HEW-YORK TTRIBUNE the «rw.WEi* *«» » "tSSauM » r,.».fvt.rt morning «n> evenin (^ .1 v ¦»CBfJBOJ _ ¦t »BilT B rrj <* v^r.*. * rut vaiawBt ¦nM»M^K«vn or »THin «¦«¦»¦ .% lent, per wee-k. Mail mmI o»r,»»»^ to tut p»^-^'*'.. rvi ti a*Lti*>, *>q*ttTtl«rt f C per BBneBl. »¦ H.* A vp.ry t^EJ^mmmmum et the low trite cf f) Bj fabliebe.! -verv f*^KL, Cap** (ur 4>5; Five Cornea for B«c eaneni ¦ .*T*ni ..j » , ao« i t* lo »o cam continued Tw'Cff!. 2. .hui il » r»»d Adverti»amm.'.e in tb- ll'^*./.a^ j. u.NE dollar PER LINK f r tAob »¦* »( 11 v aBHBn * _____ ""'"""tIIK HKwtI«WKKRL\ TKIHINB . .wr Toaertv er.d riimv Momno. Priee, B3 w, a«Vw- TwoCopaee for t)5, Five Cepiei for $11 21. *>.*>- Citwt flu Cent* - THE m W-VtlliK Till mi m: TOR EURO PK AS CIRCULATION 9 .-JBii«i^j ob the departure of toy b Moil Steamer lor Liverptol ,4 B pet BBtien., poetaee llKludi'd. Hin*.!* CopieB, -.» CeBtA. T1IR M.W-HIIIK TU UM Ml ¦ cr CALIFORNIA, OREGON, and IHI MAN D WIC II ISLANDS, UBBbi.ai.ril ob tl.« depart ur< of «erb Mail Steamer for Aftln- «.II tt t> 1 SC per aarxiiu. HlPfle Ccpie», "1» Cm t*._ Rcligione Notices^__ « fcrfetlaa Mplrlri.oll-io.-Th«. R»y. T L^UAMMwBl ,,...h lO-MOaROW at AtadtwwT Ball, No^J Br.adw.y, ..teilte Bond it at IM a. ro. and 7j p m. Morela«tobrect: . Tb* lataratJ t.iN af tbe R.atb OBKwaweW Evenio«: ¦ Hei" W ft aad CBria Worihip." 'eatiaaartiaa of the d'eeuaaioB upon the EVILS OF |CM AMTY AND Ml HF.sr REMtW.S at Ualou Hill, l*> Bowery, MB*** Saetai on St.ND *Y the «Viu. .seeiei Le-r'e J. K. INt.ALI.fl of Wllli*m«bt.r«.b. To e'ce.tSp. m. U M. BCRIVES, 3. t. T. IMae-aurer le> Vouoer Men. The Ree. Dr. POTTS wt'l 6tli»ri a clfoarte :¦> Iba Y" ion M-u't Ch.iriao Alloca¬ tion rf the *"ir«" IlMormed Prraby'erttn Church I Dr. M' LeoJ't), |2t_k*t., tat»tit) IT. TO MORROW EVr.SlNOat7i o'clock. TeeDi iura »»n« rally are Invited to attend. THOMA« H CUTIIF.LL, Resordlaf Se-re'.ry. Rueirra ('.narrrgar ional < bun Ii, tu MaditoB-et, cor- ef Oouremeur Prrer.Biat by tbe Pa.tor, the Ree. O. L. 11 K ' K la the MORNING, a* l'| uMu. i , AFTERNOON ai Sal ..t Is tt.. M i.», ' Tbe Law of I.- v.- r t.e-.i.j eae ef a teriee of die ourtei ob the Spiritual Nature of Man. Kieler Jahn Qulaoy Adaaia will preach a Berrnin (r.. i.oiit pe'cnlttut) on tbe " Revitirm of tbe Entlitb Scrip- tare*,' is the M*e:ini/boote ot :h- North Btptitt Church, aor, ef Ckrltt. pher tBd Bedford tta., TO-MORROw, March 29, at 3 tVeleck pa._ Flfta-aTr-DDt* llaplial ( burrh. -Flnt tervice TO- MOBHOW, Stab ».'., at IM o Clock a. m. aVreud lereiee at 7; trefcM k p at. PrearbiDf »11 at Bar. SIDNEY A. COREY. Bak eel la the eretilnt, -'1111111.''_ lataiartallty ibe Gift of 5«3 m tbewr- In < hrlei .all IN CUNNt.CTiON WIT-I THE COMING AND klNOBOM OF THE MESSIAH.Dlecourie* on tbe above .okiecta vtill be delivered by W. LaNOaKL, on next LORD'S BAT (VWb). at 3 and 7J p. m., at Hiixclborder'* 11» I, bettreeo 2S-k end Mat »t» ttb at. JahB-et. Plr«i K. t hiirrh In Joba-«f.-Pr.a-blux TO-aOHaOv\ by tbe Pta^.r, ibe Jtov. CelABJ.CS E BARBIS- Seivi. «*to coinmenre at 10' a. to. and 7> p. m. Tue pehh. xeaerally are iuvited to a.t. od. Seatt tree._ ^jBaffcl af l^BTItlB Tki Rev. THEODORE L CUY- Li H I'teter ol ibe Da'.ch Retormed Church, Mtrket t'., will P,.i*b n the MoRNIaO. The Rev. H. K GREEN will Preecb aad Baptize u> the EVENING. Seat* reterved for i'.ii i' tlr-Bnorlal ( hurrli. To. it. JOHN H HOPKINS, jr., wki pieaei. lU-MORaOW (Sunday) EWNINO, in the rburcb r«n er ol HtBiBoi.d t'. and VV averlevpler*, one block lioro tbe jBBCtMiB of ll'h tt Greenwich »nd7tb »vi. Service) at 1';, a- Ksrlh Preehjterlaa t'hureh. cor. ol Mb ur. end 21it-nt, TS» Kev E F. UATFlCLD, U. D., F»»tor. VMssBarsh beiui a»w wn.l>l»ted, ibe DeilKation Will täte pleee ou SUNDAY HEXT, Maicb «- rn.on by trie Ptttor .(H a m. Pr-acb- Bit ai.o la the AKTERN DON and EVejNIN i. A public tale af Paw* will Be held in the 1 nur. b on MONDAY EVE NINO. Jtuen JO, attf .. ,...;k. Percim teelrou* ot *.-c nor eu^ibie .ten, aad All etSari intrrret. I are raa le.ted to tttead. "BellVioH" Notice-NplrltiialUtn.-Mr. I.. JI'liD PAR- DIE »nl BMiBIS SBBat Spiritual li.Hn u.e. a' Cl'Bt.m Hall, cera.r C.'i.iton tnd Atlxa'.ic-a't, Br >okljB, on Buoday, »M b baa* , at .| e'elock p. m. tVcond Adveät Mi ««Inn t'hureh..Service m FREE- MAM'N 11 a M. Mr. IBS broe<iwa>', Morning, nt lllj. bill'.." t. at3 p. to., "Tbe Divine Propri.-tortbip of Fowaf." Beut* tree. Haaduv UveulnK Lrctiiree Yountr. Men in .li r- asy 1 IM.-TB« Rev. O. B. Mt'iTlllNOHAM will loniume Bat Beiiet of Le. t re. TO MuKKOW EVENINO ». tue t ni- taitaa t I.,,,'rb HkfeStl " Tte Culture ol tae Mind." Heraton.- Th-Sixth ot a S"rieto! Serinoot will be pr«a. lied atbeK.v. BENJ. J. UAMIIT, Ü. 0 , on SI'NDAY EVEN. O ¦eat, Ibe 2ieb last in St. Peter't Cborcb,.. Divine Serrtee to «ou.ic.-nce i'7j o'el.iek. A collecU'.u will be in »Je it aid ol ibe Cbaiity Fund of the Prntoeteut Epiicopal Brother- keed. fe» one! I'aitHriHD < hur« Ii. Ilrouklv n.-Tbe Rev. A. A LlV KKHokh wlilp:>a..h HI-MORR^.V (Sjndai MORN INI», Mel. b .1». Bt Uie AlbeLvum, Atlantic at., cornel ,.| 1'iluUin. Tbe Mev. T. I.. C'ayler will deliver (oy rttjaaar) lue Uan,.. «e ob 'AhMlou.." im ibe Meik<-t-it. t buroli, TO MuRRoW (SabsetBi EVENi.No>. ttta intt, at i\ y'tjaoA A coiUi ti..i. wul Be takeu rbi toe Aiuericaj. Juvenile TtniiK ranc Baeieiy. Tbe Kev. T. It. Thayrr, trom L.,well, tbe former Pa» tor 11 IM Cbur« b ot tbe tl- . ¦¦<» e will urearh tb ,t t'liur. U, eaner »I roe pl»ce ana < Utkc at., Brooklyn, TO MOBBUW BOB NINO and EVENINO._ The llei. Kdwnrd Antbnn, A««ntvnt Mlalttat of St. Mtit a C juieb, Wat! preacb in ibe KreeCbur. h of the Epiphany No 1.0 Stinten it.. beiweeu Kvtex and Bat»alt Bt*, ea SI N DaY I \ I.NINO, Maicb&t. Se.vlie to oommenoe a-.7| o'clu;k ~Tae? Rev. I>r. 1 brevet- win preach Beat BaBBATH F.V a.-viINO, in the Obaiai ol the Furiiant, on rni»o-ai]iitre, a Daaeurae on the text.*' Me that taith to tb.- WkBtU d, luou art " n»I. -. ..a. him «hall Ike people eurae, ottlon* *ball ebhor " buu " Service* commence at 7j. Tb« Kev. Abel Nirvena will pre*, b TO MORROW, at 10} a m , ana the Rev. OEO > llAKE»t7)p m., in t he Ftnt pit*- Bt E Cknrcb, juBctiou ol Ftrtt-pitoe tnd Henry it., Sjutb Brooklyn. Sonaey -School Mitaiouary lueettus tt if p. ni. Tbr Krv. P. F. Jones, l'a.tor of tbe Crntral Patt B.p- tttt thureh. a>ee\ini in tftrj t\ between SSd and Mra ate., will pieaek NEXT LORO S DAY MORNING, BttiH 29, and ad- Illli'.l the OlCin«nee of BaptlMB to .SVeTal CAOdidl.el. W llllamabiirah -The Rev. B. PETERS will preacb a diecourtc upon "lbs Fell of Man," TO-MOBROtV EVEN¬ ING, Is tbe Church corner of ttb aud South 3d-»». ßpi-riol Äoluf». PetST HtaM-latr, etvq., of E.tlnbiirth, ScotlanJ.aill lidl.t Jeveiai SaBkeiB bciiooit ol ihn City at tue Cburcii ot the Puil- ttr.« on Ualun-iquare (Rev. Dr. Cueevet'*), TiiiS AJ-TER- BOON, liStb In»., at '){ o'clock. Siottn«- by the Catldreu. TreiairndouK F.xriien.eDt at Convcntloa Hall,No. 177 By** ater at., on St 11»A i t. »KN1NU the in -ati ,*, will ie..'die».ed by R. M. POF.R, Uatv HAMILTON aud Mr. lABD. i'boae wuo waut belter dri .k tluu bad . .uA a e in. at i »te.'iuüy In it. q to attend. JOHN QUA, Frealdcnt. Vv m Na*M, Bt> rt taty. The ( arieniere ol' >ew-\ oi k are requeated toatteod a Die~cii.» at ajoi.veiitioB Hall, W.K.ater-tt. »' 1; p. ni. Tbe letaea are lovlted to attend. By otdt r ol the Cjimuittee. Aaaoclatittn ol' 1 \eai|it I ireinen. 1 a taaaub rt will p»»ee meat at No. DeBaM it. M'NDAY MORNIN ? at !. *«.«», to at lead tbe funeral ot onr Ute ttto tale, Mr. BEIt- BABD WtsrTKBMaN. OEO. W. WIlEttLEB R s. t'Bpt IV> MiviervV Ve-rond l.i'etnrr..In comp! ei.e lea atkaauboue ieo,uo»t of .Be auviieuoe at the Ittt lecture, Mbj araaat aSalle el uitny ovh. r», C.pt 11. A DE KIVIFRK, A L. H will »ive two in ,ie leetBtat OS f.. Crime an Wir,'' m Hope Chapet,Bli MtlNDAl aiet iVEDNESOAY¦ tt,Mel j .».An Ap.ii i, «reu aatots tkudtsd mrlrlrmanttaflal a-yount leirible colBku wi.l b. k i.t.a.je (.mta, lube btdf A pi mft k Aalari No ...i Bioaiiway, aad at toe <i*>t. it* ,., tuie lata tbe E..»li»n t..u>ue. Lecture tu eoniaivBCe at f F K " I I I B S S »AR1HOLOMI B A ^ Bo, (j, Oieentvicu it-. « koteeei« Dealerl in Le/ye C-o.lO'h, Ma. teiel, Extra Meet Beef, t Ir ,V ««"«uldert, Beef, Fvct.to Basb. Baai bjlu., Ckeaaa, Lata, teaiH-a-d kiBea.it, VTaassi,BolpeaiceiaTat. lotntry 1'roJaie asM on .umiu.a.ioB. a*,v^r*¦,T,,r,,*' ^"I""1" !*'eaka»uibe»erv. dop THIS ¦AT (aad eveiy day next Week>, at .No, ta NASSAI'-ST our Svei a.,nli ol Jotui, by K. C. MO.N I... iMKttV epoon etfrelee will ootumenev* »» ]j e'eloek u haaaberaed tbe TurUo Club wul pl-ate take notios ^aB^t.y '-'1?-4*UJ ü'J ^> Ptrtof the Mate, Corkroarbc«. Herl-Haa-e, tVr. .eipt, b.taakbvai», beaioiu, rjo.iet», A.c-, win to well to ¦typly Urn BtAetvea wn.' pa A»,-' a. prepared expr« ». < ¦.in» »" K«r Exi r.BMiaarox t-.»Ta»'i" box h »\D Bl i DO.) "CotTaB'a" kin raic Powtir.a. _Hieolt aale . no r.ua. Dypoi 38b Broadwey, N. V. Jbauejraat I»fe»llaeu7e~»iDtcTaBa Leibei Ksclytawt r««a.o»'d fiom No. laJat u> N... tl Wonb-at, j** llbBBBJ Min a trw dort w.rtof Broadway. No ttva Jff:_JAMEB PL#AGAN Suwrlatetideat. *,aasja lloaatt) for ¦ AXEattbl* e«cr" tievavala! Ntraw Baaacta !! OF lit.. LaxTEBT STVLCS, _ For Ledi.a ^^d M.Atai, r > fcbetp for Caafc, et J H. H. KLKY'S N\, ,,| J, Htm pabluatioM. H L W r fi AT U 1 1 ' ,,H K: a<> <>F Ol K UNION sow ILLUSTRATED ,M ^ *-.k,y ,a Amen.«, I r M ISS AGNES ROBERTSON. III TUM WBJSBXY NOVKLKTTB roa THIS VIII, ,-.¦.«,. a Portrait *f Ult thermia* A ;tr***, t M . i) *f >>'t (¦.»»'* and pobii« aX'o, SYLVANU8 COBB, ja.'* ORBAT STÖRY. For f .¦» avrrvwhere ( . Pour <'. t!« .ach j^Xc T, FANCY and FICTION. 11 ARPi: 1 UH~YVE I. KT.Y. rivc caart a «um**.*. (MM a vaaa. NUMBER THIRTEEN RKADY THIS DAY. CoaTfVT»; TnE TWO GOVERNORS. TBE DRED SCOTT C4SE. WASTE OP APPETITE. HAS THERE BEEN AN ATTEMPT TO POISON TUE PRESIDENT ' HOW NE V YORK IS GOING TO BE PCNIßHED. ANOTHER SLICE OF MEXICO BOUGHT. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. FRANCE AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. CHAT. Golan to Europe.-FollOB and Napileou..St PgtrVk'* Dar in tee Mrming THE MaN ABOUT TOWN. With Fo-.r Illustration*. Ad Acute Tr.txgle.A Tramp through the SI aim..A Green Lane..Submarine Exploration*..Ad Oil Acq iiimaoi *. Third Story, or Shelf.Second Story..Barement Story. MEN AND TH1NOS IN ITALY. I Prom our own Corre*- pender-t I PBAlTLE AND TATTLE. M... H-rnn -The Play. A BACHELOR TAX. With an Iiluttrattoa. LITERAKY. New Bo kr and Ll»*rxrv Gossip. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. IFaaHapNa Msrsavswfs: R-c«ption of Lird Napier; Tb* Amended Dallaa Treaty, Oilier Treaties; The Political Gulllo- tin ; Gettip. etc; Albar.y Doings; New jeraey Flriig up; Troubles IB Ca'ifornl*, Terrible »Jta'e of A if .Ira among tbe Mor¬ mon! Peril* of L.g.aiation In Nebraska; Sorrow* of a Oov-ruur ol Kan***. Tbe Death of Sberrard; Better to hare Three Wive* tban Two; Beware of Ladies with Muff*; Olli.-c Scoters taken for Pickpockets; Preaentlment ol Murder. A father and Bon Fro/en to Death; A Duel between two Ladle*; Supporting .ther Men'* Wivo*. FOREIGN NEWS. / upland Defeat of the Palmerston Ministry The Closing D»bate; The Baene Outride; Peace wlib Peraiai Th<- Bight Man forth* Bight Place; What I: Co*U to he a Lite-GaarHsiaau. Frantt: Tbe En i » Court the Great Men The Emperor'* Brother on a Bed of Thorn*; The other Coarrner refu*** Five Million; Progress of the New Dan.ei The Frem h Telegraphic Oferu'ors Waklr. g up. New Style of Gambling in Pari*; A Rob¬ ber Beautifully Caugnt; A Creditor Locked up in a Mad-bonae. Plwtrta: The Neiifcbatel Question. 8pain: Protpect of War be ween Spain and M. «... Ruitia: Couostlon of the Rus- .inn Itidlwsy*. China I Progre** of the War. Sica-agva : Walker'« Mi vement*; Col. Lorkridse'a HoveuieDt on Castillo; Col. Titus tli.ks DLcretion the bettor Part of Valor; What tbe Costa Rirai.a tbuik ; Sir Robert MeClnra among the Fiiii- butters Sir Rjtierl MnCl.ire Snubbed hv Oeu. Walker. A RANOER'S LIFE IN NICARAGRA. Il.i UaTaaTioNs: Extinct Volcano of Ometepe, 8unrise; The Fever Hospital at Graotda; Landing Hospital Patieatt; Retreat Ironi Massaya; Tb* " Immigrant;" Nioaraguan Volun¬ teer The Hospital Colony at Ometepe; Eviacu&'.ion of Granada; Ti;e Voyage of the Patients; \jcw ol Oiueti pa-; The Landing; The Village \ ('apt. John M. Baldviii; Feeding tin- Sick at Night; Every Han hi* Own But.-h-r; The Night Patrol; th* Burial of tbe Dead; Arri'. all: Fillibus'erism. THE DEAD SECRET. Chanter the Twelfth. A Plot aialntt the Secret. THE ELOQUENCE OF TEARS. THE AI'TtlOR OF " AURORA LEIGH.'' VV Ita Portrait and Autograph. THE TWO MI&EHS. WAS IT Nf)T PROVIDENCE. NOTES ON THE aRTtf AND SCIENCES. Valuable Diecoverie* Arno- g the Ruins of Carthage; Tlie Five Great Lake* of North Ameri-a, Immecae Chain«; Tng- ononn tiir al burvey of Great Britain Ancient Coin; Iron Dis¬ covery« iu England Curioua Discovery in California N( IE* AND QUERIES. Tie Youth of 8<hlPer; Query f ir O'l Knir-kerbocker*; "To the Charitable and Humane"; New Lot t -r of Chailes Ltv h'*; Now and Then; Americu'a Obligation* to Northjtnp- I. «Mr.