http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cbp.pitt.edu/faculty/yong_wan/images/ main_cell_cycle.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cbp.pitt.edu/faculty/yong_wan/ index.html&h=428&w=414&sz=106&hl=en&start=12&usg=__jMR57R67pcLa5839M5MURetw4ow=&tbnid=sB2HPLIxwZJFgM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=122 &prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcell%2Bcycle%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den

How do we repair? How do we grow?

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Page 1: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Page 2: How do we repair? How do we grow?

How do we repair?How do we repair?How do we grow?How do we grow?

If “all” human cells have 46 If “all” human cells have 46 chromosomes, what must happen to chromosomes, what must happen to those chromosomes before the cell those chromosomes before the cell divides, in order for the next two divides, in order for the next two cells to each have 46 chromosomes?cells to each have 46 chromosomes?

Page 3: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Cell Cycle & Chromosomes Cell Cycle & Chromosomes


- 2 trillion cells reproduced daily by our- 2 trillion cells reproduced daily by our


- 25 million cells reproduced per second- 25 million cells reproduced per second

- new cells are reproduced when older- new cells are reproduced when older

cells dividecells divide


Start notes here

Page 4: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Intro to Cell CycleIntro to Cell Cycle

See Board See Board (compare human cycle to cell cycle)(compare human cycle to cell cycle)

Text book page 204 & 206

Page 5: How do we repair? How do we grow?


In your notes copy the image on page 206 in your text. The image should take up half of your paper. (Be sure to include the outside label)

Now, in each section (G1, S, G2, Mit, Cyto) list what happens in that phase

Below the image, in your notes, write and answer the following questions: Where are there checkpoints? What are checkpoints? What happens if check points don’t exist?

Page 6: How do we repair? How do we grow?

2 You tube videos2 You tube videos

Page 7: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Why Cells Reproduce Why Cells Reproduce (end of (end of cycle cycle)cycle cycle)

Grow and developGrow and develop Heal a woundHeal a wound To produce gametes (sperm or egg)To produce gametes (sperm or egg)





Page 8: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Two types of Cell Two types of Cell Reproduction:Reproduction:

1. Asexual Reproduction1. Asexual Reproduction

- mitosis- mitosis

- - In bacteria this is called In bacteria this is called binary binary

fission,fission, which creates identical which creates identical offspringoffspring

Both mitosis and binary fission have two stagesBoth mitosis and binary fission have two stages 1. DNA is copied1. DNA is copied 2. The cell divides2. The cell divides


4646Chromosome # stays the SAME!!!!


Page 9: How do we repair? How do we grow?

2. Sexual Reproduction2. Sexual Reproduction

- Meiosis- Meiosis- to make sperm and egg - to make sperm and egg

(great (great

detail of this will come soon)detail of this will come soon)

Two types of Cell Reproduction Two types of Cell Reproduction cont.:cont.:






Chromosome # is cut in half!!!

How many copies ofDNA do you want yoursperm or egg to have?

Page 10: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Now we know cells divide, in order to go into Now we know cells divide, in order to go into depth on the topic, we need to get some depth on the topic, we need to get some terminology for what is inside the cell.terminology for what is inside the cell.

What is the control center?What is the control center?

Inside the control center are _________.Inside the control center are _________.


Terminology Check to Dive Deeper into Cell Terminology Check to Dive Deeper into Cell Cycle:Cycle:

Get text book, open to page 205

This page all side notes, you decide what you NEED to write . . .

Page 11: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Chromosomes: Chromosomes: Remember are DNA, made of Remember are DNA, made of

nucleotidesnucleotides Chromosomes are made of segments called genesChromosomes are made of segments called genes

Genes code for our characteristicsGenes code for our characteristics

Most of a cells life, chromosomes in the nucleus Most of a cells life, chromosomes in the nucleus are spread out as are spread out as chromatin chromatin while they are while they are being readbeing read Think of an extension cord, how is it when being used?Think of an extension cord, how is it when being used?

Right before they’re ready to divide a Right before they’re ready to divide a chromosome makes a copy, chromosome makes a copy, These copies coil up and are called These copies coil up and are called chromatidschromatids

Chromatids are attached at the Chromatids are attached at the centromerecentromere


At this point, I would copy figure 8.10 from text into my notes

Page 12: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Types of Cells and Chromosome NumberTypes of Cells and Chromosome Number Somatic cell (any cell except sperm and Somatic cell (any cell except sperm and

egg)egg) Soma=bodySoma=body

Have two pair of chromosomesHave two pair of chromosomes Each pair are called Each pair are called homologous homologous

chromosomeschromosomes Are called Are called diploiddiploid

2n (n = number of chroms in one set, 23 in humans 2n (n = number of chroms in one set, 23 in humans so 2n = 46)so 2n = 46)

Mitosis creates these cellsMitosis creates these cells


Page 13: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Types of Cells and Chromosome NumberTypes of Cells and Chromosome Number Sex cells (sperm and egg)Sex cells (sperm and egg)

Have one copy of each chromosomeHave one copy of each chromosome Are called Are called haploidhaploid

n (n = 23 in human cells)n (n = 23 in human cells) Meiosis creates these cellsMeiosis creates these cells





Page 14: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Types of Cells and Chromosome # Types of Cells and Chromosome # Cont.Cont.

Fertilization – fusion (coming Fertilization – fusion (coming together) of two haploid (sperm and together) of two haploid (sperm and egg) cells, this a egg) cells, this a zygotezygote or a or a fertilized egg cell.fertilized egg cell. First cell of many new organismFirst cell of many new organism

Page 15: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Cell Division/Reproduction: Cell Division/Reproduction: Asexual Asexual

MitosisMitosis Used for growth, healing, cancer when Used for growth, healing, cancer when

out of controlout of control 4 Stages4 Stages

Things that happen in Things that happen in stagestage ProphaseProphase MetaphaseMetaphase AnaphaseAnaphase TelophaseTelophase

Page 16: How do we repair? How do we grow?



