- w fWf t. I .I ' . .. ...... . T I t sbsbbb"b wwwmwwwwmwwbmwbwbwwibbmmmmwbm mih V0L..III1. NO. OEraRIES. OHIO, FRI DAY ;M0R Nliffrg JIM s 14 , 1861. : . : 81X Invariably DOLIAM la Adraaea B TIlB, DAILYTRI-T!XYAK- D WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, - fUBLlBH) B8 AaTD PBOF JtlXIOBI. m So. 88, 85 sad 4.0 lortS Hlga K, TKEM8 INTARIABLT IH ADVAWOB. . Oaily . i . .,, e r $0 00 pryr. iy - go Mryetr Week!?, rv rTfe-rf- r -- V l 00 i ... orm ot AdvortUIng- - bf tb Square. nei!itri yeiu...w Oo Oooiqttaw Jwek..4 00' One ' t ntoLthi 18 00 ud " Krtu.. I UV On . I woo On. IS 00 Om a ' . i wek... ITS Sue i'-i- 3 monthi 10 00 On" 3 days... 106 Orie',"' 'Smopths 8 Ml On f "9day..ATS On I TOoultli tu On- -"' 1 Insertion 50 . DUpliy e3 (dTirtliiniDU Ulf nor Uim abort - utee. " AiimtliemtUU leaded anj plebed In th eolomlyl A',1 uvtleet requlne to be pabllihed by Uw, lagklnte. u onisreu on me iniiaeexoilrly miter th Bret week, per cen:, more then theekov retell bat )H aca ll tpprar In the ltbont ehenr. BitlneiiCanU.notexceedinf Irellnee, per year, Is uu, 9 iw per iinei ouuiae jv. " ' ' Notloesof neeUnge, chart tablet oWettei, fir eompant, fco.. half price. . i i.ii. i ;,. All trantltnt tdvrtUtmtmU mutt ft paid or n admmo X! rnle will not be raried from. i . Weekly, earn price at th Daily, where the adrertlMi 191 Uu Weekly alone. Where 'be Dally and Weekly ar both uied, tlien the eharK ler th Weekly will he ea't ne rateeofwe:-ian- m" ' ' - :,(, wpt fsf delntU period). :r .'BUSINESS i CARDS.! Attorney ,t Xatxxr& " AND NOTARY PUBLIC. t f . - ' .mi , ,; Jfloe-Am- bot Balldinf, oppoelt Capllol Squarel I COLUMBUS, omcw OOXiTT2ii:i3TJO 1 M acting Mannfactnri' Coinpaigr RE J I Jo o9 oji wuo.iitfijejf.vl t- , , '. MAHDTaCTUUM Of I . STEM ENGINES & BOILERS, li .Ci.t 1( ,.'! .i'l . ' !t! ,:j r-- j '""illOi '' "n"J ' '' Vt ' X?Lallxoac3L Worlt "' ' ' or ivtir DuoMmoN. . . ;.. . . cOIiCPIBCS, OUIO. 0HA8. XMB0B. gap't F.' AttSOB, Ireati "' '' ' Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus Xenia RAILROADS. ' For ClncinnatirOartoa ft IndiaaApoUi! Thrtiiigh to IndiaMDolie wlthoa Change of pan tod but Doe Change of Care betweea V Colotuboj and St. Loul.'-;- -, , . THREE TRAlN3; D7ltY,FR61CCOtUAf- - FIR9TJBAIN :T- - I. , "i.HBlly, afoodayiekeepted.T1 I KIQUT SXfUbio, Uaywu, at a. n..itofa-- 1 pun at boaaen, Aaoia. uayun, nioaietowo ana namu ton.arrlTlPiai Cincinnati at & a. a. pay toa at &4S a. an. uaianopotu at iu:eo a. a.; et. vouiiat U W P',,J!"-- ' SECOND TRAIN, ACOOHH0D ATI0N . at 8:10a. ratallSli Uoni between Oolambac end Cincinnati and Uayton, af nrmg at viacionan iuu a. b.( vaytoa at r.u a. inuiaaopow ai p. v - THIRD TRAIN. DAT IXPBE83,at J0p. m., stopping at Alton, JeffcrtoB, LondoB,. Oharlcatono Oedarrlll, Zenli, Spring Valley, Corwln, Morrow. Deerflelo Voeter'e. Loreland, Hillfordand Plalnnlie, arrlrliig at Cincin- nati at 70 p. m. Bt. Loala at U B Dayton at 1:31 p. s.j lodlanopolUat lfl:3ap. ai. Q j.k 'v'. ; , , j 4Uoplnr Oitr om all N Ifftit Tralna. to lilncinaall and Inaianapolta. i DAGOACE CHECKED TUKOUOII. Vet farther Information and Through Ticket apply lo n. b. UUI1BB1 1, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Colombo. Ohio. -- - a1. rV.WoODWABD, Hi t ' f Baperintendett, Olneinoall JM0. W. DOUKUTV jnia ' .: , '.: :' Agent, Columbus, lost Seeetved! , 4 nr. 'CO OKEEN and- - BLACK 1UU TfcAS 100 ban prime Bio OooM, IAD pockets old Duteb OoTeroment Jara Coffee IS ban Ceylon Ooffee. eOflbUei eiattdard White Bagara, eoDitatlng of Tow- - ,t,.i- - area.uoraanea, Hranniatea a ana o uoneej -.- &0 e.ttlBtale fleers . -i yobbts. tint and Ho. 1 Mackerel. " A lee. Pica felmon. 10O bx. Layer Uaiain. . . AO bf. boa do do lOOqr. boB do do - . , 100 a Oigarai different brand! and gradet, V norT ,. Wal HcDOUAtD. : jm . . M C . L I L LE Y i i r 'POO,VX5XaJJAlJLt. ;' And Blank-Boo- k! sarifajitarora' 1 1 irotTB flioa iTBurt, rjotriABOi; bmo Mtrlt-dl- y ,. Red, 7 White, and JBlne TVELAlflFK. :,l r I U CAliICOCS, HI0DONS , NECK 11G9. t Jail opened by ?.'i .. ... BAIN fc 80S, 'aprM Ko. W South High itrcet. li. il . ." ei mrwnfr - t. vi ..... v o..8, lOVtH HiaS Bl'BIIT. Bar Just raoelrtd a new nuke of HOOP IIIBTI fialahed la a auaaei far eperlur te any yet introduced ;(0d?rUilityJ And. gracefulnkss,; ttSIt t lJ :?') hi'! '.ii'.' "i i YyTHTKWnEAT BUAtfPBD',,";,,,.';, m i'iT ,r 8 ij- - 6 W F Xj AK BJ ' . Jroen "Bartett Bills," gprtogncld, O.- -tb best brand of Faewrbronght t oar market, Bitl. faction IBUauteed. rotealeectlrat' Walj HoDON ALD'B ... ( - n7 Bouth Ulghltieet. "?.''?n8h 3Unen'God8.i :;; FABUIO . --t' WABBAlbTBP . P.aia and Vansp Bhlrttuf and Boaom Linens. 7 r tlnn bhretlDge and Pillow OsslnM, .; '. Linen Caaionee and Long Lawatt'"1"' , , .,( i. 'aaoAi'fe.allelsta,,, Llneo TowelllnMBendDlanera llosn ICapkloe and DOy ties. linen Table Clotnsand aatla Demaski. "' , . . Linen Towslt with oelored eorderc. i , 1 linen Btelr OoTerlateand Clash. , ... Portal at low prises. ' w:i. .u BAI eV lOrT;"'-'- ' MM. . , a - v. , ...I e.Wtjoatfc Blab bum!..' BONNBT8 IIIDBON TABweAAS tbrlai, Jut open 4 by dm in es aun, aprllS i W loatli Bih street. A awnesiw ax a v vnvran eta. All tisei and aslorslast opsoed at BAtHI. Amm At 7 ,Bo. W Beata Elgb Hrni '4 ,V ".-- T J WOKOICSTJER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. i ltrtTh Larf eiWTJM Best, ; XH8 cueapeit Beoiui tbo Best, 5Ai Stmdmt Emintnt MUutatori et Oktt, "Tpfl BSW XNaLiai WOTJOSART'irtAKt." '"He i artamrardt of a Hnadnd ThoaMnd Wordf. whoee maUifarleut aaeanliiR ai,d derivation i, torethtr wim umi orreot epeillst, ai.a praanttauea are Clearly tet before th y. a .i n. ; J,.i.1 fi .ii ill. - Gtootewart (Mnere&it. r The nndenlirBed, aeeibtra of the Obi Itata Teaehert' Ateodatioo. adont and ala to ate In leechloe. wrttloi aadi tpeaklif, the etthoermphy and proaaaeiadon of Woreettrt Moral Oaarlo Dlottanarp and we taoit or dlail Reoaaiend It ae th aiott reliable standard an' Ihorltyef iheXngllihlaDinag, atlt I now written and epoeeotiVJ y .a r u , J i t.yi v i n ii i;i i. LOKlMlmamrt . Prenlfleti If iteVoh OoIUe; 1 ' MT. I.iesrrr, flnperietnrient fBtrrtlleBchooll. Taott W. Btarrr. ooot Meet! Ion Unioo Sob' oil. M. V. CoWDttT. lap'l Public Bchonle, taodblky. JoBH tTKOHj Bno't FabHe Roboolt, Clrelrrllle. ' J. Bawrowi Prtorlpel Olertlenl Vernal, Benlna- - fyi .ii. j.n . ' ..i.. .1).., .1 . . '.;ji .u ' WM. Mnramt. inn't Pnr5I!e Pdlooll. HI. TJnloT).! ' ' John Oeow, rnsclpa HUM ItoTawl lohool, Minn Oram ao, Frtnelpal . VaaiOr letemedlet School. Olnetonatl. - ' j H. 8. Haanit, Bup't Can ton Cntoa School. . Xoww knit, Prfnolpal KcNeely Moimal sohool. . ku T. Ten-aw- , Prof. Halbemttie. Ohio PhlTenlly ' t. W. Cdwarm, (up't Tree Colon lohool. A. a. Boraun. Prlnoloal Wait Blah Sohool.' Clere- land.' 8. A. KoTd.: Attotrlat Prlhdoal Hlth Ichoal. Olm land' I . ...... .i Tbkodom BtuuiWi rrlnolpal Hlgk lebool, Olerej k. v. urjifTo, Frmnpai uiertiasa aoinrat. J. A. OaaruLb, Preildent or IlMtM Initltttte, Dl Mm W. L. HaAIU. Prof, of ohemlitrr. Ohio Weeleean Unitertlbr. ... ? H. II. iUavfcY. jCx.Qemmlulonar of Common Sahoole. JtM Vomoi, Prof. Bbetorle, Oberlln ColUj. Ibo. Dux. Pretldent Antlooh Oolleie. O. W. H. Catmoiit. Prof. Mathemellr. Hlch ocaooi, vayion. B. O. CavHBAtiaa. Prof. lumut. Hlb Ichoal. Dayton'1" ' . ' i 'n -. - ..... iw .'it.iiv . M. Bum, lup't Union School, alb land 'I' : " Mor Oan 31a Bumirtd aOur Prm&ntt of CM 0$. Voor, Author and XWXreAi Zdwsa- - ivrs, none cnooreca u4 aoocc lenKfncfU. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES Itf .OHIO. - MaaiTra OotMwa "It la trarv-- a rninlSnent work. an honor to the author, the nahllahera.end the whale waotry.. rrecucni uanwe, v t ... v. Obis WiBUTAa Uintaam It trottit mr azneeta. Hon. ' It will be my tulde In' orthoeranh andnrannn. eietlen. and will often h eoniolted by me for it neat and toonrti dennltlont." Prealdent Tncmpton. W. A. KCLfonn ColXaae.MlBeretAfcm we luvaiMttl Wabcter'l ortbot raphy. At a recent met tine of our laeally. It we ded-ie- to ehaoe It toTonform to that of WoroeaUr'a Koral Oaarto BleUonarJ'.Praeldnt OarOeld., ',. . , ..... i. , , Wwnu Iran OotiMtW! flnd M.warth of eordlal approbation. 'WrmldeDt BUoheotkn 'i OatXLiaCoLL'M. "Tt mora then meete m nMBle. Hon. I irw mnend It a th ttaodard imhorltt In orthoepy to Biy children and my ppili."-Preilde- nt Morpan. ;' '.. ' - ",',.;' V,'! '" ,' Ajrrtooa Coucat.-'- ,I addnt and aim io nae In treeh. tng. writlui and epeaktaf, the orthof rayhy and proDUo eUUoa of Worocetr'..jal QuatM, DlsUoaary."-- Prortdent Bill. " , :p'.. ri ) , la all m wUlnm: rnimmtlnm mA - - t tiMU iaarorcd to oniona to tb role forortl owranely and proouoelallooaeooatalntd la Woraaaair'a DloUoaanr.' Horace aUaa. tew rrceideot. , Kibtor Ooua) Oaaieraa.-- motteordUlly reoom. ond Itaetbeaicol rallablo itanaarl aatbortty of th Infllih Uofuaee as tt It new wtiuen and ipokan." ii MMuaire.Hvb. .... ... ... ,. i (j mV00ic6TAMt3lOirERi'W OHIO. a'aaaa JBseV AM9QK- - Jaepat. CbBJtMMI . , i ,mtott n CMo. i th TJMIsnar lata tcborleaablo atonnmont to (be loaralog aad tadaanrof It anthor. and aa honor to th world or MKtra. too saeenentoel asaratloa U ear sop rlor to that of aery sther Leaioos with, wbkh t aa .qaaiBMdi i . yiie au e. I ti.l si, k.. B. JJartwy. 2b Omminlontr of Bcwote tit veto. . i Th aunt re liable standard ttihority of tb atp- - I"' ..; '' . i n.i -.: WHAT TBB -- Ii. 1.1 f rl TJextdlnc ITavi)apsra of Ohio Say, JrvatO Ce1eMl 8$roU f JfordkSO. , ' Th orlbograpbp of th Woronttr Dletlooarp b) that nted by moat. If not all authors ol distinction In tbit country tad England, and conforms to the general usage ei oraioary writers ano apeeavra. or Whatever prcjadloec may bare tzlited pnTlottityS a oareful ttody nfthti Tolume will tnearlab'y be followed by a Wares appreciation of I's great arlti, and a detlrs to add It to lb wu t keeled library, be it Urg or small, It Is a library tn Itself, and will remain an Imperlaha ble record of the letrnlDg of It compiler. . tromtU CbVtoeiuwsi Oiwwteroi 0 April 20, x ' Here are upwards of a hundred thoasaod words sood had and bdifleieot whose multifarloaa mesnlngs sod derlTatlOBa, together with thtlr oorroct'tpeliing and ai set eleerly before the ere The work I enqasstkmab lbs greatest Ihesaaros of lagliab rVsrdi tor pnoiuooa. , . r InmtA OTefaM4 ftdnOtaUf qStpi- - BO, 1800, BeldMttw WoaetVm'e BotaV Qoarr Dibnoiuar U iv only Me iasX, M tM star teorit of Ma Arftd eeer t sswsl.sadeaa by ae pea.btllty tufler by oojaparleoo or oonirorerry. , ...mT., l9iKK -- ., r. . Vxot tt3WtoiiJ,A6v89., At to nowrwcunox. Woacwtraar it tbs SriirriAtn followed by oar beet anthoret III aefioltions hs leases nothing to be desired, and In OaTaooaanrr It It taJBeieat to say that woacarra tan be tafe.p followed. INOHABI tt BBAOG, : - u Pnbliaherea BtkislUrtA BlatUtiere, ,KO,mBUPIrU0BBI, CUmiANO, OHIO.. ttatt ' -' ' -- - And THE MUTUAL BENEFIT 1 LtEE INSURANCE COMPANY; . ' ::.ii. AS 'i--i i. 'lii (1 r,-.- . '.'.'' ' No veearlx., XV T. Plrldend Jannarr l18ai4flPer Cent. Aiaxii ....ijujsfl so. . atatemeiit Jactoarr l, lseit ; Balance, per statsment Jan. 1st, 1800 13,4068 99 Booelted fee Premiums dar ing the mr into. 7BS.Q3SSS Beoerred for Interest daring the u 1WW ! 014 19 Total reotlD's for 7 1 PaldCUtaubyIrsatbtai7,OM00 s . rata tanoa- - - dared ............ 4L111 SO ' Paid Salaries, Poit- - ttO.'.'ltMt, MX' - --.- ' chani.ot r. 11.030 54- . Paid Oosutlaslont to - : 11 Aaents 01.S53 SO . '., Paid Phytlclans' lees. 9.VU4 75 ' Paid Auonltiee. 1.617 00 ' ' , j Wlli raid DiTMendt dar and log tb lAi ....1,S00 75 6C3,Gi ei 4U.S78 14 Htt Balano January lit. 18G1.........S,819IB 50 0 Cub on band. ,.,,, r g(3 0284 9 Bonds and Mortgage ta Beat' 1; i uob aiaie, worm oobbm we I amount loaned 3.327 .841 69 It rrVUIlHMI HWHI VH KVIHUCe . ; (... ... , j. J. ,L n wrat, only drawing o per : , f j , ,. ., , ent. InUreiU. .......... L879 P84 n . Seal Ista ..... .... i 90 8VJH ,v,t toanionkerlp 8,831 44 (, . . Premiums, NoteeandOtsh, In .. i by ooarteot ganemiettoa.... ' a jti 73 . 