Charmed - 6x21 - Witch Wars.en

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  • 7/27/2019 Charmed - 6x21 - Witch Wars.en


    {207}{249}Welcome back to Witch Wars.{253}{336}Tonight, on a very special episode,|you'll see the ultimate battle{340}{423}when the gamemasters themselves|take on not just any witches,{427}{501}but the legendary Charmed Ones.{517}{555}It'll be winner takes all,{559}{673}and we will take all.|Their lives, their powers,{677}{789}and last but not least,|their progeny.{943}{1007}Sorry I'm late. I'm not moving|real fast these days.{1011}{1074}Are you sure you don't wanna be|born any time soon already?{1078}{1130}- Don't be in such a hurry.|- I hate to rush things,{1134}{1192}but what do you say we get this|family meeting started?{1196}{1266}You know, you could cut back|on those triple lattes a little bit.{1270}{1301}Hey, where's Leo?{1305}{1338}He's on the witch killer path,{1342}{1405}which you all should be|focusing on as well.{1409}{1492}We actually have bigger things|to deal with, Gideon.{1496}{1544}Like trying to figure out|who's after Wyatt.{1549}{1619}And I think I might|have an angle on that.{1624}{1685}- You found the demon?|- It may not be a demon.{1690}{1780}Look, we've relied on magic|all this time and it's gotten us nowhere.{1785}{1847}And since I can't rely on|my premonitions to help,{1857}{1928}I've had to resort to statistics.{1933}{1977}- Statistics?|- Yes.

    {1982}{2043}Did you know that 50 percent|of violent crimes{2048}{2099}are perpetrated by|someone the victim knew?{2104}{2136}So don't you see?{2141}{2183}Whoever turns Wyatt evil|might actually be{2187}{2230}someone we know|or even care about.{2234}{2276}A mortal? Lmpossible.{2280}{2352}Really? Because the crime reporter|at the newspaper{2356}{2417}said that it's usually someone|you least expect.{2436}{2475}All right, now you're|making me nervous.{2496}{2613}Phoebe, this theory might make|sense in the lives of normal people,{2617}{2677}but you aren't normal people.{2682}{2729}There's an entire underworld|of demons out there{2733}{2794}who want you dead,|and today is no exception,

    {2798}{2860}which brings me back|to the witch killer.{2885}{2952}Hold up, Phoebe's|onto something here.{2956}{3035}I mean, we've practically overturned|every demonic stone, right?{3040}{3089}- At least this is new.|- I don't believe this.{3094}{3128}Someone is killing witches,{3133}{3232}possibly as we speak.|How is that not your only priority?{3237}{3275}Because we're running out of time.{3300}{3339}What do you mean? Why?{3360}{3415}- I should have told you sooner.|- Told us what?{3420}{3477}What happens to Wyatt|happens before I'm born.{3482}{3557}- What?|- And you're just telling us this now?{3562}{3615}I thought I'd given myself|enough time. I'm so sorry.{3640}{3736}Then how do we know|that this witch killer

    {3741}{3776}isn't the one that's after Wyatt?{3799}{3872}Given this new information,|it seems to time out properly.{3910}{3964}Okay, it's time|to divide and conquer.{3969}{4029}Paige and Chris,|you help Leo with the witch killer.{4033}{4095}I'm gonna go chase my theory.|And Piper, you don't worry.{4099}{4136}We're gonna find|this guy, I promise.{4519}{4565}Is something wrong, sir?{4588}{4628}Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.{4643}{4724}I think they're just about|to figure us out.{6432}{6475}What'd I ever do to you?

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    {6480}{6517}You're sure he's a demon, right?{6522}{6599}That give you the right to commit|unprovoked violence against me?{6673}{6731}Tell us everything about the witches|that were murdered.{6736}{6770}I don't know anything, I swear.{6899}{6929}Oh, the witches.{6934}{6999}Well, the one last night,|she put on a great show.{7003}{7105}She shot fire from her hands|and she put up a great fight.{7206}{7262}Why did you just do that?|He was just starting to talk.{7267}{7376}He was lying. A, there was no witch|murdered last night, and B...{7408}{7445}Another witch was killed last night.{7473}{7513}- You were saying?|- That's a coincidence.{7517}{7574}There's no way he could have|been there to see that.{7579}{7622}Did she shoot fire|out of her hands?{7627}{7676}Yeah, how did you know?{7681}{7719}More to the point, how did he know?{7730}{7783}Maybe he was working for|an upper-level demon.{7788}{7872}Oh, right, we just happened to trap|the apprentice to the exact demon{7876}{7952}that we're trying to catch|and know nothing about.{7957}{8037}- What are we talking about?|- Paige vanquished our lucky break.{8042}{8108}- You don't know that.|- What do we know?{8113}{8209}Well, we know that one demon can't|possibly be doing all of these killings,{8213}{8284}so I'm thinking that someone|is getting demons to join forces.

