3.1 Release Notes

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Release Note

NICE Perform Release 3.1 NICE Interactions CenterNote Number Release Date Revision History RN0567 - Revision A3 December 2008 A0 June 2008 A1 September 2008 A2 November 2008 A3 December 2008 Product Synopsis Added Limitations to Call Server. Added Open Source License Terms. Added Open Source License Terms.

NICE Interactions Center version This Release Note describes the enhancements, resolved issues and limitations of the NICE Interactions Center version In addition, the note provides installation instructions, a list of modified files and registry values.

ContentsGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Backward Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Resolved Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Known Issues and Limitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Registry Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Modified Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Access to File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Appendix A: Open Source License Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


(T) +972.9.775.3800 (T) +852.8338.9818 (T) 1.800.NICE.611 (T) 09.775.3333

(F) +972.9.775.3000 (F) +852.2802.1800 (F) +720.264.4012 (F) 09.775.3000

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] December 2008 1 of 44

Information herein is proprietary information and trade secrets of NICE Systems Ltd. Copyright 2008 NICE Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.

General DescriptionThis Service Pack provides new features, enhancements, and resolved issues. It must be installed on top of NICE Interactions Center (CLS) version

Product IdentifierNICE Interactions Center version

EnvironmentsOperating Systems SupportThe following operating system platforms are supported:

Windows 2003 Server

Third Party ProductsVendor and Product Log4net - open source logging mechanism Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Hotfix NDP20-KB914460-X86 for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Version 2.0.50727.42

Backward CompatibilityProduct NiceLog High Density Logger NICE VoIP Logger NiceScreen Logger NICE ScreenAgent NICE Applications Database Installation NMS From Version 9.01.x 9.12 SP 3 and above. and above. 9.10 SP5 9.10 SP5 To Version 9.06.x Comments Not including 9.03.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center General Description

December 2008 2 of 44

EnhancementsProduct/Component Setup Description Interactions Center installation enhancements:

RCM, CLS Monitor, MPCM, TRS, CLS Monitor RCM, CLS Monitor, DB Server RCM

All titles appear as the full descriptive product name. Improved look and feel. Easier to install. Only one simple configuration screen. Default values are of the common installation. No background pop-ups during installation. One screen appears at a time. Default installation folder was changed. Performance categories on uninstall were removed.

Supports configuration changes without the need for restarting the Interactions Center. This is carried out by clicking the Update Configuration button in the System Administrator. Supports Management Framework infrastructure. Provides Channel-based pools for VoIP: This enables the same Logger channels to be used with different pools which can later be connected to different switches. Improved infrastructure to allow for greater functionality (core refactoring and internal refactoring). Provides Multiport device support (depends on approval per integration). Enables Active Gateway-based recording (SIP). Supports multiple clients (internal). Provides support for SIP version. Provides "backup" if an interaction can be recorded in more than one way: If the designated recording method failed to allocate recording resources, the RCM tries to allocate a different resource. This is not meant for solving cases when the allocation of resource occurs, rather for recording commands to the Loggers that failed.



RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Enhancements

December 2008 3 of 44

Product/Component SNMP, CLS Monitor

Description Revision of all Interactions Center SNMP traps.


Deletion of unused traps Consolidation of traps Changes to trap messages Addition of Interactions Center Available/Unavailable trap reporting

The Negative/Selective rule definition has been significantly enhanced to support all the relevant filtering capabilities of QM rules. This is compared to 100 equality conditions on a single field in previous Service Packs. Up to 100 condition expressions on different fields can be defined per rule with the following operators: Equal, Equal to List-Item, Equal with wildcards, Not-Equal to, Greater, Less. Multiple business data types can be used in each rule, compared to a single type per Interactions Center in previous Service Packs. A rule that contains business data type, that is not defined for the Interactions Center is not loaded on that Interactions Center.


QM and ROD capacity doubled as compared to the previous Service Pack. Up to 100,000 requests for monitoring agents and extensions for QM rules and ROD are supported, compared to 50,000 on the previous Service Pack and 15,000 on Release 3 Interactions Center SP4.


Negative/Selective rules can be loaded on Interactions Center startup, when database and Applications are not available. The last known configuration will be used. In previous Service Packs the feature was available only for QM rules.


Negative/Selective user capacity greatly improved, as compared to the previous Service Pack. Up to 10,000 different users per rule is supported, as compared to a total of 50,000 different agents/extensions spanning all rules on Release 3 Interactions Center SP4.


Negative/Selective rules use the User ID for matching. This increases capacity for multi-agent users. If Applications are not available, the last known configuration is used.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Enhancements

December 2008 4 of 44

Product/Component Call Server Call Server Call Server Call Server Call Server

Description Supports Call Server to run in Microsoft .NET 2.0. Supports insertion into the database of all the exceptions that happened on contacts (interactions). Supports inserting information into the database regarding Unique Device ID to Participant Data. CAPI Converter for the CLSAPI (new CAPI) has been added. Supports enforcement of DBRecordingMedia values to be one of the following values only (and not a combination of them):

Call Server Call Server Call Server MPCM (Media Provider Control Manager) Call Server Call Server Call Server DB Server

Unknown Voice Screen

Provides trunk information on the internal participant. Provides full support of Interaction ID as the primary Key for open interactions. Supports numeric Business Data, even if it is received in a String field. Persistency was added to MPCM sources. Redesign of internal call handling in the Call Server: Removed the splitting of internal interactions. Provides a minimum call duration (MinCallDuration) as a parameter. Supports EndRequestEvent with more than one Request ID (and not only the first one). Checks every 24 hours that there is sufficient disk space for the maximum number of persistency queues required (for Branch Survivability). Added common logic for retrieval of User Administrator information with persistency to file. TRS retrieves User ID when station mapping metadata is available, instead of the DB Server.

