Behavior Motivation System Overview 1

Behavior Motivation System Overviewcenterforchildwelfare.fmhi.usf.edu/Training... · Explore the components of effective behavior motivation systems. ... Leadership Guidance Problem-Solving

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Page 1: Behavior Motivation System Overviewcenterforchildwelfare.fmhi.usf.edu/Training... · Explore the components of effective behavior motivation systems. ... Leadership Guidance Problem-Solving

Behavior Motivation System Overview


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Explore the components of effective behavior motivation systems.

Examine staff’s role in eliciting behavior change.

Discuss the effectiveness of, and differences between, reinforcers and punishments



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Effective Behavior Motivation Systems

Gain youth compliance

Change behaviors

Increase youth’s accountability

Focuses on rewarding positive behavior

Staff are proactive and non-confrontational


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Attitudes and Beliefs

Nurturing Relationships





Crisis Prevention

Staff Components That Effect Behavior


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Observe youth

Assess youth

Influence youth’s behavior

Attitudes and Beliefs


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Build Trust

Be Honest and Truthful

Be Objective

Be Fair

Make Rational Decisions

Actively Listen

Nurture Relationships


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Involve and include all youth in all possible activities.

Exhibit caring behavior.

Are in control, but not controlling.

Set limits that are clear, concise, measurable, and enforceable.



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Geared Towards Problem-solving

Everything Staff Do and Say

Help Youth Problem-Solve

Teaching New Behavior


Solving Youths’ Problems for Them

Telling Youth What to Do


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Assist the youth with arriving at a practical solution

Three steps to problem-solving

Recognize and define the problem.

Examine alternative choices and the consequences of each choice.

Choose an option and take action.

Problem Solving


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Model (show) appropriate conduct.

Youth behavior is the product of staff interactions.

Youth learn by watching staff interact with other staff.

Staff behavior will teach youth to behave positively or negatively.



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Establish Protocols

Effective Communication

Stay Calm

Crisis Prevention


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Common Components of Effective Behavior Motivation Systems


Good Planning

Promote Respect

Look Ahead

Give Good Instructions

High Level of Involvement

Engages the Youth

Good Social Skills

Focuses on the Positives



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Orient youth on the behavior motivation system.

Remember, all youth do not know all the rules and procedures.

Staff sometimes do not know all the rules and procedures.



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All activities are scheduled and occur regularly and routinely.

Staff should know exactly what to do every day and on every shift.

All schedules should be established in writing.

Good Planning


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Staff hold each other accountable.

Staff model courteous behavior to other staff and youth.

Delegating responsibility to youth

Respect breeds respect.

Promote Respect


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Paying attention to small details can prevent issues from occurring later.

Think about the consequence to yourself and others when a task is not properly completed.

Looks Ahead


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Adequate information provided to youth.

Clear, consistent, unambiguous information provided to youth.

Provide instructions instead of orders.

Explain in small steps.

Model appropriate behavior at all times.

Give Good Instructions


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All youth should be provided the opportunity, and encouraged, to participate in any suitable activity.

Youth should not be excluded from participating in activities for reasons other than behavior or medical.

High Level of Involvement


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Staff should not avoid or withdraw from youth.

Staff should not stay at desk or in chairs.

Conduct a self-examination.

Problem-solve to determine how to overcome avoidance.

Engaging the Youth


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Proficient social skills, such as listening, starting and having a conversation, etc.

Trust-building interactions

Knowledge about youth.

Staff should always introduce themselves and the group to new youth.

Review available records on each youth.

Good Social Skills


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Focus on positive behavior.

Recognize positive or appropriate behavior.

Recognize and reward positive or appropriate behavior.

Improve observation skills.

Focus on Positives


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Flexible thinking and attitudes.

Not easily irritated by minor problems and nuisances.

Be tolerant of youth mannerisms and personalities.

Be patient and allow youth to make minor mistakes without repercussions.



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Barriers to Communication









Excessive or Inappropriate Questioning



Logical Argument


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Reinforcers are consequences that strengthen behavior.

Punishments are consequences that weaken behavior.



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Equally effective in reducing specific target behaviors.

Reinforcement is more effective in helping youth develop alternative more functional behaviors.

Reinforcement vs. Punishment


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Material reinforcers provide the youth with something tangible and a kind word from the staff should always accompany them.

Social reinforcers are more versatile, even if material reinforcers are used.

When choosing a target behavior, focus on behaviors to be increased rather than on those to be decreased.

Positive Reinforcers


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Comment in a positive way about the behavior when providing reinforcement.

Be enthusiastic and interested.

Vary the reinforcer.

Effective Use of Reinforcers


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A Behavior Motivation System should never:

Use group discipline

Deny youth basic rights

Allow youth to sanction other youth



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Through modeling, observation, and then imitation, youth develop new behaviors.

By watching someone model, a youth can learn a new behavior, inhibit another behavior, or strengthen previously learned behavior (e.g. saying "thank you").



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Punishment vs. Discipline


Intent is to penalize

Emphasis is on power or authority

Implies moral judgment; doer of deed is bad

Involves overt or covert threats of disrespect or violence

Demands compliance


Intent is to teach

Emphasis is on respect for others

Treats person with dignity; separates deed from doer

Involves use of calm voice and communicates respect

Presents choices for the future

Takes more time, though and patience

*Behavior Management in Juvenile Facilities, Chapter 3, Introduction to Behavior Management, American Correctional Association, 1993


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If the punishment is not strong enough, the behavior will continue.

Punishment does not teach new, more acceptable behavior; the youth knows what NOT to do, but not what TO DO.

Drawbacks of Punishment


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Youths may feel devalued and RESENT they way they are treated.

Youths may RETREAT or avoid you.

Youths may REBEL by refusing to work or comply with directions.

Youths may seek REVENGE.

Results of Using Punishment


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1. Always treat youth with respect and preserve their dignity.

2. Always do what is in the youths' best interests.

3. Seek solutions, not blame.

4. Model tolerant, patient, dignified, and respectful behavior.

5. Use the least intrusive intervention possible.

Ten Demandments


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6. Connect with the youth and build strong personal bonds with them.

7. Instill hope for success.

8. NEVER do anything disrespectful, illegal, immoral, ineffective, bad for health/safety, or anything you wouldn't want done to you.

9. NEVER give up on a youth. Be perturbed with a youth’s actions, but keep believing in his/her ability to change for the better.


Ten Demandments (cont.)


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