    {8288}{8342}You think somebody|is trying to organize the underworld?{8346}{8456}Seems like it. And unfortunately,|I seem to be the only person{8460}{8509}concerned about the fact|that Phoebe is out there,{8513}{8559}roaming around in the world|without any powers.{8564}{8625}Without her active powers.|She can still cast spells.{8630}{8673}Right, so when|a demon attacks her,{8677}{8752}let's hope that Phoebe can come up|with a little rhyme just in time.{8757}{8805}No, no, no. I'm gonna go|bring her some potions.{8810}{8895}- Well, what should we do?|- Pray that she doesn't get attacked.{9040}{9103}- And what do I get out of it?|- Fame, glory,{9107}{9147}the respect of the entire underworld.{9151}{9215}And, of course,|the powers of the witch you kill.{9219}{9263}If you win.

    {9267}{9311}If I play, I'll win.{9315}{9389}A demon of your considerable power,|we have no doubt.{9393}{9471}As long as it's entertaining.{9475}{9553}Just out of curiosity, how did you|come up with the idea anyway?{9557}{9588}We can't take all the credit.{9592}{9661}You'd think demons would|have invented reality television,{9665}{9700}but somehow humans beat us to it.{9704}{9766}Still, it's the best idea we ever stole.{9770}{9860}And demons everywhere love|to watch. So if you're ready to play,{9864}{9951}just draw your blood|and sign on the dotted line.{9955}{10011}Draw my blood? Why?{10015}{10088}So that your powers, should you for|any reason lose, will revert to us.

    {10093}{10166}My powers? You gotta be kidding me.|There's no way I'm signing...{10170}{10209}I thought you were planning to win.{10214}{10277}And if you don't, you'll be dead.|You won't need your powers.{10281}{10324}But it doesn't mean|I want you to have them.{10347}{10391}It's quite a racket|you got going on here.{10396}{10455}Get all these guys to sign|their powers over to you,{10459}{10539}and then risk their lives all for some|chance to kill some stupidwitch?{10544}{10627}No, the witch is not the point.|The point is fame. The point is...{10632}{10675}Fortune. Yeah, I got it.

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    {10679}{10759}That may work on the silly morons|you have playing this game so far,{10764}{10826}but it won't work on me.{10857}{10893}If we don't get|an upper-level demon,{10897}{10937}we will never collect|the powers we need.{10941}{11019}We just have to be patient.|As the game gains in popularity,{11023}{11086}more and more powerful demons|will want to play.{11090}{11115}How do you know?{11119}{11171}Because if human beings|are foaming at the mouth{11175}{11260}to humiliate themselves on national|television, and they are,{11264}{11331}then demons are an easy mark.{11335}{11396}Upper-level humans?{11409}{11491}Donald Trump has his own show.{11510}{11575}Just be patient, my love.{11579}{11681}And together,|we'll rule the underworld.{11685}{11770}It's an old goal, but a good one.{11810}{11902}Disarm and I will reveal myself.{12034}{12077}- What is that, an Elder?|- Kill him.{12081}{12116}What I have to offer{12121}{12256}is far better than anything|my death will ever bring you.{12359}{12476}Hi, I'm sorry to bother you again.|You seem super busy.{12481}{12540}- You're always super busy.|- That's why I chose crime beat.{12544}{12599}So many bad guys,|I knew I'd never be out of work.{12641}{12697}That's funny. You are funny.

    {12742}{12797}Thanks for those statistics,|they really helped me.{12802}{12855}- Are you flirting with me?|- What?{12859}{12905}When a woman who looks like you|flirts with me,{12909}{12940}it means they want something.{12966}{13016}Okay. Yeah, you got me.{13066}{13119}I'm interested in dedicating|a month of my column{13123}{13159}to the protection of our children.{13164}{13243}And I was sort of wondering,|you know, if something,{13248}{13336}God forbid, were to happen|to my nephew Wyatt,{13340}{13416}what do you think the police might do|to try to figure out who didit?{13421}{13492}- They'd make a flow chart.|- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, a what?{13497}{13567}You do realize that|I'm on a deadline here, right?

    {13600}{13644}Should I go back to the flirting?{13662}{13724}- I guess I could use some coffee.|- That's great.{13729}{13798}You're great. I'm buying.{13815}{13852}- Oh, my God.|- What?{13857}{13936}You gotta just give me one second.{14045}{14071}Have you lost your mind?{14076}{14119}No, another witch|was killed last night.{14124}{14160}- Oh, no.|- Oh, yes.{14164}{14200}And she had active powers.{14205}{14260}So I need you to go home|where I can keep an eye on you.{14264}{14320}Paige, you're my baby sister,|not my babysitter.{14325}{14373}Oh, that's clever. You're very clever.{14378}{14445}I'm glad while I'm panicking|you have the time to be clever.

    {14449}{14543}Okay, it's sweet that you're worried.|I'm fine, and have a lot ofwork to do.{14548}{14600}- Do your work from home.|- I can't do it from home{14605}{14657}because Kyle Donie is not at home.{14670}{14744}Who's Kyle Donie?|Is this about a guy?{14749}{14814}No, it's not about a guy,|it's about a reporter.{14818}{14906}One who knows everything there is|to know about criminal investigation.{14910}{14997}Since we don't have Darryl's help|anymore, he's the only resourceI have.

