали, что Вы уделяете особое внимание подготовке нашего печатного материала на арабском языке и этим способствуете сбыту нашей продукции на Вашем рынке.

Мы подсчитали Ваши расходы за прошедшие б .месяцев и согласны, чтобы Вы вычли 25% этих расходов из сум.мы, причитающейся нам за 150 станков, а остальные деньги перевели на наш счет в ... Банке, Россия , Москва. Напоминаем Вам, что расходы, связанные с переводом денег, ИДУТ

за Ваш счет. Что касается Ваших затрат в будущем, мы решили оплачивать транспорт, т. е. доставку товара из порта в демзал, а также перевод и печатание наших проспектов на арабском языке, что позволит Вам снизить свои расходы, грубо говоря, на 1/3. Это будет наш вклад в работу де.мзала.

В свое.м пись.ме Вы также затронули вопрос об увеличении комиссионных. Мы надеемся, что мы сможем договориться об этом при составлении предстоящего монопольного агентского соглашения, в котором мы также предусмотрим процент расходов, которые будут относиться на наш счет.

Также сообщаем, что мы дали указание своим экспедиторам отгрузить следующую партию станков из Туапсе в первой половине марта следующего года.

С уваж'сНие.м, Союзэкспорт

ХХУШ. Render these letters and do the assignments given following them:

A Messrs. Fallady and Co., Moscow, October 20th, 19 ... •Alexandria

Dear Sirs, We thank you for your enquiry of October 2nd for Drilling and Grinding*

Machines. We wish to inform you that we distribute technical literature on our goods and sell Grinding machines in your country through sole agents.

* Drilling and Grinding Machines сверлильные и шлифовальные

станки 62

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Messrs Phillips & Sons, Cairo. This firm is running a showroom where you can personally get acquainted with our makes, obtain a set of leaflets, see machine tools in action and get an answer to any question which you may, bring up. If necessary they may show you how to service a machine tool.

We shall be pleased to resume our correspondence should you have questions to which our agents are unable to give you an answer.

Yours faithfully,. Sojuzexport


Discuss with Mr. Fallady the possibility of their acting as Sojuzexport’s agents on selling Drilling machines. Speak about your sole agency with Phillips & Sons, point out the conditions on which the position could be changed.

В London, December lOth, 19 Messrs. Raznoexport,

Moscow, Dear Sirs,

One of our large guitar* customers, a distributor of musical instruments, Rose, Morris and Co. inform us that they have roughly calculated the losses they may suffer after the imposition by the government of a 15% import charge. The sum is very big and they want you to cut the price temporarily to maintain the turnover until the charge is removed. They also ask you to in- crease their commission.

Looking forward to your early reply. Yours,

Cowan and Co. Assignment:

1. Discuss the proposition of the firm, agree to it, stating your terms, or reject it giving your reasons.


XXIX. Make up these sentences using the words and phrases from the columns:

1. Can you tell me if ... 2.1 don’t know whether 3.1 wonder if ... 4- He asked me what ...

when ... how ' .. where .. whether

to think (a lot) of ... to get to know to take out to ... to weigh an occasional visit to get stamps and postcards to do the sightseeing to improve road facilities to show round a famous monument to ... to be famous for ... a gay and noisy street to build a new area on the occasion

• guitar [gi'ta;] гитара


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XXX. Read the dialogue and put it into indirect speech:

A: Has the postman been already? B: Yes, but he has brought nothing for you. A: No telegrams? Nothing at all? B: No. Are you expecting any? A: A letter from my parents, with a money remittance or an urgent telegram

confirming a transfer.* j B: There is another distribution at noon. Anyway, if you are short of money, I

can lend you a little. A: Yes, but you are leaving tomorrow. B: Well, you’ll remit it when you get it. A: Oh, thank you. I think I’ll still have enough for a day or two if I cut my

expenses. B: Then don’t worry. If your letter does not come, I am at your service.

XXXI. Translate into Engiish:

1. — Вы бывали в Казани? Интересно, чем славится этот город? — О, это старый культурный центр, даже трудно описать его тем, кто

незнаком с этим городом. Там много исторических памятников, прекрасная картинная галерея, дворцы и другие достопримечательности. Туристы обычно стремятся посетить места, связанные с историей России, и, прежде всего, старый университет. Жители Казани очень гордятся своим городо.м.

2. — Скажите, пожалуйста, как пройти на Тверскую улицу ? — Это довольно далеко отсюда. Садитесь на троллейбус 25, он

довезет вас до ПУШКИНСКОЙ площади. Когда вы сойдете, вы увидите широкую ШУМНУЮ УЛИЦУ. ЭТО Тверская.

3. На-днях я встретил приятеля, который недавно въехал в НОВУЮ

квартиру в ОДНОМ ИЗ пригородов Петербурга. Он в восторге от этого района. Там много новых домов со всеми удобствами, много клубов, кинотеатров. Его особенно поразило прекрасное обслуживание во всех магазинах.

4. — Скажите, пожалуйста, где можно КУПИТЬ открытки и кон верты и послать заказное письмо?

— Недалеко отсюда есть почта. Вы можете КУПИТЬ там все, что вам НУЖНО, послать письмо, телеграмму, простую или срочную, или ПОСЫЛКУ.

5. Я не знал, что У них мало времени. Я мог бы повезти их на машине в наиболее известные места, которые обычно привлекают внимание посетителей.

6. Он сказал мне, чтобы я послал срочную телеграмму в ИНСТИТУТ.

7. Нам сказали, чтобы мы осмотрели выдающиеся исторические памятники в первую очередь.

• transfer ['traensf»] телеграфный перевод


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8. Почтальону сказали, чтобы эта посылка была доставлена немедленно.

9. — Дайте .мне конверт и открытку, пожалуйста. — Пожалуйста, ... пенсов. — А где люжно послать телеграм.му? — В страну или за границу — Мне НУЖНО послать телегра.м.му во Францию. — Окна 2 и 4. — Спасибо.

(У окна 4) — Я ХОЧУ послать ЭТУ телегра.м.му во Францию. Скажите,

пожалуйста, какой тариф на телеграммы на континент? — Ваша телеграмма стоит....

Read the dialogue and learn it by heart:


— Excuse me, please. Can you tell me the way to Barklays Bank Ltd.? — Oh, it’s quite a long way from here on foot. You’d better take a bus, it’s

only a ten minutes’, ride then. — What bus is it? — It’s number 623 (six two three). The bus stop is round the corner on the

left-hand side. — Thank you. Will it take me right there? — Well, not quite, but you can walk the rest of the way. Go straight on and

then turn right at the traffic lights.* It’s a big building, you can't miss it. — Thank you very much. I can always ask someone the way there. — Yes, of course.

ХХ\Ш. Render the story in English using the active words given after it.


Эр-Риеда — одна из са.мых безлюдных столиц .мира. В городе .мало достопримечательностей, и туристы редко посещают его. Я приехал сюда,в качестве журналиста. В этот день во дворце короля должен был состояться прием. Я тоже должен был присутствовать на этом приеме. Прием начался в 8 вечера. В высоком (<ресле сидел король. За ним толпились его сыновья и пле.мянники, Зна.менитые своей красотой и одеждами. Во вре.мя приема ко мне подошел высокий красивый саудовец. «•Меня ЗОВУТ принц Абдалла», — сказал он. «Мне пришла в ГОЛОВУ одна идея. Вы бы не хотели поближе познакомиться с нашей страной и образом жизни?» — «С удовольствие.м», — ответил я. i — Тогда я к вам заеду после прие.ма.

— БУДУ очень рад.

• traffic lights светофор

3 Зак. N2 348 Памуз:ина 65

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я вернулся в гостиницу около 11 часов. Не успел прийти в себя, как раздался телефонный звонок. Звонил принц. Он пригласил меня выпить чашку кофе, покататься по городу, а затем поехат;ь к нему во дворец, который он построил в пригороде Эр-Риеда. Я принял его приглашение.

— Мои друзья очень хотят (жаждут) познакомиться с Вами, — сказал он.

— Я тоже буду рад познакомиться с ними. Через 2 часа мы подъехали ко дворцу.

В тот вечер гостями принца были купец, художник и издатель популярной газеты, выходящей в столице. У нас завязалась беседа. ХУДОЖНИК расспрашивал меня о картинных галереях, художественных выставках Москвы, интересных полотнах, написанных молодыми художниками. Издатель собирался вылететь в МОСКВУ В качестве туриста, и я пообещал показать ему все достопримечательности города, исторические памятники и новые районы города, которые недавно появились на окраинах столицы, когда он к нам приедет. К полуночи гости разошлись. Вдруг принц сказал: «Послушайте, я знаю, что для Вас это необычно, но если Вы желаете, я покажу Вам свой гарем. Его не показывают ЧУЖИМ, но Вам я его покажу».

Абдалла отдал какое-то распоряжение, и через некоторое время вокруг нас собралось 47 женщин. Разглядеть их лица было очень трудно, но я обратил внимание на ОДНУ ИЗ НИХ. Меня особенно поразила ее внешность. У нее были красивые черты лица европейки. К сожалению, хотя рабство и было запрещено, но торговля рабынями продолжалась. Абдалла заметил мой взгляд.

— Заметил белую? — спросил он. — Кто она? — Точно не знаю. Я думаю, полька. Ее привезли ко мне совсем

маленькой. Хочешь, я подарю ее тебе? — и, довольный собой, он рассмеялся. — Муна (так звали ПОЛЬКУ) твоя. Куда тебе ее прислать?

Считая это ШУТКОЙ, я ответил в тон; «Гостиница Бомбиг, Бейрут». Абдалла громко захохотал, ХЛОПНУЛ меня по плечу, и мы расстались.

В Бейрут я попал через два месяца и остановился в гостинице «Бомбиг». Мне нравилась эта гостиница, так как из нее открывался красивый вид на море, и в комнатах всегда был очень свежий воздух. Портье, протягивая ключ от номера, сказал многозначительно:

— Вас ЖДУТ, поднимитесь в 316-й. Я постучал в 316-й. Дверь открылась. Я вошел и замер на пороге. В

комнате была Муна, одетая в европейский костюм. Рядом с ней стояла ливанка, которая ее привезла. Невозможность и чрезвычайность положения моего вам понятны. Я был поставлен в ТУПИК. Шутка принца становилась серьезной. А ливанка тем временем: «Мы ждем здесь вас около месяца. Я ХОЧУ передать вам дарственную принца Абдаллы и все документы МУНЫ». Я смотрел на МУНУ. Она встала с кресла и стояла, ожидая моих приказаний.


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Подождите меня, — сказал я. — Я сейчас приду. Я решил действовать немедленно. В Бейруте у меня был товарищ,

польский журналист. Я позвонил ему, чтобы посоветоваться. Он сразу же приехал ко мне. Я рассказал ему всю историю, и мы решили подняться в номер к Муне.

Был поздний вечер, и Муна готовилась ко СНУ. Когда мы вошли, она стояла у окна в цветном халате. Я посмотрел на Янека. В его глазах озадаченность сменилась восторгом. Муна была очень хороша.

Янек начал разговор по-польски. Я вышел из комнаты. МИНУТ через двадцать он вернулся и ПЛЮХНУЛСЯ В кресло.

— НУ, ЧТО ТЫ думаешь об этом? — спросил я. — Она полька, она сказала несколько слов, которые еще помнит, и

это были польские слова. Мы СПУСТИЛИСЬ вниз и долго сидели в баре, обсуждали ситуацию.

Утром поехали в польское посольство. Вот собственно и все. Хотя ... нет.

Совсем недавно, уже в Москве, мне однажды передали письмо. Оно было из Кракова от родителей МУНЫ, вернее Марины. Девочку украли у них, когда ей было меньше 5 лет, в Африке, где ее отец работал в польском посольстве. Все эти годы родители считали ее погибшей.

«Нет слов, чтобы выразить Вам нашу глубокую благодарность», писали они. «Вы вернули жизнь нам и нашей единственной дочери. В будущем году мы собираемся в МОСКВУ. Мы вас обязательно разыщем. Марина и мы хотим Вас видеть».

Вот теперь и все. (По рассказу Вишневецкого «Рассказ журналиста»)

племянник а nephew ['nevju;]; саудовец а Saudi man; издатель а publisher; гареп а harem [Ъгегэт]; рабство slavery ['sleivsn]; запретить to prohibit [pra'hibit]; рабыня a slave; многозначительно meaningly; ливанка a Lebanese [,lebe'ntz]; дарственная a deed.' (

Words to be used:

to be famous for, to come to one’s mind, to get to know, to be eager, to show round, to strike, features, to be puzzled, to act, to consult, without hesitation, to be delighted, to think of, actually.

XXXIV. Retell the'slory and discuss it.


Fred Manson was a handsome fellow, well-made, with blue eyes, good features and a friendly attractive smile.

He was a postman and worked at a post-office in Briston, the most populated part in London. His duty was to deliver letters, post-cards, registered letters, express telegrams, money remittances and all that sort of things. He liked his job and never thought of giving it up. It gave him real pleasure to walk from street to street delivering his every day mail. After a while his job

3* 67

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changed. Now he was to go to pillar-boxes, empty them and take the contents to the post office. One day doing his usual work he met a girl with whom he fell in love at first sight. The young postman also attracted the girl’s attention by his handsome appearance. Soon they began to see very much of each other. They discovered they had much in common and that made their friendship stronger. Once Fred invited the girl to the cinema. He walked home with her after the show and on their way home she told him about herself and her family. Grade Carter, that was the girl’s name, was the only- daughter. Her father owned a shop and had four assistants. Grade was a student at London University. When she took her degree she said she was going to be a school-teacher. The more Fred thought of the girl the more he liked her and respected her. She struck his imagination especially by her \ ery serious attitude to life. She was above him in every way, with her father making money and her education and everything and him only a postman. And still he felt in her a passion as eager as his own. Now Fred often took her out and always looked forward to the evenings they spent together as he had never looked forward to anything in his life. Soon they arranged that Gracie should tell her people at home that she was engaged to Fred. On hearing the new'S they were very surprised but not displeased. “Evidently it’s a fellow you've met at college?” her father said, “otherwise you would not be engaged to him.”

“No, he is a postman.” Gracie’s father kept silence for a while, then he said; “But you can't

marry a postman. You must be sensible. Just imagine my only daughter married to a common postman after all the education we have given her! I'll never give my consent to it,” he concluded.

But the girl stood firm on her ground and was not going to give in or give up Fred.

“I love him and besides I’m sure you’ll like him when you see him. Just give him a chance. That’s all I’m asking for.” They gave in at last and when Fred turned up at their place they tried to be very hospitable and treated him in a friendly way. Supper passed off better than might have been expected. Gracie’s parents withdrew their opposition on condition that the young people should not marry until Gracie had taken her degree and in the back of their minds was the hope that by then she would have changed her mind. Gracie was delighted. She was sure now nothing would keep themfrom marrying. Her parents saw a good deal of Fred. He spent every Sunday with them. He was so gay, easy in manner, so attentive to them and above all so obviously head over ears in love with Gracie that after a while the Carters admitted he was not a bad fellow and was worth marrying.

Fred and Gracie were happy. They spent evenings together. On several occasions he took her out to dinner in the West End and to a play. On fine Sundays he drove her out into the country in a car that he said his friend lent him. When she asked him if he could afford all the money he spent on her he laughed and said she should not worry.

Then the blow fell. Fred was arrested for stealing money from the letters he collected. He was convicted and sentenced to two years hard labour. Gracie felt very unhappy. Her people thought it was a proper time to tell 68

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her that she must have nothing more to do with Fred. But to their great surprise she said without hesitation;

“I’m not going to break up our relations. I don’t care whether he is a thief or not. I am going to wait for him and the moment he comes out I’m going to marry him.”

Her father got very angry. He scolded her and then seeing she was obstinate asked her to get out of the house. Gracie never came back. With her good appearance and refined manners she had no difficulty in finding work at a large department store.

She cut her expenses and tried to save every penny of her wages. A year had passed. When the time approached for Fred’s release she

set about getting a home ready for him. She took two rooms in a house and furnished them. She wanted everything to be nice and comfortable.

; It happened that when Fred’s imprisonment was coming to an end he was visited by one of his friends. Fred looked changed by that time and his manners seemed strange. Fred asked his friend to go and tell Gracie he was not going to marry her. His friend was puzzled first. Then he said; “You can’t let Gracie down. Her people have thrown her away. She has been working hard all this time to get a home ready for you.”

Fred was silent for a bit. His face was dark and then he said: “I’ve been thinking about her night and day for eighteen months and I'm sick to death of her.”

When Gracie was told how matters stood she went awfully white. But sfie was not a girl to show much emotion. She did not say anything for a moment, then with a queer smile on her lips she said: “There is nothing for me to do now but put my head in the gas-oven.”

And she did. (Abridged and adapted from “Episode” by S. Maugham)

to take a degree зд. защитить дппло.\(: to be engaged быть по.молвленны.м; a blow удар; to be convicted and sentenced быть осужденны.м и приговоренным; obstinate упря.мын; I’m sick to death of her. .Мне она до с.мерти надоела.


1. What kind of contradictions do you see in Fred’s character? 2. Can you explain his actions? 3, Why did he give up his intention to marry Gracie? 4. Do you think they would have been happy if they had got married? 5. Can you call Gracie a contradictory character? Do you think she took the right decision in the end? 6. In what way would Fred have behaved if he had known Gracie would kill herself? XXXV. Discuss these topics:

1. The town that impressed you greatly. 2. Your favourite town. 3. Post service in our country.

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L E S S O N 3 3

Grammar Revision: Tenses (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Qjntinuous, Past Perfect Continuous)

Vocabulary Revision: Going through the Customs Business Appointment Visit to a Factory


by Dymphna Cusack

(abridged and adapted) Dymphna Cusack was a progressive Australian writer. Her first books appeared in the

middle thirties and won her great popularity both in her own country and abroad. Dymphna Cusack was an active fighter for peace. She travelled a lot visiting different

countries in Asia and Europe and came into close contact with people from all walks of life. “Heatwave in Berlin” was me of her latest novels dealing with the problem of post-war


Stephen Muhler, a German who has lived in Australia for many years, comes on a short visit to Western Germany with his Australian wife Joy and their nine-year-old daughter Anne. The house of Stephen's parents strikes Joy as unusually rich and very

pleasant. The von Mahlers are very nice to the visitors and Joy enjoys their hospitality.

Soon however she begins to understand what is taking place round her. The von Muhlers have always been convinced Nazis.* ** Horst, the elder brother, a former war criminal, is a prominent military figure at present. Bertha, the sister, the wife of a former Gauleiter,*** still hopes for the revival of fascism. Only the mother and Hans, Bertha's seventeen-year-old son, hate fascism.

Stephen's father and Horst want Stephen to stay in Germany as manager of the von Muhlers' works, but he is opposed to the idea. The mother, who loves Stephen and Hans, realizes that they must leave Germany as soon as possible to escape the influence of the family.

* fascism ['fiejlzm]

*♦ Nazis ['nadsiz] *** Gauleiter ['gaulaits] нацистский руковойптс.аь области


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Mrs. MuhJer, Stephen’s mother, looked up from her writing-table when Joy put her head round the door and asked, “How are you this morning. Mother?” “Very well, the day in bed has done me good.”

Stephen came in immediately after Joy and his mother looked from one to the other. “You came to tell me something, didn’t you?” she asked.

Joy looked at Stephen who said nothing, and burst out, “Mother, we’re going, and we want you to come with us. Stephen

can’t bear the thought that you’ll be left alone and I agree with him. Please do say you’ll come.”

The mother sat quietly for a while, then she went up to Joy and touched her cheek gently.

“Dear Joy! It’s the nicest thing that has happened to me in many, many years. I cannot tell you how much 1 appreciate your words, but it’s impossible, my dear.”

“But why?” cried Joy. “Surely Stephen told you.” “Stephen is awful!” Joy’s voice rose. “He won’t even discuss it with

me. I’ve had to work everything out for myself.” “You mustn’t be angry with him. We have put far more pressure on

him than you will ever know.” “Not you. mother!” Stephen objected. “I most of all, by the fact that 1 am still alive, and the others have used

that for their purpose. I am a quiet person, but I know everything that is being planned.^ My husband takes me for granted, so everything is discussed before me as if I were^ part of the furniture.”

“But you are not, mother!” “I know that my life that looks so perfect on the surface is a failure.

My duty binds me to your father but I should have opposed him long ago, when kitler came to power, then Horst and Bertha would not have been lost to me.. Can you imagine what it is to see your children shown up as criminals?”

The mother was silent for a while. Then she went. on. “When we learnt that Horst had been arrested I thought I could have died. Your father was like a madman. To hear him go from room to room® saying: ‘We have been betrayed! We have been betrayed!’ I forced myself to listen to Horst’s trial. Horst! The murderer! ‘Twenty years of prison for my son,’ your father complained day and night®, and I could not say, ‘It is too little... ’ ”

“Then Bertha left Hans with me. She was half crazy with the death of her husband and the defeat. Hans was so much like you. A little boy who had known no childhood because in those years Bertha had seen her only duty in devotion to Hitler. She did not come back until Hans was twelve and then it was too late. The boy was completely mine. Now she is torn between her deep possessive love of him and a terrible hatred for what he is.”

“Hans and you, Stephen, is all I have saved. The years of war have been bearable for me because Stephen escaped to another life — spiritually as well


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as physically. Your letters from Australia have been my life, I have lived in your world, the world I have never seen, and will never see, not in this house where day by day® I see that the monster I thought dead many years ago is being built up^ again. But I refuse to see the destruction of the only good thing in my life, for don’t deceive yourselves, if you stay it is their victory, your father’s and Horst’s and Bertha’s, the victory of all the evil forces they represent. Every hour you live in this house works for them. Have you not wondered at all the publicity? The son who has returned, the British wife?”

“I let you come, selfishly let Bertha write to you that I was ill, but I knew I could send you back. I wanted Hans to go with you. Bertha lied to you, I am not nearly so ill as she says. Oh, yes, my heart is not very good, but it’s good enough for a woman of seventy-two. When you came I lived my second spring. But now it’s dangerous for all of us. All I ask of you is that you take Hans. His passport is in order for the trip to England and we shall say that he is spending a week with you there. Their plan is to keep you, but you must go.”

There was a silpnce which Joy could not bear. She kissed Stephen’s mother' and left them without a word. She waited, but Stephen did not follow.


Later Joy knocked and opened the door slowly, whispering, “It’s only me." Stephen and his mother sat hand in hand® on the sofa, their faces blind with grief.

“Sorry to interrupt you, darlings, but have you got your passport, Stephen?”

“No. It’s in my brief-case.” “It’s not. I’ve looked there. Come and have a look for yourself. I’ve

been searching for the last quarter of an hour.’’ The mother and Stephen exchanged meaning glances. Puzzled Joy

looked from one to the other. “For heavens’ sake, what’s all the mystery about?” “There is no mystery, my dear. It’s a frightening fact. I mean they

have taken it.” “They?” “Bertha to be exact® though she w'ould never dare do it® unless the

father ordered it. He won’t leave you alone. For him Stephen is German and he knows he has enough power in this country to stop any of you from doing what he doesn’t want you to do. Stephen knows only too well that his father and Horst will stop at nothing to get their own way. We must act quickly if you want to leave this house without .trouble. Stephen’s passport must be in the father’s safe. He often puts there documents that he wishes to keep absolutely private. I’ll try to help you. You, Joy, will stand near the father’s study and I’ll get in and try to get the passport out of the safe.”

They got into the study, and the mother opened the safe. “Here is your passport, you see. Take it, and now we must act. If you see Bertha tell her we 72

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are all going to see aunt Hedvvig after dinner. And call Hans as soon as you find him, will you, Joy?”

When they were all back in the mother's room Hans came at Joy’s call. He looked at all of them with puzzled eyes.

“Get your passport,” and the mother handed him a packet of banknotes. “This will be sufficient for your fares. Go at once to the B.E.A.* office and book four seats on the first plane for London.”

“Four?” “Yes. You are going sooner than we planned.” For a moment her

voice trembled. “We may have no chance to speak alone, again, dear boy, so this is our farewell. When you think of me remember that you gave me all the joy of my last years.”

He put his arms round her and she pressed her head against his cheek with a sudden strong gesture.

“But what will happen to you when we are gone?®” Joy asked when the door closed behind Hans.

“What can happen to me that has not already happened? You must not worry about me. By going you are giving me my last great happiness.”

She pushed Stephen gently to the door, “Now it is your turn. Keep your father and Bertha out of the way at all costs. I want some time with my daughter.”

She touched his cheek with her thin fingers. Stephen pressed her to him and for them it was clearly farewell. At the door he saluted ironically, “^ere goes the lie to end all lies.” And they heard his footsteps running down the stairs.

“Good,” the mother locked the door and turned to Joy, serene as usual.

“I have something I want you to take with you.” She took a jewel case fVom her safe and opened it.

“Some of these are from my mother and grandmother but most of them are from the von Muhlers. These are very expensive. I should like you to wear mine, and the von Muhlers’ are for Hans.”

As Joy looked into the box she caught sight of three small ampoules** inside.

“Careful!” Joy heard the mother’s sharp voice. She met Joy’s eyes and explained, “For my heart.” She stood for a moment looking into the box and then her thoughts came back to the present.

“Well, my dear daughter,” she went on. “I owe you so much. Even now I do not think you realize what evil people are in power here. Because we are evil and to-day we are trying to restore the evil I give you these to protect you all.” With these words she handed Joy some negatives. “You will not look at these now. They are the negatives of the photos Horst had taken smiling in front of the people he hanged in a French village. The moment you land in England send them to your friends and tell them they can use them. I know they will be safe with you.”

Tears filled Joy’s eyes and she could not speak.

* B.E.A. — British European Airlines название авиационной компании *.* ampoule ['Eerapu:!] а.мпуаа

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“This is no time for tears,” the mother said sternly. “If you cry now you may destroy us all. Good-bye, my daughter.” She kissed her, opened the door and closed it quietly after her.

Alone in her room she pressed her hand to her heart as if it actually pained her. All the tears she had kept down for so long threatened to come out. Then she heard Bertha’s voice outside calling to her and she went quickly into the sitting-room. When Bertha came in she was seated at the writing-table and lifted an innocent inquiring face from an unfinished letter to her cousin.

Proper Names

Berlin [bo:'hn] Dymphna Cusack ['dAmfna 'kjusak] Australia [os'treiljo] StephenjMuhler ['stefan 'mub] Joy [d3o]

Horst [ho=st] Bertha [Ъэ:0э] Hans [h$ns] Hedwig ['hedwig]


1.. .. everything that is being plan- — ... все, что пл тчпруется. ned. ... the monster ... is being built— ... чудовище ... снова возрож- up again


Форма is being planned, is being built up — Present Continuous Passive употребляется в тех же случаях, что и Present Continuous Active. Она образуется при помощи глагола to be в форме Continuous -ь Past Participle смыслового глагола. Например:

The documents are being signed. —Документы сейчас подписывают,

2.. .. as if I were part of the furni— .. .как будто бы я неодушевлен- ture ный предмет (предмет мебели) В придаточных предложениях образа действия, начинающихся с

союза as if (as though), употребляется сослагательное наклонение. Глагол to be в этих случаях обычно употребляется в форме прошедшего времени множественного числа для всех лиц ед. и мн. числа. Например:

Не spoke the ianguage as if he were English. She played the role as though she were a real actress.

3, .. .from room toroom, dayby—.. .из комнаты в комнату, изо дня day, hand in hand,'dayand .night, в день, рука об руку, день и etc. ночь и т. д.

В сочетаниях ДВУХ однотипных существительных, соединенных предлогом или союзом, артикль опускается.


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i. to be exact — вернее, точнее ' Инфинитивные конструкции типа to be exact, to tell the truth, to iell you frankly переводятся на русский язык следующим образом: «точнее, вернее, по правде говоря, откровенно говоря». Например:

То tell you the truth I was puzzled by his explanation. ! По правде говоря» его объяснение озадачило меня. 5. ... though she would never dare —

do it. . хотя она никогда не осмелилась бы сделать это.

Глагол to dare «осмеливаться» часто употребляется как модаль- ный с основными грамматическими особенностями модальных гла- голов. Например:

Stephen never dared contradict his father, j How dare you say this? 6. ... when we are gone? — ... когда мы уедем (когда нас не

будет)? Непереходный глагол to go может употребляться в пассивной форме

со значением ОТСУТСТВИЯ данного лица или предмета. Например: — Is the secretary in? — No, she is—Секретарь здесь? — Нет, она gone.

ушла. I can’t find my book. It was here a—He МОГУ найти свою КНИГУ, ми- minute

ago and now it’s gone. НУТУ назад она была здесь, а сейчас ее нет.



alone devotion exact to leave alone to devote (to) exactly for a while devoted to get (have) once in a while to escape one’s (own) way to appreciate to escape (from) to be in one’s way pressure a force to get in (into) to press forces to get out (of) a purpose to represent to hand for the purpose publicity sufficient on purpose public insufficient perfect in public one’s turn perfectly nearly in turn a doty dangerous at all costs power danger sharp adj, adv in one’s power in danger sharply to come to power out of danger to owe to betray a brief-case to restore to complain for one’s sake safe

(to smb. of smth.) to frighten to destroy a defeat to be (get) to threaten to defeat frightened to come out


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a great deal call upon V hospitality [,h3spl'tffiliti] n convinced p p former adj criminal ['knminol] n prominent ['prominant] adj revival [ri'vaival] n oppose V influence ['mfluons] n burst out (burst, burst) v alone adj

You can’t do this work alone.

He was quite alone in the house that night, leave smb. alone

Small children should not be left alone.

Leave him alone now, he is too excited to talk to you. for a uhile

He came to Moscow only for a while. For a while he sat looking at the paper. syn. for a short time once in a while She is not a theatre-goer, she goes to the theatre only

once in a while. syn. sometimes, from time to time cheek n appreciate [o'prkjieit] v

>1. comb, appreciate | one’s help 1 one’s work I one’s kindness I music I poetry, etc.

W e all appreciate a holiday after a jear of hard work, work out V pressure n

comb, high pressure low strong

Proper operation of the machine requires a strong air pressure, press V

Press the stop button to stop the machine.

You shouldn’t press him too hard now, he’ll do the work when he has time, alive [a'laiv] adj

purpose ['pDtpss] n He told me about the real purpose of his visit. prp.

for the purpose on purpose He mentioned the figures on purpose.

много прн.эывать гостеприи.мство уоежденнын бывший преступник Бы.тающийся, крупный возрождение возражать, быть против влияние зд. воскликнуть один, в одиночестве

1. оставить одного

2. оставить в покое

(на) некоторое вре.мя

время от вре.менп

1лека ценить, понимать

30. понять давление

1. давить, нажать, прижать

2. оказать давление на ...

живой (употребляется предикативно) цель

с целью намеренно, нарочно


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perfect t'pafakt] adj ^

w. comb, perfect I manners I knowledge I conditions, etc.

His English is perfect, the English people take him for an Englishman. syn. excellent perfectly adv

He knows the subject perfectly well, surface ['s3:fis] n duty и

Her duty as an interpreter at the negotiations was to translate for both parties. prp. duty to smb. Never forget your duty to your parents, bind (bound,

bound) v power n The manager promised to use his power to settle the

matter promptly, in one’s power It is not in my power to change the situation now. He

did all in his power to help you. come to power Who came to power in Western Germany after

World War II? madman n betray V The old man taught his son never to betray his friends.

He looked calm but his voice betrayed his feelings. •.• trial It murderer ['тэ^эгэ] n prison ['prlzn] n complain v

She complained that she had too much work to do. prp. complain to smb. of (about) smth. The boy complained to his mother of a bad pain in

his leg. crazy adj defeat n The defeat of the team can be e.splained by lack of

training, defeat r

The enemy was defeated after a short struggle, devotion n

prp. devotion to smb. (smth., doing smth.) Russian soldiers demonstrated great devotion to

their country during the Second W'orld War. devote v >r. comb, devote a book a film

one’s life, etc. The book was devoted to the author’s best friend.

идеальный, прекрасный, conep- шенный

совершенно, аисолютно, вполне

поверхность (моральный) долг, обязанность

долг по отношению к ко.му-л.

связывать власть, сила

в силах, во власти

приити к власти

су.масшедшии 1. предать

2. выдавать

суд убийца тюрь.ма жаловаться

сумасшедший поражение

нанести поражение, пооедить ксго-л.


1. посвятить


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н*. comb, devote time energy money efforte, etc.

His time is devoted chiefly to science, devoted adj

She is a devoted mother, tear [tea] (tore, tom) v escape v

Hf. comb, escape danger illness responsibility, etc.

The boy was lucky to escape the flu, when nearly everybody caught it. Gr. escape doing smtb. I am glad he escaped getting injured.

2. уделить, отдать


разорвать 1. избежать

. Compare

Он случайно избежал опасности. Не escaped danger quite by chance.

Глагол to escape означает случайную воз.можность избежать чего-л.’ зависящую от обстоятельств.

I think he avoids his former friends. Я думаю, он избегает встреч со

старыми товарищами.

Глагол to avoid означает преднамеренное желание избежать чего-л.

escape from v His friends helped him to escape from the

concentration camp, monster n destruction n deceive v evU [Ы] adj force n

It is no use making a child learn a language by force. Religion has always been a powerful force in the hands of kings.

2. убежать из

чудовище разрушение обмануть злой сила


His strength is failing him, he needs a good rest.

This door won’t open, you’ll have to use force and break it.

The power of his speech struck everybody.

(внутренняя физическая сила* человека)

(физическая сила, применяемая извне)

(внутренняя энергия, моральная сила)


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forces n The country spends a lot of money to keep up

its milit^ forces, represent [,repn'zcnt] v

The painting represents a scene from the “Swan Lake”. A lot of countries are usually represented at the

international fairs and exhibitions, publidty n

I know this writer. He has always been agamst publicity. S', comb, get publicity

bring give gain, etc.

public adj

w. comb, public opinion library service, etc.

There are a lot of public libraries in Moscow, in public

She cannot speak in public at all. selfishly adv lie V nearly adv

Nearly everybody turned up in time, syn. abnost dangerous adJ

It’s dangerous to cross a railway line when a train is coming.

w. comb, dangerous person journey Illness area, etc.

danger n I’m glad to say that the danger is over,

in danger out of danger

For a few days Peter’s life has been in danger. Now the doctor says he is out of danger, kiss V grief n brief-case n

The businessmen came to negotiations with their brief-cases full of papers, for one’s sake

He loves his mother so much, he will do any- thing for her sake, mystery ['mistari] a frighten [Traitn] v

The unexpected sound frightened me. to be (get) Mghtened

He got so frightened that he could hardly say a word, exact adj

военные силы, войска I

представлять гласность,


общественный, государстве: ный, публичный

публично, перед аудиторией

эгоистично лгать почти


w. comb, exact


в опасности вне опасности

целовать горе портфель

ради кого-л.

тайна пугать



time size meaning translation, etc.


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Can you give me an exact description of the place ? exactly adv

That’s exactly what I expected him to do. order V get (have) one’s (own) way If the girl gets something in her head she'll get her own way whatever you tell her. be in one’s way

Move this sofa to another place, it’s very much in the way here, get in (into) v

As I’d lost my key, I had to get in through the window.

What time does the train get into Glasgow? get out (of) V

“Get out of the water,” said the mother, “you’ll get cold.”

I don’t see how I can get out of the situation, hand V

“The documents will be handed to you during the talks,” said the representative of the firm, sufficient [sa'fijont] adj И’. comb, sufficient I proof

' contribution ; supply I quantity I information, etc.

The supply of food was sufficient for a fortnight. syn. enough

точно, как раз

приказать добиться своего

.мешать, стоять на пути

1. войти, попасть (внутрь)

2. приехать

1. выбраться, выйти из, вылезти из

2. выйти из, избавиться от передать,




I’ve been looking for documents on the subject but I haven’t collected enough information yet.

Прилагательное enough подчеркивает количестпеиЕ)ую сторону.

I can offer you only two articles on the subject but they’ll give you sufficient information for your report. Прилагательное sufficient подчеркивает качественную сторону. .

insufficient adj недостаточный What you’ve done is insufficient yet. tremble v

дрожать farewell ['fgo'wel] n прощание gesture ['dsestja] n жест push [puj] V то:1кать turn n очередь

“It’s my turn to read,” said the girl.

in turn по очереди You should speak in turn if you want to make things clear.

at all costs люоой ценой Lanny Burton wished to get a job at all costs, thin

adj худой, тонкий


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finger n ironically [ai'raniksli] adv footstep и stairs n }ене! case [’d^unl] n catch sight sharp adj

И'. comb, sharp | knife ; pencil j pain ' voice i words, etc.

You shouldn’t allow children to play with sharp things. He was very angry, he gave me a sharp answer,

sharply adv He shouldn’t have spoken so sharply, his words

hurt everybody, sharp adv

He came at 9 sharp, as requested, owe V

How much do I owe you ?

He’s helped me in many cases. I owe a lot to him. restore v

IV. comb, restore | a building , a factory ; a town ' a situation one’s health, etc.

A month at the seaside restored his health completely, safe adj

It is not safe to drive at 70 km per hour on a crowded road.

You can tell her your secret, it will be safe with her.

tear [tis] n sternly adv destroy V

If. comb, destroy a village , a town an army

, a document, etc. Many towns were completely destroyed during the war.

If. comb, destroy ' a plan hopes

one’s happiness, etc. His actions destroyed our plan,

keep down v

threaten ['Oretn] v Gr. threaten ' to do smth.

smb., smtb. The manager threatened to tell everybody that the actress had a coloured child.

палец иронически шаг лестница (пнутри до.ма) шкатулка для драгоценностей увидеть, за.метцть [зезкиП, острый


точно, ровно (о вре.менц)

1. быть до.тжны.ч

2. быть обязанным


1. безопасный

2. невредимый, в безопасности

с.теза сурово Г. разрушить, уничтожить

2. расстроить, разбить

сдержать (чувства, слезы) и т. д. угрожат!. угрожать сде.тать что-л., ко.му- .либо, че.му-л.

8 1

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You shouldn’t threaten children, come out v

This newspaper comes out daily. These facts will come out sooner or later,

call to smb. v lift V innocent ['inosonf] adj inquiring adj

появиться, выйти, обнаружиться

зд. звать кого-л. поднять невинный, невиновный недоу.менный, вопросительный


1. Read the text in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises below.

P A R T I a. Paraphrase the following:

1. ... Joy put her head round the door ... 2. Stephen can’t bear the thought that you’ll be left alone ... 3. He won’t even discuss it with me. 4.1 have to work everything out myself. 5. ... I should have opposed him long ago ... 6. I forced myself to listen to Horst’s trial. 7. She was half crazy with the death of her husband and the defeat. 8. ... Bertha had seen her only duty in devotion to Hitler. 9. The years of war have been bearable for me ... 10. Have you wondered at all the publicity?

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. It’s the nicest thing that has happened to me in many, many years. 2. We have put far more pressure on him than you will ever know. 3. My husband takes me for granted, so everything is discussed before me as if I were part of the furniture. 4. My duty binds me to your father. 5, Now she is torn between her deep possessive love of him and a terrible hatred for what he is. 6. ... Stephen escaped to another life — spiritually as well as physically. 7. Every hour you live in this house works for them.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. Joy burst out. 2. Surely Stephen told you. 3. Joy’s voice rose. 4.1 most of all, by the fact that I am alive. 5.1 know that my life ... is a failure. 6. To hear him go from room to room ... 7. Hans was so much like you. 8. She did not come back until Hans was twelve. 9. ... the British wife? 10. I let you come, selfishly let Bertha write to you that 1 was ill. 11. All I ask of you is to take Hans.

d. Sum up the conversation that took place between Mrs. Muhler, Stephen and Joy in Mrs. Muhler’s room.


a. Paraphrase the following:

1. ... that he wishes to keep absolutely private. 2. This will be sufficient for your fares. 3. ... when we are gone? 4. Keep your father and Bertha out of the way at all costs. 5. ... she caught sight of three small ampoules. 6. All the tears she had kept down for so long threatened to come out.


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b. Give your interpretation]^of the following:

1. The mother and Stephen exchanged meaning glances. 2. He won’t leave you alone. 3. When you think of me remember that you gave me all the joy of my last years. 4. By going you are giving me my last great happiness. 5. Because we are evil and to-day we are trying to restore the evil I give you these to protect you all. 6. If you cry you may destroy us all.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. It’s only me. 2. ... their faces blind with grief. 3. Come and have a look for yourself. 4.1 mean they have taken it. 5. Bertha to be exact ... 6. ... he has enough power ... to stop any of you from doing what he doesn’t want you to do. 7. I want some time with my daughter. 8. ... they will be safe with you.

d. Sum up the conversation between Mrs. Muhler and Joy.

n. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

1. ... мать переводила взгляд с одного (Джой) на другого (Стивена). 2. ... мы хотим, чтобы вы поехали с нами. 3. Стивен невыносим (ужасен). 4. Я спокойный человек... 5. Ганс был так похож на тебя. 6. ... изо дня в день ... 7. Я позволила вам приехать... 8. ... Я совсем не так больна, как она говорит. 9. Его паспорт в порядке ... 10. Они хотят задержать вас... 11. Твой паспорт при тебе? 12. Иди и посмотри сам. 13. Вот твой паспорт... 14. Приготовь (достань) свой паспорт. 15. Не пускай отца и Берту сюда. 10. Я стольки1М тебе обязана. 17. Сейчас не время плакать.


ui . Activise these words:

alonet to leave smb. alone

a. Answer these questions;

1. Why does a person sometimes ask to be left alone? 2. Would you leave a person in trouble alone? When would you do so? 3. Do you like staying alone for a long time? Why?

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. It is not sensible of you to try and do this work by yourself. 2.1 don’t want any help, I’ll fulfil the plan by myself. 3. Don’t bother him, he’s experienced enough to get out of the difficulty. 4. You should leave the boy to himself for a while, he feels nervous now.

c. Translate into Ehiglish:

I. Оставьте его в покое сейчас, у него плохое настроение. 2. Я не люблю отдыхать (проводить ОТПУСК) ОДИН. 3. Не противоречь ей сейчас, оставь ее в покое.


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power, in one’s power, to come to power

a. Complete these sentences:

1. I assure you he tried to get me out of the difficulty ... (actually, in one’s power). 2. If you wish to bring up the child properly ... (to use power, in the right way). 3. They promised to resume the work ... (as soon as, to come to power).

b. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. Я не по.мню, когда эта партия пришла к власти. 2. Я возобновил бы работу не.медленно, если бы это было в моих силах. 3. Я не в силах заставить его переменить решение. 4. «Я ХОЧУ, чтобы вы верили в силу знаний», — сказал профессор. 5. Старый рабочий часто говорил, что власть полезна только в руках разу.мных людей.

to complain

a. Answer these questions:

1. What do you advise your friend to do if he complains of a headache (a toothache, a pain)? 2. Do you like people always complaining of their troubles? Why not? 3. Why don’t you want your children to complain to you too often ?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. He had to give up sports as ... (a pain, to complain). 2. He strikes me as a person of strong character ... (never, to complain). 3. He doesn’t seem to be enjoying his new job ... (to complain, the manager).

c. Translate into English:

1. OH давно жалуется на боли в ноге. 2. Мне никогда не приходило в ГОЛОВУ жаловаться ему. 3. Фир.ма жалуется, что поставки товара задерживаются.

to escape, to escape from

a. Answer these questions:

1. Why did many progressive people escape from Germany in early thirties? 2. Do you think Lanny Burton’s death escaped public attention? Why? 3. Do you think Edward Burton escaped all responsibility in connection with Lannv’s death?

b. Make up sentences in accordance with the model using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l : The matter escaped publicity. He escaped getting into trouble.

(attention, a dangerous position, trouble, to be involved in smth.. unnecessary e.xpenses, to suffer)


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с. Complete these sentences:

1. Many war criminals moved to South America after the second world war... (to escape, prison). 2. He is in a pretty bad condition as a football player ... (not to escape, to be injured). 3. We should teach children to cross the road carefully ... (to escape, danger). 4. The cage (клетка) is very strong ... (to escape from).

publicity, public, in public

a. Translate into Russian:

1. World fairs give great publicity to the countries where they are held ij. The film stars of Hollywood take every opportunity of getting more

S ublicity. 3. “This is not the kind of deal that wants publicity,” said the roker. 4. He hinted that he didn’t want the matter to be discussed in public. The man has been a prominent public figure for the last few years.


b. .\nswer these questions:

1. Why is public opinion important in many international disputes? 2. In what cases do we have to work in public libraries? 3. Is it good manners tb discuss personal things in public? Why not? 4. What kind of events do we ^i\e publicity to in our country?

to frighten, to be (get) frightened

Answer these questions; 1. It is not sensible to frighten children, is it? Why? 2. What can frighten g

person? 3. What kind of people get frightened easily? I b. Complete these sentences:

1. He was acting in such a strange manner ... (even, to get frightened). 2. It never came to my mind ... (the news, to frighten). 3. He only gave her a hint of what had happened ... (to look frightened). 4. I thought the news was unlikely to arouse fears but ... (to be frightened).

to get (have) one’s (own) way, to be in one’s way a. Answer these questions:

1. Why don’t you allow children to always get their own way ? 2. Is it .sensible to try and get your way if you are obviously wrong? Why not? 3. Why is it hard to deal with people who wish to have their way in everything? 4. What do you do with things that are in your way?

b. Translate into English:

1. Она всегда хочет добиться своего, даже если это противоречит здраво.му СМЫСЛУ. 2. Вы никогда не добьетесь своего, если будете постоянно колебаться. 3. Вряд ли он УСТУПИТ вам, он давно пытается добиться своего. 4. Этот стол здесь уже два года, он НИКОМУ не мешает. 5. Я вам мешаю? — Нет, можете сидеть (оставаться) здесь.


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to get in (into), to get out (out of)

a. Translate into Russian:

1. The train is starting, we must get in. 2. Don’t be in my way, get into the car, boy. 3. You are unlikely to get into the ministry after 8 o’clock. 4. What time does the train get in? 5. He may get into trouble with such manners, and it’ll be hard to get out of it. 6. He must have got out as soon as the car stopped, he’s gone now.

b. Fill in the adrerbs:

1. The bus was so crowded we could hardly get... at our stop. 2. It was no problem for the boy to get ... the college, his marks were all excellent. 3. In your place I wouldn’t help the man, he wouldn’t listen to our advice before and should get ... the difficulty by himself now. 4. He miist have lost the key, he couldn’t get ... the office yesterday. 5. The businessman got the papers ... his brief-case and we got down to the discussion.

sufficient, insufficient

a. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. We haven’t got enough information about the running of the showroom. 2. “This amount is not enough to run the show,’’ said the theatre manager. 3. Have you got enough proof to charge the losses to our account? 4. His experience is not enough to fill in the vacancy.

b. COinplete these sentracee:

1. We have contributed a lot to promoting business with the firm ... (sufficient, at present). 2. We have sent twenty machines on consignment to the firm so far ... (a sufficient stock). 3. You should involve your friend in this work ... (a sufficient knowledge). 4. You shouldn’t have brought up the question then ... (insufficient, information).

to от

a. Complete^these sentences:

1. He used to help me a great deal ... (to owe, a lot). 2. You paid for the cinerria tickets, didn’t you? ... (how much, to owe). 3. If I were you I wouldn’t complain of difficulties ... (to owe, one’s job). 4. The sooner I pay my debts, the better it will be for me ... (not to like, to owe).

b. Translate into English:

1. Я многим обязан ему, и я очень высоко ценю его помощь. 2. Я ничем не обязан этому человеку. 3. Сколько он должен вам за работу? 4.—Я вам должен три рубля, да? Вот деньги, спасибо. — Пожалуйста. 5. Ты обязан матери своим образованием. Ей пришлось очень много работать, чтобы дать тебе возможность учиться в институте (попасть в институт).


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to come out

a. Translate into Russian:

1. “If any news comes out, I shall act at once,” he said. 2. It came out quite unexpectedly that Joe was getting a very high salary. 3. I always feel certain that truth comes out in any case. 4. His latest novel came out last month.

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. How often is this magazine published ? 2. Let me know if any unfavourable information becomes known. 3. It became known that the production of the new car would be cut for a while. 4. How it became known is beyond me.

Practise orally the following sentences and make up similar sentences with the words given in bold type:

1. He was pretty nervous at the exam. 2. The work is nearly finished now. 3. He’s covered nearly all the points. 4. That’s exactly what I mean. 5. He has actually given up sports. 6. I don’t remember it exactly.

V. Give English equivalents to the following phrases:

1. восстановить здоровье; 2. реставрировать здание; 3. высоко ценить полученную информацию; 4. с целью осмотреть станки; 5. намеренно противоречить кому-л.; 6. жаловаться на трудности; 7. уделять достаточно времени своим обязанностям; 8. представлять фирму на выставке; 9. избежать внимания общественности (общественного внимания); 10. ради рекламы (гласности); 11. попасть в здание павильона; 12. выйти из трудного положения; 13. иметь достаточную информацию, чтобы охватить тему; 14. угрожать кому-л. сделать что-л.; 15. восстановить разрушенный завод; 1(5. навести справки о положении на рынке

VI. Give all possible combinations of: a.

the following verbs with nouns:

to restore to devote to leave alone to escape to appreciate to destroy

b. the following adjectives with nouns:

dangerous exact perfect sufficient public • sharp

VII. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Philip’s eye-sight was restored, he could see again. 2. The manager told Mr. Cook to leave the papers alone and to find out what the stranger wanted. 3.1 was thinking if you would let me have five more dollars a week for a while. 4. A blind man is able to appreciate sound, touch, but not colours. 5. You must appreciate the full meaning of what I said. 6. You must appreciate the difficulties of this situation. 7. A full meeting of the Committee was held for the purpose of choosing a new manager. 8. He liked in a man devotion to duty. 9. It was a director’s duty to be perfectly fair. 10. The scientist has spoken to us about his own purposes. 11. Basil was really devoted to Dorian Grey and was ready to take any risk for Dorian’s sake.


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12. They cannot expect to escape being laughed at. 13. The picture is supposed to represent a stormy sea. 14.1 owe him everything: upbringing, education, devotion and love. 15. At last he threatened that he would immediately make the whole matter public. 16. He asked her for the exact time and the answer followed — 3 p.m. sharp. 17. I want exact directions about how to find his address. 18. We have been trying hard. At last we’ve got our own way. 19. This proof is not sufficient. 20. Abraham Lincoln was so exact in his actions that the people called him “Honest Abe”.

VIII. Translate these sentences into English;

1. Передайте мне, пожалуйста, соль. 2. Он передал мне важные ДОКУ.менты.

1. Сегодня прекрасная погода. 2. У вас прекрасное платье. Где вы его КУПИЛИ? 3. У него прекрасный перевод, без единой ошибки.

1. Я не понимаю ни слова по-не.мецки. 2. Он понимает важност.ь этого вопроса. 3. Я вполне понимаю ситуацию. 4. У него ужасный почерк, я ничего не .МОГУ понять.

IX. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs and retell the story in section B.

1.1 wouldn’t like to discuss certain things ... public. I want to see > ou alone ... a while. 2. He’s been doing urgent work lately and only rings me ... once ... a while. 3. What a pity Ann is gone now. I came here ... purpose, to speak ... her. 4. It’s no use complaining ... me ... lack .. . time. The best thing ... you is to get .................. business right away. 5. The young man decided to devote his life ... literature. 6. Facts were coming ... about the circumstances ... which those people came .... power. 7. He got ... hospital ... a bad injury but the doctor says that he is actually ...........danger now. 8. The father did everything ... his power ... the sake ... his only daughter. 9. Your alterations (поправки) ... the contract are being discussed now, but the matter mast be settled ... the close of the dav ... all costs.


Joy lay looking ... the door, waiting ... Stephen to come back. They were ... board a steamer going ... Europe, ... their way ... Germany to visit Stephen’s family. Joy had long stopped wondering why Stephen refused to see his family. Their life had been happy and Joy had nothing to complain . . . . Occasionally, when Joy wished to get her own way Stephen would not betray any feeling but would just get'... and go ... .

This time however he spoke ... a very sharp manner. "... god’s sake!" he shouted. “Stop talking ... a little girl!” and he left her alone ... the cabin. It seemed ... Joy he had hurt her ... purpose. And all because ... that military looking German whom Stephen came ... among the passengers.


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Joy felt frightened as an idea came ... her mind. Was Stephen falling out of love with her? Was the visit going to destroy her happiness? ... the first time her mother’s words came back ... her.

“Marriage may be difficult with a man of whom you know nothing e.Kcept that he is young, handsome and a German. I’d like to know when he escaped ... Germany to Austria.”

“During the war, of course.” “Why ‘of course’ ? And why ‘Austria’ since it was occupied ... the Nazis

... 1938? If I were you I’d wait ... a while and make inquiries.” That was 1950 and to marry a German who had come out after the defeat

required courage* and complete confidence ** that the man you were marrying was different ... so many ... those who were moving ... the . country to be safe. Every day her mother put down ... front ... her some newspaper or other ... stories ... SS men described as war criminals.

“They are all trying to get ... the country ... one purpose,” she said. “They want to be ........................ danger now that they are defeated.”

Joy took the hint. “I won’t let you think ... the man I love as if he were a criminal...”

Her mind went back ... the night over ten years ago when they had first met ... a concert. She had not seen him until he picked ... her fallen programme and handed it ... her. She saw his face turned ... hers, his eyes full ... wonder. ... her turn she was shaken ... the feeling he aroused ... her. It was part... all the music she had heard, the poetry she had read.

“I saw you when you came ... ,” he told her later. “You were so beauti- fiil.”

Joy was twenty then, a few months younger than Stephen. ... nearly a year they moved ... a kind ... a dream. She knew from the

second time she met him that she would marry him ... all costs. ... the day she was twenty one she and Stephen went ... the registry office.

Over ten years nothing threatened their married life. Stephen was devoted ... her and she owed real happiness ... him. Occasionally, when Joy pressed him he would tell her something ... his terrible days as a refugee.***

X. Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary;

I 1. Are you sure it’s the correct meaning of the word ? 2. There was a rule iij the family that children were not allowed to do what they wanted. 3, The supply of food the travellers had was quite enough to last them till the end of the journey. 4. Many historical buildings near Petersburg that were ruined during World War II are completely rebuilt now. 5. You must go and make him get the document ready. The matter is being discussed already. 6. Many important facts became known during the post-war trials of war criminals. 7. Sometimes Hans would take Joy out for a ride and they would go sightseeing in his car. 8. As her daughter was afraid to stay in the room quite by herself Joy promised to sit by her bed for some time. 9. Almost

• courage ['kAridj] .муясество *• confidence ['kcnfidens] уверенность

**• refugee frefju'dsfc] беженец


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all the pictures by Vereshchagin show different episodes from the Rnssian- Turkish war. 10. The aim of Chekhov’s trip to Sakhalin was to study care- fully this part of Russia. He gave up much of his time to this land and wrote a wonderful book about it.

XI. Translate tiiese sentences paying attention to participles:

1. Когда я вошел в комнату, студенты обсуждали картины молодых ХУДОЖНИКОВ, представленные на последней выставке в Москве. 2. Партизан, убежавший из лагеря, рассказал своим товарищам, кто его предал. 3. Документы, переданные мне во время переговоров, дают достаточные сведения о положении заказа. 4. Глядя на испуганного мальчика, я понял, что не должен был рассказывать ему подробности катастрофы (accident). 5. Девушка, попавшая в автолюбильную катастрофу, сейчас вне опасности и скоро выйдет из больницы. 6. — Чем вы сейчас занимаетесь? — Я навожу справки об одной фирлге, выпускающей манометры (guages) высокого давления. 7. Таковы фактические события, описанные в романе молодого писателя. 8. Люди, жалующиеся на нехватку времени, часто тратят много времени на ненужные вещи. 9. Представитель фирмы заверил нас, что понесенные нами убытки будут отнесены на их счет. 10. Обсуждая работу демонстрационного зала, мы предложили фирме составить список требующихся им технических средств.

ХП. Choose the correct word 1г«ш those given in brackets and nsc it in proper form..

1. — Here is the money I ... from you a week ago. Sorry, I’ve ... it to you so long. — Oh, it’s perfectly all right. I don’t even remember ... it to you (to owe, to borrow, to lend). 2. I’ve been pressing him hard ... to get through the work, but he doesn’t seem to realize that it’s urgent. He also complains that he hasn’t got ... information yet though he has a lot, I know (enough, sufficient). 3. You shouldn’t press the child to eat more when he says he’s had . . . . Even little food may be ... in quality (enough, sufficient). 4. — Have you ... the latest game? — No, unfortunately we ... . Part of the game was quite successful, but finally we ... , we haven’t obviously been training enough (to lose, to win, to be defeated). 5. “How can this boy ... getting injured,’’ the mother complained. “He won’t even try ... dangerous games.’’ (to avoid, to escape). 6. — I’ll be waiting for you in the public library at 10 ... , ... as we’ve agreed (sharp, exactly). 7. The Independent ... daily, but it does not... in our book-stall regularly (to appear, to come out). 8. “It’s quite in your ... to use ... when you are being attacked,’’ the militia instructor said to the young men training for militia work, “but be careful not to use your ... when you can avoid it” (force, power, strength). 9. “The ... of money is a ... that can move the world,” old John was saying to his son, “but no money will make you happy if you haven’t got the ... to enjoy life” (force, power, strength).


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ХШ. Retell the stories using the words given in brackets instead of those given in bold type:


At an annual meeting of a firm’s board there was a discussion of the members’ work. The chairman who was not very good at speaking before an audience said: “You should understand rightly the efforts made by the board in promoting business. I don’t want you to think that half the board did all the work and the other half did nothing. In fact the exact reverse* is the case.”

(in public; to appreciate; actually)


Little Nellie has an excellent memory and does not leave anything unnoticed.

“Mummy, I’ve got a stomach-ache,” she complains one day. “That’s because your stomach is nearly empty,” answers her mother. “You

had actually no lunch to-day. You’d feel better if you had something in it.” In the evening father comes home and complains of a head-ache. The little

girl loves her father very much and hurries to help. “That’s because > our head is empty. You’d feel better if you had something in it,” she says.

(to escape one’s attention; a devoted daughter)

XIV. Make up situations using tbe following sentences:

1. Such facts can hardly escape publicity. 2. You shouldn’t have let him get everything his own way. 3. If I were you I’d make inquiries first. 4. You should press him harder to do the work in time. 5.1 hope his pictures will be represented there. 6. It will be safe with him, you may ^ sure. 7. He’s been complaining of hard work for the last few weeks.

XV. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

A 01Шси11 Position

to betray to be in danger to escape from one’s duty for one’s sake

to come out safe to threaten at all costs

A Political Gathering

a speaker to represent public opinion n turn

in public sufficient

information a purpose sharply

Devotion to Work

to be devoted to appreciate for that purpose to frighten to complain of nearly

to come out well

A Perfect Worker

to appreciate exact (not) to complain

nearly sufficient experience devoted to

reverse противоположный


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XVI. Translate into English paying attention to the words and word combinations given in old type:

1. He подходи к ребенку, когда он плачет. Оставь его одного на некоторое время. 2. Он уделяет .много вре.мени свои.м обязанностям и даже незначительные мо.менты не ускользают от его вни.манпя. 3. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы ценили ее деловые качества. Она прекрасный переводчик и никогда не жалуется на трудности. 4. Я предлагаю обсудить фактические цели этой работы до того, как .мы приступи.м к ее выполнению. 5. Он был бы рад по.мочь ва.м восстановить эти до.кулгенты, но боюсь, он не в силах это сделать — у него нет достаточного опыта. 6. Я давно уже навожу справки об этой фир.ме, но пока еще не ПОЛУЧИЛ достаточных сведений. 7. Я ХОЧУ, чтобы вы дали мне более точный перевод контракта. Этот вариант приблизительный (черновой), а некоторые .места даже сокращены. 8. Я пришел ровно в 5 часов и с тех пор ЖДУ его. Мне НУЖНО передать е.му некоторые доку.менты. 9. «Вам не следует волноваться-), — сказал врач. — «Жизнь вашего брата вне опасности уже две недел!!. II через 2 — 3 лгесяца его здоровье полностью восстановится). 10. Многие деловые люди считают рекламу одни.м из важнейших факторов, способствующих развитию торговли. 11. Почти все страны Азии и Африки были представлены на конференции, состоявшейся в Ташкенте несколько лет то.му назад. 12. Они добились бы своего, если бы их партнер не предал их интересы. Он передал ко::- курента.м очень важные сведения. 13. Вражески.м войскам бы.чо нанесено поражение до того, как они проникли в центральную часть города, и им не удалось разрушить здание почты и телеграфа. 14. Многие члены террористической группировки, бежавшие из тюрь.мы, вынуждены были навсегда ПОКИНУТЬ страну, так как п.м было опасно оставаться та.м. 15. Стивен рассказал Джой, что он .МН0ГИ.М обязан своей матери и вернулся до.мой только ради нее.


XVII. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. Why couldn’t Stephen bear the thought that the mother would be left alone? 2. What kind of pressure was put on Stephen? Did the mother take part in the family plans? In what way? 3. How did the mother feel about Horst’s trial? What was the difference between her feelings and the father’s? 4. Why did the mother say that her life was a failure? 5. What kind of publicity was attached to Stephen’s stay in Germany? 6. Why did the mother say that she had lived her second spring with Stephen’s arrival? 7. Why was the mother frightened when she learnt of Bertha’s taking Stephen’s passport? 8. What did Stephen mean by the words: “Here goes the lie to end all lies”? How does this characterize the atmosphere in the house? 9. Why did the mother keep the three ampoules? 10. Why does the author point out that the mother looked innocent when Bertha came into her room ?


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XVIII. Read the story and sum it up using as many active words as possible:


"Listen to me, Joy. Listen carefully. Yes, I lied to you but I lied on purpose.

I lied for the sake of many things which I’m afraid I’ll never be able to make you understand since for you a lie is an awful thing.”

He began to walk up and down the room. “I told you the truth about my life and my family up to a point. What I did not tell you was that my father was a Nazi, a convinced Nazi devoted to Hitler. Horst and Bertha were also “big shots”"* and so was Bertha’s husband. The reason why I escaped that danger was that I was so much younger than them. The other reason of it was my mother who was against it all from the beginning.

But the opinions of a German wife did not count; she could not get things

her way and she had to take for granted her husband’s point of view. When I was eight I often complained of a pain in my legs. The doctor

diagnosed the illness as rheumatic fever and my mother took me to her father’s home in Munich to restore my health.

My grandfather was a liberal who hated Nazism as much as my mother. But it never came to his mind to fight against it. He had devoted his life to science and nothing else mattered. He had a name, scientists in different countries thought a lot of him as a scientist and the Nazis decided it was dangerous to arrest him. So they left him alone. That made me lot e and appreciate

my grandfather all the more. Once in a while we had little concerts. On such occasions some of his

musician-friends came to the house. In between music 1 learned that not only women like my mother hated militarism, but men like my grandfather, and that impressed me very much. They were people of high culture who regarded Hitler as a maniac who threatened all mankind though they w his- pered it only among themselves.

When war began I came back to Berlin. Treatment and rest had made me quite a normal boy. I felt perfectly well. My father made me join the youth camp though I hated the idea. He said it was my duty to help Hitler and I had no courage to oppose him. The years I spent in the Youth Camp were the worst in my life! I learnt how to keep our eyes open for “illegals”, that is escaped

prisoners-of-war.” Stephen got up and went to lean against the window as though he needed

air. “I remember the last Christmas we were all at home together. Horst came

back from Paris, Karl from the Eastern front. Karl brought Russian furs, Horst provided himself with perfumes, silk stockings, gloves. When I hear them telling you how they suffered in the war, I feel sick. In this house we suffered nothing. There was not even a hint of suffering. We had heating, food, clothes, liquor. It was the last Christmas before we were destroyed completely. But then nobody believed that we could be defeated.

