Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter

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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    The Presidents SoapboxBy Robert Heavirland

    Chapter members and friends of EAA 237. We have had

    a busy month since last months newsletter! One of ournew members joined because we are an active chapter

    with plenty of opportunities to join in on the action.

    We had a great auction last meeting with a wide selection of good

    items to purchase and a fun auctioneer. Mark will have an update

    on the proceeds at our next meeting on Monday, November 24th.

    The chapter meeting presenter will be Mark German and others

    who made a camping trip to Utah with a group in homebuilt and

    factory aircraft. This should inspire some of us to start planning

    some fun trips for next year. Bring a guest to enjoy the meeting.

    Thanks to members who brought family and friends to our first

    Breakfast Social last Saturday. We had a fun time and it was great to

    visit with everyone and we are planning to do this again in January.

    Please get your Tree of Hope toys to the chapter building before

    the Dec 6thFly-out date to Maple Lake, MN.

    See you there! -Bob

    Upcoming Chapter Calendar EventsBy Robert Heavirland


    Bring Tree of Hopenew toy items to the hangar. Get word outto other users of our chapter building and all the pilots of KANE.

    Nov. 24thThe meeting speakers will be Mark & Jeanie German

    talking about a cross-country flying vacation that they had in their

    RANS homebuilt. A group of aircraft flying to Utah back country

    camping trip. This will be a fun presentation, please bring a guest.


    Dec. 3rdis our Chapter Board meeting.

    Dec. 6th is the Tree of Hope Fly-Out of gifts to Maple Lake, MN.

    Dec. 13th is Movie Night at the chapter hangar from 5pm to 9pm.

    Dec. 20th Breakfast at the chapter hangar from 7:30am - 11am

    Dec. 22ndChristmas party with guest speaker Lex. He will speak

    about some of the aircraft salvage trips he has been involved with

    over the years. Door prizes and lots of good food and fellowship.


    Jan. 4thChanged to Thursday night Chapter Board meeting 7pm.

    Jan. 17thTentative date for next Breakfast Social more to come.

    Jan. 26thMonthly meeting.

    First Flight Announcement!

    EAA Member and chapter volunteer, DavieAnderson, had his first flight on 10-15-14 at

    KANE with one trip around the pattern in hiCygnet. Dave does a lot for the chapter and

    Al Eke. He has repaired pedal planes for us

    number of times.

    Davies Cygnet, congratulations Davie!

    Two Airplane Projects for Sale (Cheap?)

    Bob received an email from David Anderson about two Volksplaprojects, a Volksplane VP-1 & a Volksplane VP-2, that are for sa

    The two pictures above are examples only. If you are interested

    please contact David at the email address below.

    Contact: David Anderson email: [email protected]

    I sent some pictures of my Cygnet to one of the builders before I

    bought the project, he is 88 years old and was glad to see it got

    finished. He wrote back and said he has two other not complete

    projects, a VP-1 and a VP-2 that he would like to sell. If you kno

    anyone that would like to finish these or one of them let me knowcan get more info on what's there and I think they would go cheap

    This man was the owner-builder before he sold the Cygnet to th

    guy I bought it from.

    Please consider submitting an article next month.To do so please contact your newsletter editor Becky at [email protected]

    BIG Screen Video/Movie NightThe next video/movie night is Sat Dec 13th, 2014

    5pm - 7pm Videos and EAA HQ videos

    7pm - 9pm MAIN FEATURE Movie!

    As usual pizza, pop, coffee and other goodies are included

    If you havent attended, take some time & come out and en

    The November movie was from 1943, titled A Guy Named JCome check out what we have in store for Decembers mnight as we have lots of movies and videos to select from.


    Monday, November 24th

    , 2014

    Located at:

    8891 Airport Rd NE

    Blaine, MN 55449

    We hope to see you there!

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    The mission of the Minnesota Pilots Association (MNPA) is to promote and protect aviation

    in our State through advocacy, education, outreach and social activities. Our association firmlybelieves that a healthy aviation community is an invaluable asset to the State of Minnesota.

    MNPA membership and volunteers join to act as the voice of pilots, aviation enthusiasts and

    supporters of aviation in Minnesota.