1 . Total Attsti.....,..,!... tS.8l9.5M SO Ti875Pollotot la foroVlhMTlrig...dar4Se3S 1,436 at PoUriet bt bsoa leaned1 daring the pear. After a eirtfal eakalatloa of the bresent va'a of tb oautundlog folislet of the Company , aod harlcg th weeiiiiery aoasasip In rtssrr tberafor, th Dlreotort bar eeaiared a Diibss of 48 par eeot. on tb freml-bs- h paid at lbs table rate, et ell pelMos for life In foros. lasawd prior to January I, laoU, payable ateii ding te the preeent taleol the Oeapaap.li unit n.i i Hatee for al I kinds oi Lite Cob tinge poles, PrrejpooV aa,BtateMote, and Appltalloae, will bo fare lab rd w.TaolouaatUiOloeAgtitsl tU 0a-ran- y (tat V), . . . ,. (. .m . BOBT. t. ATTIB80If, PreiMsnt. - c . .. Ma u msnon Att, 'v.kta tiuti Jehnion B ook, w saereei it) gnei TaMl aad at eery lew meat .. 'a BA IB SMlll ' " J ' '.' ga. ar"i" eja, arVMa i i tt .?: M Beiia High ttrei Scrofula, or King's Evil, I a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by. whichr thie- fluid become vitiated. weak, and pour. , Ueing iu the circulation, it pervades the wholo body, and may burst out In disease on any part of it. No oran U free from iu attacks, nor it there one which it may not dtwtroy. ,1'h tcrofulou taint U variously caused by mercurial disease, law living, dis-- ordered or unliealUiy food, impure sir,, filth and filthy habits, the depressing viced, 'and. aoovo oil oy too venereal mtection. ' vnat. ever be its oiiffin, it. it hereditary in the eon- - atitution, descending.,' from porente to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " Indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hira who lays, 'I will visit the iniquities of the father upon inetr ciuiuren. i l;tl ii.' .y.j i Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of 'corrupt or ulcerous matter, 'which, in tlio lungs, liver, and Internal organs, Is termed tubercles; in the glands, swelling i and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul oor; ruptiou, which gender in the blood, depresses tne energies of iuo, go that sarotulous constitu. tions not only suffer from scrofulous' com. plaints, but they huvd fur .less power to wltli stand tlio attacks' of othor .diseases i' ccnse qucntly Vast ' numbers porish by disorders which, although not scrofulous In their nature, are still rwdeted fiituljby ,tliis taint. in the system, iiostottlio coiuumptioii which de cimates tho huiimn family hits its origin directly in this scrorlous contamination l and many uesuuctive uiscases or uie liver, iuuneys, Drain, nnd, indeed, of all the organs, arise .from or are aggravated uy cue tamo cause, .... One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; thoir persons are invaded ty this lurking in- fection, and their health is undermined by it, To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by ah alterative medicine, and in- vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply In - ' ' ; M ..,,,:::5r:AYER'S: k. Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which' the medical skill of our times can devise for this; every- where prevailing and fatal jnalady. It i com- bined om the most active remedials tint have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive ' consequences. Hence it should be employed for th cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec- tions which arise from, it, such as Eboptive and Skiw Diseases,. St., Antuont's Fihe, Hosb, or Ehtsipeus; Piurr.rfs, Pustulbs, BtoTciiss, Claims and Bon n, Tumors, Tetteb end Salt Rueuj:, Scaid Head, Kjnowoiw. 2tiu:tM.TisH, Sv philitio andMsitcuHiAii Dir- - ivri:'. Duoi'sr, Dysphpsia, DKitimr, aud indeed, all Complaints auisino ritou Vitia-tk- i) on iMi'titp. Br.ooi). '" llio popular belief in itpuitij.ofthtblfQd',te founded in troth, for scrofula i a degeneration of the Wood. Th particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa- rilla U to purify and regenernto this titolfluid, without wliich sound health, is imooisible in cyntarjiiiiated constitution,., ...j. t '., , AguevGiris, ' POB TUB gPSIDT 0B Orf:e j U Intermittent Fever, or Fever an Asae, Ileuilttent Favor, Chill Fever, Dumb Au, forloollaal lleadarlio, Billone lleailriclie, and Billone FOTori, ludeed raw tlio whole) class of dleettssrls;tnat- - lug iu uuiary uDrnuijiiigeni, cna uy auv w.iww ui uinecuiitio vonniriei, Wearo enabled here to offer tiiai commtinFtv remedy nliicb, while it cures the above complaint with certainty. Is still perfectly li armies in any quantity. Suah a remedy Is invaluable in districts where theso afflicting aiiordcr prernil. This "CfitK" expels poison of Fbveu AMAoue from the system, and prevent the de- velopment of the disease, if ukon on the first ap- proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only tlio best remedy ever yet discovered for this class pf complaints, but also tho cheapest.. The large quantity we supply for a dollar Unnyt It within the reacn ei every puay ; ana m biuout district, where revolt ahu auui prevails, every uouy suouia have it and use it freely both for ottre sua protec- tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other over discovered for the speedy and certain enre of Inttnnittents i that it contains ae Quinine mineral,' consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious etiects whatever tinon the constitu tion.. ,'lliote cured ly it ore left as healthy a if uioy naa ncrer uuu me aitoasc. . .t . i ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of tne miaxmauo poison, a great variety of disor- ders arise from its irritation, .among, w(ifch are fgtttvMa. Rheumatism, Ootit, IhaaacJit, blind- ness, 'loothache. Earache, Catarrh, Atthmh. Pat. pitatiM, rmiiful AJIteUon of ti Spleen, Hyster ice. Pain in the iimcela, Colic, Parnlysie and of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent tupe, or become periodical. This " Cuiie" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. ' If taken occa- sionally or daily while exposed to the Infection that still be excreted from the svitem. and cannot accumulate tat lulBrient quantity to ripen into die-eas-e. ;: Hence it is even more valuable for protec- tion than enre, and few will ever suffer from Inter- mittent If tbey avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. t , )t , Preparsa byDr. J.O. ATBB eV CO., Lowell, Mass. i i, in aOBtBTS m SAUDBI.. Oolamoaa. by Dragtiattand Dealen evtrywbere. nowiiya.twaw , w . .., v.wi i CA5ADIA5 UUTIED STATES KAU n STEAMERS !, ., TO AN O ritUiTA LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, . LiyerpooL Montreal. Quebeo, ' ' 'ana'J r Th Ifontraat Oosaa Breamthlp Ooapany's flrttUs at Olyde-he- llt Sit am ere sail everp Bate rdav from PORTLAND, oarrylng tb Oanadmn and United State Hall and passtngert. NOBWIQIAN, HOBTB AM1RI0AN, BOHBMIAB, ' HOHTB 1 ' ' BKXTOlf, BIBBRNIAN, CANADIAN,. ;, j ... . NOTASCOIIAN.' ' liartesti Cheapeet and Quickest Com ' vapaooa Bran) ,, AamiCA TO ALL PABII OF IUB0PX.1 .': liaei oi Tpnmmic to 'Europe, .' ' i i. .i , i i flesn auwt r .'' 'ilpl . , ww-- a e. awva i , f sail from LIVIBPOOL every Wedneelart from QOIHBO evarp dalarday eaiilog at iiuavunvaHKi, toraeetveoa eoaniand lai d Mai la and Peaaeofrere, to and from Irelaod aad Boot land. . Steanert art built of Iron. In watat-thr- ht oompartmenm, carry each an npintnced Bergeon, and very attention I paid lo the eom'ort and aooommoda- - of passsngtrt. At utey proceed dmt to LONDON. DKRT, tb neat rltk tnd delay of ealuni tt St. John's avoided. eissgow pastssrers are fnmltbtd with ntt tsttass Uokets to and from Londonderry, - . e' urn ucke's granted at reduced rites. i OertlBcata leanad for aarrytnt to and brlntini oat naa- - teng.rt from all tb principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland, et reduced ratee. by thlt line of itetmere, and tb WABHIftOTON L1NB Of BAILINQ PAOKBTB, leaving uvarpooi Btsry wea .:, !,. j , Slfbt Draft far f ana vaivarde par ablaia Kntlaadalraiaaadt - . T udu err " aioi.. for jpatuge. Apply at tht Offlc 13 BROAD' WAV, New larks and 1 WATCH ST., Llverpoalt ': .' ..i, ., ....j IABEI ft KABU, eeaetal I gent, Ort- o- J.' R. ARMSTRONG, noUlrdkw Pest Offlo. Colombo, Ohio. nENttT RtEHLEH, of Phslool Iitihllihment. R. T) Peprftoro the new vera raernenaoie ehavtng, utlr ouwing Bhanpoonlng, Curling and Dressing ealoon. But State street. o?er the foal OBo. where satlafactlon will be siren in all. the various branches. Ladles and Children Httr Pretsuig duo la tho but style, ll-d- lf v ' ''' ' SPHIIfO CI OAK AND BAfQINESt Bain c Mo. South atieet. have laai evened new itylea of Curra Cia- - eeuu BaaajOiaa and aaeoose, setde In tb newot and eta Itah saanaen aieot auaera rials Uiaoh alias, rarp batrr, OtaieMirl eafmaly for I Mttilat4atsnW M I 20111 W'p rBEAtJTIFUti, m CHEAPER THAN EVER! CVa tPRfNO STOCK ia vhtjsvasV W ly largo nd wall ssrttd. The very lateet pattern front AHBsll .1011, BNwLlbHand rKaNOH rsotortee, GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. "u'L QoJ. Velvet Borders,' ; in SPLENDID : .DECORATIONS and 'in '' FIRE' BOARD PAPERS, i- .T..b l i.:.. Gold and Painted Shades, r:-- H v GOXiX) " " ""' ' WINDOW CORNICES ,ia "i ri,M ,T! ' : . ... .n ' "I BUFF, BLUE, V 3' :.5 ..ah AND GREEN ; HOLLANDS, , yUSDOVT ZIXTVBES, all kiads COBD AND TASSELS; Z tro,. BEAUTIFUL PICTURESl " ...t,;.:,..r,ki , ..) -- - ., ... . AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, i ,.,3 ... ii lOO SoutlX TT1c3a-Ot- . ' COLUMBUS, O. .;; ST. B. landloriJi and ptrsont wlihlnj qatatlUtt of PtserwIU make monty by buying of us. Country Berchantt and ptrsont from abroad will do will to call and seen. tprll 1 d3meodl - , It. A. .,1?' NEW ARRIVALS OT Spring & Summer . Lr AliIliocrY. : ii .a . i r ..s-- ;; "' Xtm Stock Ktniamlaliejd - ; FBOfll XATE8T I3IPOBTATIUNS OF NEW YORK; My stock or ;.. ,. Spring & Summer Millinery It now oomplste, comp rlilog every variety of Mlllln it; also, a large assortosnt of Imbrolderle, Boilery ana Nouoo. ., and in quantltlet and price tint can not taU to toil all wbo asp favor a with a tail. The goods bare been bought tt Pant prlcti, and will beiold at a small advance on tost. .rUILLXNEBY , Mia M. E. YOUNG, late of New York City, will snpertattnd tb tUlllnery Departomt. Her long experience" In tbe most fashionable Kataollahmeol in Broadway will alont b warranty that th will b able to gtvt entbe tatUnuUon In matters of hut to ill who Bay favor ktr with tbelr orders. Th Ladle of Ootnmbu and vicinity will pleite opt my sine re thank fo their liberal patronage, and I would respsetfully solicit a coausBiac of tb R. H. WARE, ' et East Town St., Oolambn, o, w prlldSatcd ; Wholesale and Retail ; Depot for '") If ri ttt it f ArttHttrt ' v 4eAAw ViWbmCt No.: 106 South - High Street i A ' DEALER IN ..;, ';: ( ; TE AS, .. vi,.:.. ; FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, a ' Txr i,,'l r,n.a . . - Dallr rrlval at Oaoda "' For th FiUl : and 1 Winter Trade Of" l88(i - ' : H7UETIIMNINO V1AOBBB TBANK$ TO TUn PUBL.IO for past favor and patron- - ate, aad being DETEHjailtSI to BtABIT oontlaBU of same bp strict attontien t trade, aad praaapt deUverr Oaedst Iwtuld call th natlce f the public to tht ftot that having a Lige aod well Balected Stock oa band, aal being la dally reotlpt of good from lb differ tnt aarlrat, I Bitter raystlf that I can offer to tb cltt-t- en of Colombo, or to any who may detlra to pantas. an assortment of articles appertaining to th GROCIBT trads, TJrtEQUAtiEO by any boos la the city. Th price tnd quality of lb goods offered, 1 "n ar- - antee to five eatlsfaetioa. 1 ' - - Ooooji Dellwed Frto of Charge, ! ,,! : : ' aovsr. - ' 1 wm. McDonald. William J3l. GUI K ' ' ' r ooLCiriBrs, omo . It AGRICUITURAL WAREHOUSE Ajtid Beed Store, ; ' In . u DtAxia is ' ; GENERAL HARDWARE, t HAH.8,aUSB, BABB, PTJTTT, OORHA01, Ounsinstol, WedkVlUbw Ware, itboraad Habber BeiUng , las Leather, Bos ml ," ! il.'.T .'!. Notice, BANK OF THEFOL.LOWINCI CHANOEt WE PIE of this Bank. January B9Ut, 1801, to wlB Wa. A. Ptarr, Pretldent, aod Taoaat ktoosia, Oshlr, rsslgned their offloes. . Davis Taiaob, io.. was then elected Prasldent snd Wa. A. Putt an- - j i "' ' boln'odOashlev- .