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    {15002}{15132}Fine. Explosive, acid, smoke bomb.|Use them.{15137}{15178}Thanks, Mom.{15302}{15344}Okay, where were we?{15348}{15409}Oh, you were flirting with me poorly,{15414}{15467}and I was helping you|find your bad guy.{15517}{15566}If I could find you through|my demonic contacts,{15570}{15635}then how long do you think it'll be|before the Charmed Ones{15640}{15681}find you and shut you down?{15686}{15796}They know about the witch killings,|so it's really only a matter of time.{15801}{15835}And you're here to warn us?{15840}{15886}No, I'm here to help you.{15891}{15947}Now, why don't I believe that?{15951}{16018}I need the Charmed Ones|distracted for a while{16023}{16091}whilst I accomplish|an important mission.{16096}{16160}I thought your game might be|the perfect thing.{16165}{16209}You want us to target|the Charmed Ones?{16214}{16268}No, I want you to use them.{16273}{16327}Make them your next stunt,|if you will.{16331}{16383}We'll plant a witch in their care,{16388}{16443}have her be the next target|in your game.{16448}{16531}Your contestants will have to|get past them to get to her.{16535}{16575}Get past the power of three?{16579}{16633}That's a suicide mission.|No one will sign up.

    {16637}{16699}The power of three isn't a factor|because Piper is convalescing{16703}{16772}at my school for the duration|of her pregnancy.{16777}{16812}It would draw upper-level demons.{16817}{16855}I don't trust him.{16859}{16906}Why would an Elder|sacrifice an innocent witch{16910}{16943}or put the Charmed Ones|in danger?{16947}{17057}I don't, and that's part of the deal.|There will be no blood drawn.{17062}{17116}You will set up a series of tasks.{17121}{17179}Have the demons... Oh, I don't know,{17183}{17244}steal something from the witch|to begin with.{17248}{17283}Let it escalate from there.{17288}{17313}Steal something?

    {17317}{17439}If you kill innocents,|or in any way harm Charmed Ones,{17457}{17531}then your game will be over|and you will be dead.{17572}{17662}- Understand?|- We don't take kindly to threats, Elder.{17721}{17829}How would we put the witch target|into their care,{17833}{17919}or, say, put them under surveillance?{17923}{17962}Get the contestants ready.{17966}{18058}Put a witch under non-lethal attack|and I'll take care of the rest.{18106}{18144}The cameras?{18684}{18725}- Clever.|- Thanks.{18777}{18819}Don't disappoint me.{18942}{18988}What's the matter with you?|Why do you trust him?{18992}{19066}I don't. But with all the powers that|we'll get from the demons wh

    o sign up,{19070}{19161}we'll have more than enough|to kill him when the time comes.{19166}{19223}As well as the Charmed Ones.{19366}{19415}So, what is it we're looking for?{19419}{19480}Any demon powerful enough|to be organizing the underworld,{19484}{19517}or any demon who might be running{19521}{19572}some sort of training camp|for younger demons,{19576}{19693}- or any demon that could be...|- So basically any demon.{19710}{19749}Yeah.{19821}{19857}This sucks, you know that?

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    {19862}{19908}We're running out of time|and we've got nothing,{19912}{19949}repeat, nothing to go on.{19954}{20001}We've faced worse.{20021}{20059}What's worse than not knowing?{20064}{20115}For over a year now,|I've been looking.{20120}{20192}And you didn't know this deadline|was looming, but I did.{20213}{20284}I knew every single day.{20316}{20396}- That's why I was never able to relax.|- Why didn't you tell us?{20401}{20462}Because I didn't wanna|get you involved.{20526}{20563}I was trying to protect you.{20568}{20649}Chris, we're your parents.{20653}{20737}We're supposed to protect you,|not the other way around.{20800}{20872}Hey, I got a new scrying crystal.{20876}{20952}Amethyst. I thought we could use|the extra power boost.{20957}{20995}What exactly are we scrying for?{21000}{21029}Witches under attack.{21034}{21077}I don't want any more getting killed.{21082}{21164}And that includes my sister, who's|now determined to stay at the office{21169}{21252}ever since your son|dropped his little bomb this morning.{21257}{21284}I already said I was sorry.{21289}{21327}And he shouldn't have to say it again.{21352}{21380}All right, Dad.{21421}{21472}Gideon, what are you doing here?|Is Piper okay?

    {21477}{21517}Hardly.{21522}{21616}Thanks to Phoebe's ludicrous theory,|everybody's a suspect in hermind.{21620}{21664}She's terrorizing the entire school.{21669}{21704}So you want me to talk to her?{21709}{21764}I'd be eternally grateful.{21870}{21901}What are you scrying for?{21905}{21960}Witches under attack.{22054}{22084}Got one, in the Mission.{22089}{22140}You should both go. Hurry.{22862}{22912}No. Help!{22957}{22988}That what you were hoping for?{23191}{23225}Hey, help me!