- Word* and Things; Washington living's First YVurk; Attyri«n Archeology. AGRICULTURAL ITEMS. On tbe Age cf Animal*; CurraU an.l^Oooaeberry B ull"-; Metauring Land. THINGS WISE AND OTHERWISE. WEEKLY MARK FT SUMMARY. P1NANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. FASHIONS FOR APRIL. With an Engraving. -. lVraoua hung is the- CiHes of N.-w-Y'ork m Brooklyn, and wishing " Harper's Weekly " supplied at their house* will plcate to send tb'-ir naiuee and residence to tbe OnVe of Publi¬ ca'ion. The Carrlors wha deliver the paiuT will collect pt* lor tbe tame. Publitbea by HARPER k BROTHERS, Fitnkliu Sq uare, N. w-York. Pi Bi imiKD raui Daii yiVIA, Mrs. &( >ITH WORTH * New Rook. V I V~ I A ; <>», THE SECRET OF POWER. By Mrs. Emm* D E. N. Snutuworth, Author of .' Lost Heiress," " D. sorted Y\ it..," Misting Pri.!.-," Ionia," " Wife't Victory." "lUtributiou," "Li*ceid- i d Daughter,' "Cnne of CliOon, kc. CONTENTS: OurTKk loa. ill: ll-I.lfe. XXI-Young Live. 11.The-Mounts in Path. | XXII-\Ivit's S ,.ta>ri«<*. III. Tbe Convent IV. Mount Storm. V.An Old Family Ser vaut- VI-Nell. VII.Sister Angeiia. Vlli-Tbe Abbea*. IX-Tbe Friert. X.Theodora. XI.The Champion. XI 1-Tbe Valley. Xlll-The Morninf Star. XIY.The Convent'* Child. XV-Ta* Old Kairo H. .... XVI.Theodore at Mount Storm. XVII-The Garret. XVllI-Tbe Poor Stiid*nt. ,\X-T h e 8 p i r i t «1 tbe Cl.oir. XXIII.Adver*e Power. XXI\-B eau t y and tbe Beast. XX V.C' ntplraclr*. XXVI. An l'n-on»ciou» Bride. XXVII-A Strange Honey¬ moon. XXVIIl-The Abbey Frau- cois. XXIX-Familv Secret*. XXX.The Sjiectr*. XXXI-The Exocurion. XXXII-Tbe Endol Atplrt tion. KXXIII-More Myrteriea. XXXIV-Renunilation. XXXV . J ealout v. X \ X V I.Retribution. XXXVI1.Compensation. Con plata iu one large volume, nt-atly bound in ,-ioth, *M .'^; or iu two volumes, pepe-r oovi r, «VI. Publiabt u at T. B. peterson'S, No. IMOBsWtaal m Phiiad'-lphla. For .ale by al! Boukaeller* and News Axeata, .. at E. D. long's. No. SO Beekmau-st New York._ JUST PUBLISH KD Ii V. APPLETON a Co.. No*. 346 and 348 Broadway, AFi'LEio.vs Railway and BTXAM namuAtion GUIDE For APRIL. Pp. M. Price S5 rente. 1- BIOGRAPhY ok ERASruVcORNIKll, P.*iidaat of tbe New York Central Railway. With Portrait. 2-a nec DOTES OF TK*N EL by Blvei and Rail. 3- BAILYVAYS AND THEIR PROGRESS. The Michigan Central Ro*u Railway* la Wi*con*la; Y\ itcon*ia and Minne- *oia Katlwav. 4- KAILWAYS. By E. L. Bltnchard. A-A MAP Of the new-ENGLAND STATES. f- ' r\'ap of the SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE I Ni l EH bTATES. --A MAP OF THE NORTHERN PORTION of THE UNITED BTATES. 8.lNDh \ of DIVERGING ROUTES. 9. INDEX OF UPWARD OF .-'."OO PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN HiE I NIT1.D STA1AS. id couoeeiioo witb Kinwaya. K-A list Of THE HOTEL* in THE UNITUD STATES AND canada. 11-a GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES.Ar- rarged uuder th* tenarate Maps ol Railway*. U-SIXTY-kOLK MAPS OF the PRINCIPAL RAIL¬ WAYS 13- M.W TIME TABLE.Correcied to dal«. 14-a COMMERCIAL REGISTER of PROMINENT Bt SINESh Hi»l>es. 15-A list OF NEW PU3I INATION'S. 10. STEAMBOAT DIKECTOItY. 17.III NTS TO TRAVELER*. 1*.ADY'ERTI8E MENTH. 0 O N D AY , March «111 he ';a*ued HINhMORE'S RAILROAD and BltAM NAvlGA TION GLIDE FOR AfRlL. 272 pp. Ftie*. 2"< cent*. Edited hy R. 8. kiaoer, , ,. CovTr.v Tt: 1. A tars. Railroad Map ol Unite.. State* and Caua.ua. t. Moi.tb'y Record of Met. ila! Prtun-ts. 3. luoex to s5/>00 milewot Railioau. 4 In.!, x to l.vo Route* *ud ld/VO Cities, Y Ulagoi *».'. Sla- t.oua 5. Iudex to Combined Railroad Kontra. 6. Ose hundred and eighty iiag' f Gib. at' T. ie Table«. 7. Maps oi Principal Ke.!ronü Centers. 8. Con Idntd Railroad Routea. I. r and Lake Sleamtauat Routea, with D'n'aa-a. 1". Sttam Navigation Culuo. ii Rai road Gtaa-ttear. II .aonicrrial RegUter and BuslneM Dtr"«tory. 1 Ad\< rtis< uient*. _DIN3.MORE a. Co., No a Bpnve st. A i ALE ol AbHiK'HIM. INTEKEaT. tw- OLD HAI N THE PAWNBROKER._ CHAIMAS" 8ECTIOXAL MA Pri of Wis¬ consin ILLINOIS, IOYY a aud MI NNE50TA, o*rtir,e4 by lb* .*. \ (laaueral CBAFMkN'S TOWN.^Tflip ilAr .f th, NORTfl YJ'EST, UM-lulling the shove sod KANSAS and NEBRASKA. LAJ HAM'S BECTIOBAL MAP ol YY [8( o.val.S. Ihe oorreetnest. relitbüity and sotv of tb-- last .dltJoii*, ban a,ies>dy e.tablialod fjj.p, M ajj M], ..^»bic d*U lot r, f, in For sale a* a'l B l.tore.atd by New.boy* itb* uar*. DYER k PAbMORE, Publisher*, Milwaukaey Wi*. Ii 11 I NEW-YOKK MBHSENUE8 AND 1 KAVELER.--TWl rljkaj ,; ,. a j v^aiM* Newsptaper is i*»«»-.l very 14 tTI BD YY, and malted t- tubi.-ribar* al tbe low p/ifo ol ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Subscript, -u. ;eethttjk) R C JlcCORMICK, jr, Aapleusir. B _Ho. 34* Broadway CAHTAL IrOOK lor a I.ONli EVEMNii- L-iyD HAI S, tUti FaW.NBKOB.- K. 31 T TBK ECCLESIASTIC4L HISTORY OP NEW-ENOLAND. FROM ITU KIRIT PLANTING 1*4 MX TO MB. In fl e v e b Book;. Bt the celeb tied Rat COTTON MATh f.H, B.B, f K.S., Pater of the North church, B (ton. With An iDtrixJoc'too And ' .». t. :> Notee by the Rev Thomas Bontti. 0 D. Aho, tbe TriBtialioBi of tbe Hebrew, Oreek and.Lttln Q ;oU- tk-Dt, by Lr< tVI F. Rounsoi, LI* B. Tbe f n! edition of t!.e IB**! work wu published in Lenden to 17*2, in ¦ fclto of W pagee, with A Map of New England, at- eordine to tbe thro ealetluit ttete of «,eo*7»pbic»J ItBraaw. . original title wee " WignaMa Chrim Ae-rcov" The work ikxmd in the bud* of every icboiar as<1 literary men. We Append tome of tbe no'Icel if t»* pte»»: Freer The Imiepenltnt. " Few book* of thtt ere ere mete extract ire. No latelluye^t New » t «r.o mas, so Congregational paevr, ao man wbo **- ptrei to a thorough aconelotaoce with the bi»tory if C">igreg.» toBtllarn, or f f New-England, ran afford to without M*«be,'« MaaitJie Wberevtre esarcb Ufldertakee to bare a library bt it* s ».!. r or for tbe ooDgregiiicB, tbl* I* a book not to be d'«- p«b*ed wi'b Nor will It r>-roaia oa the thelvee oartad We never epen tbe work without b- ini'-ompelled'.¦> read, end *p*rd Botirgp»rhtp*, when we only Intended to look tor nine .».' itnieBibereu fact or elluiion " Fron» TA* S»te-Ve»k Obeeeeee. *' It wruld be dm to i j a word la pre! a at explaaatloa of tl.i* letiBed and iuVAluabte work of C-.tt< n Ma'.her. wai rh ha* Iol» been the aource of mucn of'h'- iororrxeti. n wb.-h we bare up< u tie «arlj hlttory "f New-Eoila-id, and eapeaiAlly of iU more dlatiugnln d per*on*ge« in Chnrrh and See Tai* work ki«. n< dp < f it* iuierett in tbe advancing age of our cum-ry , bur, treating .. it doe*, upon the axtiquiti-e of one of it* mvot Important n gion*. it* vtlue will c.inti.oeto increase with ad- Tencing vtra. Hundred, and we Catc ity tbn iatsdt, of -h- mna Of Bm I', ir.ii.« w it. be glad to add tbete Tolume* to tbrlr lihiariea." From Tht .Vent-Far*: Krangeliit " There never wee another book like th*!| ai.J, if I' w«r ta'nele»« n* a I i»t«iric -eroid, it ought to be preserved a* a Bt' «rary eniioaity. It I* a sohle and a:! et i laoortl of nerui- de«da and gocly ent. rrnlae. Thee*tly annel* of New-Eaglini tic nowhere to well depleted, and mwaere do the pi mi Pil- f lim fatbera «tasd forth in nobler tapeet. We eeiigra'.ula'e th retding world on the reappearance of tail work in M ¦.it r a fonn." From The CHtiitian Advttrite and Jiurn-%1. " We are glad to tee tbif new euition of C it ton Mttlier'i in- valmble werk, with the Important f-compuiiinent rf tbe trani- lttiooa asd sotet, which tie ao ea*entlAI to it* elticidAtlon and ni' at tbly performed. Tbeae »o.nme« are the t'oreh->a»ei from which all lubtequest blttoriant who have treaVd of New Eng¬ land blttory bare drawn liberally for their mt'erltla, a : ell wbo wib to it tidy mas is the development of hii farultiea will f.Ld ibiet account full of Intereet asd tnitruction; it It written onder tbe no»t ronteitstiout regard tor truth, and 1* Alwayi re¬ liable at to facti " trim ihr Watrhmcn and F'ßtrtor, Boifoe. " There bat been, within the latt w yean, much inquiry for tbi* work.e woik without which the early hiatory of New-En- gltr d can neither be writtes sor fully u-derifod. We are greatly pleated that tb< M volumrt have made tneir appearance; Anil intelligent New Erglan.leri, whether .i«rgymen or ley- men, who du tot poueii them, tbould bta'rn to give them a place in thtir 1'bttrie ." Froat The Chri'tian Ftfitter, I: .' i. " We tre tnrntkud to find that are btve here only the itend rdition. tnd the jt-it An ericas edition of thin tu.t i.g work Thi* bt* erjoyed it. valuable editorial lupervi.lou of the Rev. Dr Rol bHia, tnd it m.ide trcenible to tbi Erjgll.b rei>ler by th« tiioilation of the quo'ttioni from the ancient Itugutge* wbicb occur In almttf iveiy tentence. It it t work of v«ry great tnd niton! value, the moat complete hlttory of New- England, nil tt»- liebelt w.tirce of mttenal for ail tnbae.pient bittoiltni It centatt.» minute biographical tketchot an l po*> tgajt* of diitingiiiibid dlvlt et And civlllani, and deacribel toe mtnieri tt.il mortli of the timei." Froet The Ch'tttian Retiea. " The lovcrt of antlqiil'y adi! all who wlih to In-ome ffii'rliie with the f pin'ota, t". eilsgt tnd rvllgtotii life of our New-En- glii.d (atlu rt will be gltd to tee thii republirttion of Mt'hei'i grett woik. 11a quaint ity e will prove quite a* tttrtc Ire a* itiiubjirt. 1 he value ol tbii edition for p pu'ur cirjulaliju it much enhiBced by the trenalatlon of ptAitgei in fjrebjn lto- fin:ei by Lutiut F. Ri bin*on, eaq " e F.oei The BeBpvWBI Herald Hnrtdird Ct. " Lor g btve v. e oe.ire.1 to obtain a copy of tbi. nre old work, tnd bow our wiah ii {ri'ifled. I' it on tm ^ith, while p»p-r, with a nett tr d alctt tvpographv, tod ii a treeture rtou.e af fact* and thought*. W e ki.ow of b it few BtrefB OVrtoaa or aa- terttiriing, who*hat we -naid. r the iubj»ct matter or tbe ity1*, and we tiutt ihut tbe libra'y not only of every elertyo. rs.M wbem It la iudlapeniab!).bat alto that of every lat»l ige'i: l%T man, wul he mpplted with It. Mmt eieeJI. nt re^oiut will R fornieh for ail d*y» of the week and for all parti of the DtDlUy The above w. rk la hac.l»omely bound is c oth, in two octxgo Viluni'i, eon.priiint I,VC puiei, wi h a It'Ie HBtawl of en- g'tvii fa on et.«I asrl wood, tnd will be aeot free of [>*.*.¦. by mail or otberwite, < n reiijpt of B5 Addien JOSEPH 11. LAP 1), No. » Beo-Vtinfn *e., N. Y. Ti~E INDEPENDENT. "THE INDEPENDENT !nt"t!r relkWoi Joi.rnAl, >f the large*! ti-e-conilnetrd by t con v "f well-ki own Cl-r»vm»a, ai d regularly coolnbuteil to by many of the bet', wri :eri ia liiit e..imtiy tnd in Fnr'.pe. Circulation oearly .10 0110. tnd coutlLiit'.ly Increatlng. th1« urn's m ttrt, THE INDEPENDENT for tbla we. | ronttiot a greet num¬ ber ol aitiibn on vtrlo.it inbjecti, cunal-tiDg of peperi from .peciti eratrlbatora, litten irom BoiiaepotidaaU in varioui neite of the world, Editorial*, Tale*, Sketche*. Literary Re¬ view* und (Mtaebrma, Miicellanie* in prote and veree, and a eomprelientive acmmar; of the newt of the week, bom tocu.al and leligloa* (M R SPECIAL CONTRIBI TORS: " Tbe Deri.ioB of tüe Supreme Court It the Moral Aertiilat- tlon oft Hare, and cansot be obeyed''.a pungent and power- Rtl arti. le trotr the pea of the Fe>v. Dr. Curt vre. " Prayera Uaaaiwtred ".by Rev. He nay Wako RrecitgR. " Theodore, Clittlie and Orä.-e '.by " Or**;" a poem on tBe Hidden tnd |<. ei t d'-atha of three little children in ose bully. OCR OWN CORRESPONDENCE: " Letter from Botton"-from Tbe Independent'! well-known rorretpi.ident "Tbi-MocktaIx." "The Morning Httr".a letter on the Miiilostry Ship. " Revivtl It Oreeu Bty." " Britiih Taxation tnd FiBaSi t".from our Engllih corre- ipci dint "AfiXli oi.A." " The Btititb Aid tbe AmericAU Prett".xn istereitlng And diicrioiinating trtirle from the atme pen. " Letter fiom India". giving as ac-ouot of the conneetim of the Bntiali O jvernruent in Inöia with Idolatry ; tbe pe-nli ol Mitiionatiet among th* heathen; Hindoo Catte, IntolertEc« ti.d 0(prtltioii " A grett Hittoiloal Fttud Expeeed".in Article rotnaoended to thr .i la. attention ol aeottor Toomb*, of Oeorgia. " Tl .- Itte Mr. Rii bad M. Jimp," " Haliread Sltogbter io Ctoadt".giving an accannt of tbU eaSaaiHy. from the pen of an eye-witneti, adUtlugulxUed e'.crgy- mtn in tl.ti rtty BBXIOIODI INTELLIGENCE..CompHtlng recent ml In- teteatir - from if - rrllgioiitdruomlnAtloBi,care¬ fully dlgei'ed. cltttified and arrtnged. LITERARY BFCOhl): " Fecei t Foreigri Tlieologlctl Periodical!," DOMtSTIC SUMMARY: An elaborate and complete Dige*t .f the Se. ultr Newt of the Week. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT: " An cpen Sirctniry " " The Reaeh of tbe Drrd BeMt Decltion." " Death of the Rev Dr. Laming." " Dr. A D. Sinlth't Letter to Tbe Evangellit." " Tbe V, ry Lateat".LiAvisg releretice to tbe Amerlcxa Tract Society " Retuiti of tbe Collection for Building Cburoht-i at the Wert » COMMEBCIAL AND FINANCIAL: " Nrw Baiktog 11. ... '.giving an errhlree rural deaciiptloa of fblrteet neve edifice* for banking hotiaet in tbla City. " Tbe Money Market-" .* Foieien . xchange." " Dry (load! " " An I'nrepealed Sttrnp Act " " M it luaanity." "Stolka." " Ci'y Bark Return* " " Sale* of City Rai t Stocka" " FAiil-ars xxn Atsicvtir.xT*".giving* loag lilt of Import¬ ant t.t:. a in city asd cocBtry, that Btve failed during tbe paet wtrk (It la tbe tini of tbe Commer. ial EJitort of The luiependent to give the ableat and meet reliable " Money Article," on tki* aide ol the Km' I FAMILY READING: Giving an entire bam of original and Beleeted mltcellanlee, for tbe lireetde. Included lu tbl* depart¬ ment it an Ant.'Slavery ttorv, ii.it begua, eutitlad '. Auat Stllv; Or. Tbe Cro*i tbe Way it Freedom.'' HOBTICULTL'RE: Givini tbi* week " HinU on General PiiBcip'rt ei Culture. " Green House." " FrtJt Gardaa." "Bltcten Otrden." "Horticttltore In Paleetioe," and " Hortl- cultural Memoranda." FOREIGN MISCELLANY: An inter. >:ing cokima I lied from i at EsglUh rtch.nge new tpaperi ADITOR'5 BOOK TABLE. Con'.auuag thit wet k review* of rrve'tl leceat workt. Tkbm*.By mail, fl* a year, in advance. Spe. iueu Nuthbers it ut gsattoi Single Ccpiet, »l\ cent!. AntBbi uxv.t.m*.Twenty cer.ti per hoe each iBAertioa. JObEPH U. LADD. PcUuher, _Orliee No. a Beek man tt., N. Y. DR. DO B AX NE W W O R K. Fnbli»bedTHIS DAY. Bernrday, M»rrh»: MONARCHS RETIRED kROtt" BI SIN ESS. By Dr. Dobam, author of " Table Trelta," " Enlgfct* at.d their Dayi," ke. 2vola. lino cloth. 02. " There It taaaa ly aclaa* of reader* whim tb.* book will Bot pie*a*. Wi'b lnfiiLoatioB to reeorumetiü H M tbe ttooiun*, It! oaiLieg livellBeat ef ityle will not tail to BtUaut the ordinary taader. Tie BimrtwUl enjoy every genuine tmn»*m. at. tba latter will gala very ranch ten pttble iof muri <s in t very Blettnral ie wty. It it a very ctarming book, and turv of a bngbt.aieei." [Geiitletnan * M^gtxiua. Bv Tur iahe Arriioa TABLE TBAITS, V. ifH SOMETHING ON THEM, uw.. ii '0. aii. HABITS AND MEN. WITH REMNANTS OF RECORD TOl CIUMi lhE MAKI l'.> Of MUTI1. limo., clotii. *L bSSJ , 11 N>, PJ * NGLAMB Ol THE HOLSE OF IIANOv VK, (toe Ulve* of the loi.r tie i vol* Wuto , .BBIGHTS ANn THEIR DAYS. 12uk... cloth. «1 «. .The 7vo.i in belt calf er rnoner exte», a 14 if. _.>¦ iU.DHr.i,U. No. 34 Be. kman it. JdM f .. T.~ CHARACTERS AND CRITICISMS.- 2 VC». Clown »»o A lelertiun of mtl-. line a Pi BM ob veriott toriet el I.iteratura Art end Chane ter b. \Vilfiam A Jot.'I. A-M.. L.Parian ol i ..luaibit t-u. .e. New-Veik. The tn^e a-.ipplW and order* ,llel b\ ibe t»iMi»brr _J- Y. WFSrERVlH. Hi nliBnitlway. CT A T E BRADY «HB BANEFUL EFFECTS «f AVARICE in OLD Hai N, THE BAWNBBOK.ER. ASTOBY BY SYLVANTS COBB, jr.- TUE PABAOR CASK?Tal if . * > t on* «f Mr. COED'S TALES, «atltW OLIVIA; Oil THE PATRIOT CRUISER. TIm r oK.it«- of THE CASKET r»o.» act wiib to If, a*, dentood that tkii It » sew tturj. hb boa no d-i rt to tteal another pubH*k*r'f thtndrr; therefor* Iba followlag anreooacr- attont it mad" La tar i*t lit t othaciii of THE CASKET Thi* i'arv la aot a aew oca, b in on* of Mr Cobb'i early .radacuoae; bot it bat beea to loa« oot ol priut :r.. tit wul be aewtetb* treat nut of *.b« pretest g--uer»-.i. n of r .... rr Mr Cobb now writet for no paper but Thb Ncw-Towa Lcd«kb, i.f q'-ei:!j Ma sew atorie* can snlj be obtained in Ibet paper.'' THE C iSKET it a btndaome, arg* . ! r ; week' It. Sold at FOUR CENTS. Boy ir_ ROSS k TOL'SET, Age i, _No. 121 Nasaaoit. X TKAOKDl 5 AR Y YOLIIME! E ULTNTESSEf CE Of KNOWLEDGE. INQUIRE WITHIN, roa tftTtUM ran *t.tr to km.*. OR, 0>ER d,7*o FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Cloth Gilt, PRICE, ONE DOLLIR. 4M pages.** For.li.bedby GARRETT, DJCK k FITZGERALD, No. 1* Ann-it., tad for ule by all B ««?. »rt j^J IS8 MATILDA HERON. SEE B A Xj LOU'S PICTORIAL ran THE PRESENT WHEK. Ccataitiog a large Original Portrait of thli et*l*br*'ed Anaeri tan Actrett, bow pefinrauag with 10 atacb eel**, ta New-T«*k a oca.pecicd by a t.:. and accurate Biography of too lad«. Foa Balk Evbbvwhbbb roa Six OaeTTtV J-N~ QUIRE W I T H I N Giret complete direction! how to wain, ttarcb aad Iron well- bow to keep the eyea, I air, teetb and complexion la perfect or, der, and it contain! to many valuable and aatfut recipe*, tkat a en u me ration of them leqniiei ieVcLty-two column* of tine type for thi Index. For tali by all Bookaellata._ 18 HI PAT I ON in NE W-YOKK..Rend OLD HAI N. THE PAWNBROKER D ASTORY BY SYLVANUS COBB, JR.. THE PARLOR CASKET of April 4, now ready, coataioa one of Mr. COBB'S TALES, entitled OLIVIA; 0«, THE PATRIOT CRUISER. The pubUiber of THE CASKET do-t Bot with Hto be ander stood that tblt ii a on itory.hk haa no deeire to *teal another pnbliihar'i thunder; therefore tbe following anaouncemcnt it nude In tbe reading column! ol THE CASKET: "This story ii But a new one, being one of Mr. Cibb'i early productloui; but It ha* beet, to long ont of print tht*. It will b- new to the greit n ass of the present generation of readers Mr. Cobb now wri es fur no paper but Ttir Nrw-Yobk LaVMEa, consequently Ids new stories can only be obtained In that paper." THE CASKET ii a baediotne, ;r aired, well printed week, ly. Bold at FOUR CENTS. Boy it. ROSS k TOUSEf, Ageato, _No. 121 Nassau it, J N Q 5 I RE WITH Fx \a ill inform yon how to Write and Speak Correctly; to a:- qaint yourself with tbe trcbr.i<-il Grnji In Lit"ra'ure, Law at,"! Mi liirice.in abort, tra-do every useful thing that can ho tbougut of or imagined, whether at home or abroad, or among your friend*, or Id your bosinesi. or on your farm, or in yonr g*rd»n, cr at j-ublic du <ing, or at a private assembly. R EYELATIONS of INT8IOUE in OLD HAT'N, THE PAWNBROKER T'HE INSIRANCS INTELLIGENCER.. A neatly printed qnart ibret of eight pages, published *< mi-nn.ntkly by ROGERS k HART, No. W Walaut-tt., Pnil- ae.elpliia. t>\ per year. ¦a I illkW or thr rant»: " It Ii«legtntlv pri tint, . full of valuable ma'ter, and detervt tbe liberal tupportol all interetted in insurance " [Phila. Eveulag Bulletin. " Much ditcstiioDal matter of ipe< til interest will be luund bo iU columua." | N. A. k V. S Oazatte " It it edited with much ability aad contains a mas* of nseful ¦ formation to all buiinei! men, and cipeclaJly to all engaged in Iniurarca." (Evening Argut ' It ii very ably conducted and tilled with matter uf iutrrest to besinet« a en." [Transcript .' Meaars. Rogers k Halt are both gentlemen of experience and deserve aui bt is fPhil. Evening Juua&al. Four numbers bare been published. Addreat at above. N W BOOK Jutt Hecetved: V I V I A ; Oa, THE SECRET OF POWER. Emms D. E. S Boithwobth. Cloth.«1 25 P*rer. 1 00 kl tt, THE RATS OF THE SEINE; Ob, _ THE RIVER THIEVES OP PARIS. Price 23 in1* E. D. LoNO, No. vi Brekman it , N.wYork. A-ef». Peddler* and all others aupiiied at VER* low rates. I 19 9 111 WITHIN Informs you how to clean furniture-take care of pet animal! .bow to make ornamental Taaei by the new art of pirtioma- nie-wix werk and other fancy employment! for the It-lie*. For mjm by all Booksellers. Ii S. ARTHUR"' NEW BOOK! ! ! . WHAT can »OMAN DO Buy it for your Bister, Wife or Mother. 12th Eitltion now ready. This book is baring an immens« aale, Bating been aekaowl- ecVdaaone of the bett efforta of Itt popobar author. W* can bow fill the ord*r* of our Ageat* without aay delay. J. W. BRADLEY, Publlaher, _No. 4* North 4th tt, Philadelphia. ABFUHMI. BOOK for Coim-tv Rr ading. _OLD HaI N, THE PAWNBROKER_ 1' H E D E M A N D INCREASING OLD HA UN THE PAWNBROKER. The cry Ii mil, thcv comb for Tbe Great Story of CITY LIFE. OLD HA UN. THE PAWNBROKER, A I.tos. ...me, tub page* elegantly boand la dotk and illuw- rratcd. Price. «1 BY. A deeply laterettini and moat exciting tale of ¦ .. aaw.voaa, VV b'cb tbe reader no tcoaer npea* aad glaaea* throng the (LBteBt! .ban the n-loL is uvett.-l at ..no.. and like tlaouuct FASCINATING OF ROMANCES, It is de re med with avirity bv every claa* of tb* reading coav mixity. Sold by sient« oa the car* and ail boc**ell«r*. Seat earwfoDj MJ ui.>1.- J[l^tP*ld' on recrlp ol ptico. R k CARLE ION, Puh.Ubenaad Bookitllen, _No. .110 Broadway, N. Y. CHARLES KINSLEY'" NEW NOVEL.. . SATURDAY, March a. TICKNOR fc FIELDS WILL PUBLISH TWO YEARS AGO: A new Ntvil by the Autiorof ' Hypatia'* and " Amyat Leigla." Id one ml, 12bi-.. Pric* A1 28. From Tb* London Examine-r. It is Indeed ji nas.^l, t,,,- be .men «*ed la * ok to rncst sxd rigk:mit,ded a* this coveL . . . It U fall of tn.ee :.< ... : and wiie coonael. It rwroajnixe* all that 1* to BS hotored In areas. . . Tbe whole book 1* tie*in «xilor, rick la artlva >if* aad trjth." tarn, era . ^ Loado* Sraei'tator. Mr K'ngsVy has *raMtib>d himay.il among tb* Hn««t pro** wrteera of bis age and country. Two Tear* Ago' U * boog fall if inttresting wtiiin*, and ;i -**. i of pecaoa* will read it from begiL t mi to end with avidity. We art g'ad to meet Mr. Kir ii.. j once mort on teu.,..rr.r gn»aad." Froir- TL» Lot do* L' nary Gaxett*. It it r>*ally a rvMet* to eotne ro. a work ofartllkethla. No use tan read Two Years Ago' wit bout f.-dog bit lore of rirta* .tr. nrit.t e bl* e T:-. i.. for -;i ,n: mean and bat* eia- to ^ «sd hit reajolutioi, braced for active exertka." p«* of (he work will be sent by Bead, Ire« of pj*taaj", °* rcrtpt % J£ATE BBADY. M INNESOTA AND DACOTAH.. ¦j C. C t ndrewa. geerrcd Edition A aao* «e ntaiLiug reliakae iaiorn.at,. n a* to opwortaaltlet to .T^' '«»eataaenta in Um Waat Prio» 75 ceait* Jraaw pwblaaheel aad for tal« ky D. APPLETON k Co. MY8TERI18 anl MISERIE-J of New-York in OLD BAUN, THE FAWNBROKER. A STORY by BTLT1HUS cobb, JR.- A TH2 PaRLOB « ASKET of Apnl 4, tew reedy, eaalaia» .>. of Mr. COBB'S TALE", -atitlrd O I V I A I Or. THE PATRIOT CRUISER. Tt» pnkhtker of TBE »'ASKET co*« aot with it ttj nn- dertteed :ket tki* it t iiw ttory. He has no desire to tttti aaot Bei j-ublitber* tkooder; therefore tbo fo'Jotting anaoar>-e- meat m **»de la Iba fading «olumnt of THE CASKET: "Tail ttory itiot« tew rne, beiBg on* of Mr. Cobb'i eartv productioni; bat it baa Wen to loci out af print thar it will bo sew to tba prat mate of the present gaceratba of reedere- air. Cob* bow write* fcr no peper bot Thb Ni v-Yobk Lrrcra, eeaeequeatly bit tew ttorie* can only be ob^lneJ la that pt|»' THE CASE ET ie a Baaiteome, -Arg-rtted, WtM prfBled week ly. Soldat FOUR CENTS. Buy.- ROSS A T3USEY. Ag»n'*, No. 121 NMBtn »>. £ S <i 5 i r e WITHIN IS A DOCTOR, ~" A SURGEON, A GARDENER, A CHESS-PLAYER, A SCBOOLMASTER, A till- MIST, A DANCING-MASTER, A COSMETICIAN, AN ARTIST. A BREWER, A NATURALIST. AN ACCOUNTANT, A MODELER. AN ARCHITECT, 1 COOK, A "LETTER WRITER,' A LAWYER, A " HOYLE," Aid a Uslrertal Guide to a'l kia<lt afVawM tad F.-u -y Em. p!oy**»nt Amntemeat and M cey-making. For tale by ail Bockeeliert._______ N-vw mmR The \V\HQ people* illuminated MAGAZINE. Tvp- Top Nitnber. "We dep*r» from onr utual inke of n«t noticing terialt, to beatcw a (aw words of patsina torn- maadatloB oa tbia prety little je,, , The art,. a are well wiltten, and are . wbet are eui:ed*> to xrobll- cat i one a* ikia i o 11, bei Lg sei¬ ther too e- iaboret*. In ttyle, BOf yet written down beli. tke level of children's comp-ek'Daion an error kut too coi.aion tew ii.vi. The Magixixele pr-ttity »trated, and will, bo doubt, ti.il fetor »Rh a large c'a-t of juvenile leaders. ' B'f No. L [Froni Tlie N. Y. Hera'd. I. \ c. i. . a Number. Or t>: .Ml per tSBum, and a Gilt Pietiir« (Mother'* Lore), Printed iB Oil Color*, eipre**ly for the (Ubicrlber*. Specimen Number Gratia. Liberal arrangements made witn Booktellert. PervvdicU Agents atd Po*tinaa'eia 'or I: nl ..>< the Megtziae. BROUN, LOOM13 k Co, Publiihert, No. |A Du'cli «*. Wboleiale Agentt.DEXTER k BRÖ.. and ROSS k TOUSEY, New York A WILLIAMS li..t. A. WINCH, Flu!* ce.pt.it. HFNRY TAYLOR, Baltimore; Aad Fot Sale Everywhere. n q u i k e within Will Inform you kow t.i get op t tnmpiuont entree for the dinner table or tntn^a * plain diBner.to fold fancy napkin*. to atart hotit e*».to make money.to dm* with tttte.to tBt> duct a courttblp-to tie any kind ef a knot.to get married.to drett and tend the baby.to give an evening party to your friends.and to behave well in company. For tale by all Bookseller*._ S~CRTb~NER'9 NEW books-Not. :,?? itui 379 Broadway (op tralr*), N*w-York. L THE NEvV-BlNOLAND HISTORY, from ike Dlteoverv ef fae Ci otlornt by the Northmen, A. D. 9T6, to toe period when the Colosiet declared tbeir Independence, A 0. 1778. By Ctt* W Elliot:, e.q. 2 vol*., octavo, I » pagee. Steel P. ma tt. 1)4. Tbe SpiliiKtield Republican tayt: "I i ttyle It tlmple and pi e*t act, the evidesce of thorough retaarch abundant, and t ie i<ia. ie>.