“That winter I was sent to Czechoslovakia. Those last months I can’t try to tell you about. War for me is noise and terror. I lived in terror of being

* a big shot важное лиц*


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shot — not only by the enemy but by my own side, because I was a bad soldier. I don’t want you to think I’m praising myself as an opponent of Hitler — I wasn’t. I was a puzzled, terrified, frightened boy who had no talent for military life, and deep down I hated it all. My body went through those months like an automation.”

“Once we were ordered to bury* a group of village people, bury them alive. I don’t know what came over me, I must have gone mad, but I couldn’t do it. I threw the spade** away, shouting, “Nein! Nein! Ich will nicht.”

“I was arrested and was to be shot. It was a usual thing in those days. I think I was not shot then and there only because of my father’s name. The major probably felt that some formal procedure was necessary for a son of one of Hitler’s strongest supporters. That night as I sat in the cellar waiting for morning and death, Alhed bombers*** came over and the whole place was destroyed. I managed to get out of the cellar and came across one of my former fellow soldiers. We got into a private car — I don’t know where it came from — and went through to Austria. There I recalled a friend of ray grandfather. He did not hesitate to help me and I owe it to him that I am still alive. For two years I stayed with him. My grandfather’s money brought me to Australia.”

Struck by the story it was a long time before Joy spoke. Then she said sharply: “Why did you bring us here?”

“I did not bring you. You brought me. All these years I’ve been fighting against it. First because I was afraid that I might lose you if you learnt the truth. Then, as my family grew more powerful, because I knew that if I returned they would do all in their power to keep me. The hints in my father’s letters gave me sufficient reason to have such fears.

Now, after three months in this house which represents a collection of Nazis you must understand what is going on in the countiy nowadays,” he concluded bitterly.

XDC.^Read and discuss text B.


Joy stood surprised in the doorway of the dining-room, where the servants hurried round preparing an impromptu**** celebration. Resting his hand on Stephen’s arm the father smiled the smile of a man enjoying his victory to the full as the mother came into the dining-room. Bertha ordered a servant to set places for Joy and Stephen. The father indicated the seat of honour to Stephen: “Sit here, my son”, and then waved Joy to his left.

“We will celebrate,” he began, “I have been saving this champagne for my birthday but for your sake we’ll have it today.”

“Bring the Bohemian glasses,” Bertha ordered. She clasped Joy’s hands and cried: “Oh, if you only knew what happiness you’ve given us all to-day!”

• to bury ['ben] хоронить ** a spade лопата

•** Allied bombers бомбардировщики союзников ••** impromptu [imp'mmptju;] непод1 0товленный


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Struck by so much mystifying cheerfulness Joy waited hoping for some hint as to what it was all about. The father proposed a toast. Joy thought she misunderstood the words till Bertha leaned across the table and translated exactly: “My father says to many happy years together for all of us. He appreciates Stephen’s decision greatly.”

That was Stephen’s last lie! He had told them they were staying! Joy got frightened. She met Stephen’s

smile, Hans’s smile and the mother’s smile and behind them saw the passports in Stephen’s pockets, the tickets in Hans’s and upstairs on the bed her travelling bag with the weight of jewels that shouted their presence. But Joy was afraid to betray her actual feelings and laughed with a touch of hysteria. Then she smiled with false sweetness at the father and said in her poor German : “To many happy years for all of us.”

On the surface it was the gayest dinner they had known in that house. It was as though Stephen’s lie had released the tension for everybody. Bertha talked cheerfuDy to each one in turn and from time to time glanced at Hans as though begging him for some sign of attention. But he did not look at her, touching his glass only to his grandmother’s.

Joy lifted her glass, she felt she must keep a brave face at all costs. She wished the dinner were over and they were out on the way to the airport. As if through the mist she heard the family making plans for the future of Joy and Stephen, manager of the von Muhlers’ works.

“When I heard mother say that you were going to aunt Hedwig’s I suggested to father that you should take the big limousine. It’s a very comfortable car!” Bertha said.

The father nodded. “Now I shall order a new one for you. We can have it in a week. Tomorrow you must go and choose your model.”

At a word from Bertha he added hurriedly: “And Joy, too, naturally.” “Oh, God, make them stop,” Joy prayed. “I can’t b^r it.” “My father says that we must also go and order a fur coat for you before the

cold weather starts. He wants to give it to you for an advance Christmas present.”

“How kind of you, Ernst.” The mother looked at him fondly then inquired: “What would you prefer, dear?”

Joy murmured something unable to think. “She must have mink,”* Hans said unexpectedly. “I saw a platinum mink

on sale that is made for her. Isn’t that a perfect idea, Stephen?” “I am all for mink!” Stephen lauded too loudly. “Nothing less than mink.

I’ve always been looking forward to the day I could afford to give my wife a mink coal, haven’t I, and here it drops into your hands!”

The clock struck a quarter to two. Joy noticed the mother look at her watch. “Ten to two. Now up you go and bring down your things, Joy. If we don’t leave at two o’clock sharp it’s not worth going to aunt Hedwig’s.”

Joy jumped to her feet. Too quickly. Too obviously. Bertha was up as soon as she was, crying. “Let me get the things for you.” They were in the doorway together. Joy thought she was going to faint. Then calm and unhur

‘ mink норка

95 •

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ried the mother's voice came to her from a long way. “Joy knows best what she wants, dear. You take Anne into the toilette and wash her hands!“

Joy ran up the stairs, snatched up her coat and Anne’s holding them so as to cover the wide mouth of her shopping bag at the bottom of which were the jewels.

Stephen and Hans still stood with the mother on the terrace and Joy could hardly stop herself from calling to them to hurry.

The clock in the hall struck two. “Now off we go,” the mother called gaily. “Stephen, Hans, come along. Joy is waiting.” Serene, unhurried she got into the car beside Joy, and the car moved off.

“For heaven’s sake, quickly,” the mother hurried them then. “Bertha has gone up to put the passport back into your brief-case and she will telephone Horst the news.”


In the highway Hans drove the car into the line of swiftly running traffic behind a large black and white Cadillac with a US Forces number-plate.** “With that ahead of us there’s no speed limit,” he remarked with a short laugh. He glanced at the speedometer. “We’ll do it comfortably.”

Her face against the glass Anne protested: “Why aren’t we going aunt Hedwig’s way?”

The mother pulled Anne toiler and whispered: “It’s all right, Liebchen, first we’fe going to the airport to see someone off, but it’s a secret.”

“Are we late?” Anne asked. “Hans is going awfully fast.” “We don’t want to be late; that’s why Hans is going so fast.” The approach to the airport; an unbroken line of cars running before and

after them — the entrance. Soon they would be safe and out of danger. A voice called to them. Hans turned his head and saw Horst. He must ha\e

come there on his own business. Frozen they looked at him as he inquired through the open front window: “And what, my dear family, are you doing here at this time of day?”

No one answered. “Open the door quickly, uncle Horst,” Anne cried, “we’re going to see

someone off and we are nearly late. And then we are going to see aunt Hed- wig.’'

Horst turned on his smile. He helped his mother from the car. “Maybe I shall take an afternoon off and come with you to celebrate the splendid news Bertha told me over the telephone.”

“That will be nice, dear.” The mother’s smile was as bright as his own. “Just park the car for Hans, will you, like a dear boy, and we shall be back as soon as possible.”

She went across to the entrance between Stephen and Hans. Joy followed close behind, frightened to death by Horst’s unexpected appearance. They went through formalities. A voice calling the number of their flight in German and French and English. Then the mother drew Anne to her and pressed her close to her heart, murmuring, “mein Liebchen, mein Liebchen!”

• the narrow escape удачный побег

** a number plate номер .машины


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Only then did Anne realize what it all meant. She burst into a loud crying: “I want Granma to come with us!” “Hush, my darling!” The grandmother murmured. She opened her bag,

took out a handkerchief and wiped Anne’s tears. “Granma will be with you soon.”

As the bag swoing oj^n Joy caught sight of a velvet box with the ampoules she had seen and she wished that the mother’s heart would bear the terrible strain.

She hurried ahead with Anne to join the group for their flight already waiting before the passengers’ exit. As she looked back she saw Stephen and Hans come running and the expression of their faces struck her heart like a knife.

From the windows of the plane they saw for a while the tall black-coated figure of the mother waving her handkerchief. Joy leant back in her seat. She closed her eyes. Her mind went back to the lonely figure on the terrace and to Horst waiting. How long would he wait? And when he came for his mother what would she do in her turn? What would she say? And the return home?

Like an electric shock through all her being she saw again the small velvet box with the ampoules and she realized that for the mother there would be no return.


1. Why does the author call the dinner they had an impromptu celebration ? 2. How did different members of the family feel and act throughout the dinner? 3. How did Hans drive to the airport? What do you think of his remark about the speed limit for American cars ? 4. Why did Horst “turn on” his smile in answer to Anne’s explanation ? How does it characterize Horst and the stiuation as a whole? 5. Why was Joy struck by the expression of the faces of Stephen and Hans after they left the mother? 6. When did Joy realize that there would be no return for the mother? What would she have done if she had realized before what the ampoules actually contained?

XX. Make up statements on the text followed by questions. For model see ex. XIX, lesson 31.

XXI. Retell the text in the person of: Joy, Stephen, Stephen’s father, Horst, Bertha, Hans.

XXII. Speak on these topics connected with the text, using the words given in brackets:

1. The upbringing of Hans (sensible, to be responsible for, duty, for one’s own sake, to make up one’s mind, to leave alone, sensitive, however, not to hesitate, to contribute, to be safe with, to devote, afterwards)

2. Horst’s position after the war (to respresent, to take part, actions, defeat, at all costs, to be betrayed, to escape from, responsibility, public, sufficient, information, to be safe, to resume)

4 Зак. Ns 348 Памухина 97

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3. The relations between the mother and Bertha (to strike as, in one’s presence, to act, on purpose, perfectly, to represent, devotion, to threaten, actually, to be involved, contradictory)

ХХП a. Characterize the followiog persons nsing the words given in brackets.

Mother (sensible, devoted, perfectly, a feature, not to betray her feelings, to hesitate, to be responsible for, to appreciate, to owe, on purpose, safe)

Stephen (to escape, to get his own way, to owe, in low (high) spirits, to leave alone, dangerous, to hint, to destro>

Joy (attractive, cheerful, to be (get) frightened, to get involved, to strike as, to be puzzled, to be willing, to take the hint, in (out of) danger, for one’s sake)

Horst (purpose, to devote, to threaten, duty, to represent, at all costs, to use, free from, to start a campaign)

Bmtha (to make up one’s mind, duty, not to hesitate, devotion, to get one’s way, awful, to restore, at all costs, to complain)

Mr. Muhler (to do everything in one’s power, to represent, to make efforts, to change one’s mind, at all costs, sufficient, to get publicity, duty)

XXIII. Speak oo the topics:

1. Mothers’ love for their children is not always blind. 2. What affects a child’s upbringing.


XXIV. Answer these questions, paying qieclal attention to teases:

What countries do you order equipment from? Have you placed any big orders lately? For how long have you been doing business with the firms you’ve placed orders with?

What equipment is being made for your office now? When did your inspector go to riie manufacturing works to see the position of the order? Had parts of the equipment been assembled when he arrived or were the firm’s workers making preliminary tests yet? What arrangements did they make for the shipment of fhe goods? The goods will not be delayed, will they?

What equipment do you send on consignment? When did you send the last lot? Had you done business through these agents before? Have they always remitted the money in time to you?

XXV. Translate into English paying attention to tense forms:

1. — Наши инженеры обсуждают результаты предварительных испытаний. — Давно они обсуждают этот вопрос? — Около двух часов. Когда я вошел, они обсуждали вопрос об устранении дефектов в оборудовании с нашим приемщиком. 2. Наш главный инженер и представитель фирмы осматривают станки модели АВ. Они


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уже 4 часа изучают конструкцию, мощность и другие технические данные этих станков. В целом станки отвечают нашим требованиям. Когда они договаривались о пробном заказе, главный инженер предложил продлить срок гарантии. 3. — Кому вы звоните? — СОМОВУ. Я уже 30 МИНУТ

пытаюсь дозвониться ему, но его нет нэ месте. — Когда я поднимался по лестнице, я встретил его. Позвоните ему еще раз. Думаю, что он уже у себя (пришел), и вы сможете договориться с ним о встрече. 4. Наши специалисты изучают ваши компрессоры около недели. Когда они изучали качество изоляции, они обнаружили, что оно значительно ниже качества, указанного в спецификации. 5. — Клиенты настаивают на снижении цены. Они считают ее несколько выше цены ваших конкурентов. — Мы много лет поставляем такие тракторы на рынок, и наши цены всегда считались конкурентными. Во время предварительных переговоров, когда мы обсуждали вопрос о цене с вашим представителем в Москве, он согласился с нашей ценой. Но мы готовы пойти вам навстречу и снизить ее при условии, что Вы увеличите заказ.

XXVI. Supply the correct tense form and discuss the letters:

London, March 5th, 19 ... Machinoimport, Moscow

Dear Sirs,

We (to be pleased) to inform you that three Milling Machines* under Contract 175/19 (to be ready) for inspection for a week and we actually (to start) testing some of them already. Small defects (to find) during the first test and they (to eliminate) by now, so we can assure you that the machine-tools (to meet) your requirements. However since it (to stipulate) in the contract that final tests (to make) in the presence of your inspector we would like to hear from you about the exact date of his arrival.

Your early reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Higby & Co.

Moscow, March 15th, 19 Messrs. Higby & Co., London

Dear Sirs,

We (to thank) you for your letter of March 5th and (to like) to tell you that since we (to deal) with you for quite a number of years and your Milling Machines always (to suit) our clients’ requirements we (to agree) that this

* milling machines фрезерные станки


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time the tests should be made in our inspector’s absence. Last week our clients (to write) to us that they (to need) the machine tools urgently and therefore not to delay shipment, we (to decide) to waive the inspection and release the machine tools for shipment on the grounds of your tests. As regards the final tests we (to make) them at our works and if any defects (to find) we (to get in touch) with you.

Please let us know when the machine tools (to ship).

Yours faithfully.

XXVn. Open the bracketi and reproduce the dialoane: Machinoimport


Ivanov: Well, Mr. White, how you (to like) the factory? While: I (to impress) really. Particularly by your assembly department. When it

(to build)? Ivanov: Oh, it’s quite new. It (to complete) just recently, actually four months

ago. White: I see that. It’s very well equipped, all the facilities are perfect. Ivanov: I am glad you (appreciate) them. They are really quite modern. White: Now about our order, Mr. Ivanov. You (to manufacture) the type of

Cutter we (to need) for 3 years, ... you? You (to change) the design at all?

Ivanov: Yes, the changes (to show) in our catalogues. The latest model is A-36. We (to sell) them in large numbers.

White: I (to study) the model before I (to leave) for your country. We find it (to suit) our requirements.

Ivanov: Glad to hear it. XXVIII. Read the introduction and the stories under the pictures.

Complete the sentences following each story using the sequence of tenses.


There is a park in the center of the town. And there is a wishing well.

Every day people pass by the wishing well, drop in a coin and make a wish.

1. Ralph hopes he sells a lot of used cars this month. If he sells a lot of used cars, he will receive a large Christmas bonus.

Anna said that if Ralph..

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2. Patricia hopes she gets a raise soon. If

she gets a raise ,her family will be able to

take a vacation.

Her mother explained that the family, i f . . .

3. Andy hopes it snows tomorrow.

[f it snows, his school might be


Andy knew that his school... i f . . .

wishing well - колодец желаний coin - монета to get a raise - получить повышение зарплаты

XXIX. Make up dialogues out of the following using the active vocabulary of the lesson;

1. Going through the



to go through the Customs not yet to get a form suit-cases I wonder liable to duty a present to a friend

Customs officer

this way, please to fill in a declaration here you are anything to declare duty free thank you, that’s all


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2. Exchaagiag Impressions of a Visit to a Factory


How did you like ... to be actually destroyed during the war experienced stuff to show round the testing depart- ment


on the whole capacity to strike particularly to be completely restored skilled workers to be greatly impressed the main purpose of the visit

3. Before an Inspection


to be going to inspect the machines supplied under Contract 30 to make preliminary tests to use materials to go to the testing department nearly 10 o’clock


ready for the test nearly all the machines ahead of schedule of superior quality to be in perfect condition to wait for a while to start at 10.30 sharp

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l i E S S O N 3 4

Grammar Revision: Passive Voice

Vocabulary Revision; Entertainments (Theatre, Cinema, Restaurant, etc.)


The General Conditions of Sale are very often printed on the reverse side of the Contract and form an integral part thereof.

These are some of the items nsuEJly given in the General Conditions of Sale:

]. DELIVERY. The date of the Bill of Lading shall be considered the date of delivery.

Prior delivery, partial shipment and transhipment shall be allowed. 2. QUALITY. The quality of the goods supplied under this Contract ^hall

conform to the world-wide standards or to the technical conditions of Jhe Manufacturing Works, and shall be confirmed by the Quality Certificate, issued by the Manufacturing Works or by the Sellers, j 3. TAKING DELIVERY. The goods are to be regarded as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers: in respect of quality — in accordance jwith the Quality Certificate, and in respect of quantity and weight — in accordance with the Bill of Lading. i 4. INSPECTION AND TEST. The Buyers shall be entitled to inspect and check the quality of the material used and the parts of the machinery both ! during manufacture and when completed. Inspection tests will be carried out, j unless otherwise agreed,^ at the Sellers’ Works in the presence of the Buyers’ ! inspector and during normal working hours.

The Sellers undertake to monthly notify* the Buyers of the progress of the order and at least 10 days beforehand of the readiness of the manufactured goods for final inspection. If the Buyers’ inspector waives the inspection of the goods at the Sellers’ Works, he shaO supply the Sellers with the certificate stating* that the goods are released for shipment without inspection.


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5. GUARANTEE. The Sellers guarantee that the delivered goods are in all respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions and specifications of the order, that they are free from defects in design, material and workmanship.

If the goods within the period of guarantee, i. e. 12 months of the date of putting them into operation and 18 months of the date of shipment, are found defective or fail to conform to the respective conditions of the Contract, the Sellers for their own account undertake at the Buyers’ option either to eliminate the defects or to replace the faulty parts free of charge without delay. The elimination of the detected defects shall not be regarded as a reason for any prolongation of the delivery dates.

After the period of guarantee expires the defects shall be eliminated at the Buyers’ expense. The Sellers’ liability does not cover defects arising from the Buyers’ faulty maintenance or erection or from storage and repairs carried out improperly by the Buyers.

6. PAYMENT. Should the Buyers fail to observe the terras of payment stipulated in this Contract the Sellers have the right to suspend the fulfilment of their obligations under this Contract.

7. If necessary the Buyers undertake in proper time to obtain an import licence and an exchange permit and the Sellers — an export licence from tlie appropriate authorities.

8. PACKING. The goods shall be shipped in seaworthy packing used in the Sellers’ country. The packing is to withstand, under normal transport conditions, inland and sea transportation including transhipment, and thus to avoid any damage to the goods in transit.

9. CONTINGENCIES. If delay in delivery occurs as a result of fire, floods, war, embargo or any other cause beyond the Sellers’ and/or Buyers’ control, the Sellers shall be entitled to postpone the delivery of the goods. Should such delays exceed 90 days the Sellers and the Buyers shall immediately decide what steps and measures may be taken in future.

10. Any alteration and amendments to this Contract shall be in force only if made in writing and duly signed by authorized persons.

11. After signing this Contract, all previous negotiations and preceding correspondence shall be considered null and void.

12. Neither party shall be entitled^ to transfer their rights and obligations under this Contract to a third party, without the written consent (thereto) of the other contracting party.


Knight: Well, Mr. Popov, I believe we may proceed with our yesterday’s discussions.

Popov: Yes, of course. Knight: I’d like to have a look at your General Conditions of Purchase. Have

you got them with you? Popov: Why, certainly. Here you are. Are you interested in any particular



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Knight: Yes, I’d like to clear up the clause concerning delay in delivery. I don’t quite see when the Sellers bear responsibility for this.

Popov: Well you see, Mr. Knight, if the Buyers fulfil their obligations in all respects but the goods for some reason or other are not delivered in the stipulated time, the Sellers are responsible for the delay and have to pay a penalty to the Buyers.

Knight: What does it amount to? Popov: We usually claim 0.5 per cent of the value of the undelivered goods for

the first week of delay. Knight: That’s rather a lot. Popov: Not at all. Besides, you know the Buyers reserve the right to reject the

goods delayed more than 6 weeks. Knight: In this case the Sellers do not pay any penalty, do they? Popov: Oh yes, they do. Knight: Then we’d like to think it over first. We’ll have to agree about the

penalty clause before we sign the Contract. Popov: That’s fair enough.


unless otherwise agreed

to monthly notify .. .

если не будет принято другого решения (если не договорятся иначе)

. .ежемесячно информировать..

Иногда частица to отделяется от инфинитива наречием; эта конструкция называется «расчлененный инфинитив» — Split Infinitive. Эта конструкция употребляется в случаях, когда совершенно необходимо расчленить инфинитив, чтобы избежать дву- с.мысленности, неточности понимания, неясности.

Например, в предложении They were unwilling to wholly manufacture new goods слово wholly полностью изменит смысл, если его поставить до или после инфинитива.

3.. .. stating ... ... с указанием...

Форма Present Participle часто переводится на русский язык существительным с предлогом «с». Например:

They sent us а letter enclosing an Они послали нам письмо с при- invoice. ложением счёта.

4. Neither party shall be entitled ... Ни одна из сторон не имеет права...

Местоимение neither переводится на русский язык как «ни (один)» и может относиться к любому из ДВУХ предметов или лиц, но в функции подлежащего это местоимение всегда требует глагола в единственном числе. Например:

Neither of them has read this book.


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Conditions to guarantee postponement partial free from (of) an alteration transhipment workmansUp to make alterations to tranship for one’s account (in, to) a manufacturing at one’s option an amendment

works elimination to make amendments manufacture prolongation (in, to)

to manufacture to prolong in force to be regarded as erection to force in respect of to erect signing in аП respects to expire to transfer respective expiration responsibility to be entitled to suspend to bear to carry out authorities a penalty in one’s presence in transit to delay progress of the order a contingency fair beforehand beyond unfair to release to postpone


eotertainments n Geoeral Conditiofis

General Conditions are to be strictly observed both by the Sellers and the Buyers, print V

reverse adj prior ['praio] adj partial ['pajal] adj iv. comb, partial shipment delivery payment execotion, etc.

The Buyers have agreed to a partial execution of the order, transhipment n

In many cases goods are delivered to America with transhipment either in London or in Antwerp.


The goods are transhipped when there is no direct vessel, manufacturing works л

The first test of the equipment is made at the manufacturing works, mannfhctnre [,m{enju'fEektj3] л

The manufocture of the first machine tool will be completed in three weeks’ time.

развлечения общие условия

печатать (типографским способом) обратный, оборотный досрочный, предварительный частичный

перегрузка, переотправка, перевалка (с одного судна на другое)

перегружать, переотправлять, переваливать (с одного судна на другое)


производство, обработка, изготовление


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manufacture v

All kinds of iron and steel products are mann> factored in this town. syn. make, produce be regarded as

This order is regarded as their largest with this firm. in respect of

The parties decided to make a repeated analysis to settle the question in respect of the quality of oil. syn. concerning, as regards, as to in

all respects w, comb, in some many different, etc.

Our tractors suit the Buyeb in all respects, respective [ris'pektiv] adj

The respective prices for Grade A and Grade В are S 40 and S SO per ton. be entitled [in'taitld]

The Buyers are entitled to reject the goods if they are defective. syn. have the right carry out V

IV. comb, carry out a plan a task an experiment an order a request a campaign one’s wish one’s idea, etc.

She carried^ont tiie iassignment successfully in one’s presence

Rough calculations of the Buyers’ losses were made in the Sdlers’ presence. ant. in one’s absence working hours inogress of the order

Please keep us informed of the progress of the order. syn. position of the order beforehand [bi'fohsnd] adv

They must have provided the expenses on running the showroom beforehand. syn. in advance release v

The goods were released for shipment, guarantee [,gsran'tb] v

The suppliers guarantee a high quality of their goods.

tree firom (of) adJ The engines we received on consignment were free

from defects, workmanship n It was the workmanship of the equipment but not its finish that was really perfect.

изготовлять, выделывать, производить


в отношении, относительно во

всех отношениях

соответствующий, относящийся к соответствующей цифре, документу и т. д.

иметь право

выполнять, проводить в жизнь

в присутствии кого-л.

часы работы ход выполнения заказа


разрещать (к отгрузке)


свободный от



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These defects were found in the workmanship of the pump.

Your clocks work excellently. If the finish were better, you could sell them at a higher price.

отделка — техническая чистота и точность обработки

отделка, обработка внешняя

for one’s account The distribution of the advertisement material was

done for the Sellers’ account, at one’s option The suppliers reserved the right to increase or

decrease the quantity by 5 per cent at their option, eliminate v

w. comb, eliminate a defect a mistake difference, etc. The suppliers assured the Buyers that the defects would be eliminated in the shortest possible time.

elimination n The elimination of the defects involved additional

expenses, detect V prolongation [,ргои1эг|'де1|эп] n The Sellers were against the prolongation of the period of guarantee, prolong [pra'lor)] V prp. prolong for

They decided to prolong the agency agreement for another six months. syn. extend expire [iks'paio] v

The visa expires on November 19th. expiration [,eksi ai3'reifn] n The expiration of the agency agreement falls on December 31st. liability [,lai3'biliti] n erection [I'rekjn] n

The erection of this turbine will take two months, erect [iTekt] v

w. comb, erect a bouse a monument equipment, etc.

The Sellers’ specialists themselves erected and serviced the equipment in the showroom, suspend V

за чеи-л. счет

w. comb, suspend payraent(s) relations shipment work, etc.

no усмотрению, выбору кого-л.



обнаруживать продление, отсрочка


кончаться, истекать (о сроке), терять силу (о законе)

истечение (о сроке), окончание

ответственность (финансовая) сборка, - монтаж

сооружать, устанавливать, монтировать

приостанавливать, прекращать (временно)


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Business is suspended at the moment, exchange permit ['p3=mit] n appropriate [o'proupriit] adj authorities [Э:'6этШг] n

They complained of the lack of transport facilities to the appropriate authorities, seaworthy ['sb,w3;6i] adj

withstand [wid'stsend] v

in transit The damage to the goods must have occurred in transit.

contingency [ksn'tindjonsi] n

We must be ready for any contingency, fire n flood П beyond [bt'jond] prp

w. comb, beyond understanding power control hope praise, etc.

Your work is beyond praise.

There is a river just beyond the village, postpone [poust'poun] v prp. postpone/or

The meeting was postponed for a week. syn. put off postponement [poust'pounmont] л The Sellers ^d not agree to any postponement of payments, take steps, measures

alteration [odts'reijn] n The parties came to terms about the alterations to the

Contract, make alterations in (to) A number of alterations have been made in the

design of the machine, amendment [s'mendmont] n The resolution passed without any discussion or amendments, make amendments in (to)

After the Contract is signed no amendments to that Contract can be made, in force

>v. comb, be ] in force remain '

This ticket is no longer in force. syn. valid force V Nobody could force him to speak in public, be

forced v They were forced to give in. in writing signing n

валютное разрешение надлежащий, соответствующий власти (употребляется во мн. числе)

зд. удобная для морских перевозок

противостоять, выдержать в пути

непредвиденное обстоятельство, случайность

пожар наводнение 1. вне, сверх, выше

2. за пределами, позади

откладывать, отсрочивать


принять меры, предпринять шаги из.менение (частичное)

вносить из.менения (в)

исправление, поправка вносить

поправки (в) быть в силе,


заставлять, принуждать

быть вынужденным

в письменной форме подписание


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The signing of the Contract was fixed for Monday, preceding adj null and void transfer [trans'fs:] v H>. cot^. transfer: obligations 1 love, etc.

The Sellers wished to transfer their obligations under order 124/17 to a third party. The girl has tranrferred her love from her grandfather to her grandmother.

The showroom was transferred to the centre of the city on purpose.

Every month he transfers 50 roubles to his parents. consent [kon'sent] n contracting party proceed [pro'std] v bear [ЬЕЭ] (bore, borne) v w. comb, bear expenses taxes difficulties obligations, etc.

The Sellers deducted the unexpected expenses the Buyers had to bear from their next invoice, responsibility [ris,ponsrbiliti] n w. comb, put responsibility

accept take refuse bear, etc.

He is a man with a keen sense of responsibility, penalty ['репэШ] n

A penalty clause is often provided for in the Charter Party, claim V delay V

The delivery of the balance of the goods was ddayed. prp. delay/or The accident delayed the bus for more than half an

hour, fair adj

tv. comb, fair decision settlement person reason commission contribution, etc.

A 4 per cent commission is a fair one. unfair adj

Your decision is unfair.

предшествующий потерявший силу 1. передавать

2. переводить в другое место

3. переводить деньги (по телеграфу)

согласие договаривающаяся сторона продолжать нести



зд. требовать уплаты задерживать

справедливый, беспристрастный

несправедливый, пристрастный, нечестный


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1. Read the text in class and translate it into^Russian.

П. Replace tbe words and word combinations giren b bold type by synonyms or synonym- 005 expressions:

1. The goods are to be regarded as delivered ... 2. ... in respect of quality — in accordance with the Quality Certificate. 3. The Buyers shall l№ entitled to inspect the parts of the machinery during manufacture. 4. Inspection tests will be carried out at the Sellers’ Works. 5. ... to notify the Buyers of the progress of the order. 6. ... to notify the Buyers at least 10 days beforehand ... 7. ... the goods are released for shipment without inspection. 8. ... the delivered goods are in all respects in accordance with the description ... 9. ... they are free from defects ... 10. ... the Sellers for their account undertake ... 11. ... to eliminate the defects ... 12. After the period of guarantee expires ... 13. Should the Buyers fail to observe ... 14. ... the Sellers have the right to suspend the fulfilment of their obligations ... 15. ... to avoid the damage to the goods in transit. 16. ... amendments to this Contract shall be in force ... . 17. ... only if made in writing .... 18. After signing the Contract ... .19. ... the Sellers bear responsibility for delay in delivery ... .20. ... to reject the goods delayed more than 6 weeks.

Ш. Explain the meaning of the following:

1. The General Conditions ... form an integral part of the Contract. 2. Prior delivery, partial shipment and transhipment shall be allowed. 3. The Sellers undertake to monthly notify the Buyers of the progress of the order. 4. If the goods fail to conform to the respective conditions of the Contract the Sellers undertake to replace the faulty parts free of charge. 5. The elimination of the detected defects shall not be considered a reason for any prolongation of the delivery dates. 6. The Sellers have the right to suspend the fulfilment of their obligations. 7. Any alteration and amendments to this Contract shall be in force only if made in writing and duly signed by authorised persons. 8. After signing the Contract all previous negotiations and preceding correspondence shall be considered null and void. 9. Neither party shall be entitled to transfer their rights and obligations under this Contract to a third party without the written consent of the other contracting party.

IV. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

1. ...частичная отгрузка... 2. ...в отношении качества... 3. ...не имеющий дефектов... 4. ...иметь право что-л. сделать 5. ...в присутствии приемщика 6. ...информировать о ходе выполнения заказа... 7. .. .соответствовать во всех отношениях... 8.. . .датапускаоборудования в эксплуатацию... 9. .. .соответствующие УСЛОВИЯ контракта ... 10.... по усмотрению покупателя ... 11. ...у надлежащих властей... 12. ...повреждение товара в ПУТИ... 13. ...вне компетенции продавца и/или покупателя...


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14. ...изменения и поправки к контракту... 15. ...передавать права третьей стороне,.. 16. .Мне хотелось бы ВЗГЛЯНУТЬ на ваши общие условия. 17. Они у вас с собой? 18. Пожалуйста. 19. Я бы хотел выяснить ПУНКТ. .. 20. Я не совсем понимаю... 21. .. .по той или иной причине... 22. Сколько это составит? 23. Мы бы хотели подумать об этом вначале.

V. Answer these questions;

1. What date is to be regarded as the date of delivery? 2. Are partial shipments and transhipments allowed? 3. What docmnent confirms the quality of the goods? 4. What document confirms the quantity and the weight of the goods? 5. What are the Buyers entitled to do during the manufacture of the equipment they have ordered? 6. Where will acceptance tests be carried out? 7. Why do the Buyers ask the Sellers to keep them informed of the progress of the order? 8. When are the Sellers to send to the Buyers the notification of the readiness of the goods for final inspection ? 9. What happens if the Buyers’ inspector waives the inspection of the goods? 10. What do the Sellers guarantee when they sign the Contract? 11. For what period do the Sellers guarantee the normal operation of the goods under these General Conditions? 12. What do the Sellers undertake to do if the goods fail to conform to the technical conditions of the Contract? 13. For whose account do the Sellers undertake to eliminate the defects? 14. When do the Sellers consider the Buyers responsible for the damage to the goods? 15. In what case have the Sellers the right to suspend the fulfilment of their obligations? 16. Where are the Buyers to obtain import licences and exchange permits? 17. What packing should be used for the transportation of the goods and why"^ 18. In what cases are the Sellers and/or the Buyers entitled to postpone the delivery of the goods? 19. When shall alterations and amendments to the Contract be regarded as valid? 20. Have the Sellers and the Buyers the right to transfer their obligations under this Contract to a third party? 21. When do the Sellers bear responsibility for delay in delivery? 22. When do the Buyers have the right to reject the delayed goods ?

VOCABULARY EXERCISES VI. Activize these words:

to be regarded as

a. Make up sentences using the words given in brackets:

(the best manufacturers of, an experienced engineer, a sensible person, a good example)

b. Answer these questions:

1. What calculations can be regarded as rough? 2. When is rubber footwear (резиновая обувь) regarded as suitable for the occasion? 3. Why are the machine-tools regarded as sent on consignment? 4. What data for opening a L/C are regarded as sufficient?


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с. Translate into English:

1. Фирхча Smoke & Co. считается единственным агентом по продаже электрооборудования в стране. 2. Эти приборы (device) считаются очень чувствительныхми. 3. Комиссионные в 1,5% считаются недостаточными. 4. Они считали ее преданным друго.м. ,

to suspend

a. .Answer these questions:

1. In what case would the Buyers suspend payment? 2. In what case would the Sellers suspend deliveries? 3. In what case would you suspend the work you are responsible for? 4. In what case would the manufacturers suspend production ?

b. Translate into English:

1. Поставка товара на консигнацию была временно прекращена. 2. Печатание материала временно прекращено из-за ОТСУТСТВИЯ бумаги. 3. Из-за сильных .морозов строительство этого дома было временно прекращено.

to postpone, postponement

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what cases can a meeting be postponed? 2. Why do Buyers sometimes ask the Sellers to postpone shipments? 3. When can the postponement of the examination be regarded as necessary? 4. Why couldn’t they come to terms about the postponement of signing the agency agreement?

b. Translate into English:

1. Они отложили обсуждение книги, так как не все ее успели прочитать. 2. Конференция была перенесена на конец года. 3. На какой день был перенесен ее концерт? 4. Открытие демонстрационного зала было отложено на 2 дня. 5. Полет был отложен из-за плохой погоды.

to force, to be forced, in force

a. Complete these sentences:

1. Some small defects were found in the equipment when it was being erected ... (to be forced). 2. All clauses of the Contract are binding upon the Sellers and the Buyers as long as ... (in force). 3. He wouldn’t give in to any reason, nothing ... (to force).

b. Answer these questions:

1. Why are you sometimes forced to sell your goods through agents? 2. What forced him to complain of the lack of time?3. When are you forced to press a person to do the work quicker?


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с. ТгашЫе into English:

1. Они были вынуждены сократить производство этих моделей. 2. Срок вашего паспорта еще не истек. Он все еще в силе. 3. Его заставили вручить документ лично. 4. Они были вынуждены отнести складские расходы на счет продавца.

to transfer

а. Answer these questions:

1. In what case are people forced to transfer money instead of remitting it? 2. Why was part of the USSR Academy of Sciences transferred to Novosibirsk? 3. In what case do the Suppliers have the right to transfer part of their obligations to a third party?

b. Translate into English:

1. Эта работа только что передана другой организации. 2. Их контора переведена в один из новых районов. 3. Мы не имеем права передавать свои обязанности вашей фирме. 4. Деньги переведены по телеграфу, вы можете ПОЛУЧИТЬ ИХ.

VII. Маке up sentences from Section A and translate the sentences from n.

A. They sent us a letter informmg us stating pointing out advising us

(the progress of the order, postponement of delivery dates, to suspend payment, to prolong the period of guarantee, to cover the needs, to transfer the head office, in all respects, at one’s option, for one’s account, in transit, to bear responsibility).

B. Мы ПОЛУЧИЛИ ваше письмо

с сообшением о дате отгрузки с приложением соответствующего ак- та испытания с извещением о повреждении товара в ПУТИ с указанием ваших ЛУЧШИХ цен с извещением о временном прекра- щении поставок

Vni. Give all possible combinations of:

a. the following verbs with nouns:

to carry out to erect to expire

to suspend to transfer to bear


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b. the following adjectives with nouns:

partial, fair, unfair

IX. Answer these qnestions and sum up the answers:

1. In what cases do the Sellers deliver goods with transhipment? 2. Who is entitled to choose the port? 3. Why is this clause specified in the General Conditions? 4. What kind of Bill of Lading is made out when the goods are to be transhipped?

1. Where is the final inspection of the equipment carried out? 2. Why do the Buyers insist that they should be notified of the readiness of the manufactured goods for inspection at least 10 days beforehand? 3. Must tests and inspection always Ы carried out in the presence of the Buyers’ inspector?’ 4. Can the equipment be released for shipment without inspection? In what case? 5. Why do the Buyers sometimes ask the Sellers to keep them informed of the progress of the order?

1. What do the Sellers guarantee in respect of quality while making an offer? 2. What happens if the Buyers find defects in workmanship? 3. For whose account are defects eUminated ? 4. Whom does it depend on whether the Sellers are to replace the goods or to eliminate the defects? 5. What happens if the defects are found after the expiration of the guarantee period?

1. What causes are regarded as contingencies? 2. Are the Sellers entitled to postpone the delivery of the goods when such contingencies occur? Why? 3. For how long can the delivery dates be prolonged in such cases?

1. Is the question of obtaining licences always discussed before signing the Contract? 2. Where are licences obtained from? 3. Must the Buyers inform the Sellers beforehand if they fail to obtain an import licence? 4. Are the Sellers entitled to suspend deliveries in this case?

X. Give English eqnivalents to the following combinatloas:

1. производить частичную поставку; 2. перегружать товар в соответствии с УСЛОВИЯМИ контракта; 3. произвести испытания на заводе-изготовителе; 4. выпускать машины, не имеющие дефектов; 5. отвечать требованиям в отношении технической отделки; 6. гарантировать готовность соответствующей партии; 7. устранять неполадки за свой счёт и по своему усмотрению; 8. заранее договориться о продлении гарантийного срока; 9. нести ответственность за монтаж оборудования; 10. быть вынужденным временно прекратить поставки; 11. должно считаться непредвиденным обстоятельством; 12. монтировать оборудование в присутствии представителя фирмы; 13. вносить изменения и поправки к контракту в письменной форме; 14. во всех отношениях отвечать условиям контракта; 15. задержать подписание контракта; 16. принять справедливое решение.


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XI. Fill in the blanks with articles and possessive pronouns where necessary:

Nov. 2nd, 19 ... Dear Sirs,

Hereby we guarantee, that ... equipment, delivered under ... abovf Contract, is free from ... defects and in all respects conforms to ... description, ... technical conditions and ... Specifications of ... order.

If ... equipment is found defective either in ... workmanship or ... design, or because of faulty material within 18 months of ... date of ... putting ... equipment into ... operation in ... Russia and not more than 24 months from ... date of ... shipment we undertake at ... option to eliminate ... defects for ... account in ... shortest possible time or to replace ... defective equipment free of ... charge by ... delivering ... new equipment ... without delay.

VVe undertake to pay ... cost of ... transportation and ... insurance. ... defective goods must be returned at ... earliest request and at ... expense.

Yours faithfully, Brown & Co.

XII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1. The machine was released ... shipment ... the basis ... the test carried out ... the works of the Sellers. 2. The goods must be free ... any defects ... design and workmanship. 3. AH alterations and amendments ... the contract shall be made ... writing. 4. The goods were insured ... marine risks according ... the Rules. 5. The exchange permit was obtained ... the appropriate authorities. 6. We would like you to notify us ... the readiness ... the manufactured goods ... inspection ... least ten days beforehand. 7. We want the test and inspection to be carried ......................................................................................... the presence ... our engineers.


October 23rd, 19 Dear Sirs,

We thank you ... your enquiry ... the 19th ... May and have the pleasure ... offering you one portable Compressor Station Type KCE-5 ... the terms and conditions printed ... the reverse side ... the tender. This equipment has been supplied ... us ... many countries and it has always met our clients’ requirements ... all respects. They were always satisfied ... its operation. We guarantee that the compressor is manufac- tured ... high quality material and ... respect ... design,capacity and other working characteristics conforms ... the latest technical achievements.

If the compressor proves to be defective ... 16 months ... the date ... shipment we undertake ... our account and ... your option either to repair it or to replace any defective part.


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As regards damage ... the goods which may arise from careless handling and maintenance ... the equipment we shall not bear responsibility ... it, and the cost of the work for eliminating the defects shall be covered ... you.

Our price is c.i.f. Bombay. It does not cover erection and technical service. The compressor can be dispatched from Hamburg ... 12 days ... the date ... your confirmation ... the order and shipped ... the first steamer sailing ... India.

Yours faithfully. Brown & Co

ХШ. Fill in the blanks with the verbs to make or to doi

1. The Sellers guarantee that the machines will be ... in full conformity with the conditions of the order. 2. The Sellers wanted their agents ... aU the necessary arrangements for the transhipment of the cargo. 3. The goods happened to have been delayed for a month, something must be ... to improve the situation. 4. The Sellers wrote that they ... alterations in the design as requested by the Buyers. 5. It wouldn’t be fair to claim a penalty from the firm yet, they seem ... their best to speed up manufacture. 6. If I were you I should ... her realize that she bears full responsibility for the calculations to be exact. 7. The quicker we ... the work the better, it has been suspended far too long. 8. The girl must have been in low spirits since her boy friend was transferred to a far away place, and a letter from him was enough... her happy. 9. Palanga is regarded as one of the best sea resorts. It will... you a lot of good to spenda month there. 10. ... upyourmindto ... what is right. 11. He ... well at the examinations and should be praised. 12. She ... her own dresses and she ... it well on several occasions. 13. He may have ... a mistake but he has ... his best.

XIV. Replace the words and phrases given in bold type using the vocabulary of the lesson:

1. As the agents failed to charter a direct vessel to San Francisco the goods will be put on another vessel in Antwerp unless otherwise agreed. 2. From this description you can get a very clear idea of the equipment which the firm has been making lately. 3. A long delay in delivery is always considered a gross infringement (нарушение) of the contract. 4. Neither of these two letters gives additional information regarding the design of the machine- tbol. 5. Three tests have been carried out so far and we have got three reports referring to each of them. 6. The longer defects are not remedied the more trouble the suppliers will have. 7. For some reason or other they have stopped the construction work for some time but they vHll resume it very soon. 8. The Buyers sent a letter to the Sellers stating that they wished to change several points in the Contract. 9. You have full right to reject the goods delayed over 10 weeks. 10. The suppliers failed to inform the Customers of the readiness of the equipment for inspection in advance. 11. In the circumstances the company may ask you to extend the validity of the L/C. 12. If I were you I wouldn’t put ofiF this experiment, not even for a while. 13. The Sellers failed to prove that the goods had been damaged during their transportation.


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combinations into Engiish and make up sentences with them:

ЛИНИЮ (на бу-


— переговоры, испытания, время,

маге), кого-л. на вокзале

— отношения, цену, оборудование

— ответственность, вещи, обязанности,


— книги на иностранные языки, деньги по телеграфу, деньги

по почте

— от осмотра товара, от предложения, от товара, от мысли

сделать что-л., снизить цену

— решение, посетителей, ответственность (за)

XV. Translate these


устанавливать (по)нести




XVI. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. He was given a job of considerable responsibility. 2. Paster Frish was too experienced not to know that an honest man feels often more nervous in the presence of a policeman than a criminal. 3. The surprise which played over Frish’s face was not manofactored. 4. Two years had passed before Frish was released from the concentration camp. 5. Kehr noticed a partial change in Frish’s face. 6. You are a man of business in all respects, and you can’t expect me to believe a word you say. 7. “Gone with the Wind” appeared in the bookstores on June 30, 1936 and it is regarded as the most pow^ul best- seller this century has seen. 8. James was unwilling to take responsibility for the education of his younger brother and to guarantee the ejBFect. 9. Frank found it difficult to transfer his thoughts to paper. 10. “We part without ill- feeling then?” he asked. “You think, it’s fair, isn’t it?” 11. These commod- ities are to the amount far beyond their value. 12. I was pleased beyond measure. 13. The mail was delayed by heavy snow. 14. He obeyed all the laws in force. 15. The manager said that he hoped we should carry out his advice. 16. He forced us to enter the building. 17. Release the dog. He has been kept so for hours. 18. The speaker combined force of reasoning with energy of expression.

XVII. a. Give all possible expressions for the Russian извините. b. Give ail possible expressions for the Russian пожалуйста. c. Make up sentences using Yes, of course. Certainly, Here you are in the meaning of пожалуйста. XVin. Make up situations using the following words and expressions:

1. Discussing the Quality of the Goods

to conform to the latest technical achievements in all respects in respect of design manufacture erection beforehand a manufacturing works

2. Guarantee Period to be responsible for to be in force to expire for one’s account to bear responsibility to eliminate defects to put into operation respective conditions of the contract to prolong to charge to one’s account


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3. Inspection and Test

a Release Note for shipment to release the goods in the presence of to Svaive inspection of inferior quality at one’s option to assure to carry out to enable

4. Insuring Goods

to insure goods with smb. against smth. in force in transit damage to the goods beyond to bear responsibility fair exact calculations to hand

XIX. Think of the words you know on these topics. See the Model:

acceptable prices at the price of ... competitive prices world prices, etc.

Price: to quote the price for the goods to accept the price to confirm the price to give one’s idea of the price to reduce the price by, to

1. Shipment/Delivery 2. Quality 3. Guarantee

XXL Translate into English paying attention to the words and word combinations given in bold typ^:

1. Общие условия считаются неотъемлемой частью любого контракта. 2. Вопрос гарантии оборудования считается одним из самых основных вопросов общих УСЛОВИЙ И, как правило, вызывает много дебатов. 3. Инженер сказал, что при создавшихся обстоятельствах они были вынуждены согласиться на частичную поставку товара. 4. Покупатель часто отказывается от приемки товара на заводе-изготовителе, если он знает поставщика в течение ряда лет. 5. Товар может быть застрахован от всех рисков по усмотрению покупателя и за его счёт. 6. Поставщик не несет ответственности за дефекты в оборудовании, обнаруженные по истечении срЬка гарантии. В этом случае дефекты устраняются за счет покупателя. 7. Поставленное оборудование во всех отношениях удовлетворяло требованиям покупателя и не имело никаких дефектов. 8. В каких случаях продавец имеет право временно прекратить выполнение контракта? 9. Поставщики попросили покупателей как можно быстрее ПОЛУЧИТЬ импортную лицензию у надлежащих властей. 10. Поставщик не поставил товар вовремя по не зависящим от него причинам. 11. Покупатель хотел, чтобы испытание оборудования на заводе-изготовителе проводилось в присутствии его приемщика. 12. Товар уже прибыл?— Да. Он находится в порту уже две недели. Мы послали письмо в страховую компанию с извещением, что товар был поврежден в пути. 13. Вам придется послать


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фирме письмо еще раз. ОСНОВНУЮ контору (the head office) только что перевели в другое здание. 14. Поставки были временно прекращены еще до того, как прие.мщик приехал на завод-изготовитель.


Москва, 25 .мая 19

Фир.ме Grey and Со.

Уважаемые господа!

В дополнение к переговорам, состоявшимся в Москве в конце марта 19 ... г., .мы посылаем Вам поправки, которые были внесены в контракт № 135/243.

По УСЛОВИЯМ контракта мы посылаем на завод-изготовитель нашего приемщика, который считается доверенным лицом, имеющим право разрешить к отгрузке товар, свободный от дефектов. Все предварительные испытания должны проводиться за Ваш счёт и в его присутствии.

Если наш приемщик обнаружит какие-либо дефекты в конструкции или отделке станка, изготовление его должно быть приостановлено до полного устранения дефектов. Разумеется, в таких случаях вы несете ПОЛНУЮ ответственность за своевре.менное выполнение заказа.

В основно.м эти УСЛОВИЯ были оговорены во время переговоров в Москве, и мы уверены, что вы их примете.

С уважение.ч., Союзимпорт

Москва, 30 июня 19

Фир.ме Slide & Со. Лондон

Уважае.мые господа,

К сожалению, сообщае.м Вам, что станки, прибывшие месяц ТОМУ

назад, не удовлетворяют нашим требованиям. Во время подписания данного контракта мы заявили, что разрешаем

станки к отгрузке без нашей приемки, ПОСКОЛЬКУ МЫ покупаем у Вас аналогичные станки в течение ряда лет и до настоящего времени они всегда во всех отношениях соответствовали на- ши.м требованиям и никогда не имели дефектов.

Возможно, Вы несколько изменили конструкцию данного типа станка, ибо, после того как закончился монтаж этих станков и все они были пущены в действие, мы обнаружили, что их производи-


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тепьность ниже той, которая гарантировалась техническилш УСЛОВИЯМИ.

Если бы были обнаружены незначительные дефекты, мы постарались бы устранить их, но в данном случае мы вынуждены отказаться от этих станков.

Мы знаем, что пока гарантия в силе (а она истекает лишь через 4 месяца), .мы не имеем права требовать замены дефектного оборудования, но в данном конкретном случае речь идет не о замене дефектных станков, а станков, не отвечающих техническим харак- теристика.м, предусмотренным в заказе.

Само собой разумеется, что возврат этих станков и поставка новых будет осуществлена за Ваш счёт.

С уважением, Срюзимпорт


XXI. Sum up the dialogue.

XXII. Reproduce the dialogue as close to the text as possible.

XXni. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. Does your firm sell the goods with transhipment? In what case do they do so ? 2. Does the guarantee clause in the General Conditions arouse much discussion? Why 73. In what case do you supply your clients with your technical instructions and what questions do they cover? 4. Have your customers ever asked you to prolong the period of guarantee? Did you agree to do so ? 5.Have you ever had to claim money from the Insurance Company ? What was the reason for it? 6. Have you ever suspended the fulfilment of any of your obligations, as Buyers or as Sellers? Why? 7. Have your clients (or you) ever failed to obtain an import (export) licence? What did you do then ? Is it often the case? 8. What clauses are the most difficult to agree about an^ why? 9. What are the most important clauses of the General Conditions ?

XXIV. Make up dialogues:

, 1. Discussing the Guarantee Clause


The Buyer seem

too short Mhy I have a look at... ? to prolong to know from experience to come across to meet halfway to eliminate for one’s account erection in transit

The Seller

to guarantee to cover a period of here you are It goes against our practice to come in good condition to regard as a favour to conform to certainly to bear full responsibility


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2. Discussing Inspection and Test

The Buyer

progress of the’order to make alterations yes, of course to carry out in one’s presence

The Seller

to be entitled beforehand partial shipments a manufacturing works experienced

to waive inspection to release

3. Discussing the Sellers’ Failure to Observe the Delivery Dates

The Seller The Buyer

to suspend deliveries to be regarded as because of (not) to bear responsibility a postponement to make amendments to be delayed it’s fair enough

a contingency beyond your control to cover the point an unfair settlement to come to an agreement

XXV. Render the letter; make up a dialogue with Mr. Brown about the steps they are going to take;

October 29th, 19 ... Dear Sirs,

We regret to inform you that we have carried out a careful inspection and test of machine-tool C-45 manufactured at your works and come to the conclusion that the above machine-tool neither in respect of efficiency nor workmanship conforms to the description given in your specifications. In the opinion of our experienced engineers its low efficiency is the result of some alterations in the design you made for some reason or other without our consent to it.

Therefore you bear full responsibility for what has occurred and unless otherwise agreed we shall be forced to send the said machine-tool back and ask you to postpone shipment of the balance of 2 machine-tools of this type under the same Contract until the matter has been cleared up.

'Ne expect to hear from you soon.

■Vours faithfully, Sojuzimport

XXVI. Discuss the letters:

London, July 13th, 19 . . . Dear Sirs, In view of the considerable expansion which has taken place duri ng the last two

years in our work, it has been regarded as fair in the interests of our


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customers to transfer one side of the business to Automatic Business Machines, Ltd. — which will specialize in calculating machines. We guarantee you every assistance in your requirements.

To those customers who have a service agreement with us, we are hereby giving respective notice of our intention to suspend these agreements, an^ ABM will send them a new agreement of the Manufacturing Works with a number of amendments and alterations for their consideration on or before August 1st. In respect of those customers whose machines are still under guarantee, i. e. the period of guarantee has not expired yet, ABM has agreed to take over this responsibility for these machines.

We thank all our customers for their support in the past years, and know that they will receive every attention from the staff of the new company.

Yours faithfully.

Spark & Co.


1. What is the main purpose of writing tnis letter ? 2. Why was one side of the business transferred to Automatic Business Machines, Ltd.? 3. What kind of assistance is guaranteed by Messrs. Spark & Co.? 4. Why do they intend to suspend their agreements towards some of their customers? 5. Why does A.B.M. agree to take over responsibility for these machines in respect of another group of customers? 6. Why does A.B.M. intend to send a new agreement of the manufacturing works with a number of amendments ?

Уважаемые господа! June 27th, 19

Настоящим еще раз напоминаем Вам, что мы до сих пор не ПОЛУЧИЛИ от Вас сведений о ходе выполнения нашего заказа на десять сверлильных станков.

Как Вы знаете, контракт был заключен на условиях фоб и отсутствие сведений о положении заказа не дает нам возможности зафрахтовать пароход заранее, так как в этом случае, возможно, нам придется платить за его простой (demurrage).

Кроме того, мы хотели бы своевременно направить к Вам на завод наших приемщиков, чтобы испытания проходили в их присутствии и чтобы дефекты, которые МОГУТ быть обнаружены в отделке станков, могли быть немедленно устранены.

Просим Вас ПОЭТОМУ немедленно сообщить нам о положении нашего заказа.

Напоминаем Вам также, что срок поставки шлифовальных станков по нашему второму контракту № 2674 истекает 15-го июля текущего года и просим Вас, во избежание задержки в производстве


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на заводе наших комитентов, отгрузить их точно в срок и телеграфировать нам название парохода и дату его выхода в море. Аккредитив на СУММУ,

обусловленную в контракте, будет открыт на.ми в течение десяти дней со дня получения Вашей телеграммы.

Искренне Ваши, Союзи.мпорт


1. What made Sojuzimport unable to charter a vessel beforehand? 2. Is it possible that the tests at the manufacturing works are carried out in the presence of the Buyers’ inspectors? 3. Why do the Buyers want their inspectors to take part in all the tests but not only in final inspection? 4. What were Sojuzimport’s reasons for buying machine-tools in one case on f o.b. terms, in the other on c.i.f. terms? 5. On what delivery terms do Russian foreign trade organizations usually buy machinery? Why?

XXVII. Render the letter and make up a dialogue in accordance with the assignment following it:

Фирме Clyde and Co. Нью-Йорк

Москва, 15 апреля 19 ... г.

Уважаемые господа! Мы признательны Вам за Ваш запрос от 3-го апреля с. г.

относительно оконного стекла и с удовольствием предлагаем необходимое Вам стекло высшего качества, которое во всех отношениях будет отвечать Вашим требованиям.

В качестве окончательного доказательства качества, мы обязуемся представить Вам свидетельство по качеству, выданное заво- дом-изготовителем.

Вы просите поставить Вам это стекло дву.мя — тре.мя партиями по нашему усмотрению во второй половине сего года, на УСЛОВИЯХ сиф Нью-Йорк с перегрузкой в А.мстердаме. Мы обсуди.м этот вопрос при встрече.

Это стекло будет застраховано в Ингосстрахе против обычных морских рисков согласно существующим Transport Insurance Rules.

Надее,мся, что наши условия платежа будут для Вас приемлемы. Они следующие: по телеграфу Вы открываете безотзывный подтвержденный аккредитив во Внешэкономбанке России в Москве на всю стоимость товара в течение 3 дней по получении нашего изве- ш,ения о готовности первой партии товара к отгрузке, и вместе с этим Вы сообщаете нам, ПОЛУЧИЛИ ли Вы импортную лицензию и валютное разрешение на данный товар от своих соответствующих властей.

Это предложение делается на.ми твердо при условии Вашего телеграфного подтверждения в течение 15 • дней от даты этого письма.

С почтением, Союзэкспорт


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Say that you prefer to deliver the window glass in two lots in the third quarter oftheyear;change the port of transhipnnent and give your reasons; discuss the terms of payment you suggest and try to come to terms about them.

XXVni. Make op letters in accordance with these assignments:

1. Write to the firm to remind them that they have delayed payment for the first lot of the goods. Refer to your terms of payment and a respective clause of the General Conditions. Say that you may have to suspend the fulfilment of the contract.

2. Write to the firm about the inferior quality of the goods you received under Contract 105/283. Tell them particulars of the analysis made at the port of destination, comparing them with the conditions set down in the Quality Certificate.

3. Write to the firm stating that you are not satisfied with their guarantee period and ask them to prolong it. Point out that this is your first transaction with the firm and that the ofiFered Model has just been altered. Put forward your conditions.


XXIX. Translate into English;

1. 3a последние несколько лет в Большом театре поставлено много новых балетов. Балет «Каменный цветок» (“The Stone Flower”), который был поставлен в театре много лет ТОМУ назад, произвел на зрителей большое впечатление.

Музыка к ЭТОМУ балету написана Прокофьевым, а декорации сделаны одним из талантливых художников театра.

2. Спектакль уже много лет идет в Большо.м театре. Когда прошлый раз шла эта опера, театр был полон, и когда занавес упал, взволнованная публика долго аплодировала актерам.

3. Недавно театр Маяковского поставил пьесу современного американского драматурга. Перед геМ как была поставлена эта пьеса, постановщик много работал со всЫи актерами, занятыми в этом спектакле. Билеты на эту пьесу об|лчно бывают распроданы (продаются) за много дней до спектакля.

I 4. Кто исполняет роль Гамлета сейчас в театре? Кем исполнялась эта роль, когда вы смотрели этот спектакль? Верно ли, что этот образ в кино во многих отношениях трактуется сейчас иначе, чем в театре?

5. — На этот раз обедаем за мой счёт. — Хорошо. — Что сегодня в меню?


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— Сегодня большой выбор блюд. Рекомендую вам заказать ростбиф. Он подается со свежими овощами. Если вы никогда не заказывали в этом ресторане жаркое, я МОГУ порекомендовать вам это блюдо. Оно готовится из ЛУЧШИХ сортов мяса и пользуется успехом у посетителей.

6. — Вы Уже выбрали меню?

— Да. Салат, жареную рыбу с картофелем, а на десерт свежие фрукты. — Рыба обычно подается через полчаса после того, как сделан заказ. Вы можете подождать? —• Да, конечно.

XXX. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the passage from “Although the two . . . ” up to “Robinson was at a loss for a while” and discuss the story:


Robinson and Morton both loved Miss Suzanne. Miss Suzanne was a famous actress; Robinson and Morton were comedians and their acting always impressed the audience most favourably. All the three were members of the Grand Theatre. She flirted with them equally, but seemed to be indifferent to both. At last she assured tjiem that she would marry the one that would prove a better tragic actor. These words of hers aroused much talk among actors on the stage and critics of the press but neither could quite decide which of them would make a better tragic actor.

Although the two (to be) good friends for years they must (to understand) that every one of them (to be) in the other’s way since they both (to love) the same lady.

One day Robinson and Morton (to sit) on the terrace of their favourite caf6. Both too (to be absorbed) in their conversation to notice that one of the passers-by (to pause) and (to stare) at them, as their appearance (to strike) him as something familiar. He was pretty sure they were from the Drama Theatre.

“Gentlemen, may I ask you for professional advice? For twenty years I (to be) the Public Executioner, and I (to be going) to lecture on the horrors of my profession. But I (not to know) how to speak in public and whenever I (to try) to imagine myself in the role of a lecturer I (to. get frightened). I (to be about) to give up the idea when it suddenly (to occur) to me to turn to you for advice. Probably one lesson (to be) enough.”

A brilliant thought (to strike) Robinson’s mind and without hesitation he said, “I (to offer) you five hundred francs to let me take your place and lecture instead of you.” He (to wait) for such an occasion for many years and this time he (to try) to get the Executioner’s consent at all costs. The Executioner (to agree). All this (to puzzle) Morton at first then he (to understand) Robinson’s plan. It did make sense. Robinson (to give) a lecture as the Public Executioner and Paris (to appreciate) his new talent of a tragic actor and Suzanne (to be lost) for poor Morton for ever.

The day of the lecture (to come) nearer and nearer. Robinson (to be excited) although he (to be sure) of his success. He (to make up) to resemble the


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Public Executioner in all respects. At eight o’clock on the day of the lecture when he (to get) onto the platform he (to see) Suzanne and Morton in the third row. They (to seem) (to sit) there for quite a long time already waiting for the lecture to begin. It must (to arouse) their curiosity as Robinson’s present role (to be) different from those he used to play. »

Robinson was at a loss for a while. He did not know what to start with and whether he would be able to cover all the points of the subject. Therefore there was even a humorous element in his speech at first. But gradually the cheerfulness disappeared from the speaker’s voice and everything went on as it had been planned. He began telling the audience of his horrible profession. There was no applause when he finished — that proved his success and made him happy. “But where are my friends?’’ he suddenly thought. “Are they gone? But why?”

The next day Robinson received an invitation from Marquis de Thevenin. Robinson was proud of this invitation. He took a taxi. The drive was short.

A servant showed him into a well furnished room and asked him to wait a few minutes.

Some time had passed before the door opened. Marquis de Thevenin entered the room. He was old — so old that he seemed to be falling to pieces.

“Your lecture was marvellous, Sir. I shall never forget it,” he said. “Do not stand, sit down. Let me offer you some wine, I am forbidden to take it myself.”

“In your lecture,” he continued, “you referred to the execution of Victor Barton. Did he die bravely?”

“Like a hero,” said Robinson pretending that he remembered the man although he knew nothing of him.

“Did he suffer much?” “There was no suffering...” The Marquis interrupted him. “Victor was my son. You murdered my

innocent son, the only soul I loved on earth. You are his murderer.” Then he suddenly changed his tone and asked, “I hope the wine is to your taste. Sir, isn’t it? ... ”

“The wine ?” said the actor, surprised. He stared at the Marquis and then he understood that the wine was poisoned, but he wouldn’t believe it.

“It is poisoned,” said the old man calmly. “In an hour you will be dead. You have murdered my son and I shall murder you.”

“Great Heavens,” Robinson uttered. “You arc doomed,” said the Marquis. For some seconds they looked at each other — the actor paralyzed by

terror, the host with an expression of contempt in his eyes and the smile of a lunatic. And then the old man lifted his wig, slowly took off the plaster from his teeth and Robinson recognized his friend. Morton’s acting had been beyond praise.

So Robinson had deceived Paris, but Suzanne married Morton who had outwitted Robinson.