    {23294}{23344}Got it.{23383}{23423}Damn it.{23428}{23493}- What the hell just happened?|- I don't know.{23497}{23542}Wait, who are you?{23546}{23594}We're the Charmed... One.{23598}{23667}Come on, I'll take you|somewhere safe, okay?{23718}{23748}Where are we?{23752}{23825}It's okay, you're gonna be safe here.|What's your name, anyway?{23829}{23874}I'm Tali.{23878}{23950}How can I ever thank you guys|for saving me?{23954}{24041}Okay, I don't think you need to|because I don't think we did.{24045}{24090}I'm not even sure|they were after you.{24094}{24137}Yeah, they were after your necklace.

    {24141}{24194}Oh, my grandmother's amulet.{24198}{24288}Amulet? Is it magical?|Does it have any power?{24293}{24351}No. No, not at all.{24355}{24395}This is all very strange.{24399}{24518}Wait, this thing is powerless?|Then why did you want us to steal it?{24522}{24587}It got the Charmed Ones involved,|didn't it?{24591}{24631}So when do we get|our shot at them?{24635}{24722}Be patient, this was only round one.{24726}{24777}Stay tuned.

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    {24910}{24980}Yeah!{25059}{25139}Mrs. Winterbourne?|Hold it right there.{25144}{25219}Well, hi, Wyatt. Hi, Piper.{25224}{25276}Never mind that. I just wanted|you to know that Wyatt{25280}{25383}will not be in your class tomorrow,|or ever again for that matter.{25388}{25420}Why? Is there a problem?{25425}{25479}A problem? You mean like when|Wyatt was playing with{25483}{25535}that little girl at the Play-Doh table|this morning?{25540}{25603}You mean Emily?|She's such a sweet, little psychic.{25608}{25681}She stole his dough|right out of his hands.{25686}{25731}And you did absolutely nothing.{25736}{25796}Well, stole is a little harsh,|don't you think?{25801}{25830}She's only two years old.{25834}{25881}No, that's not the point.{25886}{25968}What message is this sending him,|that people can just take from him?{25973}{26000}That people can hurt him,{26004}{26075}that grown adults will not be there|to protect him?{26080}{26112}- Piper.|- What?{26117}{26149}We need to talk.{26154}{26220}Would you mind taking Wyatt for|a stroll just for a minute, please?{26224}{26257}What?!{26280}{26317}It's all right, go ahead.

    {26321}{26418}I'll be right over there.|Come on, let's go.{26467}{26497}Are you out of your mind?{26501}{26589}Piper, do you realize you're driving|everybody nuts around here?{26593}{26668}Well, I don't really care, because,|see, I'm trying to protect ourson.{26672}{26720}From who, his|"Mommy & Me" teacher?{26724}{26802}Hey, how do you not know|that she's the one who's after him?{26806}{26854}- If Phoebe's right...|- She's not.{26859}{26890}How do you know?{26894}{26959}Because why would anybody|we know want to turn Wyatt evil?{26963}{27027}It just doesn't make any sense,|just like Gideon said.{27032}{27124}How do you know it's not him?|Or us for that matter?{27129}{27161}- Piper.|- No, I'm serious.

    {27166}{27243}What if he saw what this life|did to us, and how hard it was,{27247}{27296}and just decided to|take the easy way out.{27301}{27343}- It's not what happened.|- How do you know?{27348}{27411}Because Wyatt|is surrounded by love.{27416}{27484}We love him,|whether we're together or not.{27489}{27554}He's got a brother that risked|everything just to save his life.{27559}{27634}Plus he's got two aunts who would|rather gouge out their own eyes{27638}{27681}than see anything bad|happen to him.{27835}{27888}Just promise me|we'll keep him safe.{27910}{27945}I promise.{28077}{28125}That's him, the Brute Demon.{28129}{28205}Okay, upper-level demons|with overwhelming physical strength.{28210}{28285}They work alone, generally|crushing skulls of their victims.

    {28305}{28353}You're lucky he wasn't after you.{28383}{28418}Okay, this isn't making sense.{28422}{28508}Are you sure that that amulet|did not have magical powers?{28513}{28588}I'm positive.|It was just a family heirloom.{28593}{28639}Do you have anything else|of your grandmother's?{28643}{28702}Her wedding ring, why?{28707}{28766}That's a great idea.|We can use it to scry for the amulet.{28771}{28834}- Find out where the demon went.|- Okay, people, heads up.{28838}{28898}I need your address books,|your phone books, all your books.{28902}{28930}- Hi, I'm Phoebe.|- Hi.