- - - s . nyemerer uioearaor vinrttor." , ' ""k fob , IfiOWtf.f ;1) ,,1rW, Ai rLATI, Oatbisr : ea hi Inn M UK BrrtTBt TtOTOann aadOtrffS ert'tr bl aew itlllagst vary low prists, alio ail ether kins rashionabettarsa, ui, r ji't'v'' rai-- lass, .s., y.s4raikBi(kM; gljciDljio XIX KB. at the London Time Correspondent in the Slave CAROLINA, April 30, Ifithlog I coold say' could be worth on faot wbiob hit foroed itself opoa my mind la refer, trace to tbe sentiments which prertil among' I be Motieaien or inia otate. i Dave Deeo among them for Several days. 'J I have visited their plantations, I bare conversed with tbetn freely and fully, and I have enjoyed that frank, conr- -. teous, and graceful Intercourse which consti tutes kd irres S'lb'e oharm of their sooiety From M quarters bs come to my ears the ech oesoftbd stmeToioet it mty be feigned; but there U do discord In tbe bote, and it sounds in wonderful strength and mono'Onv all over the Oountry , Shade of Oeorge lit , of North, of Johnson, or an woo coo'enatd sgtiust tbe great rebellion wblcb tore these eolsoles from Eng- land, csn you hear tbe ehorus wblob ring -- i u .' a . . . -- r . t .1 . o. . . turuugu tut stutw ui piiktiud, oumter AUO Plncknev, and not clap jour ghostly bands la triumph? That voice S),' "It we uoold only get one of tbe) Royal race ' of Guelaod to rnlu over ui, we should be content. Let there t no mltconoemion on tms point. Tb senti- ment, vtrlea in a hundred ways, has been' re- peated to me over sod over aeain. There It a general admission that the means to such an end are wtntlog, and that the desire csonotbe gratified. ' But the admiration for monarchical institutions on the Eogllsb model, for privileged Cltsses, and for a Hoded aristocracy and gentry, 1 undisguised and apparently genuine. . VVItb the pride of having achieved tbslr independence Is mingled In the Sontb Carolinians' hearts a strange regret at the result and consequences, and rainy are they who "would go back to- morrow if we could." Ad Interne affection for. the British' connection, a love of British habit and' customs, a respect for British sentiment. taw, autDoriiy, oruer, ciriimticn, and litera- ture, pre eminently diatloguleh the Inhabit. ants ol this State, who, glorying lit their deacons from sccleot families on the tbred island', whole fortunes tbey still follow: with whose members they maintain cot nnfreancntlv f miliar relaiioos, regard wlih an a.ereion of wbiob it is impossible to give aa idea to ooe who Das not seen Its manifestation, the neonla of New England sod tbe populations of tbe Northern States, whom they regard as tainted beyond cure by tbe venom Of "Purltanldm " Whatever may be tbe cause, this Is the faot and the effect.- - "Tbe State of Sooth Carolida was,". I am told, "founded by gentlemen." It was not established by witch-burnl- ne Puritan. by crael persecuting fanatievtrbo Implanted lo the north tbe' standard of Toroaemada. and breathed Into the nostrils of tbelr newly-bor- n colonies all the ferocity, bloodiblrstlne-s- , and rabid Intolerance of the Inquisition. It is ab- solutely estouodlog. toa strauger who aims at tbe preservation of a dtoeot neutrality to mark the violence of these opinions. "Iftbstojq-feunde- d tblp bid sank with tho Pllgilm f atbtr oo board," says one, "we never tbould have been driven to these ez'reaItlfsl"r We could have got oo with, these finatlcs, If tby bad been either Chrliilans or gentlemen," says soother, "for in tb first ease tbey would have acted with common obarity, audio the eeoood tbey would have fought wbeo ihey Ipsulied as; bat there are neither ChfUtliDS nor aentieman among tbemn Aovtmog on the earth!" ex olairaaa tblrd, "any form of gOvaromsot, any yr.uuy ur ,u -- iu, anil nere ia an appeal mor terrible than tbe at Juration of aUtbod-J'nothlna- oa earth ahall .a.. Indue a to snbmli to any onion with tbe bru Ui, blgottad blackguard of lb N England Stati, wbo neither comprehend ner regard the reelings or gentlemen: man, woman and ohlld, we'll die first." Imagine theee aod sn Infinite variety similar atiments ottered by eoartly, well educated meo, wbo set great stora on a nice ODaervaoce or tne usages of society, and wbo sre only moved to extreme bitterqess snd soger when they speak of the North, and you will fall to oooolv tbe intensity of the dialika oi of th South Carolinians tor tbe Free States. Tere srs national sntipathies oo our id of the Atlantis wbiob are tolerably strong . and have beta sofortnnatelr Dertioaeious and Ions lived The hatred of tbe Italian for the Tedeco..of me . ureeK tor to l urk, of tbe Turk lor the to Raas, I warm sod fierce enough to satisfy tbe rrince or. vaxaoess, not to speak or a lew little pet sversions among allied Powsrs and tbe atomi of composite Empire! but tbey are all mere loaiuerence and neutrality of leeling com pared to tbe animosity evinced by the "eentrt" of 8oQth Carolina for tbe "rabble of the North." The contest of CavaJUr and Roundhead, of Vendeao and Republican, even of Oraoeeman and Croppy, have ba eleeant louatioa. ree- u- of latea oy toe noec rule oi onieairy, oom pared with tho which North aod South will ctxrt on. if their deeds support their words. "Immor tal hat, tbe study of revenge," will actuate every blow, and sever in tbe bitmry of tbe world, perhaps, will go forth tuoh a dreadful eat ii as that wbicb may be beard before the to flgbt bas begun, i nere is nothing lo tbe dark oaves of human passion to cruel aod deadly as th hatred th Sontb Carolinians profes for tbe X ansae. . inal bird ba been wellioaT for yar, till It is tne very .ot the state, it hai set Sooth Carolina . to work steadily to organise ner resources lor ..toe straggle, wbicb she intended to provoke, if it did not come io tbe course or time. -- 'Inoompatlbtlltj of tem per" would have been sufficient rronod for tb divorc, and I am latitfled that there ba been deep rooted design, conceived iu some men' mind su years sgo, and extended gradually by iter afur year to otbra. to break away from an th Union at tbe very first oportunity Toe norm i to oouin Carolina a corrupt and evil tbiog, to which lor long year the ha been bound by burning obalui, while mooopoliit of and manufacturer fed on ber tender limb. Sb hat been bound ia a Mtientlan union to tbe object she loathes- - New England Is to her 60 tbe hioaroktioo of moral and. political wicked- ness snd social corruption. 1 1 is tbe source of b, everything which South Carolina hates, and of not torrtnt ot tree thought and taxed mana-f0i- ur, of Abolitionism and ot Filibustering, which have flooded the land. Believe a South ern man as be believes himself, std vou must tbe regard New Eogland and th kindred States aa tbe birtn-piaoe- imparity ol mind among men, and of nuohaaiity among women th bom of Love, of f ounerlem, ol inndelity, of Abo litionism, of fala teachings ia poiitioal econo- my, and social lifel a land saturated with the ' dripping of rotten pbtloaophy, with the poison ons infections of a fanatlo press, without honor orruodtetyt who wisdom, is paltry cunning, whoi valor and manhood have been waUowd not io a corrupt, howling demagogy, and ,in th mart of a dishonest commerce. it is the mer son cbanu of New Yoik wbo fit oat bip. for tbe the slar trade, and oarry it oo ia Yankee ships is tb capital of tbe north wbiob aapports, snd it Is Northern men who concoct and exer cute the fillibusteriog expedition which bar brought disoredlt on th Slsvsbolding States. tbe large cities, people are corrupted by itinerant and ignorant lecturer ia tbe town and ia tb country by an unprincipled ores The populations, Indeed, koow bow to read and write, but tbey don't koow bow to think, snd We tbey ar tb easy viottma ot to wretcoed lm potr on all tb 'ologiet and 'lsmt wbo (warm out over th region, ana subsist by lecturing on the subjects which the lonat riot of mankind In- - due tbtra to accept witn eagern, wbti tbey assumt tbe Brb ol philosophical abttraotion to Cor their nastiness, in deference to a oon- - at Mmptible and onivciaal bypootlsy. . . "Wbo fills tbe DutcQers' shops witb large bin fiiest", Aurdly tb Nw-Eagla- od de tee mon wbo bsS besa peraecuting th Souin till Its Intolerable ctUelty and linoleuc lor cedj her, la spasm ofagony,- - to reod ber ohatp auodr. If Tbe New Kcglander mask, have something to perseout, and a be bat bunted down all hie Io. dians. burned all his witches, and persecated all opponents to tb Oeato, be Invented Aboi-l- tlooliot a id boi resource iit to aim tor in tbe gralifioatioa of bis favorlt paiilon. Ntxt to at this motivf Iprloolple Is bis doeire to mak money diebouestly, trickily, meanly and shabbily. H b aoted on it In all bU relations with tbe South, and bas obeated and ploodered her in all 014 Qeallne bv Villlannn. UfifT.. ir n .k j.,..I....L.l,.L.. . VHB HU- - j luat me oontn mutt nave been a party to I hi. . . . . . . . ' - uvr ooaas n, in at ner Itatetraea ruieu toe uovernment or tb oouotry, jou cr told that the South yielded out of our cood nature. Now, however, she will have free trade, and Wilt open tbe cowtlng trude to foreign tbaout from it the bated Yank, who o iooe moooDoLced snd made their by it. Under all the varied btudens and mier-ie- s to wolchshe was subjeoted, tbe South beld fast to ber Sheet anchor Sjuth Carolina the mooring grooad in whieh it found the surest bold..; Tb doctrine of State, Kizhta Was har talvatioo, and tbe fiercer tbe storm raged glnt or iuo mure etoutiy Demagogy, immigrant preponderance, and the blasts of unirerjai age bore down oaher, hreateulngi way tue veateo laiereats or toe sutn lo Der ngot to govern the States the greater was ber ooufldetice and tbe more resolutely tbe held on ner oaoie. i ne Wortn attraeted ' horde of Ig oorant uerman and Irisb," nd tho stum of curope, while tbe soutb reoelled tbetn. Te induitry, the capital of the North Inortated wuh enormous rapidity, under tbe rtflutoce of cheap Ubor and maatrlacturing Ingenuity and ente-r- pries,, iu to vntages wmcn ewenea lpto- - towo. and tbe (owls wbicb became cities, under the onenvlous eje of the South.. 8be . on the Oatr&ry, tolled on slowly, clearing for- est and draining swamps to find Dew cotton ground and rice field for tbe employment of her only industry, and furtbedavelonment'nr her otly capital 'Involuntary Ubor." The title) oi immigration1 wared stronger,' and by degrees abs saw tbo distrlots Into which she claimed tbe right to Introduce that capital clos ed against her, sod occunied br free labor. Tbe doctrine of eqaatter "sovereignty," and tbe force of hostile ' tariffs, which placed; a oeavy auty on toe very artiaiee wblcb tbe South most required, completed th measure of inju ries to wbicb (be was subiected. and the smtlt a jit . . . . . t a . . ui uiBuuuieut louuu vent in nery ucoate, In per- sonal losalts and In acrimonious speaking sad writing, which increased in intensity In propor- tion to the Abolition movement, and the cot test between tbe Federal principle and State Right, became more vehement. I am dedron I eoowlog in a few words, for th Information Of frogitab readers, now it Is the Confederacy woiau curops anew aimpiy a a poiitioal entity has succeeded in dividing Itself Tbe Slave States beld the doctrine, or say they did, tbkt cb State was Independent as Francs or ss Sag god, but that lor certain purpose tbev ebose a common agent to deal with foreign na tions, and to impaso ttxe for tbe pnrpoa of paying tne expenses oi me agency.. We, i tap pears, talked of American citii-n- s when there were no such beings at all. Tbere were, in deed, citiaeus of the sovereign State of Soutb Carolina, or of ueorgiaorot riorida, wbo per- mitted themselves to pass under that deaiena- - tloo, bat it wt merely a matter of personal convenience. It will be difficult for European to understand this doctrine, a nothing like ft bas been heard before, and no sucb Coufeders tlon ot sovereign States ever existed in one country in the world. Tbe Nor'htrn men deny that it exitud here, and claim for the Federal Uovernment power not compatible with eudb assumptions. .2ry bave. lived forth Union, tbey served it, they labored for and made mon ey by it A 'man ii i New York ' man wis nothing' as .an American, oltigen h was a great deal j A 8ontb Carolinian objected to lose bis identity In any description wblcb la oinded him and a"Yanksexlockmket la the same category. .The Union Was gainitblm be remembered thai be came from a race ol tBih who had t.r. h. l.u" " .... v.. Ll:":?,"' V "r- - iio land, and be tboogbt tbat tbey were animated by ibe am boati.'ity to himself fie was proud oi oia names, ana n leit pleasure 10 tracing his connection with old famiiir io tbe old coud try. Hi plantatlone were bald br old char ters, or had Deenio toe baod of bis father lor bvafal generations f ana De dell vb ted toremem ber that, when th tituart were banished from tbeir throne and tbeir ooaotry. the Barcre-- n eoain varoima naa solemnly elected ibe wta dering Charles King ot tbeir Stme, and bad of fered him an aylnm and a Kingdom 1 Tbe philosophical historian may exercise bis Ingena ity In ooijeeturtag What would have beeu tbe result, if to lugiUr bad carried bis fortunes oi Charleston ' ; ,.":? ( pi .. . Sontb Carolina contalnt 34 000 eqasre miles1. and a population of '730 0UO Inhabitants, of whom aaa uoo ar DiacK slave.