(Abridged and adapted from “Suzanne’s Choice” by Leonard Morrick}


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to be absorbed in быть поглощенным кем-л., чем-л.; horrors ужасы; Public Executioner палач;1о make up загримироваться; to resemble напоминать, быть похожим; to be doomed быть обреченным; contempt презрение; ardg napHK; to deceive обманывать; to outwit перехитрить

XXXI. Render the extract in English (paying attention to the active words):


Народный артист СССР А. А. Остужев много лет был актером Малого театра. Это был необыкновенно (очень) талантливый актер. Всех, кто знал его, он поражал своим огромным талантом и очень красивой внешностью. Его величественные манеры и чрезвычайно красивый голос производили огромное впечатление на зрителей. Много лет назад, еще до революции, молодой актер Малого театра Остужев заболел и в несколько дней потерял СЛУХ. Хотя Остужев находился в очень тяжелом состоянии, ему не приходила в ГОЛОВУ мысль о том, чтобы отказаться от театра. Он не мог жить без него. И он остался на сцене. Для того чтобы не подвести своих товари- щей и для того чтобы быть в состоянии сыграть самую маленькую роль, ОстУжев выучивал всю пьесу наизусть (by heart).

Фамилия Остужева много лет появлялась на афишах театра. Не- задолго до II .мировой войны, когда ОстУжеву шел шестьдесят тре- тий год, он сыграл роль Отелло и сыграл ее так, как уже давно никто не играл. Театр как всегда был полон. В партере, на ярусах (галерке) и на балконе не было ни одного свободного места. Два с половиной часа сходился и снова шел занавес (занавес опускался и вновь поднимался). Публика так была увлечена игрой замеча- тельного актера и так возбуждена, что не хотела уходить из театра. Два часа вся театральная Москва стоя приветствовала актера и аплодировала актеру и человеку, который совершил великий ху- дожественный и нравственный подвиг. Образ Отелло в исполне- нии Остужева, так же как и другие роли, которые он сыграл после того как потерял СЛУХ, ПО праву считаются ЛУЧШИМИ творениями драматического искусства.

народный артист СССР People's artist; потерять слух to become deaf [def]; вы- учить наизусть to learn by heart; афиша a poster; совершить подвиг to make a deed

XXXU. Make up dialogues-

I. Booking Seats


Can I book evening performance stalls to the tenth row How much... ? What time does the performance start?

Box-office clerk

matinee or evening performance two separate seats stalls, box Here you are 10 pounds each the third bell rings


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2. Advising to See a Performance


I hear contradictory beyond praise what impression to be produced what about the cast pretty to be shown at the theatre


to be shown on T.V. funny in a way to be impressed the producer is the leading part the acting the whole performance to run for a long time to think of

3. At a Restaurant


to feel hungry to have a drink first what would you like oxtail soup roast-beef dessert ice-cream to finish with


let’s go something light to start with quite all right to prefer fish fruit salad black coffee to pay the bill

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L E S S O N 3 5

Grammar Revision: **

Verbs of Obligation must, to have to. to be to, should, shall

Vocabulary Revision: Visit to an Office Order Telephone Talk


by ^4. J. Cronin

(abridged and adapted)

Archibald Joseph Cronin is rightly considered one of the most progressive English writers. His novels such as “The Citadel”, “Hatter’s Castle”, “Stars Look Down”* and others are well known readers in Russia.

“The Northern Light”, one of his last novels, shows the world of journalists as a world of business.


It was past eight on the town clock that damp February evening when, in the ordinary way, Henry Page said goodnight to his chief assistant editor and came out of the Northern Light building. The leading article for Monday had kept him later than usual and that extraordinary call from Vernon Som- merville, the owner of the Gazette delayed and upset him. He had beep introduced to Sommerville at a publishers’dinner in London three years ago—yet he had never imagined that so prominent a person^ would remember an unimportant provincial editor like himself or that his opinion of the Light would be so favourable.

The policy of the Northern Light was expressed in the phrase which could be found at the head of the front page: “All the news that’s fit to read”.’

• “The Citadel” ['sitsdsi] «Цитадельи “Hatter’s Castle” ['haetaz 'kasl] аЗамок Броуди» “Stars Look Down”


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The newspaper had always been against cheap sensations and had a reputa- tidn for purity and objective presentation of news. The owner of the Gazette might surely to have an opposite view of what a newspaper should be like.

Monday was always a busy day and Page was at the office early. Miss Moffatt, his secretary, was sorting the mail. Elderly, of neutral appearance With a colourless complexion and greying hair, Moffatt was a very efficient secretary, doing all sorts of small and important jobs without the least fuss. She had been with the paper for thirty years and Henry treated her as an old friend of the family.

This morning her manner was very unusual. Henry felt at once that she had something on her mind. She gave him time to go through the letters and then said:

“He’s been on the phone again.” “Who?” “Sommerville.” Henry looked at her in surprise. “What did he want?” “To speak to you. When I said you weren’t in he left a message.” “Yes?” She took her memo notebook and read from the shorthand, “Kindly pass

my personal regards to Mr, Page. Tell him that two of my people will be in the town on Tuesday. Say that I shall be most happy^ if he allows them to call upon him,”

There was a pause. Then Henry said: “What do you think of it?” Moffatt made a sharp gesture with her head. “He has bought the Chronicle. Now he wants to buy the Light.’' “He was under the impression it was for sale. I told him he was mistaken.” “He is not the kind who makes mistakes.” “Well . . . ” Henry said, “he may want to buy it. But I certainly don’t want

to sell.” “Do you know Vernon Sommerville ?” “Yes, ... at least 1 met him once.” “Then you no more know him than the man in the moon. At least you know

what he publishes. Have you seen this morning'gGazette?" All the London dailies came into the office, they were arranged on a long

table by the window. She took the Gazette and put it in front of him. This morning, spread over the front page, was a striking picture of three bodies, two men and one woman, lying on the floor of a room, while above, in big let- tfers, was the headline ‘PRICE OF PASSION.’

“Isn’t it pretty?” Moffatt said in an indescribable tone. “It would look nice on our front page.”

“Take dictation,” Henry said sharply to stop the conversation. Tuesday came. Henry Page was at his office at the usual hour when the two

men from the Morning Gazette called on him. As they entered, Henry dismissed Moffatt and asked them to be seated. When they took their seats. Smith, one of the men, cleared his throat, began with a few pleasant remarks, then tactfully came to the point.


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“Mr. Page,” he said, “may I say that we approach you in the most friendly manner. You know, of course, the reason of our being here. The Sommerville group is interested in your publications.”

Henry seemed to think for a moment. “I cannot understand your interest in the Light." “We are anxious to expand. Also we know the reputation of your paper,

Mr. Page.” “You believe that to be good?” “We do, sir. We consider the Northern Light absolutely first in its own

class.” “Then why should I sell it?” “I will tell you, Mr. Page. So far, owing to exceptional circumstances you

have been able to stand the competition of the big London dailies. But this state of affairs cannot last.”

“I disagree. We are more than holding our own. Our latest figures show an increase of four thousand over the corresponding period last year.”

“Yes, we know you’ve done well, Mr. Page, but times are changing very fast. Now competition is going to be very keen. There are only half a dozen independent papers of your type left in the provinces, and I promise you, within two or three years they will all be absorbed.”

“My decision is final.” “Then,” Nye, the second visitor took over, “we’ll have to see that you get a

little extra competition. We make you a good offer, you reject it. It’s a free country. You admit we have a perfect right to start an opposition paper.”

“You have the right,” Henry said, more slowly than before, “but you will never succeed. In the first place, our population is not large enough to support two papers. And in the second, the Light is so firmly established nothing will harm it. And you can’t frighten me.”

“You are a bit wrong there, Mr. Page,” Smith said. “We have ways and means that I’m afraid you are not aware of. Do change your mind, I beg you.”

“No,” Henry shook his head. There was a pause. Then Smith stood up. “Well, sir, it deeply upsets me that we’ve failed to reach an agreement. But

I like and respect you and I promise you that we’ll fight you honestly and openly. We’ll be fair.”

Smith and Page shook hands and the visitors went out.


Immediately Smith and Nye reached the hotel Smith went into the telephone booth and called the head-office. He made his report to his own particular chief in London. After a long conversation which confirmed the instructions he had already received, he rejoined Nye.

“We are to act ... exactly as planned. His attitude has not changed, so we’ll have to put more pressure on him.”

That weekenc -s not an easy one for Henry. As he drove to work on Friday he noticed signs of unusual activity in the street. In front of the Bank


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news boys were picking up supplies from a new bright yellow Chronicle van. He hurried to the office. On his desk he saw a copy of the Chronicle. He gave it a quick glance, and his attention was attracted by the headline.


“A great new atomic centre is to be built in the suburbs of Hedleston. The Chronicle is proud to tell its readers this important information given by an official of the Atomic Research Board.”

Henry broke off and looked helplessly at Moffatt. Yes, it was news of the first importance, one of the biggest things that had happened to Hedleston in the past half century and not only had he missed it* they had got it. He looked upon it as his fault.

The information given by the newspaper was undoubtedly secret, but Sommerville had not hesitated to use it and had turned it to his advantage to begin struggle against the Northern Light.

However the blow proved less damaging than Page had expected. The people of the town, even if they did not object to the manner of its presentation, disliked the news itself.

Apart from some commercial interests, no one wanted an atomic plant in Hedleston’s suburbs which must certainly spoil the natural beauties of the place. And when, a few days later, the town authorities announced that work would not begin until the following January, the sensation seemed to have fallen flat.

Yet with the opposition of the Chronicle it was hard to keep things going even with the greatest economy. On the morning of July 1st Page came to the office earlier than usual. His first action was to look at the returns.* Again saks showed a definite increase. If only he could hold out a little longer he was saved.

Moffatt had not yet appeared. Without waiting for her Henry collected the unopened mail from her desk and saw an envelope which bore a Manchester postmark. The letter was from the Manchester Paper Company which for the last twenty years had supplied the Light's newsprint.**

It expressed regret that his order could not be fulfilled. Page understood at pnce whose doing it was and who was to blame for it. Not to waste time he at lonce went to the station and took the first train to Manchester. The factory owner in Manchester refused to meet Henry halfway although they had been his oldest customers. “We can’t give you any more credit,” he said, “these are my orders from the board.” With great difficulty Henry Page managed to get the newsprint through the black market in Manchester. He felt dead tired when he reached Hedleston, but he had won a victory.

Names of Newspapers

The Morning Gazette (the Gazette) [ga'zet] The Northern Light (the Light) The Chronicle ['kronikl]

• returns выручка

** newsprint газетная бумага


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Proper Names

Archibald Jozeph Cronin ['a; tjibald 'dsouzaf 'krounm]


1. ... SO prominent a person = such a prominent person ... такое важное лицо. Неопределенный артикль стоит после прилагательного, если перед прилагательным стоит наречие so. Например,

so prominent а scientist такой известный ученый

2. АН the news that’s fit to read (Bee) новости, которые стоит читать, т. е. газета печатает только достоверную, серьезную информацию.

3. ... I shall be most happy ................. я буду очень рад. Прилага тельное most без определенного артикля имеет значение весьма, очень. Например,

I shall be most glad to help you. Я буду очень рада помочь вам.

4. ... not only had he missed it ... он не только пропустил их (новости) ... В предложениях, начинающихся с only (not only) употребляется обратный порядок слов (инверсия). Например:

Not only had he restored his health Он не только восстановил свое but he went in for sports. здоровье, но занялся спортом.


ordinary to spread to admit an editor a remark to succeed (in) an editorial office to remark to support an editorial to come to the point support to keep to approach to respect to keep smb. waiting an approach respect to keep up with to be anxious to do honestly to upset smth. honest a policy to be anxious about honesty political owing to the head office politics exceptional a branch office fit an exception an attitude fit for to stand activity to fit a state a fault neutral to last to find fault with to treat to do well apart from to have smth. on one’s independent to spoQ

mind independence to announce a daily to take over to blame


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VOCABULARY NOTES ordinary ['0:dnri] adj

И'. coni), ordinary case man dress place circumstances, etc.

The town struck the doctor as quite an ordinary place. .Andrew’s parents were quite ordinary people. syn. simple, usual

---------------------------------------------- Compare

Обычный, простой, заурядный

Let’s meet at the usual place. (B обычном месте, где мы всегда встречались)

The place struck me as quite ordinary, (весьма заурядное, ничем не от- личающееся от других мест)

editor ['edits] п The new editor had a wide experience in his work.

editorial [edi'tSTisl] n The editorial in yesterday’s newspaper brought

up a very important question, editorial office n

The editorial office is no longer here, it has been transferred to a new building, keep V

Every time Nick came late for dinner, he told his grandmother that his teacher had kept him at school for a while.

I’m sorry we do not keep post cards here, keep up with

w. comb, keep up with a plan a demand standards progressive ideas times

He missed many lessons. He will have to work hard to keep up with the class,

keep smh. waiting What we always appreciated about N. was that

he never kept people waiting, upset V

He was greatly upset when he learned about bis friend’s illness.

The bad weather upset our plan for the weekend, policy ['polisi] n

. comb, progressive reactionary right wrong peaceful clever, etc.



передовая статья


1. задержать

2. держать, хранить идти в

ногу, не отставать

заставлять кого-л. ждать

1. расстраивать, огорчать

2. расстраивать, нарушать

политика, линия поведения


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The policy of Russia has always been a policy of peace. In the circumstances the best policy would be to tell

your friend the truth. w. comb, lead | a policy carry out I We have been leading quite a new policy in the field

of agriculture for the past few years, political adj Hertzen was forced to leave Russia for political reasons.

politics ['politiks] n

Whenever I meet my friend we like to talk politics.


политика, политические новости; политика (как предмет)

. Note:

Не likes to talk politics. (пря.мое дополнение)

Он любит говорить о политике, (предложное дополнение)

, Compare:.

The foreign policy of the USSR is a policy of friendship and cooperation with all countries of the world.

He specialises in politics.

Внешняя политика России — это политика дружбы и сотрудничества со всеми странами мира.

Он занимается политикой (изучает политические вопросы).

fit adj

The coat is quite fit to wear in this weather. prp. fit/or I doubt whether he is fit for work after such a long illness.

I’m quite fit to travel. fit V

The house was restored in a style that fitted it. The door fits badly, parity ['pjusnti] n presentation Lprezen'teijn] n neutral ['nju:tral] adj

w. cotnb. neutral policy colour territory person, etc.

In the circumstances you cannot remain neutral.

complexion [kom'plekjn] n greying adj fuss Л treat V

You have nothing to complain of, he has always treated you very well.

1. годный, подходящий, приспособленный

2. здоровый

соответствовать, годиться

чистота, непорочность зд. освещение нейтральный, средний

цвет лица седеющий суетливость относиться к кому-л.


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. Note;

He treats me well. (прямое дополнение)

Он относится ко мне хорошо, (предложное дополнение)

to bare smth. оо one’s mind Г can see you lurre sometfaing on yonr mind, you look so worried, m^o notebook л shorthand n moon n daily n

ТЪе “Arguments and Facts” is not a daily, it’s a weekly, daily adv

Most newspapers come out daily. spread [spred] v

, comb, spread a map a newspaper a table clodi a blanket, etc.

The commander spread the map'on the table and showed the soldiers the village they were to attack the next morning.

knowledge ideas

comb, critical serious Important rahiable, etc.

syn. comment


быть обеспокоенным чем-л.

олокнот стенографическая запись луна ежедневная газета

I п dismiss V clear one’s throat remark n

Ail your remarks are quite sensible. What I don’t like about the girl is that she never takes anybody’s remarks seriously.

ежедневно 1.


ч'. comb, spread

information, etc. The first Marxist circles in Russia did a lot to spread

revolutionary ideas among workers. The news about Tom’s arrival spread all over the village, headline n

2. распространять(-ся)

заголовок страсть отпустить откашляться замечание (устное)


I would like you to read the report very attentively and give your comments as it is very important.

1 can only make a few small remarks about the report. I have just looked it through.

comments — существенные, значительные замечания

remarks — мелкие, незначительные замечания по докладу


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remark v

The teacher remarked that it would be useful for everybody to attend the lecture.

заметить (устно сказать), отметить


She remarked that I had a very nice Она заметила (сказала), что у меня dress. очень красивое платье.

I noticed that he was very tired. Я заметил (увидел), что он очень устал.

come to the point говорить по существу As I was rather in a hurry I came to the point at once.

approach V 1. обратиться к We approached the firm asking them to send us their latest catalogues. syn. turn to

2. подходить к We approached the forest when it was quite dark.


The train was approaching the station. Поезд подходил к станции. (прямое дополнение) (предложное дополнение)

approach п )v. comb, right approach

wrong fair reasonable sensible definite, etc.

The scientist’s approach to this problem was quite new.

be anxious {'sqkj'os] v

They were all anxious to get to the station before dark. syn. be eager


желать сделать что-л. (волноваться из-за этого)

. Compare:.

Гт anxious to do the work as soon as Я очень хочу закончить работу как possible. можно скорее (меня это волнует,

беспокоит). The boy is eager to resume his music Мальчике нетерпением ждет (жаж- lessons. дет) возобновить свои занятия по

музыке. (Он будет очень рад сделать это.)


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be anxious about He has always been weak and I am anxious about

his health. iyn. worry about expand v owing to prp Owing to his business trip, be missed two months of

studies. syn. because of exceptional [ik'sepjanl] adj H'. comb, exceptional case beauty weather importance adrantage, etc.

This case is of exceptional importance, exception n This is just an exception. prp. exception to There is one exception to this rule, stand (stood,

stood) v H'. comb, stand a person a test noise competition, etc.

The firm could stand the competition due to their reducing the prices considerably, state n

I had never seen her in such a state before. The goods arrived in a good state.

очень беспокоиться о чем-л.

расширять(-ся) из-за, вследствие



выносить, терпеть

1. состояние

The goods arrived in bad condition.

The goods arrived in a bad state.

. Note:.

В деловой переписке в сочетании in bad (good) condition артикль опускается.

В сочетании in а bad (good) state неопределенный артикль не опускается (сохраняется).

Many new states have appeared in Asia and Africa for the past few years, last V

The meeting lasted an hour.

syn. continue

2. государство

длиться, продолжаться

. Compare: -

He continued repeating the words until he was sme he knew them well.

The experiment lasted two hours.

OH продолжал повторять слова, пока не почувствовал, что знает их. (продолжать делать что-л.)

Опыт длился (продолжался) два часа, (по времени)


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hold one’s own corresponding adj do well

He is doing very well in business, independent [mdi'pendont] adj

w. comb, independent policy country person thinker, etc.

сохранять свои позиции соответствующий хорошо себя проявить, преуспевать

независимый, самостоятельный

Children of Id—15 like to look independent, independence n

w. comb, get I independence enjoy fl^t for I

I like his independence. Charley was eager to get his independence, he no

longer wanted to depend on his rich father, absorb [o'bsoib] V take over v

w. comb, take over a person a firm a job a duty responsibility business industry, etc.

He is taking over the duties of the director. She took over her father’s firm. When the President is away, Mr Brown will take

over, admit [e'dmit] v w. comb, admit a fact

a mistake a change, etc.

She admitted her mistakes. I admit that your story is true to life. prp. admit to

Every year hundreds of foreign'^tudents are admitted to the institutes and universities of Russia.

She was admitted to this work. He was admitted into the house, succeed [so'ksrd] v

If you work hard you will succeed. Gr. succeed in doing smtfa. You will succeed in achieving good results if you work hard. syn. manage

независимость, самостоятельность

поглотить принимать (должность и т. д.) от другого лица, принимать во владение, заменить кого-л.

1. признавать, допускать

2. принимать (в учебное заведение, в госпиталь)

3. допускать, впускать преуспевать,

добиться успехов


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He managed to get tickets to the ballet “Don Quixote”.

He succeeded in passing alt his examinations.

Ему удалось достать билеты на балет пДон Кихот», (с большим трудом)

Он добился того, что успешно сдал все свои экзамены. (добиться, достичь своей цели)

support [S3'p3:t] V w. comb, support I a person I a family an argument an idea a policy, etc. He supported his brother till the boy was 18.

Everybody supports this policy, support n IV. comb, need support give have refuse You will always have my support if you need it.

John was the chief support of the family, means n be afvare [O'WEO] respect V I People are respected for their actions and not for their words, irespect n ' w. comb, have respect enjoy win arouse show

The teacher enjoyed everybody’s respect. prp. respect to He always had a great respect to elderly people,

nuclear ['nju;klio] adj century j'sentjun] n honestly adv “I earned all the money honestly,” said John to his

boss, honest ddj I’ve always known K. as a very honest person,

honesty n The boy's friends appreciated his honesty,

head-office n The question can be settled by the bead-office only.

branch office n To clear up the matter we got in touch with the

branch office, attitude ['stitju:dj n His attitude to his friends has always been fair.



средства осознавать, знать уважать


ядерный век честно



главная контора (фир.ма)

филиал главной конторы



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------------------------------------------------ Note; _________________________________

Her attitude to her younger sister is very отношение одного лица к другому thoughtful. attitude — ед. число

Their relations are very friendly. отношения друг с друго.м relations — мн. число

activity л One will never say he is over sixty, he is so full of activity.

The business activity of the &m Hudson & Co. has decreased lately- fault [fodt] n

Whose fault is it that the-work was not done in time? I think it’s his fault.

Parents often love their children in spite of their faults. prp. find fault with

It’s not good always to fled fault with your friends, blow n apart from conj

Apart from the work at the hospital the doctor had a lot of research work to do.

syn. besides, in addition to spoil (spoilt, spoilt) V w. comb, spoil I a picture a child I a thing

I an impression, etc. You’ve spoilt the impression of the speech by your

last remark, natural ['naetjarol] adj announce v It’s been announced that a French company is coming to the city for a month’s stay.

1. энергия (деятельность)

2. активность, деятельность

1. вина

2. ошибка, недостаток

находить недостаток, придираться

удар помимо


естественный объявить

They announced their plans. (прямое дополнение)


Они объявили о своих планах. (предложное дополнение)

blame v You shouldn't blame him for this little mistake, he

tried his best, waste V


тратить впуету'ю


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I. Read the text in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises below.


Й. Paraphrase the following:

1.. .. in the ordinary way ... 2. ... that his opinion of the Light would be so favourable. 3. ... without the least fuss. 4. ... she had something on her mind. 5. ... Henry dismissed Moffatt and asked them to be seated. 6. ... then tactfully came to the point. 7. ... we approach you ... 8. We are anxious to expand. 9.1 disagree. 10. ... the second visitor ... took over, ... 11. ... the Light is ... firmly established ... 12. We have ... means that ... you are not aware of.

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1.. .. he had never imagined that so prominent a person would remember an unimportant provincial editor like himself. 2. All the news that’s fit to read. 3. The newspaper ... had a reputation for purity and objective presentation of news. 4. The owner of the Gazette ought surely to have an opposite view of what a newspaper should be like. 5. Then you no more know him than the man in the moon. 6. We consider the Northern Light absolutely first in its own class. 7. So far owing to exceptional circumstances you have been able to stand the competition of the big London dailies. 8. ... within two or three years they will all be absorbed. 9. We have a perfect right to start an opposition paper. 10. You will never succeed. Our population is not large enough to support two papers.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. His secretary was sorting the mail. 2. Moffatt was a very efficient secretary doing all sorts of small and important jobs ... 3. This morning her manner was untisual. 4. He is not the kind who makes mistakes. 5. ... they were arranged on a long table ... 6. ... Mofiatt said in an indescribable tone. 7. ... absolutely first in its own class. 8. We’ll have to see that you get a little extra competition.


a. Paraphrase the following:

1. ... he rejoined Nye. 2. we’U have to put more pressure on him. 3. He noticed signs of unusual activity in the street. 4. ... boys were picking up supplies from a new ... Chronicle van. 5. ... Henry broke off ... 6. ... Sommerville ... had turned it to his own advantage. 7. He looked upon it as his fault. 8. The blow proved less damaging than . . . .

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. Henry looked helplessly at Moffatt. 2. The people of the town, even if they did not object to the manner of its presentation, disliked the news Itself. 3. Apart from some commercial interests nobody wanted an atomic


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plant in Hedleston’s suburbs. 4. Yet with the opposition of the Chronicle it was hard to keep things going even with the greatest economy. 5. If only he could hold out a little longer.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following;

I. Immediately Smith and Nye reached the hotel ... 2. He made his report to his own particular chief... 3. He gave it a quick glance. 4. ... they had got it. 5. The sensation seemed to have fallen flat. 6. His first action was to look at the returns. 7. He understood whose doing it was.

n. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

1. OH ОПЯТЬ ЗВОНИЛ. 2. Что ему было НУЖНО? 3. Что вы об этом думаете? 4. Очень мило, не так ли? 5. Тогда зачем же мне продавать ее? б. Мы знаем, что ваши дела шли хорошо. 7. Вы немного ошибаетесь в этом вопросе. 8. Мы будем действовать справедливо. 9. Чтобы не тратить времени даром.


Ш. Activize these words:


a. Answer these'questions:

1. Can you call Kachalov an ordinary actor? Why not? 2. Do you think Gagarin’s flight was an ordinary thing? 3. Why do we consider the Tretjakov Galler, 'Ot an ordinary 1 ’seum? 4. Would you call Sobinov an ordinary or a perfect singer?

b. Complete these sentences:

1.1 don’t think much of the film ... (to strike ... as, ordinary). 2. Nobody has praised that book,... (to seem, ordinary). 3. The more I came to know the man the more disappointed I felt in him ... (ordinary). 4. In another 10 years such things will no longer impress you... (to find, ordinary).

policy, politics

a. Answer these questions:

1. Do you like to talk politics with your friends ? Why ? 2. Which are the main points in Russian’s foreign policy? 3. Why do we think that a person must have sufficient knowledge to discuss politics?

b. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Когда мы встречались, мы часто (говорили о политике) обсуждали политические вопросы. 2. Такая политика гарантирует успех. 3. Он хорошо разбирается (понимает) в политических вопросах (политике). 4. Интересно, как будет вести себя фирма (какова будет ее линия поведения) на сей раз?


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с. Choose the correct word:

1. In the circumstances this is the best ... (policy, politics). 2. Neither of them was in the mood to talk (politics, policy). 3. Do you think the company will change their (politics, policy) now? 4. Talking (policy, politics) is his hobby.

to be fit (for), to fit

a. Choose the correct word:

1.1 wouldn’t choose this dress if I were you. It ... you at all (to be fit, to fit). 2. He must have recovered completely as the doctor says he ... (fit, to be fit) to do his training. 3. I advise you to choose this pair of shoes. They ... (to be fit for, to fit). 4. It’s not my size of coat, i t . . . (to fit, to be fit for).

b. Complete these sentences:

1. He . broken his leg ... (to be fit for, competition). 2. “You can let the child play outside now,’’ said the doctor (to be fit for). 3. You’ll have to repair your car ... (to be fit for the trip). 4. The roads are bad here ... (to be fit, many lorries). 5. The plane needs repairing ... (to be fit, to fly).

c. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Такие самолеты не пригодны для работы на севере. 2. Он вполне здоров и может кататься на лыжах. 3. Боюсь, что вы не подходите для такой работы, у вас нет опыта в этой области. 4. Эти ботинки не годятся для осенней погоды. 5. Это платье не подходит мне. Это не мой размер.

to be anxious to do smth., to be anxious about

a. .Answer these questions:

1. Are children always anxious to please their parents? Why? 2. You are always anxious to do your work well, aren’t you? 3. Why are you often anxious about the results of the talks ? 4. Why was the mother anxious about Hans’ future ?

b. Paraphrase these sentences;

1. The doctor was worried about the outcome (исход) of the operation. 2|. They looked forward to resuming thfe talks as soon as possible. 3. They wanted very much to reach the town before night. 4. We have received a letter from the firm. They are worried about the progress of the order.

I to do well

a. Answer these questions:

1. What would you do if your child didn’t do well at school? 2. How long have you been with your office? Are you doing quite weU there? 3. You’ve introduced new makes into the market, haven’t you? Are you doing well with them? 4. Why did Edward Burton settle in Japan? Do you think he did well there?


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b. Paraphrase these senteiices:

1. She is a young actress, but she has talent. She has been a success in the last two performances. 2. He thinks of giving up music as he does not make much progress. 3. Brown & Co. are a young firm but they have been very successful in business lately. 4. He is a born athlete. He’ll get good results in sports if he goes on trainmg.

to take over

a. Translate Into Russian:

1. He shouldn’t have taken over the job. He is not fit for it and can’t do well. 2. Mr. Brown is leaving for a holiday soon. I’ll have to take over while he is gone. 3. She can’t take over the responsibility. She is not experienced enough. 4. Young Jolyon took over his father’s business after he left the University.

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. While Юimov was on a business trip, Petrov worked instead of him. 2. Who will replace Zotov while he is away? 3. You will be responsible now for part of this work. 4. The people wondered who would replace their exmanager.

to find fault with

a. Answer these questions:

1. Why is it unpleasant to deal with people who always find fault with you? 2. Have you ever had a friend who tried to find fault vrith everybody? 3. Do you sometimes find fault with people who are very dear to you? Why? 4. Which is the best policy towards a person who is trying to find fault with you?

b. Translate these sentences into Engiish:

1. Вы всегда стараетесь придраться к чему-либо. 2. Не обращай на нее внимания, она всегда ко всемпридирается.З. У тебя не было оснований (reason) придираться к его работе. 4. Ты часто придираешься к людям, потому^что хочешь, чтобы все было по-твоему.

IV. Answer these questions and sum up the answers using the active words of the text:

1. Have you heard an interesting report lately ? 2. Did the reporter come to the point at once? 3. What can you say about the reporter’s approach to the subject? 4. Did people exchange any remarks on the report afterwards?

1. You remember Mrs. Muhler, don’t you?2. Can you call Mrs. Muhler’s actions ordinary? 3. Did anybody in the family guess she had something on her mind? 4. Would her other children have upset her plans if they had discovered the truth? 5. Do you think Mrs. Muhler treated all her children in the same manner? 6. Why was she so anxious about Hans and Stephen?


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1. Do our dailies devote much attention to the problem of family relations? 2. Is the attitude of parents to their children always right? 3. Do they admit that too much care sometimes spoils children? 4. Do parents often complain that their children treat them badly? Whose fault is it?

V. Give English equivalents to the foUowing combinations;

I. заурядный певец, 2. относиться к кому-л. особенно хорошо, 3. быть пригодным для обычных УСЛОВИЙ, 4. стремиться идти в НОГУ со временем, 5. стремиться распространить сведения, 6. заставить кого-л. ждать в течение 10 МИНУТ, 7. обратиться к фирме по ка- кому-л. вопросу, 8. попросить говорить по существу, 9. объявить о своем отношении к чему-л., 10. признать, что фирма успешно ведет дела, 11. поддерживать независимую ПОЛИТИКУ, 12. уважать кого-л. за исполнительность (efficiency), 13. винить кого-л. за неправильный ПОДХОД К делу, 14. выдержать трудности, 15. винить кого-л. за нарушение плана, 16. (не) стремиться принять на себя обязанности.

VI. Give all possible combinations of: a. the foUowing verbs with nouns:

to keep up with, to upset, to spread, to stand, to admit, to support, to spoil, to announce

b. the following adjectives with nouns:

ordinary, political, exceptional, independent

c. the foUowing nouns with adjectives;

an opinion, a remark, a policy, an approach, a state.

Vn. Fill in the blanks with articles and possessive pronouns where necessary;

1. It was ... good idea to leave ... message for Zotov with ... chief engineer. He is sure to pass it on to him. 2. Page was proud of ... fact that . . Northern Light had been leading ... policy which always found ... support among ... population of ... town. 3. ... matter was very urgent and ... parties came to ... point at once. 4. It’s high time to clear up all ... contradictions and come to terms. 5. Will you show me ... way to ... head office, please? 6. ... goods have arrived in ... bad state that was ... reason why ... clients insisted on ... discount. 7. Sometimes it’s much easier to remember ... exception to ... rule than ... rule itself. 8. On ... one hand we must admit that your suggestion suits us but on ... other hand there are ... few points in it we’d like to think over before giving you ... definite answer. 9. I’ll be most glad if we reach ... fair settlement of ... matter, it will of course depend upon ... right approach to ... matter of all ... parties. 10. There is ... advantage in being ... writer: since ... people look upon you as ... person whom they can trust they often say ... things to you they would not say to ... people whom they treat as ... equals.


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11, David Copperfield’s aunt had always treated ... boy with ... great love and care. To be more exact she was ... only person who really loved ... child. As to ... stepfather’s attitude to ... boy it was so cruel that if ... boy had not escaped from ... house ... man would have beaten him to death. 12. ... soldier’s friends were most happy to learn that he had reached ... town safely and was out of danger now. 13. It’s ... children’s first duty to do everything for ... sake of ... parents.

Vni. XraiuUte the following combinations into Eoglidi:

1. проводить

2. обратиться


переговоры кого-либо на вокзал за помощью к какой-л. фирме с вопросом

3. держать газету в руках слово книги в порядке

IX. КШ in the blanks witfa prepositions where necessary and retell text B.

1. The boy has been training for the whole winter, he will certainly keep .......... the other boys during the contest. 2. I doubt whether the doctors will find him f i t . . . service ... the navy. 3. Mother saw the child had something ... his mind but he would not tell her and she didn’t insist ... it. 4. The respect ... this young scientist is great. 5. Owing ... exceptional circumstances the student was allowed to take his examination again. 6. Don’t worry. The boy will succeed ... getting .............. the difficult posi tion. 7. Did you get the message I left ... you yesterday? I left it ... the Secretary, as I was busy ... that time and did not want to keep you waiting. 8. Your story is too long in coming. You should better come ... the point ... once. 9. The editor made a few remarks ... the article which the young writer gave him. 10. The new approach ... the problem ... consideration aroused much discussion ... the meeting. 11. Tbere is no reason ... you to be anxious ... your son’s health. Fresh air and good rest will pretty soon restore it. 12. Somov is leaving Moscow ... Volgograd ... next week. I wonder who he will take ... 13. The boy felt upset when he thought his friends had changed their attitude ... him. 14. Apart ... playing the piano pretty well the girl was very good at drawing. 15. Lanny has good reason to complain ... your always trying to find fault ... him. He is being criticised for whatever he does. Do you think it’s fair? 16. You cannot Ыате me ... this mistake. There were other people involved ... this matter too.


... Sunday ... the ordinary way Henry Page started ... Sleedon as he was anxious to sec his son David and his dear wife Cora. He took ... him a book that came ... for review and which he thought might be ... interest ... David. Before getting ... the car Page left a message ... the maid


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servant ... home ... his wife and daughter telling them he would be back . .. the evening.

Soon he was ... the open road ... Sleedon. His trouble ... the previous morning was gone; he was no longer anxious ... his state ... affairs. ... his way .. . Sleedon he dreamed of getting down ... the sea. He did, it occasionally, particularly ... his visits ... his son whose house was ... the sea. Sleedon was the most unspoiled fishing village ... all the Northeast coast. .Apart ... this, the place had another attraction ... Page. It reminded him ... old England, the place had kept particular qualities ... the real old England. ... a while he approached ... Sleedon. He saw Cora waiting ... the gate, a smile .. ’. the face.

“How is David?” he asked. “Doing well, has been writing the whole week, translating Arabic poetry ... English.” ... the front room a fresh table cloth was spread ... the table. All his presents ... exception were noticeably displayed, and a promising roast chicken lay on the dish. ... this Cora meant to show him her attitude ... him, her love and respect .. . him.

... a while David came ... . Page saw ... once he was ... high spirits. He looked quite fit and had nothing ... his mind. “Work going well?” Henry asked him. “Pretty fair. I am quite satisfied ... the results.”

Observing David’s high spirits Page could not help admitting that owing ... his marriage to Cora he had become quite a different man. Her care and support had restored his health perfectly. It was hard to believe that only two years ago the doctors had given ... all hope ... restoring his health. Page hoped it would last long.

... dinner Page and David sat talking ... the window. David was the first to bring ... the subject ... his translations. He told ... Page his opinion ... it. Page saw that his son’s approach ... (the) translation ... poetry was quite independent. The publisWs appreciated his works greatly and David showed him a personal letter of congratulations which he had received ... the editor. The editor had made no comments ... his translation. It came ... Page’s mind while listening . .. David that ... the near future David might join him in making a finer thing ... the Northern Light and take ... the whole business when he himself was no longer f i t . . . the job.

X. Translate these sentences:

1. “I have an independent fortune. That’s what suits me.” 2. Her answer was sharp and very much to the point. 3. Treat it as a joke. 4. Every parcel arrived in a good state, nothing was broken or spoiled. 5. We need your friendly support. 6. He asked the landlady if she could keep the place clean for him and as an exception cook his breakfast. 7. The gallery announced that the picture was exceptional, and had got the first prize. 8. He works hard because he is anxious to succeed. 9.1 respect you as a man of business and you can’t expect me to believe a word you say. 10. “She treats me like a visitor,” thought I. 11. Jeffery & Sons are doing very well in business. 12. This law admits no exceptions. 13. We are going to t^e over the mining industry and run it for the interests of the nation. 14. Little Hans could not


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keep up with his uncle. 15. As I stood on the hilltop, a beautiful panorama lay spread out before me. 16. We spread newspapers on the floor to catch the dust. 17. He spread the idea that he was a rich man.

XI. Translate these sentences into English paying attention to degrees of comparison:

1. OH более преданный сын, чем вы. 2. Этот товар нуждается в большей рекламе, чем тот. 3. Фирма настаивает на уплате гораздо большего штрафа, чем мы рассчитывали. 4. ЕМУ удалось добиться больших успехов в своей работе, чем все остальные, благодаря своему отношению к своим обязанностям. 5. Их расчеты гораздо точнее наших. 6. Фирма Н. несет ббльшие потери, чем их партнер, так как их вклад в строительство этого завода был гораздо большим. 7. Вы должны признать, что несете ббльшую ответственность за ЭТУ ошибку, чем остальные. 8. Сегодня состояние больного гораздо лучше, чем вчера. 9. Он производит впечатление более независимого человека, чем его товарищ. 10. Товар предлагается по гораздо более низкой цене, чем прошлогодняя. 11. Его подход к ЭТОМУ вопросу справедливее вашего. 12. Они оказали нам гораздо большую поддержку, чем вы.

XII. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active words:

1. I was most pleased to hear that B. had made good progress in his studies because of the great support his friends gave him. 2. “You must not say a word about the plan for a while,” the boy said to his friend. “If it becomes known it may not work.” 3. A teacher of physics should read a lot nowadays to be well informed of the modern achievements in this field. 4. The child felt greatly disappointed when he broke his favourite toy. 5. The young man was happy to learn he could serve in the airforce. 6. Though the boy’s grandfather was over seventy he must have felt quite healthy as he never went to see a doctor. 7. Everybody was certain that the young engineer could do the Job very well. 8. We are worried about extra hotel charges that are being introduced now. Will they be very big? 9. The news of George’s arrival at the village must have become known very quickly, as all the villagers came to his place to see him. 10.1 would like you to say a word or two on my last article. 11. If you wish to cover the subjects in a short speech you should cut the preliminaries. 12. If you are interested in precision (точные) instruments you may turn to Brown & Co. 13. At present many specialists in medicine have changed their opinion about cybernetics. 14. Although the report continued over two hours all the people agreed that it was worth listening. 15. “You are making a good report,” said the teacher, “don’t make the impression worse by mistakes.” 16. Somov must be making good progress in his research. Part of his work has been accepted as fit to be used in industry. 17. “You should not be upset so easily, if you work hard, you will achieve your purpose finally,” the producer said to the young actress. 18. The doctor managed to perform the operation in spite of the fact that the sick mau’s condition was nearly hopeless.


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XIII. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets.

1. Leave the child alone. He will ... to do the exercises without vour help (manage, succeed). The child will never ... achieving good results in his studies if you press on him (succeed in, manage). 2. This is quite an ... film, I wonder what you appreciated about it so much (ordinary, usual). They will show the film at the club at the ... hour (ordinary, usual). 3.1 think a watch will be the m o s t . . . present for the occasion (suitable, fit). These machine tools are not ... to operate in this cold weather (fit, suitable). 4. He ... looking at him as if he were a perfect stranger (to continue, to last). “Don’t you recognise me?” said Jim smiling. How long will it ... (to continue, to last)? 5. Day by day David’s ... with the Bremvils became more friendly (relations, attitude). He no longer felt a stranger in the family and this happened owing to their ... (relations, attitude) to him. 6.1 ... to hear what the doctors will say about my son’s health (to be eager, to be anxious). I .. to resume my work. I feel quite fit for it (to be eager, to be anxious). 7. Not only was I puzzled by his ... to be more exact it shocked me (action, activity). The ... of this man is worth praising (activity, action). He is full of efficiency. 8.1 wonder what ... he will suggest this time (politics, policy). Do you want your son to take up ... (policy, politics)? 9. There must have been a certain misunderstanding (недоразумение). Did you expect me to make ... (comments, remarks)? I thought I could do (ограничиться) with ... since the question under consideration was not particularly important (comments, remarks).

XIV. Retell these short stories using the given active words for the phrases given in bold type:


A little boy got a drum for a present and enjoyed playing it the whole day. His neighbour unable to bear the noise had to buy a pen-knife which he gave to the boy with the words: “Bill, you’ve been playing the drum so Icjng, don’t you want to see what’s inside?”

a drum барабан; a pen-knife перочинный нож


Visitor to waiter: This food is not good for eating. Will you call the manager? fVaiter: It won’t help, sir. He won’t eat it either.


Judge: Well, can you tell me why you decided to steal the car? Man: Well, it was standing near a grave-yard and it was only natural to think

that its owner was dead.

a grave-yard кладбище

Active words to be used: to

stand, fit, to admit


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XV. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1. A Visit to an Office

to call on to be out to keep smb. waiting to approach to be anxious to upset to leave a message to postpone

2. Road to Independence

to fight for independence to support state of affairs to establish relations owing to to respect dpart from to announce

3. Parents and Children

to bring up to treat exceptional ordinarj' to stand to spoil to make the child do smth. (not) to admit to find fault with

4. Report on the International Situation

to make a report to do well to bring up a question an approach to come to the point to make remarks to admit daily to arouse interest to strike as

XVI. Make up situations using the following sentences:

1. I’m afraid his unexpected arrival upset your plans. 2. Everybody supports this policy. 3. It was quite an ordinary case. 4. The state of affairs puzzled everybody. 5. To be more exact, this case is an exception. 6. I am anxious to know your opinion. 7. You spoilt the impression. 8. He wouldn’t admit his fault.

XVII. Translate into English:

1. Bee хвалят последнее произведение молодого писателя. Что вы о нем думаете? Мне кажется, что это весьма заурядная книга. 2. Рабочие нашего цеха с волнением ждали (очень хотели знать) результатов испытаний нового станка, выпущенного их заводом. 3. После тщательной проверки конструктор (designer) был вынужден признать, что в его расчетах произошла ошибка. 4. Я понимаю, что нарушены твои планы, но тебе придется отказаться от своей поездки и помочь нам выйти из этого затруднительного положения. 5. Вам следует относиться к своим друзьям более вни.мательно. Ваши замечания иногда обижают их. 6. Ваш сын вполне здоров. Нет необходимости держать его дома (не выпускать его на УЛИЦУ). ПУСТЬ он проводит как можно больше времени на открытом воз-


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духе. 7. Вам придется обратиться с этим вопросом к главному редактору. Я не имею права решить этот вопрос сам. 8. Вам следует внести ряд изменений в конструкцию машины, если вы хотите, чтобы машина выдержала любое испытание. 9. Было бы гораздо честнее, если бы ты сам признался в своей ошибке. Твои друзья отнеслись бы к тебе с ббльшим уважением. 10. Новости об этом открытии профессора В. распространились очень быстро. И. Расстели газеты на столе. Тебе так будет удобнее работать. 12. Он подчеркнул (заметил), что не следует придираться к таким мелким 4'актам. 13. В. отказывается от всякой поддержки, он предпочитает быть самостоятельным. 14. Я бы поддержал тебя, если бы был уверен, что ты прав. 15. Капитан сказал, что СУДНО будет готово выйти В; море (к путешествию), как только закончится ремонт. 16. У этого Т1равила есть исключения. Вы должны их запомнить. 17. Вам следовало оставить записку для вашего коллеги У секретаря, тогда бы вы не заставили его ждать так долго. 18. Если бы ты сразу перешел к существу вопроса, нам было бы гораздо легче слушать тебя. 19. Вы должны признать, что ваш подход к ЭТОМУ вопросу недостаточно серьезен. 20. Я не выношу шума, когда работаю, выключите, пожалуйста, радио. 21. Вы УЖ объявили о своих планах на лето? — Нет, я собираюсь сделать это сегодня. 22. Вам следует обратиться к старому мастеру, он всегда стремятся оказать поддержку молоды.м инженерам. 23. Домби рассчитывал, что после его смерти фирма перейдет к СЫНУ и сын будет так же преуспевать в делах, как и отец. 24. Если бы товар был тщательно упакован, он бы не испортился.


ХУШ. Give extended аштег:: to th««e questions:

1. Why did the extraordinary call from V. Sommerville upset Page? 2. Why did he want to know his secretary’s opinion about V. Sommerville? 3. Explain the reasons which made H. Page dismiss Moffatt when the two gentlemen came in. 4. How will you characterise the talk between Page and the two journalists from Sommerville? What facts did they bring up to support their points of view? 5, Did Smith and Hye talk to Page exactly in the same manner? What was the difference in their attitude to the matter? 6. Why was Page sure they would never succeed in their plans? 7. What did Smith hint at when he said they had means of which Henry was not aware? 8. What made Smith promise Page a fair competition in the end of their talk? 9. Why was H. Page upset when he read the headline in the Chronicle? 10. Why did the Manchester Paper Company refuse to fulfil Page’s order? Who was responsible for it?

XIX. Make up statements on the text followed by questions. For model see exercise XIX, lesson 31.


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XX. Read and discuss text B.


Two years had passed. At half past two one afternoon Henry Page left the Northern Light Counties Club and started for his office.

He had been anxious for weeks and now he felt happy and relaxed. He had succeeded and his paper could now continue stronger than before.

At this point he recollected the letter Moffatt had brought in that morning. He opened it and read it.

“My dear Mr. Page, We have learnt something of particular importance which may seriously

affect you. In your own interests I advise you to give my colleague and myself an appointment at your earliest convenience so that we may discuss it with you. The matter is urgent and important.

With all regard. Yours very faithfully, Harold


Henry drew a sharp breath. Why on earth didn’t they leave him alone? The style of the letter somehow aroused his alarm. He knew that Smith and his friend were on the point of leaving Hedleston. The letter was no more than a threat. He decided firmly to ignore it and threw the letter back into the basket.

Next morning at the office everything seemed normal — no messages no further communication from Smith. Henry was congratulating himself that his attitude had proved effective when, at eleven o’clock, another note, more threatening than before, was delivered to him.

“If we do not hear from you within twenty-four hours, we shall be forced to make public certain information of a most damaging nature concerning your daughter-in-law.”

Henry stared at the letter repeating to himself: “Concerning your daughter-in-law.” The more he studied it, the worse it became. That he, Henry Page, should receive such a threat in his own office, in the town of Hedleston — it was unbelievable.

Now, indeed, he could not hesitate; strong and immediate action was imperative. He instructed Moffatt to telephone Smith that he would see him at three o’clock that afternoon. Then he thought of Cora: she must, of course, come too. The cottage where she and his son lived was without a telephone; it was not easy to reach her. He wired her to come to the office at the same hour.

It to“ok all Henry’s strength of mind to get through the day, so completely were his thoughts dominated by the coming meeting with Smith.

Cora was the first to appear; she came early, at a quarter to three. Then Smith arrived, accompanied not only by Nye but by another young

man whom Henry had never seen before. The unexpected appearance of this stranger was for some reason a shock to Page.

They sat down. Smith cleared his throat. He seemed upset.


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“Mr. Page,” he began, “I have no personal feelings against you. I respect you and wish to do you no harm. I even hope that you have similar feelings towards myself. It’s a painful thing to say, but information has come into our possession which we feel we must put before you.”

“If I am to believe your letters, it concerns* my daughter-in-law.” “You are right,” said Nye. “In that case, if you have anything to say against her I prefer you to say it in

her presence.” “Wait, Mr. Page. You’d better hear us first. We don’t want to hurt her.” “Oh, cut it. Smith,” Nye said. “For God’s sake, come to the point.” “Very well, then,” Henry said, “I’ll hear you. But I hope you are

acquainted with the law of slander.”** “Mr. Page, it’s a difficult thing to s a y . . . ” “Look here,” Nye broke in. “Let me take it over.” He fixed Page with a

cold eye. “You print a pretty pure paper, don’t you? You stand for a clean press, a clean community, a clean everything. We want you to know that in August three years ago your daughter-in-law then Cora Bates was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for an unlawful action. Here is the journalist who was present at the trial.”

Henry stared at the man, frightened. He kept silent for a while. “I don’t believe it,” he said at last.

“It’s true, and we can prove it,” Nye repeated. “Now look here, Mr. Page, nobody need know a thing about it. We’ll keep

it a secret. The solution is quite simple. I’ve made up a little agreement here, all perfectly open and fair.” He opened his brief-case. “I’m sure you won’t find fault with it and will accept it. Then we’ll never print a word of your little bit of trouble.”

“Go, please, leave me for a while, all of you. I’ll talk with you later.” Smith put a long envelope on the desk and led the way towards the door. Henry took up the contract and read it through. Indeed the agreement was

fair. Smith had used all his efforts to make it so. Yet Page was left with no illusions. If he refused to give up the Light, the whole story of Cora’s past would be headlined in Hedleston and in every Sommerville paper throughout the country.

He was well aware of the fact that these people would stop at nothing. Besides he knew too well what Cora, his son’s wife meant to David, a mentally sick person who had recovered from his illness only owing to his wife’s love and care for him. The slightest shock would send him back to his illness. And the publicity ...

He rose suddenly, and began to pace the floor. How could he see this harm done to Cora, and to his family — he must give in, must give up the Light. When he considered the long, bitter struggle he had led, and the hard victory he had won, only to be robbed*** at the last moment, the blood went up to his forehead.

* to concern [k3n's3:n] касаться

•* slander [sla-nda] клевета to rob ограбить


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The Light was his inheritance,* his tradition, his life. But he had no choice. Next morning he left for London to see Sommerville in his office. As Page

entered Sommerville half rose, and held out his hand. “You should have let me know you were coming. We might have lunched

together. As it is, may I congratulate you on the excellent fight you've given us. I thought at one time you were going to defeat us. But now I understand wc have the same approach to the matter.”

“No, not quite.” Henry could actually feel his legs trembling as he sat there, but the very act of speech helped to restore his courage. “It’s over two years now since you bought the Chronicle. I admit that my attitude then was not quite correct. You had every right to come to Hedleston and to set up your paper in competition with mine. Since there wasn’t room** for two of us, it was for the people of the town to choose between us. Well, they’ve chosen ... and I’m here to ask you to let that choice stand.”

Sommerville did not immediately reply. Then he said; “Public opinion may change overnight. We are still selling the Chronicle.

We will continue to do so.” “No.” Henry shook his head. “Let’s be open with one another. You’ve tried

to put me out of business and you’ve failed. Now, for God’s sake, leave the Northern Light alone.”

“I don’t follow you,” Sommerville said sharply. “After all the work v/e’ve put into Hedleston are you asking us to walk out and admit our defeat.” “I’m asking you not to publish a certain item of news.”

“Not to publish news! My dear sir, you puzzle me. Our first principle, our moral obligation to the public, is always to publish the news, there are no exceptions to this rule.”

“This is not an important item. It only concerns my family and myself.” “My dear sir, I have no knowledge of the matter. I hardly know what you are talking about. Still, in Hedleston surely anything that concerns you is important. I imagine my editor up here would take that view. Besides I cannot personally go through every word that goes into the Chronicle. I leave it entirely to my staff.”

Sommerville glanced at his watch as though to end the interview. Page saw that, while Sommerville would never personally agree to do the dirty thing, it would all be done for him.

“Why do you want the Northern Light?” “For a very simple reason. I need more circulation.” *** “You already have a large circulation. The Gazette sells at least a million

and a quarter.” “In these days of competition if you don’t go forward you go back,” said

Sommerville. “Perhaps,” he went on, “if you decide to sell and I’m sure you will — you might like to continue on the staff. Your editorials ... they are very impressive.”

* inheritance наследство ** room зд. место

*** circulation [,s3:kju'leijn] тираж


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“No,” Page said heavily. I’ll never agree to lose my independence. It must be all or nothing.”

“Is it to be aU, then?” Henry could not look at him, could not raise his head. He felt defeated. “I’ll think it o v e r . . . for a few hours. I’ll telephone you this afternoon.’' “Good,” Sommerville rose. “I look forward to hearing from you.” Somehow Page got out of the room. A taxi took him to the hotel, where he had lunch sent to his room. After he

had eaten and rested for half an hour he telephoned Sommerville. He was out, but Henry gave the message to his secretary that he was returning to Hedleston by the night train and would sign the documents in the morning.

Now that the matter was settled he felt strangely empty inside but the thought of Sleedon where his son David and Cora lived, came like a brightness in the gloom, and he was taken by a sudden wish to be there, less perhaps to see David, who after all knew nothing of the events, than to be with Cora, to restore her peace of mind.

(Abridged and adapted from the “Northern Light” [ b y ' Л . 7. Cronin)


1. What impression did the note from Smith make on Page? Why did the style of the letter arouse his alarm? 2. Why did he decide to ignore it at first? Was he frightened? 3. What made Page change his attitude to the matter later on? 4. Why did he want Cora to come too? 5. How can you characterise the difference in the two pressmen’s approach to the matter ? 6. How did Sommerville receive Page? Was he sincere in his appreciation of Page’s actions? 7. How did Page explain his reasons for selling the paper ? 8. How did Sommerville take Page’s actions? 9. Why did Sommerville look as if he knew nothing of his people’s actions in Hedleston? 10. Why did Page refuse to remain on the staff?

XXI. Retell the text In the person of:

Moffatt (to treat, an attitude, relations with, an editor, to come out, devoted, to represent, to owe, to appreciate, to be in low (high) spirits, a state, to frighten, to be in one’s way, at all costs, to escape)

I Smith (to do well, a good salary, to be popular with, to succeed, to respect, to come to terms, to bring up a subject, to be of particular interest, to assure, independent, activity, an exception, a policy)

Nye (a fault, to be disappointed with (in), to get one’s way, to be in smb.’s way, exact, the head office, to threaten, to have smth. on one’s mind, to spread, to blame, sharply)

XXJI. Give extended descriptions of the following points, or facts mentioned in the text. Use the words given in brackets.

1. Vernon Sommerville’s work as chief editor

(ordinary, a policy, attitude, to do well, to do everything in one’s power, owing to, head office, to run, to devote, to represent, sufficient experience, publicity, to get one’s way, to frighten, at all costs, to threaten, activity)


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2. Smith’s report to his own chief in London

(to assure, to frighten, to hint, to be anxious, to put pressure, to succeed, apart from, a state of affairs, to come to the point, to start a campaign, to upset a plan, to make inquiries)

3. Henry Page’s visit to the factory owner in Manchester

(to get on a train, to book a ticket, an attendant, first service, to bear expenses, exceptional, to last, an attitude, to treat, to blame, a fault, to spread, honestly, a branch office, to respect, independent, for one’s sake, a purpose, sufficient, to suffer losses)

4. The impression which the news about the construction of a nuclear reactor made on the people in Hedleston

(to strike ... as, in the opinion, to support, to spoil, ordinary, actually, to be anxious to do smth., apart from, to stand, to keep up with)

5. Cora’s impression of the two journalists

(to be frightened, danger, to represent, perfectly, publicity, safe, to destroy, to have smth. on one’s mind, to come to the point, to stand, to blame, to be upset, a state, to be anxious, to be frightened)

XXIIl. Characterize the following persons using the words given in brackets:

1. Henry Page

(reliable, independent, honest, not sensible, to give up, for the sake of, to appreciate, a policy, to keep up with, support, to have smth. on one’s mind, to stand, at all costs, to spoil, publicity, to be defeated)

2. Moffatt

(devoted, perfect, efficient, to treat, (not) to complain, a remark, to blame, a state of affairs, owing to, to come to the point, sensible, appearance, features, to betray one’s feelings, in danger, honesty)

3. Smith

(fair, pleasant looking, a good salary, at all costs, to get one’s way, to come out, policy, to upset, to be anxious, to respect, to spoil, to succeed, to admit)

4. Sommerville

(to get things his own way, particularly, for the purpose, to represent, publicity, to defeat, personal, actually, an attitude, sufficient , support, to treat, an approach to, to stand competition, to announce, a force, in one’s power, to escape)


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X^iciv. Pick out the words from those given below to describe: a) a person’s positive emotions; b) a person’s negative emotions, niustrate tbe use of tbe words in situations, cm

to be anxious; to be disappointed; to be delighted; to be shocked; to be frightened; to be hurt; to be pleased; to be satisfied; to be eager; to be struck; to be in high spirits; to be puzzled; to be in low spirits , XXV. Retell and discuss tbe story using as many active words as possible.


It happened very simply. Gaeglers and a friend were walking along the street in a town in the West of Ireland one September morning, and the friend said he would love a drink. Gaeglers remarked that he had no money at the moment and said he was sorry for his friend. The friend was surprised to hear it as Gaeglers was always nicely dressed and was seldom without money.

It’s true Gaeglers did not do any daily work that anybody could see. He said he was an agent and often worked on commission.

They approached a small shop that had been recently opened by Bulger, where he kept vegetables, fish and fowl. Bulger was a newcomer to the town.

“Excuse me now a moment,” said Gaeglers to his friend and with an independent look entered the little shop.

Bulger examined him with curiosity and suspicion as if he had something on his mind. Gaeglers caught the eye and understood that Bulger recognized him and that the suggestion he was about to make would come as no surprise. He looked swiftly here and there and then came to the point at once.

“Like a salmon or two?” he asked and watched the thoughts on Bulger’s honest face.

Bulger did well in his business and was anxious to get salmon because that would be illegitimate salmon therefore their price would be lower and the profit bigger, Bulger thought.

“How much?” he said. “As an exception, a third of the price for the legitimates,” Gaeglers

remarked. “All right,” Bulger said. “You give me a pound note in advance,” said Gaeglers, “and you can pay

the rest on delivery.” Bulger handed over a pound. Gaeglers pocketed it and joined his friend. “Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting,

my friend. Now we’ll go and have a drink.” Bulger is still waiting for his salmon. Gaeglers paid Bulger a call every Friday and bought three or four herrings

to take home for dinner. If Gaeglers talked at aU in the busy shop he never failed to say how he appreciated honesty. He had good fun for a long time with Bulger, watching the blood mounting in the shopkeeper’s face and seeing his big fists clenching. Bulger couldn’t stand him. But Gaeglers was not interested in his personal attitude towards himself.

One Friday in December Gaeglers paid his weekly call for herrings. There was a tall man in the shop. He had three large birds hanging from each hand. He put them on the counter. Bulger went to the cashbox and took out a lot of notes. He handed them to the tall man.


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“Eighteen pounds,” said Bulger, “and not a penny more.” “Three pounds each is not much,” said the man, “I wish I could get my money as easy,” said Bulger. Tom laughed.

“Good-bye,” he said to Bulger, and was gone. Gaeglers got interested and followed him. “Could we go and have a drink,”

he asked Tom who was putting away the notes. “We could. Why not?” And they went into a pub. “I’m interested in those birds,” said Gaeglers. “I never thought that you

could sell one of those birds for that much money. How much does it cost you to get them?”

Tom laughed again. “You shoot them. They are wild geese. Do you know how much those six birds cost me?”

“How much?” “Fourpence halfpenny,” said the man. “The price of one cartridge.

I got the six of them with one shot.” “Is it difficult to shoot them?” Gaeglers asked doing his best to look

indifferent. Gaeglers added up in his mind and was struck by the results. “No,” Tom said. “You just cross a bog to a lonely mountain lake, and shoot

them there.” Gaeglers looked at Tom with respect. Tom must have been an experienced

hunter. “Tom, the next time you are going after these birds, could I join you?” Tom looked Gaeglers up and down and assured him that he’d be glad of

company. So one morning about a week later Gaeglers got off a bus in the street of a

small village. He was wearing a lightweight blue suit and thin shoes. Tom was there. Tom shook his head when he had looked Gaeglers over. “Won’t you be cold on the mountains in such clothes?” he asked. Gaeglers slapped his chest. “Not me,” he boasted. “I’ll be fit to go anywhere. Lead me to those geese.”

“АД right,” said Tom. “We’ll go after the geese.” They had covered some distance when suddenly one of Gaeglers’ feet went

into soft bog and he felt the water in his shoe. He tried to pull the shoe back and the other went down as well. Tom helped him out.

Gaeglers felt unhappy. He was sweating. His mouth was dry. All he wanted was that the trip should come to an end. He could have given it up and begged Tom to stop and rest, but pride wouldn’t let him admit that. After an hour’s walk Gaeglers was in such a state that he felt he could no longer walk. At last they reached the lake.

“The thing to do is to let the geese land. Don’tmove when youhear them coming in. I’ll go over the far side and wait for them to land.”

Gaeglers could only nod in reply, and then Tom was gone. The sun was setting when he saw geese coming in V. formation. Gaeglers

waited at first, and then he raised the gun to his shoulder and fired. He wanted to shoot twenty geese, get sixty pounds at all costs and that would be worth his state of agony. He stood up, pulled the trigger but no sound came. Meantime the geese, frightened rose from the water, their great wings spread. They were all alive. They were all healthy.


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Tom came over to him. “Too bad,” he said. “They never came near me.” Gaeglers was very much upset, he was actually crying. “All that — for nothing,” he said. “All that for nothing!”

“Maybe the next time,” Tom said trying to comfort him. They started off. Their way down the mountain was even more difficult than up to the lake. When they reached the bus stop Tom put Gaeglers into the bus. He was covered with mud from head to foot. Tom talked to him through the window, “Listen, Gaeglers. Something you should know. I’m Bulger’s brother. You shouldn’t have treated him the way you had. Wild geese are really only worth a pound each. Good night.” And then he was gone.

Gaeglers thought about it for a long time and concluded that it was a terribly expensive pound.

wild geese дикие гуси; legitimate [li'dsitimit] законный; berriog ['beriQ] селедка; a cartridge ['ka:tnd3] патрон; a beg [bog] болото


1. Why did Gaeglers give his profession as an agent? 2. What made him pay a visit to Bulger’s shop? 3. Do you think Gaeglers made the right choice coming to Bulger’s place? Why? 4. Why did Gaeglers want Tom to take him hunting? 5. Was Tom sure Gaeglers would join him? Why? 6. Why did Tom find it necessary to tell Gaeglers who he was? 7. Why did Gaeglers consider that it was a terribly expensive pound?

XXVI. Speak oo tbe following topics:

1. The profession of a journalist. 2. The press is a business.

3. The importance of the press.


XXVII. Translate the following into Russian (to be read by the teacher):

a) The goods are to be deUvered before December 30th. The final analysis is to be made at the port of destination.

b) All-charges connected with the opening and confirmation of the L/C shall be for the Buyers’ account. It is also agreed that the Sellers shall be entitled to ship the equipment in advance.

c) We must have wheat here by the 19th April at all costs. You will hare to stay another 2 days here to inspect the goods. Engineers should prepare for negotiations properly. England has to order many foodstuffs from the Continent. We must know all the particulars of this machine before we send you our order for it. You should consult your people before giving a final reply.

d) You should have packed the goods more carefully, then they would not have been spoiled during the transportation.

6 Зак. № 348 Памухина 161

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ХХУШ. ЕШ in the blanks with the verbs to be, to heme, must, should in the necessary gnunmar form. Sum up the dialogue.


Ivanov: Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please? Brown: Speaking. Ivanov: This is Ivanov of Sojuzimport. Brown: Oh, good morning, Mr. Ivanov. Anything wrong with the order? Ivanov: Yes, there has been a delay in dehveries. You ... to deliver the second lot by the 5th at the latest, it’s the 25th now, and we haven’t received them yet. You ... speed up the delivery.

Brown: I know it’s our fault, but we ... make a few small alterations in the delivery schedule. I ... let you know about it before.

Ivanov: Well, you ... do something about it now. The fact is we need the goods urgently. They simply ... reach us by the end of the month. We cannot agree to a postponement.