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    {28934}{29011}This is Tali. She was attacked|by three upper-level demons today.{29016}{29087}Wow, and you lived to tell about it?|Congratulations.{29092}{29134}About those books?|I'm kind of in a hurry.{29138}{29185}Phoebe, we actually need your help.{29237}{29262}How bad was it?{29267}{29328}Well, they stole|my grandmother's amulet.{29333}{29409}Really, how powerful was it?|Could they use it for mind control?{29413}{29473}Oh, no, it was just decorative.{29477}{29516}Decorative.{29521}{29561}Yeah, pretty much.{29566}{29643}Saving my nephew|or kleptomaniac demons?{29648}{29688}I really need those books, guys.{29692}{29743}- Pheeb.|- What? This is important.{29747}{29810}I'm gonna draw a police flow chart|of everyone in Wyatt's life{29814}{29889}who can possibly be a suspect|and I don't wanna forget anybody.{29893}{29927}Fine, my book is in my bedroom.{29931}{29965}Mom's is down in the kitchen.{29970}{30030}- Great. I hope you find your amulet.|- Thank you.{30034}{30061}I'll be at the office.{30066}{30091}But please don't need me,{30095}{30163}because I really think|I'm onto something here.{30168}{30207}Stubborn little witch.{30280}{30318}She's not playing along.{30323}{30352}What if she finds us out?

    {30357}{30398}- She won't.|- How are you gonna stop her?{30495}{30535}Thanks for sharing.{30694}{30734}Athames?{30738}{30791}I thought we'd agreed|nobody would be hurt.{30796}{30858}The weapons are part of the game.|It's how powers are taken.{30862}{30925}Don't worry, only the players|will be using them on each other.{30929}{30987}More dead demons?|Not a problem for me.{30992}{31063}More dead Elders wouldn't be|a problem for us either.{31068}{31127}- What do you want?|- This whole distraction{31132}{31217}isn't working as well as I'd hoped,|especially not on Phoebe.{31222}{31261}She's meeting with|the reporter again,{31266}{31341}and I won't have him feeding her|any more information.{31346}{31384}You want him dead?

    {31389}{31460}No, of course not.|I want him out of the way.{31465}{31495}How are we supposed to do that?{31499}{31580}Be creative. Plant more cameras,|make him part of the game.{31596}{31684}Use the Shapeshifter. I like him.{31689}{31779}Still, he is a demon, which means|there's only so much we can control{31783}{31831}in the risk department.{31835}{31911}I expect you'll do your very best.{31964}{32022}Did he just give us an opening?{32026}{32087}He must be more desperate|than we thought, which means{32091}{32178}that maybe he won't shut us down|after the first witch dies.{32310}{32379}- Come on, get in there.|- Oh, man.{32440}{32479}Yeah!

    {32540}{32577}Next?{32637}{32665}All right, finally.{32748}{32787}Witch Wars, yeah!{32792}{32862}Witch Wars!{32867}{32955}- Welcome back to Witch Wars.|- Nobody shushes me.{32990}{33048}You want battles,|you thirst for blood?{33052}{33092}You ain't seen nothing yet.{33096}{33170}Of course, that warlock won't be|seeing anything ever again, willhe?{33195}{33257}In round two, these three|upper-level demons

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    {33261}{33321}will again have to get past the|Charmed Ones to get the witch.{33325}{33395}But this time they're not going|after her necklace,{33399}{33448}they're going after her life.{33453}{33515}Before we get started, let's introduce|our newest contestant.{33519}{33588}He's a darklighter all the way|from the Northeast underworld.{33593}{33647}- Good to have you with us.|- Good to be here.{33652}{33738}Now remember,|your athames will absorb{33742}{33856}the powers of your victims|as well as each other.{33861}{33919}The last demon standing|will be awarded{33924}{33981}all of the powers|collected at the end.{33985}{34024}For the winner,{34029}{34091}a serious power boost.{34096}{34178}For the losers, certain death.{34194}{34247}Oh, one more thing:{34252}{34330}Since the Shapeshifter|failed to get the witch's amulet{34334}{34397}at the end of round one,|he must now take on the added risk{34401}{34492}of confronting a Charmed One|directly. In this case, Phoebe.{34497}{34535}Oh, great.{34540}{34593}And the Brute Demon,|having won round one{34597}{34668}by claiming the amulet, has won|the right to make the first move.{34673}{34715}Yeah!{34720}{34802}Now the players will enter|the confessional cave{34806}{34895}to share their strategies|with the audience.{35005}{35064}Let's watch.

    {35116}{35199}One of the Charmed Ones is getting|ready to scry for the amulet, right?{35204}{35291}To find me. Good.|I'll be waiting for her.{35296}{35406}And when I take her out,|the witch will be mine.{35444}{35507}It's suicide to go up|against a Charmed One.{35512}{35660}But if I could persuade Phoebe|to invite me home with her,{35664}{35732}she'd be leading me|right to the witch.{35742}{35791}All I gotta do is bide my time,{35809}{35901}wait for that stupid Brute|to get himself killed,{35925}{35976}then make my move.{35986}{36036}Okay, so we have|the immediate family{36040}{36121}and then the close friends of|the family. Who's next?{36125}{36197}Anyone the child originally came|in contact with in the last six m

    onths.{36201}{36301}Okay, but the child's been|in seclusion for the last six months.{36305}{36382}So are we talking kids in the nursery,|and teachers?{36386}{36464}And his mother's hairdresser,|or your handyman, or clergyman.{36468}{36536}Okay, let's just say,|hypothetically speaking,{36540}{36581}that the police|are running out of time.{36586}{36675}They can't research everyone|the child's met in the last six months.{36680}{36734}- Who do they focus on then?|- Immediate family.{36739}{36780}They've ruled out|the immediate family.{36784}{36852}Okay, I kind of preferred|the fake flirting to this.{36857}{36918}Yeah, I'm sorry.|I just get very emotional{36922}{36958}when things have to do|with my family.