<d»a* of the.exact nature of tb» work which the author ksd ia band, different on every p.ige. We welcome the work a* a peimanrntly valuable tdtl'uu to Ameristn hittorlctl liter*- taie." Mrt. Sigoomey'. new work. EXAMPLES OK THE EIGH¬ TEEN III AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES. 1 roL Umo. Ptlat Tl rest*. A aew edition ef EXAMPLES OF LIFE AND Do'ATH, by Mr* Slfonroey. | vol 12mo. Price 7i cutt. '-It hat takeB itt exttxplet f.-oD a wide range of exp»rienc«, and it atanted on ev.ry pige with the pun. moral taste*, the el. rated reOgtoWl rt-atitBttnt. aad the tranquil earoestnest Whtuk ni-lira ... the characterotthe author." 1 Htrp-r't Magttiue. SCaMPAVIAS,-from Oibel Terek to Stt-nboul By Harry Oita«o, l.t» i.t H A Wite, rnltedStatet Navy ) wltli30ori(i aai UliiatralioBi by a "Brother Hloe Jacket." Ivol ljino. »> ... The Mecitrrrtsran i* 'ho honndary of the advent-ire of ibe bo< k (Scamaevie*), from Oibel Tarek, that Moorlih oame of tbe BfK-k of Gibraltar, te Sttmbool the City of the Sultan. * * * 0!iirp*ei of ike very be*t aoclety, and very p'eaunt tatir- Kai bit* tt the etutom of the country,' enliven every -- [nttlitnil Wgm 1 Alto, It the aarne Author, a Bewr edition of (JR LOB GRINO'iS; Or, an Id tide View of Mexico and Callfor- ait. with Wanderiaga ia Peiu, Chill, ADd Polyneaia. 1 vol. 12mo. . 1 25. Ia Preae.sod will be pnblltbed early In April: THE NORSE FOLK Or. A Visit to thb H nr- or Nor¬ way axO Swxuax. By C. L. BrAce. 1 vol. 12mo. IlluttrAted. * LIPE OF MARY, QUEEN OF BOOTS, By Donsld Mc- I.eod. I vol., I.u.U. Portrait aad lllnt'rarioa*. Bl ii. pages of capital reading in OLD HA UN, THE PAWNBROKER. 464 K ate brady *. "THOSE who would know what art) tho bett M. aspect* of Sontbem life, may be referred with eonli- dei ee to Mr Otrotted't work." [Ediohurtu Review. OLMSTED'S JOURNEY IN THE SEABOARD SLAtE STATES. OLMSTEDS JOURNEY IN TEXAS. Bent by mall, Pott-paid. Price Bl 25 esch. _LUX. EDWARDS k Co.. No. 321 Broadway. I I t) V I I I WITHIN It told at the low prl-e of ONE DJLLAR, and yet it con taiui V* ptget of clutely printed mttter, and la h iudtouiely tad ttrorgly boucA Fcr tale by all Bcoksellera. OM MISSION ERS of deeds.- Jutt Puklitked i THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, tigeth.r wita com¬ plete Form* of AcknotlledgTieenta, Pro ¦'. of Deeda, tic. Prepared wi-o tbe greateet care by a prte'lcal Commisriooer of uiaay yeart' expen.u -e Together with the Revised Statute* of tbe State ol New-York relating to Comiriittioneri of Deed*, A'-kaowledgaBeats, Proofs, Ac, ead all Law* aad Amendment! on the anbject op to tbe preset,! time Pri -e 2S cents. Will be ¦est by I. ul free of expense, on receipt of '.be pri. in pottage itauipe or aieuey. W. REll) GUI LD (Snceeat-r to Jjj.aen A Bell), Law Sutiooer, No. IM Ntateu *t. ate brady. THE TRIBUNE almanac for l<)7 I* now icedy. It. tddiijoa to the oruel ( al- u.iar Paget aad Attronomicaj CAkuUiUia, THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC col taint: VERY FULL AND COMPLETE ELECTION RETURNS, by StAtee, ( '»>***! *. I) ¦./.:.".*. and Corntlea, r 1SS6, ctre' fully eca-pertd wi'k tbe retnrnt of former year*. THE IMPORTANT ACTS OF CONGRESS, coBdeaaed. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PRESENT CONGRESS and of tke r \* as far a* elected, cUatifieJ oolitically. A CONCISE STATEMENT OF TILE DOINOS IN KAN. BAB durixg the past year. AN ACCOUNT OF THE REMARKABLE CONTEST FOR SPEAKER of Iba Honte. AN ARTICLE ON THE SIATE OF EUROPE. AN ACCOUNT OF TSE MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL WALKER aad bit FUhbugrar Companion* to Nictragn» A CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE GOVERNORS OF THE STA1ES, Time* of Holding Eleenota, Meeting of LagiA'ataree Ac THE PLATFORM OF THE REPUBL1CAN|PARTY, with t ondra*. d ttatement of tbvaa of the Democratic and Awer. ICiS Par lea. THE JEFFKRSONIAN ORDINANCE o' I7t4, . doerament aoc geaeiaily aootaaible aad which, bad It keea ad p-ed, w ,n l Uv* made Keatucky, Aiabamt MiMttaippi and Tenaeaaee Freo Start*. Ttaee ytart later the Ordinance of 17T7, applicable only to the North Wett Territory, Wae .. p 0, .ingle lupie., 12, oartta; * per dorea; $T par Wk FctUfa er. the Atv v»ac ' >n* e.nt eacb) at iat be . U. Otdtrt... .. «leg ta* c*ak retrgatctrnUy t n.ci" i. GREELET k M.EUUTH, '_Tribune OlB e New York. Graham" SH >RT iiavd ACADEMY, N- >.» MAO HON FT. J H E B D 1 OP KAN, jcurmal Ok* roLrnciL and ioi .¦!. mj>i ovi I* Pak iked EVERY lAtCBMl la No* Tora. No. v.. Fait ,n at. WJkVtlfVh HALL IDS..'. Ci.jotlfl Anr,I«?*- and " W»» Maiden.' ky Few, F. ry Fliy" auaf "Mother, Wtaaa the Little Fee*." by Augnate »I n g , Wtab Somebody'd Coaie," by J. R Tuoaaea. Kim. .*>< NeveC Toll " aad " Soiüe Again," by FreaL Buckley: .. Fatty Year*) Ago" by th*Bak»r*. Crroio Belle '* by Uabbard, *ing hp tbe '¦. BUielye " Any of th* above *rrt by mail f. r r> eeo'er ewb All of tie Sotr* Jfi m V«di' " I.a TraviaU,* u . * 4 twit* each. Thtlbeeg't " Dob P**q.ia!e," 5*c.-at*. KIRTH. rOND * P., No. Sl7 Br .*.lw.y, N. > T>rb._ TH) WHOLESALE BTATIONKKS. uo0k- IELLER* AND THE TRaDK G> SERAILT. THECUILAPEiT ENVELOPE HOI U II THE UNITED STATE5. W* vrvV.d twectfully rail the attea-.b-a tt th« tra e to tba) caerf", d*a.rtrl:oo and prk" of onr ma. bine iaa..# * 1 r E U\ R LOPES. The ar.rlvt.ed f.. ..!...» wh.«h w* po*»e** fi-r aaannfa arti g, ana of a* ua ,fl DEFT COMPETITION. 8»m»le* fertruded fr*e of eioette. We .rould alto rail tbe attention ol tbe tr*c"e ta BRYAN A WILt'o.Yd eelebrafeej WI1T1MO KL CID AND INK, far which we at* th* Sols avMITaV BUTLER! BP.V»* No* tland frai.ki .rt et.. N< T'rt. ^motfintn.s. Ole bull; The Great Norwegian W.initt. will give bta GRAND KAR P. A EI.L VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL COgNCERT. At DoDWOBTIl'i Sal.oom, TUESDAY EVENING. Marb.il, 1MT, aatitte.l by tb« (..llowiag e£iiaent tajatil; Mita VICTORIA Glt.LER, S.prano, Sil. GIANNONI, f Sig. GARTARONT, B«**o: G. W. MORGAN. Orgabit'; U. C. TIMM. P.taiiat, Tic kit.Out Doilafe Doors Ort.\ ar T.CtWCBAT CoatMtaftCM <f I Tl.-keit nav b* »1 talned at all ÜM Hot. It aud M.aac Store*. Ret. rved Seat* may be tecured at alv.au.-* at Cut MuaU* Sturvt of Mettra. VVm. Hall A Sou, C. Brvuuag*, aad Scharf« anbete *. Luit. No extra ch»r«e fi r Betetve<l ReVt. I' i ...... Ticketa for tl* L**tCotKWd * - *U*M have) them i. hanged or t. doajed at Wui. U i.\ A Sou t, N>. im Broadway. Aiiebican theater! UumWrn-at;., later BURTON'S.Manager«, E. L. DBAENPORT k IU W ATKINS Dt(** Circle aad Par*,**!, K ceat*| Upper U.,a«*j 12 Cent«: OioNara (bairt JO Seata In Private Uoata One Dollar.-THIS EVENING: THE MERCHANT OF \ ENU'E. S! tlock.. Blr. E. L. Da»*t.pnr* Portia Mrt ft L. Davenp Ttj ' LORD DARNLEY. Lord Dainley..Mr. H Wa'klnt LaJy Clyde.Mit. Flmott* WEALTH AND 1T3 TEMPTATION*. BROADWAY THEATER.. E. A. MARSHALL, Sule Lea***, W. R. BLAKE, b *tm Manager. Doort open at 7. Overture at 7J. SATURDAY March W, THE GRAND SPECTACLE, In wfcicb tb* uulld-rniowoed and LEARNED ELEPHANTS. \ H TORI A ar.d ALBERT, wiBappear. The drama of the USURPER OF SIAM, wit!, agf itt §m$m f. enery. 1.-., r.inipo»ed eaprettly 'o eah'blt tb*) Mlraotloua Ev>.lu .loi«, Marcbet, Dancea, P.>ature«, \ .i* Bi.ici rt, Ax-rnilen, A.'., of thete wonderfutly-trtiued aal« malt. For brilliant aaal of rl:arart*r*, mnti,-, pro:e««iont, magical ¦'!(..« tableang, ».iv. Ac, tee bill*. Exmllent Farre« evert niaht. A <. KA>D DAY PERFORMANCE tl it SATURDAY, for faii.ilie« tchoolt, ehiltreu, *<.., In whi at tke Elephant* will appear. Door* open at 21j, to begla at 9 p in. BURTON'" NEW THEA I EH, BROAUWkYZ SATURDAY.A newComl p'ire. wri'ten for ti;i«Toeater.' THE RULES Of THE HOI SE; Or, Tmr Revolt ok this BoaaDKas. The »r. lie it laid ia ali'eecker it Boarding Home ol'thepri .< at Mrt. Hutlie«. Mr. Either. uTm. Pn.ltb, Mil* Polly Maiaii dl, Mr M. ore, Mrt A. Parker, Mr Setobell, ho. Alto, the great and very mr.-. ttfdl rev val of DAVID COPPERFIELD. .M aw her, Mr. Burton .** oriakaal and favorit* rh .tactea Pegotty. Mr. C Fuller: Uriah H***-. Ml d, Alartb., Mr« Plunkett; Rot- Mr*. Parktr; Mr* Tro'woot, Mr* Huglie*. On MONDAY Mr. i. W. \\ A I. LACK will ap»e*r._ LAURA K E ENE' . NEW THEATEJt, No. b.4 Broadway, near Hou*ton-*L Mit* LACBA KEENK.Sole i.e and Dir*«tre*a. THIS (Simrdayl EVENINO. Peribimance* ron.inmee with the Overture at 7'. ANOTHER PETITE DRAMA or on »:>*?* ivrratsr, performed la I aad Pari« witn gr.-at «nrce«*, THE WICKED VVIE E, Or. THE REIGN OF TERROR. Character* bv Meura Jordaa Soddart, Kent, Mi«« A H Clllton, Mita Viola Plunkett and Mit* Laura Keeoe. To be followed by THE ELVES; OR, THE STATUE BRIDE. Prodn. ed with N> w Scene*? Coa'uuiea, Propertie* and M.:» chtiiical E:i-< :.. L*r.EM)..The moaptain fcta*t* of Pattotia it- ioi.ablted. IC it laid, by Pixie*, aiptitet aad Eivet, wbj, like tbe, Paeaton* Pti of Or rn. ..V J. :l :!i' to er.trap traveler* In', tbolc realmi and toirnent them wi'h IhaIt ¦fiinhUt"** ai.tl « Hat« log the power of traniferrlng tbe ipirit. they of en, iu their ma> liclout gambota. give life to tmt new'y deal. S atue*. r eki »'i<f tree* are teen laiitaiti. ally moving ia the fore*:; but U onlyj during th- day ll.ey retain their 'iti- u* exlateuco.at th* ap« protc.Ii of uight they reirirce tbeir imii oblllt?. C:.int Colditream. Mr Wbeatlelgh ( Jin.Mr. T B. ... ,. Pnace Jockey Club.Win Kate R. lguold* Silt*, tbe Statu-' .Mil* Lt.iraKreu* The new mniic. arranged and CaMaVOMd by Thorn** Baker. N TIBI 0's GARDEN.. Dooi* open at C) r at 7k. .Fif Ti. ket*.Fifty C. uta SATURDAY E\ HNING, March i*, l»j7, Great triumph of THE WONDERFUL RAVELS, The mm' 0*1*heated Company in the world. Mile. THERESA ROBERT. LP.ON ESPINOSA. Antoir.e a*.Tbe CTowtf J. ion e in.Two i.araoter* Mrne MAK/.ETTI. I INA WENDEL. THE SrjHOOI.MASTER. Matter Trick*.I. Eipln'ota Dr. Birch.lerom*} »LORA AND ZEPHYR. Zeplyr. Mile Rob»rt | Flora.Mmo. Marietrf THE MA JIC TR' MPET. Clowi..Aot ioav Doc ( attannr*. .Jer >mtj MONDAY- Tie nt w grand Fairy Puntomlm« ti BLANCHE. Cbaiacfer* by th* Wonderful Ravel* PURDY7« NATIONAL THEATER.. Dr*** Clrel**, 25 oeut*; Fit, Dtg *ent«i Orch**tra C*n-a, »öc*nt«-THIS EVENING: LIFE IN BROOKLYN. I.net Lethert..Mr. J. II Allen | Frederic Spring.Mr*. V . i* Jerry Vandevere.... G. L Fox Sarah Morn*..Mia* lU'hawaW Ha.ry A .atiO.H. F. Stone j Bid.ly Magee.Mi*« F. Hemug THE FRIhKY COrtBLKR. Jack Snti' //le.G. L. Fox Em na.. ..Mit* Ad. Lai.ic P « To ion. hide with STAGE STRUi K WAL LACK'8 THEATER.. E'e vi otb week of tbe engagement of MISS MATILDA HERON. SATURDAY, March 28, f. rty- lii d r.lrht of h<-r gieat rhtrvter of CAMit.i.e. iMoiid*y-Laat olsibt but two of MEDEA. Brat* e ... : three d in advaoce. BARNUM « AMERICAN MUSEUM.. A SUPERB HIT AT THE TIMES' ANOTHER NEW *;OMFDY FROM LONDON DOUBLrVFArEl* PEOPLE, a play la three »et», peifnrmed THIS AFTER¬ NOON at 1 o'clock, and tl-. THIS F.VENIN'3 at 7} oV'o. k. George Medley and Dick Scrumoie'., ArtUt*, Me»ir». C W. Clark.- ar.dT. Hadaway; Emily, Mit* Me*U}*r. Tb* LiVug) Serpen*i, H*vpy Family, fe* teen wi'oour, extra oharpea, AdmitatoB, 2ft centi; cklldren ander 10, 12k. 11Ü PALMER MARBLES..STATUE of INDIAN GIRL, and eleven other pioeei of Bculp'ore, aC No. 518 Broadway. Open from J a. m. to 10 p. m. Ad.m taue« iSoeat*. DÜSSELDORF f.ALLER Y, Nee. 4i»7 Broaxlwaj,' eoataln« 150 of tbe flnett PAINIINGS ever mat *poB .*> blbition. Open DAY »cd EVEN'I.iG. AdAittaoo* 25 *at*. apRYSTAL PALACE..'Jhtt Cpy*tk\I P*iV« in *t,U open to the public, and contain* many Intoretloa . of .oriout thuig*. Tbe btatuary i* alaiLu worth the price of ad~ Clje Sail Season. IN COMPLIANCE with tbe with fxpre«»e.i by tnany I^adie« and Gentleman wbo were prvaent «t th* latai Ball at the New-York Acaetamy ot M ist*, for the benefit af th* Oper* Fund, a SECOND ONE VviLL BE Git EN for too aame t on TUESDAY, lltb Ap.il t.-f. ».. .. iiUiav tended ihali aarnajt ia brilliaccy acc dr-^iiatlv* .**. «.t ^a* bitt. particular* of which «nil be pvhl.arvd at an aaily da? Stotiirn^rs onö fanqi (So«jui. BLANK ROOKS lad STATIONERY.. Af NT BOOKS lor BANKS. INSURANCE aa« RAILROAD OFFICES and MERCHANTS mad* to «dar autf rated la any pattern. LITHOGRAPHI.VO, ENORAVIIO and PRINTING In *».ry vari.-ty exe. -.ted with diipatch; alao, VISITING, WED« DING »Ld BUSINESS CARDSTengrateX A fWl raeMnerit of Starl« and Fancy Stattoaery. WILLIAM E. UAVV9 (Braach B.C. Root Abi*..*?*. O*.), No. IBSCViuaJ at cor. TTe.rLp*cs« Prinliftf. E Cwd* NO RAVING sad Prifltio* ILilf Prieet..W«*i« diu«, At Ho»*, Vi«! totu* AdJre.« Card« Aa. BuateoM, It, BUI Head*, Cbecki, Nc'-e*. Kel.j'*, i>7 Falten,-«*.. N PB1NTINO by 8TEAM-Copp*»r-i»ce*i 1YPJC, »rTaTioNF.RB» ball, No*. 17* *ud 17« Pearl et New T**k. BOW NE k H 4SBROUCK. PRUfTEavB. LITHOGRAPHERS and STtTlOMCRJ AM IUc4of PBlVtTINei execute.! Ira Ub. beat ItyU, w.-a COPPAJa- FACED TTTE. at tb* low«»t rat *._ TRIBUNE BUILDINGS..PRINTLNG ..f«*er» .V* npticn, fr-u. a Card to » Boaft. a" ih* lat* t-avlg rrirva IAEEI k CiOU'A IN, Tl.tj.t* a