Brown: All right. I’ll see to the matter myself. Ivanov: Thank you, Mr. Brown, good-bye then.

XXIX. Translate into English:

1. Вам придется пойти на УСТУПКИ. 2. Когда товар должен быть в порту? 3. Вам следует еще раз просмотреть заказ. 4. Им пришлось с этим согласиться. 5. Вам следовало бы все организовать для встречи этой делегации раньше. 6. Надо немедленно отослать телегра.мму. 7. Самолет должен был приземлиться во ВНУКОВО В 19.30, а он приземлился в 20.10. 8. Вам следовало бы отнести за счет судовладельца все расходы по замене сломанных частей, так как товар был поврежден во время перегрузки. 9. Вам не придется настаивать на продлении гарантийного срока, так как эта модель во всех отношениях отвечает последним достижениям техники. 10. Нам не пришлось размещать дополнительные заказы на эти станки, так как мы удовлетворили свои потребности в машинах до конца года.

XXX. Complete the sentences using one of the given verbs in combination with to be, to have, must, should:

1. The buyers needed the equipment urgently, ... (to agr ее to, part deliveries). 2. We are pleased you agree to reduce the price, ... (of inferior quality). 3. If you want to have a good and regular flow of orders, ... (to carry out, in strict accordance). 4. As soon as the goods are ready for shipment, ... (without delay). 5. The suppliers failed to obtain suitable shipping facilities; they ... (to ask, to increase the quantity). 6. The director did not know chemistry well enough and he said ... (to have a word with an expert).

XXXI. Translate into English and dramatize these dialogues:

— Алло, это Торгпредство России ? — Да, секретарь у телефона. — Попросите, пожалуйста, г-на Петрова.


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— Подождите у телефона, пожалуйста. Я посмотрю, здесь ли он. — Хорошо. — Вы слушаете? Петрова сейчас пет. Вы хотите передать ему что-

нибудь? — Нет, спасибо. Я позвоню еще раз. — Здравствуйте. Я хотел бы видеть г-на Смирнова. — Вы с ним договорились о встрече? — Да, мы договорились встретиться в 10 часов. Вот моя визитная

карточка (card). — Пройдите сюда, пожалуйста. Вам придется подождать немного.

Смирнов освободится через 5 МИНУТ. — Итак, мы можем возобновить переговоры, г-н Грин. Каковы ваши

УСЛОВИЯ платежа? — Как обычно, по безотзывному аккредитиву, который вы должны

открыть в Лондонском Банке. — На какую СУММУ МЫ должны открыть аккредитив? — На 90% стоимости товара. Оставшаяся сумма выплачивается по

истечении гарантийного срока. — Эта цифра слишком велика. Боюсь, нам придется вернуться' к этому

вопросу позднее.

XXXII. Answer these questions using the appropriate verb of obligation. Add your reasons to justify the use of the verb you choose.

Model: Why did the firm make alterations in the design of the machine? Possible answers:

1. They did so because the order stipulated that the machines were to reflect the latest achievements in this field.

2. They bad to do so because during the preliminary test the Buyers’ inspector was not satisfied with the capacity.

3. They wanted to improve the working characteristics, but they should have obtained the Buyers’ approval first. 1. Why were the goods delayed over a month? 2. Why did the Buyers

claim a penalty form the Sellers? 3. Why did the Seilers agree to extend the guarantee period? 4. Why were the talks suspended for a time?

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L E S S O N 3 6

Grammar Revision: Complex Object Vocabulary Revision: Exhibitions

Order (Transport Clause)


by Macketi

(abridged and adapted)



Gaeglers always gave his profession as “factor”.*^ His way of earning a living was not too honest but profitable and consisted mainly in making money without working for it. He liked Tom. They had been friends since the time Tom led Gaeglers on a vain hunt for \^d geese, but Gaeglers forgave Tom the wetting he had got. Now if things became a little hot in the town he would get on a bus,* ride the few miles to the village in the mountains where Tom lived and stay there until everything was cool again. Tom and his wife were always pleased to see him. He livened things up for them, though with a certain share of boasting at times. Also he could be quite useful because he was strong and not unwilling to work hard even when there was no possibility of making any money out of it.

Gaeglers and Tom were sitting at a table in a small country pub with two pints** of beer in front of them when a man came in dragging his crooked leg behind him. He was tall and lean with powerful shoulders and he wore a greying moustache and shabby but very clean clothes. He was about fifty, Gaeglers thought.

Tom spoke to the man with the crooked leg with what Gaeglers thought was unusual friendliness. “And how are you, Bartley?” he asked.

The man looked at Tom and came over. They shook hands. “Good evening, Tom” he said, “it was a great harvest, thank God.”

* a factor зд. агент *• a pint [paint] пинта, 0,56 л.


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Tom and Bartley talked for a while about the weather, and then Bartley went back and ordered a pint and paid for it carefully and didn't look one way or the other but drank it and went out.

This wasn’t right, Gaeglers knew. There was something wrong here when a man didn’t say, “What are you drinking,” or wasn’t deeply insulted if you refused to drink with him. “What’s wrong?” he asked Tom, “Who is he?”

Tom sighed. “He’s a proud man,” he said. Apparently being proud was a very serious thing, Gaeglers thought. It

seemed to be the same as being dead. “Well, I’m a proud man,” said Gaeglers. “There’s nobody in the whole country that has more pride than I, and I’m not downhearted about it.”

“It’s not that,” said Tom. “Long ago ... Why, even when I was a kid, I remember Bartley. There used to be much fun round here years and years ago, when there was a lot of people and the young ones didn’t emigrate when they were hardly out of the shell. Bartley was a powerful man, I remember. He would win everything, I tell you — throwing the stone and vaulting the pole and running three miles and swimming in the lake, or riding a bicycle. He was a great man.”

“What happened to his leg?” Gaeglers asked. “A very simple thing,” said Tom. “He was building a wall and a big rock

fell on his leg. It was broken in several places. He wouldn’t go to a doctor. There was an old bonesetter up the road. He went to him. It never set properly. He always drags it like you see.”

“And is he down on his luck now, or what?” “He’s down,” said Tom. “And he’ll soon be out. He had a few children.

They went away. Not doing very well. The wages are low now, you know. He has one girl at home with him. She’s not young, either. Didn’t marry. He can’t work as hard as he used to, so the place is going to go one of these days. He’s behind with the ta.xes and that’s that.”

“But why can’t you have a collection or do something like that, since he deserves it,” Gaeglers asked.

“Isn’t that what I’m telling you, man?” Tom exclaimed. “He’s a proud man. There isn’t anyone in the place that would dare go near him with money in his hand. He’s a quiet sort of man, but if somebody did that he’d never get away alive from him.”

“Oh,” said Gaeglers, thinking it over, “Then I’m not a proud man. I find it hard to believe that there are actually people like that.”

“Well, there are, and he’s the flower of them,” said Tom. “And the trohble i s that he is very highly thought of here and there’s nobody that wouldn’t do anything at all to save him if he wasn’t so proud. When they are like that, there is no way out.”

^ “I see,” said Gaeglers. “I see.” And Tom who knew him fairly well by now as a most enterprising fellow looked at him suspiciously.


About a week later Gaeglers and Tom called at Bartley’s hoirse one afternoon. Bartley was mending a harness, and his daughter was sewing. They put their tasks aside to welcome the two callers and wiped off a couple


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of chairs and set the kettle to boil. There was no use protesting about it. They talked about the weather and the price of pigs, which was remarkably high, and after a while the visitors came around to the object of their call.

“We need your help,” said Gaeglers. Bartley looked at him suspiciously but Gaeglers looked so innocent, that

Bartley believed him. “Well, now,” he said, and he was pleased, “anything at all I can do for you and I will be only too pleased.”

“It’s this way,” said Gaeglers. “Even in the town where I come from, we have heard some strange tales about the great men that are produced out here, leapers and swimmers and rock throwers, and we were all in the pub the other night and they were talking about how wonderful you all were and to tell you the truth, if I were to believe® half of it, nobody could catch up with you in the whole country, and I said, well, if you are as good as you are supposed to be, let’s have a sports contest and see what you are like.”

“And then I said,” said Tom, “that no matter how young and strong they were there wasn’t one of them that could beat you, Bartley. They will regard it as an honour to take part in the same events.”

Gaeglers nodded. “So I said let’s go over and ask Bartley to take on the whole lot of you, fair and square, bicycle, stone and swim. We will have stalls. And we will also have a competition for all the young girls of the place to see who is the most beautiful.”

They had argued for a long time at the pub about how much money Bartley would need and how much he could win in the three events without his suspicions being aroused^. In order to spread the prize-money a bit, Gaeglers had thought of the beauty competitions. “Bartley has a daughter,” he had said. “The four events will be sufficient, and Bartley will have a new start in life.” “Have you ever seen Bartley’s daughter,” one of the young fellows had asked. “I don’t care what she looks like,” Gaeglers had replied. “As long as she can stand and wear a blouse she can win a beauty competition.”

Now he was conscious of Bartley's daughter behind him. Well, she has nice brown hair, anyhow, he was thinking. She was a big girl, and her teeth were all right, and she had a kindly smile, like her father. The rest of her wasn’t so good, but she was a nice girl: Gaeg'ers knew that. He was very good at knowing what people were like from the first look, because his living depended on it.

“So,” he went on hurriedly, “we would be very pleased if you would enter the contest as an honorary member. The winner will be awarded good and substantial prizes — cash prizes, because we have no time to buy medals and cups and china and things.”

“No,” said Bartley. Tom and Gaeglers held their breaths. “It’s very kind of you, but I couldn’t do it. I would wish to pay an entrance fee for the events like everyone else.”

Gaeglers felt relieved. “Well, all right,” he said grudgingly. “I’m willing to take your shilling to cover the three events.”

“Is that all?” Bartley asked. “That’s right.” said Gaeglers. “So many people have entered that the fee

can be reduced a lot. Now.” he was thinking, “we’ll have to get every


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maili in the place to enter to make up for a possible loss owing to the difference between the fees and the prize-money.” “And if your daughter would like to enter the other competition we will take sixpence from her, too,” he added.

He turned and looked at her directly. He didn’t like the clear way she looked back at him. There was a slight smile on her lips that seemed to be saying that she wouldn’t stand the humiliation. She is too shrewd, that one, he Was thinking.

“Of course she will, of course,” said Bartley, going over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. “And I’ll back her to the hilt*. There isn’t a bietter or more beautiful girl in the whole village than Julia.”

The other three were startled. He meant it. Julia looked at Gaeglers almost inquiringly. To hell with it,** she knows, he thought. He nodded.

“All right,” said Julia. “Thanks, Father, but maybe you are a bit blind.” “No girl,” said Bartley, “I’m not blind, you are a good girl. I wouldn’t give a tip of your finger for all the women in the world.”

“Gaeglers will be the judge of everything,” said Tom. “He’s had experience in things like this; and since he is a stranger amongst us, he won’t be backing anyone, so everything will be fair and square.” And he added, under his breath. “God forgive me for the lies.”

Bartley’s eyes were shining: “It’ll be a great day,” he said. “It’s made me feel young again, do you know that?”

“That's all right.” said Gaeglers. “We’ll hold it on 'Sunday next. It’ll be the biggest day in history.”

When he and Tom were outside they rubbed the sweat off their foreheads. “I never had to work so hard in all my life just to give money away,”^ said Gaeglers. “God preserve us from proud men.”

Proper Names Gaeglers ['gegbz] Bartley ['ba:tli] Julia ['d3iv1j3]

COMMENTARY 1. as factor как агент, комиссионер

j После союза as артикль перед существительным часто опускается. Например: She worked there as typist.

! 2. ... he would get cn a bus .................... он обычно садился в автобус : В утвердительном предложении глагол would употребляется для

выражения повторного действия в прошлом. Например: When I was in the country I would often go for a walk to the nearby forest.

3. if I were to believe half of it... если хотят, чтобы я поверил хотя бы половине ...

* to the hilt до конца

•* to hell with it чёрт возьми


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После союза if глагол to be с последующим инфинитивом может иметь значение глагола to want. Например: If we are to maintain our balance of payments we must increase exports. Если мы хотим удержать платежный баланс на прежнем уровне, мы должны увеличить экспорт.

4.. . .without his suspicions being aroused... не возбуждая его подозрения

being aroused —пассивная форма герундия


to earn to be behind a stall to earn a living to deserve to argue to consist in fairly argument to consist of enterprising to care vain an enterprise to care for in vain sospicionsly to take care of to forgive suspicious to be good at wet suspicion to be bad at to get wet to suspect (of) to award to ride (a horse, a bi to put aside an award

cycle; in a bus) to put up with substantial a share to put on a prize to share (a performance) a fee to boast (of) to welcome to relieve shabby welcome to make up for clothes remarkably humiliation to shake remarkable humHiating to shake widi to come from to humiliate shaky honour to back pride in honour of

wages to be honoured


earn V yv. comb, earn a good reputatict a

holiday a rest money respect, etc.

He earns a good salary. «am one’s living

Jack London began to earn his living by working as a newspaper boy. consist of V

The novel “Martin Eden” consists of 46 chapters. consist in V ,

Petrov’s work consists in studying the market situation.

зарабатывать; заслуживать

зарабатывать на жизнь

состоять из

заключаться, состоять в чем-л.


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vain adj It', comb, vain . hope

I attempt I effort, etc.

Everybody round saw that his hopes were vata. syn. useless in vain

We don’t think his work was done in vain, hunt n forgive (forgave, forgiven) v И'. comb, forgive ! a debt I a crime unkindness, etc.

Peace-loving people will never forgive fascists their crimes, wet flrfy

July of 19... was very wet in Moscow. His feet were quite wet.

get wet V In rainy weather you should take an umbrella

not to get wet. ride (rode, ridden) v

There are people who cannot ride in a bus, it makes them sick, ride a horse, a bicycle

When he was in the village he learned to ride a horse. The boy rode a bicycle to the station.


напрасный, тщетный

напрасно, тщетно

охота прощат!.

мокрый, про.мокший


ехать (на транспорте)

ехать верхом на лошади, на велосипеде

She has been riding a bicycle since she was five. (прямое дополнение)

Она катается на велосипеде с пяти лет. (предложное дополнение)

cool adj liven up ['laivn] v share n

Jack’s share in this successful work is great. What is the share of Iran in the world oil

market ? share v

w. comb, share I an opinion a point of view joy

I sorrow, etc. Real friends share not only joy but sorrow as well.

w. comb, share a room a book a compartment money food, etc.

The hotel was packed full and I had to share a room with another person.

прохладный оживлять доля, уделы1ый вес


2. пользоваться сообща, де- лить(ся)


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boast г He boasts that he is the best chess-player in the town. prp. boast of (about) I’ve never heard my daughter boast of her

success in music, pub (public house) n drag V croaked [Taukid] adj lean [Ibn] adJ mousteche [mas'taj] n shabby adj

He had a pair of shabby gloves on. clothes ['kloudz] n

His clothes were completely spoilt.


закусочная, пивная волочить кривой худощавый усы потертый, потрепанный, запущенный, обносившийся

одежда (употребляется только во .мн. числе)

She had а lovely dress on last night, dress

— дамское платье


Qaeglers went hunting in the clothes unfit

for the occasion, clothes - одежда


shake (shook, shaken) v The mother told the child to shake the tablecloth and then spread it on the table.

The girl was so frightened, she was shaking from head to foot. prp. shake with

comb, shake with ! cold fear anger excitement fright, etc.

She was shaking with cold in her light dress.

They were shaken by the news, shaky adj

w. comb, shaky case table character knowledge, etc.

The table is shaky, don’t put anything heavy on it.

harvest n insult [m'sAlt] V sigh у apparently [o'pasrantii] adv pride n

His pride would not allow liini lo accept any money.

downhearted [’daun'hoctid] adj shell n

1. трястп(сь), пстрях;:вать

2. дрожать

3. потрясап.

maTKiiii, •1с:1а.тежный; co.>\ni! тельны:';

урожаи оскорблять вздыхать очевидно, вероятно п'рдость

расстроенный, огорченный скорлупа


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vault with a pole rock n bonesetter n wages ['weidsizl n

The workers at plants get their wages weekly.

------------------------------------------------ Note; —

прыгать c шестом камень костоправ зарплата рабочего (обычно употребляется во мн. числе)

Wages of miners are very high.

A hotel clerk’s salary is is not high.

Зарплата wages платится рабочим, слугам.

Зарплата salary платится служащим.

be behind v The boy missed many lessons and now he is bdiind the others in his form.

запаздывать, отставать от


Judging by your monthly test you are Судя no вашей контрольной panel behind the others any more. боте, вы уже не отстаете от

других. (прямое дополнение) (предложное дополнение)

be behind in (with) The lodger was behind in his rent. See that you are not behind in (with) your work,

alive adj fairly [Teoli] adx This work is done fairly well. syn. rather

отставать в чем-л. (с чем-л.)

живой довольно

This book is rather difficult. (so perhaps you’d better take an easier one)

This book is fairly easy. (so perhaps it’s suitable) This hat is rather expensive. (so please show me some cheaper ones) This hat is fairly cheap. (so perhaps I’ll buy it)

rather имеет несколько отрицатешный оттенок.

fairly имеет положительный оттенок.

deserve [di'za^v] v Не is а very devoted friend and deserves a better attitude to himself.



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«nterprising ['entspraiziq] adj

Eaterprising people will always find a way out. enterprise ['entspraiz] n

A lot of Moscow enterprises work below capacity.

sBspidoosly [sos'pijasli] adv “There’s something you are keeping from me,” the mother said looking at the boy suspiciously, suspicious adj

w. comb, suspicious smile look action words, etc. His actions seemed suqiicions to me.

предприимчивый, инициативный


подозрительно, с подозрением

подозрительный, вызывающий подозрения


подозрительный взгляд подозрительный человек

а suspicious look а suspicious-looking person

saspidon n

His actions aroused my snspidons. suspect V I didn’t suspect that be is such an independent youth. prp. suspect smb. of smth. “You are suspecting me of all possible crimes,” I

said laughingly, mend V harness n sew [sou] V put aside v

He put aside his work as he felt very tired.

He put aside the money he had won in a lottery, put up with V

It was hard for Peter to put up with his failure in the swimming contest, put on V

Every season *the Sovremennik theatre puts on one or two new performances, welcome v

Everybody warmly welcomed the war veteran,

welcome n w. comb, warm wdcome hearty good, etc. The visitors receive a тегу warm welcome at the factory.



подозревать кого-л. в чем-л.

чинить упряжь, сбруя шить 1. откладывать в сторону

2. откладывать (деньги)

терпеть, мириться (с чем-л., кем-л.)

ставить ( на сцене )

приветствоват1>, радушно принимать

радушный прие.м


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remarkable adj w. comb, remarkable book

face appearance discovery, etc.

Gagarin’s flight was a remarkable event, remarkably adv

Natasha Rostova looked remarkably pretty at her first ball, wipe off V kettle n boil V come from v

Andrei Bolkonski came from a very good family. The mistakes you make come from your

carelessness, tale n leaper ['Itpo] n honour ['эпэ] Л

It was a matter of honour for him to defend his newspaper. It’s an honour for me to be invited to this party, in

honour of A meeting was held in honour of the great

anniversary, be honoured by We were much honoured by your company, square

[skweo] adj stall n



замечательно, удивительно

стирать, вытирать чайник кипеть быть родом из, происходить из, поступать откуда-то

зд. история прыгун честь, репутация, почести

в честь

IV. comb, book flower vegetable, etc.

There are a lot of flower stalls near metro sta- tions in Moscow, argue ['o:gju:] v

1 am arguing with you so as 1 don’t see your point. prp. argue about (over) smth. They argued with each other about the best

place for a holiday, argument (for, against) n

You should find better arguments to prove your point of view. w. comb, strong argument

week good poor, etc.

His report on abstract art caused hot argu- ments, onre V

I don’t care how you’ll do it as long as the work is done.

быть удостоенным

прямой, честный киоск, ларек

обсуждать, спорить

спорить относительно чего-л.

довод, аргумент (в пользу, против чего-л.)

испытывать (проявлять) интерес (обычно в вопросит, и отрицат. предложениях)


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. Note the translation:.

I don’t care He важно Мне все равно Меня не интересует Оо уоа саге Вам интересно Вам не все равно

how long we shall stay here, who will be on duty to-day. when this article will come out.

when we shall go to the country? who will take part in the performance? if I shall be a bit late?

care for v A lot of our students care for music. Do you care for football? take care of w. comb, take good (great) care of When the mother was away the sister took care of her younger brother, be conscious of be good


She is fairly good at describing nature. He is very good at volleyball, he will be transferred

to the school united team soon, be bad at

She is very bad at speaking in public, honorary adj award [o'wod] v

He was awarded the gold medal.

любить, интересоваться

заботиться (о чем-л. или ком-л.) постоянно следить, заботиться

пони.чать, сознавать уметь хорошо делать что-л., быть способным к чему-л.

не уметь делать что-л., быть мало способным к чему-л.

почетный награждать


Many soldiers were awarded orders,

(прямое дополнение)

Многих солдат награждали орденами. (косвенное дополнение)

award [O'WOHI] п Не deserved the award he got.

substantial [sAb'stsenl'sl] adj

u>. comb, substantial meal


значительный, большой (по объему)

sum difference income contribution

i wages, etc. I always take a substantial meal for breakfast.


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. Compare: .

There is a substantial difference between a publishing house and an editorial office.

substantial: large You’ll have to cover a considerable distance before you get to the station.

considerable: not small

Существует большая разница между издател1>ством и редакцией.

(по значимости, по важности) Вам придется пройти немалое расстояние до того, как вы дойдете до станции.

prize п (К. comb, award ' а prize win

get, etc. He won the first prize in the contest,

china n fee n

w. comb, a doctor’s fee a private teacher’s a tvriter’s a lawyer’s, etc.

The doctor’s fee was high.

И’. comb, membership I fee trade union | entrance ,

He did not pay an entrance fee as he had a guest ticket, relieve v

He was relieved to hear that the operation had gone off well. When the examination was over she felt relieved.

gindgingiy ['grAdsiqli] adv make op for v

w. comb, make up for &e lost time the spent money the missed opportunities lack of smth.

“I’ll give you a lesson now to make up for the one missed last week,’’ said the teacher, humiliation [hju:,raili'eijn] n There is some difference between insult and humiliation, bnmiUating [hju:,miireitiq] eif; w. comb, humiliating I position conditions ! proposal, etc.

The position of women in some eastern countries is humiliating, humiliate [hju:'milieitl v The chief spoke to young specialists trying not to humiliate them.

приз, награда

фарфор, фарфоровые издел.чя 1. гонорар, вознаграждение, плата

2. взнос (вступительный)

облегчать (часто употребляется в пассивной конструкции)

неохотно восполнять, компенсирован.




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shrewd [[ru;d] ad] back V

H>. comb, back I a persoa I a plaa I an idea, etc.

The strikers were backed by all the workers of the town, startle V blind wij tip n rub V sweat [swet] n forehead [Torid] n preserve v

проницательный поддерживать (разг.}форма)

испугать слепой кончик тереть пот лоб сохранить


I. Read the story in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises givea below.

PAR 'T :

a. Paraphrase the following:

1. ... a Tain hunt for wild geese ... 2. ... he would get on a bus ... 3. ... though with a share of boasting at times. 4. ... he was not unwilling to work hard ... 5. He wore shabby clothes. 6. Tom spoke to the man with what Gaeglers thought was unusual friendliness. 7. Apparently being proud was a very serious thing. 8. I’m not downhearted about it. 9. He wouldn’t go to a doctor. 10. Not doing very well. 11. There isn’t anyone in the place that would dare go near him with money in his hand. 12. And the trouble is that he’s very highly thought of here. 13. ... and there’s nobody that wouldn’t do anything at all to save him. 14. ... who knew him fairly well. 15. ... a most enterprising fellow.

b. Give your interpretation of the following;

1. Gaeglers always gave his profession as “factor”. His way of earning a living was not too honest but profitable and consisted mainly in making money without working for it. 2. If things became a little hot in the town ... 3. ... until everything was cool again. 4. He livened things up for them ... 5. Bartley paid for it (the pint) carefully ... 6. ... when ... the young ones did not emigrate when they were hardly out of the shell. 7. And is he down on his luck now, or what? He’s down. And he’ll soon be out. 8. ... so the place is going to go one of these days. 9. He’s behind with his taxes and that’s that. 10. ... and he is the flower of them. 11. “I see,” said Gaeglers. “I see.” And Tom who knew him fairly well by now ... looked at him suspiciously.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the foUowiag:

1. to earn one’s living. 2. Gaeglers forgave Tom the wetting he had got. 3. This wasn’t right, Gaeglers knew. 4. What’s wrong? 5. It’s not that. 6. There used to be much fun round here. 7. It (the leg) never set properly.


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8. Not doing very well. 9. And that’s that. 10. There is no way out. 11. fairly well.

P A R T a. Paraphrase the followiag:

1. There was no use protesting about it. 2. ... after a while the visitors came around to the object of their call. 3. ... if I were to believe half of it, nobody could catch up with you. 4. ... if you are as good as you are supposed to be ... 5. ... and Bartley will have a new start in life. 6.1 don’t care what she looks like. 7. Now he was conscious of Bartley’s daughter behind him. 8. Tom and Gaeglers held their breaths. 9. He turned and looked at her directly. 10. She is too shrewd. 11. And I’ll back her ... 12. The other three were startled. 13. Julia looked at Gaeglers almost inquiringly. 14.1 wouldn’t give a tip of your finger for all the women in the world.

b. Give your interpretation of the foliowing:

1. They will regard it as an honour to take part in the same events. 2. ... let’s ask Bartley to take on the whole lot of you, fair and square, bicycle, stone and swim. 3. As long as she can stand and wear a blouse she can win a beauty competition. 4. He was good at knowing what people were like from the first look, because his living depended on it. 5. Gaeglers felt relieved. 6. I’m willing to take your shilling to cover the three events. 7. Now, we’ll have to get every man in the place to enter to make up for a possible loss owing to the difference between the fees and the prize-money; 8. He did not like the clear way she looked back at him. 9. There was a slight smile on her lips that seemed to be saying that she wouldn’t stand the humiliation. 10.1 never had to work so hard in all my life just to give money away. 11. God preserve us from proud men.

c. Give Russian equivalents to tbe fallowing;

1. The price of pigs was remarkably high. 2. It’s this way. 3. We were in the pub the other night. 4. Let’s see what you are like. 5. No matter how young and strong they were ... 6. They will regard it as an honour. 7. Tom and Gaeglers held their breaths. 8. ... to take your shilling to cover the 3 events. 9. ... everything will be fair and square ... 10. ... under his breath ...

П. Sum up the following episodes;

1. The conversation between Tom and Gaeglers at the pub. 2. Gaeglers’ plan to help Bartley.

Ш. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences and phrases and give situations in which they are used in the text:

1. Вре.ченами ... 2. Смотреть по сторонам ... 3. Поверь мне ... 4. А я тебе что говорю? 5. Ясно, понятно. 6. Бесполезно было протестовать. 7. Дело обстоит так. 8. Честно говоря ... 9. Начать НОВУЮ

жизнь ... 10. Мне б^различно (мне все равно) как она выглядит. И. Очень любезно с вашей стороны. 12. Возможно, ты несколько перео1^ниваешь вещи.


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IV. Activise these words:

to share, a share

a. Answer these qaestions:

1. When do you have to share a book with your fellow-student? 2. Do you teach your children to share toys with their friends? Why? 3. In what cases do you share a person’s point of view?

b. Paraphrase:

1. Accommodation was hard to get so I had to live in the same room with one of my colleagues. 2. A friend indeed would not leave you alone in trouble. 3. If you were of the same opinion you should have said so. 4. Since you are also responsible for the damage you should bear part of the expenses. 5. What is my amount of work in this business?

to shake, to simke with, shaky

a. Complete these sentences:

1. Come over and get warm, ... (to shake with cold). 2. The story was so extraordinary, ... (to be shaken). 3. There’s dust all over your coat, ... (to siiake again). 4. You should spend another few days on tMs subject ... (knowledge, shaky).

b. Translate into English:

1. Новость потрясла его. 2. Вы должны обращать больше внимания на сына, у него неустойчивый характер. 3. Встряхни ШЛЯПУ, она вся в снегу. 4. Он дрожал от испУга, когда я увидела его.

to be behind

а. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. I am sorry to say, you are not keeping up with the times in this matter. 2. “If you do not pay your rent in time you’ll be thrown out,” said the landlady. 3. You should use every hour now, you are very late already.

h. Translate into English:

1. Она много занимается сейчас, так как отстала от группы из- за болезни. 2. Когда вы сдадите свои чертежи? Вы отстаете от других студентов. 3. Поторопитесь, вы отстаете с подготовкой доклада.

^ to put aside, to put up with, to put on

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what case do you put aside the work you are doing? 2. What would you do to buy an appartment (a TV set, a car, nice clothes, etc.)? 3. Why couldn’t your teacher put up with your poor work easily? 4. What theatres have put on interesting performances lately?


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b. Insert the correct adverb:

1. It was announced the other day that a new performance would be put ... at this theatre. 2. Don’t put ... the message, you may forget to pass it on. 3.1 can’t p u t . . . with this state of affairs. 4. Old Mr. Moruer did so well in the watch business that he was able to p u t . . . some money for a rainy day.

to be good at, to be bad at

a. ivfake np sentences in accordance with the models, using the wordsjgiven in brackets.

M o d e l s : He is very good at mathematics. I am very bad at discussing such subjects.

(to ride a bicycle, to argue, to make reports, to make arrangements, languages, music, skating, politics)

b. Paraphrase these sentences;

1. She can make children’s clothes very well. 2. He draws very badly. 3. She can teach languages very well. 4.1 am a poor story-teller. 5. My sister can play games very well. 6. He can’t learn Arabic. 7. She can’t bring up children.

to award, an award \

a. Answer these questions:

1. What are people awarded orders (medals, prizes) for? 2. Have any Russian scientists (writers, public figures) been awarded the Nobel prize for the last few years?

b. Translate into English:

1. Его наградили орденом. 2. Он гордится наградой. 3. Ее только что наградили медалью. 4. ЕМУ дали первую премию. 5. Я уверена, что ему дадут орден за эту работу. 6. В 1966 году советским физикам Басову и Прохорову присудили Нобелевскую премию. 7. Многие города во время войны награждены орденами.

to соте from a. Answer these questions:

1. What city (town) do you come from? 2. Does your friend come from a doctor’s (teacher’s, musician’s) family? 3. What novel does lesson 35 come from? 4. Wiat do your mistakes often come from?

b. Translate into English:

1. OH родом из се.мьи известного врача. 2. Интересно, откуда этот отрывок. 3. Из какого фильма эта песня? 4. Ваши ошибки — результат (исходят из) неправильного подхода к вопросу. 5. Это предложение поступило от филиала фирмы.


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to caret to care for, to take care of

a. Make up sentences from the words given in the table:

I don’t care Do you care

if whether when how where who

to share one’s opinion to resume the work to bring up the point to keep smb. waiting to take over the job to feel upset

b. Answer these questions:

1. What do your children care for most? 2. Would you like your children to care for music (languages, sports)? Why? 3. What kind of books (music, songs, fflms) do you care for most? 4. Who takes care of your family when you are away on holiday or business? 5. What does the Ministry of Health take care afl

c. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. The editor admitted that the matter was urgent and added that he would attend to it himself 2. Would you like to know who is found fit for the work? 3.“Is it all the same to you how much your son earns?” 4. “My wife sees to it that my money is spent properly,” said John laughingly. 5. “I am very sorry that my son doesn’t like sports.”

d. Translate into English:

1. Мне все равно, когда у него будет ОТПУСК. Вопрос не срочный. 2. Нам все равно, где состоится собрание. 3. ЕМУ все равно, в какой район Москвы будет переведен их ИНСТИТУТ. 4. Вас интересует (волнует), кто отвечает за эту работу? 5. Вам НУЖНО заботиться о его здоровье, он очень ослаб после болезни. 6. Мне не нравится бокс. 7. Почему вы не позаботились о нем?

to relieve

a. Маке up sentences from the words given in the table.

M o d e l : He will be relieved to hear that you have taken over the Job.

I was to hear to do well at last (am, shall be) to see to change one’s attitude to relieved to know to give up the idea

to learn to forgive to restore one’s health not to complain any

longer to become independent to be fit for the job

b. Translate into English:

1. Я c облегчением узнала, что он наконец признал свои ошибки. 2. Она с облегчением увидела, что сын поправляется после опе


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рации. 3. Он будет рад узнать, что молодой специалист хорошо справляется с работой. 4. Мы с облегчением узнали, что этот случай был исключением.

to таке up for

а. Translate into Russian:

1. If we give him £ 10, that will make up for his loss. 2. She has been out of practice but she will certainly make up for the missed time and take the first place. 3. He made up for the lack of talent by hard work. 4. You haven’t been working properly and will have to make up for the lost time.

h. Complete these sentences:

1. Every month he has been putting aside S 100 ... (to make up for). 2. You’ll have to speed up the matter ... (to make up for). 3. The patient’s heart was week ... (to make up for). 4. She has not gone to the theatre for a year. Now she goes there almost every other day ... (to make up for).

c. Translate into English:

1. Чем можно компенсировать слабую деятельность сердца? 2. Страховая компания возместила убытки, причиненные пожаром. -3. Директор не знает, каким образом он сможет пополнить недостаток в рабочей силе в ближайшее время.

V. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. What does your work consist in? 2. Do you have to share your duties with another person? 3. What is your share of work? 4. Are you proud of what you do?

1. What do you do when your child gets wet? 2. Why should you make him (her) change his (her) clothes at once? 3. What would you do if he (she) came home shaking with cold? 4. Would you put up with such thirigs if they happened often ?

1. Do you ever happen to be behind with your office work? 2. What do you do if people offer you help? Do you welcome it? 3. In what case can your chief suspect that your attitude to work is not proper? 4. When could he put up with the situation as an exception?

1. Do you care for sports? 2. What kind of sports are you particularly good at? 3. Have you ever taken part in sports contest? In what or-whose honour was it held? 4. What prizes were the winners awarded?

1. Do you often involve yourself in an argument? 2. Would you consider it humiliating for yourself? In what case? 3. When would you back your friend in an argument? 4. What kind of things do you find worth arguing about?

VI. Gire English equivalents to the following combinations:

1. подозрительная внешность; 2. прощать хвастовство; 3. неубедительный (шаткий) аргумент; 4. заслужить награду; 5. подозревать кого-л. в хвастовстве; 6. примириться со значительными поте


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рями; 7. уметь хорошо кататься на велосипеде; 8. уметь аргументировать свою ТОЧКУ зрения; 9. существенная доля в работе; 10. промокшая одежда; 11. любить красивую одежду; 12. наверстать упущенное время; 13. отставать в платежах; 14. исключительно высокая зарплата; 15. довольно высокий гонорар.

УП. Give all possible combinations of:

a. the following verbs with nouns:

to earn to put aside to forgive to care for to share to put up with to shake with to back to be behind to make up for

fives with nouns:

vain humihating shaky substantial remarkable suspicious

1 with adjectives: welcome fee stalls clothes


УШ. Fill In the blanks with prepositions:

1. Australia’s exports consist mainly ... meat, grain, and wool. 2. Helen must be good ... playing tennis, she always boasts ... her wonderful results ... this sport. 3. She felt most unhappy, as all her efforts to get a ticket ... the performance were .. . vain. 4. The boy’s work seemed to consist ... delivering the morning mail only. 5. He will have to put ... money ... summer holiday as he must take care ... his health after the illness. 6. You seem to care ... ballet, you should see the new performances, which the Bolshoy Theatre has put ... lately. 7. I’ll do my best to make ............. the lost time and prove ... you that you have no reason to suspect me ... careless attitude ... my work. 8. If I were you I wouldn’t put ........... such results. 9. You must be bad ... mathematics since you are always behind the others ... calculations. Not only are you behind ... them, they are not exact ... most cases either. 10. David Copperiield always shook ... fear when he saw his stepfather (отчим) coming. 11. Two friends had been arguing ... the awards the USSR teams would get at Olympic games in Mexico and neither shared the other’s opinion.

IX. РШ in tiie blanks with articles or possessive pronouns:

... oriental king was having ... talk with ... English doctor about ... system of pay to ... English doctors. ... doctor told ... king that English doctors got either ... fees for ... visits or weekly pay for ... work on ... staff. This was regular no matter what ... state of ... patient was. ... king looked at him with :.. smile.


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“No wonder there are so many sick people in ... country,” he remarked. “I wouldn’t put up with ... system like this. ... approach to ... matter is different. Here I have four doctors who take care o f . . . health. Each of them gets ... substantial salary as long as I am all right. But ... moment I fall ill ... payment is stopped and suspended till I get well again.”

X. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Clothes do not always make the man. 2. The son is the father’s pride. 3. A long line of shabby carriages drove noisily along. 4. He took a special pride in being independent. 5. I refuse to put up with his carelessness any longer. 6. They’ve put the matter aside till the Board meets. 7. It’s six o’clock. We are behind. 8. Welcome home again, John. 9. The father welcomed the boy with a parent’s love. 10. You see you are just arguing against your own principles. 11. You don’t seem to care much, but what I say is true. 12.1 don’t care for that colour. 13. “The case is very shaky,” said the lawyer. 14. He found himself in a humiliating position and tried to restore self- respect. 15. What do you care for but money? 16. Clyde felt relieved when he learned that his parents were no longer in a difficult position financially. 17. That’s all right, man. My money will take care of itself. 18. He has got what he has deserved. 19. Ruth’s brothers were awfully good at the subject which Martin was ignorant of — mathematics. 20. This was not an affair of love, or hate, but of honour.

XI. Paraphrase the sentences using the active words:

1. It was difficult for Andrew Manson to get enough money to live on when he started work in a little town. 2. Nye actually told Henry Page that all attempts to preserve his newspaper would be useless. 3. The lawyer was offered a considerable amount of money for the case but he wouldn’t take it up as he regarded it as unfair. 4. The woman was glad to hear that her daughter was admitted to the music .school. 5. When I went out for the first time after a long illness 1 had a feeling that my legs could hardly support me. 6. They are very hospitable people and will meet you heartily no matter what time you may turn up. 7. Not only did the lady’s hat look old fashioned, it looked as if the lady had been wearing it for years. 8. The more you find fault with your grown-up children in their friends’ presence and offend them very much the less you are respected. 9. He never feels at a loss. 10. He is the kind of person who does not pay attention to other people’s opinions of him. 11. I don’t like travelling in the same cabin with another person wlien I have to go a long distance. 12. She can do very well in mathematics but the trouble is she doesn’t like the subject. 13. It’s no use regretting what you haven’t done, the best thing is to try and compensate for the missed opportunities.

XII. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. There is something wrong with this machine. Will you ... it that it’s put right? (to see to, to take care of). 2. There is a special organization in our country ... the children who have no parents (to see to, to take care of). 3. A man's life ... working for the good of society (to consist of, to consist


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in). 4. The cosmonauts’ meals in flight ... the food chosen for its high value and light weight (to consist of, to consist in). 5. If doctors work at a state institution they get ... and if they do private practice they get ... charged for a visit (fee, wages, salary). 6. Mr. White is a worker of a textile factory. His ... are £ 20 a week. Their daughter, a school teacher, gets her ... once a month (fee, wages, salary). 7. The buses are ... crowded as if it were the rush hour (fairly, rather). 8. Would you like to ride in a trolley-bus, they seem ... empty, (fairly, rather). 9. It is being planned to make though not too big but still ... alterations in our enterprise (substantial, considerable) this year. 10. The head teacher was not trying to find fault with you. He made ... remarks on your work and showed where they had come from (substantial, considerable). 11. I saw them ... their bicycles along the path towards the forest (to drive, to ride). 12. I never get frightened when his father ... a car, he is so careful a driver (to drive, to ride).

XlU. Supply dM correct fwm of the verbs and retell the story,


Once the Crowns (to lose) all their savings and (to be forced) to move from New York to a small provincial town of Chesterfield. The family (to consist) of a father, a mother, and three boys, all of them schoolboys. In that new town the boys (to have) no friends to play with and (not to know) how to amuse themselves. Their mother who once (to be) a very enterprising woman now (to be anxious) to think of something interesting the boys (to care) for. Luckily the local T.V. (to announce) a contest. The task (to be) to make as many words and word combinations as possible out of the name GOODYEAR FIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. There were several prizes to be received by the winners. Mr. Crown (not to welcome) the idea. He (to say) that no one ever even (to make up for) the money spent on his postage in such contests. But Mrs. Crown (to be) hard to convince and the next morning she together with her sons (to get down) to making their individual lists of words. While working with the dictionary Charles, that was the name of the youngest boy, (to dream) of winning chrome-plated model of a dirigible which (to be) also one of the prizes. “You (to have to) work hard if you (not to want) to be behind, (not to forget) there will be people from all over the country trying to win just like you (to be).”

Half of the time before the final day of the contest already (to pass). The boys and especially Charles were tired and they (to give up) all this long ago if the mother (to put up with) it, but she wouldn’t leave them in peace for a single evening.

They (to work) at the lists of words till the last week of January and (can) not do any more. This time the mother (not to argue) about it and (to tell) them to put the lists aside till tomorrow. The next day all the lists (to be posted).

And then the time of waiting (to come). Every morning the boys (to wake up) hoping to learn the pleasant news. And at last to everybody’s great disappointment they (to learn) that they (to win) nothing, they (to fail) to win even the dirigible, the cheapest prize in the contest. Charles’ eyes


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{to fill) with tears. He (not to ride) a bicycle for all this time, he (to work) hard. But why? Now he (to see) he (to do) it in vain. “I (not to think) I (to have) so poor a list,” he (to remark). “Surely, not,” said Mr. Crown. And one day when the chdldren (to be gone) the parents (to put) a model of the dirigible on Charles’ table. It (to be) a very shiny model though somewhat smaller that Charles (to imagine).

“What it (to mean)? One of us (to be awarded) after all?” asked Charles when he (to come) home from school.

“We exactly (not to win). Your father and I (to suspect) that some mistake probably (to occur). Your lists (to be) fairly good and you (to deserve) a prize,” she said. Charles (to think) over his mother’s words and (to decide) that after all he really (to deserve) an award for his hard work and he might be as proud of the dirigible as if he (to win) it in the contest.

(Abridged and adapted from “The Prize” by K. V. Gassill) Qaestions:

1. Why was Mr. Crown against this contest and why did Mrs. Crown insist her children should take part in it? 2. Why did Mrs. Crown think taking part in the contest was good for the boy’s education? 3. Why did the boys fail to win anything? For which of the boys was this failure the greatest disappointment and why? 4. Can you justify the mother’s behavioiu: and her determination to make her children work so hard to win a prize? 5. Would the boys themselves have agreed to take part in the contest they had known that their work would be in vain? 6. Why did the parents decide ito buy a dirigible for their youngest son? What do you think of their decision?

XIV. Make up sitnations using the following sent«ices;

1. If I were you I wouldn’t boast of such results. 2. They are behind in payments. 3. The party was arranged in his hononr, to be exact. 4. I don’t care about it either. 5. He certainly backed his friend. 6. In what way are you going to make up for the losses? 7. They both were hard working people, but neither of them was enterprising.

XV. Make np sitoatioiis using the following words and word combinations:

1. Fishing

to care for to boast of trout* in vain to get wet clothes to shake with cold to be bad at

2. Seeing a Doctor

to fall ill to suspect a private doctor a fee to feel relieved to take care of careful treatment to consist in

trout форель


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3. Meeting of War Veterans

4. A Hot Argument

a war veteran to welcome to come from in honour of to award to be proud of a share to deserve

to argue to back contradictory to share one’s opinion to be good at to care to put up with

XVI. Translate into English:

1. Этот студент получил первую премию на концерте, состоявшемся в нашем институте в честь делегации американских студентов. 2. Если бы вы поддержали нас две недели ТОМУ назад, мы смогли бы закончить работу вовремя. Сейчас уже трудно наверстать упущенное время. 3. У этого мальчика большие способности к спорту, но у него неустойчивый характер. Вы должны заставить его тренироваться регулярно. 4. Я знаю этого человека как прекрасного специалиста и с облегчением узнала, что вы наконец изменили .мнение о нем. Мне кажется, что вы слишком часто подозреваете людей в неправильном отношении к делу. 5. «Сыграть ЭТУ роль — особая честь для меня», — сказал молодой актер режиссеру. 6. Ес.чи ты промок, старайся быстрее переодеться. 7. Случай был очень тяжелый. Врач понимал, что надежды его были тщетны, хотя он делал все воз.можное, чтобы облегчить страдания (sufferings) больного. 8. Секретарь затруднялась сказать в нескольких словах, в чёл1 состояла ее работа. 9. Он хвастался тем, что прекрасно знал гео- .метрию, а на самом деле он забыл простейшие вещи. 10. Простите меня, но ему нужна существенная по.мощь. 11. У вас очень нетвердые знания по литературе. Вам следует читать больше, чтобы не отставать от других студентов. 12. Они уже два часа спорят по поводу фильлщ «Журналист», так как фильм вызывает противоречивые мнения. 13. Если бы я был на твоем месте, я отложил бы КНИГУ и прогулялся бы. Тебе это пойдет на ПОЛЬЗУ. 14. Он очень любит стихи молодых ПОЭТОВ, В вашем книжнолг киоске можно КУПИТЬ их книги? 15. Его обувь никогда не выглядит запущенной, так как он постоянно следит за ней. 16. Зарплата рабочего зависит от сложности работы, которую он выполняет. 17. Группа итальянской фирмы тепло приветствовала российских пред ставителей и ознакомила их с последними марками своих автомобилей. 18. Плохая работа станка — результат (происходят от) вашего небрежного обращения с ним. 19. Эти документы поступили от фирмы Хадсон, выпускающей модели В-10. 20. Генри Пейдж не мог примириться с мыслью о том, что ему придется отказаться от газеты, которой он посвятил всю свою жизнь. 21. Телефонный звонок Соммервиля вызвал подозрения У МИСС Мофат, так как она знала, что представляет собой этот человек и его газета.


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XVII. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. What made Gaeglers give his profession as “factor”? 2. Why did Tom and Gaeglers become friends after the vain hunt and the wetting? 3. Why did Gaeglers liven things up for Tom and his wife? How did they take his boasting? 4. How can you explain Bartley’s remark about a good harvest as an answer to Tom’s greeting? 5. Why did being proud seem to Gaeglers the same thing as being dead? 6. Why did Bartley refuse to see a doctor when he broke his leg? 7. What made Gaeglers think he was not a proud man at all? 8. Why did Tom look at Gaeglers suspiciously at the end of the talk? 9. Why did Gaeglers say he needed Bartley’s help when he started the talk about the contest? 10. \^y did Bartley look at Gaeglers suspiciously? 11. Why did Gaeglers decide to involve Tom in his plan ? 12. Why did Gaeglers’ living depend on his quick and correct judgement about people? 13. Did Gaeglers tell Bartley the truth about cash prizes? 14. Why didn’t Gaeglers like the way Julia looked back at him? 15. What do you think of Bartley’s opinion about his daughter? 16. Why did Julia agree to take part in the beauty contest? 17. Did Gaeglers feel relieved after his visit to Bartley? Was he in high spirits?

XVin. Make up statements on the text followed jby questions in accordance with the Model <See Lesson 31).

.XIX. Give extended descrptions of the following. Use the words given in brackets.

1» Gaeglers’ friendship with Tom (to earn one’s living, to consist in, to suspect, to ride in a bus, remarkable,

to welcome, to boast, to be good at, to care for, an^approach, attitude, to admit, independence, to respect)

2. Bartley as a young mao (powerful, to be good at, prize, to earn one's living, to earn, tOjput up with,

proud, suspiciously, to welcome, to suspect, honest, to stand, humiliation, to take care of, to come from, to do well)

3. The winner will be awarded cash-prizes ' to care for. to argue, suspicious, careful, in his honour, to put aside, to

welcome, suspiciously, to be good at, fee, to award, prize, to^deserve. apart from, to succeed)

4. Gaeglers’ life in town (to earn, to care, clothes, power, to boast of, share, to be behind, shaky,

pride, to forgive, in vain, enterprising, upset, to succeed)

5. Julia’s future (to come from, clothes, consist of, vain, to be awarded, substantial, prize,

suspicion, to reheve, to make up for, to back, care, owing to, to spoil, to treat, honestly, wages)


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XX. CharactertEe the followieg persons using the words given in brackets:

Gaeglers (to come from, to consist in, to earn a living, to forgive, to be good at, for the sake of, to put up with, enterprising, to humiliate, to find fault with, to boast of, to arrange stalls, to profit by) Bartley (proud, power, to ride a bicycle, to put aside, to be behind with taxes, not to do well, independent, apart from, to be good at, to respect)

(ordinary, to do well, to share, to be unable to think of, to argue, to support, to bring up a point, to be anxious to help) (to be anxious about, to take care of, clever, ordinary, appearance, independent, to welcome, no matter how hard, attitude, to respect)



XXI. Read aad discuss text B.


On the day of the contest the sun shone brightly. The field, which belonged to Bartley, was very gay with flowers, and bicycles glmting in the light, and there were a few stalls selling fruit and soft drinks and souvenirs. These were operated by Gaeglers’ friends from the town, and they were naturally willing to pay him a little commission for arranging the event and informing them in time about it, so they could get to the field first. Gaeglers explained to Tom that although he was doing all these things for love of humanity and Bartley, still he had to live, and his share of the stalls was legitimate profit. Tom understood this and remarked cheerfully that Gaeglers would make money out of his mother’s funeral.

All the young men were threatened in advance by Gaeglers. They could try to win in the other events, but they must be very careful and try not to beat Bartley in the stone, the bike, or the lake as he would never put up with it. And they would be in for a poor time, he said. They all promised to remember the arrangement, but Gaeglers had his doubts because they were all healthy and excitable young men and might forget their promises in the heat of the contests.

They did. They tried hard to win, feeling it would be humiliating to be beaten by an old man. But Bartley was in great condition apart from his leg, and when he took off his shirt and held the heavy stone at shoulder height you could see his strong muscles under his pale skin and when he had the last throw, Gaeglers was horrified to seethe distance it went. There were cheers from all over the place. Bartley said that it was just practice — that he had thrown the stone so often it was second nature to him.

It’s hard to ride a bike on grass. Gaeglers put Bartley about two hundred . yards ahead of the field. Bartley politely wheeled his bike back again to the starting line. Everyone was smiling. It was a two-mile ride, ten times round the big uneven field. Bartley fell behind and then started catching up. Then he and a powerful young man were ahead of the others, but the young man would have got ahead of him and finished first if somebody hadn’t thrown a small rock exactly at the front wheel of his bicycle and brought him down. Gaeglers denied that he had thrown the rock.

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So, there were two points for Bartley. When it was time for the lake event all the ladies had to be kept away, because there were the most peculiar kinds of bathing costumes among the contestants.

Bartley won, but he won fair and square. He was indeed pretty good at these kinds of sports. Nobody could catch up with him.

Gaeglers was very pleased and was proud of Bartley. There were three money prizes ready to be handed over to Bartley. Now all Gaeglers had to do was to give Juha the prize for being the best beauty.

The girls were gathered in the middle of the field. Gaeglers became suddenly upset when he saw them closely. There were six of them besides Julia. The six girls were painfully pretty and Julia was just an ordinary girl. That was the trouble — they were really pretty and one of them was even beautiful. They were slender and had fine hair, and they were very well dressed. Juha looked good in a summer dress, all right, anybody could see that, but anybody who would award her the prize over the six other girls would have to go and get his eyes examined. Gaeglers was upset for another reason, too. He had meant to talk to the six girls beforehand, as he had done with the young men, and explain to them why they wouldn’t be winning any first prizes, but in the rush, and because he had so much to attend to, he had completely forgotten to warn them, and wouldn’t they be very angry now if he went on with his plan? He cursed his forgetfulness. Then he hardened himself, and after making a little speech to the girls he was prepared to do his job, until he saw the eyes of Julia. She knew, all right. She had come as far as this for the sake of her father, but to go on would be a terrible thing for her. Gaeglers saw that. And because he was soft over some things, h^ awarded the prize to the real beauty, and all he got for it was a kiss on the sibe of the neck from the winner and thanks from the eyes of Julia. She felt greatly relieved seeing the right girl getting the prize.

Also, the event cost him money. The prize-money was short because the beauty competition was lost so Gaeglers had to go up to Bartley and say, “You’re a great man, Bartley. There’s no mistake, and if I wore a hat I’d take it off to you.”

“Do you see these fellows in the stalls? Well, since this is your field they are paying a small rent for the use of it.” And he had to hand over his percentage from the stalls.

Presently, Julia took him aside and said, “Good-bye, Gaeglers. I am very grateful for what you have done. I won’t forget ever how you have taken care of us.”

“Don’t be so silly,” Gaeglers said. “All women are silly. Why have women to be so goddam silly.” He was mad, and his neck was red, but Julia smiled after him as he went away looking very angry.

“I set out to do a good thing,” he explained to Tom on the way back to Tom’s house, “and what happens? I just lose money. With nothing to make up for my losses. I’m never going to come out here again to you, that’s sure. Every time I come out here to you something bad happens to me.”

“Your trouble, Gaeglers, is that you’re a good crook,” Tom said and laughed loudly.


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1. Why did Gaeglers invite his friends from the town to operate the stalls? 2. Was Gaeglers right considering his share of the stalls legitimate profit? 3. Do you think Bartley was good at riding a bicycle? 4. What made Gaeglers award the prize in the beauty contest to the real beauty? 5. Why did Gaeglers decide to give Bartley his percentage from the stalls? 6. Do you believe Gaeglers was really very sorry for what he had done for Bartley? 7. Why did Tom call Gaeglers a good crook?

XXII. Retell the story and discuss it using as many active words as possible.


The Torols were a very nice couple. They had been married for about eight years and made the impression of the people who enjoyed each other’s company and were remarkably united.

Alban, that was the husband’s name, was a great lover of art. Especially he was good at playing the piano and never failed to boast of it. i^n, his wife, was a charming creature, soft, friendly, always ready to help people in trouble. That was the reason why everybody cared for her and respected her so much.

Ann and her husband came from England and now in India Alban was in service as a district officer at Daktar. They had been there for some time and Ann hoped they would remain there till Alban went home on leave in another twelve months. They both loved the country and were most happy when they could tour the district. But there was one thing that made Ann suffer and that was the attitude of Alban’s fellow officers towards him. Not only did they regard him as most proud, they, as Ann suspected, would be glad to have nothing to do with him. Ann tried to explain their attitude by the fact that they were ordinary middle-class people, much behind in their intellectual interests that made life so full and varied for Alban and her. As to Alban he never noticed the coldness of the men when he met them at the club. He was most indifferent to those whom he considered inferior and could easily humiliate them without thinking a bit. Ann understood that the situation was unpleasant but she thought that it did not matter too much as Alban was the cleverest man in the service and had been successful in every post he had occupied. Not only was he clever, he was enterprising enough and she did not see why he should not eventually be made Governor.

One evening when Alban was playing the piano and Ann was sitting near him there was a loud knock at the door. Alban put aside the music and said, “Come in.” They saw Mr. Prynne — assistant manager of the nearest plantation. His clothes were wet and covered with blood, he was shaking with fear. As soon as he entered the room he fainted. When he came to himself Alban learned from him that a very large band consisting of powerful robbers had attacked the house of the manager of the plantation


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and had killed him. Mr. Prynne had managed to escape quite by chance and when he was making his escape he saw the bandits set fire to the house. Ann was shaken by the news. She told her husband that he should go there at once and try and save at least the children of the manager. But all her wo:(^ds were in vain. They had httle effect on him. There was a hot argument between them and Alban said, “I don’t care what you say. We have got only nine guns and it would be madness if I went. It’s not in my power to risk the lives of my men. The only thing to be done is to send a message to Port Wallace and ask for reinforcements.” Ann looked at him suspiciously. She could not put up with the situation. “How can we waste time and do nothing?”

“Please, Alban, go there yourself at once.” But Alban wouldn’t discuss this problem with her any longer.

Twc days later help came from Port Wallace. There were about 20 or 30 policeman in the group. The captain who was in charge of the policemen suggested that they should start for the plantation at once. It was very dark when they reached the plantation. Everything seemed to be quiet but when the captain gave a signal to open fire they heard a man shouting at the top of his voice to stop shooting. The man proved to be a neighbouring planter. When the bandits had attacked the place he had gathered all the people he could, reached the plantation and made the bandits surrender. He also said that he had saved the manager’s children. His wife gave them a warm welcome and took care of them. The captain thanked that remarkable man, said good-bye to Alban and at once started for Port Wallace.

A few days later the planter was awarded a substantial cash-prize froin the Governor. He deserved it. And Alban received an order to arrive at Port Wallace at once. The conversation with the Governor was short. The Governor said that Alban could not remain in the service as he had behaved like a coward and that everybody laughed at him. He also added that Alban should return to England. It was an order and Alban could not but obey it. The next week Alban and Ann started for England. Alban seemed to be in his usual mood, very talkative, and amusing. Ann did not share her husband’s mood. She could not forgive him his behaviour. She had been so much disappointed in him that he seemed a complete stranger to her.

The very day they arrived in London Ann told Alban that she was leaving for good as she did not want to have a coward for a husband.

(Abridged and adapted from “The Door of Opportunity” by S.jMaugham)


1. Why didn’t Alban care what other people thought and said about him? 2. How did he treat them in his turn? 3. \N^at do you think of Alban’s reasons for refusing to save the people’s lives? 4. Why did the Governor tell Alban to leave the service? Was it fair? Why? 5. In what way would Alban have behaved if he had known his wife would leave him? 6. What made Ann regard Alban as a coward? Did he deserve it?


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ХХШ. Discuss the story using the active words given after it.

Кружевница Настя

Ночью в горах Ала-Тау ГЛУХО гремела гроза. Испуганный громом, большой зеленый кузнечик прыгнул в окно госпиталя и сел на кружевную занавеску. Раненый лейтенант Руднев поднялся на койке и долго смотрел на кузнечика и на занавеску.

Наступило утро. Было ДУШНО. Пар подымался над сырыми скалами. В пропасти рычал и перекатывал камни ручей.

— Вот она, Азия! — ВЗДОХНУЛ Руднев. — А кружево-то на занавеске наше, северное. И плела его какая-нибудь красавица Настя.

— Почему вы так думаете? — Мне вспомнилась, — сказал он, — история, случившаяся на моей

батарее под Ленинградом. Он рассказал мне ЭТУ историю.

Летом 1940 года ленинградский художник Балашов уехал охотиться и работать на ПУСТЫННЫЙ наш Север. В первой же понравившейся ему деревушке Балашов сошел с речного парохода и поселился в доме сельского учителя.

В этой деревушке жила со своим отцом — лесным сторожем — девушка Настя, знаменитая в тех местах кружевница и красавица.

Однажды на охоте отец Насти неосторожным выстрелом ранил Балашова в грудь. Раненого принесли в дом сельского учителя. Удрученный несчастьем, старик послал Настю ухаживать за раненым.

Настя выходила Балашова и из жалости к раненому родилась ее первая любовь. Но проявления этой любви были так застенчивы, что Балашов ничего не заметил.

У Балашова в Ленинграде была жена, но он ни разу НИКОМУ не рассказывал о ней, даже Насте. Все в деревне были убеждены, что Балашов человек одинокий.

Как только рана зажила, Балашов уехал в Ленинград. Перед отъездом он пришел без зова в избу к Насте поблагодарить ее за заботу и принес ей подарки. Настя приняла их.

Балашов впервые попал на Север. Он не знал местных обычаев. Они на Севере очень УСТОЙЧИВЫ, держатся долго и не сразу сдаются под натиском нового времени. Балашов не знал, что мужчина, который пришел без зова в избу к девушке и принес ей подарок, считается, если подарок принят, ее женихом. Так на Севере говорят о любви. Настя робко спросила Балашова, когда же он вернется из Ленинграда к ней в деревню. Балашов, ничего не подозревая, ШУТЛИВО ответил, что вернется очень скоро.

Балашов уехал. Настя ждала его. Прошло светлое лето, прошла сырая осень, но Балашов не возвращался. Нетерпеливое радостное оживление сменилось у Насти тревогой, отчаянием, стыдом. По деревне уже шептались, что жених ее обманул. Но Настя не верила ЭТОМУ. Она была убеждена, что с Балашовым СЛУЧИЛОСЬ несчастье.


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Она решила тайком от отца бежать в Ленинград и разыскать там Балашова. Она ушла ночью из деревушки. Через два дня она дошла до железной дороги и узнала на станции, что утром этого дня началась война. Крестьянская девушка, никогда не видевшая поезда, добралась до Ленинграда и разыскала квартиру Балашова.

Насте отворила дверь жена Балашова, худая женщина в пижаме, с папироской в зубах. Она с недоумением осмотрела Настю и сказала, что Балашова нет дома. Он на фронте под Ленинградом.

Настя узнала правду. Балашов был женат. Она убежала. Она шла в отчаянии по величественному городу, превращенному в вооруженный лагерь. Она шла к Неве. Настя сняла с головы старенький платок, потом поправила тяжелые косы и поставила НОГУ на завиток перил. Ее кто-то схватил за руку. Настя обернулась. Человек покачал головой и сказал: «В такое вре.мя что задумала, дура!»

Человек этот — полотер Трофимов — увел Настю к себе и сдал на руки своей жене — лифтерше, женщине шу.мной, решительной, презиравшей МУЖЧИН. Трофимовы приютили Настю. Она долго болела. От лифтерши Настя впервые услышала, что никто не обязан . знать их северные обычаи и что только такие «тетехи», как она, МОГУТ без памяти полюбить первого встречного.

Лифтерша ругала Настю, а Настя радовалась. Радовалась, что она не обманута, и все еще надеялась увидеть Балашова.

Полотера вскоре взяли в армию, и лифтерша с Настей остались одни. Когда Настя выздоровела, лифтерша устроила ее на курсы

медицинских сестер. Врачи — учителя Насти — были поражены ее способностью делать перевязки, ловкостью ее тонких и сильных пальцев. «Да ведь я кружевница», — отвечала она им, как бы оправдываясь.

Настя окончила курсы, ждала отправки на фронт и по ночам думала о Балашове, о старом отце, — он до конца жизни, должно быть, так и не поймет, зачелг она ушла тайком из ДОМУ. Бранить ее . не будет, все простит, но понять — не поймет.

Весной Настю, наконец, отправили на фронт под Ленинград. Всюду она искала Балашова, спрашивала о не.м.

На фронте Настя встретила полотера, и болтливый этот человек рассказал бойцам из своей части о девушке северянке, ищущей на фронте любимого человека. Слух об этой девушке начал быстро расти, шириться, как легенда. Он переходил из части в часть, с одной батареи на другую.

СЛУХ О Насте дошел и до береговой батареи, где СЛУЖИЛ Балашов. ХУДОЖНИК, так же как и бойцы, был взволнован историей неизвестной девушки, ищущей любимого, был поражен силой ее любви. Он часто думал об этой девушке и начал завидовать ТОМУ человеку, которого она любит. Откуда он мог знать, что завидует са- мо.му себе? Личная жизнь не удалась Балашову. Всю жизнь он

7 Зак. N2 348 Памухина 193

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мечтал о большой любви, но теперь уже было поздно думать об этом. На висках седина...

СЛУЧИЛОСЬ так, что Настя нашла, наконец, батарею, где СЛУЖИЛ

Балашов, но не нашла Балашова — он был убит за два дня до того и похоронен в сосновом лесу на берегу залива.

Руднев замолчал. — Что было потом? — Потом? — переспросил Руднев. — А потом было то, что бойцы

дрались, как одержимые, и мы снесли к черту линию немецкой обороны. Мы подняли ее на ВОЗДУХ И обрушили на землю в виде пыли и грязи. Я редко видел людей в таком священном, неистовом гневе.

— А Настя? — Что Настя! Она отдает всю свою заботу раненым. Лучшая сестра

на нашем участке фронта.