-- ' Ia tbe old re bellion, it was distracted between revolutionary principle and tb loyalist predilections, ard at least one-ha- lf of the planters were faithful to ueorg lit., aor ma they yield tin Wtthragton sent an army to support tbelr ntgonists, and drove tbem from tbe eolooy. , Io my next letter I ehilt give a brief account a visit to tome of the planter, a far as it oan be mad consistent with th obligation which the rites and rights of hospitality impose on lbs guest as well a upon the host. 'These geotlemo sre well-bre- courteous aod hospi ar table A genuine anstooraoy, tbey bare time it cultivate tbeir minds, to apply themselves to politic and tbe guidance or public affairs. Tbey travel and read, love field (ports, rsomg, shoot-log- , bunting, and flablng, are bold horsemen ana gooa snow. uut, trier an, tneir stat is a modern 8prte- - an aristocracy retting Oo belot-r- y, and with nothing else to ret upon. Although tbey prof-(ab- d Ibellev, Indeed, sincerely to hold opinion Id opposition to tbeopsoitgof the tlave trade, It I nevertheless true , that tbe olause in tbe Constitution of the Confederate State, wbicb prohibited the importation of ne groes, wa especially and energetically resided tbetn, because, aa tbey ay, it teemed to bt admission tbat lavry wa ia lueit an evil aad a wrong Tbeir wholytem rest on clave, ry, and a such they defend it. Tbey entertain very exaggerated idea of tb military atreegth tbeir little community, although on may do fall Justice to it military spirit. Oat of their wool population tbey cannot reckon more than 000. adult men by any arithmetic, and as there are nearly JO .000 plantation wbicb matt according to law, superintended by whit men, a considerable number or tbe adult can be spared from tb State tor service in the opeo field, t The plauters boast tbat tne v. can raise their crop any loeocrentrnoe by labor of tbelr negroee, and tbey seem confi dent that tbe negroes will woik without superin tendence. But tbe experiment Is rather danger- ous, and it will Only berried in the last extremity. ,ti lot 4 f l.i 1 ! " ' - " Cairo. The imoortance of thisstrio of land, at the Junotlon of the ' Ohio and MIsslsslpl Rivers, forming tne ooatnern terminus or tbe state ol Illinois, is becoming more and more apparent, only io a military but commercial point of view. At it were tnorougrjiy, and at every sea of the year, teenred against damage from rise of waters in these "rivers, it would be of Incalculable value io a national point of view. 8uoh security can be effected by widening and strengthening the levees which encompaes the ' of the city j and it Is worthy of the imme- diate attention of the United States Govern- ment," By tbe aid of the engineering and mili- tary force now quartered tbere, it could be thoroughly accomplished at this time with a very nun additional expense to tne uovernment know oot whether the legislation of Con gross may be required to authorise thi work; if it l, we respectfully call th attention of President or tb United states to tbe sub jeot, la the preparation ot his menage to tbat oooy, soon to assemoie at Washington. Tbat a permar ent military lortlfieatloo will bereqaired tbis point, commanding tbe Ohio and Missis- sippi rivers, snd the adjacent shore of Kutucky Miourl, there can be little doubij and we that suoh a fortifloatlon for a temporary , purpose ba bn already commenced. But a mor than temporary work I required there be a furl at ibit point, it eeonvi, war tare, from our knowledge of tb place, be ten- dered available and oiul, without also com- pleting permanent and roliabl levee up to tb point whr th Ullnolt Central Railroad enters elty, near tbe line of oaataway, sometimes, high watr, (lightly overflowed. If th itrip of land lor i.Id lbs araa nt ih. .1,. .... .. .11 times tbov high wtter mark and It I more th a ten months of the year tbere I oo polot I the Valley of th Mlati.ilppl, except New Orleant, ol to much valu as a depot for the Iraotblp. meat and exebtoge of produce and merchandise, and consequently oommrolel polot Ard- - noial mbankment, atll7 made, oto , fully hPf y.M r.,medy for th, Dtur' def-leno- ?k. 7?' U n,0tly wortby4be attention of Oovernmeot. The Preeldent blmielf, we re ur. know bow to pprolt thee Cairo" ?0'! n1 doubtl, "? wUk :r i , - - THC FaCMoa Awtrri .as. B.. a -- .! aura- - berof medical gentlemen met lately in, New . w Afar Wn w aa.,.. iL. Si a a waiwwa toe meaioai eauinmanta aam. ary far aa army. Drawiogs wr produced of aotabdlaace, mad after tb latest pattern usd la th. French rmy la Algeria and tb Crime. Thi ambojaue i aa oaulbai shaped yehiol. to be drawn by two or mor bore, weighing tome twalve hundred pounds, but oonstroctedioeiich a manner that It may b ewily detached, septrated la several piece la tbe interior, tbe most Imnnrtant nnrtlnn ...II. oarrlsd by jeveral men Tb Interior Is, wbeo ally standing, a row of bed, oarrylng tig or eight men with great ease, but when crowded, may be forced tn tuaiw., .1 . number. Etch bed It a "fleld stretcher," or portable cot. which takes tbe wouuded man from the field, and wlthont any fttigamg cbaoge plaoes him In ibis portab'e hospital. Tbeambulsnoa avatm ih. -- ..nia . t ar.- -- leon's rreat surceon. I...... i. t,.. found tbat Soldiers voluniaeiad sun ,..!. ... pojed their bodies with less thought, wbeo they knew that there was aa effective medloal corps to attend, la esse of acoident or injury. What ir tbey reoeived a ball or a baronet thrust pain to be sure, for which tbey cared little bat tbelr surgeon could extraot it, aod la a few weeks or months they were well, and It wa distinction ever sfter. With an effeotiv mbulno tbey would nndertak any marsh, knowing that If urcr-iatigu- mere tney would be reoeived, and not left on tbe road to be killed by any thiom a- - camp-foilow- er. Dr. Wolff, late Staff Sorgeoo la th Por'tu-gue- i army, ald tbat tbe duties of army sur- geon were to see tbat non enter tb ervlo unless able bidltd. Every sick man require threor four to carry aod attend him. Hs coold prove that regiments bad left the city with a very large proportion constitutionally debili- tated, and whom but a little exposure or over- fatigue would make a alok man, requiring car ffom th other, and thus materially weakening the tfflaienor of tbe corps. A great prt ol th mortality 1 canted by disease, and not by bullet A Bureeon in tba Fren.-- arm mi. say, "Colonel, these troops ar fatigued, at,d cannot uvtrob further," and the result is tbat a top ia made and the camp pitched where they are. ne aid not Know whether thi wa to la the American army or not, but U should be ao. Tb great enemy to be feared was not tha one wbooime with powder and bill, but dis ease hospital dyseatery always of a typhoid character, contagious in some degre. BlOIN TO SaVI Nothins It more certain than that when a man beglas to lay by mooey, the desire to accumulate grow with tbe grotb ol bis savings. Tbe "nest egg" Is the chief difficuhy, A deposit once made, tbesell-den- U necessary to enable the depositor to sdd to tbe initial sum becomes lees Irksome every day. until at length tbe thrifty individual derives a greater pleatur from th contemplation f bis increasing ator loan ne ever experienced f:om the outlay of money to gratify hi tastes or pimper bis appetites. He feels proud too. of bis own power ol and is dignified la bis own eyes by bis prudential self sac Hues. Accorciag to the testimony of managers ot lav- ing banks, a large proponion of those wbo opm account with the excellent lnttltatioo ar willing to endure sever hardship and priva- tion rather tbao withdraw tbeir deposit. Let it be understood, then, that soy young man who earns his bread bv the sweat of hi brow aje, or by tbe sweat ol bis brain and bas sofHoitot determination so to limit bis want to save a few dollar tor a beglnlog, I al- most sure, by that very act, to lay tbe founda- tion for future comfort and eomoetenca. Th first earnest effort to provide for a rainv day will naturally lead to a second, and ibe se quence will so 00 until the ereat temooral ei.d of life, a suffloient provision against tbs exUen es of misfortune or the wants of age, shall have beeu made. PaiVATSiis lie tkc KioiTiasANSart. A let ter to tbe Biston Advertiser Irom ao t'Oioerof theUuited Stales steamer Richmond, date at Osooa, May 91, brings th foliowiog IlIiUI geDOet It Is currently reported her that several oar. tie ar only waiting our departure from tbe Mediterranean to fit out privateer. Toe ves sels would cruis about Just outsid tb St at Gibraltar and icttroept aod oeptar all re- tell either In or outward bound Immjsltiju.y might be done tooir commerce lo ibis wav.foc oar trad with all the couutri whose bores waabed by these water 1 very larg, and only outlet it through the narrow Strilt of Gibraltar. If tbe rumor ar true, It will ba most essential tbat tbe government should al once dispatch a uflhieut toroe to tb-t- t point to Ooovey and protect our merchant fleet Irom raosoUy of these mercenary aea rovers. INTO W KEADY. THE REVISED STATUTES OP TUB STATE OTP OHIO JP AQENSRAL NATCBB, IN POBCB ACQ. 1, 1800. ' COLLATED BY- - ' Hon. Joseph It. Swan, WIT3XQTE3 OF TBS DSC1SJ0X3 OF TUX BP-- P&SMSOOCBT, Contained hi twenty-nic- e volumes of tb Ohio tnd Ohio Bat Be porta " AND SSflRXNOlB TO PBIOS LAWS, IV LEAN DEKy.OHI rCIUFELDjESq. ANO A POLL ANB CONVBMIBNT INDSX. Ia Two Royal 8vo. Volume. Price $10 00. No oare or expense has been snared to mak tb work oerfrot and reliable io all retptete. . i it nas now in beguiauv ui ctlon. Baring bean red by nearly tb unanlocma vote of both Hoase. was ordered to be distributed te lb foiluwiag seats County offloert: Ooveraer, attorney Qeneral, Suprta Jadgsa, Seot-tar- y, 0 mptroller, Treasurer aod aunlior f suit, and tb Probate Court. Court of Common Pleas, and Polio Courts, Auditors, and tb Clerk of th farioue Courts In eaoh cout.ty, to the Hembsrtof the Senate aad Haass of aepreeenUtlvoe of this stats, and uovernera of th. several Btates of lb Onion. Tbis book, sontalnlog, aa it does, all of tbe Statutes tow In force, and th autborUattv eebotruotloo of those of the New Oonetltutloo, will bo found to be useful in tb performance of their dados, to all OOUNTTOPPICIRB. ' JDBTlCBSOPTHaPSACI, . . .. TOWNSHIP TKTJ8TKKS, ' " '.'.ft. CLBHK3 OP TOWN8HIPB,ttd . ;n . ciiy orriciBi. Inasmuch tt very many changes have been mad la lb Statutes since the publication of the but editions, by re- peal, altetallona and additions, aad saany important de- cisions have bee a gives oy tbe Supreme Oenrl oa con- troverted points all Tt,- - AirotNar at law, ... ;' bank his. MaHCuANTS - -- u- , AND BCtlftKar) MKN 0I3JBAUT, ' Will Sod this aa Invaluable Work. TUo Boyti Sew. THwmi eeer Tseeant Bm&rti j.i v ' iapet, t j . v: In Strong taw Binding. - Pries 1 10.00, t PnblUbedbjr . , ... ROBERT CTARIOS, 4c CO.' Law Publlilien, Bookseller! Siaiioiert and Importer. ; No. oi Wsst fourth efceei, , fbia'iNin:ls ClnelnnaU 0. btisnb cwTTMDra. . . . atntr t. siittui dis 8. 9l H. T. CHITTENDEN , ,,,:,.,'- - . ATIOBNBTI AT iAW. ... DjT OtBe, t28 Broadway Kew York City, aal Paasoss' Bciloibw, Oolumbat, Ohio. ; ., . , ... H?Carefaiattentloa paid to CelleoiLws. aprtlftdflra ' ( BLACK ST HAW HOftET A lj EJUa Bibbeos, la great variety ai BAIN'b, sets He. 89, Hlgboirottj