Library of Congress · HEW-YORK TTRIBUNE the«rw.WEi**«»» "tSSauM » r,.».fvt.rtmorning «n> evenin (^ .1 v ¦»CBfJBOJ _ ¦t »BilTBrrj

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Page 1: Library of Congress · HEW-YORK TTRIBUNE the«rw.WEi**«»» "tSSauM » r,.».fvt.rtmorning «n> evenin (^ .1 v ¦»CBfJBOJ _ ¦t »BilTBrrj

HEW-YORK TTRIBUNEthe «rw.WEi* *«» » "tSSauM

» r,.».fvt.rt morning «n> evenin(^ .1 v ¦»CBfJBOJ _

¦t »BilT Brrj<* v^r.*.* rut vaiawBt ¦nM»M^K«vn or

»THin «¦«¦»¦.% lent, per wee-k. MailmmI o»r,»»»^ to tut p»^-^'*'.. rvi ti a*Lti*>,*>q*ttTtl«rt fC per BBneBl. »¦ H.*

A vp.ry t^EJ^mmmmum et the low trite cf f)Bj fabliebe.! -verv f*^KL, Cap** (ur 4>5; Five Cornea forB«c eaneni ¦ .*T*ni ..j » , ao« i t* lo »o cam continued

Tw'Cff!.2. .hui il » r»»d Adverti»amm.'.e in tb-

ll'^*./.a^ j. u.NE dollar PER LINK f r tAob»¦* »( 11 v aBHBn *


""'"""tIIK HKwtI«WKKRL\ TKIHINB. .wr Toaertv er.d riimv Momno. Priee, B3w, a«Vw- TwoCopaee for t)5, Five Cepiei for $11 21. *>.*>-Citwt flu Cent* -

THE m W-VtlliK Till mi m:

TOR EURO PK AS CIRCULATION9 .-JBii«i^j ob the departure of toy b Moil Steamer lor Liverptol,4 B pet BBtien., poetaee llKludi'd. Hin*.!* CopieB, -.» CeBtA.



UBBbi.ai.ril ob tl.« depart ur< of «erb Mail Steamer for Aftln-«.II tt t> 1 SC per aarxiiu. HlPfle Ccpie», "1» Cm t*._

Rcligione Notices^__« fcrfetlaa Mplrlri.oll-io.-Th«. R»y. T L^UAMMwBl

,,...h lO-MOaROW at AtadtwwT Ball, No^J Br.adw.y,..teilte Bond it at IM a. ro. and 7j p m. Morela«tobrect:. Tb* lataratJ t.iN af tbe R.atb OBKwaweW Evenio«:¦ Hei" W ft aad CBria Worihip."'eatiaaartiaa of the d'eeuaaioB upon the EVILS OF

|CM AMTY AND Ml HF.sr REMtW.S at Ualou Hill,N« l*> Bowery, MB*** Saetai on St.ND *Y the «Viu..seeiei Le-r'e h» J. K. INt.ALI.fl of Wllli*m«bt.r«.b. To

e'ce.tSp. m. U M. BCRIVES, 3. t. T.

IMae-aurer le> Vouoer Men. The Ree. Dr. POTTSwt'l 6tli»ri a clfoarte :¦> Iba Y" ion M-u't Ch.iriao Alloca¬tion rf the *"ir«" IlMormed Prraby'erttn Church I Dr. M' LeoJ't),|2t_k*t., tat»tit) IT. TO MORROW EVr.SlNOat7i o'clock.TeeDi iura »»n« rally are Invited to attend.

THOMA« H CUTIIF.LL, Resordlaf Se-re'.ry.Rueirra ('.narrrgar ional < bun Ii, tu MaditoB-et, cor-

ef Oouremeur Prrer.Biat by tbe Pa.tor, the Ree. O. L.11 K ' K la the MORNING, a* l'| uMu. i , AFTERNOONai Sal ..t Is tt.. M i.»,

' Tbe Law of I.- v.- r t.e-.i.jeae ef a teriee of die ourtei ob the Spiritual Nature of Man.

Kieler Jahn Qulaoy Adaaia will preach a Berrnin(r.. i.oiit pe'cnlttut) on tbe " Revitirm of tbe Entlitb Scrip-tare*,' is the M*e:ini/boote ot :h- North Btptitt Church, aor,

ef Ckrltt. pher tBd Bedford tta., TO-MORROw, March 29, at 3tVeleck pa._

Flfta-aTr-DDt* llaplial ( burrh. -Flnt tervice TO-MOBHOW, Stab ».'., at IM o Clock a. m. aVreud lereiee at

7; trefcM k p at. PrearbiDf »11 at Bar. SIDNEY A. COREY.Bak eel la the eretilnt, -'1111111.''_lataiartallty ibe Gift of 5«3 m tbewr- In < hrlei


.okiecta vtill be delivered by W. LaNOaKL, on next LORD'SBAT (VWb). at 3 and 7J p. m., at Hiixclborder'* 11» I, bettreeo2S-k end Mat »t» ttb at.

JahB-et. Plr«i 5ä K. t hiirrh In Joba-«f.-Pr.a-bluxTO-aOHaOv\ by tbe Pta^.r, ibe Jtov. CelABJ.CS EBARBIS- Seivi. «*to coinmenre at 10' a. to. and 7> p. m. Tue

pehh. xeaerally are iuvited to a.t. od. Seatt tree._^jBaffcl af l^BTItlB Tki Rev. THEODORE L CUY-Li H I'teter ol ibe Da'.ch Retormed Church, Mtrket t'., will

P,.i*b n the MoRNIaO. The Rev. H. K GREEN will

Preecb aad Baptize u> the EVENING. Seat* reterved fori'.ii i' >¦

tlr-Bnorlal ( hurrli. To. it. JOHN H HOPKINS, jr.,wki pieaei. lU-MORaOW (Sunday) EWNINO, in the rburcbr«n er ol HtBiBoi.d t'. and VV averlevpler*, one block lioro tbe

jBBCtMiB of ll'h tt Greenwich »nd7tb »vi. Service) at 1';, a-

Ksrlh Preehjterlaa t'hureh. cor. ol Mb ur. end 21it-nt,

TS» Kev E F. UATFlCLD, U. D., F»»tor. VMssBarsh beiui

a»w wn.l>l»ted, ibe DeilKation Will täte pleee ou SUNDAYHEXT, Maicb .« «- rn.on by trie Ptttor .(H a m. Pr-acb-

Bit ai.o la the AKTERNDON and EVejNIN i. A public tale

af Paw* will Be held in the 1 nur. b on MONDAY EVE NINO.Jtuen JO, attf .. ,...;k. Percim teelrou* ot *.-c nor eu^ibie.ten, aad All etSari intrrret. I are raa le.ted to tttead.

"BellVioH" Notice-NplrltiialUtn.-Mr. I.. JI'liD PAR-DIE »nl BMiBIS SBBat Spiritual li.Hn u.e. a' Cl'Bt.m Hall,cera.r C.'i.iton tnd Atlxa'.ic-a't, Br >okljB, on Buoday, »M b

baa* , at .| e'elock p. m.

tVcond Adveät Mi««Inn t'hureh..Service m FREE-MAM'N 11 a M. Mr. IBS broe<iwa>', Morning, nt lllj. bill'.." t.

at3 p. to., "Tbe Divine Propri.-tortbip of Fowaf." Beut* tree.

Haaduv UveulnK Lrctiiree l» Yountr. Men in .li r-

asy 1 IM.-TB« Rev. O. B. Mt'iTlllNOHAM will loniume

Bat Beiiet of Le. t re. TO MuKKOW EVENINO ». tue t ni-taitaa t I.,,,'rb HkfeStl " Tte Culture ol tae Mind."

Heraton.- Th-Sixth ot a S"rieto! Serinoot will be pr«a. lied

atbeK.v. BENJ. J. UAMIIT, Ü. 0 , on SI'NDAY EVEN.O ¦eat, Ibe 2ieb last in St. Peter't Cborcb,.. Divine

Serrtee to «ou.ic.-nce i'7j o'el.iek. A collecU'.u will be in »Jeit aid ol ibe Cbaiity Fund of the Prntoeteut Epiicopal Brother-keed.fe» one! I'aitHriHD < hur« Ii. Ilrouklv n.-Tbe Rev. A.

A LlV KKHokh wlilp:>a..h HI-MORR^.V (Sjndai MORNINI», Mel. b .1». Bt Uie AlbeLvum, Atlantic at., cornel ,.| 1'iluUin.

Tbe Mev. T. I.. C'ayler will deliver (oy rttjaaar) lueUan,.. «e ob 'AhMlou.." im ibe Meik<-t-it. t buroli, TOMuRRoW (SabsetBi EVENi.No>. ttta intt, at i\ y'tjaoA AcoiUi ti..i. wul Be takeu rbi toe Aiuericaj. Juvenile TtniiK ranc

Baeieiy.Tbe Kev. T. It. Thayrr, trom L.,well, tbe former Pa»

tor 11 IM Cbur« b ot tbe tl- . ¦¦<» e will urearh tb ,t t'liur. U,eaner »I roe pl»ce ana < Utkc at., Brooklyn, TO MOBBUWBOB NINO and EVENINO._The llei. Kdwnrd Antbnn, A««ntvnt Mlalttat of St.

