PC-EFTPOS Page 1 18/09/2006 EMS-Client User Guide V2.00 The EMS-Client uploads transactions to the EMS-Server, allows diagnostics and updates and provides a journal and receipt viewer. EMS-Stats (F1) – EMS Connection Statistics ........................................................................................... 2 EMS-Config (F2) – EMS-Client Configuration ........................................................................................ 2 Txns (F3) – Transaction Counts, Times and Responses ............................................................................ 3 Tasks (F4) – Scheduled Tasks Run From EMS-Client .............................................................................. 3 Adding a Task ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Deleting a Task ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Editing a Task ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Adding an Automatic Settlement ........................................................................................................... 4 Diags (F6) – EMS-Client Diagnostics and Updates .................................................................................. 4 PC-EFTPOS Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 5 Save Log Files........................................................................................................................................ 5 Checking for Updates ............................................................................................................................ 6 Auto Detect (F7) – Detection of EMS-Servers, EFT-Servers, Pinpads and Modems. .............................. 7 Journals (F8) – Journal\Settlemet Viewer .................................................................................................. 8 Receipts (F9) – Receipt Viewer ................................................................................................................. 8

EMS-Client User Guide v2.00.doc - PC-EFTPOSpceftpos.com/.../2016/09/Installation-EMS-Client-User-Guide-v2.00.pdf · EMS-Client User Guide V2.00 ... Here For More Diagnostics Information”

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PC-EFTPOS Page 1 18/09/2006

EMS-Client User GuideV2.00

The EMS-Client uploads transactions to the EMS-Server, allows diagnostics and updates and provides ajournal and receipt viewer.

EMS-Stats (F1) – EMS Connection Statistics ........................................................................................... 2EMS-Config (F2) – EMS-Client Configuration ........................................................................................ 2Txns (F3) – Transaction Counts, Times and Responses ............................................................................ 3Tasks (F4) – Scheduled Tasks Run From EMS-Client.............................................................................. 3

Adding a Task ........................................................................................................................................ 3Deleting a Task ...................................................................................................................................... 4Editing a Task ........................................................................................................................................ 4Adding an Automatic Settlement........................................................................................................... 4

Diags (F6) – EMS-Client Diagnostics and Updates .................................................................................. 4PC-EFTPOS Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 5Save Log Files........................................................................................................................................ 5Checking for Updates ............................................................................................................................ 6

Auto Detect (F7) – Detection of EMS-Servers, EFT-Servers, Pinpads and Modems. .............................. 7Journals (F8) – Journal\Settlemet Viewer.................................................................................................. 8Receipts (F9) – Receipt Viewer ................................................................................................................. 8

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EMS-Stats (F1) – EMS Connection StatisticsThe first page indicates the status of the connection to the EMS-Server and the number of messages sent.The light next to “EMS-Server connection”can be green, yellow or red to indicate a connected, connectingor disconnected status respectively.The light next to “Uploading Transaction” is green when a transaction is currently being uploaded.

EMS-Config (F2) – EMS-Client ConfigurationThe second page allows you to configure the EMS-Client. The only settings that would normally need tobe changed here are the “IP Address” and “Default Printer”. The “IP Address” field should contain the IPAddress or PC name of the computer that your EMS-Server is running on. The “Default Printer” field isthe printer used by the Journal and Receipt tabs.Other settings include the configuration of scheduled connections to the EMS-Server instead an “always-on” connection, the location of the batch file used to store transactions before they are uploaded to theserver and the unique client ID of this EMS-Client.

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Txns (F3) – Transaction Counts, Times and ResponsesThe transactions page allows you to view the number of transactions, the transaction times and theresponses received for this PC. Clicking on the “Save” button allows you to save these results to a file.

Tasks (F4) – Scheduled Tasks Run From EMS-ClientThe tasks page allows you to configure scheduled tasks for the EMS-Client to run.