Daily Ohio statesman (Columbus, Ohio : 1855). (Columbus, OH) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028645/1861-06-14/ed... · 2012-04-27 · -w fWf t. I.I ' T I t sbsbbb"b mih V0L..III1

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Page 1: Daily Ohio statesman (Columbus, Ohio : 1855). (Columbus, OH) …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028645/1861-06-14/ed... · 2012-04-27 · -w fWf t. I.I ' T I t sbsbbb"b mih V0L..III1

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V0L..III1. NO. OEraRIES. OHIO, FRI DAY ;M0R NliffrgJIM s 14 , 1861. : . : 81XInvariably

DOLIAMla Adraaea




m So. 88, 85 sad 4.0 lortS Hlga K,TKEM8 INTARIABLT IH ADVAWOB.

. Oaily . i . .,, e r $0 00 pryr.iy - go Mryetr

Week!?, rv rTfe-rf-r -- V l 00 i ...

orm ot AdvortUIng- - bf tb Square.nei!itri yeiu...w Oo Oooiqttaw Jwek..4 00'

One ' t ntoLthi 18 00 ud " Krtu.. I UV

On . I woo On. IS 00 Om a ' . i wek... ITSSue i'-i- 3 monthi 10 00 On" 3 days... 106Orie',"' 'Smopths 8 Ml On f "9day..ATSOn I TOoultli tu On- -"' 1 Insertion 50. DUpliy e3 (dTirtliiniDU Ulf nor Uim abort- utee." AiimtliemtUU leaded anj plebed In th eolomlyl

A',1 uvtleet requlne to be pabllihed by Uw, lagklnte.u onisreu on me iniiaeexoilrly miter th Bret week,per cen:, more then theekov retell bat )H aca ll

tpprar In the ltbont ehenr.BitlneiiCanU.notexceedinf Irellnee, per year, Isuu, 9 iw per iinei ouuiae jv. " ' 'Notloesof neeUnge, chart tablet oWettei, fir eompant,

fco.. half price. . i i.ii. i ;,.All trantltnt tdvrtUtmtmU mutt ft paid or n

admmo X! rnle will not be raried from. i .Weekly, earn price at th Daily, where the adrertlMi

191 Uu Weekly alone. Where 'be Dally and Weeklyar both uied, tlien the eharK ler th Weekly will heea't ne rateeofwe:-ian- m" ' ' - :,(,wpt fsf delntU period).


Attorney ,t Xatxxr&" AND NOTARY PUBLIC.

t f . - ' .mi, ,; Jfloe-Am- bot Balldinf, oppoelt Capllol Squarel I


OOXiTT2ii:i3TJO1 M acting Mannfactnri' Coinpaigr

RE J IJo o9 oji wuo.iitfijejf.vl




li .Ci.t 1( ,.'! .i'l . ' !t!

,:j r-- j '""illOi '' "n"J ' '' Vt' X?Lallxoac3L Worlt"' ' 'or ivtir DuoMmoN.

. . ;.. . . cOIiCPIBCS, OUIO.0HA8. XMB0B. gap't F.' AttSOB, Ireati

"' '''

Winter Arrangement.Little Miami & Columbus Xenia

RAILROADS.' For ClncinnatirOartoa ft IndiaaApoUi!

Thrtiiigh to IndiaMDolie wlthoa Change ofpantod but Doe Change of Care betweea V

Colotuboj and St. Loul.'-;- -, ,

. THREE TRAlN3; D7ltY,FR61CCOtUAf- -

FIR9TJBAIN :T- - I., "i.HBlly, afoodayiekeepted.T1 I

KIQUT SXfUbio, Uaywu, at a. n..itofa-- 1

pun at boaaen, Aaoia. uayun, nioaietowo ana namuton.arrlTlPiai Cincinnati at & a. a. pay toa at &4S

a. an. uaianopotu at iu:eo a. a.; et. vouiiat U W

P',,J!"-- ' SECOND TRAIN,ACOOHH0D ATI0N . at 8:10a. ratallSli

Uoni between Oolambac end Cincinnati and Uayton, afnrmg at viacionan iuu a. b.( vaytoa at r.u a.inuiaaopow ai p. v

- THIRD TRAIN.DAT IXPBE83,at J0p. m., stopping at Alton,

JeffcrtoB, LondoB,. Oharlcatono Oedarrlll, Zenli,Spring Valley, Corwln, Morrow. Deerflelo Voeter'e.

Loreland, Hillfordand Plalnnlie, arrlrliig at Cincin-

nati at 70 p. m. Bt. Loala at U B Dayton at 1:31 p.s.j lodlanopolUat lfl:3ap. ai. Q j.k 'v'. ; , , j

4Uoplnr Oitr om all N Ifftit Tralna. tolilncinaall and Inaianapolta. i

DAGOACE CHECKED TUKOUOII.Vet farther Information and Through Ticket apply lo

n. b. UUI1BB1 1,Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Colombo. Ohio.

-- - a1. rV.WoODWABD,Hi t ' f Baperintendett, Olneinoall

JM0. W. DOUKUTVjnia ' .: , '.: :' Agent, Columbus,

lost Seeetved!, 4 nr. 'CO OKEEN and- - BLACK1UU TfcAS 100 ban prime Bio OooM,

IAD pockets old Duteb OoTeroment Jara CoffeeIS ban Ceylon Ooffee.

eOflbUei eiattdard White Bagara, eoDitatlng of Tow--,t,.i- - area.uoraanea, Hranniatea a ana o uoneej

-.- &0 e.ttlBtale fleers . -i

yobbts. tint and Ho. 1 Mackerel. "A lee. Pica felmon.

10O bx. Layer Uaiain.. . AO bf. boa do do

lOOqr. boB do do - . ,100 a Oigarai different brand! and gradet, V

norT ,. Wal HcDOUAtD.

: jm . . M C . L I L L E Y i i r'POO,VX5XaJJAlJLt.;' And Blank-Boo- k! sarifajitarora' 1

1 irotTB flioa iTBurt, rjotriABOi; bmoMtrlt-dl- y

,.Red, 7White, and JBlne

TVELAlflFK. :,l r I


, NECK 11G9.t Jail opened by ?.'i

.. ... BAIN fc 80S,'aprM Ko. W South High itrcet.

li. il .

." ei mrwnfr - t.

vi ..... v o..8, lOVtH HiaS Bl'BIIT.Bar Just raoelrtd a new nuke of HOOP IIIBTI

fialahed la a auaaei far eperlur te any yet introduced

;(0d?rUilityJ And. gracefulnkss,;ttSIt t lJ :?') hi'! '.ii'.' "i


YyTHTKWnEAT BUAtfPBD',,";,,,.';,

m i'iT ,r 8 ij-- 6 W F Xj A K BJ ' .Jroen "Bartett Bills," gprtogncld, O.- -tb best brand ofFaewrbronght t oar market, Bitl. faction IBUauteed.rotealeectlrat' Walj HoDON ALD'B ...(- n7 Bouth Ulghltieet.

"?.''?n8h 3Unen'God8.i :;;

FABUIO . --t'WABBAlbTBP . P.aia and VanspBhlrttuf and Boaom Linens. 7 rtlnn bhretlDge and Pillow OsslnM,.; '. Linen Caaionee and Long Lawatt'"1"'

, , .,( i. 'aaoAi'fe.allelsta,,,Llneo TowelllnMBendDlanera

llosn ICapkloe and DOy ties.linen Table Clotnsand aatla Demaski. "', . . Linen Towslt with oelored eorderc. i , 1

linen Btelr OoTerlateand Clash. , ...Portal at low prises. '

w:i. .u BAI eV lOrT;"'-'- 'MM. . , a - v. , ...I e.Wtjoatfc Blab bum!..'

BONNBT8 IIIDBON TABweAAStbrlai, Jut open 4 by

dm in es aun,aprllS i W loatli Bih street.

A awnesiw ax a v vnvraneta. All tisei and aslorslast opsoed at BAtHI.

Amm At 7 ,Bo. W Beata Elgb Hrni'4 ,V ".-- T


i ltrtTh LarfeiWTJM Best,

; XH8 cueapeit Beoiui tbo Best,

5Ai Stmdmt Emintnt MUutatori et Oktt,"Tpfl BSW XNaLiai WOTJOSART'irtAKt."

'"He i artamrardt of a Hnadnd ThoaMnd Wordf.whoee maUifarleut aaeanliiR ai,d derivation i, torethtrwim umi orreot epeillst, ai.a praanttauea are Clearlytet before th y. a .i n. ; J,.i.1 fi .ii ill. -

Gtootewart (Mnere&it.

r The nndenlirBed, aeeibtra of the Obi Itata Teaehert'Ateodatioo. adont and ala to ate In leechloe. wrttloiaadi tpeaklif, the etthoermphy and proaaaeiadon ofWoreettrt Moral Oaarlo Dlottanarp and we taoit ordlail Reoaaiend It ae th aiott reliable standard an'Ihorltyef iheXngllihlaDinag, atlt I now written andepoeeotiVJ y .a r u , J i t.yi v i n ii i;i i.

LOKlMlmamrt . Prenlfleti If iteVoh OoIUe; 1 '

MT. I.iesrrr, flnperietnrient fBtrrtlleBchooll.Taott W. Btarrr. ooot Meet! Ion Unioo Sob' oil.M. V. CoWDttT. lap'l Public Bchonle, taodblky.JoBH tTKOHj Bno't FabHe Roboolt, Clrelrrllle.

' J. Bawrowi Prtorlpel Olertlenl Vernal, Benlna- -

fyi .ii. j.n . ' ..i.. .1).., .1 . . '.;ji .u

' WM. Mnramt. inn't Pnr5I!e Pdlooll. HI. TJnloT).! '' John Oeow, rnsclpa HUM ItoTawl lohool, Minn

Oram ao, Frtnelpal . VaaiOr letemedlet School.Olnetonatl. - '


H. 8. Haanit, Bup't Can ton Cntoa School. .

Xoww knit, Prfnolpal KcNeely Moimal sohool. .

ku T. Ten-aw- , Prof. Halbemttie. Ohio PhlTenlly' t. W. Cdwarm, (up't Tree Colon lohool.

A. a. Boraun. Prlnoloal Wait Blah Sohool.' Clere-land.'

8. A. KoTd.:Attotrlat Prlhdoal Hlth Ichoal. Olmland' I . ...... .i

Tbkodom BtuuiWi rrlnolpal Hlgk lebool, Olerej

k. v. urjifTo, Frmnpai uiertiasa aoinrat.J. A. OaaruLb, Preildent or IlMtM Initltttte, Dl

MmW. L. HaAIU. Prof, of ohemlitrr. Ohio Weeleean

Unitertlbr. ... ?

H. II. iUavfcY. jCx.Qemmlulonar of Common Sahoole.

JtM Vomoi, Prof. Bbetorle, Oberlln ColUj.Ibo. Dux. Pretldent Antlooh Oolleie.O. W. H. Catmoiit. Prof. Mathemellr. Hlch

ocaooi, vayion.B. O. CavHBAtiaa. Prof. lumut. Hlb Ichoal.

Dayton'1" ' . ' i 'n -. - ..... iw .'it.iiv. M. Bum, lup't Union School, alb land 'I' :

" Mor Oan 31a Bumirtd aOur Prm&ntt of CM0$. Voor, Author and XWXreAi Zdwsa- -ivrs, none cnooreca u4 aoocc lenKfncfU.

PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES Itf .OHIO.- MaaiTra OotMwa "It la trarv-- a rninlSnent work.

an honor to the author, the nahllahera.end the whalewaotry.. rrecucni uanwe, v t ... v.

Obis WiBUTAa Uintaam It trottit mr azneeta.Hon. ' It will be my tulde In' orthoeranh andnrannn.eietlen. and will often h eoniolted by me for it neatand toonrti dennltlont." Prealdent Tncmpton.

W. A. KCLfonn ColXaae.MlBeretAfcm we luvaiMttlWabcter'l ortbot raphy. At a recent met tine of ourlaeally. It we ded-ie- to ehaoe It toTonform to thatof WoroeaUr'a Koral Oaarto BleUonarJ'.PraeldntOarOeld., ',.

. , ..... i. , ,

Wwnu Iran OotiMtW! flnd M.warth ofeordlal approbation. 'WrmldeDt BUoheotkn 'iOatXLiaCoLL'M. "Tt mora then meete m nMBle.Hon. I irw mnend It a th ttaodard imhorltt Inorthoepy to Biy children and my ppili."-Preilde- nt

Morpan. ;' '.. ' - ",',.;' V,'! '",' Ajrrtooa Coucat.-'- ,I addnt and aim io nae In treeh.

tng. writlui and epeaktaf, the orthof rayhy and proDUoeUUoa of Worocetr'..jal QuatM, DlsUoaary."--Prortdent Bill. "

, :p'.. ri ) ,

la all m wUlnm: rnimmtlnm mA - - t tiMUiaarorcd to oniona to tb role forortl owranely andproouoelallooaeooatalntd la Woraaaair'a DloUoaanr.'