    {36962}{37047}Well, that's why the cops usually|do this part and not the parents.{37051}{37091}Or the aunt.{37096}{37150}Okay, so, what would|the cops do next?{37154}{37219}It sounds to me like you're looking|for some kind of magic formula,{37223}{37249}and there just isn't one.{37254}{37300}Can't you just narrow it down|a little bit?{37305}{37386}Well, statistically,|when it's not a crime of necessity,{37390}{37453}you're looking at white men|between the ages of 25 and 50,

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    {37458}{37495}usually someone you'd least expect.{37500}{37543}Maybe... Maybe even trust.{37573}{37615}Think on that. I'll get coffee.{38236}{38261}Making any progress?{38266}{38320}No, not yet. I thought you were|getting coffee.{38325}{38394}I changed my mind.|If I have caffeine this late,{38399}{38506}- I can't sleep.|- Not gonna sleep until I figure this out.{38578}{38611}Hey, how's it going here?{38615}{38672}Paige and Tali went|to get her grandmother's ring.{38676}{38704}How's Mom doing?{38708}{38733}She's scared.{38750}{38781}She's holding up.{38786}{38815}And how are you doing?{38820}{38859}About the same.{38938}{38995}- Got it.|- So, what are you planning to do{39000}{39027}when you find them?{39032}{39083}I mean, could this be|some kind of trap?{39106}{39155}Honey, it can always be|some kind of a trap.{39159}{39192}You shouldn't go alone.{39197}{39271}He's right, Paige.|If these are the witch killers...{39276}{39331}- I got it.|- Why don't you guys go with her?{39336}{39368}If they wanted to kill me,{39373}{39445}they would have done it|when they had the chance. Right?{39449}{39503}No, I'm sorry.|I can't leave you unprotected.

    {39508}{39557}I'll stay.{39562}{39599}Come on.{39803}{39866}Lambs to the slaughter.{40132}{40168}Okay, that looks like a trap.{40172}{40201}Let's get out of here.{40399}{40440}Told you he'd eat it.{40444}{40479}That's gonna leave a mark.{40585}{40632}What's that?{40661}{40711}That's us.{40815}{40888}Then you gotta keep going. Is there|any place where you can go...?{40893}{40925}Okay, what's going on?{41009}{41043}Chris.{41203}{41268}I win, you lose.

    {41273}{41371}Darklighter! Darklighter! Darklighter!{41549}{41617}I am so sorry,|I didn't even see him coming.{41621}{41687}It's okay, it's not your fault.|We're being watched.{41692}{41725}What?{41730}{41801}Sons of bitches,|where are the cameras?{41806}{41837}What cameras?{41842}{41897}There's some live feed going on|with the crystals.{41901}{41972}Yeah, except for I think they cut it off.|I'm not seeing anything.{41977}{42011}- Well, who?|- I don't know.{42015}{42074}I vanquished the Brute Demon|before I could ask him.{42079}{42120}What is this, some kind of game?{42157}{42193}Actually, it might be.{42222}{42249}What are you talking about?

    {42263}{42320}Well, I heard something,|when I was down in the underworld.{42324}{42388}- But I thought it was a rumour.|- You thought what was a rumour?{42392}{42450}Well, that there was this|demonic game show.{42455}{42523}Kind of like Survivor|but only for demons.{42527}{42577}And you didn't tell us this why?{42581}{42622}Because I didn't think|it was relevant.{42627}{42677}That's your theme song|of today, did you notice?{42689}{42726}Paige.{42764}{42821}Look, I'm sorry.|Well, at least it explains{42826}{42881}how the demon we trapped today|knew that the witch died.

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    {42885}{42969}He was watching it on TV.|Pretty sick.{42974}{43016}No sicker than any other|reality TV show.{43057}{43100}- I'm just saying.|- Except this one's about{43105}{43139}killing witches for entertainment.{43144}{43226}Yeah, we have to get out of here|because they are listening to us.{43297}{43363}We're gonna find you.{43387}{43419}We need more powers, fast.{43423}{43515}Don't worry. Cue the confessional.{43704}{43771}One demon down, one to go.{43776}{43841}All I have to do is wait for Phoebe|to kill the Shapeshifter.{43845}{43885}Then I can make my move.{43889}{43934}What if she doesn't?{43938}{44050}I mean, why wait? Why not just|eliminate the competition yourself?{44087}{44117}Good point.{44153}{44243}A reality what?|You have got to be kidding me.{44247}{44293}All right. I'll be home|as soon as I can.{44298}{44356}- Is something wrong?|- Kind of.{44361}{44413}Listen, thanks. I have to get going.{44418}{44451}I was having a really good time.{44484}{44520}- Really?|- Yeah.{44524}{44596}Well, thanks again for all your help.|Maybe we can talk more tomorrow.{44600}{44706}Or since you're heading home,|I could just come with you.{44711}{44740}I'm sorry?

