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Available online at www.ijpsdr.comInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2012; 4(2): 143-146143Research Article ISSN 0975-248XEvaluation of DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity and Reducing Powerof Four Selected Medicinal Plants and Their CombinationsP. Padmanabhan*, S. N. JangleDepartment of Biochemistry, Rural Medical College, Loni-413736, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, IndiaABSTRACTReactive oxygen species [ROS] cause oxidative damage to the tissues and protection from such damages are provided byendogenous and exogenous antioxidants. Plant based antioxidants are preferred due to the multiple mechanisms of actionsand of the phytochemicals present in them. 80% alcoholic extract of leaves of Aloe vera, Bacopa monniera, Moringaoleifera and rhizome of Zingiber officinale was tested individually and in combination in equal proportion of each extractfor DPPH scavenging activity and reducing power. The results indicate that the combination of the extract has better DPPHscavenging action and reducing power compared to the individual plant extract indicating synergistic and supra additiveeffect of phytochemicals present in the extract.Keywords: Reactive oxygen species [ROS], antioxidants, phytochemicals, DPPH scavenging activity, reducing power,synergistic effects.INTRODUCTIONReactive oxygen species [ROS], sometimes called as activeoxygen species, are various forms of activated oxygen, whichinclude free radicals such as superoxide ions (O2-.) andhydroxyl radicals (OH.) as well as non-free radical speciessuch as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). [1] These ROS play animportant role in degenerative or pathological processes,such as aging, cancers, coronary heart diseases, Alzheimersdisease, neurodegenerative disorders, atherosclerosis,cataracts and inflammations. [2] Living organisms haveantioxidant defence systems that protects against oxidativedamage by removal or repair of damaged molecules. [3] Theterm antioxidant refers to the activity of numerousvitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which provideprotection against the damage caused by ROS. [4]Antioxidants interfere with the oxidative processes byscavenging free radicals, chelating free catalytic metals andby acting as electron donors. [5] The natural antioxidantmechanisms maybe insufficient in variety of conditions andhence dietary intake of antioxidant compounds are important.[6] The therapeutic effects of several medicinal plants areusually attributed to their antioxidant phytochemicals. It hasbeen suggested that there is an inverse relationship betweendietary intake of antioxidant rich foods and incidence of*Corresponding author: Ms. P. Padmanabhan,Department of Biochemistry, Rural Medical College, PravaraInstitute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Loni-413736, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India; Tel.: +91-9860494394; E-mail: [email protected] diseases. [1] Plant based antioxidants are preferred tothe synthetic ones because of their multiple mechanisms ofactions and non-toxic nature. These facts have inspiredwidespread screening of plants for possible medicinal andantioxidant properties; the isolation and characterization ofdiverse phytochemicals and the utilization to antioxidants ofnatural origin to prevent the diseases. [7]Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) orcommonly called as khorpad in Marathi; is a perennialsucculent xerophytes, which develops water storage tissues intheir leaves to survive in dry areas of low or erratic rainfall. Ithas been reported by several authors that different fractionsof Aloe vera as well as unfractionated whole gel haveantioxidant effects. Glutathione peroxidase, superoxidedismutase enzyme and phenolic antioxidants were found tobe present in Aloe vera gel which may be responsible for itsantioxidant effects. [8]Bacopa monniera Linn (Scrophulariaceae) commonly knownas brahmi; is a component of several popular drugs ofAyurvedic system of medicine. The whole plant of brahmihas shown presence of phytochemicals like alkaloids,saponins, D-mannitol, betulic acid, -sitosterols and stigmasterols showing health beneficial effects. [9]Zingiber officinale or ginger belongs to Zingiberaceae family.The rhizomes of ginger have been used as medicine fromVedic period and is called maha aushadhi means the greatmedicine. [10] The antioxidant properties of [6]-gingerol,which is very effective therapeutic agent present in ginger,studied in both in-vitro and in-vivo against UV induceOn-line disponibil la www.ijpsdr.comInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences i de cercetare de droguri 2012; 4 (2): 143-146143Cercetare Articolul ISSN 0975-248XEvaluarea DPPH eliminrii radicalului de activitate i reducerea puteriide patru Plante medicinale selectate i combinaii ale acestoraP. Padmanabhan *, S. N. ceartDepartamentul de Biochimie, Rural Medical College, Loni-413736, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, IndiaREZUMATSpecii reactive de oxigen [ROS] daune cauza oxidativ la esuturile i protecia mpotriva unor astfel de daune sunt furnizate de ctreendogene i exogene antioxidani. Antioxidani pe baz de plante sunt preferate datorit mecanisme multiple de actiunii a fitochimicale prezente n ele. Extract alcoolic 80% din frunze de aloe vera, Bacopa monniera, Moringaoleifera i rizom de Zingiber officinale a fost testat individual i n combinaie n proporie egal de fiecare extractpentru activitatea de eliminare DPPH i reducerea puterii. Rezultatele indic faptul c ansamblul de extract are mai bine DPPHbaleiaj aciune i reducerea energie n comparaie cu extractul instalaiei individuale care indic aditiv sinergic i supraefect de fitochimicale prezente n extractul.Cuvinte cheie: specii de oxigen reactive [ROS], antioxidanti, fitochimicale, activitatea de eliminare DPPH, reducerea puterii,efecte sinergice.INTRODUCERESpecii reactive de oxigen [ROS], uneori numit ca activspecii de oxigen, sunt diferite forme de oxigen activat, careinclud radicalii liberi, cum ar fi ionii de superoxid (O2-.) iRadicalii hidroxil (OH.), precum i specii de radicali liberi non-cum ar fi peroxid de hidrogen (H2O2). [1] Aceste ROS joac unrol important n procesele degenerative sau patologice,cum ar fi mbtrnirea, cancer, boli coronariene, boala AlzheimerBoala, tulburri neurodegenerative, ateroscleroza,cataracta si inflamatiile. [2] organisme vii ausisteme de aprare antioxidante care protejeaza impotriva oxidativdaune prin eliminarea sau repararea de molecule deteriorate. [3]Termenul "antioxidant" se refer la activitatea de numeroasevitamine, minerale i fitochimicale care furnizeazprotecie mpotriva daunelor cauzate de ROS. [4]Antioxidantii interfera cu procesele oxidative decoridoarele radicalilor liberi, chelatori de metale catalitice libere iacionnd n calitate de donori de electroni. [5] natural antioxidantmecanisme poate insuficiente n varietate de condiii iprin urmare, aportul alimentar de compusi antioxidanti sunt importante.[6] Efectele terapeutice ale multor plante medicinale suntde obicei atribuita fitochimicale lor antioxidante. AreSa sugerat c exist o relaie invers ntreaportul alimentar de alimente bogate antioxidante i incidena* Corespondent autor: Dna P. Padmanabhan,Departamentul de Biochimie, Rural Medical College, PravaraInstitutul de Stiinte Medicale (Universitatea estimate), Loni-413736, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India; Tel .: + 91-9860494394; E-mail: [email protected] umane. [1] antioxidanti plante pe baza sunt preferatecele sintetice din cauza mai multor mecanisme lor deaciuni i natura non-toxic. Aceste fapte au inspiratscreening-ul pe scara larga de plante pentru posibile medicinale iproprieti antioxidante; izolarea i caracterizareadiverse fitochimicale si antioxidanti utilizarea a deorigine natural pentru a preveni bolile. [7]Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) saude obicei numit ca "khorpad" n Marathi; este o planta perenaxerofite suculente, care dezvolta tesuturi de stocare a apei nfrunzele lor de a supravieui n zonele uscate de precipitaii reduse sau neregulat. Aceastaa fost raportat de mai muli autori care fraciuni diferitede aloe vera, precum i ntregul gel nefractionata auefecte antioxidante. Glutation peroxidaza, superoxidsuperoxid enzim i fenolici antioxidanti s-au gsit lafi prezent n aloe vera gel care poate fi responsabil pentru eiefecte antioxidante. [8]Bacopa monniera Linn (Scrophulariaceae) denumitca "Brahmi"; este o component a multor medicamente cunoscute deSistem de medicina ayurvedica. Planta ntreag de Brahmiare prezen prezentat de fitochimicale ca alcaloizi,saponine, D-manitol, acid betulic, p-sitosterols i stigmatsteroli care prezint efecte benefice pentru sntate. [9]Officinale Zingiber sau ghimbir aparine familiei Zingiberaceae.Cele Rizomi de ghimbir au fost folosite ca medicament de laEpoca vedic i se numete '' Maha aushadhi "nseamn cel Maremedicament. [10] De proprieti antioxidante [6] -gingerol,care este foarte eficient agent terapeutic prezent n ghimbir,studiat n ambele in vitro si in vivo impotriva UV inducePadmanabhan et al. / Evaluation of DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity and Reducing Power..IJPSDR April-June, 2012, Vol 4, Issue 2 (143-146) 144Moringa oleifera Lam commonly known as drumstick,belongs to Moringaceae family. The derivatives of caffeic, pcoumaricand ferulic acids are dominant phenolicconstituents which are present in Moringa oleifera leavesextract. [12]The different plant extracts will have different modes ofaction for curing diseases and in mixture form may exhibitenhanced activity than that of individual plants, which isknown as synergistic action. A particular principle in thepure form may have only a fraction of the pharmacologicalactivity than it has in its plant matrix. This highlights theimportance of using the plant as a whole or a mixture ofplants for treating a disease. [13] The objectives of the presentstudy were to quantify total phenolics, flavonoids andflavonols in the combination of the four medicinal plantextracts selected; that included leaves of Aloe vera, Bacopamonniera, Moringa oleifera and rhizome of Zingiberofficinale. It