COYOTE CHRONICLE The Independent Day School Student Newspaper Celebrate Spring’s Arrival Buds and shoots are appearing in the gardens. By Nicole D. Many of the teachers at IDS have taught here for quite some time. Mrs. Effgen is one of those teachers. She has been teaching at IDS for 17 years. Mrs. Effgen taught 5th grade for twelve years, 4th grade for one year, and has been teaching in the middle school for 4 years. Before she came to IDS, she stayed at home, taking care of her kids. She also did some long-term subbing. When she visited IDS, she was impressed with the faculty and the level of student work. She also thought that the art department was beautiful. She likes that IDS values music and art. She also liked this school because it was about ten miles from her house. This summer, Mrs. Effgen is in charge of the Summer Programs. She did not plan on it at the start of the year, but Dr. B, asked her to try it. She really is very excited about this opportunity since she thinks it is a fun challenge. She thinks that itʼs a good opportunity for learning new skills and meeting some of the lower school faculty. Ask her about the Summer Programs and she will tell you anything that you want to know! In the Spotlight: Faculty at IDS The snow on our playground has finally melted. The beech tree will soon regain its leaves. Seventh Grader, Katy S.-T., explored the IDS campus to capture the early signs of spring. After a long winter, Katy was inspired by the evidence of the changing seasons. As Katy thinks about spring, Nicoleʼs interview with Mrs. Effgen previews to the summer at IDS. Early Spring, 2011

Early Spring, 2011 C

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Early Spring newspaper

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Page 1: Early Spring, 2011 C

COYOTE CHRONICLEThe Independent Day School Student Newspaper

Celebrate Spring’s Arrival

Buds and shoots are appearing in the gardens.

By Nicole D.

Many of the teachers at IDS have taught here for quite some time. Mrs. Effgen is one of those teachers. She has been teaching at IDS for 17 years. Mrs. Effgen taught 5th grade for twelve years, 4th grade for one year, and has been teaching in the middle school for 4 years.

Before she came to IDS, she stayed at home, taking care of her kids. She also did some long-term subbing. When she visited IDS, she was impressed with the faculty and the level of student work. She also thought that the art department was beautiful. She likes that IDS values music and art. She also liked this school because it was about ten miles from her house.

This summer, Mrs. Effgen is in charge of the Summer Programs. She did not plan on it at the start of the year, but Dr. B, asked her to try it. She really is very excited about this opportunity since she thinks it is a fun challenge. She thinks that itʼs a good opportunity for learning new skills and meeting some of the lower school faculty. Ask her about the Summer Programs and she will tell you anything that you want to know!

In the Spotlight: Faculty at


The snow on our playground has finally melted.

The beech tree will soon regain its leaves.

Seventh Grader, Katy S.-T., explored the IDS campus to capture the early signs of spring. After a long winter, Katy was inspired by the evidence of the changing seasons.

As Katy thinks about spring, Nicoleʼs interview with Mrs. Effgen previews to the summer at IDS.





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What is Progress?

By Christopher M. John F. Kennedy once said “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” I fully respect John F. Kennedy, as he is my hero, but is all progress today good? Or is progress destroying our future, so we live in a barren waste land with no sun or ozone layer?

On February 21, IBM presented Watson to the whole world in a round of exciting, Jeopardy. Watson is a multitasking computer who can comprehend and answer trivia or daily questions easier than the two Jeopardy Champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. Watson is simply remarkable. Can the development of Watson be considered progress in the field of technology? Sure, but what we really want to look at is, is this good progress? Watson can be used for tasks such as reading a large amount of data or finding different cases in the medical field. Of course this might make tasks easier, but it also cuts off hundreds of jobs in the economy.

Today lots of types of food are made mainly of chemicals. If you look at the back of any junk food wrapper, for example, a pop tart, the list of ingredients is most likely longer than your motherʼs or fatherʼs thesis paper. Well, maybe not that long, but it is still longer than it should be. When your grandparents or even parents were growing up, if you asked them what was juice made of, they would probably say the fruit that makes up the juice. Or even if you asked them what was in sugar, they would say sugar. Today, some sugars have lots of other ingredients beside sugar. I hope, in the future, if someone asks me what is in milk, I can still say milk, not a hundred different ingredients. Is this progress in a field? Maybe progress for the people that manufacture and process food, but is this progress for everyone else? I donʼt think so.