Infrastructure TRS, DB Server

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Enhancements

December 2008 5 of 44

Product/Component TRS

Description New mapping metadata in Total VoIP Static added. Recording - Device Number, Unique Device ID for By Device and By Unique Device static mapping.

Log Manager DB Server DB Server SNMP DB Server TRS TRS DBsrvr

Removed Log Consoles in order to improve performance. Improved performance of insertions for configurations with WAN connection to database. The DeviceUniqueID field was added to the tblParticipant table. Additional trap parameters can now be of types other than integer. Enabled updating contacts data in the database after the contact was already inserted. Delete MaxWaitForNewRecHours parameter was deleted from the TRS. TRS support for 1+1 environments was added. Enables inserting the interaction ID into the recordings exception.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Enhancements

December 2008 6 of 44

Resolved IssuesSeverity Summary for Resolved Issues Severity Showstopper Severe Medium Minor Total Number of Issues 0 18 66 27 111

No. 1. 2. 3.

Product/ Component Call Server Call Server Call Server

Problem Wrong channels appeared in the recording data. Memory leak when using ROD. Incorrect exception (Exception 12310 instead of 26) was inserted when RCM down. StopRecord time was EndCall time when screen failed. In very short calls, Voice Stop Record Time was one hour before the Record Start Time. Negative call duration when closing compound (complete interaction) with open segments. Incorrect IP address was found. Call Server crashed when logging on to a non-defined switch. Call Server sent record requests on interactions that came to it with delay and were closed by that time.

Solution Resolved. Resolved. Resolved.

Severity Medium Medium Minor

4. 5.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Medium


Call Server



7. 8. 9.

Call Server Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved. Resolved.

Minor Severe Medium

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 7 of 44

No. 10.

Product/ Component Call Server

Problem Some interactions did not show Media Type icon, but these interactions could be played. Compound qaProgName was defined according to the first end segment. This can lead to a problem whereby the segments are not marked for QA if the first segment was recorded due to a different program.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium


Call Server




Call Server

The Call Server did not fill program name and initiatorType in tblRecording, if it received a ForceStop Record command (SOD). Station and Phone Number were not inserted to database if login occurred after Start Call. CTI information included only Agent ID. MML RecordingHint was not reported in events. When driver sent Start Compound without a Start Interaction, an error (Undefined CallId Received) appeared and the driver was disconnected from the Call Server. Compound (complete interaction) was marked for QA, but its segments were not marked. Call Server did not handle properly exceptions from RCMAPI. As a result, all the Next Requests fail. In a conference call, Call Server reported an interaction with 2 internal participants, instead of 1 external participant.




Call Server



14. 15.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Medium


Call Server




Call Server




Call Server



RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 8 of 44

No. 19.

Product/ Component Call Server

Problem Participant IDs did not appear in Call Server events and were not saved to the database. Memory leak in the Call Server When performing Update Close Call on an interaction that had just been closed, the update sometimes failed. Wrong Open Calls events were sent when subscribing by both Station and Agent ID. Wrong Call Server shutdown process caused stopping of writing to the log. When recording compounds (complete interactions) for QA, after the compound was closed, End Request event was not sent (to the Scheduler). RecordFailureEvent was printed multiple times. Call Server shut down when the System Administrator and SQL are down. MPCM did not support more than one Active VoIP Gateway. The Call Server did not pass the RX port to the RCM in UpdateVoip command, which lead to recoding failure. OpenInteraction Event was sent several times in an internal call. KeepAlive delay changed between the MPCM (FLM) Manager and the MPCM.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium

20. 21.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Prevented the race condition. Resolved.

Medium Minor


Call Server



Call Server




Call Server



25. 26.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Minor Medium

27. 28.

MPCM Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Medium

29. 30.

Call Server MPCM Manager

Resolved. Resolved.

Minor Minor

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 9 of 44

No. 31.

Product/ Component MPCM Manager Call Server

Problem MPCM (FLM) Manager did not try to connect to the MPCM if there were only Active Gateway VoIP mappings. In an internal call, Participant IDs were inserted into the database incorrectly. When closing a compound (complete interaction) with an unopened segment, Call Server did not notify the Engine about the closed compound. Call Server did not mark Voice Recording as failed if Logger Down message was sent immediately after resource allocated response. Wrong time and wrong exception was inserted on screen recording. In RecordFailure event, Call Server sent the participant that did not fail (and continued being recorded). When InsertUnmapped feature is used, Call Server did not insert interactions with recordings to the database. Call Server marked for QA interactions that should not be marked. Call Server did not pass InteractionID properly to the Engine on new calls. Call Server was unable to perform Force Stop Record on internal calls. No exception on Force Stop for internal call.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium





Call Server




Call Server



35. 36.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Medium


Call Server




Call Server




Call Server




Call Server

Resolved by redesign of Internal call solution Resolved by redesign of Internal call solution



Call Server


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 10 of 44

No. 42.