(Из рассказа Паустовского «Кружевница Настя»)

гроза а thunderstorm ['0Andasto:m]; кузнечик а grasshopper; кружево lace; батарея а battery; кружевница а lace-maker; жених а fiance; полотер а floor-polisher; обмануть to deceive; завидовать to envy ['envi]

Words to be used:

to take care of, honest, to care for, attitude, to respect, to be regarded as, to suspect, wet, in vain, to put up with, to be anxious to do smth., shabby, to blame, fault, to feel, relieved, to be fit for, to be good at, to forgive, to come from, to spread, to succeed, to deserve, upset, to do well, to treat

Questions on the text;

1. When and where did the action take place? 2. Why was Nastya once sent to the teacher’s house to take care of Balashov? 3. Why didn’t Balashov notice that Nastya cared for him very much? 4. Why was Nastya anxious to know when Balashov would come back to her? Did it arouse any suspicion on the part of Balashov? Why? 5. When and why did Nastya decide to commit suicide? 6. How did she find herself in the floor-polisher’s house? 7. How did it happen that once Nastya was sent to the front? 8. What story about Nastya was spread at the front? 9. Did Nastya manage to find Balashov there? Why? 10. What do you think of the story in general? Is it true to life ?

XXrV. Speak on the following topics:

1. Physical culture as an important means in the education of Russian youth .2. The attractions of life in the country.

3. The role and importance of different souvenir stalls at exhibitions. 4. Pride as a feature of one’s character.


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XXV. Answer these questions using Complex Object:


1. Has your friend returned from an interesting exhibition recently? What do you expect him to tell you about it? 2. What kind of exhibitions does your chief want you to visit? 3. Do you often hear your friends exchange impressions of the exhibitions they have seen? What do you hear them say about the display of things there? 4. What makes foreign visitors speak about the way they are received at our exhibitions? 5. Why do many countries want their goods to be exhibited at international fairs? 6. Why do Sellers want their goods to be advertised at exhibitions ?


1. Why do the Buyers want the equipment they buy to be in conformity with the latest technical achievements? 2. When do the Sellers make the Buyers pay storage expenses? 3. When do the Sellers want the Buyers to effect payment by a divisible Letter of Credit? How long do they usually want a L/C to be in force? 4. In what cases do you want the defective parts to be replaced free of charge? 5. When can you make your customers elimi- naie defects for their own account? 6. Why do the Buyers want Packing Sheets to be put in every case?

XX, VI. Translate into English using Complex Object:

1. Мы слышали, как Иванов рассказывал о наших экспонатах на! Лейпцигской ярмарке. 2. Хотите ли вы, чтобы ваш товар рекламировался в этом журнале? 3. Я не ХОЧУ, чтобы вы неправильно ме1я поняли. 4. Они слышали, как он намекал на какие-то неприятности. 5. Переводчик слышал, как у сувенирного киоска посетители хв|алили наши изделия. 6. Вы должны заставить его признать свои ошибки. 7. Поговорите с ним заранее. Не придирайтесь к нему. Я не! ХОЧУ, чтобы он чувствовал себя униженным в присутствии этих лк)дей. 8. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы подробнее обсудили этот вопрос. Вам следует воспользоваться услугами переводчика. 9. Почему вы заставили его изменить доклад? ЕМУ следовало бы посоветоваться со специалистами сначала. 10. Мы хотим, чтобы новейшие достижения науки были внедрены в сельское хозяйство как можно скорее. И. Мы видели, как он проверял эти цифры. Я уверен, что его подсчеты сейчас абсолютно правильные. 12. Представитель продавца внимательно следил за монтажом оборудования. 13. Покупатели считали, что продавец несет ответственность за повреждение товара в ПУТИ. 14. Мы не ожидали, что ремонтные работы ОТНИМУТ так много вре.мени. 15. Мы хотели бы, чтобы чертежи и инструкции по сборке были приложены к пись.му. 16. При сложившихся обстоятельствах мы считаем необходимым отнести все рас- .чоды по хранению товара на ваш счёт. 17. Фирма сочла необходи- мы.м изменить срок поставки и в связи с этим предложила клиен


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там зафрахтовать танкер большего тоннажа для перевозки нефти. 18. Мы хотели бы, чтобы вторичный анализ руды был произведен в порту разгрузки.

XXVII. Маке up these dialogues:

1. At an Exhibition

Visitor Stand-attendant in the main hall to be on display to make progress to be produced in large quantities many exhibits to approach

2. Exchanging Impressions of a Visit to an Exhibition

Where can I see... ? the latest achievements in the field of What can you tell me... ? Are they for sale... ?

Have you been to... exhibition display Do you care for... guides stand-attendants to share one’s opinion no wonder


to make a good impression the main pavilion to make it a success What do you think of the staff? to find efficient to be too crowded

XXVni. Render the letter and do the assignment follo-wlng it:

Sojuzimport, Moscow

Feb. 25th, 19 ...

Dear Sirs,

In confirmation of our cable we regret to inform you that our Principals have suffered great difficulties while trying to secure tonnage for the transportation of the second lot of Sugar sold to you against Contract No. 73/124.

As you are aware the s.s. “Liverpool” intended for the transportation of this particular lot could not arrive at the port of loading within the required period of time due to a strong storm. Wishing to avoid delay in shipment our Principals took steps to replace the “Liverpool” by another vessel of suitable tonnage, but all the efforts they made proved to be fruitless.

Therefore we want you to postpone the delivery dates of the lot in question for ten days or so.

We expect you to find your way to meet this request since the complication has occurred through no fault of our Principals’.

Yours faithfully.

Brown & Co. 196

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Carry on negotiations on behalf of Sojuzimport. Insist that Messrs. Brown & Co. should strictly observe the delivery dates and give your reasons why you do not want them to postpone the delivery. Point out that the analysis is to be made at the port of discharge and the results should be considered final and binding upon both parties concerned.

XXIX. Write letters in accordance with these assigmnents:

1. Ссылаясь на предыдущее письмо, в котором фирма сообщила о затруднениях с фрахтованием НУЖНОГО тоннажа из-за штормов в Северном море, сообщите фирме, что товар находится в порту погрузки уже десять дней и вы просите их срочно сообщить название парохода, которым будет отгружаться товар, и дату его отплытия. Укажите, какие вы испытываете трудности в связи с создавшимся положением. 2. В дополнение к переговорам относительно заключения контракта на продажу соли японской фирме сообщите фирме уточненные УСЛОВИЯ

платежа. Укажите подробно ваши УСЛОВИЯ.

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L E S S O N 3 7

Grammar Revision: Conditional Clauses

Vocabulary Revision: Holidays Sports


There are different manners of payment accepted in foreign trade: payment on an open account, which is usually effected against documents and sometimes by instalments if agreed between the parties; payment for collection; by a draft which is an order in writing drawn on a bank or another firm to pay at sight, i. e. when it is presented or a certain number of days later. The most generally practised manner of payment is by a Letter of Credit which may also be effected by instalments in case of partial deliveries.

Since the terms of payment in a contract are very often a combination of different manners an advance payment can be specified too.

Payment in cash is very infrequent and is practised in small transactions only.

Here is an example of a transaction discussed between a Russian foreign trade organization and Wright & Co., Ltd., known as very reliable exporters of up-to-date industrial chemicals and chemical laboratory equipment from England.

An exchange of correspondence took place between the parties concerned and was followed by Mr. Smoke’s visit to Moscow.



Rubin: You see, Mr. Smoke, since we haven’t done any business with you before, we’d like to know what manner of payment you prefer. Smoke: Well, when we deal with customers for the first time we usually insist on payment by a Letter of Credit. There are also cases when we stipulate an advance payment.


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Rubin: I see. Smoke: We also acxept payment by Drafts which we usually draw on our

Buyers at 30 days’ sight. Rubin: Could you agree to payment for collection terms ? Smoke: Well, it’s not in our practice but I’ll speak to the Board of the company.

I’m nearly confident I’ll get their approval. Rubin: When shall we hear from you? We require the goods urgently, you

know. Smoke: To speed up the matter and make things smooth for you, we’ll draw up

a Draft Contract and send it for your consideration in a week’s time. Will that be all right?

Rubin: Perfectly. One more thing, Mr. Smoke. What assortment of goods can you guarantee for immediate shipment?

Smoke: Anything in our catalogue can be delivered promptly. Rubin: Good. It’s settled for now.

After Mr. Smoke returned to London and made an account of his talks, Wright & Co., Ltd., sent Sojuzimport the following letter.

SOJUZIMPORT, 17th August, 19 ... Moscow

Dear Sirs, In confirmation of the talks our Mr. Smoke had with you please find

enclosed a Draft Contract for the negotiated goods. We are prepared to agree to payment for collection terms as requested.

Please also note that payments under this Contract should not be overdue and any delay in instalments will be regarded as a gross infringement which may even lead to the cancellation of the contract.^

If you find our terms and conditions acceptable please confirm the fact by cable and we shall make arrangements for signing a Contract.

We expect your early reply.

Yours sincerely, WRIGHT «&; CO., LTD.

Brown & Co. of Holland had discussions with Sojuzimport concerning the sale of machinery during which the parties came to terms about all the points except the terms of payment. The letter below is Sojuzimport’s conclusion on the Draft Contract which Brown & Co. had sent them for approval.

9th September, 19 ... Messrs. Brown & Co., Amsterdam, Holland

Dear Sirs, We have tborougfaly'studied the Draft Contract and find your conditions

perfectly acceptable. However we should like to specify certain particulars


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of the Terms of Payment and consequently change the original wording of this clause as follows:

“Payment under the present Contract shall be effected by the Buyers through the Holland Commercial Bank, Amsterdam, in pounds sterling in the following manner:

The whole sum is divided into three parts. Five per cent (5 %) of the total Contract value is to be paid^ by remittance

within 30 days of the date of the Contract coming into force on receipt by Vnesheconombank, Moscow, of the following documents: 1. A Letter of Guarantee of the Holland Commercial Bank for the above

amount. 2. A photocopy of the valid Export Licence, if required. Eighty five per cent (85 %) of the total Contract value is to be paid to the

Sellers within 90 days of the date of the Contract on presentation of the following documents:

1. The Sellers’ original invoice and 3 copies; 2. Railway Bills issued in the name of the Buyers; 3. Packing Lists in 4 copies; 4. The Sellers’ Certificate of Quality. The remaining ten per cent (10%) which is equal to a guarantee sum is to

be paid in cash within 30 days after the concerned parties have signed the Acceptance Repart testifying to the fact that the equipment fully conforms to the data guaranteed by the Sellers and stipulated in the Contract.

You will see that the changes we suggest are fairly slight and we feel certain that you wilfhave no objection to them.

We are looking forward to fruitful cooperation.

Yours faithfully. SOJUZIMPORT


1. ... which may even lead to the cancellation of the Contract. — ... что может даже привести к расторжению контракта.

Местоимение which может вводить придаточное предложение, относящееся ко все.му предыдущему высказыванию. В этом случае оно переводится словом «что». Например: They sold our tools sent on consignment very successfully, which gave us enough reason to sign the Sole Agency Agreement with them. Они очень успещно продали наши инструменты, присланные им на консигнацию, что дало нам основание подписать с ними монопольное агентское соглашение.

2. Five per cent (5%) of the total —5% обЩ2.Ч стоимости контракта Contract value is to be paid . . . уплачиваются...

Подлежащее, обозначающее СУММУ В процентах, согласуется с глаголо.м единственного числа. Например: The remaining 10 per cent is paid upon the expiration of the guarantee period. Остальные 10% платятся по истечении гарантийного срока.


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ап instalment confidence to cancel by instalments confidential sincerely for collection an approval sincere a draft to send for approval thoroughly to draw on smb. to approve thorough

(for smth.) to approve of original at sight to speed up in the original at. .. days’ sight smooth wording to present smoothly to divide to practise a draft contract a railway bill to advance assortment an air bill an advance in assortment equal in cash to note equally cash overdue acceptance up-to-date due to an acceptance report concerned be due (to) to testify (to) to concern gross slight to be concerned about an infringement slightly concern to infringe cooperation to stipulate cancellation to cooperate


instalment [in'stadmsnt] n Ч. comb, monthly quarterly semi-annual first, etc.

The first instalment of £ October, by instalments

instalment очередной взнос (платеж)

was made last,

They paid for the car by instalmeots. for collection We shall send the documents to your bank for

collection in 3 days, draft n Payment will be effected by drafts, draw on smb. You may draw on them through the Moscow Narodny Bank. prp. draw on smb./or ... They drew on us for S 500. at sight These drafts are payable at sight, at... days’ sight We have drawn on you at 30 days’ sight for S 320.

частя.мн, периодическими взносами, в рассрочку

на (через, путем) инкассо


выставить тратту на кого-л.

выставить тратту на... (сумму) по

предъявлении по предъявлении

через... дней


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present [pn'zent] v w. comb, present a document a

plan a project a remittance fadiities, etc.

They presented their project for our consideration. practise ['praektisj v

w. comb, practise a method of production a manner of payment transhipmeDts, etc.

We have been practising diese methods of production at our works for the last 7 months.

H>. comb, practise a sound a ruie music games languages, etc.

Gr. practise I something I doing smtfa.

Peter practises playing the piano two hours a day. We practised this rule at the lesson, advance [a'dva-nsj'a^r

Advance payments are usually provided for by Contracts, advance [o'dvccns] n


1. применять, практиковать

2. тренироваться в чем-л., упражняться, отрабатьшать


аванс W. comb. ап advance make

pay grant stipulate, etc.

The Suppliers asked the customers for a 20% advance, cash n

I’m short of cash now. наличные деньги

-Note the translation:.

Cash against documents. Наличными против документов.

in cash The suppliers are always interested in payments in

cash, infrequent adj up-to^te adj w. comb, up-to-date machine

instrument equipment technique, etc.

Up-to-date equipment reflects the latest achievements in technology. syn. modern concerned adj

After a contract is signed its terms and conditions are binding upon both parties concerned.


редкий, нечасто случающийся современный, новейший



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concern V The агешпет didn’t concern him at all.

be cMicemed about >v. comb, be concerned about one’s studies

beal tb future, etc.

The firm was concerned about the position of the order. syn. be anxious about

concern n H>. comb, show | concern

cause feel, etc. |

Increase in imports caused much concern in the financial circles, stipulate ['stipjuleit] v

It was stipulated that only the best building materials should be used. syn. provide for confident ['konfidsnt] adj He has a confident manner of speaking in public. He was confident that he would pass the exami- nation successfully, confidence n

w. comb, show confidence lose enjoy have express, etc.

prp. confidence in He always expressed much confidence bi his tOacher.

confidential [.kanfi'denjal] adJ w. comb, confidential papers

letters talks, etc.

These documents should be treated as confiden- tial. syn. secret

касаться, иметь отношение к . . .

заботиться, беспокоиться о

беспокойство, озабоченность

обусловливать, предусматривать


1. уверенность

2. доверие

конфиденциальный, секретный


These talks are strictly confidential. Эти переговоры строго секретны. These talks are top secret..

Прилагательное “confidential” употребляется c наречием “strictly”, a прилагательное “secret” употребляется c наречием “top.”

approval [o'prurval] n w. comb, give have get want

express, etc.

one’s approval одобрение


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His plan got everybody’s approval. The time-table was sent for the director’s approval,

approve V tv. comb, approve a model a plan a sample a

decision, etc. The designers wished the Board to approve their

new model of cars. syn. accept approve of v

tv. comb, approve of j one’s action one’s decision I one’s bdiaviour, etc.

Everybody in the family approved of the boy’s decision to devote his life to art. speed up v

tv. comb, speed up shipment paymeut delivery service, etc.

We must speed up the delivery of these goods, smooth adj

tv. comb, smooth | talks I discussions, etc.

Since the price problem was settled the discussions became smooth, smoothly adv

The engine was running smoothly. The negotiations on the Draft Contract went off

smoothly, assortment n The assortment of consumer goods was very rich.

in assortment Shoes can be delivered in assortment you require,

note V

утверждать, принимать

одобрять, (.морально) оправдывать что-л.



We shall note all your remarks. syn. take into account

ровно, гладко

ассортимент, выбор

в ассортименте

отмечать, принимать во вни- .мание


“The weather is nice to-day,’’ he remarked. He noticed that she waS ill.

We asked him to note that all the calculations should be checked twice.

«Погода сегодня прекрасная», — за.метил он (т. е. сказал). Он заметил (т. е. увидел), что она больна. Мы просили его заметить (т. е. принять во вни.мание), что все вычисления следует проверить дважды.

overdue adj The draft is overdue.

We can’t put up with overdue payments.


запоздалый, просроченный

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.Note the translation:

Deliveries were 3 weeks overdue. Поставки опоздали на 3 недели.

due to prp He could not do this work due to Mr. Brown’s a

bsence. be due Hease pay the drafts when they are doe. The delegation is due to-morrow. prp. be due to What amount of these expenses is due to us? gross

[grous] adj w. comb, gross { amount profit weight value output

harvest, etc. The gross profit of the firm in 19 ... was bigger than that of the previous year. syn. total

w. comb, gross j infiringement I mistake, etc.

This is our first gross infringement of the Contract. syn. big

infringement [in'frmd3ment] n Delay in shipment is an infringement of a Contract.

infringe [m'frmds] v w. comb, infringe a contract a law terms I

conditions, etc. It sometimes happens that the General Conditions

are infringed, cancellation [,ksns3'leijn] n The cancellation of the performance was caused by the illness of two actors.

The Sellers did their best to avoid the cancellation of the Contract, cancel V

И'. comb, cancel ' an order I a contract ; a performance I a meeting I a call, etc.

The customers cancelled their order as they could not get confirmation for a long time. Who cancelled the call ? sincerely [stn'sloll] adv He always speaks very sincerely about his own faults.

из-за, вследствие

1. ожидаться

2. причитаться, приходиться 1.

общий, валовый

2. значительный, грубый



аннулирование, расторжение

отменить, аннулировать, расторгнуть



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sincere adj B'. comb, sincere ! action

! word ' person

wish look

I smile, etc. I’ve known Ыт as a very sincere person,

thoroughly ['блгэИ] adv Whatever he does he does it thoroogbly. syn. carefoily thorough ['Олгэ] adj

w. comb, thorough study examination cleaning person, etc.

Your house needs a thorough cleaning. He is a thorough person, you may rely on him. syn. careful

consequently ['konsikwsnth] adv original adj

w. comb, original | plan price design offer

' decision I contribution, etc.

After a long discussion the original price was accepted, in the original

Jerome K. Jerome should be read in the original, wording It

We want a more exact wording of this clause, word V

You should word your idea in a different way. divide v

On week days his time is divided between work and studies. prp. divide into The river divides the town into two parts.



тщательный, полный, совершенный

следовательно первоначальный

в оригинале, в подлиннике

редакция, формулировка

выражать словами, формулировать

разделять, делить делить на

. Compare;.

We shall divide our duties into two parts.

When I am free I shall share your duties.

Мы разделим с вами обязанности пополам. Когда я буду свободен, я тоже приму участие в твоей работе (по- .могу тебе в исполнении твоих обязанностей, возьму на себя долю обязанностей).

presentation п railway-bill п

А railway-hill is one of the shipping documents.

предъявление ИС-Д. накладная


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air-bill л When the goods are sent by air an air-bill is made

out. equal ['i-kwsl] adj )v. comb, equal fee chance prize activity care wages share, etc.

These two runners have equal chances to win. prp. equal to In this case a 5 % discount is equal to the

commission required by the agents, equally adv Both questions are equally important.


равный, одинаковый

одинаково, в равной степени

. Note:

They know the subject equally well.

В английском языке употребление наречия well обязательно.

Они знают этот предмет в равной степени (хорошо).

В русском языке употребление наречия хорошо необязательно.

acceptance л Please do not delay the acceptance of this draft,

acc^tance report л The Acceptance Report was duly signed by both

parties, testify to V Ij testified to his good, proper attitude to work. Late

deliveries testified to the fact that the Sup- j^iers infringed the Contract, slight adj

w. comb, slight change remark mistake

принятие, акцептование акт


свидетельствовать о

незначительный, легкий, слабый

suspicion alteration, etc.

Не caught а slight cold yesterday. The design requires a slight alteration,

sli^tly adv

The suggested plan was only slightly altered, fruitful adj cooperation [kouppo'reijn] л

Cooperation in work does a lot of good, cooperate [kou'opareit]

Plants producing goods for export closely cooperate with this company.

слегка, немного, незначительно

плодотворный сотрудничество, действия




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I. Read the text in class and translate Section A into Russian.

II. Replace the words and word combinations given in bold type by synonyms or synonymous expressions:


1. ... payment ... which ir:ay be effected against documents and sometimes by instalments ... 2. ... to pay at sight ... 3. The most generally practised manner of payment ... 4. ... as reliable exporters of up-to-date ... equipment. 5. .. . between the parties concerned.


1 ...... when we deal with customers ... 2. ... when we stipulate an advance payment. 3. . .. it’s not in our practice. 4. I’m nearly confident ... 5. When shall we hear from you? 6. To speed up the matter .and make things smooth ... 7. ... we’ll draw up a Draft Contract. 8. It’s .settled for now. 9. ... made an account of his talks ... 10. ... please find enclosed a Draft Contract for the negotiated goods. 11. We are prepared to agree to payment for collection terms ... 12. Please also note ... 13. ... payments should not be overdue. 14. ... any delay in instalments will be regarded as a gross infrinaement of the Contract.

1. ... the Draft Contract which Brown &Co. had sent them for approval. 2. We have thoroughly studied ... 3. ... is to be paid by remittance. 4. A photocopy of the valid Export licence. 5. The remaining 10 per cent ... 6. ... Report testifyiug ^o the fact that the equipment ... 7. ... the changes w'e suggest are fairly slight ... 8. ... we feel certain ... 9. ... you will have no objection to them.

III. Explain the meaning of the foliowing:

1. ... payment on an open account which is effected against documents and sometimes by instalments if agreed between the parties. 2. Since the terms of payment in a Contract are very often a combination of different manners an advance payment can be .specified too. 3. Payment in cash is very infrequent and is practised in small transactions only.


1. ... when we deal with customers for the first time we usually insist on payment by a Letter of Credit.

1. However we should like to specify certain particulars of the Terms of Payment. 2. The remaining 10 per cent which is equal to a guarantee sum is to be paid in cash within 30 days after the concerned parties have signed the Acceptance Report ...


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I\’. Find in the text English eqnivaicnts to the following:


1. .. .платеж c открытого счета... 2. платеж иногда производится частями 3. .. .расчет в форме инкассо... 4. .. .платеж посредством тратты.. .выставленной на банк... 5. ...оплатить по' предъявлении 6. ... или несколько дн^'й СПУСТЯ 7. ... между заинтересованными сторона.чи


1. Имеются случаи, когда мы оговариваем авансовый платеж. 2. Не могли бы вы согласиться на оплату на условиях инкассо? 3. Я почти уверен, что ПОЛУЧУ ИХ согласие. 4. Когда вы дадите нам знать? 5. .. .чтобы облегчить для вас дело... 6. Это вас устроит? 7. Вполне. Ещё один вопрос, г-н Смоук. 8. Все, что имеется в нашем каталоге, может быть поставлено немедленно. 9. На данный момент считаем вопрос решенным. 10. .. .проект контракта на товар, о котором шли переговоры. 11. ... как (обэтом) просили. 12. Также заметьте себе, что... 13. .. .платеж... должен вноситься в срок. 14. ...задержка в платежах будет считаться грубы.м нарушением... 15. ... что может даже привести к расторжению контракта.

1. .. .за исключением условий платежа. 2. .. .направили им на утверждение. 3. Мы хотели бы изменить первоначальную формулировку этого пункта. 4. ... выписанные на имя покупателя. 5 ___________ акт, подтверждающий, что оборудование полностью соответствует... 6. ...изменения... совсем незначительные. 7. Мы уверены, что вы не будете возражать против них.

V. Answer these questions:


1. \Vhat manners of payment are mentioned in the text? 2. In what way is pajTnent on an open account usually effected? 3. On whom are drafts drawn? 4. When are drafts payable? 5. Is only one manner of payment usually pro\aded for by the contract? 6. When are payments in cash practised? 7. What is the Russian Trade Organization going to buv from Wright & Co.?

1. Where does the dialogue take place? 2. What point dees Mr. Rubin bring up first? 3. What terms of payment do the Sellers prefer? 4. What alternatives does Mr. Smoke mention? 5. How long are the Sellers’ drafts usually valid? 6. How does Mr. Smoke look upon payment for collection terms? Does he agree to them at once? 7. Why does Mr. Rubin want the Sellers’s reply as soon as possible? 8. What does Mr. Smoke promise to do to speed up the matter? 9. What other point does Mr. Rubin bring up?


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10. How is the point settled? 11. What do Wright & Co. enclose with the letter? 12. What is their decision with regard to payment for collection terms? 13. What do they want the Buyer to note specially? 14. What arrangements do they promise to make?

C 1. What points did Brown & Co. of Holland and Sojuzimport come to

terms about? 2. For what purpose was the Draft Contract sent to Sojuzimport? 3. Do the Buyers agree to the original wording of the payment clause? 4. How should the whole sum be divided? 5. What documents are required from the Sellers for the payment of 5 % and 85 % of the Contract value? 6. When is the remaining 10 per cent to be paid? 7. What is the remaining 10% equal to? 8. What does the Acceptance Report testify to? 9. Why were Sojuzimport confident that Brown & Co. would have no objection to their changes?


VI. Activise these words:

to practise

a. Make op sentences using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l ; He practises English daily. She must practise dancing two hours a day.

(to swim, to ride a bicycle, to sing, difficult sounds, a grammar rule, this method in research)

b. Answer these questions:

1. What methods of payment do you practise in business with different firms? 2. What terms of delivery have you practised lately? 3. In what way do you practise spoken EngUsh? 4. How long does one have to practise skating to become good at it? (playing chess, a musical instrument, etc.)

concerned, to concern, to be concerned about, concern

a. Answer these questions:

1. What kind of things concern you direct at the office? 2. Why do you sometimes deal with things that don’t concern you direct? 3. What kind of things are you usually concerned about? 4. In what case would you be concerned about your child’s health? (lack of his progress at school, an infringement of the contract, overdue payment)

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. The Sellers were worried about the financial position of their agents. 2. You must do what’s in your power, even if the matter has nothing to do with you. 3. The devaluation of the pound caused great anxiety among businessmen. 4. Everybody was worried about the possible outcome of the operation.


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с. Translate into English:

1. Эти неприятности касаются его лично. 2. Положение с заказом беспокоит нас (Мы обеспокоены положением с заказом). 3. Его замечания не касались нашей работы. 4. Меня беспокоит положение дел (я обеспокоен положением дел) в этой конторе. 5. Ваше беспокойство не имеет оснований.

confident, confidence,

confidential а> Translate into Russian:

1. He spoke with confidence as usual. 2. He enjoys the confidence of his colleagues. 3. I can explain her confidence in the results. 4. My confidence has very good reasons. 5. He had a confident manner of explaining things. 6, The document is strictly confidential.

b. Complete these saitences:

1. You shouldn’t spread the news ... (confidential). 2. I am sure he knows the subject perfectly well... (to speak with confidence). 3. He’s let me down more than once ... (to lose one’s confidence). 4. No matter what he says you feel you can believe him ... (confident mann er).

c. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. We felt sure that the young man would finally be very good at athletics. We saw him practise running and jumping every evening. 2. The information is secret and must be treated accordingly. 3. If you put up with such mistakes people will not trust you any more. 4. It’s no good turning to a doctor if you don’t believe what he says. 5. Good results in business often depend on trust in the business partners.

d. Translate into English:

1. Я уверен, что его наградят медалью. 2. Он спорил с таким уверенным видом (уверенностью), что я вынужден был УСТУПИТЬ. 3. Эта информация поступила из конфиденциальных источников. Что

поколебало (потрясло) вашу уверенность?

ап approval, to send for approval, to approve, to approve of

|i. Answer these questions:

1. In what cases do you have to get your people’s approval before settling the matter? 2. What documents do you send for the firm’s approval? 3. What actions wouldn’t you approve of?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. The sales manager couldn’t fully accept open account terms ... (to get approval). 2. The draft contract will be drawn up within this week and then ... (to send for approval). 3.1 was relieved to learn ... (to approve of, decision). 4. She speaks to the boy in a very humiliating manner ... (not


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to approve of, attitude). 5. The plan has been brought up for discussion ... (to approve, finally). 6. We made alterations in the design ... (to approve, after consideration).

overdue, due to, be due (to)

it. Answer these questions;

1. In what cases do trains happen to be overdue? 2. What do you do if payments under a contract are overdue? What about deliveries? 3. Are the agents going to remit money to your account? When is the remittance due?

b. Translate into English:

1. Из-за нехватки тоннажа фирма не смогла’ своевременно поставить товар. 2. Расходы будут вычтены из причитающейся вам СУММЫ. 3. Когда должен приехать приемщик? 4. Этот счет просрочен уже на две недели. 5. Эта сумма должна быть получена через пять дней. б. К сожалению, тратта просрочена. 7. Какая сумма причитается вам? 8. Она хотела бы ПОЛУЧИТЬ

ТО, ЧТО ей причитается.

to divide

a. Complete these sentences:

1. He cares chiefly for books and football so his time ... (to divide). 2. Your share of work is fairly big ... (to divide, to manage well). 3. The book consists of six chapters ... (to divide, three reporters). 4. As they put equal time into the work ... (to divide, the fee).

b. Translate into English:

1. Мы разделили работу на три части. 2. Ьа.м следует разделить доклад на две части и приступить к его подготовке. 3. Груз придется разделить на две партии, так как трудно перевезти всё сразу. 4. Все мое время принадлежит се.мье и работе (делится между семьей и работой).

equal, equally

a. Answer these questions:

1. Do people of equal abilities always make equal progress ? What does it depend on? 2. Is your share of work equal to that of your colleagues? If not why? 3. Why should parents treat their children equally? 4. Is reading a very important part of learning a language? What is equally important?

b. Translate into English:

1. Эта сумма не^равняется то.му, что на.м причитается. 2. Они ИЗУЧИЛИ этот вопрос в равной степени (хорошо). 3. Работу НУЖНО

разделить на равные части. 4. Эти упражнения в равной степени необходи.мы. 5. Эти партии товара не равны по весу.


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VII. Translate into English. See phrases from the dialogue.

1. — И ещё одно, г-н БраУН. Мы сможем возобновить переговоры только на следующей неделе. Это вас устроит? — Вполне. Я СМОГУ

подготовить список основных видов приборов, которые вас интересуют. 2. — Видите ли, вопрос срочный, мы хотели бы решить его как можно скорее. Когда вы известите нас? — ОДНУ МИНУТУ. Не позднее субботы, я дул\аю. Вас это устроит? — Вполне. 3. — А теперь следующий вопрос. Когда вы сообщите нам о результатах анализа? — Через 3 — 4 дня. Вас это устроит? — Вполне.

Vni. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. When do the sellers draw a draft on the buyers? 2. When is payment at sight practised? 3. What is the diflFerence between payment “at sight” and at 30 days’ sight?

1. What terms of delivery is payment by instalments connected with? 2. Is it practised very widely? 3. What does the amount of one instalment depend on? 4. Are instalments equal or different in the amount?

1. What assortment of furs did you offer to your clients during the last talks? 2. Why didn’t they approve some sorts of furs? 3. Did they want you to speed up the signing of a contract? Why? What did they say they would consider an infringement of the contract?

1. Your last contract concerned commodities, didn’t it? 2. Why did you want advanced payment to be stipulated in the contract? 3. Was payment overdue during the previous transaction with the firm? 4. Did your clients try to make things smooth then?

1. Why were you so much concerned about the results of the negotiations last time? 2. About what point of the contract did your opinions divide? 3. You managed to make things smooth in the end, didn’t you? 4. Were your clients confident it was a fair decision? Why?

1. With what countries have you established close cooperation? 2.Do ail of them offer equal assortments? 3. Does up-to-date equipment make up a large portion of your imports? Are you always interested in speeding up deliveries of this equipment?

1. Why do the buyers very often want the sellers to ship the goods in equal lots? 2. Why do they sometimes object even to a slight increase in the cargo? 3. In what way do the parties concerned settle such matters?

IX. Give English equivalents to the following:

1. выставить тратту на покупателя; 2. выставить тратту с оплатой по предъявлении; 3. выставить тратту с оплатой через 2 месяца; 4. пре*дложить фирме платеж по открытому счету; 5. практиковать форму платежа через инкассо; б. передать тратту банку на инкассо; 7. ускорить уплату аванса; 8. одобрить ассорти.мент; 9. предусмотреть гарантийный срок в акте приемки; 10. свидетельствовать о незначительном нарушении (условий); 11. быть обеспокоенным просроченными траттами; 12. аннулировать акт приемки; 13. одобрить проект контракта; 14. секретные данные о современном оборудова


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нии; 15. искреннее сотрудничество; 16. первоначальная редакция параграфа; 17. приложить к ПИСЬМУ копию авианакладной; 18. представить документ, свидетельствующий о поломке станка; 19. послать {проект контракта на утверждение; 20. предложить авансовый платеж в размере 20% от стоимости контракта; 21. предусмотреть платеж ежемесячнылш взносами.

X. Ghe аП possible combinatioiis of:

а. the foilofring verbs mifli nouas:

to approve to approve of to speed up

to cancel to practise

b. the following adjectives with noons:

up-to-date sincere thorough

original equal slight

XI. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. This is a circumstance which deserves being noted. 2. It’s equally a mistake to have confidence in all and in none. 3. George watched his master’s arrangements without the least concern. 4. He was thoroughly trained in the physical and chemical science of his day. 5. After some slight repairs the plane took off again. 6. The new road was constructed to speed up traffic. 7. King Lear made up his mind to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. 8. The talks were confidential but the manager was aware of the possible cancellation of the contract. 9. The assortment was slightly altered with the consent and approval of those present. 10. He seemed to be concerned about my appearance which made me feel most uncomfortable. 11. One more thing, Robert. I’d like to cooperate with you. 12. The argument was original in itself. 13. He had to change the advertisement as the chief could not put up with its original wording. 14. His sole concern is to know the truth. 15. You can’t move in this direction without a certain confidence. 16. The ceremonies are due to begin at 7.

XU. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary:

Messrs. Lopez & Moya, Buenos Aires, Argentina

London, 12th February, 19 ...

Dear Sirs, We have ... pleasure in advising you that your goods under ... Contract 65

of Jan. 6th have been shipped to-day by ... s.s. Largo.


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Please find enclosed ... invoice for £ 231.14.4 and note that we have drawn on you for ... amount at 30 d/s enclosing with ... draft... shipping documents, in duplicate, i. e. ... Bill of Lading,... Railway ВШ for overland transportation and ... Insurance Policy.

As arranged, we have instructed our bank to present ... document^ against ... payment of our draft which we recommend you to pay when it is due.

Yours sincerely.

Green & Co.

ХШ. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs:

1. We prefer payment ... collection terms ... trade ... developed countries. 2. The contract stipulates payment ... monthly instalments ... the goods delivered ... equal lots ... the rate of two machines ... month. 3. The firm agreed ... open account terms indicating the documents to be presented ... the bank ... payment. 4. He is very good ... languages and can read English books ... the original after a year’s study. 5. She was behind ... her work due ... illness but she’s been working hard and is now equal ... others in knowledge and skills. 6.1 have a great confidence ... the man and nothing can shake it. 7. The boy is wrong and you shouldn’t approve ... what he does no matter how much you care ... him. 8. We want a copy ... the railway bill to be enclo.sed ... the letter.


6th January, 19 Dear Sirs,

We understand that you are rather concerned ... the delay ... our opening a L/C to effect payments ... the present Contract. We have pre- viously explained that this was due ... unforeseen complications beyond our control. However we made every effort to speed ... the payments and are now pleased to inform you that ... January 5th, 19 ... we opened an irrevocable L/C ... your name ... the amount ... £ 48.000 ... the Vnesheconombank , Moscow, valid ... 60 days as stipulated ... the Contract. This L/C is available by drafts ... sight ... presentation ... a full set ... the necessary documents. You will also see that the total sum is divided ... three parts ... accordance ... the amendments approved ... both parties previously.

Yours faithfully. Brown & Co.

XTV. Paraphrase the words given in bold type using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. The operation of the new model of machine A-20 satisfied the clienis. 2. You shouldn’t worry about the progress of the order. I’m sure deliveries won’t be overdue. 3. The contract provided for a guarantee period of 12 months. 4. The first instalment was delayed for three weeks. 5. There is


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not a very great difference between these two makes of the car. 6. His careful study of the matter confirms his serious approach to the problem. 7. The clients said they liked sample 101 as it met their requirements. 8.1 didn’t like his manner of treating his close friend. 9. The scientist was worried about the results of his last experiment. 10. You must express your idea differently to convey* the exact meaning. 11. What does the amount of the penalty cometo? 12. “ You must mo?e quicker if you want to get to the place in time,” he said to the driver. 13. I wa.5 relieved to hear that the appointment was not going to take place.

XV. Translate these combinations and make up sentences using them:

разделять мнение расходы урок на две части трудности яблоко пополам

нарушать правило контракт ТИШИНУ

обещание I

держать | портфель в руках i товары в порту : свое слово

коснуться ! кого-либо лично I важных вопросов в докладе ' станка рукой

узнать ' знаменитого актера I что контракт расторгнут j человека хорошо I когда прибудет са.молет

XVI. Translate these sentences paying attention to the words given in bold type;

1. Тратта, выставленная на покупателя, должна быть оплачена через 15 дней после предъявления. 2. Нам придется ПОЛУЧИТЬ одобрение наших доверителей (principals), прежде чем дать вам окончательный ответ. 3. Вам бы следовало учесть все эти замечания, они очень важные. 4. Этот вопрос следует тщательно ИЗУЧИТЬ. 5. Вам бы следовало изменить ассортимент, если вы хотите, чтобы ваш тоэар был продан как можно скорее. 6. Почему вам пришлось настаивать на то.м, чтобы эта встреча была отменена? 7. Вам не придется менять всю формулировку этого параграфа, .мы предлагае.м внести только незначительные изменения. 8. Платеж был просрочен. Покупателям пришлось оплатить убытки, вызванные 3-х недельной задержкой в платежах. 9. Платеж должен производиться в рас-



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срочку, как это оговорено в контракте. 10. Вам придется согласиться на увеличение груза, если вы хотите ускорить поставку. 11. На сколько частей нам придется разделить ЭТУ работу? 12. Почему тебе пришлось так долго отрабатывать эти упражнения? Разве они были труднее, чем все остальные?

XVn. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. We sent the firm a letter asking them ... the alterations in the design of the machine we ordered (to notice, to note, to remark). 2. I did not ... what clothes he had on (to notice, to note, to remark). 3'. “The trouble is that Peter boasts too much about his share in the experiments,” she ... (to notice, to note, to remark). 4. I fully ... the opinion that these duties should be ... between the two engineers (to share, to divide). 5. We found it very difficult ... the only copy of the book we were translating and decided ... it into two parts (to share, to divide). 6. The plant ... the new model of typewriter for mass production (to approve, to approve of). 7. I can’t ., . your attitude to the man. You are unfair to him (to approve, to approve of). 8. As the amendments we suggested were fairly slight the firm ... them without any argument (to receive, to get, to accept). 9. The manager ... visitors from 10 to 12 o’clock in the morning and he seldom made any exceptions to this rule (to receive, to get, to accept). 10. The new play they put on is remarkably good and it’s nearly impossible ... tickets for it (to receive, to get, to accept). 11. John was a thorough and honest worker and everybody admitted that he deserved the high wages he ... (to get, to accept).

XVm. Make~up situations using the following sentences:

1. This is a gross infringement of the contract. 2. I was anxious to have my friend’s approval. 3. His concern was appreciated. 4. You should have used a different wording. 5. You should have more confidence in what you do. 6. He wanted his friends to approve of his actions. 7. We were greatly concerned about the results. 8. He managed to make things smooth. 9. You should have been more thorough in the work.

XIX. Make up situations using these words and word combinations:

1. An Infringement of a Contract 2. A Good Translation

a machine-tool in operation to examine thoroughly to discover defects to be concerned about to stipulate to regard as an infringement to replace defective parts

in the original a rough translation a thorough study the right approach a slight difference the original wording to change to deserve

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3. Getting a Friend’s Approval

to hesitate to feel upset to be anxious to do well to turn to sincere to have confidence in to be confident that to do everything in one’s power to go smoothly to feel relieved

4. Friendly Cooperation

to establish ties to cooperate substantial help to welcome the support and cooperation to testify to equally .

XX. Translate into English:

1. Мы хотели бы, чтобы продавец выставил тратту на покупателя с оплатой через 30 дней после предъявления. 2. Вам следовало бы представить тратту на инкассо неделю назад. 3. Аванс в 20% будет предусмотрен в проекте контракта. 4. Мы .хотим, чтобы полученные данные считались конфиденциальными. 5. Покупатель аннулировал заказ, так как не с.мог ПОЛУЧИТЬ товар в требуемом ассортименте. 6. Незначительные изменения в конструкции станка не МОГУТ считаться грубым нарушением контракта. 7. Мы бы не настаивали на аннулировании контракта, если бы вы нарушили его впервые. 8. Одна из заинтересованных сторон настаивала на изменении первоначальной формулировки § 10 контракта, так как с их точки зрения она была недостаточно точной. 9. У вас нет оснований беспокоиться о результатах экзамена. 10. Я уверен, что все одобрят ваш новый метод проведения испытаний. 11. Фирма сообщила, что оставшиеся 30% стоимости товара будут уплачены продавцу, как только будет подписан акт приемки. 12. После тщательного изучения предложения фирмы, покупатель предложил, чтобы товар был отгружен четырь.мя равными партиями, а не тремя, как это было во вре.мя предыдущей сделки. 13. Работу следует разделить на 3 равные части, тогда вы успеете сделать её вовре.мя. 14. Платеж будет производиться с открытого счета ежеквартальны.ми взносами против отгрузочных документов. 15. 10% общей стои.мости контракта будет оплачено наличными переводом в течение 30 дней со дня получения покупателем документов на инкассо. 16. Выплата второго взноса должна быть произведена в течение этой недели. Попросите фирму ускорить платеж и напомните им, что выплата первого взноса была задержана на три недели. 17. «Вы уже проверили все железнодорожные и авианакладные?» «Нет еще, я займусь ими во второй половине дня.»


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в Москва, 25 февраля 19

Уважаемые господа! Мы тщательно рассмотрели ваше письмо от 20 января 19 ... и

вынуждены подтвердить, что вы действительно нарушили контракт в отношении условий платежа и несете ПОЛНУЮ ответственность за задержку в поставках.

Просим вас отметить, что ПУНКТ б контракта предусматривает отгрузку товара в течение 5 дней после открытия вами в нашу ПОЛЬЗУ безотзывного аккредитива в Банке ... Мы послали ва.м извещение о готовности товара к отгрузке 16 ян- варя сего года, однако аккредитив был фактически открыт только 1 февраля, т.е. с опозданием на 15 дней.

Напоминаем вам, что формулировка пункта о платежах была п|>едложена вами и полностью одобрена обеими сторонами во время переговоров в Москве. Прилагаем копии телеграмм, свидетельст- вующих о том, что мы неоднократно напоминали вам о ваших обя- зательствах в отношении УСЛОВИЙ платежа.

С уважением. Союзэкспорт


XXI. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. Which are the most frequently used terms of payment in our import transactions ? What about export transactions ? 2. Do the terms of payment depend on whether you are the buyer or the seller? Give your reasons. 3. In what cases is one of the parties concerned compelled to cancel a contract? Is cancellation often practised in your firm ?4. When is payment on an open account effected? To whom does this manner of payment give advantages? 5. Speak on the main reasons that cause overdue payment. 6. Can it be a reason for the cancellation of a contract? 7. Is it very important to get your principals’ approval when you are distributing goods for them? Why? 8. What kind of difficulties may be involved in putting into operation up-to-date equipment? 9. Which are the most important clauses stipulated in a contract? 10. What kind of document is an Acceptance Report? What does it testify to? 11. Is payment by instalments often effected in your joint- venture? Why? 12. Why are the parties often interested in speeding up the delivery of the goods? How does a delay involved concern the sellers (the buyers)? 13. Which are the most important factors contributing to close cooperation and good business relations between countries?

ХХП. Sum up the dialogue (from Section B).

ХХШ. Reproduce the dialogue as close to the text as possible.

XXIV. Pick out from the brackets all the expressions meaning:

a. opening phrases to start a business talk;

b. connecting phrases to pass over to the next point of the discussion;


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с. closing phrases to finish a talk

(what shall we start with, may I see, let’s get down to business, now comes the second point, let me see, let me have, you are welcome, shall we consider the matter closed, would you mind, the matter is, it’s settled for now, I see, you see, will that be all right, it’s fair, when shall we hear from you, one more thing, it suits me perfectly, tliat’ll be quite all right, shall we pass on to)

20th December, 19

XXV. Render the letter and discuss it:

Sojuzexport 35, Mosfilmovskaja street

Dear Sirs,

About Furnaces*

We would like to draw your kind attention to the series of discussions held with your people from the Trade Representation of the Russia in India, Calcutta, about your offer of an up-to-date electrically heated furnace.

We were slightly concerned about the fact that during the discussions we could only clear up the questions connected with the design and operation of the furnace. As to the commercial questions we failed to bring them up due to lack of time. The price question couldn’t be settled either. In this connection we would like to mention the fact that several well-known inter- national suppliers have competed for the supply of furnaces. We are confi- dent that the quality of their furnaces is equd to that of yours and the prices quoted by them are quite competitive.

The prices of furnaces offered by the A. joint-stock Company for example are f.o.b. main Black Sea ports and are considerably lower than yours.

Your representative Mr. Sedov was accordingly requested to offer prices nearer to those quoted by the above firm, that is to give us a discount. Besides we would also like you to note that earlier we agreed that the prices for the Russian furnaces should be about 25% extra as compared with those the A. firm. 10% of the prices is due to insurance and freight and the remaining 15 % — for availability of equipment for Rupee Currency, on payment by instalment terms.

The cost of erection and servicing, etc. during the guarantee period was to be covered by the price.

Since we are equally interested in speeding up the signing of the contract and since the revised prices could not be finalized during the discussions in New Delhi we agreed that to make matters smooth the price discount would be officially communicated by Mr. Sedov from Moscow.

We hope that we have succeeded in clearing up the position and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely.

Khali & Co.




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1. Why couldn’t the buyers settle the conunercial questions during the discussions? 2. Why couldn’t the price question be settled either? 3. In what connection do they mention other international suppliers of furnaces? 4. How can you explain the difference between the Russian prices and those of the A. company ? 5. Why was 15 % charged for the availability of equipment for Rupee Currency? 6. Whose idea was it to effect payment by instalments and why? 7. Why couldn’t the revised price problem be finalised during the discussions in New Delhi?

XXVI. Discuss the letters and do the asslgnm^ts following them.


31stDecember, 19 ...

Dear Sirs,

About Milk Powder* We understand that you are in the market with quantities of Milk Powder.

As you are no doubt aware there are two qualities of it and we are interested in both of them. Our firm enjoys confidence in this country and we shall be glad to receive your offers with full details of assortment and quantities available, packing, delivery time, prices c.i.f. U.K. Main Ports, London (Liverpool), Hull and Glasgow. We do not doubt that you can present samples to us.

Our Mr. Jakober will visit Moscow soon on a matter that concerns one of Prodintorg offices and will be glad to bring up the question for personal discussions.

We shall be pleased to cooperate with you. Yours faithfully,

Jakober Ltd.


Meet Mr. Jakober and discuss particulars of delivery and terms of payment.

В 3rd March, 19

Sojuzexport, Moscow

Dear Sirs,

With reference to the consignment delivered under Contract No. 17/139 we wish to let you know that the consignment has arrived in Freetown and is still in the Customs House incurring expenses.

• milk powder сухое молоко


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As we understand from your letter a mistake must have occurred as the documents were sent to one of our Branch Offices instead of being sent to our Head Office ш London.

You will realize that the goods cannot be released from the Customs without the presentation of the documents and you may have to cover our storage expenses.

Consequently you should please insure that the documents are sent to our Head Office in London with the minimum delay.

If you care to advise us details of the original draft — the value, the name and address of the firm on which you have drawn, the name of the Bank to whom you have sent the documents, we will then try to see if we can speed up matters at all from this end.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully.


Gray & Co.

Explain why the mistake has occurred. Ask the firm not to charge the storage expenses to your account. Say what you are prepared to do in return.

XXVn. Make up these dialogues:

1. Discussing the Terms of Payment


to practise manner of payment payment for collection 90% of the value of the goods When shall we hear from you? Will that be all right?

2. Discussing Overdue Payments


to be confident to be concerned about to note previous relations to fail to obtain money to speed up Will that be all right?


10 days overdue to stipulate in the Contract an infringement to have to cancel to have to put up with one more thing

Sellers 2 weeks overdue the Contract says to infringe to have to revise we can’t afford fair enough

XXVIII. Write letters in accordance with the following assignments:


1. Write a letter to an English firm asking them to change the terms of payment. Say that at present you can accept an irrevocable z/c only,

2. An Indian firm has asked you to supply them with the goods to the value o f . . . They suggest that you draw on them at 60 days’ sight


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for the amount of every invoice. Write a tactful letter explaining that you can only do this against an Irrevocable Letter of Credit confirmed by your bank.

3. Write to Cowan & Co. asking them if they would be prepared to sign an Agency Agreement with you for promoting your goods in their country or outside it. Refer to the results of the personal discussions you had, confirm the amount of the commission, you came to terms about, suggest sliglit changes in the manner of payment and give your exact wording.

В ■

1. Напишите своим клиентам фирме Scarp & Со., что вы выписали на них тратту на 52,000 и направляете ее банку на инкассо. В.месте с траттой вы направляете отгрузочные доку.менты. Сообщите, что вы дали указание банку вручить покупателю отгрузочные документы против платежа.

2. Сообщите фирме Grem & Со., что их платежи по контракту 125/39 просрочены на две недели. Напомните, что это второе на- рущение контракта со стороны фирмы, и, если они не откроют аккредитив на ПОЛНУЮ стоимость партии в течение 10 дней с даты письма, вы вынуждены будете прекратить поставки, а в дальнейшем, В03.М0ЖН0,

расторгнуть контракт. Сообщите также, что вы очень обеспокоены положением с поставка.ми по контракту 125/20, так как товар находится в порту уже неделю, а фирма не обеспечила НУЖНЫЙ тоннаж.


XXIX. Answer these questions:

1. What kind of sports will you go in for if you have your holiday in winter? 2. Will you try to sunbathe if you spend your holiday in the Crimea? Why 3. What would you do if you saw that your friend was worried by something? 4. Would you be disappointed if your good friend let you down? Why? 5. Will you be in good form if you go skating and skiing regularly? Why? 6. Would your .son have a lot of fun if you took him to the circus? Why? 7. Would you try to talk things over with your fellow workers if you found yourself in a difficult position? Why? 8. Would you rooi for a jteam if its reputation were not very good? Why? 9. Will you read a book to the end if it doesn’t seem very thrilling to you at first? Why? 10. Would Gaeglers have hurt Bartley’s feelings if the latter had known the real purpose of the sporting events? Why? 11. Would Henry Page have managed to defend himself against Sommerville and his people if he hadn’t been concerned about his son’s health so much? Why?

X1(X. Complete the sentences using the words from the column:

M o d e l 1. I am sorry you didn’t come yesterday, you would have had a very good time.

M o d e l 2. It’s a pity you don’t go skating. It would do you a lot of good.


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It is a pity you don't care for sports...

to do well in it to succeed to join the skiing outing to be awarded the first prize to help to restore to appreciate the beauty

Why didn’t you turn up in time? to lose the game to win the match to welcome heartily to find fault with to keep smb. waiting to upset plans

XXXI. Translate into English:

1. Мы будем загорать и купаться, если день будет не очень жарким. 2. Если бы тренер X. не был таким опытньш хоккеистом, его ко.манда не завоевала бы кубок в финальных соревнованиях. 3. Врач сказал больному, что если он будет заниматься спортом и проводить много времени на открытом воздухе, он быстро восстановит свое здоровье. 4. Если бы я так сильно не ушиб НОГУ, Я бы поехал с вами кататься на лыжах вчера. 5. Друзья спросили инженера К., поедет ли он отдыхать в Турцию, если ПОЛУЧИТ ОТПУСК летом, б. ЕСЛИ бы я был на твоем месте, я бы не стал СУДИТЬ об А. по перво.му впечатлению. Я уверен, что он справится с этой работой и не подведет своих товарищей. 7. Ты бы хорошо сыграл ЭТУ роль, если бы взял себя в руки и перестал волноваться. 8. Если бы ты честно признал свою ошибку, твои друзья отнеслись бы к тебе с ббльшим уважением. 9. Мы бы поддержали тебя вчера, если бы считали твои доводы правильными (разумными). 10. Болельщики этой футбольной команды были бы разочарованы, если бы игра окончилась вничью. И. Инженер X. сказал, что если им удастся обсудить этот проект сегодня, они сразу приступят к выполнению задания.

ХХХП. Retell these stories using conditional sentencer*


“Now look here,” the Army doctor said to a soldier angrily, “you know very well you wouldn’t come to me in civilian life with a little thing like this.”

“You are right, I wouldn’t,” replied the soldier. “I’d send fo' "ou.”


“How did your success in life begin?” “Well, I really owe it to my wife.” “Indeed! In what way did she influence you?”


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“It was her cooking. We had not been married a month when I realized that if I did not earn enough to pay for a cook I should soon be dead of indigestion.”

indigestion Lindi'djestJsn] расстройство желудка


A worried mother (who has not seen her fifteen-year-old son for a few hours); “Do you happen to know what has become of Jimmy? He should have been home half an hour ago.” The boy’s sister: “Well, Mother, I’m not sure, but if the ice is as thick as he thinks it is, then he is skating, but if it’s as thin as I think, then he’s swimming.”

ХХХШ. Retell the story as close to the text as possible and give extended answers to the questions following it:


This is our family — all grown-ups. Naturally father is the oldest. Mother does not consider herself old. My wife is quite young. As to my age — it’s good for any man.

My parents don’t care much for sports now. True, my father never misses an interesting football match on T.V. and calls mother out of the kitchen to join him when they score a goal and the stadium shakes with whistling and shouting. He says he doesn’t root for any particular team and enjoys watching a good game just for the sake of art, as he puts it. We sometimes have hot arguments over the moves of attack or defence, a lost game or prospects for cup finals — each of us thinks he is a good judge of football and hockey. Father used to do a bit of hockey-playing in his days but gave it up long ago and has long since forgotten the feel of it, I suspect.

On Saturday evenings we usually dine together and it’s on Saturday evenings that Father gets ideas.

“H’m, h’m,” Father said looking at the newspapers. “Just think of it, why do the papers pay so much attention to sports? Sports, they say, give you good health and a fine figure. Just think of it, we haven’t put on skis or skates for ages. What if we start going in for sports tomorrow?”

Sure we agreed. We were eager to become healthy and have wonderful figures.

“So tomorrow we get out. Let’s go to the park. We can hire skis there and have some fun.” '

“If you’re all going, I’m not staying behind,” mother said hurriedly. “But what shall we wear, mother?” my wife broke in. “Oh, we’ll think of

something. We’ve plenty of time,” was my mother’s reply. That’s how it began. “Pussy,” mother said to Father, “it seems to me that

the trousers of your blue suit don’t fit you at all. I’ll take them and shorten them a bit to fit myself.”

“Just think of it,” my wife suddenly exclaimed, “we’ve nothing suitable to wear on our heads!”

8 Зак. Na 348 Памухина 225

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”Му dear,” she asked me, “would you mind dropping in at the shop Toimd the corner? I saw wonderful sports caps there the other day.” How could I refuse?

Some minutes later I returned from the shop. “Oh, dear me!” my wife exclaimed, “no imagination at all! Look, he has bought four caps of the same colour!”

“That’s all right! We may keep farther away from each other,” my mother tried to calm her down.

So preparations went on. At about 3 o’clock in the morning the trousers were ready. “Come on, we must have some sleep,” father said hardly able to keep his eyes open by this time.

I was the first to wake up. “Awake, everybody,” I shouted with joy seeing the bright sun. My wife opened one eye. “What’s the idea of shouting like a madman?” she asked. “Is anyone killing you?” “Oh, it’s just like him. He never thinks of others sleeping,” mother remarked from the other room. “It’s 11 o’clock,” I said in a sweet voice. Father appeared looking very sad and tired.

An hour and a half later we sat down to breakfast. At table as usual Father started reading the newspaper. “Oh, this is interesting,” he suddenly exclaimed. “They say that swimming is the best way of losing weight. It would be a good idea to go in for that wonderful sport. The swimming pool is round the corner and the outfit is very simple, isn’t it? Then in the summer we can go down to the seaside and enjoy the sunshine to the full. They always do, when they keep swimming throughout the winter, it helps people to Keep fit.”

“Oh, yes,” mother put in dreamily. “I remember our last holiday at the seaside. The place was crowded with holiday-makers, but we had a marvelous time. We came back as sunburnt as negroes...”

So we got down to making plans for a swimming outing.

Quotkiiis: 1. Do you think the father’s understanding of football and hockey is deep?

2. Why did all the members of the family like the idea of a skating outing? Had they all similar reasons? 3. Why did they fail to go out skating? 4. Why was the mother attracted by the suggestion about swimming? 5. Did the family go to the swimming-pool? 6. What do you think of the members of the family? 7. Do you approve of their actions and reasons?

XXXIV. Speak on tiie topics:

1. My last holiday. 2. Your idea of a good holiday. 3. Russian resort. 4. Sport facilities in Russia.

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L E S S O N 3 8

Grammar Revision: Participle Vocabulary Revision: See Recapitulation List


by Th. Dreiser (abridged and adapted)

Theodor Dreiser was bom in August, 1871. He died in December, 194S. He started his literaiy career in 1892 on the Chicago Daily Globe as a journalist. His first novel “Sister Carrie”, a powerfiilly realistic story, met with no success at first. The climax of his career came in 1925 with “The American Tragedy” which is considered the greatest American novel. Dreiser’s story “ Will you look into My Parlour" shows America in a pre-election campaign.


Thinking of the warning given to him by his political friend Gregory walked towards the hotel. He was alone. In spite of the supposed plot his wife had left for the mountains because of tiieir child’s health. Gregory would gladly have followed them, but because of the approach of the autumn election campaign he could not possibly leave. Weekdays and Sundays he was busy looking for facts in connection with the mismanagement of the city, which were to be used against the mayor and his partner Tilney who were to be exposed to the public at all costs.

But the enemy was not helpless. First, Gh-egory was oiBFered a well-paid position which would take him out of the city. After his refusal, his mail began to disappear and it seemed to him that some strange people were taking a pecuUar interest in his movements. Finally, one of the politicians connected with Gregory’s party called to see him at his office. He warned

8* 227

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Gregory to be very careful as the enemy would stop at nothing to get rid of the undesirable witness of their machinations. Gregory’s behaviour had been perfect so far, from every point of view, and yet who knew to what extent the mayor and his partner would go?

Gregory remembered that since he and his wife had come to this hotel » several things had happened which annoyed him a great deal. A certain Mrs. Skelton,* an overdressed widow of forty, had arrived. She introduced herself as business woman. She was friendly to everybody, and both Gregory and his wife liked her, though Gregory’s wife had often wondered whether she was engaged in some plot against him. Her manner was free of suspicion, and still she might be looking for just such a situation as this to find Gregory alone ...

“Be careful, dear,’’ his wife said, before she left. “If you become too doubtful, leave and go to another place. At least that will compel them to look for another group of people.”

And she went away quite sure of her husband’s ability to manage the matter.

Thus, much against his will Gregory found himself alone. He began to wonder if he should leave. But why should he be driven from the hotel when he most needed it? His investigation demanded it and a comfortable place to rest at night was also imperative.

“It’s beautiful here,” he said to himself finally, “and here is where I stay.” In consequence, he travelled back and forth between this place and the

city, thinking of what might happen. Becoming a little doubtful, he decided to call on Frank Blount, a friend of his, and talk things over with him. Blount was an old newspaper man who had first turned a lawyer and then a broker.

Reaching the city one morning, Gregory went to Blount’s office, and there put the whole case before him.

“Well,” Blount replied, after he heard the story, “I’d stick it out* if 1 were you. Of course, you’ll have to be on your guard. I’d also take out a permit to carry a revolver, and I think you ought to make out a day-to-day statement of your exact movements, and swear to it before a notary. Besides, I haven’t so very much to do evenings and week-ends, and if you want me to. I’ll just be around most of the time in case of trouble. And then, too, you’ll have an eye-witness.”

So several days Gregory, to avoid being a nuisance, returned to the hotel early. Also he secured a permit. But his uncertainty worked on his imagination to such an extent that he began to notice suspicious moves on the part of nearly everybody.

One night Gregory decided to return to the hotel alone, because Blount was busy till eleven, and Gregory felt too tired to wait for him. “After all, nothing has happened yet,” he thought. So he provided himself with evening newspapers to occupy himself in the train and not to think of the unpleasant walk to the hotel and took the nine o’clock train.

But when he saw that he was the only one who got off at the station.



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his determination almost left him. He should have stayed in town or returned with Blount in his car. But he dismissed the thought and started off along the road, dark and lonely at this hour. All of a sudden a car appeared and stopped a short distance ahead. Two men got out of it and began examining a wheel. Gregory never lacked courage, but at the sight of those two men he couldn’t help feeling rather frightened. Why should this car stop just at this lonely place just as he was approaching it? As he neared the car one of the men moved towards him. Gregory stopped, took the revolver out of his pocket and called to him, “Stay right where you are.” The stranger stopped, seemingly surprised, and explained that he wanted to inquire of a road to Tragar’s Point. The place was out that way and that increased Gregory’s suspicions. Aiming his revolver at the men, Gregory passed them 35 quickly as possible. Then he turned and ran as fast as he could, reaching the hotel .steps breathless and wet.

When he told Blount about the incident, the latter seemed inclined tc pooh-pcoh his fears. Why should anyone want to choose such an open niace to kill another? Still Gregory was not convinced and he couldn’t help thinking that he might easily have been a victim of those strangers ...

Meanvvhiie Mrs. Skelton seemed to be taking more care of Gregory. One day at breakfast she announced with a great air of secrecy that a friend

of hers, a girl of some position and money, one Imogene Carle, was coming to this place to stay for a little while. She was only twenty, clever, beautiful, a good dancer, a pianist — in ,'hort, too good to ^ true.

P A R , ! I I

A few days later the fair visitor appeared and she was ail that Mrs. Skelton itad promised and more. She seemed .simple and unpretentious, laughing, gay, not exactly perfect, but fairly intelligent, and good to look at,

“Say,” Blount said, “some beauty, eh? Well, now, my boy, be careful.” Gregory could aot help laughing. However much he might be on his gjiard,

he was interested. .She was, or pretended to be, absolutely sincere, and ignorant of her possible role as a siren* and they in their turn pretended th accept her at her own vahiation.

Gregory could r ot help thinking what an amazing thing, really, it was (provided it were true) that so dark a personality as Tilney could secure sjich an attractive girl to do his dirty work.

“My boy, you don’t know these people,” Blount vrzs always telling him.® “They're the limit.''’^ Stick it out. It may provide you with the very clue you’re lacking for. You can’t be led in any special trap with your eyes open.”

Gregory agreed to all this. Besides, this very attractive girl was beginning to appeal to him. He had never known a woman like this before — never even seen one.

And Imogene liked him too, he could see it.

I ® r'-'insn]! сирена i'uoy сгв tbc liinit ОКИ такие, что дальше ехать некуда


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They became very friendly and spent plenty of time in each other’s company.

Blount had come to the conclusion that the girl was a tool of these people. He found out that she had once been the private secretary to a well known banker whose institution had been connected with Tilney. Perhaps there had been some papers which she had signed as the secretary, which might make her the victim of Tilney.