    The president of the MNPA is also anEAA 237chapter member and Young Eagles pilot,

    Randy Corfman:

    Randy Corfman incorporates his love of aviation with his medical practice, flying to manylocations in the Upper Midwest to provide consultations and medical care, including MN, ND,

    SD, WI, MI, MT and Alaska. He also serves as an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) in

    Minnesota. His special interest and training in wilderness and survival medicine, as well as

    aviation medicine and approaches to keep pilots healthy and flying, places him as a frequent

    speaker at a variety of aviation conferences and venues. Dr. Corfman hails from a farm in

    Kansas, near Wichita, where he watched airplanes flying overhead for as long as he can

    remember. His home base is KANE in the Twin Cities, from whence he flies a Cessna T210 for

    his medical practice and a super cub for real flying. Dr. Corfman is a member of the website, where he hosts a forum called Medical Matters, dealing with common

    medical problems facing aviators. He is a 4500 hour multi-engine commercial, instrumentrated pilot, with single engine land seaplane and land ratings.

    The MN Pilots Association is working very hard to be a beneficial asset to MN aviation and

    become the go-to place for finding aviation events in MN. MNPA has graciously listed our

    Pancake Breakfast Socialon their website, and were looking forward to working with them

    with many future MN aviation events and programs.

    For further information or to join: www.mnpilots.orgor email [email protected].

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    Kirks commentary tipsand Aviation wacky area

    "Tip of the Month" by Kirk Fjetland

    If the pitot tube is not functional and there is no airspeed indicator, how can one judge thespeed of the airplane?

    Airspeed indicator malfunctions can come in a variety of ways - sometimes no indication,other times exceedingly high or low indications. In any case, you need to be familiar withthe pitch attitudes and power settings that give you various airspeeds.

    For example, if you have climb power on and the nose is maybe just below the horizon, I'llbet you have approximately climb speed. You can improve your ability to fly withoutindicated airspeed by climbing to altitude and practicing glides with various flap settingsand noting the pitch attitudes. Remember the picture out the window and now practice the

    same glides with the airspeed indicator covered. These same attitudes will work when youare in the pattern for landing.

    Also, when practicing stalls, note the pitch attitude when you are near stall at various power and flap settings. Rememberthese attitudes and avoid them if your airspeed indicator is not working.

    Another tool if installed could be a GPS ground speed, but remember this is ground speed only so you need to account forany headwind or tailwind.

    Learning to fly the aircraft by looking out the window and paying attention to the pitch attitude and power is the way to mastethe plane. Then the instruments simply become tools to further refine our flying.

    EAA Chapter 237 is planning process for our schedule of 2015 events.

    Kirk is conducting a chapter member survey to get feedback as to what we should do regarding hosting various workshops. Below is a

    list of options, but were open to suggestions. Please pick three or add your own, and let Kirk know at your earliest possible conveniencYour input is needed and greatly appreciated!! An email has been sent out with a link that will simplify your selections online.

    If you did not get that email or you dont have an email account, please contact Kirk directly at: 651-331-9905

    1. Sheet Metal Basics 2. Gas Welding 3. TIG Welding

    4. Fabric Covering 5. Electrical Systems, Wiring, & Avionics 6. Radio7. Wood 8. Composite Construction 9. Aviation Weather

    10. Flight Planning 11. Fundamentals of Aircraft Construction 12. Repairman (LSA) Inspection

    13. RV Assembly 14. What's Involved in Kit Building

    To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one issomething. To fly is everything! - Otto Lilienthal Isn't it great we live in an age that lets us fly!

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    The Secrets of Aviation

    Powered flight may have started with the Wright brothers, but many other aviation

    pioneers made significant contributions. Every month I will provide one of the fascinating

    individuals, facts, or accomplishments that are TheSecrets of Aviation.

    "We can't know where we're going unless we know where we've been!"

    Alexander Graham Bell(March 3, 1847 August 2, 1922)was an eminent Scottish-born

    scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical

    telephone. He was awarded the first U.S. patent for the telephone in 1876. Many other

    inventions marked AlexanderBell'slater life, which include groundbreaking work in optical

    telecommunications, hydrofoils, andaeronautics!