What about pollution? If you go to any city or any major port in America, you are going to see huge buildings with dirty looking smoke coming from the roofs and exhaust pipes. The World Health Organization estimates nearly 4.6 million people die each year from causes that are directly related to air pollution. Does that sound like progress?

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, progress is defined as “forward or onward movements towards a destination”. But let me ask you this, what is Americaʼs or the worldʼs destination? Think about it.

Entering into the Debate:Chess as a game or a sport

By Patrick K. Many people do not think of chess as a sport. They just consider it a board game. Chess may be defined as a competitive game governed by a set of rules. It is a game that requires skills and years of training in order to win competitions. In order to determine whether chess is a sport, we need to ask ourselves a question, “What makes something a sport?” “What are its characteristics? Sport is defined as an athletic activity requiring skill and often of a competitive nature. By definition chess is a sport because it is competitive, requires skills and is governed by a set of rules. A lot of activities considered a sport do not require a lot of physical energy, for example archery. Tournament Chess does, however, require tremendous concentration and a lot physical stamina and strength to last through hours of competition. There is also evidence that suggests that chess is a sport. Chess has been recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. Chess was a discipline in 2006 15th Asian Games for the 1st time and again in 2010. Asian Games is an Olympic style event that takes place every four years in Asian Countries. Chess is also considered a national sport in Russia. In Europe, it can be chosen as part of your P.E. requirements in college, and European newspapers cover chess tournaments under the sports section. Chess, like many other sports, is a spectator sport. It includes chess fans who follow their favorite players and teams. It has many competitions and recognized champions all over the world.

So is it a sport? Or is it a game? To me itʼs both, but to be more exact it is a mind sport since it exercises our brains, not muscles. It is a game, just like soccer or hockey, and it is also a sport.

Students share thoughts on the ideas, news, and events that matter to them most.

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Chloe’s Book Corner

By Chloe M.I have recently read Shug by Jenny Han. This book is one of the best I have reviewed so far. I loved it.

In this novel, Annemarie, or “Shug” as her family calls her, thinks that there is nothing worse than being twelve. Everything about it seems awful to Shug, and she is sure that there is not one good thing about her. Shug is sure that Junior High is not going to be a good change for her. However, a boy she has known her whole life, Mark, starts to change, and Shugʼs feelings for him start to shift too. She starts to develop a crush on him, but she feels as if he could care less about her. They used to be best friends, but now Shug just feels like he only cares about his guy friends. Life is growing up all around her, and all Shug wants is for things to be the same as they used to. She wonders how a person is supposed to prepare for what happens tomorrow if you canʼt figure out today? Shugʼs explains her feelings by saying, “Heʼs always been the same Mark…but today, in this very moment, he is different, and itʼs not even something I can explain. But I feel it, boy, do I feel it.”

I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys reading about romance and relationships. The connections between the characters are well-developed and it is a great read overall.

Arts and Entertainment Catching “Bieber Fever” at the Movie Theater

By Kate S. About a month ago, the documentary, Never Say Never, came to theaters in 2D and 3D. The film was directed by Jon Chu and rated G. This movie is about the well-known, now 17 year old recording artist, Justin Bieber. The movie tells Justinʼs amazing story from the very beginning of his life growing up in Stratford, Ontario, Canada to his life of fame living in Atlanta, Georgia. The film is based around his dream to sell out Madison Square Garden in New York during his Never Say Never tour. Narrated mostly by Justinʼs manager, Scooter Braun, this movie shows many clips of Bieberʼs life behind the scenes, the preparation he and his crew go through to get ready for a concert, and his live performances. It also tells the audience about Justinʼs family, friends, and the struggles he faces in being a normal teenager. There are also a few clips and interviews throughout the film of artists such as Miley Cyrus, Usher, Jaden Smith, and Snoop Dog, which reveal what they think of Justinʼs unbelievable fame.