“If you play your cards right with this girl,” Blount said, “you might get her to come over to your side. In spite of what she’s doing, I think she likes you. And don’t forget that every day you are nearer to the election.”

So Gregory agreed to stay a little whUe longer ... Once Mrs. Skelton was called to the city on business for a few days. In the

meanwhile Imogene was freer, more natural than she had been before, he felt easier in her presence, more confidential.

He and Imogene had two hours together on the second afternoon of the absence of Mrs. Skelton.

They fell into conversation first about a tennis match and then about his work, which he described in part, mentioning that she knew all about it.

“Why do you always talk to me that way about everything in connection with you?” she asked after a moment’s pause.

“Do you really want me to explain it to you?” he answered. “I don’t suppose you have ever heard of the Union Bank, for instance, or Mr. Tilney?”

“Why, Mr. Gregory, how you talk. IJhaven’t the slightest idea of what you mean. You must have mixed me up with someone else.” She moved as if she were going to leave.

“Now listen to me a minute,” he said sharply. “You know that I’m running an investigation bureau with which I mean to break up the present city political ring, and I have a lot of evidence against Mr. Tilney and he knows it, and that’s why you’re out here. I’m not in the dark as to anything — not even you. I am tired of it all sometimes, but you’ve appeared so friendly and sympathetic, that I’ve thought at times that perhaps you didn’t know exactly what was going on.”

He stood up as if to walk off, while Miss Carle sat there, seemingly puzzled, then she jumped up and called after him;

“Mr. Gregory. Please. You don’t understand how it is,” she said, “and I can’t tell you either, just now, but I will some time. I admit that I do know Mr. Tilney. I did come here to see if I could get you interested in me, but they didn’t teU me just why. I didn’t think there was anything so very wrong in that, seeing all they have done for me in the past — Mr. Tilney, Mrs. Skelton and some others. But after I saw you a little while I . . . ” she paused and looked at him then away, “I didn’t think you were that kind of a man, you see, and so — well, it’s different now. I don’t want to do anything to injure you.”

“How should I know?” he answered sharply. “And why can’t you tell me now, who these people are? What are their plans, their game?”

“I don’t know. I can’t tell you any more than I have, if I find out, maybe I will, some time. Won’t you believe me?”


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Gregory could not quite make out whether she was telling him the exact truth, but it seemed to him that she could not be wholly lying. She seemed too frank.

They agreed to be friends. He confessed that he liked her, but still that he did not trust her — not yet. They were to go on as before, but only on condition that nothing further happened to him which could be traced to her.

“I couldn’t rely on what she is saying,” Blount said when Gregory had tolfi him about it. “Just keep your eyes open that’s all. Don’t have anything to do with her in a compromising way. She may be lying to you again.”

Prbper Names

Theodor Dreiser ['Oiod» 'draizs]

Gregory ['gregan]

Sk,elton ['skeltan]

Bljaunt [blaunt]

hhogene Carle ['imadson 'ka:l]


Ij WOl yon walk into my parlonr? строка из детского стихотворения


Will you walk into my Parlour? Said the spider to the fly.

Зайди, пожалуйста, ко мне в дом, сказал паук мухе.

а certain Mrs. Skelton некая миссис Скелтон

I Неопределенный артикль употребляется перед[именем собственным, если ему предшествует слово “certain.” Например: I knew а сег- tahi Nelson, but I don’t know whether he was the man you spoke about.


3.i Blount was always telling him ,.. Блаунт всегда говорил'ему...

Present Continuous Tense может употребляться для обозначения обычного действия, которое воспринимается как происходящее постоянно. Например: Whenever I see her she is always smiling. Когда бы я ни встречал ее, она всегда улыбается.


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a plot election (s) to elect to expose to take to to take up undesirable a witness to witness behaviour to behave from one’s point of view to . . . extent to annoy annoying to be engaged (in) an engagement doubtful an investigation to make an investigation to investigate

a consequence consequently to reach to he on (one’s) guard a statement to secure security to occupy an occupation to dismiss lonely to aim to be aimed (at, against) an aim an incident an accident to convince convincing a victim to pretend

ignorant to ignore a conclusion in conclusion to come to the conclusion to conclude natural naturally unnatural to mix op (with) evidence evident to be tired (of) sympathetic to sympathize (with) sympathy (for) frank to rely (on) to compromise


warning n plot n

The Decemberists didn’t want to involve Pushkin in their plot against the tzarist government.

tv. comb, interesting plot thrilling exciting, etc.

The plots in many of O. Henry’s stories are thrilling. election(s) л

Elections of presidents in the U.S.A. take place every four years, elect V

Under the Constitution every citizen has the right to elect and be elected.

предостережение 1. заговор

2. содержание, фабула




Не was elected president. Его избрали президентом.

Предикатив употребляется без артикля.


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prp. elect to He was elected to the joint

committee. mlsmanagemeDt n mayor [mso] n expose V

w. comb, expose a policy a plan an action, etc.

The editorials in the «Northern Light» tried to expose the actions of Sommerville. take up V

w. comb, take up a job a language music sports, etc.

выбирать в

неправильное руководство мэр разоблачать, раскрывать

браться за что-л., начать заниматься чем-л. серьезно

I wonder what the boy will take up next. I advise you to take up hockey, take to v

)•'. comb, take to a subject a person a place music, etc.

Or. take to | doing smtii. j smtb. (smb.)

Nancy took to swimming like a fish. The children took to their teacher at once, peculiar

[pi'kjudjo] adj finally [Tainsli] adv warn V undesirable ['Andi'zaiorobl] adj Everybody felt relieved when the undesirable visitor had left, witness n

The witness gave a very careful description of the case, witness V

He witnessed their argument. machination [^niskl'neijon] Л belmTiour [bi'heivjo] tt Everybody praised the girl’s behaviour. syn. manners bdiave v

Gaeglers thought that Bartley behaved very strangely in the pub. view n

rom one’s point of view From my point of view he was the best chess player

during the contest, to some (a great, a certain, etc.)'extent

I agree with you to a certain extent, overdressed adj widow ['wtdou] n aimoy V

Loud music always annoys me.

пристраститься к, полюбить, привязаться к

особый наконец предостерегать нежелательный


быть свидетелем чего-л.

махинация, интрига поведение, манеры

вести себя, поступать

взгляд с точки зрения кого-л.

в некоторой (значительной и т. п.) степени

безвкусно, крикливо одетая вдова досаждать, раздражать


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eanuyiDg ad} H*. comb, annoying person fact sound remark

behaviour, etc. It was annoying to walk in the rainy weather, be

engaged in Gr. be engaged in I smth.

I doing srndi. OUT firm is engaged in manufacturing machine- tools.

be engaged My time is fully engaged. The manager was engaged with the sales expert. He

is engaged at a meeting, engagement n w. comb, important engagement

firm official business, etc.

I have a very important engagement for tomorrow. H>. comb, have an engagement keep break If 1 have an engagement I do my best to ke^ it.

раздражающий, досадный

заниматься чем-л.

быть занятым

дело, занятие, договоренность

. Соп^аге:

His numerous engagements for the week included a visit to the theatre, a conference at the club and several business appointments.

engagement —дело, занятость различного харак тера, в том числе деловые встречи

I couldn’t make an appointment with the engineer owing to a previous engagement. 1 had been invited to see an exhibition for that time.

appointment — деловое свидание, встреча (с врачом, фирмой, знакомыми по деловым вопросам)

doubtful adj IV. comb, doubtful future

case data, etc.

The data seem doubtful, you should make further inquiries, ability Л investigation [m,vesti'geiJon] n The investi^tion was very serious, make an investigatiou

Mr. M. will make an investigation of this crime,

investigate v w. comb, investigate a position a

plot a case a crime, etc.

сомнительный, неопределенный

способность расследование

производить расследование



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It took him two weeks to iDvestigate the case, imperatife [im'perativ] a4i coBsequcuce ['konsikwons] n He fell ill and the consequence was that he was much behind in studies, consequently adv

He will be away on business for 2 months, conseqnently he won’t be able to take part in the work. syn. as a resnit, thwefore reach v He reached the place at 8 o’clock sharp.

3d. необходимый (по)следствие






We’ll reach the town by night. (прямое дополнение)

Мы дойдем до города к вечеру, (предложное дополнение)

be on (one’s) guard Gaeglers was on guard when he came to speak to

Bartley, permit ['psimit] n statement n

H>. comb, clear Joint official, etc.


быть настороже

разрешение (документ) заявление

After the talks the delegations signed their Joint statement.

swear (swore, sworn) [swee, swa:, swam] v notary ['noutori] n nuisance ['qju:sans] n

secure [si'kjuo] v It', comb, secure a person a

ticket peace success credit tonnage, etc.

He secured two seats for the performance. They secured three pwsons to do this work, security n

3d. заверить нотариус неприятный (человек, факт, обстоятельство) обеспечить, достать, найти

обеспечение, безопасность, благополучие

What does the security of the family depend on ? uncertainty [An'saitonti] n occupy ['akjupai] г

w. comb, occupy a room a position a post oneself time, etc.

неопределенность 1. занимать


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я1ш п It was the boy's aim to become a doctor. syn. purpose



You should always have an aim when doing something serious.


The purpose of my visit is to present the required documents.


Всегда нужно иметь цель, когда делаешь что-либо серьезное.

-конечная цель, желание достичь чего-либо

Цель моего визита — представить необходимые документы.

— намерение, незначительная межрточная цель


запыхавшийся случай, инцидент

breathless ['breeiis] adj iiKddent ['insidant] л

Л lot of stories are written about frontier incidents.

accident л несчастный случай w. comb, car accident

road railway

He was to investigate the causes of the railway accident.


Several people were killed during the car accident.

accident — несчастный случай

I had some funny incidents during my holiday.

incident — небольшое событие, происшествие,


Getting а diploma was a great event in his life.

event — событие, значительное в целом или

важное для данного лица

This is а special case and must be treated tactfully.

case — случай как стечение обстоятельств,

сложившаяся ситуация

Не was awarded а prize and I went to congratulate him on the occasion.

occasion —частный, данный, особый случай, повод

be inclined pooh-pooh [pu;'pu:] v convince V

Gr. convince smb. that We convinced him that he was mistaken. ' prp. convince smb. of He was convinced of the rightness of his position.

оыть склонны.м отнестись с пренебрежением убедить

убедить кого-л. в чем-л.


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cea¥lnc;ng adj w, comb. conTindiig ailment

speech result explanation, etc.


tv. comb, i^ore

He found her explanation of things quite coarincing.

Tictim n Bulger became a victim of Gaeglers’ dishonest

action, airn secrecy ['stkreei] n in short unpretentious ['Anpri'tenjos] adj intelligent [m'telidssnt] adj pretend v

Gr. pretend I that... I to be...

He pretended that he did not understand me. He pretended to be puzzled by my words, ignorant ['ignorant] adj Ignorant people are sometimes annoying, ignore [ig'n»] v

a fact an action a remark a person, etc.

You shouldn’t ignore bis advice, he is a very experienced person, valuation n amazing adj personality [,p3:sa'nteliti] n cine n trap R appeal v

plenty conclusion n

w. comb, firm conclusion sensible convincing shaky, etc.

The conclusions of the committee were support- ed by documents, in ctmclnsion

In conclusion the reporter told us an interesting incident from his experience, come to the conclnsion

We came to the conclusion that the work was not urgent, conclude V

I watched him play tennis several times and concluded that he wasn’t very good at it.

He concluded the lecture by giving a list recommended books.

tool R natural ['nstjaral] adj


вид тайна, секретность короче говоря без претензий умный ’ притворяться

невежественный, незнающий.

игнорировать, не замечать

оценка поразительный личность отгадка ловушка зд. быть привлекательным, нравиться достаточно, много вывод, заключение


в заключение прийти к


1. сделать заключение, вывод

2. закончить

орудие естественный


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И', comb, natural voice smile colour sciences, etc.

It's only natural for him to act in this manner. He is very good at natural sciences, naturally adv

“Are you going to read the book?” “Naturally, I am making a report on it.” syn. of

course unnatural adj As she spoke her voice sounded unnatural, mix up

(rritb) V w. comb, mix up people words names figures, etc.

Don’t mix up the papers on the table. You must have mixed me up with someone. I’ve

never seen you. evidence ['evidons] л They couldn’t &d'any evidence against the man.

evident It was evident that the man knew the subject

thoroughly, be tired

prp., Gr. be tired of I smth., smb. I doing smth.

I am tired of this rqiort, it’s very uninteresting. It was evident that she was tired of listening to him.

■ympathetie |>impo'6etik] ad] She was very sympathetic and I told her about my troubles.

■ympafiilze ['simpoOaiz] v prp. sympathize with You are not right here, I can’t sympathize with you.

sympafiiy n prp. sympathy/or His sympathy for me was not quite sincere.

w. comb, arouse sympathy show win desme express, etc.

A dishonest person will never arouse my sympafiiy. frank adj

I can’t help you much if you are not frank with me. confess V trace V

естественно, конечно


смешать, спутать, перепутать

доказательство, показания

очевидный, явный

устать, надоесть





признаваться проследить


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rely (on) V w. comb, rely on ' facts

people , information, etc.

She is a very good worker, you can always rely on her.

compromise ['kompromaiz] v This company will not compromise you.

полагаться (на)



I. Read the text in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises below:


a. Paraphrase the following:

1. ... facts in connection with the mismanagement of the city. 2 . . . . some strange people were taking a peculiar interest in his movements. 3. Gregory’s behavior had been perfect so far. 4. ... whether she was engaged in some plot against him. 5. Her manner was free of suspicion ... 6. If you become too doubtful ... 7. She went away quite sure of her husband’s ability to manage the matter. 8. But why should he be driven from the hotel ... 9. In consequence he travelled back and forth ... 10. Gregory put the whple case before him. 11. ... you’ll have to be on your guard. 12. I haven’t so much to do evenings ... 13. So he provided himself with evening newspapers ... 14. But he dismissed the thought ... 15. ... he wanted to inquire of a road ... 16. The place was out that way ... 17. ... a girl of some position and money ...

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. ... who were to be exposed to the public at all costs. 2. And yet who knew to what extent the mayor and his partner would go? 3. The enemy would stop at nothing. 4. ... and still she might be looking for just a situation like this — to find Gregory alone ... 5. I think you ought to make out a day-to-day statement of your exact movements ... 6. Gregory, to avoid being a nuisance, returned to the hotel early, .7. His uncertainty worked on his imagination to such an extent that he began to notice suspicious moves on the part of nearly everybody. 8. ... the latter seemed inclined to pooh-pooh his fears.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. ... he could not possibly leave. 2. ... one of the politicians called to see him at his office. 3. ... an overdressed widow of forty ... 4. ... and swear to it before a notary ... 5. I’ll just be around most of the time in case of trouble. 6. Gregory never lacked courage. 7. ... he couldn’t help feeling rather frightened. 8. The stranger stopped, seemingly surprised ... 9. Why should anyone want to choose such an open place to kill another? 10. ... in short, too good to be true.


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P A R T I I a. Parapbrase the following:

1. She seemed ... good to look at, very. 2. ... they ... pretended to accept her at her own valuation. 3. It may provide you with the very clue you’re looking for. 4. ... this girl was beginning to appeal to him. 5. They fell into conversation. 6. I’m not in the dark as to anything — not even you. 7. ... she could not be wholly lying.

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. She was, or pretended to be, absolutely sincere, and ignorant of her possible role as a siren. 2. Gregory could not help thinking what an amazing thing, really, it was ... that so dark a personality as Tilney could secure such an attractive girl to do his dirty work. 3. You can’t be led in any special trap with your eyes open. 4. Blount came to the conclusion that the girl was a tool of these people. 5. “If you play your cards right with this girl ... you might get her to come over to your side.” 6. ... I mean to break up the present city political ring ... 7. Don’t have anything to do with her in a compromising way.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. However much he might be on his guard ... 2. Gregory could not help thinking ... 3. I haven’t the slightest idea of what you mean. 4. ... you didn’t know exactly what was going on. 5. I did come here to see if I could get you interested in me ... 6. How should I know? 7. Won’t you believe me? 8. They were to go on as before ... 9. ... which could be traced to her. 10. Just keep your eyes open.

d. Sum up the conversation between Gregory and Imogene.

П. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences and phrases and give situations in which they are used in the text.

1. Некая Скелтон ... 2. Она была дружески расположена ко всем. 3. ... совершенно против своей воли. 4, и здесь я останусь ... 5. я всегда буду здесь ... 6. если СЛУЧИТСЯ неприятность ... 7. короче говоря ... 8. в обществе друг друга ... 9. привлечь на свою сторону. 10. Я понятия не и.мею, о чем вы говорите. И. ... и вот почему вы здесь. 12. иногда я думал ... 13. Я действительно приехала сюда ... 14. ... сейчас все иначе. 15. ... откуда мне знать? 16. Неужели вы мне не поверите? 17. Они договорились быть друзья.ми.


Ш. Activise these words:

a. Answer these questions:

to take up^ to take to

1. Would you advise a young man (a girl) to take up medicine as the main occupation? What about physics, a foreign language, etc.? 2. What kind of sports do you care for most? Why did you take it up ? 3. What kind of people would you take to easily?

9 Зак. № 348 Памухина 241

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b. Complete these sentences:

1. The place looked so inviting ... (to take to, at once). 2. The subject is very difficult ... (to take up). 3. He is very good at music ... (to take up). 4. The woman gave the boy a warm welcome ... (to take to).

c. Paraphrase these sentoices:

1. Old John didn’t want his son to choose writing as a profession. 2. Mary began to like her new friend nearly at once. 3. He began to study chemistry in spite of my warning. 4. At first the boy was forced to study music but with time he began to like it with all his heart.

to annoy, annoying

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what circumstances can a person feel annoyed? 2. What kind of people annoy you? 3. Can music sometimes be annoying? When? 4. Would it be annoying to miss a party you looked forward to?

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1.1 felt upset to hear that the party was put off. 2. It was very unpleasant to miss the train as it was the last in the mornmg. 3. He was very displeased to leam that his friend would not be awarded the prize. 4. The man always makes me angry because he complains about nearly everything.

to be engaged, to be engaged in smth., an engagement

a. Translate into Russian:

1. The manager was engaged at a conference and the secretary asked N. to come again not to keep him waiting. 2. I couldn’t accept the invitation owing to a previous engagement. 3. He couldn’t break the engagement even as an exception. 4. They were engaged in a hot argument when I came up. 5.1 am engaged in the morning, can we make an appointment for the afternoon ? 6. An important business engagement kept him busy till 8 p.m.

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. Our f i r m deals vrith importing machinery. 2. This room is not available. They are having talks there. 3. The line is busy. Can you wait? 4. I’m sorry I can’t have an appointment next week. I’ll have no time at all. 5. Why didn’t you do what you’ve promised to?

c. Translate into English:

1. — Ваша фирма занимается экспортом сахара? — Да. 2. Мы занимаемся ВЫПУСКОМ таких изделий с 19... года. 3. — Можно видеть главного инженера? _ Нет. Он сейчас занят с фирмой. 4. Директор сейчас занят на переговорах. Вы хотите передать ему что- нибудь?


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to secure, security

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what way do you secure the necessary tonnage? 2. What docu- ments do you have to secure proper insurance of the goods (payment in time, high quality, etc.)? 3. What kind of people should we secure to do important work? 4. What does a firm do to secure profits?

b. Translate into English:

1. Мы получили достаточное количество заказов на это оборудо- вание. 2. Эти заказы дают (обеспечивают) достаточную прибыль. 3. Эти документы обеспечат достаточный кредит. 4. Вы подобрали (обеспечили) квалифицированных работников для выполнения этой работы? 5. Безопасность государства в значительной степени зависит от проводимой им политики. 6. Благополучие (безопасность) семьи зависело от заработка старого Джона.

to aim, to be aimed at (against), an aim

a. Make up sentences using the words from the table:

M o d e l ; This policy is aimed

Such actions One’s remarks The report, etc.

to be aimed at (against)

at reducing imports, against reviving militarism.

to cancel the contract to shake the audience to expose the plot to investigate the position to establish close cooperation to carry out a policy to relieve the pain to secure peace to back one’s friend

b. Translate Into English:

1. Наша политика в торговле направлена на укрепление мира. 2. Цель кампании—рекламировать эти товары в стране. 3. Какова его основная цель? 4. Меры (кампания) были направлены на то, чтобы разоблачить их планы. 5. На что направлена эта политика? 6. Его замечания направлены против меня. 7. Эта политика была направлена против увеличения импорта.

to convince, convincing

а. Make up sentences using the words from the tables:

M o d e l 1. Finally he convinced^me thaf the work was very urgent.

She convinced me I was (felt) convinced Are you convinced

that reliable information to be fit for the job to be awarded the first prize (not) to put up with to take care of to take up a subject

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M o d e l 2. She was convinced of the importance of the work.

They convinced me Are you convinced

of the necessity of the alterations one’s devotion to smth. the importance of their approval

b. Translate into English:

1. Я убежден, что в конце концов вы измените отношение к ЭТОМУ

человеку. 2. Они убедили меня в необходимости тесного сотрудничества с фирмой. 3. Он был убежден, что их подозрения несправедливы. 4. Я убеждена, что он не смирится с такими результатами. 5. — Вам удалось убедить его в этом?—Нет. 6. — Вы убеждены, что вы правы? — Да.

sympathetic, to sympatidze with, sympathy for

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what situation would you sympathize with a person? 2. In what case would a sympathetic word do a lot of good? 3. What kind of people (actions) would win your sympathy?

b. Compiete these sentences:

1. The mother saw that the boy’s injury was only slight ... (to show no sympathy). 2. I saw that he was only pretending to be upset ... (not te deserve, sympathy). 3. The accident was very serious ... (to express, sympathy for). 4. He must have ignored my advice and got into trouble ... (not to sympathize with, now). 5.1 am tired of his complaints ... (not to sympathize, any longer). 6. He is always telling me about his troubles ... (to look for, sympathetic words).

rv. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. Do you find the plots of O. Henry’s stories interesting? Why? 2. Does it come from his stories that he sympathizes with the characters of his stories? 3. Did you take to any of his characters when reading his stories? Why? 4. To what conclusion does the reader come when reading his stories ?

1. What features in people very often annoy you? 2. Have you ever been annoyed by your friend’s behaviour? 3. What was the consequence of it? 4. Did he ignore your criticism completely or did he admit you were right to some extent?

1. Have you ever been engaged in selling equipment? 2. Did you have to convince your customers of anything during the negotiations? 3. To what conclusion did they come? 4. Did they rely on your information or did they want to make further inquiries?

1. How often are presidents elected in the U.S.A.? 2. Do the candidates try to compromise each other during the pre-election campaign? Why? 3. Are there any victims during the elections there? 4. Do accidents also take place? 5. In what way do the candidates try to convince the population that they should elect them?


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1. Were there many Soviet witnesses at the Nurenbcrg trial? 2. Why were many Soviet lawyers engaged in the investigation of the crimes of the fascists? 3. Why was it very important that all evidence against the fascists should be convincing? 4. How did the Hitler generals behave at the trial?

1. Was Gaeglers irank when he said he needed Bartley’s help? 2. Why did he pretend he couldn’t do without his help? 3. What was his aim? 4. Was his plan good from your point of view?

V. Give English equivalents to the following combinations:

1. расследовать заговор; 2. нежелательное заключение; 3. искрен- ние показания; 4. полагаться на чье-л. заявление; 5. вызвать чье-л. сочувствие; б. отогнать от себя мысль; 7. вести себя естественно; 8. заниматься расследованием чего-л.; 9. неестественное поведение; 10. быть свидетелем несчастного случая; И. разоблачить истинные цели; 12. не обращать внимания на последствия; 13. обсудить сю- жет; 14. согласиться с кем-л. до некоторой степени; 15. быть на- правленным против нарушения контракта; 16. сочувствовать оди- ноким людям; 17. сделать замечания в заключение.

VI. Give aU possible combinations of: a. the following verbs with nouns:

to expose to ignore to take up to secure to take to to mix up to witness to rely on

b. tbe following noons with verbs:

to occupy to dismiss to investigate

respect sympathy

engagement confidence

c. the following adjectives with noons:

annoying natural

doubtful lonely


VII, Translate the following sentences into Russian:

; 1. His wife was the first witness who was called on to give evidence. 2. Have you any evidence for this statement that we can rely on? 3. The aim, if reached or not, makes one’s life great. 4. “It was just an accident, and you should treat it as such,” he said in conclusion. 5. They were perfectly correct in their behaviour. 6. When she concluded there was a silence. 7. No matter who will go against me he will have to take the consequences. 8. A certain Mr. Kerb told him that the investigation he was making was most undesirable. 9. He secured a post in the Government service for his son. 10. The manager was engaged with correspondence. 11. He pretended to be seriously interested in all she said. 12. From my point of view it would not be sensible to give up so important a job. 13. \№en his brother took up the subject he would spend hours in public libraries. 14. To be frank, she did not deserve


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sympathy. 15. Ruth took to Martin Eden the first evening she met him. 16. Martin wrote again and again but his letters were ignored. 17. She liked to be sympathized with, to be taken out, to be given a good time ... 18. Shannon was ignorant of the actual state of affairs.

УШ. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary;

1. After a careful eAamination the experts came ... the conclusion that the make ... the machine didn’t conform ... the latest achievements ... the field. 2. These enterprises have been engaged ... manufacturing electrical equipment ... the last few years. 3. Henry Page understood that he must be ... guard when talking ... Sommerville. 4. Many ... our students were elected members ... the local trade union committee. 5. All the efforts ... the Russian Government are aimed ... securing peace ... the world, ... unleashmg* a new war. 6. I am never tired ... doing one and the same thing several times if it is aimed ... something useful. 7. Everybody sympathized ... Ann when she broke her leg and couldn’t take part ... the ski contests. 8. The woman was so anxious ... her daughter’s coming operation that the thought ... it occupied her mind completely and she couldn’t dismiss it ... a moment. 9. It is very hard ... me to convince Klimov ... his mistake. He is always trying to prove that people are just finding fault ... him. 10. You can rely ... this man. He’ll never mix ... anything. 11. “They say Peter has taken ... geography.” “Yes, he’s taken ... it quite unexpectedly. You remember he was always saying he didn’t care for natural sciences. 12. Neither ... the two boys was awarded ... a prize ... the swimming event, though one ... them deserved it ... my point ... view. 13. He is always complaining ... being occupied and I see no reason to express sympathy ... hmi. 14. ... their letter the Sellers referred ... difBculties ... securing the necessary tonnage but ... conclusion they promised that the goods would reach ... the port of destination ... the end .. .the month ... the latest. 15. “The director must have been engaged ... very urgent papers, otherwise he wouldn’t have kept you waiting even five minutes,” said the secretary.

IX. Paraphrase tbe following sentences using the active vocabulary of tfae lesson:

1. The plot was made known to the public. 2.1 wish it least of all. 3. We could agree with you partly. 4. Are you sure she will obtain tickets for the whole group? 5. “We can posidvely believe the proofs the Committee has,” the chairman said at tbe end of bis speech. 6. He tried to make us believe that he always acted most carefully. 7. What you say sounds convmcing. 8. When I am engaged in doing serious work I find telephone calls most unpleasant. 9. He has seen the accident with his own eyes and can give information in court if necessary. 10. “I told him on several occasions that I don’t approve of his behaviour but my remarks are being minoticed,” the aunt said about her twelve-year-old nephew Tom. 11. He is a very thorough worker and will not put the slightest doubt out of his mind until he is fully convinced. 12. The children took a big hall to practise the dances which they were going to put on at the coming party.

* to unleash a war развязать войну


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X. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. He ... his friends for their thoughts and actions and not for words (to choose, to elect). 2. They ... Petrov chairman of the meeting (to choose, to elect). 3. ... very often happen owing to one’s carelessness (incident, accident). 4. He told the girl of many ... which happened to him after he ’ had taken up natmal sciences (incident, accident). 5 We all have had a very ... day, though everyone was ... in his own way (occupied, busy, engaged). 6. When I entered the hall all the seats had already been ... .It took me some time to find a vacant seat (occupied, busy, engaged). 7. His statement ... so striking a picture that the audience were silent for a while (to expose, to betray). 8. He is always smiling but his eyes sometimes ... anxiety (to expose, to betray). 9. He has lived ... for a long time but he never complains of being ... (lonely, alone). 10. I have many ... for this week, among them ... with the doctor (appointment, engagement). 11. Many people were injured during the railway ... and some of them were pretty hard . . . , as the doctor admitted (case, accident). 12.1 go out fairly seldom and, consequently, regard going to the theatre as a great ... rather than an ... (engagement, occasion). 13.1 have always known that part of the beach as ... and was very disappointed to see it ... as I prefer sunbathing ... (lonely, alone; engaged, occupied).

XI. Fill in the blanks with articles or possessive pronouns who'e'necessary and retell the story in detail:


When ... president of ... National farmers’ Bank received ... anon- ynjous letter from one of ... branch banks he called ... secretary to talk ... matter over. ... letter said that Mr. Floriot, ... acting manager* of ... branch had been stealing money from ... farmers’ funds and this consequently threatened ... security.

Mr. Floriot had for years been ... cashier* ** at ... branch, ... honest, reliable worker, now acting as manager, temporarily, since ... post was vacant. B u t . . . letter could not be ignored entirely, so ... president decided to send ... inspector to investigate ... position tactfuOy.

“Do you want to inspect my books?’’ Mr. Floriot asked ... inspector in frank surprise. “It’s a bit unusual in ... middle of ... month, isn’t it?’’ He looked so hurt that ... inspector sympathized with him and was relieved to find nothing compromising in ... books. He hurried to inform .. |. president accordingly and ... latter was glad to dismiss ... idea from his mind.

j But in ... month’s time ... other anonymous letter arrived, with ... statement of ... similar nature. This time, though ... president found it most annoying, he gave ... instructions to make ... thorough study of ...

♦ lading manager исполняющий обязанности управляющего

•* cashier [кае'рэ] кассир


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Floriot’s books. ... investigation lasted over four days and Mr. Floriot seemed quite upset, but nothing was missing, not ... figure mixed up, and ... inspector’s conclusions were very flattering* to Mr. Floriot.

About ... week later, however, Mr. Floriot came to ... president to hand in his resignation.** “Your resignation?” asked ... president. “You can’t mean that, my dear Floriot, it would be most undesirable.”

But Floriot insisted that although no evidence had been found during ... investigation his reputation was ruined and he had to resign. ... president was moved. “We must do something to clear your name,” he said, “something to convince people that you were ... mere victim of ... dirty trick. Why, you can occupy ... manager’s post! It is still vacant. Nothing can be more convincing, can it?”

Back at home Floriot told his wife ... story in ... good-natured voice. “Yes,” he concluded, “those letters were ... wonderful idea of mine.”

ХП. Translate these sentences into English paying attention to the words given in bold type:

1. .Меня очень беспокоит положение с заказо.м № 125/14. Займитесь этим вопросом сегодня. Хорошо? 2. Вы давно занимаетесь экспортом этого товара? 3. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы он серьезно занялся лыжным спортом, у него способности к спорту. 4. Наша контора не занимается транспортньши вопросами. 5. Пройдите в номер, пожалуйста, портье займется вашим багажо.ч. 6. Приходите в 10.30. Я занимаюсь английским до 10 часов, и мне не хочется заставлять вас ждать себя. 7. — Чем ты занимаешься? — Я просматриваю акт прие.мки (товара).

ХШ. Маке up situations using the following sentences:

1. I couldn’t help sympathizing with her. 2. Further evidence was needed. 3. He pretended to be interested in the statement. 4. I felt annoyed, I must tell you. 5. So he became a victim of a joke. 6. You will have to change this point of view. 7. The trouble is I can’t always rely on him.

XIV. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1. An Accident

to witness an accident to investigate evidence to sympathize with sincere from one’s point of view to deserve consequences to feel relieved

2. Diseasing a Point

to be engaged in to secure documents to testify to to come to the conclusion to rely on doubtful to be convinced

' flattering зд. приятный, идущий на пользу

* resignation frezig'neijon] отставка


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3. Improved Behaviour

to behave badly to be concerned about to talk things over to be frank with to advise to take up to be convinced that to take to to improve greatly to become good at

4. Settling a Problem

to bring up a point to consist in to take up a matter to investigate to mix up to take a long time final conclusions

XV. Translate into En){iish:

1. Мне очень жаль, что вы перепутали названия УЛИЦ. Вам следовало бы проверить адрес еще раз, прежде чем идти туда. 2. Тебе НУЖНО было последовать советам врачей, тогда последствия не были бы такими тяжелыми. 3. Из его слов я заключил, что вы ничего не знаете об этом инциденте. 4. Его поведение раздражает всех. Я несколько раз слышала, как он спорит по поводу самых незначительных замечаний. 5. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы мой сын занялся теннисом. С моей точки зрения это очень полезный вид спорта, б. Этого писателя недавно избрали депутатом в Российскую Думу. 7. Содержание рассказа изменено лишь в незначительной степени. 8. Я уверен, что вам легко будет убедить X. в необходимости таких мер. 9. Вы слышали показания этого свидетеля, не правда ли? 10. В этой статье описаны последствия недавней катастрофы на железной дороге. И. Писатель был свидетелем событий, которые он позднее описал в своей книге, разоблачив все темные стороны избирательной кампании , проводившейся тогда в городе . 12. Все эти инциденты еще раз убедили Блаунта в том, что эти люди пытаются скомпрометировать Грегори любыми средствами. 13. Мартин Иден полностью полагался на знания девушки и никогда не уставал выслушивать ее советы. 14. Преподаватель похвалил поведение мальчика. ЕМУ понравилось, что мальчик пристрастился к чтению книг по истории. 15. Все заключения экспертов были основаны на тщательном исследовании фактов. 16. Все усилия людей были направлены на то, чтобы восстановить город, разрушенный во время наводнения (flood). 17. После разговора с преподавателем женщина поняла, что ребенок не чувствует себя одиноким в интернате.


XVI. Give extended answers to these questloas:

1. Why did Gregory want to expose the mayor and his partner Tilney? 2. What made one of the politicians call to see Gregory at his office? 3. From whose point of view was Gregory’s behaviour perfect? What made them think so? 4. Why did Gregory want to talk things over with Blount? 5. Why


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did Blount want Gregory to make out a day-to-day statement of Iiis exact movements? 6. Did the strangers really mean to attack Gregory? What makes you think so? 7. Why didn’t Blount’s opinion of the incident seem convincing to Gregory? 8. Do you think Blount gave Gregory good advice as to how to behave towards Imogene? Why? 9. Why did Gregory and Imogene become very friendly? 10. In what way could Gregory get Imogene to come over to his side? II. Why did Imogene’s behaviour become more natural in Mrs. Skelton’s absence? 12. Why did Gregory find it necessary to speak about his plans to Imogene? 13. Do you think Imogene was frank when she told Gregory about her past? What made her do it? 14. Was it very clever of Gregory to tell Imogene he liked her? 15. Why couldn’t Blount rely on what Imogene was saying?

XVU. Read and discuss text B. В

Mrs. Skelton returned on the third day after Gregory’s conversation with Imogene, and in spite of the fact that they had seemed to come closer together than before, he was suspicious. He could not make out what it was, sometimes he was ready to dismiss his fears. She seemed to be friendly, simple, natural, and yet — what? He thought at one time that she might be the unconscious victim of Mrs. Skelton or of someone else; at other times, an absolutely unprincipled political philanderer* engaged in trying to compromise him.

Then one night, just as Gregory and Blount had concluded that there might not be so very much in this plot after all, the unexpected happened. They were returning from one of their outings, Blount and Gregory and Imogene. Blount passed the main entrance and drove instead to a side path.

True to their plan of never being separated on occasions like this, they both walked to the door with Imogene. He said good-bye to her.

They had not gone more than a hundred feet down the path before she came running after them.

“Oh, dear!’’ she said. “I’m so sorry to trouble you, but someone has locked that side door, and it won’t open. Won’t one of you come and help me?’’ Then, as they turned, “Oh, I forgot, you always work in pairs, don’t you?’’

Blount smiled. Gregory smiled also. “All right, I can get it open for you,” he said. The thought came to him that he would like to be with Imogene a little while, just a few moments.

Blount gave him a cautioning look and went ofiF. When they came up to the door the key was in it. “I was trying before. I put it there,” Imogene explained. He tried to turn the key. To his surprise the door came open without any

eflfort. “I thought you said it wouldn’t open,” he said.

* philanderer [filamdare] кокетка


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“Well, I don’t know what makes it work now, it wouldn’t before, anyhow. I’ll run up to change my clothes and be down right away, I won’t keep you waiting long.’’

Gregory sat down in a chair outside the hotel door and for a while stared down the path up which they had come. Suddenly he seemed» to become conscious of something that sounded like a light footstep. He pricked up his ears and strained every muscle. Did they know he was there? How had they found out? Was she part of the plot? He decided to get up and leave, but a moment later thou^t it better to wait and see.

He heard Imogene’s steps on the stairs. Then she was coming back, after all, as she had said. It would be foolish to leave now. She had promised on more than one occasion to protect him against Tilney’s people.

But Imogene did not come out, instead, a light inside the door was turned on, and he could see her doing something — what? He waited. Then a sense of something dangerous came over him. He sprang to the door just as he thought he heard additional movement. What was it? Who?

Inside he looked for her, and there she was, but how different! Her clothes were torn, her face had been powdered to a dead white and the hair was disarranged.

Gregory was so shaken that he could not say anything; but just what it all meant came to him in a flash. To run away was his only thought. He did not pause until he had reached his own door. Once inside he called up Blount and sat waiting for him to come.

Actually, as he saw it now, she had meant to stage an attack in which he would have been accused as the criminal and if they had sufficient witnesses he might have had a hard time proving otherwise. Her witnesses were there, in the dark. A moment or two more, and she would have screamed out that he was attacking her, and the whole hotel would have been aroused. But she hadn’t screamed. What had stopped her?

Just then someone knocked on his door, and Gregory, after demanding who it was, opened it to Blount. He quickly told him about the incident.

“Well,” said Blount, "she certainly is the limit. I was thinking she might behave well and now think of this! I agree with you that it is time for you to leave.”

The next morning Gregory was up early. He wanted to leave without seeing Imogene, but in spite of himself he sat on, telling himself that it would do no harm to make an exception, to have just one last talk with her in order to clear up whether she had really intended to scream or not.

He waited a considerable time, and then sent up word that he wanted to see her. After a while she came down, pale, as though she had not slept.

“Well,” he began as she stood there, “what new lie have you fixed up to tell me this morning?”

“No lie,” she replied softly. “What? Not a single lie?” “I told you I didn’t have anything to say,” she answered. “Oh, cut that stuff, please!” he said annoyed. “It wasn’t to see you pretend

again that I sent for you. The reason I asked you to come here was just to see whether you would have the nerve to come ... But I’d like to ask you


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just one favour: won’t you please leave me alone in the future? I’m going away now. You’ll never get another chance at me if I know myself.” He started to walk off.

“Ed! Ed!” she called. “Please —just a minute — don’t go yet, Ed,” she begged. “There’s something I want to say to you first. They’re determined to get you, Ed, even if I don’t help them, and I’m telling you you’d better take care of yourself. Please, do. Go away from here.”

“Yes, well,” Gregory now added unbelievingly. “I suppose they told you to run back and tell me this so as to win my sympathy again?”

“Ed! Ed!” she now sobbed. “Please! Don’t you understand how it is? Oh, I wish I could get out of all this! I’m so tired of being ordered to do things!”

Gregory stared at her, amazed but unbelieving. “Well,” he replied sternly. “Write me out a statement of all that’s been

going on here, and then come with me to a notary. Now we’ll see, just how much you care for me.”

“All right,” she said. “You can rely on me. I’ll do what you say.” They went off to the city together, to his office, to a notary. She confessed

all, or nearly so. When and how she had met Mrs. Skelton, and how the latter, at Mr. Tilney’s request, had engaged — commanded, rather — her to do this work.

Once he had this document Gregory was overjoyed, and still he was doubtful of her. She asked him what now, what more, and he requested her to keep away for a time. There could be nothing between them, not even friendship, he assured her, unless he was fully convinced that no harm could come to him — his wife, his campaign, or anything else.

And yet two weeks later, due to a telephone message from her for just one word, a few minutes anywhere, they met again, this time merely for a moment, as he told himself and her. It was foolish, he shouldn’t do it, but still ... It was in one of the small out-of-the-way restaurants. She had broken off with those people, she said. She wouldn’t be so unhappy, if only he did not think badly of her any more.

He was fond of her in a platonic way, he now told himself, quite sincerely so. Her interest in him was moving. “But what is it you expect of me?” he kept saying over and over. “This lunch will have to be the last, I tell you.”

“Well, Ed,” she agreed wistfully. “You have made up your mind, haven’t you? You are not going to see me any more?”

“Not one day. It just can’t be.” He took her down to the side-walk, and there they stopped for a moment. “Well, Imogene,” he began, and paused. “It’s not just the way I’d like it to

be, but — well,” he extended his hand, “here’s luck and good-bye.” She looked up at him pleadingly. “Ed,” she said, “Ed — wait. Aren’t you — don’t you want to?” she put up

her lips, nearly crying. He put his arm about her, drew her upturned lips to his, she kissed him and

then turned and left him, never stopping to look back. As he turned to go he observed two movie men with cameras taking the scene from different angles.


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1. What made Gregory feel so doubtful about Imogene? 2. Why did Blount and Gregory conclude they needn’t be on guard any longer? 3. Why did Blount decide to leave Gregory alone? 4. What idea came to Gregory’s mind when he saw Imogene in such a strange state? 5. Do you think Imogene agreed to make up the scene willingly? 6. Why did Gregory want to see Imogene before he left? Did she expect him to do it? 7. Why did Imogene agree to make out a statement? 8. What made Gregory agree to see Imogene? 9. Did Imogene know about the two movie-picture men? 10. Why did Gregory fall into her trap in the end? 11. How can you explain the title of the story?

XVm. Make up statements on the text followed by questions. (For model see Ex. XIX, Lesson 31).

XIX. Speak on the following topics arising from or connected with the text. Use the words given in brackets.

1. Blount’s work in town

(to take up, to consist in, to take over, to be good at, a substantial fee, to be annoyed by, to change one’s mind, to be engaged in, to share one’s political views, to respect, to back smb. in the election, a wide experience, to rely on)

2. Mrs. Skelton’s business trip to the city

(to pretend, to go by car, to be anxious to do, to be aimed at, to talk over, insufficient information, to try to compromise, in vain, to take better care of, to change the policy, full of activity)

3. Imogene’s past

(to come from, to be brought up, to take to, to be ruined, to be shaken, to feel humiliated, to have to take up, to deserve, to do well, to mix up, to blame, to bear responsibility, (not) to put up with, naturally)

4. Gregory’s future

(behaviour, to blame for, to be compromised, to sympathize with, election, to fail, consequences, (not) to forgive himself, publicity, a witness, slight chances, a victim, pride, to deserve)

XX. Characterize the following persons using the words given in brackets:

Mr. Blount (to support, to suspect smb. of, frank, to be convinced, to be on guard, to come to the conclusion, a statement, convincing, to sympathize with, to rely on, a witness)

Mrs. Skelton (to be engaged in, a plot, behaviour, to ... extent, unnatural, sympathetic, not to annoy, to be tired of, to ignore, an aim, an attitude)

Imogene (from one’s point of view, to some extent, a victim, consequently, to behave, to secure, evidence, to compromise, to pretend, frank, to deserve)


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Gregory’s wife (ordina^, dangeroш, to back, to argue, to put up with, from one’s point of view, to rely on, to respect, to sympathize with) Gregory (enterprising, honest, to be good at, to speak in public, to be anxious, to expose, to treat, the right approach to, to be interested in politics, an independent attitude, to admit)

XXI. Think of all possible words'yon might use to^desolbe:

1. Your approval of a person’s actions. 2. Your disapproval of a person’s behaviour. 3. Your advice to a young person in respect of an occupation he or she should take up.

ХХП. Retell the story and discuss it nsing as many active words as possible:


Taggart sat up. He had spent the night on a bench in Hyde Park — one of his sleeping places since he was dismissed from the Conglomerated Journals Ltd. He lit his pipe and almost at once the usual thought came to his mind of how to get a job and of why he had lost the one he had.

Three months ago he walked into the editorial office as usual and was greeted with:

“Morning, Taggart. George Grebe, the famous clown, is to give us a series of articles, but he won’t have time to write them, of course. I want you to do them for him. We haven’t been doing very well lately and I’m anxious to get half a dozen of really famous names, not just ordinary people. It’s aimed at attracting more readers, as you understand. Get down to the Grebe article at once, will you, I’m’sure you’ll succeed,” his chief concluded.

Taggart nodded and taking out of his brief-case some type-written sheets handed them to his chief.

“Here’s your editorial, would you like to make remarks on it?” “Haven’t got time to look at it, I’ll be engaged the whole week. Anyway, I

rely on your judgement,” and getting into his coat the chief reached for his hat and was gone.

Taggart spread the sheets on the table and reread them. “Good article, it’s a pity nobody knows I write them,” he thought with slight regret, but he dismissed the feeling and scrawled the words “George Grebe article” across a clean sheet of paper in front of him.

Taggart’s work consisted in making up articles which afterwards passed for creations of various famous people. He was very good at adjusting his style to different purposes and could write equally well for a clown or a highly-positioned official in the Government service. He earned a good living, his salary provided him with nice clothes, good food, in short, a fairly stable security. True, it came to his mind occasionally that this approach was somewhat humiliating, that he deserved a better position and what he was domg was a fraud on the public, but who cared? He always tried to dismiss such thoughts and occupy his mind with other things. He wasn’t an exception in the newspaperbusiness. Nobody was interested in his personal attitude to things and his chief never appreciated independent views.


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This time, however, he could not force himself to start working. Everything seemed to annoy him until he finally put aside his pen and paper and got up.

“What’s wrong?” his colleague asked. “Is anything upsetting you?” “I’ve got to make up articles for George Grebe to sign, and it just struck

me as a fraud on the public. Why should people pay their pennies for what they will think are the thoughts of Grebe while those will be my ideas? I can’t stand it any longer!”

His colleague whistled. “My dear fellow, there’s no getting out of it. Here am I, writing a racing article and I haven’t been on a racecourse for years. I can sympathize vnth you. Actually I am tired of writing some silly stuff, but what can you do? Papers must be sold, what’s the use protesting? Yorir protest will be vain.”

Taggart took his cap and went out. He felt he couldn’t pretend any more. The natural conclusion seemed to be frank with the chief, to give it all up, no matter what the consequences might be.

On Friday the chief sent for him. “Morning, Taggart. How’s the Grebe article turned out?”

“It hasn’t, sir.” “How do you mean?” Taggart swallowed nervously. “The fact is I can’t write it. It’s quite playing a game with the public.” The chiefs face grew very red. “I pay you to do certain work and I find you are quite fit for it. But I can’t

let you ignore my instructions. What’s the matter with you Taggart?” He tried to be sympathetic.

Taggart smiled a wry smile. “Suffering from a fit of conscience, sir. Isn’t it a matter of commercial

honesty?” The chief stared at him for quite a while. “Well,” he said at last in an icy voice. “I’ve never been so insulted. We can

do without your services. Good-bye. You are free.” (Abridged and adapted from “Conscience” by J. Galsworthy)

afraod [tod] обман; a racecourse скачки; a fit of conscience ['kanjftns] эд. приступ совестливости


1. What did Taggart’s work consist in? 2. What aroused his feeling of protest against the work he was engaged in ? 3. Why did his colleague sympathize with him? To what extent would his sympathy go? 4. Do you think Taggart would regret his decision afterwards?

Read and discuss the text:


The two big political parties in the USA express the interests of Big Business. Although tiiere are differences and disagreements between them their final aim is much the same, that is to defend the interests of capitalism. The


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struggle between the parties during the elections does not mean that each of them is defending a stand-point which is peculiar to one party. Their points of view in most cases are the same, their disagreements during elections turn out to be insignificant and not worth arguing about.

In their struggle for leading posts in the Government both parties are compelled to turn to the ordinary American people as voters. Since they depend on them for election they are forced to take into account to some extent their opinions and demands.

Differences in approach to political problems and the force of tradition explain the fact that voters are grouped round one or another party.

The entire policy of the Democrats of the Roosevelt period drew to the party people of small income. Up to the present time the Democratic party finds support among this part of the population despite the fact that a number of laws adopted under Truman’s presidency were aimed against them.

The Negroes who up till 1932 had, in the main, voted for the Republicans, who had liberated the Negroes from slavery began to vote for the Democrats. Since then it has become usual for more than 70% of the Negro population to vote for the Democrats.

The Democratic party has very strong support among the greater part of the working masses, intellectuals and liberally minded bourgeois groups. But in the south the Democrats are strongly supported by the most reactionary part of the population that is the racists whose representatives in Congress give the strongest opposition to all social reforms. In addition, part of the Wall street also votes for the Democratic party,

The Republicans up to the present time have been the party of Big Business. In the summer of 1962, Einsenhower declared that he was proud of the fact that his party was the party of Big Business, that the bulk of the party’s supporters came from the upper classes.

Some agricultural workers as well as Negroes of older generations who continue to look upon the Republicans as the liberators of their people, also support the Republicans.

Republican propaganda tries to convince the voter that Republicans better understand the needs of the people and are more qualified in one way or another to represent them.

But all bourgeous parties, that is those whop rotect the economic interests of capitalists, advertise their parties in the same manner in which businessmen advertise their goods. The political advertisement of their credo confuses and misleads many working people, and it is very difficult to expose their propaganda.

XXIII. Retell the story ming the acttre words given after it and discuss the story:


Поезд УХОДИЛ с Лондонского вокзала Паддингтон Стейшен в восемь двадцать утра. Войдя в вагон, я увидела, что он полон молодежи. ПОПУТЧИКИ МОИ шумели в коридоре, входили и выходили из КУпе. Часть из них ехала куда-то в.месте, остальные уже успели


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перезнакомиться. Только одна большеглазая девушка с черными волосами молча смотрела в окно. По внешности она казалась похожей на испанку.

В кУпе вошла высокая статная красивая девушка—Большая Элизабет, как звали ее остальные. Она быстро разложила чемоданц подруг по полкам, выбросила пустые пакеты, объяснила мне, где мне выходить. Испанка молча следила за ее движениями и наконец спросила, бывала ли Элизабет в городе Н., куда она едет, чтобы работать там официанткой в гостинице.

— Мой бог, — воскликнула одна из девушек. — Разве в Лондоне мало ресторанов? Вы могли бы найти там работу.

— Вы полагаете так ПОТОМУ, ЧТО ВЫ англичанка, — сказала испанская девушка хмуро. — А меня или быстро УВОЛЬНЯЮТ, ИЛИ предлагают такую оплату, что на нее не проживешь. А у меня в Испании мать и пять маленьких братьев.

— Это правда, — сказала Большая Элизабет. Я знаю, что англичанка, родившаяся от английских родителей, имеет преимущества перед любой другой, если та родилась в Англии, но от родителей иностранцев. А эта, в свою очередь имеет преимущество перед иностранкой, вышедшей замУж за англичанина.

Наступило молчание. Потом разговор завязался снова, и Большая Элизабет рассказала, что она УЧИТСЯ в колледже и через год будет педагогом. После некоторого колебания я спросила ее, что она думает о «хиппи».

— Откровенно говоря, раньше я не задумывалась о них всерьез, — сказала Элизабет, глядя на меня своими спокойными серыми глазами. — Но СЛУЧИЛОСЬ так, что одна моя подруга ушла к «хиппи». Сначала родители только не одобряли ее поведение, но некоторое время мирились с ним, потом заволновались, стали удерживать ее дома. Она уступила. Но однажды утром к ним пришла старшая «хиппи» и увела мою подругу с собой. И все. Она прислала только одно письмо, написала, что живет нигде, существует вне времени и домой не вернется. У матери половина волос стала седая. А недавно я встретила ее в Лондоне — мы начали разговаривать, и я не понимала больше половины ее слов, будто она говорила на не- знакомо.ч мне языке.

После паузы я спросила Элизабет, как она объясняет причину, почему ее подруга ушла к «хиппи». Одна из девушек сказала:

— Я уверена, что это СЛУЧИЛОСЬ ПОТОМУ, что ее не устраивал мир, в котором она жила. «Хиппи» не хотят обычной жизни, они ЖИВУТ вне времени, им никто не нужен. Это их протест против общества.

— О каком протесте ты говоришь? — Элизабет пожала плечами. Их протест направлен против запрещения продавать наркотики. Наркотики помогают им создать свой маленький мир, и им кажется, что они счастливы. Конечно, бродить по улицам и говорить в Гайд-Парке о вечной любви легче, чем зарабатывать себе на жизнь.

Элизабет и девушки продолжали спор, а я думала о молодых людях, которые часа.ми сидят на Пикадилли Сёркес, молча потяги


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вая из бутылочки «пепси-колу», или бродят по улицам в потрепанных рубашках, с длинными волосами, так что издали не разобрать, девушка это или молодой человек.

Многие из них не знают, чего они хотят, на что направлены их УСИЛИЯ. Но так важно человеку знать, не только от чего он хочет УЙТИ, но и куда...

На коленях у меня лежал утренний ВЫПУСК «Дейли Миррор» с заметкой о том, что в одной из школ Манчестера подросток 15 лет ранил ножом своего учителя, прямо на уроке, за то, что учитель хотел отнять у него нож.

Я спросила девушек, читали ли они заметку. — Конечно, читали, — ответила одна из девушек.—Эти новости

распространяются везде — в газетах, по телевидению, до тех пор, пока другой парень, наслушавшись всего этого, не сделает чего- либо пострашней. Конечно, этот манчестерский школьник преступник, но газеты обвиняют всю молодежь, и до смерти надоело, когда тебя обвиняют во всех грехах. А если хочется признаться в своей слабости?

— Если бы ты действительно знала, чего ты хочешь, — сказала Элизабет тихо. —А что касается слабости... УЖ лучше поискать, как приложить собственную СИЛУ.

— Далеко еще до станции? — вдруг спросила испанка. — Боже мой, да вам сейчас выходить! — воскликнула Элизабет. Она помогла испанке выйти. А вскоре ПОКИНУЛИ купе Элизабет и

другие девушки.

(Из статьи Татьяны Тесс «Паддингтон, 8.20»)

<хиппи> hippy; наркотики drags; общество society

Words to be used:

to get in, to get out, appearance, movements, to dismiss, wages, to support, to come from, to have an advantage, hesitation, to think of, frankly speaking, not to approve of, behaviour, to put up with, to become anwous, to give in, beyond, ordinary, to be aimed against (at), to earn a living, an argument, shabby, to escape from reality, to spread, to blame, to be tired of, fault, to use force


1. What was Elisabeth’s attitude to hippies? 2. Why did the parents of Elisabeth’s friend disapprove of her behaviour? 3. Did the girls like the news spread in the papers about juvenile crimes? What was their attitude to it? 4. What do you think of Elisabeth? 5. Why did the Russian journalist hesitate to start a conversation about hippies? 6. What was the difference between Elisabeth and the Spanish girl? Was the difference evident in their behaviour?


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XXIV. Speak on the following topics:

1. Big Business plays an important role in elections in Western countries. 2. Election campaings to different bodies in Russia nowadays. 3. The work of journalist interesting but dangerous. 4. The Russian press.


Recapitulation List assembly (maintenance, operation, etc.) instructions to waive (the) inspection a release for shipment to conform to distribute to transfer to one's account to suffer losses to assure to calculate a vessel’s sailing date at the rate of to cause to bring up a question to involve extra storage expenses at one’s option

to come to terms about smth. shipping agents transport facilities at one’s expense due to smb. to draw a draft at ... sight to send for approval to stipulate to testify to to postpone to be forced equal beyond one’s control to infringe an infringement to deduct to cancel

XXV. Translate into English paying attentloa to partidpies (see Recapitulatloa List):

1. Мы еще не обсудили формулировку пункта о платежах, присланного нам фирмой на утверждение. 2. Мы бы хотели, чтобы заказанный у вас товар был отгружен тремя партиями в размере одного груза в месяц. 3. Мы ИЗУЧИЛИ инструкции по сборке, уходу и эксплуатации оборудования, приложенные к ПИСЬМУ от 10-го июня. 4. Товар, прибывший на пароходе «Нева*, оказался повреж- денньш, и ПОЭТОМУ мы просим перевести на наш счет в банке причитающуюся нам СУММУ.

5. Мы только что послали фирме телеграмму, указав, что платежи просрочены на 20 дней, что является серьезным нарушением контракта. 6. Фирма не понесла бы такие большие потери, если бы станки, погруженные на пароход «Свирь», прибыли в порт назначения в хорошем состоянии. 7. Фирма «Хадсон», выпускающая станки модели АВ, заверила своих клиентов, что модели АВ полностью соответствуют последним достижениям в области .машиностроения. 8. Представитель фирмы послал письмо, Указав, что они отказались от осмотра оборудования, поставленно-


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го по контракту 45. 9. Мы были бы вам признательны, если бы вы сообщили дату выхода парохода в море, указав точное количество ящиков, погруженных на пароход. 10. Фирма согласилась на УСЛОВИЯ

платежа через инкассо, обусловив точный срок представления документов для оплаты. 11. Вы уже примерно подсчитали расходы, вызванные увеличением комиссионного вознаграждения? 12. При- е.мщики, подписавшие разрешение на отгрузку товара, сообщили, что вся партия машин будет отгружена не позднее конца недели. 13. Фирма выставила на нас тратту с оплатой через 30 дней после предъявления за товар, отгруженный пароходом «Восток». 14. 3-х недельная задержка в поставках, возникшая в связи с отсутствием требуемого тоннажа, повлекла за собой дополнительные расходы по хранению машин. 15. Вопросы, поднятые в вашем письме, следует обсудить во время личной встречи. 16. Мы обязуемся поставить товар в срок, предусмотренный контрактом, сохранив за собой право увеличить или уменьшить вышеуказанное количество груза по нашему усмотрению. 17. Экспедиторы послали телеграмму, указав, что пароход, зафрахтованный под погрузку руды, прибудет в порт назначения с 10-ти дневной задержкой. 18. Представители фирмы, принимавшие участие в переговорах, еще не договорились об окончательной цене на товар. 19. Фирма, подписавшая контракт на поставку им станков модели АВ, хотела выяснить ТОЧНУЮ стоимость транспортных средств, необходимых для отгрузки машин. 20. Мы хотели бы, чтобы вы просмотрели акт приемки товара, свидетельствующий о наличии некоторых незначительных дефектов, которые вам придется устранить за свой счёт.


Лондон, 15 ноября 19 .. I. Фирме Портер и Ко.

Уважаемые господа!

В дополнение к нашему ПИСЬМУ от 25 октября мы должны со- общить Вам, что нами только что получена телеграмма от наших доверителей*, в которой они указывают, что, ввиду больших труд- ностей в фрахтовании СУДОВ малого тоннажа и требуемой позиции, они не СМОГУТ обеспечить отгрузку товара тремя партиями по 3000 тонн каждая в сроки, предусмотренные контрактом.

В связи с этим наши доверители попросили нас безотлагатель- но связаться с Вами и попросить Вас подтвердить Ваше согласие на отгрузку товара ДВУМЯ равными партиями по 4500 тонн, а также перенести срок поставки первой партии по крайней мере на месяц. Что касается второй партии, то мы заверяем Вас, что товар будет поставлен в срок, оговоренный в контракте.

Надеемся, что Вы не замедлите рассмотреть этот вопрос и сочтете возможным пойти навстречу нашим доверителям, так как





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это осложнение было вызвано независящими от них обстоятельствами.

С почтением,

Фирма Смит и Ко.

Москва, 25 сент. 19 .

П. Фирме Браун и Ко. Лондон

Уважаемые господа! Мы ПОЛУЧИЛИ Ваше письмо от 10-го мая, в котором Вы

отказываетесь уплатить нам СУММУ в ... ам. долларов, чтобы покрыть наши потери, возникшие в связи с задержкой в поставке 4 шлифовальных станков’*' по заказу № 1225. Вы указываете в Вашем письме, что извещение о готовности станков к отгрузке было послано Вами нашему экспедитору 15 августа, т. е. за 5 дней до срока поставки, указанного в заказе. Мы не можем согласиться с вашей точкой зрения. На основании § 8 Общих Условий нашего заказа, машины считаются готовыми к отгрузке только после того, как они будут осмотрены и испытаны нашими приемщиками. Осмотр и испытание были произведены на Вашем заводе только 5-го сентября, после того как наши экспедиторы попросили прислать им разрешение на отгрузкУ станков, подписанное нашими приемщиками. ПОЭТОМУ мы считаем, что Вы нарушили контракт, т. к. задержали поставку станков, и мы дали указание нашей бухгалтерии** удержать вышеуказанные ... долларов из СУММЫ Вашей фактуры.

Если наши мнения по ЭТОМУ вопросу разойдутся и наше требование не будет удовлетворено, нам придется аннулировать заказ.

С почтением, Союзимпорт

XXVII. Render tliese letters and do the assignments following them:

Tradewest, Moscow

Manchester, Sept. 30 th, 19

Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of the 20th September and wish to inform you

that at present we are reconsidering the prices quoted by us in our offer of the 10th of September and in a few days we shall not fail to send you our new quotation.

• шлифовальный станок grinding machine

*♦ бухгалтерия accounts department


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As to the terms of payment unfortunately we are unable to meet your request and have to insist on an advance payment of 20% of the value of the Machines at the date of signing the contract and the balance of 80% — as suggested by you including payment for collection terms.

As far as the time of delivery is concerned, we are doing our best to meet you half-way in respect of speeding up and will send you the amended terms as seon as possible.

We are looking forward to receiving your order,

Yours truly. Spencer and Co.


Carry on negotiations on behalf of your joint venture, trying to persuade the firm to change the amount of the advance. Come to terms with the firm about the prices and time of delivery.

Sojuzexport Moscow

London, October 15th 19

We are forced to ask for your cooperation in respect of making amendments in shipment dates on our orders. Contract 137/125 stipulates that you are to deliver the first lot of guitars by the 1st December and the second lot early in the new year. However we now realize that if the first lot does not reach us by the 20th November we shall fail to distribute the goods among our customers and consequently we may suffer losses. On the other hand we would ask you to postpone shipment of the second lot as there is great uncertainty over the government import charge. We assure you that this will be an exception and this forced delay will be cut to the absolute mini

mum. Your cooperation would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully, Cowan & Co.


Discuss with Mr. Cowan the position, make your suggestions and state the terms on which you would be prepared to meet the firm half-way.

XXVII . Make up letters in accordance with these assignments:

1. Сообщите фирме, что вы не можете удовлетворить их просьбу о немедленной поставке станков модели 24 и 12. Объясните почему. Предложите другой станок с немедленной поставкой и объясните, поче.му вы считаете возможным предложить такую замену.


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2. Сообщите фирме, что вас не устраивает платеж с аккреди- •^ива. Предложите свои условия платежа и дайте обоснование их.

3. Сообщите фирме о неблагоприятных результатах окончательных испытаний, проведенных на заводе ваших клиентов. Сделайте свои предложения и укажите, к каким последствиям может привести сложившееся положение.

4. В ответ на предложение агентской фирмы продавать ваши товары, сообщите, на каких условиях вымогли бы заключить агентское соглашение с фирмой.

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L E S S O N 3 9

Grammar Revision: Tenses Vocabulary Revision: See Recapitulation List


It may happen in business that certain terms and conditions of the Contract are infringed by the Sellers or by the Buyers and then the dissatisfied party makes a claim on the other party. The Buyers most frequently make claims because of late delivery, delivery of wrong or damaged goods, or goods of inferior quality. Short-shipment/delivery of the goods is another cause of the Buyers’ complaint.

The Sellers in their turn can make a claim on the Buyers because of unreasonable amounts claimed from them and also when the Buyers fail to open a L/C in time or place a vessel under loading, etc.