Horace aUaa. tew rrceideot. ,

Kibtor Ooua) Oaaieraa.-- motteordUlly reoom.ond Itaetbeaicol rallablo itanaarl aatbortty of th

Infllih Uofuaee as tt It new wtiuen and ipokan."ii MMuaire.Hvb. .... ... ... ,. i (j

mV00ic6TAMt3lOirERi'W OHIO.a'aaaa JBseV AM9QK- - Jaepat. CbBJtMMI

. , i ,mtott n CMo. i

th TJMIsnar lata tcborleaablo atonnmont to (beloaralog aad tadaanrof It anthor. and aa honor to thworld or MKtra. too saeenentoel asaratloa U ear soprlor to that of aery sther Leaioos with, wbkh t aa

.qaaiBMdi i . yiie au e. I ti.lsi, k.. B. JJartwy. 2b Omminlontr ofBcwote tit veto. . i

Th aunt re liable standard ttihority of tb atp- -

I"' ..; '' . i n.i -.:

WHAT TBB -- Ii. 1.1 f rlTJextdlnc ITavi)apsra of Ohio Say,

JrvatO Ce1eMl 8$roU f JfordkSO. ,

' Th orlbograpbp of th Woronttr Dletlooarp b) thatnted by moat. If not all authors ol distinction In tbitcountry tad England, and conforms to the general usageei oraioary writers ano apeeavra. or

Whatever prcjadloec may bare tzlited pnTlottityS aoareful ttody nfthti Tolume will tnearlab'y be followedby a Wares appreciation of I's great arlti, and a detlrsto add It to lb wu tkeeled library, be it Urg or small,It Is a library tn Itself, and will remain an Imperlahable record of the letrnlDg of It compiler. .

tromtU CbVtoeiuwsi Oiwwteroi 0 April 20, x' Here are upwards of a hundred thoasaod words sood

had and bdifleieot whose multifarloaa mesnlngs sodderlTatlOBa, together with thtlr oorroct'tpeliing and

ai set eleerly before the ere The work I

enqasstkmab lbs greatest Ihesaaros of lagliab rVsrditor pnoiuooa. , .rInmtA OTefaM4 ftdnOtaUf qStpi- - BO, 1800,

BeldMttw WoaetVm'e BotaV Qoarr Dibnoiuar Uiv only Me iasX, M tM star teorit of Ma Arftd eeer tsswsl.sadeaa by ae pea.btllty tufler by oojaparleoo oroonirorerry. , ...mT., l9iKK --.,

r. . Vxot tt3WtoiiJ,A6v89.,At to nowrwcunox. Woacwtraar it tbs SriirriAtn

followed by oar beet anthoret III aefioltions hs leasesnothing to be desired, and In OaTaooaanrr It It taJBeieatto say that woacarra tan be tafe.p followed.


Pnbliaherea BtkislUrtA BlatUtiere,,KO,mBUPIrU0BBI, CUmiANO, OHIO..ttatt ' -' ' -- -



LtEE INSURANCE COMPANY;. ' ::.ii. AS 'i- -i i. 'lii

(1 r,-.- . '.'.'' '

Noveearlx., XV T.Plrldend Jannarr l18ai4flPer Cent.Aiaxii ....ijujsfl so.

. atatemeiit Jactoarr l, lseit ;Balance, per statsment Jan. 1st, 1800 13,4068 99Booelted fee Premiums dar

ing the mr into. 7BS.Q3SSSBeoerred for Interest daring

the u 1WW ! 014 19

Total reotlD's for 7 1PaldCUtaubyIrsatbtai7,OM00 s .rata tanoa- - -

dared ............ 4L111 SO '

Paid Salaries, Poit- -

ttO.'.'ltMt, MX' - --.- 'chani.ot r. 11.030 54- .

Paid Oosutlaslont to - : 11Aaents 01.S53 SO . '.,

Paid Phytlclans' lees. 9.VU4 75 'Paid Auonltiee. 1.617 00 ' ' ,


raid DiTMendt dar andlog tb lAi ....1,S00 75 6C3,Gi ei 4U.S78 14

Htt Balano January lit. 18G1.........S,819IB 50

0Cub on band. ,.,,, r g(3 0284 9Bonds and Mortgage ta Beat' 1; i uob

aiaie, worm oobbm we I

amount loaned 3.327 .841 69 It

rrVUIlHMI HWHI VH KVIHUCe . ; (... ... , j. J. ,Ln wrat, only drawing o per : , f j , ,. ., ,

ent. InUreiU. .......... L879 P84 n .Seal Ista ..... .... i 90 8VJH ,v,ttoanionkerlp 8,831 44 (, . .

Premiums, NoteeandOtsh, In .. i byooarteot ganemiettoa.... ' a jti 73 . 1 .

Total Attsti.....,..,!... tS.8l9.5M SO

Ti875Pollotot la foroVlhMTlrig...dar4Se3S1,436 at PoUriet bt bsoa leaned1 daring the pear.After a eirtfal eakalatloa of the bresent va'a of tb

oautundlog folislet of the Company , aod harlcg thweeiiiiery aoasasip In rtssrr tberafor, th Dlreotortbar eeaiared a Diibss of 48 par eeot. on tb freml-bs- h

paid at lbs table rate, et ell pelMos for life In foros.lasawd prior to January I, laoU, payable ateii ding te thepreeent taleol the Oeapaap.li unit n.i i

Hatee for al I kinds oi Lite Cob tinge poles, PrrejpooVaa,BtateMote, and Appltalloae, will bo fare lab rdw.TaolouaatUiOloeAgtitsl tU 0a-ran- y (tat

V), . . . ,. (. .m .BOBT. t. ATTIB80If, PreiMsnt. -

c . .. Ma u msnon Att,'v.kta tiuti Jehnion B ook,

w saereei it) gnei TaMl aad at eery lew meat..'a BA IB

SMlll ' " J ' '.' ga. ar"i" eja, arVMai i tt .?: M Beiia High ttrei

Scrofula, or King's Evil,I a constitutional disease, a corruption of theblood, by. whichr thie- fluid become vitiated.weak, and pour. , Ueing iu the circulation, itpervades the wholo body, and may burst outIn disease on any part of it. No oran U freefrom iu attacks, nor it there one which it maynot dtwtroy. ,1'h tcrofulou taint U variouslycaused by mercurial disease, law living, dis--ordered or unliealUiy food, impure sir,, filthand filthy habits, the depressing viced, 'and.aoovo oil oy too venereal mtection. ' vnat.ever be its oiiffin, it. it hereditary in the eon- -atitution, descending.,' from porente to childrenunto the third and fourth generation ; " Indeed,it seems to be the rod of Hira who lays, 'Iwill visit the iniquities of the father uponinetr ciuiuren. i l;tl ii.' .y.j i

Its effects commence by deposition from theblood of 'corrupt or ulcerous matter, 'which, intlio lungs, liver, and Internal organs, Is termedtubercles; in the glands, swelling i and onthe surface, eruptions or sores. This foul oor;ruptiou, which gender in the blood, depressestne energies of iuo, go that sarotulous constitu.tions not only suffer from scrofulous' com.plaints, but they huvd fur .less power to wltlistand tlio attacks' of othor .diseases i' ccnsequcntly Vast ' numbers porish by disorderswhich, although not scrofulous In their nature,are still rwdeted fiituljby ,tliis taint. in thesystem, iiostottlio coiuumptioii which decimates tho huiimn family hits its origin directlyin this scrorlous contamination l and manyuesuuctive uiscases or uie liver, iuuneys, Drain,nnd, indeed, of all the organs, arise .from orare aggravated uy cue tamo cause, ....

One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;thoir persons are invaded ty this lurking in-fection, and their health is undermined by it,To cleanse it from the system we must renovatethe blood by ah alterative medicine, and in-vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.Such a medicine we supply In - ' ' ;


..,,,:::5r:AYER'S: k.

Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,the most effectual remedy which' the medicalskill of our times can devise for this; every-where prevailing and fatal jnalady. It i com-bined om the most active remedials tint havebeen discovered for the expurgation of this fouldisorder from the blood, and the rescue of thesystem from its destructive ' consequences.Hence it should be employed for th cure ofnot only Scrofula, but also those other affec-tions which arise from, it, such as Eboptiveand Skiw Diseases,. St., Antuont's Fihe,Hosb, or Ehtsipeus; Piurr.rfs, Pustulbs,BtoTciiss, Claims and Bon n, Tumors, Tettebend Salt Rueuj:, Scaid Head, Kjnowoiw.2tiu:tM.TisH, Sv philitio andMsitcuHiAii Dir- -ivri:'. Duoi'sr, Dysphpsia, DKitimr, audindeed, all Complaints auisino ritou Vitia-tk- i)

on iMi'titp. Br.ooi). '" llio popular beliefin itpuitij.ofthtblfQd',te founded in troth,for scrofula i a degeneration of the Wood. Thparticular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa-rilla U to purify and regenernto this titolfluid,without wliich sound health, is imooisible incyntarjiiiiated constitution,., ...j. t

'., ,

AguevGiris,' POB TUB gPSIDT 0B Orf:e j


Intermittent Fever, or Fever an Asae,Ileuilttent Favor, Chill Fever, DumbAu, forloollaal lleadarlio, Billonelleailriclie, and Billone FOTori, ludeedraw tlio whole) class of dleettssrls;tnat--lug iu uuiary uDrnuijiiigeni, cna uyauv w.iww ui uinecuiitio vonniriei,

Wearo enabled here to offer tiiai commtinFtvremedy nliicb, while it cures the above complaintwith certainty. Is still perfectly li armies in anyquantity. Suah a remedy Is invaluable in districtswhere theso afflicting aiiordcr prernil. This"CfitK" expels poison of FbveuAMAoue from the system, and prevent the de-velopment of the disease, if ukon on the first ap-proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not onlytlio best remedy ever yet discovered for this classpf complaints, but also tho cheapest.. The largequantity we supply for a dollar Unnyt It within thereacn ei every puay ; ana m biuout district, whererevolt ahu auui prevails, every uouy suouiahave it and use it freely both for ottre sua protec-tion. A great superiority of this remedy over anyother over discovered for the speedy and certainenre of Inttnnittents i that it contains ae Quinine

mineral,' consequently it produces no quinism orother injurious etiects whatever tinon the constitution.. ,'lliote cured ly it ore left as healthy a ifuioy naa ncrer uuu me aitoasc. . .t .

i ever and Ague is not alone the consequence oftne miaxmauo poison, a great variety of disor-ders arise from its irritation, .among, w(ifch arefgtttvMa. Rheumatism, Ootit, IhaaacJit, blind-ness, 'loothache. Earache, Catarrh, Atthmh. Pat.pitatiM, rmiiful AJIteUon of ti Spleen, Hysterice. Pain in the iimcela, Colic, Parnlysie and

of the Stomach, all of which, whenoriginating in this cause, put on the intermittenttupe, or become periodical. This " Cuiie" expelsthe poison from the blood, and consequently curesthem all alike. It is an invaluable protection toimmigrants and persons travelling or temporarilyresiding in the malarious districts. ' If taken occa-sionally or daily while exposed to the Infectionthat still be excreted from the svitem. and cannotaccumulate tat lulBrient quantity to ripen into die-eas-e.

;: Hence it is even more valuable for protec-tion than enre, and few will ever suffer from Inter-mittent If tbey avail themselves of the protectionthis remedy affords. t , )t ,

Preparsa byDr. J.O. ATBB eV CO., Lowell, Mass.i i, in aOBtBTS m SAUDBI.. Oolamoaa.

by Dragtiattand Dealen evtrywbere.nowiiya.twaw , w . .., v.wi i




LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW,. LiyerpooL Montreal. Quebeo, '

' 'ana'J r

Th Ifontraat Oosaa Breamthlp Ooapany's flrttUsat Olyde-he- llt Sitam ere sail everp Bate

rdav from PORTLAND, oarrylng tb Oanadmn andUnited State Hall and passtngert.



liartesti Cheapeet and Quickest Com' vapaooa Bran) ,,

AamiCA TO ALL PABII OF IUB0PX.1.': liaei oi Tpnmmic to 'Europe, .' '

i i. .i , i i flesn auwt r .'' 'ilpl. , ww-- a e. awva i , f

sail from LIVIBPOOL every Wedneelartfrom QOIHBO evarp dalarday eaiilog at

iiuavunvaHKi, toraeetveoa eoaniand lai d Mai la andPeaaeofrere, to and from Irelaod aad Boot land. .

Steanert art built of Iron. In watat-thr- ht

oompartmenm, carry each an npintnced Bergeon, andvery attention I paid lo the eom'ort and aooommoda--

of passsngtrt. At utey proceed dmt to LONDON.DKRT, tb neat rltk tnd delay of ealuni tt St. John's

avoided.eissgow pastssrers are fnmltbtd with ntt tsttass

Uokets to and from Londonderry, - .

e' urn ucke's granted at reduced rites. iOertlBcata leanad for aarrytnt to and brlntini oat naa- -

teng.rt from all tb principal towns of Great Britain andIreland, et reduced ratee. by thlt line of itetmere, and

tb WABHIftOTON L1NB Of BAILINQ PAOKBTB,leaving uvarpooi Btsry wea .:, !,. j ,

Slfbt Draft far f ana vaivarde parablaia Kntlaadalraiaaadt -

. T udu err " aioi..forjpatuge. Apply at tht Offlc 13 BROAD'

WAV, New larks and 1 WATCH ST.,Llverpoalt ': .' ..i, .,

....j IABEI ft KABU, eeaetal Igent,Ort-o- J.' R. ARMSTRONG,noUlrdkw Pest Offlo. Colombo, Ohio.

nENttT RtEHLEH,of Phslool Iitihllihment. R. T) Peprftoro

the new vera raernenaoie ehavtng, utlr ouwingBhanpoonlng, Curling and Dressing ealoon. But Statestreet. o?er the foal OBo. where satlafactlon willbe siren in all. the various branches. Ladles andChildren Httr Pretsuig duo la tho but style,ll-d- lf v ' ''' '


atieet. have laai evened new itylea of Curra Cia--eeuu BaaajOiaa and aaeoose, setde In tb newot and

eta Itah saanaen aieot auaera rialsUiaoh alias, rarp batrr, OtaieMirl eafmaly for I

Mttilat4atsnW M I

20111 W'prBEAtJTIFUti,


CVa tPRfNO STOCK ia vhtjsvasVW ly largo nd wall ssrttd. The very lateet patternfront AHBsll.1011, BNwLlbHand rKaNOH rsotortee,


"u'L QoJ. Velvet Borders,' ;in


and 'in ''

FIRE' BOARD PAPERS,i- .T..b l i.:..

