Official Bulletin of the State No. 295 Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Dry 1. P. 97858 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS HEAD OF STATE 12886 Law 8/2013, 9 of December, for the improvement of the quality of education.

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Official Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978581. GENERAL PROVISIONSHEAD OF STATE12886Law 8/2013, 9 of December, for the improvement of the quality of education.JUAN CARLOS IKING OF SPAINAll the present join together and act.Know: That the Cortes Generales have approved and I come in to sanction the following law.PREAMBLEStudents is the Center and the raison d ' tre of the education. Learning in the school should be directed to become autonomous, critical, people with own thought. All the students have a dream, all young people have talent. Our people and their talents are the most valuable thing we have as a country.For this reason, each and every one of the students will be object of attention, in the search for talent development, that education become the main instrument of social mobility, help to overcome economic and social barriers and generate aspirations and ambitions realizable for all. For all this organic law establishes the necessary mechanisms of permeability and return between different paths and routes that are articulated.All students possess talent, but the nature of this talent differs among them. As a result, the educational system must have mechanisms to recognize it and promote it. The recognition of this diversity among student or pupil on their skills and expectations is the first step towards the development of an educational structure that provides for different paths. The logic of this reform is based on the evolution towards a system able to steer students toward the trajectories most suitable to your abilities, so that their aspirations to make a reality and become routes that facilitate employability and encourage entrepreneurship through the possibility for students and their parents, mothers or legal guardiansChoose the best options for personal and professional development. Students with performance problems should have specific programs that improve their ability to continue in the system.Behind the talents of the people they are the values that articulate them, attitudes that drive them, competencies that materialize them and knowledge that build them. The challenge of a democratic society is to create the conditions so that all students can acquire and express their talents, in short, the commitment to quality education as a support for equality and social justice.Education is the engine that promotes the well-being of a country. The educational level of the people determines its ability to compete successfully in the field of the international scene and the challenges that arise in the future. Improve the level of citizens in the field of education is open the doors to high-skilled jobs, which represents a commitment to economic growth and a future better.In the sphere of the individual, education supposed to facilitate the personal development and social integration. The educational level determines, in great way, the goals and expectations of the vital path, both professionally and personally, as well as the set of(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97859knowledge, resources and learning tools that enable a person to successfully meet your goals.Only a quality education system, inclusive, integrative and demanding, guarantees equal opportunities and makes effective the possibility that each student develop the maximum of their potential. The mandate of article 27.2 of the Spanish Constitution will become effective only from the quality: education will aim the full development of the human personality in the respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and the rights and fundamental freedoms.IIOne of the objectives of the reform is to introduce new patterns of behavior that put education at the center of our society and economy.The transformation of education depends not only on the educational system. Whole society is which has to assume an active role. Education is a task that affects companies, associations, trade unions, non-governmental organizations, as well as any other form of manifestation of civil society and, in particular way, to the families. The success of the social transformation in which we are immersed depends on education. Now, without the involvement of civil society there will be no educational transformation.The family reality in general, and in particular in the context of its relationship with education, is undergoing profound changes. They are necessary channels and habits that enable us to restore the balance and the strength of relations between pupils and students, families and schools. Families are the first responsible for the education of their children and therefore the educational system has to have the family and trust their decisions.They are highlighting the results of the work of generous teachers, families and other social actors, who give us an optimistic before the transformation of the education that we are facing, offer us a long list of successful experiences in the most diverse areas, favouring local environments, in many cases with global projection, of cooperation and learning.IIIThe profound changes facing society require a continuous and thoughtful adaptation of the education system to the emerging demands of learning.The creation of conditions enabling the students to their full personal and professional development, as well as their effective participation in social, cultural and economic transformation processes, is an unavoidable responsibility of the public authorities.Never how we have now had the opportunity of having a custom and universal education. As never before has education has had the possibility of being a so decisive element of equity and social welfare.The main threat facing sustainability in developed societies is the fracture of knowledge, that is, split between those who have knowledge, skills and abilities to learn and do, and do learning and those excluded. The fight against the exclusion of a large part of Spanish society, due to high rates of school drop-outs early and by low levels of quality that today reports the educational system, are the main impetus to reform.The school, and especially public school, found its main reason for being in the fight against the inevitability of situations of injustice or degradation which have been going at each moment of its history. The modern school is the advocate of education as a utopia of social justice and welfare. According to this function, this organic law directed school at the service of a society that cannot assume as normal or structural than an important part of their students,(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97860those who leave school before they had basic knowledge, competences and skills, or those whose educational level is far below the international standards of quality, leave at the start of his career in conditions of disadvantage such that are doomed to unemployment or job of limited added value.These circumstances, in today's economy, more and more global and more demanding in the training of workers and entrepreneurs, they become a scourge which limits the possibilities for social mobility, when they do not lead to the unacceptable transfer of poverty.In accordance with the above reflection, it is important to highlight that the improvement of the democratic quality of a community passes inexorably by the improvement of the quality of its educational system. An increasingly complex and participatory democracy demand increasingly formal and responsible citizens. Raising current levels of education is an essential decision to promote peaceful coexistence and cultural development of society.Equity and quality are two sides of the same coin. A quality education system in which not a priority is to eliminate any hint of inequality is not imaginable. There is no greater lack of equity that a system that even the indolence or mediocrity. For the Spanish society is not enough schooling to meet the right to education, quality is a constituent element of the right to education.IVA more open, global and participatory society demands new profiles of citizens and workers, more sophisticated and diversified, in the same way that requires alternative ways of organization and management in collaboration and work equipment, as well as proposals capable of assuming that the real strength is in the mix of skills and diverse knowledge which prevail are.Education is the key to this transformation through the formation of people active self-confident, curious, enterprising and innovative, desiring to participate in the society to which they belong, create value individually and collectively, can take the value of the balance between effort and reward as their own. The educational system must both allow different things such as teaching learning differently, in order to satisfy to a few students, who have been changing with society.Cognitive abilities, being essential, are not enough; It is necessary to acquire from an early age skills, such as critical thinking, diversity management, creativity or the ability to communicate, and key attitudes as individual confidence, enthusiasm, perseverance and the acceptance of change. Initial education is becoming more decisive because today the learning process is not completed in the education system, but it is projected throughout the life of the person.We need to foster conditions that allow appropriate methodological change, so that the student is an active element in the learning process. Current students have changed radically in relation to the of a generation ago. Globalization and the impact of new technologies make different its way to learn, communicate, focus or approach a task.It is necessary to generate the belief that the educational system in a transparent and equitable reward performance that is achieved in the educational objectives, and especially that recognizes their contribution to improving the environment.Virtually all developed countries are currently, or have been found in recent years, immersed in processes of transformation of their education systems. Social transformations inherent in a global, open and interconnected world, like this one in which we live, have to think to the(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97861different countries about the need for regulatory and programmatic changes of greater or lesser importance to adapt their education systems to the new demands.At European level we can cite to Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and United Kingdom as examples of countries whose education systems are in review. Outside the European