After the claim has been made it is considered and is either admitted as reasonable and justified or declined as groundless. In the first case the responsible party meets the claim fully or partly; in the second case they ask the other party to withdraw the claim. In most cases the parties come to an amicable settlement of the claim but sometimes they may have to submit the matter to the Arbitration court at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Moscow and there the dispute is settled in accordance with the Rules for Procedure of this Commission, i. e. the parties appoint their arbitrators from among the members of the said Commission and if the two arbitrators cannot come to an agreement, they appoint an umpire. The award of the Arbitration Commission is binding upon both parties.


Here is an example of a claim which arose in connection with delay in delivery.


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Messrs. Simpson & Co., London

15th March, 19

Dear Sirs, We regret to inform you that the machines which arrived by s.s. PSKoV in

execution of Contract 17/123 have come with a two months’ delay. You will remember^ that in accordance with the Contract shipment was to have been effected* at the end of January. However in spite of our numerous letters you failed to deliver the goods in the stipulated time. Since this is an f.o.b. transaction we bad to change our loading program and this alone caused us considerable inconvenience.® Also the delay has exceeded six weeks which is a gross infringement of the contract and we feel entitled to claim from you agreed and liquidated damages at the rate stipulated in the Contract which makes S ... You will certainly understand that we intend to settle the matter amicably.

However, if you refuse to meet our claim we shall have to refer the matter to the Arbitration court at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry,Moscow.

We are sure you will give the matter your immediate attention.

Yours faithfully. Sojuzimport

25th March, 19

Sojuzimport, Moscow

Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of March 15th we wish to express our sincere apologies for the delay and inconvenience we have caused you. The only excuse which we can offer is the extreme pressure under which we have been working due to a large number of orders for these goods at present. While we understand that we have to admit your claim we feel that you might reduce the amount claimed considering the fact that we have been doing business with you for several years and this is the first time we have infringed the Contract.

We hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully,

Simpson & Co.

The following cable came as Sojuzimport’s reply.




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Неге is another example of a claim made in connection with the substandard goods delivered to the Buyers.

Messrs. Brown & Carter, London

27th August, 19 ...

Dear Sirs,

We have received serious complaints from our customers in ... with regard to the bales of Cotton Wastes* supplied by you under Contract 19/14. They find that the bulk of the goods (i. e. 12 bales) does not conform to the samples submitted, therefore they were forced to suspend production and are now sustaining heavy losses.

You will understand that you have infringed the Contract by delivering the goods of inferior quality and consequently you are to compensate our Customers for their losses by granting them a 7% allowance off the contract value. Otherwise we may have to cancel the Contract and refer the matter to Arbitration.

We are sending you by separate mail a sample of the Cotton Wastes with the Quality Certificate issued by our laboratory.

Our Mr. Panin in London is authorized to discuss all the particulars of the matter.

Yours faithfully. Sojuzimport


Panin: Well, Mr. Brown, you’ve received our claim, haven’t you? I’d like to discuss it now.

Brown: This is the actual purpose of my visit. I’ve investigated the position and must offer you my apologies. The wastes are really inadequate in quality, they were sent by mistake.

Panin: I’m glad we shan’t have to take any drastic steps about it. Shall we consider the matter closed then?

Brown: Not quite. The point is we object to the amount of the compensation you are claiming from us.

Panin: Do you? I think this is unjustified. What are your reasons, please? Brown: We admit inadequacy in quality, but it is fairly slight. Our calculations

show that your total loss may not exceed 5 % of the Contract value. Panin: I am sorry you are wrong here, Mr. Brown. I’ve got a letter from our

factory which contains a full and exact account of their losses. Would you like to compare their figures with yours?

*,a bale of Cotton Wastes кипа хлопковых отходов 266

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Brown: Certainly. I’m afraid though, our opinions won’t coincide anyway. Panin: We’ll see. When can we have your reply? Brown: It’ll take time to study the matter thoroughly. We’ll cable Sojuz- import

as soon as I get my answer ready. Panin: Very good. They’ll be expecting your cable then.'*

A few days later the Buyers received the following cable: SOJUZIMPORT





1. Y ou will remember .. . Вы, очевидно, помните ..

Глагол will может употребляться в коммерческой переписке со значением «возможно», «очевидно». Например: You will understand what I mean. Вы, очевидно, понимаете, что я имею в виду.

2. ... shipment was to have been ... отгрузка должна была быть effected ... произведена ...

Глагол to be с последующим перфектным'инфинитивом обозначает, что запланированное'действие не произошло. Например; You were to have made the report two weeks ago. Why are you so much behind? Вы должны были сделать|’доклад две недели ТОМУ назад. Почему вы так отстаете?

3. ... and this alone caused us considerable inconvenience ...

4. They’ll be expecting your cable then.

... уже одно это причинило нам значительные неудобства ... Они будут ждать вашей телеграммы.

... will be expecting — Future Continuous tense (будущее продолженное время). Это время образуется из глагола to be в будущем времени и причастия настоящего времени спрягаемого глагола и употребляется для выражения длительного действия в будущем.



the Arbitration court of justice an arbitrator a claim to make a claim on smb. to claim

unjustified to justify to decline groundless to withdraw amicable amicably to submit

an intention to express an expression an apology to apologize to smb.

for smth. extreme extremely


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to meet я claim frequently frequent short-shipment short-shipped short-delivery short-delivered a complaint (about) to place to place a vessel under loading justified

to submit a matter to Arbitration a dispute an umpire an award to arise from execution to execute a loading program to exceed agreed and liquidated damages to intend

substandard the bulk in Imlk to sustain losses to compensate for compensation for inadequate adequate to take steps to contain to coincide to retain


arbitration [ttbi'treijn] n We do not want to refer the matter to arbitra- tion.

The Arbitration court of justice

The Arbitration court of justice is

authorized to settle claims. •


Арбитражный суд

• Note:

We referred the matter to arbitration. (Перед словом arbitration артикль не употребляется.)

We referred the matter to tbe the Arbitration court of justice (Перед названием суда употребляется определенный артикль.)

arbitrator [abi'treita] и ж. сотЬ. appoint I ап arbitrator

nominate | The arbitrators were appointed from among the members of the by a third party.

claim n w. comb, reasonable I claim

unreasonable, etc. | A claim cannot be approved of, it can either be

admitted or rejected, make a claim Brown & Co. made a claim because of delay in delivery.

prp. make a claim он (against) smb. for smth. The

Buyers made a claim on the Sellers for

5 ...




предъявлять претензию

предъявлять претензию кому-л. на какую-л. сумму

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We make a claim on Messrs. Green & Co. in connection with (because of, owing to) late delivery. (B СВЯЗИ C каким-либо нарушением контракта)

We make a claim on Messrs. Green & Co. for £ . . (на какую-либо сумму)

meet a claim Unfortunately we can’t meet your claim as we

find it unreasonable. syn. satisfy a claim claim V

H’. comb, claim a compensation an insurance money damages, etc.

We claim damages according to our calcula- tions. prp. claim smtb.from smb. The Buyers ciaimed the amount of the insurance from the Insurance Company.

удовлетворить претензию

требовать (уплаты)


They claimed £ ... from us.

Глагол to claim употребляется в значении требовать уплаты денег, требовать денежной компенсации.

Our industry requires а lot of raw materials.

Глагол to require употребляется в значении «требоваться», «нуждаться».

frequent [Trbkwont] adj

w. comb, frequent visitor mistake call letter, etc.

He was a frequent visitor to their house. ant. occasional frequently adv

bt 1967 earthquakes in Tashkent were registered rather frequently. syn. oftoi ant. seldom

short-shipment n . This letter concerns the short-shipment of 2,000

tons of Wheat, short-shipped pp The sbort-sdiipped 3,000 tons of ore will be

dispatched together with the next lot. short-delivery n

частый, часто повторяемый, часто встречающийся




неполная ставка

поставка, недопо-


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Who is responsible for the short-delivery of spare parts? short-delivered pp

The short-delivered 50 tins of Caviar will be airmailed to-morrow, complaint n

Their complaint will be considered within this week. prp. complaint about His frequent complaints about headaches worry

me greatly, place V

Place these books in the right order. syn. put

place (a vessel) under loading

We can place the s/s DESNA under loading at the end of this month, justified ('djAstifaid] adj

w. comb, justified action complaint reason decision bdiaviour, etc.

They considered dur claim justified. His actions were quite justified,

unjustified adj We can’t prolong the period of guarantee as we

find your reasons unjustified, justify V

a person a hope an action one’s bdiaviour one’s confidence, etc.

Nothing can justify her tactless honour, decline v

w. comb, decline I an offer I a claim I a proposal, etc.

They declined our offer as the goods did not meet their requirements. syn. reject groundless adj

w. comb, groundless claim complaint statement fear anxiety, etc.

Your fears are completely groundless. syn. unjustified ant. justified

withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) v IV. comb, withdraw an offer

an order a claim troops, etc.

They withdrew their order as the time of ship- ment did not suit them.



ставить, класть, по.мещать

предоставлять (судно) под погрузку

законный, обоснованный

W. comb, justify




беспочвенный, лишенный основания



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amicable adj comb, amicable arrangemcDt

settlement transaction, etc.

The matter was settled in an amicable way. syn. friendly

amicably adv Why couldn’t you settle the case amicably?

syn. In an amicable way in a friendly way submit V

4>. comb, submit a document a sample evidence proof, etc.

We submitted all the necessary documents to prove our point of view. syn. present

submit a matter to Arbitration The matter will be submitted to Arbitration as settled before. syn. refer a matter to Arbitration

dispute [dis'pju:t] n The dispute can be settled amicably. There were many disputes in the family about

the future of the elder son. umpire [’лтраю] л

This time the umpire was appointed by the President of the commission, award n

Their award was considered final, arise (arose, arisen) v

w. comb, dispute arises differoKe difficulty argumoit, etc.

The dispute arose because the Buyers infringed the contract. prp. arise yrom The argument arose from their difference of

opinions on the subject, execute ['eksikjuit] v

a contract an order a plan work, etc.

The order was executed in full conformity with the Buyers' instructions. syn. fulfil, carry out ejcecution n


по-дружески, мирным ifyre.M

предоставить, передавать

передать дело в арбитраж



решение арбитража


W. comb, execute

возникнуть из-за


выполнение W. comb, proper execution

partial full complete final, etc.

In final execution of the order the remaining two machine tools will be shipped by the first vessel available. syn. fulfilment


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Dumerons ['njwmsrss] adj program n loading program

И'. comb, make up a loading program fulfil execute complete ! change, etc. |

We could not fulfil the loading program as one of the chartered vessels had a collision, exceed v №. comb, exceed | a limit

I an instruction I time, etc.

The delay in delivery exceeded two weeks. You must not exceed the speed limit, agreed and

liquidated damages

многочисленный программа план погрузок

comb, get pay claim charge

calotte, etc.

agreed and liquidated damages


заранее оцененные ii согласованные убытки, неустойка, (употребляется в форме множественного числа)

The amount of agreed and liquidated damages was discussed in detail by the parties. syn. penalty


Agreed and liquidated damages were calculated at the rate of O.S per cent per week of delay.

damages (agreed and liquidated damages) — неустойка, обычно связанные с задержкой в поставке и обусловленные в контракте.

The machine tool was of inferior quality and the customers had to suffer losses.

losses —убытки, потери, которые могут случайно возникнуть в процессе выполнения заказа.

damages п убытки


We are claiming damages from the firm. The damages were not very high.

The damage could not be considered slight. The claim was made in connection with the damage to the goods.

damages — убытки в стоимостном выражении (употр. только в форме множественного числа) '

damage — ущерб, урон, повреждение (употр. только в форме единственного числа)


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comb, express

intend V

We intend to start deliveries in June. syn. to be going intention n

ikis intentions are always good but sometimes he doesn’t carry them out. express v

a feeling an idea a wish an apology one’s respect one’s sympathy one’s confidence, etc.

You must always express your ideas clearly, expression n

H'. comb, good j expression polite

•. strange joyful idiomatic, etc.

use an expression give put pick up choose, etc.

“You must try to use alt idiomatic expressions you know,” the teacher said. There was a strange expression on her face,

apology [a'polodsi] n His apologies were not convincing. H>. comb, express | an apology

make offer accept, etc.

apologize [a'poladsaiz] v prp., Gr. apologize to smb./or smth. (doing smth.)

The girl apologized to her friend for being late. They apologized to us for their sharp remarks. syn. make (offer) an apology

намереваться (в будущем времени не употребляется)





извиняться извиняться что-л.

перед кем-л. за


Excuse my interrupting you. You will excuse me for troubling you, I am sure. Excuse me, may I keep your camera for another 3 days?

He apologized to them for bringing the wrong books.

Глагол to excuse употребляется в отношении действия, которое действующее лицо выполняет в данный момент или собирается выполнить. Этот глагол является характерным для диалога. Глагол to apologize употребляется в отношении действия, которое действующее лицо уже совершило. Он является характерным для повествования.

10 Зак. № 348 Памухина 273

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extreme [iks'trbm] adj w. comb, extreme opinion

measure view, etc.

People of extreme views like arguing over every- thing.

extremely adv The young scientist made an extremely interest-

ing report, substandard adj

w. comb, substandard material goods quality, etc.

The equipment was found substandard. syn. faulty, defective

the bulk n

w. comb, the bulk of the goods the property the knowledge the information, etc.

The bulk of the bales was packed carelessly. You’ll find the bulk of the necessary information in this journal,

in bulk adv Different kinds of raw materials are shipped in bulk.

sustain [SOS'tern] v sustain losses

We sustained heavy losses owing to a two months’ delay in delivery. syn. suffer losses compensate ['komponseit] v

They compensated us fully. prp. compensate smb./or sntth. w. comb, compensate smb. for i losses

I injuries I damage, etc.

The employers were to compensate their workers for injuries. The Sellers were forced to compensate the

clients for ffie losses they suffered. syn. make up for compensation f^kompon'seijn] n w. comb, full compensation

sufficient partial complete, etc.

pay compensation offer give claim, etc.

The compensation you are offering us will hardly cover our losses. prp. compensation for The amount of the compensation for the damage didn’t satisfy the client.

чрезвычайный, крайний

чрезвычайно, очень

недоброкачественный, некондиционный

основная масса, большая часть чего-л.

навало.м, насыпью, наливом

понести испытывать, понести потери, убытки

вознаграждать, возмещать, компенсировать

возместить кому-л. что-л.

компенсация, вознаграждение


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nadequate [in'xdikwit] adj

w. comb, inadequate packing marking supply experience knowledge contribution information services, etc.

Tbe marking of the equipment was found inadequate. syn. insufficient ad^nate adJ

They used the packing adequate for overseas transportation. This sum of money will not be adequate for our trip. syn. sufficient

drastic ['draestik] adj take steps v

We took the necessary steps to charter a vessel in time, contain V

The book contains a good deal of useful infor- maition. You can rely on the calculations contained in his report. This box can contain 3 kg of matches,

coincide [,kouin'said] v w. comb, facts coincide

opinions habits tastes descriptions, etc.

Thpy very seldom have arguments as their opinions on many things coincide, retain V

We shall retain the goods if we agree about the allowance.

недостаточный, несоответствующий, не отвечающий требованиям

соответствующий, равный, достаточный

радикальный, крайний принять меры, предпринять шаги

содержать в себе, вмещать


удерживать у себя


I. Read the text in class and translate Section A.

П. Replace the words or phrases given in bold type by synonyms or synonymous expressions.


1. ... because of late delivery. 2. ... the responsible party meets the claim fully or partly ... 3. ... the parties come to an amicable settlement of tbe claim ... 4. ... they may have to submit the matter to the Foreign Trade^Arbitration court ... 5. ... the parties appoint their arbitra tors ... 6. ... if the two arbitrators cannot come to an agreement ... 7. The award of the Arbitration court .. .

10* 275

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1. ... which arose in connection with ... 2. We regret to inform you... 3. ... in execution of Contract 17/123 have come with a two months’ delay. 4. ... in accordance with the Contract shipment was to have been effected at the end of January. 5 ___ you failed to deliver the goods in the stipulated time. 6. ... this alone caused us considerable inconvenience. 7. ... the delay has exceeded six weeks ... 8. ... we feel entitled to claim from you ... 9. which makes S 600. 10. ... we are prepared to appoint our arbitrator ... 11. ... you will give the matter your immediate attention. 12. ... we wish to express our sincere apologies for the delay ... 13. ... due to a large number of orders ... 14. ... considering the fact that ... 15. ... unless we hear contrary.

1 . . . . in connection with the substandard goods ... 2. ... with regard to the bales of Cotton Wastes supplied to you under Contract 19/14. 3. They find that the bulk of the goods does not conform to the samples submitted ... 4. ... they were forced to suspend production ... 5. ... they ... are now sustaining losses. 6. ... and consequently you are to compensate our Customers for their losses by granting them a 7 per cent allowance ... 7. Our Mr. Panin is authorized to discuss all the particulars of the matter. 8. This is the actual purpose of my visit. 9. I’ve investigated the position ... 10. The wastes were really inadequate in quality ... 11.1 think this is unjustified. 12. We admit inadequacy in quality but it’s fairly slight. 13. ... the total loss ... 14. ... a letter ... which contains a full and exact account of their losses. 15. ... our opinions will not coincide ...

Ш. Explain the meaning of these phrases:

1. ... the dissatisfied party makes a claim on the other party. 2. Short- shipment/delivery ... is another cause of the Buyers’ complaint. 3. ... the Buyers fail ... to place a vessel under loading. 4. ... the responsible party meets the claim fully or partly; ... 5. The award of the Arbitration court of justice is binding upon both parties.


1. ... we had to change our loading program ... 2. The only excuse which we can offer is the extreme pressure under which we have been working ... 3. ... you might reduce the amount claimed ...

1. ... they were forced to suspend production ... 2. we shan’t have to take any drastic steps about it. 3. Shall we consider the matter closed then?


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IV. Answer these questions:


1. What may happen if one of the parties infringes the Contract? 2. In what cases do the Buyers make claims on the Sellers? 3. In what cases do the Sellers make claims on the Buyers? 4. In what case is the claim admitted (declined)? 5. Does the responsible party always meet the claim fully? 6. When does the dissatisfied party withdraw the claim? 7. How are most of the claims settled? 8. Where is the claim submitted if the parties fail to settle it amicably? 9. To what organisation is the Arbitration court of justice 'attached? 10. Who appoints an umpire and in what case is he appointed? 11. Can the claim be referred to any other organisation after it has been 'considered and settled by the Arbitration court.


1. What made the Buyers write the letter? 2. What dates of shipments were stipulated in the Contract? 3. Is this the first letter in which the Buyers complain of delay in delivery? 4. What inconvenience did the delay cause? 5. What do the Buyers claim from the Sellers? 6. Why do the Sellers offer their apologies? 7. What was the reason of the delay? 8. Do the Sellers find the claim justified ? 9. What do they ask the Buyers to do in respect of the amount of the compensation? 10. What reasons do they put forward for the request? 11. What is the final decision of the Buyers?

1. In what connection is the claim made? 2. What is the nature of the Buyers’ complaint? 3. Why do the Buyers’ customers sustain losses? 4. What compensation do the Buyers claim from the Sellers? 5. What alternative do they suggest? 6. What was the purpose of Mr. Brown’s visit to the Russian Trade Delegation in London? 7. How did he explain the inadequacy in quality? 8. What did the Sellers object to? On what grounds? 9. What document did Mr. Panin submit to prove that the Buyers’ claim was justified? 10. Did they settle the matter during the talks? How and when was it settled?

к . Give English equivalents to the following:

j 1. Сторона, предъявившая претензию... 2. ... ответная сто- рона. .. 3. ... прибыли с двухмесячным опозданием. 4. Вы, оче- видно, помните ... 5. ... грубое нарушение контракта ... 6. Мы впервые нарушили контракт. 7. В противном случае нам, воз- .можно, придется расторгнуть контракт. 8. ... и (я) должен принести извинения. 9. ... они были посланы по ошибке. 10. Будем считать вопрос решенным? 11. Не совсем. 12. Боюсь, в этом вы неправы. 13. Hie хотите ли сравнить их данные со своими? 14. Посмотрим. 15. Когда мы можем ПОЛУЧИТЬ ваш ответ? 16. ... как только я под- готовлю ответ. 17. Они будут ждать телегра.мму от вас.


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VI. Activise these words:

a claim, to claim from, to make a claim on, to meet a claim

a. Answer these questions:

1. Do you often claim money in connection with inferior quality? 2. What amount did you claim from your customers last? 3. Do you think claims are most undesirable in business? Why? 4. Are claims always met in full?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. The shipping agents ignored some of our suggestions ... (to make a claim on). 2. You are responsible for the heavy losses which we have suffered ... (to claim from). 3. We need exact figures ... (the amount of the claim). 4. This is the second time they delivered goods of inferior quality ... (to make a claim on).

c. Translate into English:

1. Мы предъявили фирме претензию в связи с задержкой в поставках. 2. Когда вы предъявили им претензию? 3. Они предъявили нам претензию на СУММУ ... долларов. 4. Фирма отказалась удовлетворить претензию. 5. Ваша претензия только что получена. 6. — Претензия рассмотрена? — Нет еще.

arise from

a. Answer these questions:

1. What did your last claim arise from? 2. Did you have a dispute at the office (lesson) last week? What did it arise from? 3. What difficulties may arise from lack of shipping facilities ?

b. Translate into Eaiglish:

1. Разногласия возникли в результате вашего отношения к делу. 2. Из-за чего возник спор? 3. Осложнения возникли из-за недостатка в рабочей силе (labour). 4. Мы несем потери в связи с трудностями, возникшими из-за задержки в отгрузке.

agreed and liquidated damages, damage

a. Fill in the blanks with one of the words given above:

1. The greatest care must be given to packing as any ... to the goods in transit may cause us heavy losses. 2. You have delivered the goods with a 3 weeks’ delay therefore you are to pay to us ... .3. The cases seem to have been very roughly handled but we are glad the contents have not suffered any . . . .


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b. Translate into English;

1. Они отказались заплатить неустойку в размере... долларов. 2. Инспектор страховой компании отметил, что СУДНУ был нанесен значительный ущерб. 3. Почему вы требуете от нас возмещения убытков (неустойку)? 4. Кто понесет ответственность за повреждение товара?

apology, to apologize (to smb.) for

a. Make up sentences in accordance with the model using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l : He apologized for | his behaviour. I coming late.

(overdue payments, wrong assortment, inadequate information, to present, to divide, to expose, to annoy, an incident, to ignore, to mix up, undesirable evidence, to claim, not to place a vessel under loading, an expression, substandard)

b. Complete these sentences:

1. They convinced him that he was wrong ... (to apologize). 2. He must have admitted that his behaviour was pretty impolite ... (to offer an apology). 3. As they realized their faults ... (to apologize to ... for ...). 4. He didn’t mean any harm, I am convinced ... (to express an apology, sincere).

c. Answer these questions:

' 1. In what case would you apologize to a person? 2. In what case do you ofler apologies to a foreign firm? 3. Do you always make your children apologize for improper behaviour (impoliteness, etc.) ?

d. Translate Into English:

1. Они приносят извинения за то, что задержали ответ. 2. Он извинился перед вами за такие слова? 3. Его извинения звучали очень искренне. 4. Он так рассердился, что отказался слушать извинения своего товарища.

to compensate smb. for smth., compensation for

a. Make up sentences using the words from the table and translate them into Russian:

M o d e l : We compensated them for the losses.

damage injuries during the accident losses the amount lost the substandard goods

The firm compen the firm for sated the worker

When will you us

compensate our office

the Buyers


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b. Answer these questions:

1. When do you claim compensation for the goods of inferior quality (delay in delivery, extra storage expenses)? 2. When do you agree to partial compensation for your losses? 3. When do you insist on full compensation for your losses ?

c. Translate into English:

1. Мы возместим им нанесенный ущерб. 2. Они уже компенсировали понесенные вами потери? 3. Какую компенсацию вы требуете от продавца? 4. Когда они возместят вам эту СУММУ? 5. Они уплатили ... долларов нам в качестве компенсации.

inadequate, adequate

a. Answer these questions:

1. Can claims arise from inadequate packing? 2. What information about a firm do you consider adequate to be able to start business with them? 3. What should a person do if his knowledge (experience) is inadequate for the work he does? 4. Have you adequate transport facilities to fulfil your loading program?

b. Translate into English:

1. Эта компенсация недостаточна, чтобы покрыть наши расходы. 2. Эти данные недостаточны для того, чтобы расследовать положение дела. 3. Ваши знания достаточны для того, чтобы взяться за такую работу.

to coincide

a. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. Our opinions on the matter have never been the same. 2. I am sorry to say the results of these calculations are different. 3. The information you secured is different from the facts we have now.

b. Answer these questions:

1. What do you do if your conclusions do not coincide with those of other people engaged in the same business? 2. Do your ideas on bringing up children coincide with your wife’s? 3. Do your views on life coincide with those of your friends?

to retain

a. Add a beginning to these sentences using the word to retain:

1. ... provided you increase the amount of compensation. 2. ... as we- agreed to compensate them for their losses. 3. ... if we speed up the delivery of the next lot.


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b. Translate into English:

1. Мы оставим у себя эти станки, если ваша компенсация будет достаточной, чтобы покрыть разницу в качестве. 2. Мы дадим вам СКИДКУ

в 3%, если вы оставите у себя ОСНОВНУЮ часть товара. 3. Если бы вы оставили у себя это оборудование, мы не предъявляли бы вам претензию в связи с задержкой в открытии аккредитива.

VTI. Answer these questions and sum up the answers:

1. What kind of complaints are most frequent in your business? 2. What do they usually arise from? 3. Are they usually well justified or groundless? 1. When

did you make a claim on the Buyers last? Why did it arise? 2. What documents did you submit to Justify your claim? 3. Did the Buyers meet your claim or did they decline it? 4. How did you settle the dispute?

1. When did you make a claim on the Sellers last? 2. Was the main reason a gross infringement of the contract on their part? What was it? 3. Did they offer apologies or did you claim compensation from them?

1, When did you refer a dispute to Arbitration last? 2. What did the dispute arise from? 3. What steps had you taken to settle the matter amicably first? 4. Why did you fail to come to an amicable settlement? 5. In whose favour was the award ?

1. When did you have to claim agreed and liquidated damages last? 2. Did you have to sustain losses in connection with the delay involved? 3. For what amount did you make a claim on the Sellers? 4. Did the Sellers agree to compensate you fully or partly? 5. What did the compensation amount to? 6. Was it adequate to cover the losses you sustained?

1. Have you ever received substandard goods? 2. What kind of goods were they? Were they delivered in bulk? 3. Did you sustain any losses because of the inferior quality? How did the Sellers compensate you for them? 4. Did you retain the goods or did you ship them back?

1. In what case do you have to change the loading program? 2. Do you sustain any losses in such cases? How much do they make? 3. Who compensates you for them? 4. What steps do you take to avoid changing the loading program?

УШ. Give all possible combinatioiis of:

a. the following verbs with nouns:

to claim to decline to justify to withdraw to execute to express to exceed to compensate for

to submit to arise to coincide

b. the following adjectives with nouns:

frequent justified

groundless amicable

gross extreme substandard adequate


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c. the following nouns with adjectives:

claim execution

d. the following nouns with verbs:

loading program agreed and liquidated damages

expression compensation

expression apology compensation

IX. Give corresponding antonyms to the following adjectives:

certain, reasonable, justified, adequate, sufficient, desirable, doubtful,, natural

X. Give English equivalents to the following combinations:

1. предъявить претензию продавцу на СУММУ . . 2 . возместить убытки, возникшие в связи с несоответствующей упаковкой; 3. нести потери из-за недоброкачественного товара; 4. намереваться отклонить претензию как необоснованную; 5. отказаться отозвать претензию; 6. считать решение арбитражного суда обоснованным; 7. предложить передать дело в арбитраж; 8. уплатить неустойку (за несвоевременную поставку товара); 9. задержка в предоставлении судна под погрузку; 10. содержать много жалоб на грубые нарушения контракта; И. последствия крайних мер; 12. согласиться оставить у себяббльшую часть товара; 13. выразить удовлетворение по поводу исчерпывающей (достаточной) информации; 14. обосновать инкассовый платеж; 15. часто соглашаться на дружественное урегулирование спора; 16. принимать меры к выполнению программы погрузок; 17. назначить суперарбитра; 18. отказаться от некондиционного товара; 19. обосновать намерения; 20. содержать извинения; 21. превысить СУММУ компенсации; 22.... долларов в качестве компенсации.

XI. Translate these sentences into English (see the dialogue In Section C):

1. — Итак, вы принимаете наше предложение, да? Значит, будем считать вопрос решенным?

— Не совсем, мне хотелось бы обсудить некоторые детали. 2. — Итак, вы согласны возместить наши убытки полностью? — Не совсем, мы считаем, что компенсация, которую вы требуете,

несколько завышена. 3. — Все детали обсуждены. Можем ли мы считать вопрос

решенным? — Я думаю, да. Мы все согласовали. 4. — Когда вы подготовите ответ? — ОДНУ МИНУТУ. Я думаю, мне потребуется дня три-четыре. 5. — А теперь второй вопрос. Вы согласны, что эта претензия

обоснованная? — Не совсем. Я дам вам точный ответ, как только подготовлю

необходимые документы.


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ХП. R^Iace the words aod phrases given in bold type using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. You will remember that the reason of the argument was the price problem. 2. The Shipping Agent was always telling us that difficulties appeared in connection with chartering a vessel of small tonnage. 3. The weight of your luggage was not to have been more than 20 kilos. 4. He plans going to the country for the weekend with a certain Michael. 5. The trouble is that we are too different and our opinions on art are never the same. 6. We’ll have to cancel the contract which is a drastic step to take. 7. Shipment was to have been effected last month and in this connection the clients suffered heavy losses. 8. The goods were damaged in transit due to unsuitable packing. 9. Brown & Co. were able to supply their Customers with sufficient information on their new up-to-date makes. 10. The manufacturers were forced to make up for the injury the workers got during the accident. 11. You are keeping too many useless papers on the table which is rather annoying.

ХШ. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The regret that days were only twenty-four hours long became a chronic complaint with him. 2. Martin Eden gave Ruth’s father adequate accounts and explanations why he had visited Socialist meetings. 3. Ruth saw that frequently her likings and dislikings did not coincide with those of Martin’s. 4. They apologized for not having a direct vessel to Boston. 5. The letters were submitted to justify his behaviour. 6. He was unable to sustain the shock. 7. Tommy, where on earth, have you picked up such an expression? 8. She was very beautiful and very sweet and she was extremely brave. 9. She expressed the hope that he might succeed. 10. Hurstwood, being an old man, could hardly be said to retain the fire of youth. 11. Imagination is given to man to compensate him for what he is not. 12. Your success on the stage exceeded all our hopes. 13. It’s a gross misunderstanding, Mr. Forsyte. My client will never arise any dispute on legitimate claims that might be made on him. 14. As the weeks went by the young painter’s visits grew more frequent. 15. Forests of England contain a great variety of trees but they are of little commercial value. 16. Sir Robert, I want you to withdraw the report you had intended to put before Parliament. 17. Joe came up from behind and placed his hands on Martin’s shoulders. 18. If the enterprise sustains losses, I’ll be ruined. 19. The longer he explained his intentions, the less we understood him.

XIV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

Machinoimport, Moscow

3rd October, 19

Dear Sirs, ^We are sorry to have your complaint ... the quality ... the machines which

were sent . .. you ... September 20th, and to hear that you are determined to reject them.


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We assxire you that the machines were ... a perfect state when they left London, consequently you cannot hold us responsible and claim any compensation ... us ... the losses you have sustained.

You will remember how careful we have always been ... executing the customers’ orders, therefore we apologize ... what has happened and to settle this most undesirable incident ... an amicable way and consider the matter closed, we can effect a repeat of the order as soon £is we get a word from you in this respect. In this case we undertake to deliver the goods ... 10 days provided you place a vessel ... loading ... the 25tli ... October ... the latest. However we feel confident that the damage ... the machines had occurred ... transit. That is why we, ... our part, suggest that you should make a claim ... the Insurance Company ... whom you have insured the goods.

Yours sincerely, Johhes & Co.

XV. Fill in the blanks with articles and possessive pronouns where necessary:

1st September, 19 ... Messrs. Gray & Co.

Dear Sirs,

We wish to inform you that ... pumps which arrived on ... 8th of August in execution of Contract 15/137 were given ... most careful two weeks’ test. From . .. enclosed Test Report you will see that ... design of ... pumps P5, P6, P9 in ... specification greatly differs from ... drawings handed to your Mr. Brown during ... stay in Moscow last June. ... experts have discovered ... number of alterations in ... design of .... pumps which makes some of ... pumps inadequate. You will understand that in ... circumstances we have ... right to reject ... goods and ship them back charging all ... expenses on ... return to ... account.

Taking into account however that this is ... first gross infringement on ... part, we shall not submit ... claim to ... Arbitration and as ... exception shall retain ... substandard pumps with ... 20 % allowance off ... invoice value. As soon as you have ... answer ready, please do not fail to pass it on to us which will be most appreciated.

Faithfully yours, Machinoimport

XVI. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. The joint venture ... the inspection of the goods at the Sellers*^ plant, but when the goods arrived they were found to be of inferior quality and the joint venture had to ... the whole lot. At the same time the Buyers ... to pay the transportation expenses claimed as they were entirely the Sellers’ fault (to refuse, to reject, to waive). 2. When can a claim be ... ? (to refuse, to decline, to reject, to waive). 3. ... me, can you tell me the meaning of this expression? (to apologize, to excuse). 4. The letter was to have been sent out yesterday. No doubt you should ... now (to apologize,


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to excuse). 5. Owing to the ... the machine-tool could not be put into action at once (damage, damages, losses). 6. The capacity of the delivered motors was much too low, the customers sustained heavy ... and were forced to claim ... from the suppliers (damage, damages, losses). 7. The doctor would always ask his patients if they ... even half his recommendations (to execute, to carry out). 8. This order was to have been ... a month ago (to execute, to carry out). 9. The customers ... a 2 per cent allowance for the difference in colour (to claim, to require). 10. Two hundred more tractors are ... to cover the farm’s needs (to claim, to require). 11. The Sellers had to ... storage expenses as the Buyers had not opened a L/C in time (to sustain, to bear). 12. The losses they ... amounted to $ ... which is 1 per cent of the Contract Value (to sustain, to bear).

XVU. Translate the following combinations into English and make up sentences using them:

отказаться от некондиционного товара уплатить неустойку от осмотра оборудования от предложения от мысли убедить кого-либо



требовать(ся) неустойку товар объяснения время рабочих

соответствующую (достаточную) компенсацию свои УСЛУГИ в качестве агентов принять меры для ускорения отгрузки

скидку право судно под погрузку документы для рассмотрения фирму на выставке себе последствия нового работника конторы директору

передать i опыт I дело в арбитраж : чертежи представителю фирмы : поручение кому-либо I новости кому-либо I привет

XVIII. Маке up situations using the following sentences:

1. You have short-shipped the consignment by 200 meters. 2. We had to withdraw our claim. 3. Shall we consider the matter closed? 4. We rejected the goods as substandard. 5. The trouble was our points of view didn’t


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coincide. 6. On what condition could you retain the goods? 7.1 think your claim is groundless.

XIX. Make up situadoas using the following words and word combinadons:

1. Offering an Apology

a frequent visitor, to have an argument, to express an opinion, undesirable, to convince, to coincide, a groundless statement, a tactless remark, to igno""^ to apologize to smb. for smth., in conclusion.

2. A justified Decision

to bring up a child, a dispute, to arise, evident, frank, the aim, to exceed one’s hopes, to intend, to take steps, to take up, to give up, to justify one’s decision.

3. Retaining Goods

short-shipment, short-shipped, to retain, undesirable, consequently, to sustain losses, a discount, compensation for, to take extreme steps, to rely on.

4. Making a Claim

justified, to mix up, a gross infringement, agreed and liquidated damages, to hold smb. responsible, to make a claim on smb., to refuse, to meet a claim, to come to the conclusion, to refer the matter to Arbitration, the award.

XX. Think of all the words and expressions on the topics below and make up situations on the basis of them.

Claims. Arbitration. A claim made by the Buyers on the Sellers. A claim made by the Sellers on the Buyers. Discussing terms of payment.

XXL Translate into English:

1. Я ХОЧУ, чтобы вы извинились передним за свое поведение. Ваш ПОСТУПОК был чрезвычайно невежливым. 2. Выражение его лица говорило о том, что письмо содержало чрезвычайно интересные новости. 3. Вам следовало бы яснее выразить свои намерения, тогда мы избежали бы ненужных недоразумений (misunderstanding). 4, Я считаю необходимым еще раз проверить цифры, так как некоторые из ваших выводов не совпадают с выводами, содержащимися в отчете комиссии. 5. Чаще всего они выписывают тратты с оплатой по предъявлении. 6. Это грубое нарушение контракта, и мы вынуждены потребовать от фирмы уплаты соответствующей (достаточной) компенсации. 7. Мы считаем предложенную вами СУМ.МУ недостаточной и согласимся оставить у себя некондиционный товар только при УСЛОВИИ, ЧТО вы полностью возместите нашим клиентам понесенные ими убытки. 8. Мы намерены потребовать от продавцов уплаты неустойки, так как задержка в поставке уже превысила шесть недель. 9. Если бы вы приняли долж


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ные меры своевременно, не возникло бы никаких затруднений в выполнении этого контракта. 10. Дело было передано в арбитраж, так как клиенты отказались отозвать претензию. 11. Разногласия (спор) возникли в связи с тем, что машины, поставленные по за- казу № 45, не отвечали последним достижениям техники в области машиностроения. 12. Вам следует тщательно ИЗУЧИТЬ жалобу клиентов, прежде чем передавать ее в арбитраж. 13. Мы предла- гаем, чтобы недопоставленные 300 тонн руды были отгружены бли- жайшим пароходом. 14. Претензия предъявлена продавцу на эту ру.мму в связи с тем, что покупатель уже понес большие дополни- тельные расходы по хранению машин. 15. — Почему фирма откло- нила нашу претензию? — Видите ли, они считают ее необоснован- ной, мы не представили еще всех документов. 16. Мы бы вовремя поставили пароход под погрузку, если бы не возникли дополни- тельные трудности в получении п/х малого тоннажа. 17. Задержка поставки считается одним из наиболее частых случаев нарушения контракта. 18. Они намеревались выплатить стоимость товара частя- ми. 19. Покупатель просил обосновать, почему продавец предпо- читал инкассовую форму платежа. i

20. Москва, 10 июня 19 ...

Уважаемые господа! В дополнение к нашел1У ПИСЬМУ ОТ 20 мая, в котором мы предъ-

являли Вам претензию в связи с недопоставкой шерсти по контрак- ту № 35, мы вынуждены сообщить следующее.

Вторая партия шерсти, прибывшая на пароходе «Днепр» 25 мая, была тщательно осмотрена нашими приемщиками, и они уста- новили, что большая часть товара не соответствует образцам, на основании которых был заключен контракт.

Из прилагаемого акта приемки Вы увидите, что это заявление вполне обосновано, но в случае необходимости мы можем предо- ставить дополнительные документы для подтверждения (оправ- дания) нашей претензии. К сожалению, мы должны напомнить Вам, fiTo за последнее время наши жалобы стали довольно частыми, и,

чевидно, нам придется пересмотреть вопрос размещения своих Заказов у Вас в будущем. , Как исключение, мы согласны оставить у себя на этот раз товар при УСЛОВИИ, что Вы дадите нам компенсацию за потери, которые Паши клиенты неизбежно понесут при обработке* некондиционной Ьерсти. СУММУ понесенных ими потерь мы сообщим Вам позже и надеемся, что наша претензия будет полностью удовлетворена. В противном случае нам придется принять крайние меры и пере- дать дело в арбитраж.

С уважением, Союзимпорт


обрабатывать to process


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21. Фирме Блэк и Ко., Глазго

Москва, 31 октября 197.

Уважаемые господа!

Мы ПОЛУЧИЛИ Ваше письмо от 29 октября, из которого мы с удивлением узнали, что Вы предъявляете нам претензию в связи с задержкой в поставке сырья по контракту № 35/148.

К сожалению, мы не можем считать Вашу претензию обоснованной. Согласно параграфу 8 настоящего контракта Вы должны были

открыть аккредитив в течение 5 дней после получения от нас извещения о готовности товара к отгрузке. Однако аккредитив был открыт Вами с опозданием наЗ недели, т. е. через неделю после того, как пароход, зафрахтованный нами для перевозки сырья, вышел из порта.

Таким образом, задержка в поставке произошла не по нашей вине, и Вы не имеете права требовать от нас уплаты неустойки. Более того, нам приходится нести дополнительные расходы по складированию, которые должны быть отнесены на Ваш счет, ПОСКОЛЬКУ они вызваны нарушением контракта с Вашей стороны.

В связи с трудностями обеспечения прямого парохода для транспортировки указанного груза и с целью ускорения отгрузки, мы предлагаем отгрузить товар на ближайшем пароходе с перегрузкой в Амстердаме.

Просим срочно сообщить Ваше согласие. Одновременно выражаем уверенность в том, что Вы отзовете свою претензию и в будущем будете строго соблюдать условия контракта.

С уважением Союзэкспорт


ХХП. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. Which is the most frequent way of settling a claim? Give your reasons to justify your opinion. 2. Have you ever had to submit a matter to the Russian Federation Arbitration court ? Speak about the case. 3. Do claims frequently arise in connection with the sale or purchase of raw materials or do they more frequently concern machinery? Give your reasons. 4. Do the Buyers sometimes agree to retain goods of inferior quality? On what condition do they do it? 5. Are claims often made in connection with inadequate packing? Describe a particular case. 6. Do your clients often make claims on you owing to inferior quality of your goods? In what way do you settle them? 7. Have you ever sustained heavy losses due to an infringement of the contract? Describe the case. 8. What do we call a gross infringement of the contract? 9. What do we call a loading program?


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Is the execution of the loading program closely connected with delivering goods in the time stipulated in the contract? 10. What kind of difficulties may arise when you are to place a vessel under loading? 11. Is the Russian Federation Arbitration court a very authoritative body? Explain why. 12. Do our contracts sometimes provide for arbitration in other countries? In what cases does this happen?

ХХШ. Sum up the dialogue from Section C.

XXIV. Reproduce the dialogue as close to the text as possible.

XXV. Think of all possible words and speech patterns which you might use as:

a. greetings and opening phrases to start a business talk; b. intermediate phrases to express doubt or hesitation; c. connecting phrases to pass over to the pext point of the discussion; d. closing phrases to finish a talk.

XXVI. Render the letter and write an answer to it.

Москва, 15 декабря 197... Уважаемые господа!

В дополнение к нашему ПИСЬМУ ОТ 2-ГО декабря посылаем Вам Претензию, предъявленную нашими комитентами в связи с повреждением партии приборов, вызванным несоответствующей упаковкой. В результате повреждения приборы оказались недоброкачественными, что подтверждается соответствующими документами. Приборы были отгружены 15-го ноября п/х «Свифт» по коносаменту № 20. Согласно акту экспертизы* сумма претензии включает стоимость приборов, прибывших в поврежденном состоянии. Вы, несомненно, увидите (поймете), что наша претензия обоснована, и мы ПОЭТОМУ предлагаем урегулировать ее следующим путем: мы согласились бы оставить приборы у себя при УСЛОВИИ, ЧТО ВЫ предоставили бы нам СКИДКУ В 15%, чтобы возместить нашим клиентам убытки, которые они понесут в связи с ремонтом приборов.

Мы надеемся, что Вы удовлетворите нашу претензию и нам не придется передавать дело на решение арбитражного суда. Что касается недогрузки приборов по контракту № 30, наши комитенты намерены настаивать на уплате им согласованных и заранее оцененных убытков, т. к. такая недогрузка считается грубым нарушением контракта.

С уважением, Союзимпорт


1. Why do the Buyers make a claim on the Sellers ? 2. What way of settling the claim do the Buyers suggest? 3. Why do the Buyers claim a discount of 15 % off the price? 4. Why is the question of short-shipment brought up?

акт экспертизы Report of Experts’ examination


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XXVII. Read the letters and do the assignments following them:

No. 1

Moscow, August lOth, 19 ... Brown & Co., London Dear Sirs,

We write to draw your attention to the fact that no shipments have been made so far under Contracts Nos. 125 and 129.

We have informed you several times that if shipments were not made in the time provided for by the contract any losses sustained would be for your account. In fact the point of delays was brought up prior to signing these Contracts and during the execution of the previous contracts.

We remind you that under our General Conditions to the above Contract all disputes must be settled by arbitration. We have no desire to threaten you but under the circumstances we have no option.

The time of delivery under the Contracts expired on 15 th June 19... and 10th July 19.., respectively, therefore we would be pleased to learn if you are agreeable to accept the claim or whether you have an alternative suggestion to put forward to settle the matter.

Yours faithfully, Sojuzimport


Speak on behalf of the Buyers and insist that the firm should speed up deliveries. State the conditions on which you would be prepared to put up with the delay under one of the Contracts.

No. 2

London, September 15tfa, 19 Messrs. Sojuzimport, Moscow

Dear Sirs, Your claim of August 20th in connection with the inferior quality of the

goods shipped by s.s. Volga has been given our careful attention. We have carefully studied the matter and admit that the quality of the

goods is somewhat inferior to that of the sample on the basis of which we concluded the contract.

We are ready to meet your claim, but we consider the compensation of f. . too high, as the difference in quality is very slight. We agree to pay to you £ ... as compensation for the substandard goods.

We hope, you will agree to our suggestion to have the claim settled in an amicable way.

Yours faithfully, Parker & Co.


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Speak on behalf of Sojuzimport on the amount of the claim and on the difference in quality.

Also express your opinion as to the possibility of settling this matter amicably.

No. 3 London, October 17th, 19 ...

Exportkhleb, Moscow

Shipments of Wheat Dear Sirs,

We are writing to inform you that you were to have shipped us 10,000 tons of Wheat bys. s. Neva sailing from Archangel for London on August 10th. However, you failed to dispatch the goods by the said vessel and the goods arrived v/ith a delay of 3 weeks. We, therefore, were not in a position to fulfil our obligations to our clients Messrs. Cortwight & Co. in time and they have made a claim on us for damages.

We hold you responsible for the losses we shall sustain in connection I with this delay in delivery and we request you to remit to our account with Midland Bank the amount of S ... representing agreed and liquidated damages stipulated in p. 24 of our Contract.

Yours truly, Stevenson & Co.


Speak on behalf of Exportkhleb and give your reasons for rejecting the claim. Also request the Buyers to compensate you for additional storage expenses. XXVIll. Make up these dialogues:

1. Discussing the Bayers’ Claim


to arrive damaged contents inadequate packing here are the inspector’s certificates to get the documents in transit


(not) to be responsible for let me see to submit sufficient proof not quite not to coincide to refer the matter to

2. Discussing the Sellers’ Oaim


not quite lack of transport facilities


now comes the next point to make a claim on


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(not) to place a vessel under loading to take steps as soon as we get the vessel ready to bear responsibility to testify to

3. Telephone Conversation


Can I speak to an urgent matter the trouble is ... there was a collision the next vessel available Shall we consider the matter settled ? to cable as soon as I get it ready

(not) to open a L/C in time to execute to bear storage expenses Can you tell me when ... too late to have to claim compensation



speaking Wiat can I do? to have to change the loading program How long will the delay be? I think so I’ll be expecting ...

XXDC. Write letters in accordance with the following assignments:

1. Prepare a reply to a letter of complaint received from Messrs. Green & Co. stating that machine tool Model A recently delivered by Sojuzexport broke down after a month’s operation. As the period of guarantee has not expired yet admit the claim and suggest an amicable way of settling the matter. State your terms.

2. Write to Messrs. Black & Co. and tell them that you place on them the responsibility for the infringement of the Contract. The model you have received was not the model you had ordered. Insist that adequate goods should be delivered immediately and that the Sellers should compensate you for the losses you sustained. Ask the Sellers what you should do with the goods sent to you.


1. Напишите фирме Стенсон и Ко. и сообщите им, что вы считаете, что они нарушили условия контракта, не поставив вовремя СУДНО под погрузку. В связи с этим вам пришлось понести дополнительные расходы за хранение товара в течение 3 недель. Укажите, что, £сли покупатели хотят разрешить этот вопрос дружеским путем, они должны будут возместить понесенные вами убытки. Сообщите также, что вам бы хотелось, чтобы они в течение 2 недель с даты данного письма перевели требуемую СУММУ на ваш счёт во

... в Москве. 2. Сообщите фирме Джексон и Ко., что вы отклоняете их претензию

по поводу того, что продукты якобы испортились из-за серьезных дефектов в упаковке. Скажите, что товар упаковывали квалифицированные рабочие, поэто.му по всей вероятности товар


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испортился в ПУТИ. Попытайтесь убедить фирму отозвать свою претензию, в то же время предложите им направить претензию в страховую компанию, где товар был застрахован.

3. Составьте письмо в ответ на проект контракта, полученный от фирмы Скотт и Ко. Выразите согласие с ббльшей частью пунк^ тов проекта. Одновременно предложите свою формулировку пункта, касающегося условий платежа, отказавшись от аккредитивной формы, и дайте свои обоснования.



to move to make smb. do smth. to complain contradictory nearly to come across to give up to give in to restore sufficient to drive dangerous to cut

to be anxious to be good at an accident up-to-date to approach to respect, respect to make inquiries to stand to leave alone to admit to announce to take over to do well

to sympathize with sympathy to practise to keep to put away to care for to take to to be behind to escape independent to support to occupy to spread

XXX. Supply the correct tense form:

Gregory (to stay) at the hotel for nearly a month when once Mrs. Skelton (toj invite) him and Blount to a party at a nearby place. There they (to meet) Castleman and his friends. As everybody (to prepare) to leave, Mrs. Skelton (to come across) a friend of hers whom she (not to see) for a long time and (to decide) to stay a little longer. So Gregory and Blount (to have) to return without her. They (to drive) for an hour along a rough road when they (to see) a big car approaching them at full speed from the opposite direction and tho ugh Blount (to manage) to turn away, the car (to knock) against their wheel.

“Castleman’s car,” said Blount after it (to pass). “I wonder if they (to com e) to see the results of their work.” Even as he (to talk) they (to hear) the big car returning. “Say, it (to look) dangerous. You have a revolver, haven’t you ?” The other group (to approach). “Hallo. Any trouble?” they (to call) from a distance, and then as though they just (to discover) it, “Oh, it’s Gregory and Blount. So sorry, it (to be) an accident. I hope, we (not to injure) ..you?”

The situation (to save) by the arrival of a third car containing a party of fpur men who (to stop) to see what was the matter.


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“Do you mind staying by, Mister, until the other car (to leave)?” Gregory (to whisper) to one of the newcomers who (to help) Blount with the wheel. “We (not to want) to be left alone with them.”

Castleman and his friends (to express) their sympathy again and again, (to apologize) and (to explain) that they (to leave behind) something at the restaurant and (to return) for it. If they (to do) any damage they (to be) glad to pay compensation. Finding the others determined to stay Castleman’s company (to have) to leave. After they (to go) Blount and Gregory with the strangers as their guards (to drive) to the hotel.

(From “Will you Walk into My Parlour” by Th. Dreiser)

XXXI. Translate into^English (see Recapitulation List):

1. Почему вы не заставите его сходить к врачу? Он давно уже жалуется на головные боли. 2. Молодой инженер недавно приступил к этой работе вместо С., и НУЖНО признать (мы должны признать), что он хорошо справляется (с ней). 3. Когда я читал ваш доклад, я заметил (мне встретилось) несколько противоречивых положен,ий. Мне показалось также, что некоторые разделы (части) НУЖНО сократить. 4. — Что СЛУЧИЛОСЬ С АННОЙ? Она не посещает занятия с 1-го марта. — Она была больна несколько дней, а затем уезжала в командировку в Киев. Я уверена, что она не отстанет от группы, у нее большие способности к ЯЗЫКУ. 5. — Почему ваш сын бросил МУЗЫКУ? Я знаю, что он очень увлекался ею еще год то.му назад. — Видите ли, прошлым летом в лагере он увлекся футболом и волейболом, и теперь посвящает все свободное время спорту. Последнее вре.мя меня даже беспокоят его занятия в школе. 6. — Кого вы ждете здесь? — Петра. Я ЖДУ его уже почти двадцать МИНУТ. Не пони.маю, что с ним СЛУЧИЛОСЬ. — Не волнуйтесь, его задержал срочный телефонный разговор. Когда я уходил из конторы, он Уже Убрал все бумаги и запирал свой стол. Через 5 — 10 МИНУТ он будет здесь. 7. Когда мы пришли на стадион, Петр тренировал прыжки в ДЛИНУ (long jumps). Он сказал, что тренирует их Уже более часа и результаты неплохие. 8. Этот завод был полностью восстановлен до того, как молодые инженеры приехали в Н. Сейчас один из цехов завода выпускает новейшее химическое оборудование. 9. Несколько месяцев ТОМУ назад фирма объявила, что они начинают производство новых моделей. В газетах также сообщалось, что фирма сократила цены для того, чтобы выдержать конкуренцию некоторых европейских стран. 10. — Вы уже навели не- обходи.мые справки о положении фирмы? — Не совсем. Мы знаем, что фир.ма пользуется (to enjoy) популярностью и уважением в стране, но У нас нет достаточных сведений об ассортименте выпускаемой ими продукции.

XXXn.'Read and discuss -the story: THE RETURN

Kirk Pomfret had gone out to South Africa from England in 1910, expecting to find the streets of Johannesburg paved with gold. There was plenty

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of gold, but there were also plenty of men ahead of him with the same idea, and in the end he bought a farm in Rhodesia. When Pomfret arrived at his farm he found it a desert of sand and stones with five heads of cattle dying.

A weaker man would have left, but Pomfret began to work. Very soon he realized that he was dealing with a two-man job, and that a windmill was extremely necessary. So he went to Johannesburg. He got his windmill on a system of easy payments.

Then he met Kennedy outside the railway station, on his way to catch the train. The windmill transaction had put him into excellent spirits. Kennedy looked broke, HI and hungry, and so he took him into a pub and filled him with whisky, and cheese biscuits. Then he said suddenly, “K you don’t juind — God’s worst job. I’m looking for a partner to help run my farm.” Kennedy agreed, he had no choice.

They enjoyed a perfect partnership hard-earned and firm. The next season they planted many acres, but with the end of the season came a drought that sent Kennedy down with fever. He recovered slowly and when he got well he was very week. Pomfret told him to go on a holiday to the sea as the drought was over and he could do without him for a month.

A week and a half later Kennedy left for Port Shepstone. He had no idea where he was going, apart from a name and address. When he got off he was relieved to hear a soft voice beside him saying, “You’re Mr. Kennedy, aren’t you?” He turned hastily and found himself looking into the eyes of a fair young woman, and was seized with shyness.

“Yes, I am,” he said as if he were apologizing. “How do you do? Charley Craddock’s doing some shopping. I’m Margaret

Vincent, governess to his two children.” Craddock’s farm was pleasant and comfortable. Craddock’s wife was a

quiet friendly woman who looked after him so efficiently that five weeks brought his health back and restored the weight he had lost.

He saw a lot of Margaret. The children hunted alone and she found time to walk across the fields with him in the afternoons.

He fell in love with her slowly, as he did most things, but with terrific thoroughness, and was naive enough to beheve that she had no way of guessing.

A week before the departure they had a talk. “This time next week,” he said gloomily, “I shall be far away from you.” “You mustn’t leave me,” she answered. “I won’t know what to do. I’ve

never been in love before. I’ll die if you go away.” “I won’t go. I’ll find something to do here. Pomfret will understand.” He

spoke resolutely, but he knew he wasn’t the man to leave Pomfret or the farm, and that he would never forgive himself if he married a woman he couldn’t support in comfort. He tried to explain some of this to her. She lay still in his arms without listening. He was her last chance: she was twenty- seven. She had had bad luck with the local men through being overconfident when she first arrived.

“I want to hve with you, no matter where ... to be all yours. Because no matter what the world does to us, we belong to each other,” — she said.


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She discovered that his eyes were filled with tears. A fierce joy swept through her, a sense of ultimate, long-awaited conquest. She had got him.

Kennedy introduced Margaret to Pomfret, and believed they liked each other on sight. But, Pomfret’s opinion of Margaret did not coincide with that of Kennedy’s. He took her hand warmly, but his eyes said: “You’re a rotter.’’* Her eyes returned. “Not enough room for both of us. You’ll have to go.”

She worked wonders with the house, and Kennedy was never tired of singing her praises to Pomfret. Pomfret agreed cordially and treated her beautifully, but never went back on his first impression.

When World War One broke out Kennedy and Pomfret decided to go to fight. Kennedy spent a long time breaking** it gently to Margaret, and then found she took it as much as a matter of course as he did.

Then in May, 1917, both were wounded. Pomfret came back to life after two weeks’ treatment, but Kennedy lay still

and began to die. They took Pomfret in to see him and Pomfret stayed by him and tried to stop him from dying. Talking of Margaret brought a sudden flicker back to Kennedy’s eyes, so Pomfret went on talking again and he talked of her too. He wanted her letters. Pomfret assured him that there must be hundreds of letters waiting to be read to him, but that they hadn’t arrived yet.

“Keep him alive this week, and he’ll live,” the doctor said. Pomfret stayed by his bed at night now, as weU as by day, talking but

Kennedy wanted Margaret’s letters, and Pomfret could think of nothing to offer him instead.

Then the letter came. Pomfret tore it open violently, and the contents hit him: “I’m not a bad woman, but I’m not a good one either. I don’t care for you and I hate Rhodesia. I’m going away with a man I love. I’m sorry, because you were good to me, but I didn’t need goodness.”

He read it to Kennedy something like this: “I care for you as before. The only thing that keeps me up is the thought that soon, now, you’ll be coming back again. I can’t stand the loneliness much longer without you.”

Then he wrote to Margaret that he did not justify her action and told her what he had done, and ordered her to get back to the farm and start writing to Kermedy. There was no answer to it, so Pomfret had to frequently write letters himself. They were good enough for Kennedy. He made Pomfret read them over again, until he knew each word by heart, and slowly and surely he began to recover.

When Kennedy was discharged from the hospital, stiU blind, he had twenty-four letters neatly tied together in his suitcase, and all he could talk about was seeing Margaret again.

They went by train. An hour away from their station, Pomfret at last set his teeth and spoke. “Kennedy,” he said in a hard toneless voice, “You’ve put too much faith in one person. You’re expecting too much from Margaret.”

* You are a rotter. Вы никуда не годитесь.

•* to break зд. сообщать


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There was a long silence, and Kennedy’s face showed neither surprise nor offence.

“Well, what I wanted to say,” said Pomfret, “Margaret won’t be at the station to meet you.” And he sat back with the sweat running offhis face.

“Why not?” said Kennedy. “Your blame is unjustified. You’ll have to apologize to her.” Pomfret spoke quickly. “I should have told you something three months ago, and I didn’t. That letter Margaret sent ypu when you were dying; she didn’t write it. I did. And all the rest. You were dying, Kennedy. We had to take some steps to make you go on living!”

Kennedy sat with his hands resting on his knees, and his face betrayed nothing.

“You mean Margaret didn’t write it at all ?” he said at last, with deceptive quiet.

“Well, there was one letter.” “Did you read it to me?” “No.” “Why not?” “She wrote she was going back to England; she couldn’t stand the life and

the loneliness.” “You’re lying,” said Kennedy in a low voice, “I know you hate Margaret. I

don’t believe a word of your story.” Pomfret sat silent till the train pulled into the station. An old friend M’Rorty came to help them out of the carriage so Pomfret

did not see Kennedy get off. When he turned round, his jaw fell open and he stood there, stupidly

staring, for Kennedy had his arms around a woman; he was laughing and sobbing, and Margaret was kissing him again and again.

He was puzzled. He tried to picture the letter in his mind again, to remember the wording of it. Margaret saw him over Kennedy’s shoulder, and smiled and waved to him to join them. For a moment Pomfret half turned to walk away from them, then slowly came over and lifted his hat with a weak smile.

“Hullo, Kirk! How wonderful to see you back again ... and safe. We thought you were both dead! It was so awful, so awful!”

“The government sent me two telegrams. The first one was when they thought they’D never find you again. That’s why I stopped writing, darling. Oh, if only I’d known! And the second telegram contained the news that you were on your way home!”

Kennedy stood silent all this time, his hands locked in Margaret’s keeping his back half toward Pomfret. Pomfret knew it to be the end of everything between them. Her eyes had been as cold as a snake’s. He knew that she didn’t care a fig for Kennedy, or his blindness, but that she was fighting a desperate fight for the only security left to her.

“You two had better go on ahead,” he said at last. “I’ll follow with M’Rorty.”

Margaret agreed cheerfully and led Kennedy away with loving care. “She’s been back a week,” M’Rorty said, reading the expression on

Pomfret’s face, “the man deserted her in Cape Town.” There was a pause. “What do you intend to do now?” he added.


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“She’s not likely to leave him again. She’ll look after him all right—she’s not that much of a fool. She’s won. We’ll part amicably. When’s the next train out?”

“Hour and a half.” “I’ll take it,” said Pomfret.


1. Why did Pomfret choose Kennedy for a partner? 2. Why did Pomfret dislike Margaret? Why did she return the feeling? 3. Why didn’t Pomfret tell his friend at once that he disliked his wife ? 4. Why did Margaret write her only letter to Kennedy? Did she do it out of love? 5. Why did Pomfret write to Margaret what he had done with her letter? 6. Why did Pomfret tell Kennedy the truth about Margaret as they were approaching the station? 7. How did Kennedy take his friend’s words? 8. Why did Pomfret take the next train out? 9. Why didn’t Kennedy make him stay with him? 10. Do you think Kennedy and Margaret would be happy? 11. Which of the two men is a true friend? Can you justify Kennedy’s actions?

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L E S S O N 4 0

General Grammar Revision

Vocabulary Revision: See Recapitulation List


by Nevil Shute (abridged and adapted)

Nevil Shute was born in London in 1899 and educated at Oxford for a life in science. Nevil Shute won distinction in two careers: aviation engineer and novelist. A brilliant scientific background enabled him to write with true realism about the fast moving world of modem technology and this manner of writing impressed greatly the ordinary reader. In his 24 published books Nevil Shute showed himself as a great story teller and an acute observer of people and events. “On the Beach” brought him world-wide fame and made him a celebrated writer both in England and America.

In his novel “Pastoral” Nevil Shute shows the life of an English bomber crew on the airfield near Hartley during World War II and tells a simple little love story of a bomber pilot and a WAAF* girl, Gervase, who was a signals ofiicer on the airfield.

Peter Marshall, captain of the crew, falls in love with Gervase at first sight and insists on their marriage. The girl refuses as she is sure marriage can wait until there is no more fighting. Marshall takes her refusal pretty hard and after a night raid when returning home he follows the wrong course and is forced to land his plane far from the airfield to save the crew. He nearly crashes his plane when he lands it.

The extract below tells us about the steps which Marshall's squadron leader Chesterton and his first helper Bobbie take to settle this delicate matter.



At eleven o’clock that morning Marshall went into Commander Dobbie’s office. The Commander looked up from his desk, “Morning, Marshall,” he said. “Have a cigarette?” he offered his case. “What’s Robert like?”*

I WAAF — Women’s Auxiliary [oig'ziljon] Airforce женская авиационная вспомогательная команда Robert название самолета


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The pilot said; “She’s^ been crashed, but I don’t think she’s too bad,, sir.” He spoke nervously and smoked very quickly as he spoke.

“How did you come to land up at Whitsand, anyway?” Dobbie asked. Marshall said apologetically; “I had an argument with my navigator during the flight and set the wrong course on the compass. Of course, there is no excuse for my overlooking it,” he concluded.

A pause followed. There was no exaggeration in Marshall’s words, the commander knew it. He broke the silence. “I think you might as well get a leave,” he said, “all the lot of you, the whole crew. You need a rest. Get off" as soon as you like and come back on the nineteenth — Monday fortnight.”