Product/ Component Call Server

Problem Internal interactions received one Interaction ID although different Segment IDs were given. Open Interaction event was sent several times in an internal call. When screen failed in an internal call, there was no Exception 14. When trying to record screen, an endless loop occurred in the Call Server. In an internal call, StartRecInteraction event was received more than once. Call Server crashed when trying to send old CAPI End call event with ten record requests from clients. Logged in Screen Agents were dropped from Login Table after shutting down the Call Server. Recordings persisted after a rule timeframe ended. An exception was thrown when registering twice for the same event with an unequal list of values conditions. The Call Server returned an incorrect error code when the CAPI client tried to record screen media twice in the same call. Media location for an external participant was not sent to RCM. Inconsistency and memory leak in a compound table occurred. WrapUp update to DBServer was sent with the wrong channel.

Solution Resolved by redesign of Internal call solution Resolved. Resolved. Resolved.

Severity Medium

43. 44. 45.

Call Server Call Server Call Server

Minor Minor Severe


Call Server




Call Server




Call Server



49. 50.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Minor


Call Server



52. 53. 54.

Call Server Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved. Resolved.

Medium Medium Medium

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 11 of 44

No. 55.

Product/ Component Call Server

Problem The Call Server set Exception Time Stamp in tblException to the wrong value for Recording exceptions. Agent log off by switch ID was not supported. When the Interactions Center and Logger were installed on the same machine, the Logger failed to start. Null exception occurs when an invalid Interaction Type was used. Wrapup time did not change for failed recordings. When attaching two pools of sources to the same pool of channels in Active VoIP mapping configurations, the channels were created more than once. In addition, there was a problem during removal of allocated Active VoIP channels. Channel remained in critical error after VRA restarted.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium

56. 57.

Call Server Call Server

Resolved. Resolved.

Severe Medium

58. 59. 60.

Call Server Call Server RCM

Resolved. Resolved. Added error handling when removing active VoIP channels. Channels from channel pools are added only once. In SIP channels, once channel critical error is encountered, RCM stops and re initializes the channel so that the channel can recover.

Minor Minor Severe




RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 12 of 44

No. 62.

Product/ Component RCM

Problem N+1 issues: 1. Unnecessary running of maintenance on the normal Logger when it was backed up. 2. Capture channel information was not updated when the spare Logger started backing up. 3. When the Logger was down, incorrect time report caused problems in playback. 4. A Logger Critical Error did not cause the RCM to work with the spare Logger, although the spare did back up. 5. Wrong time report when a Logger was down caused problems in playback. 6. Several synchronization issues.


Severity Severe

Fixed so there is not any maintenance on backed up logger. Spare updates capture channels information every time the spare logger backing up status changes. Calculating time is fixed so that the time is being taken from the spare Logger when it is backing up. Fixed synchronization issues. Support added for SystemCriticalE rror in N+1.



Fail-over occurred in cluster mode during Logger status update. For Digital Matrix Loggers: Logger Down caused problems in the data structures, which resulted in using the same source to record several trunks/time slots. CMAPI by call - after conference: StartResponse of incoming interaction was not sent, Internal StopResponse recording time was zero.

Fixed so that Logger down caused failover only in IPC mode. Fixed as part of the refactoring. Fix was also released for previous versions. Fixed as part of the refactoring








RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 13 of 44

No. 66.

Product/ Component RCM

Problem In Active VoIP VRSP configurations, in a conference if the participant that hangs up was the only recorded participant, the rest of the conversation between the remaining other two participants was not recorded. Channels did not recover from critical error in IPC. RCM did not update the mascMap file (Active VoIP) - Channel mapping modifications requires deletion of the MascMap file from the Logger and restart RCM + Logger + MPC. ResourceAlocatedResponse reported SUMMATION_TYPE_RX on both channels. DMCC by call: After a conference call, StartResponse of incoming was not sent. Unhandled channels critical error occurred during Logger initialization. A recording resource may become unavailable due to an error thrown on its work thread. In addition, the worker thread itself was not running. This decreases the the ability to handle concurrent recording requests.

Solution Added error handling when removing active VoIP channels. Channels from channel pools are added only once. RCM now moves the channel to free list. Channels that are not mapped are set on Pause and StopSniffing. The mascMAp file is updated. Update resource allocated response correctly. Sends Start Response in all cases. Channels critical error is handled during initialization. Added error handling when removing active VoIP channels. Channels from channel pools are added only once.s. Retrieves data from persistency when no IPs are defined for the machine.

Severity Minor

67. 68.


Medium Medium














CLS Plugin Persistency

When the network is down, the CLS Plugin was not able to retrieve data from persistency.


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 14 of 44

No. 74.

Product/ Component RCM

Problem In a Passive VoIP configuration, time-out occurred when receiving Stop Request after Logger was down. Active VoIP By Call & By Device (Cisco FSP) did not release channels in complex calls. When a compound (complete interaction) was recorded by a QA compound rule and one of its segments was not recorded due to a negative rule, the compound was marked for QA. Selective/Negative loaded from legacy tables required all Interactions Center machines in a site to be defined with the same time zone and DST settings. RecordingDecisions Requests Interface was vulnerable to abuse or misuse that might have resulted in unexpected behavior or stability issues.

Solution Resolved synchronization issues between Request Manager and Allocator. Channels are released. Resolved.

Severity Severe





RecordingDeci sions



RecordingDeci sions

Selective/Negative rules definitions are loaded directly from nice_rule database, by each Interactions Center. Interface is enforced. Different abilities are enabled to Interactions Center, NICE Applications, and Professional Services. Resolved.