Brazil, Singapore, Japan, China (Shanghai), Canada (Ontario), Republic of Korea and the U.S. are also immersed in processes of improving education, with regulatory and planning in the medium and long term changes.vCompletion of an expansive economic cycle and its inevitable budgetary consequences cannot be an alibi to avoid the necessary reforms in our educational system. The cost of not assume these responsibilities would not be other than the see increase social exclusion and deterioration of competitiveness.Since the transition to democracy, Spain has achieved rates of almost 100% from 3 years schooling and has developed the necessary tools to ensure minimum education levels to cover the basic needs of the students and ensure, for all educational institutions, minimum levels of quality through the establishment of criteria of uniformity. We must thus be considered as an achievement of the past few decades the universalization of education, as well as inclusive education.Differences between pupils of a heart and between the various centres indicate that we have a more homogeneous than average educational system, which translates into an equity index higher than the OECD average.However, the current system does not allow to progress towards an improvement of the quality of education, as they highlight the results obtained by pupils in the international assessment tests such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), the high rates of early abandonment of education and training, and the small number of students reaching excellence. The objectivity of international comparative studies, reflecting the stagnation of the system, at least lead to the conclusion that it is necessary a reform of the educational system that flee from the ideological debates that have hindered progress in recent years. A sensible, practical, reform allowing to develop to the fullest the potential of each student is necessary.The results of 2011, disseminated by EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Communities) relating to the education of the Europe 2020 strategy indicators, are clearly educational neglect early as one of the weaknesses of the educational system Spanish, by placing the rate of abandonment by 26.5% in 2011, with a tendency to decline but far away from the current average European value (13.5%) and the 10% target set for 2020.On the other hand, the PISA 2009 report yields results for Spain that highlights the insufficient level obtained in reading comprehension, mathematical competence and scientific competition, far from the average of the OECD countries.The European Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth has established for the Horizon 2020 five ambitious goals in the field of employment, innovation, education, social integration, as well as climate and energy and has quantified the educational objectives which is to get the European Union to improve the levels of education. In 2020, the European Union must reduce dropout to less than 10% and, at a minimum, at least 40% of the population aged between 30 and 34 years must have completed equivalent or higher studies.According to the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, adopted in 2010 by the European Commission, this improvement in the levels of education should contact also to persons with disabilities, who be them guarantee inclusive education and a training and quality within the framework "youth on the move initiative, put forward by the European strategy for growth(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97862Intelligent. To this end, will take as a guiding framework and necessary reference the International Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, adopted by the United Nations in December 2006, existing and fully applicable in Spain since May 2008.To address the reduction of school drop-outs, is to increase the percentage of young people who complete the educational level of upper secondary education, level 3 cinema (classification international standard of the education of the of the United Nations for education, science and culture, UNESCO). The achievement of this level of education has become a key issue of the education and training systems in developed countries, and is also collected in the project of indicators of the education of the Organization for cooperation economic and development (OECD), which stresses the need that young people complete minimum level 3 cinema for their incorporation into the labour market with sufficient guarantees.The normative technique chosen, locking of the organic law of education (LOE), responds to the recommendations of the OECD based on best practices of countries with educational systems with better results, in which reforms are raised steadily on a framework of overall stability as inadequacies are detected or new needs arise. The proposal of the organic law for the improvement of educational quality (LOMCE) arises from the need to respond to concrete problems of our educational system who are assuming a drag on social equity and competitiveness of the country, giving priority to the achievement of a framework of stability and avoiding extraordinary situations such as those experienced in our educational system in recent years.The proposed changes in our educational system by the LOMCE are based on evidence. The reform aims to address the main problems detected in the Spanish educational system on the foundations provided by the objective results reflected in periodic assessments of European and international bodies.International studies have shown that those countries that have relatively rapidly improved the quality of their educational systems have implemented measures related to simplification of the curriculum and the reinforcement of instrumental knowledge, flexibilization of trajectories so that students can choose the most appropriate to their abilities and aspirations, the development of systems of external evaluation Census and consistent in timethe increase of the transparency of results, the promotion of greater autonomy and specialisation in educational institutions, the requirement for students, teachers and centres of accountability, yel incentive of the effort.This reform of the education system aims to be gradualist and cautious based on the sense common and sustainable in time, as its success will be measured according to the objective improvement of the results of the students. This law is the result of a dialogue open and sincere, seeking consensus, enriched with the contributions of the entire educational community.VIThe reform promoted by the LOMCE is supported by evidence and collect best practices compared. The main objectives pursued by the reform are early education reduce churn, improve educational outcomes in accordance with international criteria, both in the comparative rate of excellent students, as in the of graduates in compulsory secondary education, improving employability, and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of students. The principles on which the reform pivots are, fundamentally, increasing the autonomy of the centres, the reinforcement of the capacity of the management of centres, end-of-stage external evaluations, the rationalization of the educational offer and flexibilization of trajectories.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97863VIIThe increase in the autonomy of the centres is a reiterated recommendation of the OECD to improve the results of them, necessarily linked to the demand for greater transparency in accountability. Despite the formal reiteration of the LOE on the importance of autonomy, international surveys are still marking this factor as a deficit of our system. It is necessary that each centre has the ability to identify what are its strengths and the needs of your environment, to take decisions on how to improve its methodological and educational offer in this area, in direct relation, where appropriate by their nature, with the strategy of educational administration. This responsibility shall entail the requirement to demonstrate that public resources have been used efficiently and that have led to a real improvement in the results. The autonomy of the centres is an open door to the attention to the diversity of the students, that maintains the cohesion and unity of the system and opens up new possibilities of cooperation between the centres and networking support and shared learning.The reform will also contribute to strengthening the capacity of the management of the centres, giving directors, as representatives that are educational in the Central Administration and responsible for the educational project, the opportunity to exercise greater leadership teaching and management. On the other hand, the directive function power through a system of prior certification for access to the post of director, and sets a protocol to accountable for the decisions made, actions of quality and the results of implementing them. Few areas of the Administration have complexity and size that has the network of public schools; being aware of its difficulty and the effort involved for their managers, improve their management is an inescapable challenge for the system.VIIIExternal end-stage evaluations are one of the main innovations of the LOMCE with respect to the previous frame and one of the measures calls to improve the quality of the education system in a more direct way. Twenty OECD countries carry out their students evidence of this nature, and the evidence suggests that its implementation has an impact of at least sixteen points of improvement according to the criteria of PISA.These tests will have a formative and diagnostic character. On the one hand they should serve to ensure that all students reach the learning levels appropriate for the normal development of the personal and professional life as the intended title, and they must also allow guiding students in their school decision making according to the knowledge and skills that really have. On the other hand, these tests normalize the standards of qualifications in all Spain, indicating clearly the whole of the education community what are the required levels of requirements and introducing elements of certainty, objectivity and comparability of results. In addition, they provide parents, schools and educational administrations valuable information with a view to future decisions. The objective of this evaluation is the improvement of the learning of the student, of the measures of management centres and the policies of the administrations.The transparency of the data should be chasing after reporting on the value-added of centres in relation to the socio-economic circumstances of its environment and, in particular, on the evolution of these.Tests will be homologous bias to which are carried out at the international level and, in particular, to the OECD and focus on the skills level. According to the international standards, they must be careful in any case to be able to measure the results of the learning process without diminishing the desired autonomy of the centres, and should exclude the possibility of any kind of training for its overcoming.