By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

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Page 1: By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

By: Shalesha Martinez,

Hayley Vance,


Jordan Svedin


Page 2: By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

SOME FACTS ABOUT SMOKING• Smoking is the number one cause of death and disease in the world.

• Every time you smoke a cigarette you shave eleven minutes off of your lifespan.

• Forty three trillion cigarettes have been smoked in the last decade.

• It kills more than 480,000 people in our country each year, and out of these people 41,000 are deaths related second-hand smoking.

• Smoking related illnesses costs us 289 billion dollars each year.


Page 3: By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

WHY DO PEOPLE START SMOKING??• People say that they “just wanted to try it once”.

• Many people are influenced by someone close to them. (Peer Pressure)

• Parents are a huge influence.

• Starts at young age. At age eighteen people are easily influenced by their peers and even parents.

• Those who are influenced by their peers may do it mainly because it makes them feel more accepted and connected.

Page 4: By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

EASILY ACCESSIBLE• In 1997 all fifty states required the minimum age to purchase tobacco to be age 18.

• In Utah the legal age to purchase tobacco is 19.

• Cigarettes are sold everywhere for example; at your local grocery stores, gas stations and smoke shops.

• Of the packs that are bought 65.5 percent of them are going to be legally consumed and 34.5 percent are used for illicit consumption.

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• Media promotes tobacco.

• Media has a huge impact because children and teens look up to celebrities.

• For example, in 2010 more 30% of the most popular movies with ratings for adolescents had many tobacco scenes. This influences the adolescents to want to smoke because it is cool and accepted in the movies.

• The tobacco industry which is now dominated by cigarettes increases its volume by having celebrities endorse their products.

• Restrictions on advertising. Example: Billboards and warning labels.

-hurt companies.

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NICOTINE• Cigarettes contain nicotine.

• What is nicotine??

-This substance is an oily compound that can be colorless or even brown.

-Pure nicotine is deadly.

-When in cigarettes this substance causes chemical changes in the brain. It’s the addictive substance. It causes your heart rate and blood pressure to go up.

• Addiction causes you to be irritable when you crave it, and relax when you have it.

• Relieves stress in an unhealthy way

• Nicotine acts as a dopamine imposter, which is known as the brain-reward chemical. After feeding your nervous system so much nicotine your body decreases the natural production of dopamine.

• So when a smoker quits cold turkey they have a lower production of dopamine naturally in their body. This then causes withdrawal symptoms because they are not receiving the drug there body craves.

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WHAT’S IN YOUR CIGARETTES??• There is about 600 ingredients in an unlit cigarette.

• When lit, the cigarette creates at least 7,000 chemicals that are poisonous or that cause cancer.

• A few of the most harmful ingredients are:

-tar (found in paved roads)

-lead (found in batteries)

-carbon monoxide ( found in car exhaust fumes)

-ammonia (found in common household cleaner)

-arsenic (found in rat poisoning)

-acetone (found in nail polish remover)

- acetic acid (found in hair dye)

-nicotine (found in insecticide).

When combined these ingredients, plus many more, create what is commonly known as tobacco- which is in a cigarette

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• constricted blood vessels

• high cholesterol

• problems with pregnancy

• Birth defects of children

• heart disease

• respiratory diseases

• Many More!

• cancers



- stomach


- kidney

- liver



- mouth



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• damaged teeth

• coughing

• Discoloring skin

• Infertility

• Many more!

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SECOND HAND SMOKING• Smoking affects others

• Family

• Friends

• Neighbors

• Second-hand smoke is the smoke that comes from a lit cigarette and is inhaled by people around the smoker or in the same area.

• causes around 50,000 deaths each year and is known to cause lung cancer and heart disease.

• especially harmful to small children as it causes lower respiratory tract infections, and about 430 Sudden Infant Death Syndromes (SIDS) each year. In the U.S. alone, about 21 million (35%) children live in a home where a smoker is a resident or is a regular visitor.

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• rougher

• bony features

• premature wrinkling

• greyish skin

• bad acne

• can lead to hair loss, and discoloration

• cheeks to sink in.

• The teeth and gums become stained and rotten

• eyes can become bloodshot

• A study came to conclusion that 13.3% of men and 21% of women said that the effect of smoking on their appearance was one of the factors that had motivated them to quit smoking.

Page 12: By: Shalesha Martinez, Hayley Vance, and Jordan Svedin SMOKING KILLS

IT ISN’T IMPOSSIBLE TO QUIT SMOKING. • It is hard, but it is not impossible.

• Best option is to never start

• Approximately seventy percent of all smokers want to quit, but are struggling to do so.

• Join programs.

• Lean on loved ones for help and comfort.

• Do it for your self and loved ones. QUIT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE..