ICT Applied to English Teaching- 2011 Assignment 1: History of Education Technology Students´ names: Alcaraz, Valeria Zanetti, Mariano

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  • 1. ICTAppliedtoEnglishTeaching- 2011
    Assignment 1: History of EducationTechnology
    Students names:
    Alcaraz, Valeria
    Zanetti, Mariano

2. 1Randy (2010)Informationtechnology in education traces back as far as 500 B.C. withthe use of stoneorclaytablets and pebblesusedforcounting.1780 TheTeacher : the primar y model of instruction
Universitieshelp in computerdevelopment
3. 1958NationalDefenseEducationActbrings new technologyintoschools,vocationaleducation
Elementary and secondaryeducationactbrings new moneyfortechnology. Mini computers are usedforschoolcounseling
In 1967, (Bartlett, 2010) schools began to teach students to program and fix computers. Universities also began to teach programming languages
4. 1970Pascal software wascreated; mainframes and mini computersused in someschools, verylittle use in thedelivery of instruction
IntelsfirstmicroprocessordevelopedFirst PCs are developed

  • 1975

Mainframes in use in someschoolsbutverylittle use in thedelivery of instruction.
Apple I computers are donatedtoschoolsbutschoolsrefusetoconsider PCs

  • 1981

Drill and practice of
computer-assisted instruction (CAI) gains acceptance in schools.
IBM is the first mainframe manufacturer to develop a PC
7. 1983
Apple II computer finds widespread acceptance in education.
PCs can be used to support the ongoing teaching in the single clasroom.
8. *1984 There were still few computers in classrooms.The first Apple Macintosh computer is developed.Software manufacturers develop computer-based tutorials and learning games
Some high schools use PCs for college and career guidance.
9. *198860% of workers in US use computersLaptops are developed.
Multimedia PCs are developed.
Schools are using videodiscs, multimedia tools and othereducational databases.
10. *1992Schools are using Gopher servers toprovidestudentswith on-line information.
Digital video, virtual reality and 3 D systemsappear in themarket.
More business PCs are sold
US classroomshave at leastone PC available per classroom
11. *1995The internet and theworldwide webbeginto catch on as businesses, schools and individualscreate web pages
New graphics and multimedia tools are developed for the delivery of information and instruction using the internet.
Many schools are rewiring for internet access.
12. *1997-2007Internet growthexpandsfarfasterthanmostpredicted.Itsoonbecomestheworldslargestdatabase of information, graphics and streaming video.Searchenginessuch as Google constantlydevelop new waystofindinformation.Web siteswhereindividualsput personalinformationbecome popular.Internet-basedpublishing and discussionforumsaslobegintoproliferte.Someothertechnologiesgrow more slowly .A variety ofeducationalsoftware isdailyimplemented.
13. RecommendedWebsites:Hermes,A. (2010,March 25). Thehistory of computers in school. RetrievedApril 18,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.com/about_5491373_history-computers-school.html#ixzz1kTAByDwvWallullis,K. (2011, February 25) A history of computersforkids. RetrievedApril 18,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.co.uk/info_7982362_history-computers-kids.html#ixzziL7jewybiRandy, N. (2010, June 29). Thehistory of informationtechnology in education. RetrievedApril 19,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.com/about_6681417_history-information-technology-education.html#ixzz1KTLvuH00Jermanie, J. (2010, May15). History of technology in education. RetrievedApril 12, 2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.co.uk/about-6518584_history-technology-education.html#ixzzIL70bcWWJ
RecommendedWebsites:Hermes,A. (2010,March 25). Thehistory of computers in school. RetrievedApril 18,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.com/about_5491373_history-computers-school.html#ixzz1kTAByDwvWallullis,K. (2011, February 25) A history of computersforkids. RetrievedApril 18,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.co.uk/info_7982362_history-computers-kids.html#ixzziL7jewybi
14. Randy, N. (2010, June 29). Thehistory of informationtechnology in education. RetrievedApril 19,2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.com/about_6681417_history-information-technology-education.html#ixzz1KTLvuH00Jermanie, J. (2010, May15). History of technology in education. RetrievedApril 12, 2011, fromhttp://www.ehow.co.uk/about-6518584_history-technology-education.html#ixzzIL70bcWWJ