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97864Proposed assessments do not exhaust the possibilities of evaluation within the system, while the educational administrations shall be responsible for the decision on other evaluations.The success of the proposed evaluations consist of getting any student to find an insurmountable barrier to them. Each test is to offer options and gateways, so that anyone who wants to continue learning can be, under any circumstances, outside the system.IXThe rationalization of the educational offer, reinforcing learning core subjects contributing to the acquisition of key competences for the academic development of the students, at all stages is another basic objective of the reform. Curriculum review that happens to the approval of the organic law must take into account the learning needs related to the rapid social and economic changes we are experiencing. The simplification of curriculum development is an essential element for the transformation of the educational system, simplification which, in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union, should provide a solid knowledge of the contents that will ensure effectiveness in the acquisition of basic skills. This process of curriculum change keys are to promote a vision of interdisciplinary and, in particular, allow greater autonomy to the teaching function, in such a way that it allows to satisfy demands for greater customization of education, taking into account the principle of specialization of the faculty.XRigidities of the system lead to the exclusion of pupils whose expectations are not adapted to the established framework. On the other hand, the possibility of choosing between different trajectories guarantees an easier stay in the educational system and, consequently, greater possibilities for their personal and professional development. More flexible paths, so that each student can develop their full potential, focuses on the development of programmes for the improvement of learning and performance in the second and the third year of compulsory secondary education, basic professional training, the anticipation of the routes toward high school and vocational training, and the transformation of the current fourth course of compulsory secondary education in a fundamentally preparatory course and with two distinct paths. This diversification will enable the student to receive a personalized attention so that it is aimed toward the educational path that best suits their needs and aspirations, which should favor its progression in the education system.It is a recurring theme of the reform removing barriers to encourage the realization, less than high school upper stages, an increasingly clear requirement in the society in which we live, for what new itineraries have been raised and has been equipped with higher permeability to the existing. The system, both vertical and horizontal permeability, is one of the major concerns of the European Union. Thus, law open gateways between all training paths and within them, so that no decision of any student is irreversible. Any student can pass along their learning process from some areas to others according to his vocation, effort and life expectations, linking up with a lifelong training needs.Next to these principles, it is necessary to highlight three areas on which the LOMCE makes special emphasis with a view to the transformation of the educational system: the information technology and communication, promotion of multilingualism, and the modernization of vocational training.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97865XITechnology has historically formed education and still shaping it. Personalized learning and its universalization as challenges of the educational transformation, as well as the satisfaction of learning in non-cognitive skills, the acquisition of attitudes and learning by doing, require the intensive use of technologies. Connect with the habits and experiences of new generations requires an in-depth review of the notion of classroom and educational, single space as possible from a reading of the educational function of new technologies.Incorporating generalized to the educational system of the information technology and communication (ICT), which will take into account the principles of design for all and universal accessibility, will allow to customize education and adapt it to the needs and to the pace of each student. On the one hand, it will serve for reinforcement and support in cases of poor performance and, secondly, will enable to expand without limitations the knowledge transmitted in the classroom. Students with motivation can thus access, according to their capacity, educational resources that already offer many national and international institutions at levels. The technologies of information and communication will be a critical piece of the methodological change that will lead to achieving the objective of improving the quality of education. In addition, the orderly and responsible use of these new technologies by students must be present throughout the educational system. The technologies of information and communication will also be a key tool in the training of teachers and in the training of citizens throughout life, allowing them to combine training with work or personal obligations, and also will be in the management of the processes.Once valued previous experiences, it is imperative the model of digitization of the school for which you opt to be economically sustainable, and that focus on the creation of a digital ecosystem of national scope that allows the normal development of the options of each education administration.XIIThe domain of a second or even a third foreign language has become a priority in education as a result of the process of globalization in which we live, while shown as one of the major shortcomings of our educational system. The European Union sets the promotion of multilingualism as an essential objective for the construction of a European project. The law strongly supports multilingualism, stepping up efforts to get students to perform is at least in a first foreign language, whose level of listening and reading comprehension and oral and written expression is decisive to foster employability and professional ambitions, and therefore strongly advocates the curricular incorporation of a second foreign language fluently.XIIIThe main difference of the Spanish educational system with the of our environment is particularly low number of students passing by our professional training. This situation inevitably affects the employability and competitiveness of our economy, limiting vital options of many young people. Revitalize the apprenticeship option as an option in accordance with the will of a personal development and also its permeability with the rest of the system is a strategic objective of this law. To reach it is proposed modernization of the offer, its adaptation to the requirements of the different productive sectors, the involvement of the companies in the learning process, with the important novelty of dual vocational training, and the search for an approach to the models of the neighbouring countries with much lower levels of youth unemployment. Creates a(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97866new title of basic vocational training is flexible access routes from basic vocational training to the medium level and from this towards the top grade, priority is given to the contribution to the expansion of the competencies in basic vocational training and half degree, dual vocational training is regulated and it is complemented by elective subjects aimed at top grade cycles and the transit toward other teachings.XIVThe recommendation (2002) 12 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on education for democratic citizenship, on October 16, 2002, States that education for democratic citizenship is essential to promote a free, tolerant and just society and contributing to defend the values and principles of freedom, pluralismhuman rights and the rule of law, which are the foundations of democracy.One of the principles which inspired the Spanish educational system is the transmission and implementation of values that promote personal freedom, responsibility, democratic citizenship, solidarity, tolerance, equality, respect and justice, and that they help to overcome any kind of discrimination. Also provided as end to which focuses the system educational Spanish preparing for the exercise of citizenship and active participation in economic life, social and cultural, with critical and responsible attitude and adaptability to changing situations of the knowledge society.This law considers it essential preparation for active citizenship and the acquisition of competences social and civic, collected on the recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. In the context of the methodological change advocated by this organic law this need is addressed across to incorporate civic and constitutional education into all subjects during basic education, so that social and civic skills should be included in the daily dynamics of the teaching and learning processes and enhance that waythrough a joint approach, the possibility of transfer and its guiding character.XVThe transformation of the educational system is the result of a sustained effort and constant educational reform effort that is only possible with the permanent and respectful collaboration of all stakeholders. In particular, it will be important to promote a sincere cooperation between the educational administrations enabling sharing of best practices of the system and improve territorial cohesion. In addition, this law will acquire full meaning to the development of a future law on the teaching function.Single article. Modification of the organic law 2/2006 of 3 may, education.The organic law 2/2006, of 3 may, education, is modified as follows:One. Modifies the wording of paragraphs b), k) and 1) and added new paragraphs h bis) and q) to article 1 in the following terms:(b) equity, to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of the personality through education, inclusive education, equality of rights and opportunities that help to overcome any discrimination and universal accessibility to education, and acting as compensator element of personal, cultural, economic and social inequalities with special attention to that arising from any type of disability.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97867h bis) the recognition of the role that corresponds to the parents and legal guardians as responsible for the education of their children first.