Page 17: How do we repair? How do we grow?

HW Draw and label 3 times. Time 1, HW Draw and label 3 times. Time 1, use your notes, time 2 peek at your use your notes, time 2 peek at your notes when you need to, time 3 notes when you need to, time 3 complete without notes (keep complete without notes (keep repeating until can draw and label repeating until can draw and label accurately without looking at your accurately without looking at your notes and your book.notes and your book.


Page 18: How do we repair? How do we grow?

- View Meiosis on PPView Meiosis on PP- Meiosis on Elmo and on your own Meiosis on Elmo and on your own

sheetsheet- Meiosis with strawsMeiosis with straws

Cell Division/Reproduction: Cell Division/Reproduction: Sexual Sexual


Go back and look at karyotype to see differences in sex chromosomes

Page 19: How do we repair? How do we grow?



Page 20: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Page 21: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Page 22: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Page 23: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Just Look

Page 24: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Notice I did not have an Notice I did not have an actual picture of meiosisactual picture of meiosis

Following slides must be covered in Following slides must be covered in another unit.another unit.


Male onion

Page 25: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Notice I do not have a REAL Notice I do not have a REAL picture of meiosis.picture of meiosis.

Causes of variation in gametes (good, Causes of variation in gametes (good, normal)normal)

- crossing over- crossing over

- random assortment of - random assortment of chromosomeschromosomes

Page 26: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Types of Chromosomes and Sex Types of Chromosomes and Sex determinationdetermination Autosomes – chromosomes not involved in Autosomes – chromosomes not involved in

determining if an organism (you) are determining if an organism (you) are going to be a male or femalegoing to be a male or female

Sex Chromosomes – one chromosome of Sex Chromosomes – one chromosome of our 23 ( or 2 of our 46)our 23 ( or 2 of our 46) Female is XX (X from mom and X from dad)Female is XX (X from mom and X from dad) Male XY – (x from mom and Y from dad) Male XY – (x from mom and Y from dad) Only Only

chromosome not “identical” to its pair (see Figure 6.5 in text)chromosome not “identical” to its pair (see Figure 6.5 in text) Male gamete determines sex of fertilized eggMale gamete determines sex of fertilized egg

Page 27: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Types of MutationTypes of MutationThese occur in metaphase I, why?These occur in metaphase I, why?

The piece reattaches to a nonhomologous chromosome


The chromosome piece breaks off reattaches to the original chromosome in a reverse manner


A chromosome fragment breaks off and attaches to its homologous chrom-osome; now it carries 2 copies of same gene


A piece of a chromosome breaks off; a piece is missing


SketchDescriptionName of Mutation

Great Website

Page 28: How do we repair? How do we grow?































Page 29: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Abnormalities in Chromosome NumberAbnormalities in Chromosome Number

Karyotype – a photo of the chromosomes in Karyotype – a photo of the chromosomes in a dividing cell (See p.329)a dividing cell (See p.329)

Abnormalities in Chromosome Number, Abnormalities in Chromosome Number, happen in anaphase I, as a result of non-happen in anaphase I, as a result of non-disjunctiondisjunction Trisomy – an extra chromosome, 3 instead of Trisomy – an extra chromosome, 3 instead of

two in a pair, 47 instead of 46 in a human two in a pair, 47 instead of 46 in a human karyotypekaryotype

Down syndrome – Trisomy 21, an extra 21Down syndrome – Trisomy 21, an extra 21stst chromosomechromosome

Klinefelter’s syndrome – Male with XXYKlinefelter’s syndrome – Male with XXY Monosomy – missing a chromosome, havine 1 Monosomy – missing a chromosome, havine 1

instead of 2 in a pair, 45 instead of 46 in a instead of 2 in a pair, 45 instead of 46 in a human karyotypehuman karyotype

Turner’s syndrome – Female with only 1 sex Turner’s syndrome – Female with only 1 sex chromosome, or missing part of one (XO)chromosome, or missing part of one (XO)

Page 30: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Awesome websitefor images!!!!

Page 31: How do we repair? How do we grow?

The end . . . for now!!The end . . . for now!!Ready for the test?????Ready for the test?????

Nash – go over Go in cell cycle, as check points.

Page 32: How do we repair? How do we grow?


11/1411/14 Cell CycleCell Cycle

What are the stages to the cell cycle What are the stages to the cell cycle (remember the image you drew (remember the image you drew yesterday). What can you remember yesterday). What can you remember happens in each piece of the pie?happens in each piece of the pie?

Page 33: How do we repair? How do we grow?


Page 34: How do we repair? How do we grow?

Homework the night before this Homework the night before this started was to take notes on 6.1 started was to take notes on 6.1 using the topics given to themusing the topics given to them

Therefore in class, they would just be Therefore in class, they would just be following along in there notes, following along in there notes, adding and highlighting pointsadding and highlighting points

Page 35: How do we repair? How do we grow?

JournalJournal11/1211/12 Cell Division Cell Division

How do you think a cell divides. How do you think a cell divides. There is tons of information inside There is tons of information inside the nucleus, and when the cell the nucleus, and when the cell divides, that same information must divides, that same information must be in the new cell and the old cell. be in the new cell and the old cell. What methods do you think, or do What methods do you think, or do you remember, will a cell go through you remember, will a cell go through to replicate? If you have no idea, be to replicate? If you have no idea, be creative.creative.