RecordingDeci sions



RecordingDeci sions

Missing QA program name in the recordings of an interaction for interactions that were recorded due to One Shot Request (ROD Current Call) after previously having been recorded by a QA request which was stopped.


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 15 of 44

No. 80.

Product/ Component RecordingDeci sions

Problem In CDR environments, segments opened during a Time Interval recording were not marked as recorded, even if they matched the Time Interval request currently recording. QA Requests inserted due to Compound rules may have generated false warning messages in the RecordingDecisions Scheduler and floating requests which were burdening and interfering with the RecordingDecisions mechanisms. Segments following the first segment, which were part of a Compound (complete interaction) currently recorded by a QA compound rule were not recorded by the Monitor or any other ROD application. In multi-Interactions Center configuration, where Interactions Centers reside in different time zones, selective rules failed to record in their designated timeframes. Negative rules would fail to prevent recording in their designated timeframes. Timeouts occurred during deletion of obsolete counting records for QA rules in database.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium


RecordingDeci sions

Issue solved.



RecordingDeci sions

All segments that are part of a complete interaction can be recorded by both a QA compound rule and ROD requests. Rule activation timeframes are loaded and interpreted in same manner as QA rules do.



RecordingDeci sions



RecordingDeci sions

Timeout was extended to 180 seconds and deletion logic was re-written.


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 16 of 44

No. 85.

Product/ Component RecordingDeci sions

Problem Retrieval of information from Applications was limited to one minute. If this time limit was exceeded, the operation failed thereby preventing rules or their supplementary data from being loaded. The Scheduler was unable to initiate connection to the database from persistency when there was no connection to the Applications Server and there was a change in connection string parameters. A negative rule may not have prevented recording for internal interactions. Secondary conditions mechanism. Secondary filter expressions in QA rules depended on order and were not well defined.

Solution Timeout was extended to 10 minutes.

Severity Medium


RecordingDeci sions




RecordingDeci sions RecordingDeci sions




Logic with more than one condition was redefined and matching mechanism enhanced and its performance was improved. Expressions can now be defined for QA, Selective, and Negative rules.



RecordingDeci sions

Memory leaks in RecordingDecisions: Scheduler process occurred due to missing resources releases during rules loading. Agent-ID/Extension was truncated without informing in a Warning log.




RecordingDeci sions

End-user is informed with a warning log in case of truncation.


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 17 of 44

No. 91.

Product/ Component RecordingDeci sions

Problem SQL connection password appeared in clear text in the Scheduler logs.

Solution Connection string parameters do not appear as clear text in logs in the persistency files. Uninstall does not remove internal queue files and enables some Interactions Center components to handle backlog after installation is complete. Resolved.

Severity Medium



During an uninstall process all files were removed. This included some files that contained a backlog of interactions not inserted into the database. This information was lost unless backed up manually.




CLS Services Manager was not stopped during Uninstall/upgrade procedures. During installation, when a previous configuration existed Setup did not show the Applications Server host name. Installation on Cluster configuration may crash if installed on an inactive machine. Applications Server port number was not verified as part of a valid range during configuration. Uninstall might leave registry keys or files in an installation folder if services were not stopped before uninstalling. Interactions Center Wizard was not compliant with Setup's field names. Occasionally a trap was thrown when shutting down the SNMP agent (while attempting to send a trap).
















All services are being automatically stopped and no leftovers remain after uninstall. Resolved. Resolved.


98. 99.

Setup SNMP

Minor Medium

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 18 of 44

No. 100.

Product/ Component DB Server

Problem In a multi-Interactions Center environment with Interaction Router configuration, when a contact (segment) was reported through two DB Servers, an update of the contact was executed. In Failover Cluster environments, Dispatch did not shut down RCM on the secondary node if the node was started manually. When stopping the TRS service in an N+1 environment, cast exception was written into the Log file. TRS failed to work in an N+1 environment. Reset of the down counter occurred every ~80 seconds, instead of every 30 minutes (default). The CLS Monitor was unable to work if the License Manager was installed in another host. When the DB Server connected to the SQL Server through the WAN, interactions might get lost due to a transaction remaining open in the SQL Server.

Solution Resolved.

Severity Medium









103. 104.

TRS CLSMonitor

Resolved. Resolved.

Severe Medium






DB Server



RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Resolved Issues

December 2008 19 of 44

Known Issues and Limitations

Product/ Component 1. Call Server

Limitation The direction of one of the split calls from a conference call might be wrong if there are two or more external participants. In CDR, only one segment can be part of a compound (complete interaction). A dummy compound is opened. In addition, the Contact ID is not the compound ID as in CTI.



Call Server


Call Server

Call Server can handle up to 32 business data fields (6 of type int and 26 of type string of different length). Negative call duration is inserted for the last segment when closing a compound (complete interaction) with open segments. A conference call in which only one participant is mapped to the current Interactions Center (others are mapped to other Interactions Centers) is split by the splitter to three interactions, each with two participants. One of the interactions contains the mapped participant, thus it is not recorded by the RCM. Only with multiInteractions Centers.


Call Server


Call Server


Call Server

Clocks of the drivers computer and of the Interactions Center computer must be synchronized.