(k) education for conflict prevention and the peaceful resolution of the same, as well as for non-violence in all areas of personal, family and social life of the bullying special yen.1) development, in the school, the values that promote the effective equality between men and women, as well as the prevention of gender-based violence.(q) the freedom of education, which recognizes the right of the parents and legal guardians to choose the type of education and the Center for children, within the framework of the constitutional principles."Two. Added a new article 2 bis with the following wording:Article 2 bis. Spanish education system.1. for the purposes of this law, Spanish educational system means the set of administrations education, professional education and other agents, public and private, that perform functions of regulation, financing or provision of services for the exercise of the right to education in Spain, and the owners of this right, as well as the set of relationsstructures, measures and actions that are implemented to provide it.2. the educational administrations are the bodies of the General State administration and the administrations of the autonomous communities competent in educational matters.3. for the achievement of the purposes specified in article 2, the Spanish educational system will feature, among others, with the following instruments:(a) the Council School of the State, as an organ of participation of the educational community in general programming education and advice to the Government.b) the sectoral Conference of education, as an organ of cooperation between the State and the autonomous communities.(e) sectoral tables of negotiation of public education and concerted education that constitute.Educational information system (d)).(e)) the State system of scholarships and grants to study, as a guarantee of equality of opportunity in access to education.4. the functioning of the Spanish educational system is governed by the principles of quality, cooperation, fairness, freedom of education, merit, equality of opportunities, non-discrimination, efficiency in the allocation of public resources, transparency and accountability."3. A new paragraph 10 shall be added to article 3, with the following wording:10 cycles of basic vocational training shall offer compulsory and free of charge.Four. The title of chapter III of the preliminary title and article 6 are written in the following way:Chapter IIICurriculum and distribution of powers article 6. Curriculum.(< j) eo eo N1. for the purposes of the provisions of this organic law, the regulation of the elements that determine the processes of teaching and learning for each of the teachings means curriculum.Official Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978682. the curriculum will comprise the following elements:(a) the objectives of each teaching and educational stage.(b) competencies or capacities to apply the contents of each teaching and educational stage, in order to achieve the appropriate activities and the effective resolution of complex problems in an integrated way. (e) the contents, or sets of knowledge, abilities, skills andattitudes that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of each teaching and educational stage and the acquisition of skills.The contents are arranged in subjects that classified as subjects, areas, areas and modules according to the teachings, the educational stages or programs involving students.(d) the teaching methodology, which comprises both the description of teaching practices and the Organization of the work of teachers.(e) standards and measurable learning outcomes.(f) the criteria for evaluation of the level of acquisition of skills and the achievement of the objectives of each teaching and educational stage.5. Added a new article 6 bis, in chapter III of the preliminary title, with the following wording:Article 6 bis. Distribution of powers. 1 corresponds to the Government:(a) the general management of the education system.b) the regulation of the conditions of collection, delivery and approval of academic and professional titles and the basic rules for the development of article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the public authorities in this matter.(e) the general programming of the teaching, in the terms laid down in articles 27 et seq. of the Organic Act 8/1985 of 3 July, regulating the right to education.(d) the high inspection and other powers which, in accordance with article 149.1.30. a of the Constitution, correspond to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the public authorities.(e) the design of the core curriculum, in relation to objectives, skills, content, evaluation criteria, standards and of learning outcomes that are measurable, in order to ensure a common training and official character and validity throughout the national qualifications to that referred to in this law.2. in primary education, secondary education and baccalaureate, subjects will be grouped in three blocks, core subjects, specific subjects and regional free-elective subjects, on which educational authorities and educational institutions carried out its functions in the following way:(a) it will be up to the Government:1. determine the common content, assessable learning standards and the minimum block of stem subjects lesson time.2. determine assessable learning standards relating to the contents of the block of specific subjects.3. determine the criteria of evaluation of the achievement of the objectives of teaching and educational stages and the degree of the corresponding skills, as well as the General characteristics of the tests, in relation to the final evaluation of primary education.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97869(b) it shall be for the Ministry of education, culture and sport, final evaluations of compulsory secondary education and high school:1. determine the criteria of evaluation of the achievement of the objectives of teaching and educational stages and the degree of the corresponding skills, in relation to the contents of the blocks of core and specific subjects.2. determine the characteristics of the tests.3. Design tests and establish its content for each call.(e) inside of the regulation and limits established by the Government, through the Ministry of education, culture and sport, in accordance with the previous paragraphs, the educational administrations shall:1. complement the contents of the block of stem subjects.2. establish the contents of the specific subjects and elective regional blocks.3rd. make recommendations of teaching methods for educational institutions within its competence.4. set the maximum lesson time corresponding to the contents of the subjects of the block of stem subjects.5. set the time corresponding to the contents of the subjects of the specific subjects and elective regional blocks.6. in relation to the evaluation during the stage, complement of evaluation criteria relating to blocks of core and specific subjects, and establish criteria for the evaluation of the block of autonomous free-elective subjects.7. assessable learning standards relating to the contents of the block of autonomous free-elective subjects.(d) inside of the regulation and limits established by the educational administrations in accordance with the previous paragraphs, and according to the schedule of the educational offer that set each educational administration, educational institutions can:1. complement the contents of specific, core subjects and elective regional blocks and set its training offer.2nd. Design and implement own pedagogical and didactic methods.3. determine the hourly load corresponding to the different subjects.(e) the minimum lesson time corresponding to the subjects of stem subjects block will be set in global computing for all primary education, for the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, for the fourth year of compulsory secondary education, and for each of the high school courses, and shall not be less than 50% of the total of the school timetable set by each education administration as general. In this computation will not be taken into account possible extensions of the schedule can be established on the general schedule.3. for the second cycle of early childhood education, professional art lessons, the teaching of languages and sports lessons, the Government will set the objectives, competences, content and criteria of evaluation of the core curriculum, which will require the 55 per 100 of the school schedules for the autonomous communities that have co-official language and 65 per cent for those who do not have it.4. with respect to vocational training, the Government will set the objectives, competences, content, learning outcomes and criteria of evaluation of the core curriculum. The contents of the core curriculum will require 55 per 100 hours for the autonomous communities that have co-official language and 65 per cent for those who do not have it.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978705. the educational administrations shall promote enhance the autonomy of the centres, will evaluate its results and apply appropriate plans of action.Schools will develop and will complement, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy, as set out in chapter II of title V of this law.6 titles corresponding to the teachings regulated by this law will be approved by the State and issued by the educational administrations under the conditions provided for in the legislation and the basic and specific rules which, in effect, handed down.7. within the framework of international cooperation in the field of education, the Government, in accordance with the provisions of this article, may establish mixed curriculum of teachings of the Spanish education system and other systems educational, conducive to the respective titles.6. A new paragraph 3 shall be added to article 9, with the following wording:3. in territorial cooperation programmes be taken into account, as a criterion for the territorial distribution of economic resources, the uniqueness of these programs in terms geared to promoting equal opportunities. An advantage especially the phenomenon of the depopulation of a territory, as well as the geographical dispersion of the population, the insularity and needs presenting the schooling of students of rural areas."7. Amending paragraph 2 of article 16, with the following wording:2. the purpose of primary education is to facilitate the students learning of expression and oral comprehension, reading, writing, calculation, the acquisition of basic knowledge of the culture, and the habit of coexistence as well as those of study and work, artistic sense, creativity and affection, in order to ensure a well-rounded education that contributes to the full development of the personality of the students and to prepare them to use the compulsory secondary education.8. ((Paragraphs b amending), h) and j) of article 17, which happens to have the following wording:(b) develop habits of individual work and team effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of confidence in itself, meaning critical, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurship.(h) to know the fundamental aspects of the nature of science, social sciences, geography, history and culture.(j) use different representations and artistic expressions and started the construction of Visual and audiovisual proposals."9. Article 18 is worded in the following way:1. the stage of primary education comprises six courses and is organized in areas that will have a global character and inclusive.2. students should pursue the following areas of the block of subjects stem in each of the courses:(a) natural sciences.(b) Social Sciences).(e) Spanish language and literature.(d) mathematics.(e) first foreign language.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978713. students should pursue the following areas of the block of subjects specific in each of the courses:(a) physical education.(b) religion, or social and civic values at the choice of the parents, mothers or guardians.e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least one of the following areas of the block of specific subjects:1.0 arts education.2.0 second foreign language.(3.0 religion, only if parents, mothers or guardians have not chosen in the election referred to in 3.b).4.0 values social and civic, only if parents, mothers or guardians have not chosen in the election referred to in 3.b).4. students must study area co-official language and literature in the block of free-elective subjects autonomous in those autonomous communities that possess the co-official language, although they may be exempt from study or be assessed in that area the conditions laid down in the corresponding regional regulations. The area co-official language and literature will receive a treatment analogous to the area of the Castilian language and literature.In addition, students may pursue any area in the block of subjects free autonomic configuration, according to the regulation and the programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, which may be the block of specific subjects that are not completed, deepening or strengthening of core areas, or areas to be determined.5. on the set of the stage, tutorial action will guide individual and collective educational process of students.6. without prejudice to its specific treatment in some of the areas of the stage, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, the media, the information technology and communication, entrepreneurship and civic and constitutional education is they will work in all areas."10. Paragraph 2 of article 19 shall be deleted.Eleven. Added a paragraph 4 to article 19 with the following wording:4. the Castilian or the co-official language only shall be used as a support in the process of foreign language learning. Comprehension and oral expression priority will be given.Easing measures and methodological alternatives in teaching and evaluation of foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for one that presents difficulties in its oral expression will be established. These adaptations in no case shall be taken into account for lower the grades obtained.12. Article 20 is drawn up in the following way: article 20. Evaluation during the stage.(< j) eo eo N1. the evaluation of the learning processes of students will be continuous and comprehensive and will take into account your progress in all areas.The most suitable measures will be established so that conditions of the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.Official Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978722. the student will enter the course or next stage whenever deemed that it has achieved the objectives and has reached the level of the corresponding skills. If not, it may be repeated only once during the stage, with a specific plan of reinforcement or recovery. It especially attend individualized evaluation results at the end of the third year of primary education and end of primary education.3 educational institutions will conduct an individualized assessment to all students at the end of the third year of primary education, as they have the educational administrations, in which will check is the degree of mastery of the skills, capabilities and skills in oral and written comprehension, expression and resolution of problems relating to the degree of acquisition of competence in linguistic communication, calculation and mathematical competition. This evaluation be unfavorable, teaching staff must take the most appropriate ordinary or extraordinary measures.4 special attention will receive during the personalized attention of students, early diagnoses and the establishment of mechanisms for strengthening to achieve school success.5. in those autonomous communities that possess, along with Spanish, other official language according to its statutes, the students may be exempt from the assessment of the co-official language and literature area according to the corresponding regional legislation.13. Article 21 is worded as follows: article 21. Final evaluation of primary education.1. at the end of the sixth year of primary education, there will be an assessment of individual pupils and students, in which will check is the degree of acquisition of competence in linguistic communication, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, as well as the achievement of the objectives of the stage.2. the Government, after consultation with the autonomous communities, will establish the evaluation criteria and the General characteristics of the tests for all the system educational Spanish to ensure criteria and evaluation characteristics common to the entire territory.3. the results of the assessment will be expressed in levels. The level obtained by each student shall be recorded in a report, which will be delivered to the parents, mothers or guardians and that shall be informative and guidance for schools in which students have completed the sixth year of primary education and for those that pursue the following school year, as well as for teaching teamsparents, mothers or guardians and pupils and students.The educational administrations may establish specific plans of improvement in those public centres whose results are less than values which, to this end, are established.In relation to the centers reached it will be to the regulations of the corresponding concert.Fourteen. Added an article 23 bis with the following wording: article 23 bis. Compulsory secondary education cycles.The stage of compulsory secondary education is organized in materials and comprises two cycles, the first of three school years and the second one.The second cycle or fourth year of compulsory secondary education will be mainly preparatory.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 9787315. Article 24 is worded in the following way:Article 24. Organization of the first cycle of compulsory secondary education.1. students should pursue the following general matters first and second block of stem subjects in courses:(a) biology and geology in the first course.(b) Physics and chemistry in second year.(e) geography and history in both courses.d) Spanish language and literature in both courses.(e) mathematics at both courses.f) first foreign language in both courses.2. students should pursue the following general matters of stem subjects during the third block:(a) biology and geology.(b) Physics and chemistry.(e) geography and history.d) Spanish language and literature.(e) first foreign language.3. as a matter of choice, in the block of stem subjects must pursue, well math oriented to academic studies, or math-oriented applied lessons, choice of parents, mothers or guardians or, where appropriate, of the students.4. students must take the following block of subjects specific areas in each of the courses:(a) physical education.(b) religion or ethical values, at the choice of the parents, mothers or guardians or, where appropriate, of the student.(e) depending on the regulation and the programming of educational opportunities that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, a minimum of one and maximum of four of the following block of specific subjects areas, which may be different for each of the courses:1.0 classical culture.2.0 plastic, Visual and Audiovisual education.3.0 Introduction to the business and entrepreneurial activity.4.0 music.5.0 second foreign language.6.0 technology.(7.0 religion, only if parents, mothers or legal or, where appropriate, the student or student guardians have not chosen the choice indicated in paragraph 4.b). 8.0 values ethical, only if parents, mothers or legal or, where appropriate, the student or student guardians have not chosen the choice indicated in paragraph 4.b).5. students should study matter co-official language and literature of the block of free-elective subjects autonomous in those autonomous communities that possess the co-official language, although they may be exempt from study or be evaluated this matter under the conditions laid down in the corresponding regional regulations. Matter co-official language and literature will receive a treatment analogous to the of the Castilian language and literature matter.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Sec.1. P. 97874In addition, according to regulation and the programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, students may pursue any matter more in the block of autonomic free-elective subjects, which may be the block of specific subjects not studied materials, or materials to determine. These matters of regional free-elective subjects block may be different in each of the courses.6. without prejudice to its specific treatment in some materials cycle, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, the media, the information technology and communication, entrepreneurship and civic and constitutional education will work in all subjects.7. with the aim of facilitating the movement of students between primary education and the first year of compulsory secondary education, educational authorities and, where appropriate, educational institutions, may group together the first course materials in areas of knowledge."Sixteen. Article 25 is drawn up in the following way:Article 25. Organization of fourth year of compulsory secondary education.1. the parents, mothers or guardians legal or, where appropriate, pupils and students may choose to pursue the fourth year of compulsory secondary education by one of the following two options:(a) choice of academic lessons for initiation to the high school.