    Alexander Graham Bellwas the founder and chair of the Canadian-American aeronauticalresearch group Aerial Experiment Association (AEA) in the summer of 1907. The AEA

    designed, constructed, and flew four powered aircraft: theRed Wing, White Wing,June Bug,

    and Silver Dart. Their technical innovations included tricycle landing gear and the wingtip

    aileron. Belltook the opportunity to describe the fortuitous coming together of the group and

    says, We breathed an atmosphere of aviation from morning till night and almost from night to

    morning. Each felt the stimulation of the discussion with the others, and each developed ideas of

    his own upon the subject of Aviation, which were discussed by all. I may say for myself that this

    Association with these young men proved to be one of the happiest times of my life.

    The group -known as "Bell's Boys"- consisted of two Canadian engineers (John A.D. McCurdy

    and Frederick W. "Casey" Baldwin), a U.S. Army officer (Lt. Thomas Selfridge), and Glenn

    Curtiss, who at that time had nearly no involvement in aviation outside of building engines.

    Curtissquickly became the driving force of the AEA, being designated director of experiments

    and given the largest stipend of the group.

    The successes of Bell'sAEA group that spring and summer cast doubt as to whether the Wright's

    were the best airplane manufacturers available, especially when it was reported that the AEA was

    preparing to sell their airplanes at one-fifth the Wright's price. Orville must have been truly

    upset when he discovered that the military observer who was to evaluate the Wright Flyer andactually go up as a passenger was none other than Lt. Selfridge, who had come to the trials with

    Glen Curtiss. Lt. Selfridgewas killed September 17, 1908, at Fort Myer (Virginia) in the crash

    of a Wright piloted by Orville Wright.

    Alexander Graham Bellwas inducted into theNational Aviation Hall of Famein 1965.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    Red Wingallowed Baldwin to become the first

    Canadian pilot in March 1908. This aircraft is

    basically a bi-wing glider with a tail rudder, a single

    plane elevator up front and skid runners for take off

    from the ice. An engine is added with a push-type

    propeller. It is named for the red silk used to cover

    its wings.

    White Wingwas the first aircraft controlled by ailerons. It

    is named for its white cotton nainsook wing covering

    (cloth cotton recognizable by its lightness and similarity to

    silk). May 21, 1908, piloted by Glenn Curtiss, the White

    Wingtraveled 1,017 feet in 19 seconds to about 10ft high.

    June Bugwas the first aircraft to have officially traveledone kilometer flight in North America. July 4th, 1908,

    1,553 feetand won the Scientific American

    Trophy for the first straight flight of more than 1

    kilometer (3,281 feet). On July 10th, piloted by

    Curtiss, it became the first aircraft to make a

    complete turn. In November 1908, theJune Bug,

    refitted with floats to convert it to a seaplane, is

    renamed the Loon'. But, none of the experiments

    allowed him to take off from the surface of Lake

    Keuka and the aircraft was dismantled.

    Silver Dartwas constructed similarly to the

    June Bug. Its tail section was shortened to

    facilitate turning and a bi-wing elevator is

    used to increase stability. By December

    1908, theSilver Dartmade 3 trial flights

    of about 591 feet each. February 23, 1909

    was a red-letter day.McCurdymadeCanada's first controlled powered flight in

    the Silver Dart: The SilverDart rose

    from the ice after traveling about 100

    feet & flew at an elevation of about 10-30

    feet directly east for a distance of about mile. Landed without any shock. The speed I should

    judge about 40+ miles per hr.,Home Notes, Volume 58, written by pilot J. A.D. McCurdy on

    Tuesday, February 23, 1909

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    Monthly Chapter Breakfast Social

    November 15

    th 2014

    Thank You

    to everyone who prepped, cooked, cleaned, promoted, ran the

    till and especially to those who came out to have a fantastic breakfast on

    a rather unseasonably cold Saturday morning . This is the first of the

    monthly Breakfast Socials we are doing with an expanded and perpetually

    changing menu of breakfast items. The next Breakfast Social is set for

    January 17


    , 2015, due to the Christmas holiday busy time.

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 237 November 2014 Newsletter


    Any attempt to stretch fuel...Any attempt to stretch fuel...

    is guaranteed to increase head guaranteed to increase head wind.









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    8891 AIRPORTROAD, BOX C-12

    BLAINE, MN 55449