    {44745}{44848}To check out your place. Look for any,|you know, easy entry points.{44853}{44908}I mean, most bad guys|usually attack at home.{44913}{44960}Are you sure about that?|I think I read that...{44964}{44998}I'm the expert, right?{45039}{45128}So let me just come home with you,|make sure everything is all right.{45133}{45205}Yeah. Well, that's not gonna happen.{45210}{45246}See, I'm not going home.{45251}{45320}I have to go somewhere else...{45325}{45373}Take me to your house, witch. Now!{45475}{45507}Chris! Leo!{45705}{45734}Phoebe.

    {45779}{45820}You still alive?{45894}{45920}Oh, come on.{45925}{45959}Missed by that much.{46221}{46296}The witch is dead,|and I'm the last demon standing.{46301}{46369}That's the game, my friends,|that is the game.{46374}{46413}Well, not quite.{46418}{46452}What?{46457}{46620}As you know, all good reality TV|shows have one final twist.{46679}{46721}That's a cheat.{46782}{46880}Now, it's our turn to play.{46983}{47062}You gotta admit, it's a good twist.{47206}{47252}Found it.{47256}{47351}Power-sucking athame.

    {47356}{47385}And?{47390}{47430}Well, that's it.{47434}{47490}It doesn't say anything about|what kind of demon uses it{47494}{47531}or what the "WW" stands for?{47535}{47611}- No.|- Well, that's not a big help.{47616}{47714}Okay. Well, we could scry with|the athame or the crystal thingy.{47718}{47789}- No, I tried.|- How about a return-to-sender spell?{47807}{47849}Tried. Our magic is blocked.{47879}{47922}So then we've got nothing.{47927}{47992}Yes, we have nothing|but a houseful of cameras

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    {47997}{48042}and an underworld full of voyeurs.{48047}{48114}Piper, why don't you go relax?|We can take it from here.{48119}{48221}No, I'm fine. I mean... And relax?|Relax where? We're being watched.{48226}{48269}Not here, not at magic school|they're not.{48274}{48344}Leo's right. You should go lay down.|We've got it under control.{48384}{48450}You don't touch me.|You're the reason I look like this.{48647}{48680}You have to put a stop to this.{48685}{48725}You're missing the bigger picture.{48730}{48811}- Sir, another witch is dead.|- That wasn't supposed to happen.{48815}{48861}You're dealing with demons,|what did you expect?{48865}{48934}Sacrifices must be made|for the greater good.{48939}{48997}How far are you willing to go?|Phoebe was nearly killed.{49001}{49049}No, she wasn't. She's strong.{49053}{49101}She protected herself|as I knew she would.{49106}{49169}They weren't supposed to|go after the Charmed Ones.{49174}{49249}Yes, they were.|That was my plan all along.{49254}{49331}To get the gamesmasters|to try to kill the Charmed Ones.{49336}{49408}- But why?|- To get them off my trail.{49417}{49467}To get them believing|that it's the gamemasters{49472}{49533}who are after Wyatt, as if they've|been after him all along.{49538}{49608}What if they succeed?|What if they kill the sisters?{49631}{49687}I have no intention of letting|that happen.{49692}{49793}I only want Wyatt eliminated,|not them.

    {49961}{50028}I think I might have found something|that can help.{50078}{50108}It's the crystal thingy.{50113}{50158}It's an ancient form|of magical voyeurism.{50162}{50226}The Ronyx crystal.|It predates even the crystal ball.{50231}{50317}Our demon friends must have found|a way to put a new spin on an old idea.{50322}{50351}Wait a minute.{50376}{50449}It's got an incantation to activate it.{50747}{50784}Welcome back to Witch Wars.{50788}{50874}Tonight, on a very special episode,|you'll see the ultimate battle{50878}{50961}when the gamemasters themselves|take on not just any witches,{50966}{51008}but the legendary Charmed Ones.{51057}{51095}It'll be winner takes all,

    {51099}{51209}and we will take all.|Their lives, their powers,{51214}{51302}and last but not least,|their progeny.{51437}{51493}That's what their show is about,|killing us?{51497}{51558}Then either me or Wyatt.{51562}{51650}It has to be Wyatt. Which means...{51677}{51742}Oh, yes, this makes perfect sense.{51773}{51831}What about any of this|make perfect sense?{51835}{51861}Don't you see?{51866}{51966}These gamesmasters are the demons|you've been looking for all along.{51971}{52030}The ones who are after Wyatt.{52035}{52094}- What?|- They've been collecting powers,{52099}{52200}hoping to gain enough|to be able to collect yours.