(b) choice of teaching applied for initiation to professional training.For these purposes, shall not be binding options studied in third year of compulsory secondary education.2. in the choice of academic studies, students must take the following general core subjects block matters:(a) geography and history.b) Spanish language and literature.(e) academic teachings-oriented mathematics. First foreign language (d)).3 depending on the regulation and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, if necessary, centers offer teachers, pupils and students must take at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option:1.0 biology and geology.2.0 economy.3.0 physics and chemistry.4.0 latin.4. in the choice of teaching applied, students must take the following general core subjects block subjects:(a) geography and history.b) Spanish language and literature.(e) the applied teaching-oriented mathematics. First foreign language (d)).5 depending on the regulation and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, if necessary, centers offer teachers, pupils and students must take at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option:(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978751.0 Sciences applied to the professional activity.2.0 Introduction to the business and entrepreneurial activity.3.0 technology.6. students must take the following block of specific subjects areas:(a) physical education.(b) religion or ethical values, at the choice of the parents, mothers or guardians or in its case for the student.e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and educational institutions offering appropriate, a minimum of one and maximum of four courses from the following subjects specific to block:1.0 performing arts and dance.2.0 scientific culture.3.0 classical culture.4.0 plastic, Visual and Audiovisual education.5.0 philosophy.6.0 music.7.0-second foreign language.8.0 information and communication technologies.(9.0 religion, only if parents, mothers or guardians legal or if the student does not have chosen the choice indicated in paragraph 6.b). 10.0 values ethical, only if parents, mothers or guardians legal or if the student does not have chosen the choice indicated in paragraph 6.b). 11.0 a matter of stem subjects block not issued by the student.7. students must study matter co-official language and literature in the block of free-elective subjects autonomous in those autonomous communities that possess the co-official language, although they may be exempt from study or be evaluated this matter under the conditions laid down in the corresponding regional regulations. Matter co-official language and literature will receive a treatment analogous to the of the Castilian language and literature matter.In addition, according to regulation and the educational opportunities provided for each educational administration and programming in their case centers offer teachers, pupils and students may pursue any matter more in the block of autonomic free-elective subjects, which may be subjects of the block of specific subjects not completed, materials for expansion of the contents of any of the materials of the blocks of stem or specific subjects, or matters to be determined.8. without prejudice to its specific treatment in some of the subjects of this course, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, the media, the information technology and communication, entrepreneurship and civic and constitutional education will work in all subjects.9. administrations, educational and, in his case, the centres may elaborate itineraries to guide students in the choice of the core subjects of choice.10 students must achieve the objectives of the stage to reach the level of the corresponding skills by the applied teaching both the option of academic studies.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97876Seventeen. A paragraph 6 shall be added to article 26 with the following wording:"6. in the process of learning language foreign, Castilian or the co-official language only will be used as support. We prioritize the comprehension and oral expression.Easing measures and methodological alternatives in teaching and evaluation of foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for one that presents difficulties in its oral expression will be established. These adaptations in no case shall be taken into account for lower the grades obtained.Eighteen. Article 27 is drawn up in the following way: article 27. The learning and performance improvement programs.1. the Government shall define the basic conditions to establish the requirements of programs of improving learning and performance that will take place starting from 2.0 course of compulsory secondary education.In this case, a specific methodology through an organization of content, activities, practical and, where appropriate, of materials different from the established a general rule, in order that students can pursue the fourth course by ordinary means and obtain the title of graduated in obligatory secondary education will be used.2. the teaching staff may propose to fathers, mothers or legal guardians the addition to a programme of improvement of the learning and the performance of those students who have repeated at least one course at any stage, and that once completed the first year of compulsory secondary education are not able to promote to the second course, or that once completed second year are not in a position to promote the third. Program will be developed along second and third courses in the first case, or only on the third course in the second event.Students and students who are not in a position to promote the fourth course, having completed the third year of compulsory secondary education, may exceptionally is a program of learning and performance improvement to repeat third grade.3. these programs will be directed preferably to those students who present relevant learning difficulties not attributable to lack of study and effort.4. the educational administrations shall ensure students with disabilities who participate in these programs the disposition of the resources which, as a general rule, provision for the pupils in the Spanish educational system.'Nineteen. Article 28 is drawn up in the following way: article 28. Evaluation and promotion.1. the evaluation of the learning of students of compulsory secondary education process will be continuous, formative e inclusive.The most suitable measures will be established so that conditions of the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.2. decisions on the promotion of students from one course to another, within the stage, will be taken form collegiate by teachers of the student set respective, attending to the achievement of the objectives and the degree of the corresponding skills.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97877Students be promoted of course when they have completed all the courses taken or have negative evaluation in two subjects at most, and repeated course when they have negative evaluation in three or more subjects, or in two subjects that are Spanish language and literature and mathematics at the same time.Exceptionally, the promotion of a student with negative evaluation in three matters may be authorized when the following conditions occur together:(a) that two of the materials with negative evaluation are not simultaneously Spanish language and literature, mathematics,(b) that the teaching team considers that the nature of the materials with negative evaluation does not prevent the student or student follow successfully the next course, which has favorable expectations of recovery and that the promotion will benefit their academic evolution,(e) and that apply to the student the educational care measures proposed in the guidance Council refers to which paragraph 7 of this article.May be also authorised by way of exception the promotion of a student with negative evaluation in two subjects that are Spanish language and literature and mathematics at the same time when the teaching team deemed that the student can continue successfully the next course, which has favorable expectations of recovery and that the promotion will benefit their academic evolution, and provided that apply to the student educational care measures proposed in the guidance Council which referred to paragraph 7 of this article.For the purposes of this section, be computed only materials that, at a minimum, the student must study in each of the blocks. In addition, in relation to those students and students who have co-official language and literature, be computed only a matter in the block of free-elective subjects autonomic, regardless that such students could study more subjects of that block. Materials with the same name in different courses of compulsory secondary education shall be regarded as different materials. Matter co-official language and literature will have the same consideration that the Castilian language and literature matter in those autonomous communities that have co-official language.3. with the aim of facilitate the recovery of materials with negative evaluation to students, educational administrations will regulate conditions so that centres organize timely extraordinary testing conditions that determine.4. those who promoted without having passed all the subjects must enroll no obsolete materials, continue to programmes of reinforcement which established the teaching staff and must not exceed assessments corresponding to such programmes of reinforcement. This circumstance shall be taken into account for the purposes of promotion provided for in the preceding paragraphs.5. the student will repeat the same course only once and twice within the stage. When this second recurrence should occur in third or fourth year, will be extended one year the age limit referred to in paragraph 2 of article 4. Exceptionally, a student may be repeated a second time in fourth year if it has not repeated in the previous courses of the stage.6. in any case, replays will be established so that curricular conditions are adapted to the needs of the student and are oriented to the overcoming of the difficulties identified.7. in order to facilitate all students to achieve the objectives and reach the right degree of acquisition of relevant skills, the educational administrations shall establish measures of(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97878educational reinforcement, with special attention to the specific needs of educational support. The custom implementation of the measures will be reviewed periodically and, in any case, at the end of the academic year.At the end of each of the compulsory secondary education courses will be given to parents, mothers or guardians of each student a guiding Council, which will include a report on the degree of achievement of objectives and corresponding skills acquisition, as well as a proposal to fathers, mothers or legal guardians or, ifthe student or student of the best route to follow, which may include the addition to a learning and performance improvement program or a cycle of basic vocational training.8. After completing the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, as well as once completed second year when the student goes to incorporate exceptionally to a cycle of basic vocational training, will be delivered to the students a certificate of studies.9. in those autonomous communities that possess, along with Spanish, other official language according to its statutes, the students may be exempt from the assessment of the co-official language and literature material according to the corresponding regional regulations.20. Article 29 is drawn up in the following way: article 29. Final evaluation of compulsory secondary education.1. at the end of the fourth year, students and students conduct an individualized assessment by the option of academic studies or applied teachings, in which the achievement of the objectives of the stage and the degree of the corresponding skills in relation to the following matters shall be checked:(a) all general subjects in the block of stem subjects, except for biology, geology and physics and chemistry, which the student will be evaluated if you choose them between the materials of choice, as indicated in the following paragraph.