Gold and Painted Shades,

r:--H v GOXiX) " " ""' '

WINDOW CORNICES,ia "iri,M ,T! ' : . ... .n '

"I BUFF, BLUE, V3' :.5..ah AND




...t,;.:,..r,ki , ..) -- - ., ... .


RANDALL & ASTON,i ,.,3 ... ii

lOO SoutlX TT1c3a-Ot- .'


ST. B. landloriJi and ptrsont wlihlnj qatatlUtt ofPtserwIU make monty by buying of us. CountryBerchantt and ptrsont from abroad will do will to calland seen. tprll 1 d3meodl - , It. A.



Spring & Summer . Lr AliIliocrY.

: ii .a . i r ..s-- ;;

"' Xtm Stock Ktniamlaliejd


NEW YORK;My stock or ;.. ,.

Spring & Summer MillineryIt now oomplste, comp rlilog every variety of Mlllln

it; also, a large assortosnt of Imbrolderle, Boileryana Nouoo. ., and in quantltlet and price tint cannot taU to toil all wbo asp favor a with a tail. Thegoods bare been bought tt Pant prlcti, and will beioldat a small advance on tost.


Mia M. E. YOUNG, late of New York City,will snpertattnd tb tUlllnery Departomt. Her longexperience" In tbe most fashionable Kataollahmeol inBroadway will alont b warranty that th will b ableto gtvt entbe tatUnuUon In matters of hut to ill whoBay favor ktr with tbelr orders.

Th Ladle of Ootnmbu and vicinity will pleiteopt my sine re thank fo their liberal patronage, and

I would respsetfully solicit a coausBiac of tb

R. H. WARE,' et East Town St., Oolambn, o,

wprlldSatcd ;

Wholesale and Retail ; Depot for'") If ri ttt it f ArttHttrt '

v 4eAAw ViWbmCtNo.: 106 South - High Street

i A ' DEALER IN ..;, ';:

( ; TE AS, .. vi,.:.. ;


' Txr i,,'l r,n.a . . -

Dallr rrlval at Oaoda "'

For th FiUl : and 1 Winter Trade

Of" l88(i -


H7UETIIMNINO V1AOBBB TBANK$TO TUn PUBL.IO for past favor and patron--ate, aad being DETEHjailtSI to BtABIT

oontlaBU of same bp strict attontien ttrade, aad praaapt deUverr OaedstIwtuld call th natlce f the public to tht ftot thathaving a Lige aod well Balected Stock oaband, aal being la dally reotlpt of good from lb differ

tnt aarlrat, I Bitter raystlf that I can offer to tb cltt-t-en

of Colombo, or to any who may detlra to pantas.an assortment of articles appertaining to th GROCIBTtrads, TJrtEQUAtiEO by any boos la the city.Th price tnd quality of lb goods offered, 1 "n ar--antee to five eatlsfaetioa. 1 ' --

Ooooji Dellwed Frto of Charge,! ,,! : : 'aovsr. - ' 1 wm. McDonald.

William J3l. GUIK ' ' ' rooLCiriBrs, omo . It


Ajtid Beed Store, ; 'In

. u DtAxia is ' ;


Ounsinstol, WedkVlUbw Ware,itboraad Habber BeiUng , las Leather, Bos ml," ! il.'.T .'!.Notice,BANK OF

THEFOL.LOWINCI CHANOEt WE PIEof this Bank. January B9Ut,

1801, to wlB Wa. A. Ptarr, Pretldent, aod Taoaatktoosia, Oshlr, rsslgned their offloes. . Davis Taiaob,

io.. was then elected Prasldent snd Wa. A. Putt an- -j i "' 'boln'odOashlev- .- - - s. nyemerer uioearaor vinrttor." , ' ""k

fob , IfiOWtf.f ;1) ,,1rW, Ai rLATI, Oatbisr :ea hi Inn

M UK BrrtTBt TtOTOann aadOtrffS ert'tr blaew itlllagst vary low prists, alio ail ether kins

rashionabettarsa, ui, r ji't'v'' rai-- lass, .s.,y.s4raikBi(kM;

gljciDljioXIX KB.

at the London TimeCorrespondent in the Slave

CAROLINA, April 30,Ifithlog I coold say' could be worth on faot

wbiob hit foroed itself opoa my mind la refer,trace to tbe sentiments which prertil among' I beMotieaien or inia otate. i Dave Deeo amongthem for Several days. 'J I have visited theirplantations, I bare conversed with tbetn freelyand fully, and I have enjoyed that frank, conr- -.

teous, and graceful Intercourse which constitutes kd irres S'lb'e oharm of their sooietyFrom M quarters bs come to my ears the echoesoftbd stmeToioet it mty be feigned; butthere U do discord In tbe bote, and it sounds inwonderful strength and mono'Onv all over theOountry , Shade of Oeorge lit , of North, ofJohnson, or an woo coo'enatd sgtiust tbe greatrebellion wblcb tore these eolsoles from Eng-land, csn you hear tbe ehorus wblob ring-- i u .' a . . . -- r . t .1 . o. . .turuugu tut stutw ui piiktiud, oumter AUOPlncknev, and not clap jour ghostly bands latriumph? That voice S),' "It we uoold onlyget one of tbe) Royal race

' of Guelaod to rnluover ui, we should be content. Let there tno mltconoemion on tms point. Tb senti-ment, vtrlea in a hundred ways, has been' re-

peated to me over sod over aeain. There It ageneral admission that the means to such an endare wtntlog, and that the desire csonotbegratified. ' But the admiration for monarchicalinstitutions on the Eogllsb model, for privilegedCltsses, and for a Hoded aristocracy and gentry,1 undisguised and apparently genuine.

. VVItbthe pride of having achieved tbslr independenceIs mingled In the Sontb Carolinians' hearts astrange regret at the result and consequences,and rainy are they who "would go back to-

morrow if we could." Ad Interne affection for.the British' connection, a love of British habitand' customs, a respect for British sentiment.taw, autDoriiy, oruer, ciriimticn, and litera-ture, pre eminently diatloguleh the Inhabit.ants ol this State, who, glorying lit their deaconsfrom sccleot families on the tbred island',whole fortunes tbey still follow: with whosemembers they maintain cot nnfreancntlv fmiliar relaiioos, regard wlih an a.ereion ofwbiob it is impossible to give aa idea to ooewho Das not seen Its manifestation, the neonlaof New England sod tbe populations of tbeNorthern States, whom they regard as taintedbeyond cure by tbe venom Of "Purltanldm "Whatever may be tbe cause, this Is the faot andthe effect.- - "Tbe State of Sooth Carolidawas,". I am told, "founded by gentlemen." Itwas not established by witch-burnl- ne Puritan.by crael persecuting fanatievtrbo Implanted lothe north tbe' standard of Toroaemada. andbreathed Into the nostrils of tbelr newly-bor- n

colonies all the ferocity, bloodiblrstlne-s- , andrabid Intolerance of the Inquisition. It is ab-solutely estouodlog. toa strauger who aims attbe preservation of a dtoeot neutrality to markthe violence of these opinions. "Iftbstojq-feunde- d

tblp bid sank with tho Pllgilmf atbtr oo board," says one, "we never tbouldhave been driven to these ez'reaItlfsl"r Wecould have got oo with, these finatlcs, If tbybad been either Chrliilans or gentlemen," sayssoother, "for in tb first ease tbey would haveacted with common obarity, audio the eeooodtbey would have fought wbeo ihey Ipsulied as;bat there are neither ChfUtliDS nor aentiemanamong tbemn Aovtmog on the earth!" exolairaaa tblrd, "any form of gOvaromsot, anyyr.uuy ur ,u -- iu, anil nereia an appeal mor terrible than tbe at Jurationof aUtbod-J'nothlna- oa earth ahall .a..Indue a to snbmli to any onion with tbe bruUi, blgottad blackguard of lb N EnglandStati, wbo neither comprehend ner regard thereelings or gentlemen: man, woman and ohlld,we'll die first." Imagine theee aod sn Infinitevariety similar atiments ottered by eoartly,well educated meo, wbo set great stora on anice ODaervaoce or tne usages of society, andwbo sre only moved to extreme bitterqess sndsoger when they speak of the North, and youwill fall to oooolv tbe intensity of the dialika oi

of th South Carolinians tor tbe Free States.Tere srs national sntipathies oo our id of theAtlantis wbiob are tolerably strong . and havebeta sofortnnatelr Dertioaeious and Ions livedThe hatred of tbe Italian for the Tedeco..ofme . ureeK tor to l urk, of tbe Turk lor the


Raas, I warm sod fierce enough to satisfy tberrince or. vaxaoess, not to speak or a lew littlepet sversions among allied Powsrs and tbeatomi of composite Empire! but tbey are allmere loaiuerence and neutrality of leeling compared to tbe animosity evinced by the "eentrt"of 8oQth Carolina for tbe "rabble of the North."

The contest of CavaJUr and Roundhead, ofVendeao and Republican, even of Oraoeemanand Croppy, have ba eleeant louatioa. ree- u-

oflatea oy toe noec rule oi onieairy, oom paredwith tho which North aod South will ctxrt on.if their deeds support their words. "Immortal hat, tbe study of revenge," will actuateevery blow, and sever in tbe bitmry of tbeworld, perhaps, will go forth tuoh a dreadful eat

ii as that wbicb may be beard before the toflgbt bas begun, i nere is nothing lo tbe darkoaves of human passion to cruel aod deadly asth hatred th Sontb Carolinians profes for tbeX ansae. . inal bird ba been wellioaT foryar, till It is tne very .ot the state,it hai set Sooth Carolina . to work steadily toorganise ner resources lor ..toe straggle, wbicbshe intended to provoke, if it did not come iotbe course or time. -- 'Inoompatlbtlltj of temper" would have been sufficient rronod for tbdivorc, and I am latitfled that there ba been

deep rooted design, conceived iu some men'mind su years sgo, and extended gradually by

iter afur year to otbra. to break away from anth Union at tbe very first oportunity Toenorm i to oouin Carolina a corrupt and eviltbiog, to which lor long year the ha beenbound by burning obalui, while mooopoliit ofand manufacturer fed on ber tender limb.Sb hat been bound ia a Mtientlan union totbe object she loathes- - New England Is to her 60

tbe hioaroktioo of moral and. political wicked-ness snd social corruption. 1 1 is tbe source of b,everything which South Carolina hates, and of

nottorrtnt ot tree thought and taxed mana-f0i- ur,

of Abolitionism and ot Filibustering,which have flooded the land. Believe a Southern man as be believes himself, std vou must tberegard New Eogland and th kindred States aatbe birtn-piaoe- imparity ol mind among men,and of nuohaaiity among women th bom of

Love, of f ounerlem, ol inndelity, of Abolitionism, of fala teachings ia poiitioal econo-my, and social lifel a land saturated with the 'dripping of rotten pbtloaophy, with the poisonons infections of a fanatlo press, without honororruodtetyt who wisdom, is paltry cunning,whoi valor and manhood have been waUowd not

io a corrupt, howling demagogy, and ,in thmart of a dishonest commerce. it is the mer soncbanu of New Yoik wbo fit oat bip. for tbe theslar trade, and oarry it oo ia Yankee ships

is tb capital of tbe north wbiob aapports,snd it Is Northern men who concoct and exercute the fillibusteriog expedition which barbrought disoredlt on th Slsvsbolding States.

tbe large cities, people are corrupted byitinerant and ignorant lecturer ia tbe townand ia tb country by an unprincipled oresThe populations, Indeed, koow bow to read andwrite, but tbey don't koow bow to think, snd Wetbey ar tb easy viottma ot to wretcoed lmpotr on all tb 'ologiet and 'lsmt wbo (warm outover th region, ana subsist by lecturing on thesubjects which the lonat riot of mankind In- -

due tbtra to accept witn eagern, wbti tbeyassumt tbe Brb ol philosophical abttraotion toCor their nastiness, in deference to a oon- - atMmptible and onivciaal bypootlsy. . .