Mtit a C juieb, Wat! preacb in ibe KreeCbur. h of the EpiphanyNo 1.0 Stinten it.. beiweeu Kvtex and Bat»alt Bt*, ea SI NDaY I \ I.NINO, Maicb&t. Se.vlie to oommenoe a-.7| o'clu;k

~Tae? Rev. I>r. 1 brevet- win preach Beat BaBBATHF.V a.-viINO, in the Obaiai ol the Furiiant, on rni»o-ai]iitre, a

Daaeurae on the text.*' Me that taith to tb.- WkBtU d, luou art" n»I. -. ..a. him «hall Ike people eurae, ottlon* *ball ebhor" buu " Service* commence at 7j.Tb« Kev. Abel Nirvena will pre*, b TO MORROW, at 10}

a m , ana the Rev. OEO > llAKE»t7)p m., in t he Ftnt pit*-Bt E Cknrcb, juBctiou ol Ftrtt-pitoe tnd Henry it., SjutbBrooklyn. Sonaey -School Mitaiouary lueettus tt if p. ni.

Tbr Krv. P. F. Jones, l'a.tor of tbe Crntral Patt B.p-tttt thureh. a>ee\ini in tftrj t\ between SSd and Mra ate., willpieaek NEXT LORO S DAY MORNING, BttiH 29, and ad-Illli'.l the OlCin«nee of BaptlMB to .SVeTal CAOdidl.el.

W llllamabiirah -The Rev. B. PETERS will preacb a

diecourtc upon "lbs Fell of Man," TO-MOBROtV EVEN¬ING, Is tbe Church corner of ttb aud South 3d-»».

ßpi-riol Äoluf».PetST HtaM-latr, etvq., of E.tlnbiirth, ScotlanJ.aill lidl.t

Jeveiai SaBkeiB bciiooit ol ihn City at tue Cburcii ot the Puil-ttr.« on Ualun-iquare (Rev. Dr. Cueevet'*), TiiiS AJ-TER-BOON, liStb In»., at '){ o'clock. Siottn«- by the Catldreu.

TreiairndouK F.xriien.eDt at Convcntloa Hall,No.177 By** ater at., on St 11»A i t. »KN1NU the in -ati ,*, willie..'die».ed by R. M. POF.R, Uatv HAMILTON aud Mr.lABD. i'boae wuo waut belter dri .k tluu bad . .uA a e in. at

i »te.'iuüy In it. q to attend. JOHN QUA, Frealdcnt.Vv m Na*M, Bt> rt taty.

The ( arieniere ol' >ew-\ oi k are requeated toatteoda Die~cii.» at ajoi.veiitioB Hall, W.K.ater-tt. »' 1; p. ni. Tbeletaea are lovlted to attend. By otdt r ol the Cjimuittee.

Aaaoclatittn ol' 1 \eai|it I ireinen. 1 a taaaub rt willp»»ee meat at No. I» DeBaM it. M'NDAY MORNIN ? at !.*«.«», to atlead tbe funeral ot onr Ute ttto tale, Mr. BEIt-BABD WtsrTKBMaN. OEO. W. WIlEttLEB R s.

t'Bpt IV> MiviervV Ve-rond l.i'etnrr..In comp!ei.e lea atkaauboue ieo,uo»t of .Be auviieuoe at the Ittt lecture,Mbj araaat aSalle el uitny ovh. r», C.pt 11. A DE KIVIFRK,A L. H will »ive two in ,ie leetBtat OS f.. Crime an Wir,''m Hope Chapet,Bli MtlNDAl aiet iVEDNESOAY¦ tt,Mel j

.».An Ap.ii i, «reu aatots tkudtsd mrlrlrmanttaflal a-yountleirible colBku wi.l b. k i.t.a.je (.mta, lube

btdf A pi mft k Aalari No ...i Bioaiiway, aad at toe <i*>t.it* ,., tuie lata tbe E..»li»n t..u>ue. Lecture tu eoniaivBCe at

f F K"


»AR1HOLOMI B A ^ Bo, (j, Oieentvicu it-.« koteeei« Dealerl in

Le/ye C-o.lO'h, Ma. teiel, Extra Meet Beef,

t Ir ,V ««"«uldert, Beef,Fvct.to Basb. Baai bjlu., Ckeaaa, Lata,teaiH-a-d kiBea.it, VTaassi,BolpeaiceiaTat.lotntry 1'roJaie asM on .umiu.a.ioB.

a*,v^r*¦,T,,r,,*' ^"I""1" !*'eaka»uibe»erv. dop THIS¦AT (aad eveiy day next Week>, at .No, ta NASSAI'-ST ourSvei a.,nli ol Jotui, by K. C. MO.N I... iMKttVepoon etfrelee will ootumenev* »» ]j e'eloek uhaaaberaed tbe TurUo Club wul pl-ate take notios

^aB^t.y '-'1?-4*UJ ü'J ^> Ptrtof the

Mate, Corkroarbc«. Herl-Haa-e, tVr..eipt, b.taakbvai», beaioiu, rjo.iet», A.c-, win to well to

¦typly Urn BtAetvea wn.' pa A»,-' a. prepared expr« ».

< ¦.in» »" K«r Exi r.BMiaaroxt-.»Ta»'i" box h »\D Bl i DO.)"CotTaB'a" kin raic Powtir.a.

_Hieolt aale . no r.ua. Dypoi 38b Broadwey, N. V.

Jbauejraat I»fe»llaeu7e~»iDtcTaBa Leibei Ksclytawtr««a.o»'d fiom No. i« laJat u> N... tl Wonb-at,

j** llbBBBJ Min a trw dort w.rtof Broadway. No ttvaJff:_JAMEB PL#AGAN Suwrlatetideat.

*,aasja lloaatt) for ¦ AXEattbl* e«cr"tievavala! Ntraw Baaacta !!


For Ledi.a ^^d M.Atai,r > fcbetp for Caafc, et

J H. H. KLKY'S N\, ,,| J,

Htm pabluatioM.H L W r fi AT U 1 1

' ,,H K: a<> <>F Ol K UNIONi» sow

ILLUSTRATED,M ^ *-.k,y ,a Amen.«,

I r



THIS VIII,,-.¦.«,. a Portrait *f Ult thermia* A ;tr***, M« t M. i) *f >>'t (¦.»»'* and pobii«

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Con plata iu one large volume, nt-atly bound in ,-ioth, *M .'^;or iu two volumes, pepe-r oovi r, «VI.

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Ii 11 I NEW-YOKK MBHSENUE8 AND1 KAVELER.--TWl rljkaj ,; ,. a j v^aiM* Newsptaper

is i*»«»-.l very 14 tTI BD YY, and malted t- tubi.-ribar* al tbelow p/ifo ol ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Subscript, -u.

;eethttjk) R C JlcCORMICK, jr, Aapleusir. B

_Ho. 34* BroadwayCAHTAL IrOOK lor a I.ONli EVEMNii-

L-iyD HAI S, tUti FaW.NBKOB.- K.




FROM ITU KIRIT PLANTING 1*4 MX TO MB.In fl e v e b Book;.

Bt the celeb tiedRat COTTON MATh f.H, B.B, f K.S.,

Pater of the North church, B (ton.With An iDtrixJoc'too And ' .». t. :> Notee by the

Rev Thomas Bontti. 0 D.Aho, tbe TriBtialioBi of tbe Hebrew, Oreek and.Lttln Q ;oU-

tk-Dt, byLr< tVI F. Rounsoi, LI* B.

Tbe fn! edition of t!.e IB**! work wu published in Lendento 17*2, in ¦ fclto ofW pagee, with A Map of New England, at-eordine to tbe thro ealetluit ttete of «,eo*7»pbic»J ItBraaw. .

original title wee " WignaMa Chrim Ae-rcov" The workikxmd in the bud* of every icboiar as<1 literary men. WeAppend tome of tbe no'Icel if t»* pte»»:

Freer The Imiepenltnt." Few book* of thtt ere ere mete extract ire. No latelluye^t

New » t «r.o mas, so Congregational paevr, ao man wbo **-

ptrei to a thorough aconelotaoce with the bi»tory if C">igreg.»toBtllarn, or f f New-England, ran afford to b» without M*«be,'«MaaitJie Wberevtre esarcb Ufldertakee to bare a library btit* s ».!. r or for tbe ooDgregiiicB, tbl* I* a book not to be d'«-p«b*ed wi'b Nor will It r>-roaia oa the thelvee oartad Wenever epen tbe work without b- ini'-ompelled'.¦> read, end *p*rdBotirgp»rhtp*, when we only Intended to look tor nine .».'itnieBibereu fact or elluiion "

Fron» TA* S»te-Ve»k Obeeeeee.*' It wruld be dm to i j a word la pre! a at explaaatloa of

tl.i* letiBed and iuVAluabte work of C-.tt< n Ma'.her. wai rh ha*Iol» been the aource of mucn of'h'- iororrxeti. n wb.-h we bareup< u tie «arlj hlttory "f New-Eoila-id, and eapeaiAlly of iUmore dlatiugnln d per*on*ge« in Chnrrh and See Tai* workki«. n< dp < f it* iuierett in tbe advancing age of our cum-ry ,

bur, treating .. it doe*, upon the axtiquiti-e of one of it* mvot

Important n gion*. it* vtlue will c.inti.oeto increase with ad-Tencing vtra. Hundred, and we Catc ity tbn iatsdt, of -h-mna Of Bm I', ir.ii.« w it. be glad to add tbete Tolume* to tbrlrlihiariea."

From Tht .Vent-Far*: Krangeliit" There never wee another book like th*!| ai.J, if I' w«r

ta'nele»« n* a I i»t«iric -eroid, it ought to be preserved a* a Bt'«rary eniioaity. It I* a sohle and a:! et i laoortl of nerui-de«da and gocly ent. rrnlae. Thee*tly annel* of New-Eaglinitic nowhere to well depleted, and mwaere do the pimi Pil-flim fatbera «tasd forth in nobler tapeet. We eeiigra'.ula'e thretding world on the reappearance of tail work in M ¦.it r a

fonn."From The CHtiitian Advttrite and Jiurn-%1.

" We are glad to tee tbif new euition of C it ton Mttlier'i in-valmble werk, with the Important f-compuiiinent rf tbe trani-lttiooa asd sotet, which tie ao ea*entlAI to it* elticidAtlon andni' at tbly performed. Tbeae »o.nme« are the t'oreh->a»ei fromwhich all lubtequest blttoriant who have treaVd of New Eng¬land blttory bare drawn liberally for their mt'erltla, a : ellwbo wib to it tidy mas is the development of hii farultiea willf.Ld ibiet account full of Intereet asd tnitruction; it It writtenonder tbe no»t ronteitstiout regard tor truth, and 1* Alwayi re¬liable at to facti "

trim ihr Watrhmcn and F'ßtrtor, Boifoe." There bat been, within the latt w yean, much inquiry for

tbi* work.e woik without which the early hiatory of New-En-gltr d can neither be writtes sor fully u-derifod. We are

greatly pleated that tb< M volumrt have made tneir appearance;Anil intelligent New Erglan.leri, whether .i«rgymen or ley-men, who du tot poueii them, tbould bta'rn to give them a

place in thtir 1'bttrie ."Froat The Chri'tian Ftfitter, I: .' i.

" We tre tnrntkud to find that are btve here only the itendrdition. tnd the jt-it An ericas edition of thin tu.t i.g workThi* bt* erjoyed it. valuable editorial lupervi.lou of the Rev.Dr Rol bHia, tnd it m.ide trcenible to tbi Erjgll.b rei>ler byth« tiioilation of the quo'ttioni from the ancient Itugutge*wbicb occur In almttf iveiy tentence. It it t work of v«rygreat tnd niton! value, the moat complete hlttory of New-England, nil tt»- liebelt w.tirce of mttenal for ail tnbae.pientbittoiltni It centatt.» minute biographical tketchot an l po*>tgajt* of diitingiiiibid dlvlt et And civlllani, and deacribel toemtnieri tt.il mortli of the timei."

Froet The Ch'tttian Retiea." The lovcrt of antlqiil'y adi! all who wlih to In-ome ffii'rliie

with the f pin'ota, t". eilsgt tnd rvllgtotii life of our New-En-glii.d (atlu rt will be gltd to tee thii republirttion of Mt'hei'igrett woik. 11a quaint ity e will prove quite a* tttrtc Ire a*

itiiubjirt. 1 he value ol tbii edition for p pu'ur cirjulaliju itmuch enhiBced by the trenalatlon of ptAitgei in fjrebjn lto-fin:ei by Lutiut F. Ri bin*on, eaq " e

F.oei The BeBpvWBI Herald Hnrtdird Ct." Lor g btve v. e oe.ire.1 to obtain a copy of tbi. nre old work,

tnd bow our wiah ii {ri'ifled. I' it on tm ^ith, while p»p-r,with a nett tr d alctt tvpographv, tod ii a treeture rtou.e affact* and thought*. W e ki.ow of b it few BtrefB OVrtoaa or aa-terttiriing, who*hat we -naid. r the iubj»ct matter or tbe ity1*,and we tiutt ihut tbe libra'y not only of every elertyo. rs.Mwbem It la iudlapeniab!).bat alto that of every lat»l ige'i: l%Tman, wul he mpplted with It. Mmt eieeJI. nt re^oiut will Rfornieh for ail d*y» of the week and for all parti of the DtDlUyThe above w. rk la hac.l»omely bound is c oth, in two octxgo

Viluni'i, eon.priiint I,VC puiei, wi h a It'Ie HBtawl of en-

g'tvii fa on et.«I asrl wood, tnd will be aeot free of [>*.*.¦. bymail or otberwite, < n reiijpt of B5 Addien

JOSEPH 11. LAP 1), No. » Beo-Vtinfn *e., N. Y.

Ti~E INDEPENDENT."THE INDEPENDENT !nt"t!r relkWoi Joi.rnAl, >f the

large*! ti-e-conilnetrd by t con v "f well-ki own Cl-r»vm»a,ai d regularly coolnbuteil to by many of the bet', wri :eri ia liiite..imtiy tnd in Fnr'.pe.

Circulation oearly .10 0110. tnd coutlLiit'.ly Increatlng.th1« urn's m ttrt,

THE INDEPENDENT for tbla we. | ronttiot a greet num¬ber ol aitiibn on vtrlo.it inbjecti, cunal-tiDg of peperi from.peciti eratrlbatora, litten irom BoiiaepotidaaU in variouineite of the world, Editorial*, Tale*, Sketche*. Literary Re¬view* und (Mtaebrma, Miicellanie* in prote and veree, and a

eomprelientive acmmar; of the newt of the week, bom tocu.aland leligloa*(M R SPECIAL CONTRIBI TORS:" Tbe Deri.ioB of tüe Supreme Court It the Moral Aertiilat-

tlon oft Hare, and cansot be obeyed''.a pungent and power-Rtl arti. le trotr the pea of the Fe>v. Dr. Curt vre.

" Prayera Uaaaiwtred ".by Rev. Henay Wako RrecitgR." Theodore, Clittlie and Orä.-e '.by " Or**;" a poem on tBe

Hidden tnd |<. ei t d'-atha of three little children in ose bully.OCR OWN CORRESPONDENCE:" Letter from Botton"-from Tbe Independent'! well-known

rorretpi.ident "Tbi-MocktaIx.""The Morning Httr".a letter on the Miiilostry Ship." Revivtl It Oreeu Bty."" Britiih Taxation tnd FiBaSi t".from our Engllih corre-

ipci dint "AfiXli oi.A."" The Btititb Aid tbe AmericAU Prett".xn istereitlng And

diicrioiinating trtirle from the atme pen." Letter fiom India". giving as ac-ouot of the conneetim of

the Bntiali O jvernruent in Inöia with Idolatry ; tbe pe-nli olMitiionatiet among th* heathen; Hindoo Catte, IntolertEc«ti.d 0(prtltioii

" A grett Hittoiloal Fttud Expeeed".in Article rotnaoendedto thr .i la. attention ol aeottor Toomb*, of Oeorgia." Tl .- Itte Mr. Rii bad M. Jimp,"" Haliread Sltogbter io Ctoadt".giving an accannt of tbU

eaSaaiHy. from the pen of an eye-witneti, adUtlugulxUed e'.crgy-mtn in tl.ti rttyBBXIOIODI INTELLIGENCE..CompHtlng recent ml In-teteatir - from if - rrllgioiitdruomlnAtloBi,care¬fully dlgei'ed. cltttified and arrtnged.LITERARY BFCOhl):" Fecei t Foreigri Tlieologlctl Periodical!,"DOMtSTIC SUMMARY: An elaborate and complete Dige*t

.f the Se. ultr Newt of the Week.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT:" An cpen Sirctniry "

" The Reaeh of tbe Drrd BeMt Decltion."" Death of the Rev Dr. Laming."" Dr. A D. Sinlth't Letter to Tbe Evangellit."" Tbe V, ry Lateat".LiAvisg releretice to tbe Amerlcxa Tract

Society" Retuiti of tbe Collection for Building Cburoht-i at the

Wert »

COMMEBCIAL AND FINANCIAL:" Nrw Baiktog 11. ... '.giving an errhlree rural deaciiptloa

of fblrteet neve edifice* for banking hotiaet in tbla City." Tbe Money Market-".* Foieien . xchange."" Dry (load! "

" An I'nrepealed Sttrnp Act "

" M it luaanity.""Stolka."" Ci'y Bark Return* "" Sale* of City Rai t Stocka"" FAiil-ars xxn Atsicvtir.xT*".giving* loag lilt of Import¬

ant t.t:. a in city asd cocBtry, that Btve failed during tbe paetwtrk

(It la tbe tini of tbe Commer. ial EJitort of The luiependentto give the ableat and meet reliable " Money Article," on tki*aide ol the Km' IFAMILY READING: Giving an entire bam of original and

Beleeted mltcellanlee, for tbe lireetde. Included lu tbl* depart¬ment it an Ant.'Slavery ttorv, ii.it begua, eutitlad '. AuatStllv; Or. Tbe Cro*i tbe Way it Freedom.''HOBTICULTL'RE: Givini tbi* week " HinU on General

PiiBcip'rt ei Culture. " Green House." " FrtJt Gardaa.""Bltcten Otrden." "Horticttltore In Paleetioe," and " Hortl-cultural Memoranda."FOREIGN MISCELLANY: An inter. >:ing cokima I lied

from i at EsglUh rtch.nge new tpaperiADITOR'5 BOOK TABLE. Con'.auuag thit wet k review*

of rrve'tl leceat workt.Tkbm*.By mail, fl* a year, in advance.Spe. iueu Nuthbers it ut gsattoiSingle Ccpiet, »l\ cent!.AntBbi uxv.t.m*.Twenty cer.ti per hoe each iBAertioa.