(b) two of the subjects of choice in stem subjects, in fourth year block.(e) a matter of block of specific subjects in any of the courses, which are not physical education, Religion, or ethical values.2. the students will perform the evaluation by either of the two options of academic teaching or teachings applied, irrespective of the option given in the fourth year of compulsory secondary education, or by both options on the same occasion.3 may submit to this evaluation students and students who have obtained good assessment positive in all matters, or else negative in a maximum of two materials provided that they are not at the same time Spanish language and literature, and mathematics. To this effect, matter co-official language and literature will have the same consideration that the Castilian language and literature matter in those autonomous communities that have co-official language.For the purposes of this section, be computed only materials that, at a minimum, the student must study in each of the blocks. In addition, in relation to those students and students who have co-official language and literature, be computed only a matter in the block of free-elective subjects autonomic, regardless that such students could study more subjects of that block. Materials with the same name in different courses of compulsory secondary education shall be regarded as different materials.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978794. the Ministry of education, culture and sport will establish for all the system educational Spanish evaluation criteria and characteristics of the tests, and will design them and establish its content for each call.5. the overcoming of this assessment will require a score even higher than 5 points out of 10.6 students and students who have not passed evaluation by the chosen option, or who wish to raise their final grade of compulsory secondary education, may repeat the evaluation in successive calls, on request.Students who have completed this evaluation by an option may be submitted back to evaluation by the other option if they wish, and not to exceed first call will repeat it in successive calls, on request.Taken into account the qualification, higher than those obtained in the announcements that the student has passed.At least two annual convocations, one ordinary and other extraordinary held.Twenty-one. Article 30 is worded in the following way:Article 30. Proposal for access to basic vocational training.Teaching staff may propose to fathers, mothers or legal guardians, where applicable through the guiding advice, the incorporation of the student to a cycle of basic professional training when the degree of the skills advise as well, provided that it meets the requirements set out in article 41.1 of this organic law.Twenty-two. Article 31 is worded in the following way: article 31. Graduate degree in secondary education.1 obtain the title of graduated in obligatory secondary education will require overcoming the final evaluation, as well as a final grade of that stage even more than 5 points out of 10. The qualification end of education secondary compulsory is deducted from the following weighting:(a) with a weight of 70%, the average of numeric grades obtained in each of the subjects in compulsory secondary education.(b) with a weight of 30%, the note obtained in the final evaluation of compulsory secondary education. In case that the student has passed evaluation by the two options of final evaluation, referred to in article 29.1, for the final grade shall be the highest that obtained taking into account the obtained note in both options.2. the title of graduated in obligatory secondary education access postobligatory teachings contained in section 3.4 of this organic law, in accordance with the requirements established for each teaching. 3. in the title shall include the option or options that was carried out the final evaluation, as well as the final grade of secondary education.Shall be recorded in the title, by Stagecoach or annex to the same, the new final grade of compulsory secondary education when the student was brought back to evaluation by the same option to raise your final grade.Also shall be recorded, by Stagecoach or annex, overcome by the student or student of the final evaluation by a different option which is already recorded in the title, in which case the final grade will be the highest of which are obtained taking into account the results of both options.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978804. the boys and girls that have compulsory secondary education and do not receive the title to which this article refers will receive an official certification that will contain the number of completed years, as well as the degree of achievement of the objectives of the stage and the corresponding skills.5. the educational administrations may provide personal attention measures aimed at students and students that have been presented to the final evaluation of compulsory secondary education have not passed it.6 where to obtain the title of graduated in obligatory secondary education for the overcoming of the regulated test in paragraph 2 of article 68 of this law, the final grade of compulsory secondary education will be obtained in this test."Twenty-three. Paragraphs 2 and 4 of article 32 shall be written in the following way:2 have access to studies of high school students who are graduated in obligatory secondary education degree and have passed the final assessment of compulsory secondary education by choice of academic studies.4. students may remain enrolled high school in ordinary regime for four years.Twenty-four. Article 34 is drawn up in the following way: article 34. Organization of secondary general education.1. modalities of high school that can offer the educational administrations and, where appropriate, educational institutions shall be as follows:(a) science.(b) Humanities and social sciences. (e) arts.2. in the process of learning foreign language, Castilian or the co-official language only will be used as support. We prioritize the comprehension and oral expression.Easing measures and methodological alternatives in teaching and evaluation of foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for one that presents difficulties in its oral expression will be established. These adaptations in no case shall be taken into account for lower the grades obtained.3. the Government, prior consultation to them communities autonomous, will regulate the regime of recognition reciprocal between them studies of high school and them cycles training of grade half of training professional, them teachings of Arts plastic and design of grade average, and them teachings sports of grade half, to can be dyed in has them studies overmatched, even when not is has reached the degree corresponding.Twenty-five. Added a new article 34 bis, which is drawn up in the following way:Article 34 bis. Organization of the first year of high school.1. in the category of Sciences, students must take thefollowing general block stem subjects matters:(a) philosophy.b) Spanish language and literature 1. e) mathematics 1.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97881First foreign language 1 (d)).e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two materials from the following matters of choice of main courses block:1.0 biology and geology.2.0 drawing 1.3.0 physics and chemistry.2. in the category of Humanities and social sciences, students must take the following general core subjects block subjects:(a) philosophy.b) Spanish language and literature 1. (e) first foreign language 1.(d) for the route of Humanities, Latin 1. For the route of social science, mathematics applied to the social sciences 1.e) according to the regulation and programming educational opportunities that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option, organized, where appropriate, in blocks that will facilitate the transition to higher education:1.0 economy.2.0 Greek 1.3.0 history of the contemporary world.4.0 literature.3. in the category of Arts, students must take thefollowing general block stem subjects matters:(a) philosophy.b) fundamentals of art 1.(e) Spanish language and literature 1.First foreign language 1 (d)).e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option:1.0 Audiovisual culture 1.2.0 history of the contemporary world.3.0 literature.4. students must take the following block of specific subjects areas:(a) physical education.(b) depending on the regulation and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, of the schools offer, a minimum of two and maximum of three subjects from among the following:(< j) eo eo N1.0 Musical analysis 1.2.0 applied anatomy.3.0 scientific culture.4.0 drawing art 1.Official Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 978825.0 drawing 1, except that parents, mothers or legal guardians or the(student have already chosen technical drawing I in paragraph 1.e). 