"Wbo fills tbe DutcQers' shops witb largebin fiiest", Aurdly tb Nw-Eagla- od de teemon wbo bsS besa peraecuting th Souin till ItsIntolerable ctUelty and linoleuc lor cedj her, la

spasm ofagony,- - to reod ber ohatp auodr. IfTbe New Kcglander mask, have something toperseout, and a be bat bunted down all hie Io.dians. burned all his witches, and persecated all

opponents to tb Oeato, be Invented Aboi-l-tlooliot a id boi resource iit to aim tor in tbegralifioatioa of bis favorlt paiilon. Ntxt to at

this motivf Iprloolple Is bis doeire to mak moneydiebouestly, trickily, meanly and shabbily. Hb aoted on it In all bU relations with tbeSouth, and bas obeated and ploodered her in all014 Qeallne bv Villlannn. UfifT.. ir n .kj.,..I....L.l,.L.. . VHB HU- -j luat me oontn mutt nave been a party toI hi. . . . . . . . ' -uvr ooaas n, in at ner Itatetraea

ruieu toe uovernment or tb oouotry, joucr told that the South yielded out of our coodnature. Now, however, she will have free trade,and Wilt open tbe cowtlng trude to foreign

tbaout from it the bated Yank,who o iooe moooDoLced snd made theirby it. Under all the varied btudens and mier-ie- s

to wolchshe was subjeoted, tbe South beldfast to ber Sheet anchor Sjuth Carolinathe mooring grooad in whieh it found the surestbold..; Tb doctrine of State,Kizhta Was hartalvatioo, and tbe fiercer tbe storm raged glntor iuo mure etoutiy Demagogy, immigrantpreponderance, and the blasts of unirerjai age

bore down oaher, hreateulngiway tue veateo laiereats or toe sutn lo Der

ngot to govern the States the greater was berooufldetice and tbe more resolutely tbe held onner oaoie. i ne Wortn attraeted ' horde of Igoorant uerman and Irisb," nd tho stum ofcurope, while tbe soutb reoelled tbetn. Teinduitry, the capital of the North Inortated wuhenormous rapidity, under tbe rtflutoce of cheapUbor and maatrlacturing Ingenuity and ente-r-pries,, iu to vntages wmcn ewenea lpto- - towo.and tbe (owls wbicb became cities, under theonenvlous eje of the South.. 8be . onthe Oatr&ry, tolled on slowly, clearing for-est and draining swamps to find Dew cottonground and rice field for tbe employmentof her only industry, and furtbedavelonment'nrher otly capital 'Involuntary Ubor." Thetitle) oi immigration1 wared stronger,' and bydegrees abs saw tbo distrlots Into which sheclaimed tbe right to Introduce that capital closed against her, sod occunied br free labor.Tbe doctrine of eqaatter "sovereignty," andtbe force of hostile ' tariffs, which placed; aoeavy auty on toe very artiaiee wblcb tbe Southmost required, completed th measure of injuries to wbicb (be was subiected. and the smtlt

a jit . . . . . t a . .ui uiBuuuieut louuu vent in nery ucoate, In per-sonal losalts and In acrimonious speaking sadwriting, which increased in intensity In propor-tion to the Abolition movement, and the cottest between tbe Federal principle and StateRight, became more vehement. I am dedron

I eoowlog in a few words, for th InformationOf frogitab readers, now it Is the Confederacywoiau curops anew aimpiy a a poiitioal entityhas succeeded in dividing Itself Tbe SlaveStates beld the doctrine, or say they did, tbkt

cb State was Independent as Francs or ssSag god, but that lor certain purpose tbevebose a common agent to deal with foreign nations, and to impaso ttxe for tbe pnrpoa ofpaying tne expenses oi me agency.. We, i tappears, talked of American citii-n- s when therewere no such beings at all. Tbere were, indeed, citiaeus of the sovereign State of SoutbCarolina, or of ueorgiaorot riorida, wbo per-mitted themselves to pass under that deaiena- -tloo, bat it wt merely a matter of personalconvenience. It will be difficult for Europeanto understand this doctrine, a nothing like ftbas been heard before, and no sucb Coufederstlon ot sovereign States ever existed in onecountry in the world. Tbe Nor'htrn men denythat it exitud here, and claim for the FederalUovernment power not compatible with eudbassumptions. .2ry bave. lived forth Union,tbey served it, they labored for and made money by it A 'man ii i New York ' man wisnothing' as .an American, oltigen h was agreat deal j A 8ontb Carolinian objected tolose bis identity In any description wblcb laoinded him and a"Yanksexlockmket la thesame category. .The Union Was gainitblmbe remembered thai be came from a race oltBih who had t.r. h.l.u" " .... v.. Ll:":?,"'V "r-- iioland, and be tboogbt tbat tbey were animatedby ibe am boati.'ity to himself fie was proudoi oia names, ana n leit pleasure 10 tracinghis connection with old famiiir io tbe old coudtry. Hi plantatlone were bald br old charters, or had Deenio toe baod of bis father lorbvafal generations f ana De dell vb ted toremem

ber that, when th tituart were banished fromtbeir throne and tbeir ooaotry. the Barcre-- n

eoain varoima naa solemnly elected ibe wtadering Charles King ot tbeir Stme, and bad offered him an aylnm and a Kingdom 1 Tbephilosophical historian may exercise bis Ingenaity In ooijeeturtag What would have beeu tberesult, if to lugiUr bad carried bis fortunes oi

Charleston ' ; ,.":? ( pi .. .

Sontb Carolina contalnt 34 000 eqasre miles1.and a population of '730 0UO Inhabitants, ofwhom aaa uoo ar DiacK slave.--' Ia tbe old rebellion, it was distracted between revolutionaryprinciple and tb loyalist predilections, ard atleast one-ha- lf of the planters were faithful toueorg lit., aor ma they yield tin Wtthragtonsent an army to support tbelr ntgonists, anddrove tbem from tbe eolooy. ,

Io my next letter I ehilt give a brief accounta visit to tome of the planter, a far as it

oan be mad consistent with th obligationwhich the rites and rights of hospitality imposeon lbs guest as well a upon the host. 'Thesegeotlemo sre well-bre- courteous aod hospi ar

table A genuine anstooraoy, tbey bare time itcultivate tbeir minds, to apply themselves to

politic and tbe guidance or public affairs. Tbeytravel and read, love field (ports, rsomg, shoot-log- ,

bunting, and flablng, are bold horsemenana gooa snow. uut, trier an, tneir stat is amodern 8prte- - an aristocracy retting Oo belot-r- y,

and with nothing else to ret upon. Althoughtbey prof-(ab- d Ibellev, Indeed, sincerely tohold opinion Id opposition to tbeopsoitgof thetlave trade, It I nevertheless true , that tbeolause in tbe Constitution of the ConfederateState, wbicb prohibited the importation of negroes, wa especially and energetically resided

tbetn, because, aa tbey ay, it teemed to btadmission tbat lavry wa ia lueit an evil

aad a wrong Tbeir wholytem rest on clave,ry, and a such they defend it. Tbey entertainvery exaggerated idea of tb military atreegth

tbeir little community, although on may dofall Justice to it military spirit. Oat of theirwool population tbey cannot reckon more than

000. adult men by any arithmetic, and asthere are nearly JO .000 plantation wbicb matt

according to law, superintended by whitmen, a considerable number or tbe adult can

be spared from tb State tor service in theopeo field, t The plauters boast tbat tne v. canraise their crop any loeocrentrnoe by

labor of tbelr negroee, and tbey seem confident that tbe negroes will woik without superintendence. But tbe experiment Is rather danger-ous, and it will Only berried in the last extremity.

,ti lot 4 f l.i 1 ! " ' - "

Cairo.The imoortance of thisstrio of land, at the

Junotlon of the ' Ohio and MIsslsslpl Rivers,forming tne ooatnern terminus or tbe state olIllinois, is becoming more and more apparent,

only io a military but commercial point ofview. At it were tnorougrjiy, and at every sea

of the year, teenred against damage fromrise of waters in these "rivers, it would be of

Incalculable value io a national point of view.8uoh security can be effected by widening andstrengthening the levees which encompaes the '

of the city j and it Is worthy of the imme-diate attention of the United States Govern-ment," By tbe aid of the engineering and mili-tary force now quartered tbere, it could bethoroughly accomplished at this time with a verynun additional expense to tne uovernment

know oot whether the legislation of Congross may be required to authorise thi work;

if it l, we respectfully call th attention ofPresident or tb United states to tbe sub

jeot, la the preparation ot his menage to tbatoooy, soon to assemoie at Washington. Tbat apermar ent military lortlfieatloo will bereqaired

tbis point, commanding tbe Ohio and Missis-

sippi rivers, snd the adjacent shore of KutuckyMiourl, there can be little doubij and wethat suoh a fortifloatlon for a temporary ,

purpose ba bn already commenced. But amor than temporary work I required

there be a furl at ibit point, it eeonvi, wartare, from our knowledge of tb place, be ten-dered available and oiul, without also com-

pleting permanent and roliabl levee up to tbpoint whr th Ullnolt Central Railroad enters

elty, near tbe line of oaataway, sometimes,high watr, (lightly overflowed. If th itrip

of land lor i.Id lbs araa nt ih. .1,. .... .. .11times tbov high wtter mark and It I more th aten months of the year tbere I oo polot I theValley of th Mlati.ilppl, except New Orleant,ol to much valu as a depot for the Iraotblp.meat and exebtoge of produce and merchandise,and consequently oommrolel polot Ard- -noial mbankment, atll7 made, oto , fully

hPf y.M r.,medy for th, Dtur' def-leno-

?k. 7?' U n,0tly wortby4be attentionof Oovernmeot. The Preeldent blmielf,we re ur. know bow to pprolt theeCairo" ?0'! n1 doubtl, "? wUk

:r i ,-- THC FaCMoa Awtrri .as. B.. a-- .! aura- -

berof medical gentlemen met lately in, New.w Afar Wn w aa.,.. iL. Si a awaiwwa toe meaioai eauinmanta aam.ary far aa army. Drawiogs wr produced ofaotabdlaace, mad after tb latest patternusd la th. French rmy la Algeria and tbCrime. Thi ambojaue i aa oaulbai shaped

yehiol. to be drawn by two or mor bore,weighing tome twalve hundred pounds, butoonstroctedioeiich a manner that It may bewily detached, septrated la several piece latbe interior, tbe most Imnnrtant nnrtlnn ...II.oarrlsd by jeveral men Tb Interior Is, wbeoally standing, a row of bed, oarrylng tig or

eight men with great ease, but when crowded,may be forced tn tuaiw., .1 .number. Etch bed It a "fleld stretcher," orportable cot. which takes tbe wouuded manfrom the field, and wlthont any fttigamgcbaoge plaoes him In ibis portab'e hospital.

Tbeambulsnoa avatm ih. --..nia . t ar.- --

leon's rreat surceon. I...... i. t,..found tbat Soldiers voluniaeiad sun ,..!. ...pojed their bodies with less thought, wbeo theyknew that there was aa effective medloal corpsto attend, la esse of acoident or injury. Whatir tbey reoeived a ball or a baronet thrust painto be sure, for which tbey cared little bat tbelrsurgeon could extraot it, aod la a few weeks ormonths they were well, and It wa distinctionever sfter. With an effeotiv mbulno tbeywould nndertak any marsh, knowing that Ifurcr-iatigu- mere tney would be reoeived, andnot left on tbe road to be killed by any thiom a--

camp-foilow- er.

Dr. Wolff, late Staff Sorgeoo la th Por'tu-gue- iarmy, ald tbat tbe duties of army sur-

geon were to see tbat non enter tb ervlounless able bidltd. Every sick man requirethreor four to carry aod attend him. Hscoold prove that regiments bad left the city witha very large proportion constitutionally debili-tated, and whom but a little exposure or over-fatigue would make a alok man, requiring carffom th other, and thus materially weakeningthe tfflaienor of tbe corps. A great prt olth mortality 1 canted by disease, and not bybullet A Bureeon in tba Fren.-- arm mi.say, "Colonel, these troops ar fatigued, at,dcannot uvtrob further," and the result is tbat atop ia made and the camp pitched where they

are. ne aid not Know whether thi wa to lathe American army or not, but U should be ao.

Tb great enemy to be feared was not thaone wbooime with powder and bill, but disease hospital dyseatery always of a typhoidcharacter, contagious in some degre.

BlOIN TO SaVI Nothins It more certainthan that when a man beglas to lay by mooey,the desire to accumulate grow with tbe grotbol bis savings. Tbe "nest egg" Is the chiefdifficuhy, A deposit once made, tbesell-den- U

necessary to enable the depositor to sdd to tbeinitial sum becomes lees Irksome every day.until at length tbe thrifty individual derives agreater pleatur from th contemplation f bisincreasing ator loan ne ever experienced f:omthe outlay of money to gratify hi tastes orpimper bis appetites. He feels proud too. ofbis own power ol and is dignifiedla bis own eyes by bis prudential self sac Hues.Accorciag to the testimony of managers ot lav-ing banks, a large proponion of those wbo opmaccount with the excellent lnttltatioo arwilling to endure sever hardship and priva-tion rather tbao withdraw tbeir deposit.

Let it be understood, then, that soy youngman who earns his bread bv the sweat of hibrow aje, or by tbe sweat ol bis brain andbas sofHoitot determination so to limit bis want

to save a few dollar tor a beglnlog, I al-

most sure, by that very act, to lay tbe founda-tion for future comfort and eomoetenca. Thfirst earnest effort to provide for a rainv daywill naturally lead to a second, and ibe sequence will so 00 until the ereat temooral ei.dof life, a suffloient provision against tbs exUen

es of misfortune or the wants of age, shallhave beeu made.

PaiVATSiis lie tkc KioiTiasANSart. A letter to tbe Biston Advertiser Irom ao t'OioeroftheUuited Stales steamer Richmond, date atOsooa, May 91, brings th foliowiog IlIiUIgeDOet

It Is currently reported her that several oar.tie ar only waiting our departure from tbeMediterranean to fit out privateer. Toe vessels would cruis about Just outsid tb St at

Gibraltar and icttroept aod oeptar all re-tell either In or outward bound Immjsltiju.ymight be done tooir commerce lo ibis wav.focoar trad with all the couutri whose bores

waabed by these water 1 very larg, andonly outlet it through the narrow Strilt of

Gibraltar. If tbe rumor ar true, It will bamost essential tbat tbe government should alonce dispatch a uflhieut toroe to tb-t- t point toOoovey and protect our merchant fleet Irom

raosoUy of these mercenary aea rovers.





Hon. Joseph It. Swan,WIT3XQTE3 OF TBS DSC1SJ0X3 OF TUX BP--


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