Only in Multi-Interactions Centers.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Known Issues and Limitations

December 2008 20 of 44

Product/ Component 7. Call Server

Limitation Wrap-up time recording cannot be handled among Interactions Centers. Old CAPI does not support multiInteractions Center configuration. If one of Interactions Centers is down during the end of split compound (complete interaction), there may be some inconsistency in the database until the second Interactions Center starts running. Insertion of an empty value to business data fails. When setting rule for screen only, the Wrong Recording Initiator appears in the database when there is another initiator during the interaction. Call Server fails to record an interaction when the Loggers ID is 0. CDR mode: The system does not support ROD or QA rules that include screen. Dummy compound (complete interaction) marked for QA with no compound rule. Customer implication: Segments that are inserted by an old driver, and meet a segment QA rule, the compounds (complete interactions) are marked for QA as well.

Comments Only in Multi-Interactions Centers (CLS). Only in Multi-Interactions Centers. Only in a MultiInteractions Centers (CLS).

8. 9.

Call Server Call Server

10. 11.

Call Server Call Server


Call Server


Call Server

Only in CDR integration.


Call Server


Call Server

The Call Server does not support Unicode.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Known Issues and Limitations

December 2008 21 of 44

Product/ Component 16. Call Server

Limitation A compound (complete interaction) might not be marked as recorded even if all segments were recorded (if the segments were recorded on different Interactions Centers). MPCM (Media Provider Control Manager) treats sources with case sensitivity. In case of recording failure, the system is unable to clearly determine whether an interaction has audio or not. In an internal interaction, screen will be recorded only on both participants, or not recorded at all (except for Total screen recording). Call Server does not provide Update Closed Interaction event, so the CAPI clients are not aware of update of closed interaction by another client. After the ROD is started, Stop ROD does not stop the recording in Total environment, even if there is a negative rule defined. When a Logger is down, the ImediaTypesId is not set after recording failed.

Comments Only in Multi-Interactions Centers.


Call Server

Only environments with MPCM (Media Provider Control Manager).


Call Server


Call Server


Call Server


Call Server


Call Server

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Known Issues and Limitations

December 2008 22 of 44

Product/ Component 23. Call Server

Limitation VoIP location of the participant can be updated only using the UpdateParticipantMediaSourceLo cation command, and not by the UpdateInteraction command. When the VoIP Location exists in the UpdateInteractionCommand, the command proceeds without the VoIP Location data.



Call Server

Unable to record screen in CDR mode. Screen can be recorded only as Block of Time (BOT).


Call Server

The System does not validate whether updated Business Data is configured properly in the Call Server. Implications: If the Business Data is not mapped in the system, there is no indication that the Business Data is not valid and has not been updated.


Call Server

If, as a result of an Update Open Call command an agent was logged off, the Call Server will not close the interaction. Update by Station: Instead of updating only the relevant interaction, the client application updates all open interactions which have the the same phone number (station). Update by Agent ID: Instead of updating only the relevant interaction, the client application updates all open interactions which have the the same agent ID.


Call Server


Call Server

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Known Issues and Limitations

December 2008 23 of 44

Product/ Component 29. Call Server

Limitation If the driver communicates via the old CAPI, alphanumeric Agent ID is not supported. Alphanumeric Agent ID in old CAPI events will be translated to -1. When the DB Server receives a high load of calls, it might throw a T.O. exception on some of the arriving update requests. Because the DB Server handles the arriving requests in a serial order, if there is a large number of requests waiting in the persistent queue, an Arriving Update request might not be handled during the 2 second period that the Call Server waits, and the DB Server throw a T.O. exception to the Call Server.



DB Server

31. 32.

RCM Recording Decisions

CheckForAudio is not performed in VOIP CDR. Recording Failures on interactions reported through CDR API are ignored. The RecordingDecisions assumes the system is defined to record all relevant interactions. Therefore a call that matches all filters is marked for QA, regardless of media reports. The heuristic of random predictive recording for QA rules in CDR environments is not supported. Relevant for CDR environments only.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Known Issues and Limitations

December 2008 24 of 44

InstallationInstallation RequirementsInstallation and rollback procedures must be performed with Administrator privileges for the machine.

Clean InstallationTo run a clean installation:

Insert the NICE Perform Release 3.1 Standard Package DVD in the drive. Navigate to 809xxx - CTI Interaction Suite NICE Perform Release 3.1\Interaction Center and run the Setup.exe file.

UninstallTo uninstall the NICE Interactions Center: 1. In the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs . 2. Select NICE CLS and click Remove.

UpgradeDirect upgrades from previous NICE Interactions Center versions are not supported. To upgrade from a previous NICE Interactions Center version, use the following procedure.To upgrade from a previous NICE Interactions Center version: 1. Before performing the upgrade, verify that no calls are still open and that no calls are still

being handled by the NICE Interactions Center (CLS).2. Uninstall the previous NICE Interactions Center version. 3. Run the clean installation.

UpdatesFor the latest available NICE Updates please contact Customer Support.

RollbackTo rollback: 1. Uninstall the current NICE Interactions Center version.

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Installation

December 2008 25 of 44

2. Install the required previous NICE Interactions Center version.

Registry ValuesFor security reasons, this section should contain a list of all registry keys which are used by the module. Each entry in the list should contain the full registry path and the registry key name.


Registry Key ClientSndRcvTimeO ut HandleLogoffEvent NiceCLS_Server_Ver sion NiceCLS_Server_Up date InstallPath SysAdminMachineTo ken SysAdminHostURL op_CallKey SEL_DSN TimeMode @ ToBeRunByDispatch SelectiveRecording SwitchReportingType ExeFile

RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Registry Values

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Registry Key DebugLevel PathName ExeFile ToBeRunByDispatch KillNTVDMTime AutoMinimizeInMin ClsRestartTime ClsRestartDay KillDrWatsonInterval Sec KeepAliveAW MaxSingleLogFileSiz eKb ToBeRunByDispatch ExeFile ToBeRunByDispatch ExeFile

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December 2008 27 of 44

Modified FilesFile Path: NICE Systems\Interactions Center\Bin

File Audcom32.dll callsrvr.dll callsrvr.pdb CallSrvrHost.exe CallSrvrHost.exe.config CallSrvrHost.pdb CAPIGate.dll CAPIGate.pdb CAPITester.exe CAPITester.exe.config CAPITester.pdb CaptureClient.dll CLS.ComWrapper.dll CLS.ComWrapper.pdb CLS.Database.Common.dll CLS.Database.Common.pdb CLSAPI.dll CLSAPI.pdb CLSAPIInfraStructure.dll CLSAPIInfraStructure.pdb clscapi.dll clscapi.pdb CLSInstaller4.dll CLSInstaller4.InstallState CLSInstaller4.pdb

Size 228.00 KB 1.02 MB 4.82 MB 276.00 KB 3.31 KB 471.50 KB 76.00 KB 137.50 KB 664.00 KB 3.75 KB 347.50 KB 132.13 KB 40.00 KB 35.50 KB 20.00 KB 7.50 KB 96.00 KB 325.50 KB 32.00 KB 39.50 KB 304.00 KB 1.58 MB 144.00 KB 1.96 KB 35.50 KB

Date 28 November 2001 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 27 June 2007 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 04 June 2008 18 May 2008


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File CLSManager.exe CLSManager.exe.config CLSManager.ico CLSManager.pdb CLSMonitor.Agent.dll CLSMonitor.Agent.pdb CLSMonitor.Client.dll CLSMonitor.Client.pdb CLSMonitor.Cluster.dll CLSMonitor.Cluster.pdb CLSMonitor.Common.dll CLSMonitor.Common.pdb CLSMonitor.Logic.dll CLSMonitor.Logic.pdb CLSMonitor.Service.exe CLSMonitor.Service.exe.confi g CLSMonitor.Service.InstallLo g CLSMonitor.Service.InstallSta te CLSMonitor.Service.pdb CLSMonitor.Tools.dll CLSMonitor.Tools.pdb CLSPlugin.Persistency.dll CLSPlugin.Persistency.pdb ClsSnmpAgentProxy.dll ClsSnmpAgentProxy.pdb ClsSnmpExtensionAgent.dll

Size 368.00 KB 3.30 KB 13.62 KB 45.50 KB 28.00 KB 31.50 KB 24.00 KB 23.50 KB 28.00 KB 23.50 KB 20.00 KB 19.50 KB 24.00 KB 25.50 KB 20.00 KB 4.69 KB 852 bytes 4.89 KB 17.50 KB 24.00 KB 25.50 KB 36.00 KB 67.50 KB 124.00 KB 227.50 KB 200.00 KB

Date 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 05 November 2006 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 04 June 2008 04 June 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 14 May 2008 15 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008


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File ClsSnmpExtensionAgent.pdb CLSWizard.exe CLSWizard.ico CLSWizard.pdb CoreLogWrapper.dll CoreLogWrapper.pdb DBPASS.DLL DBSrvr.exe DBSrvr.exe.config DBSrvr.pdb DBSrvrAPI.dll DBSrvrAPI.pdb DISPATCH.EXE Dispatch.exe.config DISPATCH.pdb FLMClientAPI.dll FLMClientConf.xml FLMClientDefs.dll FLMManager.dll FLMManager.pdb HansBlomme.NotifyIcon.dll HostsConfiguration.xml Infrastructure.dll Infrastructure.pdb InstallUtil.InstallLog Instsrv.exe log4net.dll Log_mngr.dll

Size 1.42 MB 48.00 KB 1.05 KB 105.00 KB 56.00 KB 307.00 KB 72.00 KB 148.00 KB 3.75 KB 237.50 KB 28.00 KB 47.50 KB 252.00 KB 3.25 KB 1.41 MB 24.00 KB 1.10 KB 16.00 KB 92.00 KB 121.50 KB 32.00 KB 5.21 KB 104.00 KB 209.50 KB 1.45 KB 37.00 KB 260.00 KB 20.00 KB

Date 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 07 July 2003 12 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 05 August 2007 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 22 April 2008 05 March 2008 22 April 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 11 February 2007 25 December 2007 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 04 June 2008 04 June 2006 17 June 2007 18 May 2008




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File Log_mngr.pdb Management.Agent.dll Management.Agent.pdb Management.Common.dll Management.Common.pdb Management.Viewer.exe Management.Viewer.pdb ManagementConfiguration.x ml MMLControl.dll MMLControlAPI.dll MMLocateRetrieveAPI.dll MMLPlaybackAPI.dll MMLRecordAPI.dll msvcp71.dll msvcr71.dll MSVCRTD.DLL NiceApplications.LicenseMan ager.ClientDLL.dll NiceApplications.LicenseMan ager.Common.dll NiceApplications.ListsEditor. ComWrapperCommon.dll NiceApplications.RulesMana ger.Common.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.CLSPluginComWra pper.common.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.CLSServerPlugin.C ommon.dll