2.0).6.0 language and Musical practice.7.0 religion.8.0 second foreign language 1.9.0 Industrial Technology 1.10.0 technologies of information and communication 1.11.0 volume.12.0 a matter of stem subjects block not issued by the student.5. students should study matter co-official language and literature in the block of free-elective subjects autonomous in those autonomous communities that possess the co-official language, although they may be exempt from study or be evaluated this matter under the conditions laid down in the corresponding regional regulations. Matter co-official language and literature will receive a treatment analogous to the of the Castilian language and literature matter.In addition, according to regulation and the programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, students may pursue any matter more in the block of autonomic free-elective subjects, which may be subjects of the block of specific subjects not completed, materials for expansion of the contents of any of the materials of the blocks of stem or specific subjects, or matters to be determined.6. administrations, educational and, in his case, the centres may elaborate itineraries to guide students in the choice of the core subjects of choice.Twenty-six. Added a new article 34 ter, which is drawn up in the following way:Article 34 ter. Organization of the second year of high school.1. in the category of Sciences, students must take the following general core subjects block matters:(a) history of Spain.b) Spanish language and literature 11. (e) Math 11.First foreign language 11 (d)).e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two materials from the following matters of choice of main courses block:1.0 biology.2.0 11 technical drawing.3.0 physics.4.0 geology.5.0 chemistry.2. in the category of Humanities and social sciences, students must take the following general core subjects block subjects:(< j) eo eo N(a) history of Spain.b) Spanish language and literature 11.Official Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97883e) first 11 foreign language.(d) for the route of Humanities, Latin 11. For the social sciences, mathematics applied to social sciences 11 itinerary.e) according to the regulation and programming educational opportunities that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option, organized, where appropriate, in blocks that will facilitate the transition to higher education:1.0 economy of the company.2.0 geography.3.0 Greek 11.4.0 history of art.5.0 history of philosophy.3. in the category of Arts, students must take thefollowing general block stem subjects matters:a) fundamentals of art 11.(b) history of Spain).(e) Spanish language and literature 11.First foreign language 11 (d)).e) depending on adjustment and programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, at least two courses from among the following subjects of stem subjects block option:1.0 performing arts.2.0 11 Audiovisual culture.3.0 design.4. depending on the regulation and of the programming of the offer educational that set each administration educational and, in its case, of the offer of them centers teaching, them students and students will study a minimum of two and maximum of three materials of them following of the block of subjects specific:(a) 11 Musical analysis.(b) the Earth and environmental sciences. (e) drawing artistic 11.d) technical drawing 11, except that parents, mothers or guardians or students or student have already chosen technical drawing II in paragraph 1.e). 2.0(e) Administration and management fundamentals.f) history of philosophy, except that parents, mothers or legal guardians or thestudent have already chosen history of philosophy in paragraph 2.e). 5.0(g) history of music and dance.(h) image and sound.(i) psychology.(j) religion.k) second language foreign 11.1) techniques of Grafico-plastica expression.(m) 11 Industrial Technology.n) information technologies and communication 11.(n) a block of stem subjects matter not issued by the student.(< j) eo eo N5. students should study matter co-official language and literature in the block of free-elective subjects autonomous in those autonomous communities that possess the co-official language, although they may beOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97884exempt from study or be evaluated this matter under the conditions laid down in the corresponding regional regulations. Matter co-official language and literature will receive a treatment analogous to the of the Castilian language and literature matter.In addition, according to regulation and the programming of the offerings that set each educational administration and, where appropriate, the supply of educational institutions, students may pursue any matter more in the block of autonomous free-elective subjects, which may be physical education, matters of specific subjects not completed block, materials for expansion of the contents of any blocks of stem or specific subjects materials, or materials to determine.6. administrations, educational and, in his case, the centres may elaborate itineraries to guide students in the choice of the core subjects of choice.Twenty-seven. A paragraph 3 to article 35, which is drawn up in the following way is added:3. in the Organization of baccalaureate studies emphasis students and students with specific needs of educational support.Twenty-eight. Article 36 is drawn up in the following way: article 36. Evaluation and promotion.1. the evaluation of the learning of students will be continuous and differentiated according to the different materials. The teachers of each subject shall decide, at the end of the course, if the student has achieved the objectives and it has reached the proper degree of the corresponding skills.The most suitable measures will be established so that conditions of the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.2. students promoted from first to second in high school when they have completed the courses taken or have negative evaluation in two areas, maximum. In any case, they must enroll in second course first pending matters. Schools should arrange subsequent recovery efforts and the evaluation of pending matters.For the purposes of this section, be computed only materials that, at a minimum, the student must study in each of the blocks. In addition, in relation to those students and students who have co-official language and literature, be computed only a matter in the block of free-elective subjects autonomic, regardless that such students could study more subjects of that block.Without exceeding the maximum period to pursue secondary education indicated in article 32.4, students may repeat each of high school courses once maximum, although they may exceptionally repeat a course a second time, prior favourable report of the teaching staff.3. students may be an extraordinary test of materials that have not passed on the dates that determine the educational administrations.4. the overcoming of second course materials which imply continuity will be conditioned to the overcoming of the corresponding materials in the first year. This correspondence is established by the rules of procedure.5. in those communities autonomous that possess, next to the Castilian, another language official in accordance with their statutes, them students and students may be exempt of perform the evaluation of the matter language co-official and literature according to the normative autonomic corresponding.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97885Twenty-nine. Added a new article 36 bis, which is drawn up in the following way:Article 36 bis. Evaluation end of high school.1. the students will conduct an individualized assessment at the end of high school, in which the achievement of the objectives of this stage and the degree of the corresponding skills in relation to the following matters shall be checked:(a) all general subjects studied in the block of stem subjects. In the case of matters involving continuity, be taken into account only material in second year.(b) two subjects of choice in the block of stem subjects in any of the courses. Matters involving continuity between the first and second courses only counted as a subject; in this case, be taken into account only matter in second year.(e) a matter of block of specific subjects in any of the courses, which is not physical education or Religion.2. only may be submitted to this evaluation students and students who have obtained a positive assessment in all subjects.For the purposes of this section, be computed only materials that, at a minimum, the student must study in each of the blocks. In addition, in relation to those students and students who have co-official language and literature, be computed only a matter in the block of free-elective subjects autonomic, irrespective that the students can study more subjects of that block.3. the Ministry of education, culture and sport, consultation to autonomous regions, shall be established for all the system educational Spanish evaluation criteria and characteristics of the tests, and will design them and establish its content for each call.4. the overcoming of this assessment will require a score even higher than 5 points out of 10.5. students and students who have not completed this evaluation, or who wish to raise their final qualification of Bachelor, may repeat evaluation in successive calls, on request.Taken into account, the highest rating from those obtained in the announcements that have frequented.At least two annual convocations, one ordinary and other extraordinary held.Thirty. Article 37 is drawn up in the following way: article 37. Bachelor.1 obtain Bachelor's will require overcoming the final evaluation of high school, as well as a final grade of secondary education equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10. The final score of this stage will be deducted from the following weighting:(a) with a weight of 60%, the average of numeric grades obtained in each of the subjects in high school.(b) with a weight of 40%, the note obtained in the final evaluation of high school.2. the Bachelor's degree will enable it to access the different teachings that constitute higher education laid down in article 3.5, and it must include the signed form, as well as the final grade of high school.(< j) eo eo NOfficial Bulletin of the StateNo. 295Tuesday, December 10, 2013Dry 1. P. 97886(, 41.3. to), and 64.2. d) this Act.Thirty-one. Article 38 is drawn up in the following way:Article 38. Admission to official university degree teachings since the title of Bachelor's degree or equivalent.1. universities will determine admission to official university education of grade of students who have obtained the degree of Bachelor or equivalent exclusively by the criterion of the final grade obtained in high school.2. in addition, the universities may set procedures for admission to official university education of grade of students who have obtained the degree of Bachelor or equivalent, in accordance with the regulations established by the Government, which must respect the principles of equality, non-discrimination, merit and capacity. Such procedures used, together with the criteria of the final grade obtained in high school, one or several of the following assessment criteria:(a) mode and subjects in high school, in relation to the chosen degree.(b) qualifications obtained in specific s