My favorite section of this movie was when Justinʼs manager talked about Justin Bieberʼs millions of fans, most of whom they call “biebettes.” He explained how all these crazed girls have claimed him. He talked about how they were the ones who discovered him on youtube first, before his manager, and his entire crew did. Many singer/songwriters talk about how their fans are the best, but Bieberʼs fans would do literally anything for him. Justinʼs bodyguard, Kenny Hamilton says that you could make a ten hour long symphony out of all the screams that are made for Justin Bieber.

When I walked into the movie, I thought Justin Bieber was a fake; just another airhead pop star, but by the time I walked out, I had a bad case of what is known as “Bieber Fever.” This movie was very inspiring to me. Itʼs one of many stories that go to show that your dreams will come true if you work hard enough. The movieʼs message is about the importance of chasing your dreams, and the sacrifices you have to make along the way. This movie made me cry, laugh, and made my jaw drop. I can almost guarantee that you will not make it out of this movie without catching terrible “Bieberitis.” I recommend this movie for all Justin Bieber fans, anyone who loves to perform, and even those who donʼt like Justin Bieber. My rating of this movie is five extremely high, gold stars for the styling of the movie, the great message of the documentary, and the outstanding performance of the one and only, Justin Drew Bieber.

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By Camille M.I walked into school and surveyed my surroundings. My family just moved from Missouri to Middletown, Connecticut because my dad has a new job. I am starting in the sixth grade. I kissed my mom, and she whispered have a good day in my ear. The previous day, I had visited the school to meet my teachers, along with some of the other kids. I looked around for the room that had my advisorʼs picture on it, and located it quickly at the end of the hallway. We exchanged greetings, and he handed me a schedule and a name tag. I scribbled my name, Emily, on it, and stuck it to my pink shirt. I headed to the locker that is labeled with my name to stow away my books and my backpack. I glanced at my schedule to see what my first period class was. Science! Yes! A group of kids were heading down to science, so I followed them. Before class started, I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom. When I reached the restrooms, I was instantly confused because someone had scratched both signs, and one read “MEN” while the other read “ME.” Which bathroom is the girlʼs restroom? I found my science teacher and asked her which bathroom is which. “Iʼm sorry. I donʼt know either. I just started here today too. Some teenagers came into school yesterday and scratched away letters on both signs.” Yet, soon it all became clear to me. “Itʼs okay. I think I know which sign is which now. Thanks.”

Which door did Emily go into, and why? Find out on the next issue of the Coyote Chronicle.

By Betty S. and Mariah L.This is probably one of the most exciting columns so far. Not only am I enlightening the world on the fabulous idea of nautical fashion, I am introducing my new co-writer Mariah L.! Mariah is a great writer with a wonderful fashion sense and she will help provide me with so much fashion insight.

Nautical Fashion is a trend that is gripping the world of summer clothing. When I think of nautical, the first idea that comes into mind is blue, white, and red. This is the color palette of creating a super cute, nautical outfit. Even adding an anchor necklace or a satchel like bag is adding a bit of sea fare to your outfit. But also keep in mind not to have too many accessories. As Coco Chanel said, “When accessorizing always take off the last thing you put on.”

Remember to have neutrals that you can add detail to when creating an outfit. It is much better to have 1 pair of jeans and 6 tops, than to have 1 top and 6 pairs of jeans. This is a good hint on saving money and helps you create a better fashion sense.

Here we have two examples of how to go nautical with your outfit. We love both outfits!

Betty S. and Mariah have now joined together to provide you the latest in fashion trends and advice.

Mini-Mystery #2: Which Door? Men or Me?

Camillle M. writes mini-mysteries for the Coyote Chronicle. Her clever mysteries challenge you to think creatively. Do you believe you know the answer to this issueʼs mystery?

?? ?

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SportsTyler’s World of SportsBy Tyler M.One of the many All-Star festivities that exist in the world of major league sports is the NBAʼs All-Star Weekend. On The night of Friday, February 18, there was the rookie game. On Saturday, there were the skills, three-point, and dunk competitions. Yet, Saturday night was the main event. This year, NBA fans gathered in Los Angeles for an unforgettable weekend. It is always amazing to see so many unbelievable athletes gathered all for one game.

The Three-point Shootout, the third event on Saturday, was an unforgettable moment for James Jones of the Miami Heat. Of the six NBA sharpshooters who competed, James Jones challenged the reigned three-point champion Paul Pierce and the three-point record holder, Ray Allen, both of the Boston Celtics. However, on this weekend, James Jones proved that he can compete with the best by beating both of these three-point lead shooters and by claiming the 2011 Three-point Shootout crown.

