Deteksi CA Cervic Dkk 3

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  • 8/16/2019 Deteksi CA Cervic Dkk 3


    [Insert Lecture Name Here]


     Talking points:

    •  This illustration shows the transformation zone in the cervix

    —the site where between the squamous cells of theexocervix and the columnar cells of the endocervix.

    Source for image:

    erck edicus. !vailable at:http:"""ppdocs"us"hcp"diseasemodules"hpvd"images"#gure$%.&pg. !ccessed !ugust $'( $))'.

  • 8/16/2019 Deteksi CA Cervic Dkk 3



    *ver the past + ,ears !-- has been

    assessing alternate approaches to cx caprevention in over a dozen countries spanning/ continents.

     The focus has been on the screen and treatapproach.