was also aimed to observe the antioxidantproperties in terms of DPPH scavenging activity andreducing power of the individual plant extracts and theircombinations for existences of any synergistic property of thefour medicinal plant extracts selected.MATERIALS AND METHODSLeaves of Aloe vera, Bacopa monniera, Moringa oleifera andrhizome of Zingiber officinale were collected from Loni andadjoining areas, Maharashtra. These four individual plantswere identified and authenticated by a Professor of Botany,Loni. The four medicinal plants were shade dried andpowdered. The selected part of the medicinal plants wasindividually extracted in 80% ethanol by hot extraction inSoxhlet apparatus till colourless solvent was obtained.Individual extracts obtained were allowed to dry till constantweight was obtained. The percentage yield of extract of eachplant was Aloe vera 28.62%, Bacopa monniera 16.18%,Moringa oleifera 14.90% and Zingiber officinale 12.69%.Concentration of combination of herbal preparationCombination of plant extracts was prepared by mixing 25mg each of individual extract and dissolved in 10 mlmethanol (that is 100mg/10ml), boiled and cooled. It was,then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatantthus obtained was named as Herbal Preparation (HP-4) andthis combination was used in further experiments.Phytochemical AnalysisThe herbal preparation was subjected to preliminaryphytochemical analysis using standard procedures to estimatethe phytochemicals present.Estimation of total phenolic compoundsTotal phenolic content was determined by the Folin Ciocalteumethod by Folin et al 1927. [14] To 0.5 ml of 1-5 mg/ml ofherbal preparation made up with 0.5 ml of distilled water, 0.5ml of Folin Ciocalteu reagent was added and gently mixed.After 2 minutes 0.5 ml of 100mg/ml sodium carbonate wasadded. The contents were mixed and allowed to stand for 2hours. The optical density of the blue coloured samples wasmeasured at 765 nm spectrophotometrically. Standard gallicacid of concentration 100-500g/ml was used. Theconcentration of total phenolics is expressed as milligram ofgallic acid /g of mixture. All determinations were carried outin triplicate.Estimation of flavonoidsThe method used by Chang et al 2002 [15] with slightmodifications in total volume of reagents used; was followedfor estimation of flavonoids. 0.5 ml of concentration 100-500g/ml of herbal preparation was mixed with 1 mlaluminium trichloride in ethanol (20g/l) and diluted withethanol to 25 ml. The absorbance was read after 40 minutesincubation at 37C spectrophotometrically at 415nm. Rutin (acitrus flavonoids glycoside) of concentration 0.5mg/ml, 1.0mg/ml, 1.5 mg/ml, 2.0 mg/ml and 2.5 mg/ml was used as areference compound and absorbance was measured under thesame conditions. All determinations were carried intriplicate. The amount of flavonoids in herbal preparationwas calculated as milligram of rutin/g of mixture.Estimation of flavonolsThe content of flavonols was determined by the method ofYermakov et al 1987 [16] with slight modifications likereduction in total volume of reagents used. 0.05 ml of variousconcentrations (100-500g) was treated with 1ml of 2%aluminium trichloride in ethanol and 1ml of 5% sodiumacetate. The absorption was read at 400nm was read after 2.5hours at 37C. The same procedure was carried out for 2mlof reference compound rutin for concentration 0.2mg/ml, 0.4mg/ml, 0.6 mg/ml, 0.8 mg/ml and 1.0 mg/ml. Alldeterminations were carried out in triplicate .The content offlavonols was calculated in terms of milligram of rutin /g ofmixture.Method for DPPH radical scavenging assayRadical scavenging activity of plant extracts against stable 2,2 diphenyl 2 picryl hydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) was determinedby the slightly modified method of Brand-Williams et al1995. [17] DPPH reacts with an antioxidant compound, whichcan donate hydrogen, and reduce DPPH. The change incolour (from deep violet to light yellow) was measured at517 nm on a UV visible light spectrophotometer. Thesolution of DPPH in methanol 6 10-5 M was prepared freshdaily before UV measurements. Three ml of this solution wasmixed with 100 microgram/ml concentration of individualplant extracts as well as herbal preparation. The sampleswere kept in the dark for 15 minutes at room temperature andthe decrease in absorbance was measured. The experimentwas carried out in triplicate. Radical scavenging activity wascalculated by the following formula.% Inhibition = [(A B A A)/A B] 100Where A B = absorption of blank sample (t= 0 min)A A = absorption of test extract solution (t=15 mins) [18]Table 1: Preliminary phytochemical analysisPhytochemicals ContentsTotal Phenolic compounds (mg gallic acid/g) 29.53 0.42Flavonoids (mg rutin/g) 24.05 0.57Flavonols (mg rutin/g) 17.9 0.24Table 2: DPPH scavenging activityS. No Concentration (g/ml) % Inhibition*Aloe vera 100 38.47 1.94Bacopa monniera 100 37.98 0.77Moringa oleifera 100 38.28 3.26Zingiber officinale 100 43.02 3.47Herbal Preparation 100 63.75 0.73**Std BHT 100 44.70 11.8Std Vitamin C 100 80.38 0.05*Mean SD of three determinations. **Statistically significant (p