    {52205}{52230}And then get Wyatt's.{52235}{52303}Well, it kind of fits in|with Phoebe's theory then.{52308}{52379}Right? We don't know who they are|but they know who we are.{52384}{52445}- I'm gonna kill them.|- No, Leo, you're an Elder now.{52450}{52485}Nonviolent, remember?{52490}{52524}Watch me.{52529}{52589}We're gonna have to find them first.{52593}{52646}Do you think we could trace|the signal back to them?{52651}{52714}No, not without Piper.|I think they're too strong already.{52719}{52785}No, we don't need Piper.

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    {52789}{52816}Because we have this.{52850}{52909}And they're not gonna kill us on TV.{52913}{52964}We're gonna kill them.{52985}{53017}What if they never go back?{53021}{53082}They will. If there's one thing I know|about the Charmed Ones,{53086}{53159}they never run away from a fight.{53166}{53226}- What exactly are we looking for?|- Anything that will let us{53230}{53285}vanquish the gamemasters|without the power of three.{53306}{53356}It's showtime.{53559}{53587}Hi.{53640}{53686}Anybody wanna play a game?{53880}{53916}When are they coming back?{54233}{54311}Now that's good television.|Give me the athame.{54315}{54346}Are you sure about this?{54351}{54384}It's for Wyatt.{54701}{54740}Feels good to have powers again.{54745}{54773}Give him hell.{55073}{55107}This game's over.{55120}{55162}I couldn't agree more.{55337}{55387}See what happens when you|make a play for our baby?{55392}{55421}Who wants to play next?{55527}{55566}What's the matter? Scared of me?{55636}{55679}Well, are you? Are you?{56128}{56204}Looks like your show's|just been cancelled.

    {56247}{56297}- Where's Phoebe?|- That's a good question.{56319}{56346}God, that was great.{56351}{56425}I wanna kill somebody else.|Chris, find me another demon to kill.{56430}{56465}We gotta get these powers out.{56470}{56523}You're the one who wanted me|to have a power, remember?{56528}{56557}Yeah, not a demonic power.{56562}{56592}Beggars can't be choosers.{56597}{56700}Oh, poor little powerless Phoebe,|she can't even take care of herself.{56720}{56750}Okay, I'm sorry.{56755}{56822}I admit it, I was... I was wrong.{56833}{56876}Would you mind repeating that,|please?{56881}{56950}I'm sorry, I was wrong.

    {56955}{57004}I clearly underestimated you.{57008}{57070}You are very powerful.{57075}{57150}That's all I wanted to hear.|Now who wants to stab me?{57154}{57206}- What?|- The only way to get the powers out.{57211}{57249}Come on, I dare you.{57254}{57314}I double dare you.|I triple dare you. L...{57319}{57381}Stop, I'll stab her.|Leo, be ready to heal?{57458}{57534}- You stabbed her?|- Oh, you would have too.{57538}{57583}She was pretty obnoxious.{57587}{57652}Yeah, demonic powers|on an empty stomach.{57656}{57710}- Not such a good thing.|- No, it was a great thing.{57714}{57776}- You saved Wyatt.|- We all did.{57780}{57840}So we're 100 percent certain|these were the demons

    {57845}{57898}we were looking for all along?{57903}{57979}To our nephew,|may he always be safe.{58025}{58060}I can't believe it's finally over.{58071}{58131}Believe it. You just saved the future.{58170}{58214}- Mom.|- Yeah, I know.{58450}{58519}Sigmund, try to relax.|We were successful today.{58524}{58570}They're off our trail.{58582}{58680}Even better, their guard is down,|which makes it that much easier{58684}{58765}to eliminate the threat.{58780}{58812}His name is Wyatt.

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    {58828}{58855}I'm sorry?{58860}{58894}What if Phoebe was right?{58898}{58964}What if future-Wyatt|wasn't turned evil by a demon?{58969}{59017}He's just an innocent baby.{59022}{59062}What if, in trying to|eliminate a threat,{59066}{59108}we are actually creating a monster?{59124}{59162}That's such a tender age|to be betrayed{59167}{59214}by those who have|sworn to protect you.{59218}{59251}What if that's what turns him?{59256}{59330}It's possible. Anything is possible.|But armed with this future knowledge,{59335}{59440}we have to try to make sure|that it doesn't happen this time.{59445}{59521}The only way to be sure|is to stop this now.{59526}{59625}Sigmund! This child|should never have been born.{59630}{59709}He is enormously dangerous.{59713}{59780}Why am I the only one who seems|to understand that?{59798}{59837}That's a very good question, sir.{59842}{59934}And with all due respect, it's why|I can't let you go through withthis.{59963}{60008}I'm going to tell the sisters the truth.{60608}{60674}I'm sorry, old friend.{60678}{60772}But this too is for the greater good.{60905}{60932}Forgive me.