SELECT BIBLIO:::;RAl?HY Report..§_ Summary _Qf thq Forum on the Nork in Literatuj:"_s;___g,nd Art J:n the Forces 'll}'ith which Comrc;d.e L_in Biao Entrusted Comrade (Pelcing: Peking Foreign Languag,es Press, February 1975). Nanual Zhenzhi Changshi Shouce (Hanual of the General KnovJledge of Politics) Chinese Youth Publishing Centre, 1980). Zhongguo Be.ike 1:-Iianj ian 1980 \China Yearbook 1980) .(Beijing: Zhongguo Baike Quanshu Chuban She, 1979). Documents Resolution on Certc;in Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the l?RC (1949-1981) \Foreign Languages Press, 1981). Zhongguo Zhengfu J-ixii-shixing l·'laozhuxi de Geming \<J'aiguo Luxianhe Zhengce (Chinese Government has been resolutely pursuing the Revolu·tionary Line and Foreign Policy of Chairman Hao) \Beijing: Peoples Publishing 11.ouse, 1976). Important Documents on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China in9: Foreign Languages Press, 1970). Selected -Articles Criticising __ Lin Biao anq Confucius (Beijing: Foreign Press, 1975), 2 volumes. Great Trial in Chinese History (Beijing: Nev,r World "Press, 1981). 28 5:

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Summary _Qf thq Forum on the Nork in Literatuj:"_s;___g,nd Art J:n the ~.rm~d Forces 'll}'ith which Comrc;d.e L_in Biao Entrusted Comrade Ch:b_an..9.....f..h~.in_g (Pelcing: Peking Foreign Languag,es Press, February 1975).


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