JObEPH U. LADD. PcUuher,_Orliee No. a Beek man tt., N. Y.

DR. DO B A X NE W W O R K.Fnbli»bedTHIS DAY. Bernrday, M»rrh»:

MONARCHS RETIRED kROtt" BI SIN ESS.By Dr. Dobam, author of " Table Trelta," " Enlgfct* at.d their

Dayi," ke. 2vola. lino cloth. 02." There It taaaa ly aclaa* of reader* whim tb.* book will Bot

pie*a*. Wi'b lnfiiLoatioB to reeorumetiü H M tbe ttooiun*, It!oaiLieg livellBeat ef ityle will not tail to BtUaut the ordinarytaader. Tie BimrtwUl enjoy every genuine tmn»*m. at. tbalatter will gala very ranch ten pttble iof muri <s in t veryBlettnral ie wty. It it a very ctarming book, and turv of abngbt.aieei." [Geiitletnan * M^gtxiua.



TOl CIUMi lhE MAKI l'.> Of MUTI1. limo., clotii. *LbSSJ ,

11 N>, PJ * NGLAMB Ol THE HOLSE OFIIANOv VK, (toe Ulve* of the loi.r tie i vol* Wuto ,

.BBIGHTS ANn THEIR DAYS. 12uk... cloth. «1 «..The 7vo.i in belt calf er rnoner exte», a 14 if.

_.>¦ iU.DHr.i,U. No. 34 Be. kman it.

JdM f .. T.~

CHARACTERS AND CRITICISMS.-2 VC». Clown »»o A lelertiun of mtl-. line a Pi BM

ob veriott toriet el I.iteratura Art end Chane ter b. \VilfiamA Jot.'I. A-M.. L.Parian ol i ..luaibit t-u. .e. New-Veik.The tn^e a-.ipplW and order* ,llel b\ ibe t»iMi»brr

_J- Y. WFSrERVlH. Hi nliBnitlway.CT A T E BRADY



on* «f Mr. COED'S TALES, «atltWOLIVIA;Oil

THE PATRIOT CRUISER.TIm r oK.it«- of THE CASKET r»o.» act wiib i» to If, a*,

dentood that tkii It » sew tturj. hb boa no d-i rt to ttealanother pubH*k*r'f thtndrr; therefor* Iba followlag anreooacr-

attont it mad" La tar i*t lit t othaciii of THE CASKET'¦ Thi* i'arv la aot a aew oca, b in on* of Mr Cobb'i early

.radacuoae; bot it bat beea to loa« oot ol priut :r.. tit wul be

aewtetb* treat nut of *.b« pretest g--uer»-.i. n of r .... rr

Mr Cobb now writet for no paper but Thb Ncw-TowaLcd«kb, .¦ i.fq'-ei:!j Ma sew atorie* can snlj be obtained in

Ibet paper.''THE C iSKET it a btndaome, arg* . ! r ; week'

It. Sold at FOUR CENTS. Boy ir_ROSS k TOL'SET, Age i,

_No. 121 Nasaaoit.


roa tftTtUM ran *t.tr to km.*.

OR, 0>ER d,7*o FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE.Cloth Gilt, PRICE, ONE DOLLIR. 4M pages.**For.li.bedby GARRETT, DJCK k FITZGERALD, No. 1*

Ann-it., tad for ule by all B ««?. »rt



THE PRESENT WHEK.Ccataitiog a large Original Portrait of thli et*l*br*'ed Anaeri

tan Actrett, bow pefinrauag with 10 atacb eel**, ta New-T«*ka oca.pecicd by a t.:. and accurate Biography of too lad«.

Foa Balk Evbbvwhbbb roa Six OaeTTtV


Giret complete direction! how to wain, ttarcb aad Iron well-bow to keep the eyea, I air, teetb and complexion la perfect or,der, and it contain! to many valuable and aatfut recipe*, tkat a

en u me ration of them leqniiei ieVcLty-two column* of tinetype for thi Index.For tali by all Bookaellata._18 HI PAT I ON in NEW-YOKK..Rend


THE PARLOR CASKET of April 4, now ready, coataioaone of Mr. COBB'S TALES, entitledOLIVIA;


The pubUiber of THE CASKET do-t Bot with Hto be anderstood that tblt ii a on itory.hk haa no deeire to *teal anotherpnbliihar'i thunder; therefore tbe following anaouncemcnt itnude In tbe reading column! ol THE CASKET:"This story ii But a new one, being one of Mr. Cibb'i early

productloui; but It ha* beet, to long ont of print tht*. It will b-

new to the greit n ass of the present generation of readersMr. Cobb now wri es fur no paper but Ttir Nrw-YobkLaVMEa, consequently Ids new stories can only be obtained In

that paper."THE CASKET ii a baediotne, ;r aired, well printed week,

ly. Bold at FOUR CENTS. Boy it.ROSS k TOUSEf, Ageato,

_No. 121 Nassau it,

J N Q 5 I R E WITH Fx\a ill inform yon how to Write and Speak Correctly; to a:-

qaint yourself with tbe trcbr.i<-il Grnji In Lit"ra'ure, Law at,"!Mi liirice.in abort, tra-do every useful thing that can ho tbougutof or imagined, whether at home or abroad, or among yourfriend*, or Id your bosinesi. or on your farm, or in yonr g*rd»n,cr at j-ublic du <ing, or at a private assembly.


T'HE INSIRANCS INTELLIGENCER..A neatly printed qnart ibret of eight pages, published

*< mi-nn.ntkly by ROGERS k HART, No. W Walaut-tt., Pnil-ae.elpliia. t>\ per year.

¦a I illkW or thr rant»:" It Ii«legtntlv pri tint, . full of valuable ma'ter, and

detervt tbe liberal tupportol all interetted in insurance "

[Phila. Eveulag Bulletin." Much ditcstiioDal matter of ipe< til interest will be luund

bo iU columua." | N. A. k V. S Oazatte" It it edited with much ability aad contains a mas* of nseful

¦ formation to all buiinei! men, and cipeclaJly to all engaged inIniurarca." (Evening Argut

' It ii very ably conducted and tilled with matter uf iutrrestto besinet« aen." [Transcript

.' Meaars. Rogers k Halt are both gentlemen of experienceand deserve aui bt is fPhil. Evening Juua&al.Four numbers bare been published. Addreat at above.

N W BOOKJutt Hecetved:

V I V I A ;Oa,

THE SECRET OF POWER.Emms D. E. S Boithwobth.

Cloth.«1 25P*rer. 1 00


Ob, _


E. D. LoNO,No. vi Brekman it ,

N.wYork.A-ef». Peddler* and all others aupiiied at

VER* low rates.

I 19 9 111 WITHINInforms you how to clean furniture-take care of pet animal!

.bow to make ornamental Taaei by the new art of pirtioma-nie-wix werk and other fancy employment! for the It-lie*.For mjm by all Booksellers.


Buy it for your Bister, Wife or Mother.12th Eitltion now ready.

This book is baring an immens« aale, Bating been aekaowl-ecVdaaone of the bett efforta of Itt popobar author.W* can bow fill the ord*r* of our Ageat* without aay

delay.J. W. BRADLEY, Publlaher,

_No. 4* North 4th tt, Philadelphia.

ABFUHMI. BOOK for Coim-tv Rr ading._OLD HaI N, THE PAWNBROKER_1' H E D E M A N D


The cry Ii mil,thcv comb

forTbe Great Story of


A I.tos. ...me, tub page* elegantly boand la dotk and illuw-rratcd. Price. «1 BY.

A deeply laterettini and moat exciting tale of¦ .. aaw.voaa,

VV b'cb tbe reader no tcoaer npea* aad glaaea* throng the(LBteBt! .ban the n-loL is uvett.-l at ..no.. and like tlaouuct

FASCINATING OF ROMANCES,It is deremed with avirity bv every claa* of tb* reading coav

mixity.Sold by sient« oa the car* and ail boc**ell«r*. Seat earwfoDj

MJ ui.>1.- J[l^tP*ld' on recrlp ol ptico.R Dü k CARLEION, Puh.Ubenaad Bookitllen,_No. .110 Broadway, N. Y.


A new Ntvil by the Autiorof ' Hypatia'* and " Amyat Leigla."Id one ml, 12bi-.. Pric* A1 28.From Tb* London Examine-r.

It is Indeed ji nas.^l, t,,,- be .men «*ed la * ok to

rncst sxd rigk:mit,ded a* this coveL . . . It U fall oftn.ee :.< ... : and wiie coonael. It rwroajnixe* all that 1* to BShotored In areas. . . Tbe whole book 1* tie*in «xilor, rickla artlva >if* aad trjth."

tarn, era .^ Loado* Sraei'tator.Mr K'ngsVy has *raMtib>d himay.il among tb* Hn««t pro**

wrteera of bis age and country. Two Tear* Ago' U * boog fallif inttresting wtiiin*, and ;i -**. i of pecaoa* will read itfrom begiL tmi to end with avidity. We art g'ad to meet Mr.Kir ii.. j once mort on teu.,..rr.r gn»aad."Froir- TL» Lot do* L' nary Gaxett*.

It it r>*ally a rvMet* to eotne ro. a work ofartllkethla. Nouse tan read Two Years Ago' witbout f.-dog bit lore of rirta*.tr. nrit.t e bl* e T:-. i.. for -;i ,n: mean and bat* eia-to ^ «sd hit reajolutioi, braced for active exertka."C« p«* of (he work will be sent by Bead, Ire« of pj*taaj", °*

rcrtpt %


M INNESOTA AND DACOTAH..¦j C. C t ndrewa. geerrcd Edition

A aao* «e ntaiLiug reliakae iaiorn.at,. n a* to opwortaaltlet to

.T^' '«»eataaenta in Um Waat Prio» 75 ceait*Jraaw pwblaaheel aad for tal« ky D. APPLETON k Co.


A STORY by BTLT1HUS cobb, JR.-

A TH2 PaRLOB « ASKET of Apnl 4, tew reedy, eaalaia»

.>. of Mr. COBB'S TALE", -atitlrd

O I» I V I A IOr.

THE PATRIOT CRUISER.Tt» pnkhtker of TBE »'ASKET co*« aot with it ttj b« nn-

dertteed :ket tki* it t iiw ttory.He has no desire to tttti

aaot Bei j-ublitber* tkooder; therefore tbo fo'Jotting anaoar>-e-

meat m **»de la Iba fading «olumnt of THE CASKET:"Tail ttory itiot« tew rne, beiBg on* of Mr. Cobb'i eartv

productioni; bat it baa Wen to loci out af print thar it will bosew to tba prat mate of the present gaceratba of reedere-air. Cob* bow write* fcr no peper bot Thb Ni v-YobkLrrcra, eeaeequeatly bit tew ttorie* can only be ob^lneJ lathat pt|»'THE CASE ET ie a Baaiteome, -Arg-rtted, WtM prfBled week

ly. Soldat FOUR CENTS. Buy.-ROSS A T3USEY. Ag»n'*,

No. 121 NMBtn »>.

£ S <i 5 i r e WITHINIS A DOCTOR,



Aid a Uslrertal Guide to a'l kia<lt afVawM tad F.-u -y Em.p!oy**»nt Amntemeat and M cey-making.For tale by ail Bockeeliert._______

N-vw mmRThe \V\HQ people* illuminated



Nitnber."We dep*r»

from onr utualinke of n«t noticing

terialt, to beatcw a (aw words of patsina torn-

maadatloB oa tbia prety little je,, ,

The art,. a are well wiltten, and are. wbet are eui:ed*>to xrobll- cat i onea* ikia i o 11,bei Lg sei¬ther too e-

iaboret*. In ttyle,BOf yet written

down beli. tke level of children'scomp-ek'Daion an error kut too coi.aion

tew ii.vi. The Magixixele pr-ttity »trated,and will, bo doubt,

ti.il fetor »Rh a

large c'a-t ofjuvenileleaders. '


[Froni Tlie N. Y. Hera'd.I. \ c. i. . a Number.

Or t>: .Ml per tSBum, and a Gilt Pietiir« (Mother'* Lore),Printed iB Oil Color*, eipre**ly for the (Ubicrlber*.

Specimen Number Gratia.Liberal arrangements made witn Booktellert. PervvdicUAgents atd Po*tinaa'eia 'or I: nl ..>< the Megtziae.

BROUN, LOOM13 k Co, Publiihert,No. |A Du'cli «*.

Wboleiale Agentt.DEXTER k BRÖ.. and ROSS k TOUSEY,New York A WILLIAMS li..t. A. WINCH, Flu!*ce.pt.it. HFNRY TAYLOR, Baltimore;

Aad Fot Sale Everywhere.

n q u i k e withinWill Inform you kow t.i get op t tnmpiuont entree for the

dinner table or tntn^a * plain diBner.to fold fancy napkin*.to atart hotit e*».to make money.to dm* with tttte.to tBt>duct a courttblp-to tie any kind ef a knot.to get married.todrett and tend the baby.to give an evening party to yourfriends.and to behave well in company.For tale by all Bookseller*._

S~CRTb~NER'9 NEW books-Not. :,?? itui 379Broadway (op tralr*), N*w-York.

L THE NEvV-BlNOLAND HISTORY, from ike Dlteovervef fae Ci otlornt by the Northmen, A. D. 9T6, to toe periodwhen the Colosiet declared tbeir Independence, A 0. 1778.By Ctt* W Elliot:, e.q. 2 vol*., octavo, I » pagee. SteelP. ma tt. 1)4.Tbe SpiliiKtield Republican tayt: "I i ttyle It tlmple and

pi e*t act, the evidesce of thorough retaarch abundant, and t iei<ia. ie>.<d»a* of the.exact nature of tb» work which the authorksd ia band, different on every p.ige. We welcome the work a*

a peimanrntly valuable tdtl'uu to Ameristn hittorlctl liter*-taie."Mrt. Sigoomey'. new work. EXAMPLES OK THE EIGH¬


Mr* Slfonroey. | vol 12mo. Price 7i cutt.'-It hat takeB itt exttxplet f.-oD a wide range of exp»rienc«,

and it atanted on ev.ry pige with the pun. moral taste*, theel. rated reOgtoWl rt-atitBttnt. aad the tranquil earoestnest Whtukni-lira ... the characterotthe author." 1 Htrp-r't Magttiue.SCaMPAVIAS,-from Oibel Terek to Stt-nboul By Harry

Oita«o, l.t» i.t H A Wite, rnltedStatet Navy ) wltli30ori(iaai UliiatralioBi by a "Brother Hloe Jacket." Ivol ljino. »> ...