The Dunk Competition has always been one of my other favorite events of this weekend. In my opinion, what is there not to enjoy about watching the NBAʼs top dunkers gather in one place and perform unbelievable stunts and tricks. This year, Blake Griffin took home the crown by dunking over a car! This was the final dunk. After he performed this amazing trick, everyone in the building knew exactly who was going to win this competition. Even though Javale McGee dunked two balls through two different baskets at once, it was the rookie from the LA Clippers, Blake Griffin, who out-dunked everyone.

Kobe Bryant was another star of the NBA All-Star weekend. Kobe Bryant has always been one of the elite players in the NBA, and he proved that he still is at age 32. With thirteen All-Star selections, five championship rings, two final MVP awards, and one NBA MVP award, it is not a surprise that Kobe was selected as MVP of the 2011 All-Star game. His is an unbelievable player.In total, the 2011 NBA All-Star weekend was unforgettable from start to finish. It was a joy to watch and I look forward to seeing how the rest of the season turns out.

Cooking from Around the WorldBy Insia N.

This is a family recipe which has been passed down from my grandmother. My grandmother actually created this after buying a similar desert from the store. She mixed a bunch of items she thought the desert was made out of and it did not turn out well the first time. However, She kept trying to add different ingredients until she got it right. It has been a famous family recipe ever since.

Ingredients:Roasted peanuts – 1 cupSugar- ½ cup Water- ¼ cup

Materials:Medium-sized baking dish Small sauce pan

Procedure 1) Make caramel by cooking sugar on low flame2) Add water 3) Stir the mixture 4) Add the peanuts5) Mix well6) Pour out on a dish and quickly flatten it all over the dish7) Let cool until its solid 8) ENJOY!

Hope you love it !

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Chr isCross Puzzles

By Chris M.


3. What president, who served in office from 1735 to 1826, said, "a government of laws, and not of men."5. What president and my hero said, "A child miseducated is a child lost."9. What president with a first name of Millard said, "May God save the country, for it is evident that the people will not."10. What president said, "Aggression unopposed becomes a contagious disease."12. What president said, "As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender to it."13. What author in the early 1800s said ,"Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers."14. What athlete said, "Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are."


1. What computer inventor said, "It is not true that virtually all news in a totalitarian state is false."2. What president said, "Few men in our history have obtained Presidency by planning to obtain it.”4. What author with a first name of Stephen said, "Fiction is the truth inside the lie."6. What musician said, "Do not fear mistakes. There are none."7. What jazz musician said, "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know."8. What athlete said, "Mentally, the only players who survive in the pros are the ones able to manage all their responsibilities."10. What author with the first name Lewis said, "Always speak the truth, think before you speak, and write it down afterwards."11. What inventor said, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Guess that Quote

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Games and More

Word FindsCountries Around the World

By Peter M.

United States of America











South Africa


South Korea

North Korea



Costa Rica


g n a r s m e x i c o s t a r i c a h a fg r t u k e h o x a a p i e g o e t a a aa e e r r o i t c d y a r r z r d i u d ad s i e a i i h k g o k a o o a a i r c ca i r a n n i r e s i i q k c i s a a n nn s b d c l b n a t s s h h c r r a i i ca c i r e m a f o s e t a t s d e t i n uc a e j a p a n u n u a e r g c r t r h bi p i a a z r r d o a n t o g o a j e i ar a o o s k i t s o r y c n i e s n e a kf a d u i t s l n c s j a a i c n a r i ta n a h n i o a e e i n n c n a t t o l hh m c k o h n r r n p z r c l i r a i f ot l s i s o o g r a h a d f o c f i d n uu l s u a b g i z k r i a r e a c r i i ao a b a d e r p i n n j o n c e a o t c ks a r n r a e a t o b z s t e r a e t a ad a u a a d e d i i n e m d a t g e a e ac b h g l a t y s o a l m n a r c h d u xo l h c r t c a i e a a o a n u e o a d ia r a c h a r a t n s y x y c n a z t j a

Find the names of 19 countries that are hidden in this Word Find?

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