Size 235.00 KB 36.00 KB 31.50 KB 60.00 KB 117.50 KB 72.00 KB 71.50 KB 13.73 KB 104.12 KB 116.09 KB 116.10 KB 112.00 KB 108.09 KB 488.00 KB 340.00 KB 376.07 KB 20.00 KB 48.00 KB 16.00 KB 264.00 KB 20.00 KB

Date 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 12 May 2008 27 June 2007 29 January 2008 29 January 2008 29 January 2008 29 January 2008 18 March 2003 21 February 2003 16 June 1998 23 March 2008 23 March 2008 23 March 2008 23 March 2008 14 May 2008

Version" 7.10.3077.0 7.10.3052.4 6.00.8168.0

32.00 KB

14 May 2008

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File NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.CLSServerPlugin.S haredTypes.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.Common.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.ComWrapperComm on.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.IntegrationsPlugin.C ommon.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.ServerDBPlugin.Co mmon.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.ServerDBPlugin.Co mWrapperCommon.dll NiceApplications.SystemAdm inistrator.SwitchPlugin.Comm on.dll NiceApplications.SystemFra mework.dll NiceApplications.UsersAdmin istrator.Common.dll NiceApplications.UsersAdmin istrator.ComWrapperCommo n.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. Engine.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. Engine.pdb NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesLoader.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesLoader.pdb

Size 580.00 KB

Date 14 May 2008


288.00 KB 24.00 KB

23 March 2008 25 March 2008

100.00 KB

02 February 2008

116.00 KB

23 March 2008

16.00 KB

23 March 2008

24.00 KB

15 August 2005

104.00 KB 240.00 KB 64.00 KB

20 March 2008 23 March 2008 23 March 2008

440.00 KB 6.29 MB 168.00 KB 185.50 KB

18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008

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File NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesLoaderInterface.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesLoaderInterface.pdb NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesMarshaler.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. RulesMarshaler.pdb NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. Scheduler.exe NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. Scheduler.exe.config NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. Scheduler.pdb NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. SchedulerComWrapper.dll NiceCls.RecordingDecisions. SchedulerComWrapper.pdb NICECM32.DLL nlogapi.dll nuCnlAlc.dll ObjectDispatcherClient.dll ObjectDispatcherClient.pdb ObjectDispatcherCommon.dll ObjectDispatcherCommon.pd b Out_API.dll RCM.exe RCM.exe.config RCM.pdb RCMApi.dll RCMApi.pdb

Size 20.00 KB 7.50 KB 68.00 KB 331.00 KB 676.00 KB 3.54 KB 7.37 MB 192.00 KB 273.50 KB 64.00 KB 448.00 KB 32.00 KB 16.00 KB 13.50 KB 16.00 KB 7.50 KB 36.00 KB 688.00 KB 3.75 KB 1.34 MB 96.00 KB 245.50 KB

Date 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 14 May 2008 05 February 2003 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 08 May 2002 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008



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File safetab.dll safetab.pdb SCRuleCommClient.dll SnmpLogic.dll SnmpLogic.pdb SnmpLogicWrapper.dll SnmpLogicWrapper.pdb SnmpMappingData.xml TESTER.EXE Tester.pdb TRS.DataAccess.dll TRS.DataAccess.pdb TRS.Logic.dll TRS.Logic.pdb TRS.Service.exe TRS.Service.exe.config TRS.Service.InstallLog TRS.Service.InstallState TRS.Service.pdb TRS.Tools.dll TRS.Tools.pdb UCM32.dll UniqueClientApi.dll UniqueClientApi.pdb Utilities.dll Utilities.pdb

Size 204.00 KB 1.39 MB 116.09 KB 84.00 KB 141.50 KB 31.50 KB 179.00 KB 50.21 KB 984.00 KB 6.61 MB 52.00 KB 75.50 KB 64.00 KB 81.50 KB 20.00 KB 3.30 KB 789 bytes 4.89 KB 17.50 KB 44.00 KB 41.50 KB 176.09 KB 32.00 KB 45.50 KB 88.00 KB 67.50 KB

Date 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 29 January 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 23 December 2007 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 04 June 2008 04 June 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 21 January 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008 18 May 2008


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File Path: NICE Systems\Interactions Center\Tools File Admin.sql ArrowButton.dll ChannelMapping.sql ColorProgressBar.dll configCollector.config ConfigCollector.exe ConfigCollector.ico dbwin32.exe DevelopDotNet.Compressi on.dll gacutil.exe gacutil.exe.config ildasm.exe ildasm.exe.config Interactions.sql msvcr71.dll MyXPButton.dll Nice Services Configuration Manager.exe NiceServices.xml OldCapiParser.exe osql.exe Plugin.sql procexp.exe Size 1.43 KB 28.00 KB 2.23 KB 20.00 KB 1.25 KB 172.00 KB 1.37 KB 25.50 KB 128.00 KB 95.19 KB 181 bytes 304.00 KB 181 bytes 2.14 KB 340.00 KB 28.00 KB 328.00 KB 933 bytes 48.00 KB 56.55 KB 2.63 KB 212.00 KB Date 10 January 2007 20 March 2008 10 January 2007 20 March 2008 13 February 2007 18 May 2008 24 January 2007 27 September 2004 15 February 2007 23 September 2005 22 September 2005 27 September 2004 22 September 2005 10 January 2007 21 February 2003 20 March 2008 27 March 2008 14 February 2007 18 May 2008 15 February 2007 10 January 2007 27 September 2004 6.03 2000.080.0760.00 7.10.3052.4 1.0.2521.28123 1.1.4322.573 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) 1.0.2521.21051 1.0.2069.14990 Version