Marshall got to his feet. “Thanks, sir,” he said quietly. “Okay,” said Dobbie casually. “See you again on Monday fortnight.”" He got up from his chair and opened the door communicating with the

Administration office. He said to his secretary; “Pilot Franck and pilot Cobbett and pilot Phillips will be coming in for leave warrants. When they come, bring them in to me. I want to see each of that crew before they go on leave.” He sat down in his chair thinking the matter over.

He had a duty in this matter to perform. One of his best and most reliable crews had suddenly deteriorated and had put up an extremely poor performance after Manheim. It was his duty to try and get them back into their original state of efficiency, because the example of the old pilots influenced the raw young crews that came to him from operational training.

He saw pilot Cobbett first. The pilot looked shy and a little nervous. He could not guess why he had been called in.

“I’m sending you all off on leave for a fortnight, and I may have to rearrange the crews a bit while you’re away.” Dobbie said. “Is there anybody that you’d like to be with particularly?”

Cobbett said politely: “I don’t know, sir. Couldn’t I stay with captain Marshall?”

The Commander said, as if reluctantly, “Yes, I suppose I could arrange that if you particularly want to stay with him. Would you rather do that?”

“I would, sir.” “All right,” said Dobbie, “I’ll see if we can fix it. Have a good time.”

Phillips was the next he talked to. He said; “Morning, Phillips, you’ve seen lieutenant Marshall? We decided this morning that you’d better get a fortnight’s leave while your aircraft is put right.”

“Thank you, sir.” “Do you feel you’ve been with one captain long enough? Would you like a

change?” Dobbie asked. Phillips stared at him. “No, sir. I don’t want any change. We get on well

together. Nobody will deny it.” “How then did the crash come about?” asked Dobbie. “Do you think

Marshall has been worried about anything lately?” Phillips was not a very quick thinker, but he knew well enough when he was treading on thin ice. He said carefully, “I think a girl shot him down, sir.”

“Do you know who it is?” Dobbie asked directly. “No, sir, but I can guess who it might be.”


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“Who ?’’ Dobbie enconraged РЬ1Шр5. The sergeant hesitated feeling most uncomfortable. “The one with black hair, a signals officer.” “You mean Officer Robertson?” “That’s right, sir.” The Commander glanced at the sergeant, he sensed resentment, and knew

that Phillips felt ashamed for he thought these questions to be unfair. “A very nice girl,” he said calmly. “I’m sorry if she shot him down.” Dobbie got to his feet. “All right, Phillips. Get off on your leave and have a nice time.”

“Thank you, sir. I wouldn’t want to start with anybody new.” As soon as Phillips left Dobbie decided to speak to his squadron leader

Chesterton. He realized that Chesterton, a family man with grown up daughters, might

be very helpful in a delicate matter like that where peace and confidence must restored if they wanted to save the crew from breaking нр. Dobbie told Chesterton about the case and the older man sat silent for a while. “If they don’t concentrate on what they are doing,” he said at last, they’ll be killed in some silly way. We’ll have to shift Marshall or the girl. The crew don’t want to be split so it’ll have to be the girl. She’s a nice girl. I’ll have a talk with her and get her to apply to be transferred.” He had had similar episodes once or twice before and it was always troublesome, he knew.


On Friday Gervase Robertson was called to Chesterton’s office. He plunged straight into the matter without beating about the bush. “We are a bit worried about Robert. They used to be a very good reliable crew. We found out there had been some friction and there didn’t seem to be much reason for it. The crew all seem to like their captain Peter Marshall.” Gervase raised her eyes. “I think they do,” she said. Chesterton smiled, the way seemed easier, there would be no misunderstanding.

“I thought perhaps you might be able to help us,” he said, “as far as we know the captain is to blame for most of the trouble.” He paused expectantly. Gervase smiled at him innocently though she could guess he expected to hear a confession. “I think I know what the trouble is. They all need some fishing. They are all such keen fishermen in that crew and now that the fishing season ended things started to go wrong because they were aU bored with having nothing to do. I’ll try to get them some fishing,” she concluded.

The squadron leader blinked in surprise trying to focus his mind upon this new aspect of the matter.

“I see,” he said after a short while, “but how can they go fishing now?” “I’ll get them some trout-fishing. It starts in March and I know of a lake

that belongs to a certain Mrs. Carter and her son, a brigadier. I’ll go there and try to persuade the old lady to let the crew have some fishing. It will be a^great comfort to all of them to go fishing.”

Gervase rode out next afternoon on her bicycle. When she reached the house she rang the bell. A servant answered it. She said Mrs. Carter was


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unwell and did not receive anybody, but Gervase told her she wanted to see Mrs. Carter on a matter of importance. She had ridden a long way, she said. The house maid left her for a while then she returned and told Gervase to follow her. They entered a long drawing-room. Mrs. Carter was sitting very upright in her chair. Gervase said shyly, “Mrs. Carter? My name is Robertson. It’s awfully good of you to see me.”

The old lady said rather dryly: “Well, come on in, child. What is it you wanted to see me about?”

Gervase hesitated for a while and then brought the matter straight forward. “Who are these men?Has the crew got a captain?” The old lady inquired.

The girl nodded: “Lieutenant Marshall, all the rest are sergeants.” “And which one is it that you are in love with?” Gervase nearly lost her

speech. “Me?* I’m not in love with anybody.” “Well, which one is in love with you?” Gervase was silent for a moment.

She did not want to tell lies to this unpleasantly direct old lady. “Peter Marshall,” she said in great confusion. “He is the officer — the captain?” “Yes.” “Are you going to marry him?” “I don’t know.” This was terrible. “Well, make up your mind quickly and don’t keep him waiting too long.

You’ll be only wasting your time. You can’t afford it in times like these.” Deep down in her heart Gervase felt that it had been worth riding fourteen

miles upon her bicycle to hear that said.® Very slowly and painfully the old lady raised herself from her chair. “My

son thinks very highly of the Air Force,” she said. “I’m going to show you a letter that arrived from him only last week, the last letter we have had.” Gervase took the sheet, it said:

“The Air Force have been magnificent aU through. We never would have completed our task except for their help.

The Germans are resisting desperately, if we get through to Tunisia it will be because of what these Air Force boys are doing to prepare the ground ahead of us and their self-sacrifice.”

Gervase handed back the letter gravely. “Thank you for showing me,” she said.

The old lady took the sheet and placed it in the envelope with the others and laid it carefully upon the table at her side. “I am sure if my son were here he would want to help you,” she said gently.

Gervase said, “That’s terribly kind of you, Mrs. Carter,” and rose to go. “Not at all. If you decide to marry that young man bring him in for me to

have a look at.”* Gervase laughed awkwardly, and left, and rode back to Hartley very

pleased with herself. She went first to her office at Headquarters; on her table there was a message scribbled on a message pad asking her to ring up one of the officers.

She sat down and called his number. He said, “Oh, look. Miss Robert


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son, I’ve been hearing® some news about Mrs. Carter’s house. I wouldn’t go put there, if I were you.”

: “Why not?” “Leave it a bit. You know there is a son who was a brigadier in the Army.

W^ll, he’s been killed out in Tunisia. The old lady only got the news yesterday.”

Pr|>per Names Peter Marshall ['pita 'majol] Dobbie ['dobi] Franck [fraenk] Cobbett ['kobat] Phillips [Tihps] Gdrvase Robertson ['dsawas 'robatsan] Chesterton ['tjestatan] Mrs. Carter ['kata]


1. She’s been crashed. Он (самолет) разбился.

Названиям самолетов, как и названиям кораблей, соответствует местоимение в 3 лице ед. числа женского рода.

2. Me? Я? Личное местоимение 1-го лица в объектном падеже употребляется в

эллиптических предложениях типа:

—j Вы уже сделали работу, да?—You have done the work, haven’t — Я? Нет, у меня не было you? — Me? No, I haven’t had the 1времени. time.

3. to hear that said .. .чтобы услышать это (как ей скажут об этом)

that said представляет собой частный случай Complex Object, когда употребляется не инфинитив глагола, а причастие прошед- шего времени. Например: I want it done right away. Я ХОЧУ, чтобы

это было сделано сейчас же. Не heard the words said many times. Он слышал, как эти слова говорились неоднократно.

4. ... bring him in for me to have a look at.

... приведите его, чтобы я могла ВЗГЛЯНУТЬ на него.

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом for часто переводится придаточным предложением. Например: We are anxious for her to| do well. Нам очень хочется, чтобы она добилась успеха.

^5. I’ve been hearing some news. Я слышал новость. I В разговорной речи глагол to hear может употребляться в форме

Present Perfect Continuous.


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to look up to get on wifli a confession а course directly to confess to overlook direct to bore an exaggeration a direction boring

to exaggerate to encourage to persuade a deterioration encouraging a comfort to influence encouragement to comfort influence to discourage dryly to have influence on discouraging dry shy to he ashamed of a confusion shyiy to he ashamed to do in confusion to guess smth. to confuse politely caimly confiising polite calm to waste impolite to break op to resist reluctantly to concentrate on a resistance reluctant to shift a sacrifice to fix a shift to sacrifice

to put right a misunderstanding awkwardly to get on to misunderstand awkward


crew [kiu;] n raid [reid] n crash V sqoadron leader look up V

Mr. Wilson looked up and recognized George in the newcomer.

tv. comb, look up a word aa address a train spelliog, etc.

Will you look up this word in the dictionary? You can look up these facts in the Foreign Trade.

course Pco«] n Sometimes planes have to change their course due

to unflying weather, overlook V

IV. comb, overlook a mistake a fact a figure, etc.

You have overlooked one of the most important points in the story. syn. miss

exaggeration [ig^zaedjo'reijn] n

экипаж самолета налет разбить (самолет) командир эскадрильи 1. посмотреть вверх, поднять глаза

2. найти какое-либо слово в словаре, информацию в справочнике

курс, направление

не заметить, проглядеть, упустить



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His story was full of exaggeration, exaggerate [ig'zxd33reit] v

w. comb, exaggerate difficulties facts importance danger expenses, etc.

You should never exaggerate difficulties, casually ['кгез]из1|] adv wanrant ['worant] n det№iorate [di'tisrisreit] v The condition of the sick man deteriorated, deterioration [di^tisria'reijn] n The deteriorafion of exports causes the decrease in imports. influence ['influsns] v

M’. comb, influence a character a poson a dedsioa a crop, etc.

She didn’t want me to influence her point of view. Rainy weather influenced the crop.


небрежно воен. приказ ухудшать(ся)


влиять, сказываться на

. Note:

His action influenced the boy greatly, (прямое дополнение после глагола to influence)

Его поступок оказал большое влияние на мальчика (очень повли* ял). (дополнение с предлогом «на» после глагола «влиять»)

influence п ргр. influence on The influence of the press on public opinion is great.

have (much, little, no) influence on Radischev had much influence on Pushkin, shy adj

She is very shy by nature. И'. comb, ^y I person

smile { look, etc.

There was a shy smile on Peter’s face when he was praised, shyly adv

She spoke shyly as she was a stranger among them.

guess [ges] v Can you guess the weight of the parcel? Gr. guess ! smth.

i that... w. comb, guess | a plan

^ an intention I an idea, etc.

I guessed what he wanted to say.

11 Зак. № 348 Памухпна


оказывать влияние на

застенчивый, робкий

робко, застенчиво

догадаться, угадать


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. Note: .

I guessed his plan at once, (пря.мое дополнение)

Я сразу догадался о его плане (какой у него план). (предложное дополнение)

politely [po'Iaitll] adv “Can you tell me the time, please?” the boy asked

politely, polite adj x'. comb, polite person attitude words

renmrks, etc. His remarks are always polite. Polite people are pleasant to deal with, impolite adj

The hotel-keeper’s reply was rather impolite, reluctant adj

He is reluctant to accept it. syn. unwilling reluctantly adv

They decreased their prices by five per cent but did it very reluctantly, fix V

w. comb, fix I a shelf i a picture I a New Year Tree, etc.

See that you fix the book shelves in the right place.

w. comb, fix I a price I a date a meeting ' an appointment, etc.

Let’s fix the exact time of the meeting, put right V

w. comb, put right a person a machine a thing a situation, etc.

This medicine will put you right. It took him 3 hours to put the machine right, get on


They’ve been getting on very well since their school years.

The elder and younger brothers are getting oa very nicely. prp. get on with It’s hard to get on with sensitive people. They could not get on with each other for various reasons.

вежливо, люоезно


невежливый, неучтивый, нелюбезный

делающий (что-л.) с неохотой


1. прикреплять, укреплять; установить

2. назначить, установить (срок, цену)

исправить, поправить; вылечить

1. делать успехи, продвигаться, иреуспевать

2. ладить с кем-либо


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deny V comb, deny ; a fact I a

result I one’s participation, etc. Nobody

can deny a fact that can be confirmed. John denied that he had taken part in the plot, come about v tread [tred] (trod, trodden) v shoot down V directly adv

I’ll not put off this work till to-morrow. I'll do it directly.

He was looking directly at me. direct [dt'rekt] adj w. comb, direct I answer I way

I method, etc. I want a direct answer to my question, “yes” or

“no”, direct adv 1 would like to talk to Mr. Brown direct. He came direct to Moscow.


происходить, случаться ступать, шагать зд. отвергнуть 1. немедленно, тотчас

2. прямо

прямой, ясный, открытый

прямо, непосредственно

^ want to talk to you (только с вами) direct.

■ Compare: ■

She was looking directly at the boy. (прямо на ребенка и ни на кого другого)

encouraging [in'kAridsiq w. comb, encouraging

direction n The directions how to use the medicine are given here.

Improvements were made in many directions, encourage [in’kArids] v

Children should be encouraged in their studies. Gr. encourage smb. to do smtfa. The man need somebody to encourage him to do this hard work.

adj word news letter remark praise, etc.

The few encouraging words she said were a great support for him.

encouragement n

What you did was a real encouragement to the boy. discourage [dis'kArids] v

V Don’t let one failure discourage you. discouraging adj

1. указание

2. направление

ободрять, поощрять, поддерживать

поощрительный, ободряющий

поощрение, одобрение, поддержка

обескураживать, расхолаживать

обескураживающий, расхолаживающий

11* 307

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н>. comb, discouraging news result conclusion information, etc.

The news was so discouraging that it made us feel unhappy, glance V resentment n be ashamed of

The boy was ashamed of himself for not knowing the answer to such a simple question. Or. be ashamed to do smih. He was ashamed to tell us he had let his friend down.

calmly ['ko:mli] adv Don’t get escited, let’s discuss the matter calmly.

syn. quietly calm adj w. comb, calm person weather sea

word, etc.

The weather is very calm today. syn. quiet break up V

The meeting broke up quietly. We don’t want to break up the group.

It was not her fault that their friendship broke up so suddenly. They broke up for the reason that their views on

many things differed, concentrate ['konssntreit] v

The sound of the loud music was annoying and he couldn’t concentrate. prp. concentrate on He could not concentrate on what he was reading

and decided to put aside his work, shift ‘V It became warmer as the wind shifted to the north. Modern facilities at the theatre make it very easy to

shift scenery between the acts, shift n prp. in shifts We work in different shifts. prp. on the night (day,

etc.) shift He works on the day shift this week, split V troublesome [TrAblsam]. adj beat about the hush (rktioa Л misunderstanding n

There is a certain ■lisundentaiiding here but it may be cleared up easily.

зд. взглянуть зд. недовольство СТЫДИТЬСЯ чего-л.

тихо, спокойно

ТИХИЙ, спокойный,

1.' заканчиваться, расходиться; распустить (особрании, .митинге)

2. прекратить (отношения)

сосредоточивать(ся), концентрировать

пере.мещать(ся), двигать(ся)


распадаться трудный, бесиокойный ходить вокруг да около трение недоразумение, неправильное понимание


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misunderstand v You have misunderstood his words. He meant no offence, confession n w. comb, strange I confession

striking I unusual I sad I unpleasant | important, etc. ,

I wouldn’t call his statement a confession, confess' V

He confessed that he had done wrong. He’ll never confess his weaknesses.

неправильно понять.


признаваться, сознаваться.

-Compare: .

Не admitted he was wrong when we He confessed on his own initiative he pressed him. should have acted otherwise. (мы вынудили его сознаться в это.м) (он са.м сознался в этом)

bore [Ьл:] V Detective stories always bore me.

boring adj w, comb, boring story

him person, etc.

The book is so boring, I can’t finish it. blink V trout [traut] fi.shing persuade [pa'swcid] v

We finally persuaded him to stay with us for another week,

comfort ['kAmfotJ n Your letters have been a great comfort to me.

comfort ['kAmfat] v He found the right words to comfort me.

brigadier [^brigo'dia] dryly ['draili) adv

He always speaks, dryly with people, dry adj

>i>. cottib. dry : weather climate bread

I goods, etc. Russian dry wines are very popular on the world

market, confusing adj

w. comb, confusing reply answer meaning story explanation, etc.

The explanation is so confusing I can hardly make out anything.

надоедать, утомлять

скучный, надоедливый

мигать ловля форели уговорить (сделать что-л.)

утешение, поддержка

утешать, успокаивать




спутанный, бессвязный

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confuse V н'. comb, confuse names words

documents rules, etc.

I wonder why you always confuse their names. They are so easy to remember. syn. mix up confusion ^an'fju.'sn] n w. comb, great confusion

unusual strange, etc.

The papers were thrown about in confusion. syn. disiorder

The teacher saw the pupil’s confusion and asked him what was wrong. prp. In confusion I see you are in great confusion. Is anjdhing wrong?

-waste V

w. comb, waste time money efforts talent, etc. You should rearrange your working hours. You are wasting too much of your time. prp. waste smth. on I don't think I am wasting my efforts on nothing. I

am confident I’ll succeed, waste n

w. comb, waste of time money energy- pa per foodstuffs, etc.

It’s a waste of time to wait any longer, magnificent adj resist V

H>. comb, resist an attack a disease a desire, etc. The young scientist resisted all the attempts of his

friends to make him give up his experiments, resistance n

смешивать, спутьгаать

w. comb, show break down


1. беспорядок

2. замешательство, смущение в


терять (время), тратить впустую (время, деньги)

излишняя трата, неразумное использование

великолепный сопротивляться, противостоять


Many Soviet war prisoners joined the resistance movement in France during World War II. desperately ['despsritli] adv gravely adv sacrifice ['saekrifais] и

John knew his parents made a great sacrifice trying to give him a higher education.

отчаянно серьезно жертва


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sacrifice v The old woman sacrificed her life saving the

wounded man. awkwardly ['0:kw3dli] adv She smiled awkwardly.

The man carried a heavy bag and moved rather awkwardly, awkward adj

w. comb, awkward person skater posidoD manner, etc.

Mary is still an awkward skater, she has much to learn, scribble V message pad


неуклюже, неудобно, неловко

неуклюжий, неумелый, неловкий

писать каракулями, небрежно блокнот


I. Read the text in class and analyse it as shown in the exercises below.


a. Paraphrase the following;

1. “I don't think she is too bad, sir.” 2. “How did yon come to land up at Whitsand, anyway?” 3. There was no exaggeration in Marshall’s words. 4. One of his best crews ... had put up an extremely poor performance after Manheim. 5. If they don’t concentrate on what they are doing ... 6. ... and get her to apply to be transferred. 7. ... I may have to rearrange the crews a bit ... 8. ... the raw young crews that came to him from operational^ training. 9. ... a girl shot him down ... 10. ... he sensed resentment ... II. The crew don’t want to be split.

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. ... and set the wrong cour.se on the compass. 2. He had a duty in this' matter to perform. 3. Phillips was not a very quick thinker but he knew- well enough when he was treading on thin ice. 4. ... Dobbie encouraged: Phillips. 5. ... that Phillips felt ashamed for he thought these questions- to be unfair. 6. ... it was always troublesome, he knew.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. Have a cigarette? 2. What’s Robert like? 3. Get off as soon as you like. 4. See you again on Monday. 5. “Would you rather do that?” “1 would, sir.” 6. Have a good time. 7. We get on well together. 8. I can guess who it might be. 9. The one with black hair. 10. That’s right, sir. 11.1 wouldn’t want to start with anybody new.


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d. Sum up Dobbie’s conversations with the members of the crew.

P A R T I I a. Paraphrase the following:

1. He plunged straight into the matter without beating about the bush. 2. ... there would be no misunderstanding. 3. ... the captain is to blame for most of the trouble. 4. They are all such keen fishermen ... 5. ... on a matter of impmrtance. 6. Gervase nearly lost her speech. 7. ... all through. 8. ... except for their help.

b. Give your interpretation of the following:

1. ... there had been some friction ... 2. ... the way seemed easier. 3. He paused expectantly. Gervase smiled at him innocently. 4. The squadron leader blinked in surprise trying to focus his mind upon this new aspect of the matter. 5. ... things started to go wrong ... 6. Deep down in her heart Gervase felt that it had been worth riding fourteen miles ... to hear that said.

c. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

1. ... without beating about the bush. 2. ... they were all bored with having nothing to do. 3. ... if we get through to Tunis ... 4. ... bring him in for me to have a look at. 5. Leave it a bit.

d. Sum up the conversation between Mrs. Carter and Gervase.

П. Find in the text English equivalents to the following phrases:

1. Я думаю, машина не в очень пло.хом состоянии. 2. Вам можно взять ОТПУСК. 3. ... возвращайтесь ... в понедельник через две недели. 4. Попросите их зайти ко мне. 5. ... пока вас не будет, б. Вы очень хотели остаться с этим экипаже.м самолета? 7. Я постараюсь устроить это. 8. Не хотели бы вы перейти на другой самолет (сменить экипаж)? 9. Совершенно верно. 10. Желаю вам хорошо провести время. 11. Очевидно, придется перевести девушку. 12. семейный человек. 13. Очень любезно с вашей стороны принять меня. 14. Заходите, дитя мое. 15. О чем же вы хотели поговорить со .мной? 16. Не заставляйте его ждать слишком долго. 17. Мой сын очень высокого мнения об авиации. 18. Спасибо за то, что вы показали мне (письмо). 19. Пожалуйста. 20. Она набрала помер. 21. Я слышал некоторые новости ... На вашем месте я не пошел бы туда.

Ш. Activize these words: а.

Answer these questions:


to look up

>1. What information can you look up in a railway time-table? 2. Why should we teach students to look up things in reference books? 3. Why do people keep diaries? What can they look up there?


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to overlook

a. Complete these sentences:

1. You should have given more attention to the matter ... (to overlook, important facts). 2. The document contains all the necessary information ... (nothing, to overlook). 3. The difficulty wouldn’t have arisen if ... (to overlook, the figures).

b. Translate into English:

1. Жаль, что вы пропустили такие сведения. 2. Почему вы так сердитесь? Разве я упустил что-нибудь? 3. Я должен принести извинения, мы не заметили (пропустили) несколько НУЖНЫХ цифр. 4. Он должен был представить полный отчёт, а он пропустил много данных.

to influence, influence, to have influence on a. Complete these sentences:

1. Mrs. Muhler was anxious to send Hans away from Germany ... (to save, influence). 2. You will have to take better care of your child ... (to avoid, influence). 3. I want you to study the recent event as ... (to influence the market). 4. You shouldn’t ignore such facts ... (may, to influence).

b. Translate into English:

1. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы повлияли на моего сына. 2. Его влияние на молодых поэтов очень велико. 3. Положение с сырьем оказало влияние на (повлияло на) цены на мировом рынке. 4. Девальвация оказала влияние на положение фирмы. 5. Вы должны поощрять их дружбу. Она оказывает хорошее влияние (хорошо влияет) на вашего сына.

reluctant, reluctantly a. Translate these sentences:

1. They are reluctant to compensate us for the losses. 2. He is reluctant to meet the claim. 3. The customers were reluctant to cover the expenses. 4. Why are the Buyers reluctant to agree to payment for collection?

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. The Sellers wrote that they were unwilling to change the loading program. 2. In the circumstances they were unwilling to withdraw the claim. 3. Why are they unwilling to provide adequate information on the matter?

to put right a. Translate these sentences:

1. If you don’t want further trouble you must try to put things right now. 2. He knows he is to blame for the situation, he must make every effort, to put everything right. 3. He is very good at repairing such machines. He will put the machines right in no time. 4. The defects in your TV set are pretty serious it’ll take time to put it right.


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Ъ. IVansIate these sentences into English:

1. Вы можете положиться на нее, она все уладит. 2. Нам НУЖНО

принять меры, чтобы уладить все вовремя. 3. Моя машина не в порядке, вы можете отремонтировать (наладить) ее? 4, Вы преувеличиваете, потребуется всего один-два дня, чтобы отремонтировать станок.

to get on (with)

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what cases is it difficult for people to get on well? 2. What would you do if you couldn’t get on with your fellow-workers ? 3. Can you say that parents always get on with their children?

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

I 1. It’s no good to put them together on a job, they can’t work successfully. 2. It’s hard to hare anything to do with the person. 3. She has a very gentle character, she would adjust herself to anybody. 4. After a year of married life they realized that they could no longer live together.

to encourage, encouraging, encouragement, to discourage, discouraging

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what case would you encourage a person Lo wo. k better (a student to work harder)? 2. Do you think encouragement is necessary in work? 3. What kind of news would you call encouraging (discouraging) ? 4. When does a person feel discouraged? 5. Is it pleasant to discourage a person? Why not?

b. Complete these sentences;

1. You should praise the boy for his efforts ... (to need encourage.iient). 2. Why don’t you mention the man’s progress ... (to feel encouraged ) ? 3. He looked so upset after the talk ... (discouraging news). 4. He’s just taken over a new job ... (words, to encourage).

c. ^Translate into English:

1. Ваше поведение обескуражило .меня. 2. Его НУЖНО поощрять время от времени, он будет лучше работать. 3. После разговора с вами я почувствовал себя настолько обескураженным, что не мог продолжать работу.

to be ashamed of, to be ashamed to do smth.

Я . Make up sentences in accordance with the model using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l 1. He was ashamed of his action. M o d e l 2. He was ashamed to admit that it was all his fault. (appearance, behaviour, remark, poor service, awkward manners, to upset, to bore, to annoy, to confuse, to disappoint)


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b. Complete these sentences:

1. He apologized to his friend ... (incident, to be ashamed). 2. You are impolite with people ... (behaviour, to be ashamed). 3. You treat the boy badly ... (attitude, to be ashamed). 4. She felt she had bored everybody ... (to be ashamed, annoying). 5. He was convinced his visit was undesirable ... rio be ashamed, to insist).

, to break up a. Translate these sentences:

1. “You must try your best to save the family from breaking up,” said the woman. 2. I am reluctant to break up this group. 3. The police tried to break up the demonstration. 4. The party broke up at midnight. 5. He broke up with his friends after the incident.

b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. They are a very united group, it would be a pity to separate them. 2. After a hot argument the group went home one by one. 3. So many interesting points were brought up that the meeting came to an end only at 8 o’clock. 4. The news was so discouraging that in ten minutes the gathering came to an end. 5. They stopped their friendship after the boy left the town.

c. Translate into English:

1. Сведения были настолько противоречивы, что комиссия закончила работу (разошлась) только к вечеру. 2. «Расходитесь, расходитесь», — кричал полицейский. 3. Вечер окончился совершенно неожиданно. 4. Мы не хотели бы разбить ЭТУ группу, эти студенты занимаются вместе уже два года. 5. Собрание закончилось очень быстро. 6. Почему она порвала отношения со многими прузь- ями?

to shift, а shift

a. Answer these questions:

1. In what case is it necessary to shift a person to another office? 2. Do you like people who shift their responsibilities on the others? 3. Why are there several shifts at some factories?

b. Translate(into| English:

1. В какой смене вы работаете? 2. Завод работает в две смены. 3. Яне люблю перекладывать свою вину на других. 4. Нам придется перевести этого студента в другую группу. 5. Мне не хотелось бы, чтобы ее перевели в другую контору.

[to confuse, to be (get) confused, in confusion, confusion,

confusing a. Answer thesejquestions:

1. Do you always feel awkward when you confuse things? 2. In what cases do people give a confusing reply to a question? 3. When are people in great confusion? 4. What can confuse a person sometimes? 5. In what way would you behave if you saw your friend’s confusion?


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b. Paraphrase these sentences:

1. You must have used the wrong word instead of the right word. 2. See that you are more attentive when reading the story otherwise you will not have a clear idea of the relations between the main characters in the story. 3. The presence of so many newcomers made the young pianist feel very awkward. 4. He was at a loss when he heard these remarks made. 5. Your explanation makes no sense. I don’t see your point. 6. Why are these articles in such a disorder? You should rearrange them.

to bore, boring a. Answer these questions:

1. What kind of books (films, plays) do you find boring?2. What would you do if a person bored you with his talk? 3. What subjects bore you very much?

b. Complete these sentences:

1. Tve been engaged in this work for a long time ... (never, lo seem boring). 2.1 hate people expressing false sympathy for me ... (io bore to death). 3. He always brings to an end the work he's taken up (to seem loo boring).

c. Translate into English:

1. Рассказ показался лше очень скучны.ч. 2. O.i жалуется, что работа очень скучная. 3. Я занимаюсь этими во.т.тсам:; уже несколько лет, и они не надоедают мне.

direct, directly, direction a. Answer these questions:

1. Do you always prefer to have direct answers to your questions? 2. Do you always do business direct with your customers or do you sometimes do it through agents? 3. Is there a direct line from your home to the place of work or do you have to change anywhere? 4. Why do we prefer direct contacts to correspondence sometimes? 5. Why cannot people give an answer to a question directly sometimes?

b. Translate into English:

1. Троллейбус «Б» очень удобен для меня. Это прямая линия. 2. Мальчику было очень трудно чертить (to draw) прямые линии. 3. Вам следует обратиться непосредственно в главную фирму фир.мы. 4. Имеется непосредственная связь между этими вопро- са.ми. 5. Мы работаем в этом направлении с конца прошлого года. 6. Основное направление работы нашей фирмы —устанавливать связи с транспортными организациями.

IV. Answer the questions and sum up the answers:

1. What may happen if you overlook a bad mistake in a document? 2. What will you have to do to put things right? 3. Will it do any good to deny your fault? 4. In what case can a mistake change the entire course of events?


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1. What factors mainly influence the position of the world market ? 2. In what case does this position deteriorate for the Buyers (the Sellers)? 3. Is it in your power to put things right in such cases ? What do the results depend on ?

1. What kind of people would you get on well with? 2. Would you rather have to do with polite people ? 3. Are you always reluctant to deal with impolite people? Why?

1. Why is it sometimes difficult to fulfil another person’s directions ? 2. Can a person find himself in an awkward position due to this? Why? 3. Does it sometimes cause a misunderstanding? 4. How can the misunderstanding be settled?

1. In what cases do you feel discouraged? 2, Can you resist the feeling easily? 3. How do your friends persuade you not to feel discouraged by failures?

1. Could you call Imogene a boring person? 2. Why didn’t she want to break up with Gregory? 3. Do you think Gregory wasted his time trying to make her tell the truth? 4. Why didn’t she deny she was helping Tilney ?

V. Give English equivalents to the following; ^

1. застенчиво посмотреть на кого-л.; 2. преувеличивать ухудшение чего-л.; 3. догадываться о влиянии на кого-л.; 4. влиять непосредственно; 5. отрицать какое-л. недопонимание; 6. застенчивый человек; 7. вежливое замечание; 8. сосредоточиться на чем-л., чтобы не УПУСТИТЬ указаний; 9. сломить сопротивление; 10. СКУЧНЫЙ человек; 1Ь обескураживать кого-л. непонятным (странным) объяснением; 12. не хотеть уладить что-л.; 13. уговорить группу разойтись.

VI. Give all possible combinations of;

4. the following verbs with nouns;

to look up to overlook io exaggerate to influence to put right to deny to waste to resist

b. the following adjectives with noons:

shy polite encouraging discouraging boring dry direct awkward

VII, Translate into Russian;

1. Pull yourself together and drop exaggeration. 2. Basil would have helped 'Dorian Gray to resist Lord Henry’s influence. 3. He knew that he was shy and awkward with women. 4. None could guess the results. 5.1 am reluctant to break up our cooperation. 6. He and Helen broke up, you know. |7. He performed his task in an awkward manner. 8.1 made an attempt to put jthings right, it did no good. 9. How did he get on in the exam? 10. Now, I Rose,'tell me the name of this lady who denied the facts. 11. Cowperwood j encouraged his son to act independently. 12. You’d rather give up this theory.


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You won’t receive any encouragement from us. 13. He shifted from place to place so as to avoid meeting us. 14. My head feels as though it will split. 15. Don’t invite him to our party. He’s very boring. 16. See if you can persuade him to come to dinner to-morrow. 17. They appreciated direct statements. 18. This stage is not for you. Your talents are wasted here.

УШ. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

Gervase had a talk ... Peter Marshall ... which she learned that he was going ... leave ... his people ... London. She was greatly disappointed ... the news and her thoughts were ... confusion though she could not explain the reason ... it.

The next morning she got a letter ... Marshall. It said:

Dear Gervase,

I’m not sure that I shall be coming ... Hartley. I haven’t been getting ... so well ... my crew lately, things have deteriorated ... some extent and I guess it’s time ... a shift. I want to apologize ... you ... not being able to thank you ... that message you sent. . . me during the flight. It did a lot. . . good ... me. I made about six different mistakes during that flight but as soon as I got the message I put everything right. I don’t exaggerate. This doesn’t need any answer, I just wanted you to know.

Yours, Peter Marshall.

She sat ... her bed looking ... the letter. Then she took a decision. She must try and make .............. her incorrect behaviour, she will write ... him directly, she should not resist the feeling any longer. Quickly Gervase wrote:

Dear Peter,

I got your letter and it was nice ... you to write. Before you do anything ... leaving Hartley I think we should talk it . . . . It seems a frightful pity to break ... your crew, they will be most reluctant to part with you. I’m sure I’ll be glad to meet you anywhere you say before you go.

Yours sincerely. Gervase.

They met the next day and Peter came ... the point ... once. He suggested that they should go ... a month together to see if she might care ... him more as she knew him better. “If it doesn’t work,” Peter said, “I won’t insist. I’ll just give it ... , but let’s try it first.” Gervase didn’t think it fair to refuse. Besides she thought ... the possible consequences ... refusal. So they agreed to go ... Oxford and spend ... an evening together.


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IX. Fill in the blanks with articles and possessive pronouns where necessary and retell the text: WEEKEND IN LONDON

After ... evening at Oxford Peter suggested going to London. He wanted to take ... girl out to ... theatre and Gervase welcomed ... idea. She looked forward to ... weekend in London, as to ... night she thought she might ’ spend it at ... aunt’s who had always treated Gervase very warmly. The old woman welcomed Gervase heartily and was interested in and polite to ... young man that ... niece had brought with her.

Gervase went to change in ... bedroom and Peter went into ... bathroom for ... wash and then sat on talking to aunt Mary. He found her ... rather boring person. She could hardly concentrate on ... thing. He answered ... numerous questions reluctantly and tried not to encourage her any further. He was relieved when Gervase entered ... room to release him. Gervase looked ... real beauty in ... blue dance frock with silver slippers. As they went down ... stairs Gervase looked up at Peter. “You remember what we agreed about? I’ll have to break up ... friendship if you are going to waste ... money on me.’’ He gave her ... smile.

They found ... taxi and drove to ... Piccadilly and had ... dry martini before going to ... theatre. Gervase no longer felt shy and awkward in . .. presence.

After ... theatre when they were returning home Marshall suggested ... walk in Kew Gardens* ... next day. Gervase thought for ... moment. She had never been to the Botanical Gardens. She would like to see. . . spring flowers there. Curiously ... memory of ... old lady in ... Kingslake house where ... crew had gone fishing, came to ... mind. She remembered ... words “Take ... decision quickly, don’t keep ... young man waiting too long.’’ She knew that ... advice was right. ... month was passing. ... girl of any character should know her mind within this time. Back at Hartley ... things would deteriorate, they would have no time to see each other so frequently. She smiled at him. “All right, let’s go for ... walk there tomorrow.’’ Then he took her home.

... next morning found Marshall sitting on ... bed in ... Cumberland Hotel getting ready for ... appointment with Gervase and Gervase sitting on ... bed in ... aunt’s flat getting ready to go out with Marshall. They met at ... appointed place and ... taxi took them to ... gardens. It was extremely beautiful in ... gardens. ... pilot and ... section officer walked over ... short grass silent with wonder. ... pleasure Gervase got from ... walk exceeded all ... hopes. Presently they sat down and talked. They told each other all about their homes, about ... parents, and ... lives and ... time passed and soon it was after five and Gervase was to leave to catch ... 6 o’clock train.

In ... station they took ... bag from ... cloak room. And then because ... train was likely to be full of ... air force going back to ... airdrome in Hartley they went to look for ... quiet corner where they could have some time for themselves. “I’ve had ... lovely time,” Gervase said 'softly. “Thank you for everything, Peter.”

• Kew Gardens [kju:] Королевский ботанический сад


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X. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Unfortunately you haven’t noticed several important points. You should have given more attention to the report. 2. The chief trouble with the man is that he always makes things seem bigger than they are. 3.1 have been hearing that the position of the Johnsons became worse after the father stopped his relations with the company and took up a different job. 4. Since it was the Sellers’ market they were unwilling to decrease their prices. 5.1 admit that something must be done to improve the state of things. 6. We waited for him to tell us why he had mixed up everything but he kept silent. 7. Your daughter is very good at drawing. Why do you want to talk her out of taking it up? 8. You understood Smirnov’s words wrongly. He didn’t mean to hurt your pride. 9. I’d rather you would praise the boy more often he is shy but he does his best. 10. You should be more careful in this experiment. If you overlook something your efforts may be useless. 11. He is always telling us he will come and do our TV. I wonder whether we can rely on his promise. 12. “I want the work done today,” he repeated quietly. 13. “See that you find the right words to improve her mood after the accident,” my friend said. 14. I’m anxious for the boy to teU the truth himself. I would rather not expose him.

XI. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. He must have had a serious reason for ... the lecture on Monday (to miss, to overlook). 2. The teacher was always telling Nick that he ... many things at the lesson due to his carelessness (to miss, to overlook). 3. I’ve heard it said many times it’s more sensible to get schoolchildren to ... their wrong actions rather than press them until they ... (to admit, to confess). 4. “I’ve been hearing that you .., the compensation we are offering you for the injury” (to refuse, to deny). “Don’t you think it’s rather . . .” (boring, annoying)? “Do you expect us to increase the sum?” said Mr. Bell ironically, speaking to his worker. “You will not ... that it was in our power not to offer you anything at all since the accident was your own responsibility,” Mr. Bell concluded (to deny, to refuse). 5. You are behaving in such a way as if you ... the remarks of your friends completely (to ignore, to overlook). 6, The ship will not change its ... (course, direction). We are going in the same. . . , said the captain (course, direction). 7. Their holiday ... by bad weather. 20 days out of 24 were rainy (to deteriorate, to .spoil). 8. The balance of payments position in the country. . . as a result of the crisis (to deteriorate, to spoil). 9. I was most happy to have persuaded Bob not to buy this expensive and useless thing. It’s his habit ... money (to waste, to spend). He never thinks in advance whether it is worth ... the money (to waste, to spend).

XII. Make up situations u.sing these sentences:

1. He may have exaggerated the facts. 2. They are likely to be reluctant to place orders now. 3. I wouldn’t consider it boring. 4. No wonder there was some misunderstanding between us. 5. The information they got was discouraging. 6. The situation in the market deteriorated. 7. He found himself in an awkward position.


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XIII. Make up situatioos using the following words and word combinations:

1. Encouraging a Friend

dry to find oneself in an awkward posi-

tion to be discouraged to need encouragement to prove to smb. to exaggerate

3. Settling a Misunderstanding

to have an argument to misunderstand to come from to be reluctant to admit a mistake to deny to persuade to be wrong

2. Impolite Behaviour

to behave impolite relations to deteriorate to break up one’s friendship to prove to be ashamed of to put things right polite

4. Overlooking a Mistake

to overlook to concentrate a text a word spelling I’d rather to consider waste of time to come from

XIV. Translate into English:

1. Если вы не знаете, как слово произносится, посмотрите его в словаре. 2. Эта книга очень скучная. На вашем месте я бы отложила ее, чтобы не тратить понапрасну вре.мя. 3. «Мне кажется, вы преувеличиваете СУММУ своих расходов», — сказал нам представитель фирмы. 4. За последнее время ход событий существенно изменился и принял другое направление. 5. Мартин Иден догадывался, что родители Руфи оказывали огромное влияние на нее. 6. Блаунт убедил Грегори, что он не должен поддаваться влиянию Имоджин. 7. Во время II мировой войны движение сопротивления во Франции имело огромное значение. Многие патриоты жертвовали жизнью во имя счастливого будущего родины. 8. Странно, что эти данные не совпадают. Очевидно, вы спутали цифры. Ва.м придется посмотреть эти цифры в справочнике (reference book) еще раз, чтобы избежать недоразумений. 9. Разве ты не знаешь, что этот музей давно восстановлен? Очевидно, ты не заметил объявление в нашей газете об открытии музея. 10. БУДЬ я на твоем .месте, я бы не стал преувеличивать трудности. Я уверен, что ты сумеешь найти выход из этого положения. И. Я давно знаю В. Он очень застенчив по натуре и всегда чувствует себя неловко среди людей, которых видит впервые. Постарайтесь подбодрить его, когда он ,придет к вам, и тогда он будет вести себя очень естественно. 12. Мы решили не терять время и связаться непосредственно с фирмой, так как они давно занимаются выпускол! станков этой марки. Мы


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были убеждены, что их представитель в Москве может дать нам соответствующие сведения по ЭТОМУ вопросу. 13. Он понял, что был невежлив, и извинился за свое бестактное поведение. 14. Телевизор еще Не починили. Не включай его. 15. Что помешало (прервало) их дружбе? Ведь они никогда не ссорились (всегда ладили друг с другом). 16. Давид Копперфильд был большим утешением для своей матери в се.мье ее второго мужа, так как она чувствовала себя там очень одинокой. 17. Молодой человек признался, что стеснялся рассказывать мне о своих неприятностях, так как считал меня очень черствым и сухим человеком.


XV. Give extended answers to these questions:

1. Why did Marshall speak apologetically about the crash at Whitsand? 2. Why did Dobbie send the crew off on leave? 3. Why did Dobbie put forward the idea of splitting the crew? Was he glad that the pilot turned it down? 4. Why did Phillips feel uncomfortable when he spoke about Gervase? Was it fair of the Commander to draw him out on the point? 5. Why did Chesterton suggest that the girl should be transferred to another airdrome? 6. Do you think Chesterton handled the matter cleverly? Can you say that the girl got round him? 7. Why was Gervase anxious to get some fishing for the crew? 8. Why did Mrs. Carter agree to see the girl? 9. Why did the old lady think that the girl was in love with one of the crew? Did she guess right? 10. Why did Gervase think that Mrs. Carter’s advice about marriage was valuable? 11. Why did she want Gervase to bring her young man to her house if the girl decided to marry him? 12. Why didn’t Mrs. Carter tell Gervase about the death of her son?

XVI. Make up statements on text A foHowed^by questions. For[model seeJExercise XIX, Lesson 31.

XVII. Read and discuss text B.

В While Gervase and Peter Marshall were having a nice time in London

squadron leader Chesterton was talking the matter over with Dobbie. “She’s probably made up her mind she wants to marry Marshall. That’s

why she’s taken so much trouble about this fishing,” Chesterton was telling and they both decided to take no steps for some time and not to interfere in the matter.

The old lady kept her promise and when Marshall and his crew returned from their holiday they all had caught enough trout to restore their mood.

Marshall by that time was at the top of his form. He felt that his crew were behind him better than ever before. He and Gervase were getting on very well which was a great encouragement for him.

That night the airdrome was closed as usual before an operation. The course was disclosed as Hamburg.

The crew met in the crew-room and began dressing for the night work. 322

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Marshall was happy, for him everything seemed to be moving in the right direction. In Robert the crew were in good spirits as they started up the engines and settled into their places.

“There’s the green,” said Marshall. “Captain to crew — stand by now for take off. Okay, boys, here we go.” When they were still ten miles from Hamburg a lot of German aircraft

appeared and exposed as they were, it seemed impossible to escape the enemy. The Germans began to fire at Robert. Some members of the crew were wounded. Marshall told the others to take care of the wounded and to relieve them if necessary. A lot of damage was done to the plane. The only thing Marshall could do now was to reach Hartley at all costs. The^ had eighty gallons of fuel and Marshall thought that was plenty to get4hem home . ..

In the control room Gervase sat at her telephone busy with the usual work. Nothing was heard from Robert and already she had put up with the thought that Robert must have gone — it meant that Peter had gone too. Her sad thoughts were interrupted by a call from a signal sergeant in the radio-room next door.

“A message from Robert, Ma’am.” Gervase rushed into the other office. Into the silence of the room there

came the message, endless in repetition. “This is Robert calling Zebra — have sustained some damage to the body of the aircraft. Captain speaking.” The voice was clear and young and confident. “We are in a pretty awful mess with two pilots seriously wounded. Will you give me a green when the aerodrome is clear, then my crew will jump out and I shall land the aircraft.” There was a silence. Gervase waited for Peter to continue but that was all he said. The squadron leader said to Dobbie: “He’ll never land it. sir, with half one wing missing. Shall we tell him to jump out?” “No, let him handle it his own way,” Dobbie said. After a while there was the sound of a truck outside the office and the outer door opened. The members of the medical crew in their flying-suits and boots stood before them ready to go and see Robert land. “Is Robert still up, sir?” one of them asked Dobbie. Dobbie jerked his head at the loudspeaker smiling a little. “That’s him.” and they all heard Marshall’s voice singing his favourite song.

Marshall was happy sitting in the machine. Very soon he would return to Hartley to put down. He had been very near to death in Germany only three hours before. And not only had he remained alive but there at the airdrome was Gervase waiting for him. That was all that mattered.

Gervase sat at her table listening to the low repetition of the song from the loudspeaker. Whatever anybody else might be feeling she knew that Peter was happy and she was glad for him. And sitting there she knew she was always glad when he was happy and she was always miserable when he was worried, it was like that between them and would be. He had been right she felt and she had been quite wrong. Within the next few minutes Pejer might be killed in putting down at that colossal speed upon the runway. If he was not killed she would find herself married to him very soon. It wasn’t fair to keep him waiting.


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Suddenly everybody exclaimed and everybody saw the aircraft. In a second it fell over sideways, still travelling at an enormous speed. There was no fire when the aircraft landed and that meant that Marshall was alive .. .

Next morning Gervase went to the hospital to see Peter. She opened the door of his room carefully and came in. “How are you feeling, Peter? How is your head?” He struggled up into a sitting position.

“My head is all right. But I can’t do anything with my hands. They just won’t work.”

“It-will pass. They are tired after the hard time you had. They will be all right as soon as the muscles are restored,” Gervase explained. They were silent for a while. Presently Gervase said “I’ve been thinking about things, Peter — about us. Do you still want to marry me?”

“I want that frightfully, but only if it’s going to be as good for you as it would be for me.”

She said, “If we didn’t get mairied, I don’t think I’d ever be happy again. I knew it when I thought you were dead and you would not come back at all.” Marshall said, “Got any ideas about when?” She said, “Let’s have it soon, Peter. I’m reluctant to put it off.”

“That suits me!” Peter said smiling. “We’ll tell the crew about it tomorrow then. They will be glad to hear it!”


1. What made Marshall so happy after the fishing trip ? In what condition was he when he started on the operation ? 2. How did Gervase feel when she heard no signals from Robert? 3. How did her mood change after she had received the message? 4. What do you think of Marshall’s behaviour while he landed the plane? 5. Why was he sure that everything would go well? 6. How does the story end? Is the end unexpected?

XVni. Speak'on the following topics arising from the text;

1. The life of Robert’s crew

(to divide, time, to practise, smooth, to get on well, close cooperation, to take to, to rely on, to be tired of, to bore, to get some fun, ,comfort, to break up, friendship)

2. How Gervase came to be a signals officer (to come from, to influence, to take up, to practise, to encourage, to take to,

to sympathize, to divide time between, hard work, to complain, to be ashamed to do smlh., to concentrate on the work)

3. Relations between the commander and pilots at the aerodrome

(to get on well, to encourage, to concentrat^, in case of trouble, (not) to deny, to split, to sacrifice, to put things right, to deteriorate, to depend, not a dry person, to persuade)


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XIX. Characterise the following persons using the words given in bradiets:

Petef Marshall (reliable, friendly attitude, to treat, awkward, to overlook, to concentrate on, to feel ashamed of, misunderstanding, to be discouraged, to support, to break up

Gervase Robertson (confident, to hesitate, to express one’s feelings, to pretend, to be reluctant, shy, to deteriorate, to comfort)

Dobbie (to look into the matter, to persuade, to stop from dete riorating, to use one’s influence, to break up, to come to the conclusion, directly, polite)

Chesterton (frank, polite, to avoid misunderstanding, to come to the point, to suggest, to shift, to give in, to exaggerate the danger)

Phillips (awkward, shy, in the presence of, reliable, friend, to share troubles, to be reluctant, to persuade .smb. to tell smth., to be devoted to)

Mrs. Carter (to seem dry. direct, frank, understanding, to guess, to .sympathize, not to waste time, to arouse respect)

XX. Think of all possible words and word combinations you may use to describe: a) a person’s unwiliingnesa to do smth.; b) a person’s confusion. XXI. Discuss the text using the active vocabulary of the lesson:


Recapitulation List

alteration to make alterations to rclca.se the goods for shipment to place a \'essel under loading expiration to eliminate defects transhipment wording to approve unmerchantable, substandard manufacturing works to decline a claim damage to the goods to bear responsibility in transit to withdraw a claim insurance company to settle a claim amicably to correspond

defective faulty to undertake to eliminate at. one’s expense to replace without delay at one’s request acceptance report inferior to charge to claim a discount sufficient compensation to avoid to satisfy justified draft contract to submit a claim to arbitration


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XXII. Read the stories under the pictures and reproduce them. Give variations of answers to questions following each story using Conditional II.

Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, but he knows he shouldn't. If he stays up late to watch a movie, he won’t get to bed until after midnight. If he doesn't get to bed until afler midnight, he'll probably be very tired in the morning. If he's very tired in the morning, he might oversleep. If he oversleeps, he'll be lace for work. If he's lace for work, his boss might get angry and fire him. So, even though Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, he isn't going to.

What would happen if Ronald stayed up late?

Barbara wants to buy a new car, but she knows she shouldn't. If she buys a new car, she'll have to cake a lot of money out of her bank account. If she has to cake a lot of money out of her bank account, she won't have much left. If she doesn't have much left, she won't have enough to pay the rent. If she doesn't have enough to pay the rent, her landlord might evict her from her apartment. So, even Chough Barbara wants to buy a netv car, she isn't going to.

What would happen if Barbara decided to buy a new car?

to fire - уволить to

evict - выселить

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XX Ш. Translate into Eng;lisii:


1. Мы хотели бы обратить ваше внимание на то, что некоторые изменения были внесены в конструкцию станка без нашего согласия. 2. Товар был разрешен к отгрузке после того, как были завершены все испытания. 3. Так как покупателям не удалось зафрахтовать необходимое СУДНО И своевременно поставить его под погрузку, поставщики предложили изменить условия поставки, а следовательно, и цену. 4. Товар хранился в порту две недели до того, как поставили судно под погрузку. Вам придется оплатить нам дополнительные расходы по складированию. 5. Фирма хочет, чтобы до истечения гарантийного срока все дефекты устранялись на заводе поставщика. 6. Узнайте у фирмы до подписания контракта, в каких случаях товар будет поставляться с перегрузкой. 7. Они не возражали против того, чтобы мы изменили редакцию ДВУХ ПУНКТОВ

Общих Условий. 8. Проект контракта был одобрен покупателями после того, как он был тщательно изучен ими. 9. Поставщики предложили покупателям оставить у себя некондиционный товар, предоставив им 15% СКИДКУ. 10. Претензия была передана в арбитраж, так как сторона-ответчик отказалась считать ее обоснованной. 11. Мы торгуем с этой фирмой в течение ряда лет, ПОЭТОМУ покупатели отказались от осмотра оборудования на заводе-изготовителе. 12. Претензия была отклонена продавцом только после того, как она была тщательно изучена. 13. Так как повреждение товара произошло в пути, продавец не несет за это ответственности и считает, что покупатель должен отозвать свою претензию и направить дело в страховую компанию, в которой был застрахован товар. 14. В целях сохранения хороших деловых отношений, покупатели и продавцы пытаются по-дружески разрешать претензии, возникающие в связи с нарушением контракта. 15. Все ремонтные работы проводились в полном соответствии с вашим указанием, и мы надеемся, что ничего не было пропущено. 16. Фирма не хотела изменить условия поставки, так как положение с тоннажом значительно ухудшилось за последние 3 месяца.


м Москва

15 ноября 19

Уважаемые господа!

Настоящим гарантируе.м, что оборудование, поставляе.мое по вышеуказанному заказу, во всех отношениях соответствует описанию, техническим УСЛОВИЯМ И спецификации, содержащимся в заказе.


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Если оборудование окажется дефектным по отделке или конструкции, а также вследствие недоброкачественного материала, в течение 18 месяцев от даты пуска его в ход в России и не более 24 мес. от даты отгрузки, мы обязуемся по Вашему усмотрению устранить дефекты за свой счет в кратчайший срок или заменить. дефектное оборудование бесплатно, поставив новое оборудование без задержки.

Мы обязуемся уплатить стоимость перевозки и страхования. Дефектный товар должен быть возвращен нам по нашему первому

требованию и за наш счет. С уважением...

Фирме Блек и Ко. Москва, 15 ноября 19 ... г.

Кас. шерсти по контракту от ... 19 ... г.

К сожалению, мы вынуждены сообщить, что вся партия шерсти, прибывшая по вышеуказанному контракту, не соответствует образцам, на основании которых была заключена сделка.

При этом прилагаем акт приемки товара, устанавливающий пониженное качество шерсти, ввиду чего мы имеем право на 25% СКИДКУ с договорной цены.

В случае Вашего отказа предоставить нам такую СКИДКУ, МЫ будем вынуждены отклонить всю партию с отнесением на Ваш счет транспортных расходов в оба конца и расходов по страхованию товара.

В подтверждение нашей претензии посылаем вам 12 образцов шерсти, взятых наугад (at random) из разных спецификаций данной партии.

Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что требуемая нами скидка вряд ли явится достаточной компенсацией за разницу в качестве шерсти.

Однако, ввиду наших долголетних деловых отношений, мы хотели бы избежать обратной отгрузки шерсти, ПОЭТОМУ МЫ не настаиваем на большей скидке.

Надеемся, что Вы удовлетворите нашу обоснованную претензию.

Остаемся с почтение.м...

XXIV. Read the letters and do the assignments following them:

No. 1 Damascus, 10th May, 19 ...

Dear Sirs,

We have to inform you that we have had much trouble with your machines sent on consignment by s.s. URAL.

The above machines arrived with a month’s delay. Besides we were unable to erect them in our showroom because of the absence of drawings which we got only last week. Very soon after the machines were started two


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of them came to a standstill due to a number of defects. We were greatly concerned about all this, and to get the showroom running smoothly, we had to eliminate all the defects at our expense.

We have calculated the losses we suffered and should say that they make S ... We would appreciate it very much if you remitted this sum within the next two weeks or if you prefer you can credit this money to our account with the Chaise Bank Damascus.

We are taking the chance to remind you that the commission we receive is very small and we would like to resume the discussion of this question at an appropriate time.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully. El Sarky & Co.


Carry on negotiations on behalf of Machinoexport and come to terms with the agents about the sum of the compensation they claim for their losses and the way of transferring the money.

No. 2

Sojuzimport, Moscow

London, 5th August, 19

Dear Sirs,

Your inquiry about our Portable Typewriter has been referred to us and I remember very well the talk I had with your Mr. Ivanov when he visited our London showroom. It may interest you to know that we have had several hundred inquiries as a result of our exhibition.

It gives us great pleasure to send you our catalogue which contains all technical details about the model Mr. Ivanov inspected. You will find that the prices vary slightly according to the finish you prefer; the most popular colour seems to be the elephant-grey. We are convinced that at these prices our Machines are the best value in the market.

Owing to very large orders we have taken at the exhibition we regret that we cannot promise delivery under four weeks and even then only if your order is received in the very near future. I hope we may hear from you within the next few days.

Yours sincerely. For Lightweight Typewriters Ltd. Stephen Appleton.


Carry on negotiations, with Mr. S. Appleton on behalf of Sojuzimport and discuss with him the price, the time and terms of delivery and a possible di.scount.


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No. 3

Moscow Prodintorg Liverpool, April 15th, 19

Contract No. 146. Caviar

In conlirmation of our telephone conversation with your Mr. P. of April 10 we wish to inform you that the first cargo of Caviar in tins against contract No. 146 was duly received by us.

However, upon unpacking the boxes we found that 50 tins were missing. Furthermore, we discovered that 200 tins contained Osetrova Caviar instead of Beluga Caviar.

We have to admit that these facts caused much concern and put us in an awkward position since our clients are interested in Beluga Caviar only and were reluctant to have it replaced by Osetrova Caviar.

When drawing up and signing the contract we particularly pointed out that the assortment of Caviar should be in strict conformity with the specifications attached to the order.

We, therefore, shall be pleased to know how you intend to settle the matter.

Yours truly, Smith & Co.


Carry on negotiations on behalf of Prodintorg and reject the claim only in respect of the missing 50 tins. Give your reasons. Admit the claim in respect of the 200 tins of Osetrova Caviar sent by mistake.

XXV. Make up letters according to the following assignments:

1. Сообщите своим клиента.м, что товар находится в порту, но поставки временно будут прекращены, ПОСКОЛЬКУ фирма не имеет дополнительной импортной лицензии. Сообщите также, что, если фирма не примет мер, они будут нести ответственность за задержку в поставке, и потребуйте уплаты непредвиденных расходов по складированию товаров.

2. Сообщите фир.ме, что ваш инженер выедет к ним на фирму через 5 дней, чтобы устранить дефекты в оборудовании. Объясните причины возникновения дефектов. Укажите, на каких условиях будет производиться их устранение.

3. Сообщите поставщикам, что они нарушили контракт, поставив некондиционные машины. Скажите также, на каких УСЛОВИЯХ вы готовы оставить у себя эти машины и какие меры вы собираетесь принять в случае, если фирма не согласна на ваши условия.

4. Сообщите покупателям, что они нарушили контракт, и скажите, что вы намереваетесь сделать.

5. Сообщите фирме, что вы согласны внести частичные изменения в конструкцию станка, и укажите на каких условиях.

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LESSON 31 ........................................

Grammar Revision: Tenses (Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect) ............................................. 6

Vocabulary Revision; Travelling on Business. Staying at a Hotel. Enquiry and Offer.............................. 6

Text: A Friend in Need (by S. Maugham) 6 Vocabulary Notes ..................................... 11 Exercises on the Text ............................... 18 Vocabulary Exercises ................................ 23 Speech Exercises ....................................... 29 Revision Exercises .................................... 36

LESSON 32 ........................................

Grammar Revision: Direct and Indirect Speech. Sequence of Tenses 40 Vocabulary Revision: Sightseeing.

Post Office ...................................... 40 Text; Sale of Goods Through Agents 40 Vocabulary Notes ..................................... 43 Exercises on the Text ................................ 49 Vocabulary Exercises ................................ 51 Speech Exercises ....................................... 59 Revision Exercises ................................... 63

LESSON 33 .................................................

Grammar Revision: Tenses (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous) ......................... 70

Vocabulary Revision: Going through the Customs. Business Appointment. Visit to a Factory ........................ 70

Text: Heatwave in Berlin (by Dymphna Cusack) .......................................... 70

Vocabulary Notes ..................................... 76 Exercises on the Text ................................ 82 Vocabulary Exercises ................................ 83 Speech Exercises ....................................... 92 Revision Exercises .................................... 98

LESSON 34 .........................................

Grammar Revision: Passive Voice .. 103 Vocabulary Revision: Entertainments (Theatre,Cinema, Restaurant, etc) 103 Text: General Conditions of Sale.... 103 Vocabulary Notes .................................. 106 Exercises on the Text ................................ Ill Vocabulary Exercises.............................. 112 Speech Exercises..................................... 121 Revision Exercises .................................. 125

LESSON 35 .........................................

Grammar Revision: Verbs of Obligation (must, to have to, to be to,

should, shall) ................................ 130 Vocabulary Revision: Visit to an Office. Order. Telephone Talk... 130 Text: The Northern Light (by A. J.

Cronin) ......................................... 130 Vocabulary Notes .................................. 135 Exercises on the Text .............................. 143 Vocabulary Exercises.............................. 144 Speech Exercises..................................... 153 Revision Exercises .................................. 161

LESSON 36 .........................................

Grammar Revision: Complex Object 164 Vocabulary Revision: Exhibitions. Order (Transport Clause) .................................. 164 Text: The Proud Man (by Macken) 164 Vocabulary Notes .................................. 168 Exercises on the Text .............................. 176 Vocabulary Exercises.............................. 178 Speech Exercises..................................... 187 Revision Exercises .................................. 195

LESSON 37 .........................................

Grammar Revision: Conditional Clauses .......................................... 198

Vocabulary Revision: Holidays. Sports 198 Text; Discussing Terms of Payment.. 198

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Vocabulary Notes .................................. 201 Exercises on the Text ................................ 208 Vocabulary Exercises ............................... 210 Speech Exercises ....................................... 219 Revision Exercises ........................ ; . . . . 223

LESSON 38 .................................................

G^-ammar Revision; Participle ............ 227 Vocabulary Revision; See Recapitulation List

................................................ 227 Text; Will You Walk into my Parlour ?

(by Th. Dreiser) ............................... 227 Vocabulary Notes .....................................'232 Exercises on the Text ................................ 240 Vocabulary Exercises ................................ 241 Speech Exercises ....................................... 249 Revision Exercises .................................... 2S9

LESSON 39 .................................................

Grammar Revision; Tenses ...................... 264

Vocabulary Revision; See Recapitulation List ......................... ■ .............. ... 264

Text; Claims and Arbitration ................ 264 Vocabulary Notes ................................ 268 Exercises on the Text ......... . ................ 275 Vocabulary Exercises ............................. 278 Speech Exercises .................................... 288 Revision Exercises ................................. 293

LESSON 40 ....... ................................

General Grammar Revision ................... 299 Vocabulary Revision;-See Recapitulation List

............................................ 299 Text; Par/ora/(by Nevil Shute) ............ 299 Vocabulary Notes ....................... ' .......... 304 Exercises on the Text ............................ 311 Vocabulary Exercises ............................. 312 Speech Exercises ................................. '.. 322 Revision Exercises ................................. 325

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Д 29 Деловой английский. English for Business. Часть 3: Учебник

английского языка. М.: Вече, 2001 336 с.

ISBN 5-7838-0061-9

Учебник «Деловой английский» в 2-х томах («English for Business»)

представляет собой пособие, рассчитанное на 1200 аудиторских часов по

созданию стабильных знаний и навыков, которые позволили бы

бизнесменам адекватно пользоваться английским языком для работы с

иностранными партнерами как в России, так и за рубежом.

Учебник может быть использован в средних и высших учебных

заведениях, где английский язык изучается как один из ведущих

предметов. Его можно рекомендовать для сети языковых курсов, системы

частного .преподавания и самостоятельного изучения английского языка.



ЛР № 064614 от 3:06,96 ("Вече") Издательство «Вече», 129348, Москва, ул. Красной сосны, 24.

Подписано в печать с готовых монтажей 31.03.2000. Формат 60x90 Vi6. Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная.

Уел. печ. л. 21. Тираж 20 000 экз. Зак. № 348.

Качество воспроизведения текста соответствует качеству предоставленных диапозитивов.

Изготовлено в Тульской типографии. 300600, г. Тула; пр. Ленина, 109.

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