Adding a TaskTo add a task click on the “Add Task” button. The password is 7410.The “Start Date\Time” indicates the first time the task will execute. The “Interval” indicates the timeinterval (in seconds) between subsequent executions.“Run Timeout” is the number of seconds the EMS-Client will wait after the scheduled execution time if itis unable to run the task at the scheduled execution time. For example, if the PC was rebooted at the sametime the task was scheduled to run.The “Max Run Count” is the total number of times that the task will be run before being ignored.The task process to execute and the parameters passed to the application are contained in the “TaskParams” and “Task Process” fields.

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Deleting a TaskTo delete a task, select the task from the list and click on the “Delete Task” button. The password is 7410.

Editing a TaskYou cannot currently edit a task. To change a task you must first delete it then add it again.

Adding an Automatic SettlementClicking on the “Add Auto Settle” button will allow you to configure a time each day to send a settlementdown to the pinpad. The password is 7410.The settlement request is passed down to the pinpad from the PC, this means that the PC must be runningfor the Auto Settlement to work.Please note that not all settlements are supported by all banks. You should refer to your PC-EFTPOS UserGuide for the settlement options supported by your bank.

Diags (F6) – EMS-Client Diagnostics and UpdatesThe diags tab allows you to perform diagnostics on the PC-EFTPOS configuration, save the log files andcheck for updates.

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PC-EFTPOS DiagnosticsClicking on the “Start Diags” button will begin a diagnostics check on the EFT-Client, EMS-Client andEFT-Server setup. If everything is configured the EMS-Client will attempt a logon. Clicking on the “ClickHere For More Diagnostics Information” will open another dialog giving you more information about thelogon response.

Save Log FilesClicking on the “Save Logs” button allows you to build an archive of the current PC-EFTPOS logs on thePC. These logs are occationaly requested by PC-EFTPOS support team to help diagnose an issue. Settingthe EMS-Client to save a large number of log files may take some time as the logs are compressed into azip file. The log file is not removed by the EMS-Client and may be manually deleted by the user.

After a log file is created you are given the option to upload the log file to the PC-EFTPOS web site byusing the “Upload to PC-EFTPOS” button. You will need an active internet connection to perform thisaction. Uploading may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection, you can cancel thedownload at any time by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

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Checking for UpdatesClicking on the “Check for Updates” button allows you to check the PC-EFTPOS website for updates tothe PC-EFTPOS software. You will need an active internet connection to perform this action. The EMS-Client checks for the current version in the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Ingenico\EMS\EMS-CLIENT\INSTALLERVERSION.If you have the current version the dialog will display that you don’t need to update.

If a new version is available you will be given the option to download it. Clicking on the “Yes” button willstart the download.

If the download completes successfully you’ll be given the option to run the update. Clicking on the “Yes”button will run this update. The will close the EMS-Client.

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Auto Detect (F7) – Detection of EMS-Servers, EFT-Servers, Pinpads andModems.The auto detect page allows you to check for Pinpads and P66 Modems attached to this PC as well asEMS-Servers and EFT-Servers on the network. This is a useful diagnostics tool if you are getting a“PINPAD OFFLINE” or “MODEM ERROR” response to a transaction.Clicking on the “Auto Detect” button will start the detection process. This may take a minute and theEFT-Client and EFT-Server will be restarted during the process.

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Journals (F8) – Journal\Settlemet ViewerThe journal tab allows you to view the journal data recorded by the EFT-Client. This page allows you toview journals that occurred between two dates as well as the transaction type. On this screen a “financial”transaction is a purchase\cashout\refund etc (i.e. everything except logons and settlements).Clicking on the “Print” buttons allows you to print trasnaction listing and totals data for the filteredtransactions. Be careful when printing out transaction listings of “all transactions” as this can take upmany pages.

Receipts (F9) – Receipt ViewerThe receipt tab allows you to view the receipt data recorded by the EFT-Client. This page allows you toview receipts that occurred between two dates.Clicking on the “Print” buttons allows you to print the selected receipt or all filtered receipts. Be carefulwhen printing out all avilable receipts as this can take up many pages.