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File RegAsm.exe regasm.exe.config Rule.sql SQL.sql

Size 52.00 KB 181 bytes 3.20 KB 361 bytes

Date 23 September 2005 23 September 2005 10 January 2007 02 January 2007

Version 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)

Access to FileThe Access to File System section contains a list of all the files which are accessed by the module when running. Each entry should also indicate the type of access which is used.File Path: NICE Systems\Interactions Center\Bin

File AllEvMon.saf BACKFIFO.DAT CallServer.Management.SPVolatile.dll CallServer.UniquePersistency CallSrvrHost.exe.CLSPluginPersistency.soap CALLS_CT CALLS_LT CLSMonitor.Management.SPVolatile.dll CLSMonitor.Service.exe.CLSPluginPersisten cy.soap CompTab.saf DbCalls.dat DBServer.Management.SPVolatile.dll DbSrvr.exe.CLSPluginPersistency.soap Dispatch.exe.CLSPluginPersistency.soap EventMon.saf

Size 179.99 KB 12.44 MB 40.00 KB 99.61 KB 185.60 KB 27.66 MB 696.84 KB 12.00 KB 150.06 KB 13.69 MB 59.43 MB 36.00 KB 71.35 KB 38.99 KB 1.07 MB

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


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File NiceCls.RecordingDecisions.Scheduler.exe.C LSPluginPersistency.soap RCM.exe.CLSPluginPersistency.soap RCM.Management.SPVolatile.dll socket.saf TRS.Management.SPVolatile.dll TRS.Service.exe.CLSPluginPersistency.soap TRSMapping Ua.saf NICE Systems\Interactions Center\Data

Size 71.04 KB 57.55 KB 15.50 KB 544.54 KB 10.00 KB 115.42 KB 611 bytes 1.38 MB

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


File CallSrvrHostUsersPersistency.xml DBSrvrNewQueue1.SPKeep.dbq NiceCls.RecordingDecisions.RulesLoader.Cache.x ml NiceCls.RecordingDecisions.RulesLoader.PluginP aramsDataSet.xml NiceCls.RecordingDecisions.SchedulerComWrapp er.PluginParamsDataSet.xml NiceCls.RecordingDecisions.SchedulerComWrapp er.RulesAndUsersDataSet.xml TRS.ServiceUsersPersistency.xml

Size 3.20 KB 48.83 MB 758 bytes 1.45 KB 1.45 KB 6.86 KB 3.20 KB

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\ Data\ManagementDynamicFiles\CallServer

File 0kfrghqc.0.cs 0kfrghqc.1.cs 0kfrghqc.cmdline 0kfrghqc.err

Size 28.26 KB 17.62 KB 769 bytes 0 bytes

Date June 05 2008 June 05 2008 June 05 2008 June 05 2008


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File 0kfrghqc.out 0kfrghqc.tmp

Size 886 bytes 0 bytes

Date June 05 2008 June 05 2008


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\ Data\ManagementDynamicFiles\CLSMonitor

File tj048yf3.0.cs tj048yf3.1.cs tj048yf3.cmdline tj048yf3.err tj048yf3.out tj048yf3.tmp

Size 9.12 KB 6.56 KB 773 bytes 0 bytes 856 bytes 0 bytes

Date June 05 June 05 June 05 June 05 June 05 June 05


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\ Data\ManagementDynamicFiles\DBServer

File _xpvoqry.0.cs _xpvoqry.1.cs _xpvoqry.cmdline _xpvoqry.err _xpvoqry.out _xpvoqry.tmp

Size 23.30 KB 15.03 KB 757 bytes 0 bytes 874 bytes 0 bytes

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\ Data\ManagementDynamicFiles\RCM

File 97xz4k2u.0.cs 97xz4k2u.1.cs 97xz4k2u.cmdline 97xz4k2u.err

Size 13.71 KB 8.23 KB 739 bytes 0 bytes

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


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December 2008 38 of 44

File 97xz4k2u.out 97xz4k2u.tmp

Size 856 bytes 0 bytes

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\ Data\ManagementDynamicFiles\TRS

File as-rqgwt.0.cs as-rqgwt.1.cs as-rqgwt.cmdline as-rqgwt.err as-rqgwt.out as-rqgwt.tmp

Size 6.14 KB 4.41 KB 745 bytes 0 bytes 828 bytes 0 bytes

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


NICE Systems\Interactions Center\Loggers

File BackupCLSParameters BackupLoggersList FirstBackupMapping

Size 1013 bytes 494 bytes 11.78 KB

Date 05 June 2008 05 June 2008 05 June 2008


RN0567: NICE Perform Release 3.1, NICE Interactions Center Access to File

December 2008 39 of 44

Appendix A: Open Source License Terms Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003. Apache Software License - Version 2.0 - January 2004.

These are the license terms for Boost Software.

Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003.Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to do so, all subject to the following: The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by a source language processor. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. These are the license terms for Apache Software.

Apache Software License - Version 2.0 - January 2004.Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions.

"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.

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"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each

Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royaltyfree, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor

hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those

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patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works

thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:a.

You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and the files; and

b. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed c.

(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.

d. (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution

intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

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6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks,

service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor

provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including

negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative

Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.

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APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on thesame "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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