The Mecitrrrtsran i* 'ho honndary of the advent-ire of ibebo< k (Scamaevie*), from Oibel Tarek, that Moorlih oame of tbeBfK-k of Gibraltar, te Sttmbool the City of the Sultan. * * *

0!iirp*ei of ike very be*t aoclety, and very p'eaunt tatir-Kai bit* tt the etutom of the country,' enliven every --

[nttlitnil Wgm


Alto, It the aarne Author, a Bewr edition of(JRLOB GRINO'iS; Or, an Id tide View of Mexico and Callfor-

ait. with Wanderiaga ia Peiu, Chill, ADd Polyneaia. 1 vol. 12mo.. 1 25.

Ia Preae.sod will be pnblltbed early In April:THE NORSE FOLK Or. A Visit to thb H nr- or Nor¬

way axO Swxuax. By C. L. BrAce. 1 vol. 12mo. IlluttrAted.* 2»LIPE OF MARY, QUEEN OF BOOTS, By Donsld Mc-

I.eod. I vol., I.u.U. Portrait aad lllnt'rarioa*. Bl ii.

pages of capital reading inOLD HA UN, THE PAWNBROKER.464

K ate brady

*. "THOSE who would know what art) tho bettM. aspect* of Sontbem life, may be referred with eonli-

dei ee to Mr Otrotted't work." [Ediohurtu Review.OLMSTED'S JOURNEY IN THE SEABOARD SLAtE

STATES.OLMSTEDS JOURNEY IN TEXAS.Bent by mall, Pott-paid. Price Bl 25 esch.

_LUX. EDWARDS k Co.. No. 321 Broadway.I I t) V I I I WITHIN

It told at the low prl-e of ONE DJLLAR, and yet it con

taiui V* ptget of clutely printed mttter, and la h iudtouielytad ttrorgly boucAFcr tale by all Bcoksellera.


OF COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, tigeth.r wita com¬plete Form* of AcknotlledgTieenta, Pro ¦'. of Deeda, tic.Prepared wi-o tbe greateet care by a prte'lcal Commisriooer ofuiaay yeart' expen.u -e Together with the Revised Statute*of tbe State ol New-York relating to Comiriittioneri of Deed*,A'-kaowledgaBeats, Proofs, Ac, ead all Law* aad Amendment!on the anbject op to tbe preset,! time Pri -e 2S cents. Will be¦est by I. ul free of expense, on receipt of '.be pri. in pottageitauipe or aieuey. W. REll) GUI LD

(Snceeat-r to Jjj.aen A Bell),Law Sutiooer, No. IM Ntateu *t.

ate brady.

THE TRIBUNE almanac for l<)7I* now icedy.

It. tddiijoa to the oruel ( al- u.iar Paget aad AttronomicajCAkuUiUia, THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC col taint:VERY FULL AND COMPLETE ELECTION RETURNS,

by StAtee, ( '»>***! *. I) ¦./.:.".*. and Corntlea, r 1SS6, ctre'fully eca-pertd wi'k tbe retnrnt of former year*.THE IMPORTANT ACTS OF CONGRESS, coBdeaaed.THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES.LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE PRESENT CONGRESS

and of tke r \* as far a* elected, cUatifieJ oolitically.A CONCISE STATEMENT OF TILE DOINOS IN KAN.



WALKER aad bit FUhbugrar Companion* to Nictragn»A CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE GOVERNORS OF THE

STA1ES, Time* of Holding Eleenota, Meeting of LagiA'atareeAcTHE PLATFORM OF THE REPUBL1CAN|PARTY, with

t ondra*. d ttatement of tbvaa of the Democratic and Awer.ICiS Par lea.

THE JEFFKRSONIAN ORDINANCE o' I7t4, . doeramentaoc geaeiaily aootaaible aad which, bad It keea ad p-ed, w ,n lUv* made Keatucky, Aiabamt MiMttaippi and Tenaeaaee FreoStart*. Ttaee ytart later the Ordinance of 17T7, applicable onlyto the North Wett Territory, Wae .. p 0,

.ingle lupie., 12, oartta; * per dorea; $T par WkFctUfa er. the Atv v»ac ' >n* e.nt eacb) at iat be . r» U.Otdtrt... .. «leg ta* c*ak retrgatctrnUy t n.ci" i.

GREELET k M.EUUTH,'_Tribune OlB e New York.

Graham" SH >RT iiavd ACADEMY,N- >.» MAOHON FT.

J H E B D 1 OP KAN,jcurmal Ok* roLrnciL and ioi .¦!. mj>i ovi

I* Pak iked EVERY lAtCBMl la No* Tora.

No. v.. Fait ,n at.

WJkVtlfVh HALL IDS..'. Ci.jotlfl Anr,I«?*-and " W»» Maiden.' ky Few, F. ry Fliy" auaf

"Mother, Wtaaa the Little Fee*." by Augnate »I n g ,Wtab Somebody'd Coaie," by J. R Tuoaaea. Kim. .*>< NeveCToll " aad " Soiüe Again," by FreaL Buckley: .. Fatty Year*)Ago" by th*Bak»r*. Crroio Belle '* by Uabbard, *ing hptbe '¦. BUielye " Any of th* above *rrt by mail f. r r> eeo'er

ewb All of tie Sotr* Jfi m V«di' " I.a TraviaU,* u . * 4twit* each. Thtlbeeg't " Dob P**q.ia!e," 5*c.-at*.

KIRTH. rOND * P., No. Sl7 Br .*.lw.y, N. > T>rb._TH) WHOLESALE BTATIONKKS. uo0k-



W* vrvV.d twectfully rail the attea-.b-a tt th« tra e to tba)caerf", d*a.rtrl:oo and prk" of onr ma. bine iaa..#* 1 r E U\ R LOPES.The ar.rlvt.ed f.. ..!...» wh.«h w* po*»e** fi-r aaannfa arti g,

ana of a* ua ,fl

DEFT COMPETITION.8»m»le* fertruded fr*e of eioette.We .rould alto rail tbe attention ol tbe tr*c"e ta

BRYAN A WILt'o.Yd eelebrafeejWI1T1MO KL CID AND INK,

far which we at* th* Sols avMITaVBUTLER! BP.V»*

No* tland 2« frai.ki .rt et.. N< *¦ T'rt.


Ole bull;The Great Norwegian W.initt. will give bta


At DoDWOBTIl'i Sal.oom,TUESDAY EVENING. Marb.il, 1MT,

aatitte.l by tb« (..llowiag e£iiaent tajatil;Mita VICTORIA Glt.LER, S.prano,


G. W. MORGAN. Orgabit';U. C. TIMM. P.taiiat,

Tic kit.Out DoilafeDoors Ort.\ ar T.CtWCBAT CoatMtaftCM <f I

Tl.-keit nav b* »1 talned at all ÜM Hot. It aud M.aac Store*.Ret. rved Seat* may be tecured at alv.au.-* at Cut MuaU*

Sturvt of Mettra. VVm. Hall A Sou, C. Brvuuag*, aad Scharf«anbete *. Luit.No extra ch»r«e fi r Betetve<l ReVt.I' i ...... Ticketa for tl* L**tCotKWd * - *U*M have)

them i. hanged or t. doajed at Wui. U i.\ A Sou t, N>. imBroadway.

Aiiebican theater! UumWrn-at;., laterBURTON'S.Manager«, E. L. DBAENPORT k IU

WATKINS Dt(** Circle aad Par*,**!,K ceat*| Upper U.,a«*j12 Cent«: OioNara (bairt JO Seata In Private UoataOne Dollar.-THIS EVENING:

THE MERCHANT OF \ ENU'E.S! tlock.. Blr. E. L. Da»*t.pnr* Portia Mrt ft L. Davenp Ttj

' LORD DARNLEY.Lord Dainley..Mr. H Wa'klnt LaJy Clyde.Mit. Flmott*



Manager.Doort open at 7. Overture at 7J.


In wfcicb tb* uulld-rniowoed andLEARNED ELEPHANTS.\ H TORI A ar.d ALBERT,

wiBappear. The drama of the USURPER OF SIAM, wit!, agfitt §m$m u« f. enery. 1.-., r.inipo»ed eaprettly 'o eah'blt tb*)Mlraotloua Ev>.lu .loi«, Marcbet, Dancea, P.>ature«, \ .i*

Bi.ici rt, Ax-rnilen, A.'., of thete wonderfutly-trtiued aal«malt.

For brilliant aaal of rl:arart*r*, mnti,-, pro:e««iont, magical¦'!(..« tableang, ».iv. Ac, tee bill*.Exmllent Farre« evert niaht.

A <. KA>D DAY PERFORMANCEtl it SATURDAY, for faii.ilie« tchoolt, ehiltreu, *<.., In whi attke Elephant* will appear. Door* open at 21j, to begla at 9 p in.

BURTON'" NEW THEA I EH, BROAUWkYZSATURDAY.A newComl p'ire. wri'ten for ti;i«Toeater.'

THE RULES Of THE HOI SE;Or, Tmr Revolt ok this BoaaDKas.

The »r. lie it laid ia ali'eecker it Boarding Home ol'thepri .< at

Mrt. Hutlie«. Mr. Either. uTm. Pn.ltb, Mil* Polly Maiaii dl,Mr M. ore, Mrt A. Parker, Mr Setobell, ho.

Alto, the great and very mr.-. ttfdl rev val ofDAVID COPPERFIELD.

.M aw her, Mr. Burton .** oriakaal and favorit* rh .tacteaPegotty. Mr. C Fuller: Uriah H***-. Ml d,

Alartb., Mr« Plunkett; Rot- Mr*. Parktr;Mr* Tro'woot, Mr* Huglie*.

On MONDAY Mr. i. W. \\ A I. LACK will ap»e*r._

LAURA K E ENE' . NEW THEATEJt,No. b.4 Broadway, near Hou*ton-*L

Mit* LACBA KEENK.Sole i.e and Dir*«tre*a.THIS (Simrdayl EVENINO.

Peribimance* ron.inmee with the Overture at 7'.ANOTHER PETITE DRAMA

or on »:>*?* ivrratsr,performed la I aad Pari« witn gr.-at «nrce«*,


THE REIGN OF TERROR.Character* bv Meura Jordaa Soddart, Kent, Mi«« A H

Clllton, Mita Viola Plunkett and Mit* Laura Keeoe.To be followed by

THE ELVES; OR, THE STATUE BRIDE.Prodn. ed with N> w Scene*? Coa'uuiea, Propertie* and M.:»

chtiiical E:i-< :..

L*r.EM)..The moaptain fcta*t* of Pattotia it- ioi.ablted. ICit laid, by Pixie*, aiptitet aad Eivet, wbj, like tbe, Paeaton*Pti r» of Or rn. ..V J. :l :!i' to er.trap traveler* In', tbolcrealmi and toirnent them wi'h IhaIt ¦fiinhUt"** ai.tl « Hat«log the power of traniferrlng tbe ipirit. they of en, iu their ma>liclout gambota. give life to tmt new'y deal. S atue*. r eki »'i<ftree* are teen laiitaiti. ally moving ia the fore*:; but U I« onlyjduring th- day ll.ey retain their 'iti- u* exlateuco.at th* ap«protc.Ii of uight they reirirce tbeir imii oblllt?.

C:.int Colditream. Mr Wbeatlelgh( Jin.Mr. T B. ... -¦ ,.

Pnace Jockey Club.Win Kate R. lguold*Silt*, tbe Statu-' .Mil* Lt.iraKreu*

The new mniic. arranged and CaMaVOMd by Thorn** Baker.

NTIBI 0's GARDEN..Dooi* open at C) r .¦ at 7k.

.FifTi. ket*.Fifty C. utaSATURDAY E\ HNING, March i*, l»j7,


The mm' 0*1*heated Company in the world.Mile. THERESA ROBERT. LP.ON ESPINOSA.

Antoir.ea*.Tbe CTowtfJ. ion e in.Two i.araoter*


Matter Trick*.I. Eipln'ota Dr. Birch.lerom*}»LORA AND ZEPHYR.

Zeplyr. Mile Rob»rt | Flora.Mmo. MarietrfTHE MA JIC TR' MPET.

Clowi..Aot ioavDoc ( attannr*..Jer >mtjMONDAY- Tie nt w grand Fairy Puntomlm« ti

BLANCHE.Cbaiacfer* by th* Wonderful Ravel*

PURDY7« NATIONAL THEATER..Dr*** Clrel**, 25 oeut*; Fit, Dtg *ent«i Orch**tra C*n-a,


I.net Lethert..Mr. J. II Allen | Frederic Spring.Mr*. V . i*Jerry Vandevere.... G. L Fox Sarah Morn*..Mia* lU'hawaWHa.ry A .atiO.H. F. Stone j Bid.ly Magee.Mi*« F. Hemug

THE FRIhKY COrtBLKR.Jack Snti' //le.G. L. Fox Em na.. ..Mit* Ad. Lai.ic P «To ion. hide with STAGE STRUi K

WAL LACK'8 THEATER..E'e vi otb week of tbe engagement of


f. rty- lii d r.lrht of h<-r gieat rhtrvter ofCAMit.i.e.

iMoiid*y-Laat olsibt but two of MEDEA.Brat* -¦ e ... : three d y« in advaoce.


NEW *;OMFDY FROM LONDON DOUBLrVFArEl*PEOPLE, a play la three »et», peifnrmed THIS AFTER¬NOON at 1 o'clock, and tl-. THIS F.VENIN'3 at 7} oV'o. k.George Medley and Dick Scrumoie'., ArtUt*, Me»ir». C W.Clark.- ar.dT. Hadaway; Emily, Mit* Me*U}*r. Tb* LiVug)Serpen*i, H*vpy Family, fe* teen wi'oour, extra oharpea,AdmitatoB, 2ft centi; cklldren ander 10, 12k.

11Ü PALMER MARBLES..STATUE ofINDIAN GIRL, and eleven other pioeei of Bculp'ore, aC

No. 518 Broadway. Open from J a. m. to 10 p. m. Ad.m taue«iSoeat*.

DÜSSELDORF f.ALLER Y, Nee. 4i»7 Broaxlwaj,'eoataln« 150 of tbe flnett PAINIINGS ever mat *poB .*>

blbition. Open DAY »cd EVEN'I.iG. AdAittaoo* 25 *at*.

apRYSTAL PALACE..'Jhtt Cpy*tk\I P*iV« in*t,U open to the public, and contain* many Intoretloa . of

.oriout thuig*. Tbe btatuary i* alaiLu worth the price of ad~

Clje Sail Season.

IN COMPLIANCE with tbe with fxpre«»e.i bytnany I^adie« and Gentleman wbo were prvaent «t th* latai

Ball at the New-York Acaetamy ot M ist*, for the benefit af th*Oper* Fund, a SECOND ONE VviLL BE Git EN for tooaame t on TUESDAY, lltb Ap.il t.-f. ».. .. iiUiavtended ihali aarnajt ia brilliaccy acc dr-^iiatlv* .**. «.t ^a* bitt.particular* of which «nil be pvhl.arvd at an aaily da?

Stotiirn^rs onö fanqi (So«jui.


RAILROAD OFFICES and MERCHANTS mad* to «dar autfrated la any pattern.LITHOGRAPHI.VO, ENORAVIIO and PRINTING In

*».ry vari.-ty exe. -.ted with diipatch; alao, VISITING, WED«DING »Ld BUSINESS CARDSTengrateXA fWl raeMnerit of Starl« and Fancy Stattoaery.WILLIAM E. UAVV9 (Braach B.C. Root Abi*..*?*. O*.),

No. IBSCViuaJ at cor. TTe.rLp*cs«


NORAVING sad Prifltio* ILilf Prieet..W«*i«diu«, At Ho»*, Vi«! totu* AdJre.« Card« Aa. BuateoM,

It, BUI Head*, Cbecki, Nc'-e*. Kel.j'*, i>7 Falten,-«*.. N T«

PB1NTINO by 8TEAM-Copp*»r-i»ce*i 1YPJC,»rTaTioNF.RB» ball,

No*. 17* *ud 17« Pearl et New T**k.BOW NE k H 4SBROUCK.

PRUfTEavB. LITHOGRAPHERS and STtTlOMCRJ AMIUc4of PBlVtTINei execute.! Ira Ub. beat ItyU, w.-a COPPAJa-FACED TTTE. at tb* low«»t rat *._

TRIBUNE BUILDINGS..PRINTLNG ..f«*er».V* npticn, fr-u. a Card to » Boaft. a" ih* lat* t-avlg

rrirva IAEEI k CiOU'A IN, Tl.tj.t* a